Eastern reflector, 22 August 1913

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Blew Bern Preparing For
First Monday In September
NEW BERN, August Bern
will celebrate Labor Day this year
the Hist In many The
bust mint program since
of the Eastern Carolina Fall
will take place at the fair grounds.
There will be a free for all, a three
minute and a and It is safe to
predict that these races will be the
best that has ever been pulled off at
the Eastern Carolina Fair track.
are already nine horses in
the stable at the fair grounds train-
for this cunt and as the entries
will be open until Sept. 1st it is safe
to say that will be fifteen or
twenty horses in the races.
The public is much Interested In
racing and the program
will open with two races. One
cylinders and one for ma-
chines with than one cylinder.
The capacity of the grand stand
has be, doubled it is now
feet long instead of feet, the
length of the stand on July 4th.
will be impossible for anyone to stand
up in front of the crowd on the grand.
stand for the benches have
up to the rail In front and,
tho walkway Is now in rear of
the grand stand. The entrance to
tho grand stand is by a In
the rear of the grand stand. The
grand stand will seat five thousand
and everybody can be com-
The races will begin prompt
at o'clock.
Only Veteran la Lower
As active and vigorous as many men
fifty, Gen. Isaac R. Sherwood, who
represents the Ninth Ohio District In
Congress, passed his seventy-eighth
birthday anniversary today. Gen Sher-
wood Is a man of unique distinction,
of the members of the present
House of Representatives he Is the
only Veteran of the civil war.
This is a rather remarkable distinct-
ion, when it Is remembered that a de-
or so ago a substantial percent-
age of the members of Congress were
war veterans. The Democratic land-
slide of last November swept three
ion veterans, of
of Illinois and Hill of
Connecticut, out the House and
Sherwood the lone survivor. In
view of the present age of every sold-
of the it is reasonable to sup-
pose that the Ohio representative
he the last of the in blue to sit
the lower house of Congress.
Net. .
N. C, Aug.
Mrs. R. C. and sisters of
Greenville spent Tuesday here with
Mrs. L. C. Venters.
Last week Register of Deeds Bell
Issued marriage license to the fol-
Roland O. Lang and Mary Anne
Dancy and Julia
Jesse Dudley and Stevenson,
Move and Rosa Williams.
Tom and Mary Williams.
I. i ml May Pass Through Mexico With- TRINITY
oat Molestation, Says of education Intensely to developing men. It
MEXICO CITY, Aug. graduates are everywhere successful and flU position la all
Mr. Galloway of Simpson spent j to the second note forwarded by Sec- f They of honor and dignity in and
Sunday here with his brother. rotary of State Bryan to the Mexican state, and ably and prominently represent their state In the national
Mrs. Alice Galloway returned home government, Manuel Garza government A college supplied with ample resources to provide tho
Tuesday after spending a few days Mexican foreign minister today education. More than a million dollars recently added to Its en.
her daughter Mrs. H. C prepared a state A wide range of courses. expense of the
moderate. No Increase In within years.
For and Illustrated booklet address
Secretary to the Corporation, Durham, C.
Miss Mario Parker of New your telegram to President
Bern is the guest of Misses Mamie and . Huerta though rumors It mentioned
Velma Venters this week. absolutely without foundation.
D. L. Smith and family spent kind like any foreigner may pass
and Sunday in Ayden. I through the country freely without
Miss Mamie Venters, Can being subject to any molestation.
Sunday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs citizens, like other for-
J. C. of Simpson. Signers have enjoyed and will con-
Walter Bland and to enjoy the most complete
were pleasant callers In town guarantees on the part of the
day evening. government and people. All
Mr. W. B. Tingle of Ayden was In under the plain of our laws and I
town a short while Sunday.
Messrs. Harrison and were
callers in the country Monday night
Mr. H. C. Venters spent Sunday at
Galloway Cross Roads.
case of Mr. will not modify our
intentions and precedents.
there should exist
neither fear nor anxiety respecting the
I security of foreigners for which there
Since the baby show and voting
contest has been In force at the
Gaiety the many
exhibited each night has been a great
feature and the parents as well as
the little ones have been working
hard trying to secure the two prizes
offered by the management.
night new photographs of the
little tots are displayed and number
o contestants appear on the
for which you mark the vote
for your favorite and deposit at the
This week closes tho contest and
tho last vote will be made
night at ten o'clock for which the
final count will be made and the
prizes awarded.
Those who attended last night re-
port the a very pleasing
one the voting was one of the
most important features. The class
of motion pictures that are now shown
the Gaiety are very creditable ones
and are fast making a reputation o
high merit for this place of amuse
feature class of pictures and ones
that are very entertaining and pleas
lug to the mind. It
Miss Velma Venters returned home
Sunday from Beach
Fairmont and Benson, where she has
, been for some time.
There will be regular services at the
M. B, Church Sunday evening at
I Wedding bells are ringing In
Is no foundation.
meditation, of which
mention has been made, the govern-
of Mexico already baa made Its
Highway Convention
The fourth annual convention of the
Pacific Highway Association met in
Pinned Car. Which Companions today for a three
The next time you tobacco
come to my store and get Black
Eagle Sun Cured. It's a good one.
D. W.
Delegates from Seattle, Port-
land, San Francisco, Los Angeles and
a number of other cities In at-
The association alms
secure the construction of a first-class
Negro Should Have The
Preference Over Alien
Ga., Au.
Georgia State Agricultural Society,
the oldest organization its kind
the south, began Its sixty-eighth
meeting here today with a
representative attendance. Pres-
John T. Williams called the gall,
to and presided over
opening session.
The address of
was delivered by Dr. David C.
Barrow, chancellor of tho
of Georgia, Dr. Barrow spoke on the
subject of He express-
ed regret at the tendency of tho white
man to give foreign laborers employ-
In preference to the
Much of the South's future, he denial
depends on tho white man being able
to make faithful and efficient work-
out of the
Cures Ions, Other Won't Core
he worst cs, no matter of how long Blinding,
cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr.
Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It
and Heals at .
Could Alabama Man
Dies Horribly
TROY, Ala., Aug. Q. P. Davis
of Elba, Ala., met a horrible death
; a point between here and Montgomery
early today when he was pinned the Pacific slope from as
the wreck of his automobile and f as far
I burned to a crisp. Possible. Except for two Short
Crawler, Horace and Alto breaks in Columbia, the high-
Dullard, who were in tho car With now stretches continuous y from
were forced to witness the n. C. to Ariz.
the, were helpless to avert. Tho o winter large sections of the
Location Equipment first-class.
of successful experience. Special care of the health of
students. An Instructor In each dormitory to supervise
conditions of under care. library and
gymnasium facilities. Large athletic fields. Fall term opens
x. C.
First Class School For Boys And Girls
Strong and experienced Faculty. This school furnished the
leader of the freshman class last year at Davidson and
at the University. Boarders under the Immediate supervision of
the Principal. JOHN GRAHAM.
tar was running at a high speed When
For all of
Lumbago, Sciatica, Coot, Neural-
Kidney Troubles, Catarrh and
Quick Relief
It stops aches and pains, re-
Ilka Destroys
the acid and la
safe and sure la its results. No
other remedy like It. Sample
free on request.
j One Dollar per bottle, or sent
i paid upon receipt of price if
obtainable In your locality.
Lake Strait
read are Impassable and the
burst, throwing t into a deep Is working hard to secure the co-
ditch. The machine turned turtle and of the different communities
Davis was pinned beneath It.
line from the tank was ignited by the
oil lamps and companions,
who had been thrown clear of the
were powerless to rescue him
and Bollard received minor in-
juries. owned the car. His
charred body was later taken to Mont-
and thence to Elba.
toward an early Improvement of
Hamilton Celebrates Centennial
Out, Aug.
week, In ration of tho one-
hundredth anniversary of the found-
of Hamilton, was ushered In today
with opening of a big Industrial and
historical exposition. Tho exposition
was formally Inaugurated Sir John
M Gibson. Athletic contests, reunion
historical exercises, fireworks
displays and o
Has Cured Worst Cases And You many kinds will fill In the week. The
city Is decorated as never before In
history. Thousands of Hamilton
resident in tho States and
It For Only Cents ,
Yes, try That's all you
need to do to get rid of the worst
case of eczema. You take no
It is no experiment. is
, Lively guaranteed to stop Itching,
i rash, raw, bleeding eczema, make a
i pimpled face smooth and clean.
mo is a wonder and the minute
I piled It in, vanishes, leaves no
, evidence, doesn't stick, no grease,
just a pure, clean, wonderful liquid
and It cures. This is guaranteed.
Is put up by the E. W. Rose
, Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and sold
. by all druggists at for the large bot
tie and at cents for the liberal size
trial bottle. Try one cent bottle
and convinced.
in western Canada, have returned for
the festivities.
t ha, run,
WORM, In. by Ike
I;. Par Bra it
Julius Foust, Pres
Maintained by the State for the
en of North Carolina. Five regular
Courses leading to degrees. Special
Courses for teachers. Free tuition
m those who agree to become teach-
In the state. Fall begins
September 17th. 1913. For
and other Information, address
Blue Meeting Opens
DETROIT, Mich., Aug. list
of stakes and purses totaling
has attracted tho fastest horses on
the continent to the twenty-ninth
annual ribbon meeting of the
Detroit Driving Club, which was
opened this afternoon. Tho meeting
forms tho sixth link In tho chain
of Grand for tho season.
Tho big events of tho week will b
the Chamber of stake,
for pacers, to
ed tomorrow, and the Merchants and
Slake, for
trotters, which will be run Wed-
After Four of Discouraging
Conditions, Mrs. Gave
Up in Despair. Husband
Came to Rescue.
an interesting letter
from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock
writes as suffered for four
years, with womanly troubles, and during
this lime, could only sit up for a little
while, and could not walk anywhere at
all. At times, would have severe pains
in my left Side.
The doctor was called in, and his treat-
relieved me for a while, but was
soon to my bed again. After
that, nothing seemed to do me any good.
I. O. F. of West Texas
Texas, Aug.
Is entertaining for two days the an-
meeting the West Texas Odd
Fellow's Ten are
r presented at the meeting by several
hundred delegates. Deputy Grand
Master W. R. Francis, of Fort Worth,
was one of the speakers at tho open-
session this morning.
I had gotten so weak I could not stand,
and gave up in despair.
At last, my husband got me a bottle of
the woman's tonic, and com-
taking it. From the very first
dose, I could tell it was helping me. I
can now walk two miles its
tiring me, and am doing all my
If you are all run down from womanly
troubles, don't give up in despair. Try
the woman's tonic. It has helped
more than a million women, in its
years of continuous success, and should
surely help you, too. Your druggist has
sold years. He knows what
it will do. Ask him. He will
mend it. Begin taking today.
Write Medicine Co.
Advisory Term., for Ammo
en your 64-page book, Homo
Treatment tar sent in plain wrapper.
The Old Standard, General Tonic. Drives out Malaria,
Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System.
It is combination of and IRON in a tasteless form that wonder-
fully strengthens and fortifies the system to withstand the depressing effect of
the hot summer. chill TONIC has no equal for Malaria,
Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and
vigor to Nursing Mothers and Tale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness with-
out purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to
action and the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete
Strengthener. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. cents.
For The Sale Of Leaf Tobacco
Keep Your Eye on the STAR this Year and see if it does not
sell it HIGHER
august MM
m u
Government Expert to
Speak to the Farmers
will most instructive and
Mill He Most
I hey fr of Karl- and
Haters in North Hell Until With
Carolina, Snots.
Introduced six bills Three men. Frank j, r. Ow-
today for surveys of navigable waters and John Turner, w.
been attempted for the improvement in North wounded tonight when a mi
of tho state. They will Propositions stormed the county Jail in an
upon vital subjects by attractive I Improvement of road- lynch Will Pair, a prison-
methods. M to national cemetery at New charged with annulling a
I am constrained to add this P white woman near here today.
statement. of Proposed canal from m White and a deputy, facing the
have been arranged at much trouble of Creek to mob, repeatedly drove them
and expense. There Is no purpose bay county with t, pistol shots when advanced
our a ship canal from Littering rams.
Will not your intelligent to Members of the dually return-
readers who know tho value of at- at low water and the fire and in the darkness the
Big Increase in Taxable
Property tor Past Year
fill r- i t n win no most
Visit Dis- Nothing
Next Month
and . the C
Always alert to tho best Interests
upon such a meeting or
three men were struck.
They wen
were take i
themselves and endeavor to Induce I of Neuse river between New not fatally wounded but we
of the of his district, Con- less fortunate neighbors to do Bern and Goldsboro. to deepen to a hospital for attention.
John H. Small has secured navigation, no young woman was assaulted In
tho services of of the experts Again, while tho are fixed. , lonely farm this morning In
of the United States Department of tended for the men i To provide for two terms of United the absence of her husband Them
Hal-feet N. Large Thai
Brick Did
Hot Finish Until This
figures Compiled, and Given Out
by Register of Deeds
that yesterday was
written by Mr. Small to this pa- dependent upon tho farm. They a weather Bad
per, giving the dates and the places way show their at C. outer wall, they were Impressed h, ,.,.
to be visited Is below, and than by their participation and by To a monument to Gen- tho show of strength Inside the jail ,
will be read with interest.
giving publicity to these meetings.
Very respectfully,
Washington, D. C, Aug. IS, 1913.
To tho of The j
There Is to a series of
meetings for the counties BONDS
tho First congressional district, be- IX THE .
ginning August 25th. I am very sure I .
I t n Received for All of Eccentric Editor Is
James Moore at Creek
battleground in North Carolina. Gen-
More served in tho Continental
they will prove instructive be
to any citizen who may attend. liaise
I beg that you will aid in giving pub- tho Unto,
to them. The date and places WILMINGTON,
at which meeting will held in your of the condition of tho bond market,
section are as to money stringency, not a
was let off, but so far as ran
ill i l I i; no others were Injured. have right much more work to
Governor was appealed , crops.
late tonight to call out the ., , . ,
. V . ,. , , While tho sales today were Ugh
to protect Far. He refused by an- , ,, , ., , , .
. . . . ,, in all of tho warehouses, it Is
that order ,, .,., . . ., .
dieted that the amount of tobacco
and Taper Goes Without the
Dissertations and
Aug. 19.-A playful kit- term of court to try the . , up
ten spoiled a week's work for
wan Quarter, County, Mon- was received by the editor of Snow Archer,
day, Sept 1st. I commissioners yesterday for all Square known M tho most BOSTON, Mass., Aug. tho day of the for
Washington, Beaufort county, Tues- t the road and school bonds newspaper of this section, last the remainder of this week there will ,, of
day, Sept 2nd we. The together the he much drawing of the long bow at make to be here
Greenville Pitt county, bank, of this city put a bid for editorial page of Soldiers Field, tho athletic grounds and tobacco on the
day, Sept 3rd. for of of the bonds of University. The ,
Martin county, Thurs- at par with accrued interest, but the cat be the National Archery As- for the opening of the market went
upon his desk. Since the tire do- thirty-fifth annual
the electric plant In this tournament, which was paid and .,, tho
town the editor has had to depend opened this morning with the first for prices holding
upon a lamp for light to Columbia round for women and the believed those In a position
prepare his odd editorials. When first American round for men. that the first grade of to-
day, Sept. 4th. The
Plymouth, Washington county, the advisability of raising the
day, Sept. 6th. interest on the bonds from
Columbia, Tyrrell county, Io per cent and
day, Sept 6th. but no action was taken
Agriculture, will discuss Several now school buildings arc out both leSs-
His will present the but until the bonds are lam and
essential features of good farming Ow board of education cannot pro- thousand words intended to
and a new viewpoint. He will claim coed. The commissioners fixed and tho of the, Attorney Edward Conger
the attention of every farmer who tax rate for the year at on tomorrow. Tho editor and former District
wishes to Improve his soil, make more worth of property and arm. and be could Attorney Mack left tonight for Sher-
tho poll. This Is an of tho Dames, tho damage was Quebec, with tho vowed in-
Progress During Fast rear
ed by Tax
Figures compiled by the tux I
of tho county for the year 1913 show
has been a wry comfort-
able increase the taxable proper-
In Pitt county this year over the
year 1912, The grand totals cannot
be given at time because of the
fact that the corporation tax is not
yet known, though this last year was
It is estimated that it
will this year amount to a sum
most touching tho three million mark.
In tho comparisons of the aggregate
of real and personal proper-
this amount should added to
get tho correct totals.
The figures that have been compiled
and given out show that there has
been progress all the count
the past year, and that the
values of farms and city property
have greatly advanced. An idea of
the special taxes that have been
led, including the special school taxes,
that Friday will he the and the road tax, cannot be had from
or for this season so far. That is this list, as they are not included In
the figures set down below.
The comparisons are given
For 1912.
White. Colored. Total
Polls .
White. Colored Total.
Acres of land
of acres
of land
to sec how prices would run.
and retired, but threats were made to ,. to see Just how things would turn
return with which they out ,.,,,. A
proposed to obtain from a railroad of the farmers of c county are
Hundreds of pistol and rill. unprepared to bring their to-
-hots were fired when the dynamite , as have
not as yet cured all of It. and
away well pleased both with the
Goes for
and more money.
Dr. William Hart Dexter, of the cents on tho hundred and Is made and
Demonstration to cover tho Interest on the road and
Work, will make what has been char- school bonds to sold,
notarized as an Ho .
will talk about things which
for tho betterment of country
life. He will discuss the home, the
farm, and the community. Ills
will be an inspiration to all men, who
are looking forward to better things.
Surgeon Charles W. Stiles, of the
U. S. Public Health Service, will dis-
cuss rural sanitation and preventable
diseases and will Illustrate his talk
with charts and views
The Improvement of the public health
Is today one of the vital topics among
an Intelligent people. Surgeon
will tell In a clear, simple
Mr. With Bakery.
Mr. M. has accepted a
with tho William's bakery again
and hereafter tho patrons of the
bread shop will have tho opportunity
of eating the delicious bread
Mr. Is a One linker, and tho j arisen through tho appointment of
pi trims of the local bakery will be
of Governor
Hare Asked for u
Party Conference.
Democratic members of tho senate
caucus, probably tomorrow night
to discuss tho situation which has
were far in excess of the prices
that were made at tho opening
N. Y., Aug. farm. I
entertain hopes those prices
will maintained and that they will
Increase In proportion those of the
last season.
So heavy were tho sales
that not all of the warehouses fin-
their sales before the time for
the day's market to close The
Brick had between fifteen and
left from
of taking Harry Thaw
i custody and returning him either to
county Jail or
The district attorney hopes
ever, that Canada will deport Thaw
and In d dug land him the in-
lino In New Hampshire or
Aggregate Real
Personal prop-
13,052.007 83.243.459
Aggregate value of real and
Aggregate value of
real and personal
Grand total .
White, Colored. Total,
Poll tax .
glad t- learn that Mr. Williams
again secured Ills services to handle
this end of tho business.
French Birthday
how the home may made sanitary celebrated his
and how malaria and fever and other day anniversary today, having been
preventable diseases may easily born at August
controlled. During the all the foreign
In conclusion there will a so- diplomats resident in Paris called at
of moving pictures prepared by the and formally presented
hi caucus tonight but lute today
Interested asked that It deferred
until tomorrow night. It
ed today that Mr. Clayton's
tho new Bureau of Rural the congratulations of their
tho Department of the sovereigns and governments.
pictures will portray
in a graphic way some of tho results
of better methods country life. r
For Highways Coast,
EUREKA, Cal., An The gov-
D, Clayton to succeed the late of Oregon. Washington and
Senator Johnston, of California, together with delegates
Friends of Mr. Clayton who upheld representing numerous commercial
the right of Governor Io and other bodies of the throe
point Senator Johnston's successor met hers today to agree upon com-
authority from tho program I building
have for a confer- and Improvements. Before final but l
in which talk things tomorrow the
had been of a Pacific Coast Good Road
Association will be perfected.
For 1918,
White. Colon d.
White, Colored.
Meet at
Mont. Ag.
annual conference of the Methodist
Thea brief outline will Hotel Monday. September 1st to treat
tho statement that these diseases of tho eye and fit glasses,
meetings lb S .
without authority
ens. Many Democrats still are out-
spoken their opinion that tho
by Governor war
not legal, owing to the language of
tho new amendment to the
week from today has been fixed as
dote for tho departure of tho
Episcopal churches of Montana be- team on
here today, with a largo , Japan Fa,
and are now being
perfected. Ten players, with n man-
yesterday's sales that were auction- Dog tax
off morning the greater,
part of which brought good prices. I
Tho feature of the market .
where at all of the warehouses
yesterday was the prices that
were paid for the tobacco sold. It Acres of land
Is said Hint the greater part of the Value of acres of
brought prices were very land
good for the quality of the Acres timber
sold. Of course, much of the staple land .
was excellent grade, as I brought timber
was not land .
very high and did not bring as good Town lots
market price as the other did. town
lots 37.705,938
College Hull Players to Aggregate value
of real es-
Personal prop-
parts of tho state. Tho conference
will continue until Monday, when
tho pastoral assignments will be an-
Bishop of
Is presiding.
ager. coach Interpreter, make
up tho party. While in tho Orient
tho team will engage in contests with
the Japanese college nines.
value of
real and
personal prop-
Poll tax .
Dog tax . 1,468

MR. TRIPP baptismal Service at Christian
Church Sunday
Fell from Cart Saturday. Striking
Spinal Column
IS II ft
i to lull, mill I n
His I mill I t
An accident at
ed in- small and ant,
Two able and Interesting sermons
those preached at the Christian
church Sunday Rev. J. J. Walk-
the pastor. At both morning
and the evening services large con-
were present for the
and who hoard the
r med to be very much In
with ins efforts In bring-
to them message that be
help to them.
At the night service Mr. C. B. Row-
was baptized, after having con-
id himself with the church some
en weeks previous to the service
but which came very close to costing of evening The baptismal
man's III d last Saturday
, was very Impressive to those
u Mr prosperous present Tie addition of another
and II known farmer who lives member to the church Is only one
miles In the country from number. Mr. Walker Is
. giving a very able
pp bad bitched his team to h is
. and had gone into the Held Popularity among the
a, He la
down a large number of stalks, faithful to the cause and who Is -or
with them, Interested In his work. Mis
t back to ins
,., ,.,,. . .,., and meditated thought upon them,
oat. as the Influence
. pat in r .
ran up on a plank
or . log that was lying near I y. The
was ten hard was solid Mrs and Mis
to hint any one falling en M y were At Home to their
m. . , ,;. , ran friends on Friday from sis until
up on the log, Tripp slid off to eight In honor of Mrs. Walter
striking the top his of Kinston and Mrs. J.
column lust the neck, and Bryan Grimes, of Raleigh. Little Ros
Maryland Casualty Company
Leads Others Follow
Premiums received by various Casualty Companies in North
Carolina for year ending December 31st, 1912, as shown by State
Insurance Commissioner's
Fidelity and Casualty . 67.730.29
Anna Life . 62.368.69
V S. Fidelity and Guaranty. 36,974.64
Fidelity and Deposit . 29,940.88
Indemnity . 26,299.27
General Accident.
Liability . 16,419.60
Ocean Accident . 13,533.71
New England Casualty. 12,787.63
Royal Indemnity . 10,178.82
Mass. Bonding Company . 8,440.41
S. Casualty . 5,873.13
Southwestern Surety . 4,047.12
only Casualty Company maintaining claim de-
in North Carolina.
In the fall Mr. Tripp was so
fortunate as to drop underneath to-
the art. i. lower
were not and
able to pull them out before
I i y and Clara Lift received
at the floor. The were assisted
In receiving by the Mrs.
Charles and Mrs Jack
welcomed the guests in the front hall
and them to the library
Venice, The Island City
The of St, Mark's
Copy by The Associated
Newspaper School, Inc.
is Middle Agra.
wheel passed them thus they were met by Mrs. Joe
himself perhaps a broken leg or t who introduced them to the receiving j equaled In the whole world for rich-; Every day a Human
lamed limb for I he could the receiving line wen Mrs. of material and construction, it est story will la
not in ., hit I he c talk Mrs. Hadley, Mrs was originally the private chapel of tor. You can get a beautiful Intaglio
well Grimes Mrs Mrs. the Doge or ruler of Venice. One reproduction of the above picture,
In some
Forbes, Mrs Sam White, Mrs. reason for being so richly adorned five others, equally attractive, z
Fred Forbes, Mrs. William Bi t, M is that there was a law in Venice 1-1 Inches In size, with this week's
II .- it Mr. Tripp Miss Martha which required every merchant in a well
able to pick himself up and to walk Mrs, and M ling with the East to bring back authority covers the subject
to his home Hi v Mosely of Richmond. I material for the decoration of the pictures and stories of the
one the dining room Mrs. Herbert church. Thus it became Readers of The Reflector and
will know Art, Liters-
History, Science and Travel,
and own exquisite pictures. On sale
at the Reflector office and Ellington s
Book Store. Price, Ten cents. Write
today to The Reflector for booklet ex-
The Associated Newspaper
School plan.
him He was White and Mrs. John Wooten receive resting place of the adornments from
mediately put to bed. where he the delicacies were served by countless other buildings, both the
time and In a Misses Wooten, Florence Blow, East and in Italy. The building
very precarious condition. He can Essie and Ruth Cobb. The been compared to tho treasure
talk but cannot hands and guests were then ushered Into the rear of a band of pirates, it forms a
arms Speaking to a yesterday, ball where Miss Smith and museum of sculpture of the most
made the statement that his hands Mrs. John Carper greeted them. kind, from fourth century
and arms felt very much like they William and Mrs. F. G. James down to the late-it Renaissance.
were mashed all over, and that even received In the living room where
the touch of a feather wan Mrs, William Bowen and Mrs. James
painful to him. Ellison of Washington presided at the
Late t news from Mr. Tripp's bed- punch bowl,
side today was that he somewhat
Cutlery tools always guaranteed. Stag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
Ranges. King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
I Atlas Cement O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
In a little wooden church was
built to receive the relics of Apostle
I Mark. The had pulled down
The flowers used for decoration the where was buried
better, though it is known that he were lilies, marigold, ferns
Is in a very serious condition. He glow and golden rod.
is s man of considerable being Over hundred guest.-.
this time in his sixty-third year, during the evening.
though he is net so feeble as one
might be led to think
Scores of friends of the will
loin in wishing for an early recover
of this very popular farmer of the
-olden Alexandria; so his remains were
i brought to Venice, and Saint Mark
called became their patron saint In place of
Saint Theodore In this wooden
church was burned, along with the
Government Deride-. Against Panama-
Exposition, Profess-
Aug. German
government yesterday decided to re
ducal palace, in tho insurrection , participate In the Panama-
Horse ii
ACCIDENT IN tort Doge IV. The
J church was rebuilt on a larger scale
Tho Kan and his successors.
Overturned and I a simple church. In
GREEN PARK, Aug. an ac- in
the form of a Greek cross, built of
the Romanesque ft
of Miles Released
from rattle Quarantine.
i he of
has Issued an order effective on
I, from
cattle quarantine for Texas fever
square miles in the states of
Oklahoma, Tennessee,
n.-I South I This means that
I released have
u eradicating the cattle tick which is
of spreading splenetic or
i ---r in cattle.
from quarantine is in
on the Linville road Friday WM adorned with lines of colored
several people were hurt, two brick hero and there.
dug overturned and the horses at On ft ware five low St. Mark's
grew- in as Venice became rich
running away The horns to
the rear started to run important.
rear Vi
scared the ones in front. On
vehicle was badly broken. The in-
were brought
Friday night Those hurt were Mr.
Mr. Mrs.
Fore daughter, Mrs. A.
Doge remodeled tie
in Byzantine and Lombard
workmen were employed, and the two
styles were joined.
Th-i low cupolas ware
by high -ionics of wood roofed with
Mrs. M. Wyatt and , the walls were
Harrell Nash, of Durham; Miss Mun- M with slabs of alabaster.
of New Bern; Horace Simmons ,,, and were used
a driver. Han-ell Nash hail to decorate the outside. Then
Ii- Low of i-lace. century the Gothic
Mrs and Mr. were in-
to the miles .
. the rest. the exterior
right thigh was broken. All
are getting on nicely and
recovering from their bruises. Th-
people went down the
i for treatment
release I so that this
. b ha I bi lifted
ed up
All of Ti
ti now
Pacific exposition In San Francisco
In 1916.
tho government organ,
Invitation to participate In the
Panama-Pacific exposition was de-
the German government
Inquiry bad shown that an over-
whelming majority In Industrial and
business circles in Germany could pee
no benefit accruing from represent-
The government
thoroughly and sympathetically
reached Its decision not to participate
with the greatest reluctance
view of the good political, bus-
and cultural relations between
Germany desire to cultivate and the
German desire to cultivate and
op them, as Chicago and St. Louis,
have given the American government
fresh proof of sympathy and friend
ship by
East Carolina Teachers Training School
A to train teachers for the public
schools of Carolina, Every energy is directed
to this purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to
teach Fall term begins Sept. 1913. For
and other information,
ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President,
The result is the finest piece
of colored architecture Eu-
Ti. i of St. Mark is in Its I
form x Greek cross,
by i dome at each end and one
In center, The west front has
five great parches opening upon the
Piazza Ban Marco. Tho
Organized Labor in Polities
Mo lug. Th
ii hundred columns, most-
Mental style, with or-
; i t top of the part
cl arch nearest tho main en-
a wide gallery, in the
ii stand me great
which are said to have
and to have been
Venice by Dogs Enrico
In car-
parts; but they were
of Austria in
of the
I glories
I the most
Kentucky Elks to Meet
Ky Aug.
Is on holiday attire
j anticipation of the assembling here
tomorrow of the annual state
of Elks. The sessions will be
at the Home and will last
three days. A reception, bull, bar-
i other features of enter-
will be Included the pro-
Last weak Register of Deeds, Bell,
issued marriage licenses to the follow-
Julius and
W. and Lillian Moore.
Robert King and Adelaide.
Sam Watson and Taft.
William Atkinson and Julia
Hits. I. . FLORIST.
Specialties, and Cut Flowers.
Floral designs on short notice.
II. M.
Attorney at Law
Land and Damage cases a specialty.
N. C.
Unheard of Values
Await You Here
Avail yourself with this ex-
opportunity to fit
yourself out at the least price
Every article a BARGAIN and
every Bargain means money
saved to you.
and compare them with all
A. K.
A Quarter of a
Million Dollars
Has been spent on improve-
at the Warehouses and
on new buildings in Greenville
this year, and this makes it
possible for the market to
all the greater amount of
the staple.
Only two North
Carolina Towns
co Last Year than
Greenville did.
Let's be second
this year
The Buyers
Have made arrangements to
handle on this market
this year
Million Pounds
No matter how large the crop
orders placed for the hogs-
heads will be sufficient to take
care of it all
When You Get to Greenville Drive Over to
IT IS THE LARGEST and newest on this market, and is said to be the
largest in North Carolina FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. It has
fine sleeping quarters for you, and good stables for your team. No better
force could be had. It has rapid and efficient accountants, and all of them are
experienced men who are able to look after your best interests. Polite
vice in every department. Start with us, stick to us, and you will make
You Will Receive a Cordial Welcome at
Just across the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
from the Imperial Tobacco Company.
C. T. Proprietor
H. A. Sales Manager
G. H. Auctioneer
R. A. Tyson Jr., Bookkeeper
J. T. Asst. Bookkeeper
D. T. Beaman, Manager
Night Watchman

D. J. Editor.
one . . line
Adverting rates ma bad upon
application at business office in
Building, corner
and Third streets.
All cards of and resolutions
respect will be charged Or at
per word.
-LEAVE party held by Americans In Mexico
Oftentimes in our courts of Justice and we might add by all other nations
tills order Is made upon some as well, would not balance value
or upon some woman of the a soldier's life. Life Is as sweet
underworld. In each case the per- and as precious to him as it Is to the
son upon whom the sentence Is pass- money barons of this country who
ed is one who is undesirable and for own property In Mexico. These men
Whom there is apparently no place would not go themselves to fight for
in Hut are these sentences their property, but would expect the
right, and do they contain In to send men down to risk their
any sort I lives in order that big business might
When the prostitute was brought go on unmolested,
before the Master and accused by
Communications advertising
will be charged for at three
cents per Hue. up to fifty Hues.
as second class matter
august 1910. at the post office at
Greenville, North Carolina,
act of March 1879.
FRIDAY, 1913
In a speech made in Red Springs
on last Saturday. Colonel Swift.
made the statement
that Child labor does exist ill North
Can and that children under
proper ago limit do work in tin mill-
of stat Thai la true u i
one who is at all familiar With
the condition now existing in the
cotton mill districts of the state. It
very true that some child
in other raids industry than
I he cotton mills, but this is the most
common one.
Bone weeks ago a statement M
made in a press bulletin issued by
the Child Labor Committee
that a North Carolinian had
that he knew of an instance where
women and children employed
by a certain firm wore compelled to
go to work an hour earlier than tho
men did, and upon special inquiry
made by this writer, the Information
was received from the National Com
that the gentleman was Col-
Swift, mentioned above.
have no doubt whatever that
this man knew he spoke, and
are of the opinion that Just
condition does exist somewhere. H
did not say whether or not the
was In North Carolina,
presumably it Is. To our own per-
knowledge there is a cotton
mill in the western part of this
the women
of the worst parts of the factory,
where they are in the winter
forced to work in parts of the mill
it is Impossible for them H
comfortable. In the same factory
are employed children who give
appearance of being under six-
teen years old. Child labor does ex-
in this state, and if there is n
mill, owner in North Carolina v he
makes his women and children
Ml Kill HIM.
A young man came to Greenville
recently, a married man as we
it, and wanted to accept a
position in this town. In fact, he
Through Instrumentality of Con-
John H. Small an expert
surgeon from health department
of the United States government is
the Pharisees did he order the poor; S
woman to leave the town never to No has e,
return No, he said that he who m . fl n ,,,
own bonds
Since the day of the election when
It was found that the people of
Mlle township had decided in favor
of the proposed bond issue for the
had already accepted the position, building and improvement of good making a tour of the larger towns of
and had come to begin his work. It roads, some have been asking North Carolina in the
was a job that would have paid one, question as to whether or not the of the eradication of malaria
hundred dollars per month to start county commissioners could find a and the mosquito. It has been a long
with fine prospects for an early. for the bonds once they are time since this was done by any es-
if he made good. He had not on the market. Of course, we do pert from Washington, and this time
been here but a short while until not doubt that the bonds could we have one of the most able men
he found that it would be utterly in any quantity that we the service.
possible for him to find a house where or that they could be taken Wherever Dr. Carter goes he should
ho could live, and where he could L at a time if we wanted It receive the hearty co-operation and
make his homo. Consequently, the
without sin should cast the first
stone at her. And no stones were
cast. Hut, in what we prize as our
and better we w
it upon ourselves to get rid of these
undesirable people.
The wonder to us is where all
banished no when they art
ordered out of one town or from one
state into another. They must go
somewhere, and where shall that be
Have you any right to throw your
trash into your neighbor's yard Of
course, not. and we as a state, have
no right to pander off on some on-
else the human beings who to us are
what trash is to our
But there i.- a remedy, and it should
put Into use. These criminal
and undesirable women ought never
to he out Of the state. This
is a free Country, and as long at
a fellow has life he should be free
in go into whatever state or town he
may desire, unless, of course, he hi
confined in a prison If these
are not fit for our state, they
are certainly not fit the other
states. If they are not decent and
respectable enough to associate with
people, then the same will be
true of others, and we ought not to
try to put them off on our neighbors.
Our duty is plain. If the has
citizens that are undesirable, and who
are so bad as to have to be put off
on some other state, then we ought
to have some sort of a remedy, or
should prepare some kind of a treat-
tor people. The state
have some kind of an
In which such undesirable cit-
might be placed. Some
arms should pick them up
and give them a new chance,
let them have one more
to make good. Let's stop ship-
ping our criminals and women of
the underworld to some other clime,
and let's take care of them ourselves
Our duty plain, and we should tat
shirk it.
an estimate placed upon tho
lite of the average soldier in the
vice of the United States army, what
would that estimate be In dollars and
cents One answer to the question
begin work in the morning is by former
an hour before the men, some Charles W. Fairbanks in an address
should taken to make him tho editors in Indianapolis last
just like the one now staged in th
of the state of New York
And, next the two men who
I pal part is being id by a woman. I
I the wife of the Impeached governor.
is just like a woman to want to
I take the part of her husband who Is
I assailed by a mighty
b as is Tammany, but it
. as though all the efforts of
I the brave little woman who has ;
I aided over the executive mansion In
Will end ill a Vain
lo sue her husband from
and Mrs. did the right
thing in shouldering the blame If it
I lie true that she one who real-
is blame. She no doubt i
what she is fighting against
and that her chances for winning
are slim.
We have always had a great ad-
for Governor and
lit , people of the
try have shared tho view that he
would make Now York state one
of the best chief executives that the
Empire state has had in all her Ion;
history. We have always believed
him to ho honest and are still
the opinion that he is too wise a
man to think it possible to get away
with as much of his campaign
as he is accused of appropriating
his own use. We have all the
believed that Mr. was
being preyed upon by the Tammany
machine, and that this whole affair
is a trick that has been hatched
by that mighty political alliance.
Murphy's crowd has been fighting the
governor ever since he announced
himself a candidate for the Demo-
nomination. His fight in
convention was won only because the
Tammany machine saw the utter use-
of opposing him. We are in
sympathy with the governor as well
1.8 with his wife, and are still
him, and hoping that he may yet
prove that his skirts are clear of
the Crimea that he has been accused
gentleman had to give up his
and go back where he came from,
and all
room for him.
done that way.
Hut why should we worry at all
Why cannot our own people take these
Greenville had we want to know Is
why the people of the South can't buy
This Is a serious charge to own bonds, and build their own
brought against any community. It roads anyhow. It Is very true that
is a lino thing to say for any town have not and the
to make the statement that there, had in north but
is a great demand for dwelling what differs it Surely there are
houses, but It is not for a town's men of wealth in this section
interests to say that people have country to finance the great
be turned away because there is no progressive measures that we attempt
all such treatment of them.
There only a very few
why parents should allow their
, to work In the factories,
and Still fewer why mill owners
should permit this. Parents
permit this because the father
to work himself, and de-
pends upon his children to support
the family. Another is that they val-
a few moments of time that will
bring In a few cents, far more than
they do the lives and the welfare
of these children. The mill owner
accept i because ho can got
their labor cheaper, and in many in-
stances make thorn do just much
work as is expected of a grown
Swift Is right in as-
that child labor exists In North
Carolina, and the people of the
rise in their indignation
pass laws that will stamp out the
whole evil from our borders. The
worktop of children In the mills it
a when they not old
to be put there, aids very materially
in Billing our orphanages, and In
causing them to and be
able to meet the demands that
being made upon them. Let an In
be started, and let the in
be followed up with
that will accomplish something.
stands pat, and re-
fuses to give in. and that Is
story from Albany.
night, his subject being the Mexican
situation. This answer was that
the property and money that is in-
vested in the entire country of
would not he worth the life of a sin-
American soldier.
Mr. Fairbanks is taking the sanest,
and, It seems to us, tho only proper
view of the situation that have
heard expressed. We have maintained
all the while that the very class of
people who are most anxious for this
country to declare war against Mexico,
are the ones who would the last to
volunteer to the front were troops
called for. It is true, we believe,
that most of. the demand for
and for protection of property In
Mexico Is coming from that class of
people who hold the wealth of this
country In their hands. It matters
but little to them how many soldiers
In the conflict down there, or how-
much It costs tho government to wage
war with people to the south of
us, so long us can carry on their
business in Mexico, and so long as
they can peaceably go along and rob
those people of what Justly and right-
belongs to them. How many men
would the great corporations send to
the front If war were declared Only
enough to look after their Interests,
and just so their were looked
after, It would matter but little to
them whether or not even men
lost their lives In tho conflict.
air. Fairbanks la absolutely right
In his statement that all of the pro
After nearly two years of
confinement at Jersey City, Port-.
Charlton has sailed for Italy to
placed on trial for his life on the
charge of killing his wife and throw-
her body into the peaceful
of Como. Charlton has con-
fessed he murdered his wife,
but the defense will enter a plea tint
Will, if successful, let him down
easily. Italy has no death penalty
mid cannot be executed for his deed.
However, what is just as bad
most, and perhaps a little worse, Is
the probability of a life solitary
To people such a sentence
would be worse than death. It Is
nothing to die, only a transition to
another world, but what would a
long life of solitary confinement
moan How far short would that full
of being n transition Into another
world, though the mortal man would
still be on this side of the
There many different lives that
one can live In this world, but
exactly a life of solitary
confinement. Have you ever been
far away from any living being, even
for a few hours Then you might
have some sort of an Idea to
what It would mean to like that
for tho of your That
Is the sentence that Is staring
Charlton In the How would
you like to In his stead
room them. And the surprising
thing about the whole proposition I
t no one seems to realize the sit-
and no seems to have
enough in the town to put up
Capital to build more houses. At the
prices single rooms renting for
hero at the present time, it seems
that our men of means would be
over each other In an effort to
Invest their savings In dwelling
it is a fact worthy of accept-
that no matter how many houses
may add here, they will be
almost as rapidly as they are
I completed. The town is just now In
the midst of a groat growth, but
need not expect this growth to con-
i unless we prepare for the
I pie who want to come here and cast
their lot with us. We must prepare
I for them. The man who wants
come hero so much that he will come
ahead and build his own home and
then move in certainly a
great deal of credit for his enterprising
spirit, and we should stand by him,
but tho flood of people that makes
a town grow does not come In any-
such a manner as this. They
for the mist part the laboring class
and the men who are not always able
to build a home of their own, the
men who must rent their houses
from some one else.
No one can estimate the number
of good citizens this town is losing
just for the simple reason that there
are many who would come here if
they could find a place to settle their
families. It has come to the point
where a man can hardly find a place
to room for a short while. It is well
to have this said of the town for a
very few months, just long enough
to let our home people realize the
demand and prepare for it, but
less a remedy is and unless
more money is Invested in real estate
and preparations made for
accommodation of the working
who wants to come here, our town
will be the loser Just as surely as
we have a town here. Greenville is
a good town, and Is highly
of whatever our citizens will do
for its advancement. are all
proud of it and of its growth, and
Its great opportunities. Today Is thy
day of oar visitation, and RIGHT
NOW is the time to art mat-
or else tho opportunity may-
slip from us in loss time than It
takes to tell it. Let us take ad-
of things while they;
at their flood tide, and we will
be gainers In the end.
the building of good roads is one
of these measures.
If these bonds placed on the mar-
right here in our own town and in
our county, we believe that there
assistance of the people that he visits.
They all should remember that he Is
working for their benefit and not his
and that without their aid he can do
nothing. The best that he can hope
to do in the eradication of these evils
is to tell the people what to do,
show Hi mi how they may do for them-
selves. He has the knowledge on
tho subjects, and Is willing to
part to us what he knows about kill-
off the mosquito and stamping o it
malaria, and then it will be up to
us to do what we can to aid In thy
That South Carolina fellow who
died after having two hundred ope-
rations performed upon him knows
what It means to go under the
knife. He could not be ex-
to survive any such treatment
as that.
has been received by the
enough public spirited citizens North Carolina State Hoard of Health
to take them off the hands of the that the city of Durham has been
township. There is no question as to made the point at which an
the capital being in tills town. There study is lo be made of the dread-
are several men, we believe, living led disease pellagra. believe that
In Greenville who could of themselves the right point has been selected,
alone shoulder the burden of this bond It was in Durham that the first cases
Issue, and never scarcely miss
money that they had loaned. Our
people to be willing to buy their
own bonds and to pay their own debts
In another column of today's pa-
per may be found an account of a
tour that will be made through the
First Congressional District, by a,
government expert from the Unit-
ed Department of Agriculture.
Tho purpose of tho tour Is similar
to the one now being made by
Henry Carter, who Is traveling
over the eastern part of the state
in tho interest of the health of the
people of this section. Tho
expert will hold meetings that
will Interesting and instructive
to the farmers of this section of the
state, and all who can do so will be
by availing themselves of
the opportunity to hoar Professor
Johnson, who is the man that will
make tho visits
In securing a man to travel over
his district Congressman Small Is do-
his a great service. Tho
one great need on the farm today
Is better education and more
for the farmer. Ho cannot
got too much knowledge of his work,
and his lack of knowledge In some
instances Is oftentimes the cause of
of pellagra were discovered in this
state, and it was there that it first
attracted statewide attention. Dur-
ham physicians were given the first
opportunity of studying the disease,
and sonic few of them have won for
themselves a reputation that Is more
than statewide. Many theories have
been submitted as to cause and
remedy for this malady, but
have had greater success In treating
It than a certain doctor In this city
where the government will establish
a laboratory for the study of the dis-
ease. believe that no
ease. believe that no mistake
has been made, and that the
of the new hospital will only
mean renewed and added vigor on
the part of the physicians of tills city
A young man, an editor of a
country weekly In a town
situated near the crest of the Blue
Ridge mountains, Is now making a
brave fight among his people. A
movement has been started there to
surrendering the charter of the town
rather than pay a few dollars In
taxes. The editor Is lighting with
all his might against the move, and
so vicious has the thing come to be
that he has been threatened with
bodily harm because of his effort i,
the people of or at
much of his falling. Intensive farm-
n eastern North Carolina will
make money for any man who has
the ability to handle his affairs, and
the tour that Is to be made by
If tho
of opportunity that Is
now knocking at their doors.
least the better element of them, will
stick to this brave follow, and will
hold up his hands In the fight that hr,
is making almost single handed
i The town will not, M we
government expert Will work won- charter, but on. day
farmers will only a marble over
grave of. this brave man who has
fought for the life of his adopter
town, who, as much as any
else, will in the end be the one to
whom credit shall be due for bring-
it through the crisis.
It seems cruel to joke about it, but
since no one was hurt more than a
neat little scare, it will probably not
amiss to say that some of
folks who were plunged into the
when that bridge collapsed in
Youngstown, Ohio, needed a bath.
it seems that tho entire state Is
falling in love with sand clay roads,
and that Greenville township will
make no mistake In constructing this
class of roads. Mecklenburg is now
discarding the old macadam form, and
Is clamoring for the sand clay type.
Pie is still being handed out, and
several postmasters have received
With the current Issue The Com-
Secretary Bryan's
published out in Lincoln, Nebraska
begins it as a monthly
It will missed greatly by
tho thousands of readers who have
been enjoying It weekly, but these
readers will be glad to know that In
Its modified and enlarged form It en-
Into a wider field of service, and
that In this form It will contain more
of the personal touch of tho great
chieftain who founded It and who Is
yet its greatest contributor. Long
may it live to tho follow-
of tho flag of Democracy.
Editor of the Cit-
Cowan of the Wilmington Dis-
patch, of the Rocky Mount
Telegram, last, but not least,
Patton, of tho Charlotte News, are
wrangling over the poetic tendencies
of Jim Cowan as he stood on top
of some of those mountain peak.
watching the sun go down over tho
western hills. But there's not a
mother's son of them that can tell
poetry he sees It But. of
course, Cowan would think of all
rhymes as being gems of poetry.
Mecklenburg county bus certainly
conferred a great service upon the
in picking out Hon. W. C. Dowd
to represent her in the extra session
of tho legislature. In recent years
there have boon few men in the gen-
assembly of same as
Mr. Dowd, and he Is a man of ability
and great foresight. Ho Is a man of
wide knowledge and Is well to
handle the most difficult problems,
and no legislature has had more
problems to face lately than
to come before the extra
Col. A. W. of Lumberton,
of the men mentioned as a
date for the Democratic nomination
In 1916, takes the view
of tho tiling when he says that
gubernatorial race is too far In the
future for the people of tho state to
be talking of it
Representative Clayton perhaps
thinks that It he can't get that
toga one way, he will another
Attention TOBACCO Farmers
If you want the high-
average for your
tobacco, sen it at THE STAR.
Did you ever see a real sorry break
of tobacco a THE STAR It always
looks bright It ways sells.
t lighted ware-
house ever built t he sale of leaf
A good light and a
good warehouseman
guarantees the highest prices.
We have the light The best
light, and we know how to it.
Watch us, and sec if we
L. J
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by William W. Humph-
and wife Battle Humphrey, to J. L.
Hill on the 6th day of December, 1912,
which mortgage was recorded in the
office of the Register of Deeds of Pitt
County In Book E page the
will sell for cash before the
Court House Door in Greenville at
auction on Monday, August 18th,
1913, tho following described lot or
parcel of land, situated in the town of
Greenville, County of Pitt and State of
North Carolina, and described fol-
lows, Lot In said Town
lying on West side of Green Street be-
tween First St. Tar River- Be-
ginning at the S. E. Corner on Green
St. and running West about feet
to Julia Sutton's land, thence along
Julia Sutton's line about feet to
Martha Langley-s line; thence East
along Martha Langley's line TO feet to
Green St. thence along Green St.
it to tho beginning. Being the
lot to said William W. Hum-
in tho last will and testament
of S. P.
Said land is sold to satisfy said
This July 17th, 1913.
J, L. Hill.
F. G. James and Son,
By of a decree of the
Court of Pitt County made in
Special Proceeding No. 1825, entitled
F. et -vs- Anna Moore
ct the undersigned Commission-
will sell for cash before Court
House Door in Greenville on Monday,
Sept. 1st, 1913, the following
ed piece of of land, situated In
county of Pitt and in
Township, lying on Hen-Coop Swamp,
at a black-gum In Hen-
Coop Aaron
corner, and runs with his line
West poles to a pine, S. J.
corner, thence South
West polos to a black-gum, Rog-
thence North East to a
pine, thence East poles to a corner,
North polos to a stake,
North East polos to a
pine, North West poles to a pine
1-2 East poles to a corner
on the run of Hen-Coop then-
up Swamp to beginning,
containing acres more or less.
This tho nth day of July. 1913.
J. B. James,
Having qualified as administrator
of Jesse P. deceased, late
of Pitt county, North Carolina, this
Is to certify all persons having claims
against the estate of the said
ed to exhibit tin in to the undersign-
ed within twelve months from this
date, or this notice will be pleaded
In bar of their recovery.
All persons Indebted to said es-
will please make payment to tho
undersigned or to Nannie E.
widow to whom his estate was
conveyed prior to his death.
This July 25th, 1913.
J. P. JR.,
F. G. JAMES and Son,
I ltd
Having qualified as administrate
of tho of S. E. de-
ceased, late of Pitt county. North
Carolina, this Is to all persons
having claims against the estate
said deceased to exhibit them to the
undersigned on or before tho 19th
day of August, 1914, or notice
will pleased In bar of their re-
All persons Indebted to said
estate will please make immediate
This 19th day of August, 1913.
of S. E.
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Superior court, August term,
Delia Nobles vs Richard Nobles.
The defendant, Richard Nobles, in
the above entitled cause, will take
notice that an action entitled as above,
has been instituted In the superior
court of county by Delia No-
as plaintiff vs Richard Nobles
as defendant, for the purpose of dis-
solving the bonds of matrimony ex-
between the plaintiff and the
defendant and the said Richard No-
will further take notice that he
Li required to appear before the Judge
of the Superior court at a court to
be held for the county of Pitt, at the
court house In Greenville, Pitt
on the 2nd Monday before the
1st Monday of September, it being the
18th day of August. 1913, and answer
complaint In this cause which has
this day been deposited and filed In
the office of the clerk of the superior
court of said county, within the first
days of said term; and let the
said defendant take that If he
full to answer the complaint within
the time required by law, the plain-
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in the complaint.
This the 7th day of July. 1913.
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt
The Old Standard, General Tonic. Drives out Malaria,
Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System.
It is a combination of and IRON in a tasteless form that wonder-
fully strengthens and fortifies the system to withstand the depressing effect of
the hot summer. GROVE'S chill for Malaria,
Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and
vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness with-
out purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to
action and purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete
Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. cents.
Raleigh, N. C.
Greatly Reduced Rates
From Round Trip
. 3.20
Simpson . 3.00
. 2.45
. 2.30
Rates proportion from all
Tickets sold tot all regular trains
August 24-29 inch Good to re-
turn until August 31st.
Ask any agent for particulars,
II. S.
General Passenger Agent.
a misunderstanding as to tho set
for the session, with the result
that only a few delegates arrived
tonight, tho State Council, Junior
Order, did not convene
Beach today, and the opening
session will be held tomorrow morn-
The attendance will be largo.
Kill 1913 MODEL, MOTOR
cycles and motor boats at bargain
prices all makes, brand new machines,
on easy monthly payment plan. Get
our before buying or you
will regret it, also bargains In used
motor Write us today. En-
close stamp for reply. Address Lock
Box Trenton,
Let us sell you a plug, a pound or
a box of Black Eagle Sun Cured to-
and make you happy. J. R.
J. O.
To Cure a Cold la One Day
and And works off th Cold,
refund money if it fail lo cure.
W. GROVE'S signature on each
A Good Investment
W. D. a well known mer-
chant of WIs. bought a
stock of Chamberlain's medicine so
as to be able to supply to his
customers. After receiving them ha
was himself taken sick and says that
one small bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and
was worth more to him than the
cost of his entire stock of these med-
For sale by all druggists.
Piles Cured In to Days
Your druggist will refund money if
OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching,
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in to days.
first application gives Ease and Rest.
For all of
Lumbago, Bout, Neural-
Troubles, Catarrh and
Gives Quick Relief
It stops aches . pains, re-
swollen Joints and
the acid and Is
safe and sure In Its results. No
other remedy like it. Sample
free on request.
One Dollar per bottle, or sent
paid upon receipt of price If not
I obtainable In your locality.
chi, run, Mum., scalds.
STORM, tie., k tins
Be a
Good Judges of tobacco say Black
Ki. Sun Cured Is best Lot ms
supply you. D. W.
at Stantonsburg In
At home about five miles from
Greenville, on the night of August
12th. from eight until twelve-thirty
o'clock. Misses Bertha Lee and Em-
ma Johnston delightfully entertained
a number of their friends In honor
of their guests. Misses V.
Owens and Mary Strickland, of
N. C.
The guest were received at the
parlor door by Miss Emma Johnston
and L. C. Baker, and presented to
the guests of honor.
At ton o'clock they were invited
out on the lawn, which was
fully lighted with Japanese lanterns.
Here a big watermelon feast was
After much enjoyment and fun
they again repaired to the parlor
where music was rendered by Misses
Jenkins and Marie Strickland
Norfolk cream and cherry smash
served by Mr. and Mrs. Johnston.
Miss Johnston and J. L.
Those who enjoyed the delightful
occasion Misses Marie
land, Rosa V. Owens.
Myrtle House,
Georgia Bell House.
Leonard Wilson, and Messrs. C. T
K. B. Dudley. M. H. No-
R. C. L. C. Baker, C. K.
Fleming, Patrick, J. L. Baker.
A L, J. T. Smith, J. O.
Joe Johnston, and D. N. Nobles.
Venice, The Island City
by Associated
LEARN ONE THING Newspaper Inc.
On July Campanile On tho walls of the chief
bell tower of St. Murk's Cathedral ell chambers are oil by
Inn Ho Much Better
For You This Safe Vegetable
Will He.
The liver is such a delicate organ
that most people have learned from
the danger of flogging it
Into action with the dangerous drug
Pharmacy sells
and recommends Liver Tone,
a tasting, vegetable
liquid that encourages tic liver, re
constipation and biliousness
without restriction of habit or diet
There are no bad after effects from
Inking Liver Tone. It
just what It Is intended to do and
more. Dodson's Liver
harm either children or grown-ups
and Is an excellent preventive of
chronic liver troubles.
Liver Tone for cents per bottle and
every sold Is guaranteed to
satisfaction, and you get
money back without a question If It
fulls you. Some remedies are sold
In Imitation of Dodson's Liver Tom
look out for them. Remember the
fell to the earth a crash. Earth-
quakes and a rotting foundation at
length worked its ruin. But Its re-
construction was begun in 1905, and
tho tower was completed in 1911, nine
years alter the fall.
The Campanile stands, as is usually
tho case In Italy, detached from the
church. first be on this
site was built in The that
fell in 1902 was eroded In
Tho Campanile signified to tho
tho greatness of Venice. It
as a watch tower before tho
year Then In the twelfth and
thirteenth centuries it a boll
tower also. Its belle rang out at the
first hint of danger to warn the
of the republic. During later
times these bells announced the
of by to
a waiting and expectant crowd;
victory which made
nice master of the East; the
of Mr fights of sovereignty
against Rome. They clanged when
Martin the was
beheaded. They tolled a dirge when
the peace of ended the
Venetian republic forever. When the
lagoons were unite tho Italian
mainland they rang out in announce-
When the Campanile foil the
were shocked and broken-heat-
ed. was some question as to
whether it could be reconstructed;
but the Italians were determined
it should be. In its fall tho bell
tower inclined toward the north and
open piazza. If it had fallen in any
other direction, either the Library of
or the Doge's and
St. Mark's Cathedral, or the royal pal-
would hare been destroyed. In
some of the fell very
near St. Mark's, but did not disfigure
ii tin the least.
The old foundations of the
used as a nucleus tho
new. The shaft,, outside, is a per-
model of the old boll tower;
many Venetians, among them
masterpiece and
and tho huge picture of
Paradise, the largest oil painting
the world.
Every day a
est will MI be R
tor. You can jet a beautiful Intaglio
reproduction of above picture, wit a
five others, equally attractive, I
1-2 inches in size, with 11.1.- week's
In a well
known authority covers the subject
cf pictures and stories of the
week. Readers of The Reflector and
will know Art,
Science and Travel,
and own exquisite pictures. On sale
at the Reflector office and Ellington s
Book Store. Price, Ten cents. Writs
today to The Reflector for booklet
The Associated Newspaper
School plan.
The next time you want tobacco
come to my store and get Black
Eagle Sun Cured. It's a good ons.
Oiler Cart
The worm cases, no matter , f how
are cured by
tic Oil, It r
Turn 11.1, at it tin t.
buy for cash a small crop Batten
tobacco in tho rough. Price
be State price. Ad-
dross, TOBACCO, care of Reflector,
Greenville, N. C. ltd
Has Worst Cases And You Can
Trove It For tents
try That's all you
need to do to get rid of the worst
f eczema. take no
It Is no experiment. Is
. lively guaranteed to stop Itching.
raw, bleeding eczema, make a
by modifying tho Inside tho weight pimpled smooth and clean.
been reduced 20.000 tons. is a wonder the minute
The nucleus of tho first Venice, plied It sinks in, vanishes, leaves no
evidence, doesn't stick, no
Just a pure, clean, wonderful liquid
and It cures. This is guaranteed.
Is put up by the E. W. Rose
Medicine Co. St Louis, Mo., and Bold
before it was made scat of gov-
of tho republic, is said t
have been the little district tin-
great bridge over the Grand Canal
which still retains the name
Hut as soon as the Island if
Alto became the capital of the
Venetian republic a for the
was erected near the open
mouth, on the that its
still This earliest
was built about the year
It twas burned down in
and again in HOG. The present mag-
building was a slow
over three centuries.
As a whole, tho Doge's Palace as
it now stands may regarded ex-
as the characteristic typical
example of I ally developed Venetian
Gothic. It is built of brick, and Is
lined or with small
slabs of variously colored mar-
. The Interior of the Dog's Palace Is
of much d then la the
by all druggists at t for tho largo bot
tie and at cents for the liberal site
trial bottle. Try one cent bottle
and be convinced.
The North Carolina
Julius I. Foust, Greensboro, H. C
Maintained by the for the
en of North Carolina. Five regular
leading to degrees. Special
Courses for teachers. Free tuition
to who agree to become teach-
n stats. Fall session
September 17th, 1911. For
and other Information, address
of the Brothers D
Witt at The Hague.

Who Knows
IT have a president of the United State
than ii, yet a man ran rote at and
president at The reason of this It because, WE
Experience Counts
The great factor of la everything is
The experienced farmer knows best how to
produce a good crop and the experienced Baggy Mas-
GT THAT CAN BE HAD. In fart we to con-
Nance la the Flanagan that we give an absolute
for a period of one year, and many friends
Pitt County realize that meant
that we are always to make good any defect la
Come to see us.
John Flanagan Buggy Co.
Mayor Sam of Toledo Had a
Quick Reply for a Corpora-
The struggle the renewal of
the franchise grants to the street rail-
way company had already begun, and
the council had already granted it the
franchise It wished, renewed its
for another years.
Mayor Brand writes In the
When Mayor Jones vetoed the bill
the council prepared to pass It over
his veto and would have done so that
Monday -light had It not been for two
Jones and D.
Cochran, the editor of the News-Bee.
Mr. Cochran, with bis brilliant gift in
the writing of editorials, had called
the whole populace, almost, to
attend the meeting of the council and
to protest
The demonstration was so far
that the council toe
frightened to the street railway
ordinance. The attorney for the street
railway company there, and
there a lull In the noise ha
suppose, Mr. Mayor, that this la
example of government under the
replied Jones In a dash. to
an example of government under
rule of
Municipal University,
The municipal university to
now In bat to net
rare abroad- The la
zig to DOt a great German university.
bat to and foremost the
of municipal
Too of Hamburg to to follow to
path, Just completed
plans for a City o a large
scale, while many of the newer Bag
although national
la their general character,
will endeavor to meet the special
seeds of the industrial In
which they are located, and to that
extent will be municipal universities.
United States Educational
P. P. to Interested In
this movement, and declares that
should watched by all Interested la
Set New Idea In Building,
Francis K. Kimball, who provided
the Idea for modern
foundation construction, entered the
employ of a builder at the age of four-
teen, and has devoted his life to that
Una of work. He stopped designing
and building to serve in the Civil
war, but suffered no Interruption
since. At one time he went to Eng-
land, where he engaged
architect of Trinity college.
The caisson idea came to him while
erecting a building In New York.
Treacherous sands were encountered,
compelling bun to seek a new method
for excavating for the foundation. His
career has been marked by original-
and he overcome many
In construction and established
many in method. He la
I a member of the New York chapter of
the American Institute of Architects.
Aerial Waves, Instead of Springs, as
at Present, May Move Hands
on Dial.
The coming use of wireless
in time regulation is giving the
of England much to
speculate about at the present time,
remarks the New York Evening Post
Some of them profess to see a com-
age of clocks that Is to
succeed this clockwork age, the one
we live in. That is to say, instead of
each clock trying in its small
way to keep exact step to the march
of the minute by means of Its own lit-
paraphernalia in pendulum, spring
and cog wheel, there will exist a sys-
of master clocks, one in every
great center, taking the time from
Greenwich observatory, minute by
minute, through wireless antennae,
and la tarn it on to the
of neighboring clocks by other
This sounds almost a Jules Verne
like leaving word with Greenwich
observatory to call one at
The Immediate question Is rather that
of the extent to which a spark
out to all point simultaneously would
benefit the keepers of accurate time.
If it were worth while, a student of
the subject says, it would be perfectly
feasible to any number of
within the radius by
means of half-minute spark Impulses.
An English has already
carried out the scheme on a small
scale In his own home. All the docks
In the house of P. O. Read of Chis-
are ran by sparks from a master
dock. The responding clocks should
rather be called indicators, tor they
are nothing bat dials hands
moved by one wheel which to
by the spark
Will cure your
Neuralgia, Headaches,
Colic, Sprains, Braises, Cuts and
Burns, Old Sores. Stings o insects
Etc. Antiseptic used in
and externally,
Application will be made to the
to vote bonds to erect
a two-story four-room brick school
and auditorium in school
district No. township, Pitt
Powerful Shot,
Irishman who much a
banter went eat to one day,
the first thing he saw to shoot at
a bird sitting on the top of
a fence. He biased away, and then
walked over to pick up the victim.
What he happened to find there was a
dead frog, which he raised at arm's
looking at It with a
air. Finally he
but ye a of a
blew the
there off
DR. J.
on Dickinson Avenue
J. C. Lanier
H Sea -w
Into N. Stables
Corner 2nd Evans Streets
Transfer Men
Baggage and Express
No. Night or Day
all Trams
Sea SI Sen. world
. on. th, practice, with V. S. Arm Rifles.
state of Ohio, city of Toledo, l
Lucas County. I
Frank J. makes oath that he la
senior partner of the of F. J,
A Co., doing business In the City of To-
County and aforesaid, and
that said will pay the sum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and
essay of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of HALL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, day of December,
A. D. ISM.
A. W.
Notary Public.
Hairs Catarrh Cure Is t Internally
and acts directly upon th -id end mu-
surfaces of the Send for
testimonials, free,
F. J. A CO. O.
Sold by all
Take Hall's really
For Boys and
Attempts no college work. College preparatory. Spec-
attention In course of study to students who can
never go to college. Excellent music department, lit-
societies, library, athletic grounds and
Separate dormitories tor boys and girls, with
matron in each. students representing counties.
Faculty of seven college trained Christian men and
women. Expenses f to per year of nine months.
For and full information address,
John R. Carroll,
Winterville, North Carolina.
Suffered Enema Fifty
a long time to endure the aw-
burning, itching, smarting,
known as
name for Eczema. Seems good
realize, also that Dr. Eczema
Ointment has proven a perfect cure.
Mrs. D. L. Kenney can-
not sufficiently express my thanks to
you for Dr. Eczema
Ointment It has cured my
which has troubled me for over fifty
All druggists, or by mall
Chemical Co.
St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa.
The summer
time when
air is fine Makes
the old young
for a while So
they can enjoy
And numerous
other goodies.
Call you
you will have the
m sewn f.
J. W. Little
Merchandise Broker
Office Set Residence 267-L.
y c.
Mothers Have Your Children
Are they feverish, restless, nervous
irritable, dizzy or Do
they constantly pick at their nose or
grind their teeth T Have they cramp-
pains, irregular and ravenous
petite These are all signs of worms.
Worms not only cause your child
but its mind and growth.
Give Worm Killer at once
It kills and removes the worms,
proves your child's appetite, regulates
stomach, liver and bowels. The
tons disappear and your child is made
happy and healthy, as
ed All druggists or by mall,
Indian Company
Philadelphia, Pa. St Louis. Mo.
Wars Purchased The Stock Of Stone
wall Jackson On Eras Street
Solicits the Patronage of
the Public Generally
a. m. p. m
a. m p. m
a. m I It a m
a. m a m
a. m 4-11 .
Johnston Foxhall's
Greenville, N. C.
We will be ready to take care of you and protect your interests
Johnston Foxhall
, ,
Greenville Banking
Represents the Highest Standard of Safety in Banking
IN 1910 The State Treasurer of North Carolina selected this Bank as a Depository for state funds.
IN 1911 The United States Government designated this bank as a legal depository for Postal Savings Funds.
IN 1912 The Good People of Pitt County selected this bank as a safe bank in which to keep their money, to extent that its
business exceeded not only any other bank in this section but the Greenville Banking and Trust Co., took its stand among
the largest and strongest banks in the eastern section of the state.
Resources Over Half a Million
E. G. Flanagan, Pres.
E. B. Higgs, Vice-Pres.
C. S. Cashier,
Business entrusted to this AGENCY gives you
REAL PROTECTION. Protection that proceeds
Close attention to all details of the INSURANCE
From placing your risk in the STRONGEST
From satisfactory ADJUSTMENTS of your LOSSES.
The undersigned, will on
By virtue of a power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed
executed and delivered by E.
REV. E. M.
Preacher Held Final
Services Sunday
Impressive and Inspiring Sermons .
Popular Preacher Closed Ills
Pastorate In Green.
Large congregations greeted Rev
E. M. Hoyle at both services at the
Memorial Methodist church
and people who turned
out to hear the sermons were highly
pleased. It was the last day that Mr.
Hoyle was to be here, and many of
the people of the town were anxious
to hear his final utterances In Green-
ville. It will be remembered that
Mr. Hoyle sometime ago asked for a
transfer from work to a church
in the city of the pastor
making the change for the benefit
of his wife's health.
With his family, and accompanied
by his mother, Mr. Hoyle returned
to this town on last Thursday to
arrangements for his departure, and
to pack and ship his household goods.
After he released Rev. E.
J. who has been serving
here during Mr. absence
the summer and
to preach his last sermons to
his people yesterday.
Is no feeling whatever
between the preacher and the
of bis church. He explained
at his final service last night that he
was leaving on account of having
this opportunity to get to a climate
that Is better suited to the health
of one member of his family. There
no financial advantage In the trans-
fer, as the salary In the mountain
city la exactly the same as here.
While the local Methodist church is
at the present time struggling
liquidate tho debt on the church
building, and is at the same time
raising money with which to build
the parsonage, Mr. Hoyle says that
he is not leaving to escape hard work.
The church to which he Is going
just now engaged In the construction
of a new Sunday school annex that
will mean an expenditure of between
and and It will re-
a great amount of work
that sum.
Tho people of the town.
of their church affiliation, will
part with Mr. Hoyle with feelings of
regret. He is now
his second year as pastor of the lo- j
cal Methodist church, and during his
stay here has done a great work for
the cause of righteousness in Green-
ville. The Methodist church has
gained in members and has raised
contributions to every cause. Mr.
Hoyle has taken an active interest
In the welfare of the town, whether
his church were concerned in the
movement or not, and his influence
for good and for tho betterment of
those with whom he has come in
contact has been greatly felt.
He and his family will leave the
town during the latter part of this
week, and will go directly to Ashe-
where Mr. Hoyle will
take active charge of the work
of the church to which he goes. The
best wishes of hundreds of people
of this town will go with him In his
new field of labor, and all will regret
to see him leave Greenville.
Veterinary Surgeon From
Short Trip to Georgia.
Dr. J. E. Marsh, the popular
surgeon who has been living
in Greenville for the past few months,
has returned to the town from a
short business trip to Ga.
Ho was called to tho Georgia city to
consider a proposition as to becoming
city meat Inspector at a very
salary. Thinking, however, that
and the neighboring
try him a better field for the
practice of his profession, ho has re-
turned to this town, and has
ed to locate here permanently.
Since coming to Greenville he has
already established himself a-3 a man
veil prepared to handle the kind of
business that ho Is engaged In, and
people have confidence In him
and arc glad to learn that he has de-
to locate here.
Encampment of Texas
What promises to be the largest
of Socialists this year began
here today at Progress Park. With
Eugene V. Debs, Emil Side. Carroll
D. Thompson and other Socialist
leaders of national repute on the pro-
gram the six-day session Is expect-
ed to draw many thousands than
the encampment held hero last year.
Gas Exhibition.
Nearly gas engine dealers, or
about per cent of tho total number
In Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Mis-
are expected to attend the an-
convention and exhibition of the
National Gas Engine Association
which opened In this city today and
will through the week.
Stephen W. Kearney, In
command of a body of U. S
took formal possession
of Santa Fa, N. M.
serving; Hull surrendered Detroit
to the British.
DAY, August 30th, 1913, at o'clock King to J. T. Allen, recorded in the
p. m. front of the office of Dr. register's office in Pitt county in book
Morrill, in the of page tho undersigned will,
land, Pitt county, North THURSDAY, the 11th day of
lease. rent and farm let, at public j 1913, expose to public sale
auction, to the highest bidder for a before the court house door in Green-
term of one year, beginning January I villa, to the highest bidder for cash,
1st, 1914, and ending December, the following described parcel of
1914, that certain farm and farming land to
lands of the late T. L. Williams, sit- j in or near the western
in Falkland township, Pitt of Greenville on the north
about one mile west of Falkland, side of the main road leading from
There Is about a three horse crop of Greenville to Falkland and being lots
cleared land, with dwelling and ten- Nos. and in block B measuring
ant house, three tobacco barns and each lot GO feet front and feet
one pack house. deep as designated and described in
Tho lessee of the above lands will j plot made by J. D. Cox, surveyor for
take the same free from any j. Cobb and R. L.
or agreements on the part of This sale will be made for tho
tho undersigned to make advance-j purpose of satisfying said mortgage
or improvements during deed.
Pr Lia Pr Insertion
gust 17th, lost a bunch of bout
keys on the Washington train,
between and or
tho train between
and Greenville. Finder will
return to me and receive reward
Bell, Greenville, N, c.
lease term. All crops are to
deemed vested in the undersigned
the rental lo paid in full, rental
to be paid in cash and due
1st, 1914.
This the 15th day of August, 1913.
Administrator of T. L. Williams
This the 11th day of August, 1913.
J. T. ALLEN, Mortgages.
HARDING and PIERCE, Attorneys.
Parker's Photo Studio is now over
Shoe Company's store. All
are cordially Invited to call and see
us. We have Installed a machine for
making pictures by night, therefore
will be open both day and night to
serve you. Thanking all for
day and
Entrance at Rear.
Application will be made to the
called session of the General As-
of North Carolina for
to hold an election for the
The Best Pan Killer
Salve when
ed to a out, bruise, sprain, burn or
scald, or other injury of the skin will
immediately remove all pain. E. E
Chamberlain of Clinton, Me., says.
robs cuts and other Injuries of
their terrors. As s healing
Its equal Will
good for you. Only at all drug-
I have taken up hogs,
about pounds each, one red
color, two sandy color, unmarked. I
have also up one small goat
Owner can get by proving own-
and paying charges.
J. F
At Ernul Farm.
R. F. D. Greenville, N. C.
pose of Issuing bonds in the town of j years old, weighing about pounds.
Winterville, the proceeds from tho Ear mark under bit right ear.
sale of said bonds to be used for
the improvement of the Electric Light
plant and streets of said town.
This August 1913.
R. C. CHAPMAN, Mayor.
One of the best all round farms in
Martin county, 1-2 miles from Ev-
to None bet-
for bright tobacco and peanuts.
Five acres in tobacco this year, first
planted in ten years. About acres
in the tract, or in cultivation.
Good four room dwelling, two tenant
houses and all necessary out buildings
and shelters. Terms, cash.
T. PEAL, Owner,
Route Box
N. C.
Owner can get same by paying cost
or I will sell for cost and damages
Winterville, N. C.
to lilt Fourth Street, front
R. I. Smith's
formerly occupied by Chinese
Laundry. Phone .
M. T. HICKS, The Plumber.
a pair. MORRILL,
Jr., Falkland, N. C.
d-w law
laid for Nelson's
monument In Trafalgar
We are now in position to write Fire, Life,
Accident and Health Insurance and we would
appreciate a part of your business.
H. P. Marine
Engine and Regular Outfit
Write R. A. Tarboro. N. C.
election of a seven room brick school
building in the above of Macclesfield
in No. township, in
county. Wanted also, separate bids on
the Installation of a hot air system of
beating same. For plans and
apply to
W. H. Supt Schools,
Tarboro, N. C.
years old this month; well broke
to buggy; gentle and kind. Will
I am going to sell. J.
for P. M. Johnson, the Fifth
Street Plumber. Always at your
vice. Nice line of bathroom trim-
and enamelware on hand.
small flat keys. Finder will re-
reward by returning same to
W. H. Allen, at Allen's Livery. Phone
I have a new thing In spark plug.
It Is fine Double Electrode wires
never fall. think, only
to be as good as plug, at
Singer Sewing Machine Office. Dick-
J. S. Proprietor.
leave your order for roots for next
season. Mrs. Haskett.
Aster and Dahlia garden, now in
bloom. Mrs, Haskett.
Minister Praises This Laxative
Rev. H. of Allison, la.
In praising Dr. King's New Life Pills
for King's
New Life Pills are such perfect pills
no home should be without
No better regulator for the liver and
bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try
them. Price at all druggists.
Horse Racing Motorcycle Racing
East Carolina Fair Grounds,
THREE HORSE RACES, Free for all, three min-
and Two Motorcycle Races. Admission
Children Grandstand Free

Brighton Casino. Atlantic City
March Dear What an
everlasting age It
ems since I left
you and Ted
standing on the
platform, waving
good-by me I
cannot believe
that this place Is
going to do me
much good when
I think how long
the weeks will
before will be
back in dear old
Gretna, but I shall
try hard to
for your
Helen Is
still, very
plain, and very
much a but I like her
Immensely, for she leaves mo so much
I am curled up In one
the bl wicker chairs at the Casino,
along, or being pushed in
those all the world
like a colony of ants moving to a
new hill,
then, dad. there's the
blue like the books always have it.
but an angry, foaming, M a.
rolling its great waves up on the
beach where they break and thunder
at our feet Tomorrow It may he
calm enough, but today It suits my
mood, and I love It.
orchestra Is playing the
dad, those days In Flor-
come back and I dream such
dear Idle dreams
will come to mo. dad
dear, for desperately lonely with-
out you. Ted can manage the ranch
tor a while.
my to Ted, and to every-
body, but keep for yourself the dear-
est of your girl,
Casino, City.
March My Own Thank
you for your good, breezy, loving let
I could almost Imagine myself
home again. The days have gone by
somehow and I shall look for you be-
fore disappoint me
only the old sorrow would
Itself deep down In the sand I might
promise to come home and
care-free again, but It won't leave me.
dad. If you knew how I've tried to
glad that I sent him away
sit hero morning after
watch the ships far out on the
horizon-line, and long to be on one of
them sailing away to
Ralph. What if he Is doing his duty,
what If I did send him away, he Is as
truly no, dad, he isn't, I'm
II wrong It Is seeing so many hap-
people that makes my loneliness
unbearable. By now he Is married
to that little girl in hope
he'll love him lots.
dear, forgive mo, I would
not pain you, you, who, are so patient
with me Soon I will be home and I
will try harder to b brave. Heaven
knows you need all the sunshine I can
give you Don't think me ungratefuL
bat love me. dad, for you're all the
world to your own girl,
Ted for me, he's the
dearest sort of a
Brighton. Atlantic City,
March Dad Some-
thing has happened After all the
dark days I am to be happy, dad, do
you hear me I was sitting
In the Casino yesterday morning with
my back turned to the crowd when I
heard a woman's voice he
Is, now, isn't he Interesting looking
I did not turn around but some one
drew a chair near mine and sat down
to read. I read a long while, until the
place was quite deserted except for
stranger who had his back to mo.
Suddenly, he throw down his book,
walked over to the window and began
to speak, evidently supposing himself
quite alone. At the first sound of Ills
I kept very still In my chair.
What will It all come I heard
him say. have done all I could,
but even for her dear sake I cannot
marry another woman. In Heaven's
name why should I It would all be
a damnable Ho from beginning to end,
there would be no peace here nor
hereafter. Ah, Jean, Jean, If I had
never looked Into your great, soulful
eyes, If my arms had never held you
close, It might have been, but now
never You said you would not marry
a man who had Idly won another
heart. meant to do
right, little girl, but you did not know
how deceitful she was, an i
I never tell
was that my purse dropped
loudly to the floor. With an angry
exclamation he stooped to pick It up
for mo. not looking at my face, but as
ho handed It to me, I held his bond
fast, and oh, dad, If you'd seen his
eyes when he looked and saw It was
II He started to take me In his arms,
but, remembering our parting, he
straightened himself up and begged
my pardon, said he supposed I knew
he had not done what I sent him to
do, and then said ho would leave. I
couldn't stand that. dad. so I Just
asked It he hadn't boon away
long can guess what his
answer was
should see Aunt Helen
She does not yet believe Ralph Is
anything more than a board-walk ac-
we such fun
with her. Won't It be glorious when
come and tell her all
by Dally Pub.
The house seemed strangely big and
empty to Edna as she sat in her
her head
burled In
hands, trying to
grasp the
of her
a young
society woman
who had Just In-
for a
There had
been no scene
or scandal. The
trouble had come
very suddenly
and quietly. Her
husband, Walter
had con-
fronted her one
evening with a
face and the
cousin, Hilly
was on
together too fa-
footing In
their household, and that she was to
bestow less time and attention upon
protested Edna,
half amused and wholly amazed,
and I have been brought up like
brother and sister, and had never
been separated until be went west a
few years ago. I couldn't get up the
least sentiment for him If I
didn't care for
you are not brother and sister,
and I tell you frankly It maddens me
to see him appropriate you as a mat-
of and I will not permit
you to drive with him as frequently
as you do.
Further argument followed, but
Walter was peremptory in reiterating
his commands. He left the city that
night on a business trip, and In his
absence made her plans quietly
and unalterably.
she said coldly on his re-
turn, think it advisable that we
separate. Not on Billy's account,
not because he is anything to me, but
because of your stand in this
you desire a he
said in a low. strange voice, shall
She was a little startled and piqued
by his ready acquiescence.
is one he said,
have overlooked. I cannot
rate d altogether from
As if I would put a
between you two. She shall come
to you as often as you
The next day he moved into apart-
and aunt came to her.
It was the time of year when nearly
every one was out of town, and the
few who came to the house supposed
Walter to be absent on one of his
business trips.
As she sat alone In her boudoir,
pondering over the estrangement, she
heard the patter of little steps in the
she lifted her head expect-
had been spending tho
For Findings In Case of Paymaster
Arms on Charges of
criticism of the naval court which
I thought I wasn't going to Theodore J. Arms
able to exclaimed Miss Finch,
peering closer into the mirror and add
a delicate touch of excitement to
her cheeks.
know, I hinted and
he explained, Paul hadn't any
ears at all My, I wouldn't have missed
it for a farm The floor's swell, ain't
it And, say, did you see the
they've got All of fifteen pieces
Must have cost them something, let
me tell
rejoined Miss as
she delved for a powder bag and began
Its careful application.
Honest, Miss Finch, I envy you
your color comes and goes at your own
good will No, when I put on my
best dress and get my hair combed my
face begins to signs of labor
and by the time I get on the floor I
look like a washerwoman Honest,
It's an awful
Miss gave her cheeks an-
other coating of the powder to cover
the offending color, and restored the
charges of was
endorsed by Secretary Daniels today
upon the findings of the court sen-
tho paymaster to a loss of
three numbers in grade for his con-
with tho commissary frauds
aboard the battleship Louisiana. The
.- said the sentence was wholly
inadequate and that he approved It
only to prevent the officer escaping
punishment entirely.
Fraudulent transactions by an en-
listed man in the commissary
mint cost tho sailors of the Louisiana
several thousand dollars. Paymaster
Arms was the commissary officer
charge. Commenting upon this Sec-
Daniels wrote upon the court's
frauds of such magnitude
could be perpetuated by an enlisted
man in the very present of the
in charge of his work without
As education la teasel; devoted to developing men. It
graduates are everywhere successful and fill positions la all
lines of work. They places of honor and dignity la church and
ably and prominently represent their state In the national
government A college supplied ample resources to provide the
best education. More than a million dollars recently added to Its en-
A wide range of course. Necessary expenses of the
moderate. No Increase In within twenty-five
For and illustrated booklet address
Secretary to the Corporation, Durham, S. C.
bag to its place. Then she unwrapped arousing the latter's suspicions.
her slippers.
know, some girls think they
can't come to a dance unless they have
a carriage; but I'm not so stuck up
yet awhile Now, here my slippers
will look just as good as If I'd walked
on a red carpet to an automobile from
my own house and from the
bile In here, don't they, now
i.-- difficult to comprehend, and is
evidence that the commissary
officer managed to keep himself
uninformed of the work of his
Of tho members of tho court who
recommended clemency the Secretary
have placed themselves
Location Equipment
of successful experience. Special of the health of
students. An In each dormitory to
conditions of boys under hi care. Excellent library and
gymnasium facilities. Large athletic fields. Fall term opens
Miss put up a languid foot on record as In favor of condoning an
and motioned to the maid to assist her. offense which anyone having the real
saw that girl that Just went merest of the service at heart must
went on Miss as for punish-
what do you suppose I heard her say
I wasn't listening, but talked for
the benefit of us all, as anyone could
tell, so I Just took It In. She said that
hair was all hers She said she Just
ran a comb through It In the morning
and the curls fell that way As if you
couldn't see a away that she
bought it by the yard Isn't it funny
how some people will think they can
put one over But I should worry
ifs not as If we should scorn
to buy it by tho yard re-
marked Miss Finch, pinning a rose large companies are now
Into a cluster of curls before applying ltd
the whole to her coiffure. .
I like retorted Miss
got on is my own Host Medicine in the World
and I'm not afraid to take it little girl had dysentery very
Miss Finch changed the subject had. I thought she would die.
hastily. didn't say anything about Colic. Cholera and
cured her, and I can truthful-
say that I think it Is the best med-
in the Mrs.
Orris, Clare, Mich. For sale by
all druggists.
WAR It X. C.
First College School For And
Strong and experienced Faculty. This school furnished the
leader of the freshman class last year at Davidson College
at the University. Boarders tinder the Immediate supervision of
the Principal. JOHN GRAHAM.
The opening sales were larger than
most of us looked for. The market
Mild about 150.000 pounds of which
cur house sold 48.000. Our average
being fourteen cents. We look for
a good steady market from now on.
as all bosses have
been on the market and all of the
on buying.
day with her father.
exclaimed the little
girl, excitedly. had such a lovely
time. We all went on the river In a
went with asked Edna,
and his
new friend,
she said, angrily,
ever mention that Jessie's name to me
was lovely to me I like
So the Intriguing Jessie was winning
her child's affections as well as her
husband's. She decided that she would
not allow the child to go to her father
again. She spent a miserable night
When the summons came for Lillian
the next morning, Edna, who
loved her child passionately, had not
the heart to refuse Lillian's pleading.
Towards dusk as she was beginning
to be anxious at Lillian's prolonged
absence, Doctor Brandon, an old
friend, was
she cried, delighted-
didn't know you had returned.
came home a few days ago and
have been trying to call, but have
been prevented. Are you quite
yes, well. I want you to
until Lillian comes. She has
came to tell you about Lillian. I
have Just father's.
She Is slightly don't be
alarmed. It's a very slight disorder,
but tho weather has changed so sud-
I thought it prudent for her to
remain for a day or two. She
wants fact, won't stay tonight
without you. May I take you back
with me My carriage Is
she exclaimed,
you first name
ho replied In surprise.
were you up the river with
Walter and Lillian
the child asked me what my
was, and I told her and
she proceeded to call me that to my .
delight and her father's
He wondered at the radiant face up-
lifted. As they Into Walter's
apartments she heard a
said, yearningly,
know, now, how you felt about
he said when she was re-
leased from his embrace, you
stop those awful
I never began them I
by Pub.
Black Eagle, the best plug of
Sun Cured tobacco, I have It D. W.
For Weakness Loss of Appetite
The Old Standard l tonic,
T TONIC drives out
Malaria an I nit system.
S Saved Girl's Life
want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re-
jg from the use of writes
Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky.
certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds,
J liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe
saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles,
S they went in on her, but one good dose of
made them break out, and she has had no
more trouble. I shall never be without
in my For constipation, indigestion, headache,
malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar L
ailments, has proved itself a safe,
reliable, gentle and valuable remedy.
If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black-
It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five
years of splendid success proves its value. Good for ff
young and old. For sale everywhere. Price cents.
Worth If f Worth a
my she remarked. got It at
a sale. It's worth If it's worth a
cent, and I'd be ashamed to say what
I got It for, Just because they had to
make room for summer goods, they
She gazed at her reflection In
the mirror appreciatively. know,
I was afraid I'd be conspicuous hero
in it, but I guess It's going to be some
dance, and I'll be glad I wore It It's
too bad you
had this made specially for this
Interrupted Miss
with dignity. fussy things are
all why they sell them so
the whole thing now Is
the plain with good lines. I was
afraid it wouldn't done for tonight,
and I'd have to wear one of those bead-
ed things like yours that I had last
winter, but a woman who was going
abroad decided to wait a while longer,
so the dressmaker was able to finish
Miss drew up her
skirts and stood before the mirror In
pleased scrutiny.
think we'd better get a move on
us If want the first hear
the music, and tho
suggested Miss Finch.
do them good to
appreciate us all the more when we
get replied the sophisticated
Miss giving a parting touch
to her complexion the mirror.
sure Is my feel that I
am going to enjoy myself tonight. I
always can tell
goodness Maybe they'll ask
some one for the dance. Come
on Let's Dally News.
and FARM
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
You can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our. Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers.
All Gone.
dear sir. yon must give
your wife some change.
heavens, doctor,
how can I do that when she goes
through my pocket regularly every
Is the Mont the Healthful, the Most of tn.-
Frank's Execution Fixed Taken From
Oct. But Will
Huerta Government Request Cause
The Delay
Hospital and Lynched
Defers Outlining Views and Policy of
the Administration to Joint
of Congress Until
This Afternoon.
today an official explanation of John
departure from Mexico City to
Vera Cruz was advanced. It was that
Mr. Lind left Mexico City on his re-
turn to the United States after he
had made his
to Huerta, with the understand-
that he could return to
City if the developments warranted.
hour developments in the Mexican
situation today postponed delivery of
President Wilson's special message to
congress until Wednesday and
that the government of
President Huerta after all might
withdraw or modify its rejection of
the proposals of the United States.
At the request of Senor
Mexican minister of foreign affairs,
which was based upon supplementary
suggestions by John Lind, adviser to
the United States embassy in
co City, President Wilson consented
to postpone his address to congress
until o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
It was officially stated in that con-
that in no case would the
United States withdraw from the bas-
principles of Its position paramount
among which is a consistent refusal
to recognize Huerta.
Official announcement was made of
the four original proposals by the
United States presented to Huerta
by Mr. Lind.
Cessation of hostilities in the rev-
and a definite
An early and free election for Pres-
Huerta to bind himself not to be
a candidate.
Agreement by all parties to abide
by the results of the election.
Upon these proposals the Huerta
government at the last moment asked
further time for and
upon certain supplementary
by Mr. Lind, the nature of which
l. not being divulged here, the request
for a postponement was made.
White House officials positively
stated that Mr. Lind had not been re-
called from Mexico City and added
that if he had left for Vera Cruz it
would be for only a short visit. He is
expected to return to Mexico City to
continue the negotiations.
Preparations at the capitol hurried-
made for a Joint session of the
house and senate were called off.
President Wilson's message, a
of about words, was lock-
ed up In the White House vaults await
the next developments.
It is generally understood that the
message is very kind toned toward
Mexico, the United States
government's position, expresses gen-
friendship for the Mexican
and the reasons for In-
upon elections and the
of Huerta.
The expression of the American pol-
icy follows a Ions and unusual effort
to the de facto authorities In
Mexico City to suspend hostilities, con-
a constitutional and to
secure freedom of choice by
the present
ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. Leo M.
Frank was today sentenced to the gal-
lows for the murder of Mary
Judge Roan fixing October as the
date for the execution. Attorneys for
the convicted factory superintendent
at once entered a motion for a new
trial, and October was announced
as the date for this hearing. This
renders it certain that Prank will not
be hanged October since, even if
motion should be overruled, It
would require considerable time for
the to go through tho higher
courts. After sentencing Frank, the
court ordered that Newt Lee,
night watchman of the where
Frank was superintendent be set at
Liberty. Lee has been In custody
since April.
His Negro Accomplice.
James Conley, the who con-
fessed to having aided Frank dispose
of Mary body, still is in Jail
It is expected that upon his indictment
as an accessory he will enter a plea of
guilty and be given a term of less than
three years in the penitentiary.
ever Batted an Eye.
When Frank was brought Into
today to hear his sentence
he reaffirmed to the Judge his protest-
of Innocence. He heard his
sentence without displaying the least
emotion. Only a few persons were
present. Frank's wife was hurrying
to the court room but did not arrive
until after the prisoner was being
taken back to the She followed
him to his cell, where she threw
arms about him and kissed him re-
Attorneys for Frank, in their mo-
for a new trail, set forth that the
verdict was contrary to the law; and
that the court, after overruling mo-
of the defense, allowed certain
testimony which was relative to other
crimes not mentioned in the bill of In-
It is supposed that the lat-
claim refers to evidence of Frank's
moral degeneracy.
Charlie Ross, Thirty-Nine
Year Ago, Located, It Is Reported
CLEVELAND, Aug. rumor
that Charlie Ross, years
ago from his home in Germantown Pa.
has been bobbed up hero to-
According to the police, have
been notified by Chief of Police
of N. J., that he has re-
a communication from Cleve-
land, signed by Charles Brewster Ross,
who says he believes he is tho missing
man. An attempt is being made to es
his Identity.
Charlie Ross in 1874
by a man In a buggy. A ransom of
was demanded for his release.
Delta Tan Delta Reunion.
graduates and undergraduates
from all parts of the country as-
at the Hotel in this
city today for the opening of the
forty-second national convention of
the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. The
society is one of the most prominent
of Its kind in America. Organized at
Bethany Collate, West Virginia In
1859, It now has active chapters
and a total membership exceeding
The present reunion will
close Saturday night with a banquet
at which the speakers will Include
Congressman William P. of
Missouri, Attorney General James M.
Swift, of Massachusetts, and several
other men of prominence.
Louisiana launched
at Newport New.
Charlotte Aldermen Offer Reward
For Arrest of Lynchers
Governor Announced His Intention of
Vigorously Prosecuting
of the
Each, Reward.
Locke Craig, who arrived here this
afternoon from Raleigh, tonight an-
his Intention of vigorously
prosecuting the thirty-five members
of the mob which lynched the
assailant of Policeman Wilson at
this morning.
persons who committed tills
said the governor, be
prosecuted and punished to the limit.
All good citizens will do their part to
avenge this outrage against the law
which was trampled down by a band
of criminals in the darkness. The
accused was in legal custody and
would have been done In order
by the court. There was not the
excuse for the deed of the
mob. commend to all officers of
the state the courageous example of
the sheriff of county,
S. who last week held his prisoner
against great odds and asserted the
majesty of constitutional authority.
The officials of Charlotte are awake to
the situation and will not rest until
the members of this lawless mob are
brought to Justice. Judge Shaw Is
holding court at Charlotte and can
relied upon to meet the
scene to a
scene to arrest him. he shot Wilson
from the motorcycle he was riding
Wilson In turn shot the and
this accounts for his being in the hos-
instead of prison. Wilson Is
in a precarious condition, but unless
complications set in it is believed he
will recover.
. Carter Makes Interesting
Address on Mosquito
Grand Jury After Lynchers.
mob which lynched Joe
last an inopportune time
for such an for i grand
in and urged to Its
Judge J. Shaw, whose
towards lynching is too well
to need comment, something is ex-
to because the person
of the is not believed to be
of sou that can maintain the
A coroner's Jury found that the
came to his death at the hands
a mob and Mayor Bland has offered
reward for the arrest and com-
of any person engaged in the
The presumption
something will come of tho
is not so much on the
of the reward as the fact that
the lynching was not as much of a
secret as first reports would lead one
to suppose.
deceased, came to his death
by pistol shot wounds In the hands
of a bog unknown to the was
the verdict given this afternoon by
tho coroner's Jury at the inquest held
over tho body of Joe who
met death an an early hour this morn-
at tho hands of a mob composed
of some thirty-five persons.
The was taken from the col-
hospital at o'clock this
morning, dragged into the street and
his body riddled with bullets. He
lived, however, after being carried
to the police station until o'clock.
The members of tho mob wore
masks and none, of them, it is said,
by officers were guarding
the could identified.
At a special of the board of
aldermen today a reward was offered
by the city of of for
each and every member of the mob.
Superior court is in session here,
and Judge Shaw from the bench this
morning delivered a caustic charge
to the grand Jury instructing them to
use every means within their power
to out the parties composing
the mob. Solicitor Wilson has taken
charge of the case and is conducting
a sweeping Investigation.
A ban been placed on the sale
fire arms and ammunitions to any
person. Some talk has been
ed in today by the hut it is
not believed that they will attempt
any retaliation. A of special
officers are on duty and It believed
that the police department has the
situation well in hand and that a
clash between the races will be
The crime for which for-
his life, was the shooting of
Policeman Wilson on the of
city last Friday.
to be drunk on cocaine, was
cooling his pistol on the and
when the officer appeared on the
Officers Were Too Slow.
It now that the sheriff of
tho county was warned last night
about o'clock and again a few min-
later. Investigating early In the
night, Sheriff Wallace saw nothing
suspicious, but again, about o'clock
he was told that there was going to
be trouble at the Good Samaritan
But the time he had got
to the scene the lynching was over.
The police department did not
peal to the sheriff and he does not
consider himself responsible for the
Still, the fact that reports were cur-
rent before the lynching leads many
to believe that these can be traced.
Judge Shaw Says a Sheriff is Needed.
are you going to do about
the horrible Judge Shaw
the grand Jury this morning.
will tell you what your county
needs and what It needed this morn-
It needed a sheriff like the one
in South Carolina who had the
age to stand up and do his duty. We
arc told that two policemen leveled
pistols on the mob that wrought
death to a in a hospital, but
two big pistols in the hands of men
who were not diligent to their duty
were as harmless as n toy pistol In
the hands of a child.
Hob Dispersed.
Apropos of the offered to
the mob, the policemen testified that
they heard tho mob outside. They
were directly over the door through
which the mob ruBbed. The stairs
are winding and rather narrow.
Many conjectures have been made
as what would have happened
had the mob been met at the head of
tho by a couple of
backed by determined men. So far
no one has been heard to say that be
thought the crowd were particularly
brave, since as soon as they dragged
the out and him they fled
In all directions not even waiting to
see if they had put an end to their
The city has been deeply
today by the pitiless daylight that
suggests that tho killing of a wound-
ed who had absolutely no
chance of escape, was not exactly an
honor to the citizenship of a county
that prides Itself upon respect for
law a- j order.
Dr. H. C. Carter made a most In-
address in the court house
Tuesday night on the mosquito. H
described the varieties and customs of
these troublesome insects, and urged
tho importance of extermination by
destroying or removing their breed-
places. Dr. Carter said it is not
the dirty mud bole that develops the
dangerous type of mosquito, but main-
such receptacles as will hold
that are thrown carelessly around
the premises. The mosquito does not
take malaria from and
carry it to the person, but he spreads
by biting a person already
infected and then going and biting
a well person, thus carrying disease
from one to another.
It is important to remove the
breeding places of mosquitoes, and
equally Important to screen them out
of the home.
The instruction Dr. Carter is
along this line is very helpful.
Aug. 01-
Cox has returned from Farm-
where she has been visiting Miss
Helen Smith.
Mr. William Bagwell was here Mon-
day night.
Fresh butter, cheese and crackers
at Cox and House.
R. W, Dall Is remodeling his store
and preparing to carry a larger stock.
Rye seed at Harrington, Barber and
Mrs. F. A. of Green-
ville is in town this week.
Dry goods, notions and slippers, go-
at cost. Cox and House.
Miss Clara Braxton has taken a
with A. W. Ange and Company.
The of the Baptist church
elected their officers for the fall and
spring last Sunday.
For mowing machines and repairs
see Harrington, Barber and Company.
Chief of Police C. Smith went
to Greenville yesterday.
Miss Minnie Mao and
sister are visiting friends here this
For the best flour go to Barring
ton, Barber and Company.
Mr. Brown, of Greenville, was here
Monday afternoon.
A. G. Col Manufacturing Company
have rearranged their machinery and
added another engine and boiler.
They say they have to keep pace with
their business.
Misses Cora Carroll and Maggie
Hudson, from the country, are visit
friends and relatives here.
The Y. M. C. A. held the first meet-
this term last Saturday evening
The service was conducted by Pres-
S. D. Prof. J. R. Car-
roll and Mr. R. C. Causey made very
Interesting talks. After the service
watermelon was served which was
enjoyed by all.
Mr. J. E. Greene has returned after
being gone several days on his
Mr. J. D. Cox went to Greenville
Rev. M. P. Davis, of Durham, came
in last night to place his daughter
in school here.
Mamie House, who has been
visiting Miss Lee Spier, bas
returned to her home at Stokes.
Go to Harrington and Barber for
sacks and
See A V. Ange and Company for
lime, cement, galvanized roofing,
pumps, pipes, mill supplies, flash
lights, guns, rifles, pistols
A W. Ange and Co.
Meet in Christian Church
Friday Night
About Twenty Churches Will be Rep.
resented. Local Choir Hag Ar-
ranged Special
The district meeting of Hook-
Union will convene in the
Christian church in Greenville Friday
night and continue through Sunday.
There are about twenty churches in
the district and a large attendance
is expected at the sessions of the
union. The choir of the local church
has arranged a special program of
music for each day.
The program of the union is as
P. Smith.
H. Set-
Address of J.
to Address of
R. Tingle.
of Union
of committee and
T- aching concern-
Open by Hay-
Sunday School Of-
opened by B. P
De is-
opened by E. I. Barham.
opened by John II.
of W. B. U.
G. H. Fern.
To lie Sentenced For
SAN JOSE, Cal., Aug.
Walter Thomas of Redwood City, re-
pleaded guilty to a charge f
maliciously destroying the property
cf of Pacific Gas and Electric
Company, Is arraigned In court
row for sentence, a effort will
he made to him released on pro-
Thomas was a lineman em-
ployed by the gas and electric com-
and was among those who went
out on a general some time
ago. During the ho was
rested by Pinkerton men on a charge
of having dynamited some of the com-
power He pleaded
to the charge.
Curing Tobacco With Coal.
We heard Mr. H. L Coward
he had been curing tobacco with coal
Instead of wood, and found it both
successful and economical.
Dr. Hyatt Coming.
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will at Praetor
Hotel Monday, September 1st, to treat
diseases of the eve and It
monument to soldiers of
tho Confederacy unveiled at
Griffin, Ga.

Eastern reflector, 22 August 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 22, 1913
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Joyner NC Microforms
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