Eastern reflector, 22 April 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Dry Goods, Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware A OF thing
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or. Pork.
Yours to
For Nails,
Windows, Paints, Rope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
Next door to Kicks . Wilkinson. to fair. I
It by men thousands of
prominent In the activities, for its
nation th- actual from and
of In They comment on
freedom from All and women who
want to know what the world doing Sad it an Intellectual
from the received from hundreds Its art
and later to man woman Its
on important are by the best-informed
writers reviews of other magazines give the best of their best
tin Illustrated.
will enable all thoughtful men and women to
of its value
president I am
I toil In tot- of and apple.
been very Richly I I think
that I c not u . very l my
. all earnest library, -rd practically a is
thoughtful men. no matter Io public
widely Ideal diverge, are U. S. I II.
given free n its col-
Is the best and IT M
I I. .
addition ray library.
not have i great deal
It a publication el very great lime t read take
valve I have pleasure In laying that the i
there Important matter indeed am the
I sh not otherwise have which j ; c-n my
discovered. F, S l K
Send particular at t
let n
it be had with Invaluable set
K of
If yon have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, dizziness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
any and disorders which tell the story or bad bowels and an
unpaired digestive system, Will Cure
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and strengthen
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move
your liver and cease to trouble you, your skin will and
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
i If saw en J
diarrhea, . I ill I ill . h
It M mu r aural. , ll
. . n an It-vet,
Au unholy love am a sinful de-
j for the death
of two near this place Saturday.
A Miss Harris, with
of her brothers law on Sheriff
Knight's place and
Old Sparta, became infatuated
with ft married man, Will Bur-
roughs, of lie with
her. determined to
and cum up
for that purpose. He
went out for the woman and the
two endeavored to take the
fur Norfolk at
but were too late for it. From
o'clock till the fatal shooting,
must have bean hiding
skulking the woods be-
W. I. a mile
from town.
Her people became apprised
of the intent of the guilty couple
and came up here to ascertain if a
warrant tor their arrest could be
laMed. Will who was the
spokesman, was told that no war-
could be issued, but ad
vised to take his sister and carry
her home, this he Maid he would
do. He was advised to use
force, to no to
be assented, but the
not acted Upon, for shortly
tier o'clock Han is, John Wade,
and Dix-
on, were road between
crossing and
store. Harris with a shot gun and
with pistol inquiring
a man and a woman. Liter
about o'clock, or somewhat
same men were seen near the
corporate limits of the town on the
mad. Their conversation
to a passerby indicated that
ere rabbits.
Soon alter tin., hunters had
made their way to a
colored people, the forks of the
load near Harlow place.
eloping couple was found, and the
began. was
through the Bur
roughs dropped ht in the head
Both were brought here to the
but surgical skill was
avail, the wounds were
HI i -lb died the night.
made n be-
fore he died in which he said that
Burroughs shot only
i e him sen
tines; be idea that
Burroughs Intended to shoot, that
one else Bred a grin.
Dr. a coroner,
began bu did not
then, adjourning over till Wed lies
day for additional evidence.
Dixon so be was with the party
In help them take the lister,
but not to Violate the law.
Harris, it is said has run away.
When one of the wounded men
Mete being brought to a
Art John Wade stopped the
So Tired
It may be from overwork,
the chances are Its from an
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred percent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept In healthful action
by, and only by
Dry Goods,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
N. C.
Nice line on hand.
for cash or
v for
Survey with or Maps
made and
with me mail or at
Cunt. Vincent's on street,
will be
N. c.
Tin Leader in work low priors
for Si per dozen.
Cabinets per dozen.
All other lines wry cheap. Crayon Portraits
Frame on band all time. Come
my work. N- trouble to show
ample and answer questions, The very
t all. hours
a. m., I. to to please,
Wood's Seeds
We of Is in
an. Virginia Second Crop Seed.
Wood's rivet
results, both s
to with Maine-
grown and Second-crop It
contains much
and Information
Wood's Descriptive
not m-. crop
to grow, moat , . v
inn crop. . i in-
f in even
free Upon
Wood Sons,
and i .
; i .-
to tries.
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and of
Bagging, Ties
and shipments
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market
paid for country produce.
All Io
pass In way my lands, or to limit
trim without my
Saul in Swift Creek Pitt
county, nail the of it.
Bra, W.
Venters A.
Steamer leave Washing-
daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington
Steamers for Norfolk,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek.
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all t for Hie West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N. C.
J. E. District
Washington, N. C
The A. A- II. Jr.,
N. CI, is
the ink nut
r. in the U A will
the the same
nil of tin firm. All per-
to lbs tUm an hi
mat to II. A. Wool-
This 10th Match, 1902.
M. A
Low to Exposition via
Atlantic Line.
The Allan Coast Line Rail
way announces the fol-
low rates to S.
on of the Smith
and Indian
lit, 1901 Io June 1903,
The following tales apply from
and laid n should not pan. He
lacked up his
, , . J May
drawing a pistol, he a i passage limit ten
persuaded let the days n addition to date of
pan. I
lie was Hied this morning to In-sold daily
on B May mu-.
,, , , , continuous passage limit June
carrying concealed
nous. Hi-t charge For tickets. Pullman reservation
and any particular write
of call on
On the other he hold
fault i bond Io answer at the N.
next or the Superior l. .
Wade lays at lime be so I H. C.
mu of liquor
he no . ail
what be did, Thou who I
hint lie mm h
Wade and the two are
from Tin county.
named a lister of the
woman. From what is
he has a tin huh i
lie a on the
road for forcing a minister of the
ii .
v a.
N I In Superior
Smith will take lo-
an entitled as has
I been in of
County to tho title to n
p land
in sail County, and to have the
Pent from o. c. Nobles, to
I, Smith, the will
he i s to
at Term Court
held the First Monday in Sept. at
the Court County Green-
ville. N. . lad answer or to the
in action, or the plaintiff will
apply Io the Court for the demanded
in the complaint.
April, 1902.
I. C.
Clerk Court
The Charlotte Observer.
J. C L DWELL Editor.
THE Receive the
largest telegraphic
delivered to any paper between
Washington Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more pages, is
Io a large extent made of
original matter.
printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. The largest paper
in North
Sample copies sent on application.
N. C.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
i .
U for i
I h an . ; . CAM tn
For Sale by
u and and
i Furniture Dealer. paid
II i Seed, Oil Bar-
res, Has, etc. Bed-
Oak Suits, Ba
gospel to and then dance, by
The woman with
when The
hunting party to make
to have
to tow o, hut did nothing
who lay where he
Ml shot through the head
lions so till death,
Mis. Han is paid a colored man
to tiling him to town and then
she disappeared.
i. Mot only UM I
I. .
CWt ,,. , m.
r .
s. Go Carts,
suits, P.
A Ax
Key West Che-
roots, Hi y George
Che. . Peaches, Apples,
Tine , Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour r, Meat, Soap,
Ly. I, Matches, Oil,
Cotton VI .,; .; Hulls,
den Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes Crackers,
which Roberson re Butter
i i .,. . Sawing Machines, and nu
shows that Burroughs must and
have been sitting down and Bur-
wound indicates that he
was shot while in the pas
Great Timber Sale.
By virtue of n Decree of the Superior
court of Pitt count.- at March
1902. in a ease tin i hi pending in
re the Prolate of List Will and
of the e I'll hubs J, Shepard, will,
on Tuesday, April Ml for cash
highest front of the court
house door, in all the Handing
timber of Pine lad Poplar measuring
and upward at time it Is cut on
the following tracts or parcels of
to the estate of said
Thomas J. to Witt On p or
parcel on the South side the
Mill pond, forty
the line the timber sold to
the main road, called the
Smith from
tract on
i North Mill pond,
two hundred seres, by the I
rose Shepard's Mill race to
and of the heirs of J. W.
Rollins, the the heirs of
the lands of II. and
law will lie given two in
which to cut and remove the timber.
March 1902
i wall
m in
a nice Line of Hardware.
J. R.
lay, morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
every Sun
lay, morning and evening.
evening. Bey.
H. pastor. Sunday school
p. Bl. L. U. Pender,
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday
school a. E. B. en
F. H. Hard
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every lit
and 3rd Lay service
every 4th Sunday.
Sunday-school a. m., W. B.
B. Brown, Litany
a. m.
and fourth Sundays in each
month Prayer meeting Wednesday
night. Rev. D. W. Davis,
Sunday school P. M., W. R.
Parker, superintendent.
A. F. A. M.
No. meets and
Monday evening. E. E.
flu. W. M. J. M. Reuse, Sec,
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
L. H. G. W.
K. of River Lodge,
every Friday evening,
C. L.
son, K. of R.
R. Vance Council, No
meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, J.
H, Tunstall, Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
Monday nights in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
in. II. ltd.
l. atom
Leave Selma
at at
ll m V
t r ti
is a
It ll
Quantity. Cheap for
to see me.
S. M. Schultz.
um co.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior Exterior
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Six Mouths
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em
ployed. taken
The Reflector office. The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 13.50 payable in ad-
J. W.
ax s .
ii HI ii n
HOC es
Leave Wilson
Leave Tarboro
Main Line-Train
ton M p
leaves 1242, o m, anises Bat-
I p m. raves Sanford
I p m. arrive p m leave
pm, arrives Wilmington
o m
am. a m,
f a m, Hope Mills U a BL
rive leaves
p in, Hops Mala I p m
Spring p m, Mai ton I p at
arrives p m
Connections at with train N i
at with Carolina
at Bed Springs with Hal
Springs A at Sanford
with the Seaboard Air Una and Southern
Hallway at Quit with Durham and
Train on Reek a
leaves II pi, I a u
t l P l
I'm a
ii a Weldon l ass. steep
Trains leave
a , and I a p m. arrive
o p m. leave
is as is
o a
Cotton Bagging and lies
on hand
Fresh kept constantly ea
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
I lip Sander
Train leaves Tarboro
p., K
Train ea M C h. Oat la
I a m retards las
a arrive.
Train Nashville leave Be. at
A M a as, I Io p as.
Clinton a I IA
p. a as
a p m.
Train Mo
Pass. Agent
J. R. Manager
Picks I Wilkinson
New White Goods Welcome.
Color is eliminated from the card today. White goods
first in store displays as they will be in your thoughts, -e trust.
Ten years four or live years, would have
dreamed of the beauty to be In ought out in fabric art without
a touch from rainbow tints Pure white, bill so varied have
been the d earns of designers, so cleverly loom wizards
wrought, that there is hardly a limit to variety.
White has only been thought of as a for summer's
heat. The sheerest effects have been sought, but now however
white fabrics-cheviots and piques are brought out
in rich style assortment. White has overstepped the limits of
hereafter I bean all the year round factor
WHITE in a large
up to date styles and
ill-signs in Imported Piques that
are worth your while to inspect
Hemmed Stitched Pattern
and Such a line has never
been your to sec
in Greenville at the above price
newest weaves, dots,
stripes and strip., at I
Chine designs with stripes
that will retain its luster after it
is at and
yards India Lawn that can't
be matched at our white
goods sale price
yards India Lawn that a
at in sale at
yards India that are have
offered at a value 13.0 go in
this sale
yards India Lawn that was acid
for for
yards India lawn you
can't any to match then at
go in this at the
kind at the at
You can't to let
them go as it will he
your loss and your
This sale can't possibly last over
days at the longest.
Make the
In discussing the subject of
housekeeping and the cost
in this city, a prominent hotel man ;
said last
people how
I he cost of living ban
advanced within the last three
years. A very short while ago,
we bought choice steak for ten
cents per pound; today we pay
Hens arid for fifteen cents;
apiece, but now arc quickly taken
thirty-live and forty cents
apiece. Butter is scarce at fifteen
and twenty cents per pound.
We an-now fur inspection by the ladies. We
have a complete up date line in Dress Goods, Fine Trim-
Bilks, Satins, Embroideries, Velvets, Ribbons i
White Goods, Minstrel cloth, and
till the newest
As well be the World as out of Fashion.
Fur earliest knowing and possessing of the
things of fashion, keep yourself familiar with
is now ready for you to see.
To see it will prove to you that
I have the Prettiest
and Cheapest stock ever shown
will be sold at extremely low
prices. I have had years ex-
in business, have
ways given you good
Come See
what I have to offer you now
Children's Hats from cents up.
Hats from cents to any price desired.
I will be ably assisted by
My customers already know that she tries to please
them in shaping and trimming huts to become the wearer. We
will get the New York Styles each month during the season.
Come see my Hack Hat for Easter.
At Old Stand.
all vegetables ready sale at
The gentleman thus speaking
lot his opinion in In the
cause of the high prices he
do nut know.
they blame the high price of beef
spun the trust, bat la the lace
the fact that everything else is
correspondingly as high, it dues
not seem that those lodging this
complaint have exactly out
their case. There is one thing
ought to teach us, however,
is That have a great
country down here, and we ought
to produce those that
can be so easily produced here
that will turn loose among our
farmers so much money and such
splendid Ob-
The Jamestown Exposition
Norfolk, April incur
of the
Company held their first
meeting here today perfected
a partial organization by the
of the following named
First vice president, Na-
Norfolk; second
vice president, fl. F. Adams, New-
port News; third vice president,
T. W. Wood, Portsmouth; fourth
vice president, S. Gordon
tilings. firth vice
dent. E. M. Tilley, or Berkley.
The election a president and
director general or the company
was deferred Governor Mon-
shall have appointed the
special to
the State. The name of General
Lee is being urged from
sections, though Hie general
thus far say whether
the use his is authorized.
The that they
have abundant assurance that the
exposition will prove a success tar
beyond the expectations or the
most sanguine.
Skirt Goods
Have you seen
is come in and Io
worn out, come before th.
attract, Quality decides.
Those your window are nearly
in-west, are sold. Prices
Look as closely in quality as you
do to prises. Measure your purchases by the satisfaction
yield you will say this is the best place In Greenville to
buy goods.
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department in
All Qualified Must Exercise the
, Elective Franchise.
The Belgians have made an
discovery. They have
; found out ho to accomplish some
thing m American
accomplishes. They nave
found mi how to compel citizens
In vote They do nut send the
voters to Jail, the
employed is so
live at a recent election nut
of eligible voters only
failed to cute without giving
inns nut ice in the courts re-
quired by law, and of this
when summoned before
ail able
acceptable excuses, such as age,
illness in unavoidable
The punished for mil v it
at that election
exactly 2.76 out of every
How has this sunder been
of lint
offenders, the state is far
being harsh. Tin- magistrates
ply admonish the negligent
sens that the of inn away
pulls Mill him
If persisted in. He has begun
In make entries wrung side
Of his account the stale. It
In Vote a second tune
there will Mu- a penalty. In that
event he hands In magistrate W
if he still continues to refrain
from voting as elections recur
his political are suspended
for years.
It men will not lei
them call themselves voters
Before the year 1893 Belgium
per cent of
voters remained from the
polls at election in spite
all the party workers could
do in gel them there. Bin as soon
as the law musing voting
as passed of abate
ion fell below D per
foul limes.
removes from the soil
large quantities or
Tho fertilizer
plied, must furnish
enough or the
land will lose its pro-
oil boors
Yen printers were
ill ink a good deal of
i who did not drink was
a rarity II w recent years
In n i the craft
Cash Value,
Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
B. Is Non for table,
Will be reinstated arrears be month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium tor the current ear be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N.
County Giant.
Grady, who resides
i lower part of is at
account of his tremendously large
frame His wrists arc inches
round and his second linger is
most I inches long. His legs are
already feet lot-has, and
Grady is still growing, he is now
years of age and the sole of bis
foot measures inches Grady
reaches up into the air just feet
inches. By lime he
becomes a manor by the
time be stops
count will have the distinction of
being the home of Slate's
est Journal.
has ii vita the morality pro-
cession i id the t act reverse is
tine. ii is too much to expect
them to I real away from all bad
habitant and many of them
chew tobacco, in this print shop
are severs who have been buying
a certain I wholesale and
getting it heap, it is a well
known make. it night not Ire
advisable n brand. Last
week one the men went over to
where another chum
was at work and
this Stuff, . up a chunk
of it, and, gently stripping it back,
there be beheld two or three long,
worms, fat sleek The
her man remarked that perhaps
Hi s piece an exception, so he
yanked his hank from his pocket,
snipped there were
worms j the Mine. A third
man came u aid sampled his with
tho same result.
The Death Penally. A,, ., of have
Two murders occurred in off, The n ought that
recently within a day or two they had chewing worms for
other, which appear to months if not years too much
have stirred the city, for them. All -v.-i.--h shows
d us not punish murder there are more ways than to
with death, and these murders cure a dog sucking eggs. It is
have the III however, to see the boys
press of Slate as to u chewing gum, sucking the cud a
this fact due- not mill- otherwise trying to keep
and is col for the from chewing. May lie they will
two committed. Those States hold out, but it will hard work.
winch death penally
if they fall from grace
will not lake up with the
same bland they formerly used.
We have just added Steam Supply
Will anything in this line very low, Sec us when in want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Steam Ganges, Hancock
aspirators, V. S. Injectors, Cocks. Steam
Pipe all Biles, Pipe Kitting all s.
LINE OF Packing, Robber Bolt, Gaudy
Belt, Leather Belt, Belt Lacing, Belt Hooks, Ac.
A Ii ii p man never cuts his ac
qua in lances.
A cheap suit must be taken
better or worsted.
Harvesting lip- and Harm
Like Daisies Before the
Baby lives arc by
The attack of the
ease is progress is
rapid. Mothers who bin
their children Perry Painkiller ml
water with u k-w drops of MM I
tell bow thin tins led
vomiting, put the
hull- patient nut cf danger, and its. j
Often Suffer from just as many
as thou which do not.
The theory i that re
criminality, does to
Some extent but never has
never ill prevent it.
heart and
troop of crimes
with defendant and the
with convicts and
from lime to time place upon
I the the wearer of the black
hood. Nevertheless, the
of that he will lie put
death have
sonic effect ill deterring from cap
Ital en. I lie II lilt who
tales n. and
these considerations justice
man's blood, man -hall helpless,
inc downward. Milton
who was captured shot by
officers N.
what was
to be a The
were kept under strong guard
Saturday night. All were held
lot is it-poll-
ed as likely to
Negroes Held for Murder.
Va., April save
prisoners from being lynched,
i magistrates held court almost
all day yesterday at N.
John Ills
hop and John all colored,
were charged with the murder of
Thomas white, a
clerk Peel store at
ford. The arc said to
I have cursed and had
I pill out the store.
was shot
limes in the back and one man
tiled at close range
Garland Cook Stoves.
pity, do. i work
I lie I e-i
asks I'm the abolition of the
death p although spirit
of which seeks to sub
tor the neck
breaking gallons
mid mode of the
i is Io he coin
tie Ob
Advice i to
w Ache In
Ladles, it a breach
it good to around
streets free conversation
sun-ring, with young boys or me.
all i
I. II i in the
use, bi a will you i.-
in i hi Hill
iii i
mission to walk with you he
has finished. Scotland Times.

N. C.
D. J. Ed. Owner
Entered at Punt Office
N. as Second-Clan
Mall Matter.
is considering I be mat
of building a railroad
city via and Greenville
Washington. This end of the Heel
believes a road would be a
paying enterprise. It go
through a splendid notion of
The Free Press is
paring lo do itself proud. A
company has been organized
conduct business, plant
will be considerably enlarged, and
ground baa been purchased upon
which erect a splendid building
of its own. Nothing is good
for the Free Press and we wish
it continued prosperity,
Found to Contain Alum. Ground Rock.
and other things. Seized and De-
The Health Department of New
York has seized tons of
Biking Powder, made
by I he Southern Soda Works, of
Nashville, Tenn., that
city. Samples of Hie baking pow-
ere found to
contain alum and ground rock. It
was declared dangerous to
and dumped into the dock.
is staled Ibis brand of baking
Winterville Department.
N. April,
Tobacco Flies.
Cox Mfg. Co., are
up a tremendous racket
making tobacco dues. It sounds
like twenty live each
hand using two hammers and each
baud having a Helper two
hummers. However we will try
endure it a while as they
have hundred and twenty
The Mulberry and Silk Cut
powder has I placed upon A
several stores in this vicinity be over. Then
where it is retailed at prices from peace.
ten to live cents a pound. and
. .;. . . . . . . f. Au.
The convention which as
Raleigh on Tuesday
was attended by a large number of
delegates representing nearly all
of counties In there are
many of race. It woe more
orderly than such convention
have been heretofore and therefore
speaks for I hem. There
were a few of the boisterous pies
Ml but howling was
ally by the more
The object of the meeting
was lo consult reference to the
future good of They
outspoken U to the fact
they should no longer
office who only wanted to
use and then lo kick
They realized the fact that the
them in respect to holding
or conventions a
gales. Their place as assigned
by their Republican friends
and vote
ticket. The
lion said their resolutions
they would not do Mils. The
passed a unanimously
his toward and it was
In send the news to him
One of called
It was being In New York
at four cents a pound. Consumers
should look mil fir it.
N. C. Apr.
Miss Jenkins, of Tarboro,
spent a few days here last week.
F. Harding, of
spent Tuesday and Wednesday
here on business.
DOT. J. J. Darker held services
in fondue Sunday and Sunday
night and returned Monday.
Dr. I. James, of
spent Sunday here.
J. T. Smith and II.
spent Monday in
Mr. Parker, Durham, successful trips
who has been assisting Rev. W. son.
hose in a meeting here, returned Tho canning is making
home Wednesday. large shipments of canned goods
and II. H. everyday, SO our railroad agent
spent Sunday in Gold Point. informs us, This is one of the
John Nichols, f Winterville, moot of our
passed through thriving little town.
Mrs Andrews and B. F. Manning ., have a
Wednesday from I car of special prepared lime for
South peanuts or cotton. Come and boy.
Mrs v m Hammond is very ill The rush for guano
We wish recovery. I is unprecedented. The
A. Ward went rood this must be at work Hum and
appreciation those
the A. Mfg.
pent yesterday in shop-
ping and visiting Miss
leaves again this afternoon to
spend the country.
Plague lake we heard some
body say.
J. J. of Farmville, was
here Tuesday.
Patrick, of Ayden,
came up on the train Thursday
and spent the day with Hisses
Bessie and Nichols.
W. II. Hamilton lo drain
gen Thursday evening lo visit his
Q. A. the hustling
drummer for A. Cox
Co., after belt g away several days,
returned yesterday from one of the
tile sea
la shown by the daily ship-
n and constant
ed by ever mail.
John Peel, of spent
Sunday here.
Mrs. Howard, of Con-
Wed with Mr.
F. Gardner and family of
cults, have moved here.
Nobles, of Ml. Olive,
Wednesday night here and return-
ed Thursday.
spent last
and returned j week. Mr. Peel and
are lo be congratulated upon
Friday bore. Mr. Peel is
the most progressive merchants in
Eastern Carolina and stands high
all over our Slate. as
of his stores young Stevenson
About fifty-live years there
a as quits an excitement regard
to silk culture. In almost every
or white mulberry, was
planted, leaves of which were
fed to is no
more trouble hi raising Ibis I ban
there is bushes. It
can be raised from the roots or
front An ordinary bush
will furnish a large of
The and Boat
to do is lo start
planting of bushes so as lo
have food for the worms.
There is but little skill
the They only
require lo feed by
placing the mulberry leaves neat
them. Any child often years old
At the time
to above there was no de
for cocoons which were
made by worms, and COMO-I
one went into extensively, but a
many persons had more or
less of them. Now silk mills have
been established u demand has
up for cocoons,
will boo source or to go
business Possibly some of
morns bushes maybe
found growing in Slate. If so
they furnish for a
large number of plants. I think
every eye in bush will furnish
a culling to be planted.
Mr. of the Slate de
.-tales after
inns have been led for some lime
then they can
be fed on leaves from
there are many of
now growing and ready to
furnish an quantity of
leaves. This is a most important
advantage. now has
a silk mill, and my opinion, at
leas one thousand persons can
make a by paying some,
Happening. In North Carolina.
The railroad from Washington
lo Plymouth has been completed
and have a regular
section there
is a prospect of a large crop this
season. will
earnest next week.
of the meat pleasing
dents of president's visit to
Charleston t Carolinians,
was strong attachment the
chief executive of form-
ed for our governor. It looked as
if he was to Governor
cock on all If he
speaking distance of gov-
be was conversing with
I him. If the governor WM not
sight, president would ask
him make some pleasing
concerning him was
talk Charleston ho the
dent fell love with
North Carolina's governor.
It may be added that
Aycock too was greatly
impressed with Teddy
an easy way
and a sure way to treat a case of Sore
Throat in order to kill disease germs
and insure healthy throat action is to
take half a of water put into
it a teaspoonful of
Mexican Mustang
this throat at
of throat with the i
on dot and
Then the .
. and after doing
around the neck. It la a
the throat
r some on i .
and 81.00 a bottle.
T MAY BE YOU wed a
. . . Treat It at once with
and you can depend upon a cur.
Good Plowing.
Too much be said about
the Importance of good plowing.
II is hard to get it done but with,
out it good crops be made.
The ground should be broken
and deep so as lo
soil and make it in condition A first Preparatory School. Prepares
grow crops readily. I for College and for Life
cases the second plowing would do ,
as much or more good W- Principal, MISS MAMIE GRIMES
first. To use a harrow .
Bethel High School.
for mill .,.
There i no experiment as the I u farm and turned the plow over
above is from my own personal I to his boy
knowledge and experience.
free use of their
money in bringing lo
lice the dastardly per pert tors of
I., of Tarboro,
spent Wednesday line
w, James, of who
ins been here an a visit foul deed. To hoar him de
scribe would arouse
quite a crowd attended bu-
I. W. I . Six oars were side
He . hero Thursday.
the to be King's Weekly reporter was out
of the full plumage yesterday.
Hi leaves n Wife, two sons one feathers were
save his earnings, and
more Independent Sum
few seem to realize bad
vole for better men,
will be worth something lo He
when he learns to
advice of better class of white
School and Their
A special for 1901 as to
I ii school has been
Public Of while
school lion-., there are frames
II. Hooker, was
here Tuesday.
Jesse went
lo Ills yesterday.
Bryan bis spectacle.
between Ibis place l lack
Thursday. any one has found
Mr. Bryan would esteem it a
After all there is a t dial
sentiment i to I lie
that it is degrading
and hardens a culprit loaves
desperate deeds wrong doings
This is true to some Silent, but
take the man who brutally beat a
wife. degrade
him or lower bin. Dots he not
deserve ten times what he gives
The truth is n is needed
is education with right j total for
kind there is not much need . .
whipping post, but take a supreme-
ignorant and be cares
. ,
1,268, lug brick total to have them returned
or colored school houses the of Prof. A.
I hero are frame 1,830, log Heel Hand have
total The number of school Kl
houses built during the year pieces of music a
was, white The that is truly
value of school is loot e tent we
-s total rote about, music is
of school pleasant to hear and ii is
Is, while to realist the by
if bile districts have no band
i. U. number as one of the
fur is beat the State.
b. i of
very the degrading
of a lashing. Ii is the hurt lug
that he dreads right here i-
where the of the treatment
comes in. A restoration of tat old
custom for would
be a good but there are
crimes where nothing else his so
betting, failure lo pro-
for one's family and kindred
crimes. Delaware uses the lash on
wife beaters and Maryland a
like law and ii has been so
wholesome all
the country has no on
are to the
brutality it. but let their ha
bands them good
A South Writer Worth Watching.
value of houses for whites J
. r. . . years have passed the
on h be pointing proudly to a
bulb races, without houses, NO,
Average value of houses for s
1- and col
Five Girl Babies at a Bulb.
today to sell hoop I to lotion
told his friends about a Hellen Keller.
new writer in of fiction; i
writer whiM present work along
line gives
if she tarns
This wonderful
about a Keller. This wonderful
startling Increase in his Alabama, blind, de-
family, mother. Viola of is
wife , a Th
., am deep thought and is
Coroner, old, has been such
scum years. power, her story of her life
appearing in The
of one cannot
was sent for and h- b I,
Ml been added lo to think Of as she is
arc doing one, still college; but
is father no of
strong soul,.,,,,,.
disappear. L, i ,,,;. one of the Souths most
authors by by.
William II. Oliver,
New Bern, K.
There is nothing batter for feed
lug silk worms than the leaves of
the Chine.-e or mill
berry. Wherever Ibis tree grows
it should be diligently
and planted as a hedge around a
rich dry or along the farm
from the road.
Dusty leaves are not suitable
silk worms. The
have a in and dry soil;
The chance may be
planted out once, or
long roots of old mulberry
can be cut lengths of
about six inches and planted a
I'm row I to I. inches deep; nearly
every will grow. Cuttings
ear old wood will also
grow if ten inches long and
planted deep that eye
remains above ground. Keep the
plant, moist free
from weeds.
produces In this state as
we ban only the male plant.
Seed i mulberry -nun us
alba can be bought of most of
larger in New York and
Philadelphia and may be
to May One ounce of good
lead win produce about
plants which if grown in rich
Harden soil will be lit so set out
w lien one year old. Cover the
one inch deep. Soak IS hours
before Set Noted plants
in a row to l apart lo a
hedge. make
the ground i. i or
fowl house manure. the
hedge is years old staple J or
Strands of win main stems
and you have a good fence as well
as useful silk producing hedge.
MRS. J. W. and Art.
would do probably in of the
second plowing. In guilty Department, 11.50 Art a, M
Of shallow, including piano M
plowers let plows , Incidental fee, per year, l
slip over or hard ard moderate. For further particulars address
w, j. v, Principal.
plowing one hand and hold-
a to his mouth
with other. He was surprised
that he lost money fanning
other people were not surprised. j
How to Grow
Cotton for Profit.
To Memory of the Southern
The following resolution will be
brought before the Con-
Prepare your land well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a price when you otter it on the market.
Of seed, planted them on half an
a.-re of land and picked a bale of cotton that weighed pounds,
Veterans in convention. r B- J- Cobb together with severe
;. on co operation on this market and the yield is far ahead of anything we have
and are most earnest country. of the best farmers in county saw my
m sled to secure its j the field and it as floe as they ever saw.
the I every I .,, for UM a bushel. Parties
, y
be fully in all that per
Greenville, N. U.
to rise and the fall of
Southern and that
date of the birth of
only President will be
impressed their minds and
hearts and generally
with i i e ceremonies be
the Con-
Memorial Association of
New Orleans, at ;,,
the anniversary of the birth of
Darts, President of the
A Southern Enterprise For The South.
Richmond, Va.
A MR Broad St.,
la the south i.,. bat prevailed In the In f
Pf X i one must an
I P then must pa
D trip North to
of. Strictly
i of America, be
adopted Memorial Day,
said resolution to go into effect on
June and be
Thai this
shall invite the co of the
United Confederate or
i . the Hulled Daughters
I In- and the Con
federated Southern As-
to secure the general
of this resolution every
State, as well as all
places wherever it is customary to
honor memory of the Con fed
nun mint par
P and a cub , . I ten , r , i H
Tobacco farmers can get the best
Tobacco Truck the market this
Season from O. who
is manufacturing the pa
by C. II. Tripp This
is not only the l-mt Truck, but
is easiest to between the
rows and at the price is the cheap
sold. our tiers with
i ,
The statement comes from Wash
to some visitor,
that he expected to take a trip
through the South when business
permitted and visit this
Stale. It is said that he will be
i in i to tend the State fair here
in October.
American and Italian Marble
Ml II ,
WIT lad
.,.,,,., . ires His-
K. Paws work
farmer should one. save time and save
THE JAMES Bethel, N. C.
are making the. Distributor for the least money of
any on the. market. All who have soon it it a
If you one write us.
We also manufacture School Desk,
Swings, Tables, Doors, Tobacco,
Cordially invited to see our stuck of
buying. We have what you want. Come and be con-
We have the prettiest of millinery ever brought
W Sash in all widths colors. Wash
for the just thing for summer,
trimmed while you wait. Give a trial.
Yours to please,
Misses Erwin.
Any particular
nice thing to
wear that you
want you will
right here.
just lie
number of but
tuns on your
right roll to the
In the
correct curve
mi your Irons-
They w i b e
just the right
width and shape
It will be a
bard matter for
you to fault
with your
Spring Suit if
yon get It
for we believe
that our suits
are just, right in
well being i
at right in
a link is missing in our chain of Attractive Suits.
I . S. District All
Howe returned ,
from court
Harry I
Be Sure to See our
If there is a
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross
mark on their
If cotton keeps on it will gel to
cents yet.
Something Rice
Flakes at M.
Bring your fat Cattle to K. M.
and lb gross, if.
Little Miss Essie
gave a birthday
so many warnings no one
should fail to pay bis poll by
was not but two boors
a half late Thursday night.
We have known it to be later.
must be an inviting
field for life insurance
Only eight of
Mr. C. L. Wilkinson's horse run
away Friday. horse was cut
considerably and the dray torn to
Davis Move have moved
barber shop from Five Points to
of the
With so much bad weather
spring will be before the
farmers are able to catch up with
their work.
early closing question bus
been discussed some the
merchants but no action has yet
The first strawberries this
State were shipped from
Monday. brought cents
a quart Philadelphia.
Every day the lime left
in which you pay your poll
tax and be entitled to vote. Will
you neglect it disfranchise
you reel II
We e it stated that six
white men Greene have
tailed to pay their poll tax. Pitt
has done so well by a
good deal.
the hotel porters failed
to get any on the
train Friday one of them
was heard to remark drum
men don't like to hit
Mr. D W. will soon put
up a large brick on
site of his stores on Five
Points. Mr. R. M. will
also put up two stores Fifth
What Yea are
formula la print-
ed on every showing it la simply
Ion. in N
Curt, No Pay. etc.
Why should not nave
a hospital f Is such an
to meet demands
of our enterprising county and de-
town t
Think about It. Many of
diseases which attack our bodies
are most treated
institutions of this where all
the sanitary precautions can be
taken ; hi the frequency of
people leaving home undergo-
the fatigue and expense of a
trip to a hospital elsewhere. A
great deal of this could be avoided
If we had n hospital at home.
Among are numerous people
living in of others,
boarding in hotels, or rooming
fitted up business
they ate tick,
they are danger of being neg-
or put to extra for
from trained nurses
so It be a great ad-
vantage to them if they could with
a minimum of expense fa-
in traveling be placed a
hospital right hand.
With people who live in their
own a hospital would be a
great advantage; as better results
can be hoped for treatment
of most diseases, under the
provided in such institutions,
than in the average home where
too little is known and less thought
of law. of sanitation. If
sick member of the family could
be put the hospital, attended by
the family physician, and minis-
to by trained bands,
would have a greater
of recovery while the other
members of the family could be
engaged in their usual avocations
no risk infection from the
disease. this way could
lie saved, diminish and
many other r.
might tie urged showing the
institution to our
; but the practical
is be hail I um
glad to be able to say, yes, A
little pull the right direction by
all of our people both In tho
the and a little pull all
together will effect the early es-
of such an institution
In our midst. I am by
one who Is enthusiastically inter-
It, that some very Hitter
are in sight, provided the people
of will give
to show their own In-
J. N. Booth.
All j., i are
In any manner lauds in
Beaver Dam township the lands
P. More
by T. rt. Nichols
others. he ac-
cording to law. J W SMITH.
Mrs. and child
from Nest.
Mi.-s Nancy of Greene
county, came in this
Mies Morris, a trained
nurse of Wilson, came Wednesday
evening to attend T. W.
foreman of who
is quite sick.
April i.
L. I. Moore went lo Wilson
off, in in lo
lo Tar-
It did tali
light of all.
Mrs. went
this morning.
Mis. M. E. Norman retained
Thursday evening
Misses Battle Kittrell,
S. Evans.
J. A. of
came Thursday evening to see
his brother, T. W. who
is sick.
April ill, 1902.
B. W. went up the road
Miss Daisy Tucker, from near
Black Jack, Is visiting Miss Bessie
Mrs. II. S. Evans went to Win-
evening to visit
It. Moore returned Friday
evening from the Presbytery at
Rocky Mount.
Misses Delia Smith,
of day here
return home this evening.
Maud Jen-
Newell, of Winterville High
School, the here.
Miss Nannie Coward, of Greene
county, w visiting here,
returned house Friday evening.
Miss came up
this from school at Win-
to spend at home.
Grand and Gorgeous
Ex Kin j of Spun Dead.
Francisco ex of
Spain, was
sock the opera
house Thursday night was n
did success. Notwithstanding the
weather there was a large at
and all enjoyed it. The
ii program was
e receipts were more
White and Dress goods,
Laces Embroideries, Silks, k
Everything New up to Date
When oilier sections well
at truck raising it looks
Hint farmers around do
engage in it. There is not
enough raised mound here lo sup-
ply the homo to say
of what might be
A Decline in Saloon Patronage.
A strong temperance lesson is
taught by tho experience the
Union in- railroad, which mule
a rule a few weeks ago no
who in , i. ah saloons, while
either or off duly, could remain
in its service. A decline
In saloon patronage is now report-
id all the lines,
Cheyenne, a
of labor, twenty five
places are to have
gone out of business two
Prescription tor Malaria
Chills Paver I a of
Chill is simply
and hi a form. No
Pay, SOc.
C. T.
The Big Store
Greenville, N C.

Cigar BANDS and Old Virginia Cheroot WRAPPERS Y ASSORTED
co, in securing . presents, ONE TAG being equal to TWO CIGAR BANDS or TWO OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOT WRAPPERS
The above illustrations
represent the presents to be given for
stake, BANDS
. MUM Mom
Five Cent Cigar Bands
WRITE. YOUR NAME AND PLAINLY on outside of package eon.
BANDS or WRAPPERS and for -d them by registered mall, or express
prepaid. Be sure to your package s- wrapped and properly marked, so
that it will not be lost in Send bands or wrappers and requests for presents
requests for to C. Hy. Brown, Folsom Avenue. St. Louis, Mo.
OUR. NEW ILLUSTRATED of presents for 1903 includes many
articles not shown above. It contains the most attractive list of presents ever offered
for bands and wrappers, and will be sent by mall on receipt of postage two
cents. ;
Our offer of presents for bands and wrappers will expire November 1903.
American Cigar Company
Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Advice to the Aged.
Age brings infirmities, such as Surveys OP Man,
bowels, weak surveys rials or maps
and LIVER. satisfaction
My-m J B i I-. Communication me by mail or
P n
V B B I will be prompt attention
O I N. C.
have a specific effect on these
the bowels, rt
perform their natural us
Ms,. , ,
VIGOR-------a. Hit Comity.
i , , to the bladder and
ts, L,.
Tin warp A op thing An enter. u
s entitled as above baa
WHICH I TO MENTION requested bent hi Superior Court
Come to tea me fur your next of flour
Yours to please
III II I . w
All arc hereby forbidden to Ires-
any way upon my hunt
with dog or gun without my
lands in Swift Pitt
county, adjoining the of It.
C- C. Milk, N II. J.
Bra, Wall land, W.
ins it is offered Mm, come
w rite mi essay, and lo perfect the o u
x- . . i . i land la
Newspaper wan bl subject ,,,.
Here is I be don't know I aid
,, ,. , , , ,,, . , . , ,. H. D. Smith, and wild defendant will
how come to in Hie , lo
until-1 Tl on of Superior Court
Hi. Monday in
to say aniline Court County In Green.
We link-., ,,,,,,, , ,;,.,. the demanded
SMOKED MEATS you bear about, and Into
are the brush niter flood,
ray we .-ill more
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton of
Ties and
MM shipments
IS and
I Inn stepped out and wrote it up,
and been here ever
any In That means we
carry BEST at price, don't think be die. I never
if want good Cigar saw a dead one. and never heard
or good and Chewing To Our paper
, have .
Tit place to BEST
lime is
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Mrs. L. ii. WHITE,
Nice line cf low
product bought for ch or In
exchange Tor
nil-; NEW
Jas. White.
is without all win-
don't wear no ox, and paw
paid Ins subscription in live
. M.
retail and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hide. Km, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkey, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Oak Ba
by Parlor
Table, P.
and Gull Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
root, Henry George Clear,
Cherries, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Ly, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
and Oar-
,, ., ., r ,
tor Locks, Bead, Apples, Nut-.,
Hone, Apples, Peach,
in . c; if
Collars, I Car- and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
pen Tools, In
Next door to Wilkinson.
Ware, and Cracker, Mae,
Beat Batter, New
Royal and nu
other good. Quality
Cheap for Com
to lee me.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit or patronage and
guarantee I satisfaction in
styles and work.
send your orders to
Tile Greenville Co.
N. C.
Whichard, N. C.
The complete in every
pa Cine and prices as low us
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
We obtain V. H. and
u tin it f
Cot Ion Bagging Ties always
on him i
Fresh goods kept constantly
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at G A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek,
Swan Ocracoke and
all ts for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N. O.
J. E. District
Washington, N.
------DEALER EN------
so a nice Line of Hardware.
Norfolk Va
lull Cotton Buyer, Broker, in
The Charlotte Observer, stock., cotton, Grain and
is New York
DAY IN THE YEAH. Chicago and New
c d w i. ii I The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
THE OBSERVER Receives the
largest telegraphic Dews service
delivered to any paper between; in Advance.
Atlanta, and. One Year Six Month.
special service it the greatest Three Sing. Copy
ever bandied by a North .
paper. No traveling canvasser are em
ployed. Subscriptions taken
of or more pages, and
to a large extent made of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
per year. The largest paper
in North
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N. C.
Dr. D James,
The Reflector, office.
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Dally
one year for 13.50 payable in ad-
Tin- leader in good work and low
N . i Mr
All other Una very cheap. Portraits
from any small picture cheap. Mice
Frame all the Come and
my work. Mo trouble to
soil answer question. The very
to all. Office hour
lo a. in., In n n. m. Your
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
Ricks Wilkinson;
Take Away
And what would said a
Women's Rights orator.
excitedly shouted a man
In the gallery.
Perhaps that's why so many
men do their shoe business at our
store, for we certainly have the
women's trade.
Why shouldn't we
We carry the most famous line
of Women's shoes and our store Is
,.,,,.,. with the latest Spring creations in
Kid and Patent Kid Welt
insures sole flexibility and
They will soon be on the feet of the best dressers
in town.
They're yours at to a pair.
fairly ablaze
As well be out of the World as out of Fashion.
For earliest knowing possessing of the authoritative
things of fashion, keep yourself familiar with
Ricks Wilkinson.
1888 1902
Is now ready for you lo see
To see it will prove to you that
I have the Largest, Prettiest
and Cheapest stock ever shown
will be sold extremely low
prices. I have had years ex-
in business, have
ways given you good
Come See
what I have to offer you now
Children's Hats from cents up.
Hats from cents to any price desired
will he ably assisted by Mr. Ella
My customers already know that she tries to please
them in pimping and trimming huts to become the wearer.
will get the New York Styles month during the
Come see my Hack Hat for Easter.
At Old Stand.
Correspondent of
The poll lax question
a great deal of just now
among the politicians, professional
and There are
ten days In to ray tax,
as required the new
law, yet probably less
one half the voters in ninny
lies have complied with lite law in
respect. The news
county for lo
that at end of last week
some voters, white and black,
had not paid their poll tax. This
sort of thing is all over
North Carolina, and hears on
all hands inquiries ex
of doubt as to whether
is as a
we Democrat expected it
to be at the time adoption.
It is a rate lo either
Democrats or Republicans
days the
Supreme Court on the constitution-
of the The
Republicans lie Baking no
effort to get up a
for the Supremo Court lo pas
In fact, I have beard
of both parties say they
were entirely satisfied the other
That makes the poll situation
more than lie-
fore, and in some the
prepayment of the tax by office-
holder candidates fur office
seems to lie the only way out of
the It Is a bitter pill for
the politicians to take, but from
general appearances lake it they
The Imperial
Tobacco Company of England, has
formally entered this State and
will compete with the American
Company. It will have
buyer t each market. A license
tax of State and county,
was paid here, and the entry of the
company officially made. The
American is making things lively
and, in fact,
generally, now the Imperial
proposes to make lively on
this side of the water tor
Principal John E. Ray of
Institution for the Blind, stales
that the attendance at both
has faring present
term all records.
There arc t blind and
deaf mutes blind. The
health of all has been usually good.
Auditor B. P. Dixon will deliver
the annual address to the white
blind II, which is the closing
At a meeting of the Hoard of
i Trustees of the Masonic Orphanage
j a few days ago it was decided
I make valuable improvements at
this splendid oldest of all
orphanage this Stale. The
main building will enlarged, as
will the printing office, shoe shop,
hospital building, etc.
We are now ready for an inspection by the ladies. We
have a complete and Up-to-date lint In Dress Goods. Fine Trim-
Silks, Sating, Lama, Velvets, Ribbons,
White Goods, etc., Minstrel cloth, Grenadines and
nil the newest
Skirt Goods.
Lace Curtains
is not come in and look. Those at your window are nearly
worn out, come before the newest patterns are sold. Prices
attract, Quality decides. Look as closely to quality as you
do to prices. Measure your purchases by the they
yield and you will say this is the best place in Greenville to
buy goods.
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Store in
DON'T THY lo eat any old
thing that I offered yon, lint come
I us for something nice, fresh and
palatable. have
sugar Unit are delicious.
Wholesalers we sell
in town. That means we
right prices.
Then if you want a good Cigar
or good Smoking Chewing To
we have the REST of
The place get the REST every
lime is
II. ii II HI
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended that works automatically,
B. Is Non
Will be if arrears be paid month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
A after second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the of the second cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as during the lifetime
of insured.
Waited Opportunities
Many a business mini who has
doubled or more than doubled his
trade by advertising has deplored
the doubt and timidity which
vented him from doing systematic
newspaper advertising so long.
He see that ho might have
ed his success years before had he
only had the and
age lo invest newspaper space.
Philadelphia Record.
lives are in
Tin- of the ilia
east; la It progress
terribly w ho have given
tin Perry in
water with a few drop of added
ran tell how this treatment
and vomiting, put the
little patient nut of danger. U and cl.
All Kinds at The
D. O. Apr. IS.
he Civil Government bill
conic tip for consideration the
Senate tomorrow is an
said Senator of
yesterday, when I asked
his opinion. a of
Philippines continued
the Senator, have had
of listening to testimony at
band and there is no ground
whatever for postponing the
of a permanent govern
met I in islands. Neither is it
-i lie taken in
that Congress Way act
The Filipinos are an
intelligent capable of
I at least, local self government.
I The educated people of islands,
laud by term I refer lo those
I who call nail and write Spanish,
arc of a particularly high class,
I many having enjoyed
advantages of higher education
and their fathers before them for
two hundred years General Mac-
and Whittier, Dr.
Hon. John Barret, ex Minis
to Admiral and
the educators now the Islands
have nil given testimony as to the
education and of the
people and have all practically de-
i hem capable of
iii a legislative of
their own; and this would lie par-
line were their govern-
to be organized with an upper
chamber, the of which
were appointed the President,
Tin that It la to
lake a census is simply a ruse to
mil the disposal, to favored
capitalists, of the franchises mid
grants in the islands before the
people have a voice in such
As example of the
mot hods which are being
the first railroad, which
will be with Filipino's
is lo constructed from
Manila up to a lace in
which will be used solely
place of recreation by the
can resident during the heated
term. industrial
purpose It is all dis-
tressing. The exploitation of the
island by favored corporal ions if
will be a disgrace lo the
fair country. Yes, I
shall make a speech on the subject
as will a number of democratic
to of the
troops on the islands, that
is a disgrace. Take report of
governor of which
he shows that one third of Hie
population of acclimated natives
nave died during the lust year of
I am if
the administration were no.
suppressing the facts
that of malaria would lie
I shall oiler one amend
which I hope will be
adopted. It will provide that any
American corporal ion, company or
j individual shall make any
slaves or slave labor.
forfeit all its rights, giants
and franchise. I am credibly
there are American
which have contracted
with the Mom chiefs the per
of labor on rub-
plantation, the slaves lie-
of the Capitol cf and who
hope under the of
Geary law labor at lower
wages than they w. have had
lo pay had the new bill become a
law, proved too strong for the re-
publican Senators. The action of
the Semite was a severe
to the Pacific coast
ions and one from that
nation said to me yesterday,
the Senate should pass the Cuban
reciprocity bill you might a well
strike my State from the
can column and count it in the
The Philippine bill
is now regular order in the
Senate and it will be followed by
the Isthmian canal bill, at least, so
say several members of the
steering It is
possible, however, that
do not appreciate the organ-
opposition with which their
present bill will lie met. The
which being presented
to the Philippine committee is con-
to prove
of democratic contentions
as well as to demonstrate the
cruelty and disregard
the rules of civilized warfare
which American officers
have been guilty.
of the democrats
press have charged with send-
out exaggerated report of the
Army scan-
and, the courtesy of
Representative Richardson, I
cured the proof sheets the doc
on the subject submitted to
the House by Secretary
Space will not permit extensive
quotation but perhaps the follow
log will In refitting the
transport Colon Iron
Works of Sun Francisco furnished
following items as shown by
their itemized One small
brass lied, U four pillows, 116.40
three bath
yards of carpet, one chair,
three chairs, skirt
round commander's bed,
These are but a few items. It is
not surprising that
Chamberlain says of above.
following extracts appear to
substantiate the charges of
and the Hypocrite.
We have often thought about
Christ's i ii the hypo-
In the deepest sense of the
word hypocrisy the only sin;
everything else mere error.
The Master looked with love
pity upon all classes of
but the hypocrites alone seem-
ed to lax his patience.
What can be explanation of
positive evil Why will people
be dishonest at heart f Who can
tolerate the willful Mart
The nature of such evil is prob-
ably unknowable. In God's mind
only can solution lie found.
Sometimes we wonder whether
the fundamental error which
makes not its theory of
The John thought
sin was a part of God's plant
lie suggested that sin might have
been placed here for our
Some ministers objected on
the ground
evil, nut baa pretended
to give a lie explanation.
Christ gave a remedy for
but he did mil explain its nature.
Mount Motor.
t . Apr,
I list Wednesday the Senate
passed a Chinese bill,
mi measure reported by
Committee on Immigration but the
Geary law, re enacting it fur an-
other term, The large
democrat voted for the
more drastic out the in
the of
large Pacific corporal lout,
The self made man is never
Will Cure Stomach
what will I.
t. Hum- in tin- mutant
sat, as It win you boars of salts la.
Watch out that the dealer doe not .-.-II you
mi reputation of Pain
l to Mil
. .

Eastern reflector, 22 April 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 22, 1902
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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