Eastern reflector, 31 July 1895

i i
The Reflector is
pared to do all worK
in this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
A flood almost wrecked lite
town of Silver City Now M s-
Throe wore instantly killed
by a premature dynamite
in Illinois
A tornado struck a camp meet-
near and
killed two people.
A plant to cm horse meat for
foreign consumption ha
started at Ore.
The of Medical
Examiners will hold an extra
A five story link and
pounds was de-
by tire at Winston Sun-
The Massey-Pilot libel suit at
Norfolk is Hearing its end after
occupying the court for several
Yellow fever ii a
an alarming rate in Havana, and
cholera is at
Salisbury will have a double
to-morrow, two no
pro murderers wall pay tho pen-
of their
Dolph Edwards and Sam liar
had a light at Ala-,
over a debt of Edwards
was stabbed death-
Southern California's orange
this season has brought to
the grower about
B pears are selling at a
The Eastern Reflector.
You Need
D. J.
Weather Crop Bulletin.
An Ear Full of Files.
The reports of A correspondent of the Char-
of the Weather Observer, Man-
issued by the North N. t
State Weather Service, for tho
week Saturday, July To people not familiar with tho
Idaho is building a Home.
Oreg has a Homo started ;
of property,
has Incorporated a
The Reflector this year
It will give the news
every week tor
a year.
Unison In North Carolina.
Mr. A, L. Jones, of Hamilton,
i N. Y-, experienced hop grow
visited the Department of Ag
i yesterday. He inform-
ed department that he had street to the South ferry station at
. La.
Found a. Mascot.
The midnight trail
on Third avenue elevated road,
while whirling down
1893, indicate, . the whole, o phenomena j Home fur North Carolina, near fr-fifteen o'clock one
favorable week, though more ills to which the
He comes for tho
; to a sudden stop at Thirty-eighth
usual reports are received of dam-1 body is subjected, there is in I Kansas has a prop-, purpose of hops The butchers, green grocers and
age by and local
temperature above nor-
with abundant A
been large of bad
drought is beginning to prevail,
though no great damage is re-
ported as yet. Violent hail
and wind storms occurred on Fri-
day several counties the
Central and Districts-
Caring tobacco progressing with
good results- Fall Irish potatoes
planted- Melons coming
in slowly, to be late and
Tho past week was warm with
plenty of sunshine, on the
whole favorable for crops, though
as is usual at this season the rain
fall was unevenly distributed. At
places it is dry,
no real damage results as yet.
Heavy wind storms Fri-
day injured especially to-
at Pitt, county,
and Nashville, Nash county. Cot-
getting plenty of weed ; in
fact, reported as too fast
in the south but and
squares short ; lice seem to be
disappearing in many sections.
Tobacco fine; cutting and curing
going with excellent results
Fall crop of Irish potatoes
planted. coming in, and
shipments begun- River rice
fields well worked and rice prom-
Much of
era among the
neighborhood a most won jerry given to it by He has two five j other early birds who sleep on the
of ear trouble. Liv-J worth now growing in hops near train most of the way from Harlem
the river plantation of Col. j v. where he went markets, woke up with a
Jersey e crop prom-
to be unusually large and ex-
this year, the
of the largest
ever known
Another fool, Patrick
has jumped the Brooklyn
He was picked up
but hurt- He made the
jump for
Sunday night two
steamers collided at the entrance
of the Gulf of Genoa. One of the
sank and passengers
won drowned.
Col, G- O- Luke, formerly of
Elizabeth City, died Berkly.
Va. on Sunday. He was well
known in this district as an ac-
A motion to prevent its school
teachers wearing bloomers was
voted by Toronto
School and the women are
happy over tho
Four acres of the Mississippi
River's banks, just below New
have caved and
a number of houses into the
river. Other are feared-
Mr- George of Beau
fort took his wife and
tithing, one of the
fell and,
jumped to the rescue and
they were drowned. The last time
he came up tho child was his
j brains. It is alleged that on
President Cleveland or some Spruill attempted a
of his family, possibly j on a respectable roar
Baby Marion, will start the ma lady the
at the Cotton Spates Is- yesterday papers for his
position. directors rest were placed in the hands of
Mr. Geo Henderson, Las a
veritable curiosity an extra-
ordinarily marked common gar-
spider- back of the
hinder half of the spider
large lo or oval are
markings which distinctly
a human face, eyes, nose and
month; even to little
at the pi places to
nostrils. Each feature is in reg-
natural position. To
got the best view of the face the
spider must be looked at with
his head toward the spectator, as
the month is about tho middle of
his back and the eyes the
upper part of the face
towards tho rear. The shape of
the body is not a human
head, and in color it is a dull
white and thus makes the re-
semblance still more striking.
Is keeping his
pet a little box supplying
him with insects and leaves to
keep him alive as long as possible
He takes pleasure in showing him
to visitors- Newborn Journal.
O. H. Dockery is a little
girl, years For about a
week she had been complaining
of in of ears.
tie was paid to it by her
until the child came to
mother holding a common
house fly in her hand and telling
that it had flown from her
Upon looking into the left ear
her mother was horrified to
tho in a perfect work,
swarming with flies. A doctor
was neut for, and for three o.
four days they have been taking
flies out of the ear, and up ton few
hours ago, tho h id reach-
ed 160- Some out alive,
others ones
all fully developed
house flies. For a day the child
has been spasms, her
Sufferings seems to be
She will be carried to Dr.
Graham, Charlotte to-morrow
Tho case has baffled the skill of
our best local physicians.
The mystery is How did so
many flies get into the ear,
is cavity enough outside of
the drum of to hold
I-, it possible for them to remain
there deposited
And why, after f days of
applications of medicine do
they continue come out alive t
If the reader of a similar
case we would like to know it,
Lear this
New Hampshire has a Home
built years ago; it
is located at Concord ; value of
Now Jersey's
Home is at Trenton ; been in op-
ten years; property worth
cost per
the to look his
Mr. Jones is of the
and craned their necks
I anxiously from the car windows to
i see what the trouble was.
that there are sections Ahead a gasoline torch bobbed up
this State as well adapted to the and down in the darkness like a
hop industry as any part of on track. The
, ti -i locomotives breathed and chafed
ow State, tie says u the , ,, ,, ., .
. J , , patiently, awaiting the return of
hop ripens here in August
they that an acre here is
Tho Missouri Odd State- So if the hop is profitable
Home will be dedicate May, it in Now York, it should
connection with the of be more so
the fireman.
A little way further he was seen
worth three or more his native hi the light of his torch to bend over
and take a bundle of something
white up in his arms. He turned and
Dr. T- a prominent
practicing physician
of in Nash
committed suicide Wednesday at
i his home with a pistol shot in the
Worry and the grave
Set well
When go out to meet
we never have a long walk.
the can't get be
hind the preacher in other
way he sometimes joins the choir-
Anyone can be to
people, but it takes
grace to be pleasant to
ant people.
If you want to a crooked
path, just follow tho direction of
a corkscrew.
There are people who hate a
thief, who borrow books
return them.
Ho who is hunting for a wife
without a fault should
that the spouse he is seeking may
be searching for a husband of tho
same sort.
The man that is
to speak the exact truth is not
apt to be garrulous.
It is us to, take
from tho silly as counsel from the
ranged for a wire into the grounds
and another Gray Gables on
opening day, September
From present a
co warehouse for is an
fact. The amount
to build has already been
raised and the committee have
now the selection of a suitable
site under
An exchange says ; The quick
est way to dig your financial
grave is to let up on advertising-
It. will dig itself
ply sink out of sight of every-
body but your creditors and a i
the county sheriff for service.
The State printers in publish-
tho lists of magistrates
changed names in cases
and added names not shown
on the certified list- The terms
of magistrates been
changed in cases. names
on tho list have been
dropped by the State printers.
If all these changes were -1
the printers are
incompetent , ii the wore
the State printers
acted unlawfully- How is it
A novel prize has been offered
by the Great Northern Steamship
whoso gigantic vessels
ply on the Great Lakes. The of
announcement been
made that the company will give
a of in gold to every
baby born this season aboard of
either of its two palatial steamers
Northland Northwest- Five
hundred dollars is the prize for
twins, and for triplets. The
condition that the officers
of the company shall name the
the Grand Lodge.
California has purchased a
magnificent site the
Lodge by legislation pro-
for its permanence
has a and Or.
Home at ; prop
valued at
mates are ; average
monthly of it is
maintained the Lodge
Connecticut has a Homo at
worth acquired
since July a per capital
tux of per member is levied
fir maintenance and to create a
permanent fund.
The German Odd Fellows of
New York have a Home for
aged brethren, at
also Orphanage; very tine
buildings- There is Odd
Home at L I-, with
seven inmates.
in 1301, has property
Do Not Judge by Clothing.
Boys do not Judge a man by
his clothing. A little
curred one of street cars a
few days since winch is worthy of
A poorly woman en-
the car carrying an infant
in her arms. As she I
observed she seemed trouble
about something. When the
passed through the car for
the fares she said in a very . low
let mo ride this time and some
other time I will pay
can hear that story every
said the conductor, in a loud,
rough voice- can pay or
get fares,
said a pleasant voice, as a toil-
worn sunburned baud passed
ho conductor ten. cents.
you said the
man, ard loner she
wept; the language of the heart
so to express our
thoughts This man in worn and
soiled garments was one of God's
noblemen. He possessed a heart
to for the woes of
although the act was but a trifle,
it proves that we with
safety, judge a man by his
a true heart
boats beneath a ragged
Our Dumb Animals.
Bill Advice.
Bill his advice to a
young lady, it is quite pro-
per to tale a young man's arm
after dark, bat you should return
it to him afterwards- Never let a
young man take your arm how-
ever. Ho
muscles afterward, it is
way to live Should he attempt
it. do not brain him the spot,
for the odor of gas
be disagreeable, but tell
him to try and
rather than to lean the
of a timid girl- Should ho be
afraid of the dark, and again
clutch at your arm, call a
and seed him home The cost
will be slight, and you will never
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Report
Absolutely pure
What May When There
on a Blow in tho Night.
That At t, . II, r In
City Rally Morning Call
to Shorten Sail on the
Some months like poaches
cream and some like a hole
a brick wall lo ad-
a door or window. Tho
mouth is a hotbed of toothaches,
the of oratory and a
baby's crowning glory. It is the
patriotism's fountain head the
tool chest for pie. Without it the
would be a
the face of tho the
go down to tin-
honored grave. It is the grocer's
friend, the orator's pride, and the
dentist's hope-
A man living near the Johnston
and Wilson in Wilson
made his oat fourteen
biscuits at cue sitting
she had burned them cooking.
He made her do this by threats.
The next a mob went to his
house, tho man began to cry
out for his friends. He was told
that all the neighborhood was
there. He was whipped the
left him.
Wednesday as
a sister of Mrs was en-
the main -rate at from six thous
school, a boy approached I sand per mile
About twenty-four million, five
total valuation, of railroad prop-
given by tho Railway
mission for the year 189-i; in-
crease of nearly five hundred
thousand dollars. The Seaboard
property increased being
nine thou
The assessment
body a hand of steamboat lines is two
old fossils who love the dead j. L
smell o be pa . was chased some distance by d
bugs have done great a man from that neigh I forty
damage to crops in stuck,
a. dean in m k .-
Men who are all the time try-
to get out of or out
of town will never build up
of the two things must
be done run the town for for all
it is gee up and
it up, or unit the whole
slide and lot
take its course. Do you want
trade I Bid for it. Do you want
business to come to your town
Encourage those who do come.
Do you want a
where people corns who are
disposed to make I
Mr. George F.
new ground, corn, acres of
which are cultivated, the remain-
acres being sowed. The two
acres cultivated are in the richest
part of the field, while the other
is in the poorest, yet tho sow-
ed corn is much the best, being a
great deal Why is this T
Can tome explain
The National Harness
declares wide-awake
timers don't know anything
dull Bradstreet's says that
nearly per cent, of the con-
that failed were
those advertise May
be there isn't a moral in
that statement.
The University for
1804 shows as
the law school, the medical
school in tie summer
homes I Then school for
from sight,
k no more o- Mr.
came back with it.
A hundred heads protruding from
windows watched him come.
is a burst from them
hi one breath, and the entire lot
scrambled for the engine, on the
track and through the train.
Fireman Buck met them with his
white bundle hugged close. They
fell upon him, a perfect mob,
Chirp The little darling,
did the poor
said the dear thing, and
snapped at the nose poked nearest.
It was not a baby, but a puppy, a
white poodle dog trotting all
alone down the elevated track from
heaven knows where, in the small
hours of the morning, when the en-
saw him and stopped the
train just in time.
They took him into the rah, while
I lie excited passengers went back to
sleep, feeling that they had been
posed upon. Fireman Buck and the
engineer didn't feel that way. They
got the pup some milk down at
South ferry and took him back with
them on the home run.
The midnight has a
mascot now, the only elevated dog
in town.
But how he get on the track where
he was, where he was going at
that hour are mysteries that may
never b Y. Sun.
Sensations of One on Ship During
an Awful of Death.
Toward the close of the action, I
Col. Hutchinson reported to me that j
the guns wanted quill or tin tubes
are used as more safe and
expeditious than loose and
wanted me to send some one, I
own men were too ignorant of
the ship, or he would have sent one
before my says a writer in
Macmillan's magazine. I told
knew no one who could so well
spared as He, however,
objected to my going, and as I was
aware of tho dreadful slaughter
which had taken place in the center
of the ship I was not very fond of
the jaunt, but my conscience would
not let me send another on an errand
I was afraid to undertake myself,
and away I posted toward the fore
When I arrived on the main deck,
along which I had to pass, there was
not a single man standing tho whole
way from the mainmast forward, a
distance containing eight guns on a
side, some of which were run out
ready for firing; others lay dis-
mounted, and others remained as
were after recoiling. In this
I be excused for
shuddering as walked across the
body of a dead soldier. I hastened
down the fore ladder to the lower
deck and felt really relieved to find
somebody alive;
reached the fore cockpit, where I was
obliged to watt a few minutes for
my cargo, and after this pause I
felt something like regret, if not
fear, as remounted the ladder on
my return. This, however, entirely
subsided when I the sun shilling
and the old blue ensign flying as
lofty as ever,
I never felt the genuine sense of
glory so completely as at that mo-
and If I had seen anyone
attempt to haul that ensign down
could have run aft and shot O.-ad
in as determined, a. manner the
Jones. I took off
my hat by an involuntary motion
gave three cheers as I
on to the quarterdeck.
Whenever you see good roads
in a county you can rest
that county is a prosperous one-
Good roads are index to tho
prosperity of
superior Clerk, K. A.
Sheriff, It. King.
Register of Deeds, w. If. King.
Treasurer, 1.1.
Dr. C.
T. K. I.
Smith and S. M. loins.
Health. Dr. W. II. Bagwell.
County Home. W. Smith.
County Examiner of Teacher-. Prof.
W. ii.
Mayor, Ola
Clerk, C.
w. v. Godwin.
w. Perkins, chief,
Cox, i- i W. Murphy, night.
II. Smith, w. I.
Brown, W. V. Godwin. T. A. which,
Baptist. Service every Sunday
morning night. Prayer
night. C. M.
Sunday at ;
M. V.
I Catholic. No regular
Episcopal. Services every fourth
morning Key. A.
Hector. Sunday School
Methodist. every
morning and light. Prayer meeting
night. Key. U. F. Smite,
Mater. Sunday at A. M. A.
it. Supt.
Service let and
I Sunday morning and night.
meeting night Rev. Archie
pastor. Sunday School at
do away with, bur
a Jew aft
pages, is carefully in-
gives full information
about the University- Write for
the Commissioner o
decided that the
only remedy is to infect them
with some deadly disease. In-
bugs are to be brought
from other States and distributed
There is a place
in Washington. All that is re-
quired of the applicant is that he
understands chemistry,
bacteriology, histological
anatomy, and be able to tell what
he knows about these and other
things in English, French and
German, and remarkable to say
there isn't a jam of applicants
Wilmington Star.
mat the
and Observer.
One dollars in gold
was offered in Charlotte last week
to any colored base ball club in
the State which would beat, the
Cannot be Cartel.
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an con-
of the mucous lining the
When this tube
in limned you have a rumbling or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
closed Deafness the result.
best two out of three games, the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its
of that city. The
of Greensboro ac-
the challenge and
games were played Thursday and
Friday. The stays
normal condition, hearing will be de-
forever ; nine out of ten
are caused by catarrh, is
but an ed condition of the
raucous surfaces.
We will give Hundred Dollars
any case of by
in Charlotte by a score of a to S j that cannot be cured Hail's
the first game and to in the
together sew
j prosper-
. mutual benefit. Wake
up, rub eyes, roll up your
sleeves and so to work. Don't
work with fear and trembling, but
take it for granted that blood
will tell. result with
themselves; borrow no trouble,
but all unite to make it the big-
kind of a city.
It is Mr. Gladstone's latest
the older a man in
good health becomes the greater
his mental activity ought to be.
He declares that the mind grows
clearer as the body s
vitality dwindles, and he docs
see Low anything except disease
of the latter can prevent
progress from continuing
copy to President
N. C
The man who is afraid to
bis in any enterprise and
still expects it to increase ought
to be yoked to fellow who ex-
to raise a crop of com with
out putting his seed corn in the
Money like grows
by and not by lying still.
to the end of a man's life
We notice that in
the State are taking steps to es-
new cotton factories. Why
not do something
along this line
on a hazardous
and had returned in
Mr. also expressed
great satisfaction at seeing mo in
such Ugh spirits and so active
am endeavoring to become
quite writes a Boston
man in London, it will
save me from tho tips of the first
magnitude which servants expect
from Americans. I have mounted a
perfectly hideous Derby. I carry
my right glove in my left gloved
hand and swing a stick in
my right. I wear an English collar,
and an English scarf with an Eng-
pin in it; my English cuffs
spacious. I am having more clothes
made at the Prince of
tailor's. And when I go outside the
is directly opposite the
first up
many American gentlemen,
sir, know where they want to go,
Such is the vanity of
to leave the
doors or said Mr.
to the New York Sun man,
easily be a question of importance.
Why It Is thought of leaving it out
Is simple enough; It may have been
a damp or drizzly day and the clothes
may not be dry when night comes;
they arc to be left out to blow dry
In the night. The question in the
suburbs or In the where
would left on
stretched between posts set the
ground, is mostly of safety, for
there they must be left where they
could easily stolen by anybody
that might take a fancy to them.
In the city if you live in a flat the
principal question Will it be too
windy For if it is the clothespins,
when they work off the line, don't
fall upon the grass but into tho
fathomless abyss of the rear area,
and if washing drops from tho
line it goes there, too, or off over
some neighboring roof, or it whip
or the fire escape, or it winds
itself around the pulley line so that
the line won't budge either way, and
there the washing is out in the air
and you wonder how you arc going
to get It. So that- it may easily be
seen that in a flat it is really a
question of some importance whether
the washing shall be left out or not,
and if the wind rises it is of still
more Importance to get it In.
do says Mrs.
think it is
going to blow any harder than it
you look out at the cold IA W Brows, Bop t.
stars and glance around generally,
and then you say no, you don't think
it is, and after a little further
deliberation Mrs. de-
to leave out. It's pretty
breezy and you can hoar now
and then snapping in the wind, but
if it doesn't blow up any more
they're all right. So you
out and go to lied.
four o'clock you begin
to dream of the sea story you had
read the night before. Off Cape
Horn is a howling gale in
cold and snow and ice; rolling seas
and tempest and danger everywhere;
it's your suddenly you
hear somebody pounding on the
companion slide with a handspike,
find a moment later you bear a voice
shouting down the
means you- it's all hands
to shorten sail. As yon jump from
your bunk you feel somebody pushing
on your shoulder and yon hear Mrs.
I guess you'll ha-e to
take in the
Into your boots and garments, not
your tarpaulin and your
sou'wester, and a minute r you're
on the escape, with Mrs. Flat-
dweller standing inside to lake tho
things as you hand them in.
O-howling, sheets a -flap-
ping, shirts snapping, pillow cases
everything cast loose and
whipping Itself or
ready to. In torrents
and general uproar everywhere.
comes a shoot across your
face and away goes your sou'wester,
but you grab the sheet and it as
you would a sail until you come to
line; you grab off the clothespins
and the sheet and hand it in to
No hero,
so you must tiling the sail to you;
yum the pulley line, blocks
under the strain
lidding to the
sail you get in ye it all,
and acting, B, .
garnets and stuff
Topping lifts and bowlines In those
degenerate days of teakettles instead
of clipper ships, if a man really
wants a sniff of salty ocean let
him ship in a
An unmistakable
Covenant Lodge So. I. o. K.,
meets every Tuesday night. Dr. W. II.
N. O.
Lodge A. K. ft A.
M. e and third Monday
W. M. King, W. M
Ones B, Fender
Hardware store.
K. Boon.
. under Opera House, Third St
and Counselor at La w
Greenville, County,
Practices the Courts.
Civil and Criminal Ito-in.--- it.
Makes u special of fraud
lo laud, and col-
Prompt and careful Attention given
Mont-y to loan on approved security.
Perms easy.
my said the
prudent father,
doesn't cost
was the reply, hoard
don't doubt it, do
it certainly costs me about
even dollars a week to get any
out of the waiters at our
hotel Star
N. C.
in all the Courts.
The traveler shaded his eyes with
his hand looked anxiously stoat
there a man In the village,
he asked, a
said a boy in the crowd,
he's busy a horseless
carriage, and there's six broken
ahead you, besides. You'd
N c.
J. I.
KY 8-AT-1. AW,
ii. nil the
John E. Woodard. F. Harding.
N. C. Greenville, N. C.
Greenville, N.
Special attention given to
better go to the next town, and settlement of claims.

The Reflector is
pared to do all
in this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
A flood almost wrecked
town of Silver City Mex-
were instantly killed
by a premature dynamite
A tornado struck a camp meet-
killed two people.
A plant to mm horse meat for
foreign consumption La been
started at Ore.
Tb-j of Medical
will hold extra
at villa, 20th-
A five and
The Eastern Reflector.
You Need
D. J.
Weather Crop Bulletin.
An Ear Full of Files.
The reports of A correspondent of
of Weekly j kite Observer, Man-
issued by county, N.
State Service, for i
week eliding Saturday, To people not familiar
indicate, on whole, u many f phenomena and
favorable week, though more than j ilia to
usual reports are received of dam-1 body is subjected, there is
age by local toil neighborhood a most
The temperature above not case of ear trouble. Liv
A j river plantation of Col.
The Reflector this year
It will give the news
every week for
a year.
Culture In North Carolina.
Idaho is building a Home. Mr. A, L. Jones, of Hamilton,
a Home started Y experienced hop grow
value of property, I Department of Ag
How the Midnight
Found a Mascot.
The midnight trail
on the Third avenue elevated road,
while whirling down Forty-Second
I yesterday. He
has incorporated a department that he had I street to the South ferry station at
Home and raised for North o'clock one morning came
it. I w ,. . . ; to a sudden stop at Thirty-eighth
He comes for r
Kansas has a prop-, purpose of growing hops The butchers, green grocers and
3.5.000 pounds
Winston Sun-
by tire at
libel suit at
Norfolk is its end after
occupying the court for several
Fellow fever increasing a
alarming rate in Havana,
cholera is epidemic at
Salisbury will have a double
hanging to-morrow, when two no-
pro will pay pen-
of their crime.
Edwards and Sam liar
Lad a light at Ala.,
over a debt of cents. Edwards
wee stubbed death.
Southern California's orange
this season had brought to
growers about
B pears are at a
Jersey's crop prom-
to be unusually large ex-
this year, the
crop of 1803, largest
ever known-
Another tool, Patrick
has jumped off the Brooklyn
Bridge, He was picked up alive
but badly hurt. He made the
jump for
Sunday two Italian
steamers collided at the
of the Gulf of Genoa One of the
steamers sank US passengers
Col, G- Luke, formerly of
Elizabeth City, died
Va. on Sunday, lie was well
known in this district us an ac
A motion to prevent its school
teachers wearing bloomers was
voted by Toronto
School Boat d, the women are
happy over result.
four acres of the Mississippi
River's banks, just below New
have caved in, and
a number of into the
river. Other loses are feared-
Mr. George of Beau
fort county, took bis wife
one of the
fell overboard, ant the fa-
jumped to tho rescue
they were drowned. The last time
he came up the child was bis
President Cleveland or some
member of his family, possibly
Baby Marion, will start the ma
at the Cotton plates Ex-
position- The directors
ranged for a wire into the grounds
and another into Gray Gables on
opening day. September 18th-
From present a
co warehouse for Goldsboro is an
fact- The amount
to build has already been
raised and the committee have
largo number of counties had
good showers. some places
drought is beginning to prevail,
though no great damage is re-
ported as yet- Violent hail
and wind storms occurred on Fri-
day several counties the
Central and Districts-
tobacco progressing with
good results- Fall Irish potatoes
boa g planted- Melons coining
in slowly, seem to be late and
past week was warm with
O. H- is a little
girl, years For about a
week she bad been complaining
of in of her ears-
tie attention was paid to it by her
parer-ts, until the child came to
mother holding a common
fly in her baud and telling
that it bad flown from her ear-
Upon looking into left ear
her mother was horrified to Bud
the cavity in a perfect work, and
swarming with flies. A doctor
was Rent for, for three
four days they been taking
mi j given to it by State. He has two five acre J other early birds who sleep on the
worth now growing in bops near j train most of the way from Harlem
New Hampshire has a Home where he went on the markets, woke up with a
years ago; it H n.
is located at Concord;
Now Jersey's
Home is at Trenton ; been in op-
years; property worth
cost per in ma to
Mr. Jones is of the
opinion that there are sections
this State ad well adapted to the
hop as any part o
Now York State. He says if the
hop ripens here in August
they that an acre here is
start and craned their necks
anxiously from the car windows to
sec what the trouble was.
Ahead a gasoline torch bobbed up
and down in the darkness like a
f on the track. The
locomotives breathed and chafed
patiently, awaiting the return of
the fireman.
A little way further he was seen
plenty of and on the I dies out of ear, up few
whole favorable for crops, though ago, the bid reach-
as is usual at this season the rain 169- Some out alive,
fall was unevenly distributed. At
many places it is dry, though
no real damage results as yet.
Heavy and wind storms Fri-
day injured crops, especially to-
at Farmville, Pitt
and Nashville, Nash Cot-
ton getting plenty of weed ; in
fact, reported as too fast
in south but- and
squares short ; lice seem to be
disappearing in many sections.
Tobacco fine; cutting and curing
going on with excellent results
Fall crop of Irish potatoes
Unions coming in, and
shipments begun. rice
fields well worked and rice prom-
Much of
era among the hogs.
A Spider Mark-d with a Human
Mr- Geo. Henderson, las a
veritable curiosity an extra-
ordinarily marked common gar-
spider- back of the
binder half of the spider
large rounded or oval are
which distinctly
a human face, eyes, nose and
mouth; even to little indentures
at places to
nostrils. Each feature is in reg-
natural position. To
got the best view of the face the
spider must be looked at with
his head toward tat spectator, as
mouth is about the middle of
his back and the eyes the
upper part of the face farther
towards the rear. shape of
the body is not unlike a
head, color it is a dull
white and thus makes the re-
still more striking.
Hr. Henderson is keeping his
pet a little and supplying
him with insects and leaves to
keep him alive as long as possible
He takes pleasure in showing him
to visitors.- Newborn Journal.
others ones
all fully developed
flies. a day the child
has beer, spasms, her
sufferings seems to be
She will be carried to Dr.
Graham, Charlotte to-morrow
case has baffled the skill of
our best local physicians.
The mystery is How did so
many get into the ear. and
is there cavity enough outside of
the drum of to bold them
I- it possible for them to remain
there trow eggs deposited
And why, after fear days of
applications of medicine do
they continue to come out alive
If reader of a similar
case we would like know it,
Lear this explained.
Dr. W. T a prominent
and practicing physician
of in Nash
committed suicide Wednesday at
his home with a pistol shot in
brains. It is alleged that on
Sunday, Spruill attempted a
assault on a respectable mar
lady in the neighborhood,
and papers for his
rest were placed in the hands of
the county sheriff for service.
Worry and the grave
Set well
When we go out to meet
we Lever have a long walk.
the devil can't get be
hind the preacher in any other
way he sometimes joins the choir.
Anyone can be to
pleasant people, but it takes
grace to be pleasant to
ant people.
If you want to a crooked
path, just follow the direction of
a corkscrew.
There are people who hate a
thief, who borrow books
return them.
He who is for a wife
without a fault should
that the spouse he is may
be searching for a husband of the
Same sort.
The is only
to speak the exact truth is not
apt to be garrulous.
It is as well to, take warning
from as counsel from the
A novel prize has been offered
by Great Northern Steamship
Company, whose gigantic vessels
ply on Great Lakes. The of
announcement has been
made that will give
a of gold to every
baby born this season aboard of
either of its two palatial steamers
Northland and Northwest- Five
hundred dollars is the prize for
of magistrates have been
changed in cases. names
the certified list have been
by the State printers.
now selection of a suitable n all changes were
site under consideration-Golds- i the printers are
j incompetent , if the changes were
. , I intentional the State printers
An says the quick unlawfully- is it
to dig your financial
The State printers in publish-
the lists of magistrates
changed f he names cases twins, and for triplets. The
and added names not shown only is that the officers
the certified The terms o name the
Wednesday as
, I babies.
About twenty-four million, five
hundred dollars is the
. I total valuation of railroad prop-
given by tho Railway Com
mission for the year in-
crease of nearly five hundred
thousand dollars. The Seaboard
Tho Missouri Odd State. So if the hop is profitable
Home will be dedicate May, in it New York, it should
connection with tho of be more so here- Raleigh
the Grand Lodge- j and
California has purchased
a . i ll Bill Nye's Advice.
site and
Lodge by legislation pro-1 Bill bis advice to a
for its future it is quite pro-
I per to tale a young man's arm
I after dark, bat you should return
it to him Never let a
worth three or more his native In the light of his torch to bend over
and take a bundle of something
white up in his arms. He turned and
Texas has a Or.
Home at ; prop
valued at
mates are ; average
monthly of it is
maintained by- the Lodge
Connecticut has a Home at
worth acquired
since July 1802 ; a per capital
tux of per member is levied
far maintenance and to create a
permanent fund.
The German Odd Fellows of
New York have a Home for
aged brethren, at
also Orphanage; very fine
buddings. There is Odd
Home at L I-, with
seven inmates. Is
in 1391, has property
Do Not Judge by Clothing.
Boys do not Judge a man by
his clothing. A little incident
curred one Hue of street cars a
few days sines winch is worthy of
notice. A poorly el id woman en-
the car carrying an infant
in her arms- As she I
observed she seemed trouble
about When the con-
passed through the car for
she said in a very . low
let me ride this time and some
other time I will pay
hear that story every
said conductor, in a loud,
rough voice. can pay or
get fares,
said a pleasant voice, as a toil-
worn and sunburned hand passed
he conductor ten cents-
bless you said the
man, and and silently
wept; the language of the heart
so to express
thoughts This man in worn and
soiled garments was one of God's
noblemen- He possessed a heart
to feel for the woes of
although the act was but a trifle,
it proveR that we with
safety, judge a man by his
a true heart
boats beneath a ragged
Our Dumb Animals-
young man take your arm how- j
ever. Ho might j
muscles afterward, it is one
way to live Should he attempt
it. do not In am him the spot,
for the odor of gas
would be disagreeable, but tell
him to try and b self-supporting,
rather than to lean the arm
of a timid girl- Should he be
afraid of the dark, and again
clutch wildly at your arm, call a
cab and send him home The cost
will be slight, and you will never
Some mouths lo k like peaches
cream and some like a hole
chopped into a brick wall to ad-
a door or window. The
mouth is a hotbed of toothaches,
the bunghole of oratory a
baby's glory. It is
patriotism's fountain bead
tool chest for pie. Without it the
would be a wanderer
the face of tho- the
go down to an
honored grave. It is the grocer's
friend, the orator's pride, and the
dentist's hope.
came back with it.
A hundred heads protruding from
windows watched him come.
is a burst from them
In one breath, and the entire lot
scrambled for the engine, on the
track and through the train.
Fireman Buck met them with his
white bundle hugged close. They
fell upon him, a perfect mob,
Chirp The little darling,
bow did the poor
said the dear thing, and
snapped at the nose poked nearest.
It was not a baby, but a puppy, a
white poodle dog trotting all
alone down the elevated track from
heaven knows where, in the small
hours of the morning, when the en-
saw him and stopped the
I rain just in
They took him into the cab, while
I lie excited passengers went back to
sleep, feeling that they had been
posed upon. Fireman Buck and the
engineer didn't feel that way. They
trot the pup some milk down at
South ferry and took him back with
on the home run.
The midnight a
mascot now, the only elevated dog
in town.
But how he get on the track where
lie was, and where he was going at
that hour are mysteries that may
never b Y. Sun.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report
What May Happen When There
Come on a Blow In tho Night.
Scenes That Are to la
City Morning Call
to Shorten Sail on the
to leave the
doors or said Mr.
to the New York Sun
easily be a question of importance.
Why It is thought of leaving It out
Is simple enough; It may have been
a damp or drizzly day and clot lies
may not be dry when night comes;
they are to be left out to blow dry
in the night. The question in the
suburbs or In the country, where
would be loft on lines
stretched between posts in the
ground, is mostly of safety, for
there they must be left where they
could easily be stolen by anybody
that might take a fancy to them.
in the city if you live in a flat the
principal question Will it be too
windy For if it is the clothespins,
when they work off the line, don't
fall upon the grass but into the
fathomless abyss of the rear area,
and if the washing drops from tho
line it goes there, or off over
some neighboring roof, or it
poles or
or the fire escape, or it winds
itself around the pulley lino so that
line won't budge either way, and
there the washing is out In the air
and you wonder how you are going
to get It. So that, it may easily be
seen that in a flat it is a
question of some importance whether
Whenever you see good roads
a county you can rest assured
that county is a prosperous one-
Good roads are an index to tho
prosperity of any
Superior Clerk, E. A. Move.
Sheriff, It. W. King.
of Deeds, If. M. King.
Treasurer, -i. Mule.
Coroner, Dr.
C. Laughing.
T. K. Kr.-l --.- L.
Smith and S. U.
Sup-t. Health. Dr. W. II. Bagwell.
Home. W. Smith.
County Examiner of Teacher-.
Mayor, Ola
Clerk, C. C. Forbes.
Treasurer, T. Godwin.
W. Perkins, chief, Fred.
; W. Mm
II. Smith, W. I,.
Brown, t. Godwin. T. a.
Julius Jenkins.
A man living the Johnston
and Wilson line, in Wilson
made his cat fourteen
biscuits at cue sitting because
she had burned them cooking.
He made her do this by threats.
The next night a mob to his
house, the began to cry
out for his friends. He was told
that all the neighborhood was
there- He was whipped
left him.
est way
rave is to let up on advertising.
t la sister of Mrs was en- property increase
will ,. . ,
, the to thou
d v sink out of sight of every- , j -i
. . . a boy approached sand per mile.
body but your and .-,.,.,.,, ,,,, I , i k.
her and snatched from her hand , of steamboat lines
,,, , . j. j ; w nun
few old who love the dead . .,
of the
flinch bigs have done great
damage to crops in
making a clean in
the o
that the
Only remedy is to infect them
with some deadly disease. In-
bugs are to be
from other States and distributed
There is a place
is re-
quired of the is
I a purse containing The boy j died and, ninety-three thou
was chased tor some distance by dollars, against,
forty dollar.
a young man from that neigh-
stuck. the
Men who are all the time try-
to get out of or
o will never build up
of the two things must
be done run the town for for all
it is up steam
keep it up, or the
take its Do you want
trade I Bid for it. Do you want
business to come to your town I
those who do come-
Do you want a n
people can who are
disposed to make homes t Then
Mr. George Thomason
new ground, coin, acres of
which are the remain.
acres being sowed. The two
acres cultivated are the richest
part of the field, while the other
ts in poorest, yet the sow-
ed corn is much the best, being a
great deal larger. Why is this
Can tome explain Lenoir
The National Harness Review
declares wide-awake
don't know anything
dull times. Bradstreet's says that
nearly per cent, of the con-
that failed were
those that advertise May
be there isn't a big moral in
that authoritative statement.
The University for
1894 shows as
college, in
the law the medical
school in tie summer
Sensations of One on Ship During stars and glance around generally,
an Awful Scene of Death. j and then you say no, you don't think
Toward the close of the action, it is, and after a little further
Col. Hutchinson reported to me that I deliberation Mrs.
the guns wanted quill or tin tubes j to out. It's pretty
are used as more safe and breezy and you can hear now
expeditious than loose and
wanted me to send some one,
Baptist. Services every Sunday
morning night.
the washing shall be loft out or not, night. Rev. C. M.
and if the wind rises it is of still Billings, pastor. Sunday School at
more importance to get it in.
do you says Mrs. , Catholic. No regular services.
you think it is Episcopal. Services every fourth
going to blow harder than it morning Rev. A.
does Rector. Sunday School at MO
you look out at the cold A-M-w-
, Methodist. Services every Sunday
morning light. meeting
night. Rev. U. F. Smith,
Sunday at A. M. A.
1st and
school for teacher- To
do away with, bury from sight, embraces
all work; work, no more-for
a few
One dollars in gold
was offered in week
to any colored base ball club in
State which would beat, the
best two out of three games, the
in Washington. All that is re- of that city. The
that be ,,, .,,. ,, ,
bacteriology, the challenge and She
anatomy, and be able to tell what games were played Thursday and
he knows about these and other i The stays
things English, French B
or in the first game and to in the
Wilmington Star. by
Cannot be
By local as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
I There is only one way to care Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an con-
of the mucous lining the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
inflamed you have a rumbling or
imperfect hearing, and when it is u-
closed Deafness is the result,
and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be de-
forever ; nine out of ten
are caused by catarrh, is
but an ed condition of the
mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
any case of Deafness by
be cured all V
-j prosper-
mutual benefit. Wake
up, rub eyes, roll up your
sleeves and go to work. Don't
work with fear and trembling, but
take it for granted that blood
will tell. result with
themselves; borrow no trouble,
but all unite to make it the big-
kind of a city.
It is Mr Gladstone's latest
the older a man
good health becomes greater
his mental activity ought to be.
lie declares that the grows
and clearer as the body's
vitality dwindles, and he dues not
see Low anything except disease
of the bitter can prevent
progress from continuing
most to the end of a man's life-
eat a log
pages, is carefully in-
gives full information
about the University. Write for
to President
Hill, N. C
The man who is afraid to put
his money in any enterprise and
still expects it to increase ought
to be yoked to fellow who ex-
to raise a crop of with
putting bis seed corn in the
like grows
by use and not by lying still.
We notice that in
the State are taking steps to es-
new cotton factories. Why.
not do something
own men were too ignorant of
the ship, or he would have sent one
before my says a writer in
magazine. I told
knew no one who could so well
be spared as He, however,
Objected to my going, and as I was
aware of the dreadful slaughter
which had taken place in the center
of the ship I was not very fond of
the jaunt, but my conscience would
not let me send another on an errand
I was afraid to undertake myself,
and away I posted toward the fore
When I arrived on the main deck,
along which I had to pass, there was
not a single man standing the whole
way from the mainmast forward, a
distance containing eight guns on a
side, some of which were run out
ready for firing; others lay dis-
mounted, and others remained as
were after recoiling. In this
dreary scene. I be excused for
shuddering as walked across the
body of a dead soldier. I hastened
down the fore ladder to the lower
deck and felt really relieved to find
somebody alive; from I
reached the fore cockpit, where I was
obliged to wait a few minutes for
my cargo, and after this pause I
felt something like regret, if not
fear, as remounted the ladder on
my return. This, however, entirely
subsided when I Saw the sun shining
and the old blue ensign flying as
lofty as ever,
t never felt the genuine sense of
glory so completely as at that mo-
and if I had seen anyone
attempt to haul that ensign down
could have run aft and shot
in as determined, a, manner as the
Jones. I took off
my hat by an involuntary motion
gave three cheers as I
on to the quarterdeck.
as j quarters
--a on a hazardous
. and had returned In
Mr. also expressed
great satisfaction at seeing mo in
such high spirits and so active.
. rd Paver
and then snapping in the wind, but ; meeting night
if it doesn't blow up any more j paster. Sunday School at
Covenant Lodge I. o. P.,
wets every Tuesday night. Dr. W. H.
Lodge A. K. A.
M. and third Monday night
W. M. King, W. M
n- c.
they're all right. So you leave D. Evans,
out and go to bed.
about four o'clock you begin
to dream of the sea story you had
read the night before. Off Cape
is a howling gale in
cold and snow and ice; rolling seas
and tempest and danger everywhere;
it's your watch below; suddenly you
hear somebody pounding on the
companion slide with a handspike,
and a later you hear a voice
shouting down the
means it's all hands
to shorten sail. As you jump from
your bank you feel somebody pushing
en your shoulder and you bear
I guess you'll he.-o to
take in the
a wake no wand are go I
Into your boots and garments, not
forgetting your tarpaulin and your
sou'wester, and a minute later you're
on the lire escape, with Mrs. Flat-
dweller standing inside to take
things as you hand them in.
it-howling, sheets
shirts snapping, pillow eases
tracking, everything cast loose and
whipping itself into ribbons, or
getting ready to. Rain torrents
and uproar everywhere.
comes a sheet across your
face and away goes your sou'wester,
but you grab tho sheet and list it as
you would a sail until you come to
the line; you grab off the clothespins
and the sheet and hand it in to
No ropes hero,
so you bring the sail to you;
the pulley line, blocks
under the strain
Office up stairs overs. Co's
Hardware store.
-Us. K. Moms. i.
House. Third Si
ti. JAMES,
along this line
Disguise Himself.
am endeavoring to become
writes a Boston
man in London, it will
save me from tho tips of the first
magnitude which servants expect
from Americans. I have mounted a
perfectly hideous Derby. I carry
my right glove in my left gloved
hand and swing a walking stick in
my right. I wear an English collar,
and an English scarf with an Eng-
pin la it; my English cuffs are
spacious. I am having more clothes
made at the Prince of
tailor's. And when I go outside the
is directly opposite the
first up
many American gentlemen,
sir, know where they want to go,
Such is the vanity of
garnets and stuff
Topping lifts and bowlines Tn these
degenerate days of teakettles instead
of clipper ships, if a man really
wants a sniff of the salty ocean let
him ship in a flat
An Unmistakable
my said the
prudent father,
was the reply, heard
don't doubt It, do
it certainly costs me about
mob dollars a week lo get any
out of the waiters at our
hotel Washington Star
At and Counselor at-Law
Greenville, County,
Practices the Courts.
Civil and Criminal Business Solicited.
a special of fraud
lo land, and col-
mid careful attention given
to loan on approved security.
ms easy.
II. BLOUNT. J. 1.-
N. C.
Practice in all the Courts.
Dost on Transcript.
The traveler shaded his eyes with
his hand and looked anxiously about
there a man In the
he asked, can a
he's busy a horseless
carriage, and there's six broken
ahead you, besides.
better go to the next town,
N C.
J. h. BLOW
N. t .
ii. the
MM E. Woodard, K. C. Harding.
Wilson, N. C. Greenville, N. V.
Greenville, X.
Special attention given to collections
and settlement of claims.

Greenville, N. C.
Entered at the Greenville
V. C, second-class m I matter.
The fourteen counties
in North Carolina are given in
the following, according to prop-
the largest counties are
named Wake, ten millions
Buncombe, ten millions;
burg, nearly ten ; New
eight and three-fourths ;
eight; Durham and Guilford
nearly five each ; Wayne and Row-
an, each seven;
Granville, Iredell and
Johnston each have a little over
would have done credit to a city
that contains many times more
than Greensboro's
There was nothing in
the line of china, and house
furnishing goods generally that
they did not have. They are ex
tensive importers of the very
finest wares. This firm enjoys
a trade that reaches almost over
the entire State and extends to
neighboring States and as far
away as Alabama.
Secretary of State, Coke, hits
the correspondent in the Pro-
Farmer a hard lick
about his certificate to the copy
of the laws as furnished
Bros., Public Printers- He says
he only certified to the copies as
he gave them to these gentlemen
and not to the after they
had been changed by the Public
Printers. Mr. Coke intimated
very strongly that this
shows that he hasn't
sense enough to know what a
ratifying clause at the end of
each Act means.
The efforts of the New Orleans
and other Cotton Exchanges in
the direction of securing better
bagging and bailing for cotton
for shipment have already it is
said, been productive of good re
suits. It is reported that the com-
crop, will be put in better bag-
than heretofore, and at-
tempts will also be made toward
greater uniformity in baling-
has been much complaint
especially from Liverpool, of poor
bagging and baling of American
cotton, and the change for the
bettor that is now being made
will advantageous in
The North Carolina Press As-
discussed two very
questions pertaining to
the present laws in our State-
One was a reform in tho present
jury system relative to criminal
cases. A resolution was adopted
with this end in view- The idea
is to give the State an equal
chance in a murder case with the
like the
same number of challenges in the
selection of a juryman as is now
given the defendant. This will
open up an interesting and
upon the jury
system and no doubt bring about
some improvements along this
lino. The other question Mi
upon our present libel law, which
is a sweeping measure, and needs
so that justice may
be given both shies. These
very important questions,
concern the whole
ham Sun.
The jury in the case of E-
Massey, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction against the
Norfolk Pilot and others,
for libel, Saturday afternoon
a verdict giving Mr. Mas
damages against the
Pilot Publishing Co., Sam W.
Small and R- E The jury
before leaving their room, took a
pledge not to divulge the
standing, consequently
is known as how they stood
except that of the members
were for heavy damages,
as high as One was for
Massey cent, and
was in favor of the de
fence. Judge Heath, of counsel
for the moved to set
aside the verdict which was re-
fused by Judge It is said
that will not take an
appeal. Mr- attorneys
appear to be satisfied. One of
them said that so as the mat-
of money was concerned that
was as good as as
nothing could be made out of the
Pilot Co., Small or Byrd, and that
all Mr. Massey desired was
before the country.
N. C, July 20th.
There are from one to four
sick in every family
Mrs. S- E. Sutton returned
Lome last week after spending
some time in Lenoir county.
Some very fine tobacco cures
were made here last week.
an illness of five days
Miss died yesterday
of hemorrhagic fever. She
leaves a mother and several
brothers and sisters to mourn
The Tobacco department.
Conducted by O. L. Joyner, Proprietor Eastern Warehouse.
The directors of the Thomas-
ville elected Rev. J.
B. Boon Superintendent of that
Institution at their annual meet-
this week. We don't know
what causes led to his election
instead of J. H. Mills who is the
founder of the Institution and
who has been tho Superintendent
since its organization, and until
we will not criticize the
action of the directors- We know
this, that Mr. Mills has to all
appearances been the right man
the right place, that no man in
the State has done what ho has
for the orphans its borders,
that the history of all the orphan
institutions in the Slate rests upon
the unselfish work oft
ed Christian man, that the State
owes him a debt of gratitude it
can never repay, and that the
pie of North Carolina so feel to-
wards him- These things
true we can say that the causes
which led to his removal ought to
all sufficient, and unless they
are the friends of Thomas ville Or-
will not be slow to open-
disapprove the action of tho
Board in displacing Mr. Mills
from the place which he seems to
have filled so admirably from the
beginning of the Institution.
Upon our recent visit to
Greensboro to attend the Press
convention held there, we could
but look with admiration upon
the enterprises of that city, her
various factories, banks,
educational institutions, mag-
hotels, numerous in-
and splendid
tile establishments. But there
was nothing in the way of a re
tail store that more impressed us
than the large head-
quarters of E. M. k
Bro. We had of
being shown through their
establishment by one of
The splendid quality of extra
dry or some other equally fruit-
producer of high hopes and
glowing prospects, forming part
of the menu at the Press ban-
at Greensboro last week,
got in happy effects upon
tor Marshall In his remarks,
Mr. Marshall predicted that
sometime in the future we
pie in North would
see windmills all over the State
generating electricity for farm-
operations and that all
night electric plows would turn
furrows under the glare
lights Clinton Democrat.
If our good brother of the
Democrat, had been present at
he Press Convention he would
not have been stumbling into
such a blunder as the above
contains. He would
have known that, much to the
f ratification of a large majority
of the the ban-
was strictly a water
one, form of
and other of high
being entirely absent
Mr- Marshall none of
these to help him look
prophetic eye into the future
and point out some of tun
of so great a State as
North Carolina. If editor Be-
lives a years he
will see more startling
than plows running at night by
Dictionary or Discontent
Science, Dear Lady Hetty, has
hope, knowledge de
has deprived us
Here, then, is the authorized
of discontent.
What is creation A failure-
What is life A bore
What is man A fraud.
What is woman Both a and
and a bore.
What is beauty A deception-
What is love A disease.
What is marriage A mistake.
What is a wife A trial.
What is a child A
What is the devil A fable.
What is good Hypocrisy.
What is evil Detection.
What is wisdom Selfishness
What is happiness A
What is friendship Humbug.
What is generosity
What is money Everything.
What is everything
Were we, perhaps, not happier
when wore monkeys
Oakley Items.
N- C, July 29th. 1895-
Mr. B. F- Gainer returned
home Saturday.
Mrs. Bettie Keel, of
ville, spent the day here Friday.
Rev. J. L. Winfield filled his
regular appointment at Oak
Mrs. J- H- made a
business trip to Parmele
Tobacco is the order of
the day in this section.
Misses Lilian Nobles and Hat-
tie Fleming returned home Sun-
day accompanied by their little
Many of tho railroad men are
glad to know that Mr- W. W.
Freeman, who was three years
past section master at
was appointed last week road
master on the M- A- railroad
in South Carolina.
Bethel Items.
Sheriff R. W. King was in town
Mr. F. C- Harding was here to-
day on legal business-
Rev. W- A- Forbes went to
lace Monday to perform two roar
ceremonies in that section-
Mr. Underwood, of Rocky
Mount, spent Tuesday night in
Tho Colored Missionary
a church here-
We hope they may soon complete
The following returned from
Ocracoke on this morning's
Lula Peal, Lena Jenkins.
Effie Mattie Grimes, A.
B. Cherry, Mrs. Julius
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Blount
Mr. Mis, Albert Ward.
Bethel, N- C, July
Mr- Claude Keith, of
w Jo-day on business.
Mr. F- S. Gardner has moved
into the Gray Carson house on
Mr- G- Bullock rented
the Hotel and his
family in it.
-Miss Cornelia -Manning return-
ed Hamilton this morning
where she had visiting rel-
Mrs. Maggie Floyd, of Hamil-
ton, is visiting Fan-
this week-
A- will hold
quarterly meeting in the
church here
Rev- Mr- Cotton, of
will preach the Methodist
church here next Sunday night-
Short Sermons.
It hurts the corns on the feet
cf some people much more to go
to church than to market.
People with are careful
to those without
sometimes educate the feet.
Many people use an oath to
try and cover up a lie.
The collection plats is one of
the best tests of a man's
Sorrow is but tho blackboard
upon which God writes his most
precious promises.
Every temptation should re-
mind you that the devil is your
enemy, God is your friend.
The ear chat is always open to
hear slander becomes a common
pool for the neighborhood.
A. Very
Deputy Sheriff George
Teer, who lives on Chapel
street, has a gander that is
ting along up in years- Mr. Teer
who was married years ago,
says that the gander was owned
by his wife when they were mar-
and was then years old,
which would make it years old
now. He was hatched in 1863
and has boon owned by Mrs.
Teer all his life. Mr. Teer says,
that, notwithstanding his he
is a good fighter yet and often
whips out geese, chickens and
sometimes children when they
get too him- Score this one
for Sun.
Spoken by little six Frank
Harris at Hurdle Mills school house,
January 12th. 1885
Come old and young and hear tell
How Mm; smokers smell,
Who love to smoke their pipes so well.
That for tobacco they would sell
Their right to Social Union-
A Briggs Bet ready led to an decline in
The highest price per pound in
Now York that decade was
cents, in 1850, tho lowest,
cents, 1842 and 1844. Shep-
Were Obliged to person quoted middling in that
year as low as cents.
for action, and is to be operated
during the hearing.
A decision is i. looked for this
In a of the Proceedings
and Debates in the House of
Commons in 1621, while James
They always scat the atmosphere.
And yon may know when they are near, I
not a word from them yo hear.
Their breath grows stronger year, j was still on tho British throne, we
told that Sir William
moved that be banished
Oft the fumes and smoke will .
Like morning mist toward the skies,
And woe to them who have weak eyes.
Unless they take their leave and fly
from a Tobacco Union.
Often within the church you View
Some there who sit and chew.
And spit on carpet, floor
Until it spreads a foot or two,
And sing of Heavenly Union.
Sometimes the quid is large
The juice runs out and stains their chin,
And then I always have to grin,
And think there is no little sin.
In Union.
The ladies, are sweet, tine,
But have learned to use it too.
It would almost make a monkey laugh
To see them spit upon the
And talk of Marriage Union.
Sometimes you'll see five or six
Out in the sticks.
The are cut, the swabs are made,
And III a group they now parade.
And now for Slobbering Union.
now the snuffbox is pulled out,
And with their they it out.
And rub their teeth inside and out,
And smear their faces all about,
And talk of Snuff Communion.
From Person County, C, Courier.
The Warehouse Business not a Paying
The Danville Tobacco Journal
of tho 20th inst. The three
warehouses, Ex-
change and Star, are tor rent
October 1st The remain-
eight warehouse firms came
to an agreement among them-
selves to rent the three above
houses, use ho forces in
their employ in conducting them
and sustaining the losses, if any,
or dividing the profits, if any,
equally among the eight ware-
house The property has
been leased and will be run ac-
cording to
above after October 1st, when tho
leases of the present occupants
empire. This move is just what it
purports to nothing more
than an effort to curtail warehouse
expenses to a degree at least that
will interested to
derive a profit SUP
port their families.
It is no secret that competition
for trade the warehouse-
men, pot of is so
strong the warehouse
has become a, losing
to most of those engaged
it, and if some steps are not
very to break up the out
competition,, this
business should
prove a will have
to be relegated to irresponsible
and adventurous persons, for no
men of as the business is
now being can to
embark in it.
leading warehouses
down because there was not
money the business to
make sustaining,
on the largest tobacco market in
the the same tobacco mar-
that taken pa a
by whose rate v.
North Carolina legislature it,
the warehouse charges
all the tobacco warehouses
North Carolina.
wholly out the kingdom and that
it may not be brought from
any port, nor used among
While Sir Guy Palmer argued
that tobacco be not banished
it will overthrow one hundred
thousand men in England, for
now it is so that he hath
seen it at they
are at the
One authority says that
the last Great Plague in London
none that kept Tobacconist shops
had the Plague. It is that
smoking it was looked upon as a
most excellent preservative, in so
much that children were obliged
to smoke. And I remember that
I heard Tom Rogers, who was
yeoman-beadle, say that where he
was year when the Plague
aged a school boy at Eaton, all
the boys at that
obliged to smoke in the school,
and that he was never whipped
so much in his life as he was one
morning for not This
of course, was before the
of the cigarette, which 1-
boys is and
head masters in our days do not
order as a preventive of
plagues of any
Hutton in Weekly-
Connecticut Tobacco Crop Damaged
By Hail.
Latest accounts of the damage
to tobacco in Connecticut by hail
stones Saturday state in
alone of to-
was ruined. The greatest
damage was done in that
ft was calculated that the
weight of t hail stones on a four
acre tract was sixty four tons.
The hail was gathered from a sec-
by feet weighed,
and found that the fall was
pounds to the square rod, u,
pounds to the acre.
east side of the river
the tobacco from of
east Windsor Hill to
is ruined, except a few acres of
small plants recently set out.
Prices and Fluctuations.
The Company's Suit
Winston Cigarette Manufacturers.
Greenville Market.
Corrected by S.
Butter, per lb
u Sides
Safer cured Hams
Corn Meal
Floor, Family
Salt per Sack
per lb
Hulls, per ton
to SO
to Son
Cotton and
are Norfolk prices of cotton
and yesterday, as
by Cobb Bros. Co., Com Her
chants of Norfolk
Good Middling
Go d Ordinary
man a.
Extra Prime
Hare yon an advertisement in
your local paper ad-
will help you to hold,
your present trade and gain new .
the proprietors and found the i trade. Why do those who . beat, w tn , b,.
Stock simply marvelous. Use most keep at it the longest m appears m a bound
Clay, W to 1.00 per bushel i . . . j . ,
Volume on the attorney s desks- dating the next five years, which
The suits of the B
Machine Company and the
American Tobacco Company
against five manufacturing firms
of Winston, and one of Thomas-
ville, N. C., was opened before
Judge Simonton, at Asheville, N
C last Tuesday, with the
that the result in one case
shall govern all.
The plaintiffs allege that the
Briggs cigarette machine is an
infringement of the pat-
and in this suit they seek to
have it declared an infringement
to have a perpetual
issued- The main claim of
infringement is upon the endless
belt used in the formation of
upon which device the
plaintiffs claim a patent.
The defendants claim that the
Briggs machine is constructed on
an entirely different principle
from the and the patents
it controls, there has not
been anything on the market like
it- The Briggs machine makes
a minute.
The parties to the Defense are
W. S. Smith Son, the Brown
Bros. Company, the Winston
Machine Company, the
Liberty Company Works
J. A- Vance, all of Winston,
J. A- Leach Co., of Thomasville
Ail the testimony been
The on prices of
cotton for the
Department Agriculture has
had in course of preparation for
some weeks, has issued.
The period considered begins and
of the most
events the history
the introduction
of saw gin and
the production of the largest
crop the world has
highest lowest average
of file props pf
to foreign
countries, the supply u.
tho United States,
Great and continental
are given for each year,
as well as the chief causes that
have led to the rise and fall in
prices from year to year.
addition to a series of
in which these facts and fig-
are presented the bulletin
contains numerous data relating
to the progress made from time
to time in the production and
consumption of cotton in this
and foreign countries. These
are so arranged as to present a
brief historical of cotton-
production and consumption in
the United States during the past
century- The tables show that
prices of cotton have not been so
low during the past season as
they were the decade
from 1840 to 1850-
The object of the Department
has been to make this bulletin a
valuable work of reference as to
the production, consumption and
prices of cotton and other nu-
facts relating to cotton,
for all who are interested either
in cotton planting or in the cot-
ton trade-
Referring to the conditions of
the market and prices in tho de
from 1840 to 1850, the
let in says i
1840, the largest crop over
made up to that time, and
largest accumulation of stock
ever witnessed in Liverpool,
caused a decline to the lowest
average for ten years. This was
the beginning of the heavy ac-
cumulation of stocks in
continues the
tin, to fair cotton
reached as low as cents in
New there is on tile
in the Department of Agriculture
a letter showing that a
county. Alabama, planter sold
this year bales of cotton in
Mobile at cents- The price
currents cf the day quote mid
to fair in New Or
in is as low us cents,
and in Mobile the same year,
cents per
With respect to the
ended with H is shown that
the highest price per pound in
New York was cents mi 1891.
and tho lowest id cents, the
A table of the fluctuation in
prices shows that in 1825 it
amounted to per
in 1837 to in to
1-21; in to and in 1880
to only -SO of a the smaller
on record
Everlastingly At It
Genius is only power
of making continuous efforts. The
line between failure and success
is so tine that we scarcely know
it when we pass fine that
are often en the lino don't
know it. many a has
thrown up his at a time
a little more effort, a little
more patience, would have
ed success.
As the tide out, so it
comes clear in. In some-
times, prospects seem darkest
when really they are on the turn.
A little persistence, a little
more effort, and what
may to
success. is fail-
except no trying.
is defeat except from
no really insurmountable
barrier save our inherent
weakness of i;
Meeting of Physicians.
will meeting of the
Pitt at
In Greenville on the Brat Monday In
at o'clock P. M. for the
pose of electing a Superintendent of
Health, and other
A Strong
Fortify the body against disease
by pills, an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, bilious-
and all kindred troubles.
The of Life
Dr. Your Liver Pills are
the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever
be grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. I feel
as if I had a new lease of
j. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon,
Liver Pills
Male Academy.
he next of this School will
twain on
tun mouths,
am. v.
The coarse .
usually taught in an Academy.
Terms, both tuition and hoard
Boys fitted and equipped
by taking the academic
course alone. Where wish to
pursue a higher course, this school
guarantees thorough preparation to
outer, with credit, any College in North
Carolina, the State University. It
refers to those who have recently left
Its walls for the truthfulness of this
Any with character and
moderate ability taking a course with
us will be aided In milking arrange-
to continue in the higher
The discipline will be kept at Its
present standard.
Neither time nor attention nor
work will be spared to make this
ail tint could wish.
Send your boys on the day.
For further see or ad-
W. II.
July -to, 1806, Principal.
every movement, every
J idea, every transaction at
King It is the pulse of
the great business. Its vibrations are
felt in every department, every aisle,
and on every shelf. For cent
expended Frank Wilson returns full
value. No discrimination is made be-
tween the small purchaser or the great,
the rich or the poor, the experienced
or the inexperienced. All have the
same advantages, and no one is given
concession, commission or discount,
I must make room for my fall stock and
will put prices down to a low notch so as
to clean them out. stock of Fine
must be cut down as I intend to have a beau-
line this fall and do not want to carry a
suit over. In
Gents Furnishing Goods
have knocked the bottom clean out and will
sell you if you will come and look.
I have rented the old Greenville Warehouse
and and with Messrs. R. D. Evans and
A. H. Critcher, under the firm name of Evans
Co., fee in warehouse business the com-
season. We earnestly
With the best light in the State for showing your
tobacco, polite and competent assistants, plenty
of prize room, experience and ample means to
successfully conduct the business. We know we
can get as for your tobacco as any house at
market in the GiVe us a trial and we J
try to please you. Respectfully,
are Now Ready for Delivery
S, K Pender Co,
Prices greatly reduced. Same juice to Jill
Terms Cash.
Opposite Wooten's Drugstore.
Truck Barrels, Pumps
All Kinds of
. .
We have opened at
the old
Moore store and are
prepared to furnish
Special attention given
to putting down
and repairing
All of Pipe
work and sat-
your order
Fines with
N. C.
Just Received Cars Rock Lime.
Cases Sardines,
n Bread Preparation, i
Slur Lye.
Boxes Cakes and
Stick Candy,
Cases Matches,
Gold Dust,
ion Good Luck linking Powder.
Sacks Coffee.
Tons Shot,
Kegs Powder.
BO Tobi Lard,
I'M Granulated Sugar,
Gall Ax Snuff,
R. B. Mills Snug.
Dukes V. M. P. Cigarettes.
Old Va.
Greenville, N.
Fire got
All kinda Risks placed in strictly
At rates.

What It Takes to Make Up a The Reflector Too, and
Without Sauce. m .
Caught Up With These People.
Mrs. W. II. Rags-dale is sick.
Dr. X went to
From five to ten loads of
co Lave coining in daily
past week.
See notice of meeting of
of county to be be
first Monday in September-
Mr. W. P. Hall left Wednesday for
of county to be held
Go to
Talking about puzzles, a man
tolls us that another man told him
that he saw a new method of
operation on a farm.
The cultivation was done by
moans of a plow that
the services of neither man nor
horse its management. Now
And the Newsboy Him
People who have occasion to be
about the depot at train time have
noticed the annoyance caused by
boys, most of them colored, jump-
how was it No inS on and off
Dr. H. L. Carr, of Hill spent
All four of the tobacco ware-1 Sunday here,
houses are placed in
for the opening of the sea-
The mud hole in front of the
foundry on Dickerson avenue
has enlarged until it takes the
sidewalk as well as the street.
Good loads and factories are
commanding much attention
throughout the State. Greenville
should feel interested both-
Lumber is being hauled
to building a large prize
house for Forbes ad
joining the Planters Warehouse
It is easy enough to and
, find fault with what somebody
else does, and at the same time
make excuse for what is done by
self. y
obligations to Mr. W. G. Lamb
for a very handsome tie from his
samples. Be carries a beautiful
Odors at night in some
of the town are so offensive
as to be almost nauseating. Such
dangers to health should be look-
i ed after.
j The fall session of
i Male Academy, W. H-
Principal, Monday,
2nd. Announcement appears in
another column.
One No. Mill, complete
f u sale cheap. D. Haskett.
Every time a business man
talks hard times he loses a trade
by frightening some people that
they will hide their ready money
instead of spending it.
We hoar that i severe storm
passed the Latham X Roads sec-
between Wash
Tuesday afternoon, and
did damage to crops.
Carolina Christian College
opens Sept L T.
Ayden, N- C-
Mr. 8- of Green-
ville, lectured in p liters church
We have beard tie
lecture complimented very highly
this morning. Washington Mar
Mr. George Yon tie ford, a ten-
ant on Sheriff 13-
place near Ballard's X
lost a tobacco barn by fire on
Saturday. barn was
Mr. T. L. Turnage, of spent
Friday in town.
Mr W. returned to-day from
Scotland Neck.
Mrs. T. is visiting rel-
a in Wilson.
Mi.-s Lucy Cox baa gone to Wilton
and Morehead City.
W. is on a visit to
his t at Hertford.
Mr. Peter Smith, of Scotland Neck,
Win in Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Edwards left
Wednesday for Tarboro.
Rev. A. left Wednesday
to return to the Seminary.
Mr. D. S. Smith returned Friday from
his visit to Greene county.
Mr. W. stem, n prominent leaf deal
of Oxford, has located herb.
Mr S. Littleton, is visiting
his sister, Mrs. B. Latham.
Ids many friends were glad to sec
Mr. J. E. Starkey out Sunday.
Mr. H. W. Ward, Deputy Register of
Deeds, went Ocracoke Saturday.
Rev. J. M. of Ayden, editor
of the Free Will was here Friday.
Mr. W. J. B. Blow, has i on a
visit ed Thurs-
Mr. If. E. COX, who has been on a
visit home, returned to New York M in-
Mrs. P. C. and
Miss for Chapel
Miss Annie returned Sat-
evening from a hilt to
Mr. and Mrs, J. have
to to make that city their
Mis. C. W. and children, of
Baltimore, are Mrs. F. Q.
Mr. J. B. Latham moved into Mr.
II. C. Edwards new house in Forbes-
Mrs. W. C. and Miss Allie
Proctor have to Sampson county
for a visit.
Mrs. William of Falkland,
took the train Monday morning for
Mr. Murphy, former postal e on
the Washington spent
night here.
Mr. W. Ii. of came
evening a nil went down to
Mr. W- It. Smith has regained tab
of I and returned to his position in
Oxford yesterday
for correct answers.
Club Rats Withdrawn
Our offer of The Eastern Re-
and Atlanta Constitution
both a year for is now with-
drawn. After working up a good
list for it, the Constitution bus
advanced the rate at which that
paper was furnished us.
the price of the re-
mains the a
you can get the news for that
Married at residence of the
bride's father, Mr. Turner
son, by the Rev. R. W. Hines, on
July 1893, Nathaniel War-
re u Miss Viola both
of N. C.
Near Scotland Neck, on July
10th, 1895, at the residence of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Martha
by the Rev. R. W. Hines,
John Hale and Miss Lucy Harris,
both of Halifax county, N. C-
Capt. J. T. Smith tells us the
Pitt Rifles the
HE at Ocracoke next
month. The tobacco
keeping of boys so
Reflections, w-y get
ml . , , . A who had not been
There were several loads of to-1 to in two years slip-
the train, Monday even
and was heard to express
at seeing so
in market to-day-
Watermelons getting more
plentiful, but the price is still way
I hi
between the, small boy and
the June bug.
The farmers are so busy curing
tobacco that very few of are I clean and free t
f in tow;
Air- Charles is a
-tore depot on the in e
of Tenth street.
Agent J. R. has just had
his residence near the depot
handsomely repainted
marriage licenses
have been issued in this
in the last two
Au evening paper called the
New has been started at Bath,
M- F. Haskett is editor.
The tobacco Hue manufacturers,
having to work until late at
night to up with orders-
will be in at the
Ring House Thursday, August
1st, for purpose of treating
Y and diseases the eye.
H. 0- Hyatt.
Saturday evening such a large
lot of furniture left J. B. Cherry
Cos store that it looked like
somebody was moving.
Work is now progress
seven buildings in the
tobacco quarter, and two other
Have completed.
your cotton seed to
Sheppard, and buy your
Meal and Hulls. Car load of each
just arrived sale cheap.
Several companies of the first
regiment of the Guard are
for an at
early in August.
We are now the midst of
and according to the
best authorities we do too
toward keeping our
of kin
r . u
Yesterday Dr. If. Brown-
is attending a sick child of
Mr. D S- on Pitt street, pro
it a case of scarlet fever.
It was reported to tie
the disease
. that people
I nave to close their doors at night
to keep out offensive odors, as
some people say they had
night, it looks like the
time had come to have the town,
cleaned up.
There's only one right way to
advertise, and that is to hammer
your name, your location and
your business so constantly, so
insistently and so thoroughly in-
to the people's heads that if
their sleep will in-
turn their steps toward
We have received a neat little
entitled you Read
the Bible a Five Minute Talk
to Church Members by a Lay-
Its author
Miss Dunn, of Scotland Neck,
who was visiting Mrs. K. B. re-
turned Thursday.
mm who Wm vis-
Mrs. returned
to her Home in Saratoga.
Mr. V. T. Carr, of Willow Greene,
and H. K. Cotten, of
wait- our streets Friday.
Mr. XV. C. Billings, of
arrived to
Mi-so- Lona
N an- Port left
for a visit to Mount
Mrs. Vines fame in from Lit-
ton on Friday and left
at once for her in
, . i . T lit.
f- L- and
home Saturday
later, Mi
y f rum a
visit of several weeks to Beaufort.
Mr- Alex who was an en
of the Ci, has re-,
turned to his home at
who has been visit.
B. left for
in Scotland morning.
Ml. W. of was
In town Friday. He over on a new
Victor bicycle that is a beauty.
Messrs. K. E. Gordon B. F.
two county plant-,
had a load of new on
Mr. S. J. chM of of
Newport Sews, Va,. bore
a party who
s wanted In
Ex. Gov. Jarvis made a brief
home from Morehead. arriving Friday
evening. He returned there Saturday
afternoon and he and Mrs. Jarvis will
go to Connelly this week.
Miss Raleigh, who,
has visiting the family of
Monday Mia
her home
will time in
Mr. H. Smith, of the Beaufort
Lumber Co., spent Thursday
here and returned to Ayden on the
evening train We hope soon to see
him numbered among Greenville's cit-
W Has. H.
assistant in the
Hilliard of who went home
and pl to Ma bed and there
sent to any one for a cent that be may have con-
New Houses.
i; s on fast in
Greenville I hit new houses as-
almost before
of it. we
noticed the frame of a building
near the
Warehouse, when we did not re-
member seeing even a piece of
lumber there when passing the
same way during the morning.
about it disclosed the
fact that this building is to be
for a
Who That Melon
Mr. R. M. Starkey has a nice
melon patch in his front
Friday morning he went out
pulled two Hue melons, placed
them the front porch and took
a town. Upon his re-
turn the melons had dis-
appeared. H thinks cause
of this lay ,
four, but which of the four is the
At rate be is mi-
a melon, he would
be triad if whoever has it would
return it, as his better half will
be home Saturday and he wants
a for her.
them had a habit of up to
water tank near the river and
getting off there. Wednesday
morning the newsboy on the
Mr. L. R. Carter, in a spirit of fun
hold of a colored boy
named Andrew who was
stealing a ride, prevented him
getting off tho train at
The train passed on across the
river and when out
beyond the embankment the boy
jumped off. The boy was shock-
ed in the fall and one side of his
face badly hurt. He came back
into and reported that the
newsboy held him on the train
until it was running at a high
speed then him off.
Upon application to Esquire B.
S. Sheppard a warrant
assault was issued against Carter
and when the train came Wed
evening an officer arrested
him. The case has been set for a I
hearing Saturday morning. We j
that persons seeing the
say Carter did not push ;
the boy the but the boy
jumped off of Ins own
when the was
eight hour, after being
stay the train
House station was reached. In
tho place, the boy had no
business on the
, Gave Leg Bail.
The trial of M. L. Carter, the
newsboy, which was set for this
did not take place, Car-
being conspicuous by his ab-
He went up to the depot
Thursday presumably to arrange
his bond and has not been seen
here since It is supposed that he
was so badly frightened over be
arrested that he left foot
at first From what
can be gathered there was not
much a case him
no need of his being afraid to
Scanning our State exchanges
for last week and noting their ac-
counts of the late Press Con
and trip to Morehead has
afforded a deal cf interesting
DRY GOODS. Shirt Waists.
Our 35-cent Shirt Waist,,
Our 60-cent Shirt
Shirt Waist. now
Monday Mr. Joe
Grifton, brought two
to and turned
them over to the Sheriff for safe
keeping. They stole a horse
Saturday night from Mr. George
The Only
Great and thoroughly re-
liable building-up medicine,
nerve tonic, and
Purifier r
Before the people today, and
which stands preeminently
above all other medicines, is
It has won its hold upon the
hearts of the people by its
own absolute intrinsic merit.
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does that tells the
Hood's Cures
Even when all other
and prescriptions fail.
a blood purifier we cannot find
the equal of Hood's
When any of our family complain of
headache or tired feeling we get
Howl's Sarsaparilla, and in a short
time we are in good
B. Mather, Short St., Aurora,
id's Pills
All druggists.
His Arm Amputated,
On lay. Mr. Nelson
Warren, a young man of
township, got his baud badly
cut by an edging saw Wool-.
mill- The. cut so bad
that mortification
Drown amputated his a. m below
the elbow- Last summer both pa
rents of young died,
several small be
for him, and it was
trying to make a support
for that he met with the ac-
that cost him his mm- i
a sad case-
Mouses Br ken
Thursday into
Joe by break-
a glass from a window
removing a bolt, and then tried
break through door
leading to. Mr t. Hooker's
room- Failing to in v of
fort was made t back door of
the. bar room which was cut
but without an entrance
being effected. The thief then
went to Steve
near by and, through a
door. was
missed from hut some
cakes, the places he was
trying to. in, we judge the
thief was both dry and
and wanted to feast at the expense
of others.
stamp to pay postage.
Time for Action.
What is the reason Greenville
cannot have a Board of Trade t
A little organization
A men a proper
t the Brick fort iD that direction might
The Tobacco Journal or more of the factories that
will issue a woman's edition next
Mrs. Cotten, of this
Fob bushels
known Peas, by J. L Starkey
We are indebted to rs W. R.
for a basket of deli-
and a turnip measuring
inches in circumference, which
she sent us this morning.
Tobacco Growers Attention.
We have just received a large
quantity of tobacco flue iron o-
are seeking desirable locations in
this State if people
to sit still in the face of
may expect other towns to bear
off tho prizes.
Colored Boy Drowned.
Between and o'clock this
some email
were playing about the wharf
when one of them named Jim
Johnson, about years old, fell
over into the river and was drown-
ed. The other boys were so fright
that they did not render
good quality and clean, any assistance. Agent J. J.
Cherry, who was in his
saw the boy struggling in the
and ran down to try to save
him, but just as be got on the
boy sank. Parties are
dragging for tho body the
who have ordered flues from n
can get them now at any time
S. E- Co-
O. L-
that their sales of
.------- . .--
those of that re-
other. There U no substitute for Hoods. jg doubtful.
tinned fever.
Miss Bettie came in on the
train. Thursday evening, from a visit
to Hobgood and after a s;
Mat on to Snow
Hill. There are several here who are
sorry site not remain longer in
Anderson Brown Whit
Pay the Penalty of Their Crimes
in of
N- C, July
Notwithstanding the heavy rains
last night and this morning there
were about five thousand people
here to witness the execution of
Anderson Brown and Fer-
rand, were last
May to be hanged to-day for
The drop fell at and both
were dead in fifteen minutes-
Brown both confess
their crimes previous to
crime was killing
pi his and
an officer who h
gone out to arrest
The Sunday School c.
What a delightful time was
the exclamation of every as
the R. L. Myers steamed slowly
up to her wharf, at Friday
afternoon, laden with the hap-
merriest party of pleasure
seekers ever gathered her
much decks. It was
the occasion of the sum-
mer of the Sunday
school. But through
of teachers and
the did
not compose tho
of the party visitor,, whom
your reporter was have
many thanks to return for a most
enjoyable The boat
left ch wharf leaking her
way the management of
the to Yankee
Hall, while children grown
folks themselves to
Strained and all
that youth know
so, well how to on such
Refreshments the
effluent of
aid were by fair j
the form of refresHing saucers
piled ice cream.
was its merit as this
fact goes to prove.
o the
M to
him as stiff as the
. . t i The next session of college will
. Let your reporter
explain ho-heard his own county seats Saturday in
ft is in the tires and rims that Rambler
excellence in most apparent. They are less
likely to or break than any others, and
at any tor the same or
less. Catalog free
North Carolina
m mum mi
Young men desiring a
at an illy low cost will
well to apply for a to
A. Q.
N. C-
om in n,
A who does not
out the country often tells the
that the other day he
took a trip cut the Beaver Dam
The splendid growing
crops were a revelation, him.
A great
new barns wore noticed going up
and old ones being repaired. Ho
stopped at Mr. William
and went over farm.
is a model young far,
mer and has his place fully up to
date. He also visited Mr. T. A.
Nichols and was very much
pressed with the crop of
young ladies be found gathered
there, and
being represented. It
looked like a opportunity
for the young men reap
in was very much
with trip
be is going again-
E B. has
ham his home for some time left
today for N- C-; where
up will the He
goes there to engage in the to
business. His family will
used many
for a he
The editor, as ho us our
ticket, stipulated for jokes, I
so with in hand we made
the earnestly requesting
jokes, but The. nearest
we came to tho
to look at lawyer Flem-
Well, we saw many more
such, but submit we were not
to do them justice.
The party just front of the pi- j
lot house, it is true, seemed l
gaged it some
but there was an absence
billings to add
W. F- Harding who
mp of the bu-
will supply others
and cheers of we don't just
what, from the the
I with i
Wt her much too early
by agreement. We
would fain have seen more of
moon ad more of each
its sympathetic rays.
For Barb Wire Cuts, .,
Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel
Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruis. I.
and all kinds of inflammation
man or beast. Cures Itch and .
B, Cat or via c.
He prepared tor accident H In
No Cure, Ma Nb ct,
nut keep it send In pot-
and will send It to you by mail,
. .
Saddle Wire
with perfect and I It I
Board has been per
day at the Atlantic Hotel, More
head, for the remainder of the
m a word
Oil l. ab; M burned a
. r. i.-. .-
gave relief, and in a tow day. IV
. w.-l Die on and
II I. the boat remedy for that have ever
a T.
Sold guaranteed by J.
Scotch Lawns
Satin Lace Stripped Mitts
Silk and Wool
Colored Dotted Swiss
French Sateens
Dotted Swiss
Our Dollar Or,
styles to select from.
Crinkled Cloths an Cuffs- Game
While Goods cents up.
La Vest Scents, former price.
See La
8-amt cents.
. cents.
Underwear. and Suspenders
at panic prices.
Men, Youth and Boys mum
go to make room for fall stock.
Our 49-cent
Our 24-cent
Remember to set these pi ices it takes the
Hard down and don't yon forget it.
Yours for business,
C. T.
-Who want your trade on-
Tobacco Knives.
Shoes, Groceries
We can very cheap.
Call on us for lowest prices on all goods.
Scotland Neck Male School.
I lie only School in Carolina tor
and Men.
literary Societies- Course.
Good barracks, location, of Instruction Only the
better of begins ST t
will show what means for a boy here, for one.
Scotland Neck, N. C.
the Saturday In
Instruction h Dairy
and Of Mat he
I and Science, to their i
Lira week Durham
He will auctioneer
The Agricultural and College for the
Colored Race, at N. C.
fee will begin Wednesday, 2nd. ad-
minion will lie made and October Silt
students will be made county on
.-- it III-, In .
the Me
in industries of life.
admitted for In addition to the regular
will be given in Cooking and
Till School Is endowed by the Jotted Stales, and fie of Carol
U not controlled or by any in
. . Tuition, 810.00
Board, per week t 1.85
use of room, bedding, per it ,
tor use of piano per
additional terms see which can by
of The Agricultural an I Mechanical -College
K. C.
It i not sec
In of the removal of the Military Academy from Fay
to Wilson the name of this institution of learning will here,
after be know,, Military Academy. The
With greater facilities, bettor
and and. if possible, brighter the school enter
upon it third year with every ind cation or a much larger patronage and more
usefulness The most thorough instruction is given in literary and
branches; and moral culture and physical training receive doe attention.
The Third Annual Announcement, full will be mailed to
any address upon application. Address
Maj. J. W. Supt.,
Wilson, N. C
University of N. C,
a the University, Col-
the Law and Medical Schools, and
the Summer School for Teachers,
President Winston Chapel
X. C, for and
book on
have removed my Wall Paper to
to the Marcel Ins Moore store and
have added a lot of new samples.
Come before the prettiest are
selected. yon
had to beauty your house at
a small coat. Prices a low a
three cents a roll of

Exhausted Soils
are made to produce larger and better crops by the
use of Fertilizers rich in Potash.
Write for our a 142-page illustrated book. It
is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and
will make and save you money. Address,
GERMAN KALI WORKS, Nassau Street, New York.
their year's supplies will
their interest to get our prices before
chasing elsewhere. is complete
n all its branches.
Hi t
we Dy direct from Manufacturers,
buy at one profit. A
stock of
and sold at prices to suit
Heir Apparent
Care a
th. ism.
Albert Edward, prince of Wales,
is perhaps the most popular man in
England. This popularity is due to
bis love of sports and all manly
which are particularly com-
in the eyes of the
Britisher. As a his
and appreciation of it
a or victim,
One Of his early escapades
in her majesty, the queen, footing a
bill for broken crockery and wrecked
furniture which the young prince
caused in the house of one of the
lesser members of the nobility. A
rather elderly countess, whose
quick temper and sharp tongue
drove even her servants from
her, advertised for a footman. The
prince, to whose cars tales of the
of the old lady had come,
resolved to teach her a lesson.
times. Our goods bought and I therefore presented himself in dis-
sold for CASH therefore, having no risk at her lad house and
to sell at a close margin.
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work
and prices reasonable.
Leave Weldon
Ar. Mt
Rocky Mt
Ar. Florence
y, z
A. M.
plied for the position of footman.
The countess had just finished her
N. C breakfast, and, pushing her chair
back from the table, instructed
servant to bring before her the
The prince was therefore
ushered into the room. The countess
looked him over from his feet up.
Apparently pleased with the an-
of the prince, she
Let me see you
Albert Edward did as commanded
walked backward and forward
nUll several times across the floor from
I II end of the room to the other, now
briskly at the request of the
j lady and then pacing slowly, as
wished to obtain points on this
This performance over, the
r-unless ordered him to trot. The
dining room still the theater of
action, the prince trotted around
several tines. When this exercise
was completed he again came to a
standstill near the head of taM table,
the countess was seated.
ladyship seemed pleased, at. was
just on the point of asking the
man some questions about himself
when he
see me
a corner of the
cloth firmly in one hand, the
rushed around the room, pulling
crockery off on the floor in a heap,
knocking over the furniture and
finally winding her ladyship up in
the folds of the cloth. He then
bolted for the door, leaving the
Ar Wilmington
P. M.
I on
A. M
I countess sputtering and shouting
and the servants running about in i
distracted way to liberate their mis
tress and quiet her rage.
In the hubbub and confusion the
prince escaped. The next day a
check from the keeper of the privy
purse settled the amount of the
damages, and likewise established
the identity the mischief maker.
proposed to las
I J.
The a w
c a
t Wilson
Ar Rocky Mt
Ar Tarboro
Rocky Mt
y z
P. H.
P. M.
3-1 I
P. M P.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch
3.40 p. m., Halifax 4.06
arrives Scotland Neck at
Greenville 6.87 p. m Kinston 7.35
p. in. Returning, leaves Kinston
a. in., Greenville 8.22 a. m.
Halifax t 11.00 a. m am
7.00 a, n,., arrives
8.40 p. m. Tarboro returning
Tarboro 4.50 p. m., 6.10
p. arrives Washington 7.35 p. m.
except Sunday. Connects with
trains on Branch.
Train leaves Tarboro, N C, via Aloe-
A Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun
day, at o p. m., Sunday p m
arrive Plymouth 3.20 P. M., 5.20 p. m.
leaves Plymouth daily
a. m., Sunday it m.
arrive 10.25 and
a. m.
N lea
daily except Sun day, U
m. riving a m. Ba
arrive a- a. m.
Trains on Nashville leave
Mount at 4.30 p.
J On p. m. Spring Hope 5.30.
p. m. leaves Hone
Rocky Mount m.,
Trains Florence R.
K. p. i., arrive
bar 8.00 put.
Train on Branch leaves War-
M daily, except Sunday
line trains.
j; i,
a. m.
You ever day
in the month of
July that if
you have
your Printing done
at the
It will be done right,
It will be done in style
and it always suits.
These points are
well worth weighing
in any sort
of work, but
above all things hi
Your job Printing.
It Compares Favorably with the. Amer-
Sault Route.
The almost utter silence and total
lack of ceremony with which the
Canadian parliament has treated the
completion of new canal is
in striking contrast with the value
of the threat engineering work in its
relation to the dominion's vast chain
of artificial waterways. The rapid-
with which the enterprise has
been accomplished has been notable.
Canada did not seriously conceive
the idea of this canal around the falls
of St. Mary's river on her own side
until seven years ago, and on
last the water was admit-
to the lock for the first time.
The size of the new may
best be appreciated by comparison of
this lock with the latest lock of the
American route. The Can-
chamber nine hundred feet
sixty foot is deep
Mi e- fee
wide and twenty-one feet deep.
The exact value of this new Can-
depends upon its relation
to the chain of Canadian canals from
Lake Superior to the St. Lawrence.
The extent of rivalry between the
United States and the dominion for
the immense traffic of the great
of all the seaport
tonnage of the United
be determined by the average depth
of continuous ship channel.
By the engineering improvement
of St. Clair Flats and the Lime Kilns,
near Detroit, the American lake
route will soon have a through
depth of feet, will be
a long time before the Canadian sys-
shall possess throughout
for vessels of twenty-five
hundred tons burden. Nevertheless,
the day is not far distant when Can-
will make a desperate struggle
for the carriage of the commerce of
the groat
Tests Prove That the White Light Is
the Most Easily Seen.
Some Interesting
have been made on the visibility of
the electric light at sea by the gov
of the United States, Ger-
many the Netherlands. The
word tho report on the
means visible on a dark night
with a clear atmosphere. The re-
of tho experience of the German
committee was that a white light of
candle power was visible 1.4
mires on a night, and
mile on a rainy night. The
can tests resulted as In very
clear weather a light of candle
power was plainly visible at
nautical mile; om of candle
power at miles, one of lo
power was seen by the aid of a
binocular at miles; one candle
power faintly at miles, and one of
candle power plainly at miles.
On an exceptionally night a
white light of 8.2 power
readily distinguished at miles; one
of candle power at miles and
of 17.2 power at miles. In
the Dutch experiments the results
were almost similar, but a
power light was plainly visible at
miles. For a green light the power
required was for mile, for
miles, for miles and for
miles. The results of tests with a
red light wire almost identical with
those with green, it was coo-
proved that k white
--is am
of the in their delight
that a lady worth forty million
a year will shortly visit New
York. She may, naturally, while
steamers are temptingly running
America and England in six
days, find it seductive to take a look
at London, where she would indeed
be a somebody and find all the shops
open day and night on purpose
to oblige her. The lady in question
is a of the name of
She is fortunately a
woman of mature chances
of her eloping are, therefore, less-
while the chances of the old
boys arc increased. She ranks as
the richest woman In the world, and
who is her male equal She Is a
woman of excellent culture and
business diminish
the chances of the fortune hunters;
the must won for his worth. The
tastes are simple, but
accurate. She Is great on the sub-
of mines and ranches, and does
not delight in grand dinners. This
is. all that is known as yet of the
manifold millionaire, and, naturally,
as such, most pf women.
London Court Journal.
He Secured a Liberal Musical
Eight years New York city
Girt wild over little He
created an excitement tho like
which We did not See
appeared hero in 1892. He was such
a little fellow that it looked
though he could be carried away in
the pocket of a greatcoat. He was
only ten years of age, but he played
the piano marvelously. Gerry tried
to stop his playing tho public,
claiming it was injuring the
health. The father what
am I to do I am poor and I am
earning this money to complete
little Josef's
Commodore Gerry then
you take him oil the stage tot
years If you receive money
enough to support yourself, his
mother and him, and to give him the
best instruction for that length of
The father replied that he would
gladly do so, and Commodore Gerry
within a week raised a sum of money
sufficient to yield income of
five thousand dollars. This he
in the hands of trustees, who we're
to remit to Mr. in
for, six years. The
by his playing the highest promise
of boyhood
Oklahoma Commercial Men Organize
for Mutual Protection.
The traveling men who journey
through Oklahoma and Indian
selling goods and making
friends for their employer have a
hard enough time without any ex-
says the Kansas v Star.
Trips oft the line to small interior
towns, living on the lean of the land
in a country where there arc few
hotels and no baths, is not any fun
to speak of. But when straggling
members of the Cook and Dalton
gangs and all sorts of Dick
got into the habit of stopping them
the road at the point cf their
pistols, and drinking up their
samples and dividing their
money, they thought It to do
something or other. So they formed
n society called the Oklahoma Com-
Men's Mutual Anti-Robber-
Drink All the Samples-Ourselves
association, with a secret ritual and
and passwords.
No one outside the organization
the ritual or the passwords,
but the signs are frequently seen by
persons who are closely observant.
The hailing sign is given whenever
a traveling roan a customer.
It is given by raising the hands op-
the shoulders and extending
tho hands in a horizontal position;
the hands are then waved back and
forth. The signal of distress i also
known and frequently seen on the
road in that country. It is very
simple. The arms are suddenly
raised at full length above the head
with palms empty and to the front.
The ritual not being known, it would
be difficult to say in what manner
they propose to stop the division of
the samples.
Chapel Swaps Episcopal
for Unitarianism.
As long as the British occupied
Boston, King's chapel was the ruling
power in religious circles. The
British who bad boon
members of the riding school
in the Old South church during the
week, would throng to the King's
chapel on Sunday for reverent
Put this very sacrilege to th-
puritanical Old South tie
ruin of the aristocratic worship
King's chapel. It was brought about
in this The members of King's
chapel courteously invited the
tiers o Old South church to
worship with them while the damage
caused by the riding school w; being
repaired. This Invitation was
grudgingly accepted. But
mated union brought about a start-
change In the belief of the King's
became dissatisfied
with Episcopal doctrines, yet con-
to favor Episcopal forms.
The result was, the adaptation of the
Church pf service to
doctrines, the first
Episcopal church became the First
Unitarian church of Boston. So the
Puritans squared their accounts
last with the haughty old governor,
who have squirmed uneasily in
his tomb at tho hybrid
his pet church had under-
of tho Nail
The Famous Frenchman Rays It Cannot
Be Cured Any
More Than Can Croup
fortune the Man Who
Invent a Portable Bath Tub.
The excursions of the bicyclist
into every civilized corner of the
brought out for tho first
time a very important industrial
fact, namely, that a tori is await-
the inventor who can put upon
market a cheap, compact bath,
preferably of tin, just large enough
to sufficient water for a
but of convenient shape
for handling and stowing away. To
the there Is no greater
luxury than a bath at tho end of his
long spin, and he is comparatively
seldom able to get one. Although
our American cities are, on the av-
far ahead of European cities
in provisions for promoting hygienic
conditions, and the personal
of their inhabitants, our rural
districts are far behind. many
villages there Is not a single bath to
be found, and many of the inhabit
ants are not even as conscientious
in the matter of ablutions as the
lager who maintained that took
a bath once year, whether he
needed it or With the spread
of athletic sports the practice of
is growing in this
try. It would a boon that most
would ready to show
their appreciation of to able to
rely on the use of the bath tub in the
farmhouse to which their wander-
might lead them. Such a tub
as that which could hold,
say, a couple of palls of water, would
cause the minimum amount of
trouble. It would entail but slight
expense, and no great stretch of
mechanical to run pipes
from the well to the bathroom and
to make arrangements whereby the
bicyclist hitch on his wheel
and with a few turns pump the
water for himself direct to the bath.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
That the habit of nail biting is a
disease among children, and not
merely a naughty trick, to be cured
by punishment, is the scientific
opinion of the famous Frenchman,
Dr. Edgar who was at one
time associated with and is
present secretary of the French
Society of and Inspector
of state lunatic asylums.
names this so-called dis-
ease which at once
gives an air of importance to
and he states as the results
of nine study and experiment-
that it Is an sign of In-
degeneration of tho nervous
system. He holds that a child dis-
playing any tendency
biting should at once be put Under a
physician's care, instead of being
teased and punished.
The s more prevalent among
girls than boys, and is probably due
to the factual tho ugh this is not
brought out In recent pa-
boys are permitted to
live healthier lives, with more
and out-of-door sports, in the
report, made from an examination
of one of the average mixed schools
of Paris, the percentage or nail
biters the girls was found to
be fifty, while among the boys it was
only twenty. This habit was usual-
observed among tho poorer
dents. Several Instructors In tho
Paris fop manual training
have the habitual nail
biters hardest to teach, and often
totally unfit for technical education.
On rare occasions nail-biting
were found to be
but with a superficial
cleverness, invariably outgrown.
Although the disease Is frequently
Inherited, Is often the result
of imitation, which practically
it contagious. In English
schools the habit is considered so
harmful and so easily contracted
that the nail-biting children are
lated and taught in separate classes,
besides being subjected to severe
and public reprimands. The idea of
punishing a nail biter re-
as showing about as much
judgment as would be manifested In
whipping a child for
croup or measles, but that the
. ; habit demands careful and intelligent,
treatment cannot be doubted, for not
only is it on the Increase, but in
many cases it is accompanied in the
second and third generations by
marked signs Rt physical
The extent to which it prevails in
England can be estimated from the
fact In school of thirty
whose parents were of tho mid-
class, at least fifty per cent, were
nail biters. America the disease
is prevalent to a marked degree. It
may be noticed at every turn on the
streets, in tho schools and on the
cars, Wherever there Is a
group of school children of any size,
some of tho boys and girls will be
found devouring their nails, and
sometimes fingers
The fact that after a time the habit
becomes automatic makes the
of it a difficult undertaking; but
believes that it can be done,
a id the grouping of these
Children into classes, where they may
subjected to special discipline and
treatment. As, however,
habit is the result of nervous de-
generation, as easily treated
at home. A nerve tonic, good food
and plenty of exercise, are all the
physical treatment necessary. For
curing the
which may linger after the
cause is removed, suggests
that the child s resolution should
appealed to, and. that he be
to regard the habit as unworthy.
N. Y. Recorder.
A Thirsty
Before tho
Pity the privations of the
Hope is a story of Mme.
which may be appropriately
enough recalled. Once, when she
returned from her dally drive, she
was exceedingly thirsty, and asked
M. to have procured for her
a glass of water. was
he shrieked.
you know that you are
going to to-morrow night, and
the water your blood. Oh,
no I forbid rive
me a of pleaded the
thirsty reared
going to ting to-morrow night, and
you know that wine will heat your
blood. No, I cannot, permit
cannot I have something
pleaded Suit, with parched
lips. long
deeply, and at length with his own
hands carefully prepared for the,
great singer o
Old in Kentucky That Is We
Cared For.
There is a horse in this city re-
to thirty-seven years old,
which is still fat, and skittish,
but through the provisions of a will
made by-its former owner it is not
allowed any work. Gil-
is the name of the animal, and
it is now In the possession of Mrs.
who resides on Pearl street.
When Mrs. Fannie Sharp died, about
six years ago, she left five hundred
dollars for tho purpose of keeping
in ease and comfort
the remainder of his days. ex-
stipulated that the horse
should required to do any
work, and should be well fed ant
cared for. These ts have
been carried out, and
the life of a retired capitalist
or pensioner. He appears to be
good for several years yet, and.
allowed would probably put many
an honest day's Gil-
is a bay gelding, about fifteen
hands high, and well proportioned.
He must have been rather frisky In
his youth, for fully twenty years
ago he ran away with Councilman
Julia and his sweetheart,
paw Mrs. smashed the bug-
in fright-
the opt of the
He was well up borne years then.
Ho served during
war and out with a scratch,
Just which bide he was on is not
remembered, and It Is barely
that at one time or another he
followed both the federal and con-
federate flags.
Archdeacon recent-
England at the ago of
of tho Margaret club,
the first boat club In Cambridge to
row an tout. pulled
bow. and was the last survivor of a
which rowed Bishop
ho of
Tie Great Log Struck a Rock and
, Bounded Over Head.
were rolling logs down a
Into the St. John river, below Grand
said a. lumberman.
bluff was about forty rods up from
the river, steep and worn pretty
smooth by the log rolling. A log
started over the brink would roll
with a tremendous velocity down
that sharp descent. Towards the
foot of the hill there was a slight
and now and then a log would
strike it and go bounding into the
air and land well out into the river.
was a dry time that May and
the rolling logs made dusty work.
The dust was so thick sometimes
that we almost lost sight of the logs
before they reached the bottom. If
a log was started right, it generally
followed a pretty straight course
down the bluff, but once in awhile a
crashed on, went slewing, or Der
get the a
roll W mid u
Tim Field would then have to go
down and dislodge it.
One day a crooked lo slewed and
lodged. Tim Field went down to
straighten it and send it on its
course. While he was engaged thus
two men came along with a log.
They stopped on the brink and
waited for Tim to get of their way,
balancing their log with their
Oh, Look
was no time for the poor
fellow to jump aside, and no human
power could save him from being
crushed by that huge descending log.
We stood, horror-stricken, peering
tho edge of the bluff.
rolled the log. a cloud
of dust rising in its wake. For a
dozen rods it rolled, gaining velocity
as it descended, and then it suddenly
struck a rock or some obstruction,
and gave a loud bound high over
Tim's head, and ruck to the ground
below, whence it rolled and tumbled
to the foot.
was untouched.
we rolled thousands of
logs down tho same bluff, never
saw a second one bound into the air
like that one. seemed to that
the hand of Providence had inter-
I Q J arc Che product of skilled
workmen, and rank
make tho best base
balls, baseball bats, base-
ball gloves and mitts, tennis
rackets, tennis balls, tennis
nets, racket presses, racket cases, boxing gloves, footballs,
football suits, football and gymnasium shoes, gymnasium
supplies, sweaters, etc. We guarantee better goods for
money than asked by other manufacturers. If your local
dealer does not keep Victor Athletic Goods, write for our
Makers of Victor Bicycles and Athletic Goods.
R. J.
;. x. c.
C C.
Mm Co. X. C.
I'm., NU.
means so much more than
diseases result
ailments neglected
Don't play with Nature's
out weak j
and ex-
nervous, J
have no appetite
and can't work,
begin at
the most
strengthen ins;
Brown's Iron Bit-
A few bot-
comes from the
and its
pleasant i
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles,
Constipation, Bad Blood
p Malaria, Nervous ailments
Women's complaints.
only the has crossed red
on the wrapper. AH others arc
On receipt of two stamps we ,
will send sol of Ten Beautiful World's
i Views and
a k H y W
Notice to Creditors.
duly before the
Conn of Pitt county n ex-
of die Will
of Warren Tucker, deceased, notice i
hereby given to all Indebted lo
the to make Immediate payment
to the and all persons
having claim- against mid estate must
present same for payment on or before
the day of June, or this no-
will he plead in bar of recovery.
This of June,
Warren Tucker.
the of all Skis fas
This Preparation has been In use
fifty years, and wherever know has
been in It has been en-
by the leading physicians all over
rind where
all other i With the of
the most experienced physicians, have
for failed. This Ointment is
the high reputation
which it has h owing entirely
its own as but little
ever been made to bring it before the
public. One bottle of this Ointment will
be sent to any address op receipt of One
Dollar. AH promptly at
tended to. Address ail orders and
communications to
T. F.
N. U
Commission Merchants
YEARS has taught me that the best is the cheapest
Hemp Rope, Building Farming Implements and ever
for and general house wall .
Bat. Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods I have on hand. Am head
quarters for Heavy Groceries, and jobbing agent for o N T .
Cotton, and keep courteous and attentive
N. c.
lea ye Washington
villa and Tarboro touching at all Ian I
on Tar Rivet Wednesday
and Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. XI.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
a. If. mum
These departures are to
of water on Tar River.
HI ,
Houses and lots tor Kent or for sale
easy. Bents, Taxes, Insurance
and open accounts and any other
of debt placed in my fur
have prompt attention,
Sal i-faction guaranteed. I solicit
with steam-
em of The Ni and Wash-
direct line for Norfolk.
Philadelphia. New York and Bo-ton.
Shippers goods
marked via Dominion I fr in;
New York.
Norfolk Bait i.
more St earn boat i
more. Miners
Washington N.
i. Agent,
N r
Under Opera
Call In when you want work
R. R. I ME
Ill December MM
Pas .
The next Session of this School will
begin on Tuesday the 4th day of
Primary English
Higher English
Languages j
The instruction will continue through.
Discipline mild nut firm. If necessary
an additional teacher will be employed.
Satisfaction when pupils
liter early and attend regularly.
informal ion apply to
Aug. I.
A- XI.
Ship year to
J. C. Jr., Co-
Cotton Factors
Train I connects v II h Wilmington
train bound North,
Goldsboro a. in., and with R
leaving Goldsboro
We will them QUICK
will them CHEAP I
We will them WELL
Rough Heart Framing,
Bough Sap Framing,
I U, a.
and we in less
Send model, drawing or with
advise, if or not, free of
Var not due till Is see tired,
f to Obtain
Personal Attention given to
Weights and Counts.
patronizing Home
Malloy Go.
of N. C,
manufacturing fine Che-
roots and a can found on
the market. Their Lading brands arc
a dime cigar for a Nickel, band made.
a Una Cigar,
Wrapper, Havana hand mad
Named in honor of Col. Buck
a lino Sumatra
mane, a sure win-
Named honor of Col. J, s.
of Black well
Ten cents,
Five for cents. Tho line; t smoke for
the money.
Three for cents, a hummer that
ways pleases.
Stick to home and semi us or
Special brands put up Alien de-
N. u
Rough Sap Hi Inches
Wait M days for our Planing Mill and
we will furnish you Dressed Lumber
delivered to your door for
cents a load.
Terms cash.
Thanking you for past patronage.
The Charlotte
North Carolina's
Independent and ;
more attractive than ever, it will
visitor to the home,
the club or
AH of the news of the world,
Dally from the Sat
and National Capitols. a
A perfect family Journal. All
news of the week. The reports
from the Legislature a special.
Remember Weekly Ob-
Send for copies.
Charlotte, n

Eastern reflector, 31 July 1895
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 31, 1895
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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