Eastern reflector, 3 June 1896

The Reflector is
pared to do all
of this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. Editor and Owner
Humor For Him.
The boy was passing along
with a of comic literature. The
gentleman looked interested
and the stopped, my the Detroit
Free Press.
you anything except funny
he st.-k
this was answer.
like to laugh
much, indeed. I'm
afraid my mind is of too practical a
turn to eh v. what you might call a
afraid o. When was
young n went emitting the
lady never more dinner
than could t r j . id she
use the palpable to gel me
into the vicinity an ice cream parlor.
Although I was not enjoying a large
her father never to
kick th front doorstep, nor
did he keen a hull whir.- he would
e likely to Idle me. My mother-in-law
in n mo.-l lady, whose pres-
in our -hold has always been
a joy. and never my I been
obliged gel up in the night and walk
the floor with a baby. These
circumstances had a tendency to
make me the accuracy
thereby, no doubt, materially
lessening my their
The boy looked at him pityingly
There ain't no use you're
to laugh. Wait till we gel to
the next station and I'll get you a
dictionary a pocket
You little busy, buzzing midget.
You put me in a nervous fidget
And make me with every digit
Aerial Navigation.
It is almost here.
Not twenty-five years will elapse be.
fore it will be accomplished and we
shall ourselves through space by
means of some or less
pinions. When balloon voyages to
the North pole are seriously
by foolhardy explorers, and Prof.
air slop makes a Might a
we are approaching very rap-
idly the solution of a problem that has
make their way
the sea with waxen
,. sun
near l
. . ,, a dream,
a chimera. n ,,,,.
line fact; imping
cry rapidly,
into ,.
and helpmate, course,
great .,,, M j.
that line progress r the
will come nearer and nearer
One can hardly estimate, the
of the revolution which will be
trough in matters of transportation,
both men and material, when this
pew agent comes upon the scene.
Distance will be still further .
and journeys across land or sea, no
matter how far, regarded no more than
ride on the street cars nowadays.
airship, brought to a slate of per-
will make it possible to travel
from York to London in a couple
of days, and we shall be able to leave
Washington on morning and
be in Francisco by Tuesday night,
or haps even sooner.
Of there are doubling Thom-
who will smile pityingly and in-
credulously at these predictions ; but
they or their kind did the same thing
when the telegraph was suggested, or
the telephone, or the phonograph.
The marvel of lo-day i.- the common.
place thing of tomorrow, and so it will
be with man's Hying through the air.
Washington Times.
Lean and Hungry Han.
if it be wise in a political convention
to consider other recommendations for
a candidate than the old democratic
qualities of honesty, capability and
to the constitution, would it not be
well for the State Democratic
in selecting a candidate gov-
to consider the physical
pick a man who is thin in flesh,
and long-winded. n
prize and blow a
poise in a
a man a c Gas.
lean and hungry-looking, that
thinks much and not sleep at
nights. Fry the fa out of and
make blow like a
beth City Economist.
Mr. G. Druggist, Beaver-
III., says. Kings New
Discovery owe my lite Was taker,
with La and all the
Tor miles out. but of no avail
and was given up and told J could
lire, Dr. King's Mew
in my I font -i bottle
began its use and from the dose
began to get better, and alter
three bottle was up and again.
It is worth its weight in gold- We
won't store or house without
let a free trial at John L.
Drug Store. I
You make the old stamp and
You make young ones jump and
You make the bald heads hunt and
To save their top knots.
You are in the soup and in the pie.
You're on nose and ill my eye,
I'm fairly out on the.
And clear off my bane.
was a Christian up to date,
But you have, vexed me of late,
blaspheme like a a second mate
Or Texas colonel.
Lust night i donned my Sunday clothes
And to my sweetheart did propose
You upon my red, red nose
And spoiled the tableaux.
oil tease and fret the whole
And them full of irritation
And cause more oaths and
all the gin mills.
of all the insect batch,
You do one thing tint's worth a watch,
bring mankind up to the
And keep I hem moving.
Guy A. very in Charlotte Observer.
The Arithmetic Man the Star Docs
Figuring on Silver and Gold
and Opinions.
Two Papers for
We have made
to furnish
the Reflector and
North Carolinian for the
above amount. This is
campaign year and you
should take the two
leading papers.
Weekly Bulletin.
is Going on.
The historic town of Mass.
celebrated on last the 250th
of its settlement.
After a disappearance more than
thirty years, the first Confederate Ha-
made in Mississippi has been found in
New York.
After three work the debris of
the World's Fair, at Chicago, has
been and site restored to
the Commissioners.
The Federal Grand ill Chicago
has indicted proprietors of bucket
One of the graduates the Haiti
more University Law School other
day was George Lindsay,
who celebrated the seventieth
anniversary of his birth on May
Two Confederate were
unveiled at Fort Mill, S. C. ; one is a
monument to the women of the Con-
the other is a to
the slaves of the South.
Rothschild's Maxims.
The elder Huron Rothschild had the
walls his placarded With the
following curious
Carefully examine every detail of
your business.
lie prompt in everything.
Take lime to consider, but decide
Dare to go forward.
Bear troubles
brave in the struggle of life.
Maintain your integrity as a sacred
Never business lies.
Make no useless acquaintances .
Seer appear more
your debts promptly.
Shun strong liquor.
Employ your time well.
Do not reckon upon chance.
Be polite to everybody.
Never be
Then work hard and you will be
to succeed.
Below will be found the estimate
the Star's of the
sent outlook silver gold, re-
in the Democratic National
Convention to be in Chicago July
We wish the readers of the Star
to understand that this estimate i- not
to viewed a partisan stand
point. It is intended to be absolutely
fair and conservative, and we do not be-
the calculations, as a whole, can
be successfully controverted.
It will be observed that we have dis-
carded the column generally
included ill estimates of this kind and
have divided the votes of Indiana.
Ohio. Virginia, Florida, Louisiana,
West and the District of Col-
concerning all wine, i there
seems to exist more or less doubt as to
how the delegations will be divided.
In Ohio and Indiana the
Cleveland men play the Michigan
I friends free e we are eon-
it, will control State
lions ; and should Stales follow
the example of Michigan they
and adopt the unit rule, it
I make a material change in our fig-
in favor silver.
The risks is judgment on the
claim that there will be a majority at
least in favor of free silver at Chi-
As a matter of fact, we believe
it will lie larger ; but we to give
an estimate that we would consider
safe to Del on.
A few nights since robot is entered a I
confectionery store in New York end I the
stole worth of diamonds.
One of the latest schemes of
Month is to have a exhibition of
living pictures in London, to consist
convert from every nation.
Opportunity is bald behind, and
must be grasped by the forelock. Life
is full of tragic might-have-beens. No
r; no remorse, self-accusation,
Dist. of
Majority for silver
Irving-Terry Company,
u all mete titan persons,
carrying tons of and
i has traveled over
miles and played in in this
Review gives a part-
at the
most gifted of the it says,
been passed over, and the
bestowed on a writer
to accept those
bays at the cost of the laugh-
of the best educated class of
his countrymen.
block of glass which I be
made into a vast mirror the big
telescope is to be one of the
of the exhibition if 1900 has just
arrived in from Belgium, where
it has been cast. This immense
scope is to bring the an
fifty kilometers from I he
earth and is being constructed under
the direction of M. Francis
the glass for tin-
of the t will be done in
fins reports of of the
ass en trees put out. c i,,,,,,.,,,, b
North Carolina Climate and Crop
ban-; I . ,. ., ,.,
. vice, tor ending Saturday,
its a green ;.
, indicate a favor-
all come on so sudden en quick,
In, all done up en can't work a lick-
Don t winner do but layer-
tin; grass en trees put out.
The tree green ;
es see it, they
warm and dry, but commencing the
rains occurred nearly
every day large portions of the
State. The drought, however, con-
to prevail in of the western
counties, in southern portions of the
Highest of all in Leavening Report
A Bachelor's Whys.
Borrow No Trouble.
One of the most foolish practices in-
in by mankind is that meet-
troubles half-way, for it frequently
happens that the troubles to which we
are looking forward and expecting with
fear and trembling do not
at all , when they do lire hot
no clear recognition that was at fault, j
will avail one jot. The time for Unto day is
is you cannot stick he This is a
A bachelor sends to a London paper
the following reasons why he doesn't
propose to remain a bachelor
f. Because built that way.
Because I'm sick of diggings
five years of
Because keeping a wife is cheap-
than keeping a landlady and her
like- buttons on my
things, and clean linen.
it's better to be anchored
than to drift about anywhere.
Because know of a
little cot, garden back and front, hut
and cold Water, ; all for
per annum clear.
want to be somebody.
It citizen, a father.
know the best little
girl in the world, bless her little
she's an orphan, and
keeps home tor a grumbling elder
Because the raised my
crow to per week.
Because she said last
A Nuisance Suppressed.
This account of how a selfish man
his is given in -Tire
At a certain conceit, a young man
persisted in whispering loudly to the
lady him, telling her
what tie music what sort of
a coming next, and so on.
ho closed his and said
to his companion, you ever try
listening to music with your eyes shut
You've no idea how much it
Hereupon a gentleman who sat in
the seat front of the young man,
twisted about, and said gravely,
man. did you ever try listen-
to music with your mouth
Thenceforth the silence in that part of
the hall Is said to have been almost
Live Newspapers.
share into ground when you should,
be the is
saddest human word. And, as
the stages of our lives roll on, unless
not too literally,
would help us to struggle against those
fits of despondency and depression to
which W all, at some period or
each is filled, as it passes, with the dis- o our
charge of the duties and the j
ties or about prospective troubles can-
not bring good who give
way ti it. Anxiety the
lion the benefits which it brings,
then, to all eternity, that moment will
never return, and the sluggard beg
in harvest that he may have the chance
to once and have none.
The who has sin. the n
indolence, perhaps dissipated, has no
time to get up bis when he is in
the room, with the paper
before him. And life Bad nature an,
Cod's law are stern and
demand that the duly shall lie done in
its season or left undone forever.
while the iron is hot
temporal spiritual, hi
s good, bill it not be carried
If so it degenerates,
don't believe it is wicked
to chew
Nelli-Why, Willie
it I tried it,
and it made me sick. Wicked things
is all
best advertisement for any pro
town L; the support, it gives to
its local spoke the
the as a public
by which a town's enterprise and
energy may be properly he
sound common sense. Just as a
town is to be judged by its public
buildings, its Streets, its manufactures
and its shops, so, and indeed much
more so, is it to be judged by its news-
papers. An alert town won't tolerate
ii slow, newspaper. A live newspaper
keep in a dead town
Asheville aldermen are considering
an ordinance to prohibit expectorating
on the s reel. What are we coming
to The judges are prohibiting us
from going will out and now we
lire to be from spitting. One
by one the liberties our
bled are being taker
away Landmark,
But en Central and especially over
So dogwood put on while and coast region.
They're party was above normal every
plant corn, day during the week, and where
But I'm es lazy rain fell crops made rapid growth.
Don't wanter do but lay an. T. has been broken in this
I District by rains from the 19th to the
Wit the gross en trees put out, j except in the southern portion
the the colt at play ; I and along the coast, covering the
W the eat hold the pup at bay ; tics of Columbus, New Hanover,
U the Old dug on the Craven,
portions fender
the chickens feed the and drought continues
to prevail with on
the roses freshen the path ; all crops. On the oilier hand, in the
the cricket sings on the j rains have
j hinds badly and interrupted hum work,
he milk-while clouds by,. Hit mM ,.
the April sky j,,,.,,, wit,
Don't wanter do but lay VIM. ,,,
burst in
is reported in the
growth . crops. Corn and cotton arc
in good condition ; largest portion
cotton crop has been chopped, work
is the prolific cause
poverty and thousands I
are kept poor by drink. Tin
that should be used lo make wile and
children happy i. squandered on liquor,
and the children, instead of being sent
to School, are forced into shops and
factories to earn a C.
Plain Talk Prom A Farmer.
Now look here, Mister Congress
man, I worked fur you fall, an-.
For the we have the g cut-
est sympathy and endeavor to roach
bin in these four ways
The grace of God.
Moral suasion.
Medical treatment, like- the Keeley
Cure or some other.
It is impossible to reach all by any-
one of the above methods, therefore we
combine them.
the grass en out.
Ain't got no energy, can't even fish ;
It nigh kill me to hear my
one year today, while
heard a loud on
fast I could up
what is the can't hardly
I C do but lay
grass en trees put out.
the ivy en flowers grow
Over the of my boy, Jo ;
the lilacs nod on the
by the grave her lone lit-
for the prayers
strange t r me
the grass en In es put out-
I goes on in the north. Much
It Was I rue.
Bright children at school are in great
sometimes passing over the
border line of mathematics into the for-
bidden domain of common sense. It
it recorded that the teacher in a New
school once said to her class
in mental arithmetic
boys, I have a questions
in fractions to ask. Suppose have a
piece of and cut it into two
pieces. What would those pieces be
called .
shouted the class.
And it Cut each half into
hat Is correct. And if the quart-
were each cut in
And if those were chopped
in two
good. And when the six-
wore cut in hall, what would
they be f
The answers had boon growing fewer
and fewer, but one boy meditated a
moment, and
said the
now we will those thirty.
seconds in half. Can any boy tell what
we have now
silence in class, but
presently a toy the foot put Up
his band,
know, Johnny Well, you
may tell
was made in transplanting tobacco
setting out sweet slips, except
in where drought continues.
IA slight improvement in
wheat and oats much improvement
in gardens. Crops were well cultivated
in good condition to receive rain,
but grass is making headway now.
With the of local areas in
Montgomery, Anson, and
the District
tin. ram's
quite heavy and washed lauds at a few
points, hail was reported in nine
counties with some damage to crops,
necessitating some bin less
than might have be n A
very favorable change from the
breaking th i drought,
arc now making splendid growth.
Selling sweet potato slips made much
headway, and the transplanting to-
corn was planted to crops,
and some cotton was damaged by hail.
Early and well worked col ion is
Urge for the season. Irish potatoes
and vegetables now doing well.
came too late to help wheat much, it is
beginning to ripen, apparently with
good heads, though short ; oats
a failure,
extra well.
does not the Saloon evil to
nut the money into
Schools, and the parent who consents
to the Saloon because his child is
in the School, is a partner
in the woe and misery and vice caused
by the Carolina
The saloon man has much
to vote a prohibition ticket,
and you Hock with him do you
A tuition with no
key has disease enough.
We know of but one community in the
where dyspepsia practically
unknown, and that is.
Mount I. Y. These good
have been studying the subject
or digestion more than a hundred
years, and that they understand it put-
Is evidenced the fore-
going Their Digestive
the safest add best remedy In cases of
we know of. A trial
bottle MO be had through your drug-
for the trifling sum of ID cents.
The Shaker Digestive Cordial
the system with food digested,
and at same aids digestion
of Other foods. It will almost instantly
the symptoms of
and no other sufferer need to
told what these are.
is the bet for
Doctors recommend it
Castor OIL,
Th- World's Almanac for
which is accepted authority on all
which treats gives the billow-
figures to lie
ii-g June
Liquor, gallons.
Wine, gallons.
Mall liquors, gallons.
Imported, gallons.
gives a grand total in
gallons consumed in this
one year, or about gallons
every man, and child in the
country. And this wealth destroyed,
yea worse than destroyed, for out of it
glows sorrow and woe and death.
A Heathen's
teachers do so much
good, sea be ; they are good, and leach
some of my people good doctrines.
why ever arc they permitted your
doing I government to bring ways habits
A few correspondents report
drought still but a large
majority indicate that favorable show-
occurred this week, which, though
less than other of the State,
greatly all crops. The most
serious injury by drought to
wheat and oats. These crops are head-
very low. Where rain
corn, cotton, and gardens are
now doing finely. It is still too dry in
some sections for transplanting tobacco.
weather was for farm
work and crops are clean and well
The Millennium Will Dawn.
When everything in goes to please
When every kind of business is con-,
ducted to suit the notions everybody
When everyone pays their debts
without being hunted down and
nobody will tell a lie and
nobody swear they believe it is SO.,
When premises are
cleaned up and kept just as everybody
else do it who have none of
own to attend lo,
When everybody has some business
and attends strictly to it, without at.
tending other
When it gels into the head of every-
body to live and let live.
When everybody and
their and does not try to dead
heal either one or ether.
horse is not clear escaped
drags the and. that man is not
sure of a drunkard's if mm in
jail, penitentiary or who is tied
on to the saloon by the social dram.
our land that cover it with
was walking once with my own
relation, unconverted, and
we found one of our people lying drunk-
en by the wayside, with bottles of
American whiskey lying by his side.
Boston was marked on city,
find that rs itself the of
goodness and lofty thought. The bot-
Were empty, says to me ;
man is a
said I think
lie said he.
do you know said
he is
not being yet converted, and judging
from appearances, and from the
of eyesight, associated the
ideas, mid thought ill some way drunk-
was an evidence of Christianity.
That belief is largely by all
Sen I -Don't talk so,
don't talk so. Missionaries go out to
land, fired with the ma
to save souls ; to bring the knowledge
the Christ to all the
if they bring the knowledge ill
the way I speak of, so the heathen
honestly drunkenness is the
of Christianity, is it not making a
mockery of what they profess teach.
I I didn't know
how to reply, and so sot
framed, as may
j J .,
party wall. I turned the feller
down my township, you bet, an I've
an but fur me you'd plain Mis-
yet. made some
every time got a chance, talked
to them farmers till they
their ; when the rotes was
counted we split our
fur had more majority than
had votes.
nil this, I think I've got
right to say what sort legislation
we're a to-day, not only
lure, but everywhere all the
land, from Maine's big rocky hills to
golden strand. I'm
to talk States plain as I
know how, I'm a now fur
every man that holds the plow by telling
you, as sure as there is the
hill, if you don't work fur better roads
we'll git a man that
You're money fur ail
sorts useless
rivers that scarcely float a duck
tin- rich fur
ships war any
enemies, what do we need
You're publics at a
lively fur to raise the value
real estate, while
you're there a the nation's
golden blood, the
try are a the mud.
When any railroad wants a
linger the pot, a grunt land or
franchise, doesn't make no difference
you ain't a morsel delicate
button, you fellers do the
rest. But when the farmers
a sort modest play, you plug
ears with cotton, you look the
other way ; but when you're
then as soft as mush,
promises make of Bible
as blush
You know the is the
the land ; welfare
the country lies right in his horny
he feeds the hull nation,
keeps it in its bread meat, all
the other proper truck fur Christ an
folks to cat. He toils when you're a
he's at work when you're asleep
he sows the seeds fur you city
to reap, when he asks a little
show to git his stuff to town, you fellers
there in to turn
him down.
You know rainy weather kin
neither plow nor sow, ad that, of course
is the time when farmers to go
to market with their farm
when the weather's fair the grow in
coops is every their
care. No matter how it's if
they have a solid road they'll all go to
the market with a profitable load ; but
now in weather they set
twirl their thumbs spend
time a you legislative bum-.
I you, sir, the farmers are at
least upon the track; they're
tired here up the
back, sick kicked about,
like a lot toads, now, by the
they're a to have some
roads. So want to tell yon in
the plainest sort talk ; it you don't
mind you're a to lake
a walk. shed coat hustle
fur a proper good roads bill, or, by
Jackson, we will git a man that
Plantation Philosophy.
man fault
el else ain't mighty apt to lie
you don't better loaf
where you ain't got sum you
won't get udder
fox traps.
No Banking Reforms.
It does not speak well for I lie sup. r-
ability and efficiency of the
majority in House of
that Committee on Bank-
and Currency has been unable to
agree on a bill for the reform of
banking laws and has adjourned till
next December. It was a great charge
against the Democrats when last in
control of House that they left the
banking laws They did
not freedom to State banks
they did not correct the defects the
banking system.
laughed the Democrats to acorn tor
their and were told to
wait and sec how scientifically and
speedily the Republicans, with their so.
intelligence, solve these
De man all-is problems. We have waited
adder ain't mighty apt we have not seen the solution. In-
efficiency is the vice of the politicians
to nun himself.
Some souls es so mighty
small they hole else
De dog whipped tillers hollers.
of both parties. They are incapable
originating anything but on the

The Reflector is
pared to do all
of this line
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery. XV.
Humor Him.
The boy was along
with ii of comic literature. The
gentleman looked interested
the stopped, says the Detroit
Han you anything except funny
Not this was the answer.
Don't you like to laugh
indeed, lint I'm
afraid my mind u of too practical a
turn to ill -v. hi what you might a
You want
afraid so. When I was a
young in and cum ting lira
lady never ordered dinner
than could I sue
use the palpable I to gel
into tin- vicinity an i cream parlor.
Although I was enjoying a largo
income, her father never threatened to
kick me down th front doorstep, nor
he keep a hull dog where he would
to nil. mother-in-law
is a c.-t lady, whose
in our has always been
a joy. never my lit- have been
obliged to gel up in the night walk
the floor with a These
circumstances had n tendency to
make me he accuracy of
no doubt, materially
my appreciation of their
Tin- train looked at him pityingly
No. here ain't no use you're
try to laugh. Wail till we gel to
the next and I'll git you a
dictionary a pocket
Notes and Opinions.
Weekly Bulletin.
Von little busy, buzzing midget.
You put me in a nervous fidget
And make scratch with every
The Arithmetic Man the Star Does
Figuring on Silver and Gold
You the- old stamp
You make toe young ones jump j
You make the heads
To save their top knots.
You are in tin soup in the pie.
on my nose in my eye,
I'm out on tin
clear off my base.
was a up to dale,
But you have vexed me of late,
I blaspheme like a a second mate
Or Texas colonel.
Last hight I donned my Sunday clothes
to my sweetheart did propose
You lit upon my red, red nose
Ohm and Indiana the
And spoiled the tableaux. ,,, . , , .-,, .
Cleveland men play the Michigan
You tease and fret the whole j lb friends of free c we are con-
And till them full of irritation . it, will control both State enliven
And cause more oaths and lions ; and should those States follow
Below will be found the estimate
the Star's of the
sent outlook tor and gold, re
sportively, in the Democratic j living pictures in London, to consist
Convention to be held ill Chicago July converts from every nation.
We wish the readers of the Star
to understand that this estimate i- not
to viewed a partisan stand
point. is intended to be absolutely
fair and conservative, and we do not be-
the calculations, as a whole, nun
be successfully controverted.
It will be observed that we have dis-
the column generally
have divided the votes of Indiana.
Ohio, Virginia. Florida, Louisiana.
A few Sim entered a I ,,, , .,, , ,,,,,,. .
grass en trees put out. ,,,, . j ,
. North Carolina Crop Set-
bare ; I . ,. . . . .
v . . vice, for the ending Saturday,
Its a green everywhere,
It all email on so sodden en
., . , able change nearly everywhere. J he
I m all done up en can't work a lick
Don't do hut lay i-r-
I Will favorable rains occurred nearly
tin; grass en trees put out.
confectionery store in New York
stole worth diamonds.
One the latest schemes
Booth is to a lag exhibition of
Two Papers for
We have made
Q to furnish
the Reflector and
North Carolinian for the
above amount. This is
campaign year and you
should take the two
leading papers.
The Irving-Terry Company, com-
prising in all mere than persons,
and carrying tout scenery and
equipments, has traveled over
played in in this
The Edinburgh Review gives a part-
at the
part the week Continued very
warm and but commencing the
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Govt Report
of this kind and jilted poet of the it says.
been passed over, all I the
bestowed on a writer who
seems content to accept those doubtful
bays at the cost of the
West and the District of Col-
concerning all
seems to exist more or
doubt as to stock of the best educated class
how the delegations will be divided.
Than all the gin mills.
the insect batch,
You do one tiling that's worth a match,
bring mankind up to the
And keep them moving.
Guy II. A very in Charlotte Observer.
What Going on.
Aerial Navigation.
It is almost here.
Not years will elapse be-
fore will be accomplished and we
shall waft ourselves through space by
means of some more or less
pinions. When balloon voyages to
the North pole are seriously
foolhardy explorers, and Prof.
air -hip makes a a
half mile we an-approaching very ran- bug indicted proprietors of bucket
The historic town of
celebrated on last the
of its settlement.
After a disappearance of more than
thirty years, the Confederate Hag-
made in Mississippi has been found in
New York.
After three work the. debris of
the World's at Chicago, has
been removed and the site restored to
the Park Commissioners.
The federal Grand in Chicago
the example of Michigan they I.
an i adopt the unit rule, it
make a material change in our
in favor silver.
The Star risks is on the
claim that there will be a
A- a matter of we
it will be larger ; but we to give j
an estimate that we would consider it
safe to net on.
at .
i he the glass
at in favor of silver at Chi-1 ,. . . . .
the will be dime
his countrymen.
The block of glass which is lie
made into a vast mirror for the big
telescope is to be one of the
of the exhibition cf 1900 bus just
arrived in Paris from Belgium, where
it has been cast. This immense
scope is to bring Ike moon an
distance fifty kilometers from the
earth and is being constructed under
the direction of Francis
The tree green ;
When the beeches sec it,
But eT don't right.
So the dogwood put on white ;
They're putty
plant com.
Hut Pin lazy I
Don't do but lay
Wat- the grass en trees put out,
the calf en the colt at play ;
the eat hold the
is the. prolific cause oil
poverty and crime. thousands
every day large portions of the
, Slate. The drought, however, con-
to prevail in the western
counties, in southern portions of the
Central District, and especially over
the southeastern coast region. The
above normal every-
day during the week, and where and the children, instead of being
to school, are into shops and
factories to earn a C.
Plain Talk From A Farmer.
Now look here. Mister
. man, worked fur you lust fall, an-
are kept poor by drink. he money I i. i . ,
, mighty lot votes the
Hint should be used Io make wile i . ,
. . . . wall. I turned the feller
ii happy is squandered on liquor, I
rain tell crops made rapid growth.
ill-ought has been broken in this
i District by rains from the 19th Io the
except in the southern portion
idly the solution of a problem that hi
charmed world ever
Icarus tried to make their way
across the sea with waxen wings, mid
getting too near the sun. hi.
Aeriel is no longer a dream,
a an idle lane is
ding into very rapidly. Its
promote helpmate, of course,
tin end -111 electricity, and as in-
nearer and nearer
due can hardly estimate the
of the revolution which will be
wrought in matters transportation,
both men, and material, when this
pew agent upon the scene.
Distance will be still further .
and journeys land or sea, no
matter how far, regarded no more than
ft ride on the street cars nowadays.
airship, brought to a state of per-
will make it possible to travel
New York to London in a couple
of days, and we shall be able to leave
Washington on Monday morning and
be in Francisco by Tuesday night,
or perhaps even sooner.
there are doubting Thom-
who will pityingly and in-
credulously at these predictions ; but
they or their kind did the same thing
when the telegraph was. suggested, or
the telephone, or phonograph.
el of is the common-
place thing of tomorrow, and so it will
be with man's flying through air.
Lean aid Hungry
if ii be wise in a political convention
to consider other recommendations for
a candidate than the old democratic
qualities of honesty, capability and
to the constitution, would it not be
well for the State Democratic
in selecting a candidate gov-
to consider the physical qualities,
pick a man who m thin in
and a
prize and would blow like a pet
in t. July tussle, dye
a man a competitor Gas.
sins, lean and hungry-looking,
thinks much and not sleep at
nights. Pry the out of and
make him blow like a
beth City Economist.
shops for using the mails,
and an active crusade against them has
One of the graduates the Haiti
more University Law School the other
day was George W. Lindsay,
who the seventieth
anniversary of his birth on
Two Confederate monuments were
unveiled at Port Mill, S. C. ; one is a
monument to the women of the Co.-
the other is a to
the slaves of the
Rothschild's Maxims.
The elder Rothschild had the
walls his placarded with the
curious maxims ;
Carefully examine every detail of
your business.
Be prompt in everything.
Take lime to consider, but decide
Dare to go
Bear troubles
Be brave the struggle of life.
Maintain your integrity as a sacred
Never tell business lies.
Make no useless acquaintances .
appear something more
you are.
Pay your debts promptly.
Shun strong liquor.
Employ your lime well.
Do not reckon upon chance.
Be polite to everybody.
Never be discouraged.
Then work hard and you
to succeed.
is bald behind, and
must be grasped by the forelock. Life
is full tragic might-have-beens. No
New Hampshire,
New Jersey,
New York,
North Carolina,
South Carolina,
South Dakota,
of Columbia
Indian Territory,
A Bachelor's Whys.
A bachelor sends to a London paper
the following reasons why he doesn't
propose to remain a bachelor
Because I'm nut built way.
Because I'm sick of diggings
tin- years
Because keeping a wife is
than keeping a landlady and her
old cat
Because like buttons
things, and clean limn.
Because old bachelors an
in the world, in d u
ii. Because it's better to be anchored
than to drill about anywhere.
Because I know of a
little col. garden hack front, hot
and old Water, ; all for
per annum clear.
N. Because I want to somebody,
a citizen, a father.
P. J know the bes little
girl in the world, bless her little
Because she's an orphan, and
keeps house tor a grumbling elder
Because the raised
screw to per week.
Because she said hist
and along the coast, covering the
pup at bay ; tics of Columbus, New Hanover,
the old dog on the I i i n .
W i. k, Pamlico, Craven, Jones,
. and portions Ponder
chickens feed the I i i , ,
. where drought
; -i , . .
. , . prevail with effect oil
the roses
the cricket sings on th
Path ; all crops. On the oilier hand, the
north some excessive rains have
lands badly interrupted farm work,
V milk-white clouds sail . ,.
. . ., y except on light lauds. Hail re
wings, the Amil i . i i .
., . . ,. in eight
Don t wanter do but ,., i . i i ,
j u j,,,, little and a cloud-
we have g eat-
i-t and endeavor lo reach
him in these four ways
The grace Cod.
Moral suasion.
Medical treatment, like the Keeley
Cure or other.
It is impossible to reach all by any
one of the above methods, therefore we
combine them.
the grass on put out.
Ain't got no energy, can't even fish j
nigh kill me to hear my
one year today, while or
I heard a loud en sweet slips, except
shout, I m w here drought continues.
En fast m I could up the
burst occurred iii
meal i- the
crops. Corn cotton are
in good ; largest portion
cotton crop has been chopped, and work
goes on in the north. Much progress
was made in transplanting tobacco and
It does lit lesson the Saloon evil to
put the license money into
Schools, and the parent who consents
to Saloon because his child is
ill the School, is a partner
in the woe and misery and vice caused
by the Carolina
The saloon man has much
Majority for silver
Borrow No Trouble.
One the most foolish practices in-
by mankind is that meet-
troubles for it frequently
happens that the troubles to which we
tire looking forward and expecting with
and trembling either do not
A Nuisance Suppressed.
This account of how a
his is given
At a certain conceit, a young man
persisted in whispering loudly to the
lady accompanied telling her
what the music what sort of
a passage coming next, and so on.
he closed his eyes, and said
to his you ever try
listening to music with your eyes shut P
You've no idea how much it
a gentleman who sat
the seat front o the young man,
about, and
man. did you ever try listen-
to music with your mouth
the silence in that part of
the hall is said to have been almost
But what is the I can't hardly
I do but lay
the grass en trees put out.
the ivy en flowers grow-
Over bed of boy, Jo ;
the lilacs nod on the
A slight improvement in to vote a prohibition ticket,
wheat and oats and improvement and you flock with him do you
A nation with no
key has disease enough.
in gardens. Cops were well cultivated
and good condition to receive rein,
bid grass is making headway now.
With the i of areas
her lone lit-1
c s by grave
tie son
asks for the prayers
strange t r me
the grass trees put out.
Douglas Anderson in The Sun-
Stanley and
entire District
received copious rains this week from
fur her on her the to the 23rd; the rains were
quite heavy and washed lands at a few i
points. I mil was reported in
counties with some damage to crops.
necessitating some replanting, but less
than might have be -n expected. A
suits from the
G. Druggist, Beaver-
ville. III., Or, King's New
Discovery owe my life Was
with L-i Grip and all the
miles but of no avail
and was up and told I could
lira, tog Dr. King's New
in my tor -i bottle rod
begun use from the first dose
began to better, and after
three bottle was up and about again.
It is its weight in gold. We
won't store or without
Get a free at John L.
Drag Store, g
Live Newspapers.
best for any pro
no rework, no- are hot town U the it gives to
so terrible when actually spoke the
editor the St. lately.
Ii the newspaper as a public
by which a enterprise and
energy may be properly he
clear recognition that I was at fault-
will avail one jot. The time for
is past you cannot stick the
share into he ground you should,
be the sickle, i
saddest of human word. And, as
the meant of our lives roll on, unless
each is filled, as it passes, with the dis-
charge of the duties and the
of benefits which it brings,
then, to all eternity, that moment will
never return, and the sluggard beg
in harvest that he may have the chance
to once more, have none.
The who has the term in
indolence, has no
time to gel up his when C is in
the examination room, with the
before him. lite nature
law are and
that the duly shall be done in
its season or left undone forever.
while iron is
unto the day is he evil
This is a
nut too
would help us to struggle against those
fits of despondency and depression to . -lust as a
which we me all, at some period f public
other our existence, only too j t streets, its manufactures
posed. Anxiety about present
ties or about prospective troubles
bring any good those give
way to it. Anxiety for the future,
both temporal spiritual, in
good, tut must not be. carried
JO excess. If so carried, t
don't believe it is wicked
to tobacco.
Nelli Why, Willie
it ain't. I tried it,
and made me sick. Wicked things
is all
its shops, so, and indeed much
more so, is it to be judged its news-
papers. alert town won't tolerate
a slow newspaper. live ll mum
can't a dead town Ash-
Asheville are considering
an ordinance to prohibit expectorating
on the s What are we coming
The judges are prohibit us
from going without coats now we
re to be from One
by one Ike liberties our fathers
It Was
Bright children at school are in great
danger sometimes passing over the
border line of mathematics into the for-
bidden domain of sense. It
it recorded that teacher in a New
school once said to her class
mental arithmetic
boys, have a few questions
in fractions to ask. Suppose I bale a
piece of and cut it into two
pieces. What would those pieces be
shouted the class.
And it I each into
two pieces
to correct. And the quart-
era were each cut in
And it those were chopped
in two
good. And when six-
cut in hall, what would
The answers had been growing fewer
and fewer, but one boy meditated a
moment, answered
said the teacher.
now will chop those thirty-
seconds half. Can any boy toll what
we have now
silence in but
presently a little toy a the foot put up
his hand,
you know, Will, you
may tell
very favorable
timely breaking th I
ops are making splendid growth.
Setting sweet potato slips made much
headway, mid the transplanting to-
in. Some
corn was planted to replace fail -d crops,
some cotton was damaged hail,
and well worked cotton is
Urge for the season. Irish potatoes
and vegetable now- doing well. Rains
came late to help wheat much, it is
beginning lo ripen, apparently with
good heads, though short; oats
Th-i World's Almanac for
which is accepted authority on all sub-
which treats gives the billow-
figures as to lie liquor Pro-
in Stales year cud
I gallons.
Wine, gallons.
Mali Liquors, gallons.
Imported, gallons.
Into gives a grand total 1,148.168-
gallons consumed in this
and j., ,. or gallons
every man, child ill the
country. Ami tins wealth destroyed,
yea worse than destroyed, for out it
glows sorrow and woe and death.
A Heathen's
We know of but one community in the
dyspepsia is practically
unknown, and is the of
Mount Lebanon, N. Y. These Rood
been studying the
of or more than a hundred
years, and that they Understand it
Is evidenced in t he lore-
going Digestive is
safest add best remedy in cases of
we know of. a trial
bottle can be had through your drug-
for the sum of cents.
The Shaker Digestive Cordial
the system with food digested,
and at I ha same aids the digest
of Other foods. It will almost instantly
relieve the ordinary symptoms
and no other sufferer need to b
told what these are.
bed died are being taken r
t away Iron, to the in tor
Doctors recommend it in
Some of your teachers do so much
good, he ; they are good, and teach
sonic of my people good doctrines. But
why ever are they permitted by your
a failure. doing government to bring ways and habits
our land that cover it with ruin
I was walking once with my own
relation. unconverted, and
We found people lying drunk-
en by the wayside, with bottles of
American whiskey lying by his side.
Boston was marked on city,
lad that Considers, itself the of
goodness and lofty thought. The bot-
were empty. says to me ;
man is a
-1 said I think
he said he.
do you know said I.
he is
not being yet converted, and
from appearances, and from the
of his. eyesight, associated the
bought in some way drunk-
was an evidence Christianity.
That belief is largely by all
I Don't talk so,
don't talk so. Missionaries go out to
land, with the deathless teal
to save souls ; to bring the ledge
the Christ to all the
if they bring Hie in
the way I speak of, so. the
honestly is the
ton of Christianity, to it not makings
mockery of what they profess to, teach.
WU didn't know-
how to. reply, and so I sot
extra well.
A few correspondents report
drought still but a large
majority indicate that favorable show-
occurred this week, which, though
less than other portions of the State,
greatly all Drops. The most
serious injury by drought occurred to
wheat and oats. These crops are head-
very low. Where rain
corn, cotton, and gardens are
now doing It is still too dry in,
some sections for transplanting tobacco.
The weather was for farm
work and crops are clean and well
The Millennium Will Dawn.
When everything in goes to please
hen every kind of is con-
ducted lo suit the notions of everybody
When everyone pays their debts
w being hunted down and bar-
hen ill tell a lie and
nobody swear they believe it is so.
hen premises me
cleaned up and kept just as everybody
else would do it who have BOle of their
own to attend to.
When has some business
and attends strictly to i, at.
lending lo oilier people's.
When it gels into the head of every-
body to live and let live.
When everybody and
their and docs not to dead
heal either one or the other.
horse is not clear escaped that
drags the that man is not
sure doom in
jail, or who is tied
Oil to Saloon the dram.
in my township, you I've
an but fur you'd Mis-
yet. made some
every time I got a chance, talked
to them till they trembled in
their pants ; when the votes
counted we split our
fur had more majority than
had vote.
all this, I think I've got
a right to say what sort legislation
we're a Io-day, not only
here, but everywhere all
land, from big rocky hills lo
golden strand. I'm
lo talk United States M plain as I
know how. I'm a now fur
every man that holds the plow by telling
you, us silicas there is in the
hill, if you don't work fur better roads
we'll git a man will
You're money all
sorts useless creeks
rivers float duck
rich fur
ships war any
enemies, what do we need
i- publics a
lively fur to raise the value
real estate, while
you're there a the nation's
golden blood, farmers the
try are a the mud.
When any cussed railroad wants M
linger in the pot, a grant land or
doesn't make no
morsel delicate
nest. They simply
press the button, you fellers do the
rest. But when the
make a sort modest play, you plug
rare with cotton, you look the
other way but when you're
then as soft as mush,
promises make of
as blush
You know the armor is the
the land ; welfare
the country lies right in his horny
hand ; he feds the hull
keeps in its bread meal, all
the other proper truck Christ an
folks to eat. He toils when you're a
he's at work when you're asleep
he seeds you city
to reap, when he asks a little
show to git his stuff to town, you fellers
there Congress to turn
him down.
on know in rainy weather we kin
neither plow nor sow. of course
time when tanners, to go
to market with their farm prod ice ;
when the lair
coops is every their
matter how it's if
they have a solid they'd all go to
the market with a profitable load ; but
now in weather they set
twirl their thumbs spend
time a you legislative
I you, sir. the farmers are at
least upon the track; they're
tired this here up the
back, sick kicked about,
like a lot toads, now, by the
Eternal, they're a lo have sums
roads. So want to tell you in
the sort talk ; it you
mind you're a lo lake
a walk. abed coat hustle
fur n proper good roads bill, or, by of
Jackson, we will git a mart that
will I
Plantation Philosophy.
De ma-i fault
el else ain't mighty apt to lie
you loaf
where you got sum an you
won't get in udder
fox traps.
De man allots about
No Banking Reforms.
It does not speak well for
ability and efficiency of the
majority in the House of
that Committee on Bank-
and Currency has been enable to
agree on a bill for the reform of our
banking laws aid adjourned till
next December. It was a great
the Democrats when hut in
control of the House that they left
banking laws unamended. They did
not freedom to State banks; and
they did not correct the defects the
banking system.
laughed the Democrats to scorn for
their and were told to
wait and see how scientifically and
speedily the Republicans. With their
intelligence, solve all these
simple problems. We have waited,
lifer ain't mighty apt but we have not seen the solution. In-
to hub nun himself.
Some souls e so mighty
small they hole else
but ill unman
efficiency is the of the politician
of both parties. They are incapable
originating anything but rabbi on
De dog whipped idlers hollers. Sun.

Greenville, N. C.
I Editor lad tailor
at the post at Green-
ville N. C. as second-class mail matter.
June 3rd, 1896.
The Raleigh Press-Visitor has put
on a new dress of type that gives it a
decidedly handsome In
the way of furnishing news it
along been hilly up-to-date.
Thirty-nine life Insurance companies
are business in this State, and
last year they wrote policies
ting The premiums paid
amounted to and death
The appointed by Governor
Carr to select the testimonial to he
by this State to the U.
Raleigh, have decided that it shall be a
massive punch bowl. The is of
sterling silver and will weigh
ounces. It measures inches in height
and inches across, has a
of six gallons. The design chosen is a
very beautiful one, handsomely
ed, and will bear the inscription
State of North Carolina to the United
Suites Cruiser Raleigh, The
to purchase this testimonial were
raised through the efforts of Mr. C. L.
Stevens, editor of the Leader.
The presentation will take place at
Southport the middle of July.
The of the testimonial is
The Pitt Democrats met on
the inst. at Greenville and adopt-
ed a long, ringing, clear-cut platform of
principles. The sentiment to
silver was unanimous. It instructed
the delegates in District, State, and
National Conventions to stand
coinage at a ratio of to without
waiting a single day for the consent or
co-operation of a single nation on
The resolutions that appear
in the Greenville fails to
anything as to the tariff, but fa-
the abolition of the per cent,
tax on State banks and favored an in-
come Messenger.
Beg your pardon, but if you will
turn back and again read the
with amendments you will see
that one plank said very plainly that
favor a tariff for revenue
On Monday Superior Court Clerk
K. A. re-appointed Prof. W
as County for
county. In this appointment is man-
the warm interest entertained
by Mr. in the welfare of our
public schools, and he will heartily
commended by the people of the county
generally, particularly the teachers and
all most interested in the schools,
upon the wisdom of his appointment.
This is the fourth time Prof, Raf
dale bas been selected for this
position, and the manner in which
he has performed the duties of the office
shows his qualifications
it. He was first elected by the Hoard
of Education and County Commission-
in joint session, then was re-elected
by the Magistrates and County Com-
missioners, and has been twice appoint-
ed by Clerk Every duty
with the office has faithfully
and impartially discharged, and no
County Superintendent or Examiner
has ever given more general satisfaction
than Prof. Rag.-dale.
It is foolish to say that e can beat
Russell easily, for we can do no such
thing. It's no use to and say
his own won't support, him, for it
will. We must lock the difficulty in
face and realize that there is
this devil may
be elected. The thing to do is to
swear that he shall not b-j and to see to
it that he is Land-
These are wise words. Though he
obtained it by fraud, now stands
as the Republican nominee for Gov-
and it matters not how a
man he is or how much he has accused
the bulk of his party of being savages,
will vote for him just the same.
With nine-tenths of the Republican
party in this State it matters not what
man they are voting for just so they
vote for the ticket as directed by their
bosses. It goes without saying, that if
a yellow dog was on the ticket and the
bosses so directed it would be voted
just as readily as with Russell at its
head. So no stress need be laid on the
reports that his party will not support
him, but the thing to do, as the Land-
mark suggests, is to see that as vile a
man-as Russell is not elected Governor
of North Carolina.
From our Regular Correspondent.
Washington, D. O. May,
Just as the were hug-
git g themselves to think that the Re-
publican opposition to the fat-frying
candidate had been whipped into
they made a discovery which has
them. This discovery is a
confidential circular sent out by J. S.
asking for the personal his-
of every delegate elected to the St.
Louis convention, and for the name of
the person who has the most influence
over him. The don't
know what is driving at, but
they know that he doesn't want
nominated and that it is likely
to lie something to hurt him. Hence
this discovery, made through
sending one of his circulars to a lie
has greatly alarmed them.
isn't the only big Republican
who is secretly working against He,
They may not be able to
keep him out of the nomination, but
they will make him spend some anxious
hours before he gets it.
It has out, that President
Cleveland is gathering data upon which
to base his veto of the
River and Harbor bill, which may go
in any day before next Wednesday.
The impression in Congress is that the
bill will lie passed over the veto.
The Senate voted down the
to add cents a barrel to the in-
revenue tax on beer, which was
offered as an amendment to the filled
cheese bill.
Democrats were disappointed because
the Supreme court decision, that the
money appropriated by the last Con-
for sugar bounties should be paid,
did not touch the question of the con-
of the sugar
Some of the ablest Democrats have
from the birth of the party claimed that
the whole system of government
ties was unconstitutional, and it was
hoped that a decision would have been
made of that question in this case.
There is every to believe that
the House committee on Invalid Pen-
was merely indulging in a little
campaign when a favorable
ordered to be made to the
House the service pension bill, and
that few members of Congress seriously
wish this bill to ever become a law
The bill provides that every man who
served ninety days or longer in the I.
S. Army or Navy between 1861 and
shall receive a month and one
cent additional tor each day over nine-
that he served in either of
the service, and this money is to be
lo the million or thereabouts who
are already drawing pensions for
as well as to those who are not
on the pension roll. The bill, if it be-
come a law, would add annually
or more to the already
expenditures for pensions.
Ex-Congressman Enloe, of
see, who is visiting Washington and
who is an authority on the Democracy
of State, said of the outlook
is in good shape. We will elect
our Democratic State ticket by an old-
time majority. The people arc as mad
U hornets over the slump and are
going to expatiate that slip by eating
up the Republicans in November.
It hardly needed a denial from
Chairman the National
Democratic Committee, to convince
anybody who knows him that he had
never said that th National Committee
would attempt to keep anybody out of
the Chicago convention. Mr.
is in Washington, and thus explicitly
defines his position ; for
myself as a delegate to the National
Democratic Convention, I expert to
enter it with a view of abiding by the
will of the majority. Whoever is
will receive my support, and I
am certain that will be the sentiment of
the great bulk of the delegates. Dem-
always enter a conference, caucus
or convention with the idea of
to the of the majority. That
is a cardinal principle and is no
to think it will be violated at
Chicago by either the advocates of
sound money or of free
Section of the Wilson tariff law
admitting free foreign alcohol to be used
in the arts and manufacturers, was this
week repealed by the House, the vote
being to Secretary
had asked to have this section repealed
because it had been so clumsily drawn
that it was practically impossible to
make to enforce it. This
section was one of the amendments
added to the Wilson bill in the Senate.
It was known at the time that it was
badly drawn, and expected that it would
be put into proper shape in conference.
Everybody remembers how the House
was compelled to accept all the Senate
amendment in a lump to save the entire
bill from failure.
The discussion of the bill prohibiting
further issue of bonds would have been
much more spirited in the Senate if
there was any probability of action by
the House on the bill.
Miss S. A. Lee of St.
Louis, has been chosen to act as
for Missouri at the Confederate re-
at Richmond, Vs., on June
On Wednesday afternoon about
o'clock a terrific wind rain
struck St. Louis, Mo., and the loss of
life and property is appalling. The
wind was blowing at the rate of
miles an hour. Everything seems to
have been demolished. persons
have been reported killed so far and to
add to the horror fire broke out and at
last reports worth of prop,
was destroyed. The fire was com-
beyond the control of the fire-
men. Telegraphic communication was
cut off and the news is
. .
Of the Eastern Carolina Tobacco Crop
as Gathered from the
A Great Many Reports sent
Out from this Section
Damaging and Mis-
BY O. L.
We have read with a great deal of
interest a good many conjecture as to
the tobacco acreage in Eastern North
Carolina and it is really amusing to
see the capers of these reporters. They
all seem to vie with one another to see
who can tell the biggest yarn about the
increased acreage. These reports are
misleading and damaging, not only to
the farmer but to the dealer and
as well. There are three well
established market Eastern North
Carolina and there are others coming
on which will time become
factors among the tobacco markets
of the State. But in their own zeal to
impress the outside world with their
advantages the quantity of
tobacco raised tributary to their
market, a great many times
injury is done the tobacco interests
In South Carolina, for
instance, the world has been led to be-
that the whole face of the earth
would be planted in tobacco this year.
Tobacco journals everywhere have
been full of of new markets and
increased until the world is
prepared to think that South Carolina
alone would grow tobacco enough this
year to supply the trade. It now turns
out that there will not be much more
than half the tobacco planted in South
Carolina that has been predicted up to
now, and this information comes direct
from the fields of South Carolina and
not from some one in town who has an
interest in some warehouse and who by
those reports expects to get somebody
to go there to buy tobacco. Here in
Eastern North a great
part of it at least, the writer has post
information from personal
that the tobacco acreage has been
very much exaggerated. A few days
ago we a trip of fifty miles through
the leading tobacco belt Greene and
counties and a portion of
Pitt, and we know that in this
section the acreage will not lie in-
creased. In some sections the farm-
had planted the land they prepared
for tobacco in cotton on one farm
we noticed especially where last year
there wire forty acres of tobacco, this
year there are only twelve.
There is no need of disguising facts
in order to deceive the public, for while
they may be fooled for awhile, yet after
all the facts will be learned and then it
is too late to appease the injury that is
done. When this market first started a
very prominent tobacconist who had
moved from a distant State and located
on one of the eastern markets, said one
day in talking with a number of
that O. L. Joyner was doing the
eastern markets more harm that any
other man in Eastern Carolina. They
asked him why and how it was. Well,
be said, instead of puffing the eastern
crop, and leading the outside world to
believe that we have got the tobacco
down here, he is advocating doing
all he can to make them think that the
acreage will not lie increased and that
the markets arc not selling as much to-
as they claim.
Since we have been connected with
the tobacco trade we have written only
from information and we have tried to
stick squarely to the truth without dis-
guising facts or we are yet
to be convinced that this is not the best
By and exaggerating
the crop prospects, admitting that it
does no harm in any other way, it
fits the trade to bike hold
of the crop. A great many hold their
orders off thinking that tobacco will go
down under the pressure of a large
crop until before they realize what they
have done the crop has been sold, and
their man filled his orders. He
has kept off the market and the
farmer has suffered for the lack of com-
petition to the extent of what his
purchases would have been.
when the crop is over estimated, and
there are Mattering prospects tor a crop
of good tobacco, a great many buyers
hold off thinking that will wait
until the good tobacco begins coming
in, when also before they know it the
crop has been sold and the good to
has not yet turned no. The
trade suffers of course.
There should be a way of arriving at
an intelligent estimate of the tobacco
crop for under present circumstances
are so many false and misleading
statements sent out by parties, who by
altering the facts to suit themselves,
think to better their own interest, that
there is no means of telling anything
the crop until it begins coming in,
and then you have to take it just as it
When We'll All Be Happy.
When the dead-beat ceases to beat
and an honest man takes his place.
When the growler to growl
and the kicker is at rest.
When people do not forget little ac-
counts, but are prompt to pay them.
When people get what they wish
for and wishing goes out of fashion.
But you will never sec all this
Durham Sun.
Editor Reflector casting
about for the most available man
sheriff in the coming nominating con-
every effort should be made to
lay aside personal preferences and go
the man that can hold the banner
highest and and the most
votes. There is a man my
eye who has since his first vote ever
stood the front rank fought
where the battle was hardest. Under
all circumstances and all times he
has stood the test and at no time
has he been found wanting. That man
is O. W. Harrington and if
he will carry the banner through and
place it upon the ramparts of radical-
ism drive out the enemy in a solid line
and perch victory upon the ruins there-
of. Nominate O. W. Harrington and
Democracy is victorious old Pitt
once. more. T. T.
was a
great pleasure to the writer to sec in
your Wednesday's issue of the Daily
Reflector a communication
ting O. W. Harrington for the
of Sheriff of county. The
writer has known Mr. Harrington for
the last ten years and if our opinion of
the man is worth anything we don't
believe the Democracy Pitt could
give the nomination to a better man.
In these times of political degeneracy
if the Democratic party would preserve
and it must look well to
the selection of men to fill the offices.
There are men in the county, good,
staunch Democrats who at this time
the party should nominate office
would almost surely wreck its best
interests, while there arc rs whose
names upon the Democratic ticket this
year will add to it and insure victory.
To this latter class of men Mr.
ton belongs. His name upon the Dem-
ticket will add as much strength
to it U any man, that could be
and having heard a great many
express themselves we believe that O.
W. Harrington could a larger vole
for Sheriff than any man that could be
named by the Democratic party.
V. S.
In Good Shape for the Coming; Season.
Mr. J. J. Cherry returned Friday
night from a brief trip to
He tells us that he ton ml Mr. George
Credle, the new proprietor of
Hotel, putting everything in splendid
shape for the coming season which
opens the first week in June. The ho-
tel is being improved and all needed
conveniences added. Mr. Credle says
he knows how people who go to the
seaside for recreation ought to be
treated, he will be prepared to take
care el his guests handsomely.
Mr. Cherry also tells us that the
Old Dominion steamer Virginia Dare,
in charge of clever Dave Hill,
will begin running regular Saturday
night trips from Washington to
coke the middle of June. The river
steamers will wait at Greenville on
Saturdays until o'clock in the
noon, so as to give people from here a
quick through trip. Parties will be
given special rates for board by the
week. We expect to sec a large
go down from Greenville this sea-
Tried on the Charge of Robbing; tin
U. S. Mails.
A jury twelve men yesterday
found Charles L. guilty of
United States mails. H
Judge Seymour does not suspend
the minimum penalty is twelve
imprisonment at hard labor.
The case has attracted more
than any other on the docket at
this term of court. It took nearly
all of yesterday to hear the evidence
and the speeches of counsel.
was railway postal clerk
on the railroad line between Washing-
ton and Tarboro. November 30th,
1894, Savage, Sons Co., cotton
tors of Norfolk, Va,, sent a registered
package to J. L. Perkins, Stokes, N.
C, which contained an advance of three
hundred dollars deposited
for sale. It is alleged that when
package got to its owner, if contained
only being short.
It is charged in the bill of indictment
that broke open the pack-
age and took sixty dollars o
the money it contained.
The evidence was all circumstantial.
Evidence for the prosecution was link-
ed in a chain that led o It
was testified to that the registered pack-
age left Norfolk, Va., containing three
hundred dollars, and was in good order.
W. II. Peace, colored, revenue postal
clerk on the Norfolk and Monroe route,
testified that the package was sent him
by mistake, and that at Weldon be
turned b over to Postal Clerk Brad-
shaw, on the Norfolk and Wilmington
route. At Tarboro it was received by
Jesse acting assistant post-
master. the route agent,
received the package and gave
a receipt for it. Stokes is
between Tarboro and Washington. He
carried the package on by Stokes that
night to Washington, where C. W.
Tayloe, the postmaster, gave him a
receipt it, stating that it was in good
order. He gave as his reason for car-
the package by Stokes that he
bad orders to throw off no registered
mail at stations in the night-
The next morning, on the return trip,
he carried the package back to Stokes-
The package was addressed to J. L.
Perkins. Perkin's sister is the
master. Perkins testified that he
opened the package in the presence of
W. R. Robertson. They both testified
that the package bore evidences
having been opened, and that it con-
only being short.
also had a receipt for the pack-
age from the post-master at Stokes.
That was the evidence for Jibe pros-
The did not attempt to put on
any large number of witnesses. They
put on the stand daily com-
on the train between
and Washington. W. II. Ellsworth,
conductor and C. L. testified in
his behalf. They testified that there
was n department car on the line that
embraced mail, baggage and express.
The mail department is a small affair,
with doors opening into both the ex-
press baggage departments; and
one in either of these sections could see
all that transpired in the mail depart-
They did not think
could have rifled a package without
their knowledge. Mr. Murphy
in his own behalf, and made an ex-
tended explanation the entire occur.
News and Observer,
The Books Adopted for Use in the
Public Schools in Pitt County for
the Next Three Years.
Under a law passed by the last Leg-
the adoption of book- for the
public schools was taken out of the
hands of the State Board of
and put in the hands of the County
Commissioners of each county, this
adoption to last for three years.
At their meeting Monday the
of this county this
duty by adopting without change the
books now in use in the schools which
had been adopted by the State Board
of Education six years ago. We
this was wise it does not
require an additional tax upon our
in purchasing other lo
say the least of it were no better than
the ones now in use.
The now being used were
with great care by a body of men
fully competent to judge as to their
Besides it prevents any confusion
upon the part of teachers and commit-
as to what they should
Especially is it gratifying to know
that firms that are largely
for the unwise change the law
did not get a tingle one of their books
in this county.
Oakley Items.
N. C, June 1st, 1896.
W. II. Williams this place went
to Raleigh Thursday as a witness in the
C. L. case and returned last
Mis Mary Highsmith, who attended
school at last session, arrived
home Friday evening.
Hist Mary J. went to
hist Monday to attend the
closing exercises of LaGrange school.
Crops are looking fine in this section.
The following games were played
York. Louisville,
Afternoon York, Louis,
Washington Morning Washing,
ton. ;
Afternoon ; Well-
Philadelphia Morning
St. Louis,
Afternoon Louis, ;
; Brooklyn,
Cincinnati o.
Afternoon ;
The Mowing is the standing of the
Cleveland. II
Wonderful Things.
There is a woman in Chicago who
bas never been divorced.
A girl has been discovered in Boston
who uses words one and two
occasionally and docs not know
what eye-glasses are.
A well-educated man graduated from
Yale recently.
There lives in city a
who stays at home and minds the
while her husband supports the
Speaking of chances reminds me of
a dream I had the other night, a dream
that s full of allegorical truths and
peculiar situation. I dreamed
the man who holds a mortgage over
my home down upon me and
me with a legal process,
and in my distress took a of
clothesline and hung myself from the
died in the faith of a glorious
and a pair of cotton flannel draw-
as it were. Of Course my dis-
entangled spirit left in disgust and went
direct to the gates, where St.
Peter refused me entrance, but was
making to send down
below, when I begged so hard for an-
other chance to make preparations tor
eternity that he back to the
world to try it over again. lie didn't
tell what to do, or now to live, in
order to win a pardon, so the moment
I struck the earth began to make in-
Says Mike my Irish
neighbor of in
place ON git a bale bay and ate
penance, so I went
mediately and bought a bale of alfalfa
hay and began, to eat and chew my end,
when, lo, aid behold I was
mediately transformed into a horse.
then left off the hay and went to anting
grass, and in the twinkling of a rat's
tail shot a I was changed
to a mule. Next day I got up to find
myself a goat, then a dog. and at the
sixth I was changed to a cat I
beau to eat stolen cheese, and the
wink of a I
found myself a mouse ; then the form of
a came upon inc ; next B
wasp, with n Bray end. and the last
transformation left me in the form of a
I'll go up to St. Peter, and if he won't
let me in, I'll simply jump over the
fence. But when I got up there and
knocked on the gate, and Peter came
out to sec who was there, began to
get scare, so I just bopped up his
leg and hid in the folds of
inside wrinkle, But my hind legs must
have tickled his leg, for he danced
around as though set off by the gentle
of a wasp's familiarity, got a copy
of the Paradise Populist newspaper
spread on the and began to strip
off like a toad shedding his hist winter's
skin. I lost my bend in the mean
time and dropped down his leg on to
the paper, and he at
once. lie v.-iv kindly picked up
and remarked ; this is about
the right size. An American can
never expect to have a soul any larger
than a flea, so long as they submit to
the usury of the money lender. Pass
right in and take a seal amongst the
old African slaves who died the
This is your last
minister hit every time.
And when he spoke of fashion.
And jut in bows and things,
As woman's passion,
And to church to see the style
I couldn't help
And my wife, and
And I guess it sot her to
Just then the minister says, says he,
now I've come lo fellers.
Who've this shower their
As sort moral umbrellas,
said he, find your
Instead of your brother's
says he, wear the
You tried to fit for
My wife she nudged, and Brown he
And there was lots
And lots at our pew,
It my
Says I to myself, our minister
Is little bitter;
I'll tell him, when is out, that
Ain't at ail that kind critter.
Swinburne's Church Canticles.
Number of Hew
the the
Mi York Ledger, with its four cover
nil I its newly increased number
of inside pages, is a marvel cheap-
even in o low-priced
literature. There is no extra charge
the Special which are
Issued on every Holiday, and which
contain a rich table of contents
with cover of surpassing beauty.
The price if the Holiday Numbers
the Ledger is the same as the regular
weekly five cents. By
comparing the artistic embellishment
and the amount of reading matter
in lite with content- any
other journal, the new read-
of will readily see that
they are receiving money
than lie y can obtain elsewhere,
Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex-
Deputy u. S. Marshal,
Columbus, Kan.,
was delivered
f TWINS in
less than min-
and with
scarcely any pain
after only
two bottles of
run flues.
Up, the undersigned,
purchased used Tobacco Flues
made by W- C lust sea-
son and Hay limy
are A- both in workmanship and
are much easier put together than
Flue Hindu. All joints
riveted or lunged,
J. J.
S. L.
8- D.
We are now taking fur
season and will
quality the bent and prices u low
las tiny. solicited.
correct of inside of barn
and will to you
up in fifteen
W. k Son.
Sent St or Mall, on I U, O.
Original Observations.
Men often begin to rise when they
begin to lie.
Out in old Kentucky is where the
blue grass prow.
The prettiest thing in the new spring
hats is our girl's lace.
Youth sucks the sugar coating and
old age chews the bitter pill of life.
It is a novel thing to
find a person who is not a novel read-
Who ever heard of woman who
was heartless enough to step on a
If ignorance is bliss, we know a large
number of people who ought to be
The young man who is an adept at
sowing wild oats is very one who
would scorn to be a farmer.
In this world of almost universal
failure it is pleasant to note the
man win Beta out to make a fool of
himself generally succeed.
Honesty, in these times, is regarded
much in the light as an
value is determined
by the extent to which it will pay
pr battle
mailed free.
about sixty days I will move
my stock of and
to one o brick stores now be-
built. Until time I will
reduce the on my
per cent and on Stoves
will be sold for
; My I Stoves for
and my Now Leo
Doors, Sash Nails,
specialties. Axes and
I am offering my Corn Shelters
and Sewing at coot.
I have just received a lot
barbed and wire
All my axes will go tor
Try one my axes.
early and bring
than you can the common iron
from others. If yon don't believe
it call and get Ins prices. He will
not undersold. All work
as to
Flues are now Ready
for Delivery.
Prompt attention given to all or-
I am agent for the
a. b.
Five Points, eon ville. N. C Shop
In the
Corrected by S. M.
per lb
Western Sides
Sugar cured Hams
Corn Meal
Salt Sack
Eggs per ox
Beeswax, per
SO to
4.25 to 5.00
a to
; to
SO to T
to M
Cotton and Peanut.
Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, b furnishes
by Cobb Bros. Commission Mer-
chants of
Good Middling j 1-16
LOW Middling
Good y H
------A large assortment of the celebrated
Eagle Brand of Fine Shoes
------just received- A stock of------
on hand.
C. A. Whites old
YEARS EXPERIENCE has taught that the best U lie
Hemp Building Farming meats, and every
necessary for and general purposes, as a
Clothing, Hats. Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods I have on band. Am bead
quarters for Heavy Groceries, and jobbing for Clark's O. M. o
Cotton, and keep courteous and attentive clerk.
Life, Fin and kite
All Risks placed in strictly
At current rates-.
q. C. Pitt Co. If. c.
T. J. V
Extra Prime
coat- Try a car f. o. b.
at Tillery, N. C- at M.
Stock, Cotton, Grain and Provision Brokers.
and Progress Building, Water
Ties Peanut Sacks at Lowest Prices.
and, Consignments Solicited,
1878 Code, used in Telegraphing.

Just received another
supply of Spring and
Summer Suits and
now ready
to supply all
your wants.
If it is
fitting, neat
Local Reflections.
Some Going, Some Coming,
Superior Court Clerk K. A is
Jay of June. ;
Fancy Candy p I Morris I went lo Richmond
Meyer's Monday.
N. Y. Stale and Can's
at S. M. Schultz's.
W. T. Mangum went to
Car load Flour just in at J. L. Star- Brown been since
. i
key Brae.
The sun is last Been those who
.-limb up the mountain.
Farmers are so busy killing grass
that not many of then come to town.
The Monroe Journal of the 28th re-
ports cotton bolls and
early for t lit in.
This month will give us live Mon-
days, live Tuesdays and the longest
in the year.
The best blend of Tea, per
S. M.
People town Monday from different
sections have given
did reports of crops.
Nearly every train brings some
boy or girl school, and how-
glad seem to get back.
The spring chicken crop seems scarce
this season and the prices rule high.
Mow is the time to bring them in.
A new shipment of Fulton Market
Beef just in. Try it. S.
like some said the
fly, as lie lit on the thin
is too much a for
I W. II. Harrington come home Weft-
Vegetables are getting more evening Scotland Xe.-k
and says they make mighty
good filling up the
Miss Nannie Cox's school at Winter.
ville closed Friday evening. Mr. I-. C
Harding the closing
A new supply of
to-day. It is delicious. Try it.
J. S.
The way tobacco is growing is
large portion the population
the county
Mrs. Swindell returned Friday
evening from Raleigh.
Zeb Johnson returned Friday even-
from Neck.
Miss Mary Bynum is at the res-
of K. Parker.
II returned from
folk Wednesday evening.
Miss Annie Baker returned
day evening from Palmyra.
J. Jarvis came home Friday even-
from the State
Amos Brown, of Washington, is vis-
bis nephew, J.
Mrs. C. T. and son left
for a visit to Wilson.
Johnson Nichols retained home Sat-
from the State
Capt. G. J. returned Wed-
evening from Washington.
W. J. returned Thursday
evening from a trip to Washington.
Rev. W. I. Ware, will preach in the
church Wednesday
At tux ten, Dare county, May 21st,
Miss Vandyke to Capt.
W. Miles F.
D. D. officiating. J. C.
Smith Hooker's horses that have
been in the races at Norfolk and
were brought back home Fri-
day. They purchased a new colt that
along with the others.
Bethel Items.
N. C, May 26th, 1896.
John II. Johnston left morning
for the Home at
Marriage Licenses
For last week Register of Deeds
King issued two marriage licenses-
The total number issued for the month
of May was seventeen, ten of which
were for while couples seven for col-
Cards are out for the marriage of
Mis Carrie of Snow Hill, to Dr.
Charles of
Greenville, on Wednesday morning,
June 10th, o'clock, at the
dist church in Snow Hill.
Mrs. Charlie Skinner returned home
Saturday evening from
Miss Mary Alice Move has returned
home from Kinsey school at
Mrs. M. A. House left Thursday
evening for to visit her son,
more than talking
While running one of the
job presses
badly mashed three fingers left
In teaches, i runes,
Raisins, Dates and Apples, per
pound. S. M.
The schedule the freight train
south has been moved up two
why you want to come
the King Dealer and
be satisfied both in ma-
and price.
hours, reaching
Monday the Hoard of County Com-
missioners made the tax levy for the
year. The levy is the same as last
year, no changes being made.
fits, Apricots, Hears and Pineapple.
S. M.
When sorrow, misfortune or bad lurk
overtakes you, put on an extra hustle
and console yourself by thinking how
much worse it might have been.
The John Flanagan Buggy
arc having a large additional
age room built at their factory. When
completed tie; building will be 1311 feet
Fine Chocolate Candy
and Lemon Flavors. J. S.
Can you realize it, that ill six-
weeks from new tobacco will be
ready to begin to market
And in two months the selling season.
be in full
am prepared to Ice Cream
to families in any quantity. Give me
your orders Mount.-
The Gazette says a man
sometimes obtains a reputation for be-
close because be pays all his debts
and hasn't any left to get a
reputation with being liberal.
The Oxford Orphan Asylum
hold its animal celebration on 24th
June. The Grand Lodge of Masons
will meet at that time, and a good din-
will be prepared for invited
If you want lee Cream, Soda Water
Milk Shakes, Coco Cola,
and Sherbets call op Meyer.
Rev. A. S. Cotton, of
circuit, preached in the Methodist
church here Sunday morning and
were excellent sermons.
This n Mr. second year in
During the services of Dr.
in a
white dove flew l. the vestibule
circled around the room two or
time times and then out the
window. Truly the dove of peace.
Hal Sugg has received a good list
of subscriptions tor the book
and the Fight for for which
he has the agency. He has just for-
warded an order for It is a
book well worth reading.
The new blanks prepared by the
Railroad Commission show that there
are seventy-seven railroad- in the Stale.
Tin -c range Milton
road, which has a quarter of
if. the State, to the Carolina Central
and pimples are due to impure
blood. them by making the
blood with Rood's Sarsaparilla.
I have also a complete
stock of
Dry Goods.
will be pleased
Show them to you and
if once seen you will be
to buy. Come and
see me.
Races on the Fourth.
Secretary S. T. Hooker informs us
that the Greenville Driving Association
have in contemplation a of races
here on July 4th. The a
suggests that the citizens and
men pf town co-operate with the
Association and hare a general
of the coming 4th. A display of
fireworks and other Attractive features
might be arranged citizens which
would make it a gala day. It been
a number of years had
a regular 4th of July and
this year is a good to have one.
Take hold of the matter
Lucy Nobles returned home
Saturday from Kins -y school at La-
Miss Myra Skinner returned home
Saturday evening from Salem Female
R. A. Tyson left
a trip to and other tobacco
Mrs. W. II. Grimes,
is spending this week with friends at
C. C. Joyner and J. K. Nobles re-
turned home Thursday evening from
W. B. came down from
Saturday evening and returned
Monday morning.
L. Wrenn, of at rived
this morning to accept a position as as-
in the telegraph office.
Miss Fannie Wood, of Virginia,
rived here Friday evening to visit Miss
in the country.
Mis. Annie Flam who has been
the C. T. left
W for her home in Wilson.
Dr. K. A. Move returned home
Monday evening from Philadelphia
much lo the delight of his many friends.
L. returned from Wash-
Friday evening, where he had
been attending the District Conference.
Rev. K. D. Well- retained Monday
eve dug Scotland Neck where he
hail been attending the meet.
W. C. Dancy went to Wilmington
Monday, lie has accepted a
with the Furniture Co.,
of that place.
Rev. N. H. If. Wilson continues
quite feeble and is still confined to his
room. All wish that he may soon be
restored to health.
Mrs. H. L. Fennell and children left
Wednesday for Wilmington after a
two week's visit to family her
brother F. G. James.
Miss Annie Harding after spending a
while with the family of Maj. Henry
Harding returned home at
Monday evening.
Mrs. W. and, little
daughter, of I who, have beep
visiting the Dr. F. W Brown,
returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Hooker who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. John L.
Woolen, returned her in
Mrs., hi. A- Reeves, who has been
spending several months with relatives
. tank he hum
Wednesday for her home in Chatham
county, Her daughter, Mrs. W. H.
Galloway. her home for a
A. A. Turnage, who for the past
year has held the position as jeweler
under left Friday morning
for Topeka, Kansas, where he
cored a position with the II. Mont-
Jewelry Co. AVe wish
Success his western home.
N, C, June 1st,
Miss Florence of
ville, is visiting Mrs. W. Dixon
this week.
Crops are better here than ever be-
fore for the year.
John trick and D. V. Dixon have
gone to Snow Hill today on business.
Our town a build
are going up.
Will L. Russell be elected
Governor of North Carolina is
asked by our people.
People are delighted over their fine
tobacco crops in this section Some to-
is ready to top.
Pushing the Work.
The new stores are taking on good
shape. The walls to Mrs.
building are all up, the roof on, and
carpenters are now on the wood
work. Some of the walls to the Elliott
block are up to the second floor.
Will at Conference.
Bishop A. W. Wilson, of Baltimore.
Md., will preside over the Annual
of Methodist church at
Kinston, N. C, beginning Dee.
This is Bishop Wilson's third
presidency over the N. C, Confer-
A Grown Egg.
Friday B. F. Patrick sent the
one of the largest chicken
eggs we ever saw. It was laid by a
hen and was almost as largo
at a goose egg. The same hen laid u
similar sized egg a few days ago that
contained three yolks.
Is. C. June 1st, 1898.
The Board of Commissioners fur
Pitt county met this date, present C. T. R. Bullock has opened a grocery
Dawson, chairman, L. Fleming, Jesse j the new store built by R. J.
L. Smith, T, E. Keel and S. M. Jones. Grimes near the depot.
The following orders for paupers j. made the first
were shipment of Irish potatoes to-day farm
Martha Nelson II D
Nancy Moore Susan M. O. Blount went to to-
Henry Harris
Edwards JO, J H Henry;
n i , . ,,. They Liked Greenville.
Sam and Ann Cherry
Fannie Tucker Alice
Winifred Taylor Alex Dare county, who
Winnie Chapman
Adams Mrs J W Crisp left Sunday
Jas Long Edwin Haddock of their entire
. . .,., . . . I cargo of fish.
Matilda Chas Joyner
, , e ,,,, ,, , r i selves as well pleased with
and wife Hannah -0, .
r.;., n u I said it was the best town
eel I I .
Sarah A Sallie Den
J O Proctor Alex
Garris Jason Parker
Paul Amanda Dunn
The following orders for general i
county purposes were issued Firemen Meet.
Kelly Art-s Alice The of
J II House ti W II Skinner ; Company took place
G A Johnson W F a the .
Paul Harrington IS R were elected tor the en.
Cotten J B Cherry Co.
W D Manning Greenville Hodges.
e r Co. J D and E Cox Foreman-L. Fender.
Our Special
They expressed them-
scribing to the before they
left. e hope to see up this way
Barn Burned in
On Saturday night the barn Mr.
C. J. Smith, of township,
was destroyed by lire, together with a
quantity of corn and wheat. The lire
was discovered between
o'clock. The cause the fire is
known. There was no insurance.
The in arc that we will
have some days of dear, hot weather,
and this coming right on the heels
the rainy spell makes it import mt that
all premises lie properly cleaned up
limed. If the whole town was
now it would
end to health.
Good for the
The new Town Council has repealed
the ordinance prohibiting the riding
bicycles on of the sidewalks of the
town and the can now ride
anywhere except on the sidewalks
Evans, street between Third, and. Fifth
Streets., and on the south-east side of
Dickinson avenue out to the railroad.
2nd Asst. J, Griffin.
I. Pander and J. W.
There was a good and much
interest was A committee
. was appointed lo make application to
the Town Commissioners for a half
lanterns and two rubber suite,.
Wall J S
Ed Kilpatrick I M 115-j
Baker Dart J W Smith j
House W G
Latham M M
J T Smith J A
B F Tyson Co.
A Pollard B D Bead.
W King It W King
King It W King , T
., . . ,, , cat, but the Record
B H King 2.1, one being killed by it in
F W F W Brown ham county. And the lightning did not
lb W M King L Fleming lo strike the eat nine times, either.
L A Mayo J L
T E Keel S M Jones
C Dawson F- A Move
Wooten, Robert
Forming a Stock Company.
The movement is on foot to a
stock to rebuild the recently
of the Lumber
Co- We hope the movement will meet
with success and that the mill win
be replaced. The loss occasioned to
the town by the destruction of the plant
is felt more and more every day.
Open For Passing.
The bridge has been fixed and is now
so people and vehicles can pass
over. We understand that it will not
be torn up any more until the water
is low in the river, and until there is
enough lumber secured to finish the
pairs a once. It is hoped the people
living on the other side the river will
have no more trouble getting to town.
They are Behind.
The last Legislature a
tax all lawyers, doctors,
hoarding house
year under this law expired
on the 12th of March, last, since
date. Sheriff King informs us, not a
man in county has applied for a
his license. AH fail pi
get license lay themselves to in.
and J. F. Joyner
poll tax for
Ordered that the taxes
county purposes and the stock law
remain same as for 1895.
It was ordered that the list of school
books in use at present be adopted.
released from
It is often difficult to convince pr-o-
, their blood is impure, until dread.
or salt rheum, are painful proof of
the fact. It Is wisdom now. or when-
ever there is any indication of
Moos S for 5.00
i Youths 6.50 8.00 5-75
Boys 1.25
We the above Suits in all s the
for the
-We have a full of
in the latest We carry a full Hue of Bros.
Shoes, E. P. Reed Fine Shoes, P. Reynold's Fine
We are in a position to save yon some money this spring; Com
to see tis.
i PM
J. W, Pres, J, S. Cashier
Greenville, N. C.
blood, to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
prevent such eruptions and suffering.
had a dreadful carbuncle abscess.
red, fiery, fierce and sore. The doctor at-
tended me over seven weeks. the
abscess broke, the pains were
I thought I should not live through it. I
heard and read much about Hood's
Sarsaparilla, that I decided to take It, and
my husband, who was Buffering with
boils, took it also. It soon purified our
of the- Bargains jars the me dollars and
I fact j to the truthful assertions, the
selection, best values, make our store the moat
satisfactory place for you to trade. Come take a lock at
the many attractions which we offer you. They
cannot f to elicit admiration and make
you our patrons. A stock full of Bargains
day during each season, but
before any better, grander, more
beautiful or better selected
stock than this season. Our
buyer bought for th
Cash, added to
the judgment
of years
experience, we offer a line of
that has never been excelled or scarcely in this town or
county- Our store is the home of rare genuine
honest goods, square Healing, polite attention,
and the place for you to We
them here and call upon every buyer
to examine them Our store
is full to
of the
acknowledges an
by Mr. W. t.
d let's
on that to commencement of the A.
M. College, at 7th to
A Noble Band.
The Sunbeam Circle cf The Kings
laughters and Sons had a picnic Fri-
day at the Yellowley place. This
circle of children are clothing an or-
girl in the Oxford Orphan
They work under the direction
of Mrs. Cherry.
since their organization
and have already abundantly
for their and are zealous to
of Council men.
The Town Councilmen held a
meeting Wednesday night.
The code of ordinances was read and
after some revision was adopted.
S. C. Hamilton tendered bond, as
which saw
The salaries all officers were
placed at the same figure as last year.
J. T. moved that the
the he from to
H, Hooker, ottered
that the salary the
same. There w- a Tote on the
Too ion and Mayor Forbes decided that
he was not the proper person to fix his
own therefore let it remain the
S. T. White and S. C.
were appointed a., on fire
The time for meeting of the
Board was changed from the first
Wednesday night in each month to the
first Thursday night.
built me i restored my health so
that, although the doctor said I
not be able to work hard, I have
done t he work for people.
cured my of the .-.
and we regard it a wonderful
Anna Kansas.
Is the One True mood All druggist .
Checks and Account Books furnish- Hood's Pills
Representing Capital of More Than a Half
Million Dollars,
Win. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore. Md.
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
N-ck, N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N C.
R. R. Fleming. N. C.
D. W, Higgs Bros.,
Greenville, N. C,
We respectfully solicit the
of firms, individuals and the general
Dry Goods, Ladies, hisses and Children Dress
Goods, Shirt Waist Silks, White Goods,
Dimities, ail wool
Black Dress Goods, Hippies,
Novelty Cotton Goods.
Linen Fabrics,
u j Piques, White and Colored Lawns,
Ginghams, Calicoes and other beautiful
my of the
ed on application.
easy to operate. seats,
If you are preparing for a visit to the seashore
you will find our store unusually interesting
t you. All wool, fast color, non-shrinkable
Flannel for Bathing Suits. Also Hercules and
other braids for trimming. Lots of other sea-
shore goods at our store that will interest you.
Among them some beautiful thin Dress and
Shirt Waist Fabrics. A lady who buys her out-
fit at our store can assure herself of the very
newest styles at prices that please every one.
Stylish things, too to Our Laces, Ribbon, Silks,
Braids, Buttons, aid other make the of
the ladies to behold them. Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Side Combs,
and Hair Ornaments are beauties. Our Shoe stock is immense tor
and Children, Men and Boys. most complete
and lino of Ladies, Missus and Children Oxford Ties ever
offered here.
Furnishing Goods
embracing many articles, such Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Bows
Suspender, Dress and Working-men's Sunday and
every day Shirts, Undershirts Toilet Articles- Fur, Wool and
Straw Hats for Mu Boys, for men, Boys children-
Plain, Pure, Heavy Groceries.
Flour, Meat, Lard, Salt, Snuff Tobacco. Hard
ware and Farming Tools, lows Casting, Tinware, Toilet
and many household articles that line. The Best line
Crockery that ever had and that is saying much- Our Tea
and Dinner are beauties- Our Cups and Saucers, Dish-
es and Bowls are here in quantities and Vase and Par-
Qr patterns. Now a word about
Lang Sells Cheap.
Store, bigger more and than ever before. Oak
Suits. Parlor Couches, Plush, Upholstered, Reed,
Willow, and Oak chairs, and Chairs. All the
culmination of the Art up so date. Separate pieces,
Bureaus, Bedsteads; loafer Tables, Towel and Hat
Tin Safes,, Boards, Spring Mattresses, Cots, Wash
stands, straw Mattresses, Mattings, Rugs, Carpet, Car
es. Lace Curtains, Window Shades and other house furnish-
Maud Hags and Satchels. Wool
and Willow Ware- Buckets, Tubs. Market Fancy Lunch
ts. many other tilings that you Don't come to Green
and leave without your the Leaders and
J. B,
We have on hand a
complete line of
and the prices are
lower than you are
accustomed to. See
happy as a big t-j-. i
Leaders in Hard-but my eyes are opened now and
Just as
flower, because I bought my
re from Baker Hart
Dog-gone it I am behind
it my eyes are opened
know next time, yon bet

a Where Death tS
a mire tap v. ill n
man, and man may
bruised and almost
recognition and live.
Instances come to
notice of of some
who has a
high upon a new building. His
friends t pick up his
corpse and find
In spring, and especially early
it frequently j
after a shower the edge of every
pool of water in the streets and along ,
the sidewalks will be bordered by a
rim of pale yellow color. As the
water evaporates this ring remains j
as a fine, powdery mass, so much
resembling as to have given
rise to the popular name of
showers. This so called is,
of course, not really but
inc his clothes and what ; examined under the micro-
bas happened.
Ono day week a w.-s
crossing Clark st near the
As he the middle of car
tracks a rapidly driven almost
ran him down. Ho struck at the
scope is found to be made up of a
mass of the yellowish pollen grains
of pine trees. A writer in Popular
Science News gives an interesting
description of this pollen of the
Instead of consisting of a single
His Worst Enemy Defeated by
P. P. P.,
Great Remedy.
their year's supplies will
their interest to get our prices before
Our stock
n all it branches.
we buy direct from
bu at A
mid prices
the t tees. Out good bought sod
sold for CASH therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close margin.
. C
nose with his and in do- ; cell, as do most pollen grains, that
so was thrown heavily to the of the pine consists of three cells,
pavement. He rolled in it way tho two larger end ones being tilled
that his head wont between the front j with air and the other
of a broad tired the ordinary fertilizing
rear wheels of a
wagon, drawn by a heavy span
A i pie. The two air containing
I are larger than tho other and act as
balloons to buoy it up in the air.
In pines and allied trees
of tho cones, by which they are
horses and loaded with produce.
Half a hundred men shouted a
warning, and a woman on tho
walk shrieked with horror. be
fore the fallen man turn the enabled develop seeds, is
bind wheel of the wagon accomplished by the wind. That is,
passed directly over his nook pollen is produced m
part of his face. i quantities and is then transported
By this time tho driver had dis- i through the to the cones which
covered that something was wrong, , are often on separate, widely distant
reined his horses to their trees. Thus often happens that
haunches. The wheels crushed hack- the pollen gets up in the higher cur-
ward over the neck a MO- rents of the air, is carried for long
time, but before fee from wheel distances and w only
reached him half n dozen men were
A. M. of DeLeon, Texas.
us a sufferer id its worst
form. Truly, his description of suffer
lugs little short of In-
stead of seeking his couch, glad for the
nights coming, he went to it with terror,
realizing that another long, weary, wake-
night and a to breathe was
Some Top Heavy Names.
I admit that I have rather a hard
name to spoil or pronounce, and that
is why I encourage ray friends in
their proclivity to call me said
C. O. while I make
this confession as to my own out-
patronymic, I want it
that mine is not tho worst
in the world. Once while I
I was doing newspaper work in Den-
, our editor advertised for a new
office boy. A bright appearing young
fellow with a mild look in his eye
the call and said he was
ready to go to work.
said the
me ask your The lad
a moment and eventually fish-
ed out a card which bore the name
well, Mr.
said tho editor, that desk
and answer any calls that may be
made. But first let mo introduce you
to the members of the staff. My
name is This fair
haired gentleman here is Mr.
Tho brunette on your right
is Mr. and the gentle-
night and a struggle to was w .
before Mm. He could not sleep on either man with the sylphlike form IS Mr.
e for two P, V, P. ,,,
Cure All
Liver Ills.
A Strong Fortification.
Fortify the body against disease
by Liver Pills, an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, bilious-
and all kindred troubles.
Fly Wheel of
Your Liver Pills are
the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever
be grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. I feel
as if I had a new lease of life.
J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col.
Liver Pills
i costs cotton planters more
; than five million dollars an-
This is an enormous
. waste, and can be prevented.
I Practical experiments at Ala-
Experiment Station show
conclusively that the use of
cure liver troubles.
K. f
April nil
Leave Weldon
Ar. Mt
Lt Rocky
Lt Wilson
Ar. Florence
o X
f h
P. M.
A. M
. C
K. I
e a
A. M.
Lt i
A. M.
Ar Wilson
Lt Wilson
Ar Rocky Mt
P. M.
P. M P. M,
Ar Tarboro Lr Tarboro Lt Rocky Mt Ar I
Train on Neck Branch
Weldon 3.55 p. in., Halifax 4.1
p. arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p
p. m., Kinston 7.45
p. in. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.20
a. Greenville 8.22 a. in. Arriving
Halifax at a. m., Weldon 11.20 am
except Sunday.
Trains on Washington Branch leave
Washington 8.00 a, in., mid MM p . m,
arrives Parmele 3.50 a. m., and 4.40 p.
Tarboro 0.45 a. m.,
Tarboro 3.30 p. in., 10.20 a. m.
and p. in,, arrives Washington
11.50 a. m., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-
Sunday. Connects with trains on
Train X C, via
A Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, at p. Sunday; P. M;
Plymouth 0.00 P. M., 5.25 p. m.
leaves Plymouth daily except
Sunday, 6.00 a. m., Sunday 0.30 a m.,
10.25 and
Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
dragging away.
Just as all had their
minds that tho man was dead he
up and ran to the sidewalk
in direction in which he was go-
when he fell. Policeman
who at crossing, ask-
ed if he should call an ambulance.
said tho man quickly,
ear is not much and
go homo on tho
Another case of or
or whatever it may be called recent-
came to notice of tho officers
at the Chicago Avenue police station
Ono afternoon a tall, heavily built
came hurrying up the street
with his hand closely over
his chin. Ho ran into station
shivering with fright.
shot said to
Then ho took away his hand and j
showed an ugly gash bis ,
you're not said
ah shot
A hasty examination showed
a caliber trailer was lodged be-
neath skin just under the edge
f tho chin.
It was easily slit toil out.
Upon investigation it was found
bullet had been Bred from
a revolver in bands of n man
who had not stood than ten
foot away from and that
tho man, certain lie had committed
murder, bad escaped.
But the ball struck tho point of
tho chin, and the bone was so hard
it could not pierce its way
through, although it was flattened
by tho
The origin of the term
is thus explained by Lon-
don Golden Dr. John Bull
was tho first professor of
music, organist of Hereford
and composer to Queen Eliza-
beth. John, like a Englishman,
traveled for improvement, and
heard of a famous musician at
St. ho placed himself under
him as a novice, but a circumstance
very soon convinced the master that
he was inferior to scholar.
musician showed John a song which
had composed in parts, tolling
him at same time that ho defied
the world to produce a person
capable of adding another part to
his composition. Bull desired to be
left alone and to ho indulged for a
short time with pen and ink. In less
than three hours he added parts
more to the song, upon which tho
Frenchman was so much surprised
that he swore in groat ecstasy he
must he either tho devil or John
Bull, which has over since been pro-
in England.
Self Men's Brae.
Mr. Moody has a popular very
telling way of tho
which are so rife in the theological
thinking of many persons today.
Speaking of salvation by grace, he
is well a man can't
save himself, for if a man could only
work his own way to heaven you
never would hear the last of it
Why, down here in this world, if a
man happens to got a little ahead of
his fellows and scrapes a thou-
sand dollars you'll hear
him bragging about bis being self
made and telling how he began
as a poor boy and worked his way
up in the world. I've hoard so much
of this sort of thing that I'm sick
and tired of the business, and
I'm glad we shan't have men brag-
through all eternity how they
worked their way into
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric. Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a cure
and the most dreaded habitual sick
headaches yield to Its Influence. We
urge all who are afflicted to procure a
bottle, and give this remedy a fair
to the earth by the rain, producing
so shower of
A shower of this kind occurred in
Washington in March, and was
sufficient in amount to be very no-
By careful investigation it
was determined that no pine trees
could possibly in flower nearer
than Alabama, Georgia and Caro-
was recalled rain
bad been preceded by a strong wind
from tho south, which bad
the pollen for hundreds of miles and
precipitated or deposited it during
the rainstorm.
These were all genuine
but the now office boy would not be-
two yea.
cured in quick
Mills BROS. Savannah.
I haTe used four . . . ,; in
of p. V. P. I was afflicted from the crown lie was on in u
of my head to the soles of my feet, moment, and will have you
P. P. P. has cured my of breath-1 . , , ., t T .
palpitation of the heart, understand, sir, came Here to
work and not to joshed. I do not
to stay in a place where I
am insulted. Good day,
his bat on bis bead ho
went. We tried to call him back, but
and has relieved all pain. One nos-
was closed for ten years, now
run breathe It readily.
I have not slept on either side for two
years; In fact, I dreaded to see come.
Now X sleep soundly In any all
I am old. but expect soon to
he able to take hold of the plow
I feel glad that I was lucky enough to get
P. P. P., and I heartily recommend it
my and the public generally.
Yours respectfully,
at druggists.
It was no Francisco Call.
nm said a man
has lately had a prolonged
Collection Agency of
Washington, C . will dispose of the
Hill ft Aberdeen, W T
Irwin. White Bros,
R B Bro,
B F Mayo. Aurora.
R it a Aurora,
Smith, Bath. Jones Hancock.
Beaufort, or,, i, Benson.
T G Bethel, E
Brown, Bryson SI C A
T Wright A Bro.
Candor, W W
W T Williamson, Clinton,
I K Buckner Democrat I U
Lee Dunn W A Slater A
Prof. W. who
makes a specialty
doubt matted cur-
ed more than any
Jiving Physician;
success is astonishing.
We have heard cases
of so standing
cured by
him. He
publishes a
this dis-
ease, which
he sends
i i h a
large bot-
of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send their P. O. and Express address.
We advise anyone wishing a cure
Hew Tart
H. F.
Notice to Creditors.
Having been appointed and
of the estate of
W. C. House persons
against estate are here
by to lit them
signed for payment, properly
on or before the flay April
1897. or this notice will be plead In bar
of their recovery. Ai. persons indebted
in estate are requested to make
nu payment to the undersigned.
This the 7th day of April 1806.
of W. C. House,
that tho asks I twain Elisabeth Nor-
the undersigned an struggle a financial Cyclone
on this day. personally , . . . . . . , .
a. m. Ramsey, who, after being duly i from which the cyclone came out
sworn, says on oath that the I decidedly ahead, tho fact
statement made by him relative to th
virtue of P. 1-. r. medicine is the beggars don t pass me
to sod subscribed range alongside as I walk up Broad-
A mm 4th. a way, and ask for tho price of a meal Patten Durham,
County. Texas just as they did before. am aware j r Cooper A
. . . . . Nor.
Catarrh Cured by P. P. P.
Great where all
remedies failed.
twists and distorts
hands and feet. Its agonies are Intense,
hut relief and a cure
is gained by the use of r. p. p.
Woman's weakness, whether nervous or
otherwise, can be cured and the system
built op by P. I. r. A healthy woman Is
a beautiful woman.
blotches, eczema and all
of the skin are removed and
cured by P. P. P.
P. P. P. will restore your build
up system and regulate you In every
y. P. P. I, removes that heavy,
In-the-mouth feeling.
For and Pimple on the face,
take P. P. P.
Ladles, for natural and thorough organic
regulation, take P. P. P. Croat
Remedy, and get well at once.
asking but wouldn't ask a
j wooden man or a man; he
I wouldn't effort on anybody
II Smith Falkland,
A Jones Fayetteville
A Venn 111-15,
unless ho thought was some B T
King A Co Graham T l line a
Notice to Creditors.
The Superior Clerk of
County having issued Letters of Ad-
ministration to me, the undersigned, on
the 24th. day of February, on
estate of Belcher, deceased, no-
is given to all persons in-
to the Estate to make Immediate
payment to the undersigned, and to all
of said Estate to
claims properly to the
undersigned, within twelve months
after the dale of this Notice, or this No-
will be plead in bar of their re-
This the of
on the Estate of
Block. Os.
For sale J. L.
gist, next door to S. T. White-
chance of his responding. The
point is that this connoisseur of
human nature still classifies me as
among the possibilities. I look to
him like a man still in tho
and with a dollar in his pocket
I am grateful to him for this friend-
opinion, and I won't forget
Now York Sun.
ILLS., Nut.
lest rear. bottles ct
this year. In nil our t
of in the drill hare
Sold A J.
will prevent that dreaded plant
but are
experiment in line.
farmer should have a art
for the asking.
St., New
Administrators Notice.
III s I a.
of the county of of North
Carolina, this is to notify all persons
having the estate sat I
deceased i them to tho
sin.-ii or before day of
or this will be M in
of their recovery. All
to said estate please make
payment. This day of May
V. a.
Bernard i Cox, Attorneys.
store near
The Best Salve in the Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Benin, Fe-
Sores, Chapped Bands,
Corns, and all Skin Ki up-
and cures Piles, or no
pay required. It i- to Rive
perfect satisfaction or money
Price cents per b ox. For sale
cure flatulence.
Till Dill
Sample S Brown
W R Jordan Co
John B Hooker
C A Co Hamilton
B H it-. J W
B ft Co Haw River
Bros Henderson BO. W T
Henderson IneS
SOW, B Jonathan Creek
Hales A Co
III Sanford
ft Son
Isaac J A
Manson K L Bennett
W J Mon-
cure John Bell
A Johnson W
M Mason ft Co City
R R Moore J V Mitchell
ft Son Mount Airy J Cohen
J Smith ft Co New-
S J Oxford MS
B H Oxford S C
ender Pantego -5, Win It
Raleigh G Raleigh
IS, Bros
R L Bennett F
A M Long Booking-
ham M T Shore Salem
P Duke ft Co Seaboard C V Chiles
ft Co Seaboard Fuller ft Hyman
O M y
T W Harris Jr I.
Bro L
ft Bro Tarboro J J
Wilson Docker
Tweed Wheeler Bros
J C Morton
Shoe Store Weldon John
F w j
Harris Wilson SOB W Wilson
Win Harris Wilson Mitch-
ll ft Askew Winston King Bros
Pure Food Cy Winston Anderson
ft Co
Send bids to tho
National Collection
Washington D. C.
Manufacturers dealers
c, m mm,
All of repairing done
We use skillet labor and good
material and prepared to give
for in lb hips,
neck, shoulders, bead and limb.
These arr d
Wine of corrects de-
Whiles Falling of the
Womb, relieves sad
Flooding. nerves and
LE, N. C
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work
and prices reasonable.
Dominion Line.
cure nausea.
Commissioners Sale.
In pursuance a decree the
court county made at
April term in action therein
entitled V.-. G. vs Moses
K. Turnage and T. W. Can-
will on Monday, Juno 1st
before the Court House door in Green-
ville, sell at public sale for cash, a tract
land lying in township
Pitt county , immediately in the fork of
Middle Swamp and Sandy Bun and
j the lands A. J. Flanagan E.
A. Richard Carr S. V.
Whitehead and containing acres
more or less.
This the day of 1806.
One Dollar Per Year.
This is the People's Favorite
dally, except Sunday, 6.0 a j In case of habitual constipation Electric
m. arriving 7-30 a. m. Re-
turning leaves 8.00 a. m., r-
t 9.30 a. in.
Trains in Nashville leave
Mount at 4.30 p. in., arrive
Nashville p. Spring Hope
p. in. Returning leave Spring Hope
.-i. in-, Nashville a in, at
Rocky Mount 9.05 a m, daily
Trains on branch, Florence R
t. leave 6.40 p m, Dunbar
p 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Dunbar 6.80 a m,
arrive Latta m. daily except Sun-
Train Branch leaves War-
saw Clinton except
11.10 s. and 8.90 p, m- Returning
leaves at 7.00 a. m. and 3.00 p m.
Train No. makes close connection
S, Weldon points daily, all rail via
also at Mount with
Norfolk and Carolina U K
all North via Norfolk.
. R
Bitters cures by giving the needed tone
to bowels, and cases long
the use of this Try it once.
Fifty cents and 81.00 at John L.
Drug Store.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured,
they cannot reach the seat of the dis-
ease. Catarrh is a or
and in order to cure it
you must take remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and
acts on the blood and mucous
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not med-
It was prescribed by one of the
best physicians in this for
years, and is a regular It
is composed of the best known,
combined with the -1 blood purifiers,
acting directly on the mucous surfaces.
The perfect combination two
ingredients is produces such won-
results in curing Catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J Props.
Sold by druggists price
assist digestion.
virtue of a decree of the Superior
Court of Pitt county made at March
term an action therein pending
entitled J. X. Bynum executor of R. A.
Bynum versus R. B. et I
will on Monday, June 1st, 1696 sell at
sale, before the Court House
door in Greenville, to the highest bid-
the following tracts or parcels of
land situate in Farmville township, Pitt
described in the last will and
to of H. A. as follows
I. One tract beginning an ash in
the run of Gideon's or Jacob's Branch
and running with the various courses
of the Frank Moore land up to where
ditches cross, then up the ditch that
leads to the old road, then with the
Frank Moore land to the Greenville
and Wilson road to the of the
avenue leading from the road to Dr.
then South poles
to a small drain or branch, then down
said branch Smith Ease poles,
then down said branch South East
poles then down said branch North
East poles to a certain white ash,
then South East to a
small oak on the run of Black
Swamp, then down the various courses
of said Swamp to the mouth of
branch, then up the various courses of
said branch to the beginning, contain-
by estimation five hundred acres
more or less. It being the same land
devised in said will to R. B. Bynum.
-i. tract known as the Davis
land the bought of Allen By-
containing acres more or
less. It being the same land devised in
said Will to William Boyce and wife
for life with remainder to
The tract of land known as the
Askew land containing acres
more or It being the land de-
vised in said will to the children of
John T. deceased.
All of said lands will be sold subject
to such improvements placed
since the death of R. A. Bynum.
Terms of
N. U. April
When you need
Don't forget
cure dizziness.
N. C.
Practices all the Courts.
a specialty
Steamers leave
ville and Tarboro touching at all Ian I-
on Tar River Monday,
and Friday at i A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville A. M. same days.
These departures are subject to Stage
of water on Tar River
Connecting at Washington with
steamers for Norfolk,
Philadelphia. New York and Bo-ton.
Shippers should order their goods
marked via Dominion
New York. from
folk Baltimore Steamboat
from Baltimore. Miners
JNO. Agent,
N. C.
J. J. Agent,
Greenville. N. C.
for the Cure cf ill fain Disuses.
This Preparation has been In use bit
fifty years, and wherever know has
been in steady demand. It has been en
the leading physicians all over
country, and has effected cures
all other remedies, with
the experienced physicians, who
for years failed. This
which it has obtained i-owing entire
a it- efficacy but
ever been made to bring it before the
public. One bottle of this ill
be to any address on receipt One
Dollar. All Cash at
tended to. Address all to
T, CHRIS I'M AS, Greenville. N-C.
.- . T
Greenville, N. C.
Practices in all the Courts.
Swift Galloway, B. F. Tyson,
Snow Hill, N. C. Greenville, N. C.
N. C
In all
Successors to Latham Skimmer.
. O.
Our Work a lid Prices Suit our Patrons
Wilson, N, C. Greenville, .
Greenville, N.
Special attention given to
and set of claims.
The Oldest
Daily Newspaper in
Sort h Carolina.
The Only Six-Dollar Daily
its Class in the State.
and obtained and all
and can secure patent less time
. ,
Send model, drawing or photo., with
advise, if patentable or not, fire of
fee cue patent i
A PAMPHLET Obtain with
cost same in U. S. and foreign
sent free.
Op. Office. D. C.
course embraces all the bran
usually taught in an Academy.
Terms both tuition
taking ;
Favors Limited ff
of American and
of the Ten pr Cent.
Rank- CO cents
per month. Weekly per
year. W H.
Hie, Or
Office over Old Brick Store front room
A full line Day Memorandum and Time
Receipt, and Note Books, Cap, Fools
Bill Cap, Letter and Note Paper. Envelopes all sizes
Handsome Box and up. School Tab-
lets Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Pens and Pen-Holders Ac.
Full line Popular Novels by best Celebrated
all colors, and Cream Mucilage, the best made;
it and every man have one.
Cop Pencil-Holders, Rubber Bands, Ac. forget when you
want anything in the Stationery line.
K. D. L.
N. C.
Wanted- An Idea
of two
Who can think
to patent
King you
pursue a
enter, with ft
Caroline the left
refers to
its wall,.
Any man
moderate ability taking a course with
will be sided In
menU to continue in Hie
The be kept at Its
present standard.
Neither time nor attention
work will be spared
all that could wish.
see or
dress u.
cure headache.
especially for stock, as well s
man, and for that purpose is sold in tin
cans, holding of
cine cents.
Franklin Co.,
March 1892-
I used all of medicine, bur
I would not give one package of Black.
for all the others I ever saw
It is for horses or cattle
the spring of the year, and will
chicken cholera every time.
K. R. Boylan
cure dyspepsia.
cure indigestion.
cure torpid liver-
gentle cathartic.
cure constipation.
for sour stomach.
pleasant laxative.
cure biliousness.
one gives relief.
cure bad breath.
The modern stand-
ard Family
ills of humanity.
The Charlotte
Independent an
more attractive than ever, it will be a
valuable visitor to the home, th
the club or the work room.
All of the news of
Set Deny file
and National Capitols. s
A Al
the The
tho Legislature
lure. Weekly Ob-
end copied. Address

Eastern reflector, 3 June 1896
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 03, 1896
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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