Eastern reflector, 21 November 1894

The Reflector is
pared to do all worn
in this line
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
The Reflector to Jan.
1896, and VOL. XIII.
year for
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICH ARD, Owner
per Year, in Advance.
Your Opportunity.
All new subscribers
or renewals coming in
during November and
December can set the
Reflector until Jan. 1st,
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Constitution one year
both for The
sooner you subscribe
the more papers you
get. Don't wait.
Job Printing a
Chief State
a .
XI i
t t
T. i i g i , J
Session Opens September 5th, 1894, Closes June, 1895.
Complete English Course. Modern Languages.
For full particulars apply to
Full Corps of
Advantages in Music and Art.
will two ladies who an preparing
to teach in the Public Schools of Pitt adjoining Tuition will be required advance, but
will be refill did to the applicants who make the highest average on the regular examinations at the
close of the session. Candidates must inter not later than October 1st.
EXPENSES music Use of Piano or Organ, one
Terms -Half Session-20 Weeks. . 5-00-
Primary i-
Academic. 1500 Vocal-Special,.
Intermediate. 12-50 Organ,.
man, each,
1500 Board,
t lights and
Although the income tax does
not begin to operate until
1st, the first levy will be en
incomes received in 1894. The
summary below will therefore
prove of
income-tax provision in
in the Tariff bill begins to
ate on January 1895, and con-
until January 1900.
Tue tax per is to be
vied on all incomes above
It is to be paid not only by ll
who reside within the country, on
incomes derived from any source,
but by citizens of the United
States abroad, and by all
residents of foreign countries
incomes derived from property
situated in the United States or
from carried on here.
The tax is on the income of the
year previous to that for which it
is leveled Therefore the first tax
will be levied on incomes
ed in 1894.
There are two classes of in-
comes recognized by the
incomes of of individuals and the
incomes of corporations. The
taxable income of a corporation
is all its income above its opera-
ting expenses, including the sums
paid to shareholders, The tax of
per cent is paid by the
ration. Therefore that part of an
individual's income which is de-
rived from dividends on the
shares of a corporation that has
paid the tax is deducted, on his
from his own taxable in-
There are exemptions allowed
by the bill in computing an
income besides th
They are as follows i The
expenses of conducting a
business, all interest paid or due
within the year, local taxes, losses
in trade or from fires, storms or
shipwreck, not compensated for
by insurance or otherwise j
worthless debts, an income on
which the tax has been paid by
As to corporations, charitable,
and educational corpora-
counties and municipalities,
building and loan associations,
saving banks having no stock-
holders, receiving no
in a year from any de-
and dividing all the
yearly profits among the
tors except a contribution to a
per cent- surplus. Mutual com-
including insurance com-
are all
Every person having an income
of must report it to the
Collector of Internal Revenue for
his district, or his deputy.
received from corporations
are reported by the corporations
to the collector of the recipient's
district. Tho tax on the salaries
of officials of the United is
to be deducted by tho paymaster-
The collector may require a re
turn to be verified by oath- The
collector or his deputy may in-
crease the of income re-
ported if has reason to be-
that the same is
If there is a neglect or
refusal to make a return, or if a
return is fraudulent, the creditor
or his deputy shall make
a list, by examination of the per-
son taxed, or other evidence- A
per cent, penalty is to be
charged for neglect or refusal,
and per cent, penalty for
A person may declare that he
has not of income liable to
be assessed or that he has paid
his income tax elsewhere. If the
collector or deputy is convinced
that declaration is true ho
may grant an exemption If a re-
turn is increased by the collector
or deputy the person taxed may
offer proof that the increase is
but the officer will not be
obliged to take the facts shown
as conclusive, and it is within his
to refuse relief. An
appeal from his decision may
Speculation As To What May Be Done
About the Election of Senators.
Bond Issue Com-
Committee Won't go to Cal-
to see which of the two
Little Harbors Needs Deep.
May go
Coming Congress, Ac.
Washington, D. C, Nov, 1894-
A million dollar bond issue is
considered a necessity by Mr.
Cleveland. He has decided on it
I hear, without consulting other
authorities, because of the press-
of the Treasury.
For the past two mouths the out
has exceeded the income of
the Treasury at tho rate of
million a
It does not take a
man to see this won't do.
For over two years I have done
my level to show tho people
that economy right here the
U- S- Capitol is the starting
from which to adjust
It expenditures. Start with
Senate- Then cut off useless
House and Senate-
Dispense with Congressional
Abolish sinecure at
tho Capitol. Dismiss Depart-
clerks who say they won't
because their
keeps them any way. These
are mostly but there are
some men the lot. Anathema-
all these things, of the
incoming thou do
as much mo re in the same
you will take their
strongest weapon out of the
hands of Urn victorious
Fail to do it, and you will
be compelled to agree to more
than one bond issue to supply
funds for all sorts of
The tax payers Nov.
They will speak again
Thy will not allow their servants
to have so much more than they
can honestly afford to enjoy.
Hansom may have to
defer the transcontinental tour.
He was here on time, but the
other members of the Commerce
Committee have not reported.
Suppose the money appropriated
for this be turned over to
the depleted Treasury and if the
California delegation does not
know which little harbor needs
let and
settle the and costly
perhaps Sergeant-at arms Hub
If tho Democrats ever got in
power again let them send Sena-
tors and here who re-
plow horses also.
And The Cal Came Back.
have got a kitten at
said W. L- Slocum, of
N. H., I think has
traveled about as rapidly and as
far in day as any other am
in the world. morning
about a mouth ago the kitten
strayed into my factory a short
before tho machinery was
started up I got to
around the floor took
up its position in the big fly
wheel, where, without being so-
it is nestled down went
to sleep. Soon the machinery
was pot motion, the wheel
so rapidly that the poor kit
tun could not Indeed, it
is probable that puss was soon
little computation shows the
distance tho cit traveled- The
wheal move at the rate of
revolutions a minute, and it every
tarn went seventeen feet.
As tho wheel was kept motion
minutes stopping, the
must traveled during
that lime a over miles-
When the was the
kit cu was discovered and
out more dead than but it
shortly recovered, although
it his re about tho factory
ever it is observed that it
always the fly a
St. Louis Globe
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Report.
Let's Get Down to Business.
The Washington correspondent
of the Times indulges
tho following
The situation North Carolina
is now being considerably dis-
cussed, and with the return here
of a number of men who went
home to vote some very interest-
news crops out. There is no
longer any question as to the fact
that the
and will have from
thirty to forty votes in
lot in the State Legislature, which
elects this winter a successor to
Senator Hansom to the
caused by the death of
Senator Vance. The theory,
course, has been that one .
. -r, . . problem for them.
beau and one would r
share these honors as a reward
for the Fusion success, but an-
other and a very uncertain
has crept into the case, and
may yet bear fruit palatable to
the Democrats.
The supposition is that
ally a geographical division
would be observed, and the West
and East each have a Senator,
and as Marion Butler is from the
eastern part of the State and is
the candidate, the Re
publicans in the western section
expect to came their man. There
are three very prominent
candidates, Messrs. Oliver
H- Dockery, tho late Consul Gen-
at ; of
Asheville, and Dr. J. J. Mott, of
Statesville. Neither the
can who could muster enough
rotes rather than see Butler, the
Populist, in the Senate from tho
old North State. Anyhow, the
outlook for Butler is very shady,
taken to the Commissioners of I and there is a good chance for
Internal Revenue. some energetic Republican with
If a corporation does not file its
statement a fine of is to be
levied on it, and per cent- a
month is to be charged on the
amount of tax until it is paid.
The tax is- payable on July in
each year. If it is not paid with-
in ten day after that a penalty of
per cent is to be charged, to-
fifteen votes to do well-
It has also been stated that
teen Republicans who were not
pledged to anybody, and who
have no desire to see Butler in
the Senate, would draw lots
among themselves for the Sena-
exempted; as are States, i per cent- per
with interest at the rate of and go into some agree-
Alexandria is anxious for the
Duke of Durham to settle there.
Capt. John B. who re-
a Chiefs place in
the Treasury from Senator Ran-
during Cleveland's first ad-
ministration, our Mary
Ann in the last issue of the Eve-
Star, this city. I would like
to quote it, but it is too long. It
is interesting however, and shows
that Capt. is to be
one of the of the late
harvest North Carolina to
get his share of the fodder. He
has it. I hear my
dam friend, S. Otho Wilson, Esq.,
is to be the next Secretary of the
Senate. He has earned that too-
He will control over two hundred
nice places some of them worth
The Republicans will filibuster,
and make a re-organization of the
Senate necessary after March 4th-
The short session of Congress
which convenes in less than three
weeks will be a most notable one.
I am making arrangements to
my call them mine
because feel a warm personal
and friendly interest in all of
them- all the news. After that
adjourns we will all have to
By No
A patient in an insane asylum
imagined himself dead. Nothing
could drive this out of
the man's brain. One day his
physician had a happy thought
and said to him. you ever
see a dead man bleed
he replied.
you ever hear of a dead
man bleeding
you believe that a dead
man can bleed
if you will permit me, I
will try an experiment with you
and see if you bleed or
The patient gave his consent.
Tue whipped out his
and drew a little blood.
he said, see that
you bleed. That proves that you
are not
at the patient instant
replied- only proves
that dead
Plain Talk.
The election is over- It is a
good time to do some plain talk-
Henceforth it is the duty
of the Democratic to take
care of itself and to make its next
on the line of a White Man's
Government- It is useless to try
to conciliate or draw tho
by acts of kindness or by
nations of tho public moneys for
their benefit- In 1894, nearly
thirty years after their freedom,
they tally to the cry of the
white demagogues as readily, as
submissively, a-j tamely as they
did under the full flush of
from a condition of slavery.
The crack of the white leader's
whip is enough to evoke loudest
the most sub-
actions. They may
slight them, curse them,
all the offices, but start a
tell them to vote
against the Democrats who em-
ploy them a place
which to earn their
they will vote as bidden every
time This was a White Man's
Government at the start. It must
be a White Man's Govern
Tho rather
tho Aryan-ha dominated and
will wherever ho goes-
Ho was born to rule. It is
him- All races that stand in his
way will go down it. The
of thousands of
I shows this. The yolk w and
black races can never resist
his onward march or
share in his honors. It has not
been so
The result of the election is an
undoubted surprise all
No matter what the wiseacres
may say, no Republican in those
parts expected a tidal wave in
their favor and the most
Populist could hardly have
expected it to be what it is. Well
informed Democrats wore
but the most dis-
heartened did not expect quite as
much as he got. It is useless
just now to talk about what
caused it. It cannot be
to a local cause, tho
slump is Tho only
general reason that can as-
signed at present is simply the
restlessness of the and a
disposition among them to whack
on tho head those on top and
make a Will they gain
or lose by the This
question the future must decide.
The Landmark thinks they will
live to see tho day they will
repent in and ashes the
work of Tuesday. But we shall
see what we shall
ville Landmark.
The country has cause for con-
that the election is
over. The incident
to a campaign always interferes
with business, and no election
for the past quarter of a century
perhaps, has interfered with it
more than has this-
But now the battle is ended.
There is no any uncertain-
as to the result. But no mat
who has won, business enter-
prises should take on new life-
Every new industry that starts,
every dollar that is put in
every workman that is
employed is so much added to
the wealth and prosperity of the
North Carolina especially
should press forward. The South
is now coming to the front as
never re- The tide of
is turning this way,
is here seeking investment,
new manufacturing
are being established and tho
for money making
are becoming daily more
With the great resources at our
with the Southward
trend of immigration and capital
and the increase of the population
in this county have DO time to
mourn over oar political losses.
lot us face tho rising
and improve tho opportunities for
to News and
Eat Before You Retire.
Dr. of Baltimore, in a
recent article in a medical
recommends all, and
weak persons, to eat before
retiring to sleep- He
am of the opinion that fasting
during the long interval between
supper and breakfast, and es-
the complete emptiness
of the stomach during sleep, adds
greatly to the amount of
sleeplessness general
weakness we so often meet.
teaches that the body
is a perpetual
of tissue, sleeping or
it is therefore logical to be-
the supply of nourish-
should be somewhat con-
especially in those who
are below we would counter-
act their emaciation and lower
degree of vitality ; and as bodily
is suspended during
sleep, with wear and
diminished, while
digestion, assimilation
activity continue as usual,
tho food during this
period adds is de-
and increased weight and
improved general vigor are the
Send year Address to II. E.
Chicago, get a sample
box of Dr. King's New Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits,
These pills arc easy action and ore
particularly effective In the cure of
Constipation and Sick Headache. For
We concur in the opinion of
those who see in the result of
Tuesday's the
of the Populist party. It
has lost its former strong holds,
and will hereafter be but a
Malaria and troubles they Colorado defeats Waite,
been proved invaluable. They are Las returned to her
guaranteed to be perfectly tree from
every us and to be Republican moorings, even
vegetable. They do not weaken in- Simpson down,
by their action, but giving tone to K ,. , ,
stomach and bowels The representation in
tho system. Regular size par box the next Congress will be even
Soul by John I. Wooten
Two years from now, when
the Republicans and Democrats
are struggling for supremacy in
his country, where will be our
populist neighbors Elated with
the apparent success of the fusion
movement, they vainly imagine
that they have swallowed up and
absorbed the Republican party,
but in 1896 they will find that they
our pencils and write Sena- themselves have been swallowed
on the lines suggested.
tors Butler and Mott and wiped out of existence
Mr Secretary Otho Wilson, and I Record.
less than that in the present body.
The sun of this new organization
has set. The people
it will now drift to either the
Democratic or Republican party,
and its will be forgot
ten. In North Carolina the Pop.
and Republican parties are
now identical, and the name will
hereafter be Republican-. Tho
Populists have not heretofore be-
us when we told them that
they ware being handed over to
the Republicans, bat they see
n Observer-
Harmony Home.
We may be quite sure that
our will i likely to be crossed
during the day ; so let us prepare
for it-
Every person tho house
has a evil nature as well as our
selves, and therefore we are not
lo expect too much-
Look upon each member of
the family as one for whom Christ
inclined to give an
angry answer, let us lift up the
heart in prayer
If from sickness, pain, or
infirmity we feel irritable, lot us
keep a very strict watch over out-
C- when others are
suffering, and drop a word of
7- Watch for little opportunities
of pleasing, put little annoy-
out of the way.
8- Take of every
thing, and hope.
Speak kindly to dependents
and servants, praise
when you
10- In all little pleasures which
may occur, put self last.
Try for the soft answer that
away wrath.
Ex-President Harrison rises to
remark that tho late sot back has
sent the Democratic party
permanent retirement. Not quite-
Only to tho repair shop. Even
ox P s may be somewhat too
previous sometimes, but they
should value their reputation for
and think before they
speak. have been
Democratic party ever
1800, but they have never
in persuading it to stay
All kinds of
for repairs
Main Springs to Claiming
to Vic. and Kings to
mend to
Fine work a specialty. All work
guaranteed by
z. k.
Watchmaker Jeweler,
N. C
LT r.
and Civil
Greenville, N. C.
at the House.
The Sectional Party,
The northern assume
that the Democratic party is a
sectional party, constantly
speak of it as such, whereas tho A.
up stairs K,
Hardware store.
N. C
is that the Republican party
is, and always has boon a section-
party. This party was
zed as a sectional party, and
never has lost its distinctive
Its platform of
as put forth quadrennially
has always contained some feat-
objectionable to th southern
people. Not so with the Demo-
party. It was as
a national party, and has never
been other than a national party.
Its platform of principles, as put
forth once in every four
has never any
objectionable to the northern
people by reason of its sectional-
ism- In a word, if the
party were disbanded, there
would remain only a party which
not but as
an enemy by a large number of
the people of the United States.
Richmond Dispatch-
While Smith and his
wife, of Keller, were in the
field cotton, their cabin
was burned and their three little
children wore cremated.
B. r.
Prompt attention given to collection
. N. C.
Jas. E. Moore. l. Moons,
N. C
under Opera Third St.
N. C.
Prompt attention to business.
at Tucker old stand.
U ii. JAMES,
N i.
Practice In all the courts. Collections a
J. JARVIS. slow
N. C.
sT Practice In all the

Greenville, N. C.
D, i WHIM, to
i at
S. C, as second-class mail matter.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 1894.
Those Republicans and
lists who are trying so bard to
make somebody think that they
believe the Democratic party, as
a national organization, is dead,
are merely making themselves
ridiculous. The Democratic party
which, to go no further back than
the memory of every middle-aged
man, made six successive
defeated in five at the polls and
in one at toe handset an abortion
known as the electoral
not to be killed by
among a few of its prominent
members which resulted in a stay-
at-home vote large enough to de-
feat it in a Congressional
On the contrary, that de-
feat will eventually make the
Democratic than
ever before, because it will result
in showing some of the
experimenters that
from the established
of the party will not be
tolerated by the voters; that
thousands, aye millions of good
Democrats will refuse to endorse
any half-and-half principles,
defeat to compromise with
principles they have been taught
to oppose. The recent election
was a bitter lesson, but the
will prove that it was a use-
President Cleveland is not
ax ending much time at the White
House just now, because the time
is short between this and the
assembling of Congress and his
annual message to Congress,
which will be one of the most
important to the country and to
the Democratic party he has ever
written, requires bis time,
and be work undisturbed at
his country something
which has shown him
he cannot do this office at the
White House. During bis
the President devoted much
time to studying the financial
system of the country which is
generally admitted to be radically
defective, and the of that
study will be shown in the rec-
of his message to
No Democrat possibly re-
the issue of bonds officially
this week by Secretary
more than does
and the members
of bis but in the face of
the necessity for the
national credit, and in the ab-
of any other method, owing
to the system inherited from a
long series of Republican ad-
ministrations, regrets were idle
and action imperative. When a
merchant finds his credit
owing to his receipts
less than his expenditures, he
cannot afford to waste time in
regrets because those
are largely the result of ex
contracts made by his
predecessor. His credit must be
protected and nothing will do
that but prompt payment of his
obligations as they mature,
to do that he must have money
and it can only be had by borrow-
it on bis note. That he does,
to his ability to stop the
leaks in his business and make it
profitable in older to pay it back.
That is precisely the position of
the administration in announcing
issue of bonds.
Senators Ransom and Gorman
had a casual meeting and a
friendly conversation a com
room at the Capitol one
day this week, straightway a
story was at at they bad
a plan by which a Demo
was to be elected at an extra
session of the North Carolina leg-
to fill the unexpired term
of the Senator Vance, and
Senator Ransom was to resign
be elected for a full term
beginning March 1805, at the
same extra session- Verily,
wicked when no
A striking exhibition of
run wild is given by the
criticism of Mrs. Cleveland by
members of a Pennsylvania
branch of W. C. T. U, be
cause she the usual
and broke a bottle of
champagne in christening the
St Louis, launched at
Philadelphia Inst Monday. The
criticism is all more senseless
because Mrs. Cleveland is a con
advocate of temperance,
never drinking wine at her own
or anyone else's table. In this
case she was invited guest and
had no more to do with what
to be used at the christening than
a guest would have to do with
what was on your table.
Nov. 19th 1893.
Bishop Watson preached at St-
Mrs. M- H. of Kin-
is visiting relatives here.
Sheriff King was here last
weeK taxes and says he
is coming again-
Tho heaviest frost of the season
covered this section last Thurs-
day morning.
Messrs. Herman and Durward
Johnson left last week to take
schools in Lenoir county.
Mrs. John Crow, of Goldsboro,
is visiting at Mr. L. B. Cox's.
Miss Sallie Dixon, of Lenoir
county, spent a few days here last
week visiting relatives. She re-
turned home Saturday
by her sister, Miss Cornie.
Estate Transfers.
The following transfers of real
estate were perfected last week
by Henry Sheppard, real estate
agent, to
F. V. Manning and others, to W.
F- Morrill, and wife, farm.
J. W. Brooks and wife, to F- V
Manning, farm.
H. A. Gilliam. to George Dud-
and wife, house and lot.
Mr. Sheppard is now
located on main st, office
in the old Dancy building, where
he will be pleased to confer with
parties who desire to buy or
sell property of kind, either
Greenville or in the country.
He solicits correspondence-
Give him a trial-
Homicide at Kinston,
On last Wednesday in Kinston
Mr. Chas. H. Brown, a lawyer,
and Mr. George W. a
Deputy Sheriff of Lenoir county,
had an altercation in the Court
House It that in a speech
to the jury Mr. Brown had made
remarks that Mr. did not
like- Upon adjournment of
court Mr. approached
Mr. Brown about the matter,
whereupon Brown accused War-
of swearing to a lie against
him. Then called Brown
a Brown jumped on the
that surrounds the bar
and struck with a chair
after warned by to
keep off- shot
after he was struck, the
ball entering the neck.
was placed under a
We learn since that Brown has
Tax Take Notice
Mr in of office expire on tic
first Monday in December, as
I must up the business of ray
1st. I shall, after
the first Monday in December 1894,
to collect by distress. Those
desiring to save cost and trouble
settle their taxes this mouth. This is
last warning.
Not. 12th Sheriff Pitt Co
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly
before the Superior Court Clerk of
county as Executor of the Last
Will and Testament of A. Daven-
port. notice is hereby given
o all indebted to the estate of
the said decedent to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
persons having claims against said
estate must present the same pay-
on or before the 17th day of No-
1805, or this Will be
plead Id bar of recovery. 17th
day of November. 1804.
of A.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly
before the Superior Court Clerk of
I county as Executor of the Last
Will and Testament of Martha Brooks,
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to estate of the
said decedent to make Immediate pay-
to the and all per-
sons claims against said estate
must present the same for payment on
or before the 27th day of October,
or this will be plead in bar of re-
This 27th of October,
of Martha Brooks.
By of t he of sale con-
In a certain Mortgage De-id
and delivered by John Coward
C. Coward his wife to
Samuel Cory on the day of De-
1885, and duly recorded in the
Register of office of Pitt county.
North Carolina, in Bo p
the undersigned will expose, to public
sale, before the House, in Green-
ville, fur cash, to the highest -r. on
Monday, December the
described real property,
situated county on South side
of Tar and north side of Swift
Creek, the lands of James
Wall, Wyatt Gardner and others, and
known as the Oliver Chapman place,
being the lands sold to said Oliver Chap-
man by Calvin Cox, containing two
hundred more or less, to
satisfy said Mortgage Deed.
This day of November,
Executor of Con,
By virtue of power in vested as
commissioner by a in the case of
Win L. Elliott, Elliott and
John Nicholson against C Lath-
am and Harry Skinner, made the
United States Circuit Court tor the
Eastern District of North Carolina,
Fourth Circuit at Raleigh at the No-
Term and duly docketed
in the Superior Court of Pitt Bounty
judgment docket No. page I will
sell at public sale to the highest bidder
at the Court House door Greenville.
N. C, on Wednesday the 5th day of
December 1894, the following described
tracts of land;
1st. One tract lying on the side
of Tat river adjoining lands of T. II.
Martin Moore. S. A. Dudley
others, acres more
or less and known as the Enoch Moore
his farm will be sold subject to a
mortgage on an undivided one half in-
2nd. The tract known as the Adam
Corbett in town-
ship, adjoining the lands of W. II.
Mathews others
containing acres more or less.
. J. Walston lands contain-
about acres and being the same
was devised by will of his
father M J. J. Walston
adjoining the the heirs Of Delia
Parker and A. lying on
north side of Tar river in
Terms of sale twenty per cent cash
arm residue payable in nine months
with interest from of Bale at S per
cent annum, purchaser to give Loud
with approved security for balance of
purchase money.
Greenville, N. C, Nov.
have received their new stock and can
show their customers the very latest
designs, styles and colors for fall
w inter.
which has been selected with special to the in
this locality. It includes the pick of the market in Fresh
Fall Winter Styles and not less astonishing than the
goods, will be the low prices put on them. We
--------are here to compete with
Full Line Just in for Your Inspection.
-A. 1ST
About asking to see my
Clothing. I like to show
them. It does me good
to sec how perfectly they
fit, and how well they
please everybody who
sees them. We are in
earnest. Come and look.
The Leader in Clothing.
Suits For
Yes, that's what I'm are doing.
Just received
Stylish New shapes of Fashionable Fall
Footwear now on Exhibition,
It Won't Cost You a Cent More to Get
a Stylish Shoe fitted properly to
your feet, if you know where to get
We are after your patronage and expect to get it by
value received; we do not want it on terms. We pro-
post to inaugurate the rarest bargain season we have ever
sided over. A half-hour spent in looking over our stock will
give you some idea of the popular styles and we can only hope
that it will be as much pleasure for you to see as for us to show
our goods.
and to fit all.
Gent's Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, Crockery, Glass
ware. Wood and Hardware, Guns, Shot and Pow-
Gun Implements, Tinware, Cutlery, Plows and Castings to
tit, Harness, Groceries and Flour.
We still lead in this line, having the largest and best selected
stock ever carried in our town. We have six thousand
and seventy-rive square feet of floor space
to this one line, and when you want
anything in the Furniture line
-----consisting of------
Medium Price Marble Top Suits.
Oak Suits, Marble lop Bureaus,
Wood Top Bureaus
Extension Dining Table, Side Boards, Tin Safes, Mattresses
Bed Spring, Children's Beds and Cribs, Parlor Suits, Hal.
Racks, Wardrobes, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Floor
Cloths, yard, yard and a half and two wide, and Door
Mats, call on us.
all other good will
sure to please you.
Call at
We have some rare bargains in all lines. We
defy competition. We are here to stay. We
can and will sell as low as any one.
Your friends,
My stock of Fall Goods in the following lines are also offered you and I am giving you more for
the dollar than any house in Greenville.
Let Everybody for Themselves and be Convinced-
On account of the Tariff Reduction on many
in my line and the low price of cotton
and other farm products and in order to
give the people good goods at low
prices, I have marked my prices
Stoves, Doors, Sash, Hails, Axes,
Locks, Butts, Rope. Belting and everything kept
in a first-class Hardware Store.
Here are some reductions I keep only the
best makes of Axes, and have been selling the
Kelly and Red Warrior at my price is
and Stoves that I sold at and
I now sell at and with fix-
complete. Doors that sold at
and now sell at and Win-
that sold at and
I now sell at All
other goods not named will be sold just as low.
MY m
New American Sewing Machines
which will be sold at factory prices. I invite all in
need of goods to examine my stock and prices
before buying.
I am pleased to state that since recovering
from my recent sickness I have visited
the northern markets to purchase
and am now prepared to show you an
------site line of------
Furnishing Goods, Etc, Etc.
You will rind all my Roods first-class and prices low
Come to see me and let me show what I can do.
and dealers in
general .-.
I Si To deal fair and square with our friends and patrons and by giving them ROCK
on Goods and Top Prices for Produce. We intend to hold
We make a
Specialty of
samples on hand.
sail W
M .
-MM p nil
Ml up
a. X

is Pleased
With the low prices and
first-class goods
chased from
Local Reflections.
His stock of-
is complete and run-
over with
Call and see him and
be pleased.
Thanksgiving next week.
Cotton Seed wanted for
at the Old Brick Store.
Very latent and prettiest
of full ml winter Huts at M-
Hog killing will soon be
Nice lot Clocks, cheapest in
town, at J. L- Starkey Co's
Full line Ornaments,
fancy Pius, Tortoise Hair
and Side Combs, at Mrs.
pork sold here last week
at cents.
new Admiral Cigarettes
a thousand.
J. L. Starkey Co.
Soon be time to
Christmas goods-
cents a
pound at J- S. Smith Co's.
Even an man can take
hand in a game of foot-ball.
Give the Warehouse
a trial with a load of fine
co and you will home
over the high prices obtained.
Next week is Wilmington's
come week.
Don't forget the Furniture
Racket Store if you want cheap
The voice of the dog
is heard ringing out these nights.
See J. C Cobb Son's fall
stock of Shoes and Boots.
A very pleasant social germ an
was given at the King Mouse on
last Thursday night.
finest Cream
Cheese made, at J. S Smith Co.
Every pile of tobacco brings its
full value the are-
house and your check is ready as
as the sale is made.
See Notice in this issue by
Charles A- administrator
of Samuel Cory.
Every reader of this paper is
asked not to over look the fact
that he can get the Reflector
and Atlanta Constitution a whole
year for
claims to have
the youngest member of the
House of Representatives.
Handsome and cheap Oak Sets,
stairs, Old Brick Store-
We all have had
if we haven't had them will
have them bye and bye.
Large assortment Pattern Hats
latest designs from both
more and New York, at Mrs. M
Hal Williams asked Coot yes
what was the best age
with girl. Coot says age.
Just received barrels first
patent Flour. a barrel, at J.
i L. Starkey k Co's.
Don't fool with a wasp because
he looks thin and tired, you will
find out he's all right in the end.
Oar sign reads Ware-
Follow that
advice and you will get highest
prices for your tobacco.
Forbes t Move-
Good chewing Tobacco
pound. Co.
Look over this and read
notice to creditors by W. M-
executor of B. A-
nicest selections and
styles all of Millinery
goods, at Mrs Georgia
Coffee cents pound.
ft Co.
Mr. Irvin has bought
out the butcher business of
Moses King and consolidated it
with his own.
A splendid opportunity is of-
the people to fit out their
houses by the Furniture Rack-
et Store-
looking over an exchange
we see that snow has fallen
several points of out State but
we have had none here as yet.
If you good cart wheels
at see A. G. Cox, Winter-
ville-1 You can get cart bodies
there also, or any repair work on
carts or wagons promptly done
D. D. Haskett has down
prices on stoves and all Kinds of
builder's materials. It will pay
you to make note of his
The Reflector has received
from the publisher. Rev. L. Bran-
son, a copy of Alma-
Snuff cents pound
Mrs- L. A- Cobb has opened a
hotel at Grifton the drum-
that the
is tine and the table as good
as I hoy oversaw.
Mrs. Georgia Pearce has just
received a lot of new sample
Hats and new pattern Hats, which
will be sold very low.
Good Flour barrel.
The installment plan has been
adopted by the Furniture and
Racket Store.
The sportsmen are having fine
fun shooting partridges. Mr-
Ola Forbes, of the
Warehouse, made thirteen shots
one day last week and killed fur-
teen birds.
Red White Blue and Tan Baby
Shoos- Co.
Beautiful line of Ties and
Handkerchiefs for ladies at Mrs.
Georgia Pearce's.
Five dollars and balance
at per week will buy a nice
Oak suit from the Furniture a
Racket Store.
A large and appreciative
was at the Opera last
Friday night to witness the
of the by
the dramatic for
the benefit of the Episcopal
church at The pro-
were Those who
attended were highly pleased.
Kinston Free Press.
For anything in the Grocery
line call on J. S. Smith Co.
Building lots for sale on easy
terms, apply to S. E.
Car load of
Bagging and Ties at J. C
Our stock Goods and
are complete. Call and
see J. C. Cobb Son-
To get highest average
your tobacco to the
Warehouse and we will prove it.
Forbes Move.
Look at those Mittens
per pair at Furniture Racket
Store, very thing for school
The Reflector office is print-
a lot of blank mortgages,
deeds, liens, Come to us for
A. G- Cox is conveniently
on the railroad at
where he splendid advantages
in handling all kinds of produce.
Pretty line of Ribbon
Gloves, new style Collars
and at Mrs. M. D.
Mens heavy oil gloves
pair at the Furniture
Racket Store.
There's no use asking about
Canned goods for J. S- Smith A
Co., have them fresh and cheap.
Call and get them-
The ladies are invited to call
and see the lot of beautiful Box
Papers just received at Reflector
Soda Crack
fresh every day, sold by J S-
Smith Co.
A. G Cox, is
the lead in the flour trade,
your will be
His prices are ex-
During the coming we
will keep the very best horses
and mules for sale. Call to see
what we have before buying.
We guarantee satisfaction. We
also conduct a first-class livery
stables Tucker Edwards.
From now until the first of Jan-
I will sell at
greatly reduced prices. Also love
chains, lock bracelets, and hair
ornaments. Mrs- M- T.
Mr- W. S- sold his
stock of groceries last week to
Mr. L- V. Bradshaw, of in
county. Mr. Bradshaw will add
to his stock we wish him
and him in our
Mens good Shoes a pair
Ladies Shoes at cents,
J. L. Starkey Co.
Cheap, New Grass Butter
cents per pound. Best Blended
Tea cents per pound. Import-
ed Macaroni cents. Cream
Cheese at the Old Brick Store.
Complete line of Dry goods
Wiley Brown's.
Remember I you tor Chicken
Produce at the Old
The Reflector heard
nothing to the contrary,
takes it for granted that all the
places of business in Greenville
will be closed on Thanksgiving
day. This is the custom that
has prevailed here for several
years and we feel sure will be
kept up.
Sewing machines from to
Latest improved New Home
Wiley Brown.
A large nice Furniture cheap
at the Old Brick Score.
New assortment cf Bibles from
American B. S-, just received.
Wiley Brown, Depositor.
First class Cart Wheels with
Iron Axle, only a pair-
John Flanagan Co.
Keep mind that the Planters
Warehouse is the place to get
highest averages for your to-
For good reliable Shoes go
Wiley Brown.
Fresh Stock of Mountain But-
Cream Cheese,
Citron, Currants, Raisins, Nuts,
Oranges, Apples,
orated Apples, Irish Potatoes,
Cod Fish, Buckwheat Large
Hominy, Oat Flakes, cheap at the
Old Brick Store.
The amateurs of Greenville
have under preparation a
operetta, Merry Milk-
to be rendered one night
in Christmas week. There will
be about forty voices in the
a pleasant evening's en-
is in store for those
who may attend. Miss Hortense
Forbes is the
A Clever Gentleman.
It is a pleasure to ride with a
man like Capt- Hawks, of the
Scotland Neck and rail-
road. We overheard a con versa
between two ladies and a
gentleman one day recently in
which one of the ladies expressed
herself as hare
very near all over the United
States and must say that the con-
on this road is the most
and polite of any
I have ever traveled
,. --------J
Miss Sadie Short returned
home last week from Oxford-
Mr. J. N- Gorman arrived hero
last Friday night from Richmond,
Miss Mattie of
Va, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.
S- Jenkins.
The editor returned Monday
evening from a very pleasant vis-
it to friends in Norfolk.
Mrs. J. B- left Friday
morning for Baltimore for a so-
of a week or ten days.
Mr. Bruce Latham, of Ply
mouth, paid the Reflector a
pleasant call Monday morning-
Mrs. Alfred Forbes went to
Saturday to visit her
daughter, Mrs- M. H.
Miss Laura Garris, of Ayden,
and John Crow, of Golds-
are visiting Mrs. H. C Ed-
Mr- Paul Hosier has returned
from Suffolk, Va., and accepted a
position with the John Flanagan
Buggy Co.
Mrs. R- J. Proctor returned
home last Thursday morning
from a visit to her parents in Kin-
Mr. C. R- who has been
spending his vacation here with
his parents returned to Wash-
City on last Friday morn-
Bey. R- D. Carroll begun a
meeting at the Baptist
church on Sunday. Rev. A. D.
Hunter, of Raleigh, is assisting
Col. J. Bryan Grimes and bride
come to Greenville on last Wed-
and took the train for
Florida and other Southern
Mrs. Bacon, of Mississippi and
Mrs- Gaylord, of sis-
of Mrs. Senator Jarvis and
Mrs. arrived Monday
evening on a visit to them.
Mr. W. M. Buss, of Raleigh,
spent a day or two here last week.
The Reflector was glad to have
a visit from him. He took Mrs.
Russ their little daughter
back home with him.
Mr. G. T. of
Dam, Mr. J. W. Dixon, of
Willow Green, two of the best to-
farmers in all this section,
went to Henderson last Thursday
to make some sales Mr. Dixon
was accompanied by his wife.
Our popular townsman Mr.
Jesse. L. Sugg, will today wed
Miss Minnie Exum a young lady
greatly beloved and admired by
every one. The marriage will
take place at the residence of
R. P. near Farmville,
The Reflector tenders its best
Mr. Henry of the Pa-a-
nil Paint Co., arrived here on last
Wednesday night and dropped in
the Reflector office for a chat.
His force of eight men arrived
Saturday night and he will paint
the town, if you say so. Every
man with him plays an
of some kind and we may
expect some good music before
Mr. J. C-
home evening from a
trip of several weeks through the
States south of as. He
people here at home complain
and talk of hard times, when they
really no knowledge of such
a condition. If they want to see
hard times sure enough let them
go down in portions of Georgia,
Alabama and
The Man at Ayden.
The enterprising firm of J- R.
Smith Bro-, of Ayden, have
purchased the store they now
and the lot adjoining on
East Avenue street from Mr. A.
G. Cox and are now under their
own vice and fig tree. They are
clever young men and deserve
the success that is crowning their
claims to have the best
drinking water in Pitt county. It
is just splendid for this scribe has
tried it and knows whereof he
Dr. Joseph Dixon, a young
promising physician of
is giving entire satisfaction.
We hear him spoken of in the
highest terms.
We were talking to some of the
merchants and farmers and they
expressed a desire to have a to-
warehouse erected there-
We would not be surprised to
hear at any time that they were
building one-
There is considerable building
going on One build-
is course of erection has two
large stores to it-
We understand that Ayden
will soon have a large hotel. A
was telling us that he
was looking for a site.
Was Sick i
day, suffering with stomach, and
kidney trouble, also from alter effects
The fourth quarterly confer-
of Greenville circuit will
be held in the Methodist church
in Greenville, on Wednesday
Nov. 28th, at o'clock.
All the stewards, trustees,
Sunday school superintendents,
and others interested in the cir
are urged to be present.
Matters of importance will come
up before the conference.
G- F- Smith,
Mr. B.
Monster Aggregation of Bargains Offered During the
Month of November.
Bargains in
Dress Goods.
Cotton Flannel.
Red Flannel.
White Flannel.
Oil Cloth.
. a Rugs. Lace Curtains.
Table Covers.
and Cuffs
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Furnishing Goods,
Which must go as I am determined to reduce my stock by Christmas.
My Stock is Matchless in Quality, in Variety, in New-
in Cheapness.
C. T
nil m
rip, with pain In my and Different
felled to benefit ma. The
my stomach. I
continued and I am now permanently
All pain has left me. my appetite Is rood,
sleep sound and and I am
ind welt I enjoyed better health. B. F.
White Bluff, Tennessee.
jitter. PHI- Ma,
A Conversation Between a Newly
Married Couple.
Ho-Well I think we are
She-You are always
about fixed but never get there-
bet I have got there this
tell how I
He- have engaged the house
bought the Furniture so we
can move next week, how do you
like that I
do you expect to
pay for the Furniture I am not
going to have any of your com-
stuff and you can't buy any-
thing you told me we would
have to live close as you were
getting a small salary.
a little, Sallie dear,
and I will try to explain. You
know that fine Oak Suit you
admired so much at the Furniture
She- Yes I know what a beauty
it is but you can't buy that, you
said you had no money but your
He-You are right, but I have
bought it, come go around to the
house and look at it-
right, I believe I will
do you think of it
She-Oh, Jimmie, it is just too
lovely for anything, how in the
world did you manage to get
there I
will show you, here is the
contract with the Furniture
Store and it calls for an
Oak Suit one Washstand
set 4.50, tin set 1-25, one oak
extension dining table one set
knives forks one set
spoons 1-00, one pair
Castor one set dishes
plates, cups and 5.80
making a total of 145-00 I paid
them ten dollars cash and
have to pay five dollars per month
which you see will only take me
seven months to pay the whole
bill that is the way I got there.
She-Oh, Jimmie, come here
let me kiss you, you sweet thing.
I am going to try and help yon
pay for these beautiful things,
bat men like you forgot to get
any towels yon men always forget
He-That is so. I will go right
down to the Furniture
saw some there
inches wide and inches long
at cents a pair- If there is any
thing else yon want let ma know
and I will get it there as they
keep very thing needed about the
house and sell as cheap as any
in town, in fact I believe a
little cheaper if yon look at tho
quality of their goods, so kiss roe
honey and I will go after the.
parlor Sb.
ft Bedroom
Don't overlook the fact that we can can furnish them at prices to suit
every one. Chairs, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Lounges, Mattresses,
sold single or in sets.
Besides our line of Furniture we are also prepared to give you
Unapproachable Bargains
In this line we have more goods than can be mentioned. If you want
to take advantage of our many bargains drop in
The Furniture Racket Store

Wholesale and Retail
Offer to the retail choice line of
Family Groceries,
at three
To tin wholesale trade I am prepared to
give jobber on
Vinegar, Mat. hen. Star Lye,
Lye, Baking
Wrapping Pager and Twine, c.
Cur Flour, best brands, just received
Car load Bagging and Tie at bottom
Big lot of SHOES to fit everybody.
Call on me want good at
Ac lowest figure.
Tor Greenville
Salem on the Sunday at eleven
o'clock and Jones Chapel
Shady Grove on second Sunday
eleven o'clock and
House at o'clock.
on third Sunday at eleven
o'clock and Tripp's at three
o'clock. , .
Bethlehem on the fourth Sunday at
eleven o'clock, and School
House at three o'clock.
Everybody invited to attend.
O. Proprietor
I want
You Want Goods.
Then call at my store and we both can
get want supplied.
I am prepared to tarnish anything you
want from a to stock of
Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions,
Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Tinware, Crockery, Staple and
Fancy Groceries,
HOCK LIME in any quantity,
Car load and TIES.
You will my good all reliable
and prices low.
We will fill them QUICK
will fill them CHEAP
We will fill them WELL
Heart Framing, -00
Bough Sap Framing, ;
Bough Sap Board, under inches
Rough Sap Hoard, A Incline,
Walt days for our and
we will you Lumber
Wood delivered to your door for
cut load.
Term cash.
Thanking yon peat patronage,
-J. o.-
Call your
Ir splendid
attention to
Fall k Winter Goods.
a of
And an f
Everything you need wear.
Everything you to eat
Everything you need about Hie house.
about the kitchen.
Everything you need the farm.
At price ii-1 a low as he had
paid fr Cotton and all
Country Produce.
Returning thanks for favors, a con-
patronage i solicited.
J. O.
their year's supplies will
their interest to get our prices before
elsewhere. is complete
all Its branches.
we buy direct from Manufacturers. ;
you to buy at one A
plate of
always on hand and acid at prices to suit
the tunes. Our goods are all bought and
old tor CASH therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close margin
Manufacturer of
plow, Stove and Brass
castings, andirons,
And dealer In
Pumps, Pipe,
Prompt and careful
M, C.
J. C. 41.11
Baptist Service.
Below are the regular appointments
Rev. H. pa-tor of the
Baptist church
At and fourth Sun-
days in each month, morning and night,
and every Thursday night-
At Sunday in each
month, morning and night.
At Person
Sunday in each month and Saturday be-
Episcopal Service.
Below are the regular appointments
of Kev. A. Hector
and third Sundays m
each month, morning and evening.
Sunday In each
month, morning and evening.
vices all other Sunday
St. Johns, Ban-
day in each month, morning and evening
Holy Innocents, Lenoir
fifth Sunday morning.
first Sabbath morning and
night, alternating between J. N.
H. and J. W. limes.
Every third morning and
night, J. W-
Sunday School every Sabbath morn-
at o'clock, D. Evans
Messrs. R. H. Hayes, P. H-
Gorman and J. W. Wiggins re-
turned Monday from the Rocky
Mount fair. They report a good
Mr. Henry P. is back
again from his visit to
He reports a fine he is now
settled down strictly for business
and will make your wrappers
hustle when you bring them to
TriS AM E M M .
Will the highest prices, either
in small or large, lots. We also have
-ale Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls.
Remark the use of an enemy i
The having one is a proof
that you are somebody.
empty, worthless people
never have enemies. Men who
never move, never run against
anything, and when a man is
thoroughly dead and utterly bur-
nothing ever runs
him. To be run against is a
proof of existence and position ;
to run something is a
; proof of motion.
Mr. Ola Forbes one of the An ,
ring proprietors of the He
, . . flatter. He will not
warehouse spent several days e
i i v. ;.; your virtues. It is very prob-
last week on the markets. ., . . . ,. . .
T ., ,, j. able that ho will slightly magnify
Like all others who have been
. , your faults. The benefit of that
says Greenville still leads
high prices.
For site by
K. C
The took live the
eat awards at tin- fair and
holds World's Record. The
pion rider of the Sooth ride the
bier, make at reduced price.
9125.00. all strictly highest
grade. We make
Sell Tots,
do all of Tin work, Roofing.
Real Estate
Rental Agent.
Houses and lots for Rent or for Sale
terms easy. Rents, Taxes.
and en account and any other
of debt placed in my hands for
have prompt attention,
guaranteed. I solicit your
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-
Sous is Opposite u, S. Patent Office;
nil All lira m lime
. ,
J Send or photo.,
We advise, it or not,
fee due till patent is ,
I A Pamphlet.
U. S. and
at free. Ad In a,
. r. C.
K. C.
The next Session of this School will
on the day of
and continue weeks.
Primary English
Intermediate English
Higher English
The Instruction will continue through.
mild out firm. If necessary
an additional teacher will he employed.
guaranteed when pupils
enter early and attend regularly. For
further apply to
W. II.
Aux- C, 1891.
In Effect December 4th. 1893.
Ex Sun.
P. M.
P M.
P. M
P. M.
Pass. Dally
Ex Sun,
A. M
A. M.
A. M.
A. M
Train connects with Wilmington ft
train bound North, leaving
Goldsboro a. m., and with
train West, leaving Goldsboro p. m
Train connects with Richmond
Danville train, arriving at
p. m., and with W. ft. W. train
from the North at p. m.
Mr. B. W. Bailey, formerly
auctioneer of the is now
with the Eastern. Mr. W- L-
Lipscombe is taking a few weeks
oft in the country, ho will be on
hand occasionally to make things
There seems to be an idea
abroad that our friends on the
north side of the river cannot
grow on account of their
lands not being adapted to the
growth of the weed. have
ways thought that such an idea
generally speaking was not a
one, and to bear out our
opinion, Mr. R. E- Brown, a
young planter who lives ten
miles north of Greenville planted
four acres this year, on last Mon-
day ho had the last of his crop
on sale at the Eastern. As the
bookkeeper handed bin his bill
and drew for one hundred and
forty eight dollars, he remarked
this makes exactly six
dollars worth I have sold
this year off of my four in
How many will surpass these
on what has the
reputation of being the beat to-
lands in the county for
this year It is true that on the
sandy lands lying adjacent to the
river, we doubt the growth of the
weed being successful, only an
exceedingly good crop year. But
there is a great deal of good to-
laud on the north side of
the river that with proper
ration and cultivation. Ample
facilities for caring for it after it
is housed. Handle it nicely and
when you get ready to sell follow
the crowd and drive into the
Eastern warehouse, and we con-
believe that our friends
the will agree with
us that tobacco is a profitable
crop properly handled, and
that some of lands are as
well adapted to its growth as any
in the
to 7-00
to 10.00
Cutters. to
to 7.00
Best. to 15-00
is twofold; it permits you to
know that you have faults, and it
makes them of such size to be
visible and manageable. Of
course, if you have a fault you
desire to know it; when you be-
come aware that you a fault
you desire to it. Your
does for you this valuable
work which your friend cannot
3- In addition, your enemy
keeps you wide awake- He does
not lot you sleep at your post.
There are two that always keep
namely, the lover and the
hater. Your lover that
you sleep. He takes off noises,
adjusts surroundings that
may disturb you. hater
that you may not sleep.
He stirs you up when yon are
napping- He keeps your
ties on the alert. Even when he
does nothing, he will hare put
you in such a state of that
you cannot tell what he will do
next, and the mental rive
must be worth something.
i. He is a detective
your friends. You need to know
who your friends are, and who
are not, and who are your
mies. The last of these three will
the other two.
When your enemy goes to one
who is neither friend nor enemy
assails you, the indifferent
one will have nothing to say or
chime in, not because he is your
enemy, but because it is so much
easier to assent than to Oppose,
and especially than to refute.
But your friend will take up a
cudgel for you on the instant.
Ho will deny everything and in-
on proof, and proving is
hard work-. There is scarcely a
truthful man in the world that
could afford to to
prove one-tenth of his truthful as-
Your friend will call
your enemy to the proof, and if
the indifferent person, through
carelessness, repeats the
of enemy, he is soon
made to the inconvenience
thereof by the zeal your friend
manifests- Follow your enemy
round and you will find your
friends, for he will have develop-
ed them so that they cannot be
The Professor and Hi Chicken.
This not be new, but it
was new to the reporter who
overheard it an East
car Sunday, so it is likely
that there are others who have
never heard it The young man
who told it was evidently a, col
as was his companion i
heard a good one on Pro-
of he said.
was it queried the
you know he was mar
during the winter and wont
to housekeeping just outside the
village. This spring he thought
he would add a few hens to his
stock; he already had a dog. He
set a couple of the hons and iii
time had two large broods
chickens. He was very proud of
them, but in a week or so the
began to die- Ho call-
ed in a neighbor to look at his
chickens and offer advice. They
were certainly a pretty lot
of chickens the neighbor viewed
They were skinny-looking and
apparently without ambition.
do feed them
asked the neighbor, after brief
responded the
professor as though he didn't
hear aright. I don't feed
them anything. I thought the
old hens had milk enough for
. 8.00 to 12.00
to 25.00
to 66-00
Czar Reed.
The next House of
will not assemble until the
first Monday in December,
but already speculation is rife as
to who will be its Speaker, or
rather, though there is much talk
on the subject, the almost
opinion is that Czar Reed will
be Mr- successor in that
high style it the sec-
in the government- Reed is
; but he is not over
We would never expect
him to do as Mr. did when
he honestly enforced the rules of
the House of Representatives
against his own party in the
memorable contest the
Democrats, led by Mr. Randall,
and the Republican majority.
But for that force bill
would have become the law
of the land. Mr. Reed would
have taken the side of bis party,
right or wrong. With such a
leader as Reed and a two-thirds
majority the next House of
Representatives, the Republicans
will hold high carnival at the cap-
There are millionaires in
Women are two inches taller
than they were thirty years ago.
In Peru the cotton plant grows
to be a tree and bears from
five to fifty years.
Jas. Blackmail, 16-year old sou
of Henry Blackman, of Croft's,
county, was killed
in Germany.
It is impossible for a German
jury to be hung as is so often the
with similar bodies in this
county. Under our plan one
perverse man can nullify
the efforts of eleven intelligent
upright citizens if he wishes
to do so. In William's domain,
however, such a thing is
Take, for instance, a
case in a German Court.
If, alter consultation, the jury
stands six to six for and against
the prisoner he is acquitted- If
seven jurymen believe guilty
and five are equally sure of his
his fate is decided by
the Judge who has presided over
the case. If, eight of
the jury decided that the accused
is it amounts to a
It a simple and fair
of the jury problem, and
something of the same sort is
needed in the United States-
A Jack-Leg Carpenter.
A lawyer was cross questioning
a witness in one of the
justice courts the other day,
was getting along fairly well,
he asked the witness what his
occupation was.
me a jack leg car-
is a jack-leg
is a carpenter who is not
first class carpenter,
explain fully what you
understand a jack-leg carpenter
to insisted the
I declare I dunno how
to any to say him
am j de same difference
you and a first class
The was one of the old.
fashioned kind, did not mean
to be insolent or impudent, but
had just decided in his own mind
that the lawyer asking the
was not a first-class lawyer.
It is needless to say the
ceased at
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few-
years was supposed to be Incurable,
for a great many years doctors pro-
it a local disease, and
ed local remedies, and by constantly
failing to cure with local treatment,
pronounced it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires
treatment. Hall's Catarrh
manufactured by F. J. ft o.,
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional
cure on the market. It is taken inter-
in doses from drops to a tea-
spoonful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
They oiler one hundred dollars for any
ease it falls to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials. Address.
F. X. ft Co.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by
It takes a rich man to draw a
chock, a pretty girl to draw
a to draw a cart, a
porous plaster to draw the skin,
a toper to draw a cork, a free
lunch to draw a crowd, and an
advertisement in a newspaper to
draw Valley
What Free Coinage Mean.
A Pop. was telling a Democrat
the other day of the blessings of
free coinage at to 1- The
asked him what he
meant by to Why, it means
that government should give
every man for every member
of his family and as he had four
in his family he expected as
soon as the Pops came in. At
this rate the editor of the Enter
prise will draw We want
our share immediately, if not
sooner. Newton Enterprise.
, , --.- yon cost you at John
by a bale f cotton falling on him- L. Drugstore.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. New
Discovery know Its value, and those
who have not, have now
to try It Free. Call on the advertised
Dr and get a Trial Bottle, Free.
Send your name and address to II. E.
ft Co. Chicago, and get a
sample box of Dr. New Life,
Pills Free, a well as a copy of Guide
to Health and Household Instructor.
All of which is guaranteed to do
The Elkhart, Md. Knitting
Mills, employing one hundred
men, was totally demolished by
burrowing muskrats undermining
building. The extensive ma-
and thousands of pairs of
hosiery were hurled into the St.
Joseph river by the caving in of
the earth. Only a portion of the
building remains. The loss is
estimated at
Thirty-eight thousand bales of
cotton were destroyed by fire by
the burning of the Texas Pacific
Railroad wharf, opposite New
Pure blood Is absolutely necessary in
to enjoy perfect health. Hood's
purifies the blood -and
strengthen the system.
A polish woman, a rag picker
in the town of Plover, Wis.,
struck a streak of luck the other
day when she went down into the
pockets of an old rest and fished
out a wad of bills amounting to
She will buy a patch of
land and retire from the rag
The Salve in the world for Cuts
liaises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Fever Sores, Chapped Hand,
Chilblains, Corns, and all
and cure or no
required. It guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded
rice cents par box. For sale by
John L, Woolen,
buying your new bicycle look
the I ever carefully. The
of Victor war never so fully
demonstrated as at present. Our line
will bear the most rigid scrutiny, and we
challenge comparison.
There's but one
COMPANY contemplates making a
change in their firm and they request
all persons indebted to them by note
or otherwise to settle at once as the
present business will be changed.
We have a large lot of good
a pair. ALSO a
large lot of good BUGGIES in pro-
October 23rd, 1894.
Does This
Hit You
The management of the
Equitable Life Assurance
Society in the Department of
the Carolina, wishes to
cure a few Special Resident
Agents. Those who are fitted
for this work will find this
IA Rare Opportunity
It those
who succeed lest in it possess
character, mature
tact, perseverance, and the
respect of their community.
Think this matter over care-
fully. There's an unusual
opening for somebody. If it
fits you, it will pay you. Fur-
information on request.
W. J. Manager,
Rock Hill, S. C.
Sic fur
Tarboro touching; at all land
on Tar Monday, Wednesday
A. M.
leave Tarboro at A. M.
Thursdays and Saturday
in name
There departure are to
f Tar
Lilt ii Fire In Apt
All kinds Kinks placed in strictly
At current rates.
Notice to Creditors.
Comic, ting with
of Tin, Norfolk, Newborn and Wash-
direct line for Norfolk. Baltimore
Philadelphia. Ni-W York and
Shippers order
marked via Dominion
York. from
more Steamboat from
son- Agent,
Washington N.
A -in.
N. C.
W a ilia
I have Strawberry Plant.
Cabbage Plants, ready Nov-
15.00 Hyacinths, Tulips,
The price of the James Grape Vine
has been reduced one half. I have a
tine lot of fruit and ornamental trees of
all kinds. Send for prices
low. Allen
Greenville, N. C.
Geo. A. Spencer, Mgr.
attention to Commercial Men.
Free Urns.
HAVING duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county
Administrator of the estate of J. B. Ty-
son, deceased, notice is hereby Riven to
all persons Indebted to the estate to
make Immediate payment to the under-
and ail persons having claims
against said estate must present the
same for payment on or before the first
day of October, 1896, or ibis notice will
be plead bar of recovery,
This 1st day of Oct. 180-1.
of J. B. Tyson.
Sale of Piney Grove Farm.
BY VIRTUE of the decree rendered
at the Term, of the
Superior Court of Pitt county, on Mon-
day the 3rd day of December next, I
will sell at public auction on the
the well-known farm of
Grove. The said tract of being fully
described In a mortgage from the late
James It. to John re-
corded in county, in Book
page and for a more particular
I reference is had thereto. The
, same will be sold in parcels to suit.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Just Received Cars Rock Lime
Cases Sardines,
Star Lye.
Cake and Crackers,
Stick Candy.
Cases Matches,
Gold Dust,
Good Luck Baking Powder.
Tons Shot,
Kegs Powder.
Cars Flour,
Tubs Lard,
Granulated Sugar.
Gail Ax Snuff,
U. K. Mill Snug.
Three Thistle Snuff,
Boxes Tobacco,
Duke V. M. P. Cigarettes.
Old Va.
Cases Oyster,
v. . V ,
if THE
3.5 Sous.
can by W. L.
Because, we are the largest manufacturer of
in the world, and
the value by the name price on
the bottom.
prices and the middleman
cu K lie and
N. C
YEARS EXPERIENCE has taught me best Is the
Hemp Rope, Building- Pumps, Farming Implement, and
necessary for Millers, and general purpose, as well as
Clothing, Hats. Shoes. Ladies Dress Good I have on hand. Am bead-
quarter for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing agent for Clark's O. N. T. Spool
Cotton, and keep courteous and attentive
Commission Merchants
Under Opera II ,
Call in when you want work.
Tor the Core o all
This Preparation has been In use
fifty years, and wherever know
been in steady demand. t been en
by the leading physicians all
and has effected cures where
all other remedies, with the attention
the most experienced physicians, have
for year failed. This Ointment is
loop standing and the high
which it obtained Is owing entirely
its own as but little effort ha
ever been made to bring it before
public. One bottle of this Ointment will
be to any address on receipt of OM
Dollar. All Cash Older p at-
tended to. Address nil orders
communication to
N, U

Eastern reflector, 21 November 1894
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 21, 1894
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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