Eastern reflector, 5 August 1896

The Reflector is
pared to do all
of this line
I of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
Two Papers for
We have made
the Reflector
above amount.
campaign rear and
should take the two
leading papers.
of Pitt and Surrounding Counties.
We arc now ready to open Warehouse and ore in bettor shape to handle your Tobacco
than we have ever been before. With ample floor space and plenty of money with
which to do our business, we propose to be second to none in the Ware-
house business. Consult your own interest by selling where
you can get the best returns. So we respectfully
e you to
i .
i S
will see that your every in-
will be looked after.
We also guarantee perfect
satisfaction and the highest
prices of any house in this
State or Virginia.
E. A.
Sole Owners and Proprietors, Greenville, N. C.
. . . . .

Greenville N. C.
D. J, i
at at
ville W. C. as mall matter.
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Govt Report
August 1806.
Our. Regular
Washington, July 31st,
The gold are slowly
surely lining up Bryan Bad
Already one of the Cabinet
Secretary Hoke declared
for them, and three other members,
whose names am not at liberty to
mention at this time, have intimated
their intention to do the same.
Smith has not on declared bis
intention to support the ticket, but he
has said that if e can possibly arrange
his time so to be there be will accept
the invitation which has been extended
him to preside over a big Bryan and
meeting to be held
at Augusta, Ga. August Senators
Gordon, of Ga. and of Ky.
who are both gold men. were in Wash-
this week and they announced
their m not only to vote for
and but to work for their
Senator Gordon has already
chairman Jones, o the
committee, that he is to take
stump the ticket at
the committee. These things indicate
a getting together of democrat that
means victory.
The District of Columbia democrats
are ring to lake an active part in
the campaign ; they can't vote, but they
ran help to convince those who do vote
to vote way. A Bryan
this week
repudiating the democracy o
those Federal officials who are drawing
salaries by the grace of the democratic
party and who have publicly opposed
the regular ticket. It is ex-
that the big democratic
meeting which will addressed
by Mr. Bryan will be held in one the
large used by the late Christian
Endeavor The
to make this meeting the
biggest thing of the kind ever held in
If Mr. John W. Hayes, General Sec-
of the Knights of Labor, knows
what he is talking about, and he
does, that organization is practically
for and tree silver.
Speaking about Una Mr. Haves
workingmen as a class are in fa-
TOT office coinage, and they will vote
for it and fleet Bryan. Labor
like the Knights of will
i not, an organizations participate in the
campaign, but the members in their
individual will. They want
free coinage, and in my opinion at leas.
per coat of the Knights of Labor
will vote for
Senator Faulkner, chairman of the
Democratic Congressional committee,
returned this week from a visit, to West
Virginia. Ii. reply to a question as to
. the outlook in that state, he
is all right. The silver
sentiment at present sweeping over my
state reminds of a prairie fire ; it is
simply resistless. Furthermore,
seems to lie going straight on to the
East; but in spite of its spread we must
remember that when we are
the great money power and
rate interests of the country we have a
fight on our hands that calls tor united
efforts and-determined to the close
of the
Representative of Ga , who
has just returned from a trip to Boston,
I the citizens of the
talking more about the money
than the of Washington if
such a thing is possible. To my utter
surprise I found that a goodly per cent
of them were in favor of free silver.
Men who were in a position to know
assured me that the cause was making
rapid strides in every New England
state, and that if the gain maintained
its preset ratio Bryan would surely
carry one or two of them. There
wasn't a word to be heard about
or the tariff ; all the enthusiasm
was on the side of Bryan and silver.
Though personally an advocate of
sound money, I am convinced that the
people of this country have made up
their minds to try the other system.
and that Bryan is going to be elected
President by a tidal wave majority.
There is considerable growling
among the more prominent Republicans
at Mark Manna's dictatorial of
running things, and among themselves
they are recalling the last campaign in
which a wealthy business man under-
took the duties of chairman the Re-
publican National Committee, to show
the politicians how a campaign ought
to be run and ended by seeing Blaine,
the most popular Republican ever
for President, defeated. The
other millionaire chairman was B. F
Jones, of Manna seems to
some of these Republicans of
Jones, and the Democrats are
dent that his management of the cam-
will have the same
defeat of the Republicans.
Starts for
, with a round
The rapid rolling of trucks early.
Monday morning, giving forth a sound
akin to the rumbling of distant thunder,
told all within hearing, that the season
of had opened and the golden
weed was coining in. The first side
coming on Monday, the weather being
so warm, prices being not yet
and most of the farmers Wing
busy with their curing, everybody was
surprised that on the first day of the
season with such when
no medal effort had made for an
break, the offerings should
up to nearly 40.000
The ringing the bell at willed
the buyers together at the Eastern
Warehouse for the first sale Before
the sale I
opened the season in a little Speech of
welcome to the buyers He also
thanked for their presence
aim liberal support the market in the
past, and .-tat d that as many questions
had been asked as to prices he wished
to say that at present everything was
in the dark and no one could how
ices would be, but be them
that the bad
he interest of the pi liters at and
protect them in way
dining the season.
Then calling auctioneer B. T. Bail-
to the front the sale started and the
piles were knocked off in quick success-
ion under his rattling music.
and Man run sale
made things lively. S. Spain am
Nat Whitfield were present again as
book keepers, U. Backer U on as
manager, and Oscar Hooker held
bis usual place in the office writ in
cheeks. About were
sold and all were satisfied at prices
On to the Greenville Warehouse the
buyers and crowd treat for the second
sale where found about
auctioneer K. H. to
make music over. Leon Evans at
his peal running the Sides and kept
the buyers spurred up to the top notch
II. C. Cannon is back as book keeper
for the Greenville and J. A. is
floor manager. After the sale Leon
compliments on bis high
The third sale was at Star Ware-
house, which also had about
pounds. CD. run the sale
in his usual good style. J. G. Bowling,
the auctioneer, is a new man here, but
he showed the crowd that he can roll
bids at a lively rate. Wiley Brown
manages the floor, W. J. Corbett is
back as keeper and T. E. Hooker
is pay clerk this season.
Planters had the last
and largest sale about
pounds on the floor. Ola Forbes run
the sales and the Mayor would strike
prices now and then like he was slap-
ping a tine to some violator wanted
to give him a big one. R. W.
who can sing in two keys at
once, did the auctioneering variations
from a to z sharp, with W. T.
Lipscomb to an occasional
solo. The other force the Planters
this season arc Earnest Forbes, floor
manager, E. O. book keep-
and R. If. Move cashier.
The four houses nil through had
good sales and gave general
A strong force of buyers are here
for the of the season and
nil make the market lively. Beside
buyers for the warehouses, there
are already here J W. Morgan, for the
A. T. Co., P. II. Gorman, T. E. Rob-
ft Co. J. S. Jenkins Co., B. E-
ft Co., W. T. Mangum Co.
M. L. Richmond, E. R. Aiken, A. A.
Andrews, J. W. Wiggins, E. Harri-
son. Nat Whitfield and Harri-
The rejoices that the
season of begins so
and throws up its hat for the Green-
ville market as the best in the world.
Delegates Selected
for Congress and for
of State.
The Populists held a con-
here Saturday for the purpose
of to the State and
Congressional conventions The at-
was tar smaller than has been
noticed at past Populist conventions,
the number taking part in the meeting
being only about sixty.
The convention was called to order
by Harry Skinner, chairman of the
executive committee, in a half hour's
speech. He made rather a guarded
speech, seeming somewhat at as to
what should be said at this stage of
campaign. However, he did my
that people were and
woe In to the man or that came
in the way of accomplishment of
their demands. He also the
people that no offices would be
to them and they need not expect
from the different townships to
confer together and select delegates to
the State and Congressional
lions. The following were reported
at labor.
State, Congressional.
Marry Ferd Ward,
E A J A Ling,
J II Manning,
B Bullock. J W Brewer,
E P N W Stancill,
It J Arnold Spain ,
Ford, W R Ford,
R W Bullock, J P
Martin, A Rollins,
j C J W Carson.
J J H Congleton,
J M Cox, B S Dixon
J Chapman, B A
W B Moore, C C Kirkman,
Craft, John
W A Nobles. Dave Bryant,
Hebron Cox, C J Smith.
R B W C Moore,
W II Smith. J H Peebles,
Smith, U M Smith.
A J Mi ye. M L
Joseph Joyner,
R L Joyner, A D
John Flanagan, B F
House, S Fleming,
R W Ward, W J Fleming,
R M J Thigpen,
Joseph Fleming, J II Langley.
I W Cannon, L II Cox,
D C Saith, Jr, Edward Stokes,
Williams, Jr, L B Burney,
Slade Chapman, Moore,
Prince J H Williams.
Harry Skinner stated that he no-
that no names of alternates had
been r. ported, and he would therefore
move th it any county
who desired to attend the State or
Congressional convention, should upon
from chairman the
executive committee and the chairman
of convention that is a Populist
ill ; i i I standing, be entitled to act as
an alternate to said conventions.
The following resolution was offered,
Bo It resolved by the Populists of
Pitt county in convention assembled in
Greenville, on first day of August,
That we endorse and ratify
action of and platform ado by the
National Populist convention
held in the city of St. Louis.
That endorse the action of
Hon. Harry Skinner, our representative
in the Congress, and the delegates
from this to
Congressional Convention are
ed to as a unit for
That we endorse Hon. E. A.
for the Populist nomination of
Secretary of State and instruct the
delegates from this county to the State
Convention to vote as a unit tor him
so long as hit name shall be before said
convention said nomination.
A. J. of Farmville township
spoke upon the adoption of the
He said the only thing he knew
against was that he a
the Democratic party. That he
told the Democrats in his township
before the Chicago convention that
they ought to nominate but he had
no idea do so. Ho
the hearty support of the ticket saying
that Populist could not afford, alter
criticizing others for their
dices, to any such feeling ti
them from doing they to
Mr. Bryan.
At the conclusion of his Col
Skinner announced that the Populist
county convention t nominate county
officers would be held here on the 3rd
of September.
Thursday, Sept. 3rd, was selected as
the date for holding the convention to
nominate county officers, with primaries
to be held Saturday, Aug. 29th.
The convention then
Raleigh. C, July the
bound train was Harry Skinner
and Buck Kit chin returning f r St.
Louis. Skinner demo-
have got to vote for Bryan and
Watson unless they think more of their
party than they do of
said is in lb hands
of you democrats now. I whole
harder, rests on your r ml if it
has any sense it can carry the Stale.
It has got to make concessions like
clever fellows aid
Kitchin was do you
shouted Skinner.
Kitchin then said is all in
our hands. The power to e cry the
State and the nation is in
democratic hands. hail re-
It was on our shoulders,
but we have shifted it on
Skinner cried out loudly ;
lower is in our bands. what
said Kitchin. know what
I am talking about. I want the demo-
and our people in the union and
in the State to got together and agree
on the ticket and fix it so all
silver men can vote
Skinner careful, Buck,
you will deny
I will retorted Kitchin,
man who wants to vote silver
can do so by going for what have in
my mind. It the democrats want to
save State country tins is the way
to do Messenger.
In Littleton Tuesday
at o'clock the residence of Rev.
W. S. Black, Mr. W. K. and
Mrs. Gray were married, Dr.
Black While it was known
by their friends and the family of the
bride that they were to be married
soon, a surprise on nil and
were an unexpected time,
They took a drive to Panacea Springs
and returning slopped at Dr. Blacks
home and wore married.
Mr. and Mrs. left on the
afternoon train for id Pitt
to the relatives of the groom
Mr, I Hi.-, been living in Lit-
a months and has been en-
gaged with the newspaper of that
place ; and will continue with the pa
per, perhaps in the capacity f
Of The bride the
the late Chas. W. oF Scotland
Neck, and daughter Mr. It. R-
Browning of Littleton. She is well
known here and the Commonwealth
her many friends in extending
every good wish for her happiness and
prosperity as well as pi congratulating
tie fortunate and happy
land Neck Commonwealth.
A Fast into an Ex
and Eighty
undo Block Op-
Try Bitters as a remedy for
y Mir troubles It not, get a bottle now
and get relief. This medicine has been
found to be peculiar adapted the re-
lief and core of all Female Complaints,
a wonderful direct influence
in strength and and tone to the
organs. If you have Loss of
Fainting Spells, or
Nervous, Sleepless, Melancholy or
troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric
the medicine need. Health
and Strength are guaranteed by Its use.
cents St Jno. L.
en's Drug Store.
Hottest July Bays.
At Nursery a record
the temperature every day at noon
kept. Warren has handed the
a list showing which were
the hottest July days for last Bye
years, giving the day of month and
as taken at It o'clock,
The record is as follows
1892, July temperature
1890, t,
The temperature about o'clock P.
The convention organized by M. is usually some higher than at noon,
W M Brown chairman, and J A Lang Wednesday it went to at
secretary. Riverside. points down
. , . , . it reached in the shade.
A recess was taken for the alien.
to Have Bum.
J. S. Jenkins Co., of
this place, have secured the services as
book-keeper of Mr. It. T. Harrison,
late of Richmond, Mr, Harrison
toe k a complete course In book-keeping
at Poughkeepsie, N Y-, and since then
has this branch of study in
several schools, among which was Rich-
Col lie is thoroughly
for his work both in attainments
and in Mr. Jenkins is for-
in securing Ins services, and the
friends of firm hero and elsewhere
may he assured that for the
year the balance sheets of this firm will
show to work every depart-
of business. We heartily
welcome Mr. Harrison among us as u
desirable addition to our present ad-
corps of tobacco men.
A Kerry Gathering
There never assembled a happier
party of friends than the home of
Maj. Harding in
Thursday to do honor lo
Misses Annie and Bessie Powell,
of Raleigh, the guests of Miss
Harding, Everything was done
complete the of these love,
maidens. The occasion was under
the management of Messrs, Hal Sugg,
and Harding and they did the
honors but ho could
it, when were surround-
ed by the sweet smiling f Green
most charming young ladies and
gallant gentlemen. The music the
evening was rendered most charmingly
by Miss Jones and Miss Bessie
Harding. At close of even-
pleasures hour of
pa i n it had arrived every one declared
that their cup of joy had been full.
Atlantic City, N. J., July
railroad catastrophe took place
on Meadows two miles out of
this city shortly after o'clock this
evening, resulting in the deaths of for-
people, so far as now can be
learned, and the wounding of eighty
others. A train left here consisting of
seven ears over the West Jersey
road a special excursion of
Red Veil and their Is of Bridge-
ton, N J , and Salem, and hat reached
crossing of the Reading railroad
was struck by the down
express from Philadelphia, demolishing
two cars and telescoping the two follow-
Tin-engine of the Reading train
became a t, wreck, killing the
and fatally injuring the
and the car behind it was thrown
from the track and many of its
pants killed or injured.
The responsibility of the collision
has not yet been placed, but William
the operator at the block
tower situated at the crossing has been
placed under arrest by order of the
Leaving city, the tracks of the
West Jersey road run to those
of the and Atlantic until
they COM the Delaware bridge,
when they switch to the south cross-
the Reading road at an an-
John engineer
West Jersey train saw the Reading
train approaching the crossing at a
swift speed, but as signals were I
open tor him lo proceed on Ins way be
continued. His engine bad barely
cleared the track of the Reading when
the locomotive of the latter train, which
left Philadelphia at p. struck
the first car full In the throw-
it f the track into a nearby
ditch, completely submerging it.
The second car of the West Jersey
train, was also carried into ditch,
the third and fourth cars being
scoped The engine of the Reading
rain was thrown to other side of
track earring with it the first
A minutes the collision to
to horror of the situation, the
boiler of the Reading locomotive ex-
scalding several to death and
Casting lie boiling spray over many
I he injured passengers.
Darkness fell quickly and the work
of rescuing the injured and the dead
bodies was carried on under the lurid
glare o huge fires. It was a
some sight, to as the man,
and burnt of the dead were
the wreckage, which
bound them and laid side by side on
the bank near the tr with no
other pall than a few old newspapers
gathered from the passengers. The
wounded were quickly gathered
and carried by train and wagon to
the Atlantic City hospital, where six of
died their
At a late hour this evening there were
twenty-nine bodies laid out in the old
excursion house, none of whom arc as
yet identified.
Shortens labor, lessen pain.
danger to life of
both mother and child and her In
more favorable to recovery.
Stronger after than before
says a prominent midwife. best remedy
Known and worth the price for that alone.
Endorsed and by and
mil ladles who have used It
Beware of substitutes and Imitations.
Makes Child-Birth Easy.
Sent by Express or mull on receipt of price,
per Book
mailed free, containing testimonials.
sold A
J W. HIGGS. Pres. i. S. HIGGS, Cashier
EVANS CO., Props.
Greenville, N. C.
Representing Capital Than a Hall
Million Dollars,
Win. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank. Baltimore, Md.
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N C.
K. Fleming. N. C.
D. W. Higgs Bros.
Greenville, N.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured,
they cannot reach the seat of the ills-
ease. Is a blood or
disease, and in order to cure it
yon must take internal remedies. Hall's
Cure is taken internally, and
acts on the blood and mucous
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not quack med-
It prescribed by one of the
beet physicians In this country for
year, and is a regular It
is composed of the best tonics known,
combined with the best blood purifier,
acting directly on the mucous
The combination tin; two
respectfully solicit the accounts
of firms, individuals end the general
Checks and Ace Books furnish-
ed on application
Full Term begins September
Apply for
Teachers, MM Students. Tuition
a year. Board a
month, full College Courses. Brief
Course-, Law School, School,
Summer School for Teachers, Scholar-
ships and loans fur the needy.
Chanel mil. N. c.
88.50 per Mo 81.00 per Mo.
Board aVe. in School. Board etc in Club.
Turlington Institute.
A Boarding School.
Scientific, lies,
Board Washing.
Tuition for months. to
years old. pupils. Write I
N. C.
North Carolina
College of Agriculture
and Mechanic Arts.
This College oilers thorough con i in
Agriculture, Civil and
Engineering, in Science.
General all
For County Students, I
For all ether Students,
Apply for to
N- President
DEPARTMENTS well equipped.
teachers. regular students, be-
sides ice school of pupils.
matriculates since its opening in 1892-
of the Mi counties represented. Com-
examination at county sent
August 1st, to All free-tuition vacancies
in dormitories. Application should be
made before enter the ex-
No free tuition except to
applicants signing a pledge to become
teachers. Annual expenses of free
The old Greenville Warehouse is being en-
and more lights added which makes it
lighted Warehouse in the State. With
money and no pets, fair dealings and
hard work, we are going to sell as high
as any one. Give trial and we will show
you. Your friends,
EVANS o., Greenville; N.
North Carolina, I Conn FLOORING
Pitt County, f .
w. H. Harrington rs. w. it. Keel, alias n in . T
Robert Williams. J-.-lA
The defendant above named will than cost- Try a car f. o. b.
notice Iliac an action entitled as at Tillery, N. C at G per -M
has been commenced before J. A. Lang,
an acting Justice, of the Peace in am
for the county of Pitt, to recover
on a note which
against judgment, and to subject
certain land which defendant owns In
this county to the payment of said
debt ; and the defendant will further
take notice that he Is required to appear
before the said A. Lang at his office
In Court House in the town of
Greenville on the Slat day of July 1896
at o'clock A. If., and answer or,
demur to the complaint In said action.
or the plan tin win apply to the conn
for the relief demanded in said com
This of July
F. a. James for pUT.
------A fresh Hue of------
Greenville Have Factories
Mr. C. D. Rountree, the Star
Warehouse, the
the following received by his firm
with permission to publish H ;
N, C July
Greenville, N. C.
Dear Sir you kindly let me
know what inducements a man
might expect from your
place to open a smoking lac-
there Do you think that a stock
could be to buy it
hat you kindly give
me the desired remain,
Very yours,
. another for
Greenville that the town ought lo take
hold of. are just what is
needed now to make the town pros-
as never before, but to get them
Fayetteville Military Academy,
as a school of the FIRST RANK.
Prepares for any college or for business. Students admitted to o
and certificate. and pupils form d,
the home clement very prominent. of limited The
of student is constantly kept in view. Classes and best
personal The discipline Is strict hut parent. w
Write for COL. T. J- C. E., Principal.
show that they want
ilium. This Is also another instance in
which a of Trade could do some
good, but it seems that with all the
that has been used our
utterly indifferent as to or
Raleigh, C.
No superior work dope anywhere. North.
or South. It has now the best faculty it INN I I ft IS Pf
has ever bad- The advantages offered -i
in Literature. Languages, Music and Art James M. A.,
unsurpassed. Address
To the Growers of
At the request, and acting under the advise of my Attorney, Col. I. A Sugg,
I extended the time purchase of Farm Rights for Improved Patent
Method of Hanging and Looping Tobacco, until August at my former
prices, being for acres or and for all over acres cultivated
and after that date no extension in the collections may be expected and the fol-
are the terms and s, to
All persons who wishing of this last of
tug Rights at these low can do so by calling on Col. Sugg, at
N. C, or remit the price by registered letter or P. O. order on the
Va. I . O. to Jno. H Laurel Grove, Va., rights will be prompt
sent. This is a of business and those wishing to avoid the penally o
the United States Patent Laws must comply with the
which I am
selling so low
that it causes
Come see me
and will
treat you fair
than can tho common
from others. If you don't
it call and his prices. Ho
not be undersold. All work
as to material, work,
Flues are now Ready
for Delivery.
Prompt attention given to all or-
I am also agent for tho
largest WALL PAPER
in America.
In the
H i
-----A large assortment of the celebrated-----
Eagle Brand of Fine Shoes
received. A complete of-------
on hand.
C. A. Whites old
YEARS EXPERIENCE has taught me that the best Is o
Hemp Rope, Building Pumps, palming Implement, and every
ting necessary for Millers, and house purposes, as well k
Shoes. Ladies Dress I have on hand. Am head
quarters Heavy Groceries, and jobbing agent for Clark's T.
Cotton, and keep courteous attentive
C. C. Pitt Co. N C.
N. V
T. J. POPE, Southampton Co., Vs.
Stock, Cotton, Grain and Provision Broken,.
and Progress Water
Bagging, Ties and Peanut Sacks at Lowest Prices.
and Consignments Solicited.
Code, need ,

Q. F. Evans.
O. L. Joyner.
O. Hooker.
Sole Owners and Proprietors of the
as in the past your interest shall be
at all times,
quarters for both man and beast and
FARMERS make our best bow in grateful of your past liberal support and patronage and in r
interest and we promise that no stone shall be left unturned which will aid in securing for you the very highest mart
for this in the future
price for your Tobacco
We are having our house made considerably larger, which when completed, we hope to able to sell a thousand piles of tobacco a day. We shall have additional comfortable
man and beast and in a word we ate having everything done that we can for the comfort and convenience of our customers. Now in conclusion we want to say that the
EASTERN makes no personal, selfish nor local appeal for patronage, nor has she any organized machinery for drumming up tobacco. We shall rely solely upon our merits as and
depend upon those principals that have placed us in the lead, strict attention to our business and the loyalty of our customers. These are our guide posts and with these alone we ask
for a continuance and increase of your patronage, which shall show you by our that we highly appreciate. Your friends,
This offer includes
in fact the en a ck
Call early,
The King Clothier.
WHoso Names Got In
Local Reflections.
The Number of ;
Last Year.
., ii I lies it cm
Dr. ii. O.
the House.
is hero
This will have
live Sundays five
Three dozen for
Ocracoke Corned t
lo on
Fresh Graham
at J. S. Tun-dull.
Flour t
Butter. X. Y. Can's
at S. M.
Warren says
has been higher at Riverside Nursery
this week than in three years.
candidate who can into of-
ought to himself. It
beats in this weather.
II this weather goes on upper stones
will have lo built on thermometers
lo accommodate the high temperature.
If you want a good that
interest you see Hal and get a
copy and the Fight tor Free
Too hot now, many are saying.
in six months from now it
be too cold, so you as well take it
as it comes.
Such weather H this should make
people be very thoughtful of stock.
Work animals especially should have
plenty water.
The temperature pulls in the shade
right along. Dr.
says he believes it will reach
out on the road.
Tin- sun flings all his tires
And makes the old word jump
The poets strike the lyres
The liars take stump.
If it will give you any consolation
to think about it. we will remind
is snow on top of the Rocky
Mountains tin- week. There's ice
The yearly meeting at
church, lour miles from town, will lie
held next Saturday and Kev.
W. will be present.
The and
Wiley Brown have agreed lo keep on
opposite sides the street a few
days. Too hot red heads to walk
close together now.
is a cruel man who will drive his
-i to town these hot days and leave
his horse tied in the sun several
hours without water. Don't let any-
body be of this neglect.
Mr. R. I. Davis tells us that poles
have been distributed over about fie
Hides route for tie telephone
line Greenville and
Wash lardy say.- carrying a three
bushel upright basket full of green to
this hot gels away with
his self. Sorry for
Pork at Chicago was d as low
a- per barrel on July making
a new record,. In December,
sold at Grocer.
Mr C. R. formerly with the
lesion Lumber Co., at
has purchased a half interest
in the Staten mill about six miles
A y one can see without
is the coming town
two burning o
the brick blocks and the planing mills,
pushes forward. In tin- place
the burned we now have
fine brick buildings and more to
ft How. in Tobacco town every
warehouse is being enlarged and lilted
up lo accommodate the great rush
is certainly coming. The will com-
Monday morning and there will
lie a general of business.
We were talking with Mr.
It. Moore, railroad agent, and in the
run of the conversation he said that the
number of pounds of tobacco shipped
Greenville, over the Coast Line
had doubled in a year. From August
1st, 1894. to August 1st, there
Harper, of is were shipped pounds and
II all r I- v
his tandem Friday.
Hunter Fleming
D. returned from
Mount Saturday evening.
Patrick has taken a position
Miss has gum
area to spend a while.
Oakley Items.
V. August
Mr-. I. James is
typhoid lever.
Between curing tobacco and
fodder our is arc kept busy.
We are pained lo learn that II. D.
Beach and two daughters are very sick
with typhoid
T. It. th-1, was h re
Wednesday in interest of the Plant-
Warehouse Greenville.
J. O. Williams left Saturday morning
Rocky Mount lo spend a days
with his sister, Eire K.
held a meeting in Raleigh
m Manly
chairman and John w. Thompson, sec-
headquarters of the com-
mute will lie in lid-
tie- the
Until tin; Democratic and
s. in their national con-
Bryan the presidency ; end,
Whereas, An
Bryan and and another
Bryan and Watson will endanger the
election of Bryan and promote the
i chances of obtaining
vote North Carolina.
We are glad to shake
red-headed Wiley, of
-Mis- Forbes.
Miss lie
from a trip
While returned y,
if six weeks at Hertford.
W. T. came home
day evening a trip up road.
Mrs. L. W. Lancaster, of Raleigh, is
visiting the family of J. S.
C. T. left M inlay the
northern markets to in his fall stick.
Mrs. C. T.
have lo Wilson lo
and little sun
visit relatives.
from August 1st, 1895, to August 1st,
pounds, You can read-
sec that that we are growing and
the season he will ban He over
pounds. These only
show the number pounds Snipped
over railroad and does not show
what was shipped by the O. D. S.
the hand
Star Ware-
house lie came out lo talk to
our tobacco farmers in to selling
there tobacco at the Star. We bespeak
for a liberal share of patronage.
Now. therefore, lo the end
per-hi- favoring the election of Sir.
Bryan may have their vote counted iii j
the electoral college for him,
Resolved. Thai the Democratic par-l
offers populist party
a fair just division of the Bryan
electors, chairman of I lie
committee is authorized to confer with
chairman the
of the People's party, looking to ii
in-,. .
K. C, August
A. Cherry and wife last
Tuesday to spend a month up in a I union of the two parties upon one
in around j lord ticket, and lo I apart to this coin-
j early as practicable.
J- W. Powell filled his
II. i. Harris has moved his family to
Patrick on Fourth
J. Bowling, auctioneer the
Star Warehouse, arrived from Oxford
Saturday evening.
A. Walking, arrived
Saturday evening to take a position at
Greenville Warehouse.
Ernest Forbis came home from Lit-
Saturday evening. His friends
regret to know that he is nick.
many friends were glad to see P.
back after a trip to
his old home. Richmond.
Harmon Jenkins, this
but who has been living in Ala
for ton years, is here on a visit to
ti lends.
It. W Crenshaw.
arrived Friday night and will
on die of the Planters the
coming season.
V. J. Lee, Wilson, brother of W.
T. Lee, arrived Friday evening and
will clerk Kicks the popular
dry goods
Mrs. Elisabeth Hooker
Misses Mamie, Baltic and
returned last Friday a sojourn
Panacea Springs.
Biggs and wife and daughter,
Dr. Johnson and several other
from Scotland Neck passed through
Monday on their way to
Mi;. publish the
enclosed letter the Richmond
Stove Co., which explains itself.
Va. July
D. D.
Greenville, N. C.
Sin We learn certain
parties are the that
have failed and gone out of business
and can no longer furnish repairs tor
the stoves of our make that yell handle.
We arc to say that this report is
so absurdly false us hardly lo be worthy
of notice, yet for the benefit of
who do not know us we will say that
you have, handled our stoves re-
pairs for years and sold hugely,
and that we arc still ABLE and willing
to supply to you any and all the atoms
and repairs that we make,
as we have always done.
Yours truly,
Richmond Stove d.
It. J
Beard of Trade.
The Greenville Tobacco Board of
Trade held its annual meeting to day
elected officers for coming year
V. Fleming.
S. Jenkins.
Sec. and T. Harrison.
A note of thanks extended
K. Harrison, the retiring Secretary and
Treasurer, for his faithful service to
Hoard during the year.
The President appointed the follow-
W. P. II.
man, F
S. Jenkins, W. T.
Gwynn, Ola Forbes, L.
the Baptist church
morning. Hi;
Rev. S. A. Gotten, of
reached in the Methodist church Fri.
day night. Rev. A. S.
the protracted meeting in
church, sen ices at o'clock A. HI
and night each day.
We bear much talk in Ibis
crops being badly injured by
dry weather.
Walter die
i-k with
First of Mullets
and Potatoes cents a peek at S. M, I
the month of July Register
Deeds King issued eleven
to while and lo colored
W. Smith mid Cora Hart.
John and Laura
James Brooks and Ada Rouse.
H. T. and
Jones and
it. W. and Mill Keel.
Jesse Redmond and Sophia Hunter.
Henry Staten and Faster Robinson
Tyson and Fannie
John Atkinson and
Jas. and Penny
G. T.
M. Owens, arrived
here Friday a F.
tour. He likes what he has seen F. Harrison,
Greenville so far, and the Joyner. Wiley
O. L.
he will cast his lot among us.
C. A. White, Mrs. White.
Mis- Lula and Richard, Misses Novel-
la Higgs and Fleming.
and J. L. Fleming
kit on the freight Monday afternoon
or Mo
The Sales Impressed Him.
hen the freight trail, going south
reached here about noon Monday,
J lure Pot a dissatisfied on .
the floor of Warehouse to snare Mr.
Monday. Leon Evans looks alter Biggs and Dr. Johnson, of Scotland
pie who sell on his floor, has no j Neck, walked over to the Planter's
but makes every man's bring a i Warehouse where the sale was then in
Ian- p-ice. ,.
I progress. They were completely cur-
Weekly of July 23rd had a away with the sales, and
page of Hon. j and Mr. catching up with ed-
W. J. Bryan. Democratic nominee
We have heard several
people speak the resemblance
the lo townsman,
Mr W. H. Long.
J. W. Martin was heard to remark
after the Bile
one of his
made the latter him all about
d auction-
mag a wonder to them, and when
old man made a
note roll Mr.
. out in a
laugh that brought down the house.
Norton Markets. His Entire Std
fas thoroughly J Saul circus I ever
that the Greenville Warehouse the
place to neighbor
were compared he saw that the
was away head. There is
a lesson in the luau who has
tobacco to sell.
To icy
I will return to on
about the 15th of August, and will
my new Photographic Gallery
the Elliott block. for my return
as satisfaction is my motto.
Yours truly,
Chas. B. Broker and
Dr. King's New Discovery
has no equal as a Cough remedy.
Brown, Prop. St. James Hotel, Ft.
Ind., that he was cured
of a two years
by La Grippe, by Dr. King's New Dis-
L. F. Merrill.
says that he has Bail rec-
it and never knew it to fail
and would rather have It than doc-
tor, because it always cures. Mrs.
Hemming, E. 25th ft. Chicago,
ways keeps it at hand and no fear
of Croup, because It instantly relieves.
Free trial bottles at no. L,.
It was agreed that sales shall begin
at a. in. until further
President hue Lewis of Ohio,
is highly all through that
section, lie lived in Clinton
years, and has been, president of
Hunk years. He gladly
testifies to merit of Hood's
and what he says is worthy
attention. All brain workers find
Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted
to their needs. It makes rich,
red blood, and from comes nerve,
bodily and digestive strength.
VI am glad to say that Hood's
is a very good especially
as a blood purifier. It has done me good,
many times. For several years I
greatly with pains Of
In one eye and about say es-
at night when I had bean
a hard day of physical and mental labor.
I took many remedies, but found help only
in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cared me of
Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved Itself a
friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep
my bowels regular, and like the pills
very Isaac Sabina, Ohio.
Is the One Blood All druggists,
Prepared only by C. Hood ti Co. Mass.
at your own price for the spot cash only. Come
early and avoid the rush.
C. T.
Next door to The Bank of Greenville,
The Talk of
the Town.
t LANG'S t
Must go in Hot weather.
Is full of Bargains that jars the the purchasers dollars and cent
Ins fact joined to the truthful assertions, the largest stock, moat
beautiful selections, best values, make our store most
satisfactory for you to trade. Come take a look at
the many attractions which we offer you. They
cannot fail to elicit your admiration and make
you our patrons. A stock full of Bargains
day during each season, but
before better, grander, more
beautiful or better selected
stock than this season. Our
buyer bought for the
Cash, and added to
the judgment
of HO years
experience, we offer a line of
that has never been excelled or scarcely in this town or
county. Our store is the home of rare bargains, genuine
merit, honest goods, square polite attention,
the place for you to trade. We have
them here and call upon every buyer
to examine them Our store
is full to
of the
Dry Goods, Ladies, Misses and Children Dress
Goods, Shirt Waist Silks, White Goods
Dimities, ail wool
Black Dress Goods, Ripples,
Novelty Goods.
Linen Fabrics,
Piques, White and Colored Lawns
Muslins, Ginghams, and other beautiful,
Stylish too numerous to mention. Our Laces, Ribbons, Silks,
Braids, Buttons, Velvets and other Trimmings make the hearts of
the ladies lad to behold them. Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Side Combs,
and Hair Ornaments are beauties. Our Shoe stock is immense for
Ladies, Misses and Children, Men and Boys- The most complete
and Hue Ladies, Misses and Oxford Ties ever
offered here.
Furnishing Goods
many articles, such Collars. Cuffs, Ties, Scarfs. Bows
Suspender, Dress Sunday and
every day Shirts, Undershirts and Toilet Articles. Fur, Wool and
Straw for and Boys. Caps for men, Boys and children-
Plain, Pure, Heavy Groceries.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Lard, Molasses, Salt, Snuff and Tobacco. Hard
ware and Farming Tools, lows and Tinware, Toilet Sets
many I household articles in that line. The Best line of
Crockery that we have ever had and that is saying much- Our
and Dinner Sets are beauties. Our Cups and Saucers,
es and Bowls are here in quantities and Vase and fa
Lamps, fancy patterns. Now a word about our
Store, more magnificent and grander than ever before- Oak
Suits, Parlor Suits, Couches, Lounges, Plush, Upholstered, Reed,
j Willow, and Oak Rocking Chairs, and Oak Dining Chairs. All
I culmination of the Manufacturer's Art up to date. Separate pieces,
j Bureaus, Bedsteads; and Dining Tables, Towel and Hal
I Tin Safes, Side Boards, Spring Mattresses, Cots,
Shuck and straw Mattresses, Mattings, Rugs, Carpet, Cur-
Poles, Lace Curtains, Window Shades and other house furnish-
es Harness, Trunks. and Hand Bags and Satchels. Wood
k and Willow Ware. Buckets, Tubs. Market and Fancy Lunch Bask
et. And many other things that you need. Don't come to Green-
and leave without seeing your friends, the Leaders
i tors.
Notice to Creditors.
as Executor of
will of the late A. M. Clark, notice
is hereby persons indebted
to the estate to mike Immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and to
creditors of the estate of Mr. A. M.
to exhibit their claims properly
to the undersigned, t
T . . Fleming, attorneys. In
It it Will SOOn N. C, on or before the first
day of August 1897.
W. R.
and you had better
your Flues ready for
ply you now at any, To the Tobacco
I time with the best Steel
Fender makes good
All farmers growing tobacco who
pose to the Improved Method
Hanging or Looping eating
are notified that they must a
Farm Right before the same.
The same having been patented Oct. SI
by Pleasant B. Farmer, and by him
assigned to John R. Farms
Rights can be procured by applying
If. C-, July fa,

Sole Owners and Proprietors of the
m mt m . i all the surrounding country that Greenville is the leading tobacco market for the sale of Leaf John pro in
TO their tobacco here. There are four large Warehouse doors open to the public and chief them
it behooves all within reach of the Great have under construction a large to be used in connection with fee Warehouse
a corps of clever an
Tobacco consigned
Mr. Ernul, we
and courteous attention
The reports of of tin
Crop Bulletin, by the
North Carolina Climate rod Crop
vice, tor the week ending Saturday,
indicate the part
week was generally favorable
tin- growth crops, which rave
proved male
was above I In normal every day ex
the 19th, and the latter pan tin-
week was very warm with maximum
temperatures above ram
occurred on tour days, which was lien
and was too much in only
a very localities there was an
abundance of sin
tobacco, sweet ReM-
rice lire all Oil average in
condition. i. p or.
grapes, which is fine.
Nearly every correspondent reports
pas; week The was
very warm towards the end, with plenty
sunshine and little rain, but sufficient
to keep crops growing. All crops are
doing well and have been killing grass,
and is about done. Cotton
is recovering from the effects excess-
rail and is much improved weed
large and boiling well. It is shedding
squares at a good many places, but not
badly. Corn improved earing
finely and much of the crop made.
Some fodder ripening on early corn
and being stripped. Some tiring re-
on lowlands. Tobacco curing
in full progress, with cures than
last week. Grapes are ripening and
very fine vines loaded.
A fine, warm week, with show-
generally very for crops,
which are growing fast, except bottoms,
which Were drowned out. Abundant
sunshine caused late corn to grow
sonic reports of corn tiring on light,
sandy soil. com looking re-
well and lowland crop has
improved in places. Fodder-
will soon begin in the south.
Cotton is shedding squares and leaves
in some and yellowing in
but plants are generally large and
healthy. Some correspondents rep it
bolls open. This very advanced
stage places the crop in considerable
danger of damage by the usually heavy
rains of August, as cotton needs dry
weather after it begins to open. To-
improved, bu. Bra bugs arc
numerous. needed to make to,
topped spread. Some good
cures are reported. Peas and potatoes
good ; some turnip seed planted. Grapes
Past more favorable,
with a few beneficial showers, but too
much in of Mitchell and Bun-
counties. Prospects for corn
good ; dryer weather enabled farmers to
fields and lay by ; corn earing
well. Com on creek bottoms was
much injured by the freshet to improve
much. Cotton shows some improve-
since the rains ceased and is boil-
; no shedding reported. To-
doing very well. Sweet potatoes
and gardens good ; pea crop fine and
large quantity planted. Some
see planted. Crapes ripening. Some
thrashing still to be done ; the wheat
seems to turn out better than
Captain-General Wants
to United States.
I A tender child of summers three,
Seeking her little bed at night,
A special the Atlanta on the dark stairs timidly,
lion of yesterday says mother take my hand she said,
Captain-General i- seeking I -And then the dark will all
to bring about a war between Spam
and the Coiled States.
Cuban advices received slate
that and other Havana papers
continue attack the United States in
a savage manner. Not only is
country attacked, but President Cleve-
land and Secretary are being
lampooned. Those attacks are in
t pi red by an I so of them,
aid. written by his
sec All of were m-l
Mil i. tin- rap general before being
motive iv b- In so
embroil Snail and the
that cannot be I. We,
entertains the greatest contempt f
Americans and he has repeatedly said I Colorado,
that it would cost Spain less land an j Connecticut,
expedition in Florida and march up the
We children grope our way.
From dark behind to dark before i
And only when our hands we lay.
Dear Lord, in thine, the night is day,
And there is darkness nevermore.
His Worst Enemy Defeated by
P. P. P.,
Great Remedy.
His Acceptance of Nomination Wilt
Depend on Conditions Attached.
Tee New Ballot Foxes.
Lincoln, Neb., July
The Charlotte News says A
of curiosity was attracted to one of
the rooms in the court house to-day,
when- the ballot boxes be used in
Vote in Detail of the P Con
he vote ill detail id
u on tie-
was as follow
Bryan. Norton.
Chicago. July clearing
away the debris in the recently burned
Diamond Match Company building,
Nos. and Michigan avenue,
of first floor gave way at
o'clock this morning, burying a
dozen of the men under heavy tenders.
A dozen others fell to the ground
floor in the midst of the debris. There
were twenty-five men at work in the
building and they sprang to the rescue
of their comrades.
The Democrat hears of an epidemic
peculiarly fatal fever in French's
Creek county. This
fever is complicated with
and in some cases proves fatal in two
days. There were six deaths in
neighborhood the same
Atlantic cont capture Washington
than Io carry on the war with Cuba.
Hampered as be is by American inter-
tin- captain rage
the United State largely due
to recent protests made by Consul
General ill regard to the
of the Americans captured on the Com-
says he cannot save Cuba if
the I Stales continues to inter-
and therefore thinks it better to
Americans and to get rid of
them. is also enraged at the
conduct of Minister the Span-
ambassador at Washington, tie
claims has yielded too much
to the lulled States and thinks the
minister should be recalled to Spain.
He is also enraged because fa-
immediate concessions to Cuba.
idea is that no concessions
should In- granted as long as Cuban re-
mains in arms. animosity
is reflected in inspired
articles in the Havana paper
recall of the minister.
It is openly talked Havana
that unless is recalled or
in causing war between
Spain and the United S ales the cap-
general will resign
He Came to Tims.
Last week during court in
ville a murder case came up for I.
The defendant claimed his rights tin-
the law, and a full panel of forty-
eight men was summoned from which
to get a jury. Slowly, and one by one,
the solicitor put the usual questions as
to their competency to try the case at
Finally a long, lank juror
up in answer to his name and answered
the all right until be stumbled
upon this one
you conscientiously opposed to
capital punishment
The juror didn't understand, and the
question was repeated. Finally, after
much hesitation, he seemed to grasp the
idea, and replied earnestly
Oh, I believe U when
they need
The court, and the Spectators smiled,
tie defense sang out
A Strange Incident.
New Hampshire,
New Jersey,
New York
North Carolina,
North Dakota,
South Carolina,
West Virginia,
District of Columbia,
New Mexico,
Indian Territory,
Donnelly, Debs, ;
The footings do not add in
dance with the official announcement.
Prof. Gus Reich, of Salem, more fa-
known as the wizard of
Blue Ridge, is a professional tinner and
a good mechanic. He made the me-
ease in which the Siamese twins
were entombed, and also assisted in
preparing the bodies for burial. lie
tells the High Point Enterprise that
they were neatly appropriate-
clothed, with gloves securely placed
upon each of their hands that could
not have been easily removed, but to
the surprise and astonishment of all
present when the case was uncapped
which for some purpose had become a
of necessity, a glove from one
of their hands had been removed
was lying near by. As yet no one has
been able to solve the mystery.
Mr. A. M. of Texan.
p. a a sufferer f rum Catarrh ID its worst
form. Truly, description of bis suffer-
seem little short of In-
stead of seeking bis couch, glad for the
coming, he went to It with terror,
that another long, weary, wake-
night sad a struggle to breathe
before He could Dot sleep on either
side for two years. P. P. P., LI puma
Great cured him to quick time.
Messrs. BROS., Ga.
I hare used nearly four bottle
of P. P. P. I was afflicted from the crown
of my head to the soles of my feet. Your
P. P. P. has cured my difficulty of breath-
of the heart,
and has relieved me of all pain. One nos-
was closed for ten years, now I
can breathe through It readily.
I not slept on either side for two
In fact, I dreaded to see night come.
Now I sleep soundly In any position all
I am SO years old, but expect soon
be able to take bold of the plow handles.
I feel glad that I was lucky enough to gel
P. P. P., and I heartily recommend it to
friends and the public generally.
Yours respectfully,
A. M.
on this day. personally appeared
A. M. Ramsey, who, after being
sworn, on oath that the
statement made by him relative to
virtue of P. P. P. medicine Is true.
A. M.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
August 4th. 1891.
Comanche County.
Catarrh Cured by P. P. P.
Great where all
remedies failed.
twists and distorts
hands and feet. Its agonies are Intense
but speedy relief and a permanent cure
Is gained by the use of P. P. P.
Woman's weakness, whether nervous or
otherwise, be cured and the System
built op by P. P. P. A healthy woman Is
a beautiful woman.
Pimples, blotches, eczema and all d's
of the skin are removed and
cured by P. P. P.
P. P. P. will restore build
system and regulate you In every
way. P. P. P. removes that heavy, down-
for on the face,
take P. P. P.
for natural and thorough organic
take P. P. P. Great
Remedy, and get well at once.
Black. Am.
For sale by J. L. Drug-
gist next to h- T- White-
limn Bryan told a Southern
reporter to-night his ac-
with regard to the nation-
ticket would depend entirely Upon
the conditions attached to his
In answer to a question he said
tin Populists deemed to name
the Vice-President first. Senator
the coming election are stacked Up.
Morrow had them built
ding to the legislative meats
and limn, look like wheat bins, There
me boxes, each precinct in the
county. As the law says the
mi being counted are to lie
iii a duplicate bat, Mr.
will have more boxes and
chairman of the Democratic s r room in the court
wired me as follows
nominal. Vice
if not
i r quick
in mil .
I at shall we do An-
I favor d-
I d in
I entirely agree v. you
Withdraw my name if Si wall is not
were published
in the morning and con;
understood my n. In
-pile of this they have seen lit to in mi-1
rate me. Whether I shall accept the
or will depend
upon what conditions are attached to
it. My Bret is to aid in securing
the Immediate restoration by the Tinted
S I of he free and unlimited coin-
age of gold and silver at the present
legal ratio of without wailing
for the aid or consent of any i
lion. The Republican platform de-
that the system
be asserts that we as a
people are helpless to secure
for ourselves until foreign nations
come to our We cannot
ford to surrender our light Io legislate
for our people upon every question,
and so Ions; as right is disputed,
other question can approach it in
n .
Ill them III
One drill
lost in thought.
he asked length,
would you like .
to grow inn like
Or like from Io
Cure AH
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
the power to digest and
a proper of food.
This can never be done when
the liver does not act it's part.;
Do you know th is
Liver Pills arc an
lute cure for sick headache, j
sour stomach, malaria,
I the desire . , ,
. . , , constipation, torpid liver, piles,
la ins to consolidate all . ,. . . , . .
regret that they did jaundice, fever,
Mr. also. He and kindred diseases.
ii m . in I., .,.
, mi.,
is a vigorous feeder and re-
well to liberal
On corn lands the yield
increases and the soil improves
if properly treated with fer-
containing not under
A trial of this plan costs but
little and is sure to lead to
profitable culture.
Our not
ii Si.,
. i l
the store near
n. I i id
y i.
i in.
h i anS
. I I ll-
squarely upon the plat-
and defended our entire
against greater than we
have to meet in the West or
Tin. is on y .--
identical with tie
It goes beyond tie
I form, however, and en-
some policies which I do not
approve of. All that can say now
i hat my action will depend entirely
upon the conditions attached to the
nomination. shall do nothing which
rill endanger the bimetallism
nor do anything unfair to Mr.
at druggists.
cure dizziness.
Here is a diamond, here a piece of
charcoal. Both carbon . yet
them stands the mightiest
f The food on your table, and
your own body ; the same,
vet between the two stands the
the arbiter of growth or decline,
life or death.
We cannot make a diamond, we can-
not make flesh, blood and bone. No.
lint by means of the Shaker Digestive
Cordial can enable the stomach to
digest food which would otherwise fer-
and poison the system. In all
forms of dyspepsia and incipient con-
with weakness, loss of flesh,
thin blood, prostration the
dial is the successful remedy. Taken
food It relieves at once. It
and assists nature to nourish. A
trial to show its merit
is the best medicine for
Doctors recommend it in
Of Castor OIL
Nashville, Tenn., July
Trudeau, one of the known hotel
men in the country, died rather sud-
It is said that he could claim
as a personal friend every
man in the country. For nearly
years he, was chief clerk the Max-
well house.
The New Dollar
The new one dollar silver certificates
issued by the government are now in
circulation. Nothing like the new
notes has ever before been issued
the government. The design is most
elaborate is the work of Will II.
Low. The face of note is an allegory
entitled Instructing
History is depicted as a woman re-
and youth as a lad.
The background gives a
of the city of Washington, with the
Washington the Capitol
and the malarious marshes of the Po-
as conspicuous objects. There
is also in the design an open book, con-
the introductory words of the
Federal Constitution-
Around the. of the note
the names of celebrated Americans,
enclosed in or wreaths of
rel. names are selected somewhat
at random. They are Washington,
Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, Hamilton,
Jackson, Clay, Calhoun, Fulton, Perry,
Webster, Morse, Gram,
Sherman, Lincoln, Farragut, Bancroft,
Hawthorne, Emerson, Cooper Irving
and Longfellow.
The reverse of the note bears beau-
vignette portraits of George and
Martha Washington. The note has
been severely by persons who
were free to admit its artistic excellence.
The prevailing opinion is that it is not
suitable for currency that must stand
the heaviest wear and tear of all de-
nominations in circulation. It is said
that it can be more readily counter
than a less elaborate piece c-
The old silver certificates will be
retired in favor of the new
Good Advice.
The great northern papers are be-
ginning to realize the fact that the
silver agitation is a serious matter and
a thing that be laughed down
or ridiculed; and as a consequence
all of them have adopted a tone
of calm, conservative argument. This
is very encouraging. The one
at the present time is moderation
in discussion, the use of facts instead of
epithets. Many of the advocates of
gold have been too emphatic and as
in referring to the silver
question, and many of the silver
have led into the same
Let u keep cool and nettle the
problem on its Land-
N. C.
Pi in all the Court. I
a specialty
At toner.
Greenville, N. C.
Practices In all the
W- W
Successors to Latham Skimmer
n. o.
Swift Galloway, B. F.
Snow Hill, N. C.
Greenville, X. C
Practice in all Courts.
and dealer in all
kinds of
urn, mm, am mm
All kind repairing done
killed labor at d good
material and n- prepared to give
-------I IX--------
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold, work
th i all
This has b-en In use f.
years, wherever Ki o
been in It bus b-en
i the leading physicians all ore
e country, and effected cures
all re nil-lies,
m -t experienced
for v us failed. Tills
long standing and the high
which It In- obtained
it own efficacy but little
ever been made to bring It
public, bottle of this
be sent to receipt it On
t- Address all order to
T. I Greenville.
Office over Old Brick Store front room
The Bent Salve in the Cuts
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Fe
Sores, Chapped Hands
t Corns, and all Skin
and cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price cents per box. For tale
Jno. L. Wooten.
Wide Awake Mr. Sullivan.
John Sullivan, the
iron worker, who challenged any mun
in the world for to enter a keep-
awake contest with him, has had his
challenge accepted a wide-awake
at Fall River, Mass., who thinks
he can see John through n bout of that
kind. John has a record days
without closing bis eyes.
N. C.
cure headache.
pared especially for stock, as well as
man, and for that purpose is sold in tin
cans, holding one-half pound of
cine for cents.
Franklin Co.,
March 1892
I have used all kinds of medicine, bu
d not give one package of Black
for all the others I ever saw
It is the best thing for horses or cattle in
e of the year, and will cure
cholera every time.
cure liver troubles.
cure constipation.
cure flatulence.
Steamers leave Washington for roe
ville and Tarboro at all land-
on Tar River Wednesday
and Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Green Ville A. M. same
These departures are subject stage
Of water on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia. New York and
should order their goods
marked via Dominion fr m
New York. from
folk Baltimore Steamboat Company
from Baltimore. Miners
Li from Boston.
JNO. Agent,
J. J. CHERRY, Agent,
obtained ill Pt-
we patent m KM loan
Send model, photo. With
Vie if paternal,; or not,
charge. Our fee till patent
A to with
V. b. and foreign
tent tree.
Or. o. C.
Write C
D. for their
and two wanted.
Who can think
they may job
cure dyspepsia,
one gives relief.
cure biliousness.
cure indigestion.
cure bad breath.
cure torpid liver.
for sour stomach.
Ripens pleasant laxative.
Prof. W. B.
a specialty l
doubt treated and car-
ed more coat a than any
living Physician; hit
We have heard of
cared by
him. Ha
with a
tie of his t-
who may send P. O. and T
We a cure to
a. P. Cedar
J The modern stand-
ard Family
w I Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.

Eastern reflector, 5 August 1896
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 05, 1896
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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