Eastern reflector, 22 March 1912

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The One Question Eternally Present is the Most Effective, the
Most Efficient and the Fairest Way of Equalizing
the Burdens of Taxation
Mr. Underwood Would Have the Question Solved with the
Determination to do the Right, Safe and
Reasonable Thing
Speech Before the New York Southern Society Dec. 1911
kaleidoscope of political issues must and will continually change with
the changing conditions of our Republic, but there is one question that was
with us in the beginning an. will be in the end, and that is the most effective,
efficient and fairest way of equalizing the burdens of taxation that are levied by
die National Government Of all the great powers were yielded lo the
Federal Government States when they adopted the Constitution of our
country, the one indispensable to the administration of public is the
right to levy and collect taxes. Without the exercise of that power we could
not maintain an and navy; we could not establish of the
the government w . perform its function if the power to tax were
taken away from The power to tax carries with it the power to destroy,
and it is, therefore, a most dangerous governmental power as well as a most
There is a dear and marked distinction between the position of the
two political parties f America as to how power to tax should be
in the inn of revenue at the custom houses .
Republicans Have Always Stood for Protection.
The Republican maintained the doctrine that taxes should not
only he levied fol a of revenue, but also for the purpose of protect
the borne manufacturer foreign competition. Of necessity protection
from competition with it a guarantee of profit. In the lad Republican
platform in the party was distinctly recognized when de-
that they not only in favor of the protection of the difference in
cost at home and abroad also a reasonable to American industries.
Democratic Party for Tariff for Revenue Only.
The party fat rs the policy of its the custom
house by a I that i levied for revenue only, which excludes the
idea g the profits. In my opinion, the dividing
line between the positions of the two great parties on tins question very
clear and easily ascertained in theory. Where the tariff balance the
difference in H II h mi abroad, including an allowance for the
in freight rates, the tariff must be competitive, and from that point
downward to the lowest tariff that can be levied it will continue to be com-
to a greater or leaf extent, Where competition is not interfered with
levying the tax above the highest competitive point, the profits of the
manufacturer are not protected. On the other hand, when the duties levied
at the custom house equalizes the difference in cost at home and abroad and
in addition thereto they are high enough to allow the American manufacturer
to make a profit before his can enter the field, we have invaded
the domain of tin- pi profits. Some men assert that the protection
of reasonable pr. tits t the h me manufacturer should be commended instead
of being condemned, but my judgment, the protection of any mu-t
of necessity have a tendency to destroy competition and create monopoly,
whether the profit protected i- reasonable or unreasonable.
Unfairness of Protection.
You should bear in mind that to establish a business in a foreign country
requires a vast outlay both in time and capital. Should the foreign
attempt to establish himself in this country he must advertise his
goods, establish selling agencies and points of distribution before he can
conduct nil After he has done so, if the home producer is
protected by a law that not only equals the difference in cost at home and
abroad, but also protect a or unreasonable profit, it is only
for him to drop s slightly below the point that the law has
fixed to protect and his competitor must retire from the country
or become a bankrupt because be would then have to sell his goods at a loss
and not a profit if he c to compete. The foreign competitor having
retired, the home could raise his prices to any level that home com-
petition would allow him and it is not probable that the foreigner who had
already been driven out of the country would again return no matter how
inviting the field as long as the law remained on the Statute Books that would
enable his competitor to again put him out of business.
Iniquity of the Protection of Profits.
Thirty or forty years ago when we had numbers of small manufacturers,
when there honest competition without an attempt being made to restrict
trade and the home market h II more than able to consume the production
of our mills and factories, the danger and the injury to the consumer of the
country was tint so gnat . r apparent as it is today when the control of
many great industries been concentrated in the hands of a few men or a
few corporations, because domestic competition was prohibited. When we
cease to have competition at home and the prohibits competition from
abroad by protecting profits, is no relief for the consumer except to cry
out for government n To my mind, there is no more reason or
justice in the government attempting to protect the profits of the
and producers of country than there would be to protect the profits
of the merchant or the lawyer, the banker or the farmer, or the wages of the
laboring man. In almost line of industry in the United States we have
as great natural resources to develop as that of any country in the world. It
is admitted by all hat our machinery and methods of doing business are in
advance of the By reason of the efficient use of American
machinery by American labor, in most of the manufactures of this country,
the labor cost per unit I pi In is no greater here than abroad.
is admitted, t the actual wage of the American laborer
is in excess of But but as to most articles we manufacture
the labor cost in count more than double the labor cost abroad.
When we consider that the average ad rate of duty levied at the
custom house or, is cotton goods is of the value of the
article and lot . r cost of the production of cotton goods
in this country
factory value of the product, that the
is only about as one is to two and
I value of the product levied at the custom
in the wage, it is apparent that our
I where they equalize the difference in cost
how far they have entered into the
the home manufacturer This is not only
n goods, but of almost every schedule in
in labor it a
that ten or per
house would .
tariff laws exceed the pair
at home and i i. H rt
domain of .- pi
true of the n. ;
the tariff bill.
To protect profits i leans to protect inefficiency. It does not
stimulate industry standing behind a tariff wall that
is protecting his n to develop his business along the lines
of greatest , it
Iron and Steel Industries.
This is of the wool and the iron and
steel duty that when worked out to
id basil I of about of the average value of all
woolen goods imp, Red States, and the duties imposed have
remained forty years. During that time the wool
industry ha- progress in cheapening the cost it-
product and methods. Dr. the other hand In the iron
and steel tin . been cut every time a tariff hill has I
written. Forty OH steel rails amounted to a ton,
today it amount- ago the tax on pig iron was a
ton, today it is true of most of the other articles in the
iron and steel I and steel industry has riot languished;
it has not been . not gone to the wall It is the most
compact, virile, I all the industries of America today, it has
long ago expanded it beyond the power of the American
to consume its output Ir I i today facing out towards the markets of
the for e trade of foreign lands where it must
meet free competition or is i the ease, pay adverse tariff rates to enter
the industrial Midi
Duty of Our Tariff Reduction to a Revenue
Basis Only.
Which course is the to The one that
demands the if profit e continued policy hot-house growth
for our Industries I if development that fol when
petition ceases, or on , the gradual and It i i
our tariff laws to a American manufacturer must meet honest
competition, where I -his business i eat and most
economic lines, when lights at home to control Ins market he is
forging the way of to extend MS
trade in the my the future
our great I .-as. A just I the burdens
of taxation and I in judgment, are economic truths;
they are not permit the laws of our country, we must face toward
them and not ft
,,. .
What I have laid I am in favor of going to free trade
editions or of n our legislation to legitimate
but .--v- -f has passed and the era
Birmingham Nows
Supports Underwood
In many quarters there has arisen a
that Oscar W Underwood be
bearer of the Demo-
party in the campaign that will
Le waged for the presidency in 1912
is tin earnest hope of The
tins nay about.
Should the banner be entrusted the
keeping of Oscar W. The
thoroughly believes
that by him it will be carried to
victory, aid that it will never be
by compromise with wrong or
sullied by collusion with
News, Thursday, November
The South and
the Presidency
This to an
when it cone the
of a candidate fur the is
out place. It i a peculiar
more hen the
than anywhere in
tr. We are gelling be painfully
cal bar Not only that, we
act on the assumption that it be
politically Inexpedient for us to
any man who i Southern born and
bred. It is folly of the worst kit d and
only serves to alive the dying em-
of limes,
December, 1911.
Underwood is probably the greatest
authority on the tariff in the House of
or, for that mailer, in
do u think of
said Bailey, the only
man hi either house of Congress who
could locked a hermetically sealed
root, for a week and em. rue from it
with a perfectly
Underwood i the example
times of a thoroughly modest
nun a reputation Without going
after it. Politics i . you
have to have a trumpet and a bugle in
order lo make anybody hear your name.
It is a rule to which there is no
that I know of except Underwood.
He sat back there in i
for sixteen years doing splendid work
and never getting his name into the pa-
Finally the crash came, the Demo-
carried the Mouse, and from sheer
merit and nothing else the man
from Alabama was made floor
and put in charge of the park's tariff
bill. And he so acquitted him-elf that
within a he became a national
and now he is quite to be
nominated fr
in Sunday Herald,
Boston, October 1911.
Because he is the strongest all
man in the field.
Because be is old enough to have
learned a deal, and yours enough
to learn more;
Because he Is a
Because he lathered the Farm-
Free List Bill, which was an
stride toward trade, and a
measure that would have been
beneficial to our over-taxed people;
Because he and put
through Congress a drastic
the infamous woolen tariff; and also a
sweeping reduction in the cotton goods
Because he had the manhood to
defy the Birmingham Hoard of Trade,
when tried to intimidate him as to
tariff reduction;
Because he has introduced a bill
to cut the steel and iron schedule
to per cent;
Because he had the courage to
oppose the Sherwood pension grab,
the shirkers and skulkers, and
deserters, and bounty-jumpers demand.
Champ Clark voted the
Bryan has not had the pluck to say a
word against it. nor has Woodrow
Because he has the sanity and
the spunk to tell the people that all this
talk about the initiative, referendum
and recall, in national politics, is
tommy-rot. Everybody should know
that the Constitution of the
States would have be radically
-hanged, before the present
representative government and
could be changed direct law-
When, do you suppose, we elect
a Congress that would give people
the opportunity to vote he
When, do you suppose, the i would
he States ready to adopt the Hew
When, do you suppose, v, the
small States be willing to
their equality, in the Federal
When Wilson and Bryan p of a
national initiative, referendum ind re-
call, they make themselves de
tan either of them tell us h u Direct
legislation can be applied, i
in such a manner as to pr rye the
sovereign equality of the Una Males
If either of them can, I be
glad to publish their plan.
It will be time enough to i k about
national Direct legislation and lie recall
after we shall have tried it, in the
lastly, I am for Oscar
wood because his public and
private, is unstained;
and spotless; his leadership
his work and purposes patriotic
and practical; his sympathies, for the
oppressed. He doesn't -loop to
to win popular applause and he
doesn't cater to wealth and power, as
the of both parties do-
Tom Watson, in The
Thomson, January PI
the U S. House of Representatives,
Our agricultural supply
the wants the
sir and are worn by
who many foreign languages
and tread the highway of the
Occident and the Orient, i he looms of
our clothe the people of dis-
lauds. The freight of our foreign
rivals carried to market on American
rails, drawn by American engines, across
chasms spanned by American-built
bridges. J The harvests of
our farmers feed the toiling masses of
Europe. We would be the unrivaled
masters of production and industry in
every land where free competition can
he obtained if we would but strike off
the shackles that bind us to the dead
and unnecessary economic system main-
by the Republican Party, that
creates false standards and wasteful
conditions at home. on the
Democratic side.
Speech Before Pennsylvania So-
of New York, Dec.
it not proper for all of us,
of party, to insist that the
time has come for us to join together
in putting an end to this
and proposals for tinkering with
the law As the necessity
arises, we ran from lime to time enforce
the act, without fear or favor, but with-
out any disposition to political cap-
ital out of what we may be called upon
to do. Let our pilot and
accurate knowledge and high resolve,
and not expediency or
energy, whether proceeding from
rood or bad motives, and above all this
let us not proceed upon a crude guess
the V. S. House of
It is clear that there are no treaties
that stand in our way to prevent us from
enacting a discriminating tariff duty
in favor of American ships. It was the
policy of the u built up our
merchant marine from a where
it carrying per cent of our com-
to a point where it carrying
per cent American commerce in
a period of seven years. It does not
place additional burdens on the people;
it is not a policy of doubtful
; it is a policy that baa been
tried and proven effective. It is a pol-
icy by which we can restore the Amer-
to the seas and the American
-hips to our commercial trade. It is a
policy will enable us to build up
the export trade of the American
It is a policy that will enable us
to find foreign markets for our surplus
products in agriculture and
It is a policy that will restore the
balance of commerce as well as trade to
our Nation. It is a policy that will
ultimately overcome the necessity of our
paying a foreign balance in gold to
nations and will bring pros-
to all lines of industry.
Steel Corporation. As a matter
of fact, am in the iron and
steel Everything
have in the world is in the nun and
steel business except my home, but not
with the United Mates Steel Corpora-
lion. My people are independent
We meet the States.
Steel Corporation every day of our ex-
in a competitive battle on the
J industrial fields of America. My people
i have not asked me to vote for a
tariff on iron and steel.
the U. S. House of Representatives,
Two years ago. when the proposition
came before the to cut the tariff
on iron and steel products, in many
cases about hall, I favored the
because I it was and
fair, but of the protected interests
in my district met and
and resolved that they would re-
me if I voted lo reduce
on iron and steel. I voted to make the
reduction on the Democratic
but they did not me out of
on the Democratic
and they will not turn you out j
i Congress if you stand true to the
people yon represent. on the
Democratic side The distinguished
gentleman from Illinois
when he the Home several
ago. staled that the Stales
Steel Corporation was in this
hill and asked if I did not know it,
or if that was not the why
favored it. As I then stated to the
gentleman from Illinois, I was not in
funned as to the wishes of the United
the U. S. House of Representatives
The protected interests of this cow-
try know well that this bill will make
a break in the dike; that whenever the
protective tariff is removed and the
Northern farmer stands out alone with
out pretense of protection to his prod-
that he can no longer be counted
on to stand in the ranks of the
interests of this country. That is
why they are afraid of it. It is not so
much what is in the bill, but they know
that the death knell of the protection
system will have sounded-
means the protection of
profits and the creation of mo-
in this country- when the
abandons the
R publican to those who
have fattened upon bis bard-earned d ;
They are my eve--
effort in the districts on that side of h
House and in your district, my fellow
Democrat in my district lo break
the column. I protected interest,
in my district, but I do not represent
them. I represent the great mas of
constituency who want hunt treatment
fair play.
In Mr. candidacy
South for the tune ii years
comes forward with a man with a
man with a valid claim on
Democracy for signal recognition. If
unselfish devotion, high performance,
Nation-wide breadth view, and rare
qualities for leadership entitle a man
sympathy and support in his
the nomination of Mr. Under-
wood would be a testimonial logically
The Southern Democracy never
wants, in or out of Congress, for
powerful champions party politics,
men who come in for honorable nun-
lion when the Presidential year rolls
round, but in Mr case
there is added a for j
and command no often
in party leaders of his For
candor compels a good word in
acknowledgment of he did in the
way of harmonizing and knitting to-
warring elements of his
in the House. Not in twenty
years has there been in Democratic
councils a leader who proved success-
in uniting all shades of opinion and
presenting a solid front on practically
every issue that came lo I vote. For
that reason, if for no other,
Availability would seem to
merit careful consideration the
hands of the Democratic
lost, October 1911.
Oscar Underwood of Alabama is
unquestionably of presidential His
leadership of the Democratic majority
on the floor of the House never been
excelled for skill, force and definite
It is a respectful hearing from
all over the country which Senator
of the same State will have
in naming him the Democratic
Has the time come when it is
for the i to nominate a
Southerner living in the Smith for the
presidency has been thought so
since the civil war. It has not even
been thought t l I give the South
second place on the ticket The nearest
approach to this was the naming on the
ticket in 1901 of Henry G. Davis
of West Virginia. that is
a Northern Stale. f
Kentucky had a few votes U r President
in the conventions of 1884 and 1892;
Blackburn of Kentucky and Tillman of
South in 1896; Williams of
Mississippi in 1904. they were
merely complimentary
Yet e war is over Southern
Democrat and a former Confederate
i- Chief l
Stales Supreme Court by appointment
of a Republican President. The
may not BO far off the last
traces of the sectional line will be
in American politics
October 1911.
But Mr. Underwood's rise in public
favor has not been spectacular. His
is not the kind of popularity that will
decline. It dawned suddenly but its
dawning was rather the awakening of
recognition than the discovery of a new
-tar. Mr, Underwood Ids ability
had been there all the time, but they
had not been called into action. Op-
revealed the man and the
His leadership aid his qualities are
the stuff will list. He may never
be President of the Slates. He
may never be given the nomination by
his party, but his usefulness to the party
and to the people will not be destroyed.
He is hanging no hopes on the reward
that may come lo hint from the party.
Mr. Underwood's public record is
usual for its clean brilliancy. It stands
without a Haw Critics may search it
through and through and Mr. Under-
wood's smile would never waver. His
party record is just as clear. His
life is without a blemish.
He is peculiarly fitted by nature and
training for the leadership of men and
the administration of executive
He comes good stock, if
means anything in this people's
His education was thoroughly
rounded. His character well noised.
His training has been broad and wise.
He is thoroughly practical. His
education has been broadened by
well directed experience and constant
application to useful
Harper in the Birmingham Age-Herald,
January 1912.
For years Oscar Underwood has been
recognized in his district as a man of
marked ability His broad knowledge
of the tariff displayed time and again
on the of Congress and in public
utterances on stump; his
insight into large public questions
under consideration in the national law-
making bod; his skill in debate; his
complete mastery of himself in times
of political turbulence on the floor of
Congress; his judgment as well a his
tact, have all convinced his constituents
that he was a man of force and achieve
long before be became Chairman
of the Ways and Means Committee
a tremendous task to
Ledger, 1912.
The rapid rise of Oscar W. Under-
wood in discussion of Presidential
possibilities is full of significance, and
may well consternation in the
Wilson, and Harmon camps. A
a distinctive Southerner, his boom
is a menace Wilson, who
pealed strongly to the sentiment of that
section, in which he was born and spent
his early years, In tin- soundness of
his Democracy, the statesmanlike
and moderation ha in
dealing with issues the hour,
Mr. Underwood has no superior among
rivals, lie avoids
issues which Wilson
i himself somewhat
New York,
November 1911.
But the present leader of the House
is not impulsive. In truth, that fact
explains his leadership. He is a man
calculation. Had he not been, he
could never have piloted his
through difficulties of the extra
ion. His task then called for a calm
and a single purpose. Had he-
been a spellbinder and a scatterer he
would have wasted his opportunity.
Were Mr. to set his heart
on the White House and maneuver for
a stay under that famous roof he would
play hobs with all the reputation he has
just acquired. His vision would be-
come confused, and everything would go
by the board. He could not serve two
masters, his work in the House has
first and highest claim on his at-
This docs not mean that Mr. Under-
wood's name will, as the result of his
reply to his House colleagues,
pear from the Presidential speculations
i f course, it will not. It is there to
stay, with the other names now on
many pens and tongues The matter
the is in the lap of fate, and
we shall all have to wait for the
The If Sunday Star,
December, 1911.
The appearance of Oscar
here last night, in advocacy of Dem
principles he has done so much
to advance, was an event not only highly
gratifying to his party associates in
of exceptional interest t-
c in general,
It is not often a man returns to
the scenes of his youth to speak with
authority, from m commanding a
position, won on his own merit. It has
been so long as the years i
not vet Oscar
a schoolboy here; he comes hack now
the applauded of
his party on floor of the National
House of Representatives, the head of
the great committee which shapes
fiscal legislation of the country; a new
chieftain of Democracy who has arisen
a crisis when the old party
all but
Bravo. Oscar It i a
bright day for Democrats when they are
fortunate to and quick to acclaim
such a lead, r Louisville
reprinted in Age-Herald,
ham, Ala. October 1911.
Whoever was floor leader of the De-
was good enough for Mr.
during all the long years that
party was in the minority, and day after
day. whether that leader WIS Joseph W.
Bailey, of Texas, John Sharp Williams,
of Mississippi, or Champ Clark, of Mis-
the gentleman from Alabama was
always at his leader's elbow, ready
eager to do he could lo help
Other statesmen might try to black their
party leader's eye, but Mr. Underwood
was never known to extend anything
but the hand George E. Miller,
Staff Correspondent, in the Detroit
October 1911.
Congressman as house
leader of the Democrats and as chair-
man of the and Means
tee, has measured up lo the standard
true Statesmanship. He has render in
calculable service lo the of honest
tariff revision, the one great issue in
pending campaign, and by his
did poise and mastery affairs he has
exalted hi party's name in the minds
January 1912.
That Representative Oscar W.
is rapidly crowding to the wall
all other aspirants for Democratic
nomination, is the Inform
that comes from sources close to
the Alabama leader lo-day, In fact, it
is now a subject of gossip
the House that New York State is veer-
toward the Alabama member and
that Clark. Wilson and Harm n are
ground in the chief pivotal State of
the n
A member Of the Maw Y
in the House, win is not person-
ally an advocate of candidacy of
Mr admitted in confidence
that the trend of sentiment in
city and New York State
now favors the Alabama leader. From
Representative Henry D. Clayton, of
Alabama, also, comes confirmation of
the fact that the Underwood
are receiving most reports
ii mi New York. These reports go so
far as to say that if the South will keep
Representative Underwood's name be
fore the convention, New York State
may be counted on lo fall into line after
the M or third ballot.
If the South can get over the ancient
i that a Southern man cannot
be nominated for President and if the
South will keep the name
before the convention, for i few ballots,
are many wise political observers
in Washington and New York w-ho are
confident that the New York delegation
will -wing Into line for
Washington correspondence of the
honest competition is
I-et us I solution of th problem involved with the determination
do what is right, what is safe and what is reasonable.
Mr. declaration fol-
the Underwood demonstration in
the House, Mr.
I believe Mr Underwood is the right
man presidency He ha won-
executive ability, as shown by his
management of the at this
and except for his resilience so far
feel that he is in
suitable for the place. the
Democrats could not . a more
Journal, August, 1911.
The Motile declares that
the relief of much millions of people
from tax extortion is the issue, and the
issue is personified in Oscar W. Under-
wood. What more lilting, therefore,
this paper, than that the man who
is the personification the issue should
-land before the President who vetoed
the bills drawn by Mr.
to give relief to the American pet
pie What more titling the can
should be Mr. stand-
for tariff reduction as against Mr
I aft standing in defense of present tariff
laws What more tilting for the Demo-
party to nominate I man who can
this is lime Democracy can
win. Powerful political leaders of
thought and those journalistic exponents
of Democracy throughout the country
should take note of Mr.
They should investigate; and party
loyalty firm-with sectional prejudice
eliminated, learn to know the man and
the principles for which he stand- The
Southern press, especially, should
with unhesitating vigor to support and
use influence for the man who has
done more than any living Democrat to
reunite and who can, as a
Southern Democrat in White House,
establish forever a reunited country.
Journal, reproduced in the
Montgomery, AU.,
Every public speech that Oscar W.
Underwood, Democratic leader of the
House of Representatives, makes brings
him closer to the people as a
possibility, What
a Republican, said of him
at the dinner of the So-
in New York on Saturday night
coming to be generally felt by the
i public.
for many said Colonel
Roosevelt's son-in-law, so forceful
a personality come to the front of his
party as the present leader of the House.
Not in my lime, certainly, and not, as I
believe, in modern limes, has the Demo-
party developed a man possessing
in so full degree the qualifications for
real leadership as it has this year in the
person of Oscar
Journal. Jersey City, N. J.,
was due to the South that Grover
Cleveland was nominated and
said Judge Parker was due to the
South that William J. Bryan was twice
nominated, in like manner the South
Was for the nomination of
a New who speaks to you now.
I -till believe that the South is the sec-
of our country from which a
nominee could be chosen who
could quell the voices of all the Demo-
factions and he'd all breaches.
When the Democratic National
sees fit to nominate a Southerner,
believe that the Northern Democrats
will support him with their ballots
Judge Alton B Parker State
Columbia. S. C. January 1912.
If Oscar when he VII
made Chairman of the Ways and Means
bad been as well known
throughout the country as Champ Clark
or Harmon or Woodrow Wilson
he would have gone into the Democratic
convention far in the lead, lie was at
that time, however, known and
ibis fact may give to the Speaker a pan
if the prestige that Mr. Underwood
otherwise would have had.
Mr. Underwood is well known now,
however, and will be better known be-
fore the convention meets or the Slates
elect delegates. Taking it for granted
that he will conduct the tariff fight a
well during the regular session as
the session. Mr.
will be much stronger at the end of the
regular session than he is now. If we
judge by results we must conclude
mt leader has ever had his
forces so well in hand as Mr. Under-
wood had during the last session The
Florida Jacksonville, Fla,
October 1911.
destiny of the American nation,
which I think is the most wonderful in
the whole history of world, is per-
safe in the hands of such men
as your It is a pity that
we cannot have more of bis kind in
Me is one of the most
eminent men that the South has pro-
and T look with vat satisfaction
upon the plans of his Alabama friends
to give him their unanimous
for that high
Willis L Moore, Chief
U. S. Weather Bureau, in the
ham. Ala. Age-Herald. October fl
k in. I Hi i. Mont H
. C,
Detectives Claim They Have Corralled
arr in
a- lo In-
Their I
I Urn
Caftan win he
cull hull I Life.
on theory the
I. really in the the.
tin capture Of the noted outlaws.
are an attack upon the
where the Al-
be. The original baa
been reinforced citizen
case the
Southern Hallway In which
wing a large amount for
the and the plain-
lilt to recover the Hum of The
case was tried a few months In
superior court and was dismissed.
TIs, appealed to the
court and a new trial was granted.
The new trial hod not been heard.
ii contended that was
to his work at a tannery and
was walking along the railroad track
la the dark. Both of his legs had to
be amputated,
fearful washout on
He south side of the river
miles has been re-
paired and on Sunday I rains began
en. the hard tank before run. No mall reached this place
detective in ail. sixty men by rail and when the Char-
camped the lotto came our people were
i., the watch for It The postmaster
kepi over every point by which the Hue good people feel a loss if
attempt to evade the the Charlotte Observer fails to come.
NEW BERN, March was
received here yesterday of a homicide
which near Straits, Carter-
et count. Saturday afternoon. The
victim of the affair was Oscar Crow-
a and the woman who kill-
ed him Mrs. Charles Williamson, wife
of a fisherman. Early Saturday morn-
Mr. Williamson left his home for
purpose of going over
to attend to some business matters
National for lathers.
many visitors from all
the country were present at the
opening here today of the sixteenth
bi welfare
r lie- auspices of the National Moth-
Congress and Parent
days. The program embrace, a
The session will last i
of labor, child hygiene,
juvenile home economics, pub-
playgrounds and other
N. C. March
something like two weeks ago, the
of Prince
i-III to Miss Mary I. Duke,
daughter of sir. and Mrs. Benjamin
Duke of New York and Dur-
ham, N. C. was rumored a denial
authorized by Mrs. Duke.
After Prince had sailed
away for Europe yesterday on
it was learned
that close friends of his and the Duke
family had been informed that the
engagement was now a fact and that
marriage would take place within
next few days in Europe.
Mrs. Duke and her daughter, ac-
cording to present arrangements, will
sill for Europe within two weeks and
Angler Duke, the brother of Miss
Duke, is expected to go over at the
same time. Whether II. N. Duke will
go over for ceremony is not walked the room and de-l discuss plans for an organized
known. something to eat, Mr. to attract Investment cap-
There has been one placed food before him. end desirable immigrants as-
marriage growing nut of a , bar concluded the the further development of
of religion, the Prince being , h . j,,,,.,,,,., , and Northwest, Minnesota, North
Mr. D. H. Win-slow Speaks on Goad
He endeavored to persuade his wife
go with him. She told him that.
she bad a number of household
ties to perform during the day and
would be perfectly safe, if left alone.
Saturday afternoon, Crowley
Boosting the
came to and Inquired for mammoth convention of boosters. em-
Mr. Williamson. His wife told builders, real estate men. ed-
husband was not at home, and representatives of com-
it la alleged the agricultural and Industrial
that the woman had no assembled here today
Two Durham Mail Establish
Lung Distance
Durham. Two Durham's mall
an- now failed as champion
To let out and walk 101.000
, of Allen's homo. mile a la
about to effect i Ed- n
The shifting of interest from De
Din Spur was caused
capture Ed-
i,. phew the older Allen
for the wed ling
hi, mountain c about
libs Is the work of lazy man. .
. be made cm this aide, had been
patron t ens. hue .
. . . . . i d, I i II l I
the back clear, the same II. II Is a record that
i twenty-two
id at any
I will close cm the outlaw a I n
d c the
. n -I a by
. would
mountains with
. . and sin a systematic Mr. u. W. Dales, whoso 13-year-old
s, nook and us drowned in the Clinch river
placing strong guards in all the near their home at
take pi o In Pat la
The Pitt County Good
met here Saturday and was
called to order by It. K.
Rev. If. Rock was requested
to ask divine blessing upon the meet-
In the absence of Secretary EL
A. While. D. J. was
.; secretary, proton.
President explained the ob-
of the association referring to
the needs and advantages good
roads. He closed with introducing
Mr. H. Winslow. of tho United
department of road Improve-
who addressed the meeting.
Mr. Winslow referred to the- records
that North Carolina holds in corn
growing and some other matters, but
said state was far behind in tho
matter of road Improvement lie said
ii state must go forward In road
or she would Co back-
ward in agriculture.
Carolina has made wonder-
progress educationally, one school
. per day having being built in
. hue her roads
no will secure the best
a the
i per higher
, i- than in
roads The
was going to lie down. The
and Miss Duke a Protestant;
I in on Sunday arrangements ., revolver his pocket show
started here for , special dispense- h . , ,,. frightened woman, told
ion covering this question an ,,. . h,. km ,,.,. n
is understood when the Prince ,.,,,,,.,.,, , . , go, ., basin
rent I the arrange-1, .,.,. M n ,,,;, ,,,.,., , ,,,,.
d with l s room i i I
and Montana ban- n
i convention, In on to
a; chic I cities and of this
I The towel ;
V n Mrs.
G Ki t c h i n
Had . n . .
r. I-,
received a message from her brother, r r his I Quick
ind mountain passes,
authorities watch-
notifying that the body
oven d Hum the waters lo-
Senatorial Candidates Have
read to I
here name let
many e i
I up, . ,, ,
b lane could be sum-
rived quickly, many
en., i we do not have better
highways that have
. are They
in which
. the n the
bro i. II
and I like
, tomorrow. Pull particulars of
boon receive d,
movements of the women re- day and that the funeral would take
of will lead lo
i of communication
bad the detective to their
hiding place
A fit I ten's posse left Mount Airy
this to Join tho detective
In Spur.
resent Went the teeming Rare. ,
importance el nit Evident.
S Se.-ion-. in Maine.
Me., March I lied , highways are. They are
I session r-J, ., , , ii . i
Our buildings pass
Women Hound to
Arrested In Cos.
Mi rite
Heavy to
Inn oilier
mi Hen with the
I are
Before Superior
N. March
D i. i i Nora were
hi Mile OVer lo today
under t,. and 11.000 bond, re-
by Oates,
with before the
Myrtle Hawkins
whoso was found In Lake
Osceola IT
witnesses brought from Ashe-
hold.- tho defendant,, only
, were examined.
The defense no evidence.
little light was thrown on the
mystery today, not one of the
of the other defendant
being mentioned during the
tun it la believed that other
,, is res, much Important
Mr-. Break, Improving.
Monday tho Washington
Hospital Mrs. L Brooks underwent
operation and at the
the consensus of opinion was that
she would recover. Sine, then,
however, her condition Improved
in Mich an extent hopes are on-
she will scion be
Mis, is now holding her own.
is wife of Mr. E. I. Brooks,
on the popular merchant
and c o and friendship
a large number only in Wash-
elsewhere. Mrs. Brook
la a daughter tho late Colonel
Isaac Sugg, for years o leading
the bar in county.
The new of Mrs.
n e lie Is Holed With genuine are
the Dally News Washington News.
Mr, Sam T. While, head of the Sam
White Piano Co., and one our ,
energetic has been appointed
represent the Interests In
county in the coming senatorial
Already Mr. White has been doing
sonic- good work for governor and
Mr. knew what he was about
in appointing Mr. White to represent
Knowing the as
en., we look lo hint lo do some great
thing as tho senatorial campaign
keep pace wit lithe thermometer,
r ii Pi the members of
i of Maine
id here to revise the ,,, . ,,; ; ,
. .
Mr. John who formally lived
here, inn about the of January
mined in a farm near
the 18th. Mr. was all
. and one of our lies
farmer. He was a man beloved by
all who knew him, a devout Chris-
and loving husband and devoted
father. His remains were laid to rest
in the Nobles cemetery, four miles
by a number
Do you know all Hi minor
ail. i. ins colds are by far tho most
H is not the cold Itself
you need to fear, but the
. , that ii often lo.
an Known as g. mi dis. i
and consumption arc
them. Why not tab
i Cough Remedy and cur, your
old w bile you I For sale by all
defendant failed to make
II j nil
Borrowing friends.
The most ease of Insomnia
s disorder of
Hyatt will be Hotel, tar lain Stomach and Live
Perth Monday. April lo treat those and
, . , ,, the eve. sleep. For sale by all dealers.
V. Pl
in River,
The heavy up-country last
Friday have put river here on a
rapid rise again. The water Is close
lo Mood stage With a of go-
I I not Knot u Whether Mr. fleet
Hoard Alexandria,
Suicide or Whether His Death I
i. Due to an I
iii fully one hundred feel from tho
. of a water tank the home of
brother-in-law, Mr. Benjamin
Fie el Board came to a terrible death
last night. Although the suicide
. has b ed as a prob-
the death, those
. tho I.-1 knew him best
in tho was
. iv accidental.
Mr. Hoard, who was a
i All Va. to-
with I Infant child,
Wake Forest t-n days ago on shortly
Mr. Board brother-in-law,
U W, II, I was
to recuperate lure from a period
a strenuous work In his business.
he occasioned
lien law, State for the
representatives to
and lo prepare something
in tic way of liquor legislation.
Mystery In
Rocky Mount
Virginia Man
Woman tin
loss of sleep and mental
the Court.
There is not much interest
the civil term of court now h
progress. Several cases hale com
Up but they are of only minor
Mr. William Patrick is very ill with
highways are hi re for all
I ram c the same road were
built fifteen hundred ago.
When we build roads should build
I I lean. Ill iv. A hill c lit
down in a highway doe not
have to be cut down again. All
. a road is not
I the surface, pan of it
be d or it ill go to
wreck. To lo ; up the roads
of inc be dis-
among the generations g-1-
Of the I
II. ii. Beck
. Info million n I
Little Dene tor . ,,,,
N. C, March he
With III out slowly, but obtained In the time an gen-
He Prank who the aid a bond
Ills ran, W. Va., . II that
who ran I was spending ST. .,
r o'clock K to on seven hundred mile i
a the under ids was getting
her home South i i i In of good
As I there are two He then explained how a bond
.-ion. which follow up ibis . melon build a system
knows when Frank cane or good roads, would He
Marriage License.
Marriage wore issued
e- following couple during
Short and Fannie Wilkins.
Warren Daniel and Clyde. Harris.
John and Annie
V. Move and
C I., and Florence Edward,
and Little.
pie tho roads but
would not com them anything
as much as ii now costs them to bars
where came from, the
ha ii hi had in com-
for several weeks hanging
around ibis house and the roads. Several
desiring to get rid him, attempt-1 were given lo show ibis. The
i to devise some means to do I either pa good roads
. or bad roads and as good roads
i, , d bi Kate cost less it the pan of wisdom
Si when consulted In the mat-In them. Farmers do
said that she would get rid enormous tax bad roads
him or kill him one. and that she,,., them in bill, to vehicles
went where he was and harness, to say nothing of dam-
him times, the last ego to animals Had roads
shot entering his left lung. on 5th

dater, Miss Sadie, re-
Tuesday from Pat-male, where
. attended Ike of then
, Miss Lila James.
m II
to her daughters. Mes-
K. F. and J. V. Cox.
M l
of came down
afternoon to be present
loss. Is wedding and
is visiting
Mooring, The
taught Una. Maud
night with en
which as greatly enjoyed by all
home Rev. Lawrence
title performed the ceremony.
Mr. Henry Archibald o Washing-
ton was in town a short while
flay afternoon.
of near is vie-
her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Rob-
this k.
Whereas, it has pleased
Cod in His never providence
remove from this u Id the spirit
of the tender and affectionate sister
our brother. J antes H. Darden. and
the faithful and devoted wife of our
brother, John T. and
Whereas, this. great
keenly felt every true of
Pythias, we desire to record a tribute
to the memory of this good woman.
and express our deep feeling of
for these brothers in their
hour of trial.
Therefore, be it
That in the death of Mrs. John T.
our lodge has lost one of its
best friends and the community a
most useful and conscientious Chris-
woman, whose strong character
vise counsel, devoted faithfulness and
consistent life won for her friends and
companions in early life who remain-
ed friends to the splendid
to her life- and are now a
influence for the of right.
a never changing star to brighten and
to bless the lives of all who come
within the of its gentle
cause them to look beyond this
world of care to the supreme
cf the universe who dwells in that
temple not made with hands, eternal
the heavens.
That we deeply mourn this
of covenanted friendship, re-
her as a sis-
her devotion as a wife, and her
sincerely as a friend, but at the same
time we bow in humble submission to
tie will of the Most High Cod in this
dispensation of His
saying our wish, but thy
be done
That we tender the family and
loved ones the deceased our deep-
est sympathy and most heartfelt
and consolation in this their
sad bereavement, and point them to
the Supreme Maker of Universe
for comfort, realizing that Lord
giveth and Lord taketh
and now but in the coming years big-
sometime. sometime we'll under-
That copies of these resolutions
be sent to brothers J. H. Darden and now
John T. Thorne under the Seal of the
That these resolutions be spread
upon the minutes of Farmville Lodge
Knights of Pythias, and business trip to Ayden Saturday.
copies be sent to the Farmville En-I
and Dally Reflector for pub-
H. H.
It. A.
Woodrow Wilson should be
Democratic party
President, there are many an-
. wen that could be easily made. That
and Mr. has shown
the President of this great country
that is Clearly recognized.
lull And The Tariff I to
Looking up and the
records is the order of the day.
President record
are spending it is as
in hi letter of acceptance July. is a
He has the ability, the courage,
information, that should
the cost of pro- be the
abroad and at home, with I
Loans and Discount
Overdrafts .
Banking House
r and Fixtures
Cash Items
Due from Hanks . .
Cash in Vault
. 2.982.51
. 11.671.44
Capital Stock
Profits . .
. 7.111.32
nominate Woodrow Wilson
Why should he be eel-
other Hue candidates
those three be worthy of so great
The answer is not
are having some
now. The farmers are getting busy.
Mr. W. I- and his moth-
loft this afternoon for Durham.
Dr. P. IV Loftin
bill under
j statement the
House said -The is resident.
., Downward Revision
i ,, which he
Mr had had his an honor.
., am,,,,, and C,. sud cult The
l of the alliance between the
and th special interests.
passed and
weather signed by him.
At Minn. September i
mm President met the storm party
This Is The Republicans themselves have
this and all of their
shouting out the fact
If then.
criticism by
Dent e portion best tariff the
v r, can party and. there- are
List near Fort torn-ell. has been passed at they are progressives
Mr,. Alma Green of Portsmouth, fore, the party continue its pol-
V,. is visiting her father. Mr. James all of progressive,,.,, the an who
I Emitted tint the wool stands for and is the soul of the
,,.,. Harris left movement should be nominated. This
for Durham. k is Wilson. No one the
1- Ml he vetoed has qualified himself as a
Mr. J. , m orators
Time to
Ready to meet your
every demand in
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums
We are showing the latest designs in fine
period furniture and also odd pieces-- we
urge an inspection of our displays so you can
buy right prices.
Pearl and Olivia
Sunday In
t Vandyke
Mr. Frank Jackson made a
trip to Winterville Friday even- to
When the campaign
talk about acrobatic stunts, no section
.- s
meeting Wednesday night. lot th. In in without mis. a student as was
We are having a nice Sunday school L. American like
s will, if elected, make one of the
Woodrow presidents we ever
To the man seeking information as News and Observer.
Wedding bells will soon
around here.
Messrs L. M. Jackson. J. F. Mum-
and made ft
Mr. Well
N. Allen T.
Godfrey who been in bad health
for some time, has Just written the
following letter telling her re-
who is In broken health th-
ought to know that will build attempted
the up and make them strong. It the
and fancies
New York. March 16.-
fashion dictators in
some time lo
gowns, hut en pa
of meteor and taffeta tire very fashion-
have Chiffon give promise tor
abolish . arty sin In colors which match or
skirts with suit colors. Crepe me-j
lie Chine and Taffeta In
The new Steamers Just placed In service the OP HOB-
and -CITY are the most elegant
up-to-date between Norfolk and Baltimore.
Equipped with In each room,
meals served on board. for
comfort and convenience. t I I
Steamers leave Norfolk p. m. arriving at
a. m. following morning. HAST
Connecting at Baltimore for all points
round trip rates to Baltimore. Washington. Phil-
New York. Atlantic City, etc . , ,.
Reservations made any cheerfully furnished
W. H. T. P. A,
Norfolk, Virginia.
Adopted Hie Seoul of
and kind
my strength and vigor after both chameleon and plain colors are
had been in a badly run-down con- the met w PI ,.,,,,.,, designs. Shirt styles
for several and I and made bu II. M ,
Whereas. Our All Wise and kind ,. lo a good ever, very i. u. ii a, ,,,,;, ., ,. noticeable in the early
heavenly Father, who all things now. a , The et-in sleeve and one-side
well, has deemed it wise to remove is proof that our de- which in innings are much In
Iron remedy, latest Spring moans
no longer any that Children wear for spring follows
and gin same fashion lines as
so far as is possible. In
of dresses the set-in
from our
midst a brother and
true friend, a faithful husband is free from cod liver Paris,
a loving parent. William Henry a strengthening and. There
the father or two of our com-
As an officer of this town lie
was trustful and loyal, always being
vitalizing medicine.
Men and women who are weak
poor health, unable to sleep or coining season
the extreme long, narrow
are doomed and that j worn. t. s
will bring the; designing
eland why he should be taken In the
prime of life, yet we bow in humble
submission to His will.
That we extend to our brother
Scouts and the family our Greenville, N. C.
sympathy in this their great sorrow.
That a copy of these resolutions
published In the papers the town,
a copy be sent to the family and a
copy be placed on record,
W. II. Warren
L. Jr. Com,
H. L. Humber. Jr.
There is no risk at all, for it is on the bodice
sure to do good that we guarantee It inches wide on the skirts.
absolutely and will refund the money gowns for an ear-
if you are not satisfied. are made soft,
draped ill surplice in-
Attack Of Heath. L a .,. blue satin. ThO
Five years ago two doctors told full at the waist
I had only two years lo fan n graceful fold
of Headers are
Learning the Duty of the Kidney.
To filler blood is the kidney's
There's a Reason
to the
I When fail lo do this the kid-
knee, where there begins a sees Of
Malachite, flounces edged
General Merchandise
of cotton and country produce. We now occupy
Central Mercantile Co. store and will be glad
now occupy the former
to have our friends call
Honor Roll.
The roll of honor for the public
school Kings Cross Roads for the
month is as
1st grade- Smith. Lillian
Smith, Julius Smith.
2nd Bryan Parker,
Pawl Norman. Ethel Norman.
3rd grade Mary Jane Forbes, Rob-
Lea Corbel t. Hen
4th grade Anna Mamie Until
Smith, May Belle Tyson.
Mb Smith. William
Roland Barker.
6th Smith. Leone
7th Tyson, Clifton
Robbie Smith.
making average
Tyson. Tyson. Christine
Smith. Smith. Nannie Bryan
Parker. Julius Smith. William Forbes.
Roland Parker and Clifton
SMITH. Teacher.
This startling Statement
told I would die with consumption. affect is quite narrow and
It was up to me then to try the beat I but the flounces give a de-
lung medicine and I began to grace and finish to the lower
Dr. King's New Discovery. It ,, Over the should-.
well I did, for today I am working ,.,, ,. m of severe
and many kidney ills fol-
Help the kidneys do their work.
Kidney Pills have cured
Proof in
E. Fourth street.
and believe owe my me . v ,,,,.,,. narrow frills not
grant throat and lung cure that , caught In the; W. A. Ml D. strut
cheated the grave of another t , at the
Its folly to suffer with coughs, colds; ,.,.,, Kidney Tills and I know that
Established 1875
or throat and lung now. Take
the cure that's safest. SO cents
and 11.00. Trial bottle free at all
For suits the twenty two and
four inch lengths continue to be
popular for coats White and
Will he much seen, with
they can be relied upon to cure a
lame and aching back and correct
trouble with the kidney secretions.
For some time my kidneys did not
do their work as they should. I was
subject to backache and had pains
either in the fabric the kidney
trimming, or both. The . . . .
A Hook Store.
Mr V has located here
, conduct -t hook store and occupies trimming, or . ,, .
store In Proctor build- In long, loose straight line mod- ,,,, Rave mP
has an Immense stock of all This was nearly a year ago and I
of and navy-blue materials. The h of a
Dies are varied mainly by the
kinds of
books for all
; individual-
Twenty eight successful
Involving no question of
wages, or union recognition. Is
the record for one of the cloak-
union of Sew
to customers he will have
sales twice a day.
auction of For ,,, by all dealers. Price
aide fastened fronts. Large Co. Buffalo,
buttons are o Bop .,,,,, for
Flowers. of these coats.
D J Whichard Jr is local While the foundation skirt In near-1 tho
agent of J. L. and all dresses remains narrow, the
at Raleigh and will be glad to over-draperies often show more
have your Industrial J--
., line Is slightly raised, In New York In, 1911 than In
shorter 1910, the bureau of mediation and
tad dot tad
Furniture dealer. Cub
Fur, Br-
Minion, etc.
Gail Ai
Syrup, Jelly,
Rear, Sop,
Lye, Food.
Seed Mel Gr-
den Seed. MM
and Chi-aware. Wooden.
beat Butter, New
Royal Sewing machine, and
Quality and
Come to
Repair Shop.
If you want the best Cart Wheels
manufactured in Pitt County go to
Shop and ask for a pair of
Birch Hubs, split White Oak
Spokes, Pitch-pine Rims. Steel Tires
and Axle, made by strictly
workmen. Every pair guaranteed.
Just around the corner from the
unman repair shop,
Greenville. C.
flowers of any kind.
him receive prompt attention and
. 2.5 strikes
are favored for early wear, and crepe In
S. M.
you want the best, remember
we are at your services.
Choice Hoses, Carnations,
Violets and Wedding Outfits la
the Latest Styles.
Floral offerings artistically arranged
at short notice.
I. Co.
it. a
Agent for Greenville and Vicinity.
The Initiative
and Recall
To the There is much be-
said just now along political
lines, but from what one
sees daily in papers, at-
is paid to the person-
and attribute of the respective
candidates, both national and state,
than to the great political principles
that are the fundamentals of our
legislation, which is to deter-
mine the great battle that is being
waged between human rights and
property rights. Although the past
live years have been internationally
peaceful, there has been going on in
almost every state of the Union some
contest between tho people, demand-
popular government and organ-
wealth, to the old sys-
It is the state evolution to
which we have naturally arrived, the
arousing of an indignant people de-
that legislation against the
many and In favor of the chosen few-
shall no longer the breaking
of the mighty cords sewn as threads
in our constitution of but grown
to powerful binders lo resist the
will of today. To break down
these barriers the Instruments of
plutocracy, certain inventions have
been made and are being operated
with such force against the enemies
strongest positions, that the
around and about them Is
The inventions to which I refer, are
the working out of governing
those groat fundamentals Of
government by tho people that are
known as Primary System, the
Initiative, the Referendum, and the
Recall With these powerful
of construction the people are
waging a war that will determine
who is to control. The battle has not
been drawn, victory after victory has
been won, and if the future is to be
judged by the past few years, success
awaits the peoples cause a few
years hence. But history teaches us
no success can ever be attain-
ed unless the Great Common People
organize more thoroughly and unite
their support on those champions of
their cause that stand for peoples
rule, and progressive legislation and
records of service to support
their positions.
As a source of information lo those
who might read this article I am
giving the following
The Initiative and Referendum is
of the people. Should the legislature
refuse or neglect to pass a law that
ii. public have at heart, then upon
a petition being signed by a
ed number of voters, it shall be sub-
lo the ballot box and if adopt-
ed shall become a law.
The Referendum is lo the
Initiative, except in that it deals with
laws already that do not meet
with popular approval. In this case
i law is obnoxious, a
of voters can sign a petition and
have the measure submitted to the
ballot box as in the case of the In-
Our Prohibition law Is an
example of the Referendum. Many
of our local road and stock law
troubles could be amicably and ex-
settled if we had the Ref-
clause in our state
The Recall is a means by which the
people can force their
to keep pledges made before election.
In words if an office-holder be-
trays the trust put in him by his
constituents, they, the constituents,
can, by having a designated her
of electors sign a petition, him
again to the vote of the people and
returned as the people see fit. f
The Recall is especially adapted to
operation in cities and towns, and It
is in this capacity that II is
ed here.
The ten backward or reactionary
having less government by the
people today are Connecticut.
Island. Pennsylvania.
Indiana, North Carolina.
West Virginia. and Montana.
The people of a state deserve
what they get in the way of
and legislation. If they arc
too sluggish and not willing to sac
a little of time and their
money for the common good, they
will get the type of senator that rep-
resents a sordid ignorant
people. The Senatorial campaign in
North Carolina has already begun and
will not end until November. It Is the
duty of every citizen who has the
interest of his country and state at
heart to study the principles and pol-
that each candidate asks to
elected upon and to see that his rec-
and qualifications are consistent
with his declarations.
a cent bottle of
Liniment guaranteed to drive
this terror money re-
funded. At the first twinge,
applied as directed,
will give immediate
and effectual relief. It quiets
scatters the con-
penetrates and requires
very little rubbing.
st tor
Lame Hack.
Joints Muscles, Throat, Colds,
Colic. j
all and
has Noah's
Ark on package
and looks this out,
1.1 Ki i band on
front of package and
I 1-
In RED Ink.
of Imitation.
Large bottle, cents,
sold all dealers In
rant Md
money refunded by
Noah Remedy Co., Inc.,
Richmond, Va.
H. F.
Attorney at Law
Office opposite R. L. Smith Co's
stables and next door to John Flan
Company's new building.
. .
Office formerly occupied by J. L
S. J.
at Law
In on the Court
House Square
L. I. Moore W. H. Long
at Law
North Carolina
Washington, I . N. C.
H. IV. i Mil I'll. M. D.
Greenville office with Dr. D. L. James
Practice limited to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Greenville, N. Carolina.
is of the utmost importance and re-
quires both skill and judgment in order to
be that good tone and action are
united with Wearing Quality.
We offer you the benefit of our ex-
and assure you that you may de-
pend on our judgment, courteous treat-
alike to purchasers or inquirers.
s- Trains
A Slight change has taken place in
the arrival at Greenville, of two of
the west bound trains on
the Norfolk Southern road. The
morning train from Washington for-
arriving at now comes at
two minutes sooner, and the
force in cities in twenty- train from Norfolk formerly
arriving at now comes at
two minutes later.
That the last legislature passed an
net forbidding the sale of -cart-
ridges that are commonly used in 22-
and Can be used in
without paying a license tax. I have
been Informed that several merchants
throughout tile county are selling
them after Ibis date will to pay
the required tax selling pistols
and cartridges.
This February
S. I. Sheriff.
To Others.
You can use Salve
children of eczema.
humors, as las their accidental
burns, bruises, etc.,
with perfect safety. Nothing el
heals so For boils, ulcers,
old, running or fever sores, or piles
It has no equal. cents at all drug-
live states and is a part of the fun-
law for state purposes In
eleven commonwealths, These are.
Maine, Missouri, South Dakota,
Oklahoma California, Colorado.
Arizona. Montana, Nevada and Ore-
and the legislatures that ad-
last spring submitted it to tho
people In Washington, Idaho.
North Dakota, Nebraska, Florida.
Wisconsin, and Indiana where It is
Incorporated in the new constitution.
In Ohio It was granted to all of the
cities. In Kansas. Massachusetts
Illinois. Minnesota and Michigan, it
failed to constitutional ma-
by only a few votes in
The Recall has been adopted by
Oregon, California, and Arizona and.
has been submitted as a Ito cure children eczema, rashes
amendment in Nebraska, dialings. .
sin, Indiana. North Dakota. Washing-
ton and Colorado and will be found
in force In about per
cent of the cities that have adopted
the Initiative and
The primary system in different
forms will be found in most of
states of the Union, certainly seven-
per cent of them and Oregon,
Nevada Nebraska. Idaho, California,
Colorado. Arizona. Kansas, Minne-
Ohio. Montana and New Jersey
have adopted the election of United
States senators by the popular vote
and it might be added that North
Carolina will elect Its next senator
by the same system. It is even now
being that tho primary
system be adopted for our
It is not the name nor the fact
that It is new and progressive leg-
that makes tho people favor
tho Primary tho Initiative,
tho Referendum and the Recall, bat
it Is because It II an Invention,
as all other when
and existing
something different. It Is a
system created and needed because
money gets into conventions and leg-
and turns tho will of the
people to naught. Tho true self-
as was intended by our
Declaration of Independence In 1776
In which It declared the governing
powers derived their just power from
consent of tho governed. Is the
only real separator of our government
from corrupt politics and corrupt leg-
so-called new. progressive
measures amount to nothing more than
a fulfillment of promises made before
the Revolutionary War by the
of 1776. The Initiative Is
submitting a question to the will
BETHEL, March Tuesday
morning at o'clock, Miss Lila
James, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
I. W. James, became the wife of Mr.
Jasper Wynn. of
The community was deeply grieved
on last Friday evening to learn of tho
death of Mrs. W. R. L. Purvis of this
City, The funeral services were held
at the home on Sunday afternoon and
the remains Interred at the family
burial ground near Bethel. Mrs.
is is survived by her husband. Mr.
W. R. L. Purvis, and an only brother,
Mr. Jack of Maryland.
Mr. George Andrews of this city.
ed on Monday last after an
of only a few days. The funeral
vices were held Tuesday afternoon at
the family ground near Beth-
el. Mr. Andrews was an old
and is survived by a large
of children.
Several visitors lo Greenville on
Inst Monday night witnessed with
great pleasure the presentation
Stoops to by the sen-
class of the E. C. T. T. S,
Miss Lillian Hunting returned home
Greenville this afternoon, where
sue to attend the play given by
the Training School.
Mrs. II. Monday
in Greenville.
Attorney at
Office in building. at
Practices wherever his services are
Greenville, Carolina,
C. P. V. Clark
Civil Engineer Attorney at Law
Civil Engineers and
H S. Ward C. C.
Washington. K. C. Greenville, N. G
Attorneys at Law
Practice In all the
Office in Woolen building on Third
Greenville, North Carolina.
The Twin Stores
Sample Silk Dresses
Just Arrived to
Same will cost to order
Attorney at Law
North Carolina.
Office second floor In Wooten building,
on Third St., opposite court house.
if. C
Send me your Ideas to develop.
Napper Brown,
Down own
Brown Co.
Forbes, Mgr. W
Up Town
Mr. Jesse was a visitor III
inch cartridge and It Is unlawful I Greenville on Monday.
to do so. All who continue to Bell u, p. Manning was in Green-
ville on Monday to attend the play in
which bis sister. Miss Carrie Manning
North Carolina Interest.
WILSON- W. A. Finch. Ks., the
law of and Finch, left Fri-
for Ga., to assist In the
up of a estate in
which several Johnston county heirs
i f near Bethel, took a leading part.
Mr, W, J. Spencer of N.
C, is the guests of friends here.
Grown and selected for seed, med-
sized ears, one out often two ears
to the stalk. Good for all early or
crops. Very while.
1-2 bushel 11.76; pock
money with order.
N. C.
Atlantic Coast Line.
North- South-
p. m. p. m.
a. m. p. m.
Norfolk Southern
Bast West-
a. m. a. m.
a. m. am-
p. m.
Business M
goes into 1,400 homes six days a
readers. The Eastern Reflector,
our weekly edition, goes into 1,200
readers. . .
J Can you figure out why an ad
in either of these papers Won't pay

MK lot.
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor.
TOO ft lg too far ahead to
According to Arthur that if UM next
of Um New fork Evening substantial
tie year,
A natural to this bead-. A lady of high standing in the
would lit- of field has kind enough to
but i are mm com . Greenville and further Lawyer arc allowed to play of Carol
t log a comedy of nor citizens of the evils of Important part In our lives and to II will fall
. reputation with music, lance. by a recent editorial, or below the mark of duty, n,
Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the noted Mo how many listened to hT of editorials, published by the greet mission, teacher training.
food expert is of public very interesting talks we that Bet New York World. was right. t hi. school without a peer in
Ai least that's the way the Doming has done us good and even A comparison of the number of I the state and its work Is so excel-
diplomatic Doctor put is. To any II We have an exceptional moral town lawyers sitting in the House of Lords ., there is greater demand for
11.00 of Commons, in Great than the building
Advertise may be bad upon
application a. in
The Reflector Building, corner Evans
and streets.
All cards of thanks resolutions
will charged at
per word.
past two or three years by the
of the department of
a intrigues been carried on in the proper channels and the Influence Britain, and in the House of
her word has been felt and in in
We here like to have States, shows very clearly why
culture. Chief Wilson. Solicitor shortcomings discussed and with- v, are not getting better legislature
et it is easy enough to read out mock resignation lend a willing and enforcement of laws.
between the lines of Dr. to such suggestions as will g. i Great case, In the
reason for leaving make our community better of Lords, out of total Of
as second class
August 1910, at the post office at
Not th Carolina, under
act of March 1879.
Kill DAY. 1912,
The Daily in
issue of March look out lit-
story about the boy to
bold the old farmer's horse a
He has become disgust. with it really is. Improvement may members, are lawyers or about a
Communications advertising rather than continue grow harder as we advance, but there Quarter. In the House of Commons,
will be charged fr at uphill tight he is going to tell the will always be room for it. lout of If, are lawyers, or
per line, up to fifty Hues. , , , , i , ,, , ,
from lecture platform, how Intemperance is a subject can alto, about a quarter,
slowly hut surely they are compete wild elasticity and we NOW lake our own case. There
poisoned by the food trusts. make the mistake of arc S. Senators. Of these.
it has t the Doctor thinking of whisk. when arc lawyers, or a little over a half,
this means of acquainting the people word Is spoken In the House of Representatives out
what they are male to eat, us. It is a mistake representative, there are
deal more effective means Immoderate of the bar or
pence appetites or two-thirds of the total number.
Cording lo Webster. Bo It would Is With so many legal minds In
wide the mark and still hovering Senate and House the of the
the bull's eye In- many measures and bills
an Immoderate . there seems an Impossibility. Yet
ourselves with facts are opposite to notion and we
It may he that lawyers, like nun of
Other professions, grow callous as
the barrier of opposition s. i
by the referred gentlemen
of the l tin. in of ii
And. be may be right.
Throughout his long term of temp, ,,
tiring work at the Bureau created
Even with many students
finding rooms and board in private
borne In the town, quite a number
bad to be away at the summer
terms last year. From the
already coming In the
to similar conditions during
the summer terms year. Those
Who are preparing for teaching need
the training this school gives and a system of good roads until there
the slate should provide ample room is a bond Issue sufficient to build
equipment for them lo gel It.
VI Oil
A Connor citizen of Greenville now
residing In another state, that
is going to assist us far as be can
in helping us win one of the
and Observer automobiles, and
hope may be
and I feel you are due
the best effort of many friends
in that direction, especially all those
who know of your faithful services
end splendid work for the public
as exemplified in record of
The Reflector for many
There may be various opinions on
Hi. Question, some favoring one thing
and sonic another, with all equally
honest in their opinions, but do
not Pitt county will ever have
The letter from Congressman John
Roosevelt says he is merely
H. Small, published elsewhere in the call of the Ac-
paper, brings gratifying to a recall Cartoon the
about the public building for who are doing the calling
Thai work on this build- lace on them, from which
lag will begin within a year Is case is to be judged that he is doing the
i r rejoicing. Congressman small is of It
i in in who does not go lo sleep on
basis for an excellent editorial. The M certainly are very far from living a
was the horse didn't ,,, ,,,,. ,.,,,,, of romance these
any holding, but he would in .,, ,, pound of candy than
need some help when he ready a mod, st pork chop is
to start. The several as the young man who
story bag a very big moral, done, ,., , ,.,.,. , get better acquainted with their
after you think about it. u is handed and against the ,. work For instance lake the case of
his job and It is due to his earnest
and untiring efforts in behalf of his
The man is finding that
he has many friends In the and
people that We are to gel this hand- Contest Let-
building so early. It coming telling of votes be-
story of almost everything. The start
is What we need. And right lure ill
our community can we apply this
story lo the greatest advantage to
of us. For there are so many
things that we could help to start
and once started would be of inch
benefit of our Greenville yours, etc.,
interests, some tilings whole
j been unable lo
against oilier trusts. He
a structural engineer. First time he
mist forgive on ho
for the people of the
Suites, combines with unlimited means
and in many occasions has
The trusts were afraid of him and
used vast means to displace him.
it said, in honor of truth. When
selves for making this mistake
it. The next time it won't seem
Often, as. after all. the worst subject bud I by
of intemperance is the man a
Lord High Keeper Of the Eternal twenty stories
Souse by a committee of one. the Pavement. He has
committee of one being entirely mads He has lost the re-
of himself and his Intemperance In lo calling he has
Durham, like Greenville, needs
starter. We have plenty of came to
There is another story that and lore
has a moral. An old farmer wanted
dealing with John Barleycorn.
to buy a horse. He went lo a stock
farm and told his business. The
sat Dr. Harvey in his pure food
throne. Yet. the interests managed
to surround him with their friends
dealer took him lo a pen and said. haVe on u,
arc young horses, thorough- Harvey's measures
bred, good conditioned, but
trained, with proper care they will n,
the best were ever taken
from this They then went
possible. In that they have
of the excellent
work performed by him. they
never totally eclipsed him. What-
About the same things may and
FOR V MILITARY COMPACT. probably do happen to the lawyer. In
As announced in our issue of yes- told, at least we hope so,
let day, some of our young men have is something sacred, and
been lately talking Military Company be trying
and It la to be hoped that the project a knowledge of it. Perhaps at
will not end in what it Talk. faces. voices, and
There are enough young in. n in thickness of the volumes he has
and the majority them lo through, fill him with pro-
could spare time to form such a and a great deal of aw,
company and devote a little time, say for chosen profession. Later fol-
our people under renewed
to and they will be
slow to show appreciation.
Three Neck boys, aged
about twelve years, run away from
their homes the Idea of seeing
sent in for him and the homo
folks in both town and county arc
doing their part lo help him win.
The chamber of commerce of
Greensboro is going to show its
of the newspaper men and
correspondent of that city by tender-
some of the world. They got as them a banquet. No doubt Hob
as Weldon, in the same county, and
when about to step off the train there
a policeman was on hand to lake
them In charge and return them to
their Perhaps are
Wiser boys by lime.
From reports In our exchanges
Phillips will sit close to the head
the table.
Chairman has announced
that he will not be a candidate for re-
on the state corporation
commission. He has served since
It will soon be cotton planting time
elves an organization that will must be remembered that law-
ad- yr through college Is
e to our the law is to
community and there is no end of uphold it when
grind is over and
to another pen. and pointing to a hug prevented Pr T f confidence of knowledge. H
number of old fellows. Hie dealer ,,. ,,,. ,,
lorn Championing Dr. Wiley
said. have been celebrated ,. . . , , . be of worth-while kind.
may be answered in many different
horses, they have been known ,,.,,. . ,., . , , won
ways, we choose lo think. coin-
country over, and no horses have . , .
election may be one of them.
made The old farm- w are purpose it might serve.
scratched his head, took another pi. , .-.,, ,. . We already have a the
I lied public says . .,.,. ,., ,
chew or tobacco and said; ,,,.,. club. The ladies the town; typewriter,
, be is lo waste not time
brother, you've showed me your ,.,,,,,,,,,, ,. . , . I have some four or live W us suppose him through
leaching lecture platform, from
young will-he's; you've showed me ,,. , , , . boys Inn.- organized sue. grind. He occupies
v here, reel sure, he win continue ,
your old now if you've . , . the Hoy and if is mentioned office and in opening
., against food-pois-
em, trot out some of your . . . , properly launched, we lo have door lo his new client the sacred-
in manner make his
very town need for the public company. to him and
who do things, and do them I A gymnasium up with what he has been told
Durham and we need
them bad. We need men who start
Dr. Wiley's retirement from the or-
would be altogether a championing old dame
quite a number of towns throughout again and the farmers who have not
the state are being troubled with rob- already decided to do so should make
II Is the time of year When U a small crop,
loafing are most numerous i
and when they do not work they Mr takes the stump
he should he careful that Mr.
going to some ,
docs not put dynamite under It.
bite folks come under same . who
local Mutt and Jeff are.
discovery of lull her of the
With other good coming tins
poles; North or south, is troubling way. thug you know
remarks of the be making up her mind to have
Reflector, we never expects hospital.
to try and visit either of How
selfish. because think of Those fellows who are saying North
the comforting warmth your red hair is safe for or that pres-
would furnish to either frigid region. are talking be-
Dispatch. fore time.
Yes, but it head went along v
may be called a national
luxury and might well take the , makes up his mind that
of our
things and who keep things a T. M. C. A. that we for life; Upholding
In fact it be a good deal better
i i any V. M, C. A. e may Remembering about the often
Above goes to credit of Editor , have in the future quoted lines of Robert
I here is no use on earth in having , ,. , , ,
who. are glad to . certainly Is not a as to
servant If we are not
the Durham Sun and has since bin, our fullest endorsement and would plans and
is an recently took over going to trust Implicitly on hi- or
been doing kind
makes state in the Old
North Stale while.
A San lost a leg in
accident provided a real Is wanted to come,
We will simply chalk our one, put ,,, forward and express his opinion in law and he
I be easy bring our young men and before he
together and prepare some pi
make I possible. the
In a words, he re-
a little more on the ball and leg was placed in a small coffin mailer of bow lo II the he interprets ii according u,
keep it rolling. thank and sen in a white hearse rolling Which platter on the scales holds the
for Introducing to that carriages to the cemetery where
a formal funeral was held A
expressive though ad-
People have a mistaken Idea engineer, with a
tile practice, he hangs by his toes
and made it warm there would
be no job for Igloo builder.
Whichard writes in his Greenville
Cowan up to
take a spin with us In that automobile
there will not he any need for bead-
light with us two on
men are our friends and we
Stand ready a club to go
the guy who Intimates that there
ill be two light-heads on the front
Said like a man. More pie for you.
Things certainly do look good for
Greenville's near future A band-
We have often heard .
I Step I to be erected over the grave, solves when they order from chain and juggles
and almost as often experienced fellow is certainly fool In ., city which could be bought from the glorious tune of
every day a man goes to hi bed with home men haul. Picture in
An was made to kill a New
may have an attractive
Of course no lawyer should be
. and prices quoted for
judge by sending ., a bomb , ,,. .,,,, B or the House. Far from it
more knowledge than when he left
it in the morning, and add-
ed the mentioned word to our through
the price paid for them
been paid for in advance, the U voter who will not
Chaser cannot return the good nor that the laws we had were
get his money back, even though he pretty good, and that if we did want
Out in Minnesota they have dis- may be humbugged in the deal. In good lawyers to sit on the benches
covered that music makes hens with home the it was just a true we wanted
Next lime eggs get scarce you might ,
the mall. The Judge ,.,,, , lawyer is just as human as a
saved by discovery of the plot .,,, ,.,.
We have some but an who later . , m , R when he sees I, coming,
and Greenville knows we could bomb was hurl by its
do with some more and they can't
come fast or too numerous
suit our taste. all
long us they are
I article men from the different callings to
I woman doctor In Halite a in poultry-; before buying to see if it is what to us both in the Be I
Mich., advised u class of girls
whom she was lecturing that they
j wanted and worth the price asked House.
It. There Is every advantage in , ,
, . If e were to send up men who
ought to stand on their heads at leas A county that does not good K a
a day and she proceeded forth- roads doe not have to have them,
U, show there ho It he , lo
done. doubt If the girl good roads -hat does not
readily to this advice.
bad enough to go after them.
Devil's Den was an
were better acquainted with our
nods to the two mentioned buildings,
I more than probable that we
March has not given us as much
blowing as there was in February,
tut there is I line enough make up
for II.
By time the gardens get fairly
Started. neighbor's chickens will
be on hand lo destroy them.
If there was not so much water In
the river these pretty days would be
temptation lo dig bait.
The Roosevelt are making tho
most noise, but noise does not
ways gel voles.
The arrival of congressional pack-
ages of garden seed Indicates that it
Is time for spring to be hare.
There is some space ill
some court house and Jail completed The Reflector for sale, mid it Is
last year, a hotel lo be built Investment
this year and the public building next
year, to say nothing others lo
come along between, shows what we
are doing.
., . , ,. . How quiet flying machines have
I here are some folks who are
worth good money to Greenville and
who are worth thirty cents.
Which are you ill
This Is a year in which you want
do some voting, but will be de-
privilege unless you pay
your pull tax by the of May.
want named for those a much g,,.
laws to hide In.
Straw ballots, hotel lobby and col-
hall votes are not lo be taken
to mean who is going to get a
As the ground hog is out loafing
now he might b arrested for
and to the
Wonder what kind of opinion those
people who do things just for
have of themselves.
Candidates for lieutenant governor
are coining in the lime light now.
That tired feeling some are
developing Is another sign of spring.
In the polities race many run but
few get elected.
Is the ground hog doing this for
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winterville and vicinity
Advertising Rate on Application
Mr. W. J came In Saturday S I
and will spend some time at i
S. a A W. Aug. and To , now.
See A. W. and Cos. B. w lot
ills not be the Drat
greet us when we open the now
SCHOOL H might have lived and
a Mil- hi Roman official, bat h. never
slippers before you buy. They can v . s a s k s would have been known in
XII pi. and all time as an
Hisses Chapman and
Cox visited Saturday afternoon.
If you are going lo buy shoes or
flippers for either the young or old.
it will pay you see Harrington Bar-
Rev. If. A. Adams
The Men.
in day the region of
U, Christ. Ii is laid th t Jew
called typical men Hi. . a
II so. in the call Matthew b sum-
ironed busy people. He m
very folks who are
from 1st
loss in trade and
ting product market at a time
a advance In prices could be
advantage of.
If you ever real good
building in Pitt cannot
start building in every section SI
with art and household, business and , , ;. ,.
Willie of Raleigh Is such as rape, onion sets and
Spending some time With her sister, all kinds of garden seeds
A. A. Adams. I MM , ,
Harrington, Barber and Company came home Friday to spend
have Shipment Of spring hats, week end holidays
in all of the latest styles. Miss May Smith
Causey of near Card- Friday night in town.
X roads spent a few days
day afternoon from a several days
trip to Seven Springs. X. C.
Rev. W. J. Pollard of Ayden tilled
his regular appointment the
was the seat of is an example triumph
of Roman customs. The officer
over unfriendly environment.
sitting counter. A crowd
pal here
ions were walling their
turn to pay 1.11 in or for
scaled the obstacles m business and
personal unpopularity. Helen Keller
or .-. n in pole tax. There was
i.- an admirable example
day triumph over stubborn
week Rosa Causey.
A new lot of hardware just arrived
A. W. Ange and
Mr. Charles Tucker was a pleasant
in town this week.
Harrington, Barber and
selling the best pump oil
the market.
the collector.
Fine Debate.
The public mid-term debate
by Vance Literary Society, of
Winterville High School took place
In the auditorium of the school
Co., The query was
can on the States should enact I
a Prohibition Law,
B. of Raleigh,
secretary of the Baptist The affirmative was represented
convention, Spent a day or II. Smith, P. W. Carroll and R. C
In town this week shaking hands with and the negative J.
If you need a stove or range
A W. Ange Cos stock. ,.
1.11,1, with reservoir, for th
young Christian Soldiers of the L,.
1.1. ill to oriental places of
course, a
uttering the words.
Matthew might have
He might have said.
popularity is an insuperable obstacle
to my serving Take all all
She has cut through the
wall around
the speech,
many friend.
You can get the old reliable
can straw hat. A.
Lawhorn. I.
and G. H.
The speakers on both sides
their side of Hie query excellent-
Miss Minnie Williamson In forceful argument Te de-
m spending several days with of was for neg-
bi it was a close
It will pay yon to see In connection with the debate were
Barber and Co., for your rubber roof- musical collections,
They sell Z ply with a solos by Miss Clyde Chapman and
ante, to last years without paint- Mr. J. It. Adams and a by
j Misses Clara Minnie Car-
Mrs. J. L. Rollins gave a party on roll. Blanche Cox and Fannie Forbes. I
Wednesday to the young latter was remarkable for
pie of the town. There was a memory beauty,
contest in which Miss Minnie May Winterville High School has a
church gave Interesting
program to an attentive audience on
Sunday afternoon.
Joe Smith and C. T. Cox.
Visited Ayden Monday afternoon.
Rev. M. A. Adams tilled regular
appointment th. church
morning and night, Sunday.
You can find your sewing machine
needles, bobbins for
kind of a machine, also sewing needles
Harrington Barber and Co.
m A. Adams left Monday morn-
for Maysville to hold a aeries of
The of Baptist s. s.
is to render a program at the
church Sunday night All are in-
See Harrington, Barber and Co., for
your pumps, points and piping They
, , , . know
carry nothing he best pipe,
Hut above Hie babel in-1
land sight, and has
voice of social workers.
The desperate unpopularity Matt-
arising from his odious .
lie was the
collected a hateful He was
a constant reminder of the
tor, is my busy his
I arose and
servitude the Jews, lie
could be look, d after
Ninety per o the I .
county is over
roads, hence the
looking after the moat
He was glad that
baa a good roads as-
tor it Is only through or-
that much will be
In. Proper will,
the end. bring state gov-
in aid road building. Tile.
government can make a campaign,
tho can make a campaign, but
Pitt count gets good roads her own
people must to have them.
Mr. address was full of
Information and was listened to
followed him; is exceedingly ,,
had voice ls hopelessly much
to ring in that counting countrymen. Al ,,,. A n Cox also made Mm, re-
fore day-book and ledger were closed. marks on the need good road.
i nil given a holiday.
is evidenced by his leaving the
shutters wen put up. and Matthew Midden following o w
was in the
that obedience, Yet the act
so thoroughly well-
Tho of
better drainage. These two
Ii said the old
calm and narrative which
m sirs n me
win no hair ii
i choice
ii way of working under
will accomplish much
a ml
arc lo
Miss Dawson returned
home in Monday afternoon
ii-r spending several days with Doro
Miss Nannie Davenport Mi
won the prise, a under the or;., T VI
picture. There was also a K. C, and the work of the
contest in which Mr, Malone Tucker school lakes highest rank There are
the prize. Refreshments were present from twenty
Served and all a time tie.
end departed wishing such parties to N. March
come I . ,. .
Sam 01.1 it win
Mrs. Agnes mount of Ayden spent c. spent several days lust week
Wednesday afternoon in town J. R. Cooper.
after buggy.
Miss Nell of
several days this week with Minnie
Miss Isabel of Ayden spent
Saturday and Sunday with Dorothy
, A beautiful line of men and boys
Mr Hugh Smith of Greenville was for
in town Friday afternoon and Harrington. Barber and Co.
Shaking hands many friends.
If you have in getting rid of
your cold you may know you are
not It properly, There is no
reason why a cold should hang on for
if you take
Remedy. For
sale by all dealers.
success. There must be bi
The was based on a ,. , mu
in bad his Matthew was read, ,
beard his sermon. To c have
. , books balanced. No ,. . ,. ,
Ins s . Mr. u. P. Tyson said he favored
he Ills, deed , ll to H, r ,.,, ,
Matthew as a disciple is oH
I . rives a party to old friends could
business associates-aim of is be
mill hey.
Jesus in th
v as
When you have rheumatism in your
or Instep apply Chamberlain's
Mr. L. G. of Wilson an Liniment and you will gel quick re-
Harrington, Barber and Co., student of W. H. S. spent It costs but ii quarter. Why
a Well selected lot of seeds, in town. For sale all dealers.
their his new master.
meeting is planned to he under
s happy auspices will dispose;
his comrades to a
the Pharisee to throw an
of discord Into feast.
kind of a Messiah Is it that eats with
On the dark background
of a carping criticism Jesus makes the
working principle of his kingdom
shine a clear cut luster. He is
no fellow with the
sinner. The association is born of a
genuine human love, whose purpose
ls reclamation. Such communion is
an impossibility with a canting hypo-
but can be had with an honest
sinner who Is yet open conviction.
The Teacher's
bond issue for them.
President Cotten gave notice
the annual meeting of the
will be held third
day in May. at which time the ladies
of county will be Invited to at-
tend and become members of the as-
of Galilee.
Populous District.
i Remote from Ecclesiastical
Prejudice minimum.
Favorable Field for Ministry.
The Incident. John Greensboro,
Collector of Customs In Toll-House. children and like most
Vociferous Oriental Crowd. children frequently take cold.
Above the Babel several kinds of cough
Matthew a busy unpopular.
Instant Results.
Purpose of His Banquet.
Criticism Answered.
be says, d
any yet that did them as
as Cough
For sale by all dealers.
Some people making themselves
very big dunces over that stock law-
Suppose Matthew had I. matter.
Republicans of North Carolina will
meet In state convention in Raleigh
on May 15th lo select four delegate.
at large for the national convention at
Including all the latest Styles and from the metropolitan centers. An
unusually attractive line from Famous makers
Spring Suits both in Young Men's and Conservative Styles
alike showing a class of materials, design and tailoring
seldom seen except in the most expensive stores. These
are far superior to any other Ready-to-Wear Clothes on
the market, yet they cost no more than the ordinary.
There is an immense variety to choose from, both as
regards cloth, pattern and style of model thus assuring
distinction and satisfaction to the wearer. Can fit anyone
In addition to our splendid line of Suits we have probably
the finest selection of appropriate Furnishings to be found
anywhere. We have searched the markets of the country
You Can Get Everything You Need at MODERATE PRICES
in this one store and know it is the latest thing, absolutely correct in style.
Hosiery, Shirts, Hats,
Underwear, Shoes, I Gloves I

Spring is here, and as usual we have tried to anticipate your
wants, and have on display the very latest in Spring Fabrics
Silks, Lawns, Linens,
and White Goods Galore
are here awaiting your inspection
Ladies Spring Suits Ready-to-Wear
Linen. Striped Serge for
White Serge. Blue and Tan
and Children.
are rich in value and
moderate In price. Boys Blouse Shirtwaists
Lodges and Social
SheriffS. Dudley.
Clerk Superior C. Moore.
Register of M. Moore.
U. Wilson.
Chas. OH. Laughing-
Commissioners. P. D.
J. Holland. J. J. Slay, B. M. Lewis,
W. E. Proctor.
Dress Trimmings.
If you don't find it here, Its hard to find.
J. R. J. G.
Stands the Government
Every dollar you o
in this bank is protected by the
government. The most
gent financial laws in the world apply to Na-
Banks. Government experts watch each
transaction on behalf of the depositors in a Na-
Bank. That is why this Bank is so safe.
All cs afforded to firms and in-
who open accounts with us.
National Bank of Greenville
Greenville, N. C.
M. Woolen.
C. Tyson.
L Carr.
Chief of T. Smith.
Fire D. Overton.
E. Nobles. E. B.
A. Bowen, J. S. Tunstall J.
F. Davenport. B. F. Tyson. Z. P. Van-
Dyke. H. C. Edwards.
Water and Light
S. Spain, C. L.
W. Tucker.
L. Allen.
We Represent the
National Life In-
Moseley Bros.
Greenville Banking Trust Company
kill; and Queen of Maj.
At celebration of May games
ii was the constant custom to elect
the most popular lad and the
lass as King and of May.
They represented the sun and flowers
and took no part in the sports, but
all day lit n bower, looking and
ailing benignly at their subjects.
Sometimes they were called Lord and
Lady of May was in
Street a goodly May game and with
the nine worthies who
each of them made his
was also a dance and an
elephant and castle and the Lord and
Lady of May appearing to make up
the In one of Beaumont
Fletcher's comedies an apprentice
pears upon the stage and
gilded stall and crossed scarf,
the May Lord here I Grad-
the Lord of May came to
Hood and the Queen,
Maid Marian. In an old church-
warden's account for the parish of
Loans Discounts
Overdrafts 1.551.77
and Bonds 6.761.74
Furniture and Fixtures
Cash Due from
Banks 129.631.01
Capital Stock
Undivided 7,331.79
Due Banks
All accumulated and paid out on May I. 1911. ind Capita
to C. S. CARR
Rock, pastor; C. C. Pierce, clerk; Saint Helen's, In we
C. W. WilBon. superintendent of for the setting up of Robin
day school; J. C. Tyson, secretary, bower eighteen
Christian-No regular pastor. One May morning Catherine of Ar-
Episcopal, St. rector at and her ladles were frighten-
present; H. Harding, senior warden ed by the sudden entrance into the
and secretary of Vestry; W. A Bowen queen's chamber of thirteen disguised
superintendent of Sunday school.
E. It. Hoyle. pastor; A B. Ellington,
clerk; H. D. superintend-
of Sunday school; L. H.
regular pastor;
P. M. Johnson, clerk.
Rev. pastor.
Blood Was Wrong
All women, who suffer from the aches and pains, due
to female ailments, are urged to try the reliable,
scientific, tonic remedy, for women. acts promptly,
yet gently, and without bad effects, on the womanly system,
relieving pain, building up strength, regulating the system,
and toning up the nerves. During the past half century,
thousands of ladies have written to tell of the quick
I results they obtained, from the use of this well-known medicine.
Greenville No. A F. and A. II
-R. Williams, W. If.; L. H. Pender.
men In green short coats, hoods and
of the each bearing
Ms bow with arrows and a
sword and a They perform-
i several dances and departed, but
not until they had revealed them-
selves as the king and twelve of his
Once two hundred of the king's
officers, all clothed in green and
headed by met the
royal pair and their retinue,
to take the and invited them
to Bee the Blowing
horns and the two hundred
Jane suffered from womanly trouble for
nearly ten years. In a letter from N. C, she
was not to do my own housework.
stomach was weak, and my blood was wrong. I had back-
ache, and was very weak. I tried several doctors, but they
did me no good. I used for or months, and sow
I an in the best health I have ever been. I can never
It is the best tonic, for women.
Whether seriously sick, or simply weak, try
Past, Co.
Sharon. A. P. and A M way to an arbor of
H. Harding. W. E. E. Griffin. Sec. boughs, a hall, a great
Greenville Chapter No. R. A. M.
R. C. Flanagan. P.; J. K. Wins-
low, secretary.
Covenant Lodge No. I. O. O.
every Tuesday night at
K. G. Flanagan, M. G.,
E. H. Evans. V. G. L. H. Pender. R.
S. A. C. F. S., D. W.
Greenville Encampment No. I.
O. O. W. C. P.;
H. Pender, Scribe.
Tribe No. I.
n. M W. Sachem; J. .
Evans, C of K.
Tar River K. of J.
Woodward, C C; A II.
K. of R. and S.
Tar River Ruling F. M.
W. Brown, W. EL; J. W. Little,
W. C.
chamber and an inner chamber and
the whole was covered with flowers
and sweet
Invitation, the guests sat down and
were served with venison and wine
and much
In a sermon preached before King
Edward VI. Bishop
to a certain town to preach
I found the door fast locked. I tar-
there half and and more
and at last they key was found and
one of the parish comes to me and
this is a busy day with
us, we cannot hear you, It is Robin
Hood's I was therefore,
to give place to Robin
Who was this Robin Hood and why
should he be
week the Greensboro
girls will explain.
Information was gathered lately
that the have been success-
in securing a rector for their
church and that in tho course of a
Lillian Carr. pres
Miss Ward Moore, secretary.
Dunn, president;
M. Clark, secretary.
of R. O.
fries, president; Mrs. K. D.
tries, president; Mrs. E. P.
president; Mrs. W, L. Hall, secretary.
Round K. R.
president; Mrs. S. J. Everett,
Chic T.
M. Person; Secretary, Mrs. T. B.
Daughters of T.
J. Jarvis, president; Mrs. J. L. Wool-
en, secretary.
The Kings A. L.
Blow, president; Mrs. J. G.
Sans Mrs.
Lewis Skinner; Secretary, Mrs. W.
L. Hall.
The Hustler mentions the fact that
for the last few years the
has been on tho rapid
decline. Years ago shoes were worn
and mended, then worn and mended
some more, several times over. Tho
Hustler thinks this falling off of shoe-
mending is another case of
We doubt it. Considering tho
prices charged for mending we are
inclined to the opinion that
lies on the side of getting
mending done. It takes an
gent man these days to have, his
half-soled. Shoe shops charge
from cents to for half-sole-
few days the Rev. Dallas Tucker, of lug your old shoes and you can buy
Bristol Tenn. would over new pear shoes for to that
Greenville to assume the duties of will last three times as long Now
which is extravagance Rather
f May Episcopalians
Normal Col-
Busy Buy in
dent Taft began an exceedingly busy
day with a breakfast at the Hotel
this morning as the guest of
the city of Boston, given in
ion of the 136th anniversary of the
evacuation of the city by tho British
during the Revolution. At noon the
President the members of
the Massachusetts legislature at the
Slate House. His program for the
remainder of tho day included his par
In the Evacuation Day par-
in South Boston, visits to the
Vale and Algonquin clubs and ad-
before the Charitable Irish
Society and the Bank
his church.
This is certainly good news for the
deserve their success in as much
as they have Just completed a beau-
house to be occupied by their
Tucker was lately sent a copy
special Illustrated edition of
he Reflector and in correspondence
w one of the leading citizens ex-
pressed his pleasure at being intro-
to tho town he will soon call
his home In such a manner.
rot the shoe-menders charging them-
selves out of business
Only Restaurant In
Mr. Donnell has been
pointed receiver for the Busy
The Home of Women's Fashions
Pulley Bowen
North Carolina
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work
For Slate or Tin, Tin Shop Repair
Work, and Flues in See
Greenville. N. C.
comes from Dr. J. T. Dwight.
Kan. Ho not only have
bad cases of eczema In my pa-
with Electric Bitters, but also
cured myself by them of the same
disease. I feel sure they will benefit
any case of This shows
what thousands have proved, that El-
Bitters Is a most effective blood
purifier. Its an excellent remedy for
eczema, salt rheum, ulcers,
boils and running sores. It
liver, kidneys and bowels, ex-
poisons, helps digestion, builds
up the strength. Price cents. Sat
guaranteed by all drug
Central Barber Shop
Locate in main business of
I Four In operation end
one presided over by a skilled
harbor at the
I am selling line Black
White Leghorn Eggs at per
of Some of Hie finest
birds of the Stale In my breeding
pens. Winners at Raleigh, Greens-
and lairs. Great
J. J. Greenville, It. C.
Some College Girl
Don't with the handsome young
fellow down town. His wife may not
like it.
Don't go through tho village streets
Shewing candy or anything else. If
you must chew, try the rag.
Don't retire with curtains.
The rubber industry nourishes In
ether places than in South America.
Don't believe the village chap that
tells you that ho loves every hair on
head. He probably means every
one on your
Don't be a freak. Tho squirrels
enough nuts to attend to now.
Don't study too hard young friends
think you are going to work
for a living.
Don't kiss each other In public. I fa
awful to see a woman doing a man's
For met o O., now located t K
L. Phone Greenville, N. C
Under old opera house. A
cordial invitation to the public for
Prompt service, courteous treat-
and charges.
We Guarantee Square
pay special attention to funeral and
marriage occasions. In fact, we make
our best endeavor to please you.
Stables, If Yon
Sloan's Liniment has a
soothing effect on the
nerves. It stops neural-
and sciatica pains in-
Here's Proof
Mich., I u
the medicine in the world. It h.
relieved me of
hive all
Liniment did
Mr. Andrew F, Street,
Cumberland. Mil , writ I W
used Sloan
and I certainly do it very
is the best remedy for
backache, sore
throat and sprains.
At all dealers.
book on
Horn,, .
II. and Poul-
try i.,.
Should Receive the Earnest Co-operation of Every
dent as Our Health Depends Upon the Sanitary
Conditions of Our City.
Carolina Club's Secretary Reviews
In response to the of tho League and to help that worthy
organization In its to remove trash, garbage and all unsightly and
refuse the streets and lots the town. And for that;
special purpose, the first four days In April, that is, beginning with the
first day in April are set apart and declared for th. town.
During these four days the entire force of the town's Will
make a special effort to assist the citizens this beneficial work in every-
way it possibly can. And for this purpose all other work will be post-
during this time in order to make the as effectual
are now almost on the eves warm weather and We know that It
is the most opportune time to get rid of all decaying matter and to avoid
as many BUS and as much sickness as possible during the coming sum-
mer I therefore, beg all citizens, both white and colored, to Join in with
the Civic League workers and clean up all premises and the side walks
of the town.
And finally urge you to take the cleaning habit now and by your ex-
ample illustrate its value to your fellowmen and by all means have your
premises cleaned up by Thursday. April and as far as possible-
keep them so. And as a result of your if the health of your
own family as well as that of your neighbor is not improved.
Beginning with Monday morning, April first and continuing until Thurs-
day night, April the fourth. 1912, so far as authority Is vested in me to
end, command every person in the town of Greenville to clean
up Ms premises as retired by the ordinances. .
Although it is not customary for
he hospitable unassuming people of
to boast to the outside
of what they are doing. I think
in this case that our fellow citizens
of the stale should know something
of the splendid progress that is be-
made by the people of our
little City.
gave us a black
eye in putting our population at
it seems to the
pride and determination of all
to show what so few
could really do. Thus determined
realizing that organization and
co operation accomplish things
that individualism
a call was made to the en-
citizenship of and
as a consequence a business organ-
urethra known as the Carolina Club
perfected in December The
prime purpose of this organization
was the and advance-
of Greenville and Pitt county
along all lines of development and
Since the day of its birth the club
bus continually striven for progress
Mid attainment. Through its system
advertising excursions of home
and individual home seekers
bare been among us and become very
S 75.000 FOR NEW Y. M. C. A.
interested in our many advantages.
been received
our prospects
a day for 75.000 for a new
Y. at. C. A. with a sensational finish
end raising over on the last
day the citizens of today
wrote the fair nae of the city high
in the of civic progress
and public pride putting themselves
on record as standing in their
beams why
me should sot
such a
We have heard several young
our community talk about or-
a military company and
really we can't see why Greenville
should not organize and support one.
The Hoy Scouts recently organized
have been very successful in
their endeavors and we feel quite
rare that the same degree of success
would attend and organization such
as we are discussing. There are many
determination to keep pace with the men that would he very glad
flying of time the join scathing of the kind and the
fare of the young men of the only thing necessary is
. get them together and start
Saturday night at a banquet mi is most towns
the active workers In the as- our have and the in-
limn . . . . ,.
at which lime
final result of the work was
The records show that
were made amounting to
It has over young men to-
wards inculcating ideas of discipline.
punctuality and honor Is one of Its
.,. most commendable qualities.
were .-.
a sum of more than was j S
asked Saturday night the people
In Minutes
cf Wilmington were rejoicing over the
success of the campaign and at
o'clock, when the long hand in the big
clock at Front and Princess
streets was moved up to the
mark, a mighty shout went up to
heaven from the huge crowd of
who had assembled to see the
token of success.
Members of Generous
Support Makes Acquisition Or-
Sunday morning In the Baptist
church Kev. C. M. Rock took a col-
to finish paying for tho new
organ that has been ordered and
o make some Improvements in tho
church In connection the in-
of tho organ. of
twenty minutes 12.050 was subscribed.
It was a remarkable collection, both
, . . MUM pad. in size and the case with which It
Young Man Accused hilling Be-
Sear Seems to Heal-
as Dale
Many inquiries have
and answered and
long these lines are very bright.
The development of enterprises has
not been backward, for during the
month of March a Cooperage com-
was organized here with a cap-
of and a paid
In capital of This com-
will carry on all kinds of
and cooperage work and operate
rail road lines throughout the county.
will mean much in the way of de-
for Pitt county. It is laid
all good things come together and
this case it seems true, for
this same month the ever
people of Greenville were
awakened lo the realization that an
16,000.00 steam laundry
had been Installed and was seeking
their patronage as had been
ed in Greenville. Yours if You
Our last, not least, but possibly
greatest attainment in recent years
the Incorporation of a hotel com
This company will build with-
in a month a modern
hotel, of all the Improvements need-
ed by a town It is a commodious ho- j
sufficiently large to entertain
traveling public, conventions,
visit the town. Through the
energies Messrs. B, W. Moseley,
C. T. and others
this fact was finally driven home in
minds of a number of
county's business men to make
the hotel dream a live realization.
Carolina Club does not claim that
it was directly responsible for all of
this progress, but it does claim all
credit for the new hotel and that
through its organized co-operative
these other improvements have
naturally come. We beg In this way
suggest a movement for
our sister towns of the state.
Hat Is In The
Oar platform will be announced at this time next week in this paper.
, .
i . ;
Nap Burnett
ills Position
With the criminal term nearer every
day. Nap Burnett, lodged In the local
Sheriff Dudley Cap-
at Ends.
Chief of Police return-
ed Friday evening from Greenville,
Jail, under accusation that may mean y went for Patterson,
the chair or life imprisonment for ,,
He came back without
oner. Patterson and another
Ho seems to realize as the day Willie Jones, were both tried
hie approaches that his chances j before Mayor Woolen of Greenville
to prove his innocence of the various offenses and held for Pitt
lug that did away with Belcher, are county court. Both wanted here
slimmer He Is not as alert as he for larceny, shooting, etc. and will
was when first seen by a be kept for the county
of The Reflector, and it seems when Pitt Is through with
very much as if ho was losing his Free Press.
These some of the
On the other hand. Bill Nichols, the caught here last week, and tho above
witness to the tragedy, has not shows that they have been stealing
changed his and talks at both ends of the line. There seems
freely whenever addressed.
Both sides have engaged the best
counsel in it would
appear that when Burnett's
comes up his counsel will put up a
fight to clear the prisoner,
though statement Just prior
to be a gang of them going through
the towns In this section.
Sunday Morning Drive Brings Sheriff
Hack Watt a Captured
Arthur-Good Work.
About two o'clock yesterday after-
noon Sheriff Dudley made his way
town with something hitched back
of his buggy. Upon close
that something proved to be a
still that the sheriff had captured near
Arthur, about twelve miles from here.
The fact that a still we being op-
in the neighborhood of Arthur
communicated to the sheriff and
the capture. The operators
must have been notified that some-
I thing was going to happen, as they
not in evidence when Sheriff
Dudley made his appearance.
The still is not very big. It might
held about or gallons.
Miss Sue Dead.
Miss Sue died at o'clock
this morning at the home of Mrs. M.
A. White in Bast Greenville, where
she had gone about a week ago to
spend some days. Her death was
sudden, or she was sick only a day
or two.
Miss was years of age
and one of the oldest native residents
cf Greenville. She united with the
Methodist church here In early life
and was the oldest both In age and
membership of the church. Her life
was that of a faithful Christian.
tilled with comfort and blessings to
others. The death of this good
an brings sorrow to many
that held her in highest esteem. Her
nearest surviving relative Is a niece.
Mrs. Ada Cherry, with whom she has
lived for many years.
church and her unassuming, modest
The interment followed in Cherry
Hill cemetery, the pall bearers be-
Messrs. D. I. J. H.
I. Little. F. M. Woolen. W. L.
Best, at. H. and H. A. White.
at The Stale Normal
College Greensboro,
funeral services
of Capt. W. H. Powell, one of the lead
men of eastern North Carolina,
were conducted this afternoon at Cal-
o , ------i
to hie death from the bullet wounds, vary Episcopal church by Bishop
-will clay a very strong part In the Friends from far and near
. v to attend the services.
Miles a Second.
a jar, shock or disturbance,
i the awful seep of our through
pace. We wonder at such ease of
nature's movement and so do those
take Dr. King's New Life Pills.
No griping, no distress, Just thorough
work that brings good health and fine
feelings. at all druggists.
Funeral of Miss Sue
Tho funeral service over the re-
mains of Miss Sue who died
Saturday morning, was held Sunday
afternoon in the Methodist church,
conducted by Rev. EL M. Hoyle. The
pastor paid an appropriate tribute to
who was the oldest
member of the church and whose
was at the bead of roll, re-
to her faithfulness to the
As a part of the commencement
exercises the Students in the college
land the children in the Training
School are to celebrate May-day. To
the ancestors of every North Caro-
Celt, or
the very word May-day was
with meaning, Because this
was right, these youthful citizens are
to do their best toward reviving
May-day customs by reproducing
the Day Itself.
From the dim and shadowy period
paganism, through many centuries.
all European peoples performed
semi-poetic rites
In May. Romans instinctively wore
garlands and carried newly budded
, branches In honor of Flora and
Zephyr who were supposed to Strew
the earth with flowers. Goths and
Swedes fought a mock battle be-
tween Winter and Summer. Summer
always winning. Irish. Scotch High-
landers and Scandinavians kindled
on their hilltops and
danced, sang and feasted In honor
lie sun. In Christian era tho
did customs were Continued as whole-
some recreations for the people. Not
only the masses, but the lords and
ladles, kings and queens reveled in
woods and the summer
In Death King Ar-
we It befell In
lusty May that Queen call-
d unto her her knight is of the
limn table and cine them warning
early i the morning she should
ride on Maying unto fields beside
in the earliest Bag-
lyric poetry May-day spoken
etas the time everything
recovers virtue, beauty and fores
and the hearts of up
Hear lie. wise
Forth both
To fetch fresh
And then hi de-
echo at other throw the
Hard is the heart that naught
In when all this mirth U

Authorized Agent of The Carolina and Farm and
Eastern Reflector for Ayden and Vicinity
it Advertising rates on Application
road leading from The Laymen meeting will
,,, to Ayden in Abram's be held lo the Free Will Baptist
ii open travel and Sunday afternoon, sub-
the distance much shorter. the Cross or the
. pump Mala street jinn led by Mr. M C. Pres-
baa been repaired is now giving
SCHOOL NOTES politics and the farmer
The colored teachers of Martin
abundance pure sparkling
a i of ladies and misses
. to sec them. J-1
K. Smith Bro.
Mr. W. H is giving
i, coal paint, add-
in. mat ii the exterior.
Mr. J. Sherrod Moore has sold his
farm m Craven county tad moved
t. k to
Hi ; all kinds,
s. good and cheap and cement
pistols and cartridge. J. B.
Mr. R. ii. Harris has had his
near the church
a complete of water-
works Installed. Be will move ii
., short while.
Mr. Cox. while his to-
bod Sunday
attack of vertigo and was carried
home by friends unconscious.
The colored church at Little Creek
have Installed a bell weighing
a half ion and Will cull sinners lo
repentance far and near.
Mr. Mack Prescott has moved In-
to his new residence on Venters St.
Mr. M. M is completing
iv-at residence for his nephew Mr.
Dick Simmons. Mr. Dwell is one of
cur most successful farmers, raises
plenty of hog and hominy and
of money crop, hut unfortunately has
never himself a better
Mr. Joe Tripp and Miss
of Grifton. were married on
the . Mr. Tripp has been mar-
three limes and is still a young
n an. not over years old.
Mr. J. J. May was here
ml Informed us that two of , his
neighbors were very sick. Mr. John
James and Mr. Harrington.
Mr was here Monday
and Tuesday discussing the Sunday
school our people and formed
an for the county as
Rev. K. T. Phillips,
dent; Rev. J. W. Fulford. Vive
dent; Mr. o. Berry, Secretary and
The county Sunday school
will moot here in July to dis-
cuss Sunday school work and lo
plan for establishing Sunday schools
over the county.
Our Sunday schools were well at-
tended last Sunday it being such a
pretty day.
School Societies.
The March meetings of the two
literary societies were of especial in-
On Saturday the
Poe bad s
ens program. The hist half of the
was made up of literary
. on gathered from
magazines. The second half
las visit from
i series tableaux and scenes bring-
in the favorites Dickens.
was shown In get-
ting the and copying the
mannerisms of Mr.
the hoy. Dick Mr.
and the various other char-
tern At the close o program
th, society Club sang Dainty
I In the Ivy On I n.
on Honda
., program. Various Interesting
papers and clippings on Si. Patrick's
Day Ireland and the Irish were
lead and told. An amusing contest
to s., which could toll the best Irish
juke was held. Miss Sabra Sykes won
the prize. Miss Arlene sang
beautiful Irish songs.
Ivy ,. So l wish to on
lay evening the Sidney f the issues and of
had a Si. Patrick's . candidates
u in I
the Schools Holds Very
interesting Meeting.
On the evening of March the
Sidney Literary Society of the
Training School held its regular
monthly meeting. The hall in which
the meeting was held was
Mr. Fred Smith and decorated in green and white, carry-
of to our out Patrick idea. Irish
Ayden needs a good shamrock. evergreens, pot
We would be glad lo have some man and Si. Patrick banners were
With his out fit to locale here, m profusion.
Ayden needs among other things a
brick mill in operation, a town mar-
As the members of the society
rived they were met at the door by
town hall, new graded school Misses Lena While. Lula Quinn and
building, our tobacco market opened, Willie Greene Day, who pinned at
again, a nice bank building, a necks a largo green bow and
em up to date brick hotel, a veneer handed lo pads of green and
factory lo our swamp white lo be used later.
timber, a fertilizer factory, a cotton The meeting was opened by the
mill, hosiery overall, shirt SUS- president, Miss Davis, call- ., ,. .
ponder and pant factory, wholesale Hie meeting lo order and asking M. is that both spirits arc
grocery Store. Could make room the business. After the business and that they are battling
more enterprises. had boon transacted meeting for mastery, but that the
We note that our farmers are timed over lo Miss Willie Green Day. that took of him
X. C. March ISIS,
Mr. Inasmuch as the
is lion partisan
paper and a professor of the
a non partisan have
med it proper to discuss the
situation I do not think
unbecoming a farmer to say his lit-
he piece provided ho preserves the
sane non partisan attitude of those
just mentioned.
If this is to he a of
the people, for people, by the
people, then ii is for the
people lo be correctly informed.
, should have a clear understand-
of the real issues to be decided
and s knowledge of the true
of the men whom they are
U vole So wish present my
of the Hire.
s for the
First, as lo the issues. There are
two political spirits striving for the
mastery of this country mid as we
cm discuss spirits only as they are
embodied In some person. To make
s long story shot, i will mention two
men who seem lo be the embody-
of these two spirits. Robert U.
is one and Con. Dies
of Texas represents the opposite or
antagonistic spirit. The one Is a
progressive the other is a stand-pat-
one is looking future.
the other lives in the past. The one
I sees a condition which should be
remedied and prepares measures and
ways by which these
conditions can be
ed, other while recognizing that
all Is not as ii should be prepares
a remedy something that has been
tried bin in the mind of most pro-
people never did and never
can produce the desired results. The
people, whom Mr. Lincoln
the Lord loved or He would not
have made so many of them, proves
the saint spirit that rep-
resents, ruling class is actuated by
the antagonistic spirit.
county met in regular session Bat-
March the Mb In the Colored
School at The
Having duly before, the
f -How to Superior court clerk of Pitt county
of the subject How of the estate of
E. deceased, notice Is here
by Prof. W. V. mm ,, ,
Interesting. The other immediate pay-
on the subject were Miss ,, , u. undersigned and all per-
I Andrews and Prof. Chas. S. having claims against the said
at They were or before of March.
ltd by Mr. Fitzgerald of Durham, who or will plead in
encouragingly of the work of bar of recovery.
This Sad day March. 1912.
the teacher
j The principal address was delivered
the Rev. J. formerly
superintendent of Durham county
schools. He spoke upon the building
of character as a necessity In the life
Of a teacher Unit same may be
inspired in lives of his pupils.
A few silent points from the Rev.
Do address arc as
may not be worth much in
and cents but he can be a mil-
in character. Build up a
good name. It mailers not what one
U he is nothing if he has not
Character. Mans life does not con-
in the abundance of his material
worth, but upon the morality of his
He gave two rules for
character building. The first was ad-
needs to says he.
One cannot have
character unless he is In his
I business and fervent in spirit. He
will lead a better life and become a
v worker. Jesus Christ was a
willing worker. He dignified labor.
Thus It is an honor for man to work.
The hand that works is that of an
honest man. Who tills the jails and
floods the court houses It is not
busy man. but the worthless, care-
less man. The busy man does not
doubt Christianity. To succeed, one
of Susan E. Leggett.
By order of Hie Board of County
Commissioners, will offer for sale
public auction on Monday, April
1st. 1913, St noon the small brick
building on the court house square
which was erected for the storage of
the county records during the con-
of new court house,
building to be removed from
premises within days dale of
sale at the expense of the purchaser.
Will sell at private sale before
date If offer is satisfactory.
This March 6th, 1912.
f. G. IAMBS, County Atty.
law till sale
Having qualified as administrator
of Joseph deceased, late of
Pitt county. North Carolina, this is to
notify all persons claims
the estate of the said
to exhibit them to the undersign-
within months from this dale,
or Ibis notice will be pleaded in bar
of any recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make Immediate
Mall should possess .
proving their of hogs.
.--- .--.- .
Almost chairman of the program committee. M spirit and that it
needs faith.
Virtue means courage. He able
to say yes or no at the right time.
It takes a man lo do this. He a man.
don't be a mere cipher. Try to do
good, be patient, be virtuous. Ex-
self control. Napoleon con-
armies, but could not control
His next rule was subtraction.
aside malice, guile and evil
This day of March. 1912.
C. II. A.
S G. James Son. Administrator
Under and by virtue of an order
of the Superior court of Pitt county.
entitled, It Crisp. of It. F.
deed., and it. C. Windham.
Ex same being No.
upon the special proceeding docket of
said court, the undersigned
div see nice hogs being turn explained that the pro- ml, dominates him and that the
tied away from our depot such as tor of
speaking and grace and peace will will, on Monday, day of
Rape, millet and clover seed. and variety.
tits and full line of garden seeds. J
U, Smith and
known better would taken
him for a candidate for the Called v Manning; returned Bat-
O I C Chester. Poland b one in honor of St. Patrick. , He honestly thought
I id variety. Tho on tho he was a progressive so Bald his
Aw cit- was a paper on the but heredity and
Iron, are to Improve our prepared by Miss Mary K. i the interest of the stand-
While. Next Miss Moore gave j.,, wore
a most interesting and amusing read- for those forces laboring for the
on the of St.
Mali. Lucas then real a paper
April 1912. at o'clock noon, at tho
court house door ill Greenville. North
Carolina, offer for sale the highest
bidder for cash that certain tract of
land, lying and being in the county
Pin and slate of North Carolina,
Dr. looked natural lure o, ,,,,,, ,. in White. Next Miss
shaking hands and had the year and to
other improvements.
thundered the orator pow- on u,
eloquence. The o Ti. .,,, as
address by directing Commencing a cypress, an
. . ,. -ft . . i., Mill
. . .-.
Prof. Wilson is believed
from Dover
c. a v
I. lie was third on I
Etta s senate from the
people nave
Mr. W. B. lost
; . S night.
,. learn the Jane Cox
two To We wish W
dwellings and lots will be sold In that we have a stock of springy
,,. ;. . , . d I millinery of the latest styles, entitled loves
bad on of Patrick., Miss Ar- many to be the very
,,, interest. It may hi
ram and sang most sweetly. Lit- so m, inquire into prob-
Irish Miss Mary ability. The newspapers, those that
, j gave a leading entitled read pretty generally, agree
an- Patrick's Miss Sarah
next and amused all with
Hie It
, ., of her any re. s,
, care or
Ir. J. H We
is the fact. This ought to be
a tendency prove the
of the proposition, these
with Miss Felton r. d a the Hon. Grover Cleveland was
Southern paper on Irish ardent free and
our n- Bi j . ., , i- was again
mil Town, April 2nd it Hi g Irish
. C. V. Cat Now Interesting and prof. Wilson at one time was lined
, Al. d. . in of the , The ,.,, the other side witness
. the the society were n B expressed wish, that the man who
. . in which they might rite
best they km w. Mrs.
and Misses
multiply upon you. Separate your-
from bad company. Touch not
unclean things, and so
from bad company. Touch not
thundered the orator with pow-
OX. . . v -.--
Of his hearers to the life Of agreed starling point, In Harris Mill
as t-j
worth emulating. His address was , ., or
thoroughly enjoyed by all who fence between
-mil his trend of thought was and B, F. Windham and
courage to speak out and snow Hill. Hi. down the road
Bland for living. ;, northeasterly course to
The power to wield influence foreman line. hence down
tor good or evil over any race is to throe gums in Willie
. r, hi h
event false. n
and prof. Wilson
tor goon r . . .,
future or less, and being the
., ,. Eastern ,,,.,.,.,, .,, F. Windham
Carolina la being stifled and ,.,. Marcellus Windham
paralyzed because of Immoral dated April 19th, and recorded
Tho schools should be In the register of deeds of Pitt
. . . . in book
; Mel
Id n lei
Sh a C
I Mid little Bel led
for their home Rap-
. n.
Be to call and see our spring
and ins, II
j. B Smith and Bro.
distributor and
ad chilled castings.
tilth and Bro
I r. W. M. v has
bottling works of Joe
i v in opt rate II i the John Gas-1
a Id g.
Eason of Murry
ti . Mrs,
Miss Tripp is visiting at her
I, Mr an first
. ml Griffin la.
s. .; pi and meal
. J. R. and Bro,
Mr, Alfred Gardner returned
from Richmond on Saturday and
brought with a cotton seed
and f distributor, an
of his own. Mr. Gardner
he hi bet working on tins
for three years. Those who
have seen It. are sure of its excel-
He has bad several flattering
ons and offers fur state
rights. He tells m will have them
sale in III II
Miss Dora who i as been
-o very sick. Is able to ho out again
t,. the of her many friends.
Dr. M. M. Sauls is remodeling the
store formerly occupied by Tripp.
Bart and Co., and it will be used for
a jewelry millinery store.
Ayden is said to he best cot-
ton market in tho county. The
bring there cotton here from quite
distance and seem to be
pleased with their sale.
No church service In Ayden Sun-
day owing to the Methodist
not having n pastor.
Ayden, N. P.
. Ilea-
wen . tin a
tall tin
N. C.
. doing th most violent
i aide should be
kt Int
on no is a
. the eight minutes the was Injunction broader Import-
, and member .,;,,. than most of them think.
was asked to respond with her you remember John Tyler
j ., . The judges then retired had so changed the Wigs
make their decision and the society elected him vice president and bow
was entertained by Instrumental disappointed they were in
it Misses Mary L. Dupree Johnson who was so
Davis. When the judges the Republicans elected
ship. The schools
, , ; . county in book -3 p
agency necessary lo bring about o m
i, desired relief. this cannot February 1912
. unless those who, s. m. Commissioner,
lake some pride in their moral Moore Long, Attorneys,
fitness are pal at the head the j 3-1 Greenville. N. C.
Ii will be
cull to cu, tho kit mi n
. h men of political shrewd-
instead men or moral fitness,
given the preference.
. .,. . .
and I made decision, In a few vice president
. In I . . . .
I remarks. Mrs. presented to
. a bra Sykes the
for Monuments
s. all sizes.
All Iron large baked Irish potatoes In a green lowers
. tied white ribbon.
raT This the program for the
cemetery purposes, j evening and each one departed de-
Get my prices. they seldom such an
The Bank of Ayden,
lb state of North Carolina, at the close business, B, 1911.
i. and
drafts . 2,855.66
Furniture and . 648.30
Demand loans .
. items .
Gold coin . 300.00
Silver coin, Including all
minor coin currency
National hank notes and
other S. notes .
. 4,177.00
C Ital ck paid in
Surplus fund .
Undivided profits, loss cur-
rent expenses and taxes
paid .
posits subject to check.
Savings d-posts .
Cashier's cheeks
I 85.00
Don't you remember how Mr. Tad
his most, ardent
ls it sale for the
to ii-1 Prof. Wilson
The other Candidate whom I
I live mind Is a horn
lie entered politics early In life and
the very began to battle
in the peoples cause. His
ancestors were Southern bred, his
tether's lived In the Bast Ha
I i much of his life in tho
whence progressive ideas find
congenial soil. He has tried
and made good, lie the
by the aid and
nice of the p. A majority
was but
in appealing the people they com-
Congress t In their in-
He Is offering serve the people
again a personal sacrifice and
risk of In misunderstood and
v hen he knows the people's enemies
will heap nil the the
devilish ingenuity can Invent
lake the caw gentlemen, don't
blame me for my honest convictions.
Having duly qualified before the
superior conn of Pitt county
administrator the estate of W.
. L ,,,.,,, deceased, notice is hereby
What the race needs to not
to If game o
, i.,,, t th estate make immediate payment
. ,, omen . t , ,.,.,,,. , ,,.,
Of its manhood and the Me
I the, must present th.
to the undersigned for payment
live a clean and honorable and o
to raise those about him to a higher
f living. Men do not
op along all lines at same time.
anally they develop along some par-
line at the expense of another
The man who makes himself
a professional politic Ian and depends
only upon his knowledge of such to
gel through is generally mint for the
position he secures through
cal Wire manipulation; especially
positions as head of a roll
or Ibis notice will be plead in
bar of recovery.
This clay of March,
of W. B. Ford.
Sign of Spring.
YORK March
posters adorning billboards
and walls from Battery
the Bronx remind the that
state of North Carolina, el PHI, s
I. Hodges, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and be-
Subscribed and sworn to before 11th day of December, 1811,
D. G.
H. SMITH. Notary Public.
R. C. CANNON, My commission expires Feb. C. 1913.
such . .,. .- . ,
r a school and he may counted winter In years has be-
n to sell or destroy for moss of of history and that
pottage which any race or Is surely here a last No
Son should hold as most sacred more Infallible sign of
in U possession. The man Who St. the season, ha bad than the a-
Willfully and without that circus has
, , being tor life lo town. Fresh
to not only an enemy the Bridgeport the Barnum and
but Is wholly of the aggregation and so-
of a Moreover, and down, has taken
,,, who would destroy both of Gar-
,;. intellectual and moral being to tin and has everything In
worse than being an opening of
W. C. President
late Senator lo Wed.
WASHINGTON, March wed-
ding of Interest to Southern
in the national capital will take place
In SI. John's Church tomorrow night,
when Miss Margaret Hawthorn
an, daughter of late Culled States
Senator Bryan of Florida, will be-
come the bride of Robert Marshall
rice of Va.
Resell Places It at
The government census re-
in metropolis before
to the road. The great feature of
show this year will be a
number entitled
Will enlist a ballet of
girls, and more than horses will
t pall ill chariot and other
., , ,,, , . M
port was issued and It places races in the The Initial per-
cotton crop for 1911 at will be given
bales. This was a bumper crop and night
If so much had not been left
In the fields there Is a man to personally Inter-
telling how high the figures would in a thing his enthusiasm soon
have gone.
Agriculture la the Mont the Healthful, the Most Noble Employ men Washington.
Prosecution Opposes Preliminary
The Prosecution Is Making Every
Effort to Mrs.
Hearing Postponed I mil
a lie. Change Takes Place as
lo he Dying.
ATLANTA, Georgia, March
On account of the condition of Eu-
gene Grace, It is probable that the
preliminary hearing of Mrs. Grace,
which has been set In Justice J. B.
court for Thursday after-
noon Will again be postponed.
U. Arnold, with whom Mr.
Hill Is associated In case, says
that any- attempt to hold the commit-
rial before there is a decided
Grace's condition will be opposed
by the prosecution.
Grace cannot get the
attorney declares, naturally any
change in his condition will for
the worse. This means that he will
die and when he does his widow will
be arraigned not on a charge of as-
sault with Intent murder, as the
present Warrant reads, hut on a charge
a word of comment would Mrs.
Grace make up on the statements
I Democrats lo Monday.
II. T. Falls of
Cleveland Democratic ex-
has called a meet-
here for next Monday for the
pose of fixing the date of the primary.
At that time Mr. Falls will resign
as chairman as he has announced him-
a candidate for the legislature.
It is not known who will be named
his successor. Mr. Falls has made
a capital chairman and is
for the big majority his party
lined up at the last election.
C. T.
Big Grazed
To The Ground
Worth of Stock
ed to Ashes in Short While.
Imprisoned by lulling
a severe
windstorm which swept over the
eastern section of tho state yesterday
Mount a church Lane's
Ferry, was blown down, imprisoning
members of a large congregation of
colored people under the roof,
a score of severely but
none seriously. A hole was cut in
tho roof as it lay upon the wreckage
and all were dragged out.
Volunteer Fire-Fighters and Spectators Distinguish
Themselves in Struggle Against the
Stubborn Element
Chicago Bend Sew Opens.
eleventh annual bench show of the
Chicago Kennel Club opened in the
First Regiment Armory today and
will continue the end of the
week. in the number and high
class of the entries the show
year surpasses all of the previous
exhibitions given by the club. A
special feature la the of
Waller H. Reeves of London, England,
and H. B. president of
the English Collie Club, who will
Judge a number of the prominent
Judge Staples, Successor
Shooting Follows of Slayer
From House.
a was shot and killed by all-
her named John last
The on North Liberty street, a
by her husband to
representative In Newman Monday. W from a revolver
She was seen for but a few moments el
room No. house. She
was door bidding good-bye to
John W. Moore, her leading counsel,
who had spent two hours with her.
Mrs. Grace was attired in a blue
Japanese kimono, which was deco-
rated with while and red flowers. She
shook hands with The man,
who accompanied her on the trip to
and from Philadelphia.
is said that Hums a quarrel with
and his brother at home
of a woman in a set-
the Brandon boys put
out of the house. went
his home and got his gun.
Baltimore M. E. Conference.
annual session of the Baltimore Con-
of the Methodist Episcopal
church convened In the First M. E.
About twelve-thirty this morning was seen Rushing from the rear , Bishop
windows of C. T. big store and by In spite the brave Washington
battle nut up by our fireman aided by sonic the bystanders the build-
and contents were a total wreck; the adjoining building occupied by This afternoon the Woman
the Busy Bee Shoe Store on the lower and the offices Home Mission Society held us
of the Consolidated Tobacco Company on the upper floor, had to be flood- meeting, which was followed
ed prevent Us burning up and naturally for a little of the stock In by the conference sermon delivered
the Shoe Company store which was carried out, the contents of by Dr. S. Parks of Brooklyn,
entire building including the offices on Hie second totally TH will continue
ruined. The building back of the J. It. Brady corner building and
also belonged to C. T. suffered considerably as a fire
in Us Interior fought back the Steady stream of water played
It for than an hour. The John L. Woolen Company's
suffered some damage on tho wall adjoining the Big
was Hooded. More or less damns,
occupied by Frank Wilson across the
which next Tuesday,
drug store
and its
also sustained by the store
street. Electric light and telephone
wires were severed by the flames and at one time the pole on the
side of tho street directly opposite Mr. Store threatened to
serve as to stepping for the flames to gain tho other side of
Heel Friends Alabama-
man Form Club lo Support His Can-
for the Presidency.
N. March
the Invitation being issued to all those
Democrats who expect to join the
Underwood movement in old
North Slate, a great number of them
gathered night hers and formed
a club, ii is expected that this or-
materially help the
In North Carolina as the
majority of new members are
men of representation are full
of activity and energy.
I Ii of Mrs. John A. Pugh.
Siler city yes-
Mrs. John A. Pugh, mother of
M. Pugh of this city, died of heart
failure and infirmities of old age. Tho
funeral was held today, relatives from
here going down on tho morning train.
The deceased was SO years old and Is
survived by two sons and three
daughters. She was relic of the
late Capt John a. Pugh, a
citizen of Chatham
Poultry man Loses Chickens by Fire.
Minn. a poultry fancier of West Hen-
suffered loss of one
hundred and sixty thoroughbred White
and Buff chicks yesterday
morning i o'clock by a lire
from lamp of a brooder
In the chicken house and except for
heavy downpour of ruin, would
aVe probably lost his residence
which was only fifteen feel from the
chicken house, which was burned
down. The house was enveloped in
Dames when the tire was discovered.
The were only a few days old
were highly prized by Mr.
Valuable goods stored away
In the building were also destroyed.
Meeting of to Take Place
in the Court House on April 2nd.
A charter has been received from
the secretary of stale for the Proctor
Hotel Company, of Tho
with subscribed,
is for an capital
A meeting of subscribers to
will be held In the court house
on Tuesday night. April 2nd, silo
o'clock for tin purpose of
Sketches of proposed hotel will
submitted to the building commit-
a on April for the purpose of
an architect.
There has boon another slight
change iii schedule of one of the Nor-
folk Southern passenger trains. The
morning train from Raleigh that for-
reached at now
conies at three minutes earlier.
May Increase
NEW YORK, March Al a spec-
meeting called for tomorrow the
stockholders of the American
cultural Chemical Company will vote
upon a proposal to increase the con-
capital stock by
preferred and capital
stock. Only of prefer-
ed is understood, will be Is-
sued at present. The proceeds will
be applied to working Capital.
The Date of the Trial of Captured
Outlaws, Floyd and Victor Allen,
Wesley Edwards and Marion
Will be April
on Motion to Attach Allen's
Va., March
With the day search for the
fugitives. Allen outlaws, proceeding
in the Ridge mountains nearby,
Staples today opened Carroll
circuit court for the last day
of the so interrupted
by the mountaineer gunners. The
day's business was the clearing of
the Judge and
healing arguments on motion of
counsel for Allen family to
Indictments on properly belonging to
the by relatives of the
of tho court house tragedy.
Judge Staples will a
grand jury tomorrow to return new
Indictments all tho alleged
murderers, The date for the trial
of Floyd and Victor Allen,
Edwards and Byrd Mason will ho set
probably for April
Detective in the mountains report-
ed today nothing further than that
they had boon close upon heels
of Allen and his nephews
limes during the lust day or two,
and hoped to run then down Boon.
Tho loaders think they will
be aide starve out the outlaws by
Admiral Moore To
Rear C. B. T. Moore, recent-
domiciled from the command of the
naval training station on
Island, sailed on the steamship
today on route to the Philip-
pines, he is to become com-
of the naval station
vile and
culling off their communication
moonshiners and oilier friends.
at Ca-
is In
If you hive trouble In gelling rid of
Nobody really seems lo know how the lire stalled at store.
Preparations for tho spring opening which was to lake place had
been going on all yesterday and a little after midnight, when the
dorks left the building; then everything seemed to
minutes later firs was discovered emerging from
the firemen got the sen.- proved
Opens Campaign on
Thai he Cam-
in Raleigh April
nor Chas. II cock will open his
campaign for the United sen-
ate April in Raleigh's big
He has returned from Phil-
where he lock a special
the past month In a well
known sanitarium there with a view
to attaining full restoration to his
old health and strength,
to g
Great Damage
State Farm
Damage Hew
the Wale Farm
Reach I be Mark.
ports from the flooded districts along
Roanoke river, are lo effect that
the damage caused by the freshet
las. will be enormous. It
said damage Hie state
farm, at alone will be
Those who have kepi note of the
freshets In the Roanoke river say that
the one week was the largest
sine- the keeper at
sins II was higher than
lime by Inches a.
Large areas of arm lands on ho
river go this year,
because the farmers not being able
to prepare I, for cultivation and some
other because of the another
ruining the crops tho
river being broken in many
ea, thereby leaving the field at
j ,. the
all right. Twenty
window of the store and by the tin
. you may know that you are It had gained such control that almost all the of store wore
heap of burning ambers. The draperies used profusely to
the shop preparatory lo the opening proving a must wining fuel to
encourage the element. By quarter to one nearly every citizen of
had been routed out of bed by the mournful dies lire.
on fifth
Into the campaign
for United states senator that be will .
wage will Senator Simmons,
and Chief Justice
Clark, of the supreme court, as;
the I his opponents. He is greatly Greensboro,
in health and says that he ,., ,,. three children and like most
Dot ll properly. There is no a
reason why cold should hang on for
weeks and will not if you take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
Bale by all dealers.
will get into the race forthwith. , I lake cold.
We have d kinds of
reining. he says, have
Dr. H. Hyatt win be any that did them as moos,
Bertha Monday, April 1st treat ills- good as Chamberlain's Cough
the eye. sale by all dealers.

Eastern reflector, 22 March 1912
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 22, 1912
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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