Eastern reflector, 2 November 1892

Thoroughly Equipped
Give Us a Trial Order.
Friend is a scientific-
ally prepared Liniment, every
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor
constant use by medical pro-
These in
WILL DO all is claimed for
it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother and Child. Book
to Mothers mailed FREE, con-
valuable information and
voluntary testimonials.
Sent by express on receipt of per
bold a
and Schedule
Mo SI, No
Apr. 19th, daily Fast Mail, daily
dally ex Sun
Weldon 12,80 pm B pm
Ar I am
Ar Tarboro
Li Tarboro am CO
Ar m pm
ex Sun.
n IS am
L-v am hi pm
A. Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
Tarboro am
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 4.22 arrives Scot-
laud Neck at 5.15 l. M., Greenville MB
P. M., Kinston p. Returning,
leaves Kinston 7.30 a. in., Greenville
8.10 a. in. Arriving Halifax a.
Weldon 11.15 a. in., daily except Sun-
Trains on Washington Branch have
Washington a. m. arrives A. ft R.
Junction 9.00 a. in., returning leaves A.
K. function n. in., arrives Wash-
8.20 p. m. Dally except Sunday.
Connects with trains on lid
K. U. and Scotland Neck
Local freight train leaves Weldon
Monday, lay and Friday at
10.15 a. m. arriving Scotland Neck 1.05
a. m., Greenville 5.80 p. in.,
7.40 p. in. Returning leaves Kinston
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
7.20 a. m. Greenville 9.5
a. Scotland p. Weldon
5.15 p. m.
Train leaves Tarboro, N C, via
iV Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, P M. Sunday On M, arrive
N C, is i M, SO P M.
Plymouth p. at., 6.22 p. in.
anting leave- Plymouth except
6.00 a. in., Sunday 9.08 a. m-
X C, JO a in, am.
arrive Tarboro, N A
Trains Southern Division, Wilson
and Branch leave Fayette-
ville BO a m. arrive Rowland IS pm.
Returning leave Rowland p m.
arrive Daily ex-
Train on Midland N C Branch leave
Go daily except Sunday, VI
N C, A M. Re
lining laves X A M
wive N C BO A M.
Train No. makes
Weldon for all point North daily. All
via Richmond, and daily except Sun-
day via Bay Line, also at Rocky Mount
daily except with Norfolk
Carolina railroad for Norfolk and all
points via Norfolk.
Southbound tram on Wilson
ville Branch is No. Northbound is
except Sunday.
Monet at P M, arrive Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
8.35 A ft, arrives Rocky Mount A
except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves
for Clinton except Sunday, i Of
ISA lean
ton at A M, and P. M. cornice
at War-aw and
Trains No. South and North will
stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson,
and Magnolia.
J. It. KENLY, Supt Transportation
T. -M agent
Notice to Shippers.
In to make more convenient and
economical use of the vessels now em-
ployed in the North Carolina
and thus to serve the inter-
of shippers, the undersigned
have decided to merge their
respective line between Not
folk and and
Washington. into
one be known as
foe h folk, i Direct
Connecting at Norfolk
The Bay line, for Baltimore.
The Clyde Line, for Philadelphia.
The Old Dominion lire, for New
The Merchants ii Miners Line for
ton and Providence.
The Water Lines for Richmond, Va.,
and Washington, D. C.
At with
The Atlantic A North Carolina B. R.
At Washington with
The Tar Steamers.
Also Calling at Island. N C.
The new line will m
Service, with such additional failings as
suit the needs the
The direct service of f new steamers
and the freedom from handling, are
among the great advantages Line
offers. The following gentlemen have
been appointed Agents of the New
John K. at Norfolk, Va.
John Son, at
H. Gray, at M.
S. C. M Island-
J. J. at Greenville,
The will Norfolk
on May 18th, from wharf
on Water Clyde
and between the piers of the Clyde
Line ard Old Dominion Steams-hip Co
V P G M. Oh I Dominions. S Co.
Clyde Line,
State Executive Committee,
People's Party of North Carol ii a,
Chairman's Office,
Raleigh, N. C, Oct.
F. M.
copy of the Mate
of the 19th inst,, containing
two letters and a sensational write-
up by you with reference to a so-
called secret political society, of
which I am said to be the official
head, has been handed me.
As you have used the machinery
of the party of which you are the
official head, together with the
Democratic press of the State and
nation for its circulation, I hope
that your sense of fair play will
give the same prominence and
wide circulation to this
cation. Justice it.
If there is North Carolina a
secret political society known as
or any other
name, or if there has been a
cal society which controls, or has
tried to control, the people, or
policy of any political patty, other
than the councils of the party
itself, I am in ignorance of its ex-
Very truly,
S. Wilson.
Mr. tho request of
Mr. S- Otho Wilson, desire,
the medium of the press,
to lay before the people of North
Carolina the above letter, which I
think the strongest
proof of tho charge ho herein
essays to answer. It will be ob-
served he does not deny the state-
made Messrs Reed and
Bell, and makes the single point j
that the is not a political i
society. In other words, summon-1
ed to the bar of public opinion, his j
plea is what is known among the j
lawyers as a plea by way of
and He ad- i
by denying
stances which imperatively called
for denial, if had been intend-
the existence in North Carolina
of the He ad-
thereby that Messrs. Reed
and Bell have correctly described
the machinery by which it works,
Chiefs, sub-chiefs, thirty
select men in each county,
each Congressional district,
who can be relied on in all meet-
He admits thereby that
these men are bound by oath,
under severe penalties, to execute
all orders emanating from their
superiors. He admits that he
initiated Reed and made him
in tho 9th district. Ho
admits thereby that he made over-
to Bell to join and reveal
to bin the secrets of tho
Ho admits that he declared the
purpose of the band to to pro-
mote tho
But he says the is not a
political society.
I leave it to the intelligent
pie of the State if this is not a fair
interpretation, indeed, the only
admissible interpretation, of his
letter. These facts being admit
or proven, the people will not
accept Mr. Wilson s conclusions
as to whether they constitute a
political society, especially when
it is well known he and some of
his followers have very eccentric
notions about what is political.
They will take the facts de-
for themselves, and these
facts, admitted as I have shown
by Mr. Wilson, show a well defined-,
secret political organization.
What did Mr. Wilson mean
when ho told Mr. Bell tho object
of tho band was to promote tho
movement Did he re-
fer to tho of principles
adopted at Cincinnati in 1891,
which with slight amendment,
were afterwards incorporated
the St. Louis platform and then
adopted at Omaha What could
he have meant if not
so understood him, for he
replied tho scheme was dangerous
and would destroy the Alliance
and defeat the reform
Is there any doubt about what is
as the
being a political movement Does
it not seek to have certain well-
defined policies enacted into law,
and where in conflict therewith to
have the fundamental law changed
There seems to considerable
on the of some i
people in this as to what
constitutes political action, but it
is hard to believe any can be found
O dull as not to see that what was
popularly known as the reform I
movement was then a political I
move, and has continued up to the
present time to be one.
If Messrs. Reed and Bell's let-
left any doubt I think
they did in the minds of our
people about the
here of a secret political society,
Mr. Wilson's letter finally removes
that doubt.
The existence of Gideon's Band
in State, and the statements
of Messrs. Reed and Bull in refer-
thereto not being denied.
will, of course, form their
of its character and ob-
from the statements of these
If the order is political, it is
lawful ; if the order is not political
but merely intended to control
and direct the deliberations of the
Alliance, then it is an outrage
upon the members of, the Alliance,
who have not been admitted into
per Year, in Advance.
Richmond Dispatch.
Tho Atlanta gives
great credit to the Democratic
of that State for what they
did in tho victory
ed on Wednesday, and declares
that they deserve flaming laurel
from the Democratic
No doubt of it. The
not only writes and talks
and i s money for his party,
put his office is
and in a vast amount
of miscellaneous labor is imposed
upon him ; but he rarely complains,
though be knows that others will
reap where he has sown, and that
when at tho close of the content
is to made
of those who have rendered great
service his name will hardly be
thought of. So far from it he will
be asked to pay tributes to dozens
of persons who have not
ed to party success tenth as
much as ho has.
Lack of is bad
enough, but the climax is reached
when the editor is asked to sit down
and award the credit to others for
what ho himself has There
is where n halt should be called-
The Live Business Man
--------hi n--------
-----where it i read by-----
-----That la why he me-----
The Eastern Reflector
wrong, and that U
la throw f
Nothing it to in
at t S.
It it a It
harm It it to molt child,
to the turf act and
it from blood-
m fat
no third party in
Grimesland Alliance No 1379,
Grimesland, Oct. 1892.
To the of Pitt
Greeting to our regret
many of the Alliance
this county and State, from the
false position assumed by some of
our leaden, regard the Alliance- as
a political machine antagonizing
our best interests. This is a mis-
take, and we would interpose a plea
for the Alliance. Believing that a
healthy re action will occur
peal to the loyal and conservative
in this county to re-
main within our ranks and battle
with us in restoring the Alliance
to its pristine purity, and useful-
hoping to regain in time
this State our former prestige and
influence, and yet a power to
advance the cause of successful re-
form and practical relief.
Pitt county Alliance now stands
upon the Demands, and
with tho aid of our friends
desertion leaves us a hopeless mi-
at the mercy of those
thoughtless brethren goaded into
agrarian and
by their distresses and too long
delayed we can reject tho
embodied in the it.
Louis Platform.
We present our views of tho
situation in a series of resolutions
offered Pitt county Alliance at its
last meeting which they returned
to us and are published below as
The Third
Party Men to Return, if not,
to Chronicle.
At a meeting of tho
alliance, No. Johnston
county, N. C, tho following
wore adopted October
The alliance
of North Carolina, and of other
States, has, under the influence of
designing men and
8th- That we I perverted tho original intention of
as a organization for the order, and contrary to the con-
tho mental, moral and industrial thereof, has formed itself,
elevation of the farming masses n P, into a new political party ;
and not as an adjunct of the
party or lever for a partisan Che majority of the
machine wherein demagogues of this Alliance have
could appeal to the passions and strenuously opposed such a
prejudices instead of tho reason of cal movement from its inception ;
our people, thereby creating in- therefore it
stead of broad-minded liberal men 1st, That the I-armors
6th. That we protest against tho
Official Organ of the Alliance,
transmuted into n debased bit-
and fanatical party sheet.
7th. That we deplore the fact
that the President of North
Carolina State Alliance
is a rabid partisan, and that
Alliance prestige and influence is
used to advance political
and we deny the right of our Pres-
to this prostitute his high
office for partisan purposes en-
dangering the vital principles of
the organization and defeating its
aims and all chance of agricultural
relief and financial reform.
N. C, Oct.
Mr. Grand Old Party,
Land of Plenty, N. Y-
in a most dick-
ens of a fix down here.
standing your last remit I
am now plum strapped. Me and
that feller Plutocrat got into a little
rumpus in South Carolina last
August, but thank goodness I
out though a little disfigured.
I practiced up and exercised my
muscles till one day we met in
Arkansas I just coquetted and
with him there and threw
the sponge on the first, round.
But the other day we met in
and Florida, right on the line,
and he was seconded by the famous
slugger, Wall Street, Esq. and to
tell the truth. Paw, a most terrible
cyclone struck me.
Phase lying newspapers say a
cyclone struck you m Maine and
About Federal Supervisors
The hopes-to of
North Carolina, Dr. AV. P. Exum,
hold a meeting down at Bull Head,
in Greene county, last
Mr. Taylor, tho former registrar of
that township, which he
pronounced a great eulogy on tho
said I, Pat Exum. Mr. Taylor
says that Pat said in his speech
that he had n letter to
President Harrison to secure Fed-
supervisors for the North
Carolina polls, and, that President
Harrison had replied to tho
advising him how to proceed to
secure the desired be-
hind every Sir. Taylor
defies Dr. Exum to deny that he
made this statement in his Bull
night meeting.
a class of narrow-minded zealots Alliance is, under tho constitution, j Vermont. How did it happen
who as enraged vipers bite them- non-partisan,
selves to their own destruction. As That tho forming of a
a moulder of opinion the Alliance political party is violation of
with a clean record would have constitution, destructive to
been irresistible, and through its
influence we would have secured
every relief delivering our people
from a bondage fast approaching
serfdom, instead of making them
their fanaticism oblivious to
their best interests and foes to
their real friends.
Paw. Now
9th. We earnestly request that it to the only party of
Pitt county Alliance any ac- reform, economy, justice and ;
on the St. Louis demands proper administration of the
I need more
please advance me a little more
money for the name of our noble
ancestry or I shall get a most devil
of a walloping November. I
got enough light food. M
eggs, but I
gain much StrengtH from them.
Now Paw. please send mo some
. m, . , . money right away. Paw, also a
I I support the professional trainer of sluggers.
j I am affectionate son.
order itself and to
best interests of the country.
3- That the principles of the A
in the true sense of the
word are of Democracy and
Democratic ticket, as
Peoples Party.
,, tho January meeting, when our government.
Grimesland, N. C, Oct. members can discuss these -That regret the schism in
To county tar dispassionately the light the Alliance, believing that if
Brethren the St of reason and free from partisan bad steered clear of politics and
Louis Platform will probably bias. worked in the old parties as here-
before our county meeting 10th. We regret to announce great good would have
on Thursday, 13th, 1892, that many of these remaining with been the result.
for and us are inclined to withdraw, but
Whereas, These principles have we believe that if the St. Louis
driven from this Sub-Alliance more Platform is repudiated, OUT old
than half its members who refuse membership will be regained- On
to affiliate with organization the contrary the failure of Pitt
which they claim to perverted county Alliance to heed our
into an instrument of evil, will
j A Girl's in A
Mr. mid Mrs. limp
n Stand
Mich, and Messed with a
daughter, tour old. April
down with
with dreadful and turning into
a Fever. Doctor at at i i. t ii
6- That are still proud of the
constitutional element our or- vain, she grew womb
always true, conservative and
To tho of the Alli-
who are men
we would Farewell, we can
ed to such an extent as to allow
of evil, will for postponement of action on we
members of a the St. Louis Platform will be re-1 not affiliate with
I as and severs been
Alliance from the injuring
rapidly, until ah a mere
el aha tried Lr.
New Discovery sad the of two
and a half bottles, completely cured.
, They My Dr. New la
worth In gold, yet you may
We desire my to our that
for roan ere have been telling Dr. King's
New tor Consumption, Ir.
Halve and Bitten, and have
never handled remedies well,
or that have such
We not hesitate to
tee Mi.-in every time, mid
rawly to refund the price. K
do not follow their
use. won their
popularity purely on their smite.
If ii money would increase
the pin of everything in
win to would tho
to the people I If a farmer barely
makes a living now and you in-
crease tho price of what lie sells
and has to buy in the same pro
portion where is he I
If be makes some profit, suppose
it does count up morn in number
of dollars, would the increased
number of dollars more
value than the number be is now
The increased number
would buy no more than the
lie now gets, then whore is the
benefit To the farmer
you will to remodel the laws
so he can buy cheaper sell for
more Without increasing in the
proportion the price of what
In; buys, or both. Mr. Cleveland
and the Democratic party favor
reducing tho tariff, which will en-
able the to get a better
price for cotton and buy what be
has to buy cheaper. That is re-
form that will do good. Don't
you want that sort of reform
Kin i . i i Pratt.
The next Nation, of will
brain on Monday, August 211th.
The advantage offered will be
or to those of any previous Ku-
t Ire Ion guaranteed every
Hoard can be had rates than at
any similar school In Carolina
We propose to do the work for boys
that hat In the town,
challenge proof to the contrary.
Terms are as payable
Primary English per mouth,
Intermediate month.
Higher English month. 2.80
each, extra,
When you are In town call to see me
or write from your homes.
will be cheerfully given. If
necessary a competent assistant will be
Greenville, N. July
Peanut Pickers and
Will pick and clean bushels
a day. Manufactured by Card-
well Machine Co., Richmond. Va.
I kit.
P .
tipper floe
opposite Photograph
Ult. I,. JAM KM,
Greenville, N .
AS. L.
to business,
at Tucker A Murphy's old stand.
mO. . L. BLOW
X. C.
In all the
I. A.
a. v.
K. C.
Prompt attention given to collection
M. II.
The Sew calls tho at-
of the party can-
and all members of that
e with you; you have a trial free at party to President Butler's opinion
body whose constitution is distort- as and severs peon you are fatally upon their candidacy. The
and revolutionary measures
as the government ownership of;
railroads, Grimesland Alliance,
No. 1378, in session this day, j
1st. That we herewith j
enter a protest against the
we believe such action now would
, , Kt ; We argue that it snows want of
be prejudicial to the best interests , . , . ,.
moral courage to desert the ship
not, a
the order your own
the as one of the county organization with which it, solves personally ; come back if
platform such longer fraternize. will; we will forgive you
receive you a brother.; if
Galloway, f- Com- i farewell.
P. Buck. J I Lastly, that a copy of these
I be sent to tho
, , . . ,, . , Farmer, State Chronicle and the
To those who have left us in dis- with the request
by Pitt county Alliance at this press of the
, the St, Louis demands, as to return to aid us in a
k-U-U . Common Cause- L., .,
its and a secret
should have been formed within
their order to clandestinely con-
its councils.
F. M. Simmons,
State Ex. Com.
of the Alliance and a menace its , .
i at this time leaving to men driven
continued existence. , i
a .-a . i to extremes by their oppositions
it scuttle her- rather wait
real purpose and intent of the Al- t S
and is the offspring of a Let- j ho can float no longer.
gathering of hybrid-. By your assistance and conned
elements of we-can I
small minority i; tee ,.,. .
State Alliance to the exclusion of f W f
the great majority. w,
4th-That we do not feel that the
Adopted by u rising
vote- H. B. Sec'y.
October 15th, 1882.
upon their
ion was published in his paper on
The postmistress at Kenansville, tho
who has held the Office for several convention had been
years and given perfect entire held. He
satisfaction, a lady of high personal i If the party candidates are
character, has been removed, and tor the then the chances
in her place appointed an ignorant, the and the
Nor is this
all. could not give the
bond, and in order to
him the bond was reduced for
his special convenience to
The citizens are justly indignant,
but petitioning against the outrage
Will heed the
of the sure of that
more terrible Ask
if you for the
l siting to run the risk and do
We know from
has availed nothing as
I -1
l. C.
and careful attention to
nets. solicited.
H. C.
road Influence Hill tho u---.
not only mean mi--
rule for two if no more, but
would undo all the reform gained by
last legislators. The reformers can
the next as easily an
they did the If they win stand to-
and n t run a third Tim
same applies to nearly
in the Stats,
who that
Catarrh will cur-i
r may to gM well
the health and their
little they i mini
them are
II happen IS be one of those who
he in all the
The North Carolina Third party
Greensboro represented the trim who have all
spirit of the masses, and J- m M .
do not think we are called upon to m Una.
ratify its action- tad User Complaint. l
th. That we President ll of
every inconsistent action
ail It II
the seal riling tor eats, buns, and bruises
I keep it In my lions and Shop, and
Would not b without It.
. ,, , i if you think
last May, and question the i , Rt our store and get a or
motives that prompt his present i every has a
course which we believe has driven i printed guarantee on It, ate
from order thousands of our
best members. j nothing. Sold at Drugstore.
and cure
an-, headache, in Sill LOU'S CAT Alt
A injector with
earn bottle. Us ii Health
an a weal Price at
Drug Store.
In 1867 there,
worth of imported into
this country. Last year there were
I their
wind one a day.
Your an I should act as reg-
If do not, S key.
key is
worth. Diamonds A little girl who had been very
on the free list now, and we can all
have With free diamonds,
and the in price of
products there is no reason
why the farmers shouldn't have
lots of and be very
f or the Cm i d
Preparation hat been In
fifty years, and wherever known hue
been in steady demand. It hat been en
by the leading physicians all over
e country, and has effected cures where
all other remedies, with the attention of
the, moat experienced
for years failed Ointment is Of
long standing mid the high reputation
which It has obtained la owing entirely
own at but little effort has
ever been made to bring It before tho
public. One bottle of Ointment will
be sent to any on receipt of One
Dollar. Sample hot tree. The usual
discount to All
promptly attended to. Address all or-
and to
T. F.
Sole and Proprietor,
V. C.
of her mode of
their charity, when
asked what generosity was, an-
is giving to the poor
all tho old stuff that you don't

N. C.
Editor and
at th r at O
H. C, as second-lass mail matter.
Are we who Hove yon were to vote
all striving for the same things to ; Harrison and Reid I No you
tot When the vast came to-
will they were rapped t a order
split asunder we differ
upon the manner of getting these
things ind thereby lose what
we have Can yon
Now York.
Of Illinois.
1st L. SMITH.
of Beaufort.
of Alleghany.
of Wake.
of Johnston.
of Cumberland.
financial condition by a vote
for any other ticket than the
Democratic T Don't common
teach yon that at least this
time either the Republicans or
the Democrats will be elected
in this Nation Have yon not had
the of the Republican party
for years and have yon not seen
the products of your labor go down
and down until they are below the
cost of production Are you will-
that this should continue for
four more long years Don't
common sense teach you that the
policy of the Republicans will not
be changed should they be elected
Had you not at least better try the
Democratic party with the prospect
of bettering your condition Some
of you may say we have tried it.
Well did yon not do as well as you
did under the Republican We
appeal to every honest man to an-
for himself these questions and
see if it leads him into the
party. But many an honest far-
mer will say know these things
are true but I am not going to the
Republican party. There is
that could induce me to do so
foolish a thing. I am going to
the Third party You
are Well let us see about that.
Yon may vote for some men who
Third party men. Can the
Third party men alone elect any
man in the State Can they alone,
with only Third party men. carry a
single county in the State Then
how is vote going to count
anything But you know
this is true but the Republicans are
going to with They are
How so the demands
of your party similar to theirs
Don't yon yourselves say that
the Democrats -and Republicans
are about the same thing
You have said time and again
that it is six of one and a half
dozen of the other. Well, then,
don't common teach you that
every honest Republican who
leaves his party would go to the
Democrats But you say
will vote with you just to boat the
Will they What
would they by that if you are
farther away from them than the
Democrats Why should they
wish to boat the Democrats if they
are to reap no benefit whatever
and at the same time aid a party
whose demands more, by far
as you say, at variance with theirs
than even party they beat.
They will do this just to beat
the Democrats They are not
benefited one iota. Now, honor
blight, do Republicans do things
that way There is not an honest
man in North Carolina who will
be honest with himself but would
say they do not. It is
It is better than you
could expect of the Democratic
party, and honestly is it not better
than even your party would do
Just without any reward or
any hope of reward Is the Re-
publican party of the South made
truths and have no apology to P Answer it,
make for the coarse we have Third party man, with an
not but don't you w. by editor Hilliard of the Democrat.
somebody must do in this conn
and in Congressional Dis-
to compensate for their sup-
port to your Answer this
honestly and conscientiously and j announced that Mr. W. A.
see where it will lead you. Now will would introduce the first
He said it was the
Scotland had ever
greatest Democratic
rally Halifax had ever seen. He
you a party to any such a deal When Mr. Dunn said the
White men think before you party is not dead, the solid
South is not broken, he was greet-
ed with a tremendous outbreak of
applause. In well chosen words
he introduced Hon. W. R. Henry,
who spoke for three hours and
dealt out sound Democracy with
sledge hammer effect. Thor be
urged the crowd not to co
any time with applause, . en-
could not be held in
check and loud cheers betokened
their appreciation of bis words.
After him Mr. R. H. Smith, Jr.,
in a handsome manner introduced
I red Woodard, Esq., Democratic
candidate for Congress in the Sec-
District. He spoke for an
hour and a half, and handled the
issues under discussion with clear-
force and effect He was
greeted with applause all through
his speech.
After these two great speeches
the enthusiastic people were still
ready to listen longer and called
loudly for Buck Kitchen. Capt
Kitchen talked for half an hour
and his was pronounced by many
the grand speech of day. He
is every inch a man, Democratic
to the core, and made such a fer-
vent appeal for Grover Cleveland
that the crowd up in a grand
shout for our next President.
It was a grand day, a glorious
day, and if Halifax does not roll
up a big majority for Democracy
next Tuesday the is no
interpreter of signs. Three cheers
for Halifax always
T K.
This is the last of the He-
that will reach its sub-
before the election- Dur-
the campaign we have
to lay before the people
fairly and impartially the issues
that confront us in this time of a
State and National election. In
doing this the Reflector had to
be plain and state the facts just as
we found them. We have stated
act. All of demands are
National ones and yet you
are to aid and abet in electing a
man for President who would veto
every bill for any of these de-
if you get them
through Congress. You yourselves
don't complain of our State gov-
and yet to get that which
you cannot better you barter away
every hope of getting any of the
things for which you profess to be
fighting. No honest man who will
sit down and consider these things
will longer remain out of the Dem
party. The trouble is that
you are being deceived by your
leaders. They get a
for leading you astray while
you only bring trouble upon your-
self and families. Nothing
can be plainer thin the fact that
you are aiding the Republicans.
They are boasting that if they can
get the Third party to hold out
until the election they will carry
North Carolina.
Honest yeomanry of Pitt county,
we call upon you for the last time
before that eventful day, the 8th
day of November, 1892, to assert
your manhood and help save Pitt
county, North Carolina and the
Nation from that party which is
responsible for all our financial
depression; we call upon yon to
help do away with their
tariff system that is robbing
you and me of a large part of our
honest earnings We call upon
you to help give us more money
and better money. We call
you to help rebuke the system
that is enriching the few at the ex-
of the many, and last but
not least we call upon you to save
your State, county,
lot box, your homos and fire-
sides from Federal bayonets, by
burying forever that most
of all fiendish measures
the Force bill. To do this one
thing, and one only, is necessary,
and that is that you come back
and vote the Democratic ticket.
We appeal to your better
we appeal to your patriotism,
we appeal to your love of home
and family to do this, and we be-
you will if you will think
calmly and without prejudice be-
fore you cast your ballots on the
day of November.
Again, and for the last time
the year 1892, the
asks you to vote the Democratic
ticket from Grover Cleveland
down to Constable. Will you do
it We leave the matter with you-
Answer it at the ballot box next
-In order to close out our Furniture we offer our------
We are determined
to close it out without
large assortment of
delay. We have a
Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads,
Bedroom Suits, Wardrobes, Wash-stands,
Towel Racks, Cradles, Cots, Wire
Spring Tin
and Side-Boards.
This is no bait but a legitimate offer and our prices will
We think it will pay you to come and see for yourselves.
If so come to see us and we will make that
are conceded by our customers as being lower
than can be gotten elsewhere. We
-----have in stock the------
Largest and Most Varied
Selection of Furniture
kept in our town.
sued. It is the first time we have
ever had who have labored
faithfully for the Democratic party
heretofore bitterly arrayed against
us. changed conditions
necessitated a hard and in
some cases bitter fight on the part
of the press. The has
felt the paramount necessity of
the triumph of Democratic
and in consequence has not
hesitated to promulgate this doe-
It is to the Dem-
of this and other counties
for the liberal and hearty support
it has received. This aided us
much in standing squarely up to
what we conceived to be our duty
and we behave every true, honest
Democrat will approve of our
We have now a few more words
to say to all of our people before
close this memorable campaign
Not since 1860 have there been
greater issues at stake than now.
Not since then has there been so
to or so much to lose.
Not since then has more depended
upon the results of a political event
first of all we call
upon our people to stop for a mo-
and think before they act.
Reckon well and carefully as to
what is to be gained or what is to
be lost by this or that course.
Throw away for a while the ill will,
the ill feeling and the prejudices
that may have been engendered
during campaign. Lay aside
all side s and for once in your
life act honestly with yourself,
your family, your country and
your God. It is a time for just
such action- Will it pay you to
act rashly when there is so much
at issue I Can yon afford to lose
what you have gained for the past
twenty-five years Can you afford
to put away reason and common
sense and act blindly only for
oncer What are you to gain
by it, white man Shall we
bring trouble upon
and greater financial
than We are now
conscience and see what con-
it will lead you to.
Well, then, if they are not going
to vote for you just for nothing
why are they going to vote with
you t There can be but two ans-
Yon must either buy them
or you must barter with them.
Now which is it T It cannot be
that the Third party has money
enough to do the former with its
present number and its age.
Furthermore it cannot be that a
party starting out for reform
would be guilty of purchasing
votes and thereby a party to the
head of most all
cal corruption. Yon yourselves
would say this is not so. No, sir,
we are not bribers of voters. This
not being true it is narrowed down
to only one reason why they
should vote with you, that is we
vote for yon, you vote for us. But
you said you were not to vote
the Republican ticket. Well, now,
you see you are. What means
this withdrawing of the
can candidates for Congress in the
first, fourth and sixth
Districts I
Did they just step down for
nothing to help you fellows
Would they not have stood the
best chance of election with three
candidates in the field you
drew most of strength from
the Democrats Why no county
tickets in so many counties In
county of Pitt don't the Re-
publicans say openly that your
Executive Committee promised
that if they would endorse you
that you let their electoral
ticket alone What does this
mean Dot-b it mean that yon are
not to say one word against the
election of Harrison and Reid if
they will help yon get the
If this is all yon are to do
don't you see that Harrison and
Reid will not carry a single
more than if they had put out a
full ticket
men do yon believe this
was the bargain Don't you
You may read of great demon
and of the
together of the Demo-
but it takes being present
on such an occasion as the Demo-
of Halifax county had at
Scotland Neck last Saturday, to
realize the full meaning of these.
Glorious old Halifax has been
spoken of in days gone by as the
signifying that it
was not only dominated largely by
the black element, but that nothing
good could be expected to come
from it. after seeing her
demonstration on Saturday we
wanted to throw up our hat and
exclaim Halifax the banner
and put her in the front
The Reflector has many
which we are in and
around Scotland Neck, and a desire
to be with them and see old Hali-
fax spread herself took us there
last Saturday. Almost the first
thine witnessed after getting there
was what looked like a vast army
coining in the distance. Down
each sidewalk were thousands of
people on foot, while in the road-
way was a cavalcade half a mile
long. There were a few
mounted horsemen and nearly
every rider a flag. In the
procession were the girls of the
female school all wearing white
Cleveland and Stevenson caps and
after them the cadets from
Prof. Allen's military school. We
were astonished to find so many
colored men in line with the Hali-
fax Democracy; quite a number
of them rode with the horsemen
while the number on foot was up
in the hundreds. Chief Marshal
T. W. was in charge of the
procession and managed it with
marked success.
The great crowd filed into the
grove in front of Dr. Wood's
where the speaking was to
take place. Here seats for
people were arranged, but still
hundreds were left standing.
6.000 took port in the demon-
The were out in
large number lending their smiles
and encouragement to the occasion.
The splendid brass from
Wilson was there and Made the
air merry with music,
Utterances of leading
cans in regard to the Bill
reveal in a startling manner the
dangers that threaten the country
from the revolutionary schemes of
in power. There can be
no doubt of the intention of the
Republicans to pass the bill if
they succeed in carrying this
No sincere lover of his country
can contemplate calmly the far-
reaching consequences of this leg-
The means
usurpation of all political power
by the Federal Government, the
political and industrial enslave-
of the South. It means the
ultimate overthrow of our free
institutions and the setting up of
an oligarchy upon their ruins. It
means the destruction of the Re-
public. The hour has come when
all patriots should stand shoulder
to in of their
freedom as American citizens
against the revolutionary plans of
a party of desperate political con-
Look at these utter-
the Lodge Km
Law in full force over the South, and
Democratic strongholds up North,
may confidently look for a different
state of political affairs than now exists.
York City will then return several
more Republican Congressman than at
present, more than twenty
SOUTH will render the Republican con-
of the future Congresses absolutely
secure and safe. As Mississippi, South
Carolina and Florida contain a large ma-
of Negroes, and as there are
can confidently look in Hie future for
seven Southern States to be reliably Re-
publican. means a gain of fourteen
Senators, and at least twenty
to the Republican Party. When
through the operation of the Lodge Na-
Law six or seven Southern
States shall discard Democratic rule we
shall look confidently to see some meas-
of justice done the blacks, who have
so long been defrauded of their rights.
Heavy taxes should be laid upon the
property of whites to develop and
extend the public school system in these
States. Separate schools for the two
races should be abolished, and the plan
of bringing the youth of both colors into
close and equal relations In schools and
churches given n fair trial, as one of the
most potent elements to break down the
detestable Bourbon ism of the South.
The right of the black to bear arms
guaranteed to him as well as
all the social rights intended to be secured
him by passage of the fourteenth and
fifteenth amendments to the Constitution.
The State Law against the
age of the races should be repealed, and
any discriminations against the black In
matters of learning trades or obtaining
employment should be made a criminal
A few years of this policy will
solve the nice problem
Republican, Washington, D. C,
give notice now that I shall con-
to press my Force Hill I intend
to pass it before I die too. I shall pas
the Force Bill yet-yon see ff I
John I. Davenport, United States
Supervisor of elections In New York
and author of the Lodge Force
believe my Democratic friends Ray
that there s a force Bill issue In this
campaign. I don't think there Is, but I
think there ought to be. This
is the most important question in this
G, of Kansas in a speech at
Oct. a,
the Democrats had never been
lowed to regain control of the State gov-
of the South, Northern capital
would never have embarked in the de-
of Southern coal and
and the surest and way to put
a stop to this competition from Who
re our political as well as
rivals, to carry through
and measures like the Lodge
election law. And If we can
once more get them Into the condition
were before 1876 we won't hear any
more about cheap iron and cheap cotton
goods from the South. They will have
other things to think
in the Philadelphia by one
of President Harrison's closest friends,
Dr. A. N. Bell, Editor of the Sanitarian, New York,
Pearline has gained special in my
household and in many others to my knowledge, for
cleansing flannels. Your own directions for its use are
those we abide flannels by hand in
warm Pearline suds; rinse thoroughly in warm water ;
wring dry pressure through clothes ; pull
and shake well; dry in warm temperature and they will
keep soft without i
As one wash is sufficient to ruin flannels,
great care should be exercised as to the
use of the many imitations which arc being
by unscrupulous grocers or peddlers. is never peddled.
Millions Use Pearline. Do You
Dr. York, it Republican of j
long standing and an j
can candidate for Governor,
tho old corrupt party and declares
that lie shall support Grover
Cleveland and the Democratic
Mrs. Harrison, wife of President
Harrison, died in the White House
at Washington, on Monday night
of week. Her remains were
taken to Indianapolis for burial.
The whole civilized world
with the President of
Nation in this great affliction that
has befallen him.
Mr. J. T. Gregory, of Halifax
county, a life long Republican and
Clerk of the Superior Court of
that county for twenty years, was
also chairman of the county Re-
publican Executive committee, has
left that party and says he shall
support the entire Democratic
ticket. He published a card in
the last issue of tho Scotland Neck
Democrat giving his reasons for
this step
h ft
II Botanic Blood
IT. lUreS ECZEMA, ever,
, I lorn SHIM ERUPTION, be-
MM efficacious Intoning up tho
and restoring the constitution,
when from any cause. Its
Inert supernatural healing properties I
Justify as In curt, It a
directions are follow. j,
CO. .
All persons indebted
to M. R. Lang are here-
by requested to make
settlement within the
next thirty days or all
claims will be placed
in the hands of our at-
for collection.
The books can be
found with Mr. Lang
who will duly receipt
for all payments.
Oct. Assignee.
late Minister to
completed my store at
Pitt county, N. C., I am opening
a stuck of
and cordially Invite the public to call
Our motto Is Standard Goods at Be
Price for Cash.
Examine my stock before buying
the goods and do
not suit we nothing them.
Country produce In exchange
or goods. W. R.
by Peck's Invisible Tubular Ear
Whispers heard.
Successful where nil Remedies
Ills, hooks proofs free. Ad-
dress, F. Broadway, N. Y.
in the for Soups. Sauces nod
Order COMPOSITION or send
Roller Socks to be cast to
and Pearly St. New York.
For Rent.
A largo two-story store in the
Opera Block, Greenville, just
splendid room, with patent
tor, counters, shelving and drawers.
Apply to
Wit. n. LONG.
Greenville, N. C.
We have for sale at Black Pitt
county, Cotton Gin, GO
saws, and a good Grist Kill, the rocks of
Moore county grit. are almost
as good us new and will be sold cheap.
either to
Mills. N. C.
or G. W. Venters, Calico, N.
The of Culley and Edmonds is
hereby dissolved mutual consent.
Those indebted to the will pay the
same to Herbert Edmonds.
Aug. 1802.
It elves me pleasure to announce to
our customers that I will continue the
a, the old stand. Every com-
fort and will be found in
my shop. shave and haircut
can be had at all times. Thanking the
public for past I solicit
of the same.
Action for Divorce.
Henry i Pitt County,
j III Superior Court.
The Defendant above named, is here-
by notified to be and appear before the
Judge of our Superior Court, at a Court
to be held for the County of Pitt, at the
Court House in on the 8th
Monday before the 1st Monday of March
and answer the complaint which
will be deposited in the office of
Clerk the Superior Court of said
County, within the first three of
aid term, and lot the said Defendant
take notice that if she fail to answer the
said complaint within the time required
by law the Plaintiff, will apply to the
Court tor the relief demanded In the
Hereof fail not.
Given under my hand and seal of said
Court, this 12th day Sept. 1892.
E. A. Move.
Clerk Superior Court.
Martin the Superior Court.
Francis Purvis
vs I Summons for Relief
Sheriff of Martin
are hereby commanded to
summon PURVIS, the de.
above named, if he be found
within your to and appear be-
fore the Judge of our Superior Court, at
a Court to be held the county of Mar-
tin at the Court House In
on the lat Monday of December, 1892,
and answer the complaint which will be
deposited In the office of tie Clerk of the
Superior Court said county, within
three days of said term, let
the said take notice that said
action is for divorce from the of mat-
and if to answer the said
complaint within the time required by
law the plaintiff apply Court tor
relief in the complaint.
Hereof tail not and of this summons
make due return.
Given under my hand this 17th day of
August. W. T. CRAWFORD,
C. S. C. Martin County.
We buy direct from the-
and can and will sell
low-down. Our stock consists
in part of
Marble Top Walnut Suits,
Solid Oak Suits,
Sixteenth Century Finish Suits,
Walnut Finish Suits,
Marble Top Bureaus and Washstands,
Wood Top Bureau and Washstands,
Ward Robes, Buffets, and Side-Boards,
Walnut Bedsteads,
Bedsteads of all grades and colors,
Wire Cribs and Beds and Cradles.
Marble Top and Solid Wood Top Tables,
Solid Walnut Chairs and Rockers,
Solid Oak Chairs and Rockers,
Fancy Reed and Wood Rockers,
Chairs of all grades, Lounges,
Bed Springs, Mattresses,
We are headquarters for-
and extend to all a cordial invitation to call on us when in wan
of any goods as we carry one of the best stocks of
ever kept in our town.
Yours truly,
Have on hand a full lino of Cooking Stoves, Kitchenware. Tin-
ware, Lamp Goods Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty.
We make cur own stovepipe and pans of cold rolled steel which
i s far the most durable.
We don't try to keep th-j cheapest goods in town, out if you
want to get the most value for your money give us a call.
test White Oil cents per gallon.
Tin Roofing and Guttering less the Tariff.
S. CO.,
Special facilities for handling Seed in any
quantity from all Tar River Landings.
Car Load Lots taken from any point in
Eastern North Carolina and Virginia.
Oil Mills,
N. C.
Mills on Tar River
prices and terms write
E. V.
See. Trans., Tarboro, N. C
Owners and
Semi-Weekly trips between Washington and Tarboro and Way Landings.

Local Reflections.
cc M reported last week.
i the month.
Vote the Democratic ticket.
Get ready to vote vote right.
For use at
Take a day off and fro to the Weldon
Big stock of Shoes just in at Brown
The weather is fine enough for any-
The Weldon fair is in progress and a
good one.
The Home Sewing Machine for
at n B
Don't any name, lint vote the
lull Democratic ticket.
A sec cook stove for sale cheap.
at this office.
New Home Sewing Machine and all
machine parts at Brown Bros.
A vote for Democracy is a vote for the
sanctity of homes.
New Cream Cheese and N. Y. State
Butter at the Old Brick Store.
A vote for i- a vote for the
i of Nation.
Want to cat something good Boss
Biscuit at the Old Brick Store.
A vote for Democracy is a vote for the
of your State.
Cheapest Furniture. Bedsteads and
Mattresses at the Old Brick Store.
A vote for Democracy is a vote for the
welfare of your country.
A vote for Democracy is a vote against
bayonet behind every
For a sweet smoke go to
and get a Linden or Cardenas cigar.
To-day is the time for the great To-
Imposition at Rocky Mount.
Cash given for Produce. Hides, Egg
and Furs at the Old Brink Store.
Be careful with your ballots next
Tuesday and see that you vote rigid.
November will give u- live Tuesdays,
five Wednesdays and live KI
First of the fancy buck-
wheat and cherry jelly at the Old Brick
Store. J
D. not allow yourself to be led into
voting any other but the Democratic
A vole for Democracy i a sine relief
from your present embarrassed financial
The bird law has expired now and
hunter- may bang at the partridges to
their beans content.
yon want our present of
county government abolished vote the
Democratic ticket next Tuesday.
There was a big boat last
that made everything feel like
winter WM to conic enough.
Large lot Ladies Cloaks, latest styles.
at Brown Bros. If size wanted is not in
stock can have it made to order on short
Wt t
The corner room under the
House is being fitted up for Mr. Q.
He will open a tobacco and fruit
Liberal premiums are offered for the
exhibits at the Weldon Fair. There
is no reason why Pitt county cannot win
some of them. J
The Reflector thanks Mr. II.
for a of new crop Irish
to he sent u- the other day. They
were very line.
Somebody wanted to know why we had
teen calling the Third the J party.
That i- I Peoples and
Deal you see
Happy and content is a home with
the Rochester, a lamp with the
light of the For
write Rochester Lamp Co., New York t
This i- last appeal the REFLECTOR
can make to the white men of Pitt
county to do their duty next Tuesday
and vote the Democratic ticket.
A splendid open front heating stove
coal burner, can be bought cheap by
applying at this It is a suitable
stove for either office, -it ting room or par-
If you don't want county government
changed vote for F. ft. James for the
Senate, and for Fred and
K. Witherington for the House.
NOTICE persons indebted to me
for will find their notes and ac-
counts in the hands of J. L. Sugg. They
will please call on him and settle
The meeting of the Board of Comity
Commissioner- next Monday will
op the fiscal year them- They begin
a year on the first Monday in De-
Work on the double brick store of
Brown Hooker commenced last week
and the wall- are going up rapidly. Mr.
Rev. A. D. Hunter attended tin-
Association . t Smithfield last week.
Mr. Ed. of the
Pioneer V Tarboro, has been
spending a few days in this section.
Mr. Andrew Joyner left yesterday for
Newport News, Va., to lake ft position
with a branch of the Institute es-
An enthusiastic Democrat was on the
street Monday and had six teeth in his
hand, said he hail talked out
for the Democratic party, and would
give every tooth he had rather than see
the i party and Republicans get control
of i lie and Stale.
It is important that the next
of North Carolina should not be
by the Republicans. Thai
party and the Third party are working
in league and any man who votes for a
Third party candidate is helping the
Republicans just that much.
The J class have promised
Republicans if they will
help them on their comity
ticket, then the Third party will not in-
with the Republican electoral
other words will help elect
Harrison. White men. be careful how
you vote.
Every Democrat should go to the polls
next Tuesday and do his duty. Let none
stay away and think their votes are not
needed. If you want to put an end to
the Force to Gideon Hands, to
tariffs, and preserve our State
and county government, come out and
vote the entire ticket that you find at the
Reflector mast head.
If you want your comity government
changed and Pitt county thrown back
under the rule of and go to the
polls next Tuesday and vote for Third
party Forbes for the Senate, and for
Third party Phillips and Third party
Barnhill for the House. They are
pledged to the Republicans to vote
against our county government system
and election law.
Rocky Mount Fair.
The Reflector thanks the Secretary
for a complimentary ticket to the Rocky
Mount fair, 9th, 10th and 11th. On
Thursday, the big day. an excursion
will be run from Washington to Rocky
Mount, waiting at the for the
trains from Plymouth and Kinston. The
excursion will have Rocky Mount at
r. M. connecting at the Junction
the other trains.
The Old Dominion Steamship Company
ha- in-t completed a large two story
warehouse on the wharf with platform
leading to the upper floor. It is so
ranged that during high water the lower
floor can be open for tin- water
to pa through and the boats will dis-
charge their cargoes on the upper floor.
Such a has long been needed
and will be found a great convenience in
times of freshets in the river-
Mrs. wife of Mr. W. A.
of Bethel township, died at three
o'clock on last Saturday afternoon of
She with this
disease MOM weeks ago and had a
stroke the Sunday before her death. She
years old, an excellent woman,
and had a large circle of friends. She
a sister of Messrs. Wide-hard
and W. R. Whichard. and an aunt of this
Watch Your Tickets.
Every voter that he ha- eight
different ticket- when lie goes to the
polls next Tuesday, a- there i-1 be that
many boxes in which to plane ballot-.
You are to vote for Presidential Electors,
for State officer-, for Con-ti-
Amendment, for Congressman,
for Senator and Representatives, for
County Officers and for Constable. See
that you have all these tickets, and be
sure that the have on them the names
of the Democratic nominees.
Behold the Difference.
To his other virtues wants-to-be
Governor Exum has added the title of
lie brandishes a
big knife and threatens to stick it in all
Democrats if they don't stop talking
about him. Isn't he a pretty specimen
to make a Governor out of for the great
State of North Carolina Are any of
the white men of Pitt county going to
waste their votes on such a character
Don't do it. men. but cast your ballot
for honest Elias Can. and thereby honor
and your State.
Bless These Women, They're all Demo-
A I party man was in town Monday,
and it happened that his sweetheart, or
the girl he wanted to his sweetheart,
was the day. He saw her
while sitting by a in one of our stores
and thought it was a good chance to talk
with her. He thought he would talk at
random a bit touching upon the
tender and unfortunately for
him-elf said something about politics.
She to say -Look here,
sir, if read anything else besides the
Progressive Farmer yon would be
informed -o you know what yon
are talking She then gave him
to understand that a Third party man
was just wasting his time in trying to
P. E. Smith, of Scotland Neck, has the. a ft
for the building.
i Barnes, commission mer-
chants of Norfolk, express the opinion
that cotton is selling too low, and make
a liberal offer to all wishing to hold.
Their will explain-
The Tarboro Southerner calls them
Mr. Ham. of Georgia.
call- and
Wilson's record shows them to
that a combination, my
country men
White men of North Carolina, a
eon is controlling the action of
the Third Do yon want to express
your disapproval of such a secret political
organization If so vote the Democratic
ticket next Tuesday.
T -y sq
-u-i an j put
an no
s pan
i q i i
Of Mist school for the month
ending 28th, 1802 Rosa Abrams,
Brown, Nannie Fleming, Bessie
Greene, Irma Leta
Maggie Myra Skinner,
Skinner, Winnie Skinner, Smith,
Hattie Smith. Johnnie Congleton, Charlie
I James, Jones, Lyman Joyner,
Lee Rawls, Jesse Smith, Bruce Sugg,
At the Junction.
There are big improvements going on
now up at perhaps better known
as the A. R. Junction. The railroad
company have moved back the little
building they had there for an office and
are erecting a nice depot with ample ac
for both passengers and
freight. The A
mills are rapidly rebuilt on a
much larger and more improved plan
than the old plant. And Little
are building a large store. These with
some minor improvements make it a busy
place. There is life in the old laud yet-
Marriage Licenses.
issued by tin- Register of Deeds to
the following couples in Pitt county
the month of
F. Taylor and Katie Car-
Albert Horton and Susan N.
C. P. Smith and Maggie Stokes,
Frank and Maggie E. Burrows,
James Langley and Mattie Martin.
Clark and Martha
Langley, Jerry Bridgers and Alice
Sylvester Taylor and Martha
Rountree. Jordan Dancy and Jennie
Brown. John and Little,
Harry Walston and Dinah Patrick,
Baker and Mary Boyd, Columbus Hop-
kins and Maggie Hardy.
How is This
A class party man from the country
was town lust Friday and took a color-
ed man out behind a building, where he
thought no one else would and gave
him a talk. He was heard to tell the
about these words
the Democrats arc elected this time they
will not let anybody vote hereafter unless
they can read. But if you will help us
elect the Third party we will put an
officer at every ballot box to tell all you
folks who can't read how to vote. We
will also make a law not to allow any
merchant to charge over per cent, on
his goods. will make an officer go
examine his bills and if the merchant
charges more he will be A
gentleman the conversation
happened to make some noise just
and the J party man ran off. Now, is
not that pretty stuff to be ramming
down the throats of ignorant people by
which to make them vote with the Third
party We ask fair minded, thinking
men if they are going to be led off by a
crowd guilty of such deception. Think
where the Third party leaders under
and Republican control will
lead you to.
Reported by Cobb Bros.
Norfolk. Va. Oct.
has been no change in our official quota-
here for spot cotton during the past
week. We have had a good demand at
the current for middling, ex.
three days during the first
part of tin- week owing to the. nervous
condition of Liverpool and New York
which was caused, it is said, by the fa-
weather for developing
the crop at the South, especially in
the Mississippi valley where ll is
the plant still continue- to bloom and the
c-op on bottom lands will be materially
increased thereby, and too, the
strike of the mill operatives in
Manchester. England, had a tendency to
somewhat depress the market. But the
latter part of the week the report of
damage by frost from the South, together
with intelligence from abroad that the
threatened strike Manchester would in
ail probabilities be averted, gave a more
tone to the market.
The estimated
Port receipts
f or
supply bales against
last year and 3.073,776 last
week, showing an increase of
bales over last week.
As wired by Cobb Bros.
Va. Nov. 1st.
Low Middling.
ti 11-16
she is. and he was seen to walk off a
sadder looking but a wiser young man.
The Champion.
non. R. B. Glenn, Democratic
large, spoke the Court House here
last Thursday night. The house was
well filled, both from the town and
rounding country. Everybody who had
heard of expected to bear some-
thing good, yes, something very good.
But none of us were prepared to even an-
was in store for With-
out disparaging any of the able and mag-
Democratic speakers n ho are now
canvassing North Carolina, we must
that R. B. Glenn is the finest campaigner
the State. It was the unanimous
opinion of the whole audience that it was
the equal if not superior to any political
speech ever heard here. His logic, his
eloquence, his vim, his oratory, his wit,
sarcasm and his earnestness were of
the highest order and elicited unbounded
applause- Could every white
North Carolina hear Glenn its
would be invincible. He left here the
idol of every true and honest white man
who heard him. All honor to the bold
and chivalrous Bob Glenn.
and he is far from with
what he the of the
men who his nomination at
Minneapolis in trying to make him
hare for their
of the Republican campaign by
; remaining in New York, supposedly as
i an of the Republican National
j Committee, but in a a dummy
i lay figure with nothing to say or do, ex-
to look pleased. He told a friend
that he had neither given nor been
to give the National Committee any ad-
Senator Hill passed through Washing-
ton on his way to Virginia where he
several speeches this week. lie
was asked what the prospects were in
New York, and his reply was both
characteristic New
York is all
Union veterans who are Democrats,
and there are lots of them, regard
announcement that Judge John P. Rea.
of Minnesota,
of the G. A. R. would support Cleve-
land because of his pension vetoes and
his on the as a
believing will have
a great deal of influence with the much
talked about The Re-
publicans are already trying to break
the force of the announcement by
Judge Rea been MM with
Mr. Harrison ever ice he refused to
appoint him of Pensions,
when Tanner was kicked out, and that
be has taken this method of
with them.
There was h big scare of Some sort at
the headquarters in
this week, and
Hobart was sent post-haste to
ton with the news. He arrived here in
time to hold consultations with several
of the Cabinet before their de-
the funeral train.
From our Regular Correspondent.
Washington, D. C. Oct. 1892.
Politics was by unanimous consent a
tabooed subject in Washington from the
time the of Mrs. Harrison
announced until the funeral train hear-
her remains upon its sorrow-
to The
of our people with
of the L
Vales ho was, for the time, forgot ten
as the candidate of a party and
remembered only as the loving and be-
husband of the good woman lying
dead in the White There was
no boundary line to this sympathy; it
came from section of our country
as we'd as from all parts of the world;
Mr. Cleveland, our candidate, was
among the first to wire condolences, and
the local Democrats as a mark of their
sympathy removed their Cleveland and
Stevenson banner until after the funeral
had passed d am Pennsylvania
Avenue on its to the train. Mrs.
Harrison the type mother
and wife of which every American is
she carried herself with the same
quiet dignity when presiding over her
little three-room cottage home as when
mistress of the White House and ranking
the lady in This
country owes more to this type of woman
than history will ever tell, and It was
right that it should pause in the
midst of a Presidential campaign to shed
a tear over grave of Caroline Scott
lion- Wayne of
i van la. was Washington this week to
argue a case before the Court.
He says he has received hundred
letters from republican , em
men who have In the been
in that party, action
in coming out for Cleveland and In de-
I t tie republican tariff policy, and
informing him the writers intend to
vote the straight democratic ticket this
; year. He predict a the election of Cleve-
I land by an overwhelming and
that the tariff reformer will be In a
majority in both nooses of the Con-
r. hi l In
Mus. Joe h with pleasure
I add to your long list of certificates the
following, which I know to be
Two years ago I had a colored nurse
minion Isabella well; she was a large,
healthy woman, weighing pounds,
She was taken with some ailment, I do
not know exactly what, but she had
lent pains in her head, neck and back.
She suffered a great deal and came
dying. She fell away until her weight
was only about pounds. My wife
gave her half a bottle of your Remedy
and she began to improve, and
bottle entirely relieved her. Hoping you
success, I am, truly,
mm h
Walter Bridges, Athens, Tenn
six years I had been afflicted with
running sores, and an of
the hone in leg. I tried everything
I heard without any permanent benefit
until Botanic Blood was
mended to me. After using six bottles
the sores healed, and I am now in better
health than I have ever been. I send
this testimonial unsolicited, because I
want others to be
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Chapped Hands.
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price cents pet For sale at
Drug Store.
is Torn
you are worn out, for
tag. It is Try
It will cure you. liver, and give
t good appetite.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
before the Superior Court Clark of Pitt
county as to the last will and
testament of Galloway, deceased
is heroin- given to all in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the Undersigned, and all per-
sons having claims against said estate
roust present the same for be-
fore the 1st of 189.1. this no-
will lie plead in bar of recovery.
This of September, 1802.
Executor of
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
before tic Superior Court Clerk of Pit
county as Executor to the last will an
of Frederick
notice is hereby given to persons in
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
persons having claims against said es-
must present the same for payment
before the of October. 1898, or this
will plead in liar of
This the am day of October.
Executor of Frederick White,
For Sale on Easy Terms
Large Double Store in Greenville. I
offer tor sale on easy terms the large
Double Store north cf Fifth street,
east of Evan- street, with lot fronting
feet on Fifth street by feet deep. A
splendid bargain. Apply at once to
Win. II.
If you feel weak
and all worn out take
Which the stock of good in Eastern Carolina.
In order to make room for these I at once running
off my entire stock in Greenville at greatly reduced prices. If
you want
Call at my Greenville store
C. T. M U N F O R D,
Opposite Old Brick Store. n. c.
We are still making a specialty of
We have a first class assortment and sell close. Do not fail to
get our prices-
and parts for all kinds of machines are sold by us.
Depositors American Bible Society
And ant you to some of the bargains while they are going.
Do not longer to get your
We have just the article needed by every man, woman and child.
Administrator's Notice
letters of 1st ration having been
issued to the undersigned by the Clerk
of the Superior Court Pitt county,
on th 20th day of September, ISM, upon
the estate A. deceased.
is given to the of
said to present their claims, duly
authenticated, to the undersigned on or
before the 20th day of
or this notice, will be plead in bar of
their recovery. All persons Indebted to
said estate are notified to make
ate payment to the undersigned.
This the of September, 1892.
I,. H.
of M. A.
If you want to save
then purchase of a PIANO and from
Ten to Fifteen Dollars.
in the purchase of an Organ address
X. C.
General Agent for Carolina,
who is now handling goods direct from
the manufacturers, as
for tone, workmanship and
and endorsed by nearly all the
musical journal in the Baited
Made by Paul O. who is at this
time one of the best mechanics
of the day. Thirteen
patents on this high grade
Also the BY A OS,
RIGHT PIANO which has been sold by
him for the six If the
part of this and up to this lime has
given entire The Upright
Piano just mentioned w lie sold at from
to in Oak,
I Walnut or Mahogany eases.
from to Id solid or Oak
Ten years experience in the music
business has enabled to handle
; hut standard goods and he does
not to say he can sell any
musical instrument a lion t per
cheaper than other agents are now
Refer to all banks In Eastern Carolina.
We can suit you in CLOTHING.
We can suit yon in HATS.
We can suit you in SHOES.
We can suit in DRESS GOODS.
We can suit in UNDERWEAR.
We can suit you
in general Dry Goods line, in Carpets, in Trunks, in Notions, etc
Your chance is now. Strike while iron is hot.
The of the cotton crop far this season would
indicate that there was some foundation for the bad crop accounts
daily reaching us from all parts of the cotton territory, if so the
staple is selling too cheap and wishing to hold for higher
prices can do so by shipping it to us and drawing for pf
bale on same and having it held for six months is so desired,
Faithfully yours,
i as
I., home farm,
Dam township, the lands
G. T. Tyson and J. II. Cow. A fine
farm of about MO acres build-
and adapted to corn, cotton and to-
A bed.
A farm near and
mediately on the railroad, formerly own-
ed by Caleb B. acres of which
are cleared. Good neighbor-
hood, and a school within
miles- Plenty of marl on the adjoin-
A tine farm of three miles
from and miles
ville, substantial dwelling
and out houses, known as the I,.
home place, line land,
good clay accessible to marl.
A smaller farm adjoining the above
known as the place, acres,
dwelling, barn and tenant house, land
A fa of acres in town-
ship, about miles from 8.1
acres den red, part of the tract.
Part of the Noah farm,
acres, adjoining the town of Marlboro,
located In an improving section
and can be made a valuable farm.
A small farm of acres,
about miles from Greenville, on .
Well Swamp, house, etc., for-
owned by ox.
A tract of about acres near Cone-
the station, with cypress timber well
suited for railroad ties.
A tract of about acres in ;
township, near the Washington rail-
road, pine timber.
A tract of acres near Johnson's
Mills, pine and cypress timber.
Apply to Wm. H. LONG,
Greenville, N. C.
their year's supplies will find
their interest to get our prices before
chasing else complete
n all its branches.
Lowest Market Prick.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to
the times. Our goods are all bought
old for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close margin
S. M.
Is now ready to show her customers the
Fall and Winter
Mrs. just,
from Baltimore where she attend
ed all the large millinery openings,
and made the selections for
the trade here. My stock embraces
everything pertaining to the millinery
trade and will sold at
prices. Mrs. M.
Greenville, N. C.
J X.
Half Rolls Bagging,
Bundles New Arrow Ties.
small Full Cream Cheese.
Tubs Choice Butter.
Tubs Boston Lard.
Boxes Tobacco, all grades.
Boys Cakes and Crackers.
New Corn Mullets.
Barrels Gail . As Snuff.
Barrels P. Snuff.
Barrels Mills Snuff.
Barrels Three Thistle
Car load Bib Side Meat
Car load Seed Oats.
Car load Floor, all grades.
Kegs Powder.
Tons Shot.
old Virginia
Full line Case Goods, and everything
else kept a first-class grocery
General Merchant,
------Manufacturer of the-----
and dealer in Brackets, Turned or
Scrolled Work, Church Pews and all Building Supplies.
My Tobacco in all sizes are for sale at S. M. Schultz t
Co., Greenville, and at my mill.
Will make satisfactory arrangements with to
furnish their customers.
P. J. COBB, Pitt Co., c.
C. COBB. Pitt Co., N. C
to Cobb Bros. A
Cotton Factors
Commission Merchants,
and Correspondence Solicited.
to the buyers of Pitt and surrounding of the following goo
not to be excelled In this market. And all guaranteed to be First-class an
kinds. Gin and Hay. Bock and
Hair. Bridles and
Agent Clark's N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
prices, per dozen, less H per cent for Cash. Bread Prep-
ration and Hall's Stir Jobbers Prices, White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil. Varnishes and Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood
Willow H are. a specialty. Give me a call and guarantee
i satisfaction.
And a good lamp
must be simple when it is not simple it it
not good. Simple, Beautiful,
words mean much, but to see The Rochester
will the truth more forcibly. All metal,
tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only
it absolutely unbreakable. Like
of old, it is indeed a for its mar-
light is purer and brighter than gas light,
than electric light and more cheerful than either.
CO., S Mace, New York
All kinds placed in strictly
At lowest current rate.

Eastern reflector, 2 November 1892
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 02, 1892
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Joyner NC Microforms
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