Eastern reflector, 12 August 1896

Reflector is
pare. to do all
of this line
The Eastern
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor
per Year, in Advance.
. . of new mate-;
; and the best VOL. XV.
i stationery.
hottest the
. the State.
are Bring and
at vi
. every was
the normal in
.,; Hi.- maximum reached as
It was aim very dry,
a few local showers
, . ;.,. There was a large amount
; the whole these
.;,., have been very unfavorable,.
, ,,,. and . arc-
tonne- The Guarantee and Trust Society
London has embarked in
, ;. forced to
i I ginning
week has been extremely
an-1 dry showers occur,
at n few . la the north
i . of crops are gen-
reported as improved cl-i where
.; crops arc suffering for want of rain.
Cotton may still be considered fine ; it
i, now opening picking w not
ff. were more shed-
line and as unlucky enough to set
caught its first risk. The policy
was for at a premium of and
tin- holder of it presented his proofs
collected his damages. It is
stated appeal to
poor people, to whom are twice
as great a as II the
father twins happens to have one
these s he is to look upon
their advent as a stroke good tor.
i. of the
ding bolls and leaves last . law
caused by heat and drought; the Lu. lour hundred lines,
j ow maturing very rapidly. Old
was ripe
bin late corn is needing rain badly and
I,. fired considerable. Fodder is now
d and slacked
inn it
. are .
i I
. I
is and i
;. in.
teen hundred thousand all. or
sixty limes around the . tie has
safely earned two hundred thousand
persona and rescued hundreds of persons
tea This is a record which y
man may be proud.
A a Tug km aid
Her Shaft.
Garry and John I w r
I on
heat and great sound yesterday morning i. ii it
week, with decidedly an- j B., when they saw
n-ruble influence on all crops- ; what they thought was a link- island
. in g j, neVer before.
. Richmond and
. and a local
v -ad storm Chatham and j
is required. A
decline in the condition cotton
taking place ; some rust and much
shedding of bolls and haves reported
plants look willed ; opening last in
south. Corn crop good; much fodder
pulled. I-ale corn needs rain badly,
and is firms. Tobacco also firing, and
; is forced in some sections nearly
a mouth earlier than usual. Sowing
turnip seed interrupted. Some cab-
bursting open. Sweet potatoes
and peas not injured.
The effect of the hot, dry weather
ha- not b. en so injurious f crops ill
this district, and in west has been
quite favorable, but a good season is
needed. Cotton on sandy land has
be n injured, but generally it is doing
well and blooming freely; less
is reported than bum other
districts. Early and late corn need
rain there is some firing
ling will begin next week. Curing to-
began in only few
yet i be drought
a id some
prevents spreading,
by flea is still re-
ported Sweet s and d .
i U well seed being planted
and land pared
is and
In ex-
Ohio, August A.
one of the Republican
leaders in the has boiled the
and will support Bryan and
Mr. was a leader in
Congress during the war, United
. Stalls Minister to Japan for eight
W under Me
the in the prose-
of Mrs. Surratt for complicity
in tin- assassination of President Lin-
pot, and the in
of Andrew
Mr, was a member of
wan passed, and roted for the
passage the law. lie denounces the
conspiracy and by which it was
done, and is severe on I he
mies of common honesty, who are tot
n of undoing wrung. Bing-
is now one of the most
in ti- Suite, and
probably tender hi. to make
s in Ohm during the
They got and found it was a
sea turtle asleep. Captain Gar-
made loop in a hawser, and he
thus what happened
sis I slipped the rope over his
port fin he opened one eve an winked.
We tried to pull him up. but the
Started oft toward Long Island,
towing the Jessie stern foremost.
We get our oars and pulled in vain.
The was hauling us through the
water like thunder. We tor
help, and the tug of Sew
York, came up and on to us.
Then there was a mighty
The tug put on full Steam, and
so darned Ii was a
dead heat for a while, bu. finally the
turtle gt tired. a- he gave up
the struggle, the tug broke her shaft,
but we were able lo get the lo
The turtle landed by a big Steam
derrick, and the tug laid up for repairs.
The Baltimore American.
Next year will he a y r
firm is The have stool t
up all the crow in the co
W want u for
president or vi lent any tick-
et. about all we do to
the business of road overseer.
None of our family is related to
Bryan. There are two or e grocery
bills in the but about as
as we can get to it.
They d to lynch man up north
the Other day. is the
e.-t flattery. We therefore coin-.
age and press
True Democracy.
Man wants but little here below,
And usually he gel- it.
Bat should he want a little more
He start.- a big department store.
And by his advertising lore
He tells the unapt, o'er and o'er
That he has goods to sell
His place is rilled from door to door
by many people, score on score,
W ho buy the goods on every floor,
And in his coffers money
Till he has wealth to make a show.
And that U how he gets it.
The Port repeatedly shown Chat
the Chicago Convention was not only
Democratic, but probably the most
Democratic of all the national
that ever taken place under
the auspices of that or other
in the United States.
The Chicago platform is not the
Populist not what and
Simpson and Lease have been putting
forth- The one feature of that platform
democrats denounce;
the one issue which it raises in such
shape as to effect something like a real-
of parties ; the issue so
that all others are rapidly dis-
appearing, is the declaration for free
coinage. This is not but
The Democratic Party
has been a free party ever since
that issue in the political
arena. Where is the Democratic Suite
that is not for free coinage When
did a majority the in Don-
mat ever omit an Opportunity to vote
for free coinage And will as-
that the victory won by the tree
wing of the party was not the
result of a long, open, bold fight, in
which victors had the disadvantage
of opposing a Democratic
Washington Post.
Against Twine.
It is to get insured
against death, accidents,
a score of things i
ha gone . n
in this line, says the
Sun. Several members of the
London, some time been do.
quite a business insuring
twins. They take sill risks and lira
Two for
We have made av
the Reflector and
Carolinian for the
above amount. Thia is
campaign year and you
should take the two
leading papers.
Pitt and Surrounding Counties. r-
shape to handle your Tobacco
and plenty of money with
ready to our Warehouse and are in better
than we have ever been before. With ample floor space
which to doom- propose to be second to none in the Ware-
house business, your own by selling where
you can get the best returns. So we respectfully in-
you to
will see that your every in-
will be looked after.
We also guarantee perfect
satisfaction and the highest
prices of any house in this
State or Virginia.
E. A.
Sole Owners and Proprietors, Greenville,
Farmers May heir Cotton.
Georgia may inaugurate an
effective on the lie trust.
The are in aims as
of the increase in the price of cotton
t is, amounts to per
the aggregate, this added price will
lake thousands of dollars, out of the
pockets of the cotton raisers The
are for affected measures
to prevent being squeezed by the trust
that baa been formed. The following
address issued by Commissioner of Ag-
L. suggests a rem-
To the Farmers of Georgia and
the South A few years ago we were
confronted by a gigantic monopoly, the
bagging trust, which endeavored to
force from farmers thousand of dollars,
which in their depressed condition they
Could ill to lose.
among the farmer this evil was
averted and the huge octopus which
fastened on the agricultural
industry was destroyed. To-day we
are confronted by trouble.
The manufacturers cotton lies
formed smother grand combination and
without any reason, except to gratify
unlawful greed, have entered into an
agreement to advance the price their
goods per cent. If the price of
iron had advanced there might be some
this action, but iron was
never cheaper, and the same must be
said of Is-hi r
is Iv H sir I IR
made lo force the hunters
to millions of dollars
o swell if a powerful
The in good
now lo this They
provisions, there are w
debts lo lie met until later ;
no pressing necessity to force their col-
Ion on the market. would advise
that hold meetings in every sec-
of the south and denounce this
effort to defraud them of their earnings.
At the same lime, let them advise to-
as to the best method meeting
this new y. In the meantime, the
department which represent will
make every effort to investigate such
lies sis will mi et
the requirements of durability and
B. T.
Georgia of
the silver people win, I
there will be nub in business,
such a booming in industries which sire,
now inactive, and such a general
up of commercial interests that the
country will be sure lo
words were spoken by the
Rev. Dr. T.
Hampton, 1- alter a long tour of the
The gentleman is keen
and can see which lb-
wind blows as quickly, and with as
much as shrewdest of pol-
He does not only preach to
the people, but Its with them,
the popular pulse and searching
the hearts of his countrymen.
Dr arrived at
on Friday mat from where
be had attended an educational
Not only in the big cities did the
Doctor mingle with the residents, but
in remote and sparsely populated dis-
in minor townships and
my he said, -1
did not find more than one or two men
win were not The
was astounding. The sentiment
down South is universally for the white
metal. Bryan and will get a
very large vote from that section of the
Dr. is too little or too much
of to come out for
free silver, but his utterances arc per-
ban sufficiently significant to show
tendencies of his personal feelings.
associations and training and
my political the past place
me on the side a single
he cautiously said, and then, as a
came into his eye, he added
I certainly believe that instead dis
aster and ruin following in the wake
of the silver movement, the opposite
will be the result.
am not advocating that side of the
political said the diplomatic
divine, I do not believe, with a
good many of my Christian
in the success of that movement the
country will greatly
is a strong he added.
I are engaged in a great political
campaign, and it will ill befit me to be
a strong partisan on either side.
There are honest, Christian, patriotic Company, Boston, Mass.
men on both sides, life of the
country welfare of its interests
be a great incentive to lend men iii the
right direction. I have great faith in
the people of this country, and it is a
fact that the people a vast southern
and western tract are vehemently in fa.
fr of
Lt s's VIEWS.
The Rev. Dr. Frank W.
pastor of Pilgrim Congregational
church, of Chicago, and president of
the Armour Institute of Technology,
in that city, has recently arrived in
Brooklyn, after visiting and studying
the of Kentucky. Kansas, Ohio,
Indiana, Iowa, Tennessee, Illinois, aid
He is at the St. Hotel. He
s deeply impressed with the wide-
feeling for silver in those
firmly he said yesterday,
if we were to have an election to-
morrow Bryan would stand an excel-
lent chance lo win. He must not
laughed at in the Bast. He will visit
you here, and by the force of his men-
and oratorical power will make many
converts. The men who are in favor
free silver must not be set down as
wild-eyed and There
are many among them great brains
and York Journal.
X. 1896,
of s tor
county II id day in regular
present C Dawson, I, Flem-
S at Jones and Jesse I. Smith.
The following
Martha Nelson II Smith
i Oil, Nancy Susan
i Henry Harris t SO, Kenneth
Henderson o
J II no, Sam
and Ann Cherry Fannie Tucker
Alice Corbet . Winifred
Taylor Winnie Chapman I
Polly Adams Mrs J W Crisp
Long Edwin Had-
dock Thomas Mrs
Chas Joyner
Oil, Sarah A Bright J O
Alex Venters Wm
Elizabeth l
Amanda Dunn I Harris
The following order for general
county purposes wore issued
It L Humber
Boggy Co A D Hill c
Barrow John Buggy
Co R W King W King
J W Smith A Forbes
Blow James
Barrett R M Starkey lo T
A Nichols J A Lang J II
Cherry Co B J Jenkins J
T Smith Cox L Flem-
C Dawson Jesse L
Smith S M Jones f. Wm M
King J T Smith Dr F W
Brown D F W Brown M
W King
and swift Creek Stock
Law Dawson I
K. M. Cheek be
lowed in transfer his business from the
square to one of the new
stores belonging to C. M. Bernard on
main street.
Ordered that the hind of
Gaskins in township be in-
creased to valuation.
Ordered that the lot
Brooks in the town of be
valued sit
Ordered that the land of Dennis
reduced from to
The following persons listed their
taxes for the year
Hannah D. Smith,
M A Bernard, G Fleming, W S.
lb B B B R Aiken,
Hardy Harrington, II B Harris.
Swift Moore, M
D Wilson, James Moore, J B Smith.
John Porter, Asa Garris, J W Can-
non, N II Hathaway. J
F Buck, K S Elks,
Mary A Haddock, J Brooks,
K A Everett, S L Walker.
King, W Bar-
Wooten, Abram
Wooten. .
R Gotten.
A to Town
this a 16-to-l town asked the
air on answered the
Sixteen goes to one
Marion Harland's Book for Ladies,
All food, health, com-
and how to live long and be
happy. Worth a dollar, but sent for
twelve cent, stamps. The Trade

T e
Greenville, N. C.
at tn post office at Green-
N. C. as mail waiter-
August 12th, 1896.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Report
Tin Herald has suspend.-.
tic. at Salisbury. U-
move plant lo Hickory and
n paper in that
Don't Stop There
I good news contained in tie
the tow i is to be protection against
Aug. 7th, fire without
Chairman of the to construct a system water
National Committee, found works, and that a new
It ha been said
Mashes a dear school hut i nils will
am in n other. I have a
dent in this school for years and
fir the past years of I
have taken a special course i i
with grapes and not
graduated yet. The Brit that
I e
which h s been filly
years ago. The first
C. B.
n for Governor, has his
in the Western part of the
State. He as spoken in several
a id has be-n -riven a great ovation a
every appointment. His speeches are
marked with and he ii making
friends for Democracy
L. the Republican
date, is afraid of will M t
meet him in joint bale.
The Charlotte Observer recently put
in three type setting machines ha
commenced using them on the paper
The change is bring from hand-
set to machine-set matter gradual-
the Observer adopted the
very commendable course o learning
its old to work machines
instead of importing expert operatives
the north. Tie is a
great and and lb
should be it.
Out of the total of
worth exports the part year
were products the
farm. And yet the gold people
interests tin
as it an industry which supplies
our exports was no
at Star.
Cy the people am
die grasping trusts He says
the people are wise, they will see to
it that no man goes lo Congress who is
not unalterably opposed to trusts, root
and branch. The man whose garments
are Periled by them be
into retirement is the lepers were
To First District Congressional Con-
At the Democratic Convention
County held on the 20th day l
May last the following delegates an
alternates were appointed to the Con-
Convention, to wit.
W A Pollard C D Smith.
A Walker V Joyner
L W C Cobb.
kith el.
tICS Cherry M
W G Little D C Moore
Robt Staton J S Brown.
G M Mooring H
J W W Thomas.
S R Ross W H Williams-
J J O C Nobles.
I R Grimes H H Proctor.
W E Tucker J A K Tucker.
Cannon R T
W L Smith J H Gray.
W E Proctor M Jones.
J B J B Grimes-
Jesse Cannon W J
E Lang- R C Cannon.
Dr. H Johnson J
H Cobb
H C Cannon
R W Smith
J Z Brooks.
B T Cox.
W P Hart.
R R Gotten C C Vines.
John King Gotten.
W R Home M T
May. C L Barrett.
J H Blount D E House.
A D Johnson O W Harrington.
J W Smith Tripp.
F G James B W Tucker.
R W King W L Brown.
W S Fleming L I Moore.
E Buck J L Fleming.
I A W H Smith.
Noah Forbes W R Parker.
J R Davenport J J Nobles.
W R Jr. J J Mason.
W J J A Hardy.
W S Roach R H
W F Mew born Kilpatrick
N R Cory H J Williams.
At a meeting of the Democratic
Committee held on the 10th
of August the Chairman the com-
was directed to publish the
names of the .-aid delegates and alter-
and to call their attention to tie
fact that Democratic Congressional
Convention the First District, for
the purpose of selecting candidates
Congressman and Elector, will lie held
in the town Washington, N. C. on
Tuesday, the day August,
at o'clock, M. All said
and alternates are earnestly
to be present on that day.
Alex. L Blow.
himself called v early in the
game la pay the penalty prominence
in a campaign. In addition
to having been maliciously lied about
and misquoted he has been directly
attacked aid charged with
the campaign. It isn't Senator
Jones that these people are injuring,
but Bryan and whose prospects
are looking entirely too blight to plea.-e
their enemies. As to the misquotation
of interview Has South-
Senator Jones said be-
f.-re going to Sew York- he will
probably remain until after the
Committee me-ling and tin- big
Bryan and meeting,
next week- did not say that Mr.
Bryan would not
for I no authority o
that. I did not say as gen-
rule southern populists
not a creditable class.
I said that most of were
patriotic men who were working a
cause ; they re populists
th -y had believed they
best a
and t support Bryan
because it was show- that
U attained only through
his election. i. I said of
the Southern populist as n rate. A
an exception J spoke class who
not creditable, I said there were
some who tor
their personal ; some who
null populists through selfish,
and not patriotic I spoke
these as the exceptional class who
would not Support Bryan. I said that
as a rule the in the South
would follow the patriotic
support Bryan, that there were some
who. selfish motives, would not do
so, but would prefer lo have
Jones its owe
weight, for the good reason
there has been practically nothing to
manage and not be until the meet-
of the Committee
City the 11th when the
of the executive committee
will be announced and the general plan
of campaign mapped out adopt-
ed. Tins charge accompanied by
a demand that Senator
be requisitioned. That n-idly
explain one the main objects of these
the upset the
extremely cordial relations existing be-
tween Senator Jones nod German, thus
the National
the which Mr. Gorman baS
to give during the campaign
in lieu the chairmanship of
the executive was
offered him.
gold of New
may be quite the they claim to
be, hut since it became known in
Washington that they tried l make a
deal with Mark to cast their
votes the electoral ticket
in exchange votes in
the New York legislature for one of
their number as Senator to Mooted
David B. Hill, they are classed as
plain, everyday disgruntled politicians
more bent upon than upon
defending principles.
Unless all the reports West
Virginia are wrong, is r at all
likely, that J state will certainly give
Bryan and a large majority.
Among the West Virginians Wash-
this week was Chairman
ton of the Democratic State committee.
He says it is only a question of how
large a majority the State the
town is to b. taken. Both of these
steps are of much importance.
r. um h till building
is n it sup th- is that have
already been taken looking to a com-
system of water works but that
as soon as masts
cation will be made soak
The Democratic Executive Commit-
tee bad a to-day and decided
to convention to
candidates offices on
Sept. 10th. Township
in.-ii hell on Saturday,
Sum bathing-
Most any can melt an
the I charter that
works may be
More Wheels.
Interest to here seems to be
o i the increase Ten wheels have been
sol he e in the past week. Ponder
received five one Thursday
evening. the largest
The Charge Not c
is taken from a re-
in Webster's Weekly
has been charged he in-
in x repeal of
It was not true,
but was started to HI
to him with the farmers.
The that he was asked one
day by Judge Allen, of
of the to
m -el committee lo a
was then of vital
fa Alliance members the
One Superior Court
in an county
Slate had held that the Sub- Alliance
was for the debts Al-
stores. By
and for the list time in His life be heard
Charter read. In com-
with the
to the conclusion that
Judge who hid passed upon the
pas right A new charter was i
of it. He
the M amendment to
was all that
He at once M
and heard nothing until one
morning two bills w.-iv
He neither which he
One was
the the other to
Tin two
grape vine was discovered by Sir j;,.,,,.,.
about the year on Roan
It belong, th-
or family and hive no
doubt but that it is a the
wild black My I- as-n for
this is die of the
are nearly all black, back to their
parentage. The
has been in the
States for over three hundred years
and there is an increased demand for
very year. Its flavor is
a-d is W
of all the grapes. the war.
a many of this
have been the following
of which I haw viz Hopkins,
black, oblong grape, berries
the the and all
ripening on the cluster at the same time
They Can be shipped with much
safely as Hopkins
is a week or ten days than the
The was by Col.
of c about
thirty is.
in the eastern counties. It is
a small grope, very sweet and is con-
a fine grape but th-y do
nut very the
The was discovered by Mr.
B. U. t, county,
1866. The vine was found in the
woods the first November with one
hunch or cluster of snipes on Mr
James moved the vine to his garden
and is now living and bears full every
This is pronounced the very
grape of the family.
Its flavor is distinct from all others.
The berries are very large averaging
about inch I have
measure a berries that measured
one and one-third inches. The vines
bear often second year
after planting. It is a
undone of the best keener.
The Flowers is undoubtedly latest
of this
The bird family must a jolly
y have so many larks.
must be than
or in the of thrift will never
The are lo
be favor of free the.
don't want any water.
This country isn't hall big
for the man whose wife is bin
on, the a log.
The will fall on Nov. oil
that's the time when mast o the
candidates will a
The billing gild are
nothing bat a s-t of skirt
are all high kickers.
from every being there i.- n
ladder that lo
no other person climb by lad-
It is said that telling the truth c
will cause the teeth to
Some people will i e
are easily won w
smiles, while others an w II
tears ; but lo win a iii-l without put-
ting OR style, will thirteen
are the wild waves
If this question ii addressed to the man
who is over the side,
throes of sea sickness,
Cast thy bread th
Shortens labor, lessens pain,
diminishes danger to lire of
both mother child and leaves her In
more favorable to speedy recovery.
after than before
says a prominent midwife. Is the best remedy
Known and worth the price for that alone.
Endorsed and recommended by mid wives and
all ladies who have used it
Beware of substitutes and
Makes Child-Birth Easy.
Sent by Express or on price.
r bottle
mailed tree, voluntary testimonials.
L. F.
A. H.
Congressional Convention
th.- party First Die
is hereby called meet in
on Tuesday August at
m. a can-
for Congress, an elector and
such other as come by
order the
W. B.
k CO., Props.
The old Greenville Warehouse is being en-
and more lights added which makes it
best lighted Warehouse in the State. With
plenty money and no pets, fair dealings and
work, we are going to sell as high
as anyone. Give trial and we will show
you. Your friends,
EVANS Greenville, N, C.
the Alliance. ,
ho voted
House without a v.
both. Bills -WatT.
; , .
o the one , ,., u
and ,. ,.,
had suggested in with
on the
bill. In that it passed the Sen-
ate, came back house and was
the whole of
the matter fat verification be re-
to of
Democratic ticket, as the
are flocking to the of van
one county alone
Hi have joined
and clubs.
The size of the Democratic majority
in Alabama indicates with unerring
certainty the most of the
in the South will return to the Demo-
thus realizing the
made was nominated
It also increased the difficulty of Tom
Watson putting up a claim tor demo-
recognition which will receive
The Sc u h will hi
solid for Bryan
although may be lost on
count of the moneyed corporate in-
of Baltimore being thrown for
and the gold standard.
There May Be a Difference.
The Kinston Free Press in replying
to the article in Wednesday's Daily
says one of the
es in Kinston contain- feet and
the other But the Free
Press failed to give the dimensions each
way of the buildings, so we are unable
lo say whether it included a large cellar
under one cA -in in the count or not.
j Greenville's 53.105 feet is all under
I sky-lights, no or storage ma
We have by a few
our certain advertise-
from the columns of the Dispatch.
It we were publishing a temperance or-
or prohibition paper, the ad would
never have appeared in it, but as a mat-
of business our are open to
the public for the of any
legitimate business, and we hope that
more good than harm may come to all
parties concerned by this course. At
the same time we are sorry if it offends
any of our patrons. A newspaper does
not necessarily endorse the business of
in its columns. We
do nothing more than the secular press
generally, and the ethics of the Dis-
patch is not set above the ave-age. We
would not be understood as attempting
to vindicate either side of tin
We do not question the right of the
Dispatch to publish advertisements of
character it chooses That is
a matter for it to decide for itself. We
object, however, to its statement that
do nothing more than the secular
press We do not believe
there are two dozen secular newspapers
in North Carolina that would insert a
saloon advertisement. The times does
not wish to pose as a than
paper, but we wish to say that we would
not insert an advertisement a bar
room or beer saloon at any And
we believe that a large majority of the
secular press of the State occupy ex-
the same
The Times our sentiments
exactly. There are a m pa-
in North Carolina that pub-
being among the
fry Bitters as a remedy for
troubles If not, a bottle now
and get relief. This medicine has been
found to be adapted the re-
lief and cure of all Female Complaints,
a wonderful direct influence
in strength and and tone to the
organs. If you have Loss of
Constipation. Fainting Spells, or are
Nervous, Sleepless, Melancholy or
troubled with Spells, Electric
is the medicine need. Health
and Strength are guaranteed by its use.
cents and at J no. L.
of October. The are about
the size of the thick skin,
large seed, sweet and good, and might
be wiled an iron .-lad grape. AH that
Ban be claimed for this grape is
ripen a time when there no
Tho vines of the above s
should be planted U to ft. each
way, putting down a slake to each one
when planted, about six feat high.
Train one or Banes to the top
the stake. When they top
put up tho arbor at once. the
posts tor the arbor apart each way.
lave the slats It. Nail these
the arbor will be as
o i each way n .
sturdy as a Use no.
wire about cents
per lb. and will run sixty feel
pound. Put these on two apart.
When vines are first planted
with stable manure or some
rich with After the first
year manure with shell ashes or
any manure containing a large per cent
of potash. Scatter the manure under
the vines as fir as the extend
and dig in with or digs. r.
Once a year is often enough to manure,
in he fall alter grape are gone being
the best Una.
The or family if
grapes have been cultivate in the can-
tern counties tor quite a number of
I hive tested the following varieties
Delaware, Early Victor, Eaton, Em-
State, Green Mountain,
Isabella, Ives, Lady, Moore's Diamond,
Moore's Early, Moyer, Niagara,
Warden, Winter, Ca
and and King's Winter,
Of these varieties Brighton. Ha,
Moyer, Catawba and
Winter are totally worthless
in the eastern counties. The best early
are, Green Mountain, Victor and
Warden, ripening here about July 1st.
The best second early arc, Moore's
Early and Moore's Diamond which are
about ten days later than the first early.
The very bet grape of this class is the
Concord, all things considered. I have
this grape thirty-eight
years and never seen a year during
that that I have not some
grapes. I've never had them to lot
or mildew.
Plant the vines ft. and manure
as you would the
the land thoroughly but shallow
A row of strawberries can be pleated
between the rows. They will pay
for the cultivation and will not damage
the vines at all. Put in good
posts ft. apart bracing each end
post. Put the lower wire I ft. from
the ground and the upper one one on
top of the post, which should be six
feet from the ground. Train the vines
lo the wires using no. galvanized.
When they have sufficient strong
they should I pruned every
winter not later than February 1st.
ii is
Another order passed by the Town
Council last night, and of
we did, learn time,
was one revoking the franchise granted
lo the Carolina Telephone Co. It will
be remembered that when the telephone
agitation started last spring franchises
were granted to two companies, but the
one above named never showed any
disposition to begin work, the ac-
the Council.
The Greenville Telephone Co., the
oilier and company that applied
for a set to work at once
has put in exchange as good as any
town in can It is a
potted system, works admirably, and
Manager Atkins it giving his patrons
splendid service. Then- are now forty,
two in use, and the number
should be twice as large. The ex-
change is proving a great business con-
No, Not a Boom.
Several away have wanted
know if Greenville is not a
boom. No boom at all, but the town
is enjoying a steady, healthy growth.
There is work going on all over town,
still we can't gel dwellings and business
houses up fast enough to accommodate
all the people who want to come here.
N. C. Ai,;. 1896
an illness of days Mrs. Pen-
James, wife John I. of
this died Friday with
an pneumonia. was
years. mouths and days old. at
death. She leaves a bus land and c
i, with a number other
and lo mourn her death.
She was a kind and mother,
a goo I neighbor and was beloved by
no knew her. The bereave i husband
and h
Samuel lost
ban In lire.
Mrs. W. Stoke-, is
very sick
Tin- Lumber
his stopped work for days on ac-
count of hot weather.
meets in on Thursday,
Unlucky date to get out candidates
on. S -e if ii does not prove.
Cannot be Cured.
The old child Mr. A.
Harrington, Postmaster at
died on Sunday. The bereaved par-
e its have the sympathy of many friends.
The Democratic Executive commit
tee, Republican Executive commit.
tee, the Populist Executive committee
and the Populist Stale convention BIT
meet in Raleigh this week. The com-
ought to give news,
papers and correspondents something to
J. W. HIGGS. Pres. J. S. HIGGS, Cashier.
Greenville, N. C.
Representing Capital of More Then a Halt
Million Dollars,
Win. T. Dixon, President National
they can not reach the scat of the die-1 Exchange Ami, Baltimore, Mel.
ease. is a blood or The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
and In order to cure it r, p
you must Internal remedies. Balls j ,
is and Noah Biggs. Scotland Neck, A. C.
acts on and mucous fl. R. N. C.
Hall's Cure is h. Bros.
t was by one of the ff N
best physicians In for n. v.
years, and is a regular it
is composed the best t known,
re Wood
directly on
The perfect combination the two
ingredients is what such won-
results in curing Catarrh- Bend
for free.
F- J Props. Toledo,
Sold by druggists price
Ira. I
TO in
than cost a car f. o. b.
L. N. C at I per M.
I well equipped. l .
regular students, be-1 f
Bides practice school of W pupils. f-
matriculates since opening in 1892
of counties represented. Com-
examination at county wad
August 1st, to till
In dormitories. Application should be,
made before duly 20th enter the ex-
No free tuition except to;
applicants signing n pledge to
Annual expenses of free-
tuition students boarding in
, tuition-paying students. I
Address. President CHARLES D.
-------A fresh Hue of------
A. B
you can common
We respectfully solicit the account
firms, individuals and the general
Checks and Account furnish-
ed on application.
Fayetteville Military Academy,
as a school Of the f ROT R AN-;
Prepares for any college or for business. Students colleges o
Va. and on certificate. and pupils form our household, hot
the home element very prominent. Number of limit-d The
of the student is constantly kept in view. Classes ill and bet
given to each cadet. The Discipline is but W
Writ for
COL. T. J. E., Principal.
m M m
Raleigh, N. C.
Hardware dealers might sell you a
stove cheap no. Thinking on such
will take your mind off the hot
No superior work done anywhere, North
or South. It has now best faculty it
has ever had The advantages
in Literature, Languages, Music and Art James M. A.,
ate unsurpassed. Address
of Virginia. Principal.
To the Tobacco Growers of
At the request, and under the advise of Attorney, Col. I. A. Sugg,
I hive extended the time purchase of Farm for Improved Patent
Method of Hanging and Looping Tobacco, until August 1896, at my former
prices, being for acres or and for all over acres cultivated From
and after that date no extension in the collections may be expected and the fol-
lowing are the terms and s, to
All persons who wishing to avail themselves of this last opportunity of
Rights at these low prices can do so by calling on Col. I. A. Sugg, at t
ville, N. C, or remit price by registered letter or P. O. order on the
Va. P. O. to Jno. Laurel Grove. Va., and rights will be
sent. This is a of business and those wishing to avoid the penalty o
the States Patent Laws must comply with the notice.
JULY C, 1886.
Ac, Ac,
which L am
selling so low
that it
Come see mo
and will
treat you fair
, from others. If you don't
it call and get his prices. He
Dot he undersold. All work
as to material,
Flues are now Ready
tor Delivery.
Prompt given ti ail or-
I am also agent for
largest WALL
Near SI o
In tie SWIM on FIDE SB
-------A large assortment of the celebrated------
Brand of Fine Shoes
-------just received. A complete stock of-------
C. A. Whites old stand,
--------IS STILL AT WITH A LINE--------
YEARS bee taught me best is tic ch. apes
Hemp Rope, Building Pumps, mid
ting necessary for Millers, Mechanic and general house purposes, as well a
Hats. Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods I have on hand. Am h
quarters for Heavy Groceries, and jobbing for Clark's O. N. T.
Cotton, and keep courteous and attentive
C. C. Pitt Co. X C. J. POPE, Co., ya
Cotton, Grain and Provision Brokers.
and Progress Water Street.
Hugging, Ties Peanut Sacks at Lowest Prices.
and Consignments Solicited.

Q. F. Evans.
Sole Owners and Proprietors of the
O. I
the future
say that the
a F. . u posts these alone we
for a continuance and increase of your patronage, winch shall show you by our works that we highly appreciate. Your friends, mum asK
JOYNER pp. THe Pioneers, ONT. O.
This offer includes
in fact the entire
Call early.
The King Clothier.
Local Reflections,
Heated -bout the
Did you stars
in the weather yet,
everybody is looking for it.
Corned Mullets jest in at
J. S
It there is not rain soon the
Crone will be ruined.
Fresh Graham Flour received
at T.
Some have been coming in
this week but they are very small.
Fresh Batter. N. Y. State and
at S. M.
The warm weather right on
With no indication of a change in sight.
While the days continue warm the
nights have become much more pleas-
First of the Mullets
Potatoes Id cents a peck at S. M.
The Democratic Congressional con-
this district will be held in
Washington on Tuesday, Aug. 25th.
W. It. Parker is improving gs
about his market. He has just built a
large zinc lined box for keeping fish on
Three dozen at S.
M. Schultz.
All the warehouses had good breaks
again Friday, The hot weather don't
top the farmers from coming in with
the weed.
People stepping off the trains now
look like they have been dragged
through a mine. Thrive is plant
dust in evidence.
Workmen have commenced laying
brick on the Elliott the west
of main street. The is to be
completed by Oct. 15th.
E. V. Cox tells tin; h
will begin at once on the the
town and will complete it just as soon
as it can be done accurately.
So much dust is getting some the
merchants to talking of putting down a
force pump near their stores so as to
the street adjoining.
Sunday was abut tile hottest day of
the present hot spell. At o'clock
the thermometer in front of Dr. Er
mil's drug store registered
Congressman F. A. of the
Second District says the tobacco loop
patent is not valid and that far-
cannot be to pay for using
Tammany Hull, the oldest political
organization in the I Slates has
endorsed Bryan and by an over-
whelming majority. The was
or and against.
We regret to hear AI. O.
of township, died a few
days ago Mr. was a gallant
Confederate soldier who lost one of his
arms on the field.
Owing to the resorts continued
dry weather throughout the cotton
growing States, there has been much
advance in price of in the
; -I week. It welt up nearly half a
cent Monday.
The Eastern Warehouse was strictly
in it Friday with a pound break,
and some of it knocked off
It was so hot that Joyner shed
his tap shirt and waded right in for
high p ices
The prints today a very
article on and
Their from the of Mr.
Allen Warren, Nursery.
Get In i
W. arrived even-
Luther Savage ft Thursday
Rocky Mi
Sadie home
Monday evening It d
Green lour Hair.
a Con Space cf
Tried to Take a in Broad Day-
Pen r Fl
has taken
with M. Lang.
Miss Lizzie has gone to Nash
county on a visit.
J. S C. Benjamin wen to
Prof. L. i
spent Saturday here.
Charlie Skinner has gone to
ford to visit
Cherry and S. C. Hamilton
w at t. Saturday
L. taken a
with The Bunk of Greenville.
-Mis. Ci. King left
t Rocky Mount to visit relatives.
II. M. returned Wednesday
evening fr m Hi York.
I. W. Smith, of took the
train here Si t inlay for Norfolk.
Miss Forbes went o Kin-
evening to visit her
J. F. of Bock Hill, S. C.
who has been spending a days
left Friday.
Mrs. It M. and little Ed-
wan, Washington, are visiting her
father, Alien Warren.
Mrs. J. S Iris
spending a month here at. th
House, n to Friday.
Dr. II O. to Kinston
Wednesday evening. He will an-
other in about two
K. IS. a member of the firm
of T. K. Co., arrived Thurs-
day evening and goes regularly on the
tobacco market,
Frank Wilson went north to
purchase his tall and winter He
what be can't show you in
of tine doming when his stock gets in
will not be worth looking at.
M. H. Lang left Saturday a
tour of the northern cities to select his
fall and winter stock. This will be
news to the ladies, as they know
Lang's selections be excelled.
J. B. Cherry left Saturday for
the northern markets to purchase fall
stock tor J. Cherry Co. Their
establishment will show the
results of his good selections when he
Capt. C. A. wife and
C. D. and wife, Ola
and wile, Novella Higgs
and Fleming, W. II.
J. I. Fleming, Jesse T.
King, White, and Col. Harry
Skinner and wife returned home Mon-
day from Morehead.
We believe in see. a newspaper
by its town and say everything
that is fair and in behalf of its
tobacco market, but when in
to do this is has to go outside
and make comparisons with other towns
it is getting on rather shaky ground
less it knows just what it
off-hand are not worth
unless they can be i-
About o'clock this
W. Smith,
County Home, drove his horse
buggy up in front of W.
store and went in to attend to some
business. Coining out of the store a
minutes later he saw another man
driving the horse off towards Dickinson
avenue. Mr Smith ran and
the horse by the bridle and asked the
man what he meant. my horse,
you turn him replied the man
Hut Mr. Smith had no idea of doing
any such thing-end began leading the
I horse around to bring hack when
and the paper that mikes them out
started to unfasten the traces. Mr.
him if he did not stop a
The Star.
Of course readers of the IV
have seen the hug.;
the Star Warehouse on
page of that paper. This house
is under excellent management is
amply prep to handle your tobacco.
They will treat you right and get you
the highest market prices. Their new
house and increased facilities puts
in better shape Ilia i for
their patrons well.
places itself at a disadvantage and
shows that it talking
its just to make a boast.
For instance, the last Kinston Free
Press made a very broad assertion,
doubtless not knowing what it was say-
as no figures were given to
claim. The r
not feel called upon to pay any
whatever to the boast but the
fact that Greenville was brought in it
way comparison, paper
town now Iris facilities to
handle as lurch tobacco as any market
in Eastern Carolina. Our two
moth warehouses are about equal in
floor space to all the warehouses in
No all k first sen-
stepped there. But let us see
Smith t
lineman would be called, when the man
and ran away. Policeman
Cox caught him and
Fire-Census of
Town Ordered.
Tile Town Council held its monthly
session Thurs day night. Resides the
usual business of allowing claims, etc.
the Hoard passed an order authorizing
the of a fire at the
intersection of street.
The dimensions of the cistern will be
feet with a capacity for a lit
above gallons of water. The
cistern is to he constructed under the
four. The floor
four houses is
Eastern, feet.
How Business Grow,
When the Atlantic Coast Line first
built its depot here freight room
was made only long. When
the c market started freights in-
creased so rapidly tint J. It
M ore the company his
insufficient handling the
business-, and a year ago added
feet more to the freight room. The
went on until
Agent Moore that even this ad-
room was insufficient, lie
he has been corresponding with
it is very interesting and well Worth the
T more sent M.;
If this weather goes on it will break ,,, , , , , . ,,
. l i i.- i lure to look into the matter,
up Deeds Kings business
Total feet
We have been told, therefore do rot
give this of our own knowledge,
largest warehouse is
making feet of floor space
for that one house alone. Now if that
town's smallest warehouse has a floor
space limes as great
as its largest house then we will admit
the claim of the
unless paper can give the figures to
sustain its position then if must
And we would advise our
much esteemed contemporary to do all
the blowing it can its home market,
but don't go to make
sons that cannot be sustained with
markets or it might get the worst of
The has not a word Io
say against the Kinston market.
like the t- v. n. we like people over
thee. We arc glad that the town b- g
a good tobacco market, and no one out-
side of its own citizens is more ready to
rejoice over its success than we are.
People find just the help they so ma oh
need, in Hood's It fur-
the desired strength
vitalizing and enriching the
blood, and thus builds up the nerves,
tones the stomach and regulates the
whole system. Bead this;
want to praise
My health run down, and I had the grip.
Alter that, my heart and nervous system
u ere badly affected, so that I could not
my awn, work;. gave me
some help, but did not cure. I decided
to try Hood's Soon I could
do all my own housework. I have taken
supervision the of Polio
the direction of the Street Committee,
above quotation if it bad lit also being to the discretion of the
a bit Committee whether the material shall
to the last sentence. Kin has two W brick.
comes up to will be
built in different of
Company, was Instructed to purchase a
new suction hose the engine, and
feet additional of hose.
It was ordered that a new
the town be taken and Iv V.
Cox was appointed to take
It was ordered that two feet be cut
off the sidewalk near Mrs.
block where the walk
the street.
A Good Name is Worth Money.
A name is worth money to any
wide-awake man. He can
business upon it, buy and sell upon it.
A man with a rating tor his word
by It. Dun Co .
Commercial Agency, can
walk into tie best of Chi-
or New York, be received into an
office with velvet carpet on floor, be
with courtesy and asked to
call again. A man who breaks Ilia
word and dishonors his credit for the
sake keeping ; dollars in his
pocket may think he is playing a sharp
trick, but men of sound business sense
know how foolish and short-sighted he
The First Week
One week of new season of
Greenville tobacco market has gone by.
There was nothing spasmodic about
he opening, all warehouse
farmers to hold their for
cooler weather and better prices,
the business started off in a way that
indicates a large and prosperous sea-
son. The first day's break was only
about pounds and it held up
about the same all through the week,
there being not less than pounds
on any day. were much lower
encroaches on opening a year ago hut are us
as could In had anywhere.
Markets. His Entire
in line. There
have been only these, issued since Aug-
came in. one for white and. two
eon of d
Mr. C. R. writes the.
that it was in error in slat-
a few days ago that he had
chased a half in the
mill. He is associated with Mr, Sta-
ten and has the
Leon Evans had another crowd
pleased farmer him the
sale at the Greenville Warehouse m fa j through the
One of them was telling how , . . . ,
Mr. was that
so large a business
and was that more
room must be had. He took
for more room and said the com.
Ban will either add another feel
to the present warehouse or will put up
another building just tor
Agent Moore tells the
that present warehouse is just
about large enough to handle the mis-
well pleased he. when the
remarked that for you every
that the tobacco shipments
alone would In i building the
company have in
Hood's Pills, with Hood's
and the; have done me much good. I
will not be without them. I have taken
bottles Hood's and through
the blessing of Clod, it has cared me.
I worked as hard as ever the past sum-
mer, and I am thankful to say I am
Hood's Pills when taken with
Hood's help very
M. M. Messenger, Freehold, Penn.
This and many other fores that
Is the One True Blood Purifier. An druggists. It.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell.
at your own price for the spot cash only. Come
early and avoid the rush.
O. T.
Next door to The Bank of Greenville,
gone to buy his
Pall and
but ho left a few Summer Goods which
before the new goods come in, and you can
get them at your own price by calling at
foil of the- bargains the purchasers dollars and cent
fact to the truthful assertions, the largest stock, most
beautiful selections beet values, make our store
satisfactory for you to trade. Come take a lock at
the many attractions which we offer you.
cannot fill to elicit your admiration and make
you our patrons. A stock full of Bargains
day during each season, but
before any better, grander, more
beautiful or better selected
stock than this season. Our
bought for the
Cash, and added to
the judgment
of years
experience, we offer a line of
that has never been excelled or scarcely in this town or
county- Our store is the home of rare bargains, genuine
merit, honest goods, square dealing, polite attention,
and the place for you to trade. We have
them here and call upon every
to examine them Our store i
is full to
of the
Dry Goods, Ladies, Misses and Dress
Goods, Shirt Waist Silks, White Goods
ail wool
Black Dress Goods, Ripples,
Novelty Cotton Goods.
Linen Fabrics, .
Piques, White and Colored Lawns
Muslins, Ginghams, and other
Stylish things too mention. Our Laces, Ribbons, Silks.
Braids and other Trimmings make the heart.
the ladies to behold hem. Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Side Combs
and Hair are beauties. Our Shoe stock is immense for
Ladies, Misses and Children, Men and Boys. The most
Ladies, Misses and Children. Oxford
offered here.
Furnishing Goods
embracing many articles, such Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Scarfs, Bow.
Dress and Sunday and
every day Undershirts and Toilet Articles. Fur, Wool and
Straw Hats for Men and Boys. Caps for men, Boys and children
Plain, Pure, Heavy Groceries.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Lard, Molasses, Salt, Snuff and Tobacco. Hard
ware Tools, lows and Casting, Tinware, Toilet a
many household articles that line. The Best
Crockery that we have ever had and that is saying much. Our
and Dinner are beauties- Our Cups Saucers, Dishes
es Howls are here in quantities and variety, Hall, Vase and Far
Lamps, and fancy patterns. Now u word about our
Store, bigger more magnificent and grander than ever before. Oak
Suits. Parlor Suits. Couches, Lounges, Plush, Upholstered, Reed,
Willow, and Oak Rocking Chairs, and Oak Dining Chairs. All the
culmination of the Manufacturer's Art up to date. Separate pieces,
Bureaus, Bedsteads; Dining Tables, Towel and Hal
Tin Safes Side Boards, Spring Mattresses, Cots, Wash-
Shook and straw Mattresses, Mattings, Rugs, Carpet, Cur-
Lace Curtains, Window Shades and other house f
, and Hand Bags and Wood
are. Bucket, Tubs. Market and Fancy Lunch Bask
et. And many other things that you need. Don't come to Green-
ville and leave without seeing your friends, the Leaders
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as Executor of
will of the late Mrs. A. M. Clark, notice
hereby given to all persona indebted
to the estate make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and to ill
creditors estate of Mrs. A. II
Clark to exhibit their claims properly
authenticated to undersigned, at the
mount Fleming, attorneys. In
Greenville, N. on the
of August 1897.
W. B.
Executor of Mrs. A. M. Clark.
BLOUNT A FLEXING, Attorneys for
To the Tobacco Farm-
AH farmers growing tobacco who pro-
pose to use the Improved Method of
Hanging or Looping curing
are notified that they must procure a
Farm Right before using the same.
same having been patented Oct.
by Pleasant B. Farmer, and
signed to John R.
can be procured by
If not it will soon be
and you had better get
your Flues ready for
curing. We can sup-
ply you now at any
time with the best Steel
Pender makes good

H. L.
Sole Owners and Proprietors of the
a in connection with it cl
to us. We have associated with us Messrs. H L. T. E. Hooker, two large and successful tobacco raisers from Greene county, they having purchased the interest of
e better Prepared to handle your tobacco than ever e and when get your drive direct to the S T A R w here you will always prompt
attention and highest market prices for your tobacco. Your friends, IT W T P Greenville N C
The Tobacco Movement.
The published Ike
of during few
d showing the coining lo l
the new tobacco wop and
breaks in several -f the towns, be
this season the year, when
t hot weather prevails and more
km is felt all .-. and
all lines, the town baa
t warehouses am. i-
lo receive the lib knows
no such thing as
t this section l
Carolina, which are
ill have line
ti. s.; their daces. l the
editor l in
have such Ira , can
look the
Usual Fall trade to open ill their
From all reports, the tobacco crop
be a one in Hasten.
North Carolina, both in quantity aim
and the plies realized
are He to the tanner.
A New Era of Democracy.
Simplicity in Adv.
Mr. Ill-van. the nominee
have n p
train or ear to carry him to New
and will travel as little
as possible. He prefers the
except where the ride fa
ally long, he praters day
c to parlor Before he was
a candidate it was not his
C to I in private ears, or to
stop at expensive hotels, and a
as he can avoid it he docs not intend
In travel private cars or to stop at
expensive hotels
The above is the gist a
Lincoln, Neb., to the New York
Journal. It shows that the Democrat-
have mimed a Democrat in as well
as in politics, a man who regards his
present position as no personal
but a high of duly. When
he enters the While House, Mr. Bryan
the Democratic spirit that
has Iain dormant during the reign
the of pomp
and show. We are coming back to
the days a y that is
rude nor unlettered, but that puts
and justice above show and
News and
their year's supplies will
their interest to get our prices before
n all its
we direct Manufacturers,
you to buy it is profit. A com
and prices
the times. Our goods bought and
sold therefore, having no
to at a
S. h. N C
V. I ow i
it, Tribute Building. New Y
Not what want, not what your
wife not your wants,
v. hat your
want.-. business.
which rinds well
to you, an I o r family, may not
the public.
want trade more than
yon, consequently you must go
more I ban hall way to meet it.
The advertiser, while i
i-r descending dishonesty, always
s h advertising lo meet
public and to please the buyer, not
ere not ages of
; they are plain, intelligible state-
from the seller to the buyer,
and they have i-o bu to deal with
pertaining to business.
The full of neatly
d u and with poetical
in y read well to the
h-literary club, may not
iii it I lie value of
homely, simple, honest,
u ill, mi ins
Nil what you hill what
i ts, is the Watchword i f
publicity, and should be instilled
into the mind of advertiser,
whether he expends a year, or
in attempting to tell the
that he has something sale.
it you want to know whether your
advertising is well written, don't ask
your lawyer, or your doctor, or
minister, what he thinks of your
but obtain the opinion of the
of the middle class, for they are
in the they lave the
money, and they buy ninety-nine per
sent, of everything you sell.
simple advertisement, briefly and
plainly telling its story, will
by the intelligent, because to them
simplicity is art, and will be
by the ignorant ; it reaches every class,
and to every reason.
When in doubt, use
Peculiar Accident to a Horse.
Mr M. B. Prince tells us cf a
liar that befell one cf his
horses Monday night. They run in a
pasture lot where there arc a number
fruit tree. h-n Mr. Prince went
out Tuesday wonting imagine his
prise lo see one t the animals
right hind leg hung the link of a
peach tree three
ground It is hoists
were kicking at each and in I i
way the one in question got her leg
in the Inn. The skin and
the bock joint were considerably
but beyond this serious
injury was It is remarkable
the leg was not broken or I
Mr. thinks t
will soon recover and .-
bad -ear v ill show twill
of the
His Worst Enemy Defeated by
P. P. P.,
Great Remedy.
Took a Horse.
We have heard and known men
ii-id toys riding other people's bores
a. ray, but we never heard till to-day
of a woman taking a horse us did a
Woman named Terrell, an inmate of
the home, who went to Mr.
I,. Walker's near Graham depot
bridled one of his horses and rode i ff.
were here last night s
for her and lira
On the It'll of July the cold
death crept to the home of Mr.
Bad nod stole from him
his daughter, Sallie. She in been
sick lour weeks, her sickness begin-
with fever and t tiding
the. fatal typhoid. Sallie was a sweet,
girt. None saw her but to like
her, none knew but to love her,
and very sad indeed to part with
one who is loved by all who knew her.
Only eighteen years old, I looming
into womanhood, and lane been
very influential over some poor soul.
Nobody knows the lives people
might lead. God knows best. He was
somebody's love. The was
before bis mother's face and
her cure and anxiety for him was
great, though she could not
him and perhaps did not want We
may do all we can, but our will
must be done. She was oldest
single sister and seemed to be the joy
and pride of the household, especially
o her father, as she was very dutiful
and kind. May God bless the bereaved
ones and help us all to meet, in a bright-
world on high.
The coffin is closed and the people have
To take you from our care ;
And sad and lonely looks the grave
Far them to lay you there.
very sad but still
To hear the clods that lull.
Upon the one who was so young
And loved and esteemed by all.
Weep not, dear father, after me
My sufferings on earth are o'er,
No pain fever will disturb am rest
When we reach the shore.
Dear and sisters, I've paid
the debt
That all of you do owe,
Be prepared to die and follow
To a world free from misery and woe.
Join Clubs.
In We.-t many Republicans
have joined Bryan clubs. In one
ha, more than two hundred
hive already joined- hi Charleston,
William one of the
of the South Side foundry and machine
shops, and a former Republican, was
elected president, and A.
who heretofore was always a
was elected secretary of the
club. In this club the free silver
Republicans outnumber the Democrats.
A evenings ago Mr. Virgil A.
Gates, made a speech at
Pine Grove, near this city, and organ-
a Bryan and club. He re-
ports that per cent of these have
been Republicans heretofore.
The trades unions of this city, whose
members have generally been high
protectionists and voted the
can ticket, are now nearly all solid
Bryan and
It is about the same the
element. It is difficult to find a
Andrew an influential
lion to vote for Bryan free silver,
no matter what his former party
nave been.
The defection from the party of
and the gold standard is not
by any means confined lo the ordinary
voters. Men of influence a d leader-
ship in the party are coin-
over lo the Bryan and stand-
ard. Among those may be mentioned
Judge J. II Brown, life-long
and at one time a candidate for
Congress on the Republic in ticket in
this district ; Judge J. It. C. Drew, a
prominent Republican Hon.
Andrew Hurley, an influential
of this city. Colonel J
of another prom-
leader, and at one time the Re-
publican candidate for Congress in I hat
district, has announced himself a free
silver man, and will vote for Bryan
and Colonel A. C. Fuller, an
influential Republican of the same
has announced himself the same
The Baltimore Sun says that some
dissatisfaction is expressed at
received that r either of the rail-
from Washington to New York
will give reduced rates on the occasion
of the and ratification.
Three hundred members of one Wash-
club alone, it is stated, would
have gone had there a reduction
in fan-. The of the
railroads condemned at
both headquarters, but Senator Faulk-
says will do no harm, but
fit the Democracy in tin;
The Best Salve in the Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Fe
Sores, Chapped Hands
i Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
pity required. It Is guaranteed to
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price cents per box. For sale by
Jno. L. Wooten.
Mr. A. M. Ramsey, of Texas.
was a sufferer from Catarrh hi
form. Truly, his description of his suffer
lugs seem little short of marvelous. In-
stead of seeking his couch, glad for the
nights coming, he went to It with terror,
realizing that another long, weary, wake-
night and a struggle to breathe was
before lie could not sleep on either
side for two years, r. P. P.,
Great Itemed, cured him In quick time.
Messrs. BROS. Savannah.
I have used nearly four bottles
of P. P. P. I was afflicted from the crown
of my head to the soles of my feet. Your
I. P. P. has cured my difficulty of breath-
smothering, palpitation of the heart,
and has relieved me of all pain. One nos-
was closed for ten years, but now
can breathe through It readily.
I have not slept on either side for
years; In fact, I dreaded lo see night come.
Now I sleep soundly In any position Ml
I am SO years old, but expect soon ti
he able to take hold of the plow
I feel glad that I was lucky enough to gel
P. P. P., and I heartily recommend it in
friends and the public generally.
Yours respectfully,
the undersigned
on day, personally appeared
A. M. Ramsey, who, after being
sworn, says on that the
statement made by him relative to tie-
virtue of r. I. P. medicine Is true.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
August 4th, 1801.
Comanche County.
Catarrh Cured by P. P. P.
Great where all oilier
remedies failed.
Rheumatism twists and distorts your
hands and feet. Its agonies are intense,
but speedy relief and a permanent curt-
Is gained by the use of P. P. P.
Woman's weakness, whether nervous or
otherwise, can be cured and the system
built by P. P. P. A healthy woman is
a beautiful woman.
Pimples, blotches, eczema and all ilK
of the skin are removed
cured by P. P. P.
P. P. P. will restore build
up system and regulate In every
way. P. P. P. removes that heavy, down-
n-the-month feeling.
For Blotches and Pimples on the face
take P. P. P.
Ladies, for natural and thorough organic
regulation, take P. P. P. Great
Remedy, and get well at once.
Block, .-
For sale by J. L. Drug-
gist next deer looT.
Tie clouds arc
mortal knows
for a drop dew
despairing rose.
While in and dusty v
vi hill and plain,
A jangling, wrangling
rain ;
X. C, Aug. 1890.
Km open-
of the season was a pleas-
ant to any one who was pres-
Ibis morning at o'clock when the
bell tapped to begin. The
n Mr. O. L. of the
Eastern, in every respect
well limed well received.
This is indeed a time for a
business involving g much as the
Greenville tobacco market contains.
But surprise was that under all
circumstances there were such
prices uniformly in all the houses and
all bad good breaks. However,
greater surprise than nil other.; was the
conspicuous absence of the business men
and merchants of the town, only two
or three lending even their presence to
the occasion. Who are most in.
class in of the
The merchants and those
doing business g-t most
the tobacco money.
Now this is written in all kindness
and only to the of our
people t. importance of giving to
the tobacco interest their moral and
business support. It is a well
fact that the town of Greenville, and
every av of business and trade in
it, is greatly by the tobacco
market. The greater interest there is
manifested in building of Greenville
and her markets, the more it will be
felt by all. It makes a better and wiser
merchant lo go out and be on mark-
et. The people the interest and
Dote it. It is indeed refreshing to be
on a lively tobacco break.
To is to
We bless if we would receive
a r pour water
ill C p if w- would have
s, a pi id In
. l .
Hewers, their
man and man gal hers -m, deck
path of friendship and makes
sweeter rich . The
sky is mellower for the g cloud
lowers beneath it. The it-,
I In- the orb of days.
All thing are tributary another.
I he w worm lights a traveler's path;
the pebble turns the tide. Kills till the
river ; rivers send their vapors
again till the nil. If Hows
our soul unto our neighbors, something
must be dislodged wit bin the I mast.
It may be envy, pride or
it may be sweetest strain
of gratitude that will gladden some ear,
though not our own. We are bill
workers, but not like earthly laborers
wailing for our pay. It comes in God's
time and always a, the needed moment
waves in motion. Roll the
ball of love heavenward. Ii will strike
many hearts and gather accelerated
speed, the cup around. Bid the
drink, for dust will gather on
the cup I stands and
water it holds will become unlit for our
own or another's use.
Holes m the for Speed.
The statement of an Italian cap
that he had proved by experience
that a ship goes faster when her sails
are a number of holes
t a when they are quite s was
looked upon as ridiculous
now find I hat Italian has gone a
lone way toward proving his case.
theory is that the force of wind
cannot fail take effect on an inflated
sail, because the cushion of
air that up the hollow. To
prevent this cushion collecting, he
bored a number boles in the sail,
which let part of the wind blow right
through and allowed the to
strike against the canvas and exercise
its full effect. Several trials have been
made, and ii looks as if Ibis is another
those paradoxical truths which
pears impossible on the surface.
The experiments were made in all
weathers. In a light wind a boat with
ordinary .-ails made lour knots, while
with i sail she coursed
five and a quarter knots ; in a fresh
breeze she did seven knots with
nary sails, and eight and
knots with the improved sails; in a
strong wind she did eight knots and
knots respectively. If this
speed sustained through-
out a long voyage would increase the
value or the one-filth, as she
would make same trip in lour
weeks that she did before in five
Evening Transcript.
U lo make in
k III-
bill d cause
I; is lo give a inure
during lite than o much
is a vigorous feeder and re-
well to liberal
On corn lands the yield
increases and the soil improves
if properly treated with fer-
containing not under
A trial of this plan but
little and is sure to lead to
profitable culture.
Oar pamphlets not circulars
inn special bill are practical contain-
researches on subject and
arc really to They arc Mat Use
Nassau St., York,
s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health
the power to digest and
a proper of food.
This can never be done when
the liver docs not act it's part.
know this
Liver Pills are an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
Oat Nov.
year, o.
i . In nil x-
n r it 1.1 thy
Ls .
Sold A J.
stun- near
jaundice bilious fever, bilious-
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
These ii
Womb, n Ii
Flood ft.
vis i
at druggists,
ti pans assist digestion.
run, a s
All of repairing done
use labor good
material and an- prepared to give
you work.
Kl JAM Kg,
Pia l in all M v .
. At-Law.
Greenville, N.
Practices In Coin t.
H. W-
H Successors lo
u. a.
B. K.
Snow Hill. Ore N.
N. C
in all
N. C
Here is a diamond, here a piece of
Both . yet between
mightiest of
Mature. The food on your table, and
your own body ; clemently the same,
vet between the two stands the
the arbiter of growth or
life or death.
We cannot make a diamond, we can-
not make blood and bone. No.
But by means of Digestive
Cordial we ran enable the stomach to
digest food which would otherwise fer-
and poison the all
forms of and incipient con-
with flesh.
i Inn blood, nervous the
dial is the successful remedy. Taken
with It relieves at once. It
and nature to nourish
trial to show its merit
is lest for
en. Doctors recommend It In place
of Castor Oil.
Office over Old Brick Store front room
n. o.
cure headache.
Black-1 naught is
pared especially for stock, as well as
man, and for that purpose Is sold m tin
cans, holding one-half pound of
cine cents.
Lambert. Franklin Co.,
I have used all kinds of medicine, but
I would one pack age of Black
for all the others I ever saw
It is best thing fur horses
of the year, and will cure
a sicken cholera every time.
Wire andiron Fencing
sold. work,
Steamers leave Wellington lot
ville and Tarboro land
on Tar Wed need i
and at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Green ville same days.
These departures are subject to
of water on Tar River.
Connecting at
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Bo-ton. j
Shippers should order theft
marked via
New York. from I
folk Baltimore Steamboat
from Baltimore. Merchants Miners
JNO. SON. Agent,
J. J. CHERRY, Agent,
N. C.
For th. Cure Diseases.
This has In use
years, and wherever know ha
been in steady demand. It hue been e
the all i
e country, and ha effected cures v he
all other remedies, with the no
the physicians,
for years Tins o
standing and high
winch It has obtained i- owing
its own but
ever I made to bring It
public. One bottle of this
be sent to any address on receipt I n
Dollar. All Cash Orders
tended to. Address all to
T, F- Green ff-0
cure liver troubles.
cure constipation.
cure flatulence.
and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-
business conducted for moderate
G u. g.
we patent less lime than
remote from
bend model, drawing or
We advise, if or free of
charge. Our fee due till patent
A Pamphlet, to Obtain with
cost MOM in the U. S. and foreign countries
Patent D. C.
Wanted-An Idea
your mar I ,,
Who run think
of some
cure dyspepsia.
one gives relief.
cure biliousness.
cure indigestion.
cure bad breath.
cure torpid liver.
for sour stomach.
V u i
Prof. W. H.
nukes n
doubt cur-
ed more cases any
is astonishing.
have cases
cured by
him. He
publishes a
work on
he end
of free to
who P. .
We one a cure
n. F. . St. Hew Tor
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.

Eastern reflector, 12 August 1896
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 12, 1896
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Joyner NC Microforms
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