Eastern reflector, 12 March 1914

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

I. a. .
The Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Strong and Durable
For Fishing,
and Hard
Use under All
Give steady, bright light.
Easy to light. Easy to
clean and Don't
smoke. Don't blow out
in the wind. Don't leak.
At dealers everywhere
Miscellaneous deposits and lions
on real estate and securities sold
Accrual of on bonds
D. C.
Richmond, Va.
Norfolk. Va.
S. C.
Death claims
IS. Dividends
. . .,, Expenses of
on real estate and bonds sold
of premiums on bonds
Other disbursements
Receipts in excess of disbursements
. O.
9.011 Q
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In
writing of her experience with the woman s
tonic. She says re I I in to use
back and head would hurt bad, I
thought the pain would kill me.
to do any of my housework. Alter taking .
of I began to feel like a new w m i. Is
gained pounds, and n, I
as well as run a big water
wish ever- in w
The Woman's Tonic
a still use when feel a I He bad,
. id it ; does m
. backache, s ache,
fired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs
I. Signs that you need the woman s
I n c. You cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
I nil policies
Loans nil
lion stocks
Interest and due and accrued
in course of collection
ii t
Deposited to pay claims
Policy Reserves
Supplementary contract reserve
Other policy liabilities
Premiums, Interest rents paid in advance
Miscellaneous liabilities w
c, Taxes, License fees, etc., payable in
Dividends payable in LOU
for future deferred dividends
Contingency reserve
Manager For The Greenville District
. . con-
. ,
. ; . U
I s i Cores to
Z. V. Hooker, as ;
,.,.,. . ;. i ; a the
Get a Bottle Today
.- i Uri. .
d no m o
i . fine, r .
. i I. hi i d
I am
good store
,, . .
will, lay, tin
Ii, 1914, ex-
.-. to sale at court
, r In the
I bidder, tor cash, the
i . u or parcel
being in th county
Pitt and North Carolina and
. , . .
township, on the
the K.
Jam Edward;
i . . and
i Bram h; on the
tract land W. I. F. Corey
on the by the Amy
containing or
I, . i being the same tract land
on . Bald W.
M I.
, , , . mid club
. f tin S . V-
. ., .,, i lo agree
, i , i M-l-i H I i
II I .,
f the express
n over the prospects
f, ii year in their or
Tile circuit will re-,
ii. same last
By virtue a mortgage executed
t by the Independent Loving
executed on 23rd day
July, 1912. and registered in L-
page of the Pitt county reg-
forth certain terms
which have not been com
piled with, I herewith advertise
sale to the highest bidder at Hie
curt on Wednesday,
day of March, 1914, at noon, the fol-
lowing described
Situated in near id-
j, the lands Thomas Ci
The Old Trove's Tasteless Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because en the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the B J and tip
the Whole System. ; and Children,
You know what you taking When you take C chill
as the is on every showing . contains the
tonic properties QUININE and IRON. It as strongest bitter
tonic and is in Tasteless Form. II no equal Valaria, Chills and Fever
Weakness, debility and Ls appetite. C-v-s life and vigor to Nursing
Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging
Relieves nervous depression Sow spirits. Arouses the liver to action
purifies the blood. A True T. and Sure A Complete
No should be without it. your Druggist. We mean it.
I i TRACT. Situated in Dr. B. T. Cox, A. Cox and
.,,,, . others. For better description, rot-
I . lining t lands la given to deed bearing even
. and date of this Instrument giving
i . res, n re or less and for acres of
tract land d i Ping made A
W. I. and to Independent
p. Corey I n I ind I i the purchase
In land Independent living Union
page the said Loving Union
became Indebted to A O. Cox
TRACT Situated In Oil- of M
cod township, on con-
Make Your Own Paint
THIS row
at per gal.
And to mix with it
than f ; t for
Anybody can six th OIL with the PA ST.
y u t-y Is. of i ad; in
CANS, you pay
I. n W i
, and I
use .
paint made, lie t. t ALL i now . I
J. A J. U N. C
now. en. N f
n n r and
i the land granted by the state
North Carolina to S Corey
appears of record in Y-n.
page iv.;
Km TRACT Lying and
in Creek township, adjoin-
tho lands of Nashville Wilson
VT. D Bland, H H and
lie Bland, containing M
FIFTH TRACT. Lying and being
In Swift Creek township and on
both sides the road,
adjoining the lands it H. Oar-
Haywood Cox and others and
containing acres, more or
This will made for the
purpose of satisfying the terms of
said mortgage deed and the above
described land will be
for the same.
Terms Bale cash.
This the day of Pi
A. Mortgagee.
s. EVERETT, Attorney.
A clear complexion and
a torpid liver cannot go
hand in hand. Clear
the bile duct gently,
but firmly, with
At your druggist
coated or plain.
By virtue of tho power of Bale con-
In a certain mortgage deed
executed and delivered by E
to B. Brown on the 11th
day of February. 1911, and duly re-
corded the office of the
of Pitt county, North Car-
in book page tho
reigned will expose to sale
before the court door iii Green-
ville, to the highest bidder, on I
the nth day of March, 1914
o'clock, noon, a certain tract
or panel of land, lying and being
in the Town of County
Pitt, and State of North Carolina
and described as follows,
Beginning at Martha
runs west to mil street, thence
about feet south, thence parallel
with line to the railroad right
of way, tin north about feet lo
the beginning, being that portion or
the Nashville lot which the
house further description
.-. deed from S. J. Nobles to Ellen
B. recorded in book T-9, page
Terms of sale cash.
Thin February 12th, 1914.
W. n. BROWN, Mortgagee
Greenville, N. C.
By virtue of the power conferred
upon me by a decree of the superior
court of Pitt county made February
In a special proceeding
in which Joseph I Hobgood, ad-
Richard Carr is plain-
tin against Lydia stock.-, Gil-
Ada Lane Nobles, Albert Carr
C . John II Carr, Lena Fair-
cloth. Tyson and others
heirs law Richard Carr are de-
I on Wednesday, March
1814, In front of the court
door In Greenville sell for sash
the highest bidder the following de
scribed piece or parcel of land,
iii township, is
county the lands of Al-
Carr. Ron, the Frank-
land and others, containing
eighteen more or and being
the lands on which Richard Carr
ed at the time of his death. Said lot
or pared of land will sold subject
to tho Interest of Harriet Can
widow of Richard Carr and the sale
will take place about noon.
This Fob. 1914.
IX ltd
both as a and in subdivision
to suit purchasers.
This the 5th day of February.
Z. V. HOOKER. Mortgagee
To Prevent Poisoning
at once wonderful old reliable DR.
pain and at
U the Basil of all
i, basil of all good farming. Write I
bulletin by the authority in the United
on Lime on the Farm, and get price
of the Don't buy earth,
etc. A postal will give you reasons.
iii.-ill. M
mi Hunk
Seventh St., Washington, D. C.
eggs, beat layers of pure white
Shell eggs. per setting of
Mrs. E. C. King, Falkland. N. C
Several of the Greenville
yew arc in
supreme court.
Is Skin
Clear as a
i the I. H- the Most V
PI I .
a .
Only Removed From Burned
St. Louis Building
Woodmen of World
Launch Worship
Militant Damages
a Painting Valued at
It Win Si era Make
a Complete Explore the
Feared Will
Never be
March 10.- Ten I
bad been recovered late today iron
the ruins the Athletic club
building which was destroyed by hi-,
early Monday morning. Three
wore round today. The other Bet
were recovered yesterday.
Twenty bodies are thought to be ii
making the death toll
Hi the bodies recovered
have been Identified as
Marshall bachelor, head
Marshall Hi r and Company, fur deal-
era, St. Louis.
Lucius Ruff, department head
Simmons Hardware, company,
son of Hr. L. P. Ruff of Cape
Mo., lived with mother In
Dallas, Texas., doubt-
William J. treasurer
Construction company; engaged in
construction of East Side levee.
James B. single, member
contracting firm of Ware and
St. Louis.
John Chicago,
Ford Manufacturing company;
leaves wife and children in Chicago.
William F. lawyer and real es-
dealer. East St. Louis.
Edwin C. cashier
low Wire Company. St. Louis;
killed in jump form floor.
E. P. Williams, bank promoter, San-
Hays probably will elapse before
the ruins are explored
and it Is feared many of the bodies
never will he recovered. Fire Chief
today said the lire depart-
work was about finished and
others suggested that other city de-
remove the debris.
The vaults of the bank,
which occupied part of the
were found today. Nearly
in coin and currency
removed under heavy police guard
to the vaults of the St. Louis Union
Trust company to ho until a
place can be provided in the tempo-
quarters of the bank.
No satisfactory explanation of the
fire has been found. Explosions heard
during the fire were attributed by the
chief of tho fire prevention bureau to
gaB that escaped when the meters
molted under the intense heat.
Harry Davidson, night watchman
for the club, was on the third floor of
the building, where the lire was sup-
posed to have started only laminates
before the flames were discovered. He
said ho found nothing that indicated
An Important meeting of Magnolia LONDON, March militant
Camp NO. Woodmen the World suffragette inflicted severe damage to-
be held Wednesday evening day on the famous picture
March to discuss plans for the known as the which
thirty days membership campaign l lug In the National Gallery.
that just opened in Pitt county Square.
and all members of the local camp The picture purchased for
are urged to attend this meeting. In 1906 and presented to the
District Manager s. of Hon.
Raleigh, will be present with Deputy
. , A. O. Kill, who is In
charge the county district and
l. u. Crawford, who has just I
. the . re
. located In Portland, Oregon,
to take up organization work in
North Carolina. These men will con-
the pi-, sent campaign in Pitt
Manager K. B. Lewis of Kin-
X. in Greenville Tuesday
in conference with ins staff
ties and everything Is now ready for
what promises to the greatest cam
In tho history of Woodcraft
in this section.
The wonderful progress of the
Woodmen of the World the past year
is plainly shown in a statement just
Issued by Manager Lewis to all of
the Woodmen camps in North Caro-
new members were accept-
ed during the year of 1913 and there
are now 692.447 Woodmen In the
Jurisdiction alone not count-
those of the Pacific or Canadian
There was a net increase in the
United States of members
was paid to widows
and orphans during the year and
4.020 monuments erected to the
of deceased Woodmen.
In North Carolina during 1913 there
were new members accepted
and the state now has members
in good standing, a net Increase of
over The sum of
was paid out to beneficiaries in
North Carolina on account of the
death of sovereigns the death rate
being only 7.16 per thousand. Only
three states in the Union had a larger
numerical Increase of members than
North Carolina, one of these being
Prom the foregoing figures it is
readily seen that Woodcraft is stead-
growing in strength and fulfill-
in every way mission, tho pro-
of the American home.
Art experts have estimated
West Virginia
New Raring Circuit Formed.
BOSTON, Mass., March
completion here today of the
of tho Bay State Short ship Cir-
assures Massachusetts of a long
season of harness racing this year
The season will open June and
until the second week of
August. The circuit embraces
and Springfield.
County Teacher's
The last meeting for this year will
he held on Saturday at the graded
school building.
This means that each teacher
the county must be present.
important announcements will bi
Each teacher taking year read-
course must report on books
The departments will meet.
Programs which will make these
meetings the most interesting of the
year are being arranged.
H. H.
President of Association.
says he will re-
tire from the ring after he finishes
with Mike Gibbons.
To Produce Coke on Large
NEW YORK. March A busy and
prosperous year for the steel industry
was In the reports present-
ed today at the annual meeting of the
and Iron com-
in this city. In near future
the company plans to spend
in building a great battery of coke
ovens in connection with Its mills at
present market value at
The woman entered the gallery and
attacked tho picture with a sharp
making six or seven had cuts
across the canvass. She was arrested.
of the outrage was
tin. notorious militant
May Richardson, who has been sen-
to several terms of
the beginning of the mill-
She was arrested at Bristol on July
last year, for dropping a scroll of
paper on the knees of King George
las he driving through the city.
After she had served three
Imprisonment she was arrested again
in November for burning a house at
Hampton, but Immediately started a
hunger strike and was released a few
weeks later in a serious condition.
Many of tho public art collections
such as those at Hampton Court Pal-
ace and especially galleries where val
porcelain is on exhibition were
closed a year ago on account of
outrages and have not been open-
ed since. The National Gallery was
closed after today's outrage.
Tho magistrate committed Miss Rich
for trial and refused to grant
The keeper of the National Gallery
told tho magistrate that the selling
price of the picture had been
by the outrage by
The prisoner harangued the court,
the House Sec-
has turned tho criminal code
into a farce. This Is the tenth time I
have been brought before a
this year. He cannot
me and cannot compel me to serve a
sentence. He can only repeat th
farce of releasing
Miss Richardson after her arrest
tried to destroy the picture of
the most beautiful woman in
history as a protest against the
government for destroying Mrs. Km-
Pankhurst. who is the most
beautiful character in modern his-
Glasgow Police Hostile
GLASGOW, Scotland, March
Hands of determined militant
waited at railway stations In
Glasgow today in readiness to fight
for the rescue of Mrs,
The militant leader, however,
who was arrested last night, had bean
removed from the station house to a
suburban railway station early in the
Mrs. Pankhurst was carried from
the cell to a waiting on a
dashed off at high speed to a station
on the main line of tho railway where
she was carried on board the express
train for
Many of the policemen who assisted
in Mrs. Pankhurst's arrest last night
suffered severe scratches from the
barbed wire which had been
across the platform from which she
was speaking.
I. s. Marshall in Hospital and His
Condition Considered Car
Was Well Filled With
V. W. R. L
a ski of
county, is dead; A. Beavers,
a former United States deputy mar-
is In the w hos-
in a dying condition with a pis
wound in the abdomen; D. W.
lion- . B deputy sheriff, and brother
A, D, Beavers, shot through
the leg, and T. E. a now
was shot through tho thigh, In
i. pistol battle on a crowded Norfolk
and Western train about loci
this morning, between am
The tragedy is said to be the result
of a quarrel, started between the
and Taylor, according to official
reports of the conductor of the train
at Roanoke, the men having been
drinking when they left Welch an hour
prior to the shooting.
Taylor was shot and killed instant-
Shortly afterward A. D. Beavers
was probably mortally wounded.
Evans was arrested and lodged in
jail here.
All parties to the battle are
and well known as officials Is
the coal fields.
The car In which the shooting occur
was crowded with passengers but
the duelists shot true to their aim gen
rally, only one non-combatant being
Bob Evans, one of the party, was
arrested and lodged in jail here.
We Rank High In Many Respects
Mr. As per had
the pi. of apt last after-
noon and night In the busy, wide-a-
wake little town of Greenville, which
has made the most wonderful
in, ills and have grown the fast-
est during the past five years b
have elapsed since my last visit to
this town. Should the people
in the of progress
they are presently and with
the rapidly the past five years. In
course a years hence they will
surely p . b the r of a
notice iii is ,
kinds which have been add
. i to your and more
g. All of Which goes to
and prosper a town. Th I
. I give to
both re, and n
. at am i
and i
, her. to your ml t.
Scholars Must Be
Vaccinated Says
School Board
At a meeting last night, the Graded
School Hoard passed a resolution pro
that all children who have not
have been vaccinated smallpox by-
March 83rd shall be excluded from the
graded school. This means that
who have not heretofore been
successfully vaccinated must he
before the above date or be
required to remain away from school.
It was also that all
who have not been successfully
within live years vaccinated
again as a matter of precaution.
In case any parents are not able to
pay the regular vaccination fee, the
county physician. Dr. Skinner, will
free of charge.
All this Is done for the protection
of the community, It is hoped that
everybody will gladly do his part.
toy i a i t, I I
the I
James Show, which la a won-
and remarkable Floating
and a grand show, which
i said to be leading
kind. on my way to this Grand
Floating my attention was
called to notice actions of the
of Greenville in showing
for their home business
wherein they with
that I notice at other places.
On my return from Mr. Adams
show is good of its kind, and I under-
just near the county court house
known as the Palace I
know not the manager of the home
play house, but after making inquires
In regard to this. find that it is per-
one in your midst, and that
i is here to stay and serve you good
Now while I will admit Mr. Adams
show is good of its kind and I under-
stand the Palace is giving
one of the cleanest shows of Its kind
there is going. Now here is one thing I
I wish to call the attention of the
of Greenville to. That Is, least
per cent of all the money you
pie give lo Ibis little home show Is
not carried away from Greenville
but spent In your midst, While
on the other hand, the many dollars
you give to Mr. Show is taken
away, never to return to
again. In my estimation you should
very seriously consider things of this
kind and strive ever to support a bus-
which will stay in your town
s long as they are to
an honest living.
Now the writer is not partial to
either the Palace
Greenville, or Mr. Adams Floating
only looked at it from a
home business standpoint
X. V. Z.
Association Meets With
Baptist dwell
Matter h--k IN
,., Wart
With I
. v. I
ire ;
mo to Or .;
r n
i church.
Those b re
J, M-
in ;. , of
G i . n, R I.
Robersonville, J. W. N. I
E. Kirk
Tin first of confer, n
held Tuesday afternoon, when
several matter were discussed per-
to the work churches
I throughout the association and en-
along all lines,
Tuesday night Rev. R. A.
land, pastor of Scotland Neck church,
gave a most interesting on
The Caro of the taking n
several features of church work and
the duty of members in bringing their
church up to its real mission.
There was another conference
this morning with other interest-
In the early afternoon today a ban-
to the visitors and several lay-
men of the local church was served
in the of the church,
the of the Ladies Aid So-
At there were brier talks
both by ministers and laymen to
the best means of church am
Christs Kingdom.
Most of the visitors will It f r
their homes on the evening tn
Young Hugo Kelly is now fighting
under the name of Frank Hi
this Is his real name
If the promoters of tho proposed
Illinois State league are successful
new organization will probably take
over tho circuit of the Illinois-Mis-
In in Calgary.
CALGARY, Aha. March Sever
hundred delegate assembled here
today for the annual convention of
Rural Association
Alberta. The sessions will r
three and will be deviled to th.
consideration of a wide of
problems relating to the imprisonment
and welfare of the rural towns and
The building on Third street, next
door to the Reflector which re
sold to Mr. F. M. by
Mr J G. James and Dr. S. Hassel is
being moved to the corner of Washing-
ton and Second streets where it will
be Into a very desirable
dwelling. The lot on which it Is to
be placed is very low. and It Is Mr
Wooten's Intentions to place a brick
walling beneath the structure of about
nine feet which will he a sufficient
elevation to allow a basement.
On the lot from tho old
building was taken Mr. James
Dr. Hassel will erect a brick office
building and material is now being
placed lb-re for an completion
of the work.
.,; i N. C . Man Ii
Mrs. i Ell Crawl. died
last nigh --i
Mr. C C. Cobb and wile Norfolk
and Mrs. Kincaid Wilson is
sometime tit
Mr. J. II. Flanagan
section was in our town
The farmers generally around here
are re-sowing their tobacco beds.
Arthur is on a boom new
stores and the church paint-
ed makes the town look n mom
Mr. II. K. and Miss Car-
Bell Smith the play at
the K. C. T. T. S. Monday night.
Mr. Mills Smith is having his
school is preparing for
a commencement in April.
Has Smallpox.
Mr. J. L. Little, whose was
mentioned yesterday and was
thought to be threatened
has developed a case of small-
pox. His friends hope he will have
a mild attack of
friends Customer will
same old stand.
General Hayes, who has umpired
In the American association and Inter
national league for will
call as ho sees In the
Coast league this season.
Mr and Mrs.
ton are in town today.

Published by
out . . f
ma; be bad upon
at the
Reflector Building, corner
AH of
if reaped be at
cent jut word.
Take our word for is
to be Greenville's m
; best year in many.
will b. at three
per line up to fifty hues
Entered as matter
August IS-Hi. at the poet office at
Greenville, Carolina,
act March
s t wise i tow who never shown
i.-.- i-
a freed man
given . h,
to minister of Tar River
who are here in conference,
Suffragettes are said to be revising
Bible and we to learn
and Adam really framed II
up on Eve
Anybody who doubts I
i man Is a mere worm has only to
i couple wriggle through the tan-
n in ow better.
One year of Wilson reads like ON WITH THE PARCELS
a political romance. POST.
We are unable to feel any
the farmer receive the with the argument going
complements of the season, and quarters against the
then some. extension f the government par-
post business, on the ground
Pitt county has a board of u i- express com-
who are the real
,, business. In fact we never
article. . . , , , ,
n yet seen slightest excuse tor
the existence f express com-
They are simply organize
without equipment of their
own, that maintain offices fur the
receipt and delivery of packages
which they make a deal with the
railroads to transport for them
so much per ton per mile. In
this way these companies have
been reaping a harvest through
rite cold weather seems t, be extortionate charges. As the ml-
bidding us adieu, the Hoods roads furnishes all the means of
he next. transportation, they might have
o--------- carried on the package delivery
There is -till a the business themselves without the
ambassadorship to Mexico and it intervention of express companies
seems that no one wants the job. that the government has
taken a hand put a cheek on
The American Federation of the express companies robbing the
Labor reports it- present by inaugurating the par-
to he companies
their interested
Collector Keith, of
ton, may prolong the light for his
job a while, but they will get him
the against the
Greenville Is ready for Spring.
Science now claims that man
f, tin- mosquito. Swat the man.
people's specialty Is pouring
water on enthusiasm.
Villa says he is a self-ma
We inspected us much all along.
Efforts to introduce the tango In
have it was entire-
too la inc.
It doesn't matter what kind of
weather we have it never delays
Spring fashions.
Lend your last dollar and it may
reveal the fact that you have more
money than brains.
There are some things that you
can't buy with gold or silver, all It
takes Is just a little brass.
They are even adding tango
certain shades of goods and
styles of slippers. it is postal
that promises more benefit
You must say this for Huerta. He
can do more tottering before falling
parcels post Nothing has
been accomplished in connection man of country.
Some men feel that the only thing
its better to
than it is to thrust yourself upon
to the public than the panels th owe the woman
greet post. May its progress be onward.
It is wise no doubt for Mr.
Charles Murphy to insist on stay-
the Tammany harness
-lead of allowing his political obi-
he written at tin.- stage
. proceedings
and the postmaster general be
given authority to extend its op-
in.- as far as it can
made self sustaining.
them is a grudge.
It an be marked down as a dull day
Atlanta when a report is not sent
out new evidence has been dis-
covered in the Frank case.
Or. Osier's to the I
Dr. Osier, one of the greatest
medical authorities, takes
to lay down the strongest
to the we have
seen for some time. Those timid
ones who are afraid of a sore arm
or those ignoramuses who do not
know the protecting power of
nation will do well to read Dr. Os-
A great deal of literature has been
distributed casting discredit upon tin-
value of vaccination the
of smallpox. do not see how
one who has gotta through
as I have, or who is familiar
with history of the and
who baa any capacity left for dear
judgment, can doubt its value. Sonic
months ago I was twitted by the
editor of the Journal of
League for curious
on this subject. I would like
to issue a Mount Ilka challenge
to any ten priests of
Baal. I will go into the next severe
epidemic with ten selected, vaccinated
persons and ten selected
persons should prefer to choose
the latter -three members of
three anti-vaccination doctors,
they could he found, and four anti-
vaccination And I
make this promise- neither to jeer nor
jibe when they catch the disease, hut
to look alter them as brothers, and
for the four or live who arc certain
to die. will try arrange the
with all the pomp and ceremony
of an anti-vaccination demonstration.
Baseball Chatter.
If the people would stick to the
town like they stick to the dollar,
A good many people are lag
i think II about time for our dove of
peace to let a few ens of
Wilson is having con-
annoyance in keeping
tried some int n then we might have a play ground
men in Chicago, and when it ,.,,,. matter, a
t i arresting oilier women out
they proved a failure as officers. sensational Pros Bureaus
Quite had to Stop to is called
in the styli to the effect
invasion of Mexico by tin
as New continues States army Is
and park.
God made the first man; but He
must have seen His mistake, for the
scriptures say nothing of his having
a had to do with the rest of
The Alabama Senatorial contest
has one good thing, it
. k pl Mr. from cluttering
ii the of Congressional
for the several months,
Congress has passed a law to keep
women in District of Columbia
or than eight hours
a day to all
except those who keep is
say the
You may women and
-lit skirts, as much as you phase.
have noticed that when a man
has a pair of silk socks he generally
manages lo lei people s, e them.
in feed and house a horde of nil- question of a very short while,
ii may be expected The fact of it is. that President
will spurn oilers of Wilson is handling Mexico
work. Quite naturally they feel torn with a firm hand, and
it i- easier to be taken fare every power of disappear. Hut not, we suppose
of in idleness than to out importance has approved until after the goes
and work for their support. Cut President Wilson humane policy.
the free meals and the free The execution of the
lodging and make the loafers go subject has called forth more ,
to work. discs-,., than other -vent old
that has transpired within the citizens ages
The Atlantic Christian Col- N months. Whether or not the and SO are to run a foot race a dis-
in Wilson i to lie Insurgent General Villa was war- of three miles, it looks like
a handsome rented in executing Benton of us , a
is to con,., to institution determined but ,,,,.,.,.,
I from the large educational fund that the investigation now
Captain Tommy Leach will And
to do in keeping the Cubs, including
the great line.
Few remain in the lineup
of the New York Yankees this .-
son. Manager Chance is out to de-
a new team of youngsters.
Pitcher Elmer once with
Cleveland Naps, is showing a lot of
good stuff in training for a n
job with Cubs at Tampa,
The Rochester, Toronto and Mon-
clubs of the International
league have been seriously crippled
h desertion or some of their
stars to the Federals.
the religious S
throughout the country.
being made will clear this matter
up in a short while. If Ben ton's
It has been nearly sixteen years
since made that Ad-
Officer walk straight line at
Manila, and the are just now
getting mad about it.
Already the women's stockings
were getting so thin as to hardly
be seen, and now it is said another
de. ice of fashion is not to wear
any stockings at all.
Simpson, the hero, was
living, he would say style is at
last coming around his,
is showing the real
deserved death will spirit. One night last week
end the mailer, and if it Is Memorial church building at
Villa was unwarranted m that city
in this execution then the
States will him to pay a was
satisfactory indemnity for taking of the fire had died away a
this mans life. subscription was started to rebuild
o- and Inside of a week the
Marconi we will soon lie
the ocean by wire-
less telephony. That will be a
long for sun-.
On all hands are heard words of fund i to above lour thous-
praise of the entertainment in the and dollars.
Training School Monday night, i o
every word of it is richly deserved. There ha- been a great deal of
an origin;, Wilson man
finds it hard to realize that the
administration has done ,, much
Of course it happened in Allan
la. and added to city's joy
keeping in limelight. This
time it was a holdup m broad because they have not
walking into a itself and the splendid general
Tie- presentation of by of the Commissioners of
Most all the time somebody is
threatening to cross the Atlantic
ill an
waiting to gee somebody make
m lo. I.
business office, covering th
with a pistol and forcing
the handing over of with
which he walked away.
that filled the auditorium
t the conn
try or borrowed to build
a stock law fence on the old line
pressed delight through the piny existed prior to the act of 1911,
Every participant took her part with so as to relieve a certain
the highest excellence. It was high- from the stock law.
It seems lo us that such
Mrs. Miss H.
deserve gnat credit for the beautiful
artistic costumes In of
the main features that made the play
j, success. The play required color
would the
character, and material that would
lend itself to the lines. It was
a difficulty to and a costumer that had
such costumes or that would
out original ideas. Mrs.
consented to assure this difficult re-
Special designs were
in New- York, and the material
was bought there by the coach so that
the color combinations could he cur-
d out. The working out of the de-
signs proved acquaintance with
ideas an artistic sense and skill
rare combination. The designs
as a mere starting point. Mrs
and Miss have add-
many original ideas. The artistic
, and mad I
wholly by them. The
beauty of the speaks
of the successful work of the
two who created Hum. The class is
ii deed greatly Indebted lo them for
their untiring help in this
feature of the play.
rated on I In- lot now owned by the
I Masons and Odd Fellows jointly
Mrs. A. L. Harrington of Kinston
spent Saturday and Sunday here
her parents, Mr. Mrs. W. F.
Hart, of South
There will be an cut. at
auditorium Wednesday night.
also a reproduction of
, Thursday night that was given at the
Dormitory last week.
J. K. Smith. J. F.
Stancil Hodges, and J. H. I-Grand all
made a business trip to Wilson Mon-
Just received bushels of Day
I oats, and barrels lied seed
Potatoes at J. H. Smith
Out of town Tax Collector says he
has a sully of Receipts, waiting
Mr. Richard Wingate has sold his
Jenkins farm near here to Mr Will
Forrest this Is the old homestead of
. Mrs. Forrest.
This afternoon while working on
the Masonic Temple, the stage gave
away, and Mr. S. W. Tyson fell some
distance, cutting an ugly gash in his
head, which required several stitches
. besides sustaining several bruises.
For sale at a bargain a nice gentle
pony, young and well broke, sound
and solid. J. Ii. Smith
Mr. Hart, one of our most
progressive farmers, was leading hit
horse to plow this morning, the
animal reared up and struck Mr. Hart
in the face with his foot Inflicting
ugly wound about the nose.
A full supply of nil kinds of
and healing oils at J. K.
A Pros.
While returning from church Sun-
day night Mrs Georgia linker, step-
on a peeling, and fell on
the pavement, and In the fall badly
sprained her ankle.
Mr. J. Jones, has bought the fish.
and oyster market from Messrs
Smith k Co. and will operate
Peach, watch this department
ii In connection with his Pitch
fir his announcement
The wood work is about finished on
the new depot, and the painters will
soon be applying the finishing touch-
Protect your honest labors, by
buying you one of those small iron
safe J It Smith
Mr. J. A. has broken ground
for two more buildings on Lee
street, next to the new hank build
Many of our farmers have sown
more tobacco seed and report their
plants nil killed
All kinds of Hardware, Mill
Belting, Pistols and Dynamite,
J. it. in it Pros.
There will be work in the
degree m Monday night, at tin- Odd
Fellow Hall. All members of the de-
team are requested to be on
hand and visiting brethren invited.
Mr. A. L. Curl, of spent
a few days here last week in the In-
tel est of the tobacco market, return-
Just arrived, another shipment
Iron Safes, the very thing for farmers
and now is your time to get a pick
J. Smith A
of I. lent
Eng. March
exercises were today In
of the fiftieth anniversary of
I the great flood here In The
j Hood was caused by bursting of
I the Whole
. in the vicinity were swept away
by rushing waters and per-
sons were drowned.
A hill introduced ill
New Jersey legislature pro-
employment of
women or girls as or
moulders in foundries.
The question is getting lo be one
of lively importance with a
of Western Congressmen, The
man politicians march-id into the
Committee Room of the Judiciary
Committee of tho House and threat-j
the Democratic Party with the
ere to the school and In keep-
with its spirit to go on from
to better each year. The
well sustains its position as the
pride of all Carolina, and no
school in the state ranks higher or
does more efficient work.
It ha- been estimated that a
uses about hogsheads of
air a minutes. Think of this my
friend when you are tempted to
at onions.
Very is to make
people arrogant. There is
in-lance. the man who is proud
of himself because he was horn in
February like Lincoln Wash
Since Illinois established moth-
pensions wife desertion has
largely increased. which shows
a woman often would rather
have a pension, than her husband,
awakening to
that foreign blood securing the
fanning land of Mew England.
and by the native will he crowd
, d from the
Pitt county, in this
hundred fourteen, is go-
loss of all the female votes, in those m
states where they now have a vote. haVe long stood to her discredit
unless Congress shall grant them a and will make full amends for
nation wide vote. Tho members of neglect. It has already been
the Judiciary Committee admitted th of the per-
of plans for the erection
mat when these women politician, Confederate monument, and
opened fire on tho Committee that It it is expected before the year is
was experience that they out lo sec monument Unveiled
ever went through. However. Con- adorning the court house
is no. going to any
lilt county soldiers. And now
request because women's suffrage i, ,,, that the
not in the Democratic and county commissioners have
furthermore our good female Demo- chased a tract of land within a
are too staunch in their loyalty to Greenville, and will erect
friends in the States county home.
I Ins will he done during the year,
the Democratic Party to do such as
carrying out of that threat, and and will take her stand at the
Congress has practically decided that front rank of progressive
the women can make their tight in
stale and win or lose an the
see tit for no Democratic Congress
is without reason, or lack
of legal authority.
Those making such criticism
should bring suit against
county commissioners and
relief, that Is, to ask
the court to force the commission-
of county to use the gen-
fund of the county, or to
row the money to I
If such course were taken, the
court would decide what the law-
is, and if the commissioners had
a right to use the general fund of
the county, or to borrow the
to build fence, then the
court would by Mandamus force
them to do so.
If the commissioners haven't the
light, then the court would so de-
and Hie long agitated
would he settled.
Why do not some of the
tics bring such an action
The in Mex-
have been sufficient to convince
the civilized world that we hold the
unwavering friendship of Great
and that win do nothing to
embarrass el Wilson In his
Policy. Secretary of Stale
assured Britain
death of Benton will be treated
is the spice of
it is the pepper of the weather,
There were 1.1 II workers -n coal
mines killed hi Pennsylvania in
has a lo make n
change in voters of the country t
or. II inch a plank Is written Into the Foreigners who get themselves by this country as If he were a
platform, and thereby murdered in Mexico do so without of tho II. S. and
submitted to the people i r decision, the consent of tin States. rm ask no more than this.
AYDEN, N. C, March J. C
collector, was in our town
collecting tax and we saw In
him an able successor to our present
sheriff. We will say more about bis
qualifications as campaign wages
Our assistant police, Mr. J. Frank
Harris, received a phone
evening that his little
son of Mr. Oscar Harris, of Vance-
was severely burned lab
afternoon. We failed to learn the ex-
tent of his injuries.
Mr. Henry Cory, o
-New Port News, Va., reached here lust
Friday for burial. We beard that he
sustained burns about a month ago
from which he never recovered. The
deceased was a Mr. N. l
Cory, who died only a short time ago
Mrs. widow of
late Gideon Worthington, died at the
In ice of her daughter, Mrs. Lucy He-
last week. was tin
mother of Messrs. Warren. Wick and
lien. lived lo a ripe old age
three score ears and ten. We ex-
it our
Hello. was reply, we have
of all grades of
and get all you at J H ii
The talk of the market house and
. I We
will soon be ready lo let contract
The building proposed will be three
story, with on first floor,
town hall on the second and I. O. O.
hall on the third, and will be lo-
Does Your Stomach
Trouble You
Wonderful Stomach Remedy
Is Successfully Taken in Cases
of Stomach, Liver and In-
On Dose Has Often Dispelled
Stomach Remedy
will change
I e a remedy and the
cane Tumble III fame
rum end the country to the r. No
alter where yon will find people who
lava Buffered and
etc. and have to;
and are loud in l rem-
There i d . i .
tho wonderful from th remedy
ind i lie benefit arc entirely a It
on tho source an foundation of these
poisonous catarrh and bile
taking out the Inflammation from the in-
antiseptic. Sufferer are urged to try
which alone relieve your and
convince you
should you to health
It to a today the will be a revelation
to you and you will re-
. . . r t
bend on Stomach Ailment to Gee.
or obtain a your
Mr. Frank Patrick Dies After
in Operation for
to Loan on
farm lands at
per annum.
w . Mi
i Mi
r of Id N
Mr. I
I Jet
i .
. i Mr. L. I. i i
n Mr. II I.
is I Mr. M
. Mr
i ,
Mr. Di
Ail Inn
. Mr. I ii
I I . ,
. .
our tern-
is fain
. .
r. . . i,. I. I
r n .
mi ,. i ,. South
i id I-I. I-. II. M . I i I
I y Arnold. I will do for lull, for two for tin
Lewis ,,, ,,, f Civil I'll
Brown. An r . ,.,. ,. .,,.
i u
my factor
William i,,,,.,,. S. C . mi St.
S, Drown,
i I'm.
Simmons tables r- W .
cheap mat I- -I. A M-.
,,;. ,,, ,. , ,. R. I. l-;
and i j
in . William M.
March R. -An
,,. . of I
i. near Spencer, v
i. D
W v
i lock poll
i . ford.
i in i i D. Vi
. Martin. Lil
inn- I lie, W II
in a lire nil re i It. A. D-
the I. v. I ,,. . II. I Jim
H theft. V Hem
i, -i, l,, I Spencer mull
i with if tun
n i
i I.
riming. Officer to. f .-i then,
I ,, e.,. , ,. i,,.,,,,,. m.,,, i, will
had thrown .- .
of in
I lie .
,.,. J.
. T. I. C.
All owing town luxe
, I id s
n Will
I'm-, i Ink ii r
I- nines
lie ii- ii l i
. I
.,. the i
rime of ind
Ki Will
. ml
hi ii in I he
I v tried
; I
I .
Ni. C. two
I. ;
in ii,. rums the old
found ii
, Ii, three
i in the Conical
., . i
. l
i .
B-35 p. m. i
. ti n.
is . m
,., i Pullman
i .
II, b
were found a amount in the
new clothing, Store
The crate In which L. Co., Mini
were burned on tho railroad Ni N a m No mi p. m The
Hark near tho of t ., ,, m N h , will be at the Thea-
,,., , In
After having died out now
season without Will-
Ire the In nu-
Baal Stoddard
Ma I'M n in. No a. if on for the Drat half of the week
T , N l M . n,. a. n, with high-claw
-v- ill
in M
I f ii
In Me pa
Her. ii Ml
e In-
I r the
In, In. Bl
,. ii- rot
Raleigh. S.
a niece of Mi
I slurred in
of George
of the
We i
i,.,,,. opened
I eater
CO. Mm aH.
mi i h
fowl or I
Herbert Johnson

Harrows, Drag Harrows. Harrows, Corn
Fertilizer Distributors, Manure Spreaders. Oliver Chilled Plows, Tiger and Red Star
Tobacco Transplanter, American Wire Fence, Galvanized Roofing. Prices always the
lowest. Come to us for anything you need. We carry a complete Stock. You
remember our MOTTO is QUALITY
J. R. and J. G. MO YE
it Saving,
Know flow
to Save It.
Greenville take
their lives in their by neg-
the kidneys when
know these organs need help.
Weak kidneys are responsible
a vast amount of suffering and
slightest delay is
Use Dean's Kidney Pills
-a remedy that has helped thous-
ands f kidney sufferers. Here's i
Greenville citizen's
Mrs. Fannie Moore. Pitt St
Greenville, X. fool
very grateful for the relief pot
from Kidney Pills, pro-
cured at John L. Wooten
Drug Co. Backache annoyed me
and there was lameness and
weakness through my loins. My
kidneys did not do their work as
they should and kidney
bothered me. Kid-
Pills gave relief from
these symptoms of kidney com-
plaint improved my
In every
For sale by all dealers. Price
rents. Co. Buffalo.
Now York, sole agent's for the Unit
take no other.
In Our Commercial Department
We offer you every facility available in good sound and modern
In Our Saving Department
We pay per cent Interest Compound Quarterly. Deposits
received in the sum One Dollar and upward
Only Saving Bank In
is no batter protection than a
Visit our place and let u.- our service personally
Located on Dickinson Ave. Near A. C. L. Depot.
Open Saturday nights to P. M.
Greenville, N. C.
B. T. Cox, F. A. Edmundson Cashier.
R. R. Fleming, V-P. M. B, Bryan,
I will be at the following
places on given for the
purpose collecting taxes
for the year 1913.
at . . March
Meet me and save costs.
S. L Dudley, Sheriff,
Buy them now before
they go higher
at law
Land Drains. a
la formerly y
art Blew.
at Law
Office In Building, Third at
Practices an
Greenville. North
H. W. M. D.
Practice limited to of tie By
Ear Nose and Throat
Washington, N. C Greenville, N. C
Office with Dr. D. L. James,
day every Monday. I a m to I
Henry W. Savage, the
and producer, has entered the
moving picture field and will
sent in film form a number of the
popular plays which have been
produced by him, including
Sultan of Prince of
and Madame X In making
photographs of these Mr. Savage
will put on with them many of
the who appeared in the
original costs. The productions
will be made in London. New
York and Los Angeles.
Grace George, who has been
particularly unfortunate in her
choice of plays this season, is now
to be seen in a
new play by Forrest Halsey and
Olive Porter.
Fresh Bread Every Day
We are supplying a majority of
the homes with Fresh Bread
and Cakes every day,
not you
Our products better than ever
J. E. Williams
Baker and Grocer Telephone
Universal Car
Prices Touring 550.00 Runabout 500.00
I o. b. Detroit
For Sale
Ford Supply Co.
Greenville, N. C.
S. J.
Attorney at Law
In Edwards on the
House Square
in all the Courts
In Wooten Building on Thin
street, fronting Court House
Metropolitan Life Ce.
of New York
Assets 447.829.229.16.
George A. Forrest, Special Agent
Brans St. Greenville, B C,
B. Y.
Life, Fire. and
Office on Fourth street
at Law
I Mutual Life Iii-iii. hit Co-
N. T.
nit. v. II.
specialist in Glass.
At Ayden Saturday after the second
Sunday of each month at T. It Smith
and Bros, Store
Home Kinston X C
Fishing With Power Equipment.
The fishing industry Gloucester,
Mass. ha been practically
by the introduction of the power
boat and the gasoline-driven net lifter.
The advantages of the power boat
quipped with a net lifter are many.
Catches such as are now made of the
bottom were formerly Impossible.
a beam trawl. The power
boat plays the important part of en-
the to reach the He-
sired places and get the same
Into N
i lac B
We. T. m
Meets alt
or dose will brink
i any case of Chills Fever. Colds
it acts on the live
I bettor than end dues not
tripe- or sicken.
man bad Insured
against fire death and shipwreck
tad earthquakes, and malignant fevers,
not tn mention minor ills mid
insure against, but the agent
still another up his sleeve.
an- he
ran like u-. insure
damages from
Heavens. I forgot about
groaned th man. and
another policy
Reward. SIM
of this Bill h
I- at 1- on-
to cure in all that
Catarrh. Hair Catarrh Cure hi
now known to medical
Catarrh being a
a treat-
Cure taken iii-
directly the
of th tn.
by f the
the patient by
building up and
In Its work. Tn- proprietor
hove r mu.-h faith in it curative pow-
that they offer Hundred
for that It tails cure. Bend
for of testimonials.
V J CO , Jo, Ohio
Family Pill- for
Drug Co.
AU F. Kodak Sap
Drug Co.
I to notify my patrons
I have moved by
gun repairing shop to the store
room opposite and VanDyke.
No. Six-Sixty-Six
Olive Wyndham is to have the
ii a prescription
Five or i will break and
if taken then a tonic will not
return. on the liver better
does not gripe or
Another foolish habit i
in with people who arc always
New Series Model EMPIRE, the of 1914
A larger, more beautiful car with every luxury
and Equipment
Basic principle Of design and unchanged; severest teats and
of thousands of miles proved them right. But a score of refinements and improve-
are incorporated in the new series Model EMPIRE for that make it still a
better car than last season's sells for less.
Quadrupled output and quantity buying enables us to add to the beauty, size and
value of the car and yet to REDUCE FIFTY big
yet offered ti automobile buyers
Completely equipped including
Tool and Tire Kilt
Double Tire Irons
Oil Bight
Air Adjustment
Phone, or call a demonstration.
S. We have some open n eastern North Carolina. our
. I
r a eLl or
. lie.-. . e
Work our Specialty.
iv on hand several used cars that can obtained real
Open Day or Night Phone No.
a a
Before buying elsewhere, see us,
Heater Ham Items.
jar, if s i m i m mi a i
i HeMs
Mr. Ned left this
morning for Durham.
Mr. J. H. Forrest went to Farm-
Mr. E. II. Furgerson went to
son this morning.
Mr. Z. P. went to Farm-
Mr. T. F. Moore went to Parmele
Mr. H. F. went to
Mr. II. W. Moseley went to Bethel
Mr. D. E. House went to Bethel
Mr. Edward wont to
Mr. W. Hadley went to
Dr. P. Nichols of Washington is in
own today.
Mr. W. C. went to Farm-
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cherry who for
months past have been living
in Maryland, have returned to
elite to again make their home here.
All parties owing town taxes
for the year 1913 must pay them
or before March or cost will
lie milled.
Tax Collector.
Hiss Manager of
Miss D. Graham, class ad-
the Senior Class of the Train-
School, as manager of the play,
was tireless in efforts
to make every phase of the work a
and to keep all of the complex
Tho work
was well organized and distributed
Tho public that sees only the
product has little idea of the work
required for a big public performance.
Tho school that It has no right
to offer to the people what is not fully
worth the money they put into it.
This entails much expenditure of
time and effort. the working
up of the play for Monday evening
there was a line, wholesome spirit of
i-o-operation on the part of both
dents and faculty.
To Care a Cold In One Day
Conch and works Cold.
refund money it it fail to
B. W. on each box.
Roller Skating
DETROIT. Mich. March
is in readiness for the be-
ginning hero tomorrow of the contests
for tho and
roller skating championships.
The meet has been sanctioned by th-
A. A. U., the International skating
Union of America and the National
Skating Association of Great Britain.
and sister, Mist
Tucker, went to Greenville
Sec J. Cox Son for Ice cream,
cold drinks and candy.
II. Forest i Company's store is
quarter shoes for children, ladies and
Miss Kate Champion returned
day from Baltimore where she has
hi on purchasing her spring and sum-
mer stock.
For cigars, cigarettes and trail set
j. Cox
it is matting, or
any kind of Door covering, you can
Bud It at II. Forest .- Co.
goods, dry goods., notions
ladies and children's ready to
clothes at B. D, Forest Co's.
The Winterville High School
debate the Hell High School here Sat-
night. March The query is
That all election officers
in North Carolina should he nominal
ed by a direct primary rather than
the convention Winter-
will up hold the affirmative and the
negative will be defended by the
Dell School.
Just arrived today, plenty of beef,
fish and oysters at It. W. Hail's.
Mrs. Lucy Hester spent the week-
end in
You will rind lime doors, cement
windows, dynamite caps, and fuse at
A. W. Ange
Mrs. A. B. and Mrs. A. O.
left this morning for Nor-
folk. Va.
See Harrington. Barber Co. for
your work shirts and
Mr. J. R. Smith of Ayden was in
town Tuesday.
Mr. J. F. Harrington went to Green-
ville on business yesterday.
H. W. Hail will have plenty of beef,
fish, and barbecue Friday and
Saturday. Everybody come.
Cut squares, mattings
and linoleum at A. W. Ange Co's.
Mr. O. Robertson left Monday for
his home at as his health
would not allow him to remain in
school. He has many friends here
who hope he will soon be restored to
health again.
It will soon be time to sow your
fertilizer and to make it easy go to
Harrington. Harbor A; Co's. and get
of their distributors.
Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Cox. and Misses
Dora Cox and Ruth Cook and Messrs
J. E. Green, S. Waters, A. J. Tucker,
and Ashley saw Pandora at the
Training School Monday night.
The concert Saturday evening given
by Misses Loving, pianist,
Louise Futrell.
College under the auspices of the
Winterville High School was well re-
by the people of Winterville.
Every number was well rendered and
encores were frequent.
B Checks
Banking Trust
.,. .,
Beaver Dam township lies west
and east of
Creek. Tho N. S. Railway runs
through it. Arthur is the chief city
with Smith, Joyner's and
and Marl Town the Southern
Cum, cotton, and bright to-
are the principal crops while
peanuts and small grains are grown.
Lands worth from fifty to one
hundred dollars per acre. It also has
line climate, pure water, fertile soil,
under laid with clay. Good people
and beautiful maidens. body
has money, all are cheerful and
tho time of their life. Wages are
high, all unemployed are wanted to
come to Heaver Ham where there is
no begging of fuel, lodging or food.
And no doctor lives within her
tigers are very shy since
Judge Allen was around two years
ago. There is seldom a drunken man
except he is returning from some
not far distant town.
To give you more evidence that it
Is the healthiest spot In the good old
county of Pitt. Aunt Allen
In years old, Mrs. Allie Joyner
Aunt Rachel Nobles, colored, Mrs.
Mary Fulford Eastwood, an
old soldier of the 44th Regiment, SE,
Judie Williams, colored. M. We
not call people old tint ill they past
the mile post.
have three splendid schools
six beautiful young
teach them.
We challenge Pitt county that
have the strongest man or youth of
He can carry a sack of
on his back and another under each
arm at the same time. His weight
i. over pounds. He was out to
the town of Arthur not long since
and the merchants could not weigh
him. He said he only got one side
weighed. This young Sampson is a
son of David Button who is a farmer
and was horn and resides in Beaver
After all Heaver Dam is only a
place on map.
We are pained to learn that E.
Stanley Parker, our old neighbor and
friend who has been confined to his
room of late.
Tobacco beds will he spare of
Gent. From Heaver Dam.
of Nash was here last week.
Ml. J. W. Paul of Nash who
F. Q. Paul Bros., was here
Mr. Church of Norfolk who
Swift Co., was here last Wed-
Mr. R. M. Elks went to Greenville
last week business.
Miss Mary spent the week
with Miss Eliza who Is teach-
at Elk's school house and
returned home this morning.
Miss Ethel Lee
from Nash Sunday p. after spend-
week end with
Miss Jennie Proctor spent Sunday
with Miss Sallie Faucett near here.
Col. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of
of State, who has been spending
oral days with his people here re j
ti mod home to resume his work.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Clark and
spent Sunday near Black Jack
visiting relatives.
I he Rev, Daniel Lane filled his reg-
appointment here in the Moth- i
church Sunday. He preached a
very interesting sermon.
There was quite a crowd from here
to Greenville this p. m. to at
tend tho play, Among
those who went , Mr.
Mrs. T. F. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. L. Y.
J. L. Williams. Mrs. W. S.
Galloway. Miss Proctor,
Dells Pittman. Eliza
Branch, Messrs. Marshall Elks
Charlie and Marshall Buck. We hope
them a most pleasant time.
Dr. James Y. Joyner. State
of Public Instruction
North Carolina will speak here on
Thursday night March at
p. m. The public is cordially invited
to come and hear North Carolina's
Great Educator and Orator. He
ways has something to tell his hear-
The board of county Com-
missioners held a special meeting
Friday to transact some business
deferred from the regular meet-
mi Monday. Among other
things, the board closed a deal
with Mr C. T. for SO
acres of land on his Wilson farm,
a mils north of town, as a
fur a new county home. The
price paid for the land i- an
acre, the board has die
of taking a few more acres
adjoining if they
this later tn square lip the plot
to a new road will be
built on the west of it. The
board purchased by the com
j missioners is that portion the
farm lying to the north of the
Tarboro road and fronting
on the Atlantic Coast
I Line railroad. The railroad
has a side track abutting the
is the purpose of the
to erect on the property a
, modern buildings-
Ito lie of brick, steam heated, and
have every convenience for the
comfort of the Inmates. The land
will produce enough to supply the
need- of the home.
The location is ideal for a
county home, plenty near the town
land when the new home is com-
there will a every
those who tire cared
the County will have every
provided for them.
The hoard of county
are to be commended for
step. The new home will be
; monument to their wisdom, and
will be pointed to with pride both
I iv the Present and coming
And the county is to
upon having such a
In tn d of commissioners.
For Hatching.
Ml COMB nuns
Splendid Strain of H inter Layers
have your order eggs.
. I.
J. C. Lanier
. m i
The temperance is batting
per cent in the Central
Four of the circuit towns are
while the other lour are as
as Lake Mi
Seoul Page of the White Box
applied for a New England league
franchise for St. John, N. B, Page
hopes to place B St. John team in tin
circuit In 1905.
The Old Standard
chill TONIC, ca out
Malaria and the A trite Ionic
A sure adults and Sob
D. M
Land and Drainage a
In occupied
Jam and Blow.
at Law
Office In Third
Practices hi services
North Caroline
B. W. M. D.
Practice limited to diseases of the By
Ear Nose and Throat
Washington, N. C. Greenville. N. C
office Dr. D. L.
day every Monday. H a m to I
f. J.
Attorney at Law
In Edwards Building, on the
House Square
New Gar-
den Seed
Flower Seed
Onion Sets
Maine Red Bliss
Irish Cobblers
Seed O its
Ripe Seed
Dr. Hess Stock
My -on. Luther Barrett, age
has left home and refuses to
return. All are forbidden
to hire him unless his wages
Practicing in all the Courts
Office In Wooten Bonding on
fronting Court House
I. Moore H Loan
i at Law
North Carolina
Metropolitan Life Insurance C.
of New York
George A. Forrest. Special Agent
Evans St. Greenville, N. C.
Life Fire Silt ind
hi. it
Still Hill;
The Mutual Life Insurance Po-
of N. Y.
Office over Frank Wilson's Store
Greenville, X C
DR. Y. II.
in Killing Glasses.
At Ayden Saturday after the second
of each month at J. K.
and Store.
Home Office. Kinston. N. C.
Insurance Company of New York
In 1913
In benefits to policyholders, the Company in made a record in its
Tit year never before achieved in life
in Dividends
This was the unparalleled Bum refunded to in from
previously paid by at the close of the year there was set aside from the
same source the larger sum of
for 1914.
To be refunded in like manner during the year in the form of so-called
Among the remarkable of should the
Total Paid
This total, including deaths claims, dividends, surrender values, etc,
was nearly a million and a quarter a week, and exceeded the amount received directly from
during the year by Other notable features of the year's record
m I i
Insurance in
Total Disbursements.
Why Take a Chance of
Forming a Drug Habit
When by the use of
King of Internals, for that cold
or of croup, you run
no risk of drops or
Von just rub on, it
It scatters Colds because
a cold in of
One bottle wonders
Your druggist ill refund
If falls do all
i for It. He on the safe side
Keep away from the drug
and the King of
Medical Co.
K. c.
Balance Sheet, December 31st, 1913
Heal . .
Mortgagee Loans.
on .
Loans on Collateral
Interval and due and
Premiums in course of
Deposited lo pay
Other Policy
Premiums, Interest and items paid
Taxes, Pees, etc.,
parable In 1914.
Dividends payable In 1914.
Reserve for future Deferred
Total id in in Assets
H. Bentley Harriss,
Mgr. Greenville District.

Strong and Durable
For Fishing,
and Hard
Use All
Give steady, bright light.
Easy to light. Easy to
clean and
smoke. Don't blow out
in the wind. Don't leak.
At dealers everywhere
Washington. D. C.
Richmond. Va.
Norfolk. V.
N. C.
W. Va.
Charleston, s. C
Majority of Friends Thought Mr. other medicines. I decided to
take his advice, although I did not have
Hy virtue of a power of con-
in a certain mortgage deed
and delivered by W. L. F
sad wife N J i. Corey to
v. Hooker, Jan
m the
r I
in- d tract i i i --1
i . In th
FIRST TH Situated in I
the lands of S F. Worthing
n l ;
v. ;.
of a
a r i
. i. P, I
i i a m ; in I
p east side
Fork Swan id land
G , and
. ii , more or j
and I lame tract of land
conveyed Samuel Corey to L.
P, Corey deed recorded in the re
Intel i in rut county In book
E-5, i
THIRD TH Situated in Chi-
i township, on con-
acres, more or less, and
be land granted by the state
of Carolina to Samuel Corey
Hi appears of record in book
FOURTH TRACT Lying and he
Sn Crook adjoin-
lands of Nashville Wilson
ii Hand. R H. and
in i
or lest
Every FARMERS LOSE MONEY by buying the first thing
is offered them without looking r our line of Farm Machinery
We carry an up-to-date line of Farm Implements and
at we know will give you absolute satisfaction. They are most
practical, economic-1 and dependable on the market.
We carry in stock Cutters, Disc and Smoothing Harrows. Ma-
rt i i 3-5. Cotton arid Corn Planters. Chilled, Gang
and besides many other farm and garden tools.
and the Trans-Planters, the most
successful made.
See to it that YOU do not lose money
this year.
Hughes Would Die, But
One Helped Him to
. in
now beer, taking
and it has cured me
haven't had those awful sick headaches
since i began using it.
Ky.-In interesting ad-j I am so thankful for what Black-
vices from this Mr. A. J. Hughes has done r
writes as was down with has been
stomach trouble for five years, and found a very valuable medicine for de-
would have sick headache so bad, at of the stomach and liver. It
FIFTH Lying i , b ii
In Swift Ci and on
lands i II Gar
i will i for
; . i g tin terms
i the
I will sub I to w. B. Drown on the I
By of Bale con
;. . . .
i m i in and -1 by E
little Bins Stella M hit-hard Running
I lose Second With Over For-
I Gel Busy and
May Hum.
times, that thought surely would die.
tried different treatments, but they
did not seem to do me any good.
is composed cf pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous ingredients, and
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely
r tract II
. ; .
to i I u en
Tins e Mil of j l
V HOOKER, Mortgage
t Id tr
I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, used by young and old, and should be
and all my friends, except one, thought I kept in every family chest,
would die. He advised me to try Get a package today.
and quit Only a quarter.
Make Your Own Paint
this now
Buy gals. PAINT,
a. p r g.-. r
And gals. Linseed to .-
You then make Jr. cf J ire ;
Anybody can r. the i
Whereas, if u h.
CANS, you pay
L. O St. RE ,
Use a gal. out any PA
pi mode, return .
j. j ;. c.
CO- C.
Hy virtue of a
t me by the Independent Loving
Union, executed on day of
July, 1913, and registered In book L-
pace SOS. of the county reg-
setting forth certain terms and
stipulation which have not been com
plied with, I herewith advertise for
; sale to the highest bidder at the
court house on Wednesday, the
day of March. 1914, at noon, the fol-
lowing described
Situated In an near ad-
joining the lands of Thomas Cannon
heirs. Dr. B. T. Cox, A. O.
others. For better description, r
Is given to deed bearing
date of this Instrument giving
and boundary f acres of
said deed being made by A. G.
and wife tn Independent Loving
and to the purchase of said
land by Independent Loving Union
Independent Loving
A. G Con
gives deed of trust as
Terms of sale
This the day of February, 1914.
A. G. Cox.
S. J. EVERETT, Attorney.
I am looking for
I am a Soap-Maker.
I an a Scrubber.
I am a Cleaner.
I am a Dirt Eater.
I am a
t whiter with
I i will
how you
I am Red Devil Lye
r i OH CANS.
O- Half the usual price.
Hy virtue of the power conferred
upon mo by a decree of the superior
of Pitt county made February
16th, iv in a special
In Joseph L. ad-
of Is
occasion of his seventieth birthday an- tIT against Stocks,
To Honor Former Chicago Judge.
CHICAGO, March II.- The In-
dependent Order of Banal British has
completed arrangements for a ban
t to be given to former Judge
Philip tomorrow night the
Mr. Stein to this
country from In After
to years he returned to Merlin, where
he took up the study of law. After
graduation ho again came ti America
and was admitted to tho bar In Mil-
In he came to Chicago,
and began the practice of law. In
Ada Lane Nobles, Albert Carr
George. John H. Carr, Lena Fair-
cloth, Mary K. Tyson and others
heirs at law of Richard Carr arc de-
I will on Wednesday.
is, 1-14. in front of tho court house
door In Greenville sell for sash
the highest bidder the following de-
day of i ad re-
I In tin office of the
deeds or Pitt county, North Car-
in book 0-8 page tho
it will expose to public sale
before the court I om s door in Green-
ville, to the highest bidder, on Bat
the 14th day of March,
at VI o'clock, noon, a certain trail
or parcel of land, lying and being
in the Town of Winterville. County
Pitt, and State of North Carolina
and described as follows, to-wit-
Beginning at Martha Grady's corner
and runs west to Mill street, thence
about feet south, thence parallel
with first line to the railroad right
of way, thence north about feet to
the beginning, being that portion of
the Nashville lot which the
further description
sea deed from J. Nobles to
E. recorded In book T-9.
Terms of sale cash.
February 12th, 1914.
w. n. brown, Mortgagee
Greenville, N. C.
i nil i
a i .
Stella . .
of the .
hie it of
. the close of business March 1914
. .
and discounts.
m. i s
S N .
Banking houses,
Having qualified as
tor of Anne
m is to
all persona having claims
the estate of the de-
ceased exhibit them t the mi-
within twelve months
from this date, or this notice will
be pleaded in bar of their
cry. All persons indebted to said
estate will please make immediate
This the day of March I
he was elected to the bench of bribed piece or of land,
the superior court, where he served In township, la
twelve years. county adjoining the lands of Al-
Carr, Roes, Frank-
land and others, containing
One black poll and china boar, eighteen acres more or and being
weighs a host pounds, lands on which Richard Carr
cM. ears, d-opp at end ad the time of bis death Said lot
little white around hoofs. Will of land will sold subject
all cost of Notify me the Interest of Harriet Carr
bus. N. C. widow of Carr me sale
take about noon.
. . i This 1914.
To Blood L
at once the old reliable DR. , . , . ,
I St. Ill I. a
that relieved pain and , ., ,. . , w
Or. Nut a He. w
A Fighting
I fed like a fight ins rock
the expression of the main
an active liver he
tackles Ills work with vim
he is successful nine times
out of ten you will find he
which have used by a
million people with
result. At your drug-
coated or plain.
The week of the Contest
closed yesterday morning, and every-
body is happy over the count
votes for this short period.
withstanding that only a few of the
contestants were busy the first week,
a very good vote was polled.
There are several of those that
have entered the contest that an
evidently standing still, as their
names were not found on any of the
coupons when counted yesterday. It
may be that they are holding back
several thousand votes that they ex-
to turn In some time before the
close of the contest. This is all
in a way. but It makes it much
harder on the places conducting the
contest, as It would be much easier
t count each week's business every
Monday than have to handle a
of probably two or three
weeks, You will greatly favor the
business houses if you will do this
if you have polled a good vote
the first weak don't take a seat and
think that is all that Is
because it will he to your Interest to
the light to the close, if you
Wish to accomplish anything. Poll
as many coupons this week as you
did last, then some.
Eleven for
ST. FAIL. Minn. March
campaign for st. Pauls first
the adoption of the commission
plan of municipal government closes
this week. On Tuesday next the
will be held for the nomination
of candidates for mayor,
city controller, municipal Judge and
justices of the peace. Those
the most votes in the primaries
will get their names on the ballot at
the final election in May. Eleven can
contesting In the primaries it
will be necessary to Issue the ballots
n two sections.
lure and
from banks and
Cold coin
Silver coin. hiding
minor coin
National bank notes
other U. S. notes. Total
Capital paid
Surplus fund
profits, less
rent expenses and
subject to If.
Cashier's checks
Slate of North of
I, Hodges, of
above-named bank, do
that the above true to
he best of my belief
Subscribed sworn me.
his March
I, O. C. Notary
My commission
J. It.
J. J.
It. C,
Is the of all
is the basic of all good Write for
bulletin by the best authority m the United
on I on the Farm, get price
the purest lime. Don't buy earth,
etc. A will give you reasons.
eggs, best layers of pure white
eggs. per setting of
K. C. King, Falkland, N. C.
i in- application and h
t n
i f i
hi . a.
i a aV
i aV
CO., f
Charges Against Ii. C. Smith,
Employee National Bank
Preside of the Two Banks. The
Accuser Kate Threatened Sui-
Lost is
GOLDSBORO March -For sever-
days past an expert bank
has been in the city Inspecting tin
books of the Savings an
Trust company and the National bank,
being summoned here by George A.
Norwood president of the National
who had suspected wrong was
on, but so quietly had the affair
been kept from the public that not
until only today was a shortage of the
two above hanks given to the stock
holders and the public in general. This
afternoon the stockholders of the two
banks gave out the following state- j
the Savings
and Trust company had discovered a
shortage of and some few nun-;
dollars and the National bank
shortage of a by
H. C Smith an of the Nation-;
bank and for two years cashier of
the Savings and Trust com
The first shortage was in
the National bank but relatives of
young Smith promptly made good
sum and the affair was kept quiet
Today an Inspection of the books of
the Savings and Trust com-
disclosed a shortage of
but the will only be since
Smith was bonded by an Insurance
company for
The stockholders held a meeting this
afternoon behind closed doors with
result that George A. Norwood,
of tho two banks deposited
In cash with the stockholders
as a personal loss of their money or
Interest on same, and when the meet-
had adjourned the above state-
was given to the public.
The Stockholders were willing to
share the loss with Mr. Norwood but
he refused their aid and stated
he felt as though he was
for the condition of the two bank
and his conscience would not allow
him to do otherwise make good
the defalcations personally
banks throughout the south have
graphed Mr. Norwood this
their aid and If made Into r
total would run up Into the hundreds
of thousands.
Smith was also city treasurer hut no
examination has been made of the
books. to this hour Smith has
not been arrested.
While In conversation with Mr
Norwood this morning Mr. Smith
alleged to have informed him that be
intended to end his life, he now hail
nothing to live for. The money, It Is
was lost speculation.
Young Smith was prominently con-
in this city and the affair has
cast n gloom over the entire town.
Winterville and Kinston Will
Cross Oats Next
baseball squad of w. H. s. has been
working hard for the past few
in preparation for the opening
with Kinston High School bare .
Saturday, The athletic field has
put in excellent shape, and at present
th.- team is in excellent condition. The
probable line up for Saturday game
will be Smith C, Davis p,
Croom b. b
Corey if. v. c. f. and either
Pierce, Scott, H. or Law-
r f. Kinston Is said to have
a very strong team this season and the
home team is looking to have a hard
to win The will he call.
i; p. in. Tho probable batteries
be for Kinston either or
I- and Tyndall and Winterville.
Smith. An Interesting game is ex-
pi come.
I n I n l a Hear
Men Buried Beneath
When Burned Club
of Bricks the
Wall, two
Between twelve o'clock last night
and the hour- this morn-
a wholesale d
from the county jail when i i
v.- made their by b Bring
ST LOUIS, March Al bast two down the brick walls.
persons were kill.-d. buried under They Squire John
debris and in injured when the west Henry Clark. Charlie Burgess, be-
wail of the Missouri Athletic Gregory, Charlie truest Pay
tag. which was destroyed by lire in John Parker and Hill Taft.
One of Prisoners
Is Causing Some Trouble
In Section
Witch persons lost their lives, a
week ago, collapsed under a high wind
lure late today and crashed through
It is known that they were aided by
some outside party or parties a.-
necessary Instrument such a;
a tour-story building occupied by the hack saws were found . Jail lab
St Seed Company
morning. The iron door that covered
the window was fastened with two
The wall of lb- Missouri Athletic oH window framing breaking
pad locks from the Inside and
club building which stood seven stories
high, crumbled when a wind
veered to the northwest. A min-
before the collapsed, Building
these were sawed off. And after do
this were enabled to get fair
play at the window ; and framing
who was tore into splinters
directing i. the work of ex- a adjoining the wall
the ruins of tho Missouri outside party tore
club, fearing the wall would fall j brick beneath the window to
bis men out of the debris
This action probably prevented a heavy
Gets Lest in Greenville
less of life.
Th- four-story building occupied by
News and
got lost in Greenville the other
day when went home on a short
Hon. A. L. Blow, clerk of
the United Slates Court, after return-
Tuesday night from Greenville.
How was you lost your-
sell was asked of the Pitt county
and why it that you could
not make your way about over the
town, as it has been only a time j
since you wire down
has been only six weeks
a was he said, those
six weeks have wrought wonders
the looks of the town. never In my
I life saw as much building activities
going on in a town as Is now the case
down there. No matter Which way
you turn to look, you see something
new going up don't wonder
at the contractors are so hard push-
. I to get labor.
new additions to the training
school are now complete, and will be
accepted by the committee in Just a
few days. And that section of the
town is one the finest. Besides the
new model school, which is a new
department Is added by the
training school there arc also a
number of residences that are going
up in that part of the town. Many
of them are being put up by
in the school, while residents of
the town are taking advantage of tho
line location to build homes for them-
this Is only a small beginning
I have told you of. It would be
a long list if I were to tell you of all
that is going on. Greenville Is a good
town, and our people are hustling In
every line of business. They
faith In their town, and are Investing
their money at home, with the ex
of getting returns from
allow the escape.
One of the Charles Bur-
only went a distance, as
spent the remainder of the
the St, Louis Seed company had Is family in town, and to
apparently Oaring the burning sheriffs office bright and early tin-
the Missouri Athletic club building, j morning and surrendered Hill
which adjoined it on the east, and When was taken Into custody D Grim
tin brick wall crashed on be roof of th
j four-story building, the walls of the
I latter gave way and all above the Se-
Boor crumbled.
Hours after the accident it was
possible to determine how many had
been buried in the ruins. Many doubt-
less escaped and went away without
giving their names but persons are
unaccounted for. Six Injured, three of
them women had been taken from the
ruins two were known to he dead and
several still were In the debris.
laud today and brought back to jail
It is reported he has revealed to
sheriff Dudley the names of the out-
side party Implicated in the delivery
Hut their report could not be confirm-
ed by the officer.
All of the were In for minor
charges except who
was charged with burglary of tin
store of J. J. Elks at
n the Di,
nun escaped from the count
Friday night and who is thought to
be leader in making the
I the m i
county some uneasiness. When hi
was r tor
ton of J. J several week s
at land. Mr. St. Cloud
ii the Farm ma the I and
ace that that
,, . . i . tn I
ii,. effect he Inn Mr
St. Cloud pal bis
Monday night the
Farm for tin no i i
, , trying out I threats,
,. d If ii on e
. the yards to prepare
. . for Mr. St. Cloud i
h c it Mr. I
mi him, and the i
having a revolver in his
., . me hi tun ed I
n bis aim.
H is reported that
made known his Intentions to do
bodily injury bin If he In
the neighborhood he Is supposed to be
the will no doubt have hue
again before he can do much harm
Hang fry to hit
Miss Dies In
Orange Blossom.
A spray of blossoms that
i ante to The from Mr. F. M.
Hodges, Fla., Is a fragrant re-
minder the of
Worlds in
Fla., March is.
Gainesville a warm welcome
u-day lbs Knights gather-
ed hers from all parts of Florida
the annual conclave of their gruel
The sessions are being
held in the Masonic temple and
continue over tomorrow.
Another Series Matures.
The fourth series of Home
Loan Association reached ma-
this week, and Secretary II. A
White has distributed checks to
those holding the shares While the
fourth series was a small one, It ma-
in weeks.
March Dr. C. M. Jones went to
Greenville Thursday.
Messrs. W. B. Proctor, J. J.
A went to Greenville Wednesday
Dr. W. H. of Ayden passed
through here last week.
Mr. R. i. of Lynchburg, Va.
who represents the South Stove Co.
here Thursday.
Dr. James Y. Joyner. State
of Public Instruction spoke
Hero Thursday night. His address
very Interesting as he always delights
Ills hearers. He showed the relation
between the parent, teacher and child
There was quite a crowd from here
attended church Black Jack
Among those who attended Mrs
Jennie Proctor, Mrs. J. J. Mis-
Phelps, Blanche
and Eerie Proctor, Mary Proctor. Mes-
Jno. Warren, J. A. Hark. Stephen
Phelps, W. L. and several
Mr. Ed Matthews of Washington who
represents the Harris Hardware Co
passed here today.
Mr. and Mrs. F A. went to
Greenville this p. m.
Mrs. J II. Hudson left week to
visit relatives near
There be here Sunday
and Sunday night In the Christian
church by the pastor Mr. We
will be glad to have as many come
Miss Jessie died
night about o'clock in the State lies
at Raleigh which place she
had been for some time. Her Illness
was not known as she was thought to
be getting along nicely until a mes
sage to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. last night told of her death
Miss was about years old
Mr. went to Raleigh on tie
early morning train to accompany the
remains to Scotland Neck for burial
Her mother and other members of the
family to Scotland Neck this
Marriage licenses.
of Deeds Bell is-
sued the following marriages last
Gay and
Fulford, r and BOSS
J. H. Stocks and Bertha Sui-
COLORED- William Moore and
Grimes. Oscar and I
Will Wilson and Mary Little
David Blunt and Annie Eddie
Mayo and Fannie Clark.
Master Arthur the young
was taken
St Vincent's hospital in Norfolk yes
an operation for
tis. Reports from the hospital today
the little Is doing very
Republicans of Oklahoma will hold
n convention In Oklahoma City next
month to nominate a complete state
ticket o be voted on at approach
Strange Find.
Mr. W. H Pollard, of town-
hip in tuna and related
find made by Friday
Ho said two young
bound puppies of his were chasing a
i. I about the farm near the house,
and dually treed ion., so ho thought
he would Investigate and upon reach-
the hollow tree in which sup-
posed to be the rabbit he
u mother possum with thirteen
You can hardly go the length of any
street in town finding a
of building material.
Married Tuesday
This afternoon at three o'clock
tin home of the bride In country
was married ti
Hi Ledford if
was performed by
C M. pastor of
i church t this place.
After a bridal lour of several weeks
extending as as Cilia the venue
people will return to North Carolina
hey will reside
Mrs. F. J. Forbes left this morning
Mr. Warren went to Parmele
Mr. A. of Winterville la In
U today.
Mr. II. E, Hunsucker of Winterville
Mr J of Winterville is here
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pal I II Ii II
mis morning for Raleigh
Miss Maude Anderson left His morn
Mr. Von of b
ti ii la l pro
Ur, C m. Jones of is in
town today.
Mr. K. A, G. Barnes of
i, in oar city today
Rev. C. M, Prof C. W V
Messrs. T. Broughton, H. M
Phillips, T it. Moore, J. B
me U. J. arc
Memorial church the lay-
no meeting n Durham
J s. Barr one of the
of A C. I. conductors, Is
few days here.
Mrs has returned
from the northern markets whore i he
has been to buy millinery for W A
Mr will Cherry o. Richmond at
last night and Will in
for a few days,
The out of town attorneys
lug court here today an Judge B, W
w. Winston Raleigh, Jacob Battle
of Rocky Larry Moore .
New and II B, Ward of
Mr. Hives left this
for Henderson on business,
Mr. Bryan Richmond has
accepted a at the
Mrs J. W morn-
in for a trip to Florida
Mr. K H Osborn left for
Mr. M. I. of is
Had Mores and t-ii-
Before e
W here the I'll, bed Haiti.
Took Place.
SI .
morning I
B race was II
r Lucama and I
at once. D ti r . a
were so- . on tin road an . i
. . fray I I mi
reached i
bad i . and all b
were In the I It I
Harris Va
and Charles Holmes I
John M Norfolk Va
Smith Pee S. Ci Jim
Prank Bennett
the last two being i
Robbed store Warsaw.
Last night store of L P
in Warsaw was looted by this earn.
gang and some plunder was
round on their persons, II is thought,
after robing the store Warsaw
hoarded a train and came SI far
north as Junction and got
off and Started SOUth down tin A
Coast Line tracks
tin in and when tie passed lb I
Mr. W. O. b- . I
bis bicycle and took . hi
. i woods am i I
. i hi mayor of town
In readiness when the; arrived
Nathaniel Lucas . I
Lloyd Lucas George Taylor i. as
-.- and a ion the b u
. as apprised of the I and ii n t
.- before who n to
hi arms bad r a II
i. rifle r or
n for who
mi lire-arms In i
ball bats
Regular Pitched Battle.
is ii n the tin armed
they opened Ore and soon
from a it or more
pistol and gun barrels Two of the
. i. ii having he. n shot in the
legs, The oilers made a break fur
an I s and
in within
of an hour after tho
opening battle every one . I the
desperadoes were In e tolls.
and children were terror-
, net the tragic i n of morn
Is still being III SI
The while in lag
through woods, disposed lb r
weapons and when bat-
hail cleared away only two
were found among the whole h,
They are no behind in ibis
city a r set Is seldom i
, a here
An officer from Warsaw came over
the goods stolen from Best last
More building has started on
Avenue, opposite the Norfolk
Southern depot.
the pretty weather
lasts, as it may change soon.

Eastern reflector, 12 March 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 12, 1914
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Joyner NC Microforms
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