Eastern reflector, 3 May 1912

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Shoes For Every Member of the Family
Moved in Front of Greenville Banking Trust Company.
la Healthful, the Must el Washington.
N. C Mil .
Early Returns
T. R.
Elections in Bay State Show Close-
Calling of Third Tenner
An Advantage
Halifax I Product's
hit the of Year.
Halifax county there has boon gin-
this season 40.000 hales of cot-
as 23.000 last year. On
of the Inability of the farm-
get pickers to do the work
much cotton was ft in the fields and
is had all of it been
ed that county would easily have
produced hales this season.
U. S. Trains Guns
On Forts
of Them To Stand
Thorough Trial
BOSTON, April contest In
the primaries presidential today for
the Massachusetts delegates to the
Republican national convention far
exceeded In Interest for
of the delegation lo the
Democrat Ion.
Council of North Carolina In
Session There.
SHELBY Prominent men from nil
walks of life from the mountains to
the seashore will he In Shelby this
week the occasion the meeting
of the Great Council of North Caro-
m proved Order of Red Men.
f are expected to arrive tomorrow
Baltimore several hundred strong and remain
Karly through Thursday.
turns showed that four Republicans
voters went to Hie polls to one Dem-
The race between President Taft
and Col. Roosevelt, which on the show
of the preference of voters, was a
neck and neck affair, for several hours
absorbed so much attention that the
long lead of Speaker Clark over Gov.
Woodrow Wilson was almost for-
In the district in out of
small towns. Crane had to Bax-
This is Senator Crane's
home district, and the election of the
two Taft delegates was conceded by
Roosevelt leaders the early even-
In the second district out of
towns gave Crane and Baxter
with a similar lead for the Taft men
over Roosevelt district candidates.
President Taft carried Boston, ex-
of by more than
but run behind in all the small towns
that had reported up to p. m. In
these smaller towns, together with a
number of wards In the cities of North
Adams, Port.
Lynn and the vote stood
Roosevelt 6.468; Taft 5.355.
These same cities and towns gave
Baxter, who headed the
group of delegates 6.564 to 4.537 for
Senator IV. Murray Crane, who led the
Taft group.
to Have Marble
lure Costing-
the government architect who has
supervision of the plans for
Salem's new building, was
in the city today looking over the
lands recently purchased by the gov-
and securing data to be us-
ed In drawing up the plans.
Mill Make Memorial Address.
Locke Craig.
of has accepted the
of chapter,
Daughters of the Confederacy, extend-
ed through Mrs. T. A. Lyon. to de-
liver the at Memorial Day
here May
ST. PAIL. Minn. April
against the International Harvester
Company, charging it with being a
monopoly In restraint of trade and
asking that it be dissolved, was filed
by the government in the
States court here today.
In a petition In equity, this
corporation, popularly called
the Harvester trust, is declared to
exist in violation of the Sherman law.
To accomplish the disintegration of
the so called trust, the government
asks the court to lo
bar from interstate commerce the
products of the International
Company of America. Its sell-
agency. The appointment of re-
to take of the prop-
and wind up the business
the court should be of opinion
that the public Interests will be bet-
served is suggested.
knights of at
MACON. May of
from all parts of Georgia
are In possession of and the
downtown section of the city is a
sea of bunting and Masonic emblems.
The sir knights are here for the an-
conclave of the grand
which began today and will con-
over tomorrow.
New Head of College.
Pa., May
In the of a notable gather-
of American educators Dr. Anna
J. formerly of the
Collage faculty, was installed today
as president of Wilson College. The
principal address at the Inauguration
exercises was delivered by President
KM n Pendleton of
in the League.
Pa. May
season of the Base-
ball league opened today with games
In Harrisburg. Trenton.
The filing of the suit came as the and Reading.
The league circuit Is
climax of five years of Investigation the same as last year, comprising
by the government. Lately the case Johnstown. York. Lancaster and
has figured prominently in political
discussion between President Taft
and Colonel Roosevelt regarding
Instructions which Mr.
while president in 1907 gave to
his attorney general. Charles J. Ron-
concerning prosecution of the
in addition to the other four
cities named. The season will con-
until September
Heavy Losses By Fire
Sen. Simmons President for
Mat Signing Tariff Bills.
The tariff fight in senate opened
today when Senator Simmons. In
charge of the Democratic house meas-
made the opening speech In sup-
port of the house metal bill.
Senator Simmons criticized
dent for his refusal to sign the
tariff bills of the lust session and de-
that president's
nation not to sign any tariff bills,
previous to action by the tariff board
was an of the
of congress and
to the last
The metal bill probably will be be-
fore senate at least two weeks.
Floyd Allen Faces
Court at
Mountaineers Attend Opening
Knapp Burnett, Years, Will Nichols I Year
Jury in William Nichols Case
Agrees As To Verdict After
Full Night Of Deliberation
His Honer Called
to Court House At 6.30
A. M. to Hear Verdict Of
the opening season for the
Illinois Baseball league, Oshkosh play
its first game at Madison, Wausau
at Aurora, at Racine and
Appleton at The league cir
this year is the same as last.
excepting that Wausau has the
held 1st season by Fond Lac.
Officer Meets Death
On R. R. Crossing
in IV m.
Nichols Burnett
apprehended and accused of
the crime.
Feb. SO. to
April put on
trial before His Honor Judge
April sub-
to second degree
May Burnett
to , years in the
sentenced to
year in the penitentiary.
words must, have gone some way
to show the defendant a light
could hardly be used ill bright
surroundings of room. Yet
he showed him in and
him to his heart's con-
tent and certainly for safety of
tile people of Mr.
tor talked for over an hour.
His honor charged the Jury in his
business like manner. This or that,
and you have heard enough to know
whether it should be this thing or
the oilier thing. So. gentlemen, the
case It with you.
The case was gent lenient
until half six Ibis morning when
the judge was Bent for. The jury
, filled into court room, totally
except for the presence of
Solicitor and Lawyer Ward.
, of The
begged the merry of court for
, the prisoner.
, Nichols and Burnett were brought
, to court and his honor imposed tho
of five years for the latter
one year for the former, in
II. Reynold Company's Losses by
Fire Amounts to In-
sured-Still plenty of Leaf To-
In will not In-
their Manufacturing.
fire loss, according to statements made
by the property owners In the
here Monday night will aggregate
With Insurance amounting to
The H. J. Reynolds Tobacco com-
had their tobacco Insured for
and their loss Is estimated at
about They have plenty
leaf tobacco III storage here and
loss will not In any way effect their
Fire Tuesday morning at o'clock
also damaged the of Vaughan
company, wholesale grocers, to the
amount of fully covered by
Insurance. This business house Is
located only S block from the scene
of the big fire.
Voting In Florida.
Rains today resulted In light voting
In presidential preferences
in this state. The through
out slate closed at tonight
and owing lo the complicated ballot
returns will be slow coming In.
Headquarters of officials for
mid Underwood, only presidential
candidates whose names appeared on
the ballot are claiming for
their respective candidates.
Dr. Hyatt
Dr. H. O Hyatt will at Hotel
Bertha Monday, May 6th, to treat dis-
eases of the eye.
Theological library Dedicated.
day's celebration of Founder's Day at
Theological School was
made notable by dedication of the
new library presented to the school
by the John Gordon Wright of
The principal speakers at
dedication exercises were
dent Lowell of Harvard
Bishop Lawrence, a former dean of
the school and Professor Bliss Perry.
Vs., April
Floyd Allen was before the bar In cir-
this morning to be tried
for his life for the part be played
In the court tragedy March
His was selected for
Tho outcome will the
methods In prosecuting the
other five accused clansmen under
guard In Jail here. A largo
of citizens was summoned. It was
expected considerable trouble would
be experienced in getting a Jury.
Many Mountaineers In Court.
A caravan of mountaineers travel-
over ruin-soaked roads from Hills-
ville and the surrounding country,
arrived last night lo participate In
the trials beginning today of the
members of the Allen gang Indicted
for murders In Carroll
house. March when the
Judge, prosecuting attorney, the Sher-
juror and under were as-
More than one hundred witnesses
have reached here. Some came part
way by rail, others by horseback,
while many drove all day in country
wagons and camped outside the town.
Mrs. Floyd Allen Present.
Mrs. Floyd Allen, wife of the man
was being tried In the
ville court when the shooting be-
rode twenty from the
mountains at daybreak In u canvas-
covered wagon to nearest
station She Is n frail
woman, wrinkled age. upon
whom rests heavily burden of
mini her husband and two sons
Claude Victor, tried for murder.
Mrs. Victor Allen, three small
Jasper Allen, a brother of
Floyd, accompanied her.
A. I,. Special Officer of the
Southern Railroad Was Caught in
Ills Buggy on Railroad Crossing.
Instantly Killed. Farmer With Him
Badly Injured.
SPENCER. April on a
railroad crossing between Spencer and
at noon today A. L.
way. a special officer of the South-
railway, of East Spencer was In-
killed D. M. Blackwelder,
I well known fatally Injured.
The view of the rapidly approaching
locomotive was obstructed by s line
of freight cars and the impact was
terrific. -The buggy was scattered In
various directions and Officer Alta-
way was cut lo pieces, death being
Instantaneous. The remains were
en in charge an undertaker and Mr.
was carried lo a
for treatment. The horse driven
the men escaped without Injury.
Mr. had recently moved to
Bast Spencer lo live and was a val-
officer of the Southern. Mrs. Al-
has for several weeks been
under treatment In the
sanitarium In Salisbury and
unable to be up. Her father, who re-
sides in Ga Is also St the
point of death and has not been ad-
vised of the condition of Ills
Quiet reigns once more in the room
where His Honor Judge Justice
sided last week and the early part
of present. Court house square
has been deserted until the next term
of court and Justice has been dis-
in a manlier that will long
presiding judge's name
With feeling of satisfaction for
things will done.
A lining close of the ex-
were speech-
es made yesterday afternoon both
defense and prosecution In an effort
to Impress the sober looking Jurors
as lo the guilt or of the
IV. Nichols. Many people came into
court yesterday for the express
pose of hearing the one and only
They were not disappointed.
This distinguished Washington bar-
at Ills best as he squared
before the jury box and to
make his speech. For considerably
over an hour arguments were
and defeated, Witnesses at-
tacked windows rallied, people listen-
ed attentively and Lawyer Ward's
w H, C. Industries.
For the week ending April the
Chattanooga Tradesman reports the
following new Carolina
Ahoskie de-
construction com
telephone com-
brick plant.
High veneer and
panel amusement
Henderson cotton and
mattress company.
railroad company
drug company.
Norlina bank.
development com-
lumber com-
High School.
The commencement exercises of
High School will lake
place next week, on the and
Wednesday annual
sermon by Rev. Thomas W.
kepi up a steady How Raleigh. Thursday night exercises
by the graduating class, Friday morn-
Wit h I-.
The Shoe Co. has Joined
the army of progressive merchants
ballerina; In the result-getting power
of ad In The Reflector columns.
This company's ad. appears on an-
other of this Issue, would
he to the readers advantage to see
when they need a pair of
brought perspiration to his
temples. Many times did the at-
have an opportunity to
the speakers ready wit. With
and word Lawyer Ward drove
home every nail In sight and after a Society.
effort to have everything
pink-colored for his client left it with
the Jury.
Most of us have heard Solicitor Ab-
address the Jury. It has
ways been our privilege to
when he stalled by vowing that there
is nothing; on earth that him
much as a brother
man In trouble. His heart simply
goes out to meet the man In dis-
tress, but oh It Is so
he happens to be on the Other side
of the fence, for before he finishes
bis talk. has that
poor brother on defend-
ants half way to Jail. And this
bloodthirsty man with the voice
and kindly features pick here
and picks there until he accomplish-
es his duty towards the people of the
Solicitor made a
great speech to the Jurors and his
literary address by Rev. Walter
N Johnson, of Wake Forest. Friday
afternoon debate by Vance Literary
Society. Friday night concert by
who will not reason Is a bigot;
he cannot is a fool; he who
dares no is a
Many are taking more though of
the Titanic than of their house-
You may not go down
mill's deep, but you will go down
the same see that you
have a policy with The Mutual Life
of New York.
Bentley Harriss has it for you.
It Is line Property.
Somebody is going lo miss an op-
in purchasing some of the
properly on Dickinson avenue which
Mr. IV. II. Allen is offering for sale.
We learn that a number of persona
are considering It The property lay
certainly desirable.

The Washington district of the Me-
of North
Before dismissing the grand Jury
which was m suasion all last week.
their report to His Honor Judge closed its annual
M Ml read before the court. In I,. this City, the Kev. J. T.
this document the grand Jurors The and
strongly a new county, all reported an in-
and highly
The To Walk out Surely not
lire already have told
use me to know tin- in B- them we
a U. i l should Pa. Their wen- ordered
The language tongue the ., the re-
r to the general b.- N greater Joy could be
a by the grand Jurors. of is experienced than or knowing
a C Mercer. President w,, ,,, ,. , w m way ,
home to be situated no farther than
three from the county Beat.
In connection with this project Gov.
Jarvis addressed the court and de-
entirely in accord with
Among the prominent visitors were
Franklin N. of Trinity Col- ,.,. iD the general be-l
Col. Skinner also made a strong
he Honorable Superior Court of of the meeting were ,.,
Pitt County, Judge M. N. Justice
for the change and reminded and Mi. C. H. L, , of ,,. . , a. us to walk. A
I that hack during of V C load. of ,, ., .,,,. ,,,. f of
The in he made movement . the North on the contrary con ,., ,. , Bl. ,. w
ration n-w on the Methodist Conference. gin pr, n
The morning and afternoon
No bigger Bargains
no fuller
and value than
i s represented i n
As foreman of the Grand Jury in
Pitt County and on behalf of the
grand Jurors I beg to make the fol-
lowing report.
We inspected the jail and while we
admit that a jail Is not attractive at
its best, yet our Jail is not kept as it
should be and we recommend that
County Commissioners purchase fifty
feet of hose to use in washing out the
corridors outside of the cells at least
great distress He is in is m easy to discover
strait, and his spirit is over- . , ,., u w
voted to business and the report of whelmed, his heart desolate. He is rig., ,,,., IO
the various pastoral charges, all of
Which were highly gratifying and
showed progress along all lines. The
evenings were devoted to sermons by
in perplexity as to his way. He does Many perplexing problems be-
not know the way and he prays. mall or who is en-
There is a way each of el, to the in life.
There are some ways in Which we Self-will often presents one's
some of the men of the District. cannot reserve the merit. It is not wise to de-
Among the addresses of especial note. we would love to on others. The popular idea is
were those of Or. The Rev. again along yea- not always the right way. Tin voice
Mr Mercer and Mr. s way We are sure that we of people is not every lime the
address on in n- improve on the lite which was voice of God. It is oftentimes
on Tuesday evening was it only we had a chance. What sari to stand alone if one would stand
a masterpiece. I we might have been la be for the right.
The following Ministers were in at- us. We did not grasp the op- While it is true that Clod has a
a week also provide a broom to as we would if we lite-plan for every life and while it
have the jail swept once each day. in j T. Elder, bad another chance. That mistake is also true that this life-plan is
present condition we do not j w K. H. Broom, would not be mad. now. Every right, still, it is also true that
alder it sanitary. m. Ashby. K. M. it. R. Grant
Fine Furniture
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums
Our close buying means naming the
prices for money has maximum
buying power here.
Taft Vandyke
The offices of the Clerk of Court.
Sheriff and Register of Peeds are
in good condition and we observe that
the are kept In good shape.
The basement of the Court House
is not in good condition, large piles
of trash were found in most of Ha-
has its memory Of days that could be permits a man to choose whether-
F Watson. II Thompson. J. I., better lived. There is no reversal he will follow this right life plan.
Mr, W. I. Craven. W. the way possible. The path is baa Hi. privilege of turning aside
J. Covington. J. J. Lewis, A. Burgess, us it is a forward march. Surely I from which is right and follow-
W T. H K. H. B. we should remember that his own The way may
Lance, It D. Daniel and L. B. Jones, ever thy hand to do. do II to be right and yet end in
Among the lay delegates present
with all thy I cry. How the power of
There are some ways along Which choice What tremendous danger in
we must walk. The way to the graft the opportunity given to men Two
life, and it must be path facing the life
one seems
were the Col. John T. Bar-
rooms, and in the corridor and it up- j ton. Messrs. C. L. Band, Chas. Cobb.
to the Jurors Wat such T. Deans. J. C. It. Davenport. J. J- facet every
rash had been there for some time. Edwards, D. . W K Jeffries, It is being traveled and every bright and beautiful is chosen and
closets and are N. Leggett, J. W. L Matthews. C. moment brings the tomb nearer. An leads to disaster. Temporal disaster
t receiving the proper Hush. J. R. Raines. W. L. Shelton. unpleasant fact may be. but a r- sometimes and eternal disaster often,
and it appeared to the Jurors that T. Leslie Turnage. H. Death, however, is not the Happy the man who will say
Court House janitor is not doing his C. Venters. M. Wilkinson, J. L. end of the we wish it w. . Thou for
Yelverton and W H. Atkins. If death did end the journey, It is true that God can and will
then the squandering of man to know the right way.
would be folly but a Per Centuries ago God led In
A death When the He does still. Once it was
of takes us a cloudy pillar by night a
of the responsibility flame by night. Then angels
life becomes deeper. Impossible heavenly and by
to overestimate the responsibility. ken word guided. Visions came to
The watter
duty. Our Court House is a credit to
Pitt county and should receive the
attention that it merits.
Our Convict Camp was inspected
New and complete stock of Coat Suits just arrived,
the latest and best styles.
New goods arriving every day, and in ten days our stock will
be complete in every line.
and we report, it in class
There are thirty-six at Baal Carolina the seriousness
thirty-three colored and three white, i Training
all cared for under the circuit.- The of a series of luncheons
the senior class of There is another path which each the night time and dream.
Training life must follow the path of char- old the way. II was
into the way.
Eighteen colored be
re housed in one wagon which we
given by
and under direction of the formation Bach day means the Then
Miss formation of habits that becomes the the pathways and a
The final c-bar- into knowledge, We have It
the in
garments of soul.
be the limit to each wagon and proficient economies teacher.
to the County given Wednesday, lb. .
loners to purchase one more wagon by Misses Greene is made up of the daily
as there should be one wagon Mamie Williams. The dining nations. The little deed of. repeated
fined for the white prisoners. of the -Little Red on becomes the fixture in the life and , ,
complaint was made by any prison-L, end of the campus, was at- takes its place in X
r that one received more decorated In dogwood Character Is which a man and Rein to
The young ladies are allowed really is. no, what he is thought to we pass these providences , Third
H Ward C. C.
Washington N. O. Greenville, N. C
Attorneys at Law
Practice in the
For Register of Deeds.
I hereby announce myself a
date for Register of Deeds of Pitt
county, to the approval and
action of the Democratic party.
A committee of eight visited the dollar and a quarter to serve six be
give them little attention, forgetful
county home and under the for that amount these two. There is a way in which
stances everything was found in beautifully served the creature should walk. The right way. Fellow men-weary and wed
good condition as could be expected, It should be the chosen wouldst thou know the way The
The inmates made no complaint and Creamed Potatoes preferred way. There should be down In the ll
they were getting on very well, stuffed Tomatoes Bread and Hut- bulging for this way and a leaking
yet the entire grand Jury feel that. Sandwiches after it. and it is the way in which
there should be an entire change. each life should be found. There is
taken place at the county home. of the such a way and it was the life-plan
present home is not In accord with
1-2 lb. beef I dozen for each of us.
Pitt county s progress and it is the j or- Everything from the
at the nature,
most minute
it tenderly.
There is knowledge to be
it from God. in the words of David.
pray. me to know the way
wherein I should
sacred burden in this life ye hear;
box atom as well as the vast ocean on it. lift it bear it solemnly,
our present home be disposed of and Be; pint milk its course marked way beneath
opinion of the grand jury that
If. W.
Attorney at Law
Office formerly occupied by J. L
North Carolina
that acres more of cleared land he
purchased, not more than three miles
1-2 dozen tomatoes
seasoning sugar
bread fore it. Nothing left to chance. No,
butter haphazard in nature. Did intend Fall not for sorrow, falter not for sin.
greatest result of His But onward, upward, till th
Those present were. Misses be Id
Office second floor In Wooten
on Third St., court
present were.
Mae Susie Warren.
from the county seat and suitable
buildings be erected thereon. The
grand jury is more than convinced
that if the county owned a home
that contained acres of cleared.
I Th
land that the said home would B-1 ,,. by That the order of Odd Fellows in
Lewis and Prof. Wilson. Prosperous Condition
of these luncheons Odd Fellow
more than self sustaining and at the
tame time be a credit lo Pitt
r. addition to report a special
report has been prepared on
county roads which we beg to re-
Respectfully submitted,
Dall and Eula Greenville is in a wide pros- B. J. Pulley, Dry Goods,
Is evidenced by the W. A. Dry Goods.
C. T. Dry Goods.
Proctor. Clover blossoms and Sham- c,
rocks formed the center piece of the fuel every Tuesday they
Of have a full meeting and just now the S II. Schultz, Groceries.
J. Tobacco Flues.
Foreman Grand Jury. Creamed
Tomato Salad
table and the other decorations
the dinning room The place cards lodge you might say, is working over
wore hand painted with spring U., a few weeks ago ., large de- Brown T
Bower. Th, men,, team came from and J E. Br ad
Potato Puffs in initiating and giving the J H J. G. Mdse.
Hot Biscuits
eggs tomatoes let-
And we further
That and distinct water Coffee
closets In Court House be provided Itemized cost of
for white people and for
been made as
and we believe our county com- pepper, salt baking powder
should remedy the trouble vinegar It; mustard total
away. j Those present were. Misses Pugh,
Lewis. and Prof.
several degrees to a club ten canal- Mooring and Son, Gen. Mdse
dates. Two weeks ago the lodge in- Taft and VanDyke. Furniture.
another Club of twelve, now Pender and Hicks, Plumbing.
another club is being made up
The D. Whichard. Florals,
s written the lodge Hart and Hadley, Hardware.
Much complaint has butter milk cream g Bank of Greenville.
night the lodge celebrated the Greenville Banking and Trust Co.
anniversary of the order in I
America by turning out in a body; ,.,.
. , , , a Miracle.
to the Methodist i
to a fine sermon by the chaplain, Rev. One of them startling changes
i m Hoyle, on the of the to
peal fundamental principle . the W. U. Clarendon, Tex., was
its chief mission being of effected years ago In bis brother.
SERVICE to humanity. Those who had such a dreadful he
did not that sermon will never all of our family thought
much they missed. Being into the consumption.
The Banner After Grip
lies often in a run-down
Weakness, lack of
petite, energy and ambition, with dis-
ordered liver and kidneys often fol-
low an attack of this wretched
The greatest need then is
Bitters, the glorious tonic,
purifier and regulator of stomach.
liver and kidneys. Thousands have
proved that they wonderfully strength
en the nerves, build up the system ,
restore to health and good
its after an attack of Grip. If
try them. Only cents. Sold
and perfect satisfaction guaranteer by,
AT .
willing to work for results, both for .
himself and employer; to solicit sub-
for Dally and Weekly Re-
in Greenville and Pitt county. .
Only young man willing to work need .
apply. Business Office.
Belcher Murder Cast Jury.
O. C. Nobles, Ayden.
W. K. Clark. Township.
A. L. James, Carolina Township.
C. H. fortes, Greenville.
W. It. Bow rs. Bethel Township.
J. J. Moor. Bethel Township.
M. N Swift Creek town-
W. II. Wingate, Ayden.
J. It. Mobley, Township.
W. A. Taylor, Bethel.
L. Y. Grimesland.
T. J. Daniel,
Lawyers- Moore. Long. Dunn.
Cox. assisting
For the Release.
Lawyers -Ward. Skinner. Wood-
ard. James, Pierce
and Harding.
Tried before His Honor Judge
at Law
Office in building, it
wherever bis services art
. North
Washington, I. C Greenville, N. L.
H. W. t M. D.
Greenville office with Dr. D. L.
Practice limited to diseases of the
Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat
Greenville, . . . S. Carolina
For Register of Deeds.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for the office of of
Deeds of Pitt county, subject to the
action and approval of the Democrat-
primary. I wish to thank my
friends for the support given four
years ago and earnestly ask for
In the coming primary.
. l in
For Register of Deeds.
I desire to announce that I will be
a candidate for Register of Deeds be-
fore the Democratic primary or con-
which ever may be called for
the county of Pitt. I shall be grate-
and appreciate the support of my
friends and citizens of the county of
U I. Moore
W. H. Lone
Attorneys at Law
W. I .
D. ST.
Attorney at Law
but he begun to use Dr. King's New
Discovery and was completely cured
Inmate of Hume, by ten bottles. Now he Is sound and
There is s remarkable woman out we pounds. For
at the county home in the person of
Polly May. whom everybody about wonderful remedy for coughs and
the and all who know her call, with excellent It's
She is y. age safe and reliable and
a,,,, has been an inmate of the home Price cents and Trial
tor years. Notwithstanding her bottle free at all druggists.
. i he gets around almost as spryly
as person not half old. She
nukes herself useful to
wall on the sick and looking after
matters generally among the
Heals the President Six to One.
in the
can precinct meeting here yesterday
patients. Superintendent Tucker Bays afternoon to select delegates to the
would hardly know how to convention Monday a test vote
was taken of the Taft
strength and the Rough Rider beat
Cl Engineers and
at Law
Office opposite R. L. Smith Co
and door to John Flan-
Buggy Company's new building
Greenville, North Carolina
For Register of Heeds.
I hereby announce myself a
date for Register of Deeds, subject to
the approval and action of the Demo-
J. ll. LITTLE.
For Register of Deeds.
hereby announce myself a
date for Register of Deeds of Pitt
county, subject to the approval and
of the Democratic party.
Attorney at Law
In Building on t Court
House Square
Greenville, North Carolina,
Attorney at Law
North Carolina
I wish to announce myself a can-
for township con-
stable, subject to the Democratic
For Constable.
I hereby announce a
date for of Greenville town-
ship, subject to the action and
of the Democratic party.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for Constable of Greenville
township, subject to the action and
approval of the Democratic party.
along without
not celebrate the fourth of
the President to About the same
July. It might bring a large crowd rate of ,, ,., throughout
lo town. county so as is ;.
at A. M. Allen's Stables.
Greenville, I. C.
Day Phone Night Phone 289-L.
Will attend calls Day or Night.
I am selling line Black
and White Leghorn Eggs at per
setting It. Some of the
birds the State In my breeding
pent. Winners at Greens-
and lairs. Great
Han. with dead-
weapon, pleads guilty, fined and
William carrying concealed,
weapon, pleads guilty, lined and
Neal I o. assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, lined and
Bert Clark assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
pended on payment of costs.
John T. Manning, affray, pleads
guilty. Judgment on pay-
Nathan Crandall and Jesse Flem-
affray, Judgment suspended on
payment of costs.
Henry Harrington, con-
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
and costs.
Wortham Tom Williams,
Willie Fleming, Jerry Barnes and Joe
Foreman, gambling, plead guilty, fin-
ed each and costs.
Tom Williams, carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, lined and
Bob Sr., selling liquor,
guilty, sentence pending.
Monroe Cameron, selling liquor,
not guilty in one case, guilty in an-
other case. Sentence pending.
David disturbing religious
worship, guilty; sentence pending.
Walter West, selling liquor, pleads
guilty. months on the roads.
Dan W. selling liquor,
pleads guilty cases. Sen-
Jacob West, carrying concealed
weapon, guilty, fined and costs.
Frank Wiggins, larceny, pleads
guilty, two years on roads.
Willie Fleming, alias
Fleming, selling liquor guilty,
months on roads.
Will Fleming, alias Flem-
larceny, on two charges,
months on roads.
Marshburn and Jim Tucker,
larceny, pleads
Tucker not
John Hooks and W. Chap-
man, affray, both guilty, judgment
suspended as lo Chapman upon pay-
of half costs; Hooks Sentenced
to roads for four months.
Jacob Wilson, carrying concealed
weapon, not guilty.
James Ernest Donaldson, abandon-
pleads guilty, sentenced four
months on roads.
J. II. Owens, selling liquor, pleads
guilty. The bond of In
case which had been paid by N. G.
Moore, surety for Owens, was order-
ed refunded, less costs.
Richard disturbing re-
worship, pleads
suspended on payment of costs.
Alex Bailey and Alonzo King,
not guilty.
B. P. appeal from may-
or's court, guilty, fined costs.
In another case against same defend-
ant he pleads and fined and
Matilda Ward, assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty. Judgment
pended on payment of costs.
Joyner, gambling, pleads
guilty. Judgment suspended on pay-
four months on roads.
Mack Peacock, larceny, guilty, sen-
guilty, sentenced four months on
larceny, guilty, sen-
eight months In Jail to begin
next lo Issue.
While pleading guilty to the
charge of selling liquor, Dan.
W. a former police-
man both of and
was deprived of a
gun. Solicitor learn-
ed the fact whilst the man was
on the witness stand.
next We hear from It
will be on a charge of carry-
concealed weapons. He
was remanded lo the Jail
Festival at Hie Training School.
Last night the year I
class gave to the school a and
beautiful entertainment consisting of
songs and drills of various nations
America was by a
drill, the whole wearing
white ties and red ti.-s and carrying
U. S. flags marched lo American airs.
At the close of the class singing Dixie
rallied around the Goddess of Liberty,
the class president. Miss Ethel
Miss Eliza Branch then sang a
tuneful little Irish song.
Next. Dutch girls dressed in lull red
skirts, black and white caps.
gave the Dutch dance with windmill
This was G
the heavy wooden shoe step was clear-
Tills was followed by a Spanish
dance. The tall, graceful girls, dress-
ed In picturesque costumes of orange
and black, carrying tambourines made
a beautiful picture.
Miss Hazel Armstrong played I
piano solo, after which the class sang
an Italian song. Santa Lucia.
Then came the English scene,
crowning the Queen of May with rose
garlands. This made a beautiful
At the close the class Bung and
Waved their banners.
Hr. I. It. Meadows conducted Y.
W. A. services Training
School on Sunday
Where Money
As noted by the Hartford
one evident result of nominations by
Presidential preference primaries is Interesting Taken
it puts money into circulation.
The takes Colonel N r MI a
campaign for the , ,,. oily of
nomination as an in-
example. it observes truly
that presidential primary costs
about the same as election and
furnishes more opportunity the
unscrupulous use of money. It is
something of a hypocrite. it
to get the voice of tin people,
Saturday morning
range a business, collecting a
little more than I paid out l believe
in getting something of the city
and town folks as well as
to let gel from me all the time.
As I along kept a sharp
lookout . see what was being done-
out what ll gets a. .- . p. ,,. , too
who has the largest , ,,,., w, , ,. , .,
corruption and the bast MB- WM ,,, II. U Elks s. Ills
were very much too small.
What With Slate primaries, Con-
primaries and now
de,,;,., preference the era
huge and repeated expenditure of
money for political purposes will soon
have arrived almost everywhere ill
The other was on the Marlboro
road in the of
Ton PI Hips farm. Don't know
who owns the place nor who lives
there, i noticed the tobacco
beds bad the cloth on them,
the states. It might teem M, Dave Edwards
Senator career in
Wisconsin was of such nature as to
require moderate expenditure
was tinkering on his old transplanter
as if he intended using it soon. Saw
a great deal of land with no rows
upon primaries in his behalf. Yet marked on It, but had been
it is not disputed that Mr. course was going to i-
son, the new Senator, spent very year That quiet,
sums to advance Mi. successful Mr. Anon
Interest In all. he Turnage, was harnessing up his
more than he did upon his own noon came on lo
cent nomination, and the total noticed some colored
placed well Into the hundreds of Irish potatoes on the A L.
thousands of dollars by some. Not
Happenings Around
Cobb went to Norfolk, Va., Friday
night and returned Monday night.
We spoke of Mrs. W. H. Elks be-
on the sick list last week.
are glad to say she is a little bet-
but not to be yet.
Mrs. J. H. Cobb is very
this week, we hope she will soon
be so she can enjoy the spring air.
You will protect yourself In need,
then why not protect yourself in
prices. Peoples Supply Company.
We saw several of the Ayden men
pass through our town Tuesday even-
en route for to help
a lodge of i. o. o. F.
Mr. J. Williams, of Greenville,
who was raised here and stayed here
up lo about three years ago. is now
visiting at Mrs, N. K. Tucker's. We
are always glad to have Joe to come
around to spend a few
Mrs. J. S. Elks Is on the sick list
this week, but we do hope she will
soon be able to attend to her house.
Several of the young folks of here
went to school house Tues-
day night lo an Ice cream supper.
They all report a nice time. The
teachers that taught the school were
Mr. Turnage. the son of Mr. Aaron
Turnage and Miss Annie Tyson, the
daughter Of Mr. T. Tyson of here.
The people around there say
they have a school and say that
they have THE SCHOOL. Of course,
we are glad to hear of the people be-
so well phased with their teach-
as we know ourselves that Miss
Annie Tyson Is hard to find her
equal as a teacher, for she is full
New arrival seed and farming
of energy and get up.
supplies at Peoples Supply Company.
Mrs. George Crawford of near
Grove has with her moth-
Mrs. W. II. Elks, for the last
few days.
Mr. W. H. Elks, Br., lo Green-
ville Tuesday on business.
We learn from Mr. George Craw-
ford that he is going to plant some
tobacco today, how many la there
really to plant tobacco.
until Stephenson called upon the or-
thus expensively built up
to advance his own fortunes, and put
out money to operate It for himself,
did disapprove. Of late
has been quiet on the
matter. Perhaps be feared the
full extent of his financial relations
with Stephenson would be revealed
and perhaps also, he had sense
enough to see that his
attitude toward was do-
some liar. and Stephenson
little good. Most of these
Progressives are nothing if not
ambitious in a selfish and
exclusive way. Hut the real point
for consideration here is that under
the primary system money in large
amounts had to be found somehow
even by Mr. for the ad-
of himself and his cause.
Charlotte Observer.
The stand was poor. Look-
ed like there were two or three acres
of the potatoes. They were not prom-
looking at all.
Next we came to the Turn-
age farm and noticed that there was
considerable evidence of decay and
There Mr. Editor we
ones Went sparing, but who
fears his too much. To put it
to the torch. To win or loose it
we lost not having put It to the torch
and be other fellow got the girl-
Next we note in passing is A. J
His bulletin board was blank
so a passing would have to
guess or And by other means who
resided there. Then soon We are In
the heart Can't
tell where name lame from or
how ii became to be applied. Pass-
old friends, R. l.
we noticed a large number of hands
building a tobacco barn and saw
smoke very mar Indicating he was
giving a barbecue to the helpers. I
think i miffed the aroma of the
ESTABLISHED parched pig as I was passing. Dick
Wholesale and retail grocer and fur- j ,.,,,,.,. , i, S very
dealer. Cash paid for Hides, tanner and has raised a
Fur, Seed Oil, barrels, intelligent set of boys and girls.
keys, Eggs. pout cotton. I but two
Oak bedsteads, Mattresses, coming enough
Suits, Baby carriages, go-carts. about.
is here, and we have tried to anticipate your
wants, and have on display the very latest in Spring Fabrics
S. M. Schultz
suits, tables, lounges, safes,
and Sail Ax snuff, High Life
tobacco. Key West Cheroots, Henry
George canned cherries, peach
es, syrup, Jelly, Meat, flour,
sugar, coffee, soap, lye, food,
matches, oil, cotton seed meal and
hulls, garden seeds, oranges, apples,
nuts, candies, dried apples, peaches,
prunes, currants, raisins, glass best I saw.
china ware, wooden ware, cakes and j noticeable thin
crackers, macaroni, cheese, best but-
new Royal Sewing Machines
numerous other goods. Quality and
quantity cheap for cash. Come to see
me. Phone Number
Finally returning home and
about gardens. I must say I
saw nothing that looked like a gar-
;, measured by our lo feel
across and cabbage mill two
to feel garden peas load-
I down and nearly ready to
also cucumbers almost beginning
in run and too, our Irish potatoes ere
about farm-
and farm work was lateness.
W. A.
Improving Church.
The work the choir
gallery of Memorial Baptist church
for the pipe organ has
begun. In addition lo the change in
the gallery, the baptismal pool will
ii, moved to one side of the pulpit
where it will he in view of the
congregation. The changes will add
much to the Ulterior appearance of
the Church. The organ builders ad-
vise that the pipe organ will he ready
for shipment by the middle of May
and Installation completed by the
first Sunday in June.
Located In of ti
Four operation and ac
presided over by a skilled
harbor Ladles t
Not All Tail.
X. C. April 1912.
Mr. Your heading of the
of the Pitt County Republican
Convention is not in accordance with
the facts. The Convention did not
Taft but the contrary at
two-thirds of the delegates arc
favorable to Roosevelt's candidacy
most of the other third were
not. warm supporters of President
Tall. The mot ion of A. J. was
not declared out of order on account
of its not being seconded for the two
other delegate from were
In accord with the motion and either
one would have seconded it had the
Chairman called for a second.
Of the nine delegates t the state
coin cut ion the following expressed
to me as being strong
Roosevelt C. E. Smith, Gray-
Moore, T. II. Fleming,
so you see all bough I was
vented from having the strength of
the convention taken Roosevelt
has a majority of the delegates.
The Tail nun used the steam
that is all the foundation for
your headline.
When you the best, remember
we are st your services.
Choice hoses
Violets and Wedding Outfits In
the Latest Styles.
Floral offerings artistically
at notice.
J. L Co.
V, C.
. J. WHICH Will,
Agent for Greenville and Vicinity
s N
Steam Packet
Including between
Mail steamers
Equipped with United
Wireless Telegraphy and every mod-
em convenience.
Portsmouth. Sundays pin
week days pin
Norfolk, daily pm
Old Point pm
Tickets sold lo all points North
Hearst's magazine
Good Housekeeping
Best Writers
Hi -1 Illustrators
Silks, Lawns, Linens,
and White Goods Galore
are here inspection
Ladies Spring Suits Ready-to-Wear
Linen. Striped Serge Plain
White Serge. Blue and Tan
They are rich In value and.
price. I Boys Blouse Shirtwaists
Dress Trimmings.
H you don't it here. Its hard to find.
J. R. J. G.
The Bank Greenville
With Resources of OVER
One Quarter a Million Dollars
R. L.
James I.
H. O.
I Phone Greenville
at elate of April
Loans and Discounts
is Bonds 21.000.00
Storks and
Furniture fixtures
Ex. Q House
I per Cent Blind 1,080.00
Cast a Hue from Banks 807.60
Bond Account
Dividends unpaid
I 50,000.09
J 1,00.00
We invite accounts
and be pleased to moot or correspond with
change of opining now accounts.
want your
r. J. Cashier
Things never look bright to one
with Ten to one the
trouble Is g sluggish liver, tilling tho
liver With bilious poison, that Dr.
Kings New Pills would expel.
Try them. Let the Joy of feelings end market.
the Best for stomach, liver SHOP,
and kidneys. At ail druggists. . N. C
Repair Shop
If you want the best Cart
manufactured in Pitt go to
Gardner's Shop and ask for a pair
Black Birch Hubs, split White Oak
Spokes, Pitch-pine Hims. Stool Tires
and Ale. made by
workmen. Every pair guaranteed.
Just around tho corner from the
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh That Contain Mercury
r destroy n
, , ring It
Ii should
pi on or.
lb bins, an the
II men m v will
f sin, and
whole system
1.1 be
will Is ten I I
ll. MM II, I'm I M H
Catarrh Cure, manufactured t
mercury, In Int. u Int.
lire, upon the an.
tines of tin m in ills
Cure sure you the
It taken mane in
P. J- V
by Price per bottle,
lake u. family fur
General Merchandise
cotton and country produce. We now occupy the former
Central Mercantile Co. store and will be glad to have our friends call
See Pender and Hicks The Plumbers
Have J coil pal in or ice and
city water cold.

Going back to the report of the If those people who seem so per-
grand Jury at the present term of in destroying the law
of and Ion. anything but In a very different today is better off than was a king
I fit bl, U fa, mo- thousand years ago. better off in
A the plunge. They will not live hives ore lose education, in moral character, In
Ml Titanic man and individuality. But they will comfort, in material advantage and
women do things which work together, a few hours of j especially in the opportunities for the removal of they would see among what
would not have believed to be those that want to work, aided for achievement by the use of time county home from its present location sort of people they are
to some place nearer the county seat.
court, it is well to consider their rec- fence would stop and think a mo-
Published by
D. J. Editor.
of accomplishment by them- by machinery, will supply plenty for machinery and Inventions that
he. selves. Valor, heroism, hare long since demonstrated their
self-denial and love; all of these,, The vile mechanical drudgery lo
WORTH Never the nonchalance and self- makes life dull will be replaced , to in Pitt
possession of the card players and intellectual
sue year. . .
U months.
rates may be had upon
application at the business in
The Reflector Building, corner
and Third streets.
All cards of thanks and resolutions
respect will charged f r at
per word.
Communications advertising
dates will be charged fur at three
per line, up to lines.
today man can accumulate
the musicians. These have no room I nos, working wealth In peace and can
in a sinking ship with thousands on Qr a day or ten hours property in security. Man in
board. painfully we shall have men work- county can put his valuable re-
cords in fire proof vaults; can take
hie differences before the high
of Justice in a court house that
is a credit to any county. The
that is convicted of murder,
as second class matter
August 1910, at the post office at
North Carolina, under
act of March 1879
During the court days when so
much is being heard about
and objection by either side to the
introduction of certain evidence, it
would not be entirely out of the way
for us to hold court over a disaster.
the results of which still claim for
their much space in the papers.
The newspaper man naturally
first and last subject lo news. The
bigger the news, the more startling
Its nature, the more does news-
paper man them This is
the same number of hours Intel-
By Arthur Brisbane
and with his permission.
An individual who has studied bees
trying to out facts about them
rather than to build fanciful yarns,
gives us the interesting information
a honey bee makes one day
about twenty trips to and from the
hive and that he visits in all prob-
ably twelve thousand different flow-
t is a pleasure to ail
nest bee- traveling back and forth
buzzing, feeling his en-
joying himself, accumulating the
honey will carry him and others
In hive through the winter.
Everybody admits that bee is
a good worker and that works
hard enough.
bee does all his work in
about four hours.
During the rest of the Urn he
sits about, polishes up his legs and
his body and reflects with satisfaction
We shall have those less addicted to
material labor engaged in the arts
and the higher sciences.
The grand jury the home and
classing themselves. However much
they might spurn such an
made this recommendation after care- they are putting themselves by
fully considering conditions acts in same class with
they are. The is
The class that takes part blind larceny.
the honey workers produce
will have disappeared
or even a simple affray, not only gels
the benefit of this elegant court house
The average of Intelligence in m, an
day to come will be far above can him. but
no secret, therefore we do not break
a professional pledge in making this
pear confession
The first news of sinking of the
biggest passenger steamer In n,
world came lo us, as lo thous-
ands of papers ill en-
nude of all mass of
upon what a line II is lo b
a hard working bee.
He enjoys the sunlight, he enjoys
highest Intelligence of today.
And that will he civilization's be-
Meanwhile, please notice that beef,
with their alight intelligence,
no machinery but their honey gather-
and their marvelous ma-
capacity for fixing their
cell and their Instinct of brother-
hood, are able lo do for themselves,
with four hours per day. a great
deal more than stupid humanity
able to do by working not only the
in the event he is convicted, he la
placed in a jail fully equipped
every comfort and convenience
modern and sanitary
edge can supply. Thus it is with the
valuable with records of
material wealth, with the criminal;
but how about the life and comfort of
law abiding citizens, how
his wife and child when stricken with
disease Disease sometime so deadly
the knowledge of it's
grips one's heart like a vise. So
men and women, but children deadly a guaranteed cure would
themselves throughout all hours out the court house vaults
all the activities, and all 10-op-
It is with pleasure we printed
report of Grand Jury for the
April tern of County Superior
Court. only did this jury five
all material in
is, and we go along, day in and
day without a county
Let's slop and think. Mr. A. Kills
Mr. and the county spends thous-
ands of dollars to avenge the death
to protest society. The cost of one ,, he find- no
term court will maintain a hos-
for year,
most timely.
At the request of a committee of
The King's Daughters, several
of Greenville went out to the
county home last Sunday with a view
of getting informed as lo con-
there. While they found every
thing as good, as cleanly and as
comfortable for the Inmates as could
be amid present surround-
it is by no means a county
home as brings credit to a county as
large and as wealthy as Pitt.
These fuels were obtained on
visit, and are given here in-
formation of The
owns there acres of land of which
about acres are cleared. The home
itself consists of some small one-
story buildings, strung around a yard
covering possibly acres. One of
these buildings is occupied by the
superintendent and his family and the
others by the Inmates. The
who gels a salary of
a month and provision for himself and
family, has the care of home and
and the management of
farm, one farm hand being
lowed him. When a cook be
secured and it Is hard to keep one
there. superintendent's wife does
the cooking, or In case of emergency
he cooks himself. With all
On an average there are about
Inmates cared in the home.
attention the charges brought be-
fore it in the form of bills of Indict-
Kindly notice, dear leader, he men- various people Charted elements of so-
is well able to get all the honey this of criminal offense, by ,,,, ,.,,,. ,, and hired man's
he and he other bees and U M splendid precedent out of , ,, h
rowing detail which tin rescue even the drones need will grow an economical m and those , ,.,,,,, a m, , ad.
brought to New York three. four a day. and a greater efficiency in Conn- i. are not is supplied from
days after the disaster in Why is he able to do Ibis gentle lo die in a
history, to the The world advances constantly and because of man's thoughtless
made New York. , and
we knew was the Titanic had .,
sunk and with her about 1500 souls a he honey ,,,. ,
had perished. ,
the arrival of the
we were led into a Heritable sea of
detail. The Washington
further came to the rescue of
Tiny got among the bees
our county has advanced with it to to man. they lax some pro-
of thousand people, citizen with a conscience, by
county's tax hooks to-day show a him an individual bur
valuation of over ten millions this county
and as her property is listed for to willingly and with
more one Us value, we Map pride assume.
night riders anarchists. It Is a
Bible truth as a man
In his heart, is The
Book that If a man carries
murder in his . be is guilty of
murder even though lie does not out-
commit act. Now do you
not suppose that the men who go out
under cover of night lo wantonly de-
properly, lake weapons on
person with view of using
weapons on whoever might Interfere
or attempt to arrest them in the midst
of their lawless act. Then they
put themselves in the class with
for they go do an
lawful got feeling they
would kill a fellow-man to
One crime leads lo an-
other and those who go de-
public property the property
of a neighbor would resort any
crime on occasion. Simply because
are readily does not
remove the that they are
criminals from their own consciences
and it is enough to make bang
their beads in shame. The acts of
these people are a upon
themselves, their families, neigh-
and their county. For the
asks own consciences and
that they might hold up
us law abiding should
from such lawlessness.
According lo figures given by
Charlotte Observer, morn
of people of
occupy houses through
agency building and loan
The Home and Loan
Association of being only
six years old, has done
for Greenville. el, hut is striking
in direction, In these years
it has made loans for home building
approximating and
of will Increase as II
grows older, There arc people here
ll lakes from lo cords
wood a pear for the necessary
tires in the buildings and this is cut
from the county's land.
In addition lo cost of main-
the home. county pays and others who Inn.
another a year to out- saved, who never would
any collection of polite gentlemen in . l nM for this public side paupers who lake a small bin for the
hats and ml millions , of this Christian community's stipend in preference to going to r the association.
standing at edge of
the newspapers and lo dale enough , office in one
has been said by officers, passengers
and who were fortunate
enough lo escape with their lives, to
fill many pages of closely
mailer. Some of the evidence
at the Washington we
are bound to for surely over
1500 people are missing from the
world of living and the Titanic
never reached her destination. This
carries its own passport and
does not really need support. How-
ever, it is not so other events
directly following Che terrible en-
counter with iceberg. Some of
evidence heard in connection
events for some reason or an-
other was allowed to escape quarantine
and has strongly been played up to
the reading public. Yet of
told Witnesses before the
board on Inquiry are so thin as lo
need a great deal of support. Who
ever can truthfully the or-
of the Titanic gathered up
on deck and struck up M
God lo Is It likely in
the awful attending the
plunge of the Titanic, the mus-
would get together for
sole benefit of cheering a crowd long
past the cheering stage what
about that alleged game of cards on
the II seems hardly
as women and children were
being lowered in the lifeboats men
would be unaware of the fact. The
excitement prevailing everywhere on
the Titanic must have been
It seems that not a soul on
board her. could have escaped be-
Infected with it. yet we would
be made to believe that there were
on the Titanic some men whose self-
and fearless nature
would permit playing of cards.
when officers were a
fight for the lives of the
Those two are the outstanding
of the mountain of detail given
to world by some survivors.
but not likely
per of the hive and taking for
Too many people and many
of a duty. All should county home. Thus it is gees
nor In behalf of for it will the cost of taking care of j May a new
selves much mil of every load of
honey that the bees bring home.
The bees learned to co-op-
learned lo work to-
have solved the problem
of helping one another.
And get for all
And therefore, dearly beloved,
are able to produce all need by
dollars to longer delay the
unfortunate poor is will ,. ,
of the precedent will guard and ye gave Table II generally believed ,,,,. ad Loan Association
more carefully county's material meat. was thirsty and ye gave by equipping a better and and of taken should
public me drink. I was sick and ye visited home the same expenditures ,,,, ,
This grand jury has wisely set the me
precedent, may It mean much
It Is right and ills law II
such a people and such in
j would provide much better care.
The county could readily sell
anniversary of the association and in
One of the most princely gifts . a Hist series of shares
is right and law M l II
by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. buy I
should have a
ninny Falling Creek, ill county.
a site large for
In cash and
gages will he distributed among the
homo properly equipped and efficient- have beautiful home Pace neuT lo holders of these Hist
working four hours a day. They are
managed. This grand jury and 1800 acres of valuable land to the
If the home was in easy .,
This will be followed by
devote twenty hours out of
Io whatever choose,
thinking, exam-
young bees,
When in proportion i their
Intelligence, shall be as far advanced
as are honey now you will
lune a condition in human hive
you ought to have. ,
You will have mass of workers
the manhood in to say so.
Thomasville Orphanage. Mr. and Mrs. W Greenville is much the m
It is right we should keep only reserve privilege ll series. So the time Is now
court house and jail in the home and the use of inmates can- h. of
den. This grand had M of the land immediately now because of the
sufficient broadness of vision lo ask n of their helping people to own homes
for It. liven, bill the trustees of orphan- buildings. th-,. n
It is light and it is aw the M Immediate possession The question of a county hospital a wage earner, man or hoy. in the
grand jury should look into even remainder large estate. also being discussed now. and this hut who take some
phase the county's affairs condition of the is land is surely needed. Hence this shares in the association, even if on-
time prohibit more than no to sold, but it is to be If the County home is moved, one or for besides being I
all educated and Intelligent which examination Of the With buildings and used as a as should be done, the home and hos- good Investment there is nothing
are not now.
You will have mean-
and sell-seeking eliminated. You
will all working for all.
man in will be
far above his state in
contentment, happiness and true
of the various offices. Why not permanent of the parent or- could readily occupy th. same better fosters Ike habit,
set the now of an annual plumage. Such a gift brings glad- of land and be conducted under;
audit by a Competent expert In the friends of orphanage one management. county is am- Opponents may say what they
so the public may know what's throughout the stale- and lo all lovers able Io do more for please as lo effectiveness or non-
what Such all audit is no reflection of orphaned children.
on the integrity or capacity of any j
Office holder. A official who
Some moving picture shows are ad-1
among than is be- prohibition law.
clone for sake of her rep- evidences continue to multiply
as a progressive county Ibis the state that conditions are
not continue to lie neglected. I than when we had no
prohibition law. And this condition
is likely the While Star Will lo improve law
brotherhood as the organized honey lo show ac
bee in his hive is far above the efficiency r Anybody with
Individual bee that can be found audit of grain , ,.,,
in Iceland. a take and the picture Imaginary or any other steamship company Is more rigidly enforced. Of course
and there in Iceland you will of real There was no try to reproduce the Titanic there are instances here there of
find scattered samples of the bee that V for taking pictures of the The lesson learned will cause boat flagrant violations, but will con-
honey. But It is cold in
Iceland, flowers are few. The
bees are and disorganized.
The world is advancing constant- sinking ship,
AI the end of every cycle a full
cycle progress has In en made.
As badly divided as is the
hereafter to be more along to grow less. Public sentiment
line of than luxury. grows stronger and stronger for
enforcement of law.
If bad treatment of Americans
They do gather in hives or work Tm that progress ,,,. it looks like the
together. They work hard all day Democrats should And It easy to in Mexico does slop This IS My
long for very and the only manner or whether it in of have to step over and lick some-1 well known
thing about them that suggests the be dis- hf, at
Intelligent honey bee is the sting.
Human beings working our
today like the isolated
orderly perhaps, destructive
measure of progress is Ike
, of the whole mass
bees work separated, isolated, each of their affairs. And
one fighting the others And about measure of progress,
each of us the the hatred and political, moral, physical,
the bitterness of competition
The day Is men will e.
th- educational material or religious, It ,
is a commendable diversion and
must apply lo all the people en mas- b
sculptor, was horn May
body. The Mexicans had re- , an y m Ma
the Maine end what hap- as a result of fever.
The gets good roads netted thereafter. was educated at California
must do something to get them. The I for the leaf and
roads will not come without an I so fast, but safe and sine will MM was an
. . in the Institution for
in direction. a a good motto for steamboat . ,,,,,. n New
travel In future and Paris and since 1888 has
Sunday boat racing on the river himself to the art.
enough About the acts of organized as welt as the bees are The average tn county
of such of the
Pull a few for over-
speeding and there may be fewer of
until he was of
In the Mark Hopkins Art
Sister and
FIT WELL. All the latest styles at
Lowest Prices Obtainable
Come in and examine our stock
Shoe Company
Pulley Store
Since opening business for myself I have
been much gratified at the patronage many
friends have brought me. I shall endeavor
to merit this by keeping at all times a
and giving every patron the best service
Just arrived this week a new line of
Nice Embroideries,
Ladies Coat Suits
and OTHER NEW GOODS arriving daily.
Th., new lust placed in service the OP
and V the most sot
steamers between Norfolk and
with Id mum.
meals served n hoard. Everything for
comfort and i i t i
Steamers leave Norfolk II p. m. dully arriving at
I a. in following morning.
Connecting at for all points Mill I'll, Ml II I'll
Very low trip to Baltimore. Washington. Phil-
New York. Atlantic City, etc.
Reservations mud . n any Information furnished
W. I. T. t. A,
Norfolk, Virginia,
alter the jury trying Smith
ease entered the court room
and its verdict of
second degree murder. His Hon-
or Judge Justice read it
The When
really does happen The
you about it
and to you in
order. The Reflector gives the
news. them.
This Proves That
The Reflector is a Live News-
paper, giving you the news,
and not all about a who
walked around the world and
employed thirty years on his
Thai is news;
The Excellency
of Us plant enables The Re-
to you what hap-
pens when it happens, there-
fore it does not need to re-sort
to ready print plate to till its
columns. What II says is re-
A Guaranteed Circulation
insures Reflector advertisers of
It is not enough to
claim a circulation. The news-
paper must have It and lie will-
lo prove it has It, as The
is to do. Cir-
means many readers;
it much attention lo
what the paper with circulation
says; means customers for
advertiser who appreciate
these facts.
In The Reflector.
J. M. a popular druggist
Ky. says. use Chain-
in our own
household and know it is
sale by all
Free, Gratis and For Nothing
Ail you have to do is to fill form below and for-
ward to REFLECTOR COMPANY with check or
money order to pay your subscription
to date and for a year in advance.
Due credit will be given you and return mail will
bring you a set of Eureka Shears.
These shears are the best made and their retail
value each is They will be a most use-
addition to your household.
Welcome To Our STORES
Pairs Queen Quality Slippers
Ladies and Misses
Home of Hart, Schaffner Marx
Napper Brown Co.
A of Hill the Man-
William Vincent who will
head of branch
of family If his father, John
Jacob Is among the lost on
Titanic, is yet years old.
He- was born on IT,. 1801,
He- was a child. until
be entered Harvard last autumn he
spent about six months of each year
at his father's Country house
lilt, on the Hudson,
months at and three months
at town Ha was always
somewhat tall with dark, straight
hair and dark eyes, resembling
his father, especially and to the low-
part of his face.
Me- has always been fond of
has been thrown par-
into his company
his mother. Mrs. Willing
obtained he-r divorce In
1909. Under the divorce de-
John Jacob Astor was to have
of Vincent and Mrs.
only other child of the mar-
Muriel now years old. At
time of the divorce amount
John Jacob on
hi i wife was made public but
ll was said to he In cash, I
on the provision Ibis sum won lei
later to Muriel.
The John Jacob fortune,
Which would share
Ills mother and perhaps
bis litter, Muriel, has he-en
limited John Jacob
real in this
wore staled
last autumn to be worth more than
The Thirty-fourth
hall of
part of his is at
A settle-
Of cash and on the
women they marry In lieu of the
wife's dower right in the estate has
traditional the of
this Is lo keep Astor
Intact, Before marrying the
Mrs. Colonel
such a last August a
her marriage, The
which Mrs received,
MOOTS from her a of her
dower right in the estate, was
made but has reported
several times, A similar
WAS on Mrs. Ava
Willing Colonel John Jacob
Amur's wile. Thus neither Mrs
John Jacob nor Mrs. Ava Wiling As-
would receive I widow's third of
the New York Times.
Reflector Company,
send me your Eureka Shea's as per conditions as
advised in paper.
Whereas Almighty in his in-
finite wisdom and has called
home our beloved brother and
Muster Major Henry Harding.
Sharon Lodge No. TH. A. K. and A.
M. K. C. Is in mourning
today, A noble man. a wise
a true friend and
seller, a true friend has departed
from our midst and each and every
brother feels a deep, loss.
Sharon in sorrow
sorrow of
and extends them its heartfelt
sympathy in their hour of grief.
it ordered that ibis
of grief and sympathy be spread
the permanent records of the
that a copy be- sent lo
bereaved family, and copies he
sent lo The Dally Reflector, The
County Independent, The
News and to The Orphan's Friend
tor publication,
ll. E. AUSTIN,
Committee on Resolutions
N. C, April 1912.
Increased Yields Mean Increased
Is there anything in this world
i of more Importance to you than
digestion be eat-
en sustain life and must be digest-
eel and converted Into blood, when
digestion tails he body
suffers, Tablets are
rational and reliable cure for
They Increase the How of
purify Urn blood, the
tone UP the whole
apparatus lo a natural
action. by all deal-
This Date in History
I Now la the time lo get your
rheumatism. You will Mini Chamber-
liniment wonderfully effective
One application will convince you
ts merits. Try It For sale by all
, m the
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work, and Flues in Season, See
Greenville. N. C.
destroyed the
Spanish In Man la
Colonial Congress mot m
New York City,
famous died.
Horn In
union of Scotland
Sick headache from
ordered condition of the stomach
e-an be- by the use
Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Tn It. sale by all dealers.
Pore of the muscles
by violent or In-
Jury, Is ex-
This liniment is also highly
esteemed for it affords In
eases In Sold by all
I lie misled
Hr ton
Minn- of
jives i. not better,
results limn
ii in in good
i nut
tin lintel, does Evaporate
crop it nil .
J. R. Harvey Company,
Grifton, North Carolina.
E. Turnage Sons Company
North Carolina.
Home Fertilizer and Chemical Company,
Sole Owners slid ii

of and loss of
of precious re-
from have ram a deep Bloom
Um n will probably
time before in- people iii re-
cover form shook. Ii i- hoax and In a spirit of
Mark In which hi- was
threatened death be fall
lo leave in u on
i of store a certain
nine considered Hie mailer
Kinston Couple Routed
From Their Home
Labor Council of Stockton,
CaL, has a site tot a
new labor temple.
The Musician's Mo.
ban decided to erect
to coat
The silk dyers Patterson, J.
have received . voluntary Increase of
a of fifty hours.
The American Federation of La-
is considering plans to an
office building Washington, D, C
In New York city 131.973 children
between fourteen and eighteen years
of age are now work,
and 68.36
The Lancashire and Cheshire Min-
Federation has chanced rules
so in in it women mine
as well men lo Its membership.
The manufacturing of
tin- Slates employ as wage
earners persona or almost
II per cent of the total
Plant are being laid ultimately lo
unite all the workers in the metal
find machine in New York
In a metal industrial union
The membership of the
being out two days the
Striking carpenters of Des Moines.
la., returned to work, the employers
having granted their demand for an
lease in
i an hour. The men already
had bean granted the eight-hour day
time ago by their employ
Mr. I. Milan horn Wife Make
lip to I by Mil-k-
Hun-1 II ii Homo
to Allies.
April L Mel.-
horn wire, prominent
county people, were when
awakened iii the to find two
masked men in their room. The en-
biennial report of is a
International Typographical and no reason can be assigned for
shows that Increase obtained for notions. One of the
members of the union w . ,.,, , ,,. ,.,,
lay. hut offered no
total earned to least
. greater In 1812 than in 1911.
The report states no other or-
can Show an in
and not speak. They loft as
Silently is they came In. Without
a clue as to their Ideally, in the
darkness the disturbed sleepers could
bottlers unions or Ban distinguish the color of their
and Los Cat., have welcomed visitors. As soon the
own the proposed old-age men sad gone and his
pension system which has been arose fled to the home of
milled a referendum vote of neighbor. After dawn they
with the home, and found the house ran-
Workers International Union. The sacked from top to bottom, were
reason for the defeat or the to discover that not an
were that the members do not tide had been taken, although two
approve of labor entering Into watches and quite a sum of
with employers whereby Hie were easily The
agree to assist In establishing an old home is near Ridge
Roy Reagan,
wife of Hoy Reagan, a member of
the staff of The
I prosperous and thickly set
section and the strange
is causing; a deal of excitement
is Union of Great is here
and the finances are the
It Looks Like a Crime.
t a hoy from a of
Salve. His pimples, bolls.
and it Its quick relief for
During the Quarter several days scratches, knocks, sprains bruises
burns, scalds or cuts in his right.
Keep It handy for ho vs. also girls
became grave an operation was j Heals everything and does
decided on with the hope of saving for piles. Only
her life hut without avail. If cents nil druggists
ending branch Ml
Income was 161.000 and the total ex-
is true, business goes on without
and even the of
amusement are as ever.
Ion the sympathies of the people
deeply nevertheless The
wave of hysteria which always fol-
lows in the wake of a great calamity
has not et subsided the menial
equilibrium Of the masses is not yet
completely restored. Time win
gradually subdue the nervous strain
from which everyone seems lobe
and will return to their
normal condition, bin at present tile
nervous excitement is still groat and
manifests ill hysterical efforts,
well mean, but utterly impracticable
and abortive.
The wreck of the giant liner, the
on board is so graph-
by some or the survivors, the
heroism displayed by many of the
men in the moments of supreme
still an Inexhaustible topic
of discussion at the fireside. In the
shops, in fit. in all public
places. The soul-stirring tragedy or
the sea has plunged the whole nation
in and aroused even among the
most Callous and Indifferent the
best thoughts and deepest sympathies
they are callable of. The generous
manner in which rich and poor alike
are contributing to the fund for the
relief of those survivors of the
who lost in the wreck all but
their lives, shows how deeply the
masses have been stirred. What can
in done to prevent a of such
a disaster In the is not quite
clear, lull It is expected that the
will eventually bring some
The new lighthouse which the gov-
built on
Heights. Island, to guide ships
entering Now York harbor through
Ambrose channel, has been placed In
commission and. every night its fixed
white ray of power
will out lo sea, visible, in
lair weather, for thirty-five miles. As
the lighthouse occupies one of the
most commanding positions on the
of the hills, will ho clearly
seen in daytime tor a great distance.
The lower, which Is of red brick and
rests on a base of white
rises to a height or Urn from the
ground thus placing the light foot
above mean low water. The light Is
furnished by oil vapor is
ed by a powerful lens.
The new lighthouse stands about IS
miles of the Ambrose Lightship
the light from the shore can lie
seen farther out than that or the light
ship. Owing to the that the now
is fixed. It will ho easily
gushed at sea from Clio ruinous
Of the Highlands of Which
flashes out its great white ray at in-
of several seconds.
The recent death under Intensely
dramatic circumstances, of a pros-
Italian merchant in this city
clearly shows Hit the Blank Hand is
active and as dangerous as ever.
About one month ago.
a wealthy grocer, received a Blank
Hand letter couched in Hie usual
terms and demanding from him n sum
of paid no attention
lo letter mid did not even notify
the authorities, Two weeks
Mater he received a second letter from
ranged a dinner for a few of
his friends for the evening fixed
the Blot Hand for the delivery of the
It was alter eight o'clock and
and his friends were at the sup-
per table, when was called
down to the store. When he enter-
ed the More, anticipating no danger.
he was by several men who
h wailing for him. Several
shots were fired at him and when his
wile hastened downstairs she
bled over the body or her husband.
Two men were at the moment run-
out of the store. died
a few moments later and his murder-
leaving no clue of their
The automatic alarm in the central
office of the
Company rang the other evening
and the Indicator showed that the a-
came from a Jewelry store on
Grand Street. The only man avail-
able at the time lo be sent to
gate was a young man of slight build
and Armed only with
an electric torch he went to the build-
whence the alarm came, let him-
self in with a pass key and ascended
the so quietly that the two bur-
who were still busy trying to
break into the Jeweler's shop were
completely surprised when lie turned
his electric torch on them and com-
The burglars
Obeyed and. having vainly tried to
bribe their captor, marched in front
o. him the office of the Protective
Company, Later they were turned
Over to the police.
I i ii mid in
Hill Blew Vim Hun.
root of
Rubbing an aching back relieve It,
Um it cure it.
you must reach lb. of it.
You must reach the root of
i Kidney Pills go right at
ii the ease; attack the pain;
Have cured many Greenville
Twelfth St.,
V C . am
pleased to add s mi to
the already given in favor of
Kidney pills. For a long time
t was by mo kidneys and I
Inti backache and
pains in my shoulders. Headaches
and dizzy spells bothered me and I
rested so when I got up
in morning. I was in no III. con-
. gin my wot k. When I
Pills, I
tot ; i the
I. Woolen Drug Co., and to my de-
did me a world of
I e iii now rest i in it nigh
and my back and kidneys do not
For sale by all dealers. Price
cents. Co. Buffalo.
New York, sob- agents for the United
m . sniT
take no other.
Cuts, Bruises
Strains and Sprains, but apply
Noah's Liniment. It i- anti-
septic and will take the poison
and soreness out quickly,
all else tail-.
Liniment will save
any amount of pain and can
he taken internally for Colic,
Cramps, etc. Nothing
Noah's Liniment the for
Lams Hark,
Joint H Throat. Cold.,
SI ruin. Sprains, cm.,
nil Nerve,
The tins
Nosh's en every
package look Ilka
Huh int. hill RED
band on front of
always In
Ink. of
Large bottle, SB
or money
re I unit
H em oil y Co., Inc.,
a. Atlanta,
Memphis and points Jackson-
ville and Florida points,
at Hamlet for Charlotte and
with coaches and parlor cur. Con-
with steamer for Washington,
New York, and
a. For Richmond. Wash-
and New York
sleepers, day and dinning
car. Connects at Richmond with
C. O. at Wash with
railroad and for Pitts-
burg and points west
p. Charlotte,
Wilmington, Birmingham, Memphis,
points west. Parlor cars to
p. m., No. for
Henderson Oxford and
p. m. No. for
O. for Cincinnati and points west,
Memphis, and points west, Jack-
and nil Florid-,
Pullman sleepers. Arrive Atlanta
a. m.
Arrive Richmond a. m,
Washington a. in . New York
p. m., Penn. station. Pullman
arrive to Washington and New
B. P. A, Portsmouth, Vs.
West and Canada.
Office No. Main
staple cotton seed. cents
per bushel. Cotton sells cents
a lb higher than any other cotton.
now I lay me down sleep;
Roll on. waters, toss and foam
Beneath thy surging, seething deep
I find my home.
pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep;
on wild sea, their work is
Upon Ibis frame thy sands will heap
From sun to sun.
I should die before I awake
oil break, for thy toil is won
My soul shall soon no longer quake.
My Journey's run.
pray Thee. Lord, my soul to take;
And now. Most High, our wives
and sons
And daughters spare for sake
Thy will be
And men bowed solemn
Nor sought their precious ones
Hue meekly asked for quick
And angels, watching, said
-w. Bradford Williams, or
Held. X. J., in Philadelphia Record.
Roosevelt Secures the Lion's
of Voles.
were held In Rowan county
and in Salisbury last night.
Delegates were elected to county
meets in this city
In Baptist
Nuptial Services
Conducted by Rev. C. M.
The children of graded school
are raising funds tor a contribution
la the monument to
cock. Yesterday was gilt and
the total amount given was a
a very neat sum. Some o
forgot the money and will
bring it Monday. It II probable
the amount given by the school will
reach 118.00.
The teachers are very nil
number or people who haven't
in school will aid and
BRIDE'S PARENTS will react The
is a most worthy it
is hoped that children's will
be freely supplemented.
Democrats Will
Meet in Wake
Percy J. Olive Accepts
ship I Re
No Faction the People As
a Whole
Nature never smiled
on a marriage scene than she
did for the one witnessed in had s large of staunch
Memorial Baptist Church Wednesday friends and admirers in Greenville.
night the day preceding had been this is the only opportunity
ideal and the night was all that heart these friends will have to give any-
could wish for. Skilled hands lent thing to the monument. The school
their aid in making the Interior communicating with
the in keeping with natures friends except through the pa-
It you care give anything lo
touch Without and the artistic
orations In green and white of the
rostrum and choir gallery made a
tin monument fund, please send it
or hand it to one of the graded
lining back ground to the beautiful school teal hers and it will be sent
wedding scene witnessed.
An hour before the time for the
marriage people thronged the church
and it soon tilled to overflowing.
It was near a quarter past nine
o'clock when note from the
organ under the touch Lil-
the subdued con-
in the audience and all
looked expectantly the scene that
had brought them thither.
As bridal party waited in the
vestibule. Mrs. W. L. Hall sweetly
sang Love You by
This was follow by the
the Hose by
delightfully rendered by a
double consisting of Mrs.
W. L. Hall and Miss Arlene Joyner,
sopranos; Misses Viola and
Smith, altos; Messrs. J.
and Charles James, tenors;
Messrs. Clinton II. Hewlett and Hoy
Then as familiar strains of
Wedding March Oiled
the edifice all eyes mined from the
choir lo aisles for the entrance
of the bridal party. First came the
ushers to their appointed places
about the altar. These were Messrs.
C. K. and S.
Warren, r Greenville; Sugg Flem-
of and Floyd Hanks.
II. M. Allen, Of
and M. L. of en-
Next were the bride's maids. Misses
Katharine staples, of Virginia; Re-
Knight, or
Ward, of Florida
of sis-
groom, and
to slat
today stated to toe.
The Reflector there is a colored
man in town who is an object
charity and needs immediate help.
The man has gangrene in in both
that will necessitate
he should he taken to a
hospital tor the operation. The limn
Is penniless and there is no one to
X. April u
unanimous vote or Democratic
executive Committee or Wake county
a meeting yesterday afternoon In
the house Mr. J. Olive,
Apex, was elected as the County
chairman to mi caused
by the Death Chairman George
The other Important action
was naming Tuesday. June as
date tor the meeting Of the Demo-
County t meet at
noon on day In the court house.
The meeting well attended, there
A Needing Help. being present in person and by proxy
c. m. on the authority twenty-two members of the
it. it. Lacy
Mr. Olive in accepting the position
declared that be did so as the
date of no faction and that he would
not have consented to be chairman
except he understood it was with
the Ida he could aid In having
. the party in Wake county
and was the choice all the
wall on him. should have some committee. He declared that he
one to look him pending would not accept, nor would he con-
lo send him to a to hold if there was a lac-
and be provided with rood. Any light. As himself, he said,
contributions to aid this case can he it there was a lively tight he was so
handed lo Dr. Mr. I constituted that be could not help
Hock. Mr. K. Harris or at The sides. He deplored factional
business tights and declared he did not wish
to see characters of Democrats
and friends repaired lo homo assailed by Democrats and lights In-
or the bride's parents. Mr. and the Democratic party which tend-
W, M. Moore, on Dickinson to disrupt it and to embitter party
where a public reception held, I associates, friends, neighbors,
Here multitude callers were hers churches and lodges. He de-
received at the trout door by that he would do nil in his
W. H. and Miss Kale Lewis. I power to keep harmony in the party
At the parlor door they were and that with a factional fight he
ed by Mr and Mrs. T. M, Hooker
and introduced lo receiving line.
In the receiving line which extended
around the parlor and was headed
by Mr. and Mrs. Moore with the bride
groom next, in addition to all
the bridal party were Mr. and
Mrs. S. T. White. Mr. and Mrs. T.
It. Moore. Dr. and Mrs. M. Jones.
Miss Annie Jones and Mrs.
or Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sat-
Mrs. M. K.
Ward Moore, sister of the bride. Of I Daniels of Mr. J.
Each of these wore gland or Burgaw, Mrs. w. f
over white satin and
carried of roses.
Then came the dame honor. Mrs.
Sain T. White, of and up
the opposite aisle Mr. It. W. Ward,
of The of honor wore
white satin duchess lace and
carried a bouquet of roses.
The maids honor followed.
Misses and Susie
Moore, of the latter a
of the bride. These were In
pink marquisette over pink satin and
carried of roses.
When these had reached their
Clark and Miss Ava Hell of Washing-
Passing from parlor the guests
were served punch in the hall
Mr. and Mrs. II. I,. Coward and Mr.
and Mrs. W. I. Host.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Woolen received
at life gift room door and Misses
Sophia Jarvis and Ma
In the room.
would resign from position.
Insuring an early of the sen-
ate Titanic inquiry. Senator Smith.
who is chairman senate com-
that is conducting the inquiry,
announced today that hut a few more
who were passengers on the ill-fated
ship, would be called as witnesses.
Senator Smith also stated that he be-
that a legislation
would be passed this session of con-
William Marconi, inventor of
wireless telegraphy, was recalled lo
the stand today and repudiated the
messages, which told the Titanic and
operators to hold the mes-
sages for money.
Wisconsin Solon Meet.
Wis. April
with- Wisconsin legislature assembled In i
extra session today in pursuance
Mr. T. OH. Dupree and Miss the call Issued by Governor
sic Warren received at the dining last month. The principal mat-
room door and refreshments were come before the legislators is
served Misses Willie question of slate aid in the
Inez Annie Leonard Tyson, of levees and other measures
places the music quickly to Forbes and Moore to prevent Hood damage.
and the bride. Miss
Moore, entered with her father,
Mr. W. M. Moore, She wore an ex-
dress or in with
crystal and pearl trimmings and car-
a bouquet of bride roses and HI-
The decorations throughout legislation and
oral rooms the home were in to the weights and
splendid keeping with a happy I measures law are also to be brought
it is seldom that so large and hand-
display bridal presents is
at it marriage and these bore
lies valley. As they approach-evidence of wide popularity of
ed. the groom. Mr. D. II. couple. The bride is one of
and his best man. Mr. W. most attractive and ad-
K Si of came through j mired young ladies and Mr.
the choir door. They met In from Is a young attorney of
altar and couple advanced to-J who Is rapidly rising in his chosen
to whore stood Rev, C. M.
pastor of church, who In a beau-1 Mr. and Mrs. left on the
and ceremony Norfolk Southern train via
the words made them man and Norfolk York and other
wile and joined for life happy Cities, followed with
and good wishes a great host
From bridal friends,
up at the extra session.
popular never falls to
.;,. in-,
Al I. arising from a
I liver Digestion
i.- result Is good appetite
, and easy swallow.
i Substitute.
April st, 1911, Total Resources
April st, 1912, Total Resources
One Thousand Dollars for Every in Year.
in which Uncle Sam deposits.
j in which the State Treasurer of N. C. deposits.
X the large; Capital Stock.
It is so FRESH and PURE that
than with other brands. You save
money. You get better results.
is packed right where it is made only-
soda factory in the and comes to
you in sealed, air-tight, strength-keeping
and pure.
Full Ounces to the Pound.
And no higher in price
For a Limited Time Only.
Cut out the top from six
packages and enclose with coupon
shown below and to partially cover
expense, and we will send you promptly,
2.1 charges prepaid, one set
Guaranteed Silver
Plated Teaspoons.
These spoons are beau-
in design and bear no
advertising. Retail value
per dozen.
All good carry our
Saltville, Va.
I enclose the tops cut from Eagle-Thistle
also Money Order for
send me, all charge prepaid, one set
Guaranteed Genuine Silver Plated Tea-
P. O.-
Tobacco Flues
Three solid cars Tobacco Flue Iron for
this season's trade I will make my flues this season in
the Center Brick where I will he to fill
orders from old and n m friends, the fourth
The demand hp ivy this season and to avoid
delay n. I advise all who are reason-
ably sure of to place their orders early, and
get flues of curing season.

Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and
Eastern Reflector for Ayden and Vicinity
Advertising rates on Application
I'm Tarboro and Thea Bark In One
on the day of ye
Judge and ye common scribe
took a notion to explore the
world. Their purse was slim though
raiment gay, even if not quite
AYDEN, x, iv, April J.
L. of Greenville, spent Fri-
day in town.
The wife of Mr, Meadows,
formerly of the section, hut
later near Kinston. died Thurs-
day and her remains were brought
here Friday afternoon and taken out
near church for burial. She
left a husband and tour small
Mr. Meadows has a host of
friends here who sympathize with
him in his loss.
Mr. Stancill Hodges spent Sunday
at his old near Washington.
Rev. Mr. Bennett tilled the pulpit
at the Free Will Baptist church Sun-
day morning.
Several Odd Fellows from Ayden
lodge went to last Thurs-
day night and l of
Odd Fellows there.
Miss of Wilmington, is vis-
her brother. Capt. T. H. Britt.
The citizens are requested to meet
Dr. hull next Friday night
St the purpose of
a mayor and five aldermen
to be voted on next Monday. May
We Insist on our citizens attending
this convention and selecting our best
men to be our officers, as several
important changes are to he made in
the next twelve months, such as ex-
tending the limit of the town, sell-
the school bonds, erecting a
graded school building, appointing
of the board,
building a market house and town
hall. Improving our streets.
Car rock lime just received J
R. Smith and
H, I. is confined to
his room
Mr. K. Cox. and daughter, Miss
of Greensboro, are visiting rel-
Mrs. C. J. Lakes of Norfolk, form-
Miss Mary Gray, is visit-
friends in
Mr I. I. has moved his
family to the K. G. Cox house that
he purchased and remodeled.
Mr. and Mrs. lien Allen con-
very low at their home
Mr. Robert of New York,
formerly of the e church see-
lion, came up from Kinston Sunday,
spending a few hours with his
Mrs. R. C. Cannon.
They tell us the Ayden Feed Co.
keep all kinds of horse, cow, hog and
chicken feed, all kinds of garden seed,
lawn and pasture grass seed.
Mrs. P. T. Anthony and son. and
Miss Agnes Mooring, of
are visiting at the home of Mr.
Miss Moore, of
High School, spent Sunday with Miss
May Smith.
Mrs. Aug.-. of
is visiting her Mrs. Eu-
Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Ange are
I to make their home ill Indiana In
the near future.
Miss Lena has closed her
school at Va. and Is home
Report of the condition of
St Ayden. in the state of North Caro-
at the close of business,
April IS. 1912.
and discount
Overdrafts unsecured 639.97
Hanking House; Furniture
and Fixtures . 1790.80
Due from hanks and bank is
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin currency .
National Hank notes
S. .
Capital paid in .
Surplus Fund. 21475.00
profits, less cur-
rent expenses and taxes paid 611.36
Dividends unpaid . 85.50
Deposits subject to cheek
Savings deposits . 36469.42
Cashier's checks outstanding 858.811
Stats Of North Carolina. County of
I. Stancill Hodges. Cashier of the
above-named hank, do solemnly swear
that the above Statement is true to
Hie best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 26th day of April. 1912.
O. G. BERRY, Notary Public
My commission expires Feb. 6th. 1913.
R. C. Cannon.
J. R. Smith.
J. J. Edwards.
In The Slate Normal Col-
The or plays of the
dark ages were by the Clergy
for the people's and in-
in biblical history and in the
lives of the saint. Their values has
been much and
his follows forbade them as a pro-
treatment of sacred subjects.
Luther spectacles
of.-tn do more good and produce more
impression than In Scan-
strongly Lutheran, were
encouraged up lo the of the
eighteenth century. In England they
ceased about the middle of the seven-
Though frequently perform-
ed in the open air. in
market-places. and other public
squares, they were often produced ill
the churches or halls. Their
mixture of sacred and profane persons
would shock the modern religious
mind, the highest of the three stages
being occupied by God and the angels.
the by the saints, the lowest
by the actors. On one side of lie ac-
tor's stage was the mouth of hell. The
buffoonery of the devil issuing from
it. and then, please the crowd
Accounts of stage pro-
read like
for minding hell mouth
for keeping dyer at hell moot he
for letting he world II
Such were performed In
the ancient city of Chester
early as 1398. Tiny were introduced
by proclamations, called banes
world banns In the marriage banns
i. Pops granted wit-
these plays a thousand days
pardon. The people loved these
passionately, so when the
Reformation abolished them, they
I substituted which
the princes, applauded
and displayed vice In ugly colors.
Caricatured political abuse, and
amused the spectators. The I BO-
counts read the annual
painting of the city's four giants one
unicorn, one one one
one dragon, six hobby-horses,
etc. For painting the beast and the
For making the new
Brag. bed hop to t
etc. Of a pageant given
in honor of the eldest son of
the author was done, was
so done, as being by the
Of many said lo be well done.
it. love devises ii, per-
formed it. men beheld it. and none but
fools dispraised it The part
people-pleasing spectacle con-
A Of these old plays is
George and the which is to
be given in the approaching May-day
the State Normal There
Will be produced also Ben Jonson's
Masque, Hue and after
summer night and
The of
Hood and have
been for the students by
and Mrs. Robert Dick Douglas, of
Greensboro. The two societies were
very proud of this. Mr. Douglas has
been honorary member of the
Literary and Mrs.
is an of the college
and an
Black Jack Items.
BLACK JACK. April are
pleased to see such nice season on
the farmers crops.
Some the farmers are through
selling out tobacco.
People are beginning ask for to-
plants since this rain began.
Mr. and Mrs. spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Clark
Mr. J. W. of came
through Oils section last Week.
Miss Annie Clark spent Saturday
night with Miss Nan If Adams.
Henry Dixon and wife went to
Greenville last week.
We are glad lo have a nice Sunday-
school like we had Sunday.
Dr. C. M. Jones of was
through our section last week.
Several of our boys are expecting
a big lime soon.
We saw In the Galloway X Roads
items last week where some one was
going to get married. The writer of
Black Jack Items want to know who
it la But any way he can guess.
fitting and Tarboro. which tow-n de-
rives its name from the stream of
crystalline waters known as Tar
River and near which the town is
located was decided upon as a place
where a square meal would be grate-
fully tendered forsooth and for
thanks. During the progress of the
journey a halt was called for repose
In a hamlet denominated
where we are sorry to relate, out
travelers found
near the landing. Should ye reader
not understand what con-
are we request him to write
lo Conger, of the Tarboro Southerner,
for a lucid explanation. The
journey was resumed and presently
the powerful locomotive passed
through a town where a heathen from
North had been aye successful in
sale of lightening parachutes,
these instruments being numerous in
the roofs of each house. Even pig
pens being protected by them. A hap-
combination of these s
with their shining brass balls made
one house look alike the dwellings of
Hebrews engaged in the high art of
lending money on portable personal
property at a large rate of interest
per week. This brought recollection
to the minds of days
In college and utter
money with its subsequent Journeys
With packages under their arms,
which they were willing to exchange
for green and yellow tickets
figures on them.
was reached In due time.
Ye scribe was favorably Impressed
with the town. Much building In the
way and he was told with more to
come. The travelers must have sin-
ill a large scale as they had not
been in the town long ere they
Having this day been appointed and
the democratic has by the Clerk of the Super-
more or Court of Pitt county, as
t be Pension Steal
I Herbert Bruce Fuller has an in-
sting and illuminating article in
the May on that great
I est of all steals from the public j
treasury, the pension system.
pension figures are staggering and
a bill that would add many
millions annually to the already too of the estate of J. J. B. Cox,
large amount. This Is the one great deceased, notice Is hereby given to
blunder that the democrats have all persons holding claims against
made. It is a blunder for two said estate to present them, duly
because it is not to the undersigned for
Section If any
person shall allow bis live stock to
run at large within the of any
county, township or district. In which
a stock law prevails pursuant to law.
be shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and fined not exceeding fifty dollars
or imprisoned not exceeding thirty
and because they voted for
it as am alter policy. In the hope
of catching northern votes. Ii is
best to stick to the right and it is
the best policy lo stick to principle.
That the democrats did not do in
this matter.
While one will not begrudge a lib-
pension to any veteran or
dependent of a soldier wound-
ed in the service of his country. It
seems intolerable that forty-six
years after the close of the civil war
enormous sum of
should be spent in a single year for
pensions. In 1909 the pension list
Since says Mr. Fuller, our
pension appropriations have been in
excess of 8100.000.000 annually,
and since In excess of
000.000. If the so-called Sherwood
bill becomes a law. more than
000.000 will be to meet
our pension budget for the fiscal
year ending June 1913. These
are the more impressive when
we consider the military pension
of various European
countries. In 1910 our pension ex-
amounted to
729.94. For the same year England
expended France ex-
pended the German
empire. Austria.
531.668; Hungary, The
total expenditures of these five Eu-
nations for that year coin-
were or
less than those of the Culled
delivered into a house where a alone. For 1911. the
w-ho had had a great many fights of . w.
the demon sin took cognizance of ,,,,, ,,,.,,. aggregating
while in the southern
their presence to condemn the t
habit of doing what Rail
in the times of Elizabeth.
e., smoking. This upbraiding was
itself enough but the climax was
stales the survivors of the
side drew but In
Virginia the union veterans in that
drew. while the
rived when the travelers were In- confederate veterans drew but
distinctly to add to the n Louisiana the sum of II.-
mans comfort 024.613 was disbursed among union
what they bad from the greed of and bu, among
the it. R. Co. It is not recorded as he Confederate veterans. Not the
the amount parted from them, but we feature of our
are led to believe that given the system is the fact that from
of their finances, their offering or per cent , our
pensioners enjoy an annual net in-
their happiest moment come of more than In the
while away from home was their states the pension roll is
cation near a table laden with such based primarily upon need. Yet
food as had only been distantly the liberality, the
to them of late. TI did honor lo the of our general pension system, the
table and what It supported. Ye scribe congress, which adjourned
was accused of having a very weak I March 1911. enacted bills
petite, but ye scribe has told us original or Increased pen-
it really was not so, as he by special net.
both with palate and eyes.
Ye scribe was introduced to sever-
charming people of both sexes and
has expressed a delight for his new
acquaintances. He has told us he
felt honored in meeting them.
The return home was made in safe-
in spite of the fact that the man
in charge of power saw tit to
sweep a steer off the track with the
front of the engine. Said steer
the bee line route from the track
to the road several yards away.
Scotland Neck Hems.
Scotland Neck, May 1912.
Dear have not much to
writs but will write a few words.
It looks very strange to go about months passed a general pension
Mr. Spencer gin and see
In 1872 President then
a member of the house of
may reasonably
expect that the expenditures for pen-
will hereafter steadily decrease,
unless our legislation should be
to In 1912, forty years
later, we are devoting to
this times that amount.
Our pension appropriations from 1866
to 1911 have amounted to the stagger-
total of or almost
billion dollars more than the total
expenditures of the government
the years of war. And despite the
enormous expenditures the house of
representatives has within the past
payment on or before the day of
April 1913, or this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery. All
persons indebted to the said estate
are urged and requested to make
mediate payment to me.
This the 9th day of April, 1912.
L. O. COX,
of J. J. B. Cox. deceased.
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk of Pitt county as
executor of the estate of Joseph J.
Parker, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make Immediate payment to
the undersigned; and all persons
claims against said estate are
notified that they must present the
same for payment to the undersigned
on or before the 15th day of April,
1913. or this notice will be plead in
bar of recovery.
This 15th day of April, 1912.
of Joseph J. Parker.
North County,
in the Superior Court. Before the
Petition to sell land to make assets.
Frank Nobles, of Phoebe
Nobles, deceased, Battle,
Rosa Smith and Frank Woolen.
Ad of Tom Nobles, an idiot,
heirs at law.
Pursuant an order this day made
by the Clerk of the Superior Court In
the above entitled action, the under-
signed commissioner will on the 20th
day of May. 1912. at m. at the
court house door in Greenville. N.
C. expose at public sale to the highest
bidder, the following described
or parcel of A certain lot
x lying in West Greenville on
Douglas Avenue and adjoining the
lot R. O. Terms of sale,
This April 15th. 1912.
ltd Commissioner.
Churches, Lodges Social
SheriffS. I. Dudley.
Clerk Superior C. Moore.
Register of M. Moore.
B. Wilson.
Commissioners j. p. D.
J. Holland, J. J. May, B. M. Lewis,
W. E. Proctor.
M. Woolen.
C. Tyson.
L. Carr.
Chief of T. Smith.
E. Nobles. E. B.
W. A. Bowen, J. S. Tunstall J.
F. Davenport, B. F. Tyson, Z. P. Van-
Dyke. H. C. Edwards.
Water and Light
S. Spain, C. Laugh L.
W. Tucker.
Superintendent II. L. Allen.
Fire D. Overton.
NOTICE C It Kill Tit
Having duly qualified before the
superior court clerk of Pitt county,
as administrator of the estate
George Andrews, deceased, notice
is hereby given to all persons
ed to the to make Immediate
payment to the undersigned; and all
persons having claims against the
estate are notified that they must
present same to he undersigned
for on or before he 18th day
of April. 1913, or this notice will be
plead in bar of recovery.
This 18th day of April, 1912.
of George H. Andrews.
Baptist, a U.
Rock, pastor; C. C. Pierce, clerk;
C. W. Wilson, superintendent of Sun-
day school; J. C. Tyson,
regular pastor.
St. rector at
present; H. Harding, senior warden
and of Vestry; W. A. Bowen
superintendent Sunday school.
E. M. Hoyle. pastor; A B. Ellington,
clerk; H. D. Bateman, superintend-
of Sunday school; L. H.
regular pastor;
P. M. Johnson, clerk.
Rev. W. O.
the yard full of cotton and people
bringing in cotton the gin run-
like it was in the fall of the
year and the planting for
another crop.
We had a little frost one day last
week, not enough to do any
The very black cloud came up
from the north west Monday evening
made people think that we were go-
lo have a bad storm, but it was
only a moderate wind storm and a
very nice shower of rain. A boll of
lightning struck a large oak ill Mr.
yard and split it from bot-
tom to top.
The boys had another stroll one
Sunday recently and took dinner in
an old out house, it was not one
bird for four of them like it he-
fore, but it was ten boys had twenty been arranged as
May 1st 1912. to Dr. and
Mrs. Zeno Brown, a daughter.
eggs which was a little better than
one bird for four.
The Baptist church is going to have
a reunion pf all of its old pastors
next Sunday the 5th and the church
Is anticipating a good time and very Coward,
good preaching, but I don't they
will outdo Mr the present
pastor for I thought he preached
as good a sermon Sunday
night as I have heard since I have
been In Scotland Neck.
Mr. Rufus Moore of this place was
taken to Raleigh last Sunday on ac-
count of his being impaired.
Guess I will be In Greenville some
next week. . Is
pension list for 1872 amounted PITT
The General Assembly of Car-
do enact
That the following de-
scribed line shall constitute a part of
boundary line of the stock law
territory of Pitt Beginning
at the stock law gate the Green-
ville and New Bern road near Bur-
Cross Roads and runs on the
east side of said road towards Green-
ville to Sermon's and Frank Bells
place; thence with the road running
by Red Hanks church out to the Green-
ville and Washington road, between
J. H. Boyd's place and Major Hill's
place; thence down said road towards
Washington to the Ricky Moore and
the Moore girl's line; with
their said line to Tar River. And all
of the territory west of said boundary
line heretofore included within
the law territory shall b es-
and added to and
dated the present law
of said county.
Section That on and after Jan-
first, one thousand nine hundred
and twelve, the territory so becoming
a part of the now existing stock law
territory of Pitt county shall be sub-
to all provisions of the law that
now applies or may hereafter apply
To the People of Pitt
We have been requested by many
citizens to have published in full the
Law as pas by the
of 1911 and also the law making
it a misdemeanor tor persons living
the law territory to allow
their stock run at large and hi
compliance with said requests we
herewith publish said acts and hope
all the people will carefully read said
ii our duty under the law
we have constructed the stock law
fence it is now the duty of the
to protect their crops by
bill calling for an additional annual
appropriation of at a con-
estimate. This bill is now
pending in the senate.
Our largest single expenditure
for pensions. Twenty-three cents
of every dollar spent by the govern-
goes for this purpose. This is
a charge of every family
in the States. Is it not time
to take some action to protect the
treasury of the
Reading and Musical Program.
On Thursday evening at o'clock
ill the Methodist church Rev. E. M.
Hoyle will give a special reading to
which public cordially invited.
A giver offering will tie for
benefit of circle No. of Ladies Aid
Society. A program has
James and
Greenville No. A. F. and A M.
R. Williams, W. M.; L. H. Pender.
Sharon, No. A. F. and A. M.
H. Harding, W. M.; E. E. Griffin, Sec
Greenville Chapter No. R. A If.
R. C. Flanagan, H. P.; J. E. Wins-
low, secretary.
Covenant Lodge No. I. O. O.
every Tuesday night at
E. Q. Flanagan, N. Q
E. H. Evans, V. G., L. H. Pender. R.
A. C. F. D. W.
Greenville Encampment No. L
O. O. W. C. P.;
H. Pender, Scribe.
Tribe No. I O.
R. S. J. L.
Evans, C. of R.
Tar River No. K. of j.
Woodward, C. C; A. B. Ellington,
K, of R. and S.
Tar River Ruling No. T. M.
W. Brown, W. R.; J. W. Little,
W. C.
Lillian Carr, pres
Ward Moore, secretary.
Dunn, president;
D. M. Clark, secretary.
End of R. O.
fries, president; Mrs E. B.
Round V R.
president; Mrs. S. J
Civic League President Mrs. T.
M. Person; Secretary, Mrs. T.
Daughters of T.
J. Jar vis. president; Mrs. J. L.
en. secretary.
The Kings A. L.
Blow, president; Mrs. S. G.
Sana Mrs.
Lewis Skinner; Secretary, Mrs. W.
L. Hall.
farm list it with us, especially if
It Is a big one and the price is right.
A. C. Co. Office in Edwards
law territory of said
Things at
Heading- Rev. B. If. Hoyle,
Mrs Wiley Brown.
Silver Offering.
Duet on a Summer force and effect from after th
-Misses Overton and Edith of January, thousand.
nine hundred and twelve.
Ratified this the 7th day of March.
oxen and cart. Warranted good for
hauling heavy logs. G. T. Tyson,
lit cod
I That all laws and
of laws in with this act
be the same hereby repealed.
I Section That this law shall be
N. Y. May
the presence of many high
of the Catholic church and
practically all the clergy In the
Rt. Rev. Mgr. Conroy was today
consecrated auxiliary bishop of
In St Mary's cathedral. Car-
Farley of New York officiated,
assisted by Bishop of Buffalo
and Bishop of
The sermon was preached by Bishop
of Rochester.
the hr Has I Healthful, the Most Noble
I , X. FRIDAY my a,
r-g Pi
Successful in Getting I. O. O. F.
Convention Next Year.
Crime and Criminal Law.
CHICAGO. May first an-
of the Illinois Society
of American Institute of Criminal
and Criminology began here today
GREENSBORO. May ll.-The pres- ,
of Editor Josephus Daniels in , attendance. The
last night for u confer- over tomorrow,
with friends revived political
gossip among supporters of the three v. R. at
senatorial candidates, especially those I ANACONDA. Mont May
who are pushing and supporting the ls decorated ill the national
candidacy of Judge Clark. Mr. of ,.
presence Inspired speculations of of Montana, which
Interested parties and there seemed
a that within the
bled here today for a three day's
In connection the an-
few days the News and Observer of the will he held
would come out strong In meetings of the state or-
of Judge Clark. Sunday of Spanish War
the time rumor has set for the Relief Corps, Ladles Of
ginning of the Clerk campaign through A H. oilier affiliated bodies.
lie agency of the Raleigh paper.
. Neither Tournament.
C I Ala. May
I rust Destroyed o
Government Relied in such Evidence
u Has Been lies rut to Force
. , ,, . , . n
Method Clashing With Shay
man lain.
I some the foremost
golf experts the South
interesting and keen competition In
he annual Invitation tournament
which today the links of the
Birmingham Country Club. The tour-
will continue through the re-
Building Loan Association
Holds Its Annual Meeting
Institution in a Most Flourishing and
Officers L. Shares Earn the
Highest Interest in the State
The annual of the share auditor's report and several of the
holders of The Home Building and members made enthusiastic talks.
Loan Association was held
day night in the mayor's with
Movement in Favor of
New Co. Home
Mayor Wooten Shows Interests
in Project
a large attendance. Secretary H. A.
While read a report of an audit of
We publish below- a communication
from Mayor F. M. Wooten. It deals
wit Ii the proposed purchase by the
county or a tract of land in which
to build a county home adequate lo the
needs of county.
It is lo be trusted that people
will see
Not only was much gratification ex-
pressed tIn- splendid progress of addressed by the Mayor
the association, but the officers and the wisdom of the measure suggested
directors were commended for their by the grand Jurors of the last
Navy department officials and officers
of the navy in this vicinity are await-
with much interest the coming
visit of the German naval squadron.
According to latest
from Berlin squadron will sail
tomorrow and will reach Hampton
Roads, their first objective point. th
last week of this month. While the
vessels are anchored in the Roads
the Officers and men will visit Wash-
Ml. and Annapolis.
business of the association up faithful management mid vote of and will do lust lo see the ,, . i,.,.;,.,, the
May 1st, which made a most grail- thanks was extended them.
tying showing. Ail apportionment The entire board directors
the several series of shares showed; re-elected by acclamation, namely. C. j To ,. The following let-1 coast. The squadron is to
squadron Will visit New York. New-
port and possibly Boston and New
that the association had earned 7.04 T. D. C. Moore. It. C. Flan- mailed to a few of the; c composed of the armored cruiser
per cent net, which la the highest W. ll A. White, largest las payers In the county. It the protested cruiser Bremen
rate of earning of any association in I,. J. C. OH. Laughing- explanatory. Will you ,. f ,, modem turbine
the state and disclosed the wise and house, B, T. White, W. A. C.
Greenville, N. c May
Judge Decision.
RALEIGH. Judge in the
NEW YORK, Ma How evidence superior court has ordered a non-suit
against the American steel Wire In the case Richmond Cedar
Company, on which the government vs John L. Roper Lumber Company,
relied dissolution against Involving damages In a swamp
the steel trust, was burned niter the land deal in Tyrrell county. The
suit undertaken, was related at plaintiff appeals to the supreme court
the bearing today by Harry A. Whit- and six
of Company's eating mid present.
plain, who testified that he MOUNT A The highway com-
supervised burning of the papers Mom
at tin command of Ms down to work and
swore that prior lo testify- have been given to three of the
before tin grand Jury which in- leading public roads running of
administration of affairs C. Vines, J. II. James and L. C. Skin-
the association, had been an-
that the association after
series of shares meeting the Knowing your in the gen-
about six years and lour months, bin of directors mil and -elected the welfare of county,
large rate of earning ma In those who are not so fortunate
can be reached a month ear- u. C. Flanagan, president IS have provided for themselves in
vice president. old age and also
A. White, secretary and of large taxpayers
I Of the county, I lake the liberty of
to you for the
you in a move to
better tor the
Her iii hi calculated, which will
be some time ill August.
President c. after some
invited a discussion of the
B e, attorney.
acres of land eliminated from
the National Forests by Taft
December win opened to settle-
today, The land In Lincoln
County, ibis State, and settlement is
to he under the supervision of the
United land office iii this city.
Struck III Eye With
of New in B L,
. L. U, lour .,. ,.,.,.,, in s,
t A I j c a . In this connection I want to call your city la. May
II lied . ,., , the report of our last entertaining tor three days the
grand jury, which report is attached convention of the Iowa
The new series opened Saturday In unanimous re- Association. Many
with Home Building and Loan the grand Jury should be con- . prominent la Industrial attain
of the was the largest intermediate by the county and something ,,,
en since the association was or-done to remedy condition which
Secretary grand jury calls lo the attention of
The board of aldermen In reg-
v . the burning of the evidence cost of same
an lo Influent I his testimony M. Miller, a Civil engineer Sal-
nude by his superior officers, Is here to locate and survey
who commanded him destroy the roads to graded.
Hardest Fight in rears.
Homicide In Mitchell.
ASHEVILLE, Ai points lo the most
county Monday night Arthur campaign in county
Hall deputy attempted to your that has been witnessed tor
H . -in Hunter for whom With voters who have
, Hunter resisted paid their poll tax and leaders of
and shot by the officer and kill-both panics hard work, the Utter-
ed. Both men were prominent local- is already manifest
y Hall being a merchant and dead
man was scarcely years old be- Sun Small Bo.
lb. son of one of the leading KING
liens that county.
The highway com- ,, .,, before the nix ago. Secretary Brand
Any township are h. m , CU. While says he wrote some over county.
van near hill on Third hundred share. . this and yet It was
street extended full Width applications in hand county home last Sunday with a
the The committee He written. This idea of j oilier and found
hundred shares in this series and yet It was my privilege to the,
homo could keep order a hospital
ready always for
and nurses, when they might
. fie the association is doing and the p as rep, seined by the grand jury, As Staled above the
u w n . . and . mi mind, condition, there can-
H upon U. Ii I. doing . not Improved. The the ho. n its
to as well as he can condition. believe a modern
chief or police wen . home, as vaguely outlined could be
free mail delivery,
v, all houses of the town number-
ed and marked so the
livery can be established.
I-. chief of lire department was
lo purchase a sliding pub
for tin men's quarters in the until-
building and a alarm
to be the water and
light station.
The board donated pay the
under the
Minn., May The acres of land Which the county owns
with in. greater expense
la he surrounding home is no than the county borne Is now
in which ;, , In the maintenance of the consider that
. to tire u
furnish the trustworthy Indies- The production of tho farm, so far produce
lion as to the was wind la blow- can ascertain. Is almost nothing. Al- necessary tor this
in Minnesota In for the learn on inquiry, it require.
presidential nomination, The in addition lo is produced on
to sup-
some Si upon our-
the burden bringing about
id district conventions will lake farm, per month to main- a change. is . a., on year
Yesterday afternoon while men, Association.
per capita tax of Hope Fire Company Mond
for membership in the state Fir.- convention will in this city
lain lie Inmates, who at this time
number are almost with-
name the delegates lo the exception invalids, some of whom
helping load a log on wagon to was
hauled to sawmill. the , water pipes
HOUSTON, Texas. May ft.
year son of J. R.
I near losing his life. The log slipped
through Button lane.
A proposition to settle the claim
decorated for the occasion.
from the wagon and rolled over for property used
ton today cordially welcomed the hit collarbone and II n , lending Eighth was con-
to the annual convention , feared injured 1.1. Armed.
the Texas Travelers mil ,,,,
Protective Association. The
of the visitors and a preliminary
meeting of the board directors
the day. The regular
sessions will begin tomorrow
morning and continue until Saturday.
Luncheons, banquets, automobile rides
and a visit to the San battle-
held are features of the entertain-
provided for the visitors.
report of interest.
Address at The formal call was made for an
will election to be held on the lust Mon-
Aler turning down the primary plan
iii.- county committee
a proposal lo pin names of
Tali. Roosevelt and on
lo be voted In the to-
morrow, As a the Republicans
here will have an opportunity at
directly their choice tor Pres-
The managers be-
the vole will be
not make the address the j elect one m the Colonel. Their con-
attendant upon the laying of. each ward. The names of in the result has Increased as
the cornerstone of the state school and judges of election in the the Strength the boom
several wards will be found in u, appeared lo diminish.
for the feeble-minded here Monday, as
was expected. The governor had ac-
an Invitation to deliver the
memorial day address here next Fri-
day and it was considered that It
Opening Has In Central Lea-
NEWTON, Has. May
Kansas Baseball league began its
championship season today with the
team playing at Bend
Manhattan at Lyons and
City In Newton. The club owners
expect a successful season. The lea-
published in this paper.
Followers of
I President Taft base chief re-
by proper treatment a hospital
could be made useful and self sup-
porting citizens.
In my opinion It would he wise for
the to sell this properly at as
early dale as possible and with the
from he sale, which of course. am
after year as has for the past gen-
or two. Therefore, yon
In consider Ibis Her it you can
think of a plan for
than the one suggested
ma or the county
what yon believe to a
good plan, or slating the
outlined is the best hat can be had,
chase acres of laud near the
seat dial, land be economically
cultivated for Hie of the
home. Further the county build
about. Please write me expressing
your opinion lets to make a
united effort In lay before the
commissioner,, plan for
. this land modern building, to he bringing about a change the eon-
known as county home and In- so condemned by our grand
one wing, or a part f and of which
it at least, set aside and equipped as shiners certainly . feel proud.
on the hope that the
kepi vote may be pretty evenly
May one between Roosevelt and
would inadvisable for him U of the birth of The factional contest
two visit, to Kinston In the famous poet, between the stale machine and Its
an or hospital. In this way
most needy persons of the county
might go for treatment at the least
When sonic plan Is agreed on. then
we should take it to the county com-
for their consideration, I
possible expense, avoiding what now re they both and
same week. New-
land will be the principal speaker on
the program.
Military Helen.
J. S. Lewis has resign-
ed as captain of the Rocky Mount
this year Is composed of the Company and W. Payne has like-
strongest clubs that were embraced In wise tendered his resignation from the
last year's circuits of the Kansas captaincy of the Hickory Rifles. An
Stale A schedule of games Election for their successors has been
will he played the season ending ordered by Adjutant General
August s. the Worth Carolina
is necessary a long trip to Norfolk
Baltimore. Also by this method
was celebrated by Browning is expected to have an the site for the hospital would he
and other literary societies through- bearing on the presidential
out England today, in London the content. Governor and but
feature o the celebration were are supporting Taft while
service in this Senator Is leading the whirl-
afternoon, followed by a dinner under Is being made for the
the auspices of the Royal Society of Colonel.
Catcher Frank former-
of the Giants and the Kansas City
Cowboys, has signed as manager of
the Canadian League.
Jack Powell, pitcher of
the Browns, may yet Cy
record for in the big
Jack forty-three years old and Is
now playing hi. eighteenth season.
no additional cost lo the county and
would require but very little
lo do all in their power for
the economical and becoming
of our
It no longer War the
of County Poor which In
outlay of money, It would mean truth and fart V is. but should
have some more attractive name,
which will indicate it a
rather than an asylum
The prime purpose of this letter la
to art an expression from yon on tho
matter and by the com-
who county
Yours very truly.
but few more rooms added to a
building the county will certainly at
some time or another have to erect
Also ll will require additional out-
lay of money to maintain, the hos-
In connection with the county
home with the superintendent and
who are necessary for the
maintenance of the county
I .

Eastern reflector, 3 May 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 03, 1912
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Joyner NC Microforms
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