Eastern reflector, 19 October 1892

P .
Eastern Re
The Live Business Man
Thoroughly Equipped
------i., u--------
Give Us a Trial Order.
ally prepared Liniment, every
cf value and in
constant use by medical pro-
fission. This
WILL DO all that is claimed for
it AND It Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain, Diminishes
Life of Mother Child. Book
to Mothers mailed FREE, con-
valuable information and
voluntary testimonials.
by express on price per
REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. G.
and Schedule
No No No
Apr. 10th. daily Fa-t Mail, daily
daily ex Sun
Weldon 12.30 pm pm
A i- Rocky Mount 1-10 am
am G
Ar pm S am
dally ex
v m pm
D. J. Editor and Owner.
per Year, in Advance.
He to Say in Regard
and Spectacle
Physical Deformity.
One of tho most curious and re-
spectacles of human do-1
is to be found near Way- Bun.
truss, Ga. in tho form of a Our W. A-
The monstrosity is a j whom there not nature
boy U years of ago. who not only ; ; ,
boars a close re ambiance to a . . .
saurian, but wife we
anger and foams at tho mouth i have in the past
when enraged. He can neither bus written a letter to
is an that rings with manly
however, . ,
utterances. After quoting a
front I be Republican platform of
idiot. When
he can make known his wants by
groaning; and searching around tho
room, half rolling and half crawl-
on his belly.
The body is almost entirely
covered with scales of a delicate
texture. His head is long and Hat,
his eyes are round and beady
and blink with a superficial lid or
film like those of an His
mouth is Ions and wide and is
1860, and one from the Democratic
platform of 1892, the
of interference in State
matters, upon the
dangers resulting from this policy,
ho goes on to say
myself iii 1868 voted with the
filled with an unusually huge party for the
of big teeth. of the States
arms are Hit and crook sideways under the act of Congress
from the joints. Altogether he is
as near a blending of human and
beast one ever saw.
A, -Mount
1- am
except day.
Train on Scotland Heck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 4.22 arrives Scot
land Neck at 6.13 M. Greenville 6.62
p. in. Returning,
leaves Kinston Greenville
a. m. Arriving Halifax a. in.
Weldon 11.23 a. in., daily except Sun-
Trains on Washington Branch leave
Washington 7.00 a. m. arrives A. R.
function a. m. returning leaves A.
i Junction p. m. arrives
p. in. Daily except
Connects With trains on ; ml
Raleigh I., and Scotland
Local freight train Weldon
Monday, and Friday
10.15 a. arriving Scotland Neck 1.05
n. m., Greenville 6.80 p. a.,
7.40 p. in. Returning leave-
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
7.20 a. in., arriving Greenville 9.53
a. m., Scotland 2.20 p. m., Weldon
5.15 m.
Train leave Tarboro, N C, via
Raleigh It. R. daily except Ban-
day, r II, Sunday M. arrive
N C, P M, P M.
Plymouth 8.80 p. m., 5.22 p. m.
Returning leaves Plymouth daily
0.00 a. m., Sunday a. 111-
X C, a in,
arrive Tarboro, N A M
Trains on Southern Division. Wilson
ind Branch leave
a in. arrive Rowland IS p m.
l.-ave Rowland ,. in.
arrive ex-
Train on Midland N C Branch leave
Go daily except Sunday. A M
X C, a M. Re
lining laves X C S AM
arrive N A M.
Train No. makes close connection a t
Weldon for all points North daily. All
via Richmond, and daily- except Sun-
day via Bay Line, also at Rocky Mount
daily except Sunday with Norfolk
railroad and all
points via Norfolk.
Southbound train on Wilson
Branch is No. Northbound is
except Sunday.
at M, arrive Nashville
P Hope SO M. Returning
8.35 A M. arrives Rocky Mount
except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves
for Clinton dally, Sunday, it o i
and M Returning leave
ton at A M, and
Trains No. South and North Will
stop at Rocky Mount, Wilson,
Goldsboro and Magnolia.
J. K. at
The buy has ti groat fondness
for water, which seems to delight
him immensely. He knows of its
presence by instinct A few days
ago he was taken before the Grand
Jury for medical examination.
The jury pronounced him harm-
i and allowed him to remain
with his mother.
First. Blue Ribbon ManI saw
you coming out of a barroom the
other day.
Second Blue Ribbon
I was in there gathering materials
for a on in the
First Blue Ribbon ManI did
not notice that you were, or had
been, making any notes.
Second Blue Ribbon
the materials I get there I carry in
my head.
Blue Ribbon
March 2nd. which put
ballot in the baud of the
and I did so AS a choice of evils be-
tween civil government
suffrage, and military government
no suffrages at all, and just
for oar government as a
general of the army, us a depart-
on command r, from
at Charleston, S. C-, night see
lit in bis fancy to prescribe fur tho
people North Carolina. I voted
with tho Republican party in
to get rid of the military. Could
consistently vote in 1892 for men
and measures calculated to bring
the military back
suffrage alone
turned out to be bud enough in all
conscience. I dent want to sup-
it now with possible and
even probable military rub on top
of it. We have had enough recoil-
my friend, ray advice is. don't get i o
too many of these mat rials into .,. ,
your head or you'll be having the , at least. W o have felt and
delirium realized to its fullest extent the
wisdom enunciated in the above
quoted plank in tho Republican
we can always spot a
Mr. Drexel course, by Mr. Lincoln in even
, platform of 1861. and for one be-
hayseed on . i ., , ,
to day the doctrine
There's one now standing on
corner. I'd bet my last dollar.
for a few minutes in a little enter-
of mine I have here
three shells, and here, as you see,
a tiny rubber ball. Now I put the
rubber ball, etc., etc.
though it under the color of
corner, id bet my last kw invasion by
The Hayseed , . ,
Gents, can I have attention force of any State, no mat-
under what preterit, is among
Wasted Her to Laugh-
tell said the man with
confiding nature, is mighty
discouraging to have your wife
laugh at your
Mine never
don't know. You see I
for the comic papers. ,
A Strange
she exclaimed,
could I be so
is the asked
her father.
I've been homo for a week
and just happened to think that I
left two engagements
Scientific Drops-
Five volumes of air contain one
volume of oxygen.
Water is composed of oxygen
and hydrogen in the proportion of
one volume of the former gas to
two volumes of the latter.
The celebrated high electric light
mast at Minneapolis, which is
feet high, has proved ineffective
for lighting and is now
no longer used.
One of the latest inventions in
connection with tho application of
T. M agent electricity to street car service is a
self-lubricating gear for trolleys.
Notice to Shippers.
In order to make more convenient and
economical use or the vessels now em-
ployed in the North Carolina
and thus to better serve the inter-
of shippers, the undersigned
have decided to merge their
respective line between Not
folk and and
N. C, into
one be known as
Connecting at Norfolk with
The Bay line, for Baltimore.
The Clyde Line, for Philadelphia.
The Old Dominion Line, for New
The Merchants A Miners Line for
ton and Providence.
The Water Lines for Richmond, Va.,
and Washington. D. C.
At with
The Atlantic North Carolina R. R-
At Washington with
The Tar River Steamers.
Also Calling at Island. N. C.
The new line will m
Service, with such additional sailings as
will suit the
The direct service of steamers
and the freedom from handling, are
great advantage this Line
otters The following have
been appointed New
John E. at Norfolk, Va.
John Son, at
S. II- Gray, at N. C.
S. C. at Island-
J. Cherry, at Greenville, C.
will leave
on Monday May 16th, from wharf
on Water street Clyde
and the piers of Clyde
Line and Old Dominion Steamship Co
II. A.
V P M. Old Dominion Co.
W. P. CLYDE ft Om
Clyde Line,
alliance organ sounds
Advocate, publish-
ed at W. Va., and the
official organ of the farmer's
in that State, contained the
following leading editorial in a
joined the alliance because
thought its objects
were righteous, we
the political exigencies of
the period demanded the birth and
growth of stick an organization.
Political reform and governmental
retrenchment in lavish
of public moneys and
in the levying of taxation were
potent elements which led to the
incubation cf the vital
for which tho farmers have been
fighting and which have
hatched into living, fall
grown issues. During the
or TBS
Iii the death of Dr. Thomas F.
Wood, of Wilmington, late
of the North Board
of Health, the State lost one of its
most patriotic and useful nous.
He was an able, conscientious and
physician an
of note, editor and
proprietor n its beginning
the present North i Wt
ed Journal, always in the forefront
of those working for the elevation
ind of his prof
and to promote both
than any hid lint
tho nearest thing to his heart, sec-
f his Divine
Mister, was tho North
Board of , which was
by him and kept alive
growth and development of year, its feeble
great alliance movement there I devotion and
seemed to be few our ranks but I sacrifice of both tune and money,
those fired a patriotic seal to and f
see tho order in of his State,
fight for the liberty and prosperity been honored by the
, I Board my election to the Sec-
made vacant by his de-
cease, a the
and s of the office he
adorned without testifying to
of the people, and every one
seemed to vie one with the in
self abnegating methods to achieve i
the highest good for tho
number. While these conditions;
we grew with an his qualities,
growth. Politicians treat- loss is
bled and Wall street quaked. l
a few years, from a nucleus of the
utmost insignificance, a of
weak organizations had grown to
a combination which could not, be
limited except by the confines of
this great country. Counties were
captured, congressional districts of preventing disease.
iii the State that the Boar
of Health was created for their
the purpose of
a; as possible, in-
formation an instruction as to tho
were stormed and taken and whole
States were made to surrender- It
was at this oar danger
began. A few old visionary, dis-
appointed politicians the
good things possible to
them; they got into our
Heaven only knows how. and be-
their intrigues.
months this has d, and
for one year our phenomenal
growth has been dwarfed and
Any citizen of the State therefore
desiring such information would
confer a favor by writing to
Secretary, who would cheerfully
answer his inquiries.
The subject of in-
at present is the f
cholera threatening our
The board has watched the
with sleepless eye, has
riven tho subject most
but it
has not deemed the danger
Tho Colored is the
name of dated Oxford
and printed in Charlotte- It is
edited by four young colored men,
E. W. Can and y being managing
The new publication
shelving the white
and wants the I
to take the m of the
party in their own hands to
fill the county
with men. It is very
in earnest, and from the i
by the speaker- the
convention in I
it is solidly backed by the
race. They have made up
minds to no longer take back s
in the congregation
they won't nit to sold lo
the Third party, and will do
everything their power to get
control of tho county.
We give a few extracts from this
The colored of
county have a better
chance now than ever to elect j
colored m n to office. Now is the
time to show race pride if you
it. D not be blinded by f d-e
leaders, bat let us earnestly con-1
tend for the nomination of honest, I
intelligent colored men when tho I
Republican county
If it is true that tho white Rep-
of North Carolina have
sold tho to tho
the latter have certainly lost their
money. Now, if you don't believe
it, Third party people, just wait till
November and party will
be found wanting.
We quite often see white
and Third
sing on the streets. Guess the lat-1
proposes to buy tho
and the for nor proposes to sell
but will meet them at
the block, and don't you forget it-1
L of
j N
which needs no attention after be-
once put in operation.
Prof. Dewar, whose recent
and demonstrations on the
liquefaction of oxygen attracted
attention all over the world, says
that while oxygen when liquefied
is strongly magnetic it is a poor
conductor of electricity. In other
words, oxygen presents tho
paradox of a non-conducting
Carbonic acid gas, which is
ejected in large quantities from
the is being utilized in
localities. At
near a carbonic acid
spring opened during boring
and which is eight inches
and some thirty or forty feet
high, is being used in the
nation of mineral waters.
The color of certain shrimps and
crabs, and also the color of their
eggs, are known to vary greatly
with the surroundings. Those
living in green sponges are much
larger, lay vastly more eggs,
which arc also a little larger,
the shrimps are green and yellow;
and the large claws are always,
orange-red, while those of the
brown sponges are red, blue or
Tc the inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy
for the thousand and one ills which arise
from deranged female organs. I shall
be to send two bottles of my
to lady if they -will send
their Express and P. O. address.
the gravest of Believing
I do that till other party differ-
pale into insignificance when
considered side by side with this,
and as the only hope of giving
effect to my sentiments on this sub
standing now where I did in
shall cast my in this
election for Mr- Cleveland in
preference to Mr. Harrison.
word to you, my People's
party friends. A few weeks ago
you tendered me, without my so-
your nomination for the
highest judicial office in your gift.
I thanked you then and I still feel
and shall ever feel grateful to yon
for this manifestation of confidence,
though I had to decline it- Since
then the Republican managers
who hold the Republican party in
North Carolina by the throat, have
as it is reported and generally be
broken faith with you and
put up a State ticket. danger
now confronts you of turning over
our State to men who favor
the National Force bill with its at-
evils, and the vote of
North Carolina might decide that
contest. Let me beseech yon as
patriots, rebuke that spirit by your
vote, and let us stand together and
maintain, inviolate, the rights of
the State which are essential to
balance of power on which
tho perfection and endurance of
our political faith That
balance of power once subverted
and destroyed, we may bid a long
farewell to the constitutional Re
public. We may expect too in its
stead to governed by orders
from the headquarters of a
chieftain, such as our eyes
have seen in this Southland not
very many years ago.
myself would prefer the very
worst of civil government
to tho best form of military
only in
i i ti .; enough at any time to justify
cherished i . . ,. , ,. .
, . i , i r. publications which would
honored guest. A greed for
o- i excite and alarm unnecessarily
office has suddenly seized the few ; J
, , . ., i t of our people, danger
who came into our fold for . , , f.
other reason than the f the
getting a ride, they have any
during tho coming winter,
but fears awakening in warm
weather of spring of the germs
which may slip into the country
during tho cold weather, when the
literally turned tho alliance temple
into a den of thieves, having stolen
our livery to promote their own
personal ambition, and the alliance
to day has to bear the burden of
their Is it any wonder
The Third Party tho South.
Philadelphia Record.
But for the fact that the leaders
of the Alliance in
Southern States made their fol-
lowers believe that the Lodge force
bill was dead and buried
would not at this time have been ;
any Third party in the South worth
talking about; and,
the duplicity, active or passive,
of most of tho Republican leaders j
and all or nearly all of their party
organs on the subject of the force
Valuable Hints for
Domestic Circle.
Nervous exhaustion is a term
which carries with it a multitude
of derangements of a nature not
It means exhaustion
tho very centers of life, an ex-
which may more or
less complete, It marks a failing
or an of some
part or tho whole of the nervous
Nervous exhaustion may be the
of the end, or it may be
tile end of the beginning. At the
same time it is simply an
a weakened nerve force.
A human being has, at best, but
a certain lease of life, and this lease
i.- dependent upon the nervous sys-
t an. When tho ordinary wear
and tear of life is not replaced by nu-
foods it must, of necessity,
degenerate in one degree or another.
simply a question of waste and
and repair. When external
are so forcible that they
wear away more energy than can
i the nervous system be-
gins to suffer, and though it may
ye a resisting power born of a
strong constitution, cannot but
suffer in the long run.
defined cases of nervous ex-
have a distinct line of
symptoms, prominent among
which are a general feeling of
dilated pupils, clammy
hands and cold feet, bluish nails, a
lack of color in the cheeks or a
feverish Hushing, restlessness, in-
ability to concentrate one's
thoughts and sleeplessness and
menial depression. Loss of weight
and appetite and a general bodily
decline are accompaniments.
Nervous exhaustion comes from
mental strain, from long exposure
to wind and weather, from worry
of all sorts, from disease affecting
a mental depression or a waste of
vitality and from excesses. It is
more likely to develop in middle
than at any period,
though it does affect both the
young and the old to some extent.
The tune of life when the system
is most hardy being selected seems
to be attributable to the extra ac-
which this period curries
with it. A strong woman or a
strong man may break down under
circumstances which one of less
vigorous constitution could with-
stand with impunity. Those who
are born with a nervous tempera-
which is expending its energy
on every possible occasion the
victims quieter brothers
and sisters tho fortunates.
vigilance of the health officers at
. the conservative element is to b relaxed, i bill, those who ha been deluded
everywhere has exclaimed, Should its fears be the about its death and burial are rap-
your tents O What that it idly learning tho truth.
these wreckers care for tho good, every within the dawn of November every
tho life or the perpetuity of to out of comprehend that votes
They are getting
and they would sell of proposes to pa dish . all Congressmen will count as votes
Heaven that ought to be ; the n, the State kind enough . favor Lodge bill,
bought to have their names Print Pl party in the South-
heralded around through the
try. But they will find that it will of
be the biggest contract they ever meantime, if you need
undertook to adjust the tail so it or advice on such subjects, write to
will wag the alliance dog. We
aver with the emphasis with
which we have ever the as-
that the alliance no mere
belongs to them as third party can-
than it belongs to any
other party, and it neither can or
will endorse them.
is the greatest curse which has
ever struck the alliance
in West Virginia, and we say this
in the full light of an honest,
conscientious conviction, and ac-
knowledge no motive other than
the promotion of the best interests
of the
relating to the era States will be
health. the skeleton.
reduced to
sad Liver
Is it not worth small price of
to free yourself of every symptom of
these distressing complaints, if you think
so call at our store and get a bottle of
Shiloh's every bottle has a
printed guarantee on It, use accordingly
and if It does you lie it will cost you
nothing. Sold at Drug re
This is the slighting remark that is
often applied to woman try to seem
young, though they no longer look so.
n en appearance are deceit fill.
Female weakness, functional troubles.
displacements and irregularities will add
ill tern years to a woman's looks. These
troubles are removed by use of Dr.
Favorite Prescription. Try
i i , , i you whose beauty and
ill you heed Hie , fa,
perhaps of the sure approach of that n society as a
more terrible disease Consumption. Ask i It's guaranteed to
yourselves if yon can afford for the sake i give in every case, or money
paid for it returned. Sec guarantee on
She is delighted with if Hannah
Moore, Hebron, Neb.,
mother had a swollen knee caused by a
fall. I a bottle of Salvation
Oil. We used it and I never saw a rem-
work so well. It took the swelling
immediately and a
of saving ran risk and do
for it. We know from experience
that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough
It fails. This explains why. more
a million were sold the past
cough a
it WoW j -Sold at
Drug Store. Store,
We have a speedy and positive cure
for catarrh, diphtheria, canker
H. Lewis,
Secretary, Raleigh, N. C.
Harrison Irritated.
Raleigh Chronicle.
A from Washington to
the Atlanta Constitution of the 10th,
says that President Harrison was
greatly irritated when ho heard
the election news from Georgia.
He is reported to have said
have washed my hands of the
the president with
considerable temper, is a land
of and traitors who care
nothing for tho sanctity of ballot,
and I will never be in favor of
making an active campaign down
there until we can bayonets
at the polls- I am now than
in favor of ramming a force
bill down their
copy tho above, word for
word, as it appeared in the Con--ti-
It was sent to our
by its special
dent in Washington City. The
sentiment attributed to the
dent is as his record proves
that he entertains for tho South-
which he has
often, substantially expressed . be-
When the force bill was pending
in Congress is to have
boasted that it pass just in
time to enable to make the
Southern people a Christmas
present of it. free men see
that such a man is never elected
President of this country again
Any man in any Southern State
who should knowingly lend his
support directly or indirectly, to
the Lodge force bill would not dare
to look an honest woman the
face, and honest men would regard
him with scorn- It is in the very
nature of things that such should
be the case- From an experience
in some of the States terrible
than that of the war, from
which curdle tho blood of
rising generations, nothing
could be so dreadful to
the white men and women of the
South as domination. There
is not even an honest the
South who was acquired an niter-1
est in the soil and has a family
look after who would not. dread it.
Tho friends of Mr. Cleveland
the Northern States need feel no
concern about a Third party in
the South, nor need they
anathemas on the Democratic
in that section are
trying to play the role of Alliance
brokers in treating with
can emissaries; for they will be
to deliver the goods.
D relieve croup and whooping headache.
Mothers, do with-i REMEDY. A nasal injector free with election p
For back, side or chest use bottle. Use it if you desire health t
The official returns of the
places the Democratic
Strength and Health.
If are not feeling strong and heal-
thy, try Electric If
haS left you weak and weary, use
Bitters. remedy acts directly
on Liver. and gently
aiding those organs to perform their
functions. If yon with Sick
Headache, you will bun and per-
relief taking Electric
One trial will convince that is
the remedy you peed, Largo
only at Wooten's Drug Store.
M. D. lane, wries
summer several years while rail-
in Mississippi, I became badly
affected with malarial Mood poison that
impaired my health more than two
years. Several ulcers appear-
ed on my legs, nothing to
permanent relief until i took six
in,,.,., good b.
it is read by------
-----That is why he uses-----
The Eastern Reflector
FOR renovating
system, eliminating
all Poisons from the Blood,
whether of scrofulous or
malarial origin, this prep-
has no equal. . .
I had an
sere en my tongue. I was
treated by lest local
but no relief; the sort
grew I finally
teem S. S. and was entirely
cured after using a few
on and SUm
Diseases mailed free.
Specific Co
Atlanta. G.
i- Skinner upper
I Gallery
lit. D. L. ,
L. i
X. C.
i Murphy old stand.
N. C.
in all Courts.
a VI OR SE Y- A T- L A
I. A. II. V.
N. C
Prompt attention given to collections.
N. c.
Prompt rd careful attention to
A ion .
u-v . t u N. C
Setting Along With Ono
If you are limited as to moans,
must make dross serve
many needs, choose a color that is
not of those that
register themselves each time on
tho retina or stimulate tho
friendly to counting tho number
of times you appeared in it.
With certain change in the dress-i
of the neck, fresh knots
ribbon, lace or some pretty conceit
of your own, a frock in
time can piny many parts. It is
of those touches of tho
that Howells sometimes uses with
such skill, when, in speaking of
two old maids, ho told how
their black silk drosses, from many
makings over, retained tho lines of
small holes the thread was
ripped out, and how they
them at tho throat when they
went i m their shopping ex-
and at night turned
them if they went out to tea.
Even if there is a touch of pathos
about all this, they
ingenious and resourceful
Put a loaf of light, flaky bread
when convenient--between
two pans, and let it heat through
in a moderate oven. It will take
about twenty-five for this.
Take from the oven and with a
fork tear the soft part into thin,
ragged pieces. Spread these in a
pan and put them in a hot oven to
brown. It will take about
minutes to make them brown and
crisp. Servo at once on a napkin.
Always servo cheese with pulled
bread. This dish is considered
more elegant than crackers for tho
cheese course in a dinner or
Stuffed Tomatoes.
Select six medium-sized
toes. Cut a slice from the stem
end of each and scoop out the soft
pulp. Mince one small onion and
fry it slightly; add a gill of hot
water, tho tomato pulp, and two
ounces of cold or chicken
chopped fine; simmer and season
with salt and pepper. Stir Into
the pan cracker-dust enough to
absorb the moisture; stuff tho
tomatoes with this mass, sprinkle
dry crumbs over the top; add a
a small piece of butter and bake
until slightly brown on top.
Clara to make
can't imagine how
Charlie makes love.
yes, I can. He used
to try it with mo till I snubbed
him. .
People in Mars-
there are people in
he, don't believe . they
amount to much.
rejoined the slangy
girl,, are out i
R E E S V I. E, N r
Practice in all the Collections
a Specialty.
For the Curs cf all Skin
This has been in use over
years, and wherever known has
been in steady demand. It has been en.
toned by the leading physicians all over
country, and has effected cures where
all other remedies, with the attention of
the most experienced physicians, have
for years failed. This Ointment is of
long standing and the high reputation
which it has obtained is owing entirely
its own as but little effort has
ever made to bring It before the
public. of this Ointment will
he sent to any address on receipt of One
Hollar. Sample box The usual
discount to Druggists. All Cash Orders
promptly to. Address all or-
and communications to
T. r.
Sole Proprietor,
Greenville. N. C.
The next session of this School will
begin on Monday, August 1892.
The advantages offered will be
or to those of any previous session. Bit-
lire guaranteed every patron,
ran be had at lower rates than at
any similar school In Eastern Carolina
We propose to do the work for
that has ever been done in the town,
and challenge proof to the contrary,
are as follows, payable
Primary English per month,
Intermediate English per month, 2.00
Higher English per month. 2.60
languages each, extra,
When yon are in call to see me
or write me I mm your homes.
will be cheerfully given. If
a competent assistant will be
W. H.
Greenville, N. C, July 27.1802.
Peanut Pickers and
Will an I bushels of
Peanuts a day. Manufactured by Card-
well Machine Co., Richmond. Va.
Having completed my store at Whichard,
county, N. c, I am opening
a first-class stock of
and cordially Invite the public to call
Our motto Is Standard Goods at Rea-
Prices for ash.
Examine my stock before buying
II the goods and prices do
i t we nothing them.
Country produce taken in
goods. W. R.

Greenville, N. C.
Editor and Proprietor
Entered at
K. C second-class mail matter.
New York.
Of Illinois.
1st L. SMITH.
R. A.
of Alleghany.
of Wake.
of Wake.
of Johnston.
of Mecklenburg.
of Cumberland.
Hon. W. Henry will address Hie
people of Farmville, on Monday. October
The Democratic Candidates for
several County Offices in county of
Pitt, and the lire will address
the people at the following times and
Thursday, October 20th.
Saturday. October 22nd.
Haddock's X Roads. Tuesday October
Gardner's X Roads, Thursday, October
Friday, October
Gen. Roberts will speak
Wednesday, Oct. 19th.
non. W. H. Lucas will speak at
in, Thursday. Oct. 20th.
Hon. R. B. Glenn. Democratic Elector
for the State at will speak at
Falkland. Friday, Oct
Bethel, Friday Oct. 28th.
After Mrs. Lease has been
through the South and asked
everybody here to vote for Weaver,
she now goes back to her home ill
Kansas and advises her friends
to scratch Weaver and vote
for Harrison- She also been
offered by the Republican
National committee to go into the
State of New York make a
number of speeches on
What better evidence
is needed that Mrs. Lease is work-
in the interest of Harrison
The was a little crowd-
ed last week and had to leave out
its Washington letter
for that issue. But there was
a warning in it that every Demo-
should read, and we give the
following from it and trust every
reader will be on his
Attention Democrats Stand by your
night and day. and that
trickery does not accomplish what
argument actual facts
cannot do. has
hatching in town, and it will be
sprung you during the closing days
of tin- campaign, lie prepared for it.
and whatever its nature, there will be no
stampede in your ranks; keep your pow-
dry and our guns will not be silenced
at a critical period in the battle. It was
no little thing brought two members
of the republican National executive com-
at this time. It was to confer with
Sir. Harrison about the detail- of a move
by which hope to arrest the mighty
torrent of sentiment now sweeping
time to avert defeat. It
is not possible at this time to give the
nature of this intended trickery, but the
rumors of European inter-
with our relations
with San Domingo and the
nations, which are already floating around
make it probable that it will be
t jingoistic, something to appeal to
patriotic of young
thoughtless voters and intended con-
them that Mr. Harrison's
t-ion is necessary for toe preservation of
Rational honor. Be on guard;
let no such a single rote.
Whatever the of om commercial
interests, there can tie no danger in
electing r. democratic President. No
democratic President ever betrayed the
National honor, and none ever will.
Impress this upon the minds of
democrats and all the lean trickery
that can be hatched between now and
election day not prevent a democrat-
It is strange how readily many
white people of tho South will
low themselves to be gulled and
blindly duped into following
and advocating measures that will
work injury to their section and
bring disgrace to their own doors.
Look at the present political state
of affairs and see with what
some are duped into following tho
J party and supporting Weaver,
when any man who will stop and
think seriously for a moment ought
to able to see that tho
of Weaver is only in the inter-
est of Harrison and intended to
defeat Cleveland. If one of thorn
being so misled will honestly in-
form himself ho will see that
is no possible for Weaver
to be even if every
Weaver elector who is in the
should be elected it would not be
enough electoral votes to make
him President. What then does a
vote for Weaver mean It means
a vote in the interest of Harrison,
and nothing less than that. White
men, you who have said you are
going to vote for Weaver, do you
want to see Benjamin Harrison
President of these United States
for four years I Do you
want to see the infamous Force
bill thrust upon our Southland
and such a reign of terror upon us
as has never been known before
That is just what we will nave if
Harrison is again elected
The Reflector knows the cry
been raised by Republicans its
hirelings, and has even been taken
up by some misled Third party
men. that this Force bill talk is
just a scare-crow with which to
drive all who have left it back into
the Democratic party. Of course
the Republicans are going to talk
that Force bill is their
last hope to perpetuate their party in
power, and they are anxious to de-
people with such talk. But you
Third party men, you white men,
are you ready to believe that the
Force bill is all a scare
it is all a humbug If you have
formed such an opinion the
wants you to read the fol-
lowing, then give your family a
few moments earnest thought, and
sec if your mind does not change.
The Motional Republican, a pa-
per published in Washington City,
of the Republican party
and an earnest supporter of Mr.
Harrison, says this, and we want
you to read it carefully
the Lodge national election law
in force over the South and
strongholds up North, we
may confidently look for a different state
of political affairs than now exists. New-
York city will then return several more
Republican Congressmen than at present
while more than representative-
from the South will reader the
can control of the future
safe and secure.
taxes should be laid upon the
property of the whites to develop and
extend the public of those
States. Separate schools for the two
races should be abolished and the plan of
bringing the youth of both colors into
close and equal relation in schools and
given a fair trial, as one of the
Oft potent elements to break down the
detestable of the South. The
State laws against the inter-marriage of
the should be repealed, and any
discrimination against the blacks in the
matter of learning trades or obtaining
employment should be a criminal offense
while the colored nun's rights to hold
office should be sacredly protected
recognized. A few years of this policy
will solve the race problem
Does not this look like there is
something in tho Force bill talk,
ard that it is not all a crow
It is something that stares every
white man of the South squarely
in the face, and will become a re-
just so sure as Benjamin
Harrison is elected. The above
extract from the National
an shows the spirit of the party it
represents. It that the Re-
publican party will never be
until the South has been
until the has been
made the equal of the white man ;
until our white girls marry
men and our white men many
women until the white
are for the
maintenance of mixed schools and
our white children are forced to
occupy seats beside child-
until white society in the
South is compelled by law to merge
with black society ; in short until
our white race are transformed in-
to a race of We repeat,
that a largo following of the Re-
publican party entertain such a
spirit toward the people of the
South and are laboring assiduous-
to fasten upon us just such a
And strange to there are
Third party people lending their
influence to a movement by
trying to defeat the Democratic
party, tho only party that offers
any safety to the people of the
South- It was only a few weeks
ago a woman was canvassing
through the South with Weaver,
hi in her speeches
God that we now a party that
obliterates all race and
We want every Democratic rend-
of the to take this
paper to some Third party neigh-
read him the extract
from the National and
ask if be is ready for such a
change in the South T Ask h'm if
ho is ready for his children to be
in with
Ask him if he is ready for
his girl to marry a man
Ask him if he is for his wife
to sit in church with women
Ask him is h ready to see the
white race in the South blotted
out a race of in their
place If he is not ready for
these things tell him to beware
how he votes for Weaver and by
so doing help to elect Harrison-
Any man who votes a Third party
ticket is just so far lending his in-
to the Republican party
the Force bill.
Few people who were here last
Saturday will soon forget the
scenes transacted during tho day.
There had been a call issued sign-
d by thirty four Republicans for
a mass meeting of the county for
tho purpose of nominating a
ticket. Early in the morning
tho clans wore gathering from
portions of the county and
were generally met by one or two
bosses and a few hired lieutenants
to be sounded as to whether they
proposed to stand by the sale of
their white bosses and thereby
low them to deliver the property
according to contract or whether
they were going to kick and there-
by make the sale null and void, or
at least prevent their receiving the
stipulated amount of currency in
in the transaction. Some
of the bosses had purchased a lot
of Harrison Reid flags and
given them to a few drunken
with to whoop
and hollow is all we
A drum had also been secured by
said bosses and about twelve
o'clock an attempt was made to
lead the crowd off to a hall near
the river where they could
be handled more easily. The
drum headed in that direction,
followed by the flag bearers and
When they had gone
about fifty or a yards it
was found by actual count that
there were only thirteen
in the crowd and one 4-year-old-
aforesaid individual led the pro-
cession and a gay crowd it was as
all were to feel their
The bosses found this would
never do as it would not break up
the g, so they called a halt
returned to Cherry Hull where the
Republicans were holding a
and went in to take possession
of the meeting. This they did by
doing all the speaking and hollow-
and by being so boisterous
that no business could be transact-
ed. Those trying to nominate a
ticket there had to to the
Court House and lock themselves
up in the Grand Jury room to get
quiet enough to do their work.
The Radical J party or- J party-
then went up and
took possession of the Court room
for a grand love feast. The meet-
was opened by a speech from
the 4-year-old-Radical one-week-
which for
utter failure has never been
passed on the American Continent.
His most devoted admirers,
ken felt relieved when he
was through.
The Chairman of the
can Executive Committee then
stated why the committee had de-
not to nominate a county
ticket but support the J party can-
About these words were
People's Party
committee came to us and
made tho proposition to us that if
we would do this they would let
alone our electoral ticket. We
thought this was the best that
could be done so we
Think of the moaning of this you
white men who are supporting the
J party. Have you agreed to let
Harrison and Reid alone if the
Republicans would support your
county ticket When this state-
was made a Democrat setting
just in the in the rear of one of the
most respectable J party men we
know touched him and asked him
if that was his understanding of
the trade. He replied emphatic-
ally, sir, it is
This speech was followed by one
from Mr. Bernard which for ex-
of expression,
racy of statement falsity of reason-
and was rare-
equaled even in the days of car-
pet bag and scalawag in the
days of 1868 and 1869. He stated
that the Peoples party in the
State had agreed that if tho Re-
publicans of tho east would sup-
port their comity tickets and
the two get control of the
Legislature that they would vote
with the Republicans of the west
in doing away with the present
system county government, re-
pealing the present election
Ac. Again we ask white men
if this in true, Don't yon now see
that yon are being duped and de-
by the Republicans who
love you only because they think
they con use yon to benefit them-
selves T Honestly, will yon longer
allow this to be done Can yon
longer aid men who stand op as
Mr. did Saturday
speak of rebel generals and majors
and inflame the minds of the
rant against yon and your inter-
Do yon want Republican
rule in North Carolina T If not
break away your present in-
and support tho Demo-
party- The Republicans
lost all hope both in tho
State and in the Nation and are
now by meeting with you
to get possession of tho.
so that they may enact
legislation as will give them the
State two years from now.
But back again to Saturday's
work. After this speech this-1; id
cal-meeting adjourned.
they were making speeches the
Republicans were nominating a
ticket. About o'clock the last
named met in the Court House to
have some speaking. Tho 4-year-
old Republican now christened-
old- J-party-man together
with some drunken had
been deputized to stay up in the
Court room to break up this last
meeting. So the above named in
took his seat in tho Judge's
stand with the chairman of the
meeting, his lieutenants taking
their seats in tho bar. The fuss
began when chairman
attempted to put the motion on
the nomination of Mr. Cox for
Register of Deeds. The 4-year-
old -now -christened one-
week old-J-party-man rose to speak.
The chairman informed him this
was A Republican meeting and
ordered thorn to sit down. The
above named individual
flirted Harrison and Reid flags in
the chairman's face and
mum reigned for awhile-
Finally the chairman told the
aforesaid individual if he was a
public nuisance he could stay up
there but if he was not to get
down, whereupon tho year-old-
radical w e e k
old-J-party-man took his seat with
the chairman thereby confessing
the corn-
Now the Reflector is wonder-
if the white men of Pitt conn-
are to take sides with
such a crew and help them defeat
the help them break
down our county government sys-
and help bring our
county under the control of
These are serious things
to consider and every man who is
going to cast a ballot on the 8th
of November should think well
before doing so.
We have some other points from
one of those Saturday speeches,
but have not space to comment on
all this week.
order to close out our Furniture we offer our-------
We are determined
to close, it out without
large assortment of
delay. We have a
Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads,
Bedroom Suits, Wardrobes, Wash-stands,
Towel Racks, Cradles, Cots, Wire
Spring Tin Safes
and Side-Boards.
This is no bait but a legitimate offer and our prices will prove
We think it will pay you to come and see for yourselves.
The trade has completed
and the Republican candidate for
Congress in withdraws
in favor of the J party candidate.
Cards from both of them were
published last week in the
organ of the District For
sometime it been known that
efforts were being made to buy the
Harrison off, and it was rumored
that the reason the matter hung
fire so long was a difference of
in the offer of
being made the Republican
nominee to while he
held up to In some way
the difference has been reconciled,
the Republican nominee withdraws
from the canvass, and on the
strength of that withdrawal the
party man accepts the
tendered him by the executive
committee. Every honest man in
the District ought to speak out
his disapproval of such a fusion
and vote for our honored
W. A. B.-Branch.
and Satisfaction
Will be your experience
when you first try Pearl-
inc. You'll at its
miraculous cleansing
tics. Wonder why you had
not discovered the truth before.
You'll be satisfied that all the
good things you have read or
of Pearl arc
you've heard bad, you'll be
of uses for Pearline be-
side the laundry and
washing dishes, china,
hats, felt hats, bead
trimmings, marble,
bronzes, oil paintings,
carpets ; in fact, everything in the house, from top to bot-
that's be far more satisfactory
because of the liberal use of Pearline. It is harmless.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers are offering
imitations which they claim to he Pearline, or
same as IT'S are not, and
Pearline is manufactured only by JAMES New York.
If so come to see as we will make you prices that
are conceded by our customers as being lower
than can be gotten elsewhere. We
-------have in stock the------
Largest and Most Varied
Selection of Furniture
kept in our town.
All persons indebted
to M. R. Lang are here-
are dangerous.
Administrator's Notice i
Letters of administration having been j
issued to the undersigned by the Clerk
of the Superior Court of county,
on of September, 1832. upon
the estate of C. A. deceased, b . .
notice is hereby to the of tO
said estate to present their claims, duly . Settlement the
authenticated, to the undersigned on or j next Or all
before the day of September, 1893. . , j
or this notice will be plead it. bar of Claims Will he placed
their recovery. All persons Indebted to fa hands Of OUr at-
said estate are notified to make via .,
ate payment to the I
The books can be
found with Mr. Lang
who will duly receipt
for all payments.
Oct. Assignee.
U h.
Altars, of C. M. A. Griffin,
In Hot Weather
a cup if beef tea made from
Extract of Beef
will be refreshing and
beneficial. This Extract keeps for
length of time in th- hottest climate.
Be sure and get Company's and
avoid loss aim
It is stilted that a Cleveland
county colored named Abe
wears a number shoe.
We bet a man with that much
will not be
a J class party
The Orange Observer rises
to remark that from the
results in Alabama. Arkansas,
Florida and Georgia, the assets of
the Third party are very small but
their lie-abilities are
To the Farmers of Pitt and
It is with pleasure beg to
announce that we have just con-
arrangements to buy Cotton
Seed, and direct for
the Factories.
We have an order for all the
Cotton Seed we can buy, and
the highest market price.
We pay the same price for
that the mills pay and have a full
supply of sacks on hand for sale
cheap. It will pay you to see
before shipping or selling your
We orders from the largest
Peanut factory in this to
buy all the Peanuts we can, and
they allow us to pay the same they
pay, so yon will make money by
selling Sell here and save
freight charges commissions.
We Cotton seed in bulk, and
Rice and in sacks.
N. C
For Rent.
A large two-story brick store in the
Block, Greenville, just
splendid room, with patent
tor, counters, and drawers.
Apply to
V n. II. LONG.
Greenville, X. C.
If you want to save-----
n tin- purchase of a PIANO and from
Ten to Fifteen Dollars
in the purchase of an Organ address
MEW If. C.
Agent for North I
who is now handling goods direct from
the as
for tone, and
and endorsed by nearly all the
musical In the United
Made by Paul G. who is at this
time one of the best mechanics and in-
of the day. Thirteen
patents on this high grade Piano-
Also the A
RIGHT which has been sold by i
him for the past j Monday before the 1st Monday of March
part of this Mate and up to this time Ma- I
given entire satisfaction. The
For Sale on Easy Terms
Double Store In Greenville. I
offer tor sale on terms the large
Double Store side cf street,
east of Evan- street, with lot fronting
feet on Fifth by feel deep. A
splendid bargain. Apply at once to
Win. H.
We have tor sale at Black
county, a good Cotton Gin, CO
saws, and a good Grist Mill, the rocks of
Moore county grit. These are
as good as new and will be sold cheap.
Mills. X. C.
or G. W. Venters, Calico, N. C.
The firm of Culley and Edmonds is
hereby dissolved by mutual consent.
Those indebted to the will pay the
same to Herbert Edmonds,
An;. 1892.
It gives me pleasure to announce to
our customers that I will continue the
business the old stand. Every com-
fort and convenience will be found in
my shop. First-class shave and haircut
can be had at all limes. Thanking the
public for past I solicit
of the same.
ii. in hi
Action for Divorce.
Henry t Pitt County,
against .
Sheppard In Superior Court.
The Defendant above named, is here-
by notified to be and appear before the
J of our Superior Court, at a Court
to be held for the County of Pitt, at the
Court House In Greenville, on the 8th
Piano just mentioned will he old at from
in Rosewood, Oak,
Walnut or eases.
from to in solid or Oak
Ten years experience in music
has him to handle
nothing but standard goods and he does
not hesitate to say he Can sell any
instrument about per
cheaper than other agents arc now offer.
to all banks In Eastern Carolina.
1898, and answer the complaint which
will be deposited the office of the
clerk the Superior Court of said
within tho first three of
said term, and let said Defendant
take notice that if she fall to answer the
said complaint within the time required
by law the will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In
Hereof fail not.
Given under hand and seal of said
Court, this 12th day Sept.
E. A.
Clerk Court.
We buy direct from the
and can and will sell
low down. Our consists
in of
Marble Top Walnut Halts,
Solid Oak Suits,
Sixteenth Century Finish Suits,
Walnut Finish Suits,
Marble Top Bureaus
Wood Top Bureaus and
Ward Robes, Buffers, and Side-Boards,
Walnut Bedsteads,
Bedsteads of all grades and colors,
Wire and Beds and Cradles,
Marble Top and Wood Top Tables,
Solid Walnut Chairs and Rockers,
Solid Oak and Rocker,
Fancy Reed and Wood Rockers,
Chairs of all grades, Lounges,
Bed Springs, Mattresses,
We are headquarters for
and extend to all a cordial invitation to call on us when in want
of any goods as we carry one of the best stocks of
ever kept our town.
Yours truly,
J. B.
We have bought of the Assignee the above stock amounting to
worth CLOAK,
worth HATS,
And a full line of and Unbleached
Domestics, Calicoes, This is by far the st stock
in town and will be sold strictly at cost. Goods must be sold.
Special facilities for handling Seed In any
quantity from all Tar River Landings.
Oar Load Lots taken from any point in
Eastern North Carolina and Virginia.
Oil Mills,
N. C.
Mills on Tar River River
prices and term. write
K. V.
. Tarboro, N. C
Washington Way

Confederate Reunion.
I. i-
Hie Mr. I, v. j
It is dry and
time in Raleigh this week.
Have you done so Registered.
The weather continues beautiful.
The MM Ma i i Ml blast.
ion unfavorably on the
the day tor the innovation, I failed to find into
of iV who that Mr. Miller re-
of th. X ft fee for h;
Bureau officiate are v r-
Lena C. i;. the b to be much work d up ow life
visiting the family of G. F. Smith. j,, enjoyment of the made by Capt. J. M. Lee, an army
Mr. I. H. render , -J. AM ho can do so are officer who was detailed by Gen.
, . . . . . j i I Miles, commander of depart-
o and l to M baskets.-------- . to j.;.
The James Grape. j gate the matter, that they had
The has to thank Messrs. proved a claim for for
Allen Son, of Greenville. Pitt counsel fees and paid out the
The family of Ir. P. Brown have
waved into the house
at just in at recently purchased.
The social club gives a dance every two
p. aunt bags
at the Old
The of the corn crop com-
The Xi Home Sawing Machine for
at Brown Mb
What a regular pow-wow tin y had
here Saturday.
New Home Sewing Machine- and all
machine parts at Brown Bros. f
Superior it is in
this week.
Rev. A. Hunter and Mrs. Hunter
left Monday for Cary. Mr. Hunter Mill
attend Mt Association which meets
in Wake county.
W. Davis, of Washington,
preached to a large congregation in the
church here last Friday night.
Every one present enjoyed his sermon
and our people would hear him
You cannot register after the
Attend to it at once.
Sorghum cooking is in progress with
farmers who raise cane.
New Cream Cheese and Y. Stale
Butter at the Old Brick Store.
Heading our tobacco de-
part it i.- always good.
There was a large crowd in town Sat-
mostly colored people.
Want to cat something good Boss
at tile Old Brick Store.
Pal your gun back in rack and
wait until Nov. to shoot partridges.
Cheap.-t and
Mattresses at the Old Brick Store.
did not nip all the straw
hat-, but freeze a HI lake
Ca-h given for Produce, Hides. Egg ;
and Fur.-at the Old Store.
More was brought lo Greenville
Saturday than on any day of tin-
so far.
The date of the is Nov. j
1-t to Jill Get something ready to ex-
Ail is not gold that glitters, and every-
thing is not a James that look-
Fir-t of the fancy buck-
wheat and cherry icily at the Old Brick
Store. .
There just ten more day- in which
you can register. Do not continue U
neglect this.
Come see our new goods, can soil
you in both and price. Brown
The Union of the
church will be held at Mildred October
Willoughby says Food -i
good hoc cholera. At the Old
Attention i- called to the notice
T. Superior Court of
The Fair Nov. 1st to is
going to be a good one in every respect.
Take a day and go.
Polities occupies so much time that it
looks like trade will not get to be real
brisk until the election is over.
If it be true that early frosts predict a
hard winter you had just as well lay la a
good of fuel and heavy clothing.
There will be line exhibits of
poultry and all farm products at the
Fair. Be sure and go.
Three week- from to-day and the
will all be over. What a
hustling will take place in the meantime
Bulb- now ready for
double and single, all colors. each.
per dozen, by Allen Warren A Son. t
The dedication of the new Church of
Christ at Kinston has been postponed.
The date will be fixed and announced
Liberal are offered for the
lest exhibits at the Fair. There
is no reason why Pitt county cannot win
some of them. ;
There has been right much variating
and changing, but first thing you know
cold weather set down on us sure
Large lot Ladles Cloaks, latest styles,
at Brown Bros. If size wanted not in
stock can have it made to order on short
A heavy snow storm was raging in
Colorado last week, destroying life and
stock. People out there had better come
Happy and content is a home with
the Rochester, a lamp with the
light of the For
write Rochester Lamp Co., New York, t
Nineteen joined the church at Ayden
as a result of the tabernacle meeting re-
conducted there Mrs. Car-
Mr Pender had a trap with three big
rats in it on exhibition before his hard-
ware store yesterday morning. It drew
a crowd.
If you have changed your
into another township you must register
in the one in which you now live or you
cannot vole.
Candidates for Constable should bring
in their orders for tickets and get them
before the rush which usually comes close
to the election.
The Disciples Convention meets at
on Thursday of next week and con-
through Sunday. It will be a
large gathering.
The season is arriving when those
papers which do not have cash in ad-
arc asking delinquent subscribers
to haul them some wood.
Writing paper is higher but prices have
not been advanced at the Reflector Book
Store. Better supply yourself before the
present cheap stock is gone.
The Beaver Dam and Little Creek base
ball played a match game on the
above At
the end of five the game stood If
to favor of Beaver Dam.
Bill came through last week
putting an attractive for the
fair and Mount tobacco
Both occur the same week
and will lie interesting occasions.
Sunday lief ore last St. John's
church, near in this
county, a as by tire. The fire
originated from a defective flue while the
Sunday School was in progress.
Riverside Nursery had Japanese per-
tree three feet high which bore
large persimmons this season. The
tree was taken up with all the fruit on it
and -cut to the Raleigh
Read on editorial page tin-extract from
the National Republican, then read on
first page what Mr. Harrison said when
he heard from Georgia, and see what you
think i- their opinion on the Force bill.
The Heard of County Commissioners
to-morrow to look after the
tax listen. Tho-c aha have
trying to dodge their taxes 1-y failing to
list may expect to receive cue attention.
Did you ever behold more disgraceful
proceedings than the n rum-
puss here Sal e are B Hindi I lag,
if white men are going to sanction such
by voting directly or Indirectly
with the Republicans.
Friday. list, is a legal holiday. It is
called Columbus day and celebrates the
four hundredth anniversary of the dis-
of America. Most of schools
the country will observe the day with
appropriate exercises.
Ibis has a line
fail for saving hay. ran a ill sec hundreds
of Pin county farmers buying northern
hay ail winter. Tin y talk hard times
and abuse the northern fellow- because
In- has the money, however.
They having a big in
this week with the exposition and
centennial. But they
ought to have hail Sir Walter
hat that ft id raptured
for the put it on one of
the Boats.
To accommodate our increasing patron-1
age the office put la another
job press week, ll t- the
pies- we could buy and is a regular little
hummer. With three now we
are able to furnish with any kind
of work without delay.
county, for basket of the elegant James
grape. They write that they have just
closed their shipments of these grapes,
the shipments having been between 3.0011
and lbs., which they sold at per
pound at the vineyard. They to
Chicago lbs. to be kept in cold storage
for the World's Fair. Orders for grapes
keep coming in. but they have to turn
Banal down. These are
original growers of the James grape
Cotton Book.
The is to
Latham. Alexander Co . commission
merchants of New York, for a copy of
their book on Movement and
There is no more inter-
work of the kind It is
beautifully contains the annual
tables of receipts, con-
acreage, total visible supply,
ions, and much other matter con-
with the cotton trade that can be
found nowhere else in such convenient
form. A special article of the
number is Centennial Sketch of the
Cotton Trade of the Vi Slat return
written by Mr. Thomas Ellison, of Li
pool. This hook is not published for
sale, but for tons distribution
among their and f.
by Bros.
Va. Oct.
lac and the cotton i-
sill making hi valley to-
with the dull condition of trade
abroad the rise of Id.
in silver in Lou-ion and New-
especially in the Continent, has
imported rather a m ire tone to
the market and it looks as if values
unless trade abroad
The stock in Liverpool gained 33.000
bales during past week, which in the
overloaded of the mar-
is not encouraging. The
market i- quoted dull, prices in
favor at a decline of
i-a-I l days.
The port receipts for the week were
bales against last
Port receipts since September
bales against for the
same time but year, -bowing a decrease
to date of bales. The interior
for the week were bales
for the same week last
year. Interior-lock bales against
211.140 the same last year.
Below we give, a- c h last
After the, adjournment of the
convention Saturday chairman
Barnhill said want to make a public
apology to every lover of the American
flag for throwing a Hag upon the
when I snatched it from the hand of a
trailer. I regret that I did not hold the
flag and hurl the traitor to the floor in-
He requested the
to -av much for him.
As wired by Bros.
Va., Oct. 18th, 1892.
Good Middling,
Low Middling,
Good Ordinary,
i; 7-1 c
J. B. Cherry at Co. to-day call special
attention to their splendid line of
which any purchaser who is Interest-
ed in getting a good article at a low price
ought to examine. They buy furniture
direct from manufacturers and in such
quantities as enables them to give their
a low prices as can be had
anywhere. They also have the best all
around stock of general merchandise to
be found in this market.
Mr. Arthur Kennedy, a young man
who lived about miles above Greenville,
had a yellow chill Sunday and died Mon-
night. His remains were interred
yesterday, lie was an upright young
man and we extend our sympathies to his
widowed mother.
Carolina is all Right.
We learn the class party candidates
spoke at last Saturday, and had
just out to hear
number being the full strength of the
party in Carolina township. At a speak-
the night before one of the lies was
reported as saying that when they get
into power they intend to alter the
law and abolish our present system
of county government. White men of
Pitt county had think well before
supporting such men. They are playing
exactly in the hands of the Republicans.
money thereon without warrant of
law or equity. The money was
Slid to J. D. B.
and John D- Miles, of Kan-
and M- G- Reynolds, of St
Louis, out of the
to pay for the lands the
and Indians,
and Capt. says the alleged
j contract upon which it was paid
was no contract at all, having been
obtained from some of
ans by fraud and bribery. Rey-
one of the lawyers who
pocketed this big fee, is a
of Secretary Noble, a
which was not overlooked by
the officials who passed upon and
approved the so-called contract,
it is said that Noble has
with Secretary Elkins for
allowed the charge to be
published. Congress will ho ask-
ed be these Indians to repay them
this money which was, they will
claim, and Lee says they can
prove, fraudulently deducted from
the amount appropriated for them
and paid to lawyers who never did
probably be fully investigated
by Congress.
Representative of
Kentucky, who has been taking an
active part in the campaign, pass-
ed through Washington this week.
He regards the election of Cleve-
land and Stevenson and a Demo-
House as certain. He
Republicans have shown
very few signs of from
the terrible defeat of 1890. feel
no hesitation in predicting that
Cleveland will carry New York by
think his majority will be
between that and I have
been through Indiana twice and
have talked with a good many of
our folks who have been studying
the situation there. I regard the
State as surely T
talked with Mr. Stevenson
and Commissioner
Black, who is running as tho Dem-
for Congressman
at-large for Illinois, and they
confident that the Democrat-
State and Black will
be elected, aid are hopeful of
carrying the State for Cleveland.
As for the South, it is ti day more
solid than ever
The White House is a very.
Tery Bad place since the lust
of the of Mrs. Harrison
was given up. Mr. Harrison's up
is really pitiable. The
doctors say that Mrs. Harrison
may live a month or may die in a
few hours.
Which is admitted the stock
of good in Eastern Carolina
In order to make room for these I will at once
off my entire in Greenville at greatly prices. If
you want
Call at my Greenville store
Opposite Old Brick Store.
n. c
correspondent gives us
Republican Convention.
At the Republican meeting held here
Saturday II. was made
and J. J. Moore secretary.
Nine townships had representatives in
the Beaver Dam, Bethel.
Carolina, Falkland,
and Swift Creek.
The following ticket was nominated
Senate, T. W. C. Moore; House of Rep-
B. at W. James J. N.
Bennett; Sheriff. G. A. Reg-
of Deeds, J. J. Cox.
were made for Treasurer, Coroner
or Surveyor.
In The Ring.
Our Wilson
Wilson witnessed Friday night, Oct.
14th. a regular to on the and
Sullivan order. rules, be-
tween Jim Artist, one of Greenville's
city barbers, and Ben Jones, of Wilson,
both colored. Time was called at
o'clock P. M. The light was originally
arranged between Artist and Phillips,
but Phillips not feeling very well and
fearing the sledge hammer blows that
was to follow- from politely de-
and Ben. who was ready to grasp
the gate fees and who said he needed it
in his business, st to the front and
after some made his appear-
in the ring, and from the second
round it was evident that the crowd's
favorite would be
and sure
enough on the 10th round Jim Artist was
knocked out and Ben Jones declared the not in official capacity.
Front our Regular Correspondent.
Wash D. C- Oct
everything to save the
National That is tho sub-
stance of the confidential order-
that has to every Re-
publican district boss in several
close and doubtful States. Do
you know what it means It
means that the reports received by
the Republican managers from
every congressional district the
country have convinced them of
the impossibility of getting a ma-
of the nest House of
and that they are going
to up the tight for Congress-
men in the close and doubtful
States, and to sacrifice even those
candidates who are running in
Republican districts, if votes
can be traded them so as
to increase the vote for the Re-
electoral ticket in those
New York, New Jersey,
Connecticut and Indiana are the
States in which this trading is to
be attempted. It is a bold scheme,
but it is to be and
nearly all of tho Republican can-
for the House who are to
become victims have been, between
pressure and promises, made to
therein; . a few are
but they will probably
be whipped in some way or other.
There can be little doubt that
the object of the Republicans in
bringing the question of the con-
of the new Michigan
electoral law, providing for the
election of Presidential electors
by Congressional districts instead
of electing all of them on one tick-
et, before the U. S Supreme
Court, is to obtain a political de-
similar to the notorious
to decision of 1877. The
was argued before the court
this week, and Republicans are
boldly claiming that the law will
be declared unconstitutional be-
fore election; but it is hardly
probable that a majority of the
court will sanction the claim by
voting for such a decision. The
case as brought before the court
is a private one, and contrary to
all precedent, tho Attorney-General
of the United States appeared as
the leading counsel on the
side; but he is hardly to
blame for taking such an unusual
course, as it is stated by those in a
position to know, and generally
believed that he was acting under
the orders or the Republican boss-
es. All the same it was an
proper proceeding, although
probably not illegal. This was re
by the Attorney General
himself, who took especial pains
to it known that he appeared
in the case private counsel and
k Household Remedy
Botanic Blood
I It Hires RHEUM. ECZEMA, every i
malignant SKIN ERUPTION, I
aides being efficacious In toning up the A
system and restoring the constitution,
Impaired horn any oust. Its I
almost supernatural healing properties I
justify us In guaranteeing a curt, II
directions are
BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Gs.
tho Superior Court.
Purvis i
vs for Relief
To Martin
are hereby commanded to
summon PURVIS. de-
above named, if he be found
within your county, to be and appear be-
fore Judge of our Superior Court, at
a Court to be held for the county of Mar-
tin the Court House in Williamson
mi l-t of December,
and answer the complaint will lie
deposited In the office of the Clerk of
Superior Court of said county, within
the Brat three days of said term, lei
the said defendant take if he
fail to answer the complaint within
the time required by law the
will apply to the the relief
; in the complaint. Hereof fail
not and of this summons duo re-
Given under my hand this day of
C. S. C. Martin County.
We are still making a specially of
We have a first class assortment and soil close.
get our
Do not fail to
Prices Low,
Terms Easy,
L. home term, Bea
township, land
if T. and II. A tine
MO with good
and adapted to corn, l and to-
A line marl bed.
A farm near Ayden and
on railroad, formerly own-
ed hf Caleb It Tripp, which
are cleared. Hood
hood, and a within
mil. Plenty of nail on the adjoin-
A farm of Main as, three miles
from and u-
viii-. with lame. dwelling
and out house., known as the I. P.
Beard tie; place, Una cotton tend,
clay accessible marl.
A smaller farm the above
known as the Jones place, acres.
barn tenant land
A farm of acres In
ship. about miles from
acres cleared. Bart of the tract.
Part of the BOT farm.
acres, the town of Marlboro,
I- in an improving
and can lie made a valuable
A small farm of acres,
about miles from Greenville, on In
Well Swamp, with house, etc., for-
owned by i
A. tract of annul near One
the station, with limber well
for i lies.
A t rift of a ho ill acres In
township, near the tail-
road, pine
A traM of lull acres near
pine and
Apply to t. II.
N. r.
their year's supplies will find
their interest to get our prices before
n all its branches
Lowest Market
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com
always on hand and sold at prices to guilt
the I Out goods are all bought
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close margin.
l now to show her customers the
------latest styles in------
Fall and Winter
Mrs. has just
From Baltimore where she attend
Pd ail the large openings,
and made very best selections for
here. My
pertaining to the millinery
trade and be sold at
price-. Mrs. M. II.
Greenville, N. C.
t. A.
1ST. C.
Half Rolls
Bundles New Arrow Ties.
Sin ill Pull ream
i Lard.
Boxes Tobacco, all Brad
Boxes t and i
Han -is Stick Candy.
P. Snuff
Barrels Railroad Mills
Barrels Three
Car load Bib Side Meat
Car Ion I all glides.
I Keys Her.
Tons Shot.
old Virginia Slier mis.
line Case and everything
kept in a grocery
and for all of machines are sold by us
Depositors for American Bible Society.
General Merchant,
Tax Notice.
I attend at the following times and
places for the purpose of collecting the
States and County taxes due tor the
Thursday, October
Saturday, October
Haddock's X Roads, Tuesday,
Gardner's X Thursday,
Calico, Friday, October
Save yourself and the collector trouble
by promptly at these appoint-
J. A. K.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
before the Superior Court ClerK of Pitt
county as Executor to the last will and
testament of Edney Galloway, deceased
notice is hereby given to all persons in-
to the to make immediate
payment lo the undersigned, and all per-
sons having claims against said estate
must present the same for payment be-
fore the 1st October, 1893, or this no-
will be plead in bar of recovery.
This 28th day of 1802.
Executor of Galloway.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Hands.
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or no
nay required. It is guaranteed to
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price cents box. For sale at
Drug Store.
on hand a lint of Cooking Stoves, Kitchenware, Tin-
ware, Lamp Goods Oils, Glass and Putty.
We make cur own stove pipe and pans of cold lulled steel which
is far the most durable.
We don't try to keep tin goods town, out iT yon
want to get the most value for your money give a call.
test White Oil per gallon.
Tin Roofing and Guttering less the Tariff.
. O.
i-i b
to I'll Color.
-i train .- ft bur
yen of all of political
Ship your Cotton to the above old established house and you em draw tho day
you ship Tor value your shipment. Wills twenty years experience
in the Commission Business, plenty of means and every other possible facility for
handling Country Produce, especially Cotton, to the very best advantage and with
prompt dispatch, we respectfully solicit the patronage of old and new friends,
believing that we prepared In every way to do is well for you as any house In
the country. Faithfully yours.
I; Q.
dealer in Brackets, Turned or
Scrolled Work, Pews and nil Building Supplies.
My Tobacco in all sites are for sale at S. M. Schultz -t
Co., and at my mill.
Will make satisfactory arrangements with to
furnish their customers.
It. Pitt Co., C.
c. U. conn, put Co., X. c
to Cobb Bros.
Cotton Factors
Commission Merchants,
Correspondence Solicited.
era lo the Pitt and count a line of the following goo
not to be excelled In this market. And an
pure straight GOODS nil kinds, CLOTHING,
and CHILDREN'S and
kind, Gin and Mill Hay, Rock k Paris, and
I I and
Agent O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Whole
Jobber price, per dozen, less per cent for Cash. Bread P
and Star Lye at Jobbers Prices, Lead and pure Lin
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nail a specialty. Give mo a and I guarantee satisfaction.
Seeing is
And a lamp
be simple; when it is not it is
not good.
mean much, but to see
will the truth more forcibly. All metal,
tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only,
it is absolutely unbreakable. Lite Aladdin's
of old, it is indeed a for its mar-
light purer and brighter than gas light,
than electric light and more cheerful than either.
If the the
Rochester, the lo us for our new
and ill a lamp by over
from I in World.
CO., Park Place, CUt-
All placed in strictly
FIRST-CLASS companies
At lowest current rates.

crop tobacco.
Was a big success and shows how well prepared we are to handle your tobacco.
It is considered by all that we have the best lighted Warehouse in the State.
Every Farmer Selling on our Floor will be guaranteed
the. very highest prices for their Tobacco
J Assistants.
Satisfaction to
Some Sales recently made at the Greenville Warehouse.
Compare them with other houses.
X. W. 10.25.
II. 15.25. 13.75, 13.50.
13.75, 12.75, 8.75.
II. 18.75.
A P. 13.75 13.13,
IVY 12.50,
16.75, JESSE SMITH 12.25. 10.25.
X. 17.50, 15.75, 7.50.
18.75. 17.75,
TURN AGE 25.50.
15.75. 0.75. 8.25.
BILL 19.50, 18.25,
J. II. 13.25, 10.75,
M. E. 39.50,
18.50, 12.75. 16.25.
M. K. 16.75,
16.75, 10.25, 12.75, 12.75,
M. R. 13.75, 20.50,
17.75, 12.75, 7.75.
MISS pounds at
BILL 13.50,
II. J. 8.50.
10.50, 8.25.
J. E. S. 10.76,
ERNEST 25.50,25, 23.50,
10.25, 5.20.
13.50, 10.25.
Storage and Insurance Free
G. F. EVANS, Proprietor;
72- W-
References and type samples furnished on application.
Leaf Tobacco, and
Refers to any member of the Tobacco Trade of Greenville, N. C.
Correspondence Solicited.
We are having daily breaks at our New Warehouse and are using our very best efforts to
get as high prices for your tobacco as can be had anywhere. .
The Greenville market will be on an equal with
every market in the State. The Eastern Ware-
house has every convenience for selling your to-
and we will see that every pound brings full
Ample Accommodation for the Planter.
Give us a trial and we will please you. Your friends,
The Eastern Warehouse
Mr. It. I.
the at an average
Warehouse, Henderson, is
ready for new chop tobacco. He
highest prices.
Mr. J. J. Willis, of Danville, was
on breaks here bust week.
The old reliable Is Cooper's Ware-
house, Henderson. Send your tobacco
there. Cooper is the friend.
A tobacco market will be opened at
on the railroad on the
20th inst.
Remember if you send your tobacco to
Cooper's Warehouse, Henderson, you
will obtain high prices and be happy.
Try it.
The big cigarette factory of
Bros., in York, was de-
by lire. about
The first new tobacco of the season
was sold by Harris, Co., Hen-
N. C. They are always at the
The best break of last week on
Friday. The warehouses hail good
that and prices were well up.
Here is Rood news to the farmer. Sell
tobacco as Warehouse,
Kooky Mount, and you will be pleased
every time. J
Handsome the
Mount Tobacco Exposition, Nov. 2nd,
have been put up. All should go.
Ship your tobacco to Cooper's Ware-
house, Henderson, and he will work
honestly and faithfully for your best
Another week of weather that was not
very for handling tobacco, but
the breaks were lair every day last week.
Ship your tobacco to Berger's Ware-
house, Mount, and rest assured
that you will get satisfactory returns
from every sale. X
The Landmark of the 7th
says that the output of to-
manufacturers will be percent.
greater this year than last.
Have you heard the news What
Those Hue prices Eastern Warehouse
got for tobacco last week. Try
and you will be happy. J
The finest tobacco on the of the
Greenville Friday was in by
Mr. J. T. Edwards and ho got such
prices as to go Hume happy.
Label tobacco Eastern Warehouse
and ship it to Greenville. Sales every
good prices every tune and
to everybody. J
The tobacco market at Wilson is doing
a big business this year. The Advance
says that from to are paid
out every week for the weed.
Greenville is your market and the
Fasten. Warehouse is the place to get
high prices. Bring us a load of line to-
and be
Did yen ever try Merger's
Rocky Mount Make them a trial on
something line and if they don't give you
the best pi ice- going the old man will
eat the pile. J
The report of the sales
for the past three year show the follow-
official 1889-90,
1890-91, 1391-92,
Say, where are you going V Bight
straight to Berger's Warehouse, Rocky
Mount. are you going there for
To sell my tobacco. They give tip top
prices every time. J
Again we remind our farmers to get
some good ready for the
Mount Exposition, Nov. 2nd.
county can get some of the in gold
to be paid out that day.
On Aug. 11th, Cooper's Warehouse,
Henderson, sold new primings for It.
It. Can at 15.50, and
and for F. T. Carr at 4.50 10.50
15.75 and Cooper can make
as good sales for you.
Ten new double size sky lights were
put in the Eastern Warehouse last week
and it is now as bright as a dollar in-
side. You cannot find two better light-
ed warehouses anywhere than those in
Everything about Harris, Gooch
business is conducted strictly on business,
principles, they do what they say
will be surpassed by none. They do not
run by gas or wind. Their motto is
makes the mare
A farmer sold a good lot of tobacco
here Friday and averaged a little above
net. He said that he told some of
the same tobacco in Richmond two
weeks ago and it did not net but an
average cf
Come on with your tobacco to Green-
ville and sell it at the Eastern Ware-
of room, plenty of buy-
stables, free storage, free in-
and high prices, you want
more than Mi's If so come on and we
will satisfy you. J
The of Green-1
ville, N. C, has opened a tobacco de-
In its columns, and a
one is. There is not a better all
around weekly in the State than the Re-
Tobacco .
Berger's Warehouse, Rocky Mount, is
large, well lighted, has every
for the farmer and every con-
for handling tobacco. Try
them and you will be satisfied with the
result. J
up, gentlemen, and bid lively ;
this Is tobacco, the best that's going.
Give him oh, make it That
is the kind of music you hear at Berger's
Rocky Try them
with a shipment of your beet tobacco, J
One of the largest shipments of leaf to-
made from Winston in some time
was the car load shipment which left
here last week. It was shipped by Mess.
Gorrell, and went to Ken-
Tobacco Journal.
Gooch lieu X.
C, arc making a specialty of eastern to-
and they have for several years
past paid the best prices for eastern to-
as many will testify, though
; Mount
CO K position , ;,. ;,
the Argonaut. Every c
buy r from the neighboring town and
from a distance I- cordially invited to
attend and we intend to have them here.
We want all the farmer near lad far to
begin at once to get their tobacco ready.
Strip It out and bring your very best and
try for a premium. We have ample
facilities for handling and selling and
we promise better Own ever
fore. It is really marvelous what strides
Mount has made In this direction.
Those who have not been her.- lately
will at the extensive
to the market facilities.
Wilde was a very active month
I September from all indications went it
better, and indicates an
usual state of activity. The output for
the month will run in the neighborhood
of pounds of
cigarettes, cigars and
more than pounds of Muff, as
we have return In fr m districts
gating pounds of
cigars, cigar, tic
and pounds of snuff, and the
other districts to hear
usual output will swell the totals
close to the figures above given This
will make September about 800,0.0
pounds better In tobacco, a little
in cigars, 15,000.000 in cigar-
and to pounds better
ill snuff than To-
For week ending Saturday, O-t.
Report d by Joyner
n a-, i
W to
Reported by Owen Davis, Manager Davis
Market . Break- heavy during
the past week. generally very
satisfactory to Sellers. are
strangers on our breaks and
they are seen go like
cakes on a elicits at high prices.
of Trade met to-day and re-elect-
ed old officers. It was agreed to have it
incorporated at once. Our and
Henderson especially are determined
not to be led. hut to lead.
By J. O. Gravely, Reporter.
report received for this issue.
Primings c
. line
Killers common
good lo fine
Smokers common
Cutters common
Wrappers normal.
I to
to ID
Reported by A. I
report received for Ibis issue.
By J S. Meadow-. Reporter.
Smokers common, to
good, s to
Cutters common. to
good. to
fine, ii to
Killers common. to
good, IS
Wrappers common, to IS
line, to
fancy, lo
Market active for all grades and prices
very satisfactory to tanners. Our sales
has-e been very the past month. We
will soon reach the one million mark.
By K. M. Reporter.
We have had lively sales all Ibis week,
iii the quantity sold and prices obtained.
Alex. Reporter.
This week the quality of the offerings
generally were more undesirable than
last week, only a sprinkling of good
to fine leaf, for the best which
was obtained.
; ts for year to date last
years Offerings of 1891 sold
to date 1890 crop sold in
1891, 1889 crop sold in
Sales for week, month and year, with
1891 1890
Louisville market
Bullock Mitchell,
Owners and Proprietors.
for Big Average
stand, whore we are better prepared Una
ever before to In advantage the Hue bright Tobacco from the r
Belt. We a very corps of who are anxious for New Tobacco
and are willing to pay good for it. stands well on oat
market and is eagerly sought after both by our order in and ill . W. are
very glad that we can say to the of an I counties
that tobacco has better year thin we have in
and that look for good prices during the Hogshead can
had OP by those planters shipping to us, by applying to M.
x. C, Amos ti. Cox,
that we hid lively on every pile upon our ll or n id Ii la of ail
that sell, will see to it that you shall have highest market price
sold with it you nothing the
are payable in Mew York Exchange without e to d to try a
with good shipment we will you th u we i i i I w y
back and that we every time o big k
will have your tobacco graded for you In our house I i
Thanking our friends for v liberal r b d up in us In the past
and them our yew efforts to . Hi In the ii lire, we arc with
best wishes, Very truly your friends,
Oxford, X. c
Rocky will have her Second Annual on
the 2nd day of next November.
IX GOLD BE PAID OUT. Ho Tobacco re-
for after night a. o'clock.
1st, All preparations have been made to make
one of the Expo-it ever held in
the State, and on that day the Queen City of Golden
Leaf Tobacco Bell will open gates and a right i
welcome to all. Borers from all over will be
here. dale, 2nd,
r of-
for all alike.
t honest to pay a big talker
They do not consider
two prices
for his tobacco and get his poorer neigh-
Mr. G. T. Tyson, the Beaver Dam
had a load of One tobacco at
the Eastern Friday. Some of It sold as
high as Alex always
makes a lot of fuss over Tyson's
tobacco. He Is hoarse yet over that Fri-
Some of the best cures of tobacco are
those made by men recommended by
Gooch ft Co., of Henderson, N. C.
Their prices are always up with the
add their market up with any.
to to 2.60
Com. to 4.50 2.75 to
Medium to
Good to
Com. to
Medium to
In merchantable
Hopeless, Yet
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E.
of S. D. we
taken with a bad cold, which settled on
my Lungs, cough set in and Dually
gave me up, saying I could live but a
short time. I gave myself up lo my
Saviour, determined if i could not stay
with my friends on earth. I would meet
my absent ones above. My husband was
advised to got Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I
have It a trial, took all eight bottles;
it has cured me, and thank God I am
now a well and hearty Trial
bottles free at Drug Store, reg-
A Startling About
I have made more than post-
examinations of rats, and
tho more I labored the stronger grew
my conviction that the rat, whether
of tho field or tho the
barn or the, tho sleeping
room or the cellar, was to nil alarm-
extent the subject of and tho
transmitter of and one
of the most mischievous
to baffle medical science in its effort
to get upon the trail of the disease,
to check and to eradicate
E. Lecture.
half a century of uninterrupted
success In cure of cough, cold and
consumption has given to Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup, a reputation not
i by any other similar remedy.
t Is m sovereign cure for nil dresses pf
the sod chest.
My Factory s well equipped with the best Mechanics, put up nothing
but first-class work. We keep up with the limes and the improved styles
Best material used in all work. All styles of Springs arc you can select from
Brewster, Coil, Ram Horn, King
We also keep on band a full line of Ready Mode Harness Whip- which we
ell at the lowest rates. CT Special attentive given to repairing.
Greenville-, N. C.
By virtue a Deed -f Trust executed
to roe by James K. and wife,
Bullock, on the 13th day of
October, duly recorded in the
office of tho Register of Deeds of Pitt
county. In Hook pages and
I will ell for cash to the highest bidder
at the Court House in Greenville,
on Monday, the 7th day of November,
a certain tract of land lying and
being In county, more
described In I Deed of Trust.
This 4th day of October,
ft; J. E.
New Barber Shop.
I take this o; return
thanks lo my many who have
given me their liberal support in the past
have opened a new shop in the old Club.
and would respectfully solicit a
of my former patronage.
will assure all that they shall
every attention the best
shave hair cut in town. All I ask is
s trial. Satisfaction guaranteed.
of the latest improvements n the t
rial art will be use in my shop.

Eastern reflector, 19 October 1892
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 19, 1892
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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