Eastern reflector, 23 May 1902

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Ail the News
Twice a Week
a Year
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
Twice a Week
and Friday
a Year
Ricks Wilkinson
This is Greenville s
Fastest Growing Store.
BECAUSE no other store Anywhere is so diligent in
the interests of the buying public to which it looks
for support.
BECAUSE nothing but absolutely reliable
is admitted here at any price-that point is of
vital import.
BECAUSE the prices we ask are the lowest known to
the merchandise world for goods of the quality we
BECAUSE every sale that we make is backed by an
absolute personal guarantee of satisfaction to the
smallest detail.
BECAUSE every thing is done to promote your per-
comfort while shopping, and to fulfill the most
exacting requirements.
And so we might continue to name reason after
son almost without No really careful buyer Room some
pass the offers we make without investigating them,
Look at this double column full of Economy
for this
D. May
Tomorrow or the next night
republicans of expect to
call a caucus to consider the
ability of passing the Fowler bank-
currency bill. There ft
no hope that the bill will be passed
or even considered at this session
y the Senate there little
that the Senate will pan
it at the next session but it is the
belief of House leaders that it
will the democrats in the
fall campaign and it is with the
of stirring up
of free silver that the leaders
wish to pass the measure. Tho
bill provides for the retirement of
the greenbacks and the conveyance
to national banks of almost
limited powers and
ties. The Western republicans
are seriously opposed to its passage
las they believe it would lie
of sacrifice of their
interests to the general good of the
party and they consider Unit they
been seriously
by the absolute rejection of tar-
Whether the leaders
w ill be able to whip insurgents
into line in the caucus remains to
be seen.
The House spent all last week
the Naval
bill, which passed on
day. The debate at times was
most spirited and Hep
Williams, of
While India White Per
White Piques. The
prices start at and by an easy
riling scale run up as high as
French, Austrian and
Fins in all the latest creations
Id Crape paper, Silk Cause and all
floral So,
Ladies Slippers.
A big lot that must be classed
worth 91.60. As long as they
Youths all Wool Suits.
They arc value at to
This week they will go as
long as last at
Zephyr Dimities.
Something new this
son, and just pretty as they are
new. We could offer them as
a bargain at but Ibis week
we say
American Made
Full inches wide, new and
attractive designs. No better
American to be found any-
where. Worth This wees
Men's Suits.
station which concluded with the
the great
est tar
That ever stayed
The verses were received with
shouts of laughter, fit times the
debate swerved to Include the
Philippine question and some de-
acrimonious passages en
Apropos of the ship
subsidy bill the last Lloyd's
Register states I lie Steel Trust
is the largest own-i of vessels in
WK AUK always soiled with desire to improve.
We have been up to Now ore
ahead of date. Do you think that is
possible I If so. just come in and look through
PRIORS AS WELL AS QUALITY, for the best is
always the cheapest. Therefore the wise buyer will
be sure to examine our stock before buying.
We Make no Promises That We Are
Not Ready and Willing to Fulfill.
You fool all people time, and some
people all but you can't fool all the people
all time. We never try to mislead. That is
why our business continues to grow. on us for
anything you may wish to eat, wear or use.
Our Several Departments Are Full.
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
Newspaper In Schools.
right sort, a
good and wholesome newspaper,
contains a record of the world's
daily dunes, and the older boys
in our public schools ought lobe
encouraged to take an Interest in
daily occurrences of the wide
world. They ought to be familiar
with important events as they
pen, events Of solid interest; yet
some among them, possibly
Bright be prone to give their chief
attention called
of press on the
gossip the boar, or to loose re
ports of sensational Happenings
tint the attention without
enlightening the mind. Perhaps
the teacher would be able to direct
their choice and guide their
Assuming this to be the case,
see what the pupils would gain by
reading a good newspaper. It
would be means of cultivating
the habits of reading that would
extend beyond tic newspaper to
rich stores of literature. It
would make I hem familiar with
passing events, but with the names
of those who arc prominent in the
public eye; the men and women
who arc making history; who art
conspicuous in who
arc writing books, making
enacting our laws, deliver-
orations, devoting their
lives to useful and
work, and whose example have an
alluring and inspiring influence.
might mention the names of a
dozen prominent people, living
dead, to as many pupils in some
school, even the higher classes,
and some of them would look
blankly at you, indicating I hut
they know little or nothing about
these prominent
or, at least, some among them.
This ought not to be, but how
could they know without being in-
who are the
young men today that success no
longer depends on character, in-
and hard work are sow-
lug the seeds that produce
The doctrine that no roan
achieve success he
renders his self-respect, stoops to
low means or has some
does more damage the
youth the naked fatalism it-
self could accomplish. To tell the
truth, grave problems,
men never had such equal
as they have the
century, and there la
less difference between the mil-
and the pauper now
there was between feudal baron
and his lowest vassal in the middle
A Cheap Stock Food.
One of the cheapest foods at
can lie grown for stock, and which
can be cut and used at almost any
stage growth, may be secured by
sowing corn in rows using too
Dinah cultivating it one
way. Should the pasture grass
run short the young corn may be
cut down daily, in sufficient
as required, fed as green
and food, which will be
highly relished by
All colors and sizes.
This week we say
Worth OH. the fifth
yards that was
never such pretty styles de-
signs Ills week we say
Trunks and Suit Cases.
Plans for summer and travel are
maturing and fast nowadays
and summer trips mean study
trunks. The Automatic
Tray and Box Trunks, all canvass
covered, bard wood slats, iron hot-
toms, brass
Suit Hand Bags and
scopes, to
Standard Patterns.
Pattern kept n
sheets free. Designer
National Lawns.
In and at tractive designs
such as never was put in
but and lawns
natural linen color red, blue,
men and black and dots.
We can't buy any more this sea
son at any price. As long as they
Some right good things in I'm
full M inches top, steel
rods, worth This week we
A very good value
Drawers, all sizes. These the
i best kind. Others say Nat, we
As well be out of the world as out of Fashion.
For earliest knowing and possessing of
things of fashion, keep familiar with
largest owner in the world. It is
not surprising the bill was passed
by Senate.
A Action.
The King's Daughters, who
have undertaken noble work
of establishing a for
the Slate, have not yet decided
upon plans for raising the
funds. A ways and means
committee has been appointed to
this important of the
It strikes us that lades
should enlist every newspaper
in the State in this good cause, by
requesting to open a
list, to collected to be
to the properly appoint
person each month. Then when
Legislature assembles, go lie
fore that bod and request an
believe plan
will accomplish the desired end
the shortest space of time.
It is a splendid work and do
serves the support and encourage
man, woman, and
child the
Kicks Wilkinson
DON'T T KY to eat any old
thing that is offered you, bill conic
Id us for something nice, fresh like Sodom and
palatable. We have
And Some North Carolina Towns,
A. former Slates consul
at St. Pierre says the town was
immoral and suggests that it
sugar are delicious.
Wholesalers say we sell more
any store in town. That means we
carry the BEST at right prices.
Then if you want a good Cigar
or good Smoking and Chewing To-
we have the of these
The place to get the BEST every
time is
When heart turned
to love life is full of music.
Reflector ooh
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Pills arc
liver pills. They cure con-
sick, headache.
TI 1ST o
All Kinds at The Reflector Office
and for the same reason,
But why should St, Pierre be
by for a
of judgment while Paris and
San Francisco escape
In a Nutshell.
The w hole matter is summoned
up briefly in this paragraph from
Printer's is some
good in all advertising and all
advertising does some good; but
the best advertising and the
which does the greatest good
is daily newspaper
Mrs. w. N. Beaver, of Concord,
was struck and killed by a pas-
train Saturday. She was
standing mar the track talking to
a friend when the train MUM along,
it is thought she became con
fused attempted Io cross the
While digging grab Worms
tor ball across
yesterday Mr. Harper
found II lot Of balls
an old stump. tell
their own Free
Beauty and lolly are com-
French proverb.
Divorces are becoming so mini.
that one term marriages are
no longer fashionable.
Made By The Orange. Virginia. Observer
Faith may move mountains, but
is money that moves mankind.
If ignorance is bliss a vast mini-
of people ought to lie supreme-
Some men are like an active vol-
stream of lava is constant-
rolling from the mouth.
There is a vast amount of deceit
the world. Often the man who
has a set I led look is deep in debt.
Miss Mary of Butte,
frankly confesses that she
loves the devil. There are many
others, but they don't say so.
Honesty, these times, is re-
much in the same light as
an art of
is determined by the extent to
which it will pay.
The following figure, just given
out by the Superintendent of Tub-
lie Instruction, show the amount
raised disbursed on account of
the public schools of State last
fr. m poll
local, special poll,
lilies, liquor license
lax, from State Treasury
from other sources,
Total, Of this amount
was expended, leaving
a balance of Of the
amount paid teachers
mil to whiles and Io
The county treasurers re-
Stale has chartered, among
some of latest
enterprises, the
born Hardwood Manufacturing
with capital,
J. Bishop, and
other being the
It will manufacture many articles
from hard woods.
Knew Painkiller to tall
before, what Where h
H e I. The i, ii It
Perry i d all,
I smut bun.
and I did ii i . i bats used
m I
Mood In a
my coat off sad
V not My
ii heavy penalty lie follow Ilia folly
mi ml feet In
h rail I ii ferry
in it Take a
of in lint sweetened
thankful for
and u way cold.
ii bit

D. J.
Entered at the Pout Office at
Greenville, N. as
Mail Matter.
May 1902.
The executive committee have
selected as the
place for holding meeting
of the Carolina Press
and named us
the date.
if the Meting of the Press
had beta n-t for a later
after the Democrat it-
State Would have
better suited the convenience
some cf the brethren.
If Greenville the
train connection suggested re-
in THE
people should interest
in the matter. We believe the
charges can be secured if the pro
per effort is made.
The Greenville
is talking of disbanding for wan
of interest in the the
people of the town. This should
not be the case. A good
company is a necessity, and there
should lie enough Interest maul
to maintain its organization.
The people should think about this.
J. K. a native
Greenville and the founder of
but who for nearly
two years has raided in Albany,
is publishing The Dixie
monthly magazine of sixteen
pages devoted to the poultry Indus
try. To people interested in pout
try raising this is a useful
and the subscription price i
cents a year.
Two subjects that Greenville
pie ought to keep warm until
secured are the hospital the
change in passenger train schedule.
Of course the town should secure
the hospital with such
opportunity It offered. As
Gain schedule,
of having a looming connection
Raleigh and west has
I pointed out in lime
These things can be t-c
cured, our people should not
lei i n-1 until are secured.
Frightened the Cook.
the even-
purl the chimney In the
of Mr. Allen
was ill.
The I he
struck the
became much alarmed.
Alter a Bride.
who once lived Greenville
came down Pi
evening on a happy mission, tie
will wed Miss Baker
row morning and they will butt
at once for his home.
Fresh Gossip From Near-by Vicinities
f by Our Correspondents and
J c Reported tor Readers.
Winterville Department.
S. May
The A. G. Cos Mfg. Co. arc
their office and con-
and comfortably situated
to transact business more rapidly
X. May
at O.
26th and 27th. Everybody is an-
a grand time
Prof. Manning, who has
-o much for the past year, has
proved recently,
of Greenville, was
and satisfactorily all conceited. here Sunday on business
Ii possible they can now till
speedily than ever before and
to all patrons who have the past
or may honor them the future
they and do guarantee a
prompt attendance to all business
to their charge.
Well, the boys and girls, one
would naturally suppose have left
us, a greater majority of them
have, but thank we are
not entirely forsaken. There are
right many here yet, to be
sure, it docs seem to us the
we did see. You may
Gill us cranky if you want to, but
we love a pretty girl and we don't
care who finds it out. Whenever
thy smile on us, why, well, we
smile some, too.
Never in the history the A.
G. Cox Co. has there been
such rush of older. This is no
exaggeration, but an actual rant.
In many States, in almost every
county of North Carolina, their
goods of manufacture are Boding
their way and building up a
for themselves which has
already pi iced I hem in the best
class of goods of
their kind. half of the people
of county do not realize what
an industry there is in their very
spent commencement with
Miss Minnie
Misses Lydia of Bob
and Addie Cox, La
Grange, two of the school pupils,
remained over until Monday, When
tiny left tor their homes.
Rev. J. X. Booth, of Greenville,
requested lo make mention of
the speech he delivered at our
Mis. W. T. Mason, Which
aid, came in Saturday to visit her
parents at Hotel. She re
turned home this morning.
Many of om people went out to
Hancock's Sunday to attend
quarterly meeting.
Mi.-s Nannie Moore, of Bethel,
Is spending some time with Miss
Luis Patrick.
J. K. will soon
erect three two-story stores
avenue, where their build-
were burned. J. F.
Hart will also build one.
1.1. Smith, Jr., has accepted a
clerkship with
Quite a number of young people
went to to church
Sunday afternoon.
Hiss die Abbott is visiting
Miss Nina Cannon.
A. Smith spent Sunday up
was town Saturday.
Little Miss Jennie of
weak for years. The
doctors said my blood was all
turning to water. At tried
and was soon
Mrs. J. W. Ct.
No matter how long you
have been ill, nor how
poorly you may be today,
Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying and en-
the blood.
Don't doubt it, put your
whole trust in it, throw
away everything else.
i. C. Co.
it I., think. i J
To My Democratic Fellow Citizens the
Congressional District North
At Convention to be held in
the district during the summer or
fall to nominate a candidate
to represent the district the Con-
my Panic will he presented
for nomination for that position.
In this announcement
it is due to you lo say, that stand
and immovable on the
honored principles of the demo-
as announced from
time to time in its national plat-
and it will be my purpose lo
secure such legislation It will pro
spent a few days of toe best interest the
week at Smith Hotel. pie on questions of reform,
The many friends of Miss improvement of rivers and harbors
Cox are glad to know that she is-in oar State,
able to lie out again. She reduce lie burdens upon
been quite sick for
the past few
X. C, May
labor and agriculture, foster man-
arts and
the expansion of commerce.
In regard to Slate policies; can-
compels to say that I am
unalterably opposed position
Miss Katie West, of Salisbury, j , ,,,,.,
i voting sister, Mrs. J. of , ,
on James street. , .
. Mate on sonic questions winch VI.
tins spent
it. we sup-;
J. J. Darker, who
the last days at Fremont, re
turned Monday.
Mis. W. J. Carson, who baa been
visiting Mrs. F. Gardner,
Rocky Mount, returned Sunday.
Julius Brown, who has been at
we have always been noted j tending school at the University, and to
for OUT great kindness of hear. f
en the
of the
which meets
June i has been
issued. Prof H. II.
Greenville, Is down one of the
that speech was simply Immense,
J. B. Green, who has been ab-
sent during the strawberry season
assisting shipments on the main
line of the W. B. It. is back
at his old and are all glad
to have it to.
I; I. I. G. Chap
mail Washington Jester
day and returned the same day.
P. tux had n new coat of
I put on his house now he
bus one of the prettiest little homes
In the place. He used the
for which be is
in This
Is best paint and
lot k highest award at the
Pan last year. See him
and get
Misses Vivian of bob-
and Bessie Moore, of
who have been visiting
have returned home.
concern our people. It seems
to mo some of our friend
have gout- wild become mad
IbO subject of universal education.
I am forever and eternally fa-
of while supremacy the
that end favor the
the while race to
full extent of every resource and all
in Mount. j the means at our command. Hut
It. is here a visit, reason, common sense, experience,
Mrs. Alice Martin left Tuesday Jostles and economic and in
to Visit her slater Mount, conditions constrain me to
A. spent Monday night take the position it It folly
.,. and
i ,,., ,,,,. ,,,
to the rare
Miss Grimes and little
I sister, Addle Lee, spent Sunday
Bertie Brown, of Bob-
spent Sunday with Miss
John Peal,
Calvin Smith spent Sunday near
W. Rote, of Plymouth,
spent Friday town.
SI. A. and
II. of spent
Sunday with friends here.
Charlie has accepted
a position with the A. c. L. He
left Sunday for Point.
Charlie spent
Mi-s Grimes Sunday
Shalt Broken.
Mi evening the
Mayor's Court,
I.- g has disposed of the
In the place, the
is not like the white race,
and the reason is, God has
net made them alike. It is not
t lie fault of the The
ard can in l change his spots nor
Use Secondly,
only two ago in order lo free
from intolerable
nod evils, destructive
alike to the best
races, brought about in the
ties with huge populations
by the ii ii fortunate enfranchise
of I we were forced
to make an to amend the
State Constitution. The main pro-
vision incorporated in the amend
to were
was the educational
order to eliminate
the mass of the
electorate. Now by this bowl for
Mr. K. Young, who baa been
pending some days here wot king
for i in- Insurance com-
presided at the organ in the
church Sunday His
playing was
All explosion in the die
e mine, near
Monday morning, the death
of perhaps miners, Only live
have been and
the number of deaths will not be
bow many were in the mine.
the amended which
lined lo decent gov-
iii lime, but following since last
and II.
with an accident delayed orderly, lined i cost,
it in hour getting here. When H. C. resisting
creek the shaft to the bound over to Superior court.
live wheel on the hand side Jack to education, it is proposed
he engine broke which run at large, lined one penny and
disabled the engine. The cost, it
train its journey with Willie Morgan, assault,
mill one shaft of engine W and COSt,
work caused it to make slow Simon Harris, assault, lined
lime. A new engine, burner. penny and coat, 19.86.
was tent from Mount George Miller, drunk and down
last night to lake the train out this
morning and the broken engine
was taken lo ins .-hops for repairs, and using fined of
t and cost IS lit own interests
r. I these every
Married. ether is he has
hi-Ii, I'm i ma. j to a of a century.
eminent in
were before
amended. It
n street, lined and cost, 8.80,
Peter Clark, disorderly conduct educated will not continue to vote
We wish a burner
t on Ibis run all
Monday night a ex-
was given the
to visiting
This morning at I o'clock at the nature instinct
residence of Mr. L. W, lo the while race. He
on Washington street, Mr. thinks he must hold the
of Albemarle, Miss govern.
were ,,, of my
by X. Booth. i,, . . .,
The couple left on the morning lo
train fur Charleston to spend a few Hull only a few ago, a
It's no to be good because days the e . p ion before going gal ion of I be best educated
you have to be. to their Albemarle. of the waited upon
The climber B. to HIM his aid In
d lo tiny dim. w of Of the measures pending In
young ladies. couples
went and they a line trip.
Congress to defeat the purposes
oft We amended Constitutions of
several of the Southern States,
restrict the suffrage of the
went the committee
which has these measures
charge. The education of these
i prominent does not teach
them that the hope of good
peace prosperity
for both races the Southern
Slate- depends upon a restricted
suffrage for their race for a great
of years. Again, con-
upon the the
of education has
the social equality of the
aces, leads to
and destruction of society
with untold evils which every
good citizen must deplore. There
is in the heart of a vast majority
of the race an over
desire for social equality.
this is natural but the
of the civilization of the
South demands that it be resisted
to bitter There is a place
our industrial condition the
is valuable in his
place, but that place is not in the
learned among the elite
of society, as a social
ion. Educated, he is less adapted
for the where his services are
most demanded most valuable
in our economic system, do
him gnat wrong to unlit him by
education, to become a valuable
citizen. Besides, to continue to
levy enormous taxes the
white race in their
to confer useless
the black race is gross
injustice and the
while race. are collecting an-
money large
from the white race and
it upon the black, and leaving the
children of those who pay the
money uneducated. This is a
and outrage which must
cease. The ridiculous argument
m made that we must educate
the or he would barbarize us
is by
of the past two
years. The
.-a ion the depends
Upon his contact with the white
race, but this contact and relation
must be one el inferiority
him he
becomes alienated from the white
race worthless us a rule.
taking position I do, I
desire to say that i do not advocate
all privileges of education
to the Certainly the poll
lax which he pays should be ex-
pended his education, supple-
by such other sums as may
be equitable, bis protection
right law should be
jealously guarded and assured. I
am and always have been a true
to what I Conceive the best
interest of the race,
These other interests,
details which cannot be
will be presented for
consideration and upon them
I stand and respectfully solicit
your votes. Respectfully,
IV. P.
Mrs. K. A. Forbes died at
o'clock this at her home
here. She was years of
age leaves a husband and
small children, the an in
two weeks old. The burial
will take place Wednesday
noon at I o'clock the
Forbes grave three miles
town. The bereaved
husband, two little child-
deprived of n mother's care,
have the sympathy of every one
Beautiful Monument.
Dr. A. had a beau-
monument placed at the grave
of his little son, Alfred,
Hill cemetery. The is
a white marble figure of an
child size, -landing on a pedestal,
one upward
other holding Mowers as if lo drop
them on the grave.
i Interfered.
The storm interfered with the
lawn party by the T. J. Jarvis
Chapter Daughters of the Con fed
may after they bad arranged the
court square for It. The
tables were moved the passage
of court where they sold
Loan Value,
i. Cash Value,
up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years alter lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the year be paid.
They may be To Premiums, or
To Increase the or
To make policy payable as an endow during the lifetime
Greenville, N. C.
Men's Summer
Bethel High School.
A Preparatory School. Prepares
for College and for Life Or Motto.
J. W. Principal, MISS MAMIE GRIMES, Assistant,
MRS. J. W. SHERRILL, Music and Art.
Primary Department, 1.60 Art, 3.00
Intermediate, 2.25 Music, including piano rent, 3.00
Advanced, 3.00 Incidental fee, per year, 1.00
Hoard moderate. For further particulars address
J. W. SHERRILL, Principal.
invited to see our stock of
before buying. We have what you want. Come and be con-
we have the prettiest line of millinery ever brought
to Greenville. Sash Ribbons la all widths and colors. Wash
Ribbons for the neck, just the thing for summer. Hals
trimmed while you wait. Give us u trial.
Yours to please,
Misses Erwin.
Corn, Cotton, Tobacco,
Selling High
Likely to continue to sell
The Philosophy of
Smaller Surface. M Labor Saved.
Fertilize with a free hand I
Buy of your own people I
Chemical Co.
Southern Makers of Fertilizers
For Southern Farmers.
High Standard. High Service.
Moderate Prices.
Factories Fifty Faints gum a a.
E. Broad St.,
Your advertisement in The
goes along with its
advertisements work
all the time building business for
the wise advertisers.
If you want people to visit your
store put your where
it will be read, that In lo
t H I. H
CA N YOU THINK of anything more
annoying than ill-fitting, made
Underwear this hot summer weather
We have Underwear to fit large men
small of all and
Underwear Manufacturers in the country. Go
through stocks for THE
the garment home and pat it on, and you'll
agree with us that our Men's Underwear is
exactly right in every way. Gauzes,
Lisle Threads and fancy.
Come, see what we can do for you in Summer
If there MARK
in the margin of this paper it
o to remind yon you owe
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as
Bible. We need what YOU
owe and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Brief Mention People net
In Social World
May. 1902
wont In Raleigh to
Snap Shots at Home News Put
I In Few Words Busy Readers
Some hail fell cast of town Tues
day evening.
Cash Price paid
Shingles, all grades, at
Greenville Mfg. Co.
It pulls the purse strings to get
a spring chicken.
Not much hospital talk lately.
Don't let interest in it lag.
Sunday evening gave this ion
the nicest shower in several days.
A colored man had several
the street Saturday
The showers this afternoon were
somewhat dampening to ball
Vegetables getting more
but yet not enough to supply
The singing class of the Oxford
Orphan Asylum will give a con-
cert in the opera Sat-
There are enough marble holes
in the sidewalks to make walking
uncomfortable, and even danger-
of spraining an ankle at night.
The eastern Fifth
is being put in good condition in
readiness for the opening of a
county road to come in that way.
The has lately been
adding subscriptions faster than
usual. like it that way but
yet have of room for more
The singing clans from the Ox-
ford Orphan Asylum will reach
Saturday, and
give a concert at night in the opera
the storm Tuesday even-
a gust of wind slammed the
door lo Tub business
office and shattered one of the
large glass panels.
When our people got filled with
the factories will
for every business house
In town, there may be more effort
to get them Greenville.
The Bur of Pitt have
endorsed lion L.
Moore, the present able Solicitor
of the Third District for re
nation and election. Mr. Moore
has fully merited this endorsement
Raleigh Post.
good may deserve an-
other, it doesn't always get it.
Words are not always the
of thought.
Z. P. went to Parmele
J. F. King left this for
George left this
for Durham.
Dr. Louis Skinner returned to
Parmele this morning.
Tap came in Saturday
from Washington.
J. E. wife came
in Ibis morning from
Miss Mary Lou Tucker left this
morning for her home in Danville,
The Methodist Sunday school
held children's day
church Sunday A large
audience was present and all en-
joyed the interesting exercises.
The was a.-
Thing- of Thee
Prayer, by A.
Me, My
Statistical paper read by L.
Pender, superintendent.
Song by primary class of girls.
it by
Recitation by
Ella Km e.
Mighty and Won
by Julia Harris.
Sin of
by Mary Smith.
Children's song.
We Meet
Greenville Defeats
In a score of lo
game of ball Monday after
noon. Notwithstanding the threat-
weather attendance was
The line up was as
Mr. Mrs. J. L. Woolen re
tinned Saturday evening
It. M. left this morning
for Baltimore to take Mrs.
Mrs. W.
I. A. Sugg went to Washington
Fred Cox went to Rocky Mount
F. M. left this
for Tarboro.
of came
in Monday
C. E. of Goose Nest,
Ibis morning
Joe Willis and C. A.
went to Richmond this morning.
Mrs. Bettie Moseley, of Hooker
ton, is Mis.
J. W. Brown, near
W. H. of who
has been visiting his brother, R.
L. returned home today.
Miss Annie Hart, who
has visiting her J.
N. Hart, left this morning fur
Dr. left
Ibis morning for to meet
the remains Miss Margaret
ho died in Baltimore.
Mrs. J. B. Cherry returned
Monday evening from Raleigh
where she had been attending the
King's Daughters State
Wednesday, May 1902.
W. It. Parker we t up the road
Mrs. Lee, of who
spending a few days here, re
turned home today.
Miss Pattie May, who has been
left Mrs. T. E. Hooker,
Ibis morning for Wilson.
C. J. traveling rep-
of the Raleigh News
was telling yarns our
streets today.
Adrian Savage has to
his home Greenville after a vis
it to his sister, Mrs. Lindsay W.
Post, 20th.
went to
last night and returned this morn-
He has accepted a position
with a in that town.
lb Henry
Anderson Hughes
Forties c Whitney
Smith p Spivey
B. Dudley
James, D. cf Hill
Randolph II
Score by It. II. K.
and Smith and Smith and Forbes.
Hill and Whitney.
ville Base
Forbes oft Smith oil
off Hills oft
Passed Smith Forbes
Whitney by
Forbes Smith Spivey
The features of the game were
battery work by Smith and
Forbes and a play. Whit-
drove to Smith who
caught it it to Timber
lake at who threw it to An
second. At this time
there were three men on bases and
no one out. The visitors did Hue
Funeral of Miss Boyd,
The remains of Miss Margaret
I Boyd, who died Monday in
Baltimore, reached
evening's train and were
barfed at Cherry Hill
Funeral services were con-
ducted by Rev. N. C. Hughes, of
The pall bearers
were Dr. C.
Or. It. L Carr, Messrs. J. J.
J. J.
Jr., Frank Wilson and
Miss had many warm
friends and elsewhere
in this State. She was a nurse in
Dr. Kelley's private in
Miss Annie Perkins,
the re-
mains to Greenville.
Rabbit in Mas Box.
While Mr. J. W. Potter, mail
rural free route
No. was on bis route Saturday,
be a rabbit in of the
mail boxes. He took the rabbit
out the box and around
its a string to which was a
card addressed to a young lady In
a note requesting
Mr. Potter lo deliver it. He
brought the rabbit in with him
and delivered it promptly as
The store to buy your suit of is the store where you can do the
Business wouldn't be done at THE BIG STORE if we did not
have the above inducements to offer you.
Lace and White Goods
Bargain. Positively in Greenville
Must Be Sold to deduce Stock.
Dimities, Swisses, Lawns, and other Stylish Fabrics in a great Wash Dress Goods Line
I Guaranteed Kind
Bros., E. P. Reed Co., for High Grades.
Wolf Bros, and the H. C. Co. for Medium Grades
Remarkable Sale of Reliable Furniture
Our great May and June sale of Furniture will make these
months memorable ones. Housekeepers, here is an
to buy goods at very low prices. Nearly every piece is
offered at less than today's price.
Linens and Wash Goods
Grand Showing of Novelties in Grass Linens. Embroidered Mulls. Swisses and Pine Novelties in Wash
Goods. Visit the Wash Goods Department and see the new fabrics.
While they last the balance of W. T. Lee Co's stock will be sold at less than cost
Another Half Hundred Bargains in Millinery.
Across the Street at H. C. Hooker's Store A big line of Staple Dry Goods,
Shoes, to be sold at RARE BARGAIN PRICES.
C. T.
The Big Store.
N C.

Have You Forgot
Chapter D. C
indeed has a happier or
healer croup of young people
seen than which greeted the
eyes of a chance visitor at the res
of Mr. M. A. Allen, on Sat-
THAT AM STILL CARRYING AN evening last, when Miss
UP-TO DATE USE OF the T. J. Jarvis
; Chapter, of which she is the re-
i capable Secretary.
, g . pi,,. The young people had met with
, . m and their
Hats, Shirts. Pants,
ma AND A OF THING won encomiums from the bank
X . and all who were
Come to sec me for your next Barrel or Flour to a contested of questions
and Brown won the for
Miring the highest number.
Still owing a small sum which
had borrowed on the
monument elected on
g y f a B 10th this will give a lawn
on court house square on
tomorrow afternoon.
from to o'clock when ice cream
and cake will The pub-
For Hinges,
Windows, Paints, Rope, Homes,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
go to
Ho arc to us.
Democratic Convention.
A convention of the Democratic
of Pitt is hereby oat.
Next door to Ricks
r to d Carr.
Is commended by Statesmen, Professional men of
prominent In the activities, for its fine
nation In sifting h actual news report and the
of in their Just proportion. They on us
freedom from All men women
want to know what she world Is doing It an Intellectual necessity,
to Judge from the letters received from hundreds. Its editorials are
comprehensive, and labor saving to the busy mar. or woman Its
timely on Important topics art by the best-informed
writers Its reviews of other magazines give the best of their best
work It is profusely illustrated.
These letters wilt enable all thoughtful men and to Judge
of value to therm
PRESIDENT a constant reader of the
that through Its cot- Review of an
have been presented elate It very highly t I
I not otherwise have It a very part of
had access lo i because all library, and practically a
and men. no matter for one in public life
how widely their Ideas diverge, are footer. S. I If
civet, free utterance In Its cot-
one of the
Ct the
have a .-lest deal
publication el at I
value. I have saving
vary Important matter Indeed
which I should not have a n my tab.
f. S. month.-
lot t how H car. has an Invaluable
of cent a
oil to iii the
Saturday, July 5th,
at for the
, to lie in the city of
on July
I and to Hit and
when called.
will be
at at., on
I at i he usual
log s; fur of
pointing delegate and
to -ail county
The of delegates and
each township will lie en
is as
Beaver DamS, l,
Carolina I.
order of the Democratic
of county.
L. Blow,
I. Brows, Secretary.
. mm a surprise to who
were present in the Senate when
Senator Bailey urged the adoption
of his resolution providing an
s of constitutional
right of the lo
special to corona-
ll VII Mini lilt
in bear
Lodge admit I bat
they believed bad
rights, and there were
republican senators who
approval appeared lo agree
iii in.
A terrible occurred in At
and were killed, The
city was thrown Into great
military bail to be
called oat to restore quiet.
After oat In;, persons a bilious
treat benefit taking
of pills. II
they will promptly relieve the
and remove
lake No Substitute.
Clubbing Announcement.
furnish with
weekly Observer at
a year fur Kith papers. You
will get bath papers twice a week.
The Observer is best semi-
week paper In North
covers the Stall
ether, while The He-
gives many times more
home news than can be hail from
other These two pa
giving, the home, Slate
general news week a year
for 11.78 is cheap reading.
makes a feel cheap lo
be every man has his
If a good face is a letter of com-
a Rood hi art is a loiter
Brick For Sale
are making a large quantity
of good Brick, and will fill orders
m they ran be had.
Dr. D James,
Surveys with Plats or Maps
Accurately and
with mo by mail or at
will m
J. C. L
I i i. . IN
American and Italian Marble
H I. VI N. C.
Wire and Iron sold.
ill- pi or application.
Dry Goods, Groceries,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black N.
line of goods on low
for or in
exchange For
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Factors handler; of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
and shipments
Steamer My res Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek. Belhaven,
Swan Quarter,
all for West with rail-
loads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay tine and Chesapeake
Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N. O.
J. E. District Supt.
Washington, N. O
The leader l- work and low prices
for Si pa-r dozen.
Half Cabinets Sago per ,
all other cheap. Crayon Portraits I in every
Iron, any small picture cheap. Nice and prices low us
hand all the time Come Highest market price
my work. No lo H f ,,,.,.
The very produce.
lo all.
lo x III., I. lo p. Yours to
N. c.
If you have stomach,
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, less
of appetite, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
or any and disorders which tell the story of bad bow -H an
unpaired system, Will You.
It will clean out the cumulate tho liver and strengthen
mucous membranes of the purify your blood and
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move rs
your liver and cease to trouble you, year Pill
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers seeking i i mil- one i for
diarrhea, folio and similar trouble i. will Ideal l
ii their or
lbs i.
as I II i , .
U and for
At Norfolk this week
are holdings at reel It
will attract many to the
very Insulting. I
beard him Dial my
gum like a race Her nils
baud that's just bis
mice. I f lie knew
race bones he'd there i
never was one c
Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
re's. Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads. Mattresses, Oak Suits,
by Carriages, Go Carts,
suits. Tallies, Lounges, Safe, P.
and Ax Snuff.
High Key West Che-
roots Henry Clear, Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Jelly. Milk,
Flour Sugar,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
notion and Oat-
don Apples,
Candles, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
and Chins Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Mara
Bent Butter, New
Bearing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Cheap for rash. Com
to see me
S. M. Schultz.
The Summer Term begins Jam.
in throe
Thor in
by eminent
Jas. C. Dean,
Hill, N. C.
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Interior
for Fine Modern and Cheap
guarantee to give
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
Greenville Co.
N. C.
in Tub Kb-
goes light along its
keep work
all for
the wise
If you people lo visit your
put your where
it will be re id, is in
I t U. B. r
For Sale by
, mm
Una . t
.- c I
ii . ,, , Charge
-i i In
Lots of people who are salting
ad men's shoes will they
Rome men are of
are not Inn ones who
shunt off It mouths.
nested man is to
lake a hold on life he is
not worth educating, m
l inn is a
People rend Una paper what
I with a
I mile all ached have to say.
I If yon have not lime lo
don't know just what you want
i v say, let us know we will
I hare plenty Ho, I, band help you get II
buck. I ran furnish We have bright and attractive
St short notice at reasonable fig- cuts to illustrate
LUCAS. J which you use,
Wilson, N. C. for the asking. I
inn I In
Pitt i
v i
mid I
n Jo. J
R, II. Smith will do-
nil ha-
1.11. i in the
County lo lbs lo s
of lend In
in said County, t have the
II. Smith, will
notice that In- i a to
Term Court
OB the First Is Sept. l-i .-j
tin- Court Hume said County
said or the will
apply the Court fur relief
on Jot book,
advertisement yourself or ;
The Charlotte Observer
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
Receives the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper between
and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more pages, and is
to a large extent made up of
ER printed Tuesday Friday
per year. The largest paper
Sample copies sent application.
Charlotte, N.
-DEALER IN------
Also s nice Li of Hardware.
every Ban-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
meeting Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, Hominy
school a. m. M. A. Allen
M every Bus
lay. morning and evening. Prayer
Wednesday evening. Ber.
M. school
p. m. L. H. Fender,
Sunday, Rev
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday-
school a. m. B. B. en
F. H. Hard
Minister. even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay service
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
a. m., . B.
B. Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
Preaching second,
and fourth Sundays In each
month. Prayer meeting Wednesday
night. Rev. W. Davis, pastor.
Sunday school P. M., W. B.
A. F. ft A. M.
i-o No. meets first and
Monday evening. E. E.
tin. W. M. J. M.
I. O. O. F. Lodge, No.
Meets every
L. G. W.
K. of River Lodge,
every Friday evening,
C. Forbes, L.
son, K. of it.
R. Vance Council, No
meets every Thursday even
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
list all,
A. O. Council.
No. meets every Ant and third
Id Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
M h Monday nights in Odd
lows Hall. W. It. Wilson
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor ft Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year fl, Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No I raveling are em
ployed. Subscriptions taken
The i
will be together
one year for or The
one year for payable in ad-
o. w. mm
Cotton Ragging and Pies always
on hand
goods kept constantly as
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
May ll.
Ar Rook r Mount
a m
ii at sat
i out at
as it to
t Sill
via it a
It sat t
a u
II ii
Ml fill
rt an s
i so i ii is a i i
Leave Wilson
too p
Fayetteville 1242, p m, arrival Baa-
lord p m. Return Man
p m, arrive p m leave
p m, arrival
am, SOt, a m,
m, Mills H a
V, m, Hose Mills p
Springs p m. I II p i.
at No
at Mai ion with Carolina Central
i;.,; i at with Red
Springs a railroad,
An and
at with the Durham and
Charlotte Railroad
Train OS Noel
Weldon IS pm, I IS p as,
st I p n, n ft
pm, S
St II B II SO am, dally
Trains on
and Up
s sad p m,
s Bat p m, IS SB s as
I m. t
Train Bands
it lips P-r-
dally, en-opt a is. and
Train on Midlands C
a as,
on Both
St I SB a at OS,
as a m, as a as. Hops II a
in II
IS p m.
a as, I So p as. daily I
Train on Clinton
I la
Sm. Clinton a at
don for all all via
H. M.
Pass. Agent
J. R. Manager.
T. M. Traffic
All the News
Twice i Week
a Year
The Eastern Reflector
D. J.
Twice Week
and Friday
a Year
Ricks Wilkinson
This is Greenville's
Fastest Growing Store.
BECAUSE no other store Anywhere is so diligent in
the interests of the buying public to which it looks
for support.
BECAUSE nothing but absolutely reliable
is admitted here at any point is of
vital import.
BECAUSE the prices we ask are the lowest known to
the merchandise world for goods of the quality we
BECAUSE every sale that we make is backed by an
absolute personal guarantee of satisfaction to the
smallest detail.
BECAUSE every thing is done to promote your per-
comfort while shopping, and to fulfill the most
exacting requirements.
And so we might continue to name reason after
son almost No really careful buyer will
pass the offers we make without investigating them,
Look at this double column full of Economy
for this
While White Per
Lawns, Piques. The
prices start at and by an easy
rising scale run up as high as
French, Austrian
Fans in all the latest
in Crepe paper, Silk and all
floral designs
Ladies Slippers.
A big lot that must be
worth As low; as they
Zephyr Dimities.
Something entirely this sea-
son, sod just as pretty as they are
new. We could I hem us
s bargain at but this week
American Made
Full inches wide, new and
attractive designs. No
American lo be found any-
where. Worth This
Youths all Wool Suits.
They value at sizes to
This week they will as
as they last at
Men's Suits.
All colors and sizes.
This week we say
Worth W.
Names for the Month.
Not long ago M. Camille Flam-
proposed a new calendar
with a new division of the year
and new names for months.
His proposal has evidently borne
mil, for a little almanac has just
been issued at which the
year is divided into four periods
of three months each, all en mil
and all of The new style
of year begin, March and has
an extra holiday to make up the
MS days which nature
The months arc named in
Truth, Science, Wisdom; Justice,
Honor, Goodness; Love,
Humanity; Happiness. Progress,
Immortality. idea
of leisure the command
of our fellow I., read
solemn scientific nailing
of soil, remarks the New York
Sun. The Continent
too busy lo be much affected by it.
One of Pint Nurses at Hospital.
Hiss Margaret . one of
tho first nurses at the hos-
died at her home in
more ii few days ago. The
ed was a member of the first class
to graduate from the Watts
training school for nurses.
There acre but two members of
the and Miss
While nursing Mr. A. G. Manor,
who was hurt
dent in which Mr. C. H. Norton
was wounded, Miss
wits struck a terrific blow by Mr.
Manor while delirious. From
effects of this blow she buffered
several hemorrhages of the lungs
and soon afterwards gave up her
position with the hospital and re-
turned to her Baltimore home.
After this she spent sometime
mountains and then
traveled in Italy, this done
with the hope of regaining her
health. She never recovered from
the blow, however, it is said
that this was the cause of her
Miss Boyd will be pleasantly
by a number of our
people and the news of her death
will be read with r
WK AUK always seized with a desire In improve.
We have been up to date. Now
are getting ahead of date. Do you think that is
possible If so, just coma in mid look through
PRICES AS WELL AS QUALITY, for the best is
always tin-cheapest. Therefore wise buyer will
be sure to examine sleek before buying.
We Make no Promises That We Are
Not Ready and Willing to Fulfill.
You can fool all l he people some time, some
people nil the time; but you can't fool all the people
all time. We never try to mislead. That is
why our business continues to grow. Call on us for
anything you may wish to eat, wear or use.
Our Several Departments Are Full.
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
yards that was
never such pretty styles and de-
signs at his week we say
National Lawns.
In new designs
such as never was put in
but and lawns before, in
natural linen color red,
green and black stripe and
We buy any more this sea
son at any price. As long its they
Trunks and Suit Cases.
Plans for summer and travel are
maturing t Inch fast
and summer tripe mean study
trunks. The Automatic
Tray and Box Trunks, all canvass
covered, hard wood slats, iron bot-
toms, brass
is, 1.1.
Suit Cases, Hand Bags and
scopes, to
Standard Patterns.
Betrayal of
Though no to give
special advice to any political
party, it is not foreign to the Re-
corder's as a religious
journal to condemn to the utmost
the recent exposure of personal
and letters in
Carolina. There ate no words too
strong fir the branding of this
variety of That it pro-
from one who has been Gov-
of our Stale is more
lamentable, and, for the honor and
the weal the
more cease fur unreserved on-
Time will conic men will
not stoop lo such letters,
when newspapers will mil dare lo
reader with such dis
honor, alien no amount of special
pleading will suffice In condone
such an abuse of lb it relation be
man and man without
which race would re
turn lo barbarism,
now he has
thing has won for himself
that will distinguish his name far
longer than the Idle that his
high office would have, lie will
he mil as the
whose ungovernable temper
ruined his but as
the man who played the traitor
a not
passed by Benedict Arnold or
Judas Their
lies were larger, it is true; and
they were probably men of larger
lie who destroys faith in man-
kind serves Satan more directly
and richly than all his min-
ions. Over all lint this
man has or -nay will stand
the tact personal honor has
been given a blow, the slunk of
which will affect pub
lie life in our State for years.
Patterns kept in stock,
sheets free. Designer
Some right good things in Urn
full inches top, steel
rods, worth This week we
A very good value
Drawers, all sixes. These the
best kind. Others say we
As well be out of the world as out of Fashion.
For earliest knowing and possessing of
things of fashion, keep familiar with
Ricks Wilkinson.
State Board of Medical
The regular annual of
the North Carolina Slats Board of
Medical will be
held in Wilmington, beginning
June 4th, Doctors desiring
examination tor license should
present themselves promptly the
beginning of and carry
with them a diploma from a col-
of medicine requiring not less
than three years attendance upon
lectures to graduation,
of instruction
of character. The
fee is
All desiring to i
lice North Carolina not
licensed or registered, should
attend tho and secure
We understand there is a
disposition on pint
judges and to enforce
statutes regulating the practice of
medicine la this slate. The
dent of the board is Dr.
Charlotte, N. Secretary,
Dr. Way,
The railroads throughout the
state will give re diced rates to the
It Time-
To force a man to sec his errors
when lie appears to be success
To the
spirit of a woman afflicted with a
To bring a man of will to
a realization of the rights of others.
To make the very young man
how small an atom he is in
the world.
The Like of Accidents.
Most naturally the remark
Brick in
It is reported that
of J. K. Smith . Bro. will
rebuild in the near future. They
say they cannot afford to build of
wood, and will no doubt erect n
elegant brick structure. Details
of the building will be given later
Dr. Dixon, W. K. Hart and
others, owners of this property,
will no doubt build brick. The
Lodges here are also
building in the same way. The
burned district, which has been
an important center of our town
for business, will become more so
when commodious brick stores are
erected, where formerly stood less
inviting wood structures. Our
progressive citizen an not to be
downed. will continue to
grow and prosper as before by the
help of the living God. A town
of schools free from
vices of many other places,
with an energetic citizenship, who
labor and pray is to
Will Baptist.
Three gifts of each to e
Methodists Orphanage at
bow that it is near hearts of
North Carolina Methodism. The
three ho have given each
this ii arc all
W. president of the new
Loan and Trail Company at
Gen Julian S. Carr,
dent of First National Bank
Durham, Mr. K. B. Bonier,
president of the of Wayne,
News and Ob-
The follow who know
enough to come in out of the rain
may still be slick to carry
a borrowed umbrella.
In polities the party that is in
power always seems the worst.
It is better to give than to re-
the things you want.
It's easy to laugh at
troubles, unless they happen to be
our own.
have just added Steam Supply our business and
will sell any thing in this line very low. See us when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Hancock
U, S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pips all sizes, Pipe Kitting all s.
LINE OF Packing, Bolt, Gaudy
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks,
heard, especially in the spring of
the year, list of accidents
grows larger as time goes by. It
docs seem line, bill is it There
may lie more of but are
really more according lo pop-
I causes the though
is more likely due to the Increased
facilities fur dissemination of
the news. Ton years ago, with
same number occurring, public
would have heard of more
than half of them. Not only are
facilities but people are
reading more. The man who Used
to content borrowing
his neighbor's weekly paper, is
mil content now anything
short of a dally. Vet it is
likely I hi rush and hurry of
contributes to fateful
think can go It well,
Maud all kinds of mental and
strain, lint I tic thing he
know she slips forgets- and some-
thing Rec-
Docs your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth It's
your liver Pills are
liver pills. They cure
headache, dyspepsia.
Harvesting machine, Sews-s and Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
Home industries should receive
strong local patronage. one
a cannot establish a
factory inaugurate a enter
prise, but every man can help by
giving his to home enter-
prises. The will pay
Did you ever hear of horse-
chewing Mr. c. Ham-
let, of this county, before each
meal gives a chew of leaf
In every one of hit horses, and
they seem lo enjoy its much
man does, Record,
News that from I lie estate
of the late
who died a
ago, at Hospital
Norfolk, the i Female
at Raleigh n. i net
and at
will probably
Your advertisement in
goes right along with its
advertisements work
all time building business for
wise advertisers.
If you want people to visit your
store put your advertisement where
ii will lie rend, is
People read this paper what
is it, and they will tee
what you have to way.
If you have not lime to write
the advertisement yourself or
don't know just what you want
to say, let us know and we will
help you get it up.
We have bright attractive
cuts to ad-
which you can use
for the asking.

Eastern reflector, 23 May 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 23, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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