Eastern reflector, 29 August 1913

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Brighton Casino. Atlantic City
March Dear What an
everlasting age It
ems since I left
you and Ted
standing on the
platform, waving
good-by me I
cannot believe
that this place Is
going to do me
much good when
I think how long
the weeks will
before will be
back in dear old
Gretna, but I shall
try hard to
for your
Helen Is
still, very
plain, and very
much a but I like her
Immensely, for she leaves mo so much
I am curled up In one
the bl wicker chairs at the Casino,
along, or being pushed in
those all the world
like a colony of ants moving to a
new hill,
then, dad. there's the
blue like the books always have it.
but an angry, foaming, M a.
rolling its great waves up on the
beach where they break and thunder
at our feet Tomorrow It may he
calm enough, but today It suits my
mood, and I love It.
orchestra Is playing the
dad, those days In Flor-
come back and I dream such
dear Idle dreams
will come to mo. dad
dear, for desperately lonely with-
out you. Ted can manage the ranch
tor a while.
my to Ted, and to every-
body, but keep for yourself the dear-
est of your girl,
Casino, City.
March My Own Thank
you for your good, breezy, loving let
I could almost Imagine myself
home again. The days have gone by
somehow and I shall look for you be-
fore disappoint me
only the old sorrow would
Itself deep down In the sand I might
promise to come home and
care-free again, but It won't leave me.
dad. If you knew how I've tried to
glad that I sent him away
sit hero morning after
watch the ships far out on the
horizon-line, and long to be on one of
them sailing away to
Ralph. What if he Is doing his duty,
what If I did send him away, he Is as
truly no, dad, he isn't, I'm
II wrong It Is seeing so many hap-
people that makes my loneliness
unbearable. By now he Is married
to that little girl in hope
he'll love him lots.
dear, forgive mo, I would
not pain you, you, who, are so patient
with me Soon I will be home and I
will try harder to b brave. Heaven
knows you need all the sunshine I can
give you Don't think me ungratefuL
bat love me. dad, for you're all the
world to your own girl,
Ted for me, he's the
dearest sort of a
Brighton. Atlantic City,
March Dad Some-
thing has happened After all the
dark days I am to be happy, dad, do
you hear me I was sitting
In the Casino yesterday morning with
my back turned to the crowd when I
heard a woman's voice he
Is, now, isn't he Interesting looking
I did not turn around but some one
drew a chair near mine and sat down
to read. I read a long while, until the
place was quite deserted except for
stranger who had his back to mo.
Suddenly, he throw down his book,
walked over to the window and began
to speak, evidently supposing himself
quite alone. At the first sound of Ills
I kept very still In my chair.
What will It all come I heard
him say. have done all I could,
but even for her dear sake I cannot
marry another woman. In Heaven's
name why should I It would all be
a damnable Ho from beginning to end,
there would be no peace here nor
hereafter. Ah, Jean, Jean, If I had
never looked Into your great, soulful
eyes, If my arms had never held you
close, It might have been, but now
never You said you would not marry
a man who had Idly won another
heart. meant to do
right, little girl, but you did not know
how deceitful she was, an i
I never tell
was that my purse dropped
loudly to the floor. With an angry
exclamation he stooped to pick It up
for mo. not looking at my face, but as
ho handed It to me, I held his bond
fast, and oh, dad, If you'd seen his
eyes when he looked and saw It was
II He started to take me In his arms,
but, remembering our parting, he
straightened himself up and begged
my pardon, said he supposed I knew
he had not done what I sent him to
do, and then said ho would leave. I
couldn't stand that. dad. so I Just
asked It he hadn't boon away
long can guess what his
answer was
should see Aunt Helen
She does not yet believe Ralph Is
anything more than a board-walk ac-
we such fun
with her. Won't It be glorious when
come and tell her all
by Dally Pub.
The house seemed strangely big and
empty to Edna as she sat in her
her head
burled In
hands, trying to
grasp the
of her
a young
society woman
who had Just In-
for a
There had
been no scene
or scandal. The
trouble had come
very suddenly
and quietly. Her
husband, Walter
had con-
fronted her one
evening with a
face and the
cousin, Hilly
was on
together too fa-
footing In
their household, and that she was to
bestow less time and attention upon
protested Edna,
half amused and wholly amazed,
and I have been brought up like
brother and sister, and had never
been separated until be went west a
few years ago. I couldn't get up the
least sentiment for him If I
didn't care for
you are not brother and sister,
and I tell you frankly It maddens me
to see him appropriate you as a mat-
of and I will not permit
you to drive with him as frequently
as you do.
Further argument followed, but
Walter was peremptory in reiterating
his commands. He left the city that
night on a business trip, and In his
absence made her plans quietly
and unalterably.
she said coldly on his re-
turn, think it advisable that we
separate. Not on Billy's account,
not because he is anything to me, but
because of your stand in this
you desire a he
said in a low. strange voice, shall
She was a little startled and piqued
by his ready acquiescence.
is one he said,
have overlooked. I cannot
rate d altogether from
As if I would put a
between you two. She shall come
to you as often as you
The next day he moved into apart-
and aunt came to her.
It was the time of year when nearly
every one was out of town, and the
few who came to the house supposed
Walter to be absent on one of his
business trips.
As she sat alone In her boudoir,
pondering over the estrangement, she
heard the patter of little steps in the
she lifted her head expect-
had been spending tho
For Findings In Case of Paymaster
Arms on Charges of
criticism of the naval court which
I thought I wasn't going to Theodore J. Arms
able to exclaimed Miss Finch,
peering closer into the mirror and add
a delicate touch of excitement to
her cheeks.
know, I hinted and
he explained, Paul hadn't any
ears at all My, I wouldn't have missed
it for a farm The floor's swell, ain't
it And, say, did you see the
they've got All of fifteen pieces
Must have cost them something, let
me tell
rejoined Miss as
she delved for a powder bag and began
Its careful application.
Honest, Miss Finch, I envy you
your color comes and goes at your own
good will No, when I put on my
best dress and get my hair combed my
face begins to signs of labor
and by the time I get on the floor I
look like a washerwoman Honest,
It's an awful
Miss gave her cheeks an-
other coating of the powder to cover
the offending color, and restored the
charges of was
endorsed by Secretary Daniels today
upon the findings of the court sen-
tho paymaster to a loss of
three numbers in grade for his con-
with tho commissary frauds
aboard the battleship Louisiana. The
.- said the sentence was wholly
inadequate and that he approved It
only to prevent the officer escaping
punishment entirely.
Fraudulent transactions by an en-
listed man in the commissary
mint cost tho sailors of the Louisiana
several thousand dollars. Paymaster
Arms was the commissary officer
charge. Commenting upon this Sec-
Daniels wrote upon the court's
frauds of such magnitude
could be perpetuated by an enlisted
man in the very present of the
in charge of his work without
As education la teasel; devoted to developing men. It
graduates are everywhere successful and fill positions la all
lines of work. They places of honor and dignity la church and
ably and prominently represent their state In the national
government A college supplied ample resources to provide the
best education. More than a million dollars recently added to Its en-
A wide range of course. Necessary expenses of the
moderate. No Increase In within twenty-five
For and illustrated booklet address
Secretary to the Corporation, Durham, S. C.
bag to its place. Then she unwrapped arousing the latter's suspicions.
her slippers.
know, some girls think they
can't come to a dance unless they have
a carriage; but I'm not so stuck up
yet awhile Now, here my slippers
will look just as good as If I'd walked
on a red carpet to an automobile from
my own house and from the
bile In here, don't they, now
i.-- difficult to comprehend, and is
evidence that the commissary
officer managed to keep himself
uninformed of the work of his
Of tho members of tho court who
recommended clemency the Secretary
have placed themselves
Location Equipment
of successful experience. Special of the health of
students. An In each dormitory to
conditions of boys under hi care. Excellent library and
gymnasium facilities. Large athletic fields. Fall term opens
Miss put up a languid foot on record as In favor of condoning an
and motioned to the maid to assist her. offense which anyone having the real
saw that girl that Just went merest of the service at heart must
went on Miss as for punish-
what do you suppose I heard her say
I wasn't listening, but talked for
the benefit of us all, as anyone could
tell, so I Just took It In. She said that
hair was all hers She said she Just
ran a comb through It In the morning
and the curls fell that way As if you
couldn't see a away that she
bought it by the yard Isn't it funny
how some people will think they can
put one over But I should worry
ifs not as If we should scorn
to buy it by tho yard re-
marked Miss Finch, pinning a rose large companies are now
Into a cluster of curls before applying ltd
the whole to her coiffure. .
I like retorted Miss
got on is my own Host Medicine in the World
and I'm not afraid to take it little girl had dysentery very
Miss Finch changed the subject had. I thought she would die.
hastily. didn't say anything about Colic. Cholera and
cured her, and I can truthful-
say that I think it Is the best med-
in the Mrs.
Orris, Clare, Mich. For sale by
all druggists.
WAR It X. C.
First College School For And
Strong and experienced Faculty. This school furnished the
leader of the freshman class last year at Davidson College
at the University. Boarders tinder the Immediate supervision of
the Principal. JOHN GRAHAM.
The opening sales were larger than
most of us looked for. The market
Mild about 150.000 pounds of which
cur house sold 48.000. Our average
being fourteen cents. We look for
a good steady market from now on.
as all bosses have
been on the market and all of the
on buying.
day with her father.
exclaimed the little
girl, excitedly. had such a lovely
time. We all went on the river In a
went with asked Edna,
and his
new friend,
she said, angrily,
ever mention that Jessie's name to me
was lovely to me I like
So the Intriguing Jessie was winning
her child's affections as well as her
husband's. She decided that she would
not allow the child to go to her father
again. She spent a miserable night
When the summons came for Lillian
the next morning, Edna, who
loved her child passionately, had not
the heart to refuse Lillian's pleading.
Towards dusk as she was beginning
to be anxious at Lillian's prolonged
absence, Doctor Brandon, an old
friend, was
she cried, delighted-
didn't know you had returned.
came home a few days ago and
have been trying to call, but have
been prevented. Are you quite
yes, well. I want you to
until Lillian comes. She has
came to tell you about Lillian. I
have Just father's.
She Is slightly don't be
alarmed. It's a very slight disorder,
but tho weather has changed so sud-
I thought it prudent for her to
remain for a day or two. She
wants fact, won't stay tonight
without you. May I take you back
with me My carriage Is
she exclaimed,
you first name
ho replied In surprise.
were you up the river with
Walter and Lillian
the child asked me what my
was, and I told her and
she proceeded to call me that to my .
delight and her father's
He wondered at the radiant face up-
lifted. As they Into Walter's
apartments she heard a
said, yearningly,
know, now, how you felt about
he said when she was re-
leased from his embrace, you
stop those awful
I never began them I
by Pub.
Black Eagle, the best plug of
Sun Cured tobacco, I have It D. W.
For Weakness Loss of Appetite
The Old Standard l tonic,
T TONIC drives out
Malaria an I nit system.
S Saved Girl's Life
want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re-
jg from the use of writes
Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky.
certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds,
J liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe
saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles,
S they went in on her, but one good dose of
made them break out, and she has had no
more trouble. I shall never be without
in my For constipation, indigestion, headache,
malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar L
ailments, has proved itself a safe,
reliable, gentle and valuable remedy.
If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black-
It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five
years of splendid success proves its value. Good for ff
young and old. For sale everywhere. Price cents.
Worth If f Worth a
my she remarked. got It at
a sale. It's worth If it's worth a
cent, and I'd be ashamed to say what
I got It for, Just because they had to
make room for summer goods, they
She gazed at her reflection In
the mirror appreciatively. know,
I was afraid I'd be conspicuous hero
in it, but I guess It's going to be some
dance, and I'll be glad I wore It It's
too bad you
had this made specially for this
Interrupted Miss
with dignity. fussy things are
all why they sell them so
the whole thing now Is
the plain with good lines. I was
afraid it wouldn't done for tonight,
and I'd have to wear one of those bead-
ed things like yours that I had last
winter, but a woman who was going
abroad decided to wait a while longer,
so the dressmaker was able to finish
Miss drew up her
skirts and stood before the mirror In
pleased scrutiny.
think we'd better get a move on
us If want the first hear
the music, and tho
suggested Miss Finch.
do them good to
appreciate us all the more when we
get replied the sophisticated
Miss giving a parting touch
to her complexion the mirror.
sure Is my feel that I
am going to enjoy myself tonight. I
always can tell
goodness Maybe they'll ask
some one for the dance. Come
on Let's Dally News.
and FARM
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
You can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our. Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers.
All Gone.
dear sir. yon must give
your wife some change.
heavens, doctor,
how can I do that when she goes
through my pocket regularly every
Is the Mont the Healthful, the Most of tn.-
Frank's Execution Fixed Taken From
Oct. But Will
Huerta Government Request Cause
The Delay
Hospital and Lynched
Defers Outlining Views and Policy of
the Administration to Joint
of Congress Until
This Afternoon.
today an official explanation of John
departure from Mexico City to
Vera Cruz was advanced. It was that
Mr. Lind left Mexico City on his re-
turn to the United States after he
had made his
to Huerta, with the understand-
that he could return to
City if the developments warranted.
hour developments in the Mexican
situation today postponed delivery of
President Wilson's special message to
congress until Wednesday and
that the government of
President Huerta after all might
withdraw or modify its rejection of
the proposals of the United States.
At the request of Senor
Mexican minister of foreign affairs,
which was based upon supplementary
suggestions by John Lind, adviser to
the United States embassy in
co City, President Wilson consented
to postpone his address to congress
until o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
It was officially stated in that con-
that in no case would the
United States withdraw from the bas-
principles of Its position paramount
among which is a consistent refusal
to recognize Huerta.
Official announcement was made of
the four original proposals by the
United States presented to Huerta
by Mr. Lind.
Cessation of hostilities in the rev-
and a definite
An early and free election for Pres-
Huerta to bind himself not to be
a candidate.
Agreement by all parties to abide
by the results of the election.
Upon these proposals the Huerta
government at the last moment asked
further time for and
upon certain supplementary
by Mr. Lind, the nature of which
l. not being divulged here, the request
for a postponement was made.
White House officials positively
stated that Mr. Lind had not been re-
called from Mexico City and added
that if he had left for Vera Cruz it
would be for only a short visit. He is
expected to return to Mexico City to
continue the negotiations.
Preparations at the capitol hurried-
made for a Joint session of the
house and senate were called off.
President Wilson's message, a
of about words, was lock-
ed up In the White House vaults await
the next developments.
It is generally understood that the
message is very kind toned toward
Mexico, the United States
government's position, expresses gen-
friendship for the Mexican
and the reasons for In-
upon elections and the
of Huerta.
The expression of the American pol-
icy follows a Ions and unusual effort
to the de facto authorities In
Mexico City to suspend hostilities, con-
a constitutional and to
secure freedom of choice by
the present
ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. Leo M.
Frank was today sentenced to the gal-
lows for the murder of Mary
Judge Roan fixing October as the
date for the execution. Attorneys for
the convicted factory superintendent
at once entered a motion for a new
trial, and October was announced
as the date for this hearing. This
renders it certain that Prank will not
be hanged October since, even if
motion should be overruled, It
would require considerable time for
the to go through tho higher
courts. After sentencing Frank, the
court ordered that Newt Lee,
night watchman of the where
Frank was superintendent be set at
Liberty. Lee has been In custody
since April.
His Negro Accomplice.
James Conley, the who con-
fessed to having aided Frank dispose
of Mary body, still is in Jail
It is expected that upon his indictment
as an accessory he will enter a plea of
guilty and be given a term of less than
three years in the penitentiary.
ever Batted an Eye.
When Frank was brought Into
today to hear his sentence
he reaffirmed to the Judge his protest-
of Innocence. He heard his
sentence without displaying the least
emotion. Only a few persons were
present. Frank's wife was hurrying
to the court room but did not arrive
until after the prisoner was being
taken back to the She followed
him to his cell, where she threw
arms about him and kissed him re-
Attorneys for Frank, in their mo-
for a new trail, set forth that the
verdict was contrary to the law; and
that the court, after overruling mo-
of the defense, allowed certain
testimony which was relative to other
crimes not mentioned in the bill of In-
It is supposed that the lat-
claim refers to evidence of Frank's
moral degeneracy.
Charlie Ross, Thirty-Nine
Year Ago, Located, It Is Reported
CLEVELAND, Aug. rumor
that Charlie Ross, years
ago from his home in Germantown Pa.
has been bobbed up hero to-
According to the police, have
been notified by Chief of Police
of N. J., that he has re-
a communication from Cleve-
land, signed by Charles Brewster Ross,
who says he believes he is tho missing
man. An attempt is being made to es
his Identity.
Charlie Ross in 1874
by a man In a buggy. A ransom of
was demanded for his release.
Delta Tan Delta Reunion.
graduates and undergraduates
from all parts of the country as-
at the Hotel in this
city today for the opening of the
forty-second national convention of
the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. The
society is one of the most prominent
of Its kind in America. Organized at
Bethany Collate, West Virginia In
1859, It now has active chapters
and a total membership exceeding
The present reunion will
close Saturday night with a banquet
at which the speakers will Include
Congressman William P. of
Missouri, Attorney General James M.
Swift, of Massachusetts, and several
other men of prominence.
Louisiana launched
at Newport New.
Charlotte Aldermen Offer Reward
For Arrest of Lynchers
Governor Announced His Intention of
Vigorously Prosecuting
of the
Each, Reward.
Locke Craig, who arrived here this
afternoon from Raleigh, tonight an-
his Intention of vigorously
prosecuting the thirty-five members
of the mob which lynched the
assailant of Policeman Wilson at
this morning.
persons who committed tills
said the governor, be
prosecuted and punished to the limit.
All good citizens will do their part to
avenge this outrage against the law
which was trampled down by a band
of criminals in the darkness. The
accused was in legal custody and
would have been done In order
by the court. There was not the
excuse for the deed of the
mob. commend to all officers of
the state the courageous example of
the sheriff of county,
S. who last week held his prisoner
against great odds and asserted the
majesty of constitutional authority.
The officials of Charlotte are awake to
the situation and will not rest until
the members of this lawless mob are
brought to Justice. Judge Shaw Is
holding court at Charlotte and can
relied upon to meet the
scene to a
scene to arrest him. he shot Wilson
from the motorcycle he was riding
Wilson In turn shot the and
this accounts for his being in the hos-
instead of prison. Wilson Is
in a precarious condition, but unless
complications set in it is believed he
will recover.
. Carter Makes Interesting
Address on Mosquito
Grand Jury After Lynchers.
mob which lynched Joe
last an inopportune time
for such an for i grand
in and urged to Its
Judge J. Shaw, whose
towards lynching is too well
to need comment, something is ex-
to because the person
of the is not believed to be
of sou that can maintain the
A coroner's Jury found that the
came to his death at the hands
a mob and Mayor Bland has offered
reward for the arrest and com-
of any person engaged in the
The presumption
something will come of tho
is not so much on the
of the reward as the fact that
the lynching was not as much of a
secret as first reports would lead one
to suppose.
deceased, came to his death
by pistol shot wounds In the hands
of a bog unknown to the was
the verdict given this afternoon by
tho coroner's Jury at the inquest held
over tho body of Joe who
met death an an early hour this morn-
at tho hands of a mob composed
of some thirty-five persons.
The was taken from the col-
hospital at o'clock this
morning, dragged into the street and
his body riddled with bullets. He
lived, however, after being carried
to the police station until o'clock.
The members of tho mob wore
masks and none, of them, it is said,
by officers were guarding
the could identified.
At a special of the board of
aldermen today a reward was offered
by the city of of for
each and every member of the mob.
Superior court is in session here,
and Judge Shaw from the bench this
morning delivered a caustic charge
to the grand Jury instructing them to
use every means within their power
to out the parties composing
the mob. Solicitor Wilson has taken
charge of the case and is conducting
a sweeping Investigation.
A ban been placed on the sale
fire arms and ammunitions to any
person. Some talk has been
ed in today by the hut it is
not believed that they will attempt
any retaliation. A of special
officers are on duty and It believed
that the police department has the
situation well in hand and that a
clash between the races will be
The crime for which for-
his life, was the shooting of
Policeman Wilson on the of
city last Friday.
to be drunk on cocaine, was
cooling his pistol on the and
when the officer appeared on the
Officers Were Too Slow.
It now that the sheriff of
tho county was warned last night
about o'clock and again a few min-
later. Investigating early In the
night, Sheriff Wallace saw nothing
suspicious, but again, about o'clock
he was told that there was going to
be trouble at the Good Samaritan
But the time he had got
to the scene the lynching was over.
The police department did not
peal to the sheriff and he does not
consider himself responsible for the
Still, the fact that reports were cur-
rent before the lynching leads many
to believe that these can be traced.
Judge Shaw Says a Sheriff is Needed.
are you going to do about
the horrible Judge Shaw
the grand Jury this morning.
will tell you what your county
needs and what It needed this morn-
It needed a sheriff like the one
in South Carolina who had the
age to stand up and do his duty. We
arc told that two policemen leveled
pistols on the mob that wrought
death to a in a hospital, but
two big pistols in the hands of men
who were not diligent to their duty
were as harmless as n toy pistol In
the hands of a child.
Hob Dispersed.
Apropos of the offered to
the mob, the policemen testified that
they heard tho mob outside. They
were directly over the door through
which the mob ruBbed. The stairs
are winding and rather narrow.
Many conjectures have been made
as what would have happened
had the mob been met at the head of
tho by a couple of
backed by determined men. So far
no one has been heard to say that be
thought the crowd were particularly
brave, since as soon as they dragged
the out and him they fled
In all directions not even waiting to
see if they had put an end to their
The city has been deeply
today by the pitiless daylight that
suggests that tho killing of a wound-
ed who had absolutely no
chance of escape, was not exactly an
honor to the citizenship of a county
that prides Itself upon respect for
law a- j order.
Dr. H. C. Carter made a most In-
address in the court house
Tuesday night on the mosquito. H
described the varieties and customs of
these troublesome insects, and urged
tho importance of extermination by
destroying or removing their breed-
places. Dr. Carter said it is not
the dirty mud bole that develops the
dangerous type of mosquito, but main-
such receptacles as will hold
that are thrown carelessly around
the premises. The mosquito does not
take malaria from and
carry it to the person, but he spreads
by biting a person already
infected and then going and biting
a well person, thus carrying disease
from one to another.
It is important to remove the
breeding places of mosquitoes, and
equally Important to screen them out
of the home.
The instruction Dr. Carter is
along this line is very helpful.
Aug. 01-
Cox has returned from Farm-
where she has been visiting Miss
Helen Smith.
Mr. William Bagwell was here Mon-
day night.
Fresh butter, cheese and crackers
at Cox and House.
R. W, Dall Is remodeling his store
and preparing to carry a larger stock.
Rye seed at Harrington, Barber and
Mrs. F. A. of Green-
ville is in town this week.
Dry goods, notions and slippers, go-
at cost. Cox and House.
Miss Clara Braxton has taken a
with A. W. Ange and Company.
The of the Baptist church
elected their officers for the fall and
spring last Sunday.
For mowing machines and repairs
see Harrington, Barber and Company.
Chief of Police C. Smith went
to Greenville yesterday.
Miss Minnie Mao and
sister are visiting friends here this
For the best flour go to Barring
ton, Barber and Company.
Mr. Brown, of Greenville, was here
Monday afternoon.
A. G. Col Manufacturing Company
have rearranged their machinery and
added another engine and boiler.
They say they have to keep pace with
their business.
Misses Cora Carroll and Maggie
Hudson, from the country, are visit
friends and relatives here.
The Y. M. C. A. held the first meet-
this term last Saturday evening
The service was conducted by Pres-
S. D. Prof. J. R. Car-
roll and Mr. R. C. Causey made very
Interesting talks. After the service
watermelon was served which was
enjoyed by all.
Mr. J. E. Greene has returned after
being gone several days on his
Mr. J. D. Cox went to Greenville
Rev. M. P. Davis, of Durham, came
in last night to place his daughter
in school here.
Mamie House, who has been
visiting Miss Lee Spier, bas
returned to her home at Stokes.
Go to Harrington and Barber for
sacks and
See A V. Ange and Company for
lime, cement, galvanized roofing,
pumps, pipes, mill supplies, flash
lights, guns, rifles, pistols
A W. Ange and Co.
Meet in Christian Church
Friday Night
About Twenty Churches Will be Rep.
resented. Local Choir Hag Ar-
ranged Special
The district meeting of Hook-
Union will convene in the
Christian church in Greenville Friday
night and continue through Sunday.
There are about twenty churches in
the district and a large attendance
is expected at the sessions of the
union. The choir of the local church
has arranged a special program of
music for each day.
The program of the union is as
P. Smith.
H. Set-
Address of J.
to Address of
R. Tingle.
of Union
of committee and
T- aching concern-
Open by Hay-
Sunday School Of-
opened by B. P
De is-
opened by E. I. Barham.
opened by John II.
of W. B. U.
G. H. Fern.
To lie Sentenced For
SAN JOSE, Cal., Aug.
Walter Thomas of Redwood City, re-
pleaded guilty to a charge f
maliciously destroying the property
cf of Pacific Gas and Electric
Company, Is arraigned In court
row for sentence, a effort will
he made to him released on pro-
Thomas was a lineman em-
ployed by the gas and electric com-
and was among those who went
out on a general some time
ago. During the ho was
rested by Pinkerton men on a charge
of having dynamited some of the com-
power He pleaded
to the charge.
Curing Tobacco With Coal.
We heard Mr. H. L Coward
he had been curing tobacco with coal
Instead of wood, and found it both
successful and economical.
Dr. Hyatt Coming.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will at Praetor
Hotel Monday, September 1st, to treat
diseases of the eve and It
monument to soldiers of
tho Confederacy unveiled at
Griffin, Ga.

Drunken Man tills His Wife's
Mother in Edgecombe
WILSON, Aug A bloody
was enacted Sunday morning be-
tween two and three o'clock, one mile
cut from just across the
Wilson county line in
victim being Mrs. Bryant W. Vick,
who was shot to death by her eon-in-
law. Mr. Jones.
The following alleged particulars
up to the were given
by Mr. Ollie Slater, husband of one
laughters of Hie
Saturday evening Red Jones and
Mr. Vick had in there possession a
gallon of whiskey and drank until
tiny in a war of words and Jones
thread n d the old man, vowing
i.- would so oft and a gun and
come back and kill He went off
and remained away about three noun;
In the meantime his wife had retired
in one room while Mr. and Mrs. Vick
occupied another with their children.
Hi- Dunn
to and o'clock
Jones returned with a double-barrel
tun secured Mr. Thad Lancaster.
He broke down the front door which
awakened the sleepers. His wife beg-
ed him to go to bed and behave
If. H.- her down and
go in and kill the old man and
then con back and finish She
ran out of doors and into the woods.
Jones then went to the door where his
were and Mrs. Vick got
up and attempted to bar the door,
v.-hen he pulled the trigger of his gun-
the whole load going through a pan-
of the door, lodged in her left side,
killing her almost instantly . Every
one left the house and took to the
lie Scene Alter
Between III and seven o'clock Sun-
day morning he was walking up and
down the road In front of his home
with one of his children in arms
and the gun on his shoulder. Seeing
officers from Rocky Mount approach-
he hid the gun in a dump of
bushes. He was arrested and taken
in Rock; Mount and in the afternoon
was turned over the Deputy Sheriff
who took him Tarboro.
The remains of deceased
1.1 th home of her daughter Mrs.
Slater in Rocky Mount, to be prepared
for burial, after which she was
her later home near Wilson, and
ill- afternoon the interment was
rood cemetery,
work, instead of taking matters in-
to her own hands and seeing how
easily and cheerfully she can do H
herself. No, I take back that last
sentence. I was too hasty in my
I judgment The lack may not be In
the woman herself, but in the in-
and W
X. Hull, The Progressive Farmer.
a pair. MORRILL,
Jr., Falkland. N. C.
S d-w law
Billingsgate, Once Unfavorably Known
for Bad Language, Given Clean
Bill of Health.
Is synonymous for
language that Is not exactly of the
type that Is heard In polite society.
Billingsgate Itself the name of the
famous fish market In heart of
London, England, the biggest fish mar-
In the world, and Billingsgate
is language full of uncouth ex-
and strange oaths such as
are supposed to be used by fish haw-
However, according to the pres-
lord mayor of London, Sir David
Burnett, Billingsgate as a name for
wild expressions, promises to become
a misnomer. Recently he paid a
prise visit to this market within his
Jurisdiction, and like Haroun Al
of old. he went in disguise; that
is to say ho did not go In his mayoral
robes, but wore a hat, so that
he should not be recognized.
During the whole time he was there
he testifies that he never heard a pro-
word. Everywhere, too, when fish
porters came running along with loads
that might have damaged his clothes
they gave the warning cry your
leave, His lordship came to the
conclusion that the good temper dis-
played In the carrying out of their
arduous labor would have been a
it to any body of men.
Maryland Casualty Company
Leads Others Follow
Premiums received by various Casualty Companies In North
Carolina for year ending December 31st, 1912, as shown by State
Insurance Commissioners
Fidelity and Casualty . 67.730.29
Life. 62,368.69
Travelers. 60,817.84
U. S. Fidelity and 85,974.61
Fidelity and Deposit. 29,940.88
Indemnity . 26,299.27
General Accident. 21,294.74
Liability . 16,419.60
Ocean Accident . 13,533.71
New England Casualty. 12,787.63
Royal Indemnity . 10,178.82
Mass. Bonding Company . 8,440.41
C. S. Casualty . 6,873.13
Southwestern Surety. 4,047.12
Casualty Company maintaining claim de-
in North Carolina. . ;.
Male be Housekeeper Work Easy.
. . II
Is to I -ml home-maker.
b . runs a continual race from
to the cook-stove, and
back again has no time, strength, nor
thought for culture, companionship,
nor for motherhood in its most beau-
sense. Neither has she time
Install without which her
work must necessarily he one end-
less clutter; nor the tact and time to
educate her husband in helping her
to help herself. She must have his
Water should be In the house If
possible, at least near, either In the
well or pipes. So also should the
smokehouse and
garden be near. There should
be as few steps as possible and those
broad and easy of ascent.
The kitchen is the most Important
room of the house. Is it not so
Have you not been In many houses
in which the parlor showed great
of expense and care, but where
kitchen showed evidences of
neither money nor thought In
these Homes It Is a mat-
of surprise to the parents that
the girl would rather be clerk or
stenographer or teacher, or anything
other than the assistant cook to stay
at home and work in that kitchen
from which every instinct of beauty,
brightness and refinement bids her
revolt There Is something
v. the girl who is willing to stay
In such a kitchen and be contented,
also there is something lacking in
the woman who is content to wait
and wait, hoping a however
shiftless, will turn up soon to do her
Proof That Moore Was Right When
He Indulged In Over
A little girl In Is Just about
old enough to have a beau, and she la
perfectly crazy about any
green-hatted, bare-necked, tall,
lad let us tell our
little incident without adding
The lovely boy friend went
out of town for a week, but he wrote
letters. And the maiden's sister
started kidding.
exclaimed sis let-
from Rob When do you expect
to marry him,
very cried the little
one, encouraged by a display of
sympathy. baa only two
years more In the preparatory school.
And then he will go to Harvard and
be graduated with the highest honors.
After he gets his degree he will go
out west and make his fortune, and
then we shall he married, oh. all
seems so
on, exclaimed the old-
sister, tenderly. you want to
go to another picture show with me
this evening There's a long time to
wait, and we've got to put the time
Plain Dealer.
Attorney at Law
Land and Damage cases a specialty.
N. C.
J. IT.
Building, back of
Shoe Co.
Eczema Try
Has Cured Worst Cases And Ton Can
Prove It For Only Si Cents
Yes, try That's all you
need to do to get rid of the worst
case of You take no
It is no experiment. Is
guaranteed to stop Itching,
rash, raw, bleeding eczema, make a
pimpled face smooth and clean.
mo Is a wonder and the minute
plied it sinks in, vanishes, leaves no
evidence, doesn't stick, no grease.
Just a pure, clean, wonderful liquid
and It cures. This is guaranteed.
is put up by the E. W. Rose
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo and
by all druggists at for the large bot
tie and at cents for the liberal size
trial bottle. Try one cent
and be convinced.
Unheard of Values
Await You Here
Avail yourself with this ex-
opportunity to fit
yourself out at the least price
Every BARGAIN and
every Bargain means money
saved to you.
and compare them with all
A. K. Hat em
Application will be made to the
called session of the General As-
of North Carolina for
to hold an election for the
pose of Issuing bonds in the town of
the proceeds from the
sale of said bonds to be used
the Improvement of the Electric Light
plant and streets of town.
This August 1913.
R. C. Mayor.
J. C. Lanier
It in -w
Into N. Stables
Corner 2nd Evans
Transfer Men
Baggage and Express
Phone No. Night or Day
Meets all Trams
Let us show the effects, the latest ideas la furniture for
every room In the be surprised at the tonnes of
our prices.
all i aH ft ft
List Your Farm and City Property
For Sale With
Standard Realty Co.,
Office at present In Edwards with Atlantic Coast Realty
Co. Permanent offices In Greenville Hanking and Trust new
building when completed
I H. I
I Still
I The Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
I of I
I New York. I
and always guaranteed. Stag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
Ranges. King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
Atlas Cement O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
East Teachers Training School
A Stats to train teachers for the public
of Carolina, Every energy is directed
this on purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to
teach Fall term begins i. 1313. Far
and information,
ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President,
Coward Drug Co.
the But
bud In
or to an.
Full Urn
Kodak Supplies
P. C Harding Chas. C. Pierce
Practicing la all the Courts
Office In Building on Third
street, fronting Court Home
Minister Praises Tali Laxative
Rev. H. of Allison, la.,
In Dr. King's New Lite Pills
for constipation, King's
Life Pills are such perfect pills
no home should be without
No better regulator for the liver and
bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try
them. Price at all druggists.
I. Moor. W. H.
Attorney, at Law
North Carolina.
Parker's Photo Studio is now over
store. AH
cordially Invited to call and see
We have installed a machine
making pictures by night, therefore
will be open both day and night to
serve you. Thanking all for past
day and
Entrance at Bear.
FRANK WILSON, the king clothier
Is now in Northern Markets for FALL purchases in MEN'S WEAR. Wait for
his return before
Attention TOBACCO Farmers
If you want the high-
est average for your
tobacco, sell it at THE STAR.
Did you ever see a real sorry break
of tobacco at THE STAR It always
looks bright. It always sells.
The STAR is the best ware-
house ever built for the sale of leaf
A good light and a
good warehouseman
guarantees the highest prices.
We have the light The best
light, and we know how to sell it.
Watch us, and see if we
O. L Joyner.
B. B. Sugg.
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by William W.
and wife Humphrey, to J. L.
Hill on the 6th day of December, 1912,
mortgage was recorded in
office of Register of Deeds of Pitt
County in Book E page the
will sell for cash before the
Court House Door In Greenville at
auction on Monday, August 18th,
1913, the following described lot or
parcel of land, situated in the town of
Greenville, County of Pitt and State of
North Carolina, and described as fol-
lows, Lot In said Town
lying on West side of Green Street be-
tween First St. and Tar River- Be-
ginning at the S. E. Corner on Green
St and running West about
to Julia Button's land, thence along
Julia Button's line about feet to
Martha line; thence East
along Martha Langley's line feet to
Green St. thence along Green St. about
feet to the beginning. Being the
lot devised to said William W. Hum-
in the last will and testament
of P.
Said land sold to satisfy said
This July 17th, 1913.
J. L. Hill.
P. G. James and Son,
By of a decree of the
Court of Pitt County made in
Proceeding No. 1825, entitled
P. et -vs- Anna Moore
ct the undersigned Commission-
will sell for cash before the Court
Door in Greenville on Monday,
Sept. 1st, 1913, the following
ed piece of parcel of land, situated In
county of Pitt and in
Township, lying on Hen-Coop Swamp,
at a black-gum In Hen-
Coop Swamp, Aaron
corner, and runs with his line
West poles to a S. J.
corner, thence South
West poles to a black-gum. Rog-
thence North East poles to n
pine, East poles to a corner,
North poles to a stake,
thence North East to a,
pine, North West poles to a J
Having qualified as administrator
of Jesse P. deceased,
of county. North Carolina, this
is to certify all persons having claims
against the of tho said
ed to exhibit them to the undersign-
ed within twelve months from this
date, or this notice will be pleaded
in bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said es-
will please payment to tho
undersigned or to Nannie E.
widow to whom bis was
conveyed prior to his death.
This July 25th, 1913.
J. P. JR.,
P. O. JAMES and Son,
Having qualified as administrator
of tho estate of S. E. de-
ceased, late of Pitt county. North
Carolina, this is to all persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased to exhibit them to the
undersigned on or before the 19th
day of August, 1914, or thin notice
will pleased in bar of their re-
All persons indebted to said
estate, will please make immediate
This 19th day of August, 1913.
R. R.
of S. E.
Work on Government
Building will Begin
About September
Saturday Rook Party.
Estelle Paschall delightfully enter-
the guests of Mrs. John
party Saturday morn-
There were several tables of
rook. Mr. Wilson, of Green-
ville, having the highest score, was
presented with a beautiful deck of
cards. Delicious refreshments were
served by Misses Thompson and
Helen Paschall.
Tho guests were Sadie Ches-
son, of Plymouth; Lillian Carr, of
Greenville Warren, of Green-
ville; Beulah Martin, of Eureka; An-
Pierce, of Warsaw; Mr. and Mrs.
John Mr. Rubin Bagley,
Carl Wilson, of Greenville;
Wilson, of Greenville; Frank Wilson,
of Greenville; Mr. Warren, of Green-
ville; Dr. Hugh Yelverton, of
ton; Mr. Robert
News and Observer.
thence 1-2 East polos to a corner
en tho run of Hen-Coop Swamp, then-
up said Swamp to tho beginning,
containing acres more or loss.
This the 28th day of July, 1913.
J. B. James.
Raleigh, N. C.
Greatly Reduced Bates
From Round Trip
. 3.20
Simpson . 3.00
Stantonsburg. 2.05
Hates in same proportion from all
Intermediate stations.
sold for nil regular trains
August 24-29 Inclusive. Good to
until August 31st.
Ask any agent for particulars.
H. S.
General Passenger Agent.
The North
I. Pres. Greensboro, N.
Maintained by the State for the
en of North Carolina. Five regular
Courses leading to degrees. Special
Courses for teachers. Free tuition
to those who agree to become teach-
in the state. Fall session begins
September 17th, 1913. For
and other information, address
Will be Pushed to Completion as
The Old Standard, General Tonic. Drives out Malaria,
Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Superior court, August term,
Delia Nobles vs Richard Nobles.
The defendant, Richard Nobles, In
the above entitled cause, will take
notice that an action entitled as above,
has been instituted in the superior
court of county by Delia No-
as plaintiff vs Nobles
as defendant, for the purpose of dis-
solving the bonds of matrimony ex-
between the plaintiff and the
defendant and the said Richard No-
will further take notice that he
required to appear before the
of tho Superior court at a court to
be held for the county of Pitt, at the
court house in Greenville, Pitt
on the 2nd Monday before the
1st Monday of September, It being tho
18th day of August, 1913, and answer
the complaint In this cause which has
this day been deposited and filed in
the office of the clerk of the superior
court of said county, within the first
three days of said term; and let the
said defendant take notice that If he
fall to answer the complaint within
the time required by law, the plain-
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in the complaint.
This the 7th day of July. 1913.
Clerk Superior Court. Pitt County
ltd Sew
Dr. William E.
gives In marriage his daughter
Dr. Robert L. Carr
on Wednesday, September the third
thousand, hundred, thirteen
at twelve
of Mrs. R. A. Pugh
At Homo
after September tho tenth,
Greenville, North Carolina
ROUEN, France, Aug.
French aviator, M. and a
passenger, M. killed
today by the collapse of their hydro-
was one of the
nine competitors In the
plane race which started from Le
near this morning for
a seaport In the north of
France. He reached Rouen third and
was flying at a height of feet
as ho approached tho town.
Tho other contestants were com-
to abandon the race. Charles
T. the American who was
among them, Rouen
on account of motor trouble.
For all form, of
Bout, Neural-
Troubles, Catarrh aid
Give. Quick Relief
He Is Well Pleased With the Sits
and it Mill Make Hand-
some Appearance
Mr. W. J. Brent, of the W. J.
Construction Company, Norfolk, who
has tho contract with the government
for the construction of the
building In Greenville, was hero
day looking after or-
f. work.
Mr ad Postmaster Ii. J.
hi will to be-
gin work about the middle of
and will push tho building to
completion as rapidly as He
was pleased with the site to be
by the building and said it
will a handsome appearance
there. This early beginning of work
on tho building Is truly
gratifying to tho people of Greenville
and they will look forward eagerly
to tho completion and occupancy of
tho building.
Tho Brent Construction Company
erected a largo number of post-
office buildings for tho government,
and their work always speaks for
Itself. There Is every of
a handsome and well constructed
building In Greenville.
In making the excavation for the
foundation and of tho build-
a considerable quantity of dirt
will removed and persons who
would to arrange to get this
dirt for the hauling can do so by
their names with the postmaster.
Tho town advantage of
this opportunity to get a quantity of
rood clay for improving the streets.
Mill IN
is a combination of QUININE and IRON in a tasteless form that wonder-
fully strengthens and fortifies the system to withstand the depressing effect of
the hot summer. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC has no equal for Malaria,
Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and
vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness with-
out purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to
action and purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete
Strengthener. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. cents.
An Institution of education intensely devoted to developing men. Its
graduates are everywhere successful and till Important positions In all
lines of work. They occupy places of honor and dignity In church and
state, and ably and prominently represent their state In the national
government A college supplied with ample resources to provide th.
best education. More a million dollars recently added to Its en-
wide range of courses. Necessary expenses of the
moderate. No Increase In within twenty-live years.
For and Illustrated booklet address
Secretary to the Corporation, Durham, N. C.
Location Equipment
of successful experience. Special care of the health of
student. An Instructor In each dormitory to supervise
conditions of boys under hi- Excellent library and
gymnasium facilities. Large athletic fields. Fall term opens
It stops the and pains, re-
Joints and
almost Ilka
the excess acid and la
safe and In Its result. No
other like it. Sample
free on request.
One Dollar per bottle, or sent
. paid upon of If not
obtainable In locality.
IN Lake
Mich., Aug.
of tho
Association and tho United States
Military Telegraph Corps began a
Joint reunion in Detroit
today. of tho two
from several hundred cities
throughput tho country arc In
Tho concluding sessions of tho re-
union to held Thursday at
Mt. Clemens. It Is expected Tho-
mas A. famous inventor
and one of the charter members of the
sent It tho railway depot at
Mt. Clemens that Mr. Edison began
career as a telegrapher, and It to
planned to have him send a
to President Wilson from tho same
instrument that ho used years ago
when lo was learning the business.
N. C.
First Class College School For Boys And Girls
Strong and experienced Faculty. This school furnished the
leader of the freshman class last year at Davidson College and
at tho University. Boarders under tho immediate supervision of
tho Principal. JOHN
to Organize.
Mich., Aug.
national convention of
of America is to meet at tho
In this city tomorrow for a
session of two days. Steps will be
taken the meeting to form a
similar to the
Society of England.
And For Three Summers Mrs. Vin-
cent Was Unable to Attend to
Any of Her Housework.
Pleasant Hill, N. suffered let
three writes Mrs. Walter
Vincent, of this town, the third and
last time, was my worst.
I had dreadful nervous headaches and
prostration, and was scarcely able to
walk about. Could not do any of my
also had pains in my back
and sides and i one of those weak,
sinking spells would come on me, I
would have lo give up and lie down,
until it wore off.
I was certainly In dreadful stale of
health, when I finally decided to try
the woman's Ionic, and I firmly
believe I would have died if I hadn't
taken it.
After I began taking was
greatly helped, and all three bottles re-
me entirely.
fattened up, and grew so much
stronger in three months, I felt like an.
other person
is purely vegetable and gentle,
acting. Its ingredients have a mild, topic
on the womanly constitution. i
makes for increased strength,
improves the appetite, tones up the
system, and helps to make pale,
sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy.
has helped more than a million
weak women, during the past years.
It will surely do for you, what it has
done for them. Try today.
Co. I. i Ad.
M Special
mi 64-pal book.
la J-f
i m n

Published by
m lie.
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor.
of some shrewd lawyers to keep
man from the gallows.
of warfare against Republicanism Is
Inconceivable. There is no justice In
Ma . .
Congressman John H. Small has
arranged for the holding of an all
At the time of the trial there farmers meeting in and President Wilson and this
j . . j . a j . Democratic congress do not find a
sympathy tor Thaw, and next at which addresses . . .
way to rev those who placed them
many people wanted to Gee him a- and demonstrations will be given by where they ire, there will be mum-
One man stated t few days leading men of the government and tilings in the ranks that may bring
ago that a gold medal should state agricultural departments. True them to their senses.
been truck off in bis honor for this meeting comes in the midst of Taft had the author-
killing White. But, we are of the a hue, time with the farmers, but they Pulsate a blanket order for
fill .- . w
opinion that the man has received can well afford to aside
I ho protection of thousands of Re-
publicans holding government
punishment for what he did. work Tor order to attend and get lions it does seem that his successor
the electric the benefit of the the Information to inaugurate some means of re-
he did not deserve
not deserve the he imparted. These meetings are a
The Reflector Building, corner Evans insane asylum now. great help toward
and The cost of Thaw is too much
sf respect will be charged at The country is tired of him, and we
sent per word. that the officials of New The first week of the Greenville
Communication, advertising op If tobacco market for this season did
will be for at three were to allow him to stay across the not any large figures in the
per line, up to fifty lines.
s second class matter
August tO, 1910. at post at
II North Carolina
act of March S, 1879.
Canadian bonier.
quantity but the prices wen
such as to be most gratifying and
Minding it, most emphatically pro-
against this idea of
Democrats by requiring them to
submit to examinations conducted by
Republican before their names may
he placed In the eligible list It Is
fair nor right. The men who
in our president and
of congress are entitled to
patronage without further
and a way be
Many are not caught to give the an idea of what
under because they are not hunted for. they may expect for their crop.
Trying to say Saturday that In the small sales at the beginning of the
. event of war with Mexico, game season were just expected, as the
would not be worth the the farmers are yet busy with curing
did not do thing change their crop most of them have
I the last word Into For not had time so far to do any grail-
I making trouble to what a fellow lug at all. Saving the fodder crop
it is not so much question of are on
making laws as it is enforcing them.
will try and tell you how a grew
two crops on the same piece of
ground. have an acre of old land
near my house that has been
for over years, and I have
been putting on this each year
for four years from to one-horse
loads of manure. Last year I
its work in twenty days and go
home, but will the governor point
out a single legislature that has
finished its task in the sixty days
allotted to It
Tin re are laws on the statute books
commensurate to the statement of
any and all offenses if these laws
were properly and rigidly enforced
There are in existence,
not for the want of laws to suppress
them, but because of
of the laws enacted for th it
purpose. If the officers would act
under the authority given in
search and seizure, would keep In
close touch with the records of ex-
press offices and freight depots
receipt of liquor shipments.
they could come pretty close to every
person who receives liquor for
purpose of selling it.
Likewise boys are any day
All Kind, and Description, of Mis-
guided Person. There In Their
Reeling Place.
Take a walk through the cemetery
alone and you will the resting
place of . man who blew Into the
muzzle of a gun to see If It load-
ed. A little farther down the slope Is
a crank who tried to show bow close
he could stand to a moving train
while it passed. In strolling about
you see the monument of the hired
girl who tried to start the fire with
kerosene, and a grass-covered knoll
that covers the boy who put a cob
under the mule's tall. That tall shaft
over a man who blew out the gas,
casts a shadow over the boy who
tried to get on a moving train. Side
by side the pretty creature who
ways had her corset laced on the last
hole and the intelligent Idiot who
rode a bicycle nine miles in ten min-
sleep unmolested. At repose Is
a doctor who took a dose of his own
medicine. There with a top of a shoe
box driven over his head Is a rich old
man who married a young wife. Away
over there reposes a boy who went
fishing on Sunday, and the woman
who kept strychnine powders In the
cupboard. The man who stood in
front of the mowing machine to
the sickle Is quiet now and rests be-
side the careless brakeman who fed
himself to the seventy-ton engine, and
near by may be seen the grave of the
man who tried to whip tho editor.
County Post.
That several charges of
were found so near Gaynor Is to try to raise two crops on it,
It may be the of Proof positive that he not win
Craig that the legislature should flu- N York race in a Bow. DAINTIEST OF BIRD'S NESTS
walk. He will have to fight for d on harrowed
vote he gets. i April I laid off my rows feet
e--------- I apart with a scooter plow and ran
President Wilson's ideas in regard In every other furrow with a It-inch
to the currency bill may not conform solid
We are not at all In league with
the electrical contractors, but every-
body knows that If the business men
were to have these big electric signs
strung over their doors, their bus-
Maple Leaf of Ordinary Sue Will Con-
the Home of the Hum-
ming Bird.
The government Is doing its part
smoking cigarette, which Is not due deepening widening a channel
to the absence of laws T but the people must
this, but because such arc establishing a boat
enforced. Touching the latter offense arc any
and the failure to suppress It. the tho H
following which, we clip from the
Wilmington is very
and tits the situation That
Pi is the
opinion that minors can be seen on
Four North Carolina cities arc lo
get an of of the
money the government will deposit
for Moving the cotton crop. Of this
i of many North Carolina Wilmington gets Charlotte
smoking and that and Raleigh each, and Greens-
an end could put to this evil if
fl i- of the low Would but do tin
we thoroughly agree with our ,
Mend In both Instances. The from
for eradicating the vice of young- his apprehension In
Mr.- smoking cigarettes is ample and Is crowding the Mexican trouble
there is often a big clatter about en- r ,,, Much of
tint If officers persist in . .,,.,
.,.,. the space given to both of these sub-
looking the other way when minors
approach puffing cigarettes, or do not is as as
feel the throb of duty sufficient to be
morally brave enough to stop them How slow Greenville Is in getting
and find out where they got the cigar- for ,.,
I the law permits why it It ., , , ,,. , , .
i . i. ,,. ,. . the town has been entitled to It for
going to be a difficult matter to
the evil and an equally difficult
matter to prove that any office,
i- derelict. It Is a matter, to a large
extent, for the conscience of the Some counties that heretofore
but the problem can be so easily building other kinds of roads.
lo put fertilizer In. Now, you see,
this made my potatoes in 6-foot rows.
I now drilled in tho fertilizer,
which analyzed, I think, per cent
nitrogen, C per cent potash and
per cent acid. I put In TOO pounds
of this to the acre, which, you see,
equals 1400 pounds 3-foot rows.
I dropped potatoes in this open
furrow inches apart, and covered
them with two furrows to the row
with a turning shovel about inches
deep. I covered this way In order
Fix it In your mind that as a r run a harrow over them
those advanced by some others,
but In many instances tho will of
the president has become the will
of congress.
It is mighty good news The Re-
gives today that work will be-
gin next month on the government
building for Greenville.
market Greenville Is not
Folks soon be facing hone-
ward from the mountains and sea-
Is also adding to the work necessary
to done on the farm Just this
solved, by a little alertness and moral
am now coming to recognize both
courage. Stopping minors from
lug cigarettes is no encroachment and excellence of sand-
upon personal liberty, because adults clay roads,
an use tobacco In such form to their
desire. It is simply a very
humane act and necessary protection
even for the future happiness of the
minor themselves. There are laws
prohibiting minors from doing many
things and why not one to keep them
from ruining their
Governor Craig has appointed Mr.
J. I. of Greenville,
one of the North Carolina
at the exposition in Knox-
to he held during the month
Now that President has n
pointed his freight rate committee
these men will do well to get down
to There Is no time t
be lost.
It Is estimated that since Harry
shot Stanford White, the
sum of one one-half millions of
dollars has been spent on him in an
effort to free him from the Sentence
of the courts. This amount does not
include the expense to which the
State f New has been put to
hold up Its end of the trials that n
have been held, though this must to-
a vast sum.
Now that the noted criminal has
burst into the limelight again,
may find themselves Is the
i .-. ll may as well say good-bye
case really worth the vast amount
of money that has been spent upon
We believe it M credited to the
lamented Zeb Vance as saying
horse that pulls the plow should have
the This was a terse way
of saying that when a political party
cornea Into power, those who helped
put It there are entitled to whatever
of patronage the party has to bestow.
Mr. M. L,. Shipman, commissioner of
labor and printing of North Caro-
has lately been doing some talk
along tho same line, and does not
mince words at all in what he says
This special Bent from to
the Observer Is the way he
Aug. L. Ship-
man, state commissioner Labor and
Printing, Is not at all pleased with
the Administration's policy relating
to federal patronage
several times and then still have
plenty of dirt left on them. They
Wore planted April
Now. as to the cotton, I bedded up
between the potatoes with four fur-
rows with turning shovel and then
wont twice to the row with
which gave mo a good seed bed to
plant on.
I used pounds of per cent
acid under this cotton. I planted the
cotton on this bed between the
toes, Which, you see, made cotton and
potatoes apart. As as
Ibis cotton showed signs of coming
up I ran over again, it was clean
when I Chopped it I thinned the.
cotton foot apart It was a small
boll cotton and will stand closer than
i big boll variety. I then went around
It with a small heel sweep and
el, potting tho dirt to It very
low. After this plowing I cultivate
altogether with large sweeps I
could run them until August and then i
laid It by. I gathered 1300 pounds
Of seed cotton from the W.
Orange Judd Southern
The most exquisitely dainty home
built by tho bill and feet of is
that of the ruby throated bumming
bird, says a writer in the Craftsman.
When completed it Is scarcely larger
than an English walnut and Is usually
saddled on a small horizontal limb of a
tree or shrub frequently many feet
from the ground. It Is composed
most entirely of soft plant fibers,
fragments of web. sometime,
being used to hold them In The
sides are thickly studded with bits of
lichen, and practiced Indeed is the
eye of the man who can distinguish it
from a knot on the limb. egg.
are the size of quinine pills.
Although the humming bird's nest
Is exceedingly frail, there appears to
be nothing on record to show that any
great numbers of them come to
grief during the summer rains. It Is,
however, not called upon for a long
tenure of occupancy. Within three
weeks after the two little white eggs
are laid the young have departed on
their tiny pinions.
Lives When Home Oliver
at is
Destroyed Fire.
Va., August
children, two boys, aged and
In years, respectively, an In-
of this matter, Mr. gave ex-1 girl, eighteen months old, were
to his views In a to death today at
that needs no Interpretation to small village about five miles from
understood. He when the home of
am surprised and disappointed was destroyed by fire. The
to see so many Republicans retained dead are Mary Elizabeth and
Advice to Consumptive.
The only safe course for a person
suffering from consumption Is to
a good physician, and be
all things by that ad-
If a new cure is discovered during
your your doctor will know It.
If the cure is genuine he will know
that and tho first to Insist on
plying the new remedy to your case.
If the so-called cure Is a fake his
will save you from wasting val-
time and strength pursuing will-
Meantime, while waiting on new
discoveries, he will keep you on the
commonplace, but effective
of rests, plentiful diet, and all
the fresh air there Is. regime
ha. cured tens of thousand, of case.
of tuberculosis, and will cure
of thousand, more.
On last Friday evening at
at the pretty
suburban home of Mr. D. D. Over-
ton, quite a number of young people
assembled in honor of Miss Sallie
White, of Portsmouth, Va., who Is
the guest of Miss Doris Overton.
one was dressed to represent
some familiar song. Mr. Jack Foley,
as Black won the prize
for the beet representation.
contests were entered into with
much interest One of these being
a contest. The hos-
bad collected from all Invited
guests, their baby picture, and had
these numbered and placed upon a
table. When the guests all arrived,
they were shown Into the library
where the pictures were. All eager
to guess which of these pictures be-
longed to the young ladles and gen-
present. Miss Douglas Ar-
won the prize for the best guess,
this being a picture of a laughing
baby. The guest of honor was also
presented with a box of pretty
After various game
played, ice cream was served by Mrs.
N. R. and Misses Edith
Foley and Mary Bagley Overton.
Those present Miss Helen
Laughinghouse of the
Miss Douglas Arthur
Miss Edith Foley
Threads Among the Miss Min-
Exum Sugg
Miss Mary Hart
of the old-fashioned Miss
en Grimes Spangled
Miss Sallie White Message of
the Miss Novella
Miss Fannie Spain
of Miss Christine
Tyson of tho Lonesome
Miss Mary Bagley Baby
Miss Doris Overton old
Girl of Mr. Francis Skinner
Mr. Fred
Mr. Jack Foley Black
Mr. Frank Perkins Mr.
In positions that should long since
have been filled with capable and de-
serving If a Democratic
president lacks the courage to re-
If you want to do something
Greenville Invest your money In a
apartment or dwelling house. Yo
. they will not or rent.
children of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver of and
James A. Jr., son of James
A. of
so-called civil orders i Mrs. had been away from
promoted by a Republican the house only a few moments when
or, then a Democratic congress were seen bursting from the
ought to come to the rescue. I of the second floor, and she
would not intentionally discredit the and her neighbors made frantic
California Debut
At Monterey, Cal., formerly a part
of Mexico, and ceded to the United
State, during the Mexican war, I.
first public building built In California
and now a broken-down, weather-
racked ruin of adobe, relates the
Health Magazine. In building
Jenny made her first California
debut, and when gold the
miner, bad thrown upon the
after her performance
up It was found to fill two five-
gallon oil pounds
of gold, and equal value to about
Another curious building Is a
police station which built within
brace, of an oil derrick, and for
unique buildings certainly
a record.
Father, Mother and Son Lore with
School at Mebane.
Grimesland. N. C, May 1913.
Col. Preston Lewis Gray,
School, Mebane, N. C.
Dear Col.
are you a note to thank
you for our boy Hassell. He
is a different boy. want to let you
know that we are In live with
ham and all tho managers, Has-
s. II Is too. We want you to know
bow nicely he talks of tho school,
lie is working for now.
He thinks there l no one like you.
He says he loves Mr. Gray. feel
like we want lo see you and shake
your hand for tho good that
you gave our boy up there. You can
expect him until he finishes there.
We will say everything nice about
that we have a chance to.
Hassell says it will make a man of
a boy. We arc glad that he been
In such good hands the last two
Your friends,
MR. and MRS. J. L. GIBSON.
For handsome of
School sent free, address Col
Preston Lewis Gray, B. L President,
Mebane, N. C, Box
The people of the United States
not want Intervention Mexico, am
merit system The country needs ca-
men In office, but I am
convinced that a fair and
partial lest can not
through civil service
forts to reach the children, but they
unsuccessful, and the charred
bones of tho little ones found
be reached among the ruins of the house several
examinations hours later.
similar to that recently conducted The lad had been a
Asheville and elsewhere for the an- tor In the home for sever-
if the Democratic congress makes purpose of providing days, aid he and William
for positions in the day were playing In the yard
service, . by Mrs. when went to
fail to see the relation of a her father-in-law's home a few
the finny tribe feet while the Infant
If the county's money is spent care-
In School
The mistress was a leading member
of the village woman's club, and was
particularly Interested the courses
of reading and literary criticism,
which were tho subjects of written
One day she had occasion to remind
her maid of all work of some short-
coming. This led to a week's notice
from the latter, accompanied by the
and I won't take that
from like, of you, who fin-
her York
Evening Post.
It Of course, we all know that
always worth whatever price fully a county home Inhabits the seas, or the asleep an upstairs bedroom. It is
Is p
. . . may be built and a modern, up-to rod to the birds of plumage that supposed the two
. . structure erected for the home Boar over South African countries, that room and In i
lads went up to
some unknown way
What does It matter to a deputy col- started the fatal fire.
The house was totally destroyed,
and practically none of the furniture
receive Justice at th I time of Ma
commitment to asylum. I whether Scratch Ankle Is lo-
and If he has not received enough U ls next move, ,, Ark.,
since he was Bay Wilson's, but or u, of Branch was saved. Mr. I. lumber
over receive we States changed to Valley That inspector here,
ed there then he win r unquestioned natural ability The remains of the child
any justice. If Thaw was Insane me hands off policy. W q l m afternoon
when he killed Stanford White, K required to submit to burg where the funeral will be held
a temporary Insanity, and clues they arc called ex-ray dresses proceedings before their tomorrow, and the funeral of the
plea on that at the time was became they enable you t what for they children will be held at
no ii ore than the hatched out scheme of them. earned by hard licks during years
Found HI. Title. Costly.
The Duke of Wellington was Prince
of Waterloo, though be never called
himself so, and had many other ti-
for which he once had to pay
dear. II told a man to order dinner
for him a particular hotel, and the
man did so, mentioning all
title. Presently duke came and
waited a long time. is the dinner
not he asked;
you bring the dinner are
replied the waiter, the
of the They had
pared dinner for about twenty ; i
Dy virtue of a power of sale con-
a certain mortgage deed,
executed and delivered by B.
King to J. T. Allen, recorded the
register office Pitt county In book
page the undersigned will,
an THURSDAY, the 11th day of
1913, expose to public sale
before tho court house door In Green-
ville, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described parcel of
land to
or near the western
of Greenville on the north
of the main road leading from
Greenville to Falkland and being lots
Nos. and in block B measuring
each lot feet front and feet
deep as designated and described In
plot made by J. D. Cox, surveyor for
R. J. Cobb and R. L.
This sale will be made for the
purpose of satisfying said mortgage
This tho 11th day of August, 1913.
J. T. ALLEN, Mortgages.
HARDING and PIERCE, Attorneys.
S in-
A Good Investment
W. D. a well known mer-
chant of bought a
stock of Chamberlain's medicine o
as to be able to supply them to his
customers. After receiving them ha
was himself taken sick and says that
one small bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and
was worth more to him than the
cost of bis entire stock of these med-
For sale by all druggists.
Piles Cured In to Days
Your will refund miner if
lo curt ctr
Blind, Weeding or Protruding in K lo II
languidly watched the
smoke from his cigar. In
weaving circle, about his face
and head, then float off to the realms
of pipe dream. Presently a dreamy,
satisfied smile Mole Into hi. blue eyes.
He was so of her truth, integrity
and love for Adorable Lore.
He was back to her and
their wedding day at steamer
The half closed door of hi. room let
the sound of voices. It was
and Tom had
run Into them somewhere abroad.
They were coming home on the
gone bad, isn't
was saying. that Lora ls
Innocence personified. Doesn't know
that she's a good five years or more
older than himself. Don't guess that
he's out to marry a fortune. Don't
know that she's. In turn, been sweet-
heart to all of us. or anything of that
affair of hers and Lambert's, doe.
cigar dropped from his
parted lips. The red leaped In an
ugly flame to his face. They
talking, these friends of his, of the girl
ho was to marry. His right hand
opened to slap little fair In
his calumniating mouth. an-
came slowly, between puffs at
his Is young.
Isn't good enough for him, that's only
too true. But, the girl was
only a little reckless, too much of a
flirt. Nothing worse. Lambert ls a
liar. a good looker and no-
body's fool, he was born to revel
would not marry any man
unless he brought her
still persisted. you need not
worry about shutting the door;
Is on deck. I saw go up
an hour
fidgeted and worried about
hi. cabin for an hour after. Not a
doubt of love edged itself In his
mind. No one but himself bad ever
possessed her heart Of that be
After awhile the plan he would work
to confute these friends cams crowd-
Itself Into his head. It was neither
new or original, but It would do.
and found dull
company forthwith. Then Its reason
came out. He had received a telegram
at starting. Hoped It was not so bad
as stated. His fortune, to the last
dollar, was in Jeopardy. He bad made
some foolish Investment. Further ho
would not talk. Simply moped, smoked
and read.
the little sneak, will go
straight to Boston and tell
thought to himself.
will suit him better. Nothing will suit
me better,
From New York a
brief letter to
I'm viewing tho hole
when it has all gone down. You no
doubt have heard of the Parkinson
company crash The private fortunes
they swamped with their own
failure I have trusted
son as I might have my father, had I
one at present. Well, I'm not going to
cry over spilled milk. It's done, and
can't be helped. I can work for my
darling. I have youth, health, strength
and love left. You know I studied
law. Behold a future Webster In your
husband. I cannot wait to see you.
was with Lora when she re-
this epistle. He watched her
pretty face turn pale, then flushed.
course it's love a
course It flared. It
fact that he was fool enough to trust
his Immense fortune In the keeping of
that company he refers
he did. He tolerably
frank about the matter. He Is playing
cheerful to you In this letter. He be-
that nothing would separate
your love from
she nearly shrieked;
a pauper Bah, he hasn't brains
enough to get a first client Me do
kitchen work and make my own
clothes for love's sake Well,
Phil was nearly a month getting
over everything that followed that let-
At the end of that time he
as good as new.
Gladys, went calling
on her late betrothal
ring shining on her hand.
It wasn't fitting for Lora to notice
this, but she did the lovely bracelet
Gladys wearing. gift from
Cousin the girl quite Innocently
never knew that you had a
cousin so fond of you. Seem, to me
that I hoard your lost all bis
eye. were wide with
surprised Inquiry.
Gladys went on, still more
never lost his money
Not a cent. He engaged to some
girl. I couldn't get him to tell me
who. He brought her o many
from Then, because one
of the friend, he same home with
bet him, or something like that, his
affianced wouldn't marry him If he
were to lose his money, wrote her he
bed lost all. Phil lost the bet. of
course, but wasn't It lucky for
by Dally Pub.
Large Heart.
Mrs. My husband lost a
deal of money on that decline
Mr. sorry Whenever I
hear of declines In stocks
think wouldn't It have been a good
If everybody had sold out be-
tho market began to go down
I what have you ex-
claimed Mrs. Morton a. Marjory, all
out of breath, entered the room.
and mysteriously an-
her daughter a. she undid the
wrapping paper.
cried Mr. Morton.
I will you bring next
Where and how did you get this bird
sent for me this morning
and that although she was all
ready to go to Atlantic City
couldn't leave until she knew that her
bird would be cared for during the
summer. Her relatives absolutely re-
fused to take the poor thing, and she
declared that If I was any kind of a
friend this was my opportunity to
prove what could I
my dear, we never owned a
bird. We don't understand anything
about their food, drink, bath or habits.
And every one says a bird is a dread-
always catching cold
molting or
know. I told Dorothy all that and
so she gave mo Instructions.
me to follow them
said Marjory, unfolding a
slip of paper. Monday, and
Thursdays. Cage to be covered at
each evening. Small lettuce leaf
Mondays and Wednesdays. Sliced
on Tuesdays. Fresh and
dally. Cage cleaned dally. And
an declared Mrs.
Morion. not necessary for
to promenade the boardwalk at
Atlantic City while we at home and
worry over her
After Morton had worked an hour
that evening a bracket for
the cage he doe.
Impose on one's friends abominably.
Here we have a rank outsider simply
thrust upon u. through no fault of our
Some people what
might call
At eight o'clock the next morning
Marjory's brother Bert came to break-
fast with a scowling face.
did that blooming bird hall
be demanded. baa kept
me awake since five o'clock with his
Marjory's married sister soon ran
with her pet kitten, as was her
Have You
torn. She was greeted with a scream
from Marjory. don't you
dare to step Into this house with that
cat Can't you bird
Please, please go
answered Mildred In
Icy tones. you care more for
silly bird than for me and my
darling we shall not trouble
you any more with our unwelcome
Then the Irate sister
marched of the room.
wish I had never seen that horrid
bird or Dorothy, lamented
After two absence Dorothy
returned and claimed her canary. The
first evening after the departure
Marjory noticed that both her father
and her mother kept at the
empty bracket where the bird had
swung and
Presently Bert beats
all how empty this house seems with-
out that
Marjory wiped away a tear.
had the blues all she
missed Dickie so. If Dorothy had been
the least bit appreciative she would
ha-e let me keep him a few weeks
Tho next morning Morton on hie
way to his office stopped at a bird
store and purchased a canary.
Mrs. Morton, before keeping her
at the dressmaker's, went
to a bird dealer's and purchased a
Bert, recollecting the empty
on his return from business
dropped at a department store and
purchased a canary.
Marjory, by this time firmly
that no family Is complete without
a bird, took her savings and purchased
a canary.
That each member of the
family entered dining room carry-
a bird cage. Then they all beheld
a canary In a cage that was hanging
on the bracket There was a card
attached to the hook. On It Dorothy
had hope this bird will
partly take the place of the one you
lovingly cared
keep them exclaimed
hut amended Mrs Morton.
confided to me this morning
that ha. given away,
thinks she would rather have a bird
than a kitten for a
Dally News.
In the province of San Diego, near
the River La Plaza, grew at one time
the prettiest flow-
nature had
ever fashioned In-
to womanhood. A
rustic picture was
she, indeed,
vine, Mercedes.
Don Palo, dark,
handsome, stood
beneath a festoon-
ed palmetto and
gated enraptured
In the distance
could be heard
the peal of
a convent bell
and, when the
wind quieted, the
faint echo of the
on the air.
Palo approached
and touched tho
listening girl upon
the arm.
Palo Is It she cried.
He took her hands in his and print-
ed a fervent kiss upon her lips.
he answered, have come
back to see you once
she began.
there ls little
No knows that I am
Out of the convent window Sister
looked listlessly.
As she looked the two parted, and
Mercedes was left standing alone. She
I was the daughter of a miller, he
son of the governor of the province
of San Diego. Sister shook
her head sadly. Three months before
she had witnessed their Drat meeting.
When Palo went to hi. father and
confessed his love for Mercedes, he
flew Into an awful rage.
he sternly, will
never go near the miller's daughter
again. I give order. If you
are caught there, you will be put
prison. Remember, I mean what
But Palo came again to see hit
Mercedes and Sister was watch
from her convent window.
Alas, he came to tell his sweetheart
that be going away on a trip to
far off Spain, but he will be back
again a year, perhaps sooner. Will
she wait for till then
the he said, may
. see you again, for the last time by
I bridge that goes over the Plaza,
I is It not so Mia
Tears came to the girl's eyes as she
nodded her head. Ho kissed her and
went down the path. In tho morning
was waiting for him at the
I when Palo arrived. She was about
I to fly Into his arms, when, out from
tho shrubbery stepped a
arrest you he said.
The officer's back was turned toward
her. An Impulse, a flash, and It was
done. She had drawn the dagger from
her girdle and It Into his back.
He fell like a log. Palo shrank back
I am caught he cried.
you will not. Go Go she
cried. In pushing him toward
the bridge. At bridge she stop-
me she cried. He
stooped and kissed her
They parted and Mercedes began to
run quickly through the woods.
She saw people around the
body. She fancied she heard her
name spoken. Fleet a. a deer,
sped away, but before she had gone
a hundred yards, discovered.
There a shout and a start-
ed after her.
The silver bell of the convent was
again ringing and she ran instinctively
toward, the sheltering wall.
She up the steps and fell
Into the arms of
Snatching the crucifix from
her girdle held It defiantly Into
the faces of the oncoming mob. They
recoiled from It as from a great re-
she cried, taken
refuge with God. Would you
the sanctuary of the
They looked Into the calm, de-
face of Slater and
one by one, slunk shamefacedly away.
Trembling, Mercedes wept out her
story to the sister, who, when she
heard it, wept with her.
said Slater gent-
putting her arm about Mercedes,
, will tell you a story. Twenty years
ago a maiden bid her lover good-bye
by that little bridge down there.
j for he said. will return
But did not, and soon the maid
I took refuge in this convent to hide
her shame. A little girl born and
a good man took pity on It and adopt-
ed It as his own, That maid, Mercedes,
myself. For twenty years I have
looked down that road, watching for
the return of my
She paused and looked at
with infinite yearning,
she continued at last miller
j never told
Mercedes looked at the sister
surprise me
Many years have passed since then.
One weary watcher been laid to
rest, but there Is a sister still, with
snowy white hair and wistful
face, who stand, by the high little
window and out upon tho road.
Perhaps she bears a
voice. It la only the humming of the
old bell and tho echo of the quavering
voices as they
Conductor J. of Canton,
Va, May Hie. MN. Helen Page
Had Miraculous Escape.
one people were Injured In a wreck
of a mixed train on the Buckingham
blanch of the Chesapeake and
railway near early tills
one of them. Conductor J.
C. of New Canton, Va., be-
Internally hurl and will probably
The train was derailed by spreading
rails and the passenger coach and
three freight cars loaded with
rolled over a 20-foot embank-
Miss Helen Page, of Lynchburg, who
had a miraculous escape, was a hero-
in the rescue, for she worked
faithfully with tho male passengers
in their efforts to rescue those under
tho debris. The more seriously in-
were taken to a hospital in
Criminal Convened Monday
of Mrs. Rawls.
The remains of Mrs. Maggie Rawls.
of Baltimore, whose death occurred
Monday morning, reached here on the
one o'clock train today, accompanied
by her three children, Messrs. Lee
and Leslie of Baltimore, and
Mrs. Smith, of New York.
The remains were taken to the
Methodist church where the funeral
services were held at o'clock, the
Interment taking place in Cherry Hill
cemetery. The pall bearers were.
Messrs. T. M. Hooker, F. O.
J. L. Little, W. L. Hall, C. T. Mun-
J. G. J. A. Lang. F. C.
Harding, R. L. Humber. W. L.
Brown, R. Williams and W. II. Lone
Carol ext Week.
The Adams carnival will open in
Greenville next Monday and continue
here through the week. This Is a
big aggregation of amusement and
Interest and will no doubt attract a
large crowd. The tents will be on
the lot on the corner of and
Fifth streets.
Young Ladies Entertained
in High Point
The always delightful mark of orig-
which marks Mrs. Bascom
was prominent to u
Thursday when Mrs.
j gave two parties honor of bet
guests, Misses and
lie of Greenville, who up-
on their several visits to High Point
have made a largo circle of friends.
Tho morning party, at ten o'clock
to which the single friends
were asked, was gold to the core.
The hostess in white lingerie greeted
tho guests in the ball and Introduced
tho who wore white lace
over pink and blue satin. Tho hall,
and the rooms opening upon It, bore
settings of ferns, the breast plates
of which were formed of golden rod
rowed in woodland fashion, and
banked id beds that gave out the
glory of the full grown summer, and
whispered of the approaching
Miss Vera Idol directed the
way to the den in the rear of the
hall where Misses Kathleen Petty
and Bessie Siceloff served orangeade
from a bowl burled golden rod.
The attractive cards for the
game of Rook were attached to tiny
flower baskets In green and
yellow and tho progressions were
counted by little gold faced
After the game the five tables were
covered with crepe luncheon cloths
decorated The napkins
also were of crepe with the yellow
pansies. Tho yellow cream was
served in long stem glasses, and tho
cake was of the same color. There
were about two dozen present.
Afternoon of Same Day.
The afternoon of tho same day,
Mrs. Invited about forty of
the young matrons to meet her
and play Rook. To tho same beau-
golden decorations of the morn-
were added immense quantities
of that feathery climber, with pure
white clematis
that wondered gracefully over cur-
mantels and many suitable
places, priding Itself in perfection as
I. covered punch table and wound
bowl and base of brass candle
with their tall white
Tho hostess received her guests in
I lace with of blue
and the Misses
charming pink and
chiffon. Mrs. Chas. led the
I way to tho punch bowl, and the de-
was dispensed by
Mesdames W. R. Walker and H. C
Field. The cards were attached
to lovely and unique green and
low safety pin holders of satin
and crochet rings. The progressions
were marked by gold safety pins,
which goes without saying that every
played Tho delicious
cream course served was touched
with white and gold. Tho afternoon
elicited much pleasure for the guests
who lingered early twilight
High Point
The August term of Pitt superior
court for the trial of cases
Monday morning with
Harry W. presiding and
Solicitor C. L. represent-
the state.
The grand Jury drawn for the term
Is as J. L. Little, foreman,
J. W. Gardner. Jr., Major Mills, B.
A. Fulford. R. L. J. H.
L. D. Phelps. W. E. Boyce.
J. M. C. Manning. W. J
A. Nichols. C. H. Lang-
I. F. L. J.
J B. Bullock. F. L. Andrews. Rob-
Darden. Jr.
In his charge to the grand Jury.
Judge Whedbee called attention to
the necessity of a carpet on the
room floor and asked that the
commissioners be instructed to
purchase one.
Judge Whedbee said he was ac-
with most of the members
of tho grand jury and felt that a
lengthy charge to them was
but he wanted to Impress up-
on each one of them tho fact that
he should recognize his position and
realize the great responsibility rest-
upon him. Each should perform
his duty and make It possible for
the sheriff and solicitor to go their
Speaking of the prohibition law, he
said some of the Jurors favored it
some were against it, yet if
one should allow his private
to influence his decision he
s not fit to sit upon the Jury. The
legislature hi its wisdom en-
what is known as the search
ind seizure law. The law does not
that having the liquor Is
of intent to sell.
Another law that Is a good one. Is
the sale of cigarettes to
and when an officer sees a
smoking cigarettes he can de-
and where the cigarettes were
and if the boy refuse to tell
is subject to fine or imprisonment
There Is much money thrown
away by a criminal court, and
grand jury and lawyers tho
of it. You need not take up time to
examine every witness, but stop
when you have examined
to convince you of probable cause
Try to make this a record court.
In pointing out their duty to e.
mine the public offices. Judge
bee called special attention to tin
county home as a disgrace to the
county. He did not wish to
where home should he maintain-
ed, but it is Christian duty
to see that the inmates arc
properly taken care of. If you
should be overtaken by misfortune,
would It be right for you to be treat-
ed a. a dog because you are
and have to go to tho home
i want you to thoroughly investigate
the condition of the homo and
on your oath what shall he done. I
hope you will recommend it and that
some steps will taken to
this disgrace from us, as Pitt county
Is well able to do.
The following cases have been dis-
Milton affray, pleads guilty,
Judgment suspended on payment of
Charles assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
Sol. Edwards, perjury, pleads
Judgment continued upon payment
of costs.
Jesse Carson, selling liquor, pleads
guilty two cases, Judgment
pended on payment of costs.
Lino Ford, selling liquor, pleads
guilty in three cases, Judgment
pended on payment of costs.
Windsor Staton, selling liquor,
j pleads guilty in two Judgment
suspended on payment of costs.
John Chancey, embezzlement, pleads
guilty, Judgment suspended on pay-
of costs.
N. L. Tripp, Sidney Jenkins, Rob-
Forbes, John Forbes, F. Lang-
H. A. gambling,
plead guilty; fined
and costs, other defendants lined
each and costs.
Wiley Brown, assault with
deadly weapon and carrying conceal-
ed weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced
months on tho roads.
Sutton, carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, lined and
carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty In two cases,
fined and costs.
Arthur carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty.
Will Pollard, assault with
weapon, pleads guilty, fined and
Robert Rives, assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty.
Preston Atkinson, larceny, pleads
guilty, sentenced seven years on
Ben Cherry, assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced six
months on roads.
Charles Green, carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, Judgment con-
Joseph Williams, selling
pleads guilty. Judgment continued
on payment of costs.
Percy carrying conceal-
ed weapon, pleads guilty, fined
and costs.
Wiley assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
pended on payment of costs.
Marcellus Wilson, assault with dead
K weapon, pleads guilty two
fined and costs.
John Owens, carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, lined
George Foreman, carrying conceal-
ed weapon, fined and costs.
Claude Barrett, assault with deadly
weapon, not guilty.
Henry Powell, selling liquor
sentenced three months on
Will Webb, abandonment, guilty.
Ben Cherry, carrying concealed
weapon, not guilty.
I in Norfolk Southern Schedule.
A slight change in schedule of Nor-
folk Southern passenger trains on.
this division went into effect today.
The only train affected to any
is the evening train from
which formerly arrived about
ten minutes before six o'clock and
ill not come about a quarter past
six. The handling of freight cars on
the two night trains has been
and while the train from
will arrive about the same time
as before, a quarter past one o'clock,
the one from Norfolk will come about
minutes earlier, reaching here
little past o'clock.
Carnival Visitors at Salt Lake
SALT CITY, Utah, Aug.
Throngs of visitors, among whom
many tourists from tho East, are
in the city for the annual carnival of
the of the Wizard of the
The regular program of
festivities will be opened tomorrow
and continued through the
of the week. A number of
street parades and pageants will
be given. A street fair, society cir-
hippodrome events and athletic
and aquatic contests will be In-
the program. The number
of visitors already here Indicate that
the crowds later the week are like-
to the largest ever entertained in
his city.
Mr. Clark at
In mentioning the other day that
Mr. H. B. Clark had returned to
Greenville, we stated that he would
engage in the business of building
contractor, but this part of it was
a mistake. Though he was a con-
tractor from which
town he moved here, he comes to
take a position in the dry goods store
of J. Pulley. Mr. Clark was a dry
goods merchant when he
lived in Greenville, and many people
lure remember Mm in that business.
Cotton Mills Resume Work.
FALL RIVER, Mass., Aug.
The seven cotton mills of the Fall
River Iron Works, which been.
Idle for more than three months be-
cause of the condition of the market,
resumed operations today. The re--
of work gives
to about 5.000 persons who have boom,
idle through the summer.
Republicans to Caucus.
The first looking to the
congressional campaign of next
year will be taken tomorrow, when,
the Republican members of the sen-
ate and house will caucus to elect
a new National Republican Congress
Committee. The new committee will
meet soon afterward and choose m
chairman and other officers.
Tho Five Points Building.
The last old building ls being
ed off tho Five Points lot, and
soon as that is out of the way
site will be ready for work to begin
on the four-story office building to
go up there. The picture of the con-
building which ls on ex-
at the office of Dr. Laugh-
shows that it is to be n;
handsome structure and an ornament
to the town.
In Memory of Confederate Dead.
Va. Aug. monument to tho
memory of the Confederate soldiers
King William Courthouse and vi-
was unveiled hero today
with interesting exercises and in tho
presence of a large gathering of vet-
and their friends. Congress-
man A. J. Montague delivered the
principal oration of the day.
Marriage Licenses.
Last week Register of Deeds Belt
Issued licenses to the fol-
J. F. Brown and
Lee Cox and Martha A. Wilson.
Ben and Isabella Shays.
in resulted
in great loss of life and

Who Knows
We have president of States
jet a man ran rote at and
at W. reason of this Is because, WE
Experience Counts
The great factor of In everything Is
experienced farmer knows best how to
produce a good crop and experienced Boggy
ST THAT CAN BE HAD. In fart we have so con-
In Flanagan that we give an absolute
ante for a period of one year, and many friends
Pitt Comity realize that guarantee means
that we are always willing to make good any defect In
Come to see
John Flanagan Buggy Co.
i i ,. . Mn of Boy,. A climate world renowned.
the other- with latest V. S. Army
, Jul in I Tuition and Board per
Tern. MOO a you. CoL R. Box Anne-villa. N. C
Venice, The Island City
Copy right by Associated
Newspaper School, Inc.
of beauties,
Filippo Lippi, or as he is often called,
was not himself a
handsome man. He had rather a full
face, large features, and thick lips.
Laziness and love were always In-
with his work. As a re-
of extravagance he was usu-
ally in debt, and not always care-
to get out honestly. Yet the
people of his time were
enough to overlook boyish faults in
an artist who so much
own to their country.
was born into a Florentine
butcher's family about 1402, and his
father died soon afterward. He seems
live had little care from his
who may, however, have died during
his infancy. An aunt took of
him; but. finding the boy too great
a burden for her slender means, turn-
ed over to educated by the Car-
friars. The abbot was lenient;
walls and his books should
for he had the wisdom to that a
boy who drew pictures oil over the
been would probably
artist Artists were high-
thought of in those days, when tin
church taught by means of pictures.
Filippo therefore never learned to
good Latin. studied the
of the chapel instead. Late,,
v hen be had finished his and
gained a for himself among
painters, tho abbot granted him per-
mission, to leave the monastery In or-
to give bis genius full scope.
Monks who had i learned to paint were
Often allowed , , .
So became a
painter. When he went to and
saw he was already
nearly more than twenty. was
also an orphan. Her father, who had
been a silk merchant In Florence, left
his daughters In the care of An-
evidently a harsh guard-
for he put and
both beautiful girls, Into the con-
vent of Santa against
their will. In order to cave himself
some expense. Filippo saw her, used
her a model, and later married
her by permission of the Pope. The
Virgins and saints of his paintings
had a new spiritual radiance after
he saw face. He used her
all manner of subjects, from the
Virgin to the dancing daughter of
changing her features to
suit as many different characters.
Every day a different Unman inter-
est story will la
tor. Yon can get a beautiful intaglio
reproduction of the above picture,
five others, equally attractive,
1-2 Inches In size, with this week's
In a well
known authority the subject
cf pictures and stories of the
week. Readers of The Reflector and
will know Art,
History, Science and Travel,
and own exquisite pictures. On sale
at the Reflector office and Ellington's
Book Store. Price. Ten cents. Write
today to Reflector for booklet ex-
The Associated Newspaper
School plan.
Curious History of United States
That Into the
Dominion of Canada.
How did the United States come to
get that small corner of land
Juts out from the extreme northern
boundary of Minnesota History of
that little sticks out Into
Canada from Minnesota and which
constitutes the northernmost point of
the United States Is very interesting.
Under the treaty of 1783 boundary be-
tween the United States and British
possessions was fixed. A certain point
on the Lake of tho Woods was mu-
agreed to as one starting point,
this being considered headwaters
of St river and Great
Lakes system. At that time It was not
known whether this point was north
or south the forty-ninth parallel,
but It known to be close to it. The
understanding was that from that
point the boundary should go north or
south to the forty-ninth parallel, as the
case might be. Later and more
rate surveys showed that point was
about miles north of the forty-ninth
parallel, and so at this place the
boundary makes a Jog above that line.
Uncle Sam thus has a little piece of
claimed; and then, addressing the j territory of about miles in
coin belongs to you of extent north of the general boundary.
Quickly Explained.
A good-natured curate, who firmly
believed that God was continually
working miracles to enable him to
help the needy, and who seldom had
a coin in his pocket, was accosted one
day by a beggar woman. He pleaded
utter lack of money, but on the
cant beseeching to search his
pockets he hopefully put his hand In
one, and to his amazement and Joy
found a five-shilling piece there.
other of God's miracles he ex-
a long time to endure the aw-
burning. Itching, smarting, skin-
disease known as
name for Eczema. Seems good
realize, also that Dr. Eczema
Ointment has proven a perfect cure.
Mrs. D. L. Kenney can-
not sufficiently express my thanks to
you for your Dr. Eczema
Ointment It has cured my
which has troubled me for over fifty
All druggists, or by mail,
Chemical Co.
St Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa.
ton. Henry Sheppard.
right Take It and go in
Having told the story a hours
later to worldly minded parish
priest, and suggested that they should
both go down on their knees and
thanks to God, a strange,
light suddenly broke on the mind
of the shrewd pastor, who
heavens I Are those my
breeches that you've on
Value of Labor.
Labor Is a commodity to be bought
and sold notwithstanding the maudlin
criticism of some theorists, writes C.
W. Post In Leslie's. Labor Is not the
man himself, whom I consider a part
of the divine, but labor is his output
Just the same as wheat Is the
of the farmer, and it is a subject for
purchase and sale, and upon Its
depends Its demand and Its value.
There are two kinds of labor, the one
manual and the other mental. When
the skilled workman possesses a train-
ed mind which directs his hands, he
rises In value, and when he reaches a
piano where his mind is so well train-
ed that he in turn becomes a creator
and must devise and direct he
then requires other bands to carry
out his Idea. Then he again In
the plane of value to humanity, and
his compensation must keep
Which Ho Rose to Remark.
They were at the grocery, all with
recollections of many a shocking ease
tremendous weather to recount, and
none left out. Then one ancient
rose and
seventeen hundred
But they cut in on him there, and
told they wouldn't do It If they
was see bow
old make him, they said. But the
ancient pushed his space up on his
forehead and went right
I was fer to say
said be, in 1,799 cases
where folks remembered
spells weather there
a ding word of
Physician and Burgeon
Office on Dickinson Avenue
And the Joke of it is that any one has
to go by water In order to reach this
little piece of territory unless he
wants to go through
Explanation of Ruins
of Building on the Northern Coast
of California.
Ruins buildings on the old
ranch, near Windsor and about
teen miles north of Santa Rosa, Cal.,
hitherto unexplained, now are thought
to the work of people of
cal skill, probably Russians, who
erected the buildings years or
more ago.
That tho edifices were not the work
of the Spaniards la taken for granted.
as the history of this country under
rule Is sufficiently complete
to give assurance that some record
the construction of the buildings
would have been left
The construction la too exact to
have been the work of the Indian
moss and local investigators have de-
that the ruins are those of
large fort or fortified settlement built
by Russians early in the last
The appearance
being parts of a once massive
cation. In one place there stands a
part of the wall twenty feet in height,
thirty feet long, thirty feet thick at
the ground and tapering to a width
of ten feet It Is built of basalt slabs
about twenty feet in length and
Russians Admiral
Admiral and Count
off made a determined effort to
themselves along the northern
more than years ago.
This is a prescription prepared especially
Five or six will break any and
if token then as a tonic Fever will not
return. It acts on the liver than
and not gripe or sicken.
Application will be made to the
to vote bonds to erect
a two-story four-room brick school
building and auditorium in school
district No. township, Pitt
S. W.
The summer
time when the
air is fine Makes
the old young
for a while So
they can enjoy
And numerous
other goodies.
Call you
you will have the
J. W. Little
Merchandise Broker
Office Residence 267-L.
If. C.
Mothers Hare Your Children Worms I
Are they feverish, restless, nervous
Irritable, or constipated Do
they constantly pick at their boss or
grind their teeth T Have they cramp-
pains. Irregular and ravenous
petite These are all signs worms.
Worms not Be your child
but stunt Its mind and growth.
Giro Worm Killer at once.
It kills and removes the worms.
proves your child's appetite, regulates
stomach, liver and bowels. The
tons disappear and your Is made
happy and healthy, as extend-
ed. All druggists or by mall,
Indian Medicine Company
Philadelphia, Pa. St Louis, Mo.
Have Purchased The Stock Of Stone-
wall Jackson On Evans Street And
Solicits the Patronage of
the Public Generally
Arrival and Departure of the
Passenger Trains
Northbound Southbound
a- m. p. m.
B. m. p. m.
a, m. a. m.
a. m. a. m.
p. m. p. m.
Johnston Foxhall's
Greenville, N. C.
We will be ready to take care of you and protect your interests
Johnston Foxhall
Business entrusted to this AGENCY gives you
REAL PROTECTION. Protection that proceeds
Close attention to all details of the INSURANCE
From placing your risk in t h e STRONGEST
From satisfactory ADJUSTMENTS of your LOSSES.
Message on the Mexicans
Situation Will be
Read Today
Wilson will read his message on the
Mexican situation at the to-
morrow. This was decided at mid-
night, following the receipt of a mes-
sage from John Lind, personal
President Wilson In Mex-
that lie had said good-bye to For-
Minister and would
leave Mexico City tomorrow.
Negotiations, so far as Mr. Lind is
concerned have been terminated. The
United States will receive any further
proposals through Charge
of the American Em-
The policy of the United States was
outlined to the members of the two
congressional committees of foreign
relations today at a conference at
the White House by President
son and Secretary Bryan. The
dent's message received practically
unanimous approval. The future
course of this government will be one
of non-interference, in the hope that
the effect of its present efforts and the
pressure of foreign governments will
constitute a moral suasion that
will bring about the peace in
The makes It plain that
will be no lifting of the embargo
on arms, that no faction or govern-
in Mexico will allowed to
receive munitions of war from the
United States. If necessary, the
dent proposes to increase the
can border patrol to enforce this
The president cites in his message-
us a precedent for the policy he pro-
poses to pursue, tho action of
dent Hayes in withholding recognition
from for more than a year after
latter had gained control of the
Mexican governorship. Paring to-
night's conference the president read
to tho committee not only tho full
text of his own message but tho notes
exchanged between John Lind and
Huerta. Ono of the
said afterward that the Huerta note,
written by Foreign Minister Gambol,
was one of the finest state papers he
had over seen.
KEOKUK, la., Aug. A mar-
engineering was
turned over to the world today when
the great Mississippi River dam and
power plant were formally
ed. The dam extends across tho
River from Keokuk, la., to
Hamilton, III., and Is almost a mile
long. Its construction occupied near-
three years and its total cost ex-
The dam is to be
for the generation of electricity
which Is to supplied for lighting
and Industrial purposes throughout
the greater parts of Illinois, Iowa and
The dedication was made an
for Interesting ceremonies.
There were parades on both sides
the river, followed by a of
speech-making. An Immense meet
of river craft In gala dress added
the of the scene. It is
mated that a quarter of a million
persons witnessed some portion of the
-NEW YORK. Aug. Kelly,
a young motorman, Jumped from the
Brooklyn bridge today at Its highest
point and escaped with a few slight
bruises. On his way down Kelly
turned over half a dozen times and
the East river almost flat on
his back. He floated a short distance
until ho was rescued. Kelly refused
to tell why he made the Jump.
The ambulance surgeon who In ten
minutes pronounced him practically
as good as ever, said Kelly had been
years old, weighing about pounds.
Ear mark under bit right ear.
Owner can get same by paying cost
or I will sell for cost and damages
Winterville, N. C.
The Best Pain Killer
Salve when
ed to a cut. bruise, sprain, burn or
or other Injury of the skin will
Immediately remove all pain. El E
Chamberlain of Clinton, Me.,
robs cuts and other injuries
their terrors. As a healing
Its equal Will do
good for you. Only at all drug-
Akron to on Commission Plan.
AKRON, O., Aug.
and opponents of the proposed new
charter for Akron are warming up
to a spirited campaign with the near
approach the special election at
which the fate of the proposal to
change the form of municipal govern-
will be decided. The election
will held Thursday. If char-
Is adopted the control of the en-
tire municipal government rill ho
vested in a commission of three, com-
posed of a mayor and two
Tho mayor will receive a
salary of a year and the two
commissioners a year each.
have Just a fresh sup-
ply of the celebrated Black Sun
Cured Tobacco. J. R. J. G.
Death of Former lady.
Relatives here were notified by
wire, Monday afternoon, of the
death of Mrs. Maggie Rawls, of
widow of the late Mr. W. S.
Rawls. No particulars of her death
were given other than she was at
some springs In Virginia. The re-
mains will be brought to Greenville,
and the funeral services will be held
in the Methodist church at o'clock
tomorrow afternoon and the inter-
will take place In Cherry Hill
cemetery. Mrs. Rawls Is survived by
three children, Messrs. Lee and Les-
lie Rawls, of Baltimore and Mrs.
Elizabeth Smith, of New York.
was a sister of Mrs. E. M. Williams
and Miss Martha Tyson, and Messrs.
It. A. B. F. and J. C. Tyson, of Green-
Mr. and Mrs. Rawls and their
then small, moved from Green-
ville to about twenty years
ago. It was Just two years ago this
week that Mr. Rawls died and his
remains brought here for bur-
Meet at Trinidad.
Colo., Aug.
of interest In circles
were ushered in here today with the
opening of the annual grand
session of the Uniformed Rank of
the Knights of Pythias. Members of
the order from nil parts of Colorado
are In attendance. General
and his staff arrived In the city this
morning and escorted to
headquarters camp in Central park.
This afternoon the great parade took
competitive drills will
be held tomorrow and on Thursday
the gathering will close with the
and Installation officers of
the grand lodge officers.
I wish to state to my patrons that
my office will be closed during the
first week in September, owing to
my absence from town.
Freckled Girls
It is an absolute fact, that one cent
will either remove your freckles or cause
thorn to fade and that two jars will even
in the most severe cases completely
cure them. We are willing to personally
guarantee to return your money
without argument if your complexion is
restored to its natural beauty.
fine, and absolutely harmless.
Will not make hair grow but will
remove TAN, PIMPLES and
FRECKLES. Come in today and try it.
The jars are largo and results absolute-
certain. Sent by mail if desired.
Price Mammoth jars
For sale by
Greenville, Worth Carolina
Remarkable Case of Devotion to Home
Shown by Nesting Meadow Lark
In Massachusetts.
An endearing trait in birds Is their
love of home, and the bravery with
which they face danger In protecting
their eggs or baby birds. They seem
to become very tame at such times;
not seldom a person who approaches
them quietly may, after a few gentle
attempts, stroke a mother bird as she
broods. But It Is really courage, and
not enjoyment of the attention, that
she displays.
An interesting example of the strong
attachment of a bird to Its home, as
well as Its adaptability to unusual cir-
was given by a meadow
lark that found itself day after day
under gun-fire, and learned not to
fear it.
At tho practice grounds of the
United States marine corps at Wake-
Held, Mass., some low mounds were
raised on the firing line. On the
front side of of mounds a
meadow-lark built Its nest, and had
laid Its eggs when the season's
In target shooting and skirmish
drill began. Tho of the man
on tho mound was directly over
tho nest, and not more than two feet
above it
At first the birds would fly away,
when the firing skirmish line was still
at some distance; but as the practice
continued, they became accustomed to
the noise. would wait until the
men came very near before flying, and
would return Immediately after. As
the time came for the eggs to hatch,
one of the birds would stay on the
nest during the firing, even if a rifle
were held just above her bead. The
marines were very careful not to dis-
the little family. When tho young
came, they were nourished amid the
smoke battle, as It were, and finally
left the nest Com-
The undersigned, will on
DAY, August 1913, at
p. m. front of the office of Dr.
Morrill, In the town of Falk-
land. Pitt county. North Carolina,
lease, rent and farm let, at public
auction, to highest bidder for a
term of one year, beginning January
1st, 1914, and ending December, 31st,
1914, that certain farm and farming
lands of the late T. L. Williams, sit-
In Falkland township, Pitt
about one mile west of Falkland.
There Is about a three horse crop of
cleared land, with dwelling and ten-
ant house, three tobacco barns and
one pack house.
The lessee of the above lands will
take the same free from any
or agreements on the part of
the undersigned to make advance-
or Improvements during said
lease term. All crops are to
deemed vested in the undersigned
the rental Is paid In full, rental
to be paid In cash and due
1st, 1914.
This the 15th day of August, 1913.
Administrator T. L,. Williams.
ins lots In South Greenville. Will
cake terms to suit purchaser. A M.
toes left at per bbl., seconds
See or write J. F. Pollard.
typewriter and roller top desk.
Henry Sheppard. S cod
per month. J. J. Cherry.
Chimney Rock Gap been for
years famed for Its beauty in
song and story.
Why not spend your vacation at
one of the comfortable hotels beau-
situated in this lovely valley.
Hotel rates remarkably cheap,
to per week Homelike service.
Good roads, fine livery, good fish-
makes it EASY to get to
Rock, and
rounding mountains. Write today for
H. D. P. A.
Raleigh, N. C.
KER, Jr., T. P. A.
Charlotte. N. a
I desire to call the attention of
the to the fact that I have
opened an Electrical Contracting
In the building, back
of the Shoe Co., where I am
prepared to do all kinds of electrical
I In House Wiring and
will be glad to furnish estimates on
your requirements.
to Servo,
J. H. Melton
Truth Made a Hit
The late Senator Marcus A. Hanna
always delighted to tell a story on a
Cleveland friend In the Iron man-
business In that city.
This Iron merchant, according to
Senator Hanna, was In New York
on a bond selling mission for a sub-
company In which he was in-
The aid of a well known Wall street
house was sought and the bead of
the firm was negotiating for the bonds
with the Lake City man.
do you suddenly
asked financier of the Cleve-
came the quick response.
on out and get a said
the capitalist. are the first
man I ever met In my life from
Cleveland who did not claim to
Married Men Live Long.
The reason a married man lives
longer than a, single man Is because
the single man leads a selfish exist-
A married man can double hie
pleasure. Any time he has a streak
of good luck It tickles him all over,
but It makes him feel twice as good
when he tells his wife about It. And
she Is so pleased and proud that he
feels like a two-year-old. There Isn't
a chance In the world of a man's
hardening or his heart weaken-
when he can get a million
worth of pleasure out of making his
wife Enquirer.
markets selecting stock for my
fall trade. I will have the best line
of coat suits and ladies ready to wear
goods that can be found. Watch for
the arrival of my new stock. B. J.
Starkey. g
hog, weight about lbs., mark
smooth crop In left ear and hole In
the right. Owner can get same by
applying to me and paying charges.
JESSIE SMITH. Winterville, N. C,
Route Box
S ltd
Specialties, Bulbs and Cut Flowers.
Floral designs on short notice.
Plants for
Free estimates cheerfully given. A
card will bring a competent
to look into your require-
J. H. Melton Electrical
Greenville N. C.
From Baltimore will
be here, with a
large assortments
of samples of Fall
Fabrics suitable
for any style suit
any man could
let us show
Quality and fit
to Fourth Street, frost
L. Smith's building
formerly occupied by Chinese
Phone M.
T. hicks, The
One-Room House for
Among the London properties sub-
for auction recently was tho
so-called house In
This Is In Hyde Park place and was
described at the sale as living up to
its title It only consisted of one
room. That solitary room Is, however,
of some value, since the property was
eventually bought In for more than
The Best Hot Weather Tonic
blood, builds up the whole system will won-
strengthen fortify you to withstand
the depressing of the hot summer.
Horse Racing Motorcycle Racing
East Carolina Fair Grounds.
THREE HORSE RACES, Free for all, three min-
and Two Motorcycle Races. Admission
Children under twelve Grandstand Free
w. L. HALL
W. M.
We are now in position to write Fire, Life,
Accident and Health Insurance and we would
appreciate a part of your business.
Rank The relations existing between this Bank and its Customers are close and cordial. Wees- Ran If
III I III teem at a compliment to have our friends and patrons lay claim to this institution as being
Call and see us. Courteous treatment assured.
James L. Little, President, F. J. Forbes, Cashier.

I ii I
Present Generation Demands To
Much of Everything, It the
ion of Woman Writer.
Ii the mark of our era to want
more or everything than we can use,
was extremely an- yet when we get the too much we de-
and had every omen of we are emitted by It. Tar-
flood or bad luck crushed by the
In the pigeonholes of bar writes Cornelia A. P. Comber In the
and her days were spent trying to Atlantic
any calamity by the hare often thought that the
omen. Strung about her neck were sheer, brute mass of people to
several Egyptian amulets of good for- know, of books to read, of plays to
tune; a four-leafed clover reposed In
the left shoe; a paw occupied
the Inside pocket of her Jacket; on her
right hand was worn a moonstone
hear, of pictures to see, of things to
do. buy. learn, reach of
the well-to-do person In the modern
world, far the capacity of any
ring; the god grinned his human being to take It in and make
of her devout worship at the of It the sane whole that a life should
shrine of luck from Ills throne on her be.
table. we go on. trying
Helene was a fair vision is she to expand to Illimitable possibilities,
before the oval mirror drawing a thinking we be happier so Boon
comb through her wavy hair, as we have discarded all our present
She dressing to receive Billy belongings and opportunities for big-
ton, who came twice a week to newer, richer ones. How many
a box of candy and pay his respects people do you know who have not met
to Helene would tell you a substantial Increase of Income with
yon curiosity enough a corresponding enlargement of the
to ask her. whole scale of living, a senseless ex-
The last hairpin finally placed sometimes outrunning their
In position, and Helene raised the
comb to arrange a few refractory
tresses, when It fell from her hand to
the floor. she said
almost tearfully, and. going to the
r, Betty, come here,
younger sister appeared.
dear pick up that comb for
Betty did as she bid, grumbling
the while. and your old super-
I thought by your tragic
voice something dreadful had hap-
or I never would have
left the room with this part-
shot Of careful to-
night, Helena, dear, for It la new
noon. Look at It over your right
Is It the left It keeps one
bony to remember correctly all the
signs. Ill not you any
snore this evening, so pleasant dreams.
I am going to
Helene donned her frock and looked
critically at her reflection, and knew
that she looking better than usual.
always was becoming, and Billy
admired this more than any of her
other gowns. Helene wondered If he
cared very deeply for her. It would
fee such a satisfaction to know, for
staring the three Tears of their friend-
ship Billy had never once become sen-
enough to declare his
but week after week maintained
that comfortable, intimate,
affection which Is very but
which no girl of normal discrimination
could mistake for love. Helene had
reached a stage where Billy
her, and she wanted to know what
thoughts, concerning herself, lurked
behind his gray eyes and placid
In the midst of these
the doorbell rang, and she de-
the maid ushered Billy
ton to the drawing room. Helene
found him ensconced In his
armchair, but he arose to greet her
she entered. After the usual pleasant-
had been exchanged, he
you mind going for a walk, Helene
The night Is glorious as only a June,
rose-scented night can be. want you
so come to wherever I
care to lead you. Do you
this to be an adventure that you
peak so gravely, sir knight If so,
I trust myself entirely to your pro-
and we will
mad they suited the words to action.
reached the open Helene
scanned the heavens for the moon, and
It over the wrong shoulder; then
a black cat ran across the path and an
owl hooted mournfully In the sycamore
tree. A Queer creepy sensation danced
up and down Helene's spinal
brae, and she felt her rocket to see
the rabbit's foot was there,
but it not Crossing the park they
peacocks that had roosted
the night, and these disagreeable
fowls rent the peaceful air with their
Helene clutched Billy's arm In
tic terror. return. I am really
said the phlegmatic
Billy, are coming with
On he led her, never pausing until
they reached the hedge surrounding
a pretty house. Then Billy spoke
again. Is the parsonage,
and I have arranged for the min-
to marry as tonight. For a long
time I have loved you. but hesitated
to tell you because I knew that you
would never select a wedding day
all the signs pointed to lock, and
that would mean months of
tor this Is objection
I don't want to marry
rasped Helene. am
yes you do, and you must get
over your fear. Give me your hand,
She obeyed, and over
the third linger of her left hand be
lipped a ring. Helene shuddered
saw the opal surrounded with
but somehow the glittering
hand silenced her misgivings and a
Joy craft Into her heart
They mounted the steps to the
and Helene saw the number
above the was nil.
Then BUy her k. bat
kissed her Up. and eyes.
I lock this way
I love you and went to prove-
will be a happy marriage, I
to make It as.
touched the bell and
Increased ability to provide for It
There is no future but chaos for a so-
with such ambitions. They are
centrifugal and can only lead to
Most Useful Member of Community
Unkindly Dealt With by Ex-
pert Fault Finder.
A grocer Is a man who spends his
time In exchanging adulterated foods
for unadulterated money.
The best time to visit any grocer la
after you have had a large, square
meal; the worst time to visit him Is In
the afternoon about B o'clock, when
you are half starved and everything
In his place looks more or less real.
But after you have given him an or-
under these famished conditions,
do not go home to your wife. It Is
bettor to give her a few days in which
to recover, and Incidentally get even
with you by ordering two new Paris
hats and rhododendron
To be a successful grocer one must
have sand, a rich Oriental vocabulary
that can describe the same tea as If
It were In each case really different
and a complete knowledge of aniline
Also, every grocer should be mar-
He can then explain to his
when he Is trying to sell her
some combination of wood pulp and
asbestos for wife
baa tried this for three weeks and
Estimating Your Supplies
In large Institutions the time that
certain supplies last has been tested
down to a One point Only by know-
very carefully bow long certain
supplies will last can the army and
other large Institutions buy
gently and thus take advantage of the
reduced price given on large orders.
While many women are
many more should more
test how long certain supplies
last the family under average
It Is possible to estimate how
long coffee, tea. staples, cereals, etc.,
will last, and make large quantity
orders on which the housewife can ob-
a generous discount. But unless
this quantity buying Is based on care-
estimates It will not result In the
saving of money and time It other-
wise would.
Burgess Is holding revival services
at the Methodist church this week.
The services are well attended. We
feel that his consecrated life Is of
great service there.
Mr. Harrington has left for
Norfolk, and York.
where he will spend several days.
Seed rye at Harrington, Barber and
Mr. E. F. Tucker and Miss Kate
Chapman left this morning for
where Mrs. Tucker will
Chapman In purchasing her
millinery goods for the fall.
Barber and company
are giving some bargains In men's
and hats.
Dry goods, and slippers go-
at cost. Cox and House.
We notice that one of the new
boilers for the Pitt County Oil Co.,
has arrived. They expect to have
their new mill ready for the first of
the cotton.
Dr. C. Laughinghouse was here
See Cox and House for cold drinks.
Ice cream, candy and cigars.
forget to Cox and House.
The new electric light plant Is
us splendid service.
Miss Eva Langston has returned
from Panacea springs
Prof. F. C. Nye left this morning
for Rocky Mount
Kittrell and Company solicit a lib-
part of your business for all
kinds of feed stuff.
Mies Mamie House, of Stokes, is
visiting friends here.
Mr. B. D. Forest has returned from
Richmond where he spent several
day in purchasing goods and sup-
plies for the remodeling of his new
The Vance Literary Society, of
High School met last even-
for the election of officers. The
society was called to order by Pres-
A. H. and the following
officers were elected for the fall term
President P. D. Croom; Vice
dent, W. E. Dawson; Secretary, Roy
Watson; Treasurer, L. B. Dickens;
Chaplain, O. Robertson;
or, Frank Pierce; Critic, Prof. J. R
Carroll; Marshal, R. H. Chase. The
society begins with bright prospects
and great enthusiasm,
Messrs. J. F. Harrington, and A
W. Ange left here for Norfolk,
and New York, where they
will purchase their fall goods.
Call to see Kittrell and Company
If you need a bicycle or repairs, they
will make prices and terms to suit
A carload of furniture has Just
rived for A W. Ange and Company.
them for furniture.
See A W. Ange and Company for
Go to A. W. Ange for dry goods at
the lowest prices.
When you need groceries you will
Ind them at A. W. Ange and Com-
Vegetables as Hair Ornaments.
Now that fruit has reached the hair,
In the shape of little oranges for the
bride's coiffure, will It come to
table again, as It did among the ab-
of Marie Antoinette's time
my niece, Mme. de
we read In the memoirs of the Mar
de it la not true that
in 1785 she had her, head dressed a
la with a red check duster,
Into which M. Leonard queen's
hair had artistically Inserted
a small artichoke, a broccoli, a line
carrot and some radishes. When Don-
don de
a rich It she was
so delighted that she exclaimed. J thence running south 1-2 B.
will never wear anything but poles to the run of Clay Root Swamp;
We, the undersigned commission
having been appointed by n or
of the superior court of Pitt
county, by order dated August 25th,
1913, In a cause therein pending, en-
titled Daniel and vs
Georgia Ann and Hazel Dell
infant, by her General
Cicero M. Dawson, and thereby
empowered to make sale the land
hereinafter described, we will offer
for sale to the highest bidder for
cash, on Monday, Sept 29th, 1913, at
o'clock M., at the court door
In Greenville, Pitt county, the fol-
lowing described tract of land, lying
and being In the court of Pitt and
the state aforesaid, and in
township, and more particularly de-
scribed as follows,
Beginning at an oak, at the to-
barn of R. C. Chapman corner,
and running south W. poles to
a steak in the said Chapman's line;
tables. It Is so simple, and
natural than
Were Not Discussing Picture.
His pride was natural, for he was
quite a young artist; and there It
there could be no doubt about It
his picture, his great picture, was
hanging In the Royal academy. What's
more, two people stood motionless In
front while the artist stood afar,
at them. Than, say,
he asked his friend, saunter care-
by and find out what they are
saying about my picture. Perhaps they
want to buy Forthwith Charlie
set out to do a careless saunter. Pres-
the artist the wait
seemed so returned to
bis friend. business he
sighed. only blowing him up
tor leaving off his flannels too soon.
cycles and motor boats at bargain
prices all makes, brand new machines,
on easy monthly payment plan. Get
, , la it, ti , before yon
-T n- will regret It. also bargains in used
The opened and they passed motor
It was Friday, the thirteenth. for Lock
Box Trenton,
thence down the said to the
of Creeping Swamp to Pol-
lard's corner; thence to the white oak
in the fork of Clay Root and Creep-
Swamp; thence north west
along the same, poles to a white
oak, the beginning, containing
acres more or less. It being the same
land conveyed by deed from .
to Daniel which said deed
Is recorded in the register's office of
Pitt county in book . page .
This the 25th day of 1913.
The next time you want tobacco
come to my store and Black
Eagle Sun Cured. It's a good one
D. W.
Cam III Mar ml Sir
The worst no of how lone
are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr.
Healing It
Pain and
Good Judges of tobacco say Black
Eagle Sun Cured la the best. Let me
supply you. D. W.
lit m
famous Actress Finds That a Healthy
Liver is to Good Looks
One of the best known women of
the stage is writing a series
articles on the preservation of
beauty. She attaches great Importance
to keeping the liver active at all times
and she Is right Neither good looks
nor happiness will stay long with any
man or woman who lets the liver get
lazy sluggish.
It is not always safe to take
the old liver remedy. Doctors agree
that it Is a very uncertain drug. Hut
Pharmacy has a remedy
for sale that they guarantee to take
the place of absolutely, and
still be harmless, causing no re-
of habit or diet This rem-
is Dodson's Liver Tone.
Dodson's Liver Tone Is a pleasant
testing vegetable liquid, but It starts
the liver gently and surely and re-
constipation and biliousness
so promptly that it has become a
dependable remedy In thousands of
homes in the United States. There
scores of families In this vicinity
who will not be without it In the
house and who would not think of
starting on a trip without a bottle
of It.
Pharmacy has sold so
Dodson's Liver Tone that they
are convinced of Its merit and will
give any person his cents back,
buys a bottle and does not find
it takes the place of to per-
buy for cash a small crop of Eastern
N. C. tobacco in the rough. Price
must be reasonable. State price. Ad-
dress, TOBACCO, care of Reflector,
Greenville, N. C.
The Wife in Art
by Pail
right Kit, by The Associated
Newspaper School,
i The extraordinary beauty of turned everything it touched
won for her the love of Into gold.
a world famous painter when she was objected Rubens, have
only sixteen years old. Peter Paul covered It
Rubens married this girl and philosopher's exclaim-
her charms on many a ed his visitor,
precious canvas. and you shall an-
It was a most fortunate match, the painter.
Helena was not only beautiful; she Leading the astonished guest Into
had every attraction of nature his studio, Rubens showed hi
and education and be longed to his studio, Rubens showed his palette,
wealthy family. Rubens was a when Rubens died. She did not re-
and one of the most celebrated main In widowhood; but married the
painters In Europe. More than that. Count of with whom, so
ho was a distinguished and success- as is known, she lived In peace
Fortunate throughout his life,
handsome, and of good family,
Rubens was never in doubt of his
future. His talent for painting show-
ed Itself In boyhood. At the age of
twenty-three he went to Italy, where
he soon attracted the notice of the
and happiness.
Every day a human
will la lb
tor. You can get a beautiful Intaglio
reproduction of the above picture, with
five others, equally attractive, x
1-2 Inches In with this
In a well
Duke of Partly as an art known authority covers the subject
expert, partly as diplomat he went cf the pictures and stories of the
in the Duke's service to all the week Readers of The Reflector and
cities of Italy. He spent will know Alt,
years In that country, some- tare. History, Science and Travel,
times painting for his patron, but and own exquisite pictures. On sale
more often traveling on political at the Reflector office and
missions. Book Store. Price, Ten cents. Write
Recalled to Antwerp by the serious today to The Reflector for booklet ex-
Illness of his mother in 1608, Rubens planting The Associated Newspaper
arrived too late to see her again School plan,
alive, and, no doubt feeling the
Let us sell yon a plug, a pound or
a box of Black Eagle Sun Cared to-
and make yon happy. J. R ft
J. O.
strength of home ties, resigned from
the service of the duke immediately.
The Best Medicine In the World
little girl had very
What U known as the
is seldom occasioned by actual exist
external conditions, but la
majority of cases by s dis-
ordered a
which may be
by f. a course of
i control and regulate the LIVER
They bring hope and to the
mind. They ring health and
to the body.
High and great honors bad. I thought she would die.
awaited him in his native city. His I Cholera and
fame grew year by year. cured her, and I can truthful-
Isabella Brandt became bis wife In r that I think it Is the best med-
1608. She. described as a rather hi the writes Mrs.
heavy Flemish woman, and her face Clare, Mich. For sale by
end figure appear frequently In Ru-
work of that period. After her
death and before his second marriage
he was called upon to arrange terms
of peace between England and Spain
It was the m. st Important event
his life. In Spain he met
and earned the friendship of King
Philip. He was honored in England
by Charles I., who presented him with
a string of valuable diamonds In
of his services. The paint-
also a friendship
ready established with the Duke of
After the successes abroad
all druggists.
Black Eagle, the beat plug of
Sun Cured tobacco, I have it D.
Par Weakness and Loss of
The Old standard general strengthening tonic.
s TONIC drives oat
Malaria A tree tonic
hog, weight about lbs., mark
smooth crop in left ear and hole In
the right Owner can get same by
retired to a home In the country, de-1 applying to me and paying charges.
voting himself more than ever to the JESSIE Winterville, N. C.
work of painting. An alchemist went Route Box
to him one day, claiming to have die- ltd
and FARM
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
You can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow-
Bakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de-
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Bakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag-
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers.

Eastern reflector, 29 August 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 29, 1913
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Joyner NC Microforms
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