Eastern reflector, 11 April 1902

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The Eastern Reflector
Twice a M
Spring Suggestions to the Point.
Good Arguments, Like Able Sermons, Deserve Attention.
To money will go st is an
vi en I of pocket-book interest to humanity.
is an argument should receive, closest
from Intending Buyers.
Large Assortment of New Fabrics
looks like silk best improved
Mala Sage
Pink and Sky Blue. Dots and
corded Stripes in all colon at
m W aM pi
Crash Skirting in natural linen
and green mixed, worth
now at
Cotton Coverts in tan and
Very fine Chambrays inch,
close, even Ox-
blood, Sage, Pink, Sky Blue,
Cadet Gray, lavender and Nile
Madras Ginghams high class
styles such as are used for the
finest Shirts and
inch at
Colors blue and white, pink
and white, tan and white, sage
and white, and all the staple
Attraction of Oar U Troth.
will oppose the Cuban reciprocity
bill to a said a prominent
yesterday when
I asked bis position in regard to
pending measure. Re
publicans in the Mouse have held
We have just received line
Spring Slippers
this legislation until their They are Beauties. Yon may not have a spasm
friend, the sugar trust, has seer ; m fa g y , ,.
ed options on all of this year's J
gar crop and on part of next year's I a few of the styles and prices
crop. Moreover, by the testimony j and i strap Sandals, French heels 1.00 to
Oxfords, light and medium soles, 1.00 to
heavy soles, 8.80.
American Shoes, four styles. 2.60.
Patent leather Shoes. French heels
Plain Shoe, 8.00
Try Me and Sin as.
Misses Leather Mat Kid top
Slippers all styles from to
We have a beautiful line of Children's Shoes.
Shots and Slippers all colors and styles.
This is the MOST COMPLETE ever
North Carolina Women V Hem-
This Occasion I
Salisbury, X. C, April
earnest invitations
The Man Was Outwitted
Quite a romantic Marriage
I place at night last
week. Tl parties
were Mr. an I a
lain Brant. There on-
to the union and the eon-
.,.,, e from president
vent to the bone of Mis. r
w, , . , . , . ladies of the
Moore to have the knot lie The
women of
Carolina decided to make our
i day memorable, so the
I day will be -North Gov-
North Carolina
at The
program is very pleasing
I he e. omen at p. in
1888 1902
and s
Is now ready for you to see.
To see it will prove to you that
I have the largest, Prettiest
and Cheapest stock ever shown
in Greenville,
will be sold at extremely low
prices. I have had years ex-
in business, have
ways given you good
Come See I
what I have to offer you now
Children's Hats from cents up.
Mats from cents to any price desired.
I will lie ably assisted by Mrs.
My customers already know that she tries to please
them in shaping and trimming hats to become the wearer. We
will get the New York Styles each month during the season.
Come see my Hack Hat for Easter.
of their own officials, from Hie
President down, the proposed
the tariff is not
large to afford any material
relief to Cubans. Asa matter
offset, real purpose of Lhasa
in Congress who are
championing this lull is to throw
a sop to public opinion by appear-
to legislate Cuba's favor
while, at the same time, they per
nit the island to into such
desperate financial straits that
sooner or later she will have
apply for or the
States will have to interfere to
put down
then Cuba will be made a depend
accordance with
can policy as the
Philippines. No prospect of
will then be accorded to
Cuba and she will, if
ate a
session without a vote in the
of nation.
Friday Saturday both
Houses devoted themselves to the
of bills providing for
Mitchell of Oregon opened the
debate in Senate and Minister
was an interested listener in
Senate diplomatic gallery. At
times the Celestial gentleman
showed unmistakable signs of in-
as the Senator proceeded
with his able speech There is no
exact party division on
of the of Chinese
coolies but there are various differ-
of opinion as to the best
methods to be employed.
as the bill i- disposed of ill
Senate Philippine government
bill will be taker up and that will
be followed by Cuban bill.
On Tuesday the House of
will take up the Cuban
reciprocity bill Idle de-
bate may, by rules of
the House, be . duration
it promises to be most interesting.
Representative told
yesterday that he believed the
democrats were gradually coming
to accept his view of situation
and that he thought a great ma-
of them would vote for an-
if they the
We know ii is most lime to wear old
or go barefooted but don't do it too soon or you may have men
Buying is cheaper than paying do tor's or under
taker's bills, and you will be more comfortable and lice longer
was on hind and a
crowd hail S Die
Irate father of lady
pared The
lady was preparing her
toilet and the was wailing
at the foot of the Mail for her to
come down, when be should
her back . Hie groom j
to be saw old at the
foot steps and knowing that
if the bride down those steps
there would be no he
lipped around and set are I I la I
and put it up a; the win-
of the room, where his sweet
heart and dinning up helped
her to the ground.
the tun the father had gotten
tiled of waiting at the stairs
the girl couple bad been pro
man and wife by another
whom found nearby
Live laughs at all things, alien
there ladder and bid. window
At Old Stand.
TWO HA been paid in the
Gash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Nun
Will be re instated if arrears be paid within mouth while you
are tiring, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and pay of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To I in ewe the Insurance, or
To make policy payable during the lifetime
of Insured.
Greenville, N. C.
Our Buyer is now in- the York market after
New Spring
which will be coming in before very and we
expect to the Nicest Styles and the, most
up-to-date goods our different depart mill s
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department Stove
All u nigh
Slat's. Th
I Southern
third of the
if whole of
. Atlanta Constitution
muslin and ribbons, will
give a violin, piano and song
cert, an address of a few minutes
will lie made and a hour
have the
tin nun.
formers at Ibis concert
Miss Julia
Mary Johnson, violin; Gertrude
and Alice Hammond, of
College, voice. At
accomplished Prof.
will an opening on
the pipe organ. Mrs.
whom North
ha- honored and admired,
will at the piano. Miss
Seymour, on the violin, and Miss
will sing. These
accomplished musicians hive en-
full and freely into the spirit
of the occasion and invite all
North Carolinians to attend these
exercises Hie auditorium on
that out the eight and evening of the 10th.
members cf the Cabinet there is; Mrs. Simmons, president
only one from out of of woman Department, bus
North Carolina an enter-
nice the Supreme Court
only out if six
In foreign only one; out
I of I went y four
only only one
gate South to the Pan
I Aim Congress, and no South-
I em envoy the coronal ion
of King Edward. The
I lion insists that palpable dis-
i- a slur upon Hie
Southern people. this we think
The Constitution takes
eons new. The South shares with
THY lo eat any old
thing that la tiered you, but re-t of country, and In like
us something nice, fresh degree. He consequences
sugar cured, that are delicious. spoils. spoils are
we sell without reference to
In town. That means we
entry the BEST st right prices.
if you want a good Cigar
or good Smoking Chewing To
we have these
The place to get BEST every
friends arc seldom the
ones who spend their money
fellow who is always
other people's faults seldom loses
his own.
Au author never knows what
bad stuff he can write until he be-
comes ill.
man is a good bit of a
never to
with his wife.
When a girl says in the
marriage ceremony she probably
means the time.
John II Small is
reported quite sick Washington
whole population, with re-
to that pail of the
which voles the Republican I to lie,
ticket. The Democrats of
North fare as badly Demo-
of South. When the
time shall coma for a political up-
winch shall recall the Dem-
party lo the control the
Government will
undoubtedly its revenge.
Philadelphia Record.
All Kinds at The Reflector
When it i said that there la
danger of building too many
mills, so far as know
believes It. The fact is then point-
ed OUt ail mills that an
good business
pitying good dividends, It i-
raid many of
I mills am lining enlarged or Hun
nets are building other mills.
It appears lo be true of cotton
I milling as it is of other kinds of
that pays if wisely
managed. management
ways set lies question of sue
rather than the kind of
nets. have repeatedly seen
iii-i sell out moved
away, because they could make no
money on and their
leaving Mrs.
Price, of the Woman's Board of
ibis State, the date. I named
as the day, hoping it
lie convenient and suitable.
The hours will decided on later
and will be fully advertised.
Will Get Reward.
The preacher looks after a man's
creed, the doctor after his aches,
the tailor after his bank, the grocer
after his Stomach, the banker his
pocket book, and the politician bis
vote; but man must
tell hi n ho to vote, how to invest
his money, what to cat and wear,
his aches, tell him
what the law is and what It
matters that do not
go light, bless out everybody
every thing that other people want
blessed out, puff and praise every-
thing there is money in to
some one else, live on promises,
clot he feed himself on
even be the guide
board to stand and point lo him
the road success and happiness,
e and frown-
ed upon because, forsooth, one
item his paper dues not suit the
taste of nil ever sensitive nature.
So world wags. Verily,
the editor will have his re
ward in the end. led-
The Thrust of a Lance.
In more Hum the
hi pun. In In which
food Of too
hi The
of and colic
of the KM. Quirk relief
give it the piece of
honor In the family medicine cheat.
The Famous
fountain get
make a handsome living and
lay up money on Wise
planing and executing
bring success. This is due
of practicing law or any
oilier Bridge
I, Painkiller,
can folly lo hit la Perry
pi r-11 I to lake
Joel is good n u i- c
Tier.- one
Dixon Sentenced to Hang.
The verdict in th Dixon
case, last week at
he being charged with the murder
of Godfrey Webber, was rendered
and he was sentenced to lie hanged
on May 16th, Notice of appeal
was given was charged
with shooting Webber from am-
bush at gate, as he was
going his home. It was a cow-
brutal milder. It was
night and first
slut did not kill.
lie I went to a few
feet and discharged a second load
into Webber, The latter a
Webber's wife wets former
and this is supposed to have
been the Free

N. C.
O. J. Ed. Owner
Entered at the Poet Office at
Greenville. N. C. as Second Class
Mail Matter.
On Monday the
Argus begun its year
of continuous distance. It has
become one of the oldest dailies of
the State and is a visitor
Smallpox Las out again
in Norfolk among the
there are fears that it may spread.
The city authorities are actively
at work to its further pro-
May they successful.
President Roosevelt and party
left Washington afternoon
for the Charleston We
Senator was one of
the party. There is another Till-
man down there who will not de-
vote much time to him.
Washington X. C. April They Make and Leave-Sup.
The wedding of Miss MU it
Bryan Grimes, of Grimesland, and
Mr. Wiley Rodman, of Suffolk. Va . April T.-People
Washington, celebrated on Tues- j Smithfield, are trying to
day in the old historic Trinity whereabouts of two
Episcopal Church at P. M years oil
was a most brilliant affair, the and George I-rank, aged year-,
crowning event of society sea- Having opened a jewelry shop in
the Jamestown Hotel, the wen re-
many clocks for
repair, and their of living
caused the extension of credit for
The church within was a scene
of beauty, the chancel being most
artistically decorated with the
choicest of flowers. Gathered and other bills. The
within the building were the many
friend, of the happy couple, whose with watches,
presence , left unpaid many
tied to popularity of the The police say
young the same men have operated in
At half one the Norfolk, Va., and Wilson and
bridal party entered tee h
the grand music of wedding ward for their capture.
Mitt was by Miss Bessie Three DOff w ho gave names of
Harding. First CUM the Cooper
Messrs. W. D. Grime. Frank were today de-
N S. mid A. I. In Weldon, M C.
Mac Lean revealed on their I
Then entered tobacco, money
most charmingly attired in a tailor,
made gown of cloth, hat suspect youngsters bur-
match, her radiant to learn of
Albert T. Patrick, the lawyer
accomplice in the murder of Tin.
SI. Rice of New York, has been
sentenced to be put to death on
May According to law of
New Patrick will be electro-
at Sing Sing prison. An
appeal has been taken to the
Court, which will work a
stay of execution.
Carolina's Ten Years of
edition came cut yesterday and it
shows wonderful prise. Many
of the leading towns State
have good make a
good showing for the State. The
publishers have done a great work
for the Slate, and deserve the
thanks of its citizens. A State
like an need not still
and expect the world to push it
on whether it will or no. North
Carolina needs to be advertised
that its wonderful resources may
be known.
From the Charlotte Observer we
clip the
That will have a public
library is only a question of a short
period. Mettle T. A en. A.
Ward and O. II. Onion have
been appointed a committee to con-
fer with Mr. Andrew
his otter of bused
upon this city giving a guarantee
of of live
by the happiness of the
leaning upon the arm of her in ml
of honor. Miss Delia Weller, of
Weldon, also a picture of
At chancel they were
met by the groom and his best
man. Or. C. and in
the presence of the goodly company
the solemn marriage vows of the
Episcopal church were given by
Rev. Harding, of Green-
Immediately after the ceremony
the bridal party, accompanied by
many drove to this city
and and Mrs. Rodman left on
the afternoon train on their bridal
trip lo Washington. West Point.
New York and oilier cities, follow
ed by the best wishes of a host
On Wednesday morning a wed-
ding breakfast was served the
robberies in other cities.
Build In Hit Hurt. Ht Lives.
The thirty Brit congress of the
German Association
opened here today with a discus-
of the Oral the
in battle. Prof. Von
Brunt, detailing the formed
resulting from experience in
Cuba and South Africa, declared
antiseptic were
ideal the
superseding antiseptic treatment.
Prof. introduced
patients to illustrate the
ability, as tar as possible, of not
wounds by probing and
other operations. The most re-
markable case was that of mail
who attempted to commit suicide
a small gun. The
let penetrated the heart, but the
party at the home of the
in Grimesland. It was a revealed the
charming occasion, made so by the ventricle, bound-
charms of true hospital- ,,.,, ,,,,. it
most happily evinced. The became and now moves
many beautiful gifts the with the heart, not
g couple were greatly
Berlin Dispatch.
The bride is a daughter of the
late Major General
and sister of Col. J. Bryan OLD MAN SEEKS REVENGE.
Grimes, Secretary of State, and of I
Mrs. Alfred Williams, of Raleigh, j the
Her distinguished lather made there was a ran
famous name as the hero of many way in which Wiley
Confederate battles, who planned, Wells, who stole the girl, loses a
managed and led the last charge at ,, ., ,.,, very . w,
,,, while the bride, Jennie Mann,
with ., w ,.,
gifts go to make a cultured I ,,, , , of
and Southern belle.
The groom is a son of the late u teems as if the old man was
Judge W. H. Rodman, at one time , , daughter receiving
an Associate Justice of the the attentions Mr. Williams, on
Sorry Kt Cat the Shoe
We were coining down
streets Saturday and were accosted
by a ma a who hobbling
one foot and a stick, with
a shoe that had been severely axed
in his hand, the way to a
shop. Seeing his condition
we asked hi in the cause the
way it happened. He replied by
saying that he cut the flesh
through to the bone, and giving
that part a severe whack. But he
said he didn't mind the foot, but
the shoe-they wen his
shoes and it had not been three
weeks he paid 2.15
ahem. To be keeping with
sympathy for him we expressed
sorrow for him in his ho
fortunate as to cut his Sunday
shoe, and the pity of not having
oil his every day
Publicly Horsewhipped
Charter th Company Filed in
It Mum.
Richmond, April copy of
the charter of the Imperial
co Great Britain and
Ireland, together the articles
of the association and a power of
to James MacDonald to
the corporation in this
was filed in the Chancery
Court here today. The primary
object of the association is to ac
quire and take over certain of
principal tobacco manufacturing
concern the United Kingdom,
to carry ant only the business
manufacturers that also of
planters growers exporters,
importers and merchants.
The company may prepare for
market, manufacture, buy
sell tobacco together with ma
and may own
loons, or on the
loses of refreshment contractors
and licensed They
charter ships or vessels may
undertake all kind of financial
guarantee indemnity business
as well as all kinds of agency
the company may lay out
land for building proposes, may
acquire licenses and enter into
agreement with governments or
authorities municipal or
local. The capital of the
company is
Another Item Of interest to
circles is that letters
ed here from England states
the independent factories Bog- j new h
laud which allied themselves with
neither the American
Company, nor the Imperial,
likely to develop into an Court
el power and may even lake the; . has dig
stand of a rival of the of he .
Company for British favor. They I . j. .
are showing a disposition to buy
J Hues a tanner
siding near in, was pub- I
horsewhipped on street
by divorced
Osier, a
atonal wrestler of South Bend, lad.
The woman used a rawhide
telling effect, repeatedly striking
her victim across the face. Flan- ,
took refuge in a clothing
store, where he was followed
the enraged woman, who
chastised him he
to escape.
The woman alleges
am easy way
and a sure way to treat a case of Sore
Throat in order to kill disease germs
and insure healthy throat action is to
take half a of water put into
it a teaspoonful of
Mexican Mustang
with this
Then en
altar this
i tho Dock. u
of the throat thoroughly with
cloth i
Soc., and 91.00 o bottle.
can you eat a own.
considerable tobacco at and
apparently renew business.
--tilers, say the letters,
Tom assaulting and
How to Grow
Cotton for Profit,
Prepare your laud well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a price when you offer it on the market.
Two years ago I seen reed a peck of seed, planted them on half an
hit Wife In tWO cases, In jail acre of land and picked a bale of that weighed pounds,
ten days and costs, this cotton through Mr. B. J. together with several
appear and other bales of good variety and this bale sold for three eights of a cent
to back up the . ., -r per pound than the lot. The lint is far superior to any cotton
factories gold on this market the yield is far ahead of anything we have in
--I John assault, this country. Numbers of the beet farmers in the county saw my
. . i and costs, ; crop growing in the field and pronounced it as fine they ever saw.
Bill Cannon, riotous and lam now offering these seed for sale at fl. a bushel. Parties
Birmingham, Ala., April, T. wanting of the seed will please send me their order at once as I
Race feeling is running high today Bill Cannon, officer, only have a limited quantity for sale.
at the result of ex- j bound over to Superior court,
over the John Morris and Lewis Smith,
to arrest a desperado, Will affray, brand over to Superior
Reynolds. i court.
Reynolds Shot citizens dead,
mortally wounded three Others and Nephew of Senator Ransom Kills Himself
indicting a number of minor In
unities. The ended at length Asheville, X. April
only in selling lire to the house Reasons, nephew of Senator Ban-
which served as his foil, driving torn, committed suicide
back into the o'clock this afternoon ct his home
A of militia was called by taking chloral. He had been in
to take charge of situation ill health for time. He was
O. L.
Greenville, N. C.
A Southern For The South.
Nos. Ton, e. Broad St., Richmond, Va.
In i in- south the has prevailed in the past that In need of
.- one muM take an expensive trip North to
In as H must pay and
But ft
o,,.,,., hi some lime. lie N
yesterday, which duty, employed at the freight the of
ill went lo the the capacity of bill clerk. AND
a big stock of Medium lo
In Hie Sooth at a point
yesterday to arrest of continued illness he w here Cheap cut hair in two,
,, , , . .,.,. a an i the people of North
who was barricaded bad not been at his desk tor about and near-by lo visit their
Greenville might take a step of and ,,. .,.,,., f ,,
the same direction. A soldier. B and he too claiming that the groom
for Greenville would member of ; unable and for the lack of
more for Greenville a cotton I energy could support the bride
It. It ,, i, m,
, where
is winning fame at an morning Wells went
adviser. to the home of John Mann and as
groom have arranged between the
large code of friends over the parties Miss Mann left
is asked so many cf the
boys who are raised In Greenville
turn out bad One answer would
be, that there is so little induce-
for them to do other wise
while on the other hand there are
many and great opportunities
going to bad. A public, library
State, and from all these there were later
will be many upon by Williams, who was lying
happy event. In wait for They drove to
the home of and
A from happily married. After the
and reading room attached where ,.,, y , M of t buggy
His lower limbs lot Bat City.
u support him at they were wont Doming In night of old mans
the young men and women may
and spend profitably and pleasant
apart of leisure time would
be a good financial Investment.
Mr. Alex Warren and Miss
Saunders were married at
the home of the bride's In
Onslow county, Monday afternoon.
They came to Kinston yesterday,
will visit relatives here a few
days, after which they will leave
for Pitt county, the home of
Free Press,
An economical funnel's
in has put off wed-
ding day for the last six months
because eggs up to cents n
dozen, it lake
for the wedding cakes and
dings. Why that girl go
on and get married and only buy
one dozen eggs instead of I for
the cakes and
Va., Observer. .
to eyes played him tricks,
Causing him to see double and ran
him into everything
be could get up officer
of the law, who cruelly pulled him
out of his buggy and landed him
the just as he was
preparing leave town. If is
said, however, it was hi-h
lime some one was interfering with
the jolly fellow, us he had hitched
up the wrung end horse lo
Free Press.
the people who have money
to hurt can't take it with them
when they die.
Some people should pack their
good resolutions cotton and
haps, get
public benefits and improve
no at all lines.
Assist in every enter-
for the good of the whole
they found angry father
with a double barreled shot gun,
waiting and seeking an
was beckoned lo
at hit Command went over
with Mann, but before he reached
him he received the contents of the
gun, which effect in bis
right hand narrowly escaping his
right side. Mann had nothing
more to say. He had received
the revenge sought, and was
Satisfied. He was not after his
new son in law nor his daughter,
but the man who deliver
ed. the marriage shoot-
were over and the angered
father regained bis right mind, he
deep regrets; but
from his aim and lire he must
have intended killing Wells.
Dr. assisted by
Mr. While, dressed the
v. band. The hand will
have to be
bis home. At a distance of a week. Mr. Ransom was
yards the tired his repeating years old and leaves a
The sheriff and Ins children,
Mounded. Also
slid Hi's her. An alarm was
given and I he who respond-
ed immediately the
house it, riddled Rey-
with bullets threw his
body in the dimes.
Won Fortune
Pi , April
years ago John J Joyce and Miss
Sallie r were school mates
at The people
wanted to get married, but their
I parents objected because their
Bride. Bridegroom, youth and the poverty Joyce.
The Home was the scene then left for California,
of a midnight marriage on j where he became wealthy. This
night The bride, Mrs. Jane K. I week ha crossed tho lo
of New York, has been in j make Miss his bride,
city only a short time and is and the couple were married by
Justice Shaw, of today.
old. The bridegroom,
II. is and came here
from a a week ago. The
were married by Justices of the
Peace A. A. and W. O.
Johnson. The bride left the next
day for Hew York and the bride-
groom the night for
Tampa. The said to
worth -Key West, Fla.,
Ht will Not Allow
Fight to be Off in Charleston.
. v., April
an extended with
President and a commit-
tee of business men of this city,
midnight tonight l hat would
not the
light to lie pulled Charleston.
He said it was first time
matter had been brought to his
addition officially, as law
was very pointed he not lake
any other He added that
he would call out the militia, if Mourning cards
to prevent contest, f Book wore.
Here is latest recipe
a town
Praise it.
Talk about it.
Write about it.
Help to improve it.
Speak well about it.
home merchants.
Elect good men to local office.
Give them moral when
Induce desirable settlers lo
in it.
Let be
Remember every dollar
vested in permanent improvements
is that much on interest.
Friends may be fickle, but most
of will lust us long your
Even the woman who is strong-
minded can't always bold her
Stock is now complete to
have recently been made. All marked in P,
wile and plain am cash discount often per u
have one. They save time and save
THE JAMES Bethel, N. C
are making the Guano Distributor for the least money of
any on the market. All who have seen it pronounce it a great
success. If you need one write
We also manufacture School Desk, Lawn Swings,
Sitings, Tables. Desks, Screen Doors, Tobacco Trucks, no.
Corn. Cotton, Tobacco,
Selling High
Likely to continue to sell high I
The Philosophy of Farming t
Smaller Surface, a M Labor Saved.
Fertilize with a free hand I
Buy of your own people I
Chemical Co.
Southern Makers Fertilizers
For Southern Farmers.
High Standard. High Service.
Moderate Prices.
factories at Fifty Points and everywhere.
We refer to the arrival
of Sin Suits.
They are land-
ed, and we want you to see
yon arc your
you will
enjoy looking these
ears of
Art. Every cut,
in mid
chow plainly the excel
of our Suite.
Our privet will at mice
that a
fair i h I cs
i the c. oil
a t fur a lid-
ed on Mill, and give
for suit quit at
If there is a CROSS MA
in the margin of this it
so to remind you that you owe
Eastern Reflector for
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Big times at Charleston
North Carolina, week.
Week after next is con-t again,
both criminal and civil.
Come to think about it is
the last month for the oyster.
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and lb gross,
New spring Goodies, come quick,
Celery Beets at S. M.
placed in
ten days ago upon order of Justice
Peace, whom was tried was
released upon payment cost.
appointment of registrars
poll holders for tho
elect ion to be held the first
day in June, has starlet talk
A candidates.
A lot of stationary
box pa pent, tablets, correspond-
cards with fine
paper in pound Re-
Book Store.
Some specialties for schoolchild-
of six colored
box of live long slate pencils
nice rubber lo, lead pencil
sharpener big tablet, at
Reflector Book Store.
of Along.
Greenville will not try to take
charge of Charleston officially, but
among the delegation that left
Monday the exposition were
the Sheriff and an ex Sheriff, a
Justice of the Peace, the town
Treasurer, Tax Collector, Clerk
and two If these
the two editors along fail to keep
the crowd the in
the party can put his pullers on
Broke Her Lit;.
of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. fell
her Friday
and broke her leg two
places. The little girl has suffer-
ed greatly from injury, it
is hoped she may recover as speed-
as possible.
Time Nearly Out
Only a few days left in which lo
the Carolina history
contest for prizes offered by
Hon. J. Bryan Grimes and Mr. A.
G. Cox to the school children of
Pitt county. your name to
County Superintendent W. II.
at once if wish to
compete for the
Run Over end Killed.
Jesse Parker, colored, Friday
was killed on the road near Pal-
lie was driving a pair of
to a log cart loaded with
limber. Under the o
liquor it is said he fell off and one
of the wheels run over him
death. Southerner.
Bank Robbery.
Beatrice, April State
bank at Buskin, Neb., was rubbed
of in cash at midnight last
night. robbers, supposed to
be five in number, gained
by prying a window.
was used to blow
the safe. The robber took all the
currency and paper money in the
Unique Court
W. F. Harding rode SO miles in
Tuesday to appear
in a couple of cases Justice
of Peace. The court was held
in middle of road.
Judge's desk a stump
the the road and the s
teat, cold, bare ground, I tit
the did nut Interfere
with the even hand of justice.
All arc from
In any manner on our in
Dam adjoining land,
of U. r. Crawford,
land, now owned by T.
will ts ac-
April 102-
Tobacco farmers can get the best
Tobacco Truck on tho market
W. O. Barnhill, who
is manufacturing the French pa
tented by C. B. Tripp A Boo. This
is not only the best Truck, but it
is easiest to between the
and at the price it the cheap
est sold. Leave your orders with
Greenville N.
Boer Women Killed.
in bis to
accuses the British soldiers of
placing Boer women as a serene
against his attacks. He says a
number of Boer women have been
killed, He asserts that his
wife was captured by
whom defeated on March 7th,
and is now wandering near
with her six children.
mother was driven to
after being lobbed of cat I lo,
mentions cases
where women prisoners have been
The built by
George A. Cutter in ,
in I is turn down to make
room for a modern residence. The
walls of one of the room decor-
with notes and figures made
by Ouster planning hi cam-
against Indians.
Some Speak to Some to You.
Mrs. Clara Brown this
for Winston.
J. B. said put hi in
to Charleston.
Miss Nancy Coward went to
den Saturday eve
F. M. Hodges and little son,
I Churchill, left this moraine; for
Dr. and Mrs. B. A. re-
Saturday evening- from
Misses Patrick
Lee Cobb returned lo school
Rev. H. M. and little
daughter, Ella, returned Saturday
W. C. I lines and little son,
left this morning for a
In his father at Clinton.
I Mien Annie Hart, of
arrived Saturday evening to
visit brother. N. dart.
Mr. and Mrs. Dealer,
county, are visiting
Mis. Chat. Cobb.
I. of Wilmington,
came in Saturday evening to visit
II. A. While and other relative.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hart, Mr.
mid Mis. K. W. Smith, J. If Tin
William Forest, Miss Myrtle
Moore, Jesse Wilson, Jerry
Lawhorn II. C Cannon, of
passed through morn-
going lo the Charleston expo-
J. aim son,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lips
comb and sou, Will; Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. King little daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. II. L.
Coward, Mr. and Mis. King,
Miss Ada Woolen, D. J. Which-
Miss C.
J. N. Hart, n.
Edwards, T. If. Hooker, Dr. D.
L. James and O. W. Harrington
left this morning for the Charles
ton exposition.
Tuesday. 1809.
J. M. Blow, of came
in this morning.
B. D. Carroll went lo
Monday evening.
W. E. Moore left Monday even-
for New Bern.
A. returned
evening from Tarboro.
Dr. Jas. C. returned to
Wilson this morning.
W. E. returned from
Halifax Monday evening.
Mrs. J. J. Perkins left morn
for Washington, D. C.
Jesse left this morning
for the Charleston exposition.
Miss Clara left this morn
tor Charleston to attend
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. W lied bee
left this r the
ton exposition.
James II. of William-
came in afternoon to
help in telegraph
J. C. loft morning
for Johns hospital, at
Baltimore, he will lake
Misses and Annie
Perkins left this morning for the
exposition. They were
accompanied by C. S.
B. F. Tyson.
It. D. Clarence
It. O. George Woodward,
C C. Vines and G. Moore
i. i morning for tho Charleston
Mrs. J. W. Bryan is quite sick-
Dr. J. E. Nobles left this morn-
J. J. went to
Tuesday evening.
Thomas of
spent Tuesday here.
W. E. Moore returned this morn-
from a to New
II. Harrington
Tuesday evening from a trip up
tho road.
Miss Lelia Wilkinson, of Farm-
villa, who visiting Miss
returned home
John King and John
Harris, of left here this
for Washington City and
O. J. Cherry and of
Parmele, spent yesterday in town
on business connected with tho
Lumber Co,
B. J. Pulley returned Tuesday
evening from extended trip to
Hot Springs, Ark. He to
lie greatly improved.
Be Sure to See our
Grand and Gorgeous
Whit and Dress Goods,
laces and Embroideries, Silks, k,
New up to Date
The Big Store
Greenville, N. C.
V- i

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Pants, Hardware
A OF thing
Come to see me for your next B of Floor
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Nails, Lucks, Hinges, Doors,
Windows, Paints, Hope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Tools, go to
Lynch d in Virginia.
Lynchburg, Ya., April Jas.
Carter, a young who shot
seriously Mr. Don
Thomas near in
Amherst county. Thursday night,
was taken from jail at A -t
Court House, last night just
midnight and lynched a short dis-
the village. The deed
was and
Between II and o'clock a
party of men, estimated to
about and supposed to
have come from neighborhood
miles away, where
Mr. Thomas lives, rode into the
ed, or had their blackened.
Jailer Jones left the
jail for his home, several members
of the lynching party made him
the keys. the
jail the men secured Outer, took
him a half mile north of the
to a tree,
tiled bullets into his body,
which remained till this
A inquest returned a
verdict that the man came to his
death by hanging and gunshot
wounds Inflicted by parties
known to the jury. The shooting
of Thomas by Carter war the re
suit of an accusation said to have
been made by the former, that
had set an outhouse on tire.
I He had been sent to jail to await
the action of the grand jury.
What la known as the
i; seldom occasioned by actual exist-
lag external condition, but In the
majority case by a disorder-
which be
by trying course of
Tint's Pills
control and regulate the LIVER.
I hey bring hope and to the
mind. They bring health and
to the body.
Dr.- T James,
Dental Surgeon.
All persons arc hereby forbidden to
any way my or to hunt
with dog or goo without my
Said lauds in Said Crick township,
i- t the lands of J.
Smith, C-C. Smith, X. II. Hathaway, J.
W. ft Bra, the Wall lands, O. W.
Venters and j, A. Gardner
March -a.
The firm of M. A. ft II. Jr.,
S. C. is dis-
by M. A.
of J.
r In I tin M A. will
the the same place
nil if firm. All per
ion t Um are to
mike Immediate mt M. A. Wool
This 10th of 1902.
J. II. Jr.
Hex. to Kirks Wilkinson.
Statesmen, atonal men thousands of
ether prominent activities, its fine
nation in Sifting actual conflicting report and the
of currant in their proportion. on Its
freedom from daily-papal All men women
to know what the world is find It an intellectual necessity
Judge from the letter received from hundred Its editorials
comprehensive, labor saving to the busy mar. woman Its
timely contribution Important topics are by the best-informed
writers I;, review of magazines give the best of their best
will all men and a omen
cf its
I . . u
mum views nave been I to
me I could not otherwise k .-.-
a i because all cat .
and thoughtful men. no n
it , their Id i- are
given utterance n Its
J-. until.
consider i a
addition to my II
; . I v j- it
I have found
r. .
I sh not
F, If. S
If. r
particulars as m how
of fur cents a m .
am a constant of the
v I . and
it very highly Indeed. I think
n a very ; part of my
library, and practically a
I r enc la ; life B
V, S.
It Is cf the m
r the
day W.
do net hive a deal o
; . . , the R
R the nun
.; a ; my t
each n n
V. S,
If you have sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, bad
breath, inactive liver, heartburn, troubles, backache.
cf insomnia, lack of energy, bad blotched or muddy
or any symptoms and disorders which tell tho story of bad bowels and
digestive W ill
It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you
your again. Your appetite will return, your move
your liver and kidneys to trouble you, your skin will clear and
freshen and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
iii t their Hub on lot ran
and similar ii for -v.
ii n .
n r ;, ton . f.
an ti i -i
U for U.
For by
I i
Ml i. Mil. I W
tr w ii
I KM cl Us. U,
i .
MM, -II l, I
fit Reflector
Hail Two Inch. Deep.
swept over
place last between and
o'clock. lives lost, but
much property destroyed. The
the and
for there was a flood
rain and As as known it
c tended only between
Along in,, path of the storm, which
i a railroad track, all trees
Hail two Inches
deep. The
church ii founds
lion Luke
Creek was lilted up end
adjoining stores
at i. and a farm by
were blown down. Pratt's
stun- a completely
wrecked the goods
miles, escaped with a
few bruises. The entire loss cu
el by I be storm is not known.
Mich., April ii.
Si i ii Michigan is in the grip
of a
I is tailing and a In lash
log the lake . I lie weather
yesterday balmy and warm.
At Court Judge Shaw-
asked the grand jury, in telling
to Investigate the condition
of the home, to lake
dinner with keeper or
upon of their
visit, adding that he had
superintendents of county to
out the exact day the grand
jury were to visit the home and
have a gnat dinner spread for them
and they would
never I lit to under a very favor-
Judge Shaw i light. i is a
sure trial i-k dinner-loving
to report against a super-
who has given them a
good dinner. It U the
Wood's Seeds
have of in
stock; bent,
Virginia Second Crop Seed.
crop i n-
to with Maine-
grown and it
contains other useful
and valuable about
Write for and
Special Potato Price List.
Wood's Descriptive
to mint el
crop, other in-
of to
Wood Sans,
and f large
lo write for
By The Orange, Virginia,
of money is the root
of ranch
Will all legged men go
limb. I
It hurts u very badly some-
times Io fall into error.
Isn't a marriage engage
men a wedding trip
We have the carriage
and telegraphy, but we
against girl.
you InTent or Improve;
. t
I. or
Ally i
Low to Charleston Exposition via
Atlantic Coast Lint
The Atlantic Count Line Rail-
way Company announces the fol-
lowing low to Charleston S.
on account of South Caro
Una Inter State Sod West Indian
exposition. Charleston, c
Her l-t. In June
The following apply
Tickets to be sold daily
until May
passage final limit
days addition to date of
Tickets to be sold daily
until including May
pa-sage Una limit June
For tickets, Pullman
and particulars write
or call OH
II. M.
Gen Pass. Wilmington, N. C.
J. It.
Greenville, N.
Pass N. C
and and
Dealer. paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Heed, Oil liar
re's, Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
steads. Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ra
Carriage, Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, P.
Gail Ai
High Key West
i- i Can
in Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Matches, Oil,
Meal and Hulls. Gar-
den Bends, Apples,
Candies. Apples, Peaches,
i cuts, Glass
China Tin and Wooden
Ware, mil Crackers, Macs
Ch-.-c, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
in en i us other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for Com
to me.
S. M. Schultz
It isn't always the polished
pit who goal reflections.
The kind of courage that is
screwed up with the aid of a cork-
screw to much. I
Surveys with or
with by mail or at
Hill t r given prompt
N. C-
Ll i A II I Mi I j
J. W.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bugging, Ties
Correspondence and shipments
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. Ii. WHITE,
Black Jack, N. C.
Nice line cf good on hand. low
Country for or in
exchange for goods.
arena bes tries
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily ac
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek.
Swan Ocracoke and
all t- for Wist with rail-
roads at
shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
Greenville, N. O.
J. E. District
Washington, N. C
The leader in good work low prices
Nice Photographs for per dozen.
Half Cabinets per dozen
All oilier lines very cheap. Crayon Portrait
made from any small picture cheap. Mice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to
and answer The very
beet work guaranteed to all. office hours
to a. in., to Op. m.
-----11 K K
Whichard. N.
The Stock complete in every
prices a
lowest. Highest price-
paid for country produce.
X I In
County. I
B- Smith and f
B. Smith will
entitled as bu
. in in i ill I lie of
County to perfect Hi-title to a
parcel of in township
in said County, and to have the
Deed from C. Nobles, to said
It. Smith, and defendant will
further notice that he i s rt quired to
at Term of Superior Court to be
held u tin First Monday in Sept. at
the Court House cf said County in Green-
ville, . and answer to
in said action, or the will
apply to the Court fur the demanded
in the complaint.
April 1902.
Clerk Superior Court
Great Timber Sale.
By virtue of a Decree of the Superior
court of Pill count-- made at March
1902, in a case tin i cut lied In
re the Probate i if the List Will and
of Shepard, I will,
on Tuesday, cash
to the r in the court
in t, all the
Unbar of Poplar
Inches, and upward at the time it hi cut on
the following described or parcels of
of laud to estate of
Thomas J- to One p or
parcel on the South side the Shepard
Mill pond, about forty acres;
by the line of I lie timber to
aid the main road, called the
Smith mad, from Shep-
Mill race. One r tract lino on
the North side Mill
two hundred acres, hounded by the.
road Iron. Mill race to
Ville the lands of ton heirs of J. W.
the d the heirs of George
Perkins, the lands of B.
The wilt given two years in
which to cut and remove the limber.
March Hat, Commissioner,
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Pine Modern and
We solicit your and
to give satisfaction in
prices, styles work.
send your to
N. C.
The Charlotte Observer.
J. P. Editor.
largest news service
delivered to any paper between
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more pages, and is
to a large extent made up of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday and Friday
per vein-. The largest paper
in ill
Sample copies cut on application.
Charlotte, N.
mi I
a Mini
Line of Hardware.
J. R.
Norfolk, Va.
Buyers Brokers in
Stocks, and
Private Wires to New York,
Chicago New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken
in. The Semi
Weekly i and
will be sent
one year for or
one year for payable in ad-
every Son
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday,
school a. m. M. A. Allen
every Sue
lay, morning and evening. Prayer
Wednesday evening. Rev.
II. Kure, pastor. Sunday school
i p. in. L. II. Fender,
, Rev
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday
school a. E. B.
F. H.
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
end 3rd Sunday. Lev service
every 2nd end 4th Sunday,
Sunday-school a. in., W. B.
B. Brown, superintendent.
every Wednesday a. SB.
urn an Preaching second,
and fourth Sundays in each
month Prayer meeting Wednesday
night. Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor.
Sunday P. M., W. R.
Parker, superintendent.
regular services
A. P. A A. M.
No. meets first
bird Monday evening. E. E.
W. M. J. M. Reuse, Sec.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
L. H. O. W. Atkins,
K. of River Lodge,
every Friday evening.
C. S. L.
son, K. of K.
It. Vance Council, No
meets every Thursday oven-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
Tunstall, Regent.
A. O. Council.
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hell. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; D. Smith, See
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second
fourth Monday nights in Odd
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith lee
Jan. It.
AM rs
l M M
at is
I so
t n
I to rt
ii a i it
i it m i ii
1242, n m, arrival
p m .
S p m. t n m
SO p m,
a t a m, Bad
Hop U a a,
rive It. Eat urn lag
p Boss p m
p m, Mai ton
at with Mi
at with Carolina
at Bad with
with the Air Una and
Railway at with tho and
Train on Nook
It pa. Halifax IN pair
I II p m.
pa, la pa.
a m. s K a a, all r. a
m. a a
at . m,
N. C.
Cotton Bagging end Ties always
Fresh goods kept
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
a a I p a, U a a a
t IS ii
Tarboro a
II is
i Tarboro
I p a. I a p a, Pip-
mouth T a a la. Sta
a. arrival .
Mourn at I
ii in II a
i IS p a. II a a a. Ho
III a a, I to p m.
Train on Bum h
Clinton a m I IS
at la tat
tor all Mono
Pen. Agent
J. K. KENLY, Manager
T. M. EMERSON. Traffic
The Eastern Reflector.
NO o
Ricks Wilkinson
New White Goods Welcome.
Color is eliminated from the card today. White goods
first in store displays as will be in your thoughts, we trust.
Ten four or five years, would have
dreamed of the beauty to be out in art without
a from rainbow tints I Pure white, bill so varied have
been of designers, so cleverly loom wizards
wrought, that there is hardly a limit to variety.
White has only been thought of as a for summer's
heat. The sheerest effects have been but now however
white madrases and piques are brought out
in rich style White has overstepped the limits of
summer months and hereafter will be an all the year round factor
WHITE in a large
up to date and
in Imported Piques that
worth your while lo inspect
WHITE LAWNS in Luce Striped
Hemmed Pattern
mid Such a line never
your to see
in at the price
newest weave, dots,
stripes stripes, at
designs with stripe
will retain its luster after it
is I nu ml red at and
yards India Lawn that can't
he matched at our white
goods sale price
yards India wit- a
I at in this sale at
1500 yards India
offered at a value at go
this sale
yards India Lawn that Held
for for
India that you
can't any to at
go in this at the
kind at the kind at
You can't afford to let
them go as it will lie
your loss your
This sale possibly last over
days at the longest.
As well be out of the World as out of Fashion.
For earliest knowing and possessing of the authoritative
things of fashion, keep yourself familiar with
1888 1902
Is now ready for you lo see.
To it will prove to you that
I have the Largest, Prettiest
and Cheapest stock ever shown
will be sold at extremely low
prices. I have had H years ex-
in business, have
ways given you good
Come See I
what I have to offer you now
Children's Hats from cents up.
Hats from cents to any price desired.
I will lie ably assisted by
My customers already know that she tries to please
them in shaping trimming hats to become the wearer. We
will get the New York Styles month during the season.
Come see my Hack Hat for Easter.
At Old Stand.
I, Loan Value,
fa.-11 Value,
S. Paid up Insurance,
Extended that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be re instated if arrears he month while you
are living, or within three years alter lapse, satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
A after second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second cf each
year, provided the premium the year be paid.
They may lie To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase, the Insurance, or
To make policy pa.-able as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
N. Apr. ,
Miss Mattie Grimes spent Fri
day Saturday in Scotland
W. Rose held services
in Mildred Sunday and returned
H. H. Taylor and J. T. Smith
spent Monday in
Mr. Durham,
came down Monday t Rev.
J. W. Rose in a Mating here.
everybody go and be
F. O. Jan i spent
Tuesday here on
Richard All-in. i of
spent Tuesday town on
Mi.-s Johnson, of
is visiting friends here.
Miss who baa been
on the sick list for several days,
is improving.
Prof. J. W. Sherrill up
bis school Monday.
of pupil were present. We
wish him much success.
A. and sou, J. R.
left for lo lake
the exposition.
R. Sunday in
Greenville and returned Monday.
H. V. and C. D. While
spent Sunday in Greenville.
B. W. of Greenville,
Saturday here buying
T. II. Barnhill and wife spent
Tuesday night
Mrs. N. M. in nu mi I
Wednesday Tarboro.
Miss Bettie Brown and mother
spent Tuesday here.
of Washington,
spent Wednesday here.
Fred Tuesday in
W. R. J. T.
spent Wednesday night Par-
has a suburb
by exclusively,
by the euphonious name of
Saturday night episode
occurred there that will not be for-
gotten goon. A tiger wagon
came as the shade, of even-
gathered offered liquor for
sale by the keg, very cheap. The
kegs held live gallon each and
were offered for The
after the whiskey, set
about to get up the money for two
kegs. They succeeded
and the liberal dealers con-
to sell m i wait till some
other time balance, 12.25.
They received their money and
departed. The at once set
about for n division of their
They began to pour, but
only a pint of whiskey could be
poured from keg. They
hear it liquid shake about the
but i; would not come out.
I took out the head of one of
the kegs by the removal of a hoop.
Inside they n Husk
in the bung
hole of the keg entirely
rounded by water. Thus they
paid r. i unequal i of whiskey
with and three fourths quarts
of water to weaken it. There is no
as to who the guilty
are, but when they come buck ill
the 12.25 still due they will be
nibbed or mobbed. I X.
Attempt To Wreck Train.
An attempt was made to wreak
the cast bound A. V. C train
Tuesday afternoon.
We have just received our
after live o clock
afternoon Mai bound avail
Ham die A. N. railroad
run off track at a point
1111-1-. from ibis abort
The do
as a might have been
lull con-
and loss.
The accident was lo the
criminal net i come who
rail up Several
the track and
one of these bad placed SUM
to project a foot or the
track. The runt ion wan
by engineer Marshall of
train and he slowed down h rain
as as possible, was
unable to avoid an accident.
I was due lo engineer's
and Slicking lo bis post
a was
The engine left the I lack
followed by one or
ears and humped along on the
Gloss tics q a distance. The
Spring Slippers
They are You may not a spasm
but you, will be sure to a if you bay a pair
Here a few of styles
Ladies and -l strop Sandals, French heels lo
Oxfords, sobs. I to
French heels
Try Me and Golden Bod Slues. 2.011.
Misses Pal Leather Mat Kid top
Slippers all styles from 1.00 lo
We have a beautiful lino r Children's Shoes,
Shoes all colors and styles.
sh own, in U E ILL E.
We know it is moat time to wear old
quality influences
the selling
growing insured only
when enough actual
is in the
Neither quantity nor
. M-, Cm-
or go don't do it too soon or you may liars
shoes is cheaper than paving or one of tin
win locomotive, No
taker's bills, and you will be more comfortable and live longer.
Our Buyer is ill the York market after
New Spring w
which will be coming in lie fore we
expect to have the Nicest Styles and the most
up-to-date goods in our different department
J. B. Cherry Co.
Only Department Store in
April H.
Edwards, of Know Hill,
spent Sunday town.
Misses and Mary Barrett
spent Saturday
town lib their grandmother, Mrs.
J. J.
Hiss Moore Mrs. A.
Hill spent yesterday in the
country visiting the family of W.
Miss Anna ill,
added lo l he equipment of road I Mamie I
We just Steam Supply to our business and
anything in this line-v. low. See us In want of
Globe Angle
and Angle Valves, Valves, Water
Oil Air Steam
II. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Kitting all s.
LINE Puking, Bolt, Dandy
Bait, Mather Bait, Ball Lacing, Ball Hooks,
During the international football
match between Sent
laud at Scotland,
day afternoon, tho immense crowd Herring machine,
present broke the barriers,
the crush three
persons were killed were
and considerable damaged.
no one injured,
the shake up was
lo engineer his
A relief here after
accident and
nine o'clock with the
and mail and I lieu
on to City. A
winking train was the I
sci and it thought that the
would be repaired
Morning. Train which
night, did
gel lb rough but the railroad pro-
expect Ibis train through
I time lo
looming re
turn on regular g
The this
o.-p behind schedule.
Beware the celluloid
; t is no telling when it will
Hare up raise racket. A
woman wasn't doing
a thing other day but sitting
n her H by the window
with her baby, when the sun
shining through the window
ad her celluloid comb, an
explosion and burned all
the hair oil her head.
ton Star.
this city stales that tins Male eon-
bales of tun
this people are em
I ill
biles Ion a year. the
loll is
I that people are en-
Ii crop.
Miss Terry,
feel o e inch, pounds,
is d to be man In Mi.
. e, who
feel and
pounds, How is that
Take An
i ii.
when know
hall n
mil for
there la only
and I Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
The man w hi I ow II
world laughs m lib
likes In get it
null M
her n
l.-r on
tin- ii
is ii i in
the I, i I, .,
killer, i mil mi.
sing, Agnes
Moore, Vivian liar
per and and K. M.
n Smith, T. L. Turnage,
W, ll. Moore, Packer, T
C Turnage, T.
II. train this
lo Charleston
IV. has gone to
on business.
Mi.-s Blanche Patrick, who has
inc. visiting Mrs. Jno. Baker, has
to bar home at
Mi-s Carrie Vail returned to her
at Saturday ac
by her sister, Mrs.
W. children.
Mrs. A. Sunday
in tow ii with Mrs.
B. If. Pollard baa gone to Tar
b on
is town
i friends.
Lila Fields II visiting Sir
sister, Mr. T Thorne.
Carr, Dear Lizzie,
lied Monday morning o'clock.
She bad been lo her bed
s and had suffered in-
tensely. She leaves it husband and
children, She was buried
at Taylor Barrow's, be.-old home,
at o'clock. She has gone where
there is no more sorrow and pain.
Apology Saves Lieutenant.
Va., April
apology and explanation today
John lie. Lieutenant
in Seventh from
prosecution in the I lulled States
sending obscene,
decent letter to
Ml who has been
active In military life here for
years, who prominent in
an movements at the time of
the was an indent Southern-
v. It dined Hooker Washington lit
the While
card, lib nu
It, was found by
In the
The latter was traced to
caused a sen-
Allen lead a letter
for his
pleading leniency. Judge
discussing ease,
look lo severely condemn
i practice.
I lie Heal Malaria
Chill I. It In Iron
ml a arm, rare,
flue Me

Eastern reflector, 11 April 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 11, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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