Eastern reflector, 23 April 1901

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Have You Forgot
Pry Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Tinware, , TO
C to ate ft your next B ml u Flour or Pork.
compliance with the revenue
H I of the year of 1899, I will on
Monday, the day of May, 1901,
sell at public sale before the Court
House door the of Green-
ville, the following tracts of laud
for the taxes due thereon
I for the j ear of 1900. The name,
of acres and amount of
j taxes are stated, the coats to
I be added to each.
man win it.
j wife. 8.02
E. acre,
John Brown, I acre
Samuel Brown. acre
M. Corey. M acres
Peter Cherry, acres
Reuben Clark, l lot
Isaac I acre
Jan. L. Elks. acres
B. H. Lewie, acres
W. G. Webb. acre
., ,. M
K. i acre
E. Knight, acres
Lucius acres
J. A. Brown. X acres
A. Cox, acres
Hoot. E. Cox. acres
Johnson. acres
T. M. I acre
N. Stocks, acres
John Thompson, lots
Get a
U mile hi all sizes m-
Every sale ll will, a guarantee to lie lite
proof. Prices image U- m no V
T. L.
N. C.
for Chills. Fevers,
Night Sweats and Grippe, and
.,. Malaria.
None genuine unless
is on label
Don't Sub
As one
Pitt County. We the
State list public
ever need. We
B pencils l i plain l-l
I tipped i ,
cover cent. .,.
pen. at m nice box,
White crayons, . r
paper cants per
tor Man.
u nice I
receipts draft I k.
j Evans, acre 2.14
Eaton, I acre
Ed lot M
I Si fax lot 3.53
C. C. Forbes. lot
I. l
l lot 1.23
Alex Harris, acres 3.87
Noah lot 2-39
Ed lot 3.15
Luke J. House. lot
Oscar acre 2.10
i. Hodges, lot 2.01
B. i. lot 3.15
J. L. Jackson. lot
John A. Junes. acres 2.07
Peter Harrington, i lot 2.30
L. Lawrence, lot
J. Moore, acres
U. W. 2.00
J H. May. lot 3.10
Samuel Mayo, l lot 3.53
Charlie Peyton, lot
I. m wife, arcs 2.20
M. A. Button, lot acres
C. T. Savage, .
. lot
P. acres .
J. H. Shivers. acres
i; acres
. ,. i lot
John Vines. lot
Williams. lot
; M t i
lot -I
Amos Williams. lot 2.70
j William. acres
lot 1.07
. i in
I Carrol Bros., lot
Mis. B. It. Carrol, acres 1.00
W. II, Carrol,
Alfred Darden, l lot
Forbes, i
i Mrs. Mary lot 2.00
; M. A.
The a are
not fit to be Dr. J. H.
Kellogg, in Modern
cine he says, par-
take of the nature of the food which
has been This is line
with the declaration of the late S.
J. of county,
this State, recently adverted to in
these columns, that the chickens
of are far superior to
of an county,
the reason that a
wheat county its chickens live
largely on wheat grains, while
being a county
chickens have to as catch
can. worms, or whatever
they may happen to pick up.
Made by the Orange Va
The plows are now following
each ii her in
Lot e often Bails under the flag of
When a person devours a book
it indicates quite a taste for
Judging from the way people
are grasping for money, this must
be the golden age of cent intent.
is growing so fast that
we have to get a new map every
to find out where we an-
When the newly-made wife hits
her husband on the head with a
broomstick it is the real sound of
the marriage ring.
Laughter is the axle grease that
lubricates the human machinery,
it to revolve and run for
ever without gelling a hot box.
L. H. Pender,
Tobacco Flues, Tin Booting, Ac.
Expert employed. All
Winds and work
drat Be-stocking of gnus a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
lagging. Ties Bags.
I'm shipments
There was I heavy frost Friday
Boning and the strawberry crop
between this city and
suffered considerably. The
Weather however, was
responsible for a great part of the
The report out
Thursday morning predicting
Bloodiness and rain caused a great
many to leave their berries
uncovered and the Unit had free
access to the blooms. At several
along the farm
Bands were from their
it o'clock at night,
it was teen the frost would
and worked from then until
daylight covering up berries wit h
pine Argus.
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
the laws of nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Liver Tills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Three One for
Now Only Cents a Year,
and includes absolutely free The
Paragon New The
Farm Journal, Philadelphia.
Farm Journal and Para-
Monthly, now only 1.1 per
year; per mouth by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
I In h a.
Steamer Washing-
ton daily at A. M. tor
ville, leave Greenville daily It
M. for Washington.
Greenville Mondays,
and Friday at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro tor Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all point for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
i w. mm,
pal-mi i s
W. X. acres
For S
nave nil kinds nil i
envelope s, fin 1-,
-I u
; rs tablets,
C. L. Patrick. acres
Mis C. Patrick. J lots
K. V. Powell,
Mrs. Pittman, l lot
Smith, is-,
W. Slaughter, acres
John Vann, I lot
W Washington, acres
W While, l lot
i township.
I lot
Min. I acre 3.67
K. T. Lea is alto, acres 1.00
Win. --acres 10.31
I. P. Moore, Jr.
Cox, acres
Ed I lot 11.17
II. Flanagan, acres
May . acre
limes. acre
A Joy lot 1.80
ton Joyner, acres
L. Buck. acres
Boyd, acres
II. II Davis. lot on
Johnson, acres
Elks, acres 3.71
To produce the best results
iii fruit, vegetable . t grain, the
fertilizer used contain
enough Potash. For
sec our pamphlets. We
send them free.
i works,
COPY i v .,
slant and d
tablets, tool's . U.
crayons, colored crayon ii companion .
Famous Fountain
And it to
The Reflector Can't Beat.
Prank 1.00
Mrs. IS. acres 1.38
W. II 87.60
Hardy lime-, l acres 3.18
Mills, acres -01
B. P. Button, acres
J. Smith wile, 7.1 acres 1.00
II. C. V ,,
Joyner, acres
w. Joyner, acres 6.39
Rachel Noble, M acres
Bowling Tyson, acres I'M
N. Williams, acres 1.88
acre -17
acres 8.43
I acre 3.44
ling heirs, j acre
W. V. lot
. i .
Hopkins, acre 3.30
Knight, l lot 8.08
l. S. I lot Ml
. ma Bin
Mis. S. A. Keel, acres
Win. A. acres
W, acres
An of the Home
at Haleigh makes the start hug
charge that I here arc
at the lb one who
for a t keep from
his State's battles and the other
who went over hi the and
actually fought his State.
The veteran who brings
says can lie proven. They
certainly ought to lie. These two
should never lie decorated with
of by
of the but, if the
allegations can be verified, they
ought to be quickly ousted from
the as brazen and shameless
intruders. Charlotte observer.
X. C, April
B. Fleming went up the road
Monday on business.
Walter Webb, of City, after
a few days his farm
returned home Monday.
Styron, of Washing-
ton, was here Monday.
N. C. Cordon, of Washington,
was here Tuesday on business.
Hoy returned home
Wednesday from Washington,
where be ha, been under treat-
of Dr. Dave Taylor, much
improved to the delight of his
J. J. and wife spent
Wednesday in Greenville.
Dr. W. Bagwell, of Green,
ville, was Friday.
Mrs. H. J. Morris little
daughter, left Saturday
morning for Wilson to spend a
week with her Mr.
went as far as w
them and returned on noon train.
Mis Fannie Fleming, of Wash
to spend a
few days at her old home about
three miles in the country.
The Yankee Hall ferry has bean
for about three weeks
on account of high water.
Jasper Langley is on the sick
to rue
Mr. John C.
Slid Virginia, Will-
Known sud Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
to number i
lb.- insurable
Star will now in
ante and from date will it
sod policies, to all
siring la lac
life world
in your has M
Agent, N. C.
Paid policy
lo work for
Bagging Ties always
on haD i
Fresh goods kept constantly as
hand. Country produce and
Hold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in
and prices as low as the
rest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
A West girl has
a ii feature in the
of business. She
sued the and
the girl he is to marry, claiming
damages from fellow jilting
her and from the girl
bis affections. business
pure and
Few shoemakers ate too good to
My mil. Will William. IT years,
left on tut or April
1901, my All
are to employ, feed
shelter under lbs penalties of law.
On May 1st to close our
tum. All owing us are to
make immediate AH
claims against us will
our at Mir
The Clerk Court of I'll
to the
Liters of on the
estate of W. A. Smith
is given to all holding
to present
lo me for payment on or the Mia
day of tins nonce will be
plead in bar of their All persons
indebted to said estate requested to
payment to me.
This the US April 1901.
Adm r
the estate of W. A. Smith.
J. E
Line of Hardware.
W I. wife,
ebb Walter, acres .
Carr, 2.07
i M. acres
The effort of any newspaper to
up a town is practically
Iliad unless it is lucked up by
business men the town. A
stranger turns news col-
r to its
in I n be fails to
cards of the
merchants and
he t. i that the
editor is not in which
MM it is nod plat to keep cleat
from. ever grew without
Nor can papers gr W and build up
their localities i bout the assist-
of the Basilicas men
should Ibis and remember
in lending support to
local paper they are not only build
up their own business, but arc
to support that which is
steadily working for growth of
the hole News.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash Mid
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar
Turkeys. Egg, etc.
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail ft Ax
Meat Tobacco, Key West
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Null,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Beat Hotter, Stand-
ard Hewing Machines, and nu-
other node. Duality and
Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
Letters of administration having this
day teen issued me by Clark f the
Curl of Pill upon the
late of W. II. i
to all persons holding claim,
Mid estate to present to
for payment on or before the day of
this will in
bar of their recovery. Persona to
are to make
lo me
1st day April 1901.
t i, w
i L. tiers of upon
I of Hudson, OS .-as., haling, this
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
day been lo me by the Clerk of the
o- Court of Pitt County. Notice is
hereby lo all persons holding
against said to present them to me
for payment on or the day n
March 1902, or this notice will h plead
bar of their All persons ml. Men
lo said are lo make
payment tome.
This the 27th day of March
about time for to
a rag time watch.
f with the will
, I this day I . u to me
,. Clerk of the Superior Court Of Pitt
the estate of L E.
It hereby given to
holding claims against said ca-
I late i present them to mo for pa
Urn Hit March
this n. will be plead of I
All lo said es-
to make Immediate pay-
lo mo.
This Hie i March.
Payable in Advance.
One Year i, Six Mouths
Three Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions ink en at
will lie sent together
one year for or Tub
Hi i i Hi and
one year for 3.60 payable in ad-
Paint lawyers. WASHINGTON,
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
Attention Please.
white goods are the prettiest and cheapest.
See us before buying. We won't be undersold.
nigger been to college,
ain't mighty big
But all de white folk tell us
not a fig.
all his learn
hot a
he in den collage,
In de swim,
A dandy Jim.
You needn't mention ban
ban-lei now for
to go to college
Ole Booker gaunt me word;
I'll be de nigger
Of which you
Den good-bye to de
There is a farmer
does a great of
people will do in a few years.
be bus anything to sell
places a small in the Ideal
newspaper and soon hears from
dealers. When be wants to
buy a horse, cow or anything else
be spends half a dollar for
per space, and everybody the
neighborhood who wants to sell
calls hint or writes to The
newspaper advertisement saves
time and
Why Franchise are Valuable.
It was not a long time ago that
O Thing far Lawyers. of a was look-
legislatures were nil on as a sort of public benefactor,
session last year, for term ranging I be most generously treated
from days to days, and they I to be in
passed a total of new laws, everything that asked.
To this total Georgia contributed
piece of new legislation. It
la estimated the information
already at band that there will be
enacted during present year no.
less than new laws. New of
York and Maryland have already
We to under
that the things covered
by franchises are property of
whole people. They arc worth-
but for the fact that assembled
passed more than each,
while Ohio and Illinois have added
hundreds of acts to their statute
Is there any good all ibis law-
making Are so new laws
needed for the government of the
people It Is perfectly safe to say
that per cent, of legislation
could be dispensed with to the very
great advantage of the public.
And it may predicted with a
good deal of assurance that not one-
halt, probably no, one fourth, of
the new laws will stand the test of
the courts. Many of them were
hastily drawn railroaded
through assemblies without
anything like a careful digestion
by persons competent to Judge of
their constitutionality. They be-
long to class of acts
often termed
But there is one of persons
who pleased with the multitude
of new lawyers. It
k their function to discover how,
by letter or spirit, or both, the
new laws are opposed to the count i-
and take them Into tbs
courts and them killed. Every
new law of any makes new
litigation, which means more fees
for the lawyer, fifteen thousand
new laws in two years therefore,
presents quite a pleasing prospect
to the profession.
It should not be lost sight of
however, that the lawyers perform
S good public service in this
new for fat
fans. If it ware not f r these pro-
fool our statute
book would soon become
ably burdened with
pie whose situation makes
things that these franchises supply
a practical
A correspondent of the New
ask that
wish you would express your
ion on whether it is gambling to
play progressive euchre for any but
money the Sun re-
element of gambling
that one player shall as
other gains. Money prizes, or
Which reminds us of
the contention of a Greensboro pro-
who says that when a
takes drink of liquor he It
partly is to say, If
twenty drinks will floor a
given time, he is one twentieth
drunk when begets one bis
shirt. Isn't this
Freak School
Chicago people are not
with long, rough and
some road to knowledge which has
approval of time and
seek a
flowery path along which the hap-
you shall skip and dance into
wisdom. In passion fur
something new easy certain
Chicago teachers deny that study
should ever seem forbidding to
but that it should be
joyous alluring. They
built up a system an basis of
kindergarten principle. As
explained by Superintendent
Speer, of the Third School district,
it is a of
or, in the words of common
of f, bearing and doing. It
is the doing especially that the
system is entertaining. Thus
child is such words as
or then
words are distinctly
and teacher bops, skips
jumps each pupil is re-
quired to follow her example call-
out word as be docs each
exercises are described a
textbook of
children seriously
warned to read
during lessons, as object
is to teach them to speak and
think. From simple words like
proceeds to difficult sentences such
as your your
and your
the teacher repeating the words
and going through operation
which describe while
children follow her example. As
variation, the pupils are taught
to mew like the cat, bark like
dog, crow like cock and imitate
the cries of other animals. The
cove- a period of four
months, and after child has
been taught to hop, shake hands,
wash bis face, dance, beat
the drum and the like be is sup-
posed to have the foundation of an
education, having mastered art
Probably few experienced teach-
would that the general
system of school instruction is per-
or that course of subjects
corresponds to the natural
of the intellect. Outside
Chicago, however, the people
who the . do not lie
that reduction such
freak methods v. ill aid in solving
the problems of education. While
it does not follow that because a
method of study is forbidding
hard it is necessarily the best,
is it obvious that ease and
lead to substantial re
suits. There may be too much of
We are still the of the race
We offer you best selected line
General Merchandise
to be found in any store Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Summer
Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad
vantage. It is our pleasure lo show you what you want and to
sell you if we can. We offer you the very best service, polite
attention, and most terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our Block before buying elsewhere.
Remember us the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hat and Caps. Silks and Satins, Dress Trimmings
Jackets Capes, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Men's, Women's and Children's and
Harness, Horse Dusters.
Flour, Meat, Sugar Coffee, Head ts,
Plows, Castings Plow Fixtures, Nails Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture and that line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Kit her Cash or on Approved
Credit Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
j, p. co-
For the Gentlemen.
For the Ladies.
Mi M. T. is in my department if
the hat desire is nut on band one be trimmed lo suit your
tastes while you wail.
Hats, Silks. Ornament, Flowers, Ribbons, and every thing
in the milliners line.
A gentleman who has just re-
from South says
Dint while in the town of
he took a walk through the
saw inscribed upon
tombstone the following strange
name, my is
that to thee
What, whether high or low my
Perhaps l far surpassed all
I'd haps I fell them
what then
It, stranger, that thou
it use; it hides-
no matter
There was no lettering the
tomb mid nothing t indicate who
was bulled there. This,
the gentleman's
and upon inquiry lie
b allied that the tomb was
over remains a man
while living in never
Has Gained
Mr. Winston is s well known
politician. Iii bis
the Governor was
indifferent to elements
supposed to be essential to that
designated as judicial. Mr.
u was a member of the Gen-
Assembly increasing
Ordinarily this
should debar from being
pointed. We avoid the
impression that the Governor
distant loss of prestige by this
To Combine.
All of lb.- important knitting
goods mills in New York and New
England, ii Is reported, will be in
a I. AI least
of capital w ill be rep
resented, ii is said.
Thus far SO concerns have
lied their will I agues to go into the
told bis name to one, J the and accept the terms
be resided several years of the bus bean
after i v it War. knit ling goods mill
We notice that there is a woman
in Salisbury on the hunt for a bus
baud who left her bed and
of bis own free will and accord.
While this woman is receiving
much sympathy, she would deserve
much more if she would give up
the search, return home and thank
providence for a happy
She is evidently
weeping for a thing Unit is not
worth Herald.
Another T Suit Compromise.
One the most perplexing
in which a criminal jury
lever minds itself is when jury
severity of j believe that the
is guilty, but are
the common schools, but
instruction in language through
playground athletics comes near to
The News and Observer wants a
public official who does not think
he is above criticism. This
felt want will go probably
the Millennium. The South-
does want so much. It
only desires a State now
and then who is a member of
the Southern-
Because they didn't like their
pastor, the Rev. Mr.
he de. to resign,
of the African
church, of Independence, Mo.,
waylaid alter prayer- meet
other dragged him into
a him
with barrel stares black snake
Is the of
liquors This
is a question that an
both and
day you read by
statistics that drink bill
of the nation is decreasing
next day you read by
statistic that it is
lug. Whether decreasing or in-
creasing there is no question about
the cost to the country.
If what for drink were put
into schools, would be no
of extra any taxation
anywhere to the money for
securing good school. The very
lite of the children of the land
arias out against the traffic the
Neck Common
sure of
it. In a recent case in Georgia the
jury solved the difficulty by bring-
jury, find the prisoner almost
The State Auditor is sending out
letters lo the various comity boards
of pensions, them to in-
thoroughly U
claims, order lo ascertain which
are fraudulent. Auditor says
he is sure many arc
Au ex Auditor says he really
per cent
In the of the
road taxation cases, the fact Unit
the Western Telegraph
Company has on the docket of the
Federal court a similar case, seems
to have been almost overlooked.
But still that is a fact, and now
State finds up against
another proposition for a
The proposition conies
Mr. It. Strong, attorney the
telegraph company, and is
to the Corporation
which spent considering
The properly of the Western
Union in this Slate was put on
the tax books at it valuation of
and was raised until it
reached The tax was
paid on this valuation under pro
test but without suit. Then th
increased the
lion to tin
telegraph company appealed to
Judge He granted ii
an injunction and the Mil
lo u this
taxes been paid for
Men do approve
tiny reckless women, it
were well for latter learn
Never tell a man are
to men.
talents prom-
lame, hut leach thrift.
lobster their use,
at clams are not without honor
some dining
A gill's brother, if be la alert,
is her best counselor.
The only time blindness might
be a blessing is when W
bright woman her
Women arc malicious concern
conducted by Stem
of No. Wall street,
I,, en for more than a
been con-
. ho have
the preliminaries,
K, today
.-an I that was Hue the Unit
III mill owners were trying
to combine under one manages
said Mr. Bosh
more, been practically
agreed but matter bus
not yet reached a stage where it
would lie proper lo give the public
II.- result Of our labors.
slab- when the new
will have charge. The
in the way arc not
Col. George W. of Co-
hoes, the mill own-
each Other, and men suspicious
The graded school election will
held on Tuesday, May -1st.
As they have reached the
and profitable elevation
building New
twenty stories, they
now propose lo build the other
way and fan or twenty
stories. In that they will
oil ground get a
thirty or forty story
Wilmington Star.
Now telegraph company, of
I Its own ion and through its a
i Mr. Strong, offers I
This compromise, it is
I said, is to pay for past two
years and until there is a new as
1909, on a valuation
of and all costs in the
It Is understood that this com
promise will be accepted by the
as soon as
sinner w ho is now out
the city, returns, lie is expected
house.- New and
toward other men.
one does i
but one degree removed
an Imbecile.
old be
what of a bore nowadays, bat long
you bud With, childish
i- to waste time that
night be In
Never M you repeal until you
i- coin of the Bank
i c admits that the
mill owners ate to combine, and
that i-. purpose of
economy as well as profit, which
native competition has destroyed.
Neil York
bankers will become
enterprising advertisers In the
i suggested by the
publication of n on
Dank The vol-
I usual
bank advertisement,
but n.- specimens of bright mid
attractive announcement which
i . newspaper
Dr. thinks to open and save
Science la nu-l money . of
heresy fine, lie I- right, every
except that It I very -I will use newspaper space every
Times, Record.

N. C.
O. J. Ed. ft Owner
Altered M the Post Office at
Greenville, K. C, m Second-Claw
Mail Matter.
Charlotte must not poke at
neighbors because they
have not had so many big visitors
at she baa entertained this eek.
The seasons seem to be all out of
harmony and you cannot take form-
as any precedent about
of spring weather. You
have to wait until it
comes, even if it is a long time
about it.
Denials having rendered
ridiculous by press dispatches
Manila names and de-
War officials
now confess that there have beet
frauds in the commissary
brunch of the army the Philip-
a flour-
of honesty and virtue that an
official is no being
made a view to the exposure
and of all those who
have been guilty of wrong-doing.
This announcement would have
carried more alight with the dis-
had it been
accompanied by another lag
that the conduct of the
bud placed in the
of Adjutant General
Miles is commander of the army,
and as such should have directed
that and if the truth
the whole truth, of
toe be trod had
la the last few years there have
a number of to es-
cape Pitt county jail, enough , j, have
to any that the jail is allowed to in his
not safe. Criminals have found it property
this out, and when they get In Jail M in
J . . covering fraud in the embalmed
they take ad vantage of it. All of the
exposed from the outside that investigation be to whitewash the
any go to the windows and guilty officer who have
talk to the prisoners or give can political pull, and to make
tools with which to break out. Ii of those who have not,
. , . f the of to direct
d be wise if the . . .
I it was wise. He bass of
would have a high wall j
built the jail and allow no cu of a major
one to go in to see the commission in Army,
unless accompanied by an officer. j and there haw bean radical
. army, too, while
is in great luck. This Gen. Mile-has never been a
, , . u l. i i and is suspected believing
week that city has had as her .
. ill principles.
of the
gentlemen that any city might lie u ,,, . implicated in the
proud to have within her frauds, la in Washington on
Fang, the Minis lick leave. connect-
to the Stales, has been
. . . for several years, and
there and made a speech. Other .
regarded as Gen.
great men who have there are ,. ,,.
Rockefeller head of General. WU at
Standard Oil Co., President, week
win, of the Island and was questioned by
Dr. lit. Rev. Ha denied
i . , the charged cabled from Manila
Bishop of Albany, , . , . .
Worlds Al
Shaw, editor Review of Be- i money bad been paid to
views, Abbott, editor The and other officers; also that lie
Outlook and several of the president knowledge of wrongdoing
on part officers or
tors and announced bis willing-
lie in return lo Manila at nine
in II
colleges in the north
other prominent men. It goes
without saying that the Queen
City made a fine on might be able to render
assistance in the whitewashing.
Mayor Carter Harrison, oft hie
whose third election to that
baa caused hi name t be
more or lets talked of in
with national politics,
the most n wick Washing-
ton resting. Asked the
question, whether he
any of entering the
political arena, Mr.
am mil find
It i-
enough to attend i my
and of the dreadful controversy
Mi-. Harrison
the women . ,. . , ,.
it-publicans in that bod have
these and entertained
them handsomely. Those interest
ed education points
in the State.
York Methodists do not
want women admitted to the
sessions. said
Rev. Dr. at a recent meet
of the until to
take on legislative net ions. I ,, , ,
refer you to the awful , , ,,
, , . In-; . ii Ii
made by women of themselves at
last meeting of the Daughters
of the Revolution Washington
the World's
nothing outside of a
of apportionment bills,
Tho legislature at its just have a quarrel among them
adjourned, enacted a revenue law over and I
the following not be surprised If leg-
taxes; Cigarette dealers and man without passing
of measure fur
annual output less than Thai the Philippines must
million, between lie a large and continuous
million million, to the
No other State be. u evident from the
tax except ad allowed lo day Spain Into he-
county, city or town. Retail deal coming owners, A board of
It cigarettes, per year, J. No naval officers, under orders from
county, city or town shall levy any i are now
tax under this section. preparing plans for a
hi i naval station, which is lo have
A bill requiring a Md dry dock, at
examination all ThoM
plan-, will have to receive tie
examination o all
for marriage has pawed both
houses of Minnesota
lure will become a
law. The law is aimed to prevent
the marriage of persons
with incurable disease, or of
The secret of success of the
propagandists Christian Science
Is not hard la There is moil
in it for the
pleasure for lbs Nothing
Is more delightful than to be
cheated, nor more unpleasant than
to have the cheating exposed. for
of before they can
be carried out.
Every republican President
from Grant to has had
dreams of u respect
able white republican in the
South, but every effort lo make
a reality has
failed. For that Mr. Me-
in dial line, In
South Carolina, is mote
than alarming to Southern Di-mo-
n ho has
ill purposes
years, although he only
ally withdrew from the democratic
caucus just before the adjourn
of the last of Congress,
to act Mr.
in th present at-
tempt to turn the dream into re-
The first open move was the
appointment John G. Carpers,
a gold democrat, to succeed a re-
publican as S. District
for S. C. The next is await-
ed with more or leas
Buck Jack, N. C, April
Rev. of
Greenville, will preach here to-
Miss Lucy came this
evening her school.
Misses Annie
White spent quite a pleasant
visiting their cousins,
Misses Daisy and Eva Cox.
Quite accident happened neat
here last Mrs. Dodge
Hodge was thrown from a
and seriously hurt by a frightened
J. Mills E. L. Clark
went last Wednesday.
Lewis Dixon accompanied by
White and Lucy
last Saturday in
Mr. Cox Miss Julia
were married last
is quite sick.
Mrs. Sue Clark is still our
Miss Lena, passed through last
Sunday from
Mrs. Mills has been quite
sick for the past few days.
How T Help
Did you ever how many
people you could help bless
a single day, if you would only set
deliberately to
There are a thousand and one lit-
lie things, the doing of which
would cost you effort,
and at the same time
to somebody else. The
mere habit of speaking a kind
word as you pass has great
in it. We have seen
a sad face brighten at the sound of
a cherry voice.
There are some men whose very
presence is an inspiration. They
carry a wholesome atmosphere
with them wherever they go.
Contact with though it bi
only brief and casual, is m quicken-
force. And there arc other
men whose influence is as
cuing as a day or an East
wind. To look at them is to suffer
a reduction of intellectual and
spiritual vigor.
Another Prisoner
Sometime during Friday night
a colored prisoner named Jim
Woolen, waiting trial for petty
larceny, escaped from jail. A
hole col through the brick wall
and a blanket suspended from the
bars of second story window
told the tale of how the escape was
made. A three-cornered file was
near hole. was
in the second story of the jail and
with the file he cut a hole through
the beneath window
sill. He then tied a to
the window, crawled through the
hole and himself to
the ground.
gambling act of the late
Legislature is creating an excite-
in some of our towns,
w it now appeals that there
have been regular gambling dens.
seems lo have
little or no effort made to
suppress gambling in many of our
towns, but this new law is stirring
up the gambit is greatly. The of-
cf any town, who do not re-
port all gambling that can be dis-
covered, will lie liable to severe
penalties. Record.
an ii ration Senator for
Mrs. residence
burglarized, as noted in this
and in stolen.
Strong to BO she yesterday re-
a pal through nun
containing The only
is that the thief under-
fin e -impulsion of conscience and
MM In return the money or so
much of it as he had left.-
o. C, April -0.
Owing to the extreme scarcity of
labor we would advise all farmers
to arrange their tobacco rows so
every eighth row will be five feet
wide, by so doing you can use
a tobacco truck thus house
your tobacco with much leas labor
and cost. There were some trucks
used in certain sections last season
for housing tobacco, and we Bud in
every section where the truck was
used there will be a great demand
for them this orders
for several hundred trucks have
already been and many-
more will doubtless come in yet.
If you will lay your rows as
stated above it will take no extra
manure but little more laud,
and if you do use the truck
you tote your tobacco along the
wide row much i ft if you
are scarce of help you use a
truck. We arc going to be head-
quarters for tobacco trucks of best
style. A. G Cox Mfg Co.
W. T. Lipscomb. of Greenville,
was here a short while yesterday.
Dixon, a machinist
who lit- been here for
the past week or ten days working
for left for his
home Thursday
R. G. Chapman, of Calico,
Thursday night here his
son, who is a student in the
ten High School.
R. If. has
away visiting relatives near South-
Pines, returned Thursday-
Rev. J. K. Faulkner came homo
from his trip to Ayden, Thursday
morning. He will fill bis
appointment here Sunday morning
J. R. Johnson has received his
handsome new soda
during the warm will be
pleased to serve his friends
the public with all the nicest cool
drinks that can lie found anywhere,
he says.
W. J. left for Raleigh
yesterday to spend a few days
visiting relatives.
Johnson Nichols spent
Thursday night here as the guest
of J. E. Greene, and on bus-
B. K. Manning Co., have just
received a line of shoes which
are now open for the inspection
criticism of the public. If
you buy you get a bargain, if you
don't, why you arc out the cold,
that's all.
seen our streets yesterday.
J. Luke Jackson left on
day train for where he
will remain until Monday visiting
his parents.
During the season, far,
A G. Cox Mfg. Co. have sold be-
tween mid I Cotton
Planters. How many don't
know. Will give you amount of
their sales at end of season. This
beside an immense of
wagons, bank and cart
saddles, has made for them u busy-
time. ,
They say early bird catches
the we are afraid the
farmer who has planted his cotton
this early the season, will catch
the grass. Right many-
are through planting.
A. G. Cox pays the highest
price for cotton seed.
An Hie Ii
wiring, will
in in i i I'm
line I lo tho
of warm op n
i hoped that all of tins
will a
by giving ii, for II costs only
or m cents U C
I M M , St. I
There used to be a great many
plovers and other birds North
Texas in the springtime, they
preyed and kinds of
bugs. Now there are a great
bugs in North Texas the
when prey upon
wheat and other growing things in
the gardens fields. The two
facts be together
Mutt the birds have been kill-
ed. Galveston News. .
Gt See Oat of a Sal.
Tuesday a sharp thief stole about
in bills out of a safe in
office of Smith Hooker. There
are two safes in the office, in one
of which Mr. Hooker keeps his in-
valuables, the be-
for the use of the firm. Mr.
J. A. book keeper of the
firm, having to go in this safe ire
kept what is called the
day lock during the day. There
were four drawers In the safe,
parties having keys to
of them. Only notes and papers
were kept in the drawer,
and for convenience the key to
this drawer was kept in the lock
so any of the firm might have ac-
to the papers when wanted.
When Mr. returned from
dinner Tuesday he discovered that
some one bad been tampering with
the safe during bis and
thrown off the lock
He unlocked the safe at
found that the key had been
out of the lock to the drawer con-
the pa peas was stick-
in the to the drawer in
which he kept money. He took
hold of it the drawer easily
come open, when he discovered
that in bills had been
from the drawer. There were
several dollars silver also in the
I raw but the did not
bother the bard
range as it may seem, as
as the safe has use it was
lever discovered sooner that the
same key would unlock more than
of the drawers.
boy Saved by a Hand.
A little sou Night Policeman W.
II. narrowly escaped
being killed afternoon.
The game of base ball between the
Washington boys
was being played at the old ball
the field near
where the railroad passes. The
little boy, who is only about six
years old. out to see
game. The Greenville Light In-
fantry went out to the same field
for drill, when the soldiers
marched up the little boy became
frightened started running to-
wards home, crying as he went.
Just us he was crossing railroad
track a band car came along
only missed i over him by a
hair's breadth. The presence
of of the men on the car
was all that saved the child. This
man taking in I he danger at
over the front of the car
and pushed him off track just
as the car was about to strike him.
If he had been a second later the
little boy would probably have
been killed.
Change of
Capt. R. L. Can recently ten-
his resignation as Captain
the Light
Capt J. been elected In
succeed him. Capt. Smith was in
command of the former company
here when enlisted for the Span-
If a Woman
wants put cut doesn't
heap en oil and wood. She throws
on ,
lire. When a woman wants to
well from peculiar to her
she should not add fuel lo the fir
already burning her life away. She
should not take worthless drugs and
potions composed of harmful
and opiates. They do not check
the they do
simply add fuel o the
Regulator should be
taken by every woman
or girl who has the
slightest of
any th all-
menu winch
be wailing
until it.
The to
a purify
m I
the roots of the
the came. does not
the pain, it eradicates it.
It falling of the womb,
and periodical Ir-
.-my or painful
by doing
all lotto drives away the
ii drain
on temper from many a
fife It one
n-ii ii
I ill ii
new goods arrived
are now ready to serve you to your advantage
it; Dress Goads and Whit Goods, all
kinds of Laces and Embroideries. Foulard Silk
from to 010.00. Silk Waist
Patterns from to 04.80. We h a complete
line of Wash which are
no Lawns and Wash
US of from a,, to per yard.
Grass Linens in plain, striped
For Clothing and Gent's
we Mt n,.,
rock bottom. Come to see us. for business
None genuine
Red Cross is on label
Don't a
for Chills,
Sweats and and
II forms Of Malaria.
delightful to TAKE,
Leader in Styles.
was thronged with on spring and it
was declared that have the
Handsomest Millinery
that has shown in Greenville. hare the most Mock or
everything the milliner's line.
Pattern HatS in endless variety and all the
Anything lie desired in and
Wash Silks for Shirt line Baby Cape. I
have a lot of Pictures and Frames. Be that yen call
t .
o see my
Mrs. M. D. Higgs.
Attention Ladies
My friends and customers will find me at the old stand
with the largest stock of HATS, CAPS
all the newest things In the Milliner's line to be
Greenville Mrs. Ella Greene will ha
with mo this season. Her taste and skill as a trimmer
is unsurpassed. guarantee to please our customers both
in work and Come see my goods. New Dress Patterns
for Spring.
I I Er buy your hat
W f
From Misses Erwin of course
They have the prettiest and
cheapest line of millinery in
town. Call and see our hats.
Hats trimmed on short notice
satisfaction guaranteed.
Yours to serve,
Our Clothes Line
Never looked so good to
No wonder I like to talk
about it. But after all it is
what you said about it,
what we have said.
for boys,
for youths,
for men,
Suits to suit the season and
purse. Suits and single
garments for all ages and
Yon know who sells the best
He sells Shoes, Hats and Ladies Shoes.
n I,,
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
Eastern for
subscription and we request
yea to settle as early as
We need what YOU
owe and hope you will
keep as waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Another lot of the fatuous Park-
Fountain Pen, beat made, at
Reflector Book Store.
J. H. Dudley baa moved into
the Johnson house on Washing-
ton street.
Attention called to the notice
to creditors by H. L. Davis, ad-
of Mrs. L. T. Lang.
Standard J. A.
ton has been making the rounds,
the last few days, testing scales.
Another lot of Hats, Silks,
Flowers, in, cheaper than
Misses Erwin.
Don't borrow your neighbor's
paper. for yourself
and let us send yon
Attention is called to the
to creditors by
executor of the estate of S. A. It.
we have made a cut in prices.
Call and tee, our stock and get
The inhabitants of
are rejoicing that the duck
on Fifth has
ed and drained.
When the graded school election
Is over it will make five elections
participated la by Greenville
voters In one year.
We have the prettiest and cheap-
est lot or flowers ever brought to
Greenville. Don't buy before see-
our stock. Misses
J. Whits, who has been sick
several weeks, is able to be down
town again. His friends are glad
to see him out again.
The highest praise been
en me by those to whom I have
sold the Standard Sewing Ma-
chine. S. M. SCHULTZ.
The town la having brick hauled
near the Academy branch culvert,
on for the purpose of
extending the buttress and
proving the sidewalk.
W. L. Cooper, representative or
J. Van Nursery Co.,
at Hotel
He will be in this section
the next few weeks taking or-
for all kinds or and or-
trees flowers. Parties
wishing to the beat stock
should him. A card left in
or at the hotel will bring
G. B. Whitehurst, or Kin-
and Miss Hettie Bryan were
married yesterday afternoon at the
home or the bride's rather, Mr. F.
J. H. P. Bryan, in Bethel, Pitt
county. The newly married couple
came to Kinston last night and are
living at Mrs. Moore's boarding
Free Press, 18th.
Mr. John E. Hughes, a large
tobacconist or has been
lo Greenville this week prospecting.
While here he purchased n lot
for material for a large
which he will locate
here. His building will be
brick flitted with the best
machinery for handling tobacco.
His will materially strength-
en market which is
already one of the best in the
Changes Too Frequent.
After all the fuss ah am the
revenue act some points seem to
have remained doubt. With a
new revenue act two years
there will We
would like to see a good act
in operation long enough the
people to learn something about it.
It Is the taxpayer is kept in the
dark nearly all the time, and
doesn't know halt the time if he
isn't bamboozled out of more than
his just share of the expenses
Mare Pitt Enterprise.
The of State has issued
letters patent to the Mill
and Manufacturing Coin pass
or Ayden, the purpose of com-
being the ginning of cotton,
handling manufacturing and
merchandising. The
tors are Joseph Dixon, J. S.
Hart, W. T. E. G.
Cox, J. J. Stokes, W. M. Forest,
Charles J. M. Dixon, J.
J. The capital stock is
with privilege to increase
The Board of Aldermen at a
special meeting Wednesday night,
took the preliminary steps
to putting in the improve-
authorized by the bond
The Clerk was ordered to
correspond with a civil engineer
relative to getting him to make a
survey drainage map or the
town and prepare plans and make
estimates for putting in the
The City Attorney
was also instructed to prepare
publication all the matters per-
to the bonds would
give the information desired to con
lo Ma, Yea
B. went to Bethel today.
C. went to Tarboro
E. W. Pace, of was
here today .
A. West left this morning
J. E. Starkey has quite
sick for m few days.
Ed. H. went up the
road this
A. J. returned this
morning from Kinston.
J. J. Smith, Coast One agent at
Ayden, today here.
M . L. Cooper, representative or
the J. Van Nursery Co ,
came in Wednesday evening.
Mrs. M. A. Jarvis is sick.
W. H. Parker went to
W. H. Cox or Kinston,
today here.
Mrs. Ola Forties returned this
from a visit to
Sheriff O. W. re-
turned Thursday from
E. A. Phelps and Mrs. II. A.
hit this for
Mrs. Harry Skinner and Miss
Nellie Skinner went to
Mount today.
J. E. Hughes, Danville, who
has a few days here,
left this morning.
Miss Myrtle Wilson came home
Thursday from
where she
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Drown, and
little son, Whit, and Carl Wilson
returned from
B. went up the road this
A. I,. Blow returned from
den this morning.
Mrs. B. M. went to Grin-
to visit her parents.
B. J. Pulley returned Friday
from a trip up the road.
B. L. Carr went to Ayden Fri-
day and returned this
J. E. Moore returned Friday
evening from the meeting of
Presbytery at Henderson.
A. J. Moore, and wife of
Whitakers, came in Friday even-
to visit their son, I,. I. Moore
Miss Maggie of Has-
sells, who has been visiting Mrs.
W. B. Smith, returned home this
E. II. returned Friday
evening from n trip up the road.
He lost his hut us the train was
coming across river.
B. K. Mason, of William-
will arrive this evening nod
will occupy the pulpit of the
church tomorrow morning and
Miss who
been teaching near Parker's Chap-
el, took the train here Friday even-
for her home at
Miss Ada Ward accompanied her
Smallest Baby Yet.
The smallest baby the world
according to all medical record,
as born in this city last Saturday.
The mother gave birth to twins
weighs four pounds while the
other weighs only i ounces.
Photographer Hayes this morning
took baby's picture. It is
perfectly formed seems to be
entirely well. However the
say that it will lie very
difficult to raise such a child. The
little youngster is about the size or
an ordinary cigar. The parents
arc respected citizens, living in the
Read This.
i. Hi Boyer Co- Media.
Pa., high grade
Read This.
Goods, Clothing and Shoes. e r A
Wan placed on department tables and the
will astound the commercial world. Nothing
marked and just in and are
-w must go. We
thrown in this sale
room low prices will move
The sale now going on.
J. Boyer price and no
Men Shoes
J. Buyer price
J. price tic
Only to customer,
The Grandest Display, Ever Seen Here.
Big New Store.
Artistically arranged, with color blended with color,
showing the prettiest and largest store Greenville
Remember this big sale is now going on at
Big New Store. ,
Men Hats.
Ladies Shoes.
I. pi ice i
price i-
in customer.
Relic Tb. War.
The State Museum today
ed a valuable and highly prized
souvenir of tho
war. It is a six-pound brass shell
the brass is
six-pound shell was taken
from Spanish cruiser
Mercedes, in by
American off Santiago, July
1808 Presented to the State
Museum, Raleigh, N. C, by Hon.
H. Small, M. C, April
The shell will be kept in a
glass case Times.
Grand Chance For Genuine Bargains.
Mens Suits.
Worth 00.00
Mens Pants.
Worth 1.0 THIS SALE
Mens Neckties.
Worth IS S A I. K
fa kind THIS
Percale Cuffs.
Everything Marked in Plain Figures.
Make no mistake but come and get the rare
bargain offered you.
Our Terms
Goods sold for cash. Nothing sent out
on approval. Spot over the counters.
This sale for consumers only. Polite and
Percale Collars.
Hi.- kind THIS SALE
Ladies Shoes.
l value Tills
Table Oil Cloth.
Linen Collars.
Worth and
John J. Parks spool cotton
George A.
The Entire stocks, the J. Boyer stock and our immense stock of
Spring Goods just received, are now
Thrown Together and Being; Sold at a Low
Every department crowded and jammed and we have cut the prices to move them, are going .
and you want to be among the first before they are picked over.
C. T.
if Big New Store.
Greenville, N.
The Money Saver.
Mew bis

Have You Forgot
Dry Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Com to we me tot your next H
Yours to
i Flour or Pork. .
Jas. White.
in in in
Loan Value.
J. Cash Value.
Paid up Insurance,
Extended automatically,
Is Non
ii. Will lie re instated if arrears lie paid within on while you
air living, or within three alter lapse, evidence
of payment of arrears with Interest
second No Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
. To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an daring the lifetime
of insured.
J. L. SUGG, At
Greenville, N. C.
N. C, April, 1901.
B. W. has been spend
several days on business.
Miss Bessie Harding- spent Fri-
day night with Miss Ed
O. B. of Everett-.
Saturday and Sunday in this
Miss Daisy Bailey, Kiley
lock and T. W. at-
the marriage of Mr. Root.
at Wednesday
Miss is
present on the sick roll call We
w lab a rapid recovery.
Look out the fruit
They arc like
apple trees. We think we
To those living
in malarial districts Tint's
arc they keep the
system in perfect order and arc
an absolute cure
for lick headache, indigestion,
malaria, torpid liver,
and all bilious diseases.
Tuft's Liver Pills
As one of the depositories Public School Hooks in
Pitt County. We handle the books designated on the
State list for the public schools and can supply what-
ever you need. we. also have
slant and doable ruled practice writing b
tablets, fool's cap paper, pens, slates.
crayons, colored crayons, inks companion boxes.
Sons of School
need less fruit agents and more
caterpillar destroyers.
Misses Elbe and Mattie Grimes
Wednesday in Tarboro.
Miss Geneva Gardner, of Green-
ville, is visiting relatives here.
J. W. Hose left here Tues-
day for Everetts to hold a series of
meetings, We wish him strength
and health while he is holding his
Kev. Belts is holding
a meeting in
part of Sunday with Miss
B. L. Mayo, of Conetoe, came
down Sunday to see his best girl.
The meeting is still
progress at this place. They have
been holding the meeting some
Dr. B. J. Nelson and wife, of
spent Sunday with Dr.
H. J. Grimes and family of this
has entered Z.
school. We wish him much
Misses Blanche Mayo,
of spent
night Sunday with Misses
Elbe and Mattie Grimes.
A High Point man has invented
a talking clock. When it strikes
it also calls oat what hour is.
Several buildings on Carolina
Beach, a summer resort
below Wilmington, were destroyed
by fire Wednesday.
Jacksonville had a tire
Tuesday morning. The most of
the business of the
was burned.
Hon. Dan Hugh of
address at Washington on
of May.
There is case scarlet fever
the pupils of the A. M.
College at Raleigh. The case was
promptly quarantined so that no
other eases are feared.
Col. C. was
found dead in his room the
hotel at Wilmington Wed-
morning. discovered
it was thought he Lad dead
twelve hours.
May, of Kinston,
of Pitt county, sent his cotton
that is more than years
old, to the State museum at
It was the first gin ever
Used Pitt county, belonged
to Mr. ancestors several gen-
The Shelby Star says that Mr.
a good citizen of
eland county, SO year-old
tasted beef or mutton. During
the years be h.-s keeping
house there has been a
of beef or unit ton on his table. He
just never did fancy such things,
but eats other of meat.
Peak, at
Push is a talent as much as skill
in any art. You can commence
pushing by imagining yourself as
a pusher. Keep yourself before
yourself in your mind as a
and such a frame of mind will at
length make yon push There is a
power in a imagination
of yourself in any certain
Imagine that the best belongs
to you, and you will find the beet
coming to you. Imagine the worst
see yourself in the poor-house,
and the poor will come to
yon. Success, like charity must
commence at home in I
you are compelled to live at borne
a poor room on poor fare,
do so only protest. Keep
your mind on the better room and
the better fare. Don't Bay,
I must always take with
Sty, instead, urn going
to have better things
You are creating for yourself
not weakness. Yon arc
ever strengthening tho
attraction which
till bring these things to
I IS 1866.
J. W. CD.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
An old maid who died New
York the other day, worth
after dividing her money
among relatives provided in
will that be given to
housekeeper of the house in which
she lived to take care of her black
and tan, the
of his days. Unfortunately
for Dandy Jim, there was pro-
vision against killing with
pay reward an
Two hundred bushels of
Potash from the
soil. Unless this quantity
is returned to the soil,
the following crop will
materially decrease.
V. hate i
tor crops.
an Mat Ire-.
pencils l cent, plain lead pencils i o
rubber tipped lead pencil i cent, a nice tablet with
pretty cover cent. crayons, with metal hold-
in nice wood box cents. pencil, slate pen-
and pen, and role, all In nice wood box, B
cents. A great big wide tablet cents. Bottle of best
ink on the market. Copy books to cents.
White crayons, gross in box. s con's Good fool's cap
paper Mitts per
For the Business Man.
I X. C. April Is, 1901
The vocal of D- W.
old, was at the disciple
I church Tuesday last with
dot What lie Deserved.
Anderson Hoarders, colored who
lives near tow n. gave one of his
children a pistol to play with a few
days ago. Anderson's wife
members present. We all hope to danger and wanted the pistol
We carry a nice of double and single entry ledgers.
long day books, Journals, r bunks, memorandums, i railroad jester
order books, receipt, and note bocks, The
Hon. Johnson Nichols
of Pitt county, was our
last with his lest
j girl. Come again Mr. Nichols,
We have all kinds and styles of box card and I are glad to yon.
envelope visiting cards, note paper and tablets. Madam the wed-
ding bells n iII again
For Society
taken from the child, but
son refused to permit this. Pres-
as a matter of course,
pistol van discharged and
son yell, to heal the baud. Clasp-
his bands bis back be howl-
ed, gone I'm The
ball had taken attest Anderson's
as weapon was a small,
cheap affair, the wound is not con-
dangerous and Anderson
is now com- isn't gone, as he feared.
The opinion is
got what he deserved.
given the pistol to child it is
fortunate it shot him instead
itself or some body
see much good resell therefrom.
W. freeman has over
in Comity for the past
three days on a business trip.
Mrs, M A. Lagged has moral
in W. L. bangs store on Main
t reel.
number of our lady and
gentlemen friends to see
the convicts at work on
And when it comes to
our midst.
Forbes, Greenville,
night in our town.
is to have a new
band Soon. Sonic of the members
to gladden the hearts
of the music
Hit. went to Tar-
Monday to spend some time
with her daughter.
and Mrs. Jno. are
getting ready for their annual
commencement, which will lake
place June
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
The effect of the continued cool
Heather is Instill further delay the
strawberry crop an
that it is said to lie provoking
I comment upon the part of the
I Say that the season now
open before of May
it is likely shipments
of consequences can be made even
to early a-i that
lion. John II. Small has again
been awake to the interest of his
of this district. As a
result of bis the
of Fish and Fisher
has directed Supt. Worth of
the Culture
to make of shad in Pamlico
and Tar and also in the
. and rivers,
and also in sound.
i I i -r streams this
district should eventually increase
in our waters
to the Hi of our fishermen and
our people. waters
were stocked by the Slate some
years ago there was a very
table increase the supply of
shad alter a few
ton Progress.
of Complaint,
or we -o
with the Little
with arc an-1
r.-Ti-t fall to
ii-1 bold u pill.
contain IS pill. Beware
and Imitation. Sent by mall, taken.
CO., and
III For -alp bl
t r
Three One Year Each, for
Weekly Times
Now Only Cents a Year,
includes absolutely free The
Paragon Monthly, New The
Farm Journal. Philadelphia.
Including Farm Journal and Pars
Monthly, now only per
year; per month by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
Richmond, Va.
notice to rite
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Go. from
New York; Clyde Ling- from
Bay lane from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. a
Mr. John C. General for
North Carolina Virginia, of that Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
I to announce to its large number of
policy holder, and to the public
generally, North c
will now In
state and from this date will its
and desirable policies. Io all de-
airing the very beat insurance la the beat
life company in the
If the agent in your town hat not
i completed
Stale Agent, Raleigh, N. C.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic wanted at
once to for
Old mutual Benefit.
L. H. Pender,
Tobacco Flue. Tin
Expert Gunsmith employed. All
kinds Gnu and Locksmith work
first class. Re-stocking of guns a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
duly the
nor court Clark of PHI M
f Mrs. I. T. bans,
deceased, in hereby all
indebted to Io make
And nil claims Said
present the to the
within twelve from
dale notice, or the same ill U-
in liar of recovery.
This 17th of
Administrator of Mrs. I,. T. Lang.
VI jg.- aD. Mia hoed
Car Lo of Ur
ail or
A tonic
ht, pink
of By
with our to care
or mono, paid. Scud fur c Ire
of our
for boas
V or
Liquor, .
r. for
For sale by J L WOOTEN,
A man may put on airs all his
life and cut off heirs In his will.
all very well be slow but
sore, but it apply to a
------I II
S. M.
Wholesale Grocer and
Furniture Dealer, paid fur
Hides, For, Cotton Heed. Oil liar
Turkeys. Egg, etc.
Mattresses, Suits, Ba-
by Carriages,
suits, Tallies, Lounges, Safes, P.
add Gail A n u
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Can-
Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Oar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents,
China Ware, and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Heat Batter, Stand-
ard i n as , mi
other goods. and
Quantity. Cheap for cash.
r------ a
Cotton Bagging and always
on has i
Fresh goods kept
hand. Country and
sold. A trial will con vinos yon.
D. W.
My son. Will Williams, aged years,
left my on the day or April
1801, without my All
teed or
under the law.
On May we expert to close our
All persona owing us an- to
make payment. All
claims against will them
at our at Warehouse for
The Clerk of the Superior of Pitt
county, having letters
to me. the undersigned, the day
April on the of A. R. L.
notice is to
all creditors of estate to
authenticated, to the
within twelve months after
date of Ibis notice, or this notice will be
plead of their recovery.
This day or April
on the estate of A. K. Is,
The Clerk . f of Pitt
having this day issued to
letters of administration on
estate of W. A. Smith deceased,
is hereby given all persons holding
claims against said estate to present them
to me for or before the 14th
day of April 1802, or Ibis notice will be
plead In bar of t heir All persons
I to said estate re requested to
mike payment to me.
This the day of April 1801.
Ad ministering the estate of W. A. Smith
Letters of administration upon the estate
Hudson, deceased, having, this
day been issued to by Clerk of
Court of Pitt County. Notice is
hereby given Io all persons claims
against said present them to me
for payment on or before the day
March 1802, or this notice will b plead in
of their recovery. All persons indebted
said estate requested to make
This the 17th day of March
of Bedding Hudson.
Letters of administration baring this
day been to me by Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt county upon es-
of W. II. notice Is
hereby given to all holding claims
against said estate to present them to we
for payment on or before the of
April 1802, or this notice will be plead In
her of recovery. Persons Indebted to
Mill hi an notified to make Immediate
to me.
This the 1st day of April 1901.
Administrate, the
f the Isle W. II. deceased.
Letters of administration, with the will
this day boon issued to me
by Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
county, upon the L. R. Laughing
house notice is hereby given U
all h against said es-
to present I hem In me for payment
or before the day of March
his n-ti be plead In her of their re-
All persona Indebted to
one are to make Immediate pay-
with the will aniline of L. E.
W. R. BRO.,
Whichard, IT.
The Stock in every
and prices as low as
rest. Highest market prices
paid for country
J. L m,
------DEALER IN------
Also s nice Line of Hardware.
J. R.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor ft Publisher,
In Advance.
One Year Six Mouths
Three Sing. Copy So.
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
The Reflector office. The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The
one year for 3.60 payable ad-
The Eastern Reflector
n a mt
Attention Please.
Our white goods are the prettiest and cheapest
See us before buying. We won't be undersold.
Mr. talked
the matter over fully
Wood, will receive the
if a canal is ever
ed a decade will suffice to make
Alabama a greater state than Pen-
It is a little early to begin the
work of Making the next
can candidate for president,
but notice has already been public-
tea from the Cuban Constitutional; y served upon the re-
but it will be in a publicans that the votes of the
it short this is day manner, south in the next republican
will show them at once that would be given
be is more intent upon his coming
pleasure trip than upon bearing
requests for
change an Act of Con-
and he will bluntly tell the
so, sad is about all
be will tell them, unless his
have been misrepresented by
those who ought to know
to the candidate favored by Mr.
The notice was
ed by Judge J. W. a
federal office-holder and national
committee man from Alabama,
who is now in Washington.
One of Aguinaldo's re
published ac-
N. C, April 1801.
Mrs. of New
wick, N. J., ts visiting Mrs. J. J.
Mrs. II. J. Morris and
home Saturday from
H. W. Whichard of Norfolk,
was here Thursday. to see
you, Walter, come again.
J. J. has accepted a
position with J. R. as
book keeper.
spent Saturday Sunday
with Mrs. J. J. Satterthwaite and
returned home Monday. One of
our young men was seen wiping
eyes after train left.
Mrs. G. H. Little is spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs. Dr.
W. E. Warren, at Stokes.
A. M. Smith, cf Washington,
was here on business Thursday.
J. J. of Washington, was
here Saturday.
Mrs. Joe Leggett is very ill with
It. It. Fleming lost one of his fine
log mules Thursday. Dropped
de-ad hooked Io the log cart.
M. Mooring
here Friday his last call
for taxes.
Kev. Mr. of Rocky
Mount hi.-, regular appoint-
at the IS iii i-i church here
Sunday preached a very able
We are still the forefront of the race
offer you the best selected line of.
General Merchandise,
For the Gentlemen.
For the Ladies.
The cablegrams given out at the I the Philippines calling
War Department was coming from j the Filipinos to cease resist-
Gen. concerning the to American authority, has
stealing from the Commissary de-; aroused more of less speculation
in Manila, do not square; and curiosity Washington. It
either press news private in he to the
advices. According to the former,
there have only been a few cases
of petty larceny, while the latter
agree in insisting that there has
been a campaign of loot
and hint that more b is
being to protect the looters
than to the
punish the thieves, although a few
arrests have been made. Of course,
no one can say to a certainty which
is right or nearest right, on the
general principle that those who
disinterested are most apt to
tell the troth the press and private
cablegrams naturally find the
greatest number of believers.
Judge Lambert Tree, of
who prides himself on being an
old fashioned democrat, is visiting
Washington, where, by the way,
he was born. Asked about
cal conditions in Judge
do not see
any striking develop-
in the democrat politics of
This is a period of
at present everything
seems to be quiescent. There are
many questions to be looked into
between now and next nation-
as U.
S. Mil inter to Russia Judge
is naturally Interested the
part Russia is playing in Chi-
game and has some decidedly
pointed opinions on the subject,
not for publication.
Judge Winter, of Alabama, who
is in on legal
said on a subject in which the
whole country is
people of Alabama would build
bonfires and celebrate if the next
Congress should pass a bill for the
construction of an Isthmian canal.
We have discouraged by the
developments last few
mouths, and sometimes I feel that
it will be many year before
work on the canal is began- I
of the Filipino people
see their dear ones enjoying
the liberty aim promised
of the American
Many think that the
relates to promises
made to personally and
that the wily Filipino put in his
manifesto so as to make it a matter
of official record. Whether that
surmise be correct or not the
of manifesto indicates
that promises have been made of
which the American public know
nothing, and naturally there is
curiosity to know what those prom-
A Pennsylvania mail carrier who
walked miles every day and re-
the munificent sum of SO
as his bat re-
signed bis He feel- that
it is unfair for the government to
expect him to do such work for the
Miles is raid a year for
simply having a good time. On
the face of the thing it does appear
We do not blame the fellow for
resigning, not because of his envy
of Gen Miles, but because of
sum he received for his
labor. The States govern-
is able, willing and does pay
a reasonable sum the carrying
of the mails. Pennsylvania
man must have his job
from a mail contractor, one of those
fellows who bid in a job lot of mail
contracts, and then sublet them to
some poor fellow at a price which
will hardly feed the horse that
pulls the mail pouch. There
should Is-some way fixed to gel
rid of the middleman in this mail
Io Manufacture hoot Oar-
Mr. Win. now of
was States-
ville this week and perfected
to establish another
manufacturing enterprise in States
ville. It is a plant for the
of boat oars. Mr.
now has a plant of this kind
in operation and has
decided to move it here. He has
secured power from Mr. L.
Wagner at the place near
the depot and has returned to
to ship his machinery
here. He will also bring with
him a number of skilled workmen
and as soon as the machinery
rives and can be set up work will
The manufacture of boat oars, it
seems, is quite an industry,, but is
new for this
The oars arc made of ash wood ex.
plenty of this sort of
Umber be found hereabouts.
The new road law
Section That the justices of
the peace each and every town-
ship in this State shall meet
some place in their respective
townships, to lie agreed upon by
themselves, or in absence of such
to be named by their
on the last of
April of each year, shall elect
a board of road trustees, which
shall be composed of three
residents of said township. The
term of the first road trustee elect-
ed shall be for years, the
second for two, and the for
one year. One successor one
road trustee shall be elected at the
annual April meeting for the term
of three years. They are hereby
incorporated, the board of
road trustees of such townships
shall lie their corporate name.
mil The road trustees
shall meet some place in their
townships, to be agreed
themselves, or the ab-
of such agreement, to lie
named by their chairman, on the
first Monday in May and
and at such other times as a
majority them may ail
to lie found in any store in Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round. Spring, Summer
and Winter. We are at work for and our mutual ad
vantage. It is oar pleasure to show you what you want and to
sell you if we ca. We offer you the very best service, polite
attention, and most terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats and Caps. Silks and Satins. Dress Trimmings
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
Mi .
the hat desire is not
tastes while you wait.
Hats, Bra
in the milliners line.
veil is in charge of my milliner department and if
s, i
be trimmed to suit
Ribbons, and everything
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. and
Harness. Horse Blankets and Dusters.
Flour. Meat, Sugar Coffee, Molasses,. Lard, Scad Is,
Plows, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in that line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
I. k CO.
The Parker manifolding fountain
pen is a new style Ibis
ed make. They are at Reflector
Hook Store.
If you want stoves or ranges constructed
scientific principles which are economical, durable,
and convenient, as well as beautiful and artistic, look
for the
trade mark, which is shown upon every
Stove or Range, and do not be deceived
by worthless imitations and substitutes.
lead others in yearly sales and popularity,
Sold Exclusively
Made by tbs Orange Va.
He ho ., seldom
The backbiter with
The crow American
a mighty poor mule that
won't work bulb ways.
tree- are the
soluble in this
Duly deferred to-morrow
insures defeat and leads to
row .
tell age f a horse never
look into the mouth of the jockey.
The political may not lie
much of a mechanic and yet lie has
many tools.
The in. attractive and last
creature in life's museum
Is the humbug.
The prudent business man
lows nothing to to waist except
bis i n.
arc having now
bents ever
We call that good husbandry
when a in clover weds a
in her weeds.
Sum- women think more of a
. they do f
me men us religion as an mu-
to keep the rain of brim
stone I heir Sunday
believe in a of laugh
makes life last
happy a human
The miser la man who sells
his soul to the devil in order to
scrape money other people
light over.
A dispatch this morning
the death of Col. A. II.
of Texas, at
yesterday . Immediately alter the
civil war, in which he had served
he went from Salem,
Io married there and
some years later The Gal-
n News, profitable
Investment and he established at
Dallas its counterpart, The Dallas
Except a- local news
they substantially the same
paper, tho editorial and general
news matter la each being
cal day. These papers are
distributed practically all over
Texas ever tiny by special
chartered lb, purpose and
out of Galveston and early
A measure which has just be
come a law In New York State
makes the expenses of B m
deceased person payable from
estate before any other debts.
i i a boon to
Carolina First.
It is a great pity that good
baa been so careless in
serving her glorious I
furnishes a good example
of State pride which we arc so
deficient, in the great
for Southern independence
how small a par North
plays in history. And yet sin-
was the bravest and the heal of
all She was at Bethel
last at No other
State furnished so many soldiers
in proportion to population and
none stood more bravely by
Southern lint how
the matchless record of
North Carolina in that tragic
time it Will he gather
as much of it as can be
found, and, the world will be
thrilled with the wondrous story i
heroism of her sons ugh
As it was iii the
the States, so it was in the period
of the Revolution. In that great
struggle she led all the States of
the Colon. Her suns -lied
blood, held the
bidding deli nice King
renouncing allegiance
to the crown, wrote the first de-
burned all the bridges behind her
without asking the aid or ;
of any of her sisters. These and
many other great events in
history of North Carolina will be
emphasized at Battle
Ground, near Greensboro, on the
fourth of A splendid
monument to heroes will be
unveiled that day v. Inch should
have been erected a hundred years
ago. On lour aides of the
near its on bronze tab-
lets, the proud record of our Slate
during the years 1771 to will
be inscribed, Is enough to thrill
any North Carolinian through and
through to read matchless
story. The State is deeply
ed to Judge David and
for I iii.- labor of love.
citizens have contributed to make
this Battle Ground a his
interest but these two have
led in the good work, A museum
if rare and valuable relies and
papen been gathered, and
together the Bat lie i- be
coining not only a but a
very mere placed.
who can help in a work so worthy
should lie glad of service.
Charity and Children,
able to -land
lea-- e u hi-
lb- baa conspicuous success
in I is
N. C.
iii reasonable
I simplicity of funeral display.
. II

Eastern reflector, 23 April 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 23, 1901
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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