Eastern reflector, 9 November 1892

Job Mourn
Thoroughly Equipped
Give Us a Trial Order.
D. J. WHICH Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
noon a
ally prepare. every
constant Me by Medical pro-
Ti its are com-
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WILL i. that b darned for
it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother rod Child. Book
to Mothers matted FREE, con-
valuable and
voluntary testimonial.
price 1.57 pr
The North Carolina
Missionary Convention
Grifton. October 26th
October 57th-
Convention wen
I opened by an f
by the editor of the
land pastor of the i . n
ti. D. Earner in hi
i .
of tho and his education,
morally spiritually and religiously.
Br. Smith submitted tho follow
propositions which
Does tho need
education. 2- Does ho want it
Will it do him goo
Whose duty i i to
iii i made to stand
out . who
It. It.
No No No
Apr. Kith. daily Part Mull, daily
daily i Sun
Weldon pin pm Man
Ar IS p in nil am
ex Sun.
loam CM
S am p in pin
A. Mount I
H am
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 4.22 M. arrives Scot
bind Neck at 5.15 r. M., Greenville
I. If., Kim-ton i. m. Returning,
leaves Kinston 7.3-1 a. m. Greenville
8.40 a. in. Halifax a. m.
Weldon 11.45 a. m. daily except Sun-
Trains on Washington Branch leave
Washington a. m. arrives A. R.
Junction a, m. leaves A.
A Junction p. in., arrives Wash-
8.20 p m. Daily except Sunday.
Connects with trains on Albemarle i ml
Raleigh It. K. and Scotland Neck
Local freight leaves Weldon
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
10.15 a. in., arriving Scotland Heck 1.05
n. m. p. in.,
p. in. Returning leaves Kinston
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
7.211 a. in., arriving
a. m., Neck 8.20 p. m., Weldon
5.15 p. in.
Train N C, via
A It. R. daily except Sun-
day, I P If. Sunday M,
N C, is p M, P II.
Plymouth 8.80 p. in. 5.23 p. m.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily except
Sands- m., Sunday a. in-
in, am.
South Division. Wilson
Branch leave Fayette-
a in. arrive Rowland p in.
leave Rowland p in.
pm. ax-
Train on Midland X C Branch have
; Sunday, M
X C, so A M. Re
laves X A M i
X A M.
Train No. make.- close connection at
Weldon for all Mints North daily. All
oil via Richmond, and daily Sun-
via Bay Line, also at Rocky
daily Sunday with Norfolk
Carolina railroad for Norfolk and all
points via Norfolk.
Southbound train on
is No. Northbound is
do. Sunday.
Train on leaves Rock
Hood at P M, arrive Nashville
Hop.- M P M. Returning
Spring Hope AM,
A M. arrives Mount A
Train on Clinton Branch leaves
for except Sunday, t. o
A M. and M.
Warsaw with and
South and North will
stop only at Rocky Mount,
and Magnolia.
J. R.
T. -1
happy, V-V
one of his characteristic
dresses. President W. W. r , on re assembling d
with the
hi; no k. tho
annual address which j b
was brim fall-of sound M-g-
promised the for
cation and we hope to place it be-
fore our readers in our next issue.
Make a note of this Farmer-
was submitted
many secretary
lire. report trust to
be able to lay before our readers.
The report was passed over to tho
committee on evangelizing.
After to
ons tho convention ad-
until the night session.
The night session was to
our educational work. L.
read a very able and in-
At the conclusion of the son
the President took the chair and
called tin; house to order.
Secretary J. and
Corresponding Secretary ,
Howard took their respective
places and the Convention me, which can found on
dared organized and ready f- page in tins paper. This
organized and ready tor
business. On motion brethren
H- of M. D.
Adams, returned from
India, C. C- Secretary
of Education and
of the Negro, were invited to seats
tho They accept-
ed made brief
The following committees were
On Finance, P. H.
Johnson, W. R. and S.
H. ; J. J.
I. L. Chestnutt and H. C.
The roil of was called
and many responded by delegates
and very encouraging letters.
The Convention took for
dinner. After dinner the
dent called tho to order.
Devotional exercises conducted
J. T. Davis. The following
committees were On
Preaching, J. L. S- W.
J. W. Latham; on
Evangelizing, J. J. Rose, Caleb
Cannon, J. J. D. H.
W. H. Ivy Pollock ;
on Temperance, J. L. Burns, J. R.
Tingle C. C ; Minis
character, R. A- L G.
H. Waters and S. I. Wooten ; on
Examination and Ordination, M.
T. J. L. and J. T.
Davis; on Education, I. L. Chest-
Dr. H. D. Harper, H. Q.
The committee on preaching re
ported that Bro. MT. preach
to-night at Salem Bro. C. C.
in the Methodist church.
The roll of was called
and many reported.
The President announced the
following committee on tho else
of W. R. Parker,.
Alfred Clash-ins It. A. L. J. Trots
seemed to one of toe most en-
meetings. Several of
our preachers in the dis-
mid there has never been
witnessed gatherings
such a lively interest in establish-
an institution of learning.
Carolina Institute, under the
management of Bro. was
highly There
seemed to a wakening up all
along tho line; unity and co-opera-
seemed to be largely in the
majority. The Board of Trustees
submitted tho following
1- We have kept the matter be-
fore the public, through the
Watch since the last con
volition quite interest has
been manifesto I in tho establish-
of a college tho
of the Disciples.
We have been invited to
tho institution at the following
Wilson Mills, Dunn,
Ayden Grifton. The
from points arc of
such a nature character that
the Board cannot accept any one
at this time.
Carolina Institute in Beau-
fort county has been erected since
the last and Bro. L. T.
a Christian gentleman of
tine scholarly attainments has
been chosen principal. Already
six ministerial students in at-
and the outlook for more
recommend that Carolina
Institute receive the favorable
consideration of this convention
and that all our friends recognize
its until we establish the in
contemplated by tho
.-. W.
ask that the Board of
continued another
S. S. H. year and it is very probable that
Henry delivered before tho next convention the in-
Notice to Shippers.
In order to make more convenient and
economical use of the vessels now em-
ployed In the North Carolina service
thus to better serve the inter-
of shippers, the undersigned
have decided to merge their
respective line between
and and
Washington, N. into
Mm tout
Connecting at Norfolk with
The Bay Baltimore.
The Clyde Line, for Philadelphia.
The Old Dominion Line, for New
The Merchants Miners Line for
ton and Prov
The Water Lines for Richmond, Va.,
and Washington.
At with
The Atlantic North Carolina R. R.
At Washington with
The Tar River Steamer.
Also Calling at Island. N C.
The new line will m
Service, with additional as
will salt the needs of busings
The direct of steamers
and the from handling,
among the advantages this Line
The following gentlemen have
his address there
to our Mission He
laid emphasis on that part of our
work which donates funds to
churches already able to take cart,
of themselves. The position
seemed to well taken and well
received a the position was not
assailed by those who
At this moment tho Convention
The night session was devoted
of the theme opened
by Bro. L. Chestnutt we
have a State Broth-
Stancill, H. C
H. J. T. Davis and J. L-
took part in the debate
which was both warm and spirited.
Bro. Stancill gave some of the
preachers hard licks. He hold
them responsible for the failure to
an Evangelist the
field, He convincingly
argued that no was loyal
to the Convention who failed to
stand by the State Evangelist,
when he had been chosen by the
Convention. This was not
by a single one who took
part the discussion. This how-
ever opened an other channel of
thought If tho Convention en
a paper as the medium of
communication and certain preach-
did what they could in
to the paper it logically fol-
j lowed that such preachers were
not loyal to the convention. This
was a surprise to many. Its
cal conclusion was not doubted.
It was evident that several saw the
point and the effect was very
The convention was called to
order by President Farmer and
devotional exercises conducted by
Bro. D. W. Davis. The roll of
will located.
The report was received. The
committee on education joins in
tho above report.
The convention was called to
by the President.
exercises by Bro. Thomas
Green. Addresses were limited to
minutes and five minutes allow-
ed for discussions.
The roll of was again
called many of those passed
over answered.
Petitions for tho next
were presented from Wash-
us Chapel and Beth-
any, Pamlico county. Washing-
ton receiving the largest number
of votes was declared the place for
holding tho next convention.
The committee on the
churches submitted the following
The committee declines
interfere with
ready made and only group the
churches where it seems of
2- We recommend that the Hyde,
Pamlico, Elizabeth City and Dunn
stand as published in
We recommend that tho
Plymouth and
We recommend that the On-
slow group be Pleasant Hill, Tuck-
Union Chapel.
Greenville group be Green-
ville, ML Pleasant, and
0- Grifton group be Grifton,
Bethel, Eden.
After discussion against the
adoption by E. A. J. L.
Burns, H. C- Bowen and I. L.
j Chestnutt, and for adoption by J.
motion prevailed to change the
name of house to
Sweet Home. The president an-
the following special com-
on grouping the
C C. Bas
John .
John Son, at
S. at N. P.
S. O at Island.
J. J. Cherry, at Greenville, N.
The dirt will leave Norfolk
on May from barf
on Water Clyde
I and between the piers tho Clyde
Lille and Steamship Co.
II, A-
V P Dominion S Co.
Clyde Line.
den, J. C- H
Davenport, Dr. W- M. Harper.
The committee on preaching an-
Bro. D. W. to
preach at the Methodist church at
o. C. Smith of Ohio, agent
for education and
of the addressed the
convention in one of the ablest
speeches we have heard in behalf
Ministerial Association. Pres.
Burns took tho chair and called
tho assembly to The roll
was called and quite a large
responded- The full proceed-
will furnished by the sec
We recommend that we unite
our efforts to raise for mis-
work in the State this year,
and also tho sum of 1760 fin a
State should one
employed. We recommend that
ii. be in
field soon an practicable. The
committee further recommended
that given to tho Winston
mission and It. C- be con-
Plymouth and Roanoke Chapel
SIM with J. R. Tingle, the Dunn
Elizabeth City mis-
with W. O. j
Greenville made a mission
and receive with I.
L. Chestnutt, for
preaching. Bro. is re-
commended to hold a series of
there. Grifton and Pol-
given each for
preaching. Bobbins H. and
Grantsboro to receive aid through
tho State Evangelist.
The committee on temperance
submitted tho following
Tho manufacture and sale and
of ardent spirits
and a to tho
of, the gospel. It was
solve that
condemn the manufacture,
sale and use of ardent spirits a
All our preachers request
to preach a sermon on temper-
setting forth tho evils of the
use of ardent spirits.
3- We ask the co-operation of
Christians everywhere to abolish
the manufacture, sale of
The committee on the election of
officers made the following report
which was adopted.
For President, Henry
Vice-President. H. A. Latham.
I. L Chestnutt.
Rec. W. J. Crumpler.
Treasurer, R. T- Hodges.
Tho following are the
of the Board i T- W. Phillips, W.
H. Stancill. J. B. W. R.
and L. T.
The committee on Examination
D. H. having accepted
of the New church,
and being now one of us, that
when he furnishes the recording
secretary a letter of commendation
and recommendation from the
congregation where he holds
in conformity to the ex-
pressed action and will of the con-
we recommend that his
name be enrolled upon of I.
That L. T.
Green and W. B.
been ordained recommend
that their names be enrolled.
That Daniel Minis, whose
commendation is from individuals
and not from tho church at Pleas-
ant Union we decline to
furl her action upon his
That J. S- Warren, who i
claims to have been by a i
Baptist Church in Maryland, that
when ho presents certificate of or- j
properly authenticated
the sumo will considered.
That J. F. ;
Thad Harrison, being still
young, think it advisable that j
they continue to their;
studies another year and exercise
their gifts as occasion may present.,
C recommend to the favor-;
consideration of all the
churches that we have
in the examination and ordination
of ministers.
Tho committee report
854.48 for minute fund and balance
turned over to Corresponding
Too report fails to say i
was turned over. This
is a serious blunder. We trust the
secretary and treasurer will send
their reports so we c in
t same in next Watch-Tower.
Tho committee on ministerial j
character report that there
detrimental to the character oil
any of our ministers. com-
did not hear Bro. j
MT and B W.
were appointed to set apart to tie ,
ministry Isaiah Carver.
The fund for aged and infirm
ministers was turned over to the J
Board, with instruction to
bate to those in need.
amount reported was
Tho Recording was
requested to print 2.000 copies of i
tho proceedings of tho convention I
and distribute same among the
churches and that ho allowed
for his services.
Tho bill of Bro. Stancill for ex-
to City was
Bro. Green introduced a
resolution of thanks to the citizens
for their kindness and hospitality.
to tho Methodists for the use
of their house of worship and to
tho for a faithful discharge
of their duty.
Bro. Henry
at the Methodist Church on
day and Bro. M. F. Haskett at same
on Wednesday night- Bro.
Slid a friend to in the
other f I bad only broil j
bolT with good looks I might I
in ore attractive to people.
i ire's Alice Scott, she
eyes, and view
a lively complexion, and
R fa e is
altogether perfect; but T a
plain, not one redeeming
I was just about to reply inn
laid her hand over my
month and laughingly
know just what you are going land sensibility Which
to say. is that hand that forms I
some docs, and that is snob mi
old proverb that it is worn thread
are J
i anniversary of their mar-
t i Burke presented to
this pen portrait of bar
char us. ft id y serve as a mirror
i i which of the present day
is but n
ii is ;, not arising fr in feature .
from or from
She has nil three in high degree,
ii i-; not, by these she touches
it i- all that sweetness of
ii .
She has a that just raises your
attention at first sight; it grows on
you every moment, and you won-
it did no more than
You may have heard your mot he
I v, when she went to school,
she such a dear girl friend, and
how two have kept up the
for many long years,
and have perhaps heard her
say that school friendships are
n mod enduring of any.
Then you have wondered if you
and your present will
each other when both of you
gray headed. Now let moo
you and
n face can your Lest friend Anna. Of course
beauty, you like her very much, but
must confess that very frequently
there comes a and you
When a thing
raise year I happens yon straightway trans-
it is true not-j attention at affections to some other
withstanding, Miss ; I eyes have a mild light, but j girl, your friend does likewise,
was going to tell you about a lady i they awe when she they You two scarcely speak when you
I once had the pleasure of meet; command like a good man out of
I was visiting a friend at office, not by authority, but by
time who had very large circle of j Her stature is nut tall; she
wherever we not to be the admiration
I was to tho name of a of everybody, bat tho happiness of
certain lady men-lone She bus the firmness that
and every one, strange delicacy; she has
all tho softness that docs not imply
is a soft, low music,
not formed to Mile in public
to biles, but to charm who can
of distinguish a company from a
relate, had something to say
her every one
seemed to be quite carried j
with her.
I was desirous
meet so charming a creature,
whom I had drawn a mental pie-1 crowd; it has this advantage,
tore. It is needless to say that I
a great beauty.
morning my friend and I
were sitting on the veranda lead
and hearing tho gate click I
looked up saw a very plain
woman coming up tho
drive way. With a beaming
and delighted exclamation, my
describe her body describes her
mind ; one is th l transcript of tho
other; her understanding is not
shown tho variety of matters it
exerts itself on, but in the goodness
of the choice she makes. She does
not display it so much in saying or
doing striking things, in avoid-
meet, and make a point
of showing great devotion to the
now friend in the presence of the
old one.
Now isn't it rather silly to
these differences so
If Anna does some y
unworthy net, then she deserves
tho loss of your friendship; but is
your regard so frail a thing that it
cannot stand small of
opinion Can not you more
If your friend is lovable and you
are the kind of girl you ought to
be, then you will bear with her
inconsistencies and nut up with
some of her faults. Perhaps you
are not perfect yourself, and
she may have to bear some things
from you. If your friendship is
tho real thing, you will remember
that all
all and so bear-
many things patiently and
she brought forward to person of so few years can sweetly, you will find that years
I was Bitting and introduced know tho world no person ; will not weaken, but will rather
Miss Rollins. of my loss corrupted by ilia j strengthen, your mutual bond of
prise. This plain, unassuming knowledge. Her politeness flows i Young
woman-Miss Rollins I from a natural disposition
not my to oblige than from any rules
smiled, and then her subject, and therefore never tor
was illumined. She
her was music.
I listened, almost entranced, and I not She a i i It one of
friend advanced to meet her, and big such us she ought fit CO say
when greetings were exchanged do.
i t f m i. t a i in .-
Books and fails to strike those who understand Ogdon, N.
For bleeding and those
Sin- has a steady and firm rec amend it s
hen our visitor had gone Icon- mind, which takes no more from I remedies I ever
myself another devotee the solidity of the female character tried it
-r shrine I than the solidity of marble docs results.
her shrine.
after all was attractive
she did have some be
my young friend. haven't
finished. Miss I nil
learned afterwards
that when Miss Rollins was in her we see in tho weak and
girlhood she spent so much time in hers. .
fretting over her looks that she With such a wife is it surprising
really made herself very that Burke could aver every
and unlovely; bat it was her vanished tho moment he she.
good fortune to meet with one beneath his
its polish and luster. She
has such virtues makes us value
tho truly great of our own sex.
has all tho winning graces
that make us love even the
n with
who urged her to self
and a desire to please
help and soon learned
that a kind, thoughtful net, a
pathetic word a pleasant smile ,
since it- Introduction,
Bitten has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now i; la in II e had
i pure medicinal tonics and
went further than mere beauty of I lives-containing nothing which permits
use a beverage it is
she couldn't changer as the best and purest
,. .-i, i i for a Liver
voice, still argued the girl. In-1 Ii will cure Sick
deed she Miss Constipation, and
I replied. voice trained drive Malaria from
A cine
Canker mouth and
Ionic re is nil
nasal Injector for the in-re
treatment of thee without
-v i c Hold at
Answer This Question.
Why do ho many people
to and ha made
Dizziness, of Coining up
of the Tool, fellow skin, when for
I Mil
to cure them Sold J. L.
only to articulate the gentlest and
kindest of words unconsciously
grows and musical in tone.
Don't you suppose that if Miss
Rollins had Kept on grieving
grumbling because of the plain-
of her features she would soon
faction guaranteed with each bottle or
the money will be refunded,
Dear girls, don't so often
wishing you were grown up women
that you will neglect your girlhood.
the rush hurry of
fast limes, there is danger that
you will reach and strain after
too much-
Bo girls a while yet; tender,
joyous, loving, obedient and in-
womanhood, with its
. . , Following is a little story told .
have cultivated n fretful by Joe Ha worth, says the privileges, and power, its burdens
whining tone And if gloOmy polls A little girl, not laud its trials, will come soon
On this point, one has
peevish thoughts had been more than four yens old, the only
allowed to rankle in her heart in- child of some mends whom Ha
stead of the winsome smile there worth used to frequently, was
her little
would have been scowls and always puzzling her little bruin
wrinkles thunderstorms, what they
my dear true beauty comes were and what made those loud
from within if the heart is right; if noises. One she asked her
peace, contentment and lo.-e dwell mania about it. her mama
within it, they will reflect them- answered, that
selves in tho countenance and loud noise is the voice of God.
patiently, my children,
through the whole limit of your
girlhood. Go not after
hood ; let it come to you. Keep
out i f public view. Cultivate re-
and modesty. The cares
and of life will
come so mi enough. When they
brighten the plainest features. So A few days later the little one was i come, you will meet them, I trust,
take my advice, accept tho playing on tho lawn with as women should. But oh,
up thinking about your when a dark mass of clouds rolled i be not so unwise as to throw away
looker do good good, and up from the west, and the mutter-; your girlhood. Rob not yourself
ha the end you will be happier and of thunder became more fro of this beautiful season, which,
have more friends than if you had and more Her wisely spent, will brighten all
simply a pretty face.
faces are they that wear
The light of a quiet spirit the e.
It mailers if dark or
The World
Is beyond question the most
Cough Medicine have ever
Sold, a few doses invariably cure the
went eases of Congo, Croup and
while its wonderful success in the
cure of Co is without a j
lei in the history of Since its
discovery It has been sold
a test which no other medicine .
can stand. If you have a cough we earn- j
ask you to try it. Price We.
and If your lungs sin-
mother called to her to in your
and tho one collected her
family of dolls in her chubby little
arms and started to toddle toward
the house. Just as reached
the piazza steps, was a
clap of thunder, and she has-
to get to her mama, looked
up in tho sky, and said in a hurt
tone, needn't holler
so load ; I as
as I
Mr- David Pickle, of the Cuba
district, Craw, has a new
rotary. also to have for M. T- at Salem on
the treasurers Tuesday night and Bro. D. W-
Davis at same place on Wednesday
and Thursday nights-
The Convent its
session at F- M-
sermon was preached by Bro.
M. T. on Thursday night.
The deliberations were very
and we believe productive
of much good.
There were subscribed aid
in paying the tuition of the min-
students at Carolina In-
After adjournment of the
the convention resumed
business. Prayer by Bro. J. B.
The report of the committee on
back lime, use Porous Plaster. mode matching fish- Tho plan
Sold at DRUG The fish at o baited S
a lend nerd i a friend
and lass than one
bare Jut a
King's New Discovery for Ce
and yon have never
n ed this Cough one
trial will convince you that It has won-
curative all i of
Throat. Cheat Each
is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or
v will lie refunded. Trial
free at Drug Store. Large
and 81.00.
A Good Name.
good name is to be desired
above great Remember
boys and girls, character is the one
days mixture of flour tho one thing
hope to
or the
or steel- rod, coated
The live Business Man
n- -i
-in a---------
It In rend by------
------That In why ho use
The Eastern Reflector
A troublesome akin disease
caused mo to scratch
and has been
at H. Upper Marlboro, Md.
t v. tan of whit
. it nil n. S. did the work.
ram W. K mini h , City,
mailed free.
The session of Ibis School will
begin Oil Monday. August MU,
The advantages offered win ho
or to of any previous Kn-
Hoard had at lower rate, at
any similar school Carolina
We propose to do Hie beat work for
that has ever done In the town,
and challenge proof to the contrary.
are follows, payable
Primary per month, 81.60
Intermediate per month, 2.00
Higher English per month, 2.60
languages each, extra,
When you arc In town call to me
or write me your homos.
will be cheerfully given. If
necessary a competent assistant will be
Greenville, N. C, July
Peanut Pickers and
Will pick and NO bushels o
day. Manufactured by Card-
well Machine Co., Richmond. Va.
I tit. J. MARQUIS,
Jill. U. L.
Prompt attention to
at Tucker Murphy's old
N. C.
r Practice all the Courts.
Greenville, N.
I, a.
u. r.
N. C
attention given to collection
Prompt and careful attention to bust-
N. C.
I made, CU
,, i , along in this
great cause of fail-1 they begin to t the bait a mag-, J .
Neglect is the
Success is every man's
reach if he takes pains to succeed. I with tho same kind of paste, is let; .,.,, Impulse of these
We must face our task work j down to them. I
with our might to accomplish it- to suck tho paste from it, and u I all a
Your garden docs not grow up in doing; so stick hard and fast. ; As if there were no mote, in sunbeams
weeds because it might not be j It is not unusual for Mr- Pickle Or g
otherwise, but because yon neglect; to haul out at one u long K,. It never adopt-
it. Tho schoolboy fails and or rod of suckers in to do. are all worthless f
to the foot of bis class because ho way- This plan of fishing, com-1 one doctor lets l-is patient die,
does not pains The sermon i with Mr Cal Odom's method
is crude and rambling and puts the j of frightening or setting fire to the I
congregation to sleep, because the fur of raccoons and burning them
out of the highest trees with
candles, is bound to
hunting and fishing
t E E S V I Is I. E, S C
all the courts.
pastor allowed himself to
by things from
worked of careful preparation.
insures slack-
and neglect mean inevitable
failure. To know how is, of course,
much; but to do the best you know,
keep diligently at it, is the
best way to learn how, and tho only
sure to
brain to
differential line.
They .-iv Ir. Golden
have cure
for a weak system there s
nothing lie
and that the l
d all
use over
fifty years, and wherever known
been steady demand. It baa been en-
lone, the leading physicians all over
c country, and ban effected cures where
all with the attention of
the most experienced physicians, have
for year failed. This Ointment is
long standing and the high reputation
which It has obtained Is owing entirely
Its own as effort has
ever made to bring It before the
public. One bottle of this Ointment will
sent to any address on receipt of One
Sample box tree. The usual
to Druggists. All Cash Orders
promptly at Glided to. Address all or-
and communications to
T. f.
Sole Mat and Proprietor,
N. C.
. Have you that the hope f feeble women
torture known only to persons who need a alive lo bracing
h p And he e's
Salvation in with the; Try one or hath, if don't help
alkaline treatment usually prose In ell IV t
will produce most wander- j Association, of S. Y. and you
effect, get back again.
hair Bar

Greenville, N. C.
Q, J, Editor and Proprietor
Entered at th at
N. C. a second-4-lass mail matter.
Cleve and Steve.
Good Morning.
It's four years more of Grover.
was a Democratic
New York.
New Jersey.
It was a glorious day for
racy and the country.
Where was the J party when the
cyclone struck it
Now name the day for a big
torchlight procession and let's all
celebrate a well earned victory.
The raises its Hags
this and turns loose its
chickens with permission to do
their most lusty feel
good all over and so do Hie chick-
The counties all around us did
the handsome thins yesterday.
Beaufort. Greene.
Martin give good Democratic
elects several
Democrats and glorious old Hali-
fax piles op her majority above a
half thousand.
The returns that in from
the several county last
night are sufficient to show that
Pitt is Democratic by a nice inn.
notwithstanding the Third
party Republican combine to de-
feat her. We have not all the
figures from the different town-
ships in hand to publish this morn-
to show how well Pitt done,
but herself handsomely.
All the election telegrams last
night gave glorious returns from
all over the country. It was a
regular walk over for the Demo-
Pitt county elects her en-
tire Democratic ticket by a nice
majority. Elias Carr and the State
ticket are elected over the entire
combination. Grover Cleveland
carries New York, Illinois, Con-
New Jersey, the solid
South, and is elected President by
a great majority.
precincts from
various parts of the State give
Cleveland a majority of
this hoar,
A- M-, news this State is
to indicate a majority for
Cleveland of at least
some that freely gave
a large majority for Kalb here re-
turned large majority Cleve-
land and the democratic Congress-
Detroit-60 precincts of
Wayne county give Rich for Gov
about one fourth
of Michigan has reported, still
both sides claim majority. The
democrats claim of the Con-
precincts in
give Cleve
land 3,761- Same in 1891 gave
There are voting precincts in
Ohio. plurality in
1891 was
outside of Cincinnati
Cleveland gives Harrison a
of Same precincts in
gave Campbell,
precincts outside
of Cleveland and Cincinnati gives
Harrison a plurality of Same
in 1890 gave complete democratic
plurality of 377-
precincts out-
side of and Cincinnati
give Harrison a plurality of 4,398-
towns and precincts
outside of Arapahoe county gives
Harrison Weaver
precincts give
precincts in Ne-
give Harrison 18-815,
Cleveland Weaver
Springer, democrat, for Congress,
will be re-elected by
Two hundred and ten election
districts out of in New York
city give Cleveland Harrison
election districts out of
give Cleveland Harrison
election precincts out of
Press association says
are Cleveland's majority in
this city will be sixty thousand.
election districts out of
give Cleveland son
election out of
give Harri-
Herald bulletin to night says the
vote has slight democratic gains
in Brooklyn.
districts give
7.927, Harrison 4.510.
Weaver Wing 57-
districts out of
give Cleveland 1.736. Harrison
Weaver Wing
districts out of 1.137 give
Cleveland Harrison
election districts out of
give Cleveland Harrison
out of districts
gives Cleveland Harrison
World's bulletin says Georgia
gives Cleveland majority.
Herald bulletin says Virgina
gives Cleveland fifty thousand.
The returns in New York and
Brooklyn from districts out of
1,785 show a majority of
thousand nine hundred and for
Cleveland. So far the vote for
the State shows a larger falling off
from Harrison than for Cleveland.
Sun bulletin says Cleveland's
majority in the city will be
districts outside of New
York and Brooklyn give Cleve-
land Harrison The
same districts in 1888 gave Cleve-
land Harrison 17,622-
election districts out of
give Cleveland Harrison
Herald bulletin says St. Law-
county shows republican
loss of and Saratoga county
a loss of as compared with
districts out of give
Cleveland Harrison 79,898-
Herald bulletin says
probably republican.
elected Mayor of this
city by about majority.
election districts oat of
gives Cleveland Harrison
Returns from districts out of
in New York city show a ma-
for Cleveland of 67,912-
districts outside New York
and Brooklyn give Cleveland
Harrison dis
in 1888 gave Cleveland
districts outside New York
and Brooklyn give Cleveland
Harrison same districts
in 1888 Cleveland Harrison
New York World's bulletin
claims Russell, for Governor,
carries Massachusetts by 14,000-
World bulletin says chairman
democratic State committee says
Cleveland carries Indiana. No
returns yet received from that
out of districts
in Buffalo give Cleveland
Harrison 17,577-
districts of New
York and gives Cleve-
land Harrison Same
districts in 1888 gave Cleveland
Mail and Express bulletin claims
that the republicans will carry
Illinois on Presidential and State
districts outside New York
and Brooklyn give Cleveland
Harrison same districts
in 1888 gave Cleveland
Brooklyn, N. districts
out of give Cleveland
districts outside of New York
and gives Cleveland
Harrison 55,967- Same
districts in gave Cleveland
Tribune bulletin says
are that Cleveland has car-
New Jersey by plurality.
districts outside New York
and Brooklyn give Cleveland
Harrison same districts
in 1888 gave Cleveland
towns in
cut give democratic gain of forty
one on President, on Governor-
towns give
towns give a democratic
gain on the vote for Governor
over 1888 of
towns Harrison
11.748. Democratic
gain over 1888
claim the
State for by 1,000- No
election of Si ate officers.
27.328, -26,098.
Democratic gain over 1888 of
towns give
Cleveland 41,077-
Democratic gain over 1888 of 1,472-
towns gives
democratic gain over 1883 of 2,507-
and republican.
Cooke county, for Harrison
5.100. Light re-
gain. in
Chicago give Cleveland
Harrison 34-547.
townships outside
of county a net gain
for of 482-
precincts this city Fifer for
townships outside
of Cooke county show net gain
for Cleveland of 119-
towns show in II-
outside Cooke county
Light republican gain.
in this city Cleveland
precincts in the
towns outside of
county, Harrison.
Cleveland net gain for
Cleveland over 1888 of 1,520.
precincts this city
Cleveland Harrison
towns outside Cooke county
Cleveland Harrison
net gain for 3,699-
districts outside New York
and Brooklyn Cleveland
Harrison same dis-
in 1888 gave Cleveland
districts out of a
total of gives Cleveland
Harrison 64,327-
City press association says that
sure of out of
electoral votes necessary to
choice. This includes the votes of
New York and New Jersey and
the electoral votes of the South.
Herald says Chicago
Tribune concedes Illinois to
Both Herald and World claim
that Cleveland has carried Illinois
but Chicago says nothing definite
from that State as yet.
Tribune Bulletin says Ohio gone
republican by
districts outside New York
Brooklyn give Cleveland
Harrison 97,324- In 1888
Cleveland Harrison 94,581-
districts outside of New York
and Brooklyn give Cleveland
Harrison 99,748- Same dis-
in 1888 gave Cleveland
With thirty election districts
missing Cleveland Harri-
son Cleveland majority
The World claims New York,
Indiana, Illinois, Connecticut, New
Jersey and votes in Michigan
for Cleveland.
World bulletin claims North
has gone for Cleveland.
1229 districts outside of New
York and Brooklyn give Cleve-
land Harrison
districts in 1888 gave Cleve-
land Harrison
districts outside of New
York Brooklyn give Cleve-
land Harrison
Same districts in gave Cleve-
1325 districts outside of New
York and Brooklyn Cleveland
Harrison Same
districts in 1888 gave Cleveland
The Sun says Cleveland
by 8,000-
1476 precincts outside of New
York and Brooklyn give Clever
land Harrison
The same districts in 1888 gave
Cleveland Harrison
1530 districts outside New York
and Brooklyn give Cleveland
Harrison 197.766-same dis-
in gave Cleveland
J Harrison
Special to Eastern
Chicago, Nov.
Indiana, New Jersey, Now York,
Illinois go democratic. Great re-
J- B. Johnson,
Special to
Chicago, goes
democratic for Cleveland and
whole democratic ticket elected.
J. B. Johnson,
townships outside
of Cook county show democratic
gain of 4.134.
townships outside
of Cooke county gives Cleveland
net gain of
1874 districts outside of New
York and Brooklyn give Cleve-
land Harrison
The same districts in gave
Brooklyn complete city vote
wards omitted gives Cleveland a
plurality of
1821 outside of New
York and Brooklyn give Cleveland
Harrison In 1888
the districts gave Cleveland
Harrison 230,682-
The chairman of the State com-
claims a democratic
o'clock point to defeat of Eaves,
republican in 3rd congressional
district by 300-
from over
this State indicate a small vote.
Louisville Republican Con-
is undoubtedly elected
in 11th district. All others demo-
committee say the State
will give democratic major-
A gain of over
vote of 1888.
executive committee say Cleve-
land's majority in State will be
to both congressional
districts democratic.
Rains throughout the State.
light- Entire democratic
Congressional delegation elected.
cold. Be-
turns will be late, Both parties
claim the State.
Wyoming gave Harrison a small
majority. The democratic State
ticket is undoubtedly elected-
York Tribune
correspondent says West, demo-
for Governor, Cleve-
land plurality will be 7,000-
towns in
gives Cleveland
Compared a
net democratic gain of com-
pared with republican gain of
towns Cleveland
Harrison Compared
with 1888 net democratic gain
with net republican gain
towns gives Cleve-
land Harrison A
net democratic gain over 1888 of
Republican gain over of
Boston. towns in
setts Cleveland Harrison
net Democratic gain over
of Republican gain over
1891 of
hundred towns
gave Cleveland Harrison
Democratic gains over
1888 of Republican gain over
1891 of
towns gives
sell, for Governor,
Daily News claims Illinois for
Cleveland by over
towns Cleve-
land 2-3,375- Harrison Dem-
net gain over 1888 of 1,289,
republican gain over 1891 of 1.172.
towns give Cleve-
land Harrison Net
democratic over of 1,743.
towns gives Cleve-
land Harrison Net
democratic gain over of 1,602,
republican gain over of 1,819.
Des coming in
slowly, shows a small republican
gains over 1888.
Des precincts
Cleveland net
Democratic gain 1,229.
precincts in the
State outside of Atlanta give Cleve-
land 2.537, Harrison
men leading by large majority all
over the State.
carries State
by majority, solid
tic delegation to Congress elected.
State remains
democratic on electors, Congress
and Legislature.
precincts in the
Harrison 1,838
out of Harrison
Cleveland a democratic
of 1,532.
Philadelphia. county
gives Cleveland majority a
Democratic gain over 1888 of
is conceded Weaver
carries Nevada by 1,500-
from all
parts of the State show democratic
gains over 1888 by about
city gives
Cleveland a majority of A
gain of
Petersburg gives Cleveland a
majority of 1,512- A democratic
gain of 1,673.
Richmond. One half the
ties and all large cities give Cleve
land plurality to
Richmond Further returns
show democratic gains.
Cleveland's plurality in the State
indicate a majority of to
democratic committee claims
democratic congressional
throughout the entire State
without exception.
voting precincts
in the interior of the State shows
democratic gain over 1888 of
in Harrison
Cleveland Democrat-
net gain of
Galveston.-Weather bad through-
out the. State. Vote not exceed-
1888 when
race for Gov-
between Hogg and Clark,
both democrats, very close. It
may possibly take full returns to
Returns Cleveland
the State by probably 20,000-
precincts in the gives
Harrison 1,291, Cleveland 945-
Same precincts in 1890 gave
Trustier 1,841, Matthews 880- Re-
publican gain democratic gain
65- Net republican
Harrison Cleveland
republican gain over
precincts in
State gives Harrison
Cleveland Net republican
gain over of 1,454.
vote in State,
coming in slow. Results likely
not known morning.
Republicans claim they have
carried this State, but very few re-
turns yet in.
Administrator's Notice
Letters having been
issued to the undersigned by Clerk
of the Superior Court of county,
on the 20th day of September. 1832, upon
the estate of O. M. A. Griffin, deceased,
notice is to the of
said estate to present their claims, duly
authenticated, to the undersigned on or
before the 20th day of September. 1393.
or this notice will be plead In bar of
their recovery. All persons Indebted to
raid estate are notified to make
tea payment to the
This the day of September. 1802.
I. H.
of C. M. A. Griffin,
If so come to see us and we will make you prices that
are conceded by our customers as being lower
than can be gotten elsewhere. We
-------have in stock the------
Largest and Most Varied
Selection of Furniture
kept in our town
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly quail red
before the Superior Court Clerk f Pitt
county as Administrator of John Flem-
deceased, notice is hereby given to
persons Indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and all persons having claims
the estate ale notified to present
the same for it to tie undersign-
ed before the Till day of November 1898,
or this notice will be plead in bar or re-
This 7th day November
of John Fleming.
For Sale on Easy Terms
Large Double Store in Greenville. I
Offer for on easy terms the large
Double Store north cf Fifth street,
east of Evans street, with lot fronting
feet on Fifth street by feel deep. A
splendid bargain. Apply at once to
Win. LONG,
For Rent.
A large two-story brick store in the
Opera House Greenville, just
rated, splendid m. with patent
tor, counters, shelving and drawers.
Apply to
Wit. H. LONG.
Greenville, N.
We have for sale at Black Jack,
county, a good Cotton Gin, CO
saws, a good Grist Mill, the rocks of
Moore county These are almost
as good as new will be sold Cheap,
Apply either to
J. I.
Mills. N. C.
W. Venters. Calico, X. C.
The firm of Calley and Edmonds is
hereby dissolved mutual consent.
Those indebted to the will pay the
same to Herbert Edmonds.
Aug. 1892.
It gives me pleasure to announce, to
our customers that I will continue the
business the stand. com-
fort and convenience will be found in
my shop. First-class shave and haircut
can be had at all times. Thanking the
public for past I solicit a con-
of the same.
Action for Divorce.
Henry f Pitt County,
J In Superior Court.
The Defendant above named, is here-
by notified to be and appear before the
Judge of our Superior Court, at. a Court
to be held for the County of at the
Court House in on the 8th
Monday before the 1st Monday of March
1898, and answer the complaint which
will be deposited in the office of the
Clerk the Superior Court of said
within the first three days of
gala term, and let the said Defendant
take notice that if she fail to answer the
said complaint within the time required
by law the Plaintiff, will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In the
Hereof fail not.
Given under my hand and seal of said
Court, this 12th day Sept. 1892.
E. A.
Clerk Superior Court
elect all Congressmen. I
Martin the Superior Court.
Francis Purvis
Jar rat
To the Martin
are commanded to
summon PURVIS, the de-
above named, if he be found
within your county, to be and appear be-
fore the Judge of our Superior Court, at
a Court to be held the county of Mar-
tin at the Court House In
on the 1st Monday of December, 1892,
and answer the complaint which will be
deposited the- office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of said within
the first three days of said term, and let
the said clef take notice that said
action is for from the bond of mat-
and If to answer the said
complaint within the time requited by
law the apply to the Court tor
the relief in the
Hereof fail and of this summons
make due return.
Given under my hand this 17th day of
C. County,
We buy direct from the
and can and will sell
low down. Our consists
in pert of
Marble Top Walnut Suits,
Solid Oak Suits,
Sixteenth Century Finish Suits,
Walnut Finish Suits,
Marble Top Bureaus and Washstands,
Wood Top Bureaus and Washstands,
Ward Robes, Buffets, and Side-Boards,
Walnut Bedsteads,
Bedsteads of all grades and colors,
Wire Cribs and Beds and Cradles.
Marble Top and Solid Wood Top Tables,
Solid Walnut Chairs and
Solid Oak Chairs and Rockers,
Fancy Reed and Wood Rockers,
Chairs of all grades, Lounges,
Bed Springs, Mattresses, As.
We are headquarters for-
and extend to all a cordial invitation to call on us when in wan
of any goods as we carry one of best stocks of
ever kept in our town.
Tours truly,
Have on hand a fall line of Cooking Stoves, Kitchenware, Tin-
ware, Lamp Goods Paints, Oils, Gloss and Putty.
We make our own stovepipe and pans of cold rolled steel which
is far the most durable.
We don't try to cheapest goods in town, out if you
want to get the most value for your money give us a call.
test White Oil cents per gallon.,
Tin Rooting and Guttering less the Tariff.
KT. O.
Special facilities for handling Seed In any
quantity all Tar River Landings.
Car Load Lots taken from any point in
Eastern North Carolina and Virginia.
Oil Mills,
N. C.
SAMUEL M. Agent, Greenville, N. C
Mills on Tar River River
Fop prices and terms write
B. V.
Sec. Tress., N. O
Semi-Weekly trips between Washington sod Way Lauding.

Local Reflections.
Yesterday did the work.
Have you paid your taxes
Tin- fairs will soon over.
This ha very dry fall.
Hog killing time near.
The is delivering fruit trees.
Did your vote help to elect yesterday
stock of Shoes just in at Brown
see rain about election
It summer weather last
for are putting in their
The gobble, is roosting
giving near.
No doubt many feel relieved that the
election is over.
The Hew Home Sewing for
3.1 at Brown Bros.
The next date of general Interest is
Thanksgiving Day.
in else takes a back
seat the election.
We had a regular summer thunder
storm night.
Rocky Mount fair begins
there to-morrow.
The weather won't settle. Some
are just like the weather.
Bone Sewing Machines and all
machine parts at Brown Bros. t
a man that wouldn't rather
feel oats than his corns.
Thee changes in the weather arc line
for giving people bad colds.
Cheese X. Y. State
Batter at the Old Store.
There was more frost Sunday morning
but it turned warm again.
Hats Ida of Ayden, is visiting
Mrs. John Crow, of is visit-,
Mrs. H Cos.
Mr. J. B. Yellowley left last
day for Mississippi, to absent several
Mr. F. Joyner has moved into the
Swindell house on the corner near the
Baptist church.
Mr. II. T. King, a young man of this
county who is traveling in South Caro-
was in town last week.
Rev. H. W. Stancill has made his
in Greenville and occupies the
house next to Dr. W. M. B. Brown.
Mr. T. C. Bryan, who has been absent
several weeks at Asheville and other
points returned home last Thursday.
Misses and Headen, representing
the Eclectic Magazine, of have
been spending a few days here canvass-
for that journal.
Rev. J. E. Winecoff, the Presbyterian
minister at will preach at the
Opera House on next Sabbath at
A. M., and at P. M.
Mrs. W. A. Stocks has moved her
back to and occupies the
building recently vacated by Mr. J. F.
Mr. W. C. Jackson, who was at the A.
M. College. came home to
vote. It was his first vote and he wanted
to put it in for the straight Democracy.
For two years in succession Mr. R. R.
Cotton, of this county, has won the
premium for having the most tobacco at
Saturday's Record.
Saturday was a day of disturb-
and casual hies. After tilling up
with an abundance of whiskey there
were as many as seven tights in town
am the colored people that evening
and night- Alex Bailey was severely
cut in one of these fights.
The same night there was n difficulty
at in which a colored came
out with a cracked skull. The
as told us are that a colored man
went into the store of Mr. Kit Bland and
purchased a bottle of whiskey. He took
ill bottle and his change and walked
out. A few minutes later he went back
in the store and asked for his change,
saying- lie had not received it.
told that he had already received it he
became abusive whereupon the
tor attempted to put him out. While
this going on another colored man
run up and struck Bland. This man was
knocked down and when he got up and
started at Bland again he was struck on
the head with something that fractured
his skull.
the Rocky Mount exposition.
The President has named Thursday,
NOT. 24th, as Thanksgiving Day. If the
election is against him we would not give i son and some
much for thankfulness.
The County Commissioners were in
session Monday. There was not a great
deal of work to do except allow a large
number of to list their taxes.
Want to cat something good
Biscuits at the Old Brick Store.
Most of the school boys wore long faces
last week. The quarterly examinations
gave them all they could look after and
they were how they would
come out.
unruled paper, envelopes to
march, at Reflector Book Store.
Cheapest Furniture, Bedsteads and
Mattresses at the Old Brick Store.
The closing days of the campaign were
full of excitement and haul work.
For a sweet smoke go to
and get a Linden or Cardenas cigar.
Wilmington have her Welcome
Week this year, commencing M.
Cash given tor Produce, Hides. Egg
and Fur- at the Old Brisk Store.
Several entertainments arc already
spoken of for the coming holidays.
The turkey has heard that
Day i- named and will keep Ids eye
First of the fancy buck-
wheat and jelly at the Old Brick
Store. t
The Pitt County Hides had a meeting
drill practice Friday afternoon with
Mr. M. says bis wife has
a dancing duck that comes in and dances
for his meal-.
Chrysanthemum are in bloom and
several flower yards in town are real
s of loveliness.
There was a very large crowd in town
Saturday and the Mayor had some cases
for fighting to settle.
The X. C. Conference of the M. E.
church. South, meets Goldsboro on
the of December.
lot Ladies Cloak-, latest
i Brown Bros. If size wanted i not in
stock can have it made to order on short
not ice t
Attention is called to the notice to
creditors by Fernando Ward,
tor of John Fleming.
The building of the Coast Line railroad
to Washington has made quite a business
of fish and oyster ripping.
If the daily papers have not done fine
work in the last days, there was
never a time when they did.
Monday night the town was full of
smoke which the strong south wind blew
from the burning forests.
There are some people now who will
be lost for something to speakings
to go to and no f to talk-
The Reflector Book Store is this week
expecting lot of new books.
Get your pick as soon as they arrive.
The Grifton Lamp-Light has closed its
year. It is a bright little paper and
we wish Dr. Loftin much success with it.
Many of the towns are being troubled
with burglar.-. It is well enough that
everybody should In- well against
The candidate of a week ago will now
not feel altogether so much interest in
how your wife and little are get-
ting on.
Liberal premiums are offered for the
best exhibits at the Fair. There
is no reason why Pitt county cannot
some of t
The election is over now-everybody
down and go to work. The gov-
is not going to take care of you
or give you any money.
Happy and content Is a home with
the Rochester, a lamp with the
light of the For
write Rochester Lamp Co., New York t
People ought to appreciate this issue of
the The force worked all
last nigh in order to give the
news early this
Notice persons indebted to me
for Guano will find their notes and ac-
counts the hands of J. L. Sugg. They
will please call on him and settle the
same. H.
-u JO are B putt
The man always likes to
get in good consequently he
made one of seven red-headed men to go
to the polls in a body and vote yesterday
From applications we know of it looks
like there will not be near enough houses
in Greenville to accommodate all who
want to live here next year. There
ought to be more building going on.
The fellow who yesterday that
lie would be elected but finds U-day
that he is not. feels about as bad as the
man who went to blow a dose of
down a mule's throat the domed
mule Mowed
The job office expects
there u ill be a rush of mercantile print,
just after the election and has
pared for it. We have just received a
big lot of the very best paper and en-
Business men should sec it.
The long dry spell and continued low
water in the river has not been relished
by the The boats have
barely been able to get to Greenville
for some time have not been further up
the stream. Some cotton has been
brought down the river on rafts and Hats.
The men who refine to advertise in the
local but will pay a dollar for a
three line write-up in sonic out of town
journal, or catch-penny advertising
scheme, where they can have no hope of
getting any return, arc not the men who
are going to make a city prosperous, and
build up live
ham Sun.
The hopes of those
leaders who subscribed for the campaign
have liked the paper so well that they
will continue taking it. The price is
only a year or cents for three
months. The time for which several
subscribed expires with this issue.
will be glad to have you all renew and
promise to make the paper interesting at
all times.
The same night there was a very ugly
affair out in Beaver Dam township. It
seems that previously there had been
some words between Dr. Pitt and
Mr. Nelson Nichols. About midnight
Saturday night some parties went to the
house which Pitt lived to make an as-
sault on him. They called to him and
when he refused to open the door they
broke in. Several shots were Brad. Pitt
emptied a pistol and snapped a gun at
the intruders, and this failing to stop
them lie began using an lie struck
one man on the head and another on the
arm. The man struck on the head is a
son of Nichols and the blow crushed his
skull. Monday morning warrants
were sworn out against Nichols and his
other and in the
afternoon a preliminary hearing
before Esquire B. S. Sheppard.
Sunday morning near store,
or Lizzie, in Greene county, a colored
man was found dead on the road. There
were no marks on his person to indicate
any violence having been done him. He
was known to be very drunk Saturday
evening and the opinion is that he fell on
road and died from exposure.
Evaporated Sweet Potatoes.
Few people know how easily sweet
cm be dried, even in the sun, and
handy and useful the dried potatoes
are. At best sweet potatoes arc a
troublesome crop to keep, but when dried
or cured in an evaporator they arc really
no trouble to keep and are always at
hand for use on the table at short notice.
They should be sliced and then
Then to use them they are soaked
to res the evaporated moisture and
then baked in pans as the fresh ones
often are. They are an admirable article
for puddings and pies. For this pin pose
it would he better, it seems to me, to
grind lie in into meal and put up in
packages with directions for making
dings. Put up in Ibis way it ought not
to be much trouble to create a market for
the dried sweet potatoes. There is
ready an plant at G
and if this, or some other establishment,
would but undertake the putting up of
the sweet potato meal in packages
article would sell well. are
to take hold of such products in the
Grade evaporated state, but in such pack-
ages, a few attractive baud-bills and
a lot of receipts for making the many do-
preparations that can be made
from sweet potatoes, a market could soon
he made for a product that Eastern
North Carolina can supply in limitless
quantities. Who will start this
party people got to Howling I made up
my mind that the way to get at them was
not by argument, but by just ridiculing
the life out of them. Well, worked
first rate, and Old Whereabouts
Watson bewail to howl they asked me to
come down from the north and laugh at
him. I went down I just told them
all the stories I know and we had a great
time of it.
that Watson e was a
lively one I addressed an
Atlanta one night, most of them were
Third party people. The pockets bulged
with eggs. I said,
is a strong smell of eggs this hall.
Ham and eggs make a good dish, but,
gentlemen, it doesn't go well after tea,
and I've just had That put them
in good humor, and they didn't throw
any eggs. The Third party, I told them,
its complaints against the parties
was like an old woman who lived In
South Carolina near the border. The
surveyors changed the boundary Hue one
day, and the woman was told that she
was now in North Carolina. dear
oh, dear she said, North Carolina
I; so
Ham told a story about himself.
was walking along the street one
day looking rather thin. I'd been quite
sick. A man pointed to me, and asked a
friend of mine who I was.
said my friend, the best part of a
The man's face lit up. and he said
What a funny
Reported by Cobb
Norfolk. Va., Nov. 4th.
has been no change in spot quotations
he e for the past week, for middling,
except 1-10 decline last Monday
ed to the demoralized feeling caused by
that day's receipts, bales, which
was the largest ever known.
The light crop movement as given be-
low, together with Mr. Ellison's recent
consumption estimate which Is accepted
by many, especially the bears, as being
an unquestionably bullish one. He is
quoted as giving- the consumption last
year 8.258,000 of American cotton,
bales of Indian cotton and
bales of Egyptian and Brazilian cotton.
For the coining year he estimates the
consumption at bales of
can cotton, bales of Indian cot-
ton, and bales of Egyptian and
Brazilian cotton. He adds, it is further
asserted, that if the cop estimate of
bales proves correct prices will
advance. It is rumored that Mr. Neil
will estimate the crop next week at
Those who are inclined to think less
favorably of cotton, believe we have not
yet seen our maximum week as was the
last week October. 1891. that the
light movement is caused by a disposition
on the part of the farmers to hold back
their cotton until after the approaching
political contest, and the takings of the
European Spinners are not sufficient to
insure a continued advance the prices
of cotton.
Liverpool market is quoted steady with
a fair demand at an Improvement of
The sales for the week were
bales against last year and
in 1890. and stock afloat
for Liverpool is as follows
1891-92 1890-0
Stock and stock
American, 914.000
is admitted the finest stock of good in Eastern Carolina.
A Public Speaker Who is Welcome
the Stories he Tell.
The Galatea.
is here and exhibitions are
given each half hour from to P. M.,
and from to P. M. It is an inter-
show and well worth the
price of cents. The wonder can
be seen next door to the
office. The Washington in the
last issue has this to say of Galatea.
Wonderful Illusion Shows arc
having quite a run here every evening in
the Town Hall. A plaster cast is sub-
to examination by the spectators.
Replaced then on the stand it apparently
changes to a living, beautiful lady, a
rose is placed on her breast, changes
back again to a statue, the rose turning
to stone, and again the statute changes
into a beautiful woman and the rose to
life. The lady then gradually dies away
to a skeleton, the skeleton to a
of flowers; a lady appears in the
and then she is transformed into
stone again. It is a truly wonderful per-
and worth many times the ad-
mission fee of fifteen cent.
reminds me of a
When we hear this we drop work and
look up v. an attentive smile. This
discussion or the conversation preceding
it might have been exceedingly tiresome,
but at this simple remark most men prick
up their ears to listen.
reminds me of a
The Hon. II. W. J. Ham, of Georgia,
was speaking. The conversation had
turned upon campaign orators who ad-
dressed they had never visited
said Mr. Ham,
Georgia, understand the
and they make fools of themselves.
That reminds me of a story. A young
doctor from the North set up shop in a
little log cabin in He waited a
week for a patient to come along. No-
body came. He waited another week.
The sick people continued going to the
other doctors. He waited one week
more. He was getting hungry. At last
he saw a come flying down the road
on a Georgia mule. The man stopped
In front of the log cabin and asked,
you a answered
Receipts at
polls for
Exports for
Stock at
Net receipts
at close of
Visible supply
close of
In order to make room for these I will begin at once running
off my entire in Greenville at greatly reduced prices. If
you want
Call at my Greenville store
Opposite Old Brink Store.
C. T. M U N F O R D,
N. C.
We are still making a specialty of
mo ma.
We have a first class assortment and sell close.
get our prices
Do not fail to
parts for all kinds of machines are sold by us.
Depositors for American Bible Society.
As wired by Cobb Bros.
Va., Nov. 8th. 1892.
1892 1891
Good Middling,
Good Ordinary, 11-10
Tone, Steady.
Six Bottles Secures a Husband.
Hon. W, C. Troy, of Western
A young lady acquaintance of mine
was fearfully with some skin
eruption that battled the skill of the best
physicians, from which she suffered much
and was greatly depressed on account of
i the pimples or scabs on her face, head
the The man got down i urn neck. I recommended Mrs. Person's
his mule, roiled up his trousers and held Remedy. After using three bottles she
out a red, swollen leg. at was greatly and after taking
And want you to get some of the bargains while they are going.
Do not delay longer to get your
We have just the article needed by every woman and child.
Literary Note.
From a prospectus that has come to
hand we see that the old and long
Peterson's Magazine is now under
new management will be converted
Into an illustrated periodical devoted to
literature and art, under the title of The
Peterson Magazine. One thing
that pleases the Reflector with this
new is that our talented lady
friend. Miss M. O. of
is on the editorial staff. The
editor-in-chief is Frank Lee Benedict,
with Octave M. O.
and Howard as associate editors.
Besides these, whose names alone are
sufficient guarantee for the literary ex-
of the publication, the list of
contributors will include of the
leading authors of the day. Each name
above has already won great distinction
the literary world, and arc proud
that two of the editorial staff are South-
writers. In recognition of this com-
the South should give The
Peterson Magazine a handsome support.
We hope many of those who have read
Miss excellent productions
will become subscribers. The address of
The New Peterson Magazine will be 113-
South Third St., Philadelphia,
he said. The examined it care-
fully then said, friend, you've
got A look of disgust came
into the man's face. thought you
were a he said, now I know it.
That's a
The story loses its charm in the
It takes Mr. Ham to tell it.
He was at the Continental Hotel yes-
A reporter called to have a chat
dear Mr. Ham, of
said, been a newspaper man
myself. Many a weary month have I
spent in the mountains gathering sub-
for some weekly paper. Down
where I live journalism is different from
what it is here. Every journalist has to
go into politics whether he wants to or
not. If yon were to go into the
per business down there you wouldn't
know what to make of it. That reminds
me of a story. They brought a prisoner
down to Atlanta from northern Georgia
who had been caught That's
what they call it down where I live.
The fellow had never been in a city be-
fore and he looked at the stone pave-
in the streets with great interest.
At last he said a good thing they
built a city in tins place. It worth
a darn for farming land. Look at the
Well, It U just by that I got
six bottles was entirely cured, looking
the very picture of health.
ion so beautiful and skin so soft
sweet she soon attracted the attention
of a nice young gentleman, and is now
his happy bride, or rather young wife,
now Texas. Happy results still I
would not advise all the young ladies to
try it. W. C. Troy.
N. C, Sept. 1886.
We can suit you in CLOTHING.
We can suit you in HATS.
We can suit you in SHOES.
We can suit you in DRESS GOODS.
We can suit you in UNDERWEAR.
We can suit you in EVERYTHING
in general Dry Goods line, in Carpets, in Trunks, in Notions, etc
Your chance is now. Strike while the iron is hot.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Fever Sores, Chapped Hands.
Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price cents box. For sale at
Wooten's Store.
Prices Low,
Terms Easy.
The J. L. Ballard homo farm. Bea-
Dam township, lands
of G. T. Tyson and J. II. Cobb. A tine
farm of about with good build-
and adapted to corn, cotton and to-
A tine marl bed.
A farm near Ayden and
mediately on the railroad, formerly own-
ed by Caleb B. Tripp, acres of which
are cleared. Good neighbor-
hood, churches and a school within
miles. Plenty of marl on the adjoin-
A farm of three miles
from and Billet from
ville, with huge, dwelling
and out houses, known as the I. P.
home line cotton
ROOd clay subsoil, accessible marl.
A smaller farm adjoining the above
known as the Jones acres,
dwelling, barn and tenant house, land
A farm of acres in town-
ship, about miles from
acres cleared, part Of the tract.
Part of the Noah Joyner farm,
acres, adjoining the town of Marlboro,
in an imploring section
and can be made a valuable farm.
A small farm of
about miles from Greenville, on In-
Well Swamp, with house, etc., for-
owned by Guilford
A tract of about acres near
the station, with cypress timber well
suited for railroad ties.
A tract of about acres in
township, near the Washington Jail-
road, pine
A tract of acres near John-ion's
Mills, pine and cypress timber.
Apply to Wm. II. LONG,
Greenville, N. C.
S. M.
their year's supplies will find
their interest to get our prices before
u all its branches.
at Lowest Market
we buy direct from Manufacturers, e.
Ming yon to buy at one profit. A two
stock of
always on hand and sold at juices to sulk
the times. Out goods are all bought
for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close
Is now ready to show her customer the
------latest styles In------
Fall Winter
Mrs. just,
from Baltimore where she attend
all the largo openings,
and made the very best selections for
the trade here. My stock
everything pertaining to the millinery
trade and will lie sold at
prices. Hit. M. D.
Greenville, N. C.
N. C.
Half Rolls Barging,
Bundles New Arrow Th
Small Full Cream Cheese.
Tubs Choice
Tubs Boston Lard.
Boxes Tobacco, ail grades.
Boxes Cakes
Stick Candy.
Kegs New Corn Mullet.-.
Barrels Gail Ax
Barrels P. Snuff.
Barrels Railroad Mills Snuff.
Barrels Three Thistle
Car load Rib Side Meat
Car load Seed Oats.
Car load Flour, all grade.
Kegs Powder.
Tons Shot.
old Virginia
Full line Case Goods, and everything
else kept in a grocery
General Merchant,
of the-----
and dealer in Brackets, Turned or
Scrolled Work, Church Pews and all Building Supplies.
My Tobacco in all sizes are for sale at S. M. I
Co., Greenville, and at my mill.
Will make satisfactory arrangements with to
furnish their customers.
R. J. COBB, Pitt Co. K. C.
C. C. COBB, Pitt Co., V.
to Cobb Bros.
Cotton Factors
Commission Merchants,
and Correspondence Solicited.
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following goo
not to be excelled in this market. And to be
pure straight goods. DRY of all kinds, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, GEN
kinds. Gin and Mill Belting, Hay, Rock Lime, Plaster of and
Hair. Harness, Bridles and addles
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less u percent for Bread Prep-
ration and Hall's Star Lye at Jobbers Prices, White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors, Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood an
Willow Ware. Nails a Give me a and guarantee satisfaction.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned baring duly
before the Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
county as Executor to the last will and
testament of deceased
notice is hereby given to all persons In-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all per-
sons having claims against said estate
must present the same for payment be-
fore the 1st of October, 1893, or this no-
will be in of recovery.
This 28th day of September, 1892.
Executor of Edney Galloway.
into national politics. I've always been
more or less In polities down in Georgia,
but I never looked outside much. They
Walter Bridges, Athens.
six year I had been afflicted with
sores, and an enlargement of
the bone In my leg. I tried everything
I beard without any permanent benefit
until Blood Balm was
mended to me. After using six bottles
the sores healed, I am in
health than I hay ever been. I send
The of the cotton crop thus far this season would
indicate that there was some foundation for the bad crop accounts
daily reaching us from all parts of the cotton territory, if so the
staple Is selling too cheap and parties wishing to hold for higher
prices can do so by shipping it to us and drawing for
bale on same and having it held for six months is so desired.
Faithfully yours,
Seeing is
And a lamp
must be simple; when it is not simple it is
not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good these
words mean much, but to see The Rochester
will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal,
tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only,
it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's
of old, it is indeed a for its mar-
light is purer and brighter than gas light,
softer than electric light and more cheerful than either.
elected me to the Legislature and unsolicited, because I
got to be a colonel, When the Third others to be
Look for this If the hasn't the
Rochester, and the you want, send to us for our new
--1 v.-e tend you a brim safely by choice- of over
ties from the Large Start la World. .
CO., Park Place, Now York City.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates.

Was a big- success and shows how well prepared we are to handle your tobacco.
It is considered by all that we have the best lighted Warehouse in the State.
Every Farmer Selling on our Floor will be guaranteed
the very highest prices for their Tobacco
Satisfaction to
Some Sales recently made at the Greenville Warehouse. Compare them with other houses.
JOHN SMITH -20. 12.25, 10.25.
13.25. 12.75.8. I 5.10.
N. W. 10.25. X. TYSON. 17.50, 15.75, 7.50.
B. 17.75,
RANDOLPH A 10.75. 12.25.
1.1.75. 12.75. 8.76. A 25.5
D. H. M, 18.78, 11.75.
S BRYANT 13.75.
A. P. 13.75. 8.25.
111.25. 7.25. 10.5 i. 18.28,
IVY 5.00.
J. II. 13.25, 13.50,
7.75. 12.50,
M. E. 39.30, J. 8.50.
ft 10.50, 8.25.
18.50. 12.75. 10.25. J. E. S. 10.75,
M. R. 10.75,1 10.50.
10.75. 10.25, 12.75, 12.75, ERNEST 25.50.23, 23.30,
M. R. 13.75, 2.1.50,1 10.25, 5.20.
17.75, 12.75, 7.75.
MISS pounds at 13.50, 10.25.
Storage and Insurance Free
G. F. EVANS, Proprietor
N. C
72- W- Roaster
mm brokers
R. CO.,
and Scraps,
ON I Refers to any member of the Tobacco Trade of Greenville, N. C.
References and type samples furnished on application. j Correspondence Solicited.
We are having daily breaks at our New Warehouse and are using our very best efforts to
get as high prices for your tobacco as can be had anywhere.
The Greenville market will be on an equal with
every market in the State. The Eastern Ware-
house has every convenience for selling your to-
and we will see that every pound brings full
Ample Accommodation for the Planter,
Give us a trial and we will please you. Your friends,
Last week give some bettor weather
for hi
The breaks here Friday were
both houses being full.
Tobacco men were to see the rain,
It put the weed in condition for handling.
The warehouses here had the largest
breaks last Friday since the opening.
There were very heavy breaks here
Friday. The Eastern sold 15.003 pounds
that day.
Mr. E. A. of was
on the breaks here Friday and made
some purchases.
Cooper's Henderson, Is
ready for new chop tobacco. He
highest prices.
Prices were way up in Greenville last
fact this market is as
high as any to be found.
The old reliable is Cooper's Ware-
house, Henderson. Send your tobacco
there. Cooper is the farmer's friend.
The Burlington has
made the News its official mid
elected editor Hunt an honorary
of the Board.
Remember if you send your tobacco to
Cooper's Warehouse, Henderson, you
will obtain high prices and be happy.
Try It.
Mr. W. M. Hamilton, of Greene
sold some tobacco at the Greenville
Friday for The same day Mr. XI.
E. sold one lot as high as
Ship your tobacco to Cooper's Ware-
house, Henderson, and he w ill work
honestly and faithfully for your best
We see that our former townsman,
Mr. J. II. is auctioneer for the
Burlington Warehouse. We all
what a gab used to
possess and will bank oil making a
On Aug. Cooper's Warehouse,
Henderson, sold new primings for B.
B. Carr at 15.50. and
and for F. T. Carr at 4.50 G, 10.50
15.75 and Cooper can make just
as good sales for you.
Mr. M. Edwards, of Farmville,
sold o- at the Greenville Ware-
house at an average of It
was the finest tobacco that has
on the market this His
prices run from to
There is a sore headed fellow running
a Tobacco Journal over in
that seems never to happy Unless lie
is casting slurs at Carolina. We
do not get his journal but hear he was
recently hooting at this paper saying a
farmer made a average in Green-
ville than he did on the same grade of
tobacco in Richmond, and was ridiculing
the assertion. If he will just come
down here we will show hint how ea-3- it
is done.
Special Correspondent of
Tobacco Exposition.
Mr. second annual
Rocky Mount Tobacco Exposition on
Nov. 2nd will long be remembered by
the tobacconists of Rocky Mount, for on
that day was seen one of the finest and
lamest breaks of ever seen on a
North Carolina market. One hundred
and thousand one hundred and
eighty-four pounds of tobacco
were sold, bringing the remarkable
average of seventeen and one half
cents pi r mil d. some piles selling as
high as one dollar and cents per
The following were awarded
White wrapper-, to J. A-
2nd, Brewer; 3rd,
M. T. Williams. Bright
wrappers, 1st, J. T. Sharp;
J. C 3rd, J. C. Looper.
Dark wrappers, 1st, A.
W. 2nd, J. C. Cobb; 3rd,
J. T. Sharp. Cutters, 1st, Sit.
Ricks; 2nd. A. B. Nobles.
Smokers, 1st, B. H. Becks;
Lem Jones. Bright fillers, 1st, S-30, J.
C. Cobb; Mrs M. J. Weeks.
fillers, 1st, Walker A
ell; 2nd, Clark Mon.
for the largest check, was
awarded to
drew a check for R. R.
baring pounds on the market was
declared the winner of the premium
for the largest number of pounds.
Celling commenced at A. M. and
continued II about o'clock when a
was taken dinner. All of the
were a
near by to partake of a
served by that genial warehouseman,
J. O- W. Buyers were present
from nil of the leading markets,
and from the lively manner which
they did their bidding it is evident that
they hold the tobacco of the New
Belt in high
It is needless to say that Pitt county
attracted especial attention whenever a
pile was seen.
Back Mount has just cause for being
proud of her Exposition, and as could be
seen from the faces of the farmers, she
added much to her enviable reputation
as a tobacco market. E. A. C.
Tobacco Culture.
acre of tin lit-M to be plaited Ti-
the coming year, and about one
ton of Canada ashes to the acre, alter it
has well plowed. laud should
then boated to mat the wind from
blowing the powdered lime and ashes off.
This should be done this Fall, so that
the rains may carry the lime and potash
into the soil. It is certainly better to do
this in the Fall, as these are
slow to act. and much water is required
to dissolve the lime, and render it avail-
able for the corp.
Next Spring apply such an amount of
stable manure as you may desire, and
then plow again, but not so deep as the
first plowing. Then before fitting
finally the plants plow again, then
sow the cotton seed and your fer-
or the Sanderson formula, and
wheel barrow thoroughly, and if you
choose ridge, or cultivate level, as suits
your former experience.
We are among those who like to see
whatever we do done well. We have no
doubt but what the tax on the pound
helps good Tobacco, but it doesn't help
sue i as is of a grade.
We must not think that the high price
prevailing is wholly owing to the tariff,
but that and the shortage of Wrappers
together with the Ins Wrappers almost
wholly confined to the New England
crops, that sends up tho price to the ex-
now being paid for fine
New England Wrappers, say from
to per pound. re strive
each year to a better crop than you
ever have done in the past. Such crops
are in demand, at remunerative
Owners and Proprietors.
for Big Prices
For week ending Saturday, O-t.
by Joyner ft
medium to to to
fair, to to to
to Hi
are still doing business at the same old stand, where w are prepaid than
ever before to handle to advantage the line bright o from the Golden
We have a very large corp of buyers are anxious for X, w
and are willing to nay good price for it. stands well on our
market and is sought after by our order m n and spa are
very glad that we can say to the of adjoining counties
that tobacco has bettor this year than we have it in
and that we look goo prices during the season. Hogsheads can be
had OF CHARGE by those planters shipping to us, by applying to s. M.
Schultz ft Co. Greenville. X. C. or to Amos H. X. .
that we bid lively on every pile put upon our or and buy largely of Si grades
that we-ell, and will see to it that you shall have highest market price for
pound sold with us. Recollect it cost you nothing to c , a- they
are payable in York Exchange without cost lo holder. forget to us
with a good shipment and we will convince you tint we from way.
and that we every big prices an you know l-icy i ilk.
Will have your tobacco graded for you in our house by skilled at per
Thanking our friends tor the v p bes o v. d upon us in past
and pledging them oar best efforts to please them in the we arc with
best Wishes, truly your friends,
Reported by Owen Davis, Manager
Market active. Breaks heavy during
the past week. Prices generally very
satisfactory to sellers. arc
strangers on our breaks and
they are seen go like
cakes on a circus at high prices.
Board of Trade today and re-elect-
ed old officers. It was agreed to have if
incorporated at once. Our boys and
especially are determined
not to be led, but to lead.
N. C-
By W.
report received for this issue-
Primings common
good to fine
Wrappers normal.
Reported by A. L.
report received for this issue.
By J S. Meadows. Reporter.
Smokers common, to
line, S to
common, to
good, to
line, to
Fillers common. to
good, to
Hue. to lit
Wrappers common, to
good. to
line. to
The market continues active for grades,
goo demand for all and
prices well up. If the weather favor-
able for the crop will all be
sold In this Section by spring.
By E. K, Pace. Reporter.
We want a Spain, but the cold
spell we have had full breaks and note
prices on common and medium
grades, while wrappers and cutters have
held their own. Highest to-day was
from G n
Alex. Reporter.
This week the of the offerings
generally were, more undesirable than
hist week, with only a sprinkling of good
, flue leaf, for the best which
was . . ,.,,,, ,, ,
ts for year lo
veins of
to date 1890 crop sold in
1889 crop sold in 1890,
Sales for week, month year, with
1802 ISM 1890
Louisville market
Com. lugs
Medium lugs,
Good lugs.
Com. leaf.
Medium leaf,
Good leaf,
1892 crop 1800 crop
to 3.75 to 2.50
4.00 to 4.50 2.75 to
4.50 to 5.25
5.25 to
6.00 to 6-50
6.50 to 7.50
the Cultivator,
writing on the cultivation of Tobacco,
To maintain our in
the protraction of Wrapper Leaf Tobacco I
we most use effort to keep up, or j
rather improve upon our present pro-
duct We have to use every effort, size
every improved method of that is
suggested, and watch carefully the re-
all the time keeping in the
fact that it is a superior article for
Cigar Wrappers that we want, not how
many pounds we can produce to the acre,
regardless of the quality.
We want a fine, silky, elastic Leaf,
with good burning It is no
use to have every element we de-
Sire If we haven't a Wrapper that will
show a white ash, and burn even, and
not blister. The question arises then
how can we obtain the desired burning
qualities y We can only say that the use
of alkalies, lime and ashes is the usual
and the best application we can
make for purpose. Many of our
best growers never fail to make an
. of these substances every Fall,
and we think all should do this, at least
the land has long been In
Perhaps two barrels of stone lime
should be slaked and applied to each
In merchantable condition.
Female Weakness Outs.
To the inform your
readers that I have a pr. remedy
for the thousand and one ills which arise
from deranged female organs. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my
FREE to an lady if they will send
Express and P. O. address. Yours
A Household Remedy
i Botanic Blood Balm t
Di Di Di
kt- ,
Mil ,
la s curt. It i
My Factory is well equipped with the best ally put
but first-class work. We up with the time- and improved styles
material used in all work. All styles of Springs are you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Rani King
We also keep on hand a full Hue of Be If Hut. Whips which v
ell at the lowest rates. Special given to repairing.
Greenville, N. C.
New Barber Shop Q
like this to
thanks to my ninny customers who have
given me their liberal In the
have opened a hop in
House and would solicit a
continuation of my former
I will assure all hat they shall
every attention getting the la
shave and hair cut in All ask is
trial. Sal i faction guaranteed. All
of the latest improvements in the
rid. i will in use in my shop
Peck's Tubular Ear
Cushions. Whispers beard.
Successful where ail Remedies
FAIL. Ills, A proofs free. Ad-
dress, r. Discos, Broadway. Y.
Notice to Creditors,
The undersigned having duly qualified
c Superior Court of
county as Executor to the last will an
testament of Frederick id
is hereby given lo person-
to the estate to make Immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
persons having claims against .-aid es-
must the same for payment
before the h of October. or tins
notice will Le plead ill bar of recovery.
This tho h of October,
Executor of Frederick White,
.-----If you want to saw-----
then purchase of a PIANO and from
Ten to Fifteen Dollars
in the purchase of an Organ address
Agent for Worth Carolina,
who is now handling from
the manufacturers, as
for tone, and
and endorsed by nearly all the
musical journals In the United
Made by Paul who is at this
time one of the bast mechanic and In-
of the day. Thirteen new
patents tills grade
Also the NEW BY EVANS UP. j
RIGHT PIANO which has been by
him for the past six years in the eastern
part of this State and up to this time has
given satisfaction. The I
Piano just mentioned will be sold at from
in Rosewood, Oak, j
from to in solid or Oak
Ten years experience in the music
business has enabled him to handle
but standard goods and he docs
not to say that he can sell any ,
musical instrument about per
cheaper than other agents are now offer.
Refer to all banks Carolina, j
in for Sauces and
Order COMPOSITION or send
your Roller Socks to be cast to
and Pearly St. York.
for circular.
Having completed my store at ,
Pitt county, X. am opening
a stock
and cordially invite the lo call
Slid examine
Our motto Standard Goods at Rea
Prices for Cash.
Examine my stock before buying
elsewhere. H the goods and prices do
pot suit we charge nothing to show
Country taken in exchange
or goods. V. R- WARD.
obtained, and all business In the S.
office or in the Courts
for Model ate lees.
We are opposite the U. S. Pal cut Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents In less time than
more remote from Washington,
the model or drawing Is will
advise to free charge,
and we make no charge unless we ob-
We refer, here, to the Post Master, the
of the Money Order Did., and to
a of the U. S. Patent
advise and reference to
actual clients in Slate,
address, C. A. A Co.,
Washington, D. C.
r .
All keep It, St per i i.
bade mark red v upper

Eastern reflector, 9 November 1892
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 09, 1892
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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