Eastern reflector, 21 September 1892

pk printing Room
Thoroughly Equipped
Give Us a Trial Order.
is a
prepared Liniment, every
of value and in
constant use by the medical pro-
These ingredients are com-
in a manner hitherto unknown
WILL DO an that is claimed for
it AND MORE, k Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother and Child. Book
to FREE, con-
information and
voluntary testimonials.
on price 11.30 per bottle
Jones Seminary for
Young Ladies.
Superior educational
location, mineral water, commodious
buildings with fire places, entire ex
tor boarding .-mil tuition
month. For circulars address.
Rev. C.
All Healing Spring-. C
Both Sexes.
Term August
1892. Closes Dec. 23.1802 Bates
Tuition 6.40 to
For further particulars -n
Z. D. Ilia.
A school unsafe for boys aid sir's is
not safe for either
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. Editor Mid Owner
per Tear, in Advance.
He Mot Speak Here but
Has not the
That He Would
Well If He Knew the
Democratic Party
Would Triumph.
Female Institute.
Sept. One of the
thorough schools for ladle in the
South. -hers and
Conservatory in music. On
I and
from twenty Slate Climate
Special inducements to persons hi h
Those seeking the school
for the lowest terms, write for
of this time-honored school to th-
dent, WM. A. HARRIS, l. I.,
---------OF GRADE.---------
Elegant building and e
Southern T land h
situation in view of .
Summer School
Jobs 16th.
Fall Term begins U.
For Illustrated . i.
J. A. .
Oak N. C.
The next of well-known
school will September 1st,
Pure water, no m-
Campus if acre well shaded by
gigantic Conservatory music
teachers. Art. and teachers
from Academy of Ails. Teachers ex-
in their specialties. The whole
Course. Physical Culture
tires only
for the year. Special studies in
Send for to
S. D. BAGLEY. ill.
. X. C.
Wilson Collegiate Institute,
For Ladies. Strictly non-Sectarian.
The Forty-Third Session begins
Monday, Sept. 1822.
A most thorough and
preparatory course of study, with a fill
course equal to that of an
Female College in the South.
Best facilities for the of Music
and Art. Standard it Scholarship
usually high. Healthful location. Build-
and grounds large and pleasantly
situated. Moderate
and circulars on application.
The next session of this School will
begin on Monday. August 29th,
The advantages offered will be
or to those of any previous session. En-
tire guaranteed every patron.
Board can be had at lower rates than at
any similar school In Eastern Carolina.
We propose to do best work for boys
that has ever been done in the town,
and challenge proof to the contrary.
Term are as follows, payable
Primary English per month.
Intermediate English per month, 2.00
Higher English per mouth, 2.60
Languages extra,
When you are in town call to see me
or write me your tomes.
will cheerfully given. If
necessary a competent assistant will be
W. H.
Greenville, N. C, July 87.182.
A School of High grade
Miss will re-open her private
school and toys in Mrs. V. H.
nearly opposite
Episcopal church. Fall Term
Monday, Sept. 1892; ends
Jan. 27th, 1893. The Spring
begins Monday, Jan. 1893;
Friday, May 26th. 1893.
department. 2.50
Higher English.
Latin and each,
Elocution lessons per
Thorough and instruction will
be given according to the best approved
commons methods. Satisfaction
arrangements board will be for
pupils desiring to come from the
try. For farther address,
Mm S. Loot
Salisbury Herald.
Dr. the People's party
candidate for Governor, passed
through here last night en route
for his Louie He
Dallas yesterday, was
tired and had given
canvass for awhile.
A reporter interviewed
the Doctor at the depot and he
spoke freely, not only on the is.
of the day, but of his
as a candidate- He said,
the for was
forced upon me- I did not want
it. I tried to get some one else to
take it. I have several times had
the offer to become a candidate
for Congress but would not ac
yon have an appoint-
to speak in Salisbury Wed-
; will you be here
I will not be here at that
time, but will be on hand-
He stopped at Concord to-night
There is another appointment for
Salisbury, I'll probably be here
then. I am glad to meet you, Mr-
Brown. I am told you would not
misquote me. I
represented by every paper in the
State except the paper published
at High Point- It is disposed to
treat me fairly. Let me tell you,
I to think everything I saw
in a Democratic paper was true,
but now I don't believe a word in
any paper. They all
suppose then you don't
all you see in the
is reported, Doctor, that you
have given up the field and
withdraw from the
is not true- I have not
done so yet If I knew I would
jeopardize be instrumental in
endangering North Carolina, I
would go in the car and die- I
have been a Democrat for more
than half a century, but I will not
vote for
about Mr- Harrison
Republican for me. I have
never voted a Republican ticket
and I would not vote for
about Mr. Is
he a better man than Mr- Cleve-
land r
are your politics I Are
you a Republican or a Democrat
am neither- am going for
are a Democrat and will
give up the
I am not I
continue in the campaign awhile,
you were to withdraw
would strengthen the
don't know about that. It
would give about votes to
the Democratic party and about
to the party.
If we would do that the Demo-
would carry the
are going to carry the
State anyway Doctor, with both
your party and the Republican
party in the
you do you will have to
we are going to do it by
I knew that I would sleep
well to-night I have been a
Democrat but I didn't vote for
Cleveland the last time, nor for
Horace I was never much
of a politician- Some of the pa-
say I can't talk, but I can
talk right
He talked in this manner until
the train pulled Dr. Exam
is a man of age, is portly, has a
gray beard on his chin and wears
S lasses. He speaks openly, free-
r and refers to himself as being
formerly a Democrat, with some
emphasis. It is clear that he is
on fence as to his position and
undecided as what he will do.
It h further evident that if he had
his choice he would withdraw
from the field He brands the
report that he prefer
to the present govern-
as a lie, s intimates that
he will call the slander to account.
It is the of those who
heard the Doctor last night that
he will withdraw unless he is
goaded on by Marion and
his satraps. If it was optional
with him he tender his
resignation and quit stamping the
From what the Doctor said we
would infer that he intends with-
drawing if he has not already
done so, bat he not commit
himself. On this point he evades
a frank answer-
Charlotte Observer.
From the testimony at hand
there is no room to doubt that Dr.
W. P. Exam, the Gideon
date for Governor, is a blow-hard
and a spinner of very large yarns
a gas-bag and a person whose
statements are not to be depended
upon. He is given to telling large
stories about his possessions of
money, goats and cot
ton, not to mention his yoke of
oxen which can pall
pounds of steel rails from one end
of Goldsboro to the other. If, how-
ever, he were a dependable man
and had the character and
which a candidate for Governor
should possess, he still would de-
serve the defeat which is in store
for him because of t In follies and
dangers for which he stands
the representative of the Omaha
platform. But the Observer wants
to say that it has no stock in the
recent arrest of the man in Golds
for alleged profanity in the
and the subsequent
threat of arrant for for
him for false swearing on his trial
before mayor. The whole
business was unmanly and
The man is a laughing
all be is. The only
proper way to deal with him is in
a spirit of fan- We do not be-
that he is anything of the
rascal that some of his Third par
t y associates are. He appears to
be just a windy and
no more- His speeches, as he
goes around, are comical in their
lack of any point whatever, but
his is so painful
that one forgets to laugh at what
he says through sympathy for
him in his embarrassment while
he is saying it If it were right it
wouldn't be worth while to tell
any lies on Exum- He is his own
best antidote. He is an object
for amused interest and there need
be no fear that the people will not
size him up.
Then there is the case of Mr.
Cobb, bis lieutenant. His indict-
for internal revenue
is of record and there is
enough else against him besides ;
but as to the hog stealing case in
Cleveland county, we are not so
certain about the evidence. He
has published in the Shelby
a denial of the charges, and
among others of the one that
there was any altercation between
him and Capt Plato Durham about
the matter; but Mr. J. F. Stevens
a prominent citizen of Shelby,
certifies above bis own name in
the Aurora of this week that he
saw Capt Durham whip Mr- Cobb
and that he did it with a rattan
cane; and this certificate throws
doubt all over Cobb's card. The
Observer has been asked to pub
that card, and wrote for a copy
of the paper containing it but has
never received it. Meantime we
suggest to those who first brought
the charges which the Lieutenant
Governor denies that they get up
the testimony and support it with
affidavits if they can, and if
they cannot make out their
case they should withdraw
the charges-
Concerning Col. B- Long,
the candidate for Audi-
tor, and the charge that he is a
defaulter to the North Carolina
Railroad in the sum of and
more, there is no trouble about
that The late Maj- Wm. A
Smith bore testimony to the truth
of this matter when he certified
in writing that Long was good
Republican but a damned poor
railroad and besides, this
case is of record and this record
has lately been published in a
number of the State papers.
But what we are trying to get at
is that if there ever is any
excuse for lying in order to carry
an election there never
there certainly is not this year the
excuse for it There is
enough in the characters and
of Exam, Cobb and Long to
beat them, enough in the record
and policies of the Republican
party to beat it, and enough in-
strength in the righteous-
of the principles for which the
Democratic party stands to beat
them both.
Let as all, therefore, of
coarse, Dr. cling to the
rook of troth, and when our
is won it will be a clean one
and one which we can enjoy.
our Regular
Washington. D. C., Sept.
is both shameful nod us,
nevertheless that an attempt
is bring made to the national
patent of G. A. R, to lie
pared with previous election
The lawyers of the Department
of Justice are trying to find some
law under which immigration may
be stopped, at least Congress
can get an I unity to say
what shall be done to protect the
people of this count from the
that Con
held here next week, to boom the It
Republican national ticket It the
may, if persisted id. cause
This Happened Ones in Pitt County,
and so It may be
Control of selections.
We have a and positive cure
for catarrh, diphtheria, canker month
and headache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH
REMEDY. A nasal injector free with
each bottle. Use it H you desire health
and sweet breath. Pries SOc Sold at
sort of a row, n thousand
of who will attend
Democrat who
will not take to what
ought to be a week of pleasure
and recreation turned into a ti
political demonstration.
members of the local citizen's com-
which has worked so hard
all summer to raise the
money to the necessary
to v
the old soldiers, Democrats,
and they are not disposed to
quietly stand by and see their
work and money used to benefit a
party to which they are bitterly
Prominent Republican officials
have been quietly at work on
scheme for some time, and now,
unless Providence interferes
through the continuance of the
much regretted illness of Mrs.
Harrison and this prevents Mr.
Harrison keeping up his end of
the they think they
got everything just as they
want it and that the members of
the G. A- R- can be sept home
for Harrison and Reid
and scattering
known quantity on the Republican
side up to this tine- around pro-
The of
these schemers was completed
several days ago when
Reid was invited to attend the en-
ostensibly n war
correspondent, really as the Re-
publican candidate for
dent With Harrison and Reid
both on the ground, both loaned
to the with for the
whose vote may
be influenced, the of
political move expect great
things; but they should remember
that have in
the past proved disappointing, and
may do the again.
The rumor of the intended
nation of minister to Italy,
G. Porter, of Indians,
was started in anticipation of his
obeying the command of Mr.
to resign and come home to
help save Indiana. The situation
in that State is to the
Republicans and Mr. Potter's in-
is more valuable at home
just now than abroad. A friend of
Porter's said to day may
resign and come home to work for
Harrison, but if he does I know
that it will be against his
He knows that if hit comes
home he it i have to share in the
for the defeat of the
patty in his State and that it is
-d to injure his political
prospect; whereas, if he remained
abroad his fiends say, if
Porter had taken part in the cam
we might have escaped de-
The Democratic horizon has
token on a very roseate line this
week, and there is a corresponding
feeling of depression the
Republicans who with dismay
the facing of their ma-
in Maine and upon the
mistakable signs of Democratic
stony in Now State.
Democratic roost-r truly roost-
high these September days,
Had be opens his mouth
November his of victory will
be heard by a rejoicing people
from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Mr. Lawrence Gardner,
of the Association of
Democratic who has just
returned Democratic head-
quarters in New York is
over the outlook. have
them on the said he,
we propose to keep them going
until election Mr. Gardner
thinks that the mutual understand-
which has been reached be-
tween the leaders of what might
have become rival Democratic
removes New Yo k from the
list of States and makes
it certain that Cleveland will carry
it by a big majority. When ask-
ed how the work of clubs was
progressing, Mr Gardner
They are doing a
quiet bat effective work in many
localities among the doubtful
voters that cannot be fully
until the results of the
election are in and can be com
of medical experts, either
to pass a bill prohibiting
I for Mated period, of not
less than one year, or to author-
the President to do so. The
idea is that our greatest peril will
come with the warm weather of
next year.
The editor of the Herald is not
an old man, bat he has a very dis-
recollection of a scene which
many of our people witnessed.
At the time when was
dictator of North Carolina,
and Kirk's myrmidons held
say, we saw an election held
the State at which a constitution
was adopted- At this
voting continued- for three
and the ballots cast by the people
of North Carolina were carried to
Charleston, S- to lie counted.
At the home of the writer a com
puny of soldiers formed a
direction from which they entered.
of the men who submitted to
indignity was father, and
we can never forget how deeply he
was humiliated. Bat this is not
all that we saw or knew of. The
same company of soldiers
who guarded the ballot box on the
occasion alluded to, while
Chatham Record.
When the government buys the
railroads, demanded by the
Third patty people, to whom will
the purchase money be paid
Why of com to the owners of
the Jay Gould, the
and those
and who have been
so bitterly denounced.
Had you of that
If not, just stop a moment and
think of it-
Does it not seem a little
y on common sense and a bitten,, ,. , , . ,.
. , , ,. , , i the radical sheriff of county,
on reform and relief, for . .-
. attempted to arrest a white citizen,
a political party to propose taxing ,, , . ,, , .
., . . . , and because he refused to submit
the of the in order
to pay countless millions to the
who now own the
railroads And yet that is exact-
what is by the demand
for government to own the
railroads. If not, why not
Of course only way by
which the government can own
the railroads is by buying them.
Even if any anarchists should
wish them confiscated, that wilt
not seriously considered. In
order to own the railroads the
government must, buy
them. Their owner, then,
be paid far them. These owners,
it is said, are few in numbers.
Yes, it is continually alleged
that the railroads in the United
States are owned by a few million-
And. now it is gravely pro-
posed for the government to is-
sue bonds to these few million-
payment for their rail-
roads. Would not that he central-
consolidating the money
power to a most dangerous de-
Would it not be giving to
these far greater pow
they now lave
Had yon of this
If not think of it. Think of
what an immense sum of money
the government would have to pay
to Gould, and other
and what a danger-
influence so much money
would give to them. With all
these millions of dollars
they and would not on-
Congress but every State Leg-
if composed of only
Third party patriots
What then become of the
The Third party is n conspiracy
entered into by a lot of idle
dreamers to the or-
by statute It be-
that money should be made,
not by labor but by law. It in-
that the of life
should be corrected by statue.
It that the diligent
has obtained an advantage
over the n taut It in
fists that who into
I the at the eleventh hour
is entitled to just as writes
as be who arose with the lark
labored from sun to son. It in-
that the who took his
talent and bought sold again.
should required to tin prof
its with the goods box orator who
double line of guards to ballot
box, and the few white men who
voted had to march single file
between nod were compelled
to leave the house in an
liberties of the people
Men and brethren think of these
The Cholera Mixture.
The of Commerce.
More than twenty years ago,
when it was found that prevention
of cholera was easier than cure, a
to their demands, his home was
burned to ground, himself
son murdered, his sou in
wounded and his wife
daughter threatened with
death and inhumanly treated.
Respected citizens of the county
were hunted as outlaws and were
compelled to leave home and
and seek concealment in the
swamps to save their lives, and tho
home of no one was considered
safe. The were incited to
riot and lawlessness, tho money of
the county was stolen and a debt
piled upon the people which it
took years of Democratic control
to wipe out. These are a few of
the things we saw and knew of
when Republicans controlled
North Carolina and when
bayonets were placed behind
ballots. Although a boy at the
time, the recollection, of these in-
dignities that were heaped upon
tho helpless people of Eastern
North Carolina can never be
from our memory.
times have come to then now
because white men have broken
the fetters that bound them and
have driven o. t Republican
and federal soldiers- While
this change for the better has
been effected by Democratic con-
there is danger the
of outrages if the
force bill becomes a law.
The republicans as cordial
haters of the South to-day as they
were in 1868, and many of the
leaders then are leaders now.
Safety for our people can only be
unswerving allegiance
to the Democratic party and the
triumph of its candidates.
dent Harrison and the convention
that nominated him favor the
force bill, which will be placed
upon us if they are continued in
power. We mast defeat them in
order to save ourselves. Only a
straight Democratic vote will ac-
this. A vote for Weaver,
flies on nations
finance- It insists that the wise
ho have their lamps
trimmed and shad
them over for to the foolish
ones who have not. It insists that
the and
should divide with the fellow
who spent his substance i i
living- It is a scheme to bring the
of human nature into
the market. It would the
bramble to over the trees of
the forest. It would the
lion and whelp, n-id set the
rats, the reptiles and the vermin
of nature to tearing sod
their flesh, it proposes
to give scrubs a show in the
race curbing the res courses
and giving toe track to
wild and beast the hill
country and slashes. It IS a now
dispensation, and its principal
tenet is test- Let us all steer
clear of this so called i n party,
and cling to the old Democratic
idea that the people
the government not the gov-
the people.
C .
The Eastern Reflector
Now is the time to subscribe
They ail Testily
Be forth to Ci.
in the
taint which
Potions or the
of tO from within all to tub
potent but rated-. It la an
the out am feeble, mm all
from impure blood or weakened
Send I or a treatise. Examine tho proof.
Book, on Stood Saw Shin Disc Sea mailed
in Balmier Building,
N X,
N. C
Prompt inn in
at Tinker Murphy old eland.
H OS. J.
In all the Courts.
Death of Hon. J. J, Yeates.
Hon. Jessie J- Yeates died in
Washington, D- C, on Tuesday.
He been in feeble health for a
good while- He was a native of
county and was about sixty-
three years of age. He was well
known in this State, having rep-
resented this District twice in
Congress- For many years he
was a resident of this town and
the leading and most influential
lawyer in Eastern Carolina.
When he was elected a member
of Congress he moved to Wash-
where he resided until
January 1st 1891, when he re-
turned to Murfreesboro and be-
the practice of his profession.
He remained here until the past
spring when his health failed and
he returned to Washington. He
had been married twice and leaves
four sons and two daughters- He
had a great many friends in this
State who will learn of his death
with sorrow- As we never knew
him until the post year we have
few facts at our command or else
we would give a more extended
sketch of his life.
Greenville, N.
I. A. II. K.
K X K AT-1 A W,
N. O.
Prompt attention given to collections
n. c.
Prompt and careful attention to bur
Collection solicited.
n. is.
prescription was drawn by or candidate, ex-
eminent doctors was published
in the it took the name
Harrison, and will help to rivet
more firmly chains that bind
us. Bear this fact in mind, white
men of North Carolina, and work
and vote accordingly.
of Sun cholera
Our never lent its
name to a We
have seen it i-i near-
two score years, and found it
to be the best remedy for loose-
of the bowels ever yet de-
No one who has by him,
a id takes it in time, will ever
have the cholera.
We commend it to all friends.
Even when no cholera is
it is an excellent remedy for
ordinary summer
dysentery, etc.
Take equal parts of tincture of
cayenne pepper, tincture of opium,
tincture of rhubarb, essence of
peppermint and spirits of cam-
Mix well. Dose, to so
drops in a little cold water, ac-
cording to and violence of will begin to occupy it
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr. King's
tor Consumption.
New Life Pills,
and Bitters, and have
handled remedies that Mil as well.
or i hat have given such universal
We do not hesitate to
them every time, and we
ready to the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. remedies won
crest popularity purely on their merit.
The residence occupied by Gen-
Lee in this city during the
has been to the
i B which in-
symptoms, every
or twenty minutes until is
obtained. m-
Is It not worth the small price of
to fill atom store and get a bottle o
every bottle h , required. Ill H .,
printer, on use ac or
if it does you no good it i a m
nothing, t
The best salve in the world for
Ulcers, Salt
Fever Sores, Chapped
all Skin
i u e, positively cares PiUs,
guaranteed to
, ,,, I price rents box. For
Sow at Drug Store Drag Store,
A little Is A Light-
Mr. and Mrs. keep-
of the Gov. Lighthouse st Stand
Reach, Mich, and arc blessed with s
daughter, tour years old. April she
was takes down with Measles, followed
with a dreadful Cough turning; into
a Fever. Doctors at home at Detroit
treated her, but In vain, she grew worse
rapidly, until she was a mere
tried Dr. King's
New Discovery and after the of two
and a half bottles, was completely
say Dr. King's New Discovery
worth weight In gold, yet you m
a trial bottle free at
Although President Harrison
may seek to conceal the Force
Bill issue under a thin veiling, he
stands committed to it by his
lie more than any other
public man, and his endorse-
of his party's platform adopt-
ed at Minneapolis last June com-
him again to it His
is quite as much based on
the Force Bill as Weaver's is on
the double payment of money to
the Federal and
Practice in all the Collections
Notice to Shippers.
In order to make more convenient and
economical use of the now cm-
ployed in the North Carolina
and thus to serve the inter-
of shipper. the
have decided to merge their
respective lines between
folk and and
Washington, N. C, into
one be known as
I Direct
at Norfolk with
The Bay Baltimore.
The Line, for
The Old Dominion Line, for New
The Merchants M Line for
ton Providence.
The Water Lines for Richmond, Vs.,
and Washington.
At with
The Atlantic North Carolina R. M.
At Washington with
The Tar River Steamers.
Also Calling at Island. N.
The new line will m
Service, with additional sailings as
will beat suit the needs of the
The direct service of steamers,
the freedom from handling, art
the great advantages Line
oilers. following gentlemen have
been appointed Agents of the New
John E. at Norfolk, Va.
John Son, at
S. H. Gray, at N. C.
S. Whitehurst. at Island.
J. J. Cherry, at Greenville, N. C.
The first steamer will leave Norfolk
on May 16th, from wharf
on Water street, Clyde
and between the piers of the Clyde
Line and Old Dominion Steamship Co.
V. P. G. M. Old Dominion S. Co.
. W. P. CLYDE CO.,
Clyde Line
No-folk, May 14th, 1892.
What a
you heed the warning The
perhaps of the sure approach of that
more ten disease Consumption. Aw
yourselves if you can afford for the sake
of saving to run the risk and do
e i for it. We know from experience
that Cure will cure cough
It never falls. This explains why more
than a million bottles were sold the past
It relieves croup and whooping
cough at once. Mothers, do not be with
out. For lame back, side or chest use
billion's Porous Plaster. Sold at
en's Drug Store.
For the Core of evil Skin ham
This has been In use over
years, and wherever known has
been in steady demand. It has been en-
by the leading physicians all over
country, and has effected cures where
all other remedies, with the attention of
most experienced physicians, have
for years failed. This Ointment Is of
long standing and the high reputation
which it has obtained Is owing entirely
x Its own efficacy, as but little effort has
ever been made to bring It before the
public. One bottle of this Ointment will
be sent to any address on receipt of One
Dollar. Sample box The usual
discount to Druggists. All Cash Orders
promptly attended to. Address all
and communications to
T. F.
Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor,
Greenville. N. C.

The cholera has last reached We do not remember to have Mr. S. Bel, the Secretary of
THE York and is creating enjoyed my Third Car-
stir in Metropolis. A also
, have boon in r.-. not d Ho from Abut party and will, vote
Gov. Flower it like Tho Democratic ticket.
ix purchasing of Fire Island j political me Mr.
so that p is on these very much of curtain of ed for elector by party,
ships might be landed Bible history, and the similarity; has not accepted and will
Why It-id this Island to between the two is striking. Ab-1 m the race.
kill its inhabitants The people you know, rebelled and
revolted and the Governor Lad out to war Ids father
to order out tho militia. A few I David- Ho a mule, which
days ago be received a neither a hone nor an, ass,
I through the mail containing an but n was
opened in-
to ct We confess do
red at
;. as so mail matter.
i ob
Of York.
AT l
1st list.-L L. SMITH-
FOB 1-;
of Beaufort.
Col- Harry says in-
tends to vote ratio
State and county
We tee it stated that Mr.
J. B. Lloyd, editor of the Farmer
machine which if be only fit for a beast of burden. Advocate at Tarboro, a Third par-
I You remember tho fate that over- organ, will vote for Elias
Lowest Prices.
not see what right tho Governor
bad to land the cholera this
Better bad let them
stayed aboard the s. We
that this dreadful disease
will net become an epidemic
this country.
t While the
mule his neck caught between
two limbs and his body was
And so it goes.
K. A
R. M.
of Buncombe.
Oil St IT. OP ion
j. C
of Johnston.
of Mecklenburg.
I. K.
Solicitor John F- Woodard and
Capt. Swift Galloway will address
tho Democratic to-night.
Everybody be at tho Court House
promptly at o'clock.
What it pro man be l
and a
otherwise-Progressive Farmer.
What a question from such n
source Tho man who the
on all these points in
does not need to go outside
for information about them-
Ramsey, know thyself.
between earth and
en. Now draw the comparison
with the political disturbances of
to day. There those who are
rebelling against tho good govern-
given us by the Democracy.
It is now on the time d year um, to
when the poet struck ft Democratic
The melancholy j ft a
Third party mongrel-
They will meet as bad an over-
throw as Why. look at
Harry Skinner He tried to
days have
The liar
melancholy can both be found
bow, and the former in trying i
the latter, is. like Sullivan,
endeavoring to make his las licks
the hardest Eel like
ghost the keeps
and stays on top, and if the
poet plenty of that article
to write about he can ii
on the morning of Nov. 9th. But
the poet will not find it
to strike the
cf ten in order to
make the melancholy show up,
as it will be the most prominent
feature it; t.; countenance of the
figure that holds one end Zeke
telephone. The whole
combination with Betsy thrown in
be able to console Ram-
after the election-
el those
left who have been misled into the
Third party see that it can
nothing bat tho ow
of white supremacy North Car-
and are returning to the
Democratic fold. And honest Re-
publicans seeing the fusion their
party is trying to form with the
Third party, speak their
nation of such corrupt measures
by leaving tho party.
this mongrel and was thrown
fore ho could got his feet the
i stirrups. They will all come to
no better end- The Third party
is nothing more nor less than a
rebellion against good law and
good government, and no true
men will follow after it
The printers get an early lick
as the of the cholera The
importation f foreign
rag has caused a advance n
all lands of paper stock for print-
However, we had rather pay
a higher price than In catch the
Some time ago a Third petty
club in Edgecombe erected
a fine flag pole. We now bear
that tho same men dug a trench,
met there and with Hie used
to fell the tree, cut down flag
pole and buried it out of
Bight in the trench-
A Pitt farmer tolls us he went to
Wilson to sell tobacco, last
week, and having to stay over
night went around to the club to
hear speaking- Several were
called but one accord
began to make Ho says
for us to tell the Advance to draw
on old Pitt if they haven't
in Wilson. Hero's bis mes-
No man ever coining to the
State has received such an ovation
at tho hands of the people of
North Carolina as Gen. A. E-
Stevenson, tho Democratic
for At every
point he has visited, Asheville.
Durham, Charlotte,
Statesville and Winston, the
pie were out by ten thousands
to greet him- He is at
ton to-day and will be at both
Goldsboro and Rocky Mount to
morrow. He makes excellent
speeches at every appointment.
Gen. Stevenson is accompanied on
his tour of this State by Mrs.
and Hon. W. E- Ewing.
If the elections already held can
be taken as an index, ft tidal wave
of Democracy will sweep tho en-
tire country this year, and Grover
Cleveland will step into the White
House on the 4th of March. The
election in Arkansas resulted in a
Democratic majority of
followed by giving the Demo-
South Carolina elect-
whole Democratic ticket by a
good in Maine, Mr.
Blaine's home, there was a
of 10.000 in the Republican
plurality, and Vermont did almost
as well. Let tho good work go on.
Democrats, take courage, but
The correspondent of
the Charlotte rat writes the
Mr. C. S . Ms nominee
c Ii info met
the wan In
i t lot. party ex-J
i g Into the
id then g m id. be i
I e b to u the
the county In other
they say they nut t
to their p Mr.
Bernard there ware but
the p .
edged the Republican had proposed
ii. the ea i i Us made
I the that
Harry Skinner would not accept
and that Ids letter
of i wt
lie was not lib
party, i I. i with the Be-
;. ill f i not.
i-- really v. . i-i. and ii
What do the people of Pitt
county think of tho above
Colonel is getting himself
turn coat reputation-
He is all things to all men. bat
last a
party meeting at
last Thursday spoke at a
party meeting BetheL
Prom what can learn both of
the--- speeches were empty
He rambled about u
nobody tell where he was or
what he was- Notwithstanding he
is running around tho county to
Third party speakings ho told a
gentleman Saturday that he was
going lo vote the Democratic
State and county ticket. By this
of course he meant that ho was
also going to for tho Demo-
nominee for the Senate,
yet at Bethel last Tim lay he
patted Mr. A. A- Forbes,
party candidate, on the head, say-
is tho next Senator
from Pitt
not be idle
there is work to do
living over
direction, tells the
that Third wanted
to be emblematic in tho Weaver
and Exum flag polo they tried to
mi at Bethel last Thursday.
They hauled their polo in
three sections, each of which they
gave a party name. The sec-
being the strong
was christened Democratic
party the n was named
Republican party sod the la-t or
top u they called People's
patty, signifying that party by
getting its support from tho two
old parties would come out
The sections being thus
christened they were spliced to-
the ropes wore adjusted.
tho shears placed in position, and
the word given together, pull
up she But she didn't
go. The combination rose a few
feet when went
can party, and that with Third
party section came down in a
smash leaving the Democratic log
solid as eyer. Does this look like
anything that has The
little Third party faction thought
they would climb up
can shoulders and tho two toe
by getting on tho Democratic
party would put the latter the
Tho plans were laid, the
started, when there
a in Republican
quarters. That party divided, one
end getting out a ticket of their
own, the Third party found
its hopes shattered. White men,
is it not time you were getting
back into the ranks of Democracy
Don't longer allow to be
The. speaking -was just splendid
yesterday and the Reflector re-
that it was so near tho hour
of going to press that cannot
give a full account of it. The
first speaker was the old War
horse of Democracy Hon. Willis
R. Williams who recently de-
the nomination for Senate
by the party. His speech
showed that he was still in tho
harness. He told his hearers that
the Democratic party was the
only hope of Carolina; that
all our reforms must come
through it- Ho forcibly urged
tho necessity of remaining in tho
ranks and battling nobly for its
principles. At the conclusion of
his ho introduced
Octavius Coke, Democratic
date for Secretary of State.
Capt. Coke has the reputation of
being one of the best speakers
in North and his speech
here yesterday adds another
rel to his already enviable
The main argument of the
speech was more money, less taxes
and lower tariff. His exposition of
the financial situation was the best
hoard during the cam-
Every point ho made was
a clincher and carried conviction
at once to every honest listener
Everybody could but give
to Hie sentiment, for-
and Democracy I
Her- J T- Phillips, Third party
candidate for the Legislature, then
took the stand and made an
of himself as one totally
of every issue which enters
into this campaign. Ho bar
ranged and dodged from one
thing to another and finally sat
down, without having made a
Governor Jarvis was then called
for and responded in a thirty
in ho literally
skinned the Elder from the top of
his head to tho soul of his
snowing how utterly foolish was
for any reasonable man to pursue
any phantoms as the proceed-
speaker was doing.
crowd was immense enjoyed
hugely Democratic feast
,. bite a rally to the support of
A man who has been a strong
Third party advocate sees his
and writes the following letter
to the Washington
Mr. cool and
mature deliberation I find that I
have been misled by the false rep-
of tho Third party
leaders, so I announce to my
low citizens and Third party
friends that I withdrawn
from and severed my connection
with that party. I will as
briefly as possible the reasons
that force his change of views.
I realized tho distressed
and oppressed condition
of our people and knew that it
was due to unjust sectional and
pernicious class legislation, and
mi dilemma grasped the idea
of a party that
were told would sweep tho
country as the. entire West was
Prospects for the success of the
Democratic party in North Caro-
grow brighter every day. Not
only are many who were protected
ed on Third party tickets re-
fusing to have anything further to
do with that party and declare
that they will support tho Demo-
ticket, but oven a number
of Republicans are coming over
from that party to tho Democratic
Judge of Elizabeth
City, heretofore a leading
can, has left that party and will
nothing more lo do with it.
Mr. W. L- Lyon, of Bertie, pub-
a card in the Windsor
severing his connection with
the Republican party. In his card
Mr. Lyon give these reasons for
his action
party a conducted Eastern
North Carolina become a byword
and Their conventions have
become howling mobs and nominations
are put up the highest bidder. Ignorant,
incompetent and corrupt have
taken complete control of the political
and have nominated for
of profit, honor and trust most in-
competent and corrupt men. while men
who served the
years are allowed no
in the of the party. They
driven away from the
very white and hundreds of
the best colored people arc I
ran no longer stay with a party
ed by such men. I shall support and
vote for Cleveland the balance of
the Democratic ticket at the
aroused. now see I am wrong
and was duped.
Upon investigation I find that
all the evils under which
struggle are directly due to the
Republican party as that party
alone is responsible for tho de-
monetization of silver, tho con-
traction of the currency, tho
national banking system,
lent pensions, and the high pro-
and prohibition tariff that
robs the laborers and
wage-earners of this country.
I End that tho Republican par-
repealed the tax on Incomes,
Railroad Companies, National
Banks, articles of etc,
amounting to ever a hundred and
live million dollars yearly,
relieving the rich of
their share of taxation and bur-
the poor by putting a tar-
tux on tho of
that the plain people need
and must use.
I find that by a high tariff they
make trusts possible and
age their formation ; in return re-
adequate campaign funds
for their needs and purposes.
I North Carolina pays out
to tho federal government
revenue.-; and for pro-
Northern manufactures
over fourteen mill-
ion dollars annually, i. o. over
eight dollars per capita when
North Carolina has only
about six dollar per
capita. Paying out than
we have. I do not wonder we
grow poorer while Island,
for instance, a rich
ring State, by sectional and class
legislation, pays scarcely any-
thing the basis of
to tho federal government
and hits a per capita circulation
of over throe hundred
and sixty one dollars and grows
In when the Democrats
hail entire control of tho govern-
according to Senator
Berry, that expenses of tho
government was two dollars
per under Harrison
i ho gross will be
twelve dollars per capita.
1800 the Democrats
were in power per cent- of the
money of the country was in cir-
now only per cent is
circulation and that is held
most entirely by tho Northern
I from 1850 to 1860 the
value of farms in tho United
States under a per tariff
and rule increased
per cent. or more than
doubled and the farmers owned
one-half the wealth of the country.
From 1830 to 1890 under a
of to per cent, the
value of farms decreased and tho
farmer owned one-sixth of tho
wealth of tho country, and that in
1892 1-1,000 people owned more of
the country's wealth than
others did and this to be
-That h what you get at---------
have received
which was selected with great care and bought very cheap. They
will make to your interest to examine Stork before you
buy elsewhere. They have the goods which
And they propose to put a price on will sell them.
Action for Divorce.
Henry t Pitt County,
Miller in superior Court.
The Defendant above named, is
to be appear before the
of our Superior Court, . Court
to be tor of Pitt, .-it the
in mi the
Monday before t-- l-t Monday of March
mill the which
will be deposited the office of
Clerk the Superior Court of said
within Bret three days of
said term, and let sail Defendant
take notice that If She to answer the
said tho lime required
bylaw the Plaintiff, will to the
Court for tho relief demanded in the
Hereof fail not.
Given under my hand am of said
this 12th day 1892.
E. A.
Clerk Superior Court.
taken by and old line
the Third party
convention and its action forces
mo to believe it was dominated
by a spirit.
Even wore this not so
action can only
ascendancy as hundred
and fifty votes of former Demo-
in each country will
Republican victory and Harrison
electors with all the and
vices of in it trains.
I will not be a party to assist
our loaders in their lust for game
and schemes of
by imposing the
credulity of our people.
I would not vote for Weaver be-
cause he voted the
Congress to repeal military law
in tho South when was
He voted has steadily en-
to burden us u
extra pay for those who
laid waste our burned our
homes ravished our women.
He took money from feeble old
white men. robbed the helpless
f children while
military governor of Pulaski,
Tennessee. has been the
most malignant South hater and
enemy of our people
and in his rabid utterances against
as in comparison would make
old Thaddeus Stephen
pear our friend.
record also shows ho en-
the National Ranks.
i will tho State
ticket because the platform and
candidates of that party more
represent reform Alliance
principles than tho hoodlum gang
visionary projects of the
Third party.
I will vote for Elias
cause ho is the first bone-
fide farmer candidate for Govern-
or in tho history of our State
is a true exponent of reform
bearing aloft the
banner in tho Democratic party.
I fought for North Carolina four
yours, and now my patriotism de-
that stand by my State
tho hour of her most
peril. In my old age I am
unwilling to vote to surrender my
children to supremacy and
to bind them more securely tho
fattens of misrule or to crush them
beneath tho oppressions of tariff
taxation for fraudulent pensions.
I will not veto for Harrison
because regard him as a weak,
corrupt, partisan
with such unscrupulous as
Woods. Dudley and
and because he re-
presents tho worst elements of
paternalism, nepotism,
an. sectionalism.
will vote tho National Demo-
ticket because the of
that party's rule is the history
our greatest prosperity, and be-
cause it has over been the friend
of tho masses. Tho last
Congress endeavored to give
us free wool, free bagging,
cotton ties, free binding twine and
to limit the free importations of
the rich, thereby saving tho con-
of this country about
annually, but the
Senate said
I will for Grover
because ho saved
surplus under a cent,
while Harrison will have
deficit under a CO per cent,
tariff; because ho has proven him-
self to the friend of the South;
because he gave us a clean,
administration; because
We hare for sale at
a Gin,
and a Rood Mill. I he rocks of
Moore county grit. These are almost
as good as new and will be cheap.
Apply either to
Mills. N. C.
or G. W. Venters, Calico, X.
The dying of Garments, Rib-
etc., etc., done with neatness and
Charges for woolen or mixed goods
th to one-third, and cotton one-
halt less city prices. Also dry
cleaning by Preach process. If request
nay repairs attended to at reasonable
prices. When work clone to
13.00 express will be one way,
when both way . Semi for price
Scotland Meek, X. C.
That is what our customers say
have had
with them and
Find them First-class
When in want a
call at
and buy
Guaranteed by
shoe i
Street, in rear of Dr. D. L. James
N. f.
are in my
; the generally
is open. A career of
k a prop of the satisfaction l
Work Speaks for itself.
Call early and examine
Hoping to gain your and
merit your favor, t
AH kinds placed strictly
At lowest current
traceable to class is the champion of tho masses;
I many more because ho would not allow a re-
oppressions but your publican House Senate to
clown for the hat
called the Third party, j he TOte the
Hon. Win. H- Malone, who was
the Third party nominee for
Judge of tho mountain district,
As to our State I
find that pay about
000.00 for federal pensions and
only about to our own
disabled Confederate and
the widows of those who died for
us. I find that under an honest
Democratic the
State debt has been
reduced from about per
capita to something over per
capita while it has steadily low-
I will not vote for the Third
regard it
as sound. President Polk whom
the Alliance has apotheosized I do
not believe have endorsed
the Omaha platform as it now is.
The course of the Third party lead-
in this State has not merited
my admiration or commanded my
respect and I repudiate their
leave them in
and I believe the
Third party to be an ally of the
The prominent
crush and subjugate our people,
or to tho South, and
because he is as honest as he is
A united and patient Democracy
is the only hope for tho South. I
see this plainly and I the
courage to acknowledge I have
been wrong.
W. II.
Grimesland, N. C, Sept.
For Sale en Easy Terms
Large Double in Greenville. I
offer side on terms the large
Double Store north side Filth street,
east Evan street, with lot
on Fifth street feet deep. A
bargain. Apply at once to
Win. H. LONG,
MRS. would
to have a class in Instrumental
Music st her home in the J. J. Perkins
residence. Session begins September
5th. Terms on application.
If you want to save-----
in the of a PIANO and from
Ten to Fifteen Dollars
in the purchase of an Organ address
General Agent for North Carolina,
who is now handling goods direct from
the manufacturers, as HIGH
for tone, and
and endorsed by nearly all the-
musical Journals In the States.
Made by Paul G. who is at this
time of the best and
of the day. Thirteen new
patents on high grille
Also the UP.
has been sold by
him for tho past six in eastern
part of State up to time has
given entire Upright
Piano just mentioned will be from
to . in Oak,
Walnut or
Also the AS ORGAN
from to solid or Oak
Ton years
enabled him to handle
nothing but standard and he
not hesitate to say That can
musical per cent.
then other agents are now offer-
to all banks In Eastern Carolina.
I. A.
Headquarters for the following lines of
Car load Mess Pork. Boxes Crackers.
Car load Rib Side Meat. Boxes Tobacco.
Car load Flour, all grades. i Starch.
Car load White Seed Oats. Barrels Rico Molasses,
cases Star Lye. Barrels Stick Candy,
Oases Bread Powders. Barrels Gail Ax Snuff.
Soap. . Barrels Railroad Mills Snuff.
Case Cherries Peaches. Barrels Snuff.
Full line Case Goods. Paper Sacks, Cigarette, Ac.
MT. c.
For Accident Insurance by the year in one
the best Companies in existence, see
State North Carolina, Tn the
Pitt County. I Superior Court.
Eliza Stocks. J. T. Allen and wife Min-
Allen, T. B. Allen and wife Mollie.
Stocks, stocks, William
Annie Stocks, Stocks,
Stocks and Stocks, the
lust Six minors by their friend T,
Home defendants.
The defendant above named is hereby
notified to be and appear before tin
Tho firm of Culley and Edmonds is
dissolved mutual consent.
Those indebted to the will pay the
same to Herbert Edmonds.
It Rives me pleasure to announce to
oar customers that I will continue the
business at the old stand. com-
fort and convenience will be found in
my shop. First-class shave and hair cut
can be had at all times. Thanking the
Judge of our Superior at u Mart
to be held for the county of Pitt, at the f the same
Court House in Greenville, on the 2nd
Monday after the 1st of
It the 19th day of September, New
1892, answer the complaint which , DOT
ll be deposited In the office of the l take this to return
Clerk of the Superior Court of said conn- to many customers who have
the first three days of said me their liberal support In
term. let said defendant lake notice I have opened a new shop in toe old Club
that If they foil to answer the said com- House and would solicit a
I plaint within the time required by law continuation of my former patronage.
j the plaintiffs will apply to the court for l all that they receive
Hie relief demanded in the attention besides getting test
Given under my hand seal of said and hair cut tn town. All X U
court, this day of 1892. Satisfaction guarantee. All
E. A. In the
Clerk Superior Court. be in use in my shop.

Local Reflections.
r out is in
Big crowd in town yesterday.
of Short in at
The Home Sewing for
at Brown Bros.
Home Sewing Machines and all
part at Brown Bros. t
Sew Cheese and X. Y. State
Butter at the Old Brick Store.
Wan to eat something good Boss
at Old Brick Store.
say s Pratt's is
t hog At tile Old Mt
It is getting lime It.
straw hat.
at the Old Store.
Cash tor
and Kins at tin Old -k Stole.
Come we new goods, we can suit
you in both and price.
Bros. t
Cooper's Warehouse. Henderson, is
ready fur new tobacco, lie
highest prices.
The Old Brick Store will be closed on
Sept Mud on Oct. 1st, It
being t
Shipper to Silas
Warehouse. get free hogs-
heads from G. Evans.
The old reliable is Ware-
house. Henderson. Send your tobacco
there. i- the friend.
There is a scarcity of w hi several
of the wells in ton.
The first new tobacco of the season
was sold by Harris. Co. Hen-
X. C. They are always at the
Ship your tobacco to Ware-
house. Henderson, and he will work
honestly and faithfully for your best
if yon send your tobacco to
Cooper's Warehouse. Henderson, you
will obtain high prices and be happy.
Try it.
If you want goods at rock bottom
prices go to the Racket Store.
Some of the best cures of tobacco are
those made by men recommended by
o of 11-11 i -1.11. X.
Their lire always up with the
market their market up with any.
On Aug. Cooper's
sold new priming- for K.
R. Carr at S, IS, 15.50. SO and
and for V. T. Carr at 4.50 C. 10.50
and can make
s good sales for you.
in your and get the RE-
to January 1st.
Everything about Harris. Gooch Co's.
business is conducted strictly on business,
principle-, they do what
will be by none. They do not
by gas or wind. Their motto
money makes the
For cleaning Silverware, Brass, Nickel,
glass or anything of the kind use
less sold by Co. We
have used it cleaning window- and
it unsurpassed. It contains no acid, or
anything Injurious to the highest
ed surface.
The enrollment of the male and female
Institute has reached This is a good
Harris, Co- of Henderson. N.
C, arc making a specialty of eastern to-
they have for years
paid the best prices for eastern to-
as many will testify, though they
pay for all alike. They do not consider
it honest to pay a big talker two prices
for his tobacco and get hi- poorer neigh-
for n thing.
The Third party Is a delusion and a
snare. White men. don't lose your love
of But and be caught in it.
Bullock A Mitchell, of Oxford. X. C.
made the following sale for Mr. A.
C. Tucker, of this lbs. at
11.25; lbs. at ; lbs. at
His. at lbs. at lbs. at
total, lbs. at making
an average of All you have got
to do is to put your good tobacco in the
right order, handle it nicely ship it
to Bullock Mitchell, Oxford. X. C,
and you will get satisfactory prices every
time. The Oxford market is active on
all grades of bright tobacco and prim
are good. t
Mis. Georgia in Baltimore.
Mr. II. CHE has MM to Norfolk on
Mis.- Jennie M is school
Mr. Edwards is sick with fever at his
loom on Fifth street.
Miss Jennie James returned home from
Wilmington last week.
Mrs. I. E. Cleve returned home to
last week.
Misses Lucy Cox Belle are
clerking at the Store.
Capt. W. W. Caraway, representative
of the Dispatch, is in town.
Joe Burgess is in town this week
shaking hand- with Ids many
Messrs. I. V. Morrill and G. -M. Lind-
say, of Snow Hill, are attending Court.
M.---. A. E.
of Wilson, were in town last
Mr. W. B. Jordan, representing the
Star. in to see us
Mr. W. T. Broaden, bookkeeper the
Warehouse, last week
with his family in Oxford.
Mr. W. R. Onion, of was
in town a few days last week. He came
to accompany bis wife home.
Rev. Mr. Smith, of the Primitive
church, preach in the Court
House here to-morrow evening at
Mr. Harris brought his bride
down from Scotland Friday even-
and a few days with iii- father
It. W. Royster last on
some the Virginia markets. He i-
back making lively bid-on the Greenville
Capt. Swift Galloway, of Snow Hill.
Mr. If. Johnston, of Bethel and Mr.
E. Moore, of William-ton are attending
Hi- many friend.- regret to hear of the
severe sicklies- of Mr. It. E. House, of
House Station, three miles from Green-
ville. We hope lie w ill recover.
Mr. E. A. Keith, a cotton buyer of
been in town week.
He tells us he will much of this
cotton season on the Greenville market.
Solicitor John E. Woodard and Capt.
Swift Galloway will address the Demo-
Club be at
the Court House promptly at eight
Mrs. S. B. received a letter last
from her Mr-. S. M. Merrill,
announcing the death of Mr. Merritt at
I heir home in Ridge Spring. C. Her
fiends here sympathize with Mr-.
Mr. I. C. who for a long
a the Line,
now traveling for a
house in ha- be.-n in
town this week. We were glad to have
a call from him.
Mr. J. J. one of Pitt
county's prominent citizens and largest
tobacco growers, was here last week and
sold a big lot of hi- new tobacco at Coop-
satisfactory prices. Come
up again, friend and ex-
change your for Cooper's
Gold Leaf.
Some of these cool mornings make
the men stand around with their ban d- in
their pocket.
Water was turned off on Friday at the
Cox mill, a few miles below town, and a
large of fish were caught.
may be no danger of the cholera
leaching Greenville, but a general clean-
up of the town and taking of such
steps m would prevent the spread of
a would not be amiss. R
not lie invited here.
There are some odors around
. that are not only offensive to the
. olfactory organs, but endangering to
health as well. f it not be wise to
have officer inspect all the premises
of the town cause a general cleaning
up take place.
Mr. J. II. Moore, of town-
ship, brought a branch of okra cotton to
the office yesterday. The
bolls are very large and the leaves re-
the okra plant. He says it first
originated by having okra and cotton
dose together in his garden.
Some gentlemen
and Tarboro were here at the breaks,
one day la-t week, and the breaks
at the Greenville wan-houses were as
large and as good in every as the
breaks in their towns. Greenville is
the front.
Gen. Stevenson will speak in Golds-
to-morrow. Any in this
section wishing to hear him could go
down on the train to this eve-
and on to Goldsboro
row morning in time for the speak-
then by returning to to-
morrow evening can get back in Green-
ville Friday morning. The A. II. road
from to Goldsboro gives a
rate of cents for the round trip.
d Pa y at
The faction had a rally at Bethel last
Thursday. They were to have a flag
raising the same day but the breaking of
the pole caused that part of the pro-
gramme to be left over to another
They wanted to make I big show and
had people there from Martin, Edge-
Halifax. The promise of a
big barbecue brought the out toe.
A good crowd was present, being
estimated all the way from
up to A good attendance of
Democrats were there attracted by
to what the would have
to say. The speakers were Col. Harry
Skinner and Mr. E. A. We arc
told that Skinner got through with his
in speech, and that More
made pretty much the same he
did at Greenville on July Mm. repeating
his silly assertion about a vote tar Cleve-
land a slavery as bad as
slavery. Cleveland mid Democracy did
not receive any injury from the meeting
at Bethel.
C. T
A splendid heating stove, coal burner
Ml front, used but a short while, will
Is- sold cheap. Apply at this office.
Parties water from the mineral
well on the premises of Mrs. A. Sutton
can procure it for cents per gallon.
The water continues very low in the
river, so low that boats have not been
able to go above Greenville in sometime.
turn out to-night to hear
the speeches of Capt. Galloway and So-
Woodard. The ladies are
ally invited.
Who is going to build the next prize
house The one now going up was
rented before the Lame of the first story
got in position.
Do not fail to read the new advertise-
of Brown Bros, Their new-
goods are ready for your inspection and
prices will be sure to please you.
The two warehouses here sold a round
thousand dollars worth of tobacco last
Thursday, and almost that much on Fri-
day. They were big breaks both days.
The cheapest thing in town Is Webster
Unabridged Dictionary at the
Don't Bead a-e hard,
yes kind friends, I will not forget that,
but see the convenience of buying from
me as well as saving time money.
You can buy your hat trimmed in the
latest style. Get your dress cut fitted
and made In the height of fashion, be
entertained in my hat parlor by viewing
a beautiful line of hats and be
made comfortable with a seat by a red
hot stove on a very cold day. I have
cured the services of Miss Maggie Lang-
as clerk In the store and assistant de-
signer in the dressmaking department.
Mrs. Mamie Cherry Miss and
Miss Lela Cherry, will also be with
These three ladies need no
puff as they are so well known through-
out the county. We will tell each one
that buys hat how to make their dress.
Think of all this. New millinery coming
in every day. Mrs. Fannie
Happy and content is a home with
the Rochester, a lamp with the
light of the For
write Rochester Lamp Co., New York.
nm Oxford A
Mitchell made on the 17th lust, a big sale
for Mr. J. J. Frizzle, from near
tree, Pitt county, beating anything we
have yet seen. Below are the
at at at
at at at
making the unusual average for these
times of HI. They undoubtedly lead
in and high averages.
Pitt county friends can find no better
place to ship their tobacco than to
lock Mitchell, Oxford, N. C. They
treat you right every time. Try them.
The equinoctial storm is likely to drop
on us at any time about now. The Re-
publican party with its J aid society are
calculating that a tornado will strike
them Nov. 8th.
Democratic Club Meeting.
As the Court House is desired for re-
worship Tuesday night of this
week the Democratic Club will meet
to-night, and the public, ladies especial-
arc Invited to attend. Distinguished
speakers will address the club.
G. B.
To be Closed Out.
We had an interview Monday evening
with Mr. Joseph assignee of
M. R. Lang. He said as as the In-
is completed the entire stock
must closed out as rapidly as possible
so that the business may be early adjust-
ed. The stock is very desirable, much of
it new. and purchasers will have op-
I f buying at prices they
should take advantage of.
False Report.
Sonic one has been kind enough to
start a that Mr. C. W. Was
in the quarantine at York could
not get home. This is an error and does
him an injustice- Mr. left that
city after buying and shipping out his
goods. in Baltimore to make
purchases. sh-ii some days in
Richmond and was back home in Green-
ville before there any announce,
of cholera in York.
The fall term of Pitt Superior Court
convened Monday afternoon at o'clock,
hi- Honor. Judge II.
siding. The Judge came up from Wash-
on the steamer, which did not
rive until I o'clock. Owing to the late-
only a short charge was made to the
Grand Jury and the trial of cases on the
criminal docket was taken up promptly
Solicitor Woodard is doing his
good work for the State.
Mr. John Fleming died at his home in
township, at o'clock Monday
morning. after an illness of days. He
had a or yellow chill on
Wednesday, the 7th, and had a second
one last week. Mr. Fleming was about
years old. and leaves a wife six
children. He was an upright man and a
good citizen. At the time of his death
he was President of the Alli-
of Pitt county and was held in high
esteem by the order. His took
place yesterday. The Reflector
with the family and relatives in
Messrs. Brown Hooker recently
purchased the vacant lot lately used as a
marble yard, will build a handsome
double store thereon. The contract
ha already let.
To-morrow Is the New Year In the
Jewish calendar. The day is observed
by Jews everywhere. To those in our
midst the Reflector wishes many
happy returns of the day.
Third Party at Ayden.
There was an appointment for Mr.
a J party- man from Lenoir
county, to speak at Ayden last Saturday.
Major Latham went down to reply to
him but did not show up.
Perhaps he got wind that the Major
would lie there to the hide off of
The Rev. Phillips, j candidate
for the Legislature, was there and the
Rev. Democratic nominee
for the same office, gave him all he could
attend to. The Third patty folks had
imported a big number from Greene
county to help swell the crowd and make
it look like they hail the Ayden section
solid. There was almost as many there
from Greene county as from Pitt.
Below are the names of the Grand
Jurors for this term of Pitt Superior
Court, and the Jurors for the first
Grand T. Foreman,
J. T. Hodges, J. C. Taylor, C. F. Moore,
Chas. Bullock, Berry James, Charlie
Cobb. O. C. Fleming, J. C. Cook, Jas.
Williams, J. M. C. Nelson, W. G.
Ira J. S. T. Hooker, M. A.
Samuel Johnston, C. K. John-
Geo. M. Smith.
Ford, B. F. Ward, A. J. IT.
A. Hyman, W. M. Lang, John W. Mar-
tin, W. M. King, J. B. Overton, Seth
Tyson, J. C. R. Davenport, W. II.
Edgar Buck, Elbert Forbes.
New Advertisements.
The dwell Machine Co. of Rich-
advertise their peanut pickers
cleaners in this paper. It w ill pay
planters to have one of these MM s.
Attention is called to the advertise-
of Cobb Bros., successors to Cobb
Gilliam, commission merchants
of Norfolk. They consignments
of cotton and peanut- and give prompt
attention to all shipments.
wear shoes Then it is doubly
to your interest to see what J. B. Cherry
Co. have to say in their advertisement
to-day. They have made a thorough test
of shoes they are selling and know they
have Just what will please yon and do
the best service. Go see them.
In Reflector you will find
the new advertisement of Young
Their leaders arc latest styles, low-
est juices, best goods. Their fall stock,
which was selected with care and bought
cheap, is all in and they are ready to
serve you. Site their stock and you will
be pleased.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Notions,
Furnishing Goods,
other numerous to mention.
Rev. R. T. Vann.
On la-t Wednesday night Rev. R. T.
Vann. of Scotland in the
Baptist church here on the subject of
missions. Mr. had not been here
before for thirteen years our
people wen- delighted to have him among
us again. Prayer meeting at the
church was suspended and a moder-
good crowd was present to hear
what the termed a on
missions. lie spoke on home
missions, that is missions in the Southern
Stale-. He gave the ratio of church and
non-church to showed
the great necessity for increased effort
this direction, lie treated the subject in
an exceedingly interesting manlier, and
gave many facts and much information
which will doubtless result in much good
to the MR here. Mr. Vann is
speaker and says as many good
things the course of address as any
man in North Carolina. There is much
food for thought what he says and he
has a very happy way of saying it. The
town will gladly welcome him at all
The Goldsboro Cleveland Carr
invited the to join
them on the occasion of Gen. Stevenson's
visit to that city. Jo-morrow is the
date of speaking there.
Prof. now has the largest
male school conducted here In many
years. The enrollment is up to and
Mr. J. L. Fleming has been engaged to
teach a portion of each day.
Rev. R. F. Taylor, pastor In charge,
will begin a tabernacle meeting at Ayden
next Sunday. The meetings will be
conducted by Sirs. Carpenter, who has
quite a reputation for work In this line.
Notwithstanding we call these dull
times, there Is not a day but what you
can find work progressing on new build-
lugs are no less
than half a now course of
On account of holidays M. R. Lang will
close his store to-morrow, 22nd, and. also
on Saturday, Oct. 1st. S. M.
will close the Old Brick Store the same
dates. Their customers are requested to
make note of the dates.
Greenville Male Academy.
I am glad to inform my patrons
the public generally that I have secured
the service- of J. L. Fleming, Esq., of
as assistant teacher in the
Greenville Male Academy. Mr. Fleming
Is specially fitted for teaching. Before
he commenced the study of law he was
the Principal of Hamilton Institute; and
the school was never more satisfactory
than while under his management. Mr.
Fleming will teach during the first two
hours of the morning session and will be
at his office as early as the offices of
lawyers arc generally opened. In
his teaching will in no way Inter-
with the practice of his profession.
Parents need not tear that on account of
the very large number of pupils at the
Academy that their bey a will not receive
proper attention. With the assistance I
now have better opportunities than ever
can be offered students- We appreciate
and are grateful for the very liberal pat-
are now which has
necessitated this Increase of teaching
force and would say to all that we are
to make this school second to
none in Eastern North Carolina. Give as
your boys and be convinced of this fact.
W. H.
M. R. Lang Assigns.
There was considerable surprise in
business circles here Monday morning,
and much sympathy for that gentleman,
when it was learned that M. R. Lang had
made assignment. His liabilities
about of which amount
H preferred. The deed of as-
which is to Joseph
of conveys the stocks of
merchandise at Greenville and Wilson,
Mr. Lang having stores at both of these
places. These stores contain valuable
stocks of goods, which, if they can be
sold without sacrifice, will lose nothing
to the creditors but pay all the liabilities.
There arc few people knowing Mr.
Lang but who will sympathize with him
in this financial trouble. He has been
business here for M years and was re-
as one of most solid mer-
chants. He first located here
partnership with Mr. L. G.
and in 1871 went business alone for
himself. From that time to this our
know his record and the honorable
manner which his business has been
conducted. He has enjoyed the
and esteem of the public, and It is
the wish of all that he may soon tide over
troubles be on ills feet again.
Stevenson at Rocky Mount.
Hon. A. E. Stevenson, Democratic
nominee for Vice-President, will speak
at Rocky Mount to-morrow afternoon at
o'clock. The has put Itself
to the trouble to see what arrangements
can be made for the people of this section
to go hear him and get back home the
same day, and has ascertained the fol-
Parties from this section can go up to
the A. R. Junction on t lie regular train
passes Greenville at A. M. The
train from Washington with five extra
coaches will be waiting at the
and will take all passengers from
there to Rocky Mount by A. M.
This train will leave Rocky Mount at
P. M., and the Greenville train will wait
for it at the Junction, getting passengers
back hero by or
The fare for the round trip from Green-
ville or House to Rocky Mount is
Everybody who can should go and hear
our next
If as many of those going from here as
can will report their names to the Re-
office by o'clock to-day we
will telegraph the number to the railroad
authorities who will order an extra coach
sent to Greenville this evening If the
number is large enough to justify it.
Let's all go.
Fine All- Wool Suits h
Men's All-Wool
Men's Shoes cents
Dress Shoes cents if 1.50.
sf bargains all
hard licks and long stride- to it.
We vi
d are in
Opposite Old
Prices ow.
I ;
. v ,
The. L. borne tun.
of G. T. Tyson and J. II. line
farm of about with good build-
and adapted to corn, and to-
A tine marl bed.
A farm near Ayden
the railroad, to merit own-
ed by Caleb Tripp, which
lire Good neighbor-
hood, and a School within
miles. Plenty of marl on the adjoin-
A of
from and n lies r n-
large, substantial Piling
and out houses, known tie . p
Beardsley home place, Hue cotton
good clay subsoil,
A nailer Dun adjoining r
known as the Jones place, acres
dwelling, barn an tenant house, land
a n acres in
ship, about miles from
C. Pan of the Toy n.-r farm,
acres, adjoining the town of V
located in an improving section
and can lie made a valuable in.
A small farm of
ab nit miles from Greenville, on In-
Well Swamp, will house, ;,.
y owned ox.
A tract of acres near one-
the station, cypress limber well
suited for ties.
A tract of son acres in
township, near the Washington
road, timber.
A of acres John
Mills, pine and press
Apply to LONG,
N. P.
I a in year's supplies will find
to gel prices before
n all branches.
buy direct from
you to buy one profit. A n-
always on hand and -old K Suit
. are all bought
; ore. b u log no
s. a at . margin.
c -i
s. M.
AUK. ,
C e
1ST.- O.
Bullock Mitchell,
Owners and Proprietors.
for Wig Prices h
We are doing business at the same old where we are better prepared than
ever to handle to tile line bright Tobacco from the
We hate a very corps of buyers who are anxious for Tobacco
and arc willing to gins prices for Bin-ids well on our
market and is eagerly sought after by oar order n and Wt are
very that we can say to the of and adjoining
that tobacco has better this year than we have it ill
that w look tor goo I prices the seas in. can be
hail by those to us, applying to S.
A Co. N. C, or to Cox,
we bid lively every pile put upon our and buy largely of all
that We sell, and will to it that yon shah have market for
pound with us. Recollect that it cost yon nothing to collect OUT Cheeks a they
are. payable in York Exchange without cost to bolder. Don't to try us
with shipment and we will convince yon from way-
and that we every time on big prices and you know they talk.
Will have graded for you our house by skilled hands at per
Thanking our friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon us in the past
and pledging our very beat efforts to please them the future, we with
best wishes. Very truly your friends,
Oxford, N-. G.
We are still making n specialty of
We have a first-class assortment and sell close.
get our prices-
Do not fail to
and for all kinds of machines are sold by us
Depositors for American
Joe Remedy Will Cure
Rheumatism and Skin Disease.
X. C, July
Mas. Job
I have been very much by the
use of your Remedy, I think it my duty
to testify to the same. have for some
time past been troubled with
and also an eruption of the skin on
the chest and shoulders which was very
annoying. I used your Remedy and
have been entirely cured of the skin
disease, and very much relieved of the
the Rheumatism. I take great pleasure
In recommending It to the public
Have on hand a full Cooking Stoves, Tin-
ware, Lamp Goods, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty.
cur own pans of cold rolled steel which
is far the most durable.
We don't try to keep the cheapest goods in town, out if you
want to get the most value for your money give us a call.
test White Oil cents per gallon.
Tin Rooting and Guttering less the Tariff.
And a good lamp
must be when it is not simple it is
not good.
words mean but to see The
will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal,
tough and seamless, and made b three pieces
it is absolutely unbreakable. Like Aladdin's
of old, it is indeed a tor us
light is purer and brighter than gas light,
softer than electric light and more cheerful than either.
Rochester, the you send to cur
and n will via you a lamp safety by over
CO., Part Place, New YorK City.
-----Manufacturer of the-----
and dealer in Mi . ; . famed or
Scrolled Work, . ; . . Supplies.
My Tobacco in all S. M.
Co, .
Will make satisfactory i to
ORB. Co. X. C
If. . COBB, C i , I .
Successors to Bros. mi
Commission Merchants,
i . . , ,
Dot to In this market t,, i,,. an
pare straight DRY all kinds. s i
kinds, gin and Mill Hay, Bock Limb, and
Agent Clark's o. N. T. Spool f offer to the trade at
Jobbers prices, cents per less ; . r I . Bread Prep,
ration and Hall's Star Lye Jobbers Prices, I lead and pure
teed Oil. Varnishes and Paint Colors, r . o I nips, Sail and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. Give me a an I i guarantee
MM i m.
Country Produce
Bring me all of your Chickens, Eggs, Ducks,
Turkeys and Geese, and I Rive you the
highest market price for them and pay in spot
If you have anything to ship will attend to it for you on a
Call and sec inc.
S, E.
kt. o.
MEW Hill
my store at
Pitt county, N. I
a Brat-class stork of
and cordially invite the public to call
examine my
Our motto is Goods at Rea
Prices for Cash.
Examine my stock before buying
elsewhere. the goods prices do
not suit we charge nothing to show them.
Country produce taken in exchange
for goods. W. R. WHICHARD.
Peanut Pickers and
Will and bushels o
Peanuts a day. by Car.-
well Machine Co. Va.

Has a big success and shows how well prepared we are to handle your tobacco.
It is considered by all that we have the best lighted Warehouse in the State.
Our correspondent will please have
market reports in by Tuesday
The market for the pa-t few has
been quite different from the few
days. Fair breaks at both houses and
prices ruling high. The offerings have
hot been so good as last week, but will
improve as the season advances-
Every Farmer selling on our Floors will be guaranteed
the very highest prices for their Tobacco
Satisfaction to
Storage and Insurance Free
G. F. EVANS, Proprietor
R ID- Royster
References and type wimples furnished on application.
R. CO.,
and Scraps,
Refers to any member of the Tobacco Trade of Greenville, X. C.
Correspondence Solicited.
to IS
IS to
few Offered price-
ranges for the last week from lo
come blinking as high .-is
will lie a few market re-
ports. The season for put few
weeks have lessened the chances for a
good crop. It is expected that sides will
improve steadily till the trade is fairly
Office of Warehouse,
The Davis Bros. Co., Proprietor-.
Reported by Owen Davis, Manager.
Tobacco is a little higher this week,
but the quality has improved but little.
Breaks have been light.
Priming; common lo
fair CO
Killer.- common to
good to Hue to
line to
Sunken common to u
Cutters common to
Wrappers to
W. Gravely, Reporter.
Our sales the past week have been
good and prices are class on
grades of tobacco. The breaks art
composed mostly of primings and most
farmers arc greatly surprised to find ilia,
they receive more money than ex-
from this class of tobacco. Our
market has fully opened up and no
with nil of our old buyers here, and om
new ones who are with M for com-
season. We are well prepared
any market in the Stale to ban. e
of tobacco. Rocky Mono I .
peels to get there this lime as a in .,
to the amount of about double last
year's sales.
The receipts have been light for the
past two weeks, composed principally
of new prices fairly good con-
Primings common lo I
fair Mo lo
Fillers common to
good to . to b
Hue to
Smokers common to
good to
Cutters common to
fine to
Wrappers normal.
Reported by A. I-
Market continues active with
during earlier part of we k in-
creasing in size as the week advances.
Prices well up on all grades and very
satisfactory, is always well
at our breaks and her planter
never fail to make a good average.
Mr. A . A. Joy sold lbs at
for 02.88. W. H. Mercer sold lbs
at Central for 37.70. Henry
lbs for 04.95. B. Taylor made a
average. Prices contain satisfactory
and buyers are anxious for all grade.
Seventy- Miles an Hour.
It is reported th art
ton Weldon railroad will this
winter pure liar, o two new
ed locomotives for their fast trains,
which will make seventy-fire miles
an hour. These locomotives are
known as four cylinder
compound locomotives. One of
them passed through here last
week for one of tho Southern
roads. It took the to
and on the run made a
mile in seconds. This lo-
had four
high 1-4 inches, and
two low pressure, inches. Tho
stroke is twenty-four inches and
there are eight driving wheels five
feet eight inches in diameter- The
truck wheels are wrought iron and
are also patent. It is
said that one of these
locomotives with six feet drivers
made a mile in 1-4 seconds,
or at the rate of ninety-two miles
an hour.
Sometimes object to a
Pipe, and every one ob-
to n Bad Cigar.
You can smoke
with perfect satisfaction
both to yourself and
friends, as their aroma is
equal to the Best Cigar.
A Household Remedy j
Botanic Blood Balm
In toning up the
the constitution,
an Impaired Iron CUM. Its
dealing riles
In curt. It
BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta,
By J. s. Meadows, Reporter.
Sales for the week have been very
good for the season. We arc selling
some Smokers, Cutter.-, Stripes OHO
Fillers. No wrappers have made there
appearance to date. The crop will be
small and light with us, but better than
the last crop.
By E. M. Reporter.
We have had full sales the past week,
upon the whole prices have been
satisfactory to sellers. We are
for rain, and until that much
needed article comes, to enable the
to handle their tobacco, the breaks
will from necessity be light. The offer-
gives promise of a tine crop,
though tho usual quantity nondescript
can be found on every sale. We have
had quite a number of visitors engaged
in the tobacco business, on our sales the
past week, drawn here by the report of
our fine tobacco.
M. Line, wries
summer several years ago while rail-
in Mississippi, I became badly
affected with malarial blood poison
impaired my health for than two
years. Several offensive ulcers appear-
ed on my legs, and nothing seemed to
give permanent relief until I took
bottles of B. B. B., which cured me en
To The Girls.
A well known Chicago
received from a gentleman in
Racine, Wis-, and order for Arch-
deacon After
But tho Racine man re-
from the well known Chi-
book-seller only a slip thin
The buildings of the State Nor-
and Industrial School for
Girls at Greensboro are about
completed. The school will open
September 28th, and already there
have received three hundred
applications from young ladies
who desire to become
dents. This is a larger
than tho school can
A German doctor has started a
theory that most drunkards
cured by a very simple and pleas
ant course of treatment, namely,
by eating apples at every meal.
Apples, Dr. maintains, if
eaten in large quantities, possess
properties which entirely do away
with the craving that all confirmed
drunkards have for drink. The
doctor says that in many cases
which have come under his notice
he has been able to affect a
by this means, the patient
ally losing all his desire for
What a Difference
between the WOMAN who is
wedded to old-fashioned ideas and
she who is enough to
a new one. Everybody is
striving to get something to make
life it's right
beside who are
bright enough to embrace it
get the benefits, those who
don't go
work grows harder, Pearline
makes life easier and cleaner.
Washing and cleaning done
with Pearline has about
enough work in it to make it good
enough to tire the body or ruffle the temper.
Not ours, but the word of the millions who use it as
to whether it hurts the hands, clothes or
your neighbors can tell you all about PEARLINE.
t Peddlers and some will
tell you this is as as or the same as
ITS is never
peddled, and if your grocer sends you something in place the honest
thing to it New
Factory well equipped th bed put up nothing
but I work. We keep up with the times and the Improved styles
lie-t material used in all work. All Springs are used, select fro
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King
We also keep on hand a full Hue of Ready Made Harness and Whips which
ell at the lowest rates. Special attention given to repairing.
Greenville, N. C.
We are having daily breaks at our New Warehouse and are using our very best efforts to
get as high prices for your tobacco as can be had anywhere.
The Greenville market will be on an equal with
every market in the State. The Eastern Ware-
house has every convenience for selling your to-
and we will see that every pound brings full
Ample Accommodation for the Planter,
Give us a trial and we will please you. Your friends,
Have you not beard It said
by women are led
True U tho
See to it what you do
Sec that you lead them w. 11.-
old run
bi . . D, j. x. ; . i .
j ,. . it ii ; i
. ,. . . v . e i I i
iv V . I .
we-e pa
,. old
P. P. P. I, . M mi fr.
i A Family Affair
Health for the Baby,
for the Parents,
New Life for the Old Folks.
Root Beer
of the home. A OS cent
package makes gallon of
I be If n dealer,
tho sale of larger
i- No good
tr i
B U l I
. at, . . j,
. Iv r.
I . .
.- gull
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mac I
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There is a lawsuit in progress
at over two
bought at tho rate c f cents a
it too to
M. G.
For sale at J. L. Drud Store
Agency for
Tobacco Warehouse
Will begin its second Reason
AUGUST 1892.
Under the same Management,
and desires to thank the
Planters of Pitt, Le-
and Greene for
their liberal
year a
of their favors. Especial
given to Shipments. Try
or Information and free Handbook to
co an Haw
nail a taken out by Is before
free of In the
eat of
m.; CO-
M War
The Central Warehouse,
obtained; and all business in the S.
Patent office or in the Courts
for Moderate Fees.
We are opposite the V. S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing la sent we
advise as to free of charge,
and we make no change unless we ob-
Patents. , ,.
We refer, here, to the Post Master, the
Supt. of the Money Order and to
of the U. Patent Office. Pet
advise terms and reference to
actual In your own State,
C. A. Co.,
Washington. D, C.
For Rent.
A large store in the
Opera House Greenville, last
splendid room, with patent
tor, counters, shelving and drawers.
Apply to
Wet. H. LONG.
Greenville, N. C.
Sat no
The Life, or la a

Eastern reflector, 21 September 1892
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 21, 1892
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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