Eastern reflector, 10 December 1915

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N Mil
mAT, t,
December 6th, 1915
AT A. M.
Auction To The Highest
on Very Easy Terms
The is located 1-2 miles from on the and Whichard road, and is very desirable
fanning land, in a good neighborhood, and convenient to good schools and churches. This land will produce in
abundance fine crops of cotton, corn, peanuts and tobacco, and in fact all crops grown in this section.
is one building on the property complete, with all necessary out buildings, and a dwelling under way of con-
for each tract that will be sold.
A Free Dinner will be Served to All Attending Sale
Monday, December 6th, 1915, at 10.30 a. m,
Home Office; Greenville, North Carolina
ft-st . Wit . m.
F Kill Mi.
French Continue Bombard
The Whole German
Berlin Says French In Re-
of River
In Montenegro Has
Been Taken With Heavy
Losses On Both Sides, Is
When the foreigner Jumps
among you and begins to make it
not by soiling inferior goods at
cheap prices you call on the pa-
per to aid you.
If the paper does not denounce
the practice from to
Last Chance you It is a
rotten rag.
You threaten to shoot the
tor on sight, or may be some-
thing like that, but do you give
the paper your support Do you
give it your work and a reason-
able amount of advertising, or
do you send it away to some
Why not do your part by the
paper and help to keep
ville Dollars In Greenville
On And
Country Life Opened
This Morning.
Condemns The
j And Slaughter Sales
Alter Held Here
His Subject Will Be
Membership Is Too Small,
Say Preachers While The
Ministers Are Underpaid
of Tomorrow
Will Be a Community
Rather Than Sectarian.
LONDON, DEC. campaign
against the main Serbian armies
been closed, it is expected Gen-
Von with bis German
forces, will Join the Bulgarians In
Macedonia In an effort to crush the
French and British armies before they
become much stronger.
Information from Berlin Indicates
that the German forces engaged In
the earlier movements In the
have now been detached for the
pose of sharing in the attack on the
forces along the j
Southern Macedonian front. DIs-1
patches from Athens partially
orate this theory, as It is reported
two German divisions are
with the Bulgarians
There Is little report from the other
fronts save the usual minor opera-
The French, however, are carrying
on a particularly energetic bombard-
of the German lines In the
Champagne. In Mesopotamia the
Germans are beginning to show con-
Interest in the campaign,
which Is developing In favor of
Turkish allies.
It Is reported from Geneva that the
Germans under Field Marshal Von
Der are preparing an
campaign which will be directed
toward the Persian Gulf by way of
Further impetus Is given to peace
talk by the papal consistory at which
Pope Benedict delivered an address
calling upon the to make
a Just and Immediate peace.
The effect of the dismissal of the
German military and naval attaches
at Washington on the German public
Is not as the German
newspapers have not been permitted
la even bare facts of the
war office announced today that the
forces in Southwestern Serbia,
near the river, have com-
The capture of
The official on the Balkan
operations is as
Balkan of The city of
miles th Serbian border, has
hen report Some 1.250 prisoners
were In.
am mi of a threatened
of their portions In the
the French
have been poi UP
Regarding on the
e-n and Ratters the official
of Near Ber-
Bin was
fully A French trench with
Dr. Cross Will Deliver The
Lecture In The Court
Was In
England And Had
The War.
List of Pastors This Dis-
Is Given
Rev. J. II. Daniel, pastor the local
Methodist church has returned to
Greenville from the conference which
was held lit Wilmington In-t week. It
will be gratifying to Mr. Daniel's many
friends here lo learn that he has boon
returned to this charge.
Following is the list of ministers and
their charges in this
C. I Bead, presiding elder,
Aurora W. K.
Ayden circuit, Daniel Jr.
Bath circuit. J. J.
Bethel circuit, H. E.
Kim City, U B.
circuit, S. T.
J. P.
Fremont circuit, J. U
Memorial, J. M.
circuit, W. II. Con-
circuit. Ivy T. Poole.
Mount Pleasant circuit. B. Perry.
Nashville circuit. J. W. Autry.
Rocky Church, R. C.
Craven; South Rocky Mount and
Clark Street, to be supplied; North
Rocky Mount, to be supplied.
Stantonsburg circuit, D. A. Futrell.
Stokes circuit, to be supplied.
Spring Hope circuit, W. T.
Swan Quarter circuit, R. B. Grant.
Tarboro, H. I. Glass.
Vanceboro circuit, W. J.
Washington, B. M. Sniper
Wilson. W. A.
A horse belonging to James
of Creek, was stolen fro a the
stables of Liberty warehouse some
time last night.
No clue has been learned will
give Information as to who purloined
the horse.
Its occupants was destroyed. All
my mine that had
most completed also M ad.
of In the
about HO Of an ad-
French trench was take- More
than sixty men fell our
DEC to
N. position of
force, the allies on the
peninsula Is growing
c-e-v Jay, to from
the winter the
re It
bring provisions the
Overseas agency say.
to The
before the national conference of the
on Church and
Life here today agree that rural
churches ire too numerous and come-
inefficient, that their member-
ship Is small, that country preach-
are underpaid and their
among many
The convention, opened this morn-
with an address by
chairman of the commission, end will
continue through Friday evening when
President Wilson will speak Meet
lugs of the committee of the
Federal Council of Churches ire being
held simultaneously, and prominent
churchmen from every are here
church of tomorrow will be a
community rather than a sectarian
said Rev. W.
of Columbia. Mo., In an address
day of emphasis upon creedal
distinction It past. The neighbor-
hood division of religious Interests
keeps all the churches weak and in
religion. The church which
most adequately ministers to its whole
neighborhood will thrive best In the
rural communities of the future.
average community has from
three to seven churches within a
us of four miles from any given
Four miles Is an easy
and if every family were that
far from a church the distance would
not be too great. Duplication of
churches In one community prevents
any of the congregations
and the small church grows with
much greater difficulty than the large
one. a service by an
absentee raster leaves the church
of a strong nation-wide.
movement to prevent main-
of superfluous sectarian
churches, particularly In country dis-
The principal purpose of the rural
church Is to stimulate community
It among farmers and consequently
the church reform movement
definite Increase In material prosper-
according to Rev. B. A. Hutchison,
prominent civic worker of Pittsburgh,
and secretary of the home mission
board of the United Presbyterian
The end of the country church
not of crops and h
is the production of men
for their personal character,
development of a community
In present
weakened condition of the
Church M an Institution, co-operation
is essential for the maintaining or
and standards of civic life. The
rural church should be the churches,
but with all organizations which aim
Ht the betterment Of
Miss Jessie Field of New York,
known the country as Corn
Rev. G. Cross will lecture In
the court house on Wednesday even-
December the fifteenth under the
auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of
the Christian church on tho subject,
Dr. Cross recently conducted a soul
stirring revival here and is well known
in Greenville. Besides being a preach-
of tho Gospel, he has won consider-
recognition as a
and can guarantee all who at-
tend a first class address.
Dr. Cross was born In but
came to this country when ho was
young. He has served In several
phases of life and knows what It Is.
Dr. Cross feels a peculiar Interest In
tho war as his birth country is
e I, and spend several hours each day
diligently studying the dis-
patches and keeping up with every
turn that Is made In Europe.
Dr. Cross is at present conducting
a revival In which by the
way, Is the second one that be has con-
ducted In that city recently. Ills ad-
In this section of the State are
many, and It is expected that a
crowd will turn out to hear his
when ho comes here.
Editor Greenville
After reading a recent issue of your
paper have come to the conclusion
I that m your efforts to boost, as well
as to make Greenville, what it should I
be, progressive, you have tori
your slogan.
tin do not profess to be
an expert at the art, or adept at
paper writing, but In words that I am
Webster would consider
plain l I can offer a suggestion,
If carried out, would do an
usual amount of good In regards to
beeping Greenville dollars In
I have traveled from one end
this Tar Heel State to the other and
feel I am in a position to slate,
that is soon us Greenville takes the
that other cities have taken in
regards to the matter that I am going
to refer to. and by some way, shape.
form or manner, passes some kind of
an act that will prevent certain mer-
chants, from holding farewell and an-1
Walter Clark, of Chicago,
Found Dead In
County Wood.
Walter Clark, of Chicago, aped
was found dead In the of
Hyde county yesterday, II la
ed that he died of heart failure while
on a hunting trip. Ha he'd Ms gun
tight hand
The body was to
today and will be shipped to
for burial.
W A In n rural
would means of
and women Useful to
will he more con-
tent with farm life If Is a com-
women's such as the V
W. C. she said.
Rev. Hubert P. Of Boston,
secretary of the national council of
congregational churches
country church from lack
spirit. II is never
easy to get tho community lo work
together. There many fends and
factions. Tho sectarian spirit
some families In attend church
the parish, but a real get-together
movement Miens churches will rent-
Other speakers today were Rev. W
F Kansas City; Prof
L. Earp. N. Pr. I B
Rev. Ward
Philadelphia; Albert K. Roberts.
New York; and W. O.
I Thompson Ohio State University
sales at least four or five
times a year, then and not until then
will there many, many dollars kept
In Greenville that Otherwise would be
sent to some far off land.
Tie word farewell signifies parting,
end that's just what happens to your
dollars spent at such sales. I can
state the case of a merchant an
who had a place of
i City who was in the
habit of holding farewell sales about
once every month. The last sale he
advertised thousand
worth goods at reduced prices.
A certain newspaper in that city had
the stock inventoried and the total
amount of stock In the whole store
. to than seven hundred
That merchant la now
I peanuts on one of the street corners.
Why because he can't gel a I
in the city lo do business In. As
lo whether ho is entitled to do business
In a city that is progressive, will let
Ute readers of this paper judge. I also
know o fa merchant right here In this
city an who has a
of business on your main street,
who professes to pay bills promptly,
but I can show a check that this man
cave In payment for a bill of goods
had been due for over a year, on
a certain bank, the chock cams back
marked, is the
money that la being paid to this man
by tho Is no
ling dollars Greenville
A I have staled, have been over
state an. I will what It
jukes make a real honest M good-
to date live oily, Greenville
it. and believe Mi or that
is Uh km a campaign
t,, In Green-
The editor for
the statement made In of the
City for he
on do start of la
when the Was turned.
New I
-s ; Quick
This en one o'clock
and l stole n
from Tom
fa-m of J n end . i v
merchants bee
The buggy
ls last is n
habit of doing, but this morning II had
County Commissioners Elect
Officers Next
For Falkland And
Farmville Township Were
Sold At Good
Township lifts Bond
Issue For Roads
Much Work.
The Hoard of County
concluded their regular session yes-
with Hie election of for
the coming year, and with Hie making
of final arrangements other mat-
which are of great Importance
to the county as a whole.
Mr. S. A. Congleton resigned us
chairman of the board yesterday and
was succeeded by Mr. J. S. Boss, pro-
business man Ayden who is
well suited for we position. In the
resigning of Mr. Congleton, he stated
that he that owing to the
of able lo get to
Greenville as well as others be thought
that someone else would be better suit
led for the position. Mr.
has made u mighty line chairman for
the hoard and many were re-
lo lose him, but it was pointed
out that Mr. is well suited tor the
County Attorney S J- Everett, who
has served the board well, and who
ranks as one of the best lawyers
sell as the surrounding
country, was reflected yesterday.
bonds Falkland and Farm
villa townships, thousand dollars
each, were sold yesterday at what the
county attorney today stated to be a
good price.
The election returns from Carolina
township to issue bonds for good
wore passed upon and Mr. J. Perk-
ins was appointed chairman
to see. that money In
expended where It will do the mow
Sale of the Poor House properly
was yesterday authorized and the At-
Coast Realty company. Will, It
Is thought, this December lilt
Too much praise can be given
tho board of county commissioners tor
what they have dona the past year.
Since the present hoard has been In
such Improvement in this
have never been Been before have
been heralded, and the credit Is In a
large measure due Ibis board which
has served N well during Its term of
I office.
person on board has not
I considered any personality or
but has gone his work in
tie best Interest of the county.
It la only be hoped the MM
work can be continued on through
j this year.
Henry was tried In city
curl morning on a charge of
automobile driving and was
I was the man that ran hi
Ford In lo a horse and buggy In front
j of I sundry Saturday night
i II is that he turned from a aide
Dickinson avenue and wan
going SO ho could not keep
to the right and struck the

III I. I If,
The Carolina Home and Farm
and The Eastern Reflector
one year.
month .
Advertising may be had upon application at the
office in The building, corner Evans and
Third streets.
All cards thanks and resolutions of respect will be
for at cent per word.
Communications and advertised candidates will be
d for at three cents per line up to fifty lines.
We quote for the benefit of those who may not be familiar
with the town ordinances the
Chapter Section Every owner, or
pant, or of any lot on any street, shall keep the same.
may not be so dainty
aether with the abutting sidewalk, or sidewalk. M far as
shall extend along said lot. free weeds
and vegetation, and of all rubbish of any char-
If any person, after written notice by.
the chief of police, or his assistants, shall fail within your with a Jewel
twenty-four hours, after the receipt of such notice, to clear while they are selling cheaper
said lot or of any such weeds, rank each day. See the one on exhibition
and rubbish, such person shall be deemed to have at Furniture and
violated this ordinance, and shall be subject to a fins of
dollars for each and every day that he shall
low said lot, or sidewalks, or both, to remain in said con-
Some fellow has said that is next to
and the world has taken him at his word. We hate
Entered as second class matter August 1910. at the
post office at Greenville. North Carolina, under act of
quick. Address Box
Visit our store and u t us aid you In
selecting a Christmas gift.
to think how far that lot next to the post office Is from any-
thing Godlike, if the above rule is to be applied to it
I laud Show rooms for rent January
I first. James Brown.
Short dresses are becoming such a habit that the next
thing tired husbands know they wont have to buy any cloth
There is no question about the lot needing cleaning up.
Weeds, are hundreds of them. Rubbish, still more,
for the lot wrapped up with bricks and scraps of timber. nappy b
Waste paper has collected all over It. and this all put to- g Come lo
gather, only makes it an unhealthy spot, but it Is also morrow WU be one dollar cheaper,
unsightly especially when it is right in the center you .-e ahead of the other
of the town and surrounded by a well kept courtyard and a Boyd Furniture and Under-
. Co.
clean post office yard. .------
Out the of police, or his
may not be so dainty In
fashioning as the past, bat
it is more artistic and
rigidly made. Our
Furniture Is not merely
made to look at but to give
long service as well. We
have everything for every
room the house, from at-
tic to basement Also fins
Carpets. Rugs, Linoleums
and Mattings. And you can
save money by buying here,
Bring your want ad in today
send the owner one of
Why of course. Just as soon as preparedness program
is put through. Greenville expects to have a navy yard and I A Tl HE FOB
a fort built right here
Of course Greenville is supposed to have a future, but
can it have one if there Is not a spirit of cooperation among
If Germany wants to know why her representatives were the merchant. The merchants can not have cooperation
withdrawn and the kaiser will Just cable us, paid, we will when one class sells goods cheaper than the other to-
variably, the unreliable merchant will be the one to sell his
the answer to him, collect, of course. , ,. . ho
I cheaper. The consumer will the one that will be
a waiting for a while the reliable merchant, who sells his goods
Our idea of A telegraph editor waning tor a
word wire lead to a three column story which has a. a higher rate, will be the loser.
forget Is dollar cheaper
each day. Ask the Boyd Furniture
and Undertaking Co.
candy and Schaeffer Self
Filling fountain pens.
ready been put into type and shoved on the front
the editor of the Roanoke Rapids Herald Is human. We
can hardly believe It since the said editor has taken
with the Commonwealth.
consumer, however. In the long run. will also be the
loser, for the damage that will be done this town can not
, . lie calculated in We can only judge by what has
in other towns where the unreliable merchants
have received patronage and helped to put a black eye
on the map of the town from which the town has never re-
Greenville has unreliable merchants today. They are
merchants who are giving Greenville a bad name from
afar. Ask any traveling man about Greenville when you
Dr. H. W. Carter announces that he
has removed ills office to the National
I Bank building, second floor, with Dr.
A. M. Office Lours every
Should a man lie to a is the query that the
Virginian Pilot passes along. Of course, if it Is absolutely
one may do it, but the point Is. what will happen u and his answer will almost always be.
If ho U caught In the good town, but it is being ruined by merchants who do
not give one continental about the rating which they have.
It ,. remarkable that all the citizens of those fighting neither do they care If they stay in Greenville one year
nations, who are now residing in the United States and who or two What does the Greenville man. who was
. . Kara he Is
Heaters and
I am very busy repairing stoves
and heaters, but there is always room
for one more. Send me your old
heaters and I will make them over as
as new. Work done promptly
and thoroughly. Shop on
street, next door to Repair
shop, Greenville, N. C.
A Safe Place to
Deposit Money
There has been several highway robberies in this
section lately. Deposit your money in the NA-
BANK, where it will be safe from both
robbers and burglars.
We have a complete line of Parisian
Ivory sets or In single pieces,
prate of their respective countrymen as great fighters, are
careful they do not get sent home.
Now we shall see what the Honorable Claude will have
u say In Congress. May be will not have made such
a fool of himself as we all thought. Hut it would be hard to
convince a Wilson man that he has not.
born here and who expects to die here think when he Is
told such as that Does it not come home to him that he
should lend his efforts toward Influencing the merchants
here to be reliable Is it not to his own benefit that he
discourage people from patronizing those merchants who
contribute nothing but a bad name to the town
Why can't each of us. Individually and collectively, take
a hand in this matter and do all in our power to move the
merchants from this town It Is to the benefit
of all of us that this be done.
They say it is a violation of the town ordinances to drive
an automobile within the Incorporate limits of the town
the exhaust is muffled. We hale to think how many
times this ordinance is violated each day by careless auto
Whenever led a General
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
Tonic is equally as
Genera Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic QUININE
IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives
Enriches the Blood and
up the Whole System. cents
of Greenville
m mm i
Probably today some curious British cruiser is making
that little Ford ship honk to the tune of a vigilant search.
A throwing away of the recently enacted Seaman's Law
will greatly help to put the American merchant marine on
the plain, or level, which it should be. Too much
on the part of some make conditions worse Instead of
a Howard
If you want when it
is Read Reflector
l l
Maple syrup Is a pure food product which Is spread upon
the boarding-house pancake so that it will taste different
than It looks. Traveling men find that by pouring the en-
I tire contents of a maple syrup upon a cold and
Toe real issue which is Involved between the United wheat cake and eating In a rapid staccato, the
and Germany is not on account the recall of the will be much the same as If devouring real food,
two representatives, but is because the United States has All of the maple syrup now In use comes direct from
been successful getting satisfaction for the and is secured from the veins of the stately soft maple
can lives lost on the tree, which is tapped Just above the waistline by
hired men in rubber boots. The water, leaves and limbs
are then boiled out of it after which It is placed In neat tin
A little cleaning up on the part of many owners of lots receptacles and shipped as far w.-st as possible. It Is then
materially to beautify the city and would not -old to particular customers who would have hard work
. hut who
cost them so very much to do It Individual pride among
them for their city ought to be sufficient incentive to set
them to work doing this, but on the other band the most of
them seem to rather reluctant about starting anything.
Upon tho opening of the Congress, these
find that they are facing the gravest problems ever
put before such a body of men In the last generation or
longer. There will be disputes, for some of the
members will he hot-headed. Some will cry for war while
others will he great advocates of peace.
Some will raise their voices for s great army and navy
telling oleomargarine from creamery butter, but who
ways know a real piece of maple syrup when they meet It
In some communities 4.000 miles from a soft maple tree
a good quality of maple syrup Is produced by combining
New Orleans molasses and brown sugar, and trusting to
Providence for results. In some hotels this Is done so
skillfully that Vermont tourists are not able to eat anything
for several days. This dastardly imitation of one of
noblest masterpieces can be detected at once by hold-
a match under the syrup and watching the crude oil
go up smoke.
Prior to the advent of the pure food law. most of the
maple syrup used was made at home before breakfast
with cane sugar and a dark brown coloring extract This
Get A Victrola
for Christmas
appropriation while other, will see fit to oppose It. Some concoction was also sold at the stores In a rich variety of
will be for another while other, will oppose labels, all of which bore a picture of a sugar camp and a
It, but above all things there should be little party spirit certificate of purity by some Immediate relative
I the shipper. People used this Ingenious beverage for years
should be the of the sixty-fourth restrained by the mandate of the law, which ha.
for at this time the United between It. Impious hand upon everything from the uncovered
pan and the fire. among the congressmen will checker to the soft pine nutmeg,
lead to bitter strife which ought not to be seen on the floor. The best way to maple that has not been
of at this time. There can be a Milling of all with Is to buy it In tiff form from
question, dispute, any party spirit being of the church who gives to Vermont every spring
those of opposing parties should rub shoulder. -d bring. It back with him In a ease. If
together and for that slogan of the President, anything else In the salt ease beside, the sugar, ask to see
the bill of lading. I
White Piano
i. p,
Mr. R. one of moat
prominent business men was Green-
ville for a short while yesterday after-
Mr. C. W. Hearne spent yesterday
afternoon In on business.
Mr. Louis went to Rocky
Mount this morning on a business trip
of a few days.
Mr. L. K. Jackson, of Norfolk, spent
last night in Greenville to
Rocky Mount Mr. Jackson spent
much of his time In Greenville last
winter and made many friends.
Mr. Warren, Jr., went to Tar-
this morning on a brief business
Mr. A. R. Breedlove spent Tuesday
here and left this morning for Wash-
Mr. J. Key Brown returned this
morning from Goldsboro.
Mr. W. G. Lamb. Jr., of
spent Tuesday here.
from Page
Mr. Oates was elected president at
the Tuesday night's session and after a
contest In which he defeated K. F.
of Elizabeth City, by a good
Immediately Dr. came for-
ward and proposed the appointment
of a committee to nominate a
ponding secretary. This started
things. Delegate after delegate op-
posed the committee Idea. Some sharp
tilings were said. Then Or.
came back, does this
he said, a single man on this
floor think a committee can be pack-
ed I resent the From
every part of the house came the sharp
reply, Dr. of Durham
suggested that the committee name
four or five possibilities.
This was voted down. Then the
final vote came and with decisive ma-
the convention killed the
resolution. The selection of a
responding secretary was made
order for one p. m. No
will be made.
Many Names Pot Forth
When the hour arrived for the
of a corresponding secretary
nominations were made without any
speech. Rev. W. N. Johnson of Wake
Forest. Rev. C. E. Maddry. Rev. C. H.
Durham, Rev. W. C.
Barrett. Rev. C. L. Graves,
Lumberton, Rev. R. A.
Scotland Neck, John A. Oates, Fayette-
Rev. W. R. Bradshaw. Hickory,
were put forth.
An effort was made to drop the low-
est names but failed.
Mr. Oates declined to allow his name
used. Ballot progress. p.
The First Ballot
First ballot for corresponding sec-
resulted as W. H.
Johnson C. E. Maddry C. H
Durham W. C. Barrett C. L.
Graves R. A. W. R.
Bradshaw Pending the second
lot the convention took a at
W. C. Allen, Mo.,
have railed a family of tour children
and used Foley's Honey and Tar with
all of them. I find It the beat
and croup medicine I ever used. I
used it for eight or ten years and can
recommend it for Same j
At the general meeting for
the teachers of Pitt County, held in
on November 20th.
plans were laid for the beginning
the moonlight school work this
county. So far, reports have come
to the county superintendent of the
of four of these schools.
The first school organized in the
was at Lang's Roads, taught by
Misses Lucy Moore and Lillie Tucker.
They have the honor of Ibis
movement In Pitt county. Other
schools have been organized at Clay-
root, Swift Creek township; at Mas-
township, and at the
Elk's school. In township. All
of these schools are doing well, and
the movement is meeting with favor.
schools the county are ex-
to organize this work within
the next few days.
Considerable interest Is being man-
In the Bounty this year In the
raising of funds locally to supplement
the state and county apportionments.
Various forms of entertainments are
held by the teachers, and the proceeds
go to the of the local
Within the last few days reports have
come to the county superintendent,
bowing the following amount
Smithtown, Misses Pearl Brown and
Lanie Tyson, teachers,
Reedy Branch, Mr. Elbert
Bethel No. Miss William-
sou, teacher, 21.40.
Bethel No. Miss Madeline Moore,
County superintendent began began
on December a series of group
meetings. This series will
run through December 14th. The
teachers in different sections of the
county are organized small groups,
meeting In some central school, at two
o'clock, on some week day afternoon,
for the discussion of practical school
problems. The first meeting was held
for the teachers of township,
at Black Jack, on the afternoon of
December 2nd. On December 3rd, the
teachers of Bethel, Carolina and Pact-
townships met at Stokes. Both
of these meetings were well attended,
and some good work was done. The
greater of the time was used
the discussion of methods of assign-
lessons and methods of teaching
reading. Rome attention was given to
moonlight schools. Reports as to en-
and attendance in the day
schools were received and general
topics were discussed. Teachers en-
freely Into the discussion, and
the meetings seemed to be Interesting.
Teachers at and Ayden
will meet at Persimmon
Branch, on December 7th. Those
teaching Falkland and
townships will meet at Falkland on
December 8th. Meeting will be held
on December 10th at school
for the teachers of Swift Creek town
ship. On the 13th. the Beaver Dam
and teachers will meet at
Smithtown. The last meeting will be
for Greenville township, and will be
held on December 14th. at Red Bank
school house.
County Superintendent
It was conceded by all who were
present at the Exemplification and
Lecture of the Modern Dances, given
by Mr. and Mr. Irving In
The Warren drug has Just re- Hines Hall last night be about the
In It. Christmas goods which; neatest In the art of
have been put on display in the that has ever been given
A very large assortment of any city. The hall was beautifully
decorated for the occasion with sever-
hundred colored electric lights with
bunting to match. The affair was
everything is to be found there.
Last evening Covenant Lodge No.
I. O. O. F. held annual election of of- en by Mr. in the form of a
beers. James L. Evans was elected farewell dance honor of the many
Noble Grand; W. T. Forest, Vice pupil, that he has had during his stay
Grand; L. H. Pender, Recording Greenville. The dance program
A. C. Financial Sec- contained twenty number, and during
A. B. Ellington, the intermission. Mr. and Mrs. Cal-
order in North Carolina is doing kin. delighted all present with their
a great work in the education and demonstration of the National One
support of about orphans National Fox Trot. Waltz Modern,
Military Trot, and Spanish Waltz. Mr.
and Mrs. have made many
friends during their stay Greenville
and have the best wishes of all, for a
very successful future.
home at Goldsboro.
Prayer meting In the to-
in White's
A display of candy put on by the
Charles Horne, Druggist, makes
one of the most attractive of
any seen in town. The candy Is the
well known which has a
reputation for being the best.
FRIDAY, 1916
North Pitt County
In the Court
Mattie I. Cannon
T. E.
The T. E. Cannon the
above action, will take notice
At the monthly business session of on the th day of lilt,
-v . k . , ,. . a summons In the above entitled action
Memorial Baptist church tonight mM T. E.
by J. D. Cox, clerk of the Sup
Court of Pitt County, North Car-
Whether you realize it or not, Christ- the plaintiffs claiming the sum
of due for goods sold
deacons are to b
e e
mas Is drawing near.
Miss Minnie Leatherman. will also take notice that a warrant of I
of the State Library Commission will j attachment was by the clerk of
he present and will give advice about court of Pitt county on
k. the o- November. against
All persons interested in the growth
of the Greenville Public are
invited to meet in the library rooms
at o'clock Thursday
and delivered, money advanced or
payments made to and for the
defendant above named, which
mons is returnable to the next
of Superior court for Pitt
county to be held In Greenville, North
Carolina, beginning January 17th.
evening. The defendant T. E. Cannon.
is the month to get special low prices on our entire
We have a complete stock of
See Us Before Buying
Furniture Company
i m
maintaining a library
HOY TAYLOR, Secretary,
Public Library Committee.
certain lands, to
in Swift Creek and Con-
townships, one tract contain-
acres and known as lots
and of the Samuel Wilson land; one
tract containing 1-4 acres lying and
being situated on the Gum Swamp
road; one tract containing acres
known as the A. F. and F. M. Pittman
land; also one fourth Interest in one
Fred Smith, Green Bay. WIs.,
Kidney Pills
ed me of all soreness pain in the
back and I now am strong and well I t and
Cold weather makes aching; known as the Bettie land, all
sore muscles and Irregular j lying and being situated in Pitt
bladder action more unbearable. Foley North Carolina; the said lands be-
BU. , h., ., the lands of the defendant, T. E.
J- MU IT, warrant ls
to the next term of the Superior court
pain-causing poisons. Sold every-
A cold that promises to on all
Is to be dreaded. Prompt ac-
should be taken at the first warn-
of a cold sneezing, chilliness,
slight shivering. Foley's Honey and
Tar makes quick work of coughs, colds
and croup. It clear, air
coughing, eases breathing
Sold everywhere.
of Pitt county, on seventh Monday
before the first Monday March, It be-
the 17th day of January, 1916,
when and where the defendant T. E.
Cannon Is required to appear and ans-
or demur to the complaint, or the
relief demanded will be granted.
the 10th day of November, IBIS.
J. D. COX,
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County.
A Mooting
The Pitt County Federation
and Friday afternoon at
Sold everywhere.
In the court
You Need a Tonic
There are times in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing women in its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy-
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
In two certain deeds of trust
executed and delivered by J. J. Cherry
and wife, Mary J. Cherry, to C. S. Carr.
trustee, one dated March 22nd. 1913.
and recorded in Book E-10, page
In the Register of Deeds office or Pitt
county, and the other dated October
30th, 1913, recorded the Register of
Deeds office of Pitt county in Book T-
page the undersigned will sell
for cash before the Court House door
In Greenville at noon on,
December 39th, 1915,
the following described town property,
situate In the Town of Greenville and
known a. lot No. the plot of said
town, bounded on the North by Third
Street, on the East by the T. R. Cher-
property, on the South by
property, and on the West by
Greene Street. Said property sold
to satisfy said two mortgagee.
This November 29th, 1916.
North Cat Pitt County
In l e Cc t
J. E. Cannon
T. E.
The defendant T. L. Cannon In the
entitled action, will notice
that on the 3rd day of November. 1915.
a summons In the above entitled action
issued against the T. E.
Cannon, by J. D. Cox, of the Sup-
Court of Pitt C. North Car-
the plaintiffs claiming the s
of due for goods sold i
and delivered, money advanced or
payments made to and for the
defendant above named, which
summons Is to the next
of the Superior court for Pit
county to be In Greenville, North
Carolina, January
ll. The T. E. Cannon,
will also take that a warrant of
attachment was by the clerk of
the Superior of Pitt county on
the 3rd day of November. 1916, against
certain lands, to
in Swift Creek and Con-
townships, one tract contain-
and known as lots
and of the Samuel Wilson land; one
tract containing 1-4 acres lying and
being situated on the Gum Swamp
road; one tract containing acres
known as the A. F. and F. M.
land; also one fourth interest In one j
certain tract containing acres and
known as the land, all
entered Ina special proceedings in the lying and being situated
North Carolina; the said lands be-
the lands of the defendant, T. E.
Cannon, which warrant is returnable
to the next term of the Superior court
Notice Land Sale
By virtue of authority of a Judgment
Trust Company
Superior court,
J. W. Bailey. Elizabeth Jones
and Lawrence Jones against Hebrew . .
Jones, Joshua Jones. Jones, of Pitt county, on Monday
Jessie Jones and Ira Jones, appoint-
me as commissioner, directing mo
to sell the land described the
filed the said special proceed-
I will sell to the highest bidder
for 1-3 cash, the remainder payable
three years, at the court house
door on Monday the 3rd day of
1916, at noon, that tract of land
In Carolina township, Pitt county
known as the Home con
Eighty-four acres more
or less, upon which Lawrence James
and Elizabeth Jones lived and died,
and being near the town of Stokes,
more fully described In Book U-6,
Registry of Deeds office, also Al-
tract containing
acres making one hundred and
four acres to be sold.
Inquire further of J. W. Bailey at
Stokes. N. C. or the undersigned.
This December 6th. 1916.
before the first Monday in March, It be-
the 17th day of January.
when and where the defendant T. E.
Cannon Is required to appear and ans-
Oldest and
term of the Superior court for Pitt
county to be held Greenville, North
Carolina, beginning January 17th,
demur the complaint, or the, The defendant, T. E. Cannon
relief demanded will be granted. I a o
the 10th day of November. 1916.1 attachment was issued by the clerk
J. D. COX.
North Pitt
In the Superior Court
R. C. Cannon, C. V. Cannon, A. R.
Cannon and J. H. Coward trading as
R. C. and Son.
T. B. Cannon
The defendant T. E. Cannon In the
above entitled action, will notice
that on the 3rd day November, 1915.
a In the above entitled action
court l I'm county on
the 3rd day of November, 1916, against
certain lands, to
in Swift Creek and Con-
townships, one tract contain-
and known as f
and of the Samuel Wilson land; one
containing 1-4 acre. lying and
being situated on the Gum
road; one tract containing acres
known as the A. F. and F. M.
land; also one fourth Interest In one
tract containing acre, and
known as the Bettie land, all
and being situated in Pitt
the said lauds be-
or demur to the complain- or the
relief will be granted.
This the day of November, 1916.
J. D. COX.
a summons in me ,. . , Carolina; the said
Issued against th. defendant T. A , W. , T. K.
Cannon. by J. D. Cox. clerk of the Sup-1
Court of Pitt County North Car- ,
the plaintiffs claiming the sum n. ,. M-
of due for good. . ;
and delivered, money or
payment, made to and for the
defendant above named, which
is returnable U the next
the Monday in
the 17th day
when and where the d
Is required to
Notice of Sale
By virtue of the power of sale con-
a certain mortgage given to
N. W. Outlaw by Fannie Ross, dated
January 25th. 1916, and due
1st 1916, and recorded in the Regis-
of Deeds office Pitt county in
Book Q-10. page the undersigned
will on Friday, the 7th day of January.
1916, at o'clock m sell to the highest
bidder for cash the following
Adjoining the lands of John Smith.
Bob Smith and Dr. B. T. Cox, and being
where the said Fannie no
and being all the land which she owns
in township, containing
more or less.
This, the 6th day of December. 1915.
N. W. OUTLAW, Mortgagee.

Sale Laid
By of the power of con-
in a executed by Ed
Ho, and wife. Howell. to M. O.
Blount on August 1st, 1914. which
mortgage is received In Book A-ll.
Page of the County
default in payment having been made,
the undersigned will, on Monday the
day of January, at
before the Court House Door in
That tract of land In town-
ship near Hill, lying on East
aide of the Greenville and Vanceboro
I SALE described Beginning at land; also one fourth Interest In one
. . ,. L. do oaks on tract containing acres and
By virtue of a decree of the Super- Post on j laud, alt
Court of Pitt county made In spec- Tom corner and runs north ,
beginning at a pine O. C. No- ; proceedings No. entitled L, degree. minutes east feet the lands be-
For the above occasion the Atlantic to v. to a stake; thence south degrees the
Co., Lin. will U come, a pine at H. T. and G et ale. the unsigned minute, east a on
from Greenville to Charleston at a 50- agreed thence with an for cash before the court the Greenville road; thence south lb of
Tickets will be sold tor all trains on o line another house in on degrees minutes west with tho , Monday in March, it
and limited re- ft . e stump s JAM I at, road feet to a stake, lug the January. ISIS,
turning to midnight of December of Q , Scribed parcel of land corner of lot No. thence north II T.
Proportionately low fares will,
made from all points
N. C expose to public sale .,
for cash the following described pro- is a convention of the greatest
to the
a house and lot in the town and Industrial inter-
n C, which was be an opening wedge for
wife, and Which . opportunities at this time. In
la bounded as follows On the North of its Importance the
by Tarboro street, on the Bait by the government proposes to send
ID lot, on the South and West by ,. to Charleston and
the lots formerly belonging to the addition there will be a large
heirs, containing one-half acre cruisers, torpedo boats
line, thence with said line to the be-
ginning, containing thirty acres,
more or less. Said laud sold to satisfy
said mortgage.
This November 1911.
situated in
Cannon is required lo appear and
Township degrees minutes west feet to a or . or y,.
This the day of November, 1915
J. D. COX.
Clerk Superior Court. Put
known as a part of the Blount Hall stake; thence north degree, east relief demanded will
beginning at a stake, on the feel to a stake In thence
branch between Stokes at north degrees east feet to a
two sweet gums marked as pointer, stake; theme north degrees
and running N. 1-3 E. 3-5 poles minutes west feet to two post oaks.
to the center of the Avenue the beginning. The family graveyard.
from Public Road to Hall, as indicated on feet by
then 1-4 W. 3-5 poles to yard fret is reserved and will be
gate, then S. W. 3-5 poles, then N deed.
poles, then S. 3-4, W. This same tract of land was sold on
House door In the town of Greenville
ore or less, and being the place on j marines the Inspection and December 13th at o'clock m. at
the Court branch 8th, but on account
which D. now lives. j pleasure of the Urge number of the
Sale made to satisfy said mortgage representative who
Tills, the day of November. b, present.
For schedules and further
call on.
W H. WARD. Ticket
Greenville. N. C.
The Standard Railroad of The South
BROWN, Attorney.
I have on display in the store room
next door lo the Cola Bottling
Works the. most complete assortment
Sale of Valuable
By virtue a note with lien or
attached executed by J. P.
Toys for the Holiday trade, to a .,, Blanche Davenport to
The Farmers Bank on July 10th. 1911
public auction for cash the following
described tract or parcel of land lying
being In Ayden Township on the
road running from Ayden to Scuffle- Interest
Z Green county and being a portion for an . , o
., -v. piece, sec I from Amos
then with the edge of the low grounds raise of bid. a re-sale has been or-
to said branch, then up said branch dared and will be sold at the time
lo the beginning, containing thirty and on terms above set forth.
Date of Monday, December
acres, more or less; also a one-third
in acres in the low grounds.
of the Aron tract
Beginning at a stake In public road,
Katie Moore's corner, and runs south
1-2 west. poles to a stake in A. F
our line is more
borate than any ever shown in Green-
ville. Before making your purchase i
look over our line as we you
L. M.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain deed of trust
anted by Robert Wilson to H. M. While
trustee, to secure the purchase J
due for the land hereinafter describe i
on the 13th day of December,
which deed trust was properly re
corded In the of the Register
Deeds of Pitt county. In Book
page the undersigned will sell
cash at public auction before Hie
court house door in Greenville on
Saturday. December 11th, 1915. the
following described tract or parcel
land, situate In the count Pitt and
township, being that piece of
land known as Lot No. on a plot of
land formerly owned by R. R, Fleming,
Sr. which map Is recorded in the office
of the Register of Deeds of county.
In map book one. page
Beginning at the run of the swamp
undersigned will sell at
sale for cash Court House door
In Greenville. N C. on the 20th
of December, 1915, at in., the fol-
lowing described notes
each executed by Moses
and wife, Cora Staton to Blanche P.
Davenport on January 1st. 1914.
notes are secured by a mortgage on
This December 2nd. 1915.
L. D.
pole. JAMES SON.
to a stake, thence south 1-2 W. 1-3 Attorney.
poles to a long forked pine, thence, w,
south W. poles to the beginning.
Private sale can be made before day Administratrix's
of public sale by seeing the under- Having qualified I
1915, m.
1-3 cash. 1-3 In one year
from date, 1-3 two years from date,
mortgage securing deferred payments.
This December 4th. 1915.
i i ii e of Execution Sale.
E. R. CO.
By virtue of an execution directed
to the undersigned from the
Court of Pitt County. In the above en-
titled action, I will on Monday, the 3rd
day of January. 1916, at o'clock m.
at the court house door of said county
sell to the highest bidder for cash tn
satisfy said execution, all the right.
title and Interest which the said Char-
lie Little, the defendant, has In the
following described real estate, to-
I One lot of land situated In
Township near Triumph Church, it
being the lot of land purchased by
Charlie Little from Dentist Little and
W. F. EVANS, Attorney.
of Dr. D. L. James, deceased, law of
Greenville. Pitt County North Caro- g
Una. this is to notify all W. H Allen, has been, by mutual
consent, tills day dissolved.
All persons will take notice that the known as the lot. being one-
Co-partnership heretofore existing fourth of an acre, more or less.
slow This the 3rd day of December. 1915
Land Sale
By virtue of Hie I of Trust
the day of June, 1914,
registered in Hook A-ll, page P
Claims against estate of the
aid deceased to exhibit them to the
undersigned, or to her attorney, with
In twelve months from date
be pleaded In bar of;
Matthias Harris tract, which land
In township on the North side
of Tar river.
These notes fall due as
January 1st. 1915, and on the 1st day
of January in each year and up to
including January 1st. Interest
has been paid on each of said notes lo
January 1st, 1915, and a payment of
105.00 has been paid on the note due
January 1st. 1916.
This 29th day of November, 1915.
JULIUS Attorney.
this notice will
their recovery.
All persons Indebted to said estate
will please make
having been compiled with, and of December, 1911.
requested by the holders of the boric. JAMES,
therein to foreclose the same., administratrix
I shall sell to me bidder on Administratrix.
Monday, the 13th day of December p. Q, JAMES .- Attorneys.
cash the following
property, to Sale of Lund
J. E. Winslow has severed hi. con-
With said firm. The business
will conducted by W. H. Allen in
his sole capacity.
All obligations due and owing by
firm will be paid by W. II. Allen.
All due and owing to said
rill be paid to W. H. Allen.
This November 29th. 1915.
W. II.
virtue of a of sale con-1
to a v Carolina, Pitt County
in a certain mortgage . .,. ,.
and delivered by T Frank Taylor to
Mortgage Sale
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain of trust,
by J. Z. Turnage on the 22nd day
of November, 1913, to C. S. Carr. for
the benefit of o. l. Joyner and J.
Carr. which deed of trust is recorded
In Book T-10, Pitt county
Registry, the undersigned will, on
Monday January 17th, 1911, at
o'clock m. before the court house door
In the town of Greenville, aforesaid
state and county, expose to public
Land Sale
By virtue of the power if sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed
by J. P. Morris to John J. Ford
That tract of land In Falkland town
ship, situate i on the waters tin
Meadow Branch, containing acres j
more or adjoining the lands of
J. G. Cobb. Benjamin M. Woolen, and
others, it being the tract
S E Harris, dated February 19.5.
W-5. page and conveyed to duly recorded In the Registers
C. C. Vines by J. A. Andrews, Book in county in Hook D-ll, page
11-10. pare Pitt County Registry. ; undersigned, as mortgagee, will
Also four building lots
of Greenville,
Monday in January, expose to against the defendant T. E. Cannon, by by Mrs. Annie Anderson, which plat
sale before the court house ; J. D. Cox Clerk of the g on m page
In the Superior Court
J. C. June and J. L. sale, to the highest bidder for cash.
as J. E. Cannon the following described tract or parcel
vs. of land,
T. E. that tract or parcel of land In the
The defendant T. E. Cannon, In the of ,, ,
above entitled will take notice
on the road which divides this land
November, 1913, and which mortgage and in the best re
is recorded in Hook Q-10, page of of the town.
from Moses Little and James Bur
Little, and running north degree.-,
east thence south
. . the Pitt County Registry, in
will on Monday
of Higgs on MONDAY, the 3rd day of January, 4th day of November, 1915, near the town of Greenville, and being
as being in block 1916. at o'clock, noon, being the a aid action was Issued farm No. on a plat formerly owned
lots number Monday In January, expose to against the defendant T. E. Cannon, by by Mrs. Annie Anderson, which
of which see plat , before the COUrt house J. D of Is on record In Map book page
o the highest m- W Of Pitt , Registry, to which plat,
section for cash, the following described due and a more perfect description, reference
a I i . J in i. i e. i t
to the run of said
the run of said swamp day December.
to the beginning, containing acres
sale, for cash, before the j COUNTY.
house door in Greenville. N. ex-
tract or parcel of land, advanced or payments made to and hereby made. Said farm No.
day of November. ., am n defendant above named, which x acres actual survey.
Pitt county. North Carolina, In THIS is made for the purpose
. on the north side of Tar river, a I , be In Greenville, North of satisfying the terms of the deed of
the lands of Sidney Spain heirs beginning January . trust above described.
on the east, the Henry Brown lands The defendant T. E. will also ;,,, ,, of 1915
warrant of attach- g CARR
This No
the north. Robert Parker and Hen-j take notice that
a more accurate description Thigpen on the west and by n--- e DONNELL
,.,,. , hereby made to the map above he p. By , , mortgage Cobb on the and being the d f 1915, against the
referred to a; , ,, n. bind conveyed by J. U Warren to Md certain land,. ,.,, and
N. C. and more particular execute by Randolph Bros, w January j m , out .,,
described as follows, Being Oil Ice company on the T. F . . l situated In Swift Creek and Content- MISS THIS Cut out this
shares or lots land, as follows, March, duly recorded 1st. J J Townships, one tract containing slip, enclose With cent, to Foley
and the Ford tract of L page in the office office of the Clerk of h e known LoU. B and ft Co. Chicago; writing your name
, . ,,. . ,. , , .,, Court of Pitt county In Book f the Samuel Wilson land, one d clearly,
land, and which three shares or of of Dee. o a. tract containing 1-4 acres lying and
acres more or less and Carolina, the page Tarboro being situated on the Gum Swamp
b, by the lands of James M. ,. at hour o on the 3rd day follows on th- Tarboro being acre Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
and the J. U Nelson lauds. JanUary, 1910, at the Court House road at S. H. as the A. F. and F. M. Pitman coughs, colds and croup Foley Kidney
sue mo i. . . thence with said Spain s line to ,,, no interest in one
being the same land to J. i
i Morris by W. H. and J. expose the tract. line of the known as The land, all
being situated in Pitt
10th, 1915
i ., WHITE Trustee
K O. JAMES SON. attorneys
In the Superior Court
North Carolina, Pitt County
J. R. Spier
T. E. Cannon
The defendant T. B, Cannon. In the
You will receive
return a trial package containing
Ford and for which this
given to secure the purchase price
This the 24th day of November. 1915.
above action will take notice W. H. JOHN J
that on the 4th day of November. 1915. Mortgagee,
a summons In action was Issue JULIUS BROWN. Attorney.
against the defendant. T. E. Cannon
t J. D. Cox. clerk of the Superior lead Sale
court of Pitt county. North By virtue of a decree of the Superior
the plaintiff claiming the sum of court Pitt county made In special
due for money loaned the proceedings No. entitled B. C. Fleming ft
above named, which vs. Tyson et by the lands of C. T. on
M returnable to the next term of the the undersigned will sell the south by tho lands of C. T. Mun-
to , r. door in Gum , road thence with tract
J. Carolina, expos, the a, the
U of land for pub sale for cash to the P
, , ,, IV
land, with the property of the said defend
North the land now occupied by Edna ant T g. Cannon, the said lands
Two certain tracts of land In G
township. Pitt County. No, .-- jg- --.-- f g , ,
North Carolina, also against the NOTICE CF WAR-
North Carolina. Pitt
. con- in on warrant Is returnable to J E. Cannon. J. C. Jones and J. U
Tarboro road to the beginning, con non. court trading J. B.
A tract of acres more or less and be- we w Monday
land formerly conveyed before the Monday In March, It vs.
by D. A. King to J. B. Warren by Deed
Superior court for Pitt county to be
In Greenville, North Carolina, be
ginning January 17th. 1916. The de-
will also take notice that a
of was by
the clerk of the Superior court of Pitt
Carolina, known and designated as
known as the William the s
Homestead Place, containing th recorded
Book U-. page In the office of the
of Deeds of Pitt
Terms of Cash. Time of
o'clock, noon. MONDAY. January
3rd. 1916. Place of Before the
1915. against certain lands. to-
in Swift Creek and Con-
Townships, one tract contain-
acres and known as Lots
for cash before the court door and on tho west by the second
In Greenville at noon on described below. It being the
FRIDAY, .- .------
the following described house and by tho Fred ,,
In the town of
Beginning at C. T. come
tract of land conveyed to Ran- court house door In Pitt count, V
. by tho Fred Fleming is made for the purpose of
by deed of record In Pitt County. North the term, of the mortgage here-
referred to.
. 4th day of November, on Main and A certain tract This the 3rd day of December.
with said line laud containing one hundred and
yards to C. T. fifty
o stain scree. . . , T In a Judgment decree made by the
with Main street yards to U. south b, ii , Superior court In Special
containing one-half No. 1910. entitled J.
and the same lot conveyed to Susan and others, . i
. , . hairs I and being Evans et vs. R. A. Forbes et .
raved the undersigned commissioner will, on of
1915. St and
o'clock m. before the court house door
of Pitt expose to public sale
to the bidder for one-third
to Randolph Monday.
In County
or loss, bounded on
R. W. north by the lands of Miss Ale- HARDING ft K, Attorneys,
sucker's line yards, thence south- Fleming and sister, on east of Land
and of the Samuel Wilson land; one with Mrs Louisa Cox's line the V. C. Fleming land- an authority contained
tract containing 1-4 acres lying to Main street, thence tr c made by the
being situated en the Gum Swamp
one tract containing seres
known as the A. F. and F. M.
also one fourth Interest in one
certain tract containing acres and
known as the land,
ail lying and being situated in Pitt
county. North Carolina; the said lands
being the leads of the defendant. T. E.
Cannon, which warrant Is returnable
to the next term of the Superior court
of Pitt county, on the seventh Monday
before the first Monday In March. It
being the 17th day of January,
when and where the defendant. T. E.
Cannon, Is required to appear and
newer or demur to the complaint, or
the relief will be granted
This the 13th of .
Attorneys Plaintiff.
Tyson by W. L. and wife.
This November 23rd. 1916.
F. C. JAMES ft SON, Attorneys.
Land Sale
By virtue of the power of sale con- By
In a certain mortgage executed
by Lewis Smith and wife to F fl
James on the 12th day of
1904, and duly recorded In the office
Fred Fleming heirs
the same tract of la
L, Blow,
Bros by deed of re-or
North Carolina
This 1st of Decent- r.
being the 17th day of January, 1916, T. B.
when and where the defendant Is re- The defendant T. E. Cannon In the
miked to appear and i or demur above entitled action, will notice
to the or the relief demand- that on the -rd day of November, 1915.
ed will be granted. a us In the
This the 10th day of November. 1915. was Issued the defendant T II
I win u j D j. D, clerk of the Sup-
Clerk Court. Pitt County. Court of Pitt North Car-
J. E Cannon Com-
claiming the sum of d
NOTICE OF WAR- for goods sold and delivered, money
KANT OP ATTACHMENT advanced or payments made to and for
North Carolina. Pitt the defendant above named, which
In f. e Col it summons Is returnable to the next
R. C. Cannon. C V. Cannon. A. R. of the Superior court for Pitt
Cannon and J H. Coward trading as to be held In North
R. C Cannon Sons Carolina. Beginning January
. The defendant. T. E. Cannon will also
T. E. Cannon notice a warrant of attach-
The defendant T. E. Cannon in WM by the Clerk of the
above entitled will notice Court of Pitt County on the
that on the 4th day of November. 1916 of 1915, against
a summons In the above entitled action to
was Issued against defendant T situate Swift Creek and Content-
Cannon, by J- D. Cox, clerk of the Sup- one tract containing
Court of Pitt County. North Car- known lot and
the plaintiff claiming the of land; one
due goods sold
containing 1-4 acres, lying and be-
or log situated on the amp Road,
for the one containing known
ed, which as the A F and E V land;
also one fourth Inter st In one cartels
for Pitt tract containing and known
In two equal pay- county to be held In North n the land, all lying
Glance in two 17th. and being In Pitt Count,.
of one two years from T K the lands being
of the k- , warrant of the lands of the T F.
to he secured mortgage the Issued the clerk of non. which warrant Is returnable to
following downed of land
h. and being In ,,
I In Swift Creek Con- being the day of If Hi.
townships, one tract contain- when and dart
acre, and known as lots b Cannon Is required to an-
up one sow county. of North Carolina,
of the Register of Duel, of Pitt com-, about lbs., In particularly described as fol-
House door In Greenville at noon on J- W. Bro. kS, tract f land as shown on mar. on Th,. th, 10th November. 1915
R th, R. F. O. S. N. C by W C. In ,,,. one seres
the following described of U-l-ltd October, 1915, 99.87 acres, known as the A. F. W. U.
to the complaint, or
J. D. COX,
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County
. M
n the
Agriculture Is the Host Ur Most the Host Motile Wk-iiI X
Alleged Two Negroes Stole
a Pig From Mr.
Moonlight School Is Getting
Advanced In Its
Said Silas Knight Took The
Pig To The Home of
Jim Nelson For Safe
Silas Knight and Jim Nelson were
yesterday released from the custody
of Constable Whichard, after they had
given bond, charged with stealing a
pig. It was alleged that Knight stole
the pig and took It to the home of
Nelson where was retained for what
was to be presumed, fattening
The pig was stolen from the homo
of Mr. W. W. Bullock several nights
ago and how he learned that Knight
was the one that stole it could not be
learned. However, Monday papers
were given Constable who
set out at once in search of Kn
and the pig.
When Knight had been taken, was
found that the pig was being held at
the home of Nelson several miles dis-
To that place the constable
journeyed in search of Mr. Pig and
there he found him.
Nelson, in the meantime, learning
that the game was spoiled and that he
and his accomplice had lost a good
lot of pork, Journeyed to Greenville
and told how all happened, Is
The pig will be held by the officers
of the law until final ownership Is
established and it has been settled
whether or not Knight stole the pig
and left it with Nelson.
Constable Whichard state that the
pig was a fine and that he
does not blame a man for hating to
lose such a fine porker especially when
everything In the meat line Is selling
at such a high figure.
Pitt Is Not Be-
hind In The Race For
Good In This Fine
ii issue m
Election Yesterday Result-
ed In Majority
November Is past, and November
in many counties was observed as
Moonlight School Month. In some in-
stances School ex-
tended to six weeks in others it Is still
to be observed or better still a second
Moonlight School Month in the spring
is to follow the one in the fall.
During the past summer at the var-
Summer Schools and Teachers
Institutes about teachers
to teach in tho Moonlight
schools of the state for three nights
a week for four consecutive weeks.
This was to be known as Moonlight
School Month. The North Carolina
Press Association promised to give
publicity to the movement. The Jun-
Order of American Mechanics, The
Union and the Federation of
Women's clubs all agreed to lend their
support to the promotion of opening
the schools for a month to adults who
had been denied an early chance. No-
was the month set aside by the
State Board of Education for this
pose and If November was not con-
the time best suited to the
A bulletin Adult Illiteracy and its
Elimination was Issued by the Depart-
of Education explaining the plan
for Moonlight School Month and
an account of the need for its
work. This bulletin was followed by
a manual to be used during moonlight
school month containing twelve
sons in reading, writing and
tic This manual furnished the teach-
and some who were not regular
teachers have volunteered for the
work, the twelve lessons to be taught
The had no trouble, Is.
said, In giving bond to guarantee their furnished the pupil his text book,
appearance when the trial Is held.
E. L.
Kelly of Vance county, who Is travel-
throughout the in
the Woman's Missionary Society move-
made an Interesting talk to the
students of high school
at the chapel exercises yesterday
morning. At o'clock in the
she lectured to the members
of the Woman's Missionary Society at
the Baptist church. Miss Kelly has
been at work In the Central and Tar
associations for several months, and
about three weeks ago began work in
the association. She is
a good speaker, and a large crowd
heard her here.
Close Successful Term
The fall term examinations of WIn-
high school will begin Monday
morning and continue through Wed-
at which time tho fall
closes. This closes one of the most
successful terms In the history of o
school The spring term will begin
Tuesday, January prospects are
good for the spring term
In some cases the county papers also
ran the lessons, three each
week so that the student as. he learned
to read would have supplementary
material at hand in an account of
affairs about him.
The State Department of Education
suggested In Its bulletin that each
county superintendent of schools, tho
farm demonstration agents, the
or president of the Farmers
Union, the mayor of the county seat,
and representatives from the Junior
Order and Women's clubs. The ob-
of this committee was to
late and work out plans or appoint
other committees when necessary. In
some counties whore successful moon-
light have been held the town
and county plans have been worked
out together, the town superintendent
working with the county superintend-
In other counties the town has
had another, each working for moon-
light schools. Whatever the plans
were moonlight schools have been
taught successfully and are still
taught. A nearby town Is planning to
begin the year 1916 with a moonlight
school month. Every town and every
community should have a committee
working on this problem for many who
can barely read write would be
glad of the additional Instruction to be
derived from a night school.
Plan For One School To Dis-
place Four Is Pro-
Older Resident Say This
County Is Coming To
Be An Example For
The Others.
township is the fifth town-
ship in this county to vote bonds for
good roads. An election was held in
that township yesterday when
was carried by a majority of
The bonds will amount to
and will all be utilized In improving
the roads in township.
It s said that the move had received
considerable opposition prior to the
time of holding the election, but on
yesterday morning, the good road en-
who have been working
faithful In the Interest of the issuance
of bonds, rallied around the polls and
carried it through without a single
roads, Its is said, are In
need of much improvement and the
people of that township are reported
to be unusually over the car-
of the issue yesterday. Plans
will be made at once to sell the bonds
and It Is hoped to get the work of
proving and building roads well
Just as soon as the weather
conditions in the spring will permit.
Being the fifth township to vote for
bonds for road building, Is
breaking the Ice for the other town-
ships, it is said, for they will be
mighty glad to get In line in the hope
of having their road facilities
Prior to the election the enthusiasts
for good roads In township
traveled over all the constructed roads
in the other townships which have
voted bonds and expressed themselves
as well pleased with the outcome and
had voiced the hope that would
be able to carry the Issue.
Ii Is said in reliable quarters, that
other townships are going to begin an
agitation for the Issuance of bonds
for the purpose of building better
roads and to Improve those that they
now have.
Old residents of this county view
this step forward In a pleasing light
and cite the fact that what they have
longed dreamed of Is now becoming a
One thing that attests the fact that
the roads In this county arc already
becoming popular with the neighbor-
counties Is that Beaufort has
ready sent a party of good roads
boosters through this section and that
at each time that anything Is said In
Beaufort about good roads, Pitt
is cited as an example.
Checks For The Pensioners
Arrived Here This
A Mississippi woman Is the
tor of a trunk for moving heavy bar-
that also will turn them over and
hold them In position for their con-
tents to be withdrawn.
Pitt county war veterans and
of veterans will be ma happy
if they will call at the office of the
Clerk of the Court, for they will find
a check there waiting for them.
The checks for the war pensioners
were received this morning, and
total amount that will be paid out in
Pitt county this year Is which
will be divided up among fifty-seven
widows of war veterans and sixty-
veterans themselves. The clerk
is asking that all those who receive
pensions call at the office at the ear-
opportunity and get It.
There are widows In county
who are in the fourth on the pen-
list. One soldier the third
class, and sixty-seven who are in the
fourth class. These receive amounts
according to their class.
It is a usual occurrence that
checks for the veterans arrive
just before Christmas, and they are
ways highly appreciated.
It Is a little astonishing to some, it Is
supposed, to loam that the State Is
annually paying back into this
over four thousand dollars for the
purpose of helping those who fought
In the Civil War and their widows, but
it is nevertheless true.
The development of powerful and
reliable motors has enabled French
to do their most fly-
with monoplanes with a wing
spread of not more than feet.
If Election Is Carried The Total Amount Paid To Pen-
Children Will Be Given Is Clerk
More Individual At- of Court Now Has
Said. Them.
Mr. S. B. Underwood, county super-
of schools, today gave out
an interview on the proposed
of schools in Beaver Ham town-
ship, and the voting of a special tax
for the support of a strong central
Board of he said
this progressive step on
the part of the citizens of Beaver Dam
township. Their petition, signed by
the way, by a majority of the voters
of the township, was endorsed by the
board and the election ordered by the
board of county commissioners with-
out any hesitancy. This is perhaps
the most Important educational move-
yet undertaken in Pitt county.
It Is in line with the trend of the
times in educational matters, which
is to extend the benefits of the large
well graded schools to tie rural dis-
If this election carries, as It seems
that it will, one school will displace
the four schools now operated in this
township. This will give a district
with a census of children, and
will require probably about five or six
teachers. Tills will enable the school
to be graded and will make it possible
for the teachers to give the children
that individual attention that is so
necessary. It will also make possible,
work in agriculture, domestic science
and music.
There are at present in this town-
ship one school employing one teach-
and three employing two teachers.
Consequently, the children attend
school in which one teacher has from
three to seven grades and from fifteen
to thirty-five classes per day. The In-
child, at best, gets very lit-
of the teacher's time.
the new plan this would
be changed. There would be pupils
enough and teachers enough to grade
the school properly and to give the
children as good advantages as could
be found anywhere. The high school
department can be organized as soon
as there Is a demand for and the
children be given a thorough and com-
course of training without
to leave home to get it.
child will be required to walk
an unreasonable distance. The hoard
will arrange for transportation of
those who live more than about two
miles from the school.
looks to me like an unusual
opportunity for the people of Beaver
Dam township. I believe they will
wish to take advantage of it. They
will certainly have then one of the
best rural schools to found any-
course, there will be some op-
position. Some perfectly honest
will fight tho consolidation be-
cause they do not wish to give up their
neighborhood schools, and because of
the small tax they will have to pay.
We have no fight on these people.
They are perfectly sincere, and have,
Washington Rumor To That
Effect Readies This
Will Not Permit Further
Concessions To The
Allies, Said.
has no intention of permit-
ting Greece to grant further
to the allies without a vehement
protest. Keillor's correspondent at
Athens says German diplomats already
have taken steps which are likely to
considerably to Greece's
ties, If pressed.
It Is announced unofficially at
tho correspondent continues
Germany bus asked Greece
tho new facilities afforded the
compromise Greek neutrality in any
No official communication has been
issued thus far at Athens
the exchange of views between Ger-
man and Greek diplomats, Greek
officials admit the situation is
more delicate.
Col. Grimes And Treasurer
Lacy Said To Have Held
Jobs Long Enough
Be Re-Elected.
A special from Washington to the
Greensboro News Monday states that
there is a likelihood of there being
a determined effort made on the part
of the Democrats to oust Col. J. Bryan
Grimes, Secretary of State, and Treas-
B. Lacy from their jobs on the
grounds that it is not good policy for
the Democratic administration to let
one man hold an office for such a long
length of time.
Col. Grimes has been Secret of
State for about sixteen years while
Treasury Lacy has occupied his Job
for practically the same length of
time. Both, it is said, have performed
their duties in office to the entire
faction of the whole State, and their
adherents in Eastern Carolina are
to regard the rumor from Wash-
as unfounded.
said an adherent of Col.
Grimes here today, Is
no excuse that either tho Colonel
or Treasurer Lacy be ousted from
their jobs on the that are set
forth In the correspondence from
Col. Grimes Is a native of this
and has many friends in Greenville
while he has a number
scattered over county, and, In
fact, the
It is not generally believed that
there could be enough united effort
brought to bear against his
to prevent it, even bis
enemies were to strive ever so hard.
Is no use to make the Sec-
job and experiment station
by putting an Inexperienced In It so
long as Colonel Grimes is performing
the functions of the office so Is
The Entente Are
French Lines.
of course, a right to their opinion.
No one has any quarrel with them.
We shall leave tho whole question
with tho people of township, and
It will be decided without any bitter-
They can have this school If
they want If they don't want It no
one can force on
DEC. a
filed at Monday
respondent says the Bulgarians have
occupied the positions formerly held
by tho Serbians along the
Ian frontier. At last reports all was
quiet there.
While the Entente powers arc gen-
understood to feel much
ed over the Improvement In Greece's
I attitude toward their operations In the
Balkans, as concretely expressed by
, i in- of Grecian troops
the region the
are reported as being deter-
mined to prevent Greece making any
further concessions to the

Eastern reflector, 10 December 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 10, 1915
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Joyner NC Microforms
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