Eastern reflector, 19 February 1915

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. Or
of -North
is hereby given that
y i Its regular session on the
I u
i I II
Carolina, for tin
virtue of Lb.- vested in
a the of a certain deed of
l; J
Bale to tile bid. I
on Monday February
at U Al
mi town Conn
M. C, bra
r of land, to
and being the county i. i
PEst, State of North Carolina near as to whether th Stock i-a-
town of Falkland, and being lots No be in eM
i. I. and J on plat of land former y I Township according to la as m
by K. R. winch plat and provided. And that
a record in County Register of
Office Map Book Number
age to which plat reference is
hereby made. Said lots or parcels of
and contain 146.21 acres
ThU sale mad for th-- purpose
satisfying the bond W
mentioned deed of trust
bonds, one secure, by deed
f trial, dated all
rewarded in Hook
ether secured by lead
January Nth, I led in
too i.-i. pas All
deeds of
trust -e
the day
North Carolina
I'm County.
In The Court.
John C
n in ibis
Thai issued
virtue of the power of sale State of Carolina
in a cerium mortgage Pitt.
by H. s la Superior
In J It Co., H. Brown. r of F. B.
Of January. Deed. Annie
. J in the K. B. E
u. and Heirs at law. dis-
I . K. it.
mil s. before the Court Deceased.,
. b . on Mac
n airing J J.
and at to farm u parcel ad Barnard,
the i- land lit mm i Barnard and
mi known No. m the din Juliette U U Bernard.
I B i-
appear,,, i i March . o hf the
.,.;,. . ,., arsons. S. Par.
cay of March U lands of W. U. Chapman, on u. sous i Sons.
Jay of M the of i
M. la appointed Registrar , and or demur to the on the South by the land U F
the Registration the plaint U
i ,., Thursday. March of the curt 11- Said laud sold to
Man i ch will he j sold mortgage.
the purpose of ; the found filed in the of
Mow To Give Quinine To Children.
of sail Bethel T
This the day of February 1915.
S. A.
of Board of com. of I
This February
of Superior Court
calls are the
surest method of in wheat
your loss as
absolutely limited to the
bought. No further
y the most way
I can b. y
puts or lb calls on bushel
for or can buy hot
tor It'll or as many more as you wish
An advance or decline of cent
chance to take
a u at cent profit.
full and
. w.
Address all mail to Box
an entitled as b en
in the Supreme Court of
County for the purpose of CM-
J. B. Mortgagees an alleged lien of
HANK OF Owners certain tract of land
F James i Bob,
By of i i
.,, i, I i, W. H.
Jr. Jo i; dale
. .
. day
in the own of Greenville, on the
i nor of Pitt Streets,
action being based upon a
alleged to have bet-n rendered in
of F it. a
to a
I show a set
. I th
I took F O rd la
for a i i.
exhausted l .
a half a boll I the
Try it
u Crawl . and to
ten I r parcel laud owned
Mini k.
of the power u Of C, B t J
. la a certain mortgage lead j J and i- i
and i at s t i la be I part i I the beam
to wilt of the said f, Par and
. t . . March U m Is for the purpose
, . the said lands
Data the tor Uta j , ; n t and .
will expose to public
the court door, in And you are hereby i
Villa, c to r on PP i r Judge our
the Brat day Of March lot Court, at a Court to bi Id tot
p. m a tract or of Pitt, at Court
land lying and being in in On i He, on the second
Pi r . by all
act to not ;., -1
it Hid n n k w is
i cannot , , X C and de the Monday of March, it
I i t I I I II. I I I Dam Town-
o in Ti
A the you r. I r; f
,,. He, b PI i
of power vested in me t
that Deed of Trust executed to me-
by W. c Smith, and record in Mm
Office of the Register of Heeds for
County, Book at I
shall sell at public auction to
l bidder for cash at the Court
House door in tin- Ml
day of March. at U o'clock H
the of real
, Mate l t I and situate
Township, county of MM
and of Carolina,
Twelve on that r
part of laud formerly owned o
Mrs. Al . son, and fully
in Map I. i
the Register of Deeds
i and I d and
. res
I nary
Albion Ally
i- IS
with price and lumber to P.
County, North Carolina ail
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out Equipped
with thumb screws, so. that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable Will last for years.
At Dealers Everywhere
D. C
N. C
, V
,. ft,
la to
W, H, Jr , U
I us Situate at inn 15th, day of March
near Town Bethel and waver or demur to the
mi as the lauds formerly owned has been riled In office
I Andrews and Margaret Andrew; Clerk of Superior and
. a being t. ti both further I u II I
. ; I to answer or den i
On the , the I n bed
la th, I and pi be a to
i B W. Andrews Court tor relief I In lbs
land, on South by land
j. and on the by the Beth i.,
i de Sup t
and road.
of Carson hi B i tin
of ii try
Superior Court.
I PHI In a special ,, ,,,,. ,
k entitled I, et j d mortgage i b of
W P i ,
of I decided to
advice, although I did not nave
Hushes Would Die, But
Coe Helped Him to
Una place, Mr. A. J.
at was down
trouble for five years, and
would have sick headache so bad, at
times, that I thought surely I would die.
I tut they
did seem lo do me any good.
I so bad, I not eat or sleep,
and all in blends, except one, thought I
would die. lie advised me to tr
and quit
any confidence In it
I have now been taking
re months, and it has cured me
haven't had those sick headaches
since I began using it,
I am so thankful what Back
has done for
has been
a very valuable medicine for de-
Will OP
day of 1915 at I
of 1- M expose lo public sale lie
the Court door in Ore
N c . the
tract of land.
Lying and in Greenville Town-
ship, adjoining the lands of Charles
Spell, Bertha Evans Allan Move Tom
r and rs acres
more or leas and known as Mill
Tract conveyed to Carolina and
la Clark ; of
of sale ball
payable In ,. ., from
of sale, soured mortgage on the
This sale is mail,, for the purpose of
division among plaintiffs and defend-
named in
above d
ThU the day of February.
This the of January 1915.
Julius Brown
virtue of power contained in
a dead trust executed and
by William Best In t, I allies h
Sun. Trustees, on the i-th l
August, 1909, which deed of -a
i. corded in of the Register
of Heeds of Pitt county in K
the d will II lo-
i door In
H, d u
liar i ii i
urine of power sale con
mined in a certain mortgage dead
and delivered by T,
and wife J Carson to The Bi
and Trust Company on
T day Of April and duly recorded
in the Pitt County Registry in Book
SALE page the will OX
MULL tO sale. Court
N c to Me
Two and half miles from bidder, on Monday March i
villa, on Saturday 13th, day el j at i p. m, tract
February 1915, o'clock baton parcel of band lying and being in
the court door Bethel, . , an
we shall sell bidder, w on
ring one half and the balance
one and two years, farm kn
an the Augustus home plain
East Hide of street and
the of J It. Bunting on tie
tie, II Ford on the Fast, S
on the Winterville road t Carson on the South, being; K
Thirty Two Acres or leas pride on front and OB
Is a splendid farm about octet the repair shop stood
cleared and has a splendid residence mad to
end all necessary buildings for Cd . . J terms Of sale cash.
the farm. Title guaranteed,
I w.
Senator K. who bill II
i it in
leave fail in t It
ill I A. Lang h
u w ago on a Die our
still I to his room ,,, Co., w
He suffering u severe on partial
Ill r was I high
i night and bis i om ins not
Indebted lo company to
and and save
. hip.
I or I ind l i
u J , Thai Not Affect Th. Head
i i . and being i lot i I
land I to William Cert by n
II ., ,,,,
is composed pure, vegetable herbs, 1904, Per
contains no dangerous ingredients, an I ate description i b
acts gently, yet It can be
used by young and old, and should be I J
kept in every cheat
Get a package
Daly a quartet.
Improved much today. His many a rail to enforce the
will be sorry to bear of Mr of them,
III c vi b
ii., i re
Mint k.
virtue the power of co.-t
i certain i . it
executed delivered by John
kills and a to
I . i, I
l th P
-i Q i
the u I will expo.-
public sale before
door in , to
eat bidder Monday Oral
of Man b 12-M p. m,.
or parcel of land or
lots of land lying and being in
Town of Bethel, County, N C
and i follows. Doing lo,
numbers ., and II described
certain map made by V. I. n
and recorded in Hook page
of tin- County Registry, and
same lots deeded to said Job
by deed from II. J. Crime
and others by deed dated Jan. I
and recorded In Book pages
and of county
which reference s hereby
made to said
terms of hale
. Hi.- t day of January
C. I,
Julius Ally l-28-ltd-x
Notice lo The
In order reduce my stock of
marble I Will give B reduction
prices lo those who arc interested In
tombstones, we can found
same old stand, satisfaction
Call to tee me.
I i I C
i p on January stray
r, and I spotted, no
marks, Owner can me by paying
C It.
I, A
Jan. 20th. hub
. if II . i . .
. i . nun . I . i. i , to,
of Warren row
,,, . , i,
k . v.
, . . . r, I
so., -j ii
. . II,. I. . U,.
mill. . I i, m v , CO.
kl. .
and my on Winter
Route I, one I purge con
between B and 10.00 Ii
money a for , Kinder will
be liberally led If to
Mils II
I R ,
It Weeps cold a plenty, la en-
as long as it fair.
Cure. cir
lie C ., . ho
art lit.
I. . X . ; i.
m ii
a .
is .
here for we
save everything to
Matters of Interest likes
ii by The legislative
Maker Ire Making
Hans The
es lime Very
So Par.
Weaver Chill
bill, bad been sot tor
special order noon In tin
Spelling Bee Last light Was
Very Interesting Occasion
to large Crow.
spelling bee which was given
last night at the House was
greatly enjoyed a large number
of people who wen- present In
of tie bad weather. After the crowd
had assembled the sides were
under the of Mr.
Flanagan and Prof Hoy Taylor.
Prof out the words from
the old spelling book
Some of the best spellers in
were pitted against each other
some good spelling was done. The
interesting and funniest part of
the contest the way some crack
spellers ware tripped on simple words
The first words given out were com-
easy but tho ranks began
to thin out at once, one of
British Make Successful
Air Raid on Germans in
Belgium and Drop Bombs
back In North Poland for the Ger-
Still Center el
ii listers Zone of
a. on the calendar in due course
Wearer, the maker of the
bill and one of the members of the
committee submitting a minority
port, withdrew this report. There
no argument, and no explanation.
all intents and purposes, the bill
is dead. This is not saying, however
that another bill of import but
t different form may not be Intro-
Senator Ward introduced a
yesterday morning to memorial-
North Carolina Represents-
Other words which prov
ed the undoing of the spellers were
schism, guinea,
type, Ingenious, and others. The
tit finally narrowed down to Mrs.
L, C. Arthur on Mr. Flanagan's side
and Supt and Dr.
on Prof. Taylor's side. The
contest was between the last
two gentlemen and resulted in a
for the County Superintendent.
one present reported a very
pleasant time and quite a sum
of money was raised for the Mission-
lives In to u.- their Circle which was giving tho Dee
the total receipts being As a
tor the passage of ship purchase
ill now before Congress.
Senator earnestly disclaimed
any such purpose In his resolution
it in good without
pose I that of tho good.
Tho real light In the Senate
day was on Cooper bill to
for the taking Of collections up to
limit of per cent in fees upon
on promising tin
H turned out in the round
Up that Sana or Cooper was about
t, i , one favoring Ben
Ward, n
found wrongs
up measure. I
of pernicious
lion, the it.,, t
a lo open i l tor ii
and a bill only
by it and
Senator Cooper v . i not . for
He offered fa withdraw Ola bill
r to table ii if
Ion of the it Al
any rate tali is it
look, in
directed at Cooper
but We bin
Debate on the f bill to en
net and fire
i In North Carolina d
the Home proceeding an
rived the f
not been readied i ad further con
will to today
general good time producer and fun
maker a spelling bee is bard to beat
Valentine Party.
The Fourth at the Model
School was given a valentine party
by the Third on Friday after
noon February The room
wits attractively decorated with art D
tic Valentine's which were made by
children. After a number of in
games were played on
school grounds children again
went to tho Third Grade where
were candy The
amused by
V letters to each other
Seed Prices
The prices on cotton, cotton
and seed meal
places In the State as -reported
ti.- week range from to
cents a pound for cotton. SO to Mo
i for cotton need and W It
s ton for meal
I price r id for in
of tor are expected
i Big in
in, Retirement hi
hi Accordance With The Be-
Forty British and
and seaplanes to-
the German positions at
In Belgium and,
to Ute official report, with good
Bombs were dropped on gun
passions, trawlers, and barges
official statement, concerning
sir operations of the naval
tho and
district were continue,
afternoon. Forty and
bombarded Middle-
were dropped on the
batteries on the east and west
on gun positions at Middle
on transport wagons on the
road, on the Mole
a-t the breach
staged in on th-
locks at outside
and on trawlers out
are always issued to
attacks to points of military
I and every effort Is made
flying officers avoid
on any residential portions of
Feb. the absence of
striking news from the two
battle fronts, public attention in
today centered on
blockade of the British I-
by German submarines and
lo retaliation for great Britain's
In prohibiting the carrying of food
Other Mb Protect.
Holland and Italy, like Cult -d
have protested to
her sea war zone threat and
have asked Great Britain not to mall
fro Me of neutral flags.
made to the two countries
of and which the
recaptured from them a short
time ago.
Still Retirement.
While Germans seem to have
inflicted heavy losses on the retiring around.
Russian armies military men
and the newspaper correspondents in
continue to refer to
Muscovite movement as a
retirement to the fortified line
the river which runs
and and
southwest to Fortress
Heavy fighting continues in the
and in
the Russians also are falling back
but they continue to hold the Car-
farther west and ore
offering stubborn resistance to
offensive in that
region. Here the armies are righting
In deep snow and both sides are
Some in West
Although there have been no events
outstanding importance on a
front a long official report of
British operations from November to
the beginning of February, issued
day, shows that there is more or
activity there. The report then-
has been a lot of trench in
with the Indians and British
have distinguished themselves
General French, In the report pays
high tribute to the Indians. He
the territorials have far more than
Justified the most hopes en-
of their value in the b, id
report adds that reinforcements
arriving regularly.
Government Party Took
Bat Molest.
of a surveying party from the
office of MaJ H. W. Stickle.
Suites District Engineer, sighted a
whale on the ocean bar at mouth
of the Capo Hear Friday but
they didn't g-t within a mile of
they were to
give a very clear description of It
It was reported, however, that
feet lone and ever so bU
of numbers the
office force were disposed
to treat the story with some scorn
yesterday, declaring that It was a
The doughty survey-
ors, however stuck to their guns
and maintained stoutly it was a
whale and also called attention to
the fact that it wasn't the first
has been in that vicinity.
Republicans Try To Belay Passage
But are finally Decisively
A Tell-. How the
Operation is Conducted.
London. I Correspondence of Th
Associated Press. I-A description
the soldier's monthly Is
sent from the front by a member of a
London Scottish
Yesterday we had a novel
he says. none of us ha-i
seen soap or warm water for
live weeks, we were ordered to
to a town in rear of our
and escorted to a large building. re-re
facilities had been for
In the first room we were
Result a Decided lo The
Tho Fa-ace of This Measure
Vt engross
Washington. C. Feb.
government ship purchase bill, as an
am to Week's naval am
Wary bill, was passed by the Haw
of Representatives at O'clock
morning, by a vote of to
The passage of the bill a
fourteen boar parliamentary struggle
which,, long after midnight
threatened to extend interminably be-
of a determined filibuster
by minority leader. who
yielded only after administration
leader.- decided to apply a second
special rub- to bring the fight to an
To Vote
Washington, i- C, Feb
leaders In both houses of
into sq- of ten men gross agreed tonight that the govern
villa. The n
price m note Norway,
for to a
to quo I
is for to 11.61
New Feb The
nil Denmark.
On tin- battle of Europe mill
inly of first
are taking place, especially
The German
but troops
states. n said today
has received no confirmation of r
ports that Spain bad addressed ire
on restoring order V
The r.- there woe
no material change in the Mexican
q i,
tan he of the Vt lied
i y In Mexico City, lately
attached to the legal i I
, leave o i if other
The baa informed
Brazilian it
i he will be guided by
from his own government with
to leaving, but asks him to
the attaches th
v inn leave If rs do.
Confirmatory II pal he Car
due by Villa forces
and a sternly advance OH Mexico
or so. In a second room emptied
our pockets and laid aside our
bonnets, puttees, and sporrans, a
third room we threw the our
cloths Into a heap, and then i
to the showers. There
wore two men each shower, and we
were allowed ten minutes under the
lot iii-r with a generous
laundry soap.
At tho end of ten
on to a drying i
each man a huge it I.
I as a Th, n I b-
en off to a dressing r
attendant gave us we
in the way of bra; i w r
shirts, and while o on
, side were our bad
ship bill either would
before President Wilson for hi-
signature within a few- days or dead
so tar as this Is concerned.
The House remained in session
tonight to pass the We-k-Gore bill
the amended measure la and
tomorrow the administration force-
will begin a effort to get r.
vote in Senate on the House
Amendments over th- of
a Demo-
leader spoke confidently
today the I of victory and
Pi Wilson, after . conference
with Kern, told the
bill would in-
bold Hides the Capitol, be-
war . r . t ii the Senate fell
we bad got buck P Mil be
boots and other properly. .- were
ushered into a room where S ft
barbers awaited us, When they we
through marched, and
i i Into a lea room for tea and
. Could anything be hotter
York Herald,
creditors of H II CU I- being pushed with greet vigor both I were today.
ma up
thO bin combination J in north of the lower
stores Hint fulled last Ta have evacuated Karl
received n of per fur a area in r
under terms of the and also apparently
, I and all cantered upon
Al in . ppr. hills to
necessary an extra
as i, will go to
from House Includes tho
ship purchase measure as I up i
In Senate caucus and n provision Hint
two years r the close of the
war .-hie- acquired United
States shall be over to
s,. rotary of Navy to be operated
leased for commercial purposes
the tonne of Weeks bill
ready by the Senate.
what . men would re and
ice to see is a war on
Big Demand for Horses
Montana, Feb. an-
Dillon Horse Pale, which began
today drew an unusual number
buyers from the High prices
were paid of them
era for this section. The
for horses by rove i
. th would Ilk to get
smiled to s-h the bidding rise rood- IT per cent, than COt--H
prices today. News.
i iii, the average man
bas m . of B knows a lot
rs r

the captain's boots
m . Us
Ha Boat. . . M
AU carte of J
v r
a for three
Ha, to
M talk hi o
r. and
her share
it la
I is
i .
v d I lo
too I
M of war in
various as and thereby put
out m under the pi I men
I lie people art
preparing to erect plant at Char-
for assembling cars which
are in this Mata. Tho traction
f this plant will moan quite n ad-
to industries Charlotte
will moan much for tho whole
According to recently publish.
figures there arc thirty-three counties
this state in which no person
in Income tax, or to state it in
way no person in these thirty
three counties has a gross Income
more than twelve and
loll i
. Kara year
;. hen It stops
I confronted th
., , . . . . ll tor thou
lo bring over more nun
i laborer will con
had worn.
The New Utter publishes in it.- list
mid lie moonlight schools in
Mate This list shows that
i have one or more and
the total number of schools
Ph b showing for such
i re . m
b i i v. continues to gr
. . .
i hi .
be hoard a lib mm
row by la this
ever attends
hears s hymn i
as written i this famous writer
thousand I i
long life
I re. II I is all m ire
he became I i ion .
wide . a. I. e th
Conn This th con
Iron .
at the paper guilt
i Am
n They appealed to n
ind the case bi now up for
trial cut. i i-o In
been looked forward to with a
deal Interest by the people the
state imposing array Of counsel
has bean retained by both parties
and the case will be hotly
to the end.
in the fact that Germans
.; not like the tone
the States protest there a
little that win become In-
in war with us. With
navy tied up the only thing i i
do in ease of war would lo
an army to attempt an invasion of
country which would hardly
Then the German liners now lying In
our ports would, accordingly, be on.
against such a war for
old fall Into our hands as soon as
war was declared, War with
does not seem to be as near
some would have it appear
The Board alderman some
extended the lime for
i with the line, as
provided for In Hi up to
I A II . I has been
hardly be
II ll
Advance on Supposed
Burglar Cams to an End In
Fit of
The rambling old house where Cap-
Fields and his unmarried
Martha. Hied stood back from
the road half a mile, flanked on
by the captain s broad
It happened morning In early
spring when captain had mar-
ail available help from the
neighborhood and had two hired men
besides to help g-t hie corn ground
ready and the seed planted early.
Martha had been busy since morn-
arranging a big dinner In the
old southern fashion. About ten
o'clock she loft the dinner cooking
on the big range and went upstairs to
make the beds, but came flying down
with pallid and called in stage
whispers to the girl. Go ring the big
dinner boll for the men. There Is a
burglar upstairs under daddy's bed.
Do quick and then come to
girl did as was bidden and
Martha stood at the exit to the stair-
way, ready to defend with her life If
need but prevent hit escape she
The men from the fields came
mounted on the horses with harness
Jingling, supposing that the house
must be on tire or some such dire
threatened. When told that
a man was under the bod upstairs
they determined to make short work
of and marched up. throwing
and shouting, but
the burglar refused to
Then some one moved the comforter
back and exposed a pair of the cap-
Theory That Left-Handed People Are
Manually Hat
Proved to Be Wrong.
For ages the belief hat prevailed
that left-handed are physical-
and mentally Inferior. This belief
has persisted In face of the fact that
not a few groat men, Including among
others Leonardo Vinci, have been
German scientists. declare
there Is absolutely no evidence to sup-
port the theory that some relation
exists between and
mental or physical defects, it It s
racial or family peculiarity which It
found among animals as well as
Left handedness Is often left-tided-
the entire side of the body show-
evidences of a greater develop-
on that side. In the brutes the
preponderance of one or the other
half of the body may vary according
to race. Thus tho gibbon
are a rule right-handed;
the gorilla and chimpanzee left,
In the Germany army seven
In every hundred are left-handed;
among tho school children the per-
is slightly higher. These fig-
however, are very deceptive, for
many persons who are born loft-
handed later right-handed.
The number so in Germany it
estimated per rent.
Ht virtue of the power of sale em
certain mortgage dead
. Mod and delivered by s. t. a
Local J to The
and Trust Company on the II
February 1911 and duly r.
in the Pitt in Boo-
V. page the undersigned will
pose to public sale, before the Court
House door in N. O. to lb.
highest bidder, on Monday. March I
1915 p. a certain tract or
parcel of land lying and being In Bet-
Township, County, N, C.
described as follows, At
near the Town of and
two tracts and known as the
Q, II Andrews land and both
g containing U 1-2 acres more
or less, and bounded as follows. Ml
East by what is known as the
V. Andrews laud, on the South by lb
of J. Carson. OB the West bi
the Greenville road. The
Interest of said S. T. Carson I
undivided interest or ownership, h.
purchased tho Interests of
following heirs at law; Frank A-i
Gray Andrews.
and Rosa Nelson. Sale made o sat
said mortgage I rents of sale cash
This the day of January
As receiver of the Pitt County
ion Warehouse Co. hereby give no-
that under an order of the Super-
Court Judge, that all parties who
are Indebted to said Pitt County
Warehouse Company shall pay the
i at once, or have action
ed in Court against them, and that all
parties who hold claims, or accounts
of kind against the said
County Onion Warehouse Company
hall file them with the receiver, or
attorney, within the next sixty
days, or this order will be plead as
a bar to their recovery.
This February 12th, 1915.
S. J. Everett, Attorney.
North Carolina In the Superior Court
i March
W. L. Notice
vs Publication
J Tail.
The named will
that an action entitled as above
was commenced against him on the
not day of January, by the Is-
of summons out or the Superior
Court of County, and that sail
action is brought by the
against the defendant for the non-par-
of the sum of Three Hundred
Forty Cue and Dollars, due the
Plaintiff by the on account
of non- pay moot a certain check for
said amount, given by tho defendant
to the plaintiff on the 20th day
January, 1915. and drawn on the Green-
ville A- Trust Company, of
Greenville, N, c. upon which
the defendant caused payment to
stopped, the amount thereof and the
Indebtedness evidenced thereby
now due. over and all counter
claims and set off; And the defendant
will further take notice that ho Is lo
appear at the March Term of the
riot Court of Pitt County, which con-
at the Court House Greet.-
ville. on the tad Monday after the
Monday March, and tile answer
or demur to the complaint; and h
will further take notice that It he fall
lo appear and answer or demur at
said time and place, the relief demand-
ed In the complaint will be granted.
The defendant further take no-
that a warrant of attachment was
issued from the Superior Court of Pitt
on he 21st day of January, 1915.
against all the property of the defend-
ant of every description. In Pitt
especially any and all deposits
kept and maintained by the defendant
with tho Greenville ranking A Trust
Company, which warrant It return-
able to the of Pitt Superior
Court, when and where the defendant
Is required to appear and or
the relief demanded will be granted.
i. D. COX
Clerk Superior Court.
in I
I . I
he l
hi pr v. , n
I ml l
II i- i
n material re
will th,. r alt Liquor and
habit forming drug- . ,
d by lb It eel cause more trouble ti
their use results
else can mentioned
The dog law about which so much,
boon said It was introduce.
has at last passed tho House hut not
until it had been amended. As
hill now stands seventy counties are,
under provisions but even In
which are tinder
ions the matter la made
with the county commissioners We
are glad to see that it passed
Greenville Is not ahead of House and hope It will he
other Is and it is L w binding In
a of much wonder as lo one of the counties Included
Mb a blot on an otherwise lair R , ,,
. .
. .
i . ,
of moving
tool which la located ll
b bettor bx In
about r a
i boiler lo close up tat
district than to mot tin
school. Tins seems to the right
idea and Is what be
Many people are to look upon
a segregated district a necessary
evil and laboring under this
they allow then in many
Tonic of the Open Air.
better, more
i . Hod
n sunlit ht
the wood-
i d
m i
of every ,
I . it, to
the i hi re
atom the i-
-i when the n-
i ewer
days, on
i Industry and
Is keen, t are I g ., q.
Mil their best
II n I
m I ii- Whoa
II Is too at
. tint i pro
Stray Taken
Male yearling, about one year old
no marks, color Taken up
about 1st of January Owner can gel
same by paying nil Charges. G. A
Moore, Blokes, N. c.
of lo
certain Mortgages executed to
II, Hail. Jr by
bearing date as follows date.;
recorded in
Hook A MS; and one dated
and recorded in T
iTS of County Registry, under
signed Mortgagee will, on MONDAY,
March 1916 at Noon,
before Court House in Pitt
County, sell to the highest bidder for
all of the undivided right
and Interest of the said Hazard Craw-
in the following described pro-
of the undivided right, title
interest, both personal and real is
and to all of the property, real ant
personal of the late Annie Craw
ford, mother of the said Hazard Craw
ford, the said property being situate
In County, North Carolina ant
more fully described as B--
all of his
fourth undivided Interest In both real
and property, to One
tract adjoining the lands of the
Nichols heirs. J. W. Crawford, the
lands of C T and L. .
Arthur and others, and being; known
as the Place; Also one other
tract adjoining lands of Charlie
Nichols, the heirs of the late George
Crawford and others, also all and
whatever estate, real and personal
which the C.
inherited or. may Inherit from the n-
of bit mother, the late Annie
Crawford; this conveyance con
all of entire undivided In
barest In and to all the property, real
and personal, of his mother, late
Annie E. Crawford, which he Inherit-
ed or may Inherit from her
The purpose of this sale It to
the terms of said Mortgagee above
set out and referred to.
This February 1916.
W. H. mil, Jr., Mortgagee
Try Engineer Bigamy
San Francisco, Calif. Feb.
Desmond. United States
engineer has been ordered back
to Honolulu by Federal
where he must stand trial for
bigamy. He was arrested on com-
plaint his wife, for bringing
here from Honolulu Angola
a pretty year old girl, with whom
he in Oakland
Aged Indians Entertained.
Mich., Feb.
aged Indiana who toddled about the
wigwams of their parents In tho days
when Jean
a trading station at Muskegon
In are the guests of honor In-
day of the Michigan Pioneer and His-
Society at Its annual meeting.
Judge an Winkle, who is an authority
on Indian history, had charge of tho
centurion Indians
Best Is None Too.
Scene Before the Mirror.
What these lack la
I make up in hair adorn-
grotesque Their hair
combs are made a tough wood.
and j i ed to be for one of
the feminine customs Is lo put gum
all through their hair i. keep it lo
place. A very strong comb Is needed
to get It apart, but tho women con-
to do It. and as time it
not money In they are never
In a hurry. One It not surprised to
learn that sometimes it takes a
an a week to have hair properly
Christian Herald,
Public sentiment against
such a practice would moan III death
In short order and would like lo
See such a move started In
the only way to get rid of the largo
number of worthies curt in this slue
which lire nothing more than
the Owl.
A recently a hat at
there anything theta
that might bring me Into I
trouble the Bird Protection
no. said the milliner, i
did they not belong u. tome
persisted lady.
returned the all-
liner, pleasantly, feathers are
of a bowl; and howl. I
madam, as fond he Is of
mice, i more of o cat than a bird.-
In this day and time majority of men
look for the best the market
affords in all lines.
Realizing this fact we keep our store
well stocked with
to meet the wants all men.
Greenville. N C.
, .
With tag.
Company Gives Warn-
lo Vocal students
There are few people the country
today more qualified from a stand-
point Of experience to advise
vocal students, particularly
with operatic aspirations, than Elaine
Do leading contralto
The Boston Opera Company
which comes to Whites Wed-
February 17th, In a
production of Verdi's
famous opera Miss
Do pity II.
Save boon requested to explain why
so many engaged in vocal
so few attain anything like success
Studios are tilled with aspirants,
spend time and money to say nothing
f nervous energy, In striving for th I
artistic goal and the question arises
why so few succeed. I'll toll you it.
ten percent of
dents have any just reason for as-
to vocal eminence ton poi
in is a liberal estimate and hoc
.- reason. It may
but is a deplorable not
percent of those who In-
are qualified to teach
art correctly. There is more
and humbug in voice teaching
in all the other departments if
profession combined; it is for tills
reason there ought to be laws p.-o
the incompetent from
lug voices and blasting hopes. Not
i week passes, but what I hear a
of girls sing, who are for
the operatic stage, most of them
become artists If they studied
S . in make i i
thing II you r
n given songs
when they cannot sing live tones f
111- Male with even production all
uniform vocal color. They are
upon recital to interpret music tint
th-y can neither nor Inter-
An instrumentalist
technical limitations; what
execute he
play, but a is no
limitation to his or assurance
The will tackle anything the high
H goes the better, and whose faith
Is ii that these poor deluded
led through Impassable pains
Interminable winding to And
that their labor ha- been in
rain and their hopes blasted, Hi
nothing of the money uselessly spent.
The fault lies with the
and unscrupulous teacher.
what have said
cause excitement in the habitat
but it is the truth nevertheless, it
you don't believe It, listen at some
the vocal studio doors and hear SHOO
of the wailing that is supposed
eventuate in vocal supremacy, but
which is certain to eventuate in tin-
and vocal disaster. can Only
add in words the poet
Asleep Truck When Train
Ills Head.
Early Sunday morning NorfOlK
Southern train No. struck and kill-
ed a man. Moses
whoso homo is thought to be in Wit
son. It Is not known exactly how
the accident happened. From
position the body and the wound
on the it is believed lie was
lying or silting on the end of the
cross ties, probably drunk and asleep
when the train came by and struck
him as lie raised up lo get out of the
way. train Stopped as
as the was discovered
held until a doctor had been summon-
ed. The train was allowed to pro-
after a short investigation an I
finding tho was dead.
yesterday tho coroner. Dr. J. c.
Greene, held an inquest over the body
and after a full investigation which
was concluded this morning decided
that tho killing was accidental.
Free Free
We will give to the customer buying
worth of merchandise a pair of
W. ,. Douglas Shoes. At the close of the
sale we will also give a or coat suit vain
i the customer making the
largest purchases during the sale.
Goods will be sold like
you sell Cotton now.
We are forced to sell our
goods as you are forced
to sell cotton.
Farmers Saving Sale
Friday. February th,
Feb. Tho S.
Her Jason It expert
mouth to lay. and will I
American laden with objects
Prance and Belgium for the Panama-
Pacific Exposition.
Held Trial for Pointers
Calif., Feb.
K. Armstrong Barber Junction, n
C, began today the judging the
pointers and setter In the Held which
here. The winning dogs
b, the Imposition.
One while no marks Weigh-
ed about pounds when taken up
about Nov. Owner can same
by paving expenses. Henry
horn. Box
Look listen to our tale woe,
The entire stock of goods must go.
The almighty dollar is what we trust,
And that is the thing we must have or bust.
At Five Points in Greenville, there we be
Our big stock of goods we invite you to see.
Dress Goods, Underwear, we must sell or lose.
Shoes, Hats, Cloaks, Overcoats, all been reduced.
On everything you buy you'll save,
Regardless who speak, or others say.
B. G. J. R.
One second band stationary
bus gasoline Engine horse
in good condition will sell a bar-
gain to buyer. H.
Greenville, N. C.
We are ten best make arms suck as
the L. C. Fox, Ithaca shot
fans. Marlin Winchester and Savage Rifle, Smith
Wesson Bolts and Harrington and Richardson Pistols.
We are also headquarters all of gun Shells and
Cartridges. We sell all size gun shells,
Gage, Gage Gage. Come to set
J. R. J. G
Concord, i-vi. u Ira .
with W. Patterson
wholesale grocer was Instantly
killed tins morning about
when an automobile in Which
toy, Victor W, aid
Wright Tucker wore struck the
concrete loading Into the
iii front of the residence W.
Cannon on North Union street.
machine, was driven by
and mi earning south toward the
public square when the driver for
some reason lost control of the ma-
chine and it left the street and
into the gutter for some distance be-
fore striking Hie concrete steps.
escaped injury hut Tucker
received a cut on the head.
nook was broken. The
was demolished and turned on its Bid
It is said that was drift-
and the others were
to get him home when the
is by his mother
and a sister, Miss Rattle
both Concord.
limited to lb-
Ear, Ne Throat
The Glasses
Dr. D. l. lames, green
WISH. N. Co HonOr.
oms Washington, N.
u mm
. Prank Stoic
C, -Phone
J. F.
Wine Stable
Phenol RAT
Dr. Annie L. Joyner,
son la tho
oak lo a, a. to p. at. and
Day and
A at Law
Id Third St
Practices wherever bis services are
North Carolina
Irons, Heaters, Lights
Hotel Building.
ST I'll Kit DE
sires position Greenville after
March 1st. Address
care Reflector.
subdivide land into town lots, or
farms into small tracts an
sell at auction. If you want
convert your properly into cash
and interest bearing notes, write or
wire us. Southern and
Co., B. M. Andrews, Manager.
N. C.
Attorney at Law
Land and Drainage Cases a
In office formerly occupied by
P. G. James Son.
February 20th we will Bin cotton only
on Tuesday and Friday our
near Greenville.
Oil A In
tie Warren Phone 250-J. 2-10
at Law
Edwards on lb Court
Practicing In all Court.
In Wooten on Third
grade piano worth for a For I
automobile, it slightly used
not damaged would considered
Furniture CO., Washington,
N. C.
Still With
Idle Is.
m. F.
Mr Frank
Owen Murphy
II yon plumbing work done
and want the bent work rail at.
Oar are reasonable. Giro,
a trial . work an w.
Ml m

Register of Deeds Bell has
issued licenses to the following COUP-
Ids since last report.
Leon Allen of Heaver Dan
and Minnie U Allen of
C. B. of Swift I
and Mary Vann of
Blaylock and Minn;. B
Win. I., Hadley Martin County
and Ann Carolina town-
Frank and
if Beth.-.
Henry and Mary
Pete Connor and Cora
Williams arid Beat i f
i Creek.
and Annie
Henry and Elizabeth
Harper ii Greenville p
New York. Matthew A.
Schmidt, rears old was l
here tonight as a fugitive from justice
mi an indictment found Angeles
in October, 1910, charging him with
having been Implicated in dynamiting
the Los Angeles Times building. The
arrest was made on upper
where detectives had traced him alter
search of four years.
Detective William J. Hums who a.
the officer making the
said the Indictment charges that
Schmidt was one of several men who
went with J. B. to lbs
works of the Giant Powder Company,
in California and purchased 1.000
pounds of dynamite.
Schmidt was held without bail
February to await extradition,
When arraigned before Magistrate
Hie prisoner said ho was
mechanic years old but refused i I
answer other customary
After the arraignment, however
magistrate said the man had confess-
ed tn him in his chambers
was Matthew A. as allege
in It
North Carolina Slate Depart
of Agriculture will distribute, l
all farmers the stall,
log i for all kinds pea
leans, clovers peanuts alfalfa
and so on at Aft;
against two dollars an acre charge J
by the leading commercial
handle this Pull
i or tr the seed go with
u Bi r- bottle, and all
prepaid the
culture. Only a. re size bottle
hire s o the i
nor Agriculture and b.
bend payment with your order as w
are not allowed lo send the run
receiving the of man-
which Board
has placed cents an
Agronomist Botanist In h ii
of More Thought of
Than the Man of Virtuous
A young merchant went abroad, and
after many years, having a large for-
tune, returned lo bis native land.
When ho reached home, he found
that his relations had gone to a feast
at a country house a few miles away.
He was so eager to see them that he
did not take the trouble to change his
clothes, and was wearing the things
he had used board ship coming
When he entered the large hall
where the guests were all assembled
his cousins showed very little pleasure
at the sight of him It was plain to
them that be had come back a poor
A who had
from abroad was upset
by their coolness to his master, and
must all be very bad
men to receive you so
a whispered the mer-
chant, you will see a change In
He quietly put a fine ring
on his finger, and. lo every face began
to smile, and they pressed at once
around him and called him
a simple gold ring the power
to charm people like, asked the
black servant in perplexity.
is not replied his master;
the ring Is worth a good sum, and
they guess from It that I am rich, and
riches are dearer to them than any-
deluded exclaimed the
think more of yellow
metal and a piece of glass than all
my master's virtues and loving kind-
Madison, WIs . Fen
lug wholesale house
Gould co early to-
day. Firemen are Mill fighting the
and endeavoring lo save the
properly. No estimate the
loss is obtainable
The fire has occasioned at least
damage Adjoining
Hires were threatened but ii-
do. k the Bremen had it under con-
Then was no loss life
On my farm one black h
unmarked, freight
Owner can get same by paying at
. I
Bethel, N.
English Accepted Omen and
Well Rewarded for His,
to Him. Oaring Venture.
On Sunday morning before the Derby
of a named was
awakened by his wife singing out
In her sleep. boy In
wins the old time popular
song. gave Sal a thump and
told her to shut up. and, both being
now wide awake, asked what all the
row meant.
I was on Epsom
said, a Jockey In
pass all the others, while crowd
shouted. The boy In wins the
If there's a jockey In on
Derby day, Ned, I'd put a lit on
If I was
Ned again advised her lo keep a
tongue, but the dream had its
effect on him. On the great day he
saw during the preliminary canter
that the Jockey riding was
In Merry's he
put all the money he had
lings i on the and pock-
golden sovereigns for
It was th making of him. He
bought a new horse and cart and
christened former Yellow Boy,
while Sal had reason to exult about
her Tit-Bits,
Dog Saved Lives of Family.
Extraordinary sagacity on the part
of a canal boat dog saved the lives
of a family of three on board at mid-
night. were asleep in their
cabin bunks on a barge lying off
Wheelock. near lo Ches-
hire, England, when the man In charge
of the boat. John Meredith, was
by the animal springing on the
bed and harking. Meredith, In a
somnolent stale, knocked the animal
off, but In doing so discovered there
was a big rush of water, and that the
boat was fast sinking. The terrified
man aroused his wife and child, and
the three only Just managed to
scramble from cabin and gain the
embankment when the boat sank,
b, compelled to wade
through water which was up to his
with the child in his arms
Is that the foundering was
due to a heavy load of Iron bars,
which caused a portion of bottom
of the barge to give way. Hundreds
of parsons visited tin spot to see the
bed clothing pots, pans, and other
domestic articles floating on the
Lat-r the boat was raised after
her cargo had been removed.
Accounted for Bad Luck.
When the moon for
the first time they lay you should turn
the money in your pot Hut it is
no good doing so If you see It through
This means a month of bad luck for
you, and an Instance of this belief
was given other day, when a bur-
who appeared before the bench
attributed his capture to the fact that
he had caught a glimpse of the new
moon through window of the shop
where he was plying his
exciting trade
Curiously enough, he got
Troubles of a
In a town the local fore
caster of the weather was so often
wrong that his predictions became, a
standing joke, to his no small annoy-
for he was sensitive At
length, In despair of living down his
reputation, be asked headquarters to
transfer him to another station.
A brief correspondence
headquarters, you
wish to be
the forecaster
replied, climate doesn't agree
with me.
T Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
at Government Call Oct. 31st
THE LARGEST In This Section.
Deposit Your Money with This
Bank For Safekeeping.
Rocky Feb IS-Notices arc
today being forwarded lo the pas-
tors of the Roanoke Baptist
calling attention to the fact that
there will be held in this city a pat-
conference on February
Plans have been completed
this meeting the sessions of which
will in- at o'clock at the
V. If, C. A. while at o'clock the
visitors will the guests of
First Baptist church at a
Which is to be served in the V. M. C.
A. banquet hall.
While the sessions Hill be
ed about oil o'clock the same
noon there has already been
ed a program of addresses, one of
which will be by Rev. C. G.
who will speak from the topic
of Our Denominational
Tampa, Florida
New Orleans, Mobile and
Tickets will be sold for the
above occasions from Greenville
on February
at fares named below,
by the
The Standard Railroad of South
When Greenville Show a Way.
There can be no reason why any
reader of this who suffers the tor-
of an aching back, the annoy-
of urinary disorders, the pains
and dangers of kidney ills will fall to
heed the words of a neighbor who
has found relief. Read what a Green-
ville citizen
Mrs. A. Jenkins,
St., Greenville, three
years ago my kidneys began to give
me trouble. My back ached all the
time and I bad headaches,
which objects floated before my
eyes. I was restless during the night
and had to get out or bed and sit up to
rest my back. The cold settled
on my kidneys. The secretions from
my kidneys were too frequent in pas-
sage and annoyed me considerably
Seeing Kidney Pills recommend
ed In the papers, I procured a supply
at Bryan's Drug Store. This medicine
proved of great benefit, strengthening
my back and the other
of kidney
Price at all dealers. Don't
Simply ask for a kidney
Kidney same that
lira. Jenkins bad.
Co., Props, Buffalo, N. T.
have a look ear
and Beget.
They are richly in
bet seasoned weds,
ill please the i
particular crank a
Oar are
attraction t.
wish Parlor and Dining
I. bate air
any whatever la the
I Carpels
here save
-me net while securing
Hie best.
Taft Vandyke
Evans Street.
Greenville, N. C.
or Is a which should
have tie careful thought of
builder. If have decided to boll
this spring, are with
your system.
I Is
before we will gladly
give the our es-
In this matter.
S. T. THE Plumber.
Tampa, Florida
New La .,
Mobile. Ala. .
Pensacola, Fla .
Tickets will be limited, at time of
purchase to February 26th, but an
extension of final return limit U,
March 15th may be obtained by de-
positing tickets prior to expiration
and payment of
For Schedules, reservation, etc., la-
quire of Atlantic Coast Line Tic-
Agents, or Address,
T. C. WHITE, .
Passenger Agent
W. J.
Passenger Traffic Manager.
Wilmington, N. C.
wheat, Hominy, Pan-
cake Flour, Oatmeal,
Quakers Corn Flakes,
Post Post
Nuts, Instant
Cereal, Hour,
Self-rising Flour, Con-
S. M.
Touring Cam O. B.
F. O. a. Detroit.
We hare hand Ford
Can, as new, for sale cheap.
Ford Supply Co,
Greenville, N. C.
Strawberry Plants
Plant them now, M
Cat Flowers design ea
short Orders taken fur
Trees, Tines, Boss Bashes,
Pansy Plants, and
Notice Farmers
suffer when you can relieve
and cure yourself
And you don't have to use a
either Balm Is
the private prescription of a highly
successful who discovered
that practically all pains, aches and
disorders were caused by congestion
and inflammation. Mental Balm re-
congestion and Inflammation
and Is therefore a sure relief for
Croup. Neuralgia. Pneumonia, Sore
Throat, Headache, Earache.
Soreness and Stiffness, Pleurisy,
Coughs, Rheumatism, and
all other troubles due to congestion
and inflammation. It-
put up according to this physician's
directions In the Nixon Laboratory
II is now on sale at cents a bottle
only the store of Morris Las-
Greenville., N. C, a bottle
while supply lasts, instead of
SI or for u doctor's
Be sure It's Nixon's
Balm. externally
This i mi Hull Tractor Is what Herd Farm It
I, P liar, do work
or operated It pulls Plows,
Drills, Discs, and grinds feed Saws Cotton, or m
Stationary Work on Price of Ibis Trader is
Practically Price one goad mule I O II Factory, will cost
Johnston, Porter Peck,
Farmville, N. G.
for Pill and Greene
Markets by
Feb Wheat 1.69 1-2 I I
May Wheat 1.84 1-8 1.35
Feb. Corn 1-8 M B
May Corn M 1-4 3-1
Feb. Lard 10.80
May Lard 10.99 11.2.
Feb. Ribs
Flowers For All Occasions.
We grow them. Roses, Violets, Val-
and Carnations a specialty. Wed-
ding Funeral flowers arranged ii.
the latest artistic styles.
Pol Plants
Ferns, Palms and many other nice
plants or the Write to our
Spring Price List of Rose bushes,
Shrubberies, Hedge Plains.
and Shade Trees.
R is
Mail, telegraph
promptly executed by J. L.
CO. Florist, Raleigh, N. C.
Store Greenhouse
Norfolk Southern
bouts of
la .
N. follows
published as
are not
a. m. dally,
Pullman slaving en ti
a. m. for
Parser Oar t
Norfolk- for all
North West.
p. m. dally,
a. m. dally for
and West. Panama Om
Connects North, Most
and Went-
a. m. daily, lad
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects sag
all points.
p. m. dally for Raleigh and
For farther and cases
ration In Bleeping Oars, t B.
L. Agent, N,
J. D.
When you want an automobile or
country or town call. THE
t W. J. Turn-
age and R. Ii, Day Phone it.
Night phone or
Seed Potatoes ;
We have FOR SALE select home-
grown Red Bliss Potatoes for planting
Leave your orders promptly.
Moseley Bros
m n
i- and Heard as Hi. of the
. Myth That Surrounds Hie
Cupid was his
night and Mr of
lies record of an I
and Hiss Mar. cop , ,
ed way Tubal, for of
of Joe B. Pittman la of
large quantities of the precious
Crock where the word said we copper
mad.- two hearts beat an found In the gravel, as often happens
Just received a ton of dynamite,
regions. The gold In copper ores,
and CD cent, get .,, a c e and containing Insignificant
blow stumps, dig ditches and reset amounts of the precious metal, ac-
trees. J R B. cumulates In the course of ages, and
sometimes forms placers of astonish
Mr. T. Cannon tells us be richness.
mads a haul at bis h last The ancient washed the
gravel, first by booming.
Mi- Herbert of
ho has been visiting relatives here
returned home Monday.
Mr. J. It. Smith of was In
town Tuesday afternoon business
We still have a few quarts of
liquid smoke, it is Killing fast see us
ft is all gone, Forrest
We have a nice line of good
vi. pants, pants that will stand
rough work Harrington, k
Rev J. C of Ayden
hit regular appointment at tho
Will Baptist Church here Sunday.
The B. Y. P. U. of the
ville church rendered a fine
Sunday evening, based on
23rd, I'm in.
Now is the time to blow your
lumps out of your fields before you
commence plowing. See us for
A. W. Ange Co.
Come to see us If it is beef,
fish, or oysters that you want. We
have them. C. Vincent Co.
Mrs. A. G. Cox continues to
prove we are glad to announce.
Misses Lela Bryan and Clyde
of Grifton visited Mrs. C. T.
Cog here Saturday and Sunday.
Shoes shoes, shoes we have them
both dress and work shoes that will
please you. Harrington, Harbor
Remember that B. D. Forrest Co
him meat salt fine and coarse come
o see us if it is Bait that you want
Mr. Carrol who has bee
ill for several days is able to be out
again we are glad to note.
We have just received a nice line
hots and caps for spring and sun-
wear. We are also making a
of tobacco cloth come t
Ma A. W. Ange Co.
Miss Sadie a indent of Wm-
High left here for her
.- in evening
account of sickness
We ha some nice .-.-- I h
. . h i to bad Vim
a Co
Mr w Wyatt left here
for Florida where ho was
lo his bro-
They Teach Children the Spirit
Mrs. P. Says.
Mrs. Charlotte Perkins WU
the speaker at a Cooper Union meet-
on In nor-
advancement of the world,
i aid, the next step is world
is noble in hundreds of thou-
sands killing each oilier in a
she asked, Raleigh has not prevented
war. is new, but the i
of patriotism is old.
must stop giving our children
war toys and telling them war
The the great crimes and
robberies of history must end if we
arc to have an enlightened race. They
Keep up the war spirit in children. I
say It ruthlessly deteriorates a child
to teach him these
k which netted him pounds
We predict for the fishermen small amounts of sand. This
to make money this season as was then collected and washed through
. . , . sluices having the bottoms lined
has been so much rain which raised The gold would
the and gave the smaller ,; ,, wool, while tho sand would be
Of W I. I
the count of Pitt, M i i
all p.-rs,.
. d to present the
administratrix on or to-
fore the 12th day of
notice will be plead in bar of re-
All persons indebted the
said estate will please make
This February 1816
Harding Pierce Attorneys
Sores wont
cured In, . old reliable
tun M
a chance.
Mrs. James and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry C. spent Sun-
washed away In the swift current.
The were removed from the
sluices, the coarsest gold shaken out,
and the fleeces, still with
evening visiting the family the yellow metal, were hung upon
I boughs to dry that the reel of the
Mr. W. B, Hooks. t,, be and
The man who refused to work The early Greek wit
this process, carried home
Men Pennsylvania Town in Panic
Over Embraces.
This village, which la back of
is being by what Is
either a the or a man
dressed in women's clothes, who
, ii. several men late at night.
The township police are In-
statements of William
son, James and Samuel
Miller, all of who declared the
woman, or whatever It was, had
ed them. They are working on the
theory that the woman may be
ed and have wandered away from an
insane asylum or
The story of three men
other residents of the vicinity
one about the last year if
the ghost, a phenomenon
worried the hamlet for some time.
At any the the Hugger
ran run. and some who have met
have be. put it to elude the
creature, Dispatch
week on account of the weather
should be tried for contempt
having so much bad weather.
The many friends of Mr. W. K
Hart will rejoice to know that he
recovered so as to be able to leave
bis bed his nurse has been dis-
missed ,
Rev. Mr. Griffith held service at
St. Johns last Sunday evening,
from Ayden attended.
It was our pleasure a few days ago
to visit tho silo of Mr.
and see a herd of fine steer
appear, inly ready for the market, and
fine ones they were. It Is a real plea-
sure to ride through Swift Creek
Township and talk to tho farmers
and see their live stock. We see fro
the Free Press that there will be a
Fair in Kinston next year, or tills
fall, and we are beginning to bet
Swift Creek in Pitt County carrying
off some blue ribbon.
Mr. H. T. Smith of la
spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs.
T. Cannon.
We were glad to shake the hand if
Mr. W. S. on our streets last
week. He lives near Greenville hut
says he likes dearly to come to
den and renew old acquaintance
tales of the wonderful riches of a laud
where a race of miners Lung
ill vi-
Smithtown, Feb. Hr Joe
who Is practicing medicine in a hos-
In New York Is home on a
Miss Trilby Smith of B. T. T.
S. is on a visit to her parents, Mr
Lillie I
The shoo nag
take notice
That an entitled above
commenced in the Superior Court
I'm County on day of
to procure a divorce for
causes let forth in the
in Hie office or the clerk of
And the defendant will
farther notice that ha Is required t
. pp. the March Term of the tin
parlor Court of said Stale County
to be held Of the third Monday of
March being the 16th, day
of at Court House of the say
county in Greenville, N. C, and
to complaint In
or the plaintiff will apply to the
for relief demanded In said complaint
Tins the day of 1911.
J. D. COX.
Clerk of the Superior Court
golden fleeces upon the trees Mrs. Ivy Smith
grove of Ares.
After so many millenniums tho
metalliferous of
Is once more coining into
The natives still cull the high-grade
copper ore, and break It Into smalls,
which they cover with wood and roast
to matte; they still work the In
furnaces to black copper,
which they ship to and
to ports. They still make the
famous carbonized Iron that
as Damascus steel because It
was distributed through this mart to
the rest of the world after receiving a
finish by local workmen.
These decadent methods, that give
a hint of the approved practice of the
father of metallurgy, will Boon become
wholly extinct, for the modern miner
Is studying the disseminated copper
ores of the Black sea coast, and
threatening to rekindle on a
cent scale the smoldering tires of
Youngster Couldn't Bee Reason Why
Should Ask Him for the
Location of Her Room.
A teacher In an uptown school
came downstairs from her room and
discovered. Just as she reached the
front that she had forgotten
her rubbers.
The streets were slushy, and she
turned back to get forgotten foot-
Mr and Mrs. of Farm-
ville spent Sunday In our town,
Mr. of Win
spent Sunday with his
Mr. C B.
Wedding bolls will ring in this
neighborhood Wednesday afternoon at
four o'clock.
Mr. Gardner of Farmville spent
Sunday afternoon In town.
In the will be present-
ed at Smith's school
night February 19th. The public Is
Invited to come.
The Sunday school at tho Christian
church Is on a boom, the attendance
Is fine and we have a splendid class
of young men.
A of young people drove over
to blue banks Sunday afternoon to
while the hours the visiting
young ladies were Misses
and Atkins.
The telephone demand so great
they are trying to get another line
run from Greenville to Arthur hut
have not received much
about getting as yet.
while here purchased two of wear. As she reached foot of
of large the stairway noticed a boy com-
MAKE A 1.01111
On.- America's brainiest men
of the
University, said that senators tram
section were
thinkers than from localities
tobacco chewing is less general
want suggest chewing
leads to ruminate habits If a
man stops long enough between
to chew, he is more likely to
have opinions are Weight UH
if he
a Candidate
Raleigh h I
v hi
. . hazard Is
. I
h name been In in
and more. The pr
the d
statement, but
so t are rot an
are from his home Ami y
agreed that the
and their
fellow citizen of Nash
The lieutenant has
campaign points. He is big
really a farmer who I made a b I
access of digging in the ground,
is of the largest
in the and as a manufacturer
mad BO fortune. Ho
owns Mount cotton oil
mills are not In the nil
has had alliance with the great
said he had a lot
stumps in his Held badly in his
and wanted to get rid of them.
has made a success farming and It ii
a treat to In him talk.
Mr. W. was
the streets Monday a
mole trap that be had
with It, ; times would .
high as lour before he moved II y
ii sure on ti i i h.
pit oil of ii. . ,
.; .,
i . . Wu I
i i v. A lib i bull
,, n short
u, are telling on oar
I.-1 tor or at a. I
being offered for that,
down. She recognized
one of the backward pupils who re-
How's This
offer One Hundred
Reward for any COM of Catarrh
special attention In a class by I that cannot Le Hall's
themselves. She decided to ask him
to get the rubbers.
called, you know
where my room
He bar,
I he mumbled.
Then he turned round and ran up
Stairs. lie didn't stop running j acting
i i, schoolroom and
mi M Lot
p some
. ii Miss
ii mean,
Catarrh Cure
p, J. A Toted. O
We, the known W a
for Hie years,
perfectly In business
transactions and aW earn
out any mod. by
Hall's I'm- l taken On,
y i. and i
cons nun
lent per B.
; Druggists
On Sunday evening the Y. W
C. A. of the Training School
conducted by Professor H.
Austin, who took an his subject
be made an earnest to
dents through the application of law
parable of ten talents, and ea
through the services the strong
peal for the higher type of
was felt
DB. F.
Healer who Is knows
as the World's Wonder, who la re
ported lo The Reflector to cure
kinds of aches and pains, Blue
any disease by amply
bis hand over the body and
relieving pains and in proper time
Cures or benefits. Ills
are in Mount, E. Thomas
street. is here in Greenville lo-
at Herbert Edwards, the colored
barber's house, Clark street, Sat-
Monday Tuesday and
days. Consult him regardless of race
or color. Terms reasonable. He
to do Office
hours u in to p. B.
free Ho has testimonials from
a number of prominent white and
people from all r Stale
i Carolina and North
.,, i on. a this
This been
out In a series of mil-resting
of Picnic Twist
Tobacco that is now appearing In
newspapers of this section.
The advertising that is making this
already popular brand still better
known and liked, features tho various
well-known types of men who
solace an aid to clear thinking in
u good chew of tobacco.
The A Myers Tobacco Com-
makers of Twill Chew-
Tobacco, express themselves as
extremely will pleased with the re-
their is getting
lulled Temperance
The Commission on Temperance
the Federal Council of the
of Christ In America recently held t
meeting at Washington at
plans were made for a Nation-wide
Temperance Campaign in which all
the thirty denominations of the Fed-
Council, through their Temper
Committees, shall unite. The
Commission on hopes
thus to widen the activities of the
International Federation lo who,
work it has practically succeeded
A lot of Manure. Apply
J. C
The Mel
long ago rainy
weather i lost for the
road in years has i i
i, ., long, n ti
II was
nous teal certain kinds roam
have been constructed this
and in man cases routs
gave was ii
ed waste and folly MS
manner of constructing
roads, leaving only one reasonable
practical method to follow in road
construction, the building as near
road beds as possible. Th
adopts this method
bettor it will be for the
Says the Florida Times
Germans hold one-twenty
of France, or one-twenty-seventh
of France holds the Germans;
one of the colored gentleman
v ho, Batching a catfish big that H
pulled him overboard, came up
and yelling. Ah
know am, is nigger a or
Is fish a Richmond
be know
. i
I i i
Ch v- land
bad I
and of
i, Even as a child be had be. u a
truthful little fellow, and this
did not it him when be came
l . in which Is queer, as
things go.
so happened that was on one
iv haled before the bench
charged with poaching It was a mis-
take on the part the police,
I wan Indignant, quivering with
rage, he denied be ever, on
this or any other occasion, shot a bird
out season bl I aging
I say protested the mag-
you mean to tell ma you
have never TOW life poached
Yes. I do, James,
with conviction. In my Ufa
have shot a bird that I hadn't a right
except once, and that was
a rabbit what clumped the head
with a
Buy your Cow Peas,
Beans and Seed Peanuts
before they go higher
The Making of a Hero.
A old was a devoted
admirer of a young middy who served
an the same warship, the
don An accident
a man overboard and a gallant
by one of the lieutenants, which
brought a letter of
from admiralty,
a thing to get a letter like
said the old tar to hie young
friend. ought to have
-Wall, have to wait my
the middy.
said the other,
from th rigging, and you lump la
I was the reply.
you said the
I'll sow
A t h
In town would
Inhabitant, hot we are prepared
for necessary remedies
and are supplied with the freak
lock of drugs to compound
kind of a doctor's wilt.
the newest discoveries Is
drugs of description.
service Is prompt mistakes ate
unknown here.
Drug Company
Write today for a of
mot s
.,., Aft .
I v r a I . he
i I the
CO. M.

r r
. OF
of power vested
k of certain deed of
; M. wife
Williams dated January M.
U, registered to
page County Registry. will
for to highest bidder for
Monday February
a II II before Court House Door
m of Greenville, Pitt ,
N the described tracts
e parcel of land, to-wit
and being In county if
Wt, of North Carolina, near tin
of Falkland, and being lots No.
S. and on plat of land former y
by K. H. plat
an record in County Register of
Office Hap Book Number
page to which plat reference la
made, lot or parcels or
salt Is made for the purpose of
the bond in
mentioned deed of trust and
other bonds, one secured by deed
mt dated 1913 an
in Book I. page Um
secured by deed of trust, dated
80th, 1911, and recorded in
Book L-10. page All three of
deeds of trust name undersigned
the list, day of January, I
to name.
-t t- lake not
lake II sod know U la
Also adapted to adults who cannot
ringing in the bead.
a the time you for any
J ounce original package. The
blown bottle. IS cents
a h
Hut of Carolina
Pitt County.
NOTICE, is hereby that the
board of Commissioners of Pitt
at its regular session on firs;
Monday of February 1915, it being in
day of February ordered
election to be held In Bethel Township,
The said election to be held on Tues-
day Mb day of April at the
regular voting place In the town
North Carolina, for the
pose of ascertaining will of the
qualified voters in said
ship as to whether the Stock
shall be established In said
Township according to law as in such
cases made and provided. And that
M. Jones is appointed Registrar I
will have the Registration
opened on Thursday. March
and until Saturday, March 1913
for the purpose of registering the
qualified voters of said Town-
This the day of February 1915.
B A.
Chairman of of Com of Pitt Co.
t-ii law-to-max.-27.
.- s- m
far rail I
n n fir
to laM
Seventh SI, Washington. C.
Serviceable, Safe.
most reliable lantern for
A farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward
It gives a clear, strong light Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, won't leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern. Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
In Sue prior Court,
Sarah J
John C.
The defendant in this cause will
Thai summons was Issued out
of this Court on 26th day of Jan-
1918, requiring to appeal
and at the March Term
Court, relief by the
being for divorce, and he will fur-
take notice that If ho does not
appear on or before the March Term
of Court, held in Greenville on the 13th
day of March It being second Mon-
day alter first Monday of March
1915, answer or demur to the
complaint bat plaintiff will do-
of the court the
sought In the complaint, which will be
found filed In the office of this court
February 9th. 1915.
J. D. COX,
Clerk of Superior Court
By of authority and power
executed and delivered to W. H.
Jr. by Joseph Crawford bearing date
of March 16th 1914, and recorded in
Book T on page of Pitt County
Registry, the undersigned
will, on MONDAY 8th. day of March,
1915, sell to the highest bidder for
cash, by public sale, all the entire
interest of Joseph Crawford in the
land of his mother, the late Annie K
Crawford, as follows, to
of Hie entire interest of
said Joseph Crawford in and to
certain tract or parcel of land owned
by his mother in Beaver Dam Town-
ship. Pitt County, North Carolina ail
known as the Place, contain
acres or
The purpose of this sale is to
the terms of said Mortgage as above
set out and referred to.
This February 1916.
W. H. Jr.,
By virtue of the of sale con-
in a certain mortgage executed
and delivered by Paul H.
to J. R. Harvey Co., on the 7th day
of January, 1914. which
was duly recorded in office of the
Register of Deeds of Pitt County
Book the undersigned
will sell for cash before the Court
House door In Greenville, on Mon-
day, the day of 1315 the fol-
lowing described tract or parcel
laud situate in Swift Creek
and known as Lot No. in the
of the J. B. estate.
Bounded on the by the land
W. G. on the West by the
lands of W. G. on
North by the lands of Hugh
and on the South by lands of W
II containing acres,
more or less. Said land sold to
said mortgage.
This February 4th, 1916.
J. R. HARVEY, Mortgagees.
F. Q. James Son, Attorneys.
Washington. D. C.
N. C.
W. Va.
-S. C.
You Need a Tonic
There are times in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing women in its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
make a mistake In taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
I think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as as I ever did, and can cat most
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
By virtue of a decree of the Super-
Court of Pitt County In a special
proceeding entitled W. Craft, et
Frank Elks, W. P. Clark et
the will on
the 15th day of March, 1915, at th-
hour of M expose to public sale be
fore the Court House door In
N. C. the following described
tract of land,
and being in Greenville Town-
ship, adjoining Hie lands of Charles
Spell, Bertha Allan Tom
Harper and others containing acres
or loss and known Mill I
Tract conveyed to Carolina Elks and
C irk by heirs of Noah Forbes.
Terms of sale. rush,
payable in one year from date
of sale, secured iv mortgage on the
This sale is Bade purpose of
division among plaintiffs and defend-
ants named in the special proceeding
above mentioned.
This 9th day of February, 1915.
2-10-l I n
Hy virtue of the power of sale con
In a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by S. T. Carson
and wife J. Carson to
Carson on the day of March
and duly recorded In the Pitt County
Registry In Book page the
will expose to public
the Court-House door. In Green-
ville. N. C. to the highest bidder on
Monday the day of March 1916 at
p. m. a certain tract or pared
of land lying and being in Bethe
Township, Pitt County, N. C., and de-
scribed as Situate at o-
near Town of Bethel and
known the lands formerly owned by
G. H. Andrews and Margaret
and being two tracts, both
containing 1-2 acres more or less
j and bounded as On the North
j by tho Bethel and Flat Swamp road
CO the East by tho W. W. Andrews
land, on the South by the land of J.
J. Canon and on by the Beth
el and Greenville road. The
of T. Carson being Are sixths
ownership. Sale made to sat
mortgage deed, of sale
This the day of January 1915.
Julius Brown Attorney.
State Berth
of Fit.
George H. Brown, of P. B.
Deed, Annie
Green, B.
and others. Heirs at law. and dis-
of F. B,
C. Adm r of J. J. Per-
kins, Claude Bernard. Arthur
Bernard. Holeman Bernard, and
Juliette Bernard.
Henry C. and Edward
is, Successors of C. Par-
Holeman Bernard.
an action entitled as has been
commenced In the Supreme Court of
Pitt County for the purpose of en-
forcing an alleged Hen of
upon a certain tract of land situate
In the. own of Greenville, on
of Fourth Pitt Streets, said
action being baaed upon a judgment
alleged to have been rendered In fa-
of F. B. Satterthwaite, to the
of C. S. Parsons Sons, against J
J. Perkins, and which Is claimed by
plaintiffs to be a part of the home-
stead of the said J. J. Perkins; and
this action is brought for the purpose
of subjecting the said lands to sale
for the payment and
of said
And you are hereby summoned to
appear before the of our Super-
Court, at a Court be held for
the County of Pitt, at the Court House
In Greenville, on the second Monday
after the Monday of March, It be-
tho 15th, day of March 1915, and
answer or demur to the complaint
which has been filed In the office of
Clerk of Superior Court; and you
will further take notice that if you
foil to answer or demur to said com-
plaint within the time prescribed by
law, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in the
This tho 29th, day of January. 1915.
J. D. COX.
Clerk of Superior Court.
Hy virtue
I I Ml
of the power contained in
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain deed of trust
by Charles Harris and wife, Ilia
Harris on the 30th day of January.
1913 and recorded in
Pitt County the
will offer at public Bale
the highest bidder for cash before th-;
House in the town of Green-
ville, N. C. on Saturday March 13th
at M. the following describe
tracts or parcels of land,
numbers on pis;
of land formerly owned by
known as the Place
which plat is recorded in Map Hook I
page ii, County
That tract of land near
acres and bought
from F. C. by deed recorded
a deed of trust execute and delivered i W County He-
Son. on the day of I tract of land containing
Au, which of I w Falkland, and bought
recorded In o of H, OM J. as recorded
of Deeds of Pitt County In look Pitt County Re-
Page the under. will . n q gun I y.
cash before house door sale i made for the purpose
Greenville on S ,, the bond secured by
m Mar th, 1916, vi i- i
By of the power of sale con
in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by T. Canon
and wife J. Carson to Tho Bet-
Banking and Trust Company on
day of April 1913 and duly recorded
in the Pitt County Registry in Book
10-10 page the undersigned will ex-
pose to public sale, before the Court
House door in Greenville, N. C. to
highest bidder, on Monday March
1915 at p. m. a certain tract or
parcel of land lying and In the
Town of Bethel, Pitt county, N C.,
described as on
East of Main street and adjoin
lands of J. It. Bunting on the
North. O. Ford on the East. H
T. Carson on the South, being fee.
on front and same on back
and upon which the repair shop stood.
Sale to satisfy said mortgage
deed, terms of sale cash.
Julius Attorney.
and calls are the
method of trading In wheat.
in or oats Because your bi
absolutely limited to
bought No further risk.
Positively the most profitable way
of trading.
Open an account- Ton can buy
puts or calls on bushel
grain for or can buy
for or many more as you wish.
An advance or decline of cent
you the chance to take profit
A movement of S certs profit.
Write for full particulars and bank
E. W.
Address all mall to Lock Box Mat.
By of power vested in me by
that Deed of Trust executed to
by W. C. Smith, and of record In th-.
of the Register of Deeds for
County, in Hook T-10 at Page I
shall sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash at the Court
House door In the
day of March. 1916. at o'clock U
the following described parcel of
estate lying, being and situate
Greenville Township. County of Pitt
and State of North Carolina,
Farm No. Twelve on that
part of land formerly owned b
Mrs. Annie Anderson, and fully
In Map Book at of
the Register of Deeds Office for Pitt
County and containing Three and -to
This February 5th, 1915.
Albion Dunn. Atty.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage
executed and delivered by John
and wife Maggie to
L. Moore on day of
1913 and duly recorded in the Pitt
county Registry in Hook Q-10 page
the undersigned will expose to
public sale before the Court-house
door In Greenville, N. C, to the high-
est bidder, on Monday the day
of March at 12-30 p. m . a
tract or parcel of land or
lots of land lying and being in the
Town or Bethel. Pitt County, N. C,
and described as Being lots
numbers and u described on ,
certain map made by V.
and recorded in Book T-9 page
of the County Registry, and be-
same lots deeded to said
by deed from R. J Grimes
and others by deed dated Jan. 1911
and recorded Book T-9 pages EM
and of the Pitt County Registry,
to which reference Is hereby
Sale made to satisfy said mortgage
deed, terms of sale cash.
This tho day of January 1915
Julius Brown, Atty.
to The Public.
to reduce try stock of
I will give a reduction Io
prices to those who are Interested In
buying tombstones, we can be found
at same old stand, .
guaranteed. Call to see
8th the
Mid deed of trust.
of land
being In county Pit
In Town hip,
land or Warren
j and being lot
land to William Beat by is
J, others by dead dated
1901. For
i ti made to
d I f r ;
p i; JAMES I
m um, mar at. ,.
m mm U.
, b, Ur.
Atria. u W n
,. h.
This nth
February, 1911
s Trust.-e
Mr. J. A. having qualified as
receiver for the Pitt
Union Warehouse Co., wishes
serve on all parties who KM
Indebted to the company to settle
their accounts and notes, and save Ida
of a law suit to enforce the
bar tills
a resolution requesting Hie
legislature to take no action in tin-
situation and
a number of members of
local bar and the court also
signed the resolution
Judge Carter's course In the matter
The advisability of answering the
Solicitor's appeal to the people of the
slate Is being considered.
Up on January 8th stray
rod and white spotted, m
marks. Owner on p. ring
C. R.
U. A.
Jan. 1916 Simpson, N. C
and my home on
Route one Indies purse con-
bet and It
money a for Finder will
be liberally rewarded If returned to
II HI lit
. M Ml
I -1 Via ml a
Agriculture Is the JUst MM ls
m .
Russian Defeat in East
Confirmed by Late Dis-
patch From Polish City
Repeals His First
in the
in II-
of Carpathians Mountain
Per Passes
Poland, Saturday,
Berlin and London, Fell
The under Mar-
Von by hard fight-
and extraordinary marches, in-
such a striking defeat -ninth
Russian opposed to them in the re-
cent battle of the
country, that the Russian remnants
are a Quantity In the opera-
Cons now In progress. The Russians
killed and wounded in four days
tire estimated at men.
Over Russians, out of a total
engaged, are prisoners in Ger-
man hands.
The fighting has been described as
campaign in Hist
and North Poland, it is re-
here as a second
The Russians, composing the Tenth
Army, were by
Hy skillful of the
roads at his and by the sac-
of entire battalions in order to
bring off a few guns, he succeeded in
Having a greater part of his artillery
but no fewer than of his
men and already are counted
among German prisoners, while the
Russians killed and wounded In tho
four days battle and subsequent
running are estimated at 30.-
Ten Thousand Surrounded
In there could be heard
yesterday and today the sound of
from a swampy region to the
southeast, when- an isolated Russian
perhaps 10.000 strong, baa
been completely surrounded, but
Is offering resistance. Several thou-
sand more Russians probably still re-
main in small bands or
as within th.-
and Germans several
points en ill-- western front are claim-
ed by the Russians in an com-
Issued last It Is
stated that in south
-if two Austrian
were driven with the
of 1.500 prisoners, Including officers
end several machine nuns. Th-- com-
continue en the
bank of the and the ii
Isolated engagement- An encounter
of secondary importance
on the road In
which attacked Germans.
nuns of the fortress were used
actively and effectively ill the
In the district. On the
from we took after
a fierce combat. The enemy tr k the
offensive in considerable force in the
MRS. If. V.
Washington, Feb. Mrs. w. V
of Va. jumped
the elevator shaft of the
monument at a landing near the
late today, and fell to the bottom, more
than feet below. She left a note
addressed to her husband saying
was sure she could not recover from
an illness.
Her body was crushed by
the sides of the shaft on the
down, and she was dead before
inc the bottom.
The district coroner issued a l-
of death by suicide. Mrs.
farewell note left in the won
said she she was a
to her husband.
It was tho first time the
obelisk, which was opened to the pub-
In and has been visited by
millions of Americans, had been
scene of suicide.
Senate Passes Ike
Appropriation Bill With-
out Much Opposition
Washington, Without a
rote the senate today passed
the army appropriation bill
approximately 5103,000,000, while the
passed the
The only on the army bill re-
lated to action of the commit-
tee in striking out of the house bill a
provision which would prohibit the
use of stop watches and other
-ii management
in governments plats and deny
for payment of
to Senators Hughes, Mar-
line others urged restoration
the provision while Senator Root
made an tor the rewarding
ambition, Tho commute was
The house appropriation commute
completed the general
the last of all these annual supply
of congress. The estimates
covered in the hill aggregated
from which a considerable cut
was made. The bill probably will bi
reported tomorrow.
After disposing of the army
the Senate began consideration of
appropriation measure
Hood to Panama Defenses,
Washington, Feb, -To
the detail- the plans for the
of the Panama Can . V
Leonard Wood, commanding th--
till Gets Through Without Serious
Opposition After Amendment
is Adopted
l not her t Labor mil Is
id. Column Permit Women
to Vole at city Elections
-i Somewhat batter-
ed the State Highway Commission got
through the House yesterday mil
goes to the Senate for consideration
The original bill carried with it ill
appropriation of annually and
had a favorable report from both
committee on public roads and turn-
pikes and the appropriations commit-
tee but the House would hilled
the measure before they allow
such a large appropriation and the
sum was reduced to still
members refused to vote -or
amended bill but favored it- pas-
sage and it passed Its third reading
The first new county bill
was Introduced yesterday, but
it does not seem to be the
Of the Legislature to create any
ii- w counties. This bill provides hi
Neutral Boats are Sunk
Along With The Others
By German Submarines
hi hi
i In
II ed In-1 tin
when lire destroyed the Hi
lei here morning.
Several stores other buildings
near the hotel were burned. It
mated the loss will exceed
The Windsor Hotel is a small one in
the heart of the city, occupying one
the oldest buildings in Birmingham.
I the structure almost
and it. is probable
other in the debris which
is piled high in the Shell of the build-
It is not known how many p -i
pie wen in the building when the
began but police are trying to get a
check -in known been
the hotel.
Sues Widow of Trusted
Pa., Feb. .
J. Dallas, whose husband was killed
in an electric car accident, has been
substituted for him to defend the
American Boats Sunk Now dumber
two-All in
my mm ship
Nearly Which Makes t
Tells Seeing Vessel
Crippled or of Hating Seen
Them sunk
Via Loll
a in Tho German
has communicated a
to Commander Walter R
American naval attach
pointed out tho destruction a
the American Evelyn
was due t-- their
tho course prescribed by the
Admiralty to a point northwest
Feb Via London, II
of the Will sail t-. creation of Jarvis county
within a week or ten days, portions of Harnett, Sampson, Cam-
There is much difference of opinion, and Johnston It has been
-t is said, to how the troops s christened with an honored name,
is v
Raleigh. Feb. Speaker
u. Wool n la pronounced to be
today than at any time sinus
th, accident, though it is yet ton early
to determine l-e seriousness of
injuries sustained,
Dr Hubert A said when
ring which tint troops ban naked latest
doted around the woods a Wooten's condition today Is sat
between j. He a very comfortable
and the German frontier, the cup .-,, .,, i,,. more like his i
Hire is , .,, Huh- silt
accident, he result of
stationed on the Canal, and as to
whether a special department should s said to he
be created for its defense, brand.
The minimum peace garrison or th-
canal provided for in the
the general will of
regiments f
one of
one squadron u
signal company, one r -m-
puny, one ambulant-.-
Held and eighteen
of court artillery. TI t
almost to a division l
is that a phi
created for tho canal son . with -t
Major In command.
plans have been discussed War
Department for a change In
of the troop so they
would be better prepared to defend
the in an emergency.
Is stated that
,, i ,. for the purpose of gaining
brought by L. P. White, a Philadelphia
jeweler to some.
which is claimed to have been missing
from the firm's receipts while Dallas
was trusted book-keeper.
it was while the suit was being
heard that Dallas was killed, He car
insurance. By agree
of council the was con
until today, and the widow was
substituted for her husband In the
Mr Leon L. Hives runic in last
night from Henderson to spend a few
but the politics of the proposed days II
of the Sampson
Provide Home.
Mr. introduced an
Important bill which provides for a
borne tor the aged and
the counties comprising the
congressional district. It pro-
files that these shall
their count homes and
all Join together and n
home et some point.
Rives on Eighth Street
Mr B. of Edenton
is in town today.
in. The American steamer
has gun-- to the bottom off the c
man coast In the North Sea, as
suit of a mine.
At the time the disaster the Ca-
was using the route laid down
in the Herman marine Instructions.
Passenger ship
Paris, ll a m.
in A
which for past
-I been lying In the
i in wall for steam packet i
plying between France and England,
Monday night Bred a torpedo at the
steamer Victoria while was on tit
voyage from to
with a number of passengers,
seine Americans. The captain
die however, saw the wake
-----made by the torpedo and slowed
Senator Muse yesterday introduced
, tent iii i campaign m which lb
is called the
military men
not believe Pen will b-
able bring any hi troops
behind th i at i
safety which nun not
satisfactory, it Is too I
v, , , ascertain the full extent of Io plan
and he is no, at Its next nest.
danger, though he appears t- i
Into the Bi a measure which, i-
cording t-i the author, looks to to-
saving the state in
mutter printing, it the
discarding of the captions in printing
the proceeds, and regulates the print-
of the various departments to th
matters under charge of
Senator took a I
newspaper In for
railroad mileage With a bill
-1 to the payment of
on the part the new.-.
for Mi- according to tic
contract In writing between tin re
in r -i the newspaper
t its last, o t Labor.
Tin- i e no at the
was In i night, called for ox-
, in private
and i ill. forty of these
w re disposed of In about as many
hall of the
House present ii-
lost i
his vessel and the torpedo
harmlessly about feel In front
Via London, i
a. m The steamer, baa
rived here, and reports that two
.-. is have been torpedoed of Ha
One sank and the other was suppose I
it be In a sinking condition, three
trawlers standing by. The crew of the
first vessel was saved and landed. A
mine sweeper is attempting to
the other to Dover. Her crew wan
saved by a smack.
l mi
i. Davis and i i morning Speaker Em
ha Lucy
Mrs. It. I
Mr. i.
of ii are Woolen was reported n
,. Humber well No change In his condition
a Harper left this morn noted, naturally what improve
of th ling for
there may be, is very slow.
r . i i ii hi that h
t cu of the Sta
bill sight
The in- i n- s in a- I
port tin-at prejudice
Child r made its second I
on the Boor when
r who had withdrawn
the minority report of
. th i
asked that the I be token
Ions t ll h from tho unfavorable calendar and
the regular order of event. Th I
pursuant to the motion Senator
Hobgood made yesterday.
placed upon the calendar as a special
are for In k
ii upon
recommendation of
lot Revenue
Treasury today
ti i Judi a. w. of
. s Cotton future
. p t
i. iii- petition was eras
i i-
bill which regulates contracts
Fold on through

Eastern reflector, 19 February 1915
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 19, 1915
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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