Eastern reflector, 3 April 1914

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Serviceable, Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for
farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward.
It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, won't leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern. Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
Washington. D. C
Norfolk. V.
Charlotte. N. C.
Charleston. W. Va.
Charleston. S. C.
North Carolina.
n Superior Court
Before i C Moore, Clerk
William Hellen
G T. T.
I virtue of a decree made by i C.
Moore, clerk of the superior court of
hi In the above entitled
on the 13th, day of limn h, the u
I i will on Ho
the day of April,
o'clock noon, expose to public sale
before the court house In Greenville
to the highest bidder for cub the
I described tract or parcel
land, i
Situated In Swift Creek township
Pitt county, North Carolina adjoining
the lands of the Allen heirs,
the heirs of N, I. Corey, the i
lands and others and containing; j j
acres more or less and being a portion
II the land left by will i --i i
of I Hellen to the
This sale will be made for the
i . of making pan it ion among the
t, mints in common.
This the 13th day of March. 1914.
r c. Commissioner
Saved Girl's Life
want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re-
from the use of writes
Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky.
certainly has no equal for la grip; e, bad colds,
liver and troubles. I firmly believe
saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles,
they in on her, one I dose of
Bl made them break out, and she has had no
more trouble. Shall never be without
To It
This is to notify the generally
that the undersigned, will on Monday,
i th day of April. 1914; it being the first
Monday In April, apply to the Hoard
of Commissioners of Pitt County. for
the right and to construct
the main canal or of Clay I
Hoot Swamp across Hie public road j
Of county, wherever said roads
said Clay Root Swamp, and the
undersigned will also request ,
Board of Commissioners of Pitt conn-
to construe and maintain bridge
at said crossings, and this ice i- I
given in order that any citizen of
county, who desires to do may he
hear l before the Hoard of County Com B
. of county on the Ural ,
, in April. in reply to the
Carolina Land Development Co.
By G. House.
Every year some FARMERS LOSE MONEY by buying the first thing
t hat is offered them without looking over our line of Farm Machinery
We carry an line of Farm end Machines
that we know will give absolute sat most
practical, economical and dependable en the market.
We carry in stock Sta k Disc and Smoothing Ma-
Balers. Cotton and Corn Planters, Gang
and Plows, besides many other farm and garden tools.
Also and the Trans-Planters, the most
successful made.
See to it that YOU do not lose money
this year.
-w-- ii I
in my For i, indigestion, headache, W
malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar
, ailments, has proved itself a safe,
reliable, gentle and valuable remedy.
O If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black-
It is a medicine of known merit. Seventy-five W
J years of splendid success proves its value. Good for
S young and old. For sale everywhere. Price cents.
laving qualified
hue of Pitt county, this is to in prior to midnight May 15th. mt and duly recorded In the
all persona having claims
the estate of the said de- default having been In the
. ; in them the it, Jacksonville, not payment tao bond secured thereby
within twelve Inter the undersigned, will en Thursday
from this date, or this notice I
FLORIDA I and by virtue of the power
Confederate veterans and authority contained in a certain
on sale May 6th Davis and wife, Addle M, Davis, to
Mil good returning lo roach a. Stamper, of date day of July n- method
i may lined by County Registry in hook I- page
Puts and calls are the and
i trading In wheat
your loss Is
absolutely limited to the amount
bought No further risk.
Positively the most
o trading.
Open an account. You can buy
I in bar of their Stopovers allowed n both directions, m, in front the court door or to calls on bushels
Lit. All persons indebted to said Bide trips from Jacksonville at f pm county, N, .- . .
l , I . . . Ina. Mia. In nil t
Make Your Own
THIS is now
Buy gals. L. A M. REAL PAINT,
at per r
And gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it
You then make if pure paint for
It's only p gal.
Anybody can the with the PAINT.
Whereas, if you buy gals, of
CANS, you pay a gal. or I
paint in
Use n gal. out of any yon buy, and i tap
made, return the paint and ALL yon , l
J. Q. X. C.
My son. Luther Barrett, ape
left and refuses to
return. All persona are forbidden
to hire him unless his wages are
paid lo me.
One black white calf at
house Crop and slit in left ear and
swallow fork and under bit the right
Owner can get by
and paying all charges.
Bo Greenville, N. C
We hereby give notice that we will
apply to the of County
at the regular April
to have as a public
load, the road now running from the
Langley place on the
across our to the creek
which road has been used by the pub-
for thirty years longer
March 1914.
For Hatching.
Splendid Strain of Winter Layers
Let me hare order for egg.
S. C
make rates to Florida, Georgia
Alabama points, by applying Atlantic
this the of March 1914 Coast line ticket office, IN west Bay
J. W. CRAWFORD. Jacksonville, Fla. Tickets on
sale May 6th to Inclusive limited
to June 2nd, 1914.
A chance to visit Florida at
unusually low rates.
For any address
W. II. WARD, Agent.
Railroad of the
H. T. Mgr. Gen. Pas.
Wilmington, N. C.
Orphans Coming.
the largest crowd that
has ever attended a paid performance
the Academy of Music heard tho
Oxford Orphanage Singing Class W. J.
last night. Those who heard the
Concert pronounced it by far the
best the Masonic Orphans have
given in Durham Herald,
November 1913.
If you wish to see of the
Two Farms for Sale.
One of acres, cleared, large
six room house and necessary
work that Oxford Orphanage is doing Ono of acres. acre,
for children, attend the con cleared six room and necessary out
on April 1st. buildings, both farms in few hundred
yards Of each other and ran be easily
for sale at public auction to the high-
, bidder, for cash, the following de-
All the right, title and Interest of
the said F. O. Davis and wife, Addle
M Davis, In and to all the green pine
timber trees that will measure
Inches in diameter at
the stump when cut, that are now
standing, growing and being upon
tract of land in Falkland town
ship. Pitt county, adjoining the lands
of Hen Moore, tho heirs, John
and Rodgers. and practically
as follows,
you can buy both
for or as many more you wish
An advance or decline of cent gives
yell the chain e to lake
a movement of cents
Write for full particulars and bank-
II. .
I Ohio.
Address all mail to Lock Box 1420.
i Basis of all Indus
Is Basis of all
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Walter
i Va . announce
courses of Jacob's branch to the
public road.
operated as one farm. Fine land
are especially adopted to
pea nuts, cotton and corn. Farms will of containing
. t their daughter, Edna Pearl sold or a one farm or and ex-
Mr. Mark Leslie of very low considering the value the pine timber on
at a stake on tho Green-
ville and Wilson road, o N. 311-2 I
W 4-5 R. to a stake In is the of all good farming. Write far
line Rodger., agreed corner,
thence N. 3-8 E. 1-5 R. to a purest lime. Don't buy earth, sand,
stake in Jacob's branch, Jno. Gay's etc, A postal will give you reasons.
corner, thence down tho various.
v lie
lie wedding will lake plan, in
Sprained Ills
While at work on the new
building on the corner of and
Third streets Saturday Mr. Joe Wise-
miller fell a distance of live or six
feet spraining his ankle which will
keep In for about ten days.
One black poll and boar,
weighs pounds, months
old. Unmarked ears, at end
little white round hoofs. Will pa
nil cost of keeping. Notify me.
I-.,. V, I
eggs, best layers of pure white
shell eggs. per of
Mrs. K. C. King, Falkland, N. C.
of the land. Must be sold at once
Write for particulars.
M. C,
shout live acres of the above
ed tract of land located on the public
road on the southeastern portion of
At the regular meeting of the Hoard
of County Commissioners March
1914, petition was presented asking
annual statement
the county Is being published. It Is
Interest to every tax paver of
county and should be read carefully
Every Item of expense paid by the
is accounted for in
It is not your
is your liver. No one
can be in good spirits
when their system is
not carrying off the
waste products.
regulate the bile ducts
and put you in a good
humor with yourself
and the world. At
coated or plain.
P. O. Box from he the by
train road running through the
Application fr Pardon, evidences of which can now be
Notice Is hereby given that on tho and saving and except-
day of April or as soon thereafter five long leaf pine timber
as in convenient to the Governor, straw pine
will presented to th-i to be, or have been.
Governor for tho pardon of Willis as excepted from this con-
who was convicted at the August with tho full
term 1913 tho superior court of from the date of this
county of the larceny of some Up to the 8th day of
gathered corn in tho field and or through their
ed to six months on the roads of Pitt
county. This tho day of March
for Will Pitt
body of land, cut off separated a road out In Greenville
, .
Seventh St. D. C.
agents or servants to enter upon said
land and pass and over the
same at will, on foot or with teams
and conveyances. In which to cut and
remove said timber trees, together
so, with the right and privilege for
tho time above
cutting and removing from tho for-
going use In handling and
Iran lb on
poles as are needed for car stand-
and skid poles, provided
shall be cut from such places on th
lend as shall be designated by
said R. A. Stamper, or his
R A STAMPER. Mortgagee.
This the day of 1914.
Beginning at tho corner of the road
leading from House, N. C., at Joe
homo, and running west a
straight Una or about straight, west
to the Greenville Tarboro road.
same will heard at the regular
meeting the Board April , This
March 1914.
B. M. LEWIS, Chairman of Board.
BELL, Clerk of Board
Have Heat In
Secretary of Hope Company
reports that several have failed to re-
to their call for aid to furnish
their halls. If yon are one of that
number get off the list by sending In
a liberal donation, as tho coin to com-
their plans.
Te Mod
St ones old reliable
pain nil e
One and
to Ha
d for . and
Agriculture Is the Vest rueful, the the of
W. H.
Served County is Superintendent
of Education for Years
and Suffer
Loss in His Al-
ways In the Ad-
The Daily
Prof. W. H, passed away
at o'clock Friday night after
illness extending through nearly three
Early in January he was
with a severe attack of grippe, from
which tuberculosis developed about
five weeks ago. From the time this
dread destroyer fastened upon him, his
decline was rapid until the end came.
The death of no man could have
curred a greater loss to Green-
ville and Pitt county than the passing
et this good man, and it fills thous-
ands of hearts with profound sorrow.
Possessed of a nature most kind and
and gentle, always greeting every one
with a cheerful word, a recognized
organizer and leader, ho drew all to
him everybody loved him.
Prof. was born Gran-
ville county March 30th, 1855.
lacked but three days of being years
of age. After passing his boyhood
youth on the farm and attending
the home school, he entered Wake
Forest College and graduated with dis-
from that institution. He
taught school In Scotland Neck a few
years and later came to Greenville
and opened a male school In the old
Academy that stood on the site now
occupied by the Graded school. As
a teacher he was supreme, and each
and every student under him he took
keen Interest, and there are scores of
men throughout this and other sec-
of North Carolina Indebted to
him for their splendid training.
After teaching here a few years he
went back to county for a
for a year of two. then returned to
Greenville and resumed his school in
the Academy. He was first made
county superintendent of education In
1891 and served until the political
changes came In 1898. He was again
elected superintendent in serving
that office for about twenty five years
It was he who brought about the re-
markable educational. progress that
has come to Pitt County, raising the
schools from s low standard to the
highest rank of any in the State.
Milled with energy and enthusiasm he
threw his heart and life Into his work,
and no man ever fully gave him-
self to tho services others. In the
campaign for the establishment of
Bast Carolina Teachers Training
School he took leading part, and It is
due largely to him that we have
splendid Institution. His wisdom,
counsel and leadership was constantly
sought and always gladly given. The
Influence of his work will live on
after him.
In September. 1885, Prof.
married Mettle Button, his
dying In 1902 To them were born
all of whom survive.
ii.-v are Misses
Messrs. Hugh, Sherwood
and He was a
devoid husband and father and
home life was beautiful. He Is also
survived by three brothers. Messrs
H. J and Ruben of
Springs, and T of Smith-
Prof. in his early years
united with the Baptist Church, and
for years was a deacon of Memorial
Baptist Church and served many years
as superintendent and later teacher in
the Sunday school. In his church work
and devotion lo the cause of Christ
he curried the same order and
that his life. He
lived In the sunshine of a happy life
here, and died In the joy of a blissful
life beyond.
Prof. was an Odd Fellow,
a Mason and a Royal Arch Mason, and
was ever faithful to the teachings of
the fraternities, He will be
with Masonic honors.
The funeral will take place at
o'clock Sunday afternoon, with
vices In Memorial Church led by his
pastor. C. II, Rock. The inter-
will follow in Cherry
Following are the pall
J. E. Harris, J. S. Smith,
It. C. Flanagan, C. S. Carr, J. L.
J. B. Cherry, K. II. Osborn,
, Moore, S. T. White, J. C.
Tyson, H. A. White, J. G.
Honorary J. Y. Joyner, J Bryan
Grimes, R. B. White. A. S. Harrison
W. Massey, A. G. Cox, M. O.
L. C. Arthur, T. J.
R. H. Wright, C. W. Wilson. H. E.
Austin. J. B. C.
S. Hassell, F. C.
Harding. H. H. J. J.
F. G. James, C. D.
tree, Harry Skinner, W. L. Brown, O.
L. Joyner, R. L. Carr, R. Williams,
F. D. P. C. Nye, D. C.
Moore, C. C, Pierce.
All of Pitt county, as well
j outside portions of the
were represented in the large gather-
here Sunday afternoon at the fun-
of Prof. W. H. It was
an assemblage that did fitting
to the memory of this good man who
had done so much for his county and
state and showed how highly he was
esteemed In life by all people.
At o'clock, under an escort of the
Masonic fraternity, the active and
honorary pall bearers and a large
of friends, the remains were
en from his late residence to
Baptist church. The church, ex-
tho pews reserved for the
and pall bearers, fraternity officials
and school representatives, was all
ready filled with those anxious to
their respects, and a great throng
stood outside. of others who
knew tho church could not near ac-
the vast concourse, went
directly to the cemetery. Not the
history of Greenville has there been
so large an attendance at a funeral as
at this one.
In the church a quartet choir
fully sang We'll Under-
and the Smiling and
the both songs being
of the deceased bis lite.
tho scripture lesson and prayer
by the pastor. Rev. C. M. Rock, he
paid a touching tribute to the life and
Christian character of Prof.
referring appropriately to the loss the
state, the county, the town and the
church sustained In his death. He also
spoke with tender feeling and emotion
of the loyal support Prof.
had given as pastor of the
that he also felt a keen personal
loss. There wore no dry eyes In the
largo in as the pastor spoke.
Mr. Rock stated that It had first
been Intended that some remarks
would made at this service by
of the visitors, but after consult-
over the matter It was deemed
more advisable under the conditions of
sadness now filling all hearts to hold
a special memorial service at a
date. When this service Is held
will a for some fitting
testimonial lo perpetuate tho memory
tho deceased recognition of th;
great service rendered in his life
From the church to Cherry Hill
Cemetery the funeral was
by the two hundred students
of Carolina Teachers Training
ii teachers and delegation
several other schools In the county,
representative classes of the Baptist
school, and representatives of
societies. Arriving at the cemetery,
as the flower covered casket rested
near grave about to receive
it, besides that of his wife who died
1902, the Training School body in
doubled column filed by and formed a
half square back of the concourse. It
was an Impressive scene.
After a prayer by Rev. J. M.
pastor of Jarvis Memorial Methodist
church, and singing Christians
by the quartet, the casket
was lowered and the impressive Ma
sonic burial ceremony followed, about
a hundred Masons participating
The floral tributes were magnificent.
These came from far and near as ex-
of sorrow from friends. The
number of designs was so
large that a little In advance of start-
with the remains they were moved
to the church and arranged about the
pulpit and platform before the funeral
began. After the procession left the
church the tributes were removed to
the cemetery and the conclusion of
the grave, there being enough to com-
cover both the graves of Prof
and his wife, and the space
between them, making all appear a-
one of exquisite flowers.
All work at the East Carolina Teach-
Training School was suspended
Saturday because of the death of Prof
Arrangements are being
made for appropriate memorial
to be held at the Training school
at some time the near future.
The loss that tho school feels In the
death of Prof. Is Inestimable.
As a member of the faculty he has
been a constant source of inspiration
to the president, faculty and students.
In his work as county superintendent
he was daily contact actual
conditions existing In
Through him bis cs kept In
touch with the practical educational
problems near at hand. His long ex
In school work, under-
i landing of vital problems In
his sail Judgment,
never falling tact made him
in valuable as a member of the faculty.
The school, In turn, was a source of
inspiration to him. Quick to assimilate
new Ideas of value, ho would put Inti
practice In the schools of Pitt county
what he rained from others
made the Pitt county schools amour
the most progressive the state.
His place the Training School
well as in Greenville, Pitt county
North Carolina cannot be filled.
Mr. A. H. Denton went to Bethel
Mr. Edward went to Bethel
Mr. T. I. Moore went to
Mr. H. A. of Raleigh is
visiting friends here
Mr. S. T. White returned Tuesday
from a business trip to New York.
Mr. A. A. Forbes, Tr. returned
last night from Ky.,
where he has been engaged in the to-
Mr. J. W. returned
from s pleasure trip to Florida.
Mr. R. A. Bishop has been confined
to his home sickness for several
day Is still unable to leave
bed. It is the hope of his friends that
I e will soon be out again.
During his absence his
st the laundry his brother, Mr.
Edward Bishop, of Wilson, Is hero to
take his
Mr. I Dies In His
Seventy Second Year
An Earnest Christian and
Citizen in Beth His Public
mid Private
The Daily
Al o'clock Saturday morning
Mr. E, A. Sr., passed away at
his home on avenue, after
an illness of little more than a week,
though his health had been poor the
year. He years of age.
A just and upright citizen, an earnest
Christian a true friend and neighbor
are lost In his death, for men of his
character and usefulness are rare, and
his position with the local Disciple
church will never be filled.
He was born May 11th, neat
and spent his life In
county, coming to Greenville In 1885
In he represented his county in
the lower house of the General
and was member of the stale sen-
ate In 1879, He moved to Greenville
In 1885, having been appointed clerk
of the Superior Court to succeed Mr,
W. Brown, deceased. He was elect
ed to the same office three
terms, serving fourteen years in all.
At his death he was secretary of the
Pitt Lumber and Manufacturing Com-
and a director the First Na-
Mr. was a member of the
Christian church and It never a
more consecrated and zealous member.
He served several years as president
of the state missionary convention of
the Disciple church and was vice pres
at time of his death.
He was married three
to Miss Mary L. Edwards in 1866, who
died in 1884. Two children survive
this marriage. Dr. E. A. and
J. L. Carper. His second mar-
was to Mrs. in
she passing away in 1905,
no His third marriage
was In to Miss Lucy Johnston,
who with one son, Robert,
He was a member the Odd
lows and held high rank In the
Funeral services were Sunday
morning at o'clock at Chris-
church and the Interment was
made In the family burying ground
Sunday morning at o'clock
the funeral services over the remains
of the late Mr. B. A. Sr, were
held In the church, the
esteem in which this noble character
was held was fully manifested by a
large concourse of relatives and
rowing friends that began to fill the
church from the early morning.
before the arrival of the
that followed the remains
home not a sent could be obtain
ed except those that had been
ed for the near relatives and the Odd
Fellows. A great throng of friends
were forced to remain on the outside
of the edifice during the service.
Rev. J. J. Walker conducted
and a more impressive one was
never held. Immediately after the
bier had been borne into the church
the choir arose and sang In
and there were hut few dry
among that large congregation.
All realized how appropriate the words
and sentiment of the hymn was to
this beautiful Christian life. After th;
reading of the Scripture lesson and
singing of We'll Under-
the pastor very impressive
lated a portion of life of the de-
ceased; in his younger days the man-
which he served his people as
their representative in public
of the state and county; and then
his later years when in private life
what a true friend he was to his fellow
In his closing remarks Mr.
her told of the great loss the
suffered in the passing of
adding that the deceased was
truly the pillar of the Disciples church
for when his advice was given per-
not only to the business of the
congregation but lo public life affairs
as well, it was always gladly received
because he was a man of a broad in-
With a beautiful prayer and the
singing of My God to
the services at the church were con
eluded and remains were then con-
to the family burying ground
about two or three miles from Farm-
N. C. and Interred beside those
of his first wife. Besides a long pro
cession that followed the remains lo
its last resting place from Greenville,
there were several hundred friends
from that Immediate section and
oilier parts of the state
lug the arrival of the remains.
At the grave the order of Odd
lows, of which fraternity the deceased
was a member, participated In the bur-
service which was very impressive
The floral offerings were beautiful.
many designs bring Bent from his
friends throughout the slate, and when
placed the grave of Mr. and that
of his first wife were covered.
Tho Active
Messrs. J. A. Bland, J. S. Tunstall
A. B. Ellington, H. Bentley Harriss
J. P. and W. T. Forrest
Col. Harry
Gov. T. J. Jarvis, Messrs A. J.
Q. V. Brant. O. S.
T. W. H. L. Coward and
v Hooker.
The Rev. Jno. II. Matthews of
Ohio, formerly arch deacon of the
Diocese of Southern Ohio, who is of
the most successful and learned
of the Episcopal church, has
accepted an Invitation to conduct a
mission in St. Paul's
and Is expected to arrive
In the city next evening and
begin his services at once. This Wee
Mr. Matthews la conducting a mi
In St. John's church, Knoxville, Tenn ,
Mr. Matthews Is a master arts of
Christ College Oxford University and
Is said to be one of the greatest Bible
students, not only In this country, but
in the world. Ills dally readings which
will be at o'clock the morn
lugs will reveal this fact. The writer
had the great privilege of being a
low student of Mr. Matthews, and as-
the public that a great
will be theirs to hear him. One
hearing will mean more. There Is
nothing spectacular or of the
rocket effects In his preaching. The
lite of the preacher Is u kin to that
of the Man of Services
will be twice dally St. Paul's; 10.30
and o'clock.
Undergoes Operation
Little Miss Stella Whichard. the
youngest daughter Mr. and Mrs.
C. U. an opera-
yesterday for adenoids at the
hands and
Carter. is doing fine to
day and it Is hoped that it will only
he a few days before she will be able
to be out again.
Woman suffrage has given Chicago
the largest in the United
Winners of Both Debates In Recent
Triangular Contests
Will Mil
lo Debate the Final Crates for
the A j cock Memorial
lain the Visitors.
every section North Carolina high
school debaters and are
week coining to Chapel Hill to par-
State-wide contests. In
debate the final contests High
School Debating Union is
and in athletics the second
annual track meet Is
the drawing card. Moth of
events will be held OB the same day,
Friday, April The track meet will
be held in the and de-
bate will be held at night
the different teams then will
be many school superintendents,
principals, teachers, and friends
Forty high schools, winners both
debates in the recent
tests, will send their representatives
to Chapel Hill for this Dual
for the Aycock Memorial Cup. These
schools Durham. Apex, Holly
Springs, Pleasant Harden,
Warrenton, Graham, States-
Villa, Asheville Bet-
North Wilkesboro,
Lumberton, Marshville,
Dallas. Atkinson, Stem, King
Piney Creek Glen Alpine Mason's
Cross. Snow Hill, Sparta
ville. and Went worth.
This will be tie ,
nation of one hundred and
debates that took all r the
State March were
iii by mix hundred student debates,
and were heard by fully thou
sand North Carolinians
The debaters will arrive in Chi
noon April .
will be entertained II;.
county clubs th The
preliminary for the final debate
will be held Thursday, Tho
best teams from this preliminary
will be selected for a second
nary Friday morning April From
these teams will be selected one team
On each Hide for the final debate
which will be held in Hall
Friday evening at
The schools which will re-
In the unit are;
Raleigh. Graham High Point,
ville. Washington, Oak Ridge.
Friendship and A
trophy cup will be awarded the
whose representatives run II I
highest of points
Fill Ii I
Up to present lime then
four candidates out for e
Sheriff of Pitt county, and If
i an be depended there arc
ably three or four more that net
as yet their announcement In
print. Several names are
around for other offices
none have been made
Misses Fannie Stewart Mary Eli-
Thompson and Mrs
Hardy, of Washington arc In town
today shopping.

i oar am, lac
O. J.
sue rear, . .
may b but upon
the In
Building, corner
All emits of titan and
respect will be at
at per word.
Communication advertising
will be charted at
per line, up to Haas.
a matter
at post at
act March la.
No two face person baa any claim A Chicago woman speaker
to beauty. Women who want their rights
take to the stumps. its all right
But the average reformer has no If they will carry along a step
or take to the stump before the crowd
gathers to see how the trick la done.
site was selected for the
Its hard for a man to face
world if he is flat on his hack.
A bachelor's idea of real misery
being left alone with noisy baby.
The merchants Greenville are t
the their concurrence
in the suggestion of the King's
that they close their stores at J
g o'clock in the evening between April
first and September first. In carrying
Did you ever hear of an actress
wanted a divorce without publicity
For way that are dark and tricks
that are vain, the Mexican rebel is the
About fifteen more contracts for
buildings will be let during April.
That's us.
it Menu nothing is being said
about good roads.
Always there is a black spot in our
sunshine; if its nothing else but our
own shadow.
There may be some dispute as to
what be did let the Germans do.
avowed aspirants are In the It Through he Efforts of the
for the Democratic nomination for i Daughters That Such
States from Ohio, In is Realized la-
to Senator Burton. They
are John J. Lentz of
Columbus. John I. Zimmerman if
For several weeks the King's
Springfield, Attorney General Timothy have been striving to have the
S. Hogan and Charles L. Swain. business men of Greenville consider
speaker of the Ohio house of th ,,,. a. . . . .
number of hours that their em-
are forced to work to
A stranger today said he a and have at last con
,,, ,. . . a majority of the business
that was a million dollars , ,
worth of buildings in Greenville and
this out they will begin the early
closing tomorrow evening.
The women will probably
over the news that a New York Mil-
has for an old helmet.
Charlie Murphy, Tarn
many leader doesn't seem to realize
that they have ordered the
question on him.
his thoughts are pretty much on tin
What has become of the proposed
whirlwind campaign to raise the fund
for the erection of the
monument There ought to be
whirling going on if the is seven o'clock
need more
rest ti and recreation.
The ladies are to be commended for
the part they have taken in this move-
and the employees of
places should feel grateful to them
their efforts.
The work was completed yesterday
hen all merchants, excepting time,
a petition agreeing to close
in the
They claim that eugenic marriage
will be a safety match but we arc not
sure about it.
Col. Roosevelt is finishing up his
Better a fool who knows nothing South American trip, and we feel so-
for the natives who have been de-
pending on game for living.
It was with a man with a mean
position who said he is In favor of
letting all the women vote
these suffragettes.
I he limit cheerfulness should he
applied lo some of us more frequent-
People who say the right thing at
right time are as popular as they
know who la anxious
for spring suits, Hi- lawyers or th
It is evident that Gov. is
disposed to wait for the arrival of th
picture man before proceed-
to do business.
Those returned baseball tourist i
port the discovery world
just like a baseball.
There may have been a bit of
in the madness of the London
militant who slashed the
A man who can have a
pipe Freeze without swearing is a.-
as In heaven.
it will goon be a tribute to
that it will slight n i
opera nor baseball.
Remember, girls, that a handy man
is better than a on for do-
How funny our
language is.
n are running it
Mai y of the towns are preparing
war against the mosquitoes and Hies
What are we
these corners
How easy it is to sneer at Mr. Car-
i gifts to the cause of
Yet the rest of us are not so
for the cause.
A Washington judge has ruled that
taxicabs are common carriers. May-
be they are, but common people set
ride In them.
Coolness and common sense are a
partnership combination in the
running of the celebrated United
States Government.
to be a reality this year. One
of the year has already gone by.
evenings. The following Is the
circulated with the signatures of
those favoring the early closing
We, the undersigned merchants and
business men of the town of Greenville
President Wilson has promised
Tyler, the Va. agree to close our places of business
tress, that he would see what could beginning April 1st 1914. at o'clock
be done in her behalf that she may p m entire year,
her position. It will be and the mouth of December
that when the department thereby giving our employees
some time for
sued orders some months ago
all postmasters
it is that everybody in this
country should become over
financial condition. Evan Huerta car
still borrow money.
Only his most inveterate enemies
believed that the colonel stirred up
this disturbance in Brazil by
tot a third cup of coffee.
fourth class
offices to stand the civil service exam-
that Miss Tyler refused,
entered protest when she learned
another had been appointed in
Stead. What the President will
is hard to foretell.
English Bishops have decided
lain the word in the marriage
service If it made
surprise is expressed because
George W. left only
However, if he had possess- grill.
ed any wealth he doubtless would
have left that too
Sam the Wall Street
tic will shortly he in a position to
render a legal ruling on the
distinction between a probe and a
The question before the country is;
Now Tennessee has prohibition
law. what is she going to fight about
in tho future.
u would be and perhaps
untrue to say that any political par-
is between the devil and the deep
the suffrage question.
Cole of South Car
always off his when
he makes a speech. He will be an
muting figure in the he
ever get there.
If we should annex a fat strip of
Mexico very likely the state of Texas
would want it all, being greatly in
need of a little territory to relieve
cramped feeling.
Buffalo Mill's avowal that he has a
great life work to perform b ;
crosses over would imply that he be-
longs with those eleventh hour re-
Attention is called to a meeting of
the Carolina Club, the purpose of
which is set out in another
of todays paper. We note that all of
the business men of the town are r.
quested to be present at this meeting
whether a member of the club or
and we earnestly hope that all who
can will attend this meeting. Mr.
is a noted expert on a sub
that is certainly of vital interest
to the town at this time and everybody
who can arrange to go to Washington.
Friday evening should surely do so
Get out tonight to the club meeting
and arrange your business so that yo i
i an make the trip to Washington and
learn something about a subject
great importance to the material
J. R. J. G.
W. H. Co.
C. T.
Brown Fully.
W. A. How en.
A. K.
W. B.
J. R.
I. C. Hatch.
Frank Wilson.
C. Forbes.
Carr Atkins Hardware Co.
Greenville Supply Co.
V. B.
Little Wallace Co.
Taft Vandyke.
Shoe Co.
John S. Smith.
J. E. Williams.
Higgs-Tuft Furniture Co.
J. L. Starkey.
Boyd Furniture Co.
W. H. Ricks.
April come
to auditorium next Thursday
night and bring somebody with
to hear the Orphans from Oxford give
their concert.
Mr. J. H. Coward says the last
snow was a Joke on the sunny south
and we are of his opinion.
Mr. H. c. Cannon of
who has been for a long time
died last Saturday and was
buried Sunday evening with Masonic
honors Mr. Cannon was one tin
most reliable men and
his death Is a blow to the township
and a great loss to church.
We extend our sympathy to the grief
stricken family.
Owing to sickness of Mrs.
wife of the pastor of the
Christian church R. P. Pittman
filled his pulpit Sunday morning and
Rev. L. L. Smith at night. Both
sermons were highly spoken of.
SMITHTOWN, March are
very much pained to hear of the dead
of Prof. Pitt county has lost
no less than the state did when Chas.
growth of tho town. We should Aycock died,
allow the opportunity the govern- Mrs. Lizzie Flanagan was visiting
has given, to pass by. Get busy at Smiths Wednesday.
A new Texas Brand of politics has
appeared a called
Progressive it may i,
all right, but it dangerous.
There may be more honor in being
a member of the federal bank re-
serve hoard but the ordinary
neat person would prefer to he on th
Butter Board.
Sons of the King of England get
SI IS a week for spending money. But
s they don't have to spend money for
anything, the allowance is probably
Marconi says we soon will be talk
across the ocean, declares
art soon will be flying over it. and sub
enthusiasts are sure we soon
will steaming under It. The bridge
ant tunnel enthusiasts are yet lo o.
heard from
Hut it will soon time to
around and see if you can find your
According to a modernist in art.
colors bring joy to the
she's never sen the old man try j
into one of those red flannel under
shirts after the second washing
The real wire-pullers, so far as get-
ting quick service, are those who speak
pleasantly to the hello girls.
out tor that April fool.
There are two sides to all questions
the split skirts have two sides I
Whether Texas will repeat history
in the present crisis and lick Mexico
as she did in and 1847 depends
largely on her many and
can he found in Chihuahua.
Greenville today mourns under a
double portion of sorrow In the death
of two of her best and most beloved
citizens. Two men than
W. H and Mr. E. A.
Sr. are not known. They gave their
lives to the service of God and their
Both will be badly missed.
business men.
The best way to keep out of a pickle
is to keep cool as a cucumber.
Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Smith and
children of Farmville spent the day
at C. Smiths Sunday.
Mr. Ivy Smith went to Greenville
Sunday to attend the burial of Prof
Mrs. W. D. Tyson of Kinston spent
Monday In the neighborhood.
Quite a number of our people went
Two and efficiency-
are being worked double duty these
days. But there's a reason. Men of
arc coming to realize the last evening to hear the
of the behind the two I orPhans sing. hope they realized a
It's a sure thing that women will
never make a good police for they
ready refuse lo wear the proper
because no woman will wear a
hat like another woman.
of this year changed the or-
ii-r somewhat, coming In a lion
and going out like a lamb
Many a man's purse was Ml hard
Greenville ll was
millinery opening
An Increase in is
by tho firemen and engineers of
all the railroads weal or CM-
The ice man's mouth is beginning i
water but the coal man is about played
out. he has made enough
money to last him a year He can at
tend the baseball games when ever h
feels like it.
A Western man who Inherited about
one million dollars agreed to let five
men help him spend It. If he'd
come down to Greenville and get
of us I think one would be enough
In selecting a successor to Prof W
as county superintendent
board of should look
well to the best man possible for
the They cannot afford ti
stop the pace set by Prof.
for county's educational progress
We are told that a big business man
of one of our neighboring cities that
cairn to be the metropolis of Eastern
Carolina was forced to come to Green-
ville to borrow money to build a
dwelling In his home town. We
haven't any money trees, but your
cola will accumulate In your pockets
in Greenville. Greenville. Yours
timid couple skipped to
another store, spent and paid tune,
The prominent lady was busy
tor an hour, looking, spent fifty cents.
The clerk continued his conservation
with his The
and lost a permanent customer.
cent store service would have saved
words. Especially is this true if the
modern retain business establishment.
Retail merchants have learned the val
of the long time customer with
established patronage. The once in a
while customer is the reg
stand by is wanted more. To
hold customers requires and
why not say
Good service can not be rendered at
a minimum cost without proper equip-1
Especially is this true of the I
business house during the rush hours
Equipment needs also modern
oils of management. Had equipment,
lost motion and
result in loss of profits and In
the loss of customers. Recently
in a certain shoe store the clerk spent
eight minutes looking for tho
particular shoe wanted by a customer.
The total time occupied by that sales-
man In making the sale was fifty
Bud equipment, ancient method
or stock keeping and olden time
The customer went from the
store determined to try another
the next time-too much
good sum.
Hit own school closes April the
seventh. Come to the commencement
It Is claimed that the average wages
in Ireland has increased nearly
per cent In than years as a re-
of the efforts of the Irish trade
The membership of the Mine
Workers of America is said to have
almost doubled the past two years
Your Stomach Bad
Mad B That Can
To Health
It takes tact to handle the customers
Have you ever wondered why the
down the store was crowded
lost a sale and your customers were few
are as good a Judge of quality and
style as your rival You sell as close
to the margin as he does. Why his
crowded floors Think it
question, and will that u
i-S .
You are oat to take
, nil
In a rush. Hut it can he done. It e little thing You will call It a
would be very easy for a to little thing-a friendly word, the can-
up to a new comer and with a greeting, the pleasant smile, the
ant smile say wait a accommodation, the unusual
minutes and I will be able to wait on j touch of the extra service
lust look around at our and Those matters count and count far
teal at in truth, than you realize. The cheery
you will find clerks so that spoken, not as a mat
th-y ran wait on two custom, rt but as it were really meant
same time -but that is asking too pleases people. The briskly advancing
of them. last word is salesman, coming to meet you. with
efficient service. It counts. H pulls a smiling countenance. determines
trade. It builds regular purchasing
The Republicans and Progressives of
West Virginia have decided to hold
very largely your fortune
any u
ally required to convince the moat
of that II
remedy M to
d health. .--------,,, .,,,,
been taken many tie. if
the It I.,
f lo a n
I ever w.,. i
claim It a Wonderful mil
and to u. Mi,
AW. Stem.- s
t n a lea -e ,. ,
hr let for the various
. really by and one u d.
more the
other medicines. from one
lose will and benefit are
aria on the and four,
in ca-
Among the poorest paid workers
In tho whole of are the Sui
a joint primary the nominee of farm laborers, whose average
will be supported by the rank and file weekly amounts to lets than fifty
of both in the general
All mania to H. En Ml
V Hale la .
Ma L. M
Mr. Tom Williams of near Bethany
says the case of dynamite he used
did more work than a man could In
two weeks. Plenty more at J. R.
It Is town election was be-
talked the first Monday in May
being the election day. Only good live
progressive men should be considered
In the primary.
Mr. Amos Tyson who has been
lingering for a long died last
Sunday morning and was buried in
Ayden Cemetery Monday evening, the
funeral was conducted by Rev. Mr
Lane of the Methodist church. He
leaves a widow, mother and one
brother to mourn their loss. We extend
our heartfelt sympathy to the be-
Give us the specifications for your
needs in ling. We will have a
In shortly assorted prizes, from to
-4 Inches In diameter.
The new machine has
rived and being installed at the Free
Will Publishing of
lice and they will soon be able to do
all kinds of printing and lithograph-
Mr. Wilbur left Monday
evening for King's Business College
where he will specialize in
Just the thing for you to give your
old horse to make him shed, and get
fat one of those salt brick at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Mrs. R. V. Cannon made a visit
it Wilson Monday, returning on the
evening train.
Don't forget the singing class at
tho auditorium next Thursday
everybody come.
The remains of the infant of Mr.
Mrs. R. was taken
to Kinston Monday for interment.
Before Mr. Simon ever I
himself to the Democratic party for
sheriff he confessed that dynamite
was the stuff to get rid of stumps
Plenty of It at J. R. Smith Bro.
If any one has seen a black milk
cow and male yearling about a year
old also black, please notify us and
get reward. J. R. Smith Bro.
When Mr. David E. House begins
to drain Swift Creek Creek
and Swamps, he will use
dynamite in large quantities. Plenty
of It at J. R. Smith Bro.
Mr. Dick tells us he has
made a tour of this surrounding com
and that tobacco plants are a
scarce article and he is sure the crop
will he much later than any season of
Chief of Police C. S. Smith
rented the old guard house out for a
picture gallery but says be had to
bring it Into play last Sunday
the mayor had a long session on Mon-
day, meting out to the
Stalk cutters and disk harrows
have played their part in the
work but dynamite is always in sea
son. Plenty at J. R. Smith Bro.
One Improvement begets another
since the hank of Ayden has been
building our people have taken on
new life and we hear there are pros
for two more soon. Capital
stock having already been raised, this
shows prosperity.
It will require the majority of votes
rust to elect Mr. over
Mr. for sheriff but one man can
blow up stumps with dynamite.
of it at J. R. Smith ti Bro.
Mr. H. R. Harris has purchased
an Overland automobile. This makes
him J but its nobody's business but
his own.
If you have any thing to sell, or
want have lost your let
us write you up In The Dally
or. It Is read from east to west.
The National Brotherhood of Op-
Potters is to establish a tuber-
sanitarium for its
near Trenton, H. J.
The first conference of the Slate of
will be held In next week
to consider the wages of and
According to Andrew
president of the International
the average wages of seamen
the world over have been stationary
the last years.
Disc Harrows, Harrows, Harrows, Com Planters, Combination Planters,
Fertilizer Distributors, Spreaders, Oliver C Plows. Tiger and
Tobacco Transplanter, American Wire Fence, Galvanized Roofing. Prices always the
lowest. Come to see us you need, carry e n Stock. You
remember our MOTTO is QUALM Y
J. R. and J. G.
r e will make our Dis-
play of hats of all grades
and the latest designs.
Coward Drug Co.
the Bat
la arty.
All fungi
Toilet Article
Full f
Kodak Supplies
l. M.
Attorney n Law
Land and Drainage Canes a
In office formerly occupied
Drag Co.
ii f
Buy them now before
they go higher
Attorney at Law
Office In Third
Greenville, North
H. W. M. D.
Practice limited to of tho
and Throat
N. C N.
I with Ir. l. U Green
day every Monday. a m to I w
. Etc.
Shadow and
made Waists. Quality
Coat Suits, all
Styles. Dress Goods
all Colors. Prices to
suit everybody.
Pulley Brown
. J.
Attorney at Law
In on the Cot
House Square
T. I. Moore
O Ki.-I-ML.
Fire, Health and Accident
Opposite Proctor Hotel
tools always guaranteed. Stag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Stove and
Ranges. King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
I Atlas Cement O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
In all the
Office in on
fronting Court
Still With
Hie Co.,
of V.
A. Forrest, Spatial Agent
st. N. C.
nine He and He Hill
This a local
took a in Ilia.
in faraway place.
are asked in Inn
to believe a citizen's word.
To confirm a citizen's statement.
Any endorsed home
is worthy of confidence
Than one you nothing
by unknown people.
James Long,
Ave. gays Bin
mat a
, i merit and not to
them. When was suffer In
pain In my h
ml other and
i- I got a supply of
rill from John
., n did
bring in
i lame n
-i- in pi a
Midi, a for o
rills, the Mr. Long bad
die M . n k U
B Co.
Buffalo, K. V.
and Cadgers Appear in
the Great Metropolis in All
Sorts Disguises.
There are many professional beg-
in London, who have their own
copyright methods of attracting cola
from a and pub-
may perhaps mine
.,, , u the stressed governess, out
of a situation, who asks you In Oxford
the way walk to
and la o tot
that you ask i-r to accept
there la the transatlantic
journalist stranded In the metropolis.
lie i.- mil proud in seek aid
of his millionaire Cecil,
but if you and perhaps you
Most of
the old lady I appear-
dressed silk She
In London for the
robbed r baa
railed on her but
be out she
dot hi r tbs train
to d the on
you ii you will g bi x your
you arc . is you Una, and
escape s of begging In
For benevolent
pi ha. a value among
n .
r mi sale May
and good returning to
nation prior to midnight May
Extension posh
of b th at, -i Baal
Forsythe street, ,
later than 1914, upon pay-
fee .
-1, d n both
Bide from Jacksonville at vary
rates in all am
, ., points, by applying Atlantic
t line ticket Bay
lack rill on
May 6th to 10th, Inclusive limited
to June 2nd, 1914.
a splendid a lo Florida at
tally low a.
y as
rd id
W j.
Wilmington, X, C.
and I ford
to paste the pi Hi t, which
lb en
ii .
ill ;.
At Saturday after the
Sunday each month at J. II Smith
Bros. Stare.
Horns Hire Kinston, N I .
. V. HUM
Life, Fire, Sick M
Wilson's ii.-f
tin. h
Ogles ever Wilson's
i N. C
For, your Fruits, Candies and Vegetables
Call on
The California Fruit Store
to the Hotel, or to No We
give your order attention Quick service and
delivery to all parts City.
Special Prices on Bananas cents a dozen
The California Fruit Store
For all .,
the lead
Oar art la wedding arrange
are of the latest touch.
lag liner In to be had
Blooming pot
palms, Norfolk pines
in i many other nice pot plants.
.-nil s, hedge and
Mail, telegraph and telephone
J. L.
i., Store ii. i;,. i MS
N. C
J. Jr.,
As, for in,
J. C.
Everybody's doing it a few. Are you one of the few
Come in and let us fix you with the TANGO HAIR CUT for
We are not experts in tipping the fantastic in the tango way,
but we are artists in giving the TRIM.
Send the little and in and let us fix them
up in a real BUSTER BROWN style.
Proctor Hotel Barber Shop
J. H. I OR I,

Before buying elsewhere, see us,
Chapel Hill Gamblers Make
an Assault on
m m
Mr J. Y. Joyner, State Superintend-
of Education. Secretary of state
J. Crimes and Mr. W. I.
Brown, all of Raleigh, were her.- Baa
to the funeral of Prof.
Cox. of New Bern and Melville Gibson.
of Clayton, were here Sunday to at
lend the funeral of Prof.
Mr. G. J. Woodard has commenced
erection of a handsome
on street.
Mr. John Warren of Grimesland la
in town today.
Mr. John Stanley of is
in town today.
Mr. J. B. returned this
morning to Washington.
Mr. Roscoe Cox went up the road
Mis. Nannie Hudson returned this
morning from Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. pi
Ewell, Va. are visiting
M. A .-.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Cozart. Mrs
Woodard. Mrs. K I.
ton Mr. Edwin Barnes, of
and Mrs, A. J. Move and His
Henrietta More and Messrs. Joseph
and Hoses Move. X. and Stanley
Edwards, of Messrs. Wm.
Edwards, and Miss
and Mr. B. G
of Kinston; Mr w c
of ware here in
attend the funeral of Mr. Elbert A.
ye Sunday afternoon
Mrs. W. J. of spent
Saturday evening in Greenville.
Miss Emma Hardy went to Vance-
Whiskey Said lo Nave
Great Part in Wilson
HILL. March H- An out-
break of mob like spirit,
by the parties implicated in the
raid and their students
at was the -which met th-.
I m Sunday mornings n
and rear .- ,;., . . .
gambling operations i barged M
i place at Chap, Hill. Floyd I
ST whose name was inclined in the
gamblers and
, whom the town has recognized under
the of for his appearance
at court incited Ins cohorts charged
with gambling to make a personal
I attack on the writer of the article.
Booker, whom the town authorities
say has persistently engaged In
ling since last October; J. D.
a member of the freshman class
and Ralph Andrews, a member of the
freshman class, gathered at the post
office events showing this to be to do
violence to the person of the
I Booker was overheard to say am
i going to beat H------out of and
he other members of the party just
mentioned, stationed themselves
outside of the door. All th
events go to show that they had their
traps for the author of the news story,
waiting his departure from the post-
WILSON. March killing of advised your correspondent
Luther Winstead by his half uncle. not to lobby other
Joe Winstead, on the carnival grounds k door- would-
last night, adds another chapter to th- had threatened that they
long list of crimes charged up to pis- a jelly fish.
and swindlers of blind of Booker and his
whiskey. adherents were met with a hearty re-
After the shooting the slayer was by a f w student sympathizers
tracked through town by Messrs. Al- students a
lie Fleming and Philip Simms. and there have been strong
when they reached the Atlantic Coast that they are
Line tracks they called on the rail- nave far eluded the strong
road watchman. Mr. John Walston. of re-
-Arrest that he ha. sworn allegiance to
He was arrest- rs clan kind.
ed and turned over to Sheriff Row.- Winter-.
Helen of Hill is visiting
her r. Miss Harriet.
Our ready made suits are going
fast. Our prices are right, and they
go at Banal Come and on- before
they are gene a c
For dried apples, cabbage, and
Cox a- Son.
B weal to Greenville on
business Thursday.
Warren says he can
u small stumps, but to get
the one A . Ange A Q, , has
dynamite, fuse and caps.
Mr. C. T. went to Ayden
The Winterville High School com-
will soon here and
Barber Co. have a nice line
of dress goods and notions just opened
up and it will be your fault if you
get the best.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Von Eberstein of
Chocowinity are visiting Mrs. J. D.
Cox and Mrs. B. T. Cox.
Mrs. G. D. Manning of Greenville
is visiting her father here, Mr. C. T.
The blouse and boys knicker-
suits are nice. We ask you to
and let us give you a bargain
B. I. Forest Co.
Mr. and Mr. J. T. Skinner of
Kinston have been visiting Mrs. H.
The whitest white houses are those
painted with pure lead and
zinc paint, the whitest white paint.
If you prefer colors you will
colors a little stronger, clean
and than any other.
gives you a little more and better
In every gallon you get in
other paints. Its SO per cent lead and
per cent line, finely ground and
mixed with pure linseed oil of japan
See us when you want paint. A.
Ange Co.
See J. Cox Son for cold drinks.
cream, cigars, cigarettes and candy
A big crowd was in town Friday
at the opening new line of goods
W. S.
Office at Gut and
Atkins H Store.
House Painting, Interior Decorator
Hanging. Shades.
Plumbing Hearing Contractor
Moved to New Store on Fourth Street
Allen's Stables
Given on all Work Large or Small
Repair Work a Specialty
Out of town work will receive our
prompt attention
Phone 385-L
The John Flanagan Boggy Co.
b the watchman and Flem meantime J D. of. Miss millinery
Ins and Simms. and when searched id member of Carolina's foot
weapon was found on his person. The
prisoner came to Wilson last night
with Mr. Freeman on a bug
from th e section, and
after lie to
bra . on Mr. Bridgers was sit-
ting and attempted to get In and II
la said that told to
or he would be
Deceased area shot through the
heart and died instantly. He was in
the employ of Hackney Bros, and is
spoken of as having been of good
ball squad, has eased his way into th.-
lobby and pounced the writ-
of the article. in the H------
did you write the was hi;
question. Immediately th- crowd
gathered in the lobby intercepted,
and no further licks were passed. In
the some students went in
search of a policeman, anticipating
farther trouble just outside the door
where Booker had gathered his clan
charged with being midnight
and sympathizers.
Artists Absorbing Topic.
All day long where groups have
on Trail of lynch.
learned that Alfred Lynch who
is sought for the murder of Manley
Hatch in Onslow county a week ago
bad been communicating with
lives and friends here the authorities
were refused information by the
tern telegraph office here.
telegrams and a special delivery let-
were received here from the
black, who murdered the white
commissary keeper at a lumber
near Richards. The letter bore .
Efforts of officers to learn the
Of the place from which the telegrams
re sent were the
z company's stating that
lie rules of the company forbid
revealing the contents of private mes-
sages It is believed the courts have
been or will be enjoined to compel the
telegraph company to give the
desired. The alleged
it is believed, has left Norfolk
and is in a place farther North.
here are confident that the
heavy g over l
every police office in the of
states advised to watch for him
Lynch will soon be in custody.
The prisoner was interviewed in jail of
tins morning He says he is has of Par
stole for his death, but that lo professional
the killing was an accident. of the out-
Those who seem to know say T rt body of son
men bad been paying attention to th
same young that the uncle had
warned his to cease paying
Harrington. Barber Co. has a nice
line of ladies, and
up to date low quarter shoes.
The singing class from the Orphan
age Hill be here April the third. You
know that always means a pleasant
Just received some nice cabbage.
also have plenty of peas and seed
potatoes. R. W.
Buggies, Harness, Bicycles Etc,
Flanagan line Is The Quality
court to her; that the was
of peaceful disposition and to avoid
trouble had discontinued his visits,
that the had talked about his
uncle and when they met on the
grounds last night the uncle said
to have got to eat
what you have been saying about
producing a pistol cartridge
asked, would you like to eat one
of and before deceased could
reply the fatal shot was tired.
A preliminary hearing was heard in
the court house here this afternoon,
after which the prisoner was remand-
ed to jail without bond until Monday.
May eleventh, when the Superior
Court convenes. There were quite an
array of witnesses on both sides -ten
were examined by the state No
went on the stand for the
of the and poker dens In
Which gambling has gone on. The
fight is one of proportions, since one-
well competent to speak on the sub-
estimates that one hundred
of the student body
gambling. A speaker at the junior
banquet some weeks ago felt con-
strained to venture the estimate that
members of the student body en-
in or gambling
some form.
Student Council on the Trail.
the express messenger to open
the at C c point of a revolver, a
lone tonight obtained a single
package of valuables, from the Sea-
board Air Line's passenger train No
, bound from Tampa to New-
York., and then jumped from the
train making his escape. The robbery
occurred just as the train was leaving
Columbia. The value of the package
taken was said by express officials to
be small. The passenger and
coaches were not molested by the rob-
He left the train as it slowed
down for a crossing in the Northern
limits of the city.
officials late tonight said
that the stolen package contained
Standard Tasteless chili Tonic is Equally
Only a fortnight ago the student letters and reports of the
to task a big bunch of I Seaboard Air Line from Florida
students around whom strong lo at Ports-
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the
u Enriches the Blood and Builds up
the Whole System. For Grown People and Children.
. you Tasteless chill Tonic
as the formal, j, on ever. that it
properties of QUININE and IRON. I, i,., ., the
tonic ., i. Tasteless Form. It ha. no for Chill.
Mothers and Pale. Children. Remove. without purging
Relieves nervous depression and low spirit. Arouses the liver to
A Complete
No should be without it. by your We meanT Ste
rested that they had been nightly
visitors around the poker table. Th
i were dismissed on lack of conclusive
j evidence, each member of the crowd
, swearing to protect his fellow, and
yet a member of the council was
heard to express himself
-used, who was represented by W A
Finch. Woodard Hassell appeared
for the state. DO-
. , , , . , . furious trade
Defendant in his neighborhood is
considered a degenerate- a half wit,
and heretofore has been considered
Minnesota Active.
ST. L Minn.
they have a great opportunity to
win the state election next fall the
Democratic workers of Minnesota have
arranged to hold a state delegate cop
here tomorrow to consider th-1
welfare of the party and its
While the call for the confer
does not Bay anything in
a candidate for governor It
Is considered probable that such ac-
will be taken. So far the only
announced candidate for the bead of
Democratic ticket is Dan W. Law-
of St. Paul. Falling to persuade
Congressman W. S. Hammond to en-
the race the opposition If
now discussing Judge Charles
till district court
as the best . a liable man to make the
race against In the primaries.
Many men fail because they are
They have visions
do not recognize what they
i. O. P. for
Neb, March
Trial in Kentucky Case.
special term of the Clark county cir-
court convened here to try
result of a conference begun here to- defendants accused of
day harmony Is in sight for the Re
publican party of Nebraska, which
former Sheriff Ed, Callahan of Breath
has been into two rival factions some years
since the presidential campaign In was for
1912. Plans for an of at About twenty per-
forces discussed by the to compile
two state central committees
the two factions of the party
The proposed agreement for a
of harmony calls for the retire-
of the committee, which
supported Taft in the last campaign
In favor of the committee
representing the rival faction .
Manager Jack Dunn has gathered
In the plot that resulted in the
killing of Callahan. Of this number
several have been tried and convicted
but are still liberty under bond
pending dot on a motion for a
new trial. Judge James M.
before whom the remaining de-
are to be tried week,
has declared his intention to take
prompt act
action to
mouth, Va. The officials said th
package looked like the packages
generally containing currency, this
being their explanation of why it was
taken by the robber.
Railway officials said that the rob-
occurred while the train was
feeding three blocks. The robber U
believed to have boarded the train at
the passenger station In the center of
the city. The hold-up today Is the
third of its kind within the past two
years. No arrests have been made In
the two previous robberies.
Special agents of the railroad, the
Southern Express Company and th.
local police are searching the city and
its surroundings for the robber. Ex-
press Messenger Freeman. In
Surrender Paris KM Years Ago.
March hundred
ago today the armies of the
lies, commanded by Marshal
and Prince and ac-
companied by the emperor of
ire battering at the gates of Paris
The following day saw the surrender
of the city and the virtual overthrow
of the Napoleonic empire. It is a page
of history that the people of France
recall with sadness and regret and in
consequence the centennial
of one of the most Important
cuts in the whole history of Europe
is likely to be passed unnoticed.
V. W. C, A. Sews.
Rev. J. J. Walker of the Christian
church In Greenville conducted the
services of the Y. W. C. A. at the
Training school on last evening.
He gave the students a striking vis
ion of the goodness of God using a
his text Matthew VI. Ho made
plain fact that God has provided
of the robber, car, described the rob- man in physical, men
her as a man of height aesthetic and spiritual ways, but
dark hair and a sallow complexion. responsibility rests on each
spring and he believes hi. team will I
outclass the Baltimore Fed outfit.
Don't forget the Oxford Players,
last number of the Lyceum course
the Training school next Monday night
April th.
or to interfere with witnesses
at e trials.
To Prevent Blood Poisoning
old DU
Hie time. Not .
The said the robber
Election in Den
DES la, March
campaign in Des closed today,
preparatory to the municipal election
tomorrow when a mayor and
of the city council The reelection
of Mayor James R. Hanna is predict-
ed. His opponent on the ticket Is
G. Roe. at present s member of
Hanna received more
many votes as Roe.
than twice as
Leach and Johnson stand as
the speed merchant, to date.
Good ha. been fielding well, but ha
not been hitting.
In order that one may gain
satisfaction for these needs, especially
he last
Power Boat Races the
A week of Interest to all devotees of
power boat racing ushered In here
today. From now until next
there will be a dally of
races to the speed
Norfolk Southern R. R.
Schedule In Effect January
N. schedule figure
published as Information
sad are set guaranteed. v
Trains Leave
a. m. daily.
Pullman sleeping car fer
l a daily, fer Plymouth,
Oily and Norfolk.
Car service
Norfolk. tor all
aorta and
p. as. dally except Sunday, tor
a m. dairy tor Wilson. Raleigh
sad west sleeping oar
service. north, south
sad west
s. daily, except Sunday, tor
Wilson Raleigh.
fer all points.
p. av dairy tor Raleigh alt
Fat further
to sleeping ear., to J.
h. Russell, N.
Passenger Agent
w. A
Into R
under the auspices of the American
Powerboat Association. The trophies
offered aggregate in value.
M Oil
tad to
V. ; m s
;. w.
Student Body Hears
Jarvis on Reconstruction
Queen Visit America
President Wilson, who has confessed
his extreme distaste for the formalities
and ceremonies that are necessarily a
part of his daily life, seems
by the irony of fate to be the first
of the White House to be called
upon to entertain a reigning Queen.
Jarvis gave a talk on the i back
Reconstruction period to the student-- of an of
of the Training School by request of of to the
Miss Davis of the history department have now
Miss Davis had classes studying this I and or
period of the natives history, and for for
the purpose of making it more vital t j j will no,
them requested Gov. Jarvis to talk
to them, but realized the value of ; United States. Most memorable of all
a speech she gave the whole the of
school the opportunity of hearing It. Prince of
Wright Introduced him as Tho of
the leaders of the period. a signing sovereign, paid a visit to
Gov. Jarvis was at his best and do many Dom
a great with freedom Henry of
brother of the German emperor;
was that of all
later King Edward
In the hour he spoke he gave of of
vivid pictures of the time. George; several Russian grand dukes
Money to Loan on Improved
Farm Lands at 1-2 per cent
Long Terms
and clearly showed the cause and
of the military government. He
made his listeners again live through
i; all by the way In which he depicted
the scenes of the Reconstruction Gov
Jarvis gave thrilling experiences of
his audience vivid pictures of the times
the state government and at the same
time gave the audience the advantage
of using the courses of It.
lo Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county
executor of the estate of E. A.
Move. St. deceased, notice Is
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment
the undersigned; and all persons
have been here from time mU arc
time. Even Czar Ferdinand of to present the same to the
ft for payment on or before
March or this notice will
plead in the bar of their recovery.
and the of Spain and
the consort of Queen Eleanore,
baa been a visitor to the United
Mates. Hut Queen Eleanore will
tho distinction of being the first reign-
Queen who ever stepped foot In
He spoke
The visit of Queen Eleanore Is not
to be a visit of state. Nor is she
was In the midst of events and one of
the leaders WOO brought the state out
of trouble. He was a member
the legislature throughout the
and speaker of the house when Gov.
was impeached.
Gov. Jarvis began his speech by re
to Mr. as a man who
took conditions as be found them and
This 1st day of April 1914.
Executor of the estate of E. A.
Sr., deceased.
lo Creditors.
Whereas by a decree of the Superior
coming over to be entertained by the
social lights In New York and New
port. The primary purpose of her
visit is to Inspect the hospitals and court of Pitt county, made by his honor
kindred charitable organizations In j F. A. Daniels, Judge Presiding at
this country. These are matters term. 1914, Pitt county super-
the Interests of her whole life court in that certain special ac-
have been centered. While In entitled J. H. Tripp vs. I. J.
she will confer with the officials J. S. Ross was appointed
of the Red Cross society. Not only is receiver of the of Tripp. Hart
her Majesty Intimately acquainted with Company and was authorized by said
Red Cross work, but she is an expert decree of the court to take possession
nurse with years of practical expert- Of collections of all kinds,
and claims of whatsoever kind
In the war Queen due to the of Tripp. Hart Com-
This was a peculiar trait of our
fathers and mothers out of which came
a new civilization and a united
He first gave a clear explanation of
Why this period was called the
In reviewing the events of the per
he made the students realize the
state of affairs. He made
them understand as they never under
stood before the League
Ku Klux Klan.
The ease with which Gov. Jarvis
recalled the names of the men with
whom he was associated made th
students that they were again
living in those times.
He closed by Impressing upon the
students the fact that disaster always
follows when bad men rule and good
men are excluded when the wicked
rule the people mourn.
K. Proctor went to New last
Mr. J. F, Stokes of Greenville was
here last Thursday.
Mr. W. H. Hudson of
was in town Thursday.
Eleanore. who at that time was
I of wore the
form of the Red Cross sisters and fol-
lowed an ambulance train sent out by
the Grand Duchess
out the entire war Princess Eleanor
lived on board this train, traveling
back and forth with the armies in,
Manchuria and staying always near
possible to the actual scene of the
conflict. On more than one occasion
the windows of her car were smashed
by flying bullets. Upon her return
St. Petersburg after the close of
war she received a popular welcome
and was showered with honors by the
Russian court .
More recently the Balkan war
Into strong relief the Queen's per-
and her prompt action in or-
and collect the same as speedily
as practicable.
Notice is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to the of Tripp.
Hart Company to make Immediate
settlement with J. S. Ross, receiver,
and all persons having claims against
the firm of Tripp. Hart Company,
are hereby requested to file their
claims with said receiver. This the
26th day of March. 1914.
It. Receiver of Tripp. Hart Go
Confederate Veterans Reunion.
Tickets on sale May 5th, 6th
and 7th good returning to reach
Red Cross work in Sofia as nation prior lo midnight May 15th, 1914
soon as hostilities began did much to Extension may obtained by
to mitigate the terrible condition of ticket with special agent. East
the wounded soldiers in the campaign. Forsythe street. Jacksonville, Fla. not
She also devoted much attention to
the relief of the homeless and destitute
Mr. Jones of Washington who has; who poured Into the capital
the contract to build the bridge across by the thousands as the war progress-
Tar river at this place was here for ed.
a short while looking after the build
of it.
They have begun to put the pilling
cross for the bridge.
Dr. C. It. Jones went to Greenville
Thursday on business.
Mr. John Warren went to
Thursday and returned Friday.
Messrs. F. A. Elks and R. M. Elks
went to Washington last week.
There was quiet a crowd from here
went to Greenville Sunday to attend
the funeral of Prof. W. II.
those who went atlases
Faucett. Anna Lawrence Earle
Proctor, Mary Proctor,
tor, Ethel Godly Ethel Phelps Carry
Mrs. F. A. Elks, Mrs. J.
A. Moore. Messrs. W. E. Proctor
Jno. Warren, Alston L. D
Phelps, A. O. Clark. J. A. Clark I.
F. Williams, J. L. Gibson. Hassel
Gibson, Stephen Phelps and W. V.
Clark. Jim Faucett, J. A. Moore. H
H. T. F. Proctor W.
and several others.
Queen Elanor's entire life prior to
her marriage to Prince Ferdinand was
Inter than May 16th 1914, upon pay-
of fee of
Stopovers allowed n both directions.
Side trips from Jacksonville at very
low rates to all Florida, Georgia an
Alabama points, by applying Atlantic
Coast line ticket office, West Bay
spent on the estates In lower street., Jacksonville, Fla. Ticket, on
Austria, so that she is to all Intents
and purposes an Austrian. From her
girlhood she devoted herself to good
works In her father's principality, par-
in the neighborhood of the
home at It was gen-
believed that the Princess
ore preferred philanthropy to
She had reached middle life
when six years ago. she became the
wife of the ruler of
The Queen Is a very accomplished
woman and speaks several
fluently. after her
age she set herself to learn Bulgarian,
which Is a very difficult language. In
and other ways soon found
herself to the hearts of her adopted
people. Incessantly she has worked
for their well-being. has opened
numerous schools, established
Goa and founded homes for orphans
land the children of parents too poor
Mr. Ed. Matthews of give their offspring a good
was in town today. Her Majesty was the first lo
The weather has changed consider- Into the east the western
for the past week. The farmers custom of opening bazaars, hospitals
are very busy preparing their laud and concerts In order that her sub-
for planting. They are behind might take an Interest In
work very much but if the Intended to swell the funds of
continues favorably they will soon
get up with It.
The farmers been some
uneasy about tobacco plants but think
various institutions.
It l now thirty-five years since
King Ferdinand tho United
States. At that time he was n Prince
crop out. They are
the lime of year.
now they will have plenty to set their of for it was ten
very for years before he was made the ruler of
Bulgaria. He was on his way home
from Brazil, where he had been the
guest of his brother. Prince Augustus
of who had married a
daughter of Emperor Dom Pedro.
After arriving in New York the Prince
visited Philadelphia, Washington, Ma
Falls and other places of Interest
before sailing for Europe.
Atlantic Coast Line.
North South Bound
No. a m. p. m
No. p. m. No. p i,
Norfolk Southern.
i,, t Bound West
No. No.
No. t a. m. No. 7.64 a. a
No. p. m No. p. i
Fisher, formerly a pro-
at Wesleyan University is men
for the Democratic nomination
tor governor of Connecticut.
Tho Minnesota court
f that state
Per Weakness Loss of Appetite
s chill TONIC,
A r-r v
sale May 6th to 10th. Inclusive limited
to June 2nd,
A splendid chance to visit Florida at
unusually low rates.
For any address
Railroad of the
P. T. Mgr. Gen. Pas.
Wilmington. N. C.
Mr. F. Osteopath, begs to
that beginning Thursday,
he will be In for the
of Osteopathy Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Saturday from
to at Mrs. Ada Cherry's
residence, corner Fifth Washing
ion 8-19-ti
Somewhat to the
In New York, but Ar Entirely
Some of the terms to describe
are mystifying to the
initiated, declares the New Sun.
For Instance, convey,
little Idea to the novice until It ex-
plained that this special type of apart-
has no private hall. The back
door and tho front door both open
Into the public halL and the rooms
follow one after the other, like cars
on a railroad train, which accounts
for the expression railroad flat.
A I. one degree up tho
scale, for here, there Is no en-
tire length of private hall, there Is a
sufficient slice taken from the bed-
rooms so that one may walk from the
parlor to the dining room without
crossing tho two Intermediate bed-
rooms The tiny hall Is boxed in.
hence the name box Cat.
A speaks for Itself and
Is easily translated Into non-elevator
flat As a matter of fact, many of the
most desirable of the older apartment
houses come under the head of
A the Is still another
type which may apply to any of the
others It Is never as It
graphically describes Its mode of en-
All these fine points of distinction
can be gleaned from a day's apart-
The hear that In furnished
by as I a really easy,
home lite place
the furniture yea
cheese here Is Intended ex
fer taut purpose.
That will suit year tastes-the place you Intend fer bat
net lea-t your purse. See the
Taft Vandyke
Pie, the National
Three years ago a con-
test was held for tho championship
of New Jersey, relates tho London
Chronicle, In the United States pie
Is a national dish, and the variety
with which the competitors had to
struggle consisted of a layer of
pastry a quarter of an Inch thick,
spread with canned fruit, the average
weight being half a pound. Accord-
to the report of a local Journal,
enthusiasm, thirty-five young
men, trained to the minute, entered
the contest for the championship.
The record of twenty-six pies In
half an hour fell during the battle.
Walter of N. J.,
was tho winner. He managed to put
himself on the outside of twenty-
seven pies in the allotted time. For
he received tho
It should have been
Executors Notice Advertisement
For Claims,
A B Checks
Banking Trust
State of North Carolina, Pitt
The undersigned having been
pointed and duly qualified as
tor of the estate of F. A. Patrick, de-
ceased, all persons having claims
against said estate are notified
to exhibit the same before me on
or before the 30th day of March
1918, or this notice will be in
bar of their recovery. All persons In-
to said estate will please make
immediate payment. This the day
of March 1914.
AV. J.
Executor of the last will
of F. A. Patrick, deceased.
N. C.
We Have on Hand
Full line of Ford Cars, also
Out terms to one and all are cash or notes
We thank patrons past favors and Solicit a continuance
of same.
Ford Supply Co.
Greenville, N. C.
Candidate Cards are 12.00 per
Inch per month payable In advance.
I -in i if ilk.
I'll rot
Off -her . it
. rich, tr-
less than two
p en the I will urn
you . b g lot that .
If you to know this
SI m
. v. at
I am Red Devil Lye
it Ha,
Sale of Rest
of a power of sale contain
a mortgage
ed and delivered by W. I.
and wife, Annie to Greene
Manning, dated 10th day September
1909 and duly recorded In the Regis-
office In Pitt county, in book d
page the undersigned will on
Monday the 20th day April. 1914
exposed to public sale before the court
house door In to the highest
bidder for cash tho following
ed tract or parcel of to
In township.
county, North Carolina, beginning
the mouth of Peter's Run where It
enters Into Content lieu and run
thence a straight line to the
mouth of Marl branch thence up the
various courses of said branch to n
take; J W, coiner, thence
with said line north SI
west 4-6 to a stake, n walnut
tree stump, thence south 2-3 west
poles to a stake on the great Con
creek near n small
down the various courses said
creek to the beginning, containing
. r. I,,.
made to satisfy the terms of said
gage deed. This the 17th day of
March, 1914.
By L. Assignee
Fer Sheriff
I wish to announce to my friends
and the public generally that I am
candidate for the office of sheriff of
Pitt subject to the action of
th. Democratic primary, and will
the vote and help of any.
For Sheriff.
To the Voters of Pitt
I take this method of announcing my
candidacy for sheriff subject to the
Democratic primaries. Should I b
elected will endeavor to administer
the duties of the office with prompt
using to all. I thank
you for your support and beg to re-
main your obedient servant
Very respectfully
For Sheriff.
I wish to announce to my friends
to the public, generally that I am
candidate for the office of sheriff of
Pitt county to action of
the Democratic primary. I will
date the support of all.
For sheriff.
I wish to announce to my tends
am a candidate for sheriff of
county subject to the action of
the Democratic primaries. Should I
be elected I will endeavor to serve
the people one and all to the best of
my ability. I will appreciate your
vote and help.
New Gar-
den Seed
Flower Seed
Onion Sets
Maine Red Bliss
Irish Cobblers
Seed Oats
Rape Seed
Dr. Hess Stock
Poultry Powder
Cabbage Plants
The Jersey Wake.
and Large Late Drum Head.
This should
on. headings through the
for shipment I
Prepared shipment Is
t- at US per
ever Haw nor thousand a.
a, b. N. f. Car
orders she.
L. C. Arthur
S. f.

a. a,,
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out. Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable. Will last for years.
At Dealers Everywhere
D. C.
Richmond, Va.
Norfolk. Va.
Charlotte, N. C.
Charleston. W. Va.
Charleston. S. C.
. I
North Carolina.
In Superior Court
D. C. Moore. Clerk.
William and
G. T. T. Gardner
Henry HelP-u
Hy virtue of a decree made by IX C.
Moore, clerk of the superior court of
Pitt county, in the above entitled cause
the 18th, day of the
commissioner will on
day the 18th day of April. 1914, at
o'clock noon, expose lo public sale,
before the court in Greenville
to the highest bidder for cash, the fol-
described tract or parcel of
laud, to
Situated in Swift township,
Pitt county. North Carolina adjoining
the lands of the Allen Kilt roll heirs,
the of N. Corey, the Stokes
lands and others and containing
acres more or less end being a portion
the land left by last will and
of J. F. to t ii.- Heller
This sale will be made for the
pose of making partition among the
tenants In common.
This the 13th day of March. 1914.
F. C. HASHING. Commissioner
After Four Years of Discouraging
Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave
Up in Despair.
Came to Rescue.
an interesting letter
this place, Bertie Bullock
writes as suffered for four
years, with womanly troubles, and during
this time, I could only sit up for a little
while, and could not walk anywhere at
U. At times, would have severe pains
hi my left side.
The doctor was called In, and bis treat-
relieved me a while, but I was
Won confined to my bed again. After
bat, nothing seemed to do me any good.
had gotten so weak I could not stand,
and I gave up in despair.
At last, my husband got me a bottle of
the woman's tonic, and I com-
taking it. From the very first
I could tell it was helping me. I
can now walk two miles without its
tiring me, and am doing all my
If you are all run down from womanly
troubles, don't give up in despair. Try
the woman's tonic. It has helped
more than a million women, In Its
years of continuous success, and should
surely help you, Your druggist has
sold for years. He knows what
it will do. Ask him. He will
mend It Begin taking today.
Write Co-,
cam w . h lava.
tent la
To Whom It May
This is to notify the public generally
that the undersigned will on Monday,
day of April. 1914. it being the first
Monday In April, apply to the Board
of Commissioners of Pitt County, for
the right and privilege to construct
the main canal or of Clay-
Root Swamp across the public road
of Pitt county, wherever said roads
said Clay Root Swamp, and the
undersigned will also request the
Board of Commissioners of Pitt
to construct and maintain bridges
at said crossings, and this notice is
given in order that any of Pitt
county, who desires to do so, may be
heard before the Hoard of County Com
of Pitt county on the first
Monday In April. 1914, in reply to the
Carolina Development Co.
By B. House.
by The J. I. Case Tobacco Transplanter.
Great in time and labor, increase in yield per acre. Set your
plants when wait for rain Each plant watered at the
roots, covered with dry earth-no Every
for every purpose, desired. Come and see machines before you
buy, built right, works right, wears right, and prices right,
is best made
N. C, Feb.
Messrs. Hart Hadley,
Greenville, N, C,
In regard to the J. Case Tobacco
Transplanter will that I am
pleased with it. I couldn't ask for
one to work any better and it was just
as you represented it lo be. It worked
perfection and I am satisfied it save
me several hundred dollars.
I set my entire crop of seven acres
with it and it was dry weather when
I set it I used six barrels of water
Ural selling. I set some parts of
per acre and got a perfect stand
rows all through my patch by hand
just to try it and I found that
which I set with he Transplanter grew
heller the season through. I also set
sonic for several of my neighbors and
they say that theirs grew better than
they set by hand, and they are
begging me to set theirs for them the
coming season. I also have friends
at a distance of fifteen mile's from me
who want me to set their crop for
I hem.
I can't say too much for your ma-
chine and wouldn't be without
for Hundred Dollars and as to
your services, I couldn't ask for bet-
Yours truly,
Having qualified as
Anne deceased
I late of county, this is to
i all persons having claims
j against the estate of the said
to exhibit them to the
within twelve months
I from this date, or this notice will
pleaded in liar of their
All persons indebted to said
will please make immediate
This the of March 1914
Grain Privilege.
Make Your Own Paint
Buy gals. L. A If. PAINT.
at per gal.
And gals. Oil to mix write it 2.10
You then make gals, of pure paint for
It's only per gal.
Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT.
Whereas, if you buy gals, of paint in
CANS, you pay a gal. or
LINSEED OIL. the best-known paint
a gal. out of any PAINT yon buy, and II not the brat
Mint made, return paint and get ALL your back.
J. ft J. MOTE. S. C.
I, C.
My son. Luther Barrett, age
has left home and refuses to
it-turn. All are forbidden
to hire him unless his wages are
paid to me.
One black and whit at
Crop and silt In left ear
swallow fork and under bit the
can same by Identifying
and paying all charges.
Route Box Greenville. N. O
We give notice that we will
apply lo the Hoard of County Com-
missioners at the regular April 1914
meeting to have opened as a public
road, the road now running from th
place en the road
across oar lands to the creek
which road has been by the pub-
for thirty years and longer.
This March 1914.
D. B.
For Hatching.
splendid strain of Hist. Layers
let me hare order for egg.
N. C
hawk poll and china boar,
weigh, about CO pounds, IS
la. Unmarked ears, drops at
little white hoc. pay
all cost of Notify aw.
Cans. . ft
The headquarters of the National
may be transferred from Washington
lo Chicago.
Congressman Joseph R.
has announced candidacy for the
Republican nomination for United
States senator from
Having duly qualified as
tor on the estate of Worthing-
ton deceased, notice is hereby given to
all persons having claims against
estate to present them to me properly
authenticated on or before the
day of March 1915 or this notice will
plead in bar of their recovery All
persons indebted to said estate will
make immediate payment to me. This
day of March 1914.
on the estate of Worth
deceased. Id iv
Marriage License
The following marriage license were
Issued by Register of Deeds
Bell during the last
and Lil
lie W. J. Braxton and
Carmon. William A. Short and
Are you discouraged
Hare you any REAL reason
to be Probably to
one it is your liver. You need
The effect is gentle, yet rarely
fails, even with the ordinary
dose directed. Take no sub-
sugar coated or plain.
Is la. Basis all
the of all good firming. Wine far
by beet la the Unite
Lime on the Farm, and gel pries
of lime. Don t buy earth,
etc. A postal will give you
Frank Maury's big tent shows
commence a week's engagement here
next Monday night. See their
in another column.
i wheat.
Puts and calls arc the safest and
surest method Of trading in wheat
or oats. Because your loss Is
absolutely limited to the amount
bought. No further risk.
Positively the most profitable way
Open an account. You can buy
puts or calls on els
grain for or you can buy both
for or as many more as you wish
An advance or decline of cent gives
you the chance to take profit
A movement of cents profit-
Write full particulars and bank
Columbus, Ohio.
Address all mall to Lock Box 1420.
Farms for Sale.
One of acres. cleared, large
six room house and necessary out
One of acres, seres
cleared six room and necessary out
buildings, both farms in few hundred
yards of each other and can be easily
operated as one farm. Fine lands
that are especially to tobacco
pea nuts, cotton and corn. Farms will
sold or as one farm
Prices very low considering the value
of the land. Must be sold at once
Write for particulars.
N. C.
P. Box
3-25 ltd.
Application for Pardon.
Notice Is hereby given that on the T
day of April 1914 or as soon thereafter
as In convenient to the Governor,
application will be presented to the
for the pardon of Willis
Pitt who convicted at the August
term 1918 of the superior court of Pitt
county of the larceny of some
gathered corn In the field and
ed to six months on the roads of Put
county. This the day of March
for Will Pitt
Its w
ft- or photo Bad d- I
lot I
f I-- . i. la U. I
I and am
Seventh St., D.
The new Is to
have Its tryout In Atlantic City the
last week in April and will begin Its
New York run on May I,
Sale of Timber.
Under and by virtue of the power
and authority contained in a certain
Davis and wife, Addle M. Davis, to It.
A. Stamper, of date 11th day of July
1913, and duly recorded in the
County Registry in book L. page
default having been in the
of bond secured thereby
the undersigned, will on Thursday
9th day of April, 1914, at o'clock
M in front of the court house door
of Pitt county, Greenville, N. C, offer
for sale at public auction to the high-
est bidder, for cash, the following de-
All the right, title and Interest pi
the said F. O. Davis and wife. Addle
M. Davis, in and to all the green pine
timber trees that will measure
Inches In diameter at
the when cut, that arc now
standing, growing and being upon that
of land situated In Falkland town
ship, Pitt county, adjoining the lands
of Ben Moore, the heirs, John
Gay and Bob Rodgers, and practically
at a stake on the Green-
ville and Wilson road, thence N. 311-2
W. 4-5 R. to a stake in Ben
line agreed
thence N. 3-8 B. 1-6 R. to a
stake In Jacob's branch, Jno. Gay's
corner, down the various
courses of Jacob's branch to the
Wilson public road,
the point of beginning, containing
acres, or less, saving and ex-
the pine timber on
about five acres of the above
ed tract of land located on the public
road on the southeastern portion of
the body of land, cut off separated
from the main body of tract by an
old tram road running through the
woods, evidences of which can now be
plainly seen, and saving and except-
further five long leaf pine timber
trees and one short straw pine
tree which are to or have been,
designated as In m this con-
With full
and privilege from the date of this
Instrument up to the of
June, 1916, In person or through their
agents or servants to enter upon said
land and pass and over the
same at will, on foot or with teams
and conveyances. In which to cut and
remove said timber trees, together
so, with the right and privilege for
during the time above mentioned of
cutting and removing from the for-
going laud use In handling and
th logs on such
poles as are needed for car stand-
and skid poles, provided these
shall be cut from such places on
as shall be designated by the
said R. A. Stamper, or his
R. A. Mortgagee.
This the 5th day of 1914
Service by
North Carolina.
Pitt County.
In the Superior Court
Before the Clerk.
Martha J, B. Carroll,
B. S. Byrd
A, Q, Cox and others
Donald Jackson,
Jackson, H. B. Kills, Carroll
an others.
take notice an action
as above has been commenced In
superior court before the clerk of
Pitt county to have the Cedar Swamp
Canal Incorporated, In Pitt county,
which canal runs through or near
lands of the defendant Jack-
son, and this said action for the In-
corporation of said Cedar Swamp
Canal Is for purpose of
obligating all parties whose lands
shall drain through Canal to
in constructing and maintaining
that said defendant win
further take notice that he Is
ed to appear before the clerk of
superior court of Pitt county on
day April and answer the
complaint of the plaintiffs In
or demur to or the
plaintiffs will apply to the court for
the relief demanded in com
This March 1914.
D. C. C.
Pitt County.
3-12-41-1 a w.
ear D,
teal and m
k M i eT
At the regular meeting of the Boar
of County Commissioners March S,
1814. petition was presented
that a road be laid out In Greenville
Beginning at the corner of the roe
leading from House. N. at
home, and running wast a
straight line or about straight, west
to the Greenville and Tarboro roe,
same will be heard et the regular
meeting of the Board April ,
March 1814.
B. M. LEWIS, Chairman of Board.
Clerk of Board.
Maurice a noted French
comedian and singer of
has been engaged for a tour of
largo cities of the States and
Canada next season.
Clear e
Agriculture Is the Most Moil Healthful, Employment of Man.
M Mill II x
Interesting Story Late War
In Which He Took Part
Students Putting Into Practice
Their Knowledge of Do
The Senior Class of the East Caro-
Training School are
putting into their knowledge
of domestic science. The class is
into groups of two, and those
two serve u luncheon together. They
are given and can invite six
people. Each two girls plan their
menses, table decorations, make their
cards and purchase all mater-
be used the merchants of
The following luncheons were
First by Misses Gertrude
end Gladys Fleming.
Creamed Chicken Mashed Potatoes
Waldorf Salad.
who left Greenville
Grates u lo Her
up Arms
Turks mid
the proprietor of Hi
Prof. Wilson Will Address ALDERMEN IN,
Saturday Night
months ago for
country, it being the time war
was declared among the foreign
tries in which Greece participated re-
turned here last Saturday tells a
very Interesting story of Hie war I
the in which he took part.
states that the laws of
government compels all natives to re
turn home In time of war, it matters
not in what country they may be,
those failing to meet these require-
of the law are not allowed to
return to Greece at any time, under
any circumstances, and on this ac-
count he answered the call to arms
During the time he was In service
be engaged In seven one with
Turks and six with the
and Paul spoke of the battle with
Turks at as the Here lest
f the entire war, lasting for two days
and with the loss of many sol-
on both sides. The small com-
of which he a member lost
two hundred men. Paul added that
during that combat soldiers bad
neither food nor water, and near the
close he had almost seen death from
and staring him In the
face, hardly being able to stand upon
bis feet. He spoke of the other battles
as being not quite so severe, but bad
enough sufficiently to amuse him.
Paul told of the cold winter they ex
In 1913 when for hours and
hours his company would be compelled
to stand on guard duty in snow almost
to their knees, and that many would
suffer for weeks with cold-bitten feet.
He tells that he had five cousins in
the same company with him, and that
in tin- very first battle, being with
Bulgarians, one of his kinsmen
shot seven times, almost at an In-
which proved fatal, but he with
the remaining four cousins escaped
through the war without a scratch,
It was especially interesting to hear
him tell of a gun used by
that after being loaded, the press
of a button would It,
five hundred shots at once.
At it serving his government for
thirteen months, he was honorably
discharged and spent nearly two
months his home before returning
to announce that our stables and
water and three by rail In making the
trip from his home to Greenville.
Maine to Meet.
Me. April ad-
guard of delegates has arrived
in the city for the Republican State
Convention which will meet hero
row with Congressman A. Peters
presiding. convention will adopt
a platform and make preliminary plan
for the coming state campaign. The
state and congressional nominations
will made at the June primaries.
Governor who Is serving his
first term Is so far the only
can who has his candidacy
for the nomination
mil Kat-
Celery Ge, Apples Potatoes
Olives in, Flour Lard a.
fee Sugar Salt I. Pepper
Milk Chicken , Egg
Baking Powder Total sold
and left over
Second by Misses Minnie Myers and
Oyster Cocktail
Chicken Soup
Chicken in
French Fried Potatoes Creamed Celery
Beaten Biscuit
Chicken Oysters Potatoes B,
Lard Celery Butter Flour
Coffee Egg
Seasoning Total
Third Misses Helen Daniels
Wat kins.
Broiled Steak Creamed Potatoes
Waldorf Salad with
Biscuit Coffee
Two Pounds Flour Pt.
Milk Salt Baking Powder Lard
Apples Bunch Celery
Almonds Wesson Oil Lemons
Potatoes Butter Coffee
Sugar i. Egg Pickle Total
Fourth Misses Bessie and Es-
Creamed Eggs
Hot Rolls
Butter 3.1, Lemons
Peas, Flour Milk Gelatin
Tea Yeast Pepper Salt
The friends of Mr. Harry Rountree
and Miss Annie Edwards were
prised yesterday afternoon to learn
that they had eloped to Elizabeth City
where they were married
morning by Justice J. W. Munden,
who la a special friend of bride.
The young couple returned here
and will make their home at
present with Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Edwards, parents of bride.
The groom is a son of Mr and Mrs
L II. Rountree.
Mr. J K. returned yesterday
from Richmond win re last week he
took his little son, Joe to be operate
on for appendicitis. Mr. re-
ports the operation as being success-
and states that Joe was Improving
rapidly. Mrs. Is st the hospital
with the little fellow and will
ii ii he Is able to return
homo, which is hoped will only be i
few days.
April 8.-Miss Car
Cox of spent last week
end with her sister Miss Malissa, win
is u hen .
Prof. C. W. Wilson of Greenville
Will speak to the Y. M. C. A. of tho
High School next
i veiling at All the young men
of the t art cordially invited to
hear Prof. Wilson. He is an able
speaker and a leader for
advancement throughout East-
All kinds of flooring ceiling and tin
timber; also pews, lawn swings
farts, wagons and tobacco trucks at
lbs O. K. Lumber and
Messrs. J. .
Manning w- lo Snow It'll and Hook
on business Tuesday.
Brother farmer II looks like you
are going to have some tobacco plant
now and you ought to begin to think
about bow It Is to set them out
with a good transplanter. We
a good one. See us before you buy.
B. D. Forrest Co.
Mr. A. W. Ange went to Green
villa Monday on business.
See J. Cox and Son for cabbage,
dried apples and fancy groceries.
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Edwards re
turned to their home in u Inkers yes
ii after spending the week end
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ii.
The i Oil Com-
is n a petition get for tho
farmers a superior quality of plain
seed at reasonable prices. Talk
to them about planting seed.
We ask you to look through our
big that we are distributing
through the country and send us some
orders B. D. Forrest Co.
will cross
with the Atlantic Christian College
ball team Monday, April The lo-
cal team has been at work very liar I
and have strengthened their weak
points. We may look forward to a
very interesting game. The game will
be culled at o'clock.
For cold drinks, Ice and candy
see J. Cox
One I. H. C. twelve horse power
gasoline engine, practically new. Will
sell cheap. O. K. Lumber and
Rev. O. L.
superintendent of North Carolina An-
ti saloon league, will speak in
of the High
School Sunday, April at o'clock
Mr. Is a good speaker and
may expect an Interesting
The public is cordially invited.
Those who have cotton seed for sail-
or to exchange for meal will make no
mistake In taking the matter up with
the Cotton Oil
where they a ready market and
highest prices.
Tho most valuable moment of you-
was when you proposed to your
husband or he to you; the
next will be when you examine the up
to date line of dress goods at A. W
Ange Co.
Rev. G. J. has been con-
ducting a revival service here for the
past week. The meeting closed Sunday
Monday night were baptized. Al-
though Mr. has been pastor
her only a short time he Is esteemed
very highly by all the people of the
I and dress slip
p-rs of all kinds, colors and sizes it
Harrington Barber Co
Harrington Barber A Company can
supply your wants In spring and sum
mer dress goods. They have some
beautiful dry
Last night being the first Thursday
of month, the Hoard of Aldermen
met in regular session with all
present, and an unusual busy
and lengthy meeting was held.
The street committee reported all
sir. Co be In fairly good condition
and as instructed report having
purchased carts and harness to
used the street force for the upkeep
cf same. They also reported that the
Sewerage work on Eight reel was
iii progress.
The ordinance committee
mended several ordinances for
The one at their last
ting relative to the railroads
and gales different cross
in the town limits was
s ordinances passed for the
Southern and Atlantic Coast
Hoard agreed m extend the
water line down Greene street
Eleventh street to the property of the
Tobacco Co. In order that this
may be done at an early date the Ex-
port Company agreed to advance
i money for Hie works com-
mid accept town notes without
Interest. They also agreed to accept
town notes for their proportional pail
the extension of the sewerage on
Eleventh street.
Mr. R. P. Harrington was Instruct-
ed to open up a street In front of tin-
Training School, connecting Fourth
and Fifth streets. He was allowed
for the work.
The sum of 11.60 i
Hope Fire Company to pay capital
tax, also license from the
The and Fire Company
agreed to the expense of putt-
a carpet strip on the stairway of
the City Hall.
Reports of officers were read and
Messrs. L W. Tucker and
Spain were re-elected members of
Water and Light Commission.
An ordinance was adopted
property owners on both sides of
Fourth street between Evans and Pitt
streets to put down side-
walks according to specifications fur
by the street committee.
It was also moved and carried
the street committee complete the
on Third street between Evans
and streets, and on Dickinson
avenue beyond the Atlantic Coast Lint-
The sum of donated to the
old soldiers reunion.
Mr. C. D. Rountree was elected tax
list taker.
Norfolk Southern trains were
ed to stop before crossing Ninth street
and a flagman of each crew must
train across said crossing.
The following ordinances were
1st. That the Atlantic Coast Line
Railroad Company be and Is hereby
required to keep a flagman at the
Fifth Street crossing in the town of
Greenville of said road from a. m
to p. m. for the protection of per-
sons on said Fifth Street
while the trains of the said Atlantic
Coast Line Company are past-
over said crossing.
2nd. That the said Atlantic
Line Company In moving and
operating Its trains southward are
hereby required to blow at Third
street and ring bell through the
of said Town of Greenville.
3rd That the said Atlantic Coast
Line Company hereby
required In moving and operating
trains over its said road moving
Northward to blow on leaving Its
station at Greenville, and to ring Its
bell through the town limits of the
ROCKY MOUNT, April C Mayor I.
F. Tillery was this morning in receipt
of positive advice that T. II Mu-
who was killed at
Ark. Wednesday was half-
and be left Saturday for Illy-
Mr. was shot lo
death by u 16-year old youth Join
Walker, who was a mere infant when
in 1888 Mr. killed Luther
Walker, tether of the young man win
did the Wednesday. Mayor
telegram advised Hie re-
mains were ye in the Baton of
the undertaker and he
Immediately wired be was
route lo Arkansas city.
Town of Greenville.
4th. That any failure lo comply
with tins ordinance the said Atlantic
Line Railroad Company shall
pay a line of dollars for each and
every day or part of day II shall operate
trains Over said crossing Fifth
SI reel without a flagman, or fail-
lo blow or ringing hells as lei. In
before provided for.
This ordinance is lo be
live on and Hie seventh of
May 1914.
Fly Ordinance.
section ii, Chapter t the
ordinances of the Town of
he amended adding after the word
line thereof,
And ail dealers in cooked provision
poultry dressed, fish,
vegetables, and produce, merchandise
or other commodity of whatsoever
nature sold for rood, shall have
Where such an I, i- are
for sale, screened with wire doors and
windows to keep out and no such
articles shall be exposed outside of
the place of business, except under a
wire screen sufficiently line to
vent flies from getting upon same.
This ordinance shall be In
and effect from and after May 1st
or Surface Privies.
the maintenance and use of
surface or dry privies In the town of
is or become a menace
to public health of the town, now,
therefore, be It ordained by
of Aldermen of the town or
in regular meeting assembled on the
2nd day of April, that; It shall he
lawful for any person, firm or corpora
lions to erect, maintain or use any
surface or dry privies upon any lot
premises in said town, abutting on
street Wherein a sewer pipe has hie,
laid, all owners of said prop-
shall connect with said sewer on
or before the first day of June.
Any person, violating the provision.;
of the ordinance, shall he fined live
dollars for each and each
such violation shall continue shall
constitute a pa offense.
iii Extending tin Fire
That tho tire limits of the town of
Greenville, be and the same, are here
extended and enlarged as
at tho line of the Fire
district on the south side of St.
thence with Third street to
ti ii street, thence South with Washing
Ion street to Dickinson Avenue, thence
across Dickinson Avenue lo
Vandyke and C. A. Whites corner on
said Dickinson avenue, thence a smith
course said Taft A Vandyke
and White's line to the line of the
Graded thence a northerly
course with Taft
School line to south
line, the present Are district line
with said lire district line
h Street, south will,
Column net to the town
or brunch, thence with said
brunch to Reade street, thence
with Reads street center tin
William property, thence a westerly
course, parallel with Fifth street I i
tho line of the Are district.
Quarterly Magazine
Issued by the
Plant bi i. en made end are
carried out the establishment of
a quarterly by Bast car
Teachers Training School to be
called School
For a long lime school has Cell B
need for some meant reaching the
public through some u
it- n and it was iii d by .
a magazine to It led
quarterly by co-operation o i
and faculty la t. t
Class 1814 asked
was grunted the privilege
the magazine The
therefore is to be in the
tin class i- iii be Ii ltd
some lime during iii tern
a .- as -1-
Hie ling
Ii Miss M, t.
ii. Ii. who iii-
faculty supervision,
la.-s a board of editors was sleeted;
editor, Miss Maine Bright; Managing
editor, Miss Annie . ,.
editors; Grace Smith,
be Lancaster Marion Alston.
During spring term permanent
plans for issuing the regular numbers
during Hie coming year will he made.
April On
night April the 1814, the third and
fourth grades led by their
Miss Cox, gave one of the best
and most of
this year. The children did splendidly
not making u single bulk, giving much
credit to their most
Especial ion should b mad
the recitation given by Dorothy Gard-
The following
Grade, s ,
Pa Skates
Hat His Hiatus
Piano rocker
Takes Can- of M-
Dorothy Gardner.
Joyce Gardner
Hint The Soldier and It. d Cross Mail
Stone and Roy I'm
Lecture on Knives. Charlie Gardner
Bong The Tulip and The Violet
i lass
Lullaby. Ladies
The benches owned by the county
and used in hail at
place the county courts were held
between tho time of the of
the old court house the building
of new, was yesterday given to
town by the county
to be used on the. court
it. ti. The city
wagons were busy this morning haul
the benches after they
placed in the purpose tho r-
have same and when
this s dune It will add to the
beautifying of both places.
U Walsh, II nod
lesser lights on the list,
II looks us though the While Sol
be up it the i- .,,

Eastern reflector, 3 April 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 03, 1914
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Joyner NC Microforms
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