Eastern reflector, 15 May 1895

C i
The Reflector is
pared to do all work
in this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
Wilmington is shipping
berries by car load-
All truck crops in tidewater
section of Virginia are reported a
little late.
A cyclone in Iowa killed a
people devastated
New is flipping guinea-
pigs, rats, mice from the pot
farm of P. E. A Go.
Another colony of about --0
will leave Savannah, Ga-
in a few days for Liberia.
bad a
vicious fight Island-
The later was out in
-1st round-
Twelve hundred of
Illinois Steel Company, at
Chicago, are out on a strike for
higher wages.
The Florida Senate passed the
anti-Prize Fight bill. It now
House where it will
meet no opposition.
Comptroller has author-
First National Bank of
Washington to begin business-
The capital stock is
A Baltimore woman, acting as
her own dentist, gouged out a
troublesome tooth with a pair of
scissors. She died of lockjaw.
State Treasury of Texas
has become insolvent, there
of being enough on
baud to pay the warrants
against the State-
Two fell a distance of
feet while out a furnace
stack at Va-, one of
in escaped unhurt The other
was badly bruised.
John B. Hussey. private
to Senator Marion Butler
and who is the Washington
the Caucasian has
brought a suit for criminal libel
the News Observer.
the storm yesterday
afternoon lightning struck the
dairy in Mr. E- W. yard
set on it tire. A man
on the place put out the blaze by
pouring milk
The workmen in the coal mines
long the hue of the Norfolk A
Western in Virginia
out on a strike and are
much trouble- Several military
have to the
There are now nearly twenty
prisoners Halifax jail- Eight
of are white four of
whom are quite desperate. Jail-
keeps the jail guarded
day and night and is quite
how he passes near the
Neck Democrat.
Hon. M. E- Carter, Collector of
Internal Revenue of the Western
District of this State, died at
Asheville Monday morning- Ex
Congressman John S. Henderson
of Salisbury, Chas. N. Vance
of Asheville, are candidates for
the vacancy.
Dr. D- M. Bowie, of
ton- D- C-, died very suddenly
the northbound mail
Wilson He was
company With bis daughter Mrs.
George Walker, was returning
from Florida, where he had been
account of illness-
Mr- Washington Duke, who is
a member of the board of trustees
of Trinity College who has
heretofore made such magnificent
to the college, proposed
to give toward the
fund of the college con-
that be raised from
other sources within the State-
His proposition will be made the
special subject of consideration
at the of the board in
The Mallory Cheroot Co-, who
also make cigars, are on a
Orders have b -en pouring
them at a rapid rate until now,
that they are
about forty thousand cigars be-
hind their three
some three or four new cigar
makers who will begin work
mediately- This is gratifying
news- We wish them continued
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
You Need
The Reflector this rear.
It will give the news
every week for
a year.
The following verse.-, writ-
ton over forty years ago by the late
Hodges Heed, are reprinted from the
Into her chamber went
A lilt e one day.
Ami a chair she knelt
my eye I close
Thy form t sec;
If thou ire near hear me. Lord,
I thee to
A still small voice she heard her
What is it, t heal
pray Thee. said.
wilt condescend
To tarry i my heart
And ever be my
path of life is dark
would not go astray ;
Ob. let have hand
To lead me in
Fear will leave thee, child
She thought she felt a band
her own.
tell roe. Lord, that ill
The living; pass
The soon must die.
And i children may.
Oh. let my parents live
Till I a woman grow;
For if die, what can
A orphan do
not, my child whatever ills may
I'll not bring th e
player was
And from her chamber, now.
She passed forth, with the light
her brow.
-Mother. I've die
band in mine I fell,
And, oh. heard him say,
A-on my chair I knelt.
not. child, whatever ills may
not thee
till I bring thee
it s
rain conversing in How are Cared for
says Emerson his essay other Lands.
lie watch bis in-1 .
process, will find that T . wrapped to
a maternal more or let I bung
luminous, arises ,., Ins mind con- I carried on moth.
with every thought, , , , , ,
.,;,., . s He bas Plaything to tho
Was Suddenly Stricken
With Apoplexy.
which furnishes tho of
Some weeks ago n white man
named Edward with i
out friends, was taken sick and j
having place to go, was sent
He was able
if he cries, no seems to to walk about his room and con-
This power of mental
mind it much. verse with those who visited him
i attended to his wants-
images appears to strength I America some of the Saturday, April 27th.
among individuals to a consider- cradles are made of palm leaves. , setting m chair in
A single leaf turned up at the we of bis room, when a
degree. Naturally we should
expect to find it powerful poets
and lists. Charles Dickens has j
himself told us that he actually j
creations as he wrote, ,
edge holds the baby. This era
die is often up a tree, and
the wind rocks the baby to sleep
Africa the
thunder storm came up. At
he was very profane and
cursed the thunder. Suddenly
toppled over from his
chair the floor as though
mother carries ,, , .
I he been struck down by a
.,. . assistance
When she gets the unfortunate man was
M- mentions a painter j the baby in a leather pouch slung thunderbolt
who only looked at an objection her back.
while lie sketched its j tired of this way. she makes a j found to have sustained a stroke
was able to till the colors from j hole in the sand, under some Ho was taken to his
. . . i . ii where he lay until Monday
the linage of it m his mind. On bush shrub, and tucks th breathed his I
the other hand, there me people baby it. having spoken a word from
An Eskimo baby is tucked up the attack.
of equal intelligence who, bailiff
unable to see such mental images
themselves, have doubted their
existence, and Mr.
has th it habits of
thought, such as men of science
ii was an Englishman
in his mothers hood- It is birth and had beer, in this
warm travelers say community six years, a-id
their chubby little faces look j is said to have a mill opera-
very good cat a red and happy i . As stated above, he had
When the child comes out of the
and philosophers are ,,. .
apt to weaken the capacity of big ; and draws the Register.
together like a pudding-
bag, keeping him safe warm.
Mr- Kirkpatrick of Winona,
Minn , an experimental
gist, has made a series of
this with
the help of his classes The
scholars were asked to write
just what came into their
minds when certain familiar
such as
were called out, and the
ans were carefully
They Were Roosters.
In the cradle is a
of wood, shaped like a ca-
and hollowed out until it is
very light. A quantity of
is put this soft bed
tho baby laughs, sleeps plays other d carrying
with his simple toys all the long chickens. The
is said to have
occurred a thousand miles
A bashful country girl came
a grocery store the
had their
When mother goes
, , . . escape tho young in
church, she leaves outside to J placed on the
keep warm in a bole made the counter Now the young clerk is
mini the
many a tree
Is its in a sh w-
know the arc where ,
honeysuckles grow, lie found that the , faithful dog to drive for bis polite manners, but
students formed is not always
; of the objects correspond , j he Are
words, the rest children set such a sure they lay there I
i i- . , set up , n-u she stammered,
formed images, with a to disturb the meeting. , blushing, are all
few exceptions, who seem to have , tR, clerk recovered
indulged in philosophical I American
The word ex- I it is sprinkled with ,
salt, left to itself for nearly j a Dog Chews Gum.
mind lie it's sum-
mer, seem
To pull together dream,
dream, dream
For the roses roll around hi a perfect
the good runs tie weather, an
it's alike lo me
ample, called up visions cf a Bi-
win dictionary, a novel, all
I never in
well. see
A dozen happy lace twin I the but a few scholars, who thought
. , , , for the or
An I s . an, I
the thoughts of some
word was represented, by
; some of tree, more especially
I'm a
Atlanta Constitution.
suits that most people are
thinking, while a few
are The ten-
to form distinct images
was very conspicuous among the
female students, and both sexes below.
Your little baud.
So soft, so to touch
gentlest stroke I understand--
-o much, so much
long day
worry, toil and heat.
That g while I
Through many a pathway sweet
Through the deep night,
When shadows have shut out
tilings that be.
That little hand doth touch my
And wondrous sights I see.
the long years.
Of shattered days and holies that I
have planned.
I shall be gently led through smiles and which, it been other-
By dear little
There's nothing this Boating world
Of which a man can think.
Thai i to bring him business,
Like the use of printer's ink.
such a little while walk
along life's
weary feet that Inside us
falter Hack passing
Dear that greet us in the morn-
vanish e'er it is noon.
lender voices melt away in silence
a broken tune.
We long to see i he dear familiar faces,
but all in vain;
The that kept pace with ours
so bravely come not again;
the echo of a grown
lent, and afar;
A dim, white face gleams t among
the shadows like pale
Th a while for loving kind-
or disdain-
To smooth the way for weary
falter cause them
while and it were unavailing
kin words lo say.
For those who walked be-
side us have passed away.
Lizzie Clark Hardy in
hours. This is done to hard u A pet all the
it- The baby is tied its chewing gum he can around
and little feet are left wire owned by a family in
. .-. . ti, He has to
even in coldest weather. u ft h
eyebrows H earnestness that he
eyelashes; a little girls chews for all world like
are pierced rings often the from whom be
cherry tree which . . steaM it that when be
Washington cut a day old. and always b
The word evoked I are d it is not stated whether be slicks
a picture of some church the i The day a baby is
vicinity, but of the it is called year old-
it on chairs like others
who masticate it or leave it the
. j floor or ground as the case may
thought of a When the next New
It is evident from his re- comes, even if it happens to be
day after it is born, it is two
years old; thereafter every
New Year's day is its birthday.
The winter cradle is shaped like
Not superstitious.
He seemed preoccupied-
so thoughtful she ask-
ed, while with born of
i reserve
hour-glass, above o a drugstore complexion
The waist holds
abnormal develop ; child in, hands are left
about the ages of and free to play with
or the period of
rattles If the baby is a boy, the
top of his head is shaved when
wise observed, is also of ex be is four weeks old, and after
A Newspaper That la Printed on
Board an American Cruiser.
A newspaper on shipboard.
On the rolling decks of a man-of-war,
out. at sea, the reach of
win- or post.
An editor whose desk is in tho
narrow space below decks, known
to sailors as the port brig, whose
glimpse of the outside world is
through a little round glass port in
the ship's side, looking out over a
waste of waters.
Such is the Ocean Wave, pub-
the interests of all good
around the
and for particular instruction
and amusement of the officers and
men of the North Atlantic squad-
The paper is edited and print-
ed on tho flagship New York. Sub-
it is stated In big letters
on the first page, are payable in
gold, silver or jewels. No potatoes
or garden truck are taken in ex-
The Wave has six pages, each of
which contains throe columns of
reading matter, it is printed in
four black, green ;
purple. A line photo engraving of
the flagship Baltimore, of the Chi-
station, is printed, showing that
vessel lying off a port. Cop-
of the paper received in this
city were printed while the squad-
was at in the
island of Trinidad. The features are
a story of the West Indies, some
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Report
ail in Leavening
Who is wholly free of
we mean- Who like
to hear at night mournful
howl of which the dog is capable
Who listens to a screech owl.
perched on a limb his win-
without having thoughts of
uncanny tilings creep over him
The first article in the May For-
um is one by Col. Theodore A-
Dodge on Bismarck, whom he
characterizes as strongest
personality since
properly so characterizes, no
doubt. Yet he tells us that
is rather superstitious
in a mild way. He put th
completion of
one day because
would not sign them on the 14th
of October, of
He be
in the influence of the
moon the growth of
original poems contributed by u . . i . ,.
, Ho is stated not to like
of the ships company, a story . . ,
of the visit made to Santa Cruz, do- thirteen at table, to under
scribing the hospitable manner in take important Fridays
which the islanders received ho himself this.
Americans and showed them over, believes that
their sugar plantations, and an ac- .,. supernatural
count of the international
,.,.,, i- u i . If these things be
held at in which boats; , . .
from tho American ships Now York, of g man,
Cincinnati. Raleigh and Essex took the remainder of need hardly
part. blush for our superstitious
The jolly tars on board the ships are born them, any way,
led proud of their little paper, and ;,, .,
every issue is carefully preserved to
Bend home to friends. There is a
Superior Clerk, B. a.
or Deeds, M.
Treasurer. J. L. Little.
Coroner, Dr. C.
Leonidas Fleming, T. K. L.
Smith and S.
Health, Dr. W. II. Bagwell.
County Home. W. Smith.
Board Kiln- R.
F. Ward and B. C. t
Ins., W. H.
Mayor, Fleming.
Clerk, ti. B. Harris.
Treasurer, S. Smith.
Police-W. n. chief. T. R.
Moore, ant;
S. Smith, Ii.
L. II. Fender, W. J. T.
do it quite eradicate them.
humorist on the staff, and the funny
column is full of sally jokes which
smack of the sea.
For the printing of this little pa-
per the ship's printer, Michael
of the admiral's staff, is re-
He is a thorough-going
i Chat lotto Observer.
We published, the other day. a
dispatch giving Treasury figures
which showed that the per capita
circulation of money in the
as well as printer, and can I ed at this is
I pa and The period during
which this c enjoyed the
greatest degree of healthy pros
has to be lashed to prevent it from I it has over was
breaking N. Y. which per capita
time. Most of the
done while th
at sea, and at such times tin
work is I
ship is
Free Medical Aid.
M. Felix has decided that
all the state and other domestics at
the and their families are to
receive medical assistance gratis,
says the London Daily News. The
cost is to be paid out of his own
purse. All the ushers and other
servants employed there by tho
state have been nearly thirty years
at the They have been
kept on longer than they might
have been, because it would be so
difficult to find men so fit for their
places. They cannot be
before a certain number of
service has given them a right to a
pension. Since visited
Paris, in they have often
j ranged about Some
thing more than a large volume
of is necessary to a
people prosperous, W e read
the New York of Monday,
that is still flowing from
the interior to that city,
there is already an idle surplus
of twenty seven And
I is what is matter- The
Baptist. Services every Sunday
ii Prayer
night. c. M.
pastor. Sunday School fl-30
A. If. r. ii.
No regular services.
Services every fourth Sun-
morning A.
Hector. School at
A. II. W. II. Sup t.
Methodist. Services every Similar
morning and i Prayer
night. Rev ti. K. Smith,
pa-tor. Sunday at a. M. A.
it Ellington, Sept.
Presbyterian. 1st and
meeting night Kev. Archie
School at
Covenant So. I. o. F-,
Dr. W. II.
Bagwell, X. u.
Ledge A. F. A A.
M. and third Monday
W. If. W. M.
good rapid
The tendency is further
checked or fostered by
saved by Kick of a Horse.
The Mr. M- L-
west of city, was saved from
destruction by fire yesterday
a way. Mrs. Harris was
at the house. Mr- liar
was the and his son
was in a field No one
else was on tho premises. John
that is shaved once a week.
India, the baby is rocked
a swing- The mother takes a
long cloth ties the two ends
together over a small rafter in
I the low roof the home, and
she did come too him.
he said, directing
intense gaze her,
you have already had twelve
Throwing her lo tho from that illness, and, being j out It is afraid
winds, she came kissed
but I am not a
Watchmaker A Jeweler.
masses the people are pressed Sew lot Spectacles and
for ready cash while the vaults of
the and trust companies of
money are bursting
with it. It lies there idle, wait-
safe and remunerative invest-
does it not
I. L.
N. C.
in m.
Free Pills.
Send your address to U. K.
and get a free sample
, box of Dr. King's New Pills. A
puts the baby fold of tho trial will convince you of their merits,
Hum am out to i These pills are easy and are
go out in the cur.- of
work field, he cloth is constipation end Sick Headache. For
fastened to the branch of some Malaria and troubles they bays
.,,, . . . been proved invaluable. They are
tree. hen it gets sick, the to be free from
mother thinks some of the gods j every deleterious substance and to
, ., ., . , , . .- purely vegetable. They do not weaken
or devils that the family worship their action, but by giving tone lo
must be ; and so she calls
a sacred who wears a yellow
cloth pretends to tell
stomach bowels greatly invigorate
the system. Regular size pet box.
Soul by John L. Wooten
the latter part of last
wees the catch of fish here was
unusually large- The steamers
carried into the factories about
one million fish that were ground
up and made into scrap. This is
a very nice catch and we an glad
to see fish
They Ate Wild Onions
Observer several days ago
reported the death of three
of a named Black, in
Steel Creek, and the illness of
others, stating that the deaths
were due to poisoning- The
mother and one of the children
were in a dying condition
day. father is lame and
very poor. The children went
out to get something to cook as
and got wild onions.
All who ate of the dish have
died or will Ob-
The of this paper will lie pleas
to learn that is at least one
dreaded disease tint has been
able lo cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh, Hall's Cure is the
only positive known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a
disease, requires a constitutional
Hall's Catarrh Cure U
taken internally, acting directly the
blood and mucous, surfaces of the sys-
thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the
assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
F. J. CO.
A well-known minister sent
South to labor among the colored
people was received with many
demonstrations of joy- At
first meeting which he held, one
colored preacher prayed for him
with great earnestness,
Lord bless
v. lint's come down de
to preach de to us.
him the kerosene of
j shun, and set him on
Harris, the young who j mat-
was kicked the , He
by the He to m. o
house to get some to j , on
ply to the wound, as be repeating
bear they say.
tho house was tire blazing
briskly- He bis father quick
procured a ladder sue
in extinguishing the fire-
kick of a horse undoubtedly
saved that house from
Charlotte Newt.
he best the world for Outs
Bruises, Sores, Salt j
Fever Sores, Chapped Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin j
t ions, and positively cure Piles, or no
pay required, is guaranteed to give I
perfect or money refunded
Price cents per box. For sale by
John It. Wooten, Druggist
Then be tells tho woman she has
given her offerings properly,
and n s her go a
few pennies, u little rice, and even
a chicken. These he takes for
himself and goes away, telling
her the child will get well.--Little
Julia Jackson
Little Julia Jackson Christian,
the sis year old daughter of Mr.
W. Christian, will unveil the
Confederate Monument on the
20th. Little Julia is
child of the illustrious soldier,
Why the Dogs Disappeared.
people in neighbor
hood couldn't tell
what became of their dogs until a
pug pup disappeared a
vigilant bunt found his skin
tacked up to dry in of
an adopted citizen the
Fat he i land, who was arrested and
admitted that in the last few
months he and his wife bad eaten
dogs, and didn't care
how his-h beef wont, for it wasn't
Stonewall Jackson- It was a.
selection on the part of the circumstance to nice, fat dog
ladies-it could not have
more Press.
It is said that during tho rack-
et between Japan China
Japanese divers were
down lo remove some torpedoes,
Chinese divers sent
to stop that business.
There was a submarine tight with
knives, and as
couldn't run there
did them up and removed
torpedoes. That's first
tight of that kind on record,
the proved that they could
not only tight on water, but under
Mr- Pullman's
gets another bard thrust from a
committee of clergymen
who have been it. The
Rev. Dr- Rusk is a
whited filled with dead
men's bones. Without it is fair
to look upon, but alter you pass
the imposing front there is much
to be condemned. We went
through the alleged
and found that a ramshackle
affair on the top floor rented for
Why, in tho sheds at
yards, which company
denies are used as habitations,
the squalid creatures who inhabit
them showed us rent receipts for
a month, signed by the Pull-
old, had often lo seek medical as
As heir salaries are not
high, they thought this was hard,
and so also thinks the president.
M. has named Capt.
to look after them and to be their
The Ducks Made Sixty-Six and Two-
Thirds Miles an Hour.
Of all the migratory birds tho
American wild pigeon and black
duck are well up toward the front as
regards long and rapid flight. The
speed of the pigeons can only be es-
while that of the ducks can
be established by observation. Some
years ago the writer and a scientific
friend measured off on the shore of
B large western river a line exactly
three miles long, and each took a
station at opposite ends of the line.
The object was to note, by means of
signals, the time a
flock of wild ducks took in passing
up or down the river near the
During three hours on the morn-
of a bright October day
were noted of the times of pass-
big the stations of nine different
locks. Upon comparing watches
was found that the average time was
two minutes and forty-two seconds,
thus showing the speed per hour to
be sixty-six and two-thirds miles, or
one mile In seconds. As
showing how uniform was their
a difference was found of only
five seconds between the greatest
and the least intervals of time.
As numerous flocks of wild geese
were daily flying in the same neigh-
observations were also taken
to test their hourly speed. Two
points, twenty-nine one-third
miles apart, were selected, both of
which were connected by telegraph.
We succeeded in identifying four
out of seven flocks which passed over
both places during the four days we
were on the watch. The mean hourly
speed was found to be a fraction
over fifty-four miles. The wild goose
has been long supposed to be the
swiftest of all water fowl, but this
experiment shows that he is far be-
hind the wild Y. World.
All Free.
Thorn aha have King's New
Know value, and those
who have nut, have now
to try It Free, tall on the advertised I n. o.
Dr and get a Trial Bottle, Free, j up stairs over
Send name and address lo II. E. j Hardware .-tore.
Co. Chicago, and
sample box of Dr. King's New Life,
Pills Five, as well as a copy of Guide
Health and Household Instructor.
Free. All of which is guaranteed to do
yon good and cost you at John
I,. Drugstore.
One Can Be
K. 1- Moons.
N. C
under Opera House. Third St.
Smooth and Yet Not
of the new electrical
for removing pro-
duce remarkable said a New
York physician other day,
they are too dangerous to receive the
commendation of any reputable
physician, and sit a matter of fact,
the result, though so remarkable, is
not at all what victim hopes.
There is Mrs.-----, she has really
had her wrinkles removed, but yon
would hardly notice it, except as she
told you so. The curious thing
that she does not look a year young-
I say but it is only so
to a person who has not correctly
analyzed the look of age. Wrinkles
may be the most obvious thing
about It, out they are not the main
thing. What makes anyone look
old is first, the change, the decline of
all tho chief modelings of the face,
the falling of the chocks, the
or the of the
throat, the settling of flesh
the mouth. The pain that is given
in removing wrinkles increases all
this, and is likely to count more
than the ameliorative Cleo
says, in the play, that she is
wrinkled, and Shakespeare was prob-
ably a good judge of beauty. She,
to his mind, kept hers and her youth-
because she was so vital, so
well, so alive, that her face had tho
general contours of youth. Women
are on the wrong road when they do
anything painful to make them look
V .
all Collection a
Attorney and Counselor
Greenville, County,
Practices in nil the
Civil and Criminal Sol
Makes a special of fraud
ages, actions lo recover laud, and col-
Prompt and careful attention given
all business.
Money to loan on approved Security.
Terms easy.
J. H. I . J. L.
K. C.
Practice in all the Courts.
N. a
t. a.
it. nil the Courts.
John E. Woodard. F. C. Harding,
Wilson, N. C. Greenville, N. C
Special attention given to
and settlement of

Greenville, N. C.
. I, f
Entered at the c at
N. C as second-class I matter.
The Greensboro Daily Re
cord has enlarged from a to a
column paper. The Record
is a bustling and shows
signs of a liberal patronage.
There is much speculation as
to who will succeed
Carter in the Western District
of this State. There are
and moat of them
hare strong backing.
The Supreme Court of North
Carolina in the case of Ewart
Jones for the of
the Western Criminal Court
has rendered decision
the place to Ewart who was
elected by the Legislature as
against Jones appointed by the
Governor. The court was an
in its opinion as to
Ewart's right to the office but
Justice Avery dissents from the
proposition announced by the
Chief Justice that there is no
vacancy between the ratification
of the act and the election of the
The case Cook vs.
Meares has been argued before
the court but a decision has
not yet been rendered. This
case is different from the Ewart
case in that Cook was elected
before the act was ratified.
Mayor Russ, of Raleigh, cast
some good Democratic votes
the other day in the of
officers before the Alderman of
that city. He did not hesitate
to untie with a good deal of
zest the various ballots all of
which nearly were a tie. Unless
we are mistaken Bill Russ can
be the city
of Raleigh Democratic, pure
and simple
The Southern Baptist Con-
met in Washington
City Friday. There are
about three thousand delegates
and visitors present. This is
the largest delegated
body in the world. There
are many noted men present.
Several important measures are
to come before the body,
among which are the Baptist
Young Peoples Societies, and
the question of union with the
Northern Convention-
The State of South Carolina
is in a state of excitement and
indignation. The registration
laws of the State been de
null and in con
sequence the ballot box is open
to every one regardless of
Governor Evans de-
that he will not call the
Legislature together to enact
new ones. Then, too, the court
has decided that the dispensary
law is unconstitutional so far as
it relates to liquor being sent
into the State, and that any-
body who wants to can send as
much liquor as they please into
its borders. Governor Evans
says he will pay no attention to
the decision will continue
to seize the liquor so that a case
may get into the Supreme Court
of the United States These
things are creating some excite-
mixed with indignation
in the Palmetto State.
Written for Reflector.
Lost friendship it blighted bud
On every Eden's bough.
And Mi-ting stamps the sign of grief
In furrows on the brow.
But brings her fairy train
To such a soul
And whispers what
They lull not him to rest.
They talk of one I'll know no more,
My always trusty friend;
Who gave me or gave me joy.
Or strangely made them blend.
Attended me to all the shows.
And tn k me out to tea;
And gave belle at many a lull
To her f miles on
No friend like this e'er suffice
To drive away the blues.
Who paid alike my barber bill
And my religious dues.
Ami me welcome, made me
Of and
Or rated me to a millionaire
When the like I drank.
lint that time how things
This friend has passed away ;
How bitterly I mourn the truth
That must
I hear the old men sigh for
Old maids their first love
But. ask but one
Oil, give me back my cash
The Executive Committee of
the State Fair met in Raleigh
on the evening of the 8th. It
was declared that no fair could
be held unless a sufficient sum,
which is could be raised
to pay premiums. Secondly,
that the Raleigh people should
raise this amount. Col. J. S.
C the President, subscribed
of the amount. A com-
was appointed to raise
amount and see if the rail-
roads would give a rate of one
cent Tier
The income tax has been re
heard and the argument ha
closed. The court will prob
ably render its decision tins
It was heard before a
fall court. Justice Jackson has
sufficiently recovered to be
sent. He was sick during the
first hearing and the court was
a tie on several important
of the bill. This cannot
occur this time so the case will
be definitely settled. e
hoped they may not declare the
law unconstitutional.
Whenever an evil exists or is
to exist us it is
the duty of every who loves
to speak on; against it.
Such opportunity is present
with us We thought the
beginning that Beet
that were held in Green-
ville were for and
in consequence referred only in
We see
that it is different th at there
has been a
evil our town. So long as
voting people were just having a
few for their
we saw no
reason to very
though this ought not to
; but when people of
thought, and even Christian pen
are being assembled right
after by a
and from his conversation
and when the said individual
to come among us not only
with his false and demoralizing
teachings but even dares to
Greenville, N- C, May 6th,
The Board of Commissioners
for Pitt county met this day, pres
O Dawson, chairman, T E
Keel, Leonidas
Smith, S. M Jones.
The following orders PI pan
were issued.
Martha Nelson B D Smith
Jacob SO,
Moore Susan Briley
Lucinda Smith I Henry
Harris U John and Hettie An
Kenneth Henderson
Eliza Edwards Carlos
Gorham J H
Henry S Sam and Ann
Cherry I Fannie
J O Proctor Alice Corbett
Easter Vines Alex
Winifred Taylor
Staton John Ham
W H Parker J G
son Winnie Chapman
Polly Adams W Crisp
W F Williams John Crisp
for wife Jas Long ft
Amelia Edwin Had
dock R E Ma
Thomas Chas
and wife J W Crisp
The following orders for gen-
county purposes were
Charles Skinner M B
Baker Allen
-I L Little
L A White II F Keel
John H T
King W E Proctor J
W Smith J Jones I , J
B B M Stat
W R Parker J A Bullock
Mo- O.-t. Coke W C
J II W M Brown
John II King E A
R W King R
W King R W King
W H Bagwell S R
E A O M Ber-
Hodge B W Edwards ,
Levi W J Parker J
L Fleming B S Sheppard
i-12, J J J J
Elks Joy Smith Jason
Hemby L B V C
Smith W
J A Lang
Killebrew Holliday
BY O- L,
Mr- returned Mon-
day from a trip to Oxford and
There are seventeen Sides in
the Union that produced
of tobacco tho
value of which last year was
Of this pro
pounds value
f Virginia at
a value of and North
Carolina produced at a
value of
There are numbers of f
all the now about
through transplanting tobacco
and they Lave a most favor-
able time to do that work this
year, for nearly every day for the
past two weeks it has rained. It
would be a good idea for those
who set early to give
it a deep and thorough plowing
just as soon as the land is
dry to permit it, because
there has been so very much rain
that the land has become sodded
and compact and in order for the
tobacco to thrive the land must be
soft and mellow. It would be
well to note carefully also that
the ground is thoroughly broken
close around the shank of the
thus preventing it from be-
hard running up
If this is not
to strictly the certain result will
be an end button and a poor
Elizabeth people have had
a meeting and subscribed
for a cotton factory.
Mr. E. B. Boll, of Lake Com
fort, has rented the Ocracoke
Hotel for this year, and will open
it about Juno
There are eight candidates for
the vacant of the
Fifth North Carolina District,
with John 8-
Henderson probably in the lead.
Mr. Jonas has a Maltese
cat, that not only catches rats but
snakes. Yesterday she caught
four in his yard. Two she killed
and two she carried in the ,
to play Observer-1 pack houses whore we examined
mu i j nu i , I large lot of tobacco. Mr. Gotten
The colored Odd Fellows had
a Friday They par
the streets this afternoon
headed by Smith's baud, seventy
Odd Fellows regalia being in
line- Ex-Congressman
delivered an to them.
Some visiting ledges were here.
It was the writer's pleasure on
the 22nd of April to visit
dale and farms be-
longing to Mr R- R- Gotten, of
Falkland township. I stopped
first at the farm
at the ringing the door bell was
met that estimable lady, Mis.
Gotten, who North Carolina feels
to own. She represented
our State as one of the committee
at the Worlds Fair 1893. After
a very pleasant conversation
drove to the center of the
farm where found Mr. Cotten
giving overseer some of his
excellent ideas about the
of some tobacco lauds.
then drove to one of his several
There's No Mystery
About It.
truth is I am doing a rushing May
Lively scenes about the store. People
appreciate my superb styles and low prices.
Mr. ii- H. Hayes, who has boon
very closely with the
market for the
two years, after finishing up
his work and getting off his stock
left last Saturday to
a few days with his family
and ft ii Chase City, Va.
From there he will extend-
ed trip across the continent and
spend the most of his hummer
amongst the of the
Ho will to
Colorado, there he
he wants to go to some ac-
where he can take an
active part in the rough western
For time past he has
had an idea that his were
weak and has hastened to get
with his work here
to spend a and
get the benefit of the hard dry
of the frontier. He will
return about 15th to his
Virginia home will this
place about September 1st. Mean
while the market opens here
in August he will have a man to
buy for him he comes.
Raleigh's Monument Unveiling.
The unveiling of the
The Legislature ad
without electing a Sena-
tor, ballots having been taken
during the session- prior to
adjournment the Speaker of the
declared H- A-
elected, which cause a con-
test in the States Senate.
Kev. W. H. H. Lawhon owns a
horse, 2- years old, that he has
been driving since in travel-
to his appointments, and in
that time has traveled over 40.000
miles- The horse,
his age, is apparently as good
as ever and can travel miles a
A runaway horse dashed into
the Battery Park Bank at
ville and did damage to the office
furniture to the extent of about
United States Senator
Pritchard was in the bank
at the time, and a slight
cut on the wrist from glass
and a painful kick on bis right
Tho horse was severely-
cut, and had to taken to a vet-
Georgia has acres
of hind to a colony of
northern settlers- The Empire
State is keeping pace with the
times. Why can't North Caro-
induce a colony of two to
take of valuable and
cheap fanning lands They are
All we need is to let
the what have,
and citizens of the cold, barren
and blizzard swept northwest Will
flock to our
Monday about
o'clock, while tho train
on I be Wilmington and
running Faison,
Mr John Cook, a resident there,
saw some of his hogs on the track,
and his attempt to drive them
off, stumbled and fell. The en-
saw his peril did all
he could to stop the train, but
before the unfortunate man
was run over and his body literally
cut two. He was about
years old and leaves a family.
Mr. G- W. Dunn, Gulf town-
ship, informs us that as ho was
U one of the most farm-
the State, and also the
largest tobacco grower of the
Wilmington Railroad-
His farm has a big
canal which runs through the
of it carries the waters
tho Tar river, a of
three mile. He has a nice pas-
this canal where he keeps
his sheep, goats and hogs.
His is so completely
raced and ditched that the water
fall is feet to the wile. He
runs -0 plows tobacco
barns, plants acres in tobacco,
-50 in torn, in oats and in
potatoes. He also keeps up with
the lain fall during the year. He
Beys is January the rainfall was
TO inches, February was very
light, March and April GIL
Mr. is decidedly one of
the best farmers our
edge. Tho farmers of Pitt would
do Well to consult with him
some of his excel ideas.
Ola Founts.
T ask no man to buy a
worth here who feels he
can do better elsewhere, but
I do ask all men to
gate the broad claim we make
and the truth or falsity on
which we stand or fall, and
that is that we give better
values on a given amount in
Nays it i-
go the woods
loaded for ticks.
dangerous to
i ate monument at on the i plowing in of bis fields on
this mouth will be plowed up a
ed one of the grandest demon
insultingly to one of our minis-
we that it is an outrage J D Cox
In Monday the
Democrats seem to have almost
made a clean sweep of the
State, the
where the Legislature changed
the charters and there was a
lighting chance the Democrats
were victorious. Major Grant
worked day and night to put
Goldsboro under Republican
rule when he was getting his
through the Legislature
but she still remains Deni
Raleigh had been
placed, as Shaffer, Young Co.
thought, under the same role,
she too Democratic city
still, and so on throughout the
State. This is a pointer tor
1896. Our people will not stand
such government as has been
put us by a fusion
According to a table recently
published, showing the value of
taxable in all of the
States of the Union for the years
189-3 and 1894. there was a
falling in the asses-
valuation of property last
year in most of the States. The
heaviest decline of values took
place in far off Washington,
where it amounted to more than
fifty-seven millions dollars, while
Wisconsin stood second on the
list, with a decline of fifty
millions. The largest falling
values of occurred in tho West,
every State west of the western
border of Pennsylvania except
Minnesota and Missouri showing
Five States in the South
North Carolina,
Caroline. Florida and Louisiana
showed an increase, the
gains were in tho Middle
States and in New the
States in those sections
which our people as a whole
not to be slow to condemn,
both man let him so
severely alone that he would have
to seek other quarters to
falsehoods where there would be
more congeniality than would be
found among ti- enlightened
people of Greenville- We de-
the whole thing as
worthy the thoughts and
of sensible people and call
upon all who love the right and
hate the false to unite
this effort to corrupt the
and the faith of our people- A
man who is fighting
Christ is fighting you, is
worthy the least of your
Bethel Items.
N- C-, May 13th, 1895.
J. C. Wynn. has been
spending some with her pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. . H-
left for her home in Durham last
Friday morning.
Mr. John Jenkins left this
morning as a representative from
Bethel Lodge I. O- O- F. to the
meeting of the Grand Lodge at
Boo W. O- Howard, of
Hon- F- G- James and Mayor
J- L Fleming, of
all town to day on legal
At a meeting the Sunday School in
the at
X. C, May the following res-
1st. whereas it
pleased Almighty God to remove from
our ii i i Mm. S. C. Hamilton, that
while we accept the dispensation f
i- Hi- who nil
things well, we her loss to
the school, her endeavor welfare
and her zeal for the fir of every
looking to the interest o the
Resolved 2nd. That we extend
heartfelt sympathy to the of
the deceased and broke in his behalf
that sustaining grace which may prove
in his bereavement a
swell of water springing into
everlasting life.
3rd. That a copy of these
resolutions be spread on the of
j the Sunday School and fiat a i-e
Massachusetts Prof. B. K. BOOM,
Hiss Nannie Ki
A. R.
New York,
E F Foreman Dr B T Cos
of its character ever
in the of North
Caro An elaborate and
most interesting has
D.- C arranged for the occasion,
J A Lang Wm Smith
D J Whichard J F Mil
W B Wilson CO M
King C Dawson W, T E
Keel Fleming
Jesse L Smith S M Jones
Swift CreeK and
Stock Law
White A R Holton
J L Smith and L Fleming were
as committee to settle
with Sheriff.
Ordered that Skinner and Lath
am be release-1 from payment of
taxes on the J L land in
Greenville township, L A
land, one town lot known
as lot, Corbett land in
Falkland township, Spain land in
township, Walston land
crowds will be in attendance
from all over the State.
So honor the of North
Carolina, or for that matter, the
people of the entire South, could
pay the memory of North bow Hotel, in Greensboro, haul
Urge rock, an as such a thing
was miner in that part of
his farm ho thought he would
examine into the matter, and
upon lifting it partly from its
place, discovered and
exhumed of a human
ton. How long it had Iain
Ii. whose it was or how it
came there he does not know
K. so which pulls a car
en the depot the Ben-
heroes of the Lost Cane
would be an
of their valor, devotion, and
patriotism. None appreciate this
more than the with
whom the North State troops
stool shoulder to on
many battle-fields from to
military representation to
the and doubt
less do so but for the fact that
car up town, broke loose
from it and the single tree fell
down on his heels, frightening
him so that up the
street at a fearful rate of speed.
Being blind, ho into two
horses hitched to a hack, broke
the tongue of the back, then
then rushed on into old wall
near the hotel with a fearful crash
Virginia ought to send a driving a large of board
into his breast and killing him-
in tow.,;, nod Reason owing to the Pocahontas mining
land; the following of most of her citizen , The parents name
Latham k were reduced are either in active the children Ruth, Esther, an
or orders to
as follows Jordan Cherry land
to Ballard Jams land to
Corbett laud tract to ready for such service, and there-
and the other to and
that A J be released from
taxes on same.
Ordered that the land of E. T-
Savage be reduced from to
Ordered that Fred Cox be re-
leased from payment of taxes
one horse and charged to
in Swift Creek township.
Ordered that laud of H. C
in township be re
from to
Ordered that Samuel
be released from payment of tax-
es on of land in Con-
township, the same being
listed paid by M. E. Cannon-
Zeno and Don Gilliam
tor W- 8- Forbes were allowed to
list taxes for 1894-
Ordered that Wm. Smith be
paid for a cow sold by
Higgs Bros- and paid on
them to the Treasurer, this
amount being the excess for dam
ages on said cow.
Ordered that the pauper order
of J- W. Crisp and wife be mode
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly
before the Superior Court Clerk of
Pitt county as administratrix of Wini-
May, deceased, notice is hereby
given to ail persons holding
estate t present to
the undersigned for collection on or be-
fore the 6th day of May or this
notice will be plead In bar for I heir re-
aid all persona indebted to saW
estate will male ate payment.
This May 1895.
of Mr
fore not In position to make
preparations for a trip to Raleigh.
As it is, however, a large veteran
and civic delegation from
will participate in the e
Raleigh is making extensive
preparations to entertain
visiting organizations, and that
she will entertain them hand-
and that the
will be imposing in all of its
details not be told any
who the hospitality
of tho city while tho Davis
train was
weeks ago there was
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert
be Frances A neighbor of
wrote to President Cleveland,
informing him of the facts, and
Monday the father of the children
received a draft from the
dent for to be used for the
education of the children. Don't
all name your babies
and Frances, now, and on the
strength it try to pull the Sher
the greatest strength. There
are no weak spots and yet
there is not an ounce of super-
metal. They are made
for service and speed, and are
fully guaranteed. AH styles
are the same A
handsome descriptive catalog
may be bad for the asking.
X ., I
o c.
but the young r
Over a prospect dim.
Last night to his dear one he tried
so sweet on his whit
lip- froze.
For ah she seemed to him
Nothing but sleeves.
Nothing hut the young
Over a life.
his love may be
and fast
Warranted for six months to last
How he have a wife
Nothing but sleeves
Perfect Health.
Keep the system in perfect or-
by the occasional use of
Liver Pills. They reg-
the bowels and produce
A Vigorous Body.
For sick headache, malaria,
constipation and kin-
diseases, an absolute cure
Hood's is Good
Makes Pure Blood
Scrofula Thoroughly Eradicated.
I. Hood ts Co., Lowell,
ii that I give you the details
of our sickness and her return to
health by tho use of Hood's She
was taken down with
Fever and a Bad
Following tin a sore on her right side be-
tween the two lower ribs. In a short time an-
oUter broke on left side. would take
of sore mouth and when had
el this she would with at
tacks high and expel bloody looking
corruption. Her head was and matter
oozed from her ears. After each attack she be-
worse and all treatment failed to Rive bee
until we began to use Hood's
After she had taken one-half bottle we could see
that she was better. We continued until she
had taken three bottles. Now she looks like
. The Bloom of Health
and Is fat a pig. We feel grateful, and
say too of
Mks. A. Inman, Tennessee.
Hood's Pills easily, yet promptly and
on the liver bowels.
Hats, Caps,
men, women, misses.
N. C
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work
and prices reasonable.
Marble on c old
lot, on the as i
I Wall to
tO and
a lot of samples.
Come tin arc
The best you
ever hail to lion.
a small cost. Pries low as
three cent, a roll of
Carolina, Martin
Sn; Court, Before X. S.
iv Ho Sophie K
Hunter, K Taylor, and wife, Anna
K Balance, l II
fatter and wife. V Carter. J O
; nth lie -ml wife. Jessie M
and II W S Trustee. John f
Heed. W I Heed. C O Reed, Sophie I
Martin, Maggie Simmons. M
Mary E
W Hayes. Mary
L W de-
The will lake notice that
the plaintiff has begun an action against
them In this court for the purpose of
selling for a division that Swamp prop-
in Martin in which said
plant and defendants are tenants in
common, as
of a track of swamp land con-
e ii ii Him live thousand
acres, and a lot of canoe, and the said
defendants are required to appear
my office In on 3rd day
of June ISM answer or to
the complaint petition in said action.
will that
If to answer or de-
Io said or the
relief demanded said plaintiffs will
be granted. Witness my hand
and seal at office In Williamston, N. C,
this April 1st 1895. X. S.
Clerk Martin
for maid, wife, mother,
than any competing concern anywhere.
is more varied, my styles higher, my
prices lower and my methods more modern,
more liberal, more
my business is greater and growing larger.
Come and see and I will treat right
Get Your Tobacco Fines Can Gel the Best.
have of the cleanest and
ever arc IVe t
heap as the cheapest and guarantee our in
S. E. Pender Co,
in Stoves. and Mowing Machine.
X- -A- Andrews.
Just Received Cars Rock Lime.
GO Sardines.
II in.
Boxes Cakes and Crackers.
Bid- k
Cases Matches,
Id Dost,
too Backs
In Bills Molasses,
S Tons
I Cars Floor.
j P.
Rail A A
; M R- It. Mills Sim.
t, Three Thistle
Boxes Tobacco,
v. M. P. .
O d Va. f
N. c.
All Risks placed in strictly
At current
Notice to Creditors.
Ship your produce to
The undersigned having t p Ii.
pointed the Clerk of th Superior , J ,
of Pitt a administrator of
George W. Hellen deceased and hiving
as such on day of
April notice Is given to all
persons holding claims against es-
of said George to
to the undersigned for pay-
on or before the 1st day of May.
or this will be plead In bar
of their recovery.
All persons to said estate j
will make Immediate to
undersigned and save costs.
This 20th day April. ISM.
of w-
A Attorneys.
Attention to

A full and complete
line of all the latest
shades and makes
of lovely
Silks, Sicilians,
Mohair, Silk Warp Hen-
Sateens. Pleases,
Organdies, Ducks,
in Dress Goods just
and would
pleased to have the
call and
line of
Men and Boys
Gents h Goods,
Notions. Boots Shoes
H. O. Hooker
Greenville, N.
Local Reflections.
op the rampage
Jest a car lead of C
Lily Flour- It is going
L- A Co.
Tue t. k is abroad
Cotton Seed wanted for
at tie Old Store.
Remember I T lot Chicken
Produce at the old
Brick Store.
The shady side is most
popular now.
You will save money by cut
ting feed for your horses and
cows. D. has a first
class feed cutter for
A pump has placed the
well near store.
A large stock of nice Furniture cheap
t the Old
Strawberries straw hats
both trim.
The White Mountain is the
only Ice Cream Freezer that
has three motions- D. D. Has
has them from to
I have taken the agency for the
New Home Sowing Machine
will keep a supply of
net dies attachments at H. C-
Hooker's store. James
Riverside Nurseries had ripe
lo day.
Attachment for
all makes of Sewing
kept by James Brown at H. C.
Hookers store.
Bring your cotton seed to
Sheppard, buy your
Meal Car load of each
just arrived tor sale cheap.
Remember I can take your
measure nave you a suit of
clothes made to order. Fit
Frank Wilson.
just arrived at
Washington- See us and get
Two colored Mary
Jones and Mollie Staton, had a
scrap and were fined and costs
each by Mayor Fleming.
Tobacco Growers Attention.
We have just received a large
quantity of tobacco flue iron o-
good quality and clean. Parties
who have ordered flues from us
can get them now at any time
S. E. Co.
have just received
our machinery and are
sever car loads of Aral class flue
f roil a days are
pared to make any and all kinds
of flues and will guarantee first
class at reasonable prices-
Youth very truly,
O- L-
Oscar Hooker- j
I or Went and Their Name Got
in Print
Miss Mary Bynum is sick.
Li. C Latham has gone to
i Hyde court.
I. Moore is a
week at Whitakers.
Col. I. A- Sugg to Kin
Mr. J. W. Wiggins came in on
Monday evening's train-
Mr. R. J. Cobb returned Fri-
day evening from Norfolk.
Mrs. Rosa Baker, of Suffolk, is
visiting at the King House-
Mr. II H. Hayes left Saturday
morning for Chase City, Va.
Mrs. W. M. L of Farm ville,
is visiting Mrs. J. A- Lang.
Miss Sophie Jarvis is visiting
Miss Aylmer Sugg in the
Mr. Morris Meyer returned
Now York Thursday even-
Mr- Luther returned
Monday evening from Scotland
Hue Novella
home Monday evening from a
visit in
Mr. B. E- Parham returned
Monday evening from a trip to
Oxford and Durham.
Mr J. K. Newton, of Tarboro,
came down Monday evening and
spent the night here.
Miss Johnson, daughter
of Mr. frank living just
below is very sick.
Mr. J. L- Sugg now occupies
his Dew residence on Fifth street
that just been completed.
Mr. W- P. flail returned Mon-
day evening His
family remain awhile longer-
Solicitor M- Bernard
home Friday evening from Nash-
ville where he had at court.
Mrs J B- Cherry left Monday
evening for to attend
the Daughters
Miss Annie Harding, f John-
son's Mills, came up Thursday
to visit family of Maj. ii.
Mrs- J. h. Jenkins and children
and Miss Mat tie
gene to Midway, Ya., to
the sum nil r
Miss Bessie shields, of Scot
land Neck, arrived Wednesday
to visit her
B. Higgs.
Meyer is making
-laud in for the
Mr. F- J. the
led artist, arrived m Mon-
day evening, and is stopping at
Mr G- W. canvasser
for Hie celebrated artist, F. J.
is town showing
pies of his work.
Mr. J. returned
Friday evening, Mrs.
mount with lam. She cordial
welcomed to
Dr. C J. came home
Friday evening from Baltimore
where he had been attending the
National Medical Convention-
Mr. W. T. returned
Wednesday evening from
He says the preparations
for the of the
are just immense.
Mary's Hen.
Mary had a little
With feathers white as snow.
The preacher paid a visit; then
The chicken had to go.
We learn that Mr. T. B. Man-
sowed a tobacco bed of
square yards, and from it drew
enough plants for three acres for
himself, furnished Mr. J. W. Al-
with enough for ten acres,
and still has a good supply of
plants left.
Pitt's Representatives.
The Ladies Monumental
at Raleigh, have selected
Mr. J- J- of
as one of the marshals at
the unveiling ceremonies on the
20th. There will not be a hand-
man in the procession.
Ex Senator T- J- Jarvis is also
one of the honorary marshals.
Call Upon
A prominent claimed to-be
medium, who for several
days has causing somewhat
of a sensation here, received
anonymous note this morning, ad-
vising him to leave We beat
that he got very mad over the
note, but it strikes us that if he
has any faith in his business a
better way would be to cull up
some of his spirits inquire
struck Billy in
other words who wrote that note
Fertilizer Sales.
We notice that a late report
from the State Agricultural De-
said there had
considerable off in the
sale of fertilizers the State this
year. denier Green-
ville us that this county
section the sales for this sea
sou show a large increase over
last Pitt county is
paring for big
and tobacco especially.
I ho last two weeks the Reg-
of Deeds issued seven mar-
licenses, only one being for
a white couple, J. L. Taylor
colored were Daniel
and Sarah Moore, Forbes
and Lucy Peyton. Henry Craw-
ford and Hettie Ormond, V. H
Miles and Busily Moore, Ben
Lane and Alice Wilson.
Death of Mr. B. Y.
Bethel, N- e., May 10th 1895.
Mr- John L- Taylor was mar-
to Miss Virginia M- Philpot
on Wednesday evening at the
brides father, Mr- W. W- Philpot,
D. C- Moore, Esq., officiating.
There w.-re six couples in
dance. A reception was held at
the groom's father in Bethel.
Mr. B- F- ex-post master
at Bethel after a long and linger
illness with consumption,
died at Ids home on -lames street j
Tuesday night. Funeral services j
were in the Methodist church
of which he had been a faithful
member for more thirty
years, by Rev. W- A. Forbes Wed-
evening at o'clock. He
was buried by the O- O. in
the presence of a large concourse
of people- He leaves a widow
four children. May the good
Lord guide, protect and comfort
this their sad hour of
The little son of Mr. G- B-
Whitfield, years old,
was killed by lightning yesterday
evening, and its mother and a
young man by the name of Willie
Thorn were both knocked down
by the shock and came near being
killed. Mrs. con-
is thought to be critical.
Dr. Grimes says she will probably
recover- Mr. Thorne is much bet-
to-day. The little boy
buried this evening, funeral
vices conducted by Rev. W- A.
Forbes at Mr.
They Meet and
A Few of the Bays Caught Before
They Faded.
Commencement season is draw-
Drop a line to the fish and you
are answered with a pull.
of young men are
Spring and Summer Clothing
Less Cost at LANG'S.
The colored pie had
big baptizing at the river Sun-
day morning.
The colored folks had a big
a little
playing with a hairpin
struck it down her tin oat, and for
a short while caused excitement
to the family.
Mr. W C- is building a
house near the Market for the
new fire engine to kept in-
The in which the hook and
ladder is kept will also be
repaired and pale
We are requested to urge all of
the of Co. O- 8th reg-
to go to Raleigh to the
veiling of the Confederate
It cost 1240 for the
round trip. You leave here Sat
Ex-Treasurer John Flanagan
The Dry Goods and Notion concern of E. J.
Co , of Broadway, N. Y., went into
the hands of a receiver days and
C. T.
the lucky buyer, happened there in time to in
the great plums, always having the interest of his
patrons at heart, he is now able to offer some of the
greatest bargains heard of under the such as
festival out at the Planters Ware- was talking about land being too
Friday night.
The Catholic Bishop will visit
Greenville next Wednesday, 22nd,
and will hold services at
prettiest garden we have noticed
in town. His corn is over a foot
Another large raft of logs got
hung in the river bridge Sunday,
and most of the day was used in
getting it out.
The has been talk-
some of the fertilizer
dealers to got ids i of the
quantity sold in county this
season, and the estimate arrived
at is i tons of
goods, besides and lime-
The cost o- quantity of for
round numbers is
about which
goes out of Pitt county for this
item alone. The farmers will
have, to good crops to be
able to pay such a large sum.
Large crops are for
we hope will come fully
lip to pee Cation.
She Knew it Was a Man.
A little girl in Greenville was
studying her lessens, an evening
or two ago, and after completing
task in tho room where
i lie older members of the family
were gathered, asked
who is
he replied
her Mama, pointing to the head
of the family with a smile.
told sister it was a as-
the little Miss positively,
I saw in my grammar that
is the thief of
The joke was such a good one
on the old man that he almost
exploded with laughter-
Rev- Mr. Smith who is
the at the
church is a
All who fail to hear
him miss
Mr. S- T. Hooker,
of Covenant Lodge L O. O- F-
Mr. W. L. Brown, Grand
Herald, left Monday morning to
attend the at Greens
Sheriff G. L. Hodges,
came over Wednesday
morning, drove through to Wash-
and got the Ben
White, who had arrested
there, and returned to ville
in time to take th train
for Kinston.
Mr Larry left Thurs-
day for New York to accept
a position make his home in
that city. We very much regret
departure from Greenville,
The commencement exorcise
of Military School, at Ox-
ford, will take place Friday. May,
The Reflector
edges an invitation.
We thank Miss Ada Tyson for
an invitation to the commence-
exercises of the State Nor-
and Industrial
May 22nd and 23rd
The Reflector acknowledges
an invitation to the commence-
exercises of
Female Institute, at
during the week beginning May
Messrs- S. W. Erwin and C-
Forbes send us beautiful
to Trinity College com-
Durham, -Tune 2nd to
4th. The name of Mr. Forbes
appears as one of the managers.
We acknowledge receipt of an
invitation to the An-
of the University of
North Carolina, June 5th. There
will be a reunion of all the classes
and believe this is the sentiment and an interesting is
of every one here. early in preparation.
d he has lived in th s
town with his uncle, Mr- M, R.
Lung, and has won the highest
esteem of the entire community.
We wish him much success in his
new home and business
Flies have put in their appear
in large numbers.
Some of our young attorneys
have investing in type writ-
Barnes has
taking views of several buildings
in town.
Pender received another hand-
some wood rim Rambler bicycle
to day.
The ice man smiles over this
weather, whether anybody else
does or not-
A man is never too mean be
loved by a dog, never too
poor to own one.
Some one has said this would
be an awfully dull world if all the
fools were killed-
The bad wash near
Dickerson avenue,
has been repaired.
Shoes, Slippers and Fur-
reduced rates
at LANG'S.
Notice what the Richmond
Dispatch says Mr.
Frank the
talented portrait painter, who has
making portraits in Rich
for several weeks, is
possessed of the genius of
the true artist. We have
more perfect reproductions
of faces by pure hand work
Mr. secures
in his portraits. Not only
physical of his
subjects accurately copied in
On the morning after the
the four Republican Conn
oilmen elect of the T-
Godwin. T- A- Julius Jen-
kins the last
three a meeting,
called in Justice J. A- Lang to
administer the oath to them, and
adjourned until to v.
The two Democratic,
elect were not in it-
At o'clock this morning Hip
same met in the Mayor's
hall for the purpose of organizing.
Councilman Godwin called the
meeting order when Council
man Jenkins moved to make
took the
chair, making a few remarks that
he thought bad waited long
enough to organize, and declared
nominations for in order
Obi two votes were east
for him Than Councilman Godwin
Chairman that
he also was entitled to vote.
Chairman cast his vote for
Forbes and declared him elected
For Clerk Councilman Ruffin
-d W. W. Humphrey,
Council Jenkins nominated C C.
Forbes, and Councilman Godwin
read a petition from W. P. Nor-
and placed him in
Humphrey received one
vote. three, and the latter
was declared elected.
Chairman that
the Mayor and Clerk elect would
now be installed before proceed-
A messenger was sent to Town
Clerk Harris for the record books.
The messenger and re
ported that Clerk Harris stated
that he could not turn over the
books to one until author
to do so the old Board.
Councilman Ruffin stated
old Board has nothing to
do with the books, they belong
S P- Humphrey, an outsider,
arose and
men, tho law was
rapped down by Chairman
who declared don't care what
the law says, we know enough
Justice J. A- Lang was sect for
and administered the official oaths ,
to Forbes, when he briefly
returned thanks for the honor of
his election and took Hie chair.
Nominations for Chief of Police
were next in order. Councilman
nominated J- W-
who received a unanimous vote.
For Assistant Police Council-
man Ruffin nominated
Councilman Jenkins
Moses King. Councilman
nominated Fred Cox and
Councilman Godwin nominated
Williams. received
one vote. Cox three, and the lat
was declared elected-
Councilman nominated
Councilman Godwin for
and the vote for him was
Then Councilman
that the Policemen be
sworn in and the meeting adjourn
subject to a call of the Mayor to
elect other officers.
The old Board of
will meet to-night to receive the
report of committee appointed to
the Treasurer's and Tax
Collector's accounts, to close tip
their business and turn the affairs
of the town over to the new board.
wet for planting cotton and said
he told some hands on his place
to adopt the Mississippi bottom
plan, that is to drop the seed by
hand and mash them in with their
Mr- W. EL Smith has about
u. township, was in town Friday and
told as the wet weather has
injured the fruit prospects
out in his neighborhood. The
apple trees especially were getting
full of blight or and he
thought this crop would be a
,, , While returning from a visit In
Pitt County were out for the Sunday afternoon,
drill with twenty four men Dr c j lost a hand
one that he had
and get in a lively tap. forty He
Friday Mr. the watch loose in
brought us from Riverside land thinks in taking it out to get
Nurseries a strawberry that mes time missed his pocket in
six inches in circumference- it back.
Mr, J. W- Morgan received a
telegram from Asheville, Friday
morning, announcing the death
A crowd of boys a game of Miss Eva Morgan.
of marbles can made more noise He has the sympathy of
n flock of geese over a piece friends here in his bereavement.
of melon. But a great many of has only a few months
us were boys once our lives. he lest a brother.
T r. ,, , , . I Mr- Frank J. an Artist
recognized as the most talented
church and U ever win
double case gold the guest the King
fee liberally rewarded by re- Go
it to Dr. C O Hagan. yon y
Saturday Mr. A- Tucker ed in oil, water or crayon,
brought sample lot of his Ho is v native of Kentucky, well
Silk Warp Embroideries, Laces,
is none lacking in the
conic to see LANG for,
your commencement
year's cotton crop to town
thirteen bales in the lot.
Ho sold the through at 5.70.
Mrs. S;.
J. L- Smith
of Messrs. B. S
paid, and Mrs. J
known by reputation here in
North Carolina- Go and see him
or receive his agent with samples
of his work. He is the first Artist
that ever visited Greenville that
j,.,.,., c-in sit yon down and
W Mi , . , .
portrait without a photo.
your pure an healthy an
you will not have Hood's
give the blood vitality
where all shapes, colors and styles can always
be found at rook bottom prices. we also
carry a large line of
These are facts and
trial for spring trade.
all we ask a
c. T.
Door to Bank.
i i wife
Smith of
Mr. Frank . a
of the great Statesman, Governor I in a Spring.
Tom of O d , Secretary of we learn that on Thursday a
the IT. S Treasury under Pr 3-year old child of Mr Crandall
dent Pierce, Minister lo Mexico, I Li tile, of fell
sic, an Artist that has not first in a soring and was
gained a reputation second The child was out
no in America, but an with n nurse and while the lat
recognition in Europe, attention was directed else-
will remain a the King House all where the little one wandered to
The Leaders Say
The eyes of the people are upon the merchants
who can and will sell goods cheap, cheaper and
cheapest in these times of depression and
for the future condition and prosperity of our
people. We claim to be the merchants of Green-
ville for you to trade with, for the following
sons We buy largely and buy for the cash, we
buy at close figures because of these two facts.
We sell for cash, we sell on credit. We help
of our friends who appreciate it and in turn
help us by telling their friends of our honest
goods and honest business methods in dealing
with all. We carry the the largest and best
line of
this week-
of art.
Go see his gems
the spring and fell
dead when found.
to be found in our county. We invite your in-
in, and comparison, dollars worth
with dollars worth, quality against quality,
with any other stock in Pitt county. The signs
of the times point out plainly those merchants
. with whom you should spend your cash. Do
not be led away with what some other man has
to tell you, but come to us and buy your
Gentle spring comes with all t e sweet songs o
the birds and lovely flowers and so
does our our pretty
-and line line of-
Our goods are prettier and cheaper than ever
and fast. quick.
Leaders of Low Prices,
On May 9th, near Mildred, N-
C, at the residence of the bride's
father. Mr- Ralph Mayo, by Rev.
R. W. Hines, Mr. Henry G Bur
ton, of of New
Castle on Tyne, to Miss
the. I Cora Lee Mayo, of Mildred- Ira-
minutest the expression mediately after the ceremony the
is quite as reproduced. couple left for Tarboro where
Notice to Creditor.
The having be-
fore the Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
I county the state
i D. w. deceased, is
hereby given to persons to
estate of decedent to
mediate payment lo the undersigned.
nil having claims
th- said must present the nine
before the day or this
notice will be plead III bar of recovery
This 8th of Mar.
of D. W.
Dress Hats and Boots and Shoes,
Goods, Heavy Domestics, Bleached and
Unbleached Sheetings and Shirtings, Hardware,
Plows and Castings, Nails, Shovels, spades and
Axes, Hollowware, Tinware, Pots,
Furniture, Sets,
es, Bedsteads, Bureaus,
Lounges, Tables, Hall
Racks, Cribs and Cradles,
children's Carriages,
Chairs of many kinds and
styles from the cheapest
to fine Plush Seat Rockers
Matting and Oil cloths,
Heavy Groceries, Meat,
Molasses, Salt, Oils, Flour
a specialty in high grades,
Lard, Baking Powders.
To the Ladies we would
especially say do not fail
to see our beautiful line of
Ladies, Misses and Child-
Slippers, Cotton and Wash Dress Goods,
White Goods, Dimities and Lawns. To the
men to buy our Reynold's Shoes, every pair war-
ranted to be solid. To every buyer we say
and see our stock. We will be pleased to show
what we have to sell. We set the pace, others
try to follow.
By patronizing Home Enterprise.
on The finish of Mr.
portraits is in
with the other features of his work
which shows to be an honest,
conscientious artist, who values
the approval of his patrons far
higher than ho does the money he
gets from them. made
a life sized portrait of us in crayon
which we do not think could be
improved. It is equal to the best
F. J. the well known
artist is a guest of the King
House- All those -wishing a high
grade of portrait -work will have
the opportunity to get tho same
for the next t weeks.
their friends and the
trade that they have
bought out the f
will engage in the n. c,
Ate manufacturing as Hue Cigars, Che-
i roots anti a be found on
the market. Their leading brands are
a dime cigar for a Nickel, hand made.
Havana tilled.
a very fine Cigar,
All persons having claims I lie
estate of the late IV. J. Higgs will pro
them to me, administrator Mid
estate on or before April and
all persons owing said will please
come forward and settle.
J. W-
they took the train for Norfolk to
visit relatives of the groom.
They have the best wishes of
m any friends for a long and hap
life. H.
Will Go To Raleigh.
their meeting even-
the Pitt County de-
to accept the to
attend the unveiling ceremonies
at Raleigh. If enough members
report at a meeting to be held
next the company will
leave for Raleigh Saturday morn-
ins. 18th. We learn that the
Washington Light Infantry will
and Clothing business.
We are receiving
Everybody invited to
all and see us.
Havana tilled, hand mad
Named in honor of Col. Buck Black
i a fine live cent Cigar, Sumatra Wrapper
hand made, Havana filled, a sure win-
Named in honor of Col. J. S.
Can-, of Durham To-
Ten lot cents.
Five for sent. The tine t smoke for
the money.
Three for cents, a hummer that
ways pleases.
Stick to home and send us your or-
Special brands put up when de-
sired. Address
Dunn am, N. C
Truck Barrels, Pumps
All Kinds of Machinery.
have opened at
Moore store and are
prepared to fun
any kind of
you may want.
Special attention given
to putting down
and repairing
All kinds of Pipe-
work and sat-
for Flues with
Greenville, N. C.
Not. K,
Co., SI. Loots, Mo.
sold Wat rev. SOD of
In our ti-
of In tho bars
an article men
a co-
Sold guaranteed by J.

i their year's supplies will find
their interest to get our prices
n all its branches.
at Lowest Market Trices.
we aired from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit.
stock of
always and sold at prices to suit
the times. goods bought and
sold for having no
to sell at a close margin.
S. M.
N. C
The Charlotte
North Carolina's
Sold For Fifteen
Rosa White face a young
Indian maiden, a pupil of ho
Indian School, has been
sold by her father to her
husband for ponies. The
Indian whose wife she is to be-
come is years old, and already
has other wives. She is bet
years of age-
The girl has appealed to Pro
Montgomery, of the
School, to save her from such a
fate, and he is exerting
energy to assist her. He has
made an appeal to the citizens of
El Reno and a
is being taken up in order to
raise a sufficient sum to pay her
traveling expenses to Washing-
ton, where she desires to go that
she may make a personal appeal
to the President.
The girl's father is
and her aged lover insists upon
the contract being carried out
Dated it; K .
Leave Weldon
Ar. Mt
A. M.
Rocky Mt
Ar. Florence
; to
It Goldsboro
Ar Wilmington
A. M
A. If
Ar n
A. M.
P. M.
Ar Rocky
Train on Scotland Week Branch Road
leaves Weldon 3.40 p. m. Halifax 4.00
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p
0.37 p. m., Kit .-ton 7.35
u. in. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.20
a. m., Greenville a. tn. Arriving
Halifax at a. m., 11.20 am
daily except
Trains on V Brain h k-ave
Washington a. Parmele
8.40 p. m., Tarboro 9.50; returning
leaves Tarboro 4.50 p. m., Parmele 6.10
p. in,, arrives Washington 7.35 p. m.
Daily except Sunday. Connects with
trains on Neck Branch.
Train leave- Tarboro, N C, via
ft Raleigh R. R. daily
at p. m., Sunday P. M;
arrive Plymouth 9.20 P. M-, 5.20 p. m.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily
m. Sunday 9.30 a m.,
arrive Tarboro 10.25 a. m and 11.45
a. m.
Train on Midland N C Branch leave
Goldsboro dally except Sunday, a.
in. riving a m.
leaves Smith field, a. m.
arrive at Goldsboro. a. m.
Train- on Nashville Branch leaves
Mount at 4.30 p. m., arrive
Nashville S p. Spring Hope 5.30.
p. m. Returning leaves Spring Hope
a. m Nashville 8.85 a. m., arrives
it Rocky Mount m.,
Trains on Latta Branch, Florence R
R. Latta 6.50 p. arrive Dull
bar 8.00 p. m. Returning leave Dun
bar a. m. arrive Latta 8.00 a. m.
Daily except
Train on Clinton Branch leaves War-
for Clinton daily, except Sunday
at a. in. Returning leave Clinton
at at Warsaw with
line trains.
No. makes close connection
at Weldon for all points North daily, all
via Richmond, and daily except
Sunday via Portsmouth and Bay Line
also Rocky Mount with Norfolk A
Carolina railroad for Norfolk daily and
all points North via Norfolk, daily ex
General Sup t.
. K, Manager.
. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager.
Old Jaunt.
A party in Colorado h is
the intention of leaving there
in the old fashioned
ed North
Carolina. They it is
than paying railroad fare. They
bring stock, and ether
personal property-
Independent and ; bigger and
more attractive than ever, it will be an
invaluable visitor to the home, the
the club or the work room.
All of the news of the world. Com-1
Daily report from the State
and National Capitols. a
A perfect family journal. All the
news of the week. The reports
from the Legislature a special.
Remember the Weekly Ob-
Send for sample copies. Address
Charlotte. N. C
Condensed Schedule.
means so much more than
you and j
f fatal diseases result from
trifling ailments
Don't play with
out of sorts, weak
and generally ex-
have no appetite
and can't work,
begin at
Brown's Iron Bit-
A few bot-
comes from the
very first
Won't year
and It's
pleasant to take.
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles,
Constipation, Bad Blood
Malaria, Nervous ailments
Women's complaints.
Get only the has crossed red
lines on the wrapper. All others arc sub-
On receipt of two ac. stamps we
will send set Ten World's
Fair Views and
This Reminds
You every day
in the month
May that if
your Printing done
at the
It will be done right,
It will be done m style
and it always suits.
These are
well worth weighing
in any sort
of work, but
all things in
The Tobacco Department
Conducted by O. L. Joyner, Proprietor Eastern Tobacco Warehouse.
Your Job
The Danville Tobacco on the Danville market there
is reasonable competition on every
grade tobacco, and among the
most active sorts are bright to-
suitable for cigarette man-
The egotism of this pair of
tors is sublime in the extreme.
replies to Editors Harmon and
Webster- The Danville man has
got mad in his eye on account
the position taken by the North
Carolina editors.
The Journal aroused the ire of
a couple of North Carolina
tors, in its account of the II doubtful if the former knows
taken in this city in the a he and the
Winston cigarette machine suit, latter is located on a mark t where
recently. The more formidable bat a quantity of cigarette
of tho two, Mr. Jno. R. Webster, tobacco is sold, yet they it their
not a decedent of Daniel, however j judgment against the judgment of
editor of Water's Weekly, in the gentlemen who
Flowery Kingdom Is Well Gov-
But Self-Ruled.
Reidsville. Mr. Webster,
ally speaking, is a
and a writer
on subjects with which he is fa-
North Carolina politics,
etc. But, at times
he allows himself to become
blinded by prejudice that ho goes
far astray, as in the present m-
The other irate editor is Mr. H.
E Harmon, editor of tho Win
Tobacco Journal.
The Journal in the article refer-
red to, gave a fair criticism of
the evidence taken in Danville.
Tho which did not meet
with the approval of Messrs.
Webster and is as fol
It seems that the defendant is
his cause more the
hopes of proving the American
Tobacco Company to be a trust,
and the protection of
the Government, than in the mer-
its of his patent.
The testimony taken here was
for the purpose of showing that
the formation of the
can Tobacco Company cigarette
tobacco has greatly depreciated
value- consequence of this
formation- The evidence, how-
ever, proved the contrary That
cigarette tobaccos were
better prices than any other class
tobacco except wrappers, and
that if there is any difference in
prices now and what they were
before the formation of the com-
the is that the
average price is bettor now.
Mr. Webster, with red-hot
no discretion, distorts the
first paragraph into a positive
assertion on our part that the de-
are basing their cause
solely upon proving the
to be a trust, Bad then rants
the modern style, cal
only by a select few of
the editorial fraternity of
regard to the second para
graph, he Graham
the cake, when he says the
evidence taken at Danville proves
the price of cutters on that
DOW are higher they
were before the was
Mr. Webster shows his wisdom
in this regard by quoting the
Winston Journal as authority
that the American Tobacco Com-
made one year per cent
on the capital invested, and hence
they must necessarily get their
cheaper order to de-
such a dividend. Harmon
in this imposed upon too-
ready credulity, Brother Webster
If you follow his figuring so
are very much concern-
ed lest you will soon occupy the
central cell in that straight jacket
institution you refer to. if the
entire cutter crop was given to
the American Tobacco
it could not declare any such
Mr. Harmon, while more
in his article than the
other brother, is just as far astray
He says
Siding with the
much to the surprise of every-
body an editorial appeared in
Danville Tobacco Journal last
week giving comfort to the
the enemy of its own as
well as all other Southern leaf
markets and tobacco
It took sides with the
American Tobacco Company in
the suit of that concern against
the Winston Cigarette
Company, stating that it seems,
To this we have only to say
that the Journal is published
the interest of the tobacco trade
as a whole, and if any individual,
firm or branch of the trade is
by the
publication of facts as they
pear in this we are not
satisfied but gratified also.
We cannot fabricate facts nor
figures, neither can we act the
ghoul in order to win trade.
Mr. Harmon further says
Any statement that cutters are
selling higher now than before
the birth of the American
co is absurd- Nearly
everybody outside of the trust or
its influence says to the contrary.
It stands to reason that with
no competition on the mar-
prices should drop.
This may be true with
Mr- Harmon is familiar with,
regarding tho of cut-
before and the
of the American Tobacco
who were
speculators in these goods before
the formation of the American
Tobacco Co., and are now com-
on this market for that
class of whose char
is above Yet this
precious pair says it ain't so, be-
cause it does not suit them for it
to so.
They were
Winston nor
editorial malcontents must re-
member that this is the largest
bright tobacco market the
world, furnishes the golden
to every inhabitable of
the world, hence Danville prices
cannot be by the smaller
markets on any type of
and especially cutters tine
Farmers are not
this year on account of dry
for transplanting.
Mr- J- J. Laughinghouse told
us Friday that he bad set already
about ninety acres of tobacco.
Its the early bird that gets the
Capt- M. Pace is now making
a thorough tour of the eastern
counties in the interest of the
new warehouse of Rountree,
Brown Co- says that most
of the farmers will be through
setting by the 15th of May-
has more natural
advantages, better back
and by the opening
of the coming year will
as good facilities for hand-
ling tobacco after it is sold as
any market in the eastern section.
The North Carolina crop re-
ports of the American
says the tobacco acreage
Rocky Mount will be in-
creased to per cent,
and reports the plants badly be-
hind but growing since the
warm of the pat few
days. In our section of the
for tho past few sunshine
has been quite object but we
have had plenty of warm weather
in Tennessee.
A traveling man thus describes a
of the men was mounted on a
rawboned dapple gray, while the
other nag was of a deep yellow, and
looked much like a living, moving
One was leading a mule
and the other an old steed that
looked like a broken-down car horse.
Presently the man on the yellow
horse said to the
The answer
and After dickering for
some time a trade was effected, and
one of them got a dollar to boot.
We wandered about over the place
and covered about an acre and a
half until we grew tired, and then
returned to the train. On the way
back we heard two of the strangers
talking. One of these said he was
three and three dollars
and twenty-five cents In
ahead. were told that these
swapping days are held once a
month. The men meet at this place
and swap anything, from a jack-
knife to a farm, but trading In
horses is the favorite fancy with
Y. Tribune.
of Shanghai Tells of Peculiar
Methods of Administering
Good Borne Bat Very
Poor neuters.
home life of the
said William Russell, of Shanghai,
to be little understood out-
side the limits of the Flowery king-
The most powerful
In China is the family. The
most remarkable attribute of the
family is its ability to exercise
powers upon its members. If
a Chinaman commits a minor of-
the law, as we term it, takes
no cognizance of The
takes upon itself the punishment
of the offender by flogging or
and the compensation
of the injured party. It is only in
the graver offenses, such as murder,
that the culprit is handed over to
ability of the Chinese family
to sustain its feudal prerogative is
owing to its being part and parcel
of the land itself. There are no land-
lords in China. The land is the
property of the state and the occur
piers pay a small tax to the former
for the use of it. This tax must be
paid whether the land is cultivated
or not; no family, therefore, makes
itself responsible for more land than
its members can care for. The state
further reserves the right where the
occupiers do not do justice to their
holdings to dispossess them and
it. This land tax ranges from
twelve to forty cents per acre, and
the average size of each holding is
nine acres. Apart, from this
each family has the inalienable right
to two acres of land, which is strict-
entailed upon the family and fur-
the site of the homestead.
The members of the family who in
trying their luck in the adjacent
cities fail to make a success have
ways the ancestral home to fall back
upon and the accompanying farm to
work on and live by. A poor law is
unknown in China, and failure is not
to be found in the lexicon of the
laboring class. Another point which
younger nations might incorporate
in their code is the respect paid to
the aged in China. The old people
are assigned the best rooms in the
family home, and are not in any
way looked upon as worn out or
desirable relations. Such
have obtained for hundreds of
years, and suggest the thought that,
wanting as the Chinese have of late
been found in the fighting arena, as
home rulers they can give points to
the remainder of the
French Iced Milk.
The French Industry of icing milk
Is an original departure In tinned
commodities. The milk Is frozen
and placed in block form in tins, and
on the part of the purchaser requires
to be melted previous to use. Being
hermetically sealed, the commodity
thus iced preserves its form until it
Is required, when a minute's expos-
to the sun's rays or to the beat
of the fire is all that is necessary
to reduce it to a liquid condition.
Baby's Masterpiece.
sure that baby is going to be
a great said the fond mother.
he rather young to evince
just where he shows his
genius. I left him where he could
get some red ink on his fingers, and
before I knew what he was doing he
had decorated the library wall with
one of the loveliest magazine post-
you ever
and the Farmer.
Ex-Senator Palmer, of Michigan,
tells a good story of an old Michigan
farmer to whom he lent a volume of
Shakespeare's works. After allow-
time for a perusal of the book
the senator asked the man one day
what he thought of the book.
said the Michigander
Is some mighty good read
tn it, and I see the old man has
some of my N. Y. Hail and
A Large Estate.
Archduke Albrecht of Austria left
of property. His landed
estates go to his nephew, Archduke
Frederick. They comprise
acres In Hungary, Silesia, Bohemia,
Bavaria and an extent of
territory larger than that of more
than half of the German states. His
personal estate amounts to
and goes to his daughter, Arch-
duchess Maria Theresa, wife of Duke
Philip of
Sculptors Can't Sell Their Busts of
Popular Frenchmen.
The portrait of M. Felix
president of France, has just been
commenced by
painter, and as this is a semi-official
work, there is no doubt of the artist
being fully compensated for it. Such
is not the case, however, with the
many painters and modelers in
marble or clay who at each change
in the French presidency have made
many pictures or busts of the new
chief executive or of other
men, on the ready sale of which
they have built their hopes of for-
The sale of pictures or buts does
mt seem to follow any fixed rules.
Even the individual popularity of
the occupant of the presidential
chair apparently has little to do
with it. President for in-
stance, was not particularly popular
with the Parisians, yet images of
him sold better than those of any
succeeding president. On
money I hand had an enormous
I and enthusiastic personal following,
yet his likenesses are not salable.
Even though France has been and is
fervent, in Its praises of Russia and
her ruler, the statuettes of the czar
an a drug on the market.
A young woman modeler, whose
work has several times found a place
in the Salon, has at this moment on
her hands an even hundred busts of
as a Frenchman would
call In, came to her last fall to
ion these images, and she finished
the last of them two days before the
resignation of her model, and his fall
from public favor.
Until President Carnot was as-
copies of bust of
him were little in demand; but the
day after the tragedy at Lyons forty
were sold in that city.
Peculiarity of Man.
He was leaving the crowd where
the theater tickets for a big engage-
were being sold. There was a
happy look on which sud-
vanished. He put his hand to
his temple and then he
guess I'll hunt up some quiet
place and kick myself. That's what
the asked the
friend who had overtaken him.
have been letting the calcium
light of mathematics into the
mist of my he
do you
just figured it out that I've
stood out in the storm In line for
five hours to pay ex money for a
theater seat rather than stand up
for three hours -at fie performance,
John D. Rockefeller Takes Life Free
and Easy.
I never saw a man take life less
seriously than John B. Rockefeller.
He has an easy way of saying and
doing things that appeals to the
nature. That
suit brought by Lon Merritt is not
costing him a wink of sleep.
worries him, not all his millions.
At times I have known John to seem
dull. I have known people to take
him for a soft, slow, stupid fellow
instead of the hard, gliding, firm,
rocky fellow that he is. He once
had an a nervous, irritable
young man, full of his own
but, withal, a capable clerk.
He occupied an office in which there
was one of those pulling and lifting
machines, and regularly every
morning, about nine, when ho was
immersed in figures or correspond-
a small, man.
quiet and diffident in manner, en-
said walked
on tiptoe to the corner and
for a quarter of an hour. It
became a bore to the clerk, who at
last, unable to stand it longer, re-
marked, with considerable heat and
fireworks, to the Inoffensive but,
annoying do you
expect mo to do my work properly
while you are fooling with that ma-
chine I'm getting tired of It.
Why don't you put it where it won't
worry a person to death V The
stranger replied with
am very sorry if it annoys you. I
will have It removed at A
porter took It away within an hour.
A few days later the clerk was sent
for by Mr. whom he found
in earnest conversation with the
small, black-mustached man. Tho
latter smiled at seeing him, gave
some instructions and left
the room. you tell me who
that gentleman the young man
asked, a light beginning to break
upon him. was Mr. Rock-
was the reply. With a
gasp for breath, the clerk staggered
back to his office to think. It was
his first acquaintance with the
Standard Oil Y.
Growth in of a
New Branch of Business.
is an establishment in
Chicago that employs nearly
clerks and does a business of several
million dollars a year, but which
does not carry a dollar's worth of
said Postmaster Seeing, of
the Exposition city. long ago
it sent out no less than
to prospective customers. It is
merely a purchasing agency for per-
sons living outside of the city who
need articles and do not find it con-
to buy them in person. The
concern will buy anything for any-
body, according to a well-arranged
system. All tho customer has to do
is to send a description of the article
wanted and the amount he is willing
to pay for it, and it is gotten by an
agent of the establishment and
shipped to him at once.
for instance, a man in
a remote town wants an overcoat of
blue cloth, with a velvet collar, for
which lie will pay lie sends his
breast and waist measurement and
the money to the and in twenty
minutes after his order is received
the coat is bought and packed up
and at the freight or express office.
No charge is made to the customer,
as the firm has an arrangement
with numerous retail mercantile es-
by which it gets a
discount off from the market
prices, and in this way makes heavy
profits. I have been told that the
discount ranges all the way from
per cent., so it is easy to see
how remunerative the business is.
Absolute honesty characterizes all
its dealings, and, consequently, very
few articles are returned by custom-
She Stood Up in the Car for Hr
Little Son.
That the ways of women are passing
strange was again proved by an In-
on a Main street car the
other evening. A gentleman rose
to offer his seat to a lady who had
just entered with her little boy.
Seeing the seat vacant she sent tho
boy to occupy it, while she clung to
a strap. She was evidently very
tired and would have enjoyed a seat,
but preferred to care for her son
first. Presently a lady left the ear
the one standing took her spat.
Next to her was a serving maid
with a pretty baby on her lap. The
lady asked permission to hold it,
and, the request being granted, she
and talked and played with
tho child for a half hour, utterly ob-
of her own boy's jealous cries
and frantic efforts to attract
Lobster Beds Becoming Empty.
Unless measures for their pres-
are promptly taken
fisheries of New England will
soon be worthless. Fishermen them-
selves who have in the literal sense
been killing the lobster with the
golden egg which provides them a
livelihood, are beginning to feel
alarmed tho rate that the supply
of lobsters is diminishing.
Wilhelm's Music.
Not much success has
to the German emperor for his new
When it was performed in
public it was pronounced pretty and
correct, but not wholly original.
am makes itself
heard at the beginning; then follows
a strain from Schubert's
and a bit from an English
ends the thing.
An i
At Ludlow, Vt., there is a curious
looking tomb which has been erected
by a well-known miller of that place.
It is in the exact shape of a mill-
stone and stands on four granite
supports designed especially for that
purpose. The owner, who expects
to be buried in it sooner or later, is
so proud of his monument that he
exhibits an exact model of it every
year at the county
I product skilled
workmen, and rank with
Victor Bicycles in quality.
I LL Ks We make; the best
., balls, baseball bats, base-
I gloves and mitts, tennis
rackets, tennis balls, tennis
nets, racket presses, racket cases, boxing gloves, footballs.
football suits, football and gymnasium shoes, gymnasium
supplies, sweaters, etc. We guarantee better goods for less
money than asked by other manufacturers. If your local
dealer does not keep Victor Athletic Goods, write for our
Makers of Victor and Athletic
Over Our Million
W. L. Douglas and Shoes.
All our eh or an re
Thar Rive value for tho
Tin y i In style and
Their wearing qualities arc
Tho are uniform stumped on .
From SI t, over other
dealer cannot supply you we can.
If your cannot supply
W. L. Douglas.
Davis Farmville, N. C.
R. J.
Pitt ;. x. c.
;. o.
i x. c.
Commission Merchants
and Solicited.
YEARS EXPERIENCE bus me the best la the cheap t
Hemp c. Building Farming Implement, and every
for Millers, Mechanics and general house purposes, as well a
Clothing, Hals. Shoos. Ladies Dress I on hand. Am head
quarters for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing agent for X. I.
Cotton, and keep courteous and attentive clerk.
The next Session will
begin on Tuesday the day
mid c Weeks.
Primary English
Intermediate English
Higher English
. I
The instruction will continue through.
Discipline mild out firm. If necessary
an additional teacher will be employed.
Satisfaction when pupil
enter early and attend regularly.
further in formal ion apply to
W. H.
Aug. ism.
Homes and lots for Rent or for Hale.
terms easy. Bents, Insurance
open accounts and any other
of debt placed my hands r
collection have prompt attention.
I your
Under Opera House,
Call in when want good work
i R. it. TIME TABLE.
In Effect
Pas. . Dally
Bun. Ex Mm.
Steamers leave Washington for Green
ville and Tarboro touching at all land
lugs on Tar River Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Greenville A. M. same days.
These departures are subject to
of water on Tar River.
of The N and Wash-
direct line for Norfolk. Baltimore j
Philadelphia. New York and Bo-ton.
Shippers their
marked via Dominion fr
New York, from
Norfolk Haiti.
more Steamboat from Haiti i
JNO. SON- Agent.
Washington N.
J. ,
P. Al. P. M.
i Mi
P. M.
A. M
in II en
K i -Is
it v
A. M.
t; a
Train connects
Weldon train North.
Goldsboro a. in., and with
train West, leaving Goldsboro
and obtained and all Pat-
for Fret.
it O, S.
mid in lime than
remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo., with
We advise, U or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is
A Ht to Obtain with
same in the If, S. and foreign
sent free. Adds s,
For Cure ail Skin
This has been In use over
fifty years, and wherever know Las
been in steady demand. It has been OB-
by the leading physicians all over
be country, and has effected cures where
all other remedies, with the attention of
the roost experienced physicians, have
for years failed. This Ointment is of
long standing and the high reputation
It has obtained Is owing entirely
its own efficacy, as but little effort ha
ever been made to bring it before, the
One bottle of this Ointment will
sent to any address on receipt of One
Dollar. All Cash Orders promptly at-
tended to. Address all orders
communications to
T. P.
We will fill them QUICK
W will fill them CHEAP
We will fill them WELL
Rough Heart Framing, o
Rough Sap Framing, ;
Rough Sap
Hough Sap inches, o
. Wait days for our Planing Mill and
will furnish you Dressed
i as
Wood delivered ., a-, a.
cents a load.
Terms cash.
. c.

Eastern reflector, 15 May 1895
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 15, 1895
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Joyner NC Microforms
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