Eastern reflector, 11 January 1893

Your Announcement
PUT it in
This Office for Job Printing
For the Reflector.
I've knelt beside that little bed,
As oft this simple prayer I've said
keep me free from
Then mother snugly tucked me in.
Then bathing in the smile she wore,
I roamed the happy dreamland o'er;
As gently closed my careless eye,
By mother's soft sweet
and twenty years then,
And dangerous chasms intervene.
Ten hopes have swarmed and
And left their empty hives instead.
And time has drag, then swiftly sped.
But still I love that little bed.
A wretched exile, old too soon,
only friend is yon pale moon,
once her mellow light did shed
To me on that little bed-
My thoughts run back with deep re-
To all my plaything-toys and pets,
tills the wretched whole
Like love's miasma o'er the soul.
tilled with longings and desire,
AH the passions flesh may heir,
I call on who hath said,
us this day our d lily
And then I want to lay my head,
Once more on mother's little bed.
Things Mentioned in our State Ex.
changes that are of General Interest
The Cream of the News.
oldest inhabitant.
Mrs. Louisa T. Crawford, died last
week. She was years of age.
The Carolina is sunk at
The was due,
the New Bertie Journal is
ed, to a leak caused by her
against sheets of ice during
The Easter
D. J. Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
Man Who
the it-cent severe weather.
The three
year old child of William
son, a colored man living near
town, fell into the fire on Saturday
December 24th, and was so badly
burned that it died soon after-
The Grand Secretary of
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of
the State, says then are now
lodges, with members. This
is a gain of lodges and
members during the year just
New On De-
at the residence of
the bride's father R. H- Line, by
the Rev. Collin Hughes, Mr.
Josephus Peed, aged seventy
years, was married to Miss Sallie
Lane, aged seventeen years-
Lenoir Mr. Elijah
Chambers, aged years, died at
Junction city, Kansas, on the 17th
of December. Mr. Chambers was
a former citizen of Caldwell.
Mr. T. M. Hawkins, of Buffalo,
killed a Poland China hog that
weighed pounds.
Kinston Free On Mon-
day night about feet of
lumber piled
Identity of the Man Who Fired
It Seems to lie Established.
Gen. Beauregard recently made
public u statement which seems to
settle the identity of the man who
fired the shot that began the late
war. The General says that last
April ho noticed a short article,
dated April 1892. in which it
was stated that Major W. M.
Gibbs, of South Carolina, claimed
to have fired the first gun against
Fort Sumter, on April 1801.
The General
As Major statement did
not agree with my recollection of
the event, I enclosed the article to
Col. A. Chisholm, of Now York,
who was one of the aides. I sent
to Major Robert Anderson, com-
the fort, to demand its
surrender, asking him, CoL Chis-
for his recollection of the
received only lately
his answer, which I submitted at
once to Gen. S. D. Lee, who was
also one of my aides on that
and happens to be now in
New Orleans. He confirms the
statement of Col. Chisholm,
which agrees with what he had
written on the subject, first on
Oct. 1882, and then on April
1892, to Col. Farrow, of
South Carolina.
As my remembrance of the
report of those affairs of my
staff agrees fully with their pres-
statement, I publish the com-
from Colonel Chis-
which is approved, as I have
by General Lee, and ought
to settle the question of who fired
the first gun, signal shell, on Fort
Sumter on the 12th of April, 1801.
According to Mr. Chisholm the
order to fire the signal shell was
to Captain George S.
on the rail-
road two miles below Core Creek
was by fire, which also
burned two flat cars standing or
the side track- Cause of tire not
known. The lumber was insured.
Wilmington Mason White,
colored, of the Hamlet
Compress Company, was run over
by a train on the Carolina Central
railroad last Monday night and
instantly killed. He was
and as the train was leaving
Buckingham, going west, climbed
tip on a boxcar and fell off
tween the cars, a wheel passing
Over his body and head
The New Journal men-
that Carteret county has at
compromised its indebtedness
r , ,, A-
incurred in the
ft N- C R- Ron which interest
Bad accumulated ion
years. The powers of the
were exhausted in futile efforts
to make the county pay the debt-
The compromise is on the basis of
cents on the dollar.
Headlight The cot-
ton factory began operation on
full time Tuesday, which is gladly
welcomed by the
We regret to learn that Mr. Wm.
Harris, of Wilson, was forced to
make an assignment last week by
reason of several accommodation
notes given the late firm of H. A.
Co., of Raleigh. Lia-
with estimated assets
Charlotte Mr. Mar
tin dropped dead
morning while sawing wood
in Mr- J. F. Orr's backyard. About
o'clock a carpenter at work on
Hie house saw Mr. lying
on the ground near the wood
but thought he had just laid down
to rest a little- About
the house girl went to the wood
and on speaking to Mr. Mun-
and getting no response,
found that he was dead.
Tuesday night of last week a
masked mob of men entered
the jail at Bakersville, N- and
took Calvin Snipes who had
Isaac a prominent
of Mitchell county, to a
dense forest about half a
away and lynched him. Seven of
the sheriffs posse were killed in
their efforts to defend the prisoner.
About twenty five of the mob were
killed and among the dead and
wounded some of the most
Ben of the county.
James who offered the honor of
firing the shot to General Roger
A. Pryor, who declined. Said
James, seeing General
said to Pryor,
I have always been a groat ad-
of yours, and now
the honor of firing the shot at
Pryor felt flattered,
but with many thanks declined the
offer. I asked him why ha did not
accent it. His reply was it
would not do for him to that
shot, as his State hid not yet
English Enough
He himself on Doing an
extremely polished young man
and, at he raised his hat politely
to the elderly woman who was
about to alight from carriage,
me to assist you,
you, she re-
He felt somewhat flattered, but
am not a Frenchman, mad-
I am not a French
woman, she returned.
you address me as
you address me as mad-
she replied,
H should he
English word Is quite as
respectful. I can see no reason for
using tho French in this country,
He bowed again and
think you are right,
I never looked at it in that light
Free Press.
of the and
On the frost and early
When the blooms faded.
The beautiful
All through the time.
All through the heat.
All through the glory
They hide blossoms
when earth to lonely.
And the bitter north winds blow.
With a smile of for tho old yea
The Christmas blossoms blow.
as a dream of
White as drifting snow.
When oar heart are tilled with
The Christ blow.
Not all
they and
Guarding their life
But when the is dreary.
And the heavy low.
With the
Tho Christmas blossoms blow.
Sweetest of nil
Fairest of that grow;
have faded,
Tho i Christ blow.
Bright in window.
Sweet in the darkened
Fair In shortened
the dusky gloom.
Oh. when our hearts are lonely.
And the clouds of care hang
blessed cheer for the dying year.
The Christmas blossoms blow.
windings some now lop-
over smooth-rounded buttes,
where tho wind had blown away
the snow, exposing the wide,
rough, deep-rutted trail he was
following. Here a stream was
crossed, the thin coating of ice on
tho cracking and breaking
under the horse's hoofs; then
scrambling up tho bank on
the side, on they sped
over some smooth plateau. Far
a hawk circled; occasion-
ally a jack-rabbit would scurry
like a flash, scattering the
light snow in little
puffs under its flying feet. Good
Blossoms at Weddings.
A charming Spanish legend
holds sentimental Spain
tor the pretty custom of wear-
orange blossoms at weddings.
of the Spanish so
reads the an imported
orange tree of which he was very
proud, and of which the French
was extremely anxious
to obtain a slip. The gardener's
daughter was
a in order to marry her
lover, she obtained a cutting of
he orange, tree and sold it to the
ambassador for a high price. At
her wedding she wore a wreath of
orange blossoms in her hair in rec-
of the plant to which she
Owed her
was a pretty maiden with
In eye.
X gift tor
She started out to buy.
With dread uncertainty cf mind
She went from shop to shop,
worn and salesmen there
She kept tho
is a smoking set that's
One eager cried
use tobacco.
scornfully replied.
dainty Brandy flask
with sliver
Her face took on a haughty
no, he
novel boX for
A poker sat, you
never pi log cards.
He's often told me
lA pair of opera glasses, then
f Be never goes to theaters.
Ha doesn't think It
Then loudly did that cry
As she the door
harp and crown department, mm,
tho upper
i High-class stationery in decor-
Us Ask
Experiment that Makes
Mr. W. H. chief
and electrician to the Post
Office, has put up a wire a mile
long on the coast near
and shorter wire on a
little island three miles off in the
Bristol Channel. He fitted tho
latter wire with a to re-
messages, and sent a mes-
sage through the former from a
powerful telephonic generator.
hat message on the mainland
distinctly heard on the island,
cavalry soldier though he was, the though nothing connected the
corporal would haft once every
hour or so to shift the heavy sad-
and to let bis com
pan ion for a on
the tops of such bunches of with-
brown grass, us came
his reach, final to hors again,
away for another on
two, or, in other words, the
of a telephone between places
wan i
established. There is a ;
possibility here of inter-planetary
communication, a good more
worthy attention than any scheme
for making gigantic electric
To all whom It nay concern A
.-; am the or ankles if not an
u. common occurrence. It Is well to
know that a few applications of
Oil well rubbed in will invariably
produce the desired entire
cure. cents.
hard growled the
Corporal, as he settled back
in tho on his horse's
back, and clinched it tight by
the dim light of the lantern
held by tho sergeant of the
stable guard. all in. tho
whole when mo and
Mary had laid all our plans
tho kid's Christmas. God bless
him A soldier ain't got no call
to get married, anyhow. So,
whoa, pot you'll have work
enough before night, for tho old
man says we'll have to catch L
Troop by the time tho boys go
into camp. Jim, you go off guard
this morning. Won't you stop at
the shack when you're in town.
and tell Mary and the kid
have to cat Christmas pie by
themselves And bully mince
pies are them of Mary's, too. Eat
some for me, Jim, and cheer the
old girl up a bit. Well, so
The trumpets were sounding
merrily, tho quick martial
reveille gave glad greeting to the
dawn of Christmas Day, as the
Corporal rode out from the post.
The soldier turned in tho saddle
for a moment, looking hack be-
the buildings of tho
towards tho mass of houses
of tho little frontier lying in
the valley him, tho
smoke of early fires, misty
against the morning sky, rose
straight up in tho air. There,
in a little Louse on the edge of the
settlement, war, the Corporal's hum-
homo. There Mary and his
one little child were already
looking forward to tho coming of
husband and father and tho Christ-
mas feast, so much talked about
and for which such grand
had been made. Only
or two ago tho package of
from the east arrived, and the
Corporal and his wife, as they
packed the parcel and exposed
treasures it contained to admiring
in joyful an-
of the delight of the lit-
at the wonderful tilings
Santa Clans brings to all good lit-
boys at the merry
And now, without warning, the
hard exigencies of his service had
called the soldier A
man and was fop
instant duty, and the Corporal
had been aroused from his cot in
barracks and ordered ride hard
with for the command-
officer of a detachment which
bad left the post on a scout a
day or so Everything had
so quiet for months past that
no one dreamed of a summons to
take tho field, and even it was
only tho a
dozen restless, bucks from
tho reservation some miles distant
that had caused troops to be sent
out to head them off and prevent
With a sigh of disappointment
and regret, a of
his hand the town, the
cavalryman his horse
lightly with his spurred boot-heel,
and in an easy canter started down
the slope pp king dreary
The winter so far had been
very mild in this far southwestern
region. A light powdering of
snow whitened the wide plains
stretching away before the
to tho distant rolling hills,
dotted here and there.
masses of rook, and to
dark mountain ranges border-
tho Up came the
sun, glowing rosy red, casting
long blue bit
of bunch-grass, twig
that protruded above the smooth,
snowy surface and gilding the.
crests of the mounds with a
of golden Was a grand;
morning for a ride, and as they
moved onward, horse and man
quickened with renewed m
bracing atmosphere. Though
bitter the Corporal's disappoint-
long habits of passive
to the orders of super-
had made somewhat of a
of him, and, as mile after
mile of the journey was laid be-
hind them, his spirits rose, and
pictured to himself the joy of the
meeting when, bis task
shod, ho would once mow b
with his loved ones.
On be rode, now f the
the road. Hour after hour passed; ; flashes. We do not know if we
can communicate by telephone
through the ether to New York or
Melbourne, with or without cables,
but we do know that, if we can-
not, the fault is in our generators
and sounders, and not in any
prohibitory natural law.
Will our habitual readers bear
with us for a moment as we wan- j
into another, and, as many of i
them will think, a supra-sensual
region The thought in a man's ;
brain which causes him to advance
his foot, must move something in j
doing it, or how could it be trans-
nutted down that or six feet ;
distance If it moves a
cal something, internal to the j
body, why should it not also move
something external, a wave, as we
all agree to call it, which on an-
other mind prepared to receive it
fitted with a sounder, in
make an impact having all the
in the conveyance of
a gray mist gathered . over the
sky, shutting in tho Wild
and desolate, scarred and seamed
by gully and canon, and strewn
with rock the foot-
hills now rose on every and
the trail grew more and more
distinct, here entirely lost antler
the snow, then showing for a short
distance on some steep hillside.
Intent only on
his mission tho Corporal
gallantly until, his
already half-made, ho pulled
up by a little post, and made
hasty preparations for the noonday
meal. Secured by the long picket
rope, with loosened girth, and
bit slipped from his month,
his horse was soon crunching tho
grain spread before him from tho
canvas while a few
twigs gathered near at hand fur-
a small fire to the
from the Corporal's canteen.
for their presence no sign of
tho solitude of the wilder-
and thought of
disturbed the brave fellow's mind,
as. sitting there by tho fire, ho
looked long and lovingly at the
or even of facts, of the
of words Why, in fact, if
one wire can talk to another with-
out connection, save through
ether, should not mind talk to
mind without at all
portrait of child, which he None of us understand accurately.
brought forth from the
pocket of his great coat.
Is there to give him
warning Rouse, Corporal,
Look about, you man Danger is
near, horribly near Danger in
those dark forms lying motionless
as the black rocks about them, in
the glitter of the savage eyes that
have been watching the approach
of tho hated white man for an
kid, this ain't exactly
kind of a dinner we
was to have, is it, you
little rascal Anyway, I'm going
to have a reminder of you, and
your picture is to sit on them there
stones while your daddy eats his
dinner. Lord, Lord but i did
want to see that youngster when
he found what Santa
brought And something
blurs tho Corporal's
or even as yet what
the conditions arc; but many of us
know for certain that have
occasionally, and by what we call
accident, been present to
individuals, and that, when
present, the communication is
completed without cables, and
mind speaks to mind independent-
of any machinery not exiting
within itself.
Why, in tho name of science, is
that more of a is,
an occurrence prohibited by
table law, than tho transmission of
Mr. message from
The first American paper money
was made in 1740.,
Calico printing was first
by the Dutch in It
in England in 1771.
Wooden railroads were built in
England in iron rails were
first in the first
railroad was laid in America in
In 1759 the legislature of
pissed stamp ace in
newspapers, wore included.
The printers remonstrated and
asked for a repeal of tho clause
which applied to newspapers,
pie ling that they were vehicles of
Wood engraving was introduced
into the United States by Dr. Alex-
Anderson in The de-
for wood engraving was not
extensive until a comparatively
late period, and in 1830 the whole
number of professional engravers
on wood in the United States did
not probably exceed
Yellow fever was prevalent to a
considerable extent in Boston in
It was carried there by a
fleet and army from tho West In-
dies, which had been ordered to
Boston to co-operate in an attack
upon Canada. In this fever
swept off many of the inhabitants
Of Philadelphia. It was carried
there from the West Indies, where
it had been prevailing extensively
for some time.
Washington died on the 13th
December, 1799. Intelligence of
his death reached President
Adams at Philadelphia, by a
special courier on the morning of
December Congress was in
session, John Marshall an-
the event the- same day,
and that body immediately ad-
Tho funeral took place
on Wednesday, December
according to the ritual of tho
Yucatan was discovered by
Francis Hernandez who,
with three and men,
sailed from Havana on February
1517. They first saw land at
Cape the eastern point of
Yucatan, an Aztec name for tho
great peninsula. Ho landed at
several places but was driven off
by the naked barbarians, who used
bows and arrows skilfully.
was mortally
wounded by some natives north of
Cam who killed forty-
Seven of tho Spanish intruders,
only one man escaping. On iris
return from Yucatan
vessel touched the coast of Florida.
The Pocket
years ago pocket
chiefs were not considered a
part of a soldier's kit, says
the Leeds
Permission to carry these useful
he chokes as be swallows his hard- will now probably be given,
tack. i for I see the War Office
Corporal, rouse ties have sanctioned a military
about you man The dark forms handkerchief being patented by
by the rocks are moving,; Lieut-Col. Fulton,
gliding, like snakes, nearer , On this handkerchief is printed
nearer, but not a sound breaks all sorts of useful information
the silence of winter brooding over concerning the use and
the land, a silence as if of death. of the rifle the
And Mary, too ain't alphabet used by army signalers,
to have that brooch till I general to observed in
any position m a soldier
may find himself on campaign, j
the various bugle calls and other
things, many of are so
nicely illustrated that it would j
a thousand pities to use it in the
Hilt the Sam Tiling.
Mrs. the
I am surprised to see you look-
so thin, Mr. My son
George spoke of you the other day
as feeling quite rugged.
Why, no, Don't you
recollect What George said was
that Mr. told him ho was
feeling pretty rock-. Chicago
Daily Tribune.
The Why.
that bird,
back again. It's a dandy, and
wouldn't miss seeing the old girl
wearing it for tho first time for a.
colonel's commission, don't
you forget wish
l with them now. Darned if , , ,
that picture, don't look as if the manner naturally prompted by a
dear little was smiling at me cutting
Are you thinking of your daddy,
old fellow Well, here's to you,
Mary hero's to kid God Vice-President-elect Stevenson
bless I will not give up his residence in
Corporal Corporal for tho sake Bloomington, Mrs, Steven-
of all that life holds dear to you I son and her three daughters are
Up, man, up . . . The sharp. great favorites in Bloomington
vicious crack a rifle, light- j society. Miss Letitia Stevenson,
of wild, ox- i the youngest of the trio, is a
veil of savage triumph, dent at Seminary at
silence of winter brood-
Vice-President Daughter.
over the land. Poor Mary
Poor Fairchild
in Weekly.
for pieties.
tho newer, remedies for skin
diseases we have which
of tho most powerful and
safest antiseptics that we. know.
It is valuable in parasitic
diseases, and it allays the
itching about as quick as any
It acts beneficially upon
the head when one is suffering
skin diseases; and it has a
decided to, atop loss
of bah by the scalp
It has a stimulating
upon tho it not
only prevents the loss of hair, but
it has in many eases the
growth. from
typhoid are
devoid of hair, and
the growth most
Too Expensive.
Mrs. Von Mr. Wither-
by, is the principal scene
laid in the play that you are
writing for our amateur company
Godfrey, III. Miss Mary E.
Stevenson, Mr. Stevenson's sec-
daughter, was born in Bloom-
and educated at Mrs. Stella
Dyer, Prairie Avenue
School, Chicago. She has spent a
number of years in Washington,
with her family, hut has not
very in social affairs
in this
A Custom.
In certain London restaurants
each customer is allowed to
his tea- waitress
lights the which is
affixed to each table, and
thereon a silver kettle. Then she
presents to the tea-maker a silver
caddy, divided into
and offering a choice of
or green tea.
tho biases is
the matter with that hen
She has just
laid an egg.
City Scott one
would suppose she had laid the
foundation of a brick block.-lea-
Very hot water is bettor for
bumps and bruises than cold
I play your
Miss asked Maud.
I always accompany my
noticed that you are gen-
about when you are pres-
returned Maud.
my boy, is tho
can; but call it the
Papa had been there many
a account of the size of
its York Ledger.
The Boat of in Two Senses-
know that the
love of money is the root of all
moral it now appears,
from the investigations of two
Parisian doctors, that its posses-
in tho form of bank notes,
may be as dangerous to our
cal well being. These savants have
discovered germs of various
diseases in a single specimen of
paper currency. Modern science
seems determined to increase our
sorrows by increasing our
edge. the perils which environ
us; but not withstanding this
alarming revelation, we shall re-
tho general that the
. M. Carter, Chester, S. C, writes
boy tin bad bail case of
scrofula, The doctor it would kill
him. Rot him to use Botanic
Balm. He took a dozen t
now well. He ha not used any of It for
tour and
a ballroom
leading magnificently at-
tired, enters the drawing-room at
just tho right moment to
cert the villain.
Did you know that your wife has
consented to take part
If that's the ease I shall have to
change it to a bathing scene.
wonder why Jones
wasn't appointed on the jury
was rejected the
ground that he couldn't hear
he is. deaf one
remedy is becoming so well
known and r-o popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Hitter. slug the gong
purer medicine does not exist
and it is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all
diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will
remove Pimples, Boils. Salt and
other affections caused by impure blood
Will drive Malaria tram, the
and prevent as well as cure all Malarial
of Headache,
and try
or money refunded and
per bottle U Wool ens Drug
A year
you know,
A maid tho
And oh she made mo o Ions.
That I get tho I won
the mistletoe.
And now A
The et refrain
Of Christmas bells and carol's
Reminds us that the time is come
When all the world again Is young.
And evergreens on high are hung
Beneath the mistletoe.
Ah, Rose, how sweet
That we should meet
good old Christmas turns our fas
To seek the dearest spot -c know;
For shelter from the blasts and snow
We turn aside the world, and go
Whore the mistletoe.
Your are red,
Ah do you guess what I would beg
No. not a kiss do you
I ought to dare ask for u
Olive In Budget.
The Struggled Hard, Bot
Prosperity Finally Came to Them.
was the wife
of Clarence Clarence
struggled hard to make meet
on the customary salary allowed a
clerk in a store. Mal-
was a good woman and
snared Clarence's struggle, with
true womanly fortitude,
aged, perhaps, by occasional
hopes held out by Clarence that
better times were surely coming
for them.
At the time this story is dated,
early morning,
and Clarence had been mar-
just five months, and was it
that as awoke
her first thought should be a
as to what Clarence had got-
ten her for a present.
Although was not in
the habit of hanging up her stock-
on retiring, this particular
Christmas eve she had, let us say,
inadvertently placed them on tho
back of a chair near bed.
Was it any wonder then, as
awoke her eyes at ones
to that particular chair.
Clarence had always arose in
advance of as all good
husbands should, and Started tho
fire. This morning, however, ho
asked if she would ob-
to performing that duty, as ho
felt unusually tired.
at once discerned his
thoughts. Ho wanted her h find
the present he he had place
hidden. like the dear
she thought, to surprise
So in delight-
expectancy, donned her
in ray she
Clarence is
he has surely tip some
surprise for me.
a string tied to the chair ;
now I know, must follow
So traced the string.
It took her into an adjoining room,
then into the pantry, out. again and
into the kitchen, where it entered
the dumb waiter to the cellar.
what can the darling boy
have planned for mo; just like his
dear, odd
hastened down stairs
to the cellar. All was dark, but
with the light from a candle kept
by the janitor she found way
to tho dumb waiter and again dis-
covered tho string.
excitement and
wonder by this time was at fever
heat. followed the string
and it led her to tho coal bin.
an odd place to hide a
present for ex-
claimed, Clarence is nothing
if not odd, and this is but another
of his
So breathlessly en-
tho dark bin, and be-
fore her eyes, was the of
search. Attached to the end
of the string was a large tin index
hand pointing to a half ton of
tinder the index was a card
upon which the following was writ-
first Christmas
Present, from her husband. Only a
half ton of coal, but it plainly in-
that prosperity is at last
coming our way, to tho
the coal peddler, who has
been robbing us for tho past
And sighed.
A Good Reason.
Mrs. what
fur is it you're in
Mrs. Haven't
ye heard Mike Murphy, who
was me betrothed man tin years
has just died off in California,
if I'd a married him wouldn't I
A this very mo-
Chickens or Bases
will never make
a base ball
Why not, pray f .
You never can convince nun
that the time to make a homo run
isn't when he gets a fowl
a Woman-
Loan wooed tho maiden
An begged her to name tho day.
But a word of encouragement
I never hoard her say;
Then I told her I wasn't worthy of
And took
Fr coM and It no equal.
Mr. A. I. Irvine. Warren
Co., Ta. a
Dr- Bull's Cough and
It highly. I had a very bad
it cured m at
if you want
HT This Office for Job Printing.
Bees i His Bonnet, a Bundle
of . Bunched By
Billie Burch from hie
I he old snugs,
Although I know a few.
And hunt inc up with guns,
When I attempt the new.
If you want a thing well done,
do it If Noah had trust-
ed his Ark tr n
might have got wet.
The indignant
the took yon in his
arms What did yon any to bin
The t-aid
it Lift.
Several of our exchange s de-
space to
importance of pit Its
no don't want rook-
ed- The raw is good
Wouldn't you for them dressed
Mr. one admires
Miss Smith No admires
me, either.
Mr. had better or-
a mutual admiration society.
admire your eyes. What do you
admire about
Miss good taste.
lie called her miss.
And she called him mister;
They continued this
Till one night lie kissed her.
Then their
They perceived was folly ;
lie calls her Bess
And she calls him
York Pies.
My hired was kicked in the
stomach by a horse, stung by a
swarm of hornets and run over by
a mowing machine one day and
died the nest.
My I was tho cause of
his death
Town Topics.
exclaimed tho father to the
young man who had run off with
his daughter and married her and
was retaining to patch a peace,
you that girl eloped to-
responded the young
fellow in a businesslike tone,
Hunk we eloped apart,
why is thankful-
am thankful because I am red
haired. I might be bald.
I am. thankful there is a young
lady next door who practices on
the piano two hours a clay. She
might practice four ; and, in
might have a brother addict-
ed to the cornet habit.
I am thankful I am tho father of
twins. Suppose they had been
I am thankful I wear a
nine shoe. I might have to wear
nm thankful I am poor. I
might in debt.
I am thankful I possess quiet
tastes. Suppose I had been fond
of Wagner's music
I am thankful I learned to
smoke cigars, I might have tackled
I am thankful I can't think of
any more things to for.
If I could I should feel oblige to
write them down. Puck.
G. B. has been elected
President of the Charlotte Y. M.
C- A., for nineteen consecutive
N .
Greenville. N. C.
Prompt attention to
at Tucker Murphy's old stand.
s. j. vis.
in all the Courts.
i. a. b. r.
N. C
Prompt attention given to
N. C.
Prompt and careful attention to b
Collection solicited.
N. V.
Practice In all tho Collections
FlU P-
to Y
Th. Con u

Greenville, N. C.
. and
Tho extends its con but one opinion as to the great
to the Henderson
entering its twelfth
at th at Greenville
W. C., at second-class mail matter.
volume. There is no enterprise in
Henderson worth as much to the
town as the Gold Leaf, and if the
people do not continue to give
Thad Manning a handsome sup-
port they will stand in their own
Publisher's Announcement.
L The is 81.00 per yesT.
year, ; one-halt column one year,
; one-quarter column one year,
Transient Inch
one week, ; two weeks. one
month Two inches one week, 81.50,
two weeks, one month,
Advertisements inserted in Local
Column as reading items, cents per
line for each insertion.
Legal Advertisements, such as Ad,
and Bates.
Summons to Non-Resident, etc., will
be charged for at legal rates and must
Contracts for MM not mentioned
for any length of time, can be
made by application to the either
la person or by letter.
Copy tor Advertisements and
all changes of should be
in by o'clock on Tuesday
mornings in order to receive prompt in-
The Reflector having a large
will be found a profitable medium
through which to reach the public.
The Clinton Democrat asks a
wise question in it
follow because a fellow has lots of
money, he is qualified to fill a
A new daily paper called the
Current has just started at
making its first appearance
last Wednesday. R. R. and J. B.
are publishers W. M- Hen-
city editor. It is a
paper, neat and newsy.
The item of State news on our
first page about the bloody affair
in Mitchell county is all a hoax
and has no truth in it. Some
principled correspondent who has
greater love for sensation and
money than he has for truth,
graphed the fake around to the
daily papers. We the
item and printed it on tho outside
of the before any
of the affair was published.
Mr. Brogden. who was several
months ago convicted of man-
slaughter in Wayne county and
sentenced to the penitentiary for
sis years, was pardoned by Gov.
Holt on Tuesday of last week.
He was sent to the State farm in
Halifax county the day before be-
pardoned. Speaking of the
pardon the Goldsboro Headlight
It was indeed a great surprise to many
of our citizens when the intelligence
reached here Tuesday that Governor
Holt had pardoned Willis II. Brogden
out of the penitentiary, whither lie went
less than a month ago to serve a six
ram term for the killing of his neighbor.
K. Sasser. on July 11th. teat Not
knowing the reasons which prompted the
Governor to giant said pardon, we will
forbear condemning his action, but it
seems to us that human life is too lightly
valued in this State. When the law can-
not lie vindicated is it any that
Judge Lynch reigns supreme in North
Carolina, despite the recent letter of con-
tamed Governor Holt In
behalf of
road commission- It is heartily
commended- It has saved the
people great sums, and
much for the State.
The condition of the Atlantic
and North Carolina Railway is
The oyster law receives much
The State Guard is commended-
The Governor urges the
of a complete and worthy
display by this State at the
World's Fair. It now appears
that there will be a surplus of tho
direct tax remaining on hand and
the Governor has transferred
of this to the World's Fair
land- The Legislature is asked to
make a direct appropriation. The
Nicaragua Canal is referred to as
of great importance to the State.
Governor Holt appointed Mr.
W. W. Barker, of Wilkes county,
as Solicitor of tho Ninth Judicial
District, to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Thus.
Settle. The latter, it is
was the Republican
date for Congress from the Fifth
District, and who received a
from the State returning
board, but whose seat will be con-
tested before Congress by Mr- A.
H- A- Williams, the Democratic
The organ of the
N. C Missionary Con
Rev. J. L- editor,
has moved its publication office
from Greenville to Washington-
For three years the mechanical
work on the has
been done in the Reflector office,
and it is but due to say parting
that we have never had more
pleasant business relations with
any one than editor Winfield-
The Watch-Tower was once pub-
from Washington and we
wish it every success in returning
to its former home.
The Santa Fe Route, running
through cars from Chicago to San
Diego, Cal-. now have trains on
the trip composed exclusively of
newest ears,
with the free chair car.
This splendid is pat on for i j
the convenience of the travel
over this popular route to Booth-
era California. A train leaves
Chicago every day at P. M. for
San Diego. It was our pleasure
to go over the Santa Fe Route to
California early last
can recommend the efficiency and
comfort of the service, as well as
testify to the interest it will afford
tho traveler through tho region
traversed by the road-
Thursday M. Holt
sent his message to the General
Assembly of North Carolina- The
message is very complete through-
out and is an paper, is of
such length as to bar the full text
of it from the Reflector columns,
but we have borrowed a
of it from the Charlotte Ob-
server. Before going into the dis-
of matters to which the
attention of the law makers of the
commonwealth is directed, Gov.
Holt refers to the frequent
of death into tho executive
and judicial offices of the State,
paid an excellent tribute to
the memory and services of each
who had been Ballad to his final
Following is the synopsis as
given by the
Tho message first touches upon
the finances. Their condition is
highly satisfactory. The in
value of real and personal property
in two years is and in
assessment of railroad property
In regard to
1.711 are on the roll and the past
year were paid Of those
are widows.
Ho suggests legislation regard-
building and loan associations.
The suit in regard to special tax
bonds and
is referred to.
The present banking system is
referred to as being, with the
tariff, one of the two great causes
of the financial
banks are warmly favored, the
of such banks should be
liberal and unencumbered so they
loud the mercantile and farm-
community money at not more
than per cent.
A revision of the statuary laws
is recommended in accordance with
the special suggestion of the
General. A revision of the
constitution is also desirable.
A law creating degree murder
is specially needed and the
nor the Legislature to enact
There is great need for
the State laws, particularly
and divorce, and
ilia collection of commercial paper
through banks.
The work of the board of public
charities is commended.
The need of a Stale reform
school for youthful criminals is
strongly stated. There are now
convicts years and
under years old.
The pressing need for enlarged
accommodations for the insane at
the Raleigh asylum is laid before
the Assembly in a clear and
the body is urged to
make the desired appropriations.
Tho need of better provisions for
blind is stated. As to the
school for deaf mutes at Morgan-
ton, has thus far been ex-
pended by the State; by
the people of that town. It
cost to complete the build-
its appropriation is urged.
There are deaf-mutts in the
At the Oxford Orphan Asylum
there are now pupils in excess
of its accommodations. There are
now orphans in the county
And to the Homo
Governor states that the
The General Assembly of North not met nub
, . , , lie approval owing to tho fact that
Carolina met at AN .,,;, s-1 for-
dad and organized by electing all I contain old soldiers.
the officers agreed upon at ; are increasing
caucus the preceding night. Tn Ten thousand dollars for suitable
the Senate Mr.
ford, was chosen as temporary
President. Principal Clerk, W.
G- Burkhead; Reading Clerk,
Geo- P. Pell; Doorkeeper, W. V.
The machinery of tho general
public school system is working
w i- The University work is
heartily is also that
the normal school for girls at
Clifton ; Assistant Doorkeeper, D. j J
Engrossing Clerk, i and College. The
H- Blair. In the House Hon. j latter now gets practically o sup-
Lee cf Rowan, was j the State. Ten thousand
Speaker- Principal Clerk, Sr is
t m ti t 3- en i ti penitentiary is shown to
J M. Riding Clerk, boon more than self sustain
A- Latham; Clerk, A- bag. The manufacture of plug to
H. Hays; Doorkeeper, D. R. j in the penitentiary
Julian ; Assistant Doorkeeper, G-1 as not in conflict with any
skilled labor, there is a
L. Kilpatrick.
Immediately after the
both bodies appointed the
usual committees and proceeded
at once to the work of the session.
Tho has a General Assembly
of which it may well be proud and
revival railway wok a plant of
some kind will have to be provided
to furnish work for convicts.
The geological-survey is stated
At the December meeting of the
Board of County Commissioners
the Clerk of the Board was in-
to notify all Justices of
the Peace who had failed to re-
turn their dockets and reports,
that the same must be in by the
January meeting. Among the
Justices who received this notice
was Andrew Joyner, Esq., and
Andy replies in bis own inimitable
letter was handed the
Reflector, but not had had
chance to get in print until now.
Here it is
Ashland. Va-. Dec.
Maj. Henry
Clerk Com. Pitt Co.
Dear notice to pro-
duce docket, report fines, fees,
collected by your worshipful
as Justice of the Peace
in Falkland township, Pitt county,
just received. In reply I beg
leave most respectfully and per-
to report the following
official duties officiously per-
for delivery of docket to Clerk of
Court, Register of Deeds
every stray J- P. in reach. Return
on same to found
my county. Plaintiff J. P- pay
costs ; costs Judicious re-
marks ; Toe many J. or too
few dockets-
Ejected lone
soiled, black dove from house ac-
cording to law and by aid of Bro.
William V docket courteously
loaned for the occasion, Fees col-
Judicious remarks
Lost days, self, horse and buggy,
cents treats, cents drowning
sorrow at stern performance of
on horse case Herrington vs Cobb,
who didn't have a horse, but joy-
fully surrendered tho mule dis
cum sails gratis. Judicial
Fees donated to B. S-
Sheppard for honor of setting,
loan of docket and trouble and
expense of he
Case 4-Sat with Bro.
Moore and docket on a for
carrying concealed pistol. Had
no money, no security,
and commit-
to jail. Remarks He's there
yet unless ho got out.
Case 5- Condemned a dog of a
widow to death for killing sheep,
went with complainant and shot
gun to carry sentence in
Widow has dog
one gun- Court plaster for
self neighbor cents.
Case acknowledgment
of husband and privy examination
of wife to deed and obligingly ad-
probate registration
fees to Clerk. Remarks Entirely
too fresh ; out of pocket
Case a of marry-
colored girl, also man- Bela-
parson arrived and requesting
me to desist, I gracefully desist-
being elder
who performed really better than
I would have done it. Fees Sim-
beer, taters, possum, cake,
being sol
abdominal, is with
held as a souvenir.
Case 8-Heard about com-
on the part of husband,
wife or darter of colored
ency, all of which were amicably
and philanthropic-ally adjusted-
sun law sans
The above is a full,
and record of
magisterial functions to the very
best of my recollection- Any
may attributed to the Ash
land Keeley Cure, which is said to
injure the memory.
Very truly,
Andrew J- P-
P- S- Report as road overseer
and school ready
Greenville, N. C, Jan. 1898.
The Board of Commissioners for
Pitt county, meet this present
G chairman, S- A- Gainer,
T. E. Keel, Fleming and
Jesse L. Smith-
Minutes of last meeting read and
The following orders for paupers
were drawn on the Treasurer
Winnifred Taylor Margaret
Bryan Alex Harriss 12-00, H.
D. Smith 2-00, Martha Nelson 2-00
Lydia Bryan Jacob
Nancy 3.00,
Susan Norms
2-50, Smith Patsy
2.00, Harriett Williams
Henry Harriss 2-50, Emily
Edwards 3.00, Benjamin Crawford
1.50, Polly Adams 2-50,
Smith 1-50, Easter Vines
George Turner 2.50,
Henderson 2-00, J. C- 1-50,
Eliza Edwards Gorham
J. H. Henry
Sylvester Jones 2-00, J. W.
Samuel and Amy
to of great value. The
did a great work its re-
establishment. It should
The United States
there need be no fears but what graphical survey has gone on The following general orders
our interests well looked, one fourth tho State at a cost were drawn
after them ; j Dr B. T. 16.90 Hay wood
The Governor there is bow 8.10 W. B. James l-M Alex
L- Brown 6-28 G. W. Edmundson
8-70 G 16-00 J. H. Man-
Elias James 1.10 J. E.
3.38 Henry Brown 2.60
Dr. W. E. Warren 10.00 Dr. W.
E. Warren 66.70 W. T. Smith 50.16
D. J. Whichard 112.00 D. J. Which
ard 14.50 Augustus Blount 10.00
Andrew Robinson 15.50 M. G-
17-89 W. B. 106.65
W. S. Manning B,
B. S. Sheppard R. W. King
R. W. Smith 1.00 Henry
Harding 63-08 Leonidas Fleming
C. Dawson T. E- Keel
S. A. Gainer 3.60 Jesse L- Smith
610-For Greenville Stock Law D.
J. Whichard A. C. Nobles 51-
For and Swift Creek
Stock Law D. J. Whichard 6.00.
Upon petition and complaint
from Warren Andrews, showing
that he stands charged with
acres of land on the tax of
Bethel township, for 1892, valued
at when the valuation should
be only the Board ordered
that the valuation be changed ac-
I N- Branch made complaint
that he is charged on the tax list
of township for the
year 1892 with acres of land
valued at when it should
only be acres valued at
and that correction be
made, which was granted.
G- M. Smith made complaint
that ho is charged with acres
of land in Falkland township for
1892, valued at and petition-
to acres and the valuation
be reduced from to
which was so
Tho following persons were
licenses to retail liquor at
their places of business
for months from Jan
Staton, J. S-
S- Keel-
F. Anderson
Co., W. H. Smith, H. E. Edwards,
Lawrence Hooker Co., Oscar
Hooker, J. A. Braddy.
N. Shelton, T. L-
Abram H- Joyner.
Gardner, E.
A. Bland, E. Lang.
Marlboro-.-S. S- Harriss, W.
O. Proctor
Bro., C- P. Co.
N. Dudley.
R. Davenport.
B. Garris Bro.
License to a billiard table C
was granted to Oscar
was granted to C. W-
Williams to malt liquors for
months in township.
Tho following persons listed
taxes for 1892
Little, Mary
Harriss, Caesar Randolph, Mrs.
M. I. Jesse Fleming, Si-
Henry Adams, Mrs-
Elizabeth Grimes, Richard Pippin,
J. J. W. Tucker, Allen C.
Crawford, W. T. Pollard, Henry
Cooper W. P. S- M.
Sutton, Mrs.
Swift R. Cory, Jim
Cannon, Henry Cannon,
Robt. W. Wilson, W.
caster, A- F- Pittman, Jesse Can-
non, E- Lang, Asa
Benjamin Worthington, James
Lawhorn, John Slaughter, A- Y.
Patrick, Martha White, Mrs. Bettie
Brooks, W. J. Slaughter.
T- King, J. Q.
B. Vick-
L. Cherry.
John Flanagan, Treasurer elect,
tendered his official bonds, one in
of and one the
sum of which were
ed add ordered recorded, and the
oath of office administered.
J. J. Rawls appeared before the
Board, as he was notified to do, to
show cause why he should not
charged with the tax from which
he was exempted by an order of
the Board on the 7th of Nov. 1892-
It appearing to the satisfaction
of the Board upon examination
and testimony that ho is liable for
the tax from which he was exempt-
ed it was ordered that ho be re
charged with the same.
R. Greene Jr., to
released from the payment of taxes
for the year 1892, as the
same had been listed by tho John
Flanagan Buggy Co. It so
to the satisfaction of the
Board the petition was granted.
Augustus Blount was allowed
for damage sustained by his
mule falling in bridge-
It appearing to the satisfaction
of the Board that Samuel Cherry
and Amy Cherry are destitute of
means of support and totally
able to perform labor, it was
ordered that they be allowed
per month each. For the same
reason J. W. Henson was allowed
per month.
J. L- Ellis, elect of
township, tendered his
official bond of which was
approved and the oath of office ad-
W. M. Moore, Standard Keeper,
presented his official bond of
which was approved and the oath
of office administered.
The Board F. G.
James, K- Witherington,
and Henry Harding to
represent Pitt county in the Road
Congress at Raleigh on Jany 19th.
Washington, D.
Speaker still shows the
effects of his recent severe attack
of indigestion, but has been able
to preside over the House daring
the short and unimportant sessions
held this week- As usual the at-
for the first two or three
days after the holiday recess has
been small; and the sick list is
large, but the work
the appropriation bills, which
after nil is the main business of
this is being rapidly push-
ed. In of the probable silver
tight which may begin any day,
Speaker Crisp was asked by a
friend which side be would be on,
was his quick reply.
is my duty to impartially
side over the House, and, whatever
my personal may be, I
shall endeavor to do
Representative Scott, of Illinois,
a resolution this week
which is believed to contain a part
of the true inwardness of the way
in which Secretary Foster has
starved off the actual deficit in
Treasury during the last year. It
starts out by stating that the
Fifty first Congress provided for
the construction or extension of
public buildings, and that of
them have not yet been contracted
for; and calls on the Secretary of
the Treasury for information as to
why so many of these public
works have been so long delayed,
and why more than
for this purpose re-
unexpended during the
last two years. Mr. Scott asked
unanimous consent of the House
for the immediate consideration of
the resolution but Representative
of Maine, objected, and
the resolution was referred.
Senator friends are be-
ginning to practice calling him Mr.
Secretary, as the belief has become
general that he has yielded to the
pressure brought to bear upon
him and agreed to accept the
of Secretary of the Treasury
in President Cleveland's cabinet,
although he still declines to dis-
cuss the matter.
A report current early
the that Elkins
intended to issue orders that
would have tho effect of prevent-
the regular army making a re-
showing in the Cleveland
inauguration parade- A sub-com-
from the Com-
at waited upon the
Secretary, and were assured by
him, and also by Gen. Schofield,
who was present at the interview,
that he had no such intentions ; on
the contrary, ho had made up his
mind that the regular army should
be more largely and better
than at any previous in-
since the war. The
inaugural ball will held in the
I office building.
A man wont up like a
rocket down a
is Mr. Thomas H.
who had hardly been heard of
outside of his own State until he
was made chairman of the Nation-
Republican committee, and who,
after tho election, dropped back
into an obscurity still deeper than
that from which he had been drag-
to an ornamental figure-
head was the original
but prevented
tho manipulation of the wires by
the man who laid them,
Carter became the actual head of
the Mr. Carter was
Washington this week trying to
clear his late Secretary, ex-Con-
of Maryland,
of certain charges against his in-
which have caused his
nomination to Judge of tho
C. Supremo Court to be hung up
for several days in a com-
controlled by his own party.
Carter's head is several sizes small-
than it was before tho election.
It is now conceded, even by the
most sanguine Republicans, that
the of the Fifty third Con-
will be controlled by the
Democratic party, although sever-
of the necessary votes will come
from populists but. no matter
where they come from, the votes
will be there to reorganize the Sen-
ate on a Democratic basis, and to
pass any measure which the Dem-
loaders may agree as
desirable- That puts the last nail
in the of the defunct Nation-
Republican party ; gives the
Democratic party a on the
Government so long as it may be
guided by wise counsels, to all of
which every man who has tho
future of our country and
all of its citizens, not a few favor-
ed individuals, can conscientiously
Representative has
introduced a resolution providing
for an investigation of the control
of certain documents on
file in the Department of State.
This nearly concerns
Henry Cabot Lodge, of Mass-
who will soon be Sena-
tor Dawes successor,
charged that he and bis literary
partner were through collusion
with certain minor officials of the
State Department able to prevent
other literary men getting access
to historical s on file the
department until they had pub-
copies of them as portions
of certain historical books of
which Mr. Lodge is reputed to be
One of tho -rs.
Senator Hill says that not more
than seven votes will be
the nomination of Murphy
to Senator at the Democratic
caucus of tho New York
to be held next Tuesday
Ed. Reflector our last
letter, and during the Christmas
holidays, the marriage fever seems
to have been prevalent around
the country near Branchville and
at our sister town of
First Mr. Peel, traveling salesman
for M. L- T. Davis Co. of Nor-
folk, and Miss Maggie Corbitt of
and next Mr.
Wylie, of Salem, Va. and Miss
Lula of followed
the same day by Mr. Wm. Waller
and Miss Dougherty both of Boy
kins. fever then seems to
have struck at the of
J. I. about miles from
here, when Mr. Earnest Harriss
and Miss Nettie Holt were made
one. Mr. Harriss seems to have
had quite an experience in
curing the services of a minister.
After everything was ready and
the invited guests had arrived, a
telegram came from preacher
Eubank announcing his inability
to be present to perform the
as it involved a drive
through the snow of about
miles. A messenger was soon
speeding towards to
sure, if possible, the services of
Mr. Sawyer, the Methodist minis-
Luckily, he was found
home and not being engaged, de-
to return with tho messenger.
Accordingly they set out and
riving there about P. M.,
waiting twain made one and
happiness reigned supreme. The
last on the list was the marriage
of Mr. John Bryant, of North
Carolina to Miss Mattie
of Va-, occurring on
same day. rather think the
next will be a young merchant of
judging from his
trips to Petersburg.
We note with pleasure, Mr. Edi-
tor, that tho Reflector and the
press of the State are advocating
the appointing of ex-Gov. J.
Jarvis, of your town, to a place in
Mr. Cleveland's cabinet. This is
right, for while we do not know
Gov. Jarvis personally, we have
watched his career through the
newspapers and to us, a native
North Carolinian, he stands for
all that is pure and noble, and we
would experience a thrill of
pleasure hearing of his
to this high office,
where, we are confident, his
and ability would reflect
honor upon himself and the ad-
would not err in tho appointment.
The ladies of tho Methodist
church gave an entertainment at
the church last Friday night.
Owing to tho inclement weather,
there was not a very largo crowd
present but quite a neat sum was
realized. We cannot go into a
lengthy description of it and com-
are invidious, yet we
must say tho duet sung by Mrs.
Laura and Miss Rosa
Bryant deserves special mention,
and the showed their
by requesting a
which was given. All did
nobly tho recitation,
Mother's by Katie Harri-
son, a little Miss of years, was
well rendered, and Katie
of flue elocutionary pow-
if properly trained. The en-
will repeated in the
spring so your correspondent is
informed. One of the
ladies, a Miss Ellis, caught fire by
coming in contact with a lighted
candle and her dress was badly
burned but fortunately she was not
injured and no other damage was
Miss Nannie of
charming young ladies,
came down last Friday to attend
tho entertainment. Russell
ant from the same place also at-
tended. We ate not surprised at
Russell for after making
the above note.
Mrs. E. H. Grizzard of
has been visiting friends at this
Mrs. V. 0- was suddenly
called to last week
by illness of her son George who
is an of A D R R.
The firm of has
been dissolved. The business will
conducted in future by T. E.
Peete- Wishing the
a happy and prosperous New Year
we close.
l Pen.
R. .
No No No
Jan. M, daily Mall, dally
i , ,. dally ex Sim
12,80 pm 0.5 pa o
Ar pm pm
1258 pm
p in pm am
Bock; Mt
No W, No ;,
daily daily
No It
ex Sin.
Ar Wilson
Ar Wilson am p m 4-
Tarboro am
Train on Scotland Neck Road
leaves Halifax 5.45 p.
m., arrives Scotland at 0.40 p. in.,
8.18 p. in., p. m.
Returning, leaves 0.30 a. in.
Greenville a. m. Arriving Halifax
a. 10.4, a. m. daily
except Sunday,
trains on Washington leave
Washington . ., arrives
8.10 a. in. Tarboro 9.10; returning
leaves Tarboro p. m 8.00
p. in,, arrives Washington 9.00 p. m.
Dally except Sunday. Connects with
trains on Neck Branch.
Train leaves Tarboro. N C, via
K. It. daily except Sun
lay, U, Sunday P M,
Plymouth 10.10 p. p. m.
leaves Plymouth daily except
5.25 a. m., Sunday 10.00 a.
an Tarboro. N C, A 12,20.
Trains on Southern Division, Wilson
Branch leave
a in. arrive Rowland p m.
Returning leave Rowland p m.
arrive p in. Daily ex-
Train Midland N C Branch leave
daily except Sunday, A M
N C, A M. Re
lave.-. H C AM
arrive Goldsboro. N C A M.
Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
Mount at-0 P M, arrive Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
B A at, Nashville
A M, arrives Rocky Mount A
except Sunday,
Trains on Branch R. R. leave
7.80 p. in., arrive p
in. leave a.
arrive Latta 7.15 in. Daily
Train on Clinton Branch leaves
for Clinton daily, except Sum lay. at
M Retaining leave
ton at A and P. M. cornice
at Warsaw with
Train No. makes at
for all points North dally. All
via Richmond, and dally except gun-
day Via Bay Line, also at Rocky Mount
daily except Sunday with Norfolk A
railroad for Norfolk and nil
point via Norfolk.
J. R.
T. M fit
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores. Clear. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, rotter, chapped Hands.
Chilblain, Co and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is to
satisfaction, or refunded
rice cents box. For sale at
If so come to see we you
are conceded by our customers as lower
than can be gotten elsewhere. We
------have in stock
Largest and Most Varied
Selection of Furniture
ever kept in our town.
We buy direct from
and can and will gel
low down. Our stock consists
in part of
Marble Top Walnut Suits,
Solid Oak Suits,
Sixteenth Century finish Suits,
Walnut Finish Suits,
Marble Top Bureaus and Wash-stands,
Wood Top Bureaus and Washstands,
Ward Robes, Buffets, and Side-Boards,
Walnut Bedsteads,
Bedsteads of all grader and colors,
Wire Cribs and Beds Cradles.
Marble Top and Solid Wood Top Tables.
Solid Walnut Chairs and Rockers,
Solid Oak and Rockers,
Fancy Reed and Wood Rockers,
of all grades, Lounges,
Bed Springs, Mattresses,
---------We are headquarters for---------
and extend to all cordial invitation to call on us when m want
of any goods as we carry one of the best stocks of
ever kept oat town.
Yours truly,
have just opened the
most beautiful line of
ever brought to Greenville
Con to and see what ex-
low prices are
asking for them. We are
selling- a great many of
those good old
Special facilities for handling Seed in any
quantity from all Tar River Landings.
Car Load Lots taken from any point in
Eastern North Carolina and Virginia.
Oil Mills,
N. C.
Mills on Tr River
SAMUEL M. SCHULTZ, Greenville, N. C
price and write
g. V.
Bee. N
trip between and and War Landing

Local Reflections.
Movers and Other Personals.
Mr. T. C. Bryan has moved his family
to Goldsboro.
The of Mr. Andrew
have moved to Miss Cherry's.
Mr. O. L. Joyner has moved into the
Dancy house on Pitt Street.
v. has moved to the
Fleming house in
Mr. J. T. recently came home
had enough of the caprices of the from College for a Bow days.
Mr. Alex. reached home
Saturday from his trip to
Court week.
Sunday trains now run on the
Carolina road.
dewing Machines Cheap.
D. D.
How m my Year resolutions have
you broken up to date
Mr. A Branch, of Wilson, died
Tuesday night of last week.
Mr. K. I- Smith is showing some line
stock at his stables this week.
The inauguration of Go v. Cur
will take place next Wednesday.
Many left this section last week
for Georgia to work in turpentine.
We hear that the mill near the depot
will resume operations in a few days.
Foil Jersey
Bull. months old. G. T. Tyson.
The late bad weather caused the star
route mail between here and Tarboro to
miss a few trips.
Feed mill Cotton Gin at cost.
The Grand Lodge of Masons met yes-
in Raleigh. It is their an
Spencer lire., of Washington, made
an assignment Saturday. Preferred
credits amounted to
I am still Ira for Cooking
and Heating Stoves. D. I.
The large drive horse belonging to Mr.
C. W. died last Friday.
has been in mourning ever since
Doors, sash, glass and putty at t. D.
Young have placed a very
handsome register in their store
which is a great convenience as well as a
Corn from 83.10 to
D. D. Haskett.
Superior Court.
Though is was clear Monday morning
the weather was very cold and disagree-
able and people were slow turning out to
-Court. It was when the bell rang
and Hit- bar was vacant when Crier
Tyson declared Court open for the
transaction of business, as his Honor,
Judge Graves, took his seat upon the
bench. This term of Court was to have
been held by Judge Shuford, but at the
latter's request the Governor permitted
an exchange and Judge was sent
here. Graves held Court Pitt
in 1880.
Mr. Larry returned Friday I room S
from a visit of several days to Mm. I the
charge. Solicitor Woodard, rive lawyers
Mr. E. J. Hester has moved his family and a moderate audience were present.
The Grand J is composed of J. L.
Sugg, Foreman, Smith, John
Lawhorn, J. J. Carson, E. Ellis, E.
C. Smith, Andrews, II. C.
Wyatt B. Tucker. G. W. Clark,
Gay, Samuel Davis, W. J.
mons, Samuel Sanford Greg-
J. U. Hudson, LaFayette Cox, Jas.
II. Barnhill. J White, officer.
Before the oath was administered to
the Jury Judge called up Sheriff
King and said that in the outset of
Mr. L. Langley has moved into he
Miss Perkins house lately occupied by must
Mr I did not obey the orders of the
I Sheriff, bring the offenders before him
Forbes would render such assist-
Mr. S. E. has moved Into the
Patrick house corner Washington and
Sir. W. M. Moore has moved to
Miss Perkins house near the Methodist
Mr. W. B. Brown has moved into
house lately occupied by Rev. A.
D. Hunter.
Greene county Court at Snow Hill next
week. the Third party man of last
term will not find Harrison
there trading horses this time.
Axes. hoe, shovels and thing in
the hardware line at
This is going to be a year in which
there will be more cash trade than usual.
who catch the best part
of it are those who advertise.
The new schedule makes our people
hustle out these cold mornings, and
keeps them waiting nearly o'clock
at night for their mail.
This is a good time for works of charity
See if there are any people in your neigh-
suffering for want of food, fuel
or clothing during this bitter weather.
Those of our town subscribers whom
we have failed to see since the Year
in can pay their subscription to the
carrier. He is authorized to receipt for
Sheriff King the largest number of
boarders known in the county. He had
prisoners in jail at o'clock yesterday
with a prospect of getting two more be-
fore night.
The attention of planters is especially
called to our tobacco department to-day.
Matters will frequently appear on that
th it are worth as much to yon as a
year's subscription to the
The farmers who have had long
say that snows this time of year in-
a bountiful harvest in the fall.
May it be so this time. The Reflector
is that this will be a good year
all around.
The York World Almanac for
will be issued about the 20th of this
month. Parties wanting copies can leave
their orders at Reflector Book Store and
we will have Hum mailed direct to their
Remember that subscriptions to any
paper or magazine are received at Re-
Book Store and subscribers are
saved the trouble of ordering for them-
selves. Where one person subscribes for
several papers we arc prepared to give
discounts from the regular rates.
The Coast Line had two accidents last
week. In one just beyond a
number of freight cars loaded with mer-
were wrecked and the loss was
reported heavy. The damage to the
track was soon repaired and travel was
only interrupted for about a day.
Fob Sale -Two bedsteads, two beds,
two pairs blankets, one
cook stove with fixtures, one wood heat-
stove, two tin safes, a lot of crockery,
one bureau, drop-leaf dining
table, several chairs and some other
articles belonging to Baptist Parsonage.
Apply to D. J.
All of the General As-
from Pitt county get appoint-
on committees. In the Senate
Mr. James is on Penal
Institutions and Education. In the
House Mr. is on the commit-
tee on Propositions and Grievances, and
Mr. Witherington on Deaf, and
It is in those who quit taking
a paper because of towards it to
bother regular subscribers by borrowing,
H you don't want to buy paper be-
cause displeased at it be square enough
not to borrow your paper,
thereby inconveniencing those who do
buy Press.
We see that the Legislature Is taking
action in the matter of assignments of
which the spoke editorially
last week. Representative Merritt Intro-
a resolution in the House instruct-
the Judiciary Committee to draw a
bill securing to creditors equal
ion of the estate of the debtor case of
A telegram from Mr. Andrew Joyner,
morning, announced that the
Keeley Institute at Va., was
burned Saturday night. Are
midnight. None of the
inmates were injured and most of them
saved all their effects. The Institute
had new quarters next morning and
continued without
Mr. G. F. Evans and Mr. Ola
have moved into the house on
Second street.
S C. Benjamin returned Aloud-y
from a trip to and
Capt. Swift Galloway, of Snow Hill,
and Hon. J. E- Moore, of Williamston
are attending court.
Mr. and Mrs. Ames, of Virginia, are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. B.
Brown of this place.
Mrs. J. D. Murphy, who was visiting
Mrs. Alfred Forbes, returned to her
home in Asheville last week.
Mr. C. M. Jones has moved into the
Forties house in recently
by Sheriff Tucker.
Miss Maud Moore returned Monday
night from Hamilton, where she has
been spending a few days.
Mr. W. W. Leggett, of S. C.
is visiting friends here. Mr. Leggett is
a former resident of this place.
Mr. W. W. Moore, who has been spend-
several weeks here, returned to his
home in Asheville last week.
Mrs. S. E. Proctor moved to Washing-
ton Saturday to join her son who takes
a position on the Watch-Tower.
Mr. R M. of Farmville. has
moved his family to Greenville and
the Fleming house, corner
and Fourth.
Miss Eva Humber returned Monday
night from Hobgood where she has been
visiting her sister Mrs. J. G.
Mrs. Nelson and returned with
Miss Minnie Caraway, of
night in town. She went lo
Bethel yesterday to take a position in
Prof. school just opened
The handsome Mrs. Joe a
superb specimen of magnificent woman-
hood, is visiting the refined family of our
model townsman John C.
son Mirror,
Mr. Charlie Sugg, son of Col.
I. A.
s, received the appointment as Chief
Page of the Senate. This is quite a
compliment to Charlie, though he well
deserves it.
Mrs. H. F. Harris, of Greenville, has
been here several days on a visit to her
son, Mr. J. L. Harris, of the
Democrat Demo-
She returned home Saturday evening.
Try It.
heard County Treasurer Flanagan
say, other day, that Esquire J J.
had turned over as
fines collected out of cases tried by him.
We doubt if ever a Magistrate in the
county made a better report than this.
In most cases the Justices usually impose
no higher penalty than the payment of
costs. If the others would follow Mr.
example and put on a
fine they would swell the income of
county and at same time put a check
upon violations.
Painful Accident.
A daughter of Mr. T. C. was
painfully hurt on the train at the depot
Monday. family had boarded the
coach attached to the freight for the
pose of to Kinston. The little
girl was standing at tank drinking
water when the cars came together with
too much force in coupling. She was
thrown from the tank into the doorway
and the door slammed on her hand, mash-
it terribly. train was held
Dr. Warren was summoned and the
wound dressed.
Leg Broken.
Little Vick met a very
and painful accident last Thursday.
He was down town playing at snowball-
and turned to run off down the side-
walk when he collided with a colored
man who was running in an opposite
was hurled to pave-
with such force as to break his leg.
The little fellow was earned home to his
grandmother's, Mrs. S. A. Cherry, and
Dr. was summoned to set the
limb. He bore up bravely under the
suffering and Is getting along as well as
could be expected.
The Beautiful.
This section has seen enough snow in
the last days to make It an eye sore
rather than an object of beauty. Just as
the Reflector was getting to press last
Tuesday evening a second snow set In
before all trace of the
mas visitation had disappeared.
for we buyers this second
snow melted as it came. It cleared off
during the night clouded again
Wednesday and repeated the same pro-
gramme in the evening. Thursday even-
it snowed again with better success
and piled about inches on us. This
stuck, and the freeze that followed right
on its heels made it look like it had come
to stay. Friday missed, but Saturday
evening It snowed again and there was
another light fall Sunday morning,
as was needed. It may be added
that the Sheriff did not have to cry
during the morning session.
The Jury was then sworn and his Honor
occupied an hour a quarter in
his charge. From beginning to
end it was a lucid rehearsal of matters to
which the attention of the Jury needed
to be directed. It might well be termed
not only an able charge to them, but also
excellent educational address to the
people upon such points of law as per-
lo their duty to the State and to
each other.
He begun by saying men
live together in a community they must
be governed by law and He re-
to the famous meeting at Halifax,
when our forefathers had thrown off
British yoke and sent delegates there to
adopt a constitution for the government
of our commonwealth, and said that from
these our ideas of local government had
been handed down; and the State was
divided into comities to make the govern-
more thoroughly of the people.
Then after speaking the Jury upon
the posit ion they occupied as
of the county, and their duties
all matters of presentation, lie referred
briefly to many of the that are
contrary to the laws of cur laud-
He divided these under several head-
against the State
conspiracy lo overthrow the govern-
failure to list taxes, failure of pub-
officers to perform their duties, secret
political societies, bribery and
at elections, etc. Then
against the public good, such as gross
immoralities, unlawful assemblages, car-
concealed weapons, indiscriminate
sale of liquors, affrays, etc.
against public any
nuisance affecting the health and com-
fort of others, selling any unwholesome
food, putting any poisonous matter in
veils or springs- Personal
undue advantage of another, per-
jury, slander, personal violence, murder,
manslaughter, assault and battery, care-
less handling of firearms, and while talk-
on this he told the audience he
every one present to listen at
him closely. against property
every man is sovereign in his sphere and
humblest home is sacred in
of the this
he spoke of burglary, arson, injury to
property and stock, larceny, etc. At
the request of the Solicitor he also
spoke of it being indictable for any
to practice without license.
The only gives the gen-
outline of Judge charge
without giving his strong and forcible
presentation of each mentioned.
He was listened to attentively, and at Its
close many of those present had a much
clearer conception of the points of law
mentioned than before hearing the
After calling the Jury and ad-
ministering the oath to them, Court took
a recess for dinner. The Jury for
this week is composed of J. P.
J. I. F. B. Knight, W. S. Rawls,
Simon Short, J. W- Cannon, J. W. Gar-
J. T. Smith, T. H. Blount, H. J.
Burnett, W. G. Keel, C. F. Harris, Louis
B. Elks.
The business of the term is advancing
Reported by Cobb Bros
Va., Jan out-
look for cotton is bard to define.
steady falling off in receipts has confirm-
ed the theory of short crop and already
an advance of per pound has been
established as compared with last season.
The moderate trade doing in Great
Britain and on the Continent is reflected
in the large visible supply which is now
bales despite the fact that the
American crop is hales less
to this time as compared with last year.
In addition the large increase of India
cotton which will be brought out by the
material advance in prices is another
feature which adds to the uncertainty of
the situation again, the dread that
enactment of the Hatch Anti-Option
Hill will upset and injure the cotton
trade of this country is doing much to
depress values and restrict trade.
Below give the crop In sight,
supply, etc.
1893. Crop in t Plantation receipts Port receipts 121.423 Interior receipts Visible Supply 203.993
As wired by Cobb Bros. Norfolk, Va., Jany, 10th
Good Middling,
Middling, Low Middling,
Good Ordinary,
is called o to
creditors by L.
d. h. n. of Hie estate of F. M.
We wish each and every
one days of happiness
and prosperity.
Thanking you ail for past
favors and asking for a con-
of the same,
I am very respectfully,
child birth
is a scientific-
ally prepared liniment, every
of recognized value and in
constant use by medical pro-
These in
WILL DO all is claimed for
it AND H Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother Mid Child. Book
to Mothers mailed FREE, con-
valuable information and
voluntary testimonials.
e press on receipt of price per
I desire to Announce to my friends and
public generally that have opened
an Office for myself just the
from my residence and on old Dr.
lot where lean be found at
still making a specialty of
n k
Prices Low,
Terms easy.
I. I,. firm.
township, the
of i;. T. and J. II. A fine
f Tin of with good
adapted to own. cotton Mil to-
a line marl bed.
A farm near and ling
mediately on the railroad, Own-
ed by It. Tripp, which
cleared, neighbor-
hood, I mid a Within
miles, of en the adjoin-
A farm of three mil s
Iran mid lo miles
with large, dwelling
tun out houses, known as the I. I.
home place, cotton 1-ind,
good clay subsoil, to marl.
A smaller farm adjoining the above ,
known as the Jones place.
barn and tenant house, land
A firm of acre in
ship, about miles from
G. of Noah Joiner farm,
acres, adjoining the town of Marlboro,
l-ca-rd In mi improving section
can In- a valuable farm.
small farm of so seres,
about to miles from on In-
Swamp. house, etc., Air-
owned by ox.
A near Com-
station, try press timber ell
soiled for i lies.
A of son in s
near the Washington
road, ;
A Iran acre none
Mills. and cypress limber.
Apply to II. LONG,
N. C.
Si Schultz,
A lug tin year's supplies j
interest to our prices
here Is
pork sides
we buy direct from Manufacturers.
buy at one profit. A com
stock of
always on hand sold at prices r sulk
tins I are all bought
sold therefore, having risk
to sell -u a
S. M
Something for Every Member.
have a first class assortment and close.
get our prices-
Do not fail to
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as administrator de
non, upon of F. M. At-
deceased on the -list day of Dec.
notice is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to the said estate to
come forward and settle same and all
persons having claims against the said
estate will present then duly
c within the time prescribed by law
or notice will be plead in oar of
their recovery.
the 31st day of Dec. 18.12.
J. L, SUGG, de non,
of the estate of F. M. Atkinson.
For Sale on Easy Terms
Double Store Greenville. I
offer for sale on easy terms the large
Double Store north cf Fifth street,
cast of Evan- with lot fronting
feet on Fifth street by feet deep. A
splendid Apply at once to
Win. II. LONG,
The .;, for f
In f he lire and or
VOWS nil beat author. of
Ac. on The
Farm and Flower.,
and Moral hew
In for a S
Id. Orel and aM
. A.
KT. C.
Half Bolls Hi nagging.
Bundles New Arrow Ties.
ill Full Cream Cheese.
Choice Flutter.
Boxes Tobacco, ail grades.
Stick Candy.
Kegs New Corn Mullets.
Barrels Gall A Ax Snuff.
; BO Barrels Railroad Mills
i Barrels Three Thistle Snuff,
Carload Bib Side Meat
Car Seed Oats.
load Floor, all grade.
f Kegs Powder.
Tons shot.
183.000 old Virginia
j Full line Case Goods, and
else kept in a grocery
and parts for all kinds of machines are sold by us.
Depositors for American Bible Society.
On Wednesday afternoon 4th inst, at
the resilience of the bride's mother near
Great Swamp church. Miss Lula Fleming
was married to Mr. J. B. Little, of
Samuel Moore Best
wishes to his bride.
At home of the bride in
township on last Wednesday evening at
o'clock, Mr. Marcellus Smith and Miss
Holly Smith were married by Rev. G. F.
Smith. were unable names
of the attendants, but out of a party of
thirteen the surname of nine of them was
Marriage Licenses.
From 10th to the 31st of December,
Register of Deeds Harding issued
licenses to the following
Harriss and
Brady, O. L. Moore and Smith,
Fred Bright and Sarah
O. W. Harrington and Lena
I. II. Stokes Mollie Bell, E. F Free-
nun and Bettie Stanley, J. D. Bullock
and Annie Brown, W. D.
and Fannie Bullock, B, L. and
Ida B. Moore, and
Stanley, L. C. Fletcher and
Ella Braxton, Spier Lula
Nelson, James Spain and Annie Bullock,
Isaac Norris and Ida Joyner, B. F.
Stokes Sarah Cox, J. B. Little and
Lula Fleming, James Dunn and Olivia
Alfred Jones and
son. George Barrett and Bettie Wilkes,
W. J. and Barnhill-
and Dinah Turnage, Jim
Foreman and White, Jim Lang and
Penny Williams, James Langley and
Lizzie George Taylor and
Virginia Mobley, Wright Daniel
Jane Patrick, Win. Knight and Caroline
Newsom, Wm. Bosch and Hardy
log in all five snows in less than a week. Charles Gray and O. W
Like our last year's some of it Edwards, Poss
i. I Mattie Green, Orange Langley and
A Tested
For Ail
A core for
Skin Cancer.
cod It no equal.
vegetable, harm-
A Ml Skin
Tim the cotton crop thus Ear would
indicate that there was some foundation for the bad accounts
daily is from all of the cotton territory, if so the
staple is Selling too cheap and parties wishing to hold for higher
prices can do so by shipping it to us and drawing for per
bale on same and having it held for six months is so desired.
Faithfully yours,
------Manufacturer of the-----
and dealer in Brackets, or
Scrolled Work, Church Pews and all Building Supplies.
My Tobacco in all sheet are for sale at S. M. it
Co., Greenville, and at my mill.
Will make satisfactory arrangements with t
furnish their customers.
B. -i. conn, I'm en, N.
o. c. conn, Pitt Co., n.
Its a Lucky
When you buy your goods
He Is now offering a full line of
Notions, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware,
Staple and Main Groceries at such low
prices as will always leave
your pocket book.
He also has the best Cigar
money that can be bad in town.
If you want something good and sub-
for on him.
W. H.
N. C.
leave money In
for the
If you feel weak
and all worn out take
The firm of Culley and is
hereby dissolved consent.
Those indebted to the Will pay die
same to Herbert Edmonds.
It gives me pleasure to announce to
our customers I will continue the
business the old stand. com-
fort and convenience will be found in
my shop. First-class shave and hair cut before the Court Clerk of Pitt
The Medical partnership heretofore
existing between C. and
K. W. Brown, has ceased Since 1st,
1899, by consent. Parties in-
to the will call on Mr. J. F.
Joyner for settlement.
C. J.
F. W.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
can all times. the
public for past
of the same.
For the convenience of the public there
will be opened In Rocky Mount, N. C,
January 1st, 1893, a branch of the Keeley
Institute Greensboro, X C., for the
treatment of the Liquor, Opium, Chlo-
Cocaine, Tobacco habits and Nerve
These are the only regularly authorized
Keely Institutes in the State. All others
claiming to be such are fraudulent.
is the most accessible point in State.
On W. W. K. R-, and term inns of the
N. A C. of the A. R., and Spring
Hope roads, hours from Norfolk, S
from Petersburg. from Richmond,
from from Raleigh.
from Goldsboro. from Weldon,
and hours from Edenton
City over the Norfolk
Carolina R, R-, Tuesdays, Thursdays,
town is progressive, healthy,
with good water and hospitable people.
KY BATTLE, Manager.
Dr. G. A. Physician.
Happy and content is a home with
a lamp with light of the morning.
Co. as of It. J- Lang,
is hereby given to all poisons In-
to the estate to make immediate,
payment to the undersigned, and all per-
sons having claims against said estate
must present the same for payment be-
fore the 20th of Dec, or this no-
will lie plead in bar of recovery.
Tills 20th day of 1802.
of R. J. Lang.
Having on the 19th day of November.
1892. before E. A. Clerk of Super-
Court of Pitt county, qualified as ad-
of the estate of the late T. J.
deceased, notice is hereby given
to all parties having claims against said
estate to present them for payment on
or before the day or November,
1893, or this notice will be plead in bar
of their recovery. Any one indebted to
said estate will forward and settle
at once. It. W.
This November 22nd, 1892.
Notice to Creditors.
By a decree made at March term, 1892,
Pitt Superior Court, in case of L.
V. administrator of L. P.
Beardsley vs. I. H. Beardsley, I. P.
Jr., and others, the under-
signed was appointed a referee to take
and state an account which shall shew a
full list of creditors of the late L. P.
and the amount due each.
therefore Is to give lo all
such creditors to present their claims to
to be passed upon in accordance with
the terms of said decree on or before the
10th day of March, 1893, at which time
I shall proceed to take and state said ac-
count and report the same to
Court as I am in said de-
F. O. JAMES, Referee.
This No 21st.
Many Persona an broken
down from overwork or
aids digestion, removes cf I
to Cobb Bros.
Cotton Factors
Commission Merchants,
and Correspondence Solicited.
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following
not to be excelled tills market. And to be First-class a
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING,
kinds. Gin and Mill Hay, Rock Limb, Paris, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and addles
Seeing is
And a good lamp
. mast be simple; when it is not it is
not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good these
mean much, but to
will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal,
and seamless, and made in three pieces only,
it is absolutely unbreakable. Like Aladdin's
of old, it is indeed a for its mar-
light is purer and brighter than gas light,
softer than electric light and more cheerful than either.
Loot for If the
Rochester, the style you want. lend to us our Illustrate,
and we send you a lamp by choice
varieties from the largest Lamp Store in Ivor Id.
LAMP CO., Park Place, York
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates.

Advice from Those Who Made
Growing the Weed.
One of the most successful to-
planters in North Carolina
b Mr. L. F. Lucas, of Wilson
county. His are always
food, and has outdone all others
by growing worth on a single
ere. What he says about tobacco
growing is worth keeping and the
following letter gives his method
in crisp and concise language. He
will give you my experience
on the cultivation and housing of
Tobacco. I break my land at least
twice, and then thoroughly
with an Acme harrow. About
eight days before I expect to Bet
my plants I run my rows about
three and a half feet apart, and
drill from four to six hundred
pounds of fertilizers per acre. If
the land is poor stable ma-
cotton seed or something to
enrich the soil should be broadcast
while breaking and harrowing. I
make my ridges by throwing two
heavy furrows together and throw-
out the middle with a cotton
plow with long in a
row. When ready to transplant I
dig off the top of the ridges with a
An excellent plan for dry
sons is to bed up the land with one
horse turning plows and lay off
rows between the beds and put the
fertilizer and manure low in the
ground and list as before described
Should there be good season at
planting time, cutting off and pat-
ting hills will be unnecessary
large plants are used. The patting
of bills is done to cause the hill to
retain moisture till the plants take
Mr. Rogers, whose authority
ways carries its own weight lays
down this
preparation of the
sail is very It should be
fine and well pulverized before
planting. In new grounds all roots
and rubbish must be gotten out
of the Those who have not
plowed up the land they expect to
plant in Tobacco should do so
without delay. On the Tobacco
crop there is
preparation remember, and do not
put a plant in the ground until the
soil is in proper condition- The
cultivation is more economical and
easy and the young plants grow
off better. A week or ten days
before planting lay off your rows
three four inches apart. Sow
your compost in the furrow from
land of average fertility, a small
Practical to Planter.
The principal points upon which
the success of a crop of de-
pends first, pure seed; second,
proper soil; third, sufficient
stable manure; fourth, improved
implements and buildings; fifth,
prompt, energetic, intelligent and
careful cultivation ; sixth,
in grading and assorting.
When yon commence to strip your
crop do not stop to consider the
probable weight of the trash dis-
carded, but throw it out and
late, rather, the increased value of
the in exact proportion to
the amount of trash excluded will
of your crop be enhanced.
The planters have already partial-
opened their eyes to the
of more intelligent
Now open them still
and keep them open; don't stop
where you are, but keep on
proving each year until you will
good finally need no protection from
any foreign tobacco. Show no
favor to a neighbor who persists
in sowing run out seed and
antediluvian methods of
If he pleads poverty
assist him, if he is obstinate crowd
him to the
Reported by Joyner
Following we give market
f Common.
J Fair,
f Common,
h to
i; to
Lugs or
Common to medium,
Medium to good,
Good to fine.
Fillers or
wider common to medium,
Reported by Owen Davis, Manager Davis
long pole or and put my of stable manure
plants three and a half feet apart, one half as much as is generally
unless the ground is very rich; in in cotton pounds
that case I plant cotton seed meal, pounds acid
EXPERIENCE talks. phosphate, and pounds
One of the best in
section thus gives his fa ,, ,
Throw two furrows on
turning plows. Then
Medium to
Good to fine.
Cutters or Best
Common to Medium, to
Medium to good, 12,15 to
Good to tine, to
Wrappers or Best
October a
Month to Brag
About in
Cincinnati Tobacco Journal.
From the returns in from all but
a few districts wont miss the
mark much in estimating the out-
put in October at close to
pounds of Tobacco,
Cigars, and
pounds of Snuff. As it
will be seen this is considerably
above the average of the past
fiscal year, though hardly up to
the output of the previous month,
but a year's output, predicated on
October's output as an average,
would be one that would be worth
crowing about, but one is not
likely to be reached for some time
to. come- It indicates a very
healthy trade in all branches of
Common to medium,
Medium to good,
Good to fine.
Fine to
Common to medium,
Medium to good.
Good to line.
Hi, to
for land F T win
An old adage which says, part ,, the object,
which is worth doing is worth refer to ft in ample
true in the preparation t-me for
of land for any crop, and ms intended;
for a tobacco crop. The
be put in the very best con-
possible, by plowing raking
and harrowing till it is thoroughly, The farmers all over the country
pulverized. About the first of are discussing the question of
June the ground should be run off bettering the quality of tobacco,
For several years Winston has
had the reputation of being the
banner tobacco manufacturing
city of the South. This reputation
is annually maintained with the
facts and figures.
1892 was an election year,
which is generally conceded to be
a dull year, the manufacturing
business held its own remarkably
well. The shipments of plug and
twist tobacco for the year were
During the year was
paid out for stamps. The sales
of leaf in Winston during the
year aggregated about
to Charlotte Observer.
in furrows with a largo shovel
plow. and a half feet is the
proper width for tobacco
Then drill in these rows or
rows four hundred pounds of good
fertilizer to the acre, and from two
to four wagon loads of stable ma-
Make a list on the same
discuss and
The way has
bring about
The winter
months are on hand ; work on the
farm will soon practically end.
Now is the time for growers
take proper steps to bring about
but it is one thing to
another to perform,
been shown how to
fur-1 the desired change-
Primings common
Fillers common
good to fine
Smokers common
. fine
Wrappers normal.
By J- S. Meadows, Reporter
Smokers common,
Cutters common,
Fillers common.
M good,
Wrappers common,
Now Try
It will cost you nothing and will fine-
do you good, it yon have a Cough,
Cold, or MO trouble with Throat, Chest
or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is
guaranteed to give relief, or money will
paid back. Sufferers from
found it just the thing and under its MS
had a speedy and perfect recovery. Tr
a sample bottle at our expense and lean;
for just how good a thing it is.
Trial leg free at
Store. Large size and
Handkerchief Flirtation.
The cost of production of
co is placed by eastern growers at
from to cents per pound.
The yield varies from to
pounds per acre in Northern dis-
from to pounds
Florida. Prices have ranged,
with one horse turning plows, and the desired result, so that when
then with hoes pass along spring comes all that need be
and cut off pat hill three is to quality and
a art Tobacco Journal. Tobacco Journal.
in late years, from to
per pound for the
The tendency is to go higher lugs,
Com. leaf,
Medium leaf,
GO to
Ale. Reporter.
Sales for week, month and year,
Year 1341
Louisville market quotations;
Dark. 1892 1890 crop
3.50 to 8.00 to g.;
4.00 to 4.80 8.75 to 4.00
4.50 to 5.26 Nominal
5.25 to 6.00
6.00 to 6.50
Com. lugs
Drawing across the.
of an acquaintance.
Drawing across the am
will be friends-
Twining in both
Taking it by the
are too willing.
Drawing love
Drawing through hate
Besting on right
Resting on left
Twisting in left wish to
get rid of you.
Twisting in right love
wish to speak with
Over Hie me-
Opposite corners in both hands
Wait for me.
Drawing across
are watched.
Placing on right have
Letting it remain on the eyes
Yon are cruel.
Winding around tho forefinger
J am engaged-
Winding around third
am married.
Putting in the more
at present.
A State road congress will meet
in Raleigh the 19th
School for the
Young Unfortunates-
It was on March 1889, that
with the money
that had been contributed in
America, opened at Bombay
school for young widows. Re-
and social influences were
arrayed against it in in the strong-
est manner. To enter it was to
become an outcast. And even
who were at heart friendly
to the enterprise expected only fail-
The school opened with just
one inmate, a girl who had become
a widow at the ago of years. Six
months later there were twelve of
them. A year later there were
twenty-five. One of them became
a widow at tho age of another
at another at six between
and and four between
Only two or three knew even the
alphabet. Bat under
instruction they have made good
progress and are now intelligent.
One child in the school is not a
widow, but a wife. She was
married when between three and
four years old and was taken to
live with her mother-in-law. There
she was treated with cruelty. Tho
woman used to hang her up by a
cord tied around her ankles and
then beat her with a heavy
Most of these pupils are
though a few belong to
the caste. They observe
the strict rules of their caste in all
matters of dress and deportment.
Besides instruction in ordinary
branches of learning, they are all
taught needlework, cookery and
the other elements of the house-
wife's art.
You can save Cash and
increase Comfort
at the same time.
Why, buy OLD
for TEN
. ad of
, 1ST. O.
Bullock Mitchell,
Owners and Proprietors.
Good leaf.
Newton is to have
ton mill.
another cot-
We are having daily breaks at New Warehouse and are using our very best efforts to
ft as high prices for your tobacco as can be had anywhere.
following sales
were recently
C Pounds 85.00
W. A.
pounds; average
G. W.
. 14.75
pounds; average
1837 pounds; average
B. A.
pounds; average
The Greenville market will be on an equal with
every market in the State. The Eastern Ware-
house has every convenience for selling your to-
and we will see that every pound brings full
Heeding ft or children who want
up. should take
It U Malaria. Indication,
tor M M-d
pimples, eruptions.
A CO. Atlanta,
Descended from
The following has been handed
in for publication, the
ville saw Gen.
T. L. Clingman to-day, and he
mentioned to us that this was
birthday. H reminded us
that Julius Caesar was also born
on July and he remarked
that there was another connection
between himself and tho great
Roman. The General's grand-
mother was named and as
Casar had several German wives
the General claims to be a de-
of Julius Caesar. The
General said that ho resembled
Moses in one respect only, age,
and that Moses began to serve tho
public when he got to be years
old, but he differed from Moses in
tho fact that more than years
ago, when not half so old as
he to give the great-
part of his time to tho service
of the
How Ear-Palling Began.
Anciently, in many parts of
France, when a sale of land took
place, it was tho custom to have
twelve adult witnesses,
by twelve boys, and when
the price of tho land was paid and
Its surrender took place, tho ears
of the boys were pulled and they
were severely beaten, so that the
pain thus inflicted should make an
impression upon their memory,
and, if required afterward, they
might witness to tho sale.
The Reason Why.
A report of a French duel has
the following interesting
M. the
first shot, If. stood still
a moment, brought up his pistol,
listened for tho word, and fired in
th air,
is not, however, so very
merciful, which might sup-
posed, when it is known his
climbed, a
To contract is to
make smaller; to expand is to en
large. Cold contracts, heat ex-
The operations cannot go
on at tho same time in the same
pardon, professor;
there tho more you
contract the more they
indeed. of
end w look for good during
had by shipping tow, by to s. I.
Co. N. or to Amos I ox.
Hi it we old on every pile pot upon our floor and buy largely of ail
that we sell, will see to shall he Ugliest market price for
sold with us. Recollect that it you nothing to collect as they
are payable in New York Exchange without cost holder. t forget to try
with good shipment and will convince yon tint we are hustlers tram
mid that we every time on prices and yon know
Will have for you in our house by skilled hands at per
Thanking our Mends for the very liberal upon its. in the past
and them our yew best efforts to please then In the future, we are with
best Wishes, Very truly your friends,
Oxford, N. C-
All About Growing Tobacco.
II to try Honey Staking Crop.
Winston, N. C.
Factory if well with the best Mechanics, put up nothing
WORK. keep up with the times and the improved
t material Died all work. All styles of Springs arc you can
Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King
also keep on hand a full line of Ready Harness firm Whip, we
ell at the lowest rates; T Special attention to repairing.
Greenville, N C.
T. 33-
for the Planter
Giro a trial and we will please you. Tour friends,
R- Roaster
and type on
Steamers leave Washington for Green-
ville Tarboro touching at nil land-
on Tar River Wednesday,
and Friday A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. M.
Tuesdays, and Saturdays.
Greenville A. M. same days.
These departures are subject to stage of
water on Tar River.
and Scraps,
Refers to any member of the Trade of Greenville, N. C,,
Correspondence Solicited.
Connecting at Washington with steam-
era of The Norfolk, and Wash,
direct line for Norfolk.
Philadelphia. New York Boston.
Shippers should order their goods
marked via Dominion from
New York. from
more Steamboat from
Miners from
Washing ton, N. C
Greenville, N C
K O K Agents per month.
prove It or pay for-
articles just out. A
ample and terms free. Try us.
SON, W Bond St., N. T.
It Happened to Come to Her-
Young Wife
Wake up Wake up
is it, dear
Young no
asked me tit what ailed the
cake. It just happened to come
to mo this minute. forgot to put
sugar in
New Barber Shop.
take Hits to return
thanks lo who have
given me their liberal support In the past
l have opened a
would respectfully solicit a
of my former
I will assure all that they shall receive
every the beet
shave and cut In All I ask i-
of the latest tn the
rial art will in my shoo.
Stew six fair-sized apples to a
marmalade, with sugar to taste,
and about two ounces of fresh
butter, and set it aside till cold,
when two eggs must
be added to it. Butter a pie-dish,
sprinkle this thickly with sugar,
baked bread crumbs and a
finely grated then pour
in the apple, cover it all pretty
thickly with broad and
bake it for an hour in a good oven.
Serve turned out, with
sprinkled over it.
Flannel Cakes,
Ono quart of flour, ounces of
butter, teaspoonful of salt,
teaspoonfuls of baking powder,
eggs, 1-2 pints of milk. Rub
the I into the flour with the
hands until smooth, then add the
salt. Beat the yolks of the eggs,
add them to the milk; add this to
the flour, and beat vigorously
until smooth; add tho whites of the
eggs and the baking powder, and
bake quickly on a hot griddle.
Very nice.
Row English Are Made.
Mrs. Winifred Fanning was first
made famous some years ago when
the Whitehall published
her picture as a typical Irish
beauty. Since then she has grown
more matronly, but is still a very
lovely woman says the Queen. At
Ascot the Prince of Wales begged
to be introduced to Mrs.
and straightway the fame of her
good looks spread over the country,
From one of society to the
-----It yon want to
then purchase of a PIANO and
Ten to Fifteen Dollars
in the purchase of an Organ address
u .
Having completed my store at Which
Pitt county. N. C, I am opening
a stock of
and cordially invite the to call
and examine
Our Is standard Goods Rea-
Prices for Cash.
Examine my before buying
It the goods and prices do
not suit we charge nothing
Country produce taken In
or goods.
General Agent for North Carolina,
who is now handling goods direct from
the manufacturers, as
for tone, workmanship and
and endorsed by nearly all the
musical journals in the United
Made by Paul G. who is at this
time of the best mechanic and In-
of day. Thirteen new
patents on this high grade I
EIGHT which has been sold by
him for the past six years in the eastern j
of this State and up to this time
given entire satisfaction. The
Piano just mentioned will he sold at from
in Rosewood, Oak,
Walnut or Mahogany coses.
from to in solid or Oak
eases. , , ,
Ten years experience in the music
business has enabled him to handle
nothing but standard goods and he doc
not hesitate to say that he can sell
musical Instrument about per cent
cheaper than other agents are now
Refer to all In
For Rent.
A large two-story brick In the
Opera House Block. Greenville, Just
splendid room, with patent
tor, counters, and drawers.
obtained, all business in the V, q
Patent or in the Courts attended
for Moderate Fees.
We are opposite the U. Patent Of-
lice engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents In less time than those
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing U sent We
advise as to tree of charge,
and we. make no change unless Ob-
refer, here, to the Post Master, the
Supt. of the Money Did., and to
officials of the U. Patent Office. For
terms and reference to
clients in your own State, or conn-
address, C. A. Snow A Co.,
Washington, D. C.
O Scotland Neck. N.
Express Paid on Packages. Bend for
list. Address.
For the Care all Side
This Preparation has been in over
fifty years, and wherever know has
been in steady demand. It been en-
by the leading physicians all over
and has effected cures
all other remedies, with the attention o
the most experienced physicians,
for years failed. This Ointment Is Of
long standing and the high reputation
which It has obtained is owing
Its own efficacy, as but little t
ever been made to bring It before the
public. One bottle of this Ointment Will
lie to any address on receipt of One
Dollar. Sample box five. The usual
discount to Druggist. All Cash
promptly attended to. all or-
and communications to

Eastern reflector, 11 January 1893
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 11, 1893
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Joyner NC Microforms
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