Eastern reflector, 8 May 1914

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Strong and Durable
and Hail
Notice of ratios.
The undersigned qualified
administrator W. H
I'm . mm v. North
this is notify all per-
I to ex thew i
Of I b
bar I
. to
immediate payment.
. PIERCE, Alton
Smith Pollard rial
Give steady, bright light.
Easy to light Easy to
clean and Dent
smoke. Don't blow out
in the wind. Don't leak.
At dealers everywhere
D. C.
Richmond. Va.
Norfolk. V.
Charlotte. N. C.
Charleston. W. Va.
Charleston. S. C
Harriet Ross deceased, late
Count; North Carolina, this
all persons baring i I
state the said de
t. exhibit m lo the
within twelve months from this
or ibis notice will pleaded In bar
of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said I
will pleas make
April 13th 1914.
ti. A Ross
Puts are the safest and
it method or trading in
or oats. Because your loss is
lately limited to the amount
further risk.
d trading.
i a an i ml I . but
i or you can both fore
.-. i wish it
of cent
take pi
movement of cents profit.
Write full particulars and bank
K. .
t Ohio.
all mail to Lock Bog MM,
Having qualified as of
Edwards. d i at d I'm
inly. X. Is to all persons
having claims against the estate
said eased to exhibit them lo
the undersigned within twelve months
from this date, or this notice will
; jam b and S u
I id
Saved Girl's Life
want lo tell you what wonderful benefit have W
from the use of vines W
j Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky.
cert has no equal for la grippe, had
liver and stomach troubles, i firmly believe
saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles,
they went in on her, but one good dose of J
made them break out, and she no
. more trouble. I shall never be without
in my For constipation, indigestion, headache,
malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all
ailments, has proved itself a
reliable, gentle and valuable remedy.
If you suffer from any of these complaints, try k-
It is a medicine of known merit. C
J years of splendid success proves its value. Good For J
young and old. For sale everywhere. Price cents, J
. J
On i day of Hay ISM
will sell at auction before the
court house r In in
lowing n ale is mad
at th tax the town
Winterville for the year 1913 on tin
an This the day of April 1914
O. C
Mrs Bateman I lot
Wiley Downs lot
.;. F s
T l
pleaded in bar their recovery. All
persona Indebted to said estate
please Immediate payment.
This April 7th, 1914,
p. G. JAMES a SOS Any.
t T
tinned From Page Five i
i l hat a certain amount
also n out for the .
F S recalled, testified
that ah Brat of week prior i
h wan .;. Poll
bat Pollard i if hi
.- In r I
Saturday night
plied DO and at i,
Wat no a world
his honor. Thai Pollard re
he be damned if ii would
ever go before his honor, that u
he had hail a pun with him that
body would have had have I n
I out.
K i. Davis testified that he has
lived in Farmville since 1878. That
be knew reputation and
knew his general character to in
in r. and bad known
Smith and did not know him lo be a
violent and dangerous mail. Thai
about one o'clock on Saturday of
tilde Pollard in lo him a
I. w minutes. Thai Pollard told him
on the Saturday night before
Nothing is more
than to be
constantly throwing
off gas.
will atop it and at the same
time make your breath
sweet and your skin clear.
At your druggist sugar
coated or plain.
-.- I
I renter Notice
ring of H
i . late of Pin i
v Carolina, this to notify ill
p mot the s-
. deceased to present
months of Ibis date or this notice .
he pleaded n bar of their
All Indebted to said estate a
make Immediate payment. .
lb ii. of April
Notice to t
Whereas by a decree of the Superior
Of Pitt county, made by his honor
F A Daniels, Judge ling it
March term. 1914, Pitt county super-
court in that certain special ac-
entitled J. II. Tripp vs. I.
J. S. Ross was appointed
n of the firm of Tripp, Hart .-
Company and was authorized by said
decree of the court lo lake possession
collections all kinds, notes,
gages and claims of whatsoever K in
due to the firm of Tripp. Hart Com
collect the same as
as practicable.
Notice is hereby given to all per-
Indebted tr the of Tripp
Hart Company to make immediate
settlement with J. S. Ross,
ll d all persons having claims
the Arm of Tripp. Han a Company
are hi requested to file their
with said receiver. This the.
March, 1914.
n Receiver Tripp. Hart i
Make Your Own Paint
I North Carolina,
Pitt County
In the Superior Court
Publications of Summons,
U. E
Atlantic Line Rail Road Com-
New York Central and make immediate payment to This
sen River Railroad Company. Oldest day of March 1914.
Dominion Steam Ship Company R- A. WORTHINGTON
at per gal.
And j gals. Linseed to mix with it
You then make gals, of pure paint for
It's only per gal.
Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT.
Whereas, if you buy gals, of ready-for-us
CANS, you pay a gal. or
OIL. n I .,
Use a gal. any you boy, and not
made, return the paint and get ALL your y b.
J. JR. . c.
row. CO, k c
V -50
paint in
duly qualified as
tor on the estate of
ton deceased, notice is hereby given to
persons having claims said
state to present them to me properly
authenticated on or before the
day of March or this notice will
be plead in bar of their recovery. All
persons indebted to said estate will
Clyde Line Steamship Company.
The defendants. New York Central
and Hudson River Rail Road Company
and the Old Dominion Steamship
Company will take notice that an
action entitled as above, has been
commenced in the Superior Court of
Pitt County, for the collection of
damages arising by the delay In
the shipment of one certain engine
shipped to K Harriss. Greenville,
on the estate of Worth-
deceased. 3-31 Id
U Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county
as executor of the estate of E. A.
Move, Sr. deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment
to the undersigned; and all person
by Motor Co. having claims against Bald estate are
Hew York, on or about notified to present the same to the
March 3rd. 1913, by way of the New for payment on or before
York Central and Hudson River Rail-March 1915 or this notice will
road company, the Old Steam plead in the bar of recovery.
The Standard Groves Tasteless chill Tonic is ally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds
the Whole System. For Grown People and Children-
know what you art taking when you take Grove's chill
s the formula is printed on every label showing that it contains th
tonic properties QUININE and IRON. It is strong as the strong
tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It list no equal for Malaria, Chills sad p-,
Weakness, debility and toss appetite. Gives life and vigor to tine
Mothers and Pale. Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without
Relieves nervous depression low spirit. Arouses the liver to
blood A True Tonic Sure A Complete -e f,
b it. Guaranteed by your We mean it SOc
The committee of the My son. Luther
Mi judicial district has been called to i.-,. home
return. All person are
to hire him unless his an
paid to
in tomorrow for th
purpose of the time and place
to hold a convention in said district
Now Greenville deserves this
and lets our shoulder to the
wheel and see that It comes to this
ship Company and the Clyde Line
Steamship Company; and the said de-
will further take e that
they required to appear at
next term of the Superior Court of
Pitt County to be held on the 11th,
day after the 1st Monday in March,
it being the day of May. 1914, at
the Court House of said County, in
Greenville. North Carolina and ans-
or demur to the complaint of the
plaintiff in said action, or the plain-
tin will apply to the Court for the
relict demanded in said complaint.
This 11th day of April. 1914.
D. C.
Clerk Superior Court Pitt Co.
By. A. T. MOORS. D. C.
HARDING Attorneys.
This 1st day of April 1914.
of the estate of B. A.
Sr., deceased.
aid Advertise
State of North Carolina, Pitt
The undersigned having been
pointed and duly qualified as
tor of the estate of V. A. Patrick,
all persons having claims
against said estate are
to exhibit the same before me on
or before the 30th day of i
or this notice will be pleaded In
bar of their recovery. All persons In-
to said estate will please make
immediate payment This the day
of March
W. J.
Executor of the last will and
of F. A. Patrick, deceased.
N. C.
The stockholders of the Reflector
Company will be held in the office of
the company on Tuesday. May
1914, at o'clock a. n.
D. J. Jr.
has moved hat office from Old
Bow Stables to Dr.
Stables on Fourth Street Phone
Day or Night
and w.
weight about pounds, ages six or
seven. Well broke.
Greenville N. C.
law w
smith had cursed him out in the
barber shop. That Ii
had been to Greenville to see F. n
James matter that
him report it to Mr. Davis
That he was in the barber shop dis.
cussing a case which be had In tour
he n marks as in E. M
Cox's Integrity. That Smith went on
and a few minutes later Smith
returned with Cox. That Cox began
to ask what had been said about
him Thai Pollard told Smith Ii
was causing a disturbance Instead
making peace. Thai Smith
it and that Pollard said that he had
no and was helpless The wit
further testified that he
Pollard that he would him a
hearing as early as possible Thai
Pollard remarked that be was not
of Smith or any Other man
and that if he didn't get
from the board of aldermen
In would provide other means an I
that If Smith undertook lo abuse him
gain he would kill hit
Next witness H. i He
stated he In Farmville, work
on police force extra. Said he u
Smith, was home on the of mm
home about lo o'clock, left
Smith just before going home and
in- was sober.
Knew about years; sen.
reputation was had. Said that
Chief Smith was a man some
ago but of late Smiths
lion was Rood.
T. C. now mayor of
ville. that he had talked with Smith
since Christmas and Smith told It it
that Pollard was to wise to let him
catch up with him. but if they would
keep close in In hind Pollard that the.
would get him after a while for bis
gambling and Illegal business.
that Smith had quick temper and
would tight. That he knew
since he came from the army and Ilia;
his reputation was bad. That Pol-
lard had been indicted once before
for licking the preacher and was
lined and cost.
Next Henry Nichols said he knew
Smith. Said he went to the
about Christmas and saw Smith go
over toward store and heard
Smith tell Pollard that he would have
to carry on his business in a little
shape from what he was at
that time. Pollard replied that if you
don't go away from here I'll you
so you will have to stay away. That
the general reputation of Smith was
good with the exception of a few
those who had had trouble with him
and that Smith was not a bad man
but if he arrested a man he lo n
or he would club him.
C. Joyner. said he knew
Smith and Pollard and that he beard
Pollard say that if Smith came in
and around his place of business that
he would ask him out and it
he advisable for him to get away.
II. Rouse said he worked for
Said that Mr.
brought a from the Solicitor
that Pollard had better stop selling
or in other words If they were
doing any crooked business in that
store that he had better stop or they
would Investigate and that Pollard
sold bottle goods and some of it
labeled Blue Ribbon but he did not
know whether it was beer or not.
Said that had license sell
near beer. That he had seer Smith
in store and Pollard
took the labels off the Blue Ribbon
bottles an sold It as near and
that had a over hi
t re which i by
i oils p, . fa ; ii, did not
what was going on in the room
Tom Bowling he lived in
ham and that he was in
until November Thai he heard a con
venation between Smith Pol
lard and hi heard Smith I'll
In would have to stop doing so
n business or he would
take bold
mark or no
far land i or an,
on it.
fr-M booklets Ml how.
I . yon Writ it--i
St., C.
l the Basis of all
ii the all good farming. Write it
bulletin by the best authority
State on Lime on the Farm, and get price
of the lime. Don't buy earth, Hand,
etc. A will girt yon
Mr. Robert Newton said hi lived
in Farmville and he knew both
Smith and Pollard. That he had
been up the stairs of Pollard
and he had played cards in
store that they called the game
and at a small pot
would In at steak. Said be never saw
any thing stronger than beer, He also
that in- had seen jack pots u
large as more. That he saw
Smith In about minutes after hi
was shot and that Smith stated that
was shot to death but he hated to
be by a dirty coward with out
any chance to defend himself. He
stall d that In heard Smith say that
had hail some trouble with the
night. That he had
With Sam Pollard and that Mr. Co,
was the cause of it all, and Pol
lard had been talking about and
in the barber shop asked Mr. Pol
lard about it and that Pollard accused
Smith of telling Smith said hi
did tell him and that be would bad
it up. He also stated that Smith
a damn feather legged
rascal. Thai told Smith that
In was not physical aide to
and Smith replied to Pollard he
would take off his coat and tight him
fair. Pollard Smith hi
would report him a- he was
to make trouble Instead of having
pi ace.
D. R. Morgan. testified
i be had a conversation with Smith.
after the barber shop affair, in regard
in Smiths attitude toward Pollard.
That this conversation was held in
presence of few others on Monday
morning prior to homicide. That
Smith said Pollard was mad
him and he was sorry of it. for
In hated to slay In the same town
with a man he could not speak to.
. S. Williams testified that
was assistant agent E. Railroad
Co. That on Monday prior to
be received phone message from
Pollard notifying not to deliver hi.
freight to any one except his own
That on Wednesday. Smith
i down to station to
freight that he already bad set
one box on the platform when he was
told what Pollard had He then
remarked that he could get along
without it. saying that Pollard was
t- ad with him but flat he was not
mad with Collar further
testifies he remarked to Smith
a joking w p Pollard
to whip him yet and that Smith re-
plied that if Pollard wanted anything
from him that he knew where to
John that he lives
about one mile from Farmville. That
he was in Farmville on Monday night
prior to homicide. That he saw
Smith buy two cigars in
store and that at that time Pollard
Perkins were present.
II. M. Joyner testified that he was
in court when the Joyner case
was by Judge
That his recollection was that when
Chief Smith left stand he got his
hut and lilt the court room. That he
joined Smith at the court house slops
That Smith was in a good humor and
did not make any threats as to
The following witnesses were on the
stand this morning and testified as lo
the general character and reputation
cf Mr. as being bad and of
the late Chief of Police Smith as be.
I. M. W g Hilda
Messrs. B, M. J. T. Thorne.
W. J. Rasberry. J. W. Holmes, W.
h Boyce. A. J. C. A Brooks.
J. M. Wheeler, J. H. Harden, T. K.
Joyner, T. Lewis. II. S. Smith. J.
S. Smith. J. S. Smith. J. A. Mew-
born, A. Jones. Rev. C. Mash,
Clear as a
. . i
t bl
Agriculture Is the Beat M. Healthful, the Must f Ian. George u
Mil I I. V I. I
I'll I.
Charged With Murder of Preston
Lyerly and Burning Store
ti Mas I hen That I Alexander,
Who Had Use lit en Held Wax
Also Held Va
Into Trial at Ml
GREENSBORO, May 5.- Sid Finger
and Floyd Alexander, the two B
Who are charged with the murder in
the first degree of Clerk
tin of his Bar
Junction on the of b
last, were brought to this
city and placed in the County jail
sate keeping. Deputy Slier-
Frank C. of
had charge of prisoners.
Sheriff of Rowan to
this city on Monday evening and yes
morning carried Finger and
Alexander to Salisbury, where their
cases were passed upon by the grand
jury yesterday. The grand jury re.
turned true bills against both prison-
though the bill against Alexander
was not brought until after Finger
had gone before that body and told
the story of the crime.
When the true bill was brought
against Finger, Solicitor Clement or-
that Finger be carried
the grand jury and make whatever
statements lo them that he wanted to
regarding the crime. The prisoner in
fell statements to the grand jury con.
leased to being present when the
crime WM committed and he gave
which caused a true bill
murder la the first degree to be return
id Alexander.
Deputy will carry Finger to
Salisbury this morning on train No.
where today he will be placed on
trial before an county jury
charged with murder in the first de.
Alexander will remain here
Finger is tried, when, he also will
be carried to Salisbury and tried.
Joe Win
Will Fills all are material
witnesses in the case. F tiger in his
confession of the crime, which occur
red In the sheriffs office this
when the prisoner was brought her
for safe keeping implicated Maxwell.
Fitts and but all three
proved alibis.
Both Finger and Alexander have
been held in the county Jail in this
since their arrest, though it
understood that they had been car.
to the state prison farm at
Negro Woman Says She Was
Put Poison In
Conley's Food
the slate's charge that Improper i
means had been used in obtaining
evidence tending to sun th Leo
Frank, the factory superintendent,
was innocent of the murder of 14-1
Mary was made to-,
day by counsel for the defendant.
Various affidavits were ed at
Hie hearings in the Superior court
the extraordinary motion for a new
trial for Frank h the i
claimed that no intimidations,
attempted bribery, y or r
Improper means had been used in ob-
sworn mi tits.
The action Franks law
h d the conclusion of the I
showing in tin state against plea
the convicted mans
for a new trial. Notice was given that
further evidence would be Introduced
by the defense tomorrow, when, it a
expected the taking of will
concluded. Arguments of attorney
will follow.
affidavit Introduced by the
today from Anna Maude Carter, a lie
woman, charged that she hail
been approached by an unknown per
son In the county jail and asked to
put poison in the food of James Con I
the factory sweeper. The
woman said she was a prisoner at
time and that she was given consider
able freedom in the jail. Conley was
the chief witness against Frank and
was convicted as an accessory
Superior Judge Hill today Issued
an order placing Dan C.
of a national detective
. under bond for his
later before Fulton
grand jury here. Solicitor Gen-
chief of the states legal
forces in the case of Frank said that
be desired the testimony of the
in with the obtaining
of an affidavit from Rev. C. B.
dale The minister asserted that
bad beard Conley. the confess
the murder, but he later repudiated
tin statement.
The solicitor general tonight would
not say whether he contemplated ask
the grand jury To make a
investigation of methods used in ob
tabling evidence in connection with
the extraordinary motion for a n-
trial for the factory's superintendent.
Various persons have repudiated
davits and claimed undue Influence
No time has been set by
Judge Hill for hearing of argument
the verdict sentencing Frank to be
bunged. Counsel for defendant
that It was illegal, as
absent from the courtroom when
verdict was rendered.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds Bell
bas Issued licenses to the following
couples since last
John D. Carroll and Sutton
B, T. Carr and Alice
Henry Andrews and Pad-
gilt. and Fannie Page.
Watson and Lent Ann Grew
Little and Little.
The Hanks Will Close.
Next May
mortal In the three
hunks have agreed to close on that
from o'clock through the remain
of the
Old County Home Sold.
On Monday at o'clock the old
county home or better known as the
Poor House was sold at public
being bid in by Mr. H. L.
legion for At first the plot
was divided into four sections and
up for sale hut the sale was not sat
bringing a little more than
No resolution, however, was passed
by the board approving the sale but
is thought that it will be approved at
u culled mi-cling on Tuesday, May
Next Tuesday.
Again the old soldiers of the
are reminded that their annual
union this year will be held on next
Tuesday, 12th. It is hoped all
can do ho will attend as arrange
are being made to give the n
enjoyable day. i
For and Your Mother
in Honor Hay.
are more important to the country than the r.
literary man the man of
v. it.
The general object of Mother's Day Is a simultaneous r
value throughout world of the love and gratitude nun.
i and nation owe to their good mothers;
Are you us in celebrating Ibis International Honor Day
for all creeds, classes, races and Countries
The Special Object of Mother's Day is to honor and uplift moth
i and to give happiness lo lust mother who ever lived
Live this day as your mother would have you live and
Make it a day of pleasure to her through your loving thought
or or, by having hi r as your guest of
If she is not living, perhaps you can place on her
white flowers of love and fidelity, . a morbid sent meat, but in
dad recognition she to you, best mother who
In her remember tin .- V or unfortunate in
or prison, or some one else with whom a little joy
long way may set the blood In veins
think have no heart, and who may think you have none.
The affords opportunities for a mes-
sage of sympathy, brotherhood or courtesy.
Noble, mothers and other patriot women I
tie- r country's benefactors
Mothers have given the nation Its soldiers, sailors and stat
nun. but none of our many holidays honors them in a national way.
As a grateful tribute to of these patriots, let the Hag In
from home and bus house Mother's flay.
National. State, county and city heads of religious, fraternal.
patriotic and business organizations and schools are asked to of-
request observance of Mother's Day. Let there be special
exercises, or the wearing and distribution of the Mother's Day em-
The Mother's Day Movement is for all men women and children
of mother loving hearts.
Send in your name, and in honor of your mother, or the
of your children, help to make Mother's Day and Its work world
True observance of Mother's Day appeals to all social,
civil, military and religious organizations alike; to him who has
missed joy. the tender ministrations of a mother s
love, no less than to the one who has derived the elements of a
noble character from the maternal rare bestowed in
The founder of Mother's Day is Anna North
Twelfth Streets. D. S. A.
A special program is gotten out for schools. schools
and societies. Schools celebrate on Friday. Also, an official
badge for those who cannot get flowers.
State Democratic Building and Loan
Will in Raleigh Has Over
Next Month Shares In force
i a- Warren,
ml xi com
has Issued from his
at Hi the formal call tor
meeting the convention h
Raleigh June -I The
win nominate a candidate for i i i
led Senator, a candidate
corporation commissioner,
nomination of of
t and declare a par
. .
holders o Bit d
Loan held
night in the city hall. I es be.
shown n d i all.
Th. .- i pot tin
,, bas tr a
son over
es III . and i mi
about r month. This is
I t its It col and
Mr. Joshua W. Mills, who several
killed Mr.
will go on trial next Friday at Wash
Beaufort county. The
was arraigned In op n i
Monday and a of mi n
were for the box, fro
the jury will be selected. This
will no doubt attract large
as both men were well
known. Mr. Mills was bailed
alter the tragedy occurred in sum
H. Ward and i
who appeared here In the
trial have been employed as counsel
the Mills case. Mr. Ward
the defense while Mr.
appear for the prosecution
Opening Day in
READING, Pa. May six
clubs of the baseball lea-
lined up today for the opening
contests of the season. This
is the eleventh season of the league
and the i owners and managers
predict that it will he the most success
mi since Its For the open
contests Trenton at
Wilmington, at
Allen town at Rending. The
calls for a season
ending on day. ,
Are you thinking about listing your
taxes It is time, and the list
are on their jobs.
Conference of Jewish Charities.
MEMPHIS. Tenn . May
n philanthropists and so
workers from sections of the
country were present today
the opening the meeting of
the National of Jewish
Max of
presided at the session
this afternoon. Speakers to iv
heard at the subsequent session
hide Rabbi George Fox of Fort
Miss Minnie I. Low of Chico-
go, Boris D, n of Cincinnati. Dr
Pool of New York. Judge Jul
W Mack of Chicago, and
I Solomon of San Francisco A
of these will take part In the Na
Conference of charities and
which s to meet here latter
purl of the week
Subscribers are r-quested to bear
mind that Tim fleeter is now on
the cash system, and the will
tie discontinued at the expiration of
the time paid for unless renewed, lie
Mire to watch the date after your
name and renew in time to avoid miss
a paper In
can he made for any length of time
Preparing to
has been broken and tin
contractors are now waiting on mil
to the erection of
home of the lAundry on the
lot adjoining the Presbyterian church
and will be a one story building.
rm l Interest will I kepi cm tor the
attached to the making of the hold rs. Tin t present
form. In of there recent pro I. ;
muss ting. Si lions are in hand for r
and Travis will . ;
no opposition, and the ., . auditor i ad
. will be able to devote all tin . carefully h i and
lime to other business Tl if yet
I here The n I
To the Democrats of North Carol in ,. an, accurately kepi th
By author Hi State . ., ,, ;, ,,.,, , .
parts Is hereby called to meet j Tin thanks i
In the city of Carolina, I WOn to am d
on Thursday. June i. 1911 for their efficient and
o'clock noon. a ll
for States senator and
and to talk
prove the nomination of the m, several of the
Judges of the superior court, who an ,.,. , of III .
nominated by the several Judicial I both to the Individual and
districts of th- state, to decline i, received gem on
party platform and to take such praise as the best institution
action as may be deemed advisable, ville has,
One delegate and one alternate motion the entire old of
from each county for very one s wag unanimously elected
red and fifty democratic votes, and I n composed of H. A White. C T.
one delegate and one alternate for W. A. D. C Moore,
fraction over seventy-five demo-It. n. James. D. J. Whichard. B. W.
votes cast for tin j Vines. It. C.
democratic candidate for governor at Skinner, C. on. Launching-
the last gubernatorial election shall; and S. T. White.
be chosen in accordance with the
plan of organization now obtaining
This the 0th day of May. 1914.
Chairman Demo EX.
WALTER ES. BROCK, Secretary.
ILL militia
to militia organizations through
cut the country governing a. possible
of the National
were mailed to all officers H
the War Department today The in
cover particularly the
operations Incident to
and the methods securing
Under the regulations the local
United Stales disbursing officers
throughout the country would be sup
plied with funds to move the militia
by the various department quarter-
Illinois League.
III . May 6- With
games scheduled in Racine, Oshkosh.
Rockford and Menominee,
the baseball league
upon its tenth pennant
today Madison appeared at
at Oshkosh, Green Hay in
the Twin Cities and In
ford Pot the first six games
teams arc to alternate between
towns as paired, thus giving even
club three games on its home
during the first week of the season.
V Confederate
Bryan Camp
Veterans will hold their
Ion on Tuesday. May 12th Green
ville. We cordially hope nil who
can will attend Mr W
Bailey of Raleigh . I
camp on this occasion, Pinner will
b- prepared for all veterans and their
s-w-W k For
After adjournment share-
holders, the board of directors I
and re-elected the following
President. I. C.
Vice President. D. J, Whichard
Secretary and Treasurer. H A.
Attorney. it. James.
The directors also approved
applications for loans that came be.
fore the meeting.
FOR ins mi
Mr. C, B, West was ink. n la
on the train this
here he will undergo an opt n
for appendicitis. ll
Monday when Mr. West first .
ed an operation would not l-
necessary at this time, but ins
ion continued to worse until
the attending physician decided it
best to take him to a hospital at
The 10th of May falls on
this year, and the old soldiers will
have annual reunion on the fol.
lowing Tuesday. 12th. Preparations
have already begun to give a
good day and It is hoped every one of
them who can get will come.
Hon. J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh, will
he the orator and his speech do.
all who hear him.
Coast I in.
North Bound South Bound
No. .- g.-ii , a p m
No J p. m. No. C B u
Bast Hound West Bound
So t n. m. No. s. n
1- s. m. No. a. m.
No IS C p. m. No. t p. m.
to Mr and Mrs.
C s Car- a

Hi.-11-. i
Published by
m lie.
O. Editor.
one year.
Iii mouths.
rates ma; b had upon
application at the office
Tb Building comer
and streets
All cards of and resolutions
reap-cl will b charged t-r at
are as
will charged for at
per line. to lines
hut-red as second matter
august 1910 at lb post office at
Greenville, North Carolina, u
act or March II
I. r BE and tint J P, Jr., was
It seems now very certain that appointed registrar for said -i-.-
the free toll bill p. the Son.,,, lb ll w- F- Harding E. A
. , , , ., . . -on. roll hold.-r.- Judge i election
will be so dial . .,.,.,
and Hie books registration
count He will understand we -m b,. ,. Saturday May
tiring up any rights whatever la 1914, and closed at sunset on
me the talk repealing the tolls on day. June 1914. that on each Sal
baseball team for Greenville shipping through Panama Canal
period, the hooks will be
open the said store, and
all other limes as i
an. will be at I he
quite the said registrar, and all citizen
desiring to vote in l Special School
Tax Election, to be held on Tuesday,
June 1914 will be required to
l lib April 1914
if. LEWIS, Chairman
ard of County Com County.
and that it in the future if we
d i ire.- loll that we will again
an afford lo and p
for C
pass the law
r .-iii; i
n a id- on bill will
With Hie Pollard trial elided and n pas the senate by as
doing Mexico can factory a majority as that by which
m lime work m passed Mouse In addition
is lo Hi r an
gel 1-1
r lb- next
ons d. d
. of Pi
u. V . .
A i
World I
I Sin I
III be
lo John I.
having He
n ill. n i with a f
so. pi ions, I h
also R. I
not supporting nu I
Xi i Hurl Hi
. . -i new .
In in
an ill
Mm.- i
r coming
ii maul who suing I i
.-r a few I
No n i
. . in I
r boat r
In lb. i rm . d
uh trial Pollard So
Charles I. added
inn. lo Ins already splendid
lion -i pros, i . rm i
In has nevi r had a harder gel
ii on his hands In this .
and u I d
ii d him i lo
In was ii i
hut t w on
on Solicitor. I
mild hard Hod
Memorial Services
forgetful. and true always op
Muriatic and encouraging. His loss is
great Indeed. Joyner also gave
some shouting the Increase and
ii.-i. lop, in. in s. under
administration. He also
t. id Ho- help Prof.
Si nice With a Beautiful
by M. of
Memorial Baptist I
Monday night in the assembly ball lo carrying on
Carolina Teachers Training
w.-re h.-id interesting m.
i. exercises In honor of lie- late
superintendent o
his his counsel
sought in measures school
legislation, and in matters of. general
throughout the state, and
I'm county, and a member prominent all educational me I
,. the faculty the framing School
addition lo the entire school bod
were In attendance.
i the handsome oil
trail of on left
was a festoon, of beautiful
flowers Occupying seats on the slag
It II Wright, president of
the Training School, spoke of Prof.
as a member of the
He began by saying
human life contribute
. .-
II gill
lying V ma aim will
. II I
of I
I people, Waif
, .
i a roll ii
a n I . ; .
A Harvard I
word damn pi
in iii i M a
of Meetings.
As .
. Pill an
h; i authority of a meeting
i m ii I. Com-
held in
on Saturday, April I lib. I hen
voters I
re i Saturday, May
,, . ,. k. I meeting-
Ir. s. v. townships In Pitt ,
at I i lining places
r delegate
which con.
, . . mi ii Greenville
.;, Saturday, Ma; 1914, at
At . ion
be el. tin
. l ., lolls .
I'll.- number delegates to which
. . . k ion to to
. . ; on I follows
lo. oil . . .
a No.
strong In I
. ma to h;
. in i
red If i
i pp I us on II -r; I,.
ire I
but had gel ill.
on In em
in i and hard
fl Creek
hereby call upon and all
i. voters lo attend
i. x . prob , .,,, meetings, nil pi. and
Deb gates
ii. legates
Del gates
. S I
Hi 1- gates
a would n if nil lion.- l. fully represented
.;, m in I
.-. ; . r i,
ii inn
in City would
i . -.-i
In .-ii
. .
sq ill
on. log Hi. r
Poi bud hers lo ;
in. I Wow
Folks vi
n.--------- umped I
i I.-., . ere in.
i and I be In nu
Prof Houston i h m
i . . experts would d r u an
stable compound
R. ;
. a , ships, Ml
iii n we . money too I
i a p . got women I
. rot par i n
-ring, and the D v u
.-- ,. ii.
I ,, , . In-i- man a
a . in Park Row
i the Am in an n
i worth lighting for
i. in. tin l
I n n i d of bums
;, id in
i an i- i-
II their wrath The country Is Th, ,. , a
i . . lien in Sen
have . .,.
them credit A Is
i-d in the other nigh
a Texas cowboys was
in cross Hi.-
Mo- in Mi . .-
w. armed sold -r-
and i id Just
d to i. . fled In
I.-. I-1 ink A l i- ho i
ed tie court closed,
strongly entrenched himself In tin
people of Pin .
in the county convention, ll.
of April, 1914.
mil man in. i mi.
F rotary
North Carolina.
is hereby given the
Hoard of Commissioners phi
in regular meeting assembled on
the 6th of April 1914. ordered an
election to lie held in Swift Creek
township. Pitt county, North Carolina
on Tuesday June
tore, on the question or proposition
or against levying a
ii School Tax, tinny cents on
hundred dollars valuation prop
iii-. and ninety cents on the poll
Boundary lines of said District Ni
S i i
-i April Term. I
His lion V A.
We. mo tho
of i i
made rat exam i a-
fa liters have
i. us. and have reported them
Hi I; We ii.,
i -ii
it as have c. to our
In accordance with instructions,
we have inspected the convict camp,
county home, house and jail.
the offices and records Superior
I Register of the
Sheriff and Treasurer.
I; is our opinion that the convicts
are cared for, well fed and well
We recommend, how-
. the County Commission-
investigate the of
if the
in which the convicts are now
. This recommendation is
after with the sup-
the and
of health. In the
event the cages arc continued in use
we consider ii necessary that not so
many convicts be housed in one cage
as they appear to be very much
crowded. We also recommend that
mattresses be purchased for
sleeping quarters. information
comes from the superintendent of
health there i.- very sick-
among the convicts, that in a
majority of cases they even
in physical condition. We also
generate quarters lie pro-
for the sick.
The county home was visited. Con-
there were found .- a
as could be expected under ex
circumstances, the inmates of
whom there arc being well cared
for. Inasmuch as the County Com-
missioners have already purchased a
now location and arc preparing for
the en of a well equipped
building for caring fur eating
for ii. county's unfortunates in this
respect, we do deem ii necessary
to suggest any material changes
improvements. We would suggest,
however, that milk cows be
ed to provide milk for the inmates.
The offices records of Clerk of
Court, Register of Heeds, Sheriff
and Treasurer we find kepi in a
most manner we
take pleasure in commending to the
the efficient service which
these officials are rendering to
the concrete
floors of the jail be so arranged that
they can be flushed with running
as we are Informed they
cannot in- conveniently kepi clean
We recommend in accordance
with the suggestion of your honor,
were members the school Us the tide of human progress
ii. trustees and those who look par; even the kicker may Indirectly
ii the exercises other man to pull stronger. But
Herbert n Austin, of the fa. is
committee, presided the In human Hie is the one
and Introduced the speaker. Inspires
As in- school will later have pub o become, a hopeful
a memorial leaflet containing
of tin speeches, together with n
picture of Prof The Mr Wright said that be knew him
will now give only a synopsis became, president
were opened with and from day until his last day,
c. Rock, of he found him and an
Memorial church. Indefatigable worker for the in
. , . it rests school it seemed a
The program Included three
the exercises
prayer by Rev
is I- ii- d In reliable
i i Is making preparations to
notice, and ii is not believed
win attempt to maintain h In
i, mil. It longer as the real
people who hitherto
ed him III all d-
and Mi ill n w not a i I
place for him remain n when hi
once relinquishes hi. power
on- The r trial that i
. . lulu days, prolonging Hi
i I.- a over ii
Swift Creek township, that the concrete steps and the other
crumbling of the concrete
line .,; work that the the
runs .,., direction house be repaired.
phi line In concluding our duties, and ten-
with Pitt and Craven out we wish t. your
inn- I,, ., point Including the and the officers of the
lands, Powell laud-. KM-I
appreciation of th
Patrick B thence extended us
in a northern direction lo Swift
Creek, including the W. Patrick
land, then up .-aid creek lo Guru
both the patience and thence up Gum
learning a Judge, and Judge lo the Pugh lands. Including
Ids showed that hi possessed these in the Pugh lands to the west
I HI to the with the road to District line.
Number Creek, or
better known as the Hanrahan ins
in the I rial was that an
i .-a. Huerta In
I. a hear to .
i not for iv.
I ;,
all would h.
line, with
said district and district line,
And notice is further hereby
told, an entirely new registration for
was ordered and called.
Respectfully submitted,
foreman of the
has. a farm of .
than acres than
terms, if yon have on.- to sell
writ.- or see in.-, if ion mean business
i prefer buying within r, miles of rail
road, hut price air terms In
purchasing elsewhere
real joy to him to do things for
students. No task too severe, n i
duly lowly for him to perform.
As of school management be
a close vital link between them
and practice and helped keep fa
i close to problems. Asa teacher
In- look hold of the simplest
dealt with it with snap and
II- was not speculative. He
did dream out theories. He was
always working and struggling to help
others II- lived real life- He
found Ho- best in people and magnified
their weaknesses. II
as a great teacher and built I'm
songs by 111- school, on- follow
prayer, another Ml
Joyner'S address, one at the close
Mr. A Cox. chairman of PHI
county Hoard of Education, paid a
lilting tribute lo Prof. as
county superintendent Hi first knew
him as a teacher when he cam- to
and look
male academy in an old n build
then occupying the site is
now location of our splendid grad
. ,; school. Among who re.-ii
. their training In this school are
many of our business
mil nun. Two them arc
. . ii n monument in Hie hearts
now Superior I Judges, a
en be truthfully said the state
no better judges than these. Mr. Con
-i id beat days work the Hoard of
ration ever did for PHI county wan
when in I Ml, they mad- Hag
dale superintendent of
He then told of the progress I ha. a II
the school, of the county had mad-.
especially during the last fifteen years
and said that Prof. laid tin
foundation for better schools In Pitt
. that mil continue to develop Mr. Mr
through the years and ages to come .
a lining monument to his
and asked for
lion Of all teacher, school and fit I
in I his.
Ii.-i C M Rock spoke of Prof. Hag.
i as of Hi. church of which
was a i -tuber His as-
with him for three i had
shown him the real worth of the man
What Prof accomplished
others was due to hi. having taken
on the higher and sweeter
in Christianity. It was the larger and i
nobler life that made him what he
was II kept him. controlled him.
., and led him to lake part In
I'm- thing, helped others and
mankind. Ho fell that he was
b. serving God when he was doing
for his fellow man. He was
all things committed lo his trust be
cans- he possessed the spirit of th
Ir. Roy c Flanagan
as om of his pupils. II-
u.- proud Of Hi- fact he was
on- of Ins an affectionate way
Prof. had of referring n
those In his school. He told how the
school was controlled by love and
kindness than the rod. II
was indeed a companion of his
entering tilth them in their
games, touching their lives at -very
point, and was one of them In all
things. Such a teacher could but
have the love of his students and
j lasting impression for good upon
I lives
is w of
poke of Prof home life,
and the Influence upon his own Hi
during the twenty one years he
had known him Intimately. Ha spoke
tenderly and beautifully of his cum
his devotion, and his help
In- v. Joyner, suite
of Education, spoke of his
relation with Prof. In
Hi- gave a brief biographical sketch
followed a re-
, , of his stressing the pron
part In- look in educational
fair, lie had iii- Ideal count
association any county In
in dealing with ins tea. I
his people, President Wright said
he was convinced that the moat
monument to his memory
would be an endowed scholarship
would send annually lo th- Training
School, free of charge, some Pill con i
moil ii
constantly taking the
life Into lives of the
people he loved so
As for his personal relations with
Wright could not
trust himself to say much, for he feel.
his loss too keenly but he was Ir i
friend loyal and true. Hod loves
the man who loves his then
surely God loved Mr.
Mr Wright closed with a beautiful
poetic tribute breathing forth the Id i
his life Is living on, an
lion the friends ho has left behind.
President Wright has perhaps
more closely associated with Mr Hags
dale in his educational work since the
Training school established than
any other man .
Hon. -t. Bryan of
Mai.-, also expected to he one of
the speakers, lull finding he could not
collie he a biter lo Prof. II
K, Austin, chairman of the c
which read. Mr.
said that Prof. was one of
the truest and best he eve.-
knew. many years he was his
dose and loyal friend. The solemn
words is came as
a shock lo all, and In every home
iii- counts news brought a feel.
of loss. Mr. Grimes referred to
the great educational change
had come to Pitt county after Prof.
look up his as
superintendent. His of
i was a pledge of duly to his pen
and he every power
his being to Its fulfillment,
was a master organizer, and in n
most unusual degree the wonderful
fatuity of Imparting his enthusiasm to
II with whom he worked As u-
he War know-
his s
chosen work, sum the chief
characteristics of the man were b.
common sense, Ins knowledge of man.
kindness of heart and respect for the
. and opinions others. With.
a genii- and attractive
those who came close in him loved
The blast Carolina Teachers Training
owes much lo his Initiative and
in his aggressive, persistent leader
ship and work He was among the
advocate establishment, and
second to no one in bringing
the conditions and Influence that
caused the location of Institution
at Greenville.
Hood tine Smudge . Week.
Miss . Mai I h-
is his seemed and liquor came Into operation
always promptly and i, day and placed Mississippi one stop
curried out He nearer to the column states,
and Inspired others with his spirit the provisions of the law
brought best teachers into consumer In
county and had the happy faculty henceforth will be to one gal
bringing the best in those win, on whiskey and one of
worked The placing of teach other light beverage per month,
era was i-ii to him almost the consignee must certify
i He carried Joy shipment is for personal use.
with him ill his visits Io
He gave his life lo the work, and Mis J. I. and
doubtless would have lived longer ban children, visiting
i spared himself more He was n home of Mr and Mrs. H
friend most admired loved, self-
J Opinion of American Cities and That Up the Chimney I.
Civilization In Thrown Away.
wrote Sew to u a
in l . .-. ., be. ii i ; and there
Drag Harrows, Pulverizing Harrows, Com Planters,
Fertilizer Distributors, Spreaders, Chilled Flews. Tiger Red Star
Tobacco Transplanter, American Wire Fence, Galvanized Roofing Prices always lie
lowest. Come to see us anything you We carry a n k. i t-
remember our MOTTO is QUALITY
J. R. and J. G. MO YE
In ii- i ; ht world I not ii
l i . .
u j he ed like th.
moM .; i.
i.-ii i . . .
and -n III- u
. R
i , i
i i .
It I
pies I r It sill
flees l
. i .
ii i I.- and i
II -ail. a,
lacs iv
ti Is tin . the
. . . .
away, for
. .
I hen, i
exist ii
n -t e to
i. .
though he
i n pile
Male In Which
They Sleep In the by Going
Into a Rigid Trance.
One cm mi I
Insect i a Is i
t which Pro
i Schmidt of lilt i
i . if St r. . pen for th. . ii; I'll-
. . i
leer in i i
They Voting.
i n ti
have the ; i --f hi.-iii
ii. if i I .-- in -i ; ouch
bus I a i it
the same a
How to Blow a Lighted Candle
. rags
. i es
An . If
of I . iced aide
by aide with u hydro
Id. tin
. ind i i- feet Is that the
. i-. i and
ring, ii a sin I n to
motion n cam of
and is
II. laid
Established 1866.
Flanagan Line Is The Quality
during hours
rm II ii i nil
us r
Si I ii Is real i
or the in i
has as i.- f
. In one tin-.
Ill remain
ii ml .
flat i
s . ho
Financial That
Both Clay and
The men in
Its Jaws, I. -i ,. i -ii the less of n them than
side of is f half in the good old when the
i- found mi ,,. form v. i. r Hi
won d attract more on Penn
Is ii.-
take Hi- in Its i role. ii.
a j i-i h is I I. in
I t of III.
, U into the water
mini em lied l
I. ti t I f or
in ii again small ii-i
. brass band
a dancer In In bank the
other day I n in mil. joint
i. ii. . i. mid
Tin- story i- told that i i Web-
to l Will I. f
the and
thoughtful Clay,
body lie form . swim lino the , . . give me
u Duly some ii These curious little creatures have , ,. ,., n
In lulls, which use I hold u
lo to th
from I us . -1 i i the tide
The is similar in eel
being n in i-n-iii an
Inch in thickness
ii has j -I
armor mi
of the nervous system
from this
u I I ; i
of in
ii. i . .
in a a. e
plants I
Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure
We Have Oil Hand
The worst no mailer of
. I.- reliable In
. Oil, It
Urals at
Amateur Headsman.
are to
i -in as n the ages
last Ion . h took
Versus Fancies.
Richard n .-
u Join iii-r
pin . In the Isles was no later book of I. been refused
i wore two twelve publishers
i or C also
We for
ii J ill cash or notes
or put f and Solicit a continuance
Ford Supply Go.
the Young Cow.
Two Washington youngsters
i who bid taken a i art In the
were i-i
of high treason The sci was
. in Stirling, Scotland. The
time. beadsman, was masked mill wore
a bergs was nervous
man who illy that It
mi. till -l that be
. iii- compact.
the i-a o I I in
signed lb- note i a ii
secured i-
across n again Hi-
money Web
in his p
to i ii ii you suppose
Mi- v r i on that
ii baffles in-.
Clay. in- desired some me
baud n in for
I cannot at this . Ire
it is going id for tin in sent
were decapitated
visiting their father's country place The -i
in Virginia when one of ob- and tho id i was heard
I don't see how COWS cm to I -r B B I Ills
cat Do
Marie gave the question oped that ho was i .
ate consideration and then ti
suppose it's When the
cows are young mother cow keeps I still
saying to her you don't
i .- 11.1
.-I nil
N-iv Shu
Heal lovers said Mr I. h ,,, ,,,.,, ,,,. s ,.,,,, , s , i
unfortunately ,,,, . .,.
rare nowadays ,,. ,.,., ,,. , . . . . .,.
are like Mitchell III Mags
judge ii n- recommended i
friend to read The
man of the la tit ho ed
I- read n little p
so of Shelley, In
would try him.
ii lint i-ii ii Ink of said
bis friend II after ho bad
iv through i f. ii of ;
ii It I
yea I II
the hat I v
u know i- ii hen lire In ill
Greenville, N. C.
eat grass yon haw any
or doses will break
What He Left.
Residing in a Is a law-
who Is mis iii -1 ins
in will . business he II I
lung a c
for miles
A f.-n months sin-- a wealthy man
Plumbing Heating Contractor
Moved to New Store on Fourth Street
Allen's Stables
Cheerfully Given on all Work Large or
Repair Work a Specialty
Out of town work will receive our
prompt attention
Phone 385-L. Office Phone
case of Chills Fever. Colds There, was speculation s
it on the liver tho mI; mid the
. i f i j. , . i n ill lo the
better than , .,.
tripe or sicken. Price
after a few remarks
the deceased, lie i h
you i how ii
I.,, left W o mi . d
he resumed left
lie i
Mark on ii. lo i one auto
in his life lie
with n ml After lie had
. rs inn other sights
lb- friend over hero
I'll- ii- I . in in
bile ind I want
i nil In II in
I ii ii em tn a place ii hero
i i t i
t . i his ear.
ll- ii rattling rd so l -i
l n in bis
slowest drawl my pub ever
heard in- talk as a- man
the I mu la s
word Is They'd
line- i . ml I
TRY a Ton of Our
Cotton Seed Meal Feed
cheaper than c. s. meal.
Office at Carr and
Atkins Stoic
W. S.
House Painting, Interior
Paper Hanging, Shades.
New Gar-
den Seed
Flower Seed
Onion Sets
Maine Red Bliss
Seed Oats
Rape Seed
Dr. Hess Stock
Poultry Powder
The Earl
Did SI
The raised Hi- i-- with by an old Ilia lordship
emphatic his ball ,. so
It i. mi belief, l venture to
assert Ian l. there l ho s tip
a man In ever It In tho toe of Ins
done any,., to prevent deal
lion of our VII it
a rather timid henpecked look
, ., ,, ,, . ,, was n. me lord
man quietly are in real i .-
ball said .
ii Hi
My wife i- u very good
i ii- in I her told mi
n . n-1 Ill's lessons
Thu Court.
The of
States Is i ii.
political, i . ; and
above all pa l. .
the fathers of . ad
us Hi- . i ii . r ii ii- l u
our of maintain
Ins .- and In Hie of
the a lions mid clashing In-
to theory, I In ,, ,,, ,. , , ,, .
ids mil I Is an
the ml laws that are .,,,. ,, u,, ,,,
and hi ,,.,., ,., , ,,. ,.,.,
matter that Is brought up before blossom I-
hearts of Bowers
. I l U ll I
I is I I . talk,
A Golf Outrage. praise of. neighbor is by
ha -n
no in- acquaint-
grilled, --i.-i I
ed ii . ml pepper
. i slice of
cold nit i a
nun t ray.
When be found words i-
is ll Hid I'm Ins id
aid the
your love
your flan
. to
A fish
iii a school i children II
i were asked to t
Hie word
Quick as me boy gave
a you ii ,. d her II I
ii I . i
. her
to Blame
i would
ill i I ,,, i, .
i. i in i in
An us i a
stales u nil her
It is i II
one i- We ought to
sight moon
i . -I.-d her friend.
I'll ii . I i I . I It'll me ii lie
lie is I can n .-. p k .
a i i Chief Slew
I an
ran Ii the in
don of a but
i i . . hi II
ii n on the hats
i- am ii i-i i ii n es Hi-y
Pretty Rich.
the rich enough to
ford competent servants The of re
They're rich to afford , ,,,
A Hard Cat.
earn her
know was
. . I . . d
ii ii all Mi- i
does -lie
dishonest ones -1
W is a hard word I the hungry.

Seventeen Marines Killed at
Vera Cruz Being Brought
Home for Burial
N . nil
.-I. pa a I
Montana i
nil i. stood the n
. d. One one,
the tank to hall
it Hi- Montana pass, d II rough a
by A
On during Montana pi
sage o harbor over
headquarters .- halt and wan
raised again when the vessel had
an o horizon,
Ml I mis
He the Sol
average Thunder Storm
in Weal,
hall of Hi. week over moil
Mississippi to
above i
rage, and showers and
storms in the far weal the
pan of the week by the
i bureau
are the nip. n.
tare will average above the normal n
rally in the eastern and southern
states great central valleys,
said the bulletin, precipitation
during the week will local
well distributed over the central
valleys, the region n
eastern southern states
An in ow barometric
that now covers the plains states will
the Atlantic states Tuesday or I
Wednesday, tin.- depression will bi
i by showers the half
week over much of the country from
the Mississippi lo the I
i and in the gulf states
disturbance In the far we
Wednesday n will prevail
over middle west near close
the k
Foreign Used .
Veil as a Cry.
On I I I was
ailing r wore
boot Chinese sold of such a
. i l excite
led I tin
i don ii I of the
i the
Sow. I
bad en ,.
during i
I i i the blinds of
and, assembling
he i loaded I
d m- white
to It this
devil and also
mil as a sort of
warning to off the grass i open-
ed i id a , r
shots to the a i the
iii,. i j,
which was the handiest I could
think of at the moment
Whether II the Information
parted by agent, Chen, the shots or
Vale cheer I say, all
hands crowded to the other end .-f the
launch and remained at a respectful
until was reached,
to the great amusement of Chinese
captain and engineer, who, however,
bad deemed it good policy t- allow
the passengers to settle their own
disputes without interference.
Incident is to remember, but
the time I
Revolutionary by
in World's Work
L, Wilkinson Assent,
Mutual Life Insurance Co . S J.
an i my many thanks for check
I of settlement under No
Collin K, I'm her, my ton
d . out II . ;,
was within itself shows tin ;
the Mutual I. Ins . I v. i
Von are lo be commended tenting, company like the
i . , pa i, j .,. ;.,, ,
one pr tint paid on the policy,
i um,
Mutual i
and there bad I -1
u much
Candidates Cards
Large Crowds Attended The
Closing Exercises of
London Fogs, It Is
it la claimed that the business world
owes the Idea of the bank check to
nothing .-is.- iii.-m London's fogs,
These fogs in- sometimes inch
density pedestrian can see but
few feel f him. Something
over n hundred years II Is said,
the attacks of -.- m highway
men in the upon bank
messengers and going
through streets i so . their
became so fr i in of boat v
fog re n the
conduct London's
It was to
his victim, .-in, him Into Insensibility,
rob then int. the
of . ii in
or that w. .,. n.
commission of the any
assistance In the chase
In . hankers,
tradesmen others their wits to
working. with i that the bank
check was devised fur the of
Soon the highwaymen found
that a few pie. i were all
booty they wen- likely In get from a
of even a wealthy trades
man. the activities the
daylight soon to an end,
but tin- convenience of the bank check
proved so grout ii survived
only in Loudon, but was adopted
throughout the civil
All f Cards arc per
Inch per payable in
I till Till III It.
i will be a candidate for the
Treasurer of County, subject
to the a. of the Democratic
I thank the people for the
pen given in.- iii past
and it elected, promise lo give
the same service I have tried to
since l have in office.
I ii
I wist announce to friends and
the public generally that am a
candidate for the office of sheriff
Tin county subject to the art Ion of
the Democratic primary. I will
of all.
In the Democratic Voters of Fifth
At the request of Democrat from
sections of the district I here
Ly announce that will be a
in the next judicial convention for the
office of Solicitor for the Fifth Judi-
It. A.
Now Bern, N. C
For Sheriff
wish I,, announce to my friends
and the public generally that I am
for the office of sheriff of
county subject to the action of
I the Democratic primary, and will
predate the vote and help of any.
I lie Is
us is a really mm.
the furniture
here is intended u-
that purpose.
suit place yon for but
ml least See
Taft Vandyke
I Use II
I wish lo announce to my friends
I am a candidate for sheriff if
Pitt county, subject to the action
the Democratic primaries. Should I
be elected I will endeavor to serve
the people one and all to the best of
my ability I will appreciate your
vote and help.
Iron surer.
his method of announcing u
voters of Pitt county that urn a
candidate for Treasurer subject to the
of the Democratic Primary.
the vote and help of Bay friends
mil public generally, and if elect
I promise to the duties of
the to the host of my ability.
I announce to the voters of Green
township I am a
constable subject to the action of
Democratic primary and will
predate help of any
I if
To my fellow citizens of Pitt county
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the nomination for sheriff of Pitt
county subject to the action of the
Democratic primary of said county,
nominated and elected pledge myself
to make you a good officer. Thanking
one and all for their support in.
operation I am.
JNO, is.
if i N i
t I'd M,
Banking Trust
i Miss lorn
v. is
near bore.
ii is almost time i begin to i
your crop, so you better a .
Aim--- and gel one those
before are all
We an selling i i nil e -in.
raw hats, Harrington, and
Miss b n Smith was visiting Mrs.
B. T. Cox other friends
in k
For all kinds hardware .--. ll I
Porn and f have a
of cultivators and
you arc need of r
kind you mil make no mistake I i
n. K Lumber and
Mis.- Smith of
i tiling Misses e and La Rue Me
i here
When in need furniture .-
w . Ange and Co.
A new line of up to date hats and
. at Harrington, I o
Mr- ii. lei
Who , n , .- p ii-
Mr and Mrs i; . returned
In mi morning.
If it is any thing or lie
us B. ind Co has ii
Strayed One Iron gt i
Apr.; it, l
There was a crowd here
. k attending the lib
Mini. School Commencement. The
ii was in every way a sir
is a . II always is The school hi
mm a reputation for es
commencement iii-r.
a crowd hen- lo it
To persona who know sponges only
us they appear ready for sale and use
the animal as it cornea from the s.-a
would be unrecognizable, it is n solid
rather slimy, fleshy body,
In color from light grayish
low through a range t.
black in form it is cup shaped,
spheroidal or cake shaped, according
to the species, its age or the environ-
In which it grew. In general. In
appearance and consistency and the
manner in which it cuts with a knife.
a living wool sponge is not
like a piece beef liver perforated
with holes and canals. The sponge of
the market, is merely the skeleton, the
framework which gives
strength and form t-. the soft,
nous tissue of in Ins
Flies Greatest Carriers.
The mosquito implants the germ -f
malaria, and iii.-- the of
tuberculosis well other diseases,
such a, typhoid and diphtheria.
wait until the warm weather
i kill i
i now before the holdovers
begin lo prop it.-
For Sheriff.
the Democratic Voters of Pitt COM
take this method of announcing
candidacy for sheriff subject to the
Democratic primaries. Should I b
elected I will endeavor to administer
the duties of the office with prompt-
using to all. I thank
you for your support and beg to re-
main your obedient servant.
Very respectfully
Having been sleeted Tax Lister for
the town of for the year
ii, is to notify ail persona liable
for lazes i he the court
house during month 1914,
r the purpose listing taxes tor the
said town of Greenville. All persons
liable for taxes please come forward
and list same This Oral m
i it A TYSON. r
I announce to the voters of
township that I am a candidate
for constable subject to the action
the Democratic primary will
their vote and help.
U A. R.
I announce to my friends and the
voters throughout Pitt county I
am a candidate for Treasurer subject
to the action of the Democratic
if elected l win serve the i.
pi.- to the beet of my ability.
lo your vote and support I
I II C. T.
Clerk Superior
I hereby announce myself a
dale for clerk of Superior Court of
county subject to action of
Democratic primary. Grateful for
nattering vote the people gave
four years again solicit your sup
pert. If elected I will till
to the best of my ability.
Meet in.-
and Loan
The ninth annual of Hi-
tic Home
ant loan ii be held In
Mayors II the city hall, Tuesday
at I It of to
association should attend this i
and by presence lend
hearty support to an that
doing more for the of
He than anything else
Atlantic Line.
North Round South Round
No. s m. No. p. m
No. p m. No. p a.
No No. n-
No a m. No. a m
No. p m No. p. a-
Huerta wanted the
um delivered In
For Sheriff.
I wish to announce to the voters
Pitt county that I am a candidate for
sh.-riff subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. If elected prom
my never shirking from the
to serve the county to the best of
duties of the office. Thanking you in
advance for your vote and support
For Sheriff.
I take this method of announcing ti
the of Pitt county that I
a for the office of sheriff
subject to the action of the Democratic
party, if elected I endeavor to
the to the best of ability I
appreciate your vote and
help you may give me.
C. B.
For Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as
date for Treasurer of Pitt County sub
to the Democratic primary
ft. I. HALL
I hereby myself
date for sheriff of Pitt county, hoping
my good friends will help me If
ed will serve you faithfully.
Be it ordained, by the board of
the town of Greenville, in
a call meeting, on Friday night tho
day of April. 1914, as is provided
by the charter of said town and the
various amendments thereto, as
That an election b. held in Hi-
I several wards of said town, on
dry, the 1st day of June, 1914, for
the purpose of electing five aldermen
for said town. Those persona elected
from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th wards of
said town shall continue in lot
two years from the first day of July,
1514. and those from the 1st and 5th
wards for one year from July
or then- successors an- duly
qualified aldermen to b.
elected from each of the wards
said town as
That the following named per-
sons are hereby appointed as
and judges the election, to
hold and . said election in
various wards of said town, to-wit
1st ward, registrar;
J. II While and I Smith, Judges
of election.
2nd ward, II. White, registrar;
L. W, Lawrence and B, K.
judges Of election.
ward, T. registrar,
J. s. j p.
4th ward, registrar;
James Drown and W. M Moor-,
judges of election.
ward, J. O. Howling,
H. C, and II I. Cow
judges of election.
o. That said election shall bi hell
Hi- various places in said wards,
1st ward, at court house
2nd ward, at J B.
3rd ward, J S. s office.
ward, at store.
wart, J. P.
That books of sail
town will he open at the various poll-
places in each ward on
day. Thursday and Friday, May
and from o'clock, a. m, to
o'clock p. as Is provided
by the charter said town
l N j
Coward Drug Co.
Me Bat
m Oar
lo as.
m Drug Co.
T. I. Moore
Fire, Health and Accident
Opposite Proctor Hotel
Norfolk Southern R. R.
Schedule In Effect January II,
N. following schedule
published as Information ONLY
and are not guaranteed.
Trains Leave
a. m. dally,
Pullman sleeping car for Norfolk
a. m daily, for Plymouth,
beta City and Norfolk.
Parlor Car service
to Norfolk. Connects for
points north and west.
6.35 p. in. dally except Sunday,
ID a. m. daily for
and west. Pullman sleeping
service. Connects ninth,
and west.
a. m. dally, except Sunday,
Wilson and Raleigh. Conn
for all
p. m. dally for Raleigh and at
For further Information
In sleeping cars, apply to .
L. Hassell, sent. Greenville. N. C.
General Superintendent
Transfer ti
wons No Dag
COT Kits
For all occasions, Roses,
n., and the lead-
Our art in wedding arrange-
are of the latest touch.
finer In floral offerings to be bad.
pot plants, Hy-
palms, ferns, Norfolk
aid other nice pot plants.
Rose bushes, evergreens, shrub-
hedge plants and shade tree.
Mail, telegraph and telephone orders
promptly executed by
J. I. Co,
D. j. W hie hard, Jr.,
Cabbage Plants
man cabbage
The jersey Hake.
and Large Late Drum Head.
This selection give
on headings through the summer.
for shipment
Prepared for shipment In lots front
to at per
over at per f
o h, Can is
Cent sod
L. C. Arthur
H. C
Before buying elsewhere, see us,
Villa Reiterates to Gen.
Mass That He Will Never
Join the Huerta Forces
j Rebel Commander Says Huerta Is
Seeking to Save Himself
wants mum
In ion to I
S. Troops Took the Port of
I rut on April is.
war would
you desire
foreign war to save
to ruin,
from I
r -s . . .
of ill.
Kat h ii in- Vinci ii- in
Crank Short of Louis
r Walk Pampas
of which will be produced ii
i he Lea Short Company under the auspices of tho
Literary Society on the campus of the Carolina
r's Training evening May the B, at o'clock
best told the prologue.
N. Parker, the author of tills charming comedy bins
life, written a delightful synopsis the play In verse for u
prologue, which reads as
Kind friends tonight we lead far
all the turmoil of a busy day,
into a nook where
days when George the third was
little houses by the waterside, I
live little gardens only wide;
Here the cool shadow of a sheltering tree.
And h.-re the running to tin sea
whose drifting to and
barges slowly come and r.
H.-re the stands what's that you ask
A kind of summer house, to
Strange on, and contriving.
Quarrels, conciliations,
The time is Summer, and the month is June,
When roses blossom, birds are all
Morning and midday, sunset and a moon
In surroundings, placid and genteel
Place ordinary folk who think and feel;
Let tin in live out their lives, and do and say
Just what they like- and there you have our play-
Pomander Walk where is it
Out way halfway lo Fairyland.
I Paso
Ti x May The of Gen.
Francisco Villa to a request from
Federal den. in command of
the garrison, that Villa join
the Federals in avenging tho Amer-
occupation Vera Crux was de-
livered to the Federal messengers lo
i day.
Villa refused absolutely to
i rally himself or his men with the IV i
and declared that the
las had provoked foreign Intervention
for their own ends.
Con. letter to Villa
that in addition to . Vera
the port of had
been seized by the State
forces on April 2.1.
The Mass letter says in
have received Instructions to
notify the revolutionary chiefs that
American intervention n Mexico is
an accomplished fact.
States of North
a grave again Mexico by
in Vera on
April and by taking similar action
at two days later This
action constitutes the Intention
i war and is tho supreme moment
i all on the of all
cans to present a united iron
forget our differences In intense
love of a country of which we
possessed. We
enemy only as a foreigner who in tho
most unjust Ignoble manner lies
upon lie holy soil of our
call upon
brother to rally to the
cause for tin- defense o national
ii You could not more nobly
v.-id your position that In the cause
all we to
the Invading
Villas Refusal.
I know that th. by
processes, up to this time have
sought bring about North i
Intervention In Mexico. it i-
known without doubt that the coming
I of the Americans was desired
by you. The manner In
which you have excited Internal
troubles and then called on all Mix
leans to help light the external
is clear to all the world.
Poor Wisdom.
Huerta and you did not
show much wisdom when you
into Instruments of the
and brought about the
of President
i Vice President Juarez, and other
; liberal Democrats, because you did
not realize that the blood tin he.
heroes started the democratic
movement la 1910 would cause a civil
desire to do
all possible compatible the
dignity to avoid foreign war,
inn it . ire not able to avoid it w-
will two enemies, the powerful
and the depraved
Other Generals
Chihuahua. May
commanding the division
i o rebel army. General
Pablo commanding
northeast division; General
commanding the central
vision, General command-
the besieging fores at
and others, have refused proposals
hi unite with tho i i i
n an American invasion
Tickets may be secured John
If You ant This Pony
Patronize Shop, Kicks
Palace I hi- I
Ice Cream
KB s Mils t
ton i of
ii ii-
Candy Palace
J. I . . . Prop.
Mil l Kill
Spring I i-ii-r is Real spring fever is
I Hut Grate i-
Us Goal.
Sprint is a stern reality
is a by any manner of
It has Its basis seated In
to which the body and the
b pressure adjust
on or the change cold
Warm weather. It is scarcely ii.
to explain the hew . i
why. Space forbids. The doctors i U
us ii is s-. and u. i;
r.-adv. I hats enough.
you and I lo know i.
this. shall we do about ii.
we lead up on bitters,
I liver regulators,
ind Ionics .
kind. No, is He- wry thing
to do. If tin i
bulky. II nothing tastes good, and i
tired, lazy feeling
ere i-. the secret, Obey your
take easy for a few days.
i tin appetite. Hiding a little, or
--hi on i a meal
two time now and then is bet
than all ton i
aid appetizers in town. worry
you will starve. When you really
nourishment, your appetite
return. And when the appetite i.
um dun i lake advantage of ii and
up on heavy winter food. Veil
need so much heal
I. ml as you did in January. What you
r. ally need is food with lots of
id little laxative foods, In
words. Cut tin meats.
II alcohol drinks land v.
lean all patent medicines, for
Second Hand Automobiles
II P. SO, Passenger Touring, 1913 model in good condition.
Demountable Hartford Shock Absorber, Tires
extra lire, rim. cover, tool box and etc.,
K. M F SO i passenger mod-1 fa i n
so, passenger touring, model good condition
FORD, passenger Touring 1911 model, condition
These Cars are worth
Harris Hardware Co.,
The Missouri State
Lite Insurance Co.
Not the oldest
The biggest
Let me show you
J. F. Stokes,
Special Agent Greenville, N. C.
U the Bait of all
is their n constituent
i tends to cause
lien. Kai such things as green
tables, green peas, string beans, spin
lettuce, and
plenty fruit salads. Many
may be obtained canned iii a
of the year at reasonable price ;, ,,. ,,.,, n a, ,,, fir
forget fruits of all kinds. bulletin by the beat authority in the United;
plenty of water and above all thing. Lime on Farm, and get price
loop the bowels loose. In ninety
of spring fever out Of one hue
the unfortunate victims do no.
keep their human sewer systems
flushed out properly by carefully
avoiding constipation foods and
a diet of fruits and vegetables
Try one-. feel within
a day or two.
rt. A postal
Don't buy earth,
rill give you
To Prevent Blood Poisoning
oner the old OR.
that pain and heals a.
same time. Not a liniment.
by The J. I. Case Tobacco Transplanter.
Great saving in time and labor, increase in yield per acre. Set your
plants when wait for rain. Each plant watered at the
covered with dry earth-no baking. Every feature necessary
for every purpose, desired. Come and see these m eh before you
buy, built right, works right, wears right, and prices right.
is best made
c. Pea
Hart t
Greenville, N. C
. i
In regard to th I. Case
Transplanter will say; that I am
pleased with it. I ask for
work any and it was just
as represented it to be. it worked
i. perfection and an satisfied it save
me several hundred dollars.
I set my entire crop of
it and it was dry weather when
I set it I used six barrels of r
I set nails
pr acre and got a perfect stand the
rows ail through my patch by hand
just to try it and found that that
which I set with he Transplanter grew
better the season through also set
some for several of my neighbors an I
that theirs grew better than
set by band, and they are
begging me to for them the
coming season. also have friends
it a distance of fifteen miles from
who want tin to their crop for
I say h for your ma-
chine and wouldn't be without one
r i Dollars and as
couldn't ask for
Yours truly,

Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
Will last for years. Ask for
At dealers everywhere
D. C.
Richmond, Va.
Norfolk. Va.
Charlotte. N. C
W. V.
S. C.
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Mills, Ky., in
writing of her experience with woman's
tonic. She says I bean to use
my back and head would hurt so bad. I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. Alter taking three bottles
of I began to feel like a new woman. soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as run a big water mill.
I wish every- suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble, it has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle Today M
Make Your Own
at per
And gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it
You then make cf pure paint for
Its only per gal.
Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT.
Whereas, if you buy gals, of ready
CANS, you pay a gal. or
SI 0.50
ZINC and OIL. palm tor It.
Use a gal. mil of any you buy, and r
made, return the paint and get ALL your mi . .
G I C.
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it on the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up
the Whole System. For Grown People and Children.
Yon know what you taking you take Tasteless chill Tonic
as the formal is printed on every label showing that it contains the
tonic properties of QUININE IRON. It is as strong as the bitter
tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It liar, no equal for Malaria, Chill and Fever,
Weakness, general debility and lot of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing.
Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging
Relieve nervous depression and low spirits. the liver to action and
purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete
No family shook be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it.
For Claim.
State of North Carolina, Pitt
The undersigned Having been
foisted and duly qualified as
tor of the estate of F. A. Patrick, de
all persona having claim
said estate are notified
to exhibit same before me on
or before the day of March
1916, or this notice will be, pleaded in
bar of recovery. All person in-
to said will please make
Immediate payment the day
of March 1914.
W. J.
Executor of the last will and
of F A Patrick, deceased
N. C.
The undersigned qualified
as administrator W.
deceased, of Pitt county, Norm
Carolina this is to notify nil per-
having claim again the
aM to exhibit them n
i. undersigned on or before the Ml
day April, or notice will
be plead En bar their recovery, Al,
persons -1. r., i to said estate will
pica make Immediate payment,
-ti ;, i u
Hat I i as executors
I. Ross i as. d late of
North Carolina, this is to
notify nil persons having
the estate of the said decease d,
b i in the
within months In m this .
or tins notice will be pleaded in bar
of their n i i
All p. Indebted lo said estate
mil please make Immediate payment
This April 13th. 1914,
Joshua Ross
A. Ross
Grain Privileges
and calls are the at and
method trading In wheat
n or oats. Hi i
absolutely limit. A ti th
bought So further risk.
Positively the most
e trading
i an i an b
puts calls 10.000 bushels
for or you can buy both
for or as many mere yon wish
advance or decline i gives
you the chance to profit
A movement of S
rite for full pal I i and bank
U. n. M I
I Ohio.
Address all mail lo Lock Box 1420
F. ll lames Son.
Having qualified as of
Cannon, deceased, of Pitt
iv. North Carolina, this Is to notify ill
persons having claims against the es-
of said deceased lo present them
to the undersigned within twelve
months of date or notice
be pleaded n bar of their recovery
All persist Indebted to said estate will
please make payment. This
the 9th day April
North Carolina,
Pit I County
in the i or Com I
ions Summons.
Atlantic Coast Rail Road Com-
New York Central and
son Kit r Railroad Company, l II
Dominion Steam Ship Company an-l
Mm Steamship Company.
The defendants, New York
and Hudson River Rail Road Company
and tin Old Dominion steamship
Company will take notice that an
lion as above, has been
commenced in the Superior Court of
Pitt County, for the collection of
damages arising by delay In
the shipment of one certain engine
shipped lo G. K. Greenville,
North Carolina, by Motor Co.,
of New York, on or about
March 1913. by way of New
York Central and Hudson River Rail
company, the Old Steam
ship Company and the Clyde Line
Steamship and the said de-
will further take notice that
they are required to appear at the
next term of the Superior Court of
County to be held on the 11th,
day after the 1st Monday in March,
it being the is day of May. 1914, at
the Court House of said County, in
Greenville. North Carolina and ans-
or demur to the complaint of the
plaintiff in said action, or the plain-
tiff will apply to the Court for the
n lief demanded in said complaint.
This 11th day of April, 1914.
Clerk Superior Court Pitt Co.
By, A. T MOORE. C.
HARDING A Attorneys
Having qualified as administrator
I Edwards, i as. d late of
county, N. Is to notify ail persons
claims against the estate t
lid exhibit them to
undersigned within twelve months
this dab or this notice will be
pleaded in bar of their recovery. All
pi Indebted lo said estate
please payment
This April Till.
SALE. pie of county a a school
By of tin- power sale teacher nineteen during
contained in a deed trust made by the next four years Ins life
i in ll M. White, In school as student striving to
on December 13th which Improve his own mind, we find him
of trust was properly recorded still leaching In the public school
in the office of the Register of the age of twenty one lie was i
of County in Hook ; ed Justice of the two
and also under a he was elected
by the said I. to I. S for Pamlico County and held
Fleming dated December 13th, as long as he wanted It. being
and recorded in Hook A-11 he was
both of said mortgages being for nomination the end
secure the purchase money due for his term In 1908. He was
the land hereinafter described, the o Legislature from Pamlico i
undersigned trustee and mortgagee 1910.
will sell for rash public auction our candidate
Notice to
whereas by a decree the
of county, made by his honor
F A Daniels, Judge Presiding
March term, 1914, Pitt county super-
court in that certain special ac-
. entitled -l H. vs. I.
s. Ross was appointed
elver of the Tripp, Hart
and was authorized by said
decree of the court lo lake possession
o- collections all kinds, nous,
gages and claims of r kind
due in of Hart Com
and collect same as
Notice is hereby given to all per-
Ind. lo the firm of Tripp.
i Company lo make immediate
lib with s Ross, n
; persons having Id against
Mm of Tripp Hart
hi requested to file
said r. This the
day of March, I.
It. of Tripp II
before court house door in Green-
ville on Saturday May 9th, 1914, the
following described or parcel
land situate ill county of and
in Township and known
as a pan of Crimes farm.
Beginning the Jones corner an I
running South feet to the
oak thence with run
said right branch to the C. I., it.
I, of in with said
of way West 1563 feet; thence
South feel to i.; thence
with said line feel to the
beginning containing 1-10 acres
more or less. For more accurate de-
reference Is hereby r
id from i s. Fleming to J.
dated Dec. 1912.
This April 9th, 1914.
II. M. WHITE. Trust.
i a,
Nut ice.
This i notify all parties
am no loner connected In any way
the of Anderson, Ford Co.,
at Bethel, X. c . having sold
Interest lo John J. Ford. He as.
s all and assets of Hie
said company.
II qualified tor
ll la inch ; he was d,
r completing course of the
Hi. i Schools, Pamlico Man
and Ft male Institute, and the i
North Carolina. Hi was II
lo practice law In 1909 and
very beginning of his
has on I with unusual success,
we him appearing on one side or
the oilier of almost
case iii our courts. Aside from hi-
qualifications from a
and legal standpoint, he has bad
business training and experience,
for a y. served as cashier lie
for a year served as of tin
is at present a
director and member of Finance Com
and for this
Assist us iii procuring his
Ion for Solicitor of this District, and
states cause will be ably and sue
. defended, and the peoples
inti rest pertaining lo this office, will
well and truly guarded and
can ii. In a cause for regret
your pan you have entrusted th
ult duties of high office with
worthy, faithful and i i
If You Wish To Obtain
and Permanent Results Try
One Dose Will Convince
w G i; K. F ADLER.
Having duly qualified as
tor on estate of
deceased, notice is hereby given to
all persons having claims against said
present them to m. properly
authenticated on or before the
day of March 1916 or this notice will
be plead in bar of their recovery. Al
persons indebted to said estate will
I make immediate payment to me. This
day of March 1914.
on the estate of Worth-
deceased. 3-31 Id
I Si . .
. R.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county
as executor of the estate of E. A.
Sr. deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
to make immediate
to the undersigned; and all person
having claims against said estate are
notified to present the same to the
for payment on or before
March 1915 or this notice will b
plead in the bar of their recovery.
This 1st day of April 1914.
Executor of the estate of E. A.
Sr., deceased.
of Sorts
When everything goes
wrong and the future looks
black, instead of moping
around go right to your
druggist and ask for
You will find a short
cut to because
they remove the cause
of tout trouble which is
nothing more than a slug-
At your drug-
coated or plain.
n tin , m i thou
. it r
; U i- .
; t i i d I
i. neut r-,; r h m on
d me it
clout It rarely ever t . ,
Stomach, Liver i-.
Ailment; tn
. L.
i huM .
cut Stomach vi
. I k hi st own a
i ; v- in
if. to pine tO . ,.
.- .
tic i aim
on Do . o. pan
if ring . even
tit m nix- -a f v
M hi 1541-j
For Sale in I, C, by
and Druggists everywhere
I . ti.-i or d I
j for and
I Kin- . J
am looking for
I am a Soap-Maker.
I a n Scrubber.
I am a Cleaner.
I am a Dirt Eater.
I am a Disinfectant.
I will with
It's the BUB
rums. I will
shew i fur .
lam Red Devil Lye
MY i i .
lout pounds, ages six or
even. Well broke.
N. C.
. law
in the el Ike
We, undersigned Democratic
and other
of county,
sire to present to our next Judicial
Solicitor, the name of the lion V.
of county.
It will be our purpose In urging
nomination of
and worthy son. to
any reflection upon the other
dates for this high office. Our pres-
efficient and able Solicitor, the
Hon. C. L. says,
should be re-nominated because g
has made a good we do not
claim that ho has not made a
officer, do contend that hi
has made no better officer than the
man ho succeeded, and that he
made no more competent am i
officer, than the who will sue
if Z. V. Rawls Is named as
successor. Mr. bas
the office for several years, having
been appointed once and elected twice
and if he should be re nominated at
this time, he cannot feel that the par-
has been neglectful of his
The nomination Mr. for
an office of and responsibility
will in no wise be experimental, for
he has served his county well and
He began his first service to the
Ci .
ll . A . i
i. Chairman.
JOHN Surveyor
.; W.
j. a Co. Treasurer.
L. Member
B, HOOKER. Member of
JOHN S. Cashier
J. W. MILLER, Cashier of
A. U. Ex Sheriff and
Chairman Co. Commissioners.
GEORGE DEES. Ex Member of Leg
PAUL T. TINGLE, Ex. Co. Surveyor
S. A. Chairman Board
of Elections.
L. F. Partner and Mar.
L. Farmer.
JAMES Farmer
w. j. swain. Merchant
and hanker.
L. H. Ex.
Ex Mayor Oriental.
G, L. GRIFFIN, Merchant.
F It. HOOKER. Merchant
R A DUDLEY, Merchant
W. J. MORGAN. Merchant
It N. C.
of Sale.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in that certain mortgage deed
and delivered by and
wife to Nixon Rives on the 19th day
May 1900, which is recorded
in Book page In the of
Deeds office of Pitt county, the
signed will expose for sale for cab
at the court In the town of
Greenville on Monday. May 18th, at
o'clock M , the following described
real property
in Greenville township ad
the lands of J J. Nobles and
others, containing live acres more
or less and being the same on
said formally lived
Sold to satisfy said mortgage. This
the 18th day of April 1914.
NIXON RIVES, Mortgagee
F. G. JAMES Attorneys.
take charge of a two horse crop,
planted except tobacco. Have plenty
of plants to finish crop. You can make
arrangements for half or all of crop.
For particulars see or J. ll
Tripp. Ayden. N C.
-1 FEW
TELl . II i ,
Is . tin Must
t. 1.1.
M Mill II
Locals Defeat Ayden In
First Game The Season
It Was a Slugging Contest Result-
Nineteen and Fifteen
All Parties Hit Hell.
Led With Six tines.
I'll mouth Friday,
I u ml in
we knew ll.
. mi ll,
., It. all ii.-
you sh be the vi vi.
inn our baseball season 1911,
a lip in he too
you will do the
i i -in i in ii you have u
as your opponents.
Although ii nineteen to
teen score i wasn't such a bad .
Hi. game because the r
mils due to hard
both the locals and visitors, and of.
tines they were placed to the right
in bull, lies Of four and live.
which of course called for nothing less
than a tally or two.
The game started with a walk-a-
for Greenville and Bonding
several runners across the pan the
borne boys began to play loose ball
and the Ayden team accepted the con-
readily and what they did for
swatting the pill was a plenty, in fact
It near being over a sufficiency,
as only fell under Greenville
score by lour. Their
I was nearly all played in one inn-
that when the locals loosen-
ed up thinking they had a but
they hurriedly came to the conclusion
at they were up against a team that
Would accept all such opportunities In
pal in good work, and of course they
returned to tightened lines
The fans were very well satisfied
with the work of the home boys in
the initial game, and when the team
la strengthened, as it will be In a few
then we can look for even bet
ball. It is part of the lovers
the game to rally to the promoters
of the Greenville team and do what
is possible to bring about good base.
ball for this season.
There were no special features
attached to yesterday's game, other
than everybody slapping the ball
over the lot.
Below is found a bird's eye view
yesterday's results.
No, not the
next year, but today
the remit of the frame of
with Ayden, our neighbor. In
favor of Greenville Yes Of
course No, it hardly n
listless game, just has an old
Score, Both teams wanted
lo win. and they just batted in the
runs. Some punk playing during
the paint- on aide, n perfect
panic hardly ever play-
ed in circles.
A fair crowd was out. Hot
weather kept lots people from
going out. Those who saw the
contest must have enjoyed it, a
they Stayed till it was over.
Hero we give an account of the
frame by innings, careful
you who did not see the
game can nil idea of how it
out at first.
hit safe third took
2nd on n passed ball,
through and safely and stop,
at 3rd. out pitcher to
1st, scoring on the play.
caught stealing home.
, Ayden out to 1st
id. Mi Law n sate on two will
throws and slopped 2nd. Smith,
never touched In Smith.
It., sale on fly to deep short.
Greenville Boiling tanned. Lips.
i sale on bum in third, steals 2nd.
Moore out pitcher ti 1st. Lipscomb on
3rd short and Lip-
scored. to sleep
at 2nd was tugged out.
Ayden l. out to
1st. out short In 1st. liar.
out at 1st.
Greenville hit safe
i . threw wild to third and r
scored. hit to center for two
to make third on his hit. Brink-
to center. Bowling singled
. c. at. r. scoring. Lips-
comb hit by pitched ball. Bowling
far off at 2nd and
trying to steal.
sale over 2nd out trying to
take the same base. J.
sale at takes 2nd and on
balls and scored on Smith, J H
safe hit over 2nd. He was out a min-
later by over-running 2nd.
Junior Senior
entertainment was given hi
Junior the Training
honor i Seniors
day evening May
exciting the curiosity all
Invited w. r. pr. i
out. Al on He evening 1st
Seniors were received
entrance of the Administration
and shown to the third floor,
was given a bag
ii. a investment a
Junior At the U -art
tie y found the Jim
availing in lake on a nip to
Junior The V. C. A ,
lending Itself In.
the purpose, was titled up with all
Hew Making Huge
Preparations For Coming
DI I J. Bryan
The great Home-Coming
lion New Bern has already attract-
ed state wide Interest. Not only
muse Secretary of State, William J
Bryan, has agreed to deliver
dross ibis
the elaborate i
tempted in North Carolina
Ii. arranged .
the i. of tin I.
a be the parade
Members of the dressed ill-1 which every local organization, i
lads showed the interested pi- and Industry will ink.- part.
, Three Year
of Hat
M ire Making Plans
That Will
, .;,., i . . .
In Mi in
ft Mr be represented.
in a .
of Haddock's Cross
I pro I for th
up tin- gang plank and to Beats
unique boat. The call i
that's going beard
trip begun. On voyage the
w. re highly entertained by
the favorite deck game of shuffle
u the crew added merriment
other will take pi a.
lour days and four nights th K
Grounds Th.
racing I
North Carolina has sen for a nun.
of years. There will be daily
flights a Wright
by dancing sailor horn pipes a demonstration of
lakes Oath Mr. Waller
Back I
I- rum j den.
Moore popped to
pitcher. Humber fouled to catcher.
Fleming beat out a grounder to short.
hit safe to right. Lanier
tingled to Fleming scoring
scored when Lanier drew a
throw to second. Con was out trying
to reach 3rd.
Ayden- Smith B late on o
second baseman. Phillips bit by
pitched bail. Li., safe at
full. Jenkins fanned.
Harrington to center. Tripp
struck out. work, Willis.
to right, popped out lo
Howling hit by pitched ball and
. Lipscomb singled to center
and Kill scored. Moore singled lo
center and Howling scored. All run-
in rs advanced on a passed ball. Hum.
and Moore scored. Flaming hit
Tying lo
third. hit a pop fly which
Pitcher threw t first, no
one bag and scored for
reaches third and
stole home, Lanier fanned.
Ayden lo left. i
J. out short to first. Smith,
J. hit by pitched ball. Smith, It., hit
Short who doubled the preceding
batter out at 2nd. Humber threw the
ball away trying to complete a double
play and scored. Smith, ll.
. asleep at 2nd and was touched out
Greenville- doubled to left.
walked. Howling lined out
to the pitcher singled and
scored. caught off
2nd. Lipscomb got out on purpose.
Ayden Phillips hit by pitched ball.
., hit to short, both run-
i safe Jenkins safe on hit
1st base full. Harrington
singled and Phillips scored.
singled to left and H.
scored. singled to center and
and Harrington scored.
Law horn. J. forced to third. Smith.
safe on grounder third,
full Smith. It. safe ll 1st on
fumble and Tripp scored Phillips
i to short forced out at
home Relay throw to 1st permitted
rs came around selling all
for which the voyagers
paid live cents.
length was r. i d
passengers landed and were
across to the recreation hall,
woodland park with all
era amusements of an i .
Ii. one corner a punch
purple vetch and gray moss, in
other the greatest fortune teller
the world, a moving picture
and at every turn,
with the megaphone was
prominence. Everywhere the
were carefully attentive
and spared nothing for
pleasure. A delicious salad
was served and after this the i I
again boarded ship for the Inn
age. the homeward bound the
sailors sold ice cream cones. ll
was announced that a
trunk would be opened, a
trunk was haul forth and the cap
the steamship Junior,
II. S. Austin, distributed fa vim- lo
guests. These were
folders In 1914 class colors,
and white. Inside was a pictures or
Senior Class and the class i
with a quotation by
each girls name. The gang plank
lowered for the last time at
School the delighted
made their way homeward,
A charming entertainment I
cut so well as to reflect edit
and honor upon the class or
their advisor
eights, ocean wave, dip
death dropping hand a at an
and finishing
a five mile race around the
mile track against a
bile racer driven by II. and Ben
expert machinists, tie
An elaborate fireworks program
Ins been arranged for three nights.
These fireworks are the same
were shown at the Fair at New
and were pronounced the
seen in North Caroling. One o
features of the Home-Coining
Ci will be the fact that trans
to and from the Fair
sill be only ten cents each way.
The dates of the Home-Coming
will be the last week In
the month of May or sometimes during
month of June.
railroads are all
and special trains Will
lie operated day that
Of State. William Jennings Bryan
lid mat mi i i
as in bow
the M. gates n th. v
I.,. South A .
Niagara Canada, Monday.
May Be I
evening two children of Mr W. i was learned .
Cox who resides Haddock might be setting p.
were left In the borne alone to b en
parents and in some commission persons, two
way r the children secured them to be named by by
. loaded pistol with which be Constitutional
In play was mediator.
of Southern t.
Tenn , May
meeting of the Southern
till Convention the largest I
religious body in the world,
here today and will continue ii ea
until next Monday on.
promises to be the mint
that the denomination
held In many years. Changes
methods of of the ditto
church boards and n
move the headquarters of all
the boards to this city will h
cussed and upon.
mission board now bas its
on Page Two I
in Richmond while the
of the home mission board art Baa V.
Present indications i n. I.
the selection of Houston as
, n-s Liquor
Joint annual convention of the
Association met It the
New Hotel today for a t
session. National and leg.
affecting the liquor . Is
to be the principal subject
Freight in
twenty third annual convention the
Claim opened
today with members In
II from all of the United
Stoles and Camilla The sessions
will for several .-.-
be devoted to I discussion of bill
methods, loss and damage
freight rules and Other
relating lo
duties of duties of freight
agent a.
Royally Hie Deaf and Dumb.
LONDON May it. Queen Amelia
Portugal at Hotel this
afternoon formally the great
national bazaar In aid of the
ton Homes for Aged Deaf and
People Tomorrow
opening will be
over by Princess of Batten,
The magnitude of the bazaar
Quite eclipses any similar affair held
long time. The stalls are
t by tilled personages and
of London's society.
la May The
grand which convened
hi-re today is expected to take up the
rose of IS. I
of the of In .
arrested January on charge
violating tin Mann slave
it is alleged by the author
Hi's that York Mrs.
B I dressmaker from
City to for
purposes. J ;
barged and bullet entered the
face of the young child, who was only
three years of age. killing almost
Instantly The child that did Hi
only six age
Mr. c. s. Smith, our efficient
has moved his family to town
I occupies one of the Hart build-
on North avenue. We extend
;. nine good
For your screen windows and do.
See US We have
It. Smith lire
Messrs Hodges and I. It.
R. Smith left Tuesday morning for
Hal. to attend Banker State
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Of
Apex are visiting Mrs par-
cuts. Mr. and Mrs Richard
The old board of town officers held
Ir last communication
v morning and turned over i
of the their successors
Th low clock did not stop, nor
old universe loose a and
. sun do move all the same.
mother shipment
cement, king plaster,
. . ii feed ems and hay J. R.
-I Hi and
While the mediators
drawn their Invitation to the .
to send delegates to the
H in e I. rally is b.
hat information is being sought as
to whether th.
would consent in case the
lion Huerta to of
government in which he
be represented.
Those to th. mediators say.
is believed that sum. arrange
as this is the only possible one
under which peace may be restored In
Mexico under conditions satisfactory
to all Mexican faction and to
night ill
on my mind Monday morning
good and old folks have mi
tun you don i mind that if you
an our running
. ft Smith and
if is any thing we need worse
i hi a hotel, a would two hi
gentleman from California told us
he would lease one for a long
I. mi and said one thing could re
i progress of a town more than
a good hotel.
A is a woman cook
a red stove in mid r
a husband and lead of
. and six tobacco hands, let
prove this to Why not use an oil
i stove and be happy. Plenty of
I., in lit Smith and Bro.
Mr Waller Ruck our fancy
baa been appointed rural mall
r on route No. II. This is very
gratifying to Mr. for among
twenty four contestant he came out
o. the big end horn. Mr. Buck
I . Important posh
fur a time edited I
Spring Hop. and moved from there
here, win re he was raised and look
i barge of He Free will Baptist Pub
idling Co . and after awful lire
May. opened a grocery store
. has feeding hungry
Like Abraham Lincoln said.
elf n the i ham e will
Along the plains hesitation,
I the of unnumbered
., ho dawn victory.
ii in wait, and while waiting,
ed on and build
i iii . Hard
i lie lull. d bad
i it.
i k Van. the little
by the r. k, baa n . ant. his mm
lends d light, r .- vi
ill nil
.;. ;., .- ,.;, n
or. man the k
let r in
i II w build
lust , loads
-i.- from lo i
K Smith and
I in- authorities are having the
in front of the new Mason
Temple removed, so as to avoid
. wind and to remove the roots
r paving of the aide walks
tn I
rs. town of Ayden baa i
of canal running through tho
lean not, wains
r the Job r day. s.--the may
c. Cannon, b. i a
visiting bis parents, Mr. an I
Jesse Cannon.
between Hie hours of sunrise
sunset, sixty minutes . ii s.
.-. no n am
gone forever.
Mr H y Manning of
i. this week listing the state an
. tax See him at off. .
and Insurance Co
Vow la the time for all good men to
subscribe for The Dally and
posted on the campaign news.

Eastern reflector, 8 May 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 08, 1914
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Joyner NC Microforms
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