Eastern reflector, 21 May 1915

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North Cardinal
Net in- i hereby that at th
the Hoard of Com-
of Pitt Count, held Monday.
April C. There was a
to Um Board taking
road laid out la I
the following
I d
W. farm; theme i
road north tar. n Lloyd's
farm to Lafayette farm
a dire to
j. k. Corey's path, then
path to the lands; thence
through the land to R.
land; then., i i
of the and R. V Whitt
thence act B
the and
line on C
notice l Riven that the
aid Petition will be beard at the reg-
meeting of the Board
of Pitt County, to be held
Monday. May 1916, and all parties
desiring to be heard will present
on said
the Bib, day of April 1915.
Attest Bell, Clerk.
B. A Chin
By of the power of sale i o
in a certain mortgage deed
executed by Clifton v. Harrell to J.
g. Bullock on the day of Jan.
and recorded in Book T id page
MS of the county Registry, the
undersigned will on Monday the
day of June 1915 at 12-30 P. a . at
Court-house door In Greenville,
N. c sell to the highest bidder for
cash the following described
of land, Lying and being in
Pitt county and State of . C. and in
Township and described
defined as follows, One tract
land adjoining the of A
Bullock, C. C. Little and others and
more particularly described as fol-
Beginning at a gum on Beach
Island, thence North East pi
a stake, thence South West to the
run of Creek, then down the various
courses of Creek to . cypress,
with line
to the beginning, containing
1-3 acres more or less. U being the
of land alloted to Clifton
Harrell In the division the lands
f Jesse Harrell and which division
is recorded in Division pages
and in the Office
or fill County, and known as the
land. Sale made to satisfy
said mortgage
This the Of April 1915.
I. B. BULLOCK, Mortgagee.
BROWN, Alto r.
j. A. Mills. Jr.
virtue as execution to
the Clerk the Superior Court
III i bearing date of March
1915, under .
the above entitled action
d on March 15th. mil
. in J. 80-
ht County Registry, the under-
Sheriff of Pitt county will, on
May. 1915, at
ck Noon before the court
II door In county sell to the
it i at at
the following d .- rib d pa I
or tracts of land, subject to
of J J To wit, that
n l or pare, I of laud lying
In Pit
North Carolina more fully
as ft
on the path in th Lot No.
rum with said path and Lot Ni
Id S I I, W I
heirs line, then with their
N W K l-i to -take la
the edge of -in then N 1-J
S 3-5 pole U a -take M.
corner, thin with M.
line and Bran's line
g 1-5 poles beginning
containing a res more or leas.
Set Tract B glutting at a stake
in the road Almeta wards corner
and runs with said road B K 2-5
poles to a thin up branch
to a stake pointed by some gums, corn-
of No. thence with line of
Lot No. W t-5 pole to
Make corner of Lot No. at the in.
of two ditches, then N
i-j K poles to Bran's
with his line running with
the path N E poles to the be-
ginning containing acres more or
it being Lot No in the
of the land of J. J. as
will appear of record in Hook N-10,
on page of Pitt Count Registry,
tale is to satisfy the above men-
judgment. The same being
sold subject the life estate of J. J
Hard- e.
This the nay of April.
Sheriff of PHI County
North Carolina.
In Superior Court,
Before the Clerk.
Jones el
The defendants Waiter Jonas and
Clara la above entitled ac-
ill take notice that an action
entitled as above has been commenced
the Superior Court of Pitt county
partition of the lauds of Calvin
deceased among hi
said Walter Jones and
Wife Clara will further take
notice that they ate required to a-
pear In the Clerk of Hie
Superior Court of Pitt county on tin
day of April 1915 and answer w
demur to the complaint or petition
the plaintiffs In Ibis action, or the
plaint for
the n and d I plaint
This e I pi I
Clerk r Court i I Pill
Julius Drown. Attorney
North Carolina
at Its Share the That
Sufferers Seek.
Backache Kidneys weak
Distressed with urinary Ills
Want a reliable kidney remedy
Don't have to look far. Use What
Greenville people recommend. Every
street In Greenville has Its cases.
Here's one Greenville man's ex
Let L. J. of Third St. tell
U . He says. I bad kidney complaint
My back ached and had severe pains
In my Headaches and dizzy
spells were common and in the morn-
I was sore and stiff. The kidney
secretions were to frequent in passage
and contained sediment which
resembled brick-dust. Friend
mended Kidney Pills to me and
got a box. They relieved me very
mack, putting my back and kidneys
In good shape.
Price at dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney
Dona's Kidney same that
Mr, bad. Co.,
Props., Buffalo. N. Y.
Notice Land Sale.
virtue power vested in
that certain executed to me
by i ti the of Oct-
I, and tied In the
mice of the Register for
P it County in I I
shall sell to the bight it i for
ash. public auction, the
House Door in the Town
en the day of May. at 1-
noon, the following described
par, el of real estate, lying, I
sit isle in the Town of
of Pitt, and of Car
Pi tinning North list
Fount, Street-., rue
with the line of
Street N, degrees min-
feet to a dividing
thence South degrees Baal feel
In thence up
Branch to the North line of
thence West feet
with said Fourth Street to the begin-
It being a part of No.
in the old plat of the Town of Green-
ville, and being the same or parcel
land deeded to the said
by Zeno Brown and wife, Nancy
Brown, on September 1914.
This April 26th, 1915.
s. T. WHITE,
By Virtue Of a decree of the Super-
of Pitt County in Special
Proceedings No 1901. entitled N.
GarriS ts Flora Ann Moore and others,
the undersigned Commissioners will
sill for before the Court
in Greenville, on Monday, the
17th day of May. 1915, the following
described trait or parcel of laud, sit-
in Township near
town of that lot known as L
Number in the division of lands
of Jordan Cox. deceased, and the same
allotted to Thomas, see
of Land us and
, ginning at the 3rd corner of Lot No.
j in said division, and running lo the
3rd line of Lot No N. degrees W
L-. poles to the corner of No
r, South B. poles t-; a
short leaf pine, theme South
, V, poles lo a stake on or
f an old path centered by i I
thence N. 3-4 degrees
to beginning, containing
acres; except a small place about
at an acre heretofore sold ii
aid land is sold for art-
P. Q r.
This April 12th. 1915.
In Sup, nor Court.
Pitt County Before clerk.
Emma I- Moore. O. Moore.
B, Moore. Pearlie Moore, John
E. Moore, Lily Belle Oakley and
Willie Oakley, by their Neil
M. Woolen
virtue of a decree of the Superior
four of Pitt County, made by J. C.
Cox. Clerk of Superior Court, In
th. above entitled cause, on the 8th,
of Mac 1916, the undersigned
Commissioner will on MONDAY, the
day of Juno. 1915, it being
Monday In June. 1916, to
public sale before the Court House
Door In On to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described real
property, to
A undivided interest in and to
the following described tract or parcel
land, to Lying and being ill
Greenville Township, County,
North Carolina, adjoining the lands of
Harvey Allen, Joseph Noah Ty-
son and others and containing
res more or less and known as the
Tyson Home Place, subject,
I. to the life estate of Mrs.
This sale l made for the
making partition among the tenants
in common.
This 6th. day of 1916.
F. c. HARDING, Commissioner.
At the business meeting held Tues-
day, prior to the regular program
the exercises, the So
of Bryan Grimes Camp Con-
federate reported that ten
o the memorial exercises, the Sec-
annual reunion of 1914. The
number on the roll now is
being present and forty-nine
it the meeting yesterday.
The names of those who have pass
away during the year an given at
Dixon, 1st N. r Cal. Co II.
Ll. N. C. Inf. Co
F. N. C. Inf. Co. I.
Kenneth II. Fleming, H. C. Inf
Co. K.
Calvin Jones. N. C. Inf. Co ;.
Lang, N. C. Int. Co. I
N. C,
Co K.
Starkey Va. Inf. Co B
Capt. C. A. White, N. C. Inf. Co
N. c. Inf.
Co. F
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
To Bell, Taker of
The undersigned claimant being a
of the State of North Carolina,
hereby sets forth and shows the
following tract or parcel of
and being in Beaver
Pitt County, North Cars
Ten or Twelve acres of land OB the
south side I Tar la Beaver Ham
Township and more fully described
as follow; Beginning in the
corner, and running with the line of
J L. Deceased, to J. W. Smith's
I oilier, thence Smith's line to
Ollie corner; thence with
Pollard's line to J. C. Crawford's
line; theme with said I line
to Hemby .- corner, the con.
laming hi estimation ten or twelve
acres, and being a narrow strip of
land In the Nichols about
or seventy yards
Same being vacant and
land belonging to the State of
North Carolina, and subject to Entry,
and the undersigned Claimant hereby
makes entry of. lays claim to and
Prays for a Grant for said land.
This the day of April 1915.
J C.
The undersigned having e
as Executrix of the list Will and
Testament of Emily before J.
ll Cox, Clerk of the Superior court
of Pitt County, on the 12th day of
April. 1916, notice i- hereby to
all persons lo has
IO UM d and note l
is also given to all pi
claims against said estate lo file
said duly with Use
twelve from
the date hereof, mil b
I ii bar of an r,, on
Tills the day of ii. 1918
of estate of
I .
The above tiled m
the 19th, day of April, 1916.
Under and by virtue of tho
conferred upon undersigned Mort
in a certain Mortgage Deed
lug dale of day of Sept. 1913,
C. L. Nora Barrett bis
Wife, and duly recorded in
of Register of Deeds for Pitt
in Book L Page etc the
will sell at public auction
at Court House door in Greenville
N. C. for cash, at o'clock m. May
3rd 1916, the following described
real estate One town Lot in
C. Con-
town of Farmville, N.
one Acre more or less, bounded
follows, on the north by W. H.
Wilkinson, on the east by Main Street.
on the south by the Graded School lot
and by the Heirs on the west.
This day 1916.
AW. GREENE, Mortgagee
i. a. a
r w, r J,.
Clear as a
Having qualified as administratrix
of the estate of Josephus de-
ceased, late of Pitt county, North Caro-
this is to notify all persons
claims against the estate of the
Haiti eased to exhibit them to the
undersigned on or before the 10th
clay of April 1916, or this notice will be
pleaded In bar of their recovery. All
persons indebted to said will
please make Immediate payment.
This day of April
Administratrix of Josephus Move
James L. Evans, Atty.
How To To Children.
at to take and date not the
Children lake it and never know it Quinine
adapted lo who cannot
lake ordinary Quinine. not nm
not In head. Tr
It neat line eon Quinine an poi
rot 2-ounce
urn Louie, haul.
By virtue of power of pale con-
in a certain mortgage executed
and delivered by Paul H k to
J. R. Harvey Co. on 7th day
of January 1914, was
duly recorded in the of the
of Deeds of Pitt county in Hook
Q-lie. Page the undersigned will
sell for rash before the Court House
door in Greenville, on Monday, the
day of May. the following
described tract or parcel of land sit
in Swift Creek Township, and
known as Lot No. in the division
of J. II. estate
Bounded on east by the land of
W, G. Chapman, on the West by the
lands of W. O, Chapman, on the
North by the lands of Hugh Kirkman,
and on the by the lands of F
M. containing acres
more or lees.
Said sale sold to satisfy said
HANK owner of debt
F. James Son, Attorneys
i-.-, ltd
of i
hare you seen the
A hast mayor Ti Haul
I. ,
with one term,
A defeated Mexican general is about
as popular the bull that Ml in w
Mi I ll E OS HALE.
North Carolina In Superior Court
Pitt County Before J. D. Cox, Clerk.
w. ll Harrington wife Mary
Ann Harrington, Charles Scott
wife Henrietta Soot. W.
and wife
William Lee a wife Martha Lee
and Hodges by bis N vi
Friend c. D. Rountree.
Hy virtue of a decree of nor
Court of Pitt County, made by
above entitled cause on the day
of April. 1915, by J. Cox, Clerk of
Court of Pill County, the
undersigned Commissioner, will, on
SATURDAY, the day May.
1915, lock M . expose to public
i-ale before the Court House Door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder
i ash, the following described or
parcel of land, lo
in Township, Pitt
County, North Carolina beginning at
a slake, S. B, corner of lot No.
the Hodges Division and
run.-, with said line to No. in
aid division reversed N 1-10 W
feet lo the N E i of No.
Mid division near
n, , s W feet the N W corner
No in said Division near
Creek; thence S in B
feel lo stake the S W corner of
So in said Division; thence S
i to beginning contain-
16.4 acres more or less and being
No. in Division of the Mat-
thew HodgeS
This -ale will be made for the
of making partition
tenants In common.
the 29th, day of April,
f C Commissioner,
Harding Pierce,
Having qualified as
Susan Tyson, eased, hue of Pitt
County, North Carolina, this is lo no-
all persons having claims against
of said deceased to exhibit
Hi, in hi the undersigned within twelve
months from this date, or this
will be d In bar of their
All persons Indebted lo said es-
will please make Immediate pay
This the day of May, 1915.
V. IAMBS Son. Attorneys,
Having qualified as Administratrix
of the estate of the late I. W. Cox, late
of county of Pill, this is lo
all persons holding claims against
the said estate, lo present
undersigned administratrix on or be-
fore. May 1916 or this notice will
be plead ill bar their recovery. All
persons owing any thing to said
will please make immediate pay-
to undersigned
This May 1915.
Administratrix, N. C.
Harding Pierce Attorneys.
That Deal Not The
Because laxative
Quinine dock came not
ringing In head the hill name and
look the U. lie
I- the laws
ail goad pat
.;,. a, aM m tits
-i Law as the Pans, neat
A the wren haw. earth,
etc, A will
I net Ion I mil
Danville, III., May It, An auction
sale of holdings of coal lands
purchased by Coal Com-
from the late Michael Kelly and
others in this section of Illinois, will
b, held today at the Federal
In order that debts of the company,
amounting to may be
liquidated. The company,
has headquarters in Chicago,
acquired big holdings ten am.
s., years ago it went into bank
being unable lo pay a moll
gage and debts.
and calls are th safest
of trading in wheat
. your ii
to the
bought. No farther risk.
Positively the moat
Open an Ton can bay to
juts or calls
train for lit or hay both
or or as as
mi or gives
p the chance to lies
movement of
Write for fall
B. V.
Address all
Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't Easy to and
last for Tears. Ask for
o. Friend. Mr.
Helped Him to
Interesting ad-
vices ti place, Mr. A. . Hughes
writes as was down with
trouble for live and
would have sick headache to bad, at
that I thought surely I would die.
I tried treatments, but they
aid not seem to do me good.
I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep,
ill my friend,, except one, thought I
die. He advised me Is try
taking other medicines. I to
take his advice, although I did not hare
any confidence In It.
I have now been taking
three months, and It ha cured
haven't had those awful sick headache
since I began using It.
I am to thankful for what Batch-,
hat done for
found a very valuable medicine for de-
the and liver. II
it composed pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous Ingredients,
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely,
used by young and old,
kepi In every family
a package today.
Only a quarter.
Cat Us Healthful, Meat .
. C, Ml. MIS
Wants More
In n, i War Lord. Speaks
but Wants
sou Han l War Will
s Long
London, May If, Kitchener,
English war lord, told
of lords yesterday, that more recruits
needed at once to form armies
to i Kitchener wants
men at
of tin- great victories of
and expressed Ills opinion to
the effect that the war will be a
one, Kitchener said.
whit Ii have made have made
Kitchener expressed confidence that
would soon be In a
condition In regard to
Referring to the action in the region
of I a and the Arras region Karl
Kitchener said
have all followed
the forward movements of our
brave allies in offensive operation
which have been marked with com-
sun The attacks mad
by our troops were not so
as the had made great
efforts to defend their line after the
experience at bat on
the night May Kith, British fur-
drove back tin- Germans on our
Owing to Hie nature the ground,
very progress is being made
around the However
tin Indian soldiers are routing the
Turks in
Kitchener said the English would
equally protected against gases by
using them. The Germans have re-
sorted to the of deadly gases all
through the war.
Sunday lo be daily
Day at Christian
Sunday will be at
Christian church here in Green-
ville It is boned all the nun.
hers of school will cone
out and give the
congregation ever seen in
Not only the members of
Sunday school are urgently requested
to be present, member of that
church are wanted
The purpose this Rally Hay is
In a valiant attempt to see just
how many of the good Sunday school
workers will report
The magnificent way in which this
is nulling lo the front
is an Inspiration to very worker to
l next Sunday, and to lend
his aid ill the Sunday school
what ii and should he in I
town Greenville,
Reflector Man Has Pleasant
Dream Early this
Ancient Undergoes
II Siege by
Rocky Mount, May 19th, Tie far
of Nash and
ties going In acreage of
tobacco this year, despite the
the crop last year nine in so handy
with cotton Belling at such a fig-
What has caused this reduction
in acreage is known, unless it is
farmers have a clearer
into their business than most folk
think. The acreage is to be reduced
at least per cm
Mr. Sam of near
took his little ten year old son
to Kinston yesterday to undergo an
operation for appendicitis. The little
fellow was in a serious condition and
he was rushed to the hospital as soon
possible. No news has reached
here concerning the operation Ital-
Ills condition
House Two factions-
Coalition is to be the
Greenville Folks Sprinkling
Streets in Front
of I t Ear-
d S C.
later has reached the Reflector
office, asking k.
who was raised in lull
has spent the lust few years in
Caroling. Special friends would like
ti know where Mr Whichard is now
residing, and anyone knowing bis
whereabout will confer a favor
i line to tho Reflector
London. May seem
net em e has in
In, There cone lo light what
appear lbs public, as one of the
ever known.
trouble, it i said, between Winston
and lords of the
Of the Heel Al the this
ill Inn claims all the political alien
H Tucker, A
i and II Nelson Purchase
the Shop of Lute
The Gardner Manufacturing Co.,
on street, of which the late
Mr. J. Gardner owner
proprietor, has been purchased from
estate Messrs. W.
Tucker. A. and H. C.
son. These gentlemen have already
opened for business and to
the public first class work along
their line. The new will lie In
business for repair work of all
kinds of vehicles, automobiles
ed. The company will
the Improved Nelson Tobacco
Truck. The Gardner plant is
ed on Council street, just a ills
lo the of City Hall.
With such men as Tucker and Mr.
Clark at head of the
and with Mr. nil
mechanic also with
the this new company will
the public the best that can lie
had In repair work.
nil i a I rial
I Expected Out-
come Will be is
London. May Strong rumor
Ware In evidence last night in the
of the house of commons that u
coalition government was about to
formed. Unionist leaders held a con-
with Premier last
night, and n is said, that
coalition government eras
posed of.
According to these reports,
of thee i s have not been
determined upon. It is thought
A. J, will Winston
Churchill as the lord of the ad-
ill- later taking some other
All through the day there re-
ports to tin- effect the government
suddenly found itself lace to face
with momentous problems of
Announcements the can-
of cabinet council; and
of the postponement of Lloyd
projected tour of country in or-
to stimulate interests of the
people, served lo give color lo these
Official Is lacking, how-
ever, whether Cabinet is still con
t coalition government
some well Informed advise
suspension of Judgment until Premier
gets confidence of the
The Times points today that
of the Admiralty has fail
ed to he present last two meet-
Of the naval admiralty. It is
that there is friction between
him Winston Fisher's
resignation is probable, The Times
trains from making any definite
Inn states that it would be
wall to keep a ti the head
the navy, thinks tin- only
tor this post is Lord
II was staled yesterday the
between Fisher and Churchill had
in in smoothed over,
folks are taking on a Hi u
era prosperity j giving the streets
ill trout of their homes a good
down each day. This helps to
keep the dust very much, and
is bowing a spirit of operation on
the part the citizens toward the city
street sprinkler.
of free liquid should hi- dash-
on the streets every day
who have the arrangements
ill their front yards and it is a
that those in charge of the city
affair will highly appreciate this
friendly and much needed
and if the good people will only
keep ll up. those who have to brave
tin- dust of the In mid-day Will
give them their
Wilmington How Has Public
Play Ground for
Mr. and Mrs. W. M
iii to he present
of their daughter
Susie A.
Mr. Hugh
ll the afternoon of
111- r,
at four o'clock
saint Paul's Church
Greenville, North Carolina.
m Button and Pi ti i Pr o,
sleek fad of African
Wilmington, X. C. May
yesterday gave
for a public playground for her young.
ti rs. This is characteristic of the pro-
meets with approval of everyone
citizens of city, and it
Interested in the welfare of the little
by way why
don't the people of Greenville conic
together and do something like that
here, before the children, who have to
run around the streets, in order to
secure sufficient exercise, get run
down and seriously hurt, or
while a re-
porter was dodging the
and -tray vehicle on the streets, and
looking for something In
way a scoop, would make
int.-resting reading mutter, be chanced
lean a telegraph pole and
in his dream be returned to
me where lie found the city editor
growling behind his desk with an ugly
scowl on his face The circulation
began to roundly curse
copy baser and the make-up foreman
dropped a man
aim- into the office cast a halo
of over already gloomy
ind office boy dropped
cuspidor on the editor's toe. Just
when the shop was about to
up iii one blue blaze, one of
the delinquent rile rs to
the the circulation
-s. and flashing a roll of green-
. ti for a subscription re-
The in manager faint.
i-i dead away and the office boy wrote
Within live minutes office was
lull of subscribers asking for receipts,
giving us Williams and never
Waiting for their change. All the
force came iii to write the receipts,
and the editor grabbed the money and
Shoved It down In his worn and torn
For hours we sat and fondled the
long green and receipt.
brought In a pail beer to
refresh us and we gulped down as
i, grabbed six from t real old
delinquent subscriber.
To cap the climax ill
Greenville bank presidents came in
and submitted u year's contract for a
goodly size space of advertising. We
were all truly happy, and then all of
u sudden a cop shouted,, on
and the reporter awoke with
a grim start.
on, . scene of man
in dais yon . .
going j state of ii
tin- ll
military Sail to
the desires of the people n
threats are being made i i.
Joseph, and all the in
of the cabinet member
b i red pi
Alarmist rumors are
throughout city, and n
one time today Prime Von Ben
low, the German ambassador, bad
the city it is known whether bi
has d It not,
special train him
i A comes.
A few days ago we received a warm
letter it. subscriber, who
-1. , i the Reflector
curled in ii a small amount of local
news people s,, to
idea in i because vie are running
a paper Mill we should know
thing whether hear or
I i rue Borne i i In
real for news. the I
m have a
know anything th in t
ii. ii James falls do n -i stair
his chin, or if you have company
i way get in the
s W HI
war has in on i
a over ll hall H
who have been lodged horses have been sold
city Jail since Monday evening In to tho warring nations. an
of their line vagrancy, were me n large prof
released last by mayor and it front the tilt of to tat
give ii chance to work out their line belligerent
ml in
re are a of In town
tending court week,
have been thronged with them from
all sections Of county.
them report a I i
owing to the hail storm Monday
is say that they are Ii
and hominy this y .
or in words, are going to plant
a lot of com. potatoes, peal and
few fat hogs on the tide. Some
them they have been
tin blackberry bushes with
May Greens
boys are the proud owners
a real that w ill make
The are Forrest
Ham Coffin Lawrence ail
Indent at the A. bf. college. The
built their machine from written in-
of Lincoln The
machine is equipped With a en-
The young aviators have ll
ready made several flights, and one
of them will fly to Greensboro sot .
hi say
King's Cross May IT-
Misses Helen and Christine Smith
charmingly entertained the
Afternoon their home on
May the
At four o'clock the meeting was
called tO the president, Miss
i smith conducted lb
exercises reading a portion
Hit tenth psalm, after the
member repeated the
The roll was called minutes
were read by the for the
last meeting. The hour was
by a very Interesting pro
sun. How old Man
Miss Minnie Smith.
Win He- Be is salt Mil
After spent an
hour playing rook the de-
parted for their
W bill
I was not to
bout but Teddy seems lo have
thought II was only an
to everybody to rest on their
Hid let bin rock the boat by aim
There For Several
He Has Able In bail
U. S. A.
Asa newspaper man, now
with the Reflector was in at
outbreak of present He
was in Germany when war
e, remained for three
being unable pm
in crossed
England be s
Within a s he will start it
i telling
n getting war
nm n
N. C, Hay very
. ere rain storm i
int. yesterday storm
did do damage in town
inn it is reported about a
i i two from here much hall as
ii y rain morning
news conies
the was and played
Chronicle I
The thing you can tell
man who knocks Is v I
have very good railroad
ha will Bad i to
null him ii-1- up
we H
LARGE I now Its on sun i I-
t,, Mi o pip
r, has been here for past two days
and has attract ii
by the sprightly has
his strange looking I
ii Instrument. The nun,
. its a long, I i
bat captured i
almost everyone in
Mr Mil-. lo he hi i
and two with ll
Nil 1.1 AH N flits TO
Mr w Allen, of
v I ; . ed away his home I
, from a t i
i ii ago, but
It, only to a
,, i,. r, j
Mr ah, ti I t
In ii hi Mrs. W. f. i
.,, is a daughter,
Mi Allen was ii prominent faille f
this i and death Is deep
j mourned,
Interment will
ground tit
suit and

D J Men.
. of the sol I 11.11 FOR M
A food bind i.-
at numerous kinds
n . mush
.- hi days l the
. u.,. . . and II
i . band
Whereas General a
i us 1915
b an a. I i
a Hill to be Entitled an to a.
Board of Aldermen the
to home Interest
Bearing Coupon Bonds foe School
i i be duty of
Till V t
v. it-
. , , . the Board Ai. I. tin-
Its beautiful
attractive l
U manias,. . of the Hoard
rt H . W H ., School
at the It without a playground for the ,,,,. m in Town
Th. Reflector earner bus lo
,, .,, , . ,. for the submit
, M, . .,.
AM at a- rest i issuing bonds in the
J ha to pointed i
ago, a a
playground f r the . n. la like a
of tor the of
. . Town
a .
. a tor at area . And Whereas the Board
-at. per , w lily .,., ,. . Graded School.
20th, April. 1915
Hi. with the Board Aldermen
arrange . pi
Infest M. at the at n to while
act Marsh a.
Sew o accident I
Town of Greenville a written request.
written request wax unanimous-
v endorsed by the Hoard of Trustees
Mir Ml in n
ii I
res to o into a court
upon country b the
States. only asking for
rights due a neutral, and the
the seas, who
. ma lo feel she can
lives and American prop-
. .- is labor
log under a false delusion and is
the sleep of the dead The
l States, guided by muster
; Wilson, has asked,
the German government,
they guarantee a
i war on neutral ships
H occurs lo us. would
and shipwrecked in the
of one of tools.
. ., the presents
. nonsensical for rash
. she has In violation
in law
who i
Prussian war iv.
never have resorted the i x
n i ii lite William has
to further his conquests
w i. , h Is
par lo go no one i an To
, a . haughtiness William, ii
. he declared
was II i God How
i . at an
,,,. ,, playground beam.
the Hoard of Aldermen of the Town
Greenville call said election for I
N. ,,
have until an am m WM b,
rare thing. v-i ,,, Town
v York. in session on April
Some In ,., ,. ,.,,, in of
ran be with rd on Monday. day of June.
the children . it a . there will be
small coot. it will hay a ; to voters of the Town;
to keep them oil the the question of Issuing
where they are constant In danger coupon bonds in
being run down b -I for the purpose of
n Town Greenville.
The recent calls that President M M of
and the other members the Town of will
Training have had o or
deliver commencement add n in
various sections of the state only goes I, shaH nave a
. , show the character and tin policy or printed ballot which shall
of the male members the faculty I or printed the words,
of this institution Not only opposed to
. men doing their best said bonds shall have a written
loads of the severs branches printed ballot upon which shall be
work school, hut are or printed the words.
giving and lending their effort SCHOOL
i , iii. betterment and promotion Notice is further given that said
. standards of education throughout election will be held in said Town of
this section the stall Little can Greenville on date
om wonder why these men have hen named at same polling places in
Insurance Company , of Mew York has established a
HAIL INSURANCE Department and offers to the Farmers of Pitt County
through this Off ice its Policies cover TOBACCO, COTTON . CORN
A POLICY insuring against loss or damage from HAIL, to grow-
crops is the kind of protection every Farmer needs . It can be
procured in THE HOME for one acre, or any number of acres, at a very
small cost.
Do not invest your time, money and labor in this years crop
without protecting it. Your investment might be wiped out in June.
Rates will be gladly quoted upon request.
The Home is one of the largest Companies in the United States,
It has Assets of over and a Surplus of over
No Assessments, just plain old line Insurance.
H. A. WHITE, Agent.
said Town as are
tor the general election on
. m the closing of
schools throughout eastern
.,, ,,, state. Their work and said dale and the same Regis-
nulled . distinct lo and Judges of election will hold
,.,., election as have been appointed
for holding the general elections on
in the The Registration Books of said Town
us who wen so head- . opened at the various polling
. heir to see places in each ward as designated for
, , luncheon given In Ne . general election on Thursday,
., hi rail tie.
. R that is I-
. i . ,
to the A
Till II I
; and China a i i
; i. . t .
i noticeable extent. The
can ho vi
races of j . i
He tin i
. good deal more
Ignored by the white and en
i . ion.- of the
. id.-
i conceded
in . direct In-
will hi or the
ill be awake to
the consequences If
two Ii world power.
. they are looking with envious
.- island possessions, and
become as
. liable lo take
i., on our hands while we all
I watch
The argument there will be
like this on account of
the two
. will work No one lined
the present war coming In the
i, which ii did
good army and navy la
need more than anything tut
this lime,
la; lo Is . and Saturday of June 3rd. and
i Hauler of their rush 5th., from o'clock A. U. lo o'clock
. in h P. M, a- provided for the charter
red thought of said Town of Greenville, for the
by a few permitting all qualified
of Town of Greenville to
for said lion A new I r.
having been ordered by Board of
Aldermen Town of Greenville.
Th the 6th. day of May,
. Ii.
of the Town of Greenville.
Change Names
a tin id. Goliath
pr so ens why Great
try to ii- luck by
i s and r
. . m e f. the
; sinking tin Kn i
John Welsh, i vessel. Miss
;. Johns n. a milliner, v. r. mar
in Manchester.
after W ii ;
i I till
. W. M. .
limited to at it
lye, Bar, and
with Dr. D. u James,
ins, M. e every Monday.
one Washington, M.
ii om e
stale eh lion Is
. up for i
i The political plums
are r; seldom lacking In sea
, ,. . i ,
long r before tin r I
Pot Plaits
Ferns, Palms and many other
plant., or the house. Writs to
Spring Pries List of Rose
i Shrubberies. Hedge Plants,
and Shade Trees.
Mall telegraph and telephone
i Kinston Press i
The pros-, the Nation has joined
i support of
of President Wilson toward Ger
many, as In his note
lo the has been a
absence of attempt at partisan
criticism. The press and people have
been uphold
lie hands of their Chief
In steering through a serious
The great an war now iii
will give to m
international laws as guides to
lions. The I K however,
the laws between nations handed I
down by precedents are not always CO. Florist, N. C.
promptly by J. L.
The News and Observer, In Its
columns today's paper, say.
do not think v will ever gel
our love for the town hand We
certainly with Observer
I hand is one of things
ii town can have II is something
that it In demand and come-, In
good on many occasions.
but bean
If we hid a hand In now,
old town would he much r and
music would do us all a
of good Last Thursday
Memorial I XI n k I hand would
have added much lo occasion. As
It was there was a drum beating
Flowers For All Occasion.
We grow them. Roses. Violets, Ts
lies and Carnations a specialty.
U. are Issuing today paper lie I.
under many disadvantages and ban
due to the breakdown on our
machine. The machine has been I ding Funeral Dowers arranged
working irregularly and the op . he latest styles.
. has been forced lo go j
. are todays paper the
We . an under the I I s.
i Rocky Mount T. n I
Then SOT who look
for typhoid as by
I Nash In city yesterday,
and the work of Killer.
y . . lo be
ever on the Increase The work
for the prevention of typhoid Is a
valued asset it any unity and
f t
should be a matter general
ii clean-up week has gone
here, show some clean
would he sun timely. In fad
to p the Job would
be ill the better.
Kin-ton had a big in
laying the corner atone the p-i-
office building being In
was the principal speaker Of
as North Carolina hoped would
be case, the Con
now In n In Houston
Texas, hose
for next year
would be i line if as
b In to
to tot . . tot
morrow is to the primary Thurs-
The man who does
prepare lo lake the advantage of
Incoming tide of prosperity will
himself being swept out n. way
Quakers Corn Flake,
en, Porridge,
Cereal, Flout,
Flour, Cob
i ii.-mis. C
S. M. Schultz
Mill the Kaiser
Then ire v. if
any lo terms without
going to Suppose this
was declare h n t
refused to or sell to
every German
in America Well,
these arc all supposition then
i an made Into
if the knows
hi In on he will
to . h and t i
man n the little
i lust week
Practicing In all Courts
In Wooten Building on
J. P.
Ills C. M
at Law
and Cases a
In office formerly occupied by
F. James k.
An. no . at Law
la Edwards on .
Attorney at Law
In Building, Third I
Practices wherever his
Surgeon and
Treat All Animals
Calls Promptly Answered or
Day Phone Night 395-L
i Wilmington star i
ill i nurse, men are It
some men to be tickled a
In the of a girl In tin i
in front, while it makes
have i in. it the girl
I never looks around.
. k Daily
i- material in Kinston for
good has. hall team
the should gel together
range tor some names tins
DR. I.
in the Brown Building on
to and to
avenue. Office hours
Fourth and Evans Streets
Bade Both Bar and
B. F.
Fourth Street
B. C,
Attorney Law
How To Give Quinine To Children.
given lo an
Quinine. It is I Syrup, pleas-
lo take and does not disturb the stomach.
CHiMe ;. . It never know It Is Quinine.
Also especially adapted to who cannot
ordinary Does not nauseate I o-
cause nor in bead.
the nest tune you Quinine tor any
tor -ounce package.
name Is blown cents.
A New Ordered.
Be it ordained, by the board of Al-
of the town of Greenville,
regular meeting, assembled on Thurs
day April 1st, 1915, us is
ed by the charter of said town
the various amendments thereto, as
Thai an election he held in the
s. Feral wards of said town, on
day the 7th day of Juno 1916, for tin-
purpose of a Mayor and
Aldermen for said tun The Mayor
and those persons elected from the
3rd, and it wards of said town
shall continue in office for two years
from the day of July, 1815 and
those from I lie 1st and wards for
one year from July 1915, or until
Qualified. The Mayor of said town to
be voted for and elected by the entire
of said town, and one
to be elected from each of the Five
wards of said town as at
said meeting in April it was further
ordered by the hoard that a new He
be had before the election
this year.
That the following named per-
sons are hereby appointed as
liars and judges of election, to
hold and conduct said ill the
various wards of said town,
1st. ward
W. Harrington, and D. House.
judges of election.
ward M. II. White, Registrar;
V. K. and U H, Pander, judges
3rd. ward D. T.
and J.
judges of election.
4th. ward D. n Registrar;
and I. Turnage, judges
of election,
Mil. ward J. Dolling,
T A Person II.
es of election.
That said election shall be held
at the various places In said wards
1st ward Court House.
2nd. ward stables.
3rd. ward J. S. Office.
4th. ward Old Store at
ward Tripp's Stables.
The registration books of said
town will be open at the various poll-
places in each ward on Wednesday
Thursday and Friday. June and
from o'clock a in. to o'clock
p in as is provided for by the char-
of said town
have a new danger
e and should be careful The press
dispatches report Karl Fisher or
Center, -V . died this week
a- Hie of a fractured skull BUB
when the lire of his ex-
as he was pumping ii up
Our Sailor Bays.
Kinston Dally News
as to our navy
would lo In the case war is a Ml
n doubtless furn-
sailors some amusement and
if they wall for war to he declared
may not have that pleasure.
Moseley Brothers
Insurance and Real Estate
Mr w F of Washington,
-pent last night iii Greenville
Hawks, conductor of th. A
I., on the Kinston and
today in the city.
Messrs It W. Smith, K Wingate
Jesse Cannon, of Ayden, were In
Greenville today.
Hon. T. W who delivered
commencement address the
of Bethel school yesterday
spent night in Greenville.
Mr. C F Bland, of Washington,
agent for automobiles, was
mi the city today
E. H Cox,
was here attending court today.
Misses Mary and Lillian
attended commencement
exercises at Bethel yesterday.
Chief of police L. Taylor of
was in the city today
Mrs. J. Bryan Grimes and
Raleigh, are visiting Mr and
Mrs J.
Mrs. C. has
returned from a visit to relative in
Snow Mill
Mr Tucker, who baa
finished his second year of
the Medical College at
Philadelphia, arrived in city city
today to his home near here
where he will spend some time with
Ills people
A Saxon proverb
much this. to the right as
law i often Ignored by
people when I happen lo he in a
hurry A fine was
to observe workings of
go as rules of road
when a ran Into a
wagon on avenue late Sat-
A act Id ml
win averted, unless the
traveling will observe the rules
the reel and keep lo right liver
. going to be a real . at I
m of tin- city streets some lite-
There is no use for person to
on the side a
the police would do well lo
keep lo right
Ian Be Be Doubt the
Results In
tell the tale.
All doubt is removed.
The testimony of a
Can be easily investigated.
What better proof can be
W. P. carpenter,
Washington St., Greenville,
a year ago my kidneys were
out of order. I had dull pain across
my back and loins. At night I was
restless and could not sleep well. I
also had headaches and
The secretions from my kidneys
scanty contained a brick-dust
Friends recommended
Kidney Pills to me and I got a supply
at the Warren Drug Co. After using
a short time according to
lions, they relieved me of all the
of kidney trouble.
. Price at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney
Kidney same that
Mr. had.
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
North Carolina
pill County
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of
at a Call meeting assembled
on Wednesday, May ordered
an election to be In following
Beginning the mouth Otters
Creek where it empties Into Tar Riv-
running up utter- Creek to the
Mayo Mill k, them e with the Mayo
Mill Creek lo Johnson Branch; thence
with Johnson Branch Smith's
leaden thence with this land
the late John King farm, and with the
said King line to the Henri
lie. Tyson's creek; thence with Ty-
Creek and up Tar
river to the
Thai said election lo he held Tiles-
day. day of July a, the
Public School House iii the above do- s
territory, for the purpose
taking ascertaining the will of the
Qualified voters of above
ed territory, as to whether Here shall; I
ball not he levied and collected a
Irons. Hesters. Lights and
Proctor Hotel Building.
by Cola Bottling Com
corner Fifth and ,
Streets. Apply to J. E.
i house on Pitt Street near Dickinson
avenue Apply to C. M Rock
Come to see us for the New Model FORD
Touring and Runabout Automobiles. Equip-
electric lights and many other new
additions. Our profit sharing plan Is very
F. Edict
F. O. k
Ford Supply Co.
N. C.
for nest
of the it
The Idea
How a pity ii is Germany
and the do understand
the limed Stales and people. Here
goes a paper pub-
In Merlin, which gravely
es whoever reads without
dice the note of President Wilson
Germany scarcely escape the
the British Ambassador
at Washington was far away when
it was framed. One could equally as
well Imagine its contents to be a
by Premier In the House
Commons what Germany needs
just now is to President
Wilson in his for America and
American sentiments without the
slightest though as to what England
thinks about the matter.
Special School Tax of on the line TO REST
Hundred dollars valuation of room house, address Box No.
and on the Poll in the above
scribed territory, and at said election
those favoring the Special Tax FOB
vote a written or printed ballot con-
the wolds Special
and those opposed said Tax, shall
have a written or printed ballot, con-
the words special
And it was further ordered C.
II. Mayo he and is hereby appointed.
Registrar tor said election, and II. C.
Smith and P. H. Mayo are hereby
pointed Poll Holders or Judges of
And ii is further ordered new;
registration is and shall he required,
and that the registration books for said
district or shall be opened
n Friday. May 1815, and Closed
Saturday, June 1816, for the
pose of registering the rotors
of said district
This 8th, May. 1915
s a Congleton. Chairman
Hoard of Com. u Pin County
t Bell
Washington street.
Miss BUCK,
nurse from Memorial Hospital It
Washington, N. C. will be located
here after Friday.
Of a before don't fall to so-
II Tuesday night There
will be a treat is store for you. It
Is reached when one has taken
in an up-to-date bathtub of our
No house is complete without It
comfort and cleanliness whisk re-
from Its
times over. We have
the finest house In
not yours We gladly will ea
S. T. Hicks, THE Plumber.
Our Otter This and it.
MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with cents to
Co. Chicago, . writing your name
and address clearly. You will receive
in a trial package containing
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup.
Pills, and Col
Cathartic Tablets.
Mint I
North Carolina
Pin County.
Notice, is given, the
Hoard of r.- of Pitt
at a Call meeting assembled
on Wednesday. May 1815, ordered
an election lo be held in following
it the Davenport and
corner on Tar
with Davenport and proctor lines
It II Fleming, . and Davenport's
to It 1-. Smith's corner; thence
with It. I, Smith and Fleming's line
Bunch Virginia and Wilmington Peanuts
Mixed, Unknown, Iron and Speckle
Peas. Sweet Potato plants
in the
aerie Dial
In , , Washington road, with said road
w lib are
changing weather
many colds. Th
way to slop
is to give Fol
pound Sold
quickest safe
coughs and croup
Honey and Tar Com
in town probably frighten Us
Inhabitant but we are prepared
tor the necessary remedies even fir
that are supplied with the
stock of drugs to compound any
of a doctor's prescription
the newest discoveries In
Whenever You Need a Tonic
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
General Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic
and IRON. It the Liver, Drives
out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and
Builds up the Whole cents.
II Wilson and II Little's
corner, thence with said Wilson and
I. tile's line Little, If
and Orange corner, i
thence and Matthew
line, to drugs of any description.
with said lo J. P. and
Sal wait- corner, I hence with Sat .
service Is prompt and mistakes. r
and Fleming line lo Sal
road, with It. K
ill-mini; and line lo
II Davenport and R R. Fleming corner
In line, thence
line H Little linker
Drug Company
The Best by Test
Does The
of Many
You can't judge a tobacco transplanter by its looks. The proof
of the pudding is chewing the rag. We have hundreds of
N. C, Fob
Messrs, Hart
N. C
in regard to i Case Tobacco that I from
you last year will say that it gave perfect satisfaction. I got good Stand
and the grew off better than when I set by band, I couldn't gel
another on I would take Three Hundred Dollars tor the one I have.
Yours very
e e
Greenville, N C.
with B. Mule's line
line, With Lit
. line the Daniel
line, with the Daniel and U.
Little's line to Creek,
th. to the Daniel and
corner. said
and Daniel line to the
thence with the Moore
line to He- Dudley line, now R, D
with Harrington
the Ward line to the Spier
With the Spier Ward line
run, With said run to l
Tar hack m the beginning
Thai said election he held on Titos
day Of Juli 1915, till
public school house, ill the above
scribed territory, for
taking ascertaining will f
the voters of the above
scribed property, as to whether there
shall or shall be levied and col
led a Special School Oil
One Hundred dollars valuation o
property and on earn Poll In
above described
And at said election those favoring
the Special Tax vote written or
ballot containing the words.
and those opposed
said shall vote a written or
ballot containing the words
Special Tax
And was further ordered, I
be, and he Is In
appointed Registrar for aid election
and I Fleming and W
Williams ire appointed Poll
holders or and
And it Is further ordered, ii
new registration is shall be rt
and the registration nooks
tor District or territory shall be
opened on Friday. May 28th,
dosed on Saturday, June
,,,,. n. purpose registering the
the of
s. Congleton, Charm
Hoard of Com PHI Count
Porch and Lawn
Porch Swings, Rugs, Shades, Rockers
of various kinds, Hammocks, Lawn
Swings for the children as well
a the grown-ups.
Just a look at the one-piece Porcelain
Refrigerator will prove it is the BEST
Furniture Company
He on Third in S. T shop, a
rooting tinning aim I. I the
best work possible far the lift our I
The Standard Roofing Co.
j Attest
For Monuments,
Headstones and
Dees Marble Granite

By virtue of tho power sale
mortgage deed
by V J
M. on day of Jan.
ism and recorded in Book I
s hi the I'm County
will on Monday the
day of Jane HI
the door In Greenville,
N. C. tell to the highest bidder for
the following described
of land, Lying and being In
Count and State of N C and In
Township and described and
denned follows, to One
of land adjoining the lands of I
Hullo, k, and
ore particularly described as fol
Beginning at a gum on Beach
island, North East poles
a Make, thence South sf West to the
run of Creek, then down various
ours t of said Creel a
theme with Si
Hast to the beginning, containing
acres more or less, it being
same of land alloted to Clifton
In division Of lands
of Jesse and which division
s recorded In Division Book pages
and the
of Pitt County, and known as
Roberson land. Sale made to satisfy
mill mortgage.
This the 87th day of April 1916.
j. B. BULLOCK. Mortgagee
land Sale.
By virtue of power vested m
that certain mortgage executed to me
Patsy on the day ,
1914, and duly recorded it
of the Register of Deeds
County In psi M
shall sell to the highest bidder for
public auction,
House Door In the Town of
en the day of May. Bl
k noon, the following
parcel real estate, lying, being, and
In the Town of
Of I'm- and Slate Car-
Beginning at the North t
of street,, run-
with the East lino of ado
Street degrees min-
East feet to a dividing line;
thence South degrees Bast feel
Branch; thence up
Branch to the North line
fourth Street; thence West feel
with said Fourth begin-
It being a part of No
the old plat of the Town of
Title, and being the same lot or parcel
land deeded to the said Islet
by Zeno Brown and wife, Nan
Crown, on September 29th. 1914,
This April 88th, 1916.
Albion Putin. Attorney.
MUM K Mil.
North Carolina In Superior
Count Before Cox, Clerk.
W. II Harrington wife M.
Ann Harrington, Charles
A wife Henrietta Scott, w
and wife
William A- Mart I.,
and James Hodges by his ;
Friend C. l. Rountree,
virtue of a decree of Sup
Court of County, made by I
above entitled cause on the 29th, day
of April. 1915. by J. D. Cox. Clerk of
Superior Court of County, the
undersigned Commissioner, will, on
the 29th, day of May
1915. o'clock M . expose to
sale before the House Door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder for
rush, the following described or
pan. I of land, to wit
in Township,
Carolina beginning at
a slake, tin- s. k. corner of lot No,
in the Hodges Division and
runs with said line to lad .; in
said division reversed N W
to the N K corner f Lot No.
in .-aid division near lie ml
thence S W feel tin- N W corner
of Ni Division near
iii, S 1-10 E
to ,, stake the .- v. corner of
No. in said Division i. e S -06
lie beginning contain-
res in. or lea in bi
No In the of the Mat-
n Hodges
sale Hill be made for the
pose partition among the
tenants In
This the 89th, day of April, 1916.
HARDING, Commissioner,
Harding Attorney
Hi virtue of the powers sale con-
in the following Mortgages, lo-
it. A certain Mortgage executed and
delivered by W I-. f. Corey and wile
v i. Corey to v. Hooker, dated
Janus 3rd 1911, as appears record
In the Register's Office In county
ill Hook V page A certain Mort-
gage executed and delivered w.
K. and N, Con
P, e Harding dated February
1913, appears r cord in Re-
Office in Till county in Hook
I. Ill page and a c
executed and delivered by W. U C
. on wife n. i. Corey to K. C.
Harding, dated March 1914,
Pp. of record in the Register's
Office in Pitt County in Hook A II.
lie will on MON-
DAY . the day of June at
Noon expose public sale be-
fore tin Court House Door in Green-
ville, to highest bidder or bidden
cash, the win.-
or par. els of
in lie County of Pill and
State of North Carolina
FIRST TRACT; Situated in
Township, County, bounded
North by the s. F. Worthing
ton and Jane bounded oil
the West by the lauds of lames Nelson
and Dennis Branch; on the South by
another tract of land of W. K. Corey
and on the East by the lands of Amy
containing SOS a. res more or
and being the of land on
Which the said W. F. and
wife now reside.
ski TRACT Situated iii Chi-
cod Township, and on the
side of Fork Swamp, adjoining
the lands of Josephus and
and containing more
or less and being the land deeded by
Barrow Cannady to Providence Coo-
per Cannon -Mills and by them
conveyed to Samuel Corey and by Sam-
mi Corey W. F. Corey by Deed
which is of in Hie Register's
Oil in County, Book K page
Situated in
Township. County, in James
sin. containing acres more or less
and being the same land granted to
said W. F. Corey by State
North Carolina by which is
,,. r. in the Office of the Register
Deeds Book Y
Situated in Swift
Creek Township, Pitt County, adjoin-
lands Nashville Wilson. W.
B. Bland, It. H. Sallie
Bland, containing acres more or
FIFTH TRACT Situated in
Creek Township. County, on both
sale- the road adjoining the trait
above mentioned and adjoining
the lands of R. II. Harris. Haywood
Cox and containing acres
more or
Tin- Lang Place or Cooper tract
land and tin tract of land known as
Samuel Corey Home Place have
n surveyed and In-
to fourteen separate sub-divisions and
said lands will be sold both as an
nun. and in the sub-
divisions, in order that those desiring
to base may have lb.
purchasing in whatever .-mall
they may desire.
These lands will be sold for the
purpose of paying off and discharging
the actual amount due by W. U
Corey and wife J. D. Corey for the
amount of cash money loaned to W.
I. F. Corey and the legal rate of in-
thereon from the time said loans
were made, all of notes above re-
to having been transferred to
and an- now held by T. Hooker,
and lie said S. T. Hooker having made
on W. F. Corey for the pay-
mi only the actual amount of
money loaned and the legal rate
Interest then lands will be
sold Hie purpose of applying lb.
i from tin of said
lands to the payment of the
amount of money loaned and tin. legal
Of interest from the date of said
a re made.
the day May, 1915.
Owner of the notes secured by the
Mortgage above referred to.
of the power of sale con-
ill a Certain deed of trust
by the Machine Shop
and Co. to W H Long,
tee, which deed was re
corded in tin- office tin- Register of
Deeds I'm County, in Hook A-ll
undersigned Trustee
will sell for cash before the Court
door in Greenville, noon on
Saturday. 1918, the follow-
described trait or parcel of laud,
lying in the town Greenville, and
scribed a- foil. .
Bounded on the northeast
street, on the southeast by
street, on ill. southwest by Long
street, on the northwest
street, and being a part
Hi,, property conveyed to I Moore
c and w ll
Dall, Jr., b deed from P. fl James
Receiver, dated December 28th, 1913
and recorded in Hook B-10 Hugo
and being the same land conveyed
the Machine shop and Garage
Co. by deed from Moore. C.
and W H
Jr. on March nth. 1914. Said land
sold satisfy said deed of
Tins Kill. 1916.
W MINI. Trustee.
F. James Son. Attorneys
Music Recital
North Carolina III Superior Court.
County Before Clerk.
U Moore, W. G. Moore,
J. K. Moore, Moore. John
K. Moore, Lily Belle Oakley and
Willie Oakley, by their Next Friend
F. M. Wooten
By virtue of a of the Superior
four of County, made by J. C.
COX, Clerk of the Superior -Court, in
tin above entitled cause, on the 6th.
day of May. 1915, the undersigned
Commissioner will, on MONDAY, the
day of June. 1916, it being the
Monday in June. 1916, expos.- to
public sale before Court House
Door in to the highest bidder
for cash, following described real
property, to
undivided Interest in and to
the following described tract or parcel
of land, to Lying and being in
Greenville Township, County,
North Carolina, adjoining the lands of
Harvey Allen, Joseph Noah Ty-
son and others and containing
res more or less and known as the
Tyson Home Place, subject,
however, to the life estate of Mrs.
This sale is made for the purpose
making partition among the tenants
in common.
This the 6th. day of 1916
F. C. Commissioner.
sweet bath i was
proven, even lo the
K. . .
the Training School their
before a large de
lighted iii tin- large school
auditorium Monday night. A
number of the folks and i
rut of tOWn people were out to
and enjoy friendly musical
and that all
present enjoyable even-
Tin- evening's program open-
ed by a march from in. played by
Pagan and Clara Dav-
is. The manner in
young ladies performed their
pans, on the piano, captured
attention of tin- audience and held ll
throughout the entire night's pro-
Following ibis Feature the pro-
gram came a song by Miss Nina
Sugg. ROM in the Bud. from Foster.
Tin- expressions upon the countenance
of audience, proved conclusively,
that it was thoroughly enjoyed and
Alice Herring rendered a
from and a selection from
which gave something
in the way of piano playing.
was Hie title of a
by la-la Carr Newman.
Thou Art Hike Into a Rose, by Miss
Alice Herring, soprano, broke the
stillness and east a shadow over tin-
audience as she delightfully sang.
I Hear A Thrush At by
Annie was also well sung.
d a feature of the program.
Verdi's Triumphal March, played
upon the piano by four young ladle
was highly enjoyed.
The feature tin- night's program
was the song from Angela
Serenade sung by Misses
Forbes. Annie and
line Forbes. The delightful way in
which these young ladies entertained
amply paid everyone for coming
Miss Ernestine Forbes and
Forbes also sang several selection
very well, indeed, and did credit to
their school.
Last on program, and probably,
must highly enjoyed, was u Spanish
played upon tin- pianos by four
young ladies. The musical effect of
this dance a desire in almost
everyone present, to trip
tic toe.
Greenville will look forward
to tins great hope
next year
North Carolina.
Before the Board of I
Notice is hereby given that petition
has been lied before the Hoard of
Commissioner of county, by John
W. H. J. W. and
others, to lay out and establish a pub-
road in said county. Town-
ship, as follows;
Beginning at the southern I.
Blount street in the town of
tin line Mrs. D. K. Nichols, and
extending through the property of J. J.
Harrington, M. F. and
others, running into the
The notice required by Section
the 1905, of North Carolina
is given that the Petition will he
heard at the next meeting of the said
Card on the Till, day of June 1916.
Tins the 7th, day May 1915.
Clerk of Hoard.
Old Sores, Other Won't Cm
The s, DO matter of bow lour standing.
w, cured by the old reliable 1-;
Antiseptic Healing Oil. It
and Hr time.
Birmingham, Ala. Mar 19.- Edward
Adams, the small son of
Adams killed by an automobile
here yesterday when it tum-
id turtle from a foot embankment.
Six other people who were riding in
the car were seriously hurt.
to Creditor.
The undersigned having qualified,
of the list Will
stagnant of Bully Hyman before j
D. Cox. Clerk id the Superior court
of County, on the 12th day of
April. I hereby given to
all persons indebted to the estate of
Basil Hyman to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned and notice
alas given in all holding
claims against said estate to tile
said claims verified with the
within twelve months from
the date hereof, or Ibis notice will be
plead in bar of any recovery on said
This Hie day of April.
of the estate of
man .
the Baals of all
h the I. i-i. of all goad farming. Write for
bullion by the beat authority m United
Lime on th Farm, and get price
I pure-it lime. buy earth,
etc A will give you
Notice of
Having qualified as Administratrix
of the estate .-i late J. w. Cog, late
of the county of Pitt, this is to notify
all persons holding claim
iii. said estate, to present to the
undersigned administratrix mi or be
fore May 1916 or this notice will
b plead n of their recovery. All
person owing any thing lo laid
will please immediate pa
to. to tin- undersigned
Tins May 1918,
Administratrix, Ayden, N. c
Harding e. Attorneys,
That Dost Not Affect The Hex
tonic and
than ordinary
aid dote not not
o bead Remember the lull name and
the B. W c
Having qualified as Administratrix
of Susan Tyson, deceased, late of
County. North Carolina, this is lo no-
all person having claims against
the estate of said deceased to exhibit
tin m to the undersigned within twelve
months from Ibis date, or ibis notice
will be pleaded in bar of their
All indebted to said es-
will please Immediate pay.
This Hie nth. day of May. IBIS.
TYSON. Administratrix.
F JAMBS . Son. Attorneys,
A -.-,, mi-Win-. Couple.
Mr. Mrs. T. B, Carpenter,
Pa., suffered from kidney
trouble for many years but have been
entirely cured by Foley Kidney Pills.
He we are both in
tie seventies we are as vigorous as we
were thirty years Foley Kidney
Tills stop sleep disturbing bladder
weakness, backache, rheumatism and
aching joint. Sold Everywhere,
at Middle
The hard kidney sect i i
require aid a Liter than internal
A. u-c nun
w men n rheumatism,
i aching and
safe, prompt and em be depended en
to give relief. Sold Everywhere.
Having qualified as administratrix
of the estate of Josephus de-
ceased, late of Pitt county, North Caro-
this is to notify all persons
claims against the estate of the
said deceased to exhibit them to the
undersigned on or before tho 10th
day of April 1916, or this notice will be
pleaded in bar of their recovery. All
persons indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment.
This day of April
Administratrix of Josephus
I. Evans, Ally.
lie n
Man i- at a
for when
I; DO lire
iv- i- Irritation,
ire the result Impaired digestion
ind torpid liver. Fob I
make you light,
i,. Sold r.
Dally New-.
The-.- war Statements about Hie
number of Russian prisoners taken
remind us of the pleasant
of the board of health re-
number of Hies
destroyed by that one
early last month.
BATH OS tits
Chief of Police J. L. Taylor, of
Farmville. brought John
here this to be
in jail until the
for him The
was tried before Mayor of
Farmville on a charge of vagrancy
and sentenced lo thirty days on the
roads Chief of Police Taylor says
be has much trouble with vagrants
in Farmville and that there has
got lo be more going on or else
he is hound to make indictments.
John Shot and hilled led-
Cross Yesterday
John a was shot
killed at Cross yes-
by Langley. a 15-year-old
boy. No cause was assigned
lo killing except
Langley was brought here today and
bound over to court to await trial.
Hunger to Children.
often result from
lingering coughs and colds. The
and coughing and disturbed Bleep
rack a body and tin- poisons
weaken tin- system, so
I. thrown HOBS
ind Tar Compound has eased coughs
and . three
in- u e quick to iii t. There
s no medicine for croup, coughs
colds, Sold Everywhere.
A man may love his enemy without
an in Ids
inn i
f. w Ht
l how.
Seventh St., Washington, D.
and by virtue of tho powers
d upon undersigned Mort-
in a certain Mortgage Deed bear-
date of 6th. day of Sept. 1913. from
L. and Nora Barrett his
Wife, and duly recorded in the office
of the Register of Deeds for Pitt
in Book L Page etc the
will sell at public
at the Court House door in Greenville
N. C for cash, at o'clock m. May
the 3rd following described
real estate One town It
the town of Farmville, N. C. Con-
one Acre more or less, bounded
as follows, on north by W. H.
Wilkinson, on the east by Main Street,
on south by the Graded School lot,
and by the Belcher Heirs on the west.
This the 29th day of March 1915.
A. W. Mortgagee.
. heals a
d.- yield lo curative i
At at
. -I .
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Will last years.
At Dealers Everywhere
You Need a Tonic
There are times in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing women in its past hall century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as strong as i ever did, and can eat most
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.

Eastern reflector, 21 May 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 21, 1915
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Joyner NC Microforms
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