Eastern reflector, 21 March 1913

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Ayden Items.
AYDEN. March Fannie
of Greenville is visiting Miss
Lee Nichols in Ghent
Maine seed potatoes and day
oat. J. K. Smith and Bro.
Thanks to Messrs. Dennis and
Humbles, who presented us with a
pair of roe shad that the scale
at pounds- These gentlemen are
proprietors of Pitch Kettle beach
and will treat you right.
Rubber, galvanized and red iron
all grades. J. R. Smith
News reached Ayden Tuesday that
Mr. S Moore who lives at
is dangerously sick and wired
for his mother to come at once.
Lime, cement and hair; also car of
field, fence and barb wire. J.
K. Smith and Bro.
The sad news has Just reached us
of the death of Mrs. Susan
widow of the late Hen Smith, died
Tuesday at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. Smith, near Simpson.
The remains will reach here
day and be laid beside her husband
at their old homestead about two
miles from We extend our
sympathy to the bereaved.
just received another shipment of
ti, . ,, I Is Han cooking
Call and let us show them to you.
K. Smith and Pro
While hitched to a cutaway harrow
a of horses belonging to Mr.
Garris. of ran away and
a foot of one of the horses was
from its body and had to be
shot to end Its suffering. The loss
was heavy as it was a good
We hear the bridge at
is in a bad or dangerous condition
Why should we wait for some one
be killed before we build a steel
bridge across there and then have i
lot of damage to pay This is the
same bridge that Mr.
mule fell from during the fall and
the county paid for him. Would i
not be more economical to repair
the one at once and not wait.
We are clad to see Mr. Jno. Can-
non able to be out again after a
attack of
Mr. Dick Garris has purchased a
new self playing piano. He lolls its
he enjoys one tune on that piano be-
than ten thousand dollars when
he Is dead and gone.
Messrs. Hart and Harrington of
Kinston and their families
Sunday on their auto, spent
day and returned.
Dr. Hess stock powders, salt
Stewart's clipping machines, mule
and sheep shears at J. R. Smith and
Mr. W. K. Hooks, the engrossing
returned from Raleigh Tues-
day where he has been during the
term of the legislature.
Mr. Billie Boyd is having to walk
with a rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam W.
Tyson, a boy. whose name Is Frank
Wilson Tyson.
I Mr. Arthur and family
of Norfolk are visiting his father. Mr.
Mr. W. Luther has u
in Saul's and
looks quite at home rolling pills and
mixing physic.
Mr J. Carl Jones returned
day from Granges and reports his
lathers condition hopeful.
If you want an hat. or opera
bonnet, have them to suit old
and young. J R Smith and Bro.
Who ever saw a minister wearing
a coat and carrying a billet and
revolver We have him and a good
one It is. Rev. J. W. Webb Is
den's chief of police.
We soar such talk that the Ayden
Lumber Co . will resume business
this spring. If so ibis will give lots
of people employment and create
I demand for
Mr. loaded his house
hold here Tuesday and will lire o
bis farm near Se-
made M a good old
t time and we are
see him move away. Mr Cox was
e of the most liberal ones when
the Baptist Seminary was located
and has continued its warm
friend We with him the richest of
the choice in their new-
Mr. and M-s I. If. return-
ed last Friday from the hospital
We regret to learn of the sickness
of Mr I. C. Fletcher.
What will we all do for milk and
butter if little Dick Dall buys five
hundred every week, the
soon be exhausted. But we see now
he Is turning his attention to the finny
simple guano dis-
Stonewall. Carolina and
max middle busters. Oliver Alton
Girl Champion and Kentucky
plows at J R. Smith and Bro.
Funeral of Mr. Mooring
funeral of Mr. S. Mooring.
whose tragic death occurred Thurs-
day, look place this afternoon i
Cherry Hill cemetery, He was bur-
led with the Knights of Pythias
he being a member of that
The pall hearers were Messrs.
it. L. Zeb Tom
Dupree, B. S. Warren. F If. Wooten
and E, B. with H. A. White
marshal and Rev. C. M. Rock,
Mrs. R. H. rotten. President State
I I . Visits Hub. of State
Mrs. R R. Cotten, the president
of the North Carolina Federation cf
Women's Clubs, was here yesterday
and says that the program for the an-
meeting at New Bern May 6-9.
is arranged. The principal speakers
will be Miss Julia of Wash-
Cm who is the head of
national children's and
Chief Justice Walter Clark, The
sessions will be held In the
t of the Elks hall. There is
to be a reception and many other
functions. Mrs. Cotten says there
now women's clubs In the
State, and about 3.000 members. The
only one which owns a club house Is
at Raleigh, but several others
making arrangements to acquire
such buildings.
Mrs. Cotten has gone to Charlotte
where on the 12th Instant she will
attend a large of
clubs, this being known as a
and clubs for
other points in that vicinity will he
pr-sent. as guests of the Charlotte
From Charlotte she goes CO
where the local club It
to be the host at an even larger
meeting of the same kind. At this
then will be a civic a
pageant and other features. It will
u even larger affair, she says,
than the one at Charlotte.
Mrs Cotten will go from Greens-
to High Point to address Us
woman's club, which Is a strong or-
On the instant she
Is to be at Faison. where there will
be one of the as-
the local club entertain-
a number of others In that part
of the state. The entertaining will
he done by the Faison
the home of both the state
dent and the secretary of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy. Mrs
Marshall Williams and Mrs. Winifred
STATE OF Mil; l II i Mini i
of State
of involution
To All to Whom These Presents May
Whereas, it appears to my
faction, by duly authenticated record
if the proceedings for the voluntary
dissolution thereof by the unanimous
consent of all the stockholders, de-
posited in my office, that The John
Buggy Company, a
of this state, whose principal
office is situate at No.
street. In the town of Greenville,
county of Pitt. State of North Caro-
M. Hooker being the agent
therein and In charge upon
whom process may be served I. has
complied with the requirements of
Chapter of 1905, entitled
preliminary to the
issuing of this Certificate of
Now. I. J. Bryan Grimes
Secretary of State of the State of
North Carolina, do hereby certify that
corporation did, on the 5th day
of March. 1913, file In my office I
duly executed and attested consent
In writing to the dissolution of sail
c executed by all
holders thereof, which said consent
the record of the proceedings
aforesaid are now on file in my said
office as provided by law.
In Testimony Whereof. I have here-
unto set my hand and affixed my
official seal, at Raleigh, this 5th day
of March. A, D. 191.1.
Secretary of State.
to my declining health, and I
my friends and the public general-
to give to Mr. M. T. Spier the
surviving member, the same merit
confidence and patronage in the
future as in the past.
Since the days of John H. Mills,
Orphanage, a Singing Class from
that Institution has annually made
a lour of this state, until now It has
become so well known and the
by these little ones are so
much enjoyed that the people have
come to look on the Class as one of
our state institutions.
This Class started out on Monday
for another of these tours which will
cover almost the entire state before It
Is completed, with two rest spells of
two weeks each to break the tedium
of the tours.
Much success to this Class of Sing-
which represents the cause so
the hearts of the good people of
this state.
Figure This Out
How many miles a man walk
in working one acre of land In
cotton from the time he starts to
clearing up the land until he lays It
by, the old mode of cultivation. With
plow and harrow, allowing
three feet to the row, and giving his
land what work it should have t
make an average crop of cotton I
think if one will figure it up
he will conclude to throw
away the old Implements and get
row and Improved Implements t
work Hawkins, in The
Progressive Farmer.
Notice is hereby that the part-
of Spier and Jackson of Win-
N. C, has been dissolved by
mutual consent and the partnership
no longer exists for any purpose. M
T. Spier the senior member of the
firm or partnership will continue in
business at the same stand in his own
name. All liabilities of the said
partnership of Spier and Jackson to
be paid by M. T. Spier and all ac-
counts owing the firm to be paid to
M. T. Spier.
This the day of March. 1911.
In Justice to myself and also n
Mr. Spier I want to say to my
and the public generally that the dis-
solution of the firm of Spier and
Jackson was not caused by any dis-
agreement or friction whatsoever be-
tween us, on tho other hand our
business relations has been
pleasant and my withdraw-
from the firm was duo exclusive-
March Julius
Fleming and Miss K. Thigpen have
opened millinery business.
Mr. of Washington
will hold services here both the
morning and evening of March
Mr. I. s. Fleming of Washington
was a visitor here Monday.
There will be a box party in our
school room on Friday evening. 14th.
Mr. Benjamin F. Sears returned
Charleston Sunday morning after
spending a week with his family.
Mr. Jesse and Mr. Rip
Ward, of spent Tuesday
transacting business here
David Tayloe of
was called here Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
and family spent Sunday with their
mother. Mrs Penelope Ward, near
Miss Louise Is visit-
her aunt. Mrs. D. R. Willis In
Miss Campbell spent the week en I
In Greenville.
Mr. V. T. Carrington spent Sunday
Mr. visited In
Orel Sunday.
Messrs J. P, Fleming and J. Paul
Davenport attended the Masonic
Lodge In Greenville Monday night.
Mrs. Martha Thigpen, who has been
visiting her daughter. Mrs,
I P. Fleming. Is now spending some
time with Mrs. Fannie Fleming.
Came at E. C. T. T. S.
Monday afternoon at o'clock
a very interested and enthusiastic
crowd of spectators gathered at the
tennis court to watch the game of
tennis between the Second Year or
. and Junior or classes.
having challenged the latter.
The Junior class
pleasing picture as they marched to
the tennis court in white
suits with purple lies. In which
was embroidered and waving their
pennants of purple and white, their
class colors.
The class presented a
no less pleasing when
in line on the other side of
the court, in white suits and
With bows of green and white ribbon
Bowing from their shoulders,
waving their pennants green and
their class colors.
The game was a most interesting;
one and each class may well be
of their players. Misses Wet-
ton and Cobb of the Junior class and
Brooks and Jordan of the-
Second Year class.
Although the Second Year class
won both neither class lost their
i Junior class was boosted by
the Freshmen and the two One Year
Classes, With their class
while the Second Year lass was up-
hold by their Class,
Tho boosters of each class wore
the colors of the class they upheld
and the of enthusiasm
side was manifested by tho
soups and yells which were given
on the tennis court and also tho
t casts given at the tea and at din-
Such a game Of tennis Is much en-
Jove, by the spectators and we hope
that we will soon have another one
to arouse the Interest of the school
In athletics.
Mr. C W. Wilson was for
the game.
A light purse is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER Is the seat of nine
tenths of ill disease.
Clarence B. Miller, representative
in congress of the eighth Minnesota
district, years old today.
go to the root of the whole mat
thoroughly, quickly safety
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
C. T.
PLACE THE You have an opportunity to purchase any amount of land de-
ca balance in equal installments due in one, two, three, four, and five years, with interest at six per cent, on the deferred payments, or a
discount for cash on the deferred payments.
MR. You can find no better place to put your money where it will bring such a splendid return, and, at the same time, be perfectly safe.
is, late start; t makes no difference whether you are old or young. Now is the time. You can buy some of this
land r aS In addition that you are paying for and imProving something that is your very
of the thriving little cities in Eastern North Carolina and always affords a ready market for your crops. It has good schools, churches,
etc., advantages which your children and yourself can enjoy, as the land is only approximately one mile from the Court House air
Tar state can boast of better soil- Do realize that our population is always increasing, but that no more earth is being made That in
itself calls for increased valuation every day.
TOBACCO, COTTON, PEANUTS and kinds of truck crops grow abundantly on this BIG BARBECUE DINNER WILL BE SERVED FREE
to ail attending toe sale. Hear those w -nous BURTON BROTHERS, Auctioneers. Excellent music by our own brass band. Get on the road to
independence. When in doubt buy Pitt County dirt.
l l I MuM I Man.-
I. C, II
M Mill II ill
Secretary of State Address The
Illinois Legislature
Seven Eleven taxi-
Cab Robbers Have
Hied The Will Especially As
Legislature Has Voted To
Election My People
SPRINGFIELD, Ills. March 18.-
Wm. J. Bryan, secretary of slate, ad-
the Illinois legislature today,
took that body to task because of Its
attitude on the senatorial situation.
are about to secure the election
lulled States Senators by the
vole of the he said.
Legislature has. approved the
amendment submitted by Congress, it
h a question of only a few
v hen we will have all the states we
need and that amendment will be-
come a part of the Constitution of the
United States.
the ratification of that amend-
you have declared yourselves In
favor of the election of senators by
the direct vote of the people. It Is
rot Improper to that If you
refuse now to construe that amend-
which you have endorsed, and
which will soon be a part of the con-
you refuse to consider It
now binding on you, you simply
use of an obsolete system rather
than the system which you favored
towards which our country Is
marching. Docs anybody doubt that
we had had the election of senators
by the people, last fall that you would
already have representing you
Washington the men whom the Dem-
selected and who as their can-
was a part of their ticket.
anybody doubt that If the
had occurred soon enough to
permit nominations to have been
made that the Democratic nominee for
the term had he been a man of
character and training and possessed
the confidence of tho people would
have been chosen and that both these
senators would have been chosen.
that be true, docs It violate any
Republican's conscience to help to do
now what he knows would have been
done had the people of the had
a chance to do It
It I stopped here you might
have reason to me. I shall
add tho Democrats In this
legislature are responsible to the
people of the state and of the nation
for the manner In which they settle
this controversy. Occasions like this
distinguished between the statesman
and the
In speaking of the program
by Governor Dunne, particular-
with reference to corporations.
you to remember tho differ-
between the corporation and the
Individual. You cannot create a
and resort to the maxim
that would lead you not to regulate
after it Is created.
corporation has no natural
rights. It has no rights except
given by the and as the
corporation has rights that the natural
man does not enjoy, If you Insist
It has every right that the
man enjoys you make It
more potent than the natural
man can be.
I ask you therefore to be careful
Mm don't permit a corporation to be
NEW YORK, March cf
the men gathered In police
lust night as suspected members
tho band of taxicab robbers that car-
out many bold holdups In the
six months, were identified or made
confessions today. They were
for hours on statements
of detectives that all of them would
be so deeply Incriminated by
row that none would find it worth
while to deny his guilt.
Chief among the confessors was Jo-
Taylor, who, boasting that he
was the band's leader, made state-
that are expected to result In
j other arrests.
According to tho police, Taylor told
of a number of contemplated
lea. Two of these were of
I substations. Several others
I because of women clerks,
Taylor explaining that his followers
had no desire to raid shops where
women were likely to be victims
an enforced affray. Another
prospective robbery was of a Fifth
avenue Jeweler, where one man
to smashed the show window
a brick, grab the valuables and
escape in a taxicab while the crowd
by confederates who
planned flight in another car.
cause the robbers feared women am
children In might be kill-
he Ly he Greek
Scene of Tragedy. Had Personally Commanded His y
During T he
Must Wed And
To Get Says
Father's will
Secretary Daniels to Witness
Maneuvers of Dread-
Off Capes
WASHINGTON. March IS.-The big
sun practice of the Atlantic fleet will
In Tangier Sound March the
i after tho Atlantic fleet arrives
Cuba and because of the attend-
I of the secretary of navy and
a number of other cabinet officers
I certain novel features In the target
it is expected to be of more
ordinary interest.
. dreadnought Florida will open
the by firing at the hull of the
Bun Marcos. She will have on board
spotters from the other ships to give
them experience In Are control.
Tho then will go to an anchor-
age live miles out from Capo Henry
and the ships will Are at moving tar-
gets, one division each day engaging
in tho practice, beginning with the
Michigan and Ohio.
States cruisers Maryland and
California start on a southern cruise
today short nearly one-fourth their
complements of men. The cruiser
Colorado, flagship of tho Pacific fleet,
now in Mexican waters, lacks men
of a full crew.
This same condition applies to the
reserve fleet and there will be
a further shortage when the gunboat
Is put Into commission,
become the flagship.
of was assassinated here this
King George, who had taken person-
command of his troops during tho
earlier period of tho war, had been
here since December, when the
fortress was occupied by the
eeks after a short
The Queen of Greece also has been
here and she had paid great
to the care of the sick and wound-
King George in December had a
meeting here with King
cf Bulgaria to discuss the fate of the
captured Turkish territory after the
Legation and Stale De.
in. are Without Advices
Greek legation here had received no
official word of the assassination of.
King George up to o'clock this at-
and the press report
ed the greatest surprise and shock.
Members of the legation spoke of
the king as greatly beloved by his
people, this sentiment having been
further developed by his active part
in directing the affairs of Greece
through the recent critical affairs of
the conflict.
The state department was similar-
without official advices.
King George was In his year
and had ruled fifty years. He was n
brother of Queen Mother Alexandra
of England and a son of the late King
of Denmark. He was chosen king of
the Hellenes In in succession to
A previous attempt to
him was made In but was
King George was married In
to Princess Olga, eldest
daughter of tho Grand Duke
of Russia, a brother of the late
Emperor Alexander II.
Crown Prince Constantino, who has
active command of the Greek
troops throughout the hostilities in
the eastern part of Turkey in Europe
and who was at the head of the army
which recently captured the Turkish
fortress of Jania with its garrison of
men, will be the .
his father. His wife Is So-
a sister of the German emperor.
King George was often rated as an
autocratic monarch, but in spirit lie
was democratic and did much for the
of Greece, which advanced
rapidly under his rule. He took
in the organization of the
defensive forces of the country and
with tho assistance of tho Crown
Prince brought tho army to the
cf which enabled it to over-
come the Turkish resistance at the
beginning of the war.
His name was mentioned after hos-
broke out as a candidate for
the presidency of the permanent fed-
of the Balkan states, consist-
of Bulgaria,
and Greece.
When King George arrived in Si-
on November with
Constantino and Prince George, he
was warmly greeted by the
Metropolitan and the senior officers
of his army. All the houses were
decorated with the Greek flag and
thousands of people assembled to
cl him. He later took part in
a service of thanksgiving in tho Arch-
episcopal church.
an interview King George at that
time said that Greece after the war
probably would have a frontier north
of and and he was
inclined to make a free port.
Since the occupation of
Greeks there been some
between them and their
allies, but it was thought that
this would eventually overcome
daring the negotiation for the par-
of Turkish territory.
BOSTON, Mass., March
Miss of Lowell, mar-
and has children she is likely to
lose according to the terms
cf the unique will of her father, the
late Freeman millionaire
perfume manufacturer, died today.
If Miss has no heirs tho city
of Lowell will receive and
the Lowell General Hospital
together with the Income of between
and The will
provides that in case his daughter
marries and has children they shall
receive the greater portion of the
Miss is
The will was filed In the Probate
court today. There ere a few char-
bequests Including to
First Unitarian church, of Low-
ell, and to tho Chase Home
for Children in Portsmouth, N.
Received Many Political Callers
Throughout Yesterday
If Folks II mi
LINCOLN, Nob., March
leaders and other
friends of J as-
in the capital from all over
the slate to attend a banquet in
of Mr. Bryan's birthday and
his appointment as secretary of state
In the Wilson cabinet. Mr. Is
years old today, having
been born March In re-
to an Imitation from his
friends and neighbors he has return-
ed home for tho celebration, It is
his first visit to Lincoln since the
November election.
In letter lo Gov. Mann Will lo Cut
Is your body any less valuable than
elevator, a steam boiler or a
If not, It is your duty to
yourself, your family and I
have it Inspected periodically. Do mt
wait until you are conscious of dis-
ease; the damage may then lie
cult or impossible to repair.
created without providing a means
for restraining It and It,
and as the people create corporations
through government. I suggest tint
you require by law that every
shall put up as a motto In
Its chief office of business.
Tho long deadlock over the United
States was unbroken to-
night. Secretary of State Bryan was
a guest of the legislature today and
witnesses the voting on the eleventh
Joint ballot for the long term.
Judge Denounces
Allen Clansmen
RICHMOND. Va., March a
lengthy to Governor
Mann, Judge C. Jackson, for-
of the Judicial cir-
which embraces tho
court on January 27th acquainted the
governor with facts relative to what
he of as overbearing,
high-tempered, char-
of Floyd Allen, who, he claims,
has respect for law and little or
no regard for human
The letter from Judge Jackson to
Governor Mann which la now made
public for the first time, was written
in response to a request from the
executive for
to the Allen clan of Carroll.
Down Expenses Says
Fly time should mean war time-
that Is. time to war against the fly.
A league for the furtherance of
strikes is organized by Missouri so-
Members will pay ten cents
a week for supporting strikers.
WASHINGTON. March gen-
tight to cut down federal expend-
and bring them tho es-
revenue of tho government Is
to be made In the special session
as soon as the tariff bills
have been disposed of by the house.
President Wilson's letter to Senator
made public today. In which
ho declared himself In favor of a
considered and wisely
lent new strength to
the now well under in con-
to bring the country's
expenditures under some
While President Wilson's budget
ideas have not been outlined to con-
it is not expected that the bud-
get system advocated by President
Tail and prepared by the economy
commission will be urged as the
basis of the Democratic appropriation
system. This scheme has many bit-
opponents. Including the leaders
of groat committees which now
handle appropriations and It Is ex-
that efforts congress will
be directed along different lines.
The economy commission appoint-
ed by house Democrats in their
March will not meet until
after the house has disposed of
bills In the extra session. Effort
will then be made to devise a plan
for handling the estimates and
that come before the reg-
session In
A sharp division exists between
of the
committee, who favor giving
nil appropriation bills to that com-
with authority to act as a gen-
budget committee, and
Shirley of Kentucky who has
proposed a special budget commit-
tee of the house to comprise the
chairman and leading member of
B number of important committees
Tho congressional advocates of
budget plans Intend to confer
fully with President Wilson before at-
tempting to agree on any system of
general control over expenditures.
In his letter to Senator
President Wilson wrote as
since I was a youngster I
have been deeply Interested in our
method of financial legislation. One
of the objects I shall have most in
mind when I get to Washington will
be conferences with my legislative
colleagues there with a view to bring
some budget system Into
This business of building up
the expenses of the nation piece
piece will certainly lead us to error
and perhaps
Gets Made Him Again
to Support Jersey
dent Wilson worked under an
strain today, though physically
somewhat indisposed. He received a
number of callers on -a variety
political errands, sat lo- more than
o hours with his cabinet, ate D
hasty luncheon, shook hands
visitors the east loom, mostly
girls, in tho record time
minutes and devoted a part the
afternoon to consideration of his
Statement on the Chinese loan.
Returning late in afternoon
from an automobile th President
found news caused him to go
again to the support of the New
reform bill.
The New senate baa passed
measure without referendum
Him regarded by the
dent as inn to delay but
I the lower house has yet to accept
with the amendment Bee-
at presidents
lion then sent the following tel-
to Fielder and May-
nit, of City
, 1.1 that the f-
lo la l will
In the
in s of null If .
party's obligation is plain the
will Join with the
the original
Mr. is. a leader In
whose Democratic
Hymen are reported to be In
Tho president today received
It was a of
Irish black thorn was lied with
n green ribbon. W Walpole .-
New York, sent ii lo him the bop
he might wield it against
and t follow the
wake of
The president acknowledged com-
from Taft, of Pillion
V. It. whom a son was born about
Urns that President Wilson
who taking the oath of e Tie
father wrote that named Ii I
hoy Howard Wilson Taft The n
wrote Ms appreciations,
Knights of at Tampa
TAMPA. Pis. March
, Knights of of Florida met
I In Tampa today for tho annual on-
; clave of their grand In
their honor the business section
city is elaborately decorated with
I and emblems of masonry
The opening session was held In the
I Masonic building this morning and
I v as devoted to the annual reports an I
election and Installation of of-
The proceedings will conclude
j tomorrow.
Of all people who die In this
country each year. per cent are
babies under five rears of Of
this number 200.000 die from
diseases approximately
150.000 of these die during the first
year of life.

Only In Name U In
All Things
Supporter Of The
the declaration from leader, Sen-
test proposed to wake
the senate not only in
name, but in practical the
Democrats today the com-
the senate and took
of i in that
. .
Factional differences disappeared in
the processes
who carried up to
caucus earlier in the day
his for i hip the
voiced the
no n word harmony In the senate
i given the
of affairs e.
I bow and cheerfully submit to
he said.
In form the
is apparently in control of
actively in
n, Th
early in the las; session
hi. . for
i roll i I change u .
I hi- balance of power on
all Important commute to
the which selected S i
Kern at party leader and are
regarded active supporters of
policies advocated by the president.
he i
f. at o'clock In ts i i.
i v change work
steering e the .
of senators committal
places, v nether caucus
i. con the scheme e
e to distribute mm and
of the Democrats n
any committee the authority to con-
affairs without to
the bes of the chairman.
made a final plea
In the a to have his own i
substituted for that Senator Martin
pi chairman of the appropriation
but little sup-
port the senate later adopted
tin. committee lists
i . a brief statement
Under the rules of seniority, which
have always obtained here, I was en-
titled to the chairmanship of the com
on he said. I
Mr committee, my
In their I rec-
fiat every man on the steer-
committee that selected the
of this committee is my
friend thought that I had better
retire Into the still water for awhile
and leave the battleships to go out
in the open. I bow and cheerfully
submit In that
The personnel of the committee on
canals, of which Senator
was made chairman. Is
at to Indicate that any legislation to
repeal Panama canal free toil
provision will meet strong opposition
within the. committee. In the last
congress repeated efforts to have the
Committee approve a repeal hill
defeated largely through the efforts
ct and Senator
A by the Republican
at lost moment took Senator
Burton, of Ohio, off the new
on banking and currency, and gave
the place to of Con-
Senator Burton was re-
turned to the committee on
on Which has been a fig-
The determination of the new hank-
and committee to be-
gin work once was evidenced by
the l of a resolution In the
senate today authorizing it to employ
a clerk a year. Senator Ow-
en, the Chairman, will begin
the work of preparation for
currency reform which President
Wilson hopes for early action.
Wilson Bryan Urged
lo lake Active far
In Religious Uplift
dent Wilson mid Secretary of Stale
Bryan were urged to take an
active part In a movement for the
religious uplift of i. en in the
of Columbia, Twenty prominent min-
called upon the president and
extending to them a
come to the and asked their aid
In the movement.
The president Invited to make
address before a mass meeting of
the local Christian Endeavor Society
Ion on the last Sunday in April.
lie said he would consider the mat-
i and give his answer later.
Secretary Bryan was asked by the
clergymen to deliver a course of
addresses to men to be held Sunday
afternoons beginning In April under
auspices. He
Intimidated he probably would ac-
quiesce but deferred a definite an-
until he returns from his trio
home to Lincoln. Neb.
Penn Mutual Policies Best
comparison of premiums and values of
i. Payment Life at and of th third year
at age of the leading life insurance companies doing
in North showing the SUPERIOR-
Now York
Union Central
Charges interest during grace
Pays do until of second
TO Ml H Its T I
TY Fill
You are hereby requested to men
In the room In th-
Pitt Courthouse on
March o'clock a. m. for the
purpose of electing hoard of
and other officers for and
other business as may advise for
the good the association.
Done by order of the executive
this March 1913.
D. J. J. I. Wooten.
d and w till
Everett A
tin August in Martin
iv near there was born
it- Simon and Everett a son,
Justus, the subject of this sketch.
In the home of his parents he re-
Wholesome lessons which made
for the man years of honesty and up-
rightness of To the
of his parents, were added the
splendid training under Stephen Out-
whose Influence has touch-
i more lo Martin county than
man who has lived In the last
fifty years.
Going from home In early manhood
in make for himself, his first
position was as salesman for John
Biggs in where he
remained two years, laying the
of i hut success which crown-
ed bis life. At this time he married
Miss Margaret Elisabeth and
i a home in Hamilton, engaging
In business with his brother, the late
W. II. Everett He continued In this
business until 1890 when he travel-
; the Arm of W. I. Allen and
Co., of Norfolk. In the year of 1893,
he purchased the farm originally he-
longing to Thomas Jones near Pal
where he lived until his death.
All through those years when farm-
had not begun to bring such
splendid results as now, he brought
out of the soil by Industry and safe
management stored wealth and
ed in his home with ease and comfort.
So at his death his estate consisting
i I farm property, securities and bank
stork was worth between and
Perhaps no farm In this sec-
was conducted more accord-
with present day operations than
He had raised a large family, and
had given his children collegiate
man being n more ear-
st advocate of educational and
progress. He was always frank
and sincere, devoted to his family,
his and his friends. In
transactions ho gave every man a
square deal. The motto of his
being that he was as good as any
man socially, but no better than any
other honest one. For years he had
been a member of the Primitive
church, Joining at Spring Green
and later moving his membership
Hamilton. The church numbered BO
truer follower, and In Its councils
he showed wisdom and strong
zeal for the Master's work.
His democracy was unalterable,
and his best endeavors were given
to advance Its principles. He had
served as county commissioner and
as Justice of the peace and In both
positions had done his duty well.
He was too young to enter the
War. so remained at homo assist-
In the work on the farm, but
brothers entered the service, one, John
Everett, shedding his life blood on
the field of battle. In his breast were
truest feelings for the
southland In Its struggle for right.
In the business world, he held a
high place, being president of the
of Oak City and one of the
rectors of the Hank of
To these Institutions he added
by bis interest and calm Judgment.
He loved Martin county, and la
movement for its advancement,
he enlisted heartily with brain
After the death of his wife several
years ago, ho married Mrs.
Williams, member of a prominent
Wake county who survives
him together with nine children
his first marriage. These are,
Margaret, Alphonso.
Robert. Blanche, Ethel and Marie
Everett, and grandchild, Justus
On Thursday evening. March 6th,
1913, after a short Illness and In the
presence of his wife and children,
Justus Everett, the devoted husband.
and friends, went from among
the dwellers on . to a home In
that where the Father welcomes
premiums on its
Payment Life Policies thin the premiums charged
by the York on the Twenty Payment Plan.
For further Information apply to
Evans St., Greenville, N. C.
OF Tl It
Greenville, N. C.,
stock Undivided profits 362.712
Loans and
Heal estate
Furniture and fixtures 4,327.32
Cash Items 6,011.92
Cash and due from banks
Careful Attention to all Business
to us.
His faithful children. Besides bis
Immediate family, three broth-
are left. Simon T. Everett. James
It. and Everett. Saturday
last his body was laid to rest
in lac Purvis cemetery near spring
Greer. where reposes the bodies of
his first wife and several children
The words of committal were
said I y his pastor. Thomas
Lawrence, whose close personal friend
he had years.
a prince has fallen In the
The champion of the truth
Determined, honest, level headed, Just,
Who broke promises nor betrayed
His lacs with courtly kindness
Peace to his soul and sweetest
With that glad throng whom love of
God las
Having been by th
Board of Directors of the Farmers
Consolidated Tobacco Co., to collect
, the outstanding notes and accounts
due to said company, hereby earnest-
urge that all persons indebted to
Company make Immediate settle
meat, and prevent from having
, legal for collection.
have also been appointed by the Hoard
cf Directors to sell for Cash, all of
the personal property of the company
consisting principally of one Hall
safe, one adding machine,
Smith Premier typewriter; one
Underwood typewriter, office desks,
etc. The furniture and fixtures are
located la the present office of the
company in the second story of the
building and must be sold
at once. R. Williams.
A set of furniture
that will look cheap, wear
to the end.
That at the prices asked Is
genuinely the
vice you'll get, the
best your money
can buy.
See the displays
. asap
Elegance in House Fur-
Without Ex-
Our Furniture stands the Test of Time. It built of the Best
material. True In wood and workmanship. Good enough to be
handed down to your as heirlooms. If your home Is not
as cozy and comfortable you like It, why not come and
complete Its furnishings here
You will And Just the thing to give your dwelling a touch of
luxury, without excessive
Greenville, N. C.
Enlarging Automobile Business
The Greenville Motor Co., Is con-
enlarging, both In stock and
force. In addition to selling many
of the best cars on the market, their
equipped for all kind
repair work. Mr. E. E. Pitt, a me-
with several years experience
has just been added to the company's
repair force.
on Physical Education
PARIS, March from
many countries, Including the United
States, In Paris today to
take part In first International
congress on physical education. The
sessions, which will continue sever-
days, are being held under the
of medicine of the University of
International molders have now a
total membership of fifty
Print cutters contemplate closer
with allied trades or-
Notice Is hereby given to all per-
sons professing to hold claims of any
kind against the Farmers
ed Tobacco Co., to present the same
to B. n. Sugg. Auditor of the
Greenville. N. C., for examination
and before the 12th day of
April. 1913. This action Is made
by the fact that steps are
being taken to close up the affairs of
the company and have the some
O. L. Joyner, President.
W. H. Jr. Secretary.
Best Known Cough Remedy
For forty-three years Dr.
New Discovery has been known
the world as the most re-
cough remedy. Over three mil-
lion bottles were used last year
Isn't this proof It will get rid of
cough, or we will refund your
money. J. J. Owens, of
S C. writes the way hundreds of
others have twenty
years. I find that Dr. King's New DIs
Is the best remedy for coughs
and colds that I have ever
For or colds and all
and lung troubles. It has no equal
and at all druggists.
A compulsory school
-w has Introduced la the North
Carolina legislature.
and has made tens of
millions of dollars.
The great opportunity knocks
but once at every man's
door. Are you ready
to seize your opportunity
if it came today. Have
you Start
saving, be ready
The National Bank of Greenville
Only Bank In Pitt County Under Government Supervision.
F. J I F. J. FORBES, Cashier.
I have opened in The Advance Office in Ayden, a
and am prepared to do nil kinds of Tailoring, Cleaning and Press-
of top suits for Gentlemen and Ladies.
I make a specialty of cleaning hats and gloves.
All work guaranteed.
Ayden, N. C.
Time Of Arrival And
8.18 a, in.
IT V. m.
1.18 p. m
CM a. at
1.16 a. m.
in s. m.
a. re.
no a. m.
a, m.
4.17 p. m.
Into New
Corner and Evans Street
Transfer Man
Phone No. Night or Day
Meets All Trains
A league for the furtherance of
strikes la organized by Missouri so-
Members will pay ten cents
a week for supporting strikers.
By virtue of power vested In me by
that duly executed to me
on the 12th day of Jan. 1910, by Ned
Sr., Ned Walston. Jr., and
Mary Little and duly recorded In the
of tho register of deeds for Pitt
county In book D-9 at page I
shall sell for cash at public auction
to the highest bidder at the court
house door in the town of Greenville,
on Saturday the 29th day of March,
at noon, tho follow-
described tract of real estate
being and situate In the county
of Pitt and state of Carolina,
Adjoining the lands of Chas. Pol-
lard, Everett, T. It. Hodges, and
Others, bounded as
at the fork off the road where
old road leads t Parker's Landing
and the other to mill, run-
thence In an easterly direction
with Tarboro and Greenville road lo
thence up said creek the various
to Chas. Pollard's corner,
thence In a westerly direction with
said Pollard's line to Tarboro and
Greenville road, with said road
In a southerly direction to the begin-
and containing forty-live acres,
more or less, and being the identical
tract of land that was by
Fernando Ward, administrator of Geo.
to Sr by that
deed of record III said office In hook
U-3 at page
This February 27th. 1911.
DUNN, Atty.
same to the undersigned for payment
plead In bar of recovery-
This 22nd day of February, 1913.
of Arlen Moore
Parents Will Hire Hazers;
Convicted of Manslaughter
Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured
There Is nothing m
than a chronic disorder
It Is not surprising that many
for years with such an
when a permanent cure is within their
reach and may be had for a trifle
year says P. H s
Deck of Mich., bought
a package of Chamberlain's Tablets Pint Si hind in Ike
ore discouraging f University Ex- Students
of tho
Brought lo Close
and since using them I have felt per-
well. I had previously used
any number of different medicines,
but none of them were of any lasting
For sale by all druggists.
Courts North Judge
though down with grief at
unfortunate affair at its host,
expression of their gladness that th;
last chapter in the horrible tragedy
was written this afternoon in the min-
penalty exacted Indictment
of George Oldham of
Raleigh, father of young gave
expression of his satisfaction of th-
verdict. L. J. of
Band of Insurgents Are
Attacked And Defeated
Department of Slate
TO I id
Having duly qualified before tho
Court clerk of Pitt county as
executrix of the last will and
of J. H. Mills, deceased, notice
is hereby given to all persons
ed to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned; and
persons having claims against said
estate are notified to present same
to the undersigned for payment on or
before the 6th day of March, 1914, r
notice will be plead In bar of re-
This 6th day of March, 1913.
Id Executrix of J. H. Mills.
burdened with deep grief, offer-
ed no rebellious complaint and like-
wise Mr. Hatch is taking the beat
March twelve as possible, if there is such .- thing
I Orange county farmers sitting in culmination of inch t
I, , ., . direful tragedy as death of
upon the case the state .
Hand and Its subsequent events.
Ralph W. Oldham of ,, is .,
William L. of The culmination of the celebrated
and Aubrey C. Hatch of Mount Olive, trial this afternoon, in many respects,
of involution the finishing chapter to on.
To All lo Whom Presents May; , ,.,., .,,, .,.,,
Come of Norm Carolina today and i.
.,,,., .,., , the history of the state and marks
Whereas. It appears to my gave the practice of a
faction, by duly authenticated ht
it the proceedings for tho voluntary returned a verdict
dissolution thereof by the unanimous against tho three
of all the stockholders, de- at of
posited In my office, that The John court
Flanagan Company, a ac William Hand In a basing
of this state, whose principal on tho morning of Friday, Sci.-
Is situate at No. 1913.
street, the town of Greenville, Tho
of tho verdict
of Pitt, State of North Caro- of the Jury it
IT. M. Hooker being the agent
the end of three deliberation,
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk Pitt county as
administrator with will annexed,
of the estate of Shade Jackson, de-
ceased, notice Is hereby given to all
persons Indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment to the undersign-
ed; and all persons claims
against said estate are notified to
present the same to the undersigned
for payment on or before the 18th
day of February, 1914, or this notice
will be plead bar o recovery.
This 18th day of February, 1913.
of Shade Jackson
therein and in charge upon i and the decision arrived at by Hie
whom process may has twelve men who patiently on
complied with tho requirements U Thursday did not cause
Chapter of 1905, surprise.
preliminary to the
Issuing of this Certificate of
Now, Therefore. I, J. Bryan Grimes.
Secretary of State of the State of
North Carolina, do hereby certify that
said corporation did, on the 5th day
of March, 1913, file in my office a
duly executed and attested consent
writing to the dissolution of said
corporation, executed by all the stock-
holders thereof, which said consent
and the record the proceedings
aforesaid are now on file my said
office as provided by law.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here-
unto set my hand and affixed my
seal, at Raleigh, this 5th day
of March, A. D., 1913.
Secretary of State.
Tho fathers of the boys had dis-
played nervous anxiety over the
fare of their sons after Judge
charge to the jury at In th I
morning and the loving father of one
the sons who had watched every
step the progress of the trial,
evinced extreme nervousness during
the morning session and broke down
tears at the noon recess of court.
No less anxious was some of the
court room spectators tho an-
of the verdict, who feared
the worst for the three boys at the The
program consisted of songs,
the end of one of the most noteworthy
cases conducted in court room
the state within n century. The
ling of the unique trial story
within Itself. The court room dates
its lifetime hack to the years of
when King George III presented
clock now
In Its lower. calling of the
trial on Thursday morning every
of available space has been taken by
tho throng that have noted each step
Of progress in the trial, the first of
Its kind on record In North Carolina.
The death of Hand, by hazing, of
the morning hours of September
1912. sent up a protest all over the
country against tho Institution of
Sunbeams Society Missionary Enter-
Much Enjoyed
The Sunbeams Society of the
church gave a missionary en-
Sunday night that was
a source of much delight to the large
congregation rilled the church
d brought many parents
at seeing how well the little ones
Having qualified tho super-
court clerk of Pitt county ad-
of the of Oscar
Johnson, deceased, notice Is hereby
given to all persons Indebted to the
estate to in he Immediate payment
to the undersigned; and all persons
having claims against the estate are
notified to present the same to
for payment or or before
the 26th day of February, 1914, or
this notice will be plead in bar of
This day of February. 1913.
of Oscar Johnson.
By virtue of tho power of sale con-
In a certain mortgage from
. and wife to J. R.
Co., dated May 11th, 1907, and
recorded in Book T-8, page In
tho of deeds office of Pitt
county the undersigned will Bell for
cash before the court house door In
at noon on Thursday,
10th, 1913, the following de-
scribed property, lying and being m
the county of Pitt and town of
and known and designated as
One lot which Is fully de-
in a certain deed from C. C.
Rouse to J. H. Miller, said deed bear-
date April 17th, 1905, and duly
recorded In the register of deeds of-
of Pitt county May 8th, 1907. In
book M-8, page Sold to satisfy
said mortgage.
This March 10th, 1913.
J. R. CO.,
ltd w
Notice Is hereby given that the part-
of Spier and Jackson of Win-
N. C, has been dissolved by
mutual consent and the partnership
no longer exists for any purpose. M.
T. Spier the senior member of the
firm or will continue In
business at the same stand his own
name. All liabilities of the said
partnership of Spier and Jackson to
paid by M. T. Spier and all ac-
counts owing the firm to be paid It
M. T. Spier.
This the 10th day of March, 1913.
bar, and when tho jury filed Into tho
room, signifying their to
pronounce their decisions, intense
hung over the little court-room
with Its ancient hearings. On tho an-
of the verdict, attorneys
for the defense and the parents
the boys retired In an adjoining room
for consultation.
Judge R. B. Peebles, then
any undue ceremony, passed sentence
tho young men, which
A Card
In justice to myself and also
and all bearing upon
tho Christian spirit and missionary
The society is composed of forty
members, all of whom had a part
In the program, making about twenty-
five different selections that these
and girls gave, and every
one of them was splendid.
The of the children for this
entertainment was by Miss
was the minimum penalty enacted In c w,
the case of manslaughter. He pr-j Una
sentence In those we work
each of tho defendants shall, The
he Imprisoned in the county jail
for four months,
tho eighth day or April, 1913. In VALUABLE HI LOTS
tho each defendant shall t public auction Saturday, April 5th,
give bond In the sum of for his o'clock A. If, I will sell at
before tho of Public Auction on the premises known
Orange county, at N. C as the Carolina Warehouse lot,
obey the order of the county valuable home lots.
who shall. In their discretion, This tract contains about one acre,
them out to whomsoever they and Is one of the finest locations In
please In this state. Tho city of Kinston. Five lots, each
are to be taxed with the cost of this feet, fronts Heritage street;
lot feet, fronts Vernon
to The authority to hire out street, one lot feet,
Mr. Spier I want to say to my will save them from jail con-1 fronts street. The right
and the public generally that the as their parents can and reserved, after selling It in lots, lo
solution of the firm of Spier and r them under the law.
Jackson was not caused by any on behalf of the defendants and
agreement or friction whatsoever be-1 their parents. Victor S. Bryant,
tween us, on tho other hand our Durham, arose and In a few words
offer It for sale as a whole.
Strictly Cash.
Private bids before sale will be con-
business relations has been thanked the judge for the humane l-a-w F. S
pleasant and my withdraw-1 attitude which he had assumed
to my declining health, and I ward the pronounced guilty young
my tends and the public general-; men.
to give to Mr. M. T. Spier the Judge Peebles replied lo the ex-
n Greenville, N. C.
At the regular meeting of the board
surviving member, the same merit of thanks from the attorney commissioners to be held
of confidence and patronage in the of the defendants in these Monday In April a
future as In the past.
this will be the last ease of will be presented for
In any college or university of the public road lead-
North Carolina. It Is from A
to me that boys brought up as interested and wishing to he
those should go to a poor fresh-1 be present at that time.
North Carolina, Pitt county.
In the superior court.
Peter Langley vs Langley.
The defendant above named will
notice, that an action entitled
as above has been commenced In the
superior court of Pitt county, to ob-
a divorce from the bond of mat-
tho defendant will
further take notice that she is re-
quired to appear at the April term
of Pitt county superior court, which
convenes on the 28th day of April,
the court house of Pitt county.
In Greenville, V. C., to answer or de-
to the complaint In said action.
or tho plaintiff will to the court
for the relief demanded In said com-
This day of March. 1913.
Clerk Superior Court.
Clerk Co. Coins
March 1913. d-w in
North Carolina, Pitt county. , man's room and take him out of his
clerk room, pour blacking on him. and
ft J. Everett, of Jno. Ward, j nave I am glad
deceased of an opportunity to show these young
vs men that I have no Inclination to h
, I only want to make an ex-
Ward. N. Dennis Ward, Lucy Ward . . . ,. . ,
and Jane Ward. j of understand
By or authority vested In me that another boy has been blacked
by an order made and entered by the the university since this ease began,
clerk of the superior court in the , that did that here
above entitled special proceeding . . , , ,, , . ,,
pending therein. I will on Monday certainly would put them on the
21st day of April, sell to the highest
bidder for cash, tho following do- Although the conviction of man-
scribed slaughter carries with a stigma
Lying and being In the county and . , , .,,, . . . ,,,
above referred to, in the town deprives a man of citizenship, the act-
of and the John punishment mated .
Ward lot, being near tho Atlantic Hatch by
Coast Lino railroad and described fill- The of the
In deed from A. D. Cox to John . , ., ,,. u-
Ward, book 1-7. page Pitt county of peach, apples, syrup, jelly,
of deeds office, containing on.-- to their parents, sums
fourth of an acre, and with a small the punishment administered In
Established 1871
Wholesale and retail grocer and
dealer. Cash paid for hides.
Fur Cotton Seed Oil barrels,
Oak bedsteads, mattresses, etc.
Suits, Baby carriages, go-carts, par-
suits, tables, lounges, safes,
and Gail Ax snuff,
Life tobacco, Key West Cheroots, Hen-
George Cigars, canned cherries
Mexican Federal Soldiers Make
Things Warm for Rebels
tiler Peppering Line
And Machine Can Ballet
And Spraying Lead
Ariz., March Instead
wailing to be attacked by nearly
Insurgent state troops, General duty on the lines.
with less than federal soldiers,
went out from today de-
night on the Hi Id.
On behalf of the state of Arizona,
Sheriff c Wheeler, of Tombstone,
early ill the day Insisted there should
be no repetition of the across
the bonier, as at the battle.
This moved federal commander to
abandon his fortification- and set
after the enemy. Five troops of the
Fifth and United States
hit. duly the border keep
bag back non-combatants. The only
pi son wounded dining the on
the American side was A. A. Hopkins,
a deputy marshal. He
v as Injured In the knee while doing
the enemy, in three hours
As American volunteers
In automobiles dared the lire to res-
cue wounded under the protection of
flag. Dr. Randall, of
aggressive lighting, peppering tho is
s line with rifle and machine
gun bullets spraying lead from
shells over bills adopted an
fortifications, the Huerta federals
drove the State forces fire miles
in the southeast. today gov-
forces returned victorious to
the border town opposite this
Event the victors did not believe the
lighting was ended, however, nor that
Is secure from assault. The
stale forces are assembling tonight
still greater numbers to wrest the
only remaining port on the
border from the hands of the Huerta
national government
With the advantage of unexpected
aggression and possessing five
pieces, the little brown, barefoot-
ed soldiers defending tho military
honor of the now regime
as wild men against seemingly
overwhelming odds. Protected by
fire, the federals scrambled
over the hillocks and fearlessly
firing their rifles at the enemy
appearing in the distance.
It was group under Elias
which first received the assault. Ex-
to attack rather than be at-
tacked, the state troops soon fell hack
The other half of the
forces under
rushed to tho rescue from the east
and with a roar of artillery and the
continued rattle of rifles the
was on. For an hour desperate fight-
continued. Little by th
state troops fell back from the
tire of the aggressors. For a
mile the Huerta soldiers pursued
closely the retreating enemy,
the artillery from the rear of the
lines. Bodies of killed and
fire Interrupts Sunday
service at
Baptist Church
The morning service in the Baptist
church Sunday morning was
by the building catching on
the furnace room. The pastor had
but fairly started his sermon, when
smoke was seen arising just to the
right of the pulpit chair. Members
of the choir went down the back
into basement to
gate and found a small blaze on a
door facing near tho furnace flue.
This was reported to the pastor who
explained It to the congregation and
dismissed them to go out quietly,
It took but a few minutes to put
out the fire and while an alarm was
turned in it was out when the de-
pa, arrived. No damage of
consequence resulted, owing to the
lire being discovered so promptly.
Marriage Licenses
During last week Register of Deeds
Bell Issued marriage licenses to the
following couples.
E. Moore and Lillian Mae
Henry Worthington and Rosa B.
Robert King and Francis Harris.
Fifty thousand children under
age of sixteen are at work In
wounded state troops He deserted to-
Blood Was Wrong
All women, who suffer from the aches and pains, due
to female ailments, are urged to try the reliable,
scientific, tonic remedy, for women. acts promptly,
yet gently, and without bad effects, on the womanly system,
relieving pain, building up strength, regulating the system,
and toning up the nerves. During the past half century,
thousands of ladies have written to tell of the quick curative
results they obtained, from the use of this well-known medicine.
Mrs. Jane suffered from womanly trouble for
nearly ten years. In a letter from Whiteville, N. C, she
was not able to do my own housework. My
stomach was weak, and my blood was wrong. I had back-
ache, and was very weak. I tried several doctors, but they
did me no good. I used for or months, and now
I am in the best health I have ever been. I can never praise
It is the best tonic, for women.
Whether seriously sick, simply weak, try
Advisory Co. Tens,
tor Mid book. Treatment lent Ire. J
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk of Pitt county
as administratrix of the estate of
Moore, deceased, notice Is here-
by given to all persons indebted
the estate to make Immediate pay-
to the undersigned; and all
persons having claims against said
estate are notified to present the
on r before the 22nd of Feb-
1914, or this notice will be
food, matches, oil, cotton seed meal
house on same.
This the 15th day of March. 1913.
S. J. nuts, candles, dried
lid Commissioner. of procedure .
ed the county commissioners
when tho appointed day comes for
Having administrator ,,., om ,
of J. S. Mooring, deceased, of , ,
Pitt county, this is to notify all per- boys convicted,
sons having claims against the es-
of said deceased lo exhibit them will please make Immediate payment.
to the undersigned properly proven This March 12th. 1913.
months of this date, or this; L. W.
notice will be pleaded bar of their Administrator,
recovery. O. JAMES and SON.
All persons Indebted to said estate ltd
and oranges,
prunes, currants, raisins,
glass and china ware, wooden ware,
cakes and crackers, macaroni, cheese
beet butter, new Royal Sewing ma-
chines and numerous other goods
Quality and quantity cheap for cash
Come to me. Phone Number
is the most compact and efficient
lighting device for all kinds of vehicles.
Will not blow out or jar out. Equipped with
thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or
detached. Throws a clear light feet ahead.
Extra large red danger signal in back.
It is equipped with handle, and when detached makes a
good lantern. Strong. Durable. Will last for years.
At Everywhere
N. J.

Adverting may bf had
at the butane,, In
K- corner
Ail t-i
f raped will be Or
Oral per
All the talk of opposition to Sen-
Simmons being made chairman
the senate finance committee, went
up in smoke. There Is not a
who commands more Influence
than the senior senator of North Car-
Now if everybody would cut out
politics and things that amount to
nothing get to work for
the community, there would be
chaffed r three
. per line, up to lines
E -1 class matter
1910, at post office at
it March
A robbery of worth of
at one haul in New York
city, shows that the lifters are more
their jobs than are the police-
a man comet aloof with a scheme.
better mark it down that he is look-
out for his own interest instead
of yours, pass him along.
Isn't it one of the i U ii
I . that men with any
to v j. i -1st in
blind tigers and engage ii
liquor Aside from their own
know ledge it being a violation
the law. which alone should be
U to deter any man who
good citizenship, they ought
to know that if they keep it up they
will be caught sooner or later and
bare to take the consequences. The
better people who want to see the
law enforced and good order prevail
are determined that blind
he broken tip.
Tito outcome of the of the
haters win
meet with general approval through-
out the state. While all felt that the
students who engaged In the hazing
Next in and one of the most
should be found guilty, yet it was
not desired that extreme punishment
he meted out to them. In giving
them the minimum penalty and
. j the terms of the sentence as easy
IX possible, the end of just has been
Hid the s . The aim
or this trial was to up the
me of hating in the schools of
The way farmers arc buying
machinery is the best
the advanced strides in farm-
The best time to kill the fly Is b-
tore lie Is hatched. Go after tho
breeding places and fewer of
will be la evidence.
Of course every woman at the mil-
thinks she got
best looking hat.
he can give you some
If you have any beef for sale
dint f. R. W Is
cattle and has not been
Mi. wood Tucker of Green
ville was In town Sunday night.
See Harrington. Barber and Com- j
for your slippers for ad
they have them in all
sizes and styles.
Messrs. Ashley and H. Hr-
J. Sutton. J. Smith, and
Waters, went to Greenville
floors windows, sash cords and
pulleys . A. W. Ange and Co.
Tor shoos and notions
go to ii-e W. L. House, he will
yon up aw thing you want and save
you too.
Messrs. Ii. T. Spier and A. D. Bed-
went to Greenville Monday.
If you want shad and herrings.
oysters and barbecue, don't for-
get R. W. especially on next
Saturday, the 22nd.
Mr. E. A. Cooper, R L and
H Harrington went to Greenville
Hurry to Cox and House where you
an get anything In the cold drink
line you want
Rev. Dallas Tucker will hold
vices In St. church the fifth
Sunday afternoon at o'clock.
Hayes, In Charge of Orphan's
Home Is Short
In Accounts
The charge of smuggling has been
added to Jack Johnson's already long
of climes.
Good Friday, Easter and Easter
Monday make three slope close to-
Set the mark right
people for Greenville before the
onion is strictly on the Job
a piece,
March is doing more raining than
Winterville Items.
work under way on the
government building and on two
large buildings that are already
in prospect, to say nothing of tie
others that may be started In till
menu time, building operations will
look mighty good in Greenville. That
is the town for folks who want a
good location to he setting their
on and moving to But we do not
want you if you will only be a hang-
on or a drone in the bee hive.
Secretary of the Navy
Daniels going to stop some of the
fellows who have been fattening off
government in repairs to old war
-els. Tho turret board wanted
In remodeling some of
them, and when It was referred to
the secretary he put himself on re-
cord against it. Joe Daniels is
of the boys who does not believe In
wasting everything in sight.
Mr, A Ward, of North Carolina,
has been made secretary of the
finance committee of which Sen-
Simmons recently became chair-
man. This appointment is not only
a recognition of faithful service, but
It also puts a capable in a re-
Deflector is certainly making
people talk about was
the violet a business man handed us
yesterday in passing. That been
our business for thirty years and if
the folks here keep on doing things,
we'll see that others find it out to
talk about.
No farmer should satisfied
make merely a living out of his farm,
when by systematic, diversification
and Intelligent cultivation he can
produce enough to provide a snug
bank account In excess of a com-
need a nice dress for Easier call for
the cheeks at A. W, Ange and Com-
store and they will be glad to
show you through.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Nines went to
Greenville Tuesday.
Harrington, Barber and Company
have received a largo shipment of
flour right from the mills; it is fresh
and new,
Mrs. J. L. Rollins left Monday night
for to visit her mother who
is sick.
Beef of all kinds at the market.
We Invite the public to come and
Inspect our goods they are new and
also a new firm. Cox and House.
Miss Helen Smith went to Green-
ville Wednesday.
Floor oilcloth, matting, rugs, cur-
polls and house furnishings at
A Ange and Co.
Messrs. P. R. and T. A.
Forrest were callers In town Wed-
See Harrington. Barber and Com-
for your paints and oils,
and dyes, they have it and
t an save you money.
Misses Stella and Cox
of near Ayden spent Saturday and
Sunday with Miss Esther Johnson.
j You can get more shad at R. W.
next week. He buys beef cat-
I tie, have not been supplied yet.
Misses Fannie Lee Spier and
Cox spent Saturday and Sunday
with Miss Little Cox of near Cox-
We sell the famous cream
also soft drinks of all kinds. Cox
and House.
Miss Tucker and brother
spent Saturday and Sunday at their
; home near Simpson.
Don't fail to call on us for field
peas, feed oats, hen cackle, hay, ship
stuff and wheat and bran, cheap for
rash. Kittrell and Co. Raymond
Stocks Mgr.
Of course In every legislature there
are silly but It took the Ohio
assembly to develop a member who
was fool enough to Introduce a
to regulate dress.
Barber and Company have
received a shipment of genuine stet-
son for men
Hooting, me, cement and nails at
A W A and Co.
Miss Clyde Chapman spent Sat-
and Sui cm with M-.
Tucker of near
Just arrived t. new of
goods and Cox a-J House
Messrs. Bob J, Robt.
and G. Johnson went to
When you arc In need of
in see W. u. Rouse.,
an all day session the board of
trustees of the Methodist Children's
Home here Issued a detailed report
lute this afternoon regarding the
of former Superintendent H.
A. Hayes, who retired about a month
ago. An expert accountant employed
to audit the accounts of the home
a shortage of proven items in
Mr. account of
a total of the shortage
being In the maintenance Involving
the building fund. The transfer com
of the borne to the new sup-
under the direction of an
attorney has been directed to
the process to reimburse the home
so far as possible for the whole de-
from any assets which may
hereafter be found.
On advice of counsel criminal pro-
were delayed until an ex-
pert accountant had made a final
report. In the meanwhile the
Mr. Hayes has had him placed
Westbrook sanitarium. Richmond, Va ,
for examination as to sanity,
board directed the attorney to pros-
unless Hayes be committed to
ea institution for the insane by due
process of law.
The trustees of the home announce
that the life of the institution has in
way been affected by
cation, there being sufficient funds o-i
hand for the erection of two
and Salem Consolidate.
By majorities of in Salem and
in Winston the citizen of the twin
t voted today for the
Winston and Salem into a mu-
in accordance with an act
passed at the recent session of the X.
G. The consolidation
act goes Into effect May During
that month election of a mayor and
aldermen for the combined Twin City
will be held.
The victory obtained by the splendid
advocating consolidation
was much greater than was
pated by the most Interesting and ear-
i eat advocate of the proposition. The
combining of the two towns means a
greater and a
within the city limits of
with the nearby population of not leas
than The total vote cast In
Winston was for consolidation
against and in Salem for
and against.
Col. Webb Goes to
Col. O. E. Webb, whom Winston
has for collector of this re-
venue district expects to go to Wash-
this week to hold a conference
with Secretary of the Treasury
While it has been rumored
for some time that A. D. Watts, of
Statesville. private secretary to Sen-
Simmons, was booked for this
plum, there has been no appointment
made yet the large number of
friends who have Winston-
stand firm In
belief that Sen. Overman. In whose
territory the office lies, will name Mr.
Webb. There has also been talk
that Col A. H. Bo of Salisbury
enter the race for the collector-
J. T. Pitt Dead
Mr. J. T. Pitt, who was overseer
the C. T. farm, a mile
north of town, died about II o'clock
this morning. He was taken with a
chill last Sunday and pneumonia fol-
lowed. Mr. Pitt was about years
of see and leaves a wife
children. He was an
farmer and held In high
AYDEN. March 19.00 gallons
sugar house molasses direct from the
farm at J. R. Smith and Bro.
Mr. R. L. Griffin has purchased the
residence of Rev. J. W. Webb on
Mr. Julius Lyons and family have
moved to Va.
Hay, oats, ship stuff, hulls and
meal at J. R. Smith and Bro.
Mr. and Mrs. Heath awoke
Monday morning and found their In-
about a month old, cold in
Miss Little Blount of spent
Monday in town.
All kinds of plows, guano sowers,
smooth harrows, field, fence barb
wire at J. R. Smith and Bro.
The Christian Sunday school will
have, an egg hunt next Friday at
p. m.
Rev. J. H. and wife were
pounded by their friends last Monday
Mr. C. G. Moore has moved his
family to Kenly, N. C.
Mr. Ed Lyons has accepted a
Call and see our lino of
goods and trimmed patent hats and
be astonished at the low price. J.
R Smith and Bro.
Mr. Josephus is beautify-
the side walk along by his prop-
an Main street.
There will be a lot of degree work
next Monday night at the I. O. O. T.
lodge. Come.
Mr. H. G. has purchased
the nice residence of Mr. J. A.
fin on the corner of Venters and
Second street.
Mr. James Moore, near Haddocks
X Roads, has purchased the farm of
Mr. Hill Moore, known as the
Anderson place, for Both
these are good
if there is any money in a guano
factory Ayden sure deserves one,
the quantity of fertilizers that
is being hauled from here.
We have the promise that we will
soon have additional side track and
warehouse facilities that will
the shipments and business at
this point. A nice passenger depot
will be a decided Improvement and
a prize long looked for and will be
appreciated by our people.
Windows, doors and all kinds of
building hardware, ranges, cook and
oil cook stoves at J. R. Smith and
If you have anything you want
to sell or buy let us write you up In
Tile Daily Reflector.
Mrs. Arab sang to
Sunday night at the Christian.
to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hardy,
a pair of little girls.
It Hr. Move Views It
N. C. March
I am sure we are engaged In a
in this country that should
call for much forbearance upon the
part of the progressive element of
I the people. The issues should be
discussed aside from personalities
I and each one should respect the feel-
of the others.
That piece of jingle which appeared
, some days ago was calculated to
cause one to smile, but upon mature
, reflection every progressive citizen
must deplore Us publication. Many-
are hurt, some are cursing mad and
more are on account of the
appearance of that piece.
Senator Evans is our senator and
the only one that we have, and should
the deference due one
who occupies that responsible
Some of us did not want him
to be our senator, but as great many
thought he represented the real spirit
and the prevailing thought of the
county. Such articles will strength-
en him and weaken the cause of high
toned politics. We must learn to
give and take good
Each one should respect the
; of others and not to impute to
one another sinister motives.
The motto of all should be the
greatest good to tho greatest
Senator Tillman displayed a
I commendable when he was de-
for a cherished chairmanship.
I He is reported as saying that he was
I disappointed, but that he yielded
gracefully and would accept the
of his fellow members and do
the best he could under the
Let's accord to Senator Evans the
respect due one who holds the
he does and not act as a spoil-
ed child.
There is more in this
I than some think, and its correct so-
Is of Immense Importance lo
the county for a generation.
malice towards none and love for
let's do our duty as God gives
ti wisdom to see It.
Working en
What would think of doing health
work on commission Well, that is
really what North Carolina Is doing.
In 1911 about worth or
man lives were saved by health work.
For this stale paid In
other words, it was lone on a seven
per cent commission.
In 1912 the health machinery got
a little better and as a rs-
no less than worth of
human lives were saved on this same
appropriation of In other
life saving In 1912 was done
a little less than a per cent com-
About the time some of these facts
became known certain legislators who
didn't have anything but sense began
to wake up to the fact that health
work pays and In order to make it pay
a little better and In order to find out
exactly what it did pay. they managed
to secure an appropriation
of for health work, and
for the enforcement of a vital
tics law. The year 1914 will show
exactly where we stand with refer-
to death all over the state
and after that we shall be able to
know just what Is or Is not being
done to reduce these death rates.
perhaps there will be some
life saving done on a commission
What Is the Answer.
If health work eared in
preventable sickness death in
cur state last year, will some one
please explain why we are afraid to
risk over In state, county and
municipal health work combined to
effect a still greater saving when our
annual form preventable diseases
still ranges around If a
business man could save an annual
of by spending or or
even cents, don't you think he
would do it Why then Is not this
great state run on a business basis
Why are we afraid to spend over three
or four cents to have a dollar.
rope's Day
ROME, March Joseph's day,
the name day of Pope Plus X, was
kept as a holiday at the Vatican to-
day, everybody being desirous of
congratulating the on his re-
from his recent illness Thous-
ands of letters and telegrams from
all parts of the world were received.
His holiness received the cardinals
j In private audience, but all of the
public ceremonies that have been as-
with the observance in the
j past were dispensed with In
with the strict orders of the
I Pope's physicians
Newark M. Conference
NEWARK, N. J., March
annual meeting of the Newark con-
of the Methodist Episcopal
church began its sessions in the
Street church in this city today
with Bishop Luther B. Wilson of New
York presiding. The initial session
was devoted to a communion service
followed by roll call and
The regular work of the con-
was taken up this afternoon.
The ministerial appointments will be.
announced Monday.
Depot at Arthur
The Norfolk Southern railroad has
established a depot at Arthur, miles
west of Greenville and Mr. R. M.
Hearne is agent there. Mr. has
had many years experience in
having served as agent for
both steamboat and railroad lines.
The Original Fuller Johnson
Is the only practical machine for trans
planting TOBACCO, Cabbage, Sweet Po-
Tomatoes, Strawberries, Nursery
Stock, etc., better than by hand. They start
sooner and mature more evenly.
Great saving in time and labor, great increase in yield per acre. Set your
plants when wait for rain. Each plant watered at the roots,
covered with dry baking. Every feature necessary for every
purpose, every adjustment desired. Perfect working qualities. Easily
handled. Very light draft.
If you haven't been wearing our CLOTHES;
it's pretty certain that you've thought about th
matter at some time or other, and you'll never
have a better chance to get acquainted than right
now, at this tore.
The Man The Boy The Little Man
is cared for right here.
are here in
a great variety. The
most attractive patterns; in the newest weaves, including all the new BLUES,
GRAYS, BROWNS, and every color that is put in good-looking clothes are here
for your consideration.
THING that makes good clothes; the things you pay money for.
It is to your interest to see our lines. Come Early
Cause of Rheumatism
Stomach trouble, liver and de-
kidneys are the cause of
datum. Get your stomach, liver, kid-
and bowels In healthy condition
by Electric Bitters and you
not be troubled with the pains
f rheumatism. Charles B. Allen, a
principal of Sylvania, Ga. who
uttered Indescribable from
liver and stomach
and diseased kidneys,
failed until I used
litters, but four bottles of won-
remedy cured me
Maybe your rheumatic pains come
liver and kidney
Electric Bitters will give you
prompt relief. and Rec-
by all druggists.
Are Constipated
If so. get a box of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, take them regularly and
trouble will quickly disappear,
will stimulate the liver, improve
digestion, and get rid of all the
from your system. They will
surely get you well again. at
II druggists.
I With I
t The Life Insurance Co., I
t of
t Hew
H. W. H. D.
Practice limited to diseases the
Ear. Nose and Throat
N. O. N. C
with Dr. D. L. James.
day every Monday, a to t pm
For Weakness and Loss of Appetite
The Standard general tonic,
chill TONIC, out
Malaria and up the system. A true
ad MM For and children. Mt.
Earl of Jersey, years old today.
Duke of years old
Piles Cured In to Days
Your will refund money it
OINTMENT to cure any
Blind. Weeding or Protruding
application and Kcal.
Tavern Where Goethe Placed One of
Scenes In Has
Been Reconstructed.
The latest concrete evidence of lit-
devotion in Germany is the
thorough reconstruction of tho
where Goethe pipe
one of the most vivid scenes of
It Is melancholy to reflect
that nothing more remains of
building, since after a complete de-
the architects have construct-
ed a wholly modern building on the
site, but cure has been to
serve Intact the cellar, which has
been for fully a century an object of
pilgrimage for Germans, who are
once proud of their literature and fond
Painters of an school
have been commissioned lo adorn the
walls of the various dining rooms
scenes taken from Goethe's I
drama, while to complete the new at-
tractions It Is announced that the
leading down to the cellar
will be furnished with two bronze
statues, the subject of which Is
known. The evolution of the
of promises to be tho same
as of other like sacred places, it
will bring In excellent in-
come to the restaurateur.
Ozone as a
An important In the
technique of cold storage has recently
been in viz., the
use of ozone as a supplement to the
ordinary process of refrigeration. In
the cold storage rooms attached to
slaughter houses the temperature of
the air is liable to be raised to a
extent when the doors are left
open for any reason; for instance,
when meat b being put in or taken
out The of
faction immediately become active
such and the
keeping quality of the meat is
Now it Is well known that
ozone Is a powerful germicide. If the
air of the rooms la
Its temperature may
without Injury to the contents. This
has been proved by numerous
and apparatus has
now been installed In the
at Cologne. Potsdam,
Berlin. Due-
and In a cold
depot at Hamburg, and In
dairies, poultry and game stores
and ti.;. establishments.
Advice About Reading.
Be sure, then, to read mean
books; shun the spawn of the
In the gossip if the hour. lo not read
what you shall learn, without asking,
In the street and the train. Dr. John-
son said he went Into stately
and good travelers stop at
best hotels; for though they cost more
do not con much more, and
there Is the good company and the
best information. In like manner the
scholar knows that the famous books
contain, first and last, the best
thoughts and facts. . . . The three
practical rules, then, which I have to
offer are Never read any book
that Is not a year old. Never
read any but fumed hooks. Nev-
read any but what you
Through Co-Operation Special
ion It Made for Them In
farmers met recently at the Criterion
restaurant, the occasion being the fifth
annual dinner of Women's
union. Mrs. Wilton
Miss that
en have not tho same facilities,
and so forth, as men.
she said, In co-
operation. A company has obtained a
farm at In Sussex, and
has divided It Into small holdings for
women farmers. Bungalows are pro-
for the tenants, whose agree-
secure fixity of tenure and who
have perfect liberty in developing
their as they like. At the
time have the benefit of expert
advice. The company markets all tho
product- and Is able to obtain better
than could the Individual ten-
To Put Out Oil Fires.
Two Inventors found
a way to put out oil fir. s by applying
carbonic acid that Is foaming
The foam Is produced by a
mixture of two liquids, and It la said
that when It Is thrown on burning
stances, as oils, benzine and tar.
It spreads rapidly over surface and
puts out the flames by cutting off tie
air. Many tanks contain oil or
other highly Inflammable liquids are
now permanently fitted with
ed pipes, through which the foam
lug mixture can be applied directly
to tho surface of the burning mate
rial. Hitherto fires in oil tanks have
been allowed to burn out
or the contents been drawn out
from below and wasted. According
to Journal many private
and government Institutions have
adopted the new system-
Community In News.
At a friend's southern hunting lodge
his wife has learned that her
on the telephone is accompanied
by the click of receiver nil along the
line. Every one is obviously listening
to what she says. On one occasion
a telegram was telephoned to the
and the following day. when
husband met a rural neighbor on
road, the latter drew rein to con-
Or-M he. ketch
part that telegram we got
Mr. Grey accordingly enlightened
his Ignorance York
That Kind.
do you want to employ a law-
asked the Jail-keeper.
replied the prisoner In Um
send one In to
will he want to In
yes; the one I'll send yon
often been In Jail I
Farmer's Suggestion.
A Florida farmer who was raising
strawberries for the market sent a
shipment to New York and the com
mission merchant wrote back that the
berries were too ripe, consequently
prices and small return checks,
so next time the grower picked them
earlier and the results were about the
same, as the New York man said they
were too green for the market; so the
next shipment the man pulled up the
plants by the roots, packed them In
boxes and can pick them
when Just right for your particular
Made Dogs and Rats Fight.
keeping premises In Soar
for dog and rat fighting.
Walter was at Leicester yes-
fined under the protection
of animals act, and for assisting him
and Albert of
Joseph Ward of
and James Mason of Birmingham were
fined each. It was stated that
on Hexing day terrier dogs were
placed In a rat pit and a number
were killed. All the
logs were badly bitten and n om
two rats seen hang
K Iron the Jaws of a dog
ht re was a wilder boy In town
young All
the mothers with marriageable
held up their hands In horror at
the mere mention of bis name, and
the. men -about town unanimous
In pronouncing him a thoroughbred
It was partly the fault of I.
lion. His had been a most
speculator, and bad taught his
that he must I d
like a gentleman or not at all
The young fellow had imbibed
h siren from his earliest i
he had learned never to ;
never to do anything him that
could be hired to d
and to believe On o t
of living km to k l
. day i tn b pl a i
hours b
Tin u i s father d I
from the It Ion i re to
that of pauper, a not unusual change
on the stage of A grand
coup went i Sr.
was out of the game for good The
shock killed the old gentleman, and
when the lawyers were done with the
settlements, found himself
It was against his grain to go to
work, so he became an of the
poker rooms at fashionable clubs, and
a prominent figure at the race
It was at this time that bis
name became as a red rag to the
good people of the town. With a very
few exceptions all the strictly proper
folks who had been glad to accept the
hospitality of Sr. turned
away their heads when they saw the
At the close of a summer day he
was walking home In a Mill n mood-
It had been a bad day, misfortune
had dogged him persistently, and he
was asking himself what was the use
of continuing It all. He was of no
good to and there was no one
else in the world who cared him.
or of whom he dared think as caring
for him. In the old days of luxury he
had always loped to call Marie Fair-
born his U, hut now It was too late.
H-- had h to himself in the years
past that inter a taste of life there
would be nothing like a quiet home
shared with Marie. She had never
disguised her liking for him Hut
now Up had not dared to go near
the house for over a year;
when he had seen Marie be dodged
round corners and avoided her. Now
she was in his thoughts as a prize
that he had long ago forfeited and
must forget, with other things. His
thought encompassed him In mob a
mist of gloom that he hardly looked
where he was going. The lake was
before him and he was walking toward
It. He never noticed the figures that
were approaching him. A sweet voice,
like the memory of an old perfume,
aroused him
stood before him. He saw a look of
wonder and pity within her eyes.
beg your he exclaimed
confusedly. was not
never he moved as though
to pass on, but the girl stopped him.
said, won't ;
you speak to me haven't seen you
for ever so
he returned desperately,
not fit. If people should see you
talking to Really. I'd better
What nonsense, You're
fit enough for me. Come, you shall
walk with me and tell me every-
With much Incoherence
the story of his downfall, or as
much of It as he without
breaking. Somehow the soft eyes of
the girl by his led him to toll the
story us he would have told it to no
other human being. He spoke of his
sins, his sorrows, his hopes, and of
his present despair.
you see, he said at the
finish. of no use at all. I might
aB well get out of the running alto
Why should I take trouble
to work and I do not care
enough for myself, now. to do that
If there was some one else
that you cared for. some one who
would try to teach you to win back
your self-respect, would you not try
there Is no he responded
if there why
think of
there Is some one,
A little touched his gently, and
he turned from his moody gazing to
look down at the girl.
he exclaimed, almost fierce
play with me. Are you In
earnest You don't really mean that
you will he that some one do
You He
stopped kissed the gloved hand
don't be an absurd said
Marie. Hut for the rest of the walk
behaved himself like a boy
Just out of school.
About a year later a number of men
were enjoying an after-dinner chat at
the club. of
one man was saying,
any one ever see anything to equal
the change that came over
after he married. lo
he the most worthless scamp In town
down to work like the mis-
chief, and now he's doing fine How
account for
remember French phi
replied his friend,
rule he applied to all sorts of
good and bad. the
an. It was a woman In that case
She used to be Marie she's
It a gust of wind coming
around the corner and filling
Timmy Elliot's eyes with dust that
responsible for the accident. For
being partially blinded, he darted for-
ward in the path of a street car, which
promptly knocked him over and
against the edge of the sidewalk,
where he lay while
caught up his unsold
and scattered them along the
Miss Moore, who. with her
rt j it about to enter the the-
by, law the accident and
ran to t aide. She placed h r
I over the gash in
forehead, while the
; h her pit up the lad a d car
u to a near by drug
us and Ii my having red his
when his to
swells what picked him gut
raid Osborne laughed as he
complied with his Hanoi eat to
recompense the little for
the less of his papers. Jimmy
locked upon his adventure as a
lucky one. The cut on his forehead
was a trivial matter, and the five
bill Osborne had given him
of much importance
As It he was destined to
see his benefactors on more than one
occasion. Osborne and his
were regular and it
happened that they
the corner where Jimmy had his head-
quarters. At such times the boy was
always sure of a bright smile and kind
word from the girl and a tip from her
escort. It was late In the fall when
he first noticed that his two favorite
customers had not paid his stand a
visit for an unusually time.
When the winter came and
they were still missing Jimmy came
to the conclusion that they must have
been married and left the city.
Three months later on a wet after-
noon he suddenly spied the
throng at the corner waiting for the
passing cars, the slender form of his
former patroness
you missed me, the
queried softly.
bet I did. responded
the boy. rouse got
married went away somewheres
The girl shook her head sadly.
I didn't get married. she
paid. have changed with me
I saw you last. I'm Just as poor
as you are now,
The boy stared at her In be-
He noticed dress
was old and worn, though neat and
Carefully mended in places.
Mister he
asked. he know about
Elsie load again. I don't
know where Mr. Osborne Is at pres-
she said. have not seen
each other for a long time, not since
became a working
trim down when yon
loses demanded the small
squire of dames wrathfully.
guess that must be it,
responded the girl, as she turned to
board her car.
Tho boy's eyes followed her wist-
fully. he murmured
thoughtfully, she's still stuck on
guy I could see him some-
Two days later a familiar voice
hailed him Osborne tossed
a coin on the stand as be naught up a
I ain't no friend mine
no spoke up Jimmy sturdily.
tie way treated
Osborne dropped the and
I caught his shoulder.
do you know about Miss
he asked excitedly you
know where she
Jimmy recounted his Interview with
the girl, and Osborne listened alien
was all a mistake. he
-aid have been bunting for Miss
Moore for a long time When you
see her again, follow her. find out
where she lives, let me know and I'll
reward you well. say anything
to her; she wouldn't understand; hi
mind has been poisoned against me
True to his trust, Jimmy tracked
the girl to her humble home the next
time she passed the corner, and a few
hours later stood face to face
with her supposedly unfaithful lover
and listened to his explanations.
When Mr. Moore's wealth was
lowed up by an unlucky speculation
and the family went to live In a pool
section of the city, Osborne. sum
suddenly away on a trip to the
east on business, was astounded to n
a curl note from his
breaking off their engagement, but
giving no reason for the action. He
was unaware that his sister
who had never liked had In
formed the girl that had
bowed to the wishes of his family and
was anxious to break off an engage-
which was no longer desirable.
pride was aroused con-
no further explanation
she took steps to t i
, lover at once.
did not take him long to
his Innocence In eyes, and
before the night was over the reunited
i started forth In search of
I Jimmy, the accomplishment of whose
mission of gratitude had brought
i again to part it
I this life.

to buy Stalk Cutters,
Disc Harrows, Drag
Harrows, Smoothing
Harrows, Pulverizing
Harrows, Corn Plant-
Wire Fencing, Gal-
Prices always the
lowest. Come to see
us for any goods you
need. We carry a
complete stock.
We appreciate your
J. R. J. G.
Coward Co.
Used in Our
Superior to
All Soda Fountain
New Bern Pastor Writes Gov. Mann
Aliens Intentions
Full of
Kodak Supplies
Drug Co.
Buyers and pro-
duce. We now former
tr Mercantile Co.
will be glad lo have out
on If.
For Slate or Tin, Tin Repair
Work and Flues In Season, See
I. J. JENKINS Greenville,
Made Strong
down conditions are caused
worry, too close con-
a chronic or cold
which It is to cure.
We want lo say to every person in
his need our
delicious cod liver and iron tonic with
out oil. the great creator. It B
will supply iron for the blood in the J. Q. Taylor,
most easily form, create
healthy appetite, strengthen your
i. -i. i and make you eat hit-
sleep better and feel better.
A CM has DOOM to our at-
from Pi
Mrs, Proper three
Lodges and Social
SheriffS. I. Dudley.
Clerk Superior C. Moor
Register of Bell.
B. Wilson.
C Laughinghouse.
Commissioners W. L.
M. Lewis. W. E. Proctor. T
BUM Mi Kc. tarter If file
the Judge and tile
Would Hate Keen
Va. March
to show that Allen and
bad screed that none of
in should ever go to the
and had planned to
shoot up the federal court at Greens-
n C. if Allen had bean
I of I has come
to light Mann made
his decision not to interfere with
Floyd and Claude
it came from Rot. Edward T. Cat-
i. n. pastor Of Middle Street
Baptist church, Hem. X. C. -o
whom Allen uttered hi.,
BUd told existing conspiracy
and of what would have happened
he been found guilty.
The information was sent to
governor by Dr. Carter. A friend
the executive secured a copy and gave
it out, thinking the public entitled to
the Information. Tin- author of the
letter has no objection to the
and says he will stand by his
This recalls the Combs case In Cad-
roll county when Floyd Allen was
given a fine and short jail
The imprisonment feature was
by the governor and Judge
Robert C, Jackson, then on the bench.
believe to this day that if gov-
had not complied the tragedy
would have been enacted in
with himself as one of the victims.
It is stated that Floyd Allen forced
Noah Combs, who had been shot,
pa the line.
The letter from Dr. Carter is as fol-
The Baptist Parsonage
New Bern. N. C March 1913.
To Governor Mann, Richmond,
Honorable and Dear I have
learned through press that
you have decided that the sentence
Imposed against Floyd Allen and hi
son for murder must he carried out.
Now that your decision has been
reached if the paper reports are
I desire to say that I have been
acquainted with the Allen gang f r
sonic time, and most heartily concur
in your decision. I am now pastor of
tho First Baptist church of
Bern. N. but at the time Al-
was tried for counterfeiting In
I was the minister a
Mount Airy and the day he was
I returned to the latter city
on the train with Allen.
We ravaged In conversation about
M e trial and in response to a remark
made about tho narrow escape he
i ad from a penitentiary sentence, ha
it was a mighty close call,
but It was a d good thing for the
court that I was
why, he brother.
were in court if I had been son-
Judge and Attorney Hot-
would have been shot
Thinking it was simply a boastful
it mark. I suggested that he would
have attempted any such thing, to
which lie had our guns
With us. and Judge Boyd Would never
have lived to sentence me. for my
brothers and I have made an agree-
that not out- of us shall ever
to the penitentiary, Seeing I looked
somewhat skeptical, be insisted that
be meant every word he said.
I write ibis i know you
were of doing everything you
Could for these two men and of show-
tIn in mercy bad there been any
way to tin About the sou. I know
nothing, and until this sad affair had
never a thing against him. My
only in writing this Is to cause
t u to feel you have made
error In deciding that tin- law
i course.
II I have erred In writing you
trust you will pardon hie.
I remain, honorable dear sir,
Yours sincerely,
Baptist Minister.
we nave ever sold. I a not- ii, v. .
tie on our guarantee to refund your superintendent of
. . . school; J. C.
if It to benefit you Baa- J. J.
M. Woolen.
C. Tyson.
L. Carr.
Chief of T.
Aldermen E B W
A J. Tunstall, J
ears I was all run down, weak and F Davenport, B. F. Tyson, Z. P
had no appetite and after all that VanDyke, H. C. Edwards,
time I am glad to has Water and Light
brought back my Strength and health ; L
Is lost what was it L. Allen,
would Fire Chief- D. Overton.
We that Is the
it bod builder and strength ere- Baptist. C. M. Rock
we have ever sold. Try a hot- pastor; C. C. Pierce, clerk; C. W.
Pharmacy. tor; B. A. Sr., superintendent
William Houston Episcopal, St. Dallas
William C. Houston, who is now fucker, A Bowen, sup-
. ., Sunday school,
serving bis fifth consecutive term t u
In congress as the representative of Jarvis
the district of Tennessee, was b M. Hoyle, pastor; A B. Ellington
born in Bedford county, Tennessee, clerk; H. D. Bateman.
IT. 1851 His education L-
received In the district schools of bis
home county. Through Ills own of- pastor,
he was able to secure a legal
education. He was admitted to the Greenville No. A F. and A. M
. . , . ,, . . H. Bently W. M.; L. H. Pen
bar In and practiced his
I in the town of Woodbury. J g . p A
In when only twenty-four years p. d. W. M.; K. E. Griffin
Id. Mr. Houston began his public ca- Sec.
as a member of the Tennessee Encampment No. I
heat. Cent and Bibs
by Cobb Bros., and
Open Close
May wheat . 3-4 1-4
May corn . 1-2 511-4
May ribs . 10.80 10.80
by and
Open Close
March . 12.26
May . 1200 11.91
July . 11.94 11.84
spots . 7-8 to 1-8
The British troops evacuated
born -In Yorkshire.
Died Dec. 1849.
the Reflector Advertise Your Wants
O. O. W. C. P.; L
K. of
B. Ellington
house of representatives, In H
body he served three terms. From; No.
until his election to congress on j Clark. C. 0.1
the Democratic ticket ten years r. and S.
Mr. Houston was a fudge of the Greenville Chapter No R. A. M.
eighth Judicial circuit of N- Hart H- B- E-
Lodge No. I. O. O. F.
Meets every Tuesday night. F. J
Forbes N. L. H. render, Sec.
Greenville Camp No. M. W.
j f A., meets every 1st and 3rd Wed-
nights. Julius Brown, con-
J F. Stokes, clerk.
Tribe No. I. O. R.
Professional Cards.
. C. Harding Chas. C. Pierce
ii a
Practicing in all the Courts
Office in Woolen Building on J. A
Jenkins, Sachem; J. W. Brown, C. of
Money plus money equals more
money. Ask the fellow that has Just
stock in our 2nd series.
knows how It works.
Why not place your money la this
Institution We earn you over per
cent net. No taxes to pay. No
to you. Your money works for
Evans Greenville, N. C.
J. C. Lanier
street, fronting Court Home
floor In Woolen build, h
on St., court house
North Carolina
Lillian Carr, pres
dent; Miss Ward Moore, secretary
Daughters of T
J. Jarvis, president; Mrs. J. L.
en. secretary.
Tho Kings A. L.
Blow, president; Mrs. J. O.,
M. W. D,.
. limited lo diseases the
Ear. Nose and
a N. O. N. t
Office Dr. D. L. James, Green
tile, day every Monday, a m to pa
Attorney at Law
North Carolina
Attorney at Law
n Building on the
Mt J
Clara Morris, the famous emotional
actress, now retired from the stage,
years old today.
Princess Patricia, younger
of the governor general of Can-
and the Duchess of
years old today.
Great Britain's textile mills employ
more than 1.000.000 persons.
Life Fire, Sick and Accident
on Fourth street, rear
Wilson's store .
Attorney at Law
Office In Building, Third St
Practices wherever his services
Greenville. North Carolina
Still With
The Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
New York.
. T.
Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water
Gasoline Engines;
Electric Light
I am prepared do your work at
See me or
The i an-e of
Stomach trouble, lazy liver and de-
kidneys are the cause of
Set your stomach, liver, kid-
and bowels in healthy condition
by Electric Bitters and you
not be troubled with the pains
rheumatism. B. Allen, a
principal of Ga., who
Indescribable from
rheumatism, liver and stomach
and diseased writes;
failed until I used Electric
Hitters, but four bottles of this won-
cured me
Maybe your rheumatic pains come
stomach, liver and kidney
Electric Hitters will give you
prompt relief. and 11.00. Rec-
by all druggists.
Attorney at Law
In Edwards Building, fifth door
from street
Attorney at Law
formerly occupied by
NOW N. March
To the Governor of tho State of
Honorable and Dear In reply
your request to the letter I re-
sent you relative to tho Allen
case, permit me to say that you are
welcome lo make any use of It you
may see fit. I remain, dear sir,
Yours truly,
Attorney at Law
mice In front room of the
Just north of Court House
Greenville. North Carolina
The following Jersey Wake-
mill, Charleston
and Large LoU Drum Head
selection should ft i con-
headings through inner
Prepared for shipment Iron
to at
10.000 at 1.00 per thousand, I.
s, b. K. C, Can
Count and satisfaction guaranteed
L. C. Arthur
M. C.
-New Gaiety
Goo pictures every night
and Cents
Remember we sell the best Stalk Cutter on the
Syracuse Chilled Plows, Cultivators and other
Farm Implements.
STAG SEMI-PASTE gallon makes
If it's the Hardwire
Report Is That Sorry County
Desperado Is Caught
In Virginia
Important of the
in the ii, at crowd-
Doctor Charged With Murder
Has Stroke Of Para
In Jail
time ago and who is
cl with the murder of
Pitts, was this morning with
Ur Surry and other mountain
and who have been
for several was
stroke of paralyze as captured. The
bis right side and a short time
The attending stated that
his condition was serious. He was
mediately to Dr. Long's
at where he will
probably undergo another operation
for the removal of a bullet which Is
still in his side.
Dr. only yesterday
granted a postponement of his trial
sage was received from A. M. Ross.
-i Va., who wired the
marshal as A. M.
Where shall I deliver him
ire He was instructed to
bring to Greensboro.
if Ibis is the right man, his captor
will receive a reward of
of which was offered by the govern-
Tills Todd is the one who was
arrested by Deputy Marshal Hark-
m or and who was the cause of the
court, on account of being too in which severe injuries, along as well as could
Rocky Mount Lady knocked
Down On Street By
ROCKY MOUNT, March -While
Look For Arden
to the present conditions
now awaiting pro-
we somewhat see things as
they are now presenting themselves
A man and an ape star ti out one
real to they
for first to name, The man lo
Is through the workings of the
of commerce by the appointment a in which
cf a committee in to get to
of S. with the Coast Line
asking of
for material and en-
our so as to main it
more attractive in keeping with our
town and the patronage in general
progressive problems that are
Taylor on the road Friday
tor an of
the and thunder storm, lire.
All. n who lives on
avenue, was knocked to the
and render unconscious by a bolt -f
lightning which U i struck
somewhere In front of the store the people of Ayden and
Which Was tied to a telephone Community in sent, is looking for-
in front of the store also a cotton seed
knocked down. Mrs was oil mill within our borders. As
stand the strain be would have to
go under with trial. He was placed
tinder a bond to be returned
to jail as soon as he gets better.
Easter Flowers
I am booking orders for
flowers. When they come from the
nurseries you can be as-
sured there are none better.
D. J. Jr., Agent.
One of of Mr. II. C.
who lives on the corner of
mediately taken to the home of Hoy
which wan nearby and
was Immediately
She remained unconscious for an hour
Of more. Reports from hi r
are to the that she Is
were given the officers. The
has the distinction of having
id handcuffs on both the United States
officer and the sheriff, if this is the
right man he will be held in Jail hero
for trial.
Spirit among many within our walls
seem favorable the idea of
Ayden the most practicable place
for the locution of a plant of this
kind, for this the
shipment of seed from here is some-
thing worthy of our attention and
we bad something of this nature
within our walls to be utilized here,
which would be of much advantage
to tho In making their
and in many
ways that are not visible at present.
Oppose Tobacco Trust
BERLIN, March IS.- German
and their gathered
in Cologne today for the first of a
of meetings that are to be held
in all the principal cites of the em-
to organize a concerted move-
against the American Tobacco
Company. The threatened Invasion
Attorney is the
only bachelor of tin- new cabinet.
Michigan will lake another popular and trusting the corn-
vote on the suffrage named in looking forward to
next month. development may be
C. the new
with a hearty and
The man was tired of the Wilderness
like to dwell there all the
The man grand old Pitt,
Her primers ways and lethargy to
on some progress and move o
the front,
it made a few beasts disapprove
He wanted good roads on which to
Either madS of mud. clay or gravel.
lie wanted children six months
at school.
Said us from knave and
He wanted cows tine as
the richest butter and milk.
Ins be would have in pastures
babbling brook n beauty to be seen.
And herds of sheep by the shady hill
Thai a farmer might point to with
For these things of progress he
would provide.
In this he thought he had gained the
But the man with a purpose bad corns
to stay.
TOW readers know the history of that
And to old it was glory enough
they say.
And the man who won the victory.
We shall call by the name of Clark.
While ape who lost the battle.
Can in dust go make his mark.
n c Wares
I untiring Interest may be
of t has the ,, . .
. , , ,, . ,,, until something night be
I being an able authority the i . ,
i . . , . , , ed. The committee will please get
Ha., I bold a J . apes used to the forests wild.
early next month to . .
, . ., ,. effort to accomplish the best re-
the of adopting the
Greene street and Dickinson avenue, o the American concern Is opposed
has smallpox. proper thing to the ground that it plans lo get
is for everybody needing it to
There is no lunger catch-
smallpox If this is
First Strawberries
Saturday Mr. W. T. Jr,
had some strawberries that were
raised In his garden. He sent a few
of them to The Reflector.
control of the German factories
raw product and
tho raw product and eliminate the
middlemen through direct sale to con
Kaisers El Paso
BL Texas,
thirty-seventh annual convention of
the Cattle Raisers Association of Tex-
as met In this city today and will
continue in session until Friday. The
session was held this
For Skin
Nearly every skin disease yields
quickly and permanently to the program address, s
Salve, and nothing is by many
better for burns or bruises. Soothes
and heals. John of
Mich., suffering twelve
years with skin ailment and spend
In bills,
cured him. It will help
you. Only Recommended by all
plan of government.
There are still thirteen States of the
Union that have tuner bad
In the cabinet of any President
i f States.
Less than two years represents the
difference in ages of seven members
of President Wilson's cabinet, while
there Is a difference of but seven
In the ages of the youngest and
the oldest members.
Willard tile new United
States senator from may be
Mid lo belong to a senatorial family.
His father was a United Stales
tor back in sixties be also bad
all uncle In the senate.
it is that the membership
the next house of representatives will
Democrats, Republicans.
suits available, with which you have
best wishes of Little Town
sad even if tamed their natures are
So this one who claimed a county
Surely thought of no higher bounty
In keep it wild, Illiterate and
He would have no beautiful high-
ll. s. ways.
bas William as Hut would keep the path his pap did
vice chairman of the National Demo-
Committee. He would no child of learning.
James N. Baker, new secretary Would keep them n the wild
Hie United Stales senate, has for learning,
twenty years served assistant lib- T anting for a higher life,
of the senate. He was born la
. Carolina fifty-two years ago
and was educated at College.
Wilson's cabinet
let the back go
Until her nose became quite sore,
And then no ointment he would pour.
M two members of foreign birth, who would have no cows that are fat
would be debarred from
presidential succession. They are
of the Interior Lane, who la
Ha of Island, and
William H. Wilson, head of the new
total, MS.
Jacob H. of New
lied Men's Convention
TAMPA. Fla. trains
for the Florida of Red Men
let to Tampa today, occasion he- Washington party men,
the opening of tho annual . . ., of Labor, who first saw
convention of the Improved Order of New Ramp-
The business sessions
of Red Men.
; the only physician among the
l hers of United Stales senate. A
If you do not get a new suit tori
the old one will look much bet-1
If you take It to Paul Who
can found in rear of
NORFOLK, Va., March la
the that wander all full of
In opposing progress lie thought he
did splendid,
And laws pointing that he want-
ed amended.
For all forms of
Quick Relief
It slop and pain, re-
sot Ilk
as in and
and Mire In Na
free on request.
f or sent pr-
t d ii i of II but
L la your
cunt CO,
L v r Troubles. S-
W at
Main, MM, Pius, f
I. s.- I. a
v i, Ito- by In
Boa Di .,,
. . days will be with
feature of entertainment In of the medical, Smith, a young of
of the delegates and visitors.
State of Ohio, city of Toledo.
Lucas County, I
Frank J. makes oath that he I
senior partner of the of F. J. stock. M. Moore,
A Co. doing business In the City of To- . N P
County and and s- N. O.
that firm will pay tho sum of o B
case of that cannot be cured
by tho use of CURB.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day of
i Ti
Notary Public.
FOR OR FOR Jr. Senator
young cow and calf, one Is a grandson of Gen Joseph
old bull, weighing about served United States senator
to the quarter, black and from Oregon and was
Of. Dr. Kane, Whom Oregon has there early today when n boat In
to the senate as the successor of which be and his younger brother was
swamped. Smith, though n good
swimmer, was carried down under
The Mother's Favorite
A cough medicine
should be harmless.
Vice President on the
for Setting II
for children Fine prize S. C. White bag-
It horns S. C
tie of heavy rubber boots and
rubber clothing. The younger brother
kicked off his boots, were
large for him. swam ashore.
Arc Ton Constipated
If get a box of Dr. King's New
Pills, take them regularly and
your trouble will quickly disappear ;
Hair- Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally pleasant to take. It be and fluff and Bar- They will stimulate the liver, improve
and act. directly upon mu- chamberlain's Cough Rem- red Plymouth Rocks. Some of digestion, and get rid of all the
is all of this is the stock in the south In my yards. from your system. They will
F. J. CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by all Druggists, Sc.
When Your Automobile
All Kinds of Accessories and Supplies
Gasoline per Gallon
Greenville Motor Co.
I favorite everywhere.
all druggists.
For J. I. J EX KISS,
adv I
Greenville, N. 0.1 surely get you well again.
P druggists.
Greenville Banking
Trust Co
Selected as a legal depository by the State Treasurer of N. C,. also by the Treasury Depart-
of the United States as a for Postal Funds.
This Bank made the largest gain in deposits last year of any bank in Eastern Carolin i.
E. G. Flanagan, Pres.
E. B. Higgs. V-Pres.
C. S. Carr, Cashier

C. T.
MARCH 1913
We have subdivided into small the C. T. PLACE THE You will have an opportunity to purchase any amount of land de-
sired, from one acre up, at YOUR OWN PRICE.
One fourth cash, balance in equal installments due in one, two, three, four, and five years, with interest at six per cent, on the deferred payments, or a
liberal discount for cash on the deferred payments.
MR. You can find no better place to put your money where it will bring such a splendid return, and, at the same time, be perfectly safe.
MR. Own your farm. It is never too late to start; it makes no difference whether you are old or young. Now is the time. You can buy some of
splendid land, make your payments and then have as much money as you have now. In addition to that you are paying for and improving something that is your very
own. The land will pay for itself.
GREENVILLE is one of the most thriving little cities in Eastern North Carolina and always affords a ready market for your crops. It has good schools, churches,
etc., the advantages which your children and yourself can enjoy, as the land is only approximately one mile from the Court House air
No County in the Tar Heel State can boast of better soil. Do you realize that our population is always increasing, but that no more earth is being made That in
itself calls for increased valuation every day.
TOBACCO, COTTON, PEANUTS CORN and all kinds of truck crops grow abundantly on this BIG BARBECUE DINNER WILL BE SERVED FREE
to all attending the sale. Hear those w a BURTON BROTHERS, Auctioneers. Excellent music by our own brass band. Get on the road to
independence. When in doubt buy Pitt County dirt.
RE If nil
Admiral ion
Grand Admiral Alfred
1734 a signer of Imperial secretary for German
the Declaration of navy and one of the most prominent
cc, born In Londonderry. figures in the official life of the em-j
Died in Philadelphia. Juno was born March He,
to Pharmacy for till.
Safe, Reliable
Your Money Hack If
started his naval career In early
youth and at the age of had
en in tho service until ho
the high post of chief of staff to the
command of the Baltic naval station
In 1897 he became secretary for the
. Livingston. and year
ho was made a minister. In 1903
1813 David famous mid
and born in
Scotland. Died in
Africa May
one of the early justice of the
U. S. supremo court, died n
Washington, I. Horn In
New k Nov. 1757.
given In Savannah in
honor of General Lafayette.
MM captured by a
force under Sir Colin
1884-Gen. Godfrey to whom
the city of Richmond 1-
died in Philadelphia. Born
in Nov. 1835.
of the Keystone Na-
Bank of Philadelphia.
first presidential prefer-
primary was held In Norm
he was made a Grand Admiral. He
is a great favorite of the Emperor,
who has a high opinion of his states-
as well as his ability as r.
n officer and administrator.
Admiral as
Camp- of as a probable successor
of the empire.
Otter ain't Curs
The worst cc,. no . ho,
re cured by the wonderful, tillable Dr.
Oil, It relieve,
and Heals at the sum- turn .
Is coming to the front. The nice
roads the convict force have
made are such an addition,
want to the school building paint-
Mr. W. has been
We glad to see him out
Mrs. J. P. Dawson and children are
It-Ming friends and relatives In Kin-
shall have an organ for our
school In a few days. We have been
ceding It for some time.
Mr. J. A. Smith went to Greenville
Mr. W, K. Morris WM in Ayden to-
The play or comic drama Aw-
also a sketch from Oliver
HI be given at the school
Friday, 28th. All are In-
Admission cents.
Need To Seek Afar. The
Is At Your Poor
No need to to hunt
up proof, because you have it here
It home. The straightforward
of a Greenville resident like that
given below bean an interest for
man. woman or child here
T. R. deputy sheriff, 91-
street, Greenville. N. C.
was troubled by lameness In my
back and my kidneys did not do
work as they should. I got
Kidney Pills from the John L.
Drug Co. and I had not used them
long before I got relief. I can say
remedy acts just as
Now we
For sale by all dealers. Price
cents. Co. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name
take no other.
For sale by all dealers. Price
cents. Co. Buffalo
New York, sole agents for the
d States.
Remember the
no other.
There are few remedies that gain
the confidence of druggists as
son's Liver Tone does.
Pharmacy sells it and backs up the
sale of every bottle with the money
back guarantee that the price will
refunded if it falls to give com-
Tone costs cents
a hot lie. II is the safest and best
remedy tor torpid liver, constipation.
biliousness, etc. that has ever been
in this city. It takes the place
it and does not lay
up as a dose often
dots. A bottle in the house is as
pond as fifty cents in the hank. If
t u or your family need a liver tonic
you have medicine ready If it
fills yon gel your money hack.
Hi aura to Liver Tone
when you ask for It. There are
of II may disappoint you.
Is Dominated With EASTER
Arch Install Officers
At n convocation of Greenville
Chapter No. Royal Arch Masons,
held Tuesday tight, Past High Priest
It. C. Flanagan conducted the
of the following
F D. High Priest.
R. II. Wright, King.
I. It. Meadows, Scribe.
S M.
K. K. Griffin,
It. Williams. Captain of tho Host.
II. Austin, Principal
H. Royal Arch
W. Ward, Master Third Veil.
W. II. Master Second Veil.
C. C. Vines, Sentinel.
D. J. Whichard. First Veil.
Stops Scalp Itch
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take LAXATIVE Quinine. pith.
mod and Colo.
. W. GROVE'S nature .,, I,. -k.
Central Development
The secretary of state has Issued your
And Eva Scalp
Cared if nick
It Is simply wonderful how
goes after You rub a mile
of In with tips of the lingers. It
gets right down into the glands.
s them, stops the itch, and makes
tin- load feel fine. No, it Isn't
is a fine, clear, vanishing
quid. You don't have to even wash
hands after using And
a wonder is for eczema, rash,
pimples and skin afflictions. A
H cent trial bottle st
Pharmacy Is guaranteed to slop any
charter to the Central South Develop-
Company, of Messrs.
B, Sugg, O. L. and others
being tho While the
principal -is of the company j skin irritation.
will be buying and selling real estate. Is prepared by K. W. Rose
both town and country, It will , Medicine Co., St. Louis. Mo., and la
also have an eye to securing sites regularly sold by druggists at a
for the location of factories and bottle. But to prove what it will
development of this section of the it t expense. Is now put
South by Inducing settlers to come up In trial bottles
and the entire offering is brand new. Going
into our new store just before Christmas, all
of the stock has been purchased since then
and with an eye to what was most stylish
and for the season in
We have what will male you well-
dressed and in best style. In
we are especially strong, and never had a
more beautiful line.
In Shoes, Hats and White Goods
we can suit every taste. You never saw a
better line of White Goods than here, and
our Low Shoes are marvels of beauty and
The Big Store will Take Pleasure in Serving You
C. T.
Reflector Advertisers are Offering Real Values
i- the the Mi rt-a.
Destructive Floods and
Heavy Snow Storm In
Wake of Omaha Tornado
Wilson is Not Prepared to Put
K. On it
Hut Has Left With Him by
Omar W.
wood. Democratic
dent Wilson let it be known today
that he has not yet put his stamp of
approval on tho tariff bill left with
him by Representative Oscar Under-
wood, the Democratic majority leader,
after a three last
The president Indicated to his vis-
that he had only begun to study
tho measure but that before the Dem-
met to decide whether
they should revise In a sin-
bill or by separate schedules, he
would make known his own
as well as his opinion of the
The income tax problem and its in-
details are also being carefully
considered by the president. He dis-
cussed these in a general way
Secretary of the de-
Col. E. M. House,
Austin, Texas, and Secretary
who were at the white house to-
Mr. Wilson also Is giving some at-
to the possibility of getting a
currency measure before the country
during the extra session of Congress,
and It was said that the conference
tonight touched this subject to some
Diplomatic Appointments.
Little Information was forthcoming
today concerning diplomatic appoint-
It became known Unit Dean
Fine, of Princeton
University, would not accept the am-
to Germany, which had
been offered him by President
eon. Prof. Fine is now Munich
on leave of absence and while he U
one of the President's Intimate
friends and has been strongly urged
to accept, the great expense involved
Is said to have been the reason for the
John K. three times mayor
of N. Y. probably will
be the next collector of the port of
New York. He is said to he the molt
likely of those under consideration.
Shakes Hands with
The President today received an
army of school teachers, the usual ex-
crowd of the Easter
He shook hands with in thirty-
five minutes, among them from
Toronto, Canada, led by Dr. James I.
Wilson, superintendent of schools in
that place.
Congratulations to
Duke of St. old
Dr. S. Luther, president of
Trinity Hartford, Conn.
years old today.
Rear Admiral Albert who
goes on the retired list of tho United
States today, years old today.
Dr. Hugh professor of
theology In Union Theological
Seminary, years old today.
F. and Marcus
A. Smith elected a first United
States Senators from Arizona.
Sever Cold Weather Adds to
Misery of the Homeless
Morehead Thai
Conditions Will More
In Wreck-
ed Zone
KANSAS CITY, March mes-
received here today from Leslie,
Ark., sixty miles north of Little Rock,
says a tornado in that vicinity last
night killed eight or ten persons.
I Reported Killed My Tornado
ST. LOUIS, March per-
sons arc reported to have been killed
In the tornado that struck
Ilia., miles here,
last night.
OMAHA, Neb., March
from the cold and awe inspired by
the nature of their work, scores of
men, women and children today
in the sow to the dead or
injured bodies of relatives and
who lay burled beneath the wreckage
of their homos and buildings which
were crumbled eggshells by th-;
tornado Sunday, swept with
dealing force over Nebraska and Iowa
killing more than persons In
Omaha alone.
Tho latest reports this morning
give the number of injured at
while the death list has not Increased
over the night report of
Sixteen additional bodies were
en from the a pool
ball, this morning, making the total
thus far recovered from that place
The building, after being wrecked
by the tornado, caught on fire from an
overturned stove and burned.
Snow Hampers Work of the
The snow storm which seriously Is
hampering the work of rescue, began
shortly after midnight this morning
Mid la continuing with gathering force.
More than three inches of snow
the debris In the of the city
was struck by the cyclone,
Privations of the storm are
being greatly increased tho
snow storm which is following so
closely in tho wake of the tornado,
Woman tugging at heavy beams, hop-
against hope to find the living
bodies of dear ones beneath the tons
men gruffly cheering
their sorrowful mates; shivering
wrapped about with shawls and
blankets, were the scenes which at
sunrise this morning greeted tho fed-
soldiers as they patrolled the
district, aiding in the rescue
work and the an I
unoccupied homes from conscienceless
Sufferers Clothes and
Later city officials gathered within
the lines drawn around the district by
the soldiers and distributed
and other necessities among the
More than has been sub-
scribed their by tho
city commissions and equal amounts
by citizens who attended yesterday's
meetings of commissioners and other
The Injured at hospitals are
the best attention.
of and Council Bluffs
volunteered their services and
trained nurses have willingly followed
the example of the physicians.
The snow which according to re-
ports is falling with blizzard like pro-
portions from Colorado to Central
Iowa, has seriously Interfered with
that slender thread of telegraphic
communication which yesterday after-
noon was established from Omaha to
the outer worn. Practically no In-
formation has been obtained this
morning from portions of
Nebraska an
The fact that such Intense suffering
is being caused here by the present
In spite of heroic efforts be-
made by the city to provide for
and protect all who have been made
dependent on it, caused Governor
Morehead to fear that the conditions
within the state arc in deplorable
shape. He stated that he would hasten
action before the state legislature to
secure sufficient funds for the
care of storm victims.
Some residents of the district de-
in their belief that at least one
hundred bodies are burled in the ruins
of houses and brick building., of
amusement places which were known
to be tilled with pleasure seekers on
Easter Sunday,
Torn From Arms of Mother
Among the searchers last night an
today is Mrs. W. W. Sherwood. Ill In
bed Mrs. was holding her
week old babe in her arms when the
v descended upon her little e-
The home was the in-
torn from the mother's arms and
blown away and so far It has not been
found. In spite of her weakness and
suffering from injuries she sustained
In the storm, Mrs. Sherwood, aided by
her friends Is hunting the hospitals
the Improvised about the
In Ralston, a suburb of this
Edward his wife and three
were sitting in their homo chat-
ting on Easter Sunday when the tor-
suddenly carried them and their
homo to Palo Creek, one hundred
yards away and dropped them into the
water. Mrs. Mote was and
her baby recovered lute yesterday
under the wreckage the
Die Clasped in Others Arms
H. E. Said and wife, bride and bride-
groom of a month, were In Ham
house. Warned of approaching death
by Mr. Ham, the two solace in
each other's arms. Thus they were
found dead. Mr. was Slightly In
When the tornado rushed upon
Omaha nuns were in tho
Heart Convent. Seeing its approach
they hurried from the live story
and sought refuge In the home of
just across
the street. No sootier the last of
women left the convent than the
building collapsed with a crash.
The girl students at the convent
were spending their Easter Sunday
their homes or with friends.
of them In the building at the
Capture all the Fortified Points
Hope of Saving
Virginia Clansmen is
March -ill
lodge of Odd Fellows in
street railway In New
England from to Cam-
bridge, opened.
of tho Confederate States
of America.
of Representatives pass-
ed the first Interstate commerce
Charles as-
Allies to Insist
era I in are Order-
ed Hack to their Posts of
SOFIA, Bulgaria, March
Turkish advanced positions and all the
fortified points to the cast of the fort-
of were captured by
the Bulgarian besiegers this morning.
Allies to Insist upon
COLOGNE. Germany, March
The reply of the allies to the
m pram the
will propose that the future frontier
between Turkey and Bulgaria should
run from on the Sea by
way of above to th I
Gulf of an Inlet of the Aegean
In this way Bulgaria would be ex-
from the Sea of in
accordance with the desire of the
Bulgaria, however, and the other
Balkan allies Insist on the payment
mi Indemnity by Turkey. They are
willing to suspend hostilities at once,
if Turkey surrenders the fortress of
and her
Turkish Ordered Hack To
The military governor of the Turkish
capital published a notice today warn-
all Turkish officers absent from
any army on leave or for other
sons to return to their posts.
The bombardment of is
to have been stopped on or-
from tho government.
acted on the advice of the
French and Russian ministers who
the premier that the
powers had to unalterable
that must belong LO.
the state of Albania.
Civilians Can Leave
Montenegro, March ts,
-Tin- Montenegrin government In re-
to the note,
agreed today to permit the civilian
population of leave the city
This was the most radical of Austria's
At the panic time Montenegro In-
forms Austria that Montenegrin
government has a note t
powers protesting against
which it calls a breach
of neutrality
RICHMOND, Va., March
Governor Mann's emphatic
statement that his action is final, at-
for the condemned Aliens,
who have Just returned from Wash- f Cl IllS
are today preparing to make a
appeal to the governor, pleading
that certain legal phases of the case
be considered.
Four Justice of the supreme
the Justice
While and Justices Hughes.
and their pleas and
that no question
It Is said today that Senator Swan,
son after whom Claude Allen is
ed, has approached Governor Mann
personally asking for clemency for
the younger Allen.
Greatly Stirred
Propose a Conference, and Eighteen
Have Promised to Attend. Vic-
tor Their Choice For
movement to bring all Progressives
i in the House into a compact third par-
organization stirred up
the Aliens, father and son, will die Progressive-Republican and In-
electric chair Friday morning, j dependent circles of the House to an
there is no longer doubt Their unexpected degree. Up to tonight,
to last decree and eighteen members of House had
lighting to the last ditch, have reach-1 notified Representative William II.
ed the end of their rope, no of Illinois, the active lead-
man agency will prevent the in the organization plan, that they
lion of the law. which demands the would attend the proposed conference
of Floyd and Claude Allen for St which Victor
participation in the shooting up dock is to be made the Progressive
of the court at last March, i Choice for speaker.
The final legal effort, which was
reeled toward saving the life of
Claude by an appeal to the United
Stales supremo on the plea that
the man's life had been twice j
thus depriving him of the
rights guaranteed him under the con-l
was abandoned yesterday
after Messrs.
Tho altitude of many of those
Progressive-Republicans, denominated
by Colonel
v It. has not yet been determined. A
partial canvass of many of these who
been prominent in the ranks of
the insurgent Republican forces for
the last two congresses but who are
had been successively turned
Associate Justice Hughes.
Announcing their determination ti
carry their petition to each of the
other seven Justices In the effort to
secure a writ of error and a stay
execution for the younger Allen,
officially members of the new Pro-
party, showed today that the
majority of them had not decided
whether they would take part in th-
Progressive conference.
While the Progressives, as
by Mr. bale
attorneys remained in Washington ail plied direct for recognition as a .-. p-
day yesterday, but after a party in the distribution of
decided that further effort was us.-- committee places, the Progressive-
b and it.
So far as the executive channel is
concerned, Governor Mann sealed the
doom of the condemned men several is the leader. Some
weeks ago and has had no hesitation
in stating since his official
was Issued that it was absolutely
Io Officers
Realizing almost Impossibility
of his escaping the clutches of th-
officers Mr who en
night shot Mr. Will D. Smith,
near Ayden, quietly walked Into tho
office of the sheriff Tuesday afternoon
surrendered to Sheriff
Ernest Dudley who escorted him to
the Jail where he Is now confined to
outcome the wound in-
by a bullet from a revolver In
his hands, and tho day for hie trial.
Chicago, March
enormous damage caused by tor-
in Nebraska. Iowa and
I Indiana brought out Hie State-
from Insurance companies
that losses thus far this year
on Insurance breaks
nil records, while fire losses
are smaller than usual.
Tornadoes do not usually
come so. early in tho year. In-
agents say that the
storms In south last week
were unusually destructive
and that Nebraska storm
will pile up the losses. Figures
on the policies affected by tho
Omaha storm are not yet
but It Is said that many
buildings destroyed were pro-
by tornado Insurance.
One eastern company collect-
ed In premiums on
such policies In Nebraska alone
Dr. Hyatt Coming-
H. O. Hyatt will be at Hotel
Republicans are still dependent upon
tho regular Republican organization
of which Mann of
was added to the Progressive
plans today by the rumor that
the Republican leaders were Inclined
to withdraw some of the com-
places from the
Republican members.
The date for conference
of Progressives,
set for April was changed to-
day Io April Representative
will go to New York within a
ft w days for a conference with Col-
Roosevelt- The latter is expect-
ed to semi a personal message to the
Progressive gathering. A portion of
Ms recent letter to Representative
made public today, fol-
Hear Judge
for you; I am more than
pleased with what you have done. It
would be an thing to run
Victor as our for
the and I that, a
you have suggested to him, ho will
announce himself as willing to accept
tho nomination of tho Progressives
for this position.
I think II would be a good
thing for the Progressive party that
our men should act together and
should consult one another freely an-I
In addition that they should keep in
closest touch with
so as to net substantially on tho
same lines, the Idea that they
may ultimately Join With us We
Bertha Monday, April 7th, to go ahead with our organization
diseases of the eye and fit glasses. Its a separate, distinct national party
Don't you think this Is

Eastern reflector, 21 March 1913
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 21, 1913
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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