Eastern reflector, 20 November 1895

i ;
The Reflector is
pared to do all worn
of this line
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Plenty of new mate- j
rial and the best
of Stationery. Al
That the Greenville To-
Board of
Trade are send-
out each
K. I.
under Opera
h. N V I I. L E, -V t.
Practice In all the court i
Attorney and Counselor at-Law
Greenville. County,
i Is ill
iv I B ago by a young who is drum
M y a fraud
county grows the near-
last tobacco of any of
eastern Pitt county
the bent bright mahoganies
lemon but
county produces the most pliant
kid glove feeling tobacco of any
that is grown in eastern soil.
There seems to be just enough of
silica vegetable matter the
soil to give it that soft easy
feeling, while is not too
much of r to make it heavy
One cf the best things that we
have heard was told a few days
counties around Greenville that
grow more bright tobacco than
other seven counties the
of and by the
common consent of some of
best judges that have, it is
far the choice, it is
plain to all, mid dreadfully
parent to the worst cf
the Judge said
l- ace and is Lords.
Heaven Might be a Lonely
A little boy, when questioned
by bis mother regarding some
escapade, had not told the strict
truth regarding the affair. She
had taken him on her knee and
a explaining to him that
who told lies could not go to
said he, you ever
tell a
my son, I don't know
joining the of the but possibly at tome time in my
a---. to land, and col-
Prompt c ireful attention given
i. r i loan approved security.
tobacco for one of the
Greenville warehouses. He said
l in the section which he was
trying to work up a lot of tobacco
for Greenville ho met with con
and it was
And those came one
called Rain-in a mighty
chief of the tribe of Fusion, and
he was and hungered for
the market, that Greenville has office, and when ho found it not
far the best bright tobacco the and of the Democrats he
market and the most encouraging wander.
future of any tobacco town in the I , . . ,. , , ,,, . .,
land of the Phil-
Important Duty Devolved on
x. C.
Practices in u
of them had taken
and influential farmer and given
him a salary to solicit trade for
them his It hap-
that- the young man who
Wants OP Should Want was working for Greenville
an Education,
Section Chapter of the
Acts of is as follows
the Clerk of the Superior court
of each county shall, within
twelve mouths after the
cation of this Act, establish, alter
or create separate of
their respective counties
so as to provide, as near as may
be, at least one place
way ground
caused by the cross firing of
markets, it being nearly half voting- for every throe hen-
i between them. fifty electors in every
sub-division of respective
counties, whether such
be a village city or
ward; of which said action the
Add The Eastern Reflector is
Going to one Boy in
that direction-
dork shall give duo notice
by advertisement in some
learned just before reaching this published th, county, if
immediate section that this good otherwise in
old citizen who was working for place within the
the other market had sold a lot i of
on the floor that he was working or and at the
for tie day and had tucked in the
every tag. He also knew that J 8th March, 1893.
this man been
his t by a
As he rode into
In- little is in the
r of is section he saw the
d r for the other market
Her Composition.
A little girl Boston wrote a
composition on Here
boy is not animal, yet
We will give absolutely free of i
a scholarship entitling the holder
free tuition in all the English branches j Qr
for the entire suing term, ISM
Greenville Male Ac id
This is for in , . , ,. . j they can be beard to a considers
Eastern North Carolina, and the boy lively engaged talking to one of t m , , ,
b l win ins this
This months scholarship is to he
given to the boy who will gel tho
rest n yearly subscribers
neighbor farmers.
the topic of conversation he
too walked up and asked the
how tobacco sell- they are spoke to, and the., they
When a boy hollers
his big month like frogs,
The Eastern Reflector
his market. Very well,
indeed, he
I said
replied and by the
between now and o'clock P. M. on j . t . i a .
Jan, 11th, 1896. Two for e
mouths or four for S months is busted. Oh no,
the mm sub-1 in,
This is no catch penny device
hut a offer, mid if only one the other by surprise, was in
be brought in yesterday sold to
answer respectable tell just
how it was. A boy thinks him
sell clever because he can wade
where it is but God made
the dry laud for every living
thing, rested on the seventh
day. When the grows up
he is called a husband, and then
brought in, for this b for the balance of that I but the grew up girl is a
tie- time tie- Who brings
the scholarship. Of course we at satisfactory prices and
m-i; than one subscriber to be here to day ready to give you wading and stays out
. rise worth
winning and will
it. I that yon sold in
In that there my he an , ,.,
tor hoy wishes to enter His
this congest, we oiler a cash commission j farmer looked very much a i
of per cm on subscribers, .,. . . or opinion as express-
i widow keeps
It is astonishing to see the
will e
the who wins the scholarship will
Bel commission. Now boys get j
to work th determination U win
this prise. Y hi can gel as many
c i a- you meed .
by to ill.- office. If
this semi us your name
as we to bow many b are
working Iv the prise. We will publish
the result of contest with the name i but my tobacco was not what
of winner issue of the .
of Jan. giving the s e-
to get the
their work, but i he get but f H
tobacco. Oil said he I was fooled
my tobacco It was not
I expected- Why did yon
by the and North-
Press in respect to the
, causes which gave us the results
of hist Tuesday's election. The
it then said Greenville
Well I, I thought I
be able to get more another day
was said the
Southern Press, even that part
of it which holds the views of
Mr. Cleveland on the money
question, are free to admit that
the administration is largely
boy time to enter school on the man, I am not fooled responsible for the Republican
If you have any more Ilk
Address all to
you tot advocates free silver
today. very much composed , . ,
I the drummer j does not Hesitate to charge
Io see bis neighbor later in the the results upon the pow
lib, N. C. Oct. j day.
life I may have told some things
were not quite as should
papa ever tell a
again questioned the boy.
am afraid ho replied
his mother.
Fannie ever toll a
persisted the boy. His
concluded it was about
time to choke her sou off before
he had involved all the
on both sides of the family, so
she said, boy, I am afraid
there is hardly any person in
the world but who has at some
period of his life made
statements that would not be
called the
The boy pondered over this for
a few
he said, must be
lonesome in
of the gates. ; there but God George
the Washington Times-
i Mixed Breeds- Io he be-
came a great man among them,
was accounted a leader in
And when the Mixed-
Breeds waxed in
and conquered neighboring
they began to divide the
they the land of
office, giving to some one slice of
pie, and to others, .-mother-
Rain in-the face they made Chief
of the Prison House, and made
him lord over the in the
city called Raleigh, and of the
lands along the Nile, in the pro-
of Weldon, and he was also
ruler over the diggers of
at Castle But the
tribe of Democrats held the Prison
and refused to give up
the keys thereof. in-the-
face and his eight assistant lords
went to the Prison House,
s front
the rains
upon then,
they get very damp.
they showed their parch
the Great Red Seal stuck on
the corner thereof, those
tho gate heeded not their cries I November and the average
and So when they BOt thinking of such things,
have received their watermelons offered for sale
the is commonly Salisbury this
ed to have got the re sold, too. The melons were
the city. And brought in by Mr. S- C-
gather together scribes and j t them ware fine. Mr.
brethren, after conferring says he cut live,
with another, will 2-5 pounds each, last Christ
these children of mas, which as good Many
to justice, that we, the Only would to see, and that
adulterated Mixed Breeds, may be is saving some more at home
come possession of our Slice be eaten next
Dana's Code of Principles.
Mr. Dana's code of principles,
which have been extensively cir-
and commented up-
on, good enough to
I. Get the get all the
news, but the news
II- Copy nothing from another
publication without proper
of the Reflector. A
hint to advertisers.
Highest of all in Leavening U. S.
Absolutely pure
III. Never print an interview
I Correspondence
Mr. Ii. L- Bridges, of
sent of the party interviewed.
IV. Never print a
as news matter. Let
every advertisement appear as an
advertisement, no sailing under
false colors.
V- Never attack the weak or the
defenseless, either by argument,
by invective, or by ridicule unless
there is some absolute public no j enrolled students- This is
for so doing. j largest enrollment the his-
VI. Fight for your opinions college.
but do not believe they Prof. Poteat, the of
the whole truth nor the only Biology and Geology,
; the Baptist Convention
VII. Support your party if you Providence, R. I., on the 12th,
have But do not all j being
the good are in it, and all the i of
has recently subscribed
to the endowment-
Rev. A. C. Cree, Jr., a student
of the college, has been called as
pastor of Chapel Hill Baptist
Wake Forest College has now
bad cues outside of it.
VIII- Above all, know, be
The Society has elect-
ed Mr. Bruce of Monroe,
in Town.
Although today is the 9th of
And when the day of judgment
is come, Scribes Day,
Whitaker stand up the
court called Superior for the Mix
ed Breeds, and against them
stand Scribes Shepherd and Bus-
bee for the tribe of Democrats.
the scribes argued long,
brought parchments.
And the judge heard all that tho
scribes id.
And he pondered long over
the Exposition grounds at
Atlanta is a of nursery
where small children babies
may be checked like baggage and
properly cared for while their
mothers see the sights. A Gas
lady just returned says there
are two babies in the nursery
that haven't been called for. No
trace of their owners can be
that humanity is orator. The medal w
that there is progress human won last year by a Wake Forest
life human affairs; and that, I man, and will be glad if of
as sure as God lives, the future j her men wins it this year.
will be better than tho present u T. i .
the past- who graduated
, , I bore in 1883, and who has gained
A lecture, delivered at Cornell a world-wide reputation as an
January, orator, lectured here recently
with six maxims of value j His subject was Woman
to a a today fa
I. Never be in a hurry. agitating minds of the
as Prophets-
A grizzled and gray
county farmer formed one of
a group of men who were
weather signs recently.
always know when there is to be
a be said, by watch-
the turkeys and chickens go
to roost each night. In calm
weather the fowls always roost
with their heads alternating
way; that is, one faces east, the
next west, and so on. But when
there is going to be a high wind
they always roost with their
heads turned toward the direction
from which it is coming. There
are reasons for these different
ways of roosting. I take it, when
there is no wind to guard against
they can see other danger more
readily if they are headed both
directions; but when wind is to
arise they face it because they can
hold their positions better. But
the part I can't understand, he
concluded, is how the critters
know the wind is going to rue,
we mortals lack all
Tobacco ion.
Why cannot Winston have a
tobacco exposition next autumn
II. Hold fast to the He had a large ,
lion. I all of whom listened very I need not be gotten up on too
III. by the Stars and ; attentively. It was a grand i and expensive a scale, and
Stripes. Above all, for vet it ought to be a small
whatever happens. Profs. J. B. and R. W A can
IV. A word that is not spoken
never does any mischief.
-i struck, and with proper
he Professors of Latin, displayed ,
have recently had their recitation
V. All the of a good i rooms furnished with nice
make up for the bad chairs, purchased of
of a bad one the High Point Chair Co., by
VI- If you find yon have been themselves and students. The
wrong don't fear to say so. boys no longer have to carry
chairs from their rooms to sit in,
Peanut Crop. lap boards to write on during
examinations. M-
The Jacksonville Citizen j
will be a very short
crop this year, according to
reports from all over the South It starts with a word
collected a central handling with a a nod-and
house in Cincinnati. The great; very with a smile. It is a
heat long drought during j pestilence walking the dark-
Oar tobacco people should give
the matter consideration. Talk
it over. Look at it from every
of view. our opinion
it is practical. We believe it
would not only be helpful to local
tobacconists, but of benefit to the
tobacco interests of e and
of this ion. Great crowds
j would be attracted to this city.
, , , . i Winston and its manufacturers
Against slander there U no de- woad be advertised.
The market would
Cotton corn and wheat and
other products have had their ex-
the late Summer early Fall j LOSS, contagion far and I positions and palaces and so
seriously impaired both the wide, the most wary traveler can j forth, but for tobacco little or
has been
Why should not Winston, a
nor can any of the Quality of the The . avoid; it is the
And he any will meet likely be j dagger of the assassin; it is
This that I have
If you have any more like landslide which came, and that
. to appear
I tho eighth day of mouth
called in the year of
When first commenced to The Northern Press attribute Fusion, one.
tho Tobacco Department, result to the fact that the When all the scribes stood be-
a local party is not stand- fore him. he said unto the
did these Mixed;
go on to show that every man Breeds, who were a hungered for
lay out, and meditated.
looked into the volumes of the which to base a The j but last year's, and tho poisoned arrow whose I
Law, for he was learned its mothers appear to have j n quality will be much the are incurable; it is the mortal I Journal.
mysteries. adopted a effective way of I average- crop will sting the deadly adder; murder I
after he had his rid of their tho of the its employment, innocence its
id mads up his of their I be of the ct
the scribes luggage, the Ga- is Virginia. prey, i
him. This was of j The
with the her of The
to leach free c In i write
Hie English brandies, for the months
term beginning Jan. the boy
to whom he may award the scholarship, and our were of i, by President Cleveland and fore
the subs mil ion emit. st. tobacco that grew almost
II. . ,
Principal Greenville Stale Pitt county in the
tributary to Greenville,
Continual fretting is
oleomargarine cf trouble.
J. J. L. D LOU L Al N. C in the
r AM i T . x.
and in our articles we referred to
Pitt county tobacco. Gradually
as the market grew larger be-
to draw from a lager
until now the sales are
made up of tobacco from as many
John E. lard I . Harding,
Wilson, N. C. Greene N.
Greenville. X.
Special attention Riven to collections
an-1 settlement claims.
who has d Mr. office, demand tho keys of the
for the past two years was bad-
beaten Tuesday. The New
York Herald goes so far as to say
that the result of Tuesday's
election makes it positively
necessary that Mr. Cleveland
be nominated the Democrats
counties surely as any
market in eastern North Carolina, to have any prospect of
and as any in the success.
The counties
In y Say.
That when a boy grows up. his
begins to grow down.
That the man who wishes good
advice will consult his purse-
That men won't drink a
drop, while others won't drop a
That if you good without
hope of you may keep
on doing for tho same pay.
That promises made in time of
affliction require a better
than people commonly possess three leading tobacco mar-
That to Keep your hair long j k t , M t
must keep it short.
of which Greenville is situated
arc reality the tobacco growing
Lenoir, Craven, Beaufort, Martin,
Wilson- Of course
there are other that are
generally considered eastern
counties, but strictly speaking do
net belong to them. Besides
those mentioned there are Bertie,
Hertford, Washington, Tyrrell
and a number of others that are
just beginning to grow tobacco
but will probably never plant it
extensively on account of the
water atmosphere. The
eight above named constitute tho
leading tobacco growing counties
of Eastern North Carolina. There
That Fortune gives her ha-d
to a courageous man-
That should lo
taxed because it is a luxury.
That the oyster is getting
tho soup.
That organ is
the one.
sou and Rocky Mount. Tho last
two named draw largely from
Franklin and Vance conn-
tics and the territory adjacent to
and in South while
is in the eastern
I of these and is strictly the
Now it is reported that a shrewd
Yankee up in New York State
has secured a patent upon an
envelope that cannot be
without detection. One of its
advantages is that no mucilage is
used, and it is therefore cheaper
to manufacture. This is done by
means of two pointS
that pass through slits in the
flaps, and then out in such
a way that they cannot be with-
drawn without tearing the paper.
It is also said that not
in the technical sense,
each envelope containing letters
might pass through tho mails at
the no cent rate. He has
ready received an offer for his
patent and if ho has hit upon a
device to do the government out
of fifty per of its postal
revenues has made his calling and
election sure for this world at
That the earth covers the bright tobacco market of Eastern
emu's mistakes
Mr. J. I- near
raised barrels and
peck of cm one acre. He
had a Justice of the Peace to
j North Carolina. There are
Prison words to that
they era the
lawful holders of the keys of the
Prison House. But I say unto
tho tribe of hold fast
the keys, for the Law that
thou art tho rightful holders.
I say unto Rain in the Face
and his lords, go for ye
enter the ranch you
thought you had
And when the scribes told Rain
the Face and his lords what
the Judge had said, they straight
way girded up their loins,
said to one another, will
make more dive for the
For there is a court called
that a large brick
building the street Edenton,
and we will appeal unto the
who sit in judgment
And straightway the of
the Mixed-Breeds write
another parchment-
But the tribe of the
still sat in their
selecting a wife be sure to
j select cue that will wash-
The fall crop of Republicans is
to be large.
You cannot down a person
unless you follow at his heels.
wise answer away
but it takes a big stick
to keep it turned away.
receives more curses for
what he does not accomplish than
praises for what ho actually does-
There are a good many pious
people who are as careful of their
religion as of their best service
of only using it on holiday
occasions for fear it should got
chipped or flawed in working
The committees having the
matter in charge
work looking to the
erection of a Rich-
to the memory of Jefferson
Davis. It is that
will be ready to have the
comer stone laid next May
the encampment of the
Confederate Veterans in that
They Don't it
According to section of
the internal revenue laws, cigar-
smokers who throw paper
boxes away without
first destroying the
stamps, lay themselves liable to
a fine of six months
or both. Not one smoker
out of a thousand does this. On
the back of every cigarette box
will be found a warning
smokers to destroy the stamps,
but few people ever take the
trouble to read it- It is
that a person shall be
caught in the act of throwing the
box away before he be
ruin its sport
man who at the midnight
news concerning a great J hour the dwelling
staple, it is reassuring to let does an injury; he burns the
successful experiments roof, pillar,, raiment, the
raising peanuts have made
in many parts of tho country
Washington Oregon farmers
shelter from the storm and
pest; but he does that
be repaired. Tho may
indeed beat chilling blasts
raised good crops this year, assail, but charity will receive
a Me , farmer tells
this week of having just harvested
a good though small
There is one matchless hour in
man's life Every sense of his
to tho delicious,
intoxicating influence, and all the
world seems be reveling in a car-
of joy. Sound becomes mu-
sic, common place things become
beautiful sight feeling
conspire together to intensify the
This hour is when, for tho first
time, the woman he loves yields
up her first confession of love for
him, and for the first time
soulfully into his face, a wealth
of trust and happiness beam
from her dear eyes. Then it is
not what he has or be,
but what he is and what is his
that concerns him.
Love is abroad the land. In
every city, hamlet, the
young and old are
heavenly is ox its
power. Where rightly regarded
entered into discreetly the
tendency should be to make this
old world better. A great deal
on happy homes. Man
are better, happier, more
the victim her dwelling, will
give him food to eat and raiment
to put on; will timely assist him,
raising a roof over tho ashes of
the old, and will sit at our
fireside taste the fruit of
friendship of home.
But the man who circulates
false reports concerning a
character, who exposes every
act of his life which may be
to his disadvantage; who
goes to this and that brother,
tells them he is very tender of his
brother's reputation; enjoins
them the secrecy, and
then fills their ears with hearsays
and rumors, and, what is worse,
leaving them to dwell upon the
and suggestions of his own
busy imagination. The man who
thus from another his
good does him an
which neither industry nor
charity nor time itself can repair.
Truth in This.
The Argonaut
truthfully says, business
man who thinks he can do
without advertising shows a
lack of judgment. In
this year of Lord 1895,
who have money to spend
read the newspapers, and instead
of going around the street hunt-
for what they need, take up
their paper and soon find where
they are kept. The man who ad-
does it in a business
like manner will in the end come
out ahead of his neighbor who
thinks the world ought to hunt
him tip to find out his business.
If you want people's trade you
should them to come to see
Durham has a man that is such
a stickier for prohibition that he
wouldn't wear a new coat because
it was tight under the arms and
full in the Sun.
It is evident that the South has at
hand, and therefore cheap, all the
raw materials entering into
that its labor and cost of
living are cheaper than at the
that it can, in consequence,
manufacture goods of all kinds- at
less cost than the North or the
West; that it can not only supply
the home demand, hat also ex-
port goods with profit- that in the
The Greensboro Record tells it,
from information in a letter, that
a few miles north of town a couple
were to have been married last
Wednesday night. While wait-
for the at rival of the minister,
a former lover of the bride in
some way gained access to her
and the next thing the guests
knew he had carried her away,
whether on a flying charger like
Davy Crockett, or in his arms is
not known.
Of course some of the party was
fighting mad, others fighting glad,
but what can't be cured must be
endured and the situation was ac-
Fact is it had to for before
the absence of the bride was no-
she had been gone and was
by this time married.
The Treasury circulation statement
a net decrease money In the
Treasury during October of
and an Increase of of all
. i kinds of money circulation in the
lines of manufactures it is States October, making
extending its operations with circulation foot up

Greenville, N. C.
Entered at the Greenville
X. C, as second-class m matter.
A Series of Articles on
the History of To-
Culture in
the Eastern
Tine Tobacco Department.
Conducted by O. L. Joyner, Proprietor Eastern Tobacco Warehouse
the Greenville tobacco market east than he- He has already
Some of Those Have
Pat of the in
mg Greenville Forward.
than other buyers on the market
c . for in its earliest days, long be-
fore it was known what the
outcome of the market would
be, whether a success or a fail-
they were here and to show
In effecting the sale of a com-1 the faith they had in the mar-
factors are bought interests here and
Whether there was much
made we don't know, but we
do know that some of our mer-
chant buyers found that they knew
more about g a cotton
crop than they did a tobacco crop
and soon left tobacco.
During this year by hard work
and the expenditure of a good
deal of money the market sold
pounds. In 1892 the
Eastern was built
and run by Joyner
They also built the leaf factory
now owned by J. N.
Co., on borrowed money and sold
it at a sacrifice in order to per-
establish that firm on
this market. the market
opened that year we had ad-
to a few of the buyers of
the previous year Mr- K W-
who during this year
worked had and helped to hold
up the market which sold 1,22-s
an increase of a million
pounds over the first year- Prize
room was very much needed now
We had two warehouses and two
prize houses. No one could be
induced to build a prize house
and is a last resort the Greenville
Warehouse came forward and
gave the contract for the
in of two So the third
year we started off with two ware-
houses and four prize houses.
This year on account of the Tar-
market down that
clever and gentleman Mr
J. W. Morgan, buyer for the
American Co. on
market, came to locate Green-
ville and thus the American To-
Co. was established
here. Greenville sold dating this
year The fourth year
of the market opened
Still another warehouse
built by Move, but we
could not get prize room- The
American Tobacco Co. wanted
a five story building and Messrs.
Hooker said that if
the Company would agree to take
the house tot two years they
would built it. the Amer-
very naturally re-
fused to do not knowing anything
about the market- house In d
to be built and we could get no
one to it unless the rent
f at least two year.-,
so order to get the Mi-
J. W. Morgan, G. F. Evans
O- L. Joyner an
guaranteeing rent
two years this year
more buyers came to
ville whose their
with the market will be
given hi full in it later issue c
this paper Do ill mar-
bad -wined each
year and tins
pounds. The fifth year of
is now upon us.
During last summer i u ore
large price era built b
O- r. and one by
The Star Wart-boast
built by Bonn tree, Brown
Co, and the Eastern was
to double its
mer size. Already the four ware
houses have sold nearly
pounds and it is not
ting it to say by the of the
season the market will have sold
five and a half or six million
and during the next sum
mer we hope to American
Tobacco Co. erecting a
here. We confidently look for
the early establishment here of
some of the largest tobacco limit-
on continent with these
will coca factories and various
other branches of industry that
the quiet little town of Greenville
thought of nor never
dreamed of five years ago.
necessary, a seller and a
buyer, and we know of no com
that requires any great-
number of either in order to
obtain the best results than
tobacco. In establishing a to-
market the first thing
that is necessary is tobacco, and
the next thing somebody to
buy it, and one of the most
tasks on earth to do is to
secure competent and reliable
tobacco buyers for a new mar-
and then the difficult task
of getting the sellers convinced
that you got the buyers
for their product, that will give
them as much at home as they
can get elsewhere, commences
and continues. These we can
today boldly and fearlessly say
Greenville has. Men who are re-
liable, competent judges of to-
and Were
we to undertake to give a list of
all those who have at times
been identified as buyers on
this market we would not have
space to speak a word for those
who are today permanently
A the breaks of the
Eastern warehouse on Sept 1st,
1892, there were present quite
a number of tobacconists from
a distance among them Mr. J. N.
Gorman, of Richmond. On that
day we have been told Mr, J.
N. Gorman B. W-
formed a for the
purpose of conducting a leaf
tobacco business on the
ville market. Nearly every
body recollects how splendidly
Mr. worked for the
Greenville market during the
first year that he was here.
Soon after the opening of the
second tobacco year of Mr. Boy-
connection with the mar-
the firm of B. W.
Co. dissolved. As has before
been stated Joyner
had sold to the firm of R. W.
Co., the prize home
now occupied by J- N. Gorman
Co, thus establishing them
on the market and after the
dissolution of the firm Mr. Boy-
decided to go to Richmond,
Mr. Gorman assuming the re-
of the the firm
here and in the place of Mr
Mr. H. Gorman was
sent to Greenville to represent
J. N. Gorman Co.
have at all times been potent i
factors in sustaining Greenville,
as a tobacco market. We were
talking with J. M. Gorman, the
senior member a year or so ago
and in speaking of the eastern
markets he said that in his
opinion would event-
be the leading bright to-
market in eastern
and by his words and ac-
he has backed his
owes much
to J N. German Co. for the
position that it occupies now,
the leading strictly bright to-
market of North
At the Aug. 1894 meeting
of the Tobacco Board
of Trade Mr. P. H Gorman was
chosen Vice-President besides
being placed on several
committees in which ca-
he dispatched business
with such efficiency that at the
August, 1895 meeting he was
unanimously chosen
and is today the youngest Pres
of a Tobacco Board of
Trade in North Carolina.
told how he was induced to throw
aside a flattering offer to go
west and decide to cast let
with the tobacco interests of Pitt
county. When he came home
from college, one's first
of him was that he was just
an ordinary overgrown boy, but
a second glance told that there
was something in him- The Ki
was not slow to cog-
that beneath the face
there was talent as well as push
and enterprise, and feeling the
very deepest interest in establish-
a successful tobacco market
here we opened the paper to
lie accepted the invitation
has since been regularly conduct-
a tobacco department the
Reflector that has all along
spoken for itself. It is not said
with any spirit of boastfulness,
but we believe that what
he has written through these
has attracted more
to the Greenville tobacco
market than any other cause-
To make a long story 01-
Joyner has been almost the
life of the market. He has la
bored in season and out of sea
son for its success, and has spent
more money and worked harder
in it any other
Never in the history of the clothing business have desirable clothes been offered at such low
prices as I am now quoting. My assortment of rich novelties, both in foreign and do-
manufacture, represent every fashionable color and weave and is
the largest and most complete to be seen in the city. Quality with
-------me is always the first consideration, this
Hammered the Prices Down to suit You.
A great exhibit of new goods for this week's sale in
Our neighbor, the Greenville
is doing especially
line work for its town. It is
a of articles on the
Greenville tobacco market. The
articles are well illustrated, and
the work shows en.
in Editor Whichard.
Scotland Neck Democrat-
A man who believed the old
a pin pick it op, and
all day long have good
saw a pin in front of the
the other day.
down to get it hat
off and rolled into the gutter; his
eve glasses fell and broke on the
his gave
way behind; he burst the button
hole on the back of his shirt collar,
and he all but lost his new false
He got the
This house, that is perhaps the
best known in Eastern North
Carolina, was the second
in Greenville. It was
built ard was opened on
the 1st September with one of
the biggest occasions Greenville
has known. The first season it
was operated by O. L. Joyner and
Alex. and from the
very start the took the
the market which position
it has maintained over
the of 1893 Mr- Joy-
purchased the interest of Mr
in the business, and
the Bummer of the year
he sold an interest to O. Hooker.
Through the two follow-
Mr. Joyner conducted the
business of the house alone with
Mr. Hooker as a silent
and under splendid manage-
the Eastern its
successful car Early this
year a was formed
between G P- O L- Joy-
and O. Hooker, those three
the strongest team the
market had. Under tins
management the Eastern Las
gone on up the ladder, and so
far season has sold per
cent of the marketed
Will be offered in every department
to warrant inspection by every one in-
i in high class merchandise. I do not quote prices for the reason that the values in each
and every instance will speak for themselves and tellingly.
As the above cut indicates
Mr Gorman is nothing but a
boy now and when he came here
to take charge of the business
of J, N. Gorman Co , he had
not attained his majority.
Though young in years Pat has
handled the immense volume of
business that has been done
here by his firm with alacrity
skill that would have done
credit to a much older and ex-
man. During the
last two years and a half we
have been thrown in very inti
mate contact with him and have
found him always active and on
the alert business matters.
to Greenville
in the capacity of a tobacco
buyer his boyish appearance
was not such as to impress one
with the great depth of
qualification that he really
possessed, but the
season opened he was not
long in making his mark as a
shrewd business manager and
s close, keen judge of tobacco.
The firm of J. N. Gorman
Co., represented by he
subject of this sketch has
doubtless been more closely
identified with the history of
Some wit once said of a law
dim in was com-
posed of three brass
and beauty. By eliminating the
the word brass and substituting
another beginning with B
the letters are combined
forcibly in Mr. Hooker.
man, got the
The combination makes him by
no means undesirable partner-
Though his first few year's con-
The Eastern Warehouse.
That he has the brain of a
man goes without
saying. While he makes no boast
of beauty, in that particular he
stands well above the
in a silent way, this season
be is one of the active workers
for the market and can be found
at his post in the every
v, N C Nov.
Mb- Editor;
I can the
co Department of the
a bit of curious In a recent
edition it was that in Col-,
days Eastern was
extensively engaged in the
of tobacco, but for some
explained cause gave up the in-
which was never renewed
recent The
was Carolina was a
part of the Virginia Colony and
all of the tobacco raised in this
section was required to ship-
through the ports
The authorities
Colony picked out all the best to-
of the farmers of this sec-
and shipped it to England as
Virginia tobacco to the
Carolina farmers only a email
per cent, of the while they
rejected the poor loaf leaving it
on the hands of the farmers as so
much hard labor
You can gain more
en this point from certain
volumes in the possession
of Alex Blow, of Greenville
I send this I know Mr.
is of such
quaint and old facts about the in-
ho baa s successfully
male his t i i i.
Very v.
y, h. s.
Commends itself to the planters Eastern Car-
for the many advantages it possesses, am-
Skylights which diffuse a soft, mellow light
over the entire sales dark which
shows your Tobacco to great advantage on all
parts of the sales floor, which we assure you is a
very decided advantage in the sale of your
T YD A C C We pets of all
J v of our customers,
and strive hard to please them in the sale of their
Tobacco. Those who have patronized us can
bear witness to the fact, and hereby extend a
cordial invitation to those who have not, to give
us a trial, and we will convince them that the
a is first class in all that goes to
get top market prices, so when
you get a load ready put corks in your ears and
listen to no one until you anchor at the Star and
we send you home happy over big prices.
Capt. Pace is our Be bandies i v
at auction and to i; no is
patronage is solicited and
invited. Tour friend.-- truly,
E. K.
of Tobacco
f tin- market
II lie Io
Man as he is fa-
known to everybody, was
the first to become
tobacco culture in
Pitt county and was the first to
in the warehouse business
in Greenville. From the start he
has thrown his entire energy into
it with a determination that
Greenville should take front rank
in the markets. He is a
superior judge of
splendid business
is a man in whom the
people have utmost confidence,
o- L-
We sent a photograph of
with the Others to
have a picture made of him, but
his red head blinded the artist
he slipped On it- How-
ever, a picture is not needed to
the people who Joy-
is. There is today not a
more widely known man the
tobacco growing counties of the
Just stop, think, consider where you can
best protect your interest in
of your Tobacco crop.
For four year we have worked hard and spent our money in building
and placing the Greenville Tobacco Market in the front rank of the
Markets of the world. Since Greenville first had a To-
Warehouse we have been on the grounds working day and night
to acquire the best possible knowledge of how to sell the farmers
co to the best advantage and now after four years of difficult toil we
want to say to all who have tobacco to sell that we believe we are in a
better position than any Warehouse firm in Easter n Carolina to
get the highest market price for your product. So with this we make
our politest bow asking for a continuance and an increase your pat-
only upon the strictest business merit. no special pets
to whom fancy prices are given at the expense of less favored ones but
our undivided personal attention is given to every pile of your Tobacco
and if your interest should at any time be neglected our attention only
needs to be called to it and cheerfully and willingly all wrongs will be
righted. Our opinion is that Tobacco is selling very well for the
offered and from now on we expect lively market. So when you
get ready to sell just hook up and drive straight to the old reliable
Eastern, headquarters for high prices, good averages and all
round courteous treatment.
Your friends,
Owners and Pro Eastern Tobacco Warehouse.
1500.000 Pounds
and we are going to have it if hard work and
satisfactory prices will get it.
Give us a trial and be convinced that
; St
can and will give satisfaction in every respect.
The High Prices we are getting every day for
the farmers who sell with us will convince you
that we are yours for highest averages,

Local Reflections.
There i cotton left in the
Large of peanuts are being
It looNs winter Drill be here on
schedule time.
at the warehouses
Splendid breaks
gala yesterday.
Granulated sugar per
pound at J- Cherry k Co's.
are just docking to the
Exposition now.
The d have got mighty close to
hoar in length.
Tn s a hard rain dun
night and mud i- plentiful.
FURNITURE cheaper than
ever before at J- Cherry k Co.
Help every you want
lo town prosper,
Mora water in i an in wells
is for a a result of the rain.
easy and good
wear for the You can't go
wrong with they are rights
and left For sale by J. U. Cher-
it Co.
The big hog is now getting his name-
or rather, his weight-in the papers.
C. J. preached
sermons In the Baptist
Just received a Car-load Flour
none cheaper and better than that
ottered by J. Cherry Co.
An opportunity to help the poor is a
chance has given us to do Some-
thing him.
Beautiful stylish and cheap
Dress Goods at
J. i Cherry Cos
slack with
Deeds King this week, he issued
only one
winter every
paper you pick up one to
sugar per
pound at J. 13- Cherry Co's.
Any one wanting a splendid parlor
organ cheap, can learn of a bargain by
calling at Hie BE
Bo i went hunting Friday after-
on, and killed fourteen partridges
out fifteen shots. Is a crack
A large line the celebrated
E G Corsets at J. 13- Cherry
Cos The ladies specially invited
to inspect them.
Wei ear it remarked generally
lie cotton crop is coming In much
shorter than w . expected earlier In the
It requires no great wisdom to
why Thanksgiving Day
ways before
Buy your Macintosh and Hub
at J. B- Cherry k
and save
Saturday some went in the
ill H.
on Second are two over-
i- in the rack.
is vi I. We- hope may reach.
I, age a with
success year i her year.
V. ire Buckle Suspenders
all Buckles aid fastening.-, war-
ranted for two years, at J. 15-
Cherry i Co's.
There was row
in the
ii, t One was cm
t la I e With a
Bu your Macintosh and Rub-
Out U J- B- Cherry k Co's.
pave money.
Woolen and E. w
associated In a law in
open an
i Clime and cab
n Cherry
M inlay h is got to be out as good a
on this as any
the ware-
ho had so on their no rs that
die continued all day
For easy and
Chair to your wife
or laugher, or mother.
and at J. B.
ire the the service,
M- Billings tendered his res g-
nation a- pa-tor, to take effect on or
before 1st. By unanimous vote
the resignation was the table.
Third Person, Plural Number, Present
Tense, Potential Mood,
Mrs. Lou is very sick.
J. T. Bruce, of Sew is here.
Mrs. M. A. Ricks moved to Wash-
Mrs. V. H. Whichard left Monday for
Will Daniel very sick for
several days.
J. it. Davenport, of was
here Monday.
Sharp Blount, of Newborn, was in
town Monday.
The Best Day Yet.
Yesterday was one of the
est the Greenville
co we ever saw- There
was more tobacco here it
up letter quality than
day's mar-
has previously had. The fine
weather has given the farmers a
good opportunity to handle their
tobacco they are giving the
all they can do.
It made difference which house
had first or last sale
warehouse crowded every foot of
space it could command and then
Appoints November as
a Day of Thanksgiving.
The people of North Carolina
have much for which to be
to Almighty God in the year
which has just past. The earth
has brought forth abundantly of
food products in response to
cur labors, the prices of raw ma-
have advanced, industrial
progress has been awakened
our and the future looks
Shut Up Ten Days.
The horse which got away
from Capt. John King's boys on
circus day was found Sunday in
an unused stable on the out-
skirts of town. It is supposed
that some one shut the horse up
in the stable, and from the way
the animal had gnawed the sides
of the stable there is if it
had had food or water for several
days, perhaps not in the two
weeks it has b en lost.
A. IS. of Bethel spent Thurs-1 there was load after load that brighter than the past few years
day night here.
John a little -on of Mrs. Delia
i sick.
Rev. C. left Monday morn-
for Nashville.
Harvey and wife left Friday
morning for Danville,
C. S. Forbes has returned from the
Atlanta Exposition.
Miss Moore returned Saturday
from a visit to
Adrian Savage n turned from
Thursday evening
Mrs, Florence Dancy returned from
Saturday morning.
Mrs- L. E. Cleve. of Newborn, is vis-
her mother, Mrs. P. E. Dancy.
Warren has gone, to Hash Court
In inter, st of Riverside Nurseries.
Alice My.- left Tuesday
evening to return to school at
Miss Nannie Daniel left Saturday for
Bethel to visit her sister. Mrs. Hammond
Capt. John Ex-Senator W
R of Falkland were here
Miss Scotland
Neck, is visiting her brother. T
Yin ford.
So M. Bern lid wife re-
turn d Wednesday evening from the
Atlanta Exposition.
Mis. I. Davis and little son of
Beaufort, a e visiting her daughter,
Mis. L
T. K. Randolph left Saturday for
New Orleans and from there will go to
Central America to join his son.
Mrs S. C. and two children, of
who have been visiting relatives
at the King returned homo Sat-
Cards arc out for the marriage of
of county, to -Miss-
of Dunn, on De-
C 18th-
Ml-.-rs Novella
left Saturday tor Tarboro, where
they join a party of for Mi- At-
s. v. King went to Tarboro Mond
Sam been assisting the telegraph
office here fur three mouths, and is a
prompt, hie boy.
M. O. Bethel, K. L. Davis
and W. M. Lang of and T.
Turnage. all prominent
merchants, were In town Saturday.
U. Flanagan, who has been spend-
a three vacation with his
parents here. left Friday morning to re-
his In the Government
Printing Office at Washington.
dun of the Greenville i om
tin. have been made
around the ant and left on the even-
lug lie ed as
well pleased with the work of
the II.
could not get on the sale at
Thousands of pounds
hail to be in the
houses tor another day. This
week is going to show the largest
sales record the market ever had.
So much for having a good mar-
and lotting the world know it.
The market grows better all the
Schultz, what new goods
you New and
disaster and want.
Our people should be thankful
for blessings vouchsafed to
I hem, and, in grateful
of His goodness
obedience to our laws and the
time-honored custom of our fore
fathers, devote one day of the
year to service-
Therefore, I, Elias Gov-
of the State of North Car-
do hereby appoint Thurs-
day, the cay of November.
Mountain Roll BoMer, Buckwheat of pub.
R Molasses Oat
Flakes, Dried Apples, California
Prunes and cleaned Cur-
rents, etc-
should realize that tho only
true and permanent cure for their
condition to found in having
e BU
the health of every and
tissue the body depends upon the
purity of the blood. The whole world
knows the standard blood purifier is
And therefore it is the true and
reliable medicine for nervous people.
It makes the blood pure and healthy,
and cores makes
the nerves firm and sweet
sleep, mental vigor, a good appetite,
perfect digestion. It does oil this, end
cures or Salt
and all other blood diseases, because it
Results prove every word we have
said. Thousands of voluntary
establish the fact that
Be Sure
to Get Hood's
can better. Fleer, better mid
am in every way since taking
Hood's C. C. Davis,
Box Salina, Kan.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills,
lion, headache,
On v the IS h,. day of
the will offer for
, sale on what is generally known as the
can be six
by th.- hood, awl , leading
one true blood Ho s to Washington on the
uh of Tar riv follow
i, t a tides i mules.
horses, mare and colt
months old, pony, head or
blessings, and of supplication for
His continued kindness care
over us as a State end nation.
I earnestly request every
of this great Commonwealth
to lay aside his usual business,
assemble either at the churches
or the fireside, make
this annual festival a day of play-
thanksgiving. L-t not
the day be devoted to amuse-
but with grateful
give praise to God for the
of our liberties and for
the advancement of our nation in
prosperity greatness.
This State has ever been the
Lome of freedom tho abiding
of a virtuous
people. Let the day not pane
without acknowledgment of all
these blessings; lot us
our and offerings
the charitable institutions of tie
State, the wounded and needy
soldier, the orphan, tho poor
afflicted, and, by substantial
show forth the thankfulness
of our hearts.
whereof, I have hero-
my hand and
ed the Great Seal of the
State of North Carolina to
affixed. Done a the
city of Raleigh, this 14th
of November, in tho year of
our Lord one thousand
eight hundred ninety-
and one
died twentieth year of
By the Governor.
Proctor Ki
best Flour
lb lag
From this day oar i,
Boys, Youths th-
will sold per ct. less
Caught a Swan.
t. K. With
of Swift Greek town-
a lip, told us Ho night
he had a large swan. About
eke ago hands on his
the swan in the
It is the swan was with
i a K going youth,
from fell by
wayside. Mr- Witherington
the fowl has proved a great
the neighborhood.
head ox
S head of cattle, including several flue
milch cow- about two-thirds and
about and
years Id, two thirds to
Jersey, largo Jersey bull, or stork
h with small pigs, about. bar
of corn, about pound a or
pounds of nicely
hay and all farming
Terms of Sale Cash. Parties de-
siring to purchase any of above before
day of sale can d- so by a
en Ion November
Private Secretary.
Gr is Waking up
Have Them.
The Marriage Bells
At the home of t he bride's
on Nov- at
o'clock, P. M., Thomas J.
try one of promising
young men, led to the altar
Anna ML the charming
accomplished daughter of W.
T- Woody, of Va
Roxboro Courier.
Mr- was a buyer on the
Greenville tobacco market and
the boys here extend best wishes.
As Thanksgiving Day is getting near
at hand, the question may be asked by
sonic one if the business houses will lie
closed up on that day. The custom has
become so general in Greenville that
the Reflector feels safe in saying
that the day will be observed by a
pension Of all
Tobacco Seed.
Capt. Pace says one of the prime
and essential requisites to the
success of a tobacco crop is safe,
reliable seed and his observation
in traveling around this summer
was for the most part
the plants turned out for seed
by our farmers were selected
beet use of the overgrown size of
the plant evidently caused by
being where there was a com-
post heap, or where the guano
bag was placed and more or less
spilled. Plants grown from such
will never make fine tobacco,
don't pin your faith to such when
fresh, reliable seed be had of
our druggists. Quality not
is what pays, and if I was
asked to name the best seed I
would not hesitate to name the
Long Leaf Gooch and Hester as
most applicable to the Eastern
The at large, and the Baptist
church especially, lost an able man in
the death of Dr. Columbus Durham,
which at his home in
Thursday night. was years
of age. lie was Secretary of the State
Board of Missions and President of the
Hoard of Trustees of Wake Forest Col-
His loss will be keenly felt.
Unusual Attraction
Our stock complete and we
want to show you our
Dry Goods, Notions,
and everything
you may want. Call.
door Pawls the Jeweler.
Sale No.
have open- d a sales stables at
tho Harrington stables on
et, and a few days will have
car load of
Call sec them.
The work tie town is having done on
will greatly rove
the i. n thoroughfare.
n. the residence of r
Harris is leg grading down and the
dirt placed on i w places along the
This i will conduct a
ea stable my old stand on
Filth street. Air- S W. oaten is
now out west selecting stock for
in.-- contemplating
chasing or moles would
do well to my
G- M.
Another party of our were
Friday night, and cap-
a hue one- it is to hear
M ye and Earnest Forbes tell how
some of the were shooting at s
which they thought were coon s eyes
shining up a tree.
Chamois Lining
and new of Dross Goods
at I- U- Cherry Co s-
Signs multiply all over
the coining winter is to arrive
early, be severe, and list a long nine.
Hocks of Wild geese have b en
leaving Michigan for their winter
during the last week or so.
ahead schedule time, and this
old settlers regard as a certain
For containing
within corporate limits,
fine truck and tobacco land,
dwelling and all
out houses. Apply to J.
White, Greenville, N. C-
The Shakers have made a discovery
which IS to much
Realizing that of
all out sufferings from
troubles, a the country is
with people who and
i and tress, and that many
starving, wetting to mere skeletons,
cause does them good.
devoted much study and
tin-tight to the aid the result is
Oils discovery, Digestive
A from JO
that w point out the way of
relief at once. An Investigation will
cost nothing I will result In much
all hate Castor Oil.
but in t h is
l invite you to inspect my
Gents Furnishing Goods
you and show to you my stock.
You will be surprised to bear
my Low Prices lint re need
since I bought my Low Tariff
goods. will give the benefit to
yon jut to build me up a trade
Be -tire to come to see me for these
Goods most be sold at
at Prop.
i am at my old stand w th
work man ready to d
on of any kind. Gnus,
Bicycles or
other repair work. All my work is
guaranteed New Home Ma-
chines i r
Sale No.
to suit and to fit
The is that Greenville will
have an electric light plain at an early
day. Hamilton, of the Green-
ville Lumber Co., have taken the mat-
in hand and Ii enterprising
men to push it we nay expect it to be
earned to success. Mr. Hamilton
called a number of our business men
ascertain who would take lights and
met with very gratifying
All now needed to make the
plant a certainty la for the town to
agree to take a of lights tor the
St twenty. If the town docs
gentlemen will go to work
patting the plant. This is an
t at should be quick
to embrace. In this progressive age
s the need of electric
lights U Everybody can
see th advantage of them, and that
needs such a the
town and the rally to the
prise and its is assured,
Tho citizens of
Martin county, petitioned
tho Railroad Commission for
establishment of a freight
station at that point.
The petition bus been
and the station will soon be built.
For sale at reduced rates. We have in
stock and to a large lot of
Buggies and Wagon--, put up to
order according to
These buggies are
manufactured of
The Best Material
and the workmanship is guaranteed to
us to be The are
of North Carolina Oak and Hick-
and made in the State by North
Carolina workmen. We also curry a
nil line of
coffins m mm mm,
which we offer at low rates. Call and
examine our stock before purchasing
S No.
to fit your h
Sale No.
Roots and
to suit and fit your
feet and pocket.
A Strong Fortification.
Fortify the body against disease
by Liver Pills, an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, bilious-
and all kindred troubles.
Fly Wheel of
Your Liver Pills are
the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever
be grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. I feel
as if I had a new lease of life.
J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col.
Liver Pills
leads in Ladies Cloaks.
the watchword of the
Autumn Girl and Winter
Youth and Age. Not forgetting the younger
We provided for them all.
for the Young
for the Matured.
for the Aged.
I RAPS for Ultra
I RAPS for Staid.
Fashionable people have no difficulty
in their fancies our
abundant stock. If one style doesn't
suit., a hundred others stand upon the
order of their showing.
Do wish to be a fine
Do you wish to be a good
Do yon wish lo Vic a first
Do you wish to be a flue
business man or woman f
Do you wish to a pool
i If so be sure to
enter the James
proved School u,
The Principal guarantees a
Practical Business to every Intelligent boy or girt who will his
School the first day go the whole month-. Now young men young
n you have all heard the wonderful progress of the of the James
and should to enter this School, and were you to fail to find
as represented, and fail to the fact, that you learn more
knowledge In one month at the James School than at any medium
In m will get your board tuition tor months hoe of charge
The session begins at Pitt Co., N. C. January 1596 and closes
May and 1806. Be sure to enter the day .
For hundreds of testimonials and particular; C. n. JAMES.
Of the condition of the Banking House of Tyson
private hankers, at the close of
on 28th, 1895.
Loans on
All other loans
from banks, 28.74 OS
Banking House,
Other Heal
Furniture and 1,800
Current 1,270
Cash Hum,
Cold coin, Silver
National Bank note. 10.45
Capital stock in,
Due to bunks.
Bills payable,
I, on. Cashier of the Bank of Tyson Bawls, do sol-
swear that the foregoing statement and schedules on the first
which are hereby referred to and made a part of this report,
are to the boat of my knowledge and belief.
R. A. TYSON, Cashier.
-------FOR THE-------
cordially invite you to inspect tho largest
and neatest assortment of
ever brought to Greenville. Our stock con-
all the newest and most stylish
and Shoes, Domestics,
Bleached and
ed Sheeting and Shirt-
Calicoes, Fancy
Cotton Dress Goods
everything you will
want or need in that
line. Hardware for far
and mechanics
use, Tinware, Hollow-
ware, Wood and
Whips, Buggy Robes, Collars, Rope
Twine, Heavy Groceries always on hand.
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Salt and Molasses.
The best and largest assortment of Crock-
Lamps, Lanterns, Lamp Chimneys and
Shades, Fancy Glassware, etc., to be found
in the county. And our stock of
Matting, Rugs and Foot Mats is by far
the best and cheapest ever offered to the people
of this section. Come look and sec and buy.
Sole agents of Coats Spool Cotton for this town
for wholesale and retail trade. Reynold's Shoes
for Men and Boys. Bros. Shoes
for Ladies and children. We buy Cotton and
Peanuts and pay the highest market price for
them. Your experience teaches you all to buy
and deal with men who will treat you fair and
do the square thing by you. and see us
and be convinced that what we claim is true.
Yours for business square dealings,
Hardware Store
When you want anything in the Hardware line.
Doors, Sash, Locks, Butts and Hinges, Saws,
Tools, Paints and Oils, Nails and Axes.
Corn Shelters from to Corn and
Cobb Mill for Axes to cents.
Stoves from to King Heaters
to and Stovepipe, Pumps,
Pump-Pipe, Rope, Belting, always go
to the Hardware Stove where you will get the
lowest prices. Yours,

is a vigorous feeder and re-
well to liberal
On corn lands the yield
increases and the soil improves
if properly treated with fer-
containing not under
A trial of this plan costs but
little and Is sure to lead to
profitable culture.
Our pamphlets are n advertising circulars boom-
special are practical works. OB-
ins latest researches on the of fertilization,
are farmers. They are test
Nassau Si., New York.
Male Academy.
lie next session of S will
Greenville Collegiate
N. C. S. P.
VT A. M. Principal- With full corps o
Teachers. Next session will begin
the English Ancient and
Modern Languages- Music will or
taught on the conservatory plan,
by a graduate in music. Instruction
thorough. Discipline firm, but kind.
Terms reasonable. Art and Elocution
will be taught, if desired. Calisthenics
free. For particulars address the
N. C.
X log their year's supplies will
their interest t our prices pr.
On r stock is
n all its branches.
we direct from M
you to buy at profit. A con
stock of
always and sold at prices
times. goods bought am
sold for CASH, there fore, having no rial
to sell at a close margin.
S. M. N t
to Trees and Plants this n
h we a fine of
Fit Tb,
Grapes Vines, Greenhouse Plants, Gab-
age. Pansy other Plants. Catalog
suit tree. Apply to
Greenville, N. C
W. A. R. R.
St. Louis Railway.
The Atlanta will be
Exhibition ever in tin
United . the Worlds
Pair, and hate
been made very Do not fail to go
and lake tin children. It it
education tin-m
g-For maps, and any de-
sired information write to
Pass. Pa.
Ga. Atlanta. Ga.
M T. M.
;. P. A.,
Atlanta. Ga.
The Charlotte
North Carolina's
Independent and fearless ; bigger and
more attractive than ever, it will be an
invaluable visitor to I he home, the
the club or the work room.
All of the news of the world. Com
Daily reports from the State
and National Capitols. a year.
A perfect family All the
news of the week. The
from Um Legislature a Pea-
tor.-. Remember the Weekly Ob-
Send for sample copies. Address
Charlotte, N. C
and continue for ten months.
The course embraces all the
usually taught in an Academy.
Terms, both for tuition and board
Boys well fitted and equipped for
business, by taking the
course alone. Where they wish to
pursue a higher course, this
guarantees thorough preparation to
enter, w h credit, any College in North
W the State University. It
refers nose who have recently left
its wall the truthfulness of this
Any young man with character and
moderate ability taking a course with
us will be aided in making
to continue in the higher school;.
The- discipline will be kept at Its
present standard.
Neither time nor attention nor
work will be spared to make this school
all that parents could wish.
For further particulars see or ad-
W. U.
Cheap Excursion Rates
Cotton Stats,
Sept. to Dec. 31st.,
The Atlantic Coast Line
Pullman Palace Buffet
Sleeping Cars between New York and
Atlanta Ga. via Richmond, Petersburg,
Weldon, Kooky Mount, Wilson,
Aiken and
For Schedules. Sleep-
Car accommodations call on or ad-
any agent Atlantic Coast Line, or
the undersigned.
Div. Pass. Div. Pass
ml Va.
Mgr. Asst. Gen-. Pass.
Wilmington, N. C.
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Some Why There Are Not Mora
That matrimony is a happier state
than celibacy when it means a union
of hearts as well as of fortunes
is little doubt; but, though many
people marry for or something
for it, very few of
unions lead to lasting
Why is this
The great reason scorns to mo to
that in most lives tho ruling pas-
is self, and upon this rock
which comes in
with it is shattered or later.
A will often fancy very
much with a pretty
sprightly girl, and all tho so
if has some means of her own.
Now, tho real fact of tho
likely is simply that tho girl
him, and ho pictures a hum
with as its mistress as a pleas-
ant change from bachelor
In fact, what ho calls love
is only another for pure,
adulterated selfishness. Ho thinks
of and not of her, and when
ho discovers, as ho soon will
that she has rights, claims
and wishes to satisfied as well as
himself, ho will probably at first
feel much surprised, and then
aggrieved and indignant.
the girl may in
way as as the man and have
married for tho sake of position,
wealth, from parental
control, or equally
reason. If this tho
as soon as the little veneer of
attractions and sympathy which
they called has worn off, thou
both man and woman will find the
marriage bond irksome and will look
back wistfully to old days of
In a case like this certainly
say love has been
by for, though both young
may have fancied they loved,
it was a mere delusion, which time
and bettor acquaintance must
have dispelled without tho
help of matrimony.
Look at a higher and a happier
marriage, in which both parties
start with a true affection for tho
other and a capacity for greater love,
and also with a firm purpose of
making the other happy. A few
years pass, and how duos find
lovers is
absorbed in her children and her
household cares, and her husband
of very secondary
Why is this She has
and alienated her
band's love by demonstrative
affection, which in unmarried days
was kept in check by maidenly coy-
and modesty. For a short
it pleased him to feel ho was her all
in all, and that outside him had
no separate life and interests, but
then very on
him, and ho at last, as it were, be-
came surfeited with tho sweets
for which ho had never obtained an
appetite by fasting.
For marriage to be happy
must cherished, and it must be
encouraged, carefully
nurtured and guarded, or it will
take wings and fly away forever.
Home Notes.
Freight Discrimination.
We have it from authority
that the railroad companies will
haul cotton from Washington N-
C-, to Norfolk, for cents a bale
Fiona miles nearer
Norfolk, they charge coots a
bale. From Station,
still nearer Norfolk,
charge a bale. From Par
miles nearer Nor-
folk, they charge That is
to say, they charge more a
bale from to Norfolk
than from Washington, which is
miles Neck
From 1,632 letters d by
Latham, Alexander Co., New
York, as to tho probable total
crop of the United Slates
for this year, the estimate
placed 6.135,000 bales as against
bales for last year, or a
decrease of more than one-third
in the number of bales. It is es-
also that this year's bales
average to pounds lighter
than last year, making the differ-
in pounds even greater.
The render of this paper will be pleas
ed to learn that there is at least one
disease that has been
able lo in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh, Hall's Cure is the
only positive core known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a
disease, require a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
taken internally, acting directly on the
blood and mucous, surfaces of the sys-
thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the
HOB and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One. mid red Dollars for any case
that it fail- to. cure. Scud tor list of
Address, F. J. CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggist Inc.
DR. D. L.
N. C.
Notice To Creditors.
The undersigned has duly
before the Superior Court Clerk of
county as administrator of Mrs. E.
Roberson, deceased, is hereby
given to all holding claims
against the estate to present them to
the undersigned for collection on be-
fore the 21st day of October or this
notice will be plead in bar for their re-
and all persons indebted to said
estate will make immediate payment.
Tins the 31st day of October 1895.
of Mrs. Mary Roberson.,
up stairs overS. E. Fender Cos,
Hardware store.
N. C
Mill in
Wire andiron Fencing
sold. First-class work
i and prices reasonable.
Ills., Not.
Paris Medici. Louis, Mo.
sold last year. bottles of
crow already this In nil
of in the
never sold an article -s-
your Tonic. truly,
j. J TEN
We Keep That Kind.
Bear this fact in mind start
nit for your
Our stock this season is complete in
every department and we can supply all
your wants in
Tea simply have to come to us for any-
thing wanted. Our goods and prices
will please you.
In to the at
toe lowest we top of the
mi i for cotton an pro-
Thanking you for a liberal
in we hope to have many
from you season.
J. O. BRO.
N. C.
The Oldest
Daily Newspaper in
North Carolina.
Only Six-Dollar Daily
its Class in the State.
Karon Limited Coinage
of American Repeal
or the Ten Per Tax on
State Banks Daily cents
per month. Weekly per
year. Wm. H. BERNARD,
Ed. Prop.,
Paid the of I
The la to Lord Exeter's father was
a Tory of the most bigoted and in-
tolerant typo, and ho worked
arable harm to his family by his
fatuous opposition to the Great
Northern railway.
It -was intended to carry the
lino through Stamford, but Lord
Exeter's senseless pertinacity in ob-
rejecting all proposals
caused tho directors to change their
plans. The line was therefore taken
through to the great ad-
vantage of that city, which reaped
all the benefits that Lord Exeter had
declined for Stamford.
The end of the matter was that in
a few years Lord was obliged
to construct at his own expense a
branch line from Stamford to Essen-
dine on the Great Northern, but this
has not proved a lucrative
nor has Stamford or the Burgh-
estate derived much benefit from
Lord Exeter also embarrassed
himself by keeping a large and cost-
racing stud and by a too
mode of living, so that tho
family estates considerably in-
when ho died in and
he had alienated the London prop-
His reception of tho and
Prince Albert at in 1844
cost a frightful sum, which he could
ill afford. Some of the art treasures
have been sold, hut the stately house
still contains finest ceilings,
the superb carvings by Gib-
and some noble works by
and Carlo London
An Unfortunate Little Girl.
Dear Mr. have written a
novel in volumes, and if you will
take great care of it and not let it
got dirty, yon may read it. As it is
a novel, and
taken great pains with it I think
you ought to pay mo
large for pounds.
want a new frock, and the money
would nice. I have tried
lo write, but tho world is dreadfully
unkind to me, and indeed I
suspected that there is a
conspiracy against mo. But I
thought, Mr. Editor, that you would
fair. My has been of no use
up to now, and am so, dear Mr.
Editor, please write soon to your lit-
In a drought began in Europe
lasting four years. The summers
were intensely hot, and tho famine
everywhere. Three mil-
lion died of hunger.
A Hun.
An aged lady complained to a Lon-
don magistrate because was
a little behind in her rent her land-
lady followed her to church and
asked for it there. The landlady
came into a pew alongside of her
and when was joining in the re-
was constantly whispering
to rout. When
to the Incline our
tho landlady would add, pay
our Tho magistrate said that
St was very annoying, was
nothing in it.
Cotton International Exposition,
via the
Seaboard Air Line.
Limited Trains
upon which no extra fare is charged.
Through Pullman Buffet Sleeping Can
and day couches from
Washington, C. and
Portsmouth, Virginia.
Richmond, Petersburg,
i Weldon, Raleigh, Southern C.
I C;, Athens, Ga.
i Leave Weldon, A. L noon
; Arrive Atlanta P. M., A. M.
next day. Wilmington,
noon. P. SI. Arrive Atlanta
P. -M., 5.20 A. M., next day.
Ask for tickets via THE SEA-
Sleeping Car reservations
will be made and further Information
upon application to any
Agent of the Air or to
the undersigned.
Traffic Manager. Pass.
General Portsmouth, Va.
College Hotel
Convenient to depot and to the to-
B-st and highest location around
Splendid mineral water.
large and comfortable. Table
supplied with the best the market
Terms reasonable.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
ClerK of the Court of
county as Executor of the estate of T.
I. minim, deceased, notice is
to all parties holding
against the said estate to present them
to the properly proven, on
or before the day of November,
Ki, or this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery, and all persons
ed to the said estate are requested to
make payment.
November 1805,
Executor of L. C. Latham, deceased.
Administrators Sale
of Land for Assets.
By virtue of a decree of the
Court hi the of W. B. ad-
of J. L. W. Nobles, I will
sell tor cash at the House door in
Greenville oil Monday, the 10th day of
December, the following tract
land, to A tract of land situated
in Township adjoining
Amos W. H. Stocks.
Redding Trip and others, containing
forty eight more or less. Sub-
to the dower of Mary Nobles,
ow of L. W. Nobles.
Dec. 11th,
of L. W. Nobles.
Fifth Street near Five
Passengers carried to any
point at reasonable rates Good
Horses. Comfortable Vehicles.
We arc General Commission Merchants
rind for
f you wish to place your Insurance in
the hands of the Old Line
call to sec us. If you to in-
vest in the largest, oldest and strongest
company in the world, let a you
in the Grand Old
Where there is unity there Is strength.
Our is located en street,
next hardware store.
Very truly.
Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex-
Deputy U. S. Marshal,
Columbus, Kin., says i
was delivered
less than min-
and with
scarcely any pain
after using only
two bottles of
by or Mall, on receipt of
. tr
Sale of Valuable Town
In to an order made by the
Board of County Commissioners at their
meeting on the first to
directing me as Clerk of
said Hoard to advertise for sale the lot
belonging to the of Pitt, known
in the plan of the town of as
jot number it being the lot now
used by the town of Greenville as a Mar-
House with the of the
Board of County Commissioner. I.
William M. King, cs clerk of the
Board of Commissioners of
do hereby give public notice that said
lot will be exposed to sale to the
highest bidder, in of the
House door, at o'clock M. on Mon-
day the day January 1896.
The terms of sale will be one third cash
and the balance to be secured in two
equal payable m one and
two years, with six per cent. Interest on
deterred payments, with privilege to
purchase to pay the whole at any time
and take his deed. Title reserved until
the whole of the money is paid.
The Board rescues the right to affirm
or said sale, Notice is also
given that the town government will he
permitted to remove the Market House
and other buildings elected on sail lot
the town, in accordance With the
agreement entered Into at the time per-
mission was given by the Board
County Commissioners to the town
Commissioners to erect and use said
buildings. The lot will be offered in
three alternate which will be
shown in detail on a plan on file la the
of the Register of Deeds and can
be seen by the public at any time and
will also announced on day of sale.
W. M.
of Com. of Pitt Co.
Is ready to offer to the prices
on goods. handle such as
Meal, Crackers, Candy, Lye,
Cheese, Lard, Paper and Papa Bags
Lime, Butter Dishes job
ties. Also I handle
I have a lice line of
to suit
Remember Produce in
exchange for goods. Also I handle
n car lot- and can sill as die as any-
body at all times.
Differ In their tastes. The foremost
thought with men just now is
tobacco and high prices, while
the ladies are thinking the
at Lowest Prices.
If they will call at the store of
will find a full line of
if, Laces, Mb
M, Fancy Hair
Pius, Comb-, Bell Buck. ,. and all
other latest goods.
Agent b Pattern,.
means so much more than
you and
fatal diseases result from
trifling ailments neglected.
Don't play with Nature's
Stoves. Stoves. J
We are laying in a full line of
Stoves. Best quality, low prices. Call and ex-
We also are agents for the celebrated
and have on hand a few second-hand Bicycles
for sale very cheap. You may need a Mowing
Machine, we have them in stock.
Opposite Dings tore.
--------IS STILL AT THE I WITH A I INK------
YEARS has taught ma that the best is
Hemp Rope, Building Pumps, Farming 111- every
ting necessary for Millers, Mechanics and general purposes. a well ill
Clothing, BatS. Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods have hand. head
quarters for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing agent for Clark's o. n. t.
Cotton, and keep courteous and attentive
out sorts, weak J
and generally ex-
have no appetite
and can't work,
begin at once
the most J
Brown's Iron Bit-
A bot-
comes the
or. i stain your
and it's
pleasant to take.
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles,
r Constipation, Bad Blood
Malaria, Nervous ailments
Women's complaints.
Get only the has crossed red
lines on All others
On receipt of two c. stamps
will send set of Ten Beautiful
Fair Views and
i tens A
All kinds or Risks placed in
At lover, current rates.
Wholesale and Retail
For k Cure o ill
This Preparation has been in use
years, and know bas
been in steady demand, it baa beer;
the leading physicians all over
and cures
all other remedies, with the attention
the most physicians,
years failed. This Ointment is of
lone and the high reputation
which it has obtained is owing
it own as but
ever been to bring it before tin
public. One bottle of this Ointment will
be sent to any address on receipt of One
Dollar. All Cash Orders promptly at-
tended to. Address all orders and
communications to
Greenville. X.
R. R.
In December 4th,
. i i I i I
T. A. JONES. Established 1878. P.
Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants
Wholesale Retail Dealers in Bagging, r.
Attention given to Sales of Cotton, Grain, I nuts and .
liberal Cash on Consignments. and Highest
Market Prices
National Bank, i r any Reliable Bi in the
X. c.
C c
Joshua n i
i .
Han I near X. . c. R. B.
Pas. Hilly
Ex Sun.
P. M.
P M.
P. M
a an
P. M.
Kins ton
it y
A. M
Train Wilmington
train bound North, leaving
Goldsboro m. and with
train West, U p m
Under Opera House,
Call In when ; work
Peanut Sacks Furnished at Prices,
Code, Ion 1878, used in
and Solicited.
your to
J C. Jr., J
Cotton Factors
Personal Attention given
and Count.
We will till them
will them CHEAP
will fill them
Steamers for Green
ville and at all land
on Tar River Monday. Wednesday
and Friday at A. M.
Returning leave S A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and
are to stage
of water on Tar
at Ah steam-
era of The I folk, and Wash-
din et line for
Philadelphia. Xi- York and
Shippers order
marked via
New York. from I
Norfolk A I
more. Miner-I
SON- Agent,
w X.
J. J.
R. B. State
The old Penn i- best
managed Life Company in
America, kind of pol-
at lowest possible rates
with n may not pay
a large to agents as
other com but its low rate i
low death rate. Immense
safely and profitably invested,
urge dividends and Indulgence to ii
render it the Company
in which to insure. Its policies are ab.
incontestable, and after three
years be forfeited. Money loan-
ed on policies, paid up
or by the Company for
a of years.
Green ville, N. C
Caveat, and all
l U. B. Patent
and we can secure Pitt in less lime those
remote from . .
dram or
We advice, it or
Our Ice not due till
A Hr with
of same U. S. and countries
sent free,
Ore. S.
Rough framing,
Rough Pap Kn
m. Bo
Sap Boards, Q
r M In, hes
Wood delivered door for no
Thanking yon for past
Lumber Wanted
Cut Rap
on the
Variable Friction
Feed Saw Mil
I. It.-, 1.-,
from lo
For full
. for Rent or for sale
I easy. Rents, Taxes,
and open any other
,, of debt d in my hands for
e ;. t ,
solicit your

Eastern reflector, 20 November 1895
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 20, 1895
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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