Eastern reflector, 25 July 1913

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by J. S. Mooring and
wife to J. P. on the 12th day
of June, 1912, mortgage was
duly recorded in the office of the Reg-
later of Deeds of Pitt county in book
D-10, page the undersigned will
for cash before the court house
door in Greenville on Saturday,
12th, 1911, described
parcel or lot and in that
part of the town of H C
formerly called and being
Tour lots in Block in the plot of
town, Mo. UM, W. and IS, a
full and accurate description of which
can be had by referring to deed from
G. M. Mooring, mortgagee, to J. S.
both of deeds are here-
by referred t. for an accurate
parcel of land in Greenville
township at St.-tons, beginning on the
Greenville and road at a pine
at the edge of the lot and run-
with the road yards to the
right of way of the A. C. L. railroad,
thence with said right of way norther-
to the Alpine road, thence with the
road yards opposite a big
post oak. a straight line
the post oak a fore and aft tree
to the containing 1-2 acres
more or less, being the tract of hind
described in a from Ashley
Which;. I and wife to Taylor.
and Fleming, reference to which deed
ii for U Meant description.
Also all of the mill property
building, machinery, steam mill,
cotton and and every
of property now on said
parcel of land and used in con tee-
with the mill and gin plant at
All of said property is sold to sat-
said mortgage.
This June 11th. 1913.
J. P. Mortgagee.
F. G JAMBS and
C ltd
North Carolina, Pitt county.
In the superior court.
Geo. H. Brown, of F. U.
Deed., vs. f, C. Hard-
of J. J. Perkins, Deed. J.
M. Bernard, Holman Barnard, Jul-
Gilliam Bernard, et
The defendants. Holman Bernard
and Juliette Gilliam Bernard will take
notice that summons in the above en-
tilled action was Issued against the
defendant on the 13th day of May,
1913, of the Superior Court of Pit
County, which summons was return-
able before his honor at the May
Term of Pitt County Superior Court
at the court house in Grenville on
the 19th day of May, 1913, for the
pose of establishing a lien
on land claimed by the defendants
the town of Grenville; the defendants
will also take notice that they are re-
quired to appear at the next term of
court that convenes on the second
Monday after the first Monday in
being the 15th day of said
month, and answer or demur to the
complaint or the relief demanded will
be granted.
This the day of June 1913.
Clerk Superior Court.
W. A. Taylor, J. C. Taylor and N.
B. Dawson, Trustee, vs. J.
and R. I.
At Chambers In Greenville, N. C,
on the 21st of June, 1913, the under-
signed was Appointed receiver too
hill and of W. A. I
J. Roberson It. I.
individually by Ho II.
bee. Judge, in a proceeding In Pitt
superior court entitled as above; and
on day an order was duly made. I
in said cause by Whedbee, Judge,
quiring all creditors of the firm of
Roberson, Taylor and and
all creditors of W. A. Taylor, J. C,
Taylor, J. and R. I.
Individually, to file with the
undersigned receiver statements of
their account, duly verified, on or
before the 1st day of September
191.1. or else stand debarred from
in the distribution
the assets of said firm and the In-
members thereof.
This 30th day of June, 1913.
N. B. DAWSON, Receiver.
even date therewith, and the
i said not having
complied with, I shall expose at pub-
lie auction for cash on Saturday, the
day of July, 1913, at noon, in
ville, Pitt County, M the
House door, the foil wing
I . .- g a town lot in the town
beginning at an iron stake
II W. Moseley's N. K.
corner, and running Westward with
said Moseley's Northern line feet
am inches to a corner, thence North-
ward with Simon Eastern
boundary feet inches to a corner,
then Eastward with Evans Southern
line feet S Inches to a corner
St, thence with the Western
boundary Southward feet inches
to the beginning.
This June 26th, 1913.
J. A.
S. J.
By virtue of a power of sale con-
in a certain mortgage deed ex-
b W. W. Perkins to E. A. Mo
Jr. on the 2nd day of January, 1909,
and recorded in register's office
ID Pitt county book D-9, page i
the undersigned will, on MONDAY.
the 4th day of August, 1913. at
. clock, noon, expose to public sale,
before the court house door In Green-
ville, to highest bidder for cast
the following described parcel of
in the town of Greenville,
op the west of the A. C. U rail-
road, beginning at the intersection
of and Railroad streets and
runs north 31-20 west feet to a
stake, the corner of lots No. I and i
on street, thence a
direction about feet to a it
in the line of the Standard Oil Com- ,
pony feet from Railroad street,
thence south west with Railroad
street feet and inch to the be-
ginning, being lots Not, and I, part
of lot No. in the plot made for
Forbes and Move in April.
This sale is made for the purpose
of complying with the terms of mU
mortgage deed.
I the 1st day of July, 1913.
Assignee of Mortgage
ltd Commissioner
W. A Taylor, J. C. Taylor and N.
B. Dawson, vs. W. I. Bob-
and P. I.
Pursuant to an order made by Hon.
H. W. Whedbee, Judge, in the above
entitled cause on the 26th day of June
1913. the undersigned Receiver will
on Monday, the 21st day of July, 1913.
at the hour of A. M. at Bethel,
N. C. and In the store building recent-
occupied by the firm of Roberson,
Taylor and offer at public
sale to highest bidder for cash
. elite stock of goods, wares,
together with all fixtures and
furnishings, now to be found in said
store building, formerly occupied by
Roberson, Taylor and
Notice is also given hereby toot in
accordance with the of the
above mentioned order of Judge
Whedbee entered on the 26th day of
Jane. 1913. the said Receiver Is now
having prepared a complete Inventory
of said stock of wares and mer-
aforesaid, and sale will be
made according to Inventory t
so much on the dollar. All
purchasers are notified that the
stock and Inventory will be open t
all times for their Inspection.
Sale will be made subject to the
confirmation of the court.
This 30th day of June. 1918.
Stale of North county of
In the Superior Court, before C.
Moore, Clerk.
N. B. Dawson, of F. J.
son. Deed., v E. L, Dawson, Henry
D. Harper and wife Dora Harper, N.
II. Dawson, Jr., and wife Ada
son. heirs at law.
By virtue of an order made in the
a entitled cause by Hon. D. C.
Moore, clerk of the superior court of
Pitt county, dated July 3rd, 1913, the
undersigned commissioner will on
Monday, 4th day of August, 1913,
at in. offer for sale at public
before the court house door in
Greenville, N. ft, to the highest bid-
for cash, the following
ed property In the county of
undivided one-fourth interest,
after the estate of Mr. and Mrs.
F. B. Staton and N. Dawson, In
and to all real and personal prop-
conveyed to N. Dawson
life and thereafter to F. J. Dawson,
Dora Dawson, Ernest I. Dawson and
Dawson in equal Dawson, by
B. and wife Augusta J. Sta-
Ml, dated the Hist day of
March 1901, and duly recorded in
hook l-7, Pitt county
to which reference is hereby
i lade for a more particular
of property therein convey-
ed tho tract therein containing 1859
acre, more or less, and
In said
This 1913.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt County
as administrator he estate of M.
C. Tyson deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the es-
to Immediate payment to the
undersigned; and persona
claims against said estate are
to present the same to the under-
signed for payment on or before the
24th day of June 1914, as this notice
will be plead in bar of recovery
This June 26th, 1913.
of M. C. deed.
By of of i men.
gage executed to me by R. V. Jefferson
and T. Jefferson on the
of August. 1908, and duly recorded
the Register's office In Pitt County
In Book Q-8. page to secure
payment of a certain bond bearing
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Superior court, August term,
Delia Nobles vs Richard Nobles.
The defendant, Richard Nobles, In
the above entitled cause, will take
notice that an action entitled as above,
has been Instituted In the superior
court of Pint county by Delia No-
as plaintiff vs Richard Nobles
as defendant, for the purpose of dis-
solving the bonds of matrimony ex-
and the
defendant and the said Richard No-
will further take notice that
required to appear before the Judge
of the Superior court at it court to
be held for the county of Pitt, the
court house In Greenville, put
on the 2nd Monday the
Monday September, being the
I Ml. day of August, 1913, and answer
the complaint In this cause which has
this day been deposited and filed In
the of the clerk of the superior
court of said county, within the first
three days of said term; and let the
said defendant take notice that If he
fall to answer the complaint within
the time required by law, the plain-
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in the complaint.
This the 7th day of 1913.
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County
S ltd
Having qualified as administrator of
J R. Haddock, late of Pitt county.
North Carolina, this Is to notify all
persons having claims against the
estate of the said deceased to
it them to me wit months
from this or his notice will
I I In bar of their
All persons indebted to said stale
will please Immediate
This tho 16th day of Juno, 1913.
R. W. SMITH. Administrator
F n and
r ltd
Having this day been appointed by
the clerk of the superior court of Pitt
county as administrator of the es-
of Richard Carr, deceased, and
having duly qualified as such, notice
is hereby given to all persons hold-
claims against said estate to
sent them to me for payment, duly
authenticated, on or before the 8th
day of July, 1914, or this notice will
he plead in bar of their recovery.
All persons Indebted to said estate
are urged to make Immediate pay-
to me and thus save costs and
Tills the 7th day of July. 1913.
J. L.
Administrator of Richard Carr.
JARVIS and BLOW, Attorneys.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county as
executor of the estate of Luke Lang-
deceased, notice Is hereby given
to all persons indebted to the estate
In make Immediate payment to the
undersigned; and nil persons having
claims against said estate are notified
to present the same to the undersign-
ed for payment on or before the 11th
day of June, 1914, or their notice will
be plead In bar of recovery.
This 11th day of June, 1913.
Executor for Luke
Tho undersigned having duly
before the superior court clerk
of Pitt county as executors of the
last Will and Testament of John Elks,
deceased, notice la hereby given to
all persons Indebted to the estate to
immediate payment to tho
and all persons
claims against the estate are notified
to present tho same to tho undersign-
ed for payment on or before the 6th
day of June, 1911, or this notice will
be plead In bar of recovery.
This the 6th day of June, 1913.
C. S. and J. J. ELKS,
Executors of John Elks.
Whole People Of The State
By Kale And
Will Eight Mill. The
Business Men
Before the close of the meeting of
tee local Just Freight Rate
In the court house yesterday, it
Ha decided to ask the
in session here today to draw up
a resolution pledging their support
the fight for freight rates. It
was realized by officers of the
Pitt county association that the farm-
ens as well as the people living in
city are affected by the
rates that are charged the
people of the state by the railroads.
the matter was brought be-
fore the meeting of the
this morning, the
resolution was passed without any
ceremony, and the farmers will co-
operate in every way possible with
the local association in the fight
against the railroads.
Whereas, the state of North Car-
is unjustly discriminated against
In freight rates in favor of points It
adjacent and adjoining states, and
whereas such discrimination is
just, working a hardship unfair, In-
imitable and burdensome to all mer-
and agricultural Interests of
our state, and whereas such
nation should be adjusted so that all
the citizens and business Inter-
of the United Stales should
on an equal and just footing, and
the business men and farm-
organizations of the state as
organizations, are organizing and
have organized for the purpose of
removing unjust discrimination,
and whereas there has been formed
a local organization of a Just Freight
Rate Association in Pitt County, and
whereas the Farmers of Pitt
County is desirous of aiding, as-
and helping said local organ-
and said organization of the
state for the purpose of securing
just freight
Bo It now resolved by the Farm-
Union of Pitt
1st. That we, as a nation and as-
do hereby fully endorse
Bad ratify all acts, efforts and move-
made by the state
and by tho local organization of
Pitt county, for the purpose of re-
moving this freight
2nd. That we do herewith enlist
our organization and do recommend
to our officer and Instruct them to
co-operate with the officers of the lo-
cal organization.
3rd. That we do hereby
mend and Insist on the Individual
members of our association
members of the Pitt County Just
Freight Rate Association for the
pose of fully cooperating with nil
their purposes and efforts.
4th. That hereby request tho
governor to call a special of
the legislature and request our rep-
in that body to cooperate
Witt the governor for the purpose of
passing such laws as will procure
to us a just freight rate.
Endorsed my Farmer's of
Pitt County, In meeting assembled
this July 1913.
J. R. Pros., pro torn,
R. L. Sec.
Eastbound Passenger Train Number From
Raleigh to Norfolk.
Two Passenger Cars Remained on Track and Were Not
Damaged--Tender Badly Damaged, but Engine Remains on
the and Baggage and Sent on
to recking Crew on the Scene.
Norfolk Southern train No. from
Raleigh to Norfolk was ditched one
a quarter miles from town Tues-
day morning just a few minutes after
it left the depot on Dickinson avenue
and one of the most destructive
wrecks on this road in recent years
is the result. The derailment
curred In a deep cut, and a place
where the cars and engine arc
most bidden from view.
Strange as it may seem, no one
was hurt. One looking upon the dis-
aster does not realize how It would
be possible for a wreck to
cur without some one being Injured
in some way, but not a single pas-
or a member train
crew received even much as a
scratch. The damage that was
will run to a high figure, though, of
course, the railroads equipment will
be pressed Into service to repair the
The train consisted of four coaches
besides engine and tender. Of
these tho two passenger cars, which
were on the roar, remained on tho
track and wore undisturbed by the
wreck, the exception of tho
jolting that resulted. Tho en-
also remained on tho track,
was apparently not damaged In the
least. It remained coupled to the
tender, however, and could not be
removed until the arrival of the
wrecking crew.
The tender was tho worst smash-
ed up, perhaps, of any part of the
train. It was the first to strike the
defective track, and when the engine
was finally brought to a standstill,
it was nearly In n position to
run than in Its proper man-
Tho trucks on both ends were
torn from It, and the entire
car will have to be removed by the
big derrick before It will be brought
clear of the track. It was not
up at all, but will require con-
Two baggage car and
mail thrown clear of tho
track, and one end of each was not
even left on the roadbed. The trucks
were knocked from under them, and
each plowed Into ground as though
falling into
Fifty or seventy-five yards or more
cf track are torn up. The cross ties
are rooted out of their positions, tho
rails are mostly bent or broken In
two, and none of them In position.
A new track will have to be laid for
the entire distance of the train, and
time will be required
for the clearing of the track.
Just what caused tho derailment
could not be learned this
The engineer stated to a
of The Reflector, who was upon
the scene, that he could not tell the-
cause. He said that there was not a
broken rail anywhere to be seen, and
that if derailment had been duo to
tho spreading of tho track tho
would been the to suffer,
whereas tho engine remained on tho
track. He said that It was due to
something that could not he accounted
for, and that no one could give any
plausible reason for the accident.
As soon as tho wreck happened an
engine and one car wore sent over to
the scene from but
could do nothing, and returned. Lat-
on In the day, however, another
train and several caps dispatch-
ed from that place, and the passengers,
baggage, mail, and express were trans
and carried on to their
nation. At the hour of going to press
this afternoon, the wrecking crew t
upon tho scene and every effort Is be-
made to have the track cleared by
night so that trains may able to
Notice Is hereby given that the
has this day qualified
administrator of the estate of T. L.
Williams, deceased, and all persons,
indebted to said estate hereby
requested to make Immediate settle-
with tho undersigned
and all persons holding claims
said estate, are hereby
fled, that are required to file
aid claims tho undersigned ad-
within twelve
from the dale hereof, or this notice
will plead In bar of recovery of
said claims
This the 3rd day of July, 1913.
Administrator of the of T. L.
Williams, deceased.
HARDING and PIERCE, Attorneys.
I ltd
Makes Pimples Co
Remarkable How Clears The
Fare Of And All
With the finger apply a little
to the skin, then see the
and blackheads vanish.
a liquid, not a smear, leaves no trace.
just simply links in and does the
work. You will be astonished to find
how quickly eczema, rash, dandruff,
Itch, liver salt rheum and all
other skin diseases are
la put up by the E. W. Rose
Medicine Co. St. Mo, and is
sold all at
for the large bottles, but you can
get a liberal trial bottle for only
this trial bottle
guaranteed. You surely will find
mo a wonder. a bottle now from
Tune Hill keep It
Working and Make Yon Feel Well
and n Hail
II you have allowed your fear
to keep you from toning up your
liver when It gets a little sluggish
Hudson's Liver Tone, and
note how quickly nail it
the liver and relieves
and bilious attacks.
When you take Hudson's Lived Tone
foil do I have to stay In the house
nil day. None of the weakening
harmful is of follow
Liver Tone Is n mild
pleasant vegetable liquid that cannot
hurt either children or grown people.
Yet It easily overcomes the most stub-
born and Inactive liver without
you quit eating or working.
These are not Just claims.
night's drug store backs up every
of those statement and to re-
fund price of Liver Tone
with a smile to any person who pays
him cents fur a and
satisfied that he got his moneys worth
Imitations of Liver Tone
an- another proof that It la a good
Nobody ever imitates a poor
remedy. DO Mire you get the genuine
Liver Tone the kind that
Is guaranteed.
Stray Taken
Cow taken up on my plantation.
white loft horn
en, no marks, owner can get same
by paying for this advertisement,
O. K. N. C.
R. F. D. No.
national of
passed a
making It unlawful to deal
MM Commander Peary sailed from
New In search of the
And For Three Mrs. Vin-
cent Wu Unable to Attend to
Any of Her Housework,
Pleasant Hill, N. suffered
three writes Mrs. Waller
Vincent, this town, third and
last time, was my worst.
I had dreadful nervous headaches and
prostration, and was scarcely able to
walk about. Could not do any of my
also had pains in my back
and sides and when one of those weak,
sinking spells would come on me, I
would have to give tip and lie down,
until it wore oil.
I was certainly in a state of
health, when I finally decided to try
I he woman's tonic, and I firmly
believe I would have died if I hadn't
taken it.
After I began taking I was
greatly helped, and all three bottles re-
me entirely.
I up, and grew so much
stronger in three months, felt like an-
other person
Is purely vegetable and gentle-
acting. Its ingredients have a mild, Ionic
effect, on the womanly constitution.
makes increased strength,
improves the appetite, tones up the
system, and helps to make pale,
cheeks, fresh and rosy.
helped more than a million
weak women, during past years.
It will surely do for you, what it has
done for Try today.
on your
I tor cent In plain
V c.
First Class College School For Hoy a And Girls
Strong and experienced Faculty. This school furnished the
leader of the freshman class last year at College and
at tho University. Boarders under the Immediate supervision of
tho Principal,
Wisconsin Labor Federation
WAUSAU. WU. July large
and representative attendance of
marked tho opening here to-
day of the annual convention of the
W Federation o La-
The convention will continue
its sessions for four or five days,
which time numerous matters
affecting the interests of
labor be discussed.
It I inn Minister Sails for Home
YORK, July
Holler, Minister of Foreign
who has been making an ex-
tour of the United States,
sailed for homo Before his
ha declared himself high-
pleased with the results of his
visit to the United States and
ed his thanks for tho many public
and private courtesies that he had
agriculture I et the Healthful, the el JUn.
Mill it M
Nuptials Early
Wednesday Morning
m people
Walker Performed
Misses Maude
Whichard Were
One of the prettiest weddings
tho season, and the chief social event
of the month In Greenville, was the
marriage at o'clock Wednesday
morning of Miss Verna Mac
and Mr. Cleveland Andrews,
the affair taking place at the beau-
home of tho bride on Pitt street.
Rev. J. J. Walker, pastor of the
Christian church, performed the
money which united for life one of
Greenville most charming young
women, one of tho most popular
out-of-town young men known in
The home was beautifully and
decorated with ferns and pot-
tho color scheme being
and green, and the two colors
being so arranged as to give a most
pleasing appearance. The ceremony
was performed in tho parlor of th
home, which was darkened by closed
blinds and drawn shades, the only
light being the mellow rays from a
dozen or more tallow candles that
had been placed In various parts of
the room. A bank of Terns In one
corner added to the ceremony
and a delightful freshness to
this mid-summer wedding.
The preacher took his place In front
of this Miss Ethel
Godfrey, of Elizabeth City, played
announcing the
of the bridal party. As tho
party entered, tho strains of
wedding march greeted them.
Miss Maude Sigmon. of Greenville, S.
entered tho room, dressed In
cloth trimmed In Irish
was followed by Miss
Whichard, a sister of the bride, who
gowned in beautiful White
covered with lace, each of the two
bridesmaids carrying pink asters.
Following came the bride an.
Upon reaching tho altar the
halted, tho ceremony
was performed. Tho was at-
tired in a beautiful tan traveling suit
with hat gloves to match, and
carried a beautiful bunch of
roses. Her many charming features,
and her very attractive manner ore
always noticeable, but never did she
look beautiful than this morn-
The ring ceremony was used
and the ceremony was performed be-
fore a large number of the friends
and relatives the two contracting
While the Ceremony was being per-
formed Godfrey played softly
en the piano of the
bridal party marched out of the room
to the strains of Mendelssohn's wed-
ding In the hall Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew for a few moments
to receive tho congratulations of
of Friend who wished them
a long and happy life.
waiting, and tho party
to the Norfolk Southern depot where
they boarded the westbound train for
where the bride groom
will spend their honeymoon of two
Miss was one of the most
widely known and most popular young
women of the town. She lived
In re for ninny years, and her charm-
A Barber
Shop in
New Hotel
A new barber shop, which is the
pear of any in town, and which is
more than any others In
town, has Just been opened up in I
of the store rooms in the new i
Proctor Hotel building. Tho barber
chairs arc some of tho very best
that on the market, and arc as
comfortable as any in town.
hot and cold running water has been,
installed, and no better barbers
to found hereabouts than those
employed here.
The shop, while Installed partly as
a convenience for the hotel trade. Is
being well patronized by the men of
the town. It is a credit to Greenville.
Is In a good location, and has every
prospect of being a success.
These Figures Show What
Fifteen Cent Tax Will Do
Comparative statement showing amount of taxes that would be paid
as per Tax Hooks of at each property and on
each poll.
By living in the town of Greenville
citizens living outside town of Greenville in Greenville township
railroads, express Co. and other corporations.
No polls listed in township, 1370 at
listed as per abstract
Property listed before corporation r
Total taxable property
Total taxes .
Of which citizens living in town would pay.
On . polls 237.15
On . property 2334.44
By those living outside of Greenville In Greenville township
On. polls 379.35
On . property 1399.29
By Railroads, Express Co. and other corporations
On . .
Attempt lo he Made in Washington,
to eliminate Middle Men
An attempt to reduce the high of
living by eliminating the middlemen
in moats and green groceries through
direct dealing with farmers, is to
made hero by a con
made here by a concern in which
several under the
administration officials. Plans
for the movement have been under
way for sometime, but actual opera-1
began only today. About
housewives, many of the
men of standing in social circles are i
associated with the movement in
co-operative and advisory capacity.
A preliminary survey of market j
conditions In Washington baa been
made and tho published statistics i
seems to place the responsibility for
the soaring prices upon the middle-1
man. Tabulation prices taken in I
corners of tho capital
profits ranging from to per
cent. These admittedly arc offset by
waste business costs.
Tim now movement proposes to
gather provisions from tho country-
Side with n fleet of motor trucks
deliver them to the kitchen doors In
settled boxes upon order given the
day before. Tho loaders of the move-
say they will pay the farmer
per cent more than ho now gets
and sell directly to consumers for
per cent less than they now pay.
Total taxes . 5502.45
I do hereby certify that the foregoing statement Is correct.
R. WILLIAMS, Auditor for Pitt County.
This docs not include polls or property listed since
Tux Hooks wore turned over to Sheriff.
Property listed before Co. i .
Polos listed before Co. Corn's W . 32.40
W. W- Resigns and
Service of Norfolk
Walter Johnson, the Washington
star, has placed nine shutouts to his
credit so far this season.
Manage George Shillings thinks n
k-f giving tho Braves the
worst of It in his decisions on balls
end strikes.
characteristics known to
one. She was for tome time
of the faculty of Oxford Col-
and has taught in other
of tho state. Mr. Andrews is
n conductor on the Atlantic
Lino railway, and Is known to many
of the employees of the road as one
of the most popular young
men in tho entire service. After
pending their honeymoon in the west-
tin part of the state, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrews will at homo to their
friends at Weldon, North Carolina,
Three largo tables required
to hold all of tho beautiful
Wedding presents which wore re-
and which were only an
of the wide popularity of the
two young people. Greenville's
gain, and the letter town
Is to be congratulated upon the ac-
cession of a fine young woman
is Mrs. Andrews.
Announcement is made or the res-
of Mr. W. W, as
genera passenger agent of the Nor-
folk Southern railroad company, the
resignation to take effect
Mr. resigns from
service of the Norfolk Southern for
the purpose of accepting a Similar
position with tho
ham and Atlantic Railroad, hie
headquarters hereafter will be In
Atlanta, Ga.
During tho four years in which Hr.
has been in the service of
tho company which is leaving
the road made as much progress
It ever made In twice that much i
before. He is a progressive man
with progressive Ideas, and Is a
gentleman in the position which
he held. Ho was ala
he held. Ho was always interested
In tho duties of his position,
at his work when needed
The loss of the Norfolk Southern Is
the gain of the A. H. and A. and
best wishes of hundreds of friends
in Eastern North Carolina and In
will go with Mr. to his.
new work.
Rivers still thinks ho can de-
feat Willie Richie and is
for tho return bout.
aim Hartford,
have been running summer
shows and have met with consider-j
able success.
Play Ball Here Thursday
Two baseball have been
to be played in this town during
the remainder of the week, tho first
to be tomorrow with
; nil the other on Friday with Washing-
ton. will bring another
aggregation to Greenville,
will come Just as to win
she in the game that the locals
lost to them here last week. Tho
team will it usual lineup of
y players, and will well
ed for the contest when it la pulled
As to the game with Washington on
Friday, tho local fans believe
Greenville has the better end of It, At
least, they lay, the chances are in
favor of them, and they will do all in
their power to make it four out of live
name. The loss of the game of yes-
does not in any wise throw a
damper on their efforts, and It does
tint in the least them
They realize full well that their team
v as yesterday, that had
their entire bunch been on
tilings would likely have much
Both games will be called at
o'clock in the afternoon of the own
on which they ate played.
recently purchased by the White
is batting over In the
American association.
Big Meeting is be Held
Fast And Exciting Game Was Lost
by Greenville
Prominent Speakers Are On he
Train From
em To
Representative and delegates from
every section of the state will gather
at City next week for the
gathering of tho North Car-
Good Roads Association. Every-
thing points to one of tho finest and
best conventions the association has
had, and tho officers are very
much encouraged over the splendid
Any citizen of state may en-
list a-3 a member of tho good roads
association, and no requirements or
demands made upon him when
he hands In his name for membership.
More progress in tho way of
has been made In this state lit
the last five or ton years than in any
quarter of a century preceding that
time, and tho counties of the state
that have not issued bonds or that
have not caught any of the good roads
fever are not in the majority.
The following notice of the moot-
has sent out by Mr. Joseph
Hyde Pratt, the of the as-
The prospects that there will
be a most successful convention of
the North Carolina Roads As-
City July 31st
and August 1st. Among the speak-
will be Hon. John II. Small, con-
from tho Writ district;
Hon. H. L. Godwin, congressman
from tho Sixth district; Prof.
H. Blanchard from Columbia
New York city; Hon. Jesse
Taylor, president of tho Ohio Good
Roads Association, and
dent of the National Highways As-
etc. Arrangements have
been made by the chamber of com-
of city to give i
tho convention a surf party and fish
fry on the beach. The Southern Rail
Way Will operate n special train from
Western North Carolina to carry the
delegates to this convention, and the
other railroads offering special
Everyone who is interested In the
of Good Roads iii North Caro-
is most cordially invited at-
tend help to promote cause
throughout the length and of
One of Oldest of Greenville Men
I k In Town Today.
Mr. T. C. Davis, of Wilson, one of
the oldest of living men born in
Greenville, is in town today looking
over the scenes of his childhood days,
and shaking hands with friends. Mr.
Davis Is accomplished by a Mrs.
Woodard. Ho is old, and a
who is well remembered
by the older people of the town,
glad to see him back,
standing his ago. Mr. is hale and
hearty, and says that lie feels like a
much younger man.
Two Of Hot Player Were
The Team.- All Of
Sana Cum in The
First Inning
In a fast and interesting game
baseball played in Washington yes-
Greenville lost to the Wash-
laddies their borne grounds
by the narrow margin of to It
was an uphill fight for Greenville's
team from start to finish, since, due
to errors on the part of the team
and the weakening of in the
box. the home team scored lour runs
in the Brat inning. This, however,
was the last time they ever bad ,.
Chance to go around the Circuit, lot
tightened, and his team-
mates behind him closed in. and the
remainder of the game was
almost to perfection.
There were many things which
contributed to the defeat of th.
Greenville laddies, and one of the
principal of these was the absence
from their positions on the team
two of tho best men In the
These two players took a little
down the sound on
and on their way back got stuck in
tho mud and failed to get back in
time for the big show. An a result.
manager of th. local team had
to get his wires busy and get
men from Dine Town to come down
and help him out in the affair. These
players, of course, had never had ex-
Greenville team.
and were used to playing with
the new lineup and consequently
could not do as well as might
otherwise have done.
Barnes and the
that defeated Greenville here last
week when In r op
did the work for w
team. Those two players
from a battery which is about as
tear to being Invincible aw any
has bad to against this
pitched a good game, but
was not as affective as in th--
with Washington. HI
only weakening was in
after that time he and
teammate tightened so well
there was nothing else
their opponent.
The score by Innings
Washington . I I
Barnes and
Market Problem d
Tho marketing of cotton was the
subject of discussion by
South Carolina State I
Ion, which began Its seventh annul I
convention today at the Isle of
President B, W. delivered th
address. Other prominent
speakers were Commissioner
the f-nth Carolina department
agriculture and Dr. Knapp.
.-head of tho farm demonstration Work
the States department
agriculture meeting will con-
Pitcher William Phillips. Jr. the
Phillips, is working out with his
Indianapolis team In the
Henry W. Warren,
the Methodist
died in Denver. Born In
Mass., Jan. 1831.

l K I
Terrible Mishap to Mat-hint-
mil- rand People
A mar fatality was the result
a automobile collision that
occurred Sunday over in Halifax
county, and In which several
Tarboro people figured.
Mr. Jenkins, bis wife and lit-
child, and a Mrs. were
riding in the machine. They had left
Tarboro early on Sunday morning
and were bound for Panacea Springs
were traveling over a stretch
building of good roads and also to of
Ten Car Load- of Business Men Make
Trip to lo M
and Arouse
party, composed of about prom-
business men of Washington and
vicinity, journeyed to Williamson
Thursday afternoon In automobiles.
The trip was made for the purpose of
arousing interest along the route be-
tween here and Williamston in the
in Halifax county, which is
said to be one of the finest pieces
of road In part of the state. The
machine was going at a rapid rate,
traveling perhaps thirty or forty miles
after two o clock. There were ton L- . cam
see what progress was
making with the new road work In
The party left Washington shortly
to a curve;
in the road where a large ten
tree bad down and was lying
across their path. The machine
the tree, was almost literally shat-
Into splinters, and Mrs.
was seriously injured. Medical at-
was immediately given her.
most every house to toll the , , hoard from
care, owned and driven by Caleb Be
Capt. George T. Leach, J. O.
Harry F. H. Rollins. W. H.
Ellison. J. K. Hoyt. Frank Hovers.
Thad Sparrow and W. W.
The trip to took about
two hours, the stopping at
proposition to the and
inviting them to Join in the ride to
A number did so.
When was reached
Mayor Godwin was sought out and
plied with questions regarding the
read building in Williamston.
Ho slated that Williamston had
voted for a bond Issue some
time There were forty of
roads in the township to be con-
and lie thought that this
could be done at the cost of about
eight or nine hundred dollars per
This information startled the WaSh-
somewhat. It was found.
California Will Help Finance Big
SAX Cal., July a
vote of to with half of the
population at the July
this city passed a bond Issue of near-
a million dollars for completion
of the San Diego
on the lines made
by the government requirements
and the needs of the and
tries that have decided to participate
Remember your own property, however
safe-guarded may be damaged or de-
by FIRE, originating from
your neighbors carelessness.
When insuring, Get the
best, IT COST NO
THE kind of furniture that
that la pleas,
to the as well a
being solidly comfortable.
The fine piece we of-
fer and the la parlor,
bed-room and dining-room effects are bargains at the
prices asked.
, j I
however, that Williamston had had to
The original fund a stock sub-
Storm on
do considerable grading, digging, cut-
ting down of trees, draining and cart-
clay and sand, he majority of
these difficulties will not have to be
contended with in Washington
Mayor Godwin also went on to tell
that town had spent some
In equipment. This Included seven
teams, carts, road scrapers and other
machinery necessary for the doing of
work. He added that his men
completed about fifty yards of road
v every day.
The party, upon Mayor Godwin's in-
motored about four miles
out of town to see the men at work on
the new road. They examined th
equipment that is being used
asked numerous questions regarding
of Then came
a bond issue of Both these
funds are about half
News that has reached town during
or two ls to the effect
of the bond issue remaining a disastrous storm swept
in the treasury. The of section of country in and
developed early that funds about on Saturday evening
not sufficient if all the between live and eight o'clock. Th.
and countries that notified the Expo- was not so severe in town as
it was short distances out In the
country. It is said that a few miles
below town Just across the river, the
hail and wind were very severe, and
that the crops of several of the farm-
of their coming really came.
Tho capital stock was Increased by
making tho total
with fully
subscribed. On top of this it was de-
to make another of ere thereabouts are almost completely
and this bond Issue has Just destroyed.
been made. San Diego, has Several prominent farmers from
all the money she needs with were in town this morn-
it-- to finish her exposition. Governments and told of what the storm
the cost and necessity of the different and of ,
own funds. I were The wind uprooted
Work on the physical completion the score, and In some places
Upon their
return to town, th;
Washington men spent a few minute, of tho It
with various friends and acquaint- arc four one of the most destructive storms
most a fifth under way c years, and the damage was
and plans and contracts lot for of this summer.
In the city and then returned
The was a most instructive one
Messrs. Ellison. Rollins and others
who talked with the farmers along the
way, stated that they had met no op-
position of any kind and that all were
willing to donate some labor and
every assistance In their power i
aiding the building of better roads.
Among those who took the trip, he-
sides the car owners mentioned,
It T. R. R. Warren. J.
more. The California State Building
will he Started In a few weeks, the
contract having been at
by the state commission.
Money makes the mare go, but it
takes organization to spend the con-
without wanting it. San Diego
more for her money than any
liar enterprise ever started In
country and Is so far of
Exposition In the same comparative
Marriage License
Last week Register of Deeds Bell
Issued marriage licenses to the fol-
lowing parties.
Sam and Emma J. Carr.
Henderson Williams and
Redmond and Elizabeth
Unsightly Face Spots
Are cured by Dr. Eczema
Ointment heals all skin
No matter how long you have
been troubled by burning,
or scaly skin humors, Just put a
little of that soothing antiseptic, Dr.
Edema Ointment, on the
sores and the suffering stops Instant
Healing begins that every min-
Doctors use it in the I i i
and recommend it Mr. of
Littleton, Pa., eczema en
Dr. Eczema
mint cured It In two
to relieve or money refunded.
All druggists, or by mall. Price
Chemical Co., Philadelphia
and St. Louis.
List Your Farm and City Property
For Sale With
Standard Realty Co.,
Office at present In Edwards with Atlantic Coast Realty
Co. Permanent offices In Greenville Banking and Trust new
building when completed
ROY C. AN, Manager
Our artistic arrangements
In wedding outfits are equal
to the best Nothing finer In
offerings than our
plants, palms and ferns
for house decoration
Write for list
J. L. A CO, Raleigh. N. C,
D. J. Jr., for Green
and vicinity.
An institution of education Intensely devoted to developing men. Its
graduates are everywhere successful and fill Important positions In all
lines of work. They occupy places of honor and dignity in and
state, and ably and prominently represent their state in the national
government A college supplied with ample resources to provide the
beat education. More a million dollars recently added to its en-
A wide range courses. Necessary expenses of the f Indent
moderate. No increase in within twenty-fire years.
For and Illustrated booklet address
Secretary to the Corporation, Durham, N. C
vans, Claude Charles M. LIN that U ls
be ready on time. It could be ready In
September, 1914. if anything should
make It desirable or expedient at
that time.
tie. A. J. Cox. Wilson Russ. J. F. Ber-
J. J. Hodges, A. C. Harrison, A. C
Hathaway, D. W. Bell. Carl
George A. George A. Ricks.
W. A Chauncey, Gilbert
Walter Credle, J. L. Warren. James
Jackson. John G. Hodges. E. H. ,. . ,
W. R. George I. Dall. Handcuffed, Plunged
Into Sound
A prisoner, whose name could not
learned, but who was In the
I of an officer, on his way back
from Norfolk to jumped in-
J. E. Mitchell and Ashley G. Leggett
Plenty More Like This In Greenville. Sound and was drown-
Scores of can tell ed the Southern train
you about Kidney Pills. WM the trestle
a happy citizen makes a public state-
of hi.- experience. Here ls a
The man had run away from Farm-
Lock and Joella Jones.
Sam Teel and Ella Cobb.
Frank Baker and HInes.
defeated In the first
battle at Junction.
Robinson, first
nor of the state of Kansas,
born. Died Aug. 1894.
Charlotte and Raleigh on the New
Seaboard Train
The North Carolina
Julius L Pres. Greensboro, N. IX
Maintained by the State for the
en of North Carolina. Five regular
Courses leading to degrees. Special
Courses for teachers. Free tuition
u those who agree to become teach-
In the state. Fall session begins
September 17th. 1913. For
and other Information, address
Location excellent first-class,
of successful experience. Special care of the health of
students. An instructor la each dormitory to supervise
conditions of boys under hit care. Excellent library and
gymnasium facilities. Large athletic fields. Foil term opens
IT. W. PELE, Headmaster,
case of it. What better proof of mer- and had reached Norfolk In his ,.,,
It can he had than such endorsement An after
L. W. Lawrence, Washington and had handcuffed and was
Greenville. N. C, am him back to Just
to make tho fact known the was midway of
I have been greatly ion the a
Kidney Pills, that I got from out of and was
the John U Drug Co. Too before he could
of the kidney score-.
annoyed me and I often noticed
the flow was scanty. I took
Kidney Pills, and since then,
my kidneys been in much better
The above statement must carry con
to the mind of every reader.
Don't ask for a kidney remedy
He was handcuffed, and could not
have had he wished.
lotto p. m.; Charlotte
a. m.; Ar. Raleigh p. m.
This train solid between
and Rutherfordton. Parlor Car
ls operated between Raleigh, and Edge-
The Heart Of The
White for schedules, etc.
H, D. P. A.
Raleigh, N. C
Physician and Surgeon
Office on Dickinson Avenue
East Carolina Teachers Training School
A State school to train teachers for the public
schools of North Carolina, Every energy is directed
to this on s purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to
teach Fall term begins Sept. 1913. For
and information,
ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President,
The King Of AH Laxatives
Of the 55,000.000 born every year, I For constipation,
of them die before they and UM Dr. Kings
a year to the statement New Life Pills. Paul of
-ask distinctly Edward at Buffalo, N. Y., says
of all laxatives. are a bless-
to all my family and I
keep a box at Get a box and
get well. Price
by all druggists.
Pills, the came that Mr. Lawrence had and
-the remedy backed by home last fall,
all stores. means that 40.000 babies die
burn Co. Props. Buffalo, N. Y. and
Your Back is Lame-Re- 1-m- In Sweden and Nor-
tho way- here are
tho Infant mortality Is
. i . , , . Dr. William H. Davis, of Boston,
,. , . . .
said that the deaths of infants would
OMAHA. Neb., July In the per cent if no sables
fourth annual tournament for tho clay j were fed from other
court tennis championship of the Unit- of
ed States began today on the courts preventable,
of tho Omaha Field club. Some of I
me of .
country are taking part. The week's
card Includes the championships Id
men's men's doubles, and con-
singles and men's consolation
i. v. aUTOs, D. M.
I treat all animals. Calls
answered day or night. Office at R
L Smith's sale stables, with hospital
I Still With
The Mutual Life Insurance Co,
I of
Hew York.
Chimney Rock tins been for
years famed for its beauty both
and story.
Why not spend your vacation at
one of the comfortable hotels beau-
situated this lovely valley.
Hotel rates remarkably cheap,
to per week. Homelike service.
Good fine livery, good fish-
makes It EASY to get to
Rock, and
rounding mountains. Write today for
H. D. P. A.
Raleigh, N. C.
JAMES KER, Jr., T. P. A.
Charlotte. N. C.
Two from II. S. Army allow
other. ,
S Camp July and
a year. Add CoL R. Box N.
,,., world
Two Mats from U. S. Army to N. C A. and M. CoW
one. Mm
Lake for t
Term. WOO
with U. Army
Tuition and Board I par Halt
J. C. Lanier
Ira 4-w
to US Fourth Street,
H. L. smith's
formerly occupied by Chinese
H. T. The Plumber.
Into Nu Stable.
Corner 2nd street
Baggage and
Phone No. Night or Day
Meets all Trams
We can't interest the man who
to can we please the
man who cares for neither comfort
or if You want a buggy
that is serviceable and has a style all
own, we feel that we can meet
YOUR every demand.
We know the vehicles w make so well,
that we gladly them and our guarantee it
based upon an experience forty seven years.
Come to see us, YOU
are always welcome
John Flanagan Buggy Co.
North Carolina, county.
In the superior court
Geo. H. Brown, of F. B.
Deed., vs. F. C. Hard-
of J. J. Perkins, Deed. J.
M. Bernard, Holman Barnard. Jul-
Bernard, et
The defendants; Holman Bernard
and Juliette Bernard will take
notice that summons the above en-
titled action Issued against the
defendants on the 13th day of May,
1913, out of the Superior Court of Pit
County, which summons was return-
able before bis honor at the May
Term of Pitt County Superior Court
at tho court Grenville on
the 19th day of May, 1913, for tho
North Carolina, Pitt County.
In the Superior court, August term,
Delia Nobles Richard Nobles.
The defendant, Richard Nobles,
the above entitled cause, will take
notice that an action entitled as above.
has been instituted the superior
court of county by Delia No-
as plaintiff vs Richard Nobles
as defendant, for the purpose of dis-
solving the bonds of matrimony ex-
between the plaintiff and the
defendant and the said Richard No-
will further take notice that he
ti required to appear before the Judge
of the Superior court at a court to
be held for the county of Pitt, at the
court house Greenville, Pitt
on the 2nd Monday before the
1st Monday of September, It being the
18th day of August, 1913, and answer
the complaint this cause which has
this day been deposited and tiled in
the office of the clerk of the superior
court of said county, within the first
three days of said term; and let the
pose of establishing a Hen
on land claimed by the defendants In defendant take notice that if he
. , . . , . . fail to answer the complaint within
the town of Grenville; the defendants, h by law, the plain-
will also take notice that they are re- hit apply to the court for the
quired to appear at the next term of relief demanded in the complaint.
This the 7th day of July, 1913.
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt County
court that convenes on tho second
Monday after the first Monday In
being the 15th day of said
month, and answer or demur to the
complaint or the relief demanded will
be granted.
This the 27th day of June 1913.
County Party Say They Are
York Party Pays
Same Tribute
LOUISBURG, July good
roads of Franklin county are fast
coming to be recognized as the best
in the state. People come from
sections of the country to In-
them and at first hand
their plan of construction.
On Wednesday of this week, a large
party from Goldsboro, consisting of
George C. Royall, Capt. N.
F. K. Borden, John M. Grantham, U.
W. A. Taylor, J. C. Taylor and N.
B. Dawson, Tills W.
Clerk Superior Court, and P. I.
Pursuant to an order made by
H. W. Whedbee, Judge, In the above
entitled cause on the 26th day of June
SALE 1913, the undersigned Receiver will
By of of a on Monday, the 21st day of July, 1913,
gage executed to me by R. V. Jefferson at the hour of A. M at Bethel,
and M. T. Jefferson on the day N. and in the store building recent-
of August, 1908, and duly recorded occupied by the firm of
the Register's office In Pitt County Taylor and offer at public
Book Q-8, page to secure the to the highest bidder for cash the
payment of a certain bond bearing entire stock of goods, wares,
even date therewith, and the disc, together with all fixtures and
in said not having furnishings, now to be found in
complied with, I shall expose at building, formerly occupied by
lie auction for cash on Saturday, the Taylor and
day of July, 1913, at noon, in is also given hereby In
Greenville, Pitt County, at the Court accordance with the of the
House door, the above mentioned order of Judge
Being a town lot in tho town -t Whedbee entered on the 26th day of
Greenville, beginning at an iron June, 1913, the said Receiver ls now
it; Reade Street, B. W. E. having prepared a complete Inventory
corner, and running Westward with stock of goods, wares and mer-
Northern lino feet aforesaid, and sale will be
and inches to a corner, thence North- made according to said inventory at
ward with Simon Eastern so much on the dollar. All
boundary feet inches to a corner, purchasers are notified that the
then Eastward with Evans Southern stock and inventory will be
line feet inches to a corner an times for their Inspection.
Reade St, thence with the Western be made subject to the
boundary Southward inches confirmation of the court,
to the beginning. This 30th day of June. 1913.
This June 26th. 1913. N. B. DAWSON,
J. A. Receiver.
Mortgagee, d-w
Representative D. M. Clark, of Pitt,
Is In With Gov-
Action, And Will
Favorable comment on the action
of Governor Craig in calling the
General special session
to consider the matter of unjust
freight rates is being heard on all
aides In this town today. The bus-
men are very much pleased that
the governor has taken these steps
lo remedy the matter, and they feel
that relief from the intolerable dis-
is now but a short dis-
For many years the people of the
A. Norwood and John Borden. who have been suffering from the op-
the board of trustees heaped upon them by the rail-
pointed to build miles of good roads ls
in the Goldsboro township of Wayne j to receive tho attention of the
county with the bond Issue legislature in extraordinary session
passed for that purpose, and Just freight rate
Judge W. R Allen, B. H. Griffin, E. B. j been formed in most of the count-
Borden, Jr., Edward Borden and T. H. state during tho past
Norwood, -spent the day In going over months, and these organizations are
our roads and studying methods and ail in Power to educate the
plans of construction. They were ac- up to the point where they will
by Messrs. W. H. Universal demand upon th.
Thomas B. and F. B. for relief. The Pitt county
of this A barbecue was tendered in the
the visitors and a number of local since It WM organized hero
at the noon hour by Mr. David a month ago, and the officers
in the Lancaster Hotel. e association are very much
This committee of gentlemen ex- that of the
pressed themselves very last
on the superior quality of the of discrimination, and has deter-
roads over any they have yet to call upon the legislature to
seen and they have been In fifteen the railroads to come to terms,
other counties where they are building Representative D. M. Clark, of Pitt
. county, was this morning asked for an
Recently a party from Rochester, expression of his views on the
N Y who had toured the country in giving the
a car to Florida and back to this point following notice, stated that he was in
said that they had not seen any roads empathy with the movement, and
on their Journey that surpassed or ha would support any sort of a reason-
Some two years ago this county be- is
Franklin county measure that might be by
the lawmakers. Mr. Clark's statement
its construction of good roads in To Tho
earnest. Of course there was The fact that Governor Locke Craige
some opposition. But the spirit of called General Assembly to
progress prevailed. The three town- in extra session should be cause
ships of Youngsville, Franklinton and tot much rejoicing among the people
Louisburg voted bonds for this Carolina, Tor they are assured
Franklin- that tho Administration is
ton and Louisburg exerting every effort within it
The work has gone steadily forward Power to relieve the of
If Township Gets Ber Six
Cents Of Fifteen, She Will
Maintain Own
And Bridget
the Greenville Township Good
Some few weeks ago a column of
figures were published in Tho Re-
to show what could be done
for roads on the fifteen cent road tax
that we are now paying, and we still
contend that this fifteen cents is a
sufficient amount to build and main-
the roads under the bond issue.
To refresh the memory those who
might have forgotten, we quote the
figures again as
Interest on bonds at five per
cent .
Sinking funds to take up bonds 526.17
Maintenance fund after con-
Total cost of improved up-
to-date roads .
Amount now raised in Green-
ville township on fifteen cent
road tax .
We are greatly Indebted to the an-
ti-road men for having so clearly
called the people's attention to the
fact that two-fifths or of the
money raised In Greenville township
by the fifteen road tax does not go
to the roads in this township at all
but is spent In maintaining the con-
nets to work on the roads other
parts of the country.
We have contended all along
the money raised in Greenville town-
ship should be spent on the roads
this township, and not on the roads
of other townships as is now done.
And one of the strongest arguments
for the bond Issue ls that we will get
one fifteen cents spent here at home
and not in the county.
It has never been contended that
three-fifths of the fifteen cents or
that now goes to the Green-
ville township roads would provide
for interest, sinking fund, and main-
but we dO say the
raised by a fifteen cent tax will take
care of the bond issue if applied
strictly to Greenville township
it Justly belongs.
This very point regarding the gen-
Circumstances Had Made a Change In
and He Wanted it
to Be Understood.
At Sumter, N. C, there was a large
crowd of colored people at the depot
as the train pulled in. An old bald-
headed Uncle Jerry had his head out
of coach set apart for colored pas-
and a man on the platform
recognized him and called
Mister is
The old man looked straight at him
but made no response.
No response.
persisted the man as
he drew nearer.
was to de-
the old man.
What's de
does want anything of
bow talk Reckon
has got de
evidently reckon
I knows Is
did know
fall. Why, I dun worked
fur three
when worked mo
what was I
mewls fur
But I want to
Is a heap
mewls fur
Johnson on de
along white folks. I
might last fall, but
If to permeate any
ed conversation me
some responsible to introduce
Record Herald.
work has gone steadily forward Power to relieve the people of the This very point we
each township has approx- tyrannical oppression from which they el county fund tor the O
Sly miles of the best roads that have so long suffered the convict force WM ISMS severe.
OF SALE OF REAL u hereby
By virtue of a power of sale con- . . . ,,,,,,,
in a certain mortgage deed to all indebted to the es-
by W. W. Perkins to E. A. late to Immediate payment to the
Jr., on the 2nd day of January, 1909, undersigned; and all persons having
and recorded In the register's office claims against said are
in Pitt county in book U-9, page t present to the under-
before r
o'clock, noon, expose to public sale, 24th day of June 1914, as this notice
before the court house door in Green- be plead bar of recovery
to the highest bidder for cash June 1913
the following described parcel of MARSHALL COX
land, . ., . .
In the town of Greenville, of M. C. Tyson, deed,
on the west of A. C. L. rail- it.
road, beginning at the Intersection
of and Railroad streets TO Oil
runs north 31-20 west 1491 feet to a appointed by
stake, the corner of lots , , . . court of Pitt
on street, thence a f a.
can be found anywhere, and the wort freight rates imposed by the railroads
continues. Other townships will soon of the state.
fall in lino, for good roads are con- D- M- CLARK-
Governor's official
As a result, land values along these is as
public highways have been greatly en- The proclamation of Governor
rural life has become Witt the seal of North Carolina
more desirable, and automobiles have fixed is set forth in tho fol-
lowing admirable put up, it must be understood to
Proclamation by the j this means, if we spend the won on
and with tho advice the road tax that are now paying, on
Council of State. I, Locke Craig, Greenville township. This will
of the state of North Car- our withdrawing from the
in tho of the power general county fund and we Will BO
conferred upon me by the longer ho burdened with the support
v.-eeks ago, and we tried then to make
position clear, but anti-road
men have helped us wonderfully in
bringing out the point. Our state-
published in connection with
the above figures is as
making the statement that
the bond issue taxes will not be
been multiplied by hundred fold.
amount of money could induce the
people of these townships to return
TO CREDITORS the mm of poor No
Having duly qualified before the county could have
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt nave yielded
as administrator of he estate of M. .
Any Man of Would Know That
These Two Stories Were
Merely Fables.
upon a time there was a
beaten golfer who admitted that he
had missed no short that
winning rival had no
long ones; who confessed that he
was on game and that while beat-
en by the margin of and without
great luck the count would have
backed him up against
a bunker and shot him at sunrise be-
fore he became more violent.
Once upon a time there was a fan
who left the ball park and called out
to a
game of year, pal;
they beat us to but if the ump
hadn't slipped us a couple of close
ones, the count would have been
They played better ball and
of the convicts, nor will we need them
after our roads are
Under the bond issue we will be re-
of the old county system by
which the roads duty is required and
Greenville township contributes six
be- tog claims against said estate to
made I authenticated, on or
will sell for cash before the j
Court House Door in Greenville at 1913. at o clock a m.
bile auction on Monday, August 18th.
1913, the following described lot .
parcel of land, situated in the town of for the people of
Greenville, County of Pitt and State of
North Carolina, and described as fol-
didn't even wait until
sunrise to pot this guy. Another ten
minutes, and he might have been be-
all human
Rice, in Collier's Weekly.
lows, Lot In said Town
between the state of North
w or will
Forbes and In April. . . . recovery
This sale Is made for the b.
of complying with the term, said nay.
of July. to me and thus save costs and
VIRGINIA H. expense.
of Mortgage This the day of July, 1913.
ltd Commissioner.
J. L.
Administrator of Richard Carr.
JARVIS and BLOW, Attorneys.
S ltd
Having qualified as administrator of
J R. Haddock, late of Pitt county.
North Carolina, this is to notify all
, having claims against the
estate of the said deceased to
Slate of North Carolina, county of
In the Superior Court, before U. C.
Moore. Clerk.
N. B, Dawson, of F. J.
son, Deed., vs K. L. Dawson, Henry
son. heirs at law. from this date or will b
By virtue of an order made in n bar of their
entitled cause by Hon. D. C. Au Indebted to said stale
undersigned commissioner will Tills 16th day of Juno, 1913.
Monday, the 4th day of August, 1913,, R. SMITH, Administrator.
at m. offer for sale at public p a and SON,
before court house door
Greenville, M. C to the highest bid-
for the following
ed property the county
undivided one-fourth interest,
and In accordance with the res-
passed by the General
and ratified on the 6th day of
February, 1913, do issue my
By virtue of a mortgage executed on this extraordinary
and b, William W. on the other
iS f request the senators and the of the county; and will be given our
on the 6th day of December q and fifteen for the
of the General Assembly of of our own roads Just give
office of the Register of Deeds of Carolina to meet in their re- Greenville township her six cents that
County in Book E page the th Carolina to J o ft general
and she will maintain her own roads
and bridges, and let the other section
of the county have the for
she will not need them after hr
roads are built by the bond issue
nor will she need road duty when
only a drag will be used on
to keep them In repair.
Which looks the best to you, Mr.
to be applied to Greenville township
Voter, the bond issue at fifteen cents
and no road duty, or a special tax
or twenty-live cents with ten of it
going to the convict force and other
sections of the county, and also five
road duty
ON JULY 29th.
Of course, whatever Is done is up
to the county commissioners, as the
law gives them all of the power
and if they should to
make Greenville township contribute
to tho general fund it would
have to be done, but we do not
they will do so.
lying on West side of Green Street be
Carolina and the railroads operating
ginning at the S. E. Corner on Green
St. and running West about feet
to Julia Sutton's land, thence along
Julia Sutton's line about feet to
Martha line; thence
along Langley's line feet to
Green St. along Green St. about
feet to the beginning. Being the
lot devised to said William W. Hum-
the last will and testament
of P.
Said land is sold to Satisfy said
July 17th, 1913.
J. L. Hill.
F. G. James and Son,
Stray Taken
Cow taken up on my plantation.
To Receive Report of Commission
To receive the report of the
Constitutional Commission, and to
consider tho submission to the people
of amendments to the Constitution.
Craig. Governor and Commander-in-
Chief, have hereunto set my hand
and caused great seal of the elate
Notice is hereby given that the
and Mrs. has this day qualified as
F B and N B. Dawson, in administrator of estate of T. L,
and to all real and personal prop- Williams, deceased, mid all persons
conveyed to N. B. Dawson for Indebted to said hereby
life and to F. J. requested to make immediate settle-
Dawson, Ernest I. Dawson and with tho undersigned
Dawson in equal Dawson, by and all persons holding claims
F n and wife Augusta J. Sta- against said are hereby
r Maim , , they required to file
ton, by deed dated the w , ad-
within twelve month-
the hereof, or this notice
Recent Improvements at
Baptist Church Hearing
The completion is near at hand of
Blank and white left horn improvements that have
en, no oar marks, owner can get same
by paying for this advertisement, ,,,,, j,.,,. a quarter,
That G. Washington Incident.
Small William, aged three, and
John, aged five, bad taken special in-
In approach of Washing-
ton's birthday. Fond grandparents
and other relatives had been sending
them many cherry-tree and hatchet
post cards.
Of course the mother bad to
explain meaning of different
post cards. She tried to Impress
upon eons also lesson about
the of Our never
telling a lie.
Several nights before natal d y
of the much celebrated and greatly
lamented American, another consign-
of post cards was received by
the two boys. They were presented
to their mother at the dinner table
that evening to get her to tell of their
Among this last list of cards re-
were several showing the
chopped cherry tree. George
Washington could not tell a
said the devoted parent, as she
finished relating tho much herald-
ed incident.
Master William was for
a moment, and then, in all
mover, what was the mat-
and when all of the new additions
G. F. Greenville, N. C. have ,
R. F. D. No.
March, and duly recorded in
book D-7, page Pitt county reg-
lo which reference is hereby
made for a more particular
of the therein
the tract, therein containing 1852
acres, more or less, and fully
In said
will he plead In bar of recovery of
This the 3rd or duly. Ills.
Administrator of tho estate of T. L.
Williams, deceased.
HARDING and PIERCE, Attorneys,.
Miss. July an-
encampment of the Mississippi
national guard was opened here to-
day, with Adjutant Fridge in
charge, Governors Hall of Louisiana
and of Alabama are
to attend tomorrow, order to add
Interest to the encampment tho gov-
at Washington has
ed the presence of two revenue cut-
this time, have expended a sum of
than Among these
a pipe organ, which
cost a considerable sum of money
There more this section of .-, and n mi in
country than all other Pt n steam plain, a
together, and until the last few handsome art windows.
to be . .
yours local The pipe organ a very beautiful
treatment, pronounced Incurable. church vices. Before was In-
proven lo lie a
and therefore stalled an organ Or S piano had to
be and of
Co. Toledo, Ohio, la the become with this,
on II Is taken In- . ,,,.,, v , m,
In from lo drops in a ten- and decided to make the Change. The
Perfect up-to- windows were erected by
offer hundred dollars for any it ; date In every respect,
falls to cure. Send for ant tea-
Time to Kick.
There was an excitement in tho old
inn at the cross roads. The ancient
proprietor was bristling up like an
angry porcupine,
got to be thundered, as
he brought his list down on tho Ink-
register. gosh,
got to stop, or I'll up the ho-
the asked tho
fee drummer.
enough. I could stand
those sleep-walking motorists crawl-
under the bed and ham-
mering on the springs,
they thought they under an
but I'll It I am
going to put up with dreaming
tors climbing up tho ceiling and
knocking all tho plastering down, Jest
they Imagine they tinker-
with their flying machines. No.
It's got to
building In the town.
William A. of Washing-
ton, D Is maker of the art
windows that have been Installed, and
v blob add much to the beauty of
building. Two of the memorial
Mr. F. G.
It has been I James to the TS.
In service for a while and heats the G. James, and are some of tho
r. J. Toledo, a I church as well as the system of heat- finest to be found anywhere
that has been Installed In any in this part of the state.
Little Bit of Irony.
Louis J. Horowitz ls noted In New
York for his trenchant wit. Thus, in
the discussion of a recent contract,
certain rather niggardly proposals
were to him. and Mr.
rebuked their niggardliness with
gentlemen, make
ff more and we'll run you up a
that will highest

Published by
D. WHICHARD. Editor.
matter. Let us remember that ad-
vantages will be taken of every Blip
of the tongue that our
n make, and, unless we are very
careful, we. may be beaten at our own
game. Gentlemen of the committee,
do your level best to get better rates
us, but In the name of high
en, what you do, DO NOT COM-
I Governor Locke Craig last night is-
sued a proclamation calling the state
one . .
may bad upon
application at in
The Reflector Building, corner Evans
and Third street.
per on September to consider and
advertising remedy the unjust freight rates that
Kill be for at three are now being charged North Can-
JO action, tho
matter governor has the unanimous
North Carolina,
second class
August at the post a; a people of this state.
Tilt MIST pleasure to handle the college hap- Those European nations which have
Only one more week remain u to the best of our ability, recognized government,
we may work for the cause Again, we wish to thank Editor Lu- and which have been giving us down
good roads in Greenville township, for bis kind remarks, which are the country because we have been
During this time every honorable as friend enough not to do it, would
fort should be made by bond ail the founder and also manager-editor feel cheap if the whole thing
to educate voters up to of Greenville Reflector until re- were to collapse all of a
the point where they will not vote did a good turn for his town
against good roads and progress. Be- and paper when he secured Henry
tins time and next Tuesday Arnold Dennis to relieve him of the
the opponents of the bond issue will editorial work. The paper shows up
be hard at work trying to well for the increased force, and Mr,
the voters against the measure, and Dennis is easily making good as an
thus try to defeat what can not be editor. Mr. Dennis was formerly the
styled as anything else than a pro- correspondent of The Chronicle at
measure. Trinity College, where he was a
week will be the most dent, and readers of this paper know
the entire campaign, and it is during his
the next seven days that many voter-
will decide as to which way they shah Conger, of the Rocky Mount of hundreds of towns and
cast their ballot. Let no man seems to like to take ad- in Carolina and neighboring
If with his
he he did, we don't won-
that he got such a big salary,
especially much of that lobbying
was done during the summer time,
and when the weather was hot as
it Is now.
You can kick against road bonds
all you want to, but say what you
wish, they have been the salvation
If you see a dearth of editorials in
state papers this week, you may
know the reason why. Most of the
editors are in Asheville attending the
press convention.
A merchant in Durham has this
sign hanging on the walls of bis
store, not spit on the floor, it
is and yet he does not see the
It is so hot in Omaha that rats will
not stay in the Jail. Well, their lib-
of leaving is something which
the prisoners incarcerated there do
not enjoy.
Let no man ti
ml to deceive another, but let every , , that states.
trying to find relief, but the railroads try ShoW appeared Thursday in our editorial
FRIDAY, 1913
Di v of
No expert in the building of good
roads has ever taught us anything of
tho durability of the several kinds
of Improved roads that are given to
the people of the state. Some, of
course, will last longer than others
and some are noticeably cheaper
have hardened their hearts, and
. failed to grant a reduction. But
day not far off when the shipper
and manufacturers will find a way
North Carolina has a governor who
Is Interested in the welfare of his
people. He has issued the call. Girl
on your armor, oh. ye people, and go
forth to the fray with the
to win or to die in the attempt.
others. It does not necessarily fol-
low that the cheaper roads will last A sovereign state is being
a shorter time than the more
ones, for much depends upon the
conditions of the soil upon which they
are built, the care that is taken
them, and the weather that follow;
their construction.
Now, the bond issue which will be
a great people is being almost
squeezed to death by a few corpora-
officials; and these people have
decreed that an end must come to
such treatment
The railroads realize what is be-
fore them; they know that the Gen-
Assembly Is ready to act They
voted upon next week provides for
the building of sand clay roads in are Paring to make the last
. struggle; and the people of UM
state can do no less than to prepare
Greenville township. All road
say that this is one of the best
and the cheapest roads than can
built, and that it is as easily kept up
as any
finest sand clay roads in Durham
county that can be found anywhere
in the state, and all of them are la for of Brother
for the greatest tight that they have
ever attempted in this direction
of the rates are far more
that we were talking about
and not We will
that we saw that error in the paper
while the forms were on the press,
and the press stopped and
mistake corrected. Tho crusade, as
the admits of no
and we should have these dairy laws
enacted at once.
It costs but very
little to keep them in repair and
thousands of dollars worth
products go over this road into the
city of Durham every year.
Greenville and her neighboring
towns have no very good roads lead
into them, and arc
bases, It is proposed to build a sys- IS THERE A
of roads that shall insure traffic This question has been asked man;,
for this town for years to come. The times during the past two or three
bond Issue provides a fund for months, and each time has been an-
upkeep of the roads after they in a way somewhat different,
built and there is no way around the Is there a lobby One might as well
fact that with a little attention every ask the question, Is there Are There
year, the sand clay road will last there Is smoke Well, everybody
for years and years. In counties nows that there is, and evidence so
the state where sand clay roads far gained seems to point to the
have been built, it has been found that there Is a lobby. Colonel Martin
that they are In almost as good con- M. stated before the
now as they ever were. They committee that be had drawn a hand
certainly show no signs of giving out some salary for a long time to hang
in eight years.
around the corridors of congress
try to persuade man and that
man to vote his way
It is all right for a congressman
be informed upon the subjects up-
Every few days one Is accustomed
to hearing scant rumblings of
a compromise with the railroads on which he must vote, but he should
in matter of freight rates. II be very careful as to where he gets
seems that the long, weary fight his information. Some sources are
causing some the meat reliable some are not, and that
tic, to grow weak at their posts of t information which comes from a lob-
duty and that they are beginning to is of the latter class. He Is
lose faith in the work unto which to stalk around through the halls
they have set their hands. Of congress and put in a good word
Now. if such a spirit M this is for his company and try to carry
lowed to pervade the minds of the things his way.
people of the state, we had Just as; Proof Is conclusive that there is a
well throw up the sponge right now, lobby, and there should be no let up
and make up our minds that we are In the to crush it. Let our con-
going to pay the same old rates for be free to decide the la-
all time to come. It will not do us sues upon their face value, so that
any good whatever to let up in the i their minds may be unprejudiced an-1
We have made certain de- . their thoughts pure In the matters
and we can get them If only i Importance that they have to con-
we shall go forth to the battle elder. The country has the greatest
demand them. As we have pointed respect for Colonel in that
out in these columns before, North he has turned state's evidence, and
Carolina people would today be pay- that he has thrown so much light
two cents a mile for passenger; on the lobby business. The senate
fares If the people had not grown earnest, and Its In-
weak In the back and allowed the will amount to a
railroads to pull the wool over our deal.
eyes, and give us a two and a half
cent fare. The railroads have not Durham put up a strong tight for
forgotten this, we should North Carolina home for th-i
her that they have not forgotten It. wives and widows of Confederate vet-
of the brightest men in the and It seems that she should
ploy of a system are have won out. We hope this Is not
ii their might affair similar to the
work out plan by which they , ma recently made down here. But
can work the bluff on us, treat Durham's bid was not as good as the
us just as niggardly as they did be- one put up by though
the advantages of the pro
posed bond issue. No voter should
cast his ballot through prejudice, but
as he honestly thinks it should be
cast. And, we believe that if every
man understands the true
of the step that Greenville township
is about to make, the measure will town
by an overwhelming majority.
Other towns and counties in the slat
are far more heavily bonded than is
this one, and where the people have
good roads, it is impossible to find
ore man of ten who is
of issues
were Ii i to tot
On next Tuesday there will come
to voters of Greenville township
an opportunity to say whether they
shall go forward or whether they shall
stay in the same old ruts. If our
roads remain as they arc at the pres-
time, our neighboring towns will
get our market, or at least a large
entitled l's Diary Our It is most pleasant to note that the
distinguished contemporary should weeds various parts of the town
have known from reading the editor- are beginning to fall before the reap-
do well to take notice. There is scythe. You had better begin to
I lace on Fourth street where the con- mow front of your home, or
sidewalk is almost over goblins will get you if you don't mind
with weeds, and It is a disgrace to
What has become of the county
home matter We hope the people
have not decided to drop an
which was so well started.
A headline says that the
regime is growing shaky. Please tell
us when It was in any other sort
of a condition.
The high cost of living will never
come down until the men who sell
the agree to let us have the
The Corporation Commission has a lower rice-
The wheels of progress are begin- us guessing as to Just why it
to slow up somewhat. Mr. Bit- should Journey all the way from
which heretofore Raleigh to Old Point Comfort, Va., to
has been appearing weekly will hero- have a conference with the officials
alter greet Its patrons only once a of the railroads in state. It may
month. Well, when a man is that
of state of the greatest nation
in the world, and spends half of hit
time on the lecture platform, some-
thing has got to slow down to make
room for all of this extra exertion.
But, go to it, Bill Jennings, you're all
the whole bunch wants
get out of hearing distance.
Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble
When you have trouble with your
stomach or chronic constipation, don't
Imagine that your case Is beyond help
Just because your doctor falls to give
you relief. Mrs. G. Plain-
field, N. J writes over a month
past I have been troubled with my
stomach. I ate upset it
terribly. One of Chamberlain's ad-
books came to me. After
reading a few of the letters from
who had been cured by Chamber-
Tablets I decided to try
I have taken nearly three-fourths of
a package of them and can now eat
Remember that when you vote almost everything that I For
Dr. Carter may be coming down
to rid Eastern North Carolina of
Well, If he does, a gold
should be struck off in his hon-
or, and a hat collection of several
millions ought to be made up for him.
For a sovereign state to allow
part of it. Farmers are going to prisoners under its care the election, you are deciding sale by all druggists,
their produce to the market that Is perish in a fire where the whether or not Greenville will con-
most easily reached, and they are go- are kept, Is nothing short of and grow as the market-place
to travel over the roads that are neglect, and the state should for Pitt county whether it shall
the best If good roads lead into all he held responsible. This is what go somewhere else,
of our competitive markets while we happened in Arkansas yesterday
have ditches to travel, why we None of them did crimes that would A press dispatch says that peace
may expect that our ditches will re- warrant any such treatment, and between Greece and Turkey Is about
four weeks,
in reality.
Yes, formally, and not
main and that Greenville's share of state should be made to answer for to be concluded formally. And, we
the country trade will go to the neat- its carelessness. add, for a period of three or
by towns. It is a matter of a great
deal more importance than most of We are not an Admiral
our people seem to realize, and unless but through all this long con-
we awake to our opportunities, we we have never yet been able
shall some day find that we have been to our that that g. n
left, and that our town Will be the only fellow who has
one to suffer for what we have done. ever And,
do not believe that this government
should fall over itself In allowing,
The press dispatches yesterday car
the news that Mr. A. B. Justice,
of Greensboro bar, had announced
himself as a candidate for United
States senator to succeed Senator
S. Overman. The announcement
The people of the state have not
been howling for the governor to
have the veto power, and
Commission did exactly the
right thing In cutting it out of the
new constitution.
Good Judges of tobacco say Black
Eagle Sun Cured Is best. Let mo
supply you. D. W.
Millionaire Faces Trial
The case of George H. mil-
banker of Long Beach, who is
charged with contributing to the
of two girls, is on the docket
for trial tomorrow. was in-
and arrested as a result of a
I raid on the apartment house,
to have been the headquarters
for a gang of dealers
who operated for the benefit of men of
wealth and social prominence in this
him to accept the honors from the
French president.
We believe that Mr. Overman is the
right man in the right place, and
that he will win out in the contest,
A bunch of Texans who have been he not want to get
traveling in the Rio valley.,,,, head a
Here Is what a member of the board
, near or Just across the Mexican
came as no surprise to the people of
. . ., , I have wired President Wilson ask-
state who have been alive to re-;
cent developments In the case, and that Theodora j of aldermen handed u.
ambassador to that country, j Is a rich if you
Well, It would be temporary relief do not the fine crop of
here at home, but it would be cruelty am jg being raised In tho
to animals to send the j
down upon those people to the south
who have been keeping up with re-
cent happenings. Former Governor
R. B. Glenn has stated that he would
in September make public the course
which he shall pursue In the matter
This was merely a statement to the
Republican senators are predicting
a calamity for the country if the Dem-
tariff measure passes. If that
be true, then we had as well prepare
fore, if not worse.
The following lines from the Char-
Evening Chronicle are very
greatly appreciated by the editor of
The Reflector. There are several
members th of the
whom we have known for a long
time, and whose friendship we prize
very highly. During our service aB
lours was better than the one College correspondent for
effect that he would also be In the,
race, for It was only by a brave Socialists that
flee on the part of the Secretary Daniels was the cause of
that he was able to keep out of riot in Seattle the other day. for a calamity, for It is going through
r Senator toga last Well, if the would only a streak of greased lightning.
member to get out a red letter
He did a wise thing not to get In- lion of the News and Observer, and
to that fight, and we feel pretty sure j have several copies flared about over
that he would do the better thing In j city, things would cool off In a
staying out of the race that will hurry,
started next year. We are not one
The highway has been com-
through Durham county, and
of those who believe that one man
should be given or allowed all the
pie that can be had from the the quarter of a million for good
counter, and we do not advocate j roads recently voted by Orange
one man's retaining all that com- soon stretch the line through
to his state, but there are county. They are all falling In
states In the nation that have In line, and Greenville township has no
upper house of congress two abler time to lose. Let us be up and do-
statesmen than has North Carolina
Some of them point out the fact
that Mr. was a crook to start
with, else the corporations would
have employed him to hang
around Washington In their Interest.
Of course, somebody la going to
deny the statements that Lobbyist
has been making. The
prising thing about It Is that they
have waited so long to do
If the Monroe doctrine Is ever to
No one wants to get It In his
that it is time for us to quit the light
Just because a special session the
legislature has been called. big
and the think twice be-1
fore acting once In the matter of
a change with regard to the seat be enforced, now is the time for this now beginning.
now occupied by Lee Overman.
hone In the matter. Nations to the
that but few
government to show that has back- j
bone in the matter. Nations to the
nations to the east to the hi announced
south, and to the west, are clamoring I speeches are to be made on the new
for action on our part, and we must
either up shut
We should not grow lax in this by our successful competitor.
advertisement in big letters
Beach is calling
but the Tee, it Is a
tariff bill. We think congress would
accomplish more If this policy were
followed all the while.
Geologists Visit Cobalt Region
TORONTO, Ont, July A
large party of foreign delegates to the
International Congress of Geologists
which is to meet here next month,
started today on a trip of Inspection
to Porcupine and the mining
district of tour will last
an entire week and will end at Ottawa.
Land of tho
Where there Is Health In Every
Breath. climate is perfect the
year round. In spring and summer
the region Is Ideal
Reached by
Solid through train, Including parlor
car, between Goldsboro, Asheville and
via Raleigh, Greensboro,
Salisbury. Other convenient through
car arrangements
Summer Tourist Tickets on Sale Until
September M, lilt
For complete information apply
J. H. WOOD, D. P. A.,
Asheville, N. C.
R. H. T. P. A.,
Charlotte, N.
J. Jones, T. P. A
Raleigh, N. C.
A flood Investment
W. D. a well known mer-
chant of WIs. bought
stock of Chamberlain's medicine o
as to be able to supply them to his
customers. After receiving them he
was himself taken and says that
one small bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and
was worth more to him than the
of his entire stock of these med-
For Bale by all druggists.
Voters Registered for
Good Road Bond Election
Those Favoring The Say
Their Trouble Lies In Get-
ting The Voters To
To Polls
When the registration books closed
last Saturday afternoon, voters of
township bad
names for the election on next
Tuesday, July Ti, which shall decide
the question to whether this town-
ship shall issue in bonds for
of the roads of the
township. This is considered a pretty
good percentage of the voters in this
part of the county, though there are
perhaps two hundred or slightly more
voters of the county who not sign
their names on the books.
The election has been set for Tues-
day, July and between this time and
the day of the election much hard work
will be done by both advocates and
the opponents of the issue. The cam-
has been a long and hard-fought
one, and at times much bitterness has
been displayed by some of the voters
of the township.
Leaders both sides seem to be
very confident of the final outcome of
the election, and each Is claiming the
victory. The advocates of the bond
issue are claiming at least five
red of registered voters, with a
possibility of a landslide In favor the
issue. They say that the only thing
that can cause them to lose the
will be the laxity of
red voters In going to the polls and
Those men who have fought
hard for the issue do not hesitate to
claim that they will have a big major-
when the final windup comes. They
realize, however, that their biggest
obstacle is getting the voters to
polls, and they are aware of the fact
that some hard work must be done in
this respect.
Opponents of the bond issue are
equally as confident of the election,
and will be satisfied with nothing less
than a big majority In favor.
They be very active during the
last week before the election Is to come
off, and expect to fire some of their
biggest guns during this time.
It is pointed out by the advocates
of the bond Issue that
the coming
the of the be
greatly In many respects
Counties in every section pf. state
are voting bonds for Improvement
their roads, and where bonds have
teen Issued and the roads Improved
this way, the people generally
are very much satisfied. Considerable
activity has been noted in Western
North Carolina In regard to good
roads, and tho slogan of the
all over the state at the pres-
time to awaken an interest la
matter in this section of state.
In a letter recently sent out by Mr.
Joseph Hyde Pratt, announcing the
date for the next good
convention at City, fol-
lowing paragraph appeared, and will
be read with
the last convention was held
In Charlotte a year ago, much en-
for good roads has been
shown In Western North Carolina; and
In this section counties and townships
have voted tor road bonds to ex-
tent of Now let us do
same for Piedmont and Eastern Caro-
The counties and townships
which have voted bonds are also In-
In discussing the proper ex-
their money so as to get
the greatest mileage of well-built
road; and by getting together and
listening to the road experts who
be with at the convention, we
be able to solve many problems now
In regard to the good roads meet-
which is to be held in
City on July and August the
following and tentative pro-
gram has been
Every citizen of North Carolina
is interested in the of his
state, bis county, his township, or his
town, is directly interested in the bet-
of public roads, because,
to a great extent, the condition of
these roads determines the material
pi ogress and prosperity of our state.
Few states in the south have
more activity during past
Months in an effort to get money
v herewith to build good roads than
has North Carolina,
among mountain counties. It is
believed that this activity has been
cue in a large measure to the
of the North Carolina Good
Roads Association held at Charlotte a
year ago, and to the work carried
since that date.
This convention will emphasize par-
road maintenance,
problems In the various sections
of our state, and the convention will
he frequently thrown open for a full
and free discussion on the part of
the delegates of questions of local in-
Below is given a tentative
I July SI, 1913
Morning Session,
I. Convention called to order by the
president . H. B. Varner.
Opening prayer .
Rev. Euclid
For the state, Gov. Locke Craig
For City, The Mayor
For the association, R. B. Varner
For the delegates, J. C.
Raleigh Chamber Commerce
C Report of
Secretary Joseph Hyde Pratt
Treasurer . Joseph G.
C. Appointment of
Membership committee.
Resolutions committee.
Publicity committee.
Committee on nominations and
next meeting place.
Review of road passed
by the general assembly of 1913
with brief review of road work
in state since
last convention.
Necessity for state aid In road con-
Discussion of what this association
con do to help bring about more
efficient road legislation and ad-
Why state convicts should be used
on the public roads
Guy V. Robert-s
Afternoon Session, o'clock
II. County road
Reports from road engineers,
etc., from the
counties represented.
It. of
Sand-clay roads, t
Dirt roads.
W. L. Spoon of the U. Pub-
W. Road Engineer.
Wide tires.
Cooperation between county, state
and federal governments In road
building and maintenance
Hon. H. L. Godwin,
Congressman from Sixth district
Friday, August 1918
Morning Session, o'clock
Opening prayer
Address Hon. John H. Small
Congressman from First district
Sort talks from representative
of the National Highway
Hon. Jesse Taylor, President
Ohio Good Roads Federation.
Hon. Vander Hurst.
Hon. Will Ward
IS. Comparison of the automobile laws
of other states with the North
Carolina law .
Hon. A G.
of American Automobile
Afternoon Session, o'clock
Report of progress of special high-
Central highway. H. B. Varner
Pres. Central Highway Com.
Crest of Blue Ridge Highway,
. Joseph Hyde Pratt
State Geologist.
Dr. M. H. Fletcher
Capital to Capital Highway,
. . . . Leonard Tufts
Triangular Highway,
. . . . J. R.
Duties of the highway
Prof. T. F. Hickerson
of the University of N. C.
Report of
Membership committee.
Resolution committee.
Publicity committee.
Committee on nominations and
next meeting place.
of officers.
In accordance chapter sec-
of the Ordinances of the town
of Greenville, every occupant or own-
of a lot In said town is hereby
notified to clear sidewalks of
all weeds, grass or other rank
as far as such lot extends. All
persons tailing to comply with this
law by August 1st will he subject
to the fine imposed In such cases.
Littleton College
Attention is called to an
of Littleton College
appears elsewhere In our columns.
This Institution has had a very
career and has made a dis-
contribution to the education
of young women In this and adjoin-
Wisconsin Municipal
Wis., July A wide
variety of municipal
scheduled for discussion at the annual
meeting of the League of
Municipalities, assembled here
today for a three session. May-
ors or other officials of nearly all the
leading cities of the State are In at-
Meeting of Lutheran Synod
Ind Teach-
of Lutheran parochial schools
throughout a large section of the mid-
West are attending the conference
of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Missouri, which began Its sessions
In this city today. Professor Oscar
of Chicago Is presiding over the
cycles and motor boats at bargain
prices all makes, brand new machines,
on easy monthly payment plan. Get
our before buying or you
will regret It, also bargains In used
motor Write us today. En-
close stamp for reply. Address Lock
Box Trenton,
For all of
Give Quick Relief
It stops aches and pains, rs-
swollen and
the uric acid Is
and In Its Wu
like it.
free on request.
One Dollar ppr bottle, or
paid receipt of price If not
obtainable your locality.
WORK, in- b,
Par Bo at
Majority of Friend Thought Mr.
Would Die, But
One Helped Him to
interesting ad-
vices this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes
writes as was down with
stomach trouble five years, and
would have sick headache so bad, at
times, that I thought surely I would die.
I tried treatments, but they
did not seem to do me any good.
I got so bad, could not eat or sleep,
and all my friends, except one, thought I
would die. He advised me to try
and quit j
taking other medicines. I decided to
take bis advice, although I did not have
any confidence in it.
I have now been taking
three months, and it has cured me
haven't had those awful sick headaches
since I began using it.
I am so thankful for what Black-
has done for
has been
a very valuable medicine de-
of the stomach and liver. It
is composed of pure, vegetable herbs,
contains no dangerous ingredients, and
acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely
used by young and old, and should be
kept in every family chest.
Get a package today.
Only a quarter.
Bus College School For And
Strong experienced This school furnished the
leader of the freshman class last year at Davidson College an-1
at the University. Boarders under the immediate supervision of
POUT SCOTT, Kan., July
Leading retail through-
out Kansas rounded up here in
today f opening of the annual con-
of their Association. A
largo speakers
and a of live topics slated tor dis-
combine to give promise of the
most meeting In the his-
of the association.
Kansas City and are contest-
for the next convention.
Grove's chill Tonic Combines both The Wonderful, Old Reliable Dr. Porter's
in Tasteless form. The Quinine drives Healing OiL An Antiseptic
Surgical Dressing discovered by an
Old R. R. Surgeon. Prevents Blood
out Malaria and the Iron builds up
the System. For Adults and
You know what are taking when
you take GROVE'S TASTELESS chill
TONIC, for years through-
out the South as the standard Malaria,
Chill and Fever Remedy and General
Strengthening Tonic. It is as
the Strongest bitter tonic, but you do not
taste the bitter because the ingredients
do not dissolve in the mouth but do dis-
solve readily in the of the stomach.
Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean
Thousands of families know it already,
and a trial will convince you that DR.
OIL is the most wonderful remedy ever
discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old Sores,
Carbuncles, Granulated Eye Lids,
Sore Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and
all wounds and external diseases whether
slight or serious. Con people
I finding new uses for this famous old
remedy. Guaranteed your Druggist
I it. 11.00
The Bent Medicine In the World
little girl had very
bad. I thought she would die.
Cholera and
cured her, and I can truthful-
say that I think Is the best med-
In the Mrs.
Clare, Mich. For sale by
all druggists.
t refers to Dr. Liver Pills and
Are you constipated
Troubled with
Sick headache
of these symptom and many others
Indicate Inaction of th LIVER.
Take No Substitute.
The next time you want tobacco
come to my store and get Black
Eagle Bun Cured. It's a good one.
D. W.
III urn, nut Cm
The worse easts, no Butter of bow long
re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr.
Antiseptic Healing Oil.
sad Heals at lime. 11.00.
There is QUININE
Look r signature of E. W. GROVE on t
very box. Cures a Cold in One Day.
From Week End Sunday
Goldsboro .
. 2.00 1.60
New Bern . 1.60 1.00
Wilson . 3.60
. 8.00 1.76
Greenville . 2.75
Washington . 2.26
Rates to Beaufort cents higher
to City.
Rates from stations In
same proportion.
Week End tickets sold Friday, Sat-
and Sunday morning trains,
good to return until midnight Tues-
Sunday tickets sold each Sunday
until September 14th, limited to date
I pf sale only.
For complete Information any
ticket agent or
W. W. O. P. A.
Norfolk. Va
K. T. P. A.
Raleigh, N. C.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
LAXATIVE Quinine. It Maps
and Headache and works Cold.
I refund money if it fails lo cure.
I W. signature bu.
Let us sell you a plug, a pound or
a box of Black Eagle Sun Cured to-
and make you happy. J. It. n
J. O.
Piles Cured In to Days
Your druggist will refund money if
fails to cure any case of Itching,
Blind, or Protruding Piles in to If days.
The first application gives Ease and
We have Just a fresh sap-
ply of the celebrated Black Eagle
Cured Tobacco. J. R ft J. O.
The freight on vehicle parts
from Cleveland, Ohio, to Nor-
folk. Virginia, amounts to
From Norfolk to Greenville
the freight is 165.86 for about
one-eighth the distance,
a total of
The stale of Arkansas has had five
Now, remember, when you go I governors In 1913. Evidently there
not the booze that Is calling, Is no hoodoo about that state. It is
Black Eagle, the beet plug of
Sun tobacco, I have D. W.
publication, It was always our resort.
a blessing that none of them were
like Cole
For The Sale of Leaf Tobacco
Keep Your Eye on the STAR this Year and see if it does not
sell it HIGHER

Ralston Shoes are unmistakably
stylish. They appeal to men who
pride themselves on being correctly
as well as becomingly dressed.
Our Spring models offer you a wide
choice, and yet all of them are well
within the limits of good of them
have the comfort for which alone
we famous. Try
J. X. J. . MON E
Sporting Vacation
so. l
When one has packed his things and
shipped his ammunition and camping
outfit, when he has left the office for
the last time and is indeed on his way
to the train that is to take him to the
hunting grounds, what a feeling of ex-
upon him Nothing
to do for a week, two week, or a
th, but hunt and fish and be refreshed
I a life near to Nature Even now
those whose inclinations have this bent
ere planning and preparing for their
fall hunting trip. It may be that you
will go again to Dakota for wild geese.
How well you remember last year's
getting up before dawn, the
freezing drive out over the prairies,
then the tramp to set the decoys, the
wait In the bitter cold, the break of
dawn in the east, and final y the
and the whistling whir of the
approaching birds
1911. by The Associated
Newspaper School. Inc.
great delight.
Perhaps you go after bigger
deer In the north, or moose in Canada.
How you shook with excitement when
your first moose came by, so that you
a clean miss, although the target
was big enough and the shot an easy
one. Since then you have grown to be
an old hand with the rifle as the
heads in your club and your den
mountain lion of the Rockies may have
evidence. Even the grizzly and the
to your prowess as a hunt-
and the long, hard climbs, the
hunting for and the days of no
success have merged Into a
cc of weeks pleasantly spent among
glorious surroundings, air that was
invigorating and redolent of pines,
scenes of beauty beyond description,
and an appetite that would make an
ostrich bury its head in the sand.
Kid Tear
Yon can change fretful. Ill-tamper- i
ed children into healthy, happy young-1
by riding them of Toes-
rolling, grinding of teeth, erring
cut while asleep, accompanied with
Intense thirst, pains In the stomach
and bowels, and bad
breath, are that Indicate
worms. Worm Killer, a
pleasant candy lozenge expels the
worms, regulates the bowels, restores
your children to health and
Mrs. T. A. of
have used Worm
Killer for years, and entirely rid my
children of worms. I would not be
without If Guaranteed. All drug-
gists or by mall. Price
Medicine Co. Philadelphia
and St. Louis.
at Arrival the
am. p. .
f. bl p. m.
a m. a, m.
MS a. m. a. m.
p. m. p. m.
Now on Hand at Gorman Gentry's
L. H.
S. C.
J. W. Little
Merchandise Broker
S. f.
I desire o express my appreciation
of your patronage of the past. I sin-
trust dealings In every
way have been satisfactory to you. I
hope to have your further orders. Call
and see me, or phone and let me quote
you prices. I represent some of the
very best concerns.
Office Residence 257-L.
J. W. Little
The Slate's Industrial College
Or did you go for ducks along the
shore of the If so, you re-
call the early trip to the shooting blind
the setting of the decoys, and then how
you settled back into as easy a posit-
ion as possible which you could hold
without much moving about, and how
surprised you were to find yourself
Just nodding for a second, and to a-
and see the water alive with
ducks which you had to shoot away
before you could get a wing shot.
Then you vividly live again those
few days you spent with your good doe
among the woods and
tramping about the under-
growth until the covey was pointed,
and the rising birds gave you a right
and left shot which you made, to you-
Every day a different human
est story will
tor. Yon can cat a beautiful Intaglio
of the above picture, with
five others, equally attractive,
1-2 Inches in size, with this week's
In a well
i known authority covers the subject
cf the pictures and stories of the
week. Readers of The Reflector and
I will know Art,
History, Science and Travel,
and own exquisite pictures. On sale
at the Reflector office and Ellington's
Book Store. Price, Ten cents. Write
today to The Reflector for booklet ex-
The Associated Newspaper
School plan.
Equips men for successful lives In
Agriculture, Horticulture. Stock Hal.
log, Dairying, Poultry Work,
nary Medicine; In Civil, Electrical,
and Engineering; In Chem-
and Dyeing; In Cotton
luring. Four year courses. Two, and
One year courses. teachers;
buildings; modern equip-
County superintendents hold
entrance examinations at all county.
seats July Write for complete Cat-
E. B. OWES, Registrar,
West Raleigh, S. C.
Ts. H. C
Bank and Trust Examinations a
County. City and Borough Ac-
Corporations and Mercantile
Firms analytically examined.
Partnership Accounts
Light. and Power Plant Ac-
counts perfected.
Fire, Louses. Valuations
Real Estate and Lumber Audits.
Trial Balance Sheet, and
Less Accounts, Statement of Assets
and and Condensed He-
port Thereon Professionally
pared and Guaranteed.
Prominent Members of American Fed-
of Labor at Atlantic City
Members of the executive council and
other officials and prominent
be rs of the American Federation of
tabor rounded up In City to-
day and will spend r-cater part
of the week Interests
organized labor In n . i to the
alleged disclosures of Col. Martin II.
In the lobby Investigation at
A number of other mat-
of business are to come before
the meeting, which Is the first that
the executive council has held sine-,;
January, several of the regular meet-
having been postponed because
Of tho illness of President Gompers.
The arrangements for tho next an-
convention of the American Fed-
of Labor, to be held In
next November, will be discussed at
the meeting.
than Roberts, U. S. senator
from Pennsylvania, who was
disowned by the Society of
Friends ho favored the
war of 1812, died in
Born In Montgomery
county, Pa., Aug. 1771.
The summer
time when the
air is fine Makes
the old young
for a while So
they can enjoy
And numerous
other goodies.
Call you
you will have the
c r
Greenville, N. C.
We will be ready to take care of you and protect your interests
Johnston Foxhall
Greenville Banking k Trust Co.
Represents the Highest Standard of Safety in Banking
IN 1910 The State Treasurer of North Carolina selected this Bank as a Depository for state funds.
IN The United States Government designated this bank as a legal depository for Postal Savings Funds.
IN The Good People of Pitt County selected this bank as a safe bank in which to keep their money, to the extent that its
business exceeded not only any other bank in this section but the Greenville Banking and Trust Co., took its stand among
the largest and strongest banks in the eastern section of the state.
Resources Over Half a Million
E. G. Flanagan, Pres.
E. B. Higgs, Vice-Pres.
C. S. Carr, Cashier.
Business entrusted to this AGENCY gives you
REAL PROTECTION. Protection that proceeds
Close attention to all detail, of the INSURANCE
From placing your risk in t h e STRONGEST
rubber roofing
fruit Jars and lime, cement end ail
kinds of hardware. J. R. Smith and
The condition of Mrs. D. B. Heath
doesn't seem to Improve much.
Mr. Oliver Smith tells us he en-
Joyed his visit to Gettysburg, but tho
Intense warm weather overcame
hundred and proved fatal to a
great many.
July Miss Est-
her Johnson, returned home Saturday
after spending sometime visiting
friends and relatives near Grifton.
Mr. A. W. Ange is at this
week by the bedside of his sick fat-
her whom we learn to very
If you have a cow to sell let it be
known, and R. W. Dall will do the rest.
Don't forget the bargain counter at
A. W. Ange and Co's. They are sell-
summer goods very cheap.
Misses Kate and Mamie Chapman
returned yesterday after attending a
house party at Wilson.
Cream, cold drinks and
cigars at Cox and House.
Mr. J. R. Smith of Ayden was In town
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Abbott, took a trip
to Tarboro last Sunday on Mr. Abbott
new car.
W. Braxton made a trip to
Port last and reports
bad crops In that section.
Can peas at R. W. for
per per pound.
See Barber and Co. for
fruit Jars rubbers, and Jar tops.
Cox and House have Just received
a supply of fresh butter. See them
before purchasing.
Get your lanterns, tie cotton,
and alarm clocks, at
Barber and Company.
Repair work on the oil mill began
this week. The authorities are plan-
to have it ready by the opening
of the cotton season.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cox were In
Ayden Sunday, visiting at the home
of Mrs. Coxes father, Mr. L. L.
Messrs. Guy and Taylor, of
twine, lanterns and
in abundance at A. W. Ange
and Co.
Fresh beef and barbecue st
R. W.
The Junior Order of American Me-
paid Jerome Smith policy
for in twelve days after Mr.
Smith's death. It was paid to bis
mother, Mrs. Mary Smith, widow of
the Cannon Smith.
and Co., want to buy your
country produce and sell you any
kind of feed that you may need.
Mr. J. D, Cox left Wednesday for
where he will spend a
few days
and Company are unload-
a car load of hay. You will do
well to get their prices before buy-
Messrs. Stephen Waters, Ray
and Cox a trip to
Beach last week and return-
ed Monday.
Gordon Caster, the found
of normal school In Amer-
died In in
big with opportunities.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Turn-
a son.
Don't move the seminary from
Ayden said Mr. Nobles and
by the trustees Tuesday.
For lime, cement and plaster,
J. R. Smith and Bro.
V-. I. R. Turn-
for the effort ho to save
the seminary for Ayden. Every
in this community can well
afford to feel proud of him.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex
a son.
Tuesday was a red letter day for
Ayden. We had a host of
from Kinston, Greenville and Rocky
Mount, who met with the trustees
and presented bids from each of their
respective towns for tho
and from the speech Hon. P. C. Hard-
and Mayor T. I. Sutton. the
Is a diamond in the rough and
will soon rival Harvard and
Universities. We are sure this
little excitement will cause the
to appreciate more than eve-
the great possibilities of this school,
if our people will co-operate with
The remains of Mr. J. L. Buck
reached here on morn-
from Morganton, where he went
a few days ago, hop In; to re-
gain his health, and Improve
mental condition. All efforts failed
and the sudden end was quite a shock
to his family and friends. His re-
mains were laid beside his sons it.
the Wednesday even,
Rev. J. H. pastor of thy
church conducted the
Miss Velma Harrington, of Kin-
Miss Maye Brooks, of Snow
Hill, Miss Lizzie Blount, of Grifton,
and Miss Thelma of Goldsboro,
are visiting Mrs. R. W. Smith.
J. Cannon and Company have
Installed a gasoline tank on Main
Our town had the honor of having
a visit from three mayors last Tues-
day, Hons. J. B. James, of
T. I. Sutton, of Kinston, and L. P.
of Rocky Mount.
All kinds if hardware and mill
supplies, fish nets, etc. J. R.
and Bro.
Mr. S. E. Smith, who sustained
such severe about three
weeks ago at his saw mill and was
taken to the hospital at Kinston, has
recovered, so as to come home on
a few days furlough. He will return
to have him a nose made. Fortunate-
his eye sight was not Injured,
though bis face was badly mutilated.
Mr. and Mrs, R. P. have
returned from their bridal tour and
will make their home In Ayden.
Mr. J. J. of
purchased tho house and lot from Mr.
D. O. Moore or. Street
for Ayden, Big With Op-
Mr. Chapman Again.
A strong hint to the wise Is
I am sincerely and earnestly
In favor of Greenville township
rowing to do Its much needed
road improvement, mainly because
are n need of It, the people are
financially able to take the risk, and
feel safe in saying that a majority
of the people have natural and
cultivated intellects sufficient to be
safe in using It and returning It at
a great advantage.
But, If I were to use Invectives, or
slanderous, or abusive remarks against
our opponents in a cause and let a
prevent me from being
face, I'd expect somebody to be-
me and my cause to be weak
and I unnoticeable. I'll be at my
63rd mile post on the 25th of July.
Greenville, July 1913.
English Will be Tried
Beginning Tomorrow
Randolph county grand Jury returned
a true bill against English for
the murder of Jack Armstrong. Eng-
was arraigned In court and en-
a plea of not guilty.
Judge Long, presiding, ordered a
special of to be present
Monday morning at o'clock when
the trial will begin. J. A. Spence, as
counsel for the defense, announced
that the plea for the defendant will
be insanity. The state will make a
fight for a verdict of guilty in the
first degree.
75th of Noted Soldier
Cuts, Burns Bruises
In homo there should be a
box of , Salve,
Major General John R. Brooke ,.,.,. , ,
a -h. h. , . . turns, cuts.
A, retired, who has a record of forty
years of distinguished service tho
States army, reached his seven-
birthday anniversary today.
In accordance with his custom Gen.
or scalds. J. H. Del-
Tex., R. No.
Salve my little
eat foot. No one it
could t-o The world's best
Brooke is spending the at his m
home Berkshire Hills in
Notwithstanding his
years he is known as one of
the most active golf players at the Pit-
County Club and may be seen
almost every day making the round of
the links.
North Pitt County.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Board of Commissioners of Pitt
In adjourned session assembled on
the 20th day of May, 1913, it being
an adjourned meeting from the reg-
meeting held on the first Monday
of May, 1913, ordered an election to
held In Greenville township, Pitt
county, N. C, on Tuesday, the 29th day
of July, 1918, at the regular polling
place at the court house on the
of Issuing Fifty
thousand dollars worth road bonds
to bear per cent Interest per annum,
and to run for
a period of forty years, the funds re-
from the same to be used tor
the purpose of laying out, establishing,
repairing, grading, constructing and
Improving in any way the public roads
in Greenville township as provided y
act of the legislature North Car-
session of 1913 House Bill
No. 1886 sad Senate No. 1799.
And notice is further hereby given
that an entirely new registration for
said election was ordered sad called
and that Warren, Jr., was and
Is appointed registrar for said
and that the books for registration
will be opened on Thursday, June
1913. and closed at sun set on Sat-
July 1913. That on each
Saturday during said registration
period the registration books will be
open at the regular polling places at
the court house Greenville, N. C,
and at other times during said
period will be open at the office of
W. L. Hall and Co., at Five Points,
Greenville, N. c. And all citizens
desiring to vote said bond election
to be held on July 1913, will he
required to register.
This the 23rd day of May. 1913.
W. L.
Chairman Board of Com. of Pitt Co.
BELL, Clerk.
Forestry Conference in New Hampshire
N. H., July Ar-
hare been completed for
the annual forestry conference
here under the auspices of the Society
for the Protection of New Hampshire
Forests. The sessions will begin to-
morrow and continue until Thursday.
Among those who have accepted in-
to address the conference
are Secretary of War Garrison his
official duties at Washington
Henry S. chief of the United
States Forest Service; William L. Hall,
assistant forester, and Dr. George Otis
Smith, director of the United States
Geological Survey.
Leather Hen in Session
The National Leather and Shoe the biennial
Texas Lawmakers in Extra
Texas legislature convened In extra
session today to take up a of
matters that were left over from the
regular session. Gov.
submitted three subjects for the con-
of the lawmakers. One la
Association began its annual con-
la this city today with an at-
that includes many
representatives the trade
out the country. A feature of the
meeting will be a banquet at the
Thursday night at
which several noted speakers will b.;
heard. The Underwood tariff measure
at the convention,
and its probable effect on the leather
trade Is the leading subject of
Mayor James Says City
Ordinances Must Be
Mayor J. B. James Is very anxious
that attention again be called to the
observance of the city ordinances la
regard to speeding, stopping at Five
Points, blowing the horn at each
crossing, and any others that might
be violated by the of motor
cycles or automobiles.
The mayor Is the opinion that
this is not done as it should
be done, and he says that he is
gated to see that the law is enforced,
and that he will take steps to have
this done unless the owners of these
vehicles observe the laws themselves.
of Princess Maud of
Prince of
Denmark, now King
VII of Norway.
See tho big map of Greenville town-
ship and let your child win a
prize by finding out the number of
miles roads in the township. This
map was copied from a map made
by the United States government
and is the most accurate that
be had. The terms of the con-
test been published with the
map In The Reflector.
Freckled Girls
t is an absolute fact, that one cent
will either remove your freckles or cause
them to fade and that two jars will even
in the most severe cases completely
cure them. We are willing to personally
guarantee to return your money
without argument if your complexion is
not fully restored to its natural beauty.
fine, and absolutely harmless.
Will not make hair crow but will
remove TAN, PIMPLES and
FRECKLES. Come in today and try it.
The jars are large and results absolute-
certain. Sent by mail if desired.
Price Mammoth jars
For sale by
Land of the
Where there Is Health in Every
Breath. The climate Is perfect the
year round. In spring and summer
the region is ideal
Reached by
Solid through train, Including parlor
car, between Goldsboro, and
Waynesville via Raleigh, Greensboro,
Salisbury. Other convenient through
car arrangements
Summer Tourist Tickets on Sale Until
September M. 1911
For complete Information apply
J. H. WOOD, D. P. A.,
N. C.
R. H. T. P. A.,
N. C.
J. O. Jones, T. P. A.,
Raleigh, N. C.
for the maintenance of the State
government; another, the enactment
of a law putting Into effect the amend-
to the Federal constitution pro-
for the election of United States
senators by direct vote of the people,
and the third the passage of an amend-
to law governing the opera-
of the State penitentiary system.
Present Pressure Distribution Appears
for Prevalence of
Moderate Temperatures
wave is looked for this week by the
weather bureau. present pres-
sure distribution over the northern
said the weekly
tin today, favorable for the
prevalence of moderate, or at least
not unusually high, temperatures over
the greater portion of the country
the week. Over the south
southwest temperatures will prob-
ably be high at times, but not so
high as during the week Just ended.
to precipitation, prospects in
not very favorable and generally fair
weather may be expected over all sec-
except the south Atlantic and
east gulf states, where occasional
thunder showers are likely to occur.
are no Indications of a West
news from Europe
received In Boston by way of
St. Johns, Newfoundland.
and tool always guaranteed. Stag and
paints. Detroit Vapor Oil and Gasoline Stove and
Ranges. King Windsor Asbestos hard Wall Plaster.
Alias Cement O-Cedar polish Oil and Mops,
Drug Co.
Used in Our
la an.
Fill Um V
Drag Co.

The sharp-nosed man looked
after the retreating figure the
I'm In a quandary what to do with
that he said. don't
whether to fire her or raise her
I don't know what to make of
bar. She Is the quintessence of either
Innocence or deceit, J can't figure out
which. Any way, Shu's got me Into a
pretty pickle.
two mouths ago some mis-
guided member of a certain benevolent
society sent me two tickets for a char-
ball. was surprised to get those
tickets, for I supposed everybody who
knew me knew my sentiments re-
to charity.
don't believe In it I don't be-
In giving things away. I have to
work for every I have and I ex-
other people to do the same
thing. To my mind these folks that
for charity and slug for charity
and cut all sorts of didoes for
purposes are only degrading the
masses they supposed to benefit.
I had expressed this opinion so often
that I was amazed that anybody
should ask me to countenance a
benevolent scheme by buying tickets
a ball. Naturally, I hastened to
send the tickets back. I put them Into
n envelope and banded them to the
Miss I said,
know what to do with
she said.
struck me then that there was
no occasion for her to thank me for
requesting her to perform regular
routine of duties, but I didn't give the
matter a second thought until three
weeks later, when a representative of
the benevolent society called to col-
for the ball tickets.
I didn't use the I
aid. don't believe In
beg your he said.
were used. Here are the numbers
sent you and here are the tickets
bearing the same number which were
taken In at the door. If you didn't
want them you ought to have returned
them to us at once, as requested In
our communication to
I did return I argued.
Then I called In the stenographer.
I said, I give
you two ball tickets some time ago
to be returned to the benevolent so-
she said, didn't say
anything about returning them. You
simply said I knew what to do with
what did you do with
I asked.
went to the said she.
thought that was what you
was furious, but I saw the
society had drop on me, and
I paid the The worst of It is the
girl seemed so sweet and innocent and
sorry that I haven't had the
either to discharge her or deduct tho
money from her salary. I can't make
up my mind to this day whether she
really thought I mi ant to make her a
present or whether she notified tho
society to send me the tickets and
then deliberately worked me for a
good time. Hut, whatever her motive,
there Is one charity organization In
town that Is now growing fat off
of my hard-earned
Thought He Liked Flattery.
One of the wittiest occupants of the
Judicial bench In England is Judge
tho North-country Irishman,
who presides at tho famous court,
known as Old The Judge
has Just been telling another good
story against himself. Once he went
on a political mission to Wales, to
tell the voters what to do. He spoke
first, and In English. All the
speakers, however, used Welsh
as the medium of their thoughts. As
u. matter of policy be applauded
strongly whenever there was a clap
among the audience, although ha
could not understand a word
that was said. learned
Judge every time I
applauded a speaker It was when lie
had paid a strong personal
either to myself or to my
Speaking Literally.
A famous sculptor was sealed a
dinner next to a fair but frivolous
young lady, and it was soon evident.
that ho was not very favorably
pressed by her Idle chatter.
kind of a figure do you most
admire In a she inquired,
with tho air of one angling for a com-
any kind, as low as she Is
not a o ho replied
Not Crazy.
Alice, how Is
your old man getting Aunt
Alice Is an Inmate of
Tho only way they can keep
him in the hospital Is by a
Mother on him. lie Just
wants to wander wander
he is not crazy, is he.
Aunt Aunt
he Is not crazy; he's Just done gone,
on lost his
Not a Mistake.
made a mistake
he married
He ended the ceremony
may God have mercy on your
knew what he was about, all
sight He's married .;.
We were enjoying the change from
the stuffy city and the smoke and the
dirt and the Hat and all
that sort of thing. The spot was a
most beautiful one and In a state of
nature which left nothing to be de-
sired. We were at the farm-
house of William
known among his neighbors as
All this, however, has nothing to
do with the love story of Hannah, the
domestic servant In the
which was thrust upon our
and which was tho occasion of a
controversy as violent as we ever per-
in between ourselves.
We were loafing peacefully In tho
orchard, in the hammock and
lying flat on my back on the soft
grass, eyes closed and enjoying tho
fragrance of a tip-top when
my soothed and peaceful nerves were
startled by a voice speaking
to Fannie.
see, mum, I'm engaged to Hi-
works over on
these were the first definite words I
caught. Hiram sets a powerful
store by clothes and style and
and don't much about them
things thought
you from the city, could tell me
how to fix up a dress that
would Hiram. You sec he wants
to git married In the church,
and I want to be Jest scrumptious
I mum I've got near
saved up I'm to spend enough
of it so Hiram won't be ashamed
me. Would ye please, mum, tell me
whether to git a dress from this
dot lavender or take the
said I, after Hannah had
vanished, to me that here is
the opportunity to do flue work
for philanthropy and religion and
all that sort of
do you asked Fannie.
are forever looking after
and all that sort of thing
and here Is one ready-made under
your very
said Fannie, rather coldly.
I said severely, girl
is a diamond in the rough, one of these
daughters of nature who without
cation, culture, tradition and all that,
still the primitive Instincts of
the race and arise upon occasion to
the great acts and tho great sacrifices.
Did you bear very delicate
she uttered to you Without
knowing why or how she yet
with the most tender womanly
instinct that Hiram desired clothes
and nice she going to
make great sacrifices for
My wife not responding, I resumed
tho theme.
see, my dear, while you are
literary and all that sort of thing,
really you do not Bee the ultimate
philosophy of the race. That typo of
girl really represents the of
tho a standpoint.
She Is a diamond In the rough. The
girls we cultured, educated
persons who becloud our standpoint
are merely the over-
done ones, as we might say. Hut this
woman is one of the products of
pure and simple Love with such
girls could not be disloyal or
When they love, they love,
now and forever. They are natural
therefore true and loyal. Fannie,
am surprised that you do not detect
the eternal truth underneath tho blue
calico Jacket of do
you hear, who Just left
Ten days later we were lolling about
in tho when Han-
again flashed across the vision
our dreams. There was a man with
a good, husky specimen
of a man.
Is my she said, with a
bridal simper. this Is tho lady
who toll mo how to get up my wed
My wife greeted both very nicely,
but I refused and lay with my eyes
closed. Presently I heard Fannie say
to Hannah very bridegroom
having separated himself from his
bride for a fleeting
Hannah, I thought his
was and that he was tall and
responded Hannah.
ye see where he was
killed In a train wreck last Tuesday
And I had dress all lien
has basil pestering mo for months
so I Jest concluded to hook up
Tho happy pair passed on. I looked
wife and looked at mo from
under lids that I thought concealed a
grin and sarcasm. Whereupon
I arose and departed with dig-
As I left I thought I heard her
diamond in the
Hut when I charged her with It very
she denied lazily.
by Daily Story Pub.
Only One Chance.
you notice that woman who
Just Inquired be.
tho gray hat, the white feather, the
red velvet roses, the mauve Jacket,
the black skirt, tho mink furs and the
Interest in the proposed bond is-
sue for Greenville township
created much interest in other sec-
of the county than this one,
and the eyes of a great county arc
upon the action that is to be
taken here. Many people think that
If the voters of the township were
up to the real value of
good roads, and the small
amount that would b
overwhelming One of the most
sensible and reasonable
that has been received Is the
one given below by Mr. J Dixon.
who. though he does not live in this
township, has a very great Interest
in the coming election.
To the people of Greenville town-
Vote for bonds to improve
our roads.
What I shall say is from one who
was raised in a remote section of
this county. I what bad road;
meant, M many others do. The old
days to the law Is a fail-
the time has been when it was
all right, but I have served as over-
seer for more than thirty years and
I know it is a failure, everybody know-
The people have been waiting for
feasible plan to be suggested,
by which roads might be improved
Road Improvement Is not a new-
culture at C. has ha
tho matter under consideration for
I number of years, and the most
plan Is bonds. This takes
burden off the people between tho
age of and forty-live and
puts It on the man who has proper-
So I do not ho any man
vote against it. Of course. th
more a man has the more he pay.
Under the old law this man has en
practically Wow, If the ,
people who have property are Will-
to help I think all the rest of
u ought.
The bond issue Will not hurt any-,
body. If Greenville Will
spend fifty thousand on her
roads her real estate will be worth
one hundred thousand dollars more
than It h now. This fact has been
demonstrated over and over.
lira in township j
now, and It fifty thousand dollars
were spent on her roads her real,
estate would be increased in value
two hundred thousand dollars. To
explain this I will cay we the
worst roads in Pitt county and the
beat agricultural township.
I We seem to have some people who.
try to array one class of
against tho other, baring two
or try to make a feeling be-
tween town and country p
Such things have some following,
but for a season.
Road should ho n
common cause and
help and not hinder.
Free Duty -Not Applicable la
Township That Issues
Beads For Improvement
Of Heads
There has been much discussion
some controversy over the effect of the
bond issue on free road labor, and to
clear the matter as much as possible
v-c call your especial attention to the
few following
The old system of the pub-
roads six days during the year was
enacted Into law about the year
and haw been handed down to us, and
remains with us today only as a
to our feeble of Justice and
in development. Such a law
should be repealer for the entire
but an attempt to do so during the
last session of the legislature met with
failure, and the best that could be ac-
in this line was to a
law requiring five days free labor, but
with in that law that kept
It from applying to any township that
issued bonds. The provision in the
law that requires a special tax of
twenty-live cents and live days labor
is as
That act shall not
apply to any township having issued
that may hereafter issue bonds tor
the improvement of the roads within
If after reading the above there is
anyone who believes we will still have
to operate under the laws of 1908 even
we pass the bond Issue, and that
road duty cannot be relieved under this
law, we refer them to Section
of the Public Laws of reads
That this act shall not
repeal or change the present system
of roads in Pitt County, ex-
that if the Commission-
of Pitt County deem it advisable
they may put the overseers of the
roads of Pitt County and the manner
and method of working the roads of
said county under the and
supervision of the road supervisor
herein provided
The above section clearly gives the
county commissioners all of the power
necessary to do away with free road
duty even if the bond Issue never
been submitted, nor the law of 1913
requiring twenty-live cents special tax
end five days free road duty never
pasted, So that with the special tax
law passed and the bond issue adopt-
ed there can no longer be any doubt
that the farmers of Greenville town-
ship will be relieved of the road duty.
considering the question from
a common standpoint, and dis-
regarding all law on the subject, we
hardly see where there Is any work
for a man to do with a shovel on
c. hard surfaced road that Is kept In
repair entirely with a dragging mil-
pulled by horses and driven by
one man. What Is the use of
about a thing that is not want-
Itching, Fiery,
Raw Eczema
Believed la a Few Seconds
Yes, an itching, burning, raw.
skin relieved the moment
touches it. is a clean, sooth-
healing wash, composed of Thy-
Witch Hazel,
Acid and other medicinal heal-
properties. relieves
cures every form of skin and scalp
eruption and if you are not entirely
satisfied with results from the very
first cent bottle, druggists will
fund your money. Large size bottle
Endorsed and in
by Pharmacy.
Is prepared by E. W. Rose
Medicine Co. St. Louis. Mo., and
their guarantee is as good as gold.
at Law
; Office In Building.
; Practices wherever bis r
deal rod
Greenville, Carolina
r IT
at Law
on the Our
House Sonars
f. m.
second floor in
on Third St. opposite court
j at Law
formerly occupied by J L
Attorney at Law
In Edwards fifth
from street
N. -hi
F. C. Harding Pierce
Practicing in all the Courts
Office in Wooten Building on Third
street, fronting Court
limited to diseases of
Bar, Throat
N. If, Greenville, N. C.
Office with Dr. D. L. James,
day every Monday, t a m to I
B. F.
Life, Fire, Sick Accident
Office on Fourth street, rear Frank
Wilson's stars.-.
ed and will never be needed.
Wade, who spent the week-end
with Miss Ross Causey, returned to
her borne in Morehead City Monday.
Tho engine for the new electric
light plant has arrived and was
loaded yesterday. The entire plant
U expected in a few days.
Prof. F. C. Nye left this morning
for a trip in the country In the In-
tel est of High School. Ha
was accompanied by his little son,
Mr. J. D. Cox left Monday for Fair-
where he will spend a couple
of weeks.
Miss Eva Langston left this morn-
for Conetoe where she will visit
Miss Brown.
Mrs. Roy T. Cox went to Ayden
yesterday afternoon to attend the
Mrs. F. A. Edmundson returned ti
her home in this morn-
was accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. M. Crawford.
Miss Dora Cox spent yesterday in
Miss Cox Is attending the
Training school at Greenville.
There will be an entertainment in
Masonic hall here next Friday
night for the benefit of the
dist church. Everybody cordially in-
of Town Leaves on Much
Seeded and Vacation
Mayor J. B. James left this morn-
on the early morning train for
Greenville, Tennessee, where he
to spend a vacation of two or three
weeks. During his absence from
town Mayor pro W. A. Bowen
will have active charge of the
fairs of the office, and will be In
charge of tho business of the
Mr. James will take a rest which
e very much needs. Ho has had
to vacation so far this year, and tho
heavy work that has fallen upon him
during the past few weeks, both In
regular law practice and in tho
capacity of mayor of Greenville, has
required very much of his time, and
hot been making some very exact-
demands upon him. Mr.
vacation will be spent largely with
his wife, who Is now her home In
the Tennessee town.
Each per-
if . C for
DENISON, Texas, July
four men who have just completed
a trip through parts of the Rio
valley by special train, Investigating
land investments along the Texas-
Mexican border, today lent lo
dent Wilson a telegram
Theodore Roosevelt's appointment
Mexican ambassador. They urged
of American in
Mexico, and urged the United States
to take steps to assist sister re-
Drug lilting
Hundreds of people In vicinity
have tho of
i I when their In or iii
acting slowly, take Dodi Liv-
Tone Instead.
ion t Liver Is i
of the had ail i
v hick often follow u it car
mini, it is a I.
table liquid starts r
and surely, and relieves constipation
and no re
of habit or diet.
Many preparation have sprung up
that Imitate the claims made I'm I
Tone, but
I Tone is the tried and t Mi-
remedy that has proven such a
good medicine Is SO
tn every the these
Imitations are on tho market.
Tone hurt
anyone and If It falls to do nil is
lined for it Pharmacy,
v ho it. will give your money
with a smile,
What Concerned Him.
said Mrs.
my gown Is rather
don't replied her husband;
more It Is the less of It
re is for me to hook up the
system of Paris, horn at France.
Died In Paris. April
of the Association of American
Geologists, born In Philadelphia
Died In Bristol, Pa., Jan.
and FARM
That's the point
in Its
the quality of our goods
and Machines that has won for us thousands of satisfied customers.
You can buy an inferior grade of seed, sow it and reap half a crop.
You can save a dollar or two on the purchase price of some Binders, Mow
Rakes or Cultivators but you are running just as big a risk as when you
buy inferior seed. Why not buy the BEST at first
Nothing but in
We carry nothing but the in in Farm Machinery and
as well as Hardware, and we know our goods will give you absolute
satisfaction. We carry a stock of repairs for the machines we sell and our de
sire is to give you the best service possible. Let us show you our Mowers,
Rakes, Binders, Cultivators, Planters, Weeders, Harrows, Distributors, Wag
ons, Cutters, etc., and we know you will become one of our satisfied customers.
Is the Most rueful, the Mutt Healthful, the Most of
K. C, V
Opposition Was Strong But Hard Work of
Bond Advocates Overcome This
The Election Was Culmination of a Long and Hard-fought Cam-
Much Bitterness Was Manifested. Business Men Closed
Stores and Worked for Caused of Roads. Heavy Vote
Was Polled, and Weather Was Ideal.
By a of votes over and
above all possible opposition the bond
Issue carried yesterday, and
will be issued for the Improve-
of good roads in Greenville
township. The exact figures as to
the way the election went could not
be obtained this morning, though be-
tween and votes were polled
In all. Four hundred and seventy-
four votes were cast In favor of
bonds and good roads and re-
Issue would carry In
Of course, it was not absolute-
certain that this same ratio would
hold good throughout the day, but
later as the day wore on, It became
evident that the issue would de-
in the and that the
people would decide In favor of
bonds and good roads In the town-
Now that the election Is over th
matter will be turned over to the
authorities, and the bonds will be
Issued, tho money secured, and the
work of construction of the roads
votes which were cast started at the earliest possible date.
the measure, including both j Competent and able hands will
those who did not vote and those die the money from
who cast their ballots against good
roads amounted to
The total registration was at
though this number was reduced to
by several voters who were
and not counted at all. By
subtracting the votes in favor
of bond Issue from the total
registration, the result of is ob-
which gives the votes counted
against the bond issue. By subtract-
this number from which is
number of votes in favor of
bonds, the total majority of votes
favor of bonds and good roads ob-
The election passed off very quiet-
react Celebration at Fort Erie
BUFFALO, N. Y., July Many
residents of Buffalo and vicinity cross-
ed the river today to attend tho first
celebration to be held on Canadian
soil In commemoration of the
of years of between tho
,. Great
and the United States. Tho
was hold at Fort Eric beach,
within a stone's throw of the of
old Fort Erie, which figured
In tho war of a century
few slight Included ad-
which did not amount to b Prominent men of tho
representatives of tho latter being
several cabinet and members
of the Dominion parliament.
the Issue, and reliable people will
see to it that the funds of the town-
ship are not wasted.
anything. Order was well preserved and Canada, among
during the day, and tho immense
crowd which surged about the court
house was very quiet throughout the
There has never been In
Pitt county any election for Town Derides
cause such hard work was dons For Good
in favor of the measure as was the Unofficial information from Farm-
case yesterday. Those men who have f ville Is to the that the bond
all the while worked very hard for. Issue, which was being voted on there
the cause, arose yesterday morning
only to redouble their energies and
fight all the harder on the day of
the election. Their hard work was
rewarded by a brilliant victory which
well repaid them for the services and
hard work which they have given
to the cause. ,
Stores Closed
Most of the big stores closed for
the day, and the town put on
almost a holiday attire. Clerks, store
proprietors and others walked the
streets and worked for the bond Is-
sue, and many of them stayed by the
polls from morning until night with
only a short Intermission for the
midday meal Representatives from
both sides were loyal to their side
In the fight, and the opposition crop-
out in every direction, and show-
ed surprising strength In some
Voting began early In the day, and
It was clearly seen that If the pro-
Horse Show at Branch
BRANCH, N. J., July
The annual horse show of the Mon-
County Horse Show association
opened at Hollywood Park today and
Will continue until end of the
Week. The event Is one of the social
attractions of the Bummer and
has attracted a large number of well
known people. The saddle
portion that had been started early jumper and .
tho morning was retained, well filled, and In addition to the
yesterday lost out by a small ma-
It seems that measure
did not receive the support that it
should have had, and that the
of that township did not bestir
In the Interests of good
roads nearly so much as did the
of this township. The
was stronger there than It was
In Greenville township, and It made
Itself felt
The registration was not nearly so
largo as It was here, and the votes
for and against the measure
consequently different In proportion
Wins Charming Bride in Denmark
South Carolina
Popular Superintendent
Graded Schools Will Return I
City With Wife
in September
A marriage in which tho people
of Greenville will be greatly interest-
ed occurred at Denmark, South Car-
yesterday afternoon when
Lucy became the bride
Mr. Hoy Taylor, superintendent of
the graded schools of this town. The
marriage was a great surprise to
the friends of tho two contracting
will be to the people or
Greenville who bear of it.
The was solemnized at
four o'clock yesterday afternoon at
tho homo of the bride's brother, and
was a beautiful home affair. A
of the friends and acquaintances
of the two young people were pres-
for the occasion. Immediately
after the performance of the
bridal party left for the
western part of North Carolina, and
the honeymoon will be spent in and
around Asheville.
Mrs. Taylor is a native of this
though for the past four or
live years she has been teaching
school in the South Carolina town.
She la an accomplished young woman,
and will be given a hearty welcome
to the town of Greenville. Her home
was formerly at Morven, in
Mr. Taylor is a young man of
and experience, and has seen a
number of service as super-
and principal of some of
the foremost schools in this state.
He Is a graduate of Trinity College,
completed his
with the class of 1904, and entering
immediately Into his chosen work
a teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will roach
Greenville about September and
will after that time make their home
Id this town, where Mr. Taylor re-
accepted the
of the Greenville- graded schools.
Announcements of wedding
have been received as
Mr. and Mrs. James B.
announce the marriage of their sister
Mr. Hoy Taylor
on Tuesday the twenty-ninth of July
nineteen hundred and thirteen
Denmark, South Carolina
At Home
after the tenth of September
Greenville, North Carolina
Representatives of Atlantic Coast
Realty Company
show there will be a series of
running races, which have attracted
en unusual amount of attention.
July SO
under de-
the near
British and Colonial feet
sailed from Boston for the
conquest of Canada.
Banquet Was Held At Hotel Proctor
Last Officers Were Hosts
To The Salesmen And
Invited Guests
Officers, salesmen, ad-
men, civil engineers, and
others connected with the Atlantic
Coast Realty Company In this city,
met here in several sessions at
times during the day yesterday,
and discussed means and methods of
how they might Improve on ways of
carrying on their affairs of business.
It was a general of the men
who own and run the company and
every man had a right to his opinion
had an opportunity to express It
In the interests of the company's bet-
During the year Just closed the At-
Coast Realty Company has done
the biggest business of the four years
of its existence In this state. It was
organized and promoted by North
Carolinians, and principally by men
who were born and raised in this town
and county. And it Is a very gratify-
fact that most of the men now in
the employ of company are men of
this state. Since the organization
of the company some four years ago,
it has bad one of the most successful
business growths ever experienced by
a similar concern In this state. Its
business has branched out, in this
short period of time, Into practically
state In the south, and in one or
two instances to points on a level with
Mason and line. There are
very few states east of the Mississippi
and south of the Ohio River where
this company has not at sometime
during th past few years held a sale.
The meeting yesterday was
for the purpose of gathering In a
of men who hand-
tho business of the firm on the road
and in tho cities and sections where
sales are held, and of giving them an
opportunity to get bettor acquainted
with each other and with the officers
Of tho firm their methods of
the business. That tho ob-
of the meeting was consummated,
their Is no doubt by any of the
of the firm.
A new feature of the traveling end
of the business of the firm Is the
chasing and equipping recently of a
large, private Pullman car, this to
used by the party that travels on the
road and conducts the sales In the
various cities and towns where con-
tracts have been made and entered In-
to by the company. This car will be
handled by the railroads wherever
the company docs business, which
means over tho entire south. It will
he arranged and fitted up inside es-
to suit tho needs of tho men
who go about over the country and
conduct the sales. Berths will be
placed, as well as n lounging room,
and parlors. A porter will be
cured to travel with the car all tho
time and keep It In good condition
and no one will travel with the party
except the men connected with tho
After being In session at various
times for the greater portion of the
Delegation to Visit Morehead City Tomorrow
Interest of Movement
It is Claimed that This Town Stands Fine Chance of Getting on the
Route of the Central Highway if People Realize Opportunity and
Will Take It. Mountains to Seashore.
on pact
A movement has been started by
the good roads enthusiasts of Green-
ville to have the Central Highway
turned through the county and es-
through Greenville. The
was started last night by a
number of principal business
men of tho town, and tho Idea Is
gaining support by almost every per-
son who Is approached In regard to
Those who realize what It means
to have running through It such a
great thoroughfare as this would
finally be, will readily see why the
business men of the town are so
greatly Interested in the proposition.
A number of the men of the town
have been seen in regard to the
and they have all entered into
the movement with the greatest en-
An effort is being made
to secure a party to attend the con-
of the North Carolina Good
Roads Association which meets in
Morehead City tomorrow and Friday,
and which will have much to say, and
many plans to lay out In the inter-
est of highway.
The central highway Is a road that
will extend from the mountains to
the seashore, leaving the Blue Ridge
a point considerably further west
than and touching the At-
Coast at Morehead City. Gov-
Locke and a party of
good roads enthusiasts are this week
making tho trip from to
Morehead City In an automobile, and
are traveling over the proposed route
of tho highway. Tho original pro-
who will decide the course
have not made any decision as to the
route that la to be followed
across Eastern North Carolina and
It Is believed that If the people of
this town will become Interested In
the matter as they should, that the
officers of tho Association can he per-
to bring the road through this
town and county.
The president of the Association
which has this work in hand the
statement a few days ago that if the
business men of Greenville would go
to work in the matter, they would
be able to bring the through
this section. And, it Is for this
pose that a delegation Is being form-
ed to a trip to Morehead City
tomorrow and Friday for the purpose
of being at the big good roads
convention and pressing tho claims
of this town. It It believed by the
enthusiasts that this is another
opportunity that Is knocking at the
door of tho town, and which, If heard,
will bring here hundreds and possibly
thousands of travelers every year.
Among those who signified
their Intention of the meet-
of the Good Roads Convention
Morehead City tomorrow and Friday
are these men who are of the
ion that they will make the trip H
they can arrange their business sat-
R. C. Flanagan, Jack
F. K. Wooten. R. R.
Leon Tucker. Clark, J.
Laughinghouse, J. N. Hart, F. C.
Harding, Sam T. White, L. C. Arthur,
W. B. Wilson, C. Carr. Albion
Dunn, and a few others who have not
as yet been seen In regard to the
It means much for Greenville If
the highway is brought through
town, and Greenville business
awake to the opportunity that is
now theirs almost for the asking.
ill Be Followed By Revival Meeting
At ML Pleasant Church
The regular annual meeting of the
Christian churches in this section of
be held at Mt. Pleasant church next
At the meeting will be
and representatives from the
Christian churches in this of
the county, and all of the pastors of
various churches are expected to
be on hand.
Following the meeting on Sunday,
and continuing for a week or
longer, a revival meeting will
held in the church. Rev. Dr.
Richard Bagley, pastor of the Chris-
of Wilson, will preach,
and It Is expected that large
will be in attendance.
Seven Inning Game Yesterday
Afternoon Ended
In a lie
On Tuesday evening the Washing-
ton baBe ball team again crossed
bats with tho boys, the
game ending In a tie of to Al-
though both teams somewhat
hampered by the weather, the game
was a snappy one and was full of
excitement from to end.
Barnes was again In the box for
Washington, and Shields was in for
Greenville. In the first Inning tho
locals succeeded In getting a run-
over the home and after
this, for several Innings neither team
was able to score. In the fifth In-
Washington, determined to got
revenge on tho Greenville boys,
In scoring one run. This
the score and for two more Innings
neither team scored. At tho
of the seventh inning the game was
called In order that the
might return home on
train. Though both teams work-
ed well considering the
conditions, decidedly the most
feature of the game was
twirling of Shields for Greenville,
Dr. Hyatt Coning
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be In
at Hotel Proctor, Monday, Aug.
4th, to treat diseases of the eye and
fit littles.

Eastern reflector, 25 July 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 25, 1913
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Joyner NC Microforms
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