Eastern reflector, 26 December 1913

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The firm of Porter Sallows
st Cutaway's Cross Roads will
their entire stock at cost for tin
next thirty days. The will dis-
solve by mutual agreement January
1st All hating accounts with us
will please come and make a
at once; all having claims
against us will please present their
by January 1st.
N. C
Osborn earnestly
In his report that every deal-
in tobacco be required to g-
the minimum penalty
hall not be Each
dealer hi leaf tobacco, he
required to make an
of stock on January i of i .
and render re I
transaction In leaf tobacco quarterly
or monthly inch as the
commissioner might require.
Mailed Week.
This week statements will be mail-
ed to every subscriber of The
tor who has not paid same in i.
tailing attention to the
system that will be
With tin BOW year and showing
how much will be due up to the
of January. Bach one earnestly
asked to respond to this
before January 1st with payment of
That is already due and as much In
advance as is desired. Do this prompt-
so as to have your name on the
lilt the first of the
new year. II the statement does not
correspond with the data alter your
or is Incorrect in any way, you
only have to call attention to it for i
correction to be made. Many sub- ,
have already expressed
the proposed cash-in-ad-
plan, and all will like it after
they try It Now help us out in this
remittance promptly or
call at the office and make payment
urn, Cm
lie casts, no manor of how long Handing.
.- by Wonderful. reliable
Antiseptic I- It
u . i
condensed st I
of the condition of
At the close
r 1913.
and Discounts .
Overdrafts .
Hanking house, furniture and fixture .
Cash and due from banks .
Capital stock.
Surplus and profits
. 2,215.08
. 33,938.78
. 857.25
, 67,891.39
T. G. Pres. W. G. STOKES,
J. W. BAILEY, Cashier.
Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home use. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and
Will last for years. Ask for
At dealers everywhere
D. C.
Richmond, Va.
Norfolk. Va.
Charlotte, N. C.
Charleston. W. Va.
Charleston. S. C
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in
writing of her experience with the woman's
tonic. She says began to use
my back and head would hurt so lad,
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
. of my housework. After taking three bottles
of I began to feel like a new woman. soon
. i Is, and n ., I do all my housework,
as run a water r L
I w every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman's
tonic. You cannot make a mistake In trying
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle
Christmas Hint
Here's a Useful Gift For
little that are
out of tiny are most attractive.
a little basket in any shop it costs
about cents -sniff ll -v it bran.
I lie top with any color silk, then
paint the basket with
paint or gild it with liquid gilding
which cornea for this purpose. He sure
to let this pain thoroughly.
Ken take tiny rosebud
trimming and drape it around the ban-
By virtue of the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage
and i Edward to
W. II. Brown, to secure the purchase
for the land hereinafter
on the day of December,
1904. and duly recorded in the
of the register of deeds n n-
If in book T-7, MS, Under-
signed expose to public Sale
tOre the court door in
to highest bidder, on Sat-
the 17th day of January, 1914,
II o'clock, noon, a certain tract or
parcel hunt lying and being la
county and state of North Cr-
and described as follows, to-
I wit Situate In Pitt County start
I lag an old pine on the
line Edwards home on
the north aide of Stantonsburg
road, due north to
,. pine. lb. weal yards, then
I yards to the than
with the said road yards to the
beginning, containing more
or and being known as part of
the Anderson to satisfy
of sale, Cash. This the
j of December,
W. BROWN, Mortgagee,
N. C,
die of the basket like a garland. Sew
another garland of rosebud trim
around the Inside of the basket,
when a few gill hairpins been
stuck In the pincushion you have the
cutest little gift to send to the girl with
golden hair.
Will Be Gifts Prized by th.
Dainty Woman.
Handkerchiefs an standard gifts for
Christmas. the nicest way to
present is In a fancy box or case
A folding case of woven ribbon in
white pale green Is illustrate.
here. It Is lined with plain satin,
between the Is a layer
Wadding sprinkled with sachet
A of roses from satin
ribbon ornaments the front of the case,
while ribbon ties attached to the
bold It securely together when the
handkerchiefs are placed inside, nib
straps may be attached to the In-
face of the handkerchief case
satin as handkerchief holders
A handkerchief case will lie lint,
that will in take up room, yet
perhaps . not only
chiefs, hut odds mid ends of
ties. etc. as well, that otherwise might
tumble and secrete themselves at
bottom of a trunk, as they
do, hi Hie particular moment
when tin v will b,
liked by the prospective traveler
The coal he handkerchief case Is
small, and when will he
durable and always look as It
can be washed as often as it
a desirable point in traveling
A very beautiful handkerchief
covered with linen The top in
boa was adorned with a bird and
a branch of H tree The
embroidered In stitch, but the
bird worked very evenly
mm abort b stitch is par
effective where used for
Of I
The further en
by it background
really i effect
The e the linen is dam
d with stitches th softest
i up
two . ll r I.
green N. C
Oat .
. I .
, yield to its
M a Al Untwists.
r fin. tad t k He.
JO H-.
Ml I'll K I. AM.
Carolina. Pitt county.
In the superior court, before
Moore clerk.
Man In by his Mrs
L, and Mail. Hue
by her friend S
virtue of a decree of the super-
court of Pitt county, made by
V Moore, clerk, on the 4th day of
December, 1911, in the above entitled
a will
en Monday, the day of January,
lull, at I- noon, expose to
public sale before the court
door In Greenville, to the highest bid-
for cash, or on easier terms if
the purchaser may It, the fol-
lowing described real property, to-
In Greenville township
Pitt county about two miles west from
the town of Greenville and situated
on both sides of the Sand Clay road
beginning a sweet gum, V. M.
corner in a small branch
and runs with his line north
east poles to a large sycamore
tree on the edge of Tar river, thence
down said river to a stake n corner
of lot No. in the L. C.
vision; thence with the line of Lot
south 37-45 west poles to
a stake centered by small trees In
Allen's line; thence with
said Allen's line north west
to the beginning containing SI
acres more or
Also that certain house lot in
town of Greenville being of
lot no ll in the plot of said town
beginning at point on Pitt street
feet and int her. from the corner
of Lots No and and running
with Third street feet; thence
a northerly course parallel with
street to Third street, thence an east-
course with Third street to
fifth street; thence u
with Pitt street to the begin-
a description of which proper-
may be found in D-7. page
in the register's office of Pitt
This sale will be made fur the
pose making partition among the
tenant's in common.
This the 4th day of
In ltd Commissioner
man or woman for traveling
teacher preferred. Salary, com
and railroad fare.
C. i are
International wedding took place In
today, the bride being
Prances daughter
Mr.- Parker and
bridegroom Captain Octave SKI
Mo i II Artillery Co p
. i th. Pi The man
v the home
the mother.
A Fighting
feel like a fighting
the expression of the man
With an active liver he
tackles his work with vim
he is successful -nine
out ten you will find he
which have been by a
million people with
result. At your
coated or plain.
We have received a nice line of
Shot Guns such as the Fox, Ithaca
and Remington, Marlin and
Savage Colts,
Mauser and Harrington on
We are for all H OB
of Gun Shells and
When in need of any ire Arms
munition. Call see us.
J. R. G.
J. R, J. G.
When You Paint
Use PURE Paint and
Use Pure LINSEED OIL to add
to it at one-half the cost of Paint.
. If
PAINT Is made with LEAD, and
OIL-that's the way M. SEMI-MIXED
But ALL the OIL needful to make the L. M. PAINT
ready use is NOT put into the Paint when it's
pared for the Consumer who buys it.
The ADDITIONAL quantity OIL is put into Paint
by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY.
gallons of OIL with every
gallons of L. If. PAINT
and MIX the OIL with the PAINT.
the Paint thus made costs more than per gallon
the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory
rt-furn veil haw gel ALL you
for n tie
Coward D. i
g aW
Kodak Supplies
Woolen Co.
If the Moat tar tar . . .-m
. ft, mini a December s,
Whiskey and Cards Cause
Shooting of Man at
ML Airy
MT. Dec. John-
son, a stonecutter, was shot this,
at. o'clock and Is expected
I to die, while Roberts, who
the Shooting, is a fugitive from justice
Aged Man Roasted Alive An All-State High School
While Spectators Were
HAW RIVER, Dec. life
and property worth about
Football learn Is
Mr. Henry Dies
After An Operation
For Appendicitis
N. C. Dec. 22-
him He had been lingering for was burned a
MT. dayS took farm house which he was employ I f, he
tint wake of the final game deciding
oil to guard.
homestead, was about three and
three teams arrived
lie shooting took place at one of the was taken last Wed-
. at th where morning about three o'clocK
of stamps and 1300 it,
burglary was earl uM
morning when the office was crown of
o'clock In the morning.
So far there Is absolutely no clue
as to who the marauders were, but it
of high in the
was the old ll of impossible to brought
therefore only men on th, others are coming in by every
The statements mailed last week
Reflector have
numerous responses, and
at the
m .
semi- many or the have
an payment with
picked by Coach that portion of circular
s to the shooting they have not been at Friday wife to take care of his Klutz attention to the cash-in-ad-
after the shooting tin
wounded man was carried to
is believed they are the same where a phys-
have been entering other North Car-
office the past few weeks. Tho
job was neatly done and the only
discovered were not of a
to lead to an Identity of the par-
It Is thought the came in
on the late train ti night, off
Man attended him. He was shot
the breast with a revolver
and the hall is thought to have
ed In his If that is the case
will probably die. At a late hour
this evening his body below tho waist
The wounded man Is a native
at some point near this place and y
waiting until a suitable time to com-
their act
The authority were no-. from
at various times In the past
years. Tho man who did the shoot-
titled Immediately and a special man
will lie here Monday to make an In-,
At frequent intervals have
been visiting North Carolina towns
In the past few months, first at Ker-
then at Charlotte. Gaston-
la and Terrell, and later at point-
in the eastern part of the state. It
Is believed they belong to a crowd of
exports who have made a practice of
for a lone time through-
out the- country.
Carolina, hut married in this city
After the Hag he disappeared and
not been
where an operation was performed on Mm. Mrs. Leo died about a MU adopted by
Saturday morning. Hie condition ago and since then he. husband, lo with the new year, and
continued to grow worse until N or years old, had lived at I Washington, guard; Hicks, only sent the amount already due.
morning about seven o'clock; the old place alone. . ,,,,. guard; Weathers, of This notice is to again
when he quietly passed away. night about o'clock neigh- ,
Mr. was about
age and had overcome a great
difficulties. He lived war Norfolk n, Raleigh, quarter and captain; I be sent next year only
until he was about sixteen years of names, and it was far too late to of h pay for It In advance. The
age. Then moved to where think of saving anything. There
y. anon Me; Jones, of them, as well as those who not
years of were attracted by a light in Washington j yet remitted, that under the cash-
eat sky. When they reached the . . John. system The Reflector
Norfolk place the house was M sent next year only to those who
mas week weather will be unsettled
over much of tho United States, the
weather bureau experts say, and
rains are predicted for
coast. Temperatures will be
near or below tho average
generally and the will be over-
cast almost entirely throughout the
disturbance now developing In
the tho weekly bulletin
tonight said, advance northeast-
ward, attended by rains and snows
across the great central valleys
about and the eastern states
Wednesday or Thursday.
Off the north
will cause general
and snows on the Pacific slope
next several days. It will
tin- middle west Thursday o
Friday and the eastern states near
the end the week and will be
, ado lb -i general cl to warn
and be followed col
i i weather,
i . rt are
, . cold a
Dec. ore-
of the Gettysburg peace memo-
rial to procure a suitable
location and the erection thereon of
a memorial on the Gettysburg battle
field to commemorate the reunion of
the Union and Confederate
there last July, was proposed In a
bill introduced today by
of Kentucky.
The bill directs that the
shall comprise the secretary of war;
John Nicholson, chairman of the
Gettysburg National Military Park
Commission, and Andrew Cowan, BU
Torrance. John C. Black and Thomas
S. Hopkins, representing the
and former secretary Of th I
navy Hilary A. Herbert, William
Hodges Mann, K. Law, and A.
J. West, the Confederate
veterans. The bill would provide
appropriation of for the
lie resided several yea,
a member of the city council.
A few years ago he moved here,
serving as a member of the board of
aldermen for some time. Mr. Ogles-
by was u very man and
had accumulated a nice little for-
tune. Ho Bold his property in Kin-
the first of tho year and has
since Invested a portion of It here.
He was a man that treated his men
that worked for him with tho up-
most kindness and was loved by
them all.
Ho was a member of the Methodist
Church, a Mason, an Odd ant
a member of the J, O. II. C. He was
in good standing in three orders, be-
Noble Grand In the odd i
Mr. leaves a wife, five
Children and other relatives
friends to mourn his death. The re-
mains were brought hero this morn-
and will be taken charge
the Masonic fraternity and laid to
rest In tho cemetery at this place at
three o'clock. Rev. Lane, the pas-
tor of the Methodist church, will con-
duct the burial services.
unverified rumor that some of
of Raleigh, halfback; can pay in advance for the year
on the ground s
aw Mr. at-, . . , i, a, h
The debate be
to get a window f
those outside tried to aid him the two literary was
smashing It In, but the
Gerrard Hall Wednesday evening. The
drove them back, and the
ate man disappeared, never to be the labor unions aTe In do-
and J. P.
tho closed
The origin of the fire is a Holder, of
B of Sparta, representing the
j Dialectic Society, upheld the
, ASSASSIN JAILED, j The tho Philanthropic
I Society were W. of Ba-
Ordered Held for P. H. of
The won the debate.
WILSON, Doc. 20- After Celia The short contest
was shot last night near Stan tons- the two literary came to
burg, warrant was sworn out and a close December A cash
the police arrested of was awarded to W. T. Polk,
tor while in bed. a short Washington, N. C. for writing th
from where the crime was story.
Deputy Sheriff O. A. Glover j the senior-class held Its
and a posse from Wilson was soon on smoker in the T, M. C. A. auditorium
the scene. In older that some light evening. Plane for com-
n be thrown on the identity of and junior week were
the perpetrator of the bloody j cussed. ,
Dr. s. H. Crocker was appointed on December is. the University
and an gone into, j basketball team defeated the quintet
Walter Jones, it was brought out, j of the Durham Y. at C. A. by
deceased had indicted him for i score of to The game
unions to
by Italian Officials
at Home.
lire at In Which Hone
and and Auto French-
11-1 i. p of Baal
i his barn, stables.
mobile, horse, ,
H O'clock. The
, I
Mr. led h Bind
all possible effort to c l
. but building, but tie
battleships no heal H so Intense he had give ii
looking forward to ; up. There was The
building was all new. Mr. Davis and
n d In yesterday,
far the I-
. YORK, Di The
thousand and men aboard t
lour United
m port are
marry The battle-hip
the Utah, and n
and the Wyoming.
has been dealt out to tie
and men the
and from this huge sum the men
liberal for th-
, Mir- menus will order
the Christmas dinner and aboard
the ships in meantime the Bl
jacket are enjoying liberal
leave. During the entire Ma I I
but absolutely will
be dispensed on
ROME, Dec. 21.- With befitting
ceremonies the brought i
here under guard from Florence
was to the
M. by the Italian of
at the ministry of foreign
fairs. minister
lie Instruction, M.
i the school i-i Rome, and
the dot nil the
of the p
by M I
Pi the
i . . I the I a
The ma Ll then
in a rt w Dr. Co
tor general fine i- i-1
r . handed the key t.
r of the French embassy, M.
i with the
she is; lake good
cruelly treating his wife, purchased a
gun and was heard to say he had got
it for the purpose of killing some
This was deemed probable cause
the Jury, which held him for th
crime. He Is now in the Wilson Jail.
Simms. one of the Witness-
es, who was talking with the deceased
Kt the time she was killed, was
Struck by three of the Shot from the
gun and her face was
played in Chapel Hill.
The fall term of the University
closed Friday, December The
spring terms opens January D. with
the mid-year examinations coming
two weeks later.
the paper will be stopped at the ex-
of the time paid for
the subscription is renewed.
Many of the papers In the state
have announced an increase in sub-
price for the new year, bat
The Reflector decided instead of in-
creasing the price to adopt the cash-
system, and by tatting
off the cost of making collections and
the losses on non-payments, in
position to keep
price at the same low figure former-
By this the
most benefit, and l
cheerfully co-operate with it-
if the i
t in. In all the notice I the
been l
the coming of the new year i p
will be sent only to those who pay
for it in advance. So om i
to look at his statement, or
date on his paper, in
the amount due to
the end of this year also a
j in advance.
If there is an error in any
sent out. or in the printed date
on the paper, it will be
if attention rs called to
Indiana Reeling.
INDIAN lie. . e, An
s teach Invaded In-
lay for the annual c i
Too Offensive Witt Hi- ink
Indignant lulled la
O. out Kill
t, ill
editor of th
Ceremonies en f
Aral time In Wilmington a Community
Christmas tree and public ceremonial
will be held Christmas i on th
n III the rt of I
made to
i It lit.
I in th- North but ha, n.
words . v ., ; .
i t and
Oregon, la
SALEM, or.-. Dec Members
the western division of the Oregon
Ti ii rain i
here In force today what
la b one of the largest and
profitable the annual meetings
by the organization. Dr. J II
of the Oregon State Normal
School, is the goner-
ii atom which continue three
Having Men
. .
t James of the
it a B SI i C
and Di
i net cf Chi
LORETTE, Manitoba. Dec,
Ml Rt
the article to refer to
wife. Hi asked Mr. II
lad her ill mind when be It
Sounder gave him an evasive
him out of the office, it
then that Mr, Robin on strut i-
several times In the face, bitting
Minn., was derailed near here
of moving picture and five coaches and a dinner ear
Northern train from M ., M that Mr.
Oregon gathered la this
city t Mia for two
the chief purpose of which Is to per-
state for the pro-
of their mutual Interests.
feature of convention be
turned Into a ditch. The wreckage
. audit tire, but the passengers
.-taped through broken window;
and bruised, and helped ex-
the A broken I
t the accident Three
banquet, to which West an I were destroyed, a relief train took
other notables have invited, like passengers to Winnipeg
did l- t . ham o to
the blows.
in Extra Session
The county beard commissioners
met in extra session today to r.
Mils award the contract for
building of the bridge at roes
t their I
i In lo
public will
here during i
I hi- is the R
D. C, Dec,
Li i was the longest
northern In ml the tin be-
tween -unset and sunrise being four-
t, ii hours fifty-four minutes.
a winter began In this
B SI k this an
the sun and earth that being
i point of separation.
Beginning the i ill be-

Dec. of the
list meetings in the history of the
State of North Car-
concluded its sessions here, ad-
one day ahead of
schedule. I
Since the last meeting three new
county unions have been
leaving only nine of the hundred i
counties in which county
are yet to lie formed.
The treasury is In better
condition than year ago and tin j
business enterprises of the union are
doing; business and are on
basis than before.
The main features of today's
were the of a number of
Important and election o
for the ensuing year The old
officers, with the exception of
committee, were re-elected a.
President. II. Q. Alexander; vie
J. D, Templeton; state let
J. Green; state secretary. E
C. Faires
The executive committee consist
c. C Wright, of B.
son. of Iredell, and H. II. Moore.
re-elected, and Clarence
Raleigh, and S. II. Hobos, of Sampson
elected for the first time.
It was decided to abandon the pol-
i y of having a midsummer meeting
and the next annual session therefore
will be in December.
Perhaps the most important action
taken in today's session was
endorsement of the proposition
to have a law allowing neighborhood-
where most of the land is owned l
one race to say by vote of the ma-
of the voters that In
future no land should be sold to n
person of the opposite race
the action is approved by a reviewing
judge or board of county
as being necessary to their
peace and safety.
The preamble
crowding of undesirable in;
white communities makes social con
intolerable for white women
and families, lowers land values
by the White people and often
drives while families to other sec- j
The resolution declares that the
immoral mixing of the races is the
greatest menace to the supremacy
the white race and demands drastic
legislation of this Then f
were many other important subject I
brought before and during
the meeting.
Me County Scene
Brutal Murder On
Doc. brutal
murder i report d to have been com-
at Red Springs, in Hoke
this morning. Mack Brown
the victim. A named
charged the crime. The facts
as obtained here are that Mr.
was paying off a number of
who were working for him when Du
gave him some impudence
whereupon Mr. Brown knocked th
The is said to
have left and finding two of his friends
went to a house nearby where Mr.
kept a supply of dynamite to
be used in lowing up stumps. Later
Mr. the building and
after some of the dynamite
turned to when the who
had cone, led himself In the nous.
knot i the breast, a shot gun
leaded with buck shot being used
Mr. died In thirty minutes
The two who were with
r t said to have been
ti tonight all efforts to cap-
I tailed.
Sheriff Lewis and other officers
doing all possible to effect his arrest
Governor this
instructed Lumber
military to bold Itself In
readiness to the In
cf Brown was a son of
Postmaster of lied Springs.
Latest styles that embody
the Ideas of best
In styles
In i ii i bedroom
and drawing room suites.
Sow Is the time to get the
new furniture In time for holiday find that holiday
prices do not prevail here.
Taft Vandyke
Will Discus Many Important Public
Two Beat Hurled at Southeast Wall
Of In
LONDON. Dec. attempt at-
to suffragettes, was made to-
night to blow up part of the south-
east wall of Holloway Jail.
were exploded. They are be-
They are believed to have,
been secreted In a garden
the jail. The part of the wall attack-
id was near the cells in
usually are confined.
Miss Rachael Peace, sentenced to IS
month's Imprisonment for arson.
the only suffragette in the jail, ll
i's alleged she has been subjected to
forcible feeding and at recent met-
objection was made to her treat-
coupled with threats of revenge
The explosion did not damage to
the jail, but damaged the surround-
high wall and broke windows in j
the neighborhood.
No arrests have been made, and
there are no clues to the
It Is said the house adjoin-1
the jail been occupied recent-
by Mrs. an ardent
and been utilized as the
for suffragettes to signal to the
inmates of the prison.
The Christmas vacation for the
Training School extends from
20th to January 6th. Students
for the entertainment of ale tor their on every
delegates to the annual convention. of that
the American Economic Greenville will go away
which is to meet In this city tie
The girl's dormitory will be closed
Mrs. has gone to Florida
holidays with her
Miss Comfort, of Greenville
Miss., and Miss Herman, of New
Kingston, a., will remain in the teach-
at the end of next week, are being
made at the University of Minnesota.
The meeting will be the first that
the association has held this far west.
Among the questions to be discussed
in the convention will be the con-
of public service corporations
the making of railroad rates, syn-
the economic effects of
gal trust dissolution and the theory
of rent in light of present con
in agriculture, in Baptist Minister and Mrs
conjunction with the convention of E. Burton Married Last
the American Economic Association j WILSON. Dec.
there be held the annual meet- is made of the marriage tonight
of the American Sociology Sc- of Elder P. D. Gold,
The joint gathering Is ex-1 of to M-f. E A Burton.
to attract a large attendance Gold Is a prominent Primitive Hap
of noted educators, economic and so-; minister, well known throughout
from all parts of Pie southern states. He Is over
the States and Canada. old. Last spring his wife
the celebration of
Norway employs women in fiftieth ding
its various Industries. W here
Warships Duty
Hie Mexican
among American warships in
waters were ordered today
gunboat Wheeling go
to New Orleans so her crew
may nave shore leave. The gunboat
Dolphin will move from Dominican
. to The cruiser New
Orleans has been ordered the
Sound yard to relieve the
Maryland at
The battleships Connecticut and
Kansas, detained at
Cuba, upon their return from the
Mediterranean cruise because of
smallpox on the Ohio, probably will
proceed to Vera Cruz a day
two to relieve the New Hampshire and
Louisiana will sail north.
Meanwhile the battleship Michigan
will remain on duty in the gulf until
by the Ohio, which has been
entered to Charleston, S. C, for
from Rear Admiral Fletch-
of the restoration
at came to the navy depart
Which gave out this statement;
idling the Tacoma at Tam-
p. Wednesday. Admiral
. i, tiller advises that quiet coin.
I. city. A northerner is blowing.
He reports that the German steamer
Bremen has sailed for Vera Cruz. The
Federals Ordered to Take Offensive.
Dec. dis-
patch of large quantities of rations
across the border from to-
day, following the receipt of urgent
messages from the war department
at Mexico City ordering General Sal
to take the
the rebels, gave rise to a
belief that the federal troops which
have been entrenched here since their
retreat from Chihuahua were
to attack the forces of General
Fire in
While County Commissioner E. B
of Carolina township, was
here today selling tobacco, he
ed a message that a building belong
to him in was burned
last night. One tide of the building
was occupied by W. S.
as a store, and Mr. L. L. Ross an.
family lived in adjoining rooms. All
contents of the building were
destroyed. The cause of the fire
not learned, nor whether the
pants had any Insurance. Mr.
ard had the building Insured for
Mexican and American Soldiers
Ball Cartridges and One
ran Is Killed.
Tex., Dec. ex-
change of between Mexican and
American soldiers on the American
side two miles west of to-
day resulted in the death of
a federal regular from
a-my of General Mercado.
The Mexicans fired the first shots.
who lived hours, ad-
being Shot that he
his companion had the
with a note and that when halt-
ed by American entries they fired.
As soon as the shooting became
known at States army head-
quarters, a warning was sent to the
federal commander that the incident
must not be repeated.
HERMOSILLO, Sonora, Mex., Dec
owners In territory under
the control of the Mexican
government may resume the
operation of their properties when-
ever they see fit. It was announced
today by Ignacio secretary
of industry in the cabinet of General
i that If men desiring to worn
located in the of Sonora
Chihuahua, and
would apply to the
department of colonization
and Industry, located here, they would
receive the necessary permits.
A minimum wage for
laborers Is a possibility in Eng-
Sixty-five thousand workers are cm-
ployed in the iron mines of the Unit-
ed States. .
The compensation
laws In erect in Michigan and
Island are elective.
Twenty-one women are employed
as railway brakemen and ten as bag-
the United States.
A law has come Into force in Italy
making Industrial Instruction com-
for children employed
Union carpenters propose to
a home for disabled and super-
members of their union.
A labor temple project Is being
agitated by the union; In Toledo.
About acres, SO cleared, well
timbered with pine, oak and gum,
one dwelling house with seven rooms,
one 4-room tenant house, barn, stables
one pack house two tobacco
barns. Land has clay foundation and
Is as good land as In Pitt county.
This tract is on creek road one mile
of Have also two
one wagon, barrels corn
about tobacco sticks. For par-
apply to
Greenville, N. p., Route
We are showing
the loveliest
advance styles
you ever saw
right now.
TAKE this chic
for instance. You
can have the blouse
and tunics in chiffon,
the under section of
the skirt in satin and the trimming of
swan's-down. We have the exact mate-
rials you want for this stunning frock.
is showing all the smartest,
newest advance styles. Call and get the
latest Fashion Sheet FREE.
W. A. Bowen's Store
Greenville's Authority on Wear
Phone Greenville, N. C.
Take No Chances
You plant your crop, Cultivate and harvest
it, at considerable cost of time and money.
Take no chances with the money you get
place it in this Strong Your money will they be absolutely safe and
at your disposal as you Deed it. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN PITT COUNTY
JAMES L. LITTLE, President.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
In Our Commercial Department
We offer you every facility available in good sound and modern
In Our Saving Department
We pay per cent Interest Compound Quarterly. Deposits
received in the turn of One Dollar and upward
Only Saving Bank In
is no better protection than a
Visit our place and let us explain our service to you personally
Located on Dickinson Ave. Near A. C. L. Depot.
Open Saturday nights from to P. M.
Greenville, N. C.
B. T. Cox, F. A. Edmundson Cashier.
R. R. Fleming, V-P.
People Willing to Employ Her, Youngster as to the Effects
but She Seems Somehow to of His Constant Diet of
Have Lost Interest.
Monastery Recently Established In
Switzerland Is Said to Create
a Precedent.
The female sociologist, as a com-
asset, is experiencing a bull
Is actually in demand as a
maid of all said the manager
of an employment agency.
have changed in that respect.
so very long ago the
of a social worker for a nice, in-
Job. where she could study
the habits of heartless employers and
Set points for a magazine article,
placed me metaphorically between
the devil and the deep sea. If I didn't
get her a situation, she wrote me up
as an oppressor of honest labor, and
If I did get her one. her employers,
when they found out what she was up
to. got after me and I lost their pa-
people want sociologists
servants now. Here Is a bunch of let-
from a dozen women, asking If I
have any settlement workers In need
of a Job. They claim that with all her
faults of snooping around and trying
to reform the universe, the
gist is the most thorough, the most
systematic, the most trustworthy
housemaid that can be found.
now that she Is
wanted, the sociologist has lost all
ambition to shine as a I have
telephoned to every settlement house
in town, but it appears that social
workers are primed with all the facts
they need for the present, for not one
can I find that will take a
New York Times.
Had No Objection.
Night was approaching and it was
raining hard. The traveler dismount-
ed from horse and rapped at the
door of the one farmhouse he had
struck in a five-mile stretch of
No one came to the door.
As he stood on the doorstep the
from the eaves trickled down his
collar. Ha rapped again. Still on an-
He could feel the stream of
water coursing down his back. An-
other spell of pounding and finally the
head of a lad of twelve was stuck out
of the second-story window.
it asked.
want to know if I can stay hero
over tho traveler answered
The redheaded lad watched the man
for a minute or two before answering.
kin fer all of he finally an-
and then closed tho window.
What Is dripping
Dripping, as everybody knows, la
the staple food of the young British
and his
heroes all fed on bread and dripping
till success smiled on them. George
Moore was once a The
poet, Alfred was said to resort
to dripping when his poems had bad
Yes, everybody knows that dripping
is supposed to be the Juices, the
essences, that fall from roasting
That is the supposition. But what
really is dripping that
the poor of England buy by the pound
and smear upon their bread lieu
of butter
The question, perhaps, will never be
answered, but a partial solution Is
given to it by the fact that a London
poorhouse recently bought at a ton
tons of dripping
Alfred Noyes used to tell a dripping
little ho would begin,
bitterly about the bread
and dripping that formed his daily
It'll kill he whined at last
know it'll kill
you What do
I've been feeling bad lately,
and now I know it's all this dripping
what's the cause of the trouble.
read it in a
pure food rubbish, I dare
say And what, precisely, did you
read in this book,
whined the urchin,
constant dripping wears away a
What is said to be the first Buddhist
monastery set up in Europe Is that
which not long ago was established
In the canton of in Switzer-
land, high above the village of No-
overlooking Lakes
and It is a curious
stance that the founder of Buddhism
in Switzerland should be not an
but a German. A native
he now bears the name
It appears that this devotee
ed, at an early age, to renounce the
vanities of the world, and that
the nine years of his seclusion in
Ceylon he absorbed In the
study of Buddhism. In time be at-
the rank of a or priest,
and received the name
which means man who possesses
the wisdom of the
This priest was assisted in the or-
the monastery in
by a German by
a priest from Burma, and by English
and Dutch converts. Thus five men
formed the first Buddhist brotherhood
in Europe. All wear the traditional
yellow robes of the Buddhist monks.
Upon learning that the community
would undertake no active
the Swiss authorities placed no ob-
in their way.
Nursery Porcelain.
Ungrateful, indeed, is the small
child who has not an appetite for its
meals, for nursery porcelain was
daintier. In addition to the well-
known Dutch and Normandy babies
disporting themselves in blue, bright
green or red garments upon a pure
white or a pale green are
the loveliest of mugs, cups, porridge
bowls and bread and butler plates in
fine china, hand painted with flowers
and animals. Then there are
sets bearing small Orientals
flowered kimonos and queer shoes,
and Chinese potteries showing what
manner of dishes the Chinese child
eats out of. Among sets
consisting of a milk bowl, a spoon
and a bread rack are son; I very love-
outfits finest china
banded and decorated with gold, and
strong contrast to these are sets in
white French ware almost wholly
with designs.
A little boy got out of bed wrong
one morning and was so hateful
day that his father finally found It
necessary to him.
A little while after tho ordeal was
over his mother found him out back
of the barn tenderly caressing and pet-
ting an old ram that was pastured
there. Her heart was touched by this
display, of kindheartedness on hie
part and she watched him tenderly
for some time. Then, walking over to
where he sat, she
make my little boy so good
to the old
He did not slop or look up but an-
stifling a
he Just butted
Spanish Illiteracy.
In thousands of villages and small
towns in the interior of Spain no one
knows how to read or write. There
are In rural villages with-
out schools of any kind, and many
thousands which can only be reached
by a bridle path, there being no high
roads railway communication of
any kind, says de Madrid.
Attendance at board schools is
not obligatory. Seventy-six
cent, cf the children In Spain are
illiterate, and this is especially notice-
in the capital.
Advice Given Those Who Only
Have to Leave the
Home Town.
Metropolitan blemishes and draw-
backs are not often emphasized by the
class of business men who are per-
haps the most Interested in bringing
strangers to hotel keepers.
However, a New York has
had the frank and friendly Inspiration
to prepare a card of for
to each of his guests.
An early suggestion has to do with
watches and money. Don't wear your
timepiece loose on a fob, and don't
believe that a hip pocket Is as secure
as a bank. Why carry a roll, anyway,
when the hotel office has a safe
Next, the affable stranger. Don't
let him persuade you that he Is an
old friend.
Next, life and limb. Don't believe
that you are as swift as an
bile. And don't tote a is bet-
Next, traps. Don't go too
into unknown places; the way
out Is not always so straight and
simple as tho way in.
Yet, on tho other hand, don't go to
the harassing extreme of cautiousness
and suspicion. The city Is not bad
Just because It Is big, nor is every one
you meet necessarily a con man.
Big cities, speaking
are alike. Though no local hotel man
has yet issued a bulletin of warning,
what will serve the denizen of
and In New York
will also advantage the visitor from
or in Chicago.
Chicago Post.
Has Learned Meaning of Line in
Water, and Has the Patience of
the Perfect Angler.
Cats are known to be fond of fish,
but it is not every cat that is willing
to out and cairn enough fresh fish
to furnish his own meal and supply
the family breakfast table with the
food. Such an animal exists In
Miami, Fla. however, and daily
watches a hand line which his owner
places in the water. When the cork
bobbles the cat dashes to the office of
an amusement company, and sets up
a loud mewing. Following the
footsteps to the place where the line
has been dropped, whoever is on duty
at the office hauls in the fish to the
tuneful purring of the proud and sat-
eat. Some months ago the cat
chanced to be on the dock when a
was pulled In. He learned that his
favorite food came from the water and
was caught on the end of a line.
Since that any line with one end
the water and one on the dock has
been a source of unfailing interest to
the cat. The cat's patience would put
tho renowned Izaak Walton to shame,
for he will spend hours sitting by a
line without stirring. Sometimes the
cat will sit by the side of a fisherman
and will tell his human companion by
bis mewing when a fish Is beginning
to nibble at the halt before the fisher-
man has suspected that tho bait is
being dallied with.
King's Grapevine.
The great vine at Hampton court
palace is a slip off one at Valentines,
near which was planted in
Owing to Its roots having
the bed of the river, which Is
only feet from the end of the
the Hampton court vine
grew with extraordinary rapidity. In
years after it was planted
Its main branch was feet long.
Now its branches cover a space of
square feet, but the principal
branch only stretches
length of the Had the
house been enlarged the vine would
probably cover four times as
space. As it Is. the vines at Cumber-
land lodge, house,
ton and park,
surpass while the one at
house, largest in
Great nearly twice as
great a superficial area.
Indignant Mother Had Gained Nothing
by Denunciation That She
Thought Effective.
Determination writ large upon her
angry countenance, the mother of the
child who had been bitten by an Irish
terrier belonging to a new neighbor
gave an authoritative
with the knocker of Mrs.
The door was opened by a
looking elderly and tho vials
of the mother's wrath burst forth.
Green, I she
sneered. by name green
by I should call you, to keep
a like that there
Irish of
the whole neighborhood I'll have the
law on you I'll make you pay
hear I'll you for damages and
that dog shot by act of
Then as she paused for a moment
for breath the old took a slate
and pencil and said, a mildly
sorry, mum; but would you
mind it all down I'm stone
Swiss Youth May Be Said to Have
Revolutionized Methods of the
European Hostelries.
Like many another mighty enter-
prise the hotels a
modest beginning, and the whole Idea
had its origination in the brain of a
Swiss farmer boy, Cesar whoso
father tilled a small holding. The son,
however, had larger ideas. Taking up
hotel work at the beginning In a very
minor capacity, he developed a most
wonderful sense of color, form and
taste in every respect, and he brought
the art of hotel keeping in Europe to a
higher pitch than it bad ever been be-
fore. Indeed he revolutionized hotel
keeping in England and France, and
that revolution has gradually shown
Influence all over the world.
first enterprise was the hotel In
Paris, which he started about
The second venture was the Carlton
hotel of London, and the next was
the Hit of London. In each of the
many hotels already built, build-
or planned for there is a
ate local company which has furnish-
ed the bulk or the whole of the money,
while the central organization, the
Carlton Investing company, in all
cases holds the common stock and a
controlling Interest In this way all
the local companies are made to work
unitedly and in the interest of all.
Children's Valuable Find.
A children playing In a
plantation at near
ton, turned up a sod and uncovered
what they thought was a valueless
medal. found others In the
same way, and played at keeping shop
with them. The coins were
pieces of the early part of Queen
Victoria's latest was dated
the report getting about
people hurried flocked to the
In search for more. A party of
colliers even deprived children of
their's with the tale that they were
going to give them to the police. Al-
together, It is thought, about fifty
were collected, but tho police, who
when they heard of It went round the
district collecting the coins, only re-
gained about thirty of them. The ex-
given Is that In the early
sixties of last century a man-
was robbed on the highway
not far from the toll-bar which used
to exist hereabouts. But as, accord-
to local history, the highwayman
got clear away and was never traced,
It is difficult to imagine why he should
have troubled to bury the money.
Poor Charities.
There are charity societies, as all
the world that only give to the
poor a a half-cent of every
dollar they take In, most of their sub-
going for salaries to officers
and Investigators, for expensive rent-
Richard March, the charity expert
of Denver, was condemning these char-
man's wife shouted up to him
the other
you think this blue overcoat
with the strapped-in back is too new
and fashionable, George, to give
the agent of the Alpha
Charities that's at the door,
let the coat said George.
be old enough and old-fashioned
enough before it gets to the poor dub
shivering for it
Indian Matrimony, Old and New.
The matrimonial advertisements ac-
by the Indian papers occasion-
ally bring out the contrast between
the old order of things and the new.
Here, for example, is an invitation
from a paper In the
the a suitable match
for a hoy of thirteen of a high-
respectable family. The girl must
be between seven and eight years of
age, and should be well
By the side of this may be put an ex-
ample of the other kind, an advertise-
inserted in the same paper
Ham Ray of I
good friend, an educated, young,
possessing robust health, wealth and
Independent livelihood, aged thirty,
two. bachelor, wants to marry a girl
with education, civilization
sound no distinction be-
Love-Making Over the
Letter writing
has degenerated into a despised
to be made use of when one is
without tho geographical
or the telephone, local or
long distance. A fluttering
traveling over hundreds of miles of
wire now produces more ecstasy in tho
manly breast than did tho
scented note, written on pink
paper and filled with pressed forget-
And the maidenly heart, too, Is
stirred more quickly by tho thought
that somebody cared about her
to spend on a telephone call from
the ends of the world than it is by the
sight of a pile of letters two inches
There Is no use bewailing this sad
state of affairs. Doubtless Cupid can
balance on a wire us well be can
hide in a scented envelope.
Wonderful Piece of Anatomy Is the
of Man's Descent
From Vegetarians.
The tongue Is really a group of
muscles, some running from root to
tip. others Any one of
these muscles can be used
or combination with the others, so
that we can move the whole In
any or shorten
hollow or arch It.
The tongue is by the
mucous made by the mucous
that lines the mouth and by
saliva from the salivary glands. The
mucous of the mouth is controlled by
the nervous system and can be great-
disturbed by worry or fear. That
is why when we are very much
or suddenly frightened our
mouths become so dry we can hardly
The surface of the Is close-
covered with little points. In each
one of these points Is the end of a
nerve of taste that runs from the
brain to tho tongue. These little
points are called taste bulbs, and
they are most abundant on the sides
and the tip of the tongue. They are
fewer on the bark of the tongue, be-
cause that part of It Is used mainly
to roll food and throw it into the
The human tongue is
smooth, showing we are de-
from creatures that were
vegetarian. A tiger's Is so
rough It will draw blood If you allow
him to lick your hand. The tongues
of all carnivorous animals are armed
with a number of small, sharp
that curve
Hoods of the Colleges.
you have taken a degree
at you are entitled to
wear a red
The speaker was Ethelbert Red, the
Duluth psychologist. He
a red hood myself. take
a natural Interest In hood stories.
There is one about a man who com-
plained to his bishop that So-and-So,
though not of Oxford, was wearing a
master's hood.
I call It, said tho com-
bitterly, a lie on his
don't use so strong a word
said the bishop. call it a
We have just received a nice line of
Shot Guns such as the Far Fox, Ithaca
and Remington, Marlin and
Savage Rifles. Colts,
Mauser and Harrington
We are headquarters for all kinds
of Shells and Cartridges.
in need of any V ire Arms or Am-
munition. Call to see us.
J. R. J. G. Move
Serviceable, Safe.
THE most reliable lantern for
farm use is the It is
made of the best materials, so that
it is strong and durable without
being heavy and awkward.
It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy
to light and It won't blow
out, won't leak, and won't smoke.
It is an expert-made lantern. Made
in various styles and sizes. There is a
for every requirement.
At Dealers Everywhere
Washington. D. C
Richmond, Va.
Norfolk. Va.
Charlotte. N. C.
Charleston. W. Va.
Charleston, S. C.
Many Will Understand Big
Failure to Detect Humor In
With Car Window.
Tho big man with the fiery look on
his face bad been struggling with the
car window for twenty minutes. Sud-
It came down on him and held
him a prisoner. With much fuming
and wriggling he finally released him-
that blasted
he thundered, almost exploding with
rage. feel like I could chaw It up
In bits.
forest, where It has been
decided not to tolerate Sunday golf. Is
now but a shadow of Its former self.
For was the part of the great
forest of Essex, south and east of the
river and that forest once
from to
and sea. King John cleared a
large part of It, but remained
a considerable forest until 1861, when
over of Its trees were felled,
the land drained and what was once
wild and made generally
of the condition of
At the close of business
Loan and Discounts .
Overdrafts. 5.78
Hanking furniture and fixtures . 2,245.08
Cash and due from banks .
Total . ITS
Capital stock. 500.00
Surplus and profits.
Total .
j, W. BAILEY, Cashier.
The Old Standard Grove's chill Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up
the Whole System. For Grown People and Children.
You know what you taking when you lake Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic
as the formula is printed on every label showing that it contains well known
tonic of Qt and ll is as strong as the strongest bitter
tonic and is in Tasteless Porn, ll has no equal for Chills Feyer.
Weakness, general debility Gives life and vigor to Nursing
Mothers Tale, Sickly Children. Remove Biliousness without purging.
Relieves nervous depression a-id Amuses the liver to action and
purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete
No family should be without it. your Druggist.

. .
U J.
Senator Root says lie has no pres-
THE CAROLINA Acting bare
in the throes of business and Indus- to the fine of Imposed you glad.
M l Demo by court martial on Private
i As Hi. ton of the Oxford military company.
calamity howler in th- North Carolina national guard, for bee III his bonnet, and would
r presented Senator Hoot. Com- refusal to attend the last annual en- not accept the nomination if tendered
Speaker Cannon, Chairman Hill, s ,.,,., at Morehead City, despite him.
Of the Republican national commit- fact he had no
toe. former Governor Hadley of Hit- according to the
and Representative Mann, an
Kinston has granted a Philadelphia At the same time there is a
concern permission to build and op-, stubborn line of Democratic
coming from those who are
against the government ownership of
public utilities, especially railroad
rate a gas plant for years.
Bone Of the refugees from
year, fl
mo. . . ,
may be had upon
application at the business in
Tea Reflector Building, corner Evan
and streets
All cards and resolutions
respect will be charged
sent per word.
Communications advertising
will be charged for at three
cents per line, up to fifty lines.
as second class matter
August 1910. at the post office
North Carolina,
act of March S. 1879.
reg- Geo. Perkins, late
A fine of imposed o i campaign manager, says the
vigorously defending the new W. j. of City can party is damned whether it holds
law, Mr. Clark declared that if there for conduct prejudicial to order a convention next year or not
had been any hold up in business it discipline, was sustained by the act- o
was simply because prudence was be- governor. Anna ,
exercised. He said the wish was
father of the thought with the
ion magazine, you ever see girls
long ago I went in a store and dance In satin We confess
publican leaders and suggested that saw a great, big. tine-looking girl, Anna, we never did
it was strange no one else had seen about nineteen. She certain-
had the size of a grown-up. She
I was looking through a stock of dolls The high of the
and asked what one of these big my are down on their knees
Perhaps the most Important action wag worth The , to for
taken In the recent session of the she wanted it for her little sister, their conduct and language at a re-
State was the She looked over It and laughed
signs t f prices.
President Wilson will take
vacation for
Lour; Daniels, long a
friend of Senator is to be
at New Ben.
A policeman in Norfolk arrested a
endorsement of the then she I wants
. , , i i fur myself I never had
to have a law allowing neigh- , .
And I have about
cent banquet.
The school master has come to
where most of the land is that ,,. , town, and brought his with
Owned by one race to say by vote for the same reason, either the one him, as evidenced by the way he call-
of down the of the army
. i j i , Attorney General in
era that in future no land should be . , . and
News and Observer.
sold to a person of the opposite
the s approved by
co. reputed to be millionaires, were or who have not made up their minds
without money when they stepped j on matter and fear that the
from the train, says a news item. I adoption of the policy in Alaska will
be the entering-wedge for the
of the same policy all over the
They must have been newspaper ed-
A London telegram announces that
another comet Is about to disappear
Oh, horrors Here It
and the same time.
Please have one or the other post-
New York was shocked recently by
the which, should It be-
come general, would undoubtedly re
suit In a general towards the
city of easy divorces. Please don't
bring down this way.
To hear Col, Thorn, gen-
of the Southern railroad, plead
before tho interstate commerce
commission to allow the railroads ti
put in practice the rates agreed on
Hilly Sunday, the noted evangelist, by them and the state legislature on
reviewing judge or of county not a foolish question. A Jenkins has Just closed a great meeting at interstate freight, and to hear him
commissioners being necessary to county canning club girl picked tea Johnstown, Pa It lasted six week-- say they were just, and that North
cripple and a goat and their peace and safety. The 525.000 Carolina had been treated badly In to look
i or the other never had
-Attorney General in
News and Observer.
What Is a worm worth That Is
It will not be a matter of surprise,
says the Beaufort News, If the Penn-
Railway Company buys the
Norfolk Southern. We are convinced
to our own satisfaction at least that
the Pennsylvania is going to reach
deep water on South Atlantic
Coast at Cape Lookout We will not
be surprised if the Pennsylvania buys
the Norfolk Southern and then ex-
tends the Durham and Southern from
Dunn to Beaufort by way of Havelock,
using one bridge over th water from
this point to Hanks.
Ever Article of Merit That i- Sold
Often Mean
Poor i.
There is very little excuse for
person to claim he has been
on a purchase. Fifty years ago the
them to the lockup, We are not
told whether the goat fainted or not
Cecil Rhodes once
a man be a Buddhist, let him be ;
Mohammedan, let him be a Christian,
or what he likes, hut if he does not
believe in a Supreme Being he is no
is no better than a
Word was received from
that some time between
day night and o'clock Thursday
morning unknown parties bad
en into the Atlantic Coast Line
at that point and stolen a
quantity of whiskey that was being
held there for delivery and transfer.
the crowding of than pay persons. Eleven thousand were
in white for all the fertilizer she used in he.-
ties makes social conditions tomato patch. What a lesson or o---------
able white women and families, there is in that girl's genius Slier City, Chatham county, for two
the matter of freight rates In the
past, and that even with these rates
he would not be getting rates com-
with what she deserves
lower laud values owned by white to see and take advantage of the value j or as good as Virginia,
people and often drives white
lies to oilier The
declares that the immoral mix-
of the races is the greatest
. to the supremacy of the write
race and demands drastic legislation
this subject.
All screens are to be removed be-
fore doors and windows in pool
rooms in Durham. Better put the
whole thing out.
of little things Most persons would
have killed the worms and thrown and not
Hum away. It takes genius to either, for the one ending do such things.
how very valuable little things November the number was
are and to see News. Some rabbits that.
Senator by turning down
must have
an invitation to attend the Gridiron
dinner did what no other man in
Washington win was able to walk
probably has ever done before. Sen-
Simmons said the senate was in
The conduct of Mr. Hobson simply
bears out our previously formed
opinion of Herald.
Here, too, brother
A press dispatch from Washington,
dated the
all off. That is, there is not
going to be any senatorial fight in
North Carolina between former Gov-
Robert B. Glenn and Senator
Lee S. Overman. The two arc now
good friends and, judging from the
way the two were laughing and chat-
The New York World says
practically solid Republican
Senator Root declares that r vote in senate and house in favor
ran he a the reforms urged by President
to the presidency, It would do more to restore
to us the phrase is familiar. Did we party lo public favor than a dozen
dream, or was it a fact, a great-1 special conventions or hundreds of re-
el- than Root nine gave the co
a similar pledge, iterated and
it. and then viola.
it Virginian Pilot.
We do mil know business
it la to look after the cleanliness and
comfort of the Norfolk Southern de-
pot, but we do know- that passengers
who have to lake the midnight and
early morning trains have to wait In
the cold in a depot that is too dirty
to sit down In without any comfort
whatever. It is somebody's duty,
ought to be. and we hope it will be
looked after by the proper
solves that belie history
Joe Cannon says that the
Democratic program is hurting bus-
He ought to know for it put
him out of business a little over n
year ago.
seems to have
made Senator Root so mad that.
Representative Glass says he did not
know- what he was talking about is
his recent speech on the currency
Tho article in the News and Ob-
session and that it was his duly to server on the of the ting dined at the
be on the floor while business was be- Liquor from the pen of Judge Raleigh tonight, the former governor
transacted. It is considered a Carter, of Asheville, ought now thinks Overman will make a good
high honor to receive an invitation, Published In tract form and Senator for another six years,
and men in public and business life -very slate, county, city and
travel thousands of miles to attend, town official and to every prominent , f for
o minister, chamber of commerce, and reached Washington.
betterment association In the state that the president ha
for it certainly has the right ring, j that the president had definitely de-
I tided to give Glenn a Job on the
I national Boundary Commission.
Accused of violating the Mann
act in the west, Carl
C. Christensen, a petty officer in the
United States navy, was arrested on
the St. Helena station. Norfolk, Sat-
at the request of federal
c i is who will come for him. Chris
tenses is charged with transporting
Edith Allen, years old.
we could get a greater supply
e according to report. Glenn will sup-
of labor in Pitt county, and could port Overman for the senate.
have enough farmers to work the The president Intends to fire for-
land in our county, I believe that we mer Senator Turner Washington
could get our people to pull together
. state, and nominate the man who
is unusual to find a merchant who
will not return the money for any
article that has proved
An excellent example of this kind
cf fair dealing is shown by the clean-
cut guarantee that Greenville Drug
Company give on Liver
These people tell us that any per
son who pays for a bottle of
Hudson's Liver does not
find it a gentle and most pleasant
liver tonic, harmless, but a sure re-
of constipation and a perfect
substitute for can get
money back Just as quick as they
can get it out of the money drawer.
Liver Tone has practical-
taken the place of It Is
absolutely harmless, sure in Its ac-
and causes no restriction of
habit or diet. No wonder the drug
people are glad to guarantee it
while other remedies that imitate the
claims of ., Liver Tone
not guaranteed at all.
i played baseball with him when they
ton to Chicago for immoral purposes
and was indicted by a United States
court grand jury In the latter city
your sins will you
and make the biggest tobacco mar-. , . ,
ii Ho.- I used a paddle us a bat and an air-
in the or at least stand of
During the hearing on the freight
rates by tho
commission at Greensboro this week,
tho Seaboard Air Line Railroad,
through Us General Counsel L. R.
Watts, joined the Southern Railway
in urging the commission to grant
the reduced rates. General Counsel
statement recited on ac-
count of the low freight
rates enjoyed by Virginia cities, the
new rates proposed for North Caro-
are necessary to relieve the
of the state from the
unjust discrimination which has so
long prevailed in favor of Virginia
i to the lasting injury of their
North Carolina competitors.
Secretary Bryan and Chevalier Van
Netherlands minister
the signed a treaty providing
that Question between the United
and the Netherlands, which
cannot be settled by diplomacy shall
be for Investigation to an
international commission of five
members. Tho period of
is fixed at one year, although
may he shortened. This h the
treaty between the States
and a European nation, based
Bryan's peace plan. Sim-
treaties have been negotiated with
Central American nations
Fifteen years ago the United States
and Spain were engaged in mortal
combat with each other, and now
Spain is asking us to care for its
subjects and look after Its
in Mexico. Verily, the warM do
right up next to said
Mr. R. L. Little, secretory of Pitt
County Farmers Union and manage,
of its warehouse.
Our troubles In Mexico, though they
may end without the necessity of
Some of the Tar Heel politicians
are urging General Jule Carr as a
candidate for governor of North
Carolina. We advise General Carr to military intervention, are having the
remember his former experience and effect of stimulating very remark-
lock his legs in a steel vault if he ably the interest of congress In meas-
doesn't wish to get them pulled until to Increase extent and efficiency
they are so long he will have to of our war-making equipment,
stop when he crosses the street i o---------
December 29th and
meetings of the North Carolina
Association and the
order to miss the trolley
Houston Post.
President Wilson, it is must
seep a milder climate, and we beg
to suggest the best, mildest, most I
At s committee meeting of the board climate In all the land, and
job pays per year and is com-
called the for lame
The biggest thing to the
place is the salary.
Bo prepared for a struggle in con-
over the Democratic bill to
construct a government railroad
Alaska. President his last
personal address to the lawmakers
warmly commended the proposition
on which the territories committee of
the house Representative
Watson of has made a fa-
report, and sentiment is very
A Berlin dispatch
The largo majority by which the
resolution passed the
American House of Representatives
has attracted interest and favorable
eminent from peace lovers In Ger-
many are concerned, and
Slates on the proposal that
naval construction be
tinned for one year Is regarded as
of possible far-reaching influence.
The question Just now la at n stand-
still, so far as Great Britain and Ger-
many are concerned, and
initiative at this juncture would have
advantages in the opinion
certain German naval officers.
like the proposals to this end
forward by Great Britain, the
from a neutral nation to dis-
continue building battleships for
twelve months would be open to no
suspicion of hostile intent. Addressed
to all It would avoid one of
tho main objections to the British
plan, which is that neither Great
and Germany nor any other two
nations can afford to stop building
Carolina Chapter of the American of trustees of tho Jackson the best of good things to eat, such
Institute of Architects, will be held
In Durham.
Miss Margaret Wilson, the
dent's daughter, has this to say
Christmas and
others Interested in useful
either as Individuals or in
should find some one person and
give him or her a happy Christmas
speaker Clark left his chair in the
House on the 18th to challenge the
patriotism of Re-
publicans. Minority Leader Mann had
we said the patriot
citizen, a government that will
School of Concord plans were mad, as backbones, oysters,
for n campaign to raise possum and such, he could
ere cf listings at this not do better than to try Greenville
school, At present I school at this season of the Come
collages In which arc housed on, Mr. President, and although
boys sent there from many houses are scarce, we'll
sections of the state There is around and make room for you,
wan . list of ---------o
this school by the courts of the state. I A Berlin dispatch says that the
It II in to provide for the which has now been sit-
demands on the school that ,. for a two
the building la needed. or work on but
I the international situation is
Senator Kenyon's proposal that the , ., . , , . .
such that our legislators may de-
every man an absolute equal government buy the railroads would , . .
. . vote their entire energies to the so
show, can't be re- he more attractive If Colonel . , .
. . of tho Important social prob-
plied Three Finger anyway, or some other competent engineer , .
, , . . I The most serious is
not here in Crimson Gulch. There s were certain to be employed to drain
if other countries continue
strong for it at both ends of the cap-
Imitators Take the Dust of
no sense In expecting everybody to off the
have four aces when a Jack pot
Good-by to the The
The Raleigh Chamber of Commerce
born Now Yorker may have his after several years of struggle and
but the boy or man who has heavy debt, finds itself completely out
eight or ten sweat-begrimed or I of debt and with over In
stall-littered at a. m. be- bank, the finest report In the history provided the constitution of the United
fore he partook of his morning's the chamber, which now enjoys the states will permit of the president
ghat lo do with the army of
unemployed. Send them over here
where labor is scarce and work
There is some talk of an exchange
of visits between President Wilson
and President of France,
of ham-and with coffee, can
appreciate this statement. The
cleaner is doing this
work now, according to the Edison
distinction of having a woman for sec-
This is said lo be the only
chamber of commerce in the country
a woman secretary la Mine
Bessie Hill Hackney.
leaving its boundaries.
For Weakness add Less of Appetite
The Old Standard general Ionic.
Malaria and up the A
sure Pm
For Colds, Croup and Pneumonia. Just rub it on.
Thousands of testimonials from those who have used it. Money
back if not as represented.
have used Preparation in a number of cases and have been agreeably
by results. It has always come up to expectations of it.
W. H. M. D.,
Petersburg, Va.
Have given Preparation a thorough test and can Bay it is the best
preparation on the market fir the relief of Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Croup,
cold in the head and P. SMITH, M. D., Augusta, Ga.
All Druggists sell sizes, and
Concord. N. C.
Hi Carolina, Pitt county.
. superior court, before D. t
Moore clerk.
C. S. Clifton Rountree
Marvin by his guardian Mrs
L. Tripp, and Madeline
by her friend C. S. Rountree.
By virtue of a decree of the super-
court of Pitt county, made by U
C. Moore, clerk, on th day
December, in the above entitled
undersigned c will
en Monday, the day of January
l at o'clock, noon, expose to
public sale before the court house
door in Greenville, to the highest bid
for cash, or on easier terms II
the purchaser may desire It, the fol-
lowing described real property, to-
in Greenville township
Pitt county about two miles west from
the town of Greenville and situated
both sides of the Sand Clay road
beginning at a sweet gum, P. M.
corner In a small branch
and runs with his line north
poles to a large sycamore
tree on the edge of Tar river, thence
down said river to a stoke a corner
of lot No. in the L. C. Rountree
Under and by virtue of sale con-
In a mortgage from Samuel
Supply February lath.
-13. duly recorded In
Office of Pitt county, North
in book 1-10, page the
will on the day of
January, 1914. at o'clock, noon
it public auction, for cash, the fol-
described real estate,
In Pitt county, North Carolina, and
township, all part
of the Miles Little land allotted to
Samuel Little as one of the heirs at
law of said Miles Little, the
among the heirs being of record in
the office of the clerk of superior court
and is hereby referred to for more
minute description, being a certain
part of the land bought by the said
Miles Little from Robert Fleming
which deed is also referred to for fur-
bounded on the
north by the lands of Will Little, on
the west by the of Sarah Lit-
on the south by a creek, the
By virtue of the power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage executed
and delivered by to
Situated in Martin county, seven
Brown, to secure the purchase miles from only
ii cue y for the land hereinafter de- of a mile from
I on the day of December point. Contains about one hundred
1904, and duly recorded in the office and fifty acres, seventy-five of which
of register of deeds of Pitt art cleared. Some good timber on
book T-7, page the under- farm. Land well adapted for
signed will expose to public sale tobacco, a good residence
fore the court house door Green now occupied by a family of white
to the highest bidder, on Sat- people. Price
the 17th day of January, Address Drawer No. G,
at o'clock, noon, a certain tract or N. C.
parcel of land lying and in the
county of Pitt and of North Car-
and described as follows, to-
in Pitt county start- duly the
at an old pine on the Anderson
line near Wash Edwards home on the estate of
the north side of the Stantonsburg is
road, then due north to Indebted to
a pine, thence west yards then to make payment
south yards to the road, then Persons
with the said road yards to the
beginning, containing more to the same
vision; with the lino of Lot line to
m-o . , beginning; containing acres.
line between Samuel Little and the Anderson to satisfy said
down the said creek I mortgage,
to the corner between Davenport and Terms of sale, Cash. This the
then with the run of Kith day of December, 1913.
W. B. BROWN, Mortgagee.
having claims against estate
to the
or and being known of Payment on or be-;
fore Dec. 4th, 1914, or this notice
be plead In bar of recovery.
Being the same land described in
the aforesaid mortgage.
This December 6th. 1913.
By Harry Attorney.
south 37-45 west poles to
a stake centered by small trees in
Allen's line; with
said Allen's line north 60-45 west
poles to beginning containing j
acres more or
Also that certain house and lot In
the town of Greenville being part of
lot no In the plot of said town
beginning at a point on Pitt street
feet and from the corner
of Nob, and and running
with Third street feet; thence
a northerly course parallel with Pitt
Street to Third street, thence an east- w. L- the of
course with Third street to Hanrahan Milling Company, be-
street; thence a duly sworn, on his says that
Greenville, N. C.
Milling Company.
State of North Carolina, County of of mat-
North Carolina, Pitt county.
Ill the Superior Court.
Annie Moore vs. Herbert Moore.
The defendant above named will
take notice that an action entitled as
above has been commenced in the
superior court of Pitt county for the
This 4th day of December, 1913.
The firm of Porter and Galloway
at Cross Roads will sell
their entire stock at cost for
next thirty days. The firm will dis-
solve by mutual agreement January
1st. All having accounts with us
please come and make n
at once; ail having claims
against us will please them
January 1st.
N. C
You Need a Tonic
There are limes in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places
that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak
ailing women in its past half century of
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
I think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as strong as I ever did, and can eat most
taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
I o
course with Pitt street to the begin- board of directors of the
Ding, a description of which proper- company have caused the Certificate
may be found In Book D-7. page Dissolution of the Hanrahan Mill-
In tho register's office of Pitt Company, a copy whereof is her-
; unto annexed, issued by the
sale will made for the of State of
of th. Carolina, dated the day of
heretofore existing between
the plaintiff and tho defendant dis-
solved and a divorce granted to the
plaintiff; and the Mid defendant will Ayden
take notice that he is required to
the January term of Dec. forget
county to be fortunate, and send them u re-
held on the 7th Monday before the minder, If the way of presents, you
Monday in March, it being the the very thing at J, R. Smith
if North day of at the
of making partition among tho
tenants In common.
This the day of December, 1913.
F. C.
ltd Commissioner
virtue of authority vested in me
by mortgage executed to me by Sam
Little and Annie Little, on the 12th
day of November, and registered
in book y-8, page Pitt county
registry, I shall sell to the highest
bidder tor cash at the courthouse door
Monday noon, December 12th,
tho following described Being
my interest in the lands of my
deeded by land division among his
. 1913, to published in the
Reflector, a newspaper
published at the city of Greenville and
circulated In the county of Pitt, be-
the county In which said com-
has been located conduct-
business, for tho period
four weeks successively, at least once
In each week, commencing on the
11th day of December, 1913, as re-
by Chapter of the
of 1905, entitled
Sworn before mp
the 28th day of Nov. A. D. 1913,
R. L. BLOW, N. P.
house in said county in Greenville Our new depot will soon be
N. C, and answer or demur to will add much to the looks
complaint In said action, or the our present one, it is
tiff will apply to the court for late to do good, but not so In this
relief demanded in raid complaint. MM.
This Dec. 1913. When it comes to fur trapping, Mr.
C. MOORE, H. rivals the
Clerk Superior Court I John Jacob Astor, he tells us
Harding and Piece.
of the A. Lund.
The sale of the lands of A. B.
made Dec. 1st, 1913,
heirs and described as
Beginning at an Iron stake, corner of of record
been set Wide because of a
My commission expires July 1914. the bid and a new sale having been
ordered by the superior court of Pitt
NOTICE county will by virtue of the power
By virtue of power vested in me, conferred upon me by said decree of-,,
r for sale before the court a low
I last night lie trapped the follow-
, pelts, two squirrels, one large red
fox and two large; minks, and
the for this is like
getting money from home, besides the
for food, these were caught in
tho celebrated traps sold by J. R
Smith and Bro., who always keep
a large stock on hand. Get their
prices and get busy.
Mr. John Lewis who re-
moved from near here last
in our city, and was so much
decided to re-
to his native county, and when
began looking for a ho could
seconds, west sixteen hundred and MM on lam
forty feet to a stake In Creek to
bidder at public auction at the of Pitt the lands m
of Will Little, Bert and Sarah at m o w
Little and running will, Littles executed to D. C. Wit. to the highest bidder
lino north sixty-two degrees, thirty Moore C- and or began
sixteen hundred and Cannon on the 15th day of on south side of Swift
. . . in vacant one, like toe
Your Stomach B
with gum pointer, Sarah Little's
thence down the run of
Creek to a hollow gum at the mouth
of a branch, Willis Little's corner;
thence, with Willis Little's line north
twenty-eight degrees, ten minutes,
east nineteen hundred and forty feet
to the beginning, containing fifty-
four acres more or less, it being
lot No. on a map of the survey of
Niles Little land made by
Clark on March 1908.
This December 12th, 1913.
J. B. Mortgagee.
J. EVERETT, Assignee.
for her young, never returns without
,, , , R. Tingle. Mary A Johnson, J. a vacancy
and Samuel Burney. contain- . tho house, Wonderful Stomach
day of December, tho following de-
scribed real estate, lying, and
situated In Swift Creek township, Pitt or
county and of North Carolina
That tract of land bounded on the
north by the lands of Anderson
about two hundred and twelve
told would soon after
less, and being
lands of A. II. offered for sale i Up W
by me Dec. 1st. 1913. and bid off Creek township, as the
R. H.
This is a valuable tract of land
on the east by Jas. Hardy and Burt land Purchasers are urged to be
Haddock, on the south by the lands Present at day and place of sale and
of Stokes, and on the on It.
by the lands of Louis Worthing, con-
or less, and
known as part of the William Wilson
Old Place.
Pursuant to a power of sale con-
la that certain real
gage executed by J. A. Gardner ltd
A. M. Bachelor to J. W. Stewart bear-
date of the 1st day of December,
the same being recorded the
of the register deeds of Pitt
This November 28th, 1913,
T. WHITE, Assignee
of D. O. Moore,
ALBION DUNN, Attorney.
By virtue of authority vested in me
of an order made and entered in
county book M-9, page will proceedings In superior court,
sell at the court house door in T. Carson, Administrator
N. on Tuesday, tho 30th day T. H. Blount, against Edgar Blount,
of December, 1913, at the hour of Blount, et ale.
m. to tho highest bidder for cash, all i sell to the highest bidder
of the following described property as
conveyed mortgage to-
A certain tract of land lying
Swift Creek township, Pitt County
and bounded on the north by the land
B. A. Gardner, on the east by the
for cash on Monday the 6th day of
January 1914 at tho court house
Greenville that parcel or tract o
land Bethel township, this county,
known T. H. share of
the W. G. old
of U. A. Gardner, on the being lot No. bounded on the
by C. T. Savage and on tho west by
the of J. W. and be-
lots No. i and tho de-
of the E. O. and con-
to J. M. to J. F. Dixon
the day of Nov. 1894. contain-
Hi more or loss. Also
convoyed J- V. Dixon to A A. Smith
by deed dated Nov. 9th. and re-
corded in the register of office
in Pitt county in book P-7 page
J. W. Mortgagee
New Bern, N. C. Nov. 1913.
by the lands of Theodore Carson, on
the southwest by the land of J. J.
Carson, on the southeast by the
lands M. Jones and on the north
east by the lands of M. O.
containing acres, more or A
more definite description can be had
by referring to the land division of
the late W Q.
This the 4th day of December, 1913.
ltd Commissioner
To a Cold In Day
I It the
Headache and oil the Cold.
refund money if it laid lo
. on each t.
Five hundred and forty pounds of
blood pass through the heart with-
in a single hour.
In dry air sound travels 1442 feet
per second, in water feet. In
Iron feet
Toll December 10th. 1913.
hog he killed a porker
this week that tipped the scales a.
pounds dressed, the hog was full
blood China and three years
old last July, he fed him on
ship food, with plenty of Dr.
powders, a full supply always
kept of both at the store of J. R.
Smith and Bro.
The stone has arrived for the front
of the new bank building, It was
numbered and In the
On Friday. December 1912, of Vermont, conveyed by land to
o'clock a. m. at my residence by rail to Ayden
I will offer for sale at auction to th. I ll set up by an ex-
highest bidder for cash all farm Mr- Charlie
two one horse, of and when it is com-
China male hog, buggies,
two carte, a large quantity of corn, I work than of
fodder, peas and hay. I will hands.
offer at this one sulky disc her- Is by far the sweetest
row In good condition and one Kala- the most satisfactory condition
cultivator. For particulars ad- arc
and Be Convinced That You Can
Be Restored To Health
J. M. C.
Route N.
On my place on creek three
miles one hog,
and white spotted, unmarked,
short tall, weight about pounds
Owner can get by pay-
lug charges.
Route N. C.
You are not to take V .
Stomach for and
before you receive any benefit on so i.
ally required to convince the most
of Ailments that lit-.
I nod health. Stomach
has been taken
throughout the land. It
who bad
of ever restored and now pro-
claim It Remedy and
who may be with Stomach.
and to try it. Mind
you. Wonderful Stomach is so
than most medicines are i en
market for tit
is really in a class by itself, and one do
more to convince the most skeptical sufferer
than tons of other medicines. from one
notice, appreciation, we dose will amiss lad the
nit . th. ,., .,, , natural, it acts on the source and f dilation
advise all to bury the bate hot, MO- of these removing the ca-
your faults to one another, make and bile ac, allaying the under-
lying chronic Inflammation in the
Stomach It a test i. . you
. tract, rendering the same ante
lust try one dose of
weight pounds each. One
and block spotted, with silt In
right ear; one red and black spotted,
with silt In right ear; one black
white face with slit in right ear.
Owner may obtain same by proving
ownership and paying charges. W II.
JONES, N. C, Route
friends with that neighbor, send him
a token of beg, Implore
his pardon, plenty of presents
and will highly u thousands
can be had Tor such occasions at J R.
Smith and Bro.
Many of the girls are com
home from different colleges, an I
ours are leaving going to their homes
the purls of this and
states. It l real pathetic to wit-
the scene at the railroad station.
We are reminded of the time when
Jacob met Rachel at tho well, but
some fellow said that she stuck he
In his eye, which made him em
as well as weep.
. others
are constantly doing. Mend booklet on
Stomach Ailments to lo- Mia
Chemist, Whiting St , Chicago,
For Sale In R. C by
and everywhere
Carte urn.
The how
ere by reliable Dr.
Porter's Antiseptic Healing
Vain and Heal, c
old. Apply this office.
the first sign of a tor-
liver. It is followed
by coated tongue, bad
in the mouth, tick
headache and
the appetite by
gently regulating your liver.
Sugar coated or plain at
Dec-. Mi
II. Johnston came home yesterday to
spend the holidays.
See Joseph Cox and Son for our
and nuts.
V. C. Nye left here this mm u-
for Wilson where he will speak.
For Christmas oranges see H. W.
Mr. H. V. was taken lo
Robert Bruce Memorial Hos-
at Kinston where he will have
an operation performed for the
I want to thank you for your trade
this will appreciate your bus-
through coming year. I as-
sure you will put forth every effort
to please you. R. W. Dall.
Mr. Cannon of was
here yesterday.
For apples, oranges, nuts
and candies wee A. W. Anne and Co.
There will be preaching at the
Baptist church Sunday.
gun pistols cart-
ridges. A. W. Ange and Co.
Mr. J. II. went to Green-
ville yesterday.
The Oliver Typewriter Is the best
machine on the market, one for
your friend or your boy or girl. It
will make a nice gift. Jo-
Cox and Son.
High School OH
closed Its fall term which has
one of the most successful of Its
The boys girls have gone
home to spend the holidays with
parents friends.
What It takes to please the little
children for Christmas we have It
Come make your selection, while they
are going Harrington, Barber one.
H you would like to please yon-
wife or your daughter, come
make your selection from
ton Barber and Co Holiday goods
In all kinds of silk
waist patterns.
At nil railway in Russia
books are kept wherein passengers
are invited to enter any complaint
they wish to make.

The Right
Only Way
To satisfy a boy or girl at Christmas is
with a BICYCLE
SANTA CLAUS has left with us a com-
stock for the
comprised of all sizes. SANTA CLAUS
has also cautioned us to make our prices
moderate in order that all of his little
may have one.
Come to see and let us show you what
we have. . -a
The John Flanagan
Buggy Co.
Established 1866.
Isn't cutest little randy kid
you over the
the fertile brain of a girl who
Brat mad Mm for a midnight
The little fellow would be Just
thins for children's Christmas
How is he made easiest thine
in the world. a goodly supply of
strong toothpicks, some large raisins,
almonds and hen
you are ready for the Frankenstein
a man.
It is best to begin on the legs and
arms first. To make the legs stick
A nice home located in the
very center of this good city
Seven rooms, Garage on
premises. Lot x
Standard Realty Company.
River Bridge MARKET
Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish and Oysters.
Meats always fresh, and we sell for CASH strictly.
Baal Steak . per
Pork Steak . per lb.
Oysters . per qt
Just across the river bridge. No delivering in
town. We will save you money if you come to us.
Stepp Fleming
two of on two
ti en is of place in
mend for foot. The are
In same except for bawl
the almonds are Now rim
two through a tooth-
tor the body. He hasn't
any peek. Hare ready some melted
chocolate and ii an stick in
this mixture and with it make large
for buttons- on iii and
fur facial Now attach
arms and legs, when a good sized
Hg baa been on his
bend a hat man is read; the
The Greenville Drug Company
Stock of Chemicals, Patent
Sundries, Stationary, School Supplies,
Pen, Cigars, and
All Sick Room Prompt Deliveries
Prescriptions Most Carefully Compounded
J. Key Brown, D.
IF Isn't any Simla Onus, who It
it turns your feel
shop where an-
as you walk the street .
Who Is It you thinking, though
busy as
About I he and laughter round
Though you vow Christmas business
ts a
There's at work that clear
the frowning from your brow
The small tin sounds a blast that
wakes soul serene
To homage the doll who Is a lady and
a ,
And the once world where It ha
been your lot to dwell
Is a realm of neath some
fairy spell
If there Isn't any Santa Claus. who Is It.
day by day.
That turns our thoughts to Christmas.
strive to shun It as we may
Who comes at this bleak armed
with telepathic
And By generous dominates
minds and hearts
g M it H H H m II m W -O
Oh. never splendor. ,
Oh. never Dent
Still keep the green earth
Still keep the gray earth
Still keep the brave earth
Of deeds shall be done
While children's come
t reaming
Like sunbeams from the
Oh. sweet and
Throng in our hearts and
The wonders which attended
The coming of the King
Office For Rent Located
at Five Points
Apply to
PEACE and good will
That brings to famished thousands
b good meal
While even Immured In
that steal
livelihood in
Now sit at tables With the best of fare
Children, tinned to luxuries and
Now have abundance, are e'en blessed
For did not Christ take such unto his
The laborer sick, his family hungry, cold
la now remembered; wood and coat
And Hour and meal and fowl to him are
By them that know the genuine use
Whose ayes have seen the shepherds watch
by night.
Who've, read the Sermon on the Mount
H Creamer in Brooklyn Eagle
Cement Workers
When you want the best Cement work done such as Side-
walks, Curb and Gutters, Lawn Curbs, Steps,
Moors, and Walls call on us we are experienced workmen
of several years and our work is guaranteed. Phone 337-J
Write or Call on as
Howard Greenville, N. C.
Give Her Something
New This Time
Yes, Give her also something practical. Is no
gilt like the practical gift A gift that com-
the spirit of the day with practical and
different, a
gift that any wife, mother, sister, daughter, or friend
will more than mer appreciate, a gift that she
. two kinds. Imperial and The Premier Self-Heating Gasoline Iron, both are simply
fine. They win the favor of every woman because they heat quickest, do better work, and
less to operate.
With one of these irons you can iron so easy It becomes a pi over-
heated endless lire to board. Can be
used out--up stairs or down. Heats
almost instantly, ready In minutes, and will iron for two
cents per week. They arc durable enough to last for
Sold and demonstrated by Carr and and Taft. Green-
ville. N. C; R. M. Ange and Co. N. C; L. C. Turn-
age Co. N. C. or will be sent to you by parcel post
prepaid. receipt of price. p
G. A. Johnson Bro.
Practicing In all the i
in Woolen an
street, fronting Court
D. M.
Attorney tit
Land and Drainage Cases a
In office formerly occupied
L I. Moore H
J. E.
at R. L. Smiths
I treat all Calls
day or night
H. W. M. I.
Practice limited to diseases f the By-
Ear Nose and Throat
Washington. N. C. Greenville. N I
Office with Dr. D. L. Green
day every Monday. to J
B. F.
Life, Fire, Sick and Accident
Office on Fourth street, P-m
Attorney at Law
Office In Building. Third
Practices his service v
I hereby offer for sale at
one-third cash, with balance on
terms, the part of my General Du
rant Hatch or Perry plantation en-
closed In fence situated to the
and within sight of tho city of New
Bern on the south side
river and on the west side of mice's
creek, containing acres, more or
less, and such stock and
as I own on said plantation.
Nearly acres are cleared and
very high and dry and very fine
for truck, tobacco, cotton, grain, ha
and all staple crops. There is an
abundance of timber for
purposes and good water may be ha.
anywhere on the premises and
land fronts on creek, a deep
navigable tributary of Trent
for some four miles.
At present prices a well cultivates
crop of tobacco on acres would
pay the whole purchase price.
New Bern, N. C Oct. 1913.
J. W. Little
Merchandise Broker
Office ll Residence
N. C
The Opportunity
e are offering for a few days
The James Brooks H Farm on
Washington and Kinston Road near
adjoins J. L. Tucker Farm
I acres cleared acres in fine
I feet nearly all pine one
ten room house tenants
tobacco bans all in repairs
fine land for all crops
Easy Terms C II or write to
Standard Realty Co.
toward Drug Co.
Used Out
lo any
Full Lint
Kodak Supplies
Drug Co.
an J tools always guaranteed. Stag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Stove and
Ranges. King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Planter.
Atlas Cement O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
or doses will
my case of Chills Fever, Cold
it acts on the live
. . , , i n-
How's This
We offer One Hundred Dollars
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CO. Toledo. O.
We, known F. J.
for the last years, and
him perfectly honorable In all
transactions and financially able to
out any obligations made by his firm.
Hull's Catarrh Cure In taken Internally,
directly blood and inn.
cons surfaces of tho Testimonials
sent free, cents per bottle. Hold
by all
II PUN for
At all railway stations In
books kept wherein passengers
Invited to enter any complaint
they may wish to make.
acres cleared, acres in fine
woodland, soil light loam, clay
Will grow anything. One
tenant house, one large pack house,
one tobacco barn, stables and other
necessary outbuildings. Located near
House, N. C. Trice per acre.
Terms, one-fourth cash. Apply to
House N. C.
J. C. Lanier
h is
A well located dwelling in good repair
with seven rooms in West
Real Estate Agents
Daniels Before the t C.
Society of New York
speech In New York last
in which he said latest
of hysteria Is the effort to
of the currency
brought a reply in tho senate today
from Senator of Illinois.
answer to that
he that tho House bill as it
came back to the has been
vastly improved. Our deliberations
tiara not been for the purpose of
venting currency legislation, but for
the express purpose of improving
currency legislation. If this
then we can well more
who think to weaken tho
of progressive measures by de-
that they are the
of were roundly
ed here last night by Secretary Dan-
of the navy, in an address at the
dinner of the North Carolina Society
of New York.
few days Mr. Daniels said,
distinguished educator from a
southern state, in a speech in New-
York declared, that such new and
progressive as the Initiative
referendum were
distinguished authority, a
and an educator, referred
to certain modern American political
doctrines as which
It is estimated that the loss
o the recent great strike in
amounted to sixty thousand
a day.
Hate From Greenville
Including meals and berth on steam
CHILDREN, five years of age
twelve, HALF FARE.
Tickets will be sold for ail trains
Saturday, December SO, 1913.
Limited returning, to reach
common sense and wise starting point not later than
demand be rejected the result of 1914.
real trouble is that this BE MADE FROM
called hurts. It keeps party points IN VIRGINIA, NORTH
pledges, it does not take from labor AND SOUTH CAROLINA,
the bread it earns. It makes protection
built wealth pay Income tax. Its elects
senators direct from the people.
call it because it
means we can have no more senators
from the New York Central Railroad,,
no more senators from the Southern
Express no more senators
the New York, New and
Hartford Railroad no more
from the Standard Oil Trust
call it hysteria because It
prevents the classes from exploiting
the masses, and brings the govern-
back to the people. After all,
the real hysterical are not the
will be an excellent
for teachers and students I
their Christmas holidays
making an Interesting educational
to Cuba.
The Atlantic Coast Line operate
through Pullman cars to Key Wes
and to Port Tampa connecting a.
both ports with steamships for Ha
Tickets good via route
Arrangements will be made to a
passengers leaving
at 1.16 p. m. Sunday,
21st, via System, th
Sea and
u ll la i
. lit.
urn pit
a t WICK,
load of King Windsor plaster. Carr
and Atkins Co. Traffic Manager,
In the of hotel
lions, sightseeing, etc., in Cuba.
For schedules, reservations,
booklets and any further
apply to ticket agents of the At
Coast Line, or address,
General Passenger Agent
have just unloaded a car load of Ford Touring Cars. We
invite everybody to and get one. Why Became It cost
It cost less to fun them. They are the simplest cars operated
now on the market. They are the best cheap car built.
Ford Supply Co.
of accessories on hand
Christmas Hint
Present the
Tourist Will Appreciate
very attractive and la
in the Illustration wrist bag
may be securely fastened to the
No More Railroad and
Standard Oil Senators
December the 9th ended the thin
month of the public school at
t Roads.
The pupils meeting the
for the honor roll are as fol-
First Little. Nanni.
Leo Matthews, Eastwood, Le-
Second Atkinson
Bertha Little, Joseph Forbes, Bobbie
Third Little.
Fourth Jane Forbes
Nannie Bryan Parker, Estelle Little.
Fifth Corbett, Mamie
Ruth Smith, Anna Forbes.
Sixth Smith, Ma
Tyson, William Forbes,
Seventh Tyson. Mar
Smith. J. Clifton Corbett.
Those making highest
were Leroy Parker, Roland Parker
Christine Smith and J. Clifton
More Like This In
Scores of Greenville people can tel
about Kidney Pills. Many
happy citizen makes a public state-
lent of his experience. Here is a
of it. What better proof of mer-
t can he had than endorsement
U W. Lawrence, Washington
street, Greenville, N. C, am
to make the fact known
hat I have been greatly benefited
y Kidney Pills, that I got
the John L. Wooten Drug Co.
frequent passages of y
secretions annoyed me and I often
i-t-d that the How was scanty. I
Kidney Pills and since
lien my kidneys have been In much
The statement must carry
to the mind of every read-
Don't simply ask for a kidney
distinctly for Kid-
Pills, the same that Mr. Law-
remedy barked by
one testimony. all stores.
Co. Props. Buffalo, N.
Your Back is
Tor sale by all dealers. Price
Co., Buffalo, N.
Y sole agents for the United States.
Remember the
take no other.
Having made Greenville permanent Head-
Ky., Horse and
Mule Company
Will have TWO car loads of the best Horses
Mules at
J. F. King's Stable
Dec. I I sale for cash or on time.
Every animal guaranteed as
Farmers look at this stock. We can save you
money. Among these Horses area number
of Extra Speed and Quality
We can suit you
The Horse Mule Co.
M. W. PRICE, Manager
by a leather which
Inched the bug,
a bug of this sort is u joy.
Christmas Hint
Gift For the Girl Who
the friend everything
whose Rift must he n of the
handiwork rather than a big
pocket I U one the new
h.-h necked brassieres fur wear under
transparent frocks he a good
Ail ever line eyelet embroider makes
lower portion of I lie
school BONDS BALE.
School District.
County. North Carolina, offers for sale
lo the highest bidder. SIX THOU-
SAND DOLLARS of bonds, bearing
date January 1st, 1914, to run
thirty years, bearing interest at the
of S per cent per annum, pay-
able annually, on the 1st day of Jan-
of each year. These bonds will
be issued by virtue of an Act of the
General Assembly, Extra Session, 1913.
and ratify by a unanimous vote of
the said District at an election held
under said Act, and will he sold in
denominations of and re-
These bonds are non-taxable.
Sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned at his office in Greenville,
N. C for these bonds till February
1st. 1914. A deposit of per
of amount of bid must accompany each
W. H.
Chairman Hoard of Trustees.
1913. If.
Cabbage Plants
The Jersey Wake,
and Large Late Drum Head
selection should
headings through the summer.
for shipment i
Prepared for shipment in lots from
lo at per
over at per thousand f.
o. b. Greenville, I. C. Can
ciders any
Count and satisfaction guaranteed.
L. C. Arthur
To Prevent Blood Poisoning
at once the wonderful old reliable DR.
dressing relieves pain and heals a.
acres land. open suited to
cotton, peanuts and tobacco, house,
barn and stables, good section, 1-2
miles from railroad
cash, remainder in three
Greenville. N. C.
Nuts, Raisins,
Candi es, Figs,
Cakes, Oranges,
Apples, Bananas,
Celery, Grapefruit
Lemons, Citron,
Powdered Sugar,
Toys, Wagons,
Dolls, Vases now
in stock at
is Joined to sec-
th-ii with a wide beading,
ribbon is run.
from Key West; and leaving
pie who stand upon the house tops
who are guarding spec a Privileges by M Tampa an
and are seeing the built by ,, K
Privilege tumble down about their q .
P. M. Jolly, Traffic Agent of the At
WE HAVE A NICE ASSORTMENT Coast Line, who has reside
of air rifles for Carr In Havana fourteen winters, will Br-
and Atkins Co. company tho
to passengers en route
Christmas Hint
How to Make Attractive
Glass Tea Trays
covered trays are
gifts, and If made home the
i is trifling. Buy a cheap picture
a frame the size and you
lies re for tray. Remove the
and fit a piece or
it under the Klaus
t r and glue n
i under the frame, will at
on. e make tho tray in-m and prevent
It I mm scratching
it is
brass handler
lit a hardware
pretty If
need not he col
o. f. Indianapolis
Completely Equipped
Call, Write, or Phone, for Demonstration
The Empire Sales Co.
Distributors for Eastern North Carolina
We would like to hear from progressive
motor car sellers in the small towns as well
as the large cities in open territory.
Headquarters for Tires, Gasoline, Oils, Auto
Equipments, Etc.
Repair work our Specialty

Come see the wonderful car, the
of which are shifted by electricity
The new Haynes car is here You can now see the latest models of America's
First Car with the biggest improvement of many a which you have been reading and hearing about
the wonderful Vulcan Electric Gear Shift.
Wonderful is the only word strong enough to fit the device which does entirely away with the hand lever and
replaces it with a circle of push buttons on the steering wheel, as you see in the picture below. And now you can
see this great car with its new features you've heard so much awaiting your inspection at our showrooms.
America's First Car
Scores another big First
Without the Vulcan Electric Gear Shift it would be a most noteworthy
car. It is electrically lighted and started, and has electric warning
signal. The tires are pumped mechanically. The gasoline is pressure
fed. The gasoline tank is filled from the rear where it is easily
reached. doors are extra wide, the seats and floor
You simply press a button
electricity does the rest
button picture of Steering immediately push
forward on clutch pedal and the motor begins to button
No. push forward the clutch, and you're off on first speed. But-
tons and control intermediate and high
is for reverse and for neutral. Button operates horn.
The woman of slightest build or the man too nervous to enjoy
the ordinary hand-shifted car, will take delight in driving the
Haynes. The hands never need leave the wheel. The eyes can be
centered on the road. There is no chance of Stripping gears.
I. in
roomy, with lots of package space. In case of storm the Collins
curtains are let down in a few seconds without leaving the seat. And
these are only a few of the many features. Operating the Haynes
is as simple as ringing a door apparatus is almost automatic
removes per cent of the work learning drive.
The is famous
for reliability and power
Twenty years of automobile engineering is represent . in these
latest models of America's First Car. The Haynes i perfectly
reliable car before most cars now on the market were r heard of.
Every essential part is built in the I shops. Haynes
motor is a marvel of simplicity and efficiency.
body of the Haynes presents that much-desired long, sweeping
appearance. The workmanship is masterful, the finish superb.
Here is a car that can't be surpassed at any price, and in Gallic
represents limit in automobile construction.
Come see the Haynes and watch us shift the gears by electricity
You have no idea how perfectly efficient this new device is, and how simple in operation. You'll
agree it's the greatest motor car feature you have ever seen. Come see it. Our latch-string is always out. ,
L A.
Distributing Agents for Eastern North Carolina
Telephones Greenville an House, N. C.
Haynes Auto bile Co .,
of two cf the
Vulcan Electric Gear Shift
Mod I . U
4- I is in.
. ; passenger road , r or
touring, ; ,
Mode is quite Model
with i r,
H. P., in
roadster, or
Hand ill
equipped with
Vulcan Gear Shift
t .

Eastern reflector, 26 December 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 26, 1913
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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