Eastern reflector, 12 December 1913

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

school HEWS.
Mr. Jacques Busbee. of Raleigh, the
artist who painted the portrait
Governor Jarvis, and Rags-
dale, presented by the two societies
to the school at last commencement
delivered the Training Mon-
day evening, a highly entertaining
and valuable lecture on Native
Trees and
He secured his audience at one
by bringing up their memories of the
old conjure or medicine men
who knew the plant., of the
because of their healing qualities, and
used tin in to cure their
drug he says, that
same witch doctor made
and liven The different
is that the drug store, for convenience
has the herbs reduced to M
He stressed the value botanical
names, in preference
names which change with every lo-
and brought the benefit
or the knowledge botanical
in that they refer to the nature
the plant itself, periods and
of history and different countries
the south, thereby teaching both
and geography along with tin
study of plant Itself, lie
illustrate of a great many plan.-.
giving ti of their names
and the ways in which could
rive at historical or geographical
For th. sake of clearness he
u brief sketch of the structure of a
Dower, and gave the story of Bower
pollination. The point of tills
to bring cut value of the Insects
in the pollination, to give some idea
of the kinds of insects of
and the qualities that the Insect
must have.
His speech was Intended to brim-
his hearers in realization our
native Bowers here In North Carolina
appreciated they should
lie. lie asked, do we plant i
cultivate exotic Bob and n
our own beautiful native
lb said i late our own flow-
we must go to Europe and .
famous court gardens, where tin
American flowers are cultivated in
profusion and ;
give OUT and to the
of Imported flowers, whirl
arc costly and require much care for
cultivation. In this connection he
brought the Japanese a.- a p I
i give time cultivation
of their n n native
beauty of their flowers as a result
He also gave the theory of Japanese
art which is the painting of
own flowers exclusively.
There are people, he said, who
that North Carolina has no beautiful
flowers, but the people have their
eyes shut to the beauties because in
flowers are so common. You go
the country noticing tin
lure and there and you
beauty everywhere except in tin
yards which are cleanly swept and
white with Band, while perhaps only
a few yard-, away fields am
roods are gorgeously decked with all
tho many wild flowers common
North Carolina.
The principles of landscape gar-
are Plant in leave
open spaces and avoid straight lines.
He brought out the effects that can
In- gained by contrast and the
of relieving or intensifying col-
ors Bald in do one must
the flowers planted in regard
to of blooming and length
in closing. Mr. Busbee brought .
association with
ii broadening and deepening the
man life, and the lad that in
We see expressed
wonder of lie Almighty God,
in chapel exercises yesterday morn-
Mr. Wright made comments or
the Interest and value of Mr.
lecture of Monday evening. He
the it tin
and shrubs on our school ground
the of school to i
them, lie also said that ii th
dints and teachers would work em
a plan for using our
and flowers iii decorating the
ground's, thee should be given th
necessary plots materials ti
work with. He expressed
might see Mr, talk-
lake the form of active work mi tin
part of the students in school.
Pertinent Just Now When the Subject
a Matter of General
Incomes are now being taxed. It is,
therefore, desirable that something
should be known about them. An in-
come is anything you cannot
live upon expressed In terms of law-
money. Lawful money is anything
which will be accepted by the
of a state legislature, or a police
captain, or your wife. Incomes were
created for two purposes; to He about
and to live beyond. Many people who
will not have to pay any are complain-
to their friends and neighbors
about the way they are oppressed by
the Income tax. This is one of those
natural phenomena which no scientist
has been able to explain.
Incomes vary In size according to
how many people have worked for you
in the past or are working for you at
present. No Income is without honor
somewhere, except in the family it is
vainly attempting to support. Here It
generally despised and looked down
An income tax Is an effort on the
part of the government to make you
feel that you are wealthy. Also to
support the government in Its main
business In life, namely, living beyond
Its Income
The government, which receives a
larger income than any one else,
should be taxed upon It. The pro-
might go toward relieving mil-
in distress.
income Is known by the com-
Effective Demonstration Convinced
That He Had a Val-
Robert Thorpe, an old Missouri stage
driver, who recently died in Texas,
used to tell a story of bow Anderson,
the got one of bis recruits.
The Anderson boys held up Thorpe's
stage near Glasgow one day. Among
the passengers was a raw-boned young
who looked about aB tough
as the themselves.
me Anderson
demanded of the youth as he went
down the line.
got answered the
young squirrel hunter.
The rebel leader sized him up.
ye swim the
he asked him.
the young man an-
ye kill a
Anderson stepped forward and spat
In the youngster's face. The youth
bounded at the like a cat,
caught him full In the face with aright
swing and went down on top of him,
kicking and clawing.
The pulled the young
demon off and their leader got up.
be Bald. give
him a
Little Lard Used In Austria.
On account of Its high price very lit-
lard Is consumed In cooking In
Austria, but a preparation commonly
called or cooking fat, is
used. It la sold under the name of
and It is said that its
Ingredient Is palm oil. This
substance is prepared in the towns of
and In the
district, and sells for
per pounds In large quantities or
cents per pound In small
In Carlsbad. It is put up In
cakes weighing one-half kilo
is sold without container.
In appearance It Is much
Tar Reel Play in Wilson December
Urea. Made
The following is clipped from tin
page of the Her-.
ma of which North Carolinians should
be justly to be played in
Wilson on December If each one
who witnessed the excellent
at not long
voice his sentiments publicly
without a doubt a packed house would
greet Bather Wake in the city.
To be sure, the players are
ll but amateurs of no mean talent.
Miss Martha Hudson, who played the
part of Esther Wake, held the
until the end. Her well
lated voice, exquisite poise, her
mastery of the art of interpretation
served her well in living the life of
Esther Wake on the stage. Her beau-
shone forth in tin
countenance of the heroine, giving her
a and grace that are lacking
in heroines that are not really good.
The chief masculine figure of the
drama was Mr. L. N. Johnston, sup-
Ayden graded schools,
played the part of Janus the
leader of the Regulators, and the
lover of Wake, who was con-
to die on account of his lead
in what appeared to the
of the King as a conspiracy
Mr. Johnston In his Impersonation
was well-nigh perfect. At times one
forgot he was playing a part. He
possesses that rare quality of making
one feel with him his every emotion
Then too in Mr. W. H. Rhodes, who
as Panning, loyal to the King, one
could easily sec that the writer of the
play cared not to design a very de-
character in Funning. A
lines he wish that lie was not
it and courtly came uppermost
In view the fact that he was the
of the play, Mr. Rhodes did
himself credit in playing the
cult role,
Mr. I. II. Allied, as Governor Try-
i n. Imposing and deliberate as
became his high office, Miss
Doles, oh n friend of
Wake. Inspired admiration by in
ready sympathy and pretty manners
and little Miss Brooks, as
daughter of Margaret, was simply
herself- n little child, unaffected
Each character or the play, how-
ever small his part, did honor to
v ho did training. The scene in
which a company of Regulators
around a real fire In the night
time, sang songs to the
of an old Addle deserves
special mention. That
was easily the thing from a the-
standpoint that the people of
this community have had the
of attending here goes without
Baying, This fact was realized by the
men and women of culture and
gathered from the four corners
of old Johnston county to see its
i Hold Meeting and Declare
For It
Southport. Nov.
tic meeting of the citizens of South-
port was held in regard to the
Fence election, which to take
place in Brunswick county December
2nd. Mr. E. B. Stevens was elected
chairman of the meeting, and Mr.
Roberts E. Ransom, secretary. After
a spirited discussion the following res-
That It Is the of
this meeting that a law
should be enacted in the county of
and those present do all
in their power to carry the election
December 2nd, in favor of the
The passage of the law
will be contested vigorously in some
suctions, but the advocates of the
measure feel that success will crown
their efforts.
J. R. . G.
When You Fatal
Use PURE Paint and
Use Pore OIL to add
to it at one-half the cost of Paint.
PAINT Is made with
LINSEED OIL-that's the way the M.
But ALL the OIL needful to make the L. M. PAINT
ready for use is NOT put into the Paint when it's
pared for the Consumer who buys it.
The ADDITIONAL quantity of OIL is
k J by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY.
gallons of LINSEED OIL with every
gallons of L. M. PAINT
and MIX the OIL with the PAINT.
If the Paint thus made costs more than per gallon
If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory
Then return whatever you have pot used, and Bet back
tor the of ill and the money you paid to the Painter.
Christmas Hint
The Bride Will Think This
Centerpiece Lovely
The bride who nun Just none U
is a sup-
ply of table in irons
stock win
piece in i lit ml.
The lined is i tan
B M .
eon vent I mini j
pan of u la
Saved Girl's Life
want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re-
from the use of writes
Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky.
certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds,
liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe
saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles,
they went in on her, but one good dose of
made them break out, and she has had no
more trouble. I shall never be without
hits soon
carried mil In Hie present instance
With shaded silks In
blues. tn spirit
the gift Christina of red
in used wit Ii line
Tin- lace of the centerpiece is
sf colored the linen.
If we are to free mull delivery
any time soon It Is a good time, an
high time for our town commission
to see that tho side walks or
many of the streets were looked after.
in my For constipation, indigestion, headache,
malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar
ailments, has proved itself a safe,
reliable, gentle and valuable remedy.
If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black-
It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five
years of splendid success proves its value. Good for
young and old. For sale everywhere. Price cents.
v inn iii Oregon.
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. new
law that will Oregon in the
front rank of the state that have
adopted measure's designed to
the condition of women workers will
become operative tomorrow. The law
fixes a minimum wage of a week
for adult women clerks who arc not
apprentices; defines eight hours and
twenty minutes as the maximum day's
work and fifty hours as the maximum
for a week, and p. m, the
latest hour at which any woman may
I he employed on any day of the year
in a establishment. The
I law automatically eliminates
day night and Christmas,
I holiday night chopping in such
I Mr. and Mrs. Roy left Tues-
day for where Mrs. Kit-
will undergo treatment In a hos-
i- a
I ,
. ;. to
Ma a box. At all
I k it
St., I
Think of All
You Eat
No wonder you some-
times have a bilious
headache, feel dizzy,
are troubled with in-
digestion and
will help your liver do
its work regularly, as
it Take no
substitute sugar
coated or plain.
is the I
compact and efficient lighting de-
vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will
not blow out or jar out. Equipped
with thumb screws, so that it is
easily attached or detached. Throws
a clear light feet ahead. Extra
large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when
detached makes a good hand lantern.
Strong. Durable. last for years.
At Dealers Everywhere
in Quality
and FARM
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
Norfolk. V.
N. C
W. V
Charleston. S. C.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
You can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag
ons. Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers
N C. Phone No M
ti l the art the Healthful. Most Motile Employment Mu.-
M Mill I it.
Prohibition Forces of Nation to
Visit President
Forces hit
That National Prohibition be
I by I
Straggling End of Federal
; Army On S. Border
For Safety
Dec. far
as the eye could reach there stretch-
ed out today over the desert i
opposite the
straggling end of the Mexican fed-
army and the civilians who fled
from to safety on
United States border.
It was expected the refugees would
continue to arrive in i all day.
A few who reached the American
said the exodus included more than
4.000 persons.
Tho federal troops, Including the
most important generals in the north,
continue fortifying the village. This.
taken with the fact that General
Ynez Immediately on his
forces from all over the country are
gathered in Washington tonight, rival communicated with Mexico City,
pared for a mighty demonstration to- Indicated that the federals Intended
morrow tho national to make a defense on the border, at
least until they could receive orders
from the government of Provisional
, More than men and women,
representing the Anti-Saloon League
of America and the Woman's Chris-
Temperance union, will march Food supplies, of which the federate
bearing petitions demanding that were in great need, will sent across
prohibition be effected by con- the river but the United States troops
amendment. been Instructed to guard
, any infraction of the neutral-
Disagreement as to the part each
organization should play In the
of the petitions threatened
today to cause a split in tho
forces, but it was said to-
night that all differences had been
Smoothed out. As a result the com-
of men, representing the
Anti-Saloon league forces, will be
received at the first, after
which they will withdraw and the
women will make their plea.
Brigadier General A. S.
Tho civilians who endured the
of the eight-day march
mostly on foot, rather than face the
Invasion of city by
rebels, are to be allowed to cross
They will he taken fifty miles by
and wagons to thence
to Kl Paso and other cities.
The story brought by the refugees
was that they left on three
trains, hoping to cover the distance
to the end of the
act as grand marshal of the men's ,., railroad, about a third of the way
procession, while the women will be across the desert but that a short
headed by Mrs. Lillian M. Stevens out of the city the first train
of Maine, president general the W.
C. T. U.
Tho demonstration will take place
at o'clock at the east front of the
capitol. There Representative Hob-
son of Alabama, author of the pro-
posed constitutional amendment, will
receive the petitions on behalf of the
representatives; while Senator
of Texas, will act for
the senate. Addresses will be made
on behalf of tho committee of
by Ernest H. Carrington, of
Ohio, editor of the official
organ of tho Anti-Saloon League, and
by former Governor It R. Patterson,
of Tennessee. Afterwards the reason
for a constitutional amendment from
the woman's standpoint will be
by Mrs. Ella A. of
I mi. president of the New York state
W. C. T. V. and Mrs. Mary Harris
Armor, of Georgia.
for the demonstration were
inaugurated at a meeting recently a
Columbus, O., of the Saloon Lea-
of America, when the committee
of appointed to urge Congress
to adopt a prohibition amendment to
tho constitution.
A subcommittee tonight completed
the draft of a Joint resolution
such an amendment.
and Senator Sheppard
will, it is understood, Introduce the
In tho two houses of Con-
The resolution would propose a con
amendment to forever pro-
the sale, manufacture for sale
transportation for sale, importation
for sale, and exportation of sale, of
intoxicating liquors for beverage
poses, but empowering Congress to
provide for tho manufacture, sale.
and transportation of in-
medicinal and similar purposes.
Into each syllable of message put my
most ardent hope that its and import
may find a homeward course and be to yon as a
spoken word of good will and friendliness.
May tin- frosts of December servo only to
keep alight that inward warmth which makes
better men. kindling the embers until earth's cold-
can well he mocked.
We are pledged to service, instruments of an
unknown destiny, beset with difficulties, toilers in
a common mart. Yet if that flint spark of under-
standing burns within we shall be armed with
fortitude as mailed knights upon the high-
road of achievement.
To fight, yet fairly; to know the strength of
gentleness, the boundless manliness of charity, of
kindness and simple truth; to be altogether hon-
est and loyal
Shall not these make our life the better for
its living and yield such promise as makes our la-
worthy of its effort
And in the lingering sunlight of years well
spent shall there not be an infinite happiness
when our apprenticeship is served at last, a gold-
en of love and peace and content-
The Optimist, in the Haberdasher.
Negro Crazed With Liquor
Is Shot Down by
C. I. Detective
MOUNT, Dec. Tern
pie. a crazed with that
ho had secured In Petersburg, Va.
I and I'll route to North Carolina on
I Atlantic Coast Line passenger train
No. last night, proceeded to make
I trouble and terrorized the
i aboard the train. He alighted
from the train at Reams and pro-
t to draw- his gun and begin
shooting, evidently desiring to hit the
train and passengers, but so drunk
that he could not well manage the
I pistol. Special Detective Z. A. Par j
I of this city and former member
I of tho police force here now in the
employ of the railroad at
i happened to be on the train and as
Is Ruling on Thaws
Bitterly Objects t
His Liberty Pending
Appeal t the V. H.
CONCORD, N. H., Dec.
began firing as he reached Edgar Aldrich ruled today that the
tho ground, tho detective left tin
train, and as he yelled to him to stop,
the attempted to direct the vol-
toward him. The then
drew his pistol and felled the
I with a shot through the breast.
Tho was taken aboard the
mental conditions of Harry Thaw
must be determined in the Federal
court's announcement was made at
the hearing on petition for
bail. .
Attorneys for Thaw, who are at-
tempting to prevent tho
Pitt County Shows A Large
Increase In Property Listed
I train and was given medical through corpus
by a physician on the train proceeding's In tho States Dis-
the next station. The waR counsel for New York
taken off the train and plated that the charge of
on train No. SO and returned to Pet- conspiracy to escape from the insane
where he was placed in a at N. It , was a
colored hospital. A report of his con- bailable offense when the question of
was to the effect that there Is; tho prisoner If admitted to
doubt of his recovery. The
was employed by the William
Construction Company.
was wrecked. All then had to renew
the Journey on foot, the federals first
dynamiting the engines and burning
up more than ears to prevent
their falling into the hands of
Annual Meeting at the New
The ninth annual meeting of the
American National Red Cross war
held here today at the New
Vice President Robert W. de
of the national organization
called the meeting to order and
at the morning session which
was devoted principally to the read-
of committee reports and
tine business. At one o'clock lunch-
i was served to the delegates. The
afternoon session, at which President
Woodrow Wilson, president
of the national Red Cross,
chair, was opened with
of medals and certificates.
Then followed a number of addresses
by notable speakers, among them
Governor CM of Ohio, on emergency
relief measures In the Ohio
William H. Wilson, secretary of la-
on Red Cross First Aid Among
miners. on town
country nursing; Livingston Fer-
rand, the Red Cross Christmas
Seal, and Mrs. Wm. K. Draper, on
the disaster. The program
for the evening Includes a reception
the family residence of Mabel T.
The property listed in county for the
Real estate listed b whites .
Real estate listed by .
Personal property listed by whites .
Personal property listed by .
Listed by corporations .
Total for county .
Number of white poll's .
Number cf polls .
Total polls listed in county .
estate listed by whites .
Real estate listed by .
Personal property listed by whites .
Personal property by
Listed by corporations .
in- 1918 as
. 1,769.692
. 3.2511
. . 123.551
. .
. 45.797
Total for township .
Number of white polls .
Number of polls .
Total polls listed In township
I. by Hank Failure, tail Life
N. J. Dec Ma-
whOM savings of n life time,
wore swallowed up by tho recent
if the Trust Com-
of Newark, WM found dead
For last year the total amount property listed in the enmity was
and by corporations making a total of
showing an Increase for this year over list year of
The amount lifted in Greenville township last year was and by
corporation a total and showing an increase of
for the township this
The total polls listed in the county last year were and in the
township 1370. showing an Increase this year of In the county and
In the township,
This increase of taxable values Is a good indication of how Pitt
Is going forward.
Directs lie is Carrying
to be to the Poor
n Friend.
SPOKANE, Wash. Dec.
a last message from a hunter,
ill, despondent and lost In the wilds
of Northern Idaho, a note, signed R.
Clay Stone and sealed In a medicine
bottle, was found floating in the
Spokane river here by a fisherman.
Tho note, dated Aug. 1913,
am sending this message in this
bottle. Should any one find it, have
same printed or write to R. I.
Havana. Cuba, which was Ms-
last address. I am sick and lost
miles from any one.
have on me. m rifle,
two bearskins and watch. Should
I be found give the money to the
poor. Send watch and rifle to
friend. to the
Tho bottle evidently Ins been
months on its Journey to Lake
and thence Into the Spokane
II. Hart, years old, was found dead
today in her home In
a suburb and her
Misses and Rachel
Hart, are in a condition as h
result of being overcome by gas
fumes. Mrs. Hart and the two grand-
daughters were left a legacy of a
million dollars by the late
ed States Senator J. C. Fair, of Ne-
who was an uncle of the two
To Meat
la., Dec.
, bearing of the meat problem upon
Mrs. I. cost of living Is one of the
subjects to be discussed
the annual meeting of the Corn licit
Meat Association, which
opened here today for a session ex-
tending over several days. At tin
opening session today President A
Sykes delivered his annual
and other noted followed
with addresses on various subject
of Interest to meat producers.
cannot say how long it
last but this is pretty weather.
Today's Advertisers.
As speak for themselves, it i
hardly necessary to direct .-. highest court
to the of
in this anniversary edition of The
it shows the enterprise of
merchants who have the
you want and Invite your trade
in the rush of the short days between
now and Christmas, time Is worth
suing, and it will help the people to acted
read these advertisements before they
start out and learn just where to
go tor the desired holiday purchases
You will save time by doing this.
American Wed In London.
LONDON. Dec. 10.--At St George's
church. Hanover Square, this after
noon Miss Helen daughter of
the late William C. was mar-
to Leigh, an officer in
the Life Guards the son of the
late Captain Tho wedding
was largely attended by
of society and by
of the American colony In Lon-
bail, would be a menace to com-
was raised by William T.
special deputy attorney general
New York.
have radical objections
to turning Thaw on the community
to which he would be a said
Judge Aldrich held that hi Ion the
question hail was decided it would
he necessary to determine the
oner's mental condition to the
of the State District
constitutional in-,
in this he added,
of such Importance that I
upon them myself but shall for-
ward them as promptly as to
the supreme court of the
constitutional are
concerned with extradition.
his Status In New York and his
in New Hampshire.
The Modus Operand Mate.,
Judge Aldrich's statement today that
he not the
questions involved In the
Thaw case, but would forward them
promptly to the supreme . of
the United States, was not taken in
supreme court circles as meaning
that the ease would cone to the
without at least the
form a decision by Judge h
on the pending habeas
Only the federal of
appeals, it was out, may
questions of law to tho
court for answer they have
themselves, and this can be
done only in cases where tho
ii of the circuit court . f
are dual.
The only way In which the Thaw
ease may come from tho district
to the supreme court is said to by
of appeal from a decision
by Judge Aldrich. In
eases in recent years, however, where
district judges considered tho cases
store them of such Importance
the supreme court would linked to
review the matter, the judges have
rot considered at length and passed
upon the intricate points raised, but
have promptly handed down
from which appeals might be taken.

iv . m
WILL ll.
V t I
Bran. BUS Humphrey,
u i hi Hen
Lea Flak,
Hill and Robert
afternoon Robert
cut brother, lake Bra.
lard, the result of a quarrel. It
KM over the last sight
l that the wounded had
fer recovery.
a. ii . an The K It
u Hal in read-
for the cash in advance s tern
Kill i. adopted with the
r m year. For
i i v notice has been given
of January tin
w ii be to those
. During this
. , who Ii In
mi ml I all for
. u i-
told by looking
, .
pay i
f the cm In am i
ID i
; l the pi
.- p
hi c
Tuesday evening, Dec. Mis.
a. Staton in her charming
way, entertained the members and
I the
i After the business session
gracefully presided over
i new and enthusiastic
Mis Roberson, a spirited
listing of each
i q some tide to
a being won by
IV, Rob
II the its were ushered
tin room where delight-
salad course with hot tea
ii d Here the decoration and fa-
each carried out the
Mrs Staton a assisted by Mrs,
Robt, a much to
the pleasure of all. She bad as spec-
guests Mis. Zeno Brown ind Miss
Greenville; M James
That n up a
hard to this
holiday season not alone in
and consequent choice hut in the prices. Yon
can make a worth-while gift from this one that will
cost little hut long, satisfactory use and comfort.
Hit now get choices.
Taft Vandyke
To II in
Rate Prom
i Wm Mi
Alleged Slew
R Mount; Miss Jean Gale-
List of Jurors For Civil and
of Court
List of. Jurors as drawn for
term superior court, beginning Jan-
1914, for the trial of civil
C. ii. II. B, Allen. Jerry
Warren, . E. Warren. Q. Ford.
u. I. Mills. J. v.
Smith, Jesse Clark, E. A. Everett, R.
C Coward, Benjamin smith. B.
L. J. A.
Mathews, K I, Dudley, T. Lips
comb, T. A. Person.
Dec. Thinking
bud caught the
had tun I up alleged retail-
Ts. crowd in the sub-
High Point Saturday night
killed Robert Hail, who
the detective. Hall was
knocked down, was severely cut across
the I. g, and then shot through tie
heart Three against whom
suspicion is strong are guarded in the
The murder occurred alter a whole-
sale raid had been made the i II
en information furnished the de-
who bad been at work since
Tuesday. Starting o clock
force gathered up
r for, i the
its In r minutes
of m i gel ill to do
. would
was hi
ii.- Point in .
. . i
was d II i
ind F
pistol shut. A., -i. pen .
ran. Till r r .- I
i. de id I a was In the
road, was found i a passing
i in, who the They
bI work on the case d-
lately and by o'clock were making
further this time taking up
to be examined. These were ex-
Sunday morning and all but
Adding further the excitement of
the night was the death
while the officers were searching for
Officer knocked
e door of one Simmons, and asked
the woman who appeared, if her in I about two years for
was there. She Immediately threw carrying a concealed weapon, and
up her bands and fell over dead, sol who later broke into a
was the shock to her heart, j arrested last night by Chief
While the wholesale were and Webb under the fol-
on live was resting Mowing
of at bed hi- room-mate Will rotten who
When the first I were chums when both lived In
raid he asked to bi Chapel Hill. Cotton put the officer
ii- will wise us to I ii pi from the
this morning to chain-gang, and later bi admitted In
tigers for carrying i
i-l but that it s a
Institute the feature
Hall went to Point two mouths I when he assists
lie u I is work in building Wilson road
i in of i I hi will be I
mil l M led over to the
went to
The Inquest be this morn
o i lock. i i till
The if who are cl cold weather.
of jurors as drawn for
term superior court, beginning
January 1914. for the trial
John P. Crawford. I. Ford, S
C. Whit. i T. Whit, W
i. J. H. Roberson, W i;
i T, L Moore, Jet Hub
V. M, J,
M. Edwards R. Ii
W K. Nannie, Stephen Cobb, C. I
i A. J, Tyson, K. L. Allen. W
II All A a May, n Hi
I. B. Dupree, Ben II, S N
p, W. P n, r v Johnson
R. i. Humble, w. Braxton, Jot
James, K. Harris, M Fleming
ti. May,. P. Pollard, Jesse I.
George Williams. J, n
The Right
Only Way
To satisfy a boy at Christmas is
SANTA CLAUS has left with us a com-
stock for the
comprised of all sizes. SANTA CLAUS
also cautioned us to make our prices
moderate in order that all of his little
may have one.
Come to see and let us show you what
we have.
The John Flanagan
Buggy Co.
Established 1866.
We are showing
the loveliest
advance styles
you ever saw
right now.
Mauled in Greensboro tot House
and Term
WILSON, -Louts
alias Winston, who escaped
from the chain-gang In
-d t it,
Mr. Wright
Prof, Robt. II Wright of K. C. T.
S. has just returned from a trip
I . Goldsboro when- he made it talk
in the Woman's Club on Modern Ten-
in Education The address
given to a very audience
expressed the spirit and the
great interest of the people in
work of modern education.
Mr. Wright's talk was an enlarge-
of the following outline and
these topics were talked The
breaking away from the formal
of other days and the
that education definite and
Specific not general. A necessity for
the adjustment of teaching to the
new conceptions Is realized and this
i for new things. Mr. Wright
that a teacher must study the child
more than the subject matter for
t. aching now in the of
a life not the expounding of subject
People have come to real-
that education is of service In
dally activities not only for hours of
feature Education is broad and
and development of
ii and for the proper development
child there must be a Close
r. between Child's
and ills school. The conclusion, as
stated Prof. Wright. Is that It all
Ii to a necessity for parent and
working in harmony.
Corner Sod A
and Express
Phone No. Day
tests all
There plenty of morn-
and will be more tomorrow
TAKE this chic
for instance. You
can have the blouse
and tunics in chiffon,
the under section of
the skirt in satin and the trimming of
swan's-down. We have the exact mate-
rials you want for this stunning frock.
is showing all the smartest,
newest advance styles. Call and get the
latest Fashion Sheet FREE.
W. A. Bowen's Store
Greenville's Authority on Wear
Phone Greenville, N. C.
old, this office.
Fall Winter
Constantly arriving
New Buck-
Cream Hominy
Old Homestead Flap
jack Flour
New Honey in glass
Call yours
to please
In Our Commercial Department
We offer you every facility available in good and modern
In Our Saving Department
We per cent Interest Compound Quarterly. Deposits
received in the sum of One Dollar and upward
Only Saving Bank In
There is no better protection than a
Visit place and let us explain our to you personally.
Located on Dickinson Ave. Near A. C. L. Depot.
Open Saturday nights from to P. M.
N. C.
B. T. Cox, F. A. Edmundson Cashier.
R. R. Flaming. V-P. M. B, Bryan,
ii mis i
Take No Chances
You plant your crop, Cultivate and harvest
it, at considerable cost of time and money.
Take no chances with the money you get
tor your crop but place it in this strong bank. Your money will they be absolutely safe and
JAMES L. LITTLE, President.
F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
e have received a nice line of
Shot Guns such as the Ithaca
and Remington, Marlin and
Savage Colts,
Mauser and Harrington
We are headquarters for all kinds
of Gun Shells and Metallic Cartridges.
When in need of any Fire Arms or Am-
munition. Call to see us.
J. R. J. G.
Including meals and berth on
CHILDREN, in. years ace and an-
r l, Ive, II
Tickets will be sold tor all trains
December Win,
Limited n i n . I
starting point not later than Jan-
This will be an
for students to
their holidays la
making an educational trip
to Cuba.
Atlantic Coast Lino operates
through Pullman cars to Key West
and to Port connecting at
both ports with steamships for Ha-
Tickets good via route.
Arrangements will be to ac-
i i Ii Jack-
1.15 p. in. Sunday, I em-
Slat, via tin
Sea and steam hi
Key West; and leaving Jacki n
Mill- I p, in. via Atlantic
Line, thence by Tort Tampa and
steamship which i at Key West
en route to Havana.
P. M Jolly, Traffic
antic Coast Lino, who has resided
in Havana Fourteen winters, will ac-
company the excursion, and
assistance to en route and
in the of hotel
sightseeing, etc. In Cuba.
For schedules, reservations,
booklets and any further
I M.
a, J.
a I
i i. .
b .
II I Kill I'll t;
a in . Thin
i. Fronting Com
M. II. I
Land . I Case
In office an i y
is and I
L M W. II.
i o.
. fir,.
plum p
l r-
i. t.
st H. I, h with
hospital service.
I treat all animals Calls answered
day or night,
in gut.
Office in Building, Third 8-
his services
v. i, . ,. i
N. V.
formerly occupied h
g and tools guaranteed Stag and
j paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
J King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
J AHa O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops.
i p P K
J ,
N. C, Oct. 1913.
I am today In receipt of check from your Company for my
. disability caused by breaking mi right arm. hardly ex-
to recover under this policy owing to the peculiar
i which caused the accident, however, the Company's
payment of claim In to prompt a manner Justly commends
both your agency and the Company to the Insuring Public who
desire this form of protection.
Again thanking you the you gentlemen person-
ally gave the matter, I am.
Very truly yours,
J. R. J. G.
When You
Use PURE Paint and
Use Pure LINSEED OIL to add
to it at one-half the of Paint.
OIL- that's the way the M. U
But ALL the OIL needful to maW the L. M. PAINT
ready for use is NOT put into the Paint when it's
pared for the Consumer who buys it.
The ADDITIONAL quantity of OIL is put into the Paint
by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY.
gallons of LINSEED OIL, with every
gallons of L. M. PAINT
and MIX the OIL the PAINT.
If the Paint thus made costs more than per gallon
If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory
Then return whatever you have n it used, and buck A 1.1. you
the WHOLE III and besides, the money paid to the Palmer.
NEW YORK, Dec, . Rosen-
the first novelty to be
Open Com.
Coast or address, j
T C WHITE tomorrow and the even
General BUS.
w j. it win be the
Passenger Traffic Manager, much
N. C of by Richard Strauss
been given In The
Celebrates. Otto
Ark., Dec. S. Round Carl and I Art IV
tog out the forty years of her 1-.
history, there began In to-
i be
and Large Late Drum Head
This pile
mi the summer.
for i
Prepared in lots from
i per
over at per f.
o. Ii. N. C. Can
i size.
a celebration In honor of tin
great forward strides that the four
decades have witnessed. The en-
tire city Is profusely decorated
the occasion. The celebration
continue three days and will include
historical exercises, street pageants
aviation exhibitions and a variety of
other attractions,
two Additions Church.
Two able sermons were delivered
the Christian church yesterday
the morning and evening services by
the pastor. Rev. J. Walker. There
were two additions to the church, one
in the morning and one In
H. ff. CARTER, M.
Practice limited to diseases of the
Ear Nose and Throat
Washington, N. C. Greenville, N. C
Office with Dr. I,. James. Green
day every Monday, I a m to t
via the
The Standard d of I
be on sale from all
points on the Atlantic Coast
all points south or the Ohio and Po-
and east of the Mississippi
Including Washington, Cincinnati
and Cairo, tot all
Dec it, is. It,
and SI and Jan. I limited returning
Jan. K. also to point in the north
vest mill Southwest on Dec.
and limited returning Jan ID, and
from points in . c., and C
to Havana. Cuba, on His-. limited
returning Jan. 8th, mu.
must reach original Starting point
by or before midnight of return
Its specified,
I'm- further particulars, schedules
reservations, etc, apply to t
agents, Atlantic Coast Line, or ;.
dress T c white
General Passenger Agent,
Passenger Manager,
Reliable Household Lantern
There is always need for a good
lantern around the home in the
yard, in the cellar, in the attic
wherever a lamp is inconvenient
or unsafe.
The is ideal for home u e. It gives a
clear, bright sunlight on tap. It is
strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't
leak. Doesn't
Will last y
At dealers everywhere
A gift of a GOOD PIECE OF is appreciated, rot only for a day
fut for years to come it stands as a pleasant reminder of thoughtful giver.
From a stock such as we have you can make a suitable selection for am ere. you
a piece of the finest something attractive and at a
low price. Right now we are showing the finest selection of items for the
holidays n her. cc
Th- Time to Make
. D. C.
Richmond, V.
Norfolk. Va.
N. C
. I i. . , S. C.
. us you the , B r B
. S lit I
a. I Moor a-Brae
t in n up-
Furniture Co.
Dickinson Ave. Greenville, N. C.

Mm lo be intoxicated, but The reason so many women suffer The Roosevelt Press Bureau has
from the papers that
TH r i A Dill is
success. to us so much because of their beliefs ha begun its publicity work by giving is in need of cash. A very com-
the workings old booze. many of them believe they accounts of his explorations in South
rear a No. shoe on a No. foot.
U J Editor.
our year,
Mix .
o o wear a No. shoe on a No. foot. America. Teddy has to keep In the
Yea, re are people traveling on The continued elevation of the cost limelight one way or another.
cold weather who think they disproves the old -oh let me in
-what toe up must y, , writer In Sunday . postmaster,
o I American. Go on. honey, and for Let
trains in
raising it
annual address on
U contained J,. word., but dry Charlotte
. j statesman, and
the humbles What has become Teddy and
It begin to look as is Asheville aB ,,.,, u please; we don't good work go on
. will Boon be I i face with a long care.
Harry We hue not heard a word , , ,.,. A
A Parisian telegram says that the
r. Lamb, of Martin conn- of to visit
is to be deputy collector of r hp the
from either them for days
man to come on. we don't care and
. will do Hie best we can for him.
Mary Gardner that slit skirts
are hideous in the day time. Bu
who to wear one of the things
in the night. Mary
A boy on his birthday In telling
how old he is, Is apt to express it
that way, using the numbers that
suit his years. So The Daily
tor in having a birthday today can
say it is nineteen, going in twenty.
it has rounded out nineteen
V i I is
Sir i a movement is on foot in Durham x hospital for afflicted
i tat., i ; Hi to boom C i J. B. Can- for .,;,,, tuberculosis will be built at A London telegram tells of a man and starts out today for the
nor. When Durham starts to do a The corner stone was laid mile-stone. And while The Doll;
I, . i ; rally does it with a ms, , Masonic ceremonies. speech and Reflector is celebrating this birth-
I I hearing by taking a drink of water. anniversary, Its parent, The
i in Nob b I
n doesn't pay these days lo receive
W. place n ,., ,,,. .
t the Y. M. C A. planted bushels onion II
; trying, I Pitt Not B ,.,,.
Another Illustration tor the
for I touched the wrong In the spring, here is an ex- down
i alarm, ample to Imitate.
. -i
We e from the pr. a man
H . ii
banks Is a
re weather. i I
. r bun was a of a
ii I., but had no Idea
sort Of Bah it was In fore.
the news to
Republican the
at has resigned.
course, there are several
lions who willing to sacrifice them-
selves upon the altar their
in order to get the job.
it the rest of the Judges will g
tor the blind tigers In noun
towns as Judge Carter,
is going for th i In his.
soon a . leaner stab
. What d i id is a
for the
lei message to
g I . f re;
t rot
. i I
of n -i
B law nil
d tin ii
a a i .
b d a fact
plainly In n I
he said o ha-
d i Hi laid further that
Huerta had the re-
and moral support even those
who Here at one time willing to
him career in
usurping control of Mexico is rapid-
the end,
The year of Jubilee must surely he
coming, for we Bee from our exchanges
that Gnat Britain. Germany and the
United States are about entering in-
to an agreement for an international
naval holiday for one year. That Is
neither of them build any ships
during that time It will be a
of to Germany.
to Great Britain and
the United States
water Eastern Reflector, is closing its
thirty-second year.
On occasions of this kind it Is In
man h a just naturally got to to tall; about self a little, but
have a place to walk and very there Is not much The Reflector can
and walk a mile or so. on a big tract . , , i,,,.,, that is not already
that is all yours, then go to Sunday lo Having been
i I,, en operated on tor
. i ; in a pita In
burg, a Boon as he woke up I
i worth Most am
ii. would lave undergone the or-
for the e.
V mu ,,;
, , . band, held up the pro-
the h tor and
five young n n who were In the store
their cash amounting to about
in all. President Huerta, of Mexico, is
o king to borrow a few dollars i
Senator Kern has introduced a res which to pay off his soldiers with
In the senate to make Its dally j much hope of for it now
sessions thirteen hours long until the
currency bill is Th
senator should that eight
hours constitutes a government day's the dough.
looks like that Villa's troops will be
in Mexico before agents gel
to Europe, where he hopes to
They took off the boat
to provide for primary landed In and
election's for presidential nominees put prison. We are not told
they got her
or not. but we will bet they didn't.
We arc that the and
not take up the anti-
trust legislation until after Christ-
for it won't do to talk about no
trusting a fellow right now.
While hi is of Mexico an
g the deal ct i o
towns we hope they
ii. the Intervention of
is one of the wise
things recommended by Pi
m In I . to
. which we Bay Amen
i two at the n i
the States devoted to tie
. while sixty per
b I the expense
. i and r pare i H
that kind.
l , I mi Toll i
Seat n and Ir i Ken-
ave been of
lost con I
b ii -iii-e pi tine i
against each and if
upheld by the courts will forfeit their
in that state.
. . i names of
them as well Ir
The price eggs have soared so
high in the north and west that the
housewives of the large cities are
boycotts on the egg,
the retail and wholesale mer-
chants are offering to surrender and
reduce the price. Down here in the
the Interesting question arts- North state these balmy
es, if tobacco comes under the the liens are all trying their
ban the church, what best to break all records, and thus
about the tobacco aid the ladies in their tight against
Greensboro Dally News. the egg trust. That's cooperation of
Somebody Is always asking
the right sort.
The lines Imposed by Judge Frank
They nil slip up sometimes as the
Raleigh News and Observer did ill
dating Its issue of Wednesday De- following from his pen.
The editor of the S. C.
Ledger, must be in a desperately love-
some condition, as evidenced by th
4th, It can't bring Christmas
any nearer, however, by skipping a
Shall not. believe, lie obliged
to alter our policy of watchful wall
Carter on the Asheville hotel liquor says Wilson with refer
sellers, will be remembered by
offenders, Two of them Jointly had
pay and costs, while heavy
re placed on several others
Having stopped the hotels from sell-
liquor, Carter says he is
right ahead after the
and also the physicians who
liquor proscriptions for others than
is an attempt to thrive
on the wrongs inflicted on a sister
to Mexico.
Governor Craig has gone to Hot
Springs, Ark., for a few weeks to be
treated for rheumatism. During
absence Lieutenant Governor
is occupying the
chair and filling the position most
there is any girl in Cherokee
county who would not like to have
diamond ring for a Christmas
the Ledger would appreciate a
Sight of her. On the Other hand a
visit from any girl that would like
have one will be
The House interstate Commerce
Commission has begun probing of the school is to my way of thinking the their constant companion through so
cold storage egg We would, right way to spend a Sunday mom- about It.
Joe is feet and does not Tr,,. paper ,,, M at all
near as much our ad of its career, nor what it has
of the same family, or walk- , advancement of Green-
a mile or would not be and county. While it has
such a luxury. not become such a thing for it-
o self, as It had to work its way along
A headline In one of our exchanged a and
says with reference to Mexico. often pull against adverse
not like to be on the com-
of that body.
The papers announce that
line began a hunger and thirst strike
as soon she WM landed in prison
use to go hungry with 20.000 good
American dollars In her pocket.
President Wilson makes it plain
says the Wilmington Star, that go
long M lie is president,
despotisms, and all pretended
The wife of deputy sheriff Jones
of Forsythe county, who wore an
eye. was sitting in front of
the fire when the eye exploded. A
doctor was In. and it was
a piece of glass from the
back of the artificial eye had been
forced hack Into the socket cutting
a wound that bled profusely.
A Washington dispatch Kn-
suffragists In
hour today for the national
get fund of their Do
nations were made at the rate of
Well, that will if any-
thing else will. Now listen out for
speeches what great
if they cannot catch all
of the prohibition laws, they
could at least lied all of those they
i of the same
ham Herald.
You better quit that kind of talk.
or you might be considered as try-
to lower the dignity the
Sen. Salvador
military commander in northern Mex-
quit Ills because lie received
no pay. We always heard that
work and no pay made Jack a
and we should think it would
apply equally as well to a soldier,
even if ho a general.
Announcement made that
point to a big development of
Immigration from Japan to South
America when the Panama Canal is
available. Let them go and see if
we cry. We could mention several
other kinds of foreigners that we
would be perfectly willing to see go
with them, especially those that
no Idea of becoming good American
The dealer who will make bis store
so attractive that naturally
a to it as the of town, where
things are always reliable and
governments will not be will be never disappointed, that
dealt with by the government of dealer will draw from his more
smell n mouse; await develop-
Put in the cat.
stances, what it has accomplished
for the community will measure
fold greater. It has always
Judge Ames, of and to lead way
want. Maxim to invent a and
for the fellow who and
his soup grow from about one thousand
to nearly six It has
The civil service commission is and
with the problem has and in
of Improvements and enterprises
the male stenographer gone That
have made it a large business
He went out Tor a drink.
, All may not be ready to real-
wont lie, but liars do
the truth of this statement, but
in o.
it is a fact that The Reflector has
We are told that three years
old ave edible, but we beg to lie ex-
We have the the carriage,
the s; cactus, the
. . ., .,,. ,. in other of
peach, the kidding ban-
witnessed the erection of
building, with only three exceptions.
on Evans street between Second
street and the southern limit of the
town, and it has -u almost as
hit, and now the society,
f Washington, is offering
U persimmon.
US the
the town. It has seen Pitt county
arise from a very low place In the
columns of counties and reach tin
j rank educationally ind com-
. menially. The railroads, the banks.
A judge in Fresno sentenced a
, ,, , ,,,.,. ,.,, j the tobacco market, the public
young fellow who bad been convicted
. ,, ., e , , have all come in The
of speeding his auto too fast and
refusing to stop and help a follow and the paper has don;
whom he had run down be for- to boost and help them along
ever debarred the privilege of run- Though the town has had wonderful
an If that sen-
becomes epidemic whose going
to run the things.
A preacher in Cincinnati
is the biggest single bus-
in America. The American
housewives spend an-
for food. Ten per cent of
is wasted before it reach the din-1 Its pages showing the appreciation
room table. Women spend the people have for it. The paper
per cent of the money man for the people, and the
We would like to know how he pie stand with the paper. With their
growth In these years it seems now
Just In the dawn of its real progress,
and the next few years will witness
greater progressive strides than
Another thing The Reflector
no cause to feel ashamed of Is Its
patronage. In particular the
paper speaks for itself every day.
found out.
you believe that Opportunity
at least once on every man's
don't know whether I do
or not. So many people have taken
up my time who claimed to be Op-
in disguise that I have about
support The Reflector can renew the
one promise it has made in the past,
to go right, on from year to year
the town, the county and the
state to the best of Its ability. And
it will close tills anniversary talk
by the coming
may be a happy one for every read-
reached the conclusion that when, or. Start right now to make It tin-
Opportunity means business she sends j happiest of your life, and also decide
a man a Amer- i to make us happy by getting on the
paper's list for the
new year.
The Walter George Newman gold
mines at Gold Hill, N. C, are
During the holidays should be an
the United The president I- shiftless competitors as surely as th-- that runs from to
right, and we are glad he is an light attracts the Insects from to per ton and nuggets of gold
The Baptists of the state In gen- society the lump post's flicker.
and Dr. Livingstone Johnson Sam
I corresponding secretary, in
state that has alway been the best are to he congratulated. The
of her neighbors and customers. Is g ,, to their convention in Shelby was wittiest girl In the south, gives the Hell mines in good old North Caro-
have been assayed n New York
at from to each. And still
Miss Nell R Lee Murphy, of Rich- folks are going off to
Engineer Laurie Brinkley, of Va. who said to be the Alaska to dig gold, when there are
this the spirit of modern next Tuesday, with every cent of its at Columbia, S. C, following answer to the question
GOT. Craig. I Tor state missions in hand Member when he ran his engine woman
it says Greensboro Daily and then some. S-aboard Air Line freight, man propose forever
Una. The next news will be that
some one will be digging gold In
Cheap pm.
gifts are lightly treasured, Man most
admires in woman modesty. Without
News, old Dominion has fallen
unbelievably low. To move The oil companies of Mexico re
and earth to perpetuate an Injustice fuse to supply railroads with Two hundred girls of Converse respect dice. the growler
that is bleeding her neighbor in any more fuel and they will have College. S. C, have gone to love, man is constituted to chase.
that her own bank account may to stop when the grease gives out on a as a protest If the bride must be given away, lot
a different Virginia Is He should remember that it Is only the food served at the col- father do It. in Old Virginia, at least,
this from the proud that once the lamp holds out to Km the bride unsought will
unhesitatingly plunged into the abyss that vilest sinner may Training SC at Greenville, ever give herself away, for fruit
-I civil war lather strike a blow pt ll time and we hear of no complaint about th.-
her southern . . h present. over there.
The n Dally News makes the
following complimentary remarks
with reference to President Wilson's
recent message to congress;
has a presidential
contained so many bold and original
ideas. The championship of
government is a new form
of the Monroe doctrine which may
Spilling u dish of Ice cream in a
ladles lap is not the proper thine
in tills day of the diaphanous skirt.
The present Indications are that
Huerta may have to spend Christ-
mas in the woods.
Fashion says, a certain kind
of on your and
woman in the land
at once.
to the advanced prices of
everything this will be the most ex-
pensive Christmas the country has
Join the and It wont both-
Hamlet Druggist Is Instantly
In Automobile
specifications, in accordance with the FIGHT TO
Red and help
.-lamp out This is the
on window
bate been sent to various parts
the State by the State Red Cross Sen
requirements. The requirements for
said bridge can be obtained by
I to the Register of Deeds of
Pitt county. Bids should specify
amount for the draw and amount
lineal foot for the approaches. A
certified check of will be re-
quired with each bid as a guarantee The seals were placed
of good faith, that bidder will on sale Dec. it. in an in-
HAMLET, Dec. Morrow, a contract and furnish bond, If bid Is cities and in a large number of the
druggist of Hamlet, was accepted by the Hoard. The Hoard larger towns toe
Instantly killed and Wilson Page reserves the right to reject an or committees Lading
lumber man, his -ill bids. sens are at the head of the work In
when Morrow's This the 5th day of 1913 most of these places. Hundreds
automobile turned turtle about four
n. II, LEWIS, Chairman tors state on
today near West N. C. Clerk.
They bad left about noon for a hunt- Greenville, -V C.
trip and Information of the scold-
was phoned here soon after
accident parties are NOTICE SALE
business Mr. being virtue power vested In me
it i preach on tuberculosis and
need , work, and
hundreds talks will be given
in lie- public schools on the
theme during the first weeks in De-
Mrs. Fannie A. Jenkins
requests the boner of your presence
at marriage of her daughter
Roland Pearl
Mr. Roy Tucker
in the afternoon of Tuesday,
the twenty-third of December
; n hundred and thirteen
half after four o'clock
at Memorial Church
On North Carolina
No cards sent in Greenville.
At Home
after the fifth of January
n. Carolina
About acres, cleared, well
timbered with oak and gum,
one dwelling house with seven rooms, Man a Kettle of
one 4-room tenant house, barn, stables, -r Then Task it Hack
one pack house two tobacco
barns. Land has clay foundation and and Got it-
is as good land as in county. A man out the
tract is on creek road one mile antes which Drug
of Have also two mules, gives every bottle of
one wagon, St barrels of com aim S Liver He bought a bot-
about tobacco sticks. For par- tie and Hen went back to the
apply to
N. C, Route
married, leaving a wife, baby about . that mortgage re read;
rears old. father, mother and In Book 0-9, at page of the i and baa
one sister. tor's office and executed to i. C. i ore. In many counties the
Mr. Page was unmarried Mr. Moore C. R. Cannon and wife Mat-
row was a prominent Mason and Elk tie Cannon on the 16th day of i
and he took a leading part in 1911, I shall sell tor cash to
affairs of the town. His body at public auction at the
will reach Hamlet Wednesday morn- i door In Greenville,
and the funeral will be conducted o'clock noon on Mo the th
Thursday morning under Masonic of the I de-
The injures to Mr. Page late lying, and
an very
,. k and peak on
i on
Hun ii of thou ft
and out
North Carolinians this
Red Cr
ton, N. C.
human race cease The
c west Red Cross Seal Is a powerful
situated Swift Creek township, Pitt sender's In I
; . . North Carolina all humanitarian i
Rev. Daniel Una, Former Pastor In It
Greenville, Is Sent to tract land bounded on bat the time when tuber-
Other I north by the Anderson II be conquered as yellow
on the east Hardy and Hun had been and i
the closing of the Haddock, on the south by the lands ages on the
session of the North Carolin; of and on
of the Methodist by toe iamb, Louis Worthing, con-tor that is helping to bring that
South, appointments as acres, more or lets, and Day.
announced by Bishop wen known as pail the William
made. Rev. J. Daniel is sent to Old Place.
the local congregation while Rev,, This November 28th, 1913.
Daniel Lane who has served B. T. WHITE, Assignee
of II. Moore.
i new. Attorney.
riled in Martin county,
from only ;
of a mile from shipping
i- about one bun
. of
r d. Sot on
a id v n ad tor i
ii i hi Rood
ii d by a family of white
Lock i r N i, G,
and said the hadn't
I into bis
i L register and too out a half
the pi ice the bottle i I
the gen
i . But hi the
He owned up j is
ti i- act, he bad I I en's Liv-
, I i
and he bad
i. .
ii the
church here since early
September, goes to the Ayden circuit.
The appointment of the Washing-
ton district are as
Washington T. GIbbS
Presiding Elder.
Aurora Circuit. W. E.
Ayden Circuit. Daniel Lane, Jr.
Hath Circuit, C. K. Durham.
Bethel Circuit, H. K. Tripp.
Kim City. J. M. Ashby.
Farmville Circuit. H. E. Lance.
John P,
Fremont Circuit. It. B. Grant.
lit Training
. ii music of the Train-
tool an i
Wednesday evening. The program
Elsie Brantley
in a Camp For
To Blood Dall piano
i once the old DR. Spanish Dance
that relieves pall and o
-nine Not a liniment.
When Dreams Come True -for soprano,
Dec. J.
Pursuant to a power of sale con- Carroll left here yesterday for
tallied in that certain real estate Shelby, N. C, where lie will attend
gage executed by J. A. Gardner and the Baptist state convention
A Ii to J. W. Stewart See Harrington, Barber and Co., for
date of the 1st of December, your lows, both one-horse and two-
1909, the same being recorded in the horse Chattanooga, the best plow In
of the register of deeds of the market.
county In book M-9, page I will Four cigars, cigarettes and cool
sell at the court door In Green- Co
Memorial. J. N. C. on Tuesday, the 30th day B. Forrest and Co. invite you
December, 1913, at the hour of to come and look over their new
Circuit, J. W. Autry.
iii. to the highest bidder for cash, all merchandise, they have bar-
Circuit, W. J. Coving- j of the following described property as
ion. conveyed mortgage Id, I
Mt. Pleasant Circuit, I. J. Lewis, A certain tract of land lying
Nashville Circuit. J. L. Swift Creek township, County
Rocky Mount -First Church, C. I. land bounded on the north by the land
I i id; Rocky Marvin of 1.1. A. on the east by the
and Clark street, J. II. Thompson. lands of II. A. Gardner, on the
Circuit. D. A. C, T. Savage and on the went by
Spring Hope Circuit. II. P. Watson.
swan Quarter Circuit, W. T.
TarborO, L. It. Jones.
Vanceboro Circuit, T. E,
Washington. K. M. Snipes.
Wilson, m.
for you.
Mr. s. A. Kim-ell who has not been
home for sometime i; spending n
few days at home.
Sec R. W. for all kinds
fresh meats.
For oranges, apples, candles and
nets see A. W. Ange and Co.
Mrs. Ange returned from
Robert Bruce Memorial
Ethel Moore
Minnie Grant
Amaryllis, Air of Louis XIII
To you- for contralto
Maud Lee
Alice Sanders
Ellen Dupree
Lovely soprano
Blanche Lancaster
Clara Daws
Tin Informal recitals are
held month,
Milling t
Stab I North
I, W. U
Hanrahan as i I
rd of i
i e caused the
i i
Company, to my children for
, ,
of State of the ;
; . son's L II
to he hi I
-r. ;
published at the of Greenville and i id
listed In i I Pitt, be-
he county In which i Id i m- I est thing to start
been located and t- hand your
business, for the period d back with a smile,
four weeks l isl
each week, commencing on
day of December. 1918, a- re-
by Chapter of the
Sworn an before me
the 28th day of Nov. A. 1913,
h l, mow, n. P.
My commission expires July 1914
On Friday, December 1912, at
o'clock a. m. at my residence
offer for sale at auction to the
highest bidder for cash all farm
two mules, one horse,
Stale to Set Express Rates.
CHICAGO, Dec. A confer-
railroad warehouse
commissioners, representatives the
hading companies and prom-
shippers from many parts of
tin country met In this city today to
discuss the subject Intrastate ex-
press rates. The conference was
ranged by the National Association
of Railway Commissioners at its meet-
In Washington a short time ago.
Ti.- conference Will endeavor to
rive at a coherent method Of
intrastate express rates along the
lines on which the Interstate Com-
China male hog, buggies, wagon, regulates interstate
two carts, a large quantity of corn, railroad rates.
fodder, peas and hay. I will
D at this sale one sulky disc
row In good condition and one Kala-
cultivator. For particulars ad-
ll-i -s
J, M. C.
Route l. Winterville, N. C.
lo b-
the of J. W. Kirk man and be-
lots Nos. I. and -i iii the de-
Of the late B. O. and can-
to J. M. to J. F.
on the 21st day of Nov. 1894,
scales, or less. Also
conveyed by J. F. to A A. Smith
by deed dated Nov. 9th. 1908 and re-
pastors of the Greenville corded ill the register of deeds
church were sent to the following
M. T. Plyler, presiding elder
G. F. Smith. Elisabeth City, first
R. John, presiding elder Fay-
J. H. Shore. Duke.
H. It Red Springs.
L. L. Nash, conference missionary
T. J. Daily, North and South Hen-
J. A. Hornaday, Weldon.
K. If. Hoyle, transferred to Ashe-
ville, Western Conference.
H. D. Wilson, Goldsboro.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Quinine. It
mi-i and Headache and off the Cold
refund money if it to cur-,
i w, GROVE'S on each box.
By virtue of authority vested in me
of an order made and entered in
special proceedings in superior court,
S. T. Carson, Administrator
of T. H. Blount, against Edgar
I shall sell to the highest bidder
for cash on Monday the 5th day of
January 1914 at the court house In
Greenville that parcel or tract o
land in Bethel township, this county,
known as T. H. share
the W. G. old
being lot No. bounded on the north
by the lands of Theodore on
the southwest by the land of J. J.
Carson, on the southeast by tin
in county in book P-7 page
j. w. STEWART, Mortgagee
New Bern, N. C. Nov. 1918.
and Co., appreciate the pat
n that you have given thorn I I
r. We hope to add h more
to our stock the coming year for your
one hundred head of beef
cattle at once. R. w.
If you are married or thinking to
marry, see A. W. Ange and Co., they
can supply you with your fur-
When you tire in town in
Mr. J. went
Raleigh ibis morning
Mr. Henry of Scotland
k. has been spending a ;
days here, returned home
Rev, and Mrs. P. B, Woodall, of
Ind., Dec ,. .,,, ,,,,,,, Ox-
Alonso Instructed the jury .,,,. Mrs. sis-
Dill NOT
DR. Mil
to dismiss the ease against Dr. William
ii. Craig. with the murder
Helen Indianapolis,
1911. The motion to dis-
s the ease was made by the de-
yesterday when the Slate con-l
eluded its evidence.
Henry counsel for Craig. in
bis argument in support of the mo-
declared that the State fail-
tor. Mrs. Ii. C, Dudley.
Mrs. Lizzie Mooring and children
of Bethel, who have been visiting
Mrs. F. J. Forbes, returned home this
The lines Imposed upon the big
blind tigers of Asheville by
Carter, ranging from to
strikes us us about the light size
They netted the and county
i and was the result of a com-
promise and confession by the guilty
n the Judge had just added
a few days with the pick and
would have made deep
r impression on the fellows
H d a ii who has been
B two and three hundred
worth of liquor a day for two
or three for a few
land lock over our line of dress goods.
crime in any way and also had lulled
to establish any motion for the crime.
North Carolina, County. hats, caps and shoes. B. D. Forrest
and by virtue of the author and Co.
conferred upon me by the Harrington, and Company
Ions of a certain mortgage executed can supply your wants in
by D. W. and wife Hattie M. crockery ware, lumps, clocks
and of the table cutlery.
county of Pitt state of North, Sen us for apples, bananas, oranges
Carolina, to Barry Skinner of the and candies. Joseph Cox and Son.
said county and state, which Is duly Messrs. R. W. Heb and
receded in Book E page in left here Sunday for Nor-1
the office of the register of deeds of folk.
Pitt county, the undersigned will sell For gasoline, cylinder inner
the court door in Greenville, tubes for bicycles and spark ;
on the 20th day of and etc., see and
at the hour of m. to the highest
bidder for cash, the following . in bed today with the gas turned on
or lots of and the doors windows
and being in the town of with cloth. The Trust Com-1
county of Pitt, state of North was closed by the state bank
Carolina, and bounded by Pitt examiner . with a shortage
Dr. Helen was one of the
and woman doctors in the
State and at one time was connected
with the state board of health. She
was found dead in her apartment In
Indianapolis on the morning of
1911. The police reported
that Dr. committed suicide.
u Household
Kind So.
To have, the pains and aches of a
back be entirely free
from annoying, dangerous urinary
disorders is enough lo make any
of 4400.- grateful. The follow-
lake a Chance
Forming a Drug Habit
win n by the use
King of Externals, for cold
or symptoms of croup, you run
no risk of drugs or
You Just rub on, it
It Colds because
a cold is of
One bottle v wonders.
money if fails
Your druggist will refund your
money If falls to do all
claimed for It. Re on the safe side
Keep away from the drug habit
and use the King of Externals.
Medical Co.
and street, and the land of
I. C. Griffin, beginning at the
corner of and and. Program for the high school f Greenville
runs with street south of the Pitt County As-
to the center of the canal, thence Saturday. Dec.
up the center of the canal 1-2 discussion of the hook
a stake, a corner, thence north a chapters eight to
lug advice of one who has suffered HALE
weight about pounds each. One
white black spotted, with slit ill
right ear; one red and black spotted,
with slit in right ear; one black and
White face with slit in right ear.
v prove comforting words to
I. Peed, E. Second St , Washing-
ton. N. C bother i
me and there were pains across my
east feet, to a on the side of eleven, Inclusive.
street; continued, thence with the Round table discussion of the
of Pitt street, thence south of order In the school room. passage and contained
west 1-2 to the beginning. The I What should be the nature of the used two boxes of
same that was conveyed by Alice arithmetic taught In the high school sand they entirely re-
to D. W. and by him A general of opinions on , There has never been
conveyed to Hattie M. this subject. Everybody is requested , complaint
I one other lot in the town of to prepared to take a position and dealers. Price
lands of S. M. Jones on the north county of Pitt, state of North i defend it. I cents. Co. Buffalo, N.
east by the lands of M. O. Blount Carolina, in the rear and adjoining y., solo agents for the United States.
containing acres, more or less. A th above described lot. and known TO I HI HI I nils. Remember the
more definite description can be lot conveyed to Having duly qualified before the take no other.
loins There symptoms of kidney Owner may obtain same by proving
trouble showed that something must ownership and paying charges, w. H.
he done. The kidney secretion's wore N, C. Route
Following complaints from bus-
men that banks were restrict-
credits on commercial piper to
meet expected provisions of the new
currency law. Secretary as-
sured bankers the government con-
no regulations which
would In any interfere with the
business of the country.
The secretary further stated the
Department had large avail-
able resources, which it would not
to to aid banks to com-
ply with the law.
A from a note broker from
Ohio alleged that large banks had ad-
vised their correspondents lo make
themselves Just as liquid as possible
and stay so, in order to meet the
requirements of the new Than
banks said the note brokers have not
been buying any paper since March
and business at a
One and In ill
. . in I
,. . i. -I to ill .
a At Mil
i .- Mini I and h II.
by referring to the land division of
the late W. G. Blount.
This the 4th day of December, 1913.
ltd w Commissioner
The board of commissioners of Pitt
county Will on December 1913,
i bids for construction a
Tar River at
by Alice Spier and others, reference court clerk of Pitt county an-
said deed to made administrator of the estate of Shade- Keystone State Hotel Men.
for a full description of this deceased, notice is here- Pa. Dec.
This 19th, day of November, i y given to all persons Indebted to is playing host today to
1913. the estate to make Immediate payment n large number of the lending hotel
SKINNER, Ito the undersigned; and all persons m f the occasion
ltd Mortgagee, having claims estate are being the annual convention of their
notified to present th same to the Association, The delegates took
Wilson's bond Issue for payment on or be- trip to this morning, re-
electric lights and improve-1 fore Dec. 4th, 1914, or this notice will turning to In time to
have been sold to a Baltimore
Bi v said bridge to be steel draw ,
i n. sub ruts . concern for par and accrued inter
with wooden approaches. Every bid-
will furnish complete plans and MM,
be plead In bar of recovery. hold the opening session of their
This 4th day of December. 1913. this afternoon. The
P. F. NELSON, will continue In session sever-
-f dins
II ltd
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up
the Whole System, For Grown People and Children.
You know what you are taking when you take Grove's Tasteless Tonic
as the formula is printed every label showing that it contains the well known
tonic properties and It is as strong as the strongest bitter
tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal Malaria, Chills and
Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. I Jives life and vigor to Nursing
Mothers and Tale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging.
Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and
purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthener
No family should be without it. Guaranteed by j our Druggist. We mean it.

In Gold To Be
We are at all times, will to divide with our friends, and in this instance
announce the following prize to be given to the individual farmer or tenant who
sells his Tobacco with us. Contest begins Oct 20th and ends with closing sale
for Christmas Holidays.
IN To the individual Farmer or Tenant who sells the most number pounds
with us from Oct 20th to Dec 19th.
GOLD To the individual Farmer or Tenant who makes the biggest average
us on pounds Tobacco or more from Oct 20th to Dec 9th.
the individual Farmer or who makes the biggest average with
us on pounds Tobacco or more.
We r the fact that then is a lot of go tobacco In this section and are in a
to handle it for you. We are prepared to serve you, and cordially invite us
a trial, we promise you for your
1st. The Highest Market Price
2nd. Feet Floor Space
3rd. The Best Warehouse stables in the State
4th. The Best sleeping quarters far yourself
5th. Courteous Treatment and a square Deal
C. T. Prop.
A well located in good repair
th s
seven rooms in
Real Estate Agents
NEW Dee. u
of mails the town
have to finish the numbering
I house, place on the corners
of . , . ,
giving the names i street and malt-
has been . in Now Hem on s,
for the past or nine Post-1 , kM
master Jesse S. was
i. Little
in lien
Dec. With
one or two voices raised against tin
naval holiday
which would authorize the president
to accept the suggestion of Winston
Churchill, of the British Ad
for world-wide n
meat of naval for on
year, the debate on the resolution
was brought to a close in th
house. A vote will he taken Monday
Host of the speakers advocated the
passage of the resolution because
belonged to past
favored It merely as an c
of changing sentiment.
will not bring
societies will not top war. Disarm-
is a chimera that will
become real after peace is i
As stated son.- weeks ago through ,.,,. T,. ,,,. ,,,.,.
the columns of The Reflector, in or- down because it power w
that Greenville may get the have war until tie
inventions war
Representative Mann, of
Few More Improvements
And Then the Whistle of
the Mail Man
placed In charge of the In
June, 1910, was afternoon
missed by the Postmaster General
or Insubordination, and u. A. Nunn,
representing the American Bonding
i of Baltimore, was on
Mr. bond, was placed in
of the
The action grows out of a long
controversy between the Republican
and Smith, who is a Dem-
and which was brought to the
department In charges tiled
by and Smith against each
It was alleged by Smith that the
postmaster Ignored the civil service
rules by appointing a Republican
youth, not of age, to a vacancy in the
Smith claimed ho was en-
titled to the place, which was a pro-
motion, because of his long service in
When the postmaster learned that
these charges had been filed against
hint, and before a inspector
COUld New to investigate
the case, it is alleged, he discharged
might be made easy,
Mr. Rob cue. who had In Charge
the numbering of the houses and
pi icing on the comers
Informed a representative of The Re-
tills morning bis part had
been completed. Now if the
committee will make other Improve-
that are needed on the streets
of our little city it wont be long be-
fore we will hear the whistle of the
mall man. Be up and doing, gentle-
men, and let us have this improve-
that we deserve.
supported the resolution, declarer
that It would not be to the discredit
of any Individual to offer a
it spoke for peace nor to th-
of nay country to p
Southern R. R.
UP .--
in Effect
V following schedule
published as Information in
are not
I n-t
a. m. daily. Express.
Pullman sleeping car for Norfolk
a. in. dally, for Plymouth, Bliss
in City and Ct
service Washington to Norfolk Con
for all points north west
p. in. dally, except Sunday
West Hound
a. in. daily for Wilson.
and w. st, Pullman sleeping
service Connects north, south
a. m. dally except Sunday,
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects
all points.
p. in. for Wilson and
further Information and
ration In sleeping cam, apply to I
I- Agent N, c
General Agent
Dec. move
I tin Ir mind, but the sun go
Having made Greenville permanent Head-
Ky., and
Mule Company
Will have TWO car loads of the best Horses
Mules at
J. F. King's Stable
Dec. I I I r sale for cash or on time.
Every animal guaranteed as led
Farmers look at this stock. We can save you
money. Among these Horses number
of Extra Speed and Quality
We can suit you
The H Mule Co.
M. W. PRICE, Manager
such a plan regardless of whether ii on nil tin
should or fall. Represents M c. Nelson who has
tin of Alarms, and sold I Mr A. Philips, hat
as. also endorsed the I the and In Ayden
as did Representative on Mr B Dall resides and
of Virginia, who declared no will move to town about the first
in the world could so well afford to Of the year,
suspend naval construction as the Just received a ton Of dynamite,
One of the most enjoyable Y. W.
C. A. Sunday evening services, which
have held at the Training
School this fall, was led last even
by Mrs. Stretch, of Greenville
Her subject was. Cultivation of
the Sunny and her
Scripture reading was taken from
Psalm a joyful noise unto
the etc. The talk was
which was given by the music
students of the Winterville High
School on the evening of December
fifth was a marked success. Bach
number on the program was rendered
well. The class as a whole showed
real musical feeling and gave
of careful training in teaching
Two vocal selections, a chorus and
been several weeks In
to the attractiveness of the program.
Lois of unarmed men have
Subsequently the of apt way In
which the lessons were made to stand and left Mexico, but by the
cut In quotations, and on account of Winchester, a or
the way In which these lesson, were would have been
made to apply especially to student
life, in a social and religious UM s Automatic-, Smith
Mrs. Stretch already had Wm or a good I,. C. Smith
friends here in the school girls, who Sun, a A W and Coin-
are members of her Sunday school
Class, but her talk of last evening Ml- of Ayden was
sent a telegram to
ordering him to restore the clerk to
Ills position. This telegram was
entirely by according
t Senator Simmons, who took up the
case in Smith,
A second telegram was sent to the
postmaster demanding an
whereupon replied that
he had acted within his rights under nM
law. Which lie claimed gave him
the of his assistants
as he saw tit.
Then the department sent
a peremptory demand to
that he reinstate Smith and gave him
until today to do so.
according to Senator Sim-
mons paid DO attention to this de-
and Postmaster General
that the postmaster be
who heard her. and they will
he glad of an to
of Greensboro, recently appoint
ed a revenue agent under Commission-
Osborn. has been promoted to
of the income tax bureau. Mr.
will take charge of his new of-
Monday morning. The position
pays and Is one of the most re-
service. Secretary
and Commissioner Osborn selected
Mr. from or more applicants.
As was the case when Commissioner
appointed Mr. a revenue
agent, he was selected because of lib
ability to do the work, Mr. Howl will
be in direct command the forces all
over the country who collect the in-
come tax
Thomas J, Pence, assistant chair-
man of the Democratic national com-
will spend the holidays in
North Carolina He will go from
Washington direct to where
ho will be entertained by
Hilly Green. Henry Hates and
Prom Mr.
Pence will go to Asheville where hf
will be the guest of W. A.
and ,. Steely.
a nine year old boy, was
rely shocked when he placed his hand
on a telephone wire that had
one of the city's power line on
his way home from Sunday school this v
That-his Injuries were not
more serious was to his prompt
by Policeman J. A. i
See Harrington, Barber and Co.,
Tor your pants, shoes and hats.
If in need of bicycle or auto sup-
plies, see KIttrell and Co., their
prices are reasonable.
Mrs. A. W, Ange went to Ayden
We have on hand a nice lot of beef
received. If In need of meats of
any kind see It. W. Dall, especially
if you want nice oysters.
We are just opening up a nice line
mattings. We also have a fine lot
Of all sizes and as large
as Come and look over our
Our prices are right. B.
West Virginia Coal Mining Institute.
CHARLESTON, W. Va., Dec. 8-
Several hundred of the leading coal
men of the state are attending the
semi-annual meeting of the West
Coal Mining Institute, which
began a three day's session here to-
day In addition to papers on
cal subjects the program rails
addresses on the operations of th.
workman's compensation law, the of.
feet of the Panama I anal on
Virginia mining operations, and the
new v-talc prohibition law and
feel upon the miners.
who slipped on a pair of gloves, and Co.
cured and severed the wire to September that the boys
which the boy's hand was held. He of different schools and colleges
was taken to hospital counting the days before they
It was said that he would get should leave their girls. Now they
on very well. The accident to see when their
near the Atlantic Coast Line begins.
station. The boy is a son of Joseph of the finest
section master for the quality and or-
Line that will make you think
I A. W. Ange and Co., Is the place to
buy your goods.
It is to your interest When you arc
In town to make your bead quarters
t It. W. Dall; he can supply you
iii everything In the meat line. Bed
him for fresh oysters at per
quail. II. W. Dall,
Feeds of all kinds. bran and
cotton seed meal hulls and
The merchants are busy getting in
their Christmas goods.
Come and get your corrugated
rubber roofing from Harrington,
and Co.
I have found some money and par
ties may have same by giving proper
description of It. J. L. Rollins.
A word to you, Mr. Farmer, when
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J.
for the last years, and
Mm perfectly in all
transactions and financially aide to
any obligations by bis Arm.
Toledo, O.
tail's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu-
surfaces system. Testimonials
sent free. Price cents per bottle.
by alt
i nils for constipation
J. W. Little
1.111 M III K. V C
per cont, J It Smith and
mis, W. Jackson, of Wake For
lest who has been
here left for her homo
things are moving, we will
soon see the long happen
the railroad company is building a
new depot and is filling In the cat
In. front of the Ross property,
will build another track, or
at once, and We would like to see the
man who said the would not
redeem their promises.
Mr. Stokes has purchased
farm from Mr. C. Manning, near
Bethany church. We understand
Mr. has decided to cast his
future with th- people of Martin
as he and his brother, Iliad, have
purchased land mar the City of Oaks
All kinds of hardware, mill lilting.-.
farm supplies, windows, doors, lime
cement and metal roofing at it
Smith and Bro
There Is not a vacant dwelling
be had In Ayden. but this has the
use for long Urns
Mr. J, is moving his
to town and will one the
dwellings on the property recent
of Mr.
Mr. H. Q. has purchased
tile house and lot where the Rev.
L. now resides, from Mr. C.
V. Cannon and will move therein about
the first of the year.
AH kinds of cook and heating
for wood, coal and oil. at Smith
and Pro.
Mr. Guy Taylor has purchased the
house and lot from Mr. II. C.
near the old graded school building
and will occupy the same the first of
The latest thing on compulsory ed-
a colored professor charged
one of his patrons five dollars for his
for three days from
i Nobles, of Ayden. and Char
Moore, of Stem, N.
Were married at the colored
Baptist church last Friday night,
John Thrower The contracting
parties are both deaf mutes, and their
marriage was somewhat out of
ordinary. A lot of the white people
attended the wedding. The reception
was held P. S. Cannon's
will make their home at Stem. N r.
if buildings continue to grow ill
our town will favor Itself the
hoy. you want a bicycle
See . it. Smith Bro., they soil
them cheaper
Mr. Charles has
ed the Hill Jess Tripp farm from Mr
A. Horton, for his son Herman, who
will soon make a change In the gen
era appearance In things.
If you have anything to sell
you are in need of anything in your
general supplies, we are prepared buy anything
Still With
The Life Co,
Sow York.
For and Less of
Standard tonic,
E'S i a i I chill TONIC, out
Islam a i up A
to satisfy your wants. B. D. Forest
I and Co.
Messrs. R, T. Cox and R. H. Hun-
sucker went over to Greenville yes-
Mr. A. G. Cox went over to Green-
ville this morning.
or doses will break
any case of Chills Fever, Colds
it acts en the liver
-r than id not
o or I .
to buy, we want to sell you. J. R
Smith and Bro
J. C. Lanier
to III
i i smith's stables,
Phone M,
Fire, Life I durance
North Carolina
A firm but old in the
will find at
Co., the
with number of years
experience, he is in position to pro-
your property against Fire, or In-
e Life in the Equitable Life
of New York.
We kin solicit your good will
and patronage.
The Greenville Drug Company
Sunk Pare Patent
r and
Sick R Prompt
Prescriptions Mt Carefully Compounded
J. Key Brown, D.
River Bridge MARKET
Fresh Beef, Pork, Fish and Oysters.
Meats always fresh, and we s for CASH strictly.
Beef Steak . pT
Steak . I per
. pr
Just across the river bridge. No delivering in
town. We will save you money if you come to us.
Stepp Fleming
A nice home located in the
very center of this good city
Seven rooms, Garage on
premises Lot x
Standard Realty Company.

i i
New Rooks t Library.
After Foot Tears of Discouraging
Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave
Up in Despair. Husband
Came to Rescue.
an interesting letter
from this place, Mis. Bertie Bullock
writes as suffered for four
years, with womanly troubles, and during
this time, I could only sit up for a little
while, and could walk anywhere at
all. At times, I J have severe pains
in my left side.
The doctor was called in, and his treat-
relieved me for a while, but I was
soon confined to bed again. After
that, nothing seemed j do me any good.
Bursting of Water Haiti
Conditions Are
I had gotten so weak I could not stand,
and gave up in despair.
At last, my husband got me a bottle
the woman's tonic, and I com-
taking it. From the very first
dose, I could tell it was helping me. I
can now walk two miles without its
tiring me, and am doing all my
If you are all run down from womanly
troubles, don't give up in despair. Try
the woman's tonic. It has helped
more than a million women, in its
years of continuous success, and should
surely help you, too. Your druggist has
sold for years. He knows what
it will do. Ask him. He will
mend it Begin taking today.
Write Co.,
Advisory Dent,, Chattanooga. for
Instruction on your. tao took. Home
tor in plain wrapper.
CINCINNATI. Dec. to the
shortage of water in the central
city, Our to the bunting
of a main Saturday the
situation today was described by
Fire Hunker as
The only available
is in the Eden Park reservoirs, and
this would not last an Lour In
a big lire broke out, declared Chief
A Hying squadron of ten
bile chemical engines has been mo-
and will be rushed to any
today. All Bremen have been put on
emergency duty. No opened
today and the scholars will be given
a vacation until the central
main is repaired.
Most the laundries closed today
Hotels, restaurants and saloons were
In distress today and when water was
obtainable it was used with the
most caution What water was avail-
able was given to the hospitals, but
these are In a serious condition and
patients are suffering for lack of the
usual plentiful supply of the fluid
The car company Is seriously
handicapped, but is keeping up a
service by hauling water from
the Ohio river to some of its
nations. Very few
plant in the central portion
the city opened t
postage, sent to the PARCEL POST
EXCHANGE, Greensboro, N. C, will
bring you by return mail, Bight
Quarts, Mountain Chestnuts,
sixty rents, quarts If
sent by December Last
for nice Christmas gift. Postal card
order will bring them C. D. cost-
cents additional. One bushel
by express for and
All Greensboro
ltd It
The firm of Porter and Galloway
at Cross Reads will
their entire stock at cost for tin
next thirty days. The firm will dis-
solve by mutual agreement January
1st. All having accounts with us
will please come and make a sett
moot at once; all having claims
against us will please present them
by January 1st.
A clear complexion and
a torpid liver cannot go
hand in hand. Clear
the bile gently,
but firmly, with
At your druggist
coated or plain.
Ion a Beekeepers In
DES MOINES. la. in Honey
and bee culture in all their pi
are to be discussed at the annual
convention of the Iowa Beekeepers
Association which met here today
with a large attendance. The
will elect officers for the year
tomorrow and will conclude Its bus-
Oil sow,
worst no matter of how long standing,
are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr.
Porter's U. -Ya
and ,
the Charlotte Observer.
if women's gowns are less mod-
est here than in Europe,
author and traveler,
that it all depends upon what sort of
women one means. The Immodest
gowns arc and navigated
in Paris to Inflame the Imagination
of men with time and money to span
Such gowns, Mr. Bigelow adds, are not
seen on mothers of good family or on
their daughters. Our have been
Importing by steamer costumes
which in Europe would affiliate them
with Mr.
observation entirely accords with
statements made by Jules
the French master, while In
this country and with what thousand
Of others who did not see life quite
as superficially as most Americans
traveling Europe have seen.
extreme styles are worn on both sides
of the Atlantic, but only on one side
by women of more than one or two
For the French woman
standing or respectability the tight
gown the slit do not exist
It is really unjust to the Paris dress-
makers, therefore, as Mr. has
Bald, to tax them with full
for such things. If our women
confuse the extreme with the fashion-
able, if they seek to be
and f wear
extremes in the riskiness
attending these. Paris can only shrug
shoulders and the goods
which America demands.
Mrs, t. i. Forbes DIM.
Mrs. Forbes, wife of Mr.
a. A. be.-, died Monday afternoon
at their home three miles west
town. She a stroke pa-
about two weeks ago. and an
other on Saturday. In her death th
community loses a most excellent
woman who will be sadly
She lived a Christian, and died it
i hope of the life of peace am
hope beyond the grave.
Besides husband she is survived
by and four daughters
These are Messrs. E. T. G. E. and
A. A. Forbes, Jr. Mrs. O. L. Joy
. r. Mrs. I,. M. Savage, Mrs. J. S
Barr and Miss Lucy Forbes. She
leaves a brother. Mr. T. F.
man. of California, and one sister
Mrs. India Evans. The funeral tool-
place at . o'clock this afternoon
the service being conduced by he
pastor, Rev. C. M. Rock.
It By
I was lick All
i i i hi t
II i i i .-
ft t I.
Ir. i . I ;, .
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Ore not asked Ml
Remedy f. i . n .
. J t-y c i , e--
mace fan better in health
. o v. a on be well i
i real I and healthy stomach, as it
ct other
a v. i i- ha
. . to task
ate In
i. if ac i ,. id man
w ha been restored
For In f. r, by
and Druggists everywhere
Tho Howard Classics in fifty vol-
Elliott's famous
The World of the South;
or in tho Making, by W. H.
John by Jack London
Hagar, by Mary Johnston.
The Land of the Spirit, Thou.
son Page.
The Lovely Lady, Mary Austin.
Lights, by Helen
of Happiness, by L.
A Son of the Hills, Harriet Com-
Finding His Soul, by Norman Duncan.
the Christmas Stars. Grace
The nook of Indian Braves,
Young Alaskans in the Rockies, by
The Roaring Lions, by Otis.
Putnam Hall Cadets, by
Peanut, by Albert Paine
The library is open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays from three
to five p. m.
MRS. W, A. Librarian.
To Reward Young
Champion young agriculturists from
many of the country arc to
arrive in the capital tomorrow to re-
from Secretary Houston of the
Department of Agriculture diplomas
for excellence in their work. Those
who will receive prizes include
of the and clubs
of the and of the potato, corn
and canning clubs of the northern
and western Champion
are also to be here from
Michigan, Iowa, Utah, Massachusetts
and Ohio, together with champion
bey beet growers from Colorado
and several other states.
Ill-Favored Creature Hat Been
and is Just Beginning to
Be Appreciated.
Few well-meaning creatures have
been more thoroughly misunderstood
than the homely, meditative And
Formerly the toad was considered
a venomous reptile, but in our day
its habits have been more carefully
observed and Its great value to tho
and gardener bas been
fully established on account of Its
propensity for destroying insects.
We should, therefore, cultivate the
friendship and assistance of the In-
reptiles. Including the
striped snake, as well as that of the
Every tidy housewife detests the
cockroach, mice and other vermin.
Two or three domesticated toads
would keep the coast clear of these
and would be found more desirable
than a cat, as they are wholly free
from trespassing on the rights of man
as does the cat. The toad Is possess-
ed of a timid and retiring nature,
dark corners and Shady places,
but under kind treatment becoming
quite tame.
Many Instances might be cited of
pet toads remaining several years in
a family and most valuable
ice with no other compensation than
that of immunity from persecution.
In Europe toads are carried to the
cities to market and are purchased by
the horticulturists, who by their aid
are enabled to keep in check the
of the Insect tribes which
prey upon their fruits, flowers, etc.
Innumerable Connected
From Time Immemorial With
Wild Creatures.
There are very many superstitions
connected with wild animals. In the
case of a lion, it is believed that the
wearing of a claw of this animal will
bring great strength.
People connected with circuses and
shows have a saying that when lions
get restless and uneasy, either HI luck
or extremely bad weather is at hand,
and that when they continually wash
in cat-like fashion they are
likely to have fits of HI temper In the
near future.
Numberless are the superstitions
associated with the tiger. The natives
of India believe that its whiskers are
a deadly poison, and that when finely
chopped and secretly put into a per-
son's food they will assuredly cause
death. What is as the
is greatly dreaded in India, and
to avert this parents hang the claws of
tigers round the necks of their
To see a wolf is supposed to be a
good sign, but if a man sees a wolf
before the wolf sees him. then he
will become dumb for the time or lose
his voice.
For a hare to run across anyone's
path is considered a very bad sign In
some parts of England, because In
olden times it was believed that witch-
es transformed themselves Into hares
In order to bring bad luck to their
Vocational Education.
education and the work-
in the county agricultural extension
agents are the chief topics that are
Icing discussed at the annual meet-
the Indiana State As-
now in session here,
L, I. Moore of Indiana called
the gathering to order morning
and Secretary W. S. Hard of Cory read
his annual report. This afternoon
the association discussed the subject
of vocational, the discussion being
led by W. F. Hook, state director of
vocational education.
Rote of
I wish to thank all the friends and
loved ones for their kindness in the
and death of my wife.
alone will ever be able to tell
how much I appreciate the many lit-
kindnesses shown
N. C, .
English Fishermen Consider It a
Charm Against
Other Peculiar Beliefs.
Tho fishermen of Whitby would
never dream of venturing out of port
without a hammer-shaped bone,
from tho head of a sheep, known as
as this little object
is a very special charm against drown-
The mole's foot is also a
cure for toothache or
to locality. Amputated are
In some cases preserved so that the
cripple may not be deficient in this re-
In the next world.
At Scarborough an old peasant has
come to be regarded as almost a
wizard, for the country folks from
round about come to him for relief from
rheumatism. His consists of a
copper bangle and ring, and on either
end of the bangle two small-bore brass
cartridge cases are wedged. These
charms are sold to the patient.
In Suffolk a girl always keeps her
first tooth; then when she marries and
has a child the tooth is suspended
about the Infant's neck during teeth-
as it is said to bring instant
These superstitions mostly exist in
the counties which are washed by the
North sea. Doubtless they are
of the days of the bold Viking
Small Boy Turned Statement Made
by His Teacher to Good
to said tho school-
teacher, addressing his class of boys,
brain acts as a telephone to the
different parts of our body.
before we move our feet or
hands, the message comes from the
Murphy, what are you grin-
he demanded.
was thinking of
came the answer.
think of something that'll do
your brain a little retorted the
come out of an-
other grin spread itself over the
saucy youngster's face. stand
behind the board for half an hour,
and I'll give you something to grin
At the expiration of the lesson
was recalled.
your hand demanded
the teacher, switching his cane.
No response from the stolid
who appeared to be thinking
you hear me. exclaim-
ed the exasperated man.
he answered, my
brain hasn't sent the message down
Hate From Greenville
including meals and berth on steam-
CHILDREN, five years of age and
twelve. HALF FARE.
Tickets will be sold for all trains
Saturday, December
Limited returning, to reach
starting point not later than Jan-
This will an excellent
teachers and students to
their Christmas holidays in
making an interesting educational trip
to Cuba.
Tho Atlantic Coast Line operates
through Pullman cars to Key West
and to Port Tampa connecting at
both ports with steamships for Ha-
Tickets good via either route.
Arrangements will be made to ac-
passengers leaving Jack-
at 1.15 p. m. Sunday,
21st, via the System, the
Sea and
from Key West; and leaving Jackson-
ville at p. m. via Atlantic Coast
Line, thence by Port Tampa and
steamship which touches at Key West
en route to Havana.
F. M. Jolly, Traffic Agent of the At-
Coast Line, who has resided
in Havana fourteen winters, will ac-
company the excursion, and
assistance to passengers en route and
in the of hotel
sightseeing, etc., in Cuba.
For schedules, reservations,
live booklets and any further
apply to ticket agents of the At-
Coast Line, or address,
General Passenger Agent,
Passenger Traffic Manager,
Retold for Tourists.
The express, says the
Standard's Geneva correspondent, was
overcrowded the other day and
had to stand In the corridors of
the second class coaches. One tour-
saw a seat vacant, but covered
with luggage and asked a passenger
sitting near whether the seat was
replied the
man is in the restaurant
wagon and will return
There the matter ended until the
express reached Lausanne, when the
owner of the baggage prepared to get
said the tourist,
luggage does not belong to and
called the guard. The latter
the tourist and the whole matter
was placed before the station master.
The traveler had to prove,
piece by piece, that the luggage on
the Beat belonged to him, and he fin-
ally was obliged to pay for two sec-
class tickets.
How conceptions of travel have
changed is by the
of the old provision.
Writing of the Bath road, Mr. Tris-
tram notes that in Charles time
the coaches between London and Bath
in three days Cod but in
the time had come down to two
days, and the pious saving clause was
omitted. according to
was a regular slang term for
the old stage coach, and readers of
Scott will remember what the Anti-
said about it. But Dean Ram-
say tells of the village carrier who,
upon being asked when he would be
at Aberdeen, be in on
Monday, God and weather per-
on or
Don't cross the street when there
h an and the
hi looking tho other way.
Various Earthquake Sounds.
Earthquake sounds are described as
variations of heavy rumbling, so low
In pitch as almost to be more felt than
heard many cases inaudible to per-
sons who are deaf to very low
and belonging to one or another of the
following The passing of wag-
ons, thunder, wind, the fall of a load
of stones, the fall of a heavy body, an
explosion, or some other
sound. In strong earthquakes the
sound occupies a central region
an average of the dis-
region; in moderate earth-
quakes the two are approximate-
of the same magnitude; while In
many slight the sound
area Is larger than the disturbed area.
As a rule the beginning of the sound
precedes the shock, and the end
the sound follows tho end of the
Spoiled the Show.
There is a good story of an actor
who was depicting on the boards a
powerful pathetic part.
He had made up marvelously to
look starved to skin and bones, tot-
on the verge of death from
starvation, gasping for breath, and
weak from emaciation.
Still, he bad on his fingers a flash-
diamond ring, and the
gallery reproved for It one night.
At the critical moment the hero
out In agony to the
heavens If this falls, what
shall I
The answer floated down
ed from the top
The act was spoiled.
Our Fairy Godmothers.
Tho world, out of fairy books,
chary In furnishing god-
mothers, yet most of us have friends
at whose touch we become more truly
and happily ourselves than at other
times. They seem able to endow
through name magic of their own.
With the vestments and tho
glass slippers that the spirit.
These are our fairy godmothers. We
do well to love them and pay them
good heed, for through them we may
enter Into such possession of tho
gifts that we need have no dread
of the striking hour. This, we must
suppose. Is what did for his
beggar-maid. At his the queen
In her blossomed, which Inter th
. mil could
Roses for Restoring Hair,
form the chief Ingredient In
what Is probably the earliest recipe
for a hair restorer on record. Accord-
to Pliny, rose leaves reduced
into a liniment with grease
make the hair grow again in most
marvelous Pliny also rec-
of rose as serving
to trim the hairs of the
Roses figured prominently in several
old-time strong drinks, such as
soils, which consisted of rose water
mixed with aqua vitae and flavored
with cinnamon. The favorite morn-
draft among Elizabethan
was soils, to wash tho
out of a moody
His Own Fault.
of n Job, are you,
the; got my scalp
long you held office
And it a pretty
tough, at my age, to nave to take up
some new occupation to make a
Haven't you got enough to live
should say
at him with
you make me tired You're
not fit to hold a public
A .
; By e.
Drearily the hours passed, and the
noise of the storm was only broken
by the
howls of
It was after
midnight when
Mrs. H o Id n e B B
heard the door
shake as though
some thing had
fallen against it
Opening it quick-
she found her
John upon his
knees, reaching
for the latch; and
in his arms, half
held and half
dragged, was the
form of a
Indian girl.
By a strong
fort he staggered
to his feet and
drew the girl into
the middle of tho
room. Then he
sank utterly ex-
upon the
all right In a minute, moth-
he gasped. out, that's
all. It was awful. expected
to see
His mother bent over him, but be
motioned her away. after the
girl he expostulated; needs
It more than I. I found her on the
trail. She was lost, and had in
didn't you leave piped
a shrill voice from overhead. John
looked up quickly. His little sister
Peggy's eyes were staring at him
through the trap door.
I couldn't do that, he
said, rebukingly. never thought
such a
left declared the child,
stoutly. killed Uncle Tom and
stole our I wouldn't have
nothing to do with
Mrs. had been chafing
girl's hands, and now rose.
coming In answer to
John's inquiring look. give her
something hot to drink, and then put
her to bed. she'll be all right
In a few
It was late the next morning before
John When he went down the
ladder he found the Indian girl sit-
ting by the fire. Instead of being tho
dark, angular featured Indian girl he
expected, she was fair and beautiful,
with blue eyes and golden hair.
waiting to see said,
gravely. you for last
night. Not many do like you. only
great warriors. Me from big
river country. Panther Leap my fa.
Mrs. started, and
shrank away.
Leap kill, burn,
said, coldly. paleface. Me,
only daughter. What you do
now Bet I or left In to John.
Mrs. hesitation was but
ate not an she
gently. skin Is whiter than
my own
But threw out her hands in
quick dissent.
she declared,
Indian. Panther Leap find me
when baby, take care of me, good to
me all the time; now me
Placing her hand kindly upon the
girl's shoulder, Mrs. gently
forced her back to her chair.
are sick and she said.
soothingly. mustn't think of
leaving here for a week or two. You
won't be able. And you ain't to blame
for what your father
you do when me get
Bend you home, of
Indignantly. don't suppose we'd
harm you on account of somebody
else, do
not she said, simply
never Bee much of
Three weeks later suddenly
announced her intention of returning
I shall go with declared
John. are not strong enough to
she remonstrated, hastily;
must not go. Me not want you
to go. Me plenty strong. You pale-
face, me Indian. We two hate each
other, fight, burn, kill, destroy. No
talk. ho declared.
not an if you
were it wouldn't matter; I should come
for you just the same. I'm willing for
you to go and see Panther Leap, for
been good to you; but within a
month I shall come and ask him to let
me marry you. If ho attempts to
kill me, all right, I shall try to de-
fend myself; but I will come just the
same. I don't believe you
But had darted away with
an imperious motion for him to stay
Ten days later he was trailing a
bear through a thick underbrush when
he heard a sudden rustle at his side,
and turned to see
come back to be your squaw,
she Bald. fight bard, but
no use. When me sure, me tell Pan-
Leap. He plenty mad; but he
been good to me all the time, be good
bow. Two days mad, then he say it
will of Great Spirit, and he not war
n paleface any
Zoological Question.
What animals do we And la
dally papers
The gnu-
General Julian S. Carr's Name
Causes Discussion
Tarboro Boy Dies From
Results of Blood
Opinion at Washington l the Gen-
Will be Nominated. Glenn
Hay he Candidate for
the Senate.
suggestion that Gen. Julian S. Carr
be made the next of North
Carolina has gained considerable
since the idea WM Brat
a few days ago, to O. F.
of and S.
of Durham, who came to.
Washington today and spent several
hours in conference with
North Carolinians here. Their nils-j
here was admittedly to the;
sentiment in the state and they ex-
pressed themselves as gratified over
the response.
General Carr himself in Wash-
tonight, having stopped over
here on his way home from New York I
He dined with Commissioner Osborn
tonight. He says the whole question
by newspaper talk
and was in no sense inspired by him.
While willing to discuss the matter
frankly he was naturally In no
at this stage of the proposition
to say whether or not ho would de-
sire to make the race. He said
possibility would have appealed to
him with much greater force twenty-
five years ago than It does now.
S. C. started the discus-
nearly two weeks ago in an inter-
view published In the News and Ob-
server. This statement was widely
copied in the state and immediately
people began writing to General Carr
assuring him of their Interest and
support. He has been away from
home about ten days, and if the let-
kept coming in the way they
started, he probably has a
to answer when he arrives Thursday,
believe North Carolina should give
General Carr the governorship In rec-
for bid services to the state
and to the Democratic said
Mr. this afternoon. ;
believe the sentiment will be
for him. Everybody i
seen on the has agreed heart-
with this
Mr. Brawley believes the
of General Carr would
all factions in the and would
unite party at would no other i i
act. found universal
; with his ts to lint
Mummer to
W, C. Hammer i to the
Gem I
been Hied In
position to Ills I as
for west n North I i
com pa n led h I
the i
he would i in
by Mr.
in Senator Overman He said M
Id . made no n to
win Hie i h
nm not,
., Kin n. i or Mr.
name would bi the
along with lie- of Din
h not believed probable, how-
ever, Hint there will be any
nomination or hi
full of
TARBORO, Dec. the result
an occidental of a shot-
gun In the hands of 12-year-old Georg.
Dawes. Lawrence.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Hecks, of
this county. Is dead. The
accident happened Friday, the lad
being shot in lite left foot. Despite
the efforts of physicians
set in causing death.
The accident was peculiar Inasmuch
as the two boys bad remained at home
Mrs. N. V. during the
of her sons, and believing they
heard some one trying to enter the
louse, both boys secured shotguns,
and went after the supposed
No one was found and upon re-
turned to the home the boys were
discussing the different points of
two guns In question, when the gun
held by young Dawes was accidental-
John Hines, who was ordered
court to produce his daughter,
wife of Weaver, and who so
far Ins failed to comply, has beer,
sued for by Weaver charged
with alienating the affection of Ills
wife. The father was given days
which the girl was to decide her
whether she would remain
home or go with her young husband
When the time expired the girl
rot be found, and the father testified
that he had no knowledge of her
whereabouts. Then the court
him days in Which to locate the
girl, or go to Jail, but the abiding
place of the girl remains a
It Is believed, however, that she
not far away.
Even Janitors Will be Ousted
From the New Bern
Northwest Growers to Organize.
Wash., Dec.
Organization of the fruit growers of
Washington. Oregon. Idaho and Mon-
Is to be completed at an confer-
of leading men of the industry
in this city tomorrow. The new or-
trill be known as the north-
west Protective League,
will concern itself with everything
relating to the fruit business
marketing, price making and
Its special alms will 1- to
secure uniform laws regulating the
size of apple boxes, apple parks
grades, to eliminate pests, and
to handle matters of and
freight rates.
Dec. New
is awaiting the appointment o
a postmaster to fill the held by
Jesse S. who was dismiss-
ed two weeks ago by the de-
because he was j
there came another sensation
yesterday in the announcement that
Assistant Postmaster T. D. Hew
had been asked to resign. Several j
days prior to the dismissal of the
postmaster, a postal Inspector came
to New and made an
of the office. In Ills report to
the department he stated that both
the postmaster and his assistant were
inefficient and that their work was
unsatisfactory. Faison
got hold of this and at once
, wrote to the assistant postmaster and .
Baked him to resign. Knowing the
which befell his superior in of-1
I Ice, It is believed that Mr. Hewitt will.
rot attempt to fight the matter out;
but as soon as a new postmaster has j
been appointed will send in his
It is also understood that
Hyman Thompson, the janitor
In the federal building, will be asked
lo vacate and an effort will also
made to get rid of the rural carriers
now going out from this office.
has been In charge of the
tor's department of the building for f
many years. Once long ago the Re-
I attempted to get him out
but he in some way managed to stick
to the job. Now that the Democrats
are running the office it is believed
there will be little or no trouble
In getting him out regardless of tin
I fact that he Is under civil service as
I a number of times In the past few
years the inspectors have reported
his work as being unsatisfactory.
The object of the Democratic lenders
in this section is to put white men
in the building entirely and also to
have all white rural carriers.
n I ill in inn Meeting
La,, Dee, IT.- The
Southwestern Immigration
which is endeavoring to
capital and a desirable class of
migrants to aid in the development
the southwestern held a meet-
in this today, The attend-
Included numerous railroad
migration and representatives
i is
; ml in Oklahoma
i us, Ai and
N. D. De.
recently convicted of
three members of the Dillon
family at Ray. N D., taken from
tin Williams county jail by a mob
and hanged from a bride nearby.
Expressions of dissatisfaction be-
cause Culbertson had been t oft with
a sentence of life Imprisonment had
been made since his conviction.
was pronounced
and Culbertson was to have bi n
i n to tho today.
moved In town yesterday.
Bee It W for your fresh meats
and oysters tor Christmas.
When you are need of furniture
see A. W and Co.
See II. Forrest and Co., for your
Christmas goods, applies oranges,
nuts and candies.
Mr. Wiley Drown of Greenville was
here yesterday.
Get a pair of those pants at
Barber and Co., while they
are going cheap.
Mr. B. F. Manning went to Green-
Sec J. Cox and Son for all kinds
of fruits, nuts and candies.
R. W. is preparing to have all
kinds of nice meats, sausage,
cue and oysters for Christmas.
fall to see him.
Mr. Tucker who is attend-
school at Tenn. at
home spending the holiday season.
It. D. Forest and Co., have a nice
of applies, oranges, nuts candle and
all kinds of nice Christmas goods.
Sec Kittrell and Co. for your
oil and gasoline.
Now for your toys, great big beau
dolls, and numerous other
the children which will make
Christmas happy for the children
Come and select your gifts from
Barber and Co.
Rush your order
livery. The Oliver typewriter Is a
very nice gift for girl or boy; tho
standard visible typewriter on
it at J. Cox and Son. local agent.
If you are thinking of having a
nice time in the sporting world see
A. W. and Co., they can supply
your wants In the gun and
a bicycle is a very nice gift for
your friend or boy. See Kittrell and
Co. they have some very nice ones,
and their prices are right
Spain Extends Her Heartfelt f j
hanks to Uncle
Manufactured Mere Tobacco Dur-
Fiscal Year
Don Juan Ambassador
here, advised Secretary Bryan today
of Spain's heartfelt thanks for the at-
of the United States toward
Spanish refugees from Chihuahua.
Mexico. Similar action was taken by
the Spanish to Mexico, who
that Charge
convey to the various authorities In
Kl Paso, Texas, thanks on his behalf
their kindness to the refugees.
The announcement Incidentally from
the Spanish Premier that the Madrid WASHINGTON, C,
government had decided to leave led every other State in the
of her interests in i j the manufacture of
co to the States was spoken t. ear ending June
Figures fur far
Cultivated in
the f. S.
of by Secretary Bryan today as in
line with the action of Great Britain
France, Japan, and other nations
last, by more than twenty million
pounds. The exact figures for the
year are as compiled by
which did not happen to have eon-1 commissioner of Internal W.
officers at places where H Osborn in his annual report. The
subjects were in difficulty. ,.,, came nearest to North
No word has been received from Carolina was Missouri with
Consul up to late value of Hie stamp used on this
today as to conditions in Chihuahua I manufactured product was
City, but the stories of refugees will T. Missouri's Stamps
he carefully investigated by tho De- sis million.
Pi mid lo Meet.
U, D
. pi .
. I
n hi
San Fran I co and l i i lens,
middleweight, Tho mil
for a 12-round bout pound i
I In Mineral Production.
holds u unique no Won union ft
the metal producing a in e d
Its of Its mineral output, accord
In n , i- b i
SI i
. i ii ii i i pro
of i t mi II
the rs in the
production gold, silver,
. A
l the r
In third In
. II
seventh In zinc.
Hill Kl N
In and around the White
House been put in the best
order for the opening of the
Oral social season under the
administration, The season promises
to be a brilliant and interesting one.
despite the fact that the
has derided to the annual Nev
Year reception, which from time
has been the big social event
the winter in the national
Tin i. will the
net dinner tomorrow evening, and
i , i-iii v in i lo i with the
Navy reception on February
During the g time
will in a round of diplomatic r
ii p .
lion . the usual I D
a till i the pi r
tn lie ii on
I nature to I
before any further
are made to the
Several military authorities are
operating the telegraph lines between
and and message
Sent are censored by the military com-
according to advices to the
state department today.
Manuel an uncle of the late
President was removed
heavy guard last Saturday from
Vera Cruz to Mexico City.
VERA Dec. Read Ad-
Frank F. Fletcher, in command
of the American war ships at Tam-
reported this afternoon nor
conditions prevailed there and
that the weather had moderated
to pi the transfer of
the refugees from the battleships to
the transport Sunnier return
The marines who were temporarily
placed aboard the gunboat Wheeling
and the scout cruiser Chester, I
been back to the battleships.
To Probe
BOSTON, Mass. Dee. The
Public Service Commission
today began an Investigation pi
expenditures of
money by the Now, York. New Haven
Hartford Railroad Company
the period covered by the last
ii of the legislature in this
To Dine Victorious Gridiron Team.
BOSTON, Mm-., Dec. The
s the Harvard foot-
ball be guests Of honor
dinner be given by the Harvard
Boston in it-- new
tomorrow evening. The football ii
ii the dinner and little
ill the Vale game will be
footballs will be presented as
souvenirs to the members of the win-
. l i i
the mi
I lea. The convention will have Its
headquarters Windsor Hotel
nail the business sessions will be
In Id University, One even
will devoted to a meeting of
the Canadian branch of the
and the parent body. It Is expected,
I that His Royal Highness, the Duke
of will he at this
I meeting.
As Rev. M. Daniel
to be in Greenville the Br I m I
week to perform the i
r In- will preach in the
i bun h n
night and be absent
We n i
pulpit ii hi it
i. here n u v
I I to
Ti I I
and ii
In the I led SI i
at the i.
I .-i i urged with m
I i j lb Ah i h re fro i I
Forty-six million pounds Of
ninety-six million total went into plug
tobacco, the western, or district,
forty-two million
by the eastern, or fourth dis-
There were nearly fifty thou-
sand pounds of twist and other farm
of eastern district out-
stripped the west in the production of
smoking tobacco, manufacturing
million pounds out of a total
fifty millions. The tax paid tho
for manufacturing -his to-
was The m
district paid sixty-two million dollars
of this, while the eastern contribute I
thirty-four million dollars.
Nearly tine-fourth in
The comparison between North
Carolina's production mid that
states not sink in until the
ti the United States b compared
with North Carolina. North Can
manufactured million pi .
The entire United States
four hundred and thirty-live
one-fourth all Ike
the Hailed
slate-. The value of the stamps seed
ii. North Carolina's finished product
. as ii million n was
four million for tin i
North Carolina paid
million to the la t
The entire I I
four i i ad
I o ii
pin BI
to I r
ii , i.
The Greenville Graded School will
close on Friday next, Dee. tot
Christmas and will
Its work again on Monday, Ian i
III I he
i cigars. TI
I by a
mi .
i tobacco.
Arena store.
I ill and VanDyke have . I
the w. l. Brown property on
avenue, They will
Twilling house off the lot
n large furniture store there.

Eastern reflector, 12 December 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 12, 1913
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Joyner NC Microforms
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