The Reflector is
pared to do all worn
of this line
The Eastern Reflector.
You Need
D. J.
Plenty of new
rial and the best XIV
of Stationery.
The capita circulation as
shown W the Treasury state
moot for July was Tho
not in the circulation for
At an given for
the benefit of the Methodist
church of Moultrie, Ga-, a few
nights ago. the prettiest young
ladies of the town arrayed them-
their best costumes .
kisses to the boys for ten j
apt. a natural con- mouth was The
the Albany Her-
church has
paid in full, a nice surplus left,
and the of
The is frolicsome
but not as a rule re-
vengeful, though there arc
to this, in the case of a
mule in an Ohio coal mine, which
had patiently submitted to being
cruelly beaten by its driver, but
which the other day the
order proceedings by jumping
on the driver and tramping and
biting him almost death. As
came in to prevent
the mule from doing him up for
The Reflector this year
will give the news
every week for
a year.
The National Currency.
According to Manuel,
the number of miles of railroad
operated in the United States in
1894 was 17-3,144 an increase of
over 1898. The decreases of
the In of freight
moved, neatly per in
freight mileage, 9.12 per in
passengers carried 7.-5 per cent. ;
passenger mileage, 10.20 per
in earnings from
11.25 per cent. ;
earnings, 3-36 cent.; in
earnings of elevated roads, 0.41
per cent. ; in total gross earnings
cent.; in net earnings
cent. in earnings per
ton per 4.70 per cent- But
we learn tint from all quarters
the information that the
of will be a great
over that of 1891.
amounts of the various kinds of
money circulation August
were as
Hold coin 9488.778,610
Standard silver dollars
Cold certificate
treasury notes, Act July
United States notes
Currency Act June
National bank no ea
This met in its thirteenth semi-
annual session with the
chorea at Greenville, Tuesday evening,
Sept. 3rd, at o'clock.
the Presbytery again went into business
New arrivals. Dr. Eugene Daniels,
Kev. E. N. ton, Warren-
Prof. was excused on plea
of leaving for Washington to-day.
Session opened with usual devotional
and reading of lite minutes
meeting. After which a
This Presbytery embraces report was uttered Home Missionary
in the counties lying between I Committee, setting forth rapid progress
the and the j the work.
coast, between the Atlantic A- . . ,,,, i.,.,. ,,.,
Carolina railroad and the Virginia line. h
The introductory sermon was preach- S i
ed by Dr. C. M. Payne, Washington, stating
from Ex, and 1st
was read
The total amount circulation
August 1894 was
; nut object progress
j mill endorsed.
After the sermon Prof. James Din- I . . , . ,.
. I of Raleigh, Moderator the i A was missed to appoint a
body to order and lead In prayer. committee ct three to devise means of
bringing Peace Institute into close
clerk, P. Johnson, call- with the Presbyterian Synod.
ed the roll and the following ministers
and chart lies Rev.
C. M. Payne. W. T. Walker, P. H.
Johnson, I,. Wood,
W. D. Morton, J. D. Morton, G. Var-
R. W. Hines.
A Picnic Rather Than Punishment.
What are you Worth
An old colored woman was I The Augusta Chronicle asks
interrogated in the other and says the man or
day says the Winston will at
regarding the welfare of to book and the
bank account But that is not
what we men- when we
Dr. C. M. Payne, of Washington, was
placed in nomination for Moderator and
At Divine services were held.
Dr. Morion and Rev. L. of-
The latter preached Pa.
Subject its confession, and
After Divine services, It was resolved
received the unanimous vote of the that examinations of candidates for the
Presbytery. j ministry should be a order of
,.,,,, , . i, the afternoon session.
Revs. I. II. Johnson and W. Walk- , .
were elected clerks. , On wort of
,, , ,, . , . among tin-colored people, a committee
Hie following-was a- the appointed to examine as to the
for Morning services J of organizing a colored
l to Afternoon session
meets at o'clock, adjourns at will.
Adjourned to Wednesday a.
Closed by prayer by Prof.
A writer in one of the current
magazine who been
making a study of centenarians
over there, finds that in all cases smooth handle,
they have been married, have
quiet life, usually in straight-
circumstances, and that the
women greatly outnumbered the
men. But he also deems it worthy
of remark that London its
suburbs at the last
fewer than
while Dublin had
five and Glasgow
that city life is not altogether in-
Nice Distinction.
Caution cowardice some
times run pretty closely
but they are always distinguish-
able, nevertheless. Even a child
can generally see a difference, as
in the following case mentioned
by an
can yon
define for us the difference be-
tween The Presbytery opened its business
When you're I this morning,
, , , conducted the ,.,.,
soar to go out on a boa. an stay .,. ., to business by Daniels, Raleigh is to
at home for fear it'll and reading minutes of last session. preach this evening at So clock.
Rev J D Morton who has lately been i afternoon
called from Florida to Tarboro to the .,,, . . , , ,, . .,.,
charge left vacant by Rev Mr Summer- Agent of Dr
was welcomed by the Mantel, read endorsed.
Moderator in behalf of the Presbytery, , The following agents and commit
and the wish expressed that he might were tie a term of three
soon become an active member of the
Presbytery. Historian, F II Johnson.
On motion minutes of the last A t F II Johnson,
were read by former Secretary . ,. , ,,,. , r, ,. n
approved. I Agent Foreign C M
The following standing
re appointed by Moderator.
the boat comes all right, it's
if you're
stay home, the boat
does sink, then it's
church at Washington and licensing
J. A. Williams, col, as a minister.
Payne, Revs.
and Walker and Elder Gee.
Brown, of Washington.
Resolution passed to convene this
meeting at 2.30 instead of 3.00.
1- Take things always by the
life. It is worth
2- Never spend your
before you have earned it.
We seldom repent of
eaten too
4- Pride costs more
Nothing is
do .
long Hie. it is j o. Never put off to morrow
noting that in Massachusetts can do to day.
with a population less than one
half that of London, no fewer j 7- Never buy what you do not
than eighteen died wan; because it is cheap,
in the last year for which I ,, , . ;.
we have a or nearly as ,
many as London had living cost that never hap
JO. -las.
Calls, Supplies, and
J. Foust, Ruling Elder
Historical Report to S II
Jas It., Ruling Elder.
ExerciseR W Mines, B
Eva- s, Ruling Elder.
of candid the
i being next the order of
of on the church i Green
ed Mr Ear nest woo J of fur
i examination, which
l -if on
Agent Sabbath hoots, CO
Agent Daniel.
Agent Bible Cause, Thomas.
Agent Sabbath Observance, C X
Agent Colored T W
W alter.
Agent. Manses, O M Brown.
Home, Mr Young.
Committee Home Missions, W D Mo.-
Daniel, J D Morton,
Young, Hawkins.
followed as to best means
son who is at present serving a;
term in the State Penitentiary, j
The was made in all
kindness, and the reply, while
sincere, was equally amusing.
from him, honey, course
I does. Got a letter just odder
day. He am getting his
clothes and all he can eat,
and de Lord, I wish all d
odder were
After you.
A well known barrister relates
the following story with great
gusto. Some time ago he
cross-examination a youth
from the country rejoiced in
th name of Samson, and whose
replies were provocative of much
laughter in the
questioned the bar
wish tho court to be-
that you are a peacefully
disposed and of
that you have no desire
to follow in the pi of your
namesake smite the
I've answered the
witness, if had the desire
I got the power at
you think you be
unable to cope successfully with
1.000 and utterly rout
them with the jawbone of
the ruffled
Samson, might have a try when ,.,
you have done with tho
Did you ever
question answer it honestly,
what am I worth to my family; to
the town I in; the world If
I should die the public-
regard it a h or would the
only cause fur regret be the
of ii-y funeral expenses
These are not always very com-
but it might do
us good to It them squarely
the face every now thou, and
see how well we after it
we cannot answer honestly that
we are valuable to among
whom our lot is if we are not
doing anything to make those
about us happier and the world
better in so far as we
it our circumscribed
sphere, then it is time we were
good resolutions, and
carrying them out-
Don t imagine, your
circle is small, your
limited, that have no
showing. The wheel under
the wagon just as to
its progress as the big wheels on
tho side. The man that puts the
shoes the racer it. as
to tie result of the race
as the showily dressed or
the rich owner. If you are doing
your duty of life
whether it be a
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Report
Absolutely pure
about that time. Curiously enough
too, there were two single persons . angry,
t you if very
count one hundred.
among them, a man and a woman.
They were, however, among the
youngest the lot. Eleven of the
eighteen were
f It is often said that Christians
are no more honest than other
people. Whatever truth there
is in that requires the substitution
of the phrase, church members,
for There is not a
dishonest in tho world,
and never was. A dishonest
not a He may bow
his bead, cross himself, or weep
at the name of soar on
of he hears
of heaver,
with unction the date, the hour;
the minute of his conversion
Is Here Now.
It was in
Mr Wood's purpose hi lo lit himself
fir Missionary work In the
i By unanimous was
as a candidate.
The report of the Treasurer was
a I and on motion referred to an
tee appointed by the
j i Kev Mr
ten be I V list the Committee.
angry.; W. D. Morton was elected
tern in lieu of the absence of
Secretary I. B. Gary.
Toe report of the committee on Home
Missions was then read an I approved.
D . At the Presbytery took recess
until after Divine which
Dr. Johnson officiated
ride which resulted in a resolution to
have a special Christmas ottering
the for that purpose.
The following committees appointed
for examination of for the
1st committee, the Moderator.
committee. Johnson, W hart m
3rd committee,
4th Committee. Daniel, Hines. J It.
Morton, W D Thomas
Examination of candidate
consumed the remainder of the session.
Mr. parsed successfully ,
will be ordained Friday evening p.
in-, Dr. Morion to preach the ordination
The Census.
The census report, covering the
statistics of churches, which has
just come from the press,
some interesting facts. It is an
congenial sphere or not, you
are worth something tho wot Id
If you are not doing your duty,
and giving best work that is
in you, you falling short of
your Wherever
is, d i you lo
elaborate work of more than do a friendly
pages, with colored maps showing interest in the welfare of
the extent of the various religions you; lend a hand
the States. you can ; s. a Kind word
m. opportunity take
are j affairs, and
nations in the United State, be stand for and you will
independent churches Bud that the public
on i n hi i ii lino . mi-
,, .,,,. i ii i well pail, all the
of all .
; honor
Pray for He Wrote.
and his stockings were awry. At j this
If Kingdom of Grace, through the
of and
of five and Their of God.
frocks were buttoned crooked, . Al resumed bus-
but the younger had her . ,. , .
J . A report of the trustees of Davidson
combed in a pitiful attempt at. College was read, very favorable as to
curls. The man kept at I fT , l
is HO IS , , stated the total of students is
The max- cock. By and by the elder of whom are students for the
of Christianity girl spoke i
things honest in tho sight of all
It is an awful day for any
man when he says within
know that this is dishonest,
it is the custom of the trade,
and I must do it or He is
at least the half brother of a man
who commits s robs tills
or makes false , Just box from
York a wagon. The man looked at it
a moment.
he said, go back;
is here
ton As.
here yet she
us tho man said
The forlorn looking
rose and straggled out to the
platform- There some men were
The Catholics and Lutherans
of Illinois and protesting vigor-
against the law of that
State providing for putting the
United States flag over the
school houses, and are finding
warm supporters of their protest
outside of their
The Chicago Tribune
questions the constitutionality of
law, and in one in the
State, at least, where great ob
to the law is manifested,
the public school guardians have
to test in courts the
point raised by the Tribune-
The Tax on Tobacco and Whiskey.
The have denounced
tho Democrats severely for
repealing the tax whiskey and
When in;, cane into power it
was expected that their faith
would be proven by their works,
but was not the case-
On the contrary they have
a special tax of half cent
a pound on tobacco in addition
to the United States tax and
State ad tax, and instead
regards the law as a a on tobacco in addition
unwise one- Patriotism, it says,
is not to be manufactured in that ,
way- In a country particularly g
whose first principle of govern-
is the non-interference of
government with individual ac
they have doubled it. Whereas
the purchase tax on whiskey
the Democratic law was one
where the rights of others Fr the
most be as somewhat
out of place- Compulsory and
general flag firing, it adds, tends
to the symbol
the which the
sight of i should awaken-
That is the sensible view
take of the matter- Vet we re-
that when the Legislature of
to pass a law
compelling the flying of flags
over the public school-houses of
this State, some of our northern
it was necessary to increase
taxation to supply money for the
extravagances the legislature,
and, ail foxes, increased.
With one exception do tax
This was the tax on
It is said that the keeper of a
billiard saloon employed a
member the Big Five, and at
his demand the tax was reduced
two-thirds. To make up this loss
the legislature levied a tax on
drugs and garden seed.
mil One important feature is
bearding house has I. established,
i-ii promises to poor
board at the marvelous c m
Short eulogistic addresses were made
by Rev. Payne and John-
ii established
sketches of the
and short
of . per affection were mad
The afternoon session was occupied
with receiving reports of officers
and various missionary
work performed by Presbyters appoint-
ed at the last meeting of the Presbytery.
The Agent on reports five
candidates preparing for the Mini-try.
A Memorial was presented by the
blisters League, of
Presbytery, requesting to
and appointment of a
agent. Sanction was grant-
ed and Kev. V. G. appointed
Dr. F. ii. Johnson, whose term of-
as trustee of Davidson College had
expired, was re-elected to that office.
A resolution was passed to pay fifty
per cent of the expense of the
trustee of Davidson College.
The Presbytery decided to, hold
Spring meeting at invitation
of Rev. G. G.
Kev. C. G. was granted re-
leave of absence on grounds of
pressing business.
A Foreign Mission session the or-
of business for o'clock Wednesday
e.- began with the usual
followed by reading of
the report of Agent of Foreign Missions
by J. Foust. The report made
suggestions Which were
in ,.
1st That mil or on
Foreign Missions be preached by each
Presbyter during the year.
to put in-
to some
3rd That Foreign Mission-
Societies be encouraged.
The adoption of the rep rt was for
lowed by short Missionary ad-Ire
from Morton, Payne and Kev.
W. T. Walker.
i services closed with
station one morning lust week.
, , ., , Kev C of being sermon. Dr Johnson to charge the
In of the waiting room seats ,,. of the text Dr Payne to the
there sat. a tired, worn looking was Math, vi Kingdom j constitutional questions
mm with a and for thirty minute the con- Upon if Mr. Walker to be
man to return home after this
m his arms- Hie little fellows by a most earnest plea loyal cit-i Wharton elected Secretary
shoes were only half buttoned, j Kingdom. j
his hair was combed God is King,, session.
first the general of creation of Devotional with Dis.
Johnson and Daniel in the chancel. The
latter preached from Joshua on the
incident of the fall of
which, he -ml. taught the great lesson
that the Supernatural is necessary and
in accomplishing the work
of God.
After Divine service-1, memorial
vices were held in honor of Kev.
Burwell. D-, and Rev. Thomas
Daniel and Johnson read
of re-
and affection were made by j
Johnson. Daniel. Payne and Key. Mr,;
Wharton. A special memorial prayer
was by Dr. Morton.
Revs. Wharton. Walker and Daniel,
granted leave of after this
Session convened with very scanty
attendance, most of the clergymen and
delegates the morning
report of J Young, agent for the
WM read and approved.
The following resolution of thanks
adopted by a rising vote
Resolved That the Presbytery of
extends to the church and
citizens of Greenville its grateful rec-
their kindness and cordial
hospitality in entertains the members
the and also W the minis-;
of the Methodist and Baptist
e's for the offer of their
Pl adjourned until
The special order for the evening was
the ordination of Mr. M n u.
The text of ordination sermon by
Dr. Morton was from Rom. 1.16. It
was In truth a Gospel Message of
and to
After the MM
questions and the
received the right
or laying of hands, all Presbyters and
Elders present participating.
Dr. Johnson b e words
the as to
dill ind dangers of his position.
Payne the
adjourned until Its
was glad to have
die meeting of die Albemarle
tery here, and oar people
when the time for departure of
delegates came. t-e Interest-
the body. was an
of hearing several ex-
sermons. The Pres-
some in men among
its members.
nations is G, who belong
Those have 14-,
edifices, which have sittings j preacher,
for person.
The value of all proper-
used for
of worship, is There
are regular ministers, not
including preachers.
There are live bodies
have more than com-
rd western U J
went into Icy
Your Child's Teacher.
The Brat thing to do is to visit
tho which your children
attend- -Make a point of this, even
if it means a sacrifice some-
thing else, writes Edward W.
Schools and
Our September
Home Journal- Few
things can be more important
to see for yourself the
of your child
school hours. Observe quietly
yet keenly, but remember that
any observations o.- comments
you have to make, the teacher of
j the in which your child hap
I pens to be not the proper per-
I sou to whom to make them. The
principal of the school or the
is the proper
such purposes. The
teacher is helpless j she must ac-
conditions as she finds them-.
She is an pure and
simple. her out win
her acquaintance and confidence-
Show her that yon mean to coop-
with She knows that
best results can only be ob-
when teacher and parent
cooperate- Invite her to
home net in a general way
at a definite time Make her feel
yon want her to be some-
thing more than the teacher of
it yon can t at least give her the
opportunity to show that she. has
another side lore,
that she allows ill
mom- is
a heavy one rather than, A
de a boy who
was sharply reproved for having
stolen replied;
yon see yon got
less turkey, but got much
This is Too Bad. prominent cir.
of Johnston county, stabbed
A buggy a young J himself in the with a
man and a girl hardly grown while temporarily deranged.
passed through Sunday J
When soil h poor, shrewd farmers
When is dull, wise merchants
at a in the
of Carolina. Pretty
soon two men came came
badly horses hot
The pair buggy were
William Upchurch, a young far.
mer who lives near S- C,
and Miss Laura Carpenter, the
daughter Peter
who lives Myrtle,
and they were to South
to be married-
The pursuer's were the girl's
brothers. overtook the
near Ford and it is
said, dragged her from the buggy
Superior Clerk, E. A.
Sheriff, it. W. King.
Register of Deeds, W. M. King
Treasurer. J. L. Little.
Coroner, Dr.
C. Laughing-
treating her brutally, tearing
her dress off her. They took
back home, it is reported
that one of her brothers gave her
a fearful
The brothers swore out a war-
rant against Upchurch charging
him with stealing fruit, and Up-
has sworn out warrants
against them for carrying con-
weapons to keep the
There is said to be much bad
blood over the but tho
lovers have sympathy.
Heavy Taxation.
Ga-, Aug.
Hague Wood, a Methodist
recently turned
He attended a revival
several nights but week
High and run an
He addresses de-
the preachers were
people. Sunday his tongue was
paralyzed he was making a
speech ridiculing the the Church-
This his hearers.
Tonight food attended the
ind banded up the fol-
lowing note to the preacher in
believe there is a
hell and I am doomed for it
for The in
the congregation was such that
lo.-s than minutes the alter
would not hi tin-
mourners. Tue meeting will
probably lust all
A to the Beys.
If yon have anything to do, do
it at once- Don't sit down the
rocking chair and three
c an hour in dreading the
Be sure that it will seem ten
harder than it did at first.
Keep this Be on time
small things as well U great-
Habit is everything- The boy
who is behind time at breakfast
school, will be sure to get
in the important things of
life. If have a habit
of rereading and potting off
make a great effort to your-
self- Brace Make
mind that you will have some
backbone- Don't be a limp, jolly
fish kind of person- Depend upon
it. that life in very much what yon
make it- The first thing to decide
is what are you going to make it.
The next thing is to take off
coat and go to work- Make your-
self somewhere. There are
thousand and men
in tie who wouldn't be
missed if they were to drop out
of it to be owe of
Be a power in your own
little world, depend it ;
big world will hear from
you some day.
D- and Frank W-
of who are bi
stockholders in Atlantic
Hotel At City, will be
at resort next sea-
son. This will insure that the
hotel will be better kept next
than New
and Observer.
Health, Dr. W. II.
County Home. J. W. Smith.
County Examiner of
W. II.
Mayor, Ola
Clerk, C. C.
Treasurer, W. T. Godwin.
Cox, J. W. Murphy,
W. II. W. L.
W. T. Godwin. T. A.
Service every Sunday
second morning and night. Prayer
meeting Thursday Rev. c. M.
Hilling, pastor. Sunday School at
A. M. C. I.
regular service.
Episcopal. Services every fourth Sun-
day morning and night. Kev. A,
Hector. Sunday School st
a. w. u. Brown,
Methodist. Service every Sunday
morning Light. Prayer meeting
at A. M. A.
II. Supt.
Presbyterian. Services even 1st
3rd Sunday morning and night.
meeting night Rev. Archie
pastor. School at
I. O. O. P.,
meet every Tuesday night. II-
ct, N
Lodge No. A. A A.
M. meets tint and third Monday nights
Zeno Moore, W. M
II . C.
up stairs over E, Penile- A OH,
the United States there
to day not more
workers of nil
The St. gives
us some this
says few of
these the
which the laziness and mistakes
of the lay
their energies.
Suppose that there are
more than the
of the country requires. They
must be supported by their
lies or the public. At
apiece, they cost An
equal if unnecessary
doctors up the Cost to
Improvident and shiftless per-
sons are where or less
plentiful- support costs a
deal than do the Stale
In tho South
the energies of the whites
are not
only interfered with but Use t to
amount of of mil I
lions for the of the MM A
of This does not
tho official levies, but can DENTIST.
font d innumerable small debts
paid. food, clothing,
medicines and rent in I
small amounts, but constantly,
and M on property.
A Big Don't,
Don't a bicycle rider.
Stand and the rider will get
along all right. Posts, trees,
stows, never and only
beginners ever into them. If
you see a bicycle coming straight
at yon, don't dodge ; if yon do
will the rider. If yon
stand still the middle of
or whenever you happen
to be rider will take care to
give plenty of room; but if
yon go dodging to get out of
way, the chances are there will
be a collision and you will be the
worst hurt of tho two.
ore don't dodge.
Original Observations.
The profits, of gambling all go
won way.
If the women bloomers
let them
Going the round of the press
the girl who waltzes.
The can say
just as load as the old woman.
poorest time in a man's life
Is the day he meets assessor.
It requite any brains
to people- Wonder if the
crop of evangelist know this
One of the Republican
dates in Maryland bears the name
of He'll be turned to
in November by- the
Democratic churn.-r-Orange
Observer. .
Jas. K. I.
under Opera House.
G RE I-, N F L L C.
Practice, i,, Collection
Attorney and Counselor at-Law
Practices hi all the Courts.
Civil and criminal Business Solicited.
Makes a h of
ages, actions to recover land, and
Prompt and careful attention given
all business.
Money to loan on approved security.
Terms easy.
T. ii. i. j. L.
M. C.
Practice all the Courts.
A W,
M. c.
John E. F. C. Harding.
Wilson, N. C. Greenville, N. .
Special attention gives to
i and. of claims.
the reflector The Tobacco
N. C.
at the t Greenville
S. as second-class matter.
Sept. 11th,
i John J. Kansas is
an avowed candidate the
United States Senate The
people of the South will rejoice
to see him left at home.
Conducted O. L. Joyner, Proprietor Eastern Tobacco Warehouse.
Mr. J. B. Cobb,
of the American Tobacco Co.
of New and Mr. Walker, of i Opinions cf Celebrated Men N. Sept. 1895.
were on breaks to- the Popular News Medium. Commissioners
Wake Forest College has
opened with better prospects
than ever. Dr. J. L- M. Curry
made the opening address and
like every thing he does it
still goes on.
seems to be at present no
sign of the end, but even more
active preparations are being
made to press it more vigorous-
The TarborO tobacco
opened to-day. A big day was
expected, and tobacco people
ate doing everything- can to
encourage the tobacco industry.
Such work will be felt.
If people had
ways together for to-
as they now,
how much further would we have
been advanced as a market And
yet what would Greenville be to-
day were it not for the tobacco
market As dead us something
that never had life. As evidence
of look t the neighboring
towns where they have had no
market- What is the result .
B. Cobb of New
manager of the leaf
of the American
co Co, and Mr. Thomas J.
a prominent buyer of bright to
of N. C-,
i of Pitt county met this day,
here are certain persons T- E-
affect to despise newspapers I g g M j L Smith and
Bot this is mere affectation. No j Fleming,
man despises a newspaper when orders fer paupers
he wants to use it, and nine men ;
of ten would find life a barren Martha Nelson i D
waste without it. But however I ,
put against expression of
, k. Z Smith I
, of newspapers. b j j
My New Fall and Winter Goods are all in and I invite
you to call and see them. Beautiful taste dis-
played in artistic finish and texture.
whomsoever made, those of some I
of the master minds of the world-1
Dr. Johnson
I never take up a newspaper
without finding something I
should deemed it a not to
; never without deriving Ouster Vines Win-
Carlos Gorham J U
Henry and
Ann Cherry Tucker
J O Alice
The surprised every
body Monday morning by
pointing Hon. C M. Cooke, of
Louisburg, Secretary of State,
in place it Octavius Coke.
Though nothing had been said
about the appointment yet
everybody concedes that it is
an exceptionally good one. Mr.
Cooke is well qualified both in
head and heart to adorn any
position to he might as-
There will be no
expressed at this
gives some inter
facts regarding the State
farms. The crop of corn is ex-
to be bushels, and
of pork there will be
pounds. At the Caledonia farm
there are acres in corn,
in plows, con-
At the Northampton farm
convict, 1.200 in corn,
in cotton, and plows. At
the farm convicts,
plows, 1.100 acres in corn, and
acres in cotton. At Roanoke
Rapids there are convicts. The
health of all is remarkably good.
it instruction and
This is from Thomas Jefferson i
I would rather newspapers
prominent Upon the floors of the f a government, gov-
Friday. The presence
of seemed to very
stiffen prices for the golden weed
to our market. Quo year
ago his presence seemed to have
without newspapers
this from the great
English historian and publicist
almost all that keeps up in
effect on the market, I effectually,
Taylor Alex Harris
Lydia Staton W H
Parker J G Nelson
Adams J W
W F Williams James Long
Thomas Joyner and
The following orders for gen-
county purposes were
T A Thigpen George
Ward S R Ross J W
and is only intellects that ever lived Keel D J
Greenville stock law territory
S P Erwin
Ordered that the lands of W
II Reeves in township be
years old, yet fills one of the I The is chronicle
most responsibly positions of the civilization. It is a and
American Tobacco Co. sleepless watchman that reports
The firm of J- N- Gorman Co. to you every danger which
With headquarters at Richmond, the institution of conn- j
has been incorporated under the, at home J M Moore, of
We publish in another column
the call for a silver convention
to be held in Raleigh on the 25th
inst. While the is
on side of coinage it be-
in advocating the measure
from a Democratic standpoint
and working for it within party
lines. believe extending the
invitation to of all pol-
they are
going to join the Democratic
party of their con-
on other
of such a fusion that will
serve the best of the Dem
firm name. The Gorman, Camp broad It is book for the
, for the
Richmond, have more inter a library for the
here than on any Other mar A A t, .
Talking with Mr. T. H. .,,.
man, the firm member at newspaper M the familiar
not long since, be told the; of all men all of all
writer that if we not sold them If it teaches, it
the property when we did that m It has no
all would not f , . . ,
now. At gown or rod
the time we made the to Mr.
Royster, who was then a member
of the firm of J. N. Gorman A Co-
w fully knew that it was a great
it was not to make
money out of tire property
we made the sale, but to
the company here, and now we
can plainly see that it was a great
addition to the market and have
abash or bat
self is admitted freely and at
once to ft world wide intimacy
with all kinds of
And this from the Right
X. Balfour
In my judgment all the
never had cause to regret making used in communicating
the sate. to the public is not of
Dr. Charles in j really more importance to the
speaking of the new tobacco mar- community at large than the pow-
that have sprung up all over to communicate
the country down here east,
some of them that had not done.
much, said of i and seller
and bring
Today closes the most
week ever known to the
Greenville tobacco market.
Another link has been forged
in the chain of success, and day
by day and week by week the
achievements of the proceeding
day and week are more
fest and certain. have
been the people during the past
week more than usual- The
weather has been to our own
liking; the of fodder, so
important, are in a most
excellent condition, the last
closing up of tobacco curing
been without an objection.
Never has the first week in
given so much to the
farmer from the store of
nature. Contrast it with the
first week of September 1894.
More fodder was lost in that
week than in many years. The
tobacco cures were the most
satisfactory ever known, the
market was a drag and prices
were depressed, irregular and
not pleasing to the people.
Surely a new era is coming up-
on The veil and gloom that
has so long hovered our
county is dispelled by the
sun of prosperity and hope,
and it is chiefly through the
tobacco culture that this pros-
has again blessed us.
Vance's turtle. He that give them the machinery for com-
up the Western part of the I their wishes to one
State, Where loggerhead turtle i
very numerous, the pro
of a hotel bought a turtle
and ordered an Irish set
to and have it prepared
for dinner. The servant accord-
took the turtle to the back
yard and there proceeded to cut
off its head and turned it over to
cook. When dinner came the
proprietor inquired for the turtle
The cook told him that Patrick
had not killed the turtle, where-
upon the Irishman was brought
in and told the proprietor that he
had cot off the turtle's headlong
enough ago, but not being
be repaired to the back lot
and there found the turtle crawl-
around with his head cut off.
Placing foot on the of
the turtle he mashed him a few
times and said and
you are as dead as n mackerel, but
you just know
that J
be appointed student
to the A -M College.
The following were
allowed to list taxes for the year
Fred Barnhill, J F Pollard.
L Perkins,
i James
W Alfred
Swift Creek W D J A
II Hardy, Ben Worthington.
L Chestnut.
Ordered f
township tax for
C n Co m m o n
H to
of Matters or
Nearly all the colleges of the
splendid openings of
the fall session.
A black cat frightened a horse
in Charlotte, causing the animal
to run away and smash up things
The Reporter estimates that
will sell by the heap this full
at to cents par bushel in the
Danbury section of Stokes
The Herald says
that Mrs. Grady, of
while alone in her home fell in
the fire and was to death
The board of aldermen of
have ordered an election on
the issue pf street improve
A newspaper is more to a town
than the estimates
it, be it a poor trifling one.
But there always some men
in every town fully know
and use every turn to use it
as a money maker for themselves
help to make it better. Bur-
out last
Father an Child Killed.
Mr. Joseph M- Harvell and
little six-year old daughter, An-
were crushed to death by a
falling tree near Thermal City on
Wednesday evening of last week.
Mr. Harvell and Mr
were cutting down tree.
tree started to fall, Mr.
Harvell saw two of bis children
standing directly under it. He
sprang toward them, but the tree
c wight and instantly killed him,
his shall being crashed to pieces-
little girl's head was also
mashed skull
bat she ft
in Railroad Charges.
Advance sheets of Rail
road Manual for 1895 have bee
issued, and are full of statistics.
among other things,
a great decline in railroad charges
for freight passengers
1882. in that year the freight
moved aggregated
tons, and the earnings from
were an av-
cf cents a ton a mile.
A the tonnage amounted
Democrats from different I to tons, earn-
portions of North Carolina -ere was
signed and W to us a fl charge pf cent
for the holding of a , , . T a . a
State Convention at some early breach
date all persons opposed to reduction, it is thus seen
the single standard, now, that the tonnage did not lack
therefore, in to this re very mUch of having doubled
quest, we hereby invite t , cH
sops who that the unit of w w J
value which existed prior to 1873 relative-
should be promptly restored, and Iv less by a very great
the same period the
that for seven years I
ff-troubled used
script ion and
liniments but all
to no purpose.
The trouble kept
growing worse
and the
My knee
stiff and
pained me so I
not rest
day and night. I
had to use
M, ten It worn Id seem
If I would have to have my leg
as the pain became almost
able. I suffered beyond description.
hearing of I
concluded to try it, After I had taken
one bottle I felt better and
taking several bottles can any
My Knee Has Been Cured
and that I can walk and around as well
s any due of my age. I am years old
and work farm, and my ability In do
I attribute of
All are
afflicted with any form to
take Hood's
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the eye today.
What I want
is to impress the minds of the general public
that I advertise truthfully. I want your
I want your trade. To get your trade I
must offer you inducements that you cannot get
There'll be Lots of
a time about Clothes from all sources. There
; are all sorts of Clothes. Mind that you get the
no object. If you can be convinced
that I'm sure of your patronage. The Fall
are the new blocks. There are
What you want
you better value than any house in the city
guarantee to fit and please you.
What everybody
Visitors to the City.
There are sights worth seeing at my store, an
are welcome to see all I can show, and to
information I can give, without being urged
. . . j to buy. a chance to seethe new things that
is to trade with a reliable, square, up-to-date con- Men and Boys wear; a chance to set the
that will appreciate your trade. All Fall j fit. And when settled quietly at home, you'll
Styles now ready. Come and see me and I will; discover there's something you need, then how
do you good.
------MY FALL
easy it will be to order.
W. BIS ti
The King Clothier.
Salesmen, who will be glad to see you.
I am
receiving my Fall Stock of
and Heating Stoves.
should be restored, and i
who in the
For in-st
Pound of Tobacco
at my
before I will give a
has declined
x Crayon Portrait free.
For second pound I will give a
g free.
s sub-
to This
is made to the Farmers
of the Board of
Trade will ac-t as judges.
second i win g
Nice Cabinet Photographs
i to
and coinage of
and gold at ratio of to , . ,.
irrespective of policy or ac f
of other nations, to meet So it is shown that during tow.
at Raleigh September j of fairing prices
25th for pot pose of prices hag to come down i
is in- with all others, it i
tended to embrace
. f. . .-.-
cf I not that time is J
all political not distant when cents per I
on other ab- fin be the -better than can.
My Cook Stoves are made by the Richmond
Stove Co., and are as widely known as any Stove
made. I have been handling them more than
years, and find that they are the Stove for the j
people. The Plow Boy, Seminole, New
Patron and New Lee. Price from and up.
I have the best and Stove ever sold
on this market. With each Stove give pipe and
the fixtures to do the cooking for an- family. I
keep constantly on hand castings for the Stoves
I sell. My Stove Pipe is made of the best Eastern j
Iron. My Heating are first class in every I
respect. The New Dixie, Comfort, Iron King,
and Regal stand second to none. I buy
Stoves for Cash and sell for Cash. I get
off all the discounts possible and I give my j
advantage of it in low I j
in stock, Doors, Sash, Glass, Putty, Oil, Lead,
Axes, Nails, Belting, Rope, Saws, Tools,
Drive Pumps and Pipes and everything kept in;
a first class Hardware Store. I sell the i
which is the heaviest Pump made. All are
ed to look at my store. My for Cash i
sell for
Wholesale and Retail I
Greenville. IV- O.
Stoves. Stoves.
We are laying in a full line of
Stoves. Best quality, low prizes. Call and ex-
We also are agents for the celebrated
Rambler and
In the removal of the Military from
to name pi this Institution of learning will here
after be known as Wilson Military
and and. if prospects
upon its third year with every n much larger patronage
usefulness The thorough is given in literary and com
moral culture and training receive due attention
Announcement, will be mailed to
any address application. Address
Maj. J. W. Supt.,
and have on hand a few second-hand
; for sale very cheap. You may need a Mowing
Machine, we have them in stock,
The Agricultural
Colored Race, at Greensboro, N, o.
The Fall Term will begin Wednesday, October 2nd. Examination for ad
will b.- made v and October 2nd and
nation of students he made in each by the county examiner on
first Saturday in
Instruction is given In Dairy
Arts, the English and branches
and Economic Science, with special to
hi; life.
A admitted for -in. in addition to regular
slimy, ii Cooking and Lava
Lilt Mi Fire Apt I
N. M
All kinds of Risks placed in strictly
At current rates.
hex session
dry work.
School is endowed the Jolted States, and the Side of North
is hot or by any particular
Ed. N. l a. Prevent
, Jones, John C. more jaundice, torpid month
several Back with, J as. C. U j travel, and it as f. j For piano per
found N if a yet term, see catalog, b. by
. m a in
will not only cure, but n
in the tree her-j it is
Neck Male
The High Grade
and Young Men.
Boarding in Eastern Carolina tor
S. C.
Societies Complete Business
Good healthy location, course of
of patronage Session Our
education means for a boy Send
H M,
Local Reflections.
Every day the streets look like
is going to have
electric lights.
J. J. Cory has started a brick
on the rear of his property.
w i having a big sign
n the the
prize house.
are ripe and
the go ti the
W- F. moved
the flaws house on Dickerson
Sc a Mrs-1
The Register of Deeds issued
four marriage lie-uses last week.
all to colored couple-.
The cashier. L. Little, tells us that
the checks paid by
bank la-l week amounted to
Be surd that you read D. D.
W. law of tie Le-
has interest in
paper to b. Deal-
The Greenville Club
will series of races
at their truck in October 3rd.
Sew stylos Hats at
Mrs M. D
Mr. James Evans, two miles
from town, lost a barn lilied
with by tire Friday.
The voting Indies of the
church will have a
pally Wednesday evening-
My store will be closed
and Saturday,
of Holiday.
of tobacco on the
were lg Piles.
his ad
space tells
tilings you are in.
Fella an the shapes
for at
Mus. L
The a wagon out of the
l- HI pull every horse.
The way a is for ah lo
The at Shady will be-
u night Ht
are to Roy
Whichard a very large water
which he Drought us
The eclipse the noon started
about o clock,
when a cloud came up
shut out the
N. C, Sept. 1895.
Bunting returned Friday even-
from and New York.
Prof. S. W Mi wit , of
spent Friday night in
town and were the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. W. A. Forbes is at City as-
in conducting a revival.
Mr. D. S little boy tell out
of a tree last week and came very near
Those who attended the yearly meet-
Swamp and Cross Roads
report large crowd and a pleas-
ant time.
There quite a large crowd in
town Saturday.
G. W. mount, of
Sunday Sunday night in town.
People Going and Coming These
Early Fall Days.
Miss Julia Foley is sick.
Miss Harris U quite sic a.
I. O. Ames has to Norfolk.
R. II. Hayes has gone to Greenville,
II. went to Richmond
Smith from
In the Stale.
Son of Pitt County.
We have NM shown by m. j
That Fill l e Best Bright Tobacco j A. Sugg a photograph of IV.
David R. Wallace, of Texas.
Many of our older citizens will
Never has there been a time
since the war that prospects were
so bright for Pitt county as
Never has there been a time since
the war when there was so much Texas. Dr. Wallace
money being paid to the raised in Pitt
pleased to hear that Dr. Wallace
is prominent and prosperous id
his profession tn the great State
Reunion Picnic.
Thorn was a small
dance today the reunion of
Grimes Camp of
Veterans. We were sorry
to Dote the lack of interest in be
organization, and bad hoped to
see so many old veterans present
at born to permanency of
the reunions. Those who came
farmers during the month of Au-
gust and September as at the
present time .
That Pitt county is on a boom j while in his native State. He is
is the verdict. now Neurologist Consulting
returned Norfolk. re who come to our t physician t the Waco
j what a great county Pitt Medical Referee of the
Falkland, was a highly esteemed enjoyed the occasion
citizen and cultured was dinner and speech making.
the latter being by Messrs. K A.
and W. F. Brand, the latter
from Greene county.
Mr. Brand was the inter
Oakley, X. C, 189.-.
Mis. H. went
W. list, of Bethel, was here
R. F. Gainer a business trip to
Ex-Register of Peed H.
spent Thursday
H. Williams went to on
the to attend the opening of the to-
Mrs. W. A. James, of Asheville. was
guest of Mr. and Mis. II.
The sad news reached our village last
Thurs lay announcing the death of
She was the
daughter of Mr. an Mrs. II.
X. C. Sept.
Rev. preached at Sf
and Sunday night.
Mrs. Minnie
las Thursday after some time
in county.
J. went to Wed-
on business and returned
y. Friday tor A. M. was the bright tobacco mar . with him an a blanket, a
College, Raleigh.
He has beet. t vi and j knife a cane that he brought
Dr- Watt strong personal I home with Mat from that war and
was the floor of indicating the true type of j has kept in U. possession
to day and was the genial gentlemen years The old veterans gather
in his utterances of the won- that he is. It is a pride indeed e. around to look at these, and
county of Pitt, and predict j, . . , . . , with great interest to Mr.
great for the of th Brand's recital of of his ad-
He said he had been living all bis, fame of any Tar Heel, but ventures in Mexico. Tears
life in the country about Winston are we glad to hear that the , in the old man's eyes as he
western North Carolina, and sons of Pitt are where looked around and dear
had seen the golden weed all his i eve . comrades, have much to thank
j but never had he witnessed i j God for. Most of our
I such a scene as on that break to- ions in arms nave been summon-
day. The police census of Charlotte j ed to the grave, while for some
Two men finished and the is . reason not to us we
had been down here curing to- to have The , are still spared. Let our last
F. S- of
night here.
Mi-s. R. ft. King, of Goldsboro. is vis-
Mrs. R. W. King.
Prof. C. H. Jane.-, of spent
night here.
C J. Rogers has his
here from
Miss I'm vis. Hamilton, is
visiting Mrs. C Stephens.
B. S. Sheppard home
from W
Mrs. Georgia Pea
to new millinery.
Miss Nell Skinner, of Hertford, is vis-
relatives at Hotel Ma-on.
II. A. of the Washington
Gazette, called last Thursday.
came i had such a place as this
were home, and mi tuber of whites is cf i be so spent that when the
heard talking about Pitt county I blacks 8.720, making the majority comes to us we may be
while they stood for the white population ready to meet
morning said lit
Z F. of
in evening for a visit
Charlie has to hi
studies at
Rev. C. M. Billings returned
day evening from Neck.
returned f Pitt next year-
county for bright tobacco; that
some other sections might Mr-1
pass it on heavy wrappers, but i
Pitt beat the world on grow .
bright cutters. Both said
were going to move to
court Thursday
Solicitor CM. Bernard returned Fri-
day evening from Williamston court.
Miss Annie Sheppard returned
Miss George is I from Sewn Springs Friday morning.
last neck a ad
visiting relatives here.
Mis- la Bland, of
two days In our
Miss Moore is
in our village.
Miss Annie went lo
week relatives.
II. and left Friday m
visit relatives in the upper portion of
the county.
Mrs, Ida and Miss Ail-
Brooke to Sit
Miss Garris, of is vis-
her sister. Mrs. II. C.
it is with every
the warehouse sales or through
the people are just as-
t on is at what this good old
is doing.
Truly, is much to think
about future of Pitt county
and Greenville. It is is
B F son Jams re-1 hie that business in every depart;
homes from is and.
Alien left
for a trip to Mount and W
we to see the i
alive with factories. Develop j
other prises in to
Mrs R. M. and little son. growth of our tobacco Indus- I
. , .,, iI
of Washington, are
Mrs. II. II. Wilson and children, of
MR visiting her brother, F. W.
K. has gone north to
m w goods. Mrs. House
Rev. . W. Rev.
will begin a series of meet-
at Salem tn-night.
Paul Brooks-Hid Mi Kin, Miss Martha Tyson, of Baltimore,
Mr-. died at home at Williams fr
night, after lo take I
illness of about two The re-
mains were interred in the family
grounds this afternoon.
are people to know you
their trade if you don't tell
I Try an ad the
has Again
a good papa.
We from the Asheville
n W. this
tow n. w ho has been the
in the
pro to
ill-patch clerk.
Some in the State are
coming forward with their first
bale of Pitt farmers
have their attention so much
tobacco that looking after cotton
gets no thought yet.
are W
out townsman, Mr.
Bernard, far the splendid reports
the Alb that
daily doling the session. He
tO report for us.
how well the duly was performed the
paper ha-
A white man named
Cicero who had lost his
was brought to Greenville
placed iv the
of the sheriff until arrangements
cu be made for him
the asylum.
A Mew Upright Walnut Piano,
elegant finish, pedals and all
Fled tut Caught.
The Chief of Police received a
of a who had escaped
from the chain gang at
One man the de-
pretty closely was
rested lint said was the
However, an
disclosed that the
was wanted so ho was held
an officer could arrive from
tries you will see right here
of the most progressive town
J. N. Gorman left Richmond
Friday after a day two
on breaks.
J. B. Jarvis, Harris and
have gone to the University
at Chapel Hill.
W. W. of the
guards at State Weldon,
is home for a few days.
I. b. Harris, foreman of the
came down Friday
to visit Ids parents.
Miss Cat-tie of who
Miss Aylmer Sugg.
ed home Tuesday evening.
Mr. Wood, of Mm-
dip e s M boo
i. H- Moore aha Miss
ho have Agent J. K.
Moore, left lot their home at Burgaw
C. R. Sugg, of the print-
w ho has been visiting Ids
parents, returned to
Pi Way.
Carlos and T. II. spout
Sunday in Ayden. Carlos says Tom
was a courting trip, but has
Carlos yet.
Monday for
Institute, Va. to resume her
Pitt County
The tax lists just completed by
the show the
as returned faring the of
White polls colored
Acres land,
lots, value
Horses, value
Mules, 1,852.
Goats, value
Cattle value
Hogs, value
Sheep, value
Value farm utensils,
Value mechanic tools,
-it and are opening up .
New Fall Winter Goods.
Wait and see prices next week.
intend to make our new of
Dry Goods Shoes.
rapidly low prices will do it
the a poor article in
the store. Right up in quality. Right up ii
style. Right up in assortment. Just what
will please you. trouble to show
C. T.
Next door to bank.
Shoe Man
Your attention to and well selected
hi which can be found during all seasons many
useful articles suitable for personal use,
household purposes, We are
an effort to put on the mar-
this Fall and Winter the
Value household furniture,
The Peer of All Markets.
The total sales of
the Greenville market for last
week to and
the outlook is that tins week will
as good as last. The
warehouses had breaks
Monday, and to-day there was
enough to occupy nearly the
whole day in selling- Twice
ready this week tobacco has
brought here from other .
because prices are so much bet-1 dies. brother, S T.
here than elsewhere. This
goes to show that Greenville is
the best market tor the farmers
of eastern North Carolina to sell
This is conducted
on business principles. It does
not send drummers, through the
to tell the farmers false
hoods about prices,
by selling strictly on
The Life
J. L. Hearne district
agent, invites your attention to
announcement in this issue.
A tobacco on Mr. B. F.
latest Patrick's place, pear town,
teed tor rive years by a I burned yesterday.
factory. Original price j st straight to the East-
to be sold for a debt
to cost Apply to S-
P. O.
sured top prices for tobacco-
Rev. Thee. of
To efforts is due I preached a
than can be said the growth church Monday
sad prosperity night
of Greenville, and the
formers but show their
in selling largely at the
tern, where they get the very
prices for their
Berth Carolina cotton mills have
doublet hi capacity in lat five
In these mills
bales of cotton in
will to 2.0,000 bales
keen State from
ahead, is going to be one of
all the
The reporter could
not out to the breaks Tuesday,
out learns that about
Four counties had tobacco on
the floor of the Eastern Tuesday.
Prices and pleased
The Eastern Warehouse shows
a full every day. Good
management and good prices
takes the tobacco there.
We heard a man at the Plant-
warehouse say Tuesday he got
just twice as much for his
co as he expected when he left
Mr- Geo, of Greene
county sold some nice tobacco on
the warehouse floors Monday. He
was well pleased with, sales,
pounds sold, with the Green- says they were much better
lead. i he expected-
were stiff all through- Tuesday
panted her as far as
W. D. Ten U-. f Ins
taken A temporary position
J. It. Moo e tit tin- in
C. Taylor who goes home for a
Myra Skin
who has been
Miss Skinner, left ti
return to school at
He v. Thou. Lexington,
who ha- been assisting in a meeting at
came up Monday to visit
here are
see him.
G- K. W. L. Hazell, H II.
of W. W. Hill,
W. N. T. h.
Roberts, City, came
day evening to. visit our
MaJ. L- C. Latham
gram riv-,,,,,
him and Dr. W.
to the bedside Mr.
who was not expected to live through
the day.
The Greenville market
shoves right ahead. Big breaks
are the order now
prices hold right up to the top
notch. To-day the Planters
Eastern were both full, the
Greenville and Star very
full. farmers come in over
night now o that the tales can
get early start in the morning,
and even then it takes nearly all
day to get through.
Value provisions,
Value libraries
Share com-
Other personal property,
property listed
Of this was listed by-
whites by colored
This list shows an of
over the total valuation
for last year an of
polls. The amount of
was hit trail it has
been in several years, which
shows the people of Pitt
are good financial
It is somewhat remarkable
that the value of lire arms
nearly as as the value
of libraries given is near-
more the value of
mechanic tools-
Now see that Wood is pure, d
health follows the use of Hood's
w is the one great
Have just returned from New York
where we purchased.
worth of goods. They are arriving
daily- Look for cut rates next week
Leaders of low Prices,
Opposite J. C. Cobb Son.
sales are are now getting almost
as large as Fridays- There were
also large breaks again to day.
Mr. Bedding Norris, of
Dam, Bold a barn of tobacco,
pounds, on warehouse floors
to day for making aver
age of nearly per pound-
Of course he was satisfied.
With Man and
Hon. A- H. A- Williams died a
days ago at Chase City. He
sick for a considerable
with disease- He
a in the pros-
of Oxford- He had also
lied many places of honor and .
the last being a member tobacco at higher prices.
This Market Lead.
We know farmer living
near here who shipped some to-
to another market, and it
brought such a low price that he
took it and shipped it back to
Greenville. Moral Sell your
tobacco in Greenville, where you
get higher prices save the
freight well.
A Good
The amount
Warehouse is com-
upon by all who attend
the sales. This popular house is
full nearly every day, and often
cannot get all that comes on its
floor. To day the entire Boor
space was taken up piles of
bright weed covered the drive
way clear up to the entrance.
The Eastern is managed by a
team of hustling men, and they
know how to get good prices.
ii prize house
will soon be completed.
R. B. Rainey, State
The Old best
managed Life in
America. It furnishes nil kind of pol-
at possible rates
with testate security. It may not pay
as to agent as m
Boor and run the sales Oscar .
Hooker to draw the the
Eastern Warehouse can show as
strong a team as any house in the
And wore
other rule ex-
rate, immense stir-
Alas safely and profitably
dividends an Indulgence
it the
day ever made op the market.
They have been selling at
son but Bay the
their hereafter.
will make your eyes look big as
render, it
in which to Insure. Its b-
y. U Money
or carried the tor
I number of years.
Cheap And Good Goods.
I attended the auction sales in New York and in duly
where jobbers were purchasing to sell to the southern
and I am now prepared to Offer many inducements to
my customers and the trade generally. I also
bought a big lot of good mid reliable BOOTS
and SHOES on June 1st before the
price. Also a big line of Ladies
Dress Goods, Dry Goods and Notions, Crockery,
Hardware, Tinware. Wood and
and Furniture, which will sell cheap. In
proof of what I will quote you prices of a few
Mens and Boys Cashmere Pants Men and B Cashmere
Suits Boys Vest , Mens Vest Boys Coals
Mens Coats f 1.75, Mens Suits made of
Coats 14.00, Mens Clay Worsted, Diagonal and Cork-
screw 14.75 to Mens Coats, same Boys
Wool Suits, size to at Mens Overcoats to
Mens and Boys
Congress and
will sell Tor Ladies and Misses good
Shoes to Ladies and Misses old stock, to
Children Shoes, old stock, to Nice Rice Good
Rica Molasses Good West India Molasses All
kinds of Farmers taken in exchange for goods High-
est cash prices paid for Cotton in or Lint.
ever brought to this town. that
you will be well pleased with the and
prices that we will oiler you, and ask you to
keep a lookout tor the many attractions which
we otter tor your inspection. There is a
and a wrong way to do almost everything. The
wrong way for you to is to buy without
coming to see us to get our prices and qualities
firmly fixed in your mind. Tho is to
come and see OS and look over tho best
line of General Merchandise to be found in
Pitt county. Consult us as to prices and
and if we don t sell you the bill you want to
buy then you will go out feeling that you arc
none the loser by spending a few minutes look-
over our stock. It is good assortment-,
in a few weeks alter our buyer gets through it
will be full and a sight to look at. In a few days
we expect the arrival of a cargo of
and when you need goods in this line never
buy until you come to see us we expect to
have any thing you may wish.
Yours for Business,
Wool Suits, size to at Mens
Boys Shirts Mens Shirts, good vain , Mens and
Caps to Men and Boys Cotton, and Fur
to pair of Skin Shoes,
1,500.000 Pounds of
and we are going to have it if hard work and
satisfactory prices will get it.
Give us a trial and be convinced that
can and will give satisfaction in every respect.
it on and be I ., .
Will make eye big- P J-
The High Prices we are getting every day for
the farmers who sell with us will convince
that we are yours for highest averages,
V .-a
The One Crop System
of farming gradually exhausts the land, unless a Fertilizer containing a
high percentage of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a
larger bank account can only then be expected.
Write for our a 142-page illustrated book. It
is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and
will make and save you money. Address,
GERMAN KALI WORKS. Nassau Sued, New York.
The Oldest
Daily Newspaper in
North Carolina.
Only Six-Dollar Daily of
its in the State.
Favors Limited Free Coinage
American Silver and Repeal
the Ten Per Cent. Tax on
State Banks. Daily cents
per month. Weekly per
year. H. BERNARD,
Ed. Prop., Wilmington,
their supplies will
their interest to get prices before
chasing else where. Our stock is
n all its branches.
always I. west
we direct from Manufacturers, en
you to buy at one profit. A com
stock of
always prices
times. Out goods bought
sold for having no
to sell at a close margin.
S. M. N C
Like Magic
If you have Catarrh. Rheumatism. or
any other p do i i Oil, yon
gt Dr. trill cure you.
We Keep That Kind.
mind when start
Lumber Waited
Cut and
Idly on
Feed Saw Mi
ii j it.
thick-. Capacity to
i with
and Holler from I-
For full descriptive
at this fact In
ill WINTER eras.
this season is complete in
every department mid supply all
your wants In
ii In lo ii fur any-
thing wanted, goods prices
will please yon.
In ion to selling the beat goods at
the lowest prices, ire top of the
mi an nil country pro-
Thanking yon I a liberal patronage
in I lie p are hope to have calls
from this season.
j. 0- BRO.
A. B. CO., Ltd.,
Haled .-; July 1815. z. f a
a. CM. Leave Ar. M
I-v Ml Wilson j -j. i Ar. Florence ; T in
Goldsboro , in. Magnolia i Ar Wilmington C. M ii K n s In DO M
. C
.- TI
Ar q
A. M.
A. -M.
Ills., Not. 1393.
i Paris Medici- Co., HI. Mo.
sold COO bodies of
, already this year. In all our
In bare
i an men
a Tonic
v. i co.
guaranteed by i.
; e
Ar Rocky
P. M.
P. M I. M,
Rocky a
on Scotland Branch
Weldon p. in. Halifax 4.00
p. arrives Neck at AM p
id., 6.87 p. m., Kinston
p. in. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.20
a. m. Greenville 8.22 a. m.
Halifax at a. m., 11.20 am
Trains on
Washington 7.00 a, m., arrives Parmele.
8.40 p. m.,
Tarboro 4.50 p. m., 0.10
p. arrives Washington 7.35 p. m.
Daily except Sunday. Connects with
trains on Scot In ml Meek
Tram leaves C, via
R. R. daily except Sun-1
day. I p. m., Sunday P.
arrive Plymouth 9.20 P. M., 5.20 p. m.
u ruing leaves h daily
5.30 a. m. Sunday a ti.,
Tarboro 10.25 and
Train on Midland N C
daily except Sunday,
m. arriving a m. K
leaves a. m.
at, Goldsboro. a. m.
Trains on Nashville leaves
Rocky Mount at 4.30 p. arrive
Nashville i p. m. Spring Hope 5.30.
Return leaves Spring
HO a. in. Nashville 8.35 a. arrive-
t Mount m. I,
Trains on Latta Branch, Florence K.
R. Latta MO p. in., arrive Den-I
8.00 p. m. Returning leave Dun-1
bar a. m. arrive 8.00 a. m.,
except Sunday.
Train Clinton Branch leaves
tor Clinton daily, except Sunday
a. in. leave Clinton
at HOp. Warsaw with
line trains
General Sum.
T. M. EMERSON, Traffic
J. H. Manager,
You every day
in Hie month of
September that it
you have
your Printing done
at the
It will be done right,
It will he done in style
and it always suits.
These points are
well worth weighing
in any sort
work, but
things in
Your Job Printing.
An Incident the of
Mot Taking Advice.
When son
he ought to get with tho
new dog, tho sir tho ad-
vice, and in leas than hours ho
most if. It hap-
in this
They in BoCk church par-
and not tho least
member of tho family i tho
boy, who has n fancy for tray dogs,
cats and other beasts. is con-
sore eyed kit-
tons and neglected and abandoned
canines, only to have them thrust
out the cold world through tho
back alloy gate. Ono day last week,
however, there fell into tho young
man's possession, in that mysterious
way in which some boys will in
spite of respectable parentage and
proper instruction property,
a dog that was different from other
dogs that he had rescued from a fate
more or less cruel. It was a good
mind the breed or
Boy and dog the
est and most not to say
friends almost at tho
first meeting. The brute was
in tho laundry for a few nights
until he could become
to the place. Thursday it was de-
by the boy that the was
ripe for giving tho animal tho free-
of tho yard. Then it was tho
sire was warned by tho
come out in tho yard, pop,
and get acquainted with my dog.
He's a mighty good watchdog, and
if he doesn't know you, you can't
get in when yon come homo to-
I guess not. That dog
wouldn't moat unless you but-
it. never stay awake
long enough to watch anything.
Just another of your worthless
And so pop was not introduced to
tho new dog.
It was midnight when tho head of
tho house arrived homo from down
town, where business had detained
him. He had not thought of a lion
in tho way or anything else to
or make him afraid as he
the aide porch, key in
hand. But the dug was there, and
ho made his presence Ly
warlike demonstration.
paused, and there flashed
across his mind the s warning.
Ho sought to open negotiations, but
the dog wouldn't negotiate. Then
bluffing was tried, but it didn't
work. Tho dog, after the first tn-
assertion of his presence
by bark of month, planted himself
on top of steps
and kept his eye on tho intruder.
effort to advance was met
with a growl h-o that it was
Ho was barred
out his own house and forced to
beat a
Driven from tho door, the
only to which ho had a key, tho
next thing was to yank tho bell
at the front doer. This was done
with energy and but
failed to tho sleeping in-
mates. A of tho side
yard was Th-f was still
there and very wide awake. Attain
the bell, but to no good Then
head of tho sat down on tho
front steps for half an hour beat
his brains to trying to devise
a scheme to got in. Then ho lost his
temper an assault on the
front door that seemed to the
very foundation the
The gentleman MM the
raised his window and asked what
wanted. Tho dog trotted around
side the house and took a
whore he could watch pro-
Still everybody tho
house slept soundly. Another as-
sault on tho door brought forth a
growl from the dog, and the win-
of houses across the
Street went tip and three night cap.
heads conferred as
house was being burglarized. The
bade trees concealed the disturber,
but did not stop his cars to the com-
of bis neighbors. The dog
drew nearer, but didn't bark. He
Just growled. man sat down
again on tho step.
For another hour man and
boast eyed each other. Despair and
battled in the In-east
the locked out, dog besieged man.
Desperation triumphed. He de-
from place on tho front
steps, with eye nu tho dog and
the other on a bit of limestone in
the gutter. The canine guardian of
tho promises allowed him to leave
the yard. It m the work of a few
seconds to send that rock crashing
through second story window
into ins bedroom. The
glass awoke everybody on the
block not previously aroused, and
were good for a riot call
being n soft, low
inquired from the broken win-
Well, be got in.
be got acquainted with tho now
St, Louis
Wants a Chance.
think Jack is tired of being my
slave Ho is getting so anxious that
I should marry
J Review.
Costly Shoes.
When the tomb of Henry VI of
Sicily, who died in was opened
at Palermo, years ago, it was
found that on the feet of the dead
monarch were shoes whose uppers
wore of cloth embroidered with
gold and pearls, while tho soles
of cork.
No virtue fades out of mankind.
Not by inborn temper-
cautious by long
I never despair of human
Washington, D. C. Sept. 0th.
Who will the Democratic
date next year That question is a
of every prominent Democrat who
comes to Washington these days, for
the talk of President Cleve-
land for m third term , mean-
by mos three
who are mined fir that
hO are . f New
To.-l, Secretary of
and lion. V. ii HI.,
either of whom would make
and a good Oilier gen-
are named, but one of three
will be nominated. Representative Tuck-
of Vii. who was in Washington this
week, named two of them in expressing
his opinion. He said, to
nominate one of two men for
It will be r Car or
The silver men will p
more determine y than
they would Morrison. lie will bi strong
in the east, however, and tie fact
that he is a southern man will be
to give him the sentiment of
I suppose west will be more
to Jinn--iii and the silver men
would be better satisfied with
Secretary Morton has not a high
opinion of the business sense displayed
some of the legislation of the last
as he has shown by bis
to spend appropriated to buy
seeds free distribution. He this
week died another instance of bad bus-
Congress authorized a
new of what is popularly known
as the These books will
cost the government about CO cents each
and Secretary Morton says the same
quantity could have been bought from
the In government publications,
who buy largely from Congressmen for
M cent each. Morton is not
alone in thinking such legislation
The Democratic Congressional Com-
does not as a rule take any part
in strictly State campaigns, but the
campaign in which will send two
United state Senators and one
to Congress, has been made an
exception, and the committee has been
aiding the Utah Democrats every
way possible. In view of the vote at the
last territorial
Democrat and Populist
neither party has any reason p feel
confident of the result pf the pres-
campaign. The only tiling absolute-
certain about is that it
delegation solid for
silver, that one of the new Senators
will be a Gentile and one a Mormon.
The Congressional delegation will b-
it would be
hie either party to Other
and the of both panic, have
agreed about the Sen
Herbert given Admiral
a -harp reprimand
a bit of which be was guilty
of celebration
opening of the North Sea and Baltic
Canal. When the Admiral, bis staff,
and of cruiser
York were all OH
of that teasel U receive a visit from
William, Admiral Kirkland
noticed Rev. II Clark, chaplain
of the New his ordinary
clerical garments. lie directed Cap;.
Evans commander of
the York, to order the to
go below because he WU not mi special
full dress uniform. de;
i c I. on ground tic-chaplain
had the only dress provide I for him
by the and that being
an officer be the right of
remaining on the bridge Admiral
thereupon gave Evans a
order to send the chaplain
Mow and of Capt. Beam was
obliged to obey his superior
Chaplain Clark made a complaint to the
forward jag a state-
of the affair, one
from Capt. Evans, and Admiral
land also made a statement.
Gen. who is now in Wash-
sits neither the Wyoming
settlers nor the Indians were
to blame for the Jackson Hole
troubles, but that the migratory
a- were at hot-
paw of whole business. Gen. Cop-
pinger annexing the
Hole region t- the
Park, but in view of the probable 0-
from it is not prob-
able that Secretary will make
a i to
A New Enterprise.
T he following which we from
the Salisbury Harald will be interesting
to people of ibis section, as it
what a former citizen of
doing In that We would glad
if some of our people would
Mr. example and start man-
of this kind are the ones that pay
The Herald says .
Everything at the Cord of Mr.
I. on street. Is now
about and ail machinery
be in full operation in a few days.
Herald scribe went around there
this morning and f the place as
snug and complete as could be wished.
There are fifteen machines for
sash com and for
clothes lines, one brand new
and working order. Some
them had been tried and a consider-
able quantity of cold made, hut the en-
was resting to-day and bands
were busy putting other machinery
new factory is a model. Every,
thing is of the most improved pattern-
is f the of
and ii of the very best make. Besides
the machines above mentioned are a
braiding machine, spooler and
machine, all in the of the
building. The two other floors will be
used for Storing raw material and
finished product at present, but will
filled later with other
machinery. Mr. ha. not yet
sold any of his He has
orders for every yard, he can make.
The first shipment will probably be
nut Hie
About Success,
The world measures a mat, by
success. If he
pal lie estimation,
no matter by means . has
attained it The has
time to look by
the t been attain
be honorable
or otherwise.
There are s
to be
foremost of which
man should strive for success-
Applause follows it. Everybody
bows to the winning But
important as it is to succeed,
ought to be gained Only by
honorable means. Honesty is the
policy, and the wisest in the
iii i a permanent success can
only be attained by honorable
means- a man
p success by dishonest means
flourishes for but he
is found out and hi.; success flits
away and is gone.
i that every
The Girl that Everybody Likes.
You have undoubtedly met
agreeable girls who, without do-
anything especially spiteful
or mean, have impressed you as
a girl to avoid. But hive you ever
met girl that you, as well as
everybody else, liked loB are
it you not met
She is the girl I is not
bright and to be to
find joy and pleasure ail over the
is the girl who appreciates
the fact cannot always
have the first choice of every-
thing in the world.
She is girl who is not i-
and does not find j y
inciting aggressive people.
She is the girl who never
es pain with a thoughtless tongue
She Is the girl who, it
is warm or cold, clear or stormy,
finds no fault with the weather
She is the girl who, when you
The Crop,
The cotton crop of the United
States for the year August
1890, it an follow, the
arm being given in r and
Georgia, 1300.000 Alabama,
Florida, Mi-sis
Texas, Total
The Texas crop,
in exact figures to bales
includes 140.982 bales grown in
An boy with a shining
pail wont gaily down the
vale, to where a with a brindle
tail, tho alfalfa did regale. A
bumble did gaily pail over
the s ft shady vale, to whore
the boy with the shining pail was
milking with the brindle
tail. The In e lit down on the
cow's left ear, feet flow-
through the leaves of an apple
tree the boy roared into eternity,
There U mere this
of the than all other diseases
put and Ilia la-t
years war suppose l lo ha
For a great many doctors
it a local disease, and prescribes
local and constantly tall.
with i. pro-
, in. arable. Science ha-
proved catarrh to de a
treatment. Bads Catarrh Cure
P. J.
Ohio, the only e
CUM on market. r is biter.
In doses from . t.-. i,
it acts directly on the blood
of the They
offer one hundred fails to
cure. -ml Lr circulars
P. . CO. t.
There are d ,
world. .
The business con
Unties to We printed
ed upwards of the
reports of the proceedings of the
Biblical Assembly and sold not
quite extra copies of those
issues daring thirty day. Tester-
invite to any we published, as n matter
mints you by looking her best, jot public interest, the annual
She is the girl makes of president of tho
world a pleasant place because liquor dealers, and sold extra
she is so pleasant herself I Citizen.
And by yon pomp
to think of it, she the girl .- A
who makes you feel she you I. I Pr
therefore like her ;
A Little Lamb-
The Rev. Or. Meredith, a well
tries to
friendly relations the
members of his flock-
In a recent talk to his Sunday
Sch lie urged the children to
peak to him whenever tiny met-
The next day a dirty-faced
chin, a cigarette and
a generally
appearance, accosted bun on the
clergyman stopped
cordially inquired-
am of
r. plied the boy, affably.
his ids head,
he swaggered off, leaving the
divine speechless with
N. C
III ill
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work
and prices reasonable.
Co. X. p
i AND I it
Commission Merchants
lagging, Ties and Peanut Sacks Lowest P
ha. i. the
I Building h, Fanning mints, and nun
for and general house well m
Hats. Ladies Dress Goods I have Am head
quarters for Heavy Groceries, and anent for O. N. T
cotton, and keep courteous and attentive clerk,
, a ,
it;, Stop Trains.
It sounds like tho story of the
days of the scourge
Kansas, when trains were
to through
the masses of locusts which
settled on tracks by mil
lion, yet it is a fact that for two
or more trails on the Long
Railroad from
Manhattan and
and also on
the Sea Beach line, have been
brought lo a standstill by mighty
swarms of potato bugs. Millions
pf then were slaughtered by
engine and car wheels the
wheels spun around in the slimy
mass could only be driven
ahead by the lavish use of sand.
SB-Hew World.
On last
a young white
met with a
most horrible which re-
in his following
day. the tram
caught his foot and literally pull-
ed his leg from his body. Eye
witnesses of the accident say it
was a
The colored Fair had one cir-
to take at it which but
few Fairs hatched
out it A boy placed seven
snake eggs on exhibition at the
beginning of the and they
all hatched out before it was over.
They moved lively from the first
and are said to be white
A. when he said
that he did not understand woman,
probably never thought that the ma-
of mankind would arise and
Don't snub a boy because he w
shabby clothes. When Edison, the in-
first entered he were
pair of yellow linen breeches in the
depth of winter.
Don't snub a boy because of the
of Ms patents. Shakespeare,
the world's poet, was the son of a man
who was unable to write his own
Don't snub a boy because his home
is plain and Abraham
Lincoln's early home was a log cabin.
Don't snub a boy because he
an humble trade. The author of
was a thinker.
Don't snub a boy because of dullness
in his lessons. Hogarth, the celebrated
painter and engraver, was a stupid boy
at his books.
Don swab a boy ho
the great orator of
the pianist, claimed to
lie able to play from memory
compositions. They comprised
music of school.
There seems to ho no art of
edge in fewer hands than that of
discerning when to have done.
a harsh and
The Charlotte News
the widow of Stonewall Jackson
will revise and the life
her husband, and will be publish-
ed by the Courier Journal Pub
Co, of Louisville, Ky-
Jackson was no gainer
by her first book, which
was published by the Harpers,
whose mode of selling book
did not make it accessible to the
general public, and her friends
hope that she will reap a de-
served through the
edition of her and
means so much than i
you and
fatal diseases result from
Don't play with Nature's
y greatest
If arc feeling
oat of sorts, weak
and generally ex-
nave no appetite
and can't work, g
begin at
lug the most A
hie strengthening
is j
A few bot-
comes from the
very first
stain your
and it's
pleasant take.
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles,
Constipation, Bad Blood
Malaria, Nervous ailments
Women's complaints.
Get only the has crossed red
lines on the wrapper. All others are sub-
On receipt of two ac. stamp, we
will send set Ten World's
Fair Views and
. ,., t,,. or for
in- easy. Bents, Taxes, Insurance
j and open accounts and any other
I of debt placed in my bands for
I your
Steamers, leer for Green
ville Tarboro at all
on Tar Rivet Monday.
and Friday at A. M.
Returning leave at A. M.
Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville same days.
These departures are subject lo
f water on Tar River.
For Cure all Ska
Don't snub for any reason. Not
only he may some day out-
strip in the race of life, hut be-
cause it Is neither Kind nor nor
So many around the
when the trains in Inter-
with getting on and off
train. having no special
there stand a
from the fain and as well.
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
. In use
This ,.,
and wherever know .
been in steady demand. It has been en-
by the leading over
all other . the attention of
the most experienced physicians, have
for This Ointment is of
standing and the high reputation
which it has obtained is oaring entirety
its Off as but little ha
ever been made to bring it before
One bottle of this Ointment will
tended to. Address all orders
communications to
en of The Norfolk, and Wash- i
line tor Norfolk. ore
New York
Shippers order their
marked via Dominion fr
New York.
Norfolk Haiti.
more. Winers
Ship your to
J. C. Meekins, Jr., Co.
Cotton Factors
Under Opera
ill when
I on want k
We will QUICK
We will till then, CHEAP
We will till
Rough Sap Fri ;
Planing Mill
you Lu
Personal Attention to
Halo Academy.
The next session of this School
begin on
Wait days
we n
Wood delivered to your door for St,
a load.
Thanking yon past patronage.
r. r.
tuition and board ,,
MOt to any address on receipt of One
All at-
and continue for ten months.
The course all the
usually in an Academy.
Terms, both
Boys well fitted and equipped for
business, by taking the j
course alone. Where they wish
a higher course, this
guarantees thorough preparation to
enter, credit, any College in North
Carolina, or the State University. It I
refers to those who have recently left
walls for the truthfulness of this j
Any young man with character and
moderate ability taking a with
us Will aided in making arrange-
to continue in
The will be kept at its
present standard.
Neither time nor
work will be to this school
all that parents could wish.
Send in your boys on the first day.
see or ad-
M. M
Train connects Wilmington v
Weldon train bound North.
Goldsboro a. m., am. with
train West, leaving Goldsboro m
W. II.
and Trade-Mark and all
Our u, s.
and we can patent u lea tune than those
remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing; or with
advise it patentable or not, of
Oar fee not doe till patent is -cured.
A to Obtain with
cost of tame in the V, and
sent free,
o, D. C.
J. F.
Fifth Street
near Five
Passengers carried to an
point at reasonable rates Goo
The Charlotte
Independent and fearless ; bigger and
more attractive than ever, it will be an
invaluable visitor to home, the
the club or ho moil,
i HE
All the news of the com-
Dally reports from the Slate
and National Capitols. Sh
A family All
news of the week. The
from the Legislature a special.
Remember the Weekly Ob-
Send for sample copies.
if, q