Eastern reflector, 26 August 1910

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Tobacco Comp
offers to the tobacco growers of Eastern Carolina superior
inducements and facilities in the sale of their tobacco.
This is a Farmers Organization
Over ninety-nine per cent, of the stockholders are farmers,
living on and operating their farms
This organization is doing a warehouse business for the
sale of FARMERS TOBACCO, and our past record proves that
we know our business. We are proud of our business and
proud of our record, and if you will join with us in making a
I still greater success, you will be proud of the part you take in it.
at Greenville, Kinston,
Wilson an
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco Co.
The most Important need in North
Carolina is the Torrens system of
Land Registration, said Mr. John A.
Wilkerson, of Belhaven, who is doing
more to drain and put fertile land
on the market than any man in East-
North Carolina.
Mr. Wilkerson is right, and large
experience in buying and selling land
makes his opinion- of value. Proceed-
upon the necessity of this great
reform Mr. Wilkerson I own
worth of stock or stock
in any railroad or industrial corpora-
I can take that stock to any bank
deposit it as security, and borrow
money on it. It costs mo nothing to
do so and the fact that I am borrow-
is known only to me and the bank
or lending me the money
But if have worth of land
or more, or a little home or
farm, and need to borrow money
on it I have to pay an attorney to ex-
the title. I have to pay him
to write a mortgage, and the fact
that I have borrowed the money is
put on record in the court house, thus
advertising my private business. And
this trouble, expense and publicity
are made necessary every time I wish
to borrow money on land. It is a
hardship and a burden upon
of land that makes dealing in land
slow and costly whereas it is to the
interest of the State that land trans-
should be easy and
that everybody will wish to in-
vest their money in
Not long ago Mr. Eugene C. Mas-
of Richmond, Va., discussed at
length the Torrens system. The
Protective Association, which
favored the Torrens system, request-
ed Mr. to prepare a brief state-
showing the wisdom of that
system. In response to that request,
Mr. wrote the following ad-
succinct and comprehensive
summary of the argument for the
Torrens system.
State claims to be the owner
.-the original and ultimate owner
of all her lands. This ownership first
appears in her lands grants and
now found in the exercise of the
right and eminent domain, or
and in levying taxes.
and exercising the orig-
rights and powers,
it is the duty of the State to grant
good titles to her citizens and to en-
able them to keep their titles good
under the just administration of
equitable land laws.
plain duty has never hereto-
fore been performed by the State, and
the time has now come when she
must meet her high obligation.
con sell your personal proper-
or borrow money on it quickly and
at little expense. You do not have to
employ a lawyer to examine the title
to your horse or cow, to your oats
and hay, nor to your stocks and bonds
you try to sell your land or
row money on it, the first question
you got a good
one will buy nor lend you
money without being satisfied about
your title. It must be examined by
a lawyer, and you have to pay the bill.
does not matter how often the
title has been examined before, it has
to be re-examined every time a new
deal is made.
same old titles are examined
over and over again, and every time
you have to pay the bill.
conservative estimate, based
upon the returns from the County
Clerks throughout the State, shows
that the people of Virginia paid more
than for abstracts of ti-
to lands in one year.
is nearly as much as was
spent upon all the public schools In
the counties of our State, and
more than half of what was spent for
public education In every city and
county in the Commonwealth.
heavy and perpetual tax on
the people will be saved by the Tor-
System of Land Registration.
Is not only expensive but It
takes days and weeks to make an
examination of title, and so many
difficulties are encountered that
men frequently have not the
time to bother with transactions in-
so many problems.
this makes land hard and slow
to handle, and men hesitate to bury
capital In lands.
Torrens System will make
your lands merchantable. It will
convert lands into quick asset and
render them available as a source of
ready commercial credit.
operates In the following man-
A title is examined once official-
and confirmed by order of court.
ends the matter and cuts out
the endless examinations of titles
now necessary. Your title Is register-
ed, and you have made a permanent
Improvement, which will last as long
as the law prevails and will never
call for betterments or repairs.
You are then given a certificate
of title, which guarantees to all the
world that you have such title as Is
set forth to the lands therein
example, a life estate
or a fee simple, in whole or in part,
free from encumbrances or subject
to such encumbrances as are men-
in the certificate.
You can deal with this
of title almost as freely as with
a certificate of stock, because every
body can see from the certificates ex-
what your title is.
will put your real estate on a
your personality, and
Torrens System is no ex-
Torrens System has found
congenial soil In the United States in
Illinois, California, Massachusetts,
and Colorado;
and the Federal government has
established it In Hawaii an tho Phil-
Islands. In addition to this,
Arkansas, the District of Columbia,
Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Montana, Nebraska, New York, North
Dakota. Pennsylvania, Rico,
Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah
Washington, West Virginia and Wis-
have taken steps more or less
pronounced for its
and Observer.
ruining . .-.,
will add to the business
of Virginia.
Torrens Act will help the
farmers and everybody who owns
real estate in the country, as well as
In the city.
will help everybody who deals
in real estate.
will lessen the cost of
In real estate, stimulate and en-
the market, and thus Increase
values; and when a poor man buys
a home he will get a good title to
It and no one can take It away from
will promote of
the whole State by settling titles.
And It will invite immigration, be-
cause strangers will not hesitate to
buy such guaranteed
Somebody has said that there
are more young men in the
in this country learning trades
that there are outside of them. The
principal cause of this Is, we are
educating our young men for gentle-
men; trying to make lawyers, doc-
tors and clerks out of the material
nature intended for blacksmiths,
carpenters and other of
wood and drawers of It is
a mistake and a big one, to teach
boys and girls by insinuation of
other wise that to labor is disgrace-
or if labor is necessary for a
livelihood to follow a genteel
and that to do nothing for
a living is more becoming to the so-
in which they expect to move
and have respect. Hang such so-
It is rotten to the core and
there are many men's sons and
daughters who are now being
to play the part of
in the great drama of life, who will
light out for a poor house or
before they have played
their on the curtains drop. Go
None deserve the name of good who
have not spirit enough, at to be

The Carolina Home and Farm The Eastern
Spiritual and the
Seen in Years,
As noted elsewhere
absence of the editor and
sickness In the working-force,
a report of the opening of the
tobacco market Thursday, the 18th.
were about sixty thousand
pounds told, and considering the
of the Offerings, the prices
very stronger
than fear at the opening sale,
and the average over last year is
about thirty per cent.
The Greenville market starts out
year more auspiciously, and
more favorable conditions than
it Las la years. There arc a large
number buyers, arid some new ones
in addition to the regular buyers that
have been here before. Messrs. John
E. Hughes Co., of Danville,
by Mr. Meade, are an addition
to the market this year. This
are large exporters and heavy
buyers of our Eastern North Carolina
tobacco. They occupy the factory
formerly run by Messrs. Geo. S.
Co., and are fully
equipped for handling large
ties of tobacco.
With six large, modern steam plants
in full operation, the Greenville to-
market is position to take
care of and re-dry from to
thousand pounds of tobacco daily;
and with the buyers here anxious to
buy it, there is probability of sup-
plying the demand year. The
farmers In this and adjoining
ties can rest assured that the Green-
ville market is able to take care of
and protect their interest, and with
plenty of warehouse space; plenty of
buyers, ample and facilities,
we do not tee he . . farmer can
to realize it s to his ad-
vantage to cell on the Green-
The warehouses are
ally same
last year. have ml. bad
the opportunity of gating the
Of the entire working forces, but
it to say that no pains
Spared by the warehouses to r
the interest of the farmers
With thrill.
in speaking for the Greenville to-
market, the Reflector has never
attempted by word or intimation to
disparage the smaller markets, but
With its superior advantages and
equipment for taking care of tobacco
that is offered by this market, with
the and the buyers
fully prepared and determined to
place Greenville in the lead as the
best tobacco market in the East, we
believe that this year, more than any
year we have had, it will be- to the
Interest of tobacco farmers to come
to Greenville.
Life on
boa had one frightful
brought suffer-
and to thousands. The
germs cause chills, fever and ague,
biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weak-
and general debility. But
Bitters never fall to destroy them
and cure malaria troubles.
bottles completely cured of a very
severe attack of writes Win.
A. N. C,
I've had better health ever
Cure stomach, liver and kidney
and prevent typhoid.
by all Druggists.
yelled as
cork was about to give it to him in
the neck.
NO, Willie, a pretty kettle of fish
not mean a glass jar filled with
Sure-Cure Remedies Are Usually Com-
pounds of Narcotics.
It must be frankly recognized in
considering patent medicines that,
broadly and philosophically speaking
two risks have to be taken with all
of the risk that the medicine,
though a useful remedy in this dis-
ease, may not find your particular
case or stage of it; and the further
risk that you may not have the dis-
ease you think you have, in which
ease, of coarse, the poor medicine, will
be a hopeless misfit.
Bearing these facts in mind, it if.
obviously only the course of prudence
and good sense to all powerful
or drastic remedies of this class, such
as, if they do not do good, have the
power to do harm. Remedies, there-
fore, are advertised to cure
that are guaranteed to cure
every case or money refunded; that
never been known to etc.,
are good things to let alone, even if
you give credence to their claims.
Usually, as a matter of fact, the claim
of these remedies are
based upon one of two
or some most
commonly opium or alcohol.
There is also another universal
source of risk which it is only fair
to mention, and this is the
of knowing what you are
The vast majority of so-called
patent medicines have nothing that
is patent about them except the name
or trademark. Really to patent a
remedy would be necessary to dis-
close its ingredients and to prove
that they have never before been used
for the cure of disease; and this,
for obvious reasons, is the last thing
that the proprietors t-f these
dies would think of doing. The com-
position of the remedy is their most
rained secret, which naturally they
guard with most Jealous care, and
it is inevitable in the very nature
of the case any one who takes
a dose of it is taking it in the dark.
If ho chooses to run that risk, it is
one of his inalienable rights and
but let him remember
is taking a drug of
he knows nothing for a disease
which he often knows less, guess
at its nature may be entirely wrong,
Not even an analysis of tee remedy
a government chemist will help
because the rigid secrecy as to
its composition, which is maintained
commercial reasons, enables the
manufacturers to change the formula
at any time, according to the changes
in the prices of the different drugs,
or the denunciation of one or other
of them as injurious. Some well-
known patent medicines in the
states have changed their formulas
three or four times within the
or six
non, in The
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern
W .
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth, Greenville,
and Kinston, April 1st,
Sprain, Ch . C
j and pea
r C,
and External
i I I
Tooth. J
h Ark en
for The
Just a few bushels of wheat planted in the
ground becomes MANY BUSHELS of grain; so
will the money you put in our bank from time
to time become a BIG SUM. The interest we
will pay you will help it grow
Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank.
We pay interest at par cent, on time
a. m.
a. m.
a. m.
p. ax.
p. m.
p. m.
p. m.
p. m.
p. m
a. m
a. m-
a. m.
a. m.
a. m.
Popular Excursion to Norfolk,
Monday, August 15th, Thursday, August 25th.
Very cheap
For further information, address nearest ticket agent, or
J. P T. T. C, WHITE, G. P. A.
EX. .
Tickets sold August 15th, good to leave Norfolk tn any regular train
until a. m., August Tickets sold August 25th, good to leave
Norfolk on any regular until a. m., August 28th.
Virginia Beach and Cape Henry Most Attractive
Resorts in tie South. New 2nd dale
For particular ask any Ticket Agent, or write
H. C. d, P. A V, A. G. P.
Professional Cards
Office opposite R. L. Smith
and door to John Flan-
Buggy new building.
Greenville, . . M.
office formerly occupied by. J. L
Greenville, . . . Carolina
W. C. D. M. Clark.
Civil Engineers and Surveyors
Greenville, . . N. Carolina
Harry Skinner. H. W.
Greenville, . . N. Carolina
Greenville, Carolina
Office in building, on Third
Practices where services desired.
Greenville, N.
Terrace Farming.
Jean Napoleon Ingram, of
Park has recently mad i a tour
through Georgia and Alabama and
observed the terrace system of farm-
in those States, by which fields
are protected from washes and the
soil preserved from destruction by
heavy rains. Every slope or hillside
field, he says-is crossed by a series
of terraces of sufficient fall to guide
the water the land into main
ditches, that carry it from the farms.
By such means the slope and hillside
soil is left on the fields and the wash-
of gullies by winter and spring
Hoods prevented. The land is there-
by preserved for posterity. The
and Alabama fields are not de-
year by year by unscrupulous
cultivation and butcher farming; their
crop producing elements and value
are held in reserve for future genera-
Such a system of land
should be followed in North Car-
where the fields are fast be-
coming barren by the old slave
of farming, the soil carried from
the fields by rainfall, and the farms
made worthless, where future tillers
will find the land a waste of naked
and furrowed clay.
He thinks that the best way to
bring the matter to the attention of
the country land holders, is for the
Farmers Union to charter a train and
sell round trip excursion tickets to
Montgomery for to allow the
to investigate and study the Ala-
and Georgia system of terrace
farming, and enable them to intro-
duce similar soil protection and es-
similar land improvements
in North Carolina.
A special car would possibly ac-
the first excursion, and
the Southern Railroad would doubt-
less make low rates for such an en-
as transportation interests
are by improvement in soil
cultivation along railway lines. The
professor also thinks it would great-
aid agriculture for the farmers to
bring some tenants from those States
familiar with the terrace system to
show how such improvement can best
be effected on the farms of this
Miss Helen Laughinghouse Delightful-
Entertains The Little Folks
In honor of her cousin, Miss Helen
Grimes, little Miss Helen Laughing-
house was at home to a number of
her friends Thursday evening from
eight to ten.
The porch was beautifully lighted
with Japanese and electric
lights and decorated with palms and
The little hostess and her guest of
honor met the guests as they arrived
and served them to fruit punch and
sandwiches. Flinch was the game of
the evening.
Miss Rena Smith was the lucky
winner of a pair of embroidery
scissors. The guest of honor's prize
was a gold pin.
After the game delicious ices were
served. The color scheme of pink was
carried out in the ices, as in the
decorations and score cards.
Dr. Office
Greenville, . . N.
How in Sam Whitt Store on Five More room aid larger Com la tee
L. I. Moore. W. H. Long.
Greenville, . . N.
of Greenville R C.
in all the courts. Office up
in building, next to
Dr. D. L.
Greenville, . . . N. Carolina
Attorneys at Law
Practices where
vices required,
ally in the counties of
State and
Office Broad Street
Phone NEW BERN, N. C.
Tilling the Soil With Dynamite.
Probably no stranger use for
has ever been devised than its
substitution in place of the plow for
the tilling of clay land. It is
put to such a use on a considerable
experimental scale in Kansas and by
a planter of S. C, and
a picture in the September number
of Popular Mechanics shows how it
was done.
The cartridges were planted three
feet apart, in rows, and at a depth
of four feet. The holes wore made
by driving crowbars to the desired
depth. The dynamite was exploded
by a line of men, provided with red
hot irons . The line went rapidly
down the field, the explosives fol-
lowing the men in a steady roar that
was deafening. The explosions threw
clouds of soil feet into the air and
covered the men from head to
with dust and dirt.
Advertising Defined.
At a recent banquet of the Boston
Chamber of Commerce, J.
asked, is
and answered himself as fol-
is faith. The sub-
stance, of things hoped for.
is bread upon the prairies. Fer-
upon waste places.
is merchandising by wireless;
the winged salesman, tireless, sleep-
less, silver-tongued hail fellow
office, kitchen and library, suggesting
comforts and necessities before the
need is creating new markets,
building now factories, selling the
surplus. Advertising makes for bet-
furnished homos, netter dressed
people, better food, more health, big
bettor food, more health, big-
life and greater comfort, and in-
advertising makes tan ad-
a bigger, broader man
a national figure
. . Carolina
Filial Piety In Japan.
Few Japanese parents hold property
In their own right, assigning it to
of their children on whom they are
dependent. A son who would ignore
tho claims of loyalty and filial piety
would be considered outside the pole
of human society. Seldom Indeed are
there found Japan such examples
of forsaken parents as too often
seen in occidental lands.
Tutelary Trees.
Ancient people had their tutelary
trees Just as they had their tutelary
former being the altars and
shrines of the latter. Among the Scan-
the was held to be the
most sacred tree. Serpents, according
to their belief, dared not approach it.
Hence tho women left their children
with entire confidence under its shade
while they went on with their harvest-
Miss Stokes Entertains.
Stokes, N. C, Aug. 1910.
Wednesday proved to be quite an
eventful day in the week of Miss
house party.
The day was delightfully spent
on a picnic at Mill, where
boating was enjoyed and lemonade,
melons and everything were served
which go an occasion of
this kind a success.
Returning home in the early even-
and quite unexpected to her guests
and friends who happened to be pres-
she gave a surprise party.
About 8.30 the guests began to
rive, they were received at the door
and ushered into the parlor by Misses
Davenport and Moore.
A short while was spent in music
and laughter until the hostess enter-
ed and passed numbers which proved
to make couples, then Miss Daven-
port presented score cards which be-
their romances.
Misses Moore and Kittrell proving
to be the romantic couples were
lowed to cut for the prize, Miss Kit-
being successful, Dr;
presented the prize, a sheet of music,
at the contest Which was a musical
At eleven o'clock refreshments were
The midnight hour soon came and
each one present declared Miss
Stokes a charming hostess.
Those present at the house party
are Misses of Williamston;
Bullock, of Bethel; Moore, of Green-
ville; Kittrell, of
sou, of Robersonville.

lie Carolina House and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for Winterville vicinity
Advertising Rates on Application
H. C Aug.
Esther Johnson returned Wed-
i from a visit Green-
Field Peas and Peanuts for sale by
A. W. Co. N. C.
Miss Olivia Cox left Thursday morn-
for Aurora
To reduce our stock before
Just nice lot of
and Children's
Barber Co.
Miss Pattie of
is visiting Miss Cox.
For Spring Dress Goods,
Embroidery and Laces see
lot Barber Co
Mr. T. E. Cannon, the clever book-
r will offer for a limited time, keeper of the A. G. Cox
for ginghams. tag Co., took bis best friend to
CaliCO. Dress Goods, trees Thursday night
go; Suiting, Percales, Let us frame that picture for you.
to Cc; Motor Cloth, Any size frame.-A. W. Ange Co.
Waist Goods, Lawn, Miss Miriam Johnson, who has been
Mohair Wool visiting Miss Nellie Johnson, return-
to Table Peaches,
Tie Peaches, Shirts,
Shirts. Shirts,
Shirts, Call and see we
W. Ange Co.
Mr. F. F. and Miss Cox
went to Greenville Thursday evening
A new lot of Dry Goods and Notion
Just in. Better buy while cheap
A. W. Ange Co.
Mr. F. A Edmondson left Thurs-
day to take up work with the bank
of His leaving
course causes a change in cashier
Bank of Winterville. However,
will not say more about
change, since Mr. Edmondson ex-
pressed all that co c said in Wed-
Land Plaster for
Barber Co., Winterville, N C.
Mrs. Fred. of Ayden, is
visiting friends here.
buying, sec my line of Post
L. Johnson.
Miss Hilda Cox left Friday to visit
friends in Farmville.
Bring your wheat to Winterville
Hour Barber Co,
Winterville, N. C.
Miss Lena son, of Ayden,
In town yesterday.
Leave your orders for ice at H. L.
Johnson's. Will be delivered any-
where in town.
Mr. Allen Cannon, of Ayden, made
some of us a pleasant visit Thurs-
day night.
For nice, fresh, corned Herrings,
see A. W. Ange Co., Winterville,
N. C.
Miss Essie of Norfolk, Va.,
visiting Mrs. B. W. Tucker.
Straw Hats going fast, buy one,
don't be W. Ange Co.
Prof. F. C. Nye returned yesterday
from a trip on the road.
We call your attention to our new
line of W.
Miss Clara Forrest, of Ayden, who
has been visiting her brother, Mr. B.
D. Forrest, returned home yesterday
s. A. G. Ange and. J- F.
went up to the of the
tobacco Thursday.
The is the kind you
need. See W. Ange Co.
Messrs. M. B. Bryan and Lewis
Manning went to Greenville Thurs-
day evening.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co.
rendering good service in the
business. Coffins and
cheap with excellent hearse
For cold drinks of all kinds, call
at H. L. Johnson's Fountain.
d home yesterday.
Pitt County School
by The A. G. Cox Mn-
Company arc cheap; com-
neat and durable. Terms
are liberal. When in the market,
to see us, we have the desk for
Winterville, N. C, Aug. 1910.
Mr. J. L. Rollins went to Bethel
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are in
to give you the best Tobacco
Trucks and Flues for your money.
They have made extensive
for their manufacture this sea-
son and can fill your orders prompt-
Mr. Allen Cannon, of Ayden, war,
In town Sunday evening and Tues-
day night.
We have Needles, Bobbins, and
Shuttles, for any Sewing Machine in
the country. Also needle threaders,
the very thing for affected eyes or
dark Barber Co.
Mr. F. F. Cox went Greenville
Don't you farmers need a new
wagon or cart to carry your tobacco
town in If you wart the wry
wrongest and most durable
for the money, buy the
or wagon.
by the A. G. Cox
Messrs. A. W. Ange, J. P.
and Cox left for New
fork Monday morning to buy goods
their stores.
Matting and Oil Cloth, for the floor
Buy some, cover it
Barber Co.
Miss Chapman, who has been
visiting friends near Stokes, return-
ed home Saturday.
Don't fail to look ewer A.
Manufacturing new m
f buggies before you purchase. Hun-
will take delight in showing
them to you.
Misses Edith and Beulah
of Ayden, spent Sunday and Monday
with friends here
We are a nice of
fins and caskets. Prices are right and
can furnish nice hearse service.
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
Miss Kate Chapman, who is teach-
school at Gold Point, came home
Saturday evening and returned Mon-
For nice, fresh Fish, It. D.
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Rev. M. A. Adams has moved his
family here and will take charge of
the Baptist church.
Miss Magdalene Cox left yesterday
to visit friends near
Car load of Top Dressing for Cot-
con just W. Ange Co.
Winterville N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. who
have been spending some time at
returned home Monday
A new lot of Lamps just
Barber Co.
Miss Susie of Norfolk, who
has been spending a few day with
B. W. Tucker, left yesterday to
visit friends at
You will never regret when you
purchase a Hunsucker Buggy,
by A. G Cox Manufacturing
Co., Winterville, N. C.
Miss Jeanette Cox, who has been
visiting friends near re-
turned home yesterday.
Fresh Corn Herrings at
ton, Barber Co.
Miss alter spending
several days with near Stokes,
returned home Monday.
How is your soul Let us
show you our new lot of Shoes.
Harrington, Barber
Mrs. M. G. Bryan, who las been
visiting her people near re-
turned home Monday.
We have put in an assortment of
Patterns for all
Barber Co.
Miss Pear Heater, who has been
visiting friends in Greenville, return-
ed home yesterday.
A nice lot of Matting just in--A.
W. Ange Co.
Mr. Eugene Cannon to Beth-
any last night.
We are now in position to do
grinding every day and general repair
work Barber
Miss Annie Stagings, who has been
Miss Crawford, return-
ed to her home yesterday.
A nice six key Soda Fountain for
Mr. L. L. Kittrell went to Green-
ville yesterday.
Industry in Wilmington.
It has been ascertained from a re-
liable source that the
company will install large
and storage fertilizer
ties here during the next months.
With this idea in view, it is stated
that the company has purchased a
most valuable tract of land on the
west bank of the Northeast river, a
mile or two. above the city limits. It
is stated that the property secured by
the company embraces fifteen acres,
snore or less. The land is situated
between the Swift Fertilizer factory
Hilton bridge Quite a large sum
s Laid to have been paid by the
Guano company for the
acquired property.
It is stated that the plans of the
company are to improve the purchase
at an early date with the erection of
v large and modern fertilizer factory
and storage plant. The business of
the company is steadily
on the increase. It is to be in a bet-
position to handle the rapidly in-
creasing volume of business that the
company has acquired property of its
own upon which to build. The tract
las a river frontage for a considerable
distance and it is ideally located for
the purpose for which it will be used.
Wilmington Star.
Work for Greenville with us.
Messrs. Tom and Ernest Gorman,
of Richmond, arrived Tuesday even-
to assist their father in the to-
business here.
A light parse is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER la the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
can be laid without fuss or bother right over Ike old wood chancing the
top of your Instantly from a catcher to A ROOF that
will last as Ions the itself end repairs.
For further prices, etc, to B
the foremost colleges Won en in the South. .
Course in Liberal Art a rove ring nine
courses in Education ard which count forth A, B. ft
Mu Piano. Pipe n, In Voice Culture. of Art
Including Decoration, Du and Painting-School of
which prepares students Kr college a u
director. Full crane per i-eluding literary tuition, board, room,
light, heat, nurse, ordinary medicine i .
in the Club, to Next session begins Sept. Address,
R T. VANN, President,
Raleigh, North Carolina.
Farmers State Convention of
Carolina to Convene Raleigh
August SO.
Of surpassing interest to farmers
all over North Carolina will be the
State Convention of North
Carolina, which will hold its sessions
at the Agricultural and Mechanical
College beginning Tuesday, August
and lasting through
Special rates have been arranged
on and the prospect is
good for a large attendance of
all over the State.
The official program
11.00 Address of Greeting by
of Randolph county and
Master Lee Blackwell, of Granville
county pounds; raised
Both members of the
Corn Clubs
4.15. Demonstration of blowing
out stumps by the Dupont Powder
Company, Tenn
8.00. Farmer as a Business
11.30. Tobacco Soils
E. H. U. S.
Department of Agriculture.
12.15. Land by
Edgar B. Moore, of Mecklenburg
12.15. Business meeting.
Reports of committees.
Election of officers.
Dr. H. Q. Alexander, of
9.00. from Better
of Mr. W. A.
of Wake county.
.- I
The Free Press Says
He Presides
With Easy Grace.
Maj. W. A. Graham,
of Agriculture.
11.10. Address of Welcome by
President D. D. Hill, of the
and Mechanical College.
11.15. Twentieth Century
A. L. French,
M. and
of Home Fruit As
Sate . Horticulturist S. S.
12.30. John
W. Robinson, of Catawba county.
2.15. When, Where, How
to Use Director C. B.
of the Experiment Station.
3.00. it Pay to
B. W. State Chemist.
4.00. Demonstration, in the field,
of the proper way of selecting seed
corn conducted by Messrs. C B.
T. B. Parker L O. C.
R. Hudson, C. L. Newman, and W. C.
8.00. President's address Hon.
W Blount Washington county.
8.30 in Prof. W.
N. State Department of
7.00 to 10.00. stock
Dairy J. A. Con-
over. Prof. W. F. Turner. Hogs-
Mr. R. S. Curtis Mr. A. L. Freud.
10.00. with Which to
Rid of Cattle Dr. T. M.
U. S. Department of
10.45. Prof. C. L.
Newman, A. and M. College.
11.30. How I Averaged More
Than Bushels of Wheat to
Mr. J. Walter of
Johnson county.
12.15. Business Meeting of Dairy
and Live Stock Association
2.15. Up the Dairy
Mr. Henry P. Lutz, of Ca-
3.00. of
Mr. C. R. Hudson, Stale
3.45. I raised My Acre of
Master Charles H. Phillips.
7.30 to 10.10. stock
Horses, Dr. W. A.
Dr. G. A. Roberts Dr. L. F. Koonce;
Beef Cattle, Mr. J. A. Conover, Mr.
R. S. Curtis.
10.00 and Silo
Mr. J. A. Conover, U. S. Department
of Agriculture.
10.45. stock Dr.
S. Wheeler, or the Baltimore Es-
Superior court convened this
morning for the trial of criminal
cases only with Judge H. W.
bee, of Greenville, presiding. Hie
honor opened court promptly on the
stroke of ten o'clock and declared
his intention at the start of conduct-
the business with the greatest dis-
patch consistent with proper
and set the hours from
a. m. to p. m allowing one h
noon recess.
His honor's charge was plain,
and comprehensive. It de-
livered with an easy grace
be fitting to an older wearer of the
ermine than who
has been on the bench but about a
month. Hp reviewed crimes and pun
In North Carolina and call-
ed the attention of the jury to the
Importance of their duties in making
diligent Inquiry into all matters
coming before them. The charge
was delivered in a dignified manner
and made a strong impression upon
the minds of the bar spectators. In
all disputed Judge
were quick, crisp and de-
livered with firmness and confidence.
He has presence, temperament and
knowledge of the Free
The following invitation has been
received by friends in
and Mrs. W. R Ware request
the honor of your presence at the mar-
of their daughter, Clara
tine, to Mr. Clarence Arthur
Tuesday evening, September
sixth, nineteen hundred and ten. at
eight o'clock. Summit Avenue,
Greensboro, N.
Court is increasing the size of the
chain gang.
D. W. I
H And Provisions m
H Cotton Bagging and
H . i
to Delegates.
The college will furnish rooms
free. Meals cents each. Members
of the convention will please bring
sheets, towels, and one blanket. Ask
railroad agents for certificates to get
reduced rates.
Keep your temper. The man who
it gets under the collar and
is in danger of having all the starch
taken out of him.
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina
Good Cotton for This
Mr. B. B. WhiChard, of Carolina
township, who to a Juror at court
this week, tells us that he has twenty-
four acres of cotton this year from
Which he hopes to pick twenty bales.
That is good cotton for the season
that came early in the growing
this year.
Fodder Pulling.
Messrs. As there seem to
be so many that object to cutting
and curing corn in the shock, I will
give some of my failures and
My first and only failure
with the first that I ever cut. I
about one-fourth of that. Soon
round that it was too green when cut.
Since that time I have always let my
corn get ripe before cutting, and
have never had any trouble.
I dad that I get much more
feed and much better corn from
cutting and curing in the shock than
I did when I pulled fodder. In fact,
that seems to be the only way that
I could do now, for there is so much
work attached to pulling off the
that I could never think of
it again as a mode of getting rough-
for my stock. When I did pull
I was always short when spring came
and my cows were not so fascinating
the first of April; but bad they
looked, I sawed off any of their
horns for the hollow horn or split
their tales for the worm in the tail,
that is so prevalent in the spring.
Stokes County, N. C.
Progressive Farmer.
The Up-to-date Hardware
is the place to buy you Paint,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Fine
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints-
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
your orders now with them and you will be
Special attention to our
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
N. C.

The Carolina Home and Farm The Reflector.
I r,
F. D.,
phone, Trolley and Good
Roads Are .
the Farm.
Copyright, 1910, by American Press
THE farm is no longer the
lated, lonely place that it used
to be or that many people
seem to think it is yet. Farm-
under modern conditions is a
and in most coses is coming to
be run in a business way. The first
step in the modernizing of the farm
came with the introduction of the
free delivery in 1807. Put in at first
as a sort of experiment, a concession
to the insistent demands of the
grange and other or-
It spread rapidly and soon
became indispensable. It was a potent
factor in waking up the farmers. One
of the first and greatest results was
that the dally paper for the farm was
made a possibility.
Before the advent of the rural free
delivery the farmer who kept within
a week of the markets was doing well.
As a result ho usually managed to
strike all the slumps in the market
when he had stock or grain to soil.
With a market paper delivered at his
gate each morning he could follow
prices of farm produce closely and
take advantage of a rising market.
This one factor alone has paid the cost
of the rural free delivery many times
The market reports were not the
only part of the paper that benefited
the farmer. He no got his news
a week old, but Lad it served up
most as hot as If be had lived in town.
This daily contact with the things that
were happening In the world bright-
him up, rubbed off the dust and
gave him a new interest in life.
The shiftless farmer who went to
town two or three times a week on the
pretense of the only to
waste half a day or so each time and
maybe come home in the
was deprived of his excuse
and fell into the habit of spending his
extra time fixing up about the place.
The farmer who had boon
became more enterprising
and more time to put his ideas
Info ;
A with the It. F. D. came better
i, when the farmer did go to
town lie could make the trip In much
less I hue than he did before. Ills
papers and magazines made him as
well informed as any of the business
men of the town. The days of the
were numbered.
Alone with the It. F. D. came a
increase in cue circulation
the agricultural papers. The old type
of papers edited by men who had seen
little of farming except from a car
window came to an end about this
time, and their places were taken by
papers edited by men who had grown
up on the soil and who had never got
very far away from it. These pa-
taught the farmers the value of
better methods. They taught what
these methods were and how they
could be applied. Above all, they in-
spired the farmers to do the best they
knew how, to respect their calling and
to put It on a business basis.
Along with the It. F. D. came the
telephone. Some of the first-lines were
little more than cheap instruments
to a barbed wire fence, but
served the purpose. Then follow-
ed lines put up willow poles and
finally modern lines substantially
built and as efficient us money could
buy. An automatic device to prevent
any one listening except the parties
talking is in use some localities.
Most communities prefer the party
line, however, because of its social
features. Often after supper on a
stormy winter evening some one will
put In a general call and furnish some
instrumental music for the benefit of
every one on the line. Then some one
else sing a song, some one will
run off a few musical records on a
phonograph, and an otherwise lonely
evening will be passed pleasantly.
Immediately after dinner Is generally
conceded to he the
hour at the phone. They will stand
and visit, often a dozen of them at a
time, until the proverbial loneliness of
farm life is entirely forgotten.
The principal use of the telephone is
for business. The modern farmer re-
lies upon his telephone as much
does the business man. Most of the
lines are connected with the
central switchboard in town, so that
a toll call will get any one In the
or In the state. Market and
reports are out over the rural
lines at certain hours each day. If the
market Is especially good the farmer
can call up the local buyer and con-
tract his hogs once, or If he prefers
he can call up the railway freight of-
and arrange to have a stock car
ready for him the next morning. In
most communities the practice of
at thrashing time Is
followed. This used to necessitate
a day's work notifying the neighbors,
and then frequently it all had to be
dine over again on account of a break-
down to the machine or bad weather.
Now the notifying is nil done in a few
moments by phone.
On many occasions a prompt
phone call has brought the nearest
doctor to the bedside of a sick child
who would no I have lived until a trip
could made to town for the doctor.
This is of the reasons that a
phone Is seldom taken out after It has
once been put In. In a hundred minor
ways the telephone has become
to the farm folk. Often after tho
farmer has left for town his wife will
think of something she wants him to
get. All she has to do is to call up the
store where he does his trading and
leave a message for him. When tho
young folks want to give a party the
telephone will quickly bring In every
one In the neighborhood. A stray
horse Is soon located and brought back
borne. In weather too bad for the mall
carrier to get through Important let-
can received over the
One other step Is necessary to enable
the farmer to make the greatest use of
tho rural free delivery and tho
It Is the parcels post. Local
merchants objected to a parcels
post on tho ground that It would favor
the mall order houses at their expense.
This can be overcome by giving a low-
rate to packages that go over a rural
route only. A parcels post of this kind
been recommended by the post-
master general. Ho figures that It
would prove profitable for the govern-
turning the postal deficit into a
a in
operation, on the free rural delivery
routes the connection of the farmer
with the town will be complete. lie
can order parcels from town and have
them delivered at his door a. few hours
later. Things which he cannot get in
his local town he can procure from a
mail order house in two or three days.
The farmers are united in demanding
this convenience, and it Is bound to
come before long.
The final step in the emancipation
of tho farmer was taken when the
line and tho automobile came Into
general use. The trolley has meant
better schooling for his children. It
has brought theaters, lectures and bet-
churches within reach of the
family. Best of all. the
with the cities has brought about
a much needed awakening of the
try schools and the country churches.
The trolley is a great convenience In
taking produce to market. Most of
the cars will stop at any farmhouse
or crossroads to pick up a can of
cream, a orate of chickens or a pas-
Trolley lines are u great
tor In hastening the to the
movement. The farmer who
lives near a trolley line has no desire
to go to town because he has all the
conveniences of both town and
Wherever a trolley line punctures a
city the crowded population spreads out
Into the country. At flirt the city
move Into the country only to have
a place to live while still
carrying on their business in the city.
Once in the country few of them ever
regret the change. Most of them say
that they would not go back to the
city to live under any consideration.
What the trolley lines are doing for
the more thickly settled districts, good
roads, automobiles and driving horses
are doing for those communities which
are not yet densely enough populated
to support a trolley line. The good
roads movement started with ad-
vent of the R. F. D. While country
roads in many places are far from be-
ideal as yet, still the length of
time they are not fairly passable
has been reduced to a minimum. Most
Of the main roads are well graded, and
nearly every farmer has a road drag
with which to keep the road bis
farm smooth. Graveled roads are be-
coming common, and macadamized
and oiled roads are being extended
into the country.
All these modern Improvements have
added much to the profits of farming.
They have added more to pleasures.
They have given to the farmer ad-
of the city without taking
away any of the advantages of the
They have made tho farm the
Ideal niece to live.
When the digestion is all right, the
of the bowels regular, there Is
a natural craving and relish food.
When this lacking you know
that you need a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver They
strengthen the digestive organs,
prove the appetite and regulate the
bowels. Sold by all druggists.
Advertising Apothegms,
full of snap and all the way from
spices its August
Advertising keeps a business
It tones up its liver, strengthens
its biceps, steadies heart and
keeps its nerves in order.
Once in a while in m decides
that he is doing too business
that he can stop advertising for a
while and run on
Momentum is the gradual process
toward a full stop.
The momentum business is usually
prematurely by the
Straight left jab of the well-trained
competitor who finds his opening in
the fiftieth round.
If you want to stay in business
stay in the advertising field.
No matter how much business you
are doing, keep on the energy that
makes it.
You might as well cut off your
legs because you are running well in
a foot race as to cut off your
because your business is too
You might as well tell the
man that you are so healthy
you will drop the policy for a few
years as to stop advertising because
the order's are pulling up.
need the eventful
to do
Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
Colored Farmer.
Beverly of town-
ship, one of the largest and most
colored farmers in the State
spent Thursday In Charlotte, return-
to his home yesterday.
much cotton do you expect
Beverly was asked.
was the matter-
response, given without the
least hesitation and without any
fort to boa-t. is one of tho
best known and most popular colored
citizens in Anson county, one who has
always set a good example to his
He enjoys the of the white
people lotto
Greenville People Have a Weak
Part mid too Often It's the Back
Everyone has a weak spot.
Too often it's the back.
Twinges follow every sudden twist.
Dull aching keeps up, day and night.
you the kidney needs help
For backache is really kidney-
A kidney cure Is what you need.
Pills cure kid-
Cure headache and ills.
Good proof is the following state-
Jackson Baxter, Bonner street,
Washington, N. C, suffered
from kidney and bladder trouble for
a long time. The kidney secretions
were scanty at times, while at others
profuse, and the passages were at-
tended with pain. I had severe back-
aches and constant, gnawing pains
through my was feeling
miserable when I heard about
Kidney Pills and began their use.
They gave me such great relief that
I obtained a further supply and since
using this, pains across my back have
disappeared I can heartily
mend Kidney Tills to anyone
troubled by kidney
For by all dealers. Price
coats. Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the
take no other.
Our Greenville, Yours if You Come.
Become Solid on a Business
Col. Theodore Roosevelt addressed
ex-President's message the
South yesterday in the form of
to Charles
Hull Davit, Chairman of the South-
Congress, at Peters-
burg, Va. He said could not
the opportunity of addressing ice con-
but hoped that
trip to California in March,
when he will pass through the South-
it can be arranged that
the meet in one of the cities
he will visit, so he can make a
to It.
In his letter Col. Roosevelt said
that the former misunderstanding
about the South Is disappearing i
this and in other countries, and he
hopes for a complete dissipation of
that misunderstanding. He
good American must hope
to see a real solid South in the sense
of solid business prosperity in the
South; for all good Americans now
realize that the prosperity of any
part of the country helps the pros-
of the whole, and the prosper-
of the whole will grow faster and
stand on the most durable
only when we effectively re-
that the words
and have only a
young men of the South must
look forward and not backward. The
whole nation needs their strength.
If they fail to do their best for the
part of the country in which they
live, they wrong not only the South,
but the whole nation, for every effort
by the nation's sons to benefit the
place where those sons live is an
effort for the nation as a whole.
nation is thrilling with ideals
at this very moment, and these Ideals,
relate to constructive work in the
future. The South must do its full
share in realizing it, and from now on
it must participate In full In the so-
of all the national
was a part of Col. Roosevelt's advice.
Concluding his letter, Col Roosevelt
statue of Gen. Lee, In
uniform, stands in the halls of
Congress today, and his memory is
honored no more by the South than
it is by the North; and in the North
as in the South alike, I think we are
now learning to apply absolutely in
good faith the great words of Grant
Let us have
part played by the South In
the constructive statesmanship of our
nation during all our earlier years
was of Incalculable weight and value.
I firmly believe that the time has now
come when the South's influence will
again be felt not only in constructive
statesmanship but in the enormous
field of constructive business en-
York World.
led With Wilson Second,
With the sales of leaf tobacco in
the warehouses in North Carolina.
amounting to pounds in
1908-1909, the sales for 1903-1910.
from August to August, were In ex-
of figured and amounted
to pounds.
In these great sales of leaf
co, Winston led with sales of
pounds, the markets of
Greenville and Rocky
Mount coming next in the largest
of sales At first hand the sales
amounted to pounds;
sales re-sales
the total being
The sales in the leading markets
of the as reported to the North
Carolina Department of Agriculture
Winston .
Wilson .
Rocky Mount.
Struck a Rich Mine.
W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., says
he struck a perfect mine of health In
Dr. King New Life Pills for they
cured Dim of liver and kidney trouble
after years of suffering. They are
the Lent pills on earth for
malaria, headache, dyspepsia, de-
at all Druggists.
is a dangerous disease,
but can be cured. Iain's Col-
Cholera and Remedy has
been successfully used in
of It has never been
known to fail. It is equally valuable
for children and adults, and when re-
In water and sweetened, It is
pleasant to take. Sold by all drug-
We hope many Reflector
will call at the office to get sub-
receipts when they come to
Common Sense in the Public Schools.
The public, especially the fathers
and mothers, will hail with
the first symptoms of a tendency
to return common sense methods
mi the public school system -f a large
city. Chicago is the place, and Mrs.
Ella Young, superintendent of
schools, .- UM daring educator who
possesses sufficient nerve to take
hold stand the sane education of
children. One of her first orders was
that tho previous, time-honored sys-
of requiring all pupils to write,
or attempt to write ft hand
he abolished. With refreshing
the says, business man
f today does not care whether the
clerk writes the vertical or slant
method; what is wanted is a good
plain penmanship which can he
Young is absolutely correct,
end is evidently not unacquainted
with the frequent result of forcing a
child to adopt a style of penmanship
foregoing to its nature, for
hand Writing is far more
than tho shape of nose,
or She has also de-
that, in her judgment, the
ability of every boy and girl to swim
is of quite as great importance as a
knowledge of grammar. Hence, pro
Vision Will be made at once for swim-
ming tanks iii charge of competent
instructors, first in all high schools,
lo which tho grammar pupils will
so come, until facilities are provided
In every school house in the city.
II. II. Windsor, In the Popular Me-
leave Raleigh effective
3.45 a. Atlanta, Birmingham,
points West, Jackson-
ville and Florida points,
for Charlotte and
with coaches and parlor car. Con-
With steamer for Washing-
ton, Baltimore, New
12.05 a. Richmond, Wash-
and New York Pullman
day coaches and dining car.
Connects at Richmond With C.
O. Cincinnati and points West,
at Washington with Pennsylvania
railroad and B. o. tor
points west.
p. Atlanta, Charlotte.
Wilmington, Birmingham, Memphis
and points West. Parlor cars to
6.00 p. m., No. for
Louisburg, Henderson oxford, and
p. Atlanta, Birmingham,
Memphis and points West, Jack-
and all Florida points.
Pullman sleepers. Arrive Atlanta
a. m.
12.45 p. Richmond 4.20 a.
m., Washington 7.40 a. m., New
York p. m. Pullman sleepers lo
Washington and dining car
C. B RYAN, U. P. A.
Portsmouth, Va.
H. D. P. A.
Raleigh. N. C.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for sheriff of Pitt county, sub-
to the of the Democratic
primary. J. MARSHAL
I hereby announce myself a can-
for sheriff of county, sub-
to the action of the Democratic
primary. S. I. DUDLEY.
I beg to submit myself to the dis-
of the Democratic voters of
Pitt count at the coining primaries
for County Surveyor.
W. C.
I hereby announce myself a can-
for the office of slier of Pitt
county, subject to the Democratic
I hereby announce myself a can-
for county treasurer of Pitt
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. W. B. WILSON
It is time com-
Staggers Skeptics.
That a clean, nice, fragrant com-
pound like Salve
will Instantly relieve a bad burn, cut,
scald, wound or piles, staggers
tics. But great cures prove it's a won-
healer of the worst sores,
bolls, felons, eczema, skin
as also chapped hands, sprains
and corns. Try it. at all Drug-
Write, phone or
J. L CO.,
Your Wants
as they are
for everything
in the Florist's
I hereby announce myself a can-
for the office of Treasurer of
Pitt county, subject to the action of
the Democratic primary.
C. T.
I hereby announce myself a
ate for Constable of Greenville town-
hip, subject to the action of the
primary of the township.
I hereby announce myself a
tor Constable of Greenville town-
hip, subject to the action of the Dem-
primary. G. A. JACKSON
I hereby announce myself a
rate for Constable of town-
ship, subject to the action of the Dom-
primary. AMOS F. LANG
d ii
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed. Oil Barrels,
Turkeys, Oak Bedsteads, Mat-
etc. Suits, Baby Carriages,
Go-Carts, Parlor Suits, Tables,
Lounges Sales, P. and Gail
Ax Snuff, High Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry Ci-
gars, Canned Cherries, Peaches,
Syrup, Jelly, Meat, Flour, Sugar
Coffee, Soap, Lye, Magic Food, Mat-
Oil Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds Oranges, Apples, Nuts.
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currants, Raisins, Glass,
and Wooden ware, Cakes
and Crackers, Cheese,
best Butter, New Royal Sewing Ma-
chines, and numerous other goods
Duality and quantity for cash.
Come to see me.
I here by announce myself a can-
for constable of Greenville
township, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
I hereby announce myself a
date for constable of township.
subject to the action of the Demo-
primary of said township.
For House of
To the Democratic voters of Pitt
I hereby announce myself a
date for the House of
from the county of Pitt, sub-
to the Democratic primary, to
be held on the 10th day of September,
For House of Representatives.
To the Democratic voters of Pitt
I hereby announce myself a
date tor the House of
from the county of Pitt, sub-
to the Democratic primary, to
be held on the 10th of September,
1910. JNO. T. THORNE.

me km and Te tit
Published by
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor.
Subscription, one year, . .
rates may be had upon
application at the business office in
The Reflector Building, corner Evans
and Third streets.
All cards of thanks and resolutions
of respect will be charged for at
cent per word.
Communications advertising
dates will be charged for at three
cents per line, up to fifty lines.
Application for entry as second
class matter at the post office at
Greenville, N. C, pending.
Son-in-law Nick says
can never be speaker. Re-
ally the old man must be about to
Japan is getting real American in
ways. She has annexed Korea.
They must want office bad when
they run as independent candidates.
And Mr. T. Roosevelt made Mr.
Taft sit up and take notice.
The summer ice bill is about as
much of a as the winter fuel,
They will RAP Mr. Cooley when it
comes voting time up in the fourth
It turns out that Mr. Roosevelt
was not altogether as big a man in
New York as he thought he was.
It does not take much walking or
riding around Greenville to convince
you that the town is growing,
The fashion sheets say the airship
hat will be the style this fall. Guess
it gets its name from the high flying
It is said Heinz, the man, is
going to wed an actress. Must be
looking for more
Just watch them cry for Roosevelt
when he gets through with that
Western speech making tour.
You could not expect the breach
to stand open long between Teddy
and Bill. An election is on.
John D. Rockefeller has drawn the
line on going up in a flying machine.
He says the things are too dangerous
to suit him.
Charlotte is to get some of the big
folks, too. Vice President Sherman
is to visit that city and make a speech
sometime in October.
Ten miles of the Panama canal
have been computed, but that is not
saying how long it will be before the
balance of it is done.
The farmer who brings along some
produce to sell when he comes to
town is not in much danger of being
short on pocket change.
Nebraska Democrats turning down
Bryan and New York Republicans
turning down Roosevelt gives an idea
of some of the capers of present day
That Indian affairs investigation
out in Oklahoma, growing out of the
charge of attempted bribery made by
Senator Gore, is proving many things
which were at first flatly denied,
The deaf mutes of North Carolina
are soon to hold a convention in
Durham, and we'll bet that Joe King
gets off spicy in the
Herald about what they say.
Maybe a self government plank h
just a blank that governs itself, with-
knowing what it is going
to do next.
Hon. Thomas P. Gore, the blind
Senator of Oklahoma, has accepted
an Invitation to deliver an
in Durham, at an early date,
the auspices of the Elks. North Car-
will be glad to have him visit
the State.
The nomination of Mayor Stedman
by the Democrats and of Mr. Blair
by the Republicans means that the
sixth district will have a Democratic
congressman next time-.
The meeting of the Atlantic water-
ways association in Providence next
week is expected to give a great
to the movement for an inland
waterway from Massachusetts to
There is this thing about the
recent change of chairman the Re-
publican party in North Carolina got
Morehead than they had before.
Whether any better pie distribution
will follow remains to be seen.
One reason for their getting to-
is that Mr. Taft knows that
Mr. Roosevelt could get it himself if
he would Just say he wants it.
Mr. Roosevelt has got dander
up, and Is calling folks liars about
the report that he had sent an
to President Taft demanding
that Vice President Sherman's
as temporary chairman of the
New York convention be repudiated
They are feeling so sure of Can-
retirement as speaker that they
are already looking about for his
The old man is going to give
them a fight before he turns loose his
One might be led to think from the
action of the New York Republican
committee that a vice president is a
bigger man than an ex-president. But
the latter only a has been, and may-
be that accounts for it.
The Butlers are wanting everything
in reach this time, but Marion is not
going to be able to pull George
through for congress in the third
district. Still by George making the
run he hopes to be in line to get
something from the administration.
The Democrats are keeping up their
record for carrying the be-
fore the votes are
And the Republicans are keeping
up their record of claiming every-
thing which they never carry.
Some Republicans are saying that
the self plank in
the recent Republican platform
plied to the prohibition question,
while others say it had no reference
to that at all. Looks like it was put
there to mean anything handy.
A Philadelphia girl stole a march
on the old man by dressing In her
father's clothes and eloping. H-
sweetheart did not object to her v a
the trousers for the time
if she just won't develop a to
keep it up.
A South Dakota man, awakened by
falling pans and rattling of tinware
concluded that had entered
his kitchen He went to investigate
and found that rattlesnakes had
taken possession of the room. He
dispatched the reptiles without
to resort to snake bite cure.
The report of the Agricultural
Department shows that the markets
in Pitt county sold about sixteen
millions pounds of tobacco the past
fiscal year. Tobacco is only one of
the county's crops, and Pitt pro-
more of this than any other
county. There is not a better farm-
section to be found.
R. W. Vincent, of the Charlotte
entitled to a high
the school of prophets. Two weeks
ago in a special sent from Morehead
City, where he was sojourning at
time, he predicted that D. II.
of was going to be
the Republican nominee for
in the fifth district. The committee
met in Greensboro Saturday and
nominated him.
guessing whose bank account it can
hereafter look to for support. Dun-
can has heretofore been bearing most
of the burden, but since his defeat
for chairman he has withdrawn his
check book from The News.
Butler and Morehead will put
their barrels on
R. A. P. Cooley, of Nashville, is
acting in bad health by coming out as
an independent candidate for congress
in the fifth district. He was a
gate to the convention that
J. H. and it was on his
motion that the nomination was made
by acclamation. His action in now
coining out as an independent
date gives comfort to the Republicans,
to whom he looks for support, but
the election is going to show him the
mistake he has made.
Thomas J. Pence, Washington City
correspondent of the News and Ob-
server, gives an interesting story of
how Marion Butler after getting back
to Washington from North Carolina,
tried to palm off seven page type writ-
ten interview on the correspondents
of the big papers, and was much
prised the next morning to find that
not one of the papers had printed it.
Marion is foxy, but he don't catch the
newspapers every time.
Thousands of North Carolinians
have migrated to all parts of the
country. This State has played a
great part in the winning of the west
and in the development of all sec-
North Carolina variably,
pluck and ability have proved note-
able factors in many other States.
People from the Old North State have
set their mark everywhere, but have
never lost their love for their mother
State, North Carolina. Complete
have been made for a
great Jubilee and Re-
for all persons born in North
Carolina; this to be held at Raleigh
during the fiftieth State Fair,
17-22. Mayor J. S. Wynne is
chairman and Fred. A. Olds
of the committee which has this
mater in charge and they desire to
an invitation to deliver an address
far as possible, of any people from
this community who now reside in
other States, in order that invitations
be sent them.
Congressman gave out
a very sensible interview yesterday in
which he repudiate Cannon. The
last sentence, however, spoiled the
effect it would have had when he said
that what he did say did not emanate
from any other source; intimating
that his father-in-law did not tell him
to say it. Nicholas Long worth
quite an able young man and won his
supra before he got into the
family. He is at a little
vantage in having such a prominent
father-in-law, but it is necessary
for him to emphasize this
Point Enterprise.
The recent change in leadership
of the Republican party in this State
put the Greensboro News to
If your liver is sluggish and out of
tone, and you feel dull, con-
take a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver tablets tonight be-
fore retiring and you will feel all
right in the morning. Sold by all
J. .
Other Great Sanitary Victories.
The mortality from diphtheria
one of the most dreaded dis-
eases, has been reduced since 1895
per cent. Do you realize what
this means it being
the estimate on the census reports
lives are saved every year in
the United States alone. This is due
to by Bearing an
antitoxin as a cure and preventive of
this disease. The French and Ger-
man governments gave Behring
as a prize, for what they con-
the discovery most beneficial
to the man that was made between the
years 1850 and 1900.
Typhoid fever has had its mortality
reduced per cent during the last
forty years. Many cities have re-
their typhoid mortality from
to per cent by installing filters
for their public water supply. Many
of these cities have still further re-
their typhoid death rate by
providing dairy inspection. After a
pure water and milk supply have been
provided, the remaining cases will
disappear just in proportion as the
sanitary intelligence of the
grows. And the food for this
growth must be furnished by the press
and public schools.
Tuberculosis, certainly the greatest
mortality from consumption or
yielding just in proportion to the ex-
tent of the educational campaign
waged against it. For example, in
Germany, with its present rate of dis-
ease continuing thirty years, the dis-
ease, will be exterminated.
During the last half century the
mortality form consumption or
among the English people
has dropped per cent. In Eng-
land and Wales from 1870 to 1906 the
mortality was reduced about per-
cent. Should the present rate of
decrease in England continue forty
years, that country will be free from
the disease.
Prussia, in the twenty years be-
tween 1886 and 1906, has reduced her
tuberculosis death rate about per
In five Eastern States and ten cit-
of the United States the tuber-
mortality has been reduced
per cent since 1887.
setts, the foremost State in the
in public health work, has
her tuberculosis death rat e per
cent during the last fifty years.
State Board of Health Bulletin.
About The Farmer
Says the Griffin. Ga.,
longer does the plowman home-
ward plod his weary way.
No indeed. The plowman plods
no more; and seldom is he weary.
He is about the
gentleman in all
Things are coming his
in clusters, bunches, and festoons,
we might say.
There was a time when the farmer
was a humble citizen, whose
pal business was paying the fiddler
and voting cheap skates in political
offices. Now all that is changed. The
farmer is the most independent, up-
to-the-minute, got more where that
individual at large and
around and about the country He
is the cock of the walk; and it is his
walk, to a large and more or less
extensive extent, moreover. We
know all this must be so because the
newspapers throughout the land are
ringing with it. The to the
slogan has even the
from running a poor
second. Everybody who is anybody,
and everybody else, is patting the
farmer on his broad and amply
clothed back and saying, it
You are It, with a great big
No, sir, The plowman plods his
weary way no more. He scotches it,
inside the speed limit, of course, in an
Judge Ward Makes Instructive
Charge to Grand
Representing State.
hurts us to say it, but it's a fact
which we might as well acknowledge,
that our Southern farmers have the
reputation In the business World of
being slower pay than farmers any-
where else in the United States.
There may have been some excuse
for this in the misfortunes of war
and reconstruction times, but there
is no excuse for it today, and we must
get out of it right away. Every
farmer who either refuses to pay a
debt, or fails entirely to pay it, mus;
not only lose bis self-respect, but he
hurts the reputation of the whole
South. Along with what they are
doing in better farming -methods,
prettier homes, and better roads and
better schools, we hope that , every
member of the Progressive Farmer
and Gazette Family will try to make
a reputation for prompt settlement of
all accounts. It a good thine to
do on one's own account, and it is
also a patriotic duty we owe
Don't laugh at a boy who magnifies
his place. You may see him coming
from the with a big bundle
of his employer's letters, which he
displays with as much pride as though
they were his own. He feels import-
ant, and looks it, but he is proud of
his place. He is attending to
He likes to have the world
know that he is at work for a busy
concern. The boy who says
identifies himself with the concern,
its interest are his. He sticks up for
its credit and reputation. He takes
pleasure in his work and hopes to say
we are in earnest. The boy will reap
what he sows if he keeps his grit and
sticks to his job. You may take off
your hat to him as one of the future
solid men of the town. Let his em-
do the right thing by
check him kindly if he shows signs
of being too big for his place, counsel
him as to his habits and associates,
and occasionally show him a pleasant
prospect of A little
pride does an honest boy a heap of
good. Good luck to the boy who says
The Best Hour of Life
is when you do some great deed or
discover some wonderful fact. This
hour came to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky-
Mount, N. C. when he was suffering
intensely, as he says, the worst
cold I ever had, I then proved to. my
great satisfaction, what a wonder-
Cold and Cough Cure Dr. King's
New Discovery is. For, after taking
one bottle. I was entirely cured. You
can't say anything too good of a
cine like Us and best
remedy for diseased lungs,
Asthma, Hay Fever,
or lung trouble.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all
This is a good season of the year
to invite your unpopular to
visit you. and to give them the
room directly over the kitchen,
Delegates to Waterways Convention.
Among the delegates tor North Car-
named by Governor Kitchin to
the meeting of the Deeper Water-
ways convention in Providence, R.
I. August to September are
T. J. Jar vis and Mayor F. M.
Wooten, of Greenville.
Work for Greenville with us.
The August criminal term of Pitt
Superior court opened at o'clock
Monday morning in the city hall with
Judge G. W. Ward presiding and So-
C. L. Abernathy representing
the State. In calling the jury list
there were very few excuses or ab-
One who was drawn on the
grand jury asked to be excused on
account of deafness. long have
you been asked Judge d
in a moderate low voice, to which the
juror replied ten The
question and answer convinced the
judge that Juror could near well
enough to serve.
The following were drawn as grand
jurors for the
A. J. foreman; M. D.
Iredell Moore, D. M. Johnson,
J. H. Williams, B N. Boyd.
Jesse L. Cherry, J. W. Allen, C. L.
Tyson, J. S. Williams, R. B. Summer-
ell, J. T. Moore, W. J. Smith, W. H.
R. B. Bynum, A. J.
L. D. Phelps, J. J. Oakley.
Judge Ward told the jury in his
charge that great trust rested upon
them, to sit in judgment for the State
on one hand and for the people on
the other, and it was a duty they
should regard with dignity and
The old saying that takes all
sorts of people to make a is
literally and it is not different
in this county from elsewhere. While
it is the sworn duty of a grand juror
to give information of any violations
of law within their knowledge, or
any creditable knowledge from others,
but it is not his duty to act upon the
suggestions of those busy bodies who
are usually around on the first day
or two of court trying to get some-
body indicted, but does not want his
disclosed as the inform-
The grand jury is not a legislative
body. You have seen men go into
the grand jury box with the idea that
certain laws are bad laws and they
will not present any one for viola-
of such laws. That is a species
of anarchy. If a law is a bad law
the to get it repealed is to
enforce it.
Judge Ward then went into a brief
explanation of offenses per-
son, property and society, showing
how fully these are protected by our
The crimes growing out of
honesty could be largely corrected or
prevented if our citizens would take
hold of them at the proper time.
Parents too often, perhaps
implant impressions upon
minds of their children that in
later life lead to dishonesty and crime.
Examples of this in the
man who misrepresents the age of
his child when going upon a rail-
road train, and those who tell their
children in packing up apples or
for market to save out the
larger ones to put on top in order
to make them sell better. This is
planting principles of dishonesty.
Upon the whole Judge Ward's
was very Instructive and
listened to with close attention.
When the solicitor was asked what
lie had for trial, said about
The first case called was J. F. King,
assault with a deadly weapon,
who plead guilty, fined and costs.
Leon carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, fined and
Will Evans, carrying concealed
weapon, guilty lined and
Gorham, assault with dead-
weapon, not guilty; carrying con-
weapon, not guilty.
Marshall Tripp. removing crop, not
disposing of mortgaged prop-
not guilty.
Hebert Boyd and Vernon Taft, as-
sault with deadly pleaded
guilty; judgment suspended upon pay-
of costs.
H. C. Moore and John Moore, affray,
plead guilty.
John Dennis, selling liquor, not
L. H. Lee, false pretense, plead
guilty, judgment suspended upon pay-
of costs,.
Simon Wooten, assault with deadly
weapon, plead guilty.
William Dixon, larceny, plead
guilty, judgment that he be sent to
the State reformatory two years and
pay costs.
D. J. Whichard and J. R. Hutchings.
affray, Whichard not guilty; Hutch-
guilty; fined and costs.
John Allen and J. T. Pope,
affray, guilty, sentenced to
days to roads; Pope not guilty.
John Allen resisting officer,
plead guilty; judgment suspended.
Tom Andrews and Henry Chapman,
cruelty to animals, plead guilty; pay
to owner of animal and costs.
The Farm.
Why do men instinctively love the
farm Business men of city traits of
long standing, whose love for the city
might be thought to be well founded
glow at the mention of the life pro-
farm, whose fertile fields in
the South especially, are yet
Waving fields of grain and
orchards and vineyards aglow with
fruits are calling for someone to
come and get them. The South is the
of from which men
have lately fallen from the abundant
harvest season. the Na-
says your reward will be
many The men who own the
land should see that the earth
her increase, a million acres
of unfilled, unproductive land is of no
use In feeding a nation, and those who
own or control the land will
have to give an account of their
stewardship. Better get to turning
up the soil in the South and see what
is buried beneath its fertile folds. We
should make an effort to induce
ward land working immigration to
Eastern Carolina, if we want to build
up a substantial prosperity for this
community Get busy
To The Democratic Voters.
I would like to a or
representatives to the of Rep-
for the people .
county to vote for. Both men of
intelligence and integrity; men who
v do credit to our county. Out
a young man of more than ordinary
intelligence and to his con-
the other an old Veteran of
of whom no man can say ought
against, a gallant soldier, a true
citizen; possessing all the
could ask T.
and Henry would
the position and cause our
county to take a stand second to no
other county in the state.
This is merely a suggestion of one.
. t

Tie Home and Fan Tie
i I
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Extern
Proceed l
Crew Bel Worsted-OW
Cut and
Monday about o'clock,
when Staton, an old
-truck the Norfolk Southern just
south of the city, walking to his
homo at from Simpson,
where he had been to visit his
ho was a surprised as a
couple of young bucks-Will
JO-MT and Jim out
and told him to put up his hands or
be shot. He wasn't long, however,
about doing what he was told to do,
and while Will Joyner held a pistol
In his face In the great Western
style, Jim White proceeded to do some
The old man was relieved of all
his personal effects, including
a valise and contents and the coat
and shoes which he was wearing,
which he was told to move on
and not lose any time. He thought
it wise to do as he was told and
moved, but he
After Joyner and White had
ed their spoils and had put on the
old man's clothing, discarding theirs
and throwing the valise in a small
stream further down the road, they
proceeded to do some more holding
up, this time striking their match.
A work train was stationed near by
and Joyner betook himself over to
do the job single handed. He slipped
into the caboose from opposite side of
ear where the workmen were out en-
joying the night air. When he walked
out and said hands up. these
were surprised, too, but they
wore so quick recovering and so active
Joyner was almost beaten to death,
while White moved off at a rapid
rate to the boiler room of the ice plant
where he was later found by the
officers. After Joyner received his
whipping he crawled about a hundred
yards out into a field, where he col-
lapsed entirely.
While all this was happening, Alon-
Staton was busy. He waited to
see where the young went
after being certain about them,
he came down town and got Officers
and Jackson who went out
and found the criminals in the places
and condition above mentioned. The
old man identified his belongings
which were returned to him except
die money and valise, which could
not be found.
Joyner and White were given a
preliminary hearing before Justice
of the Peace and were
bound over to the Superior court.
are in jail.
Another Jinn Pleased.
Crops and Other Things In This
Bee Township.
Beaver Dam, Aug.
Dam township was formed
; out of portions of
and and was named by
Mr. Jesse Smith, lie served
I as a county commissioner from
1874 1852. Ho was born on the
hills near Beaver Dam swamp, In
Who e forests he hunted the raccoon
and the squirrel and ate its delicious
and in its waters fished
the porch and catfish. This
good old man died in 1355 at the age
of and sleeps beneath the soil he
love so well.
On July first crops in this section
the poorest in the memory of
the writer, but the warm, copious
movers since then have brought
them to the front, except tobacco.
Nov. the farmer smiles as he walks
over his fields.
Co-n is all the talk. The
have corn patches for the prize
contest, while their fathers are grow
big demonstration corn, and some of
the boys are ahead of the fathers.
Ivey Smith and Moses Move have
corn that is hard to beat, and Wm.
and G. T. Tyson have B-m.
that will make Dr. Knapp and John
Irene Anderson died on the
15th lost at the epileptic home in
he Carolina Home and Farm and the Bittern
We've a
a message
Her remains were brought
home and laid rest in the
burying ground. She was a
of the late Mr. Isaac Anderson, and
by her mother, three
and two sisters.
Mr. Walter Carter, a Confederate
an aged died at the home of
his Mr. Calvin Jones, on
the 16th He was a good and
quiet man old man. I am sorry at
all times to chronicle the death of a
rollover of Lee, for they served III a
war that tired men's
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cobb have re-
from where they
had been enjoying the lard of the
Mrs. J. R- Moore, late of Green-
ville, is visiting Mrs. Nan Tucker.
It the Furn-
of You Home
It's tho first little
you've furn-
and it's going
to be a groat pleas-
You've ideas now
and brat to
lie ideas is you puzzling lOB,
The question needn't be mg,
t of ideas needn't you one
bit. if you'll come to the
We're to r a r.
V .
goods and our prices
and House Furnishings
is not too good for you. When you ant the
I beSt. and prices that are in reach of your pocket
book we can supply your wants.
Greenville, N. Aug.
Mr. H. A. White.
Greenville, N. C.
It gives me pleasure to attest to t
c- s of Maryland Casualty
Company in the adjustment of Its
c- m It has just been one week
since I made proof of claim on ac-
count of r-cert accident which
curred In my saw mill, and I hAve
received check in settlement
accost my appreciation
for this prompt service.
. very truly.
J. M. COX, JR.
Given by Ir. R. L. Carr,
to Miss Guests.
One of the most delightful sails
of the season was given Thursday
evening, by Dr. R. L. Carr.
to Miss Whichard
and her guests. Misses Josephine
Harris, of Wilmington; Bettie Gray
Button, of Susie Perry and
Hazel Mitchell, of Kinston.
The met at the wharf
about seven o'clock. Soon the moon
and added her silvery light to
already pretty scene. For three
short the merry crowd en-
joyed rides up and down Tar
river. About ten o'clock they landed
at Greenville Heights. Here an
lunch was served. After en-
Joying about hour more on the
water they returned to Greenville,
declaring the evening ideally spent.
Those present besides the guests
of honor were Misses Lillian Carr and
Whichard, Norman
Warren, H. L. Carr and Dr. R. L.
Mrs. D. J- diaper-
Taft Boyd Furniture Co
If you trade with us both make money
S Coward Drug Store I
Cream for Sunburns
A cricket makes more noise than o
hornet, but commands less respect.
Catawba College and Prep. School
Roth Private room, and b rd for under
Strung A. B., R. S. and u.
d on new equipment. New furniture.
unsurpassed. rates very
ate. B-ard at ac coat club pan.
Newton, N, C.
J. R.
How seldom it is that one can purchase for a
small figure a fabric that will give entire
faction, both in looks and wear. Brilliant in
colorings and will not fade, though in contact
with either sunshine or shower, in fact a beau-
SILK that will wash like white linen, re-
its beauty of color and quality.
is the only Silk that will
seen this
do this. Have you
Many will try to imitate this new creation of
the manufacturer's art. Few will succeed.
. J. G.
J. R. J. G.
e Leaders Greenville, N. C.
Miss Helen G. Arnold Weds Alaskan
Miss Helen Gertrude Arnold,
of Mr. and Mrs. T. Reese Arnold,
was married yesterday at p. in.,
in Methodist Episcopal
church, to Clifton Culvert
King. United States Deputy Marshal
of Alaska, with headquarters at Tel-
Alaska, Rev. T. T. Copes, pastor
of the church, performed the
and a reception followed in
the home of the bride.
The bride, who was given away by
her father, wore a robe of crepe,
trimmed in Irish point lace over mes-
saline, with tulle veil, caught with
orange blossoms, and carrying a
shower bouquet of bride roses and
ferns. The flower girl was Miss
Reese Arnold, of Pa., niece
of the bride. Miss Katie F. Evans,
of Chester, Pa., was maid of honor
and was gowned in chiffon muslin
and carried pink carnations.
The other attendants were Mrs.
John O. Cockney and Mrs. T. Henry
Peon. Mr. D. King, of Durham,
N. C, brother of the groom, was best
man, with John O. Cockney, Wilbur
Hicks T. Mercer,
Phillip as ushers. Mrs.
Ida of played the
wedding march.
After a tour, which will include
New York, Buffalo, Niagara, the Lake
Shore to Cleveland, Detroit to
go by boat, Milwaukee and St. Paul,
there taking the Line to Moose-
head, Canada, then to
over the Canadian Pacific into Van-
British Columbia; to
Louise, Seattle and Portland, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. King will then take the
steamer Victoria, at Seattle, Wash.
Crossing the Pacific Ocean, they will
inter the Behring Sea at Pass,
to Nome, Alaska, then over-
and with dog teams to Teller, which
s situated on Port Clarence
Jay, where they will make their
Mr. King, who was a former
dent of Greenville, N. C, was appoint-
ed a year ago to the position he now
Mr. Arnold, the bride's father, is
superintendent of bonded warehouses
at the port of Baltimore, under Col-
Option Platform and an
dental Touch on Duncan.
Four of sonic note
were on the train that left here this
morning for North Wilkesboro. J.
Run Henderson, of Wilkesboro,
returning from the Republican State
convention at Greensboro. J. Run
explained that he remained over for
a few days to add a little strength
to that paragraph in the platform re-
to local self government The
at Wilkesboro explain-
ed that he endeavored to make this
plank so plain on the subject of local
option that it would not be
stood, but it appears that a majority
of the platform committee were too
weak-kneed to accept Henderson's
The other members of the party
consisted of District Attorney Holton,
who was to Wilkesboro to at-
tend Wilkes Superior Court; E. O.
Masten, of Guilford College, also en
route to the State of Wilkes. and C.
M. Bernard, of Raleigh, who was
going to Pinnacle to look after his
interest in the old Pilot Mountain.
A member of the party
The Sentinel to say that Mr. Bernard
was the man who was succeeded in
the office of district attorney of the
eastern district by Harry Skinner,
who secured the job through the in-
of one E. C. Duncan, who re-
had Skinner ousted on account
of some
may add, said Mr. Her-
in the recent fight over
the State chairmanship, that we
routed Duncan in his own ward and
A school organized and maintained for one de-
and women
for teachers. The regular session opens Tues-
day, September
For and information, address
ROBT. H. WRIGHT. President,
North Carolina.
; Greenville,
Roofing Sheet
Shop Repair Wort, J j I f M If
Tabasco in Season, see J-
Metal Work, f
Washington and Both t
Taxes From Long Bridge.
Information from Washington and
counties is that the county
commissioners of those two counties
are each hot after the taxes from the
i bridge of Norfolk
Southern Railroad across the
Sound, and that there is a .-
as to the proper division
the tax assessments.
The information is that
is claiming for the entire
bridge as far the Washington
county water line, while the insist-
of the county com-
missioners is that they are entitled
to taxes on the value of the bridge
to mid-channel. It probable that
the matter will have to be settled by
the courts unless there is some agree-
and Observer.
sure and take a bottle of
Colic, Cholera and
Remedy with you when starting on
your trip summer. It is not on
board trains or steamers. Changes of
water and climate often cause sudden
attacks of and it is best
to be prepared. Sold by all druggists.
Worrying can't undo what has been
done and it only handicaps present
accomplishment and future success.
Those days of puffs and rats no
woman need grow in service.
In Better
Cent, of Average.
Following is an extract from the
general crop report of the New
Orleans Times-Democrat, August
which gives the report of Pitt
Greenville, N. C, Aug. Since
last there has been a marked
Improvement in the condition of th i
cotton crop in Pitt county. The
generally is believed to be
fully per cent. The damage men-
in the last report as being
caused by root lice has disappeared,
and there has been no insect damage
in the past month. The maturity of
the plant as compared with last year
is about same.
There will hardly be any free move-
of the crop in this section be-
fore about Oct. The farmers
would be very willing to sell at pres-
prices if they had any ready mar-
The plant is larger and better
fruited than it was at the this time
last year. A month it was es-
that only about per cent.
of a crop would be made In
county, but with the good weather
and improvement during the month
it is now per of
average crop will be reached. The
farmers very much more hope-
and in better spirits
proved prospects.
Greenville, Yours if You

The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
Authorized Agent of The Carolina Home and Farm and The
Eastern Reflector for den and vicinity.
Advertising rates furnished
Ayden, N. C, Aug. 1910
There were two Assyrians
direct from Damascus last week
neither one can speak English. The
were shipped by number.
On or about the of June m
white female bobtailed rat
dog, strayed from Hotel mount. Has
a black spot on his is
smart, and answers to the name o
Information leading t
bis recovery will be rewarded. W
S. Blount. i
Tie remains of Mr. G. W.
were brought here from
for interment Wednesday. He
for some time a resident of
and was a wise and safe
was prominent as a citizen and
was an old time, high tone
gentleman, was buried with
honors In Ayden cemetery.
floral tribute was lovely.
Protect your house against the
Hies and mosquitoes by putting In
set of the Improved Screen
and Doors made by J. R. Smith Mfg
While J. It. Smith Co. were opening
a bill of goods Wednesday, they re
moved the lid from a small box
was packed with waste they discover
ed a bill lodged therein. Mr.
is holding the money and has writ
ten the house this unusual occurrence
See John C. Noble, at Ayden,
got a rate on your pack barn and to
It may be the means of
your year's work for a few dimes
Miss Clara Cox, a brilliant
lady of our town, left a few days
for Kinston to become a
nurse. She has an eye that
sleeps and a nerve that never tires
We are sure she will succeed.
Corn, Oats and Hay at J R. Smith
Mr. John Howard who has been
assisting Mr. W. II. Alexander, our
artist, has resigned and ac-
a position with Tripp, Hart
Screen Doors made to order or re-
paired on short notice at J. R. Smith
At this writing the jolly farmers
are driving in with their golden
weed, the warehouse trucks are run-
at full speed , and roll
distant thunder. The price reminds
us of the happy days of 1902, when
we do not remember of seeing a mad
hereby announce a can-
for township constable, sub-
to the action of the Democratic
primary of township.
A. L.
Son of Aaron
The Water has abated iii Swift
crook, and the Ayden Lumber
work Wednesday morning.
Call, on us for Flooring Celling,
We guarantee
R. Smith Mill.
A large delegation of Mesons,
and friends, accompanied the
remains of Mr. G. W. Cox from
Poultry Food and Hawk
Killer t J. R. Smith
Cement, Hair, Trowels and
las on R. Smith Co.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cox made our
a pleasant call Wednesday,
Ml their way from
there they had been superintending
he placing of monuments at the
of Mrs. Cox's parents.
Do your trading at J. R. Smith
get a chance at the valuable
given away.
Mr. J. C. Gardner and wife, of
are spending a few days
ere around their old home. They
from here a few years ago,
ind are doing well at their new
Another large shipment for the
cents counter Just arrived.
yards of calico for J. R. Smith
The clock at J. R. Smith
was opened Thursday amid a
of shoppers. It stood at
J. J. Stokes won the 42-
set of china, Jesse Hardy, of
the second, a handsome
pitcher, and Mrs. Carrie Faulk-
the third, also a beautiful glass
The five and ten cent counter at
r. R. Smith seem to be very pop-
They sell large dish pans and
Tray stain wash pans at cents
Quite a came up from
sister Grifton Thursday
the base ball team. There
a very interesting game played
the Seminary campus, which
to in favor of Ayden
Our neighbors were very
and welcome guests.
Mr. Richard Wingate has opener
livery stables in the rear of E K
Mr. Edward Dupree, of Lee street,
has just returned from a lit it's
visit to relatives at Ocean View.
Lost, strayed, or black
and white spotted fox terrier puppy,
about four months old, has short
tail. Disappeared about one week
ago. Reward for information leading
to recovery. J. Raymond Turnage,
Ayden, N. C.
Mrs. Leon Armstrong has been on
a two weeks visit to
Columbia, her native home. toll
s the mosquito bites the
sting f a honey bee in the Eastern
I hereby announce myself a
date for subject to
the Democratic primary of Content-
township. W. Cox.
Miss Thurs-
a visit to
The famous eye specialist will be
at J. R. Smith store September
5th and 6th, to fit your and
correct which causes so
much headache.
J. H. Optician.
Mr. E. M. Swain has
family from up in l-e
Another shipment of and
goods for the bargain counters at
J. R. Smith
The carpenters are good
headway on the Seminary repairs.
School will open September 1st.
Cook Stoves and repairs for same at
J. R. Smith
The hearse has been out two days
this week. ,
If you want a stalk cutter, hay
press or engine, read E.
Turnage Son's locals in the Ayden
department of the weekly.
It was a great day in our town
yesterday.--Opening of the tobacco
market, base ball game and
at J. R. Smith store were the
The columns of the Ayden Depart-
are open for any legitimate ads.
even campaign. Business solicited,
is he time to subscribe for the
best daily in Pitt W.
Our sick are all Improving.
Every farmer should have
on his pack barn and tobacco
and probably save a year's work at a
small Jno. C. Noble, at
Ayden, about It
If you have any wants, let us have
them. The improved Daily Reflector
is a great factor for advertising.
We have just received a car of cook
stoves, furniture, carpenter tools,
building material, lime hardware, etc.
J. R. Smith Co.
Ayden, N C, Aug. 1910.
Mr. Matt Slaughter, of Kinston, was
here Saturday.
Call us. phone Let us rent your
houses and for you. sell
your personal Property, Land. Stocks,
lend you money on
Loan Insurance
Mr. W. E. Hook, of Fremont,
spent Monday In our town.
Lime Lime barrels just
R. Smith Co.
We are agents for the
and Mowers and Rakes.
E. Turnage Sons Co.
Miss Pattie Sutton, of
is visiting in town this week.
Wood's turnip and rutabaga seed
at J. R. Smith
Mr. J. R. Smith left Monday for
Norfolk, Baltimore and New York, to
buy fall goods.
Have you ever thought about how
easy it is for your dwelling, pack
barn or any of your buildings to
bum Just as easy as for the other
fellow's. See John C. Noble, at Ayden
and have them Insured. He
none but the best companies.
There was no service at the Chris-
Sunday. Rev. Mr.
ton was in a meeting at Edwards.
Patterns and at
J. R. Smith Co.
The family of Mr. C. L. Parker
rived Monday. They will house
on Lee street. Mr. Parker has a
with the Lumber Co.
and Rubber Belting, Black
and Pipe and other mill
fittings at J. R. Smith Co.
The primary teachers of the Chris-
Sunday school assisted by other
ladies, gave their classes a picnic
at Spring Branch Tuesday. The
enjoyed it wonderfully, amusing
were played and at noon the
dinner was spread. The day will be
long remembered.
See our and cent bargain
R. Smith Co.
Let us express your wants for you
in the Ayden department of The Daily
Reflector; no better medium for ad-
Daily arrivals of new goods at J.
R. Smith
We are representing the oldest and
gait Life and Fire Insurance Co.
In the world. Call us and let us con-
with Loan Trust
Co. Phone
Jesse Braxton, of Reedy Branch
hat purchased the large house and lot
Mr. John O. Cox, and will make
some improvements and run a
for girls for the benefit of the
unary. If we only had more men
With the ginger in them that Mr.
Br; -ton has, we would soon see a
two-story on the
grounds. But we have learn-
ed and
Cement, and
building material at J. R. Smith
A. e you selling out at cost No
mil low, come and see. J. R
Co. has everything you need
KISS Lillian Munn entertained
L. T. Society of little folks Monday
eve- from until o'clock, on the
campus. Refreshments
we served Napoleon held no dear-
i lace in the hearts of his soldiers,
Miss Munn holds in the hearts
of her school.
, is a good time to advertise in
the Ayden department. Sec R. W.
Lev. J. R. left Thursday
to hold a meeting in Selma.
Dr. J. H. the eye
will be at J. R. Smith
Sept. 5th and 6th. He will ex-
and fit your eyes with Dr.
Hawk's celebrated glasses.
buy a good second
hand jointer and R. Smith
Mr. and wife are visiting
their daughter, Mrs. W C.
A nice line of Coffins and
always on hand with a nice at
your service at J. R. Smith Mill.
Mr. Henry tells us he is
going to return to his farm after
If you need a good open or top Bug-
Wagon or Cart, call on J. R. Smith
Co. Dixon.
How about that Hap Press
have been needing We have them
in both mounted and
Turnage Co.
We understand there are two
in the graded school teachers.
Car Cement, Lime, Nails, and Hay,
at J. R. Smith
Miss Florence Blount made a
trip to Grifton Tuesday.
Milk Churns, Preserve Jars, Milk
Coolers, and Mason's Fruit Jars at
J. R. Smith
Mr. of near New Bern,
has accepted a position as bookkeeper
for the Ayden Lumber Company.
J. F. Paints, Varnish, Ker-
Tee Cites and at J. R. Smith
Rev. J. B. Bridgers, of the
M. E. church here, left last week to
hold a series of meetings in Kentucky
and will go from there to Ohio, to
as List his son in a meeting.
Coal Tar, Roof Paint, at J. R.
The family of Mr. J. Frank
are visiting their sister, Mrs.
Joe Ross, in Ghent.
For hereby announce
myself a candidate for township con-
stable to the Democratic
Mrs. Ola Ross and little girl, of
son, are visiting her parents near
Ridge Springs
A vertical lift mower
and a self dump rake are practical
labor savers. We can supply you
Turnage Sons Co.
Mr. F. C. Turnage Is on the sick
Your hay will need bailing this fall.
delay buying a press till it will
be too late. See us at
Sons Co.
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
You can- find almost anything you
want in Shoes, Has, Dry Goods, No-
Trunks, School
Hardware. Crockery, Lime
Cement, Windows, Books Cook
Screen Windows and Groceries at J.
R. Smith
If you want belting, mill fittings,
or any kind of hardware, see us, we
have just received a full line of
cutlery and
R. Smith Co.
I hereby myself a
date for township constable, subject
to the primary of town-
T. Keel.
Miss Gay Johnson, of the Wilson
Sanitarium, is visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Johnson. On her
way home between Parmele and
Ridge Spring, she lost a nice lady's
gold watch. Read notice and reward
same In The Dally Reflector.
-IT it. r t
sell, or rent houses or land, or want a
job for yourself, wife, daughter, moth
or sister, or want to employ
help, or sell what you
there is no better medium than Tin
W. Smith.
buy bushels of
good country corn for milling
R. Smith Co
Our city fathers have had all the
weeds mowed down on the
and the have mowed tho
walk ways. So now no danger of
to use snake bite medicine, or
against dew poison.
Lime Lime Lime barrels
just R. Smith Co.
picket fence.
J. R. Smith Co. are installing
and cents counters in their store,
selling granite and tinware
down. Large basins and at
New Enterprise for Greenville.
The Carolina Seed and Feed Com-
of Greenville, was chartered
yesterday to operate gins, buy and
sell cotton and cotton seed,
cotton seed oil deal in ice,
etc. The authorized capital stock
is and begins business with
subscribed O. L. Joyner, B.
E. and others are
Returns From Hospital.
Mrs. W. R. Smith returned homo
today from Baltimore, where she had
been in the hospital for appendicitis.
Her many friends will be glad to
learn she is much improved.
At the Close of Business June 30th, 1910.
Donated lo The Public Library.
The managing committee of the
Greenville Public Library are very
much indebted to Mrs. Lawrence
Hooker, of Richmond, Va., for a con-
of thirteen books. If all
our citizens had the same interest
in the progress of the library as some
of our former residents have shown,
we should soon have a library of
which every citizen would be proud
Below is the list of books Mrs.
Hooker has
Merton, H.
Patty Went to
The D. Wig-
Man on the
Millionaire R.
Gloom to
Lane That Had no
Gilbert Parker.
Hearts and
Son of
The committee has recently ad-
History of
and to
by Pointer.
MRS. W. A. BO WEN, Librarian.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures 610.59
Cash items 17,455.22
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
coin cur. 1,311.80
National bank and other
Notes 2,184.00
Capital stock 25,000.00
Surplus fund 15,625.00
Undivided profits, less
cur. exp. and taxes pd. 961.58
Deposits sub. to check 88,204.44
Savings Deposits 26,805.54
Cashier's checks
Checks 75.00
I, J. K. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
before rat, this 6th day July,
Notary Public.
We wish to call your attention to our new line of fall goods which
we now have. We have taken great care in buying this year and we
think we can supply your wants in Shoes, Hats, Dress Ginghams, No-
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store.
Come let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at price. Cash or
us ail will convince you
Resolutions of
God, in His providence and
dealing with men never makes a mis-
take, and yet so often he leaves us
to question why such visitations.
Such is the thought of our mind and
heart, why He should see fit to cut
down one so suddenly as He did our
fellow J. R- Corey, and leave
the well spent life unfinished.
We, your committee of
Jarvis Memorial church,
submit the following
the death of James H. Corey,
we will lose a faithful member. His
vacant seat will be an Incentive to
lead us to live the noble life he lived.
His memory will ever be
we extend to his bereaved
family our deepest sympathy in their
great loss.
a copy be sent his family,
also to The Daily for pub-
these be spread
upon our record book and also the
records of the Sunday school.
T. A.
But They Arc Being Demolished to
Slake Boom for The Ones.
you want to write a
asked a friend who
dropped in the editor's nook of The
Reflector building.
and there was a quick
reach for pencil and paper to gel down
the points.
just look out there at the
attack being made on the jail cells
right in the broad
Sure enough, that was just what
was going on. Workmen with picks
crowbars and sledge lug-
away to tear the cells to pieces.
And tho clatter had been going on
all day.
By the way, it is not improbable
if any of the who were ham-
mering away at getting those old
cells torn down, had ever been locked
inside them, they relished the job of
dismembering them for what they had
done. But the new jail soon to be
built will have more, and they will
be stronger and better than the old
Uncle exclaimed
tho proprietor of the village store.
can I do for you
I yew kin gimme
sugar dollar's
tho old granger. dew like
sin waste good money for sugar,
but woman got in her
bead she git
without it, got a
on her she with
Quarter's night
month, by
your sugar, said the
storekeeper. dollar's worth of to-
did yon
answered the old man.
what I said, but
gimme dollar's
that fer I ain't right
shore I'll be down fer three
or four weeks, I want plenty tor
run me, by
Mr. for Representative.
In the columns of The Reflector
some days go appeared a letter writ-
ten by Mr. B. M. Lewis, of Farmville,
placing the name of Mr. John T.
before the people for
I was glad to the let-
for I have known Mr. for
many years and have had many
dealings with him during the
last ten years, and I believe no man
in the county is bettor qualified in
character, conscience and ability to
represent us than he.
E. B.
August 1910.
Subscribe for The
h .-,

lie k
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
The Carolina Home and Farm and The Eastern Reflector.
The cradle in which good styles, fashions
and quality are rocked. And it holds good
until this date for Laces, Hamburgs, Lawns,
Dress Goods and Ready-made Shirts.
It has nursed men's furnishings to the
highest in town. See our beautiful line of
Shirts, Ties, Hats, Suits,
and Shoes.
I The Friend and Store for Bargains
You Are Probably Planning
a Vacation Trip
Line Steamers
Leave NORFOLK daily P. M. for
BALTIMORE with direct rail com for Eastern Cities and
resort points.
Elegantly Appointed Steamers. Unsurpassed Service.
Summer Excursion Rates.
For further information and stateroom reservations, write
C. L. CHANDLER, G A, F. R. T. P. A,
low About Your Home
Is it comfortably If not you
would find it interesting to visit our store and
look over our stock of FURNITURE and
, HOUSE-FURNISHINGS. Everything needed
from Parlor to Kitchen at prices that will make
you sit up and take notice.
K j
Tomb Stones
Iron Fencing
Ayden N C Aug. 1910.
Editor and Fellow Demo-
of Pitt
10th day of September is fast
drawing near, when it behooves us
to name our choice of our party for
the various county offices. I wonder
how many farmers have thought who
would best represent them in the
next House and Senate Did you
that most any bill for the bet-
of the doctor, lawyer or
merchant's business could be easily
passed in any legislature
Now, Bro. Farmer, have you not
had a thought for the past two years
that needed to be converted into a
law which would and your
neighbor advantages with the pro-
man The farmer with his
tract of land should be on the
same proportionate footing with the
man with his thousands of acres, his
big bank account, stocks and bonds.
Just so long as we have to pay a
lawyer to to search the
title to our real estate and pay him
a bonus of to to write the
mortgage so we can get the money
all right, just so long will we have
our hands tied and continue t. be
the in the progress of
Men why not the leader-
ship Of th pioneer of toe
Land Title System in North Carolina
our senior Representative from
R. R. Gotten When have
we ever had a man in North Carolina
to try to pass a more needed measure
which would be of such universal
uplift to the farmer The man who
owns his bank stock, rail road stock,
or local corporation stock takes it to
his nearest bank, writes his . name
across the back thereof, signs a note
for the amount of money desired, gets
it and goes on his way rejoicing, but
poor Mr. Farmer, he may be
rich in who owns possibly
several times the amount in real
estate, has to pay a lawyer to search
the title and his fee for writing the
mortgage. But does it stop there
By no means. The clerk of the
court and register of deeds
both have to have their share. Is that
all No; the mortgage is then placed
on record and thereby published to
the world of his encumbrance, and
the condition thereof. And if it be a
deed and a small mistake is made
therein, woe unto our courts, for
there will be labor for you.
In like manner as we championed
the leadership of Hon. John H. Small,
our representative in congress for his
service in the advancement
of our interests and the drainage of
our low lands, so let us on the 10th
day of September cast our
ballot for that sterling gentleman
and farmer, Hon. R. R. Cotten, to
represent us In the next senate, and
on the day of November next,
elect by the largest vote any
man has received In Pitt county for
a generation.
J. F.
N. C.
From to Rico One
Hundred Thousand Are Busy.
The woman's musical clubs follow
the flag. Skimming through the
pages of the latest musical directory,
the inquisitorial eye discovered the
existence of the amateur club
in and Nome, aid
Guam Even Honolulu and Ponce, In
Rico, are in the record. But,
sad to relate, the art, which
the savage breast, is yet
without classified disciples In
and and a few other haunts
of our untamed little brown brothers.
A little arithmetical persistence re-
veals one thousand of these women's
musical clubs in the record, with an
membership of one
thousand and a geographical
covering every urban com-
of importance under the Stars
The woman's musical club is en-
indigenous to American life.
and it is to the credit of the American
woman that, having attained leisure,
on.- has employed it in acquiring high-
standards of living. The one mil-
lion enrolled club-women of America,
the most intimate of the arts, the
most general in its appeal, the easiest
of appreciation has been the most
widely seized upon as an avenue of
growth in the feminine campaign for
With growth in membership and
increased musical activities, the mu-
activities, the musical club, par-
in the larger cities, has
evolved beyond a parochial influence.
Thorough its engagement of native
artists and foreign virtuosos, its sup-
port of the great orchestras of the
country, when on tour, and its pro-
motion of music festivals, the music
club exerts a potent influence on our
national musical
Warren in the
A beat believe in let-
ting others live.
Herbert Prep.
L in business sec-
of the town Five chain
in operation And each one
el o n r by a fl led bar m
Oar place is inviting,
Nicaragua in Hands of The
By Cable to The Reflector.
San Juan Nicaragua, Aug.
The entire government of
is now in the hands of insurgents,
whose army is encamped only a few
miles from the capital.
Last night Jose on whom
President conferred his toga, in
turn surrendered his title of a few
hours to his broth-
being in lead of the insurgents.
Transfer of presidency was made in
the hope that the announcement
would serve to quiet the mobs who
are, pillaging and robbing, but it had
little effect. Marines from American
gun boats are ready to march from
to Nicaragua and take
of the city if necessary to re-
store order.
Our towels
Modern electrical
dies waited on at their a
Work for Greenville with us.
How delicious were the of boy-
hood. No pies now ever taste so good.
What's changed the pies No. Its you
You've lost a strong, healthy stomach
the vigorous liver, the active kidneys,
the regular bowels of boyhood. Your
digestion is poor and you blame the
food. What's A complete ton-
UP by Electric Bitters of all organ
Of Liver, Kidneys,
them. They'll restore
your boyhood appetite and
of food and fairly saturate your
body with new health, strength and
vigor. DOc at all druggists.
D. T. Nobles and Sallie Kittrell.
Henry and Eula Smith
Joe Gurganus and Vivian James.
John W. Rouse and Mary C. Brewer.
W. R. Taylor and Bertha Lee Had-
Eddie Moore and Carrie Smith.
The farmers coming in town re-
t good crops, except tobacco.
While cotton and corn promise a good
yield, there will hardly be over
per cent, of a tobacco crop.
Mr. Nathan Eason and Mule
by Same Bolt.
Mr. Nathan a farmer of
Greene county, was killed by light-
Friday Mr. Malt
a brother-in-law of Mr. Ea-
sou, had been visiting him, and they
wore on their way to Farmville where
Mr. was to take the train for
Greenville. On the road they were
in a storm and stopped in a
house for shelter. Mr. was
standing; just the door hold-
on to the buggy reins, when a
bolt of lightning struck and hilled
the mule. The lightning also run up
the reins and killed Mr. Eason, and
Mr. was slightly shocked.
About two years ago Mr. Eason
married Miss Florence of
Legal Notices
The Law for
The attorney general, with the
of President Taft has made
public opinion that the law
lows each state to choose the two
citizens, not living at the time who
may be honored by a statue in the
tie Capitol at Wellington. No
extraordinary learning was needed to
reach this decision because the law
plain and to the point; those who
objected to the statue of Lee did so
other mental or moral deficiencies
than ignorance of the law. Of course
Virginia had the legal and moral
right to choose of Washing-
ton and Lee for her contribution and
nobody had the right to is
exactly as it was long ago when
tics Davis and Lee of
son without warrant from the law.
Some are now urging that
send a statue of Jefferson Davis.
But when right to do so conceded
their ceases to exist any person to
assert the while Davis is the
Statesman and soldier of whom his
state should be proudest, her refusal
to exercise a right which can only
outbursts of ignorance and
proofs Of will do her and
him more honor than its assertion.
We hope Mississippi will not insist
on sending a statue of Jefferson Davis
to this hall of honors, although she
should refuse to fill one of her niches
with a smaller man. Our real heroes
do not need the honor that may ac-
to them from the unwilling re-
cognition of their character and
vices by any man.
Davis and Lee were great and
pathetic Americans, worthy to stand
with tho rebel Washington or any
other company. Humanity them
Justice now and the verdict of history
is assured; they need only that they
live forever in the hearts of the
southern people and that no
be given to the world for doubt
as to our loyalty to
We would not affront the prejudices
of others by forcing our convictions
upon the controversy rest
where It is since there is no need for
words. Tanner
rave and Senator may spout,
but they have no power to disturb
the rest of the illustrious dead and
they know la their hearts that silence
and contempt are the answers they
dread most. The American who
thinks he serves his country by eras-
name or Davis from a
or casting a statue of
from its pedestal is not lo be con
but to pitied. And
American who seeks to tone
country in violation of Us laws
Ms cause so that ho cannot
ham it-
By virtue of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt county, in
Special Proceeding No. en-
titled J. R. Harvey, administrator of
J. L. Keene,
widow, et heirs at law, the under-
signed commissioner sell for cash,
at two o'clock p. m. on the premises
in the town of Grifton, N. C, on Wed-
September 1910, the en-
tire interest of J. L. Keene, in and lo
the steam mill property belonging to
the firm of Keene Kittrell, being
two acres of land in said town of
Grifton, upon which is located a steam
mill plant of the said Keene Kit-
also his interest in said saw
mill plant, fixtures and lumber, and
the entire interest of said J. L. Keene,
deceased, in all said firm property.
Said interest will be sold subject to
the mortgages and other liens out-
standing against said property.
This August 6th, 1910.
J. It. HARVEY, Commissioner,
V. G. James Son, ltd
North County.
In the Superior
term, 1910.
F. C. Harding, administrator of the
estate of Ellis Adams, deceased,
George Adams, Delia Adams, Jesse
Adams, and Adams, heirs at
law of Ellis Adams, deceased.
By virtue of a decree made in the
foregoing entitled cause, by D. C.
Moore, clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, on the 15th day of
August, 1910, the undersigned
of the estate of Ellis Adams,
will, on Saturday, the 17th day of
September, 1910, at o'clock, noon,
at the court house door in Greenville,
offer for public sale to the highest
bidder, for cash, the follow-
described lot or parcel of land,
Situated in the town of Greenville,
North Carolina, and on the west side
of street, and being the
northern half, of lot No. in the
plat of the town of Greenville, being
feet by feet, containing
This sale will be made for the
pose of making asset with which to
pay off and discharge the
of the estate of Ellis Adams, de-
This the 15th day of August, 1910.
Administrator of the estate of Ellis
Adams, deceased.
North County.
In Superior Court.
Lula Gorham
The defendant above named will
take notice that an action entitled as
above has been commenced In the the
Superior Court of Pitt county, to ob-
a divorce from bonds of mat-
And the said defendant will
further take notice that he is
ed to appear at the next term of the
Superior Court of Pitt county to be
held on the second Monday before the
first Monday of September, 1910. It
being the 29th day of August, 1910,
at the court house of said county in
Greenville, N. C, and answer or de-
to the complaint of the plaintiff,
in said action, or the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de-
In the complaint.
This the 16th day of July, 1910.
D. C. Moore, Clerk S. C.
Julius Drown, Attorney for plaintiff.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county
as administratrix of the estate of G
E. Jackson, deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons indebted to
the estate to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned; and all per-
sons having claims against said es-
are notified to present the same
to the undersigned for payment on or
before tho 21st day of July, 1911, or
this notice will be plead in bar of
This 21st of July, 1910.
Carrie A. Jackson,
of G. E. Jackson
North Carolina- Pitt County.
In the Superior Court, before D. C
Moore, clerk.
F. C. Harding, administrator of the
estate of D. D. Gardner,
Willie P. Gardner, Bernice L. Gardner
Irene Gardner, Gardner, J.
Z. Gardner, and others.
By virtue of a decree of the
court made by D. C. Moore,
clerk in the foregoing entitled special
proceeding, made on the 10th day
August, 1910, the undersigned
will, on Monday, the 19th
day of September, 1910, at o'clock,
noon, expose to public sale, before
the court house door In Greenville,
to tho highest bidder, for the fol-
lowing described tract or parcel of
land, to
That certain tract of laud Situated
In the town of Greenville,, North
Carolina, on the north Bide of Third
Street, and described as
at tee south west corner of
lot No. Nancy Clark's corner on
mild street, and runs westward
Along Third feet to a point
way between the, houses formerly
occupied by P. C. Harding and E. E.
Griffith, then northerly feet to
Hotel lot, then with the line
of lot No. to the begin-
iii g, and being the house and lo
D. r. Gardner i elided at
This tale is for purpose
assets with which to pay off the
indebtedness of. the of the said
D. Gardner.
This tho 18th August, 1910
Administrator of the estate of D. D
North County.
In the Superior Court, September
term, 1910.
Martin M. B. Butler,
Lillian B. Butler,,
To Lillian B.
Lillian E. Butler, the defendant in
the above entitled action will take
notice that a civil action has been
commenced in the Superior Court of
Pitt county, entitled Martin M. B. But-
vs. Lillian E. Butler, for the
pose of obtaining a decree of the court
dissolving the bonds cf matrimony,
heretofore existing between the plain-
tiff and the defendant, on the ground
of adultery, and the defendant is re-
quired to appear and answer the com-
plaint of the plaintiff, which be
deposited in the of the clerk
of the Superior court of Pitt county,
during the first three days of the
term of said court, which con-
on the 2nd Monday after the
first Monday in September, it being
the 19th day of September, 1910, or
demur thereto, or the plaintiff
be granted the relief demanded in his
This the 4th day of August, 1910.
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt county.
By virtue of a mortgage executed
and delivered by Joseph Haddock and
wife, Annie Haddock, to F. G. James
on the 2nd day of December, 1907,
which mortgage was duly recorded
in the office of the Register of Deeds,
of Pitt county, in Book page
the undersigned will sell cash,
before the court house in Greenville,
at o'clock, in., at public auction,
on Monday, October 3rd, 1920, the
following described lands, Situate in
the county of Pitt and in
Beginning at a point
the main road where the ditch be-
gins and running a Westerly course
with said ditch and a straight
to James Haddock's line; thence with
James Haddock's line a north-
westerly course to Jesse Haddock's
line; thence with Haddock's
line to Annie Haddock's corner;
thence with Annie Haddock's line
easterly to Mack Smith's line; thence
with Mack Smith's line to the main
road; thence with said road to the
beginning, containing twenty-five
acres more or less.
Also a piece of wood land, begin-
at a tar kiln bed, James Haddock
corner; thence running north with
Dennie Smith's line to the Elk's
thence with J. T. Adams and
J. J. Oakley's line to White Pine
branch; thence with said branch to
James Haddock's line; thence with
said Haddock's line to the begin-
containing twenty-five acres
more or Both of Lie above
s of land being estimated to be
half of the James Elk's tract of land.
This August 13th, 1910.
F. G. JAMES, Mortgagee.
Having this day qualified as executor
of the last will and testament of M.
A. Elizabeth Gardner, deceased, be-
fore the clerk of the Superior court,
of Pitt county, notice hereby given
persons holding claims
tho estate of the said W. A. Elizabeth
Gardner, to present them to me, duly
authenticated, on or before the 12th
day of August 1911, or this notice
will be plead in bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted lo said estate
are requested to make immediate pay-
to me.
This the 11th day of August, 1910.
Executor of W. A E. Gardner.
Jarvis Blow,
North County
In the
Term, 1910.
Peter Wilson,
Alice Wilson.
Alice Wilson, defendant In the
above entitled action will take notice
u summons has been issued In
the above entitled act ion, and that
tho said Alic Wilson, defendant in
o. entitled action is hereby
required to appear before the Judge
of the Superior of Pitt county.
on the second Monday after the first
Monday In September, it being the
day of September, 1910, and ans-
or demur to the complaint of the
In this action, which said
action is brought for divorce by the
p defendant on the
grounds of adultery, which said com-
l i lint will deposited In the office
of the Superior WIN clerk during the
drat days or said term of the court.
or the plaintiff will be granted the
This the 18th day of August, 1910.
Clerk Superior Court, Pitt county,
H el
Having qualified as administrator
of the estate of J. R. Corey, deceased,
late of Pitt county, North Carolina,
this is to notify all persons having
claims against the estate of said de-
ceased to present them to the under-
signed within twelve months of this
notice, or the same be pleaded
in bar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said real estate please
make immediate payment.
This August 1910.
Administrator of J. R. Corey.
W. F. Evans, Attorney.
Having qualified as administrator
Of J. L. Keene, deceased, late of
N. C, this is to notify all persona
claims against estate of the
deceased, to exhibit them to the
undersigned, within twelve months
from this date, or this notice will be
in bar of their recovery.
All persons indebted to said estate
will make immediate payment.
This 23rd day of June, 1910.
G. James Son
big as administrator
t deceased, late of
Pitt county, North Carolina,
us u notify having
aims the estate of mile
exhibit them to the under-
g twelve mouths from
date, or this notice will be plead-
;. of recovery. All per-
h i.-l will please
la August 18th, 1910.
G. James Son,

Tobacco Company
offers to the tobacco growers of Eastern Carolina superior
inducements and facilities in the sale of their tobacco.
This is a Farmers Organization
Over ninety-nine per cent, of the stockholders are farmers,
living on and operating their farms
This organization is doing a warehouse business for the
sale of FARMERS TOBACCO, and our past record proves that
we. know our business. We are proud of our business and
proud of our record, and if you will join with us in making a
still greater success, you will be proud of the part you take in it.
Warehouses at Greenville, Kinston,
Robersonville, Wilson and
Consolidated Tobacco Co.
. V
Agriculture is Most Useful, the Most Healthful, the Most Noble Employment of Washington.
Most Fertile in This Favored Section,
at Once n Combination of
Soil and Climatic Conditions, That
Make For the Very Best Develop-
of an Agricultural People.
by Mr. O. L. Joyner, for
Messrs. Collins and of
Norfolk, Va., representatives at a
North Western Immigration Bureau.
The soil and climate of Eastern
North Carolina are about as near
ideal as can be found in a temperate
zone. This is one of the oldest sec-
in the United States, and many
of the plantations of Eastern North
Carolina have woven around and
about them an historic association
that goes well back into the Colonial
period, yet there are many of these
old plantations that have, in the last
few years, been Improved by crop
and new management
are producing today larger crops of
the same products than is produced
per acre on much of the high priced
land of the northwest, and there is
no section of country in these United
States where a greater variety of pro-
duets of the soil can be made than
right here In Eastern North Carolina.
Many of the abandoned farms of this
section instead of becoming poorer
would, under skillful management, in-
crease in productiveness and value
but the old system of farming in this
section embraced the cultivation of
large areas on an extensive instead
of an intensive system, the result of
which was, In many instances, the de-
of the soil, and the loss
Of its productivity. Where these
farms have fallen Into hands of
men who have employed the
system, they have rapidly in-
creased in fertility, and all hough
land in this section can be purchased
at a much lower price than
character of land in the newer states,
every standpoint, it is
more valuable.
This section can produce almost
every crop that grown in the
Zone. Coin, col ion, tobacco,
-peanuts, fruits all kinds of
tables for home consumption and
for northern reach their
highest development here. The
money crops are tobacco, cot-
ton and peanuts. Some estimate of
the cost of producing- these crops,
with their comparative market value
may be of interest.
The actual cost of cultivating, fer-
harvesting and selling a crop
of tobacco depends largely upon con-
and the circumstances of the
farmer who makes it. To hire every-
thing done, at the present price of
labor the cost of cultivating, harvest-
and delivering an average crop of
tobacco on the market in an average
year will range from to
per acre. The average yield per acre
in an average year is from to
pounds. The average price at
which tobacco has fold the last
few on the Greenville market
has been from to cents. There
are exceptional cases, where some
farmers produce as much as 1500
pounds of to an acre, and
these farmers secure higher prices be-
cause of the superior quality of their
tobacco, and consequently, this class
of farmers have made a great deal of
money out of tho tobacco crop. The
purpose of tills article is to give to
those not with the
of our money crops a general
idea and therefor averages are men-
in general terms.
Cotton costs something less to
and market than tobacco, the
principal difference being in the cost
of the fertilizing material. The cot-
ton crop does not require anything
like the attention that tobacco does,
although it is a crop that would pay-
very well for the extra attention
given it. The yield of cot-
ton in this section, I judge, is from
to pounds of lint in an aver-
ago year. The cost of growing and
marketing a crop of cotton will run
from to per acre, where
the labor all has to be hired
Peanuts can be cultivated cheaper
than either of the other two crop,
requiring high grade commercial
fertilizer, and less cultivation,
though, like peanuts respond
profitably to good cultivation
The swamp lands of North
Carolina will yield anywhere from
five to fifteen barrels of corn to the
acre, which means from to
bushels. In some places in Beaufort
and Hyde counties, the yield of corn
is even than this. uplands
of this section produce an average of
from three to five barrels of corn to
the acre without fertilizer, but with
careful attention and the judicious
use of the right kind of fertilizer, the
corn yield in the uplands can be ma-
and profitably increased.
Owing to the close proximity of the
Gulf Stream to the Carolina coast
and the range of
on the west, which protect this
section blizzards and fierce
winds of the Northwest, the winter
climate of Eastern North Carolina is
about all that can be desired. There
are but a few days during the winter,
from December until March, when
most at any time farm work cannot
be carried on in comfort. We have
some hot. days in this section during
the summer, but generally speaking,
they are of short duration, and for
the full development of the crops are
necessary. However, the climate of
this section, as a whole, both summer
and winter, can hardly be improved
upon in any section of our country.
There is healthier in the
state than Eastern North Carolina.
The great
which all the people fear, who live
in other sections, is more a scare-
crow than anything else. Some of
the healthiest and
mens of humanity can found here,
while the general health of the sec-
compare favorably with even the
mountain section of the state Under
an act of the lust legislature the
drainage of the swamps of Eastern
North Carolina will reclaim millions
of acres of very rich land, and at the
same time, remove to a large extent
the cause of malaria.
Do not be troubled because you
have not great virtues. God made
a spears of grass where he
made one tree. The is
fringed and carpeted, not with for-
but with grasses. Only have
enough of little virtues and common
fidelities and you need not mourn
because you are neither a hero nor
a Ward
His Eyes Opened to Wonderful
Roads and Better Schools.
In 1887, twenty-three years ago
this month, I took of a public
school, at what was then called Cali-
co Hill, which the people of that sec-
permitted me to teach, and gen-
paid me thirty dollars per
month. I boarded with the family of
the lute Mr. George Venters. The
people of that section were very good
and kind to me then, and since, in
my business career, some of the best
friends have ever had arc the
I came to know at that time. Al-
though actually engaged in the to-
business in Greenville since
soon after that time, I have not visited
i that section since. For some time
have promised to go down there,
and Monday evening I fulfilled that
promise. It seems to me but a short
time since I was there, but when I was
met at by the grown and
bright young man, son of Mr. H. C.
Venters, with whom as a boy I
when I boarded at his father's
I was forcibly reminded of the flight
of years.
I spent the night at the home of Mr.
H. C. Venters, and next morning to-
we rode around the country.
Although it has been more than
years, I have never seen more
evidence of thrift and progress
than there is in that section. Much
of the land thereabout that was then
an almost unbroken wilderness of
wood land has been cleared, and
crops are growing. The little
x school house in which I attempt-
ed to teach has been replaced by a
modern school building that would do
credit to any town. The post, office
at that time was Calico, and occupied
a small space in the back room of Mr.
store, the only place of
there. Our townsman,
of deeds, T. R. Moore, was in
charge of post office and
business of Mr. Venters. The Calico
Continued on Ninth

Eastern reflector, 26 August 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 26, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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