Eastern reflector, 6 November 1895

The Reflector is
pared to do all work
of this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
under House. Third S
T, G.
G R BE N V I L L E, C.
Attorney and Counselor at-Law
Ore Pit
Practices in all the Courts
i Business Solicited.
s a special Ii nil divorce, dam-
ages, actions recover land, and col-
Prompt and careful attention
Money to loan on approved security.
Te lay.
Grifton, X. C.
Practices in and Pitt
n. o.
in ; the Courts.
. ii . K
i . V
E. Wilson, . Harding, Greenville,
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
That the Greenville To-
Board of
Trade are send-
out each
NO Reflector. A
hint, in
hint to advertisers.
furious Bits of North Carolina History.
The correspondent to
t Richmond Dispatch, wrote re
Gentry rations bit of North
Carolina has just been
brought to light. He said that
i a was held in
county asking the
. to take North Carolina
his wing. The Weldon
to the same paper
s days afterwards wrote that
he had made diligent inquiry
nothing of such a
in Halifax county.
Democrat has learned the
. of the convention in
question now gives to
me public.
The convention was held on
of October, 1860, at Mill's
on river, now the
i town of Palmyra, about six
miles from Scotland Neck. It
as held near the point where
Martin and
Bertie join. were
-bout three hundred persons
i convention. It was an all
day with a big dinner
barbecue Warren county
He it.
A graphic incident in the life
of a spoiled child well told
a writer in
the on the
St. tram
man by a nurse girl
a boy about three years old
The boy aroused the
of the passengers by his con-
shrieks and kicks,
earns, and toward
the patient Dame.
Whenever the MUM manifest-
ed sharpness the mother
Finally the mother composed
herself for a nap, and about the
the boy had slapped the
for the fiftieth time a wasp
came sailing awl flew on the win
of the seat- The
boy at once tried to it.
The nurse caught hand
touch, will
savagely and
began to kick pound the
The mother, without opening
eve- or lifting her bead,
was with the
will yon that
Mary Let him hare what he
wants at
ma'am it's
t him it I
Thus Barry
Greenville, X.
attention given to
i es already named.
There was a lively discussion ;
two of that
ere offered One set of
ions to tho effect that
back under the
of the English
sent; and the other, that Worth
Carolina form an alliance,
defensive, with Franco
under Napoleon III.
After a lively discussion
latter resolutions were passed
made unanimous-
The Democrat gathers these
facts from the only man now
ins who took
prominent part,
Or Should want rho
an cation,
ed the and caught it-
The yell that followed brought
tears of joy to the
The mother awoke again.
rap Ia
Th. Eli. Station
offer Is made to send the
of station to all in the stat
really desire to receive them. They
are specially prepared to be serviceable as
far as possible to the practical farmer.
Thousands of farmers have already taken
advantage of this Unless you really
want to Be benefited please do not apply
for them as we have nous to throw away.
U you desire to read them, write on
card to Dr. Battle, Director,
Ms-h N.
sud d.
d, him have
in her seat and
got it.
A id The Eastern Reflector is
Going help one Boy in
We will absolutely free of charge
a h- holder to
free in ill the branches
for the spring ISM
Greenville Male Academy-
is the school boys in
North Carolina, and boy
w d bi i wins this prize.
months Is to be
given to the boy who will get the
of yearly
The may have Binned;
its sins of commission.
t. too
The Davidson County arrogantly, bat oar Bins have
those i and
Lt us treat
at their last
passed upon and allowed the State
the case,
13,800- The defendants costs, or-
paid by Judge
won not allowed. The
they will not pay
costs unless com-
to do so by law. The matter
s now in the Superior court.
a-, brothers
The Eastern
b tween now and -i o'clock P. M. on J and false pretense.
Jan, lift, Two Trains on the West
or four t have been
w-U the sane one
This is no j
but a offer, and if only one
-1 be brought ;
time the who brings it
a which
re ire and to for-
It is to
u is
; lie fl of cur nation Kore seal-
o i am.-us
who ones tried to
It. The people of the South are
,., patriotic a-id hue. Let
trees at Beaufort and a great deal , . u
, . . see that can be
interest is manifested in the
trials- Fifteen bills
lave sent to the grand
Con September,
The following is extracted from the
weakly weather crop bulletin of the
state weather service for Oct. 189.1,
and gives the crop conditions at the
of the
The month of September was favor-
able to about the fifteenth; then, how-
ever, a severe drought set in, with
probably the most remarkable hot spell
recorded in this State for
The maximum temperature re-
above degrees in the
mountain for nine
days, the highest degrees
in the Central District and exceeding
at in the Eastern.
These conditions forced a rapid open.
of small bolls and leaves
were shed considerably, and the top
to a great was prematurely
ripened. The corn crop was, however,
beyond tho reach of damage. All the
smaller late potatoes, peas, pea-
nuts, suffered from drought. The
conditions were very favorable for
hay and fodder, of which large
quantities have been stored. But fall
plowing and planting have been com-
interrupted by the dryness. At
end of September, streams and
wells were getting very low.
The drought continued during the
first week of and farming
operations are at a standstill except
ricking cotton, winch has progressed
and gathering of corn Cot-
ton has opened so rapidly that the crop
T.-ill probably be gathered early. The
harvest of i ice is about completed. On
the first of October frost occurred over
a considerable portion of the State,
which did some damage to tobacco yet
The following table shows the depart
temperature and for
each month during the
Month. Departure Departure
in Temp, in
black term, spores,
are then able to stock the ground or in-
chance alternate host plant
which negligence or may
low to remain.
As these spores are extremely small
and light and are produced almost
incredible numbers the few alternate
host plants may survive even
the most care may supply
spores enough to infect hundreds
of acres of grass or grain.
Common and destructive as the rust
fungi are in the United States, in
they are still more so and several
conventions of scientific men and
farmers have been held there to
devise methods for repressing the pests
but so far without success.
Practical experience recommends the
L dry or well drained land for
small grains.
Plant only hard stemmed, hairy,
early maturing varieties of wheat.
Plant those varieties in
your locality resist rust
wheat and oats.
-l bow thinly to give plenty of sun-
light and air to the plants.
Plow the laud deeply as soon as
the crop is harvested to destroy
teer growth or burn the stubble and
straw on the field. The latter plan is
best where grain is grown on a large
ft Carefully search out and destroy
all alternate host plants within
One half mile of a wheat or oat field.
Rotate so that some crop
ether than grasses or will come
on the land each two years out of three.
The use of sprays on
growing grain has not so far given sat-
results. The best
for this class of plants Simple
solution of Iron Sulphate. Copper
in the
possible spray as soon the
grain begins to every
ten days until grain is in the dough.
Then harvest it. For formulas for
paring these fungicides see bulletin No
of this and
page Gerald N. C. Ex-
Superior Court is in session this i
except one a on ac-
count of the of water.
It cannot be procured for the
locomotives. The wells are near
dry the have
for weeks. Groat
will j; t the scholarship. Of course we
expect more than one subscriber to
In. for this is a prise worth
winning and many boys win won; for
In order that there may be an
boy who wishes to enter
I-i- eon-e.-t. we a cash commission ;
of per on all subscriber,
e who to get the county man who concluded
will he paid for their work, but
throne who wins the will
not get the commission. boys get two fattening pigs, as he had
The Monroe Enquirer tells of a
county man
he would cut off the tails of
gs, as he had
heard that it took as much corn to
tin- Too can get as many
p i- copies of the as you nerd j a joint of tho tail as it did
by applying to the office. If yon decide
contest send us your name
a- we i-h to how many boys are
working la prize. We will publish
the the contest with the name
of winner in of the
1896, giving the s
bey time to enter school on the
opening day of spring tens
Jan- Sin.
Address letters to
Greenville N. C.
o fatten a of the backbone
The operation was performed, and
a result one of the pigs bled to
and the other had a
close call.
The Free Will Baptist church at
Jackson, Mich-, has inaugurated a
development of our modern
They have got tired
of paying a preacher for doing
TUB to certify that I have arranged
with publisher of The can do s
of charge in bolter, themselves, so a dozen of
Hie English for the months . . .
Jan. 20th, W-G, the boy foremost men the
to whom he may award the scholarship gallon have agreed to take the
in the subs ion contest. . , . . .
V. H. about in rotation
Academy and dispense with the parson,
em cm as
ons in and prosperity as
have been courageous and
Boston Budget-
The Turkey Came.
Years ago an old whose
muster had some fat turkeys
made up bis mud that he must
Lave one of those and, as
tho story, he set to work to
get it by prayer. prayed to
he he would
m one of turkeys.
in a week, but still turkey
didn't come, and I tells you my
month was j-is for it.
to I change
pray or, L prayed
in de Lord would me
de find,
turkey here before daylight.
apt. has
t I to Greenville-
has sent furniture and
Other articles. We are sorry to
tee him leave this town. He is
a clever and a hustler in ins
The is your friend
of you. It helps to build
up tho community that supports
sad to
. . , people that the newspapers are
dead, people ore on the ed-e j
the grave, with nobody left to ;
write the epitaph. Do you con-
Sept. to Be. 31st., 1395
A young tine literary
and brilliant- polish, is
spending the week in and
part a radiance to every scene in
she mores, for so radiant
and sparkling are her emanations
that we fancy that
of the of
the concentrated
nut la Small
The Atlantic Coast Line
h I n New o-k
M . t.
u-ii- a. For Bleep
i call on or ad
a. y .-gent Atlantic Cast or
W. V. OR K IS, C. S. A M r r B LL,
Div. Pass.
II. M.
Wilmington, N. C
tribute to the hr -s of
flashing of I heir
had been
r of St Louis,
. of be
. r cold, and advises,
people, in the south, to j
and v into Hie
i ii ml
A. Kentucky man wants
bountifully against severe j from because ho
and great ;
This is good advice, whether the
-e and cold
or not-
when ht was
her she fifteen
end since
that she is forty.
The rust disease of wheat oats, bar-
and grasses generally, are caused
by or more of three species of mi-
The most
rust grasses in this State is
generally called
on on
cereals. most common fun-
small is
usually Pu-
also rust ii
last species is
on oats than on any other
and might be properly oat rust
AH three belong to the class of
fungi called that
is to say, at different
times in the of their w th live as
parasites upon two or more hosts.
begins its spring growth by at-
tacking the young leaves of the Bar-
berry, and possibly other
shrubs. these it produces small
patches with margins
called Those cups are
filled with the red spores of
which wafted by the air or
carried by insects, birds or agent
fall upon the of grasses or
grains and there penetrate the
leaves through the breathing spores.
Once the loaf the spore
forth a net work of root-like tissue
y Through this, it sucks up the
sap that should go to nourish the seeds
of the plant and these latter shrivel
up. Very soon the fungus bursts
through the epidermis of the leaf and
appears the outside as the
known, elongated, narrow red spots,
popularly called These
as th spores of the fungus and
are able to reproduce themselves upon
the same or other grass like plants
and subsequently they produce th
last form in the life cycle, the
spores which form the narrow
black lines seen on the leaves and
stems of grasses in
summer and fall. These spores
are the winter or resting spores and
under favorable circumstances re-
their vitality in the straw or even
on the for a year or more.
Eventually some of them alight upon
the leaves of their alternate host and
there produce again the cluster cups
and spores and these the
and spores.
The three fungi which attack grasses
and do not all have the Same
alternate host
has for alternate hosts, the barberry,
and probably other shrubs.
has for its alternate
hosts buck thorns,
and other species.
has for its alternate
hosts the common and disagreeable
Weeds Viper's bug-lass,
Knowing that to complete their cycle
growth these fungi require a host
Widely different from grasses and
if we extirpate all such
host plants within a half mile or so of a
grain or grass field We could effectual I.
stop their further development. Yet
I SB hot hope to exterminate Sam
In one or two seasons eve. n by
destroying their alternate
tho or
and Rub-
are on
or these H warm climate
in I
Monthly of
for North Caro-
September, 1805
The North Carolina State Weather
S issues the following advanced
summary of the weather for September.
1805. as compared with corresponding
month of previous
mean tempera-
for the mouth was decrees,
which is 4.0 degrees above the normal.
The highest monthly mean was
at lowest monthly mean
at Li The highest temperature
was the and at Tarboro;
lowest on the 80th, at Blowing Rock
and Highlands. The warmest
during past twenty-two years was
in with mean degrees, the
next warmest is September, 1895. The
coldest September was in 18.5, mean
67.0 degrees.
for the
month 1.25 is 8.40 inches
below tho normal. The greatest
amount was at Hatteras; least
0.05 at Kitty The
September occurred in 1877,
with average of U
September of 1895 was the
record past years.
direction. South-
t.-j. a.
The North
Station Dating 1894
Tho above is a title of a work issued
by the station. with the
volume, Carolina Weather Dur-
it includes all the
work by the station during 1894.
The volume pages,
a full table of contents and index
make it easy to refer o part
of the matter. An
of the report gives the
several benefits the station has been to
the of North Carolina There
are recorded of these, and a more
detailed summary might easily
them to a considerable degree.
Tue report all the bulletins
issued 1894. from Nos to
inclusive. With the full index, any
subject treated in these bulletins can
readily be The general subjects
embraced in addition are the operations
of the Fertilizer Control Station
the State Weather are
parts of the Experiment Sta-
Each of these is described in
The above report is not sent to the
full mailing lists of the station, but is
supplied to those in North Carolina
who apply for thorn. To others re-
of cents.
The station has been ready for some
time to assist farmers in undertaking
some co-operative dairying.
Up to date for over five months one
farmer has furnished some milk to the
Station Dairy at the Experiment
As a part of the practice of a special
student, this small milk supply was ex-
five days and daily tests made
of the per cent of fat. This milk was
separated by the skim milk
was tested day. Then the cream
had been kept by Itself was
churned the butter milk was tested.
Subtracting th amount of fat formed
In skim milk and butter milk from
What had bean found in the milk for
v days, left what was Incorporated
the or lost in the
cal operations. The total amount thus
found calculated as butter at So per
cent fat indicated a yield of pound
lest than was actually made for
This milk was paid for by the Bib-
cock test, or rather the fat was paid
and the skimmed milk was re-
turned to the producer. At
per pound for butter 1st an average of
pounds was realized for
the milk. This is nearly per
At the dairy, if we the
utter worth at wholesale price of
cents per pound, there were cents per
pound realized for the making and sell-
When the selling price was
per pound there was realized
90.597 on ten pounds seven ounces
of butter. This would be 6.7 cents per
which, if carried out
on a sufficiently large scale, would pay
well. It would also pay well to pro-
dace milk at cents per gallon for the
butter fat in it, and have the
skim mi k returned to feed pigs, calves
and or possibly E.
Emery. Agriculturist, North Carolina
In south.
A bulletin has been issued
the North Carolina Agricultural
Experiment Station, describing the
methods deemed advisable for raising
true-mug crops especially in North
These crops are asparagus,
beaus, beets, early and late cabbages,
and lettuce, cucumbers,
celery, egg plant, and
Watermelons, onions, peas, Irish and
sweet potato is, radishes, spinach, to-
and turnips. There are
pages devoted to this bulletin the
Various subjects are treated in a ti or
practical way. An appendix of
pages describes the various formulas
suggested for the several crops,
ingredients to to give the desired
percentages for the different crops,
how to mix them. This bulletin is sent
free to parties in North Carolina re
questing it, and to others on receipt of
in postage.
The Station will be glad to extend Its
Usefulness by answering as far as
questions on agricultural topics sent
by any one In North who may
desire to as; for Andreas
nil questions to the North Carolina
cultural Station. Raleigh, N.
C. R.-plies will be written as early as
possible by the member of the Station
staff most competent to do so, and whim,
of general interest, will appear
in these columns. The Station desires
this way to enlarge Its sphere of useful-
render Immediate assistance to
practical farmers.
Onions for
Which is the best onion to grow for
market this seat ion-T. S. U. V.,
Co., X. C.
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Report
Showing That liars Meet me where tho plumes
It to n Wonderful I over the y rushing
I don t know whether rattlesnakes.
have power of scent or not, but, mun the . . . th
from I heard, And the roses the
from what I Seen, it the palms are rustling the dale
r ., . I the are the sliver light.
would scorn to me that they not
only have that power, but ,,.
J it. , By tho cypress wall when-Die
to a most degree. One The eucalyptus win say. is lute,
summer in northern Pennsylvania But you, sweat
killed a fine specimen of a And down the in glow,
and carried it on a stick two
to tho place whore I was By the was-as the sunset .
A native of that locality on .,, and
the snake said I In the tender
n, ask my for Its answer still.
mats a rattler, you. i
folks around here want to .
. i , , i. The way has long and I missed you so,
out. Hot mate will be along looking j J,. M, J, l wait.
for her tomorrow or next day, But win is u- or win it be no
I skinned the snake and took the l a
carcass to tho and gave it win the at the sandy sweep,
. , . . Bow it glistens and moves at the OaT
to the hops and thought no more
about it. Next forenoon I beard a At tho bridge of over Has
loud scream from one of the women
of the family, came running win as they t-. mine,
, . ., . as. , , , And your voice, as the waters, will plead
into tho declaring that
had seen a big rattlesnake on the But you never can know tin i ten you o.
What tho quivering cry of my soul will be,
Till together we stand by the sea.
Emma P. S In
front stoop.
first said,
a rattlesnake has boon around
tho in
I hurried out, but could
of tho It occurred to me
then what the native had said about
tho mate of tho snake follow-
her. I walked the hog-
pen, and I discovered a
moving to and fro on tho
A curious physical formation
has separated animal life
from the approach of man
la of tho Flat Top mountains in
county. mountain
stands up like a gigantic cube. On
one o U tho
where the connecting link with its
ground front of the sty and act- broad
as if it were looking for a place Marks of a hog back, which
to got I watched the maneuvers d other
The Bog.
Can yon Hive remedy for the cabbage
beetle that is destroying my cabbages and
It. t,., Durham, X. C.
Answered by Gerald En-
The you complain of is the
or Harlequin Bug, now be
tho worst pest of the cabbage
family every where throughout the
South. This post proof against
all available poisons. Hand picking is
the only practical remedy for this in-
sect. Use a shallow pan with a
About fill this with Water
and the water pour a film of
oil one- fourth inch Place
the pan under or at side of the plants
and shake o jar the plants; bugs
will easily drop into it and be killed by
the oil. Be careful that the oil does
not spatter oh the plants as it Will
of the snake for a minutes
then killed it. Tho was a
and the native at once declared that
it was tho mate of one I bad
killed day before. The front
stoop where this snake had just
mountains, can be plainly seen.
From vantage points some miles
away will disclose a
clear day moving animals on the
great mesa. Those who have been
pronounce thorn as beyond
made the house doubt
was the first place I had stopped and having th.
with the dead snake and gone from
there with it to tho , to
I perhaps, in spite of the circuit.- . o .
d The animals on top of tins mesa
never bare bettered that this
was anything e so one that had bare been
com., casually to tho if u . o t
similar incident t occurred n
couple of days later. A man who o
was working in haying on place Book
four miles distant and wont attempted to
home Saturday to spend bun-
day. On his way back Sunday after- and
noon ho killed a rattlesnake, m the j w -0 f-e,
road and brought, it in. It happened b bis h
sell your onions. If you wish an onion to a and warning was The Indians the as
better be kept
o- the Pearl, or of the White j for its male. n matter of ,.,,,
potato onion. If your object is to grow . I took dead snake from where A , of tourists who
m a distance
Answered by F. Massey,
X. C. Experiment
It depends upon how you propose to
February of the Southport Waite
and took it to an old vacant
with of a could give
glass, in January, sad transplant the day wont bock to tho old
if any
or the Opal Or you may, in n field ball a down logical
if you have some glass sashes, sow j tho road from the place where I was tenants laud
of the a frame under ; stopping. left he there, sky A of
side of
Unit animals
have water as well as food. How
they shelter themselves from the
storms of winter, in tho
river country arc unusually
or intense heat of the summer, to
Which their elevated homo must ox-
It, wont at open
Will sugar beets lie a good feed for
hogs and milch W., Newton,
N. C.
Answered F. E. Emery
K. C. Experiment Station.
Yes, they are good but owing to ex-
in growing and harvesting they
not much used for that purpose.
Sugar beat, grow wholly underground
and the leaves the surface.
They are considerably covered with flue
root hold much dirt from most
soils and this should be washed oft be-
fore feeding the rents is
There are varieties of beets
called or sometimes
grow mostly above the ground
are free fr. soil
root. These are more easily
grown and harvested though they do
contain o much
of Mr Pea. ll
wish to s.-i a notch so I
rill have in vim or tr. m he nil
be from June Will you
me M to varieties to
T. Ii. m N
A were I by W. F. Mi-.- y.
t. Station.
I would following
I i Rose, Early
Mary's Choice, Favor-
muse sold as soon as ripe for they
will not keep. The big yellow onions
now at the stores are of this
of For Apple
I wish to out an apple orchard.
Would to have a variety, say two or
to each month, from Juno to
October. Could you otter any suggestions
as those best suited to this
county. P., Laurel Hill. N. C.
Answered by W. F. Massey,
N. C. Experiment Station.
I think that you will And the follow
list a good one for your
Early Caro-
Red June, Transparent,
Early Harvest. Fall Apples,
Maryland Maiden's Blush,
sap. Limber Twig, Golden Russet ,
York Imperial.
Men and Theories.
Man is a theory making, theory
loving animal, and, as n result,
about a theories in
this world to every solid fact. But
still it happens that foils bare
tho of it, because no toot can
confound another. They to-
in eternal pence, whereas
theories lead but n cat and dog exist-
and t mortality among them
is frightful to
Sugar Eden
Change of Mind.
won't mind my
my wheel hero your
will yon I know yon don't ride
one, but I and Darwin lost to Dar-
I don't ride one very I We Indeed
well yet, bat I began taking or borrow from
yesterday I Germany. But history,
to think of it, J and not sow rend
t wont impose en your good read u
old Journal.
works or articles
low it there, keeping watch along
tho along in middle of
the I raw com-,
ins down the road, I into a
clump of
into It was n rattler,
it made straight for I
followed it.
door. Tho dead lay on the
floor. Went ii The spot on Earth.
and around it times a most crowded spot the
lay still, as if thinking matter earth's that portion of the
over. I for ton city of of Malta,
lie never moved. Then known as the In
I door. a the whole of Valet the
flash tho threw himself Li human beings
roil and faced mo, glaring fiercely i bat the there
end in I didn't is locality there ore
like his . . t him with my living a plot of
revolver. I ground than two acres and a
that tho of before half extent. This would give so
was the to I . killed less persons to the
one square mile, or 1,017.0 to tho sure.
the mate of tho hired r. victim. In Liverpool, most crowded city
had bey foll in the most densely
their dead wives portions have only to the
Now York Louis Republic
A It. Answer.
spread or word. i ho editor of the Public Men of
when a little boy at
. Lang I was a Greek
lesson with a Bible on
on In in The
American, nubile mans . m,
novels and new novels. Tim public class master stalk-
not care for In up to have you there,
has spot,
his bolt, or rather i bis
my Tue boy, seeing that no
was possible, brazened it out
With, book, sir, of which no one
Men not make their homes
happy they lint
because they haw no enough gen-
Ins, sentiments of
higher order a them ea-
of i feeling all the
. .
i J
,, i u I much i by
i . . be-
lies, . r. s -mi you
want your i
A good drink for per.-us troubled
with prickly lieut is by pour-
a pint boiling water two
of tartar
grave sugar to suit tho If
i thus agrees with tho system, drink
novel of the. frequently of it.
German i Prates-t
N i has a I mote V
j of
for pensive
vi .
summer i
tiny. I
iii bi
twilight to noon; they
in winter in
r.-. we
. n
. m i ti
Most of Hie bookkeepers and cash-
in business
p . n o for positions
. -j .
. e c- that
like Hie have a lam-
are not
i into
its Fr. i o-d -o
for.- L, . Beer's . ,
tit is tho road to
and all in- joys travel
the i i . like fairy
more they them.
swats from their branch i tutor, mi

Greenville, N. C.
Entered at
K. C as r.
The Presbyterian church
State has
candidate for the
added during the year,
churches U
There are twenty
winch there are no Presbyter
an eh arch buildings.
The Tobacco Department.
Conducted by O. L. Joyner, Proprietor Eastern Tobacco Warehouse
Then- were large breaks at
Thursday an earthquake
shock was felt in many places
from Canada to the Gulf of
Mexico. It commenced at
o'clock and lasted forty live
seconds. It was severe On-j
tart . an in
pi, win i
la Washington. D. and
and and Raleigh,
Th- following are the
of the Confederate pensioners
this Slate each t f the class-
es second
third fourth 1,67-5,
widows The increase
over last year first class
s third fourth
widows The total
is The allowance for
the respective classes will be
about as follows
lo widows
The Kaunas City Time has the
of Col. J Carr, President
of the Black well Durham
co Co
We heard a man say
a few days ago that he had had
occasion to make some collections
Pitt county this year and he
had found the people in better
condition and more ready to pay
their debts than in any county
he had been.
Pi J. Little sold eighteen piles
of tobacco on the floor of the
Monday. A better sale
r have not seen made this year.
Of the piles there were
I two lots that brought less
cents those two
brought The en
tire lot, and it was all av-
nearly cents.
Richmond Times voices
Democratic sentiment in the
whole country when it say
the thing st in the-
United States today is a real
Democrat newspaper publish-
ed in the city of New Yo k
The I years ago was
such a but has tailed
latterly in imp-i tan crises A
paper in New York would
in season and out of sea-
son the everlasting truths upon
which real Democracy is found-
. would pay and
be a great Tor go d.
The of Virginia
was burned last Sunday The
money loss is estimated at two
and thousand
dollars. There were only
thousand volumes or the library
saved out or a number of
three volumes
The statue or
the founder the institution
by U efforts
of the students work o
the is going
efforts will at once be made
to the buildings
have been destroyed by
Sam you are going to
get licked if you are not
fill. Spain has her
eye and is spitting fire for you.
Th i New Yorkers had a Cuban
celebration the other day and it
made Spain mad. She wants j
the United States apologize j
Sam has forgot hour and
does not want over. El
Spain wants any apologizing
done why com over here and
make tis, we are afraid of
any country on the globe.
. pelt Spain in the
palate and go about your
C. L. editor
the Beaufort Herald, has writ-
ten a as a of
the or in refer
en-e t
which have been recently tried
there. No one has ever thought j
that many of tile that
town and county
with these case and no
blame has been attached to
them, but it is Very evident
that there is u class who have
been systematically robbing the
insurance companies tor some
and the action of Judge
in moving the cases
shows that the parties could
not be convicted
While in Atlanta a few days
we were walking around
looking at the North Carolina ex-
and seeing some tobacco
takes from the territory along
Seaboard Air Line, we re-
marked that Eastern North Car-
could beat the world
tobacco. A
South standing mended
by, said South was
mi color to that of any
We notice, however, that
. ere are numbers of the best
j Virginia who think to the
The Southern Tobacco Journal
s week gives an illustrated
on sis presidents of tobacco
in North Carolina.
They are all young men, and
the Journal mentions the fact
it Mr. G- B Hughes, president
. I Tarboro Board of
i one of youngest men in
i he State to hold such a
i position- a week or two
tie will give a
illustrations of the Green-
tobacco market and the men
aim have made it. Among them
president I Gorman who
by way is the youngest
i ho Slate such a
s toil
A few days ago we were
with s farmer who had shipped a
a lot c f tobacco to a distant mar
k We asked how he liked
hit -ales, he Mid just
that he averaged dollars
more than he expected-
with such a reply we
id him that the only advice we
The is
of Mr Harry C Flower, of this
city, to Miss Lida Carr, daughter
of Colonel J. Carr, of Durham
N- C, The wedding will take
place this winter. Miss Carr
already has a large circle of
in Kansas City who will
welcome her to a res-
She has been the guest
on several occasions of Mrs. T- J.
Tempter and Miss Toss
of friends. Miss Carr
spent the summer in Europe and
has just returned to her South-
home. Mr. Flower is one of
the most popular and
of the men of
Kansas He also passed the
summer Europe, most of
his time is devoted to the per-
of business plans
ton Mr. Flower his bride
will live Kansas city.
Reader did it ever occur to you
that an report about
anybody or any matter will ac-
quire ten tines the impetus
that a good one will. A man
may perform ninety nine acts of
charity and and if he
refuses to go the one
he will be bounded and abused
more about the non performance
of that one than he will be
for any ten kind
deeds that he has done. A
man may be public spirited
progressive and may open
channels of industry by
hundreds of idle loafers are
given employment, because
he neglects to do which
who never did any-
thing for themselves or anybody
else thinks ought to have been
done, by this unfortunate
with which every community is
afflicted this man has failed in his
duty. So it is ten of
may be shipped to other
markets, nine of which may sell
for less money than they sold for
at home and the tenth probably
pay a profit of ten or twenty
and you will hear much more
about the one that paid the
than you will the that made
a loss.
We have noticed it time and
again, a man is half so anxious
to let it be known that he has
lost money by shipping as he is
to tell about the small profits he
Baiter, notwithstanding the fact
he is encouraging which is
in direct opposition to his best
Interests. There to be a
tendency to keep on the
losses, but whenever there is a
good many others and shewed
him that it was less than fourteen
cents, taking nothing oat far his
expenses. His only reply was a
blank expression- If that man
bid sold in Greenville and only
averaged fourteen we would
have beard the last it- As
it was, like the boy calf
over he bad nothing to say.
Export and Imports.
The of domestic lea
tobacco from the United States
for the mouth of August, 1895,
amounted to and stems
trimmings to pounds
more, a of pounds
of the value of For
the same month of last peat the
exports of stems, etc,
amounted to pounds
worth The increase in
and in value
The United Kingdom
took pounds; Germany,
pounds, and France,
The cigar exportations were
valued at for Aug-
, 1893, and valued at
for August, 1894. Of
were exported during Aug-
1895, and valued
at during August, 1684.
value of all other
tobacco exported during
August. 1895, was and
during August, 1894,
We imported August.
1895, pounds of leaf of
the value of and
the same mouth last year,
pounds of the value of
Red. to
Cutters to
Mr- E. St. Vice President
of the S. A- L., has granted to all
in the service of the
road months, a trip to
Atlanta- Wives and dependent
of families will be
the hills will reverberate
give was to ship some more, y ,
Li. we believed is selling where ago m n
most could b obtained- But,; noticed
be, I have a load been off selling j
f am thinking of selling with you approached and ask-1
This very much
us and we asked him what
meant, why did not continue
o ship course we were glad
f an opportunity to sell He
you did not go far enough-
The first lot I shipped I got more
expected, the next lot
only sold ordinarily and
last and largest not bring
as much as I expected, so I
that I
again as
only given order
to carry more to the same
There are hundreds of
y. st in the eastern
to-day, but the great
is the most of them are not
enough to admit it
i-v lave been taken in.
ed of them how his tobacco
sold. Why, said, he I got
dollars a hundred more than
Greenville We asked him
what he got in Greenville. He
said he had averaged
fourteen We asked him to
show us his bills he began to
feel for them saying at the same
that he had made the
calculation but they told
had better try eighteen cent
my fancy prices , We l,
he said, they, the warehouse
By this time lie found hie
bills we took them, looked
over them and asked him if it
was the same tobacco that hi sold
I invite you to inspect my
Gents Furnishing Goods
I will In; mighty glad to wait on
to you my stock.
You will be to bear
Low Trices it I J
since I bought my Lew
will give the to
you to build me up a trade
Be to to see me for these
be sold at
Baltimore Store
the average in the of a I Prop.
Low Prices Govern the People.
Drop in to sec me, to swap thoughts and ideas
I have a complete line of
in all shapes and makes. Styles superb,
faultless, prices popular.
For All
Standard makes by celebrated shoe artists.
Hats, low down. Come and see me.
Durant. tho man who been
on trial is San for the
last two or three mouths for the
murder of is
It Church on the 3rd day
of last April, has been found
guilty of murder first de
He is also now to be tried
for the killing of
protests his innocence
very earnestly his
says it all seems a
dream to him. The case has
attracted attention in all parts of
the United States, and Dot
people are surprised at
constitution undermined by ex-
in eating, by
the laws nature, or
physical capital all gone, if so,
Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
Of the condition of the Banking House of Tyson
Rawls, private bankers, at the close of
business on September 28th, 1895.
Loans on r
All loans and discounts,
Due from hanks, 28.704
Other Keel
Furniture and 1,508 j
Current expenses, 1,270
Cash items,
Gold coin, SI; Silver
National Bank notes. 10.435
LIABILITIES. Or, Capital -k paid
Undivided OS
Hep. sits o SO
Due to
Time certificate of de
The campaign in Maryland
bas readied fever It is
concealed now that major-
in Baltimore will determine
the election If the usual
Democratic majority given in
this city Mr. in will
triumph if not lie will h
Both e that this s the i
situation and
Baltimore is stirred from tan ;
ton to Druid Hill Park with a
turmoil Every
issue of th papers are sen-
with charges of what
to be done on both sides on
the day of election. The city
must give at least ten thousand
majority to save the
State and the Democrats are
confident of this and some to
Just stop, think, consider where you can
best protect your interest in
of your Tobacco crop.
For four year we have worked hard and spent our money in building
and placing the Greenville Tobacco Market in the front rank of the
leading Tobacco Markets of the world. Since Greenville first had a To-
Warehouse we have been on the grounds working day and night
to acquire the best possible knowledge of how to sell the farmers
co to the best advantage and now after four years of difficult toil we
want to say to all who have tobacco to sell that we believe we are in a
b position than any Warehouse firm in Easter n Carolina to
the highest market price for your product. So with this we make
oar politest bow asking for a continuance and an increase of your pat-
only upon the strictest business merit. We have no special pets
whom fancy prices are given at the expense of less favored ones but
our undivided personal attention is given to every pile of your
a if your interest should at any time be neglected our attention only
n be called to it and cheerfully and willingly all wrongs will be
righted. Our opinion is that Tobacco is selling very well for the
offered and from now on we expects lively market. So when you
g t ready to sell just hook up and drive straight to the old reliable
J astern, headquarters for high prices, good averages and all
round courteous treatment.
Your friends,
Owners Proprietors Eastern Tobacco Warehouse.
I, R. on. Cashier of the Bank of A Rawls, do
swear that the foregoing statement and schedules the first
page, which are hereby to and made a part of this report,
are true to tho beet of my knowledge and belief.
Commends itself to the planters Eastern Car-
for the many advantages it possesses, am-
Skylights which diffuse a soft, mellow light
over the entire sales floor, dark which
shows your Tobacco to great advantage on all
parts of the sales floor, which we assure you is a
very decided advantage in the sale of your
A We make pets of all
L of our customers,
and strive hard to please them in the sale of their
Tobacco. Those who have patronized us can
bear witness to the fact, and we hereby extend a
cordial invitation to those who have not, to give
us a trial, and we will convince them that the
A T is first class in all that goes to
i J Xv get top market prices, so when
get a load ready put corks in your ears and
listen to no one until you anchor at the Star and
we send happy over big prices.
Capt. Pace is our Salesman. He every pile of Tobacco
at auction sale, and sees to it that no Tobacco is neglected- Your
is solicited and correspondence on the slate of the market
invited. Your friends truly, ROUNTREE, BROWN CO-
1500.000 Pounds of
and we are going to have it if hard work and
satisfactory prices will get it.
Give us a trial and be convinced that
can and will give satisfaction in every respect.
The High Prices we are getting every day for
the farmers who sell with us will convince you
that we are yours for highest averages,
Toe will burn more your lire place breakfast than yon
in a Stove before dinner. Yes more than you would all day. then win-
not five money by in ft Stove.
I have on hand a full line
of i hi- and a few day I will have a line of
tint heat roOM nicely with very
The King Heater
for furl it stands at the head The
is named, it is indeed a comfort. I have
the Cook Stove ever in city. The
Stoves l-as n advanced. I a lot bought until
1st will -ell at the old price.

. I
Local Reflections.
Eleventh month.
day of November-
j tar is five sixths gone.
Beware of the man who defends any
kind of
Every young man mint either go up
the- stream or drift down-
shacking and coon hunts
the nights merry.
Perhaps will be more
water the wells now.
There were several land sales before
the Court House door Monday.
The State Sunday School Convention
meets in on the
The dry weather has
mum scarcer than usual.
FURNITURE cheaper than
ever before at J. D. Cherry Co.
The k Guard, of Tarboro,
will visit the Atlanta Exposition.
The streets now show what a
great mud a little ram creates.
When the leaves all leave the
trees will be left bare the cold
Sana repair to the streets and side-
walk bridges been going on this
When the fool his mouth every
one with good eyed can see clear through
hi- bed.
Just received a Car-load Flour,
none cheaper better than that
offered by J. Cherry A; Co.
Mrs. is having a dwelling
built near the public School house
Washington and Kinston will both
help swell Greenville's population to-
Buy your Macintosh and
bet G at J. it Cos.
and save money.
of the girls are not careful
how they wear their hearts on the out-
-i h -v iii In in.
For and Ammunition call
on J. d;
Were it not for bicycles the comic
illustrated papers would have a hard
job getting subjects to
The nest important date is the
weddings, then comes
day, all in this month.
Carr, daughter of Col. J. S
an. soon to
to Mr. II. C. Flower, of Kansas City.
cornea these
and the days hive got near-
two mouths yet to grow short-
The best line of Shoes, Boots,
Hats and Caps, neatest,
most stylish, for sale by J. B-
Cherry A Co.
We hear that G- B. Braxton
was badly cut by a man
Moore a difficulty at
It is that Minister Ran-
Lou's son his to re
and on
I ill health.
A large lino the celebrated
U Corsets at J. B. Cherry
The ladies specially invited
to inspect
Draw the comparison when and
where will, and the Greenville to-
its own beside any
market in Stile.
Boys apt to be forgetful
about a good many things, but
they do not often start off to
School on Saturday
Third Person, Plural Number, Present
Tense, Potential Mood.
of Mr. Olive, is in town.
Adolph Cohn, of is in ton n.
W. Wiggins went to Rocky Mount
Col. Harry Skinner returned Monday
W. S. Bernard, returned to
Col. A. Sugg left tor Raleigh Mon
day morning.
W. W. returned to
Weldon Monday.
N- II- Whittle d went to Kinston
The Register of Deeds office in the
Court House baa been moved across
the passage to the Grand Jury room, to
give room for the building of the vaults.
J. S. Joyner. of Baltimore, has been
in town a few days.
Miss of Farm-
ville, is visiting friends here.
W. B. of Wilson, has been
spending a few days with W K.
Mrs. W. B. Brown and children re-
turned Wednesday evening from Nor-
Mrs. W. p. White and children of
are flatting th- family of
V. T. a ant
of Danville, spent Thursday
night here.
Mrs. Laura Kinston,
was Monday and left on the even-
Misses Bettie of
May Harris, of Falkland, arc
at College Hotel.
Mrs. E. B. Moore children. Of
Washington, are her father,
Allen Warren.
Miss Dora Carr, of who spent
days with Miss Novella Higgs,
returned home Sunday.
H. V. Brown and wife, of
are his parents. Capt. and Mr
II. W. Brown, near Greenville.
Mrs. Raleigh
arrived Thursday to visit her parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Mm, Will Hammond, of with
two children, arrived Tuesday evening
to visit her father J. L. Daniel.
Mrs. of
returned home Monday evening alter
a short visit to Mrs. C. I. Rountree.
A, has moved his family
Greenville and occupies one of the
new buildings in
Mrs. R. R. Gotten, of is at
the Atlanta Exposition and will deliver
an address before Women's Con-
Solicitor C. M. and wife.
Sheriff It. W. King and Miss
Forbes, ex-Sheriff J. A. K.
Tucker, W. K. Proctor, W. Iv. Tucker
and C . S. Forbes have gone to the At-
Cotton 8.26 to 8.35-
There is a slight rise of water In the
Do you want a mill that will
grind corn and cob, shelled corn
oats eta, for D. D.
has them-
chickens have commenced crow-
early. The; may be rejoicing over
the approaching downfall of turkey.
Granulated sugar per
pound at J. B. Cherry Co's.
he best Flour is
Proctor sold by S- M.
Schultz. Try a lb bag.
Beautiful stylish cheap
Dress Goods and Trimmings at
J. B- Cherry Cos.
Consult the Reflector
before you start
trailing and you will know where
to get bargains-
Wire Buckle Suspenders
all Buckles and fastenings war-
ranted for two years, at J. B.
Cherry Co's-
out Regular
D. C. Nov. 1st.
President Cleveland In ac-
with his usual custom,
moved from the White
out to his residence
in order to be able to in
more time upon his message to
Congress than he could possibly
when liable to almost constant
interruption from callers whom
a wise move.
The Commissioners Will
the e Lot.
Pitt county has a wise pro
Board of
They are thorough business men
and their acts show that they
have the best interests of the
county at heart.
It Is a Great Show and Delights Thous-
and of
Do you want a stove at
price. buy 1st,
the price will be advanced on
that date. D- D
The has received
from publisher, -J. H. a
copy of Almanac for
Turner's is the old reliable
Tin- bridge across Creek at
the Carney place been completed
and now affords a splendid crossing.
Friday November.
the old 1st- A double breech
loading gnu, with the stock
en near the The find-
will be liberally rewarded.
Look out for at this season
Keep yourself well and strong by taking
Sarsaparilla, the great tonic and
Car load of choice Prairie
cheap, par at S. M.
It almost a factory to see
the quantities of furniture loading and
at J. Cherry Co's. Their j Shultz-
, Chamois Dress Lining
and new of Dress Goods
Fur an easy and comfortable j B. Cherry Co's.
Rocking Chair to please your wife This if. the month that the
sweetheart or mother. k could be
Call at U see our both m the
and goon, at J. B- Cherry, ,, ,, , . . ,
Mr. what new goods
. have you New and
was s slight Are at Green- Mountain Roll Butter, Buckwheat
Co's mill this prepared P. R. Molasses, Oat
The blew an alarm hut the tire Flakes, Dried Apples, California
rents, etc.
Conference will will conduct a
be held in Friday Nov. j at my old stand on
ti, . Preaching at A. M. Fifth street, Mr. S W. is
and M. by Rev- G. A. j out west selecting stock for
At o'clock Thursday afternoon at the
residence of Thomas Langley, near
Miss Lena was mar-
to John Hines, of The
extends best wishes.
me- Those
chasing horses or mules
do well to see my stock.
G- M.
this is
my last week in Green-
Fob farm containing I T. W.
within corporate limits, i Greenville
fine truck tobacco laud, fruit I on Nov. 1st, 1893, a tine bay Mare,
orchard, dwelling and all
out Apply to J.
White, Greenville, N. C
We have noticed from the Herald
that prices paid for cotton Salisbury,
a torn ii with several factories, are up to
and often ahead of limitations.
Can you see in this where the
of having cotton comes
From the way that occupants come
for new houses as fast as they are
completed it van judged that it is
profitable to build houses Greenville.
population of the town grows
steadily and houses are not allow to
remain vacant,
wear for the feet. You can't go
with them, they are rights
left. For sale by Cher
medium size, of main
trimmed, any person returning
her to me or W. II. King, Green-
ville, N- C , will be liberally re-
warded. Jno.
Nov. 4th, 1895. Falkland, N. C
The railroad authorities could
still further improve the grounds
around the depot if they would
have enough gravel put on the
clay hauled there to keep the
from miring almost over their
shoes when a little rain softens
it up.
Cotton and Peanut,
Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
I by Cobb Bros. ion Mer-
chants of
j Good Middling
The Coast Line will sell round .
r, -i, . Good Ordinary
trip tickets Greenville to
Rocky Mount Fair, including I
admission to the fair, for prime
low rate; Extra Prime
from other stations in this j
they have inaugurated
many improvements that speak
to their credit and
prove of great benefit to the
pie. Among these may be men-
the dam across the low
. i lands north of the river bridge at
he would not care to decline see- ; the improvements at
Those he is entirely Homo, the bridge
from at his suburban residence, across creek at the Car-
as no one goes there to call upon Place and on- at
him, unless specially invited. October meeting they gave
i a contract for building vaults
not as a certainty, , Court House for the
there are good reasons for the and of county
belief that his annual message to something that has long
will not deal with the
diplomatic controversy with Eng
land over the application of the
further that to say that the whole
subject will be fully treated a
special message which will fol-
low the annual message and be
accompanied by the diplomatic
correspondence- The President
and every member of his cabinet
are well pleased with the present
status of this Venezuela matter,
very confident that they will
be still better pleased a little
later. A diplomatic victory is
preferable to one achieved by the
use of powder and ball, in some
cases. And this is one of the
If proof were needed that the
real purpose of the public
meeting held last night, for
the avowed purpose of expressing
the sympathy of citizens of
Washington for the Cuban
was to embarrass the
administration and make
can partisan capital it was fur-
in big chunks by
the names of those who
ed the meeting, made the speech
es wrote the resolutions
adopted. Every man of them was
a republican. The presiding of-
was the notorious
Tanner; the writer the res-
was Dr.
dent of the Howard University,
the college which is partly
maintained at public expense, and
the only woman speaker was
Mrs- John A. Logan-
Ex-Congressman of
is one of the few men
who regards Mr. Harrison's
chances for the republican
as being ahead of either
those of Rued, or Al-
Ho says Mr. Harrison is
with his party in Indiana
than ever before and that the
Indiana Republicans are going to
get him nominated, if such a
thing is possible. of
the Democratic nomination Mr-
the Demo
side there is much talk in
favor of Col- Morrison, he
has many friends in all parts of
the country. My opinion is that
eventually Democratic sentiment
will center on Secretary
lie is well liked the north
east, the south his
nation would create tremendous
Representative Foreman, o
Illinois, who has been on the
stump in
New Jersey, arrived in Washing-
ton this week- He says he hasn't
the doubt that all three
states will go Democratic.
Secretary has received a
copy of the proceedings of the
martial which sen
the Waller, who is
S. Consul, to twenty years
imprisonment under the charge
movements in Madagascar, and
the wife of the imprisoned
has given the Secretary all the
information in her possession,
documentary otherwise- It
cannot be stated what Mr.
thinks of the case, but others who
have had access to the
regard the outlook for Waller
as a bad say that the
case has been misrepresented for
political effect by certain
Sir Julian the Brit-
Ambassador, and Secretary
are engaged in negotiating
a convention to determine the
amount of damages sustained by
the owners of Canadian sealing
vessels which were in Ber-
Sea by this government be-
the arbitration of the claims
of the two countries It is ex
that it will be completed
before Congress meets.
For more than a hundred years the
Shakers have been the
dial properties of plants. They have
made many discoveries, but their great-
est achievement was made last year. It
is that already digest-
ed food and Is a digester of food, it is
effective In removing distress alter eat-
and creates an for more
so that eating becomes a pleasure,
thin people become plump an I
healthy under its use. It arrests th
wasting of consumption. never
has been such a step forward
cure of indigestion as this Shaker
dial. Your druggist will be glad e
yon a little book descriptive of the pro-
needed. Now this has been
followed up with another step,
which we believe the people gen-
will commend- At this
meeting Monday they passed
order to offer for bale en--
lot in of the Court
House, which the Market
House is situated, and apply the
proceeds to paying for the vaults
making some other needed
improvements about the Court
House, thus saving th. necessity
drawing on the people for tax-
es to meet those payments.
This lot as it stands is not bring-
a penny of revenue to the
county, and the only way to ob-
any benefit from it is to Sell
it. The county gave the town
permission to place a Market
House upon the property, which
with us environments
affords the greatest
eyesore nuisance to be found
town. The Reflector believes
n largo majority of the people of
Greenville would rejoice to sea
this Market House removed and
its obnoxious surroundings wiped
out. Even if the contrary were
in . the is no
to sacrifice a desirable lot
to a use from which u benefit is
derived, by it and
the funds as they propose
the will be
ally and
The Commissioners have made
a wise move, and the people are
with them it.
Greenville was just a
mass of on Friday.
People were here from every-
the last few are and filled the stores, win-
tops of buildings and every
available place of view. The
women and children were here in
force. Everybody was bent on
seeing the elephants and old John
the famous clown. The
colored brother with his sweet
heart, holding her by the hand,
was parading every part of the
town to see the sights- The
young man with his girl was
back and forth the
streets for fear he not see
it all, making inquiry as to when
the would start.
There must have been fully
people on the streets by
o'clock. The was a
grand affair, the animals in their
respective cages were excellent
specimens and in tine condition,
the cages neat and new. The
horses splendid. The
show was up to what was on the
bills. people were under the
tent. John the prince of
clowns was good trim, though
somewhat showing age from his
forty years career in the ring.
He has perhaps brought
to the faces of more people than
any other man, ad-
household that he dropped
in several times during the morn-1
and came back after supper
to sit with us while his train was
making to leave. He is as
social, pleasant and entertaining
as any gentleman we ever met.
He is a gallant Southerners
by birth and was educated
at the University of North Caro-
Falkland Items.
Falkland, N. C, 1st, 1895.
We were glad to see the rain
Gov. Elias Carr lost about
eighty bales of cotton by tire
yesterday morning. No
M- L. Waters, agent for Eu-
Lumber Co., of Washington,
is here surveying and making
preparation for a new rail road
which will be built at once. Mr.
Waters will leave for home to-
day and return next week, when
be will finish the survey. Soon
we can boast cf two rail road,
which will make things
around us.
Knives. Sticks
and Guns
Come Into
Friday evening and night there
were several disturbances here-
Just before night two colored men
had a fight out near the depot-
One cut the other badly on the
arm and head, which so enraged
the cut man that he pulled a pall-
off the fence beat his
assailant almost into
Parties rushed to scene
in time to prevent a possible
After night a fight originated
the bar room near depot
between some of the circus labor
era and some The tight
was cut one or two
knocked down.
Later the two white men
from near the border of Pitt and
Edgecombe wont to a house of
ill on the river. As they
went to leave the house some one
secreted on the outside tired at
them with a them
both lull of bird shot.
At last accounts Dr.
picked shot out of
of the men out of the
other, and there was still lead
Another Industry.
Nurseries has started
a new enterprise, that of wine
manufacturing. Sheriff Warren
tells us he never saw such a
grape crop as grew this sea-
sou. The Nurseries alone ship-
pounds besides having
a great many to convert into wine
The of the town seem to be
taking no interest hi the application for
a ear right of way that, went be-
fore the Town Council at last meeting
It will not be long before the Council
meets again and they be given
idea as to the wishes of the people
i-i this matter.
Manning, Mich.
Common Sense Reasoning
Hood's Sarsaparilla Had Cured
Others, and It Cured Me.
It m sixteen years my right leg
to swell and pain. Four ago
it broke out in three dreadful sores. I
tried all kinds of salves and liniments bet
the worse I ho sores became.
I Had to Walk on Crutches
and a pa t of the time was con-
fined to my bed. I could not sleep nights
and my eyes became affected. I have
worn for over six I
have . Hood's Sarsaparilla and Fills
two of the worst on my limb have
the third is almost closed.
nor- i have be-n benefited as I see
to read and write and also thread my
for sewing without the use of
I came to use Hood's
babies which Is
Castor Oil trade as palatable as
by noticing I
reasoned that what has cured others
would cure me and it has proved so.
It Is a splendid Mas.
u. Dill
Hood S Jon. price toe. boa.
to being chief clown, Mr.
is also the special Press
Agent of the circus in this
capacity comes in close touch
with the newspaper men. He
took such a liking to the
A Good Plant.
The Greenville Lumber Co.
have about completed the work
of improving and enlarging their
A band saw has been put
in, brick and steel dry kilns built
the capacity of the mill very
greatly increased- It is one
of the best equipped lumber mills
the State and an enterprise in
which should take
pride and give a hearty
There are no more
obliging, courteous
than the proprietors,
Unusual Attraction
Dry Goods
Our stock complete and we
want to show you our
Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Hats, and everything
you may want. Call.
Next Bawls the Jeweler.
Sale No.
newest designs.
Sale No. 2-
to suit and to fit
and cordially invite you to inspect the largest
and neatest assortment of
Sale No.
IS and
to fit your heads
Sale No.
to suit and fit your
feet and pocket.
ever brought to Our stock eon-
all the newest and most stylish
and Shoes, Domestics,
Bleached and
ed Sheeting and Shirt-
Cotton Dress Goods
everything you will
want or need in that
line. Hardware for far
and mechanics
use, Tinware, Hollow-
ware, Wood and Willow ware,
Whips, Buggy Robes, Collars, Rope,
Twine, Heavy Groceries always on hand,
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Salt and Molasses.
The best and largest assortment of
Lamps, Lanterns, Lamp Chimneys and
Shades, Fancy Glassware, Ac, to be found
in the county. And our stock of
Matting. Carpets. Rugs and Foot Mats is by tar
the best and cheapest ever offered to the people
of this section. Come look and see and buy.
Sole agents of Coats Spool Cotton for this town
for wholesale and retail trade. Reynold's Shoes
for Men and Boys. Bros. Shoes
for Ladies and We buy Cotton and
Peanuts and pay the highest market price for
them. Your experience teaches you all to buy
and deal with men who will treat you fair and
do the square thing by you. Come and see us
and be convinced that we claim is true.
Yours for business square dealings,
Lang leads in Children, Misses, Ladies Cloaks.
I hough it has cost us lots of time and
money to learn what we know of Cloaks
we freely give the knowledge away, what
benefits you benefits us
In addition we keep a fine line of Ladies
Dress Trimmings, Shoos, Notions.
We are
headquarters for
If to place you- iii
of the be t Line Com; a-
call us. If to in-
in flu st, mill
v in the world, let B yon
in the
Where there is unity
Our is on Main I.
hardware store.

The One Crop System
of farming gradually exhausts the unless a Fertilizer containing a
high percentage of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a
larger bank account only then be expected.
Write for our a 142-page illustrated book. It
is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and
will make and save you money. Address,
GERMAN KALI WORKS, Nassau Street, New York.
silent to depot ad He I-
Best and highest location around
Splendid mineral water.
Rooms large and comfortable. Table
supplied the best the
Term reasonable.
Passengers carried lo any
point reasonable Good
Horses. Vehicles.
Buy the Genuine
From A lo
asocial the
I in s.
G it; loin M
lie. he
N. C.
their year's- supplies will
. to get our pi ices before DO
ill its branches.
1.1 Lowest
MM ill reel pus
buy at profit. A c.
Rook of
ways unhand ml at
Hues, goods bought Ml
gold for therefore. no
to sell at a close
ML .
l N N At I
hi- ions
Expos i. will be Hi-
lake tin
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
id any
education for them
t-y I-or map, folders aim
informal on
Atlanta. Ga
I'M. A,
At Ga.
M BRO , T. M
;. A.-
An T-ll Bow Data of May
It is clearly now
that people can or lean just
like to take
and there is no use in
going about a
polo or n feather bed. months
I was getting too stout for
part I to play, so for five
weeks I nothing but beef and
drank nothing but hot water with a
little lemon in it. Tea and coffee are
bad for the complexion anyway.
tendency to fleshiness disappear-
ed. Again a year ago some bones
became visible in my neck. I got
frightened and immediately set to
work to change everything in my
diet for things that were fattening.
Those bones would not have come
in my neck hut that I been fool-
enough to worry about some-
thing. Yon know occasionally you
can't help worrying. That season
I ate bananas in shape and
form and at all hours at which
could cram them. I ate them with
cream most of time, and I ate
I everything else recommended as
flesh producing. Every day it seem-
ed to me a thicker layer of flesh
formed over those bones, and I soon
j had the gratification of seeing thorn
i disappear altogether.
while I am just right. I eat
what I and always drink Rhine
wine for dinner. As regards com-
that is a great thing, and
it has to guarded and cared for
as as a cares for
her newborn babe. I never neglect
to stay for one solid hour each
morning in a hot bath, and I find
that keeps the complexion in
did condition. Then I am very care-
about anointing my face, neck
and arms with tho best quality of
cold cream every night and every
there any makeup to take
off. When I go into tho surf, I put
a good lot of cold cream on my face
and cover it thick with
that proves a sure protection
against both tho salt water and the
a woman wants to be good
she added, must
make an idol of her physique and
devote tho same time and attention
to it that other people devote to
things which they worship.
en who go in for art and music spend
hours each day in cultivating them-
selves in those pursuits. Tho do-
woman devotes her to
her children tho affairs of her
household. Just so an actress do-
votes her time to her physical well
being. Her good looks are a large
part of her stock in trade, and she
is compiled to care for thorn. It is
a weariness to the spirit, though,
sometimes, such constant grooming,
and occasionally I sigh for seclusion,
the freedom of a sack and skirt and
the feeling that I need not consider
or not my has been
shampooed or my received
their hour's polishing. There are
so many hundred things to be done
in the way of physical improve-
Of course now and
again, as often as it seems needful,
one must undergo a Turkish bath,
and the ordeal can't be hurried
any circumstances. York
of the Roast.
It is tho long established custom
in this country that vehicles moot-
on any or highway
turn to the right. Some
that this is only tho unwritten
of the road, but as a matter of fact
it is on tho statute books. A special
section defines that carriages, wag-
ons, carts, sleds,
and all other vehicle j
No off Year.
It is
the between our Congress-
elections is an
in politic.
has must
is unit place
k inly
N- C.
included. A person driving prop-
required to have the left wheels
of his vehicle at tho right of
center of street. In a word, the
statute is an authoritative adoption
of Undo David Gray's motto of
play and half the
bicycles included as en-
joying this and horsemen
are required to extend to them the
same courtesy they would another
vehicle drawn by the same
restriction is put upon
and They, too, must
turn to tho right, and if they fail to
do so and a collision occurs they
have no but themselves to hold
legally accountable. A good natured
observance of the law on the part
of all concerned will result in
lute safety and freedom from
A Remarkable Man.
In the delivery department of a
Sixth dry goods store is a
man with a remarkable memory.
He has of all the goods
which returned by the drivers
because of mistakes in addresses.
He never forgets a name or address
and often corrects in the
records of tho department He
knows the character and appearance
of every block in city and can
describe any house upon hearing it
number. He ascribes his
knowledge of tho city to the fact
that ho passed many years in
a delivery York
The Seven
. 11- ill
. In do
have k-it
ill year
Scarcely a single week
passed without sine
rally within tire Lord
era of
sop won Henri
bu j .
hungry o m
bu.- trying find nut
from these Solon new
ab situation. this is
aim pi v agitation planned
and skilfully executed by these
men who u for nothing
nor less than their pi r
is absolutely appalling to Bee
how some will stultify
things which they
neither have the. capacity to know
nor over had the opportunity to
We do so much wish to a
time men will lay aside all
and forget all
once more to the d
our goodly Neck
Stoves. Stoves.
We are laying in a full line of
mom Bf eves
Stoves. Best quality, low prices. Call and ex-
We agents for the celebrated
B, Fender A Co-.
Hardware store.
and Columbia
i P CO for sale very cheap. You may need a Mowing
and have on hand a few. second-hand Bicycles
for sale very cheap. You may
Machine, we have them in stock.
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work -H A U I-8 E.
m t; i- beet i the
First Age Sees the earth.
Second it-
Third to get it.
Fourth to take
only a large piece of it.
Fifth still more
a-, in his demands.
Sixth to be
with a very small section.
Seventh Age-Gets
p m n--,
for Millers, and Inn- purposes, well as
Bats. Shoes. I ion hand. Am head
for Heavy Groceries, i O. K.
keep courteous and attentive clerk I.
How the Pop like the way
their newly elected fusion Judges
it over The humble
must not appear in
their without wearing-
most not stand up in
ii. court r ant he not
wear In one
do we know of a Demo-
Judge ever tried to
shame upon an
unsuspecting man, and
hut Judge, we believe, after-
wards turned Populist. Compare
the courtesy, and res
of Judges like Holt
t the of these new
Judge, and you have the
n Democracy and
The glory f summer is part
and gone, hat bi bean
by he subtler glory of
A. pool once remarked
of autumn the melancholy
have lite
the bu. is r
souls who keep their
in order. There is
nothing dyspeptic about
Tim and w re
the poet's an the
M u. i the
r met most j sea-ton of
Notice To Creditors.
The d I duly qualified
before out of Tilt
Mrs. Mary E.
no i hereby
given to nil per.-o is ling claims
against the estate lo resent to
the on bf-
fore the 21st day cf October
will be plead in bar for their re-
and all persons indebted to said
Tins the 21st -lay of October 1895.
of Mis. Mary
means so much more
you and
fatal diseases result from
trifling ailments neglected.
i Don't play with Nature's
sons, weak
and ex-
have no appetite
and can't work,,
begin at
jag the most
Brown's Iron Bit-
A few hot-,
comet from the
very first
won't stain four
and it's
pleasant to fake.
in Apt
All kinds placed it
I current
It Cures
I and fearless ;
more attractive than ever, it be M
I liable visitor to the home. t. e
Hie club the work
All of the news cf world. Tom
Rally reports the
National a car.
A perfect family AH
of th- e. The
f i.
t . ti
For Barb Wire Cuts, Scratches,.
Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked
Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils,
and all kinds of inflammation or
or beast. Cures Itch and Mange
OM will aH e
He prepared for accidents by keeping it in TO
or stable.
Price as cu. and
does not keep It tend as eta. in not
stamps we will send It to yon by mail.
, d o
Galls Cu
heartily recommend It I.
sad Limy and Feed
.-I pleased to speak a
i Oil. My baby was burned
. remedies I applied your Oil
l the Ir. s t.- day.
-e was west. I used oil on my
lb. l-st remedy
S for
X. C
i he session of this School will
tin on
and for ten
embraces all the
in an Academy.
both for and boa id
wed Tilted and for
b the
course where Hi
pursue a higher
with credit, soy College in North
or the Stale University,
to ho have
its walls the
Any MM man
us will u
inputs to in
Neither time i or attention nor
work be to make
par I w or ad-
W. U.
I his
Acts Like Magic.
II yo i
p Gloria Oil, which on
at Dr. Wooten's will cure you.
We Keep That Kind.
Bear bet in mind when start
tin- season is complete in
and we supply all
your wants in
Y ii to to n for any-
wanted. O and price
w I
I i to selling the
t e e top of the
for alt all pro-
f.- a Ii patronage
i i we I to have many
you tab season.
J. O. BRO.
X. C.
I Oldest
r. Daily o,
in the State.
Limited Free Coinage-
American Silver and
i lie Ten Per Tax on
Banks. Daily SO cents
month. Weekly per
year. Wm H. BERNARD,
pi. Prop., Wilmington,
A tittle Girl Who Dreaded bat Was
Not Afraid of Work.
The following story of
how a bravo little girl kept the wolf
from her father's door for a brief
space last, winter was told to a re-
porter by the, proprietor of a large
store on Fulton street. The child
had been engaged to help at
day rush. Of course she understood
that when the busy season was over
she would not needed. She did
her work well and was so prompt
and obliging that she made many
friends during her brief stay. Brit
when the busy season was over she,
with other extras, was dismiss,
ed. A few days later she went to
the store and out one of the
firm to whom she wish you
would let me come back hero and
work. If you only will let mo, I will
come every day. I will never he
late, and I won't expect yon to pay
me anything at nil for what I do.
Please let mo come, won't
Greatly moved by the child's
earnest appeal, tho began
to question her.
are yon so anxious to
back and work hard all day for
His question brought forth the
said tho child,
papa got any work. Every
morning he goes out to look for
work. And when ho comes home
night and he hasn't got any work
cries, and then most
always makes papa cry, too, and
when I see them both crying, I got
crying too. If yon will let me come
here and work, I shan't be home
when papa comes in, so I won't have
to see them cry, besides,
what is
see, when I here I
saw lots of salesladies that brought
too much lunch up what
they did not want and throw it
away. Then I, quick as a little
mouse, gathered all those up and
put them together, and without
anybody seeing it put them in my
lunch so when I got home
at night and had some-
thing their supper. So if you'll
let me I would like to come back
here and work for yen, and I won't
charge you
turned away from the child
lest she should see me cry,
said tho kind man who re
lated the story, t told that
she might go to work that morning
I investigated the case and learned
what she said was only part o
the story of uncomplaining suffer-
Bet fatly r has a place now
ho is earning M ft
yes, she is around here on
the floor but I guess I
won't to you. If I were
to do so, the first thing I know
should see one of the artists attach-
ed to your paper a sketch or
taxing a snap shot She is a
good little Her goodness
has had its Let us not spoil
her modesty by giving her a
Of V
A was at
county, Texas.
with tho murder of Mrs.
Leonard Bell, near Tyler,
county sea of Smith, an adjoin-
count. Ho taken back
to and by a mob
en from officers, removed to
scene of fiendish crime,
roasted o death.
There is a move to put
ass masters under the Civil
This might take that
pert of the postal service out of
publics, but it would be
to import postmasters. It is
very often in the rural districts,
question of who wants the
but who will have
it- Think of a man going to the
trouble of standing
civil service examination to
n, will pay him only
or per year.
a New York
wants a divorce from his
wife, an Irish woman. The charge
b she gets
when in that conch
rot only china Chin
but makes on and
him out.
The of this paper will lie pleas
e I to learn that there is at least one
dreaded has been
lo cure in all it stages, and that
Catarrh, Hall's I Cure Is the
only positive known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a
i disease, a constitutional
Hall's catarrh Cure is
taken acting directly on the
Mood and mucous. of the sys-
thereby destroying the inundation
of the and giving tie patient
by up the
ion an nature doing its
work. The have so much
faith its powers, that they
On- Hundred Dollars for any ease
hat it falls to cure Send for list of
K. J. A CO.,
I L Should Use
exerts a wonderful influence in
strengthening her system by
driving through proper
ail impurities. Health and
strength are Guaranteed to result
from Its use.
My wife was bedridden for eighteen months,
after using FEMALE
two months. Is petting welL
i. at. JOHNSON, Ark.
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver .
Neuralgia, Troubles,
Constipation, Bad Blood
Malaria, Nervous ailments
Women's complaints.
Get only the has crossed red
lines on the wrapper. All others are
On receipt of two K. ,
will send set of Ten World a
Fair Views and
Wholesale and Retail
Notice to Creditors.
before the
Superior Court Clerk county as
the estate of George
love, deceased, notice is given
to all persons indebted to the estate t
make immediate payment lo the
and all having claims
against the e-talc must the
for payment n or before the th
day of TOM, or this notice
lie plead in bar of recovery.
of Sept.
of George Move.
Tor th. Curs c; all
Is ready to offer to the price.-
goods- handle such as
Meal, Crackers, Candy,
Cheese, Lard. Paper and Paper Bags
Mine, Butter in job
Al o
have a line of
to everybody-
Hi member Country In
for goods.
This has Men in o-.-r
years, and know
been in steady demand. It has on-
the leading physicians all over
e country, and effected cures where
all other remedies, with the attention -t
the mo.-i experienced physicians, nave
for yearn felled. This Ointment la
lone and the high
which it has obtained Is owing
its own as little
ever been made to bring It tin
public. On.-bottle of this Ointment
be sent to any on receipt of On.
Dollar. All Cash Orders promptly at-
tended o. Address all orders and
X. P.
Cotton Factors Merchants
Wholesale and Retail In i as In, Tics. It Special
Attention given to Sale-, of Cotton, Grain, Peanut and
Liberal Cash Advances on Consignments. Prompt
Market Guaranteed.
Norfolk National a R liable Home In the
Pitt CO., X. C.
t old,.
. C.
R. K. II
In Effect WM
Ex Sun.
Ar. I
. .
A. M A.
II. . M
j -J SO
P M.
Trail A
train booed leaving
a. in., and with
train leaving D
Under Opera House,
Call in when i i work
W s near X. A C. R. It.
Bagging, Ties and Peanut Sacks Furnished at Lowest Prices.
Code, Ion 1818, Died in Telegraphing.
and Solicited.
Ship your to
J C. Jr., Co.
Cotton Factors
Personal Attention to
n car Iota and cat sell
stall times.
as cheap as
their tastes. The
thought with the men just row is
tobacco and high prices, while
the ladies are thinking the
at Prices.
If they will call at the store i f
ft will a full line of
In n. k-
SB. Hair
pins. Kid.- Combs B -It Buckles, and all
other latest good-.
CO. CF a.
delivered t
cents a load.
We will them QUICK
W will them CHEAP
We will fill them
Bough Heart Framing,
Bough Framing, ;
in Inches
Bough Boards,
Wait M day- tor Planing Mill and
we will furnish you Dressed Lumber
A it
Surplus over
R. B. Rainey, State
The Old is the heal
managed Life Insurance Company in
America. It all kinds of
at lowest possible rates con-is
It nay not pay
m commissions to agents as
Other but it low rate of ex-
low death rate, immense mi-
safely and profitably
dividends an-1 Indulgence to It
policy-holders, render it the
in which lo insure. Its policies arc ah
and after three
era c be Money loan-
ed policies, paid up granted
or by the Company for
a of
Greenville, N- C.
your door for
Terms cash.
Thanking yon past patronage,
s tamers leave ,
ville and Ti all Ian I
in ., Par River W. .
and G A. M.
u. leave Tail at A. M,
lite W A. M. same
I in are subject to
of i. i on River
with in
and Wash-
for Norfolk. ore
New Y and I.
h heir
more Miners,
ton N. C
A eat,
Lumber Wanted
Variable Fr
Feed Saw M
l I
i . . ;.
i. . I
B. . r I i . . to
For rail
C- Matt, and
patent lea mow
from ,
Send model, drawing or photo win
advise, if or of,
hirer. Our rt duo till potent la
co of tame O. S. and
sent free.
Was. O. C.
for Rent or for sale
easy. Rents. Taxes. Insurance
and open account and any other
, f dill in for
have prompt attention.
I your

The One Crop System
of farming gradually exhausts the unless a Fertilizer containing a
percentage of is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a
larger bank only then be expected.
Write for our a 142-page illustrated book. It
is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and
will make and save you money. Address,
GERMAN KALI WORKS, Street, New York.
College Hotel
Convenient to depot and to tic to
Brat and highest location around
Splendid mineral water.
Rooms huge and comfortable. Table
supplied the be-t the
Term reasonable.
Fifth war Five
Passengers carried lo any
point reasonable Good
Hoist. Comfortable Vehicles.
Buy the
From lo
a of e
and e
, r Grape in s, nit and
tin Plants. Al.-o
. Tulip.
Greenville, N. C.
their supplies will
interest our prices before pa
living elsewhere.
ill its branches.
always Lowest Market run-Ex
w- from
buy at profit. A CO r
stock of
always unhand and prices
good bought an
to sell at a close
U. N
W. A. R. R
St. Louis Railway.
t xi-IX X
will be
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Tm i n
inhibition ever held in
United stale excepting on
been made low. Do no fail
It kg el
and say
For Barb Wire Cuts. Scratches.
Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked
an-1 take tin-eh
education for them
sired on In
Pass. , I ,
At art Ga. Atlanta.
M T. M
C G. V- A. Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises
Atlanta. G. piles and all kinds of inflammation on
; or beast. Cures Itch and Mango.
The Br Ml alt tie e
Be prepared accidents by keeping it in
or stable. sell
Curt, NO Pay. Price as eta. and II you
does not keep It as In Dos
. age stamp and we will send It to you by mail.
Saddle Barb Cu
v. and I recommend it M
and Fwd
-I am pleated to a word for
t OH. My M burned a
all other r. I applied your On
the relief, and in I few
. well. the oil op and It
tho and is no use in
their about like a bean
polo or n f bed. months
I was too stout for the
part I wanted to play, so for five
weeks I nothing but beef and
drank but hot with n
little lemon in it. Tea and coffee arc
bad for tho complexion anyway. All
my tendency to fleshiness disappear-
ed. Again a year ago some bones
became in my neck. I got
frightened and immediately set to
work to change everything in my
diet for things that were fattening.
Those bones would not have
in my neck but that I had been fool-
enough to worry about some-
thing. You know occasionally you
can't help worrying That season
I ate bananas in every shape and
form and at all hours at which I
could cram them. I ate thorn with
cream most of tho time, and I ate
I everything else recommended as
; flesh producing. Every day it seem-
ed to me a thicker layer of flesh
I formed over those bones, and I soon
had the gratification of seeing them
I disappear altogether.
while I am just right. I eat
what I like and always drink Rhine
wine for dinner. As regards com-
that is a great thing, and
it has to guarded and cared for
as zealously as a cares for
her newborn babe. I never
to stay for solid hour
morning in a hot bath, and I find
that keeps the complexion in
did condition. Then I am very care-
about anointing my
and arms with tho best quality of
cold cream every night every
any makeup to take
off. When I go into tho surf, I put
a good lot of cold cream on my
and cover it thick with
that proves a sure protection
against both tho salt water the
a woman wants to be good
she added, must
an idol of her physique and
devote tho same time and attention
to it that other people devote to
things which they worship.
en who go in for art and music spend
hours each day in cultivating them-
selves in pursuits. The do-
woman devotes her to
her children and tho affairs of her
household. Just so an actress do-
votes her to physical well
being. Her good looks are a large
part of her stock in trade, and she
is compelled to care for thorn. It is
a weariness to tho spirit, though,
sometimes, such constant grooming,
and occasionally I sigh for seclusion,
tho freedom of a sack and skirt and
the feeling that I need not consider
whether or not my hair has been
shampooed or my rial's received
their hour's polishing. are
so many hundred things to done
in the way of physical improve-
Of course every now and
again, as often as it seems needful,
must undergo a Turkish bath,
and the ordeal can't hurried
any York
Rule, of the Road.
It is tho long established custom
in this country that vehicles meet-
on any street or highway shill
turn to tho right. Some
that this is only tho unwritten law
of tho road, but as a matter of fact
it is on tho statute books. A special
section defines that carriages, wag-
ons, carts, sleds,
tricycles and ail other a n
included. A person driving is prop- I
orly required to tho left wheels
of bis vehicle at tho right cf tho
center of tho street. In a word, the
statute is an authoritative adoption
of Undo David Grays motto of
play and half the
bicycles included as en-
joying this privilege and
required to extend to them the
same courtesy they would another
vehicle drawn by horses the same
restriction is put upon
and They, too, must
him to tho right, and it they fail to
do so and a collision occurs they
no but themselves to hold
legally accountable. A good natured
observance of the law on tho part
of all concerned will result in
lute safety and freedom from
No off Tear.
A Remarkable Man.
In the delivery department of a
Sixth avenue dry goods store is a
man with a memory.
Ho has of all the goods
which returned by the drivers
because of mistakes in addresses.
He never forgets a or
and often corrects in the
records of tho department. He
knows the character and appearance
of every block in the city and can
describe any house upon hearing its
number. He ascribes his
knowledge of tho city to the fact
that ho passed many years in
a delivery York
The Seven Ages.
Ii i that
the between our
Sate is an
in politic. This year
has e iron
-i- i
u u
i Ii
Scarcely a week has
passed without some
rally within
era of State. baa
son i no
. Ii- it
err. of k-is
trying i. wot
from these new
ab the situation. this
and i executed by these
men looking for nothing
nor than their own pet
It is absolutely appalling to see
how some will
selves tilings which the
have the capacity to know
nor over hail the opportunity to
We do so much wish to a
time when men will lay aside all
bitterness forget all
and attention
once more to the development
our goodly Neck
n. c.
Stoves. Stoves.
We are laying in a full line of
Best quality, low prices. Call and ex-
We also are agents for the celebrated
X. O.
e. Fender A Co
N. C
have on hand a few. second-hand Bicycles
for sale very cheap. You may need a Mowing
Machine, we have stools.
First tho earth-
Second it.
to get it.
Fourth lo take
only a large piece of it.
Fifth still more
a-. in his
Sixth tn be
tied with a very small section.
. f U
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work Q EM R M E R K,
and prices reasonable.
barely Autumn.
Mow do Pope like the
newly elected fusion Judges
it The
must not appear in
belt presence without wearing
H moat not up
m end be must not
In one
do know of a
ever having tried to
put confusion shame upon an
unsuspecting man,
Judge, we believe, after-
wards turned Populist. Compare
the courtesy, res
of Judges like Holt
t the of these new
Judges, and you have tho
Democracy and
The Charlotte
arc attractive ever, it will be an
t. die
oM e. the chili tin- work
All tin- news cf tin- world. Com
report from the Mate
and National
A perfect family All die
n- of v.-k The
f o-i,
t . Ob-
S ml copies.
Charlotte, X. C
Male Academy.
I he session of this School will
continue Tor ten
Tin- course all the brand es
anally in an Academy.
Terms, both for tuition boa id
Boys and for
by taking the
course Where I bey wish to
pursue a Mater course, I Ills
eater, with credit, any College in North
ft or the Slate University. It
refers to those ho have recently
its walls tor the of
Any young nun
u- will In aria
to in
The be at its
Neither time or nor
work will be to
parents could
For furl see or ad-
W. II.
July Principal
that I i
Tenn. .
Acts Like Magic.
hare Catarrh. Rheumatism,
any other Gloria Oil, winch yon can
at Dr. Wooten's will cine you.
The glory summer Id past
at i hat bean
by the subtler glory of
A once remarked
of ant tune that melancholy
have the
the bat is
not to
Minis who keep their
liven hi working order- There is
and w re
In I ii the
is l, ante inn i.- the
most j season
ti a j ear. -D u
Notice To Creditors.
The d us duly
before out Clerk of Pitt
county Mrs. Mary E.
u. deceased, is hereby
to till per.-o is claims
against the estate lo present them lo
the undersigned for collection on be-
fore the day or this
note will be plead in bur for their re-
and all persons indebted to said
make immediate payment.
Tins the 21st of October
of Mrs. Mary
. -v.-
means so much more than
you and
fatal diseases result from
trifling ailments neglected, i
r- Don't play with
If yon ire feeling
sorts, weak
out o wen
and generally ex-
nervous, J
have no appetite
and can't work, J
begin at once
the most
Brown's Iron Bit-
A few hot-
cornea from the
very first
stain your
and It's
pleasant lo take.
It Cures
la taught me best Is the cheapest
Hemp Rope, Building m and
ting for Millers, and hens purposes, a- well
Hats. Shoes. Dress I law r iv mm hand. head
tor Heavy Groceries, and i link's o. K. T.
. and an attentive
. C.
All kinds placed h strict
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles,
Constipation, Bad Blood
Malaria, Nervous ailments f
Women's complaints.
only the h crossed red
lines on the wrapper. All others are sub-
On receipt of c. stamps we
will send set Ten Beautiful World
i Fair Views and
We Keep That Kind.
Bear this fact in mind when
this season U complete In
every department and we can supply all
your wants in
Y u ham to to us for any-
O ids and price-
Ill I n to the
t e lowest prices, top of the
in for m I all country pro-
Thanking yen a liberal
i i the p-st I to bare many
you this season.
Tiff MM
Hi w in
Oily Daily
Class in the State.
.-its Limited Free
American Silver and Repeal
Ten Per Tax on
Banks. Daily cents
ii r month. Weekly per
year. Wm H.
A Girl Who Dreaded Tears, but We
Not Afraid of Work.
The following pathetic, story of
how a bravo little girl kept the wolf
from her father's door for a brief
space last, winter was told to a re-
porter by the proprietor of a large
store on Fulton street. The child
had been engaged to help at the
day rush. Of course she understood
that when the busy season was over
she would not be needed. She did
her work well and was so prompt
and obliging that she many
friends during brief stay. But
when the busy season was over she,
with tho other extras, was dismiss.
ed. A few days later she wont to
tho store and sought out one of the
firm to whom she wish you
would let mo come back here and
work. If you only will let mo, I will
every day. I will never be
late, and I won't expect you to
me anything at nil for what I do.
Please let mo won't
Greatly moved the child's
earnest appeal, tho proprietor began
to question her.
are yon so anxious to come
back and work hard all day for
His question brought forth tho
said tho child,
papa hasn't got any work. Every
morning lie goes out to look for
work. And ho comes home at
night and ho hasn't got any work
cries, and thou that most
always makes papa cry, too,
when I see them both crying, I get
crying too. If yon will lot mo
here and work, I shan't be home
papa comes in, so I won't have
to see them cry, besides,
what is
see, when I worked here I
saw lots of salesladies that brought
too much lunch up what
they did not want, and throw it
away. Then I, quick as a little
mouse, gathered all those up and
put thorn together, without
anybody it put them in my
lunch so when I got home
at night papa and had some-
thing for supper. So if you'll
let me I would like to back
here work for yen, I won't
charge you
turned away from the
lest she should am me cry,
said the kind hearted man who re
la tho story, t told that
she might go to work that morning.
I investigated the case and learned
that what said was only part
the story of uncomplaining suffer-
has o place now
where ho is earning ft
yes, she is around hero on
the floor but I guess I
won't her to you. If I were
to do so, tho first thing I know
should see one of tie artists attach-
ed to FOOT paper making a sketch or
taxing a snap shot is a
good little daughter. goodness
has bad its reward. Let us not spoil
her sweet modesty by giving a
A young was arrested at
county, Texas
charged with tho murder of Mrs.
Leonard Bell, near Tyler, tho
ea. of Smith, an adjoin-
Ho taken back
to and by a mob
en from the officers, removed lo
of bis fiendish crime,
and then slowly roasted to death.
Wilmington Star-
There is a move to put
post masters under the Civil
Service- This might take that
of the postal service out of
polities, but it would be
to import postmasters. It is
very often in the rural districts,
question of who wants the
but who will have
it- Think of a man going to the
expense trouble of standing
i civil service examination to
iv, will pay only
or per year.
a New York China-
man wants a divorce from his
wife, an Irish woman. The charge
a that she gets
and that
ion rot chins
but on With and
The reader of this paper will lie pleas
e I to loam that there Is at least one
dreaded disease that has been
lo cure in all its stages, and that Is
Catarrh, Hall's Cure Is the
only positive known to Medical
Catarrh being a
disease, requires a
Hall's Catarrh Cure is
token Internally, acting directly on the
and mucous, of the sys-
thereby the inundation
of the disease, and giving t lie patient
strength by up the
nature in doing its
work. The have so much
its powers, that they
On- any ease
hut it falls to Scad list, of
K. J. A O.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by
exerts a wonderful influence in
strengthening her system by
driving through the proper
impurities. Health and
strength are guaranteed to result
from its use.
wife wits bedridden for months,
after FEMALE
for two months, is well.
All it VoW
Notice to Creditors.
Having before the
Superior Court Clerk of county as
of the estate of
deceased, notice is hereby given
all persons indebted to the estate to
make Immediate payment to the
and all having claims
against the estate must present the
sine for payment on or before the th
of September, or this notice
-till tie plead in bar of recovery.
day of Sept. 1801.
of George Vote.
Is ready to offer to the prices
on goods. handle such as
For the Cur. c; all
This Preparation has been In use over
ears, and Wherever know bus
been in steady demand. It has
the leading physicians all over
all other remedies, with the attention of
the moat experienced physicians, have
for vein tailed. Ointment la
standing and the high reputation
which ii has obtained l owing
its own as hut little effort
ever been made to bring It
public. One bottle of this Ointment will
be sent to any address on receipt of Out
Dollar. All Cash Orders promptly at-
tended to. Address ill orders and
T. P.
i N.
Wholesale and Retail
Cotton Factors and Merchants
Retail Dealers I an Ties. Peanut B Ac- Special
Attention given to Sales Cotton, Grain, Peanut Tins.
Meal, Sugar, Crackers, Candy,
Cheese, Lard, Taper and Paper Bag
Butter Di-hes in job
Al-o I
I have a nice line of
to suit everybody.
Country Produce Ii.
exchange for goods. Al-o handle
R. K.
In Deceit
Pas .
Ex Sin .
T. . M
P m.
n car lots and sell as cheap as
at all times.
Differ in their tastes. The foremost
thought with the men just i ow is
tobacco and high prices, while
the ladies are thinking t he
at Lowest Prices.
If at store if
p Imp of
M, m
Pin- Combs n ll Buckles, and all
other latest
Agent for Hard
A. M A.
Newborn j s a
IA. M.
-l with Wilmington A
Weldon train bound North, leaving
in., and
train leaving D
Under Opera
Call la when t work
Prompt and
Bank, or a iv R House in
Cash Advances on Consignments.
Market Guaranteed.
R. J.
Pitt Co., X. C.
. N. C.
Joshua Skinner.
near N. C R. II.
Sacks Famished at Lowest Prices.
Code, edit Ion used in Telegraphing.
and Solicited.
Ship your produce to
Cotton Factors
Personal Attention Riven to
for Greet
all Ian
Inga on River Mond
and Friday at G A. M.
leave Tail at A. M,
In A. M. same
Tin-i departures are e
of on Tar River
Surplus over
R. B. State
The Old Penn is beet
managed Life Company in
America, It all of
at possible rates ant
with it may not pay
a to t- as me
oilier it low rate of ex-
low death rate, immerse
plus safely and profitably inverted,
arm dividends and Indulgence to
render it the Company
Which insure. Us are ah
Incontestable, and after three
ye be Money loan
ed paid up
or carried by Company for
a of years.
Greenville, N. C,
We will till them QUICK
will fill
We will Jill them WELL
Rough Heart Framing,
Bough Sap framing, ;
Rough lap r inches
Wait days for our Planing Mill and
we will furnish you Dressed Lumber
j as
Wood delivered to your door for
I cents a load.
Terms cash.
Thanking you past patronage,
N. C.
Lumber Wanted
on the
Feed Saw Mil
with stein-
. if Th and Wash
. r it ore
Ida. New Y and Boston.
Shippers heir
m-rt. via Dominion f -mi I
w k. from i
V j
more ;
., ., ft Miners I j
ton N. C
. A eat,
I y . in
A. B. CO., Ltd.,
C. . and nil .
conduced Fits
in let tun
model, drawing or
n. W. if or n.-I, of
tee not due potent
coil same in the. U. S. count-it,
a. Ounce, C.
lots for Rent or for sale
trim east. Rent-, Insurance
open accounts and any other
of debt plat in my hands
collection prompt attention.
Sat i.-faction guaranteed. I your

Eastern reflector, 6 November 1895
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 06, 1895
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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