Eastern reflector, 30 October 1895

The Reflector is
pared to do all worts
of this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
You Need
The Reflector this year
will give the news
every week for
a year.
. K. lb L
B X K Y-AT-I. A W,
under Opera Third S
v ;.
G H E A r L
an Education,
And Eastern
to help one Boy in
Armour Packing Com
of Chicago, wrote the
State Treasurer that its rep-
ShOUld want at Wilmington had
notified that was taxed
as a tax under
lion of the new revenue act.
which imposes that on a
corporation with over
capital. company protested
We absolutely of it employed only a small
n the holder to amount of capital in this State
free tuition in all branches ,. . .
for entire spring i-rm, that it was of the opinion the
FOR FULL FUSION. would be doubtful, particularly on
J account of the new election law,
Asheville, Oct. that there be
tax was only applicable to
in the State alone.
Attorney and Counselor at-Law
Pill County,
in ill
Civil Sol
rs a fraud
mover land, and col-
and ;
,., an
be trim
X. C.
in I u and count
J. ALIX. I. Ill
J. II. J. L. I
N. C.
Practice in the Court-
c. AM.
. r .
, -To ; ;
best for boys In Treasurer Worth referred the
and the- boy to Attorney General Os-
; borne, who writes to him as fol
, lows; opinion is that sec-
given to who will gt the of the new revenue act is
number of yearly to
The Eastern and not to domestic corporations
between now and o'clock P. M. Armour Co. are
Two for C that tax must be paid
or four B months ,,. ,.
is important one.
TM no penny I Armour Go's, claim of exempt-
because co-
the time boy who brings it does not stand at all.
will get scholarship. curse we I
expect more than one to be I Henry,
I brought In, this is a prize , , ., ,
I winning toys will worn for Owe and other statesmen out of
it- who are doing of the
; In that there m iv lo an . . . ,. , . . . ,. .
live for boy who wishes to for jest at this
I are a cash Shuford,
of pet c lit on so f, n . . t
tali to get the year in the
work, of a salary.
to work with the lo nil salaries to correspond
sol tin- a-you it ,
by applying to the If you decide all the
toe., .-i tins send us your name been an office,
US Lo know how many h are, , . , , . .
prize. We will publish qt would in
of the c country now -News
in of the . ,.,
of Jan. giving sic-
boy lime to enter
day of spring term Monday, i lie con-
the people on the fact
at last know where
of a at Henderson-
villa to day.
on the question of fa
MOB said great deal is
said to policy the
will pursue in
North Carolina at tho next
I am in favor honorable
co operation on electoral
ticket, as on Slate and county
tickets. That is, I favor a
ion of electoral ticket in
v two ballots and that the
of electors State officers
be on the same ballot, and the
further it will cause more
or less confusion in each one of
counties where we have co opera
and in every congressional
district where there is co opera-
on electoral as well as on
the State ticket. The adoption of
the policy of some of our friends
would simply mean the abandon-
of those Republicans who were
About North Carolina.
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Govt Report
a way as to secure the to Congress at the last
of so many Republican electors
pledged to vote for the nominee
election by means of co-operation.
It is a fact that there was not a
North Carolina contains
square miles laud surface,
square miles water surface,
square miles total area. Extreme
length miles ; extreme I
mile. ; length cf coast line
miles- of Raleigh,
State capital, is, latitude de-
degrees minutes and sec
Altitude of Raleigh above
sea level feet- Mean elevation
of the State feet Highest
Point High
feet- Highest towns, Boone
feet. Number of counties
of the Republican patty and of so single Republican elected to Con-
many Populist electors pledged
to vote for the nominee of the
party- the selection
of electors individual in re
surd to silver or any other matter
ought not to be considered. I
am unalterably opposed to what
is known as for
silver While I am
favor of the free coinage of
and shall work and vote for
it in Congress, at the same time I
am not in favor of abandoning
our national Republican organ-
the State and adopting
any one specific It is the
patriotic duty of every Re-
publican and North
Carolina to see to it that the
Democrats are defeated the
State at the next election. Should
we fail to thereby
give the Democrats the
of us, the result be
at the last election without
the aid of Populist
and Observer.
K. K. .
Wilson, X. Greenville, N. i
Greenville. X.
special given
an i of claims.
Address to
Greenville K. He declared at
last week that he
and would sud-
i I have arranged . ., , . . r, , ,
with the of Eastern, tho candidate for
leach free of charge In nominated by the Republican
lie branches for the Convention- Now that
is, Spier are
. whom , t , u
in suns i e st. , , , ,
W. IT. h
The path of duty lies in what is
A man who marries for money
usually earns it.
Inexperience is more cost
than experience.
Tho gambler is always sure of
winning next time.
When you introduce a moral
I. let i be brief.
The door of the temple of fame
ops both ways.
Loss of time grieves him most
who knows most.
Man owes more to than
he is willing to pay-
Pleasure becomes monotonous
but happiness never.
Love is within the reach of all
square miles; area
smallest county
square miles. Mean annual
temperature degrees.
annual temperature
for Raleigh is degrees. Sum-
mer winter 483- Rainfall
Total water power
horse power. Number
miles of Railroad Present
valuation railroad
property 55-
of North Carolina S-
1800, ; in 1880
it was
A New Antidote.
96- Number of towns with pop-
over Area of
largest count Rob-,
keep the drug stores supplied
It would be well, say the Peters-
burg Express, for every reader of
the following paragraphs, to
them out and preserve them- The
white ash is abundant in many
parts of this and the adjoining
state, and it would be advisable to
an increase o
the of election laws care to have it.
similar to those force in South
Carolina Mississippi, audit
will be impossible for
cans or Populists in the future to
secure fair treatment at the polls.
With cc-operation from top to
bottom victory will be easy,
and overwhelming. With
co-operation on the State ticket
three competing
Civilization produces its own
peculiar breed of s;
There will be no new
until there is a new creation.
Those who have never
prosperity hardly be said to
be unhappy, it is from the
of we have lost that
the arrows of affliction are point-
More hearts away in secret
anguish for from
those who should be their com-
at first will not than for any other
ways survive a second look-
Every woman regards her first
as an infant phenomenon.
Lots of men are afraid of ghosts
and yet have no fear of spirits.
Sow good services; sweet re
in life
To rt at another's prosper
is to give content to your own
lot; to mitigate another's grief is
nil tickets in the field, the result will grow from them, to alleviate or dispel your own-
with the leaves.
A little of this vicinity was
cured of a rattle snake bite re
by the use of a strong de-
of white ash taken
internally, and also applied to the
wound- The was not
used until the day after she was
bitten. it been used
after receiving the bite, there
would probably have been no
swelling at all-
There is a species of black snake
not poisonous, which always
tights snake when he
meets him, and always kills him.
But in the encounter, he general-
receives many wounds from the
fangs of his poisonous
These he cures by chewing
white ash leaves and supplying
his saliva, charged with the
as a sort of liniment.
The instinct of the reptile
seated the to man.
Sam Jones has been twice in
Wilmington- If there were
really a dozen genuine converts
gathered in at the two meetings
is more than we believe. We
know others of the same opinion.
Evangelists who get
are never to go where
there are not big crowds,
churches and good pros-
of large collections- They
simply upon other men's
The drought northern Texas
the Indian Territory is the
most severe in many years. Wells
are dry and courses are dried up.
Stock water in large ranches has
out and herds are
ally; on the move for water-
The State Treasurer has issued
to Simon of New
York, in North Carolina
per cent- bonds. The firm had re-
fused heretofore to take them,
being angry because the
would not accede to its demand
regarding the C per cent. North
railroad construction
Au Albany grape grower says.
In the packing house you will see
children eating grapes all day
at any time they like- I never
saw one of them separate the
seeds from the pulp. never do
Now, I have known that
for twenty years, and I
never heard of a case of
A dealer who is shrewd and wise
Is very sure to advertise;
And to become, as he grows wiser.
Still more and more an advertiser
Gala Event of all the Year at
NOVEMBER 1st 1895,
SELLS Enormous United Big Show of the World.
Indisputably The World's Largest and most complete and Zoological Enterprise; its fame rests securely on a success, covering almost quarter of a
century- noted its magnitude, magnificence and merit now increased in every way except in price of admission ; larger tents . larger Menagerie, Animate, more Horses, more Artists,
more features a greater number of acts and better ones than ever seen in this Beyond all now the Biggest and Best, without a rival, or false
all feature
wonderful sights,
mammoth water-
proof tents, the Giant
Show of the World,
to perpetuate its
grandeur, its marvelous
Menagerie embracing
every captive beast
known to exist, largest
tent ever constructed.
Honestly advertised and presented, Truthful,
Moral and Instructive.
NOVEMBER 1st, 1895.
i i m I Greatest Show on Earth is
coming own special cars
Separate gs, all New
Menagerie, Cages, Gala Hippodrome
an Army of Clowns, Headed by the Famous
We carry People.
Horses and Ponies.
Seating capacity
000- Thirty Gentlemen
Ushers. Advance tick-
for sale at
On Day Exhibiting
Friday. November 1st.
Circus parties can
cure tickets in advance.
Admission cents.
Only Children under
years cents.
The Zoological Collection in the World, presenting for the first time in this country the
Only Pair of Giant White Nile Blood-Sweating Sea lions.
Educated Alaska Seals, performing Kangaroos, trained Elephants, Lordly Lions, Leopards,
Stately Flocks of Ostriches, the first ever publicly exhibited, and marvelously trained
. Wild and Domesticated Animals of all descriptions. the greatest on earth.
Absolutely eclipsing any pageant ever seen on the public streets, takes place at o'clock
a. m., on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1895. It is over a mile in length. No postponement on
account of weather. complete performances daily. Afternoon at at
Doors open one hour earlier.
f ft
ft i-

J. u Conducted by O. L. Joyner, Proprietor Eastern Tobacco Warehouse
Entered at the
K. C. as el Ml m matter.
Gov- Carr is about to accept
two new infantry
at Plymouth and one at
It was so cold at Ml. Airy on
that thrown out
would freeze almost as as it
touched the ground-
Miss Frances E of
Baltimore was elected as
of the Woman's Christian
Union for the seven
consecutive time on
th t and
l- h next, ail mil wit,
. i I Carolina
hull, in addition to regular
b. ii cord
The case wherein the Fusion
Directors are suing for the
session cf the Pen is
now being tried in Raleigh-
One day has already been con
surged by the
legal points involved and there
doubtless be lots of cross
before the case is
ed. Plaintiffs were allowed to
amend their complaint by pay-
up all cost Judge
is the presiding,
and very able con.
both sides.
Friday's break quite a
large and for good to
were than
Brown Co., the
warehouse firm of Green-
ville, N. C-, the manage-
of Mr. Ed M. Pace is
a big
co and
They say, said the prudent
man, that a man who never drinks
nor smokes nor stays up late at
night always lives to a great age.
Yes, replied his very friend,
with a that is his pun
Good tobacco is selling high
now. have seen several
farmers recently who have been
tobacco markets
all of them that we have
say it is selling as well in
as where they have
Coast Line in the Gate further that a tobacco market as
City we saw nothing that readers know is not; built in
i i n. ,. It takes time and p. ever
pressed us so much m the way ct i r
ii t u to to build a good tobacco
in exhibit as that made by the it , c i
and when a man firmly
J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., that he as much
Winston N. C- money at home as he can by
No North that j shipping it is not much
home and is proud of the to those who have labor,
great State of his birth will visit j ed to get the market. Of c
the Exposition without feeling if a man thinks he can get mote
ashamed that North Carolina has money for his stuff by shipping
building in which to make an it then an entirely different
a creditable exhibit, to ; ton is presented. We done ask
the of her Tarred man to sell his tobacco in
tries and inexhaustible resources Greenville unless he is confident
As we stood at the entrance and that our market is as good as any
The Tobacco and
published at C,
is a bright clear and newsy trade
journal. Two or three
es of this kind have been without
success. Durham is well backed
a id it should sup-
port the Tobacco and Grocer.
Mr B. who
w is married in Wed-
lay to Miss O- Jones,
of that city, will reach Greenville
with his bride on the o'clock
rain this For the past
o years we have been thrown
companionship with
surveyed the Exposition
just in front of us the
building, to our left and
slightly on a the main
mouth structures of the the
York rose m
our front dotted there
the buildings of the various
Southern Western States
To all of these we went and for
the time being, so
Col. J. S. Carr, who for the
two years has been the
President of the Hoard of
Agriculture and iii consequence
of the State Fair, declined a re-
election. His business engage-
were that he could
not afford make the sacrifice
of time which it required to
perform the duties of the office.
Col. Carr has done
much during hi term of office
the Stare Fairs. Had ii
not been for his personal efforts
and contributions during the
past two years we would
have had any fairs- Every
will regret that he could
longer as the
The Board elected as his
Col. of Dur-
ham. De will doubles make
as worthy and
C as could
been lie is a
large farmer, an and en
man, besides he is
from Durham. This means
much toward law success of the
lair. This town always stands
its citizens in efforts
England b-r hack
his tail r
to Rice that
lute submission. It that
d ed of
and the latter is-
trying to get satisfaction
V says she has made
reparation and will make no
mate claim certain
boundaries and says
be;. line
a-id called a half. Sam
his i-aim there and
may take a baud it the old
reaches I in coat-tail
pocket, pulls out his red
gives his nos a blow, England
will beat that blow, and it will
m an you hid r look how
you of my toes or will
hear The
favorably with almost navy
lL we believe she
the backbone to stand square
to Johnny Bull.
The great
light has been declared ff
They were to tight
October 23rd, then
it was transferred to Hot Spring,
Arkansas, but the Governors of
those States put a quietus to
such performances. At a confer-
the Florida
agers of and
the Club for a post
of the contest to No
agreed to this, but
Julian, manager,
Steadfastly refused to
There was a
the club the light
off- Brady t lieu t
Cat belt to any
man in the world on November
Robert pie-
the man to be named
twenty-four The
outcome the meddle cannot be
foretold it looks as if
a fight of some kind on.
Parham and know him to be
of business
and for the young
o we predict a
future. Mr.
P is a successful young to-
of only a year in our
but that time he has
made many friends all of
whom wish him a happy
f loose tobacco sales on the
Richmond market for the
en ling September 1st, 1895,
four million pounds less
than for the year ending Sept-
ember 1st, Four million
pounds is a considerable fall off
with a market like Richmond
that never sold at its best, but
about eleven millions pounds-
There are some facts on record
the origin and
growth the Richmond market
that would interesting reading
matter to some f our North Car
There is a considerable squab-
now going between the
Carolina markets, the
Danville Ya., markets, or rather
by the newspapers of these
places. The Car
Messenger has some Very
bard things to say the
ville It makes
some allegations about the Dan-
ville people that we don't believe
true, and the Danville Journal
retorts back in very Ian
to the South Carolina ed-
All of this kind of stuff will
aid the South Carolina mar-
at all in g themselves
up nor does Danville in our
ion need such notoriety and th
Journal need not remind the
world that Danville is the largest
tobacco in it.
already know it.
We have been to the
Exposition and have returned all
safe and sound. Aside from
pleasure of the the trio in
through the splendid
try traversed by the Atlantic
as it was, in the grain fields of
the in a few
mountains, them were traversing
the cotton fields of the black
lauds of Arkansas. Getting tired
of this we stepped the land
of sunshine flowers. Florida
truly has placed its great natural
advantages before the world by
the creditable exhibit that it is
at the Slates and
International Exposition.
After a partial tour of
the different States and
the attractive products of North
Carolina scattered around here
and there, anywhere, among the
rush of thoughts that come to our
mind was what a golden
of advertising our natural
advantages to the world has been
neglected- But notwithstanding
the which
our people who made exhibits
labored, the products of the State
the individual exhibits were
year j equal to those of any other
was and it was frequently re-
marked that if we had had a
ours would have been
the best exhibit
We have frequently noticed a
tendency on part of -me
to Want to ship their to
away from the home mar
a great times when
their judgment dictates a different
A good ma y do no
because they think they will gel
more money product but
a good many tunes they s
to t the trip Friday a
very good and quite
the writer that while
he thought he could git just
as in
the tobacco as else
on the whole, yet
said he, by taking a lot off
I may get some prices as
to get me and
others to continue patronizing
market. This may be done
sometimes by some
with certain men, but lake our
word for what it is worth we have
watched closely the shipped to
for the past three years and
we are yet to hoar the first man
who is a regular patron of any
Greenville say he
money the whole by
shipping his . Now just
word here to those who
the habit of shipping occasion
ally. Suppose every man were to
treat his home market that way
of them. The writer for one
would not rest co-tented to re-
a warehouse a market
unless we ha as good buyers as
there were to be found if we
didn't have them why we would
go to and get them. Green-
ville has good corps of buyers
as there are in the State we
make t ins appeal to every farmer
to give his home market a chance
at his tobacco. If you don't like
y carry it to another,
lived have four here M good as
how would we
be giving
established home market for
your products. And we want to say
there are in the State and among
us we know you can be satisfied
Lets all push for Greenville and
it the largest market in the
There will be no tobacco sales
Friday, circus day-
There are more regular buyers
following the sales in Greenville
a a other eastern North
Carolina market-
Tobacco is selling well and
good tobacco especially is away
up during the last few days-
Those who have wrappers can
now begin bringing them on.
We are asked what
per of crop has been
sold, we have ask-
ed that question. From the
points of information we should
say that about per of the
crop has sold, and our can-
did is per cent-
of the brightest has already been
For the past few years we have
been our people that we
had the finest bright tobacco
section in the world-
Now read what some of the best
judges in Virginia say about it.
More will follow later-
Richmond, Va-, Oct.
Mr. Joyner,
Greenville, C-
Your letter to our Mr. Boyd
duly received, and at his request
we In color, Eastern
North is best.
Yours truly,
James N- Boyd Co-
Mr. O- L- Joyner,
Greenville, IV. C.
Your favor of the 7th is
found on my return this A. M.
The blight tobacco sold the
Greenville, N- C- market suits our
purposes well and I know of no
or market which supplies
a better quality of goods for our
Yours truly,
J. B- Cobb,
Manager, Leaf Dpt- A. T. C.
Va., Oct. 26th,
Mr. O. L Joyner,
Greenville, N. C.
Yours of the 23rd duly to band.
consider the tobacco from
i he section as good or
better color and than any
other in North Carolina.
Ii is for fine Cutters and
Yours truly,
Danville, Va., Oct.
O. L. Joyner,
N. C
We have your of the 7th, j
and reply, b -g to slate that we from
the tobacco peculiar to
your section of the Bright Belt
very highly, particularly the
class of goods grown around
Greenville. These we think of all
the North Carolina Blights are
i choicest, the color and texture
being well nigh perfect.
Yours truly,
C. V, Noell Co.
Low Prices Govern the People.
Drop in to sec me, to swap thoughts and ideas
I have a complete line of
in all shapes and makes. Styles superb,
faultless, prices popular.
For All
Standard makes by celebrated shoe artists.
Hats, low down. Come and see me.
If it not for the about
Ransom's salary where Corbett-
ins will take plan this
be a dreary
and Observer.
Save Your Money.
One box of Pills will save
I write the our beloved
cousin. Hell she was gen-
called. She bi. n th day
January San I died th- 14th day
October 1895. She had many friends
and was loved by ail. Sh
many dollars in doctors bills open r of religion.
, . , ,. was a strong in the old
hey cure all diseases j school it she bad hope, she
r-i t is if file saved it would be a
of the stomach, liver or bowels, i ,,
Mr, leave
., behind, the nearest
For sick headache, dyspepsia, mourn her lo May the
malaria, constipation
Lord rt the
a million people endorse I , taken t
. son, will make you Strong and
and sickness
Of the condition of the Banking House of Tyson
Rawls, private bankers, at the close of
business on September 28th, 1895.
Loans real estate,
All oilier loans and
I Overdrafts,
Banking House,
Other Estate,
Furniture and
Current expenses.
Cash items,
Gold coin,
National Bunk notes,
Just stop, think, consider where you can
best protect your interest in
of your Tobacco crop.
For four year we have worked hard and spent our money in building
and placing the Greenville Tobacco Market in the front rank of the
Markets of the world. Since Greenville had a To-
warehouse we have been on the grounds working day and night
to acquire the best possible knowledge of how to sell the farmers
co to the best advantage and now after four years of difficult toil we
want to say to all who have tobacco to sell that we believe we are in a
better position than any Warehouse firm in Easter i Carolina to
get the highest market price for your product. So with this we make
our politest bow asking for a continuance and an increase of your pat-
only upon the strictest business merit. We have no special pets
to whom fancy prices are given at the expense of less favored ones but
our undivided personal attention is given to every pile of your Tobacco
and if your interest should at any time be neglected our attention only
needs to be called to it and cheerfully and willingly all wrongs will be
righted. Our opinion is that Tobacco is selling very well for the
l j offered and from now on we expect a lively market. So when you
get ready to sell just hook up and drive straight to the old reliable
headquarters for high prices, good averages and all
round courteous treatment.
Your friends,
Owners Proprietors Eastern Tobacco Warehouse.
Capital ft. paid ill,
Undivided profits, OS
o check, so
Due to banks.
Bills payable, on
law ct of de
I, R. on, Cashier of the Bank of Tyson do
swear that the foregoing and schedule. the first
page, which are hereby referred to and a part of this report,
are true to best of my knowledge and belief.
It A. TYSON, Cashier.
Commends itself to the planters Eastern Car-
for the many advantages it possesses, am-
Skylights which diffuse a soft, mellow light
over entire sales dark
shows your Tobacco to great advantage on all
parts of the sales floor, we assure you is a
very decided advantage in the sale of your
A We make pets of all
of our customers,
and strive hard to please them in the sale of their
Tobacco. Those who have patronized us can
bear witness to the fact, and we hereby extend a
cordial invitation to those who have not, to give
us a trial, and we will convince them that the
k is first class in all that goes to
O -L Xv get top prices, so when
you get a load ready put corks in your ears and
listen to no one until you anchors at the Star and
we send you home happy over big prices.
Pace is our Salesman He handles every pile of Tobacco
at auction to it that no Tobacco is Your
is solicited and correspondence on the slate of the market
invited. Your friends truly, BROWN CO.
1500.000 Pounds of
and we are going to have it if hard work and
satisfactory pi ices will get it.
Ton will barn more wood your lire place break than you
in a Stove before dinner. Yes more- than you day. thin why
not save money by In
I have on hand a lull line
Give us a trial and be convinced that
can and will give satisfaction in every respect.
of and I few day I have a line of
that will heat room with very c.
The King Heater
for fur I it stands at h. ad The
The High Prices we are getting every day for
the farmers who sell with us wilt convince you j
that we are yours for highest averages, ; i c a m

Local Reflections.
Fair It a
Ctr lead cf Prairie
per at S- M
Hie Fair be
FURNITURE cheaper than
ever J. I. Co.
I. U. fender is having a story
addition made to nil In
A lot of Capes, Dress
goods, and Shirt
Waist Plaids, at Laud's-
A little child of W. Smith has a
mild case of diphtheria. The house has
ft it dues not rain b -lore the
here the kick a
to Super
intend a Good
given if aired- Address
The Cornet Baud will
rail excursion Washington to
Greenville on day of the circus.
The Stoves the Stoves Did
you ever see so many stoves
aid at old too at D. D.
Joe Miller, a very old colored
died here Saturday night, his day
lie cat wore yards of ditches than any
other mill in the county.
a Car loud Flour,
none cheaper that
offered by J. B Cherry
Sunday after u Ore oat in
the r. oils i of track and
can e near destroying the stables. A
went out from to the
lire and it back.
The Km line of Shoes. Boot,
Has neatest,
moot fr ante by J. B-
Cherry v Co.
a tick-
et to the County Fair As-
ct. to
At f r celebrated pacing
John It Gentry Joe
will for a of mi.
stylish cheap
Dress Goods Trimmings at
J. B. Co's-
i. ached h re by train Than
nay that during the day two
lights had i in different town-
ships in county, one of
killed In each
could be learned.
Buy your Macintosh and
Coats at J. B. Cherry Co's.
and money.
Skinner, member of Con
the First I list riot, will I
d In November to Ella Mon
of bis list wife. -It -de
hew Observer.
Th- is to th home folks.
rear the fee. You can't
w i ii r they arc rights
And For sale by i. K.
A Go.
a lung t a person very
rally mases many new
a id rein irk was to us
on our visit to Atlanta.
you are from big
i therein
Then we had to stop aid talk
Gr help it.
Look Through and Bee Whose Faces
You Find.
W. C. Billings arrived from
Frank home from a
visit to Washington-
Frank Wilson from Durham
Wednesday evening-
Miss Ailene Latham, of Plymouth, is
visiting here.
returned from
Peyton Atkinson has taken a position
with J. B. Cherry Co.
Cadet J. If. Moore returned to the A.
M. College at Raleigh Monday.
Mrs. Bailey, of Kinston,
here and returned home on the evening
Harvey Jones, one of om h-i
been the risk list since Saturday
Ed. Brown, late of has taken
a position with agent J. It. at
the depot.
I Elm Oily,
ho has been Mi mother here,
returned home Monday.
Miss Ellen left Friday,
to visit friends at and from
Mrs. M. II. of Kinston,
who was visiting her here, re.
turned home
Th-. Exposition Increases in
re a
o H
I invite you to inject my
B. E. and arrived Sat-
evening and make their home at
E. It. Aiken's in
W. B. Wilson and three of his boys
and Forbes returned Tues
day evening from Baltimore.
Cadet M. Moore Will in from the
A. ft If. Collage, Tuesday evening, to
s. end with his parents.
Mrs. L. of Greene county
who was visiting h-r lister Mrs. J. L,
Wooten. returned hone lay even-
Col. It. W. of
was here last with a lot a tobacco.
He is a strong believe In the Greenville
Little, d of
Little, of Thursday
I fever. The family have
cur syrup
wife, Mis;
Sheppard, O. I. Joyner II. T. King
Tuesday evening from the At-
W. Ponder and D. D.
went from Greenville to the State Fair
at Raleigh on bicycles. They
Rocky at Mon morning
and the railroad by way of
and Selina. Raleigh at
That was a good run.
F. M. en, cf who
was College of
at was successful
a offered by the
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
has gore to the latter city. His many
friends at home note his success with
I will sell you a Cook Stove
Die- 1st lit the old price after
that they will be higher-
-I. B Cherry Cos.
Boys reel our offer on
. go of term of lion.
To received a tin.
in it rial tan be ind
it my where nothing but tits
-la work No
inferior w tamed out Call.
T W.
who wants an
should ft ad our offer on
A the celebrated
G at J. B. Cherry
Cos The ladies specially invited
to inspect them.
It i- every man's privilege a id his
duty to be u
For Gnus Ammunition call
on J- B- Cherry ft
For an easy and comfortable
B Chair to please your wife
or sweetheart or mother.
Call and s e our stock both beau-
nod good, at J. B. Cherry
are rep scarce on th
sound-, but may be for them
The price of everything iron
has advanced. I a large
lot of Stoves which I will sell
Dec 1st at the old price.
D. D.
Salk A farm containing
corporate limits,
Sue truck laud,
dwelling and all
out Apply to J
hit., N. C
Wire Buckle Suspenders
all Buckles and fastenings war-
ranted for two years, at J- B.
ft Co's.
Snow f at Lang's.
Show you a full line of Capes
from to 920.00
Show you a beautiful line of
and Silk Plaids-
you an elegant line of
Press go and Trimmings.
Show you a cheaper finer
assortment of goods than ever.
Show you that you will profit
by going to Lang's Show.
through the different build-
And now before taking up the
side heights
and the foreign went
a word about North Carolina. No
Tar Heel can visit the Exposition
without a feeling of shame when
he sees the result of the niggard-
of our last Legislature in
refusing to make an appropriation
for a State display. True the
State is fairly well represented
and has some creditable exhibits
there, but they are mainly the
outcome of private enterprise
and are so scattered through the
different buildings as to almost
lose their effect. In the Sea-
board Air Line exhibit North
Carolina was largely drawn upon,
but that road receives and
is to the for this.
In the same building,
cultural, the R- J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co., of Winston, makes
an exhibit that is highly
I to that enterprising firm. In
I the Manufacturers and Liberal
Arts building, Belmont School
has a splendid exhibit. In
Jones, of Carthage, have a tine
display of buggies and carriages,
and there are also some other ex-
scattered here and there, all
of which had they been collected
together a State building would
have done the Old North State
and honor.
And now for the Midway
Heights. Of course nobody will
Atlanta, , O.-t. 1893
After enjoying the chimes men
at the close of our last
It Atlanta, we next vis-
the Woman's building in
which the fair women of the
South have displayed their
and ingenuity. No
in tho surpasses this
in beauty and interest.
Then on around lake Clara
to the left the Electrical
building is reached. This con-
every piece of
mechanism used the varied
work done by electricity.
Passing on the Transportation
is next reached, where
are all of riding vehicles
and an almost endless display of
bicycles. Of course we were
in the latter, and being
a of tho Victor were
not long in up the
going through the
superb exhibit of wheels
sporting goods made by the
Overman Wheel Co. Other man- j
also had fine displays.
A little further on is the hand- i
building of Southern
a system that has done
much for Atlanta in particular
the South general, By
the way, most of our trip to
from Atlanta was over this
tern and its trains on the through
line were exquisite and its service u most
. visitor is
On beyond the Southern there is much to see
is the Georgia Manufacturer's can be had
building containing varied observing the customs of the
plays by the manufacturers of the people in the foreign villages.
Empire State. Midway is line Ion both sides
Tue next is the Negro building, with buildings and before these
Mary Ann Ons Wire He
Can't Pull.
all the way to Atlanta and the
Exposition without taking the
A very amusing incident occur-
red in the office of Ho
tel, at Atlanta, while the North
Carolina editors were down there
last week. A man wearing a
air walked very
pompously up to the telephone,
consulted the directory, the
to his ear, pulled the
button, and one side of a con-
that ran like this was
central, put No. so and
so on No. so and
I is that so and
Butler, of North Car-
As the man at the other end,
if there was any, could not be
heard, the reader can do his own
imagining as to the questions
these interrogation marks
sent. Bat the conversation had
Man Killed in Broad Day Light
Murderer Caught.
Our neighbor town, Tarboro,
was the scene of a most brutal
murder Wednesday
The Atlantic Coast Line pay
train had just been along, and one
of the settled with was
a white man named Novell, keep-
of the water tank just on the
outskirts of town. Soon after
the pay train passed and while
at his post he was as-
murdered and robbed by
a No one saw murder,
but when the deed was discovered
a telegram was sent to Norfolk
for blood hounds- The dogs
rived on the evening train and
search was started for the
He was tracked over a cir
route and located in his
home at o'clock this morning.
The name was George
Washington and Novell's knife
and in money were found
I his pock.-Is. There was a
rejoicing throughout the town
when the murderer was found
The Big Circus.
F. W- in charge of ad-
car No. of Sells
circus, arrived here with Thurs-
not proceeded half way when all; day train to have new
eves in the office had turned tow put up distributed. Like
all the others co with
ard and when snick I
began to break the
that pervaded all other of
the room, the pomposity at the
gave way to an awfully
subdued expression, and turning
to the clerk, who like the others
could scarce restrain his laughter,
he said in almost pleading tones
you please i thing
or met I c
Gents Furnishing Good g
I will lie to wait en
to you my stock.
Ton will to hear
my Low th it I re
I my Low Tariff
you to me no a
in V.
It to to see me for these
Goo Is mo-t at
exhibits made by the
of the South. These are
highly creditable to the colored
and stronger than,
can be told words the great
advancement this race has made.
No one who goes to
should fail to spend some-
time in this building-
Passing on you come to a large
under which rail-
roads had full trains on
Talk about on
they were there some
of the vestibuled cars.
From the exhibit one sees
the door of the build- the
open n
upon entering feel like yon
coo Id stay there always- The
p Gate State fairly
herself proud. Beside occupying
i, huge tho
with number
of county exhibits of the
fruits of all kinds we beheld,
in this special building was a
display showing what the
State as a whole can produce-
Outside of Georgia, to our mind
California was the best represent
State at the Exposition.
As lingered this building
so long o will leave the reader
here for our rounds to be further
om the California
where oar last article one
can next visit the Machinery build
Here are hundreds of
pieces of machinery in
motion, making almost every-
thing that can be imagined from
a common brass pin up. Type
selling and printing
presses caught the eyes of the
newspaper folks.
The next is the Min-
and Forest This is a
lie urn the outside covered
with sections of many varieties
of trees just us cut the
forests. is a vast
collection of minerals and woods
various States. Here North
Carolina is well represented, her
display of minerals being the
best in tho building- huge
gold nuggets attract the
of every
Then on around tho west
end of lake the
Agricultural is reached-
the States vie with each
other in showing products of the
soil and orchard. This
alone is worth a trip to Atlanta
to see. A striking feature of it
is the display made by the Sea
beard Air of the resources
its road.
This completes the of build
containing general exhibits,
but there is vet one other large
structure situated just to ill- right
of building and main
entrance. i is the
with a seating capacity reselling
the In
and public meetings are held
During our fa-
sever conceit
Following the course in which
we have briefly mentioned
different buildings, one gets e
circus, found Mr.
an exceedingly clever and pleas-
ant gentleman. He the circus
will be here in splendid shape
next Friday will give our
a great day. We have talked
a of traveling men
who have recently seen cir-
and they all say it is the best
n the the road.
are are the
or whatever
else they might be styled, keep-
up a clatter banging on
something to attract attention
and calling to the passer by that
theirs is the best thing on the
the only great and big
show. There are the Mexican
village, the Streets of Cairo, the
Japan village, i town, the
Dahomey village, the German
is only a beer
the old plantation, the ostrich
farm, the Moorish palace, the
the mystic
the phoenix
wheel, the railway, the
chute that costs a quarter to
a dozen other things
lb way of a rounds,
Gypsy and soon. To many
of these the admission is cents
while some cat and
There is no limit the size
of the to what can spent
on simply pay your
money and your choice.
To go bank to the Exposition
there of
and dotted
about here I there between
the buildings previously men
There is also a woman's
annex building in which cooking
schools and model schools are
taught. The grounds outside
the buildings are beautiful. They
. i laid out magnificent
m articles that v a
; over with fountains, statuary and I
and electric lights. The at
with the of thous-
of electric lights and colored
illuminations is simply
feature at night twice
a week is Pains company of spec
performers followed by a
sham battle and dis-
play of fireworks.
All the attraction Atlanta is
not within the Exposition
grounds, the city itself with its
parks, beautiful residences,
splendid capital, large and
varied business enterprises being
full of
Upon the whole Atlanta is
a great show the advice
the Reflector gives is for all who
can do so to attend the Exposition,
see the pr de Atlanta and the
credit of the Southern States.
Unusual Attraction
Our stock complete and we
want to show you our
Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Hats, and everything
you may want. Call.
Bawls the Jeweler.
Sale No.
newest designs.
Sale No.
to suit and to fit
Marcellus Hail, a colored man
who drives for P. of
county, was hero th is
miming after a load of goods for
Mr Carr. He had loaded his
on and started to leave town
about o'clock, and turn-
the at Points the
wagon slightly careened throw-
oil the sack of
fee upon which ho was He
on the tongue cf the wagon
against the frightening
them into a canter. When the
team had gone about yards
down the the man to
the two wheel of tip.-
heavily loaded wagon
over his lace and neck,
him almost instantly. The
right was badly crushed
his neck broken The ,
Dr was to
viewed the body but deem-; I option proper o
id in inquest unnecessary, Mar And it is far better to have
had been g for Mr. tarn about it,
arr for many to
Sale No.
to fit your heads
Sale No.
to suit and fit your
feet and pocket.
Mr. Al. G.
Hamilton, Ohio.
The Same as Bread
Hood's Sarsaparilla on the Table
at Every Meal
my opinion Hood's has
not an equal as a blood I doc-
months for stomach trouble and
Neuralgia of tho
without any good then took Hood's
Every and
I have used it and i. has me lots
food. I have cot been attended by a
for the four years. My wife
Was afflicted brash and
Peeling Al Tired Out.
Shewn severely afflicted but upon
upon lier to take ;
and Hood's Pills felt different
a short time. Now she to quite
We have great faith in Hood's
and it on the at every j
fie same as Al. O. mil
T V. Boss.
Forth Third Street Hamilton,
u habitual I
Hood Fills
Dry Goods
------FOR THE-
and cordially invite you to inspect the
and neatest assortment of
Lang leads in Children. Misses, Ladies Cloaks.
k m in
We buy them from Smart people who know
their trade. Those who from us
know what they're abort.
You'll be Smart if you follow whither the
the smart crowds
Ah of tail iV
Km r ear. n
M. K
ever brought to Greenville. Our con-
all the newest and most stylish
and Shoes, Domestics,
Bleached and
ed Sheeting and Shirt-
Calicoes, Fancy
Cotton Dress Goods
everything you will
want or need in that
line. Hardware for far
and mechanics
Tinware, Hollow-
ware, Wood and Willow ware,
Whips, Buggy Robes, Collars, Rope,
Twine, Heavy Groceries always on hand,
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Salt and Molasses.
The best and largest assortment of Crock-
cry, Lamps, Lanterns, Lamp Chimneys and
Shades, Fancy Glassware, to be found
in the county. And our stock of
Matting. Carpets. Rugs and Foot Mats is by far
the best and cheapest ever offered to the people
of this section. Come look and sec and buy.
Sole agents of Coats Spool Cotton for this town
for wholesale and retail trade. Reynold's Shoes
for Men and Boys. Bros. Shoes
for Ladies and We buy Cotton and
Peanuts and pay the highest market price for
them. Your experience teaches you all to buy
and deal with men who will treat you fair and
do the square thing by you. Come and see us
and be convinced that what we claim is true.
Yours for business square dealings,
Cheap And Good Goods
I attended the auction sales in New York and Baltimore in July
where jobbers were purchasing to sell to the southern trade
and I am now prepared to offer many inducements to
my customers and the trade generally. I also
bought a big lot of good and reliable BOOTS
and on June 1st before the
price. Also a big line of Ladies . .
Dress Goods, Pry Goods and Notions, Crockery,
Hardware, Tinware. Wood and
and Furniture, which I will sell cheap. In
proof of what I say I will quote you prices of a few
Mens and Boys Cashmere Pants Men and Cashmere
Suits Boys Vest . Mens Vest Boys Coats
Mens Coats Mens Suits made of
Coats Mens Clay Worsted, and Cork
screw Suits to Mens Coats same Boys
Wool Suits, size to at Mens Overcoats to
Boys Shirts Mens Shirts, good , c, Mens and Boys
Caps to Men and Buys Cotton, Wool and Fur Hats
to of Shoes, Congress and
Lac worth will Sell for and Misses good
Shoes to and Misses old sock, to
Children Shoes, old stock, Nice Good
Molasses , Good West India Molasses All
kinds of Farmers taken in exchange for goods High-
est prices paid or Cotton in S -ed or Lint.
v v O, iX.

The One Crop System
of farming exhausts the unless a containing a
high percentage of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a
larger bank account only then be expected.
Write for our a 143-page illustrated book. It
is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and
will make and save you money. Address,
GERMAN KALI WORKS, Street, New York.
Sept. to 31st., ISM.
The Atlantic Coast Line
Pullman Palace Buffet
Sleeping Cars between Sew mil
Atlanta a. fa
K t. Far. II.--
Ins call
C-a-t e
tin- hi i-
M-. C
.-. At.
ml a.
N. C.
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Notice to Creditors-.
qualified before Hie
Court Clerk of Pitt county as
Administrator of the est of George
Move, deceased, notice is hereby given
to all persons indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment lo the
ed. having claims
the must present the
tune for payment or b fore the
. -8 r this notice
B. K.
of George Wove.
Notice to Creditors-
Having duly qualified before the Sn-
of Pitt as
Executer to the Lon Will an
of James Wall, deceased, notice
is hereby given to a persons indebted
to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the I. and all per-
sons having claim- said estate
must present the same tor payment on
before the 17th of September,
or this notice will be plead in
of recovery.
This day of Sen ember .
N. C. James Wall.
How to Cotton.
Upon the subject of when to
market your a very
authority gives the following
advice. they would only mar
a part of it from to time
the winter
hey devote ii
in instead of they
H.-u d get better prices their
t ii
The of
is no
novelty Ii is years old.
H mil yet
old; in this
not old.
fir -s
Ii ma
by tin com i in
the lit gold
DR. P. L. JAMES. 5-
is i
this n- w, for have made I To Creditors.
St. Louis Railway.
good gram crops and
the hasty sale
can live
of their
undersigned as
before Si of
cotton. If they will this E.
J , ,, is hereby
and flood ii claims
the t
the lie mi
t -1st ff C oiler
no ix i
For Barb Wire Cuts. Scratches,
and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel
S Old Sores. Cuts, Bolls, Bruiser,.
and all kinds of inflammation on
or boast. Cures Itch and Mange.
a Mir
i ale t
the Tit
very .
and any
sire i
j. ii mi t -i iv
v Pa- Pis-.
-I I
w . T. M .
I J y. ii. A.
.- does not keep It ea us in P
-c stamps we will send it to
. I
an P word eon--.
I oil. Mr horned h-w
I oil on II
Tenn. .
Notice to Creditors-
TI c Clerk of the Court of
having issued to the under-
signed on letters of
ration upon the
way is hereby given
Hie of s
to their claims to the in
ed on or before ember
properly or this notice
will be plead In bar
All indebted to said estate are
requested to make e payment
and tins save costs and expense.
Ibis the day of 1895,
B. W.
of James
i- have
fail to o ;
a great
Sold tied .
Acts Like Magic.
If yo i have Catarrh. Or
pain Gloria which you can
D will cure you.
i fro Oldest
Daily Newspaper in
Daily o.
its Glass the Stale.
Fawn Limited
of America Silver and
of Ten Per Tax
Stale Banks Daily
per month. Weekly -r
year. Wk. H. BERNARD,
Ed. Wilmington, N C.
of Valuable Land.
virtue of a of the
of county made at April
I-U in a case therein pending entitle I
J. A. R. A.
B. et as. I will
Monday. November 4th. before
the Court House door in Greenville,
sell public sale to et bi
the following pieces or or land
lying and being In Farmville
to wit
One tract on the north side of Buses
Swamp known as the
adjoining the lands of N. Bynum, K.
and others,
acres more or
One tract known as the
adjoining the lands of R.
Bynum, Julia Barrett and others, eon.
acres more or less.
One tract known as the Moore
the lands of R. B.
J. . and others, con.
acres more or less.
And one other piece n Falkland
known as the
property two
and upon which is a -lore- and
Terms of ale ; cash, one
in six mouths and balance in
twelve from day of sale,
on the deferred payments MM
by notes of the
Title whole of
money is paid.
the day of
with i
November, the price is gong to
it has been
for to or three or four years, in
my C
A Queer
A, trade followed by
a dean side-walk merchants
outside the House j
of Correction. Every person
discharged from the institution;
receives en leaving a new pair j
of shoes. Traders lie in wait
them discharged prisoners and
oft them a pair of old and com I
shoes and twenty-five or
fifty cents for their now pair- In I
a great majority of cases the
trade is made. Th House of
Coin oboes are well made ,
and strong, and the traders -et ,
good price them from work
York Sub.
i to
will be in n--
d lo s
in p lit,
is the O
of Mrs, Mary Robert
. C.
up stairs overS.
Stoves. Stoves.
We are laying in a full line of
Iron Heating
Stoves. Best low prices. Call and ex-
We also are agents for the celebrated
Rambler and Columbia
and have on hand Bicycles
for sale very cheap. You may need a Mowing
Machine, we have them in stock.
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work
and prices reasonable.
We Keep That Kind.
Hear this fact
i fie
in when you start
For the of the
North Lumber Co.
mo e attractive than ever, it will be an
invaluable visitor to like hone, the
the club or the work n.
All or the news of world. Com-
reports from the State
National a year.
A family All the
news of the week. The
Weekly Ob-
S ml for copies.
N. C
Male Academy.
he n of this will
continue ten months.
Tie- course embraces all Hie blanches
usually taught in an
Terms. for and boa id
wed fitted and equipped for
alone. wish to
a hi her
enter, credit, any in
Carolina, or the State University. It
refers to who have left
U walls for mill if this
Any young man and
moderate ability a with
u- will be aided in r
to continue in
The discipline will be l.-pt at
Neither time or attention nor
work will lie t this s ho
all that
For further or ad-
W. H.
July 30,1895-
Our stock this season is complete In
every department and we supply all
your wants in
You have lo come to us for any-
thing wanted. Our goods and
will please you.
In addition to selling best goods at
the lowest prices, we top of
in for cotton and all country pro-
for a liberal patronage
we hope to have many calls
in you season.
Greenville Collegiate
N. C. S. D. Bagley,
A. M. Principal. With full corps of
Next will begin
the English Ancient and
Modern Languages. Music will
taught on the conservatory plan,
by a graduate music. Instruction
thorough. Discipline firm, but kind.
Terms reasonable. Art and Elocution
will be taught, if desired,
free. For particulars address the
N. U.
Fifth Street near Five
Passengers carried to any
point at reasonable Good
Horses. Comfortable Vehicles.
Ill of the power in me vested
a . Commissioner by a decree in the case
of Susan and Win. L. Elliott.
P Elliott, John Nicholson trading
as Elliott Brothers, against Jesse P
and wife Laura Brown, and T.
I. Trustee, decree was
made by His Honor Albert I.
at the April Term 1895 of Pitt
Superior Court and duly docketed in
Docket No. page in
said Court will sell at public sale to
highest bidder at the Court House
door in Greenville, N. C, on av
4th day of November two
t of land s I M
township Pitt County and d as
follows, One tract as
The undesigned. J. Cherry,
a of the Stale of North
Una and County of Martin, Oscar S.
Flash, of and State
New York, and Frederick U. Samuels.
of Slate of North Caro-
and of Martin, being
f a corporation under
by virtue of chapter of the Code
of N th Carolina, the acts of The
General Assembly thereof,
and for the purposes
sign and
edge following Ankles of agreement
and associate upon
fur the purposes following lo
The name of said carpal ion-hall
he is North Slate
The objects for said
company is formed are to own and
in timber and and options on
To purchase, own and
r of all kinds. To
and deal in lumber of all kinds. To
deal in lumber on commission , t
purchase, improve, and convey
lands requisite to its business, and to
erect and maintain buildings thereon.
To own and operate machinery for the
purpose of the and side of
lumber. To charter, own and operate
vessels, boats, ears, and rail-
toads tor the transportation of logs,
lumber and such other materials,
and persons as the business of
Company shall require. To own
and operate company store in con-
the business of said Com
To borrow money upon its ow
credit and notes from lime time as
its shall require
lo have a bond or b mils secured by a
mortgage or mortgages upon the prop-
and of said Company,
a d to sell the same for the purposes of
raising money for legitimate purposes
of said Company. generally, to
do all acts to perform all operations
i bat may be deem d necessary or
expedient ill connection with the
a. lie principal place of of
shall be at Mar-
tin county, State of North Carolina.
The corporation shill exist for
term of thirty years from the date of
a i tie i- of incorporation.
The following sons have sub-
scribed to the stock of said corporation
to wit
J. Cherry, Oscar S. Fla-h
and U. Samuels.
The present capital stock of said
corporation shall be twenty live th
and to be divided Into
t o hundred fifty the per
value of one hundred dollars each
of which forty shares have been
subscribed, by the parties, to
wit J. Cherry thirty
shares, Oscar S. Flash
share V. Samuels
share, the shall have
the privilege of increasing its
stock to any. amount not
seventy five dollars
shares of hundred Collars each.
ea ital or any par.
thereof, may be issued for tin n y, or
actually received by or for
labor or -i vices lo said tor-
Every Man Has a Chance.
Every man with coin
has a competence bis
rasp, if be is willing to pay
the pi ice. To do be
be as as Gould,
as as Russell Sage,
out be earn and save,
If he earns little he must save a
portion; if be earns much lie
It is lo
have per cent, faculty
sawing than a hundred per
ii. A does not re-
b of lion. We have abundant
examples of these.
The reader of this paper will be pious
el to learn that there is at least one
dreaded that has been
aide lo elite in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh, Hall's Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. being a
disease, requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, acting directly on the
blood and mucous, surfaces of the sys-
thereby the foundation
of the and giving t m patient
strength by building up the
lion and assisting nature doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure- Send for list of
F. J. A CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by
their year-- supplies will tin
; our prices
n all ii branches.
a w tn
for we Boy from nut
buy at .
ti of
v .-,.
always unhand s it
the- limes. Our goo I- b mil
having risk
v c
old for CASH the
ti i sell at a
s. M.
The statement is that the
of commercial in
North year de-
per cent as compared
with last year's sales. This is not
in proportion. The acreage in
cotton is supposed to have de-
creased more than that, In the
process of cheapening the pro-
of cotton it would sin-in
that the use of com-
fertilizers would have to
decline- It is a pity to see that
year this has actually in-
creased over
Perhaps this can be explained
from the fact that when the cot-
ton acreage especially
in the eastern the ac-
tobacco increased, and
tobacco requiring more fertilizer
than cotton kept sale of that
article from falling off in prop
with decrease in the
city of Milwaukee, Wis.,
celebrated its 50th anniversary a
few days ago. In connection
with this attention s called to the
fact that sixty four years ago
there was no city in the United
States that had population
that Milwaukee has
now. New York came nearest to
it with a population of
Philadelphia with
George a sailor from
be British ship was found
by some in a swamp near
n- was up to bis
neck in water, was half
and torn by thorns
and In bus. For two weeks, while
he bad wandered.
College Hotel
Convenient depot and to the to-
Best hi beat location around
I mineral water.
large and Table
supplied with the b-st th market
Terms reasonable.
Buy the Genuine
From ALLEN WARREN Son. who
make a special of growing the Grape
tor market. Send for Cat-
of Grape Vines, Fruit and
Trees Greenhouse Plants. Also
Hyacinth, Tulip, Narcissus, Lily and
other Bulbs.
Greenville, X. C
means so much more than
you and
diseases result from
trifling ailments neglected.
Don't play with Nature's
out sorts, weak
and generally ex-
nervous, J
have no appetite
and can't work,
begin at
i ti k the most J
Brown's Iron Bit-
A few hot-
comes from the
very first
and it's
pleasant to take.
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles,
Constipation, Bad Blood
Malaria, Nervous ailments f
Women's complaints.
only i-nm me- it has crossed red
lines on the wrapper. All others are sub-
i On receipt of two stamps we
will send set of Ten Beautiful World's
Fair Views and
---------IS STILL AT THE FRONT WITH A I INK---------
H A K E.
PORTY TEARS has me lie beat is -i
Hemp rum; t m-i
Una; necessary Millers. and as
Clothing, Hate, Shoes. Dress I band. Am
for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing if i l o. N. T. S-
i mill keep an I attentive clerk,.
X. C,
when so. for and
said stuck be deemed
land, adjoining the lands if taken stock
Betsy Philips Cobb. John A. of said company, and there Shall no
Cobb, O. H. Hathaway and. con- for the
One Hundred and and stock holders of add Company be-
. i-n s. I
one oilier tract of land the stock held by them
n the said Warren tract, O. B. Ha The Mist Sting of this
J. II. Clark mil o u ail in co with its
Brown land containing two and
hundred a ires more or that hull be held on
ins of sale, one-third cash, balance I at Mai-
in two due and pay- tin county. North
able in one and two I. wit t-s-whereof, we the Corpora-
secured notes of the r with I the purposes
interest at ti per cent on said from have set t hands
day of sale, our, baser to have privilege and seals, this the eighteenth day
said noes any time
la ready to offer to the prices
on goods. handle as
Meal, Sugar, Candy,
and Bags
butter In job
lies. I
I have a of
to suit everybody.
Remember Country In
exchange for goods, I handle
For th. Car. ill Skin
This Preparation has been In use over
years, and wherever know Las
been in steady demand. It has been Ml-
by the leading over
all other with the attention of
the most experienced physicians, have
tor years failed. This Ointment is
long standing and the high reputation
which it has obtained is owing
its own as but I no
ever been to bring it before the
public. One bottle of this Ointment will
be sent to address on receipt of One
Hollar. All Orders promptly at-
tended to. Address all and
communications to
T. F.
N. C.
All kinds placed
At lover current rates.
Wholesale and
In Effect
In car lets and can sill as cheap as any-
body at all times.
Differ In their tastes. The foremost
thought with men just now Is
tobacco and high prices, while
the ladies are thinking the
i if he washes, or all cash at time of
sale as I e may prefer. to be retain-
ed until all of purchase money is paid.
Greenville, N. C, September
o S. FLASH, Si AI.
U. SAMUEL;, Seal.
Signed and adhered in the presence
of subscribing witness.
Shortens labor,
diminishes danger to Hie
both mother and child and leaves nor In
more favorable to speedy recovery.
after than before
says a prominent midwife. Is the best remedy
Known and worth the price for that alone.
Endorsed and recommended by and
all who have It
of substitutes and
Makes Child-Birth Easy.
Sent by Express of
mailed free,
containing voluntary testimonials.
If they will call at the of
will a full line of
M, Half
Plus, Side Combs II -It and all
latest style
Pea, i .
Ex Sun.
P M.
Ex Sun.
P. M
P. M.
New-her n
C -12
A. M.
A. M A.
h a
Train Wilmington A
train bound North, Raving
m., and with
train West, leaving U n m
Under Opera
Call in when v on w good work
T. A- JONES. Established 1878. P. H- SAVAGE.
Cotton Factors Commission Merchants
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Bagging, Ties,
Attention given to Sales of Cotton, Grain, Peas.
Prompt and
Norfolk National any Reliable House in
Liberal Cash Advances on
Market Prices Guaranteed.
Co , N. C.
C. C. Cobb.
Co. N. C.
Ware rooms near IT. a c H. I.
Bagging, Ties Peanut Sacks Famished at Lowest Prices.
Code, edit ion used in Telegraphing.
and Solicited.
your produce to
J C. Meekins, Jr., Co.
Cotton Factors
Steamers Washington
and Tarboro touching at all land
lug on far Rivet
and at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A.
and Saturday-
A. M. None
departures to
of on
Cue ting at with
en of Tim N- if- New n
direct line for Norfolk.
Philadelphia. New York Boston.
Shippers air their
marked via l
New York. Chile
Norfolk A Haiti,
more steamboat Pall
mote. Merchants Miners
Boat on.
JNO. MY SON. Agent.
Washington N. I
Personal Attention given to
and Connie.
Surplus over
R. B. Rainey, State Ag t.
The Old Penn Mutual is beat
managed Life Company
America, kinds of
at lowest possible rates
With absolute security. It may not pay
as large to agents as a- me
other companies, but Its low rate of ex-
low death into.
safely and profitably I.
large dividends and Indulgence to its
render it the
which to insure. Its policies are ab-
Incontestable, and alter three
years cannot be I. Money loan-
ed on paid up
or policies can led Company for
a number of years.
J. L. A-t
Greenville, N.
We will till them
will till CHEAP
We will till I hem
Rough Heart Framing,
Sap Framing, ;
Rough sup Hi Inches iii
Rough flap Hoards. Inches -0
Wall Tor our Planing Mill
j we will fill you Dressed
your door for
Wood to
cents a load.
Terms cash.
Thanking you past patronage,
n ti t; i n
N. c
Bud and all Pat-
moderate fee.
it U. . Patent Office
And run patent teat
Send drawing or
W if or not,
charge, Our fee not till
A to with
coat of Mime in U. S. and
at free.
. D. O.
Lumber Wanted
Variable Fr
Feed Saw Mill
h It II u
i. i,
and Hi-Hi i from
Tor mil
and lots for Rent or for sale
easy. Rent.,
and open and any other
of debt in my for
have prompt
Salt faction guaranteed. I

Eastern reflector, 30 October 1895
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 30, 1895
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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