Eastern reflector, 17 June 1910

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I In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
Authorized Agent The Eastern Reflector and Vicinity-Advertising Rites on Application
N. C. June
The Pitt County School j
manufactured by The A. G. C x
Company are
cheap; comfortable, neat and
are liberal.
When in the market come to see
u. we for
P. P. A.
went m G
We are carrying nice line
Caskets. Price art
right and can nice
service, A. G. Mfg. Go.
Eugene Cannon went to
embroidery Bee us-
New lot just
F. G. Nye and family
today fr to visit
fresh see R. D.
on Tuesday, Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
Cannon, Miss
Cox, G. T. and Miss Maude
went to den
For cold drinks of kinds cad
at U. L Johnson's
Smith and Miss Magda-
Cox in Thursday to at-
tend the house Party of Mis
Just received, a nice lot
ladies shoes.
Barber Co
Mine and Jaunita
came m yesterday the
summer a few
days at borne,
is Kind
you need. See us.
A, V. Ange Co.
Miss Lena who has
visiting Mum re-
turned to borne at Conetoe yes-
We call your attention to cur
line groceries.
K. W.
For nice fresh c.
see A. W. Co., Winter-
N. G.
Straw are going fist, buy
one, don't W.
Leave your orders for H.
L. Will be delivered
in town.
Matting and oil cloth, the
floor, some, cover it over.
Harrington. Barber Co.
Before buying, see my line of
post cards, L. Johnson.
Field peas and peanuts for
sale by A. W. Ange Co., Win-
N. C.
To reduce our stock before in
we will offer for a
limited time, cheap, for
worsted goods, to
suiting, percales, to
cloth, waist
goods, lawn, mohair
to table peaches, pie
peaches, shirts.
shirts, shirts,
shirts, Call and see what
we offer. A. W. Ange Co.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are rendering good service
in the undertaking business.
Coffins and caskets cheap with
excellent hearse service.
frame that for
you. Any size frame.
A. Ange Co.
O. W. Rollins spent Sunday
in Ayden.
M. B. Bryan returned Tuesday
from a business trip to Norfolk.
Misses Cox and Maude
Louise went to Green-
ville Tuesday evening to spend
a few days with Miss Ward
Mrs. Alexander, of Ayden,
pent Sunday here with her
sister Mrs. W. L. House.
F. F. Cox and J. E. Greene
went Greenville Saturday even
Mrs. Maggie Butt and Mis-
Olive went to Greenville Mon
We have needles, bobbins and,
shuttles, for any sewing
in the country. Also June is.
threaders, the very thing for booming, Mr. J. B. Joyner and Ayden Monday to friends.
affected eyes
some, but he doesn't know how
They were tracked then
some distant across the field, j
Louise Satterthwaite left for; A few months back they came
to visit Miss Lillian around to W. A. netting j
Baker, Friday. eight at one time. And again at i
base ball team will Henry Avery's taking all bun
play Grimesland Saturday, June the rooster.
11th, 1910, at p. m. on Grimes- nine at onetime. We all
land baseball ground. I they will get a after a while
Miss Charlotte Ricks went to so the rest of us can have
Advice to the Aged.
A Infirmities, as
B be.-, weak MS Md-
bar effect on these organ
lag than
to hair natural M
are a enact
th bowel v causing thew.
or days
Harrington, Barber Co.
We have put in an assortment
of patterns for all styles.
Barber Co.
How your soul Let
us show you our new lot of
A nice six key soda fountain
for sale. R. D.
We have purchased the
know. as the
Milling and Mfg. Co and will
be ready very soon to grind corn,
Jo general repair work and dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
Jacob Wilson have completed
their large store house, and last
Thursday they put in a nice
stock of groceries. They ex-
to do an extensive grocery
business. The firm will
known as Joyner Wilson.
Robt. Strickland continues to
do a grocery business at Arthur
and Mr. B. F. Crawford has a
large store considerably on the
way to completion.
The meeting carried on all of
last week by Walter, Pittman
Miss Mamie Roberson is in R C. White and his bride,
town visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. formerly Miss Clara of New
Ross. Bern, returned from their bridal
Several young men took the trip Tuesday afternoon and are
trip to Bath Sunday. The boat at the home of Mrs. J. L Flem-
Hall at 5.30 o'clock
In youth
to the Matter and LIVER.
I bey are adapted to old and
For Sale.
One of Carlo hen feed
chick feed. F. V. Johnston.
4-d fed
A nice lot of matting just in.
A. W. Ange Cc.
Fresh corn herrings at
Barber Co.
We are now in to do
grinding every day and
repair work promptly.
Harrington Barber Co.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. has sold this season ever
cotton planters and
guano sewers which would
ally indicate a large cotton crop
this year.
New lot of dry goods and no-
just in. Better buy while
they cheap.
A. W. Ange A Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Beef, sausage and fish, going
cheap. R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street.
You will never regret when
you purchase i
manufactured by A. G. Cox Man
Co., Winterville,
Mrs. Evelyn Cox for
Springs Saturday evening
to visit her daughter.
F. F. Cox spent Sunday at
C. T. Cox is on the road again.
Jesse R and M. B. B
attended services in Ayden Tues-
day night.
J. R. Smith, of Ayden, was in
town today.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. seem
to be delivering tobacco trucks
and flues to the farmers early
this s
F. F. Cox went to Greenville
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. W. J. Wyatt and children,
who have been visiting relatives
here, left Tuesday evening to
spend a few days in Raleigh.
Miss Lessie King went over to
Greenville to
spend a few days visiting friends
and relatives there.
F. A. Edmondson left Tues-
day evening for Wayne county,
where he will spend a day or two
with his parents.
A- G. Cox, J. D. Cox, Joseph-
us Cox and Henry Langston
went to Greenville Monday.
Misses Edith and I urn-
ford, of Ayden. spent Sunday
here visiting friends and
Rev. N. C. Duncan came in
Tuesday from Hope Mills.
Eugene Cannon, better known
as the clever book-
keeper for the A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co., is off on a vacation tor a
few weeks.
Miss Eva Langston returned
to the E. C. T. T. Tuesday
Miss Laura Cox came in
day night from Louisville, Ky.,
where she has been preparing
for the foreign field.
Prof. F. C. Nye and family
left Monday morning to visit
relatives in Fairmont.
The force, which has been
putting up new telephone poles
and lines around here, returned
to Greenville yesterday.
and Jones was a great success.
The Rev. R. F. Pitman beef, hoe cake, pickles
from Monday night until Friday to drink such as
inclusive, and did some of j refreshing. We went to the
and reached Washington at 6.30,
remaining half an hour then left
for Bath. When near Bath the
boat struck a sand shore and got j
stuck. We were delayed about
one and a half hour, reached
Bath at noon. The table was
set and everybody ate a large
dinner consisting of
Do You Own a Piano
If not, and you to own
soon, you owe it o your to ex
the mi display
shown at the White
A display really
to a large city.
In a glance yea will inspect a
line of pianos not alone stand
the best preaching that we have church in the State, where I character of e, y and
ever heard. A good many others
said the same. He could hold a
congregation nearest spell bound
of any one we ever heard. He
received fifteen converts in the
church during the five nights that
he was there. He and Rev. R.
R. Jones left Saturday morning
for appointments and Rev.
Walters received three Saturday
night, making eighteen in all.
It was a glorious meeting, as
good if not the best that May's
chapel has ever had. The
we were treated very kind and
given a piece of brick that the
was built of. The day
b, rainy we did not remain
as as we intended, but ever y
body had a very nice time.
Misses Bonnie Dixon and
Myrtle Latham, of Wharton's
were here visiting Mrs. G. Z.
Hicks a few days week.
Mrs. Martha Thigpen and
daughter, Esther, are visiting
Mrs. J. P. Fleming.
The Standard man
was administered Sunday on his way to Friday was
evening by the pastor, W. F.
Walters, of Ayden, in the
presence of a very large, con-
course of spectators. Interest
in meeting ran high that
the house was crowded to over-
flowing several nights and Sun
day. Rev. Walters-left Sunday
evening for Ayden.
Miss Etta Gay, of
was visiting at F. II. Smith's
last week.
Miss Lie Nichols and Esther
of Ayden, were visiting
at Ivy Smith's last week.
Misses Mattie Little and
Mayo, of Wilson, came
Saturday evening to visit re-
and friends in our section
for a
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cobb, of
Norfolk, were visiting at Cobb-
dale Saturday and and
B. P- Cobb took them t en
ville Sunday Mrs.
Cobb is going to remain for a
few weeks.
The nine went up
and played a name of
ball Saturday evening and came
out victorious. The game stood
to in favor of
delayed about four hours by the
bridge breaking in with him at
Don't forget Sunday school
every Sunday afternoon at
o'clock, and also a sermon
Sunday for young men.
Let all turn cut.
general in a class to
itself, but you I et with prices
that stand here d
incomparable an. where. Eight
different makes t select from, none
of those cheap department
store stencils, each one a stand-
ard, cf acknowledged farce and
reputation in the trade. Four
player-pianos known
We will take your piano in
exchange for one of play-
also carry the
ORGAN, the standard of the world.
Old organs and pianos taken in ex-
change, terms to s tit your
When in Greenville visit out
ware room.
Woodland, N. C. June
and Mrs. W. R. W. spent
Saturday night and Sunday v.
their daughter, Mrs.
near Falkland
Misses Lessie Garris and
Martha spent Saturday
and Sunday near
Owing to the rainy weather
there were but few at Sunday
school Sunday.
We are having some nice
showers of rain this week.
Mr. S. M. Manning has been
spending a few days over in
section with relatives.
Miss Nobles is spending
a few days in Ayden.
Seems if there are some o e
or two that like chickens
here. Monday night a week ago
someone went to W. L.
and took three chickens, and on
to W. R. W. and took
Our Greenville,
your if you
People Delightful Porch
On Friday from to
o'clock Miss Mamie Blair, of
Thomasville, delightfully enter-
at Hotel Blount, a
of her friends at a porch
As the guests arrived they
were received by Miss Elizabeth
Jones and Dr. Ward who direct-
ed them to the punch bowl
sided over by Mr. J. A. Staton.
The entertainment of the
evening consisted of vocal and
instrumental music and a very
interesting contest, entitled
Girl I met in The
successful contestants were
Maude Barnhill and Dr. Ward,
the prizes beings fan and book.
At the close of the contest de
refreshments were
ed consisting of ice cream and
cake, salted peanuts candy.
The decorations were very
pretty indeed. In the hall
were the punch
bowl and table being decorated
in them. A white parasol
pended over the bowl had
pinned over it with a
large bunch tied on the handle.
In the parlor white roses were
used. On the perch Japanese
lanterns were hung which added
much to the attractiveness of the
Nerve energy is tho
force that controls tho or-
of respiration, cir-
digestion and
elimination. When you
feel weak, nervous,
table, sick, it is often
cause you lack nerve
energy, and the process
of rebuilding and sustain-
life is interfered with.
Dr. has
cured thousands of such
cases, and will we believe
benefit if not entirely,
you. Try it.
and m. on
of I
hut no
had to
up ray
but sot
I ant bad ,
In a raw
I much batter, and continued
to until entirely cured. I
am In and never
Myrtle Oregon.
Your Dr. Nary-
and him to return
price bottle If It
b bar- It you.
Medical f, Elkhart,
Next door to Carr Hardware Co. store.
The Up-to-date Hardware
T is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put on and hard to come off. Place
now with them and you will be
B Special attention is called to cur line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street, , N. C.
WHEN Metal were- y
you some excuse being
Hut now
If you are it can only lie you do not know the
facts in the
They are the Atlantic to for all kinds
of under all conditions.
They art fireproof, never leak Ind as long as the
building itself without needing repair.
further detailed information apply to
YORK COBB, Agents.
Among the foremost colleges for Women in tho South.
Course in Liberal Arts covering nine departments,
course, in n and Bible, which count for A. B.
including Piano. Pipe Violin and Voice Culture. School of Art,
including- and of
which college s trained
director. Full course per i. eluding tuition, room,
light, best, nurse, all minor fees,
in Club, to less. Next session begins Sept.
R. T. VANN, President,
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
on Mi Hers Affecting the State.
Mr. Mrs. W. T. Jr ,
At lac Hoe.
Some people have an idea that By night or day the of
the annual conventions of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Moseley
of the State are merely on North College street is ideally
occasions for and and
having a good time. Some of Last on the occasion
this comes in, of coarse, but of a reception and dance by
there is no class of people more and Mrs
alive to matters affecting the in honor of Mr. W-
State than the editors, and that
they do things at their
is by some of the
resolutions adopted at the recent
meeting. Here are
some of the matters discussed
and embodied in the
is the of this body
that the movement to erect a
suitable monument to perpetuate
the memory of Edgar William
Nye, who lived and labored and
and bride, of Greenville, N. C,
and Miss Adelaide Or. of Char-
the brilliancy and beauty
the interior challenged the
admiration of th merry
assembled therein.
Three large rooms and a wide
hall, thrown en suite, made an
ideal bail room. To the elegance
of natural appointments was
added the beauty and fragrance
of flowers-all that May and
Nye. who lived .
died in Carolina is furnish for just such lovely
and practical events. The was
help and we would hereby give
the movement our en-
and approval.
desire to go on record as
favoring New as the
most suitable place for holding
the proposed Panama Exposition,
and we urge the newspapers of
North Carolina to exert all their
influence in this direction.
Stonewall Jackson Train-
School deserves and should
have the sympathy and support
of every newspaper in North
Carolina, and we trust that the
next legislature will pursue a
more liberal policy toward this
long needed and valuable
The work is under
management and we
glad to mention th; heroic
flee a newspaper man, Mr. J. P.
Cork, of Concord, is making in
would urge our brethren
of the press to aid in every
way the great work our
with palms and ferns,
a veritable palm garden with
cooling breezes for the dancers.
A reception of an hour gave
ample opportunity for the guests
to meet the guests of honor.
Mr. and Mrs. Moseley stood
first in the receiving line, she in
black lace over silk, and next
Miss Moseley, charming in white
silk, with trimmings of lace and
touches of blue about the low-cut
waist. To Miss Moseley's
Mr. and Mrs. Lipscomb,
the latter in an gown of
chiffon over pink silk,
trimmings of chiffon
the tunic and ornamenting
the waist. Her jewels were
amethysts Bet in pearls.
Miss Adelaide Orr was t Mrs.
right. She wore a
lovely gown of white chiffon over
yellow satin, trimmed with
chiffon rosebuds.
Dancing commenced at
o'clock, music being furnished by
Mr. Harry Asbury and assistants.
State Board of Health is doing the evening delicious
for the prevention and cure of punch was served by Mrs. C. M.
disease. This board looks to the
newspapers of the State for help
and we they may not be
disappointed. The board asks
for space in our papers to instruct
and inform the public along the
lines of sanitation and the gen
care and protection of the
public health, and we hope that
so far as it is possible, the
columns of our papers will be
placed at the disposal of this
agency of help and healing.
endorse and approve the
suggestion of Mrs. Charles D.
president of the
man's Betterment Association,
that a week be set apart for the
discussion of the objects and
purposes of the association in the
columns every paper connected
with this Association; and we
would urge upon the editors the
importance of magnifying this
great work in every way
and of supporting and
encouraging these good women
in this labor of
it the sense of this
meeting that the best use that
can be made of the State con-
is in the construction of
public roads, and the counties
desiring same should have the
first right to use them for the
purpose; provided they pay to
stipulated amount
Beardon, Asheville, guest of
Mrs. Moseley. The bowl was
set in a bed of daisies. Ices fol-
lowed the
Chronicle. 10th.
Death of Mr. A. L. Morgan.
The many friends ac-
in this city of Mrs.
A. L. Morgan Miss Leonard
will be to learn of
bet death in Ala.
The sad intelligence of her death
came in a telegram today to her
her former schoolmate and
friend, Mrs. E. B. Mrs.
Morgan is remembered here as
Miss Leonard Pitts, for it was
during her college days at Salem,
N. that she visited Mrs.
here, where she made
many lasting friends ac-
Capt. Maya Dead.
Capt. M. S. Mayo, aged
years, died suddenly at his home
in Washington a few days ago.
Capt. Mayo was for many years
captain of plying Tar
river, and was well known in the
towns along the river.
appropriate out of the general
treasury for this purpose at
State stipulated amount, Mt annually, the said
per day for each convict. the J J
State to bear all the counties; provided,
maintenance, care and
of the convicts, counties that do
not maintain chain gangs shall
preference in leasing
is further resolved that it
is the sense of this meeting that
the State should give to the
counties composing the State
assistance in the actual
of their roads, and should
the said counties raise twice the
amount allotted by the State;
and provided further, that such
moneys as are apportioned by
the State to the counties, and
that raised by the county to
meet the State allotment, shall
be spent in the construction of
public whose location and
Doing Great Work for Teachers East
The summer school for teachers
now being run in Greenville at
the East Train-
School is probably the most
important summer school ever
held in North Carolina. With an
enrollment of nearly teachers
every North Caro-
east of Raleigh and
many west of that city, a
faculty of ten efficient, herd-
working -.-etchers-each one a
proven master in his department
the school, now in its first
a work that is start-
ling in its earnestness and
in its scope. Summer schools
have been held in North Caro
at which the attendance
nearly trebled that of the school
now running in Greenville; but
the statement is confidently
made by Prof. W. H.
superintendent of
in Pitt county and an
tor of state-wide reputation, that
in consideration of the vigor and
conscientiousness of the work
and the number of teachers
reached who have hitherto not
been attracted by summer
schools. in the his-
of North Carolina has ever
shown such wonderful spirit
along educational
In the past, many teachers
have looked upon summer schools
as a place to spend enjoy-
ably the summer's vacation. In
the summer school in Greenville
the is notice
able for its absence. The
line though not as stringent, is just
as realty present as in any of the.
colleges of state Each
teacher who registers is given
the choice of five courses ranging
from to hours each. After
registration one is expected and
required be present at every
meeting of every class which has
her name its roll.
But with this discipline and
rule of hard work the teachers
are extremely well satisfied.
They all seem to think that the
East Carolina Training school is
giving them just what they need.
The teachers are giving evidence
of their appreciation and hearty
approval of th- conduct of the
school by spirit of
and encouragement
display on every occasion.
The faculty numbering only
ten men and women are being
worked severely to give, as
as they do, the fifty
courses which they offer.
dent Robert H. Wright is the
head of the work, t H.
E. Austin, teacher of Geography
and Agriculture. Professor C.
W. Miss Maria
D. Graham. Mathematics; Mr.
Meadows, of Texas, English;
Miss Kate W. Lewis, Drawing;
Mr. Knight, History; Professor
Miss Mary Arrington. Primary
Miss Bishop music
Miss Bishop an
course in
mental music.
The courses offered embrace
the entire work required in
public schools. To terms of
ten weeks each have been given.
The first began March
and ended May had enroll-
of The second term
begun on May which will run
until July has already
names on its registration list,
and teachers are coming in on
every train. Scarcely could
be accommodated in the college
buildings, the others are boarding
This Newsy It
is of Condensed
Buy Readers.
At 7.45 o'clock this morning, R.
in St. Paul's Episcopal Brooks, superintendent of the
was witnessed a very beautiful Home, died this morn-
marriage, when the destinies of j He had been in feeble
Mr. C. Tyson and Miss health for sometime. He had
Loraine Home were united by been superintendent of the home
Rev. B. F. Huske. for twelve
Skilled hands had handsomely The
decorated the church for the of on
occasion, the chancel a was enter d by
bower of palms and ferns. I three men last night and about
arch wreathed in evergreens, worth of merchandise was
magnolias and cape away and over
Though the hour was the; of was
edifice was more than filled over
admiring friends who had up as two
to witness this union of;
As Miss Helen Forbes played
the wedding march the bridal
party entered and took their
respective places. First came
the ushers. Messrs. R. C.
and W. L Hall, Hill Home
and Z. P. Vandyke.
Following these the dame
of honor, Mrs. O. R. Brown, of
Henderson, in white
lingerie with black hat, carrying
a bouquet of carnations-
The bride, in an elegant travel
suit of Alice blue, with Per-
trimmings and jewel but-
tons, carrying a bouquet of sweet
peas, entered with brother,
Mr. Horne. who gave
her away.
As these approached the altar
in some
places. Entrance was effected
from the rear by the use of a
i ladder and breaking cut a
The burglars left a note saying
they just
June In a fit
of jealousy last night at Marshal,
here, Call
well shot and
Myrtle Lowe, about ears of
age. Both are well connected in
Madison county.
High Point. June The
little girl of Mr. Mrs.
residing on North Main street
this morning while out playing
caught of a live wire.
A gentleman passing saw
the condition the little girl
was in, and tried to pull her
Entertains Hone of H.-r Guests,
, Misses Pierce and Carter.
The home of Mr. R. W. King
on to k on the
appearance of a which
numerous you- g merry-
makings have made
when M. s Mattie King
was at h me to a number
of Tuesday in honor
of h-e rut, Sallie
, of Warsaw, Lura
Carter, of Wilson. P
hearts dice was one of the
amusements of the evening, the
prize going to Miss I arr
whose tally-card shewed the
latest number of punches. She
the two of
honor to draw and Mi- Carter
was the final of the
Kodak. receiving patty
Mi-s Carter
Suit Janus, P. with
Barney Warren, ind the
hottest vi Ba com L.
in the evening punch
served in rear lull, Miss
Lillian Carr with Mr. J
aid Miss Margaret Blow
with Mr. Charles Haskett
siding the
Among guests
were Charlotte Fennell,
of Wilmington, and Good-
win, of
Invitations were sent
of the young
the groom with his brother. Mr loose from the wire, but the cur-
B. F. entered from the
vestry and met them.
The impressive ring ceremony
of the Episcopal church
used. At its conclusion the
bridal party first drove to
former home of the bride on
Greene street, and from mere
they proceeded to the A C. L.
depot to depart on a bridal
to Washington City,
and Virginia Beach.
This marriage has been looked
forward Co with much interest,
as both are well known and pop
Mr. Tyson has for several
years been city clerk and tax
collector. The esteem of their
friends was shown in the very
large number of bridal presents
rent was so strong that it took
another man to take her away.
While the child was not burned
was seriously she is suffering very
much from nervousness. Her
condition at a late hour today is
still unchanged.
One Cora-on Politeness Should
It has been noticed that people
attending marriages in churches
have a custom that should be
corrected. When the bridal
party is retiring from the church,
as soon as the ushers, who go
last, have passed the aisle, the
audience has a habit of filling
the aisle and rushing out behind
them, thus cutting off the exit
of the family and special guests
until the audience is out This
custom causes more or less con-
fusion and sometimes interferes
with the bridal party reaching
in waiting for them.
On such occasions it is proper
for the audience to remain in
their seats until not only the
immediate bridal party, but also
the family and special guests
who occupy reserved seats, have
retired from the church.
Nice the Winslow Build-
The Masons of Greenville will
soon have their new lodge m
ready for occupancy. Their n. w
quarters are in the second story
of the newly Winslow
building on Fifth and Washing-
ton streets. The front room of
the building will be occupied by
the public library will be
in operation at an early date. A
small room behind this front
room is room,
containing a large locker whose
use is known only to those who
have been put there.
The large room in the rear
is the lodge room proper. It
is by feet. A fine
carpet has been nut
down at a cost of dollars.
The which a part
has already arrived, is heavy
mahogany with black leather
upholstering. The walls are
in blue.
With the arrival of tho re-
of the furniture, prob-
ably the latter part of this week,
the Masons will take charge of
their rooms.
e College.
We desire to call n to
the advertisement of the State
Normal and I college
which appears this
Every year shows a steady
growth in this institution devoted
to the higher education of the
women of North Carolina.
The college last year a
total enrollment of students.
Ninety of the ninety-eight
ties of the State had
in the student Nine-
of all the graduates of
this institution have taught or
are now teaching in the schools
of North Carolina.
dormitories are furnished
by the State and is pro-
at actual Co Two
appointments to the mi-
apportioned the
c unties according to
school p will be award-
ed to applicants ab jut the mid-
of July. Students wish
to attend this institution next
year should make application as
early as possible, as the capacity
of the dormitories is limited.
plans and specifications for con- .
State highway I The first ground was broken
for the East Carolina
Training school not quite two
years ago. The first regular
session closed May after
doing effective work with a
registration of students from
all over eastern and central
North Carolina.
Already the Training school
like the State University is feel-
cramped with its small
equipment in face of its
to do gigantic work
in North Carolina.
Sunday Seashore Train,
Beginning Sunday, 19th, the
Norfolk Southern railroad will
operate Sunday excursion trains
between Raleigh and Beaufort.
This train will leave Raleigh at
a. m., pass Greenville at
a m., reach Morehead City
at p. m., arriving at Beau-
fort at p. m. Returning
will leave Beaufort at p. m.,
Morehead City at p. m. pass
To Late Hop. W. R. Williams.
At the recent annual meeting
of the trustees of the N. C. A.
M. college for the colored race,
at Greensboro, the following
record was made up m the min-
attention of the board of
trustees is called to the death of
Hon. W. R. Williams, of Falk-
land, N. C. It was deemed fit-
ting that a memorial page be set
to the memory of the late
member, and that the board go
on record as testifying to the
faithful, patriotic service of its
former member, and as
the loss the college and the
have sustained in the death
of a faithful member and a
Rev. D. A. Windham, of Sara-
toga, will preach at
Chapel Sunday morning
round trip fare from all invited to -f these
between and Wilson
between Wilson
Arthur between Greenville.
and Chocowinity 11.50-
And it keeps right on raining.

Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
Anything you need can be found at our store.
Call to tee us
. R. J. G.
Greenville, N. C.
Hie Rural Mail Comes Once a Day
The Telephone keeps you in touch with neigh-
friends and the city every minute of every
day. Progressive farmers throughout the South
are installing telephones in their homes and
our service.
The cost is low; the service is satisfactory.
Write to our nearest Manager, or
Farmers line Department
Henderson, N. C
Halley's Comet
fa along it at the rat of
miles par hour, according to last
C. II. engineer on X. W. Ry.
I loot would
and the public an I did not tell
done me. It
cured of a severe attack of Acute
it in twenty minute and
was entirely free from nausea and pain in
three hours.
always keep a bottle with me on my
For ion. and
there in nothing better than
SOc., at drug or sent
prepaid on receipt of price.
Manufactured by
Leftwich Chemical Co.
Lynchburg, Va.
The Reflector doe Job work.
Nicely furnished, every
thing clean and
Working the very
beat barbers. Second to
none in the State.
Cosmetics a specialty.
Opposite J. R. J. G.
Briefs far Ba
will treat you
Subscribe to The Reflector.
Best In-
and Ceylon at S. M
Don't forget the to-
night. Benefit of ball team.
Sprint chickens at Tobacco
Co. Phone
Help the team by attending
the tonight.
wanting me
will call W. J. Turnage.
Wedding presents for June
brides can be found at Taft
It may pay you to call on us
for prices before selling your
building lots for
sale on easy terms,
See Higgs Bros.
Parker fountain pens, fountain
pen ink. and library paste at
Reflector Book Store.
or doses will
any case of chills and fever.
Cut glass suitable for bridal
presents. Pharmacy,
I have a nice lot of dry wood
on hand, people wanting will call
me up. Phone
W. J. Turnage.
In West Greenville beautiful
residence lots for sale on easy
terms. See Higgs Bros
Bring your go-carts and car
to Taft
have new tires put on while you
We have a machine for retire-
baby carriages and
only a few minutes required,
Taft VanDyke.
Twenty-six telephone added
to the local exchange since May
1st. Were you one of them If
net order yours at once, don't
worry your neighbor.
Ice Cram from Washington
C every day, it is delicious
Tobacco Flues-1 will be
flues the coming season at
the Greenville Supply Go's old
sand, near A. C. L. depot.
Phone No. J. J. Jenkins.
For house and lot
situated in South Greenville, on
street between Tenth
and Eleventh streets. For fur-
information apply to D M
Use Hubbard's Top Dressing
on corn, cotton, oats, pea
nuts, potatoes etc., and increase
the yield per cent. Car load
just received by The Central
Mercantile Co. d v.
large supply of best open hearth
iron on hand, skilled mechanics
to make them. See me, or phone
No. before making your
chases this season. Absolute
satisfaction guaranteed.
J. J. Jenkins, the flue man.
The Spinning Ant.
Tin- spinning ant is found in In-
in Ceylon, in the island of Ma-
and in Australia. This ant
weave its nest between two leaves
of a tree, preferably the mango. It
begins to or to
two leaves together. To do
this it runs a line of its working
similar to the
spider length of the
leaf around it. While at work
it clings to the leaf with its flails
and the same lime draws on the
leaf nearest to it with its mandibles.
Sometimes the two leaves suitable
for nest building are too far apart.
Then the builder calls in its follow
ants. and they help it to form a
chain. ant clings to the waist
of its neighbor by its mandibles.
Thus enchained, they work to build
the nest of their
Th Father of Medicine.
It is generally understood that
Scientific medicine began with Hip-
R This great
l O. out a system of severe
induction from observed facts and
abhorred mere theories which had
no basis in actual experience, lie
was always open to conviction and
confessed his mistakes.
He was conscientious in the
of his profession and valued
the success of his art more than
and gold. The great principle
of his practice was trust in nature.
He had great skill in diagnosis and
was extremely cautious in all that
ho did. He originated the
maxim. is and
art is For more than
centuries Hippocrates was the
great authority among medical men
the world York
An Eccentric Lord.
Matthew Robinson
a prominent hut eccentric
of the eighteenth century,
became famous for long beard
and his pronounced hatred of med-
practitioners. Hit dislike for
physicians was carried to such an
extreme that he left a codicil to his
will which was to the effect that a
favorite nephew was to he
should he in
the last illness of the lord let his
sympathies cause him to send for
a doctor. This having boon made
known to the nephew when his
the lord, was in good health,
it is needless to add he allowed that
person's spirit to take its flight
without calling in any of the
There i at a library prob-
ably unique in the world. It is
bound in timber, printed on timber
from wood blocks
and deals exclusively with
The library in question is the
which was compiled
at the end of the last century by
Karl and is composed
of about volumes made from
trees in the park at
Every volume bears on a
in timber, hut. enough, in
name of the tree
from which it was obtained. There
are plates of the tree in all stages
of its growth, and the letterpress is
a treatise on the foresting and
history of the tree.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of sheriff
of tit county, subject to the
Democratic primary.
F Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for sheriff of Pitt
county, subject to the action of
the Democratic primary.
J. Marshal Cox.
We sell
Nothing but
And are in a
Position to
Show best
Quality and
Telephone No.
Norfolk Cotton and Peanut wind
by i. W. Perry A Co. Cotton Factors.
Today Yesterday
Low Low 147-8 7-8
Fancy Strictly Prime Prime Low 1-4 1-4 S
Wired by Cobb Bros Co., Bankers
and Brokers. Norfolk.
Hay 8-4 1-2
May Corn 581-8 7-8
July Ribs 1287
July Lard i
Sept 1225
report en by
Cotton Mar
to the Public
I have opened a fat Green-
ville, ch street, for repairs
of furniture, mattresses
If you have any discarded
furniture bring it to me and I will
make it new
Reference J. Z Gardner.
Mattress Maker and
Cobb Eros, Co.
Cotton Buyers, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans.
and House Furnishings
is not too good for you. When you want the
best, and prices that are in reach of your pocket
book we can supply your wants.
Taft Boyd Furniture Co.
If you trade with us we both make money
A Cool Soldier.
Remarkable for his self posses
even in the most trying mo-
of battle was the famous
Marshal One day he
wag dictating a letter to his
in the midst of an action when
a shell from the enemy's camp fell
directly upon his tent and exploded
within a few feet. Pale with fright,
the secretary sprang up, leaving his
the asked tho
gasped the fright-
what has the shell to do
with the letter you are writing Go
on with your work,
Norfolk Southern R. R.
Pullman Sleeping Car Service
between RALEIGH, N. C, and NOR-
FOLK. VA., beginning June 5th.
Th local line between Raleigh and Norfolk, via Wilson,
Greenville and Washington, without change.
Our Greenville, yours if
Pride Alt Around.
Tb proud to boasted man
solitaire, that I never
wasted any time
ventured gentleman
seedy and brow,
poets were asked they would
probably agree were proud
of It
he Hadn't,
Patron busy Too
haven't any hare yon
air. we Just
ed the last Transcript.
of the Garland.
Ill several of the morn remote
Swiss cantons there is held what
is called the feast of the garlands.
The marriageable maidens
at sunset, sing, dunce and
merry. wear a of
flowers on her forehead and carries
a tied with a bright colored
ribbon. If a lad is attracted by a
maid he plucks a flower from her
bunch. She pretends not to no-
but when tho merrymaking
breaks up at dawn she will, if
reciprocates his feelings, tie the en-
tire bouquet by a ribbon to the
of the cabin wherein he resides.
Read Down
o i
Read Up
Hen S A. L. Railway Ar
R. S. and P.
Union Station Ar
Wilson Ar
via Wilson Ar
New Bern, via Goldsboro Ar
Kinston, via Ar
Goldsboro. via Wilson Ar
Washington Ar
Ar NORFOLK, Park Avenue
p. m.
a. m.
p. m.
Close connection made at Norfolk with all lines diverging.
These train operated daily between Norfolk and New Bern via
and daily, except Sunday, between Raleigh and New Bern via
carry sleeping
tween Raleigh and Norfolk. Make close connection at Wilson win
to and Wilmington. Rocky Mount New Beta. via
make, direct connection at Raleigh with R. S. P. Ry. to and from
to and from Henderson.
A. L.
Bennett, New Bern, N. C.
H C W. W.
Norfolk, Va.
About B. C. of Io-
born. be -grew up tn
b tbs first to teach
course and cans of both solar and
lunar and to give Ma followers
whereby they could distinguish
planets from fixed tar. B was
punished, for declaring to son
not a god.
C. T.
At the
Big Store
is where mothers teach their children to go for
Big Bargains In Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods,
Dress Goods, Notions and Millinery. That is
where everybody goes.
He it Try Him
Pulley bowen
Home of Women's Greenville N C
Professional Cards
N. C
opposite R. L. Smith
tables, and next door to John
Buggy new building.
Office formerly occupied by J. L.
It Pays Dearly For Its Brilliant
Gaseous Display.
S. J. Everett
Attorney at Law
Loan on Real Estate
lift. Greenville, N. C.
L. I. W. H. LONG
Moore and Long
N. C
Barry Skinner. deny Skinner.
H. .
Greenville N- C
When visiting Washington, N. C.
Don't forget you have a standing in-
to visit
Baker's Studio
Every g well up to date
work a specialty.
Dr. F. Fitts, Osteopath
Dr. A. H. at Kinston,
as la
WILSON'S store
Thursday and Saturday
Office I. a. to p.
Mat Ms.
Attorneys a; Law
Practices where
vices required,
ally in the counties of
Craven, Carteret, Jones
Pamlico, and State and
Federal Courts.
Office Broad Street
Phone NEW BERN, ft C.
Choice Cut Flowers
Roses, Carnations, Violets,
Our Specialties
Is the newest styles,
Haul lull e starts It Use
Best artistic styles at short notice.
stat I lasses. Isms,
is gnat
J. L ft CO., J;.
I have purchased the grocery
of the late Purnell on Fifth
street, and will continue to carry it on
at the same stand. The stock will be
enlarged and constantly ad Jed to,
I car, fill your needs In good, fresh
J. A.
a specialty Wilmington, N. C.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of Treas-
of Pitt county, to
the action of the Democratic
C. T.
lay 1910. d w
h It a Globular
Mat, and a It Near th Sun th
Action f Body
Tail, Which I Never Recover.
Traveling as comets do In very
ellipse, In one of
the a attracting point Is
called, moat Journey Is spent
In slow far sway from
of system Is
Just word focus means.
then globular aggregations.
look. Sin-h
first descried In telescope
coming In from apace, for are
rarely seen at all until hare en-
orbit of Mara.
but still more their own
behavior till the in bid.
Within tills known
bead, appears as It near us a bright
th nucleus. Suddenly there
cur a complete change tn deport-
of the body, one which renders
It the observed of all observers, In
less times occasionally Its be-
held harbinger of distress, dis-
ease mid death.
As soon as comet gets Dear
enough the beat of the sun acts up
commotion It. deter-
of temperature of
we are to Infer that this beat
is great at earth's from
the sun In spite of cold of
This temperature is degrees F.
at the comet the
sun this bent must Increase Inversely
a square of the distance. At
radius of earth orbit It is
ready four times as great above
lute at a times,
and so on Increasingly, the
tiling Into thousands of degrees.
No wonder comet acts as It does.
It at once becomes uneasy. In
light and. as Hie reveals,
disruptive electric start
It let out the
Then begins that of
perihelion passage the
comet so superb object and for
It pay so dear. gases
are thus thrust out from
Interior of separate to-
with such particles of the Iron
as are made gaseous by beat, fall
prey to another besides
This force Is the Impact of light
Itself, the light by the sun.
That so immaterial a as a
beam of light have to move
even n pith ball Is u conception not
easy to grasp. Yet there Is
of the fact, theoretically calculated
years ago by Clerk Maxwell from Ins
theory of light, for
gaseous particles proceed to Is- repel lid
by at enormous speed, each
behaving exactly as it should by
analysis II sin-h were the
cause the light
waves have a propelling power
direction of their motion
to their speed.
Why, then. Is It Hint the planets
tray no such effect split of their
size The answer Is. because of that
very size. Gravity nets on mas,
a matter of three the light
force on the surface of the body, a
matter of two. As a body diminishes
In size, therefore. Us surface Hears a
greater and greater ratio to Its mas
until when small enough the
force is the stronger of the two.
This relation betrayed In the cod
duct of tall. The Imprisoned,
gases, to expulsion on the sun-
ward ski of comet, rise toward It
In a series of exquisite mantling en-
as If the comet's head were
veiling Itself from the too ardent gas
of Then, rising to s
certain height, their initial impetus
overcome, they fall back, repelled by
light although till attract-
ed by gravity, and ore driven out to
form the toil of the comet, en
taking place.
Sometime only a single Is form
ed. but at others two or even three are
hot out. and when Ibis happens on
la nearly straight, one curved and on
greatly Now. calculation
force in case of
first la fourteen times that of
Id second two and two-tenth
time, or something less, In
third only about of gravity.
Hut the are very ratio which
particle of gas. of
and of Iron or sodium
would respectively show.
A the comet approaches sun tbs
display becomes more violent and
more spectacular. Finer wilder
grows pageant, the
loosening Its tresses, had stood
about It bead amid
th depth of space, to In
gorgeous gleam behind It as It pays
orbital obeisance to th ruler of
Its course. It hack away
In keeping etiquette to royal-
turning always face
a It retreats whence It cam.
But It pay dearly for II display.
matter to form the tall
never be recovered, hut I driven far-
away. At each successive return
to th sun tome of It man and-
llano Is thus lost, and Is why
periodic comets. that have mad
many visits, are such small In-
conspicuous objects. It Is only
comet of long ellipse and
rant habit of which the perihelion
pageant la so
and th of th Famous
Prison of Franc.
famous prison known
as the Bastille started April
by order of Charles V.
The Bastille turned out to be an
structure ill history,
fall on July marked the
la-ginning of the French
It was originally intended by
Charles M I defense against the
When it came to be used
us a state prison it was provided
with vast bulwarks and ditches.
The Bastille had four towers of
five stories each on each of its large
sides. It was partly in these towers
ind partly in underground Cellars
I hat the prisoners were situated. It
was capable of containing from
to eighty prisoners, a number
frequently reached during the
reigns of Louis XIV. and Louis
XV., the majority of them
of the higher ranks. On
its now stands the Column of
July, erected in memory of the pa-
The name or in
ancient times was given to any kind
of structure calculated to withstand
a military force, and thus, formerly
in England on the borders of
Scotland, the term house was
applied to places of strength
and fancied security. The French
Bastille mi originally called the
Stephen Marcel, provost of the
merchants, undertook the erection
of the French Bastille. The build-
was enlarged in 1309 by
provost of Paris under
Charles V. He added two towers,
which, being placed opposite to
those already existing on each side
of the gate, made of the Bastille a
fort, with u tower at each of
the four angles.
After the death of Charles V.,
who had many enemies,
was prosecuted for alleged crimes
and condemned to perpetual
confinement in the Bastille, of
which, according to some
ans, he was the first prisoner. Aft-
some time ho was removed
thence to another
prison, from which ho was liberated
in 1381 by the insurrection of the
After this insurrection, in
the voting king. Charles VI. still
further enlarged the Bastille by
adding four towers to it. each
feet high, thus giving it, instead of
the square form it originally
the shape of an oblong or
parallelogram. To increase its
strength the Bastille was surround-
ed by a ditch feet deep and
feet The road which former-
passed through it was turned to
one side.
The Bastille from its command-
position was closely connected
with important affair in French
history and was occupied by the
Guises in 1.188, by Charles IV. in
1584. the in and
Ponds in
It was natural, therefore, that the
Bastille should one of the first
objects of attack at the outbreak
Revolution. In July
the populace of Paris, recruit-
ed chiefly from the St.
attacked the fortress
stormed it after a half hearted re-
by the governor. Be
nay. and u handful of Swiss. The
governor and seven of his men were
killed, the archives of the prison
scattered, and the prisoners, seven
in number, were carried through
the streets and hailed as victims of
and martyr's in the people's
cause. The building itself was torn
down. The anniversary of the
of the Bastille is celebrated
year the national holiday of
Th of Boy
Yesterday looked me with
your father's eves. clasped my
with your tiny ones, clinging
us for your life, and a tiny spark of
kindled in my cold heart.
Yesterday you walked alone, you
stood proudly erect, thing back your
head, with your father's own
Yesterday you wore your first lit-
trousers and were indeed
big You have very
forgotten, but I never shall,
the huge monster of a dog that
barked at us on our walk that day.
You sprang me faced it j
valiantly. stretched our your
tiny arms way
Don't you hurt my
Yesterday you came blindly to
my sitting with swollen eyes
arid blood stained lips. As I bathed
and patched and trembled you blurt-
ed called you a name
any feller call my mother
a name I punched him good Ix-t
him just say that again He
said was a Dear lit-
warrior, with your father's own
chivalry No wonder my starved
heart upon those divine
crumbs of comfort.
Yesterday I sent you to college.
I hope my misgivings showed not at
all face. Yesterday went
to I sat with blanch-
ed cheeks smiling lips through
two hours of agony. saw my
wart son pounced upon, battered,
victorious. I waved my hand to
him they carried him out on
their shoulders, and he turned from
all that shrieking me.
It is hard to be a Spartan mother,
but You came
straight to me after the rub down term
and said. you're a earliest Sax
You didn't know that still shook
inside. I
Yesterday yon left your college
days behind you. You came to mo
after all the feasting and merry-
making I sat quiet again after
awhile. We talked, you and I, of
what you were to make of that
life now so near at hand. My
heart, was glad to hear yon say you
would choose that same honorable
calling to which your father's best
was given. And said to you then,
as I have ever said. of your
life something clean and straight
and honest, as was Your
mother has watched to see you
struggle against tho waves of temp-
But you have kept that promise.
She has seen the man grow out of
the youth not perfect, but facing
toward the right. Bear boy, your
mother is glad to tell you
Yesterday you told me. I had
seen it it even in
of my cowardly denials to
self. is a dour girl, an ideal
mate for my manly son. and I pray
you may be happy together.
was your wedding day
bright, beautiful, sunny. Never
die shall I have to do anything
again so hard us to stand through
that solemn service.
my crowning
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Between Norfolk, Washington, Plymouth.
and Kinston, April 1st.
For further information, address nearest ticket at
W. J. P. T. M. T. C. WHITE, G. I. A.
Devices That Been Used
In Fettering
In Is be found the re-
corded Instance of lb use of hand-
cuffs, for the poet tells us
was thus and rendered pow-
by win, apparently
knew even the gods themselves
were not proof against this form of
In the It. C. an army
of victorious Greeks found several
chariots full of among the
baggage of i- defeated Carthaginians,
and it Is highly probable that I he nu-
of the kind. word Is derived
from the Anglo Saxon
whence the
were used for nobles and
for kings, but the fourteenth
the wold Is sup-
planted by the terms
and instruments
were us cumbersome us the names by
which they were
Up to the middle of the last
there were two of in
general use. One, known as the
was very like that which Is
still the other kind, culled the
was used to restrain
prisoners. It was so fashioned
that the captive could move his
was universally dreaded.
for the pain caused by a limb
ably Confined is almost unbearable.
A simple but powerful device for
curing prisoners was the
now abolished owing to the Injuries
It Inflicted. It of a chain
with bandies at each end. The chain
was put around Hie wrists, and
handles were brought together and
twisted until a firm grip was obtained.
The least struggle on part of the
captive and the chains bit deep Into
his wrists. Of Hie same nature, but
made of wire. Is while In
nu emergency has proved
perfectly satisfactory.
The handcuff used In some parts of
eastern Europe Is most primitive. It
consists or a V shaped piece of metal.
In which I lie wrists Inserted, the
ends being then drawn together
by means of a cross hook, which must
be kept taut whole time. The
most bandy form of cuff, which is In
general use present, conies from
my heart sings as I write and America. It Is lighter and much less
Is happy again, truly happy, I clumsy than the old
never expected to feel in this
world. came to me, tall,
straight, with a new expression of
manliness in your eyes, and
he has son
Isn't it You came to
meet me and gathered me up in
your strong arms and held me close
to the heart that had rested so of-
ten on mine. voice came to
me, softened with the tears of
which your manhood was not
It Is Do easy matter to clap lbs
on a person who is
violently. Inventor should turn
their attention to the subject, for much
remains to lie done lighting
prisoner can he quickly . strongly
secured Without harm to himself or
An Old Tim
An ancient war that
compiled by a Chinese. 1403
emperor of the Ming dynasty or-
that such a work should
undertaken, and in 1410 the
volumes were ready for block print-
This process in Chi-
was by pasting
written copy on blocks of wood
cutting the letters in relief. The
work of printing the encyclopedia
seemed so arduous that it was
and the work remained in
manuscript. The books of the en-
cyclopedia were one foot and eight
inches in length half inch
thick were bound in yellow silk.
were stored in Peking and
were burned during the siege of
that city by the allied forces in
Hit Hard Luck.
His hone went dead, his
mule went lame, and he lost six
cows in a poker game; then a
cane came on a summer's day and
blew the where he lived away,
and the earthquake came when that
was and swallowed the land
that the house was on; then the tax
collector came around and charged
him up with the hole in the
In his hook the
Hans a Dot re-
Uncovered by the wind picked
i up blunt arrowheads knives.
coins, lost by
never knew till now what j fragments of
have suffered all these years to ; beautifully colored marble slabs which
little I probably once adorned mm
tills et
Strange peoples were met in that
long mar. b across the
for Instance, who need not n
suffragist attack to bring them to their
senses, for the Tuareg It la
the man. the brute, who by all the
laws of the country tins to
Woman. Descent is traced through
the mother. Woman shows her proud
face to nil the world, while the man
Helen Peck in New Idea Woman's
John, haven't seen you
for years years, it seems to
two met at n
homecoming. are till tho
folks Suppose the have all
grown up by this
answered and with
a pardonable show of pride,
you know, is a fledged doc-
yes; I suppose he is. it
hardly seems possible. And how is
he getting
answered the proud
father. operated on his sixth
patient the other day. and the man
lived two
Tn n certain
h in
the custom has prevailed of
presenting to each scholar of the
Sunday school an egg daring the
exercises at the celebration of
On an occasion of the kind the
assistant clergyman arose and made
my soul, the exalted lay,
which the eggs will dis-
The and Hie Work.
The great like the great he-
roes, hate always done whatever came
to hand. grumbled and
Said lie a sculptor when Julius
II. him to paint, hut he palm-
ed the of chapel.
Shakespeare chafed the popularity
Of fool In the drama of bis time
produced Hie fool In
If either Of I hem had waited for per
feet condition- and an inspiration
trammeled By circumstances he would
have done nothing. They produced
masterpieces because they lbs
best of things the. were. And tins
Is the business of artist in life.
London Times.
Their and Mode a
A hundred .,. number t
bank clerks bare lie-n
inconsiderable. The oM needed
only small Quite In
eighteenth i. biggest
conducted its business two cleft.
The of a third created
great excitement. arrival
more etching, for we are
he wore n long flapped With
large the sleeves bad broad
cuffs, with three large button, some-
what like the coats worn by
coal reaching nearly down Ml
knees. With an enormous In
the a cocked bat. powdered
hair, with and
gold beaded no
was of a peacock, even fur
his time. A few years later, in the
early part of the nineteenth century.
the correct was
breeches, silk Stockings. Rimes
silver buckles and a while tie.
can Imagine u dress more
of o; e
But it doe not seem that, according
to our Ideas, the manner of life was
quite In harmony Impressive
appearance. Not for the bank clerk
the early eighteen hundreds the
clean and elaborately fitted
restaurants of the modern Not
for him tea shops varieties of
harmless drinks and tempting light
food If he wanted a meal he went tie
the butcher and bought himself a
or steak for halfpenny r
sixpence. This lie carried himself t
an adjacent public house, they
cooked It for a penny. Tb
In fact played no small part
his life.
Is It not a tradition th it the clearing
house has grown the meetings r
clerks in a tavern, where met ft
the purpose of settling up
The and th Err
There are n number of beasts
mens of which are ardently desired
not only by garden of
the world, but by the professional
us well. Among these may
be mentioned bear, nu
rune animal and one
ed iii make a mountain grizzly
Bo America contains a prise in
the of a specie f Jaguar never
held In captivity. This Jaguar Is of
tremendous coal black.
There two rare birds in Hie
forests whereof do specimens nave
over been brought
the These names
are derived the effect produced
by lb cries of the bird-, the former
having a likened Hull of n
boll and the latter the
eerie of crooning In
such a manner as Io i reduce goose-
flesh person who
hears Its sung. T
naturalists will vote ex-
of heartfelt IO the In-
who will retell them from far-
off Burma a specimen n
having n black bide and big.
ears. No one ever actually- cc
this Ian. It Is livened, white
men frequently bis hide
New Zealand is land mys-
The most of the rare
whereof Inn ls are waged
for by Is a kind
duck billed one seems
what should be
It Is added, mis always of
that some day n true lizard .
not a lilt a true
link between the birds and reptile
-might lie found in
Not t All
Madam-What a funny looking hat
woman has sec
anything funny about It mighty
sensible me. Madam-Yes; that's
what makes It so
York Times.
The Catalpa
tree Is slouch of
forest, has a brief season of beau-
but this outburst of i I ex-
ephemeral compared
with the long weeks and months when
it to be fairly ill litter
that the wonder is presence Is
to the extent It has been In
gone by. We believe It was
who ones Indulged in a
utterances over ll
blossoms, bill II Is safe he
had . up a yard U bill.
by the presence of one or more of
tree or the sentiments
would hove been other than poetic

n i
a. the average Io
does apt love much work.
Subscription-One fat
Six Months
Single Copy .
rates may be had upon
application at the business office in The
Reflector Building, corner Evans and
Third street.
Entered in the post office at Greenville
N. C, as second-class mail matter.
Lets every I y. t
II re is
talk rad.-
There is always Bum
great calamities.
there has
been much to the
American Tobacco Company,
legislators and ca-
bowlers have tried to run
of North Carolina, that
hag come forward in
the dilemma and offend
take one million dollars of the
hoods now the market. The
howlers should cease their howl-
A lady friend who has enjoy-
This great com- country. This colony
what it was about ed on unimproved land right in
when it took those bonds. the woods, but they set to work
in earnest their section now
looks like t truck garden. They
e the friendly between are a class of emigrant, that
ton Dispatch, wants to know if be
we saw Cowan at the
press convention and what he
looks like. we saw
back Wrights
him. That was half of our an ville the other day, w were told the
. visitors than those of
of the editors to go where
and when they pleased, even to
the use of special cars when
regular schedules were
And the Western Union
Telegraph Co. tendered its wires
to let the editors after
the folks at home when they
desired. Altogether we have
never seen people more anxious
to contribute to the pleasure of
are smart, as
ell as Two of
tin-in have won scholarship this
With potatoes so low, the
Northern folks where they are
shipped ought to living
ch aper.
And it was the Co.
which cane to the rescue. Just
look out for some of the news
papers to ii a
Just one more week
great T. K. will land on the
shore. Then you will
have u chance to observe hat a
nation of hero we
A letter from Boa. Jno. H
small, states that the report
map of the soil survey of
Pitt county will be ready for
general distribution in about ten
days, and that he will be glad to
send a copy of this report to any
of Pitt county upon
plication. Every progressive
farmer in the county should
secure one, as it will help
great deal in the select ion .
Some North Carolina editors
are whetting their pencils with
determination to make Editor
Sherrill, of the Concord Tribune,
hustle for that mendacity medal
next time.
The Chronicle mendacity med-
has brought out a
full crop of stories It
must be the the boys are
drinking enables them to
tell inch .,,,
From July h i,, th
city of Bern will celebrate
its two hundredth anniversary.
Preparations are now on the way
to make this u of
unusual interest.
There is not a finer harbor on
the Atlantic Coast than
and that city is
ed to soon become greatest
seaport of the South. All it
needs is a channel down the
Cape Fear of sufficient depth to
permit the entry of vessels of
any Already the
movement is the way to
this channel, and when that
reality Wilmington will be
port of entry and distribute
North Caro-
Fact is he was the first to rush
up greet us with arms
hen we landed. And what
does he look like That is not
hard either; for if he can
the comparison we will say that
he easily be taken for our
twin He is just a little
bit larger in size and almost as
good looking, but we
him the hair proposition, his
top knot only reaching a sandy
hue. If so near like us, you
know he is bound to be the real
going.; that an editorial in The
tor about the time the Nor-
folk Southern schedule went
into effect, had been a subject
of criticism, some construing it
to be a reversal of a previously
expressed opinion about the
schedule. We did say there are
some good features about tOe
schedules of the new night
train so there are, but
ton and They
will ever have a warm place in
the hearts of North Carolina
N. C, 14.- Misses
Agnes and Trilby Smith and
Murk Smith attended the Lang-
Joyner wedding at Farmville
last Wednesday evening.
Miss Virginia Mayo, of Wilson,
returned home Saturday evening
after having spent a week with
honest says a
writer in the Charlotte
tax listing,
his property assessed
lower than the same value in
property owned by his neigh-
The editors whose good fortune
it was to attend the recent
meeting at Wrightsville, have
to long pleasantly
Editor J. U. Cm an, of the
The following is an extract
from the Charlotte
Business Men's dub, an
organization formed for social
purposes, pleaded
to selling liquor in the
Superior court this afternoon
and was fined At the in-
stance of Solicitor
Judge Pell ordered the sheriff
to at once issue execution papers
on the property of the club.
Mr. Stew art, who rep-
resented the club, said that the
sentence would not opposed,
wanted tor the
members of the to
beer, which was stored away in
the common ice
It appears as if the
of the City are
morally stunted- Judge Pell
remarking the case said he
had more respect for the old
who peddles by drams,
as the members of the club are
Either this writer's con
these advantages do com- humankind is some-
this section for the loss thing to wonder at admire,
of the day formerly
The night be-
tween Norfolk are
very convenient for through
travel. They also give the
of Greenville opportunity,
if they do not at
o'clock in the morning to go w
as far north as Richmond as and J
or the honest men in the laud
are about as few as the righteous
men in Sodom. The truth is
the great majority of the folks
want their property assessed as
low as possible, and use their
best efforts to that end. They
expect the neighbor to do like-
wise. Statesville
south as Wilmington or as far
articles through the port of
New York are consumers who
that they could save a
great deal if they could only get
rid of paying the tariff. They
vote for a tariff but they try to
dodge their share of the burden.
He hung to error a long time,
Chicago man, years of
age, renounced his allegiance to
the Republican party to become
Democrat. It was almost a
death bed repentance, but it is
never too late to do good.
Wilmington Dispatch, lie was
at the head of the reception wen of brains and their action
entertainment committees, and was all the more serious.
that he himself out
No better evidence of what a
good hotel will do for a town is
shown than the Kicks Hotel at
Kooky Mount. When the pro
Mr. Lee Bland, secured
the building of that modem
hotel a few years ago, there
were those who thought it so far
in advance of the needs of the
town that it would be a long
time it would pay, if at
all. But just the opposite of
for the pleasure of the visitors is
not half way expressing it. We
never saw a p r-on active
in doing thing for the pleasure
of others, and he was here and
there, every whereat everybody's
call, even seeking them out to
see there was anything else he
could do. Cowan is a prince of
good follows.
Great preparations have been
and are yet being made for the
Roosevelt reception when he re-
turns from his trip abroad and
lands in New York on the 18th.
He is going to be de-lighted at
the noise made over him.
The of affairs up at
Washington reminds us of
old woman's gossip club, where
they have turned on each other.
Talk about muck raking Well,
there's nothing that can beat
what congressmen hand up to
one not yellow
The Redactor has a rate per
line for all advertisements. Our
correspondents will please take
notice that boosts of candidates
come under the advertisement
head must be paid for.
we these
boosts among community items,
because we are opposed to
the candidate written about, but
because items cannot be
published free. The advertising
space of a newspaper is its only
asset and it is only fair that the
politician pay for advertising as
well as the merchant or
other business man.
west as Greensboro, spend
hours at either place and
get back home a little past mid-
night- But the
day train has cut off much
that came Star,
rail, great y delayed and
disarranged mails in out of
over the Norfolk
Southern road. If the Norfolk
Southern officials wish to do
what is best for this section, as
ii claimed, they will restore the
day train.
A Dreadful Wound.
from a knife, grin, tin can. rusty nail
fire works or of any other nature, de-
prompt treatment Ban.
ten s t prevent blood
poison or It's the quickest,
surest healer for such w. a
also for bums, boils, sores, skin
or piles, c at all
had the heaviest rainfall
of the season last Thursday
evening. We must think it was
near three inches. Several say
it's the Digest rain they ever saw,
and it's been raining right much
The rain kept us from having
Sunday school Sunday evening.
And we had another very big
rain yesterday evening.
Mrs. Kincaid, of Wilson, wan
visiting at last week.
Miss Ruth Cobb, of Norfolk,
went to Wilson yesterday.
Miss Mamie Norman, of Green-
ville, was visiting at Ivy Smith's
a few days ago.
Robbers, or a robber, broke in
Jerry work shop at
Arthur Thursday night and
armed themselves with such
tools as they wanted and broke
in Robert Strickland's store,
which was near by, and carried
off all of his potted ham and a
quantity of other canned goods,
crackers, soap and ail the money
they could find. Such robbers
ought to be caught and punished.
T. E. Little has been sick for
a few days, but is improving at
this writing.
Miss Valeria Alston, of Hen-
came in yesterday to
spend sometime with Mrs. L. W.
Annual Meeting.
annual meeting of Green-
ville Lodge No. A, F. A.
M. will open tomorrow at a.
m. in Rel Men's Hall. After
the meeting a barbecue
will be served. Visiting a
are cordially invited.
The meeting of the North
Carolina Press Association at
Wrightsville last week, was one
of the best the association has
ever held, both in attendance
interest. There was more
real business than at any former
session, and the papers and dis-
bore evidence of the
progress the press is making in
uplifting humanity
the State. In addition to
the essays and addresses by
tor.-, there were addresses by
such prominent men as Dr. W.
Wiley Brown
this prediction came true. of the State board of
of the Ricks Hotel health, who told of the work the
such that traveling men
Hocked there to spend Sundays,
editors were doing and can yet
do in helping to stamp out die-
also made it a stop over ease; by ex-Judge R W. Win-
point from which to radiate st who spoke the relation
Eastern North Carolina. As a of the newspapers and the
result this hotel, though it by Dr. Henry Louis
The outcome of the bond issue
matter is indeed gratifying to
the pride of North Carolina.
Despite the fact that adverse
advertisements inserted in the
northern newspapers by
bond holders gave the
State a black eye in the
world, she has sold her
bonds. bids run
excess of the issue and the
The government is going to
try the experiment of making ,. i ,, ,,,,,
farmer, out of the Indians, and State bankers were prepared to
a dispatch from Waking ton says subscribe for more than
car road, of farming implements was reads a press
for that purpose are being dispatch. The action of the A
the Indian reservations T. Company in the matter will
of the West. We have got the lie on L the entire of the Tide-
g our prove the he on those northern from the southern part of water Power Co. at the dis-
seventy-live rooms, is constantly
so crowded that two other
buildings have to be used as an-
Nothing helps a town
more than a first class
We have seen much of North
Carolina in our day, but not
until the trip to Wilmington
last week did we know that a
few miles out from that city,
across the line in a neigh-
boring county, is a colony of
Italians that are their
section blossom like a rose.
Their location is called
and there are said to be
like of them in
the They were brought
Smith, president of Davidson
college, the editor as an
The editors never re-
a higher tribute for their
work in education than was paid
them by Dr. Smith.
While there was so much of a
business and instructive
going during the sessions of
the association, there was no
lack of pleasure and entertain-
for the editors.
ton's hospitality is unbounded,
and the enterprise of her
people unsurpassed. One
night was devoted to j
rate banquet at
hotel, another to a souvenir
dance at and a day to a
river trip on the elegant steamer
Wilmington to Southport and to
Assigned to S. T. Hooker
Must be Sold in
The National Bank has leased the
building and these Goods must be
moved out. To do this quickly all
goods are marked down at and
below cost.
there from Northern Italy,
noted for its good farmers, and witnessing a game
are a vastly different people to this, through the
from the Sicilian class of courtesy of Manager
banana who come the entire system of the
Notions, Shoes,
Trunks, Clothing, Etc.
Sale Will Begin at a. m.
Remember the Place and Come for Bargains
Wiley Brown
Agent of The Eastern Reflector for Ayden vicinity. Advertising rates furnished
We are representing the oldest
and strongest Life Fire
Insurance Co. in the world.
Call us and let us consult with
you. Ayden Loan Insurance
Co. Phone
G. J. Cherry, of the
Ayden Lumber Co., is in town
this week.
If you need a good open or
top buggy, wagon or cart call
on J. R. Smith Co. Dixon.
We believe family reunions
will add to the happiness and
comfort of the older ones, who
are passing away, and keeps
others in touch with their
We hope to see these
plans materialize during the com-
A nice line of coffins and
caskets always on hand with a
nice hearse at your service at
J. R. Smith Go's. mill.
Mrs. Lillie Forrest Co. have
purchased the millinery stock of
J. J. Hines Co. and moved it
next door to the bank.
Now is a good time to advertise
in the Ayden Department-
R. W. Smith.
The Holiness meetings
are attracting large crowds.
Cook stoves and repairs for
same at J. R. Smith Go's.
J. T. Smith has improved
so much he and his family left
Thursday for Morehead.
You can find almost anything
you want in shoes, hats, dry
goods, notions, trunks,
school book, furniture, hard-
ware, crockery, lime, cement,
Windows, rs, stove-,
screen windows and groceries
J. R Smith
The milady is paying
their reports to our town.
Milk preserve jars,
milk coolers and Mason's fruit
jars at J. R, Smith Co's.
A. L. Blow was in town
J. F. paints, varnish,
cites and at J.
R. Smith Co's.
James A. Davis is h
concrete and
walks made his
residence in Ghent.
If you have news items, tell Car cement, lime, nails and
this scribe and help us to make hay at J. R. Smith Co's.
this column a creditable one. I Why not start some enterprise
Don't treat him like you do a j, Ayden that will utilize our
book agent, and then wonder at current during the day
Daniels, we need your co-opera- together and suggest what it
R. W. Smith,
and A. M.
snail be.
Corn oats and hay
at J R.
Moseley. of Greenville, were here Smith Co.
on business Tuesday
Call us, phone Let us rent
your houses and collect for you.
Will sell your personal property.
Capt. D. G. Berry brought us
a sheaf of genuine Scotch oats
measuring feet inches
high The seed were imported
Ayden Loan Insurance Co. native home, and sown on
J. R. Spier, of Ridge Springs. 13th. Mr. Berry has
spent Tuesday in town on three acres of them, and they
are of a very superior quality,
If you have anything to buy or. . The field
sell, let us drop it the Ayden scene and
when the gentle breeze floats
are wave too and
a large prize house in tobacco fro and
town, which will be ready for y
the present crops.
poultry food and
hawk killer at J. K. Smith Co's.
U. C. Ormond made a trip to
Hookerton Wednesday, taking
orders in the towns and country
for screen doors and windows.
Call on us for ceiling.
We guarantee
J. R. Smith Co's. mill.
Zack is very low
Screen doors made to order or
repaired on short notice at J. K.
Smith Co's mill.
G. Jackson, near
has typhoid fever.
Coal tar, roof paint, at J.
R. Smith Co's.
Postmaster G. W.
has a little girl at his home on
We will your tobacco
trucks, wagon, cans and other
farm machinery on short notice
at J. Ii. Smith Co's. Mill.
A little child of Walter Newell
Grain cradles and
sweeps at J. K. Smith
M. C. Prescott, of Aurora, is
his brother, G. W.
At the Close of Business March
Loans and discounts
Furniture fixtures
Due from 60,003.86
Cash items 2.00
Gold coin
Silver coin, including all
minor coin cur. 1,238.09
bank and other
Notes 8,785.00
stock 25,000.00
Surplus fund 12,500.00
Undivided profits, less
our. exp. and taxes pd. 6,421.89
Deposits sub. to check 60,186.20
I. J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
before me, this 4th day April,
Notary Public.
We wish to call your attention to our new line of fall goods which
we now have. We have taken great care in buying this year and we
think we can supply your wants in Shoes, Hats, Dress Ginghams, No-
Laces and Embroideries and in fact anything that is carried in a
Dry Goods Store.
Came let us show you.
Tripp, Hart Co., Ayden, N. C.
We are prepared to furnish you with
House and Kitchen Furniture
at the prices. Cask or Installment.
Coma to see us and will convince you
ocean waves. He ex
to thresh bushels per
acre. Ayden is surely the gar-
den spot of Pitt. These oats are
growing within the
Mr. Berry is a judge of
agriculture, as well as forestry.
you want to buy,
lease, sell or rent houses or land,
or want a job for yourself, wife,
daughter, mother or sister, or
want to employ additional help,
or sell what you have, there is
no better medium than the col-
of Reflector.
R. W. Smith.
Mrs. died
at her home, near Ayden, Friday
morning. She had an attack of
and suffered a relapse
f rum which she never recovered.
Her infant followed her within a
few hours. They will both be
buried today near in
the same coffin. We extend
sympathy to the bereaved
chicken powders kills
hawKs, crows, owls and minks,
remedy tor cholera, gapes,
indigestion and leg weak-
keeps them free from
causing them to pro-
duce an abundance of eggs.
t package at J. H. Smith Co's.
W. J. Boyd has withdrawn
from Armour A Co. and gone
in with W. A. Co , of
Richmond. We now may expect
the latter firm to rise above
Car nails, barbed wire, lime
and cement at J. R. Smith Co.
Protect your house against the
filthy flies, and mosquitoes by
putting in a set of the improved
screen windows and doors made
by J. R. Smith Mfg. Co.
and magazines
at Smith Co.
It has been suggested to have
a reunion in August of all the
descendants of the late Henry
Smith, who married Celia Tucker
long before the civil war. They
raised seven sons and four
daughters. Their children,
grand children, great-grand
children and
children would number like
Abraham's promise. They lived
and raised their large family
near where Jesse Braxton now
live, on the road leading from
the Sam Kittrell place to Reedy
Branch. The reunion will likely
take place at Henry B. Smith's,
who resides near the old home-
stead, as he is the baby boy, and
will gladly pay towards a
dinner. Their descendants are
scattered from Eastern North
Carolina to Western California,
Ample time will be given
for all to come home. A sump-
dinner, a history or
sketch of each will be
read, fitting ceremonies and
speech from Andrew Joyner,
will be had on the memorable
Candy and rubber belting,
black and pipe and
other mill fittings at J. R Smith
See our and cent bargain
counters. J. R. Smith Co.
Miss Rouse, a trained nurse
from Washington, came
day to nurse G. E. Jackson.
Our farmers are not disposed
to ship their potatoes at present
Miss Ella Wayne returned
from the Kinston hospital
day very much improved.
Miss Laura Cox came
day o visit her sister, Mrs. W.
J. Mumford. Miss Cox has just
returned from Louisville. Ky.,
where she has prepared herself
become a missionary. She
will leave in a few weeks for her
work on the foreign field.
Miss Clyde a trained
nurse from Baltimore, is visiting
her sisters. Miss Lena Dawson
and Mrs. F. G.
Mr. Monk, of pro-
of Monk ware-
house, and editor of the Enter-
prise, was in our town Monday
soliciting subscriptions, etc. We
found him a very courteous and
polite gentleman.
D. C. Moore, the champion of
big Odd Fellows, spent Monday
night in town.
Eli Ange, who has been assist
in bookkeeping at J. R.
Smith Co's. during the busy
season, left Tuesday for his
home in
Dr. E. L. St. Clair, the
of education, is doing some
very effective work for
Seminary here. A twenty-
seven room dormitory will be a
J. J. Hines left Tuesday for
Charlotte, where he will make a
speech, and represent the
lodge of Ayden.
Miss Alice Dickerson, of
Spring Hope, has accepted a
as teacher in the Seminary
for the fall term.
F. G. the proud
father of a boy.
J. E. Winslow, of Greenville.
Bat is
Hanrahan, N. C, June
We don't know how to begin
this week, because what we
wrote last week we failed to
print. You that a
thing written does not look
like it in print, and we
suppose that is why so many
people like to get their names in
a newspaper. But there is one
thing that we do know, and that
Tablets Tested.
What are the Tablets good
to know what they will do
following letter and Bee. If you
any doubt to the of the
latest, writ to Mr. em-lour
for reply, and see whether
testimonial U genuine or
Mich., Juno
Drug Co.
In regard to the Tablet, I
have need about ten in all.
While I was in my
was bothered with a
all the time. baa had it for four
years. Sometimes it would go away,
and in the winter time it was so .
that the doctors and professors said
that she had consumption, and the only
is What We Wrote week came I way to give her any relief was to per-
nearer lo our heart that anything
that we have written from Han-
but you were Mr.
Editor, and your foreman did
not know who we are. Tell him
that we be the lord mayor by taking them. She would up
Hanrahan, that we say to this an night
man go and he moves to another
form an operation.
I spend o much money for different
and for doctors also.
seemed to help her.
So I saw the Tablets
in the paper, and I got a box
them. She could get some
and if the money is in
sight, and a plenty of it,
is not too much indisposed he
makes an effort cur bidding.
Now if this does not find its
way to the waste then
we may come again another day.
The weather man for the past
week has not necessitated to
change his type. It has read
showers tonight or tomorrow.
It should have read showers
tonight and tomorrow.
We have been eating
or berry pies since the
early peaches gave
want to say to that
old maid, that wrote us from
Vanceboro under our assumed
name, that they are of right
temperature and our wife objects
to anyone else having our name.
cough. So in all she took
x boxes, and never was bothered any
I will leave this for any one to in-
quire at our old residence, where
lived In Chicago. All our
would say that she could not live with
such a cough. You don't know how
thankful I am. is eighteen years
I My oldest son also was bothered with
hi.- stomach, throwing up, and his
bowels so loose nil the He
all run down for four months. I also
doctored with him. One would say this
the other something else. I started
in him the Tablets, and now he
is right and healthy looking. He
took four boxes. That is all he want
to take whenever anything ails him.
Ho X your Tablets Just as high
a your That is all
, the medicine that ever comes in my
OUt. We Whenever I travel I take
Or with me. I have had three of my
sick with scarlet fever two month
ago. and that is all I used, was the
and the Tablets. did not
any of them.
if there is any more information
want, why Just let me know and will
be glad to do so. Yours truly,
But there is a about
two miles from here who has no Ask your Druggist for a free Peru-
child; he weighs about j Almanac for 1910.
pounds, he owns a acre farm, I
he is very manly in life, raises Marriage Licenses,
plenty of chickens and hogs.
s Edith and Beulah
Miss Jimmie Leah Davis is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed.
in Washington.
M its Annie Dudley, our
milliner, is spending a
few days in Kim-ton.
Rev. Mr. of
Greensboro, preached in the
Sunday morning
and night-
Mrs. Celia who is so-
funds to better equip the
Seminary and fur the federation
of the Free Will Baptist, left
Tuesday tor a few days in Kin-
Mr. of Morehead City,
was in town Saturday prospect--
He is a lawyer of no little
reputation and associate editor
of the city Journal. We extend
to him a hearty welcome and
hope he may j us in develop
inn the resources of this goodly
land with both tongue and pen.
J. T. Keel, one of our hustlers,
is making a trip through Martin
county, hunting recreation and
Rev. W. V. Denton returned
Friday from a missionary tour
down on Atlantic ocean and
tells us he was very, very sea-
sick while away.
Jay C. Jones spent Sunday
with his parents near
The Holiness people have
closed their meeting and are
preparing to leave Ayden.
Cory has resigned his
position with Tripp, Hart Co.
and gone to South Carolina to
work enlarging picture business.
Gus Lilly went with him. Miss
Pearlie Tripp succeeds Mr. Cory.
, , Register of Deeds Moore
spent Sunday in town the guest lives at home, is an excellent following licenses
of W. E. Patrick. clock workman, has considerable
Miss Lillian Walters, of La- mechanical talent, but he white
Grange, spent here with not love to cook He is anxious w T and
for some kind lady to j.
some hot pies, fry
Now if she send
us her correct name I will
inform him of her. All A Idea.
cation Strictly confidential pro- how to make herself
they are not written on a
Charlie May and Forbes.
without it is for her t be
in the face, form or A
postal card. People will read I weak, woman will be nervous
u . i. . I and irritate. Constipation and
postal cards, the law to the J in
contrary notwithstanding. and a
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith have
our deepest sympathy in the
death of their infant boy last
S. V. Laughinghouse showed
us a Utter from the patent
office at Washington, informing
him that he had been, on June
4th, granted a patent on a
design to ventilate cars,
buildings of all kinds, and mines
while being worked. If we mis-
take not the training school of
your city is ventilated by this
device. has built
many air castles, some of which
have fallen, but we honestly
think that this is the plan to
furnish pure air wherever it is
go .-end to women want
beauty and
lier and kidneys, the
blood; give n . eye,
pure breath, s in,
lovely Try
m c at all
Cheapest teachers in
the wants enroll com-
for all grades of work.
Schools supplied with teachers
N. C.
Our Greenville, yours if you
Chicken Powder
is Death to Hawks-life to
Chickens and
I take
Chicken Powder
and feed my
on with it too.
Look at me and
observe the Hawk.
Died after
h chick of that
old rooster, h
been fed on
Powder. Alas
In Your Homes to Stay
The Joy for aid
moms, never fail and the Go s Crease
for rheumatism and aches
and highly p all over
by young old.
Sold by Pharmacy. Greenville,
N. and
N. C, s
II 22-6
Lily's Oyster
Fresh Oysters
Coming; Every Day
Can Serve You Any Way. Try Me
Graduate Nurse
Ayden, North
Kills Hawks, Crows, Owls Minks.
Best, remedy for
I Neck. Ind g and Leg
W i i k i .-.-. Keeps them free from
Vermin, thereby causing them to pro-
duce an a of eggs. Price
and cents.
Manufactured only by
W. H. Tarboro, N. C.
la i of of
Luxurious Rooms. an I En-
With or without -baths, i
lay and up. P
a. Unsurpassed
and p in baths
to Guests.

Story of
. -a
., Co. Ban
1909. b,
there la to
The powder to be shaken
into n. shoes. If you have tired,
t, try Allen's It
rest the and makes new or t hi
shoes easy. Cures aching,
hot, corns an-i
bunions of all p in and give rest and
Always it to Break in
New Try it to-day. Sold
here, .-ts. Don t accept sub-
For FREE pack c ad
All. n S. Le Roy. N. V.
R c
Kins arrives in
fl i of
d a favor for
niter of the
tr , is John
an A. swarm. Ill B run Dang;
mi i t o
natal IV the royal
meet.- the is preset t d
to f. g Aunt Loraine.
committee of Urn,
the m to in a
m where t e Olga
it d s who is to I Prince
aW n with a
c 1-ion the beautiful Mint
who him hat-d
ail riot I husband, Mar-
is g against the pence.
VI. IX and the
e of Um of to.- trap
me is. the re. He
sets an av crack
in a door, avails s-a for the
.--on if aid draped
int i a I ft. He i- b Count
and taken to the under
fr fee of ten.
defend before commit-
tee of lusts v. no wish to kill h m.
el. I Bare mace tor
TUB that are i
went very white.
. there another and
time. We wen u
off to the
Sf- oh the w.
, he aid. re got to
sprightly a.,.,
much needed
Later on of rood bu
Ula vanity
a polite from Count Hal
tout to attend an la
room of that
Very boldly be advanced the
a few minutes before the
came at the
of the terrace. She walking
slowly u, soft shadows
row of on the lower gallery. lie
knew her at a glance, girl in
spotless white.
he whispered,
her aide two bounds.
lier hands, he them,
she was confused. been
for a glimpse of you. Do think
, hour of stress, but we will have to
not k
Meat. I saw-well, you know.
The bus been extolling
Hr. said the prime
leading him to s seat near his is
at gentle
man a curious light
Into his eyes.
the In a
went the
doomed unless succor us from
We seem to warn
John who. If given time, might
in la collecting a force
v soft shadows the. ,
. I of loyal countrymen to and
overthrow the dictator. I
am loath of another
that bus been discussed at length
by the ministers and their friends. The
. Duke of from a bed of pain
counseled us to take
steps the I am about to
I can to In this
she pleaded, sud
o I was so
He still held hands.
t hey ordered me to move on. as
If I were s common he Mid.
with a soft chuckle. where have
have been I
told to ride back
pick me he persisted.
so many words. Now. I u
answer. Did you
to reward If be well. If
saved me from the
she said a voice.
was It. then I must know.
am very. oh. so very unhappy.
XII Loraine is to th- den a d she murmured.
thrown into the room Kins; came near spoiling everything
XI I s jailer, dons his clot -I I he hoarsely.
bed, carries foe
cf Hie
leaders to d.-pa t.
XIV Ki manages to
loves, a-ho-e, and hi e
in car. mi
street a bona to till
K a I e p In a n
K n a-e into
in car. They start
in an ox an- w p
bi thrown, In
Will area es to UM C s M
i, in c. cf the
ion rs
h-d In I
. of f r
l. f r-y .
place, lie had not
so us a of
lie rill
heart. In place, he bad
that nut Vis us too
a as It
lie hod. Ills
he to .-I i.
who ii r. i Ai i ; u .
Dim is
duty to a
but tint he to
ready r any i
ease of an be m report to
But lie
hid not forward with u
T Of relief -In she hail
not castle
Toward mi Long after
the refugees, sat In
gloomy contemplation Ids own
happiness, darkly upon the
unfriendly portals from a distant
A separated himself
from the knot of men at the castle
the plaza toward
Judge the dismay and oncer
the a bit himself.
that Count
had an order against
loitering close to the
a If.
cheek burned. He saw
an instant that the order meant
for him and for no one else, he
the only outsider likely to come under
the head of
turned to him with a
mils tell Count
that I the last person In world
to disregard discipline at a like
His glance swept the balcony, sud-
tiled on a couple near
third column. Count
r were standing there
together, watching bis
humiliating departure.
The next morning he encountered
Caleb I sight of be his
the and caught
up to him.
, said To
did not be eyed the
American. haven't bad a
chance to thank you for coining back
for mo butt Saturday. Allow me to
say that It a vary brave thing to
I do not Into your words, Mr. King,
nor the way In which yon flare at
I making It to tell you
the agreeable news, Count
that's all. Take your hand off your
word, please some other time per
but not In days, when we
need men, not cripples. I'll tell you
what I bar discovered, mid then
the mailer until some other
you. I
car it v as hard to keep from It
That would have spoiled
It she
Lot going to kiss y.-u
have told me love
don't she cried,
drawing back and looking up Into his
with eyes.
then be sure that you
II know that you promised to lore
him If he'd save me. It's clear as
day to V.-ti tell
mi If he t me to a place of
I refused to marry If be
did not ears Ob, I
so What Is to of
all of to of John
and Bobby and
I I'll y. u now. Lu
y. how love you. little
darling You must make a prom
don't a I; me to
that I'll be She slop;.
will come he said e.
want you to promise, on
y. of I hat you'll
kiss hi man until you've
I UM ml sure i,
anybody. Is
you really want to
asked, looking with sudden sic.
her any eyes.
love me oily.
will not say she cried, break-
away from him.
too n two m to-
ran to the steps, a delicious tremor
In her will the other
thing you
King was Into a Urge,
furnished room. A of
men were there before sitting or
standing In attitudes of attention.
truing to the of General Braze.
King's entrance signal for an
Immediate transfer of Interest The
general bowed moat politely and at
once turned to with the
remark that he had quite finished his
suggestions. prime minister
forward, to greet momentarily shy
easer to take our new Issue of
mil i bonds. Hit we have
of the bonds In that
country, the reason being obvious. St.
wants s new connecting
Hue possessions In Afghanis-
tan. Our tine provide a most
a cutoff. I believe they call
it Last year the Duke
volunteered to money for
construction of line from
north condition that
Russia be the right to use the
line In with her roads
to the orient may see the ad-
vantage In this to Russia. Mr. King.
If I send word to Duke
agreeing to his which
till remain . to us. signing
I a most valuable right In what we had
hoped be our Individual
we have reason to be-
that he will armed
to our relief the pretext that
Russia is defending , ; of
That Is one era; which we
may i Mar i is, other
lies la i he to
give bottle to him Oil i r own people
carrying the guns. Had-
has told us quite lately of a re-
mark you made he happened
to overhear, if correctly,
you I to the that
you could get with It. meaning,
as I it. that you could succeed In
reaching May not
you to tell us how you would
bod a brick red.
Shame and
him. He conscious of an
undercurrent i f the premier's
re. rest. For an Instant be
was sorely crushed. A low laugh from
opposite Bide of the room a
to his lie looked up
was still In nil Instant
American's Mood boiled.
say I could get to John
I'll start
His words a profound
I. Meet My
A convention of the Democratic
of Pitt county is hereby
called to meet in the town of
Greenville on Saturday. July 2nd,
1910, at o'clock m. for the
purpose of delegate
and alternates to t he State, Coo
and Judicial
when called.
Township meetings will be
held at the usual places the
several township of the county
on Saturday, June 1910. t
o clock p. for the purpose
of appointing delegates and
alternates, to said county con
and several
ships will be entitled to appoint
the following of
gates and alternates, to
Beaver Dam
Carolina f.
is No.
Swift Creek
By order of the Democratic
C of Pitt county.
Mo May 23rd, 1910.
F. C Harding, Chairman.
W. L. Brown, Secretary.
Report the Condition
in the Suit of N. C, at the of March 29th.
Loans ard discounts 1176,430.81
unsecured 1,696.81
All other Stocks, Bonds
and 2.400.00
House 200.00 I
Demand loans
Due from Banks and
Cash Items
Gold coin
Silver coin, ail V
minor cur. 2,286.61 17,867.61
Natl. bk notes
S. note
Capitol stock paid in
Undivided profits, cur.
and taxes pd.
Time Or. of 64.785.06
outstanding; 913.36
STATE OF CAR County of Pitt,
I, L. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly that
tie above u true to the beat of my knowledge and belief.
. said
Id three of
for Mr.
us sun-
Is nit a
man her.- In
the who
will net gladly
gs Is the man
would If
may be
the honor of
with a
turned a yellowish Ills
mil In of tBS
of his royal be
very red.
bad your
said quietly.
pardon the I may
you. After nil, think
will do. He knows the country like
Mr. came. That la to say. he
was It Is doubtful If Mr
fully recovered from tin-
fright, lie had never been .-ailed Mr.
by a prime
nor be ever In person
by a of war if pad a
at home. Afterward
to tell that be bad
on trip to
bills, lie of Mr. was
not In a mental condition for
boors to even remotely
what had taken
Bat Mr. was not the ti
falter once he given word.
be off at
Mr. King, you
with due
leaving the castle
ten Inter a brisk, eager roved
young attendant up to him.
bear a from royal
him. has asked for
see said King promptly.
as If were granting the
L ,
Third Judicial District
The Democratic com-
if the j ml dis-
of North fir H i met in
New Bern
the district . meet
in Morehead.
at p. Mr. C. of
Greenville, as a member of the
executive committee, was present
at the meeting.
The candidates for the
ship, are L. V. of Snow
Hill. H. W. Whedbee, of Green
ville, and D. L. Ward, the
present The only
candidate for the is
u L.
and sworn to before me,
2nd cay of April,
H. D. Batsman, Notary
J. . Andrews,
B. W.
i. G.
Morehead City
Carolina, i
Delightful Resorts
Atlantic Hotel Opens June 1st
Opening Ball June 4th.
County the court
C. Moore,
D. F. V Johnston, J.
K. and M. Johnston,
Hy virtue of of the clerk of
the Superior court, made by D C
Moore, clerk, on day of
ill the above entitled I'M
u . will, on Sat-
the i of e, 1910,
expose to public sale the
h use door in Green v to the
est for cash
d scribed tract or parcel of land, to
on the edge of the north-
hank of Tar a. a point ere
three h formerly near-
the lower edge of the big
r and runs thence nearly at right
an- lea wit a rive- to the
old Parker and Perkins line,
down slough to Parker's or d I
Banks creek, thence d said
to the river, thence up the river to the I
beginning, containing
or has. and being the same tract
parcel of land purchased by E. C.
low v m the of I
A. Braswell. deceased, being the ,
tract of land described in a deed
from E. C. Susan O. John-
Dec and record-
ed in the registers office in Pitt I
in book Y-8, page is lb
I- made for partition, and will be at
U o'clock m. on day of June.
P. Harding. Commissioner.
Cape Henry, Va.
Only Atlantic Ocean Resorts in Virginia.
Low Round Trip Excursion Tickets
Spend Your Vacation at America's Greatest Resorts.
Only a few Hours at Minimum Expense a Max-
Surf Bathing, Tennis, Fishing, Dancing,
Travel Via. Norfolk Southern
For complete information, apply to Norfolk Southern
Railroad Ticket Agent, or address,
H. C. G. P. A. W. W. A. G. P. A.
By of the power of eon-
in c deeds of trust
executed and delivered Greenville
No- -Hi A. K. to James
L. Robert J. Cobb, one
dated 1-t. Z, and the r
dated 1st day of September,
and respectively recorded In the
of deeds office of Pitt county,
Can Una m book page
et and in book page
in st the undersigned will
before th court
door in to the highest bidder
on Tuesday, 24th. a certain
lot or parcel land and being in
th- of M t. of North
Carolina and in the town of o
known as the Tern
fie property, fronting on Third street
feet and bounded on the south by
said on the sat lot No.
on which the court of Pitt coon
d, on the north by lot No.
and on . west the lot
to Dr. W. J, Blow, except-
a part of let feat square
h -t. conveys I to the town of
a-d upon which the water
pips of said town located.
At. the same time and place we will
the and other upon
aH lot, to v said dads of tr. st.
Terms of cash.
This 16th day of April, 1910
James I. Little,
J. Cobb,
Norfolk and Baltimore
Elegant New Steamers Dining Rooms on Saloon Decks.
Table Dinner, cents. Club Breakfast to cents.
service if desired.
leave Norfolk from foot of Jackson St. daily
at 6.15 p. m arrive at Baltimore 7.00 a. m., connecting
with rail Una for all points East and West.
For further and stateroom reservations, write
C. L- CHANDLER, G A. F. R. T. P. A,
Roofing and Sheet Metal Work.
Tin Shop Repair Work, and
Floss in
Neater . C.
la Urn WU Uses live Uses ass larger tack. to M
Subscribe to The Reflector.
. ii i s
IV P Ha via. Great
Beach. June
The editors of North Can Una.
and who brought their
wives or sons along
with them, have certainly had a
great time at Wrightsville, not-
withstanding the has
not been entirely to their liking.
la Joist Association
Elects Office.
Beach. June
The attendance upon the press
convention was farther increased
by new arrivals and
today, making number
present in history of the
officers were elected, as
President, M. L. Ship-
h H, where the, man; vice J. J. Far
J. H. Caine T. G.
Cobb; secretary treasurer, J. B.
Sherrill; historian. D. J Which
ard; orator, J. H. Cowan; post,
W. L. Hill; executive committee.
H. A. London. R M. Phillips. R.
W. Vincent. H. B. Varner, D.
T. Edwards.
The Press Association
editors are stopping and the
sessions of association held,
is so large that when it is rain-
they find plenty of room in-
aide to meet joy them-
The incoming trains bringing
the editors were met by a com-
headed by Editor Cowan,
Years, and years, and years
ago, there was a young man who
undertook to do newspaper work,
and. being a young man of great
conceit, be thought himself
And years went
by and in course of time it befell,
chance, that two young people
were married. And the cub
reporter undertook to report the
ceremony, which he
admired. He reported and great-
himself thereby,
It chanced that the young man
went to a dance of great mag-
and darned with a fair
one of much fairness. He was
mistaken for someone else, and
It cured or saved the life
of my
heir eve y day ab chamber
Colic Cholera and Remedy.
This i rue world over where this
valuable r. has been introduced.
Mo medicine in use for
or bowel complaints has received h
general The seer, t of the
sure as of Colic, Cholera
and Remedy is it
Sold by druggists.
of the Wilmington Dispatch, and Roads Association are
the visitors were at once made a j this after-
to feel at home. Besides being moon. All county
provided with badges that gave gates, J. P. W E.
them recognition anywhere, R. R Cotton. L.
through the courtesy of Mr. A. and D. J. Whichard, are
B. of the Tidewater present.
Power Co., they were given
cards that took them at will
over the street car and beach
trolley lines. The reception and
hospitality has been most cordial,
and no dull moments were pass-
ed between the sessions of the
The attendance of the
was unusually large and the
of more than ordinary
interest, showing that the news-
paper men of North Carolina are
not behind in the country.
Both Wilmington and rights-
ville have improved greatly in
the last few years and this is
taking rank as one of the most
important seaports of the South.
Wilmington is going forward by
leaps and bounds, and Wrights-
has built up for miles along
the until it has become an
important cit. It is fast crowd-
City in popularity as
a summer resort. Attractions
here are numerous and more are
being added every season. It is
an ideal place for pleasure and
There's more strength
in a bowl of
Quaker Oats
than in the same
quantity or the same
value of any
food you
can eat.
Most nourishing,
least expensive
regular and in ban-
Referred to
The following postal was re
The Bethel Banking Trust Co.,
At the close -f business March 1910.
Overdrafts sec. and
and Fixtures.,
Doe from St
Silver coin, including all
minor coin currency J
National k and j
other U. S. notes
us fund.
Undivided ex.
j a d taxes i aid
Time of Deposit
Sub. to Chit.
in the course of highly interesting among our mail this
small talk, he mentioned and we refer it to the
marriage. And the fair one firm mentioned for answer. Tl e
the newspaper potatoes
I, W. H. Cashier of the
swear that above statement i true to th
knowledge and belief.
sworn to be
m-1 this
Cobb and H. C.
who have purchased the
lots between Higgs Bros, and
Par ham's warehouse on
avenue, will at an early date
begin work on four single story
brick buildings to be used as
stores- These new stores will
make a great addition to
importance of business
that is growing up at
thereof, and spoke in terms of
much of the
writer of the same. And the
tirade was of continuance
and feelingly rendered.
And at the end, the g
whose conceit was not too
great for him to see the humor
of the incident, revealed his
And the discomfiture of Mr. Taft Vandyke
fair one was gr-at a greatness, price of one
received, however, and we are
sorry our correspondent
this details
June 1910
dear Sir.
enclosed pleas find i bu.
pouter.- last month's sub
what th-
5th day of Apr ,
S. I. Carson,
II. o
of my
so great that sh lost step in lg baby i-
dance and made known We got ll children in
the fact of . and one old i
And the young man the w irk
upon the of the bubble
reputation and was silent.
c n-
Chamberlain's Remedy is so d
on a guarantee that if you are not sat-
after using two-thirds of a hot
tie according to directions, your mo
will be refunded. It is up to you to
to try. Sold by all druggists
So Does S Throat, Bronchitis,
Croup and Asthma.
You can easily tell by reading the
symptoms below, whether you hive
catarrh or
Offensive breath,
from the n a , stoppage of
i be of voice, tick-
ling in throat, pings in throat, a
cough, pain in chest, of strong h. j
var spasms of coughing,
low ed times, raising of mucus, i
difficulty in breathing, of vital
hive sensible
remedy back it for
catarrh, called j
High o which la air.
and me think it mi now
honor. W saw th m-
c nines advertised the Reflector,
and pleas let me no the price,
yours forever,
Executors Notice.
Sherman Knocks
In i speech delivered before
Republican State convention
of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Wis.,
yesterday, Vice Sher
strongly reproved the
gent element in the rational
party. After recalling Champ
Clark's remark that the devil
himself could not answer
question, is a
the warmed
op to his jut. He traced the
different outbreaks of
ency in the history of the party
and ended up with a strong plea
for all Wisconsin insurgents to
return to the fold and get solid
on the national election 1910.
Marvelous Discoveries
mark the progress of the
age. Air flights on heavy machines,
telegrams without wires, war
inventions to kill men and th-it won- . r ,,
of wonders King's New that when it is breathed
life when threatened over the and germ
by coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, membrane, it kit nil germ life,
croup, bronchitis, hemorrhages, hay I rel in two and es ca-
fever and whooping cough r
For all bronchial affections it has I The price, hard rubber in-
no equal, it relieves it's haler, is only The hard rubber
the surest cure, M. Black, of pocket inhaler will last a lifetime, so
N. C, R. R. No. writes that should you need a second bottle of
it cured him of an obstinate cough you can get it for cents
all other remedies failed. and
A free. Guaranteed
by all druggists.
The corner building erected
on the corner to the
Having as executor of J. Ia . States.
Tucker, eased late if Pitt v, I Remember the
N. C, is t-i a. person take other.
claim, inst t t of sad.
deceased to exhibit them to the under
i ed on or Jun h , r
will be in bar of their
recovery. All in ed to said
w. I please make immediate
Thia June 9th.
C J Tucker.
F. G. James Son. Alt.
What a Heap of Happiness it
Bring to Greenville Homes
Hard to do with an aching
B you mis t, at leisure
or at work.
If women knew the eras-that
Backache pains c me from sick
i a.
save i .
Pills cure k kid
Many this n-
i hem
Ms I. n a e.
K ii N C.
tilt I outlined from Don's
till me in r. commend g
them. A dull, g c e. h.--
loins homered me for . time.
I had but little y or ambition and
caused a
kid g D Kid-
Pills i to me, I
After taking the
the in my back and d
h the secretions
For by all dealers. M
cents. Co , Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for United
w. i
ill C-
Produce in Sold
K ;
N. C. Jun-
Notice to
qualified before the
c Pitt county
following invitation
received friends in
Mr. Charles reward
I The recent char ire in
Southern train
I between this city ard
in which the early morning train
and the night train arriving here
at has been removed, is
a great deal of
faction, not only in Wellington
and vicinity, but in all of the
stations between here
executrix list a d
of W. Martin,
, notice is elver to persons
schedules to the est to
to tn- an rs ; and
all Bald
are to the same
to i on or he ore the
h day Of May, or ti is notice
will he pi ad bar of r. c
This day of May, UNA,
ltd of H. W. Martin.
of Mrs. J. B. Cherry
The hens of Pitt county are a by Mr j E is t
thoughtful lot. They now
notice what is going on around bottling works of
Co. In the shape of the letter
requests the honor of your and Raleigh. The mail
his Dy schedule has been
Mr. thrown causing a of
presence at
Julia to
afternoon, the well as the . If-
twenty-second of June, nineteen similarly delayed, a nu a
aid ten, at half
them and are deeply interested
in what they see in the papers.
The minds of some worn, more
quickly than of others. hens
heard sometime ago about the
visit comet was paying
to this corner of universe.
Not long after the time that
Greenville people sat up all night
only to miss seeing the comet,
because of clouds which
the hens of the good old
county got to meditating upon
If you not satisfied after using
according to directions two-thirds of
a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tab els. you can have you money
back. The cleanse and
orate the stomach, improve the
regulate bowels. Give them
a trial and get well. Sold by all drug-
Milch cow with young calf,
gentle tempered, for sale. Apply
to J. C. Lanier.
and a of condensed
milk, U fresh milk cannot had.
U Hut milk . . .
MM to on,
Mix all together thoroughly and
Don't heat or cook it;
don't add anything- else. This
makes two quarts of delicious
cream ill minutes at very small
and you know ram.
Mo, at all grocers.
C. Hay. Y.
L around this corner building
Mr. Winslow is rapidly
a fine brick livery sales
stable, which will be u close
second in to the stables i
Mr. R. L. Smith on Fourth
street. The new stables will
have an entrance on both fifth
and Washington streets.
Lame is almost invariably
c by rheumatism of the muscles
and yields to the free
of Chamberlain Liniment. This
By virtue of power me by a
mortgage d-ed if Washington
Edward, and wife, h Edwards,
on the 12th of and
P Anthony, on between twelve and
h ghost bidder for at th c
door in e noon, on
the day of June, it be-
Monday, the following
In the town of .
at tie south west earner
of the Joe lot on Street as
extend, a
about tit y two feel lo a stake,
to a corner, the In a c-
about two h a d
feet to Williams north
wept on thence in
a inn about fifty
feet c living one
of an acre, more or lo-s.
i . This the day of May,
the to the business and commercial s j. Everett E.
five Trinity
number of
of fish from this city to
points are thus deleted,
some cases unable to
their goods so as to reach certain
destinations as when
By of a decree f the r . . . . . , , i
court Pitt in pro- we had the more
No. 1698, ed, J. A Gray looked upon
and wile, against i Grime . ,,, ,. , ,
Mitchell et bIb, the undersigned com by Washington s business men
will sell tor cash before the this change is quite a blow
court house door in Greenville at noon.
Sale of Land.
the phenomenon and one morn-
j. found mens B not only prompt and effectual,
a poultry raiser no to use.
an egg with a caudal appendage sold by all druggists.
and recognized it a miniature
of comet Now these
comet eggs are getting more and
more frequent. If something
doesn't happen to the
poultry mind from meditating on
matters all our eggs
will be soft-shelled and have
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will brace up the a, ban-
sick headache, prevent despondency
and invigorate the whole system. Sold
by all druggists.
Will Build Cold Storage Plant
Mr. H. C. Edwards and Charles
Cobb have, through Mosely Bros.,
purchased from Darden Bros.,
Greene county, the lots lying be-
tween store on
son avenue h Norfolk South-
depot. They have not fully
decided upon what use they shall
New North Carolina
The Chattanooga Tradesman
gives the following new
tries for North Carolina for the
week ending June
lumber com-
Charlotte-$25,000 publishing
Merry Oaks-15.000 bank.
realty com-
cotton seed oil
st ruction company.
on Saturday July 2nd
lowing described, piece or of interests of the city and it is to
land, situate in the of Pitt .
in township, adjoining the lands be sincerely hoped that the rail-
of Nancy Pope, J. H. Ira officials Can soon arrange to
and Lewis H. con-, , . ., . ;
fifteen acres and being a part, put back these tWO trains that
of the Porter land. Said land sold for were discontinued,
Thia May 24th, 1910.
J B. James, Commissioner
The remains of Robert Moore,
the twelve-year-old son of Mrs-
Allie Moore, now of Reidsville,
but of this place, were
brought in this morning on the
Norfolk Southern train and in-
in Cherry Hill cemetery.
The lad was apparently well
until a few weeks ago, when he
was suddenly stricken with
He taken to a
in Danville and an
was performed.
developed, and after linger-
for several days, death
relieved him of his sufferings.
The funeral services were
by Rev. R. C. Deal,
pastor of the Presbyterian
church.-Daily 10th.
i i , , i,, I hereby announce myself as a
make of this land, but they have county treasurer
already gone so far as to county subject to
plans submitted for a action of the Democratic primary.
cold storage plant. W. B. Wilson.
Far Sale.
One carload of hen feed
and chick feed. P. V. Johnston.
Not Quite
How often you can get a a.
thing g
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared tor
is a you could desire,
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness
Horse Goods
J. aT,
Notice to Creditor.
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county
of the estate of Stephen
C. is hereby
given to all persons indebted the
estate to make immediate
to the and all persons
having claims against estate are
notified to present the same Io the
undersigned for payment on or before
the 2nd day of June, I'll, or this
notice will he plead in bar of recovery.
This day of June. 1910.
of Stephen C. Wooten.
Foe Sciatica. Lame Back, Stat
and all Bone and Mun I.
h. Ark
I he ha. Noah a Ark
D.-Wt C. v. I aw.
Our Greenville,
yours if you
Cotton Factors a of
Bagging, Ti nm.
at I . ,

In Charge of F. A. EDMONDSON
Agent of The Eastern Reflector and Vicinity- Advertising Rate Application
The Pitt County School
We have needles, bobbins and.
manufactured by The A. G. Cox shuttles, for any sewing machine
Manufacturing Company are in the country. Also needle Woodland, N. C, June
comfortable, neat and threaders, the very thing for J Mrs. G- W. of Ayden, spent
durable. Terms en liberal, affected eyes or dark days-
in the market come to see Harrington, Barber
us. we hive the for you. We have put in an assortment
W. went to Ayden of patterns for all styles.
Wednesday. I Barber Co.
We are carrying a nice line of How is your soul Let
Coffin and Caskets. Prices are show you our new lot of
right and can hearse j shoes. Harrington. Bart Co
service, A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. A nice six key soda fountain
B. J. EL B. for sale. R. D.
We have purchased the
as the
Lawhorn and F A. E
went to yesterday.
For spring arts goods,
and laces see us-
New lot just in.
Harrington, Barber Co-
Annie Bell, a well trained
nurse of came in a
few days ago to take charge of
the little son of Cox, who
For fresh fish see R. D.
on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
M. B. went to Green-
ville Thursday.
For cold drinks of all kinds call
at B. L fountain.
Wanted- At once seven tons
of beeswax at cents per
pound. M. G- Bryan,
N. C. dames E. F.
J. L. Jackson, of Greenville, i Elliott
to see
has been sick
came in last
brother, who
several day.
Just received, a nice lot
Milling and Mfg. and will
be ready very soon to grind corn,
do general repair work and dress
Harrington, Barber Co.
A nice lot of matting just in.
A. W. Ange Cc.
We are now in to do
grinding every day general
repair work promptly.
Harrington Barber Co.
New Jot of dry goods and no-
just in. Better while
they ate cheap.
A. W. Ange Co.
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
and mother, of Oxford,
came in Saturday and spent
Sunday and Monday with Mes-
Tucker and L. F.
left Tuesday for
the Rain.
This rain is some kind of a
nuisance anyway it is looked at
It is ruining the crops, muddy-
the river so that the Pitt
county of
will be sadly handicapped to
subject matter for yarns.
It has made workmen let up on
Saturday, night and Sunday at
J. L.
Rev. R. R. Joyner, of Ayden, gins to answer for, including
spent Friday night at I caused.
Lucy of Ayden, might have to hire a carriage to
take his partner to the reception
Finer sad Mil
Mr. I have as com
arranged flour and corn mill
as twenty years experience in the
business would assist me in
building. I bought the very
latest improved and the very
best machinery to be had. I am
making as fine as any mill
in that makes a pure
If you have any
you want turned
who has been spending a few
days with Miss Nobles,
returned yesterday.
Mr. Stanley and Miss Lissie
Garris celebrated their, birthday
birthday Saturday with an ice
cream supper. They had a large
crowd and a good time.
Miss Lela is spend-
a few days with her aunt,
Mrs. Frank
Miss Abram is spending
a few days with Mrs. A- W.
We are sorry to hear of the
illness of Mrs. C. T. Kittrell.
the various new buildings being
erected in town and is trying to straight flour.
take some of the glamor off wheat that
some of our June weddings., into flour, I will be pleased to
It has various and you. Yours truly,
Jonathan Havens,
anxiety caused a young Washington, N.
man in town who feared that he .
to Select
Some of
the county are taking advantage
of the opportunity offered by so
many teachers being here in the
summer school, and re coming
The mu who insure his Is
wise for his family.
The mm who insures his health
as wise both his family and
Norfolk and Washington D. C.
for Miss Chapman is spend-
a few in the country
of visiting Miss Sadie Carroll.
J. H. Bryan, of Tarboro, was
Harrington, Barber Co in town today on business.
Miss Pearl Nelson, of J. L. Jackson came in last
is visiting Pattie Nelson. night from Greenville to see his
The is the Kind brother who has been very sick
you need. See us,
A W. Ange Co.
F. A. Edmundson spent Friday
in Greenville.
We call your attention to our
new line of groceries.
K. W.
For nice fresh corned herrings
see A. W. Ange Co. Winter-
ville, N. C.
Straw hats are going fist, buy
one, don't be W, Ange
ft Co.
Leave your orders for ice at H.
L Johnson's. Will be delivered
anywhere in town.
Matting and oil cloth, the
floor, buy some, cover it over.
Harrington. Co.
Before buying, see my line of
post cards, L. Johnson.
Field peas and peanuts for
sale by A. W. Ange Co., Win-
N. C
To reduce our stock before in-
we will offer for a
limited time, cheap, for
gingham calico,
wonted dress goods, to
suiting, ; percales, to
motor cloth, waist
goods, lawn, mohair
wool effects,
to table peaches, pie
peaches, shirts.
shirts, Call and see what
we offer. A. W, Ange Co.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are rendering good service
in the undertaking business.
Coffins and caskets cheap with
excellent hearse service.
Let us frame that for
you. Any size frame.
A. W. Ange Co.
A new lot of lamps just in.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Beef, sausage and fish, going
cheap. R. W. at Johnson
stand, on railroad street.
will never regret when
you a Hunsucker buggy,
by A. G. Cox Man-
Co., Winterville.
N. C-
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. las sold this season ever
cotton planters and
guano sewers which would
ally indicate a large cotton crop
this year.
Fresh herrings at
Barber Co.
for several days,
Mr. Underwood, of Durham,
was a pleasant visitor in our
town Sunday.
Miss Lessie King, of Durham,
who has been spending some
time with Misses Eva and Lucy
Bell Langston returned home
Rev. E. T. Phillips and wife
and Miss Alice Baker, of Ayden,
came in Sunday. Rev. Mr. Phil-
lips tilled his regular appoint-
at the Free Will Baptist
B. G. Taylor and Ola Kittrell,
of Ayden, were in town
Miss Hulda Cox, accompanied
by Miss Hughes, of
Washington, came in Saturday
night and left Monday for
Greenville to attend the summer
Mrs. J. L. Butt and family
left today for to
spend a few days visiting
Eli Ange, of Ayden, came in
yesterday left today for
where he has accepted
a position as bookkeeper.
Rev. E. L. St. Claire gave a
very able lecture for the benefit
of the Masons in the school
Miss Laura Cox spent
day and Sunday visiting relatives
near Ayden.
Black Jack, June
Dixon and daughter, Miss Lena,
went to Greenville Monday.
We are glad to say that Mrs.
W. L. Clark seems to improve
Miss Dollie Dixon spent
day night and Sunday with Miss
Martha Williams.
Miss Lucy Arnold the
guest of Misses Stella and Bertha
Gaskins Saturday night and
The Public Library.
The public library will be in a
position to begin letting out books
to the people of Greenville by the
end of next week. The ladies
of the town under whose super-
vision the library was run until
their entire equipment was
destroyed by the fire in February
have set to work with energy
only renewed by this temporary
reverse and have already secured
quarters, which are finished
them gratis in the
building by the Chapter Masons
of the town. Seventy -even
dollars has been expended in
books and library furniture. The
books are expected to be here
by Saturday, June The
End of the Century and Sin
clubs at present have
charge. They have invited the
two other clubs, The
Round Table and Civic League
and the Carolina Club
ate with them by sending
upon a committee
which shall have charge of the
affairs of the library.
The Civic League has donated
recently, but as yet no
have been made
about sending representatives.
Mrs. W. A. Bowen. who was
librarian of the old library, has
charge of the new. She hopes
to have the secretary of the
Library Commission to pay
a visit here soon and help launch
the new library.
last night.
Last and in the opinion of
many the gravest fault cf the
seven days shower is fact
that it has f all efforts
of real estate agents to rent the
well ventilated Blow house on
Third street, which they say is
useful only as a good weather
River Continues
Observer R. M. Hearne has
received another warning from
Raleigh that the water in Tar
river will reach the foot stage
before the end of the week;
For the hours ending at
o'clock this morning the river
rose a foot and a half here, and
there was an inch more of rain
fall in the same time. There is
no telling how high the river
will go before it stops rising
The thing which the farmers
fear almost as much as a
of these heavy showers h
a spell of hot, fair weather
Such a period, they say, will
work as much havoc with the
cotton and corn crops as the
present rain. What they think
best for the weather man to send
them now is a lot of clouds who
are only
Vow nay Injure health by guard-
K- It Is worth guarding.
At the attack of
which generally approaches
he LIVER and
fest In Innumerable ways
And save your health.
This Afternoon.
Of the two marriages set for
today, one has already taken
place. At this afternoon
Miss Malissa Brooks was married
to Mr. Henry Tyson, of Farm-
ville, at the home of Mrs. B. G.
on Third street. Rev.
Mr. Bland, of Ayden, performed
the Reflector,
Mr. T. E. Dead.
Mr. T. E. Jackson, an excel-
lent man and prosperous farmer
died at his heme near Winter-
ville this morning, after an ill-
of nearly two weeks, with
typhoid fever. Mr. Jackson
was of age and leaves a
wife and seven children. Hi is
also survived by his mother and
six brothers, one of the latter
being Mr. J. L. Jackson of is
city. The funeral will take
place Thursday afternoon.
Informal Reception.
An informal reception to
bridal party and a few relatives
and friends at the h me of Mr.
E. B. followed the dress
rehearsal for the
Skinner wedding which took
place Tuesday night. A light
supper was served at p. m.
The marriage will take place in
the Episcopal church at o'clock
J. H. Boyd, Jr., the new furn-
man, has added
in connection with his
He has already received a
stock of caskets and coffins and
baa placed an order for a hearse.
Now Quarter.
The new quarters in
the Wins-low building are as yet
leased by the lodge of Chapter
Masons alone. They hope that
the Blue Lodge Masons will come
in with them into the new
quarters at an early date.
for Reflector.
More Improvements.
The building formerly known
as has undergone s
remodeling. A new front
been put in and it is now divided
in two apartments, one to be
used by Smith as a
office, and the other b
tailoring establish
Congressional Contention.
The De congressional
convention of the first
to engage teachers for their fall district of North Carolina,
schools. This is a good idea, is hereby called to meet in Eden-
for the by visiting ton. N. a. on July
the school can see personally and 6th, 1910. at o'clock p. m., for
observe the work of the the purpose of nominating a can-
teachers, and with the assistance for congress end transact-
of the county superintendent such other business as may
and faculty can hardly go wrong Mon the con-
in making selections.
Chin. Dem. Con. Ex. Com.
1st. Diet N. C.
D. B. Bradford. S c.
Kept the King at Home,
For the past year we have kept the
King's New
Life our home and they have
proved a to all our
writes Paul of buffalo, N.
Y. Easy, but sure remedy for all
stomach, liver and kidney troubles.
Only at all drug-gists.
Miss Abrams left Wed-
Fat m ville, where
she has accepted a position.
The Up-to-date Hardware
IT is the place to buy you Paint, Varnish,
Stains, Building Material, Nails, Cook
Stoves, Enamelware, Fine Cutlery,
Handsome Chafing Dishes.
We Carry a full Line of Wall Paints
easy to put hard to come off. Place
now with them and you will be
IF Special attention is called to our line of
FARMERS GOODS, consisting of Weeders,
the best Cultivators made, both in riding and
walking. Full line of WIRE FENCING of the
very best quality.
Don't fail to see us before buying, they
can supply your wants. Give them a call.
Baker Hart
Evans Street, N. C.
W HEN Metal were first introduced years
you had some excuse for being
But now
If you arc it can only be because you do not know the
tacts in the case.
They arc used today from the Atlantic to the Pacific for all kinds
of buildings, under all conditions.
They are fireproof, never leak and last as long as the
building itself without needing repairs.
For further detailed information apply to
YORK COBB, Agents.
Among the foremost college for Women in the South.
Course in Liberal Arts covering nine departments, and including elective
course in Education and Bible, which count for the A. It. degree, School
including Piano. Pin Organ, Violin and Voice Culture. School of Art,
including Decoration, Designing and of
which prepares students for college courses-Physical Culture under a trained
director. Full literary course per year, including literary tuition, board, room,
light, heat, physician, nurse, ordinary medicine and all minor fees,
in Club, to leas. Next session begins Sept. 1910. Address,
R T. VANN, President,
North Carolina.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
VOL. No.
Beautiful it the Episcopal
Rains will stop many things.
but not a wedding, and the very
inclement weather Wednesday
night did not prevent St. Paul's
Episcopal church from
filled to overflowing by those
anxious to witness the
of Mr. Edward Benjamin
son and Miss Margaret Cotten
For this event the chancel ff
the church was attractively
decorated with palms and ferns,
a wreath of evergreens arched
above from the of which
was suspended a huge white
wedding bell.
At o'clock, as the bridal
party assembled in the vestibule,
Mr. Charles James sang
Perfect Then as Miss
Helen Forbes played the wedding
march the party entered in the
First the ushers, Messrs. Willis
Hackney. Joe Eagles and R. C.
Welfare, of A. M.
Moseley. W. H. Jr., O. C.
Gregory, E. B. and C. S.
Carr. of Greenville; C. C. Skin
and Frank Skinner, of New
Then the two dames of honor,
Mesdames E. B. and L
C. Skinner. Mrs. wore
white satin and Mrs. Skinner
white Duchess satin, and both
carried white carnations.
Next the girls, little
Misses Ada James and Margaret
Fleming, each dressed in while
and carrying a basket of flowers.
Following these came Miss
Ethel Skinner, maid of honor,
dressed white crepe de
with pearl trimmings, and carry-
white carnations.
The bride entered with her
brother, Dr. L. C. Skinner, who
gave her away, and as they
neared the chancel the
came from the vestry room
his best man, Mr. George Hack
Jr., of Washington, and
met them. The costume
was crepe de media with pearl
trimmings, and she carried a
shower bouquet of bride roses
and lilies of the valley.
The ceremony was performed
by Rev. B. F. Huske. the
ring ceremony being used.
As the wedded couple
about to descend from the
eel the attendants pulled ribbons
attached to the wedding bell and
a shower of rose leaves fell upon
Following the marriage the
bridal party was entertained by
Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson left on
the midnight train for a bridal
tour to several northern cities.
The popularity of the couple
was shown in the large number
of wedding presents from
There were many out of town
visitors in attendance whose
names have already been pub
After of Newly Baby Leads Mr. and Mrs. Walter Now Has One W Cod as
Elected Officers. to Their Difference. Any u the State.
The Grand Lodge Nights off A happy climax of the legal That Greenville now has as
Pythias of North between Mrs. Lelia a market house as car. be
dosed fortieth annual and Walter Whisnant
he 20-months-old baby L For something like a year
aldermen had the matter
ed by A. E. Grand,
and C. C.
vice-Grand Chancellor,
Asheville as th place f meeting
for the 1911 gathering, n
of Mrs. A S. Bernard,
and heard appointment of
the Grand Chancellor of
standing committees and district
deputies for the n-w
year. The new orphanage at
was further
and a rising vote of thanks ex
tended to Rev. Dr. P. R. Law,
when an amicable
under consideration of improving
the market house, and a few
was reached between the two months ago the committee w
parties. The parents will live instructed to proceed with th
together again and their j
which they fought I At an expenditure of
and each will contribute to the committee had th.
training to useful citizenship.
Their love for the little child
reunited them and they agreed
to go back home and forget all
enmity which at one existed
between them. It was through
Judge tint they
k Crop Every Farmer Should Plant Season There a Most One
Liberally. Atlantic Hotel.
we desire to remind City. Juno 20.-On
farm in of the importance of Saturday Mr. no I R. P.
planting available and had splendid
rated acre fishing. They -pant most
are valuable for the day. both filing in the
following j found and t owling and brought
,. ,, into the hotel two hundred fish.
They are a good human j and
, J l. M. Marks party
They ens of our In .
nutritious Is for stock. trout and blue fish on
They shade the soil during the . , o-u.
hottest part of the summer, thus
, were back together.
chairman the orphanage com- .
also further
discussion of the of
colored lodge making use of the
name, and the supreme
lodge will probably be
or other steps taken for
the desired relief.
The Grand Chancellor an-
the following appoint-
entire interior of the market
house remodeled and
on thorough sanitary principles
All wood partitions and floats
and everything that could in any
way germs, were
ed. A was lair
with complete system
underneath. The stalls are
with metal railings with
proceeding instituted by Mrs. top counters across tit
Whisnant for the possession A receptacles
her child on Monday of last week j for are sanitary, and fish
The case is remembered be Kept in
of the most sensational of another part of the
removed from the
kind in this county in recent
years. A breach had occurred in
the family and this grew to such
an extent that Mrs Whisnant at
of Wind . L. , ;
Tribunal C. R. Barker.
bury; Dr. D- J. Hill,
J C. Clifford.
Taylor, Wilmington M. W. Bell,
Murphy; A. A.
Finance Commute J. H- Huff-
man. Statesville; F. L. Hunt,
Asheville; A. B
State cf the Order Committee
A. H. Holland. Winston
tempted to take her and live
with her relatives at Oxford.
While at tho station ready to
board the train her husband rush-
ed up in an automobile, snatch
ed the child from its mother's
arms and dashed Mrs.
Whisnant was left screaming in
the waiting room. She indicted
her husband for an assault to
which he submitted and paid a
The next step was a
I habeas corpus proceeding for
Salem; C. E. Brooks,
W. G. Lake.
Credentials Committee-
George C Goodman, Mooresville;
L. J. Kinston;
Uniform Rank
C A. S.
Bernard, Asheville; W. Y.
a n. Raleigh.
Fraternal N.
B. Alexander,
State Deputy Grand Chancel-
J. D Hut-. Wilmington
The district deputies for the
fourteen districts into which I he
is divided, and act in
their districts the
of the Grand Chancellor,
were appointed-
Public Building Bill Reported
to e m the List.
Washington, D. C, June 18-
An omnibus public building till,
carrying authorizations for
with additional
for continuing contracts stretch
over varying periods of
years, was reported to the House
possession of her child and
during the hearing Whisnant
skipped away between the suns
with the child and fled to South
Carolina. He was apprehended
and back to answer a
of contempt of court.
For this offense a fine of was
imposed. Thinking the breach
might be closed and the parents
reunited. Judge Pell put the
in temporary custody of
Mr. with whom Mrs.
husband the privilege of paying
a daily call. This daily call had
desired effect and when
and mother reported to
Judge Pell yesterday, they had
agreed on a adjustment
by which they will live together
The aldermen have adopted
regulations governing the mar
Every evening the occupants
are required to close, the
market policeman lakes charge
and the and
three times a week disinfectant
are used in all the s The
doors and windows have been
doubled screened to keep out
flies. L is now an ideal market
house and a credit to the town.
It is a place to which ladies can
afford to go in making
purchases, and it will be to their
advantage to do so. If at times
there is any criticism to make,
or anything found about the
that correction, the
committee will be glad to have
Back to Her First Lore.
Miss Maud Nixon is back in
Greenville, which means that
fully live thousand folks are
delighted. She arrived
day evening from Charlotte and
is again in her old position in the
insurance office of H. A. White.
Miss Nixon lived here for quite a
while in the past, but left about
two years ago to see if she liked
other places better than Green-
ville. She found that she didn't
and has returned to her first
love, hence this rejoicing.
Here is a good illustration of
how one investment in Green-
ville real estate pays. Five years
ago Messrs. W. A. and James
Darden purchased some vacant
property on Dickinson avenue, a
portion of it being where the
while anticipated Norfolk Southern freight depot is
for several months, is unusual now located. The price paid for
during a session when a river the property was They
and harbor appropriation bill has said a portion of it to the railroad
been passed. for and also
Following are among the erected three store buildings on
items other end of the property
vision is made for the construe- from the depot. Last Saturday
of new buildings on sold the remaining vacant
of the property between the
Entertains In Honor f Miss
Pierce, of Warsaw.
Greenville has no more charm
, young lady and delightful
boards allowing than y.
Carr, and her host of friends
have on several occasions enjoyed
her hospitality, hence when tiny
invitations requested their pres-
from 10.80 to today at
a porch party, at the home of
Mrs. J- L. Wooten, given by Miss
Carr in honor of Miss Sallie
Pierce, of Warsaw, it is no won
that all who received them
were eager to respond with their
The guests upon arrival were
greeted by the hostess and her
mother, Mrs. H. L. Carr, and
Part of Purchase Brings
With Some Left.
Mrs. Wooten, and then repaired,
to the parlor, where punch stock and contented,
aiding in the formation of
able nitrates,
If turned under, the vines add
fertility to the land
The presence of decaying
stubble and vines in the sou
helps to convert mineral sub-
stances into plant food.
If picked, the alone are
worth from tight to twelve
dollars acre.
The vines that on an
acre ore worth from six to ten
dollars for food.
Through roots peal put
into the soil from four to six
dollars worth of nitrogen per
acre. Most of our unprofitable
soils are in this sub
The vines, roots and stubble
help to make the soil loose and
They absorb and retain
moisture will aid the next
crop to go through a drought
roots of are good
go to consider
able depth and open up the earth
so that air and water can make
a deeper soil.
Peas get their nitrogen from
air, free of cost to the
so that very little nitrogen is
needed in their fertilizers except
for very poor soils.
Peas feed strongly upon the
supply of potash and phosphoric
acid, therefore these substances
should be supplied to them. Many
crops fail for the lack of acid and
The price of peas is high, but
this does not Keep the wise
farmer from planting them. He
is thinking of the ten dollars in
value he is to receive later for
every dollar invested in
Let no farmer neglect to plant
abundantly of this important
crop. Plant some for hay; plant
some on poor land for turning
under; plant some for grazing by
horses, cows, hogs and other
farm stock; and by all means
plant and cultivate a few acres
from which to obtain seed peas
for next year's planting. Then
you will rejoice if the price is
Plenty of on the farm
make loose, fertile lands, strong
The party
abut two
had only been cut
Mrs. E. T. Mrs. Lamb,
Mist Lamb, Edwin Lamb
and Mr. Mays spent the week
end at the Atlantic. President
Limb party arrived Friday
in hit private
Mrs f New
the Atlantic for a month
Mr Mrs S. R Jacques
and Miss Constance Jacques,
G. today to
spend the r st the
Mrs. Thompson and
son, of Raleigh, will spend a
part of the summer also as a
guest of Atlantic.
Among the recent arrivals
Waiter Grimes. Raleigh; Col. and
Mrs. J, E. Robinson, Miss Re-
W. Powell,
and Mrs. E. N. Dicker -in, Kin-
D. M. Mi Weal L. I.
Moore, New Ben; Mrs. John
Wiley, will
tonight with her two children
W. C Young, of led a
beautiful German on
served by Misses Mildred Carr
and Pattie Wooten.
The guests then assembled
around tables on the porch
and played progressive
over which they had
much merriment Miss Ward
Moore made the highest score
and was awarded the prize, a
cut-glass perfume bottle, which
she presented to Miss Pierce,
guest of honor. Miss Mattie
King made the lowest
heretofore acquired as , .,, ,,.,, ,,
and Monroe. the depot to received the booby
each; Hickory. 60.000; Cobb C. a pack of maids,
and Rocky Mount., for Thus on the original After the and
C. R. Hudson,
State Agent F. C. D. Work.
Subscribe for The Reflector
Tarboro, Wilkes-
For future expenditures
were made as fol-
For North Winston-
, ultimate limit,
ultimate limit, .
purchase of Messrs.
Darden sold worth, and
till own the portion occupied by
the three stores, which is worth
more than they paid for the
v. hole five years ago. This shows
the rapid development Green-
ville is making,
wafers were served.
During the entertainment Mrs.
T. E. Hooker sang several solos,
and Miss Lillian Burch gave a
number instrumental
The Reflector does job work.
Marriage Licenses
Register of Deeds W. M. Moore
has issued the following licenses
since last report.
J. C. Tyson and Loraine Home.
E B. Ferguson and Margaret
Henry E. Tyson and Malissa
C. E. Davis and Lucinda Man-
Claude Green and N.
Alonzo Cherry and Neva
Alonzo Armstrong and Nora
Major Barnhill and Ella Davis.
Mesa s S. J. and N. L.
Hare Mix Up.
Messrs. S. J. and Noah
Tripp were
pals in a small sized s rap at the
corner of and Fourth
streets out nine Friday
night. Nobles i about fifty
or seventy-five F heavier
than Mr. Tripp, hut he bears
scars of the mix up. He
took several on the
pavement and stone curb
badly up his elbow
and shoulder. D. Chas.
Laughinghouse who examined
him immediately after the men
had been parted, found three
severe bruises on Mr.
Mr. Nobles stated to
who around to
Bee how badly he was injured.
that the first blow which Mr.
Tripp had hit him had left him
almost stunned. To this he
attributed the fact that Mr.
Tripp had so evidently worsted
him in the fight. He denied
struck a single blow.
The trial which was to have
been held this morning, will take
place Monday at 10.80 a. in. It
could not he held today on
account of the of the
principal Mr, Abe
Mr. Nobles at first wished to
get out a warrant against Mr.
Tripp for secret assault, but a
warrant was finally issued for
each, charging disorderly con-
Dr. Hyatt Co mini
Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha, July
4th and and Tuesday,
for the purpose
diseases of the fitting

Eastern reflector, 17 June 1910
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 17, 1910
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Joyner NC Microforms
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