Eastern reflector, 22 July 1896

The Reflector is
pared to do all work
of this
Plenty of mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
of N
K. M.
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
Two Papers for
We have made
to furnish-
the Reflector and
North Carolinian for th
above amount.
campaign year and you
should take the two
leading papers.
of Wayne,
V. I.
of Mecklenburg.
A. C A VERY, of
U. II. BROWN, of
Curious Freaks of
Prom die village of Bay,
lies tour miles Bath,
comes u story of a curious freak of
lightning, according to
Weekly. Near village there is. or
reed composed of oak and not trees.
In the of this wood there was a
small pasture, quite hemmed in by the
surrounding grove. Here six sheep
were kept by their owner. The flock
being small, the pasture only fifty yards
in extent, contained herbage sufficient
tor them. One day while sheep
were in the field a severe thunder storm
cam on, and m flash of lightning killed
simultaneously ever sheep in the pas-
is to be presumed they were
by their owner, but no doubt
-considering that they might be of some
to him, although dead, he
heir bodies to a butcher in the neigh,
boring village of Bay. The
began his business skinning
the lightning-struck animals. To the
astonishment of the butcher and his as-
on the interior of each sheep-
skin they printed an elaborate
and faithful picture of the landscape
surrounding the sheep These
natural pictures were in no respect
the impressionists daubs, but
the trees, the fences, the reeks, the
bushes were all as precisely represented
as if photographed upon the skin of the
animal. Every detail was exactly
The sheep had been
huddled together in a corner and
the landscape in each case was the
same, the picture being of that part of
the surrounding scenery which lay in
the path the lightning flash which
killed the frightened animals.
Red the following from Una week's
Caucasian, and then ask yourselves the
question whether the Republicans can
be trusted to give you free silver. Mr.
it will be remembered has
p to be a great friend of the
Pritchard is no longer a
friend to and BO friends to
can no longer be friends
to Pritchard. lie has taken the
into the gold camp, and honest
consistent thins; him to do now
is to advocate the gold standard. Pro
lesions of being friendly to silver from
him cannot and will not be taken
now by those who once sup-
ported him for a high office. If his
words are to believed, he hits re-
pledges heretofore made, and
he am expect nothing less than
himself by those to whom he
those Mr. Pritchard
will yet sit in the Senate before the
people will have an opportunity to dis-
miss him representative there,
but we hardly think any action he may
lake will be inconsistent with his form
promises during the time that he
will remain Senator. Here is his latest
promise and opinion shall cheer-
fully support the Republican ticket,
and I feel confident and
will carry North Carolina by a
handsome majority, that the action
of the Chicago convention insures the
election of the ticket
The reports of o j
the Crop Bulletin, i-e by
the North Carolina Climate, and
Set-vie-, the ending Saturday
July 11th, 1806, are very unfavorable
Tim chief feature for week
the excessive rain-mil, which averaged
fur the State more than 4.00 inches
above the normal for the week, and in
the Central District more, than 6.00
above the normal. The Streams over-
flowed their tanks from the
Broad to the Cape Pear and
and did an amount of damage to
lowland crops, which is difficult to es
though it is hoped the extent
of injury ha- b -en exaggerated. The
temperature was slightly below
the annum of sunshine wry
much so.
The past week has been very
favorable throughout the whole
district. occurred on every day
of the week, and on the
with high winds. The
was very excessive ; all low-
ground was covered with water, and
streams overflowed banks, destroying
low crops. Grass is gaining
again very rapidly as no work could
be done during the week. So far cot-
ton has not been greatly damaged, a
little shedding of forms is reported,
some turning some little
damage by wind. The crop
is running up i st s in south portion
district there are plenty of half grown
bolls. Corn Buffered more severely.
Considerable corn was reported blown
down by high wind on the 8th. and
many lowland crops destroyed along
Corn and cotton were in
good rows which helped to run off.
Damage is probably overestimated at
present. Tobacco curing progressing
very well. Sweet potatoes fine. Pea-
nut being hilled. In northern
ties of the district where is third or
fourth Reek of too much rain, farmers
are much discouraged. Elsewhere
general conditions still favorable,
The crop prospects have retrograded
considerably. The area of heaviest
rain-fall centered over the counties of
Anson, Randolph, Alamance, G nil ford
and Stokes. Storm- and floods did
damage, particularly on nth,
lands were badly washed ; many
s swept away and some crops damaged
by winds. Cotton is running very
fast and shedding some lower leaves
and fruit, but generally outlook
s fine ; picking will probably begin
early August. Corn in bottom lands
flooded to top of stalk and difficult to
estimate damage much of it may be
completely destroyed. Outside o
slight additional damage by wind the
rain has crops. Early corn
practically made and yield will he
above average. Sweet potatoes best
for several years. Some oats and
in shock washed away, and oats
uncut beaten down and tangled in north
portion. Tobacco also damaged to
some extent by excessive rain, running
up too tall, looks fine, however. Grapes
doing well.
Rain occurred every day this
week one the total amount
being very large. Freshets did great
damage to crop i i h in
upland Gums were badly washed. Th
ground had been so softened by
rains that corn was loose and
much was blown down and uprooted
by the gale on the 8th, but some is
straightened up again. The chief dam-
age was caused by the overflow of the
streams, and the injury can as
yet b estimated, but will probably be
less than expected. Cotton is growing
up rapidly and continues to
fine, but needs more sunshine.
Some oats, wheat and rye in shock
carried away in bottom lands, and what
was not is sprouting Hay con-
damaged. Farm work was
stopped during the week. A period of
fair weather and sunshine is badly
Many of those who have had jet r or
this paper on account of
the fact that it has made a losing fight
on the coinage will naturally
suppose that it will i id itself
his personal preferences for the good of i
We always believed Joe
was one of the men
the State and our opinion i now
strengthened. Whatever this paper
has said, and it has had something to
say, in to the Observer's
on the financial question and what
by embarrassments under the would do after the convention.
Here is a diamond, here a piece of
charcoal. Both carbon ; yet between
them stands the mightiest of magicians
Nature. The food on your table, and
your own body ; clemently the same,
yet the two stands the
the arbiter growth or
life or death.
We cannot make a diamond, we can-
not make flesh, blood and bone. No.
But by means the Shaker Digestive
Cordial we can enable the stomach to
digest food which otherwise fer-
and poison the system. In all
forms of dyspepsia and incipient con-
with weakness, loss of flesh,
thin blood, nervous prostration the
is the successful remedy. Taken
it relieves at once. It
and assists nature to nourish A
trial to show its merit
is the best medicine for
Doctors it in place
lions which at moment confront it
these conditions being a
tree silver candidate for President on a
free silver platform. It does not feel
e or chagrined in the least,
and will disappoint those h ex-
to see it j the
party, and i those who expect it
to maintain a nominal connection with
the Democratic party but to sulk
through the campaign.
Throughout Mr. Cleveland's
term as and his last the
been a steadfast supporter of
bis financial policy, burring the one
with him as to the
hill. The best thought that he has
been able, to bring to the subject, and
the deepest study Unit lie has been
lo give it. I ave fixed it in his mind
with all power conviction, that
the of maintaining the
in this is the correct one.
There has been no such thing as avoid
discussion of this question the
past two years and more. Two courses
were therefore to teach
what we believed to profess what we
not believe. We conceive that in
the position taken we have the support
the unbroken history of the party, up
to the day though we
have never for one moment mistaken
the of the Democratic patty
of North on the subject. Be
ginning with 1690, the party the
State declared for free coinage
1892, and The greater the
agitation of the subject the stronger the
silver sentiment. By some fatality this
paper i cl all individuals and in-
in the State, the
pal object of attack, and it has had no
bed of roses. Its history for a year
has been one of buffeting and strife.
Nothing has given us so much pain as
the fact that there has installed in
the minds of the agricultural people
the belief that the Observer is
enemy ; bin neither for personal dis-
tress nor business considerations could
we abandon a position deliberately and
thoughtfully taken in what we believed
be the best interest of every citizen,
nor is it to understood that we abate
any part of that opinion now. If it
were to go over we should pursue the
same policy again, with the same
end view.
But the hits spoken, and while
it has Incorporated a new doctrine
among its articles of faith, there is
nowhere for the Observer to go. It
believes in the principle of majority
is o-e reason why it is a
Democrat. This party is tolerant of
differences among its members, and
that is another reason why we are a
allows liberty of opinion
and any man who believes in its fun-
principles may be a member
f f it whether he subscribes to all of its
policies or not. It is a revenue tariff
party, yet it its ranks many
protectionists. It is an
party and yet thousands of prohibition,
acknowledge it as the ark of the
covenant to them. For eighteen years
this money question been more or
less at issue, Mr. Bland having begun
a free silver crusade at least as far
back as when the
coinage act passed Congress as a com-
promise measure ; and if throughout
all these years free coinage and anti-free
coinage Democrats have been permitted
to enjoy equal rights in the party, we
been along the line of a little pleasantry.
We have never for a moment
Joe devotion to the Demo-
party and its principles have
never believed that he would do any
thing but what be ever been doing,
stand first and foremost in his advocacy
its ticket, lie had convictions of
duty before the convention and he ex-
pressed them without fear, and regard-
less popular favor. Since the con-
he still has convictions his
duty and no man in North Carolina
will lake precedence of him in telling
the people what these convictions are.
honor to Joe Cal the editor
one of the best dailies the Old North
Stale ha; ever had.
William Jennings Bryan.
have come from the southwest, but
there is no mention of it made in the
Th; nomination of Hon. William J. history of Ohio ; or Virginia. The
the fifth ballot Arthur
. Maine, received the nomination for
the V ice-Presidency at Chicago by the
Democratic Convention. lie was born
at Bath, Me., November,
He has been a lite-long Democrat, and
has been chairman of the Dem-
state committee many years.
His residence is the estate in
Bath, which been the
of the family since 1700, when
his great grand-father the title,
only three removes from a grant by
King George. Mr. married in
1839. His wife was Emma D.
of Bath.
There are two M.
and William D. Harold M. was
pointed during Ur. Cleveland's first ad-
ministration United States consul gen-
at Samoa, but has since gone over
to the Republican party. Mr.
has been engaged most of his life in
ship building and ship owning. In the
early days he built the wooden whalers
and coasters, for which the slate of
Maine was famous. The firm has been
Son for three generations.
Mr. is president and
pal owner the Bath national bank.
He was president for nine years of the
Central railway. lie reigned
latter position two years ago. He
was at one time president of the
tern and has still quite
interests in railroads and in rail-
road building.
Printing Office Etiquette.
A lady asks us whether etiquette re-
quires one to knock at the door of an
editor's sanctum before entering. We
hasten to reply. It you are to
pay your subscription or bring in a
nice, juicy item of news, don't stop to
knock, but just walk right in as it you
owned the place. If, on the other
hand, you arc out on a collecting tour,
you should make the fact known
through the and then knock
at the door the editor opens it.
You may sink down exhaustion
before lie does so, but you will he ad-
to the printing office etiquette
that is bound to please the average
and his heart comes near his
mouth till the bill-boy misses the name
and goes clear through the list. His
heart fulls back, thinking the
b-y has given a false alarm and no
bill is there, but, the agony sets in anew
when the bill-boy starts over the list
If he is writing, reading, eating or
what not, the work is stopped fill the
boy presents the bill. But, it is the
hardest part of a fellow's life when the
boy stands outside and shuttles the bills,
especially when you have company
Charlotte Democrat.
If people would keep their bills paid
see no reason why they may not be
permitted to continue to do so. We
shall be no disturber of its peace ; we
shall avoid, as far as possible,
controverted questions ; please
God, we are not going anywhere just
because we do not believe in the up without waiting for a collector to
doctrine laid down at Chicago, for
there is too much else in Democracy
that we do believe in while there
nothing anywhere else. It may be,
after all, that the majority of the
is entirely right about this coinage
question and the minority all wrong
though we do not think so. But at all
events we know it is right about the
tariff and a hundred other questions
and will take our chances with it on
free or whatever else may
Charlotte Observer.
is a manly editorial from the
Charlotte Observer. It is so different
from what many a paper is now saying
which pursued the same course as this
one before the convention that we
refrain from giving it to our read-
in full. It marks a man, and it
marks him with convictions. It shows
manhood to assert them at the proper
time. But above all shows that the
e bus the manhood to subordinate
call on them this is one agony I hat
could be avoided.
Mr. J. II. Turner, secretary of the
National Committee of the Populist
Party, comes out boldly for Mr. Bryan
for President and calls upon all People's
Party men to join him in his endeavor
t elect this distinguished advocate of
free silver. Mr. Turner calls the ac-
of the Chicago convention the
triumph of the plain people of the
Bryan, of Nebraska, by the Democratic
convention yesterday, constituted the
most astounding spectacle in the history
of American politics. It was a
culmination, perhaps. We are not
prepared to say that, alter the
demonstration of Thursday, the
choice of any man other than Bryan
would have been pertinent or
What amazes us is that he should
have, been able, by the mere act of
mounting rostrum and delivering a
twenty minutes to the
process of the machinery, to
obscure every veteran aspirant in view,
to change men's hearts, to divert the
course of their passions and their pref-
and to transform a and
deliberative body into an instrument
upon which he its Pan upon his
pipe, as the blind prince of music on
his immortal harpsichord.
It was a consummation without par-
a denouement never to be ex-
plained side of paradise. But so it
On Thursday afternoon, at a lime
when Bland seemed to be the leader in
the race, when was a laborious
second, and when brainiest
and most conservative of them all, was
enacting the role of the dark and
this young man Bryan
appeared, tall, shapely, hand-
some as a demigod, classic of
outline, impassioned of address,
ling with his tremendous message to
the a fairy upon
a dull and lifeless and in one mo
meat threw human beings into
a lever of exaltation. He
called back from the vanished past the
witchery Orpheus, the of De-
the irresistible forces of the
great Napoleon. He stood there, and
with a dozen fiery phrases he converted
thoughtful men into lunatics ; he
changed them as utterly as the wizard
changes the toys he plays with on the
stage. In all the annals of politics
there was never such a scene.
We do not wonder that in the fol-
lowing day, palpitating under the
spell of Bryan a wondrous eloquence,
the convention turned to him as a
needle to a magnet. It may not be
capable of analysis, it may not be coldly
accurately demonstrable. The
exact cause still remains nag if the
explained mysteries.
Texas and Illinois gold-
bugs are plotting to have a gold ticket
in the DRip. Last accounts from New
did not look so for a gold
ticket as recent threats indicated. But
it said while the leaders op-
pose n bolt, they propose to fight the
regular nominees, but staying in the
party. If that is not kicking, bolting
what pray is it i The silver men
everywhere would much prefer them
to pack their and depart than to
remain inside of the
and shoot the real fighters for de-
in the back.
There is fun going on up in New
Tammany leaders
its member of the house of
say the old Tammany Guard
will remain firm, will stand by their
old colors and vote for Bryan and
There is also good news from
the rural ts in New and
the silver men will not be idle or silent.
Look for a storm.
Out in Illinois the gold fellows are
starting a gold party of their own
Senator Palmer, elected a democrat,
but long time a republican, it.
Mr. thinks there is a good
bowing to carry Maine, but we do
not credit it. That are very
many silver cf the
only genuine of lb
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report
His Thumb Pained Him.
About four weeks ago it will be re-
membered that Mr. Thad
the Seaboard engineer who was so
scalded in the wreck at Manly,
N. had his hand amputated
above the wrist to check a case of blood
poisoning. Of course the operation
was attended with a great deal of pain.
But after his arm began to heal, the
painful feeling remained, especially
the end of the amputated member.
Mr. complained when asked
by his friends and family how he felt,
and he invariably remarked that his
thumb pained him. He said that his
hand was drawn, and that his thumb
was in an position,
him much annoyance.
Mr friends laughed good
whet, he complained his
thumb, for they knew that his hand
was buried in the backyard.
Mrs. however, had been
more considerate of what her husband
said about his hand. She heard him
say one day last week tint his thumb
was drawn out of position and was
clinched by the other fingers on his
That evening Mrs. went
gently out in the back yard and dug up
her husband's amputated hand. When
exposed to view, there was the
as her described. The
Tom Heed's own state, is thumb was held tight by the other fin-
very certain. But they arc not ors- Mrs. straightened the
enough to put it in the real j fingers and released the thumb. As
of as she entered the room Mr.
Washington, Jefferson and the said his arm had quit paining
At the city of
democracy endorse the regular ticket
and plat form.
A dispatch from Chicago says that
the anti-silver democrats who have
been actively represented from the
beginning of the fight by the Cook
county party leaders, were
to-day to find they had been practically ;
him that the tendons in his own
arm felt tree again.
Then it was that Mrs. told
what she had done. Mr. Pleasants
; has had no more trouble with his arm
The Stock Exchange has no Bryan,
left alone in the west to meet and do- is known, but on Saturday it
fact remains, Bryan swept the floor of side the question of another democratic worked itself into quite a fair imitation
national All this is the Chicago n hysterics.
to the genuine One of the members frantically waved
who demand and fight for . .,,
., ., an American flag, and there was a great
is restoration in full. From many I . n ,
J i outcry and uproar against and
quarters daily comes the news;,. . , , , .
J . . Populism. tumult ended with
that the. democratic ticket is rapidly., .- ,. .,, , , ,
the organization el a and
popular favor.
the convention as the fire sweeps the
autumn prairie. delegates
to him a strange passion of desire.
Nothing could check the fury of their
bent. He was at
first, swiftly next, and at last i n a wild
crescendo of enthusiasm, he was lifted
on a whitecap of animosity and thrown
high and upon the beach of his
passing triumph.
The at large knows of
this extraordinary young man. He
has been in Congress, delivered a
speech upon the that enchanted
and enchained the House. II-j has
spoken many times since with reference
to the tariff, and always he has held
his audience as the sirens held the fated
crew tint sailed with from the
shores of Troy. He is a minstrel, a
form of a thing of beauty.
hat he is beyond that, who knows
He has no record in statesmanship.
He was too to assert his patriot,
ism thirty-live years ago. What
schemes of government, what social
theories occupy his brain, no human be-
can disclose. He Is young, he
is ardent, he is ambitious. he
is gifted with the power to sway men's
minds ; he is a born leader, an
figure on the stage, and that is all
we know. Whether the American
people, after four months of solemn de-
liberation, will confide their destinies to
his untried hands, we do not undertake
to prophesy. What we do know is
that William Jennings Bryan is the
most dramatic product of our national
polities, the most sensational and
creature of our
ton Post.
organization a
The populists of Kansas and of Democrats and
have determined to support the cans.
democratic ticket. Watch Marion j These men may mean well, but they
Butler at the populist convention. We seem know that any
he will seek to get them to ; which they may make is not
ed a
We hope he will be mashed flat strong hint from St. Louis and to have
nominate a ticket. His goose is cooked i calculated to help the Republic
in North Carolina and he knows it. j ought to have received
. . . .
It is Superb Agony.
Is there any agony worse than the
pangs of pain that shoot through a
fellow when he sees the collector bills
coming toward him on the first of the
month. The boy with the bill will
come to the outside of your office door
shuffle his bills to the seaboard. It is said to
The Two
There are two mention-
ed in the annals of Now England.
The first occurred on Oct.
when it suddenly became so dark soon
alter noon that the people were forced
to use artificial lights to do their
nary work. This strange condition of
the atmosphere lasted about hours.
Again, on May 1780, there was a
remarkable darkening of the
but the phenomenon did not
come on o suddenly as that u the
earlier date. The in this lat-
instance began between
and o'clock on the morning the
day named and lasted throughout the
day. The darkness extended from the
northeastern part of New England
westward as far as Albany and south
to Pennsylvania, The most intense
and prolonged however, was
confined to Massachusetts, more
Senator Teller has returned to Den-
from where he has been
in Conference with Senator of
Idaho, and Congressman of
Montana, as to the course the
Republicans shall pursue in the
campaign. They have post-
their conference until other
Republicans can arrive. They
will probably then issue a statement of
their position.
Senator Teller makes no conceal-
of his intention to support Mr.
Bryan for the Presidency. He says he
is satisfied that the Bryan people will
nuke the financial question paramount
to all others In the campaign and if
elected Mr. Bryan will devote
with great singleness of purpose to
curing a return of National
Mr. Teller believes Mr. Bryan is a
strong candidate to begin with and
that he will grow with the
Mr. Teller will not permit the use
of his name at the St. Louis Populist
and silver conventions.
Joseph G. Myers, cashier of the
board Air-Line in Charlotte has fled
to parts unknown with at least four
thousand dollars of the company's
The railroad will lose nothing
as his bond is for five thousand dollars.
At the bottom of the affair is a
woman, who has ruined more than
two prominent men in South
before coining to Charlotte. Myers
leaves a wife and three small children
and is said to have sailed for Europe
last Saturday.
J. II. Turner; who for the last four
years been Secretary of the Nation-
Committee of the People's party, in
a signed statement urges to
support Bryan for President. He
result of the late National
Democratic convention at Chicago is
undoubtedly the triumph of Populism.
A large portion of the voters in
Populist party in the South and West
were Democrats and
old party because it was dominated in
every National convention by the
tern Democrats who represented Wall
street and the monopolists of New
York and New England. It became
quite apparent to every thinking man
that as long as New York wits allowed
to make the platform and name the
candidate of the Democratic party
the great plain people would have no
show, and that their rights and wishes
would always be ignored. Believing
this, the thinking men among the ranks
and file determined to quit the old par-
and organize a new party Hence
the existence of the Populist party.
Democratic party at Chicago
simply purged it, reorganized itself and
came out for true Democracy and to all
intents and purposes substituted the
Populist platform for the old platform
that the party has been using for years
and which dictated and foisted
upon the people by the gold bugs of the
East. Mr. Bryan, the nominee that
convention is a man who fits the plat-
form. I have personally watched his
course for a number of years and I
know that his every impulse has been
against the oppressors of the people
and in behalf of the great masses. For
more than two years he has acted with
the Populists his own state.
cannot be be successfully denied
that the principles advocated by the
Populist party have captured the Dem-
party and have driven out of
its ranks that element which
ways been opposed to true Democracy
and which from the beginning has
been affiliated with the Republican
party, its natural home. All
in these United States should re
juice that their principles have taken
such a hold upon the American people
that one of the greatest political par-
ties of the nation has been compelled
to adopt those principles and
a ticket pledged to carry them
into execution. If the Populists think
more of their principles than they do
mere party organization they will
be lo unite with the forces
going iii the direction, and
by rescue our country from all the
c calamities which we have predict-
ed would befall it tile gold
standard be fastened upon
Secretary of the National Com-
of the People's party for the
last four years, I have labored in sea-
son and out of season for the
of our party. I love the
which I have formed in its ranks ;
but, while these are dear to me, the
principles of the Populist are
much dearer. I feel that I would
be one of the worst enemies of the
People's party and of its principles
should I not take the step at this
time that I believe will culminate in
the complete triumph of every demand
made by the party. We have
a union of the South and West,
in order that we might bring about
the financial reforms. Now
we have a chance bringing ail our
hopes and desires to a grand
truth of it is that the only
point the Populists now have to decide
is whether or not they will take Mr.
Bryan, whom gold bug in the
country has denounced as a Populist,
for our next President of the United
States or whether they will take Mr.
who represent everything
that the Populists have denounced and
just the opposite of everything that
they have advocated since they have
been a party.
at it from this standpoint
and feeling in the election of Mr.
Bryan Populism has and
when I say Populism I mean the great
common people the United States,
the masses, have triumphed against the
classes ; and should Mr. be
PERSONAL. elected the classes have triumphed, the
page reference English gold standard has been per-
book to any person afflicted with any fastened upon the lines of
p chronic or delicate disease in this country and there will be
ate s, Dr. Hathaway Co., South undoubtedly bring on a Moody
d Atlanta, Ga. in the near future-
learned for certain from Chicago that
anything which wants is
quite sure to be hotly opposed by
bodies of voters in other p of
the country.
Nor is this feeling without reason-
Many of the wrongs and evidences
complained of by the voters who sent
the wild two-thirds majority to the Chi-
Convention are real just.
Utterly mistaken as we believe these
men to be in the remedy they propose,
and strongly as we have it to be
our duty to resist to plead with
them, we have never tor a moment
sight of the fact that grievances is
great and their complaint some part
well founded.
It is the concrete and combined pow-
tor which is the
in the popular mind that has made
a monopoly of transportation, that has
brought all the great prime necessaries
of life iron, steel, coal, oil, beef, sugar
and a hundred the con-
of trusts and combinations that op-
press labor at one end and rob
at the other.
It is that has depleted
the Treasury of gold and exacted usu-
millions from the Government in
forced bond sales to its
It is you, gentleman of the gambling
exchanges, manipulators of money
swindling trusts,
wreckers of railroads, shearers of
tax dodgers and absorbers of
money that you never earned, who
have done more than all the ignorant
blundering at Washington and all the
demagogy at the South and West to
raise the of Anarchy and
at which you now stand
New York World.

N. C.
L J f Editor
M the post office at
N. C. as mail matter
July 22nd,
Delightful at Wilmington.
The North Carolina
held it annual con-
this week in the city of
aB were
tors in and they had a very
The the day was de-
voted to matters of business connected
with and to addresses,
welcome and responses, and the an
the In the
afternoon the editors were taken in
charge by the. of Commerce
and given an excursion over the
railroad to Ocean View where an
hour was spent in sight seeing and
bathing. They then to
Wrightsville where an old fashioned
was served to which the
quill drivers did full and ample lice.
were back in Wilmington in time
for supper and held another business
at night.
Thursday through the courtesy t
Capt. John W. of the steamer
Wilmington, the editors an ex-
down the river to
and out to sea. This proved a delight-
trip all through. Returning to
Carolina stop two hour was
nude a ill the Association held another
business session the eke ion of
At night another session was
held in Wilmington and all business be-
completed convention adjourned
sine die.
Wilmington was exceedingly
to the editors and made their
in the city of such pleasure as to be an
occasion long remembered even going
so far as to invite the Association
make Wilmington its permanent head-
Just how they appreciated be
best expressed in he resolutions adopt-
by the Association.
The following n solution offered by
J. C. Tipton was unanimously adopted.
Resolved. That the thanks of the
North Carolina Association MB
extended to the Wilmington
Chamber of Commerce for their cordial
entertainment while in
Wilmington, to Wilmington Sea-
coast railroad, the Wilmington street
railroad, to Captain John W. Harper,
St. and la
K that of
the I e--s
are by r. d Mi U. J. Vi
fir the b and i r in
which he discharged I lie i s t o
of the
J. P. Caldwell the loll
which rat adopted by a rising vole.
North A . 1.1-
on the eve of
special me it its
unnumbered In Mis-is.
F. L F. King Charles
M. the e the
cur in
; to tubers of the local
press, especially Mess's, and
and to Mr. Jam
Jr. president of the Chamber Com-
for his kind invitation to the
to make this delightful city
Several also made I k-
he the i In.
the as f
ark .
Wins S
President-J, T. Id ill,
. f i he Oxford Ledger,
lit- W. A Cu
tis. of i he IV. s
S I.
i Co Times.
The Central and Natural for
the Tobacco of Eastern North Car-
Such is the Opinion of
in High to
o. L.
A few days was on a
car Goldsboro and W
Mr. J. T. Erwin, an old school mate
friend, was on his way
Nashville, Tenn., he has been
for the two years. We were dis-
cussing matters of various kinds in gen-
and Greenville in particular. Tom
was saying that from what he could
learn Greenville had a brighter future
than any market in the east,
and just at this juncture a rather hand-
some and distinguished looking man, in
the. seat just in our rear leaned over
and asked if he meant Greenville, N.
C. He was told yes and him-
self up in a most impressive way he
said that he had heard a great d. of
that place on account of its tobacco and
said he handled nearly all the
grown in North Carolina and Virginia,
that is marketed in the east. That is
said he handled it over his road
during the past few years had handled
a great deal Eastern North Carolina
and especially were
on the main line of the W. W. K. K
and very impressively he remarked that
two weeks ago he before the CU-
ED Chamber of Commerce on
to Southern
and he told them that in Eastern
North Carolina, eat of this road, the
W. W. there was the fine.-t body
in the South, for paid he in
addition o lite trucking. growing
and manufacturing fatalities, they grew
the finest bright there is
produced in the world and this one
j great deal more than
many more thickly sections
in the South possesses. We told him
that there KM a good many people in
Eastern who said that
tobacco had done Eastern North Caro-
more harm than it had goo
though that class Maple were greatly
in the minority. Well, said lie,
people ought to go away
spend some time in u section
for the past ten years farmers have
grown nothing but and then
come back home and entrust me
Tobacco would have
fro l this of people any
more- if they would do this. We told
him we were to hear him express
himself about home town.
H said he do you live in
And on learning was
home he more pronounced
in hi- anise of it. He then handed us
his card but said I don't want you to
am over my name in this r
This is a position to know-
just how people on the think of
our town and It is section of our
State if his word is worth
as what ethers think of us some
at we are he I in r
a lit we val i ear-
ii. a high I, . s .
. I tie- state, him.-. II i as V.
was pr. n . . . j
i -t he it bright
s as well e. n a- .-
. ii -I the
.-hit will abs. i id
, if I hey will exercise
and with the
deuce and in other
s this lime the
whistle of the Halifax
was heard and b him we
changed ears
Lynchburg. d
Winston, Greenville,
and other points.
There are a number of girls
It does not take a palace car to carry
President Bryan. He can afford to
ride in coaches with the people as
sis, and let me add again by his journey from Chi-
that Greenville when
the comes. Miss Lillian
Cherry is the most popular girl here.
It seems as if Madison Square Gar-
boys all declaring is the den will be. selected as the place at
most dancer that has been which f resident i- to be
fie-d of his The
of hour says the War
Senator Jones, of Arkansas, has been
elected Chairman the National Exec-
Committee. It is said that the
of the tee will he
to docs look
as if the sent of t is moving
west ward-
here this season.
In to large number of
guests at the hotel there are many at
several houses, and still many
others are here occupying their summer
A of twelve young
men from Winston arc in camp here
having fun. So taken alto-
the entire island presents a
of activity and
Col Williamson, the veteran fish-
of is here again this
but you can mark it down that
Cherry don't let anybody
go ahead of him in landing the finny
King, General Manager
Norfolk and Southern arrived
with his family on his private
It was my pleasure on Sunday to
I car Dr. C. M. of Washington,
two delightful site on here ,
It is now certain tint the tali
He is spending some here.
, , . . lac Silver Convention at
It has been two years since the
was and that time endorse- Chicago
notice several have taken We predict that the Populist
The O. S. S. Co. and X. will also f m line, and we
. i
S. having established the lay have a gold
boat ban largely increased the , , ., , , r .
o and silver, with chances in favor of the
We Offer s ,
of Lilt to Mother
and Child.
Editor Ramsey spoken upon Mr.
the Platform framed at
Chicago, and, like his interview of re-
cent d. has made converts to both.
His manner of opposition will probably
aid the ticket as much as the bolt
and organs.
Try Bitters as a remedy
troubles R not, get n
and relief. This medicine has
lie adapted the
lief and cure of all Female Complaint,
a wonderful direct influence
in giving and and tone to the.
organs. II you have Lots
Fainting Spells, or
Nervous, Sleepless, Melancholy or
with Dizzy Spells, Electric
is the need. Health
and Strength are guaranteed by its use.;
cents at I. Wont-1
en's Store.
My be-
i fore birth her first child, she did not
St. LOUIS, a debate C suffer
relieved at the critical hour but
had no pains afterward and her
recovery was rapid.
E. E. Ala.
Sent by Mall or Express, on receipt of
mailed Free.
Robs of Its Pain, Horror and Risk.
that lasted four Lours lust night the
Jefferson club, the democratic ;
of this city, endorsed the
go platform and the nomination
an and by a vote of to
F. Lehman and It. G. Frost op------
posed the and Frank M. J. W. HIGGS.
J. S. Cashier
Ester, Lee Merry went her. liven Camp- ;
bell and T. spoke
of it. II.
has resigned from the club in j
of last night
Greenville, N. C.
amount of done on the island I
and as a of this a number of new ;
buildings have been erected. Near this
lay boat another house is .
To the To Growers of
new channel cut from the across , ,. . k
share of also. Blinds
have been placed to the rooms, the
building has been brightened with
considerable new furniture has
been put in, ii-id is clean
and neat.
I have not tried my hand with
the rod at this writing, but in my
I expect to he able to state that the lowing are the terms and prices, to
don't run far behind when
it comes to catching whales.
Catarrh Cured,
they cannot reach the of the dis-
ease. Catarrh is a blood or
disease, in order to cine it Representing a Capital Than a Hall
you must take Internal remedies. Hall's
Cure is taken and
acts direct I v on the blood and mucous
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not med-
It was prescribed iv of the
best physicians in this country
years, and is a
is composed of heat tonics known,
the purifier,
directly on Hie unions
et the two
is what won-
results in curing t Send
fr tree.
F-J Toledo.
Million Dollars,
Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Mel.
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
Part, ff. C.
Noah Biggs, Neck, N C.
R. R. Fleming. N. C.
D. Higgs Bros.,
Greenville, N. C.
At the request., and acting i
I extended the time
the hod Looping Tobacco, until August at my
prices, being acres or less, and for all over acres cultivated 8-;.
and that date no extension in the collections may be expected and the fol-
At the request, and acting under the advise of my Attorney, Col. I. A Sugg.
I extended the time of Farm for the Improved Patent
Cousins Times. . .
, . , ,. All persons who wishing to avail themselves tins unit y of
A man obtained a license from , at low can do so by calling an Col. L A.
Deeds King to-day N. C-, or th-1 by d letter O. on Dan
another man to get married. This is Va, to Jno. II Laurel Grove. Va., and rights will prompt-
the third time that the same man an- sent. is a of b and those to avoid the penalty of L. E. Men ill.
the Mates Patent must comply Ike n nice, Mas. fays that he his used
t Hes; never knew it to fail
to get married and the , ,,, ,, a , ,
We respectfully solicit the
of firms, individuals and the general
Checks and Account Books fin
ed on
mas university.
Teachers, Students, Tuition
a Board a
month. full College I Brief
Courses, Law School, School,
Summer School for Teachers, Scholar-
ships and loans for the need v. Address
Chapel N. C.
Chas. Broker and
Agent. Ohio,
that Dr. King's New Discovery
has no equal as a remedy. J. D.
Brown, Janus Hotel, Kt.
Wayne, lad,, that he was cured
of a Cough of l years
by La Grippe, Or. King's New DIs-
have first cousins to each
all three of them of
the same man. We doubt i is a
parallel case to this on
because always cures. Mrs.
ways keeps it at hand and has no tear
of Croup, because it instantly relieves.
trial at L.
Greenville is the leading Bright Tobacco
People Enjoying the
X. C, July II
at is now prim
and the many people ; j-
I . to ill
Hotel P I i j
any .-. -lid
i i.- i g re
ti a it not e--l
season u -a
much a is thin
formerly, and this facials i cans s
larger lo com here. VI
Old Line
Virginia Dare, under I
is not only the leading
house in hi
show any
in r r-
sold us many
T last
year for as an
price per
as the Eastern,
arc throe
to obtain
est price a o
t-iliac-o. First a
X knowledge of
h in
. u i s. c . C
; id j j i-
work over e
while bids
hang upon the auction-
lips without which
one can ever be
able to et outside
These three fie
of the East-
have en-
to master in
EVANS Props.
The old Greenville Warehouse is being- en-
and more lights added which makes it
the best lighted Warehouse in the State. With
plenty money and no pets, fair dealings and
hard work, we are going to sell as high
as any one. Give us a trial and we will show
you. Your friends,
EVANS CO., Greenville, N.
Wholesale Dealers in
Baltimore prices guaranteed to merchants.
This is no blow or bluff, but we will do that and
save you freight,
Just let us have a trial order and will con-
Not h Carolina, in Justices Court FLOORING
Carolina, in Court
Pitt County, J Ho lore a .
W, H. n. W, i;. Keel, , ,
The defendant above named will take cost- Try Q b
an entitled as above Tillery, N. C- at M
has been before J- A.
an acting the in and
for the county of to r.
on a which had,
the judgment, to subject
certain land which defendant owns in
this county to the payment of
debt and the defendant will
take notice that he to at
before the said J. A. at hi
In the Mouse in the town oil CT I
Greenville on the 31st of J M
o'clock A. M-, and answer or
to the I iii action,
or the will apply to the court
for the demanded in said com-
of ism.
A. -I
K. G. James for
A T- Tilt
; I II
in. ; ft, U W
Co lice
Hill, it trip
e. here every
me an hen- in that one
who has ever Ira I with Hill
knows a pi is to be a
Jill hi-1 I Then the
i Ion lie
have B.
a y . this is
one o r.-.-
the an I
K every
i. ;.
W. Bailey, of the
C. Tipton, I lie
, Times ; II. A-
the R -cord ; Thad
B. Manning, I he Henderson
; J. A. of the Durham
Sun J. W. the
lo .
a . . . -I
, I ill -I I ; V i-
ill- r i s ; M. I.
the Hustler;
of tho
T. King, Green-
ville Weekly ; J. W. Noell, the Box-
J. A. Arthur, of the
Washington Messenger, J. J. Fans, of
the High Point Enterprise.
order that they might, at all times, thorough-j
protect e interest of all their customers and
the vast army of old customers whose patron-;
age and . men; placed us
the warehouse of State, the
new o witness to
A. If.
Besides these steamers,
the of sail to and fa m
make it possible for to
come and go every
looked over the hotel register on
Sunday and found there were fifty arT
rivals here on that day alone. Among
these were people New York,
this fact. With five yea rs
of practical experience
on the warehouse floors
in Greenville we want
In lo the
in that
w ; re ii. a
U y to
your, crop than ever
lore. Evans and Joy-
wilt both be on sale
In conclusion we
want to say that with
. . -i .
III. s .
N . -.-.- a
T is . .
. .;. i A
. , .
b i
I I in
1.1 p.
I .
-11.1 will
fa ;
. . In en
f . I
l III Hill
i is. I.
i ii as in k,
lines are n
in ,
1.-. I am u
A. B.
Near II So
k tie
-------A large of
Brand of Fine Shoes
receive,. A of------
a In n
A. W
our combined efforts
believe that we
in a better position to
prices than
--------IS 1- AT I I WITH A I INK
has taught ma that the is f
It, and
necessary for and house wall I
Mats Shoes. I have at. An.
quarters for Heavy tea, and jibbing agent for T
k and
I,., om astern ,
110.1 i astern n. c
ma and ., . . . .
. I . I'll. . N , ; . tun.
a load ready for; . . v r r
t J; m CO CO.
.-v.--. y-r-.
of the e
but come right on to
the old Eastern head-
quarter for high prices.
Stock, Cotton. and Provision Brokers.
and Process Building Water Street.
Ties Peanut Sacks at Lowest Prices.
and Consignments Solicited.
Code, used In Telegraphing.

N. C.
J, Editor Proprietor
at the post office Green
N. C. as mail matter
Delightful Session at Wilmington.
The North
held its annual eon-
this week in the city of
In all there were forty
tors in attendance tiny had a very
interesting meeting.
The morning of the first day de-
voted to matters of business connected
with the Association, and to
of welcome responses, and an
the President. In the
afternoon the editors were taken in
charge by the Chamber of Commerce
and given an excursion over the sea-
coast railroad to Ocean View where an
hour was spent in seeing surf
bathing. to
where an old fashioned
was served to which the
quill drivers did full and ample lice.
They were back in Wilmington in time
for supper held another business
at night.
Thursday through the
John W. of the steamer
Wilmington, the editors an ex-
down the river to
and out to sen. This proved a delight-
trip all through. Returning to
Carolina B a stop of two hoar was
made an the Association held another
business session for the eke ion of
At night another session was
held in Wilmington and all business be-
completed the adjourned
sine die.
Wilmington was exceedingly corn-.
to the editors made their stay
in the city of such pleasure as to be an
occasion remembered even going
M far as to invite the Association t-
make Wilmington its permanent head-
how they appreciated be
expressed ill he resolutions adopt-
by the Association.
The following n solution offered by
J. C. Tipton was adopted.
That the thanks of
North Carolina Press Association are
extended to the Wilmington
Chamber of Commerce for their cordial
invitation and entertainment while in
Wilmington, to Wilmington Sea-
coast railroad, the Wilmington street
railroad, to Captain John W. Harper.
Wilmington, and la
the for courtesies i
the c
arc hen by lend-Ti .
fir the fa Hie nil
which lie Ii i .- e-
of the
J. P. Caldwell the lull .
which by a rising vote.
North A .-
lion, on the eve of
special it
for ii
V. I. F. King and Charles
II. the e
hiving cur entertainment es-dally in
; to nu of the local
press. Bell and Ber-
to Mr. II.
Jr. president of the Chamber Com-
for his kind invitation to the
association to make this city-
Several also made
I rs the i Io.
I hi- year arc as f
It. It
Jr. S
i f Oxford Ledger, .
Vic W. A Cu
ti-. the
S m -I. I.
mil. Co cold
W. of
W. of the
C. Tipton, of I lie
Executive A.
ii, of tin; Times ; II. A.
London, of the Chatham -cord ;
K. Manning, the Henderson Cold
J. A. of the Durham
Sun J. W. cf far
to I i rial
i i. . I
ill -i i n-I .;. V .-
u-. lie- I- i ill s; II. I.
of the
Bell, of tho
T. King, of Green-
ville Weekly ; J. W. Noell, of the Box-
Courier; J. A. Arthur, of the
Washington Messenger, J. J. Paris, of
the High Point Enterprise.
The Central and Natural MarKet for
the Tobacco of Eastern North Car-
Such is Opinion of
Those in High to
o. I.,
A few days ago the was on a
car between Goldsboro and
Mr. J. T. an obi school mate
and lid. was on his way heme
Nashville. lie has been
for the two years. We were dis-
cussing matters of various kinds in gen-
in particular. Tom
was saying that from what he could
learn Greenville had a brighter future
than market in the east,
and just at this juncture a rather hand-
some and distinguished looking man, in
the, seat just in our rear leaned over
and asked if he meant Greenville, N.
C. He was told yes and drawing him-
self up in a most impressive way In-
said he had heard a great d of
that place on account of its tobacco
said be handled nearly all the tobacco
grown in North Carolina and Virginia,
that is marketed in the cast. That is
said he handled it over his road and
during the past few years bad bundled
a great of Eastern North Carolina
and especially u
on the main line of the W. W. K
and impressively be remarked that
two weeks ago before the CM-
go Chamber of Commerce on
pertaining to Southern
and mid he told I hem that in
North Carolina, of this road, the
W. ft W. there was the finest body of
country in the South, for said be ill
addition U the trucking, frail growing
manufacturing they grew
the st bright there Hint is
produced in the world and this one
I- great deal more than
many more thickly populated sections
in South possesses. We told Mm
that there were a good man people in
North who said
tobacco bad North Caro.
more than had goo I,
though that class people were greatly
in the minority. Well, said he, those
people ought to go away from home
aim spend some time in a section
tor tie- past ten years farmers have
grown nothing but I lien
conic hack home c the
Tobacco have BO
fro i this people any
more would do this. We told
him we were glad to hear him express
himself about out home town.
said he do you live in
And on learning was
hit home he more pronoun,
in his praise lie then banded Us
his card but -aid I don't want you to
an over in r
is in a position know
just how people on the think of
our town ti is section of our
State and if his eon is worth
as ti what others think of us in some
, expects at we are he I in r
iii paid a high l , . .- .
I tie- stale, In in . .- V.
Baltimore, d
Winston, Greenville, w-
Tillery and other mints.
There are a of pretty girl.-
It does not take a palace ear to carry
President Bryan. He can afford to
ride ill coaches with people
among the guests, let add rated by his journey from Chi-
her when
the comes. Miss Lillian
Cherry is the most popular girl here,
he all declaring she is the
most charming dances- that has been
here this season.
In to large number
den will be selected as the place
which president Bryan i. to he
of his nomination. The youth
hero hour says the War
guests at the hotel there arc many all .
i i i Africa.
several larding houses, still many
others arc here occupying their summer Senator Jones, Arkansas, has been
cottages. A of twelve Chairman the National
men from Winston arc in camp It is Said the
having immense fun. So taken alto- ,
. . of the Cumin tee will
gel her the entire island presents a
. , transferred to doe.- look
of activity and
Col Williamson, the veteran i is mining
of is here again this westward.
but you can mark it down that
Cherry don't let anybody
go ahead of him in landing the finny i
M. King, General
i . . i has made converts to
Soul railroad
lure with his family on his private H manner of opposition mil probably
It was my pleasure oil Sunday to
I ear Dr. C M. Payne, Washington,
two delightful on here
is spending days here.
It has been since the
writer was and that time
Try Electric Hitters as a reined for
troubles not. get a l now
and set relief. This las
found to he peculiar- Hie re-
lief and cure of all Female Complaint,
a wonderful direct Influence
in giving and tone to the
if you have Loss of
Fainting spells, or arc
Nervous, sleepless. Melancholy
troubled with Spells,
Bitten is the medicine you need. Health
and Strength are guaranteed by use.,
cents at Jno. L. Wont-
en's Drug
We Offer You
Lite to Mother I
and Child.
Robs Pain, Horror and Risk.
has spoken upon Mr.
i he Platform framed at
and, like his interview of re-
aid the ticket as much as the bolt of
and organs.
It is now certain if the tali
I. -ague, and the Convention at
St. Louis will endorse Chicago
notice Several have predict that the
place. The S. S. Co. and X. will also I II in line, We
St. Louis. July a debate
that lasted four List night
club, the democratic
city, endorsed the
go platform and nomination of
and by a vote of
Lehman and If G. op.
the and Prank M. W. HIGGS.
hater, Lee Merry weather. Given Camp-
bell and Paul T. spoke in
ii. President II. Wei
has resigned from the in
of last night's action.
My wife be-
fore birth of her she did not
from quickly
relieved the critical hour but.
had no pains and her
recovery was rapid.
E. E. Ala.
Rent by Hall or on receipt of,
Mr Mil. U. Moth-
mailed Free.
I n CO., i.
J. S. Cashier.
Greenville, N. C.
Catarrh Cured.
they cannot reach the few or the ills-1
ease. Catarrh la a blood or . . .,
disease, in order lo cine it a Capital Than a Hall
you must take internal remedies. Mall's j Million Dollars,
Cure is taken Internally,
on the blood and mucous
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not i ck Hied-
It nil- by of the
best in this for
rears, and is a
is i the best, tonics
with tut beet blood
directly on n m
The pelf two
is what such
S. K. K. having established the a bet
boat hen ha, largely Increased j results in curing hi Bend I N. C.
done on the island , for Inc.
V. Props Toledo.
by druggists price
Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Mil.
The Scotland Heck Scotland
N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Heck, N C.
B. R. Fleming, N. C.
W. Higgs Urns.
and as a result of this a number of new;
buildings have been erected. Near this
lay boat another light house is being
We respectfully solicit the act
. firms, individuals and the general
Hum . r public.
tot-the a, I I n at Checks and Account Books furnish.
and the is Inn in- V V Cl ,,, application.
new channel cut from
of improvements also.
been placed to the room-, the
building has been brightened With i
i. i y.
paint, considerable new furniture has mM J M m m
been put in, is At the and acting under of my Attorney, Col, I. A
and neat. extended the time purchase of Farm for l lie I'm ten I
I have not tried hand until ISM, my
. . , . i la for or less, , and all . acres cultivated . Prom
the rod at this writing, in ii o no , ,,. collections may be expected and the fol-
Teachers, Tuition
a year, s. a
full Uriel
Course-, Law School, School,
Summer School Teachers, Scholar-
and loans for the needy.
Hill. X. c.
I expect in aide to slate that the are the terms and prices, to wit .
id don't run for behind when
whales. I
it comes to catching
a and TBS
ha-. Broker and
r's c i-
that King's
Carried Cousins Times. . no remedy.
. , All persons wishing to avail themselves of tin last opportunity of Brown, Prop. St. Hotel, It.
A man a license t low can do so by calling on Col. . A. Sugg, at Green- lie
of Deeds King for vibe, X. C-, or th pr by r. d . p. o. on fie. of a Cough of two tears
another man to married. This idyllic, P. O. to Jno. It Laurel Ya. and rights will l e Li Dis-
to avoid the pen illy L. 1-. Men ill,
h th- u lie hi- used -ml rec-
led i and never knew it fail
land would I her have it doc-
have been each I,, r T T-T A always cures. Mis.
all three of them of X ---K.
the same man. e is a a j ways keeps it at hand and has no fear
ailed case to .;, it. relieves.
another man to gel married, l ins i-. vine, a. r. v. to u
the third the same man sent. is a f I. and
plied lot same l
, , .- i i s, tell HIM,
to married and tin-
trial at L.
Greenville is the leading Bright
i aid he lob i
I i . as well mill d i
s your i, I be
will abs I'll- iv i id
, if will exercise good
economy with the I.
of lb- comes
and content in in other
a this lime the
whistle of the I Halifax
was heard and b him we
is not only the leading
house in l I
we u
Enjoying the
sold as
i T .
year for as an
price per pound.
as the
are three points
to obtain the hi
price a pile j
knowledge the
tobacco. Second
; v
i l
I c
ii ;
c .
; i. j I
c bids
EVANS CO., Props.
The old. Greenville Warehouse is being en-
and more lights added which makes it
the best lighted Warehouse in the State. With
plenty money and no pets, fair dealings and
hard work, we are going to sell Tobacco as high
as any one. Give and we will show
you. Your friends,
EVANS Greenville, X.
Wholesale Dealers in
Baltimore prices guaranteed to merchants.
This is no blow or bluff, but we will do that and
save you freight,
Just let us have a trial order and will con-
Sot Ii Carolina, I In FLOORING
. . . .
W. H. ,, , t . .
The above mined will take lean coat- . i a car I n
notice that an action entitled it VI mi
has before a. I -A-
an ice of the mid ill Co-
county of Pitt, to n cover
oil a note hod, w .
and to subject I
certain land which defendant own- in
this county to the payment of mid
and the defendant will
lake ice he to
before the u J. A. Lang at his
in House in town I T
on the 31st of July r-
o'clock A. answer or
to the e t in -aid action.
or the to the c
for tin- in said com-
This d.-iv
J. A. I
P. L for
rum. iv
I'll R I
I upon
; t r's lips on
no be
table l outside
es for our tobacco.
have en-1
ll. I I . n
t unit en
in III
I .
n ,;.,,, . , , ,.
. I II 1-1 I I . .- I e v. ,
ii mm in
I are n
for i delivery.
-i-1 inn
ii. 1-. i inn
LI. LA I'll
is i-. A mil
a I
I'll I i
lo master in
N. C.
is now at prim .
and the people .-. j-
. to th
Hotel i-
any lo in-r .-.
i- ; it
ti not
much o is
formerly, and much
I larger to com a
I Old Line
I Virginia Dare, under 1.1
David Hill, make a hip
here every
me say here in pawing that one
who has ever with Dive Hill
knows a pi is be on a
steamer I.
same i con a- loll
N railroad have i-s. i III I IV
a iv is M . y
one of i.-. I.- -i-l. , . ,. i. .
III. an I . a. I.- s I
.-in. .-.-. w re
i v. i. . i u
order that might, at all times, thorough-
protect e interest of all their customer.-, and j
the vast old customers whose patron-
age and placed
the a rehouse of State, lie j
constantly new o witness to
this fact. With live years
of practical experience
on the warehouse floors
in. .
r. every
. . .
;. c ii. . . . i .,. ,,,
V a. . t i ; . i , , , k
A. U. on W.-d.
tin- number of sail to and In in
make it for to
come and every day.
I looked over the hotel register on
Sunday and found there were fifty art
rivals here on that day alone. Among I
these were people from New York,
h i y a; to
your crop limn
and Joy-
will both be on sale
In we
want to say that with
A. P.
Eagle Brand of Fine Shoes.
. A -1. ck of-
hi n
A. w
our combined
has taught bed 1.-
believe we
, in a better position
in irk t
la ilia and
a load ready for
i i
the in e
bill come on to
old Eastern bead-
quarter high prices.
. It
K i .
Ii i
Stock, Cotton, Grain and Provision Brokers.
m, and Process Water Street-
Ties and Peanut Sacks at Lowest Prices.
and Consignments Solicited.
Code. in

N. C.
S. J, f BUMS, Editor
at the post office t Green
N. C. as second-class mail matter
The Central and Natural for
the Tobacco of Eastern North Car-
Such is Opinion of
Those in High positions to
July 1890.
Delightful Session at Wilmington.
The North I Press
held its annual con-
this week in the city of
In all there were forty
tors in attendance and thy had a very
interesting meeting,
The morning of the first day was de-
voted to matters of business connected
with the and to addresses,
welcome responses, and the an
Ml address the President. In
the editors were taken in
charge by the Commerce
and given M excursion over the sea-
coast railroad to Ocean View where an
hour was spent in sight seeing and and
bathing. They then r-turned to
where an old fashioned
served to which the
quill drivers did full and ample lice.
They back in Wilmington in time
for supper and held another business
.- i. i. at night.
Thursday through the courtesy of
Cap. W. Harper, steamer
Wilmington, the editors an ex-
down the river to Southport
mid out to This proved a delight-
trip all through. to
Carolina stop two hours was
liar and the Association held another
business session for the ion of
At night another session was
held in Wilmington and all business be-
completed convention adjourned
sine die.
Wilmington was exceedingly
to the editors and made their stay
in the city of such pleasure as to be an
occasion long remembered even
Jar as to invite the Association t
arise Wilmington its
how they appreciated be
beat expressed in resolutions adopt-
by the Association.
The following n solution by
J. C. was unanimously adopted.
That the thanks of the
North Carolina Press Association are
extended to the Wilmington
of Commerce for their cordial
invitation and while in
Wilmington, to Wilmington
mast railroad, the Wilmington street
railroad, to Captain Harper.
-l inner Wilmington, and
lit. th ill f
the Ninth T o-s 1.1
are h. In r. d . I. W
f r the fa i Hie tit in
which he d the i .-
r of the
J. P. Caldwell the loll
which adopted a rising rote.
North A .- i
lion, on eve of adjournment, makes
H its
courtesies . M.-i.-.
F. I. U. F. King an I Charles
M. the
entertainment in
; to lie of the local
press. and Ber-
and to Mr. II.
Jr. president of the Chamber of Com-
for his kind invitation to the
to make delightful
id.-o made
I It rs of i i
as f
It th
Vic- in i. V,
Wins S
i f Oxford Ledger. .
W. A Ch
is. he
S it and h
mil. Co Times,
B. of tin.
W. of the
C. of the
A. That
a, of Times ; A.
London, the Chatham II word ;
K. the
; J. A. of the Durham
Sun J. W. Bail y. cf the
i -r.
to i i ti ml . i
i , I
, I ill -I i I . . V I.
w. i. i M. I.
Bell, of
T. King, of Green-
ville Weekly ; J. W. of the
Courier; J. A. Arthur, of the
Washington Messenger, J. J. of
the High Point
Baltimore, Richmond
Winston, Greenville. w-
Tillery and other points.
There are a number of pretty girl.
It does not a palace car to carry
President Bryan. He can to
ride in with the people an
O. I.
A few days ago the was on a
tar between Goldsboro and
Mr. J. T. an old school mate
aim ml. was on his way heme
he has been
for the two years. We were dis-
cussing mailers of various kinds in gen-
and in particular. Tom
was laying that from what he could
learn Greenville had a brighter future
than any market in the east,
and just at this juncture a rather hand-
some and distinguished looking man, in
the. seat just in our rear leaned over
and asked he meant Greenville, S,
C. He was told yes and drawing him-
self up in a most way he
said that he hail heard a great dial of
that place on account its tobacco
said be handled nearly all the tobacco
grown in North Carolina and Virginia,
that is marketed in the east. That is
said lie handled it over his road
during the past few years had handled
a great of Eastern North Carolina
and especially nine
on the main line of the W. W. . It
and very impressively he remarked that
weeks ago before the Chi-
Chamber of Commerce on
pertaining to Southern
and -aid be told them that in Eastern
North Carolina, of this the
there was the line.-t body of
country in the South, for said lie in
addition lo the trucking, fruit growing
and manufacturing they grew
lint bright tobacco there that is
produced in the world and this one lea-
lure atom i a great deal more than
many more thickly sections
in the South possesses. told him
that there were a many people in
Eastern North Carolina who said that
tobacco had done Eastern North Caro-
more harm than it had goo
though class people were greatly
in the minority. Well, said lie,
people ought to go away Iron home
spend some time in a section
for ten years farmers have
grown nothing but then
come back home and contrast
Tobacco have n
i this people any
more it they would this. We told
him we were glad to hear him express
I hits about out home town.
Why he do you live in
And on learning was
at home he become more i
in his praise it. He then
his card but said I don't you to
quote over my in r
This is in a t i know
just how people on the think of
our town is section of our
State if his is worth
as It what of u- in some
e lire he I in r
. in ., .- lit we val i
among the let add again demonstrated by from Gilt-
that her when
the comes. Miss
Cherry is the most popular girl if
boys all declaring she is will be selected its place at
most charming dancer that has been which President Bryan i to be
of his nomination. The
of e hour says the
here this season.
In to lb I large number
the hotel there are many at
several houses, still many
others are here occupying their summer Senator Jones, Arkansas, has been
A of twelve Chairman the National
men from Winston arc in camp here Committee. It is said that the
We Otter Von a
Lite to Mother
tors the lee will lie
transferred to does look
as if the Beat of t is moving
having fun. So alto-
the entire presents a
of activity and
Col Williamson, the veteran
of is here again this
but you can mark it down that
Cherry don't let anybody Editor spoken upon Mr.
go ahead of him in landing the tinny ,,,, framed at
tribe. ,,,. , . .
. ,. . ,, , like Ins re-
M. King, manager t ;
. ,, , . . , , . cent has made converts to
Norfolk Southern
with his family on his private manner of opposition, mil probably
aid ticket as much as tin
and organs.
It is now certain the tali
League, and the Silver Conventional
It was my pleasure tin Sunday to
I ear Dr. C- M. Washington,
preach two delightful .-err on bore
lie is spending Rome days here.
It been years since the
writer was and time I endorse Chicago
notice have taken We predict that the
place. The S. S. Co. and X. iS. will also I m line, we
S. It. It. baring established the lay
boat In-re lots largely Increased the
amount of business done on the island
and as a result of this a number of new;
buildings have been erected.
Try Hitters a a remedy for
troubles not. get b now
and relief. This las
found to be adapted Hie re-
lief and cure of all Female
a direct.
in giving sue and tone to the
organs. If yon have Loss of
Fainting Spells, or arc
sleepless, Melancholy
with Spells,
Bitters is the need. Health j
Strength are. guaranteed by its use.,
cents at J no.
en's Drug Store. j
Si. Louis, a debate
that lasted four Lours last night
club, the democratic
of this city, endorsed the
go platform and nomination
an and by a vote to I.
F. Lehman and It G. Frost op-j
the Frank M. J. W. HIGGS. J. S. Cashier,
Robs Confinement of Pain, Horror and Risk.
My wife used tic-1
I fore birth tier child, she did not
suffer from or
I relieved at the critical hour
, bad no pains afterward and her
recovery was rapid.
E. E. Johnston, Ala.
or Express, on receipt of,
Mr ironic Book
mailed Free.
Ilium CO., Atlanta,
Lee Camp-
bell and T. Gadsden in
it. President II.
has resigned from the duo in
of last action.
Greenville, N. C.
Catarrh Cured.
with LOCAL
cannot reach the Fa of the
t-a-c. Catarrh hi a blood or . , ,
disease, and in order to rare it Representing a Capital a Hall
you must take internal
Cure is taken Internally,
acts directly on the blood and
Hall's Catarrh Cure, is not
It Mil- on.; of tile
beet physicians in country
year-, and is a
is composed of the best tonics
with tin
Dixon, President National
Exchange Bunk, Baltimore, Mil.
The Scotland Scotland
N. r.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Ned;. N C.
on R. R. Fleming, N. C.
will have a gold Mm two n . , ft
is whit won- u- HI Ob.
and silver, with chances in favor the results in curing t N. C.
l We the accounts
. .-.-. . . firms, the general
lay boat another light house is
tor the j f hp f f Checks and Account Books furnish-
the is having A U O on application.
new channel cut the inlet across
what is known as the
Hotel Ponder come in tor a I
share of improvements also.
have been placed to the room-, the
building has been brightened with j f
considerable new furniture has .
been nil in, everything is At tins and acting the advise of my Attorney, Col, I. A Sugg,
and neat. hie extended the time I'm of Rights for Improved Patent
I have not tried band with the until
. . ,,.,,.,,. prices, ins for acres or less, l, for all over -i acres cultivated
the rod at tins writing, in next all .,,,.,. ,. be expected and the
I to be able to state that are the terms and prices, to
old don't run behind when,.,. ,, ,, .
it comes to ea
Ti Students, Tuition
a a
month, full College s. Uriel
Course-, Law School, School,
Teachers, Scholar-
ships and loan.- needy. Address
Chat-el Hill. N. c.
I. Broker
Mi; mi r's Agent, Ohio, Cl-
that Dr. King's New
has no equal ti remedy. D.
persons who wishing to avail ibis last unity of Brown, Hotel,
at these low can do so by Col. I. A, Sugg, at tire -n Wayne, that be was cured
I ; ii of ti of two years
Mart-led Cousins Times.
A man obtained a tr
Register Deeds King to-day or remit the by letter O. on t
another man to get married. This is Va. P. O. to Jno. U Va., and rights will be prompt- j by I Dr. King's
the same Is a of and wishing W avoid the I. 1-. Merrill,
, , ii. ., , States Patent must comply th- Mass., says that he has used -ml
on, It ii and never knew fail
to get and .,,, , , r , a , ,
have been to
all three of them of
the same man. We doubt is a
case to this on
tor, because ii cures. Mis.
. ways keeps it at hand has rear
because it instantly relieve.-.
Greenville is Bright Tobacco
is not only leading;
ill hi I
we U
ll .
i ii paid a high our
. I slate, him- . as
i.-- pro.
-I a; t s till it Nil Jo t
w.-ii ii
. lie- -t Mm-
will .-00.1 i
, will
m and with tin- in
of th-1
in oilier
s id try. thin lime
whistle of Halifax
Mas beard I. him god-by we
chanced lot
year an
j nice per
as the
arc three points
to i he
est a pile oil
; . .
; j
ii ; lie.
; . i-
mi; ever V. e
A. H
H rt
Mil mm,
EVANS CO., Props.
The old Greenville Warehouse is being en-
and more lights added which makes it
the best lighted Warehouse in the State. With
money and no pets, fair dealings and
hard work, we are going to sell as high
as any one. Give us a trial and we will show
you. Your friends,
EVANS Greenville, N.
Wholesale Dealers in
Baltimore prices guaranteed to merchants.
This is no blow or bluff, but we will do that and
save you freight,
Just let us have a trial order and will con-
Carolina, I in Justices Court FLOORING-
Pitt County, f
AV. II. .-. W. Keel, ,, . , , ,
I, Williams. A AU-I-LOTS
above will take loss cost- a car ii. b
North v Co.
notice that an action entitled a- X c I .
has been commenced before A. M.
an acting Justice of the In
for the county rt cover Jude-
on a in which bail, w .
against and to
certain land which defendant owns in
this county to the payment of ah
debt; the defendant
take notice that be is required to appeal CAN
before said J. A. Lang at hi
in the Court House in town i I f T
the of I. . I
A, M. and answer
to the t ill Paid action.
or the apply the r
for in com- f-
plaint. -1- -1 v
This of duly
p. a. i ion less money
People Enjoying the
Second a I
j bids
t r's lips will out
no one can
able. l
es your tobacco.
three I
managers of
c en-
lo master in
i Mint,
. In t .
I if. I r ii .;.,,. ,
I t I I.-I--. I I
. I
X. C July
is now at prim
a-e ibis pie i- I .
Hotel I is surpassing
In in
,; urge i.- f II r
ti it It.-
sea-tin i s
and s much
larger to hen. I---
I Old Line
I Virginia Dare, under I
Cant. David Hill, make trip
from here every
me here in passing that one
who ha ever I with Dive Hill
knows a pi -inure is lo be .-
nil I . hi-1 I Then the
eon i.- I on nit, tie
have es.
a iv
one r.-.- i.- j .- i
N e th it
. . . . .
. ; t . . . , . k
A. M.
Inn Besides steamers,
the sail boats to and In in
and B every
I looked over the hotel register on
Sunday and found there were fifty
rival- here on that day alone. Among
these were people New York,
order that they might, at all times, thorough-i
protect ll e interest all their customers and;
j the vast army old customers whose patron-;
at-e and has u
the warehouse of State,
new o witness to
this fact. With
if practical experience
on the warehouse floors
in re we want
. r
la in
I in i
d w re r j
i y o
your crop than
l lore. aid Joy-
will both be on sale
In conclusion we
want to say that with
. H it
I I ea-. .
I III pi
t Mill It'll
ml mil
nil .
in H k, Ac
are n w
for i delivery.
I I'll ; In a I
Is. I ail. ;
A LI. in
. A met lea.
A. B.
i I Ma S ti
-----A large of
Brand of Fine Shoes
it ck of
iv a In n
--------is AT I WITH A I I
I I aught it. -t i, n
tint we MIC l
III ill v I M K, j for . i.
our combined
for and ,,,;, ,
ill l ill I .- for Heavy agent for I lark- u .,,
, . .,. e
, . , , JIM- N X. c
-i i. mi i
the old Eastern bead-
quarter tor prices.
Into ma and
git a
in irk t ;
ti-n i i the in
the e
hut come right on to AMI
Stock, Cotton, Grain and Provision Brokers.
-203. Process Building, Water
Ties and Peanut Sacks at Lowest Prices.
and Consignments Solicited.
Code, used in Telegraphing.

Local Reflections.
We beg to call your
attention to the very
low juices being offer-
ed in every department
our store. Spring
and sun goods
must go to make room
for fall purchases and
you will do well to ex-
quality and
prices now being quot-
ed as are in many
instances less than
York wholesale cost,
dine early and get the
pick as are sure to
Li; i r. e
This i ii
i I II
down for S
M. Schultz.
Corned Mallets in at
I Potatoes a peek at S. M.
Fresh Batter. N. Y. Stale mid Chit's
at S.
Fresh Flour received
at J. S. Tunstall.
will be in Greenville,
the King House u Tuesday and
Wednesday, Angus 4th 1890,
the purpose of
diseases of the
Db. H. O.
The Second regiment of State
Guard is in encampment at
Wrightsville near Wilmington.
They have named it
Dr. Chas. the
Normal school at
Greensboro, declines to allow Ins name
to be used for the of the
State University, He believes that he
is now engaged in the great work of
his life, the education of the women of
the State, and will not give it up even
the honorable position, President of
I he State
Mr. I. came in Saturday
night from a on road, lie
kindly furnisher us with a very e
he says is straight
nods. Mr. Hardy II. of
killed in
II days. This gentleman Hues
The Planted Warehouse- Bethel Items.
attention is culled to the
They ere Sometime as Well attractive of Messrs. I N. C, July Kith, 1896. i the traveling for the
Attacked by a large Snake.
last Wednesday while Mr. A. II.
Patrick, of
. up. Sunday in
Miss ; ; Mag at as-
Daniel L. .-.--.
i here.
Forbes Move in issue on Miss from Clayton Quilter, and Mr. P.
,. ti. i . i
third page. The takes Thursday
pride in roes these gentlemen j
as thoroughly reliable in
and transactions and lire
to lie core in the warehouse business.
Your interest will be looked
alter in I heir hands. A trial will con-
you. Thoroughly alive to the
necessity advertising the tobacco in-
we-e traveling in a boggy near the
B. L. of Nashville Tenn., and comity line, in the
as in town yesterday. neighborhood of Ridge Spring, they
James C. Cherry, of very large snake,
visiting his mother. Mi
C berry.
M of
family, id
S. C. is his aunt Mrs. C.
the buggy and but for going
in a swift trot serious damage would
have been done. The snake was so
Intent that he seized bold of the wheel
Your attention is called to the
fact that
At Cost
At Coat
I.- .------- . Airs. , , . ,, . . .
Hiss is of a vi.-it to t of an ex- Moore and other relatives here this seized land of the wheel
Fremont. I ample worthy tie- imitation of every k. j mid was thrown forward over the top
W. B. Burg tine i. Friday night business man of the there is much sickness in
from the of All Mr- face. In
is offering all his
Mrs. W. and C. Car-
We are to I ti it A A.
Forbes Jr. i- I.
Miss of
is it. i. Smith. .
,, . , . , . , It is often difficult to convince wee-H
II. K r from their blood is impure, until dread-
Hie Wilmington.
. ,. . . or salt rheum, are proof
-loan a. o h . . , . . .
. , . . , , II is now.
Mrs. C. my u
Miss of
is i.-i ii ; i -r, Mrs.
the lower part of this township. AH face. I passing
families of Mrs. W. k Mr-
Mrs. Charity arc down log, giving it a severe jar
The snake was
very large vicious. was cf an
Misses Ada May I'm-
of are Mrs.
Ii. I. Smith.
his unusual species snake in this country.
Old Frank Was sure scared.
In order not to move our
it -aid he can make
certainly be m in in a
We are sorry to learn the death
it Mr. Bland, which
ed yesterday at his home, near
ton. lie was taken with a congestive
hill and soon passed away.
More Boom Needed.
T. William.- us that
he has closed a with
Messrs Forbes Move to add twenty
led more to the Planters Warehouse.
This addition will make, this Warehouse
feet long. And moves
on in the steady of progress.
Oakley Items.
Oak N. C. duly
Miss Mary i teaching
school at Swamp.
Miss Mary is leaching at
Piny Green.
Mi .- Verna Little is teaching at Lit-
Curing is the order
day and our are making good
headway at it.
Our people think it is
lo have an early county vent ion as
i- to do. not later
lie- ;. of August.
. i i- i- reason.
to take Hood's and
prevent such eruptions and suffering.
had a dreadful abscess. ,
. . . red, fiery, fierce and sore. Tho doctor at- I
IS . tended me over seven weeks. When the OUT
w--k n v I abscess broke, the pains were
I thought I should not live through it. I
heard and read so much about Hood's
r tor I i Sarsaparilla, that decided to take X, mid -t
m i in hi i i i will my husband, who was suffering with
l n ; e 1- h . boils, took it also. It soon purified our
Clippers from cents t
Shirt Waist from t
Silk Shirt Waist U yd.
Such as Oxford for
children, and low
quarters for men
Such as light color in felt and
all straw goods
to make room for fall Such Summer Suite, Might
Such as color, and weights
Dimities, White Goods,
India Mulls, Don, we want m
room for fall goods.
A- A. I i d
. n hi i d
i- i
d of nipper pipe to rail up say- n
; i .-. i . up and my v-o , i .
line . .- , although the doctor said I would
-d i. i i ii Is I i ii hi i not to work I have since
done t lie work for people. Hood's far-
c.;. n.-n . u. . . ;.
Very Respectfully,
C. T.
Next door to of
. i l i ii
cured my the bolls.
we regard it a wonderful
n m a
Ca; V is build-
II II II l I. f Mr. K
A. the
,, ,. , .-
i- a v on
o t
e mean what we
C an i will lie a win n
finished Mr. will soon
have one on road lo completion.
Is the One True Purifier.
Hood's Pills Sells Cheap.
P h r
m I If H p
of Pitt and Surrounding Counties. -x
We are now ready to open our Warehouse and ore in better shape to handle your Tobacco
than we have ever been before. With ample floor space and plenty of money
which to do our business, we propose to be second to none in the Ware-
house business. Consult your own interest by selling where
you can get the best returns. So we respectfully in-
I he of II. -i.
from, or near, O i S
w i on I I Mas
Mi, evening Ii o'clock.
U ii locks, ab ml two a a lull
in river, by km-
a by n. ;
Hank I In- body had lo I yd u
s line dis
. I nil to
an -I d . Hi's I'd d
u . .- e a
was ---I
. was e
Ii thought, by an-y,
in a -j mi -I
It -I s ; -a -Vi II
; s;. n i ii Ii
a T. h- i i . i T
ill -.- I
. ;
I . v .
i he w irk .-I aw .;
r's -ii i , ;. In n j
h I HI a- .
h . ., ii. . is j
c p. la-s e will ill II M.-. W. ii i
Lo has . the .-
an i will b a hand. bud
Tho I lock i- l
The -1 no M
and . on lb i r will
be two . lb
I . one The i I. a
portion id tin- corner
into offices has been
but instead lie- upper store trill In-
made a nice
lodges. k an I IV.
have the and
it is . e completed I y O
T lion a.
Mr. A. a. H
v he . old ill I'm . d . , f i
in ii t the
Call early.
The King Clothier.
. n mi
Iv Sale m I .,,
o i
I h ma
hoe .
h . . hairs,
r.-m chairs,
stand . jar- f. bed,
h .-1
t. minors, hail
china tea-it. neural dinner set,
pieces, Ac.
desiring lo purchase will
it to their interest lo be present on
U W.
a ; t;
v ill see that your every
i will looked
guarantee perfect
satisfaction and the highest
prices of any house in this
State or Virginia.
dollars and
Ibis fact joined to the truthful assertions, the largest stock, moat
beautiful selection, best values, make our store the most
satisfactory for you to trade. Come take a look at
the attractions which we offer you. They
fail to elicit your admiration and make
you our patrons. A stock full of Bargains
day during each but
before any better, grander, more
beautiful or better selected
stock than this season. Our
buyer bought for the
Cash, and added to
the judgment
of years
experience, we offer a line of
I hat has never been excelled or scarcely in this town or
county. Our store is the home of rare bargains, genuine
merit, honest goods, square dealing, polite attention,
and the place for you to trade. We have
them here and call upon every buyer
to examine them Our store
is full to
of the
following lines i
Dry Goods, Ladies, Misses and Children Dress
Goods, Shirt Waist Silks, White Goods,
Dimities, ail wool
Black Dress Ripples,
Novelty Cotton Goods.
Linen Fabrics,
White and Colored Lawns,
ham s. Calicoes and ether beautiful
S . , . ,. . ,,. O Silks.
i a other make the hearts of
the s -r in In I t ,. Glows, Hosiery, Side Combs,
and Hair Ornament-, an. beauties. Our Sloe, is immense
Ladies, mid Children, Men and B The most complete
and i, ; C Oxford Ties ever
offered hero.
Lain Midi Collars. Cuffs, Ties, Scat Bows
v, Ki Dress and and
Toilet Far, Wool
-11 i II it- fur and Caps for men. Boys children.
Plain, Pure, Groceries.
M-a-. Salt, and tobacco. Ha
I . in lows ware, Toilet So
I in th it lino. The Hue of
, i ever hid and is Our Ta-
S la a. . Our Cups and Dish-
es an are in i variety, Hall, Vase and far
plain fancy patterns. Now a word about our
S . in r and grander than ever before. Oak
Coin ho-, Plush, Upholstered.
Oak Bucking Chairs, and Oak All the
Art up to date. Separate pieces,
ads; and Tables, Towel and Hal
a. Ks. I'm Safes, Side Boards, Spring Mattresses, Cots, Wash-
Shuck and st aw Bogs, Carpet,
is. Lure Window Shades other house furnish-
,. Harness, Trunks. slid Hand Hags Satchels. Wood
and Widow 1.-I-- Fancy Lunch Bask
et. And many that need. Don't come to Green-
yule and leave Without seeing your the Leaden d
j. Bf
Warn -a
bole Owners and Proprietors, Greenville, N.
Notice to Creditors.
Having as Executor of the
will of the late Mrs. A. M. Clark, notice
is hereby Riven lo all Indebted
to the estate ti immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and to all
creditors f the estate of Mrs. A. M.
Clark to exhibit their claims properly
H if Will luted to i the
II It Will
N. on
and you had better get
of Mrs. A M. Clark.
your Flues ready for
curing. We can sup-
ply you at any To the Farm-
time with the best Steel
M.-e to the Improved Method of
or Looping
not died that must procure a
I Km in before using the Mm.
having patented Oct.
B. Farmer, and by him
to John K. Farm
can be procured by applying to
ISAAC A. Attorney
Greenville, K. C, June 23.1898.
tender makes good

of Lava Increasing the Mono
Year year century
Vesuvius puffs Tho
first recorded eruption of Vesuvius
WM in A. D., when Pompeii and
Between th first and sixth centuries
nine eruptions are recorded, and
since that epoch there have bean
great ones
Tho last eruption was
on April when about
killed and more than
people fled from Naples. Of
the present condition of tho ominous
monster tho Paris Herald
is feet than it was
months The constant
showers of porous lava have filled in
one of the old hollow crater
and mm up now
from its bold outlines,
J J v greatly changed tho of
SIDES tho summit and is still Changing it
then supplies will
our prices be
is complete
all its branches.
Lowest r Blew
we buy direct M u
y is to buy at A com
st ck
unhand and sold at price
ill- times. goods and
sold therefore, m
to sell at a close margin.
S. M. N C
lightly every day. Formerly tho
volcano, as seen from Naples, had a
rounded top, but now it comes to a
wedge point
A year visitors looked into tho
hollow of tho old and
off Of late they have
J. A.
Washington, N. U,
Hotel has i thoroughly reno-
in-w added, fir
bells to even Attentive
Fish served dully.
traveling public
v locale I
A I.
ill I ill
Ur Mt
Ar. Florence
M -M
Bad a Clear Traffic and a
A railroad official, speaking of
some of his experiences,
lived many years ago in a small
Massachusetts city and managed N
road where employee,
tho section up, was personally
known to mo, and railroading was
of a than it is here,
the roods are so vast and long
that one hardly knows the members
of his own office staff. My office
windows, I looked out
directly upon tho principal business
street of tho and tho
to tho Union depot, tho street cross,
the tracks right angles not
from tho great arched station
entrance Every hour or two Now
York and Boston express trains WOW
arriving and departing, and it was
always an interesting sight tho day
Thanksgiving, when every
train was running in two or three
sections, and each drawn by two
locomotives, down with pas-
anxious to get to the old
farm for tho Thanksgiving
snowy, blustering day I sat
waiting to tho train pal
in from Boston, for somehow I
kind of danger, as a railroad
man often does. I knew the train
Running the gantlet as a
j punishment was, it is said, original-
ed by to punish
thieves in his army. It was
i rowed by English from the Gar-
j mans, who copied it from Gustavo,
and being employed in rim British
I regiments readily
taken Indians
I v.
Two girl friends met ti street
and stopped to
glad to see yon, said
the tailor made Alice. just or,
my way to ask you, as my
j friend, to of y brides
How lovely I did
I not know you re-
I plied tho do
very hut
i he's awfully in love and i just tor
lovely to live. Will you ;
moving forward and speaking
gone tho of the
,, . . ., ,,. t,, was a heavy tho rails slippery
old to got a good look at tho , . .
EL. that it struck tho cross-
Ar i
new cone, from tho summit o
which, at intervals of a few minutes,
there is a gust of steam, laden with
red hot ashes, sent into
tho air feet or the
steam has drifted away is an-
other rumble, a sound of watery ex-
and another shower of ashes, j
Thus from a distance in the day-
time there seems to a constant
curl of white vapor from tho sum-1
but at night each
eruption throws up a vivid
which then fades away in a
The natives who live on tho slope
of the mountain say that the
now has been built somewhat
higher it will fall in of its own
weight and close tho present breath-
hole. Then tho will
be like a corked up A new
vent will have to made, and in
tho making of this vent there will
ft eruption, an overflow of
lava and tho formation of a new
There was, indeed, a general be- j
lief that tho renewed and growing j
activity of tho volcano would lead
to sort of eruption, but it was
hoped that it would be nothing more
serious than a flow of lava down
over tho old and hardened beds. Tho
last outbreak and tho flow toward
in tho direction of the buried
city of was, there-
fore, not unexpected.
The largo is simply a heap of
cinders dignified by The ride
to the foot of tho cone consumes five
hours, but it requires only ten min-
to top of the funicular
railway. a walk of ten
minutes up tho edges of the
crater to tho bowl, and in this
Is tho little cone thrown up by the
recent Inter
C T.
V z.
A. M.
Train Scotland Meek Branch
3.55 p. in., Halifax 4.1
p. at., arrives Scotland at p
B., 6.47 p. 7.45
p. in. Returning, leaves 7.20
. m., Greenville 8.22 a. m.
Halifax at a. 11.20 am
a. .-Hid p . in.
arrive 8.50 a. and 4.40 p.
tn. 9.45 a. m.,
3.30 p. in., 10.20 a. in.
and ti HI p. m arrives Washington
11.50 and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-
Connects with trains on
Train leaves N C, via
A Raleigh daily except Sun-
p. Sunday M ;
P. M., 5.25 p. m.
daily except
Sunday, 6.00 a. m., Sunday 9.30 a m.,
10.25 and
Train Midland N. C. branch leaves
daily, except Sunday, 0.0 a
m. arriving 7-30 a. m. Re
turning leaves Smith rich 8.00 a.
rives 9.30 a. m.
Trams in Nashville crunch leave
Mount at 4.30 p. m,.
Nashville 5.05 p. in., spring Hope 5.30
Returning leave Spring Hope
in., Nashville a in, at
Mount 9.05 a m, daily except
Trains on Latta Florence R
A., leave p m, Dunbar
Ml p Clio 8.05 p Returning
leave a m. Dunbar a in,
Latta 7.50 a m. except
Train Branch leaves War-
law for Cl tally, except
11.10 a. and 8.50 p, in- Returning
p m.
Train Jo. connection
at points daily, via
at R Mount with
Norfolk and Carolina R ft for
all North via Norfolk.
General Supt.
Huxley, bin English
type, was also an admirable
lecturer. never allowed the
opportunity of a pun to escape him,
and his times
baldly more elegant than
appropriate, but, for all that, ho was
very popular, and equally so with
tho few women students of his class
as with the men. Ho in
French with a decided German in-
frequently relieving him-
self of a sigh brought about by an
uncomfortably asthmatic condition.
His powerful bodily frame,
through a
generous development of tissue
about tho equatorial region, was in
marked contrast to tall and
upright carriage of Professor
Huxley, whoso slightly stooping
head and shoulders some-
what what otherwise have
been considered a more than average
height. Huxley never entered the
class lecture room except in a dress
in he was immediately
pared to go to the street; rare-
appeared without a coat which did
not in one or places show
signs of underlying shirt sleeves.
Popular Science Monthly.
origin rs Barium
The origin of the term
is thus explained by the Lon-
don Golden Dr. John Bull
was the first professor of
music, organist of Hereford
and composer to Queen Eliza-
beth. John, a Englishman,
traveled for improvement, and
heard of a famous musician at
ho placed himself under
him as a novice, but a fill ill I main
very soon convinced tho master that
he was inferior to tho scholar. The
musician showed John a song which
had composed in parts, tolling
him at the same that ho defied
all the world to produce a person
capable of adding another part to
his composition. Bull desired to be
left alone and to indulged for a
short time with pen and ink. In less
than three ho added parts
more to the song, upon which tho
Frenchman was so much surprised
that be swore in groat ecstasy be
must be either tho devil or John
Bull, which has ever pro-
in England.
it came down a heavy four
miles long. Out at tho other end of
tho depot was a great long bridge
carrying the train off to tho west,
and also tho tracks branching
to Ne York. On both these tracks
stood locomotives blowing off
steam and seemingly in haste to
couple on to the coming train, which
was destined for both tho south and
west, and hurry it off to its
Well, to make a long story
dull I that train got best of tho
that day, owing to
defect in
was of the most hair raising
train runaways I guess I will over
witness. A up tho
heard old Seth tho engineer,
making old for
brakes in a way that made mo turn
Almost at tho tho
train came tearing down over the
street crossing and into tho depot,
going an hour, and I re-
member to this day and always will
how cool looked as ho dash-
ed by, blowing bis for dear
life as a warning to give him a clear
they would oven get those
engines at tho other end of tho
out of tho way I thought was
an they did. There
cool men about that place that
day, and No. great Crawford
had given warning. Tho
switches hastily set straight
on to tho bridge, and away dashed
waiting engine in a race to got
out of tho way of the runaway train.
It was a close shave, and it
ed for n work, but luck saved
tho day.
runaway ran four miles be-
fore it stopped, and the engineer
with tho light engine tearing along
of it was beginning to wonder
if tho tracks clear way out to
Buffalo, when the brakes worked
and tho runaway was brought to a
stop. For years I boon wonder,
how that train over dashed down
that and through tho crowded
depot, following tho switches in and
out, without a most frightful smash
when ho step
down from tho cab after back-
back, regarded it as a joke,
but it scared everybody within
a mile of tho station out of a week's
Th-j Axe M f.
lit -int
If wishes could only answered
and a girl ill one, other things
being equal. should advise her to
curling There is nothing in
tho world so as a pair of
effective eyelashes. They make any
kind of an eye pretty. If one's orbs
not a pleasing color, all has
to do is to dray tho curtains, look
down, not up; inward, not out. Lot
tho eyelashes lie along tho cheek,
and if they tho right kind one
looks charming. And tho lovely
part of it is, for those blessed, that
they cannot counterfeited. They
never false. If you not
born with sighing for them is
of no use. Nor on art supply tho
deficiency. hides her head in
shame at her utter lack of skill, for
they must be can't
In an come round ow, nor pin then on.
tho corner and tell mo all about it. I Every now and then some
comes idiotic, starts idea about making
I donkey, Barton, Ho's grin- abort, thin eyelashes grow to the
; as though ho meant to step, desired kind, and every now scheme
I and I don't care to lie seen talking followers. But it is all hope-
to j futile. A girl course
He's tho man I'm , to out short-
going to marry Tit-Bits. comings in her form. She may
row other hair, and she
may lay in a stock of complexion
that will last her a is, if
she should want to do such things,
can't button or hook on that
silky to tho eye
Which would enhance her
Tho latest theory on this subject
launched is that if tho lashes are
trimmed every two weeks for six
weeks tho result will a very thick
growth. But it is a deep laid plot of
eaves. prepare t
for much to L
lions work. For in i nice, tho tiny p, . AS
His Worst Enemy Defeated by
P. P. P.,
Great Remedy.
Genuine shawls are
that measuring three or
four square yards could stored
within the sin ; small walnut.
But an even more fabric is
Philippine is
lands from to of
leaves. To ;. prepare I ho
fibers tit r by band to
suitable lengths. The weaving of a
quantity sufficient for shirt is
tho work of several and so i
la no wonder that such
about but rich planter
of and
to indulge
inch extravagant
riM.-v, . r
In too I hand, and e
tho bones, there
are small and
which perform finer
the fingers and
moving I hem m direction
with and delicacy. These
small muse., , to the near
extremities the hones of tho fin
gars where form the first joint,
being inserted near tho center
motion, move the ends of tho
with very great velocity. They are
tho organs which give hand
power of spinning, weaving,
as they produce tho quick
motions of musician's fingers,
they called by the anatomists
Tho combined strength
of all the muscles, in grasping, must
be very great; indeed, the power is
exhibited when we see a sailor hang-
by a rope aid raising his
body with arm. What, then,
X be the pressure upon the hand
It would be too for tho
tore even of bones and tendons, and
Is I El
Mr. A. M. of
M as a In Ha worst
tons. Truly, description of bis
seem little short of Ia
of his couch, for tho
coming, lie went to It with terror.
fortunate one to deprive her i
of tho little have. One j certainly for the blood vessels and
girl I know tried it. took a very j w the p of tho
harp pair of bonds, the of the lingers and
I and neatly trimmed tho of i by cushions. To
I her left eye. Than she examined his purely passive defense
work in tho mirror and was there is a across
tho palm and more especially sup
ports tho cushion on inner
it acts powerfully as we and
it is this which, raising
of the paint, hollows it, and
adapts it to lave water, forming the
cup of En-
n , . o is. MOT. 100-1.
Paris r. m i,,. .;. ,.
M last rear
In i-ll our
I- I
N. C
dealers in all
surprised at tho result. The
three years HE suffered-could Jeff appeared smaller than
the right and the row of little blank
HARDLY AT j stubs queer, tO nothing
j of how they looked. And com-
it excited and tho questions
had to answer As bad as when
a man gets his hair cut.
tho matter with your
would ask.
as if you going to a
I I took a long time that die of seventeenth century, a
before him. He could not sloop on at the other, mid was printed was
for two ,, ,. , . , ., ,, ,,, r- i- c t.
Croat eared him In quick time. not tho slightest as The Warranted ridings From
TEXAS j after it did come land, but the first regularly
BROS- that is a which journal in that country was
i deserves to exposed. about the ; ear 1700, Ian
S It is always tho way. A girl who
P. P. has cured my of breath- , ,. , , , ,
has everything has
kinds of-
mm, m ham.
is a vigorous feeder and re-
well to liberal
On corn lands the yield
increases and the soil improves
if properly treated with fer-
containing not under
A trial of this plan costs but
little and is sure to lead to
profitable culture.
Our arc
arc works,
tog latest hes on i of and
an really lo are scat r
Steel Strings
led in i
Bit, E. 9th St. N. Y.
Ml liver troubles.
H in re i
i cure
Rip-ins gentle cathartic.
In Ireland, as far tho mid
kinds repairing done
We labor good
art- prepare I to
oil i v work.
I .
Av H-
Sometimes it is tho vise words of
an infant that impress us than
carefully thought out by tho
page. Therefore we tho words
of the most innocent of mothers who
has in charge a beautiful
will not interfere with her mar-
though I do not exactly
prove of tho man has chosen.
All to by tho fate
they make for themselves. I would
preferred else, but
her heart has decided for her, and
Cupid, after all, is tho best
Mothers, sisters, friends, take this
lesson to heart. You will never
thanked if you interfere, and no
matter whether a marriage turns
out well or ill the adviser, tho third
party, is seldom considered. Advice
In business may love it docs
Dot count. Remember this and save
yourself time and annoyance by
keeping to yourself any re-
marks that you think tho occasion
requires or your own conscience
palpitation of tho heart,
.-mil has me of all pain. nos-
for ten years, but now
breathe through it readily.
I have not on either able for two
years; In I to see night
Vow sleep soundly In any position all
I am years old, but expect soon
he able to take of the plow hand.-
I f.-el I was enough
P. I. I. and I It
friends and the public generally.
A. M.
the undersigned
on tills day, personally appeared
A. If. Ramsey, who, after baton
sworn, on oath that foregoing
made by him relative to the
virtue of I. P. medicine Is true.
A. M.
Sworn tn and subscribed before me this
August 4th. ISM.
Catarrh Cured by P. P. P.
Grant where all oilier
distorts your
hands and feet. Its agonies are
speedy and a permanent tip
is gained by the use of P. . .
Woman's weakness, whether nervous of
otherwise, can tie cured and the
up by A healthy woman Is
a beautiful woman.
blotches, nil
of the skin ore removed
by r. V.
P. P. will restore your
and regulate you In
wry. P. P P. removes that heavy,
For Matches and Pimples the face
take P. P.
Ladles, for natural and thorough
take p. P. .
Remedy, and get well once.
For sale by J. L. Woofer, Drag-
it Hex- door to h- T- White.
thrown in, and ago may wither her,
but they imperishable. A pretty
little woman, who can give
beautifully, com-
plains that cannot wear a veil
with any comfort
get In tho
and annoy her Poor
thing She has told tho story to
knows, but none of tho
girls sympathizes with her. Each one
tried to make her own do tho
appeared in the Irish cap-
ital and existed than half a
M. Manager.
Weary of Self Made Men's Brag.
Mr. Moody has a popular and very
telling way errors
which so in the theological
thinking of many persona today.
Speaking of salvation by ho
is well a man can't
nave himself, for if a man could only
work his own way to heaven you
never would hoar the last of it.
Why, down here in this world, if a
man happens to get a little ahead of
bis fellows and a few thou-
sand dollars together, you'll hear
him bragging about his being sell
telling bow be
as a poor and worked bis way
up in tho world. I've heard so much
of this sort of thing that I'm sick
of tho whole business, and
I'm glad we shan't have men brag-
through all eternity bow
their into
When the coming woman gets hula
Will she offer up her seat
Will oho offer her
When there's rain or snow or
Will help us In the Wagon
Will she our
Will she step into tho water
That we dry may cud the brook
Will she a and rescue
When the bully chases us
Will she the Slower
Every make fuss
Will she the
Shovel coal and
Will she level mount and forest
for Baku
Will she to bloody battle,
her at the hurts
Well, I guess will merely
Hide behind her husband's skirts.
In New York Sun.
Most City.
Tho most wonderful city within
limits of tho United end
which no existence whatever
during the summer months, is Fish
City, Mich. This municipal oddity
is built on tho of bay
regularly every winter and is
pied by men their families who
engaged in catching, cleaning
and packing lake trout and white-
fish for the market. Fish City is
situated in the cove nearly
winter and is built of rough
boards. In winter of 1893-4
it had a population of
and in almost twice that
Louis Republic.
safety matches Why, they won't
light at all.
wot could you
Southern Railway via
ville is absolutely
quickest and most direct route from
Col So. Ky, 7.10 a in
B in
it t la in, 9.53 a
C A O, m
Arrive a m
Only hours
to St. I Only one. night on
road. ether line can possibly
this time.
On account of the above convention
the Southern Railway will round
trip tickets to St. on July
limit July 27th, at rate of one
fare, From
W lilt ton 122.75. Oxford
i 3.55, 125.80,
j Durham
all stations.
Tin- Southern will also give choice of
routes and sell at above rates
and Cincinnati. I.
Nashville or Atlanta.
It is desired to arrange a
ill ear for
delegates d their friends to leave Ital-
or on above schedule
to go through to St. without
change, arriving there p. m.,
and to accompany the party through
to St. looking after their
and pleasure.
All who Will use this rout ad-
Tine me at once, for any farther in
formation, address
So. Ky,
d w Charlotte, N. C.-
To the Editor have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I
of its power I consider it my duty to
bottles free to those of your readers
who have Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and address. Sincerely.
T. A. M. C St. Hew Tort.
tr The t
there KM a Vast Difference In the
Cases In Question.
Tho day at
while two conversing
at tho a and
addressed of them as
I wants to git a
man out on tie
want a man out
replied colonel as ho looked tho
over. to mo I've seen
not, now
I'm seen yon
where. Let's I was over
Perry the other
I called at the
called at do jail.
Doy has got a powerful jail
at jail I saw a col-
man who was serving a sen-
for stealing n
doubt of it, Yes,
dun saw u right in
Jail at
you tho said the
colonel as ho laid his hand on tho
so. I
right in jail at an I dun
of pass along.
Curious what a some white
folks has in
you don't suppose I want a
man who has been in jail for steal-
do exclaimed tho colonel.
no, Of
don't. Dot's what to dis-
plain about. got it all wrong
hog, Do
who dun stole do bog
when called. I in
jail for no hog. no
man as
what you in
said two bags or
cottonseed meal what found in
my cart from do
I Well, what's tho
do difference Heaps
difference, On do hand,
up a salt
dark, an bags tumbled into
my cart my back turned.
On do odder hand, a goes out
by daylight an runs a hog
do woods for two hours before
ho a bind leg. mo,
I did reckon I'd to
work on but if
am do sort man who can't do
between a
in jail to do jury an
sent to jail for a hog I
couldn't trust my in
Good good
The Host Salve in the
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Fe
Chapped Band
Corns, and all Skin
and cures no
pay required is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pries cents par box. For sale by
Jno. Woolen.
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
the power to digest and
a proper of food.
This can never be done when
the liver docs not act it's part.
Liver Pills are an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
at druggists.
cure dizziness.
cure biases.
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work
prices reasonable
M. C.
Fa tees
ll t a
Greenville, N. C
Practices in a
H. W.
Successors to ft Skimmer
s. o
K. Harding,
Wilson, X. C. v.
Special attention to
settlement of
Galloway, It. F. Ty-on,
Snow Hill. N. V. X. C.
Greenville, X. C
Practice in all Courts.
i m
i .
on Monday,
Hi H A.
leave A
lies k and
In A. days.
departures are lo
on Tar River
fa Sure h
This has n-i-n In for
years, and r know b
in demand. has I en
the leading
other remedies, with the
tho physicians,
for years failed. This
long high
has obtained Is
-c its own but little
ever been
to any on receipt I On
i lo. nil order lo
T, I-- -I iS. N-
for Norfolk,
New York and Bo-Ion.
Shippers should
marked via Dominion I d
folk iV. re
from -t Miners
JNO. Agent,
I. J. A
IV N- .
Wanted-An Idea
W rib- JOHN Co. Faisal
Dan. I. C. tor
curs dyspepsia,
gives relief.
cure Indigestion.
cure bad breath.
torpid liver-
for sour stomach.
pleasant laxative.
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Caveats, and oil
U. G.
i a id w cam r .-, time
n . L draw or pi I .,
; n. a I i . . i-r ii t, in c of
charge. Our fee due
i in L. b.
S OPP. D. C.
Old Brick Store front room
K. D. L.
M. C.
cure headache.
pared especially for stock, as well as
mail, for purpose is sold in tin
cans, holding one-half pound of
cine cents.
Lambert, Franklin Co., Tenn.,
March -2. ISM
I have d all kinds of medicine,
I won t give one package of Black
for all the others I ever saw
It best for in
of year, and will cure
c in every time.
U. R. Boylan.
Newspaper in
Only Five-Dollar Daily of
its Class in the State.
Favors Limited Free Coinage
of American Silver and Repeal
of the Ten Per Cent. Tax on
State Banks. Daily cents
per month. Weekly per
Wilmington M- C
The course aces all the
usual I v in an Academy,
Terms, both for and aboard
N i-i n
Boys fitted and tot
business, by taking the
course w here i-i to
a course, this
preparation to
enter, credit, College in North
the State University, it
refers who have recently left
its wall ii of
Any man with and
moderate ability a course with
to continue
The w be kepi its
Neither time at nor
to Disk
all that parents could
see or a-l-
W. II.
The Charlotte
North Carolina's
Independent a id , an
more I eve.-. It Will i . a
Invaluable visitor to
the club or the work Torn.
All of the news of the Com
Daily reports the Stat
and National Capitols. a ear
A perfect Journal. All the
news of the The report
from the Legislators a special.
the Weekly Ob-
Rend to. sample copies. I Ml MS

Eastern reflector, 22 July 1896
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 22, 1896
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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