Eastern reflector, 4 December 1895

The Reflector is
pared to do all worn
of this line
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
J. E. Mom E,
He Too Much.
An Interesting Fact as to North Car- I
Preparing for His Burial.
OB N. t
Opera House. Third S
Governor and lion.
Matt Quay, of Pennsylvania,
passed through the city
day night returning from At-
As it happened, there
North Carolina is not
State f great diversity of
mate, is really a large State.
Did it ever occur to you that it
really larger states of
j A living in Salisbury
a and who is now enjoying perfect
E W,
p c
Attorney and Counselor at-Law
.-. Conn y,
in all the
Civil an i Solicited.
-s a special fraud
ages, a.-lions to recover land, and
Prompt and careful attention given
i -n. approved security.
Terra easy.
Grifton. N. C.
Practice in and Pitt
J. J. L.
y. c
Practice in all Hie Courts.
L. c. HAM.
. X. C.
E. rd, F. C. Harding,
Wilson, N. C Greenville,
attention given to i
an of claims.
was quite a crowd at the depot j Vermont, Mas
awaiting the arrival of a newly Dela-
couple, and the pint- combined
form was pretty much a mass square miles to
of And the two This is true. If you will
distinguished gentleman a string it from
concluding that S the farthest in
bury had turned out county to outer edge of Cher
lo meet them, came out upon comity, holding
the platform of the coach, and thumb at Currituck tarn the string
Senator Quay expressed his the Cherokee end will
thanks at the manifestation of pat you the middle of Lake
friendliness good people j across Virginia, Mary
of your city hare given us.
land and all intervening states.
New York to the lake-
A great marvelous truly
in many ways. has more
sounds and rivers than any
state perhaps the -Union. It
has greater variety of
j possibly any other. Its
I manifold resources are only be-
i ginning to be known, it is very
rich forests, due native
The newspapers of a town are WOods. There ought to be a half
its looking glasses. It is here dozen or more large furniture
you see yourselves as others act ares in the State. Bat
see you You smile on them, the products of North Carolina
and they back at you ; are numerous and important
you frown on and you are Pr handling.
aid in kind. They are the tea
If the town
The Senator is probably won-
yet why the crowd
raised such a laugh at his ex-
of gratitude for
Minor of c Town's Doings.
reflex of a town
is doing business news-;
papers will show it in its ad-
columns. If the mer-1
chants are spiritless, shiftless
fellows, whose stores are
junk and jam, the news-
papers will show it by the lack
of space they take. you
want the world to know that
Wants or should live
Counties in United States.
an Education,
Eastern Reflector is
to help one Boy
that direction-
We will give absolutely free of charge
;. ship entitling the bolder
tree tuition in all the
f r the swing
Greenville Male
Tin-is for boy in
the boy
Will be in wit this
This months is to he
given to lie boy who will get the
The Eastern
b- and o'clock P. X. on
Jan. Two
will c Hint as one
is no
but a bona-fide offer, and If only
i r be in liming
tin specified the brings it
will g.-t scholarship. we
m one to
brought In. this is a prize
that there may be an
who wishes to enter
this co v a cash
per c on all o
tint WHO bi to get the
. e nil for work,
the one the will
no get
to work with the to win
this prize. Too can get
a- you n l
by applying to the office. If decide
to enter this -end name
we with lo bow b a
working the We publish
the result of name
of winner In he the
TOR of Jan. I
boy time
opening day of term Monday,
l to
Greenville X. C.
lily lei it be known through
The Territories
are subdivided into
leads .
Delaware is at the end
I with only New has
but while
with a smaller territory, has
Arkansas am
Maine has end
Carolina North
about same area as
New has
health has made a leanest of a
near town that
a little queer. He wants a
core of stone made for himself
this is the style attar which
it is to The sides,
end and bottom are to be of rock
five inches thick and well cement
ed together. The inside large
to admit his bony. The
lid will be one of the same thick-
the sides a glass will
be inserted through which his
face can be viewed u he is
lea his body has been con
to the tomb. The
when finished will be placed
in the Salisbury cemetery on
of When he dies it
in desire to be placed therein,
the to remain above
she World.
Calendar for December Court.
Cox vs.
vs. James.
Hooker vs. Cherry.
Chen vs.
A Smart Little Girl.
That was a pretty sight which
many of our people hid the pleas-
of witnessing Friday, when
little Daisy Parker, of Ashe
Bounty, who is old,
into town leading head of her
pet turkeys to market. She had
raised ail of them, and
as as following her
wherever went Her father
brother ware in a be-
hi. it- A
purchased the entire drove and
weighed pounds,
be about Cattle Daisy
is a bright child, sad has shown
Dewey Bros. vs. Move.
Smith vs. Johnson.
Keel vs. Cherry,
is vs. Heath,
vs. Stain ill.
Williams vs.
Green vs. Murphy.
Garris vs. Smith.
Gains vs. Nobles.
vs Joyner.
Cox vs. O. L. Joyner.
Cox vs. Nelson.
Trustee vs. Hart.
Webb vs Matthews.
Brown vs.
vs Burnett
Gardner vs Pollard
vs Turner
Savage vs Ed wards
Bland vs Edwards
it Son vs,
G. Lumbar Co. vs. Bernard
it vs. Anderson.
vs. Warren.
vs. w.
Hooker vs.
vs. Harris.
Ricks. Basra et. vs.
vs. Edwards.
vs Stokes.
A New Industry.
There is no use in saying the
farmers this aye are not pro-
and we think some of
them la Sampson cap the
climax, We are that two far-
were seen a few days ago on
banks of Blackman's Mill
dipping out tadpoles with a dip
net. When asked their motive
for this they replied they were
going to make fertilizer of them.
Tins is a new in these
parts- This is a now industry
these parts, but tadpoles will no
doubt make as good fertilizer as
fish. We should judge that
That the Greenville To-
Board of
Trade are send-
out each
of the Reflector.
hint to advertisers.
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Report
Nothing New in Thia.
an Opportunity of
rutting It to the t, . . . . , .,
Commodore P. F. was L II the colored
in a tender, reminiscent mood, i in Baltimore is coming
writes Field in tho Chicago; to the front and clamoring for
Record. Ho had just hoard one of I
the party at the club remark that i a share of the
son can raise share of tho word was of of I be
if it produces them as bountiful the kindliest quality. This sot the j
does Populists. This is beau- amiable to talking.
weather eight s-cars said ho,
and out should be careful Michigan. One
u -1 i evening a telegram came announcing
that do do make over the of my ho
of tadpole cotton next child to whom I was devotedly at-
Truth in This.
W believe there is a great
deal of sympathy wasted the
farmer. For several
North Carolina the
the has
A day or st since a number of
them applied to Sheriff Mason
for a job, but although that official
had something like twenty
at his he in-
formed the applicants that
they had all been filled. He
All casts set for the week and
by example what little gill can
do in the poultry The;
parting scene he and not ant disposed of the.
her was really continued the
By Their Fruits.
Original Observations.
A chaplain in tho army dining
war was passing over the
field when he saw a soldier who
bad been wounded lying
the ground. He to.
There are
counties divided among
States, in which no newspapers
are published, via-5 Texas his Bible under his i-rm,
Democracy can never die, but Virginia North I stooped down
sick just now. Sooth Dakota
Utah like mo to read you
,, and cashiers e . in I is r
are ed with Territory, Michigan. Mew
Unkind words are the briers
that choke flowers in the
of he heart.
The wounded man
so thirsty, I would rather
and Nevada f
each, and Arizona, Arkansas, Cal j The hurried off, and
Louisiana, Minnesota, j quickly as possible brought
Mississippi, i t
West and Wyoming
lake the gold bugs
the gold cure establishment and Ink.
have them treated.
The world frowns upon
wit and reserves its smiles i
the water. After the man
drunk water he
you lift my head
out something under it
Tho chaplain em nod his
light overcoat, rolled it up, and,
very year this country for lifting the head, it
The Key to Success.
There is money enough expend
Ward vs.
Hooker vs. Latham,
Tucker vs.
Davenport vs.
A Co. vs
Cobb. As. vs. Rasberry.
R. Greene vs. Cherry
Bernard vs.
Ward vs. Brace.
Bros, J.
Bullock vs W. R. R.
Davenport vs. W. it K- K.
vs. W. W. R. K.
House vs. W. W. R. B.
Guard, vs. W. it W
Brown vs. it w. it
Barnhill vs. W it W R R.
for those who are successful. ,
advertising, in one bum or a tor the tired heat to
In crime as in horse racing . to pay tho national debt Mot
fast ones come the , . ., , , said man I
. . t j only does the sum so ice man, j.
String first, if the judges do . , L, , t
their duty amount to agates almost over
I but every year i
Take love out of life to the sum Fortunes
there would be no sunshine in b it use.
the soul or happiness in , , ., ., .
, or unintelligent; spent.
largo world we
What They Say About Kisses.
w Tho girl who will argue over a
kiss has at least that she is
willing to get rid
and for whom I felt a special
affection, because he was my name-
It was imperative that I re-
turn at to Chicago. I my
to hut did not arrive
there until after the of all Promised them, however, that he
trains and boats. Every possibility I would oho his influence to get
years in of reaching Chicago in time for tho them positions another line of
overly of scorned gone, and I was near- work, but there is a lurking
truth of tho matter is that as wandered about tho ever
a class l hoy are better off wharf at and by tho merest It is represented that
people. There are few chance found a lumber about feel greatly disappointed
farmers in western North f sot out for Milwaukee. I made my the which the
tint . way aboard this boat and asked tho . , , . , .
vi , captain to take with him. have
provisions ahead all the tune, ho. am not them in
while most our city to carry passengers. If I i but to familiar with
think themselves fortunate in to detected violating tho the history of the aforesaid friends
being well provided with the i . ha put to BO and of their course is not new.
But I can go as a sailor or as a As the
of life a month ahead.
o t But x
o fauns In the east are L tho way that the
This w bad, bat not as -That would an evasion which I beans always deal with the no
bad as a largo majority of town I do not care to he.
people who have nothing to ho was not to moved in
this way. So I just opened my heart
It is not right to always j T ,., .
said I, this is an
farmers- I must go to Chicago
misrepresenting the
They are by means the
est class of
Should Read More.
poor- tonight. A dead child, whom I
Point awaits mo there,
said ho, not wait-
for mo to say more. I sat out on
a of lumber aboard tho in
tho darkness and rain until
left tho I was prepared to
work my passage. But after had
gotten under way the captain came
to mo and bade mo to supper
a splendid meal prepared specially
for mo. Then ho showed mo into
elections, but take
care never to give thorn more
than a spittoon or sweep up place
of honor or And
right here it may be added that
there are whole lots of people who
are not sorry for them,
Money in Cabbage.
Mr. Ed. Marsh, who has
charge of Mr. W. Hunt-
truck farm, near town,
his cabin. I rebelled against turning J has nearly two planted in
He estimates that, at
salable cabbage heads on
two acres. Some or
Every thought, molded
in the mind and born of
brain, h a filling th
h with fragrance.
it is a large world we
and when any considerable part
the of its citizens glance our way a
financial sense it means
of today must rec-
and set upon this fact
with what soon to the rear.
can I Every successful business man of
X. Oct.
n have arranged
with publisher of
leach free of charge in
the es, tor the month
-nth, 1896. the
whom he may aw n- b nip
. if.
Print pal Male
It is astonishing
wonderful fortitude we
bear the mast in some
come to other people. Orange advertiser Ho must, by
Observer one device or secure at
Druggist and
i Pharmaceutical
An A
are a great young men I
in e young men who are
Coming to take places of older
o They are on
Young man, hear a word- Learn to ,
walk try to won't i
banger and thirst after a boudoir car
while you are and have
Kissing Unknown in Japan.
it may
says M. in his ac-
count of Japanese women, kiss
ts an unknown thing
not unknown to the gay maidens
of Kobe, or Nagasaki,
who have so much to do for the
amusement of foreigners, but
For n We have i
and to at rive a lot of
and put up to
order according to
by q.
These buggies ate
manufactured of
The Best
known to the Japanese in general.
out and run A J
If you are a young an, a never kisses her
expert to mike it all in the first year. lie a great mistake,
i- -pa, lode four live the man who wrote that a kiss is
before he able to nature's the universal
put Brussels oil language of Can kiss
hi-easy chair and he any girl. She will not
and the workmanship is guaranteed to
u- to be The wagons are
made of Oak and Hick-
and made in the state by North
Carolina workmen. We also carry a
line of
am bum mm,
which we offer at low rate-. Call and,
examine our stock before farmer nine times out of ten to
elsewhere. trade with the home merchant,
rather than to try to ship their
produce on toe
ham Han.
would answer no calls after six p. m.
that the old attorney whose o you
an- out wore hair, and
rot of that, before he began
whole farms single fees in small
eases. Ami bear mind, too, that they
didn't spend every cent of it a- betas
they got
she cannot possibly
what you me She
will only think set people
these foreigners
A Bait Catches the Sucker.
There was only one the
el could do, was
lo lake Boat and cover
man. As he did so, the wounded
son looked up in his face, and
God's sake, if there is any-1 you j
Book that make, a to you a
man do for another what
you have me, let
yon if I
you think I'd
a do
There is a world of meaning,
to my in this incident. The
need of today is acting the ob-
lessons the Book teaches.
Two Brothers Dead,
my face against it, sir
; State.
A girl is indignant
because a young man kissed her
when she wasn't looking. It has
since been found out that she
had her eyes
Whatever is It
make a whether we
it or not, folks take whatever is offered
. I for nothing. They no so far
The cities are now said to to buy whatever is but tins is
swarming with bogus commission nothing like hot cake in which
firms organized to swindle farm- j free things go. One this week a
an and country merchants out of; medicine h id his box fixed upon
their produce. th. street, giving free drinks mod
careful who they ship any kind at th-same time saving that It
of to the cities Be had, and there was
sure that you are dealing with re- but
cold up take a
both black and white men,
perfectly and drank the
pleasant stuff merely because It was
For many years two
in Dowdy and Hi-1
ram together
the western part of this county.
They lived waited on them-
selves, did their own cooking,
and had everything in common.
That is, owned and need all
property jointly, without
keeping accounts, and
each intended that the survivor
should have all their joint proper-
Last month one of these
brothers Hiram
and the survivor
removed to Winston to live with
his nephew, Dick Dowdy. But
the old man soon followed his
dead brother, for last week he too
died, thus, inseparable in
their lives, death they are not
divided. They were both quite
old, over seventy years of ago.-
Chatham Record.
Mis- the
I see
that policeman kiss you.
mum, sure
wouldn't me lay
to for nu officer,
York Dispatch.
are charged
with rushing up to this
lady and kissing her against her
will, and I sentence you
charge is true,
honor; but she had been
eating Magistrate
hen I sentence you to kiss her
York Weekly-
Half the Battle.
firms. It will pay the
An exchange r ports that the
teacher of a city received
the following ample apology from
the mother absentee
Willy. Ho didn't have but one
pair of pants I him home
to wash them and Mrs.
goat some and et them off the
line and that to be
nose. Yours with
When a store can win the read-
of its advertisements to a be-
lief their truthfulness, and can
instill into them tho idea that its
ads talk about what is actually
there for them to see, the greater
part of its advertising battle is
won- The question of its
success depends upon
keeping up to the expectation
aroused by the advertising.
generally l this is a
reading age. yet one touch
with run ado
doctors, lawyers, ministers and ed-
sees day., people unable to
converse on or t the doings out of his own berth, hut ho I cabbage
of the age cause thy read neither bluffly told me that tho mate and ,
books nor newspapers. The price WOuld stand off on watches that
a knowledge and the time to night and that tho mate's cabin
quire, at least, an ineligible pan is in would answer their purposes well
the of nearly all it is enough when wanted to sloop. I are very fine crisp and
own fault. Next morning were in , ., ,.,
The man who undertake, to be total- and I a railroad M of B average up well.
and does not read the with arriving homo in I They are being put on the mar-
at is a lawyer time to discharge tho last sad, ton- at an average price at
a knowledge of law. a h a duties to my beloved cents per head and it only
have tho barge , , ,,
Hilton and Captain Tom Richard- ; a calculation
son. Occasionally I meet that bluff to show that at this rate the
but old sailor. it heads will sell for the
is upon tho lakes while I am j
in my On such occasions ,, ,
I always solute the Hilton with a j Mr inmates the total
round from tho cannon, and dip cost of cultivating the cabbage,
my colors with all possible formal-1 fertilizers, work, marketing and
Captain Tom Richardson an- ,. . ,
ewers in cordial style, and tho Hilton at
toots her till tho Michigan
shore fairly rattles. It has fortuned
trend occasions that I could do the
captain a good turn, and you can
and President. We staled , upon it I have always jumped
this fact the r day, added wt those opportunities. I fool that I
that the same rule applied in the Rm
of a platform. The for in
. ,,.,,,. ., I to my cry for help ho confirmed a
Star that we of which ,
right as to tho for one who is in fan this world
President and Vice President, of ours has but to lift up his eyes
bat wrong as the platform, which to stretch forth his hand to
U SayS IS adopted by a majority kw and to fool tho of
man sympathy about him every-
knowledge of m I preach-
with a of Bible.
sec the point If Then read a part
your rest time. Yon will it hi
more ways than an here.
The Two-Third Rule.
In Democratic con-
it requires a two-thirds
vote in order to the nomination
of candidates for President
We would like to look into the pleas
ant face of some one who has never had
There hut two recorded In-
estimates the value of the waste
at when utilized for feed-
stock, which added to
the the crop proper will
bring, makes an even of
which amount will be
clear money
Reward Offered.
any derangement the digestive or-, stances of dogs having boon taught
We see drawn and unhappy to articulate words In such a man-
faces of dyspeptics in every walk of life that they would resemble those
It s our national disease, and nearly all j i , m.
complaints spring om this source human being. The
Remove the and the most famous of cases was that
work is done. of the celebrated dog of
and thin people are I The owner of this
starring, they don't canine, a small boy living in
digest their food. Consumption never Saxony, imagined that
develops In people and nor- dog's strongly resembled
digestion. Correct the wasting and .; ,. , , . .
Ion flesh and we cure the disease. ram
Do this with Acting on this hint he soon
The Shaker Cordial contain 2- l biB
already digested food and in a to distinctly utter some ,
food at the same Its effects twenty odd Gorman words and about
are felt at once, a pamphlet of your a half dozen from tho
and it. Although the
is Castor on made as sweet much time and patience to
as honey by a new process- this queer task, ho never
n enlarging his pet's vocabulary
above words.
Of to the Colonel. A to the
dog of was exhibited In
In Baltimore there is weeping land in 1718. Besides pronouncing
wailing and gnashing of several words the Holland beast
teeth. The Clerk of the Court of I the names of all the
rt ti . j a letters of the alphabet except L m
Common Pleas died, and under d P h
the law no other person can give .
. . H Tl . most do
a license to marry. It is causing j of tho automatic ma-
a great deal of trouble, and unless j chino is a In
the vacancy is soon filled, the j land. It is a wooden figure of a
ability to contract marriages will i with compartments all over It,
be a failure in that common I he of various
. If yon have a pain, find
. a t t j i corresponding location on the
Saturday, fair, followed by Me
showers; warmer Saturday morn , the proper pill or powder will com
A Christian So-
offers a reward for the
following, says Rev. II. M.
Pi ice in Parish Record
families from
Stolen. Several hours from
the day a number of
people in different ages, dress-
ed in their Sunday clothes.
Strayed.--Half a score of
lambs believed to have gone in
of the town of No
Sunday School.
quantity of
and copper coins on the
counter of a the owner
being in a state of excitement
at time.
people. When last seen were
walking up Sabbath
which leads to the city of
No Good.
Lost. A lad carefully reared;
not long from home, and for a
time very promising; supposed
to have gone with one or two
older companions to Prodigal
Town, Husk Lane.
Any one assist in the rec-
of the above shall in no
wise lose his reward.

Greenville, N. C.
J, and
Entered at
X. C., as second-class in matter.
A Series of Articles on
the History ox To-
Culture in
the Eastern
of This Who Have Carried
THeir Part of Bur in
Greenville Forward.
The subject of this sketch is
the sod of a
The Tobacco Department.
Conducted by O. L. Joyner, Proprietor Eastern Tobacco Warehouse
in market.
future our people will hear and know the other members of the firm to
build mill operate the Star Ware-
grew up to eleven years of age
the farm Dot very f from
Oxford. At surly lie bade
adieu the dear old home
among the red hills of
betook himself to
Business Collage, whence
a thorough coarse of
training he to Ox-
ford began work in the office
of Davis Gregory who were
thou operating a warehouse
It was while ho was em-
ployed by this firm that he first
became impressed with the types
of tobacco grown in Eastern Car-
At this time there was
tobacco market of any
the eastern section and
a good many of our farmers well
remember when they need to take
their tobacco up to Oxford to sell
it. The firm of Davis Gregory
sold nearly all the tobacco that
was shipped from this section
his position Mr. Parham had
a good opportunity to see the
b -s tobacco that was offered.
When D Gregory moved
from Oxford to Richmond Mr
to come east
so accordingly be first stopped m
Rocky Mount, there being at the
time market
As as the
was opened Mr- Parham placed
an order here his
at this point lint year
him be I lie
market in thy of
he he pulled up from
Mount came to Greenville
Pitt county, toe bright to
grows- There is
no buyer on any tho mar-
Las increased his
nets a more wonderful ratio
Earnest Parham. In order
to get an idea of Hie magnitude
of his business now how
has increased he first began
baying on this market just take
bis banana for the three
years. The first year the firm of
B. E Parham Co. bought on
the Greenville market
pounds, tho second year
the cut of this crop attend
they have bought, pounds
by the close of the
they hope to get one and a quart-
Mr. purchases are
mainly fine tobacco and it
is considered that his tobacco
costs him on an average of, say
n Beats a pound, the
his will be
anted. There is probably no
man in the State today his age,
years old,
bas built up the business that he
has. and there is doubtless
dealer in Eastern that
is handling the amount bright
tobacco. We can truth fully say
that we have never had a more
buyer on the
market Mr. Parham,
while he is always active and
alert in ,
of of his inter-
est, yet there is nothing small or
in him. Mr.
Parham like all the rest of our
buyers is a young man, and
with the commendable record
that ho has made already a bright
future indeed should be his. Mr.
Parham was to
a most and estimable
young woman, Miss Ora Jones,
of Durham-
The American Tobacco Go's,
on the Greenville tobacco mar-
is a by birth- He
partly grew on a farm near the city
of Lynchburg but at an early age hi-
hither moved to X. C. and
became engaged in warehouse
business at-that place. In this new
field of work young became at-
to the tobacco business and was
subsequently employed by one of the
large leaf dealers on that market.
From lie went to
Tenn. for Rome time bought to-
on the Tenn. market
In 1890 when the American
Co. was formed they having
edge of bis promptness in attending to
business, offered him a position as buy-
for when the
market was opened in Mr.
was sent to that to represent
the American Tobacco Co. During
1891 Morgan remained in
When the second year of
the Tarboro market had closed it was
thought best by the projectors of the
market there to dose temporarily,
so in August. Mr. Morgan
moved from to
and has been actively engaged here
since that time.
Mr. is a Virginian, hail-
direct from Danville.
place he comes among us well
mended by some of the best tobacco-
there. These young men have
not been in very long but
during their short stay they have been
highly impressed, and we expect to see
them permanently located heir where
they can make just such selections as
they wish from the finest choicest
grown in the world.
Will You Do It
Friends of the REFLECTOR in both
town and country, are requested to send
us for publication any news items of a
local nature that would be of interest to
the general public. It is our earnest
desire to make it a journal of real value.
and to contain all the news of a local
nature that may occur. Frequently
are deaths or marriages in the
country that we do hear of until
is too late to make note of them, and
many persona items around town es-
cape us. Give us the news.
Never in the history of the clothing
The first impression I hat would
gel of Mr. Morgan after he come to
was that lie was a father re-
tiring and unpretentious gentleman and
lie has proven himself to be to
all who have had dealings with him
he came hen. As a business
man Mr. Morgan insists on doing the
bang-up thing, to use a slang express-
ion, ill oilier words he is purely
lie is a very secretive man in
all his transactions and very few
to learn much about his
business by listening what lie has to
about it. Frank, concise and to
the point in all things, he is a business
man in the broadest sense of
cation. When Mr. Morgan first came
in Greenville he seemed to realize that
he had found a much prospect
build up a market than he had expect-
ed fur from the very beginning he has
used bis personal efforts in helping to
make Greenville a tobacco market.
f one occasion, as was stated
time ago. we knew him lo sign
others and became personally
for the rent of a prise house
order In get ii built, when he had no
personal interest matter beyond
of securing the prize house for the
market. Mr. has been
in Greenville be has mingled, a good
I with farmers the surround-
country and he has many friends
On the warehouse floors
we have repeatedly noticed he is
a close observer r-f j
tobacco is sold, and all big the
heavy breaks we have had I his
year, although he is not a very robust
man. yet no one not even the ware.
housemen have stuck any closer to the
sale than he. We have never seen
any buyer anywhere follow the sale
more closely from beginning to end
than be, and when tobacco was
sold he did not want he could
always be found in close proximity lo
the auctioneer SO when his line of to-
was struck lie could easily be
As a guardian his interests
we don't believe they have in their em.
ploy anyone who looks more closely
after every detail than he. Mr.
has impressed the people of Green-
very much since he first came
among them. He is a young man of
pleasing address, courteous and genial
and all with whom he has come in con-
tact in a social or business way will
join with the writer pronouncing him
a high toned, clever Christian gentle-
The rapid growth of the
tobacco market demanded more floor
surface to handle the increased trade
the market, and lo supply I his
Brown Co., early in the spring of
this year, commenced the erection of
the Star Warehouse, which was coin-
and opened Aug. 1st.
This house rank among the
older ones as though if had been in
operation ever since the market was
established. is feet in size.
the offices being on the side of the
building so as lo take up none of its
Moor space. It has ample skylights
which diffuse a soft, mellow light over
the entire sales floor, and is admirably
equipped in every way for handling and
selling tobacco.
The member of the firm is
Wiley Brown, and as the senior
says, a red headed man is a
adjunct lo a well regulated bus-
Mr. Brown's early business ca-
was in mercantile lines. For a
number of years he carried on a
dry goods business, first in co-
partnership with a brother and then
alone, enjoyed a large trade. See-
the tobacco industry was an inviting
field for investment, early this year he
dosed out his mercantile business and
joined the firm to build the Star.
Brown is an energetic young man, full
of enterprise, and possesses fine
qualities. While he knew nothing
of handling tobacco before this year he
is picking up the knowledge rapidly
and is making a good
Men. i.
There is not a more popular man in
than this gentleman. While
he is a member of this firm, he is so in
a silent his individual business
his entire time. Mr.
was also a gallant Confederate soldier,
going in the army when very young.
After the war he entered the drug
business here and has followed since.
There is no more obliging or courteous
gentleman anywhere than
and Greenville has no more successful
business man than he. He is a Sub-
man to have at the back of an
business have desirable clothes been offered such low
prices as I am now quoting. My assortment of rich novelties, both in foreign and do-
represent every fashionable color and weave and is
the largest and most complete to be seen in the city. Quality with
-------me is always the first consideration, this secured. I
Hammered the Prices Down to suit You.
A great exhibit of new goods for this week's sale in
mom, TRUNKS,
Will be offered in every department of sufficient
to warrant their inspection by every one in-
in high class merchandise. I do not quote prices for the reason that the values in each
and-every instance will speak for themselves and tellingly.
from the wagon to the
Millions and millions pounds of the weed
have passed through bis hands, and he
knows tobacco from the plant lied lo
the where ii is manipulated for
the consumers use. Pace was
identified with North Carolina
during tin- Kirk troubles in
floor, and was selected with the late Col.
Williamson to serve the writ of habeas
corpus upon lb- Kirk at
He served the with a
company from Fill county,
Pace pictures a bright future for Green-
ville and the
to this market.
ever. E.
Rountree, Brown Co., were
securing the services of that-
vi warehouseman, Ed M. j
Face, as manager salesman of the
Star. his coming sprint
will have been wan house
lies- twenty seven veal's he is a
young man yet he
This gentleman is the senior member
of the firm, and is well known to the
people of Fin and surrounding
ties. Mr. Rountree was raised on a
farm near lie was but
years old when the war broke out and
was the first man from Fill county to
enlist the army. So enthused with
patriotism was he. he ran away
from home and stalled lo Fort Slimier
lo lender h is services lo the
Arriving at the of Wilson
and learning that a company was be-
there, he enlisted in that
on the 18th of April, This com-
was sent to Fort Macon, and
service a short while young
and Mr. W. II. Lucas, both of
whom had been trained in a military
I. were detailed to go to Hyde
county and organize a company. Soon
after this he returned home, and find-
that Col. E. C. Yellowley was or-
a company hoe he joined
and was commissioned as one of its
lieutenants, lie went through the war
iii this company and though iii many
battles was only once wounded and
then but lie was a prisoner
at Fort Delaware when the war ended
and was not released until the 17th of
After the war Mr. Rountree return-
ed to Fill county and engaged in farm-
In he moved to
and began merchandising did not
abandon his farming lie was
among those who became interest-
ed in tobacco growing here and
crops of the weed for four years.
. In 1894 he Closed out his mercantile
and went on the tobacco mar-
probably handled more tobacco
any warehouseman on a loose
leaf market, lie commenced the
in Danville, Va. in and
with his brother was the founder of the
present method of handling
Commends itself to the planters Eastern Car-
for the many advantages it possesses, am-
Skylights which diffuse a soft, mellow light
over the entire sales dark which
shows your to great advantage on all
parts of the which we assure you is a
very decided advantage in the sale of your
O A T O We make Pets of all
X of our customers,
and strive hard to please them in the sale of their
Tobacco. Those who have patronized us can
bear witness to the fact, and we hereby extend a
cordial invitation to those who have not, to give
us a trial, and we will convince them that the
A is first class in all that goes to
-L get top market prices, so when
you get a load ready put corks in your ears and
listen to no one until you anchor at the Star and
we send happy over big prices.
Pace is our Salesmen. bundles every pile of Tobacco
at auction sale, sees to it no is neglected. Your
patronage i solicited and correspondence on sale if the n
invited. Your friends truly, t CO
E- It.
Messrs. D. Walker and M. L.
Richmond are recent buyers the
market, both of
come here during the present sea-
s Mr. Walker is from Durham
and for years at that place has been
connected with one of the
best, and thorough going
gentleman the Stale. Mr. II.
This year Mr. Walker came
to Greenville to look around, before he
decided lo locate anywhere. On this
trip we heard him say that he could
gel the class of he wanted
Greenville and could get it on no
other market, hence in a short while
he returned to locate in
Mr. Walker is an easy going good man. to
a splendid judge of tobacco, the. this year associated
with the ware-
Just stop, think, consider where you
best protect your interest in
of your Tobacco crop.
For four year we have worked hard and spent our money in building
and placing the Greenville Tobacco Market in the front rank of the
leading Tobacco Markets of the world. Since Greenville first had a To-
Warehouse we have been on the grounds workaday and night
to acquire the best possible knowledge of how to sell the farmers
co to the best advantage and now after four years of toil we
want to say to all who have tobacco to sell that we believe we are in a
better position than any Warehouse firm in Eastern Carolina to
the highest market price for your product. So with this we
our politest bow asking for a continuance and an increase your pat-
only upon the strictest business merit. We have no special pets
to whom fancy prices are given at the expense of less favored ones but
our undivided personal attention is given to every pile of your I
and if interest should at any time be neglected our attention only
needs to be called to it and cheerfully and willingly all wrongs will be
Our opinion is that Tobacco is selling very well for the
it and from now on we expect a lively market. So when you
rat ready to sell just hook up and drive straight to the old reliable
headquarters for high prices, good averages and all
round courteous treatment.
Your friends,
Owners and Proprietors Eastern Tobacco Warehouse.
Tie PAs
1500.000 Pounds
and we are going to have it if hard work and
satisfactory prices will get it.
Give us a trial and be convinced that
can and will give satisfaction in every respect.
The High Prices we every day for
the farmers who sell with us will convince you
that we are yours for highest averages,

Local Reflections.
Court week.
Twelfth month.
Christmas loss than a mouth
From Jay oar Children,
The Play Thanksgiving Night.
the at the
Opera House, under the manage
of Miss Bessie Jarvis, was
Thursday. I roaring success throughout and
Stephen Johnson m quite with elicited much applause. I was
Faces Passing Before Bead-
K. Moore returned from
Agent J. II. Moore went to Burgaw
in is
L. II. Ponder returned from Atlanta
Boys. Youths and i . . ,, . ,. .-, , i . ;
lion. r. is
be sold lo per ct. In
New York cost
or i.- I
went to Kinston
For an easy and i
Mrs. Wool, Bertie, is visiting Mrs.
Hocking to your wife
or mother.
Gall see our stock both beau
and good, at J. B- Cherry
ii Co
Several hunters were oat utter game
y time for eh kill to he
and Ammunition cal
on J. Cherry
gives us five Sundays, live
Mondays, live Tuesdays and Christ-
Buy Macintosh and Hub
bar Coats at J- Cherry Co's
save money.
T. It. brought
the some Fri-
Harriss Wire Buckle Suspenders
all Buckles and fastenings war
ranted for two years, at J. B-
V Cos.
the new woman proves that
she can sharpen a pencil, it be
one in her f
Buy our Macintosh
at J. B- Cherry it Co's
and save
who Es the close
of her i makes, eases out
ten, the best kind of a wile.
Miss returned Mon-
day Atlanta.
Dr. it. returned
L C. has
to Kim
to Scotland Neck
to spend
Mr-. C. d from
Baltimore evening.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. re-
to Kinston night.
Mrs. is spending
a few days with II. A.
. Latham taken a position
U clerk with II. Clark.
of Petersburg,
is visiting Mrs. A. Ellington.
Misses and
returned from Atlanta Saturday.
Miss Annie Harding, of
visiting the family of Maj. II.
Miss Clara Brace Forbes, who has
been sick some days, is rapidly
Miss Jesse M. of Greenville,
1- visiting her sister, J.
A huge hue the celebrated
ii W at J. B. Cherry it j u.
ladies specially invited
to inspect them-
Plain words in ads and plain
deal your store will make plain
Rev. C W. of
is visiting his daughter, K.
II. C. Cannon went down to
Tuesday night, to spend Thanksgiving
at home and attend a wedding .
Mrs. J. M. Gay. who has been is-
her aster, Mn. J. T. Matthews,
this morning for
. f on less.
Granulated sugar o cent per
pound at J. B. k Co's.
purchase or friendship by
. a thus obtained they are lost
a- . you
Just a Car-load Floor
one cheaper and better than that
d by J. B- Cherry A
v lack cloud morning had the
a;., of a anew storm
but the drove ii away.
Beautiful and cheap
Goods and Trimmings at
J B Cherry Cos.
, . . . , I from
It 1- not safe lo judge a CO-r- .,.,.
age by the tone voice he s i
v h u he speaks to the office hoy. County Treasurer J. L. Little, who
I am for more stock- Wait been sick several weeks with lever,
my return if you want a good j is improving, lie has been aide to
horse or mule.
Any selling i ad-
worth advertising
is worth advertising
easy and go
wear for the can't go
with them, they are rights
and left For sale by J. Cher-
Every business ill lie- county
i.- . it ii sum
I . j . tin people that
J. U. Edwards and family, of Scot-
land Noes, who had been
borne lay.
Mrs. Maggie and -Miss
of arrived here Mon-
day IO Mrs. near town.
Mrs. T. B. Wilkinson and little child,
of who have been visiting the
family Of her father, T.
returned home Friday.
Ex-Sheriff Allen
returned Friday night
they went to
Just received a car haul of the best
Flour at the lowest prices. Guarantee
satisfaction. I. W.
well rendered every
beyond expectation
A house greeted the
mid they were at their
Miss Eva the
of Mother Cory, a fortune
teller the wife of David
ray, deserved special for
its a
that took a f haul
study assume. in- general
verdict was that it ad
sustained far above the av
Miss its Mi.-s
Daze executed her
well and was highly praised by
all- She made quite a hit in hot
refusal of Peter Paragraph who
was making love to Bess Star-
Jennie James, as Bess
a waif cast up by the
waves, was as bright fas-
as ever and captured lite
audience with her beautiful ant-
She was met by an
of her beauty as she
first entered.
Now Biddie Beau, Mies Hen-
was a true
girl, and was highly appreciated
for her bright, snappy anting
and was a It
is always with satisfaction that
you can listen to her for she is
well in her parts has ex
G- E as
ray, was grandly impersonated
he played the with
that tact that he possesses
the audience by his
Divine, H. J.
Murray's was Irish
lad with a heart brim full of mer-
and love tor Kiddie Bean
and displayed that love at every
opportunity and soon convinced
Biddy of it married her. His
Irish Brogue was up to date and
his character
Bruce Hunter. F. M.
the old man character
and father of Bess
a laid role, but Frank was equal
to the task and mastered it to the
satisfaction of all.
Clarence Hunt-
Ii. War-
always up in any character
he may was at his best
How the Day Was Observed in Green-
Thanksgiving Day dawned
j beautifully, and it was a charm-
ling day throughout. As had been
j predicted, the business
followed their established custom
were all the ex-
of the barrooms.
During this week Register of Deeds
The City Father, can Secure Them. I Kill;, fa my
The Town its meeting C MaO A-
night will probably take J Wm-
sonic action on the light j Webb, the former couple white and the
Messrs. Nines and I colored. For the mouth of No-
will go to work at once putting in an ; twenty-two were issued
electric plant if the town will agree to eleven for white and elev,,, for colored
rent twenty are lights for use on the
streets. The business men and citizens
have agreed to take enough
I ho part the day had i , s
. of enter-
bath. At were j number. This is the cheapest plan for
held in both and lighting by that has
Baptist churches A former keen outlay at all
lay vices were by except en round. All whom we W .
have heard themselves on J of the Alliance I
be moved from Raleigh t the new
The old military academy at Hillsboro
j has been purchased by the Al-
for the purpose of establishing a
shoe factory and tannery. The
contains acres and
Maj A collection van
ii let tho Thompson Orphan-
age to
The services at the Baptist
were conducted by Revs.
G. F. Smith and C. M.
The lam r preached an excellent
Herman from theme
mission the world was to pro-
for the physical as well as the
spiritual needs suffering
At the close of the
a was taken
amounting to which was
distributed an three f
it; follows Odd
Oxford Or
The King's Daughters brought
cheer a number of homes
distributing provisions to the
needy poor the town.
The good dinners enjoyed by
our people wore numerous, the
festive turkey aid usual trim-
figuring conspicuously on
many boards.
In the afternoon there was a
little mixture of The
boys played foot ball the
Academy grove, the races out at
track interested a large crowd
gathered there, the colored
brass band gave several
The day ed with the
of the drama
the at the House,
and a party which Miss
Cobb gave her at
the home of her father, Mr. R. J.
subject are in favor of the town taking
the lights.
Unusual Attraction
The Assassins of J. B. Bonner are in
Washington Jail.
Lang throws his line t-
FURNITURE cheaper than
at J. I. Cherry it Co.
If you want nice holiday goods wait
and see the stock now being by
Mrs. M. D. Biggs.
looked like day J. i.
Co's. We counted an even
dozen of them making purchases at one
lime i hi- afternoon.
Cheese, Macaroni.
I Oatmeal, Crackers and
I lot i a good at prices.
become V
a of prices here will K-v. V.
and el. . ., ., . ,
s tour years pastorate the
I in i- u of i ii s church here, lie will
h his farewell sermon at the
Companion was a splendid number. In
fact, ail the special that
paper are attractive,
sugar i cents per
p at J B. Cherry A Co's.
i ed up N
Fresh Grits, Hom-
Meat, Dates.
Citron, Seeded Currents,
Cranberry Sauce.
to He Hector
Washington, N. C, Nov.
Dave who had boon
rested for the murder of J. B.
Bonner, at Aurora, made a full
and made love with a vengeance confession before the Coronet's
to BeS- and was sue
Peter Paragraph, a newspaper
reporter, with pencil
and note book in baud was up
to always on the alert
an item, with love his
heart big tis
a barrel, was
shape, took well.
Lust, but not least, was Scud.
body servant, J. K.
He was tit e and
at light place pup,
with his mas
tared the character as well
jury. He says that Uriah Bill,
Bell, Wm- Jr,
and himself had formed a gang
to rob. Uriah Bell was captain
of the gang. They bad attempt-
ed two other robberies, prior to
i the of Bonner on
day night, but i of
them to carry out their purpose.
statements are
orated by other evidence,
parties are arrest
and have been on I he
for trial
I all now in here and
foil will be made to try them at
the present term of court.
th u o loot bill payed at Sarah's at S- Ai
and sent . i i
. ,, , , , . i At hen- meeting Board
Hie a . , ,
I will conduct a
sales stable at stand on
Air. 6- W. is
now out west selecting stock for
me. Those contemplating
homes or moles would
do well to see my stock-
G- M.
A fence in- been iii co heap
vehicles from driving across the point
where avenue makes into
street at Five Points.
Many a man works hard to find some-
And now ea-y the k be if
many them would their own
Our Mr- R. L- Smith has gone
to City for head
and mules and will back
in a Wait fur them
they will be sold at panic prices.
Just received a car load they
must go R. L. Smith it Co.
Bill- of indictment have o drawn
eel parties in the count for
to ii-r their uses. The eases
will be heard January court.
Chamois Dress Lining
and new of Dress Goods
at B. Cherry
In addition to the work the town is
on the driveway of lick-
they are u side-
walk the side of it
street Ira n the m o
street. This is a good improvement.
Foe farm containing
within corporate limits,
hue truck tobacco land,
orchard, dwelling and all
out houses. Apply to J.
White, Greenville, X. C-
best Flour is
Proctor by S. M.
Try a lb bag.
am North
as we ever saw it and kept the
audience in an uproar store key was found
Westbrook is great and where had hid it the
his timely hits were well received m
Aunt j His solo was hue and had in his pocket lure
he n an
The plot to the play was Ali the parties named id
well laid and could be are white, and had i
caught on to and the best of its been looked upon as respect a
J. IV. Smith Superintendent of Kind we have witnessed- Too; citizens of community-
much praise cannot bestowed; whole affair has caused intense
on manager and we hope they ex
soon present another. It is said that at the time of the
The orchestra was composed Bonner begged
of Woodard, Forbes man-i for his life and offered to give
and they j them everything he had if h y
if Commissioners awarded tin
county p for the coming year to
the Ton. They also
of goods and will Inn i
ever shown in Greenville.
Mu-. M.
More Houses in Prospect.
Mr. Mines, of the Greenville
Lumber tens us that during the
past mouth he sold worth
of lots on the Company's
This looks like
has good building prospects ahead.
Mirror, a prominent lawyer, an active
Mason, and an upright Christian
and the State gutters
a loss in hi- death.
Mineral Water.
The has long been of
the opinion that Pitt county
excellent mineral waters. In tin-
past we have spoken of two wells h
. enc of the yard of II. A.
Sutton and the other at the College
Hotel, tin- water from contain
high medicinal There i
saw a spring on Cobb farm,
near has Ear
been the of comment among
people of the community.
some water from this spring was sent
to the Stale Experiment Station for
and following is the report
thereon as returned by the Director
mineral matter gallon 16.92
grains, consisting of calcium car-
and smaller
sodium chloride. chloride.
oxide of iron
II. Wilkinson, who
hawed u a of the analysis, say-
a large of people
by tie use of this water.
discoursed sweet music through-
out tho which was huge-
by those present and
added much to the evening enter-
The proceeds of play
amounted to
would not kill him.
Superior Court.
The December term of Superior
Court convened this morning with, his
Honor, Judge J. D. presiding.
Being a term for trial of civil cases
only, the calendar as published was
taken up.
jury for the first week is com-
posed of II. A. Kittrell. A. A. Forbes.
II. Harriss. Wiley Brown. Win.
House. A. Stokes. EL X. AV.
J. Little, W. W. Thomas. John S.
U . II. John It. Hart. B.
lames, W. E W. W. Owens.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
the power to digest and
a proper of food.
This can never be done when
the liver does not act it's part.
know this
Liver Pills are an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
and kindred diseases.
Beyond Description
Intense Suffering With Muscular
hereby certify that -oars I
was troubled with my knee. I used
liniment- but all
to no
lowing worse
and the joints
almost and
me so I
not rest
day and night. I
hod use
St Slid of-
Neb. tea it would seem
as if I would to have my leg
as the pain
able. I suffered beyond description.
hearing of Hood's Sarsaparilla I
concluded to try it. I had
one bottle I felt much and
taking several bottles say I am well,
My Knee Has Been Cured
and that I can walk and go around as well
as any one of my age. I am years old
and work my farm, my ability to do
so I to beneficial efforts of
j Hood's I advise all who are
afflicted with rheumatism in any form to
take Hood's Bar BEN-
EDICT, Nebraska.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In the public eye today
Our stock complete and we
want to show you our
Dry Goods, Notions,
and everything
you may want. Call.
Is the Jeweler.
Liver Pills Hood's phis
Sale No.
newest designs.
Sale No. 2-
to suit and to fit
C. T.
------FOR THE-
and cordially invite yon to inspect the largest
and neatest assortment of
Sale No.
to fit your h
Sale No.
Hoots and Shoes
to suit and fit your
feet and pocket.
Holiday Display at Lang's.
New line of Ladies Wraps.
New line of Dress Goods and Trimmings.
New line of Mufflers and Handkerchiefs.
New line of Shoes to fit every foot.
New line of Notions and Capes.
New line of Trunks and Floor Oil Cloths.
New line of Furnishing Goods.
And lots of other nice goods at Lang's.
we sell Clothing at less than cost.
We are not unmindful of the many obligations we are tinder to the
Planters of this Eastern tobacco belt, for the large patronage we
have enjoyed at your hands since the opening this STAR
WAREHOUSE which induces us to set apart
Friday, December 20th,
As a special sale day, and donate ONE HALF of our warehouse
charges to the
Oxford Orphan Asylum.
Hurt institution grand and noble in its in the safe care of
children, from life of want, and them in position to make
useful and honored We call upon our Masonic Brethren
throughout this Eastern section, who we know have an especial in-
in this institution to lend us their help and aid, m making
this a grand offering- This is a cause in which every good Citizen
can and ought to help. Lay aside a fine lot tobacco for this sale,
and we promise you in advance for IS that every we
possess shall be blended to secure you top prices for
offerings. intended for this sale will be cared
held until that We have selected the three officers of
Greenville Lodge No. Zeno Moore, J. M. O- L. Joy-
as a committee to examine the book, make the division and
remit to Lawrence, Supt., Oxford, N C
Your friends
Rountree Brown Co.,
Owners Proprietors Star Warehouse.
E- M PACE, Manager Salesman.
E. K AIRES, Auctioneer.
ever brought to Greenville. Our stock-
all the newest and
and Shoes. Domestics,
Bleached and
ed Sheeting and Shirt-
Calicoes, Fancy
Cotton Dress Goods t
everything you will
want or need in that
line. Hardware for far
and mechanics
use, Tinware, Hollow-
Wood and
Whips, Buggy Robes, Collars, Rope,
Twine, Heavy Groceries always on hand,
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Salt and Molasses.
The best and largest assortment of Crock-
Lamps, Lanterns, Lamp Chimneys and
Shades, Fancy Glassware, etc., to be found
in the county. And our stock of
Matting, Rugs and Foot Mats is by far
the best and cheapest ever offered to the people
of this section. Come look and see and buy.
Sole agents of Coats Spool Cotton for this town
for wholesale and retail trade. Reynold's Shoes
for Men Shoes
for Ladies and children. We buy Cotton and
Peanuts and pay the highest market price for
them. Your experience teaches you all to buy
and deal with men who will treat you fair and
do the square thing by you. and see us
and be convinced what we claim is true.
Yours for business square dealings,
Hardware Store
When you want anything in the Hardware line.
Doors, Sash, Locks, Butts and Hinges, Saws,
Tools, Paints and Oils, Nails and Axes.
Corn Shelters from to Corn and
Cobb Mill for Axes to cents.
Stoves from to King Heaters
to Stove ware and Stovepipe, Pumps
Pump-Pipe, Rope, Belting, Ac, Ac, always go
to the Hardware Store where you will get the
lowest prices. Yours,

their year's supplies will in
their interest to get our prices before
chasing elsewhere. is
n all its branches.
we direct from Manufacturers,
buy at one profit. A cot
stock of
always unhand prices to suit
times. Out goods an all bought and
Bold for baring no
to sell at a close
S. M. . N C
-J u ac o u z The modern standard Family Medicine Cures the common every-day ills of
GREENVILLE, N. C. S. D. Bagley
A. M. Principal. With lull corps o
Teachers. Next session will begin
the English Branch-s. Ancient and
Modern Languages. Music will
taught on conservatory plan,
by a graduate in music. Instruction
thorough. Aim, but kind.
Terms reasonable. Art and Elocution
will be taught, if desired. Calisthenics
free. For particulars address Hi-
ville N. C.
J. F.
lira mi m feed
On Fifth Street near Five
We You a Remedy Which Insures
Mother and Child.
Endorsed and recommended by
and those who have used
It. Beware of substitutes and imitations.
mailed tee. containing
CO., Atlanta,
Male Academy.
The next session of this School
and continue for ten months.
The course embraces all the branches
usually taught in an Academy.
Terms, both tuition and board
wed fitted and equipped for
business, by taking the Bead
coarse alone. Where they wish to
pursue a higher course, this school
guarantees thorough preparation to
enter, with credit, any College in North
or the State University. It
refers . lose who have recently left
its wall the truthfulness of this
Any young man with character and
moderate ability taking a course with
us will be aided in making arraign-
to continue in the higher school.
The discipline will be kept at its
present standard.
Neither time nor attention nor
work will be spared to make this school
ail that parents could wish.
further particulars see or ad-
July Principal
Cheap Excursion Rates
Cotton and
Sept. to Dee. 31-i.,
The Atlantic Coast Line
Pullman Palace Buffet
Sleeping Cars between Sew York and
Atlanta via Rich mod, Petersburg,
Weldon, Rocky Mom t, Wilson,
ville. Florence, Aiken aid
For s. Schedules, Sleep
lug Car accommodations call on or ad-
dress any agent Atlantic Coast Line, or
I. C.
Div. Pass.
ml Va.
Mgr. Asst. Pass.
Wilmington, N.
Passengers carried to any
point at reasonable rates Good
Horses. Comfortable Vehicles.
The Oldest
Daily Newspaper in
North Carolina.
IV, Only Six-Dollar Daily
its Class in the State.
Favors Limited Free Coinage
of American Silver and Repeal
the Ten Per Tax on
State Banks Daily cents
per month. Weekly per
year. Wm H. BERNARD,
Ed. ft Prop., Wilmington,
to plant Trees and Plants this
hive a fine of
Grapes Vines, Plants, Cat
Pansy and other Plants. Catalog
Apply to
N. C
W. A. R R.
Nashville, Chattanooga
St. Louis Railway.
The will be the
greatest Exhibition ever held in the
United Slates excepting the World's
Fair, and the Round Trip have
been made very low. Do no fail to go
and take the. children. trill be a ere
education tor them.
fir For maps, folders and any de-
sired information write to
Pass. Pass.
Atlanta, G. Atlanta, Ga.
G. P. A.,
Atlanta, G
College Hotel
Convenient to depot and to the to-
Best and highest location around
mineral water.
Rooms large and comfortable. Table
supplied with the beet the market
Terms reasonable.
Galatia, Ills., Not. 1803.
Parts Medicine Co., St. Loots, Mo.
Bold last year, COO of
t n already lb la year. In all oar ex-
,. of yearn, tn the drag
never sold an article such universal
lac, on your Tonic Yours truly,
Sold A J.
We Keep That Kind.
Bear fact in mind when you start
out for
Our stock this season is complete in
every and we can supply all
your wants in
You simply have to come to as for any-
thing wanted. Our goads and price.-
please you.
In to the goods at
the lowest we top of the
in ii for and all country pro-
Thanking you for a liberal patronage
the pot, we hope to have many calls
from you this season.
J. O. BRO.
Mas of Foot Treatment Committed
Vanity and
There Li a joke afloat
about tho woman who -wears a No.
on a No. feat
is impossible in exact ratio to the
antiquity of tho story.
There is a distinct limit to tho
squeezing capability of any shoo, no
matter what may the endurance
of tho wearer. But, on the authority
of tho most experienced shoe deal-
find it that tho
of feet are distorted and turned
from their natural growth by the
obstinate and vanity of
the buyer. Very few
persons get their shoes Ions enough.
The great foot folly lies right here.
The masses buy short, broad shoos,
so that widths such as double and
D, that ought never to be
manufactured, are in much demand.
When n woman tells the size of her
foot, to a short
is said about the
The host authorities assure us that
any one could have what sculptors
call the perfect foot, a long, narrow
one, if mothers would only begin,
with the first shoes, to put their
children in those that are a little
longer than the foot, adding nil the
extra space necessary before the toes
instead of at tho sides, as
for some unaccountable reason so
to do. Thus, without injury,
but rather to the advantage of tho
foot, a pleasing shape may early be
secured at the expense of tho pres-
squat extremities.
Tho other day a woman, who bad
worn her shoes so short feet
had bumped themselves up at the
instep in the most unsightly
told a salesman who tried
to persuade her to lessen tho width
and to increase the length of a now
purchase that she was considered by
her friends to a
by She added, with a toss of
bar longer size, indeed
Why, my foot was on the
what, unless it as a
thought another
who overboard the remark.
Tho Chinese not tho only race
who disfigure their useful
ties. They go systematically to
work to accomplish
ties, while our women do it by blind-
ignoring tho pedal space that
has allotted them. Tho
feet are by a long
turning up of tho toes, ours by
cramping tho members till tho in-
step is slowly raised in
A naturally high instep is a thing
of beauty, but that is elevated
by is nothing but grotesque.
And of course, this is a
we find, if shoo dealers to be
trusted, that women not alone
in this vanity. They declare that
men commit the same folly of broad
and short, and, what is oddest of
all, that country people much
to it than city bred men
and women.
Another word of warning may
prove useful, as it seems not
ally to understood, that when
goes into a shop to try on shoes
tho are contracted from tho ex-
of walking and in tho
best condition for making them feel
easy and comfortable. Due allow-
should made, too, for tho
first morning hours, when, after a
night's idleness, tho feet some-
what enlarged and quite likely to
aggressive in tho matter of
New York Times.
The and
Byron, in the third of
describes a
in Switzerland which
curred at midnight on Juno 1816.
Ho notices the awful stillness which
All heaven and arc still, though not in
Bat breathless,
From peak to peak, the rattling crags among,
tho live thunder t Cram one lone
Bat every mountain now hath a
And mil, through her misty shroud.
Back to the Alps, who call to her
aloud I
Tho description is too long to
quote, and, indeed, too well known,
but Sir Walter Scott's criticism on it
may not so well known. He
is of the most beautiful
passages of tho poem. Tho
and far of a
is in verso almost as
vivid as its lightnings. Tho live
thunder among tho rattling
tho voice of mountains, as if
shouting to each other, tho plashing
of tho rain, tho gleaming of the
wide lake, lighted a phosphoric
sea, present a of sublime
terror, yet of enjoyment, often at-
tempted, but never so well, certain-
never hotter, brought out in
and Queries.
It is said that when artists are
seeking for models tho palm for
beauty and symmetry of
given to tho girls of Spain, while the
daughters of rural Ireland are a
good second. Tho pretty faces and
graceful throats are found among
English maidens. A model for a per-
arm would be sought for among
Grecian ladies, while a lady of the
Turkish would be regarded
as tho possessor of a daintily com-
hand. Italians are usually
good in figure, and some of tho most
beautiful models, perfectly
are derived from the women
of sunny Italy. as a
rule, are not in request, being too
thin and vivacious for tho purpose,
while tho and limbs of a Ger-
man are too commonplace for
The chief thing about the great
is, after all, that it is very
big, but intaglio, found at
Delphi or Olympia, is of more inter-
est, in way, and infinitely more
fascinating. The opprobrium of
newness lies upon tho Amer-
continent, and there
of Americans who ex-
change all New York, and Chicago
into tho bargain, for ancient
monastery or for-
tress of the past Our transatlantic
cousins are a wonderful and
but they cannot show a
unless they have
ported it from tho old world. It is
not surprising, then, that as soon prevent that dreaded plant
they made their pile, or . r
on the way to making it, first disease,
thing Americans think of is a visit
costs cotton planters more
than five million dollars an-
This is an enormous
waste, and can be prevented.
Practical experiments at Ala-
Experiment Station show
conclusively that the use of
to Europe, and, most of all. to the
old land. It has been said t. at the
strongest wish of every American is
to be an Englishman. But, if they
only knew it, are Englishmen.
London Standard.
Our pamphlet are net
fertilizers, but are practical
the results of latest
an to an
hour of a salesman's time and often
goes away without buying. There
must be small profit in selling ready
made shoes to such people.
The man that wears, say, a
is a most visitor at any
though in all the large
concerns salesmen manfully
to fit such customers. On very
busy days the man or woman of ab-
normal feet, meets with an early in-
that there is no fit to be
had. Such persons come to be
known in tho shops and
by the York Sun.
Jenny a Child.
Jenny Lind as a child of years
tho lark of her
As a girl of she attracted tho at-
of all lovers of and
entered the Stockholm conservatory
as a pupil. continuous studios
so tender an ago caused tho sud-
don loss of voice, and for four
full years she panned her
and technical studies, sud-
tho full sweet sounds came
to delight, as every one
knows, of thousands for
special fertilizers, but are practical
the results of latest
cotton farmer should have
eat free fur asking.
Nassau St., New York.
this line.
copy. They are
D. L.
H. A.
up stairs overs. K. Fender A Co
Stoves. Stoves.
are laying in a full line of
also Sheet
Iron Heating
Best quality, low
if am
and have on hand a few second-hand
for sale very cheap. need a Mowing
Machine, we have them Ll .
On Vend s the day of
the will fr
sale on what is generally as the
Hardy Plato,
of Greenville on road leading
Greenville to Washington on tho
south side of Tar r. the following
articles of males.
he l mart-
old. pony. head of
head cf several line
milch cows about
heifers about
old, to
Jersey, l huge stork
hogs with IS snail pi-s, about bar-
rel of n, about pound of
de-, about pounds of nicely
on hay and all farming
in. or Cash, Parties de-
tiring to any of above before
day of sale can do so by making
cation at, November 18th.,
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work
and prices reasonable.
Ohio, City of
Lucas County
Frank J. makes oath that
he is the senior partner of the firm of K.
I. Co. doing business In
City of Toledo, Comity State
and that said will
LARS for each and every ease of Ca-
cannot, be cured by the use
of Hall's i
Sworn to before me and In
presence, this 6th day of December,
A. W
r Notary
Catarrh Cure Is taken
acts directly the I and
of the system. Send
f r testimonials, free,
K. J. A Toledo, O.
by Druggist,
am at my Old stand with com-
workmen ready
on machinery of any kind. Guns.
Locks. Sewing Machine, Bicycles or
other repair work. All my work is
New Home Sewing Ma-
chines for Side.
Notice To Creditors.
The undersigned has
before the Court Clark of Pitt
as administrator of lire. Mary B.
deceased, no ice is hereby
given to nil Holding claims
against tho estate to present them
the undersigned for collection be-
fore the of October or this
notice will be plead in bar for their re-
and all indebted to said
make Immediate payment.
Tins the 21st day of October 1885.
of Mrs. Mary
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
of Hit Court of
county as Executor of the estate of T.
deceased, notice is hereby
given to all parties holding claim
against the said estate to present them
to the undersigned properly proven, on
or before the day of November, 18-
or this notice will he plead in bar
of their recovery, and all persons
ed to the laid t state are requested to
make payment.
November 1895,
Executor of L. C, Latham, deceased.
Ala. Poor
A mo tor man's is not a happy
While the satisfied con-
chinking the coin in his
pocket, jangling tho register, pulling
tho bell cord or blithely
street names, the motor-
man is silently grinding out his
at the brake, his mind strung to its
utmost tension, and his hands and
arms never for a moment idle. Yet
tho one to blamed,
an accident happens, without a
thought being given to tho many
calamities which have been avoided
through his alertness and
Boston Transcript.
Cotton Exposition,
via the
Seaboard Air Line.
Limited Trains
upon which no extra fare Is charged.
Through Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars
and day from
Washington, D. C. and
Portsmouth, Virginia.
Richmond, Petersburg.
Raleigh. Southern C.
C , Athens,
Leave Weldon, 3.00 A. M. noon
Atlanta P. M., A. M.
next day. Wilmington,
noon. P. M. Arrive Atlanta 4.00
I. M., 5.20 A. M., nest day.
Ask Make via
Pullman Car reservations
be and further information
upon application to any
Agent of Air Line, or to
Traffic Paw.
General Office, Portsmouth. Va.
Administrators Sale
of Land for Assets.
By virtue of a decree or the Superior
Court case of W, B. ad-
of L. W. Nobles, I n ill
sell tor cash at the Conn door in
Greenville on Monday, the Kith day of
December, the following
land. Io A tract of land situated
in Township adjoining the
lands of Amos W, ll. Stocks,
Redding Trip and other, containing
forty eight acres, more or less. Sub-
to the dower of Mary Nobles,
ow of J. L. W. Nobles.
Dec. 11th, 1305.
W. I.
of J. L. IV. Nobles.
We arc General Commission Merchants
and headquarters for
f you wish to place your Insurance in
the hands of the best Old Line
call to see us. If you wish to in-
vest in the largest, oldest and strongest
company in the world, let in place yon
in the Grand Old
Where there
unity there Is strength
is located on Main
next to hardware store.
Very truly.
Sale of Valuable Town
In obedience to an order mile by the
Board of County Commissioners at their
on the first Monday in
directing me as the Clerk of
slid Hoard to advertise for tale the lot
belonging to the County of Pitt, known
in the p an of the town of as
lot number it being the lot now
used by the town Greenville a a Mar-
House with the cf the
Board of County I,
M M. King, ex lei k of the
Board of Commissioners of Pitt County,
do hereby give public notice said
it will be exposed i sale to the
highest bidder, in fruit of tIn-
House door, at o'clock M. on Mon-
day the day of January 1806.
The terms of sale will bi one third ash
and the balance to secured la two
equal payable in aid
two years, six per cent Interest on
with to
purchase to pay the whole at any time
and take his deed. until
the whole of the is paid.
The Board the right to
or said sale. Notice Is also
given that the town government will he
permitted remove fie Mart-el House
and other on said lot
by the town. In with the
agreement into at the time per-
was given by the Board of
the town
Commissioners to and use said
building. The lot offered In
three alternate ways which will be
shown hi n a pi in OB n the
of the of Deed. and
be seen by the at any time
will also in on day of s
Ed. of Com. of P It Co.
Differ in their tastes. The foremost
thought with the men just DOW Is
tobacco and high prices, while
the ladies are thinking the
at Lowest Prices.
If will call at the store of
Tin y will find a full line of
Laces Em-
Sits Fancy Hair
Pins, Side Combs, Belt Buckles, and all
other latest style goods.
far Standard
means so much more than
you and
fatal diseases result from
r trifling ailments neglected, i
Don't play with
Opposite. Drugstore.
--------IS STILL WITH A INK--------
mi host Is
Hemp i Building
ting Millets,
Clothing, Hats. Shoes. Lido I
for Heavy lobbing I
t RU
r Pumps, t;
slid get In n- in . . well
i nil. n In ml
O. N. I . Sp.
keep c out an K i,
; Bitters
out of
mid k-
no appetite
and can't work,
begin at
the moat
Iron Bit-
A bot-
cornea from the
very first got W
ti your J
pleasant to take.
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles,
r Constipation, Bad Blood
h Malaria, Nervous ailments
Women's complaints.
Get only the has crossed red
lines on wrapper. All others are sub-
On receipt of two ac. stamps we
will send set Tan
Fair Views
All ii In
At rate
Wholesale and Entail
For Cur. ill Skin
bus In u.-e
years, and know baa
been in steady demand. It has been
by the leading US all over
and whole
all other remedies, with the attention of
the most experienced physicians, have
for fulled. Tills Ointment la f
long and the high reputation
which it baa obtained Is Owing entirely
its own as but little
ever been made to bring it before the
public. Ono bottle of this Ointment will
he sent to any address on receipt of One
Dollar. All Cash Orders promptly at-
tended to. Address nil orders
communications to
T. r.
R. K.
In MM.
P. M.;
j M , Kin-ton
so s Hi
P M.
i Ar.
I A. S.
A. II.
A. M.
-ton A
Goldsboro in. I l with
train n m
Under House,
Call in when wok
-2013.-vi I o O.
T. A. JOKES. i 1878. P. IF-
Factors and Commission Merchants
and II a I in In , Ties, soul Bags, Ac I e
Attention given Sale- i, Grain, I r .
Liberal Cash i
Prompt d in had
Pitt CO., N. C.
Not foil National any Bi m In the
Co. N. C
ii . if,
I . i . HI
and near N. f t. ft. It.
Bagging, Tim and bi
Ion i ; In i phi
R. B. State
The Old Peon Mutual Is brat
life In
ill .
It mar not pay
Ml ft to as some
other but it- low rate
low th rate, immense
safely and profitably
and Indulgence to Its
render it the Company
in o insure, its policies are ab-
and after throe
be Money loan-
ed paid up granted
or the Company tor
a of ye n
J. L. Ii t
N- O
We will QUICK
W till them
We will
h ll art
I;., i. ii vi I ranting
Hon; ll Bo
Bo Sap Boards, A
r in
U loci. .
your door
D W.
ville and at all land
o Tar
Friday a; t A. M.
leave at A. M.
wide to to the
On all handle
W ,, r , .
cants a
and all Pa
wet. in r tire par ml m
i drawing or photo with
W i- if or In.-o of
Our fee not duo Ml patent
Thursdays and
Greenville day. ,,,.
These Io stage
of water on
I.- I.
r a ill Pa r
with steam-
of Tho Norfolk. Wash-
Jew York i.
should order their good
marked via Dominion fr m
New York. from
Norfolk A
more Unit
more. A
JNO. SON. Agent,
Washington N- C
J. J. CHER ft Y, Agent.
I I-i
Al.-o I
i job mi-
I have a Diet line of
to everybody-
Ki member I Product la
for Al-o I handle
lots a l sell
body at all times.
an cheap
A i with
same in ll e V. S. mod
D. C.
;. ,, for or for sale
tn ins easy. Bents,
open any other i vi-
debt in my for
have prompt ion
Ball guaranteed. I solicit Jo

Eastern reflector, 4 December 1895
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 04, 1895
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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