Eastern reflector, 4 April 1902

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The Eastern Reflector
a M
New Spring Goods
1888 1902
Misses Alice Lang and Pattie
Mills, of Greenville, are visiting
friends and relatives here.
Mrs. W. G. is visiting
friends and relative Green-
The old livery stable a
number years by King and
Askew are torn down to
make room tor building.
Mr. and Mrs Needham Askew
are Greenville
are earning into in
at greatly re-
from last winter.
W. H. Lang is having cut some
piece of timber forty feet long to
use in the construction of his new
brick store.
E. Moore J.
lire making arrangements to
drain their property on Wilson
street. The tendency i
in this direction and up Church
street, and much may be expected
from this of town in the
near future.
Mrs. W. C. Dancy has gone to
to spend a few days
her relatives.
Mrs. Bet tie Belcher has been in
the country visiting Mrs. It.
The street workman have filled
in most all of the bad places and
is not so
and dangerous as before.
The stores are being filled up
with new spring goods.
Dr. A. Whitehead, of Turbo-
was here last week.
A. Lewis is having is
a new residence built on Church
Until the week it has
been impossible to get shad enough
in town to supply the demands.
There will be debate in
the town hall Friday night, April
Resolved, That mar-
life is more enjoyable to the
human family than single life
Is now ready for yon lo see.
To see it will prove to you that
I have the Largest, Prettiest
and Cheapest stock ever shown
in Greenville.
will be sold at extremely low
prices. I have had years ex-
in business, have
ways given you good
Come See
what I have to offer you now
We have just received our
Spring Slippers
They are Beauties. You may not have a spasm
but you will he sure to have a. if you buy a pair
Here are a tow of the styles and
Ladies and strap Sandals, French heels to 2.60.
Oxfords, light and medium soles, to 2.50.
heavy soles, 2.00.
American Shoes, four styles, 2.50.
Patent Leather shoes. French heels 8.00.
Main shoe, comfortable 3.00
Try Me Golden Bod
Misses Leather Mat Kid top 8.0.
Slippers all styles from to
We have a beautiful line of Children's Shoes.
Shoes and Slippers all colors and styles.
This is the MOST COMPLETE LINE ever
shown in
We know it is must time to wear old
or go but don't do it too soon or you may have
shoes is cheaper than paying doctor's or under-
taker's tills, and you will be more comfortable and live longer.
Our Buyer is now in the New York market after
New Spring Goods
which will be coming in before very long and we
expect to have the Nicest Styles and the most
up-to-date goods in our different s
J. B. Cherry Co.
The Only Department
Prospects Excellent.
it is not at all Improbable
party will be
victor in I tic approaching
This is frankly
corned, ii by some of the shrewdest
Republican politicians in Congress.
A triumph this year would
up highly interfacing possibilities
Fend rent and
as the national Democratic
organization is, the of the
party reveals a wonderful capacity
for getting together
stances i hat teemed to render-
ed such a consummation
; of harmony,
no loving by
of the opposing will be
indispensable to a successful
for control of the House of
The Democrats
made gains in 1898 not by getting
together on the platform,
out by ignoring that declaration of
faith. They arc likely lo do much
more of such ignoring this year.
an overwhelming majority
of Democratic voters abhor one or
more of the Chicago planks that
solemnly reaffirmed at Kansas
City in by the deciding vote
of Prince David, of Hawaii, Should
they this year's prize, that
victory might bring about a
for they that
must be a condition
to -i hopeful campaign
Children's Hats from as cent up.
Hats from cents to any price desired.
I will be ably assisted by Mrs. Ella
My customers already know that she tries to please
them in shaping and trimming hate to become the wearer. We
will get the Now York Styles each month during the season.
Come see ray Hack Hat for Easter.
At Old Stand.
Every farmer should have one. They save time and save
THE JAMES Bethel, N. C.
are making the best Guano Distributor for the least money of
any on the market. All who have seen it it a great
success. If you need one write
We also manufacture School Desk. Swings, Ha by
Swings, Tables, Office Desks, Screen Doors, Tobacco Trucks, Ac.
A correspondent Rec-
doubtless the mother of
children, miles in most
dent strain of the disparity the
distribution of world's goods.
The poor have so the rich so
much. the poor
man if the rich would
divide with the poor there would
be plenty for all. This is a mis-
taken view. the
of inordinate hi the
of single Mr. Rockefeller is
credited with the possession of
yet if this wealth
were distributed among the
of the United States there
would only be four dollars apiece
for every one. Our millionaires,
if they should all make a square
with their less fortunate
j fellow citizens, would not he able
to contribute a month's wages of a
well placed to the per
capita wealth of the mass. But
the envious poor do not take a
mathematical view of Ibo differ-
bet ween lags and brocade.
N T THY eat any old
thing in offered you, bill come
I ii- fill something nice, Irish and
We have
sugar are delicious.
Wholesalers say we sell more
low u. That means we
the light prices.
Then if yon want a good Cigar
or good Smoking and Chewing To
we have of these
The place lo gel the every
lime is
Saw flattens Inverted.
To few men in their sober senses
is granted the privilege of seeing
Cape Hatteras upside down, but
according to the statement of
John II. of the Diamond
shoal lightship, such a investigated and repudiated be-
No event the history of
Fifty-Seventh Congress has j
the consternation that area
occasioned on when Rep
regulative Richardson of Ten-
rose to a question of
and introduced a series of
resolutions reciting that one Cap-
Charles Christmas, a quasi-
of the Danish government,
had, a secret report to gov-
stated that he had, as a
promoter of the treaty conveying
the Danish Indies to the
I States, pledged to
the amount of per the
purchase to effect the to
this country. Mr. Richardson's
further called for the
Immediate appointment of an in
As the
clerk proceeded with the reading
of his resolutions a number of the
are said to have turned
pale and there was intense excite-
in the chamber.
Camion protested against
immediate action, but Speaker
Henderson ruled that the point of
lei was not well taken and final-
the were adopted
and an committee
consisting of three democrats and
four republicans was appoint-
Speaking of the subject later,
Mr. told me that he
knew nothing as to the correctness
of assertions but he be-
the matter was of sufficient
importance to warrant its being
to the bottom. lie
Secretary Hay tor not having
called the attention of Congress to
the report before, so that it might
non was witnessed by
those on the lightship. Captain
only have we seen Cape
Hatteras upside down, but even
the ships passed us on March
and seemed to lie sailing bob
lorn On Monday
there was a light wild from the
north northeast.
lad The man
p. in , was the to see
was a mirage.
fore the nit ideation of the treaty.
honor of is at
said Mr. Richardson,
if this thing is a tissue of slanders
that is all the more reason why it
should be so A demo-
senator, speaking on the
subject, said; cannot believe
that any member of the Senate has
permitted himself to be
However, statement
shows that he approached very
near the fountain head of certain
legislation. His statement that a
. lie not understand it at K Of I he Standard Oil Com-
Made By The Orange, Virginia. Observer
Some people evidently are not
made of dust, because they never
Many a man has his lips scalded
by the free use of He.
The lawyer convinced against his
will makes reduction in his bill.
The condemned murderer in the
man who would like to the
We believe a liturgy of laugh-
It last
makes happy many a human heart.
After buying Raster millinery
for the some men will have
money enough left to buy a two
For Nails, Lochs,
Windows, Paints, Mope,
Collars, Plows, Shovels and Car-
Toots, go to
H. L
Next door to Ricks ft Wilkinson. lo Si
became very uneasy. Running
below, he called lo me and said he
thought that the ship was near the
beach. He said he could see the
town of Hatteras all lighted up
and thought that be had drifted
in shore many miles and was
lo ground.
was on deck and on the dim
and, much lo my
prise, saw Vital he
I could see the small
and large lights of Haiti show-
very plainly and we seemed to
j quite close to
did not know what to think
lot it until I took a survey of things.
It wondered Oral if old
had our six Ion
mushroom anchor and was taking
us ill on the shoals, Things look
puny claimed that he could
the votes of Twenty six senators is
not new. That these things are
done by is not true, but
that great corporations influence
legislation, It, unfortunately, far
truer than it should be. The gen-
extravagance of
allegations is demonstrated, how-
ever, by his statement that Senator
Lodge is the only mail
can political life who will not take
bribe. That is, of non-
sense; I anticipate that the in-
will demonstrate that
Captain Christmas is an
adventurer who may or may
not have expended money along
lines which he believed would in-
legislation. The one grave
in the affair seems to to
ed so upside n that I took my been by Secretary Hay
lead to get soundings having any dealings with n man
I glad Indeed to Bod that only not properly ac-
good old ship was still the but who had not even an
All Kinds at The Reflector
with fathoms of water be
tween her and the
lookout man told me that
be hail oil en seen rivers of rum
and mountains of sugar and
Hying bill
before h ii he lean a lightship
abating upside
down Wilmington Dispatch.
Introduction from the Danish Min-
In reply lo a question the
senator said respect for the
late President precludes my ex
pressing regard to Miner
Every Drop Counts.
when you
Perry Painkiller no h l I
hat boon by overwork, n
ports of akin Painkiller
lit way. toothing Hit tad
away Ask your
what tits other dial i say of thin house-
hold Th i la one
The public play football with a
man when he is down.
Gold has such a that
people can resist the
lion to make it a god
That is Indeed very poor farm
which you can't raise
The fellow ho the most
I clawing is quite crude.

N. C.
J. Ed.
Entered at the Post Office at
N. C, as Second-Class
Mail Matter.
Dr. Peacock, who has for
eight been President of
Greensboro Female College, bag
resigned. lie will succeeded
Mrs. Lucy H. Robertson, who
has for years tarred as lady
principal of the college.
Winterville Department.
To the far of us there are
more snow storms and blizzards,
and to the big floods
and Verily, c have the
most fanned of the
This is something
settlers might well consider.
Here is a marriage out of the
ordinary. Albert T. Patrick, who
last week a convicted of the
murder of millionaire in
New York, and to be
electrocuted, was Sunday
to Mrs. Addie M. Frances, the
woman with whom he boarded
prior to his arrest. The marriage
took plate in tombs.
Greensboro was awarded
the State Convention Raleigh ac-
that in most
gracious manner. Not one thing
has been said or done by the
Raleigh that we have heard
of that could call forth
Hence the insinuations and
utterances which some of
State papers arc making about
Capital City arc totally
ed for. While friendly rivalry
may exist between cities and do
good, there is no excuse for
in criticism which is actuated
by no higher motive than Hying
to damage the city which the Slate
of North Carolina laid out for its
capital and established for that
purpose. All North Carolinians
should feel a just pride in
and other hand
should strive every way possible
to merit that
The last part of the closing sen
fence in the above is just where
trouble comes in. has
not been striving in every way pus
tibia in merit the pride the people
of in I heir
On the band
the city dispose to act
like every Hi belonged lo it, I hat
had to go there any
way, and when the people were
once bad to look out
themselves us they could and
put up with whatever conveniences
or inconveniences were at
Winterville, N. C, April,
This evening in the city of Golds-
Rev. Jackson will be
united marriage to Miss Alice
Rasberry. Mr. Jackson is old
county boy and after bis
be will bring his wife to
visit bis who live near
Mist spent from
Friday to Monday the
of her W. J.
Mr. Mrs.
went to Saturday to at-
tend the burial of Mrs.
sister, who died day
Prof. G. E. and A.
from the union
at New Sunday
A very large; crowd went from
here Sunday to church at
of Greenville, visiting R. G.
Rev. Mr. Eure, of Greenville,
filled hit appointment here and we
bear his sermon very highly
en of many sources
Miss Cox was visiting
Miss Willie Button, of
Iron until Monday morn-
Mrs. C. A. Fair Co. will have
their opening Saturday, Ike Mil.
All ladies are specially invited
to attend and see her new and fresh
line cf millinery. Her goods have
just arrived and the most
will not fail to be pleased. Be
lure to attend or else you will miss
a treat.
The Faster by the
Episcopal Sunday school were very
eating and something entirely
new with many of our people.
W. A. conn
was here Monday and
cu a lame lot wire fencing.
Miss Roach, of Johnson's
Mills, is Misses Bessie and
Miss lox and Jack-
son left on the train yesterday to
at tend the marriage of the Rev,
Bryan Jackson at
Our two jolly road walkers as
usual footed it to Greenville Sat
and tramped it back Sun-
day. They like the capital city
on meandering Tar.
April didn't fool us but two
limes, once was that pretty little
of somebody else's, the other
Annie S, of
who been her brother,
J. Sparks, for sonic time, re
turned her home yesterday,
J. R. Harvey
horn went to Kinston Monday.
Geo. of was
here Monday.
J. L. Patrick went on a business
trip to Kinston
were here Thursday.
Misses Ethel and Lillie
Smith arrived from Fri-
day left immediately
for their home Johnson Mills.
Messrs . Purser and Laue, of
were here on business
L. G. went to
Saturday returned Monday
by his wife, who has
been a few weeks visit at that place.
John Biddle, of Craven county,
was here Monday.
The by children of
the town at the M. E. church on
Batter were very good.
The seines near here are ail
pulling for what they arc
but that don't seem to be much.
The catch shad is very slim,
smaller than ever was known be-
W. went to Green-
ville Thursday to take
to jail, Elias Coward, colored, who
had stealing hogs from
and Wren Co.
The farmers near here give in a
plenty of young tobacco plants
now, and if nothing prevents they
can get all their crop set out early.
W. E. Williams, of Baltimore,
was Monday.
The Charleston edition
gives interesting
sketch of what is to lie seen at
exposition well as lots of
Several arc talking of
going from here.
Mr, It. II. Glenn, of Winston, is
bins mi address nut miming his
for United Slates
i He does now older
lo m-i all doubt as to
of his candidacy. He favors
hand. Of course, ,, f
and unkind are
not right, but facts are about
as herein set forth, and
has only itself to blame for losing
the State Convention.
Dr. an English ex
pert on leprosy, expresses
is caused by eating
improperly cured sail Bab. An
expert Sometime ago
expressed the opinion it was
caused by eating too much fresh
ii-ii That's bow differ
Wilmington Star.
years ago an old fisher-
man settled on a small island in
the Missouri River opposite the
Armour plant Kansas City, and
in I the river changed its
course, making island, which
had been valueless, a part of
Since that time
question of the ownership of
land, now worth has
been the Courts, which have
just decided that properly be-
longs to the fisherman by
lazy man a lot of time
looking at the clock.
a political candidate hag a
our national and
have declared for the
elect ion of senators by popular
Vole, and a primary is now
nearest Hung possible thereto.
Out convention ordered a
voicing people's
and giving every demo-
a voice selecting
to when should
be In I care not. If at
election, In ill make my
whole ticket. If
or election I am
willing lo adopt the course of
in nothing to say, or lo follow the
South method, and go
around state so that every one
can hear our views on all the
He has many friends around the
slate, is a vigorous campaigner
and will make it interesting for
his Mes-
Speaking tin- lynching of a
car porter in Colorado a few
days for a fiendish on
aged nu exchange re
that nature is much
the same in West as it it in
the Under the
it wouldn't be much
It generally the if it
of a dark Slur.
, N. Apr.
J. w. Hose, of this place,
held services in Hamilton Tuesday
returned home Monday.
Misses Grimes and Bella
Hose returned from to
V. E. spent in
Miss Grimes is very
We wish her a rapid recovery
Rev. J. Barker Monday
in Conetoe.
Prof. Sheri ill, of Nashville,
accepted I be school here. We
wish a school.
L. I. . spent Sunday
W. J. it moving on
north side of Railroad street.
Mrs. Willie Carson spent Sun
day in Hamilton attending
H. II. Taylor spent Wednesday
in Rocky Mount.
Mrs. Malena Ward and
spent Wednesday town.
W. It. Hi spent Monday in
V. K. spent Wednesday
in Washington.
Misses Nina Sadie
Beverly spent Tuesday in town.
M. O. Tuesday
Stokes on business
There are two of the
railed States who are eminently
lilted lo be minister to the re-
public of Cuba, and they are of
co General and
Governor General Wood. Lee
had fine opp as consul
general at Havana for studying the
people the country previous
lo the war with Spain and Wood
has since. Both during their
official in Cub the
people the United Slates and
won the friendship of the Cubans
of Cuba,
speaks in the highest terms of
each. The South would naturally
prefer lo see place given to
Lee. Certainly it is the eternal
fitness of things that the choice
Went to Bed.
Upon they lay.
mill n
Th,, no music now to ploy.
For roil
rather th
In r low,
In lone petal and
v- y he
Is -u Hum I ran hear.
lime lo II
very glad are we.
And II he be In bed
How Dice world would
The Day Much Enjoyed in Greenville.
Easter Sunday gave us
weather there were large
congregations all the churches
which held service.
Services were held at the usual
hours morning and
M. Eure preaching excellent
and appropriate A feat-
of the morning service was a
duet Seek Ye the
Among sung very beau-
by Misses Nina James and
Brute Forbes, chorus by the
full choir.
Morning evening prayer
were at usual hours,
with sermon by F. H. Hard-
In the afternoon infant
was to three
children. The chum was
for Easter.
The pastor was absent, but in-
services were held both
morning and evening. morn-
service was led by Mr. M. A.
Allen at which talks were made by
himself and Prof. W. H.
The singing was by children of
school. The evening
service was led by Pro.
and talks were by himself and
Messrs. J. W. Bryan, A. M. Allen
C. A splendid
feature of music at this service
was a trio Isle of
snug by Miss Minnie
and Messrs J. T. Matthews
and W. accompanied by
Miss on organ
Miss I ma Allen and Mr. Ola
Forbes with violins.
No services at ibis church the
morning, but Rev. W.
II. preached to n
large His subject
was of the
he gave his hearers many points
for meditation that will be pro-
of much good if put into
Prophetic Eye.
three hundred years
ago there appeared public
prints of England a queer bit of
doggerel that was entitled
It ran as
without hones
And accidents fill all world
with woe;
Around the earth, thoughts shall
In the of eye.
The world shall lie,
be found at root of
Through hills man shall ride,
And no horse be at his side.
Under w men shall
Side side, shall sleep,
In the at shall lie seen.
In black, white, in green.
Iron in water shall float
As easily as a wooden boat,
Gold shall be found and shown
In u land that's now not known.
Fire and water shall wonders do
England shall at last admit a
light of these latter years
there is almost marvelous
many of the quaint conceptions,
while some of Ship
are yet to be
made good, a number of them arc
lo met every day. The
horseless carriage, the telegraph,
tunnels, submarine boats
and airships seem to leave no
doubt that the old lady knew
something her knitting.
Denmark, almost one third
size of North with sterile
soil and a severe climate, exports
to England alone worth
of butter every year. North Caro-
with i; genial
climate, But Den-
mark has education;
public high schools for the sons
and daughters of are found
at a rate which would put two or
more every county in North Car-
while industrial and
cal schools, public libraries and
clubs liberally sup-
k now s on huh tide her bread It
buttered and how to butter it.
We have not yet learned the lea
son, but will, sooner or later.
to Remove From With-
out Scratching the Surface.
If you any compound contain-
gritty matter, you are not to
the Any hard tool,
such a knife Ida lo, might also
produce The best way to
proceed to make use of some sol-
vent, upon the nature of
the point. Turpentine
or combined,
can be employed, you will find
the paint become; in n few min-
after application. Then use a
woolen cloth with sol-
vent, and you probably find you
will have I in removing the
specks. If my should remain, apply
the solvent again and, if
use a piece of bran filed to a sharp
edge. If a dull stain or mark re-
mains upon the where the
were, use putty powder
water upon a piece of flannel,
and a little rubbing will cause the
surface of the lo have t
Game of Pond.
This is little parlor
game need no materials
is lo create lots of fun
and noise, which is almost same
The pond is a portion of the table
bounded by a the
fishes arc the fingers of the players.
The BOOM is fastened to a rod
held the At an
out or mm the M II U
For a Lame Back,
Sore Muscles,
or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore-
of your body there is nothing
that will drive out the pain and in-
so quickly as
Mustang Liniment.
If you cannot reach the spot your-
self get some one to assist you, for
it is essential that the liniment be
rubbed in most thoroughly.
Mexican Liniment
In fart,
h u hooter no matter or what the patient la.
Hill A
I moment the fisherman cries,
Out of Hie and the same
instant rod quickly, thus
drawing the noose and catching
such fishes as have not been nimble
to escape to dry land.
The captured must pay for-
to be released. New York
Ni I In
Superior Court
Pitt County.
Ion.- others
R, B. Smith and .
Beaufort County Lumber J
The defendant It. B. Smith will lake no-
that an action entitled u above baa
commenced In the Superior Court of
County to perfect the title to a
pa reel of land in township
said and to have
I from O. C. to
B. Smith, and defendant will
further nut ice he i a required to appear
at September Term of Superior Co i n to be
held en Monday in Sept. at
the Court House laid hi Green-
ville, N. C., and or denier tithe com-
plain in action, or the plaintiff will
apply to Court for the demanded
This April
Clerk S Ci
How to Grow
Cotton for Profit,
Prepare your land well, manure well and plant a variety that
command a better price when you offer it on the market.
Two I sec u reed a peck of teed, planted them on half an
acre of laud and picked a bale of cotton that weighed pounds,
shipped this cotton through Mr. B. J. Cobb together with several
other Hales of good variety and bale told for three of a cent
more per than lot. The lint It far superior to any cotton
told market and yield la far ahead of anything we have in
this country. of the beet farmers in the county my
crop growing in the field and pronounced it at fine they ever
I am now offering teed for at 91.00 a bethel.
wanting any of the teed will scud me order once I
only have a limited quantity for tale.
O. L.
Greenville, N. C.
Your advertisement in Tim Rb-
goes right along with its
advertisement work
all the time building for
the wise advertisers.
If you people to visit your
store advertisement where
it will read, that is in
People read this paper for what
there it in it, and they will tee
what yon have to say.
If yon have not time lo write
the advertisement yourself or
don't know just what you want
to say, let we will
help you get it up.
We have bright and attractive
cult to illustrate ad-
which you
for the asking.
A Southern For The South.
Nob. Tin B. Broad St., Richmond, Va.
In south idea baa prevailed In the past that when In need of
one take so expensive trip North to
conceived or a Strictly a big amok of Medium to
the Highest tirades of furniture, and coupled CURTAINS.
AND departments, established In Hi. South at a point
where Cheap Rates be obtained a long journey cat half la two, and have as-
a atom. They today extend an invitation In the people of North Cars-
and to visit them In their
now complete to overflowing, Improvements
Lave recently been All marked la Pi t V
plain figures aw a often per cent CL
allowed. TUB LEADERS.
All Kinds at The Reflector
Reflector S
Or sit down anywhere want don't have to stand
up. if you are wearing a pair of our kind of Trousers. men
would stand up all day than run the of making their
Trousers bag at the knees by sitting down. u chance for
these men to have rest. Our Trousers are cut by expert Trouser
sure to fit, f you have had
try a of our kind and sit down and take a r All late pat
and every pair cut to lit.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind yon that yon owe
Tub for
subscription and we request
yon to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe us and hope yon will not
keep waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Fourth month.
One fourth of the year gone.
The early mosquito bat come
Northern White Bliss for Seed at
B. M.
Soda fountains are getting in
shape for summer service.
Batter finery had a chance to
disport with satisfaction
W. Fleming has moved Into
one store of the
Bring your fat Cattle to E. M.
and pet lb groat. If.
March will do tome
from April to raise more wind.
Easter was about at
pretty a day could lie wished
will throw in an extra
Tuesday and Wednesday, giving
five of each.
No money required fur real
estate transfers now. wind
does work.
The Wilmington Messenger says
of truckers in that section
have pea plants inches high that
are beginning to bloom.
Tobacco Plant Scarce.
Mr. W. M. Smith, of
was here today and told be bad
been examining bit tobacco beds
and very scarce.
led him to inquire of hit neighbors
and alto of people along road,
and tame condition wit reported
by them. if this gen-
will not be able
to have as large acreage tobacco
year rt intended. How are
plants in other f
Delegate to Convention.
At the of Vestry of
St. Paul's Episcopal church, held
night, the following
and were elected
to the convention which at
Elisabeth City in Man
Delegate -A. M. Moore, K. K.
Gotten, U. Harding and W. B.
Alternates- F.
Harry Boyd, W. L. Brown and
Charles Skinner.
F. H. Harding,
hat received a call to
but the Vestry decided to put
forth every effort in hope in-
him to remain here.
A Joke That HeM Good on Exchange.
Jesse in Idling a good
that occurred while he a in
New York n few days ago. He
was a visitor on stock exchange.
Stocks bad moving along
quite dull for a few
one man thinking to have a little
fun and create some life, arose
cried, take for my
lake cried another, by
the time offer was made.
mean the seat of my
continued seller.
buyer, claim my
The seller wanted to declare
joke off, but the crowd would not
let aim. They rushed around
cutting off the seat pants
banded to purchaser
who in turn handed over his
la its
II Was Splendid.
The amateurs scored a great
success in rendering Hazel Kirk
the opera Tuesday night. A
large house greeted them, and
nothing but praise is heard from
all who were The
a heavy one that do credit
to stage professionals, yet
amateurs rendered their parts with
the highest skill, the entire play
faultless. There were no
tedious delays as so often occur be-
tween the acts, but everything
moved with utmost precision.
Greenville has some talented young
people and they added to their re-
on this occasion. The
play reflects much credit both
upon the actors and the manage-
Mayor W. H. Long has
posed of the following cases in his
court since last report.
Arthur Marshall, assault
deadly weapon, bound over to
Superior court.
Joe Johnson, disorderly con
fined one and costs,
ll. S. Hardy and Sam Williams,
affray, bound over to Superior
Charlotte Forbes, assault, not
guilty, case dismissed.
Major Carter, assault lined one
penny and costs, if I. Hi.
Major Carter, assault with dead-
weapon, bound over to Superior
Monday night the Martin Biggs
factory, at
together with several thousands
dollars worth of lumber, was de-
by fire. The lots Is
mated with
Insurance. A large number
of hands are thrown out of employ-
by fire.
Box Car Across Track.
a-half hours late Monday night.
The cause of the delay was a box
oar of the freight train getting de-
railed across the near Scot-
land Neck.
Some Speak to Me. Some to You.
Monday, Much 31.1902
Harry Skinner left this morning
George Cherry went to Goose
Nest this morning.
came up this morning to visit here.
Mrs. It. King and children
returned morning from Kin-
Misses Lena and Georgia A
son returned this morning
II. I. to New Bern
Saturday evening and returned
this morning.
K of Kinston,
spent today here his family
who are visiting Mrs. Denmark's
Rev. h. M. Eure and
daughter left this morning
Mr. Kure goes t- assist
in a series of meetings there. I
W II. Cox, of spent
today here.
Dr. E. A. to
more today.
J. L. Fleming to Tarboro
this looming
Miss Clara Bruce Forbes left this
morning for Baltimore.
J. H. Farrow returned Monday
evening from Washington,
Charles Skinner left this morn-
for Bethel, Hertford and other
Miss King return-
ed morning from a visit to
Mrs. H. A. Timberlake left this
morning Hopkins Hos-
Mrs. Goodrich, of Henderson,
who has been visiting here,
returned home today.
Mrs. J. J. of
Grimesland, took the train
morning for Baltimore.
Misses Maggie Laughinghouse
and returned to
Winterville evening.
Rev. J. N. Booth and W. T.
Lee returned Monday evening
from the meeting at Ham-
Mrs. E. M. Evans,
who has been visiting Mrs.
L. H. Fender, left this morning
for Tarboro. Mrs. fender also
went to Tarboro for a visit there.
Wednesday, 1902.
J. L. Fleming returned Tuesday
evening from Tarboro.
Miss Rosalind left this
morning for Scotland Neck.
Miss M Doughty has re-
turned from I
Jesse m nod Tuesday
from a I rip up
Rev. F. A. returned
Tuesday Washington.
A. B. Ellington has moved
Miss Martha new house
on Pitt street.
L. B. Bass left to
visit his home in
and Charleston exposition.
A. A. Forbes has moved back
in the house he formerly occupied
he was burned W. O.
will occupy part of the
Mill Fire.
The Free Press says
lumber mill at Kinston bad n
row escape from fire Monday.
fire caught in one of dry kilns
but was put out after a gallant
light. The damage was
to and lumber it.
Tho Greenville of Mr.
are glad to lie escaped
with only small damage.
Register of Deeds, T. R. Moore
Issued the following marriage
Willie Hardy and Lula Hudson.
Will Taylor and Viola
Geo. E. Spruill and Lillie O.
Jackson Randolph Nettie
Austin. TN
Edward Fannie
James Marina Hy
Sec our
Grand and Gorgeous
Whit and Dress Goods,
Laces and Embroideries, Silks, k.
Everything New up to Date
C. T.
The Big Store.
Greenville, N C.
an la

Have You Forgot
Pry Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next H of Flour
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
S, I
Insurance works
Is forfeiture,
ti. Will reinstated if arrears be paid while you
are living, or within three year after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
A after second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during Hie lifetime
of insured.
f. L. SUGG,
Greenville, N. C.
Corn, Cotton, Tobacco,
Selling High
Likely to continue to sell high I
The Philosophy of Farming
Smaller Surface. a Labor Saved.
Fertilize a free hand
Buy of your own people I
Chemical Co.
Southern Makers of Fertilizers
For Southern Farmers.
High Standard, High Service.
Moderate Prices.
Factories at Fifty Point and Agents Everywhere.
II you have sour biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, dimness, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
el insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy akin,
or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad and an
digestive system, Will You.
It will clean out the bowels, the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous the stomach, purity your blood and put you
on your again. Your appetite will return, your move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will clear
and you will feel the old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers ; too t. lac I tor i
and similar will i las eh
It their bowels or t I I. i
aids t. Ion a
restful It IS
U i l for if.
For by
Ml lit
i. . i .
. i co .
. w .
I'll bottle
a hag u
torn ii . i
I all
A professional manicure says that
the brittleness of anger nails notice-
able in winter come from extreme
cold. temperature affects
nails of persona more than
those of almost any nail-
are more to care for win-
than in summer. It is possible
sometimes to relieve this brittleness
by rubbing almond oil thoroughly
into the nails and linger ends at
night, after which a pair of old
should be drawn on over the
toads, says New York
whose nails show great
in cold weather should
very careful not to leave the hands
uncovered out of doors for a mo-
and should also the
caution to draw on a loose glove if
working the tire for any purpose.
as the extremes of dry heat and
sharp cold injure some nails
the Freaks.
freaks in the Bantam show I
wore recently examined, analyzed
and discussed by the most learned
scientists of France while on
in Paris. They decided that
the mottled woman owes her
to unequal distribution of pig-
in the skin and to an army of
moles. They found that the man
who can break limestone with his
head is enabled to do so by an
stale of skin, by
thickness of his hair and by the
lying between skin and skull.
the cause they assigned for
of the man mummy. The
robber man, the albino who
can throw his spine out of joint
will and the human leech also come
in for grave medical consideration.
A Royal Roast.
King Alexander of is a de-
generate, and his brief career is dis-
gusting. says William
E. Curtis in the Chicago
if ho had escaped from
an asylum for depraved, but is
by no means feeble of mind or body.
On the contrary, he has a vigorous
constitution and on two or three
has shown a nerve and pow-
of command which would do.
credit to a great general.
he has inherited some of the
depravity of his father, the
King Milan, who was probably the
worst ruler Europe has seen for a
but at the same time
the son possesses a physical and
moral courage that Milan never dis-
Progress In Korea.
The Korean emperor rides a bi-
cycle, the palace of Seoul is lighted
by electricity and furnished with
elevators, and the public officials
got away with public moneys last
year to the amount of a couple of
million yen. This led the Korean
prime minister to adopt a very sin-
plan to stop the leaks of the
treasury. The official whose
foots up to more than
yen shall sutler the penalty of death.
This makes the little thieves very
Haven Register.
Ms Pills
save sassy
whatever he They prevent
cease the teed to assimilate
the body, appetite,
Take No Substitute.
Surveys with Plats or Maps
made sad
Communications with by mail or at
Cant. Vincent's on Pitt fin-1.
will be prompt
The firm of H. A. II. Jr.
doing N. C. is dis-
solved by M. A.
Sun-hating the interest of Fl.
r. in M A. will
continue the at the same place and
assumes all of the firm. All per-
indebted to Arm arc requested to
make payment to H, A. Wool-
19th of March,
J. H. Jr.
is to notify the that I shall
a certain note par-
able lo Mr. A A for dated
March 1896 and payable Dec.
transferred lo
I the
Any person
or same will do so
their own
March 1902.
Keene's Manner.
James It. i very emphatic
in his likes and dislikes of men. To
a friend lie is always most genial,
but his glance freezes the man he
docs not like on his first approach
and often before he has a chance to
utter a word. His estimate of those
ho docs not like is la-
conic explanation, When-
ever Mr. associates hear him
give vent to that expression they
know well it is
co hope for that man if Mr.
con in an thwart him.
A Bleed Stained Book.
a lieutenant in the
French navy, who wrote n book en-
titled for which he
was cashiered, is being kept busy
fighting duels with people referred
to it. lie fought his fourth duel
recently with a son of the
consul at M. was
wounded slightly in the arm. As
soon as he shall have recovered he
will begin n fresh series of duels
with naval officers. So far ho has
been wounded twice and has wound-
ed two adversaries.
All persons are hereby forbidden to
any way my lands, or to bunt
with gen without my permission.
Said lands in Swift Crock township, Pitt
county, adjoining lands of J. H.
Smith, C-C. Smith, N. It. J.
W. Bro. the Wall lands, O. W.
Venters J. A.
Tobacco farmers can get the best
Tobacco Truck on market this
season from W. O. who
is manufacturing the French pa
tented by C. Tripp This
is not only the best Truck, but it
is easiest to between
rows and at the price is the cheap-
est sold. Leave your orders
Greenville N. C.
Great Timber Side.
By virtue of n Decree of the
of Pill made
in a case therein lied
re Hie Prolate of the Will and
of I
on April Hod, 1902, sell for cash
to the bidder in front of the court
house door, n all the
timber of Pine am measuring
Indies, and at it cut on
the or
to the of said
Thomas to One p or
on the South side
ill pond, containing about forty acres;
bounded by the line of the timber to
Company by
aid and main road, called the
Smith rood, leaning from Shep-
Mill rare. tract lying on
the hide of said Mill
two I by the
road Mill race to
ville and lands of the heirs of J. W.
Rollins, the lands of the heirs of f
the lands of W. H. and
The will lie given two years In
which to nil and remove the timber.
1901 Com
Smothered In Gold.
Joseph a gold refiner,
was at work in a Paris laboratory
recently when he was seized with a
fainting spell, and his head fell for-
ward into a basin of gold dust,
which penetrated his nostrils and
eventually suffocated him. This is
the first death of the kind ever re-
corded in
Love as an
Love as an seems to have
been very in the ease of
the Wisconsin woman who sued a
man for damages
tin i thirty pounds of Bosh when
he married another woman. A
woman with fickle lover
really benefited.-- Si. Louis
Can You
a speck of matter 1-1 an inch in
the cells
ate than that. When
ban a cells arc
with Lung
in curing a cold, the tiny
ail -passages of matter slid
In the
Low to Charleston Exposition via
Atlantic Coast Line.
The Allan Coast Line
way Company announces the fol-
lowing low to Chin lesion
on of the
Una inter state and West Indian
exposition. Charleston, C.
Dee 1st, lo June 1st 1902.
The following apply from
11.38 Tickets to sold daily
until May
continuous passage limit
addition to dale of
115.48 be sold daily
until including May 31st
continuous final limit June
For tickets, reservation
any write
or call on
H. M.
Gen Pass t. N. O.
J. R. Mi
Mile, N. C.
Pass N. C.
in 1866.
J. W. s CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Far-tors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
and shipments
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Blackjack, N. C.
Nice line f Pi ices low
fur or in
exchange tor
Dr. D James,
Dental Surgeon,
The leader in good work and low
Nice Photographs tor Si per
Halt Cabinet per dozen.
All other lines very Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture Nice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No to show
and answer questions. The very
guaranteed lo all. Office hours
a to VI a. in , I. to C p. m. please.
Steamer Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
for Norfolk. Haiti more,
New York Boston,
South Creek,
Quarter, Ocracoke and for
all points for the West with rail
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and Chesapeake
8.8. Co. from Baltimore. Mer
and Line from
J. J.
J. E District
Washington, H. O
D. W.
Mun ii fuel of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
Tile Greenville Co.
day, morning and evening. Pray-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
M every Sou
lay, morning and evening. Prayer
evening. Bar.
H. M. pastor. Sunday
p. in. L. H. Pander,
Sunday, Rev
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday
school E. B. u
F. IT.
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and Sunday. Lay services
every and 4th Sunday.
Sunday-school a. m., W. B.
B. Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
Preaching second,
and fourth Sundays In each
month Prayer meeting Wednesday
night. D. W. Davis,
Sunday school P. M., W. R.
Parker, superintendent.
Cotton Bagging and Hes always
on hand
goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
N. C.
The Stock complete in
me and prices as low at the
lowest. Highest market
paid for country produce.
I J. J.
North Carolina's
The Charlotte Observer.
THE the
largest telegraphic news service
delivered to any paper
Washington and Atlanta, and
its special service is the greatest
ever hand led a North Caro-
of ll mote pages, is
to a large made up of
original natter,
ER printed Tuesday and
fl The largest paper
Sample copies sent on application.
Charlotte, N. c.
During the five years past the
lumber of depositors in savings
hanks in the United Stales has
grown from to
and the sum of deposits has
increased from to
This is certainly a re
showing, and attests the
thrift the American people
as well as the universality of pros-
in the United
S. M.
and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Co Carts,
suits, Tables, P.
and Gail
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Class
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Mara
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M- Schultz.
m m
Also a nice Line of Hard
J. R.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor ft Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
No traveling canvassers are em
ployed. Subscriptions taken
The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or Daily
Reflector and
one year for 93.60 payable in ad-
A. F. A A. M.
No. meets first and
Monday evening. K. E.
W. M. J. M.
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
L. H. G.
K. of Barer Lodge, He.
Friday evening,
C. Forbes, L.
son, K. of R.
R. Vance Council, No
meets every Thursday even-
lug. W. B. Wilson, J.
S. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and
in Odd
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
Chief; Smith,
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
Monday nights In Odd
lows Hall. W. B.
Lr o TM M at IS
so l
Ar rat
i. Ar IT as
OH Si- all m H it
MM II, II B lit It
n r
I M I. u
Main Una-Train
too M p m
1242, n
M p in.
Of I m, arrive i p m
Branch- Ban
a m,
Ms m, Hon. Hills s a m,
it p m, Hops Min B a.
Kl p o p
T II p
at with
at Rad with Bad
railroad, at
with th. Air Una and
la. S
II pa.
It p.
pa, I
T . m, K . ,
, as. II It a as.
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day .
born s at a o,
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r SI a t at a a.
Mount at lot p m.
Hope II .
Mount II .
U a I
p m, at a
Pass. Agent
J. R. Manager.
T. M. Traffic

Eastern reflector, 4 April 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 04, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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