Eastern reflector, 19 August 1896

The Reflector is
pared to do all worn
of this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
Two Papers for
We have made
the Reflector an
North the
above amount. Thia is
campaign year and yon
should take the two
leading papers.
about said Weights Per Bi i-;
a former from about is
hottest season I ever experienced
You w not I
kept spelling will, a
but some my
The following table
weights of i mm has
been compiled from The I . I.
His since
in several particulars with
as given Cr this Stale in the -lay n
w lit into L States
the potatoes and I tell they were i of Agriculture. This table is the COT-
roasted. Heat I ever j All ,,,. weigh are
fir, i- replied market j measure of
lay. t
get a piece of ice about
to Lome. I
with m hand
be carried and didn't
pa much attention to it till I got
borne ; and when went to put ice
in h cooler, there wasn't a bit In my
band. It was gone, end a
it there was borne-i on my band where
Yes sir. it was
oar we have had
I. m- Jim average but is c-
v U hot Sunday and tor. j the average
wheat crop, hub won't weigh lbs.
per bushel, nor will outs weigh
nor buckwheat lbs. Peanuts
in weight according to the variety.
This is the table Wheat, ;
rough rice, lbs.
lbs.; buckwheat, lbs.;
lbs. ; lbs. ; flax seed, 111-
seed. lbs, ; leas, Ids. ; coin
meal. lbs. bolted meal, s.
peanuts ii lbs. cotton see-1. lbs.
The following have no
weights given in North Carolina,
but the weights attached are those g-n
Dried apples, lbs.; white beans.
lbs., wheat bran. lbs ; ear corn,
lbs ; lbs. ; Irish potatoes.
Effect of
was a good rain in
neighborhood The
crops were burning up with
drought. Mr. W. A. Dunn rode to
he slid rain had the effect of a
, the crops. The cotton were
and could be crushed like dry
l-aves. Mr. Dunn the crop
almost ruined. Thee was
,. bail and wind with tie
,. Neck Commonwealth.
The Heat in Chicago.
Chicago. August
in w re broken
,,,. Never in the history of the city
were so many deaths recorded in one
d v. The total number deaths re-
;. and the deaths from
h prostration ll-r. are falling
d. ad on the streets with such rapidity
that they cannot be hailed away before
become a menace to the public
health, and beginning hist night, the
were under orders to use large
of disinfectants, on such
as tall lead in the streets and thus
keep down stench and prevent
rapid decomposition. It is estimated
hast animals are
in the streets the city. The
m predicts a lower
for and probably
In- lay night.
The in This.
When work is to be done the
banded people, are given
the pick and I. When wars were
to be the people, the horny
handed people, are given the musket
and placed right in of the
but the country is to be governed
they arc Informed must take
a the lid
it.-. Io me to one
. halt-
CD lbs ; sweet potatoes lbs.; turnips,
i- farm Tuesday and when he returned g- hf . .
thy seed, lbs.
In all eases he provides ix
a may be made, buy in ; a-
ling, in a- may bi I n
lie legal measures are lb
bush peek.
i mil peck ; the g
gallon, quart, half-pint and gill
measure, scaled and branded
A good deal i-
on of difference
the quail and
quart. quart
cubic inches the
quart 57.75 cubic inches.
quarts make a pick, pecks make a
is the old
; pints make a quart, quarts
a is the fluid measure.
Bat gallons make a peck. The
gallon measure is not a part of
peck or measure Thirty
two quarts, quart
make a bushel, but a bushel will bold
This explanation is given ii
is well Io hear in mini
between bushel, peek and quart
ii on one side, and gallon quart
measure on the other, and many la-
meat of Agriculture
Healed by
Winston, Aug. Susan
Walker, a widow of this ha., been
an invalid for over six years, suffering
with spinal disease. Today she as-
lie numbers of her family
getting M and walking without
Airs. great
time things are to be reversed, and ,,, M ,. y .,. n; m's
she has been in her
pi cations to God last few
days. She believes her walking is
ply an answer to her
Observe .
. rt-hi do work and the
going to try their hand-on
tin i. ins the government. They
are sure they cannot do much worse
than millionaires have r-
h mi Sun.
Pop. leaders
dell talking shortly
after Chicago convention, about
what the national Populist convention
should do in the mis s. One was
earnestly In favor it nominating
Dene, candidates. was
-1 y to do he said, to he consistent
; rove at they were ear-
about silver. Democrats had
offered what they to want and
he was in favor a- c it. No. i
entered a mild No. WM
more vigorous. Hi was in favor of re-
candidates and
nominating their o in men. It might
silver and continue I lie hard
times and suffering of -he people, he
ad, but he favored letting the people
offer rather support Demo-
No, is a sample of who
It was his
kind that Tom Watson and
brought about the present complication.
It may defeat they say, but, not-
withstanding all their protestations to
contrary, to them silver is
to party Land-
On the west side of London, it
reported, of the poor, especial-
children, are dying during hot
by the insufficiency
of the water supply. houses
are allowed water more than an lour
daily and ii has a filthy deposit. Scar-
let fever, diphtheria and other diseases
caused by broken
Hie advantages of city life are
great an numerous, but rot all
advantages if Lie me with th dwellers
in Country pi for one
thing have an abundance of water and
have tree, and Io it is a strange
story that city have to buy their
v liter and even then they often cam
get enough of it and rarely ever get it
pore aid
m irk.
The Best Salve in the w Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Fe
Sores, Chapped Hands
Corns, and all Skin
and cures Piles, or on
pay required It is to give
satisfaction or money refunded
cents per box. For by
Jno. L. Wooten.
re is a diamond, here a of
charcoal. Both yet between
them stands the mightiest of magicians
The food on your table, and
your own body; the same,
vet between the two stands the
the arbiter of growth or decline,
Be or death.
We cannot make a diamond, we can-
not make flesh, and hone. No.
But by means of the Shaker Digestive
Cordial we enable the stomach to
digest food which would otherwise fer-
and poison the In ail
forms of dyspepsia and incipient con-
with weakness, loss of flesh,
thin blood, nervous i u the
dial is successful remedy. Taken
with it relieves at once. It
and assists nature to nourish.
trial to show its merit
is the best for
Doctors it in
Of Castor Oil.
of Pitt and Surrounding o u
r v . a i i t n n i hi n
are now ready to our Warehouse and are in better shape to handle your Tobacco
than have ever been before. With ample floor space and plenty of money with
to do our business, we propose to be second to none in the Ware-
house business, your own interest by selling where
you can get the best returns. So we respectfully in-
YOU to.
. .
will see that your every in-
will be looked after.
We also guarantee perfect
satisfaction and the highest
prices of any house in this
State or Virginia.
E. A.
Sole Owners and Proprietors, Greenville, N. O.
This country is now very in
the position of a man who, being pa
of a wealth of broad acres, has
so plastered them over with
that it requires all profits of then
tillage square the annual Interest
This is why hear so much
about the national credit, and why it
has so difficult to meet the ex-
Government without fur-
borrowing. The financial manage-
of this country sines the war has
been such that, persisted in a few
years longer, will end in total bank-
repudiation and ruin Durham
He Met an Old Friend.
cannot but admit my condition,
your said the dignified old
gentleman who had been carried to the
police station the night before in a stale
of collapse, circumstances
arose from my meeting an old Mend
my younger days, an old from
have the honor of being a Ker-
said his Honor; I will
let you go. By the way, who was the
old f He may be a friend of my-
The dignified old gentleman first
himself near the door and then said, in
soft voice
The Is try dis-
Cumberland really
alarming. Many farmers
who only three weeks ago were count-
harvesting the best crops they
raised, are now in despair.
one should lay
.- in. This additional calamity to our
existing s, is lad, very bad.
According to statistician nil.
this country is the wealthiest country
in the word, its wealth being
against 147,000,000,000 for
Great Britain. And yet the gold
standard people gel a state of pan-
alarm at every suggestion
this county declare its
independence of Ii. an I re-
fuse to be longer led by the organ
Can't we build a railroad or raise a
few million dollars without run Io
John with bat in hand
Wilmington Star,
A Horrible Affair.
Mr, II. Point,
brought nows yesterday of a murder or
murders last i i Holly Town
The facts, as told by Mr. French, me
a, Mr Frank Powers and
left their four-
teen months old and other two
years at Mr. and Mrs. Bryant
house, with the three
ii, while the old folks went out
to pick While gone Mr.
Hill's old son beat the
children because they
crying for and said
when the old returned and found
one dead and the other at the point of
death, that he did it to keep them from
It was a sad and the entire
community with the two
families. It was thought the Pow.
children had also been cut with a
knife. The had been sent for,
but the result of the inquest was
A well known farmer of Wake
county stated to-day that in the
tern and Southern of
county, tobacco was being cured in
barns without the use of fire or a
It is said that tobacco will
cure in a barn which is by
shade or Press Visitor.
Break up the
The Progressive Farmer suggests a
very sensible way to break up the
tie trust, and that is tor the
farmers cf the South to a dollar
if stock each in a cotton tie factory
Io be located in the South and buy all
the ties from this factory. This plan
would be as as the
tight on the bagging trust was
years News and
The Kind of Kan He is.
Mr. Elwood E. Smith, a local
preacher who lives at Settle, Iredell
county, has been appointed by the
siding elder of the Winston district to
Mocksville circuit in place of Rev.
W. Hardison, deceased. He does
all the work of a preacher without
charge, allowing all that the pays
The past week has on the whole
tin most unfavorable of the sea-
son. The conditions of extreme heat
dryness, which began over two
weeks ago, continue While
the mean has been only
from to degrees the normal J
per day maximum again reached
over Showers occurred
at half dozen points on the and
but were altogether insufficient in
amount; the deficiency for the Stale
for this week is nearly 1.50 inches.
Bright sunshine prevailed. The effect
of these conditions on crops has been
bad in all districts, except at some
points in the south-cast portion and in
the mountainous sections. Cotton
continues to , very many
respondents that bolls and leaves
are badly; at places the plants
arc ; no top crop seems to be
forming ; the crop is opening t o rapid.
Although it is easy to
mate the damage to cotton, all
show that it has been consider-
able. if good rains this
week there will be some recovery.
Corn has also been injured, the late
corn will lie a failure without rain soon.
Much of the fodder of the old crop h
hen pulled, and much is drying on the
talk Ii -fore it can be stripped.
tobacco is now progressing everywhere.
Much firing is reported, mid farmers
are pulling lower leaves, which arc
curing bright but thin and light. Al-
though peas. SWeet potatoes and
nuts are good, need rain
Sowing turnip seed has been stopped.
The ion.- are becoming serious,
there Lee been an unfortunate de-
line line crop
two weeks ago.
this Inter lo President, it
said the Secretary announced the
position that he was going to assume,
pointed out that he had, during the
campaign in Georgia, given a solemn
pledge that he would abide by ac-
of Chicago convention, and
then went on to say that he felt
he could not, injustice to the President
longer remain in his
The Post then speculates as to what
the President is going to do about it,
and concludes that if the President
continues in his present of
non-notion, Smith must nerve out hi
lime in cabinet, but that it he
s either several suggested
es lo Bryan and the
go platform, the will
upon enforcing his resignation, will
return to Georgia and take an active
part in the campaign.
Hoke Smith Resigned.
Aug. Post
this morning confirms the report that
Hoke Smith has resigned from the
in an article from which the
following is an extract
Hoke Smith's resignation as a member
of cabinet and the head of the
Department is said to lie in the
hands of the President.
authority for this statement is
a close personal friend of Secretary
Smith. As the story goes. Secretary
Smith forwarded his resignation to
President at Gray Gables on the same
day that he the
in his paper, the Atlanta Journal, of
the editorial declaring that paper would
support Bryan and although
deprecating the platform upon which
they were nominated.
Ram's Horn
Walking with God begins in shot
Christ is very close to the penitent
The blackest devil outside the pit
is hate.
a bad man owns can be his
The right to do right Is a God-given
No man walk straight who fol-
lows a doubt.
Have more religion than you can
carry in your head.
No one can know Christ without
wanting to be like him.
No man treats Christ well who treats
his brother wrong.
Darkness cannot be made
enough to destroy light.
Faith used is as sure to grow as good
seed in good soil.
God knows how love, while men
only know how we live.
The man who conquers himself has
God for his helper.
No man can fail until he tries to
for support of a to go to Mrs. God's help.
Hardison. This is a very be good, and they
thing in quit tho W m

N. C.
i i
at toe post at Green-
ville K. C. as second-class mail matter
, of Society is
. Not Being Sought
. Income Coinage.
the speech full
by Mr. at
Square- Garden, New York, upon
being notified of Hi nomination
Chairman, of the
at a future day and in a formal
accept nomination which now
tendered by the notification committee
and I shall at that time touch the
issues presented by the It is
fitting. tint at this time, in
the presence of those here assembled. I
speak at some length in regard to the
campaign upon which we arc now on
We do not underestimate
force arrayed against nor are ire
of the importance tin-
struggle in which we are hut
relying upon the righteous-
our cause, we defend with
ill vigor the positions taken by
our party. We are not
some of opponents, in the
of better resort to abusive
epithets, but they may i-st assured mat
no language, however no
will lead
us to depart a single breadth
from the course marked out by the
National Convention. The citizen,
either public or private, who assails
the character and questions the
riot is in of the delegates assembled in
the Chicago Convention assails the
character and questions the patriotism
of the millions who have arrayed them-
selves under the banner there raised.
It has liven charged by nun stand-
high in business and political circles
that our is a menace to
security and public and it
has been asserted that whom I
have the honor, for the time being, to
represent not only meditate an attack
upon the rights property, but are the
foes social order and national honor.
Those who stand upon the Chicago
platform are prepared to known
and to every which in-
them, every purpose which
every hope winch
understand the
genius of institutions, they ate
stanch of the form gov-
under which we
they build their faith upon foundation
laid by Andrew
has stated with admirable clearness,
and with an emphasis which cannot be
surpassed, both the duty and it of
lie said
society will Always exist under
just government. Equality of talents,
of education, or of wealth cannot be
produced by human In
the full enjoyment of the gilts of heaven
and of superior industry, econ-
nod virtue every man i equally
entitled to protection by We
yield to none in our devotion to the
doctrine just enunciated. Our cam
has not for its object the
of society. We cannot insure
to the vicious the fruits of a virtuous
life ; we would not invade the home of
in order to supply the
Wants of the spendthrift; we do not
propose to transfer the rewards of in
to the lap of incidence. Prop-
is and will remain the stimulus
to endeavor and the Compensation for
toil. We believe, as in the
Declaration of Independence, that all
men are created equal ; but that does
not mean that all men are or can be
equal in possessions, in ability, or in
merit ; it simply means that all shall
before the law and that
government officials shall not, in
construing, enforcing the law
discriminate between citizens.
n assert that property as
as the rights of persons, are safe in the
hands of the common people. Abra-
ham Lincoln, in his mi sent to Con-
in December, 1861, No
men riving are moire Worthy to be trust-
ed than those toil, none are less in-
i. or touch Might which
they have not honestly I re-
peat his language with unqualified
and join with him in the warn-
which he added,
beware a political
be used to close the doors of ad-
such as and
to new disabilities and
upon them, until, all of liberty be
-who -daily follow in-
junction the M thy fan-
shall thou eat are now as they
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Report
source of our nation's great- an indirect of transferring
one man's p to another man's
pocket, and while the process may be
quite to the men who is-
-But I only a part ,.,., taxation it can never b i sat-
utterance ; let me give to those who are overburdened.
his conclusion -Hut when the laws The last income tax law, with its ex
in lime of peace and it.- await de-
fender in lime of war.
to add to those and
just advantages, artificial distinctions,
to giant titles, gratuities a-d exclusive
privileges, to make the rich richer and
the potent humble
members of society, the farmers, me-
and the day
have neither the time nor the means of
securing like favors for themselves-
have a right to complain of the
of their t. Those who
support the Chicago
allot the quotations of
latter as well as the part.
not surprised to find arrayed
against us who the
of government
have read our platform. are we
surprised to learn that we D list ill this
campaign lace the hostility of those
who find a pecuniary advantage ill ad.
the doctrine of
when great aggregations wealth
are trespassing upon he rights in-
We welcome
it is the highest
which could be bestowed u . We
to have the co- of
those who desire to hare the govern-
fear or fa-
It is not the wish the general
public that trusts should spring into ex-
and override the weaker
of society ; it i- not the wish cf the
general public that these trusts should
destroy and then collect
such tax as they will from those who
are at their mercy ; nor is it the
of the general public that the
mentalities of government have been so
often prostituted to of private
gain. Those who stand upon the
Chicago platform believe that the
should not o. avoid
wrong doing, but that it should also
wrong ; and they believe
that the should be enforced alike
against all enemies of the public weal.
They do not excuse larceny but
they grand is
a crime ; they do not
the occupation the highwayman, who
robs the traveler. I they
include among the Sort
who through the more aid less
means of legislation,
to their own use the proceeds of
the foil of others. The Command
shall not from
Sinai and reiterated in the legislation
of all lands, is no respecter of pewits.
It must applied to the great as we
as the .-mull; to the string as as
the weak ; to the corporate per en
created by law us well as to the poi-
son flesh and blood created by the
Almighty. No government is worthy
of the name which is not to protect
from every arm uplifted for his injury
the humblest citizen who lives beneath
the flag. It follows as necessary con-
that vicious legislation must be
remedied by the people who suffer from
the effects of such legislation and
by those who enjoy its benefits.
provisions, when in
with other methods tax-
in force, was not unjust to the
of incomes, because they
were compelled to pay a Federal
tax greater than their share. The in-
come tax is not new, nor is it based
upon hostility to the rich. The system
is employed in several of the most
important nations of Europe, and every
lax now upon statute
in land, so far as I have
been able to ascertain, contains n ex-
The of
income tax in other countries does not
make It necessary for this nation to
adopt the suggestion, but suggests th;
moral language those who denounce
the income tax as an assault on the
Not only shall I refuse to apologize
for tie advocacy an income tax law
by the National Convention, but I snail
also refuse to apologize for exercise
by it the right to dissent from a de-
of the Supreme Court. In a
government like ours every public of-
is a public servant, whether he
holds office by or by appoint-
i whether he serves for a term of
years or during good and the
people lave a right to his of-
acts. Confidence is everywhere
the patent of despotism ; free govern-
exists in jealously and not
are the words of Thom-
as and I submit that they
a truer conception of popular
government than is entertained by
those who would, prohibit an
able comment upon a court decision.
Truth will vindicate only error
fears free speech. No public official
who conscientiously discharges his duty
as he sees it will desire to deny to those
whom he the to discuss
official conduct.
The Abase Demo-
Fights Republicans
power, which they already possess,
power, it surrendered, will hi
Chicago platform has
condemned by some because it dissents
from an opinion rendered by the
Court declaring the income tax
unconstitutional. Our critics even go
so far as to apply the anarchist
those who stand upon that plank of
he It must be remembered
tint we expressly recognize the binding
force of that decision so long as it
as a part of of the land. There
is in the no suggestion of an
attempt to dispute the authority of the
Supreme Court. The party is simply
pledged to use all the constitutional
power which remains alter Was decision
or which may SCaM from its reversal
by the court as it may hereafter be
constituted. Is there any disloyalty in
that pledge For a years
the Supreme Court of the United
States has sustained the principle which
underlies the income tax. Some
twenty years ago this same court
without a dissenting voice an
income tax law almost identical with
the one recently overthrown. Has not
a as much right to return
to the precedents of a century
as the preset t court had to depart from
them When courts allow rehearings
they admit that error is possible. The
late decision against the income tax was
rendered by a majority of one after a
the money question over-
shadows all other questions in
I desire it distinctly understood
that I shall offer no the
income tux plank of the Chicago plat-
form. The last income tax law sought
to apportion the burdens government
more equitably among those who enjoy
t Lie protection off he government. Ai
present the expenses the Federal
government, collected through
revenue taxes and import duties, are
burdensome upon the poorer
of society. A law which col-
from some citizens more than their
share of the taxes collects from
Now let me ask you lo consider
question o the campaign
the money question. It is scarcely
it to defend the principle of
bimetallism. No national party during
the entire history of the United States
has ever declared and no par-
this campaign has had the temerity
to oppose it. Three Dem-
Populist, and Silver Parties
have not only declared
but outlined their specific
necessary to restore silver to its
ancient position by the tide of gold.
platform expressly
that bimetallism is desirable
when it pledges the Republican Party
to aid in securing it us soon as the as-
of certain foreign nations can
be obtained. who represented
the minority sentiment in the Chicago
Convention opposed the free coinage of
silver by the United-States by
dent action on the ground that, in
their judgment, it retard or en-
prevent the establishment of inter-
national bimetallism, to which the
forts of the government should be
steadily When they
that the efforts the government
should be steadily directed toward the
establishment of international
they condemned
The gold standard has been weighed
in the balance found wanting
Take from it the powerful support of
the money-owning and the money-
changing classes, and it cannot stand
for one day in any nation in the world.
It was fastened upon the United
discussion before the people,
and its friends have never been
willing to risk a verdict lore the
upon issue.
can be no sympathy or co-
operation between the advocates of n
universal gold standard and the
of bimetallism. Between
independent or inter-
the gold standard there
is an imp gulf, Is this
agitation in favor of international
bimetallism, conducted in good faith, or
do opponents really desire to .
the gold standard permanently
Are they willing to confess the r-
a double standard when joined in
the leading nations the world, or
do they still insist that gold is the only
metal suitable for money
among civilized nations If they are,
in fact, desirous of securing
we may expect them to point out the evils
of a gold standard and defend
as a system. the other hand,
they are their energies toward
the permanent establishment of a
gold standard, under a
in favor of international
I inn justified suggesting
money cannot be expected at the
hands of those who deal dishonestly
with the American people.
To Congressional Convention.
Steamer It. L. Meyers will
f-r Washington next Tues-
day morning at Delegates
the Democratic
At the Populist ; in
Thursday. Col. I line
was made permanent chairman. Her
are a few from his ii -tea. on
taking the.
-politician who any
scheme to split vote in
North Carolina and turn it W to He
is an enemy to the cause.
want to say to the Populist Demo-
committees that let
State go they she
both be wiped Out.
Some one asked me whether we
were going to take down Tom Watson
or We are not going to take
down either. Whether it is necessary
to run Bryan an or a joint
ticket of Hi van and Watson it will b
done, effect will be to elect
Mr. Bryan President, If our cause
means anything it means that.
But whatever we do we must
the fact that the while man must
rule in Carolina. The time has
not come the to rule and gov.
the white people of the State and
he would even endanger his own
When Mr- Butler put Oliver II
Dockery in
Governor Co. showed fight at
among ether things
If you are going to take the
bike the machine lift a
rebel. We don't want any of these
Kick out. W
want a tick-
et, and nobody who could not on the
stump advocate the election of Bryan
and Watson.
It seems there is a plan
lo lose the wing of the
Republican party, to instigate the
vision the Republicans in order that
the Democrats may be landed safely
into power, and they named
II. Dockery, a man above all others
that meant Republicanism in North
were whistles and
I've got the right to command
attention of this convention. I
voted Major Guthrie
voted Cleveland This an at-
tempt to divide Republicans and
give the Democrats victory. The
were following the party-bugs.
You are following the leader who is
trying to deliver you Democrats.
Do you want to with the
No No II
do it manly way. Why
slum I we rote fur II.
Is thaw a who speak for
Docker and say that he will
Bryan and Watson
Can you give a guarantee If
yon can I'll go for
him ; if not, I'll fight him.
I don't care for time. My
vices the party are such that I de-
has no right to dictate a
ticket to this What are
you going to make by fusing with
Dockery How many votes can he
deliver He was defeated at own
convention. We have started, pare,
let end pure. Let us name a
like or Cy. Thompson, or
Skinner, not of the
Again when Mr. had spoken
for the nomination of far At-
General and Mr. in
obedience lo his command was moving
t suspend the rules nominate this
Republican by Col Skin-
am here to object
to a suspensions Why
nominate Mr. Zeb Vance If
it is right to nominate
it Is right vote for
Pritchard, yet Mr. Butler's paper
is Opposing because he is for
Mr. Walser is within- flu-
sound of my voice and I ask him to
come ward and say whether he will
vote for Bryan and Watson, If he will
will support him. But you are going
to nominate him at
word voice we are not it lie is
to vole for lie is in town
and can speak for
to character with any man in
this If not that,
pit hit-., if he fishes. Let me recall I
i few things. yon me to j
take your banner, made up my mind
no no charges, no
eggs would me my head i
But v these charges come the
and from who be my
I it hurts ten thousand fold more.
I put my record beside that of any man,
I have done my duly,
continue to do
lie read the names proposed by
and a man of
were puppets, be states what
is not true
I regretted to say that, but either
had to say or every
named here have to arise
denounce statement. have never
bad to use such before. But
I say it i I have nothing to
A. H.
exerts a wonderful influence in
strengthening her system by
driving through the proper
impurities. Health and
strength are guaranteed to result
from its use.
My wife was bedridden for months,
for two is well.
Bold all at SI. per bottle.
Emit f
EVANS it CO., Props.
Mount r follows
Will Move This
On J. C. Coo will
If Sol say or begin moving to their old Bland in
would dare to say that I told an
about anything, anywhere at any
tune, we would have a quick and
day of meeting.
The time has when, having in-
trusted all to him, we must inquire if
Senator is a sate party leader.
I say he is a party wrecker. At St.
he tried to turn and deliver
that to the Democrats.
Look at his r. cord in the Stale,
Let us look at this commute.;.
Have you any doubt how Hal Ayer,
editor of Bullet's paper, the Caucasian,
will vote that c Rave you
any Idea how Jim Lloyd, who holds
a in the Senate, -riven hi in by
will rote Have you
any idea how J. K. Samson,
Butler's devoted will rote
Don't you think that will fill Butler's
wants Will not that
Butler's bidding
the has same when We should
kilo bow much power we have
into hands this one man. Does
this petting of the the
lion in the hands the committee
menu electoral fusion with Democrats
I want to say that it means what
wants, whatever that i.
And now I am going make a
u nominate this whole committee
John Graham withdrew
was elected in bis place. Hal
V. Ayer was then elected
of the committee.
the Block which is just being
completed for them, and they invite
readers to call and see
their Splendid line of They
will sell cheap.
Does Butler to Force Walser on
The Populist Convention
It is said that all the time while
fight was on in the
over the nomination of Walser
Attorney General, the
as to whether he was for
or Bryan, Mr. had
his pocket the following letter from
which requested, that his posit
be the convention, but
yet Mr. Butler could give no
though it was called for again
and i. Here is the
Park Hotel, Raleigh, N. C.
lion. Geo. K. Hunt and
Westmoreland, Convention Hall,
V. C.
My has
been that my name, if presented to
Populist State convention, would be
used in connection with a
State by the Populist Re-
publican on the same line
in official
not an independent ticket, composed
populist and
of the Republican State ticket
ready Dominated.
If should arise please state
to the convention,
I am for Stale co-operation between
cur two with the great purpose
of preserving civil liberty to the people
of North Carolina,
To Democratic Committees.
I he several Democratic Precinct Ex-
Committee will Immediate
alter their appointment elect a chair-
man of their body, and the chairman so
elected, being by virtue of bis office a
member the county Executive Com-
is requested to meet with the
Other members the County Commit-
tee St Greenville on Thursday, Sip
immediately after the
t County Convention
for the of completing the o.
n of
L. Blow.
Com. of Pitt Co
Look at has es
and Wiley Brown
tobacco at the Star Ware-
house lo-day. For iV Evans
they a loud of primings as follows
lb at at
lbs at
an average of SI 1.50. The Star also
sold for Hill Williams several lots
II you want the best prices go ti
lie Star.
Have You Seen Thia Beaten
W. 1,411 pounds
of at the Eastern Warehouse
to-day and sot a clear cheek for
The lots brought tins
lbs. at las. at
lbs. at lbs. at lbs.
lbs. at and lbs.
at His average was close to
So much selling at the
n. where high prices rule every
Boys They Are.
Last Friday while Leon Evans was
sick and unable personally conduct
the sales at the Greenville Warehouse
the buyers -I bis prices should
not loll in . The boys
bucked against each other and run Up
prices so high tint it was conceded,
taking quality and present condition
pi ices into consideration, th t no ware-
house In State lied ever shown a
better fide W hear the
still expressing his appreciation of the
way the lien Mm.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured.
With as
they cannot the seat ills-
ease. Cat is a blood or
iii order to cure it
you must take internal fall's
Cure is mid
directly or the bled and mucous
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not med-
It was by one of the
best physicians in this country for
years, Is a regular It
is composed of the best t known.
combined with tin best blood purifier,
acting directly on the mucous
The perfect combination or two
is what produces such won-
results curing Catarrh. Scud
tor testimonials, free.
f. Props. Toledo.
Sold by druggists price
The old Greenville Warehouse is being- en-
and more lights added which makes it
the best lighted Warehouse in the State. With
plenty money and no pets, fair dealings and
hard work, we are going to sell Tobacco as high
as anyone. Give trial and v will show
you. Your friends,
K. V.
On and after, Thursday, August 20th,
will be in our now store, at the old
will he glad to see you all.
Will sell goods cheap and guarantee
action. Thank you for past favor.
August 17th, 1896.
The Fight Between; Them Continues
What Does it Mean P
Saturday morning the light of
the night before in the Populist
was continued. Mr. Butler with-
drew the name Waller for Attorney
General, and this together with
one elector at large, and one Justice
the Supreme Court, was left in the
hands of the executive committee.
Mr. Caldwell then forward aid
proposed the following as an
committee. A. S. Hal W.
Ayer, John J. K.
B. and S. Otho Wilson. Then
Aline the contention of the
Col. arose and said
want to the situation,
Why the complexion of such as that
named by Mr, Caldwell There are
three men there who mean one man.
Why is Dr. Thompson, or left
from the ticket Why Because
I have to face Marion Butler and
tell when he's wrong. You are
going to do it because it is his wish,
and he wants lo retire from the
list party every man of influence. The
central committee should be
and men should not be named
who are under the control of
Mr. Butler then came forward and
night I sat on this platform
and heard regarding my
integrity that I would not
J. W. HIGGS, Pres. J. S. Cashier.
HENRY HARDING Ass t Cashier.
Greenville, N. C.
Representing a Capital of More Than a Hall
Million Dollars,
Win. T, Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C.
R. R. N. C.
D. W. Higgs Eros.,
Greenville N.
We respectfully solicit the accounts
of firms, individuals and the general
Checks and Account Books furnish
ed on application.
less than cost- Try a car f. o. b.
at N. C at
North Co
-------A fresh Hue of------
------Consist in
I have just returned from tin
where I have purchased a
Large, New, Cheap
and stylish line of goods
We are not LOW on one th located -our ,.
nigh others we think yon are not posted. sell our
goods at
whether yon are an expert or not does not effect oar price one
Our goods have stamp of reliability, combining style I
quality with lowest price, the; will bring yon a i
nil competitors. My stock of
store. I will sell up-to-date Clothing.
Thanking you for Favors, I lo
patronage- I am to Please,
Leader of
with your
which I am
Belling so low
that it causes
and I will
treat you fair
will make i mt of this from any man for
ever been, the bulwark of other citizens less than their share, is for die party. Now I am
Arriving Daily.
Our Mr. Taft is back from the
north and says prices there were
cheaper than ever and he will
make here way down.
Summer Goods at your
own price.
.-----A large of the celebrated-----
E age Brand of Fine Shoes
-------just received. A complete stock of-------
always on hand.
C. A. Whites old
taught best Is
Hemp Bone, Building Pumps, Farming every
ting necessary for and general purposes, as wall a
Ladies Goods have hand. Am
quarters for Heavy Groceries, jobbing for O. N. T.
Cotton, and keep courteous and clerk.
C, C. Pin Co. N
T. J. Co., Va
Norfolk. Va.
Stock, Cotton, Grain Provision Brokers.
and Progress Street.
Ties and Backs at Lowest
and Consignments Solicited.

. F.
Sole Owners Proprietors of the
OUR THE make our best bow in grateful of your past support and in return for in the
as in the past your interest shall be our interest and we promise that shall be left unturned which will aid in for you the very highest market price for your Tobacco
say that tot
-lone we ask
for a continuance and increase of your patronage, which we shall show you by our works that we highly appreciate. Your friends,
Pioneers, O.
M v; i round,
as c
Many of buys arc .
Italian Macaroni, received, I
at J. S.
Mrs. is rick.
W. M. Lang,
Agent J. It.
Friday evening.
sec strangers in
I every day.
J. It. Harvey has been appointed
Postmaster at ton, this
Carr But
at -S. M. Schultz.
day, Aug.
c scarce out-
i- not be math
ins tin's season.
This offer includes
First of Mallets
and Potatoes cents a peek Ai.
saw a township
man exhibiting one of the handsome
clucks the Planters Warehouse pays
oil with and bragging over the line sale
he had know where lo get
good he said.
The entire at the Star Ware-
house, Thursday, brought an average
They prices to the lop
notch at the Star.
No doubt county could
shown a bale of new by this
time, but our arc too busy in to-
to bother picking out cotton
The Reflector acknowledges an
invitation to tin- annual convention
tournament the State Fireman's As-
to be held in Salisbury Aug.
19th to 21st.
wile am
de says Brother
find out some day
de bone ob makes mighty
M. has something to say
to leaders to-day. His
new -lock is coming in and he is going
to give yen the leading styles at as low
figures us they can be sold.
I. Elks sold a barn prim-
at the Star Warehouse Friday am
averaged barn through.
will always git the very best
prices when you sell at the Star.
C. Co. have com-
n monument over the gave
Mrs. A M. Clark in Cherry Hill
It is a fine Italian marble
a handsome piece of work.
It is indeed poor policy a
men lo complain hard times.
Have a word good cheer for your
customers and they will feel more like
spending their money with
ham Sun.
Mi-s Sallie Tin i
king W. L.
Miss Laura is vis-
her t Mrs. II. Edwards.
Mrs. C. T. and little son
return evening from a visit to
L Miss
. Tuesday evening
Mis. Hooker returned home
Wednesday from a visit o
A. II. Tali returned Friday evening
from New V k where he had been
purchasing an elegant winter
Block iV
W. Moore, of Brooklyn, X. V. a
Pitt county boy, is visiting relatives in
this county. The was
glad to have a Call from him.
i. S. C. in
ids wile him. will
one of houses in
of N, i-k,
r tor the Co., and
P. J. Walker, Durham, buyer for
Duke's factory, spent Wednesday on
Greenville market.
U. T. returned Friday
evening from his purchasing
lour, lie lie I'm el plenty
cheap for his bade here, but
never in his lite struck such hot
as prevailed in fork while he
was inure.
About on Mark-t.
in fact the entire steak
Call early.
Go Ask Will
Will says Flank Wilson
bought half of a, fresh but hi
busy kepi it at the store a
afternoon before s it,
home. When he went to send it up he
found that the hot weather had
cued the pi ready use.
The King Clothier.
Home With a Broken Leg.
Mr. Ed. Randolph arrived home
from Central America even-
We were sorry to see him come
in on crutches. weeks ago he
was accidentally shot, w the right leg
just above ankle, ball badly
shattering the bones. Not able
to get proper attention where he was
he wet t to Orleans as soon as he
could be moved and was in a hospital
here for a month. He says he is get-
ting along all right now and hopes to
be soon.
Quotations of Greenville Tc
Since last week prices have very ma-
advanced on grades, with
color and character, and with the
in price we think the
of the improved
to U
V to
We have been a good many
regard to future out-
look but as yet we seen nothing
lo warrant a change of former opinion,
that price of tobacco will
establish itself as the market
and that nothing definite can yet be
though our private opinion is
prices will be better a little later
L. J.
Democratic Convent ion.
A l of mo par-
or county is hereby to
meet at the Court House
on Thu day, September 1896, Bl
o'clock M. for of
candidates for the Legislature
and various county offices,
accordance with the plan of
primaries will be held at
the usual places in each township
Saturday, at
P. M. for the purpose
pointing delegates and alternates to
sail convention and to nominate
dates for Constable and three Justices
of the Peace each Township, and
also to select an Executive Committee
of live persons for each voting precinct.
The several townships are entitled to
following of
gates and alternates, to wit Beaver
Dam Bethel
I. , Greenville
, Creek
All voters who favor the election
Democratic candidates and the success
of Democratic principles are cordially
invited to in these primaries.
By order the Democratic
Committee of Pitt county,
Williams, Alex I.
Secretary. Chairman
common to o
They Come to
The rain Wednesday put a better
on things generally the
i fleet was fell on tobacco market
to-day. There were good breaks at
all warehouses and prices showed
a upward tendency. We heard
several farmers expressing their
faction at the sales. The Greenville
market does not lag but keeps shoving
and that is what brings the
farmers here with their tobacco.
Trees Struck.
During the storm Wednesday after.
noon lightning struck one of large
oak trees in the yard of Agent J. It.
Moore, near the depot It was a
bolt and cut five down
tree. The occupants of house
felt shock very distinctly but no
damage except to the tree.
We understand that a tree the
residence of Prof. S. D.
Washington street, was also
during the storm.
The Democratic Slate Executive
Committee submitted lo the a
proposition to divide They
in submitted a proposition to
w is best day the divide all offices even down in
market since the new season This the Democrats declined,
There was a bustle and around the consequence Populists did not
warehouses quite early in the morning accept the proposition to
loads tobacco kept rolling in You at one see the
there was . to lbs. on the consistency ti Mr. Butler who is the
warehouse floor. The amount Carolina. II
nearer equally divided between the four j favored Mr. Bryan and
houses than on any sale we have no-nominating Watson for Vie
President and the Democrats lo make
The Greenville had first side and
was a in the lead on quantity, but e set of
the was a mighty dose second, more than th
with Planters Ki stern the number. This they refuted.
near up. There was upward his mean Dos it give
movement in prices, giving a still better three electoral tickets and
to the market. There was tho chances Bryan
spirited bidding between lite buy Carolina Can it be
en and made the lively. that the silver forces in this State are
to be so divided as the State
I This is strange o
and unless we are mistaken
Colored Han Shot.
Saturday night at the store of Mr. C.
T. Savage, about eight miles
to., ii. a c loved man got
Mi. Savage put him out and closed
the store. The man got some
ions to join him, broke down tin; store
or and start- d in, when Mr. Savage
fired into them wounding the leader
right Mr. S wage came to town
and had a warrant issued
y Marion
Populist of the State will aid tie
in electing the man tin
conventions nominated.
Keeps mm
Leon Evans never seems happier
l an be is getting big prices for
tie who tobacco at the
Warehouse. Here is
T. If. Kennedy done the ville
lbs at lbs at
lbs IS lb, at
SI lbs at Um at
lbs a
lbs a -nurse Mr. K-n-
was pleased at such pi ices.
you want to de as well
to Reflector.
It Aug Skin.
n t was made of .
th; Populist convention. W the old r. liable, has H hi
The following ticket was nominated and two
Lieutenant II.
II. Worth.
Secretary of State-
W. Aver.
States. Here are some of prices
For I. L.
and I or
A. at
an average For C.
at SIC, and
For T E. at
A Good
The telephone exchange has been in
operation about to months mid
hot the slightest damage to phone
by lightning reported. This
speaks well for the manner in which
her. is constructed. The
fact is, there is not a heller g
in any town than the one in
The nominations for Attorney Gen-l
What is done these can be
The Greenville is ill
end, Judges and Electors at large an I hold- hr in
ft open to be filled by the Executive quantity.
Try Hitters as a remedy for
y or b now
an I relief. nu has
found lo be peculiar the re-
lief and cure of all Female
a wonderful direct Influence
In and and tone to the
organs. If you have of
Sp -ls. or are
Melancholy or
troubled with Spells,
Bitters is the medicine need.
, . . v. is the medicine need.
nomination A lot , and are guaranteed by its use.
was made Col. Skinner fought Mr. Butter, on ice, at J. cents and at Jno. L.
at every step, and
denounced as a j
Ski yo- are going lo
with Republicans for sake
with I he machine and not with the tail
Thompson was placed in
for Lieutenant Govern r
in order, contrary m Butler's
slate, but the only in which
the slate was the
of Ayer tor in.
Butler thoroughly dominated the
convention as its director. Skinner,
Thompson, Kitchen and
fought heavy odds, win n
Butler announced his policy it went.
The convention adjourned
His Entire
Pleased With Prices
Messrs. R. and J. J, Jackson, of
over pounds of to-
at the Eastern Warehouse today; I
and one of them toM us lie was highly I
pleased with prices, finding them much
better than ho expected. hat is the
way people find things when they sell
at the Eastern.
I have arrived and am having my
Gallery fixed up in the styles
will open m a few flays. Wail for me.
U. Hymen;
How's This P
Talk about good all around prices,
th Planters Warehouse told
pounds of tobacco to-day Mi average
of When ft is high prices yon
are looking for try Planters.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm cl White has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
Mr. White having purchased Air.
interest in the Insurance bus-
fire, Accident and
which will
by Mr. H. A. White.
X. O. Aug. 15th
The of White having
dissolved I lo ex-
press my thanks to our man;
friends for their past
patronage, it is with pleasure, that
ray partner and associate who
will continue the business.
I will still represent the Union
Co. and-, re.
solicit the business of all who
may be interested in Life
at your own price for the spot cash only. Come
early and avoid the rush.
C. T.
Next door to The Bank Greenville.
has gone to buy his
t ho has a few Summer ; Goods which
before, the new goods come in, and you can
at your own price by calling ,
l W the dollars and cent
l Ins fact joined to the truthful assertions, the largest stock, mo it
beautiful selections, best values, make our store the most
satisfactory you to trade. Come take a look at
the many attractions which we offer you. They
cannot fail to elicit your admiration and make
you our patrons. A stock full of Bargains
day during each season, but
before any better, grander, more
or better selected
stock than this Our
bought for the
Cash, and added to
the judgment
of years
experience, we offer a line of
that has never excelled or scarcely in this town
county. Our store is the home of rare bargains, genuine
merit, honest goods, square dealing, polite attention,
and the place for to trade. We have
them here upon every buyer
to examine them Our store
is full to
of the
Dry Goods, Ladies, Aliases and Children
Goods, Shirt Waist Silks, White Good
Dimities, all wool,
Black Dress Goods, Ripples,
Novelty Cotton Goods
Linen Fabrics,
Piques, White and Colored Lawns,
Muslins, Ginghams, Calicoes and other beautiful
too to mention. Our Laces, Ribbons, Silks.
Braids, Bu tons, Velvets and other make the hearts of
the ladies lad to behold them. Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Side Combs,
and Hair are beauties. Our Shoe stock is immense for
Ladies, Misses Children, Men and Boys. The most complete
and stylish line Indies, Misses and Oxford Ties ever
ottered here.
Furnishing Goods
embracing such Collars. Cuffs, Tie, Scarfs, Bows
Suspender, Dress and Workingmen s Sunday
every day Shirts, Undershirts and Toilet Articles. Fir, Wool and
Straw Hats for Men and Boys. Caps for meD, Boy children-
Plain, Pure, Heavy Groceries.
Flour, Meal, Sugar, Lard, Molasses, Salt, Snuff and Tobacco- Hard
ware and Farming Tools, lows and Casting, Tinware, Toilet
many household articles in that line. The Best line of
Crockery that we have ever had and that is saying much. Our Tea
and Dinner are beauties. Our Cups and Saucers, Dishes
es and Bowls are here in quantities and variety, Hall, Vase and
Lamps, plain and fancy patterns. Now a word our
Store, bigger more and grander than ever before. Oak
Suits. Parlor Suits, Lounges, Plush, Upholstered,
Willow, and Oak Rocking Chairs, Oak. Dining Chairs- All the
culmination of the Manufacturer's Art up to date- Separate
Bureaus, Bedsteads; Tables, Towel and
Tin Safes, Side Boards, Spring Mattresses,
Shuck and straw Mattresses, Mattings, Bugs,
Poles, Lice Curtains, Window Shades and other house
es Harness, Trunks. and Hand Bags and Satchels. Wood
and Willow Ware- Buckets, Tubs. Market and Fancy Bask
et. And many other things that you need. Don't come to
and leave without seeing your friends, the Leaders
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as Executor of
Will of the late Mrs. A. M. Clark, notice
is hereby given to alt indebted
to the estate to immediate pay-
to the undersigned, to all
creditors the estate Mrs. A. M.
Clark to exhibit their claims properly
authenticated to the undersigned, at th
office of Fleming, attorneys, in
Greenville, C, on or baron
Jay of August 1887.
If not it will soon be
and you had better get
your Flues ready for
curing. can sup-
ply you now at any
time with the best Steel
Executor of Mrs. A.
B Lou t FLEMING, Attorneys for
To the Tobacco Farm-
All farmers growing tobacco who pro-
pose to use the Improved . Method j
are th
makes good;
assigned to John R.
can to
ISAAC Attorney
. C, n, 1890.

C. D.
Sole Owners and Proprietors of the
TO THE TOBACCO PUBLIC is conceded by all the surrounding country that Greenville tobacco for the sale of Leaf Tobacco in Eastern Carolina. This
within reach of the Great market to Warehouse with
it behooves
and gentlemanly assistants. We now have a large to be used m connection with the Warehouse, that we may be able to vast
We have associated with us Messrs. H. L. Coward and T. E. Hooker, two large and successful tobacco raisers from Greene county, they having purchased the
o f tobacco than ever drive direct to the where you will always
Mr Ernul, we are better prepared to handle your tobacco
and courteous attention and highest market prices for your tobacco.
Your friends,
m, q
N. C
The New York that
everybody knows that disaster some
sort and extent would come from the
election of is
specimen of Wall street dogmatism
-o one knows anything of the kind.
We are to that there are
the ranks the thousands of
men of great ability, who.
the monetary problem earnest and
conscientious consideration, are
convinced that the election of
and -he adoption free coinage would
result in serious financial dist
in the ranks the there
are as many, it not more, men of equal
ability, who have given the monetary
problem earnest
study, and who are equally
their conviction the
of the national Democratic ticket
silver would stall tin- country
on the high road lo prosperity. The
paper that undertakes to say positively
what would be I la- result of v
free coinage basis a
lo know more than
and doctrinaires on both side
of th- great now agitating
people, as being
lo be bestowed with
the prophets
However, thinking d
rations as that of the Tribune do
the silver cause more good than harm.
They are evidence of an
of the boasted f
and a of a policy. They
are a recognition of the fact that the
silver wave is gaining in strength and
in volume, and the logical sequence of
this is ii impart
to tendency business V
themselves to the probabilities
a silver Just in as
the of the
convinced that the chances are favorable
to the election of Bryan and the triumph
of free silver will irrespective
their views on the currency
strive to place themselves ii. position
not only to meet, but to profit by the
following such results, thus
proving a potent factor in weakening
the argument.- and the dog-
mas of the tingle gold standard ad-
and paving the way to a
of free silver, silver
for years, says the
hat the price potatoes been so
low in St at present lime.
in Missouri and Southern 11-
have thousands bushels
in will cannot get
it to pay the digging.
As per wagon load has been
gladly accepted by t e American Bat
it. i
Summer Advertising.
Folks in Summer.
Folks wear in Summer.
Folks sit down in Summer,
and they bleak dishes, and they
use up in Summer as much as I hey use
in Winter.
If folks cat in Summer they must
have ti eat, and it have
I bin,, to eat, and so long as there
is a
III e 14th
. re
i it
if Mi
Ar. Florence
A. M
April ,
e a
A. M
Ir Rocky Mt
Rocky Mt
Ar Weldon
I. V,
P. H.
P. M
P. M,
their year's supplies will
their interest to get our prices
n all its branches.
we buy direct rut
buy at one A COS
the t Our goods bought and
therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close
s. at. N C
Train on Scotland Meek
eaves Weldon 3.55 p. m., Halifax 4.10
m., arrives Sent land Neck at 4.55
n. p. m., Kinston
f, in. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2
i. m., Greenville 8.22 t. m. i
m., 11.20 am
ally except Sunday.
Trains on leave
8.00 a. in., ml
a in . and 4.40 p.
Tarboro 9.45 a. m ,
3.30 p. in , a. m.
ind p. arrives Washington
11.50 a. m. and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-
Sunday. with trains on
Tram leaves if C, via
Raleigh except mid
lay, at p. m., M;
Plymouth 9.00 M., 5.25 p. m.
leaves Plymouth daily
Sunday, 6.00 a. m., Sunday 9.30 a
Tarboro 10.25 and II.
Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
daily, except Sunday, a
m. arriving 7-30 a. m. Re-
leaves 8.00
rives at 9.30 a. m.
Trains in Nashville branch leave
Mount at 4.30 p. m. arrive
5.05 p. m., Spring 6.80
. m. Returning leave Spring Hope
m-, Nashville a at
Mount 9.05 a m, daily except
Trains Latta branch, Florence R
t., leave 6.40 p m, Dunbar
p m, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
Dunbar 6.80 a m,
Arrive Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-
Train Branch leaves War-
jaw for Clinton except
11.10 a. in. and 8.50 p, m- Returning
Clinton at 7.00 a. in. and 3.00 p m.
Train No. makes connection
at Weldon for all its daily, all rail via
at K Mount with
Norfolk and Carolina R R for Norfolk
all points North via Norfolk.
General Supt.
Manage r.
must buy that something.
If folks wear clothes in Summer
must war out these clothes, and
them out, go
Halted, or more clothes, and if they
more must those
II buy things in summer, be-
to, and it stores
U- kept open, is there any reason why
stores shouldn't advertise hen folks
e.-it things. wear lungs,
gs, and buy things
it is a but the
man who does the inns business in the
Wilder, and in the Full and
Summer, and tin- man who makes the
most money i. X is the man
aim advertises in all lour of the four
seasons, and thinks more of increasing
his than he does of cutting
In the Winter it is ally M
for activity, and there are
parties, and card parties, and
I of every soil.
Folks road in they do
things fir I-
Folks read in Slimmer, a d do the
things afterwards, because it is
easier to it is to and
read everything from the country
to the
Women will read advertisements in
the Summer when they will not read
them in the Winter. They think
lime in the Winter, because
they have something else to do.
Summer advertising in pay better
than inter advertising.
Here stands a boy quite full of joy,
But fond of drinking ;
So bend your ears, my title dears,
And do a bit thinking.
What kind of drink, say, do you think
Can I be go lo swallow
Not beer or gin, lead to sin ;
My drink will beat hollow.
I quench my thirst with water first ;
It never leads to folly ;
And milk so sweet is such a treat,
It fat and jolly.
ends my rhyme until next lime
A little boy may teach you
To draw line and shun the
Do, d you.
How to Make Pin
Drop a postal card to The Trade
Boston, Mass., and will
tell you how to make spending money
much effort.
An t Case.
His Worst Enemy Defeated by
P. P. P.,
Great Remedy.
You may of earth's and
I've a flower all my own ;
A budding darling boy
Who drives the cattle home.
Hark his pattering loot I hear
the dewy lane ;
His voice soft and clear
Across the golden grain.
His face is covered o'er with Ian,
Hid a broad hat
And are his little hands
he's mine tor that
Around his angel brow I see
Ringlets of golden hair ;
And in his love-lit eyes for
There shines a heaven fair
He's left his little
And drum and tooting horn ;
And all his playthings standing nigh,
I hear them mourn and sigh
For the jewels of his joy ;
Out of lovely cry
For the little barefoot boy
My precious one, how you I love,
In your beauty I scan
angel is fairer
The image of the coming man
I'll rue the day. O holy joy
When from me you shall roam.
And you, to, have a little boy
To drive the cattle home
Boston Courier.
Barns vs. Banks set the firs.
Tuesday in November.
William Bryan for the
and William the defer-
The argument has begun, and
he case will be. given to the jury the
first Tuesday in November. What will
be the verdict
Less in the Barns and in the
Hanks, or less in the Banks and
in i
Le. the people Greensboro
New Process tor Tobacco
Mr. Geo. B. Webb is making ex-
to develop n new process,
originated by himself, to cure tobacco.
He has in curing small par-
it a bright yellow. he
expects to cur.- it in to
days any beat. II his process
proves he will be able to
cure a pound tobacco to ea -h cubic
foot space, without any danger
of burning, without any after
first pacing it, without chemicals
by a perfectly natural inexpensive
all the in th.; to-
caring it a bright coin-, with n
velvety finish, perfectly curing the
in and leaf. Ii 11-is proves practical
it a g to th
and will mini a fortune .
Mr. We wish him
Free Tress.
Mr. A. M. Ramsey, of Texas.
a sufferer from Catarrh in its
form. Truly, his description of suffer
lugs seem little short of marvelous. In
of seeking couch, glad for tin
nights coming, he went to It with terror,
realizing that another long, weary, wake
night and a to breathe was
before him. He could not sleep on either
aide for two years. P. P. P.,
Great Remedy, cured him In quick time.
Messrs. BROS., Savannah. Ga.
have used nearly four bollix
of P. P. P. I was afflicted from the crown
of my head to the soles of my feet. Your
P. P. P. bas cured my difficulty of breath
log, smothering, palpitation of the heart.
nil has relieved me of pain. One nos
closed for ten years, but now I
can breathe through It readily.
I have not slept on either aide for
years; In fact, I dreaded to see night come
Now I sleep soundly in any
I am years old, but expect soon t
be able to take hold of the plow handles
I feel gad that I was lucky enough to
P. P. P., and I heartily recommend It
friends and the public generally.
Yours respectfully,
the nu
on this day, personally
A. M. Ramsey, who, after being
sworn, says on oath that the
statement made by him relative to th
virtue of P. P, P. medicine Is true.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
A 4th, 1801.
Catarrh Cured by P. P. P.
Great where all
remedies failed.
twists and distorts
hands and feet. agonies are Intense
but speedy relief and a permanent
is gained by the use of P. P. P.
Woman's weakness, whether nervous
otherwise, can be cured and the system
up by P. P. P. A healthy woman is
a beautiful woman.
Pimples, blotches, eczema and at Ms
of the skin are removed and
cured by P. P. P.
P. P. P. will restore your build
your system and regulate you In every
way. P. P. P. removes that heavy, down
In -toe-month feeling.
For Blotches Pimples on the face.
for natural and thorough organic
regulation, take P. P. P., Great
Remedy, and get well at once.
Black. Savannah. .
For sale by J. L. Woolen, Ding-
gist next door to a- T- White.
Current Topic
Thai iii Germany i-
value a
is proved by just
Every Protestants in
the German Empire send fifty students
to higher institutions of learning ;
every Roman Bend
thirty-two. while Hebrews
the remarkable Dumber of
And now ii is claimed that the jaw
bones of civilized people are gradually
the of knives and forks.
There need be no fear, however,
that we v ill lose the use of the jaw- ;
the habit gum will soon r
portions of our anatomy
their strength.
A hi depth is re-
coiled In creek, Horn
A curious was made on
tablet iii Public Library building in
Kansas City, which was unveiled re-
It is in of Horace
Greeley and his name is spelled
A new tablet will mice be
It i. estimated that
have already bee manufactured in
this country this year.
Sir is said lo have
realized the the
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
the power to digest and
a proper of food.
This can never be done when
the liver does not act it's part.
know this
Liver Pills are an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
No crop varies more in
according to grade of
used than tobacco. Pot-
ash is its most important re-
producing a large
yield of finest grade leaf. Use
only fertilizers containing at
least actual
form of sulphate. To in-
sure a clean burning leaf, avoid
fertilizers containing chlorine.
On v t are i m .
-i- . contain-
I the i- r of
I ; I to They arc km live be
N St., N
TIA, US., Not.
never sold en such universal
as Tonic
-Sol d J.
; .
t .
How are They Going to do it
In interview with the newspaper
representative in New York the other
lay Mark made this remark
will be elected ill one
This is significant, hut just
was meant by way or
the the versatile Hanna failed lo
say. However, the expression
of ninny constructions, and the
country is net apt put the best upon
it, seeing that Mark has not been over
particular how he has thus far
bis that they were
It is said will start the
fight for with a campaign
fund of something like
money raised by Wall street.
of great corporations have con-
to farther
scheme, and if such a thing is possible
interest will attempt to
buy the
It is not believed, however, that the
purchasing business will pan out well
but all the same it will be attempted
at druggists.
assist digestion.
U H.
ii e
a laity
It At-Law.
Greenville, N. C
Practices in Courts.
Ci Successors to Latham A
v. a.
swift Galloway, B. F. Tyson,
Hill. N. C.
E V-AT-1 W,
X. C
dealers in
neck, , Ii
VII kin i f done
labor and
material and to
N. C
DR. H. A.
Wire and Iron Fencing;
over Old Brick Store f i out room
R. I.
K. C.
Steamers leave for
ville and Tarboro touching stall bind
logs on Tar River Monday,
Friday at A. II.
Returning leave Tarboro M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Greenville A. days.
These are sub j stage
of water on Tar River.
File it Away.
In another column is published a
article headed Weights Per
Bushel in North We
hear inquires as to how many pounds
of a certain product make a bushel, and
if all having use for such information
will file away this paper or clip out the
can have it handy when
and Accident Insurance.
Connecting at Washington with
steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia. New York and Bo-ton.
Shippers should their good
I marked via Dominion
cure headache. New York
Baltimore Steamboat
Baltimore. Miner
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lower, current rates
pared especially for stock, as well as
man, and for that purpose Is sold in tin
runs, holding one-half pound of
cine for -5 cents.
Lambert, Co., Tenn.,
I have used all kinds of medicine, but
I would not Rive one package of
for all the others I ever saw
It is test thing for horses or cattle in
the spring of the year, and will cure
a sicken cholera every time.
gentle cathartic.
cure liver troubles.
cure constipation.
cure flatulence.
JNO. MYERS- Agent,
J. J. CHEEKY, Agent.
Wanted-An Idea
Protect thy may bring wealth.
Write JOHN CO.
n-v, D. C. for oiler
lilt two warned.
cure dyspepsia.
one gives relief.
cure biliousness.
cure Indigestion.
cure bad breath.
cure torpid liver
for sour stomach.
pleasant laxative.
Cure all Diseases.
This has been hi use f
years, and wherever know ha
been in steady demand. It has e
the ore
has effected cures he
all other remedies, with ii e
the experienced l
for years tailed. This o
standing the high
which it Is owing
i its own but III tie
ever been made bring it
public, bottle this
sent to any address on receipt of On
Hollar. All Cash
to. Address all order to
Caveats and obtained and all Pat-
cat for Fee.
is Opposite Patent
and patent in time tin
remote from
Send model drawing or photo., with
t; We if or tree of
charge. Our fee not due patent
A Pamphlet, with
cost of same id L. S. and countries
sent free.
Opp. Washington. D. C.
from V f .
doubt cur-
more than any
i la
Wu have of cases
of standing
cured by
him. He
publishes a
work on
of his cure, free to any sufferer
who send P. Express
one n to add rest
n. f. D., Cedar Her Tar
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.

Eastern reflector, 19 August 1896
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 19, 1896
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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