Eastern reflector, 5 March 1914

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, II
For the
LAMP is the most
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar oat Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable. Will last for years
At Dealers Everywhere
North Carolina. Pitt
In th Superior Court. Before D.
C. Moore. Clerk.
Leila E. Williams Ad-
Of K. K
Verla William, and Leila
minors and half at law of B, I
of a decree
of Pitt county mad by
c Ink I
I'm county, on the
1913, in th en-
titled cause tin- mod com-
loner on Monday, the
of March, expose to pub-
tale before court house door
in Ci. in highest bidder
for cash,
or pan i Ii land,
Lying being m
By of the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage
ed and delivered by A.
wife to Ida L. Knox to W. C.
Jami-a on the 30th day of December.
which was duly re-
corded in tho office of
of Pitt county in book Q
Bag MS, the will sell
tor before the court house door
In on Tuesday, February
24th. at p. m. a one half
In the following
described tract of tract
of land in Bethel
By of a mortgage executed
t me by the Independent Loving
executed on the 23rd day of
July. and registered in hook 1-
page MS, of the Pitt county reg
t, try. setting forth certain terms and
stipulation which haw not been com
piled with. I herewith advertise for
ale to the highest bidder at
COUrt house on Wednesday, the
f March. ISM, BOOS, the fol-
lowing described
Situated in an near ad-
the lands Thomas Cannon
J. W
North A. Harris tract of
Una and being Lot No. S. in the said mortgage.
the lands of James. Dr. it. T. Cox. A. fox and
Bailie A and others, con-1 others. For better description, ref-
by estimation -r. acres is given to deed bearing even
or and being the land inherited date of this instrument giving
Ida U Knox from mother Re-Intent and boundary for acre
A Harris, said Interest being hand, said deed being made by A. G.
the lite estate of Cox and to independent
Bryan, said land known as the
o . I C.
Richmond. V.
Charlotte. N. C
I ii W. V.
vision of the II. P. Williams land
and beginning at a stake on the
Snow Hill road near the crossing of
Pasture Branch and running with
said road north east poles.
then north 1-2. east poles, then
north IS, east 1-2 poles to the
i bridge a ditch, then with said
ditch south west poles to a
sweet gum. T. I. and E K
i corner, then south anal poles
I to a Poplar in a prong of Jacob's
1-2. east poles to a stake,
then south 1-2. west to a White
W. C. IAMBS Mortgagee.
IS ltd
virtue of a power of sale con-
in a certain deed
executed and delivered by W. L. F.
and wife N. J. Corey to
Z. V. Hooker, dated 3rd day of Jan-
1911. and duly recorded In the
to the purchase of said
land by Independent loving
the said Independent Loving Union
became indebted to A, c and
gives deed of trust as security
the same.
Terms of sale
This the 16th day of February, 1914.
A. G. Cox. Mortgagee.
S. I. EVERETT, Attorney.
Will you allow me space In your
to say that the old soldiers
and the of Pitt at large, are
to be congratulated that the Commit-
to on Exercises has secured the
Honorable J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh.
to deliver the address at the Reunion
of Bryan Camp of Coated
on May 12th 10th
being memorial day. There
should assemble those old pa-
wore the gray a large crowd
bear this son of
state, who is one the loading minds
of the progressive thought of the
slate. As a thinker and
s of speaker he is second to none
North Carolina, and
so fortunate as to hear him will not
be disappointed.
Chairman of
Notice Is hereby given that a
was filed by the Board at Its
regular meeting February 1914,
register's In Pitt county.
book page the undersigned asking that a road be laid out In Con-
will, on Saturday, the day of township, as
I West 1914, at o'clock, noon,
tO the beginning, containing 1-2
Alter Foot Years of Discouraging so could not stand,
and l gave up In despair.
Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave
Up in Despair. Husband
Came to Rescue.
Cab-on, an interesting letter
from this place, Mrs. Bullock
writes as suffered for four
years, womanly troubles, and during
this time, I could only sit up for a little
while, and could not walk anywhere at
all. At times, I would have severe pains
in my left side.
The doctor was called In, and his treat-
relieved me for a while, but was
soon confined to my bed again. After
that, nothing seemed to do me any good
At last, my husband me a
Die woman's tonic, and I com-
taking it. From the very first
could tell it was helping me. I
can now walk two miles without its
tiring and am doing all my
If you are all run down from womanly
troubles, don't give up in despair. Try
the woman's Ionic. It has helped
more than a million women, in its
success, and should
surely help you, too. Your druggist has
sold for years. He knows what
it will do. Ask him. He will
mend Begin taking today.
D-pl. Venn., foe
n your e book. Mom
for In
Starting at a point near J, P.
to public sale at the court eon's house in and
door in to Road and running westward-
, wt ;
ship, and state and beginning tracts or pared of t career.
t. a Popular in a prong of Jacob's Pitt and Mate of North Carolina and across his land to road
Branch then down the run of described as thence with by his home
Branch corner of tract, situated m u, the inn and New Ban, road
W I Williams. Jr., then with his township, bounded on the north by being about one and one-ha f mil. s;
line north S-4. east pole, to . S. P. In length, same w II heard at he
at Emma J. Jam- on the by the regular meeting of the board March
then so I-, east poles to the of Nelson and Dennis
beginning, containing acres, more Branch; on the by
or less The two tracts land of W. I, K. Corey and S
lot No, the II P. on the east by
lands, which allotted containing acres, more or
to E, P. Williams by deed loss and being the
dated the 14th day of June, 1907, as on which
appears of record in the register's of-
Bee In Pitt county In book T S, page
Think of All
You Eat
No wonder you some-
time have a
headache, feel dizzy,
are troubled with in-
digestion and can't i
will help your liver do
work regularly, as
it Take no
coated or plain.
by order of the Hoard.
HELL. Clerk
tract of land
L. V.
TM sale will be made for the
pose of making assets of the j
of E P, Williams, deceased, and
sale will also Include the dower in-
of Leila E Williams i
widow of the said E E. Williams and
at said sale wilt lake
the entire fee simple title, clear of
all encumbrances.
Tills the day of January, 1914,
P. C HARDING, Commissioner,
HARDING a Attorneys.
the lands of Amy
Notice is hereby given that on Mon-
W. L. P. Corey day. March at o'clock
and Wife now reside the Peat Houses at County Home
SECOND TRACT. Situated in Chi- known as number one. two and three.
cod township on the east side of will be sold at public sale, at the
r. Fork Swamp adjoining the lands of court house door In Greenville, by
and Others, and Julius Brown, county attorney.
containing acres, more or less order of the Hoard of
and being the same tract of land of county.
conveyed by Samuel Corey to W. I. The board reserves the right
Covey by deed r corded in the rev reject and all
b the Basis of all Industry
LARD silk.
By virtue of a second decree of
the superior court of county. In
the case of Haddock, widow,
vs. It W Smith, et all., the
commissioner will offer for sale be-
fore the court door In
on Monday. March 2nd, the j ban of all good farming. Write for
i Basis of all
by the bl a in the United
State on Lime on t Farm, and get price
of the lime, j bur
etc. A postal will give you
lowing described tract Sit
In tho county of and In
township. That tract of land
lying on the side of Swamp.
on north by the lands of POWHATAN LIME CO.
Mrs. at L. Cox, at containing STRASBURG VIRGINIA
NO acres more or less, and
the same tract of land convoyed tn
it k by Mary a. Had-
dock and being UM land upon which
John it. Haddock i
Ti tie, one-hall tub
an i i l-t. 1918
. February 4th,
virtue of the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage deed
executed and delivered by Ellen E
to W, B Brown on the
mi I'll, and duly re-
ti. JAMES and Attorney,
d 5-28
BRIDGE ii m into in mks.
u w. smith. Commissioner, corded In of the
deed county, North Car-
hook ii page Ml, the
ii, expose to public, sale
i i how e door in Green-
ville, to highest bidder, on Sat
the day of March.
I at o'clock, Boon, certain tract
or parcel of laud, lying and
In the Town of County
j Of and North Carolina
and described as follows,
Beginning at Mania Cindy's corner
las t i t.
j. at her home in I
sir. et, entertained a a
friend at a luncheon, In hon-
or of Mrs John h Small, of
legion and Margaret Bryan, runs west to Mill street, thane
New Barn. During the game trail about foal south, those parallel
tarred, followed at th. with line to th railroad right
Conclusion by a three lunch-1 of way, thence north about feet to
The were the being that portion of
anted a pretty hyacinths the lot which the
further description
deed from S. J. Nobles to Ellen
E. recorded In book T-S.
Terms of sale cash.
w it BROWN, Mortgage
N. C.
Under and by virtue a power
of sale contained in a certain deed
of trust executed to by Riley
Jenkins, and bearing date 21st,
1912, to the payment of a
certain bond of even therewith,
and the stipulation contained In
said deed of trust not having been
compiled with, and upon request of
the power of said bond, the under
signed will sell at public for
cash on the 4th day of March, 1914,
at two o'clock p. m.
tho hereinafter
ed, the follow lands described In
said deed of trust,
Lying and being In the county of
Carolina township. North Car-
and adjoining the Lands of
Jenkins. Wade Williams,
Bryant and Others, and bound m
Hie north by the lands of
r Harper, on the east by
the lands Walter Harper, on th,
south by the lands Wade William
and on the west by the lands
Jenkins, and being all
tract of land whereon the said
now Ursa, and being a part
of the lands sold to Jen
kin deed from John Rollins an
lining SI acres, more or less
Jan, 88th, 1914.
JOHN T Trustee
J C, SMITH Atty.
Church a
The Memorial church
changed its plan, noted recently, w
parsonage ill the south-
east portion of the town, and has
purchased the Cherry house
nearly opposite the church on
street, to use for that purpose. Th
for tin property was executed
I yesterday. Just the
th church makes the In
I cation very for a parsonage
., I d-
run search m-n
ii u-
,,, l
Washington. C.
under Taylor
defeated the Mexican under
Anna In battle of
best layer or pure white
hell eggs per of
Mrs. E. C. King, Falkland. N. C
and ex
Vice President were
shot and killed in the
of Mexico city
office In Pitt county in book
E-B, page
THIRD TRACT, Situated in
township, on
acres, more or less, and
being the land granted by the state
of North Carolina to Samuel Corey
appears of record in book Y-3.
TRACT. Lying and be-
In Swift Creek township, adjoin-
the lands of Nashville Wilson
W. B. Bland. R. H. Carrie and Sal-
lie Bland, containing acres, more
or leas.
TRACT. Lying and
In Swift Creek township and on
both sides of the Washington road,
adjoining the of R. H. Car-
Haywood Cox and others and
containing acres, more or
This sale will be made for the
purpose of satisfying the terms of
said mortgage deed and the above I
described land will be subdivided
Into smaller traces and will be sold
both as a whole and in subdivision,
to suit purchasers.
This the 5th day of February. 1914 ,
z. v. hooker. Mortgage
This February
n. I.
lewis. Chairman,
Clerk of the
Of the many social events
to Mrs. John H small, of
Washington, one of the most
and attractive was party
by Mis B. B her
lovely home on Fifth street.
The was
ed with Mowers and
Let E Rot Year Compost
I . -ii the champion I ha world.
I'll rot
or t. t,
n o m
in lets two
t en ;. I
. a of that
U nit f i
C r ,
s it
. n t,
I Mo., i a
t , I . t ; i. .
I am Red Devil Lye
, . .
; WT I.
By virtue of the power conferred
upon me by a decree the superior
the court of county made February
v bole lower floor being thrown o. In n special
to the numerous In which Joseph L, Hobgood, ad-
no the were served of Carr is plain
delicious punch, and were then Stocks, Lizzie Gil-
moat attractive Ada Nobles, Alb, it Carr
ore i aids, as the game of the John H. Carr. Lena
Euchre and Rook. cloth, Mary E. Tyson others
th most game it at law of Richard Carr are
ii that a world of arrived fondants I will on Wednesday,
to reward the winners. All i IS. in front of the court house
of the prizes of the most I door In sell for sash to to-date line of men's pants Com.
attractive and designs the highest bidder the following de- and let us give you the beet fit and
Mr. J. W. Ferrell at piece or parcel of land, sit- lowest price you ever got,
and Mrs captured the In township, In and Co.
Root prize Visitors prizes were pro , county adjoining the of Al-
to Mn, Small and i Carr. Hoes, Prank-
an of New Bern. En land and others, containing
Kt wide were eighteen acres more or leas and being
Little Minnie Mae Smith Continues to
Improve. Other
Mae Smith, the little 11-year-old
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. s.
smith was taken with the
In December, but her people
thought there was nothing
about the child's Illness. The child
continued to grow worse. However
at length they took her to the Rob-
Bruce Memorial Hospital
at Kinston. Her case had already de-
Into the when she
got there. Dr. J. M. told
her parents that there was absolute
no hope for her an opera-
ton and only one chance In a
and with the operation. The
was performed In each side. It
reported that the child was dead
and lie grandmother started to the
burial, hut fortunately the report
false. It was ten weeks yesterday
since little Minnie Mae went to th
and her little eyes are as
bright as little jewels. She Is
proving every day and we are hop-
that she will soon able
v about again. Dr. J. M. Parrott
says that this case has been the
remarkable one In the history of bis
practice. It looked as If there
no possible chance for the child ts
live. Her parents and friends are
very grateful to Dr. Parrott for the
excellent attention he gave her.
If It Is cash you want bring your
beef cattle, chickens and
pigs to R. W. nail.
See Harrington. Barber and Cora
for your stalk cutters, they have
two styles and good ones.
If you want rubber boots or shoes
see before you buy. A. W.
and Co.
Go to J. Cox and Son for
nice Ice cream and soft drinks of
Misses Smith and
Corey went to Ayden yesterday.
When you want feed stuff, hay grain
ate . see Kittrell and Co.
Our men's suits are going last
Low prices are moving them, Com
get your part of the bargains.
ask for n ticket from the cash
it means live per cent back to you
In trade, B, i. Formal and Co.
Daniel Lane will preach at
the Methodist church Sunday morn-
Oysters at It. W. Hull's; try them
If you want a good cook stove or
nice range see us and get our price
In fore buy. A. W Ange and
The genuine seed
potatoes can he found at Harrington
Barber and Co.
We are Just opening up a nice up
When you want nice
ox and Son.
fruit see
for ill tho tallies and the whole
occasion wan one laughter and mer-
Delirious refreshments were
ed the hostess, bringing to
close a most happy and enjoyable
Mrs. Hose Davenport is visiting re
r lives at Staton
the lands on which Richard Carr
the time of his death. Said lot
or of land will be sold subject
to the Interest of Harriet Carr
widow of Richard Carr and the sale
will take place about noon.
and Commissioner.
lg ltd
i ., B
-1 vi ,
int f M
. ,
i .
.- . .-
A best
wish BET-
is the Useful, Host Healthful the Most Noble Employment el
nil ME
Negro to Death in
Attempt to
Concert In Winterville High Mr. H. P. Strange Visiting Here Carolina Will feet Men Clamoring For food Be
School Saturday
Was Heard by Odd Fellows
last Slight
Mr. II. I. Strange, of
at Durham
fuse to Work for
Cents Hour
Daniel Mitchell a neg. arrest- WINTERVILLE, March II. P. Strange, of tattle. L
el here Friday by tho local A will be given by Mis- in I . I. . I. . t. , ., ,
fr county Juliette Loving, Kate to while . . i ,
with was vocal will, M.-s. l. t. James he ts .
i . i . , nil III. , , , .
chard with y, vocal and Mir. will, Mr II. V. o
u. death Walstonburg violinist, Ra Mr. Strange was . p em n
lust night. The hoping to N. C, in Winterville Manning. S. . bin for n. e f t In . .
Enthused Each p- H. .
Little Contestants More
wag h m. ., n, , ; ;,,.,. ,,,,. night,
but failed in his effort as his body t eight The t th V. S n I N , ,
w M
H is f you need nails, win- Pa. c Coast,
i ,; . lent any
, , i- . . ,
here ;
nm. ,, -M-ii i. . . , . iii here delivered .
wind lime. e or any s. Strange was , .,,,.,; pr, elem
,., ., . ,., in a that the con- thins in Hit- hardware line sec , night phi was the ;
I , ;. a ho M. L. L. of of ,. men to I
ii I r iv . lay. the
and to K. W. for J.-fresh . led work The this i
the ., . , . , ,. .,.,. ;,, beef, f,,., . will end in three I ,
much was done by eon.- ENTERTAINS ,., ,. has been the I
even more was j u ., . ., ; f , ,
as they seem to ., corner of , J I n ,., I ; I I
I,. i . el iv e was i.,. f
;,,. U- . J. Carr of i r state
the th. i I Io a few of . , here. ,. ,,,,, ,,,, I
for.,,,,, s.,,,, ,., m , ;, .
night. the boys and a , if her sons. v deliver the I ten
o n lie In I -i
Lei friends that you arc During evening the blouse. .; us i
will feel more dis- engaged in van us games. .,., one. IV At i o.
to help you. u . I several
It-i v-our yon arc evening .
and they will feel more dis- engaged in van games, .,. one. B. D. t to.
. help you. n several See Co., for your a- v
every contestant have vocal selections by Misses , and v
friends would gladly Brown and ,, and their are
, subscription to the ago added much to the entertain-
,. .-. . . lie .
i or renew their of the evening. was taking Miss
for and lines from Arthur to
veil- Remember a prim awarded, present den to see her mother Monday
fifteen Misses Mary and Linda , being acquainted with .-
votes and that are Warren, Lillie Deft and he drove the car into the
the same number for all Critcher, Annie Belle and ditch. No one was hurl only do
renewals for a year. You also Evelyn Lang, ,. a
Aged Woman
a ii II
The Davidson College S. I
will meet Mark's an I said I at mien
team in u i lie
There will lie a meeting of tin of I hi meeting.
engineers and last we have a u.
public roads in let the city know what e want,
March Carolina in Hall who is an Indus
Judge Prank Carter, presiding 17-19. trial W of the
court , The manager of began. are .
o, ,.
at the of
. in the line notions.
at the close of the rung. ,
is More stated the winner must The young people departed hats. . , ,
t and will con for their homos at declaring , and prices
as to tin- end.
At Burlington
We v- ant u i
t w n day.
mini union i m I n
the style prices work
charming hostess. us you buy. J e,,,,.,,, ,,,, I . v,. . . , .
I-, D .;. , Waving the to die from ex- York to entertain ti big ,, .,.
I,. .-. of
t i leaving the to die from ex- y , i, expels to enter m. ti . , , to jail.
GOES , and of
ON TOUR, conference hen . MU. during the end of ibis week, w i I and fraternal .
the of last March worlds will be s r. for a
WAKE FOREST. March I l find intense indignation long ,,.,, . , l
The Club of Wake chairs and so. i The aged prison- i train carrying several ,,,, aid i
College, under the leadership has in jail, whence Chicago fans is due to
,, w. N, Poteat, left will she will to Raleigh later and. h
At M N. she will t taken to Raleigh late
morning for their spring tour o , . in the week.
March state. will be absent. i . of
Ralph a young about two and will give en- mattresses at .
the new Piedmont Railway in Fay- prices. CASE FIN ALLY END.
Company's plan Lumber . an, 3-j I
here, was electrocuted today at other points. Um i Co., are prepared to
o'clock by coming in eon- this year is one Deal with
tad with a live wire. The bee here for they .,
wind of the past few days no doubt reflect
had crossed the lines in so many I college and on themselves.
will lie taken to Raleigh later town tomorrow and other
are I
start Huston.
Washington and other j
i; H VI I r I
i, mid Go Sin i
i; ., has. Q in
The Biltmore Hotel has i,., ,;,,. league
, .,,, as headquarters for n baiting last has jumped
WILMINGTON, demonstration of welcome and the ,,, ,,
B. Penny against Giants and White f
were sent. . . ,,,,.,,.,.,,
particularly . be can PITCHER SUGGS SIGNS FOR
Young Warren had LIFE.
started to climb one of the light . ,; ,. . .
to adjust where KINSTON, H. C-
I. Park avenue. That wedding took place here to-
so,,,,, way he came in contact day of Miss Cox, member of
with n wire as soon as he started a prominent Kinston family, and
polo and fell back on George f. the well known
ground unconscious. People rush- base player, whose home also
ed physician is in this city. Suggs is widely
n- major league pitcher.
He began his base ball career ten
years ago at Jacksonville, I-la.
after several seasons with
Memphis was by the Do
team. From Detroit he
went to Cincinnati five years
remained there until traded
ball l.-t them serve with nice
l. only about five mil
and did regain
The deceased born in
well county, but came to Burling
ton when a small boy and ha-
t his entire life here. He was
ears old. December 1918 In
PT Minn-. March
lid given at the recent term of co
superior court, and also paid the
amounting to
training some
in spurting some
ti of guests, will gather about the in daily practice in tho
I,. board the Biltmore the gymnasium
V r arranged . honor
5-year old daughter of W. ti,.
cars ii . , .,
married to Miss Page, of St. Louis Nationals at the
of last season,
w. . the baseball
Newton, foreman f the Evening
the family how team
were displayed i j,,, ,,. wagon
ii St. Paul today in j which destroyed the New
token of the sixtieth, birth-1 ton barn, some miles from the
day St. Paul was in city. The building was wrapped
as a city in when the girl into
it as a tho stall and blind folded the
and military post for horse with her sweater, and led
rears prior to date. through the smoke.
The opening of the
league season has been set
back almost a week. The
race started April IS last year, but
will under way until April
this year.
this The Springfield
I league baseball
to play exhibition game
with the St. Federals, More
troubled for organized baseball,
Clark Griffith has placed the
Federal league in the
class. Meaning that the
to will explode on or about
Fourth of July.
a T
r- r

i .
THE ,, men count; Be Mexican situation like a man
and FARM and EASTERN X i
their action out
aw question be
unnamed they have done.
real while be- Wilson talks about
who knows what he is doing.
Published by
lull Inc.
D. Editor.
March may do her blowing,
but you take consolation
from thought that the bad
weather not for much longer.
Jimmie Cowan will be
all kinds of bathing suits if
the editors go to
next summer.
ail months. .
Adverting rates ma; be bad
application at tut business.
Reflector Building, corner Evan
All cards o matins and bluster first
respect will I r at
friends the culmination of
lie-long was or
Wednesday, u the mar-
Spruill Halter to
Mr. Everett.
n one wed Una, n
A. year ago today Woodrow
literary of the
midst Of a gathering of warm per- ,, Dy
a very good audience, despite
weather conditions.
summer advertisements be-
fore a great while.
not wait to go out
lion, but came In with a big Mow
will b it II
i i III .
Entered a second class
August 1910.
I 1879
Those Journal trying
on n hat i a hard job on
nil continue.
The fellows who star
limn made good on every point,
and the country may expect much
from his administration.
More than sixty and
fifty of them girls f the
I Ion of Lynn. Mass.
were in the es
lit a lire.
t,. N . holder
ii,. ;,, v an kill
.-. i r i cant
Snow is to the
idle rich
We d
will yesterday Downs and
I i, is n easy Intake. i. Ins passenger was
., injured.
committee of the
Sort IV.
ed n every feature and
in lorn. In hall t
of a carried out
Id I i and
Ai the head of the ill C o
A who
. I
lion w II m on the
. i in, lo I h place and
. mi. i date for the annual
f r the summer
. . is already
f i., the meeting
Bench. The meeting
usually alternate the
in the as
title had the n year
,.,,,., . Reach stands a
by men living in this civil- next fine.
It is not our purpose to n fit i I
. . of any re-
. citizen, but we con
friendship t Mar- The even ,,.,,, your business adds read by
at Columbian and who are prospective
NECK Feb. -In .,.,, of the . . .
J lie printing press multiplies
your selling power by taking
your message to thousands in a
mucker time and at less rust.
the query selected
the la in depends en
United points to its downfall ire. it is
as a The was .
by the and the printed matter when
the Each all, i,.,,,,,., out, takes a
had made careful preparation t , I,.,,,,,,,
and acquitted with credit U . importance
making the debate one . ., c-0-.
ever do the work and gel yours right-
To have the sale idea of cheap-
i rendered their decision any-
l hi i In fat r the
noon melted in to Mm-i Much Interest i. no being taken .,,. you sine on
-t ii. the debate with Dell High School ., work because it is
, Invited Into at N. which will take be dear to you in the
. , de- place on March H. and will probably run will be no
white carnations id lure. for the dollars worth of
The boys feel the oil business you may lose by
v. . p in met foe and arc making care- get ins your work done with us
ill can- preparation and have it
. ill over
Al this Dr. K. P.
; . pa r of
.;. . . . ii i. while b
I o
ton he and I
in form . a aisle enter
ed. Then In lie midst of of a loving
t c t b to i i Join their
. to tin altar. Dr. in
on account
its sacred solemnity, look
. . i,, ., live and Interest- pie in the town and country.
I, We print adds attracts
tent ion hold interest in other
words gel a
I the presiding I
r district be In re to
; i
.- , W
re and beef.
A good sewing machine can save
i a . The
an be bought at
. . rs Co.
work is also id
a.-s and at prices in
. u la on . i
U pie down, I liked
. ii. r u .
. . .
i radium.
I i .
. i gnu I i an is
flit.- i
, ., ,. ill, law abiding
f Pitt people
h n the i am;
i-u t all when
iv n. What every
i do is to spend
i dollar m-
k for
Justus Everett, Jr., carried the week-end Bethel,
which their fortunes were .,,,, ,.,. attention to our
linked together, then they were pro- , it lo one
the on the I
Mir j
Hail your fresh meat
keeping with work, so
give us your job or add
let us convince you of the
importance of advertising. The
service we may give you will
improve your business
Miss is spending pulling power.
a trial.
. d examine it.
It. ii. Forrest
is spending
a lose their J
just to show are as
as ever they re.
en U lure thins, no
killed .- weather a
little too cold to go up.
There Is quite a bit of
in drew these days
more than
argent need at the
p a to on
one it
ed wife.
The was In a hand-
me white satin enriched
point and Venetian sh
he spend-. ; ed t on a
i is i, little more limn a mail old. The court train, hand
house lo furnish it. red In de was ex-
let interfere. and with tin
every lime I with orange
ii a -ii.-t picture long I
. builds n building or I. Te bridal bouquet was of bi
ll at some i I and Illy the valley.
built, lie taxes here After t. an Informal
, r---
.-. . l- if .- gas and electric lights, he room many presents
,.; . if . . n-H. .,, popularity
he will lax. he assists in all and groom.
l be to the and supports the The dining room was beautifully Miss Ruth i. spending the punishment, and drawing his
churches and public organizations decorated with pink sweet reek-end with her parents at Rocky knife he did the cut
lie increases the value of your real peas and pink tulle, and a course Mount.
estate, he makes possible I was served, the ices and See Barber Co. ,. soon taken in
re-u i u
i vi i sin. Some i
ml is wins.
Sam Brown and Alex Harris.
two employed by Mr.
It. Dr. K. A.
while in a playful frolic
align with
as a result Harris re-
ii had fill across the left
temple, it requiring ten stitches
tell or show the other
doesn't cost one cent.
i ., week-end
See J.
and . drinks all Kinds.
Lizzie Is spending
i , ml at i.
Keep hi that I o d lime
are I k from
the cash register at per cent for tie The coon
trade. Conic upend ,.,.,;, ,,,
with us and pet your friends and through some
a good Harris hurled two
examine the Will C. at A W. r. .,, Brown who
. Co. man grew tired of such
the professional to exists, he cakes carrying out In an year or felt
A town has an builds a city, ill n word, mid with-1 attractive way the color scheme of have a beef cow. hogs or probably be
prohibiting m the we would pink and white, which for sale see or write R. W. i,,,,,,.,,,, i,,
town, and the penalty is town. We would have no news-
some imprisonment for any one eon- papers and no printing offices,
by Officer George
given a
morning be-
Still, it the kaiser wants to visit tin
United why not bring th.
we fond tin
of speaking evil of proper- hunks, no anything just n
iv. ii- or the where there were n
of the town. few houses, and land I be
n worth much per acre as it is
worth a fool in a growing n.
annual statement of Tin Home Buy everything home you
I Loan Association, pub- can Do let the parcels
afforded cheap goods allure you. Build
for those
familiar with th workings building r ,,,.,. ,.,,,, something deeper. The bride is tin
loan associated An ,, . ,,, ,., only child of Mr. and L. J.
known for their
railed through the house. Hail.
Mr. and Mrs. left on the A concert will be by Ml
train fr some place Loving, pianist,
known to their friends.
fore Mayor James.
An unusual interest has been felt
in this wedding, only in this com-
but through the State. For
the two have been close
and friends, and as the years
Shad are Late
are late getting up stream
j m, vocal soloist and
Louise violinist, of Raleigh, Shad
the Auditorium this season. None have been caught
ill.; night, March the seventh at i In the river here yet and will
he isn't coins to
cars old. h 1470 if he were He helps r,
I and and ad-
to disposition many other
shares, leans of 1109,680.00, and total lie helps you in a
How aid you like to he a is no smell con- and gel more than
. ever lie
I., the largest ,. . . .
a collective force are
lace the ,,,
-----1 II stands to the thing.
ii ., It ma- -o--------
In n lie for the
. a.- in In the con-
. , ,, .,.,,. mil district of
, u ,
II I . I I Mil. the mat
It Is loins community will re-
; people to own Ties i. In- nominate Governor
operator In Over
they call a rod expert a me-
In r
Those who thought i
from the Union and J Mex- time than
hi the duty i i
M in d been disappointed
o'clock. The admission
Mr. L. L. of Morehead N
C Is daughter here In
There Will be preaching at the
church tomorrow.
Pandora, the beautiful apportion,
not hence the
public Is given a chance to see her.
Mm love a love story See
not he until the snow gets of the
At lie Christian Church
There la reason to believe i
i i. high temper loss
not with his walking stick,
recently to Pro
. liable
M. Ferris, who is the first
of party to occupy
the executive office in more
A Missouri man advertises for .-.
wife weighing pounds and who i
tall. people simply
can't get along without
in Tony Faust's in
record their favorite
Secretary fir on record
favoring i I gr en Tims
re use the bond mp it
i betwixt him and Sp
man, ho q
Monday nil we i I
asked by one of the county
mils to accompany him to the
building that all true Pitt
citizens look upon With pride
the court house, t view
the room was left
hen i united the crowd that
there with their
W. Evans, for the
drawing up resolutions containing
their v relative lo the stock
law ion. to submit to the
i commissioners i lien hi session,
We wish ii was possible
charms. childhood she baa
enjoyed every educational advantage
from which has come a mind of rare
culture and wisdom.-.
The groom is a son of the late
of Martin county, n
of one the oldest families in
the state He Is a direct Rev. J. Fred Jones who for
of John Everett, who at the eighteen was state
in represented Mar- of the Christian church ill
tin county. His is none Illinois but was transferred
the thorough than that of to North Carolina filled the
its bride, in 1907 he received a de- pulpit of the
from the College North church last night and was heard
Carolina, and In 1911 M. just a medium
B. degree from the University of ; I n. due to the severe cold
Mr. Mrs. are In
sympathy with every good
the community and throw
Mr. Jones announced that it
work in had been his intent ions to speak
their in- on the work has
U i e l
V , ,
I -s u , .
IV II II . u Mil . , . .,,
i i to uplift every one with whom the tale
ISl up . .,. n .-vie i , v
i j . i i . i s. come in contact. inn
Besides a number of guests from on account e small
Five candidates arc contesting
for the in Alabama.
The late ticket in
Maine will he selected at a con-
to he held in nil
In T the voters of New
York will decide whether a eon-
vent ion shall he held to frame
a new Slate it lit ion.
Twenty three amendments, in-
will he voted mi at the California
election in November.
election will be held
ill the Seventh rid of New
spy on April T to tilt the
caused the death of Congress
Former Myron T.
new ambassador Paris
o mentioned as a possible
for of Ohio on the
ticket this year.
Lieutenant Governor Barrett
i pun , . , .
, . Palmyra. Scotland Neck and Hoc i. he would change subject Mara, o Illinois is a
, good, then- were present Mr. R. n. taking life of from his f, r d, Democratic
. ,,
and every citizen of the county
have v these conditions, in
order that may be
, pm ii and
the restoration the
i e of OUr i
The express are not
any popular favor in re-
the on sin h shipments
i- government handle- par
eel post, and raisin the rat. than to and smear
the class of that cannot ;. ,,,. and other filth upon n
be carried through the mail-, carpel and floor when cu-
This thing i- going lo as a are plentiful and
boomerang on the express convenient. Why ii is doubtful
mes even the criminals within our
n i-on wall-, while guilty of many
a- we, that every man lives
the boundary lines of Fill
i- not civilized, because
the heathens of
n- they
re lied.
I fellow man not
. i . i
i ii fa i n. i j
; .
I i
; , i
i . I
. I,
. I
. I
H .
i . j
of Durham, Mr. Justus earlier days with the leadership for States senator to sue
and Justus Everett, Jr. Misses Jesus to the notable character reed Lawrence Y Sherman,
and Ethel and Mrs. he early life publican.
Kate . of Mrs. C, of the apostle was compared with of Dakota met
t. Baker, Miss Nellie May Baker, Mrs. that of the man of today, and In Grand Forks recently slid
May Baker, Mrs of the speaker urged that men of
Salisbury, and Dr,
of Hamilton, Mrs
Mas.-. Mr. and Mrs. II.
ii L Long this generation should follow tin
n. Swing, steps of Jesus us John be
March seems disposed to make
amends foe hitting n hard
blow right the
things that imprison
for year-,
I III . .
guilty of JOHN L CO
and Druggists everywhere
mated a full Stale ticket to be -uh
milled to the voters at the
primaries to be held in June.
Representative C.
is reported the purpose
Theodore Douglas Robinson in
to Europe is to meet Col.
Roosevelt consul with
will no doubt he a great concerning the political situation
to the Christian churches, New Sir. Robinson h a
of lie former President
and chairman of the
Two candidate are in the field
M s. V. who was a layer fur the Republican nomination
the American Tobacco Lo., on the for governor of Michigan this
Ilia market, I Saturday In year. They are Alexander
A State- hospital. Borne ream chairman of the State
ago Mr. I on and Frederick C, Mar
may decide to enter market and Is well present of
contest for the Democratic many here, stale and a defeated candidate
for governor of Ur married Mine who the nomination
Mr, N Moore, and Ml
t Moore, R k Mount. Mr-.
i i Everett, Miss Caroline Berry
Pill 1- lad Mes June K Ward, of Hal
i id,. Miss Blanche Nicholson, of Bath
Mr Warren Watson, of
Miss Mary of Ply-
mouth, and Mrs E K. Martin
Mi i. R .-.
and Mr K II Jo.-e,
ii Tarboro
come day by day
and by so doing press onward
iii p of the high calling.
Mr. is a very
his work through
Veneer Department and Boiler Room
Completely Destroyed
Hill Bel
The political
District, so far as
i , o of la
In this
the race
The large plant of the
ville Cooperage and Lumber Com-
barely escaped being
destroyed by lire this afternoon
o'clock when the veneer-
department of the company was
burned to the
It at such a late hour
were unable to gather all par
of the blaze, other than
it caught from run-
under the floor from the
boiler end fire room into the
which carried the heat int
I he mill here the veneering was
helved for drying
The being six or seven
blocks from the lire district and
water the tire cop y was
become by the an-
of Mr. to the
editor of i has no
Intention to eater the race for
office against the present Incumbent
t, .- ll an i L and
he ii candidate.
Mr. It is known. at
in I .
that he become a i but
considering matter finally
i not t. pi nail bis name to
be In i
The Mi
,; .-, i;. . are
pi. to that Mr.
now assured.
The elimination of Mr.
ran Greene county
The expressions approval reach-
us to the effect that no pub-
in r years it. tills
county and Judicial District is de-
serving of more credit for the Hi-
manner in which the duties
pi to the office have been
performed than the highly
., manner in every rail of
office has been made. Mr.
Virile, forceful, a good lawyer, the
pi pie have always had a ad-
in in the presentation
. criminal laws.
Money to Loan on
farm lands at
1-2 per annum.
mi. i. I at Law
and Drainage a
In office formerly occupied y
and blow.
at Law
Office la Third It
bi service
and girls who
he U. as far Water Mr. has
, the blaze. and unvarying In his
high, and the I to the u u writ-
,,,. Linn it required en Into the statutes of our Mate
, tea for the blaze to get lo friend or foe
I.,.,.; of those fight- he was that the
iv was
names as contestants in
the pony contest begun work this
morning with a smile on their
es calling on many of their friend
soliciting their support, and
contestants have received
hundred- of votes through their
and relatives up to the
roe time of going to pies- today.
the j got to
Bath Bed
II. W. M. D.
limited to diseases of the
Car Nose and Throat.
Washington, N. C. Greenville, N.
Office with Dr. U. I. James. Green
rule, day every Monday, t a m to I
hut i-
Enters Upon
venture to
few mini tea for the
;., i,; the control of those
mi. to save the building.
The done will reach t guilt did not
covered by in- . that no In has n
withstood and the demands
of private i l an l
parties for prose on arc a
more and resolution r I
than Mr. lie Ha , .
the e to Which I and I Hid th
tO B
-t. in order to poll ;
nit v nil got to
w rite
S. J.
Building, on the
friends in
know that
i I the
in Woolen on
arc a contestant. Write to
An f ear no-
Ma, modern superb
i nil truth ear
claims fur of
in this right -made right rick design, weeds
our stocks appeal to I be critical and
Why not see us before bu;
Taft Vandyke
Coward Drug Co.
Used in Out
to mi-
Toilet Article.
C Fountain
Kodak Supplies
ii . that
I i lo ;
. mere
; .
. over
put In building
. p.;, organ and tin
t , chill ;
, II
Mr. Rock i an at her
ac r, and i
the . i i
in high cat i
i a
. 11-
. . .
splendid life
id him
i is,
,,; the
I . II u
. i . .
. are
i M .
to tin , n i so
i in in- I
; a rood tiling when
th, . it, ii i that In
r . ,. . ii. ii on t-i till
I . . who has i n tried I
mil . ii.
. Deal.
I nix;
. m Law
. r w
I it the
i . i
; . e several
mil votes.
i-i i. . .
y or girl tells
have p lied live I
the day don't
in the mouth it, bid
just I on courage and rein ed
energy Bather up twice that
number. Don't
any circumstances, but
the battle to the finish, h I
and this the banner
week of the contest.
If ;
have n
Mil With
Mutual lie nice I
River Bridge MARKET
Call to see A. R. STEPP
Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish and Oysters.
I a a I way
. II CASH strictly.
i; t-i- per lb
x.-i, per lb.
. fresh, and
. rs
it. Hi
river e. No de . ; in
yo i me to us.
A. R. Stepp
j,,. ii.
I vans
More Like la Greenville
s,. people can tell
you about Dean's Mans
happy citizen a n pi state
experience Here la a ease
f it. better pr nu can
he had than such endorsement
U W. Washington
c .; . pleased
in. t Ran .
I, by
that I
1.1 me
Pills, that I from the John L.
Drug Co, Tao
I ,,. e n annoy-
. ; I often that the
Row was .- Dean's
nil., since nay kidney
have been In much bettor
The carry con
to tie mind fen reader,
ask tor kidney
ask for . B Kidney
Pills, the kind that Mr. Law-
had the remedy I m k
i, all
n Co . Pr
,. your back Is lama n a
In . th
Buffalo, N
I will be at the following
places on given for the
purpose collecting taxes
ti for the year 1913.
Dan at .
I .
Township t
at .
I .
I .
Falkland Township at
I Township at
at .
Swift I nil, I at .
Arthur i
r ii.
. . .
. arch
Meet me and save costs.
S. I. Dudley, Sheriff.
buying the first thing
Farm Machinery
MONDAY, 1914,
Mines Emmie and Louise
left this for a in Wash-
Mr. P. Lee Willie II
left morning for
more .
Mrs. left this morn-
Mr. A. I. Clerk of the Fed-
court in spent
day with his family here.
Mr. N. White, of Greensboro.
Saturday and Sunday hem
is Mr. K. A.
Mrs. Florence Dancy has returned
from a visit of weeks in Maw
Messrs. T. E. Hooker, I. S.
Spain mill Rot. Walker
in Wilson-
Misses Iva
me the week
with the family of Mr. Mrs.
Mac ii offered them kins over our
We carry an line Farm Implements Machines
that we know will absolute sat
economical and dependable on the market.
They are most
W i
n i i
in Sta k C Disc an Sm nothing Harrows, Ma-
l -i 1--S. C and Corn Planters. Chilled, Gang
Pi besides other farm and garden tools.
and the Trans-Planters, the most
successful made.
See to it that YOU do not lose money
this year.
Fresh Bread Every
We arc supplying a majority of
the homes with Fresh Bread
and Cakes every day, why
not you
Our products than ever
J. K. Williams
Baker and
J. C. Lanier
I mat t
that I hats by

Disc Harrows, Drag Pulverizing Harrow, Corn
Distributor, Manure Oliver Chilled Flews, g i and
transplanter, American Wire Fence, Galvanized Roofing Prices
lowest. Come lo us for you reed. We a
remember our MOTTO is QUALITY
J. R. and J. G. MO YE
to the Mother
of Her Pupil.
know how easy It la
for a J become discouraged
week of school.
said a moat
to a mother one day,
. that I bad all the mother here in-
stead of the children this morning.
I mean forty moth-
I would like to tell them just one
difference between
and failure.
the room as well as else-
where the difference just a differ-
of attitude,
it ever won a victory who
not go on the battlefield
to win.
i we form our
she continued, the habit
Of success la not a difficult to
The most Important thin; for the
mother to do to believe In her child,
see his tasks are such that he
can do, and then openly recognize
child who had home
training ever makes many failures In
his life. To teach this Idea of success
necessitates continuous
work in many cues, and a thorough
comradeship with child,
the end of the said,
smiling hopefully over the roomful of
workers. will know all, but
until then yes. wish had the moth-
here this
y t
In Our Department
We offer you every facility available in geed found and modern
In Our Saving
We pay per cent Compound Quarterly, Deposit-
received in the sum of One Dollar and upward
Only Bank In
is no batter protection than a
Visit our place and let us explain cur
Locate on Dickinson Ave. Near A. C. L. Depot.
Open Saturday rights from to P. M.
Greenville, N. C.
B. T. Co, F. A. Edmundson Cashier.
R. R. V-P. M. B, Bryan,
-31 in ii
them now before
they go higher
Industrial Institute
For The Training of Colored Youths
in Science, Music, and Tuition
free lo teachers and those who are planning to teach in I'm.
and Counties. Healthy splendid
railroad facilities. For further information, write.
William Claudius Chance,
President Founder.
-I. I tools guaranteed. Stag and
f Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
, King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Platter.
I Atlas Cement polish Oil and Mops,
Have Been Mark of
Faction a Long as There
I Record.
The of the
Ulster nu-n to Induce every man.
an and lo wear a flower us a
of their aversion to home rule
remind one flower have
been used a emblems.
Since the leaders of tbs
and i. parties each plucked
a rose In the Temple the
a red and the a white,
this flower has been u popular emblem.
Apart from the fact that red roses
are symbolical of love and white of
purity, the national emblem
la tho rose; tho party of
formed the League of the
In imitation of England's
league, while owing to
fondness for white roses many liberals
wished to make an emblem
for their party, but the Idea not
The primrose, It la said, was
Id's favorite flower, and has
been chosen by followers, who
formed the Primrose league, as an
emblem, while In France, the violet.
because or its purple hue, was worn by
imperialists an Informal token of
their loyalty lo the Bonaparte. When
the son of el-Em press
brought home to be buried alter
i In killed in Zulu campaign, his
body was almost covered In violets.
Then, again, are favorite
emblems. There are the lilies
of France, the thistle for Scotland,
shamrock fur Ireland, the leek for
Wales, and the maple leaf for Canada.
The United States baa no national
flower and probably never will, owing
to its wide range of climate, which
.-. a flower of
popularity almost
Relic Now In of
University of Pennsylvania Ha
Evoked Discussion.
The gold sword XVI
lo John Paul Jones in
in- he made with the lion
Richard the
has ii seated the I
mi . i,. Edward Dale,
on late Dale, a
m r in the
The sword been In
lie Halo family fr more
i ,
This la the sword Charles
Mart, n local historian, do-
be in
admiral . it bad be n n
accepted that the sword passed
by will Commodore Jones to Com-
Dale, a forbear of C,
Dale. Mr. Han denied this, He do
that the word was lo
ion John Paul when he d
in Puns, m and that Jane
of Dumfries, u sister
a, went to Paris and took pot
of everything left by the sea
lighter. Later was sent to
We slate t our
and patrons that ,
hate opened a i. n
the tin
Warehouse, on
Ave, where we
will aerie all kind fresh
meats barbers.,
CO. Phase
We have engaged an
bicycle repairer and
we beg to advise that we
are now prepared to do any
and all repair work.
It will be our aim to do all of this work
as reasonable as possible, and we are
certain that if you will give us a trial,
we will continue to hold your patron-
Come to see us
The Flanagan Co.
Buggies, Harness, Bicycles, Etc.,
Game That Will Keep Them
ed During the Long Evenings
of the Winter.
Now that the evening are drawing
In, the children will want some new
game lo play after flipper Is over.
They will all enjoy the
which is played as
Get a big pile of Illustrated journals,
an picture papers, and
give each child a blunt-pointed pair of
scissors, a large sheet of newspaper or
brown raper, and a pot of paste or a
packet of pins.
Then read or tell them some simple
little tale of everyday a fairy
but an ordinary, every-day tale
of boys and girls and father
And mother. As you go along, atop
from time to time, and let children
hunt through the Illustrated books for
pictures to suit the occasion.
Perhaps you will begin In this
upon a lime there was a little
girl called She was seven years
old and she had lot g. curly hair. Now,
look through your books and a
picture of
Then the children will spend five
happy minutes In finding cut-
ling her out, and fastening her at the
top of the blank sheet. As the tale
continues the sheet will become full
of portraits of the different
whom Susie met, the pet animals she
had, and so on.
It will hour or more to fill
a Sheet, and the children will be
happily occupied all time.
The Universal Car
ii Touring 550.00 Runabout 500.00
f, o. b. Detroit
Supply Co.
Phone Greenville, N. C.
Club Swinger's Collapse.
Tom the champion club
winger, just failed Saturday night at
court lo complete hours of
continuous club
lie began his at Tuesday
evening. Saturday morning ho do-
sloped sprain of the right ankle. He
was compelled to throw the weight of
his body on his left leg. and it was
the additional pain and fatigue
on this that led to his collapse
I Hiring the evening It was clear that
he was near limit of his powers
Of endurance. Two army doctors who
were in attendance decided to allow
him to fall asleep In the
course of nature, rather than risk a
mental shock by slopping him
Thus he was allowed to totter
along until he lurched against a
Ills wife him in her
and Harrows fell asleep, con-
In a deep slumber.
cheers of the crowd while In, was
carried to a and driven homo, j
Ho had his clubs for hours
Dally Newt.
Couple With Strange Experience Vow
That They Never Will Seek
Divorced from each other three
times, only to drift back Into
each other's company, finally remarry-
for the fourth time, Is the story
of the Indiana man and woman who
obtained a license to rowed. The
Is Hubert slate, thirty-nine years
old. of Vevay, Ind . and tho woman
is Mrs. Madge Slate, twenty-nine
years old, at present of this city.
you been married
was the question put to by the
license clerk this afternoon. Both ad-
they had been married
to each three times before.
Slate also admitted that be had been
married to two other women and
They said bad signed
an agreement never to seek another
guess there was a little much
haste on both sides but this time we
the wedding knot to
said Slate Cincinnati Dis-
patch lo the New York Sun.
Charles Hough, a young man of
youthful slight in build
compared with the woman, and gray
m to hair, the piano. n
how best to ac-
company tin- Ho knows
that volume a- required, what shading
is desirable, much of It, and
follows motion the linger to
detect nest requirement In tho
matter of piano support. He not only
knows but he
That Is why he Is such excellent
accompanist. He wore evening
Tho piano was in black, One
the low concert type of
with a outward on the top;
of which the singer reeled an arm i
Thing Never Paid For.
Anyone who does bis work well or
satisfaction out It. puts him-
self Into it Moreover be does things
that he cannot be given credit for,
finishes parts that no one else will
notice. Even a mediocre amateur mu-
knows that boat parts of
his playing, bis personal tributes lo
the genius of composer whom he
are heard by no one but him-
self and God of things as they
There might bitterness In
the thought in our work we get
paid or praised only for what is not
particularly ours while the work that
put our hearts Into Is not
or rewarded But In the
for spiritual existence we adapt
ourselves t,,
of our environment and ham
to look for recognition We
do not people to pay us for our
I,, at We look to the approval of
conscience, to the light of our ideal
iII n more clearly when our work is
good, or to the judgment of Hod Our
It differ more than our
essential point is that for
appreciation of our best work look
more and keen-sight-
ed than our C.
Cabot, in the Atlantic.
Tuesday, March
C H. Formerly District
Agent. S. A. L By. Chap-
Mrs. C II.
Via the Seaboard Air Line Hallway
All necessary expenses. In-
the cost of the trip.
Including stop at Jacksonville.
Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami. Day-
light ride over the magnificent ex-
tension of the System, the
doing to Key West,
mid Steamer to Havana. Many side-
trips included, both In Florida and
Optional side-trip lo Canal.
First class the beet hotels
everywhere, Pullman, Drawing-room
sleepers Dining Cars, and
and Stateroom on Steamer
For and full details.
Write the
Cruel Tale.
A dreadful story Is in circulation
about Harding Davis
Ur. Davis, as everybody knows. I
a wit. Ho was. therefore, terribly an-
the day to a
brother author had spoken unfavorably
of witticism Coming upon his
brother author he
boy, I bear that In a
where other people were kind enough
to me witty, you declared
that I was not o. Is
not a word of truth In the
other answered cheerfully. was
never In a house In my life where
anybody ,.,
For all occasions, Cam
Hone, Violets and the lean
era. Our art In wedding arrange
of the latest touch.
no, r in floral offerings to be
HP pot plants,
palm, fern Norfolk pine,
d other nice pot plants
Bose bushes, evergreens,
badge plants and tree,
Mall, telegraph and telephone
promptly executed by
J. i A
D. J. Jr.,
Norfolk Southern R. R.
or TUB
Effect January II, mi t
N. following schedule
published us ONLY
are not guaranteed.
Leave. . i., a i-.
n. m. dully,
Pullman sleeping car for Norfolk
a dally, for
beth City and Norfolk Droller
Parlor Car service
to Norfolk, Connects for
points north and west.
p. tn except Sunday, for
a. in dully for Wilson,
and Pullman sleeping car
service. Connects north,
and west.
a. m dally, except for
Wilson and Connect
for all points.
p in. dally for and
Intermediate stations.
For further Information and
aliens In sleeping rare, apply to J
U agent. N, C.
General Passenger Agent
One black and white calf at hit
house. Crop and slit in left ear and
fork and under bit the right.
Owner can get same by
Route , Box N. C
Moseley Bros.
-.-. . -4-
I take method l give notice
. buying that I
ave received ear loud of
lean wheat straw for
heap mattresses. When buying
ask fr one of L. S.
hand-made mattresses, the
The costume in Pandora are
harmonies in color and in line
that delight the eve help the
spirit interpret
Floating draperies and
in to the
ii-I made. South-1 u i n
., ., . in the dances. All .
in the lie-i mattress . . , .
,, . j, , ii- ,. r. c. Hie are
is -old by Finn- ,
Clint, When wan . ,
I of the
obi hair fell re , , ,
, i -ii i r I . spun-
I w ill it f, r
, ., . . t. i- iT-
to I, , ,
, i ii i dreams are
lure and mil have the . . . . ,
i. i r . Si Ur in a an,
work , ,.
, .- , v . v ,, water- in green and foam
N. . SI. .
i i . . , , ,, while n -ea
I . I . . . .
mi I, I no, in
I mill ,
T. I. Moore
Fire, Health and Accident
Opposite Proctor Hotel
mat- ,
can I. found R.
brown and n.
l i m ii m inn
in blended blues
and yellow. the i- in j
with ii i- dew
lie mount ii ins in given
I u re.
The Pates and are form-
N. March in flaming red veiled in
Horn In Mr. and Mrs. D. black.
Smith a daughter February The Graces in blended
Upon arriving Springs nineteen hundred and fourteen, similes emblems all
n. V.
Plumbing Heating Contractor
Moved New Store on Fourth Street
Estimates Cheerfully Given on all Work Large or Small
Repair Work a Specialty
Out of town work will receive our
Pitcher a lied Sos rookie Sam of Kinston
WEDNESDAY from Spokane, registered at the Arthur now. in blue and yellow with
. ,., . , Sox's hotel wedding hells will ring i cap. sandals and stuff,
;. ,; Iv th far from our town March the in the very
mi hi ii i. mi i i i ii i- , , .
I,, i . eleventh. of motion.
Mr. A. h. Demon went in i Rid. Alexander of held Tire
prompt attention
Residence Phone
I mi
el morning on business. j Appetite services n the Will Baptist
loll mis v., ,; . ,, at Arthur indeed seem creatures,
morning for Va. of Pad. bears the emblem of his
II. Forrest left morning soc is on n to her sister, Mrs.
for , The wigs mode a
Mr. Ronald Lamond I The weather in letting work re- maker of York
known as left this morn- on buildings going up. t Greenville on a visit Fri- The costumes furnish
which greatly enhance
tin- DIES OP Smith the of the play.
Mr. died this u.-ck end in
Mrs. Georgia left tin- morning his home
morning for Baltimore mi the farm of Mr. I. I. Smith MANNING PACES MURDER
York to spring and summer one mile from Mr
millinery for the of W. A. was with
for Rocky Mount.
Mr. Ii.
morning for Bethel.
Bowen. she was accompanied several days ago and
NEW N. J., March .-
large for their liberal put mini t
Edward L. Clark went to Ayden has been advertising the murder. Miss in her
today. famous liquid smoke and arc do- dying statement attempted to
Miss Betsey Greene, who for a splendid business on it, exonerate Manning,
to Serve.
We are in the Pony and will give
years has made her home several of our Greenville people lice claim to have obtained t OFFERED FOB
in LaGrange, has moved hack to have taken the time and expense lending to show that h. L, On all Cash made at OUr
Greenville. to go over there after a supply, was an and betook . oil stoic
Mr. F. Thomas, of but funny thing about it is Miss his NORFOLK, Va., March , II J J
has moved his family to Green- J. R. J. Move has to Newark before the murder war Through J. II. a and On accounts due US.
Ho comes to take a position handled this smoke for two committed. sale-man of Akron. the
with the Lumber and Mann- three years but failed to advertise
fact ii ring
Mr. R. R. Cotton went to Wash-
this morning.
it, therefore, few people knew I ONE CHILD BURN-
of such a thing, why not give
Reflector an add and let the
Messrs. Albion Dunn mid liar- pie know what have
Skinner returned this morning. It certainly pays to advertise
from Raleigh.
The friends of Policeman E. T.
to learn be U
able lo he out again after his iv
To Cure a Cold In One Day
visit the
Don't that the per-
at the Thea-
Friday night will be
auspices of the Ladies
Aid of the Christian church. Good
urge your friends
to patronize our store and
of Cold. II r'S With
money u fans to cure. . , i
K. each box.
Fresh Bread Every Day
We are supplying a majority of
the homes with Fresh Bread
and Cakes every day, why
not you
Our products better than ever
J. E. Williams
ED TO DEATH, ten old daughter of Dr.
ROCK MOUNT, Va. March from her home i
-The of II, and has not since been
near was A of . V,
lire early tins morning with its been offered to the person or j
contents. One of five persons who will give
was burned to death. Mrs. Booth will lead to the find-
mother, was also severely ,
children. She had rescued one
child and returned to the burn- OF AN
building for
she was overcome by the intense
heat. She fell back through an Pa. March
open window to safety. ,
are arriving in Philadelphia for
NOTICE. the convention of
My son, Luther Barrett, age the Brotherhood of Andrew and
has left home and refuses to Philip, organization for
return. All forbidden layman of the United
to hire him unless his wages an Slates Canada. The enliven
to me. lion session will begin tomorrow
ROSA BARRETT . continue over Fri
Many noted arc
to the gather-
Furniture Co.
shirt at A.
J. C. Lani
Baker and r
mm no- , i,,
in ;
Harry claims New
York Yankees put the been on
must accompany orders
want except
., ac-
count. The rate is Ii cent
B Checks
Banking Trust
New Gar-
den Seed
Flower Seed
Onion Sets
Maine Red
Irish Cobblers
Seed O its
Rape Seed
Dr. Hess Stock
Poultry Powder
when sold him to Los
Angeles. Th,. former New York line, six word, to the line. Tel-
Los Angeles has of No 74-
only fifty per cent of
what he receive
A 1.1.
are newest thins for hulas
dresses. We have In nil styles
and A. Bowen 3-86-1
hair work. braids dyed
over, made to look new.
Braids made from combings.
Work done by expert operators.
Address Miss Lizzie hair
dressing and manicuring parlor,
Wilson. N. C,
at w a.
Foil s mi-; RENT
Rents for a
Apply to J, Cherry.
King of Externals
Is tho Original in the
field external rem
for till forms of
inflammation such as
Nothing can
approach It
stands supreme.
I- ft HA
lot I
.; i on
i lb
our moat .
u twos .
All . Ms.
Ml mi l in
Kit k LOAD
Terrs pipe. and Inch.
r ks Phone
just received at w A
bowen I l
month J, to begin
orders l Cigar
muD, and
i i York, X
house lo white family,
phone or write, s. Everett.
nuns SILK hairpins, Mini ford's Quality Shop.
vi n COAT M us ii
Newest for
A to.
One I; and t hoar.
all this n a sons on ills-,
s m or doses OttO will break
any case of Chills Cold
TABLE ROAM it on the liver
era. Mrs. R. Green. better than and not
or sicken. Price

I. a. .
The Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Strong and Durable
For Fishing,
and Hard
Use under All
Give steady, bright light.
Easy to light. Easy to
clean and Don't
smoke. Don't blow out
in the wind. Don't leak.
At dealers everywhere
Miscellaneous deposits and lions
on real estate and securities sold
Accrual of on bonds
D. C.
Richmond, Va.
Norfolk. Va.
S. C.
Death claims
IS. Dividends
. . .,, Expenses of
on real estate and bonds sold
of premiums on bonds
Other disbursements
Receipts in excess of disbursements
. O.
9.011 Q
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In
writing of her experience with the woman s
tonic. She says re I I in to use
back and head would hurt bad, I
thought the pain would kill me.
to do any of my housework. Alter taking .
of I began to feel like a new w m i. Is
gained pounds, and n, I
as well as run a big water
wish ever- in w
The Woman's Tonic
a still use when feel a I He bad,
. id it ; does m
. backache, s ache,
fired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs
I. Signs that you need the woman s
I n c. You cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
I nil policies
Loans nil
lion stocks
Interest and due and accrued
in course of collection
ii t
Deposited to pay claims
Policy Reserves
Supplementary contract reserve
Other policy liabilities
Premiums, Interest rents paid in advance
Miscellaneous liabilities w
c, Taxes, License fees, etc., payable in
Dividends payable in LOU
for future deferred dividends
Contingency reserve
Manager For The Greenville District
. . con-
. ,
. ; . U
I s i Cores to
Z. V. Hooker, as ;
,.,.,. . ;. i ; a the
Get a Bottle Today
.- i Uri. .
d no m o
i . fine, r .
. i I. hi i d
I am
good store
,, . .
will, lay, tin
Ii, 1914, ex-
.-. to sale at court
, r In the
I bidder, tor cash, the
i . u or parcel
being in th county
Pitt and North Carolina and
. , . .
township, on the
the K.
Jam Edward;
i . . and
i Bram h; on the
tract land W. I. F. Corey
on the by the Amy
containing or
I, . i being the same tract land
on . Bald W.
M I.
, , , . mid club
. f tin S . V-
. ., .,, i lo agree
, i , i M-l-i H I i
II I .,
f the express
n over the prospects
f, ii year in their or
Tile circuit will re-,
ii. same last
By virtue a mortgage executed
t by the Independent Loving
executed on 23rd day
July, 1912. and registered in L-
page of the Pitt county reg-
forth certain terms
which have not been com
piled with, I herewith advertise
sale to the highest bidder at Hie
curt on Wednesday,
day of March, 1914, at noon, the fol-
lowing described
Situated in near id-
j, the lands Thomas Ci
The Old Trove's Tasteless Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because en the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the B J and tip
the Whole System. ; and Children,
You know what you taking When you take C chill
as the is on every showing . contains the
tonic properties QUININE and IRON. It as strongest bitter
tonic and is in Tasteless Form. II no equal Valaria, Chills and Fever
Weakness, debility and Ls appetite. C-v-s life and vigor to Nursing
Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging
Relieves nervous depression Sow spirits. Arouses the liver to action
purifies the blood. A True T. and Sure A Complete
No should be without it. your Druggist. We mean it.
I i TRACT. Situated in Dr. B. T. Cox, A. Cox and
.,,,, . others. For better description, rot-
I . lining t lands la given to deed bearing even
. and date of this Instrument giving
i . res, n re or less and for acres of
tract land d i Ping made A
W. I. and to Independent
p. Corey I n I ind I i the purchase
In land Independent living Union
page the said Loving Union
became Indebted to A O. Cox
TRACT Situated In Oil- of M
cod township, on con-
Make Your Own Paint
THIS row
at per gal.
And to mix with it
than f ; t for
Anybody can six th OIL with the PA ST.
y u t-y Is. of i ad; in
CANS, you pay
I. n W i
, and I
use .
paint made, lie t. t ALL i now . I
J. A J. U N. C
now. en. N f
n n r and
i the land granted by the state
North Carolina to S Corey
appears of record in Y-n.
page iv.;
Km TRACT Lying and
in Creek township, adjoin-
tho lands of Nashville Wilson
VT. D Bland, H H and
lie Bland, containing M
FIFTH TRACT. Lying and being
In Swift Creek township and on
both sides the road,
adjoining the lands it H. Oar-
Haywood Cox and others and
containing acres, more or
This will made for the
purpose of satisfying the terms of
said mortgage deed and the above
described land will be
for the same.
Terms Bale cash.
This the day of Pi
A. Mortgagee.
s. EVERETT, Attorney.
A clear complexion and
a torpid liver cannot go
hand in hand. Clear
the bile duct gently,
but firmly, with
At your druggist
coated or plain.
By virtue of tho power of Bale con-
In a certain mortgage deed
executed and delivered by E
to B. Brown on the 11th
day of February. 1911, and duly re-
corded the office of the
of Pitt county, North Car-
in book page tho
reigned will expose to sale
before the court door iii Green-
ville, to the highest bidder, on I
the nth day of March, 1914
o'clock, noon, a certain tract
or panel of land, lying and being
in the Town of County
Pitt, and State of North Carolina
and described as follows,
Beginning at Martha
runs west to mil street, thence
about feet south, thence parallel
with line to the railroad right
of way, tin north about feet lo
the beginning, being that portion or
the Nashville lot which the
house further description
.-. deed from S. J. Nobles to Ellen
B. recorded in book T-9, page
Terms of sale cash.
Thin February 12th, 1914.
W. n. BROWN, Mortgagee
Greenville, N. C.
By virtue of the power conferred
upon me by a decree of the superior
court of Pitt county made February
In a special proceeding
in which Joseph I Hobgood, ad-
Richard Carr is plain-
tin against Lydia stock.-, Gil-
Ada Lane Nobles, Albert Carr
C . John II Carr, Lena Fair-
cloth. Tyson and others
heirs law Richard Carr are de-
I on Wednesday, March
1814, In front of the court
door In Greenville sell for sash
the highest bidder the following de
scribed piece or parcel of land,
iii township, is
county the lands of Al-
Carr. Ron, the Frank-
land and others, containing
eighteen more or and being
the lands on which Richard Carr
ed at the time of his death. Said lot
or pared of land will sold subject
to tho Interest of Harriet Can
widow of Richard Carr and the sale
will take place about noon.
This Fob. 1914.
IX ltd
both as a and in subdivision
to suit purchasers.
This the 5th day of February.
Z. V. HOOKER. Mortgagee
To Prevent Poisoning
at once wonderful old reliable DR.
pain and at
U the Basil of all
i, basil of all good farming. Write I
bulletin by the authority in the United
on Lime on the Farm, and get price
of the Don't buy earth,
etc. A postal will give you reasons.
iii.-ill. M
mi Hunk
Seventh St., Washington, D. C.
eggs, beat layers of pure white
Shell eggs. per setting of
Mrs. E. C. King, Falkland. N. C
Several of the Greenville
yew arc in
supreme court.
Is Skin
Clear as a
i the I. H- the Most V
PI I .
a .
Only Removed From Burned
St. Louis Building
Woodmen of World
Launch Worship
Militant Damages
a Painting Valued at
It Win Si era Make
a Complete Explore the
Feared Will
Never be
March 10.- Ten I
bad been recovered late today iron
the ruins the Athletic club
building which was destroyed by hi-,
early Monday morning. Three
wore round today. The other Bet
were recovered yesterday.
Twenty bodies are thought to be ii
making the death toll
Hi the bodies recovered
have been Identified as
Marshall bachelor, head
Marshall Hi r and Company, fur deal-
era, St. Louis.
Lucius Ruff, department head
Simmons Hardware, company,
son of Hr. L. P. Ruff of Cape
Mo., lived with mother In
Dallas, Texas., doubt-
William J. treasurer
Construction company; engaged in
construction of East Side levee.
James B. single, member
contracting firm of Ware and
St. Louis.
John Chicago,
Ford Manufacturing company;
leaves wife and children in Chicago.
William F. lawyer and real es-
dealer. East St. Louis.
Edwin C. cashier
low Wire Company. St. Louis;
killed in jump form floor.
E. P. Williams, bank promoter, San-
Hays probably will elapse before
the ruins are explored
and it Is feared many of the bodies
never will he recovered. Fire Chief
today said the lire depart-
work was about finished and
others suggested that other city de-
remove the debris.
The vaults of the bank,
which occupied part of the
were found today. Nearly
in coin and currency
removed under heavy police guard
to the vaults of the St. Louis Union
Trust company to ho until a
place can be provided in the tempo-
quarters of the bank.
No satisfactory explanation of the
fire has been found. Explosions heard
during the fire were attributed by the
chief of tho fire prevention bureau to
gaB that escaped when the meters
molted under the intense heat.
Harry Davidson, night watchman
for the club, was on the third floor of
the building, where the lire was sup-
posed to have started only laminates
before the flames were discovered. He
said ho found nothing that indicated
An Important meeting of Magnolia LONDON, March militant
Camp NO. Woodmen the World suffragette inflicted severe damage to-
be held Wednesday evening day on the famous picture
March to discuss plans for the known as the which
thirty days membership campaign l lug In the National Gallery.
that just opened in Pitt county Square.
and all members of the local camp The picture purchased for
are urged to attend this meeting. In 1906 and presented to the
District Manager s. of Hon.
Raleigh, will be present with Deputy
. , A. O. Kill, who is In
charge the county district and
l. u. Crawford, who has just I
. the . re
. located In Portland, Oregon,
to take up organization work in
North Carolina. These men will con-
the pi-, sent campaign in Pitt
Manager K. B. Lewis of Kin-
X. in Greenville Tuesday
in conference with ins staff
ties and everything Is now ready for
what promises to the greatest cam
In tho history of Woodcraft
in this section.
The wonderful progress of the
Woodmen of the World the past year
is plainly shown in a statement just
Issued by Manager Lewis to all of
the Woodmen camps in North Caro-
new members were accept-
ed during the year of 1913 and there
are now 692.447 Woodmen In the
Jurisdiction alone not count-
those of the Pacific or Canadian
There was a net increase in the
United States of members
was paid to widows
and orphans during the year and
4.020 monuments erected to the
of deceased Woodmen.
In North Carolina during 1913 there
were new members accepted
and the state now has members
in good standing, a net Increase of
over The sum of
was paid out to beneficiaries in
North Carolina on account of the
death of sovereigns the death rate
being only 7.16 per thousand. Only
three states in the Union had a larger
numerical Increase of members than
North Carolina, one of these being
Prom the foregoing figures it is
readily seen that Woodcraft is stead-
growing in strength and fulfill-
in every way mission, tho pro-
of the American home.
Art experts have estimated
West Virginia
New Raring Circuit Formed.
BOSTON, Mass., March
completion here today of the
of tho Bay State Short ship Cir-
assures Massachusetts of a long
season of harness racing this year
The season will open June and
until the second week of
August. The circuit embraces
and Springfield.
County Teacher's
The last meeting for this year will
he held on Saturday at the graded
school building.
This means that each teacher
the county must be present.
important announcements will bi
Each teacher taking year read-
course must report on books
The departments will meet.
Programs which will make these
meetings the most interesting of the
year are being arranged.
H. H.
President of Association.
says he will re-
tire from the ring after he finishes
with Mike Gibbons.
To Produce Coke on Large
NEW YORK. March A busy and
prosperous year for the steel industry
was In the reports present-
ed today at the annual meeting of the
and Iron com-
in this city. In near future
the company plans to spend
in building a great battery of coke
ovens in connection with Its mills at
present market value at
The woman entered the gallery and
attacked tho picture with a sharp
making six or seven had cuts
across the canvass. She was arrested.
of the outrage was
tin. notorious militant
May Richardson, who has been sen-
to several terms of
the beginning of the mill-
She was arrested at Bristol on July
last year, for dropping a scroll of
paper on the knees of King George
las he driving through the city.
After she had served three
Imprisonment she was arrested again
in November for burning a house at
Hampton, but Immediately started a
hunger strike and was released a few
weeks later in a serious condition.
Many of tho public art collections
such as those at Hampton Court Pal-
ace and especially galleries where val
porcelain is on exhibition were
closed a year ago on account of
outrages and have not been open-
ed since. The National Gallery was
closed after today's outrage.
Tho magistrate committed Miss Rich
for trial and refused to grant
The keeper of the National Gallery
told tho magistrate that the selling
price of the picture had been
by the outrage by
The prisoner harangued the court,
the House Sec-
has turned tho criminal code
into a farce. This Is the tenth time I
have been brought before a
this year. He cannot
me and cannot compel me to serve a
sentence. He can only repeat th
farce of releasing
Miss Richardson after her arrest
tried to destroy the picture of
the most beautiful woman in
history as a protest against the
government for destroying Mrs. Km-
Pankhurst. who is the most
beautiful character in modern his-
Glasgow Police Hostile
GLASGOW, Scotland, March
Hands of determined militant
waited at railway stations In
Glasgow today in readiness to fight
for the rescue of Mrs,
The militant leader, however,
who was arrested last night, had bean
removed from the station house to a
suburban railway station early in the
Mrs. Pankhurst was carried from
the cell to a waiting on a
dashed off at high speed to a station
on the main line of tho railway where
she was carried on board the express
train for
Many of the policemen who assisted
in Mrs. Pankhurst's arrest last night
suffered severe scratches from the
barbed wire which had been
across the platform from which she
was speaking.
I. s. Marshall in Hospital and His
Condition Considered Car
Was Well Filled With
V. W. R. L
a ski of
county, is dead; A. Beavers,
a former United States deputy mar-
is In the w hos-
in a dying condition with a pis
wound in the abdomen; D. W.
lion- . B deputy sheriff, and brother
A, D, Beavers, shot through
the leg, and T. E. a now
was shot through tho thigh, In
i. pistol battle on a crowded Norfolk
and Western train about loci
this morning, between am
The tragedy is said to be the result
of a quarrel, started between the
and Taylor, according to official
reports of the conductor of the train
at Roanoke, the men having been
drinking when they left Welch an hour
prior to the shooting.
Taylor was shot and killed instant-
Shortly afterward A. D. Beavers
was probably mortally wounded.
Evans was arrested and lodged in
jail here.
All parties to the battle are
and well known as officials Is
the coal fields.
The car In which the shooting occur
was crowded with passengers but
the duelists shot true to their aim gen
rally, only one non-combatant being
Bob Evans, one of the party, was
arrested and lodged in jail here.
We Rank High In Many Respects
Mr. As per had
the pi. of apt last after-
noon and night In the busy, wide-a-
wake little town of Greenville, which
has made the most wonderful
in, ills and have grown the fast-
est during the past five years b
have elapsed since my last visit to
this town. Should the people
in the of progress
they are presently and with
the rapidly the past five years. In
course a years hence they will
surely p . b the r of a
notice iii is ,
kinds which have been add
. i to your and more
g. All of Which goes to
and prosper a town. Th I
. I give to
both re, and n
. at am i
and i
, her. to your ml t.
Scholars Must Be
Vaccinated Says
School Board
At a meeting last night, the Graded
School Hoard passed a resolution pro
that all children who have not
have been vaccinated smallpox by-
March 83rd shall be excluded from the
graded school. This means that
who have not heretofore been
successfully vaccinated must he
before the above date or be
required to remain away from school.
It was also that all
who have not been successfully
within live years vaccinated
again as a matter of precaution.
In case any parents are not able to
pay the regular vaccination fee, the
county physician. Dr. Skinner, will
free of charge.
All this Is done for the protection
of the community, It is hoped that
everybody will gladly do his part.
toy i a i t, I I
the I
James Show, which la a won-
and remarkable Floating
and a grand show, which
i said to be leading
kind. on my way to this Grand
Floating my attention was
called to notice actions of the
of Greenville in showing
for their home business
wherein they with
that I notice at other places.
On my return from Mr. Adams
show is good of its kind, and I under-
just near the county court house
known as the Palace I
know not the manager of the home
play house, but after making inquires
In regard to this. find that it is per-
one in your midst, and that
i is here to stay and serve you good
Now while I will admit Mr. Adams
show is good of its kind and I under-
stand the Palace is giving
one of the cleanest shows of Its kind
there is going. Now here is one thing I
I wish to call the attention of the
of Greenville to. That Is, least
per cent of all the money you
pie give lo Ibis little home show Is
not carried away from Greenville
but spent In your midst, While
on the other hand, the many dollars
you give to Mr. Show is taken
away, never to return to
again. In my estimation you should
very seriously consider things of this
kind and strive ever to support a bus-
which will stay in your town
s long as they are to
an honest living.
Now the writer is not partial to
either the Palace
Greenville, or Mr. Adams Floating
only looked at it from a
home business standpoint
X. V. Z.
Association Meets With
Baptist dwell
Matter h--k IN
,., Wart
With I
. v. I
ire ;
mo to Or .;
r n
i church.
Those b re
J, M-
in ;. , of
G i . n, R I.
Robersonville, J. W. N. I
E. Kirk
Tin first of confer, n
held Tuesday afternoon, when
several matter were discussed per-
to the work churches
I throughout the association and en-
along all lines,
Tuesday night Rev. R. A.
land, pastor of Scotland Neck church,
gave a most interesting on
The Caro of the taking n
several features of church work and
the duty of members in bringing their
church up to its real mission.
There was another conference
this morning with other interest-
In the early afternoon today a ban-
to the visitors and several lay-
men of the local church was served
in the of the church,
the of the Ladies Aid So-
At there were brier talks
both by ministers and laymen to
the best means of church am
Christs Kingdom.
Most of the visitors will It f r
their homes on the evening tn
Young Hugo Kelly is now fighting
under the name of Frank Hi
this Is his real name
If the promoters of tho proposed
Illinois State league are successful
new organization will probably take
over tho circuit of the Illinois-Mis-
In in Calgary.
CALGARY, Aha. March Sever
hundred delegate assembled here
today for the annual convention of
Rural Association
Alberta. The sessions will r
three and will be deviled to th.
consideration of a wide of
problems relating to the imprisonment
and welfare of the rural towns and
The building on Third street, next
door to the Reflector which re
sold to Mr. F. M. by
Mr J G. James and Dr. S. Hassel is
being moved to the corner of Washing-
ton and Second streets where it will
be Into a very desirable
dwelling. The lot on which it Is to
be placed is very low. and It Is Mr
Wooten's Intentions to place a brick
walling beneath the structure of about
nine feet which will he a sufficient
elevation to allow a basement.
On the lot from tho old
building was taken Mr. James
Dr. Hassel will erect a brick office
building and material is now being
placed lb-re for an completion
of the work.
.,; i N. C . Man Ii
Mrs. i Ell Crawl. died
last nigh --i
Mr. C C. Cobb and wile Norfolk
and Mrs. Kincaid Wilson is
sometime tit
Mr. J. II. Flanagan
section was in our town
The farmers generally around here
are re-sowing their tobacco beds.
Arthur is on a boom new
stores and the church paint-
ed makes the town look n mom
Mr. II. K. and Miss Car-
Bell Smith the play at
the K. C. T. T. S. Monday night.
Mr. Mills Smith is having his
school is preparing for
a commencement in April.
Has Smallpox.
Mr. J. L. Little, whose was
mentioned yesterday and was
thought to be threatened
has developed a case of small-
pox. His friends hope he will have
a mild attack of
friends Customer will
same old stand.
General Hayes, who has umpired
In the American association and Inter
national league for will
call as ho sees In the
Coast league this season.
Mr and Mrs.
ton are in town today.

Eastern reflector, 5 March 1914
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 05, 1914
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Joyner NC Microforms
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