Eastern reflector, 26 June 1900

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

r r. f w
r, v
THE of
turn M
i -t the
as Amended.
Supplemental to u
As one of depositories Public School Books in I
Pin County. We handle the books designated on the
state list for the public schools and cm supply what-
ever you need. We also have
slant doable ruled practice writing books,
tablets, fool's cap paper, pens, pen slates, white
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion boxes, etc.
Some of S i i p m .
Entitled la to Amend
February ISM, the
of the Public am
of 1899.
elections by the General
shall be viva
Sec Every voter North
Carolina, except in this
shall eligible to of-
lint entering
lead pencils l cent,
a nice tablet with
c pencils l cent, plain
rubber tipped lead pencil l cent,
pretty cover cent,
in nice wood box cents
and pen, and rule, all nice wood box, R
cents. A great big wide tablet cents. Bottle of best
ink on the market, Scents. Copybooks to dents.
White crayons, gross In box. cents. Good fool's cap
paper cents per quire.
For the Business Man.
We a nice of doable and
long day books, journals, counter books,
order books, receipts, draft and note
For Society People.
We have all kinds and styles of box papers, card and
envelope sets, visiting cards, note papers and tablets.
he General Assembly of North
Carolina do
Section i. That
Public of 1899, entitled
Act to amend the Constitution of
be amended so
as to make said act read us
That article of the
of North Carolina lie, and
same i hereby abrogated, and in
pen thereof shall be substituted
crayons, with metal following article of said Con-
ad pencil, slate pen- as an entire and
plan of
entry ledger
Parker Fountain gen
And when it comes to
The Reflector Office Can't Beat.
Books, Stationery Printing.
We want your Orders for Printing
FOB Tin-;
Manila Floor Tags
lots of per
lots of cents per
In lots of per
In ills of at per
In u.-
At prices as Bills-
You ran v your orders now an I have work delivered any
time before the open t 1st. Work Guaranteed.
The Reflector Printing Office.
S. M. Schultz.
front now
will no
suspended Wholesale and retail and
Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Bead, oil liar
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
-leads. Mattresses, Oak Ba-
by Carriages, Parlor
Suits, Tallies. Lounges, Safes, I.
mi Gail A As
Meal Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Apples. Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour. Sugar, Coffee,
Lye, Magic Food, Hatches, oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Gar-
of TAILORS to den
when will bi-
ll full line of
keep up the work.
Greenville Tailoring Co.,
a, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes. Currents, Glass
and China Wan-, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Mara
Cheese. Putter, Stand- the regulation of the suffrage, with
ard Sewing Machines,
; other goods. unit
Quantity. Cheap for
, to see me.
Section l. Every male person
in the United Stales, and
every male person who has been
naturalized, twenty one years
age, and possessing the
set out this article, shall
be entitled to vote at any election
by the people In the State, except
as herein otherwise provided.
Sec. He shall have resided in
the state Ninth Carolina for two
years, in the county six months,
and in precinct, ward or other
election district iii which be offers
to vote, four months next proceed-
tin election; Provided, That
removal from one precinct, ward
or other election district
the same county, shall not ope-
late to deprive person Of the
right to vote ill the precinct, ward
or other election district from
which he has removed, until four
months after such removal. No
person who has been convicted, or
who has confessed his guilt
court upon Indictment of any crime
the punishment of which is. or may
hereafter is-, imprisonment in the
Male prison, shall be permitted to
vote, unless the said parson shall
be first restored to citizenship In
the manner prescribed law.
Sec. Every person offering to
vote shall be at the time a legally
registered voter as herein
ed and in the manner
provided by law, and the General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
enact general registration laws to
carry into effect the provisions of
Sec. i. Every person presenting
himself for registration shall be
I able to read and write any section
of the constitution in the English
language; and, before he shall be
entitled lo vote, be shall have paid
on or before the day of May, of
the year in which he proposes to
vote, his tax for the previous
year as prescribed by Article B,
Section i, the Constitution.
no male person, who was, on Jan-
Ni or at any time prior
thereto, entitled to vote under the
laws of any State in United
Stales wherein he then resided, and
no lineal of any such
shall be denied the right to
register and vote at any election in
this Slate by reason of his failure
to possess the educational
cation rein described
ed, he shall have registered in ac-
with the terms of
I section prior I, 1908,
The General Assembly shall pro
registration of all per-
sons entitled to vote without the
educational herein
prescribed, and shall, on or before
November let, 1908, provide for
the making of a permanent record
of such registration, and all
sons so registered, shall forever
thereafter have the right to vote
all elections by the people in
this State, unless disqualified
Section of Pro-
such person shall have paid
his poll tax as above required.
See. B, That this to
the it is presented
adopted as one Indivisible plan for
duties of the he shall take
and subscribe the following oath
do swear
I ill support and
maintain the constitution laws
of the United Slates, the con-
and laws of North Caro
inn not inconsistent therewith, and
that I will faithfully discharge the
So help me,
See. S. The following classes of
persons shall lie disqualified for
office First, all persons who shall
deny the being of Almighty God
Second, all persons who shall have
been convicted or confessed their
guilt on indictment pending,
whether sentenced or not,
judgment treason
or felony, or any other crime for
which the punishment may be
the penitentiary,
since citizens of
United or corruption and
malpractice in office, unless such
person shall lie restored to the
rights of citizenship in a manner
Sec. That this amendment to
the Constitution, shall go Into
on the first day July, 1902,
called the mill run near
C. Hooks, residence; thence
down said branch or mill
Swift Creek, thence down
creek to the public road leading by
C. i hence with pub-
road to Meeting
House; the public road
leading by Caleb Worthington's to.
Km k swamp; shall constitute
t No t of i Township,
polling place the town
No. Si All that part of
said township lying cast north
of the above line shall constitute
Precinct Ho. of Town-
ship with polling place In the town
Falkland Township snail
one election precinct with the
polling place in the town of Falk-
Township I
one election
the polling place
the town
if a majority f the votes at
the next general election shall with Pitt street
cast In favor of amend
Greenville Township is hereby
divided two election precincts
Precinct that part of
the township lying north of Tar
river, together with that part of
the town of Greenville lying be-
tween Tar river the following
line, to Commencing on Tar
river at the mouth of the branch
forming eastern boundary of
said town, and running up said
branch lo Third street, thence a
westerly course with Third street
to Pitt street, thence a southerly
son avenue, thence with Dickinson
avenue a south-westerly course to
Sec. II. This amendment to boundary of said town
. .,;, ,. , ,, , . . , . thence a northerly course with said
Constitution shall be submitted at boundary line to Tar river; shall
the next general election to the constitute Precinct No.
voters of the State, in the villa township, with the polling
same and under the same
rules regulations as is pro I , T ,, . n.,
,,.,, , . , the remain-
the law of Mid township shall con-
elections in this State, and at said Precinct No. with the
elections those persons desiring to, polling place at Five Points in the
vote for such amendment shall cast Greenville.
a written printed ballot with the
Suffrage Amend-
thereon; and those with a
contrary opinion shall cast a writ-
ten or printed ballot with the
words Suffrage Amend-
US Township shall
one election precinct with the
polling place in the village of
Swill Creek Township is
See. III. The votes east at said into two election precincts
election shall be counted,
returned and canvassed, and
the result declared
under the same rules
and the same manner as
the vote for Governor, and if a ma-
of voles east are in favor
of the said amendment, it shall lie
the of the Governor of the
State, being notified of the
result of said election, to certify
said the seal of
the state, who shall enroll the said
amendment in certified among
permanent records of his office.
Sec IV. This act shall lie
force from and after Its ratification.
Voting Places For the
W. T. Lee Company
Will tell in this
space Thursday. Phone
the intent and purpose to so con
the different parts, and to
make them so dependent upon
ea h other, that the whole shall
stand or fall together.
Sec. ti. All elections by the
pie shall be by ballot, and all
i with Chapter SOT,
Law- 1800, the county Hoard of
Elections, for Pitt county, at a
meeting held on the 7th day of
May 1900, divided the county
election precincts and designated
the polling places as follow
Beaver Dam Township shall con
election precinct with
the polling plane at May's Chapel.
shall constitute
one election precinct the poll-
place Parker's School House
near Gum Swamp
Township shall constitute
one election precinct with the poll
place of Bethel.
Carolina Township shall
one election precinct with the
polling place at Stokes on the
W. i;. B.
township shall constitute
one election precinct with the poll-
place Blank Jack.
is hereby
two election precincts
Precinct No. All that part of
the township lying south of Swift
shall constitute Precinct No.
with the polling place at
Precinct No. All that part
of the township lying of
Swift creek shall constitute
No. with the polling place
at the public school house near I.
B, F.
Chairman Co. Hoard of Elections,
Co. Hoard of
A New York merchant, who had
an income of shot himself
a few days ago of
He probably depress-
ed with the thought that he might
never he as rich as Rockefeller.
Wilmington Star.
Simplest. Most Durable,
and Perfect in use. Wastes
no grain; Cleans it ready for market
Threshing; Engines Horse Powers,
Saw Mills and Standard
Send for Illus-
A. B. Lid.,
SO at York, Pa
Pus So. that part
so the township west
tooth following line to
Commencing g the Beaver
Township line on the old Plank
Road, near Warren's Chapel,
running with the public road lead-
by Warren's Chapel, to the
forks of the road near the old
Frank Tucker homestead, thence
with the public road leading to the
Greenville and road near
Lorenzo thence with
the Greenville and road
. m . w
a course to the branch
and night Sweats with Hubert's
Tasteless Chill Tonic at per
Pleasant to take. Money
if it fails. Restores
petite, blood and makes
you well. None other as good.
Sold guaranteed the drug
A Words
No bat yourselves know of
you go through. Why do
suffer It necessary. Don't
lose your health and beauty, the
of one U
. and worn Impure blood is Si
the of all your trouble.
will purify your Mood and bring
bloom of health back into your I
cheeks. Each bottle contain a m
In o. mid, all Sad help, lilt
JOHNSTON'S Alls la for pm
of cold hand, and for n
. down
.------,. .,, i of
with painful of
of Out
f which make the life to miserable W have a book
down backache,
I with
THE Detroit, Mich;
Urn Ilia ac.
t u ,
In Court.
vs. Move.
Tin- defendant above named will take
notice Hint an action entitled as above
the Superior Court of
Pitt county to obtain a divorce from the
of matrimony; and the defendant
will take notice that he is required
to appear the next term of the Superior
Court of county to be held on the sec-
Monday after the first Monday in Sept.
next, being the 17th of Sept., 1900,
Si the Court House in N. C.
mi answer or demur lo the complaint in
ran the plaintiff will apply to the
Court fur the relief demanded in com-
This the 80th day of May 1900.
Clerk Superior Court.
F O for
The of the Superior Court of Tit
county, having lamed Letter t
lo me. the undersigned, on the
day if May. on the estate
I. deceased. Notice is Iv
given to ill Indebted to the
lo make Immediate to the
am lo all creditors of said estate or
present claims, properly
to the twelve
after date of this notice, or this
will lie plead in of their recovery.
This tin- 7th day of May; 1900.
on the estate of Thomas J.
Having dub the
or county as
Will and of Nancy
Wallace, notice is hereby given to
all to said estate to make
i to the undersigned, and
all persons claims said ea-
BIS to present the same
for payment on or the of
April, or this nodes will he plead in
bar of recovery.
day of April, 1900.
Executor of Nancy Wallace.
hereby warn all persons from en-
upon any of our lands along
the purpose of with net
or hunting. Any one m will
W according lo law,
E. I It. T
A. J.
M i- .
Notice is hereby given that the hooks of
registration fer precinct NO.
Township will .-i from A.
M. to sun-set of each day from Thursday
June July 1900 in-
for the n
of legally voters of the
precinct And on each Saturday during
said the said hours
the books will be open at polling place
at Five Points in the town of
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Friday at A. M.
leave Tarboro for Greenville
A. M. carries freight only.
for Norfolk,
New York and
ton, for all points for the Went
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
I lie I s. B. Co. from
New York; from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N.
Greenville, N. C.
s m. superintendent.
Lay Services every 2nd and 4th
Sunday morning.
every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening.
Rev. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. C. D.
M every Sun-
day, morning and evening. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson, pastor. Sunday
school p. m. W F. Harding,
Sunday, evening. Rev
J. B. Morton, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. E. B. so
at the
Opera House every 2nd Sunday
night. Rev. W.
Davis, pastor.
regular services.
A. F. A. M. Greenville
Lodge, No. meets first and
third Monday R.
W. M. J. M. Sec
I. O. O. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday evening.
R. I. Humber. N. G. E. E Griffin,
K. of River Lodge,
meets every Friday evening
R. M. C C; T. M. Hooker,
K. of K. andS.
R. Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, R. M. R.
Lang, See.
Jr. O. U. A. every
Wednesday night at In I. O.
O. F hall. J. B. While, Conn-
A. O. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday nights in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner Worthy
Chief; D. S. Smith, Sec.
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second
Monday nights in Odd
Hall. W. B. Wilson
Smith Sec
Whichard, N, C.
The Stock complete in every de
part and prices as low as the
Highest market prices
aid produce.
The One Day Cold Our.
Cold In and sore throat cured by Ker-
. u i I. i. to
MEN WANTED, with fair duration
L-.-t lo
hr all railway a
a. of
All are assisted to
for free
j. a.
for fro
A lap a Line of Hardware.
The Eastern Reflector.
. j
Seven Springs Hotel.
The finest of mineral waters. Each spring has a different
analysis. Especially recommended for stomach, kidney, liver
and bladder troubles. All seven have wonderful restorative
La O.
Water free to guests. People boarding at other hotels or
boarding houses and using Seven Springs w In-charged
per week A number of improvements have been added
since last season, among them are the bath houses being com-
a professional barber in the hotel, and others too
numerous to mention. For terms and other information
W. F. Morrill. Proprietor.
Seven Springs, N. C.
State Ticket.
of Wayne.
Fur Lieutenant
For Secretary of
of Pitt.
B. F.
of Cleveland.
For Attorney
of Hay wood.
For Superintendent Public
of Robeson.
For Commissioner
of Caldwell.
For Commissioner and
of Davidson.
For Corporation
of New
of Cumberland.
County Ticket
For the Senate,
For Representatives,
For Sheriff,
For Register of Deeds
For Treasurer,
For Coroner,
J. D. COX.
For Commissioners,
A Needed Incentive.
North Carolina needs an
to education. We
have set forth time and again the
distressing condition of our free
schools; and now the tide is
in their favor it is highly
desirable that we strike at the
root of illiteracy In OUT Common-
Wealth. The percentage of
in North Carolina has not been
wholly chargeable to the
common schools; for they
have been many years,
ways, to teach lo
read and write. That is to say,
anyone who desires to learn to read
and write can do so in schools run
for two or three months during
their school This being so,
it stands to reason Ilia I many have
declined to embrace their
and it is well established
that one who will scorn or
a slight opportunity will despise
a larger one. For this we
have felt of a compulsory
school-law, though know the
people are not yet regarded as
ready for it. Knowing that this
is out of the we arc glad
for the prospect of another
open chance to learn to
read and write, open several
and then a penalty if that chance
neglected. We believe this will
bring the children out of darkened
homes by the thousand. will
learn to read rather than forfeit
their right to vote. They will till
our free schools, such
dance will reported as has not
been dreamed of. This will serve
many purposes. It will be light
where light is most needed; it will
hope to those hopeless;
it will emphasize the value of the
free and plead eloquently
for their improvement, and it will
give new impetus to the
movement now so
parent North
cal Recorder.
Unique Bargains.
The most unique political prop-
yet made and accepted is
that batman Mr. Charles B.
cock and a Mr. Crisp, of Lenoir.
When Mr. Aycock concluded
able speech there a few days
J. A. Crisp, the well-known Re-
publican postmaster, said to Mr.
Aycock that if he would
sign an affidavit that the amend-
would not disfranchise white
men because of their illiteracy,
other words that the
meant what it says, he
would obligate himself by
to vote for the amendment.
Crisp is a Republican local leader
and it is thought this
proposition for a bluff, or to test
whether Aycock really believed
what he asserted in his speech.
Then and there the presence of
a magistrate the affidavit was
drawn up and duly sworn to and
signed by Aycock. There was
nothing left for Crisp to do but
keep his part of the agreement and
sign the affidavit to vote for the
which ho did.
Crisp claimed to lie favor of
while supremacy but opposed to
the amendment. He now
logical position of being
favor of both.
His proposition its
reminds one of the arrange
between a local politician of
Charlotte a Democratic
date. The Republican worker dis-
the statement there
were forty magistrates
Hanover, and at last offered
to go to to
gate for himself; the Democrat to
pay his expenses, and the
to change his politics if he
found the statement true. Re
went to Wilmington, found things
much than they had been
represented, and wrote a card iii
I lie papers saying He stood to
his bargain, changed his politics
and worked the rest of the
arc still in the forefront of race after your patronage
offer you the best selected line of
General Merchandise
to lie found in in Pitt Well bought choice
the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round. Spring, bummer
We are at work for yours and our mutual ad
vantage. It la our pleasure to show you what you and to
sell you if we ran. We offer you beat service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms with a will
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come lo market you ill do yourself justice
if you do not son our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following lines of general merchandise.
Goods and Notions,
Hats ac i and Dross Trimmings Ladies
Jackets Carpets, Mattings and Oil
No Blood but Some Bluster.
is too much talk of
this campaign. We
are a to have a peaceable and
light the greatest
which ever entered pol-
of any State. That matter is
going lo be settled by a majority of
the voters at the polls. you
hear any political of wad-
through blood to bin mouth,
and boasting how he is going to
to Winchester titles and die
in his cause, you may put it down
in your note book that there is
a that fellow,
if it were necessary to face bullets
and endanger life that same fellow
would lie under the bed
out of danger. Oh, these
blood and thunder fellows. We
have hoard racket it is
always and ever a racket and
Subscribe to The
Pretty much everybody in the
central purl of city knows by-
sight the sawed-off boy
of Western Union Telegraph
Company h hose tits him
about as well as a coffee sack
would. Last Sunday night
Observer man and an of
the met him marching up
street, aimless in appear-
with his eyes lightly
They stopped him, Inter-
him and shook him,
found that he was When
he woke up he said he thought he
was asleep on the bench the
Western Union office- A few
years ago one of the best known
physicians Charlotte appeared,
one morning, about i
o'clock, on street, with
on but his night shirt a
pair of slippers He had walked
a block half when he was
in his
by a couple of his night -hawk
friends, who naked him where he
was He replied,
that it was none of their
blank but they managed
to detain him until they found
that he was asleep, then
woke him up. He returned through
his light to
his room, laughing all the
Is not a good
habit. Any who is ad
dieted to it should break himself
of it. It is liable to lead one into
any sort of complication. Char-
Men's, and Children's Shoes. and
Horse Blankets and
Flour, Meal, Sugar, Bead ts,
Plows, Costings and Plow Fixture, Nails and Rope.
for Furniture and everything in Hue.
We buy strictly fur Cash, sell for lather tush u Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit Dealing.
Your Friends,
Use Good Plows.
have just received n lot o South
Chilled Single Double Call and Me
them before buying. We also n
A reporter of The Stat -at the
division of the
Bureau for more than hour
to get Idea of the work be
It was a sail experience,
for there came t the
an of unemployed,
unused Lo breakers
of this bard, cold world, all
search employment.
wanted something to something
to take Hun minds from
i and give them u
to supply
Some of the stories
pitiful, and it was
;. i- a woman burst into
tears. f the crowd that
waited in respectful deference to
the presentation her case. Now
and then a stray member
crop can
grow with-
out Potash.
Every blade
t ., grain
i I all Fruits
and Vegetables
must have it. If
i is supplied
y. mi a full crop-
it too little, growth will be
I. all ,
t t They cost
;. . .
A -mi In Each.
Maude, dear, would
lie to refer to the
gross, who bad left over, came . .
inmates of ti cattle ear as trained
in stormed to
his Constituent had lint
. once, tin
mindful of the i In census
bad just begun, and
there are other i i
other promises and few places.
difference, it
seems, for after n person once pas
-i- an i in there is a i
grind at headquarters for
appointments, and all sorts of in-
net is n bent t.
official recognition a- a clerk
Watches a
and eye over I lie whole
dilution, and be refuses
people lo plan- when
there is no need for them. There
works everybody's
survives are appreciated accord-
bis when
So, Mamie, dear cowboy
does always cross the ocean in
the steerage.
a woman can usually gel straight
in point except when she tries
a pencil or drive a nail.
It doesn't take a man with a call
in hi- eye In cast relied ions.
A man may make his murk
ti. world making it a
A man never bow many
I. an- he spends In bed until lie has
hen the ball reaches first base
the runner it is natural that
feel put out about it.
dog may have his day, but
they an- mil all daisies.
Seine people always
for while others can't get
from It.
occur, they arc by
infrequent, it ran lie put Ts
a- a safe the
promotion has been is
a business census, conducted on
business principles b business
men no fears
Washington star.
lever is a bottle of
tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply
mi a i ii i a form
pay. Price
The while people North Car
realize much
win In the . mo
i It- for blessing
;. mil government, for peace,
of the women
and outrage, till banner
went down In defeat
of them grew weary old -i.
at tin- carnival of terror it ml
corruption followed
can in demanded
new Marion Duller saw
bis opportunity u com-
which resulted in the defeat of the
democratic party, There was no
rule, he said, The
was all a blind to divert
the attention of the people
live economic II took
four years of fusion rule in open
had In
try bitter experience
republican is incapable of
. lie state a n man's .
because three fourths of
its is made lip of
Ii is a .
the tenders
ran get the lowest to win the
per bottle. Cures Chills and
Fever, Malaria, Sweats and
back if it doesn't.
No us good, the kind
with Red Cross on the label.
guaranteed by Wooten,
i and druggists.
speakers everywhere
ought to call attention to the pet-
sound of the Stale and ticket.
Aft. rail that is said about plat
the character of
dates has mm ti in do with the re-
The have
be.-t of pa-
character -and a
will In-
duce t. vote for the Demo-
because are looking for
i be lie; men for the position.
Raleigh News and Observer.
The average is not hit fas
much afraid of gossip as i he is of a
Headquarters For
Builder's Hardware, Ready
Paints, Pumps, Nails Garland Stoves, World's
N. C.
Catarrh Cured
with local applications, as
reach scat of the dis
ea-e. is a blood or
ill-ease, and in order to
cure ii internal
Catarrh is taken
, and ails mi
Mi. Hall's
Cure Is not a quack
i was prescribed
the beat In this country
years, is a regular
It is the
ii. with
. a the mucous surface. The
perfect combination the two in-
is produces such
in lining
ill Send ho
tin Props.,
Hold druggists, . Hall's
Pill-, arc the
The i- a in on III
that i the w hilt i-
i an. I him I Inn is tin middle
ground. A- the Mate stands,
the bite man i- the men n
who climb into paw
thinking rid of
i and till men, sleeted
white men, will power
-5 ., It
Dr. D. L. J i ,
M N .

N. C.
J. Ed. Owner
take Part rt
Greenville, N. as Second Class
Mall Mailer.
The assault made by
upon Mr. B. . I lax
is something
well concern Hie people of the
ea-h i ii iii State, ii
disposition of the
The President seems to have
war with China, as he
with Philippines, by his
own will, without asking
the consent of In
hands alone making DOW-
i.- by Constitution.
The question of the right
war i mil Material.
The President Legal pow
to should
Congress in session to con-
sider the mailer. Kill lie will mil
do ii.
The critical point in next
is York, which is ah
necessary to both
Kill as nominee for Gov-
would stand a heller
of carrying Mate, us
With II
governor selected by and
sworn mil to enforce franchise
taxation la the real
milk in wants
taxation law killed.
baa to gal out of
way in It.
in wholly
lug the
the Washington upon ilia
nomination for Vice-
Ii Republican
run vein lull
is i high and
is i j. f
I I. It
juggling by
I lie republican lenders with the
Vies Presidential nomination,
who are Initialed which through, the
to dastardly acts by such which aw
Ada,,,, and other of the the Washington
,. adopted have evoked
rule . . .,
; not the In
arc making, although the
a m-n. was known j,., strength of the bread and but
twenty-one age, and who brigade at National Capitol
and considerable per-
following, many to sup-
there would be at least a
bluff made at of mi en-
demonstration, About
declined to take the oath that he
old. Hauled to lie listed
for taxation, and upon re
fused triad to commit minder.
purpose behind this
to vote
against in August
and thought his name
list would lie evidence he
old enough lo lute.
Till. lull has made in
some listen in
and say a large
young who claim to
In-Mist one been lint
taxation. Possibly lbs
same thin generally as no
doubt have been in-
Registrars for
should lie on their
guard and allow these
to got on the
books because they have
n in mi taxation.
Ii is while men
to be stirring
dot want lo see the de
The show plainly
what opposition an- mi to.
While men together or
Milt cc worse than
we have had
only heard in Wash-
have come from delegates
to the convention who stopped on
their way home, and those
robs were not result
but of whiskey or other in
Hut of course,
does not worry is
boodle, mil enthusiasm, that ho re
lies upon Iii duplicate bis bus
Nothing more contradictory was
ever into a party than
the declarations of the republican
platform that endorse ad-
ministration William
and the
ownership, and pro-
of an isthmian canal by
of the
Mr. is
responsible Hay
Sold II.
A few days ago the
of this city, sent a
of its canned MM
as Co of
wholesale canned good
The Philadelphia house asked
for price on and of-
which was and
receipt Ibis letter,
the Philadelphia wired the
Company its
price and taking its entire output
of pat, cases.
As this is season of the
Carolina Canning Co. its success
is quite
The Company has up some
tine beans, 10,71.0 cans, which will
M doubt prove equally a line as
its Kern Journal.
Hoy Attacked a Hour.
Mr. James H. Poll, who is just
back from Johnson county- brings
news a unusual
serious injury of a boy by a bit-
Poland China boar.
seems a old boy
named Joe living near
was on trying
to run the bag from some plum
bushes in a Held, when turned
on him, ran him down and Miring
him by thigh struck its tusks
into the flesh some two inches deep
then lore making a
wound. It is thought that
the boy had escaped by jump
treaty, which, if ratified, would fence he would
make carrying out of that
of the plat form an ,,. of
The platform did not dare
name the News and Ob
ship subsidy Job, but merely asks m,.,.
which will dial
us recover our
among the I carry of I
the Is certain
subsidy Job do it.
Ml did kind
Hive an extra
week the lime lie called lo de
congratulatory telegram President I J . P
mi Per- of only hall towards
Is la-en of China an allied army.
A Platter.
The platform, adopt
d Philadelphia yesterday . is a
neatly framed together
but, Use
these World's Fair buildings that
are -o pleasing to the eye, will
not -laud wear tear, and when
examined critically it
will be found lo made of
The clause of greatest
interest to North Carolinians re
cs to white supremacy in the
and the fact that the O. O.
lines up against the Anglo-Sax-
or. rule is enough to damn the plat-
form and the party as far as South-
arc concerned. This plunk
was the plain purpose of the
fifteenth amendment to the
to prevent discrimination on
account of race or color in
cs of Stale whether
by statutory or constitutional en
to avoid of
this amendment, are revolutionary
and should be
The great mother of trusts, the
party, condemns her
own offspring and weakly and with
glittering generality favors
making these bad children of hers
lie good. Protection is endorsed
again in a way to hoodwink and
fool the laboring man, the plank
loading as If protection
of the existed
solely for the laborer,
principle of free trade in
disguise -is favored in the next
breath. Shipping subsidies arc en-
a sop is thrown lo the
A. It., Of course, in pension
An tempt to white wash
the Cuban postal scan
dill is ludicrously made in these
The administration has
it. S. Evans.
U. V. Cannon.
ii i
birds a
with mil we think some tall hustling this week
litter. lo do He preferred to jump bond fare-
The tells of u
woman who so averse In
census I, .,,.,, ,
she moved from public service Cuba,
to another In order to I and the Philippine Wanda
dodge Inn., census work whose has been
in the district in
which she established I,
ii Is duo
though ;
in by
hot new A i.-. fa
J. K. Cannon.
Greenville Warehouse.
We, the desire to our names before the
tobacco of Pitt and adjoining counties as solicitors of
patronage for the sale of Leaf Tobacco tin- coming season, be-
ginning August 1st, 1900. Knowing we possess the
means and judgment of Leaf Tobacco necessary to run a
good sale, assure yon that you will get the very highest
market price for your tobacco.
H. S. EVANS, known among the boys as noted
for his good judgment of tobacco and liberal country buying,
was cashier and a partner of the late firm of Evans,
Co. who is thoroughly familiar with all branches of
the trade, will run the sale.
A. who was formerly with the Star
Warehouse, is now with us. lie is a good judge of tobacco,
and as auctioneer, will assist us in seeing that every pile of
tobacco brings its worth.
II. C. CANNON, who will have charge of the books, will
see that you are not delayed in getting your bill and check.
When you sell tobacco with us, we you the
highest price on all grades. Try us with your first load.
With the saving of in drumming, keeping our own
books, and other expenses cut at the start, we will dollars
in the pockets of our patrons through the sale of their leaf.
We invite all to visit us this coining season and note
our prices. We are yours to serve. EVANS, CANNON CO.
Special Notice.
We have decided not to hire any drummers, believing that
the farmers tire tired of so many men riding through the
country. Bring your and prove to market that
you are tired of With ibis expense saved we can help you
much more in sale of your leaf.
The Royal
Felt Mattress,
he Best Mattress Made
in herself.
when old lion comes
will that to ills
It both i- better for
expect the speakers
the There Is personal
work for every man to do and but
live weeks remain in do it in. Ii
a man in your neighborhood is nut
char on the amendment, goto him
help him lo understand it.
enemies the amendment
at work, and no man -ho mints
can all In be
stake; your home is i
ed; rule
dangers should
stir every man .
There is a good rem u
to the
has In. u hut one
whom Democrat
could Humiliate, while
have always men of
no impel tame -mere hags
In the most part lo take low
peat. None of them measured
up to the office. A really
man can still show i.-e
let us sou that
the hooks the com
will In- opened on the
88th and be kept open only
days, not Including Sunday.
new registration is to be
made, so every man. o
who he ii, must before
can vole. your el
on the hook
soon as it and then
every man in your neighbor
hood that may led oil.
Make I Ins personal matter
do let voles he for
because men tail
register Star.
have to pay
above is tin- Raleigh
News and Observer. The same
of exists here
The county and town each have a
lister employed who in the
Court House day after day during
June, and will-
to the all who
ply , told the town
more than one
thud of the people of town
u have ;, el
while men. They know
are severe for
failure to do so. do
The have nearly
all Haled, those w ho are
young, fur they are paving a
lo register. We ask why such a
affairs should
form, that with
in one
denounced those twin relies of
The oilier commends the
acquisition of the Philippine and
treaty with
Which the
. i both and
of harem keener of
had no more lo do
u iii tin- large
the will
year on
prosperity, which rests alto-
on the initial prosperity of
fueling over here, and
fail prosperity abroad
makes ii Impossible tor foreign
mills to till their orders and om
is lo the
They are Not All
I When fools all world will
shut up shop. They arc always to
be found it sharper can
Yesterday a man called a
house in the as
woman therein
had a torn. He also discovered
, most of the time.
with her Of course. Then
into with
j governments of Europe, and I
j Japan, United state.- troops I
an- now being hurriedly sent to.
lake pail iii the If his
action lead to entangling
foreign complications, many
shrewd men will lie mistaken in
their predictions.
Some of Boat million
allies ha e undertaken the
contract of aiding the Philadelphia ,. ,.,.
by steadily forcing the puce
of heal upward during the
for the purpose of trying to ,,;.,,. ,,., B n, ,
the disgruntled , said would
of the wheat growing section,
This may be a good thing those u .,
heal growers who be able to now It worked, but of
lake advantage of It, but it will woman not going to
have its risks, both tor the ,,. , y
growers and the republican all she
Kit should appear at any time lo
the when her husband
make wore money by letting; his nose toll.
bottom drop out of the a table of
than by it out, they will red
be Millionaires never
allow anything to stand in the way
accumulating other
of New one of the
I inserted, sympathizers
arc reached after by the
boasting of for
in the Transvaal war.
The polio; for the
the Philippines is rather
faintly outlined in the
that blessings
arc to he guaranteed to the bloom-
heathen over there.
A Swallow Fitly
Are There Others
Sometime ago
published at
Martha who few miles
oncer v. Long u being a
pocket MB and by no The has been
his own. ago he; to mind by a
who if Mrs. Tee is now
stamping a number of
of whiskey at I- I- Stone's still
Silver Springs, near
and had just pasted a HO
on a barrel when be was called
on some other business and
on bis in ii, absence of
minute, be found a billy
goal chew on last
of it, having gnawed entirely
die Observer,
No Name With II
ion received some
from we
would be glad to publish, but the
Writer failed to give his name. We
never publish anything, matters
not how good may be,
knowing who sends it. If the
respondent Will give us his name
regular items from Jack
Tie latest crank to seek the no
Miss is it
young who wants . ,
that he is her half
lie called ago and
.-speaking it down
town swallowed the
other day, the watch in
years old she was
fore the close of the last century,
hits already in two
and should she live
next year In she will have
s.-en three centuries, The
Ml I he would like lo
know if -four
show persons who will
have lived in when
the year in. It is an
interesting and we would
like lo know are am
In Favor of
is always in
favor of the expansion business
especially of his own business, lint
he doesn't wait for commercial ex-
to overtake him mid run
over him; he catches Up With and
makes it serve his purpose.
other words, he does not permit
expansion lo him into ob-
but forces it to push him
into prominence, He is the man
who Philadelphia
The i I lest strike of the
season i- from
when eight in a
cam laundry work because
the of the establish
to permit them to
have their shirtwaists skirts
w is lied at the laundry without
charge. The of the strikers
have but the old em
have established it
will tight on that line for set
i of their grievance.
is i. . h
It h. that
ho owe our world,
i- for
bar t of
is just
will do. will make
sad , . .-. . that without
log . the
It i. limply in is-
Hi It
tea Ugh tarry.
-i. -th I with a.
all of
S I in
P l
. , ,., i
Get f rip at the
Store, SI
The Peculator Co.,
i .
Ir, of the new Hotel of Greensboro,
bought ninety of our for his elegant
new hotel. take the liberty of quoting from a letter he wrote
under date of April the beds Well, know them
bill to love or name but to praise. The tired out and the
Critical traveler, the dyspeptic the chronic grumbler, all join in
one grand chorus of praise, of the
Best Bod the 20th
guarantee this mattress, to be superior to hair
trial, if not entirely satisfactory, money will be
your local dealer does not handle the Mat-
write to us for descriptive
Get a good Safe
The Victor is made in all sizes con-
for home, office and general use.
Every sale boll with a guarantee to be fire
proof. Prices range from up.
Greenville, N. C.
The editor f King's Weekly
complaining, says Tint tuxes on
the property of T.
deceased, must he given in for live
years back, or lie will
knot the reason why ii is not done.
As Mr. has left us.
turn no more, I would for
the of Weakly, that
Board el Commissioners issue
lee to Weakly Io appear before
them make u sworn statement
U lo Mr. on
hand 1st of last If be
i Weakly i will show to
how to accomplish
what he says must lie
dour, the great
wrong people, Of which he
complains, will rem-
As the lawyers say, will ever
S. as to motive
of article will be
order, J-
N. C.
Hagging and Ties
on ,
Fresh goods kepi constantly en
hand. Country produce
old. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Will Show Up at
many sections of the
State, especially the West, are
trouble in getting for
the harvest. The effect of the ex-
of from the state
winter and spring is now
News and Ob-
They Stand The Test.
That is what Every Pair of
Is guaranteed to do. Can you imagine a severer test than to
tie one leg of a pair of pants to the ceiling and swing a keg of
nails weighing pounds to the other leg i That, is the test
sen in our window and hundreds of people have looked in
are built to stand any kind of service, and a guarantee goes
with every cents if a button pulls or if they rip.
Get the best when you buy and be sure you get the
None genuine without the name on the button.
some speak to Mr, Some to Von
Jon U, moo.
If there
in margin of this paper it
so lo remind you that you owe
Eastern for
mid we request
tile as early 038-
Bible. need YOU
owe us and hope you will
keep us wailing for it.
This notice for those who
find the cross mark on their
sheep. O.
T. Tyson, N.
cattle. O. T. Ty-
son, N. C.
The price of wheat has taken it
hump on itself Hour advances
E. Powell has sold out his i
est the business to W.
Dudley of Washington.
The days arc now at their great-
est length and give us something
over fourteen hours of
Material for building the knit-
ting mill is being placed on the
There will be a picnic in
near the
Hon. K II. speaks at
on Friday, at
on Saturday, 30th.
Mr. U. M. found two
dollars and fifty cents in goblin a
plug of tobacco he got from J. L.
Starkey Bro. Friday.
Mr. F. M. brought
i. a cotton -blossom
this afternoon. It is the first re-
ported i i year.
L, Little is having brick
and lumber hauled on his lot next
to Mr. preparatory
to having a residence built for him-
The Hill says
of praise arc on every one's
lips for the Bend, which
furnished for the big rally-
in that town on the
have just moved into my new
gallery on Dickinson
avenue and am now better prepared
to lake you i photograph than ever
Dot Evans.
Mr. B. of the John Flan
Co., tells a
gin and grist mill will soon lie ad-
to their plant. That will sup-
ply one of prominent
When you want your photograph
taken, go to Roy Evans on Dick in
son avenue. just moved in-
to his new photograph gallery
and guarantees satisfaction. Just
across the street from W. B.
Carpenters commenced work this
morning on B. A. Tyson's tobacco
factory, which will be used by M.
Jordan Co. The building
will be by feet one way and
by the other, three
high. C Williams has
contract the building.
The National Con-
vent ion met Philadelphia Tues-
day. This is the third day in
they got as far as
nominal by
No news of nomination for
Vice had conic by
o'clock but it looks like
o'clock news came
that been
Novel button.
The most novel campaign button
have seen was sent us by Mr.
C. F. Clayton, of Tarboro, who is
now manufacturing them, the
of the button is a large letter
A with a under it,
Aycock. Over this are
words the and
under it so that
the whole reads the Amend
Mr. J. -s. who returned
limn county this morn
says that have told Mr.
Frank Carr that the who as-
Mr. with-
in a half a mile of Mr. Frank
Curr's last night. sent
this morning Mr. W. Hines
who company with . A. Tyson
and Assistant Policeman King
this afternoon with
hounds to meet of
Greene county, and make another
search for the Re-
W. K. the day in
w. c. Dudley came
from Washington.
Hie, II. B. left this
Mi.-. left
Wednesday afternoon for
W. II. Harrington returned
Wednesday from a trip up the
Bey. X. M. Watson returned
Wednesday evening from Gates
J. J. Cherry left this afternoon
on freight train for Seven
Mrs. D. S. Smith and baby left
this morn to visit her father,
J. Tucker,
Miss Carrie
who has been visiting W. I.
I Greene's, left this morning for
Prof. James L. Lake, of Wake
Forest College, same Wednesday
and will give his X-ray exhibition
tonight in the opera house.
Mrs. J. Kent and Brace
after spending a few
here with the family of J. W.
an, returned ibis morning to their
home in
II. A. Cos Forbes
and Andrew Moore left on
train this morning
where Greenville boys play ball
They were joined hero by
George Sugg of Kinston, who went
over with them.
Sanford left
for Tarboro.
Patrick left this after-
noon for Snow Hill.
I. J. Pulley- spent Thursday
night In Greene county.
Mrs. F. M. Hodges has been
sick the past week.
Prof. J, I. Like returned this
morning to Wake Forest.
I. V. over this.
morning from Hill.
Brown returned ibis
morning from u visit to Snow
Mia Joyner returned
morning front City- and
Mr. T. Hum,,
and Taken.
Another robbery occurred Fri-
day night at Parker's Beads,
a mile and a hall over the
river Greenville,
Someone broke Into one of the
of Mr. W. S.
where Mr. D. I. a
sleeping and stoic from Mr.
hundred and three doll .-.
Mr. House on eve
before the he a
sick containing a of
money In his pocket before going
to hi- room, and n named
A Wilson saw him and asked
him who stayed with him night.
Mr. replied, one except
this Indicating the gun
which hi and in his hand. The
said no more and Mr. House
went lo his room and counted out
a roll of bills which In- had in bis
pocket amounting to and put
than behind a picture his room.
lie did not count silver in the
sack but left that in bis pocket. He
than went to bed and some lime
during the night some person cut
out two panes of glass to his win-
the room, stole the-
money behind the picture, and went
out through the window without
waking Mr. House up. The silver
money in his pocket was taken.
Mr. House says were no
to his window and evident
some one standing on out-
when be counted the
money and waited until he was
asleep, when they broke in and rob
son, from the
lion he asked before lb.- so
sworn out and the Deputy
went out to search but
to any of the money .
The denomination of bills
were dollar gold
die, three ten dollar bills, eight
I fit e dollar bills, cloven
bills mid one two dollar hill,.
Tins is the second robbery
hits at I-.--
in less than a
My Stock
i Complete
At prices that will suit you.
home n i .
m x Ii- VA
Bah-i -ii,
Would shim .
If they could gel
long line
This i of how .
ever, a ;. .;
C. W.
a powerful address
church here . Hi- ad-
dress was along educational lines,
and was listened to, as
our people are anxious for n high
School place. Alter tin-
speaking, while the crowd was
joying the lemonade, a
meeting Sever-
b automobile.
he lie reported
Ice i- selling at j
cents pounds.
i inner bus
planted in watermelons,
bed and a committee was instructed The ;. tobacco
tn secure the services of a factories Winston have joined a
once. ; labor union.
J. IS. Jackson, who has up
here visiting his n
to Kin-ion Thursday night. He i--
i hundred dollars
Come To See Us.
s .---
Al tin-old Moore store,
on Five Points, where have
111-t opened a new and triad
Heavy and Fancy Groceries
Consisting of Heats. Flour,
Sugar, Coffee, Canned
Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars,
Fruits, in fact everything
found an
v. a- bitten in a moccasin
died fourteen hours.
pastor of several churches around
six or twelve months experience.
Hi. Cut Co.
vi Tn 1.1
I colored
were lot. The
weapon fired and there was a dead
The Slide Holds-
at if pun i
carts it ill -end
.- to
Pell Seven Stories,
in Hotel Walton fell
II. Cherry left
on the freight train for More-
Miss Katie Moore, of Washing-
ton passed Greenville Ibis
afternoon on her way Hem.
Rev, V. A. Bishop left this
morning for Wilson, from there he
will go to Tarboro, where
preaches Sunday.
Maud NorriS, who has been
visiting the family of Rev. J. X.
returned this morning lo
her home in Apex, X.
Saturday Junk i .
order for
. Mfg.
I hem.
truck h A .
i hi ill non
and Injured the passengers
and the elevator boy. The
passengers most km i were
territory, Brenton
Hall, a delegate from
Burton and Waiter
he Hunter, of Marcus West
of Washington and Dr.
Texas, were also among injure i
and Hall have
legs; Dr. Camden, of Texas, had
, , , , , c-a raising
an arm and leg broken, ;
., ,.,,. , . none-, hi
. in .
; ed
. A ., . . i lid i . i
Co, elected of the
iv men ii
t, .
. in ii ban
We pay
prices for all kinds of
Country Produce,
ell her i ii barter. When
want to sell or when
to buy come to see us.
To all who favor with their
patronage we promise entire SOS-
at Five
if I nine
if till
. . ,
. June an , , .
i-f- I If Oil lO I
on n in Ii
II. bane
. . .
more the price
in any other newspaper
ed in America.
covers all the globe and is equaled
by of few dailies. Us
the Boer war not been
and with tin-
campaign now in
i. invaluable, political
it of especial
can on .-., , . n . you
others, the
know of pigs or baskets
will aid tin
work very b. report
Von I
oil in order
c .
Ki be I ii
we offer thin
. . ;. , ,;, the i
,.,. t of another bran new one year
little i has
to them, the Chi
nib; i --ii in I ii r-
, ;. l
; I Bern
. X. 1900.
came Friday
Negro Women hi Politics.
A ;. iii
. ii- the
A Hold v. a.
A while man named from
county, was knocked down
and robbed of 148.00 last
ii by
corner of and Chestnut
streets, and they succeeded in get-
off with their booty before
The old man
picked up by two gentlemen who
were sitting in front of the
Spring lintel at the time of the
and carried into Hie
He slightly
ed about the face.
Mills is about years of age
is here attending Federal
Court. The deed was bold o-
as outrageous, having been com-
a, that hour of the
near an electric
Becky Mount.
K. this morning
on a trip north.
J. It. Walker and family spent
the day Scotland
Mrs. W. Goodwin and
left Friday evening for
B. II. Friday for
Kinston and returned Ibis morn-
I, is. Sheppard returned this
morning from a trip down the
Mrs. w. L. Brown two
and this
morning for
Miss Ida Tucker, Plymouth,
came Friday night to visit her sis-
w. A. Bowen.
W. II. up from Wash
Friday evening to attend
In here night.
Miss Di a ugh u
Friday night to spend Sal
and with her lister, Mrs.
Zeno Moore.
Master Henry Clark, who has
been visiting the family of B. I.
returned this morning to
his home in
Robbery at
was broken into Thin.-
day and
in and small change in
money drawer stolen. Simon
left o'clock
that night and when be went back
next morning found his front door
broken open. The money drawer
was torn all to pieces. The party
also stole pistol the
money drawer.
been thrown mil of the elevator
elevator fell. All of in-
arc being cared for, two
been taken t hospitals. The
accident caused intense excite-
North Carolina Delegation.
Raleigh, X. c. June
are completed the
trip of the North Carolina
gates to the national Democratic
convention. They leave hero Sun-
day afternoon July 1st, in a
buffet ear, going via
and Memphis and
ill arrive evening.
have been selected
at the Curler one I lit-
in Kansas City. All
gates will go save C. of
A number of alternates
w ill go.
A Bo
vii. V. I. St.
and polite cashier of The
and Bank, baa jail bad
the finishing touch on his
handsome residence, by paint-
on. He has one among the
dwelling in town. lie
iii-t let the . I. .
dwellings on the lot to Mr,
Young. Mr. Stephen- i- full
enterprise and has
led ill the I y tr
advance the the
We wish bad
spirit. Dunn Banner.
lames oldest
of Ohio, died recently at tin
alleged age of 18.1. He
by adoption, bill by birth i
Virginian smoked
society of o-
Tins is to be in
defraying the expenses white
speakers who arc employed to can
Rev. Huron lo from
Miss Jacob spent the day in
Mrs. Joseph of Wilson, I Greenville Friday.
N. Tuesday. X
preparations to
h u to tin barrel, ion Drug Co. to relieve A.
Ibis from for
, , ,, .,. S. t. where he will go in the to-
Mr, J. W. ;,.,,
n average of j One of the brass bands
Kinston I to and the other went
Friday in the ck-
The streets were
F. Mo .-, u , mi bible one day.
in the penitentiary here, is some- J. came
. , i night to have services bath
in the Chris-
Patrick went on a business
ii I Jo and returned
W. II. of
j Springs came down Wednesday to
the Slate against the hi completed new
Amendment. double cotton ,
seem to hove in the t com which
ground present, while half the the pros-
me to furnish Hie and a water
the which three time
political life power obtained
if the is s of water, lie will
efforts arc being bis lo
to defeat the Dunn
the Masons meeting and
Sunday the Chris-
school and the neat
little sum of twelve dollars was
raised for foreign missions.
. w
I .

m . yum nil
TH E AMENDMENT. I the General
be viva vow.
As one Of the depositories for Public,
Pitt W the designated on fl
State list for the public and can what-
ever need. We also have
crayons, colored crayons, inks, companion etc.
S pencils cent, plain lead
t rubber tipped teed pencil l cent, a nice tablet
paper cents per
For the Business Man.
We cam a nice line of double an single entry ledgers.
Sn Us. journals, count m,
receipts, drat, and notebooks, time books,
Sec voter in North
Full Text the . .
. Amended. except IS article
be eligible to of
. to an Act beanie entering upon
net duties of the office ha shall take
Constitution of North land subscribe the
ratified W, I do swear
of the 1-aw
of woo.
The General Assembly of
Carolina do
That Chapter
Public Laws of ISM, entitled
Ad to the of
be amended w
as to make said act read M
article ti of the
Of North Carolina and the
same is hereby abrogated and in
thereof shall substituted
the following article of said
as an entire and
plan of
Section Every male person
born in the United and
male person who has
that I will support and
maintain the constitution and laws
of the Batten States, and the con-
laws of North
inconsistent therewith, and
that I will discharge the
my office
So help me,
Bee. S- The following classes of
shall be for
First, persons
deny the being of Almighty God
shall have
Second, ell Demons
been or confessed their
on indictment pending,
whether sentenced or not, under
judgment suspended; any treason
or felony, or other crime for
which the punishment may lie int
in the penitentiary,
since becoming citizens of the
good digestion; sound sleep; a
fine appetite and a ripe old age.
are of the results of the use
of Liver Pills. A single
do-e will convince you of their
effects and virtue.
A Known Fact.
An absolute cure for sick head-
ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour
bilious fever, piles, torpid liver
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
called the mill run near
D. residence; thence
down said branch or mill run to
Swift Creek, thence down Swift
creek to the public road leading by
C thence with said pub-
road to Meeting
House; thence with the public road
leading by Caleb to
Fork swamp; shall constitute
No of Township,
with the polling place in the town
of , ,
Precinct No. All that part of
A Word
No one but yourselves know of the
you go through. Why do
En suffer It isn't necessary. Don
your health and beauty, the
loss one is speedily followed by the
w the Don't f weak
and worn Impure blood is Si
the bottom of all your
ii. i I-
will purify your blood and bring
the bloom health back into your
cheeks. Each bottle contains
h. . i . I . r i i -.- , . .
which UM
lion. Yon want It-Its
THE Detroit. Mich.
tar rah. a
For Society People.
We have all kinds and styles of box papers,
envelop sets, visiting cards, note papers and tablet
pa gen
And when it comes to
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
Books, Stationery Printing
Tobacco Fines.
We are prepared to
Fines and Repairs now at
lowest prices for cash.
Days s. bl
At Cost.
Our entire
Dry Goods. Domestics,
Notions, Shoes,
sad retail Grocer and
; Dealer. paid
Hides, Fur, Col Ion Seed, Oil
Turkeys, ate. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Suits. Ba
Carriages, Parlor
Suits, Tables, Safes.
Meet Tobacco, Key Weal Cheroots,
t nil lies. Apples.
Pine apples, -Telly. Milk.
Floor, Sugar,
Lye, Magic Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
den Beads, Oranges,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
and Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes and
j Cheese, Best stand
Machines, and
other and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
to sec inc.
twenty one years of
age, and the
lions set out in Hits shall
be entitled to vote at any election
by the people in State, except
as herein otherwise provided.
Dec, He shall have resided
the Stale of North Carolina for two I
years, in the county six months,
and in ward or other
election district which he offers
to vote, four months next proceed-
the election ; That
from one ward
or other election district
in the county, shall not ope
rate to deprive any person of the
to vote in the ward
or election district from
which he has removed, until fr
months after such removal. Bo
parson who has convicted, or
who has confessed his
court upon indictment of any crime
the punishment of which i. or may
hereafter lie. imprisonment in the
State prison, be permitted lo
j vote, the said person shall
lie restored to citizenship ii
the manner prescribed law.
Sec. . Every person offering to
vote shall be at the time i legally
registered voter as herein
ed, and the manner
provided by law and the General
Assembly of North Carolina shall
general registration laws to
carry into effect the provisions of
this article.
I. Every person presenting
himself for registration shall
able to and write section
of the constitution in the English
language; and, before he shall
cut it led to vote, he have paid
on or before the day of May, of
the year In which he proposes to
vote, his poll tax for the previous
year as prescribed by Article r,
Section l. the Constitution,
no male person, who was, on Jan-
1st or at any time prior
thereto, entitled to vote under the
laws of any State the
Stales w herein he then resided, and
no lineal of any such
person shall be denied the right to
register and vote at election in
this State by reason of his
to possess the educational
ed, he shall have registered in M
with the terms of this
section prior to
The General Assembly shall pro-
for the of all per-
sons entitled to vote without the
educational herein
prescribed, sod shad, on or before
November 1st. 1908, provide for
the making of I permanent record
of such registration, all per,
sons so registered, shall forever
tHereafter base the right to vote
in all elections by the people in
this State, unless disqualified tin-
ma I pi act ice in office, unless j of Town-
person shall restored to the place the town
rights of a manner r
prescribed by
Falkland Township shall
one election precinct the
See. That this amendment to
the Constitution, shall go into
feet on the day of July. polling place in the town of
if a majority of the votes east at
the next general election shall lie
east in favor of this suffrage
See. II. This amendment to the
Constitution shall submitted at
the next general election to the
voters of the State, the
election precinct
the place town
I Superior Court.
Victoria Move vs.
IV named will
that n action entitle as a has
Superior Court
l obtain a the
U mils of and Hie defendant
will lake he Is required
to appear Si the term of the Superior
of said county to on the sec-
after Monday in Sept.
next, it Hie or
at the Court House in N.
an I answer or demur to the complaint m
said action, or the plaintiff will apply to
Court the relic demanded in said
This day of May 1900
H. C.
of Clerk Superior
F. i for
same manner and under the same
rules regulations as is precinct No. that part of
in the law general the township lying north of Tar
elections In I his State, at said river, together with that part of
. . . . Man
a written or
persons desiring t
amendment shall cast
with the
Suffrage Amend-
thereon; and those with a
contrary opinion shall cast a writ-
tin or printed ballot with the
words Suffrage Amend-
the town of Greenville lying be-
tween Tar river and the following
line, to Commencing on Tar
river at the mouth of the branch
forming the eastern boundary of
and i tinning up said
branch to Third street, a
westerly course with Third street
to Pitt street, thence B southerly
course with Pitt street to
son avenue, theme with Dickinson
The Clerk of Court of Tit
to me. the undersigned, on the
of May, 1900. on the Thomas
Notice U
to all persons to the
to make payment to the
and to all creditors of said or
present their claims, properly
to the within twelve
after the date of this notice, or this
notice will lie plea I in of their recovery.
This tin- day of May. 1900.
on the estate of Thomas J.
Fourteen Drowned-
Capt. David Hill, of the
us that on last
Sunday a party of colored people,
fourteen in left
fourteen in number, left
for to at-
tend church. The boat was small
and when crossing river
they encountered a squall, the
and the whole party
were drowned. None of the bod-
have been recovered. The boat
was discovered up side down. All
the party employed on Mr.
Samuel farm at
see III The at said avenue a south -westerly course to
election shall counted,
ed, returned and to Tar shall
consulate Precinct No.
Trinity College
Oilers undergraduate and graduate courses.
Lam number of Eight scientific
equipped modern and ad-
Large editions to
Complete gymnasium.
Fifty to be
In improvements the
Durham, N
the result announced and declared
under the same rules and
and the same manner as
the vote for Governor, and If a ma-
of the votes cast are in favor
the slid amendment. it shall lie
the duty of the Governor of the
state, upon being notified of the
retail of said election, to
said the seal of
State, who shall enroll the said
amendment among the
permanent records of his
See. IV. This SCI shall lie
and after its
Place. For the
I Ci
i Phone
Section of this Pro-
such person shall have paid
his poll bU as above required.
See. That this to
the Constitution and
adopted as one indivisible plan for
the regulation of with
the intent and purpose to so con
different parts, and lo
make them so dependent upon
h Other, that the whole shall
stand or fall together.
Sec. All elections by the
pie shall be by ballot, and all
In accordance with
Laws 1890, the county Hoard of
for at a
meeting held on the 7th day of
May divided the county into
election products and designated
the as
Beaver Dam Township shall eon-
the polling place at May's Chapel.
shall constitute
one election precinct with the poll-
place at Parker's School House
near church,
r. i la-l Township shall constitute
one election precinct with the poll-
place in the Town of
Carolina Township shall
one election precinct with the
polling place at Stokes on the W.
B. K.
Township shall constitute
one election precinct with the poll-
place at Black Jack.
is hereby
divided i do two election precincts
No. that part
so the township lying west
following line to
Commencing at the Heaver
Township line on the old Plunk
Bowl, near Warren's Chapel, and
running with the public road laid-
ling by Chapel, to the
forks of tho road near the old
Frank Tucker homestead,
with the public road leading to the
road near
thence with
a northernly coarse to the branch
ville township, with the polling
place at the Court House in
Precinct No. the remain-
of Bald township shall con-
Ho. i, with the
polling place at Five Points the
town of
Township shall co.-ti-
tote one election precinct with the
polling place in village Of
Creek Township la
divided into two election
Precinct Ho. All that part of
the township lying south of Swift
creek shall constitute Precinct No.
with the polling place at
Precinct No. All that part
the township lying
Swift creek shall constitute re-
With the Rolling place
at the tad house near L.
,;. Stokes.
Chairman k. Board of
Sect. Co. Board of
Having I fore the
Clerk of county as
of the Last Will and Testament Of Nancy
Wallace, notice is given to
all persons h said estate to make
immediate payment to the undersigned, and
all claims against said es-
are hereby to tho
before the Mads of
or this will he plead
liar of
This day of April, 1900.
will the reward
not the I
the T
with. They are
and Imitation.
CO. Clinton and
HI. for by
J I. N
day of April, .
Executor of Nancy Wallace.
We hereby warn all persons front
upon any of our lands
the of with net
or Any one so trespassing will
K. k It. T
M i
and I
flow to pa's
nor Dot. V
for circular
nil Sweats with
Tasteless Chill Tonic at Me, per
to take. Money
refunded if it fails. Restore
petite, the blood and makes
you well. other as nod.
Sold guaranteed at the
stores of Woolen and Ernul.
i hereby that the looks of
Township will MOWS from o'clock A.
J Saturday. July 1900
etc for the
Hie voter, of
precinct. each during
the said period and between said
Hie will be on polling
at Fire in the town of
W I.,
leave Washing-
ton daily ti A. M.
ville, leave daily M t
P. M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Fridays at A. M.
for Greenville
and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington
for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominions. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. V,
am, Hi
Fur WOOTEN, Druggist,
i N C
Whichard, N.
The Stock complete in every
and prices as low as the
Highest market prices
Bid for country
The On. Day Cure.
Cold in head ruin,
As to
ADVICE At TO . i i
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
The Eastern Reflector.
,. . .
Ed. H.
Ed. H.
State Ticket.
of Wayne.
For Lieutenant
of I red ell.
For Secretary of
of Pitt.
of Wake.
B. F.
of Cleveland.
For Attorney
of Hay wood.
For Superintendent Public
of Robeson.
For Commissioner
of Caldwell.
For Commissioner
of Davidson.
For Corporation
of New Hanover.
of Cumberland.
County Ticket
Only Effect, the Negro
The passage by a majority vote
August of the Constitutional
Amendment, is not a measure
which Is going to affect to a
degree the business position or the
laboring condition of a single
in North Carolina.
The the amendment is for
purpose eliminating the
vote, from giving this
class of any voice in deter-
mining who shall be the rulers and
authority the management of
the commercial and industrial
fairs of the State.
The elimination of the as a
political factor has nothing to do
his status his
or bis social life, these will re-
unchanged, and the
colored man will work to
do, will receive his pay regularly
mill will have his lights looked
and protect ed the same as
they are today, and he be
cure from injury and his posses-
will be held sacred lo himself
and family.
The passage of the
will really prove a good thing to
the majority of who
rant of conditions, unable to
appreciate or know the effect their
vote, the privilege of
arc made to vote for men
things which arc detrimental to
With the amendment passed the
colored citizen in North Carolina
will find no disturbances in his
life which now regularly disturb
him as each election comes along
he am pursue his work and
know that his work will not be dis-
order that he may lie
taken to political primaries and
conventions, used by men who
will refuse to recognize him or as-
him at any other
Bern Journal.
A census enumerator has found
a man in Newark happily
with two wives and
The chief clerk the county
prosecutor's office said that
the case had been to the
attention of the county prosecutor,
bill what action that official pro-
posed to take the clerk refused to
Owing to the strictness of
census laws the name of the man
has not been made but it is
known to the local authorities. In
answer to of the
the said he was in
Germany and married
ago. lie became tired of
married life, and leaving his wife
four children behind he came
On the same vessel on which he
came he met a German girl and
fell in love with After land
log at New York he went to Penn-
and the girl settled
Newark. That was years ago.
The man did not like Pennsylvania
he went to Newark, where he
married the girl he met on the
trip. Two years ago the man's
first wife taint to this country and
found her husband living with wife
There was no I the man
and wife No. I took up her
residence with her husband
wife No. The husband sent to
Germany for the children of his
wife. He hits hail three
by his wife. The man
told the enumerator that be got
along amicably with his two wives
by dividing his pay between them
after your patronage
are still in the forefront of race
oiler you the selected line oil
General Merchandise
to is-found in any store in Pitt County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of the best manufacturers America
and Europe. Seasonable all Ute year round. Spring, Summer
and Winter. We are work for yours and our mutual ad-
vantage. It Is our pleasure lo shew yon what you want and
sell you if we can. We otter you the very service, polite
attention, the most liberal terms consistent with n well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When yon come to market you will not do yourself justice
if you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere.
as and the following lines of general
Goods and Notions,
Jackets and Cape.-. Mailings and m Cloths.
Men's, and Children's
For the Senate,
T. H.
For Sheriff,
For Register of
For Treasurer,
For Coroner,
For Surveyor,
J. D. COX.
Quarter Minion.
Among Slates that will sure
east their vote for the
Democratic ticket this year is In-
At least that
of Mayor of Indianapolis,
who declares that the
roll up a majority of for Mr.
reasons for the faith that is In him.
He It'll you why Bryan
will win. State in
Union was there such
opposition to the Rico tariff
bill, which is one of the mistakes
of administration.
This fact
of the State, but aside from
hat the traveling men arc for
Bryan this year Four years ago
the commercial travelers worked
and voted for The
growth of the trusts and the union
of the big interests has reduced the
number and the of
the traveling men, they are
and the
w has fostered them. The gas
trust has hurl Indiana. Since
was formed many of the wells
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, t,
Plows. Plow Fixtures, Nails and Rope.
for and everything iii that Hue.
buy strictly for Cash, but -ell for Either ash on Approved
Credit. Our motto i- Dealing.
Your Friends,
A Practical Education the A.
a m. Colleen
We have a little band
nook of the North Carolina College
of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
Of Raleigh, N. C, and are glad
lo see that this Institution i-
lug itself to technical
Let Nominate
Nebraska will mil
concede to California the of
nominating Mr. Bryan Kansas
City. Nebraska,
win. was selected by Mr. Bryan
the Slate delegation, said to-
live way
the Culled
lie Record
The spectacle f
otherwise and more
known as Ex-Rev. Decayed
going about the State slandering
the i to which be belongs
the trend of
No can become a Fusion pol-
hold his without
lending himself defamation f
tin-state retailing
ways as as Ward would
not to say
an original one. He is not content
misrepresent the Amendment
and traduce lit- while people
that's what all Fusion orator,
and Decayed could not
stand ; mi u conventional.
Ami so he pitches in and Creoles a
diversion y slandering Hap
ti-l Church. Thar- his way of
polling Ii about and
lo the front Fusion lead-
The Baptist Church, led i Us
educational policy by Dr. Chas. E.
the learned president u
Forest College, has been
earnestly and consistently
of public schools. This fact
is so known that no is
necessary. could pa-
pa with extracts from
e printed articles Its lead-
urging better public schools,
but one adopted the
Baptist Slate convention is enough
to thorough; shut-
tier At tin state
which met in De-
this resolution was
oar of
Baptist Slate con veil-
Hun, the
i .
ever; available dollar
I ,. lie money, however small the
amount may lie, to the
men our public schools, and
progress in tills
direction lie set lip and maintained
until tin reproach of illiteracy lie
removed from our State, and until
he and girls whose
is in the
lie ail an
receive In-
t. m them for
Hi,, duties
And the that fol
lowed, ii was a Baptist farmer.
his Association, John
Made by Orange
The longer some men live the
The best way for some men to
help i town is to move of It.
Thai black spot on the sun Is only
tin- shadow east by Mark Hanna.
Life i- simply a great desert,
in being the sand and virtue the
If the singer's throat is raw. how
ran you her lie well
Never judge a girl's face by its
may be
all put on.
your friends mi no tally while
they live and less after
they die.
The thoroughly satisfied
persons world those who
expert nothing.
Many a fellow makes himself ill
drinking another fellow's health.
The reason why there arc so
people who are green is
cause is
Samson was the list actor who
down the and yet
lie received no encore.
No runaway couples get married
I ville and art-
i .- scrape faces In
We sleep, the loom of life
never stops, and the pattern which
was weaving when sun went
down is weaving when it comes up
to morrow.
In Each.
Straws show which way the
wind blows, and when placed in
iced drinks they also show which
thirst goes.
The thief always
takes things seriously.
tie light
to old-fashioned
Pointed remark- are sometimes
Modesty is sometimes only an-
name for deceit.
arc busy making
money to time to spend it.
The fellow who is always tired
ought lo be punctured.
The summer girl's campaign is
lull of engagements.
natural for a mini to kick
who introduced in the he hast., foot the bill.
education and manual training. I Bight that he would
Oar State needs well educated men j but one Democrat ill
in all engineering, especial States and Democrat is David
mechanical and electrical
and also in cotton
B. Hill, of New would
ask for privilege, Mr.
Par the development of j ham thought the nomination
our natural resources, need also I by Hill would emphasize
thousands of skilled workmen, ex forcibly nature of the
carpenters, wood-turners, reunion of the Democratic of
of the State have been shut nice
hail State-, and lie would
For Commissioners,
W. G.
These arc the News
figures for the appropriation
be General Assembly of
ought to make for
a cent less.
If some other have to lie
to accomplish it, we arc
If new subjects must lie found
for taxation, let us take a lantern
if need be find them.
If there is property not now
paying its fair amount of let
the legislature provide for such
us is fair and just.
The children Hie country,
the villages in the towns must
lie given better
ill by the the Man-
Mi I I've
never seen a bull that would stand
Still long enough to let take
and many men thrown out of work.
This fact will make thousands of
votes for the anti-trust ticket.
What shall we d with the
U a question is both
the whole . Here i-
u solution offered by an
The trust should be
the Hour trust
tom; cigar trust smoked out;
the plug chewed up; the
iron trust out thin;
the twine trust lit isled; the
curved in Hie met-
trust heated hot; tho Milder
.; the trust picked
paper tin-l ground into
the lamp trust snuffed
trust the
trust pounded; the mule
buried; the type trust and
the trust eaten.
boiler-tenders, lie content seconding
The now Is that
when of
the roll i railed
that delegation sill fin i to S
n- right ll.
will step forward. Ii Sew
York, however, wants honor.
It can have it mere
Lincoln, Dispatch,
come once a year, and
humbugs all the year
electricians and
The A. and M. College trains kids
for such work, and if they possess
latent, educates them all tech-
The College lost enrolled
students, of whom many paid
their own expenses labor at odd
limes. Students who not labor
I may attend the College at a total
expense, including
Id. can one
ball by hip
at the I
held in the In. .
Saturday. July at Ii
A. M., of the t sore
lion. Any may obtain a
about the College and
by applying lo
President Raleigh
House bill to
to the public schools, ii was a
lawyer. Senator
bill in the Senate. This bill
passed Houses without a dis-
vole proving not
tho Baptists but all the legislators
all churches and outside of
church tire earnestly In favor of
better schools.
line, by Governor n
distinguished Baptist, will take
even further steps to Improve tho
public school system until every
country neighborhood, a- web us
,. n mil ii an ti
I i ii bill .
i i
The man who keeps a of
all hi- wife's shopping tours must
be a -oil counter.
per bottle. Cures Chills and
Fever, Night Sweats and
Money back if n doesn't.
No oilier good. Gel the kind
with the Rod Cross on label.
Sold and guaranteed Woolen,
Bryan and druggists.
II,,. mull are i-i-i
i oxen, but in I
raise ;
., ill If It ;
inn.- drive -at
over the hard
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Eastern reflector, 26 June 1900
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 26, 1900
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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