Eastern reflector, 14 November 1913

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A. M.
This farm has been sub-divided into SEVERAL SMALL FARMS, each
farm will have good road frontage. This farm is only fifteen minuets walk
of Pitt County Court House.
Free Barbecue Dinner
Those Auctioneers
Atlantic Coast Realty Company
Greenville, North Carolina.
K. W. Cobb, Sales Manager.
Agriculture U the Most the Moil Healthful, the Moil Noble Employment of Wash
Association Formed for Promotion
of Clean Sports
Officers of the Association Are Elect-
ed for the Year, and the
Teams i.-in Active
The Athletic League of East Caro-
Teachers Training School was
organized last Monday with Miss
Comfort as and with
a membership of ninety-four. The
purpose of this league to de-
and encourage an athletic
it in the Training School; to pro-
recreation for the students of
the school; and to train girls to
carry on work of an league
so that organized play will become
a permanent feature of the school.
The following officers were elect-
Lee Alston, president.
Connie secretary.
Mary Weston, business manager.
Mary Smith, official scorer and
chairman of the basket boll commit-
Mae Belle Cobb, chairman of the
constitutional committee.
Basket ball and Tennis Clubs form
subdivisions of league. In the
basket hall club are eleven
teams with nine members each, or-
under the following captains.
Senior Emma Cobb, Kate
Junior Connie Bishop, Er-
Forbes, Minnie
Leona Tucker, Alice
One Year Elsie Swain, Bes
The tennis club has not yet been
organized, but it will organized
immediately under tho direction of
Fellows Initiated big
Club Members
Tuesday Night
Thirteen candidates initiated
into Covenant Lodge, No. I. O.
F., of this town Tuesday night. Twelve
of the number had received the sec-
on the previous meeting
night, and the other was given this
i night, after which the
entire number were shown through
the mysteries of the third and last
degree of Odd Fellowship and became
members in good standing in the lo-
Covenant Lodge is following its us-
custom this year of getting up
a Thanksgiving donation to sent
to the Odd Home at Golds-
and a substantial addition to
this fund was received at the
meeting of the lodge Tuesday
night. A of members,
consisting of Messrs. L. II. Pender,
II. Evan.- and B. G. was
appointed to receive additional con-
among the members In
this town.
An effort will be made by the lodge
this year to solicit a largo number
of Is of sweet potatoes to be
sent to the Home, and the members
o order in Greenville think that
they will able to get In hand a
largo amount by Thanksgiving. The
orphan home at Goldsboro has a large
potato house built especially for the
storage of this crop during the
r months, and they can
date thousands of bushels.
Hems Concerning Living In
Thai Section.
Nov. Basil
went to Greenville Saturday.
Elder W. H.
ed the conference of Free Will
In county last week.
Mr. John Harrison of
was In our community Saturday
Messrs. Moore Bossy
Laughinghouse, of Cox Mill section,
were driving their car on our
Miss Davis. This prom Saturday night.
to be as popular as tho basket
ball club.
The basket ball players are plan-
for a big day on Thanksgiving
Day, when there will be two Inter-
match games. Tho practice
games of the next two weeks will
show which teams will play these
match games.
A cross-country walking to
be organized under the direction of
Daisy Bailey
Farmers Wives Honored.
State city officials and many of
tho representatives citizens of Now
England are gathered to do honor to
the visitors whose work for the
of the American farmer has
been recognized and paid tribute by
leading statesmen and men
of tho
This morning was to tho
organization of the convention. At
the afternoon session Oliver Wilson of
Peoria, III., national masted, delivered
his annual and reports were
presented by the officers. The remain
of the week will be given over
largely to the conferring of degrees.
The business sessions will last ten
days or two weeks. The relations of
tho currency bill to the farmers will
be a leading topic of discussion. Th.
Mr. Henry Hellen, of near
was listing Ills mother Saturday
night and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Levy Williams, of
cox's Mill passed through our town
Sunday morning.
Miss Daisy attend
ed the teachers meeting at Greenville
Messrs. S. A. Ade and Will
Smith and Ben Hellen attended the
Farmers meeting at Greenville
Mr. Basil is his
over the river Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. was out driving
Sunday evening.
The Farmers Union will a pub-
speaking at Mills School House
Wednesday night, Nov. 12th. Every
body Is cordially invited to be piles-
en t.
Mr. Charlie of
was in our section Sunday.
Tho wedding bells have been rung
some for the last few weeks and every
thing looks like they will be rung
again some In the near future.
luck to them. Hope they will
always be happy have good health
Specifications for New Bridge at
Mr. N. M. Jones, of Washington, N.
Submitted Plans Accepted.
Cost Has Been De-
Plans and specifications for the con-
of the new county bridge at
Ferry, a point about fourteen
miles east of this town on the Tar
were submitted to the
commissioners at a special meeting
that board held yesterday for that
A number of engineers and bridge
construction concerns submitted plans
but those offered by Mr. M. Jones,
of Washington. N. met with the
of the commissioners, and these
were accepted. This matter has been
before the board for several months,
the demand for the b having
come up form the people of Grimes-
land for better accommodations
tho river at that point than
are afforded by a ferry boat, which
been In use at that place for many
years. The plans of Mr. Jones, while
not altogether satisfying the demand
of the commissioners, were the belt
offered and are such that can
be to meet the requirements.
The commissioners will again
mediately advertise for bids for build-
the bridge, and all bids received
will opened at a special meeting
be held at on the
of November the Friday following
Thanksgiving Day.
The new bridge will be modern in
every respect. It will be equipped
with a steel draw, and will have wood
en approaches. The exact cost, or
even an approximate estimate of the
cost of the bridge, cannot be made at
this time, as there, are some changes
to be made that will so alter the
that this could not be done.
Cotton And Markets
Show but Little
Tho cotton market today remains
steady, the exchange having opened
up at cents per pound, and re-
at that figure at the hour of
going to press this afternoon. De
camber futures opened early in the
day at 1.1.22 cents, and has climbed
to 13.31 cents, a gain of II points.
The local market is rather slim so
as the number of bales brought in
are concerned.
Tobacco is selling at the
high prices as reported
and for tho past few days. Tin
market sold today
or pounds, and all sales
were concluded by o'clock.
Attention is again called to
the fact that on and after Jan-
I, 1914, The Reflector
will place its subscriptions on
a strictly cash in advance sys-
Many of the people who
have come in to pay their sub-
in the past week or
two have approved of the course
and seem to be pleased with
it. After all, this Is the only
safe and sure way to run
newspaper. The subscriber had
as well trust the publishers as
the publishers had trust the sub-
and it is not expect-
ed that any difficulty will re-
suit from the efforts of the pa-
per to put on the new system.
All farmers and out-of-town
people who attend court next
week are Invited to visit The
Reflector office and pay up In
The Sixth Annual Convention of
North Carolina
MANCHESTER, N. II, Nov. 12-Sturdy
American farmers with their wives
effects of the new tariff law also will daughters were the honored guest
of Manchester today on the occasion
be considered. Tho principal
function of the convention will be a
banquet next week In honor of the of
and delegates. Several speak-
the opening tho forty-seventh an-
meeting of tho
Patrons of Husbandry, in whose ranks
of national prominence will be are enrolled more than of
heard at the banquet. moil practical experts In the water.
Municipal League Meets In Toronto
Toronto, Out., Nov.
gates gathered in Toronto today for
. annual convention of
tho National League of the
United States. It is the first time that
the has met in Canada
and the plan to spend con-
time In learning how
cities are with municipal
problem, that arc common to the
of both countries, A special
Canadian session will be held Friday,
at which Hon. Adam Beck will tell of
the hydro-electric power system and
J. F. Beer will explain what tho pro-
and city are doing to Improve
housing conditions. Other speakers
will be heard on tho details of the
system in Ontario.
Christened B lady Randolph I
LONDON. Nov. Randolph
Churchill, formerly Miss Jennie
of New York, performed the
christening ceremony today at the
launching of the big new
at Her son, Wins-
ton Churchill, who is First Lord of
tho was present The
will displace 25.000 tons and
Is designed be one of the most pow-
people the launching
and cheered wildly an the great
woke to life and plunged Into
Tobacco of Trade Close. Mar-
and lilies
Nov. J. M.
Nelson has sold his farm down on
Fork Swamp to Mr, Jesse A. Phillip.
and speaks going out west.
Remember that J. It. Smith
Bro. carries a full line of all kind
of school books and supplies for
Yes, is coming
and says in the language of the song,
ever so humble no place
like Mr. Cox and
family moved from here last spring,
looking for a hotter place. He bough
land and improved it, and has sold,
out, took in Ills profit and loaded his
household, and struck a bee Hue
Ayden. We are all glad to welcome
him and his family back. Ho has on I
done like many fellows and
have done before.
All kind of mill supplies at J. It.
Smith and Bros.
Mr. Charlie Barber has accepted
position with the Ayden Baptist. We
all feel an interest In this young
because ho lived amongst
when quit, small. His parents
ed down on Creek. Charlie
had learned to love bus-
and like Hon. Josephus Daniels,
kept whacking away until success has
dawned upon him. He is a son of
Mr, If. It. Barber, grandson of Mr.
Barber, and of Mr.
William Barber, who was famous for
cooking good barbecue, selling It on
the public square In Greenville long
years ago. when Mr. O. P.
wan mayor and J. was
A large shipment of dynamite,
caps, and fuse at J. R. Smith and
Mr. Joe John Manning, who
been living close by here, and a good
citizen, has decided to change his
habitation, and will soon move down
on Black Creek, we predict, but hope
he Is not making any mistake.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dr.
a son
Mr of
has purchased of Mr. S. If, Smith
tho If, If, Swell farm on the Gum
Swamp road. This Is a splendid
The Ayden Tobacco Board of Trade
has decided to close the market here
for this season after enjoying a large
patronage, and feel very much en
There was almost a blink
sale the last day. There will be a
banquet by the hoard before the buy-
and leave for
their homes.
Mr. H. has purchased
farm of Mrs. Sarah R. Smith down
Gum Swamp road. Mr. Is
an expansionist and controls much
tanning land.
All kinds of hardware and mill sup
plies, lime, cement, plaster at It
Smith and Pro
Mr. J. A. Harrington has
ed the two story building near the
graded school and will move
the first of the year.
Are to be hi Many
Prominent Speakers.
There will be held at Charlotte,
North Carolina, and
19th the annual convention of the
North Carolina Drainage Association,
Since th- organization this
in 1909 and tho passage of
general drainage of the State,
about TO drainage districts have
started. Ill haw been com-
representing an area of
acres of swamp land. About
Mrs. Mary is having drained
house led up on Griffin petitioned col-
counties of the Coastal
and will move therein about the first
of the new year.
Mr. William of
Is here on u visit to his brother,
Mr. Joyner and la so much
In love with our town and people that
he has decided to cast his lot among
us, and will open a new business, as
soon as buildings can be
If it is a Move, we have It. any-
thing from a sheet iron heater to a
steel range. Terms to suit the
chaser. It. Smith and
Messrs. Richard and Joy-
have returned from st.
Louis, where they purchased stock
for this market.
Rev. George Unwell, of
has been elected pastor
the first Baptist church in Ayden
moved his family here and
i the Wright building up near
College park.
Wanted to buy., a good fresh milk
cow. It. W, Smith.
Mr. John id Jones was in to
see us Saturday Informed us that
he has sold his holdings in Craven
and would return to Ayden
at the first opportunity. Mr. Jones
left hero about two years ago. but
says he knows a good place When
he sees It. We all welcome the re-
turn of our friends We will be glad
to give notice when our friend and
milling Mr. Joe gel.
lead .- come home.
Good roads day was not much
served down this way, but there's
great room for Improvement
Tuesday while Mrs. J. O. Cox was
preparing supper, her little child
threw the remainder of oil
that was left In a in the
win h blazed up and burned the lit-
one badly. We were not able to
learn the extent of the Injury. Both
were badly burned while
cuing the little one.
Sunday morning while Mr. Bill
Henry Harris was cutting some wood.
ax came In contact with a clothes
line over head and caused a miss lick
which came near killing Mr Harris,
hitting on the top of his head,
rendering him unconscious for a
While, His family him. found
him prostrate on the ground, bleeding
Medical aid was summon
ed. and he was dressed, but his es-
cape was almost a miracle
Plain region. Drainage districts have
been organized in Piedmont and
western North Carolina in It
ties representing a total area of
acres of overflowed laud. From
data which has been collected it
pears that drainage of these lands
has enormously their
value, and the money value
of these lands has Increased from
to per acre, with
ed average value of This will
give an aggregate Increase hind
values tor these of
which before draining yielded no re-
turns whatever, an.
increases the general
these sections from To p. r t I
Inn per cent.
At this convention ti n III
addresses from man. prominent
speakers, engineers will be pres-
who be in a position give
Information of practical value
those who are interested in tin fur
of drainage districts Every-
one Interested In this eon.
of public la
cordially Invited to attend
of the convention, ml bi
considered as delegates
There nil be a discussion of tip
North Carolina drain ice and
recommendation made at Io any
changes In h ill help pro-
mote drainage work of flat
Chapel Hill N c. Not 1913
President to
President Wilson is hoping to be
to go take all the
the Army game November I.
at York
BAN Nov.
With the cheers of many enthusiasts
ringing in their ears, the of
American athletes who are to pit their
prowess in feats strength,
and skill against tho best of the
in Australia and New Zealand,
sailed for tho Antipodes today. Tho
members the team are James
of the Boston Association,
mile champion th. i all J State.
and Canada, who is ready to at
any from hall two
miles; Meyer, the
lean A. C. of New York, who is tho
printer on the Rural R
pi, ton. of a Pan
Francisco who iii do tho huddles,
high jump, broad Jump and polo
Reginald Cal.,
who Is a and
Put mi on again, and time
let stay on.

I I El I K. M n nil;.
Of. F. X. Parker Preached H
Methodist Church IT
I urge i ti
mi Hi- i to
hi.- there
Franklin N. r.
U it
tine U r
In i
r opportunity to
Dr. Parker
lug mi ti.- inn tin soul j
hotting II
i- . lit. i. that
ii would u to i
n died in
i . I -f-
Hi said
, p i Id m I
an i in
I,. in iii.
i . j. -ii.
i .-.-
Pi man III-
I oiler II
Hi he could gave to
ii all m that call upon
The Ii aid ever;
.; h i a n id
and to i n soul
and Ii would never turn a deal
, M upon one Be him
were Impressive and
full of power. Dr. Parker la a man
v r. much devoted to religion
and one can . from even
abort association with him. The
Methodist people were glad
day, always are, to him
here with them, and they will always
give him a cordial He
upon leaving this morning, that
d to visit On for
had been hero a w a and had
formed a liking for the town
and was that
are nun; go Kl. v Ii
i here
Mrs. H. I. Keel Shit Herself
Through The Heart
V. inn I She Was Dressed
Km and Hail
to Defray the
u leaving with any one word
in her rash deed,
Mrs. l. Keel, end-
ed in- .-i a bullet through
her heart Saturday afternoon
i her borne in
town woman's body, when
found, prepared for burial, eh
having taken the trouble to her-
sell in a beautiful black drew In
i war found In a-
. i, . , h
n i raj all, or i u part,
r funeral and l trial expanses.
Mi M, Wooten, of tills town,
u in in after-
noun for purpose of holding an
inquest over the dead body, but,
required number men had
bun secured, II was deemed
to secure the verdict o h
oner's Jury, as the tact In case
mere positive proof that the woman
M her death at her ban.
M i Keel had been married twice,
but at the time or her death, was
not living bar husband, ii
is thought general
over till and other matters and
forced her to seek relief In
She three small children and
one grown son. who now lives ill
this town The burial took place
; m
mm i
Note of offerings
that of-
Hie price ,, of
in our line sleeks.
suits to
chairs to 15.00
Oak to
Taft Vandyke
n- mil
C. II. Bock in
Able Sermons
I have several excellent farms tor sale, agreeable located
in good neighborhoods, on public roads and accessible to the
railroad. These farms will make ideal home. The land
cannot be surpassed for tobacco, cotton and and they
can purchased on easy term.
F-- information write or call on.
Trenton, N. C.
it in r, Lot,
Price of
Rev, C. M. Kink's in
Saturday that be would preach upon
The auction sale or the ,., topics Sunday large con-
property at the court house door to- to big church. The morning
day at noon brought The subject, Ho You
property was sold in auction, was merely a the
as broken up In six different lots man takes with respect to
th. ranging In price, to the religion of Jesus Christ
their value, from in
wanted his hearers to ask themselves
Those buying lots and the prices the question to where they stand
paid for them
I. In
No. Dr i
Lot No
Wilson Jr.
with reference to this religion, and
was the opinion that every man
must be on either the one or the
other, There is no neutral ground,
ii in to the religion Christ
and a disinterested toward
it was almost equivalent to
to it.
was Mr Rock's
j subject at the night services, Ai
this lie did not discuss his travels
in the Moll Land, only In so i.
in drew lessons and Illustrations
in saw there. The burden
his message was comparison
Mr, II. mil sell I'm i hi His iii said that la
Walter Wilson. Jr. ;
Farm on
farms considerable
lying on the property
Mr R, across the river, will
in auction on Thursday, Mo-i
go, a little more than a
ii The in.
hi state of cultivation, and Is
valuable land.
The auction tale will be In
in i Williams, of Richmond.,
who will hen on that day to look
after the matter, H la Bald to be
one of flue i opportunities for
buying small in
section in time, and ill like-
bring a big
Hill ill Mill;
me and well
I to all crops also a repair shop,
good work. Liv-
house to foil W. II SMITH
an Incurable and ii eats
the of it in i
manner painful and
Ami the preacher said
there are many so steeped In
sin is alb no hope
for Though the blood Christ
man. people go go
fur seem to be
that no call from n n
or woman them with
force to i ring thorn back.
st Louis, Mo. in. The
I. d Slates
which Senator of
ma. is president, met for its annual
convention in this city today, Del
, from all over the a
them number of governors,
i I public
w ere in attendance, Governor Major
Missouri, welcomed the visitor
The sessions win continue through
the entire week
Happenings of The Week-End in
Thai Town.
Nov. H.
went Greenville on
Bee the A. O. Cox Co., for your
arts and wagons.
Mrs. R. Taylor of Ayden has been
visiting Mis. R. T. Cox this week.
Dora K. Cox and Mrs. R. H.
Hunsucker went to yesterday.
If you want a good reliable
machine A. W. Ange and has
the Free.
See Harrington, Barber and Com-
for your hats in the latest styles.
Also men's and pants.
Before Inning a buggy see the A.
Cox Co. They will save
on the Investment. Overalls.
jumpers, and leggings
A. Ange and Co.
II. and Co., a nice
line of heaters and stoves.
Mr. A. G. Cox made a trip
IO Wednesday
K Harrington and I.
Abbott attended the Tarboro fair
Thursday, They left early Thurs-
day morning on s ear going through
Hi. Country and returned the same
Mr. II B. Bills and two young sons,
Larry and went to Washing
Ion Thursday.
Annie Grady. Seven Springs
Friday evening t take charge
the Bills about two miles
from town.
See Harrington, Barber Com-
for your shoes of all styles, they
will save you money on your Invest-
Mr. I It Williams, lives on
the farm Mr. W. Unix ton about
two miles from bare, was thrown
from a while hauling hay last
Thursday and cut by tin
wheels In several places The
to run while crossing
a bridge. In bis effort to stop tin in
the reins broke and he fell and two
run over
I k afternoon,
Mrs. Mary Keel, wife of Henry Keel.
Committed suicide by shooting her-
self through the breast No definite
cause is as-signed for the She
leaves a husband, mother and two
The III Japan.
Fifty years ago no portion of the
Bible was translated into the
language, nor was the in
any language allowed to be
ed In Japan. Twenty-live years ago
the complete Bible in what is called
the authorized version was printed.
During the quarter century the
language has greatly develop-
ed and become standardized, the
of the various provinces coming
to speak the It was.
therefore, felt that revision was
and a
was appointed recently by tile
revision, publication and
of the text of the holy Scriptures
In The latter commute Is
composed of two agents of each III-1
hie society and one representative
from each co-operating mission.
The following is an extract from
the recent report of the
the close of the gospel of
Mark had been published, the
preliminary drafts Matthew, Luke
and John had either been completed
or were well under way. The second
revision of Matthew in full commit, j
tee had proceeded to about the
chapter. the present
year, in addition to the preliminary
drafts of Luke and John was entrust-
d. the revision by full committee
Hie latter half of Matthew, the
of Luke and a portion of John has
been accomplished and preliminary
draft has been Made of a considerable
portion of the
We are showing
the loveliest
advance styles
you ever saw
right now.
this chic
for instance. You
can have the blouse
and tunics in chiffon,
the under section of
the skirt in satin and the trimming of
swan's-down. We have the exact mate-
rials you want for this stunning frock.
is showing all the smartest,
newest advance styles. Call and get the
latest Fashion Sheet FREE.
W. A. Bowen's Store
Greenville's on Wear
Phone Greenville, N. C
into N
Corner 2nd A
i. and Express
Phone No. Night Dr
Farm Contains Acres next to Smith.
I Farm ill Acres adjoining; J. C. Cobb's old place.
I Farm Contains Acres near Standard, next G. T. Tyson.
I Farm contains Acres One mile of Greenville.
I Farm contains Acres Near
Farm Contains SM Acres near
I Contains Acres and
Farm contains Acres Between and Ayden.
I Farm contains W Acres and Ayden.
Farm contains IS Acres Between and Ayden.
Farm Contains Acres one mile of Greenville.
Houses and Lois near Dickinson extended.
Home and lot In West
Home and lot la South
I House and Lot on one block of business
lots In West file.
I lots In
1-2 Acres la West tine Pecan prove at head of
Building; Lots In Ayden, ft, Hue Oak on each lot
It us pleasure to you any of these proper-
ties. Call on or write to if when wish to buy or sell.
Standard Realty Co.,
R. C. Flanagan, Mgr.
la Hank Inn A Trust Company's New
THE NATIONAL BANK OF north Carolina.
Resources---Over One Million Dollars
We extend appreciation to our old customers and a cordial invitation to those
wishing to Open New Accounts
In Gold To Be
We are at all times, willing to divide with our friends, and in this instance
announce the following prizes to be given to the individual farmer or tenant who
sells his Tobacco with us. Contest begins Oct 20th and ends with closing sale
for Christmas Holidays.
IN the individual Farmer or Tenant who sells the most number pounds
us from 20th to Dec
the individual Farmer or Tenant who makes the biggest average
us on , pounds Tobacco or more from Oct 20th to Dec 9th.
GOLD To individual Farmer or Tenant who makes the biggest average with
us on pounds Tobacco or more.
We realize the fact that there is a lot of good tobacco in this section and we are in a
to handle it for you. We are prepared to serve you, and cordially invite you to give us
a trial. We promise you for your
The Highest Market Price
2nd. Feet Floor Space
3rd. The Best Warehouse stables in the State
4th. The Best sleeping quarters for yourself
5th. Courteous Treatment and a square Deal
C T. Prop.

i i ii
mm in w
of New York, say.
that he will not for re-election.
Wise man. he is.
Congratulations to Judge Harding,
For the sake of the unbelievers Good roads days were observed last
they have put Mr. photograph week at the graded school at Grimes-
land, and all of the students and tin
Hut suppose Harry docs go back In the papers, and have showed him
teachers took part in the celebration.
to He Will Thaw out Just as b looked working the KM ad Thursday afternoons
Hut if Mr. Glynn would again
Tammany, ho would stand a much
better showing of getting back in.
John believes that negotiations Huerta.
are over, but than it should be re-
membered that Mr is not boss-
ins this job.
, a
tub rear, I
. . . ,
rates may be had upon
application I he business In
The Building, Corner
All cards of thanes to it that the newspapers
be use better pictures of the chap than
I at the present time.
will be for -i lures
cents per Hue. up to lines
of Buncombe county.
of a certain
does not count for much will
were spent in working on the plot of
I ground about the school building.
The modern method of doing In beautifying the grounds, and
for afternoon was given to
courting would be
working the roads in the
And perhaps Dial thinks that with that's how I need
Huerta out of the way lie o--------
would stand a better show. j Miss Jessie's wedding cake will
If Thaw has press agent, hi
as second class matter
August W. 1910. at the post office at J fore Conference to pick
Greenville. North Carolina
set of March 1879.
idea Of patriotism than that held by
the man advising him to quit.
Talk about speculation, but how j And you fellows don't want to get
. , too about It until you find out
Methodist preachers trying be-,
lad to accost the lassie thusly. hood A front of
the skirt needs a seamstress wag in. and all of the
students took a great deal of inter-
est in the matter.
Proctor, one member of the
committee of the school, trimmed up
the trees on the grounds of the school,
Huerta probably has a different begun work on Del . making
If You Wish To Obtain Complete
and Results. Try
Wonderful Stomach
One Doe Mill Convince You
your life it will require some cake the observation and celebration a sue
out their.
places for the next year
whether Mr. Justice is going to ac-
to Mexico might bring temporary re-
lief to the tenseness of the situation
but when the rebel bunch whips
spent the Sabbath the Huerta crowd, they will fight each
Wonder Harry T. think.-
the latest move.
If you don't soon shop, it will be
too late for you to do it early.
Now that the cotton mill assured
the n thing is the boat line.
Sutler has at least partially bee I
redeemed, and some have been bean
to say that he would yet land in th
White House, but we do not claim
to be the daddy of that statement.
The last legislature might have
been pestered with a lobby, but thank
goodness, we In North Carolina dim
hare to put up with bosses of the
II Greenville can get the Christian
convention, why not some of the
The biggest thing that is lacking ate do not want to get into their head-
in is a
life it Is what is sought that
counts, rather than what is actually
No. we ate not prejudiced against
Huerta, but we simply have no pa-
with him.
Wonder if Ted Roosevelt, roaming
A newspaper headline says that
the corn crop this season is a
able one. just as though It Is not
ways so.
We pretend to know who
did it. but somebody certainly has
fixed it so that Mr. Justice can
out easily.
And now the public has a fighting
chance of learning just what Mr
Glenn thinks that he expects he want,
to try to do.
Prunes are selling for cents per
pound, and maybe some of our good
fellow will not hereafter stay so
everlastingly full them.
good roads is a much bet-
occupation for the students of
one over on us In the currency bill the University of North Carolina than
o killing off in hazing affairs
to feed the hungry four hundred.
Home's editorial column In the
Rock Mount Telegram was entire
omitted the other day. Old man.
the cold weather hasn't frozen out
the. meat market brains soon, we
Being as her wedding cake will
be two stories high.
In this connection, It is to be
that in mentioning the bond election
for the erection of a new school
building at the name of
Miss Anna B. Lawrence, of Ayden.
was not given as one of the principal
workers for the movement. Members
of the school board say that she had
perhaps as much to do with the
of the campaign as any other
woman In the The other
Miss Wilson teachers in the school also had much
do with the successful termination
might send around a slice apiece u- of ,
those high society women of Wash-
who are still sore In the mouth I
because they didn't get an invitation One Hundred and Fifty Teach-
to the ceremony.
Democratic party leaders in the sen
just because they gave us a good
tariff bill, they have license to put
do crowds gather on
comers Instead of the middle of the
pathetically Inquires
Greenville Reflector. Perhaps the slit
skirts don't pass that
Now, Patton. we don't believe In
slit skirts, but you could have talk
ed all day without- saying that.
Besides, many people of the town
are of the opinion that the price to
the ultimate consumer would be low-
but very slightly even If
had a boat line.
Old man Porfirio should re-
member that he held on until he was
to quit, and he should not
be advising Huerta to step down
The wholesale merchants of the
town are the ones most by
until they run him out.
The liberation of Mendel In
the wild.- Of South America, has heard and that Russian court Is but another In-
last Tuesday's news
real now
from Anna god-
will be seen
when he begins to light for his lit
again-t the efforts of the machine to
oust him.
Without saying anything to hi
credit, it might be added that Mn.
U about as good as any In the
Tammany crowd.
In view tact that Huerta put
out of the way, we might
just as well think that ho was re-
for the attack on
Havana Thursday night.
The Democratic tariff hasn't eve
reduced the price of oysters
the boat landing
While we do not know Judge W.
F. Harding personally, we are of the
opinion that the governor made
mistake in appointing him to succeed
Mr. Mr. Harding is an old
boy, though not a native
of town or county. He lived
here long enough to become imbue
with the spirit of the town, and on
people know that he is made of th;
right sort of stuff and has the right
sort of Ideas to make a success a
a judge. Scores of friends and ad
of Mr. Harding In Greenville
are glad to know that he has been
so highly honored by the governor of
the state, they feel that he will
wear the ermine well .
By virtue of a decree of the super-
court of Pitt county made in spec-
proceeding No. 1853, entitled S.
H. vs. George S. Pritchard
et a Is , the undersigned commission-
will sell for cash before the court
house door In Greenville on Monday,
If Holton, Seawell, and Logan 24th day of November, 1913, the
fer not to go out at the back door, following described real estate situ-
, , . . In the town of Greenville, and
and that at the point of some ones . ,. , ,
i n part of town known
Those Republican office holders In mighty toe, they had better take their described as fol-
Were Present
Part of the
A more detailed account of the
meeting of the Pitt County
Association held here last
Is given below, as reported by one
of the teachers. The meeting was
said to be perhaps the best and most
Interesting one held so far, and was
attended by nearly one hundred and
fifty teachers from all parts of the
county. The report is given as fol-
The teachers of Pitt county held
their regular monthly meeting on
Wonderful Stomach Remedy is writ
Many thousand
have taken it foe and
Ailments and marvelous results
in prawns It
i received even one
are heard explain Its
dons sale. It ever fails and
With Stomach,
Indigestion. Cat -n Stomach
I Attic. ., Torpid i t.-r,
, nil men is i y this remedy The.
who have taken
Remedy have
is in most . a one After
you have this you should be able
to tiniest and food, enable the
to pump to every part of
-s end strength to
. and color to and activity and
to Do away with your pain
-aid mi and tins is possible with even
so Wonderful Stomach
Remedy literature and booklet
sent free by
i, Man Chemist, Whiting St.
For Sale In Greenville, K. C, by
and Druggists everywhere
concerted effort to secure the
they need not expect the
of Is to fight their battles for them.
As long as some of those
have been working in the
government offices, it seems that Ii
Is time for them to know that the av
southern gentleman is not
to work along with them.
that a better day is
for the Jews and all races In
Czar's empire.
Mr. Wilson seems to have a hard
time explaining to callers that Huerta
i is not though we can't see
where Is business but
the president's.
We are Inclined to the belief that
those Trinity students who are
football will find but little
In most forward movements in a
college community, the average among the alumni of the in-
low has to do his share of throughout the state,
but a few rich men's sons get the
pleasure and the honors that are to
be had.
the western part of the state, win exit at once,
have boon asked by Mr.
to resign, no doubt think that so
as they are performing their duty
One at the north
west corner of and 14th
We suppose that Hobson is so busy i .
and running from thence with
people did not build any-
good roads this week, but then every- have a right to their office,
body knows why.
Any new leader for Tammany
would be but a chip off the same old
We do not blame Mr. Glenn for
making a thorough survey of the field
before just what he expects
to do.
Doubtless there are times when a
convict needs a little thrashing, but
i at that it should be remembered
that they are human beings.
If the students of Trinity College
had football, that team, like most of
building fence-, in that h. of street
has no just now to talk a southerly direction
with Mexico or Japan.
Ultimatums not apt to have
others put on the field, would much effect on Huerta until this gov-
likely be controlled by the shows him that thence a northerly direction parallel
feet to the south west corner of Co-
and 15th streets, thence a
westerly direction with the northern
line of 15th street feet, thence a
northern line of 16th street feet
ties, and the heat obtainable more to if he doesn't take no-
would be ruled off by a certain
While they have the state militia
of Indiana assembled together, they
with the first line feet to 14th
street, thence an easterly direction
with the southern line of 14th street
to the beginning, containing one
other at the
north west corner of Evans and 14th
We have thought all while that
If town ever got anything in the might Just as ship them on streets and running from thence with
way of a water terminal, the Mexico now as to wait western line of Evans street ex-
pie would have to dig down In their few weeks longer.
The boys who have had to
jeans and pay for It.
tended a southerly direction feet
to the south west corner of Evans and
15th streets, thence with the northern
Out of hundred of 15th street a westerly
A pretty good estimate of the submitted, Durham has feet, thence a northerly
of cultured people in a town may ed the slogan, renowned parallel with the first line
consolation in the prospects for
hard with plenty of Ice.
who . . .
n. the should take observing the audiences at the world Which means ft to 14th street thence with the
the wains, should tam , or 14th street an east-
suck entertainments as that at the that they are pretty well known
Training School last night. Durham county.
As much as was expected might not
have accomplished on the good
roads days, but the governor cleared
his skirts and bade good.
Severe whippings do not tend to
elevate the minds and characters of
Those Trinity students ought to In marrying before accepting the
know that they can accomplish nothing French ambassadorship, Mr.
by raising a big howl for football, perhaps thought that he could feel
Even the women can't get the ballot his lady on the same that took for
In that way. himself And. we are about to
that way. especially In
direction feet to the begin-
containing one
Said land sold for partition.
This Oct. 1913.
J. B. JAMES, Commissions
If beer and whiskey are being sold this town.
convict, and men doing such are in wide-open stands in this town, you
none too good to be worked side by may know that the town and county
side with their victims.
Promoters the New Movement
Propose to Lose No Time In
Hashing Factory
The charter for the new cotton
mill that is to be erected in Green-
ville has been received here from
Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes,
and has been recorded in the office
Saturday, Nov. 1913, at the graded of clerk of court The next
school building in Greenville. There move that lg De made Is get the
were present between hundred
twenty-five and hundred and
fifty members, this being a largo per
cent of the teachers In the county.
in the history of the
was more Interest or enthusiasm
shown than was shown by the teach-
-s at this meeting. Probably,
was duo to the department work, as
each band of teachers could discuss
the problems that were most perplex-
with those in direct sympathy with
This be termed a
Free for there were
restrained discussions on the follow-
topics In each
Primary Department
The and of number
work in primary grades.
Five minute
First Annie Perkins,
N. C; Miss Beulah
Hoggard, Greenville, N. C.
Second Eliza Branch,
N. Miss Louie Dell
N. C.
Third Nannie Evan
Greenville, N. C. Miss Anna bit-
ale, N. C.
General discussion.
What we will give in for
the next four weeks. By the primary
teachers of the graded
General discussion.
Crammer Grade Department
The following subjects were dis-
cussed, the discussion being In the
form of round table talks, in which
all the were urged to take
Supplementary Hygiene.
Fifth grade English.
High School Department.
a discussion of the
first seven chapters.
Discipline in the High School-
Round table discussion.
The High School Course of Study
Ills Purposes and Modern
Table discussions.
Leaders were in of these
discussions, but every teacher was re-
quested to be prepared to tell his ex
and express his opinion free-
Prof, Taylor, superintendent of the
Greenville graded schools, gave the
following points as a summary of the
discussion of a
Nature is the infallible
for the teacher.
The law of nature Is a law of
continuity. All activity Is In
to this law.
Growth is change from the
to the complex, and mind is the
crowning climax of complexity.
Thus understanding of mind and
consciousness comes by symbolizing.
plans and specifications form the
architect, and steps toward this end
are now being taken by the promoters
of the new enterprise.
Already a man been picked
out to do work of drawing up the
plans, and this work Is to be turned
over to him immediately. As soon
as all of these preliminary arrange-
can be made, the officers
directors will call for payment on the
subscribed stock, and the work will
Mr. W. H. the general
manager of the new movement is
now in town, and is spending a few
days here looking after several mat-
of business connected with the
factory. As has heretofore been an-
the lot has been secured
and the mill will be erected in what is
generally believed to be an ideal
location, and a place that could hardly
upon. It Is on the old
B. E. farm west of the town,
and Is conveniently situated with re-
to running spur tracks from
the Norfolk Southern railroad. It is
presumed that a short line will be put
In when the building material begins
to arrive.
No time is to be lost by the men
who are behind the movement, and
they expect to proceed without delay
with the early construction of the
factory. They are desirous of having
It In operation as soon as possible.
A skewer an a for
may . as the Guilford
Many delegates and visitors arc here
attending the annual convention of little flower by the brook Is not
Michigan State Sunday School simply a chemical combination of a
elation The reports of officers and elements, but it Is a symbol of
In equal suffrage. Illinois they gratifying gains all activity, of all progress toward
not doing their whole a prohibition election the other day , numb.; r of Sabbath higher state.
a fourth of the women voted membership throughout the Slate Mind Is a conscious growing thing.
the past year. The trainer of the child mind must
will continue over tomorrow and that the child Is heir to all
Friday. Mary Foster gifts and beauties.
Marlon of the The mind Is self active and this
association head the list of speak quality of self activity must always
against the measure. Oh, carry the
Tho cotton planters ought to do news to Em, has been saying
county health superintendent something to hold up the re- that the women wanted the ballot so
meads, but charity should begin near- ports if that Is going to have anything they could give the country
km to do with the price.
be the central principle of all
Is Your Skin
Clear as
to pay you the highest cash pries
for your raw furs of all kinds. D.
C. Beach at J. R. and J. O.
To Prevent Blood Poisoning
apply et once the -wonderful old reliable DR.
dressing that relieves pain and at
same time. Not a liniment. 11.08
hereby give notice that my boy,
Thigpen, run away from
an lot., and I any and all
persons giving food or shelter.
This November 1913.
To Cure a Cold la One Day
LAXATIVE Quinine. It the
out Headache and works off Lot.
refund money it it fails to cure.
. W. on each boa. See-
Mini, being the highest form of
the of the law of
naturally tends to grow right. It
Is therefore the of the
to life off the false weight en-
and let the mind Into
. k
partly in the town of North
Carolina and fronting on Main Street
e-f said town, it contains
red and fifty acres more or less
hundred and sixty acres
and In a high state of
Host land in the
county. An ideal place for a stock
farm. A large of ash and
press timber. About three-quarters of
a mile from the boat landing on
River. Two boats per week and
good freight rates. Dwelling house
thereon with eleven rooms, newly
proved at a cost of Four Thousand
Bath rooms up-stairs and down,
with an excellent system of water
works which to the lot and
other parts of yard. Pure
from a new well one hundred
and thirty-two feet Ample
and barns and other storage
houses, nil in first conditions.
Contains six tenant Louses in fair con-
Tho dwelling, stables and
barns could not be replaced for less
than ten thousand dollars. A hand-
some homo and one of the best farms
in the county of Martin.
This property is offered for sale and
for a quick deal, at the price
Thousand Dollars
Terms one-third cash and the re-
to suit the purchaser.
If write or upon.
Hamilton. N. C.
This 5th day of November, 1913.
Two Negro Men to be fried For
Their Lives
DAY Mi, III. M It.
The Sunday evening prayer service
Young Christian As-
at the Training School was
planned with a view to arousing Ii.
interest of the students In the
of systematic giving, as this is one
But Those Who Do Mot Attend the
Meeting Must Teach
on That Day as
All county school teachers in Pitt
county will be granted a holiday on
Friday after Thanksgiving if they
wish to attend the meeting of tie
North Carolina Assembly
which meets in Raleigh on
, 126-29. This action on the part of the
of-the phases of work. board order
to allow the teachers to this
Reverend Mr. J. J. Walker, pastor
of the Christian preached
For Weakness and Less of Appetite
Old Standard general tonic,
chill TONIC.
up the A
j . Appetizer. Ft
Tone at
Straighten You Out by Morning.
Maj Knock You Out
of a Day's Work.
If you are a user, next
time you are tempted to buy It ask
your if he can absolutely
guarantee it not to harm you. He
wont do it because he CANT do
But here is a perfect substitute for
which the does
famous Dodson's Liv-
Tone. Greenville Drug Company
will refund your money without
If you are not thoroughly
Go to Greenville Drug Company
whom you are acquainted
find out about the great number of
people who are taking this remark-
able remedy and feeling better able
to enjoy life than they ever were
when taking
Why Because k a pois-
that may stay in the system.
and while seeming to benefit you
may do harm In end. If
you haven't felt these ill-effects so
far, it Is because you are
enough to have a strong constitution.
take the risk any longer
Get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone
and note how easily and
It corrects all bilious
how clears away that sick
headache and coated tongue, how It
sets you right without ache or gripe.
The most wonderful thing the world
for constipation.
All this without the slightest
with your regular habits.
My wife Emily, has left me and re-
fuses to return. This is to notify all
persons not to harbor her or In any
way render her assistance. Any one
harboring or employing her have
to suffer the penalty of the law.
This Oct. 11th, 1913.
Both Are Likely to be Culled Tumor-
Liquor Cases
Are on the Docket
for Trial.
With a large part of the docket all
ready cleared and out of the way,
Judge H. W. Whedbee is rushing the
work of the criminal session of
county superior court which
been in session since Monday morn-
While a complete list of all of
the cases tried yesterday and tills
morning cannot be given here, if
may be said that far the greater
of them have been for minor of-,
tenses such as gambling, carrying i
concealed weapons, assaults with
deadly weapons, larceny, and the like.
In many instances, the defendants in
the cases have submitted, and the
matter was not brought to trial, this
being responsible for a large part
the rapid progress that has been made
during the week.
True bills for murder have been
brought by the grand Jury against
two both of whom are now
In Jail here and have been for some
time. One of these is against Charlie
Foreman, of who shot and
killed another in that vicinity
about six weeks ago. The murder in
tills Instance seems to be a plain
case of first degree, and the
will likely be tried on that charge
The other case is that of the
Ransom Daniel who shot a girl
at a church meeting near a
few weeks ago. Daniel was arrested
and brought here and placed in Jail
to await the result of the Injuries to
the girl. She was in the ab
was taken to a hospital In
Washington, where she died week
last of the Injuries received
from bullet wound inflicted by
Daniel. When arraigned In court
Tuesday afternoon, Daniel had
counsel and Judge Whedbee appoint-
ed three local attorneys to defend
These cases will be taken up prob-
ably tomorrow, and will be tried or
continued according the court may
sec fit. One or two remaining cases
are on the docket for trial at the
tomorrow, and these promise
to be of considerable interest.
mooting, mid at the request of
this service a sermon on Systematic . ,,. . ., , .
the stale superintendent of public in-
. His lessons were drawn ., ., ,, ,
reservation Is made
from the old and beautiful exhortation. . .
, however, that all teachers not attend-
Let each of you lay by. ,. . . , ,. . ,
the state mooting must hold their
in store, as God hath prospered
Hy being applied in a
cal way to student life, these lessons
were especially helpful.
The special music features of th
program were a stirring march hymn
sung by the choir as an opening
and a duet, Lover of My
sung by Miss Blanche and
Luella Lancaster.
President Wright's Trip.
school on tho Friday following
Thanksgiving Just the same as on
any other day. and the ruling of the
board will grant a release to on one
who fails to attend the meeting.
Below Is published an article from
tho headquarters of the state board
of education, which more explicitly
explains the
The teachers of the state will be
granted holiday without loss of pay
President Wright almost always e t,,,,,
a ways tells the school the incidents . n
of his trips, which he thinks will be
of interest or service to the students.
At the assembly during the
past week he has been telling about
his trip to Mobile, where he attend-
ed the Southern Commercial Congress,
and to Nashville, where he took part
in tin Southern
Hon. It was a gala day In Mobile when
the president of the United States and
several foreign ministers spoke. The
entire city was gay with flags and
bunting, and every one had holiday.
It was President Wright's good for-.
tune to hear President Woodrow
son utter the famous declaration that
the United States would annex no
more territory by conquest.
President Wright gave the school
two stories, real incidents of this trip,
both were conversations overheard by
him. The a boy who had been
bitten by a mad dog eight days before
was telling some friend about It. It
was the way that the boy looked on
the bright side of life that President
Wright wished to bring out. He said
the boy was Joking with his friends,
and. as he laughed, said, es well
laugh as cry over what you can't
help. Taint no use to be down in
the mouth afore it
in this case, meant having rabies.
The boy was on his way to Raleigh
for treatment.
The a conversation be-
tween two servants on the diner.
They were talking about tips. One
says, could go to New
York and git in tips In one night
the other one agreed,
now since suffragists and
Army folks has got to work, day
no more places
President Wright said he had never
the suffragettes with
Army before, but he
forced to admit that the combination
as the servants had put it has done
Old Sorts. Other Won't Cuts.
The worst no matter of how tons standing,
cured the wonderful, old reliable
Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves
in sod at some time.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Spain
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Mr. Horace Herndon Settle
on the evening of Wednesday
the twenty-sixth of November
nineteen hundred and thirteen
at nine o'clock
At Home
Greenville, North Carolina
At Home
after the first of December
good work.
The Girls and the High Direr.
On Saturday morning President
Wright gave a good appreciation of
the Interest shown In the carnival
He had noticed the groups of girls
gathered the afternoons about the
culvert on Fifth and he he had
thought was the beautiful music
of the steam pianos and brass band
which had drawn them out, but,
tor ruminating much over tho prob
he had found, much to his
amazement, the solution of the prob-
that it was the high diver. The
students are interested In
problems that they are inter-
any especially well
person, and this high diver is an ex-
It Always Helps
says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In
writing of her experience with the woman's
tonic. She says I began to use
my back and head would hurt so bad, I
thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able
to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles
of I began to feel like a new woman. I soon
gained pounds, and now, I do all my housework,
as well as a big water mill.
wish every suffering woman would give
The Woman's Tonic
a trial. I still use when I feel a little bad,
and it always does me
Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness,
fired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-
trouble. Signs that you need the woman s
tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying
for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing
women for more than fifty years.
Get a Bottle
attend the North Carolina
Assembly, which holds session in
26th-29th, if the re-
quest of State Superintendent J. Y.
and that of Secretary K. B,
Sams, of the Assembly,
granted by the city and county boards
of education.
The officers of the Assembly have
sent out a circular letter to all
school boards and committees, with
tho earnest that this holiday
granted. They call attention to
the splendid session of the Assembly
last year, hold at the same time, which
was attended by over 1,200 teachers
of the state and proved of great In-
and practical benefit to them
In the work of their profession, and
i at which time a majority of the boards
of trustees allowed the teachers to at-
tend without loss of pay.
The opening session of the assembly
U Wednesday evening. November 26th.
A groat majority of the of
the can roach
day in time for this session, leaving
their homes after the close of school
that day. The next day Is
Day and a national holiday. Thus
by the granting of only one holiday
the boards will enable teachers to
attend the full session of the
leaving Raleigh after the last
meeting Saturday morning and
home before Sunday.
The circular letter
not only the teachers but the schools
in which they work will receive direct
benefit from the attendance of teachers
on these sessions must be evident to
any one who considers the character
of the program that has been
pared. It will be one that will appeal
to all classes and grades of teachers.
Many of the most prominent teachers
North Carolina, both public and
private, will take part in the discus-
Besides these, whose names
I are familiar to all of us, the Assembly
I has secured the of several
men and women of national
They are as President
j. D. of the Virginia
Institute and former State Sup
of Virginia; Dr. William
Heard of the Col-
Columbia University; Hen. E. C.
Branson, formerly President of the
State Normal School at Athens,
now Teacher of Rural Economics
and Sociology; Miss Ella V. Dobbs,
head of the Department of Manual
Training in the University of Missouri,
and Mr. Richard T. President
of the National
League and Editor of the
Superintendent Joyner sends out the
J. R. J. G.
When You
Use PURE Paint and
Use Pore OIL to add
to it at one-half the cost of Paint.
LINSEED OIL that's way toe M. SEMI-MIXED
But ALL the OIL needful to make the L. M. PAINT
ready for use is NOT put into the Paint when it's
pared for the Consumer who buys it.
The OIL is put into the Paint
by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY.
gallons of LINSEED OIL with every
gallons L. M. PAINT
and MIX the OIL with the PAINT.
If the Paint thus made costs more than per gallon
If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory
Then return whatever you have not used, and get back ALL you paid
for the Hi and besides, the money you paid to the Painter.
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by G. F. Hudson and
wife Lissie Hudson to F. J. Forbes,
Trustee, on 13th day cf
1913, which mortgage appears of
record in the office of the register of
deeds of Pitt county in book B.
page the undersigned will sell
for cash before the court house door
in Greenville, Monday, tho 1st
day of December, 1913, the following
described parcel or lot of land sit-
in the county of Pitt and in
township, being that lot at
Jack upon which is located the
store and residence occupied by said I.
O. F. Hudson and of a mortgage executed
yards below tho garden on the and by Fred H Gardner to
road and running north- Richard on the th day of
along the road yards, thence January, 1913, which mortgage was
an easterly course straight back to recorded in the office of the reg-
Henry Wynn's line, thence a south- later of eds of county in book
course along Henry Wynn's line E-10, page MS, the undersigned will
yards, thence a straight course to ll tor cash before the court house
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot of the Ca-
Is a blood
and in order cure you must take In-
remedies. Catarrh Cure in
taken Internally, and act.-, directly up-m
aim mucous surfaces,
Catarrh Cure is net a quack It
was prescribed by one the best
In this country fer years and is
a It Is composed of
the best known, combined with the
on the
surfaces The perfect
the two Ingredients is what pro-
such wonderful results In
catarrh. Send for testimonial, free.
V J Ai CO., Prop., Toledo, O.
Bold by pries
Take Hill for
the containing one-half
an acre.
This Nov. 1st. 1913.
F. J. FORBES, Mortgagee.
F. G. and
Friends in Greenville will be glad
to learn that Governor Locks
has appointed Hon. William F. Hard-
of to the Judgeship of
the fourteenth district, to succeed
C. H. of the same district, who
resigned a few weeks ago on account
of ill health. Mr. Harding is well
known In this town, where he spent
the early years of his law practice
as a member of the firm of Harding
and Harding, being at that time in
partnership with his brother, Mr. F.
C. Harding, now of this town.
In on Thursday, the
day of December, 1913, the in-
of said Fred H. Gardner in the
following described tract or parcel
of tract of land in Swift
Creek township, bounded on the north
by Mills, on the by Joe
Bland, on the south by Joe Wilson,
on the west by the Spencer Roach
land, containing acres, more or
less, and known as the Daniel
This November nth, 1913.
WINGATE. Mortgagee.
F. G. JAMES and
ample It was tills fact that drew the
. f , . . ,,, ,,. fol owing letter the same
In such crowds to see the daily
. . .
To the and City School
Relieving that the inspiration,
encouragement and pleasure
jumping feats of tho carnival man.
He supposed this to be their
of read education, ability to
do any one thing the very best way
possible being to do that
thing, and by being educated, we will
have confidence In ourselves, Just as
the diver had when ho had
courage enough to and
Jump from such a high ladder.
that teachers will receive from
with hundreds of their follow
teachers and with some of the masters
of their profession, and from the dis-
and of views and
experiences at the coming of
The North Carolina
at Raleigh, November 26-29, will
TAKEN BLACK than compensate In benefits to
crop each ear, white hind feet,
white spot forehead. Owner get same
by calling and paying charges.
Nothing it more
l arras ting than to be
constantly throwing
off gas.
Tint's Pills
will atop it and at the same
time make your breath
your skin clear.
At your
coated or plain.
Mr. J. F. returned this
morning from New where he
has been on a short business trip
Mrs. J. W. loft this morning
for a visit In Washington.
teachers and their pupils for the loss
of one day from school, especially
mediately following a holiday, I heart-
and earnestly endorse the request
of the officials of the Assembly that
the school authorities grant to teach-
who desire to attend the next
of the Assembly leave
of absence from school for Friday, No-
without lost of salary, and
recommend school boards grant
this permission.
Very truly,
State Superintendent of Public
looks to be about two years
old. Marks, over and bit
on right car crop an on left
ear. Owner may obtain same by pay-
damages. W. R. Grimes
land, N. C, R. F. D. No.
Tho following from the Charlotte
News relative to Mr. Harding's
will be of
Mr. W. F. Harding, of the Charlotte
bar, received notice of his appoint-
to the judgeship of the four-
judicial district of North Caro-
yesterday afternoon at o'clock.
The news of Mr. Harding's
to the Judgeship was quickly
borne by friends of the entire,
of the local bar and for an
hour Judge Harding held an informal
reception his office and
and expressions of satisfaction
were forthcoming from lawyers
friends, county and city officials and
others, who were eager to make known
their pleasure at the success of a
man who has for many years held a
position of the highest esteem and con-
both among his fellow-lawyers
and among the people of Charlotte.
Mr was personally notified
by long distance by Mr.
Kerr, private secretary to Governor
that be had been named by
the governor to succeed Judge. C. H.
and the secretary further stated
that Mr. Harding's official commission
was being mailed and should reach
the city by Monday morning at the lat
Judge Harding was born at
fort. N. Nov. He is tho-
son of Maj. Harvey Harding, a civil
war veteran. Like many other
lights in North Carolina life, Judge
Harding got his inspiration from th;
farm. His mental and physical
whose foundations were laid
on the farm, testify to his good for-
in being a farmer boy.
Judge Harding first practiced law
Greenville. N. C, where he was in
partnership with his brother under
the firm name of Harding and Hard-
He practiced Greenville for
years and came to Charlotte to
flee in 1903, January 1st.
Judge Harding is strong, hand-
some, highly educated; a man of
poise and character, and splendidly
equipped for the position to which ho
been appointed.
He graduated at Chapel Hill in
having taken a strong stand
his class. He was not ambitious for
but got what is
thoroughness and mastery of what-
ever he undertook In
but modest. Judge Harding has
risen to the height of his profession
years, an achievement which a
lifetime often falls to accomplish.
Judge Harding has always taken
an active Interest in politics, but of
the nature that and
at the name time most effective in Its
Influence over people. On the farm,
at school, in Greenville, and here in
Charlotte he has always been In the
front for the rights of the people; and
on the bench no humble need
ever fear that his rights be lost
sight of by Judge court
Mrs. W. N. Drown, of Danville, Va-
visiting Mrs. B. W. Moseley at
Mrs. Moseley s residence,
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally
Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver,
Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up
the Whole For Grown People and Children.
know what you are taking when you take Tasteless chill Tonk
as the formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known
tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter
tonic and U In Tasteless Form. It no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever,
Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing
Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness purging
Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and
purifies the blood. A Tonic and Sure A Complete
No family should be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it.

J. R. J. G.
We are receiving new style
Dress Ladies Coats
and Coat Suits, Rain Coats,
Silks, Trimmings, Notions,
Dry Goods. Shoes. We in-
your inspection of our
many lines.
If it is style we have it
We can supply your
J. R. J. G.
Department Store
Two Thousand
Worth of Auto-
mobile and Buggy
Robes Just Re-
There is nothing like a genuine
EVER SEEN, from the plainest at 12.00 to the
plush robe at 118.00 there Is a robe for every
purpose and for every pocketbook.
We buy direct from the manufacturer and know
w can lave you money.
want the opportunity of showing yon our line.
Come to us.
Cash or Credit
John Flanagan Buggy Co.
North Carolina
t you get an announce-
of Tom's exclaimed I
Tom's mother. In j
that Just goes to show how you're got ,
lo take care of things yourself I
a list of friends to Susie's moth-
and asked her to be sure to mail
announcements to your
was one of the first names on it
anyway. Tom's married, and
you don't know how relieved I am
got a lovely wife, which la a
hope my other son will be less
popular. Why. Tom had no peace
whatever The telephone rang until
my ears ached, and I threatened to
take It out because It was never used
by any one except was at It
was Isabel. She deliberate-
Bet out to catch him. Any one
could tell It. She phoned him and
Invited him out there and fussed over
him until In sheer desperation he pro-
d to her. Then, of course, the
poor boy had a time breaking off
Clara deliberately forced
him to propose. I know she did. for
you can't tell me that Tom of his
own accord w have become en-
gaged to her Just a week after he
and Isabel broke off
poor boy. Is so absurdly ten-
He can't bear for any
one to feel badly, and you know how
girls can act when they want a man's
It Just served her good and
right when he met Pally and liked
her better than Clara. Of course,
Clara made a fuss, and I almost won-
if she'd cause Tom trouble, but
she knew In her heart that she'd no
right making him propose to her, so
she retired as gracefully as she could.
But I felt rather sorry for her, for
she seemed really fond of my boy
and Tom seemed suited to
each other, but I didn't like her very
much. She was the languid sort, and
If I had to have a daughter-in-law I
did want one I could take comfort In.
I hate the clinging vines, so I talked
to Tom about It all I could. Of course,
I praised her as much as I could man-
age and did not let him hear of any-
thing but Sally when he was at home.
And, of course, when he was with her
she didn't nearly come up to what I'd
said of her and he naturally began to
notice her defects.
after Mrs. Burk's niece
came to town. Being next door, Tom
a good deal of her. Sally was
Cleveland Man Thought He Could Do
It, but He Has Altered His
There ways of doing things.
That Is elementary and axiomatic
and yet people are slow to act
upon it. Take the case of the
who has a garden and a
small boy, the Cleveland Plain
Dealer. This man to his wife the
we aren't going lo have any
sweet corn this season If we don't
take better care of it. I wish you
would persuade Robert to take a morn-
from his baseball and swimming
and get after that corn
tried sighed the mother,
be Just won't do
him you'll give him a quarter
to do
did I said Just yesterday. Rob-
if you'll cultivate that corn and
get all the weeds out of it by noon I'll
give you a quarter to put In your
pshaw That's not the way to
do It Call In here and I'll fix
It Robert, have you got any sport-
blood In you Will you take a
small bet I'll bet you a quarter you
can't get that corn hoed before noon
got says Robert. Then, as
a look of triumph spreads over his
father's face, he you got
any sporting blood In
sure have,
I'll bet you a half dollar you
win the bet I'll be at the office this
noon and
The corn Isn't hoed yet.
The Greenville Drug Company
consists of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent
Sundries, Stationary, School Supplies,
, Candie. Fountain Pens, Soda, Cigars, and
All Sick Room Prompt Deliveries
Prescriptions Most Carefully Compounded
J. Key Brown, D.
Bullet With Wings.
Tests have been made In Germany
with a special projectile Intended to
repel dirigibles and designed not only
to pierce a gas but also to
set fire to the gas. The projectile,
fired from an old model of German
rifle. Is provided with little wings
that open in flight under the
of a spring.
An ordinary bullet leaves such a
small hole in an envelope that the
gas escapes through it but slowly.
The wings on the Improved bullet
tear a hole of appreciable size In the
fabric. What Is more, they retard
the bullet sufficiently to cause a
device to ignite fulminate
In the bullet. It la said that
experiments conducted at
gave encouraging
We write Fire, Accident and Health,
and Life Insurance and will put your risk in
STRONG Companies.
Besides, we will give you a square deal.
Christine Seventy Old.
Christine famous a
of a century ago as one of the
world's greatest lyrical and
artists, recently observed her
birthday anniversary at her
summer home near the village of Hus-
Sweden, where she was born,
1843, the daughter of a poor peasant.
The once famous singer Is known In
private, life as the Countess Mi-
Since her retirement from
life some years ago
she divided her time between the
south of France and her native
den. The Count Angel Miranda, who
war her second husband, died In 1802.
This Is the amount of tobacco that
was on the Greenville market
up to November 1st.
How much will be sold up to De-
We are offering full blood
Jersey Hogs to the twenty farmers
guessing nearest to the number
pounds lint will be
Every farmer who sells a load
tobacco at the Star Warehouse
November will be given a chance
to get one of these choice hops.
It does not cost you a
bring your load of tobacco, either
cart or wagon, load large or small,
and we will give you the best
vice In the sale that you have had
this year, and In addition, a goo
chance to got one or more full
Jersey Hogs.
If you have been selling with us
v. e know you will continue, and
be entitled to a guess with ever
load. If you have not been selling
with us, one load will prove that
made a mistake in not selling wit.
us sooner. You will get a chance at
one of these and in the mean
time, we will make friends with you
and you will make money by tie
Yours truly.
Star Warehouse
II t-w
Attorney at Law
Office In Building, Third St.
Practices are
Greenville. North Carolina
Practice limited to diseases of the Eye,
Ear Nose and Throat
Washington, N. C. Greenville, N. C.
Office with Dr. D. I,. James, Green-
ville, day every Monday, s m to I
F. C. Harding C. Piece-
in all the Courts
Office in Wooten Building on
street, fronting Court House
Attorney at Law
Greenville. North Carolina
B. F.
Life. Fire. Sick and Accident
Office on Fourth near Frank
Wilson's store
Attorney at Law
Land and Drainage Cases a Specialty.
In office formerly occupied
and Blow.
is a prepared especially
or will break any case,
it then n tonic the Fever will not
return. It the liver than
do-t not gripe or sicken.
to the Auction Sale of the
farm Friday, Nov.
Attorney at Law
In Building, on the Court
House Square
I. Moore W. H. long
Attorneys at Law
Greenville. North Carolina
Attorney at Law
Office occupied by J. L.
Ain't you coming to the big
or the farm Friday.
W, U. HI
Coward Drug Co.
the But
bud m Our
Toilet Articles,
Full y
Drug Co. Wt
an J tools always guaranteed. Stag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and ;.
Ranges. King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
Atlas Cement O Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
and objected to his taking
around. I told him It was a
warning, for worse than a
Jealous wife So he told Sally they'd
break off. He was Just as nice i
about it as he could she wall- I
ed and wept, for she was sure of a
good home, you see, with him. But
he was firm and that was ended and
I was considerably relieved
then girls couldn't leave
I the poor boy In peace Truly,
j moat lose track When found
he had broken with Sally she put In
I her best licks, and she had his ring
j In less than two weeks What do
you think of that for forwardness In
a girl I wouldn't have her In
family There'd be nothing
stop at
she didn't last long. Tom
realized what she was and he wrote i
her that he found they weren't suit-
ed and she'd best forget him. She
was popular, as they are,
she was more than willing to pick up
with some other she kept
Tom's ring, and the more she could
engage herself to the more rings
get, you see Tom's generous and
wouldn't make a fuss for It, though I
advised to get back the ring.
had met Susie at a party
Just before he met He hadn't
been much Impressed at first, for she
was quiet and not so forward as most
girls. But he met her again a few
days later Just before he broke off
with I guess ha proposed
to her right away
she hung on to him and net
an early wedding date and aha cap-
him, all right.
so glad It's overt He Just
couldn't i anyone anything, If It
was In his power, but now girls will
leave him alone, I suppose, and he'll
lire In peace.
be happy. Oh, Tom
such a loyal nature and I'm proud
of him But
Chicago Dally News.
in Quality
and FARM
the point
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our
sire is to give you the bet service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers.
N. C, Phone No.
Several Six Room dwellings west of the
A. C. Line Depot.
This is desirable property
Real Estate Agents
township. Pitt county.
Lot Number I. Adjoining the
North Carolina. Pitt County lands of G. W. B. Garris, J. R. Tin- Tone
In the superior court, before D C. and others, and is bounded and linen, there is de
Moore. Clerk described as follows, Begin Stan. for Publication at more IN
B. T. Carson T. H. at a White Oak. Cannon Smith's article is sold a druggist of concern-
vs. Edgar Blount, Blount the Flat and runs is willing to it bis personal th- consumption of cotton seed.
Blount and Carolina nor, t poles to a guarantee, it's a might., strong proof of the
Blount. and w R f r.,, of to compile
The defendant Edgar Blount .,, ThaI-s ti. ,,. ,., for this Important part of th-
take notice that the summons U poles to J. R. line; thence s Tone. It is a
above entitled proceedings with his line south cast 3-5 for s Th- report for
was issued against him on the 20th poles to his corner; theme liver. Sin. Dodson's Ha
day of October. 1913, and t-at the east 3-3 poles to the canal- Tone came on tin market th. prior to
same has been continued to down the Canal baa con., down Th- . report
The is simply this Dodson's
Liver Tone is safe and harmless and
quantity crushed prior to
day of December. 1913. when lie is Branch to the beginning, containing
required to appear before C. acres more or less
clerk of superior court of Pitt Lot Number Also, one other to be
at the court house in and tract of land, in said township; be- uncertain, sow tun i danger
petition filed ginning at a stake in the of no druggist wants to
answer or demur to tin
L. J. Chapman. correspond-
secretory, J. Fred Jones.
Tho newly-elected corresponding
secretary Is a resident of Illinois, but
will be brought to this State by the
I he of People Who Are
and Coming.
ARTHUR, Nov. Mr. Wash Joy-
and Ora were in Carolina Christians to give his entire
town yesterday. time to evangelical work.
Misses C. D. Smith, J. R. Numerous addresses by church
Bonnie Garris. Alfred Tyson, workers were made at the sessions
Turner went hunting Tues- various questions of interest
day night. to the members of the church were
Mr Simon from Greenville, discussed by speakers familiar with
was In our town Wednesday. , their subjects.
Mr. Eddie Mayo, from A letter was read from Speaker administrator of T. I.
as In Arthur Wednesday. Champ Clark, In which he expressed will on Thursday
R. M and son. Edward regret at not being able to be November 1913. at the hour of
Hearne, were visiting Mr. R. M.; present for the convention and a. m. on the premises of
dared that official should stay late T- L Williams, in Falkland
at Washington to preform their township. North Carolina, expose to
In this proceeding and he will further the road; thence with the pub
take notice that If he does not appear lie road south IS. west poles to
at said time and answer or demur to ditch on public road; thence with
said petition, the relief sought will said ditch 1-2 poles; thence south
be granted, this the 4th day of No-
Clerk Sup Court
r. ltd
Notice is hereby given that the tin-
of Arthur. Tuesday.
Mr. House from Greenville.
In Arthur Tuesday.
Mr. J. R. Nichols went to Farm
ville Monday night.
Mr. Arthur, of Greenville, was in
town Tuesday.
A large crowd from here will at-
tend the carnival at Greenville this
Mr. John Leggett was In town Tues-
day night.
Mr. T. A. Nichols left here Monday
Cool City, N. C, for the purpose
of buying a farm.
Sallie Smith was in town
Wednesday morning.
Miss Nina Harris was in town
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. from was In
Mr. Thad Nichols was in town
Hr K. X. Move Was Elected Vice
President of the Association
Will Make Prep,
Greenville gets the 1914 session
the North Carolina Christian
according to word received hero
yesterday from Asheville where the
present session is being held.
delegates from Greenville end this
section of the state went to Asheville
with the Intention of bringing the bis
meeting here if this were possible and
all of them believed that If the pro-
per appeal were made the
could he secured.
This convention Is one of the
est church meetings In tho
state during the year, and always at-
tracts a large number of people
besides the regular delegates. It
means that at the time the 1914
is held Greenville will enter-
one of the largest assemblies of
church people that has ever gather-
ed here. Great preparations will
made by the local church for tho
meeting, and all of the Improvements
to be made on the church building
will have completed before
that time.
The convention conies during the
last week of October or the first week
of November, this to lie decided at
later time.
Officers were elected as
President, J. W. Rocky
Mount; vice-president, E. A.
Greenville; recording secretary, W.
C. Manning, Williamston; treasurer
Under and by of tho author-
conferred upon mo by the
ions of a certain deed executed by
all the heirs-at-law of Wiley G. Webb,
late of the county of N.
C, and delivered unto R. G.
trustee, which trust deed is duly reg-
In tho office of tho register
of deeds for Pitt county in book Z,
pages et I shall on Friday.
December 1913, between the hours
of m., and o'clock p. m., on the
premises, in Falkland Pitt
county, N. C, to public sale
to tho highest bidder for cash, all that
certain tract of land situated In said
county of Pitt, township aforesaid, ad-
joining the lands cf J. A. Dupree, the
Swain land, and B. P. Pitt, and de-
scribed as follows,
Beginning at an ash on Tar river
bank and running to
corner, then south
public sale to the highest bidder for
cash, all of the personal property be-
longing to the estate of the late T.
L Williams, consisting of farming
carts, wagons, stock, house-
hold and kitchen furniture and all
personal property whatsoever be-
longing to said estate.
Thai the 30th day of October. 1913.
of the Estate of T. L. Williams.
1-2. west poles to the begin-
The same being all that
lot number In the division
of the lands of Oliver Smith lying
on the east side of the public road,
and contains 1-2 acres more or
I Together with the following
described parcel of land adjoining
tract and the lands of R. H
and known as the dower of
Mary Smith in the Guilford Smith
tract of land. Containing acres
more or less.
Lot Beginning at a
Water Oak Stump; thence south
west lit poles to a stake; administrator of the of John
ant. that it wont knock you out of
. day's work and maybe send i i
Greenville Drug Co. sells Dodson
Liver Ton. and guarantees it
and for your children, it's . good
thing to keep a bottle always In the
Greenville Drug Co. will give you
your money back it you think
son's Liver Tone is not worth th
price. your liver working and
your liver will not keep you from
is advice to co by.
Having duly qualified before
poles to a branch, thence down
branch to and
a little below the old house, then
north 1-2 cast poles to a stake
In the corner of line, then
north east poles to tho river,
containing 1-2 acres more or loss,
It being the Identical land devised to
R. W. by his father, Jas W.
Dupree, and the
intended to cover and convey all
the land owned by Jas H. Dupree at
the time of his
Terms of cash. Title
A fine farm located in a splendid
section of a prosperous and
county, with good public school
nearby. For further Information
ply to the undersigned at Tarboro, N.
This the 5th day of November, 1913.
R. Q.
ltd Trustee.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the superior court.
Mary Langley vs. John Langley.
The above named will
taken notice that an action entitled as
above has been commenced in the
superior court of Pitt county to ob-
a divorce from the bonds of mat-
And the said defendant will
further take notice that he Is require,
to appear at the next term of the
court of Pitt county to be held
on the fourteenth Monday after the
first Monday In September, it being
east the 8th day of December, 1913, at the
I have several farms for sale, cash
or easy terms; can sell In blocks
from ten to one thousand acres
N. C, and other sections
of Craven and Jones counties, well
to the cultivation of Tobacco.
Corn, and Cotton.
court house In Greenville, N. C, and
answer or demur to the complaint in
said action or the plaintiff will
ply to the court for the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
This the 6th day of November, 1913.
Clerk Superior Court
By virtue of the power conferred
upon me by decree of the superior
court of Pitt county, made October
1913, in a proceeding
rending in said court, entitled JES-
A. B. GARRIS, deceased, against R.
T. I will on Monday, De-
1st, 1913, in front of the
court house door in Greenville, N. C,
offer for sale, for CASH, to the high-
est bidder the following described
tracts or parcels of land belonging
to the estate of A. B. Garris,
Lying and being in Swift Creek
south east poles to a stake;
thence south east poles to a
White Oak; thence south west
poles to a White Oak; thence
south east to a corner, known
as Cannon Smith's corner; thence
north east poles to a Red
thence north west poles
thence north east poles; then
to tho road; thence with the road
a northerly course to the beginning
The same being all that portion of
lot number in the division of lands
of Oliver Smith lying on the west
side of tho public road, containing
acres more or less.
Lot Number Also, one other
tract of land adjoining the lands of
Mary A. Johnson and others, being
in the aforesaid township and de-
scribed as Beginning at J.
R. corner and runs south
1-2, east 2-5 poles to the
of the main road; thence with j
the road north west 1-2 poles
to a stake In the of the pub-
road; thence south 1-2, west
1-4 poles to the beginning, con-
18-100 of an acre, together
with another tract adjoining the last
described tract of land, lying on the
public road leading from Ayden to
and being the site on
which the Old Garris Public School
House stands and adjoins the lands
of Mary Johnson and others, contain-
one acre.
There lands after being sold in lots
above described, will be offered
as a whole, and the bid most
to the said estate will be
recommended for confirmation.
O. W. B. Garris or J. B. Garris will
show the lands to persons Interest-
This Oct. 30th, 1913.
HI ltd Commissioner.
A Harris, deceased, is here-
by given to all persons indebted to
tho estate to make Immediate pay-
to the and all per-
sons having claims against said es-
are to present the same
to the undersigned for payment on or
before the
s of . are
collected in connection with those for
production cotton as reported
by the Tin.- i-
because the quantity of i.-
farms a much
larger percentage the total crop
than heretofore.
Mr, Harris that an
report showing the quantity
seed and of obtained
should to some date between
October ii and i is
not i to the most desirable
and is accordingly
with the and cottons
oil mills in order to establish it II
lo all iii upon i
., the work can h-
Inaugurated during the present sea-
This report will be of
Bleat value to the farm-is. M well
as to the oil mills and gen-
Sunday Fire
Nov. 9.-At 4.30
of November, o'clock this morning the waste house
1914. or this notice will be plead
bar of recovery.
This 10th day of Nov. 1913.
of John A. Harri.-s.
and contents at the Jennings cotton
mill were destroyed by fire of
known origin. Loss estimated at
fully covered by insurance
Behold the muffled of the
benzine cars.
J. C. Lanier
J. E.
Located at R. L. Smith's stables, with
hospital service.
I treat all animals. Calls answered
day or night.
Day Phone SOL Mir lit Phone 17-1.
lit Fourth Street, front
H. L. Smith's
formerly occupied i
Phone N.
t Ta Pi.-k.-r
Fall Winter
Constantly arriving
New Buck-
Cream Hominy
Old Homestead Flap
jack Flour
New Honey in glass
Call yours
to please
J. W. Little
M Brok
W. C.
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by Bonn to Join
S. Harris on the 21st day of
1905, which mortgage was duly-
recorded in the office of the Register
of Deeds of Pitt county in book J-S.
page the undersigned will sell
for cash before the court house door
Greenville at noon on Monday, No-
22nd, 1913, the following de-
scribed lot or parcel of land, situated
in the town Greenville and In that
part of said town known as West
Greenville or Lincoln Begin-
on east side of ave-
at a stake eighty two feet
from Douglas avenue, then running
eastward one hundred and twenty
feet parallel with Douglas ave-
running north parallel
With avenue forty one
feet, thence running westward par-
with first line one hundred
twenty feet to ave-
then running south with th.;
east side of avenue forty
one feet to the place of the begin-
land sold to satisfy said
This Oct. 22nd, 1913.
Still With
The Mutual Life Insurance Co, I
of t
York. I
DB. J. C.
and Surgeon
Office on Dickinson Avenue
The Greenville Banking Trust Co.
OCTOBER 21st, 1913.
Loans and Discounts
Banking House F. and F.
Cash and Due Banks
Capital Stock
Surplus and Profit
E. G. FLANAGAN, E. B. HIGGS, C. S. CARR, Cash. Asst-Cash
STATES postal Funds.

Thursday, 20th, 1913
Nine Valuable Farms
The best town in Eastern North Carolina. These farms will range from to
acres each.
In the heart of the bright tobacco belt of Eastern North Carolina. The land is high and dry and in good state of cultivation. The terms of
this sale will be one-fourth cash, the balance in deferred payments, one, two and three years, with interest at six percent. Anyone wish-
to see above tract of land can do so by calling on R. J. Cobb, office Building, Greenville, N. C.
At this sale we will have a band of music and barbecue, and the best auctioneer that can be obtained in the The sale
will be under the management of Mr. J. W. Williams of Richmond, Va a man of years experience in buying and selling farm lands.
If you miss this sale, you will miss the opportunity of your life to
Sale Will Start at o'clock a. m., On The
Automobiles and carriages will run out to sale property to take all who wish to attend the sale.
You know that valuable lands are in demand and are constantly enhancing in value as the
years go by. The eyes of the adjoining states are on Eastern North Carolina.
F. ES.
Agriculture Is Hie Rest CC-ml, Rest Healthful, the . Employment George
M Hill
Marriages With Much
Local Interest
Figures for Total Hun-
bur of Bales Ginned
a marriage that win read
With a deal of Interest by local
is that In the office
of the Register of Deeds in Raleigh
yesterday afternoon. The contracting
parties wars Mr. Charles S.
tree, of Greenville, and Miss
of the I for I hi-
Tear and Year Show
Very Con-
The fourth report on cotton gin-
for the crop of 1913 has recent-
been made public by the govern-
authorities In Washington City.
Figures showing the comparison be-
tween year's crop and that for
the name period last year have bet n
announced, showing the standing o.
each county in the state. Separate
county totals were furnished to local
agents over the state, and these were
ii- Instances. Pitt
county shown a shortage over last
year's crop of bales, while the
difference in other counties of the
state is very much greater than this.
Pitt county had ginned for the same
period last year bales as against
this year to the present
Beaufort county, which was so de-
by severe storm of
ginned less than half the
amount this season that was ginned
last year. For the period in 1912 a
total of were reported as
having been ginned, while for the
same season of 1913 only were
reported. This shows a shortage of
bales, and Edgecombe
show shortages almost as large,
the same Is true of Craven, Martin
Lenoir, Wilson and other neighbor-
What Is true with to these
counties in the eastern portion of
North Carolina, it is to noticed
that many of the counties of the
west show considerable gain over last
year's crops. Mecklenburg gives a
total of than increase
while Catawba almost doubles this
For the entire state taken as n
whole, however, there Is a shortage
of bales. Last season the
state had ginned to the present time
bales, as against this
year. For the southern states this
year's crop Is only a little more than
bales short, and It Is yet too
early In the season to ascertain or to
any sort of an accurate
Judgment as to the crop for the en-
tire year. The late crops may run
It over the totals for year, while
these may ho smaller than they are
Capt. II. West. Commander of
Culler Who
has been received here that Senator
F, M. Simmons, senior senator of the
States Senate, is to take up
and Investigate the
a few weeks ago at South Baltimore
of Captain H. D. West, who Is In com-
of the revenue cutter
which Is stationed at this port. This
took place a few weeks
ago when the revenue cutter had gone
to Baltimore to undergo repairs. The
charge against Captain West was
that ho had neglected his duty by
falling to answer Inquiries from the
Navy Department.
Hundred I in Assignment m
Pastors Some of Them
Conference of the Methodist
Of I Episcopal Church, South, came to a
tonight after seven days of la-
work double daily
on the last three days and three
sessions of tile last day. As usual,
the final business and the climatic
work in point of intense and general
interest was the reading of appoint-
lino V. Horton, of Mr
Arch J. Wood, justice of the peace tonight, there being more than
performed the ceremony.
The couple arc very well known
In Greenville, where the groom
lived for a long while, and where he
has many relatives and close friends.
The bride is from Farmville, and is
a popular young lady of that town.
A local marriage to Which much
interest was attached was celebrated
last night when Mr. Thomas R.
Moore and Mrs. Mattie Carney were
joined in wedlock at the home of the
bride on Washington street. But
hundred changes, some of them
Complete surprises to those affected.
Bishop Denny closed the proceedings
with an explanatory statement of his
reasons tor secrecy with reference to
and then made a stir-
ring martial call to preachers,
to Cart on Bishops.
The number of memorials to the
conference were rejected, but
several were adopted. The most
of these because tending to a
radical change in the system is one
few people knew of the approach
marriage until yesterday or
Monday, and the ceremony was
formed in the presence of a very few
friends and relatives of the con-
parties. Rev. C. M. Rock
officiated, and immediately after the
ceremony was preformed the bride
and groom went to Mr. Moore's home
In Where they will make
their home In the future.
GETS ITS 1.10,10 It.
Nearly Twenty-Five Hundred Gallons
Shipped by Express In
Fourteen Days.
of making appointment be de-
vised to the end that the presidium
may consult both the preach-
and congregations as far as
before finally drafting the
appointments. This was adopted.
Total contributions of the confer-
for missions, an In-
crease of over previous year
May Still Chew Tobacco.
The conference declined to adopt
a memorial asking the general con-
to forbid the use of tobacco
by ministers,
Representatives of the Iron, steel and
as a prohibition town where manufacturing interests of
really prohibits-at least the and
arc gathering here In large numbers
of been pointed to
with pride only recently Rev. R.
L. Davis, of the
League, in an address hero comment-
ed upon tho morality of the town and
the enforcement of tho prohibition
law here. While all may be true
and probably it Is said that
this Is the hardest place in the state
to buy a whiskey la
shipped into
tho sister
state or Virginia. Is
by tho at the Southern Ex-
press Company office here.
Shipments of liquor Into town
have been compiled by some persons
here interested In tho and
for the first fourteen days of
month It was found tent a total of
2.258 gallons of whiskey clone came
to Greensboro people by express. The
greatest number of received
In any one of the fourteen days was
November when gallons came.
in one
Was The was
161.28. It has been figured out
If the liquor cost only an overage of
per gallon the whiskey drinkers
of Greensboro have sent over Into
Virginia during the fourteen days of
this month n dally tribute of
or n total for the fourteen days of
Natal Slate- That -The Ad.
ministration Has No Fear of Any
Such Trouble.
OMAHA. Neb., Nov.
of the Navy Daniels, who Is here to-
day delivering an address the
Omaha Commercial Club, dated In the
course of an Interview on the Mexican
will be no war with Mexico
The administration has no fear of any
such trouble. The knot will be
tangled In way and
the war talk Is
to attend the business conference to
held here tomorrow under the
auspices of the Pennsylvania steel
and Iron manufacturers, with a view
of educating iron and steel merchant
and manufacturers of machinery as
to tho commercial possibilities of
the Panama Canal. The entire In-
will be directly concerned In
the subjects to be discussed at this
conference. Speakers of
fame, familiar with the
ties of the Panama Canal, will ad-
dress the conference and special
forts be made to show to the
trade representatives attending the
conference how tho opening of the
Panama will effect
and precisely what must be
done to make the Delaware River
front one of the famous shipping
centers of the world.
Engineering Finn.
B. Harding, Who has been
In Mexico for the past seven years as
engineer for the Southern Pacific
and the National Railway of Mexico
has formed a partnership here with
W, C. and will do general
engineering work In Pitt county and
eastern North Carolina.
They prepared to report on any
project and will
special attention to reclamation of
swamp lands, high way building, or
surveys and sub division of lands,
Has Returned to His Home In
In Better Health.
Mr. D. Lane, of New Bern, who
has been her on a to his son
Rev. Daniel Lane, and who was
en Saturday afternoon shortly
niter his arrival here, returned yes-
to his home. Mr. Lane was
not entirely well, but was greatly
proved, and he was able to make
trip to his home.
Relieved Eastern Part of stale
i- mi Verge of Big
Not. clam
Influential eastern Caro-
who are i- in
belief that the section is on the verge
if a period unprecedented progress.
will probably have the privileges of
encouraging a factor for the forward
stride superior to any now existing
it a rumor which today reached Kin-
Is authenticated. In-
it is said are Investigating
the for an
electric line In the eastern part of
the stain, a man connected with a
big corporation which controls a
large part of the splendid Ohio sys-
Is known to have visited several
points in this vicinity during the
past few days, but his movements
some reason have been carefully con-
and local business Interests
nowhere have been acquainted
the object of his
It Is believed by a man who would
not disclose the capitalist's
the moneyed circles of the north
section, develop
meat now as never before. Judging
from the general tenor of tho vis-
conversation. Tho latter de-
that within a decade the east-
counties of North
ho most prosperous section of
the south and attract more
grants than any other part of the
needed now in this
state might be an entirely different
proposition to contend with before
another If I read the
future ho Is said to have
stated. East Carolina is essentially
an agricultural country, tho pros-
stated, tho possibilities
for stock-raising arc so evident
one Is surprised the people have not
gone Into it on a profitable
The draining of the big
lake Is going to make available
a great acreage of very fertile and
cheap farming land, and people will
Hock into tho sound country from
the middle western states, he thinks
The capitalist had not concluded
his prospecting trip, but professed to
very favorably Impressed with
what he had seen of the country
the of hustle that is noticeable
in the towns even this late In the to-
season. It Is a known fact that
recently Improvements on the Ohio
belt electric lines have required the
Installation of heavier equipment,
and that a great quantity of material
suitable for lighter service are await-
the chance of the owners to place
It advantageously. Several towns n
the have been visited by the
Education I .
Only Children Between Aces of
Twelve School.
Children between the of
twelve years must attend school
for at least four months In year.
according to the recent
education law. The statement mads
these column yesterday to the
that tho compulsory law
ed six month's attendance was an
error, this article is written in
order that tills may he corrected.
Information received at the
county superintendent W. Rags-
dale is to the effect that r large
of the school teachers of this
county will attend the sessions
-North Carolina Assembly in
Raleigh next week. Professor Rags-
dale will leave here about Monday.
and will spend the entire week In
Raleigh on business connected with
the work of the association, and his
will be closed during that time.
A number of the teachers in Ayden,
Farmville, Bethel and
oilier smaller towns in the
are planning to attend tin- big con-
and Pitt county will have
large delegation on hand for the
unless something unexpected
happens. No canvass of the I
in the Greenville graded school
been made and It is not known at
this time as to whether or not
local school win be so well
It will be remembered that the
State educational authorities and the
county superintendents of the state
have agreed to allow holidays to all
teachers who will attend tho sessions
of the state assembly, and this being
true, It Is thought that a great many
will take advantage of the
to attend the session.
am m
new in nil
She Hail a of Paralysis Early
Monday Morning-.
Mrs. A. A. Forbes, who lives a few
miles in the country on Monday
morning had a severe of
paralysis, and is In a rather serious
condition Latest report's from her
bedside are to the effect that she is
somewhat Improved this morning
Her friends will wish for her a speedy
Fired Two Hide Shots Into Her
And Then Took Strychnine. But
win Recover.
Bosnian, years old, was shot
and killed Sunday afternoon at
In a field a short distance from
home, three miles from the city, by
her husband, who then took an ounce
of strychnine In an effort to end his
own life. The overdose of the drug
acted as an antidote and he will re-
cover. He i-s at tho hospital and
guard. Beaman is about years
old and is a carpenter. He used a
rifle and fired twice, hot
bullets taking effect, the first enter
lug the back at waist line and the
oilier penetrating the left,
Death resulted instantly. Thinking
he was going to end his own life. Boa-
man prepared a note explaining why
he killed his wire. He stated be
hilled the woman because she had left
him three different times, A notary
public was passing the road a tea
minutes after the murder and Bea-
man called him and made a voluntary
relative to the affair. He
said he alone was responsible the
death of the woman.
She hilled Her First
Coroner John J. Fowler and
i; George Harries with Constable
Davis and two police officers went to
the scene a few minutes after the
Coroner staled that
ha learned that the woman had served
a term in the penitentiary, having
been Convicted of conspiring With an-
other man to kill her first husband,
whose death was attributed to foul
play. The man also served a term In
prison, he said. Soon after leaving
the penitentiary the woman married
Beaman, the coroner was told. Re-
the man who went to prison
with the woman on the conspiracy
charge returned to Wilmington and
seen the woman quits frequently
this lending up to the tragedy of yes-
according to information given
the coroner.
Apply i
or Mentally In.
hie, or in I in
. . in between
the of eight and . a
will compelled i,, d school
at some public school In i i.
at bast four months during the pres-
of school. All of the
counties of the state are to enforce
this law, according to an act
by the general assembly the
i -.-ion of hi Id last winter
The authorities the count
set November next Monday,
the date upon which the law shall
be put Into in county, and
en that day all children coming tin-
the requirements o; the law will
be compelled to attend school.
There are exemptions to the law.
Of Course, Chief among these being
that clause which permits parents or
guardians to keep out of school those
children who are physically or men-
tally unable to attend, but a
properly signed and attested to
must be given by some licensed phys-
In of extreme poverty,
where the services of the child are
absolutely required for the support
of the the law allows to
be done.
Any person, parent or guardian vi-
this law shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and will be prosecuted
for such, and lined less than
and not more than There are
several other clauses and provisions
in the bill which are of
but Which cannot be given at this
Monday Night to Young People
by Mr. T. A. Duke.
On last Monday night Mr. T. A
Duke, buyer the American To-
Company, was host to a
of the young people of the town,
both men women, at a delight-
oyster roast that WM held at tho
plant of the Ann i Tobacco Com-
The men present were most-
Oysters steamed and roasted were
served, after being pared f
fir, a built i Ii
the purpose. After the
the factory the Jolly party repair,
ed to the rooms Carolina Club
where a little Informal dame con-
i the pleasures of the ,
Increase ll Salary and Domed
I Sunday I a-t.
WILSON, Nov. Board of
Aldermen of this city,
the fact that their police force
second to no town the size of Wilson
the Stale, have increased their
from to per month for
the and making the chief's
salary And an one good deed
follows the other, and span
new uniforms. Including overcoats
arrived Saturday last and on Sunday
morning the whole bunch of
paraded the streets dress-
ed to kill the aggregation
of in In the laud.

Eastern reflector, 14 November 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 14, 1913
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Joyner NC Microforms
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