Eastern reflector, 26 February 1915

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r r
. OF
of power vested
k of certain deed of
; M. wife
Williams dated January M.
U, registered to
page County Registry. will
for to highest bidder for
Monday February
a II II before Court House Door
m of Greenville, Pitt ,
N the described tracts
e parcel of land, to-wit
and being In county if
Wt, of North Carolina, near tin
of Falkland, and being lots No.
S. and on plat of land former y
by K. H. plat
an record in County Register of
Office Hap Book Number
page to which plat reference la
made, lot or parcels or
salt Is made for the purpose of
the bond in
mentioned deed of trust and
other bonds, one secured by deed
mt dated 1913 an
in Book I. page Um
secured by deed of trust, dated
80th, 1911, and recorded in
Book L-10. page All three of
deeds of trust name undersigned
the list, day of January, I
to name.
-t t- lake not
lake II sod know U la
Also adapted to adults who cannot
ringing in the bead.
a the time you for any
J ounce original package. The
blown bottle. IS cents
a h
Hut of Carolina
Pitt County.
NOTICE, is hereby that the
board of Commissioners of Pitt
at its regular session on firs;
Monday of February 1915, it being in
day of February ordered
election to be held In Bethel Township,
The said election to be held on Tues-
day Mb day of April at the
regular voting place In the town
North Carolina, for the
pose of ascertaining will of the
qualified voters in said
ship as to whether the Stock
shall be established In said
Township according to law as in such
cases made and provided. And that
M. Jones is appointed Registrar I
will have the Registration
opened on Thursday. March
and until Saturday, March 1913
for the purpose of registering the
qualified voters of said Town-
This the day of February 1915.
B A.
Chairman of of Com of Pitt Co.
t-ii law-to-max.-27.
.- s- m
far rail I
n n fir
to laM
Seventh SI, Washington. C.
Serviceable, Safe.
most reliable lantern for
A farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward
It gives a clear, strong light Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, won't leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern. Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
In Sue prior Court,
Sarah J
John C.
The defendant in this cause will
Thai summons was Issued out
of this Court on 26th day of Jan-
1918, requiring to appeal
and at the March Term
Court, relief by the
being for divorce, and he will fur-
take notice that If ho does not
appear on or before the March Term
of Court, held in Greenville on the 13th
day of March It being second Mon-
day alter first Monday of March
1915, answer or demur to the
complaint bat plaintiff will do-
of the court the
sought In the complaint, which will be
found filed In the office of this court
February 9th. 1915.
J. D. COX,
Clerk of Superior Court
By of authority and power
executed and delivered to W. H.
Jr. by Joseph Crawford bearing date
of March 16th 1914, and recorded in
Book T on page of Pitt County
Registry, the undersigned
will, on MONDAY 8th. day of March,
1915, sell to the highest bidder for
cash, by public sale, all the entire
interest of Joseph Crawford in the
land of his mother, the late Annie K
Crawford, as follows, to
of Hie entire interest of
said Joseph Crawford in and to
certain tract or parcel of land owned
by his mother in Beaver Dam Town-
ship. Pitt County, North Carolina ail
known as the Place, contain
acres or
The purpose of this sale is to
the terms of said Mortgage as above
set out and referred to.
This February 1916.
W. H. Jr.,
By virtue of the of sale con-
in a certain mortgage executed
and delivered by Paul H.
to J. R. Harvey Co., on the 7th day
of January, 1914. which
was duly recorded in office of the
Register of Deeds of Pitt County
Book the undersigned
will sell for cash before the Court
House door In Greenville, on Mon-
day, the day of 1315 the fol-
lowing described tract or parcel
laud situate in Swift Creek
and known as Lot No. in the
of the J. B. estate.
Bounded on the by the land
W. G. on the West by the
lands of W. G. on
North by the lands of Hugh
and on the South by lands of W
II containing acres,
more or less. Said land sold to
said mortgage.
This February 4th, 1916.
J. R. HARVEY, Mortgagees.
F. Q. James Son, Attorneys.
Washington. D. C.
N. C.
W. Va.
-S. C.
You Need a Tonic
There are times in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing women in its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
make a mistake In taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
I think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as as I ever did, and can cat most
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
Court of Pitt County In a special
proceeding entitled W. Craft, et
Frank Elks, W. P. Clark et
the will on
the 15th day of March, 1915, at th-
hour of M expose to public sale be
fore the Court House door In
N. C. the following described
tract of land,
and being in Greenville Town-
ship, adjoining Hie lands of Charles
Spell, Bertha Allan Tom
Harper and others containing acres
or loss and known Mill I
Tract conveyed to Carolina Elks and
C irk by heirs of Noah Forbes.
Terms of sale. rush,
payable in one year from date
of sale, secured iv mortgage on the
This sale is Bade purpose of
division among plaintiffs and defend-
ants named in the special proceeding
above mentioned.
This 9th day of February, 1915.
2-10-l I n
Hy virtue of the power of sale con
In a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by S. T. Carson
and wife J. Carson to
Carson on the day of March
and duly recorded In the Pitt County
Registry In Book page the
will expose to public
the Court-House door. In Green-
ville. N. C. to the highest bidder on
Monday the day of March 1916 at
p. m. a certain tract or pared
of land lying and being in Bethe
Township, Pitt County, N. C., and de-
scribed as Situate at o-
near Town of Bethel and
known the lands formerly owned by
G. H. Andrews and Margaret
and being two tracts, both
containing 1-2 acres more or less
j and bounded as On the North
j by tho Bethel and Flat Swamp road
CO the East by tho W. W. Andrews
land, on the South by the land of J.
J. Canon and on by the Beth
el and Greenville road. The
of T. Carson being Are sixths
ownership. Sale made to sat
mortgage deed, of sale
This the day of January 1915.
Julius Brown Attorney.
State Berth
of Fit.
George H. Brown, of P. B.
Deed, Annie
Green, B.
and others. Heirs at law. and dis-
of F. B,
C. Adm r of J. J. Per-
kins, Claude Bernard. Arthur
Bernard. Holeman Bernard, and
Juliette Bernard.
Henry C. and Edward
is, Successors of C. Par-
Holeman Bernard.
an action entitled as has been
commenced In the Supreme Court of
Pitt County for the purpose of en-
forcing an alleged Hen of
upon a certain tract of land situate
In the. own of Greenville, on
of Fourth Pitt Streets, said
action being baaed upon a judgment
alleged to have been rendered In fa-
of F. B. Satterthwaite, to the
of C. S. Parsons Sons, against J
J. Perkins, and which Is claimed by
plaintiffs to be a part of the home-
stead of the said J. J. Perkins; and
this action is brought for the purpose
of subjecting the said lands to sale
for the payment and
of said
And you are hereby summoned to
appear before the of our Super-
Court, at a Court be held for
the County of Pitt, at the Court House
In Greenville, on the second Monday
after the Monday of March, It be-
tho 15th, day of March 1915, and
answer or demur to the complaint
which has been filed In the office of
Clerk of Superior Court; and you
will further take notice that if you
foil to answer or demur to said com-
plaint within the time prescribed by
law, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in the
This tho 29th, day of January. 1915.
J. D. COX.
Clerk of Superior Court.
Hy virtue
I I Ml
of the power contained in
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain deed of trust
by Charles Harris and wife, Ilia
Harris on the 30th day of January.
1913 and recorded in
Pitt County the
will offer at public Bale
the highest bidder for cash before th-;
House in the town of Green-
ville, N. C. on Saturday March 13th
at M. the following describe
tracts or parcels of land,
numbers on pis;
of land formerly owned by
known as the Place
which plat is recorded in Map Hook I
page ii, County
That tract of land near
acres and bought
from F. C. by deed recorded
a deed of trust execute and delivered i W County He-
Son. on the day of I tract of land containing
Au, which of I w Falkland, and bought
recorded In o of H, OM J. as recorded
of Deeds of Pitt County In look Pitt County Re-
Page the under. will . n q gun I y.
cash before house door sale i made for the purpose
Greenville on S ,, the bond secured by
m Mar th, 1916, vi i- i
By of the power of sale con
in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by T. Canon
and wife J. Carson to Tho Bet-
Banking and Trust Company on
day of April 1913 and duly recorded
in the Pitt County Registry in Book
10-10 page the undersigned will ex-
pose to public sale, before the Court
House door in Greenville, N. C. to
highest bidder, on Monday March
1915 at p. m. a certain tract or
parcel of land lying and In the
Town of Bethel, Pitt county, N C.,
described as on
East of Main street and adjoin
lands of J. It. Bunting on the
North. O. Ford on the East. H
T. Carson on the South, being fee.
on front and same on back
and upon which the repair shop stood.
Sale to satisfy said mortgage
deed, terms of sale cash.
Julius Attorney.
and calls are the
method of trading In wheat.
in or oats Because your bi
absolutely limited to
bought No further risk.
Positively the most profitable way
of trading.
Open an account- Ton can buy
puts or calls on bushel
grain for or can buy
for or many more as you wish.
An advance or decline of cent
you the chance to take profit
A movement of S certs profit.
Write for full particulars and bank
E. W.
Address all mall to Lock Box Mat.
By of power vested in me by
that Deed of Trust executed to
by W. C. Smith, and of record In th-.
of the Register of Deeds for
County, in Hook T-10 at Page I
shall sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash at the Court
House door In the
day of March. 1916. at o'clock U
the following described parcel of
estate lying, being and situate
Greenville Township. County of Pitt
and State of North Carolina,
Farm No. Twelve on that
part of land formerly owned b
Mrs. Annie Anderson, and fully
In Map Book at of
the Register of Deeds Office for Pitt
County and containing Three and -to
This February 5th, 1915.
Albion Dunn. Atty.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage
executed and delivered by John
and wife Maggie to
L. Moore on day of
1913 and duly recorded in the Pitt
county Registry in Hook Q-10 page
the undersigned will expose to
public sale before the Court-house
door In Greenville, N. C, to the high-
est bidder, on Monday the day
of March at 12-30 p. m . a
tract or parcel of land or
lots of land lying and being in the
Town or Bethel. Pitt County, N. C,
and described as Being lots
numbers and u described on ,
certain map made by V.
and recorded in Book T-9 page
of the County Registry, and be-
same lots deeded to said
by deed from R. J Grimes
and others by deed dated Jan. 1911
and recorded Book T-9 pages EM
and of the Pitt County Registry,
to which reference Is hereby
Sale made to satisfy said mortgage
deed, terms of sale cash.
This tho day of January 1915
Julius Brown, Atty.
to The Public.
to reduce try stock of
I will give a reduction Io
prices to those who are Interested In
buying tombstones, we can be found
at same old stand, .
guaranteed. Call to see
8th the
Mid deed of trust.
of land
being In county Pit
In Town hip,
land or Warren
j and being lot
land to William Beat by is
J, others by dead dated
1901. For
i ti made to
d I f r ;
p i; JAMES I
m um, mar at. ,.
m mm U.
, b, Ur.
Atria. u W n
,. h.
This nth
February, 1911
s Trust.-e
Mr. J. A. having qualified as
receiver for the Pitt
Union Warehouse Co., wishes
serve on all parties who KM
Indebted to the company to settle
their accounts and notes, and save Ida
of a law suit to enforce the
bar tills
a resolution requesting Hie
legislature to take no action in tin-
situation and
a number of members of
local bar and the court also
signed the resolution
Judge Carter's course In the matter
The advisability of answering the
Solicitor's appeal to the people of the
slate Is being considered.
Up on January 8th stray
rod and white spotted, m
marks. Owner on p. ring
C. R.
U. A.
Jan. 1916 Simpson, N. C
and my home on
Route one Indies purse con-
bet and It
money a for Finder will
be liberally rewarded If returned to
II HI lit
. M Ml
I -1 Via ml a
Agriculture Is the JUst MM ls
m .
Russian Defeat in East
Confirmed by Late Dis-
patch From Polish City
Repeals His First
in the
in II-
of Carpathians Mountain
Per Passes
Poland, Saturday,
Berlin and London, Fell
The under Mar-
Von by hard fight-
and extraordinary marches, in-
such a striking defeat -ninth
Russian opposed to them in the re-
cent battle of the
country, that the Russian remnants
are a Quantity In the opera-
Cons now In progress. The Russians
killed and wounded in four days
tire estimated at men.
Over Russians, out of a total
engaged, are prisoners in Ger-
man hands.
The fighting has been described as
campaign in Hist
and North Poland, it is re-
here as a second
The Russians, composing the Tenth
Army, were by
Hy skillful of the
roads at his and by the sac-
of entire battalions in order to
bring off a few guns, he succeeded in
Having a greater part of his artillery
but no fewer than of his
men and already are counted
among German prisoners, while the
Russians killed and wounded In tho
four days battle and subsequent
running are estimated at 30.-
Ten Thousand Surrounded
In there could be heard
yesterday and today the sound of
from a swampy region to the
southeast, when- an isolated Russian
perhaps 10.000 strong, baa
been completely surrounded, but
Is offering resistance. Several thou-
sand more Russians probably still re-
main in small bands or
as within th.-
and Germans several
points en ill-- western front are claim-
ed by the Russians in an com-
Issued last It Is
stated that in south
-if two Austrian
were driven with the
of 1.500 prisoners, Including officers
end several machine nuns. Th-- com-
continue en the
bank of the and the ii
Isolated engagement- An encounter
of secondary importance
on the road In
which attacked Germans.
nuns of the fortress were used
actively and effectively ill the
In the district. On the
from we took after
a fierce combat. The enemy tr k the
offensive in considerable force in the
MRS. If. V.
Washington, Feb. Mrs. w. V
of Va. jumped
the elevator shaft of the
monument at a landing near the
late today, and fell to the bottom, more
than feet below. She left a note
addressed to her husband saying
was sure she could not recover from
an illness.
Her body was crushed by
the sides of the shaft on the
down, and she was dead before
inc the bottom.
The district coroner issued a l-
of death by suicide. Mrs.
farewell note left in the won
said she she was a
to her husband.
It was tho first time the
obelisk, which was opened to the pub-
In and has been visited by
millions of Americans, had been
scene of suicide.
Senate Passes Ike
Appropriation Bill With-
out Much Opposition
Washington, Without a
rote the senate today passed
the army appropriation bill
approximately 5103,000,000, while the
passed the
The only on the army bill re-
lated to action of the commit-
tee in striking out of the house bill a
provision which would prohibit the
use of stop watches and other
-ii management
in governments plats and deny
for payment of
to Senators Hughes, Mar-
line others urged restoration
the provision while Senator Root
made an tor the rewarding
ambition, Tho commute was
The house appropriation commute
completed the general
the last of all these annual supply
of congress. The estimates
covered in the hill aggregated
from which a considerable cut
was made. The bill probably will bi
reported tomorrow.
After disposing of the army
the Senate began consideration of
appropriation measure
Hood to Panama Defenses,
Washington, Feb, -To
the detail- the plans for the
of the Panama Can . V
Leonard Wood, commanding th--
till Gets Through Without Serious
Opposition After Amendment
is Adopted
l not her t Labor mil Is
id. Column Permit Women
to Vole at city Elections
-i Somewhat batter-
ed the State Highway Commission got
through the House yesterday mil
goes to the Senate for consideration
The original bill carried with it ill
appropriation of annually and
had a favorable report from both
committee on public roads and turn-
pikes and the appropriations commit-
tee but the House would hilled
the measure before they allow
such a large appropriation and the
sum was reduced to still
members refused to vote -or
amended bill but favored it- pas-
sage and it passed Its third reading
The first new county bill
was Introduced yesterday, but
it does not seem to be the
Of the Legislature to create any
ii- w counties. This bill provides hi
Neutral Boats are Sunk
Along With The Others
By German Submarines
hi hi
i In
II ed In-1 tin
when lire destroyed the Hi
lei here morning.
Several stores other buildings
near the hotel were burned. It
mated the loss will exceed
The Windsor Hotel is a small one in
the heart of the city, occupying one
the oldest buildings in Birmingham.
I the structure almost
and it. is probable
other in the debris which
is piled high in the Shell of the build-
It is not known how many p -i
pie wen in the building when the
began but police are trying to get a
check -in known been
the hotel.
Sues Widow of Trusted
Pa., Feb. .
J. Dallas, whose husband was killed
in an electric car accident, has been
substituted for him to defend the
American Boats Sunk Now dumber
two-All in
my mm ship
Nearly Which Makes t
Tells Seeing Vessel
Crippled or of Hating Seen
Them sunk
Via Loll
a in Tho German
has communicated a
to Commander Walter R
American naval attach
pointed out tho destruction a
the American Evelyn
was due t-- their
tho course prescribed by the
Admiralty to a point northwest
Feb Via London, II
of the Will sail t-. creation of Jarvis county
within a week or ten days, portions of Harnett, Sampson, Cam-
There is much difference of opinion, and Johnston It has been
-t is said, to how the troops s christened with an honored name,
is v
Raleigh. Feb. Speaker
u. Wool n la pronounced to be
today than at any time sinus
th, accident, though it is yet ton early
to determine l-e seriousness of
injuries sustained,
Dr Hubert A said when
ring which tint troops ban naked latest
doted around the woods a Wooten's condition today Is sat
between j. He a very comfortable
and the German frontier, the cup .-,, .,, i,,. more like his i
Hire is , .,, Huh- silt
accident, he result of
stationed on the Canal, and as to
whether a special department should s said to he
be created for its defense, brand.
The minimum peace garrison or th-
canal provided for in the
the general will of
regiments f
one of
one squadron u
signal company, one r -m-
puny, one ambulant-.-
Held and eighteen
of court artillery. TI t
almost to a division l
is that a phi
created for tho canal son . with -t
Major In command.
plans have been discussed War
Department for a change In
of the troop so they
would be better prepared to defend
the in an emergency.
Is stated that
,, i ,. for the purpose of gaining
brought by L. P. White, a Philadelphia
jeweler to some.
which is claimed to have been missing
from the firm's receipts while Dallas
was trusted book-keeper.
it was while the suit was being
heard that Dallas was killed, He car
insurance. By agree
of council the was con
until today, and the widow was
substituted for her husband In the
Mr Leon L. Hives runic in last
night from Henderson to spend a few
but the politics of the proposed days II
of the Sampson
Provide Home.
Mr. introduced an
Important bill which provides for a
borne tor the aged and
the counties comprising the
congressional district. It pro-
files that these shall
their count homes and
all Join together and n
home et some point.
Rives on Eighth Street
Mr B. of Edenton
is in town today.
in. The American steamer
has gun-- to the bottom off the c
man coast In the North Sea, as
suit of a mine.
At the time the disaster the Ca-
was using the route laid down
in the Herman marine Instructions.
Passenger ship
Paris, ll a m.
in A
which for past
-I been lying In the
i in wall for steam packet i
plying between France and England,
Monday night Bred a torpedo at the
steamer Victoria while was on tit
voyage from to
with a number of passengers,
seine Americans. The captain
die however, saw the wake
-----made by the torpedo and slowed
Senator Muse yesterday introduced
, tent iii i campaign m which lb
is called the
military men
not believe Pen will b-
able bring any hi troops
behind th i at i
safety which nun not
satisfactory, it Is too I
v, , , ascertain the full extent of Io plan
and he is no, at Its next nest.
danger, though he appears t- i
Into the Bi a measure which, i-
cording t-i the author, looks to to-
saving the state in
mutter printing, it the
discarding of the captions in printing
the proceeds, and regulates the print-
of the various departments to th
matters under charge of
Senator took a I
newspaper In for
railroad mileage With a bill
-1 to the payment of
on the part the new.-.
for Mi- according to tic
contract In writing between tin re
in r -i the newspaper
t its last, o t Labor.
Tin- i e no at the
was In i night, called for ox-
, in private
and i ill. forty of these
w re disposed of In about as many
hall of the
House present ii-
lost i
his vessel and the torpedo
harmlessly about feel In front
Via London, i
a. m The steamer, baa
rived here, and reports that two
.-. is have been torpedoed of Ha
One sank and the other was suppose I
it be In a sinking condition, three
trawlers standing by. The crew of the
first vessel was saved and landed. A
mine sweeper is attempting to
the other to Dover. Her crew wan
saved by a smack.
l mi
i. Davis and i i morning Speaker Em
ha Lucy
Mrs. It. I
Mr. i.
of ii are Woolen was reported n
,. Humber well No change In his condition
a Harper left this morn noted, naturally what improve
of th ling for
there may be, is very slow.
r . i i ii hi that h
t cu of the Sta
bill sight
The in- i n- s in a- I
port tin-at prejudice
Child r made its second I
on the Boor when
r who had withdrawn
the minority report of
. th i
asked that the I be token
Ions t ll h from tho unfavorable calendar and
the regular order of event. Th I
pursuant to the motion Senator
Hobgood made yesterday.
placed upon the calendar as a special
are for In k
ii upon
recommendation of
lot Revenue
Treasury today
ti i Judi a. w. of
. s Cotton future
. p t
i. iii- petition was eras
i i-
bill which regulates contracts
Fold on through

lit U.
O i Hf.
m . Ho
Hi . . . M
bad BOO
Id H
i allow, million of ran
Fleming Amos and site
waste am her our i
and record In Book A
ire lift Used to save them. When the ll. I'm Registry,
i mortgage HI B
mine or produces an article In March 1916, at I o'clock
All et tin
will I
. .
. . w.
i x In rare i
b is h are Mi
bis operations, in
Noon, before the Court H use door o
North Carolina, expo
sale iii fur rash,
following i bed or parcel i
. . Bid
i i I
King and , no
ft loon lb street
. . lid
lists i
i I i i
hers, an Cl
So I the
i ; the Lutheran i
ti r an i
ill, Protestant h I
We e
port .
thence with Kith
pr lot w i
t the I
I lo Ann
. i his
i on I -t ti
Norfolk Southern
and Clark street, and contains om
, rooms frame house with kitchen,
well located for renting
pi .
This sale Is made
the said mortgage
February 1915.
Harding Attorney.
.- things
,,. i i
i every
business with perhaps om or two
except I . . i , ii in
and m
an noted n on-
than In Perhaps in do
one Is more Improvement noted
. Is
. for
l .
Ml II K Mil,
of vested In me
i f Trust
lo me by Moseley and a I
. on i
of Pi
and the 28th January .
lively, and dull recorded th-j
i Register Deeds
Pill i in Look 0-10, at page .
i. page and r iii
respectively, I sell for to
bid Ii r, public auction
at the Court House Hour in the
I on Thursday, the 25th
at k M .
J i
. . l t
Phi and Stale of
. Lot No
n the
i re
Special t I
l. a i awarded
aid Mi i hi said pro
at a
In a
to Otter
No. In i aid division; I
laid i reek lo be open land lo
. ; of lot No ii. e north
west Ml 1-3 poles to the beginning,
and i acres.
the following person
One black mule d
Sallie; one black mule named Kit, and
bay mule named Lucy, All
said mules having been bought by
said Moseley of J. B.
tin.- February 22nd, 1915.
I of the power
tad I . i i . an
i Lu J i in i
ting and Trust on the -i
ii- ., I
the County la Book
I page undersigned will c.
public sale, before the Court
House door in N C. lo
high at bidder, on Monday, March i
at i So i. in. a certain Iran or
parcel of land lying and being in Bel
Township, County. M. I .
as follows, At
near the Town l Bethel and
North In
March Term,
W l. i
rs rut Ii
J. M
The above a II .
notice an action entitled as above
was commenced on in
day of January, cm.,. i i-
. of summons mil of the
Court County, and said
action is brought by
against the for the mm p.
the sum of Three Hundred
Om and Dollars, due the
Plaintiff Defendant, on I
two adjoining and known s lit non-payment of a certain check
G ll. Andrews la I a both id amount given by the defendant
,. . plaintiff on Hie 20th day
or less, and bounded . lows, January, 1916, and drawn on tin
. I
. .
in I I
bi . .
. i
I a
S Meet .
d I
i .
i Pill
. . . i . i
will o
st day of March, 1915, at U
II i
I . . .
. ;
. i . o N N
K s and
. i . ii
it I.
ill I
a one other I of land
and State adjoining I
Dr s Nobles, Pin- y
, l the lands of i
. .
his sale ill lie tor Hi
of satisfying the term
. Deed.
of I
A M A 1.1,1
Hat dine fierce
, r the Pit i
,. I hereby
. tin Sup r
all parties who
indebted ti aid Count;
. ii e Con pan ball pay the
om i . or have action
r ear against and that all
I who hold claims, accounts
. kind against
County l h Co
i th I
n m I v
or .
hi i their recover,
. . Ii
I at I i is
ft . and, .
i Carson, on
he B i Ire d I
of l Carson I sing
ownership, he
. Is of
folios at Frank An
and Rosa
said mortgage trims of tali cash
; a i la of January
Brown Attorney.
Salisbury, Feb. Some twenty
years ago A C and Mi s
Lucy a young made a
i rip to South Carolina and upon their
return announced that were mar-
Sell up In a i p
in i . b
it . good, substantial
ii. mi
. . Id i
Mr Gibbons was
was in
unto death she related lo a neighbor
unit she and Mr Gibbons had
i a s on hi y
r married, Bald, and the
he loved hoard In r toll
Into tin ll id
i in it
It I'll
fully with
. one v a- to Sail r
Hank . Ti Company,
Greenville, upon which i
defendant caused payment la i
stopped, amount of. and th
. then in I. .
due, our and all
and sot Ami the defendant
will take notice lie is lo
appear at March Term of the
Pitt County, which con-
win.- House n
on the 2nd Monday after the
of March 1916, and file answer
or demur in Hie he
will further take notice if be
lo appear and answer or demur at
said lime and the relief denial
in the will he granted.
The defendant further
a warrant of attachment III
issued from the Superior Court of Pitt
on he -1st day of January, 1916.
against all properly of the defend-
ant of i very description, in Pitt
especially any and all deposes
kept and maintained by the defendant
ii the Greenville A
. which warrant return
aide to tin Mar. hi of r
Conn, win and when l- f i
and am nor. or
relict demanded will be granted,
i i k Sap,
urn in
I S. C-. It
I receive l-ll v
a pr.-ii. i-r v as hi
i Ii i form d h
. midnight arrival
I , . Sen
-i i talk a often
wants and a long .- lie
i. in I i
i . i ii d. t hi i able to
hold physically rule pet
this unlimited debate
In these rapidly moving times
and should be stricken out The
House has no sin h rule and H
been shown more than once that
Ha-, a wise move when they
ed nil.- m Unit branch of Congress.
Had this rule not bean in force while
Hie Shipping bill mis under
there Is little bill Hull it
would have passed.
sailing In a court
while moat of county o. . th
, . .
high plea result of th
eel i
on , . if Lu-
ll carried i -ii
ill th
. i . um
We hope . III
be equal as and thus Snail
tie th n all time
t rote if the H I ho pi
. ll i. i i get lie th. . i
kind i pt I ban-
some time and believe th.--
will be in the
who in urge a lei up on the ant I
liquor laws. This large vote again-i
liquor nerves to fact
that liquor is doomed only In
this hut in the hob n
s- has passed bill
to allow the purchase of
a Mitchell for a park and
preserve The making the
I lie I I A
take notice
That an entitled above
In the Superior Court o .
I'm Count on the day of
ii r. to procure a divorce ;
the causes forth in complain,
in office of Hi- clerk of tho
And said will lake
h- is required
appear March Term of the
said state
In be held the third Monday of
March 1918, being 16th, day there
of the Court House of sail
in Greenville, N. C. and an
court some parts do not agree on of money ab-
original plan providing for one will be used to
for whole I reserve
tin- a forest preserve to ill said
. good plan .- . , . in will apply
money for a on the summit relief in said
the mountain ii looks like a ageless This day of February 1911.
Clerk of the Superior Court
We are headquarters for the best make of fire such as
the Famous L. C. Smith, Fox, Ithaca and Winchester shot
guns. Remington Marlin Winchester and Savage Rifle, Smith
Wesson Bolts and Harrington and Richardson Pistols.
We are also headquarters for all kinds of gun Shells and
Cartridges. We sell all size gun shells,
Gage, Gage and Gage. Come to see us.
J. G
want ads
, suing n m u if
E. . FOB
Irons, Heaters, and
Praetor Building.
in near A. C. L. de-
pot. Apply lo Mrs. II. Pulley.
North Carolina
Pitt Count;
Before J u. Cos,
i s Rountree,
Marvin by
Mrs W I and
by bar friend, I
for loans from
on improved
town property and farm
Interest h per cent Straight.
Interest payable annually or
one to ten years
loans will please give
and valuation of
offered as security for loan
State improvements and valuation
We want representatives
receive applications for loans, an
properly, and servo as our el
elusive representative. Attorney
real estate man preferred Applicants
loans, and applicants for agencies
positively required to furnish least
character references and forward
postage, live stamps, for
blanks, full particulars, and
n ply. W i lie n
Southeastern Mortgage Loan v t
lb .- Atlanta.
Whenever You Need a General Tonic
The Old Standard Grove's Tie ;
-bill Tonic i. valuable as a
General Tonic contains
k, known tonic
It acts on Liver, Drives
Malaria, Enriches Blood and
Builds Whole System. cents.
Hie Ire Oilier People
Similarly Situated.
there any stronger proof
than evidence of Greenville
After you nave read tho
following, quietly answer the question.,
Greenville, had dull
In my back across my
which worried me considerably. At j
might I could scarcely Bleep I was
o sore and lame. I tried easily and,
hardly do my housework. Read-1
and dizzy spells were, common
tho kidney secretions wore very
My ankles and limbs became
lien. Seeing Kidney Pill
advertised in the papers, I got some
brought good results, regulating
action of my kidneys and relieving
other symptoms of kidney
nil dealers. Don't
limply for a kidney
Kidney same that
Holmes bad.
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Sale of
By virtue of Superior Court
Pitt County made in tin- above en-
titled cause on the day of
1916, by J Cox. clerk of
Superior I'm county, the
Commissioner will, on Mon-
day, day of March, 1915, l
o'clock Noon expose lo sale
before Court house door in
to the bidder one third
cash and balance in and
years, following described pro-
to wit
Iran or pa. el of land
situated In Greenville Township. Pitt
county, North Carolina about two
miles from the Town of Greenville in
both sides of the Sand Clay
beginning gum, M.
corner in a small bi
and runs with hi- line North
iii-t i-ii poles to large sycamore
I Riv r; them-
down aid Rivi r lo t lake corner
. . the
and basement, known a the
Rountree with a vacant . i
said house and
Both the Town property and the
Country property will b. old on th-
following 1-3 cash;
months from date sale and re-
1-8, months from date of
sale, with interest on the
payment per cent from date
of sale.
This 20th. day February,
Region That Was Useless May Be
Productive by Common
Sense Methods.
By virtue of . power of sale CO I
in a certain Mortgage n
and ii id
W. l OH
January, and duly recorded in
Register of
County, in Hook 0-9, to
Allen, the undersigned will on Mon-
day, the 21st day of March. 1916,
o'clock Noon, expose to public sale
the Court House Door in Green-
ville to the highest bidder for
the following described parcels
and being In the count i
Pitt and State of North Carolina ad
lands D S
land- of l. Meek i and and
g acres i an I
In land upon h A i
v pol Weeks I I led In January. 1911
, . pal
state ad
s i, ii
and the Is i
t, p Mi. IS i
to a i. ,. by small if
. . m e w i
aid line North 00-45 West
poles to beginning, containing
acres more or
i i land s both
a Sand Clay ad and is we I
d cotton and i i
ii whole
i o In two ii.
i acres . on lie
the Si I Road and
la u re lying
Hi. the Sand lay Road.
Also part of No. In
plan of Town
and i hes from the .
Nos and running from
thence a course
1.1 with Third sir., t feet;
a Northerly course parallel with Pin
Street Io Third thence an
course with Third
put thence Southerly
course with Sire.-i to begin
This lot contains a residence
. . will is made for tin
Mortgage Di
This the of
A. M
Hard Pit
N Bonn So
St. i m s m Mo. r
n II ill p. m No. ll
. I a. m No. I
l-ll a m No. a a
. . m
For Weakness and of Appetite
TA.-, i in chill TONIC, -loves
tad son
Every one knows has
saved bar southwest from
curse of drifting sands by planting
pine tree-- and Germany has
tamed of the poorest soil in
lo human service by the
same methods Hut how many Amer-
even of those who claim to be
well Informed, a similar
work on least as great a scale Is
being performed by our own govern-
In the sand-hill regions of Ne
In this district, where the real es
moves back and forth with every
in wind, Uncle Sam's for-
, n are planting tree They
i an their faith to the jack
being best adapted to stand-
life in country, and thou-
sand acres are to these useful
year. When they began
tin.- work nine out every lea
in. planted died Now, ranger
have led their ti time till
,. ten a live; and
work it only a dozen sears
old. it 1- already transforming a con-
ruble region.
profit for the government
the ad of y an not
,. evaporate, but is.
part of matter
., region
and a mi l
for and
Explanation Probably Did Not
j to Soothe His irate Part-
at Whist.
ant b play
. in piny cards I
. so no
, . one
seal t tin
I and
-i . dislike
. Then the wretched
his first set
Hi . banged
my he shouted
if r world
, ,. you
the mat r lot led Jones, with
r lolly pastime pro-
t led. Then put his foot in It
. and again rubicund one
i. ed the table
you lee me calling for a
spade or he boomed.
. Cot a black suit,
I rising
from the table, jolly well
hanging on to r your
once asked old
Flowers one of Ms neighbors
In the Hid you ever eat a
Reckon I don't know what them
la of The red
ones good, but the gray ones
Mini they'd Jest make mouth
How do you cook
Cut the red kernels out from
their forelegs; then bile
the strong Is left In the
pepper em and sage
and put In a pan and bake to
a nice rich brown, I don't
want nobody but Buffalo
t AM
L W.
U at
y. gar.
with Dr. D J
C every Hf.
loan N.
mil I Mere
. I. ti
J. V.
nib.- Stables
Phones t--i
-Pick It
Habits formed in childhood art usu-
ally lasting With that id a as a
playground and school
in Rochester have
signs conspicuously located on the
playgrounds on which are displayed
, Pick it The idea is
to have children clear away
en during play be-
fore they It the grounds. The plan
reported to have Immediate
has been to
caretaker of the
grounds. The boys and leave the
, in perfect condition. No
left about, no
D e of place all is
It la
Corner Fourth and Streets
Made Both Day Nags
Head us
at La
Office in Building. St
Practice but are
North Carolina
How r Be Fired
If .- id b
. D
II. B.
and i Specialty
all the Courts
Wooten Building in Third
street, fronting Court House
KI i I
Tin Vat mil lie Insurance .
New fork.
. . Act.
ll II
. . but
In nu
tie v did.
In Ithaca, hen by the
use of tr. I and
methods bed a
j mi I and given
a solar plexus blow to the cost of
; are glad it
And not only the women are n
th. success of their Introduction of
the producer i the consumer;
farmers echo the sentiment, and
load- cf households, noting the
a weekly bills, look on
Office I mirth Street near
How to i rough.
cough demand instant
tent, They a con
Postmaster Collins N
look Honey
Compound for a violent
that completely me,
less a half a bottle stopped
Try it sale by all
turn CW Sores
, . , I. old a.
Ami-. oil. H
lain and ft-, it tune.
ms m
. C
H o.
M t

I 1914 Crop is
Great any Demand is
Student Killed Wake For-
es as lie Swings oil
Id i.
I I lull III I In I
I . .
The Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
Deposits at Government Call Oct. st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
Deposit Your Money with This
Bank For Safekeeping.
You Will Be More Than Pleased
i I
i ibis, bu
. .
ft II elegance up
Taft Vandyke
Evans Street.
Greenville, N. C.
Notice Farmers
r I
I I l iii mi four I aim It
II. will the
it I'll , . i. ,. ii
; I Bill IS I. I , i .,. ,
Hi ii . In , ., t
I i l ii ii i
i n i l a for informal rite
Johnston, Porter Y Peck.
N. C.
for Pill ml mil it-.
S. T. I
I in ii ii alter
in. of
builder. If you de lo bull.
spring, or dissatisfied
your i
id we will
Hie benefit of long m
maid i
r Murphy
i Who Arc Subject lo
Touring Can F, O. Z. At
F. Detroit.
We ha id Word
Can, almost at good as new, for bi
Ford Supply Co.
Phone s
Greenville, N. C.
I p
pound I
ii .
ind than In used
. will how
r-pi in I .
ii . I
in r.
in i iv. rap I
i .
In 1.89
km both
p brought two-thirds nine.
. h
. . . . . i
war, and with
. from Hi
. i-
. id, a i It
planting for 1915 shall
money imp but and
i Li In .
sections, where In
crease been pronounced
conservative planting in I
North Carolina and South
will give farmer an op
and an Internal In mute full
crops for home and
high price of every article of
food in likely lo
pan of in
and Fran
; I
i i
Ore lie
. .
I. I
Mi on i.- .
I In
hi I people in
. . r lo
I tile
repair which the of a .
ins In lb
Morbid lays
none the have
n his n m to on a as-
with each detail The
person 1- notoriously short
and may even be said to mar
I blinkers the nose not.
perhaps, articulate, and can give no
philosophical description of the
prompting which move them, but
are however,
by the excitation of
The doing reverence, though
to foundation truth that
there is drama In everything and van
in nothing Percy Clara, in London
mi., Phone
hare Murk in he
and tin- seal rail
our mi n-
a nu work
nil as SUN
We offer One Ired I it .
Reward an; Catarrh
The Perpetual Blunderer,
Ever meal affable gentleman
who smilingly confesses that be has
made a in some or
other in and profoundly re-
bear penalty of his blunder your-
self, a Fine gen-
Markets y
Kill Wheat 6-1
May Wheat l
Corn lit z
May Corn
May lard
A S f II I L I. A C A It I V A I
Tamps, Florida
that cannot be cured Hall's I valuable acquaintance, I
Catarrh Cure
j . ii ft o tor blundering and
capacity to apologize have
you lo hold the bag. to know
Just why you grasped hold of the
thing Afterward you regret meeting
him try to transfer business
elsewhere, Of course, all
of us make in and
moat Of are quite ready
to the occasional lapse from
what shall with
he fellow whose blunders average so
or Where Is his place
in business system of the world
he not. us a mark of
he given a Job driving garbage
We, have known K J
last . and
perfectly honorable in all s.
transactions ibis to
out any i I firm
Hall's Catarrh Pure l
directly upon the and mu
of the
fr. In. cent
by nil Druggists
Isn't fellow with the Infinite Tickets will be .-. for
occasions from Greenville
on II, II,
mid If., st fares below,
by the
The of Ike Month
Why suffer when you can
and cure yourself quickly -safely
Ami you don't have to use a
either Balm If
the private prescription of a
successful who
that all pains,
disorders were Caused by congestion
and Inflammation. re-
congestion and inflammation
and is therefore u sure relief for
Croup, Neuralgia, Sore
Throat, Headache, Earache, Swell-
Soreness and Stiffness,
i. Rheumatism, and
all other troubles due to congestion
and Is
put up according to this
directions in the Nixon laboratory
It is now on sale cents a bottle
only at the store of Morris la-
Greenville, N. Get a bottle
while the supply lasts, instead of
or tr a doctor's
He it's Nixon's
Used externally
I lowers Par III
We grow i.
lies and u laity. Wad-
ding and funeral arranged ii
ii. Isle I
Meaning cm Plants
Fern- ninny other
Plants or the house Writ, to oar
Price ill Rose bushes
Shrubberies, Hedge Plants,
mil is
Mail, telegraph and telephone
promptly executed by J I.
CO. Florist, N. C.
Stare Greenhouse
at Law
nil i- remunerative and
i in mi condition of i
Hi in on h
the success of tin farmers ;,
their i
Finally, it is the opinion iii
ii who have given the matter
another large i ran
Florida .
Mew Orleans. l.
Mobile, Ala. .
Beauty of Character.
There Is a of the child,
sweetness of the old. The
the child is largely
pendent of ins personality it is in his
ways and In his looks, and the same
I l. . -land I large crop can only Is true, though not quit. o much
raised In Eastern Carolina an young woman Hut when sweet-
Booth will be .
of the very nature of soul,
upon one connected with , f
trade, and upon the farmer
who produce- it. aid the remedy
only In a
i n planting n
has said that no woman Is really beau
until she Is The
that la worth most is the beauty
that Is connected with the character
Tickets will he limited, at time
purchase to February but an
extension of final return limit
March 16th may be obtained by de-
positing tickets prior to
and upon pay mint of
For Schedules, reservation, etc., In
quire of Atlantic Coast Line Tic-
Agents, or Address,
Passenger Agent
Traffic Manager.
N. C.
Fresh Buck-
wheat, Hominy, Pan-
cake Flour, Oatmeal,
Quakers Corn
Post Post
en, Porridge,
Cereal, Flour,
Flour, Con-
S. M. Schultz
Norfolk Southern
fa 4th,
N. following
published as Information ONLY
and are not
a m. dally,
Pullman oar tor Norfolk
a. m dally, for
bath City and
for all point.
North and West.
Ito p. m daily, U
a. m. for
and Sleeping
a. m. dally. Sunday, tan
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects
all points.
t p. m. dally for Raleigh
further Information and
In Sleeping Cars, apply ft
L Hassell. Agent, N. O.
i. D. STACK.
We have FOR SALE select home-
grown Red Bliss Potatoes for planting
Leave your orders promptly.
Moseley Bros .
ft I
M i el i. her
from .
. a business i
Mr M. B. f Wilson is
ii On .
Mr. I. W, Morris of Wilson was In
own i
The choir of the i is
planning for another service music
It anted lo Make Sure.
In a certain Arkansas logging camp
maintains physician
attends the residents of tie
rump, and also the families of such
live buck in
In in nod to
kiwi i
u ii i ha . In
up one rough hollow after another
Hie mail was a mere tradition,
i mile i a crept log-
I.- He bun
i i- d I. i
. v .
punk in i mm
i ii-iii tin My
ii., i ., ii in would
v, .
., ;. no i liar i
t hi o I wanted lo sec
II l
Hi Hunk u ill a
., . , i follows oil
. lie mi. cation is, it of
Prank Munson He asked
i in i ii H ii make up n i
, habitual d In
posted in all tin In bot
Saloon keepers will hi
sell liquor those who are
Mayor M
plan Manson's report showed
received applications for In
HUB he said his
showed much the u
ii,, . was about
drinking husbands and i
i Ink ling.
Kin, i ,
. . moon i lull
in lite I the Ml
tin u ii i hour I . i;
ailed in in i , n i.
Mi.-s Tyson Ml Mamie
i conducted th- devotional i
reading chapter
Corinthians, The seen
called the roll and read
minutes for the las meeting.
We were delighted Mies
Littles name presented for
membership, of course II was
The following program was then
Bong America Members of Club
Sketch life ,. Washington
ii i mi
. i HI l III
. inns from Wit
r i
hour i parted for their
Smith, i i
Mill I.
Bu -i
June.-. Sun and
Root n Strickland, Robert i.
wife Hail i Walter Jones and
.- -i- --1 Jon
Jones, James and
band Prank James and Mary, All-.
. . i
Rob. L i
r before t,. i u l
in On l . N. C. mi i
r i
the petition petitioner,
petitioner will lo
n f d. i . .
This day Pi
J. It. cox.
clerk Superior of Pit
Best Is None Too.
Good For You
In this day and time majority of men
look for the best the market
affords in all
Realizing this fact we keep our store
well stocked
to meet the wants all men.
i hi
I . , .
i per .
Every day we give pleasure lo
some patient In correcting
propel Vision, Do not put iT
having your eyes tested tested
It costs nothing lo find
whether the glasses you an
using lire correctly fitted or
Our lenses are ground to
our order tor the requirements
of each eye duple
any broken lens
Jeweler mid
I Ml it.- , In i-
i ran I
bearing date om
i and d
Hook A II, one dated March
ill i and In Book I U
. Pin Registry,
Mortgagee will, on
March mil 1916 lea k Noon
before House Door In Pit I
County, sell lo highest bidder
rash, the undivided right title
and interest the said Hazard Craw
ford in following described
ah the right. title
Interest, both personal real in
i, of property, and
personal the late Annie Craw-
lord mother of the mid Hazard Craw-
ford, the said being situate
In County, North Carolina and
more described as H--
mg all of his
fourth interest in both real
personal property, to one
adjoining of the John
heirs, J, W. Crawford,
lauds c T. and L.
Arthur and and being known
the Place. Other
trail adjoining lands of Charlie
Nichols, the heirs of line
Crawford others, also all
whatever estate, real personal
which the laid Hazard c.
late of his mother. Annie
Crawford; this con
all of his entire ii III
in and all properly,
and personal, of his mother, the late
Annie I. Crawford which lie
ed or may Inherit from her
The purpose this sale is lo
terms of Mortgages above
Ml and in
This i v .;. nil.
North Carolina
In Superior Court.
Before J D. Co,
c. s. and
Marvin Rountree, by his
Mr I. W Tripp, and Mad. la
friend, I
Sal,, Real
Hi i Ci .
i ,, . made in the above i n
tilled cause nu the 20th. day
1915, by D Cox, clerk of
Superior county, the
Commissioner will, on Mon- I
day, the of March, 1915,
o'clock Noon, to public County I .
Court hot do t in Ore,
and In and lo exhibit tin
. the I ill pro
pi i or before
ii ill bi l
i. i i -i
lain will pi ii
. , .
, i . l-Hi, I i
I. .
a a
Greenville, N C.
i mu land
in hip, PL
county, Carolina about
miles from Tow n i m
both of the Saul Clay
in ginning at a sweet gum, P
corner In n small branch
and runs will, his line North Harding a Pierce.
i poles to a largo sycamore
on , of Tar River;
down said River u stake the corner
lot No, lie me with the line it
lot, No South 37-46 Weal poles former n
S l-i
ski ski an
Thursday and Saturday
Southland Girls
i i in the mus cal melange
d The
Pair of Saturday
Prices and Cents
in a slake centered by
School was in
in Allen's line; thence
aid Allen's line North 80-46 West I- v Ill
poles to the beginning, containing I
M Other west
Th. how Ml Mil.,
r. th. old tr.
oil. II
i and
, r.- more or less
This tract of land lies on both
Of the Sand Clay Road and is well
adapted to corn, cotton and i
This tract will be sold a. n whole
and also in two
of acres lying on the
side the Band Clay Road and the
second division of II acres lying o-i
Smith Sand clay Road.
Also that part Lot No. Ill In
plait the Town of b-
ginning at a point on Pitt
feel and inches from the corner
lots Nos, and running from
then,., n course
Id With Third Street thence
I course parallel with Pitt
Street to Third an
course with Third Street
in Street; thence a Southerly
Pitt Street In Hie begin
This lot contains a residence,
stories and known as the
Rountree with a vacant lot ail
Joining said house and
Both the Town property and
Country property will sold on Out
1-3 cash; 1-3 twelve
mouths from date of sale the re
p. i-
tables reserved
i church here an
able sermons
If it is something cal t. II
Pail's new store
Kim, r out
line Hardware and farm
in. see before you bu
U Co
Mr c, Cox made
in the young nu n V M c A
of w High School
tin music recital to
hi the advanced pupils w II
S evening. p
Invited to
W have a lie shipment Main.
grown red bliss seed potatoes
quality and prices guaranteed B
H Forrest Co
Ponce your farm with American
wire fencing the beat to be had .
any price, We have the you
s,. us Harrington, Harbor A Co
II. T, Co left Monday for Half
more, he took with him a lo
, d . hospital I'm
Tho Infant child of Mr and Mrs
K. Harrington died Monday about II
O'clock and was Tuesday after
H v .
have few s, Irish
i , .-.
Th.- . . i. public
i . . .-
. all sent.
In w inti Hie
Si , In en OUt nil the
play inn for several after
noon's we and pros
an put nut a
. in i., a debate held in
auditorium the High
School building evening Mar
12th p in between the Literal;
the Ayden Seminary and
invited lo School I lie query
Thai Constitution
North Carolina should i. so amend
d as in allow and
Slate Wide legislation.
The is in he Id by H
and C Hals, of the
Literary Society, and tin
Is to he by J. H
c of
Mr u r Mast. n
I in Ni nil
line will deliver an address here Mon
evening, Man h it All n
arc requested lo i
We have a nice line halt
will you prices
right . us. Harrington, Barber .
Don't about something t
when you ran gel II at
Rev. -inn R II hold
, hurt h next 35th,
p in . the public is It
come W, Hails new store
something cal
To Insure your ground being
good use Vulcan Steel
plows, the on market Tl.
-I a Co
Mr R W Rollins
In visiting mis
l-S, months from date In the family hurling
sale, with interest on the I m
Tim Winter
ill.- High school have planted
bury, painted the on
campus winch beautifying
ground mm h are Other
be near
Ad wisely and clear your Held
stumps, you can this quickly with
I and It hooping I
lira. T Kim Claire,
Honey Com-
pound cured mi boy a very seven-
attach croup after other
bad failed has a forty yearn
record cases. n
Always on
Sold everywhere,

I the Baals of all
bulletin by ll t i I I
Stairs on Lime on the Farm, .
tin . Don't I i
.-. A give you
f W. L. Fulford. d I
this Is to
against I
deceased Ml
under-.-- i
the 12th
tins notice win be plead in
over; Ml
said estate will
This February IS, I
Pierce, Di J
CM Sons CUrer Wool Cum.
Te of how
m In old lit
i.- on. it
IS time.
Pitt COS
I .;
I February ll
The held
he day April 1915. at the
in the tow n
. Carolina, Mr the
. , e T
ship to whether the Stock Law
ball be established In said Beth
Township according to Ian in
v and provided. And
v a pointed
will have Registration
i on Thursday. March
Saturday, March
the purpose registering the
qualified voters said Bethel Tows
This the day of February 1915.
s A
Chairman Board Com Pitt Co
Attest Bell
North Carolina.
in The t
March Tern,
i issued on
I mi the day Jan
1915, requiring hint to
and answer at the March Term u
Court, the i by the
i and he n ill
take notice he dots
appear or before the March Tern
oil on the 15th
Mar , it being the second M W
a Monday Mar. b
1915, an or demur to
complaint hat the will In
court the
sought in the complaint, will
the power i.
I In a certain mortgage . i
and delivered by Paul H.
to J. Co., on the Jr
.- j
State of North Carolina
of rut.
Brown, P. B.
Annie Stick-
Green, P. B,
Heirs law
i of B,
ll. a door in Greenville, Mon- -vs.-
c, of J. J Par-
kins, Claude Bernard, Arthur
H Holeman Poniard, and
Juliette Gilliam Bernard.
Strut Taken I p.
Male i
marks, color Taken u
annul is; January . t i
same by paying ail bar Q. A
Moore, Stokes. N MO ltd
How To Quinine To Children.
ant lo lake doe not the stomach.
lake it know it is Quinine.
Also especially ., lo who cannot
ordinary net .- ii-r
cause Dot the
you need any
pose. Auk to, original package. The
name c, cent
Seventh St., D. C.
The Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
Will last for years. Ask for
f dealer everywhere
D. C.
Norfolk. V.
Charlotte. N. C
Charleston, S. C.
It Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in
writing of her experience with the woman's
Ionic. She says began to use
my hack and head would hurt so bad,
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. Alter taking three
of I feel like a new woman. I soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water mill.
I wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It has been helping ailing
far more than years.
Get a Bottle Today
Of I m t
the Mil of March. 1915 the
lowing described or parcel
In Swift Creek
known as Lot No. in the
i B. estate
Bounded on the I the land
H Q on the Weal by the of C. s. Par-
Chapman, on the on Sons
North by m ,
on th. South by the lands of L
M. containing acre
more or less. Said land sold i.
said mortgage,
rain Privileges
and calls are the
la wheat.
i , Ions la
absolutely to the
No further risk.
Positively the most profitable
an , b
puts or rails on
for or you can buy both
for or as many more as you wish
An advance or decline of cent gives
yea the to take profit
A movement cents profit.
for full particulars and bank
P. W.
Address all mail to Lock Box
found in office of this coup.
This February 9th, 1915
clerk of Superior
By virtue of authority and power
executed and delivered Dall
Jr., by Joseph Crawford bearing date
March 1914, and recorded n
Hook T on page of Pitt County
Registry, the undersigned
will, on MONDAY 8th, day of March,
1915, sell to the highest bidder i
. h, by public all the r
eat Joseph Crawford in ti
lac i t i r the lat
, follows, tO
All of Inti r . i of i
said Joseph Crawford in .-, lo
tract parcel land own J
by mother In leaver Dam
Pitt County, North Carolina
known as the Hemby Place, contain
acres more or
The purpose this sale is to
terms i f said Mortgage as ah
sot out and to.
This February 1915.
W, H. Mortgagee
HARDING Attorneys.
Virtue of a decree the Super-
Court of Pitt County in a special
proceeding entitled W, Craft, et
W, P, Clark et
the undersigned ill
the 15th day March, 1915, at
hour Of M expose to public sale be-
fore the Court House door in
n c . the following described
tract land, to-wit;
Lying and being in Town-
ship, adjoining the lands of Charles
Spell, Berths Evans Allan Move Tom
Harper am others containing acre
more or less and known as Mill
Tract conveyed to Carolina Elks and
Gracia Clark by heir- Forbes
Terms of Bale. halt cash,
payable in one year date
of sale, secured by
Holeman Bernard,
Ian action entitled as above has been
commenced in the Supreme Court of
, Pitt County for the purpose of en-
I forcing an alleged lien of judgment
I upon a certain tract of land situate
in the own of Greenville, on the
of Fourth Pitt Streets.
action being based upon a Judgment
alleged to have been rendered in la
NOTICE. p n to tho use
By virtue of the power of sale on ,. g A Sons, against
tamed In a certain mortgage .-x j and which is claimed by
rated and delivered by S T plaintiffs to be a part of the home-
and wife Lucia J. Carson to of the said J, . Perkins; and
This February 4th. 1915.
i. it HARVEY, Mortgagees.
F. G. James Sun Attorneys
Carson mi day of March
this action is brought for the
and recorded In the Pitt County f the said lands to
Registry in Book E page the for and
of -ail
And you are hereby summoned to
before the Judge of our Super-
Court, at a Court to be held for
. fore i Court House door, hi
N. c , to tin I r on
lay of Mar, h .
. m a u l pare l
of land lying being In
Pitt County, N. c. and de-
scribed as Situate at
near the Town of Bethel and common I
known as tho lands formerly owned by
G. H. Andrews and Margaret
and being two tracts, both i
containing 1-2 more or less
and bounded as tin the North.
the County Of Pitt, at the Court House
in Greenville, on the second Monday
the Monday of March, it be-
the 16th, day of March 1915, and
answer or demur to the complaint
which has been filed In the office of
the Clerk of Superior and you
will further take notice that if you
virtue power vested in in-
that Heed of Trust to
by C Smith, and Of record ill th
Office of the Register of Deeds for Pitt
County, in Hook T-10 at I
shall sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash at the Court
House door in Greenville, on the St-
day of March. ISIS, at o'clock M
the following described parcel of
estate lying, being and situate
Greenville Township. County Pitt
and State of North Carolina,
Farm No. Twelve on that
part of land formerly owned by
Mrs. Annie Anderson, and fully
in Map Book I, at Page of
the Register of Deeds Office for
County and containing Three
This February 5th, 1915.
C. S
Albion Dunn, Ally.
tail to answer of demur to said
within the time prescribed
the plaintiff will apply to the
for the relief demanded ill
This the day of January,
Clerk of Superior Court,
in the East by tho W. W. Andrews
land, on the South by the land of
J. Carson and on the Wet by Hie Beth
el and Greenville road. The Intern
of T. Carson being five sixths
ownership. Sale made to
said mortgage deed, terms of
This the day of January 1915.
Julius Brown Attorney
virtue of the power sale . on-
in a certain deed of trust
by Charles Harris and wife,
Harris on the 30th day of January.
and recorded in
County the
will offer at public sale t
. . ,,., highest bidder tush before .
mortgage on the; side of Main street and
Court House in the town of Green-
This sale made for the purpose . -N- Saturday March
am plaintiffs and defend-
named In the
above mentioned.
This the 9th day of February.
i-10 ltd
1916 at M the following describe
proceeding tracts or parcels of land,
its numbers i and i on
land formerly owned K R. Co-
ten. known as the Place
which plat is recorded In Map Hook i
page ll. Pitt County
That tract of land near Falk-
land containing acres and
from P. c. b l
virtue f the power contained in
B deed executed and delivered P.
by William to K James
Son, on the day . That ire. of laud
t, 1909, Which deed Of trust U I. ale
recorded In the office of the It. as recorded In
of Deeds of Pitt county in Book Book E . County Re-
i, the undersigned will at ll
ea.-h before the Court house door in sale is made for the
Greenville Monday, the of the bonds by
de-- d trust,
or par., land lying This the I lib day February, I
and y of a i i
By virtue of the power of sale toil
lamed in a. certain mortgage deed
and delivered by s T. Cars.-n
and wife Lucia Carson to The Bet-
Hanking and Trust Company
day of April 1913 and duly recorded
in Registry ill Hook
page undersigned will ox
i pose to sale, before the Court
House door In Greenville. N. C. to
highest bidder, on Monday March l
1915 at p. n, a certain tract or
of land lying being the
Town of Bethel, Pitt county, N. C,
as on
the lands of J. R. Hunting on the
forth, He, G. Ford on the East,
Carson on tho being fee
wide on the front and same back
end upon which the repair shop Blood.
Sale made to satisfy said
deed, terms of sale cash.
Julius Drown Attorney.
Mr. having qualified s
receiver for the Pitt
Union Warehouse Co., wishes
serve notice on all parties who a.-.
indebted to the company to settle
accounts and notes, and save Lie
expense Of a law suit to enforce the
collection of them.
By the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage deed
executed and delivered by John
kins and Maggie Wilkins lo
L. Moore on the day of
1913 and recorded in the Pitt
county Registry Hook Q-lo
the undersigned will expose to
public Bale before the
door in Greenville, N C. to the
est bidder, on Monday the first day
of March at 12-30 p. a car
tract or parcel of laud or three
lots of land lying being In the
Town of Bethel, Pitt County, N. C,
and described as Being Ion.
numbers S and described on a
certain map made by V.
recorded in Hook T-9 page
of the Pitt County Registry, and be-
same lots deeded to said
Wilkins by deed from R. Grimes
and others by deed dated
and recorded In Hook T-9 pages
and of the County Registry,
to which reference is hereby mad
Sale made to satisfy
deed tern I of sale cash.
This the M day of January 1915.
ll L. MOORE.
Julius Brown, Atty
Notice to The Public.
in order to reduce my stock of
marble i will give a reduction
prices those who are interested in
buying tombstones, can be found
the same old stand,
Call to see
l-y J. C.
W. Z.
In Bet I Tm . p, ad
of I P I
and being the lot
red to William Beat by H i
i other deed dated
i . i 1901 e ire cur
. made t.
I ltd it
on January stray
I red white n. ear
1.-. . ii ; et me by paying
Jan. 30th. 1918 N, O.
U Skin
as a
, o f W
I art b, , l
I It
i- i- I mt.
.,,. I . . i
. co.
I Bar
, iv Bi ,; The n n
I . i a resolution requesting tho
I . i ,. to take action in the
Carl r situation and up-
pointed a number members i
j bar and
the resolution
Judge Carter's course In the W
I The advisability answering th
I Solicitor's appeal to the people of
slate is being considered
One white shoat, no mark
ad about SO pounds when taken up
ah Nov Owner c n c I
by paying expenses. Henry
horn, if. Bog

A i a
. all
I a Hi of
e. . Co.,
N It., I .
Um lea. It out
tho Meat , Mas.
X. MARCH 1915
Sill Killed
by House and
Vote Taken
mi. pot
Making s
With Hills New
Session Drawing Rear
Much To lie
March a
to the Senate
determined to thrown upon
the people of North Carolina the res-
burden of any
whiskey legislation. As lo
not this shall be done, will be de
pendent the action of the
of Representatives tho Stubbs
amendment us doctored by Senators
to submit tho question of pro-
of shipment and delivery
liquor into this State to the electors
on tho Tuesday in August,
After this amendment was adopted by
the margin of four votes, the Senate
the bill as amended with forty-
three ayes and hut live noes.
The amendment bill passed its
reading in the Senate yesterday a;
Practically the entire session
and taken up in tho discussion
the measure. The same condition
as to the galleries and lobbies on every
occasion when tho bill has under
consideration prevailed yesterday
during the entire session. While the
applause had been general during
the consideration of this bill on the
aide of tho proponents complete, ab-
solute, and silence
when the vote was announced.
House Proceedings
The House yesterday disposed of a
great number of local bills and pro-
toward clearing the doers
looking to filial adjournment, which
the natural of events h
hound to come in less than ten
limo and the Capitol that now know i
some patriotic statesmen will
he deserted by the
Commissioners Order Special
Elections on School lax
Question in this County
The County were lo
their regular monthly session Monday
and Tuesday up to o'clock. All
tho commissioners were present at
the mooting.
In addition to tho regular routine
business tip before them they
took up matters regarding
elections in different parts of the
county school questions. The
first of these being an election to
held in to vote a high school
tax for that district on April An
election was ordered held at Stokes
Carolina and at the
school tho district
determine whether these districts
shall be made special tax districts.
These will held
in April.
An election was ordered held In
Carolina township to the
sentiment of tho on the
law question.
A largo number of minor matters
were passed on, it requiring the whole
day and a half session to finish up the
business coming before them.
Russia Claims Germans
Have Been Repulsed in
Severe Battle in Poland
Bloody Battle Rages in Carpathian
Ken The lag
barge Continues to
London, March arm
arc engaged in battles alto r
the whole eastern front, in
North Poland they die
offensive with large reinforce-mints
and slowly pushing the action
back to the Prussian frontier
There Is still a that the
federal child labor bill
may passed by the Senate before
according to the National
Child Labor Committee. The Senate
Committee on interstate Commerce
reported It favorably the end of las;
and tho National Child Labor
believes that only a email
minority of Senators are actively op-
el to the measure. The only
will be in having the bill
brought to a vote, but the Child Labor
Labor Committee says this
can be overcome if all those who are
Interested in It will their Sen-
urging them to demand
C. March C-
a magistrate,
Campbell. C. C. Kay, Jones
William Kay and John
farmers today were placed on trial
hero charged with the murder of throe
killed during race rioting at
Pair Play, S. C, on December 20th,
1914. The indicted yes-
mas has
No known Reason Art of
Snow Hill, March Agnes
Seymour, a year old girl of
near committed suicide late
Sunday afternoon, at her homo by
drinking a of carbolic acid
No reason .-en for the rash act
and no one i Of any reason why
tho young girl wished to die. Tho
family was sitting In the house late
Sunday afternoon when the girl was
seen to leave the room with a bot-
but nothing was thought to De
wrong until later when she was found
dead In a room. It was a great shook
to the community
Carpathians and eastern Hi.
resisting fierce Austrian ll
Except In front of the fortress o
which they are still
barding, tho Germans, M
tho Russian official
turned their backs on the
they emerged from East Prussia on
the heels of tho
a short time ago. in
however, they
rear guard actions.
The Russian offensive extends
Poland to the Lower Vistula, where
Russian troops holding la-k th
who threatened
south of the river. For the
however, tho Carpathians Is seen
of the heaviest righting Tie
who, despite
and heavy losses, seem to
Black Jack. March are
some fine weather now. and
farmers progressing with then
work nicely.
Miss Bottle Harper Is spending the
week with Miss Clara Hello Harper at
Mr. Tucker Mills spent
afternoon Mr. F L. on
De Sheriff
through our town t
Mr. I. A. Stocks went to Qr-en-
ville Friday.
Misses Myrtle Lena
Arnold spent Saturday night and Sun-
day with lira. Moore at
Mill P
Ross Edwards I
never ending source of supply-, through our town Sun lay.
no mil Fish Row
The flub over
report of chairman
the Rah who
establishing a state Fish Coin
Before Supreme Court
One case from Pitt county was
argued before the Supreme court yea- j
the case of Las-
Biter vs Norfolk Southern Railroad j
A number of Pitt county lawyers are j
attending court in this ;
returned to the
the aid of largo artillery
, a a.-
i the
Tills, to
Caldwell, N. J., March 1-
young New York women, who spent
the week-end the sunrise Mountain
House at Pin. Brook, saved Harry
Roller, of New from being dash-
ed to death late last Sunday down th-
side of Hook Mountain. But for their
help ho would fallen feel.
The young women tor,, their
coats into strips. These they- tied to
until they were long enough
to the man. who had fallen
about thirty feet down the side of th-
has been upending a few days
at tho Sunrise Mountain House. His
resellers arrived Saturday, their
party were Miss Ruth Levy. Mrs. Han
tilth Goldberg, Sadie
Maud Lewis, the Minnie
Dorothy Miss Rose
Miss Dorothy Warner. Mis
Sinner, all of New York, and
of San ,
Bonn after noon took a
Indian Rock, which
to the edge of the his foot
As he fell be rolled over ti
side of tho cliff.
young women saw
They ran to tho edge of the cliff, ex-
to see his body at the bottom,
but he was about thirty feet below
their, holding to the rocky side of the
It then that the rope of
was made, and the girls, uniting their
loss about With no
on any thing Burned
m in w mi m
Flames Headway
None The Could
He Sated Rut Pack House
And Burn
Mr. A. Hudson, a prominent
farmer of this county who lives
two miles from Simpson, had the mis
fortune to lose his residence and all
the outside with the exception
of his pack-house and tobacco barn
by a lire occurred yesterday
between and o'clock. Practically
all the contents of the dwelling
were burned, only a few articles be
lug saved. The together with
all the hay, fodder and
Of corn burned. While It ll
not known exactly how- the lire start-
ed it was discovered in tho joists
over the room. It gained
rapid headway and soon the whole
was In flames. The barn
oilier building near caught from
dwelling house.
The loss is estimated to he between
and with no insurance.
we to lie., him ago in soon.
Miss Magi Hudson and Mr. Rent
Buck of i v j strength, dragged to safety
through town
. Jersey Bank Trials Begin,
tan account, wan my
hut All to -J mi I'M d
I In time have
I cud, Bend, i-
T i . i i y I
door of the House tin; night MS- day sod it , I ,
Ion. the the twin i
Divorce Bill Put To Sleep. were ad.
Mr Bowman moved to reconsider , all this hi In
the tho divorce laws tho Germans are I lo
the State passed its third read- i to
i-- and which on motion for n i -w attempt to
Mr. Vann was re. from Sen- allies lines In
mission favorably, Mr wished Monday Mr, Bynum People ,. the n
the bill re-referred to and hate been warned to p
a N j. March n Tho first
several trials persona charge
claiming the members oppose
to bl id not had a d.-ii
Mr. Laugh i he bad trio
to be and in this he was backed
up by Mr. of Cumberland, an ,,
Mr. Mayo Beaufort, both
m In Ins argument Mr. inn to billet o
Crier. The to reconsider man
I to i Is preparing for mother
third reading I failed r v had en heard In I I
vote of to today from Hi i .
Will Monet thought possible that the storm H
afternoon Mr. L. i Is
Mr. V. i J with offense;. In CO with Ci
lime Sun y it o qt a late ; Trust Cone
e i .; n. , . i i, -e when
i -i ., Mb heel T.
lay a i y wit ; i were called
s and Lillian the bar. are charged with com-
r.- three men borrow
it t I Bur e v.- bunk.
t he
the crowd still Increase, READ
U ,. r the DIES
week cm Annie Carroll at Va, March The k. .
Mill. A. l.
Mr. E n pi i y . -i, , work or the Sou
i l died here this
i . ,. , I. a
the committee. Mr Hampton Senate hill providing tor . Interferes with operations. ll
Currituck, complained that ho chase of Mount Mitchell and the ship inly
been run over by tho roll-r tor are only part of lb Beet t In
but the upshot of the whole the attention of the House for more the forts lining the
was that the bill went tho calendar than an hour I Is that II the true i
the issues to be bought out on reading to
Austrian fleet started
t h . t n.
i . Or died at St. Ron
,.,., i . , I regained
i to . in,, re i spend I
e f . i b -day.
thus, i die I, i; i
b I an mi
others will up tho bombard.
Trout Both Alike
To the Editor Will you please
publish the following Item.
see from the newspapers that
Legislature is about to build a homo
for fallen women. Would It mil be o
good idea to set apart a nice room, or
rooms the for some or
all of the honorable
are helping to bring them down
When the appropriation is made for
the fallen building, ad .
enough double the size of the pen.
for gentlemen,
We are always reading cities an t
towns he after women of the re I
g i stripe the spider legged
g, a ho la n
i . i nut troubled even by
polio . o d n name called
The of all this i
t, mo . i an awful thin
for the women and not for th-- man
i think the e and h-
should tall as hard on one
This may be one
; i I. men are afraid to
our no n to vote.
lay that our I t
r the same offense.
w. T.
Merry 0,1.-, V. C,
. i Observer.
, .- m .-
New Jersey farm
r a of . the r. ml i
was universally New Jersey doctor.
Ills will leave, a hail
r Harvey Smith. a
our town Sunday.

Eastern reflector, 26 February 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 26, 1915
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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