Eastern reflector, 9 October 1895

The Reflector is
pared to do all wort
of this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
. ,
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
editorial hut relates
the Nobody .
can a oration
ts this tits beau- set just
where i. f. oft has
improved upon August's
A Public Enemy.
Marion Butler, in his speech
laws of God are inexorable ; Friday night,
For the physical world, as for telling the people of oppress
lie established Certain j ions to they are subjected,
principles which are to that it would not do
When man violates to ballets for
. , i. , the of then grievances,
tn he invariably pays pen-
because their oppressors nave
reaping what he has government would be
Nature's processes are sometimes j enabled to coerce and crush them.
slow ultimate result is i The logical inference is that the
inevitably wrought out. This, people ought, by right, to rise up
however, is a in aims against the government
that they have justification for so
doing and that th only
which restrain
them relates to the
cf revolution. This
government is one of people
and this suggestion of rebellion
against it is a clear denial of the
of majority rule. The ma
of the people elect the men
who make and those who execute
the laws, and yet here is a fellow
who will soon take the oath as a
United States Senator to support
constitution and the lairs, go-
around against re-
the ground only
that it is not practicable. A
sou who indulges such talk is
only unworthy the blessings
of free government himself out is
a public enemy. None Out a bad
man would do it. He who talks
thus should be regarded as a
element society and
should be shunned as one shuns
a poisonous
lick. Coming to look back, the
ht-at of the through extra-
should not be surprising,
Because the country his
been behind on heat. Some
weeks ago the Weather Bureau
gave out that there was a de-
heat up to that date of
a great This de-
hail to be made up
the year. If summer did
even ii up fall meat. And
ibis i- the explanation of a
hot September- It is
with the heat as with the rain
We are so much each
year and if it not come at
time it must at another.
who have been
sweltering daring September
u I. it for which nor August
gave equal, can comfort them
selves with the reflection that
they have
what belonged to them. Stan-s
in New York.
The upon that are BOO
cases of leprosy in city of
is a matter calculated to
cause no little alarm among the
citizens of the metropolis, and it
is but natural the health
should be piled with in-
quires persons. Up
to this time the belief has ob-
that it was an easy matter
to spread the dreaded disease,
but the secretary of the New York
Health says not- This
official makes the statement that
in our there is no real
necessity for the
even the most case of
leprosy, of course, if this be
so the danger of the disease
spreading in York need
no alarm. There is, bow-
he Bag of it All.
The Baltimore Sun, in referring
the of cotton at this time,
takes occasion to say that aft r
all there can be no real,
prosperity unless the
is getting pries; fr
what he has to sell, for the farmer
is the upon which all the
whole fabric of our national pros-
a d happiness rests. This
is very ti in-. If the is
and crop good the
c is very likely to be pros-
Speaking of planting,
our contemporary says that the
planters of the South are
this year receiving about cents
a pound more for their cotton
than they got last year. This is
of about per bale.
Estimating the crop this year at
bales which is
some of the estimates, the
a pound will bring
more into the cotton States
than last year. The and
the wheat growers and those de-
Eleven Year,. Ago.
This fall is very much like the
one eleven years ago.
one will remember that when
the State Exposition opened
the first of
the weather was very as it
has been the week. The boys of
the old Greenville Guard will Lot
forget the hot march they
The occasion is well
were a private in the
Guard and with them
and the other members of
State Guard, some or
in number, stood the broiling
sue for fully two hours the rear
of the capital while the big officers
dignitaries wore getting
their carriages and on hors-
es- After this long wait came a
terrible tramp of two miles
through dust and heat to ex-
position grounds. Every
line had men who fell by
the wayside, overcome by beat,
some were seriously sick-
One poor fellow, we believe, died
from the fleets of his exertion.
We remember, that effort
was made to have the boys
pear on dress parade after all
and what a how of
protest went up from the officers
who knew of their suffering-
Gotten, of the Regiment,
now Brigadier threaten-
ed to resign his and
disband his before sub
milting to such inhuman treat-
and other equally rs strong
protests were made. One captain
remarked that the
es the boxes of his men would
be exhausted before they went
It was exceedingly hot and
trying on the boys and the
i ii almost cured us of
e difference of opinion
on the question, and it is for that
reason that the people of New
York do not feel so long
as the disease has a in
their Virginian-
earners of the manufactured pro-
duct, and the vast sum of money
mentioned will all be spent in
buying the products of labor.
As it is with these products of
cotton and wheat so it is with
everything grown by the farmer
I Success to him benefits
folk Virginian.
la Peril.
The Standard The
position of the Chinese Govern
meat is perilous. It
has enough on its without
a quarrel with England. It is too
soon to say that the fall of the
dynasty is imminent, but
the news of spread of the Ma
insurrection is alarm-
The demands must j j, force and
be supported by the presence of the of man.
our fleet in the Yang . ., ,. ,, . ,
., . ,., . . It disease to the third
if not by the occupation of fourth by
doubt if the
could survive such a I, the mental and
shock. If the cf Cal faculties, wrecks the
the West a leader, and if, at powers as well.
What Whiskey
It befuddles the brain
overworks the heart.
It arrests digestion and causes
fatty degeneration of the kidneys.
It creates an appetite which is
only increased by being gratified.
A Kiss.
One of taken
a shy at kissing. It says that
betrayed the Savior with a
kiss, from that hour to the
present day the world been
betrayed by a kiss. There is, by
way, a good deal more this
unique than would
appear the surface. A young
man, example, kisses a maiden
I makes her bis wife, and the
we know spark
ling wine bas lured him away
from her side. He tells her a lie
seals it with a kiss, and the
young wife believes every word
of it- The son has a kiss for his
mother while she toils with the
needle for him, and a year or
two the gambling den has more
of his love than the woman who
bore him. The daughter has a
kiss as she wishes mother had
not so much to do, while she lolls
on the for hours and
reads trashy novels of the Trilby
While the specimens
are, of exceptions to the
general rule, their
are to found every
that without the aid of
a magnifying glass. A kiss
a smile have been of
thousands, while the other
hand, often men have been made
heroes by a kick and a cuff. Ger-
The reports of of
Weather Crop
tin, issued by the N Carolina
State Weather Service, tor
week ending Saturday, September
continue to be
able. The extreme heat and dry-
set in o. Friday and Saturday.
mean temperature for the
first five days averaged degrees
per day above the normal.
Drought continues unbroken and
is greatly damaging all fall crops-
Streams and wells are very low.
Peanut-digging bas commenced
is being gathered
Very and large crops of
bay have been saved.
Fall plowing still it a standstill
for lack of rain-
Extremely hot, dry weather
until very end of
the week, when cooler weather
set The drought is unbroken,
no rain having fallen anywhere
except near the extreme eastern
coast. All late crops are suffering
from drought, especially peas,
potatoes, and young lice.
ripened prematurely and
many leaves young fell
off. Cotton is being rapidly pick-
ed out now. is dry enough
to gather and is housed.
More fodder and bay have
saved than for years. No fall
plowing done.
Two Kansas Beverages.
If paper correctly
reports the testimony given last
week a whiskey trial before
District Judge Humphrey a new
drink has been born in Kansas.
A witness upon the Stand gave
y as contained the
following cross examination
did you was
was it like
you ever beer
know what it is
you drank anything
resembles hop tea
went on the at-
is like
is like bop was the
And all the attorney could fur-
get out of that was
the statement that
ed like hop tea end hop tea tasted
like City
; . .
. -.-- . -to J
The Reflector tins
. i
will give the -H
every week for
a year.
What They Have Done the State
. -at the Exposition.
eight to
represent North t i at At-
were not dismayed
Legislature said money,
help, no They said
we will be represented in that
Woman's Building, so one of the
number met the Building Com-
Atlanta and after dis-
it was decided to ask
North Carolina to contribute the
wood work of the Assembly room,
as a perpetual advertisement of
the wonderful woods that make
wonder of the world.
This mantel pt-ice was
by Miss Norma It is
of oak and blistered It is
classic design, with ionic col
The pediments are twists
of tobacco with outspread leaves.
The are carved in relief
with the products of the State,
grapes panels,
cotton and bolls, Dine
branches cones, tobacco
conventional and the
blistered maple in bold relief is
carved the shield of the State
mounted by raised letters,
Carolina to These lady
managers have made the
themselves to pay for this
work of art. reasonable fair minded
Ager the ought to see that so much
decided could sh w a ., , ,. ,
greater variety of woods by fur-i men for
the doors this their
So order was mads disturbs their sows
I coking
this is an
in politics, North
keeps her record for political
agitation. Some who are cal-
tor a from the
political fountain of reward for
labor, are out their j
for the interest of the dear
people, giving them instructions
which will lead them to fair
fields of plenty where they may
bask the sunshine of prosper
Those who are most active
in the people agitated
and in poisoning their minds with
bitter discontent, are the very
who will be foremost
ranks of candidates tor public of
next year.
We do not see of I
patriotism of it. He is
the truest patriot who does his
people the service ;
best service man, Populist,
Demo Republican or what
not, can render the people of this
is to let them
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Govt Report
for the two one double
doors. A special design, con-
of a large number of pan-
cord amongst all classes so
the of the entire
each panel made of a
wood, will make them It would restful if the place-
I unusually handsome. This is all hangers and seekers would
to go in the Woman's Building, ,, th lo
is the work of the ., , ,
women this to attend to
Herald- i their
I land Democrat.
Bl Corp D sign-
ed to Tell When Lire Is Extinct
One of the so called
tests of which has ;
introduced France, Germany
Twelve els Twins.
the same time, the Imperial Gov-
is rash enough to defy
the Western Powers, a revolution
It demoralizes business, politics
It degrades father son, and
blights the love of wife and moth-
and chains womanhood in a
bell of chastity.
a Ii blocks the wheels of
of tho New South Wales Par- j try, closes mines and mills,
colleague me ; cripples the markets,
with a for fame- J strikes fills jails and
the imputation, . sir.
What is fame It is a shaved pig
a greased tail, which I honest legislation
i i ii land creates laws which are a
through the hand.-, of . u
, ., , the nostrils of every
and then is caught by ; patriot,
some lucky fellow who happens to above M j men
piles cost on state and
hold on to it. I let the greasy
tailed go by me with-
out an effort to clutch it,
eternally and leaves them with-
out hope in life or death.
A professor believes
tobacco smoking as a protection
against and other , The lot these great creations take
throat diseases. Smokers, he says, u one believe-
are less affected by these diseases I And when the was hall worn out
This of dainty taste,
To soon reduced the sleeves
and away the waist.
non-smokers, in the
of to heard a
diphtheria treater of considerable . ,
K i And now along the ocean sands
experience say that he never knew She trips, fetching cute,
a tobacco chewer to tilt For she's cut her bloomers
Star. And made a gait.
New York Journal.
A of at Atlanta
visitors from North Car-
make a note of the differ-
in time they are apt to be
put to many little annoyances. If
those who go from this section
will Ht their watches one hour
fast, on reaching they
will have trouble on the score
of the correct time, for
time is just one hour
slower than North Carolina time.
When it is o'clock noon here,
it is U Atlanta. It is easily
seen how this hour's difference in
time may work trouble for those
careless about such matters, es-
when they want to be
prompt at dinner, at the
or more particularly when they
want to catch a train for home
North Carolina people
forget that when it is o'clock
in Atlanta it is o'clock in North
Carolina and fix their watches so
that they will not get muddled
Raleigh Press Visitor.
men who dip in
ink have latterly had
much to say of the greatly
proved outlook and it is doubt
true that there has some
reaction that is favorable since
very low plane of 1894, when
the bottom had drop-
out. But somehow the tramp
business flourishes- According
to a Northern in
1892, the number of tramps was
costing annually
for their support. He says that
this army has so in
creased that in 1895. it really
numbers costing the
to f -ed them. The
army of tramps is being recruited
enlarged all the time- Why
Where is tho cure f Wilmington
Some years ago a storekeeper
and Holland tho past in N. Y., was
years, is known among tho on- at a moat singular sight
as blistering A
i, , . .
a blister on the feet by a horse
some other exposed an had halted there, aim
of the of the supposed corpse about the vehicle were
The test to be infallible all boys. the
for this If the blister pro , .,
, , , . ,. ,. K, wagon was mother, by the
by application of a J
j lighted can or red-hot iron, or stood the father, who ex-
tire in form, is shown to coo- plaited to store
fluid upon being keeper that they were their
opened, there is still life in the way to Indiana,
body, a burial the cir- ; , .
would not be II
aide. the other baud should
blister be empty, or this family asked
steam only, the sorrowing friends
may rest assured that the vital y .
spark has flown, and that there is , , ,
danger that the corpse is be- twenty four boys, twelve sets of
twins, and we have children
dead. At night what get
The Queen Of All. into the wagon, under it
the ground IVe all bore,
the dear old mother
j Time has scattered the snowy The was so pleased
flakes her brow, plowed deep at the sight that formed the
furrows on her cheeks, but is she boys line and each
not sweet beautiful a straw
Tho lips shrunken, but
I those are tho lips which have
i kissed many a hot tear from the Talk of
childish and they are the masters Civil Service.
lips all the world.;
The eve is dim, yet it glows with j President Cleveland has in con-
the soft radiance of holy love an order placing all I
which can fade. Ah, yes. j the fourth-class post offices under
She is dear old mother. The the protection of the civil service i
sands life are nearly run out, jaw. There were July of j
feeble as is, she will go I tie year
further and reach down lower for I in the United States, of j
l their supplies will
their interest CO get our prices before
la complete
n all its branches.
i-v M
re direct from pus
tiling you to buy at la A
always prices
I lines. bought and
gold for therefore, having no risk
t i sell at a close
-4. M. N C
Greenville Collegiate
j N. C s. P.
VI A. M. With full corps of
Next session ill begin
the s, Ancient and
Modern Music will on
taught on Hie conservatory plan,
by a graduate In
but kind.
Terms Art and Elocution
will be if desired, Calisthenics
free. particulars address I lie
Villa N. U.
I lie session of this School will
Yesterday Adjutant
Cameron issued a for
revolvers for officers
of the guard. The in-
Colts revolvers, cal
cartridge belts, pis
holsters revolver ball
cartridges- Maj. Hayes remarked
yesterday that he considered the
militia now to be in better
than it ever had been, as far
as his observation went.
men are provided for
com in every way,
both in clothing, camp-outfit
military supplies, all which is
largely due to the unceasing in-
and vigilance and good
management General Cameron.
Raleigh and Observer
yon than other upon earth.
You walk into a mid-
night where she cannot see you ;
you enter a prison whose
bars will keep her out; you can
never mount a scaffold too high
for her to reach, that she may
kiss and bless evidence of
her deathless love. When the
shall and
you, when it leaves you by the
wayside to die unnoticed, the
dear old mother will gather you
in her arms and carry you
j home and tell you of all your
until you almost forget that
your soul is disfigured by
Love her tenderly and cheer her
declining years with holy
A Chicago journal
advocates a head tax of on
every American going to Europe
to spend precious American gold.
If that is such a terrible thing
for the country, how about these
marriages of heiresses to
titles, which take away in hulk in
tome cases as much as or-
travelers spend in the
of a season
There was a time when business
men could do without advertising,
but it gone to return no more
Those were the days of stage
and tallow
is done in a
man who does not move a
hurry gets left. This is a reading
ago. People expect the
per to keep them informed upon
everything. They want
homes before they
buy. Hence the superiority of
newspaper advertising
other forms. Put this in your pipe
and smoke it. most successful
merchants are the most persist-
A Suggestion ts to Turnips.
This dry. hot-weather is expect-
ed to adversely affect the turnip
crop now growing. is too late
to anything with rutabagas-
they of sow
the with those grow
but informs us that
white turnips will still come and
do well if planted.
It might well for former
friends to try another sowing. If
first sown ones should
out poorly there might be good
in the sowing
What a Trio
had South Caro-
has her forth
i has her Mary Ann
which number were the
fourth class list, will be
by tho proposed
of the civil service rules. The
peculiar actor of the service
will make it necessary to devise
special rules for
of these postmasters, the
the officials of the
Department the
Civil Service Commissioners have
had the matter under
for some time.
on Top.
Through recent and
events the South has entered
upon period of its most
and substantial development
Detroit Free s.
The South, i now only in the
beginning of its progress. It is
taking the first steps merely in a
forward march which in years
to will have carried it so
far beyond where it now is that
its. advancement will
seem slight
York Sun.
and continue ten mouths.
Th course embraces branches
usually in an Academy.
Terms, both for and board
Boys wed lined and equipped for
taking the mad
course alone. Where they wish to
a higher course, this school
guarantees thorough preparation to
enter, with credit, any College in North
Carolina, or the State University. It
refers to tho-e who have left
its walls for the truthfulness of
Any young man with character and
moderate ability taking a course with
us will in arrange-
to continue the higher
The discipline will be kept at its
Neither time nor attention nor
work will he pared to make this school
parents could
For fun her ace or ad-
July Principal.
The Charlotte
North Carolina's
College Hotel
Convenient to depot to the to-
inc. o warehouses.
and highest location around
I mineral water.
Rooms large and comfortable, Table
supplied with the b the market at
A New York magistrate had de-
that it is legal to sell soda
water on Sunday, but no chew-
gum. The basis of his
on is that the former has an es-
respectability, but tho
has not-
Superior Con-it Clerk, E. A.
Sheriff, R. W. King.
Register of Deeds, W. M. King.
Treasurer, J. J. Little.
Coroner, Dr. C. Laughing-
T. E. L.
Smith and S. M. Jones.
Health, Dr. W. H.
Home, J. W. Smith.
County Examiner of
W. II.
Mayor, Ola Forbes.
Clerk, C. Forbes.
Treasure, T. Godwin.
W. chief, Fred.
Cox, asst; J. W. Murphy, night.
II. Smith, W. L.
W. T. Godwin. T. A.
Julius Jenkins.
Baptist. Services every Sunday
second morning and night. Prayer
night. Rev. c M.
pastor. Sunday School
A. M. C.
Catholic. No regular services.
Episcopal. Services every fourth Sun-
day morning and night. Rev. A,
Rector. Sunday School at
A. W. B. Brown,
Methodist. Services every Sunday
morning light. Prayer meeting
night. Rev. F. Smith,
Mater. Sunday at A. M. A.
B. Sept.
Presbyterian. 1st
3rd Sunday morning and Prayer
meeting Tuesday night Rev. Archie
pastor. Sunday School at
A. D. Evans,
Covenant. Lodge No. I. O. O. F.,
meets every Tuesday night.
No. A. F. A A.
M. meets and third Monday nights
Zeno Moore. W. M
R. D. T,. JAMES.
N. C.
up stairs over S. K, Penile i Cos,
Hardware store.
J. E. V.
tinier Opera House.
n G.
G R E I. N V I L L E, i;
nil Col
Independent and fearless ; bigger and
more attractive than ever, it will he an
Invaluable visitor to home, the
the club or tho work room.
All of the news of the world. Com-
Daily reports from the State
and National Capitols. tS a year.
A-perfect family journal. All the
news the week. The reports
from the Legislature a special.
Remember the Weekly Ob-
Send for sample copies.
Charlotte, W. C.
Attorney and Counselor at-Law
Greenville, County,
Practices in all the Courts.
Civil and Criminal Business Solicited.
Makes a special of fraud
ages, actions to recover land, and col-
Prompt and careful attention given
all business.
Money to loan on approved security.
ms easy.
J. H. VI . J. I,.
Practice in all the Courts.
I a
N. C. , .
John E. F. C. Harding,
Wilson, N. C. Greenville, N.
Greenville, N.
Special attention given to
and settlement of claims,

The Tobacco Department.
Greenville, N. C.
I. I Conducted by O. L. Joyner, Proprietor Eastern Tobacco Warehouse.
Entered at the t. Greenville
X. C, as matter.
OCT. 1685.
The crisp weather of past
few has caused breaks to be
The Texas Legislature just
four hours to settle the
. --1 ion of prize lighting in that breaks yesterday.
So Co., will
have to try their skill else-
where. The fight will now come
off in Mexico, several cities are
already bidding for it and the
authorities assure them that
there will be no interference.
decided in Raleigh Wednesday
night that they would have
again all the way down beginning
with Presidential elector. They
will have pledged to vote
or no mail who is not in favor
the free coinage of silver. In
need not on North
Carolina. This to tin
National Republican Committee,
we will North Car-
Quite s delegation of
Wilson were on the
all sail
tobacco was high down he.-e.
We never saw prices better at
The question of the
of the Atlanta Exposition on
Sunday was settled at a meet-
of the directors on Monday
evening. The vote was over-
against having
the gates on Sunday.
This is all right,
our Southern capital city pro
poses to the Lord's day.
Whosoever the
Lord, him will the Lord
and we it will be
with this Exposition.
shows a marked difference be
tween Chicago and Atlanta an
between the north-west and th
South as regards the Sabbath.
TOM Watson is again defeat-
ed in the tenth Congressional
district in Georgia. Last
when Mr. Black was
Tom cried fraud fraud So
Mr. Black resigned and pro-
posed lo Tom that they
try it over again. The election
Wednesday the
ever known in this district
Mr. Watson was beaten by i
majority of Watson
votes this time in nearly
county in the district and es-
in his own county.
Wonder what his cry will be
A mammoth meeting has beet
held, in Chicago expressing
sympathy for the Cubans. Res
were passed asking the
United States to recognize at
belligerents the men who are
lighting for their freedom. A
large number of organization-
were represented, and many
telegrams and letters of
val of the meeting were read
from prominent men Every
available foot of space in the
hall was filled, and every sen
of sympathy for the Cu-
bans was cheered to the echo
It is not believed, however, that
the States interfere
with the insurrection.
it is said, is ruling
with a high hand in South Car
lie proposes that the
Convention which now in
session shall change the law s
that he and his party may be
able to disfranchise any man
who does not wish to vote
for them. It is proposed to
make both an educational
property qualification
to the right of but be-
this it is proposed to go
and give the registrar the right
to say whether a man is
This will be reform
with a The law is
aimed at the but if
the clause giving absolute pow-
to the registrars should be
come a law it can be used just
as well to disfranchise the
this season of ah
tobaccos, except wrappers.
They will no w in demand.
During tho mouth of
the Greenville tobacco market
sold ore million ail ninety sis
thousand pounds. These figures
be sworn to by the
Wonder how mush MOM of the
other eastern will report.
Greenville now has the best
opportunity it has ever had to
push its claims and show its ad-
vantages to the world- Let
me put his shoulder lo the heel
and push with might wail,
for the Queen of the New
We were asked by a
yesterday why it was that the re-
ports gave Wilson and Book
Mount the credit for selling
much tobacco ODd
only about three-fourths of what
these markets are selling, when
n truth upon every visit he
he eastern markets be
Greenville selling more tobacco
either of the
Judge of the Unite
District Court has decided
suit of the American
Jo., the
Co., W. F- Smith ft Sons,
others the Ame
Tobacco Co. the
Machine Co., says a W dis-
latch to the Raleigh Aw
Observer. the decision tiled
attached the cost
f the suit the
can Tobacco Co. the
sack Machine Co.
Mr. J. Bryan Grimes, of
came up Friday
about three thousand pounds
f at E
says this was his first
visit to the Greenville tobacco
market season and his first
to us when he drove up
were you seem to have
quite a little city up Mr.
has frequently before
told tobacco on the Greenville
market, but he like numbers of
others that have not been
the tobacco warehouses lately
was at lie
progress this part of town
has made the last four years-
T- J. Gentry, who returned
Wednesday from Roxboro on a
visit to his parents and---------,
the frost there has
damaged a good many farm
He says about one-fourth
if the tobacco crop is still on be
nil and a great many farmers
lave not cut over half, while on
he whole about three fourths of
he crop has been saved. In Wes
em North Carolina and Virginia
he damage done tobacco crops is
heavy, while in
lessee and in Kentucky the
standing crop is ruined. In Penn-
and the other tobacco
States of the north
On a good season now farmers
can begin stripping out their to
Tobacco is selling as well as we
saw it at this season of the
year. Good cutters, smokers and
strips are remarkably
wrappers, well, we had any
yet don't know how they
would sell.
During nest eight weeks
the columns of the Tobacco De
will be open for the
discussion of any matter pertain-
to tho tobacco interests of
Greenville and surrounding
especially invite the ware-
housemen of Greenville to lend
us a helping hand getting up
news that will be of inter
to the tobacco reading
Let us all get together and see if
we can't make the tobacco
attractive, and
The Board of Trade
and tho got to
the other evening and
raised half the amount required
to advertise and illustrate tho to
market. As yet we have
only a few merchants to
contribute without a single
exception everyone has promised
to aid us. Those that have not
been called upon yet need not
get uneasy, shall see them all
by and by.
During the last four years, in
other words ever since Greenville
his had a tobacco warehouse,
there have been enemies of the
market at work doing everything
they could to undermine and
break down the tobacco interests
here- Every conceivable
has been to induce
people to carry their tobacco to
either Wilson or Rocky Mount.
Farmers have been told that the
here were buying
tobacco and shipping it to those
markets and making money on
it and other kinds of equally fool
and false methods have been
rt a ployed to lure away
Greenville. To all of these
Wilson tobacconists say that
nearly halt of the crop
has been that section
If that is the case then Green-
ville will lead Wilson this year
by a good majority.
We were mistaken in our state-
Friday that no warehouse-
man here had shipped tobacco to
Wilson. We asked one member
of each house not king it
necessary to see them ail.
Saturday one of the warehouse-
men said to that he wanted
to say that after trying all the
markets to see how they were,
so much of the high
prices of Wilson he shipped three
packages there just to see hew it
sold, on the three packages
he lost just even ninety
dollars- This evidence is rec-
if wants mote
on the subject if he will up
ply to as we will him to th
parties who did the shipping and
If the business men of Green-
will now go to work and take ad
vantage of the opportunities in
sight to make Greenville a
town it will not be the
close of before we will have i.
a city of more than five thousand
people. Manufacturing
of various kinds could
good business management be
carried most successfully
A canning factory to work up the
fruits and vegetables
are here in abundance
could be made to pay
dividends. Our cotton interest
would justify a cotton factory.
Our tobacco interest would win
rant the successful operation
tobacco factories and raw mate, i
of various kinds is here ii
abundance and only needs
touch of business men to tun.
them into staple products.
The people of Pitt county
surrounding counties have
that no class of agriculturist
in the great state of North Caro-
possess. We laMb
adapted to tho the growth of col-
has just reached us that demands
an explanation and a
tho writer as he is the
one this time implicated. We were
told by a farmer Thursday that he
had been told while in Wilson
a few days ago that that O. L-
Joyner was shipping tobacco
from this point to Wilson and
money on it. This was
used as an argument to the far-
mer to show to him that it was
best to carry his tobacco direct to
Wilson rather than sell in Green
where it would be bought
And eventually shipped to
sod sold at a profit. To this
we only have to say that we have
asked every here
if he ever shipped tobacco to
son to be sold they all say
positively they never did. So far
as we are concerned in this mat
we that the
argument was used as a false de
scheme to get tobacco to
Wilson and tho who started
,,, . on the report is an
hill it is ruined. The extent We have never
A the damage cannot be learned, j of tobacco
everywhere it is reported we ;
ton, corn, peanuts, potatoes,
the the Greenville to- products are
men is to treat such things to perfection. There are
with silent contempt knowing full of a in Pitt
well that they would soon rebound man
against the author, but a report I be converted int.
i us credit
for having so little
into blooming orchards
would turn out in-
comes to the owners in a few
years. We have almost as fine
grain pasture lands as the
far famed bluegrass region of
Kentucky, and last, but by no
means, least lands grow and
mature the finest bright tobacco
grown in the world. Hence we
repeat that with these advantages
our people are blessed indeed
while some of of us may think
ours a hard lot, if we only think
of the many blessings that we
have over others our
will be more general.
Buy the Genuine
From A Son. who
make a of the e
Vines for market. Send for Cat-
of Grape Vines, Fruit and
Trees Greenhouse Plants. Also
Tulip, Narcissus, Lily and
Greenville, N. C.
Some months ago the
some of the acts of Mayor Fish-
of that city, whereupon
the Mayor had the editors of
that paper indicted for
libel. When the case was
brought up before New Han-
over court on Monday, the
Mayor had presented an
davit asking for a removal of
the case to another county on
the ground that he did not be-
he could get a fair trail
in his own city and county.
This seems rather for
the in a case to be
making such an affidavit, and
looks on the surface that he i s
afraid to face what might be
brought Against his record,
judge Green, who was
denied the motion to
move the case.
Just stop, think, consider where you can
best protect your interest in
of your Tobacco crop.
For four year we have worked hard and spent our money in building
and placing the Greenville Tobacco Market in the front rank of the
Markets of the world. Since Greenville first had a To-
Warehouse we have been on the grounds working day and night
to acquire the best possible knowledge of how to sell the farmers
co to the best advantage and now after four years of difficult toil we
want to say to all who have tobacco to sell that we believe we are in a
better position than any Warehouse firm in Eastern North Carolina to
get the highest market price for your product. So with this we make
our politest bow asking for a continuance and an increase of your pat-
only upon the strictest business merit. We have no special pets
to whom fancy prices are given at the expense of less favored ones but
our undivided personal attention is given to every pile of your Tobacco
and if your interest should at any time be neglected our attention only
needs to be called to it and cheerfully and willingly all wrongs will be
righted. Our opinion is that Tobacco is selling very well for the
offered and from now on we expects lively market. So when you
get ready to sell just hook up and drive straight to the old reliable
headquarters for high prices, good averages and all
round courteous treatment.
Your friends,
Owners and Proprietors Eastern Warehouse.
His last Suit of Clothes Most
ladies do buy their husband's
Clothes. Its right that they
should. A man don't know
what looks well on him and be-
sides he don't know a good
piece of good from a common
piece- His wife does and its
to his interest to let her buy
his Clothes. He saves money
by it and is more becomingly
dressed. Speaking of Clothes
I have a very nice line for
Men I bought at a bankrupt
sale which I will sell at a very
low one-half its
real value- I have Suits from
up. Don't fail to sec me
before buying. I have also
a nice line of Dress Goods
and Notions that I am selling
cheaper than any man in town
When in need of SHOES re-
member my stock is complete
and will sell them cheap.
Middle store in Opera House
Low Prices the People.
Drop in to scenic, to swap thoughts and ideas.
I have a complete line of
in all shapes and makes. Styles superb, fit
faultless, prices popular.
For All
Standard makes by celebrated shoe artists.
flats, Ac- low down. Come and see
Keep Your
Eyes on
this Space.
Will Open
Them Next
Wholesale and Retail
1500.000 Pounds
Stoves. Stoves.
We are laying in a full line
Iron Heating
Stoves. Best quality, low prices. Call and
and Columbia
and have on hand second-hand
for sale very cheap. You may need a MI owing-
Machine, we have in stock.
I am now
my Fall Stock
and Heating Stoves.
, . . if or. respect. The New Dixie, Comfort, Iron King,
satisfactory prices will get it. for Cash a for Cash T
My Cook Stoves are made by the Richmond
Stove Co., and are as widely known as any E t
made. I have been handling them more than
years, and find that they are the Stove for the
Plow Boy, Now
Patron and New Lee. Price from and up.
I have the best Stove ever sold
on this market. With each Stove give pipe and
the fixtures to do the cooking for any family. I
keep constantly on hand castings for the Stoves
I sell. My Stove Pipe is made the best Eastern
Iron. My are first class i n every
Give us a trial and be convinced that
can and will give satisfaction in every respect.
The High Prices we are getting every day for
the farmers who sell with us will convince you
that we are yours for highest averages,
y jot a sen l get
off all the discounts possible and I give my
it in low prices,
in stock, Doors, Sash, Glass, Putty, Oil, Lead,
Axes, Mails, Belting, Rope, Saws, Tools, Iron
Drive Pumps and Pipes and everything kept in
a first class Hardware Store. I sell the
heaviest Pump made. All
ed to look at my stock.
sell for

Local Reflections.
Cotton 8.40.
Down with the dust.
At la.-t it ha rained-
is coming.
Now you en rule your
cut your chimney at one.
Dust Proof Goods at s.
It la e to straw hat.
general putting up of stoves-
darted their
Just as well lay in your sup-
ply cf cool and wood.
The crowd here has gone bat the
is still
are scarce in Market and
good pi ice-.
Everybody was sec
Monday night.
The rain came in time to help
the fall turnip crop.
Large shipments of grapes
being made from here every
I lawyers were grant-
ed licenses by the Supreme Court
When did yon notice the
September passed without
equinoctial storm
Ormand is also lulling in
stock of in the hi tiding near th
an house.
The well up in tobacco town
is going right down the earth. The
Machine work finely.
i not seen Hi out on
drill in
hoy-, and come out.
Some people at Tarboro say they
fell a earthquake shock
II sun day morning.
Go. Carr's tine fresh
Batter today. B. M.
C lieu Warren tells baa
shipped of
Grapes orders arc still ahead.
lbs. Evans is baring a dwelling
built in just south
Of Mr. A. new residence.
The young people had a in
hall Thursday An
Italian band was here lo mi
been appointed
executive committeeman, North
Carolina, the National Silver League
The tobacco warehouses arc now
Working under the new schedule of
rates as made by the last Legislature.
Mote than Smiths from
alone fought in the onion
mies. John was in tie crowd
I The Greenville Lumber Co. are put-
ting up bill the post-
the town will regaled
Dining the month of September
Deed-issued sixteen marriage
live for white and eleven for
, Colored couples.
Those who went here A.--
near Scotland returned
Monday evening. They report a large
crowd in attendance.
i it ever occur to you that you can
price of a newspaper
tines year by carefully read-
Oil Cloths in ail s
r.-. Lang's-
The ii
ling e do not recall
any people on th; streets in
same fix. but some got so earlier in tin
our printers warning to go
to the races we do
hold space open to give an account
ill ibis i-Mi, ht defer It out
This is season year for fur
fires, and ill coon and
. how they urn
their torches at night.
Talking through the nose or
mil e a base drum had
been swallowed is lie- fad now,
the weather causes people t lake to
Hi. St. Louis, has
nil tins weather He
a regular storm
Del o the center and
both missing.
i- a rumor that there be I
W. W. V. in t; before
we. k-. don't ask these
Utters menu, as re cannot give
. i. i do your own guess-
He around the train
raise a racket drumming for
S. Some tIn
used by tin w hi advancing
home they r present are
r s
night the mil
i miles from town, a white
mi colored man a difficulty.
Th color, was
owled, and it hi th hi
wound- will prove fatal
II. Long tells us he baa taken on
use f M the House and expects
i,. be able to have some goo i plays
The re-
opening of the Opera Hone will be a
pleasure of oar people.
We been shown th the
Forbes Move prize noose jun com-
It is one of the best equipped
and most on lit houses Oil
market, a l force of h in Is arc
work all time
Mr. T. l Car nine a white
ab ii. his nets at mouth of
river Monday. This was the
In on waters lust
; in i
The well is sunk
i., i i la- readied a depth of
street and slid going down- Some
veil peculiar nave been brought
h the and Pal
are going to Ike gold U there
We lino boggles on hand
work so
rapidly that all l
The Months Pass, But People in
B. E. returned Monday even-
Dr. T. L. Carr, of Snow Hill, is in
I. II. is attend court at
W. J. returned home
day evening.
Mayor D- C. Moore, of Bethel, spent
Monday here.
J. S. Smith returned from Seven
Springs Friday.
Prof. C. II. James, of was
in Monday.
Misses Fannie and Blow have
-one to Littleton.
M. arrived from Weldon
Monday evening.
J. D. Swindell, of is in town.
once lived here
Mrs E. Powell is visiting
B. C. returned Thursday eve-
from Baltimore.
Mrs. J. S. Jenkins and children lave
I home Virginia.
Mis Newell, of county,
i- W. White.
Solicitor C. M. returned
M evening.
T. J. returned
evening from visit to
of here
visiting his brother, Maj. Latham.
J. J. Cherry returned from a business-
trip to Thursday evening.
W. Bernard came up from
Friday to spend a day or two at
Mrs. E. T. Stewart, of Washington,
has been a few dais Mis.
A. J.
of lit, Olive, who
been visiting Mrs- B. V.
I home
came over from
Holiday to take a position with the John
Buggy co.
We learn that A. F. a
former citizen of this low u and a son
Of Cornelius died at
den Wednesday evening.
W. who in
the Presbyterian church. Sunday, re-
to Monday.
Mayor Sol Cohen and M. II.
of Newborn, who were to the
races, left for home Friday evening.
J. S. C. Benjamin, of
-right here and
His many friends were glad to
see him.
K. L. Smith, w. ii. Harrington and
wife. Ml n T. Ii. Cherry and K. II.
Home and Dannie King and
Smith have gone to the
Misses Blow, Bessie Harding.
Johnston, Ada Tyson. Mary
Smith, Tripp and a Miss Cox
left last week for the I. College at
Dim. D. T. of Washington,
and Charles Dully, Newborn,
here Saturday with
upon the
condition of Maj. L. C. Latham.
Col. Tom Washington one of the
proprietors of the Brick Warehouse, at
Wilson, and James K. Woodard, were
here Friday to attend the sales and the
race Mr. Washington was never in
before, but the visit con-
him that we have a town and a
tobacco market here that will do to talk
Mr. II. B. Clark who was so long the
popular salesman with Mr. W. t. Jones
this city, has opened a store in Green-
wile. We wish friend Henry
predict a blight future for him. II
i learned his lesson well from his
i employer he will make things hustle
his store will lie crowded
t Messenger.
To A U Market.
This week the Tobacco Hoard
if Trade begins sending out
extra copies, weekly, of THE
Reflector for t He
of advertising the
and showing to
the outside world the advantages
town has to offer as a place
tor making good investments.
should a note
of fact that this will give them
a splendid opportunity of reach-
tho of Pitt and
counties. No business
should this chance.
A Good Man Dead.
We regret bear of the death
of Mr. M. C. S. Cherry, which
occurred at his home Bethel
on the 2nd inst- Mr. Cherry was
one of the most prominent
in the county, a staunch Demo-
and represented Pitt several
times in the Legislature. He
was also for years a member of
the Board of County
and was on the Board
that took charge of the county
affairs when they had been wreck-
ed under lie publican misrule,
worked the county of debt
and made Pitt the peer
of any county in the State-
He leaves a large family.
An Old Company.
The has received a
very handsome souvenir
giving a brief and concise
of the Second Company
of New
Company was
organized by Benedict Arnold in
1775, and while not the oldest mil-
in, the
states it is the having
a continuous record, holding
meetings and electing its officers
for The Com-
will leave New Haven on
October 19th for Atlanta, to act as
guard and escort for Governor
of that State.
An Unjust Law.
The State Treasurer has sent
out notices to the Sheriff of each
county relative to the section of
o act that places a tax
on dealers in pianos and
organs, and directs the sheriff to
proceed as the law directs against
parties engaged in selling pianos
oz organs in the county. The
not apply to agents who
take orders for instruments for
factories or dealers outside the
it is a j unjust law that
a citizen of the State
lot doing business and at the
same time those doing same
outside the State can
send in all the agents they please
and pay no tax. But the
made the law, and as the
State Treasurer intimates, even if
it it does appear burdensome that
does not excuse the Sheriff from
executing it. But there is no one
county liable to this law
The County to Have a Vault-
Mr. B. P. Smith, of Richmond,
was here today and submitted to
the Board of County
plans and specifications
a tire proof vault the
House. After considering care-
fully the plans submitted by Mr.
Smith hearing his
as to terms for the vault
the Board by unanimous vote
this step the Commissioners
receive the hearty
of the people of the
generally. It no argument
to show the need of a place for the
safe keeping of the records
other papers in the
Clerk's Register of
offices. vault to be put by
Mr. will be a double one.
entrances from both offices,
it will be in the
jest and most substantial man
will be fitted with metal
The work will com
at once. The vault will
cost to be paid for in four
yearly payments of
sack. Pitt thus takes an-
other big step forward.
New Advertisement.
You will find tho following new
advertisements in the
Millinery at lowest prices.
Allen Warren
grapes, vines, fruit
tn es.
Frank and
to tel of his stock.
Evans, Joy nor Ea--
A- L sale.
Only a Bale.
,.,,.,,. of the O. p.
seam.-.,. Company, m-.-iv. d In-
make a still further re-
in Ma
.,, the now only a
bite Greenville
rate heretofore baa been ween
the two our people can
halt what they
This is good news
for the and they av.
them wives of the Old
Hue is them.
N. Oct. 1805.
Charlie Peal, editor of Farmer
and Trucker, of Berkley, Va., was
visiting relatives last week-
Mr, J. A
nod H. Williams went to Ku
Association Sunday-
W. Belcher arrived home
Friday from Farm near
for a
S. H- Taylor and S went to
Thursday to pay the
tobacco tax. Our
me wall in re
to said
that he going to
take a patent cu plowing so
that one should every other
row but should plow Bush or not
at all-
Strict Car d.
Monday application
made to Ho Town Council for the
f e. v for I hilt rears for a
street car line to operated be-
tween the wharf and the depot, to
pass along Evans street.
Council deferred notion on
application until the next regular
meeting the
of citizen-. the town j
may be obtained in tho matter
Now let the citizens take
it fully, that
the Councilman may be
to act in accordance with the
wishes of the The Re-
columns are open to any
one wishing to express his
ion print. For our part, we
believe a street car would be both
advantageous to j
the people of town.
Bethel items.
Bethel, N. C, Oct. 7th, 1805.
R- A. Peal, of Oakley, spent
Sunday in town.
James Cherry to Rich-
Rev. W. A Forbes preached at
Pinnacle Sunday evening.
Samuel John-ten and wife and
several others from
spent Sunday in
Rev. E. J- Edwards filled his
regular monthly appointment in
the church Sunday.
A. will
a protracted
Methodist church this week.
On Thursday evening Oct. 3rd,
at r of War
Andrews, bride's father,
in John O- of
township, was married
to Miss Allie Andrews, Elder
Samuel Moore officiating.
the residence of
James A- Mayo, in Bethel, the
brides father, Wednesday Oct.
o'clock P. M-,
Jones, of was mar-
to Miss Mayo, D. C-
Moore, officiating- A re-
was held after the mar
Early last week following
appeared in personal column
of the
C. A. Carter, a tobacco buyer, left for
Kinston Monday evening. The boys
say he found this market too high for
The Kinston Free construes
this item to be upon the
Kinston tobacco market and takes
to throw off a lot of
bile that seems to have lain
on its liver. After raving a
bit about Greenville
and sharks cheating the far-
and how much
detrimental to the Green-
ville market it has suppressed the
Free Press closes
We have acted courteously towards
other markets and we are disposed to
continue doing so, but if other markets
want a fight they have only to attack
the Kinston market. The first stone was
thrown by
It was a display of more
than we thought the free
Press could be guilty of-
your soul, in printing that item,
which was purely a personal note
in the personal column of
Reflector, the idea never once
occurred to us that even
had a tobacco market. We
at the train bunting for personal
items, as is our daily custom, saw
Mr Carter leaving and upon
where he was going were
Kinston, and noticing some of the
tobacco boys around the depot
having a bit of Inn and chiding
him because, as they had put it,
tobacco was too high for
here, carrying out their spirit of
merriment the item was printed
accordingly, without
caring what the party was
to Kinston for, or whether he had
ever been th before.
However, this ebullition tin
part of the
show that as has tin
best tobacco market in Eastern
Carolina it is envied by the small
and they seem to de-
light in an opportunity to show
their spleen- But Greenville has
built up its business strictly on
merit and without
at other markets and will
continue to pursue the tenor
of v. Four good ware-
houses, high prices, of
money and reliable business men
are our drawing Cards.
s Races.
There were about a thousand
people out at the track to witness
he races on Thursday, and they
the trials of speed as
good as they ever saw. The dust
was fearful at times almost
the horses
The first race was the minute
the horses coming
jut as 1st
by G. J- Wash-
by Ed-
wards Bros, Snow Hill; 3rd,
The winners in the second race
class were 1st, by
Edwards Snow Hill; 2nd
-Old by Dr. Warren,
Greenville; 3rd by
The winners in the third race-
class, were 1st,
Ellis, 3rd, Rush Miller
by G- J- Washington
The winners in running
race were 1st, by J. G.
Washington; 2nd
by Leon Williams Tarboro.
Small Crowd for First Monday.
W e heard Chairman
of the of
say Monday that there
was the smallest crowd here he
ever saw on a first Monday in
October. There were very few
people that had business before
the Commissioners and not many
were hero.
We bad a call Thurs-
day from E
contracting f Sells Bros,
Circus. d very
and he s . I.- will be
here on November lot. Sells
Bros circus is largest show
on the road, it takes cars to
transport it. Watch the
and it will tell yon all about
Off on a Hunt.
There was a jolly crowd that
went down to den, Friday
to engage a big hunt,
consisted of G. P- Flawing,
Ola Forbes. R. Earnest
Forbes, Alf Forbes, R. W
shaw, R- M. Lit Mad-
it night wort
opportune to catch the j
and the they brought
back with tin-in one and
six coons. The boys say they never
bad a bigger time. best
of the trip was had at the expense
of He was strutting
along pretty lively in advance of
the crowd when he suddenly
out of sight and raised a
cry f-r help down
Tho boy gathered around
ind him about
u f feet hole.
warn of and
they could locate him
by the light of his cigar
which he never lost the fail,
fished out and though
pretty hunt-
of One Crop Id-.
While rejoices
the price of cotton has advanced
so rapidly, there may after all be
some danger about it. It may
turn of th far heads
and them to rush
into planting a largely
increased acreage next year.
have already heard one large
farmer reported as saying if
cotton goes to cents this sea-
son lie not plant a stalk of
tobacco next year, but would go
for cotton on a large scale-
hint; would more suicidal
to the farmers than for a general
idea of this kind to prevail among
In opinion of the Re-
it a tremendous crop of;
cotton should be raised year
you would see price
right back to where it was la.-.
season. The farmers should be
to desire to pass
through the bitter experiences of
the h st few years, and would
be the outcome of back
into the crop idea. only
way a high price fur cotton
be is to keep the sup-
ply below the first
idea of the farmer should be to
raise his home supplies, and
diversify his remaining acres
among the crops, not put-
ting his entire upon
cotton, tobacco or any ether one
To fit everybody, little feet and
Dig feet feet and black feet
o you want a Dress
suitable Trim-
We have latest and newest styles
n Tl want a Suit of Clothes
Ours are the newest designs
and will fit.
latest make.
designs are beautiful.
Hats and Caps.
We intend to make our new stock of
Dry Goods Shoes.
rapidly if low prices will do it.
Everything the very a poor article in
lie store. Right up in quality. Right up in
Right up in assortment. Just what
will please you. trouble to show goods.
C. T.
------FOR THE-
and cordially invite you to inspect the largest
and neatest assortment of
you want
L I bargains in everything then
come to us.
Opposite J- A Son. Leader of Low
Below are Norfolk prices of cm ton
and peanuts tor yesterday, .-is furnished
by Bros- Her-
Middling s
Low Middling s 3-Hi
Good Ordinary V
Twenty Years Proof.
Liver Pills keep the bow-
els in natural motion and cleanse
the system of all impurities An
absolute cure for sick headache,
dyspepsia, sour stomach, con-
and kindred diseases.
do without
R. P. Smith, Va.
writes I don't know how I could
do without them. I have had
Liver disease for over twenty
years. Am now entirely cured.
Liver Pills
Nearly every visitor here his
tiling good to say about Greenville. We
have Mien a town here th it they
can't help talking about it
Nervous Prostration
Could Not Had No
Cured In Body and Mind by Hood's
suffered very much tor a long time
with prostration. I had about
given up all hopes
of let-
ilia v. n
recommended t
me and I believe it
my to lei
other duff
know the benefit I
derived from It.
Could Not Steep
at r.
cat I was unable to
After taking the
T f Dress Goods and Trimmings in
the latest novelties.
of the highest art to fit and suit you.
SHOES and BOOTS to fit your feet and
Hats and Caps in the latest styles. Cloaks-
the handsomest line ever brought to this city.
Call on us and we will show better than
we can tell you.
Next door Rawls the Jeweler.
-.-jute I
Mr. J.
on my stomach
first of which
seemed to do mo good, I tried a
second and continued to feel better.
got up feeling
Bright and Refreshed
In the morning. I the
am cured, and mind,
can deep and feel better in ovary
way. I gladly recommend
Madison Ave., Va.
Be Sure
to Get Hood's
Hood's Pills
Ladies, Misses and
to fit suit
The best and
of this season-
ever to Greenville. Our stock eon-
all the newest and most
Trimmings, Notions, Furnish-
Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Domestics, Bleached and Unbleached
Sheeting and Shirting, Calicoes, Fancy
t ton Dress Goods, and every thing you
will want or need in that line. Hardware
for farmers and mechanics use, Tinware,
Hollowware, Wood and
Whips, Buggy Robes, Collars, Rope,
Twine, Heavy Groceries always on
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Salt and Molasses.
The best and largest assortment of Crock-
Lamps, Lanterns, Lamp Chimneys and
Shades, Fancy Glassware, to be found
in the county. And our stock of
Matting Rugs and Foot Mats is by far
the best and cheapest ever ottered to the people
of this section. look and see and buy.
Sole agents of Coats Spool Cotton for this town
for wholesale and retail trade. Reynold's Shoes
for Men and Boys. Bros. Shoes
for Ladies and children. We buy Cotton and
Peanuts and pay the highest market price for
them. Your experience teaches you all to buy
and deal with men who will treat you fair and
do the square thing by you. Come and see us
and be convinced that what we claim is true.
Yours for business square dealings,
Cheap And Good Goods
Differ in their tastes. The foremost
thought the men just row is
tobacco and high prices, while
are thinking the
at Lowest Prices.
If they will call at the store of
will a f ill line of
Fancy Hair
Pin-. Bill and all
latest style
Agent for
J. r.
Novelties at very low
prices at
On Fifth Street near Five
Passengers carried to any
point at reasonable Good
Horses. Comfortable Vehicles.
I attended sales in New York and Baltimore in July
jobbers were purchasing to sell to the southern
and I am now prepared to many inducements j
my customers and the trade generally. I also
bought a big lot of good and reliable BOOTS
and SHOES on June 1st before the
price. Also a big line of Ladies
Dress Goods, Dry Goods and Notions, Crockery,
Hardware, Tinware. Wood and
and Furniture, which will sell cheap. In
proof of what I say will quote you prices of a few
liens and Boys Cashmere Pants Men and Boys Cashmere
Suits Boys Vest , Mens Vest Boys Coats
Mens Coats Mens Suits made of
Coats Mens Clay Worsted, Diagonal and Cork-
screw Suits to Mens Coats, same material, Boys
Suits, size to at Mens Overcoats to
Boys Shirts Mens Shins, Mens and Boys
Caps to Men and Boys Cotton, Wool and Fur Hats
to pair of Skin Shoes, Congress and
Lace, worth will sell for Ladies Misses good
Shoes to Ladies and Misses old stock, to
Children Shoes, old stock, to Nice Rice Good
Rica Molasses , Good West India Molasses All
kinds of Farmers taken in exchange for goods. High-
est cash prices paid for Cotton in Seed or Lint.
F. H.
N. C.

Exhausted Soils
are made to produce larger and better crops by the
use of Fertilizers rich in Potash.
Write for our a 142-page illustrated book. It
is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and
will make and you money. Address,
GERMAN KALI WORKS, Nassau Street, New York.
R. J. Cobb,
Pitt Co., N. C.
C. C. Cobb.
fie, N. C.
Joshua Skinner,
to., NO
and rooms near N. A C. R.
Ties Peanut Sacks Furnished at Lowest Prices.
Code, edition 1818, used in Telegraphing.
and Correspondence Solicited.
T. A-
Cotton Factoid and Commission Merchants
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Bagging. Ties. Peanut Bigs, to- S,
Attention given to Sales of Cotton, Grain, Peanuts and Pea.
Liberal Cash Advances on Consignments. Prompt and
Market Guaranteed.
Norfolk National Bank, n any Reliable House in tin
n consequence of the removal of the Military from Fay
to the name of this i institution of learning will here
after be known as Wilson Military Academy. The TERM BEGIN-
WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER A let. With greater better
equipments, and. if possible, brighter prospects, tin- school enter
upon its third year with every cation a much larger patronage and mm-
usefulness. The most thorough is given in literary and com
branches; moral culture and training r. due attention
The Third Annual Announcement, full will be mailed to
Maj. J. W. Supt.,
Wilson, N. C.
Notice to Creditors.
fining before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county as
Administrator of the estate of George
Move, deceased, notice Is hereby given
to nil persons indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and having claims
against the must present the
same for payment on or before the 30th
day of September, IS or this notice
will he plead in bar of recovery.
day or
George Move.
Notice to Creditors-
Having duly qualified before the Sn-
pt Court Clark of Pitt county as
to the Lost Will an
of dames Wall, deceased, notice
is hereby given to persons indebted
to the estate to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and all per-
sons having claims against said estate
must present the same for payment on
or before the 17th day of September,
or this notice will be plead in bar
of recovery.
This 17th day of ember
N. James Wall.
Notice to Creditors-
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt County having Issued to the under-
signed on this letters of
upon the estate of James
way deceased. Notice is hereby given
to the creditors of said Jam I Galloway
to their claims to the undersign-
ed on or before September
properly authenticated, or this notice
will he plead In bar their recovery.
All p Indebted to said estate are
r quested to make e payment
and thus save costs and expense.
his the 13th day September
of James Galloway.
Ship produce to
J C. Meekins, Jr.,
Personal Attention given to
Weights and
ft R
; i; if
1-2 u
. It.
L- i V
v i
Magnolia IS
Ar Wilmington
P. M.
A. M
A. M
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Dated July Mb
Florence Selma Ar el
j A. M.
Wilmington Magnolia Goldsboro H
Ar Rocky Mt
M t
Ar Weldon
For Barb Wire Cuts, Scratches,
Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked
Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises.
Piles and all kinds of inflammation
man or beast. Cures Itch and
Cat or Ban Till Batter after the e
lie prepared accidents by keeping it in
house or stable. All tell
Cure, No Pay. Price and If you.
Druggist does not keep Bend us in pas
stamps and we will send it to you by mail,
has Cr
Saddle Bars Wire
perfect and heartily recommend u
ill and
C. B. and Feed
Gentlemen am to a
My a h-w
. after ti vine all . applied your
are and In a day-
well. I the nil on my and fin,, lb.
beat remedy for purpose that I MM
Pane. January .
a J.
Train on Week Branch Hoar
Weldon 3.40 p. m., Halifax 4.00
p. m., arrives Scot laud Neck at 4.55 p
Greenville 6.37 p. 7.6
p. m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.20,
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arriving
Halifax at a. m Weldon 11.20 am
Trains on V Brant-h leave
Washington a, arrives
8.40 p. in. Tarboro 0.50; returning
leaves Tarboro 4.50 p. m ,
p. in,, arrives Washington 7.35 p. m.
except Sunday. Connects with
on Scot In Neck Branch.
Tram leaves if C, via
Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, at S p. m. Sunday P.
Plymouth 9.20 P. M-, 8.20 p. m.
He i ii i n ii i g leaves Plymouth daily
6.30 a. m., Sunday 0.30 a m.
10.5 and II.
Train on Midland N C s
Goldsboro daily except 6.50
m. arriving a. R.
leaves a. m.
Trains on leaves
Rocky Mount at 4.30 p. arrive
ft p. m-, Hope 5.30.
p. m. Returning leaves Spring
H a. m. 8.35 a. in.,
-t Rocky Mount a. in.,
Trains on Latta Branch, ii.
R. 0.50 p. m., arrive
Oar 8.00 p. m. Returning leave
bar a-m. arrive Latta 8.00 a. in.
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves War-
for Clinton dally, except Sunday
at in. leave Clinton
m. at Warsaw with
main line
General Supt.
T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manage-.
J. R. KENLY, Manager,
You every
in the month
September that it
you have
your done
at the
It will be done right,
It will be done in style
and it suits.
These points are
well worth weighing
in any sort
of work, but
all things in
By virtue of a decree of the Sup
Court of Pitt county made at April
in a case therein ponding entitle I
J. A. of R. A.
versus It. B. et a I will on
Monday, November 4th. , before
the Court House door in Greenville,
sell at public Sile to bi r
the following pieces or or land
lying and in
county to wit
One tract on the north side Black
Swamp known as the
adjoining the land of S. N. Bynum, it.
acres more or less,
One tract known as
th- laud- of It. I-.
Bynum, others, con-
res more or less.
One tract known as the Moore
adjoining the Lands R,
Bynum, J, . in and cm-
sores more or less.
And one other piece in Falkland
township known as the
property containing two acres
and upon which is situated a store and
of ale WOO third cash, one
I bird In six months and the balance in
twelve from day of sale, with
interest on the d payments and
secured by notes of the purchases.
retained until the whole of the
money is paid.
the fay of October 1.-95.
For the of the
North State Lumber Co.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 27th.
Secretary very naturally de-
to discuss the possibilities of an
early charge in the attitude of this
government towards Hie Cuban
but happenings have
made it a subject of discussion among
those who may
opinion without a breach of i
etiquette or of diplomatic
and they are doing it. Ami the
things indicate lbs drift
sentiment outside of Washing-
ton is the frequency with which Demo-
assemblages have of lat been
adopting resolutions in favor of free
Cuba, the latest and most
instance being the New York State
Democratic convention. It was noted
also with pleasure that Senator Gray,
of Delaware, was Instrumental, as their
chief counsel, in getting the Co re-
arrested near . Dela-
ware, O course
it was in his capacity as a r, and
not as chairman of the commit-
tee on Foreign that Senator
Gray befriended those Cubans, tut all
the same it has taken as a straw in-
much. It is argued that Sen-
Gray would not have become the
counsel tho c Cubans if lie had not
with thorn, mid
Id- relations with President d
arc snob that he would hardly have
in the case, though per-
had been with the ac-
men and the cause they
if he hail not known the
nations of the t urn to lean the
same way. A meeting in favor
of f Cuba is g talked up in Wash-
and will probably shortly be held.
Many Democrats to see the ad-
ministration act before- tin matter comes
up in Congress, as it is certain to do
very early in the session.
If proof were needed that the Han
is dead it is f by the
with which Republican's of prom-
who come to Washington give it
a kick. Its latest kicking was
by Ex-Senator Sabin, of Minn.,
who was once chairman of the Rep
National committee. Mr. Sabin
sys he thinks Harrison ceased to be a
Presidential possibility the moment it
was certain that and would
ion the P- an I New
to the Na-
convent on. lie also think- mat
Reed Is to have a walk-fiver for
the nomination, or says he does.
A. cording those who are
posted on inside republican
Mr. of Ohio, has
Gov, consent made a direct
bid to win Boss Plait over to the s p-
of Presidential
It is well known that was
in promised on behalf of Mr.
that he should be Secretary of the
Treasury, a place that has been
hankering after for mar y years, if he
would Harrison, and lie was
elected. Mr. repudiated that
claiming that it was made
without his knowledge or consent, and
j thereby made a lit- lime enemy of
I Mr. has how made the same
; promise for Got, and ha-
it-id Mr. that
it in person if Mr. would
agree to swing the New York delegation
to alter a complimentary vote
is cast for Gov. who is
ally regarded as merely a brevet eat. i-
the nomination, will
also before he returns to Ohio endeavor
to make a deal when he can
the sup, on of Boss Quay for
Heed h is been supposed to have a
gage upon both Plait and Quay, but
they are very and
will both be found on the of the
w ho offer.- them the most.
Rev. R. Hicks, the celebrated storm
prophet, of St, is now a house-
hold name In every home In
America. His wonderful Almanac
the weather for a year ahead more
correctly stud accurately then any other
publication or a y other system. The
testimony a large number of c ireful
observers i that of
predictions are fill to the letter.
of annual Aim-macs now
well and favorably known in all parts
of this in foreign lands.
new Almanac for is the most
practical and as well as the
prettiest of this I series. It con-
pages, printed on tine book pa-
per, with elegantly printed in
colors. The Batter, although scientific,
is written in popular style, there being
nothing difficult to
It is also finely Don't con-
found this with some patent medicine
It is nothing o. the kind,
but is a fine book, which sells at all the
news stands for . floe
is given as a premium to every yearly
to the Rev, well-
known and deservedly popular paper,
Word Works.
is a peerless e the masses,
and is fast becoming a household
and necessity in the home of
America, Those who want to keep up
with the advanced thought of the age in
science, and social,
Intellectual and
should subscribe for Word and
only a year. The
Weekly and W and
Works will be sent a year for
---------DEALER IN--------
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work
and prices reasonable.
Your Job Printing.
The undesigned, J. Cherry,
a reel tent of the State of North Caro-
and County of Martin, Oscar S.
Flash, of City, County and State of
New York, and Frederick U. Samuels,
a resident of said State of North Caro-
and County of Martin, being
of a corporation r
by virtue of chapter of the Code
of North Carolina, and the acts of The
General Assembly thereof,
for the purposes express-
ed, do he make sign and
edge the following Articles of agreement
and associate upon
terms and for the purposes following to
The name of said
lie and is -The North Stale
The objects will, h the said
company is formed are to own and
deal in timber and logs and options
timber. To purchase, own
lumber of all kinds To
and deal in lumber of all kinds. To
deal in lumber on commission . to
purchase, improve, own and convey
lands requisite to it-1 business, and to
erect maintain buildings thereon.
To own and operate machinery for the
purpose of the and sale of
lumber- To charter, own and operate
vessels, heats, oars, and rail-
roads tor tramp of logs.
lumber and snob other materials
and of
he Company eh lo own
and operate c in con-
with lie business of sail Cm
To borrow money upon
credit and notes from time t time a
its interests shall require
To issue a bond o bends secured by a
mortgage or mortgages upon the prop-
and of .-aid Company,
and to sell the same for the purpose-
raising money for purposes
of said Company A, d generally, to
do all acts and to perform ail operations
that may be deem, d
expedient in with the
of mi
The principal place of business of
sad Company snail at Mar
tin county. Stale of Ninth Carolina.
The ion shall exist for
term of thirty years from Hie date of
art of incorporation.
The following have sub-
scribed to the stock of said corporation
CO wit
J. Cherry. Oscar S-
and Fredrick U. Samuels.
The present capital stock of said
corporation shall be twenty rive th ms-
and dollars, to he divided into
two hundred
value of one hundred each
of which forty have been
subscribed, by the following parties, to
wit J. Cherry thirty
shares, S. Plash one
share and Frederick Samuels e
I share, the said co shall
the privilege of increasing its
stock to any amount not g
seventy live thousand dollars in
shams of one hundred 8.00 collars each.
The said capital stock or any par
th may be issued for or
actually received by or for
labor or services rendered to said
and when so pail for and
i-sued. said stock shall he deemed an-
taken as
of said company, and there shall b no
personal liability for
and stock holders of Slid be-
the amount
the held by them.
The meeting of this Company
a i -s iii connection with Its
organization and business as provided
in Charter shall lie held on Friday.
September 1895 at Mar-
tin county. North Carolina.
witness the Corpora-
I for the purposes
aforesaid, have set our
seals, this the eighteenth day
Signed and delivered in the presence
of Donnell Gill lam. subscribing witness.
A which had
saved the of several
at various times, was recent-
over killed. The
then for his
by burying
oak about of them at-
tending the
Like Magic.
If you have Catarrh. or
any oilier Gloria Oil. which you can
get at Dr. Wooten's will cure you.
We Keep That Kind.
The reader of paper will he pleas
ed to learn that there Is at least one
dreaded that has been
ante lo cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh, Cure is the
only positive core known to the
Catarrh being a
disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken intern illy, acting directly on the
blood and mucous, surfaces of the sys-
thereby destroying tie foundation
of the and giving tie
strength by building up the
lion and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars a ease
that it falls to Send fir list of
F. J. CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by
Nelson who has
been a on pilot Tar river for a
number years, in fact tho oldest,
died in our city He
ran a flat before ever a steam-
boat was on Tar river.
Washing to
Bear this fact in mind when start
out for
season is complete in
every and we ran supply ail
your wants in
You hi to come us for any-
thing wanted. goods and prices
will please you.
Ill addition to selling the best goo Is at
lowest prices, we p iv top of the
market all country pro-
Thanking you far a liberal patronage
in th p st. we hope to have many calls
from you this season.
J. O. BRO.
N. C.
Surplus over
R. B. Rainey, State
The Old Penn Mutual is the best
managed Life in
America. It furnishes all kinds of pol-
at lowest possible rates
with absolute security. It may not pay
as large commissions to agents as some
other companies, but its low rate of ex-
low death rate, immense
plus safely and profitably arrested,
large dividends and indulgence to its
policy-holders, render it the Company
in which to insure. Its policies are ab-
incontestable, after three
years c be forfeited. Money loan-
ed on policies, paid lip granted
or policies carried by the
a number of years.
J. L. Din.
N. C
We Offer You
f Life to Mother I
and Child.
j Robs of its Pain, Horror and Risk.,
My wile used be-
fore birth she did not
suffer from CUB or quickly
I relieved at the critical hour hut .
, had no pains afterward and her
recovery was rapid.
E. E. Johnston. Ala.
Sent ivy Mail or Express, on receipt of
, mailed Free.
price, Moth-
of the power in me vested
a by a decree in the ease
of Susan and Win. L. Elliott,
P Nicholson trading
as Elliott against Jesse P.
Brown and wife Laura Brown, and T.
V. Trust e. which decree was
made Honor Albert L. e.
Judge, at the Term o of Pitt
Superior Court and duly docketed in
Docket No. page in
Court I will sell at public sale to
the highest bidder at the Court House
door in Greenville, N. C, on Monday
th- day of November two
tracts of land In
Pitt County and as
folio, tow it; One tract as the
Ida adjoining the lauds of
Betsy Philips, Cobb. John A.
old O B. rs, con.
One Bundled and thirty
ore other tract laud a
the said Warren tract, O. B.
as the Brown land containing two
hundred a ires more or lea.
Terms of one-third cash, balance
in two Installments due and pay-
able one and two yearn respectively,
secured by notes of the r with
interest at t per cent on said notes from
day of sale, purchaser to have privilege
said noes any time
due if he wishes, or cash at time of
sale as he may prefer, to be retain-
ed until all of money is paid.
Greenville, N. C. h, 1805.
Caveats, and obtained and all Pat-
business conducted for Fees.
u. s.
and we can secure patent in less
remote from Washington.
Send modeL, drawing or photo., with
We advise, if or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
a pamphlet, O; with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent ires. Address,
OFf. Washington. D. C.
We will fill them QUICK
We will fill then. CHEAP
We will fill them WELL
Ron. h Heart Framing,
sap Hi.-
Bough Sap Boards, Inches.
Wait days for our Planing Mill and
we will furnish you Dressed Lumber
Wood delivered to your door for
cents a load.
Terms cash.
Thanking you for past patronage.
w ft e re S
means so much more than
you and
fatal diseases result from
trilling ailments neglected.
Don't play with Nature's
; Brown's
out sorts, weak
and generally ex-
have no appetite
and can't work,
been at
the most
Brown's Iron Bit-
A few hot-
from the
very first
-n slain your
teeth, and it's
pleasant to take.
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles,
t Constipation, Bad Blood
Malaria, Nervous ailments
Women's complaints.
Get only the has crossed red
lines on the wrapper. All others arc sub-
On receipt of two ac. stamps we
will send set Tan Beautiful
Fair Views and
. i; u Victor,
tie Sure c all Skin Bums
This has been In use over
years, and know
in steady demand. It has been on
by tin lending physicians all over
all other With the attention of
the physicians, have
for years failed. Tins is of
long standing and the high reputation
which It has obtained is owing entirely
its own as but little hat
ever been made to bring II the
public. One bottle of this Ointment will
be sent to any address on receipt of One
Dollar. All Cash Outers promptly at-
tended lo. Address all orders and
T. V.
YEARS EXPERIENCE has me the best is cheap-st
Hemp Rope, Building Pumps, Farming Implements, and
ting necessary for Millers, Mechanics and purposes, a- well at
Clothing, Hats, Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods I have hand. Am head
quarters for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing agent for Clark's O. T.
Cotton, keep courteous and attentive clerk.
J. L.
ii fit
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At current rates.
The cultural and Mechanical the
Colored Race, at Greensboro, N. O.
The Kali Term will begin Wednesday, 1895.
mission will he made and
nation county students will be
the Saturday in September next.
Instruction in Horticulture, Dairy the Me-
Arts, the English and various branches of Mathematical,
Physical. Economic with special reference to their
in the Industries of life-
A ilia number girls will b. admitted for m, in addition to regular
course of Blurry, instruction will be n In Music, Sewing, Cooking and
dry work.
This School is by States, and of Carolina
It is sectarian, and is not controlled or influenced by any particular
County Students.
Tuition, Free Tuition, per -es-ion
Board, per week . 1.23
room, etc. s-i
Instruction ti a m nth 2.00
u-.- piano per -c--ion
additional terms see whit h can be h id by Tile
President of The Agricultural and tor Col Race
N. C.
In Effect
, y
Ex Sun.
Pas.-. Daily
Ex Sun.
P. M
P II. P.
A. M
A. M.
Train connects v ti Wilmington aft
Weldon train bound North, leaving
Goldsboro a. and with
train West, n m
Under Opera House,
Call In when you good work
Examination for ad
October 2nd
in county county examiner on
September 31st, 1885.
the above the Southern Railway Co, will sell round
trip tickets to Atlanta, On., return on the following
D i E
,. IT
So lo
ville and Tarboro touching at all land
lugs on Tar River Wednesday
and Pi tit A. H.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
These departures lo stage
of Hater on Tar River
with steam-
em of The k, Wash-
.- for Norfolk.
. York and
Shippers goods
marked via Dominion fr
New York. de m
Norfolk Halt i
more Inn Haiti
more. Miners I
JNO. SON. Agent,
J. A-rent.
N. C.
Burlington, IN. C.
Culpepper. Va.
. .
Hill. N.
Concord, C.
Charlotte, N- C.
Durham, N. C.
Front Royal. Va.
Greensboro. N.
Goldsboro, N- G.
Henderson ville, N. C.
Hickory. N-
Point, N.
Hot Springs, N.
Lexington, N-
Marion, N-
N. W
Oxford. N. C.-20
N. .
N, .
South Boston. .
Salisbury, N.
Statesville, N. . H
N. .
West Point, or. .
Wilkesboro, V.-32 .
. HI
. j
. i
. . . .
Lumber Wanted
Cut Rap-1
Variable Friction
Food Saw Mill
III. Quick II-hi
null .
mill to
For foil Catalans
Rate-, from joints I
be fold on o Ii. and daily from s p-
1816, inclusive, with final limb January Col-
end lots for Rent or sale
I terms easy. Rents, Insurance
and open accounts and any other
I of debt placed in my hands
I have prompt attention.
guaranteed. I solicit your
patronage, I
Column A . ts will In
ember to if
Tickets will sold daily from September HI to r
with limit twenty days tram date of sale. Column Tickets will be
sold daily from September to 1883, with limit
then days from date of sale. No to bear limit than January
Column Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of seek
reek from until 1896, with tin limb ten
days from date of Column Tickets will be sold dally from
lo to inclusive, with final limit seven days from
date of sale.
SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is only line entering the Exposition
having a double-track, standard railway from the c the
city of Atlanta to Exposition Grounds.
For tickets and Information apply to your agent,
J. M. GULP, W. A. TURK, G. P. A.
1300 Ave., Washington, D. C,

Eastern reflector, 9 October 1895
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 09, 1895
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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