Eastern reflector, 10 October 1913

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Laws Case Against i.
Dr. Desalted Like First
Two In
Jury In the against Editor Sauna-
era for alleged which was de-
In the defendant's favor, ends
one of th longest trials and hardest
fought legal battles ever conducted
In this county.
Nine were consumed In trying
this case and some of the best law-
In the took part In it. W.
O. of tho
was on trial upon the of
criminal libel on E. P. one
eastern North Carolina's
est and most prominent lawyers.
The suit out of articles pub-
In Mr. paper In re-
to business transactions which
took place In Mr. and
the Browns of New York several
This was the third libel trial Mr.
Saunders stood within tho
two months, and he was acquitted In
each trial, ill the cases against Mm
having been prosecuted by Lawyer
Father of Mr. I, Wilkinson, of
Greenville, Die in Farmville,
After an illness of sometime Mr
W. H. Wilkinson, of died
at his home last week at the
old age of seventy-two years. He
was one of the oldest and most wide-
citizens of the county,
had lived in Pitt county for a great
part of his life.
He was In the Civil War and took
part In the battle of Gettysburg, and
was at Cold Harbor, and in the bat-
around Richmond. He was born
in county, near
Creek church. He leaves a wife, four
daughters, and two sons, one of whom
is Mr. C. L Wilkinson, of this town.
steamer victim
of Apparently Is
Broken In With
of a river steamer ply
flag between and
sank In tho harbor here
this morning at o'clock, apparently
breaking in two, though until she is
raised It cannot be ascertained what
really happened to her.
She was docked at the Sprunt cot-
ton wharves, and was loaded with
bales of cotton, one-half of which
been taken out slightly damaged,
but it is feared the remainder will
be a total loss. The steamer Is own-
ed by Merchants and Farmers Con
of this place and is valued at
without marine Insurance.
r. George Cooper Erecting Bungalow
Sear Skinner Residence.
What promises to be one of th.
most handsome and attractive bun
in the entire town is now being
constructed on the plot of ground ow-i-
ed by Colonel Harry Skinner on
Fourth street Just beyond the Inter-
section of Pitt street The new home
Is being erected by Mr. George Cooper
and will be modern in every respect.
Steam beating will be installed, low-
of the ground at the location
tho building furnishing a ready-made
basement for quarters for heating plant
home by the first of the coming year.
Popular Young Couple Married in
for Tho
A most charming event was the
wedding of Miss Anna Belle Kittrell
and Mr. Herbert Winstead, of
Wilson, on Wednesday afternoon at
o'clock In
The brightness of a cloudless sun
shone outside but evergreens and
trailing vines made twilight reign In
tho church, gleams trickling
through, casting becoming rosy shad-
over all.
Against the background of the
pit, great branches of the famous long
leaf pine, their graceful heads
nodding their approval, formed an
appropriate setting for the pure white
Altar of that from its
green nest, where myriads of can-
aglow with loves Arc, twinkled
and gleamed. Yellow and
Golden-glow lent their sunshine to
and white rose buds
peeped from among the greenery.
Cascades of ferns and potted plants
formed a screen of tropical beauty,
and profusion.
This Altar white of
holding the yellow,
flowers, typifying the gold of the
heart, with the steady burning. Flame I
of Love, all surrounded with the
changing evergreen, was in Itself
a prophesy of good omen, that these
two lives, joined in their youth and
purity by the God who is Love, would
keep through life the gold of their
hearts aglow, and love's light bright-,
Miss Louie Pittman,
presided at the piano. Miss
Daisy Winstead, sister of the groom,
in her lovely soprano charmingly
rendered To
Wedding March the ushers, Mr. Josh-
Tucker and Bland, entered,
followed by the groom and his best
man, Mr. Groves L. Herring, of
son. They took their places and
awaited the bride and her attendants.
Mrs. J. T. Herring, of Rocky Mount,
in white silk crepe de carry-
a shower of white
was Dame of Honor, followed
by the Maid of Honor, Miss Lilly
Tucker, cousin of the bride in white
brocade crepe de also carry-
carnations. The ring bearer,
j dainty Little Miss Jean Harvey, In
White chiffon over pink
carried a brass basket,
in the center of which a perfect
rose, held in its fragrant heart
the wedding ring; that golden cir-
symbol for ages of the marriage
vow. The bride never lovelier than
in her wedding gown of white
and real lace, enter-
ed on the arm of her father, Mr.
W. J. Kittrell. The bride carried a
magnificent of brides roses.
Dr. J. C. Caldwell, president of
the Atlantic College, per-
formed the ceremony in a clever and
convincing manner, making the
vice very Impressive.
Miss Kittrell was a well beloved
daughter of and Mr. Win-
stead a promising young man of
character and Integrity, and their
friends rest assured that God has
Joined them in His holy bonds and
blessings will go with them even
unto life's end.
Negro Man And Wife up Before May-
or Charged With Making At-
tack Upon Each Other
Saturday Night
Six citizens of Greenville were
brought up before Mayor James this
morning for violations of the law, and
all of them received fines with the ex-
of one who appealed
from the decision of the town's
Two were up for disorderly
conduct in Daniel King's restaurant
on last Saturday night, and both
to have been raising right
much of a disturbance at the in
the west section of the town. After
a rather lengthy examination of the
two offenders, the mayor lined each
13.00 and costs.
A man and his wife were in
the court charged with a mutual as
In other words, they agreed
that they would have a little scrap
and each, without giving the other
any chance to o t advantage In
the beginning, went for the other with
main strength. Neither seems to have
the best end of the fray, as both fought
best and appears to have been
pretty equally matched. The man was
fined and costs, and the woman
and costs.
Another man was brought up for
driving a horse through the streets at
c very reckless rate on Saturday
He was lined and costs.
A man was charged with Tun-
a dray without license, and the
mayor had decided to put him off with
no charges save the costs when he
pealed the case. The costs would
have been only had the
allowed the matter to drop where it
was. but when an appeal was taken,
the mayor was for led to put a fine
additional upon the The
appeal to the superior court was
en, and will be heard at the next term
to be held here in November.
NORFOLK, Va., Sept.
of the Navy Josephus Daniels In
letter to Senator Martin and Con
K. K. Holland, today de-
the published report that the
department considering the re
of the Marino Recruiting
from Norfolk to
Secretary Daniels stated that tin
department had never
removing the station from Norfolk
On the contrary, he says, the depart
Is planning to erect new build-
hero which will Improve the
naval station generally.
Northern Minnesota M. E. Conference.
DETROIT, Minn., Sept.
two hundred delegates of the North-
Minnesota Methodist Church as-
In the Methodist church this
morning, to attend tho opening of the
nineteenth annual conference of that
church, which will remain in session
days, closing Its work next Sun-
day. Bishop W. A. Quayle of St
Paul, who will preside at the con-
opened tho session this morn-
and delivered his annual address.
Secretary C. R. Oaten, of Duluth
treasurer J. R. Davis, of
and the other officers read their re-
ports and several of tho committees
reported to the conference. The dis-
belonging to this conference are
Minneapolis, and
Fergus Falls.
For all of
Lumbago, Gout, Neural-
ate, Kidney Catarrh an.
D stops the aches and re-
swollen Joints and
like Destroys
the excess acid and la quick,
safe and sure In Its results. No
other remedy Ilka It. Sample
free on request.
One Dollar per bottle, or sent pr-
. paid upon receipt of price If not
obtainable In locality.
The or Anderson Farm, con-
of eighty-three acres, almost
within the city limits. Great
for Investors to double their
money In short time.
Tho offer for sale either as a
whole or subdivided to suit the
chaser, the or Anderson Farm
located about three-eights of a mile
from tho corporate limits of the
thrifty, progressive city of Greenville,
and not more than twelve or fifteen
walk from the business
This property is probably the most
located for truck farming of
any land near Greenville. Two
clay roads lead from tho property
Into Greenville and at the present
rate of increase in population of
Greenville it will in a very few years
become valuable as building sites.
This land Is several feet higher than
the town and Is the most beautiful
and desirable for suburban homes of
any property near tho town. The
t land Is a light gray underlaid
with clay subsoil and produces all
crops common to this section. Al-
though considered at the time we
came into possession rather thin and
run down, we have averaged a little
more than a pound bale of cotton
to the acre during the last three years.
This Is in reality a great
Is the best town
in eastern N. C. It is conservatively
Its property rests on a
solid foundation and in consequence
j Values that today seem high will
pear marvelously cheap almost be-
. fore you are aware of it.
If you are interested call on or
J. S. BARR, N. C.
O. L. Greenville, N. C.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the superior court.
Before D. C. Moore. Clerk.
J. G. Thomas, E. B. Thomas, Delia
Whitehurst James H.
Virginia T. H. D. White-
Lula Barnhill. W. O.
Addle Manning and Edward D. Man-
vs. Thomas.
By order of a decree of the super-
court of Pitt made by D.
C. Moore, Clerk, in the above
cause, on the 23rd day of
1913, the undersigned com-
missioner, will on Saturday, the 25th
day of October, 1913, at o'clock p.
m. expose to public sale in front of
the post office In the town of Bethel,
N. C, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described real estate to
certain tract or parcel of
land situated in Bethel township, Pitt
county, North Carolina, known as the
Jesse Thomas home place, adjoining
the lands, J. I O. Man-
W. L.
Charlie Lewis and others, containing
about acres more or less. Upon
tract of land is situated one two-
story, six room dwelling house, two
tenant with necessary barns
and stables.
Also one other tract or parcel of
land in said township adjoining the
above tract and also adjoining lands
known as the lands, the R.
D. Whitehurst lands, the Cherry lands
the lands of J. G. Thomas, Charlie
Lewis and others and containing
acres more or less. On this tract of
land there are about acres cleared
and the remaining portion Is heavily
wooded. The above two tracts are
situated about 1-4 miles west of the
town of Bethel, N. C.
This land will be sold In separate
smaller lots and as a whole, to suit
the purchasers.
This the 23rd day of September.
F. C. HARDING, Commissioner.
Notice Is hereby given that the drug
business known as
has been sold to Messrs. J. K.
j Brown, and S. E. Gates, who will
take charge of tame October 1st, 1913,
I All holding accounts against Bas-
night's Pharmacy will please present
them for collection; and oil
accounts requested to settle earn-
between now and the time mentioned
if it is not done the proper steps
I will be token to collect. The
j will immediately proceed to put
into Judgments accounts which arc
not paid by October 1st, 1913.
is also given that after to-
day no credit will be given
September 1913.
of The Carolina Home and Farm and
The Eastern Reflector, published
Friday at Greenville, N. C, re-
quired by the Act of August
Editor, Henry A. Dennis. Greenville.
Managing Editor, Same.
Business Manager, D. J.
Publisher, The Reflector Co., Inc
Owners D. J. O. L. Joy-
C. B. C. W. Hearne.
R. J. Cobb, D. C. Moore. S. J. Ever
W. H. Ball. Jr., B. B. Sugg.
Bros. Greenville. N. C.; John H.
Small. Washington, N. C.
Known bondholders, mortgagees,
and other security holders, holding
per cent or more of total amount
of bonds, mortgages, or other
Linotype Co., New-
York. N. Y.; S. J. Everett, Trustee,
Greenville, N. C.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this the 1st day of October. 1913.
Notary Public.
My commission expires March 1915
eat. rut, teat ml
mm B
By virtue of tho power of sale con-
in two mortgages executed and
delivered by Henry Allen Smith to
Richard one date 21st,
1912, and recorded in Book E-10, page
IT, and the other dated Oct. 1st, 1912,
and recorded In Book E-10,
in the register's of Pitt county,
the undersigned will sell for cash
before the court house door In
on Thursday, October 9th, 1913
the following described real estate
situated In the county of Pitt and in
township, being undivided
Interest of the said Henry Allen Smith
In tho lands of his mother
Smith, being the of land
lotted to the said Smith In the
division of the Jordan Cox land, ad
Joining tho lands of Ellen
Charlie end
containing 1-3 acres more or less.
This Sept. 8th, 1913.
RICHARD Mortgagee.
F G. and SON,
hog, weight about lbs., mark
crop In left ear and hole In
tho right Owner can get lame by
applying to me and paying charge.
Route Box
Let us sell you a plug, a pound or
a box of Black Eagle Sun Cured to-
and make you happy. J. R ft
J. G.
Is Able To Be The Streets After
A Short
Ex-sheriff L. W. Tucker, who has
been confined to his bed for the past
few days with an Illness, is today able
to be up and down the street He
says that he feels a great deal better,
and that he thinks that he will be
completely well in a very few days.
His many friends will be glad to know
that he Is improved.
It Is a Guaranteed Harmless
table Remedy that Regulates the
Liter Without Stopping Your
Work or Play.
A dose of may knock you
completely out for a
two or three days. Dodson's Liver
Tone relieves of constipation,
biliousness and lazy liver headaches,
and you stay on your feet.
Pharmacy sells Bod-
son's Liver Tone and guarantees it
to give perfect satisfaction. If you
buy a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone
and do not find it most
pleasant and successful liver remedy
you ever too, this store will give yo l
back the cents you paid for It With-
out a question.
Tills guarantee that a trustworthy
druggist is glad to give on Dodson's
Liver Tone is as safe and reliable as
the medicine, and that Is saying a lot.
Met Saturday Afternoon at Home of
Mr. C. D. Smith.
club met Saturday after-
noon at the home of Mr. C. D. Smith,
where the Misses Smith entertained
from to o'clock.
Tho were welcomed in th
hall by Misses and Lee
Smith and ushered into the parlor
where the monthly business
transacted. Afterwards a very In-
program was rendered. In
the dining room a dainty salad course
and ices were served by Misses Nan-
Amelia and Hilda Smith.
After Miss Nannie Smith sang a
solo, all departed to meet with the
president October 1913.
Those present were, Misses Alice
Fulford, Nannie Anna
and Robinson
Smith. Mable of
Hickory, N. C.
The next time you want tobacco
come to my store and get Black
Eagle Sun Cured. It's a good one.
D. W.
farms at Vanceboro, Cove City.
New Bern, and other parts of Craven
county. J. W. Stewart, New Born.
N. C.
cleared, three room dwelling,
tobacco barn, etc. Original growth
oak and pine. G. T. Tyson, R
Majority of Friends Thought Mr.
Would Die, Bat
One Helped Him to
interesting ad-
vice from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes
writes as was down with
stomach Double five years, and
would have sick headache so bad, at
times, that thought surely I would die.
I tried different treatment's, but they
did not seem to do me any good.
I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep,
and all my friends, except one, thought I
would die. He advised me to try
and quit
taking other medicines. I decided to
take his advice, although I did not have
any confidence in it.
I have now been taking
for three months, and it has cured me
haven't had those awful sick headache
since began using it.
I am so thankful for what Black-
has done for
has been
found a very valuable medicine for de-
of the stomach and liver. It
is composed pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous ingredients, and
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely
used by young and old, and should be
kept in every family chest
a package today.
Only a quarter. j-ex
The heirs at law of the late Fer-
Ward will offer for sale at
public auction for division before the
court house door In No-
3rd, 1913, at o'clock, M.
the following described lands situated
in the county of Pitt and in
township, about seven miles east of
the town of Greenville, lying on both
sides of the main road leading from
Greenville to
Farm No.
A certain piece or parcel of land
situated in township, Pitt
county, N. C, and known as the Jolly
Place, and being Lot No. of the
division of lands among the heirs of
Fernando Ward, deceased, as Is laid
down on the map of Fernando Ward's
farm surveyed and made by F.
Price,, surveyor. In year 1886, bound-
ed and described as follows,
Beginning at a gum a corner between
Lot No. M. Spier's land, and the
Little Place, thence S. East
feet to a gum, instill corner, thence
B. 1-2 west feet to a W.
O. corner, thence S. W.
feet to a stake, W. G. corner,
thence N. 1-2 W. 1762 feet to an
angle in ditch, W. G. corner,
and corner between Lots No. and
crossing the Greenville and Wash-
road feet to run
a corner, down run to
a corner on the canal, thence down
the canal crossing the Greenville and
Washington road to the beginning.
Containing 19-100 acres. For
fit reference see the Map of
of the Fernando Ward farm made
H. F. Price in August, 1886.
Farm No.
A certain piece or parcel of land
situated In township, Pitt
county, N, C, and known as Lot No.
of the division of lands among the
heirs of Fernando Ward, deceased, as
Is laid down on the map of Fernando
Ward's Farm surveyed and made by
H. F. Price, surveyor, in year 1886,
bounded and described as follows, to-
w Beginning at the angle of ditch
a corner No. and at
W. G. corner, thence S. 2-05
W. feet to a small pine, W. G.
corner, thence No. feet
to J. Fleming's corner, thence N.
1-2 W, feet, thence N. 1-4 W.
feet to a stake and pine
Fleming's corner, and corner be-
tween Lots No. and No. thence
N. 2-05 E. with dividing line between
Lots No. and feet to a ditch
or branch, down ditch or
branch S. 1-2 E. feet to angle
in ditch, thence down ditch or branch
east crossing Avenue feet
to another angle N. E.
feet, thence N. 1-2 E. feet
thence N. E. feet to corner
on ditch or branch between Lots
No. and thence S. 2-05 W. with
dividing line between No. and
No. feet to the beginning, con-
acres. For further ref-
see the map of survey of the
Fernando Ward farm, made by H.
F. Price in August, 1886.
Farm No.
A certain piece or parcel of land
situated in township, Pitt
county, N. C, and known as Lot No.
of the division of lands among the
I heirs of Fernando Ward, deceased, as
laid down on the map of Fernando
Ward's farm surveyed and made by
H. F. Price In the year 1886, bound-
ed and described as follows,
Beginning at a stake and pine stump,
L. Fleming's corner and the corner
between Lots No. and thence S.
1-2 W. 1535 to L. Fleming's
thence 1-4 W. to L.
Fleming's corner, thence N. 3-4
W. feet to a cypress, L. Fleming's
corner, thence S. 1-8 W. feet
to L. Fleming's corner, thence 1-2
W. to the line of the ten acre piece
that Nobles bought and acquired off
the west end of Lot No. thence with
the dividing line between said
Sod Lot No. to their corner, thence
E. to J. J. Nobles corner,
thence N. W. feet to J. J. No-
corner, S. 3-4 E.
feet, thence N. E. feet, thence
N. E. feet, S. 1-2 E.
feet to the corner between Lots
No. and No. thence with the
line between lots No. and
No. S. 2-05 W. feet to the be-
ginning. Containing acres more
or less. For further reference see
the map of survey of the Fernando
Ward farm, made by H. F. Price in
August 1886.
Said farms will be sold separately
and afterwards offered as a whole.
Terms cash, but suitable time will
be given purchasers to make
upon application. The
right to reject or accept all bids Is
hereby reserved.
For further Information apply to-
N. C.
F. O. James and Son.
Greenville, N. C.
farm dwelling, email store
room on place, In Martin county, six
miles from on
phone Una R F. D. No. For
particulars apply to J. Ross, Rob-
N. C. R F. D. No.
o Id
Agriculture Is the Most the Host Healthful, the Noble Employment of
Expressions of gratification over
tho exercises of evening were
heard on every hand by those who at-
tended the lecture of Mr. Karl
at the Training School auditorium
Monday night Practically the en-
tire student body of tho school
present, and an large
of people from tho town went
out for tho exercises.
After a few words of Introduction
the speaker plunged Into the body of
his evening's lecture. He told In a
very Interesting manner of the kind
of people who were his ancestors,
and gave Interesting illustrations of
the character and nature of the ear-
sailors of Mr.
Jansen's home In
Norway, tho farthest north of any In
the world, a place where the Bun
never shines for months of the
year, and where the Christmas din-
Is eaten at darkest midnight
The speaker told of tho tests that
were made of tho young men In his
country, and showed how brave and
fearless they were in the face of
gravest danger.
Mr Jansen's Impersonation of the
character of character of Macbeth,
perhaps Shakespeare's most famous
and best known character, was all
that could asked for. The noted
Swede showed that he was equally
capable, whether acting the part of
some character, or In tell-
of his native home.
By special request the
and the was
repeated from last summer, and the
Immense audience greeted it with
fully as much enthusiasm as though
It had been entirely new to them.
Every one present was highly pleas-
ed with the evening's entertainment,
and was vividly Impressed with the
fact that Mr. Jansen is a master at
his trade. reception Monday
was by an audience almost, though
not by any means altogether, entire-
different from that which greeted
him on the occasion of his visit here
last July. Many of the town
who heard him last summer were
only too glad last night of
of being present for Mr.
Jansen's return engagement, and will
be glad to know of his at any
future time.
Fifth Grade at Made Fine
Showing Last Week.
for The
GRIFTON, Oct. piece of bus-
can be carried on without reg-
this applies to every phase of
life, outside of the school room as
well as in. One of our grades had
a perfect record of attendance
the past week, September to
The fifth grade is the fortunate
one this week.
Addle Williams, teacher. Floyd
Brown, Carl Dunn, Gardner,
Hazel Patrick, Patrick.
Who will make the next successful
Rev. C. M. Hock la Speak
in Norfolk On the
the World in Fifty
is the subject of a lecture that Rev.
C M. Rock, of the local Baptist
church, la to give in the big Baptist
church In tho Ghent section of the city
of Norfolk on the night of October
Tho lecture will be much the
same as those delivered here by Mr.
Rock at his church services, though
It will be much more concise and will
not be in detail nearly so much as
those that he has given here.
Mr. Rock's services for these
were engaged even before he
reached home from trip, and tho
people to whom he goes will hear
him with a great deal of pleasure.
The Ghent section of Norfolk Is Mr,
Rock's former home, and the people
in that part of the big city will be
very glad to know that he Is to re-
Notes From One, Out From
Farmers have left grading
co and are picking cotton. Cotton
was blown about by the storm of
September so that the work Is slow.
Misses Tucker, Annie
and Margaret Edwards left on
early train Monday morning for Wash-
D. C and will return by way
of Richmond and take in the fair.
The series of meetings at Arthur
have resulted In the conversion
eight sinners who were baptized In
the rock hole at Ballard's Bridge by
Elder C. D. Smith.
J. H. Cobb Is Installing a system
gin which will soon be ready to turn
out the fleecy staple.
John J. Tyson, wife, and little son.
of Cumberland Furnace, Tennessee,
are spending some time at the home
of his father, Mr. G. T.
Farmers are saving lots of bright
hay. It is to be hoped that so much
will not have to be shipped In next
summer as formerly.
Some real estate Is changing hands
at lively prices.
BOSTON, Mass., Oct.
two days of section meetings and
other preliminaries, the regular
of the thirty-ninth annual con-
of the American As-
were opened today with a
rt cord-breaking attendance of prom-
bankers and financiers from
section of the country. Mayor
John F. Fitzgerald and President
Thomas P. Beal of the Boston Clear-
House welcomed the visitors. Re
was made by First Vice
dent Arthur Reynolds of Des
Following tho exchange of greetings
brief exercises were held in memory
of the late Charles F. of St.
Louis, who was president of the as-
at the time of his death
some months ago. At
some months ago. At o'clock
Chairman A, B. Hepburn of New
York Introduced the report of the
Currency Commission, which was fol-
lowed by a spirited discussion.
J. R. J. G.
of Wife Murder.
DALLAS. Tex., Oct case of
Raymond Indicted on a
charge of murdering his wife, was
called In court today for trial. Mrs.
met her death In her home
on August last During a quarrel
it is alleged hit his wife
over the heart with his fist died
almost Instantly. The husband fled
the city and was arrested several
days later at Temple.
For New Cotton Mill to fie Built
in Greenville
Charter Will be Signed by
and Hill be Sent to
of State Grimes
at Once.
Culmination of the movement for
a cotton mill in Greenville was put
one step nearer by the meeting of
the stockholders held last night in
the of Carolina Club. A big
of the stock so far
for the movement was represented
at the meting and never before has
more enthusiasm been manifested In
the project than was the case last
right Every man present was very
optimistic about mater, and de-
his opinion to be that
less than success could come out
of the plans that are now being work-
ed out.
Apt for a charter for the
cotton mill will be made to
of State J. Bryan Grimes within the
next few days. All of the
desired incorporated In the char-
were discussed and agreed an-
on last night, and as soon as all of
the stockholders can be seen and
their names secured for the
it will be to Raleigh to
be entered and formally recognized
by the secretary of state.
Only a very few thousand dollars
worth of the hundred thousand de-
sired remains to be subscribed, and
the promoters feel that they need have
no uneasiness about this matter. They
are not straining any efforts to have
taken Immediately, for they are
waiting for some person to show his
interest in the cotton mill and rum
up and manifest bis desire to have
a part Some of the stock has come
In this way, and It Is believed that
no trouble whatever will be
in securing the remainder.
Mr. Ming's Horse Meets
With Very Painful
NEW Oct. Thorpe
the Sac Indian, of Olympic
games and football fume, who has
spent the summer learning
baseball under the tutelage of
John J. is beginning
show signs of developing Into a big
league player. Although he has
done little toward aiding the Giants
In winning the National League pen
of 1913 he signed a New
York contract. Thorpe has not
wasted his time spent upon the play-
bench. According to other
of the club the Indian will be
ready to break Into fast company be-
fore the middle of the 1914 season
If he continues to Improve next
spring at the pace he has been main-
In the past few months.
Thorpe proved absolutely green,
so far as big league baseball was
concerned, when ho Joined the
Giants training squad at
Springs, Texas, early In the spring.
A- from his national athletic
prowess and the ability to drive out
tremendous hits when he could hit
tho ball, he was the veriest kind of
a He showed
however, that he was willing and
eager to learn, and he has been one
of the hardest workers during all
the practice sessions of the Giants
Death in a very manner
came Sunday night to a fine horse
owned by Mr. P. C. Harding. Mr.
Harding drove the horse Sunday
and was congratulating him-
self upon the acquisition of such a
fine specimen of the animal. The
bone was placed in the stable
returning to the home on Second
street, and later in the night
ed In some way to free himself from
his stall. Once free, the animal struck
out across the Held, and went in the
direction of House station. Just be-
getting to House he left tho
road and In some way and for some
reason took to the railroad. In cross-
a little trestle a short distance
this of the station tho horse
plunged his foot between two ties,
and a long spike protruding some
five or six Inches above the beam
stuck in the horse's abdomen.
able to himself from his position,
the horse scrambled and his
body about so much for a long
time that the big spike gouged a
hole in his body, and be
ed only a few minutes after Mr. Hard-
the next morning found him and
reached the spot where he WM held
fast on tho trestle.
Mr. Harding had purchased the
only or four days before he
was killed. The animal was one of
the best and the finest In town, and
cost a considerable sum of money.
J. W. of and
Wall of Cabarrus.
granted two pardons
John W.
serving four months on the roads
since the September term of court
for larceny, pardoned on
that for the future he remain
a law abiding and Industrious
He has been In jail three months
and on the roads about one month.
Judge Shaw and Solicitor Bower rec-
the pardon.
Wall, Cabarrus county,
since May, 1911, on a three
sentence In Jail for manslaughter, on
condition of future good behavior.
Wall has served nearly all of his
sentence. The principal witness
against him has admitted since the
trial that her testimony was not true
AYDEN, Oct. were
baptized at Little Creek Sunday
resulting from the revivals
at Bethany, and Delight churches.
Car of lime, cement and stock fence
at J. R. Smith and Bro.
Prof. Ernest Woolen and Miss
die Tripp were happily married Sun-
day afternoon. J. E. Sawyer
Hardware of all sorts and kinds at
J. R. Smith and Bro.
Mr. Ernest Langston and Miss Al-
were married last Sunday
afternoon. Rev. R. F. Pittman of-
Seed. rye. rape and a few tons of
guano. J. R. Smith and Bro.
Mr. J. F. Smith left Sunday night
for Greenville and from there to Nor-
folk to spend some time.
Mr. Mark Manning left Monday
for to attend Lang s
carnival and wrestle with the female
Cook, heating oil stoves and grates
at J. R. Smith and Bro.
Mr. H. left Tuesday even-
for the northwest to buy horses,
mules and
Mr. T. G. has
chased tho house and lot of Mrs
Cora Moore In the part of
Mr. Julian Lyons has returned from
tho of Washington and has a
position on the tobacco market here.
Rev. J. H. pastor of the
church, Mrs. Agnes Blount
and Miss Lee Nichols are attending
the national convention at Toronto
Turk Chanted With Fraud.
who for some weeks has had the
distinction of being the only Turk
among the cosmopolitan population of
the Tombs prison, was arraigned be-
United States Commissioner
Shields today in extradition proceed-
on the complaint of the Ottoman
vice consul here. It Is charged that
last summer while employed
by the Departments of Posts and Tel-
at Constantinople, falsified a
number of and cable dis-
patches, and appropriated the
paid by the recipients of the bogus
Famous Woman Swimmer Weds.
BOSTON. Mass., Aisle
as a swimmer
today took her first plunge into the
matrimonial sea. In the church of
Our Lady of In
she became tho bride of Daniel L
of East London, who has
a wide reputation as an athlete. Two
years ago Miss accomplish-
ed the difficult feat of swimming from
Charlestown Bridge to Boston Light
a distance of more than miles. A
month later she made a 20-mile swim
in New York harbor and subsequently
she performed similar feats In the
River Thames and in the
Hancock, first signer
the Declaration of
died In Boston. Born in
Quincy, Mass., Jan. 1737
It. it J.
Notices have been sent out by the
board of county ad-
the sale half of the
thousand dollars worth of bonds
voted by the people of Greenville
township on July The
have made all the arrange-
for the vale of these bonds
and are now notifying the public that
the bonds may be bought.
Advertisements will be placed
several of the big papers of the north,
and In one or two Instances In this
section of the country. It is believed
that no trouble will be experienced
in selling these bonds, the town-
ship is already bonded only to a very
small extent, and its credit Is good.
Fifty thousand dollars is said to be
a very small debt for a township the
size of Greenville to carry, and there
will probably be no trouble in paying
oft the bonds they become due.
Shortly after the election of July
an agitation was started for the is-
of portions of the issue at
time. This discussion seems to have
gained some support from the com-
missioners as they have ordered only-
half of the entire amount to be issue
at this time. By doing this, the com-
missioners will save the township
much interest that would have to
paid on the other half of the bonds.
Bids will be received until
1913, at ten o'clock in i.
morning, and all bids must be
by a certified check of
as a guarantee of good faith, and
this will be forfeited by the failure
of the bidder to comply with the bid
that he puts in. The commissioners
will reserve the right to reject any
and all bids that may be made for
any reason which they may have.
Northwestern Fire Underwriters.
CHICAGO, Oct. Dr. Frank
W. president of Armour
Institute, which has one of the
courses in the country on fire en-
delivered the address this
morning at the opening session of tho
annual meeting of the Under-
Association of the Northwest.
At the afternoon session rate making
and other subjects to
were discussed in addresses de-
livered by Edward R. Hardy of New
York. Frank G. Snyder of Louisville,
and A. of Lansing. Mich.
convention will conclude
Undertakers in Convention.
most Improved methods in embalm-
and earring for the dead are to
be discussed by representatives
from all sections of the
country, who assembled here today
for tho annual convention of the
The sessions of the
will continue three days and will
Interspersed with several features
of for the visitors.
of Police Hennessey of
New Orleans murdered by
of the Italian Mafia .
While it has already been an-
that The will
place its subscription list on the
rash in basis the first
of January, attention will be
railed to it from time to time
so that all subscribers may be
fully advised of the change. The
subscription list will be revised
during the month of December,
and after January 1st, the pa-
per will be sent only U those
who have paid for it in advance
and discontinued at the
of the time paid for unless
A number who
have called in to pay since the
announcement was made, have
expressed approval of the
to the rash in advance
system. It prove better for
the subscribers and for the p-
per, as well as dispense with
the annoyance of to
dun them through printed o.
tiers. We hope every
make note of the change.
and pay in time to prevent his
name being dropped from the
The date printed after the
name on the paper will show
each one just how his
stands. Do not wait for a
statement to me mailed, but
look at the date after same
and make payment according-
before January.

Will Come in Interest Free
City Delivery System
deceit Notice
Oilier in Wash-
Notice has b n re lived I .
master D, J. that a
In from poet office i
In Washington baa been
detailed to visit Greenville In the In
of the Installation here of the
free city delivery system. This an j
comes following shortly
i information that the town
about done its part toward preparing
the new department.
Postmaster has
returned from Washington City,
In- went in the interest of the
of the new and stales
that the department taken
matter in band, and that it will be put
In in soon as possible, While in Wash-
Mr. told the depart
meat officials that the town would be
ready with Its part of the work
preparation before the postal depart-
could possibly Install the sys-
here, and this was gratifying news
to the men having this work in I,
For sometime the matter has
been allowed to go unnoticed
but the postmaster, alive to the
needs of his town, has steadily kept
in mind the project, and quietly
been proceeding with the preparations
for the new system.
It will, of course, require some
lime for the government to Install
the free delivery system in Green-
ville, but once they start a movement
they are not those who allow It to
drop and to In its infancy. The
town will very shortly have all of the
uses numbered, and all of
i i id sidewalks a be in con-
n the business, in the mean-
tin officials will
l a , their end of the work
, ,. n and n la matter of
. few months until the city car-
seen making his twice-
In Greenville.
t Teeth.
crooked teeth should
I ., n d In our every
Ufa careful mothers arc not
until temporary teeth
pear and permanent ones come In, for
the time begin on crook d t Is
. soon as they show themselves Ir-
Crooked teeth Is going to get the at-
of all classes of people who
do food Cheer work, because it ll
true that irregular rows of
teeth not only make the youngster
backward but morbid M well.
who are trying to aid Children
realize that you can get sympathy
for a club foot quicker than for a
facial yet crooked
teeth Is certain to retard the growth,
the effort, the development, mental-
and physically, of youth. Notice
the girl with bold tusks
and you will see her always In
the back of the group; after a time,
if her parents are poor, she plays
no more In and fur-
l she gets apart from her kind,
and then the brain and body goos
slowly in the
Slowly In their development.
ii; in at TUB
till lit II AT
as they
I sill i. were hold at the Moth-
church morning by
the Sunday School Of the Church.
Plans for the occasion had been made
Sometime before, and the children
had been practicing for the event for
several weeks.
The Ml Sunday School IS
the graded system of lessons which
are comparatively new venture
the church, and the exercises of yes-
t day marked the close of the first
this method of leaching has
, i ed s. The day was ob-
served promotion day, and that Is
why ll was called the
v Every child in the school
who had made sufficient progress
and who bad done his work well e-
was advanced to a high grade.
The various classes in the Sunday
School are numbered just as are the
grades in a public school, and the
same method of teaching, to an extent,
Is followed in the Sunday School.
Diplomas, or as they are
called In the church, were presented
to all these advanced to higher grades.
The regular Sunday School lesson
was dispensed With at the Sunday
School hour, and this time was con-
on changing the classes and In
showing the scholars to their new
rooms, and in acquainting them with
their new teachers.
There was no preaching at
church at the morning hour, and this
was taken by the rendition
very delightful program by the
children of the Sunday School. The
numbers on the program that were
rendered by the children in the be-
department were especially
enjoyed the big congregation which
filled the main auditorium of the
church. The program was carried out
without a hitch, and all of the songs
and the recitations were very pleas-
t- those present. Especially men-
is due the excellent duet,
the Holly Cry of by Misses
and Edith All
of the exercises were well carried
At the night services at the Met-
church T. presiding
of the Washington district.
pi ached a very able and ad-
ministered the Lord's Supper.
Maryland Casualty Company
Leads Others Follow
Premiums received by various Casualty Companies In North
Carolina tor year ending December 31st, as by State
Insurance Commissioner's
casualty company
Fidelity Casualty .
Travelers. .
Fidelity and
Fidelity and Deposit .
Indemnity .
i;. Accident .
Liability .
Ocean Accident .
New Casualty .
Royal Indemnity.
Mass. Rending Company .
S. Casualty.
Southwestern Surety .
. 62.358.69
. 60,817.84
. 86,974.61
. 29.940.88
. 26.299.27
. 16,419.60
. 13,533.7
. 10,178.82
. 8,440.41
. 5,873.13
. 4,047.12
HA maintaining de-
in North
. ii,
Interesting Tall at Hie V. W,
A. Seniors
The Y. A. services at the
Training School on Sunday evening
led it It. H. Wright.
Me had his audience study with bin
t to first chapter of The young
ladles followed with intense Interest
the reading, comment and
The two main points, that
Christian character Is made
by resisting temptation and proves
itself by good works, were impress-
ed upon them.
President Wrights active interest
in the work of the association is a
constant source of inspiration. The
music committee furnishes excellent
music for each service. Miss Mavis
Evans sang a solo.
Work has been started on the new
. i nil., building to be located on
the corner of Evans and .
and u large force of hand's been
placed on the place to carry on the
work. The contract was let to the
W, Brent Construction
of Norfolk, Va., and the firm already
has its foreman here to oversee till
The contract calls for
of new building by the mid-
of November, 1914, Just a little
more than q year from time, and
i contractors believe that they will
be able to turn over the structure It
is completed form by that time.
About la to be spent on the
new building, and every modern con-
will be in the building.
water connections and
steam heat will Installed, and the
be in every re-
J. C. Lanier
Is la
I n.
I Still With
Mutual Life Ce.,
g of
i New York.
Hotel Buss Slightly Damaged
When Horses Took Fright
The black buss of the Proctor Hotel.
driven by the colored porter, Sam
Short, was slightly damaged
day afternoon when the horses pull-
the vehicle took fright and ran
away. The buss was returning from
one Of the afternoon trains, and had
In it one who escaped in
Jury Sam Short was bruised a lit-
but there were no serious results
I,, the driver or his passenger.
Maze Sunday Evening treated Ex-
for Short While.
A small fire to the rear of the
Telegraph office Sunday evening
about o'clock created some ex-
la town. The tire occurred
shortly after most of the
In the various churches had
for the evening services,
but the alarm was not sufficient to
attract the crowds. Only the fire bell
rung, as the engineer at the
pal plant did not receive Warning
time to blow his whistle.
The firemen were early on the
scene of the fire, and found that on-
a small shack was ablaze, and this
was quickly extinguished
much damage.
TWO Names From List of
Members Soliciting in mil Ice.
Attention has been called to the
fact that the names of two members
of the committee soliciting stock for
the cotton mill were not in the list
as published last Saturday. Those
omitted were s, J. Everett and C, T.
This paper would like for
to he understood that the error
was In no wise made In this office.
of the stockholders, who
was elected and who was present at
the meeting on Friday night, brought
to this office a copy of his minutes
of the meeting, and it was this
source that the information was
The soliciting committee is com-
posed of Messrs. S. J. Everett. Q. B,
Hadley, C. T. and E. B.
Cur Is Held Twenty Minutes
She Is Released.
BEACH, Mass., Oct.
The entire schedule of the
Massachusetts railroad was
disarranged because a woman weigh-
in the vicinity of pounds be-
came wedged between two seats on
one of the cars.
The combined efforts of several
and a half dozen was
necessary to extricate her from her
Before she was freed, the car
had held up twenty min-
and the whole schedule was
thrown into
In all the newest
shades, materials,
and styles, I have
a very large as-
in Blues
Blacks and Fan-
See our clothes
and get our Prices
before buying.
C. T
Furnish The Home For FALL and WINTER
Taft Vandyke
Z I-
Coward Drug Co.
Lied In Our
Superior to ant-
Toilet Article.
Full Lin, of
Drug Co.
C tools always guaranteed. Stag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
Cement polish Oil and Mops,
mans m
II. W. M. D.
Practice limited to of Eye,
Ear None and Throat
Washington, N. C. Greenville, N. C.
Office with Dr. D. L. James, Green-
ville, day every Monday, a m to
I Greenville, North Carolina
Attorney at Law
Office In Building, Third St.
Practices whomever his services are
Greenville, North Carolina
S. F.
Office Evans street.
Representing Alexander Sprunt and
Sons, Wilmington.
Life, Sick Accident
Office on Fourth near Frank
Wilson's store
Norfolk Southern Railroad
L I. Moore W. H. Long
Attorneys Lew
Greenville, North Carolina
Attorney at Lew
In Edwards Building, on the Court
House Square
Greenville, North Carolina
F. C. Harding C. Piece
Practicing In all the Courts
Office In Wooten Building on Third
street, fronting Court House
Attorney at Law
Office formerly occupied by J.
Attorney at Law
Land and Cases a Specialty.
Old and Blow office.
Schedule In effect August
N. B. The following fig-
published as Information ONLY
and are not guaranteed.
a. m. dally,
a. m. dally, tor Plymouth,
City and
Pullman sleeping car for Norfolk.
Car service Washington to Nor-
folk. Connects for all
north and west
West Bonn
a. m. dally, tor Wilson, Raleigh
and west Pullman sleeping car
service. Connects north, south
and west.
am. dally, except Sunday, for
Wilson and Raleigh. Connects
for all points.
p. m. dally, for Wilson and
p. m. dally, except Sunday for
For Information
In sleeping ecru, apply to J.
L. Hassell, agent, Greenville, N. C.
General Passenger Agent.
The only bank in Pitt county under United States Government supervision. Deposit with us when you have money, borrow from us
you need money. You will receive a welcome and courteous treatment at this bank
Jas. L. Little, President, F, J. Forbes, Cashier, W. E. Proctor, V-Pres.
F. G. James, V-Pres. M. L. Turnage, Asst. Cashier.
Allene was indulging In the after- I The man was old and broken In
dinner peace of the big broad veranda spirit. His bad been a failure, as i
when her next
door n e
Billy, came up the
steps. Hilly had
been her comfort-
and confidant
since their kind, r
Billy We
must have all the
fun and rag time
we can It will be
all shut off for
did I
she ex-
claimed, equally
did you know
Papa Just got
word that
business friend of
a Mr. Reeves
Is coming here to
accept one of
papa's repeated
n v a ons to
visit. Papa has
been giving mo
all aorta of advice
and la de-
He de-
scribes this stupid
man as thirty-five,
dignified, scholar-
et That
sounds well to
papa, but It the
description of a bore and a prig to
The next morning when she saw
Billy going to the station with bis
mother, she almost
didn't know I was so fond of
she walled.
She had no buoyant spirits to
quench when the guest arrived. She
was so quiet and dejected during din-
that Beeves
his attempts to converse with
Three wretched days passed In
which Allene managed to maintain a
demeanor that satisfied her father's
Ideas of decorum, although she felt
horribly unnatural. Then came
reaction. Her father received an
gent summons to a neighboring town
on business. With bis departure, Al-
hue's strained dignity vanished.
Mr. she asked
of the maid as she came Into the
house from a drive.
went to the was the
Free and alone She hadn't felt so
unrestrained since her childhood
She flew to the piano, and the room
rang with the maddest music In her
repertoire. Then her voice burst forth
In gay. little snatches of that re-
all lives are, measured by the degree
In which they fulfill the dreams of
At two-and-twenty he had mistaken
. the flush of enthusiasm for the fire
of genius. After a quarter of a
; devotion to small parts In third-
rate theatrical companies, he had bees
forced to the conclusion that a man
i gets no more, or less, than bis labor
is worth; and that his own labor was
. worth very little.
His wife had been beautiful. Now,
she was a poor, faded, common-place
creature. Her Illusions, too, were all
gone, like her beauty; and, worse than
that, the man's illusions In regard to
her were dead also.
She had no more talent for acting
than had ho; and they both knew It
I Of gentle birth, she still retained
some traces of refinement, In spite of
her long sojourn in But the
novelty, the charm, the mystery of the
were gone.
Every Illusion had been destroyed,
save one; and to that they clung with
desperate tenacity. At an early period
In their married life the man had
conceived a great literary project.
been thinking, he had
said one day, writing a historical
account of the drama from its first in-
down to the present day.
Imagine tho possibilities of such a
the woman had ex-
claimed. don't you begin at
And he had begun that very day. He
knew then that It was no mean task,
this that he had set himself. It meant
much reading, research, condensing,
writing, rewriting and writing again.
Not a book that a man could rattle off
In six months or a year.
The one Illusion that the hard
ties of life had failed to dissipate was
Nature's Provision for
of Health When the Mer-
la Soaring.
It Is hardly necessary to tell the
summer girl to add fruits to her
beauty diet. There a whole
cine chest of tonics to be found among
the fruits, and these are nature's
remedies which leaves no ill effects.
Perhaps among the tonic fruits,
prunes and pineapples are most
conspicuous. Of apples little need be
said other than that the axiom of our
childhood days, in the morning,
silver at noon and lead at has
been abandoned. For the normal per-
son apples are golden whether eaten
at or noon. As both and
prunes are
There Is no simpler,
than a handful of prunes. Soak
them in a glass of water overnight
and take them the first thing In the
morning, drinking the fruit Juice and
masticating the prunes thoroughly be-
fore swallowing. If this simple
men is kept up for a week or so it
will clear out the system wonderfully
and also tone up the
The remedial powers of the
are truly remarkable. If your
throat is swollen or sore, or Irritated
with dirt after a fascinating motor
trip on summer roads, try gargling it
in pineapple Juice. Surely this is
much than the usual lo-
and you will find it quite as
effective. Moreover, tho pineapple
contains a wonderful digestive fluid,
so tho girl whose blotchy skin is duo
to a poor digestion will do well to cat
this fruit In large quantities, as It will
make easy the process of digestion
and prevent the dull headaches, tho
pimples and muddy skin of which she
Is at present complaining.
Physicians Now Enabled to Perform
Rare Operation With the New
An Instrument known as the
has been Introduced at the
That though both were failures hospital,
at acting, yet one day the man was
to achieve fame for himself and a
competence for both by the pub-
of his great history of the
dedication to a grateful
world of hie life's work.
to aid in the examination of the
lungs and to remove foreign sub-
stances therefrom.
The Is U-shaped. One
of the legs Is hollow and Is surmount-
ed by a small mirror and an electric
For twenty years and more he had light. To remove a foreign body from
stuck stoically to bis task. I the lungs, the hollow leg is Inserted
Often the nickel went for pa- In the mouth and permitted to pass
vealed her exuberance of spirit.
per, while the children were crying
for bread. Present necessities were
forgotten, or Ignored, In the
of comforts to bought through
the sale of Reginald's life work.
finished It at last,
the man one day
while they were In Baltimore.
have finished my life's
For three months he awaited tho
decision, calling upon them
Intervals, only to be told that biB
manuscript would receive tho earliest
attention possible. Three long,
down the throat until it reaches the
vocal chords. With the aid of the
mirror and light on the outer end an
examination of the lungs Is then made
and the foreign substance located.
This done, a small steel tweezer Is
passed through tho hollow tube and
the offending removed.
Dr. R. S. and his five as-
in the and throat de-
of tho institution are skilled
in the manipulation of tho
scope, and have been performing
rare operations. Such things as col-
Detective Burns Aroused Ire of Fe-
male Fellow-Passengers, and Also
Their Curiosity.
Detective W. J. Burns was blessed
by the pope the other day. Half a
well-to-do ladies reading that
statement earnestly hoped that the
blessing is a defective and insincere
one, because Burns played a Joke on
them that they can never forgive.
They were fellow passengers with
him on the
Mr. they said to
him, and working their
eyes, make us a speech in the
cabin this evening. Tell us about the
So Burns did. All the cabin
were there. He explained to
them that the could be
hidden almost anywhere.
order to my little talk a
convincing said be, had de-
hidden In every cabin
before I came on board the boat.
Last night I listened for
said many ladles, springing
to their feet.
Then they remembered themselves,
and pretended they were Just fixing
their skirts and sat down again, and
from time to time pinched their
cheeks to restore their color. Then
Burns said it was all a Joke. The
various ladles laughed hollowly, like
the breaking of When Bums
concluded they came o one at a
time, and eyed sadly, and
In pensive poses
you they asked him.
He assured them that he had mere-
been spoofing. They all said they
were so glad to hear that. They said
ho didn't seem at all that sort of a
man. Then they
Mr. Hums Inclined an ear.
did that hussy in yellow
talk about last
The heirs at law of the late Fer-
Ward will offer sale at
public auction for division before the
court house door in No-
3rd, at o'clock, M
the following described lands situated
in the county cf in
about r miles east of
the town of Greenville, lying on both
or the main road leading from
Farm Re,
I A certain of Ian i
situated In township, Pitt
c unity, N, C, and known as the Jolly
Place, and being Lot of the
division of lands among the heirs
Fernando Ward, deceased, as is laid
I down on the map of Fernando
farm surveyed and made by H. F.
Price,, surveyor, in year 1886, bound-
and described as follows, to-wit;
B ginning at a gum a corner between
Lot No. M. Spier's land, and the
Place, thence S. t East
to a gum. corner, thence
Fernando Ward by
F. Price in August, 1886.
Farm V.
A certain piece or parcel of land
situated in township. Pitt
county. X. C, and known as Lot No.
of the division of lands among the
of Fernando Ward, deceased, as
I down en the map of Fernando
Ward's farm surveyed and made by
II. F. Price In the year bound-
ed and described as follows,
ginning at a and pine stump.
L. Flemings corner and
n No. and thence S.
l-J W. to L. Flemings
thence 1-1 W. to L.
corner, thence N. 3-4
w. feet to a press, L. Fleming's
I thence S. l- W. feet
to L. corner, th e 1-1
W. to the line of the ten acre
that Nobles bought and acquired oil
the west end of Lot No. thence With
the dividing line between said Noble.
end Lot No. to their corner, thence
X. E. to J. J. Nobles corner.
s. 1-2 west feet to a stake, w. x M w- J- J N
corner, thence S. W. s-
feat to a stake. W. G. comer N
thence N. 1-2 W. 1762 feet to an v- a M M
angle in ditch, w. G. corner between Lots
and corner between Lots 2- ,
crossing the Greenville and Wash-
road feet to run
a corner, thence down run to
a corner on the canal, thence down
the canal crossing the Greenville
Washington road to the beginning.
Yes, She Probably Would.
anybody ever kick you In
the said the ass.
does said the
and your like that are always
walking on me, or lying down on me,
or running over
why don't you stay on the
said the ass.
my wife Is replied the
the harm In said
the ass.
eat said the spider.
you got a wife yourself
have said the ass. wish I
a bachelor's said the
spider; tho same, can't keep
away from
your wife was an ass she
wouldn't eat Bald the ass.
doing something
line between lots and
S. 2-05 W. feet to the be-
ginning. Containing acres more
or less. For further reference see
ti e map of survey of the Fernando
Ward farm, made by H. F. Pi ice in
Containing 19-100 acres. August 1886.
reference see the Map of SM win separately
and afterwards offered as a whole.
Tonne cash, but suitable time will
be given purchasers to make
upon application. The
right to reject or accept all Lids
of the Fernando Ward farm mad
II. F. Price in August, 1886.
A certain piece or parcel of land
situated in township, Pitt
county, X. and known as Lot
of the division of lands among the
heirs of Fernando Ward, deceased, as
i-. laid down on the map of Fernando
Ward's Farm surveyed and made by
H. F. Price, surveyor, In year 1886,
bounded and described as follows, to-
Beginning at the angle of ditch
a corner No. and at
W. G. corner, thence S. 2-05
W. 1486 feet to a small pine, W. G.
corner, thence feet
to J. Fleming's corner, thence N.
1-2 W. feet, N. 1-4 W.
feet to a stake and pine stump,
I Fleming's corner, and coiner be
tween Lots and thence
X. 2-05 E. with dividing lino between
No. to a ditch
or branch, down ditch or
branch S. 1-2 E. feet to angle
hereby reserved.
For further Information apply to
J. J. Agent.
N. C.
G. James and Son.
Greenville, X. C.
In Memory of Stockton
PRINCETON. J. Oct. me-
in honor of Richard Stockton,
one of the New Jersey signers of th
Declaration of Independence was
at hie grave In Stony Brook
Cemetery here today. The memorial
was erected by the New Jersey So-
Sons Of the American
President of Princeton
University delivered the dedication
address and Richard Stockton, great-
At last, when paused for breath, i aDd buttons, screws, safety pins, chick-
a voice behind her
haven't you played and sung
like that
She wheeled about quickly on the
piano bench.
long have you been In
she asked faintly.
came at the first sound of the
music. It Is just the kind I like. I
am not educated up to classical
I feel so much better. Really,
I can't live up to program any
do you he demanded.
Then impetuously and Impulsively ,, W ,,
she told the deportment her ,
had prescribed, and tho heroic to , ,.,
efforts she had made to live up to it. ,,, v,,,,,,.
took to his bed In a high fever,
was delirious, and raved about
be would shout
have finished my life's
another time ho would
repeat tho same words, with a wall
of anguish and despair.
Then tho woman passed her cooling
en bones, nails, and dried peas have
been removed.
The instrument affords specialists
an opportunity of looking into the
lungs of tuberculosis patients.
Melba's Australian Home.
Mme. Melba has for herself a
delightful retreat at one of
tho most picturesque localities near
her native Melbourne. She has hinted
more than that she would soon
make it her permanent abode. She is
keenly Interested in the
of the University of Melbourne
end has lectured to Its students.
great-great-grandson of the Big.
in ditch, thence down ditch or branch .
east crossing Avenue feet
to another
angle N.
Mil feet, thence N. 1-2 E. feet, j
thence N, HO E. feet to corner
farm dwelling, small store
on said ditch or branch between Lots on place. In Martin Fix
and thence S. 2-05 W. With
dividing lino between Lots and
from Robersonville, on
line. R. F. D.
feet to the beginning, con- particulars apply to J. S. Ross.
acres. For further ref-
see the map of survey of the
N. C, R. F. D. No. I.
Didn't Think Much of Lecturer.
A well known Boston lecturer was
to give one of his In a west-l
hand across his brow, and sought to city in which he had a sister who
I comfort him by saying his life's work
was only Just begun.
j One evening as he lay helpless on
his pillow, the crimson rays of the
setting sun shone suddenly into the
A most delightful week of pleasure
followed. horses, automobiles
and mountain wagon brought in-
to use for various excursions and
Allene found In Philip a man as
companionable as Billy.
Crossing the lawn day when tho
weather had suddenly turned too cold
to permit of driving comfortably. Al-
Stepped on a stone, and stumbled.
those absurd French-heeled
staring eyes,
have fin-
my life's work. I am going
And the tears that welled to
eyes had fallen from them to her
cheeks, looked once more upon
his face and saw his words were true.
The man dead. He had finished
his life's work. Ho had gone home.
And while tho woman sat In silent
grief, gazing on the dead face of him
a family of several children. He
was tho guest of his sister, and his
nephew, a lad of nine or ten years,
wanted to attend the lecture. To this
his undo
don't think that my lecture would
Interest you, Harold. You would be
much better off at home and in bed. I
If you will stay at home and go
to bed. I will give you a dollar, which
ll tho price of a ticket to tho i
tho boy with
gasp. uncle, It surely can't
Worth all that I guess that fifteen ;
cents will be enough fur you to pay i
me. Don't you suppose that that will
as much us It will be
Sunday Magazine,
in Quality I
and FARM
exclaimed Philip Indignant- whom had loved so well, there
ought to a law against came a gentle tap upon tho door,
their WM Mr an
Therefore when Allene came from the office, who
stairs that evening, out of sheer per- had called or twice before to In-
her very after the health of tho author
extreme heeled slippers. of the
On the from the bottom. last, my dear he aid,
she her foot tripped, and nm able report that our house has
ed In a heap on the hall floor. accepted your husband's life
When she opened her eyes, she was the woman echoed.
In Philip's arms as ho sat before tho falling at first to recognize hr visitor
grate fire in tho library. was so ; or comprehend his one,
very comfortable, decided to cruel sense of widowhood overwhelm-
her eyes again and postpone her
Then she felt him removing
her slippers.
thinks my ankle is broken or
she reflected, and was glad
she had put on her silken hose.
half opened her eyes, and to her
sow him calmly committing her
to the
She gave a little shriek of
and sat bolt upright.
dare you My beautiful slip-
their destruction to
have brought you to
he said coolly. was afraid you bad
fainted for keeps. Is your ankle
a she replied, essaying
to get on her feet, but he held her
Alene Let me tell you some-
When he had told her she assured
him she loved him up to the time
I. burned her slippers. Now,
compromised In half
nil things else.
Then, as the recollection of tho
fatal book that had sapped her
band's away came back to her
with hitter memories, she
house Too
Ho has gone to another house. There
his life's work can be Judged tho best.
His work will be accepted or re-
In his father's
Judge's Good Advice.
should very careful in your
Investigations of every case presented
to said a New York Judge in
paneling a grand jury recently.
a hard-earned reputation has been do- i
by the filing of unnecessary
Indictments, and tho dismissal of tho
indictment does not remove tho
ma upon a i r. oil's
That la good for any grand
Jury anywhere, There Is always
of tho thought that Isn't a
trial; It isn't calling him guilty; he'll
have his chance later on; we'll
him on general it Is
hard anyone to undo the damage
caused by an unjustified Indictment.
There would he no harm to tho com-
if Indictments were made
more difficult Instead of more
Boston Post.
Something to Think About.
Laurence hi telling of a
time when a brother comedian and
himself were the size of
their respective cheats and biceps In
dressing-room one evening.
the muscles of my
say said. your fingers around my
The other gripped
throat While the latter Bet his teeth
and contracted all the muscles. He
seemed much impressed by tho dis-
play, and says he
some compliment to his muscular de-
All the other said, bow-
ever, was. they will have a
b char to hang
New Way of Preserving Eggs.
A new way of preserving eggs has
been practiced In recently
which Is said to be satisfactory. The
eggs are In water of a tempera
turn of about for a quarter
of an hour. Then they are put on a
net, held for five seconds In boiling
water, and then, as quickly as
removed Into cold water. The
eggs, still wet, are laid on a clean
cloth and allowed to dry by exposure
to the air. They must not be dried
off with a cloth or towel. When they
are dry they are packed In a box with
bran and ground pest The box Is
stored In a cool place, out of reach of
frost. Eggs thus preserved In June
found to be perfectly fresh
March. Farming.
That's the point-
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
You can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when yon
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied

Published by
D. J. Editor.
of a big victory. If we ed here, can reach out a little
make the railroads come to the and get the benefit of a very low
t we can make them come water from Norfolk,
to what we want and what is And there Is no logical reason
we want no more than Justice. the town should not have a
---------o I outlet for carrying on its com-
CENT COTTON. We are told, and on good
the rise of the price of cotton that there are four wholesale
in which alone would
.-,;. year. . . Hot-
Six months, . .
rates may be had upon
to fifteen per pound
can hopes go glimmering, tho the establishment of a water
campaign last Fall the leaders of Greenville and Norfolk.
Q. O. P. were prancing about over to amount
h if of other trade that could be had If
application at the office In the farmer mat if
Th. Building, tan pat the Democrats in power the price boat to be started.
and ration.
respect will be charged for at and nine cents. The people refused to and
per word , K.,. ,. .,, of the important matters to
will l for at three
cent per lint. ., i.
Entered as class matter
August at the post a;
Greenville, North Carol
act March 1873.
to believe these fairy dories and,
ballot- for
better times. i be this boat line. Already the officers
On last Friday night President club had communication,
sou signed the first Democratic tariff business who wart
bill that has ruled the country It operate a boat line. One of them
Dearly twenty years, and today as
price of cotton is higher than It has
been in many years under the
of Republican administrations. If
does affect the e of cotton
it would seem that the Democratic
Never In the history of party has done the a good torn.
. . per ought to b
and the tanner would do well to p
., , , I These people know that the line can
these in power a v H
try has so much time and
I n given over to any sort of
as i- poured Into the rollers of base-
ball in America today. Not even the
Olympic games in ancient Greece,
Important as they were, created such
a stir as does a World's Series In
America in this day and generation.
And it seems that Interest in toes.
contests is ever on the In- are men whose Ideal and opinions
crease. Where will It cease Men Justice cannot be swayed by the cot-
no sacrifice too great to make, of big business, and try to
nor any time too valuable to give, country honest service.
see a big game of baseball or to sit Yes, cotton gone to
Boston, and another Is in Norfolk
Even at such distances as these, the
commercial value of such a
is recognized, and if concerns
can make money of it, it would seem
that Greenville merchants and ship-
able to save money.
truth of the whole business is
that the administration of the affairs
of government at the present time Is
in the proper hands, and in
of men who have a conscience.
who are honest and reliable. They
be put in and operated on a basis
that will be lower than the railroads
charge, or else they would
consider it. This is enough to show
, that it is worth the while of the
Greenville merchants to consider tin
No matter what the railroads off
as a compromise rate, no one
fear that they will come so low but
I that freight traffic be hauled
much more cheaply by water.
Within one month probably the six
and hear the reports, play by play, cent, and is staying right close , Tar
of a mighty struggle such as Is no fourteen cents. The farmers and
going on on alternate days In New happy, and the country is prospering. p . m
York and Philadelphia. and the Democrats are in power.
The wires of all the telegraph be it. Amen.
companies are taxed to their
town will then have a deep water
way from the river landing
clear to the Sound, on through
lo flash over a breathlessly waiting MILL FOB to the Atlantic Ocean and on to
nation the results of every move mad- The news that Greenville la to Norfolk. No man in Greenville
by the man at the bat and the man have a cotton mill will be welcomed any an accurate
on the diamond scrambling for the by the citizens of the town. upon the that would re
ball. Into every nook and corner of some, time there been an to the town from such a venture
the nation this report goes, and n here for a movement., but as a boat line would prove to be.
only a minutes after the last bat- not until recently has anything real- Commerce from neighboring towns
is out. the world knows the re- tangible been attempted. would pass through here, and local
suit of the game. Thousands of that the town needs more boa- merchants would also be able to
lore arc spent every day, and an .- mess enterprises, and believing that wholesale goods to neighboring re
fans wait outside the gates all cotton mill would be a paying prop At the present time there
night In order to gain a vantage point here, a number of local cap ,, advantage to the retailer
have handed themselves to- Winterville or in order-
and have subscribed enough his supply from a Greenville
stock to erect and a mill firm, for he can get It a
This is but another evidence of the cheaper from Richmond mer-
growing town. Outsiders be- chants.
Hove in Greenville, and this will be All such freight rate discrimination
tract not one iota of Interest from well shown and soon before the cot-
he great national game, but we thin ,, practically eliminated by a boat
it would not be amiss to ask when
citizens nave some time been
from Which may be viewed t
as It progresses.
Baseball to a good thing. When
it is clean and honestly played, no
better or more popular form of amuse
can be found. We would de-
this madness will finally end.
ton mill is put into operation. Many be
citizens have for some time been of I the people of Greenville will
; the opinion that a cotton mill is do well to push the matter with
needed here, and they are determined the enthusiasm that they can muster.
THE RUE SITUATION., that there shall be one If It be
it the press of the state may to secure it.
relied upon for an accurate est- The new project means another bun
of the sentiment of the thousand dollar enterprise
Pie of the state With regard to the the town. Of course, the movement
acceptance or the rejection of the is yet in its infancy, and the exact
est proposals of the railroads. It time for its completion cannot
would seem that sentiment Is be stated now, but the directors
nearly equally divided in the matter, and stockholders have faith in th
Borne Of the arc commending undertaking and will push It with all
Mr. bill, which, possible haste. Men who know the
if course, bears directly upon the cotton mill business will be put in
freight rate proposition, and Others I charge of the plant, and Greenville
ire -saving that the fight should be people will boost, and the town will
pressed on to the final culmination, grow and expand as it has never
Some are recommending that the leg- before.
accept the latest offers from. People in distant sections of th;
the railroads and let the matter sometimes ask where Greenville,
right where it is. ; North Carolina Is, and say that
There are those, course, who fa- never beard of It before, but all
the course advocated by Cover- j this talk is gradually dying
nor and who want the matter Our Greenville may sometimes be con-
closed. The Just Freight Rate As- fused with our
has performed a great but the day Is near at hand when
vice in light, and the members there will be no confusion, and When
of this organization, as a rule, are; all of the will know that there
far more vitally Interested in a prop is a Greenville this state, and that
adjustment of these differences there Is not another town that ctn
than most of the members of the leg-; touch It in its onward road to pro-
While we do not think And the new cotton mill
the whole thing should be left with do much to bring about this
this business men's organization, we If you can't take any stock
firmly believe that the legislature
should not attempt a solution without
considering the demands of these men.
The Just Freight Rate Association
will not be satisfied with the
otter of the railroads unless there Is
a guaranty with some king that to on the proportions of a city.
It, boost it with all your might.
If any town ever had an
to grow and prosper, the town of
Greenville Is right now In position
better things are store, and that
these will be forthcoming in the very
near future.
Now that the fight has reached its
present stage, we do not believe that
the business men should stop the
Never did a better chance present It-
self to a town than Is right now
knocking at the door of this little
city. No matter what sort of a freight
rate the railroads of the state give
us on the material that Is to be ship-
Much of the attention in several of
the legislatures over the country Is
at this time being given the matter
of race The idea can-
not receive too much time and
thought at the hands of the law
for It is of very great
In sections of the
try there Is but very little Interest
taken in this matter, but we believe
that the people of art
more to Its Importance than
those of any other section.
are In favor of the
of the races. In the South they
separate themselves, and It is well
that this is so. Many arc
decent and respectable and live Ir
homes and under conditions
more desirable and sanitary than do
many white people, but as a general
thing, the race as a whole Is found
to he almost Indifferent to Its mode
and manner of life. Where such con
life of us, we fail to see where the
hanks will benefit by this, for
or two of them already has the
money, and these banks get the
The trouble that will be caused by
furnishing a man to look after the
checking out of the money, and
keeping the books for the county, will
time after the hour for the g
of the banks for the business of the
We cannot where the county
will profit by the change If It Is
made, and we do not believe that the
bill will receive the support of
people of the county. In fact, out
opinion is that It should not receive
the support of tho people.
Race segregation the South, or
at least In most places in the South,
could apply only to the
in the North and Middle West, the
settlements of the low class of for
settlers must given
It will be interesting to
watch the developments In the
legislatures where this natter
Is under discussion. The course
en by these law making bodies will
have a great influence, perhaps,
the future solution of the race prob-
in nil sections of the country,
whether It deal with the white man.
the Mack man, or the yellow Mon-
Connie Mack yesterday wore the
smile that won't come the
Giants his
We do not wish to approve betting
and gambling on baseball games, but
if you lost on the Giants yesterday,
don't lose courage yet.
Governor Cole Blaze, of South Car-
Is years old today.
But, bless your life, by this time he
la a pretty
Why should North Carolina worry
over a debt of Virgin-
owes more than
While the federal government wants
no troops on Mexican soil, it is care-
that they get as close to It
Sam's will not
ways pour Into Tar River unless our
people take of the
offered them.
We have not tried to pose as a
a man expressing his honest
They postpone case so of-
ten that it is about to be put In a
class with startling
Next Thursday, October has been
designated by Governor Craig as
prevention but why not
vent fires every day
Keep up the agitation for a boat
line on Tar river. Greenville needs
The man who has right on his side
need not fear what his enemies may
say against him.
If Governor knows which
side his bread is buttered on, be
stay off that witness stand.
What differs it with us as to who
is president of the Chinese republic
All of those names sound alike any
doings are coming to be
so commonplace that they hardly
attract front page notice these
It certainly must require some
nerve for a whiskey house to ask I
prohibitionist to act as an agent for
If the Jury of alienists has found
Hans Schmidt sane, if he says ho is
guilty, and if he wants to die,
all this delay
It is very true that the legislature
cannot do anything with interstate
rates, but we do not believe that the
matter should be dropped where i
is now.
After their business increased near-
a hundred per cent after booze was
cut out, It would that
hotels would no longer
want to handle the slush.
The feminine sex of Philadelphia
is a howl one of
big is to allow women to smoke
the dining room. Our decent hos-
in tho South allow no
at all.
The illness of Senator of
Massachusetts will be regretted by
the people of the country In general.
His political faith Is the opposite of
ours, hut he Is one of the ablest states-
men in the States Senate.
The hobo who asked for a seat in
the American Road Congress at De-
Governor Craig, but merely as doubtless felt the
need of good roads more than any
of the rest of them.
That Indiana man in Texas who
committed suicide by opening the
arteries In his wrist with a tobacco
i g doubtless thought he would take
the simplest way.
The mere fact that President
son and Tom Dixon were boyhood
chums Is no guaranty that the pres
dent will put his O. K. on all of
It may be that the new tariff plays,
will stimulate competition, but what
is needed by the business men of this
country Is more co-operation.
Editor King, of the Durham
Herald, says that booze must be get-
ting mighty scarce when a white man
will It from a
Now that Secretary Lane has be-
come an honorary member of the Ty-
Union, the labor men will
at least believe that they stand
chance of getting a fair show.
Man has reached that stage where
be can the birds, and It would
seem that the conquest of the air Is
If the legislature were to remain
in session all the time there would be
a continual flood new bills pour
Those fellows carrying railroad
passes ought to be willing to donate
their mileage to the state, but how
many of them do It
It might be a better investment for
the state if she would keep the stock
now held in the railroads instead of
investing in new movements.
If the House Is composed of
of the people and and the
people consent to the action of the
House In voting to accept the rail-
proposition, why should we
The Just Freight Rate
knew all the while that the
could not control Interstate rates,
Exactly eight days of the
remain and the constitution Is and if they fought for reductions at
not amended, and no decision been , first, why take cold feet and back
reached about the freight rate matter, up the creek now
Which Is better, for the state to
be relieved of in unjust
freight rates now and never get fur-
relief, or for It to get no relief
for a year or two, and then get a per-
relief of per year
Standing in one spot a day to
the inaugural parade is enough, but
when it comes to using your
all night and a part of the fol
lowing day to see a baseball game,
we will kindly pass It on to the next
We would be delighted to see u
North Carolinian at the head of
powerful Ways and Means Commit-
tee, but let not Claude forget
that his next move is to get back to
Congress from his district.
The decision a few days ago of the
Interstate Commerce Commission In
granting North Carolina cities equal
rates with Virginia on certain com-
encourage tho
to carry the whole state fight to
this tribunal.
The States Supreme Court
has held, In the Minnesota rate case,
that the railroads are entitled to a
reasonable return on their investment,
hut we would like to know anything
more unreasonable than the present
rate charged North Carolina business
Wilmington men who have a plenty
of money, and who want to make a
trip over the railroad can well
afford to go to Raleigh to the public
hearing of Representative Helium's
bill making the sale of beer legal
Wilmington and Beach
Talking about passing a law to cut
out local bills from the legislature,
but where Is any sense In a town
being compelled to get tho
of the General Assembly to re-
pair Its city hall
If be any pickpockets along
with the circus today, they had as
well fight shy of the newspaper men,
for we are all
Wonder how many of the county
commissioners will on November
and practice what they are preach-
In those resolutions.
Don't go out to the circus today
and make excuse to your neighbor
that you went take the
Be honest up.
President Tate should have
of its use without rendering out correspondent who sent
lout that story instead or Jumping on
that newspaper.
If Yuan can do no bet-
with those slant-eyed
ans than Huerta can in Mexico, he
will find that he has gained but lit
tie In becoming China's first
The House has passed a bill to
keep private matters out of the Gen-
Assembly, and now perhaps they
can get down to the real business of
the session.
Stomach Remedy
Should Convince You That Your
Suffering Is Unnecessary.
Whether the lied to
or not, the Democratic tariff bill Is
be worth much more than the Inter- now law, and we must bear the con-
est that will accrue from the banks sequence, be they good or bad.
use of the money. Another
vantage of having a bank act a;
treasurer Is the fact that the banks
all close at three o'clock In the
and It often happens
there Is an urgent need for money
In view of the dispute as to
or not the battle King's
was fought In North Carolina or
In South Carolina, It would be Inter-
to know who claimed the hon-
for one cause or another at yesterday.
If earthquakes and the like are com
Panama, the gov-
had as well prepare for these
In the beginning, for the can
Is a permanent thing.
The Norfolk Southern evidently
thinks the old would
be a paying proposition If it will
pay them, we fall to see why It
would not pay the state to keep her
share of It.
No one doubts that Governor
showed considerable courage about
the rate matter, but we fall to agree
with The Chatham Record that
legislature should accept his advice
for Chronic
,. . n
Remedy and
Cat Around
the Sour A Her Eat.
Sick Torpid Liver,
ale., and and It
so that they may also know
living. Wonderful Stomach
y is, best and iron widely Known
for the ailments. Ask
at today. Put it to a do
It la marvelous In Its
its effects quite natural it
acts the source and foundation of stomach
ailments and in most cases brings Quick relief
and permanent results. This
Remedy has been taken by stoat prominent
people, and those In all walks of life, among
them Members of Justice of the
Court. Educators.
hanker. Doctors. Druggists. Nurses.
Priests, Ministers. Farmers, with lasting
and it should be equally successful In
your Send for free valuable booklet on
A minus to H. May-
Whiting Chicago.
For Sale la Greenville, c, by
and Druggists everywhere
tin .
The or Anderson Farm, con
of eighty-three acres, almost
within the city limits. Great
for Investors to double their
money In short time.
offer for sale either as a
whole or subdivided to suit the
chaser, the or Anderson Farm
located about three-eights of a mile
from the corporate limits of the
thrifty, progressive city of Greenville,
and not more than twelve or fifteen
walk from the business
This property is probably the most
located for truck farming of
any land near Greenville. Two sand
clay roads lead from tho property
into Greenville and at the present
rate of increase population of
Greenville It will a very few years
become valuable as building sites.
This land Is several feet higher than
the town and Is the most beautiful
and desirable for suburban homes of
any property near the town. The
laud is a light gray underlaid
with clay subsoil and produces
crops common to this section. Al-
though considered at the time we
came Into possession rather thin and
run down, we have averaged a little
more than a pound bale of cotton
to the acre during the last three years.
This is in reality a great
is the host town
in eastern C. It Is conservatively
Its property rests on a
solid foundation and in consequent
values that today seem high will
pear marvelously cheap almost be-
fore you aware of It.
If you are Interested call on or
J. S. BARR, Weldon. M. C.
O. L. Greenville, N. C.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
the superior court,
Before D. C. Moore. Clerk.
J. G. Thomas, E. B Thomas, Delia
James II.
Virginia T. H. D. White-
Lula W. O.
Addle Manning and Edward D. Man-
vs. Thomas.
By order of a decree of the super-
court of Pitt county made by D.
C Moore, Clerk, tho above
cause, on tho 23rd day of
1913, tho undersigned com-
missioner, will on Saturday, the 25th
day of October, 1913, at o'clock p.
expose to public sale front of
the post office the town of Bethel,
N. C, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described real estate
certain tract or parcel of
land situated In Bethel township, Pitt
county, North Carolina, known as the
Jesse Thomas home place, adjoining
the lands, J. L. G. Man-
W. L. James,
Charlie Lewis and others, containing
about acres more or less. Upon
this tract of land Is situated two-
story, six room dwelling house, two
tenant houses, with necessary barns
and stables.
Also one other tract or parcel of
land said township adjoining the
above tract and also adjoining lands
known as the lands, the R.
D. lands, the Cherry lands
the lands of J. O. Thomas, Charlie
Lewis and others and containing
acres more or less. On this tract of
land there are about acres cleared
and the remaining portion Is heavily
wooded. The above two tracts are
situated about 1-4 miles west of the
town of Bethel, N. C.
This land will be sold In separate
smaller lots and as a whole, to suit
the purchasers.
This the 23rd day of September.
F. C. HARDING, Commissioner.
Notice Is hereby given that the drug
business known as
has been sold to Messrs. J. K.
Brown, and S. E. Gates, who will
take charge of same October 1st, 1913.
All holding accounts against Bas-
Pharmacy will please present
them for collection; and all
accounts are requested to settle sum-
between now and the time mentioned
and If It is not done the proper steps
will be to collect. The
will Immediately proceed to put
Into Judgments accounts which are
not paid by October 1st, 1913.
Notice is also given that after to-
day no more credit will be given
September 1913.
By virtue of a decree of tho super-
court made in special proceeding
entitled J. W. Crawford et n
Crawford t sale for par-
tho ed Commissioner
will sell for cash the court
house door Greenville at noon on
Monday, November 3rd, 1913, the fol-
lowing described real estate,
tract of land Beaver Dam
township, known as the Place,
and being tho farm upon which
said B. F. Crawford resided at the
time of his dealt, adjoining the lands
known as the Hemby land on
the south, on the west by W. C. Hem-
by, on the north by Noah Hemby
and others, on the east by J. B.
Nichols, being the lands known as
the Polly Hemby place,
acres or
one other tract in
known as the Anderson place,
adjoining the lands of Stanley Park-
George Hemby, Hemby, Ben
and others, containing
acres more or less. This tract
includes acres of cleared land and
land, all of which
It accurately described In a
from R. J. Cobb and B. F. Crawford.
one other tract known as the
Place and adjoin-
the lands J. Smith,
late J. F. Allen, R. L. Nichols I. A.
Nichols and others, containing
acres more or
This October 1st, 1913.
J. B. JAMES, Commissioner.
By virtue of a mortgage executed
delivered by R. L. Hill and wife,
D. B. Johnson and wife, to F. G.
James on tho 6th day of March, 1909,
which mortgage appears of record
in the office of the register of deeds
of Pitt county book E. page
tho undersigned will sell for cash at
noon on Saturday, November 1st,
before tho court house door In Green-
ville, the following described lot or
parcel of land, situate said town,
and on the south side Fifth street.
Beginning at a stake on the south
of Fifth street and on the west side
of Reed street extended, and running
with Fifth street a westerly course
GO feet to a stake, thence a souther-
course across said lot feet to
a stake on Reed street extended,
thence a northerly course with Reed
street to tho beginning. Being the
lot on which the old Ice for-
This Sept. 30th, 1913.
F. G. JAMES, Mortgagee.
The undersigned having qualified
as administrator of G. W. Gardner
deceased, late of the county of Pitt,
state of North Carolina, this Is to
give all parties or persons, having
claims against the estate of the said
deceased, notice to present them to
the undersigned on or before the 27th
day of September, 1914, or this no-
will be plead In bar of their re-
All persons Indebted to said
estate will please make Immediate
This September 1913.
HARDING and PIERCE, Attorneys.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in two mortgages executed and
delivered by Henry Allen Smith to
Richard date 21st,
1912, and recorded Book E-10, page
and the other dated Oct. 1st, 1912,
and recorded In Book E-10, page
in the register's office of Pitt county,
the undersigned will sell for cash
before the court house door Green-
ville on Thursday, October 9th, 1913.
the following described real estate,
situated in the county of Pitt and In
township, being undivided
Interest of the said Henry Allen Smith
in the lands of his mother
Smith, being the share of land
lotted to the said Smith In the
division of the Jordan Cox land, ad-
Joining the lands of Ellen Garris.
Charlie others,
containing 1-3 acres more or less.
This Sept. 8th, 1913.
You Need a Tonic
There are times in every woman's life when she
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to the woman's tonic. is com-
posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
it has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
ailing women in its past half century of wonderful
success, and it will do the same for you.
You can't make a mistake in taking
The Woman's Tonic
Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. Alma, Ark.,
think is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take I was
so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
as strong as I ever did, and can eat most
Begin taking today. Sold by all dealers.
Has Helped Thousands.
f o
By virtue of authority made by
C. Moore, clerk of the superior court
of Pitt county, the above entitled
cause, the undersigned
will, on the 15th
day of October, 1913, at the hour of
o'clock p. m. sell at public sale,
to the highest bidder, for cash, at
tho store recently occupied by the
late Montgomery T. Spier, in the
town of Winterville, North Carolina
wares and merchandise formerly own
by the late Montgomery T. Spier,
in Winterville, North Carolina, to-
with all store fixtures, book
accounts and one piano. Said stock
is new and splendid
condition and prospective purchasers
are invited to examine the same be-
fore the day of sale.
This the 24th day of September.
Administratrix of Montgomery T.
North Carolina, Pitt county.
In the superior court.
John Braxton vs Martha Braxton
Tho defendant above named will
take notice that an action as
above has been commenced In tho
court of Pitt county for the
purpose of dissolving tho bonds of
matrimony heretofore existing between
the plaintiff and tho defendant; and
the said defendant will further take
notice that she is required to appear
at tho next term of the superior court
of Pitt county to be held on the
Monday after the first Monday in
it being the 3rd day of No-
ember, 1913, at the court house of
said county in Greenville, North Car-
and answer or demur to the
complaint in said action or tho plain-
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in said complaint
This 1st day of October, 1913.
Clerk of the Superior Court.
HARDING and PIERCE, Attorneys.
Local Who Sells Dodson's
Liver Tone Guarantees it to Take
Hie Place of
If your liver is not working just
right you do not need to take a chance
on getting knocked all out by a dose
of Go to Greenville Drug
Co., who sells Dodsons Liver Tone,
and pay cents for a large bottle.
You will get a harmless vegetable rem-
that will start your liver without
violence, and if it does not give com-
satisfaction tho druggist will
refund your money with a smile.
If you buy a bottle of Dodson's
Liver Tone for yourself or your
you have insured your family
relief from attacks of constipation,
biliousness, lazy liver and headache.
It is as and safe for
as Tor adult's. A bottle of
son's Liver Tone Is something every
man or woman should keep in the
house. Your money Is safe because
you can return the bottle If it fails
The Best Hot Weather Tonic
blood, up the whole system and will won
strengthen and you to withstand
the the hot summer.
The Best Medicine the World
little girl had very
bad. I thought she would die.
Cholera and
cured her, and I can truthful-
say that I think it Is the best med-
the Mrs.
Clare, Mich. For sale
all druggists.
hog, weight about lbs., mark
smooth crop in left ear and hole In
the right Owner can get same by
applying to me and paying charges.
JESSIE SMITH. Winterville, N. C,
Route Box
North Carolina, Pitt county.
In the superior court, before the
S. H. Pritchard George
L. G. Pritchard, A. B.
and M. J.
The defendants above named will
That an action entitled as above has
been commenced the superior court
of Pitt county to sell for partition the
lands described In the complaint
ed in tills cause, which lands are
situated in South Greenville,
Carolina, and the defendants will fur-
notice that they are
ed to appear before tho clerk the
superior court of Pitt county, N. C.,
on Monday, the 20th day of October,
1913, at the court house of said
in Greenville, N. C
in Greenville, N. C, and answer or
demur to the In said sec-
or the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded In said
This September 16th, 1913.
Clerk Superior Court.
By A. T. Moore. D. C.
F. G. JAMES and SON.
great fire by which
go was desolated started at
o'clock at night
Pierce, fourteenth
President of the United States,
died Concord. N. H.
in N. H Nov.
for of
Trouble,, Catarrh and
I It stops the pains, re-
swollen Joints and
mots almost like Destroys
the acid and la
safe and sure In Its results. No
remedy like It
on request
i One Dollar per bottle, or sent
paid upon of If not
obtainable la your locality.
IN Lake Street
Typhoid From
Any attempt to trace typhoid in
to the use of uncooked
tables such as lettuce, and
celery is likely to succeed only
rather peculiar conditions. Or-
the distribution such
of food to a large circle of
and tho difficulty of
several weeks afterward, that
such things were eaten, and by whom,
are facts that conspire to render
ignorant of the real frequency of such
sources of Infection. A remarkable
typhoid outbreak apparently due to
polluted has recently been
reported from Philadelphia to Tho
Journal of the American Medical As-
At a wedding breakfast,
June with forty-three guests in
attendance, nineteen persons ate
sandwiches, eighteen of whom
later developed typhoid fever. In-
by the Philadelphia
of Health showed strong reason for
hide of Infection,
lo be tho
Tho Board of Commissioners
Pitt county will build a bridge across
Tar River at Boyd's Ferry, N. C, and
until Monday, November 1913, at
o'clock a. m. the Board will
bids for the construction of
said. Said bridge to be steel draw
and modern approaches. Plans and
for said bridge can be
from the office of the Register of
Deeds of Pitt County on and after
October 1913.
H. h. Chairman,
Hanrahan, N. C.
BELL. Clerk of the Board,
Greenville, N. C.
wavers, lilt
WOW. a, a, Be
It re, tern
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are its from an In-
active LIVER--------
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
t can be kept In healthful
by, and only by
Man that is born of woman la
of few dollars and full of
He forth like a flower,
but Is by the high cost of
and shriveled by rent and tax
Headache his
all the days of his life.
He out of bed fifteen
minutes late In the morning and
neither his milkman nor the pa-
per boys have arrived.
He for train and
it by three-quarters of a
C. He to ills noonday lune.
and upon a bone in his
chicken salad.
Ho the street In th
pride of his manhood and la tossed
three blocks by a yellow honk-wagon.
S. Behold the man who came unto
his office to pay a great bill of
apoplexy whilst he Is at lunch.
Yea. even his stenographer
her chewing gum in his chair by
accident, and he needs must wear his
raincoat home.
What is man but the shuttle-
cock of fate walloped over the fence
by the battledore of adversity.
Behold ho in unto
himself seven one day,
while his and hath
charged to him a bill for nine
In his infancy ho his
too and lustily, and in his
maturity he the gout and
Yea, his troubles do follow
him in his young manhood and the
first girl to whom he doth
accept him.
And Just as he sufficient
to purchase for his adornment a pair
of white flannel trousers and a high
straw lid with the bow abaft, lo and
behold, his wife's relative come and
borrow It from him
Verily, what is man hut a stone
bruise upon the heel of existence.
Even Is he but a freckle
the face of Miss Fortune, for when
he his ilk hat he absent-
about and
upon It. being therefore the man who
loss in gloss.
Nor in his lexicon can there be
found the word for should he
lay a wager upon a horse, that an
and should he hold four
kings and add his watch unto his
stack in the pot, verily another
four aces.
He for office, nor can
any guess what manner of man
It was who cast his vote for him.
Even will tho letter carrier
wittingly drop the envelope address-
ed him containing a check, but prompt
deliver four duns.
Ho In the street and
a bull dog upon him; he
the cellar and the gas meter
and him through
the floorings unto the third floor;
even if ho into forty fathoms
of water he bean upon
a water-logged plank.
The man for whom ho went
bond Into Africa; the check he
Is returned unto him mark-
ed in blaring letters across Its face,
his rent, Insurance,
lodge dues, coal bill and throe notes
fall due on tho same day.
Tho banister of life
which ho la full of splinters,
and tho Hand of Fate
not, but knuckles and
him constantly.
verily man that Is born
of woman Is destined to bills and
boils, toil and thirst, malaria and
And when the end Cometh he
cannot even enjoy the epitaph pro-
for him, and the flowers sent
to garnish his obsequies are by mis-
take delivered to the home of his bit-
Francisco Exam-
The indications are that this will
be the greatest Fair and Exposition
ever held In North Carolina.
Three new stock buildings, modern
in every respect, and x feet
each, have been built this year, en-
accommodations for horses,
cattle, sheep and swine. About
head of live-stock be exhibited.
There Is great opportunity for stock
raising in this state, and It is earn-
hoped that our farmers and
breeders will look over these exhibits
carefully. Tremendous displays of
horticulture and farm products, corn,
cotton, wheat, rye, tobacco and such,
articles will be shown, and
of farm and labor-saving
devices. Many counties will make ex-
and some of our towns will
make collective displays.
Eighteen acres of new ground have
been with a new entrance and
roadway, with ample parking places,
eliminating the dangerous crowding
and congestion of vehicles.
One of the most interesting
Instructive features will be the Bet-
Contest under the auspices
of the State Board of Health, with
sixty-five prizes. Practical
as to the care of will
given free.
The racing will be unusually good.
The Third Regiment Band will
furnish music.
Prof. Walter and Law-
will ascend each
day in two balloons side by side and
will drop In double parachute leaps
from an Immense height. The Great
Troupe of German Acrobats
will perform marvelous stunts on the
trapeze in front of the Grand Stand
each day.
Among the paid attractions are the
merry-go-round Ferris-wheel, motor-
and Midway Shows and Okla-
Wild West Show.
Fireworks Company of New
York will put on for four nights,
21-24. their tremendous spec-
the Days of
This is grand beyond description.
The ancient city with its towers and
temples Is seen before the spectator
with the people engaged in a grand
procession and ceremony before the
doors of the pagan temple.
tho entrancingly beautiful
Ballet, the Golden Pony Ballet
tho London Crystal superb
and sensational and acrobatic
specialties. Flower Girls,
Girls, Roman Senators, Priest,
Guards, Gladiators. Incense and
all two hundred and
performers, gorgeously costumed.
Suddenly the midst of the revel.-y
the mighty Vesuvius, with a deaf-
roar, hurls forth flames, burn-
lava and ashes, and the once
proud is buried forever.
The gloom and awe of the of
destruction will lightened by a
magnificent display of fireworks, set-
pieces of exquisite design,
dragons, snakes, rockets and
bombs. Music, by Pain's
Military Band.
Remember the dates, October 20-25.
Reduced rates on all railroads. Ask
the agent.
Word come to this paper
that the ladles of the town seem
lo think that their parties are
not receiving notice in
the column- of The
We are frank to confess that
we are of this opinion.
We want to give as much prom-
as possible to the meet-
of all of the dubs of tho
town, and If the ladies will fur-
the details
of their meetings shall be
very glad lo write them up,
and to give them prominent
If you are going nut of town
do not feel modest to call
up the office and tell us all
about it. We arc the only
will know that you
railed and shall certain-
not think It is egotism or
conceit. We shall he very glad
get It. And this applies to
any Item of news of any kind.
Is Impossible for us to go
tho entire town every day
and look up news, and we shall
greatly any calls that
are made at the office, and shall
he glad to publish news Items
notes and aD. personals.
Considering the wave of crime that
Is sweeping the country at the pres-
time, you need not be surprised
to hear some pessimist bob up and
say that the world is growing worse.
But kindly remember that the sec-
press seldom ever gives you an
account of the good that Is being

J. R. J. G.
We are receiving new style
Dress Goods, Ladies Coats
and Coat Suits, Rain Coats,
Silks, Trimmings, Notions,
Dry Goods. Shoes. We in-
your inspection of our
If it is style we have it
We can supply your
J. R. J. G.
Suffered Enema Fifty I
a long time to endure the
burning. Itching, smarting, akin
disease known
name for Eczema. Seems good
realize, also that Dr.
Ointment has proven a perfect cure
Mrs. D. L. Kenney can-
not sufficiently express my thanks t.
you for your Dr. Eczema
Ointment It has cured my
which has troubled me over
All druggists, or by mail
Two Thousand
Worth of Auto-
mobile and Buggy
Robes Just Re-
There is nothing like a genuine
EVER SEEN, from tho plainest at to the
silk plush rote at 118.00 there is a for every
purpose and for every pocketbook.
We buy direct from the manufacturer and know that
can you money.
We want the opportunity of showing you our line.
Come to us.
Cash or Credit
John Flanagan Buggy Co.
Greenville, North Carolina.
Mrs. Well-Meant Words of
Compassion Contained a Meaning
That Shocked.
There are still two opinions con-
red hair. She was a very
proud young mother. AH the old mas-
had never painted such a
had never imagined such a
as hers. Quite simply she be-
it. And the baby's hair was red.
It did not occur to her that red hair
was anything but completely and
admirable. Tho little shining cop-
per colored head seemed to her the
sum of all that was radiant and love-
come for the baby's wash,
It was Mrs. tho washer-
rawboned, dejected soul
who spoke. Evidently there was for
, her no inexpressible glory shining
j amid the blue and white draperies of
a bassinet. How hard tho world was
on some women So thought the
young mother and proudly drew back
the from the baby's nest.
and look at my little
she said. she baa red
A flash of some strong feeling-
could It
the dejected features of Mrs.
The proud young mother felt her
hand gripped In a grasp of Iron, and
a warm Irish voice sounded In her
it laid soothingly.
you fret Don't you fret You
can't never tell what they look like
when they're small. Some of
grows up Into real good girls
They do
School to Add More
Work in Order to Prepare
Students for College
Desiring to raise and keep the
Greenville Graded School on a plane
as nearly as possible with that
el any other graded school In North
Carolina, the school board at a meet-
held on last Thursday night, de-
unanimously to add another
grade to the curriculum of the school.
Before graduating the students will
hereafter be compelled to finish the
i of eleven grades now Instead of
ten as has been the Case heretofore.
it is explained by the school board
that all of the colleges and higher
of learning In the state
have rained their standard, and in or-
for Hie local school to prepare
its students for entrance into these
institutions It Is for the
Standard to be raised here.
It has been rumored over the town,
and the students of
the school, that there will be no
graduations this year. This, however.
is a mistaken idea. Whether or not
there shall be any one to graduate
depends altogether upon the ability
and progress of the individual
dent. The extra work will be put
In, and all of tho studies that will
lie offered in the new grade can be
had by any student now in the tenth
grade, and if any student can make
all of the work of the two years in
this up so as make more room for
be allowed to graduate, and Will
given his diploma. Professor Taylor
aye that he hopes that there will
be some students to make the work
to graduate
in the highest grade in the school
John Relates an Incident Which
Show the Courage of the Wild
John tells In of
My Boyhood and about many
of the birds of Wisconsin, and
of the common gray geese,
which would arrive hungry and wing-
weary, with nearly an Inch of snow
on their backs. Hut they never lost
their wariness, and tho hunter who
would secure a trophy must hide him-
self before the birds arrived, for no
one could approach them
was the ambition of boys to be
able to shoot these wary birds.
never got but two, both of them at
one so-called lucky shot. When I ran
to pick them up one of them flew
away, but as tho poor fellow
sorely wounded he didn't fly far.
When I caught him after a short
chase he uttered a piercing cry of
terror and despair, which the leader
of the flock heard at a distance of
about a hundred rods.
had flown off in frightened
disorder, of course, but had got into
the regular harrow shape order when
Par Lib Pr i lion
must accompany orders
for want ads, except from those
having regular advertising ac-
counts. The rate is cents per
line, six words to the line. Tel-
S. M. Schultz.
All Count Teachers Are Required
Law to Attend the Meeting.
of Them Are
The following notice of the first
meeting the Pitt County Teachers As-
has been Issued by
Superintendent H. The
meeting is to be held in Greenville
in Professor office on next
October at o'clock.
never forget how bravely he left his I The meeting is a very important one,
at the head of tho flock and I and all teachers of the county arc
hurried back and struck at
me In trying to save his companion.
I dodged down and held my hands
over my head, and thus escaped a
blow of his elbows. Fortunately
had left my gun at the fence, and tho
life of this noble bird was spared,
after he had risked it In trying to save
his wounded friend or neighbor or
family relation.
so shy a bird boldly to attack
a hunter showed wonderful sympathy
and courage. This Is one of my
id that It will be possible for hunting experiences. Never
id cum , v before j regarded wild geese as
, graduate some of the students no or of noble
Acre- line half mile of
Acre- Near sand clay
Acre.- Standard.
Acre One mile of
Acre- Tho miles of
Acres Two miles of
Acres Near
House and lot one block of of section.
lien-e and lot on Dickinson Avenue.
and lot In West
House and lot In South
t Building lots in West
In South
Call or write to
Standard Realty Co.,
R. C. Flanagan, Mgr.
Office In Greenville Trust Company's New
Doe Caused Boy's Death.
A boy was by a dog he had
on a Jumping Into the water and
dragging him his brother, walk-
with him, after it. The boys and
a companion were walking along the
I towing path of the canal, at
j Lancashire, England, and had passed
I the lock, before the accident hap-
An alarm was at once raised,
land of the brothers was speedily
rescued by some boys who were play-
near. An elder brother of the
boys came the scene and plunged
Into tho canal. He succeeded in find-
the other body, but res-
proved unavailing.
Unearth Bones of Roman Soldier.
I The discovery has been announced
i from Rome, Italy, of a large
I or place for the deposit of the bones of
dead, near the port of
The discovery is on the scene of the
battle of fought in tho year
B. C, during the invasion of Italy
by tho Gauls, when the invading
hordes were defeated by the
mans. The ruins of a Temple of
Thanksgiving, erected by the Romans
In memory of this victory, were
earthed in 1898. Further important
discoveries are expected as a result
of tho present excavations.
but all of course, depends upon
the student and not upon the super-
or the school
Nothing more than this was done
by the school board at Its meeting
Thursday night, with the exception
Of making an order for putting In
petition In the large room in the I
school building. It Is planned to cut,
up so to make more room for
the of the students I
Farmer Swallowed Horrible Compound
Rather Than Have Fellow Diners
Laugh at Him.
In Conference.
but this coffee tastes good
said Mr. Lackey, as he ate a late sup-1 mention
per after a long day at the county
you have good coffee at the
restaurant asked Mrs. Lackey,
cutting another slice of bread.
It didn't taste very sweet to
required to attend. The notice, which
is Belt-explanatory, la given
The first meeting the Pitt
Teachers for the present
school year will be held in Green-
ville on Saturday, October 11th,
o'clock a. m.
This meeting will be such an
one that no teacher in the
county, whether teaching or not, can
afford to miss it. Not only will the
organization of the association
the coming year be effected, but plans
will be made for the amount and
character of tho work to be done-
There has been some Important school
legislation enacted with which the
teachers arc probably not familiar
This will be given in detail at this
meeting and exceedingly
announcements made. You
cannot do your work as it should be
done if you miss this meeting. We
the fact that at-
upon these meetings is made
compulsory by the school law.
I am especially anxious for a con-
with all the teachers of th;
county and I earnestly request every
teacher, whether teaching or not, to
attend this unusually Important meet-
j lug.
Oh, yes, there was plenty of sugar your will Indicate your
Interest in our work. Remember. Sat-
BUFFALO, X. Y Oct. .-Liberal- j a
ism in religions thought Is to he the j there any sugar the
principal theme at tho twenty-fifth j
biennial session of the general table Mr.
of Unitarian other but you r a mistake, and
churches, which assembled In put in a spoonful of
this city today for a four exclaimed Mrs. Lackey,
Dr. Charles W. surely didn't drink It,
president of Harvard University, is i had answered her husband,
presiding over the sessions. there was a young fellow sit.
ting right by me, and I saw right
away that I had done something
wrong, ho sort of grinned,
and winked at another young man at
sale either as
October 11th, o'clock a.
W. II.
County Superintendent Schools.
Jane Do
Jane do Is the new law
In California since women got the
vote. says Miss Helen
Todd of San a man
Is approached by political slave
who ask him to serve on all kinds
of tiresome committees, he just
Well. I'm too busy, boys; just ask my
knows about it
I do. the
for Mick.
newly come over, had
Stepped a train at the railroad
and was confronted With a spec
that caused him to wonder. Th
sight he saw was a train, and the
cars were on the sides
He looked and spelled
so, Finnegan re
the name on each car until th
others Have Your Children Worms
Are they feverish, restless, nervous
Irritable, dizzy or constipated T
they constantly pick at their nose or
grind their teeth Have they cramp-
palm, irregular and ravenous
petite These are all signs of worms
Worms not only cause your child
but stunt Its mind and growth
Give Worm Killer at once
It kills and removes the worms.
proves your child's appetite, regulates
stomach, liver and bowels. The
tons disappear and your child la
happy and healthy, as
All druggists or by mall,
Notice Is hereby given that an
plication will be made to the general
assembly to amend the charter of the
town of Ayden, N. C.
R. W. SMITH, Mayor
I t
J. W. Little
Office Residence 17-1
If. C.
Valuable Land
the table. I didn't know what tho
was, though. Tho coffee
ed kind of queer, but I didn't
otter for sale other as . ,, , about
or sub-divided to suit the buy- , got a taste of
tho or Anderson farm that hadn't dissolved at
ed about one half mile from Green- -well, I hope you had another good
ville on the Tarboro road. There CUp after that said Mrs. Lackey.
acres In the farm cleared and I had replied her
in cultivation, balance In river husband. gave my cup to the
land. The land Is a light loam with. waitress, and then when it came buck
I said to tho young man, you
pass me the
exclaimed Mrs.
Lackey, in horrified tones. sure-,
didn't put salt in your
just had replied her husband. j
don't suppose I wanted those .
It Is several feet higher than young fellows to think I was such an
old farmer I didn't know salt from
sugar, do
clay subsoil and produces all crops
grown in this section. There Is no
better truck land in the county and
no town in the state need;, K
an much as Greenville.
It is the most beautiful site In or
around Greenville for a suburban
the town and the broad stretch of
open country to the south and we.-i
Insures a pleasant breeze at almost
all times. It Is indeed an ideal
for a Lome. Address
O. L.
The Medicine In the World
little girl had dysentery I
bad. I thought she would die. Chant-
Colic, Cholera and
cured her, and I can truthful- .
say that I think it is tho best med-
In the writes Mrs.
Clare. Mich. For sale by
all druggists.
into N
Corner 2nd trans Street
h in
Transfer Men
and Express
Phone No. Night Day
The Best Pain Killer
Salve when
ed to a cut. sprain, bum or
scald, or other Injury of the skin will
Immediately remove all pain. E
Chamberlain of Clinton. Me. says
robs cuts and other Injuries C
their terrors. As a
Its equal Will lo
good for you. Only at all
DR. J. C.
Physician am
Office on Dickinson Avenue
Application will be made to
called session of the General As-
of North Carolina for
to bold an election for tho I
pose of bonds In the town of i
the proceeds from the i
Quinine Factories.
Java produces about of
the world's supply of cinchona, and it
has for years been regularly shipped
to Holland. The large quinine
factories, mostly situated in Germany,
, x. supply themselves with tho raw mate-
rial In the Dutch market, and of
years the manufacturers have com-
to keep the prices at such low
level as to render the
unprofitable, although man-
of quinine have be- u earn-
largo dividends.
To meet this combination wan re-
solved to establish o quinine factory
In Java, says the British consul at
and this has been at
where the first Java
has been produced. This described
as of excellent quality and equal In
nil respects to tho best
brands. Last year the total
of cinchona in the island was
pounds avoirdupois.
Smoked and Wrote In Comfort.
Inveterate smokers do funny things,
Says the Family Doctor.
smoked up tho chimney with a de-
sale of said bonds to be used for thoughtfulness for tho feelings
the Improvement of the Electric Light of others not universal In his conduct
plant and streets of said town. The famous Bishop who, like
This August 1918. many another author, found
R, C. CHAPMAN, facilitated by of the
lg weed, disliked the Interruption
of removing his pipe constantly
. he was writing. In order to combine
the two operations with duo comfort
to himself he bored a through the
time Arrival Departure t
Passenger Trains
p. n. Bill p. m.
a. m. a. m
s a. m. a. m.
. B. n. f. SB.
broad brim of his hat, and putting his
long pipe through puffed and
and puffed with the most
cal calm.
Submarine Cable.
The eldest submarine cable In active
operation In North America is said to
be that across Northumberland strait
It dates back to
Minister This Laxative
Ii of Allison, la.,
in praising King's New Life Pills
for constipation, King's
New Life PHI- are such perfect pills
no home he without
No better regulator for the liver and
bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try
them. Price at all druggists
Hotel Everett
Two Blocks from WHITE
Adjoining Hotel
U. M. BET. Kill and
rooms are equipped with tel-
electricity, hot
In the center of the selected res-
district near all
Convenient to all car lines.
Quiet, and homo like.
For families desirous of spend-
in.-; a season in WASHINGTON or
those of the traveling public in
search of a refined, up-to-date
hotel at moderate prices,
Plan per day and
American Plan per day and
For farther address
Owner and Proprietor.
Fall Whiter
Constantly arriving
New Buck-
Cream Hominy
Old Homestead Flap
jack Flour
New Honey in glass
Call yours
to please
Civil Service Examination I light that produces sound
for Local Postal
Real Estate Agents
Bill In Legislature By
live Clark, of Pitt
Virginia Stairs Hate
lent Carolina
Pars Two and Hall
Having as his aim securing for
the people of the state of a flat nit
of two cents per mile on all
trains traveling within the state,
Representative D. M. Clark, of this
county, has Introduced in the state
legislature a bill providing for such
accommodations. The fact that
bill has been introduced is not at
this late date a matter of news, but
so far the bill has not been published, j
When the old rate was creating j
a wide discussion this state
year 1908, Governor R. D.
Glenn called the legislature into
session to deal with tile mat
The regular session passed the
bill creating a uniform rate of two
and one-half cents per mile, but j
railroads refused to put it Into effect i
on the date set for, and the governor i
to take steps for the en-
of the law.
Since the settlement of Hie light at
that time little has been to re-
duce the matter until recent years,
and an agitation has been started to
red the tare to a Hat rate of two
cents, Virginia has a Hat rate, B
well as several other states of the
south, and there are many people who
believe that state should be given
the same favors.
Mr. Clark's bill is as
The General Assembly of North Car-
Section That section one of Chap-
of tho Public laws of 1908
amended by striking out the words
and in line six and
seven, and inserting in lieu thereof
the word to the end that there
shall be a flat rate of two cents per
mile for all travelers without dis-
Section That all laws in conflict
with are hereby repealed.
Section That this act shall be
in force from and after its
Had Affair at
Wednesday Afternoon.
N. C, Oct. 4.-
i Wednesday evening the Red Men of
I this district held their semi-annual
meeting In the auditorium of Winter-
j title School which was attend
ed by a right large crowd. Among
the speakers was Dr. James of
The price of cotton is high, but the
price of gingham, calico, percale
all cotton goods Is cheaper at A. W.
Ange and Co.
Miss of Greenville.
was here visiting Thursday
j afternoon.
You would do well to see
ton, Barber and Co., for your winter
lap robes and rugs.
Miss Nannie Braxton left Friday
morning for KInston where she will
be visiting for sometime.
Have you seen light In front
of R. W. Dall's That means oysters
every night.
For and and men's
rain coats see A. W. Ange and Co.
We are looking for Dr. B. T. Cox
to return from Raleigh this morning.
where he been on a short stay.
Bee Harrington, Barber and Co., for,
your large stone jars with covers.
Mrs. W. G. Smith left for I
this afternoon where she will spend
sometime visiting friends.
I know that you have been getting
your beef, fish and oysters from H.,
W. Now the right thing to
to keep It up.
Is still working on
proposition of lighting up the town
and hopes to soon have It as a
which sends forth Its golden beams
In I'll directions.
The Free Will Baptists are now
in the midst of a revival, and although
services have been hindered owing to
the weather a few times, the right
of spirit that a revival requires
to lie manifested by all.
The United States Civil Service
vice Commission announces that on
Saturday, October a competitive
examination will be held in Green-
ville at o'clock a. m., for the
of clerk in the post-
office in Greenville.
Applications for this examination
must be made on the prescribed form.
which may be obtained from Mr. V. C.
Dudley, local secretary, at Green-
ville All applications must
be in before o'clock P. M. Oct.
Persons wishing to take this ex-
should secure blanks and
them out at once.
Says He Feels Little
For III Eight Imprison-
Pa., Oct.
the miner liberated
day from his underground prison at
the Continental mine, felt well this
morning he attended church at Mount
Carmel and Joined In a general pray-
offered on account of his rescue.
When who was
by his wife, arrived at the
church the throng was so great and
all were so eager to shake his hand
that It was necessary for the police
to clear a space for them to enter
the building. After the services the
rescued man held an informal
today declared he would
be ready to resume work at the mines
Monday. Mine officials, however, said
they would not permit him to go to
work for several days.
Statement Sounds Incredible, but Ex-
Will Speedily Demon-
It to Be a Fact.
For Weakness and Loss of Appetite
The Old i l general Ionic,
GROVE'S chill TONIC, out
Malaria an m Y-system. A true tonic
It seems Incredible that a beam of
light be made to produce sound
but such a thing can be done. A ray
of sunlight Is thrown through a lens
on a glass vessel containing lampblack,
colored silk or worsted, or any like
substance. A disk having slits or open-
cut in it Is made to revolve swift,
in this beam of light, so as to
thus causing alternate
of light and shadow. When one places
his ear to the glass vessel ho hears
strange sounds so long as tho
beam falls upon the vessel.
A more extraordinary effect Is
produced when the beam of sunlight la
made to pass through a prism, so to
produce what is called the solar spec-
The disk is turned and the col-
light of the rainbow la made to
break through it. Now. If the ear be
placed to tho vessel containing the silk
or other material, as the colored lights
of tho spectrum fall upon It, sounds
win be given by the different parts of
the spectrum and there will be silence
In other parts.
For example. If tie vessel contains
red worsted and the green light flashes
upon it, loud sounds will be heard
when the red and the blue parts of the
rainbow fall upon the vessel. Other
colors produce no sounds at all.
Green silk gives out sound best In a
red light Every kind of material gives
more or less sound In different colors
and no sound at all In
W. .
We are now in position to write Fire, Life,
Accident and Health Insurance and we would
appreciate a part of your business.
Two Ki,. of Macaroni.
Tho new cook helping her mis-
tress to prepare dinner. All went well
until the macaroni was brought out
The rook looked with surprise as she
beheld the long white slicks. But
when they were carefully placed In
water she gave a choking gasp.
you say, she said in
an awed voice, you were going
to eat
was the reply;
is what I Intended to do. But you
seem surprised. Have you never seen
macaroni cooked
answered the cook,
ain't The last place I was at they
always used them things to light the
No. acres, Co good
land, timber. miles from Massed
and miles from N
No. acres, cleared, fine
state of cultivation, good
young timber, miles from
in Martin county.
No. DO acres, cleared, fair
buildings, fine farm lands, In Mar
tin county, miles from
No. acres, cleared, good
fences, woodland under pasture fence,
ordinary buildings, on public road
and railroad, several acres easily
en in, miles from
Martin county.
Terms reasonable.
N. C.
Bryan Sue Police Chief.
suit filed by the Secretary of State
and Mrs. Bryan against F. C. Roach,
chief of the Jacksonville police de-
was called In court today
for trial. The ask dam-
ages from the police chief for the
alleged detention of a valuable
ring belonging to Mrs. Bryan.
The ring was either lost or stolen
about a year ago and was recovered
by the police from a employed
a local hotel.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct
visitors are arriving In St. Louis
for the annual fall carnival. Tho
will be inaugurated
row night with the Veiled Prophet's
pageant and ball. Additional
of the week are the annual
show and the big
of the centenary of the German
war of liberation.
Convention of Church Workers.
N. S., Oct.
in the Maritime Providences for the
first time In sixteen years, the Gen-
Board of Missions of the
Church In Canada began its an-
session here today. The attend-
Includes many Methodist
vines, laymen and mission
from nearly all parts of the
tats of Ohio, of Toledo, l
Lucas County.
Frank J. makes oath that bets
senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Chests
A Co., doing; business In the City of To-
County and State aforesaid,
that firm will pay the sum of
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and
case of Catarrh that cannot be
by the of HALL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed he
my presence, this 6th day of Decembers
A. D.
A. W.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken
end acts directly upon the blood and nm-
surface of the system. Send fop
testimonials, free.
F. J. CO,
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family
Rose, carnations and
mums are the seasonable flowers now.
Our art in wedding outfits is equal
to the best Nothing finer In floral
offerings than our
For winter and spring blooming
now ready.
Hyacinths, narcissus, tulips and
In great varieties. Plant
early for best results.
Rose bushes, evergreens, shrubs,
plants, shade trees and her-
Mall telephone and telegraph or-
promptly executed by
J. L.
Raleigh, N. C.
Store phone Greenhouse phone
. Fourth Street, tarn
i, I h
formerly Chinese
ii id -j
This ii n prescription prepared
I or nil will break any and
if then as n tonic the Fever will not
It sets on the liver better than
does not gripe or sicken.
ind m C Carroll, on
I i
These Things Are Done In-
From Washington Will
Come Here to Look
After everything Is ready for in
stalling the service, a postal
tor from Washington will sen
here to look over the situation, and
to make Investigations as to the best
methods of going about the new
He will then go back to Wash-
and turn In his report to the
post office department, and the sys-
will Installed as soon as
after that time.
Free delivery of mails in tills town
is a matter of only a few months, ac-
cording to recent developments in
the movement looking toward the
curing of this great convenience for
Greenville. The agitation has been
going on for several years, and has
grown to be a topic of discussion so
old that the people have almost
en up hope of getting at any ear-
But the length of time that will be
required for the Installation of free
delivery here Is very near. The
st barrier now In the way Is the con-
of the sidewalks of the town,
and these to be remedied by tho
individuals who live along the streets.
In most instances the sidewalks
In good condition, but It is feared
by some that the few that are In bad
condition might tend to the In-
or the free delivery sys-
In this town.
And besides tills, it Is stated that
tho streets have not as yet all been
Tho names of tho streets
must be placed on the corners, and
at the intersection, all of the names
inscribed on tho boards In plain, leg-
words. A painter is in town to
day to investigate this matter, and
Mayor James stated this morning
that It is not at all unlikely that the
contract for painting all of these
signs will he let today. The cost will
be a trifle when compared with the
great convenience Hint will he afford-
ed by the new method of handling tho
There are several houses In the
town that have as yet never been
numbered, aid this must be done be-
fore the system can be installed.
will require but a very few
days, Rod ran he in a very short
time after the number been
secured. order Is to be placed
I these i immediately, and
. the town that near r to
ii is for.
Three Quarter Million Dollars
United States Depository for Postal
Savings Funds.
Per Cent Paid On Time Deposits
E. G. Flanagan, Pres.
E. B. Higgs, Vice-Pres.
C. S. Can. Cashier

Water HuM to
able and a Plunge la
Height of Luxury.
who lira la and
old do not effect
at the direct heat on
Its luxury of bathing in an ocean that
tea a temperature of degrees.
writes Mr. E. J. In Tropic
la not for the multitude who
the cities that touches
tremulously and aslant.
On November 1908. we bathed at
north Queensland, In shallow
water, on the edge of an area of de-
waded coral reef fully two long
by a mile broad. For three hours a
considerable portion of the reef had
been exposed to the glare of the sun,
and the Incoming tide filched the
heat from coral and stones
and sand.
The first plunge provoked an
of amazement, for the water
degrees hotter than the
air, and It was the hottest
o'clock In the a very hot
day. No thermometer was at hand to
register the actual temperature of the
water, but subsequent at
same spot under conditions
proved that the surface stratum of
about one foot at
Fahrenheit, from four degrees to six
hotter than the air. Below
that, the temperature of the water
seamed ordinary, and corresponded i
that of the water a hundred
yards out from the shore.
On another day, January 1910,
between noon and three o'clock In the
afternoon, the sea, scientifically test-
ad, heated to degrees. With.
bulb burled In sand six feet
from the water's edge, the mercury
rose to degrees very quickly, and
remained stationary Com-
Humorous Incident Caused
Public to Believe Gladstone
a Race Track Follower.
The of the English
Mr. George has Just died
at the ripe old age of eighty-nine. Be
ides his enthusiasm for sport the de-
ceased gentleman was noted for his
resemblance to the late Mr. Gladstone,
and this likeness was once made the
occasion of a practical Joke, which
had the amusing sequel of winning for
the O. O. M. the reputation of having
on Inside knowledge of the doings of
the English turf. Mr. at the
time traveling in Scotland, and
-when passing through Edinburgh his
friends for fun passed round the word
at Waverly Station that Mr. Gladstone
was In the train. At first Incredulous,
the crowd flocked round Mr.
man's carriage, and then, misled per
haps by the dim light, concluded that
the sportsman really was the states-
man, and cheered and shouted for a
speech. Just as the train moved out,
Mr. urged by his friends.
thrust his head out of the window,
waved his hand, and shouted
-Thank you, gentlemen Bo-and-so
will win the And as it
did, the British public,
who were not enlightened as to how
they were duped till some time later,
concluded that Gladstone was a tip-
well worth following, and es-
teemed him accordingly.
Rode Into to Death.
The of a cyclist who
rode at an hour
down a concrete slope into the
names at England, was de-
scribed at an Inquest at
recently. The victim was Solomon
aged nineteen. He had
suffering from consumption.
on a recent Sunday night a man
-walking along the towpath at
saw riding Into the river.
A policeman named waded Into
the water up to his with a pole
and afterwards swam out to nearly
but without finding the
whose body was not discovered
next morning. In a pocketbook
found In the possession of
there was
Contradictory Terms.
An American visitor to Cambridge,
England, sought explanation of some
unfamiliar terms, which a genial Don
delighted to elucidate.
he explained,
tars of a term, and the week
Is the first fortnight In June. A day
of general admission Is day on
which men leave the university, an
ordinary degree Is one conferred by
a special exam., and an Inspector of
art is one who has been an arts
dent for at least six
The Yankee passed a hand across
Us weary brow.
will he queried,
roe In the London train If I ask for
to Cambridge r
said Mr. to his
wife, as ha entered the house with a
package in his arms, re-
i member last week when you secured
ism oh a wonderful bargain In shirts at
Mg cents, and neckties at three for a
replied Mrs.
-Well, don't think I
t your Fee, I have
ht something for you. I
beautiful green and yellow plaid
i material la a shop window on
way and you eighty
i of it st seven cents a yard. The
said It was a great bargain,
. It will make enough dress is to
t M two
t Mrs. had fainted
To the Farmers of
this Section. .
We have twenty head of as fine a lot of Jersey hogs, and female, as were ever
ed in Eastern North Carolina that we are going to give away, absolutely free of charge, to the far-
of this section.
How To Get One of These Hogs
To the farmer, white or who nearest the of of tobacco
that will be sold on the Greenville market this season up to December 1st, will be given the
choice hog in the lot, and to the farmer who guesses the next nearest to the number of pounds sold,
will get the next choice hog in the lot, and so on until the entire lot are given away.
Every farmer who sells a load of tobacco at the Star Warehouse will be entitled to a guess, and
will have the opportunity of getting one of these choice rugs free of charge. Twenty farmers will get
them, and the twenty guessing nearest to the number of pounds sold by December st will be the
lucky ones.
In order that the farmers have an intelligent idea of what will be sold on the market to December
st, we are publishing what has been sold on the up to this time, and also what was sold on the
market last year up to December st. With this information any can form a very intelligent idea of
what the market will sell this year to December st. Every load of tobacco sold on the Star Warehouse
floor, entitles the owner to a guess. If a farmer has a dozen loads, he will be entitled to twelve
guesses, and if he brings a load every day in the week, he will be entitled to a guess for every
load he brings up to December st.
Now, put on your studying cap, take the sale, last year and compare them with this, make your
estimate of what will be sold to December st. this year, bring your load of tobacco, and we will
register your guess on your bill, and keep a record of it also and when the Secretary of
the Board of Trade reports the sales up to December we will then award the hogs to the twenty
farmers who have guessed nearest the number of pounds sold.
Now, remember please, that it d cost a cent to enter this contest.
It is a perfectly plain proposition. We are going to give away twenty
pure blood Jersey Hogs to the customers of the Star Warehouse
who guess nearest the number of pounds of Tobacco that will be sold
on the Greenville Market to December this year.
sales on the Greenville market last year up to December I, were pounds.
The sales to October this year are pounds.
. . p. r I M I What will the Greenville sell this
THE IO- to December 1st.
The twenty farmers coming nearest to the correct answer to this question will
get twenty as fine Hogs as were ever raised in this county.
No employee of the Star Warehouse will be allowed a guess in this contest.
Why Not Bead on a Train.
Many people believe that it is in-
to the eyes to read on a train,
but few seem to know why. The
son is the added strain on the deli-
I muscles of the eyes. The mo-
of the train shakes the paper
book constantly, thus continually
its position and Its distance
from the eyes, keeping the delicate
muscles of the eyes in constant action
to readjust the focus. Extra work
thus thrown on these tiny muscles
as the changing of occurs some-
times a hundred times a minute.
j Some trains now carry library cars
which have the source of light be
bind and at one side of the reader.
The best and newest Pullmans have
side light for reading. The usual
railroad car-lighting equipment, how-
ever, is antiquated. Public opinion
will do much to remedy these
lighting methods. Illuminating
engineers can be secured by railroads
and other public carriers to devise
proper methods of Illumination,
that no excuse can be offered for
proper lighting conditions.
Another cause of eye-strain in
reading on trains Is the poor lighting
usually encountered. Often people
try to read their evening papers on
a train or street-car when the day-
light Is fading and before the car
lights are turned on. Even with the
lights turned on, the situation is not
greatly Improved. The cars are
crowded, and strap-hangers
sway back and forth between the
paper and the source of light Usual-
the light high up In the center
of the car ceiling and Is badly placed
for reading, the light being too far
from the paper and the light rays be-
reflected into the eyes from the
book or magazine.
work on farm this fall. Will fur-
nice cottage, firewood free.
ply Reflector.
a pair.
Jr. Falkland. N. a
d-w law
Resolutions of Sympathy.
the death angel having
visited the home of Bro. James Tripp
on Sept 6th, 1913, and very suddenly
removed his wife. Therefore, be It
Resolved, That we, the officers and
members of Chesapeake Tribe No.
I. O. R M extend to Bro. Tripp our
heartiest and fullest sympathy and
point him to the Great Spirit who
all things well, and can all our
sorrows heal.
That a copy of these resolutions
be sent Bro. Tripp, a copy be spread
on our minutes and a copy be sent
the Reflector for publication.
ltd Committee.
farms at Vanceboro, Cove City,
New Bern, and other parts of Craven
county. J. W. Stewart New Bern,
N. c. m w
earthquake along the
western coast of South
The undersigned having this day
qualified as executor of the Last Will
and Testament of the Ann
Smith, of Pitt county, notice Is here-
by given to all persons indebted to
said estate to make Immediate set-
with the undersigned
tor, and notice Is hereby given to all
persons holding claims against said
estate to present their claims to the
undersigned executor for payment
within twelve months from the date
or this notice will be plead in
bar of recovery of said claims.
This the 24th day of September,
Executor of the Estate of Anne
Resolutions of Sympathy.
Whereas, on the morning of Sept
15th, 1913, the death angel invaded
the home of Bro. J. K. Oakley and
very suddenly removed his
wife, Therefore, it
Resolved, That we, the officers and
members of Chesapeake Tribe No.
I. O. R. M., extend to Bro. Oakley our
heartfelt sympathy In this sad trial
end point him to the Great Spirit,
from whence comes all consolation
and doth not err In duelings.
That a be spread on our
minutes and a copy sent to the
Reflector for publication.
ltd Committee.
cleared, three room dwelling,
tobacco barn. etc. Original growth
oak and G. T. Tyson, B.
The wont cam no matter of how Handing,
re cured the wonderful, old reliable Dr.
Porter- Heeling Oil. It
to pay you the highest cash price
for your raw furs of all kinds. D.
C. Beach at J. R. and J. G.
store. M.
T- r
Agriculture Is the Hull the Most Healthful, the Most Employment of
who to get bet-
A large number of the members of
the party which left here last month
for Toronto, Canada, have returned
to their homes in this town. Some
arrived last Saturday, and others
have been arriving almost every day
that time. Those to
date, and who have not as yet been
mentioned, are Mrs. White
Mrs. Borden. Mrs. J. R. Miss
Agnes Spain, Mice Denny, and Rev.
J J. Walker.
The primary object of the trip was
to attend the National Convention
of the Christian Church, and the final
goal and destination of the party was
Toronto, Canada, where the big con-
was held. Side trips were
made both going and coming, and the
party spent much time in Canadian
cities besides Toronto. Palls
v. as visited, and trips were made down
the St Lawrence River, and from
Albany to New York city over the
famous Hudson River. Every
of the party reports a good time,
and says that there was not a dull
moment during their absence from
town, with the exception of the few-
times when they were visited by short
spells of homesickness.
of the party arc expected
bock almost every day.
Copies of Automobile Law
Received by Local
Officers of the town and county
have received copies of the
bile law, and have been given copies
to carry in their pockets all the while.
It is Important that every citizen
owning or driving an automobile ob-
serve the law, and take notice of its
provisions, as, perhaps, it might
some time save him a heavy fine. The
law received here from
of State J. Bryan Grimes, and
To the Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Po-
Marshals, Watchmen and
Constables of North
Do not permit any automobile or
motorcycle to run anywhere or at any
time unless proper display number
for 1913-14 appears on rear.
Do not permit any person to
ate a motor vehicle of any kind
less such person shall, upon demand,
show license for the current year.
Do not permit any person to at-
tempt to license to another
person other than the one to whom
issued. are also void for any
machine except the one described
Do not permit speed exceeding ten
miles per hour In the business portion
and fifteen in the residential section
of any city or town, and twenty-five
miles on public highways.
Persons violating the automobile
law were subject to a fine of or
imprisonment for thirty days upon
conviction before a Justice of the
Peace or any other officer having
Each of the officers named herein
Is liable on his official bond for fail-
or neglect In carrying out the
ties above Imposed.
Copies of the law and
blanks for registration will be fur
promptly upon application to
Secretary of State,
Raleigh, N. C.
Physician and Policeman
Work Hard to Save a
Van's Life
Nearly Half Million Pounds Were
Here Yesterday
Farmers Are Pleased With What
Their is Bringing Them.
Coming From Long
A blocked sale marked the close of
the tobacco market Many
thousands of pounds had to be sold
this morning because the buyers could
not get to it yesterday afternoon.
Estimates placed upon the break yes-
place the number of pounds
close to half a million, though
of the warehouses think that it was
slightly less than that.
Another large amount was here to-
day, thought a short while after the
noon hour It was believed that the
entire amount would be disposed
Is Now in Full View from the
County Bridge
Fund Wanted to Furnish Lodging
Place for
The members of Hope Fire Com-
have organized and secured for
themselves a hall In which to
their meetings, and which may be
said to be the home. The
hall is within a few doors of the fire
department headquarters, and is very
conveniently located for those be-
longing to the company. Several
people of the town have already con- Officer of La Says Men
funds toward furnishing the I Formed Line Nearest Dan-
Long Cut Across Sand Bars Must
lie of lion
the Work is Being
High water in the Tar River, due to
the recent rains, enabled
the big dredge boat now doing work
In the channel of the stream to
up to the Atlantic Coast Line railroad
bridge last Monday. The boat is at
the present time working between the
railroad and the county bridge
and Is In close proximity of the sight-
seers who wish to go to the bridge
to get a peep at the machinery which
is doing so much for this town.
The fact that the boat Is now at the
bridge, coupled with the oft-
during day. and that none of repeated statement that it will do work
it would have to be carried over to no further up the river, does not
tomorrow mean that the contract is almost com-
prise are still high and are As a matter of fact, the hard-
gradually going higher up. All oft work still p.-.;.
this pleases the farmers Immensely,
and they are delighted at the high
prices that their weed is bringing on
the local market. Many of the
of this staple are coming Into
Greenville from long distances for
the purpose of placing their
co on a market that will give them
a high price, as the reputation of the
market in Greenville has spread all
over this and adjoining counties.
Some of them pass by other markets
nearby, but do not stop, preferring covered will have to
Between the present position of the
boat and th place to which It worked
before able to advance up the stream
lies that section of the river bottom
which will require work than
any other portion.
Much time will be required for the
work still remaining to be done. II
is a straight cut from the
bridge to the curve in the river, and
within that space some of the
et-t sand bars In the whole ten miles
be removed
Buster Button, a white farmer
lour or live miles from town, last
night had bis life saved by the he-
work of Dr. J. L. Nobles
Officer Clark. Tic man
round in the west end of town
his life fast ebbing On his
person WM found a which had
contained medicine, and which had
been prescribed for him by Dr. No-
Mr. Clark Immediately notified the
doctor lifter he found the man.
ton was quickly removed to Dr. No-
office where the work of res-
was All of the
known methods of bringing back lit;
to an unconscious man were employ-
ed to restore to this man his normal
condition. Hot water was pumped in-
to his stomach, and other remedies
applied. Finally the human
spark once more began to be fanned
Into a blaze, and Sutton showed that
there was hope for him.
It developed that the man had been
sick or intoxicated, and that be
had to Dr. Nobles for some
medicine. The doctor gave him a
tonic, with the specific charge that
he was to take a every
two hours and a half. The man,
his drunken stupor, however, drank
all of the four-ounce bottle full in
less than four hours, an amount
enough to last for thirty doses. It
Is believed that had medical aid not
come Just as it did that the man's
life could never have been saved.
room, hut more is needed. The com-
very much appreciates what has
been done so far, but Is very anxious
to have several other contributions
to swell the fund to the amount re-
quired for the completion of the work
undertaken. Any one desiring to con-
tribute will please communicate- with
Mr. H. L. Allen, superintendent of
the municipal plant.
state board of pardons today listened
to arguments on the petition recent-
presented asking for tho pardon
of Mrs. the Reading
murderess. Mrs. Edwards was con-
In 1902 of the murder of
husband. For the past twelve years
she has been confined In the
county Jail at Reading, during which
time governors have declined to
sign the warrant for her execution.
Tho reasons advanced for a pardon
are that Mrs. Edwards, who Is now
years old and the mother of five
living children, would
convicted of second degree murder
ac acquitted had she told the truth
that was by years of
brutal treatment and Ignorant; that
she has served twelve years, re-
and been sufficiently punish-;
that sentiment Is In her favor; that
If pardoned she will lead a useful
and that she Is In bad health.
France, Oct
of the French line, one of the
rescue ships at the
arrived at this port this morning
bearing forty-two survivors from the
on her forward deck. Eight
children three to twelve years old
whose parents either perished or
on board other rescue ships, two
children with their mothers,
sturdy Polish parents and
Hires members of the crew
made up the party.
Lieutenant of La
said that the women and children oil
the placed farthest
from the fire while the men formed
d line nearest the danger point. He
said that everything aboard the Vol-
appeared to be quiet and
organized control.
to come to Greenville to make
It Is believed that the position this
town will take in the standing of
North Carolina cities and towns In
the sales for the month of October
will be much nearer to the front than
was the case last month. The sales
for the week closing last Friday
helped out very materially in raising
the average and in placing the stand-
of this town much higher. It la
said by some that more than ten mil-
lion pounds have been sold here to
the present time, and it is confident-
predicted that this season's records
will go far above those for last year.
States Court for the East-
District of North Carolina Will
convene In the new federal building at
Washington on next
with Judge G. Connor, of
presiding. It is the first court to be
held in the new office building
in Washington, though at this time
there will be no formal opening
The following articles, taken from
the Washington Dally News, will bi
read with
The United States Court for the
Eastern District of North
will meet here on Tuesday of next
week with His Honor, Judge H. G.
Connor, of Wilson. N. C, presiding
This will be the first time that the
sessions of the court have been held
In the court room of the new public
building. It Is to be doubted if
North Carolina contains a similar
hall of justice more for the
purpose for which it was construct-
ed. The room is now finished and
ready for the sitting of the
There are six cases on the
docket for trail and six civil cases.
Several attorneys from afar will be
in attendance. The formal opening
of the building is scheduled
to take a later date. Ar-
are now going on for this
Railway Surgeons in Session.
lessen the number of accidents, both
t. and passengers. Is
as the chief subject for discus
at the tenth annual convention
of the American Association of Rail-
way Surgeons, which began Its
at the Hotel Sherman In this
city today. Other topics to be dis-
cussed during the three session
will be the cause and cure of car sick-
the relation of the attendant
surgeon to the evidence In personal
Injury and the role of the rail-
way Burgeon In preventing damage
It May be Later Still Before
Court of Impeachment Decides
the Fate of
ALBANY, N. Y., Oct
are that the High Court of
trying Governor
may not reach a verdict before Wed-
possibly later. Lengthy
beginning this morning
dealt with the question whether
testimony of Duncan V. Peck. Allan
and Henry U would
be considered as part of article four
of the Impeachment charges, or mere-
as corroborative evidence, and
whether the testimony should be
embodied in an amendment to tho
It was thought that
would be no vote today on the gen-
proposition of the governor's
Between the county bridge and the
railroad crossing is a place which,
with the possible exception of a
row channel, can be waded, and this
will have to be deepened to the a-
mount of six feet, and a width of more
than twenty-six yards.
The work of dredging out the bot-
tom of the river, or at least a part
cf the river's bed, Is accomplished in
a way that to many people is a new
method. The rear end of the boat
s anchored to one certain spot, while
the front Is allowed to swing
From the rear a pipe line, supported
by stretched under it, reaches
from the boat to the bank of the river.
A kind of screw or a cutter Is fasten-
ed on the front end of the boat, and
this protrudes deep into the water,
and as this end of the craft
back and forth, cuts loose the mud
underneath. This Is drawn Into the
pipe by means of a suction machine,
and is pumped over to the bank of
the stream.
Initiation of New Society Members.
On last Saturday night tho
who had applied for In the
literary societies of E. C. T. T. S.
were initiated and became members
of the or Lanier Societies.
A great deal of excitement was
manifested among the applicants for
a few days beforehand, for no one
knew to which of tho two societies
they would belong. The method of
assigning is that the Inter-society
committee with the faculty member-
ship committee shall evenly divide
students desiring admission into two
groups, these groups shall then be
drawn by lot, one for the Poe So-
the other for the Lanier. These
lists are than posted that the eager
applicants may find to which society
Fate has assigned them.
Discuss Elasticity of Credit.
of was the general top-
at the sessions of this, the con-
day of the second national
conference on currency reform. Tho
conference concludes with a banquet
at the Hotel tonight, former
Senator Nelson A. of
Island delivering the principal ad-
made to
King Louis Philippe of
of the Lincoln
at Springfield.
-President Taft reviewed n great
of American warships In
y York harbor.
Memorial Dedication.
Pa., Oct.
exercises today attended the
unveiling, in Memorial
Park near this city, of the monument
erected In honor of tho memory of
General Edward Braddock, who was
killed leading the British reg-
and the Virginia militia against
the French and Indians at Fort Du-
Prominent among who
took part In the unveiling exercises
Sir Cecil A. Spring-Rice, the
British ambassador at Washington,
and Philander C. Knox, the former
secretary of state.
Washington started
on a tour of the northern
bill passed for the -e
of and
, In Ireland.
Lanier Society.
The Initiation of its new members
into the Lanier Society took place in
the auditorium last Saturday night
The exercises were thoroughly enjoy-
ed by both old and new members
From the auditorium they were
en to the recreation hall, which was
beautifully decorated In green and
gold, the society colors, and there a
reception was given In their
by the old members. Weird ghosts
and goblins roamed the room afford-
a great deal of amusement Mus-
was furnished by different young
Later a delicious salad
was served. The departed
one seeming to have enjoyed
delightfully informal evening.
To Hirer
HANNIBAL, Mo Oct. ear-
completion of the six-foot
project between St. Louis and Min-
Is to be urged by the Upper
Mississippi River Improvement
at Its
now in session here. The
was called to order today bf
President Thomas Wilkinson.
pates representing commercial bodies
of Illinois. Iowa, Missouri,
and Wisconsin are In attendance
Indiana Librarians Meet.
MARION, Ind., Oct
Library Association opened its
annual convention here today with
a large attendance of city and college
librarians from all parts of the state.
The sessions will last three days and
will be devoted to a discussion of
library work In all its phases. L. J.
Bailey, of Gray, presided at the open-
session this afternoon.
New I Station.
WICHITA. . Oct, San-
Railroad today began the
of the new union station and yards
in this city, thus marking com-
and Informal opening of
new union station and yards
that have been built here at a
more than
The University of Pennsylvania
football eleven suffered a loss when
it was announced that Harry
veteran tackle of last years .
would not come out for the team
The record score of the college
teams for the season to is that,
made by Beloit against Kalb Nor-
at Wis. The home elev-
en points, making touch-
downs. goals from touchdowns
two goals from placement
Harry the former
guard, has developed n
and well-drilled team at Holy
this year.
Some Harvard enthusiasts arc talk
to odds that the Crimson will
beat both Yale and Princeton Hit

Eastern reflector, 10 October 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 10, 1913
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