Eastern reflector, 12 March 1915

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

b the Bub of all
the of all Rood firming. Write
by the authority m
lime on the Farm, and get price
ff lac purest lime. Don't buy drill,
Sac A postal will give you
lo Public.
In order to reduce my stock
I will give a reduction ID
prices to those who are Interested In
taring tombstones, we can be found
at the same old Stand, satisfaction
guaranteed. Call to see me.
CM Sons KM Cur.
worst n how
iv cured tr la- If.
Oil. It
t Skin
Clear as a f ,
t. i -lib
tUB-a M I I AM
bag of . . MM
i .-j.-
Stray Takes I p.
Hale yearling, about one year old
m marks, color Taken up
1st of January. Owner ran get
by paying all charges. O. A
Stokes. N C
Haw To Give Quinine To Children.
ant to lake disturb the
lake It an. never know it la
Alan adapted to who cannot
lake ordinary r t nor
cause nor ringing-in the head.
It the you Deed any
pie. Ask hut
. blown cent
State of No Mb Carolina
Pitt County
NOTICE, la hereby given that the
Board of Commissioner of Pitt
at its regular session on the
Monday of February it being
first day of HIS, ordered an
on to be held In Bethel Tows
The said election to be held on Tins
day the 6th day of April at the
regular voting place in the town
Bethel, North Carolina, for the
pose of ascertaining the will of
qualified voters in said Town
ship as to whether the Stock La
shall he established in said Bethel
Township according to law In sill I
cases made and provided. And that
M. Jones is appointed Registrar an I
will have the Registration
opened on Thursday, March
and until Saturday. March
for the purpose of registering the
voters of said Bethel Tow
This the day of February
Chairman of Hoard of Com of Pitt Co.
Pitt County.
In Court,
starch Term,
Sarah J
C. laird
The defendant in this cause will
That the summons was Issued out
or this Court on the day of Ian
ISIS, requiring bun to appeal
and answer at the March Term o.
Court, the relief sought, by the plain
being f. t and he win fur-
take notice that if he does
appear on or before March Term j C Parsons Edward
of Court, held in the Successors of C. S. Par-
day of Starch it being second Moil- Sens.
day the first Monday of starch
1915, and answer or demur to the Holeman Bernard,
complain that the plaintiff will do WILL TAKE NOTICE. That
of the court the action entitled as above has been
sought in the complaint, which will be commenced in the Supreme Court of
found filed the office of this court, i County for the purpose of en-
Slate Nerta
I of
la St per Coax
H. Brown, of K. D.
Deed. Annie Stick-
Green, P. Satterthwaite
and others, Heirs at law, and dis-
of P. Satterthwaite
C. Harding. of J J. Par-
kins, Claude Bernard, Arthur
Bernard, Holeman Bernard, and
Juliette Bernard,
This February 9th, 1915.
Clerk of Superior Court
virtue of authority and power
executed and delivered to W. II. Hail
Jr., by Joseph Crawford bearing date
of March 1914, and recorded .
Book T on page of Pitt County
the undersigned Mortgagee.
forcing an alleged lien of Judgment
upon a certain tract of land situate
in the own of Greenville, on the
of Fourth Pitt Streets. niB of
action being based upon a judgment
alleged to have been rendered in fa-
North Carolina
Pitt County
In the Superior Court
The defendant above named will
take notice
That an action entitled above
commenced in the Superior Court of
County the 19th day of
ISIS, to procure a divorce for in.
causes set in the
in office of the Clerk of Superior
And said defendant will take notice
that he is required to appear at the
March Term of Superior Court of laid
county, to be held on the 15th day b
second Monday after the first Mon-
day of March, 1915, at the court
of said county in Greenville. N. C ,
and answer or demur to the complaint
of said action, or the plaintiff will
ply to the court for the relief demand-
ed In said complaint.
J. D. COX,
of Superior
of F. B. Satterthwaite, to the use
of C. S. Parsons Sons, against J
J. Perkins, and which is claimed by
the plaintiffs lo be a part of the home-
stead of the said J. J. Perkins; and
. h. day of March. is tor the
19.5. sell the highest bidder J
by public sale, all the entire
Interest of Joseph Crawford in
and of his mother, late Annie K
Crawford, as follows, to
of the entire Interest of
said Joseph Crawford In and to
certain tract or parcel of land on
North county.
By virtue of certain
executed and delivered to Mrs. Lula
W. Fleming by Amos Evans and wife
the payment and 1914- recorded In Book A
And you are hereby to
appear before the Judge of our Super-
Court, at a Court to be held for
page of Pitt Count Registry,
the undersigned mortgage will on Sat-
March 1915. at o'clock
Noon, before tho Court House door in
the County of Pitt, at the P Carolina, expose to
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Will last for years.
At Dealers Everywhere
y. .-.-,,
by his mother In Beaver Town-
ship. County, North Carolina a-i
known as the Hemby Place, contain
acres more or
The purpose of this sale is to
the terms of I Mortgage as at
set out and referred to.
This February 1315.
W. II. Jr.
PIERCE, Attorneys.
after the first Monday of March. It be- described lot or parcel of
the 15th, of March 1915,
answer or demur to the ad on the south
which has been tiled in the office of of a Stake
Clerk of Superior Court; and you
will further take notice that if
fail to answer or demur to said runs With said
plaint within the time prescribed
lino 1-2 feet to T. K. Hooker's
law. the plaintiff will apply to with Hooker's
Court for tho relief demanded In B
N. C.
Charleston. W. Vs.
Chair C.
of Mr. . I M
take Set did not ha. g
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
Court of County in a special
proceeding entitled W, Craft, et
w. p. Clark et
the undersigned will on
the 15th day of March, 1915. at th
hour of M expose to public sale be-
fore the Court House door In
N. C , the following described
tract of hind,
Lying and being in Greenville Town-
ship, adjoining the lands of Charles
Bertha Evans Allan Move Tom
Harper and others containing acres
more or less and known as Mill i
Tract conveyed to Carolina Elk
Creels Clark by heirs of Noah Forbes
Terms of sale One half cash,
payable In one year from
of sale, secured by mortgage on the
This sale Is made for the purpose
division among plaintiffs and defend
ants named In the special proceeding
above mentioned.
This the 9th day of February,
By virtue of the power contained in
a deed of trust executed and delivered
by William Best to F. G James A
Trustees, on the 12th day
1909, which deed of trust
Hughes Would Die, But
Helper Him to
as was down with
any confident In it.
I of Pitt county In Book
Para the undersigned will sell
I km no. Mon .,
for three and U cured me on div
This the 29th, day of January. 1913.
J. D. COX,
virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain deed of trust
by Charles Harris and wife.
Harris on the day of January
and recorded in
County the
Will offer at public sale ti-
the highest bidder for cash before ill
Court House in the town of Green
N. C on Saturday March 13th
1915 at M. the following describe I
tracts or parcels of land,
numbers l and on
parallel with first line 1-2 feet to
13th street; thence with 13th
to tho beginning, the same being p
Clerk of Superior Court.; of tho lot
where he now the time of making
lives, containing
square feet, the same being
by Henry to Amos Erase
Malissa Evans, his wife.
This lot Is located on 13th
between Norfolk
and Clark street, and contains one
three-rooms frame house with kitchen.
being well located for renting
This sale is made to satisfy
terms of the said mortgage
This February IS. 1915.
of land formerly o. by it. It. Co i
. . . . . ; Harding Attorney.
f fire years, a very valuable for d-
M h I II
or of land
b l- ill Ml
haven't had L.
since I began u H.
I am so what
this place, Mr. A. J. has done for
Ian if Warren
et ah. end being the lot
I lo I i red Best by
have sick headache so bad, at j of end j and ethers by deed
that I thought I would die. is Composed of pure, herbs, 1904, For more
I tried different but I contains no sad la a
yet i , I can be
I jot so I not eat or sleep, used by ., old, i be ;
my except one, la.
die. He me lo try, t package today,
and quit Only a quarter. m
ten, known as the Bi Place
which plat Is recorded . Map Book I
page Pitt County
That tract of land near Falk-
land containing acres and bought
from F. C. by deed records I
In Hook page. Pitt County Re-
That tract of land containing
six acres, near Falkland, bought
from R. J. as recorded
Book page Pitt County Re-
This sale Is made for the MM
of satisfying the bonds secured by
aforesaid deed of trust.
This the day of February, 1915
Donnell Attorney
on January stray
red and white spotted, no ear
of ml marks. Owner can get same by pay he
arc coats.
As receiver of the Pitt County
ion Warehouse Co., I hereby i.
lice that under an order of the Super-
Court Judge, that all parties who
are indebted to sail Pitt County Union
Warehouse Company shall pay the
same at once, or have action
ed in Court against I m, . id that all
parties who hold claims, or
of any kind against the Id
County Union War Col
shall file them with the r,
his attorney. the next r
days, or th will plead at.
bar to recovery.
This February 1915
J. Everett,
calls are safest
method of trading In wheat.
n or oats. Because your loss Is
absolutely limited to the
bought. No further risk.
Positively the most profitable way
Open an You can buy
puts or calls on bushels
for or you can buy both
for or as many more as yon wish
An advance or decline of cent gives
you the chance to take
A movement of S cents profit.
Write for full particulars and bank
Columbus. Ohio.
Address all mail to Lock Box 1431
By virtue of power vested in mo by
that Deed of Trust executed to me
by W. C. Smith, and of record the
Office of the Register of Heeds for Pitt
County. In Book T-10 at I
shall sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash at the Court
House door In Greenville, on the
day of March, 1915, at o'clock It,
the following described parcel of real
estate being and situate
Greenville Township. County of Pitt,
and State of North Carolina,
Farm No. Twelve on that
part of land formerly owned by
Mrs. Annie Anderson, and fully
in Map Book at Page of
the Register of Deeds Office for
County and containing Three and 35-
This February 5th. 1915.
Albion Dunn, Atty
By virtue of a power of sale
In a certain Mortgage
ed and delivered by A. o.
W. Q. on tho 7th. day of
January, 1911 and duly recorded In
the Register of Heeds In Pitt
County, in Book Oil, page to
M. Allen, the undersigned will on Mon
day, day of March, 1915, at
o'clock Noon, expose to public sale
fore the Court House Door in Green
to highest bidder for cash
the following described of
being in the county of
Pitt and Slat,, of North Carolina ad
joining the lands of D. N. Nobles the
lands of L. F. others and
containing acres more or less an
being the land upon which A.
resided In January, 1911.
Also one other parcel of land in
said county and State adjoining the
lands of Dr. J. S. Nobles, y High-
smith and the lands of the heirs of
b. F. containing acres more
or less.
This sale will made for the
pose of satisfying the terms of said
Mortgage Deed.
This the day of February. 1915.
Harding Attorneys.
C. It.
Jan. 1915 Simpson, N. C
On fa m
unmarked, weight about ion
can g same by paying uH
Bethel, N C
Oil. It i
One white no marks. Weigh-1 FOR BALE
about pounds when taken up I One second hand stationary
Nov. so. Owner get gasoline Engine in pow,
by paying Henry n good condition will ill at. a bar
I gain to buyer. J. H. Cobb,
N. C.
Slate of North Carolina
In The
Will Smith.
The defendant above named rill
That above v-
commenced In tho Court or
Pitt County c day
to procure a div
the causes set forth In
filed In the office of the clerk of
And said defendant will take
n c he la
i it Me March Term of the
Court of raid an
to be held t third Monday of
v r i ;. . day there
b the C in House of the sail
county In N, and an-
t c I In a I b n
t. pi trill to Pin I
for In w Id i
day or ii-.
j. n. cox.
Clerk of the Superior
agriculture Is the B the Meet the Moat u
. C, Is, 1915.
Americans In Mexico City
Warned to Leave at Once,
Order Must Be Restored
is Not an Ultimatum But is
Very Strong in its
authorities Issue Statement
Denying I of Refugees Who
They Mere Mistreated
While in Mexico City.
Washington, c. March
an citizens n have been warned
to leave Mexico I In view of th i
i at situation .
Secretary Bryan announced tonight
Hint transportation would be
sought for as many as desired to
The battleship Georgia, and the
mored cruiser. Washington were or-
by Secretary Daniels, after con
with President to
i . i , Cruz.
O ; i m V a C
i i reported there that
i City began
1.1 VIII i
a me
I l
I came I
. it at n I
. . tail I
. I
r hi--
with the requisite action for the pro
of the foreigners.
eve For Precaution.
In a sense there was an absence In
quarters of apprehension
drastic measures would required ti
enforce American note.
movement of warships to
waters and the warning to
it was admitted, however, had
decided on out of on abundance
lie i of ten es, II
v ii red, would an the
i at ion north to
h I r
The sending of warships to
. Cruz, ii was stated on high
tor purpose con-
of the determination
of the States to take Lie
steps If necessary.
new movement In the county
is n cooking which
It .-i largo
in the in i
Is a very p
. . I by I
Tl . Into I
I i to I
t in
Much Activity Shown By
German Submarine Boats
During Past Few Days
three Boats Sunk Just as Danger
Was thought to be
Tuesday afternoon the members of
the Bad of the Century Club met at
home of Mrs. J. Ci
Tho Club was well represented by
the regular members, and many guests
enjoyed the musical feast, which con-
of a rendition of the Italian
mi i es Warpath for fully
. . Miss Hill of the musical faculty of
the Training School,
She showed a
the history of
New Bern, Mar. 9- On March 25th
New Hem is going to be one of the knowledge
cleanest cities In State. There-a
gong . be no trash left in any of This club is a band of a j
the back or front yards and In fact all to the
c matter will be i in p l a . by
It i That y has been
the Be
and i the
ire tailing n I In
and have I
t l i rely
i Its
pa a I never before had
mi h raking and up l
k yards as ii i
had been set for this w Ai
a result tho campaign city
cleaned and n
was but very little n. h n
So Warning Given Crew-. the summer months I cam
London, Mai. sub this year tarts a lit I
ma. appeared . n ; . eh h I
at tin I I time I
points i h coast and t ii that i i do I
illy, .
, i . , . . i
and the and of the
young p. of
i . t of d
Great Number of Ills are Passed
By Both
Elect Opening
ed Huge
i M in Id The I m Ti
Paris says he
that Dr. Von
i the German Imperial chancellor,
will make a statement in the Reich-
stag today, Betting forth
which Germany is make
. mm mm;
House dells I on i
lives, hot t
nut I and
AM too soon evening ;
all departed declaring M
an ho Less.
I A I,
an ii
ii i
Tb. mi re the principal develop
. i id ii II ii
the . b ch I over-
i III in-
in the war
Vile , .- .
Although the
to w re not a
in- .
pl corps
would Can
to heed Its Th
d States, it de-
scribed a i
I on Car to take
y tn corn t the i
ram es
were noted by the
l to up
null M
c. Is I
; .
i .
I . .
. ; . .
. .
. for ii.
The House caught up With its work
and ah a I I
could have adjourned two hours
Spring Time. but had to wall on body
Mrs. m h. chairman of wen I
Health on North C dins i in the m
Federation of I I a practice
lien of the
. I th
i I
tin i
i .
i, a
genius feeling I foreigner
rise possibly to riots and c -i
Not In
Tho note pointed out I
befell foreigners the American
eminent would hold I
would take the means to
Impose the where it
longed. The
net in or Ml
President Wilson him
that th. United States did n t
ultimatums, but and
In of the an at
It was considered likely
frees would not evacuate
City without an angina lot
or the l
had begun and that u
disorders had brought el
of relief to officials, who
id would not l t-
answer the American government
of the I
he i
i i
of a
. other gal bu
i u
es in. h. Injury.
a n
r. i i he
I y act went
1910, a few
before u won
it two days before
year limit st by
. lawyer at one
I,;, . railroads.
sank the
. Is c
i ii .
i . ,
y -w ;
j toed i
N e Today.
i Mar. Porty-i It en.
,, , are Hi for tho I on-
. i in ho i ere
the number i f
from r.
. ed SI l
i ; the i
i hi.
m u the i enactment Am
the i are three
.-,.; ii , i
. i . H i I C
; a
if the
and to place It u i i I
t. ;
c the output m
This drastic action v ;
log feat bore of
Although public In th
b Intent of r I
i a cit h, i
vs from the Ian I h
Pain , Fin.
. . mo mi i
i i h II i
a ;
. , I ii
my aid i rid u Sill h
it and m I l
. u ,. year old In , E lore mi a i. a d
Cue nod it in I
last j and Weal Palm Beach, where
in a entries t -t. inn, en's for fie
run this year.
I and L
I; i
-I i . Parents Don't
Id to n i by l
r i me
n . .
; lie not
I not hi I
I . i
that ;
It I.- en p
in sen and i
parents do
,. p. f
. r he knows
. j the for the
,.,.;,,. i . to
i ,,, ; in lo In the
. ., if i. -ii have b
. method and . b t use
t . h i in the support
and .
. . ,, , . a, wrong
v. ch i
. . i ii subjects, be
I,.; v tin m, and -u
, , . i l If
, , i. is
nil ti your i
r the
order i
,. . i. i
ministers of all
i on i
i to
to CO-i
is a oil I i
for gem n
well for the
i and nu
their cleaning to be done II I
Cleaning Up Week
will be some time In
In lit
. o. Mm -At th
k y open-
i i . id until
to he sold under th
of number an
cord lime had
by fa
i in the too I
. .
i i i
. . i
. .
i i
I In .
i . i . r ll-
. I I I
of I by .-v
r, ., . to H mi
h id; ii had posed o
. cab i the p
March I Joseph the look
of Jacksonville lee his . ., , , u .- , . . n.,
b a distressing accident neat hi b hills from
to a report . , .-.; be reads
which reached here via New Bern to ., . ill a, l at It was hi
several day-- ago while ;. the earns
n swamp Stith Bad C bill-;
veil, also of Jacksonville. . S Oil
dipped and fell and h's gun ac ., . i be pi hi hours a
de I , Numbers th. tr.-a-
the of who i.- bad already but t ha
was walking last cw
carried an tho gavel on tho .
if and for nm . , ,, . . ion that worked
to a hut medical avail- Is way lo t a
d no and the victim died In all. a n
few was years statewide primary an
I Jug J,

Harry K. In court ITEMS h
ii is be i State of North Carolina
i at the net
i lit
Xi la hi given,
Id Superior Court.
Before J. D. Cox, Clerk
ea his I
I of a
Pal i
bearing it
D. J. V. . , .
. II
U mo .
ma l Lid u
. .
j . BUS .
a., a i . i
. I av
not be i
. . . Invited to com.
cheap for i on -i
MB i
, loner Pitt i f S ton aim
Marvin by guardian
Mrs. L. W. and
by her friend, s
Sale Real Estate.
virtue of the Superior Court
i County made in the above en
tilled cause on Hie 20th. day Fob
1915, by J. D. Cos, clerk of th
Superior Court of Pitt county, the
i . . me. ting, d
k a- i-,. Co. on Ti ordered an
. .-. to be held in
wear. i i Lenoir and Pitt Counties
If .; to cat you
. W. l
. , , x by authority of Act
; of the the C the Bess-
. i poi In. what l
. . n . the a I I. d School
the qualified voters of said
This the day of March
K A.
Chairman . I of Pitt Co
Alt. -i DELL,
times i
. f, oysters, Ran,
. . Come to C.
. , by th. ad a
. I u
and goto W
; ham,
which territory is as
where Cree
Into Neuse lever, the commissioner will, on Mo
County up N-
River to Ii. w. line to the
Kilpatrick place and A.
day, the day March, 1915, at
o'clock Noon, expose to public
before the Court house door in
Pitt county.
Notice, is hereby given the
lit ard in c . of I'm county
; r .- a. on
March l. 1915, ordered
n to held in the following
i m
i inning a line between s.
and J. A. near
the colored School House known a
Carolina Township, and run
south to Q. M. Swamp
then running With the road
r. U. Mooring; with the road
Coward's place to S. W. line;, third trading to to
. and fish served at any
. tables for
A i. . old say-
j tarnish Ml by
Bl I b
a Is another
A bi;
i I this
. I
I man. .
thence with the and Coward
line to the Eagle Swamp; thence up
, Swamp to the Carr
hence with the Carr place and A. V
Come to c us to purchase s
an-up day for Green- f m, line to the C. C.
. that w with the C. C. Dunn
x such ; II lg B P , . i An-i Co
lobe. .,. a, th.
,. ; ; ; . ., . ;. . . and . . . . .
i the C. C. Dunn
. cable menu a Creek I
t between
cash and balance and
years, the following described pro-
tract or of land
situated In Greenville Township, Pitt
county, North Carolina about two
miles from the Town of Greenville
sides the Baud r. . I
I at a sweet gum, P. M
In a small branch
and runs with his line North
I not got
what they y of i
, .,., , ; thence with the
mt t . d
Bryant place, to the
w. a.
pole, to a law sycamore
tree on the edge Tar River;
to the Have Bryant line,
. . who went I
. has i.
line out to
. II
en i. e i
not g
the . . th
, with the read
In spite i
become Ii
; m
Ural . country Is
i . I i
. neutrals
i In
. gr I wars
with fierce re
i part
war l the Turkish
Empire Is con I at. i at ;
ii is i i in I. r th y e
a And it Is
that t of Constantinople
and defeat of land forces defend-
it will end the war as far M
Turkey is concerned.
From the
. no doubt
. a
j e
n. i live
. ice oil
at a I
farm; with the lows.-
here May i
,.,,,. roes had a c line of C.
of G Indict crossing a part
s. the W B. place and In-
the I j ,, or W. B,
; land I the J. P.
; es tin
. Skinner place; thence with J. i
of lot No. tin with the line
I ;.
to a stale centered by small
and with the , ., , . ,
in Allen's line; thence i
I Roads; thence down, A;, , .
poles to the beginning, containing
acres more or less.
J. Tucker's pace In a
.; . en
Skinner place the W.
A W.
. . i
;. It I
the m. n who try to
bad I
as report. i I in nil
can and A
of ships I assistance
H I been I
was i a With all th-
modern Improvements,
sea travel still
as normal
and much . under present con-
. o------
A large i located the
, bit- go to B. D. Torres . CO., , lines to Allen Ad-
t Club
. n of I f b t.
. mid on December 15th, and
This land lien on both
of the Sand Clay Road and is Well
to corn, cotton and tobacco.
This t be sold a
and also in two
acres lying on the
side of the Sand Clay Road and
second division acres lying on
ams thence with the Alien ,. s f
lams line and Including the Allan par of , N ,,, th,.
i lams place to Creek .,,,., of Greenville h-
p the beginning; all of the lard . a ;, n pm
Inches from the comer el
Lots Nos. and running from
By . of authority vested in n. including within the--.- lines constitute
made Blue I- .,, Graded School Tax DU-
1-9, I
D. the And
thence a course
was further ordered c Street feet;
. . . i cut ., .- ,
. i. sage election shall held in Hi L Northerly course parallel with PI
. been i ., .- town of Grifton, at the regular Street; thence an
; r place holding Town elections r.-i course with Third Street
. , . , ,, e door Friday. April l i . , pit, thence a southerly
Greenville, the blowing described pro for the purpose ascertaining th-t course ,,,,, ,
near Mrs. M. A. thence
With the to Station to
the fork near Harriett
with road by J. P.
to Post colored thence
with S. H. tine to W. B. and
II. II. line; thence
line to l. Ii.
up line
ii. ii. Nelson's; thence N .-on
and i . line to W. B.
II. B. a line; then a Bout
course to
Thai sail election to be held
the day of April
c. P i i In the town of
. N. l . for the purpose n as
the will the qualified
, i . ii. above described territory as
there be levied and
,.;. . .; a .--peal S. Tar of
en the worth of pro
;. and on each lb the
above described territory.
And at said election those
the Special Tax vole a written
or i with the words
t and ; poi e to sail
rote a written or printed
with the words Special
I II was further ordered, that C
P. Page be, and be hi by op
for said . n, K
fl. and B. are
Poll Holders or
Judges of election.
d it was th r ii n d, that
New Registration is. and shall be re
quired, the Registration
Bo of said District or Territory
be opened on Friday, March
IS, and closed on Saturday
1915, for the purpose of n
the qualified voters of said
This the 3rd, day of March 1916.
S. A.
Chairman of Board of Com. of lilt Co.
BELL, Clerk.
will of the qualified voters in said t
or on said proposition
of levying and collecting the Special
and being in Town-
h p. i known . Avon
TL with a vacant lo, ad
This lot contains a residence,
stories and basement, known as
by Creek; on the South and j said amount shall not exceed on
.;.,; . and Pole Branch . the worth of property, and
. .; on West and North by the
Tait Plantation, containing ac-
res, more or less, and being same
Northwest hard hit by the prohibition j conveyed by J. J. Laughing
laws hi to use Blue and th
ts plant the dry part ; base price money
i e In effect One of the
of the liquor people
pr n throws rain out of
employment and injures the to
This 5th, day of March, 1916.
J EVERETT Attorney.
property, but so far we have not
heard of any brewery or saloon mar
failing find a a e for his ; i
he wanted to cut out the liquor.
Conditions in Mexico have again
leached such a serious stage in
on the part of the
Suite seems almost None
of the factions In Mexico is able to
control enough of the country to bring
. while we are
i. war and Interference In
country's affairs we believe it will
be n. to take some ac-
to bring pace to that country
from indications it seems
it will t bi very long
Religious census taking has been
and seems to he p Kin-
Mon has Just finished taking such a
and we venture to say that
hows more church members in
hail were thought to be there.
This census taking is a splendid plan.
in at inch, no place knows just
whore It stands on these matters for
census taking Intervals
lb whether a gain Is being made
a loss is would like
,. such taken here for we t of the anti-
it will help to arouse aw passed ism
bes to great r activity In ad- of the
to showing the exact number I amount of money which has been
J church members. Such a census . , ,,,, p ,,.,,,. order Harding A Pierce,
m very easy to take when the f liquor. We are stroll I
are used and . It at it
. It started I at and It at pi Hearings
---------O In this one case and we New I La., Mar. ii r. B,
Having as n
de cum
bi em i be day of In
everything must he In of the estate of Mary
Men, railroads and late of the County of Pit
mo-t el . i is to notify all
i I . .
Southern Is
persons having claims the sail
Investigation to exhibit then to the under-
If w-o lo In- signed administrator, at N
had to foot the bills an In
will hard i secure
long as the tax paver meets th.
bill we will have Investigations.
C. on or before February IS, or
notice will be plead in bar of
recovery. All persons
aid estate will please
This February 15th.
J. L
The recent report that an , ,;.,. . those who ire to make Attorney of Chicago
. had discovered a way to pro- , , . There are exceptions to is conducting here today the thin
joining said house and
Both the Town property and the
on each Taxable Poll In j Country property will be sold on th-
and said election 3-3 cash; 1-3
favoring the Bald Special Tax shall I from of and r
vote a written or printed Ballot months from date of
and opposed lo on the
Special Tax shall vote a Written at cont from
printed Ballot and it
was further ordered that J. A. Jar-
hereby appointed Registrar
said election, and It. P. Jenkins
and Brooks are hereby appoint-
ed Judges of election.
And It was further ordered, that the
said Registrar shall have the Regis-
Books for said territory
District open on Friday, March
1915. and closed on Saturday. April
for the purpose of registering
This 20th day of February, 1915.
Notice, is hereby given that the
Hoard of Commissioners Pitt
at an adjourned meeting, assembled
en Tuesday Mar. 1918, ordered an
to be held In the following
qualified voters of said territory
or district, and that on the day District Known as
election the Polls shall be opened at Township. District No, White
o'clock A. M. and close at
P. M., as Is provided for by Act call-
for said election.
This the 9th. day of March 1915.
S. A.
Chairman of Board of Com. of Pitt Co
BELL, Clerk.
dace gasoline l every rule it
been heretofore, and
he had made Important
to the dye Industry la
What Says.
have read the translation of B
aide of pamphlet given to recruits for the those oppose to
or d with
f th
i brought by the Army. The pamphlet Is
States r I the led and the Power of
The man who, when up Oats Company
much attention and ex- North, knocked bis is an example been held Memphis and Dallas, and The pamphlet Is no
citing wide comment if war of the kind of people are be continued at Jackson- Justification for calling beer
has caused this man to redouble bis y responsible for much- of hard vii- Richmond. a glass of heavy beer costing
efforts to make these I we time talk we hear so much pfennigs has no more
hope other equally The time II I Um than a
will be made It Is all to knock, Is while at home. Where When we slop to think we wonder en ii g i-e pfennig. Almost all ex-
over and we can depend on Germany, mT o some rood If there Is how the papers were filled up and disturbances In the army
Now Is the most opportune, for a knock, and not In a strange war re traced to drink. It Is mostly beer
time to become Independent as far where I cannot do a particle of Many papers devote nearly all of their t.-t causes the mischief Beer is not
depending on other put do a lot of If space war news In spite or the the harmless drink that It Is
things so can . , there la a much other Reeves In
keep your mouth shut. I now as formerly.
That the said election lo be held on
Tuesday, the 27th. day of April 1915,
at House In the above
ii territory for purpose of as-
the will of the qualified
voters of the above described territory
SB to whether there shall be levied and
collected a Special Tax of on
valuation of property
. i on each Poll In the above
territory, and said election
those favoring the Special Tax shall
a written or printed Ballot with
the words Special and
aid Tax shall vote a
. Special
And it was further ordered,
I. A Pierce be, and he II hereby
pointed Registrar for Bald election
mid that F. II Rogers and Joe Sum
are hereby appointed Poll
Holders or of election.
And It was further r
New Registration Is, and shall be re
quired, and that the
Hooks for said District or
shall he opened on Thursday,
i, mm , u Am.
1915, for the purpose of register-
North Carolina
Notice, is hereby given the
Board of Commissioners of Pitt
at their regular session as-
on Monday, March 1915.
d an election to be held ii
following described
In Little Creek at th.-
mouth of Black Swamp and with said
Swamp to the L. C. Barrett line.
Slid with said line to the Falkland
Township line, and With said lo
the forks of the road at Toddy; then
southward road to K
C. R. R-, then aid
lumber Company,
to the road T. E. Heels;
vest ward with Bald road to T
Ward place line; then
said line to the run of then
down said Creek to the
That said election to be held on
Saturday, the 17th, day of April MIR,
at the School House in
ed territory for the purpose of as-
the will of the
voters of the above described
as to whether there shall be levied
and collected a Special School Tax
on the 1100.00, valuation of
and on each Poll in
above described territory, and at
election those favoring the
Tax vote a written or
i Ballot with the words
and those opposed to
Tax shall vole a written or printed
It Hot with the words
And It was further ordered, that R
F. he, and he Is hereby
pointed Registrar for said election,
nil that Jack and T. R.
are hereby Poll Holders or
fudges of election.
And it war further that h
Registration is, and shall be re-
and that the Registration
of said District or Territory
shall he opened on Friday. March
MIC and Closed on Saturday April
for the purpose of registering
he qualified voters of said territory
r district.
This the 3rd. day of March 1916.
of Board of Com. of Pitt Co.
BELL, Clark.
Every day we give pleasure to
some patient in correcting
proper vision. Do not pat off
having your eyes tested tested.
It costs nothing to find out
whether glasses you
using are correctly or
not. Our leases are to
our order for the requirements
of each eye. We can
any broken lens.
Jeweler and Optometrist
N. C.
irons, Lights and
Proctor Hotel building. lO-lb-f.
KIM-I Mil ROOM till I Ai. I
or. Chestnut street, near A. C. I-. do-
Apply to Mrs B J. Pulley
Mrs. II. W Ill Second St
occupied by Coca Cola Bottling Com-I
comer Fifth and Washington
Streets. Apply to J. E.
Apply to
Spanish and Virginia Bunch. Extra
selected for seed. W. M Taylor
Grifton, N. C.
notorious Outlaw Is
ed by Officers Is He Steps
Wilmington, March P.
Walker, aged who was outlawed
after bis escape from jail at
Southport, where he was awaiting
trial for murder of Sheriff Jackson
of Brunswick, six years ago.
and for whose dead or alive
tin re was a reward of was n
in custody here this afternoon by six
police and county working
under direction of Justice George
to whom the presence in the
city of the desperado was report-
ed. Walker was overpowered before
he could offer any resistance.
With Walker when he was captured
was his brother-in-law, Prank Leon-
ard, at whose home the murder of
occurred, on the
night of November 1908, when a
posse went to arrest Walker for store
breaking. Young Leonard is mate
a government launch a
dredge and Walker slaved aboard tin-
i, with h'm last
Walker a i In i -i to the
boat by a r ruse by
Magistrate Word was got to
Leonard if they did not
the launch, the of cast guard
an. r Si lying nearby, would
be train, d on her
Prepared for Battle
With i h. Is In his hip poi
ii; lit on a Cell fol r an I
the left on a I blue
Colts, apparently ready to mow down
anybody who should make a move t i
him custody. Walker stepped
haughtily from launch
by his brother-in-law. Evidently
looking only for blue coals, Walker
paid no attention to Officers Kelly,
Jones. Coleman, George, Godwin and
in plain clothes and stationed a
short distance from each along the
route it was known Walker would
have to come In leaving the boat. The
Officers closed In on him with utmost
precision, two catching his arms
while others threw pistols in his face
and told him any resistance meant
Besides two revolvers. Walker had
a large quantity of cartridges, a razor
several knives and two store door
keys of own make He i aid
love for his wife and children brought
him back.
Store and Stock
of .
Wilson, 7-Shortly after
midnight was discovered in the
building occupied by J. M. Daniela
on Tarboro street. entire
of clothing, and
ed i, destroyed, but the
fire department confined the Ore to
the one building. The Daniels store
is In the middle of the block
awhile it seemed that Wilson was to
a I aster, at blaze Mr.
Daniela carried Insurance
I total stock at
The building to XI
Barnes, and is a two-story brick
building. It la badly damaged, hut
the loss on the building Is fully r-
ed by insurance. The origin
Ire is unknown. The
ed for night shortly after n
clock Saturday night and
was no of lire.
The Y W C. A. of the Training
School has so ea. ii of
the ten committees will have a
. ,. I I. .
en I. ea were i
the Ml Ion Stud I
. . i of the com
the various i . o
work in v. .
home a id I i
and Mary n i
I ml
. ; I
and that I
our con to
further the work of Ch I to
i a to our fell w n
has shown His love to u The
reading read by the
chairman. Miss Bottle Hooks.
The special music was a piano solo
by Miss Robinson and a vocal
solo by Miss Frances Purvis
To the Voters of the Town of Green-
I am a Candidate for the Office of
Mayor. Subject to your approval.
will be added on taxes due th.
Town of Greenville and Graded
School district after March 15th, 1915.
Pay your taxes and save costs.
City Tax Collector
city Polities Warming
As the time for the election f may-
or and several of the aldermen draws
near much activity is being
by those who expect to eater
race for either of these offices.
It is generally that there will
be not less than and perhaps i
candid for mayor. Several will
enter the race for en. Only
re of the tea ha i I
. ; r. HI I ca i
i i
ml . i to a warm one and I per-
i h i t the day of .
draws near.
We are headquarters for the best make of fire arms such as
the Famous L. C. Smith, Fox, Ithaca and Winchester shot
guns. Remington Marlin Winchester and Savage Rifle, Smith
Wesson Bolts and Harrington and Richardson Pistols.
We are also headquarters for all kinds of gun Shells and
Cartridges. We sell all size shells.
Gage, G and Gage. Come to see us.
Mill OM
How To Give Quinine To Children,
gnu h
out lo , not the
lake it never knew it is Quinine.
Alto adapted to cannot
take ordinary Quinine, nut r
cause in tin- bead.
next i any net.
pose. Ask The
name is U
Paris, March Fire which
i l the French steamer Tour-
ha., been controlled and all the
pa a are safe on b d
ling lo a formal
at i . by the .
; , l .
1.1 Tour; Is pro u
de l r own st. to
there torn
n l led to a rail
aid, I by to it-
any be required. Com-
f other i la a speed-1
i I to the rescue have been informed
will not be required.
The statement given out by the
lire Which broke out aboard
less serious than
was at first thought, la under
control and all passengers are safe
baa resumed
; rider her own
.-limn but, nevertheless, for further
led He-
Rotterdam and probably will
r ship to
pin . v.
were felt in this U
the was made
that she was In no danger. Several
newspapers suggested that the fire
have hen started by spies who
had concealed themselves on board.
Try Attorney
New York. Mar. postponed
trial of Edward Bobbins, which is
limed to determine the plea, of
mad. by In
ii in with the N.-w Haven indictments
fed. ml grand jury, is act for
He is . I with many
and f inner direct of the
i road i of
bins claims
of I ti at
-And Hie rental
THIS, fin
; enclose five cents to Foley ft
III., writing your name
and address clearly. You will receive
in return a trial package
Honey and Tar Compound, for
roughs, colds and croup. Foley Kidney
Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets.
-j cue
Out CB
ME j
L or
C Al p
Ob I

b Established at Ear
Dais by
Over i i;.
Suits I lad ill I
. ,
led II
i I
i.- i I
. . . .
I HI tilth
i Una
Id i i
i . .
. I
i i man
real He and
limber dealer
vi- v be-
hi a of
i ties.
H w.- bush hi
i,,. ii Inn n -hot gun.
I Hie i P
Tie Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
Deposits at Government Call Oct. st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
Deposit Your Money with This
Bank For Safekeeping.
or Clinch u matter which
hare the careful thought of
this spring, I id
your ;
purchasing, and we will i
give you benefit of our long a.
in this matter
S. T. THE Plumber.
Last Call For Taxes
, . . . . i
lull Hi i t me and save costs.
At Monday, March .
it Card , i i , ads, lie lay, M arch .
Joseph Sheriff
In town Would probably frighten tee
but W are pp. pared
an i
Touring Can P. O. B.
F. O. x. Detroit
We have several hand Ford
Ohm, almost as good ad new, for cheap.
Ford Supply Co.
Greenville, N. C.
i In the i
n i.
. . . t
made upon i m, an I
the auspices of. the Masonic U
mid of the
for h ii Di
well be called a two-fold
First the C i i a highly credit-
and e-; I
as will h. i
diction to all good pi j
the children go, and In this way
r interest
I Rood
In I i-
e arc I
and i
I . I II h
from h i
. . r i ,. i
It pi d Hint
. was down and brick k
the rod bottom It causing it
to drop Into the lap of the
i ,, sitting this window Had u
. i n i this fact she would
h been badly hurt.
The train was stopped and officers
vent out and arrested some
who arc believed to have thrown tic
brick. This lime
an attempt has been made within a
week to hurt some one tram, i
shot baring been Bred through a
ii earlier In the n
parties II be severely
had a varlet
i. i ,, . it rained almost
all day until in I lie when
It sleeted finally turning Into snow
.-v-d several hours,
melting of course av a it struck
the ground.
Famous Jewel Long Forgotten.
A famous Jewel, by a
i broker in 1789 to the
i of Dartmouth college and de-
be worn by him
slate, has been found in the vaults
Hall, where has lain
Forgotten I President
Nichols e n old custom
of It on state occasions
. Drug Company
H. W. at. h
limited to diseases of U
in. r, Hast
The of Masses
, i. James,
i,. S. C, Monday.
. on. M
in sum
R. I . Phone IV
Buy your Cow Peas,
Beans and Seed Peanuts
before they go higher
J. f, V
I loners I or All
We grow Violets, Vat
lies and Carnal ions a specialty. Wed-
an funeral Dowers arranged t
Pol Plant
lie to
I, tell .
executed b U
in. florist. Raleigh, N. C
Store Greenhouse
Phones V II
Mi. II l
The I. crowd gapes
the army airship
over the city always asks itself
v I t I at a friendly
or a Zeppelin. It is apparently
of the difference of design,
. so free from that the
doubt does not disturb It. Probably
I. a did come the av-
r loner would crowd up for a
i ; la to sea the bomb dropping.
The Instinct a front seat seems to
b r III in that of sell
i Tl Si Hi airship la not
ii in
i m i it is not
like a
n It is
. ., , f
I .
is bill
I I have said
I was working for II re-
piled the pi now I sea
I working for the
tn Bonding, Third
Practices wherever bis service
Hi Has Been la
the right thing at the right
Act quickly time of danger.
In of kidney
Kidney Pills are most effective.
Plenty of evidence if
their worth.
J. I. Connor, carpenter, Evans
St., Greenville, About sit
ago had an attack of kidney
complaint. My hack ached and l bad
i. was so sore
an I. id to pun
my tools i had hi a and
the kidney
i and i sediment.
. i Dean's Kl y Pills
i arr n Co. and used them
according to directions. They soon
me and three hues cure
me of all symptoms the complaint
. no turn
Price at all dealers. Don't
ply ask for a kidney
Kidney same that
Mr. Connor had. Co,
Props., Buffalo. N. Y.
Don't contract for your fertilizer
before our next County meeting Sat-
March lath. Come to this
meeting. And some one In each local
bring the names of responsible parties
in local, that are willing to co-
operate in buying guano. Also have
about the amount each party
Let the union pool its guano
trade, and l will Insure yon a saving
as a i as re is lo be
I Now is your b cooperate
Bruce, N
Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Curs.
Th. worst cases. n i standing,
,,. i n d n I. i i reliable
i . in ml. relieves
time, ix,
Fourth and Streets
Bad. Both la
Head as
W II Ilk
D. M.
Attorney Law
lad Drainage Cases a
la formerly occupied by
r O. James t Bea.
h. J.
la Building on
H took i.
man . . I lie simple
cans, ii and or.
it Two
i pi
. i and
Hon. I l
and ii II ,
ii i in in
was secured by Nixon Laboratory
under the name
of Menthol if
sutler from Croup. Neuralgia,
Sore Throat. Headache, Ear-
ache. Swellings, Soreness and
Pleurisy, Coughs, Bronchitis, or
i; lieu mat ism. you are In fact suffer-
from congested and inflamed earn
Instead paying to
for prescription you can now g
to the store of Morris
Greenville, N. C , and get a
ii H.
A I'll HI
Practicing in all Courts
In Woolen Building on Third
street, fronting Court House.
The Life
of New York.
More to Be Feared.
ion gal tired
replied patient
have a right U discover faults v
. .
exit and r
Germans Declare War on
Amsterdam, March The German
newspapers have declared war on
i the tenor accepted an
Invitation ling Monte Carlo for
the benefit Of the French Red Cross
at the of Prince of
Berlin say We have
no more use for Caruso than for
Prince Albert
The Ibis i will be
lo learn then hi toast one
varied that science has I
cur.- iii a-, and that Is
C ii Catarrh i s la lbs
positive i or. i I me Hi ii
I n
i . i . treat-
m Halls Cal I i la ken In-
. ti the
u- i Hero there
lie found I Of Hie
and I
up I
nature In work
have K much faith In Its
that they offer One Hundred Dollar,
fur case that II falls to cure. Send
Lr Hi.
F J . a CO. O
Sold Ly in
Every Day
This Space
Fruit Store
wheat, Hominy, Pan-
cake Flour, Oatmeal,
Post Pout
en, Porridge,
Nuts, Instant
Weakness and Loss of Appetite.
The Old Sum turd gen. Ionic
s TONIC. out
Malaria and builds up Ike system.
e i V-
Norfolk Southern
is Bleed October 4th, ll
N. B following schedule
as Information
are not guaranteed.
a. m. dally,
Pullman sleeping car for Norfolk
a in dally, for Plymouth. Kile
beth City and
Parlor Car Service
Norfolk tor all
North and West.
in p m dally. Except
a. m dally for Wilson.
and West. Pullman Sleeping On
Connects North Sou
and West.
a. us dally, Ml
Wilson and Raleigh av-
ail points.
p so dally tor and a
in Bleeping Care, apply to a
t, N. O.
H. B.
We have FOR SALE select home-
grown Bliss Potatoes for planting
Leave your orders promptly.
Hiss Clara Jones Is visiting the
;. . . . . iii ii. lilt
Mrs. , I . returned yesterday
the tin i u markets i
she In en bu . hi r k
. millinery.
Mr. C. B. .; ., northern
this week.
Mr. G. C. v. ho Kim ton baa re-
turned to his home after spending
i few days here.
Mr John of
was hi re on j day.
A I name Hubert Ford
or Robert Taylor has been arrested
. charged with being a
suspicious character. After having
. put in ho I Id numerous
t of i i hi had committed
it did ti ii. i Atlanta,
e, i la . and
i , s;. c. lie i e other eon
regarding a murder which
mar tics place
New He. i
I .
, I i
tits and ad Is much to I
. trance
and i D i
. hie. .
office which
plaster with i I
i. used a
ho Boor is
and loll
except the bath m Ho.
the same construction the
lobby. glass windows are used
the entire building.
plumbing is modern in ever
particular, and a steam g plain
Is used furnish hi I A
is used to ice
during the summer. A
boll, r heating water the
summer by burning Is In
led. This is controlled by
lints to keep the r a uniform
temperature all ;
., be covered I s of In at
. The Best Is None Too.
An i tor's
the lo- t in in of e
d corner of any l m
without anyone outs
of the i an . r is even
In the office.
. Hi i lid i i
i . i i i i n it throw any
light on -he matter a bough several lo i there
I i near here are pi i
during past lbs. con- and clerk's
civil service ex nation
ii. i tin in i. if; i in j . . . .-.
Mr L. N Bern Is I below as given
n b
Mr. L. of Wilson was
here yesterday i i i i In
Miss Is visiting in Kin-
Mis c L. Is visiting In S
Mayor i. as I
Mils morning on business.
. I
It was to the effect he had bi i
i of i red
man near On . d ti
. , p , v. oak an I
i i cl
i ti re i m i. The i room
and the i i n are on
In this day and time majority of men
look for the best the market
affords in all lines.
Realizing this fact we keep our store
well stocked with
to meet the wants all men.
, I at lb old In me, Coin n
dale, are i i i i y-
Cotten, U. N., and Mrs.
have arrived from Tokyo
Japan, where they have n for the
three years attached Amer-
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Ball more, Md; Mr and M s
lieu Wesson, of Mass;
Ur. a d Mrs Wiggins, of
an, Mr and Mrs. Julian Tin
of I N.
i. Ml i
Mary's S
All healthy and happy con-
Mr and Mrs. Robert Cotton
n having this Interesting family at
Mrs. J. M.
be hero Friday at the Proctor
Hotel with ladies ready to-wear cloth-
. on display This Is her regular
Spring visit to Greenville.
the ii i He bI I floor.
i be Wat not man that did Tin basement contains I
the killing, but he knew every plant. for coal holding
It and tell all bf tons and I I i
i ,., office com- The furniture if building Is
i, i v. the authorities en m of i and
but last night no answer been re-j desks, tables, cabinets, ct
Local Hit boxes. I fur-
. be something to this la t tor each In which t
. ,., tin sudden change his hat, etc An
I when being photograph-j i ma. Line la be in-
Phone Greenville, N C.
ed when he was telling the
I i an i I by knot
ii, photographs I h i
broadcast and that It would
tot n be discovered what he was want
and at what place.
led later and el fans will
; ; the main rot m,
i vi In the building
Is arranged conveniently as ,., , i. in
and w the purpose of sat ,.
N i i Carolina,
Pitt county.
Notice, is hereby given that the
.;.,. I nil I. . I
their regular ;. ii in a i
u i . i ii I. i den I in
i is following
as much labor as
A dedication and
tho building will held Inti r when
a of men can b
i i part In I
Due notice will be given of
March 9- The body of
J W. Porch, the wife of the
proprietor of the inlet Inn
fort. who recently lost her life when
the Julia, on which she was a
burned near
County, was found today, and
Hi be sent to Philadelphia burial.
Mount, March it full description of the
ha, when the building and
. Weal Durham was id
and that he was an eve
the killing of a at ex
be refused to give over a pint
whiskey and other
rimes In this section. Will
n young was taken In charge
the police this morning and gave
Information that win prove value
n explaining a number of robberies
n this
The gave the police plans
and rallies of hit accomplices who in-
tended to rob Rocky Mount
and Trust Company tonight. He
plained their presence here was
for this purpose.
The gave the police tho in-
formation which led to the arrest of
Jesse Turner, alias James ROUSe
James Robertson, Mai
Thornton Arthur Hay wood.
They were found to have stamps
and keys of the Durham post office
on their person.
g on t Crock at the
i a ii No. n i now i
I; thence with the Hue
i- i d imp
. C. i v. i with aid
a to J. W line,
I tilth said line lo Oscar
;. . i Hue, i aid lo I K i
. , i i con- North
I in a .
,. , . by A. Morton and given that the
. ., . . , . Board Commissioners Pitt conn
I . and duly re
corded In Register of Deeds being the
. i ,,; ,. . , U i, i i i day In March I . ed an
to be held in Carolina Town
-II g . county.
. . In held on
i. . i . 1915,
o'clock Noon, expose lo n
lo I n III e In
, .
Washington. Mar is set . owned Dy
for the the now ,.
which is to too
government under the bids recently That election to be he, ion
by the Navy Department. The day April
,., was offered at 16.800 K. smith's store In above
the lowest of the bids territory for the purpose
a h the product of C H. the the o. the
aviator who recently over the above described territory as .
K I- many whether there . co
new features and is armor-plated to I Special School lax of
i a t
i , a nuke en
the A c i- to line
Swamp. to W. J. Jackson's heir's It n
m i with
, in. all within I a i take on Bid. S. b. J
and J. P. Dixon's corner
thence a southerly course along F
and J. B. line to thO
containing -I acres more or
less. Less two acres sold to Robert
Dawson, trustee, Br colored
tery lying at N. K. Corner said
tract of land. Being the Mime tract
laud deeded by J. S. and
. wife to and Mel I
Recorded in Hook
or, the 1100.00. valuation of property . Juno ,.,,.
on the poll . , ,.,,,, for
pose of satisfying the term.; a laid
favoring tho Special
Mortgage Deed
This the 6th day March. 1916.
i i those
Governor N. row.
Wash., Mar To re- shall vote a written or printed
place the good cow who with the words special
swallowed a nail and died, North- and those opposed to said
Jersey Association will , all vote a written or printed
one of the best of their herd with the words
,,, Governor I later. The
swallowed n t n penny nail And II was further ordered, that B.
month ago. and the Governor, her be, and ha la hereby appoint-
. i i mill t i e In
parcel town Blokes, N, C . the
. i a ill
. in i aid Carolina Town-
sh p. as whether the Block Law
,.,. i. , i in said Carolina
i w a. to i In i n
I a . made and provided, and at said
, i, Hi i.- lug the h-
of said Stock Law In said Town-
ship shall a or printed
i i with the stock
me oppose shall vote a
or printed Ballot With words
Block and s. C.
Page is appointed Registrar, and will
ho Books
mi Thursday March 1916, and until
Saturday, April 1916, fur the
registering the voters
said i n . hip
This the day of March 1916.
S, A i
i Co
Attest BELL
to be comforted ed registrar for
on final, Lincoln G. P. re
. .
Jersey breeders who met recently L. A. V.
Nashville, Tern. March The
Tennessee house of representatives
I Mar. a hereby appoint. Pol, Holders
Charles K. m mM, the excellent r Judges or election.
home is In Jackson, a statute
of Abraham Lincoln will be erected
W. F. EVANS, Attorney
Marl Item-.
the state a felony, the penalty being to Senator
years in prison. The bill had
already passed the senate
here I . make the birthplace o
Republican Party. The event will be
an interesting culmination of the
a .-
The of the 50th anniversary, held
was held on March This ,, s,.,.
very successful meeting. B f s, Can I
ac. were delighted to have The
I mothers to with them. TO , at an
at a very delightful luncheon
and It is on that spot that the
i statue will be
Big Howling Tourney.
Peoria. Mar. 10-With nearly
team ed, the annual
the American Howling Con-
opened hero today with the pro-
,. of breaking records for scores
lithe B
. and teams are . from
. the middle west. Tho cash
ran up to mono. Bowling
hi the one sport that has nut been let
th i winter, and many of the
howlers are In great form for
the matches here.
Important School Kb ct Ions.
The people in Swift Creek. No i
No . No
and Carolina No. 1-8 will vote in
April on the question levying a
i local tag to supplement the
county i
l will vote on a tux for the
of a high school. It It,
thought all
carry; as people la then i
are m on all
And It was further ordered, that
a New Registration is. shall be re-
quired, and the Registration I
for said district or territory
shall be opened on Friday. March II
and close Saturday, April ,;.
for the purpose of register the
qualified voter- cl
I This the day of March 1916.
S. A.
Chairman Board com of Pitt Co.
Attest Clerk
Having as administratrix
l. d.
. county of rut. North Carolina
a Sew York ,., lo notify all persons
, id .,,, the
Dancer lo Bachelors
the Jury In a I
The largest audience of meat
. welcomed Mr. Jones last night.
Ha spoke upon the Th
of Reading th
of the transfiguration. Mr
ha, his original of a, other contract. ,.,.,,, resent the same to the
,, ,. and the entire not be In Writing I. Ml be
audience went away highly th. -J
Come and hear him
Ten schools In the county have or
others contemplating such action.
r. are secured toll
contribution from the community.
and the state
Services each night at S
I- 11-
administratrix on or be
i result of many words the day of
on many r It nay be the .,,., will pied in of re-
result of. few i; on a A, Indented to th.
II might be evidenced e
clearly acts and looks of the par-
ties It this is representative
Judicial in our This February
to th, of that HENRIETTA
,., Into pull
holes In after them.
Amos Joyner Ft
former Pill county boy
. here last week.
Miss l man has returned
to her home from Raleigh where she
was taking a professional course, lb.
visited here Sunday.
i it i- pa, the boy is El-
I Mrs Josephine ha been
ling some lime hi re with I
c, Ron Is y. I n II o Bel Is on
farms The price now for
. ,. . .; hundred p
and price tor inch
, t . eel is One h
i. ,.,, king, saving
worth i cent per pound at
ll i ,, ck cold an rainy days too,
, . i i plants
This writer would tan
mm to In real.
,,,,, hog hominy and
i i a
i an h
cut like the Idea
v,. gave lo high
fr in to drag th. n In and
it will
our pure, women the South
By power of sale con
. ed In a c d true
A. Morton and B N
on the U day of 1914
In Book A
County lb.
oiler public sale to i high
bidder for cash before the Court
. iii town N
C, n Saturday April 10th
M the following described tracts
par. els of land, to
On cast side the A c L R. R
on North Side Third Street
Beginning at a stake.
, e B. W. corn
thence running a curse
et Jessie
in B i Corner, mono, a
con J
line . la In I
. an
with J smith;, and Caleb worth
lint feM to E sum
with sail line to U
Containing I an
m ire
. trust.
Tins the 6th day of March 1918
r s. HARRIS,
w p
i ltd
Old Sons, Won't Care
Went I
, t in
Pile. I. to
nU J
am m.
hf t--

the of all Industry
lash of all good for
lit by I I
ea on Farm, ind price
f lb , Kind,
ate A give
Mill K
Notice la hen
who WM
Term of the Superior
KM county tor
i. I to I I, will
u day Mar , apply
, r tor in All per
cum will lake due notice thereof
Taut the
Attorney for Hubert Man
it law.
Is Your Skin
Clear a
State of North Carolina
Pitt County.
NOTICE, is hereby given that the
Board of Com
at its regular I n Ufa
M of El b U N log
day of I
Pitt County.
to be held on
day the April ll. at
I place in Um
North Carolina, for the
, the trill I I
i tail i I
as to whether the Law
bed in laid Bel
p according to law In
Dada i provided And that
U. i- appoint I Registrar ail
will have
opened on Thursday, MB
until March -T. 1913
purpose of registering the
qualified voters Mid Bethel
the day of February
B, a. .
Chairman of Hoard of com, of Pitt Co,
Stray Taken
Main yearling, about one year on
as marks, color Taken up
about 1st of January. Owner can got
by paying all charges. A
ore. Stokes. M. C.
To Give Quinine To Children.
It la a Tasteless picas.
sat lo i sud does not the
Children lake ii never it is
t. i in i who I
Di I I
rails ii. n i
It lime m I I v
BO A-K I . . r
North Carolina,
In The Court.
March Term.
Jehu C. Baird
The d ti In this cause will
area I led
this i i iii on the 16th day Jan-
requiring him to appeal
answer at the March Ten
Court, the relief sought by the
lug lie will fur
take notice that if ho does
on or tore the March Ten i
of Court, held in on the
March ii being the lion-
ti r the Brat Monday of March
and answer or demur to the
complaint that the plaintiff will
of the court the
sought in complaint, which he
found Bled in the office court.
Tins February 1918.
Clerk of Superior Court
North Carolina
In Superior Court,
before the Clerk.
Serviceable, Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for
farm use is the It is
ma the best so that
it is and .
bf rd.
t .
Cornelia husband Gardner
Joins. Albert Jones and wife
Jones. Rosa Strickland and
Hubert Strickland, Robert U Jones an I
Wife Hazel Jones, Walter Jones aim
wife Clara Jones. Jesse Junes and wife
Rosa Lizzie and
band Prank James Mary.
e Jones, Ir next
; Walter Jone
I as
i In Hi
i have the
l tin
i u Joni
and a n further
notice they are required to
appear fore the Clerk of the Super-
i of County at ins or.
In On lie, N. C. on SO day of
IS, and answer or demur
; m of the r ii
will to the
relief Si
J. .
of North Carolina.
County of
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
d of Commissioners of Pitt
m a call meeting of the Board
on Monday, February Had, 1911
election to be held in those
ma of Beaver Dam
i and Creek Town
lying and being included in tin
wing described boundary
on the east side of
the old I a gate at
Blount Harris pa c en the Swamp
road, and running, thence on the
of said road to the and
Greenville road, thence along the
and read a
line to J T. Hart's fence on
thence crossing trees
on the south side of said road et
crossing to a lane or.
the Jackson land to th
Hancock road at Red
house, thence across Hancock I
running northerly on the east side
road to Cedar Swamp, thence up Cedar
Swamp to J. Carroll's thence
with ins field fence to
line, thence with
Carroll's line to the corner of A.
Cox's Held to Herbert Kills, road
northerly with A. ti. Cox's fence, an I
the dividing of Augustus
and Craft to the Tar road at the mouth
of Albert road, thence
on the north of Al-
Worthing road with the J. B.
Carroll line to the southeast corner
of the J. Carroll Jackson land
thence northerly with the back line
of fence of the J. II. Carroll. J. S.
Barber, Thomas Tucker and others to
the WillOUghby farm, thence around
his farm so as to include It In the
Law territory, thence to the Tar
road Or con Mill run win re
i Stock Law
to i
lay, April a I
Ii I be two vi p I
In i -1 i territory t I
known as Ayden
the Ayden
that portion of Township
No. and Swift Creek a-
per line of the above described
which sail territory Is in i
to Include all territory up and to the
I e of Stock Law fence I
ii was i n d a i
II lion shall I i required
I I iv. II
North Carolina
Pitt County.
In the Superior Court
The named w-ill
Thai an action entitled above
In the court of
County on the day of
to procure a divorce for
cans, i set forth in the complaint Bit I
in the office of the Clerk of Superior
And said defendant will take notice
that he is required to appear at the
March Term of Superior Court of I
county, to be held on Hie day
mg second Monday after first Mon-
day Of March. 1915, at the court house
of said county Greenville, N. C .
and answer or demur t i the complaint
of said action, or the plaintiff will
ply to the court for the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
J. D. COX.
Clerk of Superior
the day of February. 1913.
Grain Privileges
It i in ex
i . ands re
RAY; it
At Dealers .
. .
. ;
I. C.
N Ii
Need a Tonic
cry woman's life v. she
i her over the hard places.
-s to you, you know tunic
Ionic. is com-
P ., ingredients, which act
J i, n Lie weakened womanly
i . hack lo strength and
has ; n and thousands of weak.
i past hall century of wonderful
, will do the same for you.
You c. v. t a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
ft s f Wilson, R. F. No. Alma, Ark.,
I C is create medicine on earth,
for women. I began to I was
Bo we if and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
p or appetite. Now I feel as well and
as I did, and can eat most
today. Sold by all dealers.
ll, th
, D-
the lo- r
, . ml. to
In t i n of
i . on the east i
and may be laid
southwest corner Of W
lot, end runs
D line to b other corner
I at a ditch; then
ditch 1-2 yards; then
the line to the rat.
of way; then
with the railroad to th
containing fourth an
Bald sale to be made to satisfy Ci
h said
which has been assigned to E
This day of
B, L,
of i,. i,
lbs of
t. M i. .- Is
I I II- . t .-
s st .
and I-
furl that J. V
i I R
for the ti i net. C.
and p
I of the
; I, that l
p to be In tin
I. tin
. ., I Of the
at . or
r t
. , I
An . -i . .
iii hall ha x
, i I I
; re
I of i mi . I . to I
-ii to, 1915, for . .
1st Ii d .- lid
or t.
i i ii
of I Com. Co
i . i,;.
virtue of certain
executed delivered to Mm Lulu
W. Fleming by Evan and wife
bearing date
1814, duly recorded in Hook A.
page of County Registry,
the Undersigned mortgage will on
March 1915, at o'clock
j Noon, before tho Court House door In
Greenville, North Carolina, expose to
sale at public auction tor cash, the
following described lot or parcel
Lying and being on the South
. begin at a
W. m . con r on h i
; i I King
line foot to T. E. H
Ho ;.
I i to a stake; ace
parallel with first line I feet to
thence with
Ito the beginning, the same being n
part of the Henry lot Which
where he now lat the
deed i live , i
square feet, the i be c ye I
by Henry to Evans an
a vans, his wife,
. on
n I. .
i i reel o
. house with
w. II located for
. .;.
I n n j
Putt . calls are the safest ant
surest of trading In wheat,
your loss la
limited to the
No further risk.
Positively tho most profitable way
Open an account. You can buy
puts or calls on bushels
for or can buy both
for or as many more as you wish.
An advance or decline of cent
you the chance to take profit
A movement of cents 1500 profit.
Write for full particulars and bank
it. iv.
Columbus. Ohio.
Address all mall to Box 1421
virtue of power vested In me b
that Heed of Trust executed to m.
by W. C. Smith, and of record in the
Office the Register of Heeds for
County, in Hook T-10 at Page I
shall sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash at the Court
House door in Greenville, on the US
day of March, 1915. at o'clock It,
the following described parcel of real
estate lying, being and situate
Township. County of Pitt.
and State of North Carolina,
No. Twelve on that
part of land formerly owned b
Mrs. Annie Anderson, and fully de
In Map Hook at Page of
the Register of Deeds Office for Pill
County and containing Three and .
This February 1915.
Albion Dunn,
On my pi M about
old with hot,
hit . on rent of body
. crap ant tilt DE
owner can get lame by paying nil
M, H K.
i ltd It
as n r the C I
Ion War. I Co., t
i o that ii an r i the Sup r
ii i
use I i I
, it
, in In i i i
. c .,
Hid .
i ; i h I
B I with r- I Bl
. i t
I r this will plead
. i to their recovery.
This February 12th,
my farm one bl hog
unmarked, weight about
Owner can same by paying
N C.
I or BUM
One second
bus Engine i
Ila goad sell M I
gain to quick buyer. J. H.
I M.
By virtue of a power of sale con
n age i
ed ii by A. M vi
o. Mi s on the 7th, day
1911 and duly recorded is
lo, i ti i Office In Pitt
County, in 0-9, page to
M. Allen, the will on Mon-
day, 31st day of March, 1915, at
o'clock in, expose to public sale
fore the Court House Door In
to highest bidder for cash.
the following described parcels
la i
and being In the county cf
and I in of North Carolina a i
-i- n. N. Nobles the
i and other and
more or lei i
I A.
I In
i reel of
i In tho I
i i i a m
will be made for the
, g the terms of said
Mort . I.
This day of February, 1915
Pier Attorneys.
.- of Cat
PI t O ll
In lie Superior
it above named will
I tit
a- action i above was
i . Court of
only on I day of
to pro . for
ii i get in tho
ill e the Clerk Of
And th dam
notice I Is r to
at the March Term I i
of raid State ard
i, be the I
the of the
I In N. C. and an-
,. t,, con iii n said action
.; plaintiff v ii to th -t
for relief In said complaint.
day of February
Clerk of I'm Superior Court
Is the the the Meet Heeds ad
H. C AT MARCH 1915.
lib Summer
learn Grows
Belief Entertained That The
Baseball Fans May Together
And Have Good Team For
As the approach of Spring comes
ea. all baseball enthusiasts, and those
tilers who are In the least inclined to
he admirers of the great national
game, look forward with smiles and
happiness to the pleasant hours In
the grand stand and on the bleachers.
Statistics show that no other sport
has over held such a griping hold up-
on the people generally as tho
hall of today. An examination
f the records as to the number of
spectators and the amount of the pro-
which are annually compiled,
will astonish even the most ardent of
Germans Waiting For
Before Starling a
General Engagement
Negro Kills Young While Man
and Narrowly
Being lynched
Mount Olive, March ISA
was narrowly averted here this morn-
when it was learned that a
I Host, had killed a young
man, II. F. by shooting him
with the contents of both barrels of
a shot gun. The tragedy occurred
at about ti o'clock at the plant of the
Lumber Company, one
south of town.
As soon as the police were Informed
a posse was organized which sue-
In capturing the one
hour later while hiding under another
house. He was rushed to the
lock up and Sheriff R. H of
notified to come and get
While the sheriff was on his way
a crowd of perhaps men collect-
ed around the lock up and as feeling
was running high a lynching was fear-
ed. Sheriff Edwards succeeded In I certain to lead to counter attacks by
getting the out of the lock-up i the Germans and a general engage-
and In his auto In which the m,,,, Rs when similar movements
was taken to T he sheriff
made a talk to the crowd before they
would allow the removal of the
The killing was the result of a
slight quarrel between the men on
yesterday In regard to the work at the
plant. It had almost been forgotten
Big Battle Pending on
Bank of River Canal
Which Army Holds
London, March next
battle in the west. It is be-
will take place along the river
held on one side by the recently
Belgian army, and on the
other by the Germans.
As the subsided, the
Belgians, supported by the
warships, have pushed their line
slightly forward, and this Is almost
Trinity Durham, March
exercises this
year will be held from Sunday, June
to Wednesday, June and from
the program which Is announced to
day, exercises promise to be of
especial Interest. Tho sermon will masters would be chiefly affected b
be preached by Rev. James
all Urges Changes in Law
Relating lo Aliens
Civil Service
Chapel Hill, March ISA mightier
arm for civil service department
of the government, and thereby
a curtailment the
powers of the chief Executive
the outstanding recommendation o.
former President William
in his lecture tonight, on the
powers of the President. The
and regulation of the post
But, when one begins to think when the appeared and shot Mr
of thrills and excitement which
the old baseball game offers, little can
be wonder position the game
has won In the hearts of Americans.
This by way of Introduction, how-
ever, Is in no means the subject of
this article. The question la
Is the lily of Greenville going to be
located on the baseball map this com-
The answer Is not forth
from the writer, because it Is
beyond his reasoning There was a
time when the business men of Green-
ville who were fond of baseball lent
helping hand by backing the amateur
teem here. The past few years on
the other hand, has been totally mi-
ens the cooperation of the business
and the fact Is, the general pro-
have been young men who
have managed the whole business as
well as donned uniforms and
pated In the games themselves. This
taking charge by last years
ion was not done either, without first
putting the question before the
Something was said In the paper
about a and there was
tome discussion as to whether Green-
ville should enter the Eastern Caro
Una League, of which there was some
talk of reviving just at time. This j
project soon fell by tho
ever, and baseball situation here
left WM
Now. there is no reason in I
why a town with a population
people should not have an organized
shall team. As sultry
come on. people quite naturally are
ii inly lo pause fro their work for a
While iii a I If
r tho i men bore Mild
el together I ah
of a good diamond, with
., . n i
i and bleachers, it la
,. . efforts.
would Ii i be repaid. A
Beatty this morning.
Young Beatty leaves a wife and one
mall child. The remains re taken
lo N. C . for burial.
Lee. of St. Louis, the address
will be delivered by Owen
Philadelphia. and the
alumni address will be given by Mr.
Bunyan Womble of
cm. The baccalaureate address will
delivered by President William
Preston Few. Rev. Harry M. North
of the class of 1899, will read a poem
at the alumni dinner.
via London, March IS
-Another version of the reported
of the German cruiser
is published today by the Na-
This account
ts to emanate from a Ger-
man merchant captain, who bad
served as a petty officer of the land-
In The cap-
Is reported to have declared that
the crew of the arrived In
Germany on the German liner
Negro early In December, but that
this fact and the fact that the
had kept secret
that the British cruiser would con-
their search for the German
were elsewhere along the
front. An artillery duel already has
There may be a slight delay while
the are awaiting reinforce-
for they been using most
of their reserves to counter attack
British troops at St. and
and the French north of Ar-
but that a big clash will soon
come nobody doubts.
The contest for the spur of Notre
is still in progress,
and to Berlin, further at-
tempts of French to advance in
Champagne, where they captured an
important ridge north of Lo
have been repulsed. Fighting in the
Argonne forest and the
slackened somewhat, owing doubtless
to the return of cold weather.
There Is little news from tho east-
front and beyond the fact
tho Russians have again crossed the
Fast Prussian frontier In tho far
northeast, near and that they
continue their offensive tn
Austrians In there Is no
Annie a colored woman
appeared at the Courthouse Tuesday
afternoon with a will for probating
which named her as executrix. It was
discovered that the document, writ
ten on a typewriter and witnessed by asked
two preachers, did not hear the;
signature. The will
and the r
of her property, real and
personal. The clerk stated of-
were being made to discover II
there is not an original to the will
which he suspects to be a copy. II
such is not the case, the
man will probably have to qualify as
administratrix accordance with the
law. and in the event the division of
the between the two
will In all likelihood be more
the proposed Innovation of
Strengthen Allen Laws.
Characterizing the absence of a pro-
vision in our laws whereby the right
of the allies could be safeguarded
properly, as a defect in our govern-
Professor Taft urged the pass
age of laws to prevent these
violations. There have been or
cases of these violations and not i
single Indictment. The government
at Washington ought to he able a
least to make a rather than
issue a simple In
Mr. Elias Turnage Prominent
Citizen Ayden Died
Suddenly Today
was received here morn
of the death of Mr. Elias Turn
age which occurred this morning s
o'clock at his home in Ayden. Mr
Turnage bad been sick for two weeks,
previous to bis death but his
had improved considerably and It
was thought he would get well again.
His death this morning was due to
heart failure and was sudden. H
was In his year.
Mr. Turnage was prominently con-
and well-known throughout
the whole county. He was a mer.
chant In his active business days but
retired several years ago and has
since been living at his home
In Ayden. He was a member of
Methodist church and was actively en-
gaged in church work up to the
his sickness. Surviving him are
his wife seven children.
Burial services will be held at
o'clock Saturday at the Ayden
tery. The burial will be with Masonic
honors as Mr. Turnage was
identified with the order.
should the President h-
bothered with the appointment of tin
postmaster of Devil Lake. Montana.
the former President Admit
a Hie r the
to appoint draws to an end
Influence of the Ii m j i n
wane, he urged the Chang
that the central powers at
ton would he -i an
. . -.- of the Poi
safeguarded. With
postmasters by i Ii ll sen
he cont Hided that B b I
would be inaugurated and B
much of a premium would be
upon continuity of the
of a competent as upon a
capable officer in Industrial plant
He added. can't see why when we
go Into politics we should lose our
ordinary common
Turks Repair
Is a temporary lull In the
Karly In December It was reported J bombardment of the Dardanelles and
Hint the had evaded the, Smyrna, according to an Athens
fleet and arrived In a German
Recently there has been no reports
of the actual movements of the
which, early In the war.
wayside, how- gained fame as a sea raider, although
k. there have been several
patch due. It Is thought to
able weather conditions The Turks
are taking advantage of this to re-
pair damage done to the forts and
batteries, and they express
which Is shared by the German Ii
marshal Baron Von Her
Statements that the cruiser had straits are Impenetrable
with disaster. One story emanated The belief is held here, however.
from a sea captain who he had , that as soon as the ships fresh
seen the hulk of the on ammunition they will renew the at-
the beach of one of the Grenadine
I lands of the Windward group in the
Caribbean The vessel, ho de-
dared, either had gone whore In a
term or been de by an ex-
Thursday afternoon about sixty en-
Greenville Graded School
pupils accompanied their girls Bas
Ball Team to The
young folks left with the
to bring back victory and tho re-
was altogether flattering. Al-
though the girls played
hard and fast the game was decidedly
At no moment during the
contest did have a chance
to win. The score to tells the
I story of the first victory a Green-
ville Team has won this year
The entire team played a good
pots Jenkins starred Greenville
making out of Id points. Those
the Warn are
Ml n
o i I, March IS
Authorship of a pi m ii
castle a to William
tack with even greater force.
The conference between the
and labor
fir the of the output of
war lions was continue In Lon-
don today and adjourned until to
row to complete the agreement. The
desire assurances the
arrant i Into win
affect the work
after war Is Concluded
baseball team and n good park
line advertisement for any town has resulted in
Baseball baa com. to stay and those Humbert, Slat regimen-
who are a. all unfavorable lo the sport of French rifles, a war prisoner
not much of- sentence,. t
. , ,.,, f their position. Imprisonment.
Salt Villages
March London,
March a m The following
I official communication from general
I headquarters issued
Russian Poland on the front
sport become a profession and
one. look it the tame but
Cobb and turning of eyes i
the rivers and
for Its being the birth, j and also
Ty. ,,. , n great Welter Johnson j in tho region north
toward Georgia when i Mk, after tills glance around continues. We have seized
is is Is going to be . villages and taken five
Again, look at the otherwise on ha Baseball Map this sea- machine guns, many caissons and
little place of . hundreds of prisoners
Mine Hell
Id a bale of cotton
to charity In
and id the pr
During the a bale of
movement the president t set
bales, and one now Is In
well, Okla. H. H.
of Paris, . offered to buy It at
ten cents a pound and today the
president tool his offer and
that the sent
a charity in Oklahoma to be
and Owen.
The town Is having largo tiling laid
from Ninth street to the branch on the
Forbes property.
Tribute to Employer.
The machinery of government, what
Professor Taft termed the entity of
government, was raid a tribute by the
former President. These depart-
mental employees different from the
President and Cabinet, are
In the service of govern-
While the President and Cab-
officers are the seashore these
faithful servants are running the ma
of the government.
The only he thrust
President Roosevelt in his speech to-
night was in his discussion of the
construction of the Panama Canal
during his administration He said
I advised Roosevelt to continue the
In building of the canal
He did not hesitate to
11.1, THE
i m in SITED
in a n In the North B
d, an mi n I
of her crew who reached here today
on the from
it had been i ported hr
eight and thirteen men wen
The live men said VI
a mine k in the mo
remained afloat for seven
The crew took to
boats. Ono boat was rescued by a
German patrol boat and the
were picked up by other ships and
landed In Holland.
Bangor, March
claim of Werner Horn bis at
in blow up the International
bridge at ant at
.-, I In i e lings be
I hi re I.
with returned
Horn in the federal court at
;. d barging illegal
of explosives from
York to
Counsel for prisoner, former Con
Joseph P.
Boston, argued that as a
of the German army, Horn was b
government agent, and that th
transportation of explosives was pan
of an act of war with which the state
department rather than tho courts
should deal.
It was expected that If the com-
missioner found sufficient cause for
holding Horn be would order him
committed to await a warrant for
his removal to Massachusetts Horn's
counsel intimated that on
decision he followed by fur
proceedings to prevent
removal from state.
PIT Kit Ii Fill I IS
w . ton, Mart b IS pro-
; Hut the Cuban government
Bi i i put t e on the free in
view of the that country
will admit all sugars free of duty
after May 1918, under tho pres
law, will be before the
within l day or
two Si
v III mean I I of the
rice said I
will .
the pr ii lea i
i e i for our rice
market, it would help tho I
, by giving them i
I a stale government to
ask Cuba to
Harvard In Skirts.
i Mass., Mar.
Club show. In which
. young students Agave as
girls, ballet s-d
buds, will be given n Aral
the title, and there are many stirring
musical numbers. The show will
given six performances.

Eastern reflector, 12 March 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 12, 1915
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Joyner NC Microforms
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