Eastern reflector, 1 August 1913

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The sharp-nosed man looked
after the retreating figure the
I'm In a quandary what to do with
that he said. don't
whether to fire her or raise her
I don't know what to make of
bar. She Is the quintessence of either
Innocence or deceit, J can't figure out
which. Any way, Shu's got me Into a
pretty pickle.
two mouths ago some mis-
guided member of a certain benevolent
society sent me two tickets for a char-
ball. was surprised to get those
tickets, for I supposed everybody who
knew me knew my sentiments re-
to charity.
don't believe In it I don't be-
In giving things away. I have to
work for every I have and I ex-
other people to do the same
thing. To my mind these folks that
for charity and slug for charity
and cut all sorts of didoes for
purposes are only degrading the
masses they supposed to benefit.
I had expressed this opinion so often
that I was amazed that anybody
should ask me to countenance a
benevolent scheme by buying tickets
a ball. Naturally, I hastened to
send the tickets back. I put them Into
n envelope and banded them to the
Miss I said,
know what to do with
she said.
struck me then that there was
no occasion for her to thank me for
requesting her to perform regular
routine of duties, but I didn't give the
matter a second thought until three
weeks later, when a representative of
the benevolent society called to col-
for the ball tickets.
I didn't use the I
aid. don't believe In
beg your he said.
were used. Here are the numbers
sent you and here are the tickets
bearing the same number which were
taken In at the door. If you didn't
want them you ought to have returned
them to us at once, as requested In
our communication to
I did return I argued.
Then I called In the stenographer.
I said, I give
you two ball tickets some time ago
to be returned to the benevolent so-
she said, didn't say
anything about returning them. You
simply said I knew what to do with
what did you do with
I asked.
went to the said she.
thought that was what you
was furious, but I saw the
society had drop on me, and
I paid the The worst of It is the
girl seemed so sweet and innocent and
sorry that I haven't had the
either to discharge her or deduct tho
money from her salary. I can't make
up my mind to this day whether she
really thought I mi ant to make her a
present or whether she notified tho
society to send me the tickets and
then deliberately worked me for a
good time. Hut, whatever her motive,
there Is one charity organization In
town that Is now growing fat off
of my hard-earned
Thought He Liked Flattery.
One of the wittiest occupants of the
Judicial bench In England is Judge
tho North-country Irishman,
who presides at tho famous court,
known as Old The Judge
has Just been telling another good
story against himself. Once he went
on a political mission to Wales, to
tell the voters what to do. He spoke
first, and In English. All the
speakers, however, used Welsh
as the medium of their thoughts. As
u. matter of policy be applauded
strongly whenever there was a clap
among the audience, although ha
could not understand a word
that was said. learned
Judge every time I
applauded a speaker It was when lie
had paid a strong personal
either to myself or to my
Speaking Literally.
A famous sculptor was sealed a
dinner next to a fair but frivolous
young lady, and it was soon evident.
that ho was not very favorably
pressed by her Idle chatter.
kind of a figure do you most
admire In a she inquired,
with tho air of one angling for a com-
any kind, as low as she Is
not a o ho replied
Not Crazy.
Alice, how Is
your old man getting Aunt
Alice Is an Inmate of
Tho only way they can keep
him in the hospital Is by a
Mother on him. lie Just
wants to wander wander
he is not crazy, is he.
Aunt Aunt
he Is not crazy; he's Just done gone,
on lost his
Not a Mistake.
made a mistake
he married
He ended the ceremony
may God have mercy on your
knew what he was about, all
sight He's married .;.
We were enjoying the change from
the stuffy city and the smoke and the
dirt and the Hat and all
that sort of thing. The spot was a
most beautiful one and In a state of
nature which left nothing to be de-
sired. We were at the farm-
house of William
known among his neighbors as
All this, however, has nothing to
do with the love story of Hannah, the
domestic servant In the
which was thrust upon our
and which was tho occasion of a
controversy as violent as we ever per-
in between ourselves.
We were loafing peacefully In tho
orchard, in the hammock and
lying flat on my back on the soft
grass, eyes closed and enjoying tho
fragrance of a tip-top when
my soothed and peaceful nerves were
startled by a voice speaking
to Fannie.
see, mum, I'm engaged to Hi-
works over on
these were the first definite words I
caught. Hiram sets a powerful
store by clothes and style and
and don't much about them
things thought
you from the city, could tell me
how to fix up a dress that
would Hiram. You sec he wants
to git married In the church,
and I want to be Jest scrumptious
I mum I've got near
saved up I'm to spend enough
of it so Hiram won't be ashamed
me. Would ye please, mum, tell me
whether to git a dress from this
dot lavender or take the
said I, after Hannah had
vanished, to me that here is
the opportunity to do flue work
for philanthropy and religion and
all that sort of
do you asked Fannie.
are forever looking after
and all that sort of thing
and here Is one ready-made under
your very
said Fannie, rather coldly.
I said severely, girl
is a diamond in the rough, one of these
daughters of nature who without
cation, culture, tradition and all that,
still the primitive Instincts of
the race and arise upon occasion to
the great acts and tho great sacrifices.
Did you bear very delicate
she uttered to you Without
knowing why or how she yet
with the most tender womanly
instinct that Hiram desired clothes
and nice she going to
make great sacrifices for
My wife not responding, I resumed
tho theme.
see, my dear, while you are
literary and all that sort of thing,
really you do not Bee the ultimate
philosophy of the race. That typo of
girl really represents the of
tho a standpoint.
She Is a diamond In the rough. The
girls we cultured, educated
persons who becloud our standpoint
are merely the over-
done ones, as we might say. Hut this
woman is one of the products of
pure and simple Love with such
girls could not be disloyal or
When they love, they love,
now and forever. They are natural
therefore true and loyal. Fannie,
am surprised that you do not detect
the eternal truth underneath tho blue
calico Jacket of do
you hear, who Just left
Ten days later we were lolling about
in tho when Han-
again flashed across the vision
our dreams. There was a man with
a good, husky specimen
of a man.
Is my she said, with a
bridal simper. this Is tho lady
who toll mo how to get up my wed
My wife greeted both very nicely,
but I refused and lay with my eyes
closed. Presently I heard Fannie say
to Hannah very bridegroom
having separated himself from his
bride for a fleeting
Hannah, I thought his
was and that he was tall and
responded Hannah.
ye see where he was
killed In a train wreck last Tuesday
And I had dress all lien
has basil pestering mo for months
so I Jest concluded to hook up
Tho happy pair passed on. I looked
wife and looked at mo from
under lids that I thought concealed a
grin and sarcasm. Whereupon
I arose and departed with dig-
As I left I thought I heard her
diamond in the
Hut when I charged her with It very
she denied lazily.
by Daily Story Pub.
Only One Chance.
you notice that woman who
Just Inquired be.
tho gray hat, the white feather, the
red velvet roses, the mauve Jacket,
the black skirt, tho mink furs and the
Interest in the proposed bond is-
sue for Greenville township
created much interest in other sec-
of the county than this one,
and the eyes of a great county arc
upon the action that is to be
taken here. Many people think that
If the voters of the township were
up to the real value of
good roads, and the small
amount that would b
overwhelming One of the most
sensible and reasonable
that has been received Is the
one given below by Mr. J Dixon.
who. though he does not live in this
township, has a very great Interest
in the coming election.
To the people of Greenville town-
Vote for bonds to improve
our roads.
What I shall say is from one who
was raised in a remote section of
this county. I what bad road;
meant, M many others do. The old
days to the law Is a fail-
the time has been when it was
all right, but I have served as over-
seer for more than thirty years and
I know it is a failure, everybody know-
The people have been waiting for
feasible plan to be suggested,
by which roads might be improved
Road Improvement Is not a new-
culture at C. has ha
tho matter under consideration for
I number of years, and the most
plan Is bonds. This takes
burden off the people between tho
age of and forty-live and
puts It on the man who has proper-
So I do not ho any man
vote against it. Of course. th
more a man has the more he pay.
Under the old law this man has en
practically Wow, If the ,
people who have property are Will-
to help I think all the rest of
u ought.
The bond issue Will not hurt any-,
body. If Greenville Will
spend fifty thousand on her
roads her real estate will be worth
one hundred thousand dollars more
than It h now. This fact has been
demonstrated over and over.
lira in township j
now, and It fifty thousand dollars
were spent on her roads her real,
estate would be increased in value
two hundred thousand dollars. To
explain this I will cay we the
worst roads in Pitt county and the
beat agricultural township.
I We seem to have some people who.
try to array one class of
against tho other, baring two
or try to make a feeling be-
tween town and country p
Such things have some following,
but for a season.
Road should ho n
common cause and
help and not hinder.
Free Duty -Not Applicable la
Township That Issues
Beads For Improvement
Of Heads
There has been much discussion
some controversy over the effect of the
bond issue on free road labor, and to
clear the matter as much as possible
v-c call your especial attention to the
few following
The old system of the pub-
roads six days during the year was
enacted Into law about the year
and haw been handed down to us, and
remains with us today only as a
to our feeble of Justice and
in development. Such a law
should be repealer for the entire
but an attempt to do so during the
last session of the legislature met with
failure, and the best that could be ac-
in this line was to a
law requiring five days free labor, but
with in that law that kept
It from applying to any township that
issued bonds. The provision in the
law that requires a special tax of
twenty-live cents and live days labor
is as
That act shall not
apply to any township having issued
that may hereafter issue bonds tor
the improvement of the roads within
If after reading the above there is
anyone who believes we will still have
to operate under the laws of 1908 even
we pass the bond Issue, and that
road duty cannot be relieved under this
law, we refer them to Section
of the Public Laws of reads
That this act shall not
repeal or change the present system
of roads in Pitt County, ex-
that if the Commission-
of Pitt County deem it advisable
they may put the overseers of the
roads of Pitt County and the manner
and method of working the roads of
said county under the and
supervision of the road supervisor
herein provided
The above section clearly gives the
county commissioners all of the power
necessary to do away with free road
duty even if the bond Issue never
been submitted, nor the law of 1913
requiring twenty-live cents special tax
end five days free road duty never
pasted, So that with the special tax
law passed and the bond issue adopt-
ed there can no longer be any doubt
that the farmers of Greenville town-
ship will be relieved of the road duty.
considering the question from
a common standpoint, and dis-
regarding all law on the subject, we
hardly see where there Is any work
for a man to do with a shovel on
c. hard surfaced road that Is kept In
repair entirely with a dragging mil-
pulled by horses and driven by
one man. What Is the use of
about a thing that is not want-
Itching, Fiery,
Raw Eczema
Believed la a Few Seconds
Yes, an itching, burning, raw.
skin relieved the moment
touches it. is a clean, sooth-
healing wash, composed of Thy-
Witch Hazel,
Acid and other medicinal heal-
properties. relieves
cures every form of skin and scalp
eruption and if you are not entirely
satisfied with results from the very
first cent bottle, druggists will
fund your money. Large size bottle
Endorsed and in
by Pharmacy.
Is prepared by E. W. Rose
Medicine Co. St. Louis. Mo., and
their guarantee is as good as gold.
at Law
; Office In Building.
; Practices wherever bis r
deal rod
Greenville, Carolina
r IT
at Law
on the Our
House Sonars
f. m.
second floor in
on Third St. opposite court
j at Law
formerly occupied by J L
Attorney at Law
In Edwards fifth
from street
N. -hi
F. C. Harding Pierce
Practicing in all the Courts
Office in Wooten Building on Third
street, fronting Court
limited to diseases of
Bar, Throat
N. If, Greenville, N. C.
Office with Dr. D. L. James,
day every Monday, t a m to I
B. F.
Life, Fire, Sick Accident
Office on Fourth street, rear Frank
Wilson's stars.-.
ed and will never be needed.
Wade, who spent the week-end
with Miss Ross Causey, returned to
her borne in Morehead City Monday.
Tho engine for the new electric
light plant has arrived and was
loaded yesterday. The entire plant
U expected in a few days.
Prof. F. C. Nye left this morning
for a trip in the country In the In-
tel est of High School. Ha
was accompanied by his little son,
Mr. J. D. Cox left Monday for Fair-
where he will spend a couple
of weeks.
Miss Eva Langston left this morn-
for Conetoe where she will visit
Miss Brown.
Mrs. Roy T. Cox went to Ayden
yesterday afternoon to attend the
Mrs. F. A. Edmundson returned ti
her home in this morn-
was accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. M. Crawford.
Miss Dora Cox spent yesterday in
Miss Cox Is attending the
Training school at Greenville.
There will be an entertainment in
Masonic hall here next Friday
night for the benefit of the
dist church. Everybody cordially in-
of Town Leaves on Much
Seeded and Vacation
Mayor J. B. James left this morn-
on the early morning train for
Greenville, Tennessee, where he
to spend a vacation of two or three
weeks. During his absence from
town Mayor pro W. A. Bowen
will have active charge of the
fairs of the office, and will be In
charge of tho business of the
Mr. James will take a rest which
e very much needs. Ho has had
to vacation so far this year, and tho
heavy work that has fallen upon him
during the past few weeks, both In
regular law practice and in tho
capacity of mayor of Greenville, has
required very much of his time, and
hot been making some very exact-
demands upon him. Mr.
vacation will be spent largely with
his wife, who Is now her home In
the Tennessee town.
Each per-
if . C for
DENISON, Texas, July
four men who have just completed
a trip through parts of the Rio
valley by special train, Investigating
land investments along the Texas-
Mexican border, today lent lo
dent Wilson a telegram
Theodore Roosevelt's appointment
Mexican ambassador. They urged
of American in
Mexico, and urged the United States
to take steps to assist sister re-
Drug lilting
Hundreds of people In vicinity
have tho of
i I when their In or iii
acting slowly, take Dodi Liv-
Tone Instead.
ion t Liver Is i
of the had ail i
v hick often follow u it car
mini, it is a I.
table liquid starts r
and surely, and relieves constipation
and no re
of habit or diet.
Many preparation have sprung up
that Imitate the claims made I'm I
Tone, but
I Tone is the tried and t Mi-
remedy that has proven such a
good medicine Is SO
tn every the these
Imitations are on tho market.
Tone hurt
anyone and If It falls to do nil is
lined for it Pharmacy,
v ho it. will give your money
with a smile,
What Concerned Him.
said Mrs.
my gown Is rather
don't replied her husband;
more It Is the less of It
re is for me to hook up the
system of Paris, horn at France.
Died In Paris. April
of the Association of American
Geologists, born In Philadelphia
Died In Bristol, Pa., Jan.
and FARM
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
You can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers.
Is the Most rueful, the Mutt Healthful, the Most of
K. C, V
Opposition Was Strong But Hard Work of
Bond Advocates Overcome This
The Election Was Culmination of a Long and Hard-fought Cam-
Much Bitterness Was Manifested. Business Men Closed
Stores and Worked for Caused of Roads. Heavy Vote
Was Polled, and Weather Was Ideal.
By a of votes over and
above all possible opposition the bond
Issue carried yesterday, and
will be issued for the Improve-
of good roads in Greenville
township. The exact figures as to
the way the election went could not
be obtained this morning, though be-
tween and votes were polled
In all. Four hundred and seventy-
four votes were cast In favor of
bonds and good roads and re-
Issue would carry In
Of course, it was not absolute-
certain that this same ratio would
hold good throughout the day, but
later as the day wore on, It became
evident that the issue would de-
in the and that the
people would decide In favor of
bonds and good roads In the town-
Now that the election Is over th
matter will be turned over to the
authorities, and the bonds will be
Issued, tho money secured, and the
work of construction of the roads
votes which were cast started at the earliest possible date.
the measure, including both j Competent and able hands will
those who did not vote and those die the money from
who cast their ballots against good
roads amounted to
The total registration was at
though this number was reduced to
by several voters who were
and not counted at all. By
subtracting the votes in favor
of bond Issue from the total
registration, the result of is ob-
which gives the votes counted
against the bond issue. By subtract-
this number from which is
number of votes in favor of
bonds, the total majority of votes
favor of bonds and good roads ob-
The election passed off very quiet-
react Celebration at Fort Erie
BUFFALO, N. Y., July Many
residents of Buffalo and vicinity cross-
ed the river today to attend tho first
celebration to be held on Canadian
soil In commemoration of the
of years of between tho
,. Great
and the United States. Tho
was hold at Fort Eric beach,
within a stone's throw of the of
old Fort Erie, which figured
In tho war of a century
few slight Included ad-
which did not amount to b Prominent men of tho
representatives of tho latter being
several cabinet and members
of the Dominion parliament.
the Issue, and reliable people will
see to it that the funds of the town-
ship are not wasted.
anything. Order was well preserved and Canada, among
during the day, and tho immense
crowd which surged about the court
house was very quiet throughout the
There has never been In
Pitt county any election for Town Derides
cause such hard work was dons For Good
in favor of the measure as was the Unofficial information from Farm-
case yesterday. Those men who have f ville Is to the that the bond
all the while worked very hard for. Issue, which was being voted on there
the cause, arose yesterday morning
only to redouble their energies and
fight all the harder on the day of
the election. Their hard work was
rewarded by a brilliant victory which
well repaid them for the services and
hard work which they have given
to the cause. ,
Stores Closed
Most of the big stores closed for
the day, and the town put on
almost a holiday attire. Clerks, store
proprietors and others walked the
streets and worked for the bond Is-
sue, and many of them stayed by the
polls from morning until night with
only a short Intermission for the
midday meal Representatives from
both sides were loyal to their side
In the fight, and the opposition crop-
out in every direction, and show-
ed surprising strength In some
Voting began early In the day, and
It was clearly seen that If the pro-
Horse Show at Branch
BRANCH, N. J., July
The annual horse show of the Mon-
County Horse Show association
opened at Hollywood Park today and
Will continue until end of the
Week. The event Is one of the social
attractions of the Bummer and
has attracted a large number of well
known people. The saddle
portion that had been started early jumper and .
tho morning was retained, well filled, and In addition to the
yesterday lost out by a small ma-
It seems that measure
did not receive the support that it
should have had, and that the
of that township did not bestir
In the Interests of good
roads nearly so much as did the
of this township. The
was stronger there than It was
In Greenville township, and It made
Itself felt
The registration was not nearly so
largo as It was here, and the votes
for and against the measure
consequently different In proportion
Wins Charming Bride in Denmark
South Carolina
Popular Superintendent
Graded Schools Will Return I
City With Wife
in September
A marriage in which tho people
of Greenville will be greatly interest-
ed occurred at Denmark, South Car-
yesterday afternoon when
Lucy became the bride
Mr. Hoy Taylor, superintendent of
the graded schools of this town. The
marriage was a great surprise to
the friends of tho two contracting
will be to the people or
Greenville who bear of it.
The was solemnized at
four o'clock yesterday afternoon at
tho homo of the bride's brother, and
was a beautiful home affair. A
of the friends and acquaintances
of the two young people were pres-
for the occasion. Immediately
after the performance of the
bridal party left for the
western part of North Carolina, and
the honeymoon will be spent in and
around Asheville.
Mrs. Taylor is a native of this
though for the past four or
live years she has been teaching
school in the South Carolina town.
She la an accomplished young woman,
and will be given a hearty welcome
to the town of Greenville. Her home
was formerly at Morven, in
Mr. Taylor is a young man of
and experience, and has seen a
number of service as super-
and principal of some of
the foremost schools in this state.
He Is a graduate of Trinity College,
completed his
with the class of 1904, and entering
immediately Into his chosen work
a teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will roach
Greenville about September and
will after that time make their home
Id this town, where Mr. Taylor re-
accepted the
of the Greenville- graded schools.
Announcements of wedding
have been received as
Mr. and Mrs. James B.
announce the marriage of their sister
Mr. Hoy Taylor
on Tuesday the twenty-ninth of July
nineteen hundred and thirteen
Denmark, South Carolina
At Home
after the tenth of September
Greenville, North Carolina
Representatives of Atlantic Coast
Realty Company
show there will be a series of
running races, which have attracted
en unusual amount of attention.
July SO
under de-
the near
British and Colonial feet
sailed from Boston for the
conquest of Canada.
Banquet Was Held At Hotel Proctor
Last Officers Were Hosts
To The Salesmen And
Invited Guests
Officers, salesmen, ad-
men, civil engineers, and
others connected with the Atlantic
Coast Realty Company In this city,
met here in several sessions at
times during the day yesterday,
and discussed means and methods of
how they might Improve on ways of
carrying on their affairs of business.
It was a general of the men
who own and run the company and
every man had a right to his opinion
had an opportunity to express It
In the interests of the company's bet-
During the year Just closed the At-
Coast Realty Company has done
the biggest business of the four years
of its existence In this state. It was
organized and promoted by North
Carolinians, and principally by men
who were born and raised in this town
and county. And it Is a very gratify-
fact that most of the men now in
the employ of company are men of
this state. Since the organization
of the company some four years ago,
it has bad one of the most successful
business growths ever experienced by
a similar concern In this state. Its
business has branched out, in this
short period of time, Into practically
state In the south, and in one or
two instances to points on a level with
Mason and line. There are
very few states east of the Mississippi
and south of the Ohio River where
this company has not at sometime
during th past few years held a sale.
The meeting yesterday was
for the purpose of gathering In a
of men who hand-
tho business of the firm on the road
and in tho cities and sections where
sales are held, and of giving them an
opportunity to get bettor acquainted
with each other and with the officers
Of tho firm their methods of
the business. That tho ob-
of the meeting was consummated,
their Is no doubt by any of the
of the firm.
A new feature of the traveling end
of the business of the firm Is the
chasing and equipping recently of a
large, private Pullman car, this to
used by the party that travels on the
road and conducts the sales In the
various cities and towns where con-
tracts have been made and entered In-
to by the company. This car will be
handled by the railroads wherever
the company docs business, which
means over tho entire south. It will
he arranged and fitted up inside es-
to suit tho needs of tho men
who go about over the country and
conduct the sales. Berths will be
placed, as well as n lounging room,
and parlors. A porter will be
cured to travel with the car all tho
time and keep It In good condition
and no one will travel with the party
except the men connected with tho
After being In session at various
times for the greater portion of the
Delegation to Visit Morehead City Tomorrow
Interest of Movement
It is Claimed that This Town Stands Fine Chance of Getting on the
Route of the Central Highway if People Realize Opportunity and
Will Take It. Mountains to Seashore.
on pact
A movement has been started by
the good roads enthusiasts of Green-
ville to have the Central Highway
turned through the county and es-
through Greenville. The
was started last night by a
number of principal business
men of tho town, and tho Idea Is
gaining support by almost every per-
son who Is approached In regard to
Those who realize what It means
to have running through It such a
great thoroughfare as this would
finally be, will readily see why the
business men of the town are so
greatly Interested in the proposition.
A number of the men of the town
have been seen in regard to the
and they have all entered into
the movement with the greatest en-
An effort is being made
to secure a party to attend the con-
of the North Carolina Good
Roads Association which meets in
Morehead City tomorrow and Friday,
and which will have much to say, and
many plans to lay out In the inter-
est of highway.
The central highway Is a road that
will extend from the mountains to
the seashore, leaving the Blue Ridge
a point considerably further west
than and touching the At-
Coast at Morehead City. Gov-
Locke and a party of
good roads enthusiasts are this week
making tho trip from to
Morehead City In an automobile, and
are traveling over the proposed route
of tho highway. Tho original pro-
who will decide the course
have not made any decision as to the
route that la to be followed
across Eastern North Carolina and
It Is believed that If the people of
this town will become Interested In
the matter as they should, that the
officers of tho Association can he per-
to bring the road through this
town and county.
The president of the Association
which has this work in hand the
statement a few days ago that if the
business men of Greenville would go
to work in the matter, they would
be able to bring the through
this section. And, it Is for this
pose that a delegation Is being form-
ed to a trip to Morehead City
tomorrow and Friday for the purpose
of being at the big good roads
convention and pressing tho claims
of this town. It It believed by the
enthusiasts that this is another
opportunity that Is knocking at the
door of tho town, and which, If heard,
will bring here hundreds and possibly
thousands of travelers every year.
Among those who signified
their Intention of the meet-
of the Good Roads Convention
Morehead City tomorrow and Friday
are these men who are of the
ion that they will make the trip H
they can arrange their business sat-
R. C. Flanagan, Jack
F. K. Wooten. R. R.
Leon Tucker. Clark, J.
Laughinghouse, J. N. Hart, F. C.
Harding, Sam T. White, L. C. Arthur,
W. B. Wilson, C. Carr. Albion
Dunn, and a few others who have not
as yet been seen In regard to the
It means much for Greenville If
the highway is brought through
town, and Greenville business
awake to the opportunity that is
now theirs almost for the asking.
ill Be Followed By Revival Meeting
At ML Pleasant Church
The regular annual meeting of the
Christian churches in this section of
be held at Mt. Pleasant church next
At the meeting will be
and representatives from the
Christian churches in this of
the county, and all of the pastors of
various churches are expected to
be on hand.
Following the meeting on Sunday,
and continuing for a week or
longer, a revival meeting will
held in the church. Rev. Dr.
Richard Bagley, pastor of the Chris-
of Wilson, will preach,
and It Is expected that large
will be in attendance.
Seven Inning Game Yesterday
Afternoon Ended
In a lie
On Tuesday evening the Washing-
ton baBe ball team again crossed
bats with tho boys, the
game ending In a tie of to Al-
though both teams somewhat
hampered by the weather, the game
was a snappy one and was full of
excitement from to end.
Barnes was again In the box for
Washington, and Shields was in for
Greenville. In the first Inning tho
locals succeeded In getting a run-
over the home and after
this, for several Innings neither team
was able to score. In the fifth In-
Washington, determined to got
revenge on tho Greenville boys,
In scoring one run. This
the score and for two more Innings
neither team scored. At tho
of the seventh inning the game was
called In order that the
might return home on
train. Though both teams work-
ed well considering the
conditions, decidedly the most
feature of the game was
twirling of Shields for Greenville,
Dr. Hyatt Coning
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be In
at Hotel Proctor, Monday, Aug.
4th, to treat diseases of the eye and
fit littles.

Hatch The Bag
To the I want to say a few
words In regard to the tobacco bug,
as the farmers of county
IT by not having
any I hope they will
the hug. These bugs are
I ow bow, bat tow
country wits ;
the prices will be
and want to know how much
yon l, and If it is a good
O. and he
v. ill pall out his book and pencil and
book it down double the
Then he will buzz on to the next
termer la manner until they
in every nook and corner
of country, and later on if ;
are not satisfactory to the farmers.
say, oh, it is a big crop.
Then be will tell you how much the
k soots but yea-.
Then later on he will buzz around
your if you will
ten to him and will only agree he
will light on your crop at what ha
is a high price for it, and if
m ii t all bin to light on your
n D
i Mr. Gray, and
m And
II looks to I
o I ad rail a crop
i n i
which are worse than the
If r tin in nor take
up any talking to in. Re-
member we have them to pay.
P ii, R. F. D July 1913.
For May
During May the railways of the
United States received for their
vices to the public an average of
a day; it cost to run their
trains for other expenses of op-
. a day; their taxes
were a day; their
income a day for the
miles of line reporting, or
at the rate of 18.93 for each mile of
line for each day. Thus for every
dollars of their earnings
remained available Oar rentals,
ten t on bonds, appropriations for
betterments, Improvements and new
construction, and for dividends, the
railways had to pay more than
dollar in taxes.
All of these amounts are
greater than the similar returns
for May. 1912. They are from the
summary of the earnings and ex-
i compiled by the Bureau of
Railway Economics from the month-
reports of the steam railways of
the United States to the Interstate
Commerce Commission. They In-
over per cent of the
age ind earnings of all the railways
of the country.
Ken Fiction In Library
Mating of by Ward.
by Black.
by Porter.
Roast Beef, Medium, by
Story by Montgomery,
The Ii n Road, by Montgomery.
The House Thane, by
Virginia, by
Outdoor on a Houseboat
Boy Be at Panama Canal.
The is open from live until
in Mondays, Wednesdays, and
MRS. W, A BOWEN, Librarian,
We were enjoying the change from
the city and the smoke and the
dirt the hemmed-in flat and all
that sort of thing. The spot was a
most beautiful one In a state of
nature which left nothing to be de-
sired. We were boarding at the farm-
house of
known among his neighbors as
All this, however, has nothing to
do with the love story of Hannah,
domestic servant in the i
which was thrust upon our j
and which was the occasion of a
controversy as violent as we ever per-
in between ourselves.
We were loafing peacefully In the
orchard, Fannie In the hammock and
I lying flat on my back on the soft
grass, eyes closed and enjoying the
fragrance of a tip-top when
my soothed and peaceful nerves were
startled by a voice
to Fannie.
see, mum, I'm engaged to Hi-
works over on
these were the first definite words I
caught Hiram Bets a powerful
by clothes and style and
and I don't know much about them
things thought
you b. from the city, could tell me
hew to up a dress that
would please Hiram. You see he wants
to git in the church,
and to jest scrumptious
I tin end mum I've got near
saved up I'm to spend enough
of it Hiram won't be ashamed
me. Would ye please, mum, tell me
Remember your own property, however
safe-guarded may be damaged or de-
by FIRE, originating from
your neighbors carelessness.
When insuring, Get the
best, IT COST NO
The Carolina
Health l Worth Some
People L Feast
to It Maintained by the State for the Worn-
Greenville people take of North Carolina. Five
their hands Ly Courses leading to degrees. Special
a dress from this teachers. tuition
dot lavender or take the need help. Weak kidney, are to those who agree to become teach-
said I, after Hannah had responsible for a vast amount of silt- In the state. Fall session begins
vanished, seems to me that here Is t-ring and ill health--the 1913. For
THE kind of furniture that
that is pleas-
to the eye as well
being solidly comfortable.
The fine pieces we of.
Mr and the suites In parlor,
bed-room and dining-room effects are genuine bargains at the
prices asked.
the opportunity to do some fine work delay dangerous. i's Kid-
tor philanthropy and religion and remedy that has helped
all that sort of kidney sufferers. Here
you know
do you asked Fannie.
U a Greenville citizen's
are forever looking after
and all that sort of thing- Moore- st-
and here la one ready-made under Greenville. N. C, feel very
your very grateful for the relief I got from
said Fannie, rather coldly. Kidney procured at
I said severely, girl l. Woolen Drug Co. Back-
Is a diamond in the rough, one of these mo and there was
daughters of nature who without h and through
cation, culture, tradition and all that
still have the primitive instincts of
and other information, address
11.1 front
I I. -tallies,
S. T. HICKS, The
the race and arise upon occasion to
bothered me. Kidney
the great acts and the great sacrifices, gave me relief from these symptom
Did you hear the very delicate of kidney complaint and improved j
she uttered to you Without my condition In every
knowing why or how she yet For sale by all dealers. Price j
with the most tender womanly Co. Buffalo, Now York
Instinct that Hiram desired clothes e j
and nice she la going to Remember the
make great sacrifices for him.
My wife not responding. I resumed r- ,
the theme to for Switzerland
see. my dear, while you NEW FORK, July Fleas-
literary and all that sort of thing, ant A. the Savannah news-
really you do not see the ultimate paper publisher whom President
of the race,
girl really
the a feminine standpoint to.
Is a diamond In the rough. The
Chimney Rock Gap has been for
years famed for Its beauty both In
song and story.
Why not spend your vacation at
one of the comfortable hotels beau-
situated la this lovely valley.
Hotel rates remarkably cheap,
lo per week. Homelike service.
Good roads, line livery, good fish-
race. That typo of recently appointed United States , t , get
b arrive,,, y and
morrow en route to his new post.
Mint Arson Trials In Chicago
CHICAGO, Jule more
d members of Chicago's arson
trust wore placid on trial today.
Three of the five accused nun were
Interested in the ownership of a Mil-
avenue More which burned
three years The other two were
Cannon and C.
Marriage Licenses
Last week Register of Bell
i sued marriage licenses to the fol-
drover C. Andrews and Verna M
Allen it.
J. P. Smith and Helen Jackson.
Tom Staton and Estell Daniel.
For more than years we
been training young women for
teaching and for
We furnish scholarships to young
women preparing to teach and free
tuition to all students who take In-
In our Practice and
We guarantee positions to teach-
who our courses of study.
For address J. M, RHODES,
N. C.
Cross and Baldwin Heady to Mix
Leach Cross, the New York light-
weight, and Matty of Boston,
have training for their
round fight, which Is to the
attraction at the Vernon Arena to-
morrow night. Both appear In good
condition and a fast bout is expected
girls we seethe cultured, educated
persons who becloud our standpoint
merely the over
done ones, as we might say. But this
woman is of the products of
pure and simple. Love with such
girls could not disloyal or
When they love, they
now and forever. They are natural
therefore true and loyal. Fannie,
am surprised that you do not detect
the eternal truth underneath the blue fire Insurance adjusters,
calico jacket of the do.
you hear, who Just left
Ten days later were lolling about
In the when Han-
again Hashed across tho vision
our dreams. There was a man with
her, a good, husky specimen
of a man.
is my she said, with a
bridal simper. this is the lady
who told me how to get up my wed-
My wife greeted both very
but I refused and lay with my
closed. Presently heard Fannie say
to Hannah very bridegroom
having separated himself from his
bride for a fleeting
Hannah, I thought his name
was Hiram and that he was tall and
responded Hannah.
ye where he was
killed In a train wreck last Tuesday
And I had the dress all Ben
has been pestering me for months
so I Jest concluded to hook up
The happy pair passed on. I looked
at my and she looked at me from
under lids that I thought concealed a
grin and some sarcasm. Whereupon
arose and departed with some dig-
As I left I thought I beard her
diamond in the
But when I charged her with It very
sternly, she denied lazily.
Story Pub.
Only One Chance.
you notice that woman who
Just Inquired he,
responded she,
the gray hat, the white feather, the
red velvet roses, the mauve Jacket,
the black skirt, the mink furs and the
mountains. Write today for
H. S. D. P. A.
Raleigh, N. C.
AMI'S KER. Jr. T P. A.
Charlotte. N. C.
List Your Farm and City Property
For Sale With
Standard Realty Co.,
Oilier at present in Edwards Atlantic Coast
Co. Permanent offices In Banking and Trust
building when completed
and tools always guaranteed. Stag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
Ranges. King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
I Atlas Cement O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
Coward Drug Co.
Used in Our
Superior to OBJ.
All Fountain
Toilet Article.
Full Lin.
Kodak Supplies
Ste Drug Co.
What Concerned Him.
said Mrs.
my gown Is rather
don't replied her husband;
more It Is the less of It
there Is for me to hook up the
of the
Where there is Health in Every
Breath, The climate is perfect the
year round. In spring and summer
the region Is Ideal
Reached by
Solid through train, Including parlor
car, between and
via Raleigh, Greensboro.
Salisbury. Other convenient through
car arrangements
Summer Tourist Tickets on Sale Until
September 1913
For complete Information apply
J. H. WOOD, D. P. A.,
N. C.
R. H. T. P. A.,
N. C.
J. Jones, T. P. A.,
Raleigh, N. C.
East Carolina Teachers Training School
A Stats school to train teacher for the public
of North Carolina, Every energy is directed
to this on purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to
Fall term begins Sept. 1913. For
and information,
ROBT. H. WRIGHT, Presided,
into N. Stables
Corner 2nd Evans Streets
Transfer Men
and Express
Phone No. Night or Day
t nut,
a Headlight and Dents Rad-
of Car on Main
Me. July deer dis-
the passage of a
party on tho road between
and today. The
animal charged tho car, smashed one
the headlights, dented tho
tor and then dashed down the road,
with the in party in pursuit.
He kept to tho road for four
then took a five-rail fence, and dis-
appeared In tho woods.
The automobile party was made
of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stone, of
White V V Miss Marlon
of New York city; Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson Charter, of Boston, and Er-
nest of East Orange, N. J.
We can't interest the man who
to can we please the
man who cares for neither comfort
or if You want a buggy
that is serviceable and has a style all
own, we feel that we can meet
YOUR every demand.
We know the vehicles we make so well,
that we gladly them and our guarantee is
based upon an experience forty seven years.
Come to see us, YOU
are always welcome
John Flanagan Buggy Co.
fan to
Military. Two Mats from O. . Aim to C. Th. M
one th. and Salary
for Camp i Hoard w
a year. CoL K. box 1- N. C.
ii. . i--
Trust Co.
Represents the Highest Standard of Safety in Banking
IN 1910 The State Treasurer of North Carolina selected this Bank as a Depository for state funds.
IN 1911 The United States Government designated this bank as a legal depository for Postal Savings Funds.
IN 1912 The Good People of Pitt County selected this bank as a sate bank in which to keep their money, to the extent that its
business exceeded not only any other bank in this section but the Greenville Banking and Trust Co., took its stand among
the largest and strongest banks in the eastern section of the stale.
Resources Over Half a Millie
E. G. Flanagan, Pres.
E. B. Higgs, Vice-Pres.
C. S. Carr, Cashier.
Business entrusted to this AGENCY gives you
REAL PROTECTION. Protection that proceeds
Close attention to all details of the INSURANCE
From placing your risk in t h e STRONGEST
From satisfactory ADJUSTMENTS of your LOSSES.
present or she
society to send ma tho tickets and
then deliberately worked me for a
good time. But, whatever her motive,
there Is one charity organization la
town that is now growing off
of my hard-earned
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by William Humph-
and Hattie Humphrey, to J. L.
Hill on the day of December, 1912,
which mortgage was recorded In the
office of tho Register of Deeds of Pitt
County in Book E page the
will sell for cash before the
Court House Door In Greenville at
auction on Monday, August 18th,
1913, the following described lot or
parcel of land, situated in the town of
Greenville, County of Pitt and State of
North Carolina, and described fol-
lows, Lot In said Town
lying on West side of Green Street be-
tween First St. and Tar River- Be-
ginning at the S, E. Corner on Green
St. and running West about feet
to Julia Sutton's land, thence along
Julia Sutton's line about feet ti
Martha line; East
along Martha Langley's line TO feet to
Green St. thence along Green St. about
feet to the beginning. Being tho
lot devised to said William W. Hum-
In the last will and testament
S. P.
Said land Is sold to satisfy said
This July 17th, 1913.
J. L. Hill.
P. G. James and Son,
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Superior court, August term,
Delia Nobles vs Richard Nobles.
The defendant, Richard Nobles, in
the above entitled cause, will take
notice that an action as above,
has been Instituted In the superior
court of county by Delia No-
as plaintiff vs Richard Nobles
as defendant, for the purpose of dis-
solving the bonds of matrimony ex-
between the plaintiff and the
defendant and the said Richard No-
will further take notice that he
required to appear before the Judge
of the Superior court at a court to
be held for the county of Pitt, at the
court house In Greenville, Pitt
on the 2nd Monday before the
1st Monday of September, It being tho
18th day of August. 1913, and answer
the complaint In this cause which has
this day been deposited and filed in
the office of the clerk of the superior
court of said county, within the first
three days of said term; and let the
said defendant take notice that If he
fall to answer the complaint within
the time required by law, the plain-
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded In the complaint.
This the 7th day of July. 1913.
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County
Thought He Liked Flattery.
One of the of the
Judicial bench In England Is Judge
the North-country Irishman,
who presides at the famous court,
known as Old Bailey. The Judge
has Just been telling another good
story against himself. Once he went
, on a political mission to Wales, to
l tell the voters what to do. He spoke
first, and In English. All the
speakers, however, used Welsh
as the medium of their thoughts. As
a matter of policy he applauded
strongly whenever there was a clap
among the audience, although ho
could not understand a single word
that was said. learned
said Judge every time I
applauded a speaker It was when he
had paid a strong personal
either to myself or to my
at Crawford Notch
in of ranking tennis
players here for a week of ten-
which was opened today on the
courts of the Crawford Tennis
club. The New
and Mountains championships
are Involved In the tournament
The sharp-nosed map looked
after the retreating figure of the
In a quandary what to do with
that ha said. don't know
whether to fire her or raise her
I don't know what to make of
She la the quintessence of either
Innocence or deceit, I can't figure out
which. Any way, she's got me Into a
pretty pickle.
two months ago some mis-
guided member of a certain benevolent
society sent me two tickets for a char-
ball. I was surprised to get those
tickets, for I supposed everybody who
knew me knew my sentiments in re-
to charity.
don't believe In It I don't be-
In giving things away. I to
work for every cent I have and I ex-
other people to do the same
thing. To my mind these folks that
dance for charity and sing for charity
and cut all sorts of didoes tor
purposes are only degrading the
masses they are supposed to benefit
I had expressed this opinion so often
that I was amazed that anybody
should ask me to countenance a
benevolent scheme by buying tickets
for a ball. Naturally, I hastened to
end the tickets back. I put them Into
an envelope and handed them to the
Miss I said,
know what to do with
she said. Thank
struck me then that there was
no occasion for her to thank me for
requesting her to perform her regular
routine of duties, but I give the
matter a second thought until three
weeks later, when a of
the benevolent society called to col-
for the ball
I didn't use the I
said. don't In
beg your he said. They
were used. Here are the numbers
sent you and here are the tickets
bearing the same number which were
taken In at the door. If you
want them you ought to have returned
them to us at once, as requested In
our communication to
I did return I argued.
Then I In the stenographer.
I said, I give
you two ball tickets some time ago
to be returned to the benevolent so-
she said. You didn't say
anything about returning them. You
simply said I knew what to do with
what did yon do with
I asked.
wont to the said she.
thought that what you
furious, but I saw the
society had the drop on me, and
I paid the f The wont It Is the
girl seemed so sweet and Innocent and
sorry that I haven't had the courage
either to discharge her or deduct the
her salary. I cant make
up my mind to this day whether aha
really thought I to make her a
Speaking Literally. .
A sculptor was seated at a
dinner next to a fair but frivolous
young lady, and It was soon evident
that he was not very favorably
pressed by her Idle chatter.
kind of a figure do you most
admire In a she Inquired,
I with the air of one angling for a
any kind, as long as she Is
not a figure of ho replied
Not Crazy.
Aunt Alice, how is
your old man getting Aunt
Alice Is an Inmate of
The only way they can keep
him In the hospital Is by a
Mother Hubbard on him. He Just
wants to wander wander
he Is not crazy, Is he,
Aunt Aunt
he Is not crazy; he's Just done gone
lost his
Large Sums Have Frequently Been
Paid for Articles That Many
Would Call
It Is not every man, not every hero
worshiper, who would esteem the
tooth of Ills hero of more value than
diamonds. There is a ring belonging
to an English nobleman, in which the
place of honor, formerly occupied by
a diamond, Is given to a tooth that
once did duty In a human Jaw.
This tooth cost no less than three
thousand six hundred and fifty
but it was the tooth of Sir Isaac
Newton. A relic collector sold It at
auction in and tho nobleman
who bought It gave it the place of a
diamond in his favorite ring.
Another tooth, which so far excites
the veneration of hero worshipers as
to be able to hold a court of its own
and to draw from long distances a
small host of followers. Is one
was originally hidden behind the lips
of Victor Hugo. It Is at his
former residence in a glass case bear-
the inscription, drawn from
the Jaw of Victor Hugo by tho dentist
on Wednesday, August In the
gardens attached to the house of
Madame Koch, at three o'clock in the
The wig of a literary man appears
to have been even more sought after
than his teeth. That which Sterne
wore while writing
was sold soon after tho writer's death
for ten thousand dollars; and
favorite chair of Alexander Pope
brought five thousand dollars.
The most extravagant instance of
literary hero worship is that of a well-
known Englishman, who constantly
wears a small locket attached to a
chain round his neck a part of the
charred skull of Sunday
Sc. Pr Line Per Insertion
Ripe tomatoes at S. It,
The King Of All Laxatives
For constipation, headaches,
and use Dr. Kings
New Life Pills. Paul of
Buffalo, N. Y., says arc
of all laxatives. They are a bless-
to all my family and I
keep a box at Get a box and
get well. Price Recommended
by all druggists.
II. P. Marine
Engine and Regular Outfit.
Write R. A Tarboro. N. C.
lady, at once. Apply at Now and
long horn, one half horn. For
reward write to J. D. Fleming, Wash-
by J. I., linker. Name E. D. Whit-
In pocket.
J. C. Lanier
IS 4-w
Not a Mistake.
That Judge made a mistake when
he married
Yes. He ended the ceremony
may Cod have mercy on your
knew what he was about, all
right. married
No Joy Visit
A Glasgow journalist who was care-
less of bis personal appearance was
assigned to write something about a
show at a leading Glasgow theater.
He presented his card at a box-office.
The came out and looked
at the disheveled visitor dubiously.
you come here to write some-
thing about the
you think I'd come to your
theater for asked the
journalist as he stalked
day Evening Post
Stevenson on the Bible.
Frederic Harrison, In an address de-
livered many years ago to the
Literary society In Oxford, concluded
with these you care to
know the best that our literature can
give in simple, noble
learn, and Inwardly digest the Holy
Scriptures In tho English It
Is Interesting to learn what Robert
Louis Stevenson said regarding the
same theme. In a recent lecture on
the author of by OH.
that well-known
and writer tells us how on one
In the old days, his
friend said to say,
have you ever read finer prose than
in Ephesus and Accord-
to the same authority, L.
knew whole chapters of the Testament
by heart, but his supreme favorite
among the sacred writings was the
fifteen chapters of the Book of
In the Bible Stevenson found,
says Mr. the magic of the
finest w.
Still With
The Mutual Life Co.,
New York. g
DR. J. C.
Physician and
Office on Dickinson
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances are Its from an In-
active LIVER.
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent
ones earning capacity.
H en kept in
by, and only by
For Weakness and Loss of Appetite
l Old tonic,
i, TONIC, drives out
Malaria and up the system. A true tonic
Quicker Service
Docs it
Application will be made to the
to vote bonds to erect
a four-room brick school
and auditorium in school
district No. township, Pitt
W. S.
Fare Spots
Are cured by Dr. Eczema
Ointment heals all skin cap-
No matter how long you have
troubled by burning,
or scaly akin put a
little of that soothing antiseptic, Dr.
Eczema on the
sores and tho suffering stops Instant
Healing that every min-
and recommend It Mr. of
Littleton, Pa., eczema on
Dr. Eczema
cured It In two
to relieve or money refunded.
All druggists, or by mall. Price
Chemical Co.,
and St. Louis.
White House
D. C.
On direct car line to Union Sta-
and all parts of Washington.
Close to all leading
and business district
rooms Newly
American plan per day and
Write for Illustrated booklet
with map.
M. LEWIS, Prop.

fit lie.
O J. Editor.
District have a general fourteen year
limit below which children may not
be employed In Industry.
No sadder picture has ever been on the freight rates to be
written in the annals of American ed North Carolina shippers and man
science than that of John The railroads have
R. Early, known the world over as agreed to a modified twenty-five per
u . . W-W
rates may had upon
application at the business in
The Reflector Building,
and Third streets.
All cards of thanks and resolutions
respect will Or at
par word-
will charged for at three
cents per Una. up to fifty
class matter
August 1910. at the post at
North Carolina, under
act of March S. 1879.
FRIDAY, 1913
RATES SHOULD BE FAIR way of thinking, and leave the
Now cornea the report from OH other man to vote his opinion.
Point Comfort, Va., that the rail
roads the corporation
have almost reached an agree
The meeting of the North Carolina
Press Association held in
last week, was a record breaker, both
in attendance and Interest While
there was plenty of pleasure mixed
along with the meetings, It was not
There Is no way for the farmer to
get out of free road duty except
paying for his share of It. or merely a pleasure trip. The
the bond issue. It Is argued that the took keen Interest In the
bond does not provide for of the association and
i who was banished reduction, and it Is said that; lief from this source, and Indeed; ed topics looking to the advancement
Washington City a leper, and corporation commission will there is no absolute specifications of their profession and the better-
No. this does not mean Confederate
it means those who
ed the bond issue, and who made
such a brave fight for what we sup-
pose they believed to be right.
The bond election is over now, and
the advocates of the measure to is-
sue for the of
good roads In Greenville township
won out by a handsome majority of
more than one hundred. We are glad
to give the opposition credit for put-
ting up a hard fight, and one that
added ginger to the long, tedious cam-
You put up a scramble that
had of us guessing up to
very hour that voting began, and we
have a great respect for the
nation that you displayed throughout
the campaign. Opposition is a good
thing and sometimes helps a great
We hope that you will bury th
hatchet and forget the differences that
we have had in the past. We arc
all citizens of Pitt county and of
Greenville township, and we owe it
to ourselves and to our native town
and county to Join shoulder to should-
for her advancement and welfare.
The majority of the voters have de-
In favor of bonds and good
roads, and It is the right and just
custom in America for the majority
to rule. The majority In favor of
good roads was decisive In every de-
and there is no room for you
to contest the election from any stand-
point whatsoever. You fought and
you lost, and you ought to take your
medicine as becomes a man.
This paper Is not one to crow over
the defeated opposition. Failure in
any movement always has a bitter
sting for some one, and we cannot
but feel that this is true In this In-
stance. However, we have a great
respect for those who honestly fought
for what they believed to be right
But It was a losing fight, and
hope that all of the opposition will
refrain from kicking and abuse. Let's
got together and make Pitt county
and Greenville township the center
and garden spot of all this great
eastern section.
has wandered almost the country o- make Its report to the governor
or seeking a place where ho without any recommendations for
find a welcome and sympathetic acceptance. And that exactly the
hand. a thing for them to do.
leper, for this is perhaps the what have we been clamoring for
dreaded disease that ever afflicted the while, and where has the fight
human being. This Is tho disease Has it been to get a
that was known in the time of the one-fourth reduction, or even A re-
and a malady which j auction by one-half Have we not
the deepest sympathy within contended all the while that If VI r-
th. bosom of the tender-hearted Met-; shippers can get cheaper rates,
we should be placed upon a par with
There have been but very few them The fight, we understand
cases of the disease in this country. has not been for any special per
but it Is said that It Is cent, but for an equal proportion of
Early has attracted more attention charges. If Virginia shippers are
both from physicians and the general to get a rate of one dollar on
public than any case that bus commodity, we see no reason why
been brought to the of the
Going to Washington In
thinking that he had
afflicted with some typhoid disease
during a long stay in Cuba or tn I
Philippine during the
the bill that says In many words of the people whom they serve,
that road work will not have to interesting papers read and the
done. But. it seems to us that any discussions thereon were In keeping
man with good, common, horse sense with the advance of North Carolina
It It Said That The Meteor Struck
The Earth Near
Though It Is Not Known
To Be True
Scores of people living In this town,
and In various sections of Pitt and
Beaufort counties, were awakened
their sleep last night by a
noise which occurred shortly
after the midnight hour. Those who
had not at that time gone to bed
declare that the disturbance was
caused by a tremendous meteor, or
heavenly body passing through the
atmosphere above the earth, and
which a very bright light for
many miles around in this section.
Many people saw the sight
baseball who
Washington for the game yes-
afternoon, and who remained
over all night, were out viewing the
sights in the coast town, and were
fortunate enough to see this sight,
which occurs sometimes as seldom as
once In a quarter of a century. The
oldest Inhabitants of the town can
scarcely remember more than two or
three Instances of these magnificent
visions in the heaven. Those who
saw the meteor last night try as best
they can to give some sort of a
of what they saw, but being
so unaccustomed to thing of this
they say that their story falls
far short of being exactly as It really
happened. The meteor made Its first
appearance to the people of Washing-
ton In the northwestern heavens, and
. o- i, aw slowly moved toward the south,
should see very clearly that he prominent features of entertainment j but Tery noise as it went.
.-. And tho concert on It n
ought to know that if we have good
roads all over the township, and a
fund to pay for the upkeep of these
Journalism and exceedingly helpful
to all who heard them.
The newspaper party headquarter-
i aw
roads, there can be no cause for any j at the hotel, one of the
man having to work these roads j of many noted inns,
less he Is paid for what ho does. where everything pertaining to their
If you have to pay a tax on the comfort was amply provided. Mr.
Issue of bonds, it Is certain that what j H editor of the
you will have to pay Is much less citizen, and president of the
than the amount that has to be chip
In to exempt you from road duty
elation the past year, looked well
after the pleasure of the visitors and
And who had not rather pay on overlooked nothing that would add
c bond Issue and have good roads than . w enjoyment of their stay i
to have to pay twice that
work the roads himself
The bond issue must carry;
Interests of
that It go
the mountain city. Special street
cars were provided for a ride
all over city and also to take the
the township demand. editorial party to any point when
through. The desired to move In a body
tax or
North Carolina shippers should be
charged 15.00 for the same product
and, granting that the railroads do
give us a twenty-live per cent
on a commodity of this
where would be any Justice In the have the smallest end of the a Dutch Supper and concert on
matter We should still be carry, and there Is no reason why the roof garden of the hotel
against, and the railroads would he should not vote In favor of party at the Majestic, and
. , . a. . . . i . i. Inn the
lean war, ho demanded a pension
was examined, and later arrested
a leper. Imagine, If you can, gt he reaping a rich harvest from
would feel If you were to be our pockets. We maintain that North
arrested because you were suffering Carolina rates should be lowered to
from some disease; yet Is an equal with those charged In
that John Early had. Ho it has to be lowered a
was treated, but the aliment refused per cent or even two hundred
to yield to the treatment. Learned per cent, and nothing short of tills
physicians from all parts
world came to behold in
will be Just.
are right now entering upon
I tile bitterest scientific discussions the delicate stage of the big fight.
of all waged over the of here Is where the best
this man. Finally, he was of the best minds in the
ed a leper, or rather the decision ls The railroads are
bonds. It means a better and a a banquet at Grove Park Inn, the
way of getting his produce lo j new hotel Just opened by Mr. E. W.
market, and that he can haul so much . fame. This
more at one trip. g the most unique hotel In the world,
I nestling In a large park at the foot
RAISE THE AWNINGS Sunset mountain, and built of
it was a very beautiful spectacle, and
resembled. It ls said, a big skyrocket
Just as It bursts high In the air. A
stream of sparks flew from the tall of
the meteor, and only added to the
i . tint and splendor of the sight, as
monstrous heavenly body moved
on In Its course southward. The sight
was visible for only a few minutes,
and soon it disappeared, as the ob-
servers thought, never to be heard
from again. But the midnight stroll-
No little inconvenience is rocks Just as they were blasted m
pedestrians on the streets by the from the side of the mountain. It In Washington had traveled scarce
very undesirable condition of the jg a marvel of beauty and
on the fronts of the stores. furnished.
In most Instances these shades are concluding their stay In
so low as not to permit even a man editors were taken to
of average height to walk along the or a day, where every courtesy
physicians who claimed that he was, I the point where they are street without having his hat scrap-1 shown them. After a
and he was sent away -the m per j, u his head, or his hair pulled j dinner at White Springs
from Washington In a baggage we keep a watch on them.
Ho found refuge in New York City they knockout blow
where he was harbored by medical before we realize what has happen-
who kept him for We have what ls known
nation and experiment.
Later Early was declared well, and
the physicians said that he did not
have leprosy, and gave him his free-
But wherever he went about
the country he was shunned by the
he came In con-
tact, and wherever he
ed people would cry out
as they did In the days
of Jesus. Again the man was
and he was declared a leper.
Today, he is In a leper colony
in the northwest, near the govern-
quarantine station at Diamond
Point, in the state of
There the poor fellow spent so
much time in brooding over the
treatment that has been accorded
as tho critical stage, and are right
now at the very point where we
stood when a compromise was affect-
ed In the passenger fare
Of 1908. The railroads have not for-
gotten this, and it will be a sad day
for us if we forget It I tho
time for all good men to come to
the aid of their and we had
better stand to shoulder and
present a solid phalanx, or the end
will be disastrous. Let there be no
compromise, but let's fight on until
we got what we want, and what by
rights we should have.
It is strange how some people can-
use a ,
, ,, . . , , , . not go through an election without
him, and his failure to find a friend. B
. . I getting into a scrap about something,
that he has finally become Insane. B
No matter what the Issue at stake.
Selected by Recent Legislation
Massachusetts. New York, Ohio and
Wisconsin have now the best child
labor laws in the country. In these
four states, nearly all the provisions
of the National Child Labor Commit-
tee's Uniform Child Labor Law there
have been enacted and each of them
has In one point or another
a higher standard.
Ohio has Just set a fifteen
year age for boys and a sixteen
year age limit for boys and a sixteen
has included a clause regulating
labor. Massachusetts Is tho
first to require employment
for all workers under twenty-
one and Wisconsin forbids newspaper
selling and other street trades for
girls under eighteen.
These are not the only states in
which the provisions of the
Child Labor Law that most serious-
affect Industry are In force. Thus,
fifteen states and the of
Columbia have now tho eight-bout
day for workers under sixteen; thirty-
two states and tho District of Co-
forbid night work under
A leper; a raving maniac; a
v many men get over-enthused about
of medical science; this poor, ,
the affair, and when some other
wretched, human being Where
the history of modern medical science not see it as they see It
do we find a sadder picture Why to a
did not the learned doctors agree in argument, and often come to blows
. . , a a . men forget that others have I
the very beginning, and decide among
, right to their own opinion well
themselves Just what was wrong with
, , . v. these men themselves, and plunge
Early No, they must have a wrangle
. , . . right on In as though every man
over it; they must disagree.
as a result, a lite has been ruined the tame
and John Early knows that w to see the day when the
he is a is today Insane-an of the
t o be educated to that point where
insane man the victim of a set o.
. , i i ii a Jones will not hold It against
men who failed to agree
agree j Jim Smith if Jim does not agree with
The sympathy of a nation goes out Tom and insists casting his
to John Early, and thousands vote as he sees fit. and
who will hear of his to his own Every
will cry out. God that man ought to hear both
Christ walked the earth, and that he sides of every question upon which
out by the roots, or some other form
of Inconvenience. And, what
tho matter so much more
able ls the fact that when new awn
are placed, they are usually
not raised any higher than the old
one, and consequently we are not
getting any relief one way or th
This Is indeed a nuisance to
who have to walk the street
even no more than two or three
times during the day, and there
should be a remedy for the evil. If
the merchants and store-owners win
not take It upon themselves to
their awnings, the board of aldermen
should pas an ordinance requiring
this to be done. Relief should come
from one source or another, and the
sooner the better for all concerned.
Tho Inscription that has been
placed on the tombstone marking the
lest resting place of Floyd and Claude
reads there these two men were
murdered by order of the
Governor of Virginia over the pro-
test of one hundred thousand citizens
of the That Is
a block further on until they heard
n tremendous explosion. They
recognized that the noise came from
the which they
had Just seen.
Many people in Greenville who had
gone to bed for the night were
by the noise, some of them think-
It to be an explosion somewhere
in town, and others thinking that
a bank safe had been dynamited
and looted. To those, however, who
saw the meteor In the skies no alarm
was caused, for the;, realized what
had happened. It Is said that the
meteor fell somewhere In the neigh-
of though this can-
be stated with any degree of
Meteors of this kind fall to the earth
from somewhere outside the great
belt of atmosphere which surrounds
the earth. It Is believed by
that they are flying masses of
substance which at one time might
have been shot off from the earth In
Its rapid motion, and that they, by
some motion or another which Is not
understood by men, are again attract-
ed to the earth. They travel so fast
that the friction with the air causes
them to become Ignited, and they make
this brilliant light The story of the
theory of meteors and falling stars
which has been worked out by as-
forms one of the most In-
vesting studies to be had, and throws
much light on the of last
We have Just a fresh sup-
ply of the celebrated Black Sun
One of the best speeches the ed- Cured Tobacco. J. R. J. G.
hotel, they were taken for a drive
through the Southern Methodist As-
grounds located two miles
from that town.
The continued development of all
that section of North Carolina to
something wonderful. The radius of
fifty miles beginning at Ridge Crest
on the east and extending to Way-
I going forward in rapid
strides and ls to be-
come the resort and pleasure ground
of the Eastern states. The whole re-
will be almost a continuous
town or city with as the
and chief distributing point.
While the climate naturally makes
It most delightful as a summer re-
sort, the elegant hotels provide every
comfort to make it Ideal in winter,
so that Western North Carolina to
an all the year round resort unequal-
led in the whole country.
in the wide world can more beautiful
scenery be found.
heard during their stay In Ashe-
at the recent Press Convention,
disgrace j at the Grove Park Inn banquet
would have compassion on this man
and heal
It is gratifying to note that the
Constitutional Commission has turner
down the proposed amendment
the governor the veto power.
Worth Carolina has always, gotten
along without her governor having
the power to check the will of about
two hundred legislators, and we
willing to risk her destines of the
future In the same hands.
Guess Brother ls more or less
glad that he out of
Just a few months longer. And It may
be a few more months before he gets
back to scones of his childhood
his vote must help to decide, and his
Informers should be men whose
are not so full of their view to
try to prejudice the other fellow In-
to seeing voting his way .
There If no reason why
should exist in an election. If a
man wants to pay for a bond Issue,
let him go ahead and vote for It.
he wants good road, try
bl n vote against just
because you don't want to pay a lit-
fifteen cent tax. If you believe
the county commissioners dishonest
and Incompetent of handling fifty
dollars, don't try to
men's minds against a pro-
measure, but go to work to
oust those unjust county
to the Allen family. Everybody
knows that the two men were con-
by a Jury of twelve men of
the Commonwealth of Virginia, and
that the governor of the state was
only following the dictates of his
conscience when he refused to In-
with the mandate of the law
The true, patriotic citizens of the
country have a higher and a greater
respect for the Virginia executive in
that he had the backbone to stand
his ground in the face of so large
a number of people. Only such men building roads,
are lit to be governors of our states,
and by Mr. the de-
signer of that magnificent hotel build
Mr. while editor of the
Atlanta Georgian, was the man who
brought about the change In the
convict lease system In that state
and putting them to building roads,
the result being that Georgia has
more good roads than any other
southern state. He told the North
Carolina editors they could do their
state no better service than In get-
ting the convicts of this state to
teen; and thirty-nine states and
It must have been Wilmington Dis-
patch first trip to the mo in-
or else he did not know that
our had been going there.
off and en, for thirty-five years. He
responded to the address of welcome
tho Press Association was a
gem, too. as sparkling as the ocean
spray In and In his ex-
the beauty of the
mountains said he heard
exclaim these are some
Again the old town clock has stop-
and the hands have ceased t
Piles Cured In to Days
Your druggist will refund
OINTMENT to cure any ca.-
Blind, Weeding or Protruding Piles mil. days.
The application gives
Let us sell you a plug, a pound or
a box of Black Eagle Sun Cured to-
and make you happy. J. R.
J. G.
The Rest Medicine In the World
little girl had very
bad. I thought she would die.
Cholera and
cured her, and I can truthful-
say that I think It Is the best med-
In the Mrs.
Clare. Mich. For sale by
all druggists.
The Rocky Mount Telegram de-
serves support from the towns of
North Carolina In that It has
already started a movement
toward a baseball league for Eastern
North Carolina next summer. It has
been so long since we have had any
real league baseball In this neck of
the woods that we hardly know what
It would seem like. Pleasant
still linger with us of the brave
days of old when they used to have
a league, and the scramble was at
fever heat We have no authority to
make the statement but we believe
cycles and motor boats at bargain
prices all makes, brand new machines,
on easy monthly payment plan. Get
our before buying or you
will regret It, also bargains In used
motor Write us today. En-
close stamp for reply. Address Lock
Box Trenton,
But, go to the polls and move.
A Good Investment
W. D. a well known mer-
chant of Wis. bought a
stock of Chamberlain's medicine o
as to be able to supply them to his
customers. After receiving them he
himself taken sick and says that
one email bottle of
that when the ball start, to rolling, I
boys, you may count on of of g med.
being right there with the goods. For sale by all druggist.
Mother Seizes Child as She Was
About to Pick up the Rep-
tile and Pet It
N. Y. July
Charmed by a rattlesnake In the door-
yard of her home, Helen three
years old, daughter of Andrew
a farmer near was snatched
away from the snake by her mother
this morning as she was about to lay
her hands It The rattler,
than th-e-j feet long and nine
rattles, was killed by the ch d s
For several days the child's pa-
rents had observed that she act-
strangely. She spent most of her
time near the kitchen door, where
there was a large flat stone. The
ch cried In her sleep and every
morning as quickly as she was
ed she would run out Into the yard
and peer under the stone.
day the mother heard the child talk-
leg and laughing in the yard. Mis.
looked out and saw the child
stooping beside the stone and clap-
ping hr hand. Asked what made
her laugh she could give no
nation. This morning Mrs.
observed walking slowly toward
the snake. Afterward the child told
her parents about having seen the
there many times and said
he sometimes took food to it
of For Croat Stale Fair
Have Been Received Here
The Reflector is in receipt of a
booklet containing a list of the
and prizes that will be offered
for the various and displays
at the state fair In Raleigh during
October. From all appearances, and
Judging from the It seems
that these offerings this year are In
excess of those offered heretofore,
and that they are much better than
in previous years.
Every energy Is being made by the
officers of the fair association to
sent this year one of the biggest and
best fairs in the history of the state.
Preparations are being made for the
better display of those exhibits that
are entered, and more room ls be-
made. The fair this year will
be held during the week of October
20-26, and will be opened at
on the of Tuesday, October
by Governor Locke
Richmond County Convict With ii
Term Escapes
has been received here of the escape
from the county chain gang of Steve
who was convicted In the
superior court last week of selling
cocaine and assault with a deadly
weapon. He was sentenced for a
period of month and has served
less than a week of his time. The
county is minus an able bodied la-
borer and the road authorities are
minus a very desperate character.
A reward has been offered for his
Thar Is more Catarrh tn this section of
the country than all other put
together, and the last years
was to be Incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced It a local
disease and prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly falling to cure with local
treatment, pronounced It Incurable, sci-
has proven Catarrh to be a
disease, and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Co. Toledo. Ohio, ls the only
cure on tho market. It Is taken In-
In doses from drops to a tea-
It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They
offer one hundred dollars for any cage It
tails to Bend for circulars and
V. J. CO., Toledo,
Bold by
Hall's for
years blockade stills have been
found In North Carolina hid along
creeks, at the head of the coves and
even In cellars of home but It re-
for Deputy
tor to unearth one in an
old graveyard in Alamance county
Saturday. The revenue officer, ac-
companied by Sheriff Cook of Ala-
and several other officers had
a and going to the old grave-
yard about two miles from Graham
found the still going at full blast
within a few feet of little mounds
where for many long years men,
women and children have been burled.
The officers slipped up to the place
and attempted to pounce upon Con
roe Holt while the white man was
engaged In taking fuel to the still,
but Holt got the start of the
and made his escape. A war-
rant was secured for his arrest, how-
ever, and he was later taken Into
custody. Holt, It ls alleged, Is a no-
blockader of that section.
The cemetery where the still was In
operation Is located in an out of the
way place and has not been used for
many years. The blockade
believed he was safe In his retreat
and carried on his with
little attempt at caution. The
poured out about gallons
of beer and destroyed the still.
Leading Drag Store Will Give Money
Back Should There Ever Be A
Case Where Dodson's
Liver Tone Falls
Dodson's Liver Tone ls a mild
vegetable Liver Tonic which
ates so successfully in cases of con-
torpid liver or biliousness
that It has as
that It has practically taken the
place of drug
ls so often dangerous.
Pharmacy, who sells Dodson's Liver
Tone, recommends It an a reliever
of constipation, sour stomach,
and sluggish liver. It works
gently, surely and harmlessly. If a
bottle should ever fall to give
faction they will refund the price paid
without question.
The price of Dodson's Liver Tone
i. per bottle. Be sure you
get Dodson's Liver Tone and not
some medicine put up in imitation
it not backed up by a
and that may contain harmful drugs.
Weapon Witt Which Murder Was
Committed la Real Estate Office
Cannot be Found
DALLAS, Tex., July
were called upon today to investigate
the death of Florence Brown, aged
whose body was found this morn-
in the washroom of a real estate
office here with her throat cut.
When discovered the body still
warm. Blood was scattered over the
walls and floor of the room and dis-
colored water had been left In the
wash basin where some one had
washed bloody hands. No
Instrument with which the act could
have been committed was found.
Miss Brown reported for work at
o'clock and was known to
been alone In the office for half an
for the new electric light plant
has arrived and will Installed at
Harrington, Barber and Company
will save you money on your laces
and embroideries, pearl buttons rib-
See Cox and House for ice cream
and cold drinks.
Rudolph Croom went to Ayden yes-
Miss Ethel Batts, -who has been
visiting Mrs. J. E. Sellers returned
to her home in Warsaw Sunday.
word to the wise Is
We are offering splendid bargains for
cash on lawns, laces, and
mens underwear. A. W. Ange and
Company. . g
Fresh dried apples at 1-2 cents
per pound at R. W.
Mr. J. R. Smith, of Ayden, spent
yesterday in town.
J. L. Rollins went to Richmond
P. H. Kittrell went to yes-
Removal order to have
ample room for our fall stock of
shoes, we will sell for the next week
our entire line of and men's
slipper at attractive prices. A. W.
Ange and Company.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Company closed
Its tobacco truck season Tuesday. The
demand for trucks has been greater
than ever before and they have ship-
a larger number than at any
previous season.
If It Is beef, fish or you
can get It at R. W. Hail's.
Go to Cox and House for shoes and
dry goods. They will give you a bar-
gain with each purchase.
See Harrington, Barber and Com-
for your large stone jars. They
are useful for pickles, lard or
Misses Myrna and
Smith or and Miss Lucy
of Greenville are visit-
Miss Lucy Belle Langston near
Mr. Roy Causey left this morning
for Vanceboro and other points in
Craven county.
We learn that the A. O. Cox Mfg.
Co., have closed down their shops
for a few days for the purpose of
taking inventory and installing a new
boiler and engine. They have had
an unusually busy year.
Prominent State Official ls Spending
The Day I Greenville
Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes,
of Raleigh Is spending the day here
today, and is being greeted by his
many friends. It has been sometime
since the popular secretory of state
visited his native hearth, and he
s enjoying his short visit very much.
Cam urn, Cars
The worst cases, no matter of bow long standing,
are cured by wonderful, old Dr.
Antiseptic Healing Oil. It
Pain and Heals at same lime. s
Congress adopted
Articles of War.
Has Cared Wont Cases And Ion Can
Prove It For Only M
Yes, try That's all you
need to do to get rid of the worst
case of eczema. take no
It ls no experiment Is
guaranteed to atop Itching,
rash, raw, bleeding eczema, make
pimpled face smooth and clean.
mo ls a wonder and the minute
plied It In, vanishes, leaves no
evidence, doesn't stick, no grease,
Just a pure, clean, wonderful liquid
and It cures. This ls guaranteed.
Is put up by the E. W. Rose
Medicine Co., St Louis, Mo., and
by all druggists at tor the large bot
tie and at cents for the liberal size
trial bottle. Try one cent bottle
and be convinced.
News From
July was
fast and pray day at Gum Swamp
Rev. C. J. Harris went to Raleigh
At the beginning of a series of
meetings to be held at Gum Swamp
church, Rev. E. B. Joyner preached
to a large congregation Sunday.
There was some spontaneous sports
on our roads Sunday afternoon.
Rev. E. B. Joyner
The educational board of Pitt
schools has at last decided to build
our much needed new school house
on the old school ground. Good I
C. J. Harris reports a pleas-
ant trip to the state city.
Crops are doing well, very well In
our vicinity now.
Mr. and Mrs. David Harris, of
near were the guest of Mrs.
C. J. Harris Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. G. W. Dall, of Ayden, Is on
hand to attend the revival this week.
She seems to be a very consecrated
worker for the Master. Hence her
presence Is much needed.
We are anxious, real anxious, to
hear from the Greenville township
good road election Tuesday.
Penn, founder of Penn-
died at
England. Born In London Oct.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
LAXATIVE Quinine. It
Cough and Headache and off the Cold.
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure.
K. W. GROVE'S signature on each
An Institutes of education Intensely devoted developing men. It
graduate are everywhere successful and fill important positions la all
Hie f work. They occupy places of honor dignity la church
state, and ably and prominently represent their state la the
A college supplied with ample resources to provide
best education. Mere than a dollars recently added to its en-
A wide range courses. Necessary expenses of the
moderate. No Increase la tuition charges within twenty year.
For booklet address
Secretary to Corporation, C
Location Equipment
of Special care of the health of
students. An Instructor In each dormitory to supervise
conditions boys under hit- rare. Excellent library and
facilities. Large athletic fields. Fall term opens
W. W. PELE, Headmaster, . DURHAM, NORTH
NEW YORK, July tender
of the government lightship off Cape
Lookout, N. C. was cut In two by the
Savannah line steamer City of At-
and three of Its five occupants
were drowned last Friday afternoon,
according to statements made here
today by passengers aboard the steam-
The accident, they said, occurred
o'clock In the afternoon In
clear weather and a calm sea. Two
men were rescued by a boat from the
steamer and put back aboard
The little tender crossed the liner
bows to deliver mall and papers on
the Bide. The distance was
misjudged and the liner crushed into
the boat
and FARM
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow-
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in Quality
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de-
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Bakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag-
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers.
For The Sale Of Leaf Tobacco
Keep Your Eye on the STAR this Year and see if it does not
sell it HIGHER

Shoes are unmistakably I
They appeal to men who
pride themselves en being
s well as becomingly dressed.
Our Spring models offer you a wide
choice, and yet all of them are well
within the limits of good of them
have the comfort for which alone
ire famous. Try
J. . j. g.
flue Iron
Now cm Hand at Gorman Gentry's
the county, costs up to
see for
Sporting Vacation
DAY a.
Tents and poles and provisions
and all the necessary paraphernalia
bars been stowed away in your canoe;
you pause a moment to think
you forgotten anything; your
companion is seated in the stem,
holding to the hank with his paddle.
You gently Into bow, pick up
paddle, the canoe quick-
down the stream, and you are off.
Two weeks in your tiny floating home
to go where and when you will The
. i thought of it makes you want to
with joy. You need net worry
about paddling down stream; for it is
i lay work, and all there is to do is to
ell of logs and overhanging
trees and shoal rapids. The water
musically against the rock., and
a gentle breeze adds greatly to your
comfort Softly the banks glide past,
with their wealth of deep forest
and the countless cozy nooks
where you would like to linger.
At the turn, where the river
widens, a blue heron rises
and wings ponderously over tho trees,
with neck and legs, and
you easily snap him with the cam.
Farther on, a pair of ducks skim
swiftly along the water, and,
Circle with whistling wing-beats back
to where you started from.
In the next quiet spot, where the
banks are low and a muskrat
and silently in
front of you.
Gradually the stream becomes
and there, below, Is tho first
spot in the trip, where the water
rushes in among the rocks with a
roar and much foaming and fretting.
both arc all attention now.
K i ping close to tho left bank, In a
Bash you are In the rapids are
borne swiftly down, carefully
the little craft past the
spots. One or two quick turns give
the experience plenty of excitement.
and then, almost before you
you are Boating on the
below, and the rapids are behind
Ci by The Associated
Newspaper School. Inc.
j and own exquisite pictures. On sale
at the office and
Book Store. Price. Ten cents. Write
today to The Reflector for booklet ex-
planting The Associated Newspaper
. plan.
For tuts Hums and
In every homo there should be a
box of
to apply in every case of bums, cuts.
or scalds. J. H. Del-
Tex., R. No.
Salve my little
cut foot. No one
salve. Only
The world's beer
Recommended hi
Professional Card.
and immediate
Tuesday, July
The Atlantic Coast Lino will ops-
rate a low round-trip
from Washington, Greenville, Ply-
mouth and Intermediate points to
Va Tuesday. July
at the fare and on the schedule be-
Leaving Greenville at a. m.
Arriving at Richmond at p. m.
Returning, will Richmond at
a. Thursday, July
Trip Fare From Here 83.00
Separate cars will provided for
white and colored passengers.
This excursion offers a splendid
opportunity to visit this charming
city at a most remarkably low cost.
For further Information write the
Advertising Distributor.
Traffic Manager.
Advertising Distributor
Attorney at Law
Office In Building Third Rt
wherever bis r
Greenville. North Carolina
Attorney at Lew
i Edwards on the
second floor la Wooten
on Third St., opposite court house
North Carolina
Attorney at Law
occupied by
P C. Harding Chas. O. Pierce
Practicing in all the Courts
Trice tn Wooten Building on Third
street, fronting Court
ft. W. CAM KB, M. D . .
radios limited to diseases .,
and Throat
J N. C. H,
is a rare spot to take a fish for I Br. D. L. James, Urea
Ills, day every Monday. h m to S , .
a F.
Lift, Sick and
W.- on Fourth street,
Wilson's store
dinner. And with the first cast you
know that you made no mistake
for tho fly disappears with the quick-
i of magic, and Instantly you
a brook trout. Another.
and then two more, and you have e-
Landing beside an ancient oak. and
near a clear, welling spring of i old
water, you prepare to make camp
The tent is pitched, boughs are cut,
a lire is kindled and soon the as-
sound of frying fish and the m.-
odor of coffee greet you,
And the brat part of all is as
it quietly out near the Ore
you know that tomorrow holds still CUT FLOWERS ROSE.
Moore H
Attorneys at Law
in-, Law
if. C.
Every day a different
--t will appear R
. can get a beautiful Intaglio
reduction of the above picture, with
five others, equally attractive,
1-2 Inches in size, with this week's
In a well
known authority covers the subject
cf the pictures and stories of the
week. Readers of The and
will know Art,
History. Science and Travel.
Our artistic arrangements
In wedding outfits are equal
to the best Nothing finer In
offerings than our
Pot plants, palms and ferns
for house decoration
Write for list
J. L. CO, Raleigh, It. C.
D. J. Jr., for Green-
ville and vicinity.
Charlotte and Raleigh on the New
Seaboard Train
Raleigh a. m.; Arrive Char
p. m.; Charlotte
a. m.; Ar. Raleigh p. m.
This train runs solid between
and Rutherfordton. Parlor Ca
is operated between Raleigh and Edge,
The Heart Of The
White for schedules, etc.,
H. D. P. A.
Raleigh. N. C
Norfolk Southern railway
Schedule in Effect April mi
N. B. The following schedule
published as only an.
are not guaranteed.
East Bound
a. m. daily, Express
Pullman Bleeping car for
a. m. daily, for Plymouth. Elli
City and Norfolk. Broiler par
car service. Connects for
north and west
p. m. daily, except Sunday, In-
West Bound
a. m. daily, for Wilson.
and west. Pullman sleeping
service. Connects north south
a. m. dally, for Wilson
Raleigh. Connects for all points
p. m. dally, for Wilson and
Raleigh, Broiler parlor car service
For further Information and
ration In sleeping cars, apply to J
Agent, Greenville. N. C.
W. W.
Passenger Agent
General Superintendent.
No. Six-Sixty-Six
This it a prescription prepared especially
Five or six doles will cats, and
if taken then a tone will not
return. It the liver
The summer
when the
air is fine Makes
the old young
for a while So
they can enjoy
And numerous
other goodies.
Call you
you will
J. W. Little
Merchandise Broker
I . S. C.
I desire o express my appreciation
f your patronage of the past. I sin-
trust dealings In every
way have been satisfactory to you. I
hope to have your further orders. Call
and see me, or phone and let me quote
you I represent some of the
very best concerns.
Office Residence 257-L.
J. W. Little
Purchased The Of Stone-
wall Jackson On Evans Street
Solicits the Patronage of
the Public Generally
el Arrival and of the
Passenger Trains
is n a. p. m.
i in p. in.
We i hound
is a. in a m.
IS a. m a. m.
p. m. p. m.
Rid Your Children of Worms
You can change fretful.
children into healthy, happy young-
sure, by riding them of Toss-
rolling, grinding of
out while asleep, accompanied
Intense thirst, pains in the stomach
and bowels, and bad
breath, are that Indicate
worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer, a
pleasant candy lozenge expels the
worms, regulates the bowels, restores
your children to health and
Mrs. J. A. of
III. have used Kickapoo Worm
Killer for years, and entirely rid my
children of worms. I would not be
without Guaranteed. All drug-
gists or by mail. Price
Medicine Co., Philadelphia
Johnston Foxhall's
Greenville, N. C.
We will be ready to take care of you and protect your interests
Johnston Foxhall
A. L, Blow is Appointed
Clerk of Federal Court
Winterville Item.
Greenville Man Gets Appointed Final Rally of the Anti Bond
From Judge Connor
Men Was
Mr. Won Mill Rat Move Away From
Mill To
Only To Attend Sessions
at Alexander L.
a distinguished citizen of
Greenville, becomes clerk of the
United States court for Eastern
District of North Carolina.
of the appointment, which was
made by Federal Judge H. G. Con-
nor, was given out last Saturday in
Raleigh, laud created considerable
Interest Mr. Blow will accept a
that was made vacant by tho
resignation of Major Hiram L. Grant,
of Goldsboro, who resigned in or-
he might to
all of his time to bis private
The statement in tho press dispatch-
es of yesterday to the effect that Mr.
Blow to move away from Green-
ville is erroneous, as ho will not
leave this town. He stated this morn-
that he would here next
Monday for to be absent
from town for a week or ten days
to look after the business affairs of
the new position, and to acquaint
himself more thoroughly with his
new duties. Mr, family, how-
ever, will remain In Grenville, and
he will continue to live here,
short trips to Raleigh during the
sessions of the Federal court, and
at other times when matters of
require attention.
Tho position to which Mr. Blow
has been appointed is a very
one, and the friends of the
Greenville man will congratulate him
upon being so fortunate as to land
tho appointment. Ho never fought
for the appointment, but merely en-
the rare at the request of
scores of his friends, who took
the matter in his interest, and who
asked that the appointment go to
Mr. Blow has known for some
time that the nice, juicy federal plum
fall Into his lap. but he left
; In the hands of Judge Connor to
mas the announcement.
Mr. Blow is well known over the
state, and especially in North
Carolina. Re was for n time
State senator from this district, and
;,. i, years
Superior Court and Register of
Deeds of this county. Ho is a law-
of ability, and for the pant
years has been associated with
ox-Governor Thomas J. In the
practice of his profession, with law
offices in this town.
A final rally of the anti-bond men
was held in the court house
day afternoon, and before it was fin-
it developed into a very inter-
gathering. As the story goes,
the meeting had scarcely been called
to order when a bond advocate arose
and asked permission to speak, no
one which side he was speak
for, but most of the audience
thinking him to be a very
supporter of tho
reuse. He had not been speaking
long before true mission of his
remarks was very evident, and he
v hooted and howled at, and what
he said cheered to the echo by those
who were present.
Later Mr. W. F. Evans made a
in favor of the side which he
i leading and spoke against the bond
Issue. At the conclusion of these re-
marks Mr. R. E. Chapman had a
few words to say in the interest
of good roads and the bond issue, he
requesting permission to speak. Tho
meeting was not as well attended as
that have been held, and a
those present were
of the bond issue.
More line Thousand Attended
Conference at
convention of tho International
Bible Student's Association, which
has been In session hero since last
Sunday, came to a close this after-
noon with an address by P. S. L,
Johnson, of Columbus, Ohio, who
Spoke on Hell, Heaven and
The convention was one of the
most successful yet held under the
auspices of the sect which is headed
by C. T. Russell, of Brooklyn, and
has been attended by more than
1.000 from various states of
tho Union. Probably tho most
feature of the convention
was the decision of the Bible
dents to further their cause by the
use of motion pictures and
ed magazine sections, which will be
published in various newspapers.
Status of Trade Between United
States and Foreign Countries
A concise entitled
Relations of the United
which contains statistics
showing the foreign trade of each
country of tho world during 1911
compared with the previous year,
just been Issued by tho Bureau of
Foreign and Domestic Commerce at
Washington. This valuable
shows the principal articles and
their value entering Into the trade
each country and tho
tho Imports from tho exports to
the United Tho
v i iv prepared by American consular
supplemented by other
official data. In addition to trade
Statistics, tho grain crops and tho
mineral output of the principal
tries given, thus presenting In
Compact from the principal features
upon which the commerce and In-
of the foreign countries do-
rend. The volume should prove high-
valuable for reference purposes,
having boon revised end brought
to so far as statistics were
available. Copies of tho book
be obtained from the Superintend-
of Documents. Washington. D. C.
Herbert Jenkins, of Is
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Cox.
It will pay you to Harrington,
i r and Company for your
they have some good ones cheap.
Mr. Geo. Edwards of Atlanta, who
Is superintending tho construction
of the Winterville Oil Mill, returned
from a trip to Elizabeth City and
other points yesterday.
The larger part of the electric light
outfit Is here and we are hoping to
lights again soon.
For a few days only, we will sell
for cash our entire line of summer
goods at cost A. W. Ange and Co.
To buy a few more beef
cattle. R. W. Dall.
Fresh dried peaches and butter at
Cox and House's.
Some of our people are making
great improvements In their side-
walks. if you can tell why they
Harrington, Barber and Com-
for your largo stone jars, they
are useful for pickles, lard or
Tho work on the Winterville Oil
Mill is moving on as fast as their
present help can it, but they
use more laborers.
Fish and at R. W. Dall's.
Ice cream and cold drinks at Cox
I House's soda fountain.
Thermometers tobacco twine, Ian-
Urns and alarm clocks. A. W, Ange
I and Co.
If you want a mowing machine,
rake, or disc harrow it will ray you
to wee Harrington. Barber and Com-
Miss Tucker went to
yesterday. She will spend some
time in Morehead City before return-
Miss Lena Dawson of was
Visiting friends and relatives here
Go to Cox and House for dry-
goods, shoes and notions. They are
soiling out at cost.
Dried apples at 1-2 cents per
pound at R. W.
Just new lot of New Per-
oil stoves. Come and let us
i show you through our stock. A. W.
Ange and Co.
Prof. F. C. Nye left this morning
for a trip of several days in Edge-
Fresh corned mullets at R. W.
Prof. G. C. Buck of Grimesland
I passed through yesterday en route
to Morehead City. He will return
his work at the Wingate High
School soon.
Corn and oats at R. W.
Mr. A. W. Ange returned yesterday
from where he was called
to the bedside of his father. We
are glad that his
Harrington. Barber and Company
will save you money on your laces
and embroideries, pearl buttons
For an hour Waterman wrote rapid-
then turned In his revolving chair
and fixed his attention upon his wife.
have read your letter over several
times, he said gravely,
there doesn't seem to be any
It is your wish that I leave
am afraid It Is the only she
replied slowly.
Her eyes met his in quick. Indignant
Without answering her. Waterman
drew from his pocket her letter
I thought It would be
best to tell you now, frankly, that It
Is my wish to separate from you, be-
fore should any tangible
cause for or regret. After
much observation, I have
rived at the conclusion that we are
not for each other, and that under the
circumstances, a continuance of our
relation would be quite wrong. Tho
next best thing Is for us to part
quietly and peaceably, rather than to
wait until we have to do It violently
and with hard feelings
It was all queer, so sudden. Ills
wife's letter was tho very first Inti-
ho had had that all was not
well between them.
shall be as you he remark-
ed calmly. Intend to provide amply
for you. If you ever want or need any-
thing, call on
Half an hour later, Edyth heard him
leave tho house, and obeying In-
Impulse, she ran to tho win-
and watched him out of
Then turned away, her eyes filling
rapidly with tears, and flung herself
on a lounge she sobbed
herself to sleep.
Mile of School Superintendent Head.
Set oral Parties Held
BETHEL, July Fay Moore
been entertaining Misses Captured by Mob Sunday
LangSton and Myrtle from
Winterville, Miss May of
den, and friends of Bethel and
for a few days.
On Wednesday night Miss Maud
Day Search in Swamps
Ga., July
Shake, a was lynched here
today by a mob which captured him
of Bethel, d in niter an all-day search through
honor of Miss May Smith, of swamps. The was swung up
Miss Is always a charming to a telephone pole in the heart of
hostess, and she her guest and tho local Settlement and his
friends a most delightful evening, body riddled with bullets. His corpse
Punch was nerved after which the I was left hanging.
Falling to Obtain Employment
go Girl Takes Her Own Life
CHICAGO, July found
in a clump of bushes near where the
body of a young woman was
from Lake Michigan last night,
convinced tho police tonight that she
had committed suicide because of
failure to obtain employment.
The victim was to be Miss
E. Lee, of although she
has not been positively identified.
Tho pistol which brought her death,
was found on the beach. The
on was traced and found to have been
sold hero Wednesday to a Miss Lee,
who her residence as Elmo.
Tho two letters which explained th
woman had been out of employment
had been unable to procure work,
no to intimate the
city from which they bad been sent.
The coroner's inquest, was continued
until Thursday to allow police to
make further Investigation.
young people had some splendid
games of Rook.
The Bethel were Shocked
and bereaved at tho death of Mrs.
Cramer, wife of Prof.
of Bethel high school. Mrs.
Cramer died early In the week. Sin
and Mr. Cramer have been away since
May. She was Just a bride of ten
months, and a woman of splendid
education. Everybody Is in
for the young husband.
Miss Mary of White-
has been entertaining
Fay and May Smith since
Mrs, Charlie James has her nieces,
Miss Bonnie Lyn of Scot-
land Neck, and Miss Robertson,
of with her this week.
Mr. Roy Craft visited Seven Springs
Mrs. Anna E. Manning entertained
twenty-One young last night
In honor of Miss Myrtle
of No falls to
have ft good time when entertained
by one so charming as Mrs. Man-
hence, all of tho young
report n most excellent evening.
Mrs. Lucy Carson leaves shortly
for for her health.
Mrs. John Hawes, of Atkinson has
been spending a few days here with
her aunt. Mrs. S. T. Carson.
Shake was supposed to he the burg-
who last night shot and danger-
wounded J. F. Hammock, a
local merchant. Hammock visited
his establishment last night and
discovered a in the act of
ling the place. Ordered to come out.
the Intruder loaded a shot gun which
he found in the and emerging
fired two charges into Hammock's
Hammock was able to give a de-
of his assailant, and
armed themselves and started
In pursuit Immediately. Bloodhounds
today led tho to the edge
of a swamp miles from here
the was captured.
of tho posts were forced to wade
through water up to their necks to
reach the fugitive.
It Is said that Hammock
as the man who shot
him. Hammock was taken to Ma-
con, whore ho was placed in a hos-
It l thought that he will re-
The United States has pass-
id the La measure providing
for an eight-hour work day for the remainder of tho
Potter Craft to Race at Toledo
TOLEDO. O., July big fleet
cf the fastest motor boats In
ca Was on hand hero today for th
opening of a week of racing In con-
with tho Perry
celebration. After two days of racing
on the River speedway the
will cross to Put-In-Bay for a
series of handicaps and free for all
A fortnight paused uneventfully.
Waterman had been given
every chance to enjoy her freedom
molested. She had not seen her
band or beard from him since the
afternoon he had left her sitting be-
fore the library fire.
At last she received a
from Waterman. He would sail
on the Silver Star the following day
employed In the District of Columbia,
Watched Him Out of Sight.
for Rico. went over to
husband's desk and sat down before
When she had collected
sufficiently she drew up pen,
ink and wrote
am not asking you to back.
I know that your Is too great
for that, but I do you to
that I repent of my folly. I want to
confess my weakness and gain your
forgiveness before you go. In some
way I conceived the absurd notion
testing your affection for mo; It
proved only too true a test of my own
feelings. For, of course, had you
eared, you would have come back,
under any circumstances,
Suddenly, tho rustling of tho cur
behind her, caused her to sit up
straight and look about in alarm. A
man stepped out from behind them,
and in the uncertain light, they look-
ed at each other.
Waterman's was haggard; he
took a step toward her.
he would not
have intruded had I known you were
here. I wanted to look more
upon all the things that
life dear to
you really cared, after all. II
was all a trick, a lot of foolishness
He interrupted her,
little he exclaim-
ed, you suppose I knew that all
tho time But I Just though let
you find out In your own you
wanted to
Mrs. Waterman crimsoned as she
drew away from him and
up to the desk. She crushed
the letter she had written and tossed
It deftly Into the waste basket.
And Waterman never told her In
after years that he had been looking
over her shoulder all the time she
writing It
by Dully Story Pub.
Dodging Verbal Debris.
Tourist from train
noise up the street
Station Roarer
grafting and grafters.
I don't see anybody
listening to him. Where's his
Station cyclone
Suddenly all was
A ghastly whiteness settled over
thin, yearning face on the pillow,
and peace took the place of pain.
The end of a life of conjugal mis-
mating had come at last.
you not forgive me all the
wrong you have suffered at my bands
you he had asked.
you have eVer wronged me,
she said. forgive you, as I
hope to be
I have ever wronged ho
echoed. have, and It Is
so noble of you to say those
I have need to be forgiven
she had said. will not
is nothing to forgive.
he had said. if there were any-
thing for me to In you. It Is
given freely. I am only sorry It is
said now, at the close of our lives to-
Instead of at the
The woman had caught her breath
feebly, and all was over.
said the young man. the
evening of the day after they had re-
turned from funeral, did
you and mother always treat each
other so
there was no be-
tween us. Lot's take a walk down the
road and I will tell yon about It. The
trouble began from the very begin-
of our married fact,
fore our
They had walked till they reached
tho edge of a little wood by this time,
had presumed to think that I
might make your mother my wife, but
had prospect of success. A
young man came Into tho neighbor-
hood from Chicago. Ho was a sum-
mer boarder at a neighboring farm
house. His name was
Hubbard. He met your mother,
and she fell In love with him at once.
None of us had any chance then.
Practically, we all gave it up. But
one evening, toward the close of the
season. I was passing the house where
he boarded and was astonished to see
him In earnest talk with a girl whom
I had never seen before. They were
standing at the open window, and he
bad an arm around her. I watched
them a moment, and as I turned to
go, came face to face with your moth-
We heard him use endearing
terms to her, saw him kiss her, and
then heard him promise to go with
her at once. I took your mother
home and left her almost completely
prostrated. She did not say a word
of what she had seen to any one.
was very proud high spirited. The
young man and young woman
that night; and, as soon as
your mother had recovered sufficient-
I renewed my suit, and she accept-
ed me, on condition that I should take
her away from the neighborhood.
mother never returned to the
old place, her family having removed
also a short time afterward. They
had lived there but a short time and
had no Intimates, so none of them
ever heard from the neighborhood
again. I went out there to settle up
some of my affairs, and heard that
Hubbard had been there, learned the
story, and inquired my address. A
few weeks afterward. I went out
the afternoon, for a walk, as
re are doing now, and met him right
hero. He accused me of treachery to
him, and said that the lady whom we
had seen him In company with was
his sister, who had come after him
to aid her In untangling some proper-
matter, which required their
attention. One word led to an-
other and finally he struck me. I re-
turned tho blow with interest, and ho
fell, striking that rock point-
to a largo rock by the roadside,
which he never stirred. I had
killed him, but had not Intended to do
no. I dug a over point-
to a mound so slight as not to be
noticeable, burled
mother ever
that why you and mother
were always estranged from each
well, cheer up. father. It
was not so killing, I mean.
You did the only thing you could do.
Tho estrangement was terrible. It
might have been better If you had
would the
don't dwell on it now. We
will go homo now, make the best
of It. dear old
I am not your
man sleeping under
And the elderly man walked
Into the dark wood, leaving
the younger one sitting on the rock
where his father had breathed
by Pub.
A Life
not this quarrel be patched up
between Mrs. Wombat and Mrs.
this quarrel can not be patch-
ed Mrs. Wombat offered Mrs
Wallaby's cook more per
Looking up wonderingly from her
embroidery-, the girl In the apple
kimono beheld her roommate
stalk gloomily In from the
Without a word the newcomer pitch-
ed her muff at the offend, d
Still without a word, she poured and
drank three cups of tea in desperate
Meg Now what has
pleaded the girl in the apple
kimono. children
go to the with you, after
yes, we went, seven
seven darkly responded Mas.
how old am
don't you queried bar
bewildered friend In the kimono.
thought I did. But oh. those-
groaned Meg, clasping her white
gloved hands about her knees.
you wish to preserve one lingering
she said presently,
never be deluded Into giving
children a
demanded Lois.
first misgivings attacked me
when I saw how competent and com-
posed the little creatures were at
tho very related Meg, some-
what calmer by now. timid, up-
ward glances for guidance at cross-
no clinging to my skirts when the
fearsome locomotive approached full
know It makes my heart
jump to this day to see the great
coming on; no shrinking
about selecting and appropriate
tho best accommodations on the
sure the children
charming defended Lois.
they have, they wall-
ed Meg, biting a rose stem savagely.
alarmed and discomposed
mo so much as their manners. My
own are a crude, backwoods product
It All Just
by comparison. They had the man-
of little dukes and marquises to
each other and to me. My mouth
ply fell open, and stayed open, at tho
polite lies those midgets favored each
other with. They certainly have the
responses down pat. Now, personally,
I like nice mannered by
that I mean Just good, old fashioned
Her companion laughed merrily.
agreed heartily if
somewhat ambiguously.
the dears seem to a good
finest kind of a assert-
ed her friend, nibbling a lady-Anger.
was just thrilling over the
magic and wonder of It all, laughing
and crying by turns, and all but climb-
on the stage In my absorption in
tho sport. Then there Inter-
mission. I dried my eyes and turned
to clasp the enraptured babes to my
of finding enraptured babes
I found six mature little entitles, cool,
alert, pleased as Punch, and Interest-
do you sup-
pose the mechanics of tho
That was what had caught
their attention and continued to hold
it, despite my heartbreaking efforts
to Interest them with the miracle of
the thing. They didn't two figs
about and poetic Imaginings,
but wires and bulbs and buck drops
moved them to sincere enthusiasm.
Lois, I got fairly hysterical tho
worst display of all, however,
when we were In the foyer, pass-
out. A dear, well meaning, moth-
soul, as pitiably behind tho times
as I had been myself but a short
while before, accosted our party.
on Rhoda's little golden
seraph's head, she wasn't-
it all Just perfect,
regarded her gravely for a
shy, you know, merely
weighing her answer. Then,
one possible she replied
courteously. suppose, of course, you
noticed that tho climax comes far too-
early In the
Lois Hand me that
Chicago Dally News.
Room for the Number.
Friend next year's
care are going to fifty feet wide
Auto -Yes. You see, we must
have room for number on the
Popular Girl.
want a license to marry tho best
girl in tho said tho young
The clerk nodded and re-
That makes 1.300
for that girl this
mi n

Meeting Real Estate Men
from page
day the party and a few
invited guests all of them being con-
with the realty firms, and
editor of Tho gathered at
the Proctor Hotel for a dinner which
had been especially prepared for
occasion. Around the banquet board
speeches were made and toasts were
responded to by several present. Mr.
Roy C Flanagan acting as
The following toasts were re-
Relations of Our Oldest Hank-
with the Atlantic Coast Realty
by J. t. Little.
Appreciation of the Atlantic
Coast Realty Company as a business
by E. G. Flanagan.
from the Standard
Switzerland, the Land of
Scenic Splendors
o. S. LAKE
1911, by The Associated
Newspaper School, Inc.
One night than a century ago 11-2 Inches In with this week's
a little boat grated on the shore of j In a well
Geneva, and there stepped from known authority covers the subject
i a man enveloped in a long black if the pictures and stories of the
cloak. The man limped slightly. For week. Readers of The Reflector and
an hour he remained all by him- will know Art.
elf in the historic When he History, Science and Travel,
had gone a new name found can- and own exquisite pictures. On Bale
ed on the post to which at Reflector office and Ellington's
had been chained. Book Store. Price, Ten cents. Write
Realty to the Atlantic Coast I be seen today by all who today to The Reflector for booklet ex-
by H. A. White.
by C. S. Carr.
by the host,
dent J. W. Ferrell. of the Atlantic
Coast Realty Company.
Value of Originality In Ad-
by Henry A.
tor The Daily Reflector.
visit planting The Associated Newspaper
the defender of Swiss School plan,
liberties, was imprisoned in the
tie of nearly four centuries The next time you want
ago by the tyrant, HI. of come to my store and get Black
For six years he iD Eagle Sun Cured. Ifs a good one.
his gloomy coll chained to a post In D. W.
For six dreary
The officers and men connected, his heard no word of
with tho who were of pass his .,
yesterday are as at he was rescUed by
t, M. Ferrell. President and
W. L. Ferrell, vice president.
W. Morton, secretary.
H. M. White, treasurer.
Col. W. T. Burton, J.
W. Bu-ton.
Col. W. T. Burton. J.
Wilson. N. C; K. W. Cobb, Greenville.
N. Geo. W. Kelly. Raleigh, N.
T. A. Greenville. X. C; H. S.
Sheppard. Wilson, N. C.
Civil D. C. James. Green-
ville, Archie Clark, Wilson.
Guests at Dinner Last H.
A. White, C. S. Carr, E. G.
R C. Flanagan.
Good Judges of tobacco say Black
Sun Cured Is the best. Let me
supply you. D. W.
countrymen his first thought was
not of but Ills
Pale and emaciated, still chained to
the pillar round which he had walked
so many years, lie but a shadow
of his self.
you are they
He slowly rose. Geneva
they replied.
To tell of all the tragedies that have
ix county
Warren Dead; Noah Raynor
ed in Fatal
July Warren
was cut to death and Noah Raynor
Mas stabbed, probably fatally, in a
cutting affray which occurred two
i miles east of Benson Sunday after-
noon in which Arthur Hodges, Joe
Bryant and are said
been enacted within the walls of the to have engaged. Raynor in a Wit
time-worn stronghold would be hospital for treatment, but Is not
One of the most terrible is the expected to recover. Hodges and
story of the hundred Jews who were
; were arrested and taken to Jail at
lice hero are confronted today with
a murder mystery In finding a
body in shallow water along
the lake shore In Roger's park. A
bullet hole over tho right eye and
two of the scalp, are proof
of the woman's violent death. The
police believe the woman was
In an alley, dragged Into the
water and the waves washed
the body ashore again.
Forty-Fourth Annual Convention
National Association
commissioners of a majority
of the were present here today
at the opening of the forty-fourth
annual convention of their national
association. The
four days and provides for the dis-
of the state regulation rates,
Insurance education,
agencies, workmen's compensation
and other problems connected with
the insurance business and Its con-
Included among the scheduled
speakers are Joseph Burton of
J. L. of Iowa, J. A.
O. of Minnesota, J. T. Win-
ship of Michigan, R. J. Merrill of
New Hampshire and William
of Montana.
tortured and then burled alive on the Sunday. Warren,
foolish that they have pots- a son a
all the wells of Europe. j Prominent farmer, was years of
But the tragedy of Is the a and to have
most famous of then all, and this is a and man.
due to the poem, prisoner of also has a family. Arthur
written by Lord Byron. And ls a son of
strange to say. Byron's only of age.
was a purely Imaginary person. seems that the trouble started
real story was quite j Sunday morning at Beasley's pond at
, . a when ac-
The Lake of Geneva, the lake of Noah .
poetry and song, la sometimes also Hodges,
known by the name of Lake
and Bryant are said to have followed
Its waters form a beautiful blue and Warren to near barrens
forty-live miles long and eight ere they overtook them, and
miles wide. It is said that Neptune, to the dying statement of
the sea-god once came to see the Warren and Joe
Lake of Geneva, and was so charmed held Warren and Raynor for
with its beauty that he gave it his cut them to death,
own likeness in miniature. completely disemboweling them.
Afterwards Hodges and
The names of many men of genius Bryant went to Banner's Chapel
are associated with this famous lake, church and raised a disturbance, it is
Byron often sailed upon its alleged, for which they were arrested
The poet Shelley nearly drowned and brought to Benson to jail before
there. Madame de Stael lived at one it was learned that they had cut War-
point along Its Voltaire, and Raynor.
great genius of France, held his
Delightful Party In
Honor of Visiting- Guests
Friday afternoon from to o'clock
Misses Novella and Jesse en-
In honor of their house
guests, Misses Margaret and Julia
Gold of Greensboro, Roberta
of Snow Hill, and Isabelle Dawson
Misses Annie and Madeline Higgs
assisted the hostess In receiving the
guests. Fruit punch was by
Misses Leila Higgs and Madeline
Brown. Several games of hearts-
dice were played after which
Ices and cakes were served.
present Misses Mar-
and Julia Gold, Isabelle
son, Roberta Helen Laugh-
Madeline and Leila Higgs
Madeline Brown. Douglas Arthur.
Minnie Exum Sugg, May War-
Helen of Danville, Bes-
Haydn. Edith Foley. Ernestine
Forbes Smith.
Irene Fleming. Edith Lee, Alice
ford of Hertford, Brown, Em-
Little, Alice Nell
White, Iva Ella Moseley
Wilkinson of Denmark. S. C, Annie
Gladys Bagwell, lone May
Hooker, Ruth Warren, Dell
Critcher, and Elmo Tucker.
The Old Standard, General Tonic. Drives out Malaria,
Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System.
It is a combination of QUININE and in a tasteless form that wonder-
fully strengthens and fortifies the system to withstand the depressing effect of
the hot summer. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC has for Malaria,
Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and
vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness with-
out purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to
action and purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete
Strengthened Guaranteed by TOW Druggist. We mean it. cents.
Told To Call Out National
Guard For Encampments
Secretary of War has
written Governor that it was
solely in tho latter's power to say
whether or not the Orange-
burg and Barnwell military
noes sent home from tho encampment
court there for many years. Gibson
Surprising Care of Stomach Trouble
finished Decline and Fall of, have
the Roman new its waters. Qr don.,
Imagine that your case is beyond help
Just because your doctor falls to give
you relief. Mrs. O.
i. V v n SALE.
By of a decree of the
Court of Pitt County made In
Special Proceeding No. 1825, entitled
J. F. et -vs- Anna Moore
ct the undersigned Commission-
will sell for cash before the Court
House Door In Greenville on Monday,
Sept. 1st, 1913, the following
ed piece of parcel of land, situated In
county of Pitt and In
Township, lying on Hen-Coop Swamp,
at a black-gum In Hen-
Coop Swamp, Aaron
corner, and runs with his line South
West poles to a pine, S. J.
corner, thence South
West poles to a black-gum, Rog-
thence North East poles to a
pine, thence East poles to a corner,
North poles to a stake,
North East poles to a
pine, North West poles to a pine
thence 1-2 East poles to a corner
cc the run of Hen-Coop Swamp, then-
up Swamp to the beginning,
containing acres more or less.
This the day of July, 1913.
J. B. James,
Many have praised the of Ge-
Tyndall said that Its water
tho purest natural water ever
analyzed; Voltaire declared It to be monTh
the of Alexander Du-
mas compared It to the Bay of Na-
It ls Indeed a lovely place, and
only to linger on Its for a
days ls a not to ex-
celled the world over.
Every day a different
story will in The R
tor. Von can get a beautiful
of the above picture, with
five others, equally attractive.
past I have been troubled with my
stomach. Everything I ate upset It
terribly. One of Chamberlain's ad-
books came to me. After
reading a few of the letters from
who had been cured by Chamber-
Tablets I decided to try them.
I have taken nearly throe-fourths of
a package of them and can now eat
almost everything that I For
by all druggists.
Having qualified as administrator
of Jesse P. deceased, late
of Pitt county, North Carolina, this
is to certify all persons having claims
against the estate of the said
ed to exhibit them to the undersign-
ed within twelve months from this
date, or this notice will be pleaded
in bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said es-
will please payment to tho
undersigned or to Nannie E.
widow to whom his estate was
conveyed prior to his death.
This July 25th, 1913.
J. P. JR.,
F. G. JAMES and Son,
o. the Third Regiment in last
week because of falling below the
required quota of men, should be
given an opportunity to encamp with
tho Second Regiment here next
The Immediately ad-
dressed letters to the captains of the
three companies asking to
him at once If they desired to
advantage of the opportunity
whereupon ho would Issue the
Tho Second Regiment goes Into
camp next Tuesday on the rifle
range near this city for nine-days In-
The company of United
States regulars who were at
have already arrived and gone Into
camp preparatory to the gathering
of tho militia.
This morning the Greenville base
ball team left for Fremont where
they will play today and Thursday.
From they will go to Au-
lander where they will play a double-
header Friday. Tho management Is
trying to arrange a game with Rocky
Mount and if ho is successful this
game will be played Saturday and
the team will return homo Sunday.
We are hoping our boys much
lo these games.
Black Eagle, the best plug of
Sun Cured tobacco, I have It. D. W.
For Weakness and Less of Appetite
tip Old Standard general tonic,
chill out
and up the A true
Appetizer, r adult children.
If the White can land an Indian
and a Cuban they will have the real
thing In the way of a line-up for their
coming world's tour. They have an
and an abundance of French
Dutch and Irish, but are shy a redskin
and a clear Havana.
Majority of Friends Thought Mr.
Would Die, Bat
One Helped Him to
Interesting ad-
vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes
writes as was down with
stomach trouble five years, and
would have sick headache so bad, at
times, that I thought surely I would die.
I tried different treatments, but they
did not seem to do me any good.
I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep,
and all my friends, except one, thought I
would die. He advised me to try
and quit
taking other medicines. I decided to
take his advice, although I did not hive
any confidence In it.
I have now been taking
for three months, and it has cured me
haven't had those awful sick headaches
since I began using it.
I am so thankful for what Black-
has done for
has been
found a very valuable medicine de-
of the stomach and liver. It
is composed pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous ingredients, and
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely
used by young and old, and should be
kept in every family chest
Get a package today.
Only a quarter. m
n. c.
First Class College School For Boys And Girls
Strong and experienced Faculty. This school furnished the
leader of the freshman class last year at Davidson College and
at tho University. Boarders under the Immediate supervision of
Principal. JOHN GRAHAM.
Our of
And Surplus and Profits of
mention the double liability of stockholders of another Kl
Gives Absolute Security to those who Deposit with us
This is a feature worth remembering.
Accounts Solicited. None too large and none too small.
The National Bank of Greenville
J. L. LITTLE, President W. E. PROCTOR, Vice-President
F. G. JAMES, Vice-President F. J. FORBES, Cashier
Agriculture Is the Most the t Healthful, Most Employment of
Will be Located on one of the
Corners at Five Points
Ground Floor lie Used For Drug
Store And Other
While Upper Stories Be
For Offices
Plans are now being completed for
a fine new four-story office building
to be erected on Five Points In this
town, and work on the new structure
ls to start as coon the architect
reaches town and has his
In shape to be turned over to
the contractors.
When completed the building will
be the finest In Greenville, and there
will be but very few In Eastern North
Carolina that can compare with it
from beauty and service. No pains
or expense are to be spared by the
men who are behind it to make it
modern and up-to-date in every re-
For some time they have had
under consideration the construction
of the building, but their delay has
been due to a desire on their part
to have everything in readiness for
making the building something that
all of the people of the town might
well feel proud, and something that
would really be a credit to the town.
This they have done, and as soon as
all of the buildings can be removed
from the site at Five Points, actual
work on the structure will be start-
The building is to modern in
every respect. One or two electric
elevators Will installed, which
will run from the basement to the
fourth story and which will afford
every convenience for tho public
the offices that will be open-
ed. The elevator will be one of the
best now in use, and will be large
enough and fast enough to handle
all of the patronage that it will re-
Steam heating will be put In, and
every room In building will be
so equipped as to be perfectly com-
at any season of the year.
The cleaning system, which
Is one of the very best methods of
and sanitation, will be in
use in every part of the four-story
structure. There will be running
water In every room In the building,
and every modern convenience will
be afforded who have occasion
to use the building.
On the first or tho ground floor
store rooms will be fitted up. One
of these will be a drug store, and
which, at this early date before n
brick been laid, has already been
rented by a man, Mr.
Biggs. The other store rooms have
not yet been applied for, but there
is no doubt but that they will be
Liken by the time they are ready for
occupancy. Both v. ill be large enough
to accommodate a bis business, and
will afford a fine place to catch the
patronage of tho public going and
Tho wooden buildings now stand-
on lot will he removed rs
rapidly as Is possible, and as soon
an are of tho way. work
en tho new store will be started. This,
It Is expected, will be about the first
of October, and It Is believed
within a year from this time, the
store rooms and offices may
Armistice Agreed Upon
Between the to En-
able Delegates to Confer
A three extension of the arm-
between the Balkan States was
agreed to by the peace delegates of
Greece, Montenegro
and Bulgaria. This action was taken
to enable the plenipotentiaries to en-
to the difficulties
and claims of the various states.
If. the
dent and permanent president of the
conference, In proposing the three-
extension of the armistice
that no further prolongation would
be asked and that therefore the labors
of the conference must be completed
It is that Is
determined that the peace
shall be signed Friday and that
the unsettled points, such as the own-
and shall be submit-
to the of the Powers.
It Is believed Greece will retain
Millions of Dollars to be Spent on
San Exposition
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Aug.
great accomplishment towards the
opening of the gates of the San Diego
Exposition at the appointed time,
January 1916, has Just been made
In the passage, during the last month,
of additional issue of municipal bonds
to the amount of nearly a million
dollars, all of which Is available for
exposition uses. At the present time
the exposition management finds It-
self with more than two millions of
dollars cash on hand with which to
build Its exposition, now nearly one-
half completed.
San Diego's great faith In the
project she is carrying out is
shown in contributions through bond
Issues and cash subscriptions to the
stock of the exposition to the amount
of three and one-half millions of
up to the present time.
President D. C. Collier, of the San
Diego Exposition, makes the positive
statement today that the buildings
will be completed by the middle of
1914. and that all of the parkings,
roadways and general ground work
will be done by November of next
All foreign countries, states and
counties of the United States, and all
exhibitors who are to provide build
of own, are compelled to
have their structures up and ready
for occupancy by August, 1914,
ample time for the Installation
of all exhibits and exposition
by the time the exposition gates
will open on January 1916.
It to anticipated now that In Its
entirety the San Diego Exposition
will Involve an expenditure of ten
millions of Added to the
three and one-half millions already
in hand, and less than one-third of
which has been expended to date, the
participation of foreign countries and
the states and counties of tho United
States, together with that of
rations and private concerns who
will have buildings of their own for
exhibit purposes, will be a total of
rot less than six and one-half mil-
lions, thus bringing the grand total
to ten millions.
Hopeful Signs for Agreements in
Freight Rate Discrimination
executed at
Auburn, N. Y tho first to be
legally put to death by electric-
In the States.
Funds tor th. construction of the
building being furnished by tho
following men, who will be the pro-
Messrs. D. W. the
Higgs Brothers, and Dr. C.
Craig May Call For Confer.
Of Officers Of u-t Freight
Kate Association At An
Early Date
That the dispute between the rail-
roads and the shippers of the state
will be amicably and satisfactorily set
tied, and that before a very much long-
time, seems to be the opinion of the
officers of the Pitt County Just Freight
Rate Association. Mr. B. B. Higgs.
who ls president of the local
seems to be especially
tic outlook tor an early settle-
of the differences between the
two factions, and talks as though he
thinks both the governor and the
commission, as well the
legislative committee, are acting In
good faith.
Mr. Higgs ls in receipt of a letter
from Mr. Fred N. Tate, of High Point,
who is President the Just Freight
Rate Association of North Carolina,
in which Mr. Tate says that he think-,
the governor will, at an early date,
issue a call for a meeting of officers,
and as many members as will attend,
of the local associations throughout the
state. To this conference, which in
all likelihood will be held in
all officers of the local associations
over the state will be Invited, and will
be expected to attend.
Just what business will come be-
fore such a conference, should it fin-
ally called, Mr. Higgs was not
pared this morning to nor did
Mr. Tate state in letter, but it is
that the governor would lay
before these business men from every
suction of the slate, and from all
business walks of life, the proposals
that have been made by the railroads
to the corporation commission and to
the members of tho legislative com-
Governor would, of
course, It ls supposed, attend himself,
and would take part In the discus-
that would be had on the sub-
and his course In the matter
would In all likelihood be Influenced
by the action of the big conference.
Mr. Higgs points out that the gov-
cannot afford to take any other
course than to do the right thing by
the people of the state. He ls In a
position where he Is serving the
and where the people can get be-
hind him if he does not act according
to their notions. He ls a political
with enough wisdom to know which
way he should go In the matter, and It
ls certain that he will not take steps
that would not please the men In the
state who form the very backbone of
its commercial prosperity.
In the letter to President Higgs Mr,
Tate said that the local association
had shown up well In tho matter of
raising its proportionate share of the
funds that are expected of it for the
defraying of the expenses of the state
Association, but stated at tho time that
It was highly important that all of the
amount he collected and sent In, for It
more than probable that tho
amount from all of tho as-
bi th
fight finished.
The publication today of tho pro-
of the railroads has caused a
deal of comment from the
men all over the state, and It Is
being discussed from one of North
H. H. Baker, of New Bern was
taken into Custody Tuesday
living win i mm
Deserted His Wife in Bern,
Came To
Here A Week With A
After living In for one
week with a woman he claimed
tr be his wife, but who was in reality
only a woman who came here from
Norfolk to meet him, H. H. Baker, of
New Bern, was arrested here
day afternoon upon the request of the
officials of that town. Following his
arrest he was carried back to New
Bern, where he ls charged with
It having developed that
a wife living In that town, who, it
appears, sent word here through the
New Bern officers to have him
rested and brought back there.
Baker had been living here for a
week or more with this woman, the
two having rooms at the home of
Georgia James, and passing them
selves off as husband and wife. The
strange part of the story, however,
lies in the fact that though they claim-
ed to be man and wife they took
their meals at separate boarding
houses. Baker being at the Rives
house, and the woman eating at Mrs.
W. R. Smith's hostelry on Evans
The queer and uncalled for ac-
and movements of the two
aroused the suspicion of several
people, and the county officers were
told of what was going on. When
the affair had been traced to Its
ginning, It was found that the man
and woman were not husband and
as they had pretended, but that
Baker's home was In and
that the woman who was living with
him came hero from Norfolk, Con-
stable W. U Patrick Immediately
served the papers on Baker, and
rested him, and carried him to New
Bern. Whether he gave bond, or
whether he Is In Jail In New Bern
has not been learned, but he
turned over to the officers of the law
In that town, and will be dealt with
The woman in tho case has return-
ed to her home in Norfolk, It is sup-
posed, or at least she has left Green-
Mo. Aug. 6.-Many
messages of greeting were
here today to remind Dr. Andrew T.
Still, famous as the founder of
that this was his eighty-fifth
birthday anniversary. Dr. Still was
born in Lee county. Virginia, August
f, 1828, He served In the civil war
as surgeon of u Kansas cavalry
and after the war beanie post
surgeon at the reservation.
It was here that tho study of the
I human bone structure especially of
the spine, was forced upon him
by the death of his two little
of spinal meningitis. It was In
1874, when living at Baldwin,
he abandoned medical
routine and began to practice
as It Is understood today. He
founded a school here to teach the
science and has lived to sec it
en up by more than
in America, Europe and other
parts of the world.
Government Asked to Come to the
Relief of Southern Banks
WASHINGTON. Aug. Senator
of South Carolina submitted
to the senate for publication In The
Game Was Played With Wet Balls
and on Wet Grounds
Bland Pitched For Greenville, Hut
Was Given Very Poor Support
Rain and wet grounds, which
the balls wet also, played a great
part in the defeat that was
to Greenville yesterday after-
noon by the score of to Seldom
has a game been contested under con-
exactly like those of
day afternoon, though this ls not
meant that the game was lost by any
unfair methods.
Errors on the part of tho locale
caused loss of the game, as
first five men at the bat for Farm-
Record two letters he bad In the first Inning were safe on
bearing on his effort to have liberal
financial arrangements made for ac-
the south in moving
crops. One letter was from a farm-
In S. C who declared
misplays, with the exception of
fourth man who was given a
on balls. All five of these men
ed and had the visitors done nothing
more than look after tho
the situation In the south so local sluggers, they would have
cal that It not possible to sell farm
produce for cash. Another was from
Lewis W. Parker of the Parker Cot-
ton Mills Company of Greenville, S.
C, declaring that unless the gov-
came to the relief of the
and western banks there
would be serious hesitation on the
part of tiny buyers of agricultural
commodities In purchasing.
Later Information on Baker
The warrant for Baker's arrest
sent here by R. B. Lane, sheriff of
county, the charge being
abandonment When found and
rested by Constable Patrick, It
learned that Baker was a house car-
for the Imperial Tobacco
Company, and that he had been work-
here for a short while. He was
arrested at about o'clock yes-
morning, and carried to New
on the afternoon train. Upon
reaching New Bern, Pat-
rick turned him over to the police
officials, and the man was given
opportunity to make good. The pro-
was made to him that ho
each week a fee of two dollars each
for the support of his four children
Carolina to the other. Tin propel-
of tho railroads cannot said
to tie final agreement, for no one act-
for the state, and with authority,
has had any In the matter as yet.
I of Wants All
Penalties Imposed on City
by Recorder dates
John Underwood, as head of the char-
city court today made formal
demand on Recorder for all
penalties imposed on city prisoners
by the recorder's court since Its es-
on June Mayor
whose action is taken as a
consequence of Attorney General
decision that only penalties for
penal and military crimes can be
turned Into the county school fund,
says that he does not wish to take
had the tucked away safely.
But even with these liberal offerings,
was by no means satisfied,
and in tho fourth she scored the run
that made her victory all the surer.
Bland, on the mound for the locals,
pitched a good game of ball, and
allowed only three hits. The loss of
the game could not he laid upon bit
shoulders, for the Improper support
that was accorded him gave away
the last contest of the wild
nine. Eight error
. -a credited to Greenville flavor
end of the and all
were costly in the extreme.
A partial box score
F. Thompson, If.
II. Thompson,
R. S. Thompson, c.
Joyner, cf.
Bland, p.
All. B
any legal steps to secure these cf.
if It can be avoided. , Rouse. If.
Bailey, . y
T. Davis,
Henry, lb. I
Poole. c.
J. Davis, I
Two to Hang
FORT WORTH, Tex., Aug.
Sheriff Rea has completed
for a double execution to take
place In the county jail here
row. The prospective victims of the
noose are Ernest Harrison and Paul
Fowler, who were condemn-
to death for the murder of Robert
a white man, here last year
a guarantee that he would do
this ho was required to give a bond
This he refused to do,
was ordered to Jail with privilege of
upon tho payment of a lesser
bond of He could not arrange
and was placed behind the bars
to await trial In New Bern at the
next term of court which convener
Baker Is a native of New York
date. He married In New Bern
years ago, his wife being the
daughter police Lewis
of that place, who ls now dead. When
arrested hero yesterday, Baker was
drawing a salary of eighteen dollars
per week.
Totals .
Score by
Greenville . 30001000-4
. 00-1
Tho game was called In the ninth
on account of darkness
DUBUQUE. la., Aug.
singing societies of tho Mississippi
valley assembled in force
for the opening of their annual scan
Among the represent-
ed are Dos La Free-
port, Rock
Burlington, Chicago.
Sioux City. The covers
four days and provides for
productions, chorus competition
and concerts by a number of
. .-

Eastern reflector, 1 August 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 01, 1913
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Joyner NC Microforms
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