Eastern reflector, 19 March 1914

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Strong and Durable
For Fishing,
and Hard
Use All
Give steady, bright light.
Easy to light. Easy to
clean and
smoke. Don't blow out
in the wind. Don't leak.
At dealers everywhere
Washington. D. C.
Richmond. Va.
Norfolk. V.
N. C.
W. Va.
Charleston, s. C
Majority of Friends Thought Mr. other medicines. I decided to
take his advice, although I did not have
Hy virtue of a power of con-
in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by W. L. F
sad wife N J i. Corey to
v. Hooker, Jan
m the
r I
in- d tract i i i --1
i . In th
FIRST TH Situated in I
the lands of S F. Worthing
n l ;
v. ;.
of a
a r i
. i. P, I
i i a m ; in I
p east side
Fork Swan id land
G , and
. ii , more or j
and I lame tract of land
conveyed Samuel Corey to L.
P, Corey deed recorded in the re
Intel i in rut county In book
E-5, i
THIRD TH Situated in Chi-
i township, on con-
acres, more or less, and
be land granted by the state
of Carolina to Samuel Corey
Hi appears of record in book
FOURTH TRACT Lying and he
Sn Crook adjoin-
lands of Nashville Wilson
ii Hand. R H. and
in i
or lest
Every FARMERS LOSE MONEY by buying the first thing
is offered them without looking r our line of Farm Machinery
We carry an up-to-date line of Farm Implements and
at we know will give you absolute satisfaction. They are most
practical, economic-1 and dependable on the market.
We carry in stock Cutters, Disc and Smoothing Harrows. Ma-
rt i i 3-5. Cotton arid Corn Planters. Chilled, Gang
and besides many other farm and garden tools.
and the Trans-Planters, the most
successful made.
See to it that YOU do not lose money
this year.
Hughes Would Die, But
One Helped Him to
. in
now beer, taking
and it has cured me
haven't had those awful sick headaches
since i began using it.
Ky.-In interesting ad-j I am so thankful for what Black-
vices from this Mr. A. J. Hughes has done r
writes as was down with has been
stomach trouble for five years, and found a very valuable medicine for de-
would have sick headache so bad, at of the stomach and liver. It
FIFTH Lying i , b ii
In Swift Ci and on
lands i II Gar
i will i for
; . i g tin terms
i the
I will sub I to w. B. Drown on the I
By of Bale con
;. . . .
i m i in and -1 by E
little Bins Stella M hit-hard Running
I lose Second With Over For-
I Gel Busy and
May Hum.
times, that thought surely would die.
tried different treatments, but they
did not seem to do me any good.
is composed cf pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous ingredients, and
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely
r tract II
. ; .
to i I u en
Tins e Mil of j l
V HOOKER, Mortgage
t Id tr
I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, used by young and old, and should be
and all my friends, except one, thought I kept in every family chest,
would die. He advised me to try Get a package today.
and quit Only a quarter.
Make Your Own Paint
this now
Buy gals. PAINT,
a. p r g.-. r
And gals. Linseed to .-
You then make Jr. cf J ire ;
Anybody can r. the i
Whereas, if u h.
CANS, you pay
L. O St. RE ,
Use a gal. out any PA
pi mode, return .
j. j ;. c.
CO- C.
Hy virtue of a
t me by the Independent Loving
Union, executed on day of
July, 1913, and registered In book L-
pace SOS. of the county reg-
setting forth certain terms and
stipulation which have not been com
plied with, I herewith advertise for
; sale to the highest bidder at the
court house on Wednesday, the
day of March. 1914, at noon, the fol-
lowing described
Situated In an near ad-
joining the lands of Thomas Cannon
heirs. Dr. B. T. Cox, A. O.
others. For better description, r
Is given to deed bearing
date of this Instrument giving
and boundary f acres of
said deed being made by A. G.
and wife tn Independent Loving
and to the purchase of said
land by Independent Loving Union
Independent Loving
A. G Con
gives deed of trust as
Terms of sale
This the day of February, 1914.
A. G. Cox.
S. J. EVERETT, Attorney.
I am looking for
I am a Soap-Maker.
I an a Scrubber.
I am a Cleaner.
I am a Dirt Eater.
I am a
t whiter with
I i will
how you
I am Red Devil Lye
r i OH CANS.
O- Half the usual price.
Hy virtue of the power conferred
upon mo by a decree of the superior
of Pitt county made February
16th, iv in a special
In Joseph L. ad-
of Is
occasion of his seventieth birthday an- tIT against Stocks,
To Honor Former Chicago Judge.
CHICAGO, March II.- The In-
dependent Order of Banal British has
completed arrangements for a ban
t to be given to former Judge
Philip tomorrow night the
Mr. Stein to this
country from In After
to years he returned to Merlin, where
he took up the study of law. After
graduation ho again came ti America
and was admitted to tho bar In Mil-
In he came to Chicago,
and began the practice of law. In
Ada Lane Nobles, Albert Carr
George. John H. Carr, Lena Fair-
cloth, Mary K. Tyson and others
heirs at law of Richard Carr arc de-
I will on Wednesday.
is, 1-14. in front of tho court house
door In Greenville sell for sash
the highest bidder the following de-
day of i ad re-
I In tin office of the
deeds or Pitt county, North Car-
in book 0-8 page tho
it will expose to public sale
before the court I om s door in Green-
ville, to the highest bidder, on Bat
the 14th day of March,
at VI o'clock, noon, a certain trail
or parcel of land, lying and being
in the Town of Winterville. County
Pitt, and State of North Carolina
and described as follows, to-wit-
Beginning at Martha Grady's corner
and runs west to Mill street, thence
about feet south, thence parallel
with first line to the railroad right
of way, thence north about feet to
the beginning, being that portion of
the Nashville lot which the
further description
sea deed from J. Nobles to
E. recorded In book T-9.
Terms of sale cash.
February 12th, 1914.
w. n. brown, Mortgagee
Greenville, N. C.
i nil i
a i .
Stella . .
of the .
hie it of
. the close of business March 1914
. .
and discounts.
m. i s
S N .
Banking houses,
Having qualified as
tor of Anne
m is to
all persona having claims
the estate of the de-
ceased exhibit them t the mi-
within twelve months
from this date, or this notice will
be pleaded in bar of their
cry. All persons indebted to said
estate will please make immediate
This the day of March I
he was elected to the bench of bribed piece or of land,
the superior court, where he served In township, la
twelve years. county adjoining the lands of Al-
Carr, Roes, Frank-
land and others, containing
One black poll and china boar, eighteen acres more or and being
weighs a host pounds, lands on which Richard Carr
cM. ears, d-opp at end ad the time of bis death Said lot
little white around hoofs. Will of land will sold subject
all cost of Notify me the Interest of Harriet Carr
bus. N. C. widow of Carr me sale
take about noon.
. . i This 1914.
To Blood L
at once the old reliable DR. , . , . ,
I St. Ill I. a
that relieved pain and , ., ,. . , w
Or. Nut a He. w
A Fighting
I fed like a fight ins rock
the expression of the main
an active liver he
tackles Ills work with vim
he is successful nine times
out of ten you will find he
which have used by a
million people with
result. At your drug-
coated or plain.
The week of the Contest
closed yesterday morning, and every-
body is happy over the count
votes for this short period.
withstanding that only a few of the
contestants were busy the first week,
a very good vote was polled.
There are several of those that
have entered the contest that an
evidently standing still, as their
names were not found on any of the
coupons when counted yesterday. It
may be that they are holding back
several thousand votes that they ex-
to turn In some time before the
close of the contest. This is all
in a way. but It makes it much
harder on the places conducting the
contest, as It would be much easier
t count each week's business every
Monday than have to handle a
of probably two or three
weeks, You will greatly favor the
business houses if you will do this
if you have polled a good vote
the first weak don't take a seat and
think that is all that Is
because it will he to your Interest to
the light to the close, if you
Wish to accomplish anything. Poll
as many coupons this week as you
did last, then some.
Eleven for
ST. FAIL. Minn. March
campaign for st. Pauls first
the adoption of the commission
plan of municipal government closes
this week. On Tuesday next the
will be held for the nomination
of candidates for mayor,
city controller, municipal Judge and
justices of the peace. Those
the most votes in the primaries
will get their names on the ballot at
the final election in May. Eleven can
contesting In the primaries it
will be necessary to Issue the ballots
n two sections.
lure and
from banks and
Cold coin
Silver coin. hiding
minor coin
National bank notes
other U. S. notes. Total
Capital paid
Surplus fund
profits, less
rent expenses and
subject to If.
Cashier's checks
Slate of North of
I, Hodges, of
above-named bank, do
that the above true to
he best of my belief
Subscribed sworn me.
his March
I, O. C. Notary
My commission
J. It.
J. J.
It. C,
Is the of all
is the basic of all good Write for
bulletin by the best authority m the United
on I on the Farm, get price
the purest lime. Don't buy earth,
etc. A will give you reasons.
eggs, best layers of pure white
eggs. per setting of
K. C. King, Falkland, N. C.
i in- application and h
t n
i f i
hi . a.
i a aV
i aV
CO., f
Charges Against Ii. C. Smith,
Employee National Bank
Preside of the Two Banks. The
Accuser Kate Threatened Sui-
Lost is
GOLDSBORO March -For sever-
days past an expert bank
has been in the city Inspecting tin
books of the Savings an
Trust company and the National bank,
being summoned here by George A.
Norwood president of the National
who had suspected wrong was
on, but so quietly had the affair
been kept from the public that not
until only today was a shortage of the
two above hanks given to the stock
holders and the public in general. This
afternoon the stockholders of the two
banks gave out the following state- j
the Savings
and Trust company had discovered a
shortage of and some few nun-;
dollars and the National bank
shortage of a by
H. C Smith an of the Nation-;
bank and for two years cashier of
the Savings and Trust com
The first shortage was in
the National bank but relatives of
young Smith promptly made good
sum and the affair was kept quiet
Today an Inspection of the books of
the Savings and Trust com-
disclosed a shortage of
but the will only be since
Smith was bonded by an Insurance
company for
The stockholders held a meeting this
afternoon behind closed doors with
result that George A. Norwood,
of tho two banks deposited
In cash with the stockholders
as a personal loss of their money or
Interest on same, and when the meet-
had adjourned the above state-
was given to the public.
The Stockholders were willing to
share the loss with Mr. Norwood but
he refused their aid and stated
he felt as though he was
for the condition of the two bank
and his conscience would not allow
him to do otherwise make good
the defalcations personally
banks throughout the south have
graphed Mr. Norwood this
their aid and If made Into r
total would run up Into the hundreds
of thousands.
Smith was also city treasurer hut no
examination has been made of the
books. to this hour Smith has
not been arrested.
While In conversation with Mr
Norwood this morning Mr. Smith
alleged to have informed him that be
intended to end his life, he now hail
nothing to live for. The money, It Is
was lost speculation.
Young Smith was prominently con-
in this city and the affair has
cast n gloom over the entire town.
Winterville and Kinston Will
Cross Oats Next
baseball squad of w. H. s. has been
working hard for the past few
in preparation for the opening
with Kinston High School bare .
Saturday, The athletic field has
put in excellent shape, and at present
th.- team is in excellent condition. The
probable line up for Saturday game
will be Smith C, Davis p,
Croom b. b
Corey if. v. c. f. and either
Pierce, Scott, H. or Law-
r f. Kinston Is said to have
a very strong team this season and the
home team is looking to have a hard
to win The will he call.
i; p. in. Tho probable batteries
be for Kinston either or
I- and Tyndall and Winterville.
Smith. An Interesting game is ex-
pi come.
I n I n l a Hear
Men Buried Beneath
When Burned Club
of Bricks the
Wall, two
Between twelve o'clock last night
and the hour- this morn-
a wholesale d
from the county jail when i i
v.- made their by b Bring
ST LOUIS, March Al bast two down the brick walls.
persons were kill.-d. buried under They Squire John
debris and in injured when the west Henry Clark. Charlie Burgess, be-
wail of the Missouri Athletic Gregory, Charlie truest Pay
tag. which was destroyed by lire in John Parker and Hill Taft.
One of Prisoners
Is Causing Some Trouble
In Section
Witch persons lost their lives, a
week ago, collapsed under a high wind
lure late today and crashed through
It is known that they were aided by
some outside party or parties a.-
necessary Instrument such a;
a tour-story building occupied by the hack saws were found . Jail lab
St Seed Company
morning. The iron door that covered
the window was fastened with two
The wall of lb- Missouri Athletic oH window framing breaking
pad locks from the Inside and
club building which stood seven stories
high, crumbled when a wind
veered to the northwest. A min-
before the collapsed, Building
these were sawed off. And after do
this were enabled to get fair
play at the window ; and framing
who was tore into splinters
directing i. the work of ex- a adjoining the wall
the ruins of tho Missouri outside party tore
club, fearing the wall would fall j brick beneath the window to
bis men out of the debris
This action probably prevented a heavy
Gets Lest in Greenville
less of life.
Th- four-story building occupied by
News and
got lost in Greenville the other
day when went home on a short
Hon. A. L. Blow, clerk of
the United Slates Court, after return-
Tuesday night from Greenville.
How was you lost your-
sell was asked of the Pitt county
and why it that you could
not make your way about over the
town, as it has been only a time j
since you wire down
has been only six weeks
a was he said, those
six weeks have wrought wonders
the looks of the town. never In my
I life saw as much building activities
going on in a town as Is now the case
down there. No matter Which way
you turn to look, you see something
new going up don't wonder
at the contractors are so hard push-
. I to get labor.
new additions to the training
school are now complete, and will be
accepted by the committee in Just a
few days. And that section of the
town is one the finest. Besides the
new model school, which is a new
department Is added by the
training school there arc also a
number of residences that are going
up in that part of the town. Many
of them are being put up by
in the school, while residents of
the town are taking advantage of tho
line location to build homes for them-
this Is only a small beginning
I have told you of. It would be
a long list if I were to tell you of all
that is going on. Greenville Is a good
town, and our people are hustling In
every line of business. They
faith In their town, and are Investing
their money at home, with the ex
of getting returns from
allow the escape.
One of the Charles Bur-
only went a distance, as
spent the remainder of the
the St, Louis Seed company had Is family in town, and to
apparently Oaring the burning sheriffs office bright and early tin-
the Missouri Athletic club building, j morning and surrendered Hill
which adjoined it on the east, and When was taken Into custody D Grim
tin brick wall crashed on be roof of th
j four-story building, the walls of the
I latter gave way and all above the Se-
Boor crumbled.
Hours after the accident it was
possible to determine how many had
been buried in the ruins. Many doubt-
less escaped and went away without
giving their names but persons are
unaccounted for. Six Injured, three of
them women had been taken from the
ruins two were known to he dead and
several still were In the debris.
laud today and brought back to jail
It is reported he has revealed to
sheriff Dudley the names of the out-
side party Implicated in the delivery
Hut their report could not be confirm-
ed by the officer.
All of the were In for minor
charges except who
was charged with burglary of tin
store of J. J. Elks at
n the Di,
nun escaped from the count
Friday night and who is thought to
be leader in making the
I the m i
county some uneasiness. When hi
was r tor
ton of J. J several week s
at land. Mr. St. Cloud
ii the Farm ma the I and
ace that that
,, . . i . tn I
ii,. effect he Inn Mr
St. Cloud pal bis
Monday night the
Farm for tin no i i
, , trying out I threats,
,. d If ii on e
. the yards to prepare
. . for Mr. St. Cloud i
h c it Mr. I
mi him, and the i
having a revolver in his
., . me hi tun ed I
n bis aim.
H is reported that
made known his Intentions to do
bodily injury bin If he In
the neighborhood he Is supposed to be
the will no doubt have hue
again before he can do much harm
Hang fry to hit
Miss Dies In
Orange Blossom.
A spray of blossoms that
i ante to The from Mr. F. M.
Hodges, Fla., Is a fragrant re-
minder the of
Worlds in
Fla., March is.
Gainesville a warm welcome
u-day lbs Knights gather-
ed hers from all parts of Florida
the annual conclave of their gruel
The sessions are being
held in the Masonic temple and
continue over tomorrow.
Another Series Matures.
The fourth series of Home
Loan Association reached ma-
this week, and Secretary II. A
White has distributed checks to
those holding the shares While the
fourth series was a small one, It ma-
in weeks.
March Dr. C. M. Jones went to
Greenville Thursday.
Messrs. W. B. Proctor, J. J.
A went to Greenville Wednesday
Dr. W. H. of Ayden passed
through here last week.
Mr. R. i. of Lynchburg, Va.
who represents the South Stove Co.
here Thursday.
Dr. James Y. Joyner. State
of Public Instruction spoke
Hero Thursday night. His address
very Interesting as he always delights
Ills hearers. He showed the relation
between the parent, teacher and child
There was quite a crowd from here
attended church Black Jack
Among those who attended Mrs
Jennie Proctor, Mrs. J. J. Mis-
Phelps, Blanche
and Eerie Proctor, Mary Proctor. Mes-
Jno. Warren, J. A. Hark. Stephen
Phelps, W. L. and several
Mr. Ed Matthews of Washington who
represents the Harris Hardware Co
passed here today.
Mr. and Mrs. F A. went to
Greenville this p. m.
Mrs. J II. Hudson left week to
visit relatives near
There be here Sunday
and Sunday night In the Christian
church by the pastor Mr. We
will be glad to have as many come
Miss Jessie died
night about o'clock in the State lies
at Raleigh which place she
had been for some time. Her Illness
was not known as she was thought to
be getting along nicely until a mes
sage to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. last night told of her death
Miss was about years old
Mr. went to Raleigh on tie
early morning train to accompany the
remains to Scotland Neck for burial
Her mother and other members of the
family to Scotland Neck this
Marriage licenses.
of Deeds Bell is-
sued the following marriages last
Gay and
Fulford, r and BOSS
J. H. Stocks and Bertha Sui-
COLORED- William Moore and
Grimes. Oscar and I
Will Wilson and Mary Little
David Blunt and Annie Eddie
Mayo and Fannie Clark.
Master Arthur the young
was taken
St Vincent's hospital in Norfolk yes
an operation for
tis. Reports from the hospital today
the little Is doing very
Republicans of Oklahoma will hold
n convention In Oklahoma City next
month to nominate a complete state
ticket o be voted on at approach
Strange Find.
Mr. W. H Pollard, of town-
hip in tuna and related
find made by Friday
Ho said two young
bound puppies of his were chasing a
i. I about the farm near the house,
and dually treed ion., so ho thought
he would Investigate and upon reach-
the hollow tree in which sup-
posed to be the rabbit he
u mother possum with thirteen
You can hardly go the length of any
street in town finding a
of building material.
Married Tuesday
This afternoon at three o'clock
tin home of the bride In country
was married ti
Hi Ledford if
was performed by
C M. pastor of
i church t this place.
After a bridal lour of several weeks
extending as as Cilia the venue
people will return to North Carolina
hey will reside
Mrs. F. J. Forbes left this morning
Mr. Warren went to Parmele
Mr. A. of Winterville la In
U today.
Mr. II. E, Hunsucker of Winterville
Mr J of Winterville is here
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pal I II Ii II
mis morning for Raleigh
Miss Maude Anderson left His morn
Mr. Von of b
ti ii la l pro
Ur, C m. Jones of is in
town today.
Mr. K. A, G. Barnes of
i, in oar city today
Rev. C. M, Prof C. W V
Messrs. T. Broughton, H. M
Phillips, T it. Moore, J. B
me U. J. arc
Memorial church the lay-
no meeting n Durham
J s. Barr one of the
of A C. I. conductors, Is
few days here.
Mrs has returned
from the northern markets whore i he
has been to buy millinery for W A
Mr will Cherry o. Richmond at
last night and Will in
for a few days,
The out of town attorneys
lug court here today an Judge B, W
w. Winston Raleigh, Jacob Battle
of Rocky Larry Moore .
New and II B, Ward of
Mr. Hives left this
for Henderson on business,
Mr. Bryan Richmond has
accepted a at the
Mrs J. W morn-
in for a trip to Florida
Mr. K H Osborn left for
Mr. M. I. of is
Had Mores and t-ii-
Before e
W here the I'll, bed Haiti.
Took Place.
SI .
morning I
B race was II
r Lucama and I
at once. D ti r . a
were so- . on tin road an . i
. . fray I I mi
reached i
bad i . and all b
were In the I It I
Harris Va
and Charles Holmes I
John M Norfolk Va
Smith Pee S. Ci Jim
Prank Bennett
the last two being i
Robbed store Warsaw.
Last night store of L P
in Warsaw was looted by this earn.
gang and some plunder was
round on their persons, II is thought,
after robing the store Warsaw
hoarded a train and came SI far
north as Junction and got
off and Started SOUth down tin A
Coast Line tracks
tin in and when tie passed lb I
Mr. W. O. b- . I
bis bicycle and took . hi
. i woods am i I
. i hi mayor of town
In readiness when the; arrived
Nathaniel Lucas . I
Lloyd Lucas George Taylor i. as
-.- and a ion the b u
. as apprised of the I and ii n t
.- before who n to
hi arms bad r a II
i. rifle r or
n for who
mi lire-arms In i
ball bats
Regular Pitched Battle.
is ii n the tin armed
they opened Ore and soon
from a it or more
pistol and gun barrels Two of the
. i. ii having he. n shot in the
legs, The oilers made a break fur
an I s and
in within
of an hour after tho
opening battle every one . I the
desperadoes were In e tolls.
and children were terror-
, net the tragic i n of morn
Is still being III SI
The while in lag
through woods, disposed lb r
weapons and when bat-
hail cleared away only two
were found among the whole h,
They are no behind in ibis
city a r set Is seldom i
, a here
An officer from Warsaw came over
the goods stolen from Best last
More building has started on
Avenue, opposite the Norfolk
Southern depot.
the pretty weather
lasts, as it may change soon.

Published by
i hi lac
may b bad
; advertising
m.- mil at three
per Una, u, u
as class matter
1910, at the post at
North Carolina, under a in of
act of March 1879. course she thought ruining ;
was advancing the cause of woman
A woman, definition of a -HI Mi Ii lilt
man is -mi who more II
to spend. A thing that caused considerable
among M citizens for the
A man can not always he known past two weeks, and one that has
iv hi;, looks, for he be met the of a majority, i.
that a force of workmen is
to spend their Sabbath day at work
on tin- new government
under construction at the corner of
and Third streets, just as it
it was any other day of the week.
We know that the government is
to do many things that is
not tolerated among other men,
that doesn't make this wrong a
There are many things admit that
is to he done on the i.
Day in the governing of this universe
hut is this a necessity. No
are giving diaries K kill
black eye in
have ruled him out of the city Demo
Notwithstanding the backwardness
ail C u. and resolutions the- season, spring clothes and spring
respect will be charted I at ,. about the
usual time
MARCH 1914.
tune. Get busy
u clean up this town before
type lid and other germs get a hold
W have talked and talked about
I ho proposed hospital for Greenville
we are almost speechless
A London suffragette was given a
six months prison sentence for slash- , , neither
will the new be finished in
one hundred days, and It is very prob-
able that nothing will ever be
by the government or any individual
that will indulge in such.
The city officials have Investigated
the matter, but find, so we are told,
that they can do nothing as long as
is done by Sam. It Is
The Raleigh News and Observer an-
that it will join the ranks
Monday papers, and beginning the
3rd will issue a paper every day in
the year
tin -New said Mr. hi to books and
Sunday, that sort Christian en in the average home is one
be sidetracked with a great reason v. the average farm
OX. church members did the boy or girl not study harder in
said Mr Sunday, would school. I looks are the tools with
be for rent and the devil would which education does its work.
in the hospital before tin Fourth the use to know how to read unless
July. But the modern church is too you actually read after you learn how
close to the sins of the world, and So if the father and mother do not
there t enough spiritual powder read books and papers and find pleas-
dancer to can out a devil In them, bow can they expect the
the sue of a peanut. Too many pros eagerness to learn
cit-day sermons are like showers of road -The Progressive Farmer
spiritual cocaine. Church members
forsake the prayer meeting for the, March has taken up her horn to do
card party. The church, our mother.
is sick, and we massage her so mildly
-lie rather enjoys being an in-
valid. Hut I'm not an osteopath; I'm
a surgeon. cut right down to
heart of the abscess, for that is the
only way to cure our mother. Whet.
I began to I wrote sermons
with sentences so long that
make a
some more blowing.
March farmers in our sec-
are a long ways with their
work and are anxiously expecting
some tine weather in the near future
C. J Harris tilled his appoint-
here last Sunday and preached
Greek professor's jaw squeak a very interesting sermon.
for a week after he said one of them Miss Elba Harris of Gum Swamp
hut I soon found that that didn't gel night
. . . . . Miss Sadie Harris,
any results. So I loaded my Gospel, . . ,. .,
We are very to state the
gun with rough-on-rats. Ipecac, e. favored us with a large attendance
hoped that those having the work In wire- at church Sunday.
Raleigh is in a quandary over the
State Convention and the
charge won't find It necessary to con-
this practice
Better saving vacation money State Medical Society both having DEMOCRATIC
n a hole ever
He careful how you let angry
rise War Shelby a man
load in a auger t
a quarrel with his brother.
expert say that will
looted the same date for meeting
as both gatherings can hardly be well
entertained at the same time. The
has suggested as the beat
, that the doctors change their
C. Harris, former Dotted
States ambassador to Austria, is men-
for the Republican
for States senator to succeed
Si of Indiana.
President Wilson has now served
full year in the White House, and
no President has ever entered that
White House who has been so per-j
latent and aggressive as he. in i
filling the promises made to the Am.
ii an people by the Democratic
which nominated him in U close of business March 1914
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Wand of
Greenville spent Sunday with bis
brother. Mr. T. of our sec-
Mr. and Mrs. David Harris was vis
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harris Sun-
We are very glad to stale that Mr.
debate was held here. The query
the election of
officers of the state be
d bf primaries rather than b
the convention The affirmative
his upheld by
s of the High
School. Messrs. D
and A. H. Hartsell; the
the Dell defended by the
of the Dell School of Del-
way. Messrs. S. P. Herring and J. C.
Kennedy. The sneakers both
made excellent speeches and the do-
proved to be very interesting The
C. W Wilson of
Mr. B. H. of
and Prof. W. B. Edwards of
rendered their decision in fa-
the negative.
After the debate the young ladies
of the Society gave a
reception in honor of the visitors. The
received at the door b
Misses Phillips and
They were then ushered to
the society hall where games were
I and punch and ice cream
Red bliss seed potatoes and fertility-
hand A. W. Co.
Brother farmer when you are in
of a good cultivator, or a guano
sower we have them and good ones
too. U. D. Forest Co.
See J. Cox Son for all kinds of
cold drinks, ice cream and cakes.
If you want to make your work
come to Harrington Barber Co.
Report of the Condition of
Woken, .
O H. Harris, who has been confined fertilizer
to his room several weeks, is some
better, is so he can manage to get, Mr , to
around some. His accident occurred on
sometime ago when riding behind a Wanted a hundred head of beef ca-
mule. In some manner the an- a, once R w
a car number Re
per two Years time has decided in favor of North July of Furthermore., there is
. Loans and discounts.
but eggs must be scarce at the storage Carolina in the freight rate do parallel in the worlds history
I has Issued an order gram- where a ruler of a great nation has
became frightened I
running. Mr. Harris in Ins effort t I
out was thrown from the bug- urn , j R
; n put In effect the made a profound impression houses, furniture
one has said I girls of agreed upon by th the civilization of the world in .
Due from hanks and rs
much for If they do, then authorities of the State and the short a time as one year, as
Wilson has. He probably made
their money's roads. It is estimated
pie of North Carolina will save
dollars a year by reason o
Ii th re om particular thing that these lower freight
o d to ii h trouble
it Cole if a Car-
Gold i .
a few trifling mistakes as no man
is perfect, he has not made minor coin currency.
II mistakes and the entire conn- National bank notes and
S. notes.
try gives him credit for absolute Bin-
Don't think that the weather has honesty patriotism all m
out Th Ural The most
Total .
o------- May will after of all is the fact Capital stock paid in.
I call a man a fool lay of April, and the fourth of no corrupt or questionable Surplus fund .
y aware of the fact, he Jul fall on the I D put through Congress profits, less cur-
rent expenses taxes
paid .
; i of de-
which came very near breaking
Ins leg.
82.81 Mr l Smith, of I
a pleasant caller in our section Sun-
Messrs. Henry Harris and Wallet
returned from Bethel
296.00 Miss May Dudley, our teacher, spent
Wednesday night with Misses
181.28 Agnes and Lee
Mes-rs Roy and Henry Harris and
1,287.00 Walter Baker church lure
vi ii- spent last Sunday
with Miss Sadie Harris.
in former years, The weather am bis administration, and yon can
will re th year or. it that if any such a deal
See Harrington. Barber Co for
i sees of
rs. cigarettes s
gum. pop corn and cracker Jacks at
J Cox Son.
F. C. Nye left this Tuesday at
for where he will at-
tend Convention
o the state.
watch our show windows and
see those little boys and girls suits
in and buy some of while
tn. y go. B. D. Forest Co.
The student body of the
High School was made sad Monday
morning when one of their number Mr
Frank Jr. was called
on Of the death of his
I for will long
i. . I Will should gel through Congress it posit
or will wan- to sit on the river ; ;
bank i a hook and lilt
w may
but it might not be
all h r Id h n
in her ways
wise for you to
re are as
it why as
has marriageable
administration s t the
promptly receive the veto
great incorruptible who pr
at 111-- White House,
of that Deposits subject to check.
Atlanta Journal is leaking I
. . 53.153.2
County o
II Is any more snow
lei it hurry up and come along of for June
The wort a white w Pall
satin gown and carried a of
While carnations maiden hair
fern with her Miss
It taken pis is Frank, who Is under sentence death the above statement is true to tin
Total .
State of North
Air. o. Fountain and
Miss Alice near Farmville selection of dry goods, notions.
. married at the home of the chiffon has just arrived. Get our
pare-on March the eleventh a. prices you buy. A. w. Aug.
Mendelssohn's Wedding March was if you want some good biscuits g.-i
rendered by Miss Carrie Belle Smith. of that table flour It
It is fine.
Tiler-- a recital given by
ts of the music department of
Hie School in the an
-o h iii .- can pass
conviction on tin charge of best of my knowledge and belief.
Thursday morning's snow was I
enough, II m;
Yes Greenville surprises the most Of
when they come this way.
An Is ban
hall Si h starting up
The r baa been so backward
have much to do to
up With their work. they will
do it
Though houses are being built in
murdering Mary a who
worked in his factory. The Journal
argues that Frank did not p I a
trial, and that the evidence upon
In- was convicted was not clear.
makes no criticism of the court
jury, giving them credit for doing the
best they could under the
stances surrounded the trial,
that very of the court
in- progress is great,
as fast U material and existing conditions, but think room was charged with an electric
workmen and weather will permit, the ,.,, greater it would be if her current of indignation which Hashed
supply does not up with the interests were organized and Mid before very eyes
J, W. BAILEY. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before mi
this 10th day of March 1914,
Notary Public
R. O.
1-. R.
In white satin. The groom and his
In man Mr, John Tiny
re met by Rev. Lam., pastor of
Methodist church, who performed
the ceremony.
evening March
The public Is cordially invited.
F C. Nye went to lire
A large number of friends witnessed
marring.- and amid showers of
rice congratulated the couple
; wished them a happy married life. My
The mix-up in Ambassador Page
London speech was due to the
newspaper correspondent, and the
l. h is all set right.
candidates for the different
pulled together like Is the case In some of the Frank was
other towns that could be mentioned. upon the testimony of an
. drunken The murder o.
then some man is mentioned the girl was a most brutal crime, and
as a candidate for office, when In an indignant public demanded that
reality he has no aspiration in that somebody be convicted and
run up with one of them it. and In the absence of better
a day or two ago. This does not mean testimony the accusation
Offices are doing a little that , Frank was satisfying to the
work Come out like a man and let
know what you are after
Bet of the Navy Han
lets is lo be the honor at a
In Charlotte at an early date
out for Carolina to Ml
the claim born In that
who do want the places.
clamor for a conviction. The
does not assume to say
The that the whether Frank Is guilty or not. it
meal of making paper out of not know, but II his trial
stalks has proved I success and the fair and the evidence upon
organization of a company to engage he was convicted was not
Hi.- executive committee
the date for the Democratic
Stale Convention In Raleigh, it has
discovered the Slate M
in its manufacture, means that th
of the south will soon be re-
an income from what has here-
a waste product and
a burden to get rid of.
Chairman Warren has called a meet
Clear. The position of the Journal Ii
well and Frank should at least
have the privilege of a fair trial, and
el his guilt or e be
ed the evidence.
Speaking Reverend Billy Sun-
day, he preached In New York City
cal Convention is to meet there the lag of the Democratic Stale ,,, , ,,.
mm harm in as the doc for the inst , lo Is It Matthew, Mr.
will he on hand In the event State lit date for the slate convention said many modern
Convention should make need of their to avoid a conflict with the slate j churches were not much more than
more social Many
a--------- selected that date and had made church members, he said, seemed to
trees have rot but just which could not well be
and see If their foliage is not changed. This will remove Raleigh's
developed to full growth by the
of Kay.
of having two large
on hand at the same time
that a Pullman ticket
to Paradise, and went to sleep after
telling the porter to them up
when tho train pulled into the yards
If its seed Irish potatoes you want.
to see Harrington. Co.
store is headquarters for
Mr. and Mrs Gay left for class groceries. It. W. Dall.
near Fountain. N. C. Cox came home
Shower. night to spend week end.
Tuesday afternoon at three call attention of all who
Miss Lillian entertained the buying slippers for the spring i;
ClUb, With a OUr It is complete. A. W. Ange
in honor of the bride-to-be Co.
Miss Alice Fulford. I When you want a suit out of stock
The guests were met at the door made to order, can supply your
by Mrs. Joyner, mother of the hostess, demands. II. Forest Co.
In the dining room the various yon want a good smoke or a con.
presents were to be seen on a table drink see J. Cox Son.
after much laughter and advice to the The boys of both the
, young bride, the wedding cake was preparing for the best debate
Wonderful cut. The hostess cutting the ring. has ever been held in the High
Dainty were served by School tonight.
Mrs. Joyner, Mrs. Annie Burnett and Trunks, suit cases, hand bags and
Mrs. W. Irvin. Others present n up-to-date line of furniture at A
were. Misses Robinson, Carrie W. Ange Co.
Joyner, Anna Nannie. Sal Harrington, Harbor Co., have a
He. faille, Ruth and Carrie supply of fertilizer dis
Smith and Irene Forbes. Also Cole cotton and corn
At five-thirty the bride-to-be left planters,
with the best wishes of her girl-hood hungry see R. W.
friends. for he has plenty of barbecue, fish
Every one declared they had spent oysters and ham and eggs, cook-i
a most enjoyable afternoon with Miss
Joyner. Miss Ruth of Kinston is
Mrs. A. D. Johnston.
Mr. Sheppard in fit See us for your low-quarter
If Von Wish To Obtain Complete
Permanent Results Try
On Dose Kill foe
i I , ., I
i u; in . f hi mil
mil . Aston
I N on-
id explain It
in i . .
M . r and
r. of the Atlantic Coast Realty need. II. U. Forest Co.
iV; f j a suit at
Dempsey. Mr. Is to James Adams show
i . have ed with Mr. T. Christian In making Thursday night.
n a Aim
The following item is taken from have them for ladles,
and name.
Mr. II S Sheppard. advertising Hunt Cub. They kind y-u
A number of our young people
i . Preparations for the coming auction of j
Mr lot of fruit on hand
, and during short slay in Mr Chas. became
I has made many friends He a very ran away and
m v- p.
. and Us always , however, ho escaped Injury
J. Cox Son always have
M .
-Hill ft HIST I , .,
If he should ever wish and no serious damage was done.
CUm- H. change his residence, from the
Sate hi I. C, by
u r
North State to this city it Is safe tn
The way they are. pushing work
say he will he donated a residence lot dos not make long to wait before Mr
or a whole subdivision he H T. White's now opera house Is com
chooses. tided.
. .
Before buying elsewhere, see us,
HUM h.
m w
. . .
I he W I.-
iv t
I i
. Pill
l . .
y vii i
n n
I I Ml
. of III all
and tools always guaranteed. Stag and
Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall
Cement polish Oil and Mops,
CARR Hardware
i i; pi 11-
I RS Ml i I
. till
. . and
i. r .
For Sale,
Ford r .-1 x.
. I
ft In Si I
. .
r. I
. ;
ms will i
III in-
I ti I
; Ii hundred
in. I
I J. Hr- , will
I Sum
I in ed land
h en it . . particulars,
. i
born la n
it A, Ital
f. M S.
Si l
Mr. and U. .
it h. Florid
V I'll
I, .
p. ii.
Loose from Mexican I. F.
Men i-i
per n .
I Ideal
r ;
III ink I .
last t
iv o ill
. g
. . i will d
I .
Plumbing Heating Contractor
Moved New Store on Foul
Allen's S
Estimates Given on all Work Large Small
Repair Work a Specialty
Out of town work will receive our
prompt attention
Residence Phone 385-L. Office Phone
m i
. Ki
. i
it o to I
; ; I Runabout
b Detroit
For Sale
Greenville, N. C.
. w. . S
Ford Supply Co.
,. .
; t
. Hotel . I
I loll
lark I
leg for t lie boy
II . .
ml th
. for
l Odd
i . Ii
the i
, Moor.
for a
i . i i ire , x
Sara l
y and All . ; . ,
. I and
I n
, l y for I
. drop o
j ., here
mi i ban
i pal In
. d
an votes,
i you
and his i and
. , Ms
. i number of years
On . In
-ire c. I
here to n . Mr. II. Pulley
. made a . lion and
my at all l I by
II known partner us
i in m n firm i. Pulley
n will in j an up-
e. .
their store and v, mt
. Midi marvelous lo
ii r ml nu
ore would i
of He bull I
released f i
Ti las . I Lodge the
n Ii I
the i. Grand
mars of Ohio, city t ts.
prank J makes oath tin I States I n r .
i r of the of J.
Co. In the City i To-
. County and . ; ; i . . I
i will i i the m ONE
I. Vi
r here I
v. Ill he ii
i Mayor Chi n
III RED . and
. . r i cannot
ii n i use Of II M I i
in net
, o IV I .
A. W.
Cal Cure is taken
oil it's upon i he and
. ii., in Bend
i- j i CO. I
Ii lit bi nil
Ii r
Xv I . k.
i v ml
t put into i
I books v
or I
J. C. Lanier
n real
he week. You
. . ,
h a t you a re I I In
. i I
W I-.
. . .
i . i ii, .
i i i
. ,
. in
r, Held . v.
. ft Y. W. I
B Checks
Banking Trust
I Company.
The National Bank
Greenville, North Carolina
March 1914
Loans and
Real estate owned
Fixtures and Furniture
United States Bonds
Cash and due from Banks
Profit net
Bond Account
Di. unpaid
. .

Disc Harrows. Drag Harrow, Pulverizing Harrows, Corn Planter, Planter,
Fertilizer Distributors, Spreaders. Oliver Chilled Plow. Tiger and Red Star
Tobacco Transplanter, American Wire Fence, Galvanized Roofing. Prices always the
lowest. Come to us for anything you reed. We carry a complete Stock. You
remember our MOTTO is QUALITY
J. R. and J. G. MO YE
Coward Drug Co.
the Red
Ufa m Our
i MM
Toilet A Melt.
Kodak Supply
Drug Co.
Buy them now before
they go higher
Be. Pr Lima
Obtained by China
and Japan In Selection and
The telescope a
of carp, a creation of the
and Dab breeder,
are In art of de-
forming nature. It baa an almost
globular glistening bod. gilded on
side, double dorsal fins and a long
tall of peculiar ere and
their sockets are very prominent and
resemble object of
the name telescope
fish. A carp possessing abnormal
feature was discovered In Japan In
century, since which
peculiar character been
perpetuated and combined with many
variations In form and coloring, by
selection and crossing
The variety known Yen tan yen
or preserves normal
tractor of the y during lit, bat
It transparent tall attain an
enormous sis and fall In graceful
folds. Ilk a veil, producing effect
that a dancer might envy.
when a little move In sun-
Other Japanese varieties of
fish are the
which owes Its name to the convexity
of Its the which
has a head resembling those of
swine, and the which
raises And spreads Its tall In the
manner of n fan tall pigeon.
The Chinese breeders of telescope
fish disdain these abnormalities of
structure and devote their attention
chiefly to coloring. By modifying the
temperature of the water, and by
It with and Iron,
they produce startling shades and
markings. Among the innumerable
varieties thus obtained we may men-
tho with a belly of
silver, and sides and back marked
with blue, yellow, black, rose and car-
mine the crimson and
the with glittering scales,
scarlet belly, and black or bright red
markings on the back.
shop, would be quit Clever
finger will easily make them at home.
Rambler rote and are
Popularity Count.
Michelangelo beckoned to Rem-
they've found another of
your item my
The master sighed.
found four last he
said, the week before. Fun-
where the boys who write
have best of you said
John Milton. don't hear of any
being found In out-of-
added John
any put In
Rembrandt smiled.
be answered; don't. AM
these discoveries seem to depend on
present market
And pulling hi big hat over
hi eye he waved hi hand and
talked Plain Deal-
Th Professional
Forging la generally quite an
affair In this country, but In In-
where the professional forger
flourishes, It Is the business of a life-
time. A father, for instance,
thinks he detects In his son an
for the occupation, apprentices
him to one of Its masters He learns,
among other things, engraving,
paper-making, chemistry, so
as to deal with colored inks. and.
above all. penmanship and deli-
miniature painting. After several
hard work he Is pronounced
proficient, and sets up In business for
himself, generally commencing by
counterfeiting government stamps.
Attempt to Collect Insurance
fr Injuries Received I Net
Ills arm was In a sling, he limp-
badly, hi out of shape,
one of bis eye had been blackened,
and be was proceeding toward an In-
Mr. asked the
is the exact
of your
have fallen down a long flight of
steps and sustained damages that will
disable me for months to re-
plied he, I that one
dollars damages be award-
said the manager he
toyed with hi gold chain. have
bad your case investigated prior to
your visit here, and, young man, I
have every reason to believe it
no accident. You knew the
lady's father at horn all Ike
Cash must orders
for want except from those
having regular
coasts. Th rat la I per
line, words Tel-
Up-to-Date Hostess Used Tiny
Made In Pair
to Match.
T. I. Moore
Fire, Health and Accident
Opposite Proctor Hotel
Terra pipe, C tack. i
T Sicks. M.
hair work. Old braids dyed and
made made to look aw.
Braids made from
Work done by expert operators.
Address Miss Lizzie Hines, hail
dressing and manicuring
Wilson, N. C.
Cackle Fresh Sausage and Pork.
At a large card party the hostess
had her guests find partners by pass-
tiny bouquet around In which
were put little lace paper frills. The
stems were wrapped In silver paper,
and card attached said
etc. The four who had
table found their place and the two
whose bouquets matched played part-
Fancy headed pine were thrust
through the cards so the flower could
be worn. Every one charmed
with this pretty Idea, and In this same
way a hostess had her guest served
at a time at a big large one
of the assisting ladle handed the
those who ware served
out and in this way It was easy to
keep track of those who had had re
If real flowers are hard to get tiny
artificial one may be used with good
effect, and If r at a worthy
The Mind Reader.
reading said
Hawkins contemptuously.
In It I'll give you If
you'll read my mind right now. What
Hawkins keenly, are thinking
that mind reading la perfect nonsense,
that there Is absolutely nothing In It,
and that therefore your are per-
Jove cried Hawkins, paying
up like a gentleman. wonder-
Ton got it exactly.
How the dickens do you do
The was not. In Bag-
land, always composed in Latin,
though It a device borrowed iron,
the later Romans, revived during th
Renaissance. Perhaps the moat fa-
in English that
on death of Queen
Day I Closed In That
U. th year la which
he died. This la neater than moat
Latin examples, the
pear capital letters at the begin-
of the words, and do not
poll the symmetry of the inscription.
But it does not the condition that
letters of numerical shall
and are numerals.
Value of Trees.
Th soil is a resource of priceless
value. Its formation on rocks la ex-
slow. According to Prof. J.
Bowman, many glacial scratches that
were made on rock during the
glacial period, between and 78.-
years ago, are still as fresh as If
had been made only yesterday.
Yet since the glaciers thus recorded
themselves man has come up from
cave and the stone hammer. Seventy
thousand years Is a very short time
for the development of a soil cover;
for man It means a period great
that the mind can hardly grasp it. The
cutting off of the trees exposes the
soil so that the rain upon it, and
since It bas lost the protection that
the roots and the litter on ground
afforded the soil Is soon washed
away. In fifty years a single lumber
merchant can deprive the of soil
that required 10.000 years to form.
Youth's Companion.
All Practical Men.
must have a remarkably
board of health In this
remarked the visitor.
you replied the shrewd
of scientists, I
air. Scientists are too
much. We don't allow doc-
tors on our board of air
nor undertakers,
What sort of men nave
Stag Novelty.
time In vaudeville,
you a baseball
somebody f
are you.
actor, eh Well. I don't know.
Actors are unusual In vaudeville, bat
the very novelty of the thing might
make It a
hand books large or small quantities
cast prices Ye Old Book
N. C
J ST CAR 1.0
Hooding. Come to Sam Flake for
The California Fruit Store
Will open in a few days in the store next to the
Proctor Hotel. They will handle all kinds
of vegetables, celery, Tomatoes and all
kinds of fruits, at cheap prices. Phone orders
delivered to any part of town.
The California Fruit Store
Candidates for
ST PAUL, Minn , March One of
the most spirited political campaigns
in recent years ends today
CHICAGO, III, March l Chicago
is preparing for the entertainment
next week of one of the largest and
most representatives of
when for office make their profession ever
Una appeals to the people who will held in this or any Other country. Th
their candidates at the primary occasion will be an International roll-
election tomorrow. with the
brat ion of of
be the held under the law Which . of
establishes the commission form ,,.,. dentists
government in St. the and instructors in dentistry are ex
d hers tress all parts of
from Canada and from
Europe. A leading feature of the
gathering will be a series of
in charter, to
algal mayor. controller and six
i There arc
ant. for each office to be filled
I have names on the
for mayor. The two standing
highest in the primary will be the can
at the final election in May
in which the delegates win demon
the recent progress in dentistry
his stale or country. Another
will be an elaborate exhibition
c-r denial appliances and materials.
The number of my car No.
turn to me at store.
madam, I never re-
commend headache m
tho heart action. It's
easier lo
a bursting head than it is
to die with a
I n safely
mend Oils. i n selling it for
years n a ease
where it the least
yes, it's pleasant to
take, it lit our
and U is the most popular
we nave for Headache,
Neuralgia, l
colds mid n
size bottle will
vi u. Call
is.-. torn
A .-.
. , , . EQUIPPED
I he Little Aristocrat
New Series Model EMPIRE, the of 1914
A larger, more beautiful car with every luxury
and Equipment
principles of design and construction unchanged; severest tests and
of thousands of miles proved them right. Hut n score of refinements and improve-
are incorporated in the new Model EMPIRE for that make it still a
better car than hist season's sells for less.
Quadrupled output and quantity buying enables us to add to the beauty, size and
value of the and yet to REDUCE BY FIFTY big
jest value yet offered to buyers
Completely equipped including
Mohair Top
Vision Windshield
Tool and Tire Kits
Burn Kim
Stewart Speedometer
Double Tire Irons
Oil Sight reed
Dash Air Adjustment
Write, Phone, or call for a demonstration.
S. We have some upon territory in eastern North Write for our
The Empire is For
Oils, Tires, Accessories, Etc.
Repair Work our Specialty.
, We have on band several used cars that can be obtained at a real
Open or Night Phone No.
Imitators Take the Dust of p
The Fidelity Casualty Company
of New York
Pays W. J. of Farmville, N. C,
93.75 for of finger of left index
finger. They issue the best policy.
Is The Agent
Greenville. N. C.
Vi i
For Colds, Croup and Pneumonia. Just rub it on.
Thousands of testimonials from those who have used it Money
back if not as represented
P riV a number of eases and have been agreeably
by results. It has always op to expectations of it
W. II. M. D.,
Petersburg, Va.
Have given Preparation a thorough teat and ran say it is the best
n the relief of Pneumonia. Whooping Cough.
in P. SMITH. M. Augusta, Ga
All G sizes, and
Minn. March 18.---
Two hundred electrical engineers are
attending the annual
the Minnesota Association
Which opened hen today with P. T.
of St. Paul presiding. The
will continue three days.
Concord, N. C.
at Club Dinner.
NEW YORK March men
board the annual dinner of the
of wide fame will gather about the
hoard a the annual dinner of the
Club of America in this city tomorrow
night and listen to addresses telling
the progress in the science of
and forecasts as to its future de-
Von the
ambassador at Washington
will be the guests of honor at the din-
and among others who have ac-
Invitations to present are
Hear Admiral Robert E. Peary. U. S
V. retired; Charles I. WolCOtt, sec-
Of the Smithsonian Institution
Rodman Wanamaker of
who is one of the promoters of
he proposed transatlantic flight.
Birthday of Princess Louis.
March being
the birthday anniversary of Princess
of who was
born at Palace, March
IX. the bells of St. George s
Chapel, at Windsor, pealed merrily in
honor of the event, and the custom-
royal salute was tired in the
Central Ohio Dog Show.
is o., March
largest dog show ever given under the
auspices of tho Central, Ohio Kennel
Club opened in this city today
will continue until the end of the week
Many of the prize winners from the
shows In York,
and other eastern cities are included
I --mail Dixon
COLUMBUS, Ind. March IS. Con-
i -.- man Lincoln was
by the Democrats of the Fourth
Congressional district of Indiana, as-
in convention here today. Con
Dixon is now serving his
tilth consecutive term in the House.
The home that I furnished
us is a really com-
home like place
because the furniture
house here Is Intended ex
for that purpose.
Thai will suit your place intend for it hut
not least purse. See the offerings.
Taft Vandyke
Newark M. B. Conference Meets.
NEWARK, N. J March
annual gathering of the
Newark of the M. K.
church was opened in this city today
with Luther . Wilson
The sessions will continue until
next Monday, on which day the pas-
assignments win be announced.
The question of framing new State
constitutions will be decided by the I The workmen have commenced
voters of Indiana South Dakota I lug the stone for the front of
at the regular elections to be held in j the building it is begin-
these next fall. ring to like a
Three candidates have announced
for the form of the late
United States Senator Johnston
The choice be made
ii en election In
Berlin to Put Lid on
BERLIN, March a result or
the recent the increasing
of in Berlin the
lower of tin. Prussian die has
adopted a motion requiring the govern
to employ all lawful means to
check growing es-
In Berlin and the larger
towns, The motion refers especially
to the indecency of some of i
the pictures shown In moving
and to the dancing
exhibitions given In cabarets
ell restaurants.
The Old Grove's Tasteless Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and up
the Whole System. For Grown and Children.
You know what you taking when you take Tasteless chill Tonic
as the formula is printed on every label showing that contains the well known
tonic properties of and IRON. It i as strong as strongest bitter
tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and
Weakness, debility loss appetite. Give life and vigor
Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without pawing
Relieves nervous depression and spirits. Arouses the liver to action sad
purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure A Complete
No family should be without it. Guaranteed by your mean it.
The John Flanagan Boggy Co.
Buggies, Harness, T-icicles Etc.,
Undertakers and
N. C.
-The Line Is The equality
hi ii
Real and Personal Property
The Famous and Truck Farm at
Auction New Bern, N. C.
Mules and Horses; Holstein and Jersey Cows. Some nice Berkshire Hogs.
Including some of their best Farm Machinery, Wagons, Riding Harvesting
Machinery, Etc. Also Small Farms adjoining the New City Park and Fair
Grounds in the best state of cultivation, and everything offered will be sold
regardless of price, at the time mentioned on the premises, rain or shine.

Service by Publication.
Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
Will last for years. Ask for
At dealers everywhere
Washington, n. C.
Richmond. V a.
Norfolk. Va.
N. C.
W. Vt
Charleston, i. C.
North Carolina,
Pitt County.
In the Superior
tho Clerk.
I J. B, Carroll
ft B. Byrd
A. U. Cox and others
Donald Jackson, Jackson
H E. Kills. Abide Carroll
, others.
Tho defendant. Jackson
take notice that an action entitled
M above has been commenced in the
superior before the clerk of
Pitt county to have the Cedar Swamp
Canal Incorporated, in county
which runs through or near
lands of the defendant Jack
son, and this said ion for the
the said Cedar Swamp
Canal is tor purpose of binding
and obligating .-ill parties whose lands
shall dram through said Canal to aid
In constructing and maintaining said
and that said defendant
further lake notice he is
ed to appear before the clerk of the
superior court Pitt county on Fri-
day April 1914, and answer
complaint of the plaintiffs in
action, or demur to the or
plaintiffs will apply to the for
n lief demanded in said com
This Ma
iv C, MOORE, C B. C.
3-12-it-l a w.
You Need a Tonic
There are times In every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you w tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing women in its past hall century wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
North Carolina.
hi Superior Court
Before C, re, Clerk.
William Helli n and
G T. T. Gardner
II. Hellen
l virtue of a en I- C
Moore, of the superior of
I hi count in the above d cause
Man i
, will on
day 13th day of April at
o'clock noon, expose to sale.
. n
.; i r tor cash, the
i or parcel of
Si i I In Crock township
San FARMERS LOSE MONEY by buying the first thing
tut is offered without looking over our Farm Machinery
We carry an up-to-date line of Farm Implements, and Machines
that we know will give you absolute satisfaction. are most
practical, economical and dependable on the
in stock Cutters, Disc and Smoothing Harrows. Ma-
Jar i. H Cotton and Corn Planters, Chilled, Gang
and S Plows, besides many other farm and garden tools.
Also and the Trans-Planters, the most
successful made.
See to it that YOU do not lose money
this year.
i TO
Confederate Veteran
Ti, on sale May nth. th
. mi good returning to roach
nation prior to May
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful
spells and a poor Now I feel as well and
as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
i o North Carolina adjoining
ll . of the Allen hi
of N If. Corey, the ti
and containing
re or less and bi a portion
. -i will and i
P Hellen the H
This will be mad. for
pose partition among the
ii in common.
the day of March.
may obtained by
eel with special agent, Baal
Jacksonville, Fla. not
later than May 1914, upon pay-
f. We.
Stopovers allowed n both
Side I rips Jacksonville at very
low s in all Florida, Georgia
Alabama points, by applying Atlantic
Coast line ticket office, West Hay
Fla. Tickets on
May 6th to inclusive limited
to June W.
Your Own
Bay gals. L. M.
at per gal.
And gals. Linseed to mix h
You then make gals, cf pure paint for
It's only per gel.
Anybody can mix the OIL with PAIN
Whereas, if you buy gala, of ready in
CANS, you pay a gal. or
The I., a M.
the n . I .
Use a gal. out any I
made, return ALL your .
i. J MOVE, V. C.
In It May
is to public generally
the undersigned will on Monday.
i lb day of April. 1914, it the Brat
Monday in April apply to the Hoard
i County, for
Hi., right and privilege to construct
the main canal or of Clay
Knot Swamp across the public road.
i. county, wherever said
sail Clay Swamp, and the
undersigned will also request the
Hoard of Commissioners of Pitt
to construct and maintain bridges
at Bald crossings, and tins notice is
given in order that any of Put
county, who desires to do so, may he
b for. Hi. Hoard of Com
i of Pitt county on the
Monday in April, 1914. in reply to the
Carolina Development Co
n. E. House
A splendid chance to visit Florida at
unusually low
For any address
H. II.
Railroad of the
x. Mgr. Pas. Act
Wilmington. N. C.
I Timber
Under and by virtue of th. power
; and authority contained in a certain
Davis and wile, Addie M. Davis, to It
A. Stumper, of dale lull day of July
1918, and duly recorded in the Pitt
Registry in book page
default having n In the
payment of bond secured thereby
the undersigned, will oil Thursday th
8th day of April, 1914, at o'clock
M , in front of the court house door
of county, Greenville, N. C,
for sale at public auction to the high-
est bidder, for cash, the following de-
All the right, title and interest or
the said F. U. Davis and wife, Addie
If. Davis, in and to all the green pine
timber trees that will measure
inches in diameter at
the stump when cut, that are now
standing, growing and being upon that
tract of land situated In town
ship, Pitt county, adjoining the lands
of lieu Moore, the heirs, John
Clay and Hob and
Described as follows,
No Opposition to Senator
Man. delegates have arrived In
city He state convention of III
Democrats which is to i
here tomorrow to nominate a
for United states Senator in
ii. compliance with the constitutional
. providing for tho dire l
election of States senators, i
i. will be no
to the of Senator
Two Farms for Sale.
One of If acres, cleared, large
six room and necessary
On of acres, acres
cleared six room and necessary out
buildings, both farms in few hundred
yards of each other and can be easily
operated as one farm. Fine lands
that are especially adopted to
pea nuts, cotton and corn Farms will
t sold or as one farm.
Prices very low considering the value
of tho land. Must be sold at once
Write for particulars.
N, C,
p, O. Box
den Bell State Dental Society held its
annual meeting in this city today with
large attendance, President A. C.
of City, delivered his
address at the morning
ion. The remainder day .-
voted to clinical d rat Ions and
of interest to the
My son. Luther Barrett, age
has left home and refuses to
return. All persona are forbidden
to hire him unless is wage are
laid to me.
black and white calf at
house Crop and slit In left ear and
wallOW fork and under bit the right.
Owner can get same by Identifying
paying all charges.
Route N C
For Hatching.
of Hinter layers
Let me order
N. I.
We hereby Rive notice that we
apply to the Hoard of Com-
missioners at th- regular April 1914
meeting to have opened as a
in road now running from the
I .
across our lo the creek road
which road has been used by the pub-
lie for thirty and longer
This March 1914.
D. B.
H. D.
. Id
On. blank and china boar
weighs about pounds, months
old Unmarked ears, drops at and,
tittle around noon
nil cost of keeping me.
a i i ii o; qualified as
of Anne
I lie of county, this is ti
nil persona having claims
the estate f the
in exhibit them to the
within twelve
from this date, or this notice will
pleaded in bar of their
cry. All persona Indebted to said
estate ill please make immediate
This the day of March mil
is hereby given that on the ,
day of April Kit or Boon thereafter
m convenient to the Governor,
application will to th
Governor for of Willis
Pitt who was convicted at the August
term till of the superior court of
county of tho larceny of some
corn In the field and
ed to six months on the roads of FIB
county. This tho day of March
for Will Pitt
it a w
The annual Statement
the county is being d It w
ll to every tax of Hie
county and should be read carefully
Every Item of expense paid by the
commissioners In accounted for in this
or in
. i mt
., it. .
, I-
I P. C.
the pf a tor-
liver. It followed
by coated tongue, bad
I taste it the mouth, sick
the appetite by
I gently your liver.
Sugar coated or
I your druggist.
at a stake on the Green-
ville and Wilson road, thence N. 1-2
4-5 R. to a stake in Hen
line agreed
thence N. 3-8 E. 1-5 It. to a
In Jacob's branch, Jno. Gay's
corner, thence down the various
courses of Jacob's branch to the
Wilson public road,
the point of beginning,
acres, more or less, saving and ex-
the pine timber on
about five acres of the above
ed tract of land located on the public
road on the southeastern portion of
the body of land, cut off separated
from the main body of the tract by an
old tram road running through the
woods, evidences of which can now he
plainly seen, and saving and except-
further five long leaf pine timber
trees and one short straw pine
tree which are to be. or have been,
designated as excepted from this con-
with the full i
and privilege from the date of this
Instrument up to the 8th day of
June, 1915, In person or through their
agents or servants to enter upon said
land and pass and repeal over the
same at will, on foot or with teams
and conveyances, In which to cut and
remove said timber trees, together
so, with the right and privilege for
the time above mentioned
rutting and removing from the for
going land In handling and
the logs on a.
pules as are needed for car stand-
and skid poles, provided these
be cut from such places on
lend as shall be designated by tin
n tamper. bis
It. A. STAMPER, Mortgagee
me day of
College Inaugurated.
i exercises conducted in the pres-
. i a audience
tended today's Inauguration of Dr. S
II. as ninth president of
tin Greensboro College for Women
and the-
heads of many well known South-
institutions of learning were
the participant. In the pro-
Since the good weather has conic
for plenty of tobacco
Is better than It was a few days
Is th Basis of all Industry
i . of all good fanning. Writs far
by the but authority in the United
on Lime on the Farm, and get price
the lime. Don't buy earth,
etc. A will give you reasons.
eggs, best of pure
shell eggs. 11.00 per netting of
Mrs. B. King. Falkland, N. C.
lbs old
Kola i o
U . Skin
Clear a
iv,,, . .
Si. . I- BUS
I i J,.,. w.
V. .
j . .
. ; ;
. .,
A . i
. .
i. the -i the steal
i v ill i- I ll M ll
First Victory . M.
Risked His Own Lite lo Rescue
For several weeks the local police
have kept their .-yes on Ed Wheeler
bell Proctor note,
aim of
and Saturday they I i
make a search lo sue-
When Hi- discovered
I they were on his trail he a
and skipped to purls unknown. After
long m arch He I r
in bottles stored In the
the hotel,
Mrs. E. Dead.
lei- I Deserted. Fire
ill March -I. F. A
. I, , i college as
hero of the Bra
more worth r-
, in i u at, and bis i
l the ii i
i i ha i en p on lbs ll l
Doors of the U Duke
Jumping Into an r
been by the operator, this col
youth ran II up and down its shall
every person was down and until
th. r.- was nothing left for the elevator
to move The last time Indeed
only go lo the 4th .
to run Into darning air. When be
Sown this last trip the elevator
u and shook with the rumblings i
the and when within eight
feet of the bottom tho car bad
nothing to move part of
tho woodwork been burned
and all but fell with a
Hut on this lust trip, made
through smoke and Bane with death
as the solemn reward, with his nose
and mouth covered by one hand and
with the other hand piloting the
upward, the new elevator
found one last man. the only man left
in the building, and brought him to
cherished earth.
Thus he became a hero, and alter his
duty was done he slipped away.
Few people knew of ha
late this morning. It win .
Unit some one had run the elevator I
Hie last man was out, but who was
several hours proved a mystery.
When anally he pleaded
, engagement and hurled off through
a crowd. Finding this was useless he
admitted that he run the elevator
but didn't know how many
was Just pas
was not he said.
The Information was pulled
from him that he had run an
valor before; that he asked the
tor boy for the to he replaced
he ran the elevator up one floor
and hack down to make SUM how the
Business done. Tho he went up
to the top and repeated It as long as
the elevator would run. At times
his inspiration, others went up
with him.
The lust trip he had considerable
trouble n reaching the fourth floor.
Unable to go higher he called
learn If any one was waiting and then
rescued nearly suffocated man on
the fourth
Young over five
hit nine In height and weighs
about pounds. eyes are blue.
and his Is light. Th. lb
of his eyes, the quickness of bis
voice and a sprightly step mark him
an a man of lbs and decision he
. l ,.
i March U On last
March 20th the people of
and w. re i In
. of i
death of Mrs. ll.
I been In ebb hi for
i. hut v. i i in to In r i.
at the time of her death. She .
I m the Primitive
. by all
km w hi r. hi
. the hi m
. ., i o I
floral tributes bore is i
love in wish In i i
. , in her death has .
, bereft are her d Mrs
j i,. Williams of and Mrs
Richards of Raleigh; her sons;
J. s. Weldon.
Sam T. B. and I.
Iv. of She was
burled in the Williams burial grounds
by the side of her The fol-
lowing were the pall Messrs
t. it. Proctor, w. s. Galloway, J. l.
Gibson, J. J. Elks. L. I. and
J. W. Wilson. The was
four years of age at the time
her death.
Commencement Address
The ll. l. C. or
. has i n secured
the annual commencement
tin Last Carolina Teachers
School. is
known as the best preacher the
in church among the
and . I pal I
. an orator for commencement
and .
it. ii. a i Oliver
i .
. ,. , who has l ex-
air i i
s an and r i
. Is no I to
,. j
.- i . ii.- Training
School i p r. no or i
. o I
., to tin i
if tho i who co.
,, . r, i
. ii congratulated on
m. year
bi the public Is Indebted lo
bi two such
in. n have been l.
When Federals Are
CHI March
Octal b d p n I
says lighting continued Ben I
in. The rebel;
have raptured the
round house to be fl
The n i Is claim . i
n p
i public I arm
teat I
. . ,. i re
I i . .
u number of Mi ii an I
ha . I into l ;
i I r .
Barren Simpson spent the
,.,. . her ti r, Mrs A. W
For h cheese d
j cos
good cultivator. r
. have them. Harrington, I
;. ii a plant as the Winter
as could be
ed. Installed b.
of the leading i
fertile i
nu main
Man of
White, colored, charged with
assault on a little six-
year old girl, was ail judged
yesterday afternoons sea
of the county super-
for the trial Of criminal
ca and was sentenced to serve
Tin of thirteen In ll
prison. The will be taken to
Raleigh Immediately.
ease was a short one and
evidence was the same as
which was Introduced at the re-
gent hearing which was conducted
the city police court. The victim of
the aliened attempt told her story to
the court attendants while she
pied her mothers lap and physician
were examined In the case. The no
denied the charge
School t losing.
Despite the Inclement weather on
Friday night March was a
large and appreciative audience to
Witness the closing exercises of tho
School which la in
township, district No. S. This was the
of Its Kind ever held In that
, many went declaring
Hint they had never seen children act
their part so much credit
praise was also given to the Hinging of
two songs and the
lay which was
BUS a i us three and
No great thing I with
out -a most
word painstaking. The successful
efforts costs pain.
Repairs and
In to their large bicycle
business, John
Company have recently
a repairing and bicycle
department Ai many wheels are
In use these days ought to bring
Heir new department much business
of the
DAYTON, O., March year
ago today marked the beginning of the
great Hoods which devastated
of Ohio and Indiana and
parts of New
York, West Virginia, Kentucky and
several other states. In the loss of
life and properly Dayton was by far
the greatest sufferer of any of the
that were covered by the raging
waters. In twelve months the city
accomplished wonders rebuilding
the structures that were destroyed
by the flood and the great fire which
It. Today the citizens of
all classes I in services
in memory of the men, women and
whose lost in the cat-
Ai tho same time Hags wen
displayed on many buildings In
of the progress has been
made in rehabilitating the city.
was the middle of March las
the central were
by a series
i, which were followed by
live or six days of torrential rains,
late as the evening of March
situation was not regarded as
although flOOdS were already
over the northern slope of
Ohio basin In the stales of Ohio and
Indiana. The downpour of rain
throughout this section was tho
I. st ever known.
During the night of March all of
the Stream Of and Indiana passed
their flood stages, and within
many of them reached record-break
n tho morning of March
one ago today the people of
Dayton awoke to that the Miami
river had -cached n height of feet
above the highest previously record.
The breaking of the levees resulted
in the Inundation of two thirds of the
City Including the whole of the
section. Many places were
feet of water. several
people were In
upper Stories Of buildings. Many
fires broke out and great Buffering
was caused hi lack of and
dry When the waters
and the city relieved out-
side help It was found that scores
lives bad lost millions
d In properly
The the Washington
Chamber of Commerce In endeavor-
to secure a boat in- between
Washington, Norfolk and Baltimore
upon which they have been laboring
for some little time bids fair to he
crowned success.
Charles A. of the Chamber.
Is receipt of a letter from Cap-
B. Henry of the
line, stating that his steamer
the U U. Shaw will arrive In Nor-
folk on Monday, March for the
I purpose of loading on freight con-
signed to merchants In Washington
Any business man in this city
freight ready for shipment at
I that time will please write Captain
Henry cure of general
Norfolk, the freight
will he taken aboard and bronchi
iii this city. This will be the
trip of the steamer I. B. Shaw.
on freight from Norfolk hen
win be from five to ten
, ., on tho pounds than
the now In vogue on tho rail-
roads. This line Is be establish
I from Baltimore, Norfolk to Washing-
ton and New Bern. The chamber
Commerce here Is endeavoring to have
the merchants of the city t meet
Captain on his arrival her
for a conference.
It is stated while at present
there will be only placed on
the run, another one will he put
, the business
. . . I C CO
j Co. i
our boil
. a
I. S. I
y given
nu to
. i Co
Miss Mettle Cox of E C. T. T. S
em night with hi i
hi r. Miss
The Cotton oil Co .
now running on full time and will I.
tor weeks. Those who
COtten seed to sell or lo exchange
meal will make no mistake in taking
the mailer up before
The students of the
I ii hi I Ian. s.
. . . , ,.
of were I
. -i
tank , When tin
i one wagon i. d I
off and the entire tun
the n . I Sorts i
check wen no a. I
be building i a
road the northern edge tam
between the Administration I
f and the new dormitory .
ed In at a cost of
machinery In the building .
School music department will 45.000. Ninety-live per cent of
. . . . . .
evening Marc
this was donated by manufacturer
mill The . ll e,
d dyeing laboratory and .
text hooks, room equipment
was worth at least ten thousand .
bus. This building was in
Prof Thomas Nelson When asked
value of building and content ; i
give a recital Friday
at eight o'clock.
cordially invited.
Bee J. Cox Son for all mid
Ice cream and cigars.
When we sell you a gallon
outside white, you gel I
Is what It weighs. paints weigh .
out IS, or pounds. almost I II h of th. I
difference at the price per pound I ti I
lead and and you will see just the
how much you are loosing when u I
buy the weight paint. ,, had ill by On
is mad. per lead and , .
per rent no b try n effort i
We show the formula right hi roll and
i, the can us on hose
bill. A. W. Aim., ft Co.
The class Oxford i I ii
age will give a concert In
April J.
sir Mr . have
first class cultivators
and all kinds of up lo dale
D D. and Co.
If the on freight can be
cured by business men of Wash-
cheaper than those now it be-
hooves them to rally to Its support.
After the steamer L. B.
rives here next week with freight
will load for Baltimore and Nor-
folk and then to New
where her cargo will be finished
Mrs. W M Ting and Mrs
and Mrs
A. B. of Cove arc
Mm. W l. Hunter.
PORTLAND, Me. March IS Many
delegates have arrived In Portland
the Democratic Stats convention
which is to be held tomorrow As
primary will used this
year iii the nomination of the
will be to adopt a plat-
form and select state, district and
commutes. Congressman
has been selected tO
act us temporary chairman
Will from
The High School
ball team auspiciously started II
base bail Saturday
by the strong Kinston team
to the tune of to he
pitcher In great form,
i twenty men
hits. Ills team mates I
faultless ball behind and hit the
ball hard In visit
a fairly good
could not hold the locals when
hits meant runs. features of tic
game was the hitting of
The work of the entire local
Infield and the pitching of Davis.
Kinston. o I
Batteries W. Davis and K
and Tyndall.
opened up ii nice line
and notions, Harrington,
bar t Co,
. eel
first class beef. oysters and en
In the grocer it W
Wanted Another hundred head
beef cattle
crept up it bin i
I turned on
am re ado
mail i I n
looked on with an I
The lire d on tin r
in the i Lu i-
a small office used by B.
Parker. Prom there it
this floor b i d
n a I. to floor i
spouted from
on every save i In
the i b. i
the firemen and college lads
fighting against hope to stop lie .
before the add tanks of the
department were reached.
ii. Leavers
A weeks ago Messrs, K,
and F. M. Woolen wet. i
by the county a
to place an order for metal
in be placed iii the court
iii lake the place of the windows.
Such all order was Iv put
Into effect and yesterday louvers
were placed. Mr who baa
the town clock is
lo ibis tower has i u
several months to
made and ha is a ll
pleased effort
been Thia addition .
ii received by the public a the
house hell and town clock i now
be heard at a much

Eastern reflector, 19 March 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 19, 1914
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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