Eastern reflector, 15 July 1896

The Reflector is
pared to do all
of this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Kin; lied r. ;
of Northampton.
K. M.
you T
a F.
ill Wayne,
-i i-r. i
K. I.
of Mecklenburg.
you sin i OF TOE
A. C. of Burke,
G. II. Beaufort.
Two for
We have made
the Reflector
North Carolinian for
above amount,
campaign year and
should take the
leading papers.
by the Democratic
State Convention.
the Democratic patty bad
its birth in Jefferson's groat conical
against centralization of the pawn
Federal Government, and in
of tin- strict of the
Federal Constitution embodied in the
tenth amendment in which all
j. wit not delegated to it wire ex-
reset lo the Stated,
or to the people, and whereas, the
Republican party bag ever been the
party centralization, resolved
hat we appeal to the people to
observe this fundamental difference
between the party and its
enemy in respect to the
the central government.
That Constitution the
States recognizes both gold and
as the primary or
these States, and that, in
of the National Democrat c plat-
1884, in honest
the gold and silver coinage of
the Constitution, and a circulating me-
convertible into with-
We favor, independently of other
nations, the free unlimited coinage
of silver an-1 gold, without
against either, at the present legal
ratio of to , and we condemn the
system which a time of peace with
millions of silver bullion lying idle in
the Treasury, bus forced the govern-
within the short of two
years, to issue of bonds.
debt upon the
people, in to its credit
pun a tingle standard and a gold
We condemn the of the
Secretary of the Treasury in follow-
Republican precedent paying
obligations of the Government
in gold which were specific illy made
payable in
We hereby instruct our delegates
to the National convention, both as lo
and candid to advocate
vote at a unit, unflinchingly and at all
hazards, for the restoration of silver.
and otherwise in to the
of herein
We farther instruct our delegates,
State district, to use all their
forts to abrogate the two-thirds rule,
if necessary nomination
of a candidate in complete, in hearty,
and in known accord with the
herein by us.
We warn the Maria the
combined of the gold
Standard and the Tariff.
Thaw twin go hand in hand
in their mission of destruction. draw
the very sustenance from the body
of the people, and concentrating all
wealth and power in the hands of a
We denounce Tariff
and all other protective tariff
legislation, and favor the constitutional
tariff for revenue
S. We the repeal of the
tax of ten per cent, on State
banks of issue.
II. We declare ourselves In favor of
a graduated income tax in order that
wealth my bear its due proportion of
the burden of the govern-
and we favor an immediate
amendment of the Constitution of the
authorizing levy and
collection express terms, leaving
nothing for Judicial construction.
We are unalterably opposed to
legislation by which monopolies
trusts created and fostered. We
insist upon the faithful execution o
the existing laws against the same,
and upon such further legislation as
may be for their suppression.
We point with pride to the
and stainless administration of
the State; government whenever De-
been in power.
We favor the enactment of such
an election law as will secure the parity
of the ballot, and for the
and protection of the right of suffrage
to all the citizens of the State
favor the continuance of the
system of public education established
by Democratic party, and pledge
ourselves to its increased efficiency as
the condition of the people and public
revenues may justify.
We favor the prompt, impartial
and just administration the criminal
law of the and point with pride
to the fact that a Democratic legislature
first acted a law against lynching,
that the faithful execution of the
same has virtually suppressed that
crime in the State.
We cordially invite all men, regard-
less of former political to
unite with us, in a fight to the finish
for free silver, low taxes, for higher
prices for agricultural products, the
economical administration of govern-
and for the freedom and
sovereignty of the American
e declare our belief that the peace
prosperity and happiness of the people
of North Carolina depend on the
of the Republican State ticket in the
com election.
THE of the government. We there-
tore, favor an amendment to the
by National Democratic Constitution that will the levy
Convention. , of nil tax. We the
J efficient way el to
-We, Hie Democrats of the American labor is to prevent the
. . , . , , of foreign pauper labor to corn-
State National convention, do mat-
firm our to those es-
Westerner who Improved a Chance
Against W. H.
When the obtained con-
Union Pacific railway,
made a trip a special car
over branch line known as the
Denver V South Park, which runs
from the capital city to
This is road of which H.
once Denver
South Park is a narrow road
except where the track is spread f a
While the car carried
a chef and a well larder, the
magnate, soon after entering the South
country, felt a longing for a
milk, and when the train pulled
into Como he sent ids servant into the
depot hotel to get the desired article.
The servant returned, accompanied by
the hotel proprietor, Charley Benedict.
The latter carried a glass of milk, re-
fusing to allow any one but himself the
honor of serving such a distinguished
the milk, pro-
it excellent and banded lie.
diet a gold piece. The hotel man
said started to make
his exit.
called the railway king,
get any
you get any
is pretty high out here
you ch everybody for a
glass of milk
; some only pay
do you charge me more than
we fellows out here only
get a chance, at you once in a
and Benedict bowed himself out of the
principles justice and liberty
upon which our constitutions are found-
ed and which the Democratic party
has maintained from Jefferson's time
to our own day ; freedom of speech,
freedom of conscience, the. preservation
of personal rights, the all
citizens before the law and the faithful
observance of constitutional limitation.
that the money
paramount to all others at this
time we invite attention to the fact
that the federal constitution names
and gold together as the money
metals of the Stales and that j
the first coinage law passed by Con-,
under the constitution made the;
silver dollar unit of value and ad-
gold to free coinage at a ratio
measured by the silver dollar unit.
acetate that the act of 1873, de-
silver without the
with it in the home market,
that tie- value of the home market to
our Am farmers and artisans is
greatly reduced by a vicious monetary
system which depresses the prices of
their products below the cost of
and thus deprives them cf
means of satisfying needs.
-We denounce the profligate
the money wrung from the people by
oppressive taxation and the lavish
of recent Republican
Congresses which have kept taxes
high while the labor that pays them is
unemployed and the products of the
people's toil arc depressed price till
they no longer repay the cost pro-
We demand a return to that
simplicity and economy which best
benefits a Democratic government and a
in the number cf useless of-
s, the salaries of which dram the
of the people.
-We denounce arbitrary interference
million dollars for my
Such is he offer made by Charles
Broadway the eccentric New
York millionaire, to any one who will I listens to
From our Corresponded.
Italy, June
A French writer said that an
a French
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Report
edge or approval the American pan-
, , , ,. , . by authorities local affairs
pie, has resulted in the appreciation of
gold a fall in the
Col. Carr s Float Ruled Out
With all the glory of the Richmond
was an incident which
decidedly marred the occasion. Those
who went from North Carolina are in-
because Col. Julian S.
beautiful and costly float was ruled out
of the procession, for what reason it
not seem altogether clear, except
that some exceptions were taken
some inscriptions the float concern
th soldiers North Carolina furnish-
ed during the war. The result was
that Col. Carr's float stood inanimate
in capital while the rest the
grand was in review.
The North Carolinians who have been
seen and expressed themselves are
disgusted at the proceeding.
Carr, with usual patriotism,
had prepared the float with great care
and at great expense. So
we think, will be in
ham Sun.
Burglar Don't make any fuss, now
yourself Haven't
you hoard of the new of insurance
against burglary I'm injured-
of the ironies of says a
philosopher, the fact that the man
who has money enough to pay as he
goes can get all the credit he
proposes in
this letter, f wonder if he really loves
me ; he has only known me a week.
The then, perhaps he
they hear you are going
to be married, dear, won't they raise
your salary afraid not,
darling; they heard it so often
prices of commodities produced by the
people ; a heavy increase in the burden
taxi i ion and of all debts public and
private ; the enrichment I he money
lending classes at home and
paralysis of industry and impoverish
men of people.
We are unalterably opposed to the
single gold standard, which has locked
fast the prosperity of an
people in the paralysis of hard times.
Cold is a British policy,
founded Horn British greed for gain
and power, and its general adoption
has other nations into
servitude to London. It is not
only but
and it can be upon the Cal-
led States only by the stifling of that
spirit and love of liberty
which proclaimed our political
in and won it in the
war of the revolution.
We demand the immediate
of the and unlimited coinage
of old and silver at the present legal
ratio to without waiting for
the aid or consent any other nation.
We demand that the standard of silver
dollar, shall be a full legal tender-
gold, or all debts, pub,
lie private, and we favor such leg-
as will prevent the
of any kind of legal tender money
by private
We are opposed to the policy and
practice of surrendering to the holders
the obligations the United States
the option reserved by law to the gov-
of redeeming such obligations
in either silver coin or gold coin. We
are to the issuing interest
bearing bonds of she Unite I States in
times of peace and condemn the
with banking syndicates which,
exchange for bonds and at
profit to themselves, Supply the
Federal treasury with gold to maintain
the policy of gold
alone has the power to
coin and issue money and President
Jackson declared that this power could
be delegates to corporations or in-
therefore demand that the pow-
to issue notes be taken from the
banks and that all paper money shall
be issued directly by the government,
We hold that tariff duties should be
levied solely for purposes revenue,
and that taxation should be limited to
the needs of the government, honestly
and economically administered. We
denounce, as disturbing to business,
Republican threat to restore the
law, which been twice con.
by the people in National
and which was enacted under the
false plea of protection to
It has proved a prolific breeder of
rust monopolies, enriched the few
at the expense of the many, restricted
trade and deprived the producers of the
great American staples access to their
natural markets. Until the money
question is settled are opposed to
any agitation of further changes in our
tariff laws, except such as are necessary
to make up the deficit in revenue
caused by the adverse decision of the
Supreme Court on the income tax.
should have been no deficit
in the Federal revenue during the last
years, but for the annulment by
the Supreme Court of income tax
law, placed upon the books by a
Democratic Congress. The
to the income tax which the
Court discovered In the
alter it bad lain bidden for a
hundred years must be removed, to the
end that accumulated wealth may be
made lo bear its just share bur-1
as a violation of the Constitution of
the United States a crime against
free institutions, and we especially ob-
to government by
injunction as a new and highly danger-
form of oppression, by which the
Federal in contempt of the
of the States and the rights of citizens,
become at once legislator, judge and
are opposed to life tonsure in
the public service. We favor
based merit, fixed terms
of office, and such I'll administration of
the civil service laws m will afford eons
Opportunities to all citizens of ascertain-
ed fitness.
declare it to be the unwritten
law of this republic as by
custom and usages of years and
sanctioned by the examples of the
and wisest of those who
founded and have m our
cut that no man should be eligible
for a third team of the Presidential of-
Confiding in the justice of our
cause and the necessity of its success
at the polls, we submit the foregoing
restore his eyesight, recently lost.
He has issued a stat which is
genuinely pathetic in its simplicity. It
reads as follows
To physicians, surgeons, scientists,
wise men and all others whom it may
Concern ; Be it that I, Charles
who possess
wealth, hereby agree to pay
sum of one million dollars to any
man being who restores to me my sight-
Pathetic Indeed it is. Here is a
man possessed of with the
man bears it ; a German analyst's it,
and an Italian feels it. However this
may be, no one can be long in the
land of Verdi without real-
that this is the country of music;
this impresses every visitor with the
attracts eye, especially if it be the
eye a tourist. He wears blue
power to enjoy life to the full the
promise of a goodly number of years singing- The boys
before him, cut off from the light e streets sing instead
day, world's brightness and beauty of selections
a sealed book to him, and ht stretching taste than is possessed
out his helpless hands with the almost brother gamins in America.
despairing cry j bears the from
million dollars for my j or the solo from instead of
Mr. is peculiar. His You, my or
side, a black jacket embroidered in
gold, and on cool days be
force original observation. There with a red stripe at the
s music every afternoon in the public
parks ; music as the soldiers march
through the music at almost
any hour in the countless churches, and
what is most striking, the loungers and
beggars lift up their voices very
good voices they are, as a not in
hope of a few extra pennies, but
wraps himself in the graceful folds of a
Spanish cape goes forth in the
proud consciousness that he wears the
prettiest Europe.
The reports of correspondents of the
Weekly Crop Bulletin, issued by the
North Carolina Climate and Crop
vice, for the week ending Saturday, July
4th. 1800, indicate generally a very fa-
week. The temperature was
slightly above the normal, the
below, with good seasons every-
y.- One is to be am, much a few
anytime between midnight day- j was than
by resounding choruses, as
roam from
have made him a reputation,
his queer ways have often turned
I he public eye upon him. But he had choruses, as , for several preceding weeks.
same queer ways before he was a from the j Special reports on an
millionaire, and his oddities were not homeward but instead of arresting favorable outlook for that
born the possession wealth, but of and dis-
the gendarmes listen with the
have always characterized the man.
Naturally his oiler has attracted
plies from hundreds and thousands of
cranks, who think that all they have to
do is to walk up, exploit their little
theories, carry off the million
Mr. office force has been
overburdened with the work of attend-
to correspondence relative to
the mutter. Several secretaries had
crop. It is considerably in advance
e of the season, blooming freely and fruit,
air of connoisseurs, and show an wen, is and thrifty, and re-
turn lo interfere only when the sing and shedding
happen to be oft the key. As a I very few
matter fact, they are not drunk ;
they merely wish to give expression
the music with which every Italian's
soul is
The past week has been generally
very favorable for the of all.
crops aid especially for farm work
For a change, one can hear j The weather was comparatively dry
any day the lugubrious chant of funeral warm, with abundant sunshine,
piles of letters those containing the
smallest glimpse of sense or intelligence
and those in themselves form a curious
A young man named Martin, who
was formerly employed by Mr.
is also blind, his trouble being the same
as that of his of
the optic nerve. Since Martin's
Mr. has taken great
and principles and
proposed for in order to
their efficiency and at the
poses to the considerate judgment of
American people. We invite the
support of all citizens who approve
them and who desire to have them
effective legislation tor
relief of the people and the
the country's
What the Public Wants.
C. JR.,
1896, by C. Fowler,
Jr., Tribune Building, New
Advertise the goods you sell, not. the
people who sell them,
It you are for sale, advertise your-
Your reputation is a putt of your
stock in trade, and it pays to allow ad-
to assist in building up mer-
character, but the public cares
more about what you have for sale,
than they do about any other
f r business.
Don't print your name largest
type, and conspicuously than the
announcement of your
Don't have your name appear at the
top and bottom of the advertisement.
Once is enough. Better have it at the
bottom at the top.
The top should be devoted to large-
type announcement of the you
have for sale, or of expressions which
will gain attention.
A great many merchants believe in
having the firm name appear in a sort
of trade mark type, something distinct
and different from other type used, and
this plan is to be
ed too much space is not given too it.
People will you, if you properly
announce the people want,
if your if at the bottom in the
smallest readable type.
Don't tell too much about your
goods ; leave something for the
Tell enough to command attention,
and to excite curiosity and interest,
that the reader will call at your store to
further inspect the goods.
Advertising doesn't sell goods.
Advertising makes it easier for you
to sell goods.
It is the business of advertising to
bring people to the store.
It with assistance
of salesman, to consummate the
more people visiting your store,
the more goods you will sell.
The more advertising you do, the
more people you will have to do business
The best salesman can't sell anything
unless he has some one to sell it to.
The best advertising is
unless there is some one to show the
goods when customer calls.
In combination of good
and good salesman, is good
spent days in selecting from vast I The mourners go on foot, and sufficient rain most sections for
and there is always a long line of monks all requirements. Too much rain
carrying lighted candles and singing, only portions of Gates
Sometimes they are accompanied by Beaufort,
the and then it is a sight ton. and Pitt. Some slight
worth seeing. This is a charitable local damage was by severe
fraternity which assist; in the last of-1 thunder-storms. Crops of all kinds are
Sees for the dead, wear long; in excellent condition, except
white robes with a sort of pillow-slip northern tier counties, where there
over the head, holes being cut for the . was too much rain. Crops are
eyes, and look more like at out much better than anticipated in the
in his case and has done every- I a phantom party than anything else, hail districts. Corn is exceptionally
thing in his power to help him. In ; It is soothing to the nerves to meet fine, about all worked for last time-
return for this, Martin has volunteered them the first time when are in Some complaints of low on
to take the various kinds treatment a lonely Street, or towards dusk. They poor lands. Cotton is doing nicely
glide past, their black eyes good stand and now tolerable clean. A
Watching you from behind the white fine crop, considerably in advance o
masks. There are a number of noble- season, blooming generally and full of
men who belong to the fraternity, but young bolls. Forming too much weed
they can be distinguished from their in some The crop will be
companions only by the elegant foot- laid by soon. Pea-nuts, potatoes, peas,
which one catches occasional I etc., arc doing well, fine,
glimpses. Some years ago the Watermelons coming into market,
of Prince one of the j DISTRICT.
save the much lime,
and pain.
One of the fist answers sent Mr.
was from a Chicago doctor. He
am unable at pres-
to go to New York, but if you will
come to Chicago and remain under my
treatment for two weeks, I feel
dent that I will get the million
Mr. was as follows
Dear Sir ; I would not stay
in Chicago for two weeks to make one
million dollars, much less to spend
A female physician called the
blind man with a theory which he con-
idiotic, but Martin is
tried on himself.
have ex
plained this person, paralysis of
the optic nerve is explained by the
presence of a yellow fluid, which
rates the nerve tissues. Now I have
devised a which is powerful
enough to draw out this fluid, if held
before the eyes in a strong glare of sun-
Mr. said ha would try it. It
consisted of an amber colored
with water. It the
sufferer's eyes very much, and he turn-
ed it to Martin. Martin has given up
lens, too.
Then a man came along who wanted
to puncture the skin and inject
oil. Martin tried him until his face
was like a sieve ; then be stopped.
Another could not consent to
ate without a deposit on account
He was arid Mr.
ordered an attendant to remove
don't want to bother with
said if there is anybody in
or out of the medical profession who
can cure me I want to find him, I
have a million dollars to him the
minute work is done
anybody do it
Governor Can- has Issued a
in regard to the of
cattle in counties in western
North Carolina. The government at
Washington bad against
Texas or Southern fever in cattle which
worked great hardship on marketing
North Carolina cattle, and the Gov.
got secretary Morton to modify or-
so as to allow cattle shipped for
market, but the Gov. warns
district not to ship cattle
the districts.
members of brotherhood, the en.
tire came barefoot, and a
lady present told me that it was
to see how gingerly some of them
n o of the streets in j
Home is picturesque and varied.
When one finds oneself j
in the street of Purification, the Road
of Perfection or the Lane of Penitence,
one half believes they have stepped
into the Pilgrim's Progress. The
streets of the Silver Tower, the Little
Cakes, the Five Moons, or the Iron
Mountain have a more secular sound.
It is startling, when you have lost your
way in a forbidden part of the city and
are searching anxiously for the name
of the street, to find that it is The Bro-
ken Head or The Lion's Mouth. But
at the next corner you tire reassured by
finding yourself in Good Company, and
your footsteps presently lead you
into the Lane of the Holy Ghost
the Street of the Twelve Apostles.
The street of the Twentieth of
a fine broad avenue, leads to the
that was demolished e n that event-
date in Italian history, when
entered the Eternal City the
temporal power of the was over-
thrown. The street of the Mouth of
Truth is so called from a recess in the
wall of a church, into which in olden
days Romans put their when
an a more
arrangement than our modern
of kissing the Bible. Then there is
the street of the Two Slaughter Houses
lined with elegant ;
the street of the Crucified, the Alley
the White Cross ; and many streets av-
arcades and promenades of the
Among the most striking figures lo
With rather diversified
in this district than in others, the
past week was generally fine,
dry and warm, good for farm
work and growing crops, though the
beat was injurious where there
i had been too much rain previously
seasons occurred, and too much
rain only in portions of Stokes and
sections elsewhere. Farmers have
in most crops
Corn has grown well, but
bugs are doing some dam-
age. Local injury occurred to lowland
corn by water. Cotton is larger than
usual for July 1st, blooming freely and
fruiting well ; will soon be laid by.
Crop is reported poor in portions of
Johnston, Anson and few oilier
ties, where it is yellowing and
forms. Tobacco being topped; some
correspondents say it is growing too
There were good showers throughout
the district. Excessive rain-fall is re-
ported from three places ; all others re-
port fine growing weather. The week
was warm, with about the average
amount of sunshine. Reports on cotton
are almost unanimous in saying that
the crop is unusually promising, bloom-
nicely, and gene ally full squares-
Lice, which were attacking cotton badly
n some places, have about disappeared.
Corn is generally reported excellent,
some being laid by. The season has
also been favorable for tobacco,
toes garden crops. Hay is being
cut, but meadows are reported short.
The plan of the World's
was thought out by Miss Frances K.
Willard. The idea it is to get as
many singers as possible and
it to the different governments of the
world to induce them to
liquor traffic and the opium trade.
Mrs. Mary our first
round-the-world missionary, was
the first one to circulate the Petition.
She started from her home in 1888,
and was absent nine years. In that
time she traveled to nearly every
government of the world. Mrs. R. C.
one who made the
Petition and she started it in
It took about eight hours of her time
every day for years. It was
of white cloth and bound with red rib-
on one side and blue on the other,
making the three colors of our national
flag. The cloth is yards long
and the ribbon is over yards long
without counting what it took lo make
three rolls from England. The
Mrs. sewed on all hand.
The names are pasted to the cloth three
columns across. here are
actual attestations
and men have
There are mall who have
it. The Salvation Army is
recorded strong and the United
Society of Christian Endeavor have
increased the list by Over
a thousand signed and there
are eighty thousand in rising votes.
The names of dignitaries, men in
authority and such like are in one roll.
Dow's name heads the list, and
just below it is the name of Joseph
In one of the letters Mrs. Shaman
was a sentiment from a Texas
woman, which I will
is done m tin- line he done by
is a
at the Mrs. Shaman says
that when she was making the Petition
she felt as though she was weaving to-
groans of the dying and the
tears of the saints. Miss W had
an interview with President Cleveland
one day, Hoffman and some
other ladies, including president of
the Washington W. C. T. U., went
with Miss Willard told the Pres-
about the Petition, after which
Mrs. Hoffman read the document.
Cleveland made a speech and did not
say anything to discourage the women.
This petitioning is only a part of the
work. The temperance work is going
right on fast and I think we will soon
have Prohibition.
The L. T. L. children are growing
up and the liquor men will get fewer
and fewer the days are going
The Union Signal.
page medical reference
book to any person afflicted with any
special, chronic or delicate disease
liar to their sex. Address leading
physicians and surgeons of tie United
States. Dr. Hathaway A Co., South attire. The army officer, t, alway
d fittest, Atlanta,
be seen in this land of bright colors, are
the nurses employed by wealthy
lies. Their costumes comprise blue or
pink skirts of stiffened
with a wide stripe of a contrasting col
or around the bottom. On the head is
a large bow of ribbon, with streamers
reaching to the fee-L They carry their
charges on pillows, covered with
and veils until one would think the
poor little babies would suffocate. As
they march majestically along, they
fairly in glory of
Here is a diamond, he. a pie.-e of
charcoal. Both carbon ; between
them stands the mightiest of magician
The food on your table, and
your own body ; the same,
yet between the two stands the
the arbiter of growth or decline,
life or death.
We cannot make a diamond, we can-
not make flesh, blood and bone
But by means of Shaker
Cordial we can enable the stomach to I either at wholesale or retail, who in.
Southern Baptist Convention in
session at Chattanooga, alter a
spirited debate, passed a resolution on
temperance introduced by Dr. J. B.
of Texas, who was the Vice-
Presidential candidate on the
ticket in 1892.
A temporizing substitute was
posed, but was tabled, and Dr.
resolution passed almost
following is
Resolved, That we, the members
the Southern Baptist Convention,
our and uncompromising
hostility to the manufacture, sale,
and transportation of alcohol-
beverages in any and all their forms.
regard the of issuing gov-
licenses for the purpose of car-
on the liquor traffic as a sin
against God and a dishonor to our
We furthermore announce it as
our conviction that we should by all
means oppose the liquor traffic
in municipal, county, State and nation.
we announce it as the
sense of this body that no should
be retained in fellowship of the
Church who engages in the
manufacture or sale of alcoholic liquors.
digest food which would otherwise fer-
and poison the system. In all or
forms of dyspepsia and Incipient con- sale alcoholic liquors, or who rents
with weakness, loss of flesh, . , k, -j j
thin blood, nervous prostration the he used tor
dial is the successful Taken wholesale liquor houses or saloons.
with food It relieves at once. It Nor do we believe that any church
and assists nature to nourish , ,, , , . . ,
trial to show Its merit should retain in its fellowship any
cents, tiers who drink as a beverage or
L is best for visit saloons or drinking places for the
d ran. Doctors re command It place of said

Greenville, N. C.
at to post t
N. U. as mail matter
July 1890.
or ho
were the concluding words P
Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska.
the standard bearer of the
party in tie campaign die
of United State.
He dosed the. for th silver
forces on the platform, replying to Hill,
of New York, and
sells, gold leaden. a
cal it raptured convention.
It the speech that the convention
had waited for wanted to hear,
knowing whence it would come
and the speech that boomed him
tor the nomination. His chances were
we-c merely a possibility, but after his
speech he arose as a mighty avalanche
and to the goal on the fifth bat-
lot the great Democratic convention
nominated him. Among all the
l in connection with the
nomination, the right man for the high
place was -elected. all
taking all in all. he is the
possible He is a strong
man. a true a most
friend of silver, and has done a gnat
d to make it Mr. Bryan
comes the light place, and ma
in the best place. He was born
in Illinois on the 19th. o March.
was years old last March.
was graduated the Illinois College
at with the highest honors. He
mid law and moved to Lincoln, No.
in 1887. He served ugh
the Fifty-first and Fifty-second Con-
and was reflected to the Filly-
third Congress. He is an out and out
tree silver man of the real stamp. He
is a brilliant speaker and campaigner,
and has talents of the highest Order.
He is extremely popular and has been
very in politic and will make
a campaign long to be
He is just old enough to be President
He looks like a composite of Edwin
Booth, John Daniel and
himself. His is his
dramatic, his utterances epigram
m his manner intensely earnest,
and his even- point telling. More than
be high logic ability. With
this man as a candidate
Di . a
d. Mr. is
a tine lawyer and
is an honor to the profession.
North Carolina was Bryan
the and stuck to I in from first In
last. When finished his speech
the North. Carolina delegation wont
He went over to the North Car-
mi and look his seal, and
when enthusiasm seemed lo have sub-
sided soon broke
it- B. II. Curry,
F. Warn n. W Tom
Emery, W. C. W. C. Dowd
and others lifted the on
their shoulders a aid
it was some time before he
gain his seat again. Forth Car-
had its share in making
platform. Originally it reed
he protection to labor is
the exclusion of foreign labor
Bias to prevent its coming in
with home On the
of Senator n change was
whereby the convention pledged
itself to protect labor in all its right.
representative on the platform
Maj. Hale, rafted the
plunk on the income tax.
The vote on and
was ayes SUM. The
Tote on Hill's Sew gold
ayes noes The
vote endorsing Cleveland was ayes
noes Hill's other financial
amendments were killed without call of
The must do her duly and
roll up a majority Bryan.
North Carolina has
to work and win in great cam-
Pitt has a . hi
but .-la.
d some work
wore Ibis than she has
Now tor a long pull, a strong pull,
and a pull altogether and victory will
crown our efforts and William Jennings
Bryan will be inaugurated the day
f March 1837.
N. July If.
The of Commissioners for
Pitt county met this date, present C.
Dawson, chairman, Jesse L. Smith, L.
Fleming, S M Jones T E Keel.
The following orders for pauper
Martha Nelson D Smith
Nancy Moore Susan
Henry Harris JO, Kenneth
Henderson Edward
J II Henry Sam
and Ann Cherry Fannie Tucker
Alice Winifred
Taylor G Winnie Chapman
Polly Adams Mrs J W Crisp
Long Edwin Haddock
Matilda Thomas Chas Joy.
and wile
g Peel Cullen
Sarah A B light Sallie
Due J Proctor Alex
Venters Wm Boyd
Parker Elizabeth Gain, Oil,
Paul Dunn
Alex Harris
The following orders for general
county purpose were issued
T A Wiley
L B J W Smith
D J Whichard A S
Walker W L House gO, John
A Whichard Dennis C Smith
Woody Pitt
County Buggy Co Woody Mo.
La horn W Carson J
F Allen K M Jones J It
Congleton K F Williams
J R Johnson Chas
C Spier J B Little
J J Perkins J T Smith
J B Co J F
Joyner K M Starkey W C
II A Blow
W King R W King U
W King R T Hodges B
D Beach
Dr F W Brown Go, J B Cherry
Co Dr. F W Baker
Dart F W Brown
Burnett J L Elks F
Brown Fred Cox W C Pen-
GO, L Fleming SO, J L
Smith S M Jones T E Keel
C Dawson M King
For Swift Creek and
stock territory L B
For Greenville law territory
II A Blow 00-
The following were granted
licenses to retail from
Hooker CO, K M Cheek,
K H malt, O Hooker,
Burnett Belcher, J A Braddy, B F
Anderson, Mobley.
Staten, F S Gardner.
Beaver P Willoughby, J
It Davenport, Little
Swift A Bland, Bryan
Gardner, E Lang.
O Bro, J
Ravage Co T M
it I. I'll.
S. S E J Poll aid.
F Nelson, J L Perk-
ins en.
S Keel, W T Pierce.
The following were drawn
September term of Pill Superior
B Smith.
L A More, G F Evans, R
W II Cox. W R Evans,
Tyson, I. II W J W
Carson, E D Manning.
Cornelius Joyner. M J Free-
man Vines, M C Cotton, J M
Williams, W G Morgan, W T
W II Patrick, C J Smith, J A Gard-
L B Barney, Allen Adams, F M
Smith, Jas. C B II Ives,
horn, J D T C Cannon,
Second A Tripp. J B
W K Win Berry
Robt. Green, Ashley Whichard, John
F Boyd. C Shew Tyson, II
C in
Andrews, J R. Pippin. A M ,
Sr. G O
J J s.
Ordered that the if
chip be i i
and allot bands to th.-
road the lands of K K
touching the lands of Mary and
others to Ayden.
W S Freeman having been
by the Sheriff on the insolvent list of
1895 for and then; being on file
in this a county order payable to
him in the sum of it is ordered
that sail old r e
to a pool taM I heir
of -s in G II .
. a.- . .
HI of poll las t r .
T E and I.
lo in
for 1895 between Sheriff and
made their report with
statement showing amounts
collected and paid over. The total
amount of county t collected by the
Sheriff and paid over to he Treasurer
as shown in the
July 10th, 1890.
tor the. Democratic ticket
and platform No matter what sort of
a Democrat you were before the CM.
go convention made the platform and
nominated the ticket, it is now the
proper thing for you to the
and platform, and to go to work
and render what aid you can towards
obtaining a victory. More will be
known as to the chance
has to win after the Populist and silver
party both which meet
at St. Louis on the 22nd of this month.
If the member of those conventions
are us devoted to the cause of silver as
they profess to be, they will nominate
no ticket of own. but will endorse
the Democratic ticket. Should they
do that the crowd would be
the worst frightened, men in the country
not without good cause, either. Should
as gold men were in the minority
at the State convention.
Gen. W. R. Cox, of North Carolina,
who is Secretary of the Senate and a
good judge of the drift of political
men, has just returned from that state.
He says prospects of Democrat-
success in North Carolina are very
The nomination of a
strong silver candidate the
of a free coinage at Chi-
went a long way toward insuring
the of Democracy. Thousands
of will vote the national Dem-
ticket, they cannot
without stultifying
And the Republicans of North
Carolina are also for lire silver.
Their candid Judge
is a silver Slate
convention declared for the white met-
Outside of the protection policy,
has no strength in
the State, but although the
cans favor protection, they
lire not half as deeply interested ill that
the Populists and the M are in the money issue,
get their backs up because the Dem-i- White, of
convention would not allow believes that the Dam-
to name the ticket, Mark Hanna's smile p.,,., going to w,, H p,,
will broaden, but kW this year because of its
hope that they aid do nothing the cause silver. He
suicidal. ton in a Washington
earnest, and the revolution is on. felt their troubles and suffering
New York and Massachusetts, want to caused by a high protective tariff and
secede from the Union lam in favor an ever increasing standard. His
of letting go, even as Horace I heart is fall of sympathy for all. He
said of the South. the will as President know no see Jon, no
airing brethren go in j class, but be the President of the entire
Those naval officers who thought to the
that the assembling of a large squad- interests which oppress
on the Atlantic coast a
a great people, he will be to use
summer of idle loafing around the sea- command to place
side resorts are waking up to their
mistake. It is the intention of
the entire country upon the the high
road or prosperity, to start every wheel
tale Ward
EVANS A Props.
The are plenty of Democrats HI
Washington who do not like portions
Herbert that the as- T manufacturing industry from
ambled on the Atlantic coast shall to Texas, from North Carolina
in some very hard work drilling California, to adjust the currency of
an in order that all of the , the country to a bi sis will make
officers may get their share of the work patties unnecessary and the manufacture
orders have been issued revoking all of them impossible ; lo give those, who
leaves of absence, except on account if desire to earn in honest livelihood n
sicklies, and directing officers on wail- and to give the sous of toil,
ciders to report tor duty. These whether in the mines, in the cities, or
orders started a fresh crop of Cuban Under the midday sun of the open
rumors, bat there is nothing them- opportunity once to
i prosper and to live as free men and
Americans. His action immediately
HIS OPINION OF BRYAN. after his nomination in declaring that
under no if elected would
The old Greenville Warehouse is being en-
and more lights added which makes it
the lighted Warehouse in the State. With
plenty money and no pets, fair dealings and
hard work, we are going to sell as high
as any one. Give us a trial and we will show
you. Your friends,
EVANS Greenville, N .
Call on
J. W. HIGGS. i. S. HIGGS, Cashier.
The Man the Country Needs for Pres
he be a candidate for re-election marks
as honest, sincere and trying to put
i himself beyond the power cf doing things
to serve his own ambitions
The New York World wired ex-
Congressman W. A. II. Branch, of
this district, asking his opinion of W.
J. Democratic i for
President and what he thought of his
hole months ago the cause
of democracy seemed hopeless. Now
of i he pint form and many more situation is changed, and the op- h,,,,;,,,.;.,, f elected President
wanted other men nominated, but SO J position is thoroughly alarmed. A lit Mr. sent the following to the
far as I none of them are talk-; tie while ago it seemed impossible that World which the has
boiling, lite National the Democrats; could win even in M to publish
settled the mailer for them, and as Tennessee. We will carry the State as President will be the
good party men they are now for the by or ma equal of any since the days Jeff
ticket. The talk of President The people are terribly in a the people he has seen
land taking part q a movement .,,.,., .-w-
a gold Democratic ticket
few believers here It is
lo wood toothpicks that be
of the kind. There can only be
one Democratic ticket and that has been
nominated in a regular manner by u
properly constituted convention. j
course after one y a
cannot President Cleveland; and acting under the advise of my Attorney, Col. L A Sugg,
will enthuse over it. I h extended the time purchase of Farm Rights for Improved Patent
. . . . of and Looping Tobacco, until August 1896, at my former
I States . ; for or ,., nu for all over acres cultivated
Frank Clark, of who is now inland after that date no extension in the collections may be expected and the
Washington, and in answer to a to wit;
how lite, looked TEN
that Suites the 7.50
ticket will win as usual. There is con. TWENTY ACHES IT
interest in the Senatorial race
but it is early yet to predict the
name of Senator ex-
sugar crop of Cuba, for this
year now harvested, amounts to
tons, worth
former crops of tons, worth
It costs sugar to keep
up the racket over there.
Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex-
Deputy U. S. Marshal,
Columbus, Kan.,
was delivered
of TWINS in
less than min-
and with
scarcely any pain
after using only
two bottles of
or on receipt of
per bottle.
All persons who wishing to avail themselves of this last opportunity of
Rights it these low prices can so by calling on Col. i. Sugg, at Green-
ville, N. C-, or remit the price by registered letter or P. O. on the Dan-
ville, Va. O. to Laurel Grove, Va., and rights will be prompt
cent to that he will undoubtedly be sent. Th's is a mater of b and those wishing to avoid the penalty or
., . . , United States Patent Laws
a tree silver ma. A great
Florida free silver,
though four the delegates to the Chi.
convention were gold. That
was simply the result of management.
must comply with the notice.
JULY 1880.
To the Tobacco Farm-
All farmers growing tobacco who pro-
pose to use the Improved Method of
Hanging or Looping for curing
are that they must procure a
farm before using the same.
The same having been patented Oct.
by Pleasant B. Farmer, and by him
assigned to John R. Farm
can be procured by applying to
ISAAC A. Attorney.
Greenville, V. June
Greenville is the leading Bright Tobacco market in Eastern Carolina and the
the currant market val-
of that tobacco, and
is not only the leading I
house in Greenville
we challenge the State j
show that any Ware-
house within her
sold as many
pounds Tobacco last
year for as high an av-
price per pound.
as the Eastern. There
are three points
to obtain the high-j
est price for a pile
tobacco. First a
knowledge the
tobacco. Second a
order that they might, at all times, thorough-j
protect the interest all their customers and
the vast army of old customers whose patron-j
age encouragement has placed us among
the leading warehouse of the State, and the
constantly increasing new ones bear witness to
that constant, per-
is tan t and ever watch-
hard work over the
pile, while the bids
hang upon the auction-
lips without which
no one can ever be
able to get outside
prices for your tobacco.
These three lessons the
of the
have zealously
to master in
tins fact. With five years
of practical experience
on the warehouse floors
in Greenville we want
to say to the
of Eastern Carolina that
we are in a
this year to
your crop than ever
before. Evans and Joy-
will both be on talc
In conclusion we
want to say that with
For the finest lino of White
mid Sailor Hals on
market received weekly from
the northern cities. Also
Leghorn, White and Colored
Lace and Straw Shapes,
Flowers, Baby A
full hue of Trimmed Hats.
The entire stock will be sold
at per above cost for
the next days- Call
satisfy yourself.
l . .
North Carolina, t in Justices Court
Pitt County, Before
w. H. Harrington rs. W. it. Keel, alias
Robert Williams.
The defendant above named will take
an action entitled as above
has been commenced before A. Lang,
an acting Justice of the Peace iii and
for the county of Pitt, to r rover
on a note which had,
against the judgment, and to subject
certain land which defendant owns in
this county to the payment said
debt; and the defendant will timber
lake notice that, lie appear
before the said A. Lang at his office
in the Court House In the town of
Greenville on the day of July
at o'clock A. M., and answer or
demur to the complaint in said action,
or the will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in said com-
of July 1806.
J. A. LANG, J P.
F. G. for ill
Greenville, N. C.
Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,
Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Mil.
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
N. C.
Noah Neck, N
K. H. Fleming, N. C.
D. W. liar Higgs Bros.,
Greenville. N. C.
-----A fresh of-----
Flour, Lard,
Meat, Coffee
Meal, Sugar,
which I am
that it causes
Come see
and I will
treat you fair
We respect fall y solicit the ac taunts
of firms, individual and the general
Checks Account Books furnish-
ed on application.
less than cost. n f- o. b.
it N. per M.
Lumber Co.
you can tho common iron
from others. If you don't believe
it call his prices. He will
not undersold. Al work gnat.
as to material, work,
Flues are now Ready
for Delivery.
Prompt attention given to all or-
I am also agent for the
largest WALL
A. B.
II Machine Shop
-----A largo of the
Eagle Brand of Fine Shoes
------just received. A Mock of-------
I way a hand.
A. Whites old
has taught the i -t i
pomps, panning and
for and general purposes, ax well s
Hats. Shoes. Lathes Dress I band. Am head
quarters for Heavy Groceries, and for O. H. T.
I keep mil at i
N. O
our combined efforts
we believe that we are
in a better position to
get op prices than
any house in Eastern
Carolina when you
get a load ready for
market pa no
ti the fairy talcs
of the little drummers
but come right on to
the old Eastern he d-
tor high prices.
lib, MM
All Risks placed in strictly
, , Pitt Co., r.,
T. J , V
Stock, Cotton, Grain and Provision Brokers.
MM and Progress Building,
Ties Peanut at Lowest
and Consignments Solicited.
Code, used In Telegraphing.

Local Reflections.
In and
we careful
not to omit a particle of
that distinctive style and
perfect lit which always
characterizes our
have we for one moment
lost of the ever
important point of price
economy. Mid-Sum-
mer Clothing of equal
quality and style
never sold cheaper.
Linen, Crash, Serge,
Flannel. Seersucker, Si-
ilk, Duck,
are in profusion and can
be bought cheap.
mediate buyers have
privilege of selection
from the finest, largest
and most complete as-
apparel ever display-
ed here.
Flour just
at J. S.
Boca use r- i k i.- Ber. K. D
Wells not fill his appointments in
the Baptist church Sunday.
N. Y. State and Can's
at S. M. Schultz's.
suits been received
the men of Co., and
don't expect to get wet any-
Car load Hulls, cheap
at S. M.
ban been plentiful
on market the past week. Some
are in size but all seem to
be of poor quality.
First of the Mullein
and cents a peck at S. Al.
Bryan mid Watson are in order
now. Let Greenville lull in by
a one and get ready
good work.
G. A. Co. has
lot of one two Wagons for
Side See B. Sugg.
Can Tomatoes, Peaches. Cher
Apricot, and Pineapple.
We hope this Dew will bring a
weather I he better.
But Henry Hooker says when lie
.-aw it the point was straight down.
Bicycles on easy K.
Pender iV; Co. have made arrangement
with Pope Co. to sell Columbia
Hi on the installment plan.
heir terms are very easy.
An experienced tobacco man would
like to engage in this next year
to farm either on shares or for wages.
Add es. M. I. Falling Creek,
The nomination of Hon. Bryan
President seems to have touched a
popular chord. Every one we
beard give an expression i- well
pleased v him.
will be in
the King House. Tuesday and
Wednesday, August 4th and 5th,
for the purpose and treating
diseases the Eye.
II. O. ,.
The ate
beginning to hustle now gelling ready
opening of August
I They are ready lo handle any
tobacco that comes in between now
and I hen.
The good coiling up from
about excellent way
proprietor George is conducting
Hotel Ponder, is taking the Greenville
down there. Parties are going
every Saturday to enjoy that
to-day by Col. A.
Sugg -i mammoth tomato of the
variety grown by Col. Sugg, on
his farm. The plants were seeded by
Allen Warren at Nursery
and this one, weighed by Dr. John L.
Wooten, this pounds
one ounce and grains
We call attention to the advertise-
the North Carolina College o
Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in our
issue of to-day. This College has
steadily advanced lo the rank,
and its work within the past year
the highest commend, lion.
The New
York Forum and other eminent
They are Seen Sometime as Well as
W. is in town.
Mack is sick with
Miss Hooker been sick a
few days.
H. Gorman returned from
Miss Lillie to Kinston
Wednesday evening to visit
W. T. returned Saturday
evening from a trip in Virginia,
Miss Hart, of Va.
is the family J. N. Hart.
Book For ladies.
Marion Harland's
about food, health, clothing, complexion
and long lite, sent to any render of the
Reflector tor twelve cent stamps.
The Trade Company, Boston Mass
New Crop.
J. E. Hi had a wagon load
tobacco on sale at the Planters Ware-
house Friday. It was composed of
and and brought fancy
BY O. L.
Mrs. It. W. King at d children are
relatives and friends in
W. J. Corbett returned Thursday
evening from his vacation in Durham.
risking ,. Tun-
C F. and J. J. Cherry, Jr.,
Miss who was visiting
-Mi.-s Glenn Forties, left
S. Jenkins and wife returned Fri-
day an extended trip lo
Mr.-. C. M. Bernard and children
came home Thursday evening a
visit in Virginia.
W. F. and children
Just Two.
July is a little past one-third gone,
but Register of Deeds King has issued
only two marriage licenses since the
came in. one for white and
one tor colored. The white couple
were W. Smith and Cora Hart.
d. Friday evening
a trip lo
Come to Greenville.
The tobacco farmer who is wise this
season will sell bis tobacco on the
Greenville market. It can't be dis-
Greenville has lour of the
best warehouses lo be anywhere,
and our are determined
that no market them
in quantify or price.
New School District.
The Board County Commission-
divided white school district
No. in township,
a new district out of a portion of it
with the railroad the dividing line.
The West side railroad will be
continued as No with the same
I as heretofore, while the
I east side will hereafter be known as
No. , with G. W. Parker, CO.
Brown and James Harrington commit-
From the information that we have
from private correspondence and other
sources as well, the Virginia crop is
very much damaged by recent heavy
rains which in some places been
very destructive to not only crops of
every kind, but it has caused many
dangerous washouts along various rail
roads, ard number of hogs and cattle
in the low hinds of river bottoms have
been drowned. We have had several
letters the last few days from
not at all nattering, especially with the
man among the late tobacco. This is
true all over the east from whence we
have any informal ion and the crop is
about equally divided one half set out
early and other late. The first to-
that was set out up lo a few days
ago was looking splendid, but
Carolina has not escaped the
heavy rains that have been
up the country and at is entire-
too tobacco. Curing the older
is now going on pretty brisk and
these rains a tendency to make
the tobacco lire up on the hill, besides
the gum is washed out and the
will necessarily be and light.
Your is called to
fact that
At Goat
At Cent
is offering- all his
tobacconists all over the country in-i What the outcome of the crop will be
pining after the crop prospects
no one can yet tell, but unless it stops
Wheel Fooled Him.
A e man town had an en-
to meet another man at a
place miles in the country, and
to a friend to borrow a bicycle lo
make the trip on. lie was asked how
far Le was going and answered I miles.
whereupon the wheel was turned over
to him. mounted and away he
went at a good speed. the
was reached he had no notion
taking kept on. But
right at that particular spot the wheel
sprung a leak and lei the rider down
the exact distance be told own-
he was going. The engagement
with the man G miles further on was
not tilled, and the funny part of it is lie
had to walk back to town through the
with the wheel on his shoulder
I that lady in order lo get a
good photograph she must forget where
she did it so
thoroughly that she away without
making the required
T am showing a large
variety of the newest
and most fashionable
in Straw and
tho finest grades of both
English and American
The King Clothier.
Bethel Notes.
N. July 1696
Kev. Albert Barnes returned from a
to Fremont hut Friday evening
B. and family left
last Thursday to spend a few days w
his father county.
W. J. while at phone
last Friday evening dining a
was knocked down by electricity and
was stunned a while, but soon re-
from effect.
We are glad to know that the new
depot will be completed early
day. The tobacco are all
The Dem ruts are all well pleased
here with the nomination of Bryan.
John K. Williams, who has been
spending a days with his mother,
returned to Monday.
Gaston New York,
who ha.- spending some days with
M. It. Lang, to-day
Miss Lizzie of
who has been visiting Miss
Harris, returned home Monday even-
Mis. W. F. who been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Z-no Moore,
returned Saturday to her home in
Frown, telegraph operator at
Aulander, came down Wednesday even-
lo spend a week with his parents
is county.
N. D. Wilson and wile re-
turned from an extended trip up the
country. Mr. Wilson has improved in
health and we welcome him home again
and hope he has permanently regained
his health.
Masonic Officers.
The following officers of Greenville
Lodge No. A. F. A. M. were
installed by Past Master II. Harding
n July Gib
W. M. W. M.
J. M. S. W.
O. L. Joyner, J. W.
C. T. Treas.
L. I. Moore, See.
J. II. Harris. S. D.
F. C. Harding. J. D.
S. C. Benjamin. Tiler.
The following committee
Harding. J.
G. James.
Fleming, C. T.
Orphan F. Sugg,
W. Harrington, J, J. May.
Lodge L.
Harding, J. F. Starker,
Eastern North Carolina. All them raining and that soon prospects will be-
that the nuns have been most gin to look gloomy, and if it does, the
disastrous lo the tobacco crop especially, crop will not be an average one unless
In some places the crop is just simply there is a great change fr om now.
to death, so lo speak. Up in I
central part of this State, around
Durham. Oxford and Hen-
demon, all advisers state that they have
had entirely too much rain white all
eyes are turned to Eastern North Car-1 The iron of scrofula has no
and the mercy upon its victims. This demon
crop condition is eagerly We Wood is not satisfied with
i causing dreadful sores, but racks the
don I suppose that there has ever been rheumatism
a year since the farmers of the eastern; until Hood's cures,
section have been growing tobacco j four years ago I became
, . ,. . . , Dieted with scrofula and rheumatism.
when it was more to arrive all
intelligent understanding the true
condition of the tobacco crop than
year. Reports from the farmers are i
jail conflicting as to crop, broke out on my
I instance the writer has always made it Pieces of bone came out and an operation
point when about the crop ; contemplated. I had rheumatism in
, i my lees, drawn of shape,
condition in any particular section to . ; , . .
J petite, could not sleep. I was a perfect
get the opinion three or lour wreck. I continued to grow worse and
s men in that section and the finally gave up the doctor's treatment to
report these
the main points, but this year we
have been completely stumped along
this line. Only a few days ago we
saw two farmers that to town Hood's Soon appetite
,, , , came back; the gores commenced to heal,
from same section. We asked . . , , .
My limbs straightened out and I threw
crops were in his away my crutches. I am now stout and
one I hem how
section and his reply was that he never farming, whereas four
Completed Work.
The Democratic National
has completed its work and adjourn
ed. Today was given to the selection
of a candidate Vice President several
names being placed in no
th.-m Judge Walter Clark, of North was a rec-
were --av crops in his life. He said Hood's Urban
. in. wire taken i i Table Grove, Illinois.
before a was reached, the eon- tobacco did not look to him to be in a
test being almost as spirited as over healthy condition, that in his
place on the ticket. Sewell, his hood the tobacco
of Maine, was nominated on the tilth
had ever been In a short
while we saw farmer from
Painfully Hurt. . section standing with a
On last Saturday morning Mr James men discussing crops if
fine Purifier. All St.
C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bach as Oxford Ties for
and children, and low
quarters for men
Such as light color in felt and
all straw goods
to make
room for
Such as
fall stock.
Such as Summer Suits,
Dimities, White Goods,
India Lin ins, Mulls,
color, and weights
Don't this, we want
room for fall goods-
Very v,
C T.
Next door to of Greenville,
Those who were present th-i
track near city Thursday afternoon
witnessed the best racing ever seen
this section.
There was no rain mil no
-in lad an ideal day for
towns were represented,
and Washington.
The races resulted as follows
Dictate, 1st; Tom 2nd ; Ida K. 3rd;
Nellie, Hub Sleek, Hi Time
2.48-3. Stake
Bye, 1st; 2nd ; Middle-
to we 2.40. Stake
1st; Simon Sanders 2nd ;
Belle, ;
In interval between the heats a
contest was had the digest g-hI
man's driving horse
Barnes, 1st; ;
Jas. Jno. Corbett, Tom Hunter-
The judges of races were Messrs--
H. ;. Levy, H.
and T. M- Anderson.
Saved His Barn.
Saturday morning Mr. J. K.
township, was killing
out a barn of tobacco. The tobacco
took lire, but, wonderful to relate, the
barn was saved. Mr. kept
a barrel pickle setting by the barn
were j door. As soon as the took
lire be threw several buckets full
this pickle on the Hues and shut up the
barn. lie hurried to well for water
and by the lime he got back to the
barn the flues were cool enough for him
to go inside and light the fire which the
pickle had partially He
went to work in a hurry and though
most the was ruined he
saved his barn. You don't hear
of a tobacco being saved after fire
has caught inside
X. Hart.
r. c.
Not Much of an Appetite.
H Biter Nettles, the colored
was a frightened man Saturday
when he went to the stables. Lust
night he fed the big iron gray as usual,
giving him a gallon of corn and a gal-
of rough rice, besides usual
amount hay. During the night the
horse broke into the Iced bin and ate
cars corn. This morning Wall r
ed her as usual, giving her one gallon
of corn and hay. The horse alter fin-
repast walked out in the lot
and began to eat grass. Walter went
in the feed bin for a piece harness
and discovered the corn gone. Then
he was scared, sure enough. Upon es-
he found the horse bail eaten
of com besides hay and
grass. he horse is ail right seeming-
Bethel Items.
are just as good as we could want
Then be said it was true that the crop
was somewhat broken and irregular
but on the whole he thought the
average a fair one. These two gen-.
arc representative men and
excellent farmers, both of them and
their report of the crop in their neigh-
is one like you would get in
almost every section of North
this year. We did not under-
stand these conflicting statements at
first but upon investigation came to
this conclusion Plants were irregular
in the spring, some farmers had early
plants and son e Those who
had early plants, and their crop
out early have good crops of tobacco
while the man whose, plants were
late made a late
Brown while making flues, a piece of j course, we walked up and asked Hood's
scale from the iron flew in his left eye how crops were his section, his re-
said it was painfully hurt. On Saturday ply was the exact reverse of what
part of it was removed by Zeno other one had said. Why said he. crops
Brown and He con-
lo suffer so much that the doc-
tors examined it again and another
part of it was removed. He is suffer-
a great deal now. The eye is very
much inflamed, but he will not lose his
We. the undersigned,
purchased used Tobacco Flues
i made by W- C last sea-
son and unhesitatingly say they
are A- both workmanship and
are much easier put together than
Flues usually made. All joints
J. J.
W. G
S- D.
are now taking orders for
next reason and will guarantee
quality the best and prices as low
as any. Correspondence solicited
Give correct of inside of barn
and we will so yon
if teen
put them up
while the crop may yet turn out lo be
n good one prospects at present are
W. C. k Son.
Washington, N C.
Dress Goods, Novelties,
And Other
Chas. B. Hood, Broker and
Agent. Ohio,
that Dr. King's New
has no equal as a Cough remedy. J. Ii.
Brown, Prop- Hotel, Ft.
Wayne, I ml., testifies that he wag cured
of a Cough of two years
by Lr. New Dis-
L. P.
Mass., says that he his used end rec-
it and never knew it to fail
rather has it man any doc.
tor, because it always cure. Mrs.
E. St. Chicago,
ways keeps it at hand and bas no fear
of Croup, because It Instantly relieves.
Free trial bottle at Jno. L. Wooten's.
Try as a remedy for
your troubles If not, get a bottle now
and get relief. This medicine has
found to lie adapted the re-
lief and cure of all Female Complaints,
a wonderful direct influence
in strength and and tone to the
organs. If you have Loss
Constipation, Fainting Spells, or are
Sleepless, or
troubled with Dizzy Spells.
need. Health
Strength are guaranteed by its use.
cents and at Jno. U,
en's Drug Stove.
Notice to Creditors.
Having as Executor of the
will of the late Mrs. A. M. Clark, notice
is In given to all Indebted
to estate to make immediate pay-
to the all
creditors f the estate of Mrs, A. M.
Clark to exhibit their claims properly
authenticated to undersigned, at the
of Blount A Fleming, attorneys, In
Greenville, M. C, on the first
day of August 1897.
W. B.
Executor of Mrs. A. M. Clark.
BLOUNT A FLEMING, Attorneys for
X. C. July 7th,
Miss Lizzie Mayo is teaching the pub-
school District No. at Pleasant
on mile from town.
Miss Cherry is spending a few
weeks at Asheville.
J. L. of Houston. Texas, is
visiting his parents, and relatives here.
Harvey James, son of W. A. James,
Asheville, l visiting his grandfather,
Alfred James,
Airs. J, C. Wynn and Britton,
Mount, spent last week here
with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Robert Staton. T. T. Cherry. M. C.
S. Cherry, J. and John
Blount went to
day. Our bicyclists wanted, to
in I he race was to have taken
place but no one would run against
J. W. Lowell filled his pulpit
the Baptist church last Sunday
morning and night.
J. Peal has opened a grocery
store on Railroad street.
t V Bargains jars the and
fact joined to the truthful assertions, the largest stock, most
beautiful selections, best values, make store the most
satisfactory place for you to trade. Come take a look at
the attractions which we offer you. They
cannot fail to elicit your admiration and make
you our patrons. A stock fall of Bargains
ever day during each season, but
before any better, grander, more
beautiful or better selected
stock than this season. Our
bought for the
Cash, added to
the judgment
of years
experience, we offer a line of
that has never been excelled or scarcely in this town or
county. Our store is the home of rare bargains, genuine
merit, honest goods, square dealing, polite attention,
and the place for you to We have
them here and call upon every buyer
to examine them Our store
is full to
of the
Dry Goods, Ladies, Misses and Children Dress
Goods, Shirt Waist Silks, White Goods,
Dimities, all wool
Dress Goods, Ripples,
Novelty Cotton Goods,
Linen Fabrics,
Piques, White and Colored Lawns,
Muslins, Ginghams, Calicoes and other beautiful
Stylish things too numerous to mention. Our Laces, Ribbons, Silks,
Braids, Buttons, Velvets other Trimmings make hearts of
the ladies clad to them. Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Side Combs,
and Hair Ornaments are beauties. Our Shoe stock is immense for
Ladies, Misses and Children, Men and Boys. The most complete
and of Misses and Oxford Ties ever
offered here.
Furnishing Goods
embracing articles, such Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Bows
Suspender, Dress and Sunday and
every day Undershirts and Toilet Articles- Far, Wool and
Straw Hats for Men and Gaps for men, Boys and children-
Plain, Pure, Heavy Groceries.
Flour, Meat, Sugar, Lard, Molasses, Salt, Snuff and Tobacco. Hard
ware and Farming Tools, lows and Casting, Tinware, Toilet Soap
and useful household articles that line- The Best line of
Crockery that we have ever had and that is saying much- Our Ta-
Dinner Sets are beauties- Our and Saucers, Dish-
es and Bowls are here in quantities and Vase and far
Lamps, plain and fancy patterns. Now a word about oar
Store, bigger more magnificent and grander than ever before Oak
Suits, Parlor Suits, Couches, Lounges, Plush, Upholstered, Reed,
Willow, and Oak Rocking Chairs, Oak, Dining Chairs- All
culmination of the Manufacturer's Art up to date. Separate pieces,
Bureaus, Bedsteads; and Dining Tables, Towel and Hal
Tin Safes, Side Boards, Spring Mattresses, Cots, Wash
Shuck and straw Mattresses, Mattings, Rugs, Carpet, Car
Poles, Lace Curtains, Window Shades and other house furnish
es- Harness, and Hand Bags Satchels. Wood
Willow Ware. Buckets, Tubs. Market and Fancy Lunch Bask
And many other things that you need. Don't come to Green
leave without seeing your friends, the Leaders and
If not it will soon be
and you had better get
your Flues ready for
curing. We can sup-
ply you now at any
time with the bes Steel
i Fender makes good

how much
longer have go to wait for
hours and forty-five to-
day's train Mud villa pulled out
a quarter of an hour ago-
man Pennsylvania,
stands his offers
to young Where the
men are girls are
bound to
tag their year's supplies will
interest before
chasing elsewhere.
ii all its branches.
we direct from
Mm you to buy at A coo
stock of
always and old at prices
the I lines. Our goods bough i and
having I
to sell at a close margin.
M. N C
If you buy Standard oils it may
Interest you to know bow rich
you are making that
John Rockefeller president cf
the Standard oil trust,
of the shares in the
corporation, and their market
value is said to
His income from this source
alone is for every hour of
the day, and his annual income is
estimated at tram to
who has been married five times,
and is the lather of forty six
was married Saturday at
Va., to Van of
county, aged fourteen.
If n
Guitar. Banjos. Accord,
cat, ac, all kinds of Strings,
East York.
14th i- r. Q
Weldon Ar. M
Rocky Mt Wilson Ar. mil in i Op .;.
Magnolia Ar i. OS o P. H
Dated April e . A. H. r. M.
W Magnolia r Wilson A. M. M. t
Wilson Ar Rocky M. HP. M,
Ar Tarboro Tarboro Rocky Mt Ar
Patrick Henry Winston, erst-
while of Carolina, now of
the State of a Re-
publican, writes Mr. Watson, the
Democratic candidate for
congratulating him his
nomination Mid regretting that he
is not in the State to work and
vote for him- Mr- is a
coiner and says his letter
that the Republic in party
longer represents the
upon which free government
is but become an
agency for breeding and main
What Talked about.
don't love me
have kissed you over
limns during the last half hour.
just it. If you
loved me you would have devoted
the entire to
the aggregate wealth of the
New York who are
worth over each,
foots up and there is
not one of them who doesn't be
that there is money
in this country, that the
.- isn't a daisy thing-
His Worst Enemy Defeated by
P. P. P.,
Great Remedy.
A good looking, well to-do
of Griffin, Ga, was
teased by the young ladies of a
club for not being married. He
marry the one of
whom, on a secret you elect
to be my There were nine
members of the club. Each
went into a comer used great
in preparing her ballot
and disguised her handwriting.
result of the vote was that
there were nine cast. E
receiving one. The man re-
mains a bachelor, the club it
broken up the girls are
enemies, united in the de-
termination that they will
speak to the man again.
Train on Scotland Week
Weldon 3.55 p. m., Halifax 4.1
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p
., Greenville 6.47 p. m., Kinston 7.45
p. in. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.20
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arriving
Halifax at a. m., Weldon 11.20 am
Trains on Branch leave
Washington 8.00 a. in., and 3.00 p . m
arrives Parmele 3.50 a. m. and 4.40
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m.,
3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
and 6.20 p. m arrives Washington
11.60 a. p. m. Daily ex-
Connects with trains on
Neck Branch-
leaves C, via
Raleigh daily except Sun-
day, at p. I P.
0.00 P. M., 5.26 p. m.
Plymouth daily except
Sundry, 6.00 a. Sunday 9.30 a m.,
wive Tarboro 10.25
Train Midland N. C. branch leaves
daily, except Sunday, 6.04 a
in. arriving 7-30 a. in. Re-
turning leaves 8.00 a. in ,
rives at 9.30 a. m.
Traits la Nashville branch leave
Mount at 4.30 p. at., arrive
Nashville p. m., spring Hope 5.30
p. in. Returning leave Spring Hope
8.00 a. m-i Nashville 8.30 a m, at
Rocky Mount 9.05 a m, daily except
Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
L, leave 6.40 p m, Dunbar
7.511 p m, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
Dunbar 6.30 a m,
arrive Latta 7.50 a m. dally except Sun-
leaves War-
saw for Clinton except
m. said 8.50 p, m- Returning
a. p m.
Train No. makes close connection
at Weldon points daily, all rail via
at Mount with
all points North via Norfolk.
General Supt.
M. Manager.
R Manager. I
The Boys and
Any one teaching
or Sunday school work, or who
is by any means among
boys and of the age from
to years, must been
pressed with the brightness of
many of them, and thought, too,
the in them lie.
Have you gone farther and
wondered what kind of men
women will We have,
and have maddened at the thought
that many have poor
ties fr
They will in a few years be
fathers and mother, the men
women of action, and the
they get the more
useful they will be
Put these boys girl
through the proper schooling
they will be of a much better
than the present generation, train
them develop the
ties in them, and instead of
you will find enlightenment
refined homes, will,
when you pass hence, leave heirs
you will not be ashamed of.
This work be done a
day, nor a year, but years of per-
will work won-
Give the boys and girls a chance
to be men
ton News.
Hon. Mark Hanna says the
cost of
which friends furnished
left for Mr, Hanna.
is a man who is
not the habit of putting his
money in a hole He expects to
get this money back if
should be elected. How Well
he, doubtless, has that pretty well
with his
Dr. Gee-. T. Winston, president
of the University of North Caro
has unanimously elect-
ed president cf the of
Texas. He has accepted the
believing that the field of
usefulness is larger in Texas than
in North The
of a year.
the administration of Dr.
W the has
more prosperous than ever before.
He is one of the foremost
tors in the and the an-
that he will leave
the State will cause
Catarrh Cannot be Cured.
they cannot reach the scat of the dis-
ease. Catarrh is a blood or
and order to cure it
you must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, arid
directly on the blood and mucous
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not i med-
It was prescribed by one of the
best physicians in this for
years, and is a regular prescription. It
is composed of the host tonics known,
combined with the b t blood purifier,
acting directly on mucous surfaces
The perfect combination of the
ingredients is produces such
results in curing Catarrh. Sn-o
for testimonials, tree.
F. J. Props. Toledo.
Sold by druggists, price
Will open at
Oct. 2nd a Home School Girls,
from to years of age.
limited to 10- Address
Mrs. A. L.
Norwood P. O; Nelson Go. Va.
Teachers, Students, Tuition
a year. Board a
month, full College Brief
Courses, Law School,
Summer School for Teachers, Scholar-
ships and loans for the Address
Chanel Hill, N. C.
Samuel Shank, of Maryland
a wiser man, and not so much
of a joker as he was, all because
he had a practical son, a boy a-
who isn't afraid of ghosts.
The sire to try his nerve, under-
took to play ghost, on him, when
the boy, didn't the
identity of the ghost, lit into him
with a club and two or three
ribs before the ghost could per-
him of the relationship that
existed between them. The sire,
who is now undergoing repairs,
says he will never play ghost
Mr. A. M. Ramsey, of
u i from Catarrh in worst
form. Truly, bis description of bis suffer-
seem little short of marvelous. In-
stead of seeking his couch, glad for the
nights coming, he went to it with terror,
that soother long, weary, wake-
night and a struggle to was
before him. He could not sleep on either
side for two years. P. P. P.
Great Itemed, cured him Id quick time.
Messrs. BROS., Savannah. Oh.
I have need nearly four bottles
of P. P. P. I was afflicted from the crown
of my to the soles of my feet
P. P. P. has cured my difficulty of breath-
smothering, palpitation of the heart,
find has relieved me of pain. One nos-
was closed for ten years, but now
can breathe through It readily.
I have not on either side for two
years; In fact, I dreaded to see night come.
Now I sleep soundly In any position all
I am years old, but expect soon to
be able to take hold of the plow handles.
I feel glad that I was lucky enough to gel
P. P. P. heartily recommend It to
my friends the public generally.
Yours respectfully,
Butler Wilmington.
hero at
I he Opera House last Friday
night to about people, most
of whom were To
give a little pungency to the affair,
a of claret, as it were to the
lemonade, the
Ann was arrested in the
street at the instance of Mr. W. E-
Worth, for an old debt, due ice
two years ago. He had been re
for the money,
but paid no attention to
gar things and as a
was here for the debt.
Southport Leader.
American Soapstone
the Ragged Mountain Al-
county, Virginia, the
scene of one of Poe's weird tales,
exists a great deposit of soap
stone is said to be the
finest the world. It was dis-
about years ago
but now a small colony of people
exists at the spot and three
have been opened- The
stone, which is very hard, and
is cut out in blocks
averaging tons in weight,
afterwards sawed into slabs. It
is employed, among other things,
for tanks in chemical
tubs sinks in
linings for griddles,
which need no greasing when
mode of soapstone, tables and fit-
tings in hospitals in
rooms. Acid is said to have no
on the stone.
North Carolina
College of Agriculture
and Mechanic Arts.
This College offers thorough com
Agriculture, Mechanical, Civil and
Engineering, and in Science,
academic studies supplement all
For County Students.
For all other Students,
Apply for to
Raleigh, N. U.
DEPARTMENTS well equipped,
teachers. regular students,
practice school of pupils-
matriculates since its In 1892
of the counties n presented. Com-
county seat
August 1st, to All free-tuition vacancies
in dormitories. Application should be
made July to enter the ex-
No free except to
applicants signing a pledge to become
teachers. Annual expenses of free-
tuition students boarding
, tuition-paying students,
Address. President CHARLES D.
Greensboro,. C.
It is said that there is nothing
new under the the Re-
party has made a bran
new discovery and its name is
Hobart, He is the tail end of the
kite. But the old kite
is top heavy. It is weighted
down with a high robber tariff
and gold bonds and will not sail
into tho white yard.
In fact the silver cyclone that
will sweep in from the West,
gaining strength in the South, will
catch the thing up and dash it to
pieces against the strong holds of
the monopolists- It is the
in tin fight against the
power tho people are in
the majority and must
don News.
If Waller N. Owens, a farmer
of Oklahoma, had not been such
a close and clever
tor he might not now be in the
He was a citizen
who stood well and was therefore
frequently called upon to do jury
service. One of the last cases
upon which he was called to
serve was that of a man indicted
for counterfeiting. The tools
were brought into the the jury
room where they were closely
studied by Owens, who
that counterfeiting was an easier
and a quicker way of making
money than farming, so he made
a and proceeded to
But unfortunately for him
he hadn't proceeded very far in
the stuff before he was
overtaken by a minion of the law
and is now leading a retired life
in the Kansas, pen
on this day. personally
A. M. Ramsey, who, after being duly
sworn, says on oath that the
by him relative to
of P. r. P. medicine hi true.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
August 4th, ism.
County, Texas
Catarrh Cured by P. P. P.
Great where all other
remedies failed.
Rheumatism twists and distorts your
hands and feet. Its agonies are Intense,
but speedy relief and a permanent cure
Is gained by the of P. P. P.
weakness, whether nervous or
otherwise, can be cured and the system
built on by P. P. A healthy woman Is
a woman.
blotches, eczema and all dis-
of the skin are removed and
cured by P, P. P.
P. P. P. will restore build
your system and regulate you In every
nay. P. P. p. removes that heavy,
For and on Ute face.
Ladles, for and thorough organic
regulation, take P. P. P. Great
Remedy, get well at once.
Block. .
For sale by J. L. Wooten, Drug-
gist next doer to h- T- White.
Yankee Parson Williams to the Widow
Parsons In the Year 1777.
The old parsonage in which Par-
son Williams lived in East Hartford
for years is well known to Hurt
ford This letter was writ
ten to tho widow who
the old minister's second His
first wife was cousin, the
of Rector Williams,
dent of college The letter is
not as affectionate as tho old
Puritan love of John Win-
but there are a delicacy
about it and enough
love to make it
Hartford, May 1777.
did Unto pars
with me; n a-a to roll
hi every till i when
the Divine favor, obliging good-
i to lie made happy as the
state of tilings win admit, I would
check impatient and
considering uncertainty o
all created and as not knowing what I
day may bring in this
of calamity dark and
yet with deference, may
then hope tho crowning my and com-
of my outward felicity, In being per
to call you mine, and becoming
Intimately A inviolably yours; than
have no greater I
evening returned from New Haven,
fatigued, with return of
late disorders owing to Riding hard and in bat
weather, but hope recruit.
old acquaintance there well; O,
happy for mo that yon went not thither; re
try kind heaven, I to me J
my and I hope not unhappy for yon
not to be if the Little in my
can contribute to comfort and fat If action
Expect to go to New Haven again
week in this month, to attend
meeting of ho corporation if able; and mean
while to employed in providing for
scholars In tho neighboring
am to have wry little to attend
own at will a gr
Creator give, you health and every
whatever others tell a
being that their hearts, I then
Low Images of Love; and to adopt tho
of I not a though
that relates to yon, which I cannot with
tho nU seeing power to mi
in he
and director, and lead yon on in
bright paths of Virtue peace.
this is uncommon way of talking ti
Ladles; but yon have a of Spirit,
which exalts yon moved by
flatteries of tongues am
Jugglers hands, and their and ad
to pain attention admiration,
they play upon the fair flex.
my esteem is rational, my
which will make it
constant endeavor, that tho object thereof
as happy as
I wrote you immediately after my
from you, which yon received
and add no further Now, I
to say, t
due to good mother and
Brother, and charming Sifter, Mrs.
not of worthy partner
and if you would favor me with a Line,
acquainting me with your of health.
It would lay an additional obligation on him.
who Is in all
with utmost ardor of affection, ever your's,
To Mrs. Sarah
The Best in Die Cuts
Sores, Ulcers, Salt Fe
Sores, Teller. Chapped Bands-
l Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price cents per box. For sale
Jno. Ii. Wooten.
One Dollar Year.
This the People's Favorite
When you need
Don't forget the
Reflector Office.
mo j
Our Work and Prices Suit our
A full line Ledgers, Day Books, Memorandum and Time
Receipt, Draft and Note Books, Cap, Fools Cap
Bill Cap, Letter and Papers- Envelopes all sizes and styles
Box from cents and up. School Tab
lets, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Pens and Pen-Holders
Full line Popular Novels by best authors. Tee Celebrated
Inks, all colors, and Cream Mucilage, the best made; constantly
on band. We are sole agent for the Parker Fountain Pen. Nothing
equals it and every business man should have one. Erasers Sponge
Cup, Pencil-Holders, Rubber Bands, Ac. Don't forget us when yon
want any thin the line.
N. C.
No superior work done anywhere, North
or South- It has now the best faculty it
has ever had. The advantages offered
in Literature, Languages, Music and Art
ate unsurpassed- Address
M. A.,
I University Virginia. J Principal.
Perhaps among manifold con-
to the commissariat of
London that of milk asserts itself
most loudly. First, there is the
rumbling transfer at railway
of those truncated tin
containing it which have arrived by
night trains from tho country into
carts, whoso jangling
cans add to the rattle they as
drive furiously to tho various
where it is distributed by
thick soled, white aproned women,
who, filling the household jug,
also leave of it on tho door-
libation resented by tidy
mistresses. Tho noise of its arrival
before the London milkmaid fills her
pail might well lend one to wish that
Its transporting wore fitted
with No
makes such a seemingly need-
less row in going about its business.
But every Londoner must his
supply of milk betimes, and in this
respect tho poor townsman is hotter
oft than bis ma to in tho country.
There a daily working in
tho midst of cow pastured Holds, is
often unable to got a jug of it for his
family. It is sent away to tho city,
in whose meanest streets the
can always buy a
American Father.
In what I soon of English
homo life It has to mo that
English father is on terms of a
acquaintanceship with his
daughter than is tho American
father. This may to the fact
that tho American father is much
more with his business,
and also to tho additional fact that
tho American daughter has of
self reliance in her disposition,
which her to a certain ex-
tent independent and capable
of looking after her own interests.
In a sense, especially re-
monetary and matrimonial
mat tors, it might said tho
English father acts tor his daughter,
the American father allows
to act for herself. Those who
made a study of tho
girl can little doubt that this
independence is good for her in both
a mental and moral sense, though it
does not follow that tho sumo course
of treatment would good for the
English Times.
there really is any-
thing in this reincarnation theory, I
don't know but that I would to
a good, hog.
Hogs seem to enjoy so.
as I understand it,
in reincarnation one becomes some-
thing different from what ho was.
Indianapolis Journal.
Paris Co., Mo.
lost roar, f
TONIC mill
three already this In nil ox-
it roan, in tho bare
never solo that pave universal
a Tonic Soon truly,
ii i
the store near
and dealers all
kinds of
mm mm.
All kind of done
We skilled labor and
material and are prepared to give
you satisfactory work.
is a vigorous feeder and re-
well to liberal
On corn lands the yield
increases and the soil improves
if properly treated with fer-
containing not under
A trial of this plan costs but
little and is sure to lead to
profitable culture.
Our pamphlet, are not circular,
In practical contain,
in research, on the t and
lumen. They are ii
St., New York,
Birmingham Steel Strings
Violin. Guitar. Mandolin. Banjo
Mad, Parted,
not lo rust. Send tor
and Wholesale
E. St. N. Y.
cure liver troubles.
cure flatulence.
gentle cathartic.
for lily in nips, back,
These pins d
peculiar women.
Win.- of Card correct the d-
cure of the
Womb, relieves and
M nerve
line n
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
the power to digest and
a proper of food.
This can never be done when
the liver does not act it's part.
know this
Liver Pills are an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
at druggists.
cure dizziness.
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. work
Dominion Line
i Vt i
N. C.
in all the Court. Collection
a specially
. A
Greenville, N. C.
in all the
H. W.
O to Latham
m. o.
John E. Woodard. K. C. Harding,
Wilson, N, Greenville, N. f
Greenville, N.
Special attention given to collection
settle of claims.
Swift Galloway, B. F.
Snow Hill, N. C. N. C.
N. C
Practice in all the
MT. O.
Office over Old Brick Store front room
N. C
is cure headache.
pared especially for stock, as well as
man, and for that purpose is sold in tin
cans, holding one-halt pound of
cine for cents.
Lambert. Franklin Co., Tenn.,
have used all kinds of medicine, bu
d not give one package of Black
for all the others I ever saw
It is he best Mi for horses or cattle in
the spring of the year, and will
chicken cholera every time.
Steamers i. f i
villa Tarboro touching nil
togs on Tar River Monday, Winn
and Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M
Tuesdays, and Saturday
A. M. same days.
These departures are subject lo Stage
water on Tar River
Connecting at Washington with
st earners for Norfolk.
Philadelphia. New York and Boston.
Shippers should their goods
marked via Dominion Iron
New York. from
Li Nor-
folk Baltimore Steamboat
from Baltimore. Merchants Miners
JNO. SON. Agent,
J. J. CHERRY, Agent,
Wanted An Idea
Who can think
thing to
Protect your may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN CO., Patent
Washington. D. C their offer
and Hat of two hundred Invention, wanted.
cure dyspepsia.
one gives relief.
cure indigestion.
cure had breath.
cure torpid liver.
for sour stomach.
pleasant laxative.
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
h Cure o ill
This Preparation has been In use for
years, know hit
been in demand. It has been en
leading physicians all
e country, and cures
all other remedies, with
the most experienced physicians, who
for years failed. This of
standing and the high
it has obtained is owing
its own but little
ever been made to bring it
public. One bottle of this
he sent, to any address on receipt I On
Dollar. All Cash
lo. Address all order to
T, Greenville. N-u
Caveat, and obtained and Pat-
Our is
and patent in tune than
remote Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo., with
advise, ii or not, Ires
fee not due till patent is
A let. to with
cost of in the V. S.
Of. Washington, d. C. i
North Carolina s
Independent and , an
more attractive than ever, it will lo a
invaluable visitor to the home, th
the club or the work room.
All of the news of the world. Com
Daily reports from the Stat
National Capitols. a
A perfect family All the
news of the week. The
from tho Legislature a special.
Remember the Ob-
Send tot -am; copies. A
The Oldest
Newspaper in
The Only Five-Dollar Daily of
its Class in the State.
Favors Limited Free Coinage
of American Silver and Repeal
of the Ten Per Cent. Tax on
State Banks. Daily cents
per month. Weekly per
Wilmington IS. C
Male Academy.
The course embraces all the
usually taught In an Academy.
Terms, Tor
Boys fitted and equipped
business, taking the academic
course alone. Where they wish to
pursue a -lit course, this school
et. thorough preparation to
enter, credit, any College in North
the State University. It
refers lose who have recently left
Its wall the truthfulness of this
Any young man with character and
model ate ability, taking a course with
will be aided In
Hunt- to continue in the higher schools.
The discipline will be kept at its
present standard.
Neither time nor attention nor
work will be spared to make this t
all that could wish.
For further particulars see or
W. II.

Eastern reflector, 15 July 1896
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 15, 1896
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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