Eastern reflector, 10 August 1892

Sob printing Room
Thoroughly Equipped
The Eastern Reflector.
Eastern Reflector
Give Us Your Orders.
Orders on
Jones Seminary for
Young Ladies.
location, mineral after, commodious
tire places, entire
i tuition per
month. a h res.
All M. CL
goats in
D. J. Editor and Owner.
per Year, in Advance.
NECK, m. C.
20th, Location is fame for health.
Community is and Dis-
is kind but Charges are
low to suit the times. tor
Apply for cat
W. C. ALLEN, Supt.
Hamilton Institute.
The Fall Term of this school will open
Monday. Aug. Enrollment last
Excellent a
Preparatory Course of study in
Elocution, and Draw-
Terms moderate. in
families or with further
information address.
Greenville Institute.
Term begins August
Dee. 1892.
Kali- for Te
Tuition to Music 312.75;
For further particulars see or address,
Z. D.
A unsafe for girls is
not for either
Mrs. V. L. Pendleton
will a Meet School for Young
Ladies and Small Girls in Greenville on
August 1892. The bill Collegiate
Course taught. The usual
prices for tuition in will be
University of N. C.
Instruction is offered in four general
courses of study, six brief courses, a
large number of and in
law. medicine and engineering. The
Faculty includes twenty teachers.
Scholarship and loan funds are avail-
able for needy young men of talent
character. The next session begins
Bent. 1st. For with full
address Winston,
Chapel ill, N. c.
FOl IS law.
Elegant buildings and thorough equip-
patronage all the
Southern Stales. Beautiful and h
situation in view of the
Summer School Business
June 16th.
Fall Term begins
For Illustrated address,
J. A. M. II. HOLT,
Oak X. C.
X. C.
The session of this well-known
school will begin September 1st, MM.
Pure water, no sicklies, in-
Brick building with rooms.
of acres well shaded by
gigantic oaKS. Conservatory music
teachers. Art and Elocution teachers
from Academy of Arts. Teachers ex-
perts in their The whole
Literary Course, Physical Culture and
and only
for the year. Special studies in
Send for to
S. D. President,
N- C.
Wilson Collegiate Institute,
Ladies. Strictly non-Sectarian.
The Forty-Third
Monday, Sept. 1892.
The twentieth annual session of
the North Carolina Praia
was held in the city of Char-
on and Than
Jay, July 27th and The at-
was best for several
years, more than sixty bring pres-
Most of the editors arrived
Tuesday i; all were enter-
by the city at the Central
and Buford hotels.
The association was called to
order promptly at o'clock Wed-
morning by President J.
A- Thomas, who requested
Dr. A. G. to open the
meeting with prayer. Hon. C-
Dowd was introduced and extend-
ed the editors a cordial greeting
to the This was
responded to by Mr. E- E- Hilliard,
and the convention proceeded
with its regular order of business.
The remainder of the morning
session was given to calling the
roll and enrolling names of at-
appointments of com-
and reports from delegates
to the last meeting of the National
In the afternoon the President
read his address, was an ex-
paper filled with live topics j a number of resolutions
The association reassembled at
o'clock. The discussion of the
various subjects assigned was con-
Public Responsibility of
Newspaper was
discussed by J. Caldwell, J. M.
Roberts and V- J- Whichard.
The discussion of
in Advertising was reopen-
ed and Mr. II A. address-
ed the association.
to Secure Protection
Against Advertising was
discussed by W. X. Coley, C L-
Stephens, B, A. Deal and C W.
Hunt. Mr. Deal offered the fol-
lowing resolution, which was
That it shall be the
duty of each member of this
when he shall have dis-
covered any advertising fraud, to
inform by post the Secretary of
the association, giving the facts in
the matter, and the Secretary shall
forthwith inform by letter all the
members of the association, so
that each member maybe supplied
with a list of such frauds. It shall
be the duty of the Secretary to
make a report of all such frauds at
each annual meeting for the
of the members of the
During the session of the
truth in what is so well said.
and the situation i- not in the
least overdrawn- The editor of
the Herald is an old man, but
e EM thinks J he a very distinct recollection
G over Cleveland fit to be; which the Observer
and whence-knowing I At the time when Can-
by was supreme dictator of North
New York Press
bearing direct interest to the pro-
At its close, upon motion
a committee was appointed to
select speakers to discuss the
embodied in the address.
were adopted, among them being
one expressive of our sympathy
with Senator Z. B. Vance in his
enfeebled health; a similar one to
Associate Justice J. J. Davis; one
Following this came the paper of approving of the steps being taken
the Historian. F. M- by the Board of Agriculture, the
His paper contained tributes to
the memory of J. F. C- R-
Oliver and B. F. Tipton, editors of
the State who died during the
Woman's Fair Association, the
Tobacco Association, etc., to secure
a proper representation of this
State at the World's Fair, and
pledging cooperation with the
At the close of the afternoon same; one inviting and urging the
session the association was given National Editorial Association to
an excursion on a special train hold its session in ;
the Republican press and the
Republican would
the average reader suppose, of all
sources in the world, the New York state at which
Pratt fortifies itself with this severe
charge against our party's nominee
The constitution of the United
States The Press says i
other provisions of the con-
are of such vital
as those designed to safe-
guard the right of every citizen to
cast one legal ballot and have that
ballot honestly counted. The Re-
Carolina, and when Kirk's
dons held sway, we saw an election
a con
was adopted. At this
election voting continued for three
days the ballots cast by the
people of North Carolina, were
earned to Charleston, C, to be
counted. At the home of the
writer a company of soldiers
formed a double line of guards to
the ballot box, and the few white
men who voted had to march
publican national platform echoes j between them, and after
around the city, over six
one thanking the mi roads
different railroads and stopping at courtesies, and one thanking the
numerous factories. Barring the citizens of Charlotte for their hos-
heat this excursion was and many kindnesses and
a pleasant one. In line of
manufacturing enterprises Char
the constitution in this demand.
It does not point out any
method for bringing this result
about. It does not contain a line
that threatens the rights of any
State, or that counsels infringement
upon the just authority of any
State government It does insist
that some method shall be found
which shall preserve the integrity
of the ballot
taking up the false and
cowardly cry of Grover
Cleveland has placed himself in
line with the advocates of shotgun
rule and frauds upon the ballot
box. He has made it apparent
that he cannot be trusted to
serve, protect and defend the con-
of the United States. The
solemn oath of office on his lips
would be a mockery; for he has
plainly intimated in his letter to
the Democratic club of
Ky. that he is in favor of the
violation, not the preservation, of
the constitution.
such person is fit to be Pres-
for of the United
The ratification of the
by the original federation of
States is about years old, or
voting each was compelled to leave
the court house in an opposite
from which he entered.
One of the men who submitted to
this indignity was our father and
we can never forget how deeply he
was humiliated- But this was not
all that we saw or knew of. The
same company of soldiers
who guarded the ballot box on the
occasion alluded to, while under
the direction of the Radical sheriff
of the county, attempted to arrest
a white citizen, and because he re-
fused to submit to their demands
his home was burned to the
ground, himself and his son were
murdered, his son-in-law
wounded and his wife and j Kansas, the old
daughter threatened with death contention
No less distinguished counselor
than George Washington, advised
bis country to beware of
ling alliances with foreign powers,
advice which in the has been
followed. The true friend of the
Southern farmers would advise
them to steer of entangling
political alliances with the farmers
of the west whose interests cud
theirs are not identical by any
The western farmers who have
gone into the third party move-
under the leadership of Sen-
Congressman Simpson
and others, ask the Southern farm-
who have been acting with the
Democratic party to break away
from it, and unite with them in
building up a new party in
to both of the old parties.
The fact is it is understood that
the condition of those
the Republican party is that a
fight be made against the Demo-
party in the South, in other
words while they strike against the
Republican party the men of the
South must fight the Democratic
party and while doing so espouse
contentions that would in the end,
if successful, prove their ruin-
Let us give one illustration,
which will answer for the
poses of this article- The so-called
Peoples party had its paternity in
municipal officers,
This the result.
If the Third party men in the South,
they few or many, desire this
and willing to work for this,
they may clasp hands with the
Third party men of Kansas, and
give the so-called People's party
white and colored amalgamation
a big boost
Bill Talk.
over which
and inhumanly treated. Respect-1 the armed conflict
ed citizens of the county were
hunted as outlaws and were com-
to leave home and family
the handsome manner in which the
editors had been entertained. The
stands ahead of any city in association then adjourned to hold
North Carolina, and visiting these j its next session in the city of New
afforded no little interest Re
turning from the excursion and I At o'clock a delightful car
getting supper a ride was taken on drive around the city and
the electric cars to through the park was enjoyed, and
a very beautiful grounds just be- this showed us that beside having
improved. factories and being so
Wednesday night at the Y. M- j full of vim and enterprise,
C- A. hall Mr. J. L. Chambers, of is a city of beautiful homes,
the Charlotte chamber of com-1 Just after supper the fire depart
made a very interesting responded to a false alarm.
and seek concealment in the
swamps to save their lives, and the
home of no one was considered
safe. The were incited to
riot and deeds of lawlessness, the
money of the country was stolen
and a debt piled upon the people
which it took years of Democratic
ire a
A thorough
course of with a full
equal to that of any
College in the South.
I facilities for the of
and Art. .
usually high. Healthful Build-
grounds hum and pleasantly
and circuits on application.
address on the city of Charlotte.
W. F. Marshal read the annual
poem, which had been prepared
for the occasion. Dr. J. B. Shearer
also delivered an address on the
habit of bad writing, at which the
editors were both amused and in-
Between these addresses
the audience was delighted with
vocal solos from Mrs. Cramer and
At o'clock Thursday morning
the association was again called to
order and several new arrivals re-
ported names to the
After electing a few honorary
members the
ought not to have started and
should put a check on right
and a report from the executive
committee through Josephus Dan-
discussion of the suggestions
in the President's address were
made the special order.
Rev. Dr. led the
discussion on Evils of
He was fol-
lowed by Rev. Dr. Shearer, Rev.
J. W. Lee, J. D. J. A.
Robinson, W. F. Burbank, H. A.
and E. E. Hilliard. The
discussion on in Ad-
was opened by
T. R. Manning, who was followed
by G- P. Pell, W. C Dowd and J.
T- Griffin. Further discussion
was postponed, and the election of
thereabouts; and, until the other control to wipe out. .,
day, by a member of Congress from f e w of the n gs we saw and knew
New England, its intent to j of when Republicans controlled
guard the right of every citizen to Carolina and when Federal
cast one legal ballot and have that bayonets were placed behind the
The next of School will
begin on Monday. 29th, 1892.
The advantages offered will be
or to of any previous session. En-
tire patron.
Board can be had at lower rates than at
any similar school in Carolina, officers, the special order, was pro-
We propose to do the best work for
that has ever been done in the town,
and challenge proof to the contrary.
Terms are follows, payable
Primary English per mouth,
English month,
Higher English per month.
Languages each, extra,
When you are in town call to see me
or write me your homes.
will be cheerfully given. If
a competent assistant will be
W. H.
Greenville, N. C, July
An Announcement.
J am now ready to treat baldness. I
have improved my preparation and have
observed in the last ninety days it
Will do I claim tor it. Partial
baldness can be treated by the bottle
and the patient can use it himself.
Total baldness must treat myself. I
invite correspondence in reference to
treatment Ac. Every one who my
preparation will be thoroughly satisfied
with results. We can refer you to a
number of men here In this town to
Its merits.
X. C, April 6th,
The following officers were elect-
ed for the ensuing
E- Hilliard,
2nd A. Latham.
3rd M. Williams.
Secretary and B.
Executive CommitteeS. A.
Ashe, H. A. London, Josephus
Daniels, i E. Harper and T. R
Orator W. F. Marshall.
P. Caldwell.
Delegates to the National Press
and showed wonderful skill and
agility in the engine
and hose- There were two com-
one white and one colored,
and both were loudly cheered and
At o'clock an elegant banquet
was given at the Central hotel
which was a brilliant success. The
feast of good things that
first, and the flow of soul
that followed after in response to
tho toasts, showed the Charlotte
that the press of
North Carolina was not only a
power at the table, but that it con-
genuine wit intellect and
A letter from and
telegrams from Senator Ransom,
Governor Holt and Congressman
Alexander were read, and then the
following toasts were responded
it be
adequate to the growth of the
T. R
in the school
and at the C L- Ste-
young man in
J. H. Myrover.
J. P. Cook.
Governor of North Caro-
W. W.
T. R
Educators of North Caro-
W. H. Miller.
Old North E. E.
Early Friday morning the
tors loft Charlotte, about forty of
them taking the train for
Washington on an excursion to
that city and New York.
This was written for last issue
but was crowded out
Kitchen for Cleveland.
F. Tomlinson, G. W. Blount J. A.
Thomas. Alternates-H. A.
J. T. Griffin, T.
and J- A. Robinson.
Ex-Congressman Kitchen, of
Halifax county, who so opposed
the nomination of Cleveland as to
declare he would not vote for him,
but would canvass the State
W. j against him, has his in-
honestly was in-
a behind every
the constitution has been
construed always as the very
embodiment of the civil law
over the law of force.
Let us remind many who read
these lines of a time when there
was a alive and opera-
in one great part of this Union,
when in this State, while hundreds
of men stood by, simple lookers-on
at their county and State elections,
banned by their participation in
civil war or by the
clause which deprived them of
suffrage as worth more than
the farce of poll-holding was
carried on with a behind
every when
troops, in many cases Fed-
troops, marshaled by the
creatures of or Sickles,
formed a double line to the voting
booth, and Southern white men
if, when they came within view of
this spectacle, did not tear their
bits of paper to pieces in an out-
burst of generous the
gauntlet to vote for the men of
their choice- This is no ex-
picture. There are
North Carolinians who open the
Observer every day who passed
this ordeal, or who, declaring that
they would die before they would
submit to it turned away from the
exercise of the rights of citizen-
ship. This was super-
vision of
The Republican party the party
of the constitution. Great
It is their veritable foot-
ball from the day on which Abra-
ham Lincoln was inaugurated
President until the close of the
great war between the
they violated it in two flagrant in-
stances during the
of the subjugated States; and
to-day there is not a man in either
house of Congress who, getting up
seriously the
the constitution, will be
met with their influence, veiled
smiles or almost open Contempt by
the leading men of the Republican
party. Surely the in the
person of the New York Press, is
now busy
ballots. Although a boy at the
time, the recollection cf these
The Atlanta Constitution pub-
a interesting article
written by Bill from which
we make the following
time will come when the
mighty North will look to us for
help, for protection from anarchy
and revolution. A kind
has kept away from us the
lawless hordes of Europe, and the
has in his way proved a
Hyde, of
College, in Maine, has recently
published an article with the
ominous title of Pa
in New He de-
that in tho rural districts
the churches have so dwindled as
to have on their rolls only
names of a few women with hard y
enough men to do the work of a
church organization. Alas for
cultured, classic, critical, exacting
New England.
Cleveland's administration
left in the treasury,
and Mr. Harrison's spent it all the
first year came down upon us
is the time to subscribe.
Office in Skinner upper
opposite Gallery
nit L.
Greenville, N. C.
Prompt attention to business. Office
at Tucker Murphy's old stand.
N. C.
in all the Courts.
I. A.
N. C.
Prompt attention given to collections
n. c.
Prompt, and careful attention to
Hess. Collection solicited.
for more. Mr. Cleveland's watch-
between the North and the South, word was reform, and Mr.
The majority of the people of sons is and the force
that State were educated to the bill. Now, let the South stand to-
belief that the was the equal and pull together and make
one united effort to elect Mr.
Cleveland, for there is no hope
from other party, and no hope
from any platform except
of the white man and entitled to
all the rights and privileges of the
white man. Many of them went
so far as to that these
rights and privileges were not
simply of a civil but of a social
character. They maintained that
the color of the skin should not To the beauty of apology
affect standing of tho man, and in its fullness, it should be met in
that the block man was a the same spirit of To
and a entitled to as full j receive an apology n doubting,
recognition as the man who wore j grudging, ungracious way, is a
a white skin. It is true that in disgrace. It is ill bread, ignoble.
n. c.
Practice in all the Collection
practice they did not live up to
dignities that were heaped upon this, in theory they contended
the helpless people of Eastern
North Carolina can never be blot-
from our memory. Better
times have come to them now be-
cause white men have broken the
fetters that bound them and have
driven out Republican officers and
Federal soldiers. this
change for the better has been
by Democratic control there
is danger of the repetition of the
outrages if the infamous Force bill
becomes a law. The Republican s
are as cordial haters of the South
to-day as they were in 1868, and
many of the leaders then are lead-
now. Safety for our people can
only be secured by unswerving
to the Democratic party
and the triumph of its candidates.
President Harrison and the con-
that nominated him favor
the Force bill, which will be
placed upon us as surely as they
are continued in power. We must
defeat them in order to save our-
selves. Only a straight Demo-
vote will accomplish this.
A vote for Weaver, or any
other candidate except Grover
Cleveland is aiding Harrison and
will help rivet more firmly the
that bind us. Bear this
fact in mind, white men of North
Carolina, and work and vote ac-
unchristian- all liable to
grievously offend at any moment,
for it. and when our brother says. was
Senator Congressman wrong; let me try lot us
Simpson and other Kansas i not chill his frank impulses. Let
us add our share to the beauty of
his apology by n trusting, hearty
and exponents of the
party got their political train-
in this school. Whether they
go far as to contend for the so-
equality of the black man Tho third party people, who I
do not know, and not knowing will j have withdrawn or seceded from I
not assert, but they have both said i the Democratic party, may very
enough since they became con- properly be called i
as representative Third and they may yet bring as much
party men to leave no doubt that distress and suffering upon the
they believe the is entitled j South as did the Secessionists in
to all the civil and political 1861- In that year
and privileges that the white man j people thought it best to remain
is. In his electioneering tour in in the Union, and contend for their
the South two years ago Mr. rights under the old flag, but the
son made this one of the salient j majority said no, let us withdraw
points of his speeches, especially , from the Union and for
when he was addressing meetings our rights under another flag.
which there happened to be
enough to make it an ob-
to address himself directly to
them- He was so radical upon this
point that he was charged with
favoring social equality, which,
now in like manner, there are some
Democrats who say let with-
draw from that party, let us secede,
and obtain our demands in a new
party and under another flag. But
the great bulk of the Democrats
I a
a S
S w
however, he denied after he got say no. let us not divide, let cs not
back to Washington, because secede, but let us stand united and
feared it might have a chilling in- contend for our demands under tho
on the organization of the j old flag of Democracy Shall we
third party which he was then la- ; not take warning from the severe
Do you want to see Cleveland
or Harrison inaugurated next
March You know it must be one
or the other. If you prefer Cleve-
land, tariff reform and fair treat-
to the South, vote for Cleve-
land. If you prefer Harrison,
and the Force Bill, vote
for Harrison. Don't have any
half way business about
it. Be something in the fight
Don't go to tie side shows
when your entitles you to a
seat in the big
boring to build up.
In some remarks recently in the
Senator indirectly
that were
hunted and either hang-
lessons taught us by sad
t Or will our people insist
on another
The Henderson Gold Leaf well
ed or shot to death on mere j not think because n
of having committed crime-
There was little, if any, ground for
this sweeping assertion, but the
man does not agree with you
about politics or
he is necessarily to
interests or is your enemy.
obtained, and all business in U. S.
Patent office or in tho Courts attended to
for Moderate Fees.
We arc the IT. S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents In time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent
advise as to free of
and we make no change unless we ob-
refer, here, to the Post Master, tho
Supt. of the Money Order Did., and to
of the U. S. Patent Office.
advise terms and reference to
actual clients In your own State, or
address, C. A. Snow Co.,
D. C.
fact that Senator uttered is
this statement on the floors of you are to yours. Both
may be after the same thing
but entertain different ideas as to
of giving him bis support.
lie says he likes the platform of
the party and cannot stand the
fores bill.
Commenting on the above the
Salisbury Herald
J. P. Caldwell, who always
writes well, never wrote stronger
or truer words than those in the
last two paragraphs of the article
in another column copied from
yesterday's Charlotte Observer.
is nothing but simple huh.
Th's remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who used
Electric Bitters sing tho same song of
purer medicine does not exist
land It is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Electric Bitters win cure all
diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will
remove Pimples, Boll. Salt Rheum and
other affections caused by impure blood,
Will drive Malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure all Malarial
cure of Headache,
Indigestion try Electric
satisfaction guaranteed,
or money and
par bottle at Drag store.
Senate shows the animus that in-
spires him, and that while
tending to be honest and fair he
has still the old time prejudice
against the South, and the old-
time leaning to the and
in black.
Taking these two men as typical
representatives of the new party of
which they are put at the front as
spokesmen, what would the result
he upon the South if their views
were carried out and the party they
speak for honestly and consistently
stood by its principles as expound-
ed by them t In every Southern
State where the demanded
it and had the ballots to enforce
the demand in the conventions and
in the elections afterwards we
would have Governors and
State officers, Legislators,
Judges, Congressmen
electors, county and
the means of attaining it Be
reasonable and tolerant in your
views and listen with patience to
any reasonable, dignified
We'll write it down till everybody sees
It, till everybody is sick of seeing It, till
everybody knows it without seeing it
that Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy cures
the worst cases of chronic catarrh in the
head, headache, and in
the In perfect faith, its makers,
the World's Dispensary Medical
of Buffalo, N. Y. offers to pay
to any one suffering from chronic
catarrh in the head they cannot
Now if the conditions were reversed
if they asked you to pay for a
cure you might hesitate. Here are
reputable men, with rears honorable
dealing; thousands of dollars and a groat
name back of them and they
can core yon because we've cured thous-
ands of others like we can't we
will pay yon for the knowledge that
there's one whom we cant
They believe In themselves. Isn't it
worth a trial. Isn't any trial preferable
to catarrh V
Devoted to Apostolic Christianity,
cation. General Intelligence. Send
for Sample Copy. Office of Pub-
Greenville, N, C.
Editorial Office, Wash-
N. C.
J. L. Editor.
D. W. DAVIS. Associate.
For Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair
m top
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I nave
everything In ray line
with all the improved appliances;
and comfortable chain.
Resort sharpened at reasonable figure
for work outside my bop
promptly executed. Very

Greenville. N.
is not alone this Ben-
but hears it generally ex-
Col. and Mr. E. A. pressed that if Mr. will not
During Their party mt Committee of tho
Party of Pitt county a
N- 1892.
of his widowed daughter in-
Mrs. Lena
Entered at th at
N. a second-class mail mutter.
New York.
13- GLENN.
to the Third Par-
Both are Chosen Del-
to State and Con-
Pursuant to a call of the f said
, that ho had
R, A.
-f Alleghany.
of Wake.
of Wake.
R. M.
of Buncombe.
of Mecklenburg.
to office and vote for its nominees,
the bounds of self-
to remain in I he office in
which that party placed him.
Tho Democracy not only of Pitt
Tho Third party convention hero ; county, of the State, is
on the 30th of July brought about to heartily congratulated that
one result that will helpful to the final settling to the Third
the Democracy of Pitt county, j patty of these two men it has got-
Tho Democrats now understand ; rid of two cases of Simon pure
the enemies they have to tight j Judas Iscariot hypocrisy, so far M
this campaign- Certain men ; politics is concerned, and no re-
will be expressed either at
their going or at the inevitable
defeat and oblivion which is be-
fore them.
Tho Reflector calls upon the
have at last unmasked themselves
and the public can now view them
judge accordingly. They
have themselves squarely
in line with the Third party move-
as is well known, j Democrats of North Carolina to
been secretly agitating such a j repudiate such conduct. The last
thing for the past several months. of doubt is now removed
One of tho men who addressed j as to where these men stand, since
this meeting was none other than they are both delegates to Third
for of
Last week The had
something to say in reference to
the Democratic Convention. Now
we propose to write briefly upon
tho Third Party Convention which
met OH Saturday after the Demo-
They were similar in one
particular only, they met to
County candidates
point a few delegates. How
the ultimate purpose of
each. One endeavoring to keep
North Carolina and Pitt county
in the hands of
who have watched over her
destinies for the past quarter of a
century and brought her from
bankruptcy to her present prosper-
condition in every department
working for harmony and
tho highest good of our entire
citizenship The other laboring
zealously but foolishly for the re-
turn of our beloved old State into
the hands of the Republican par-
which once robbed herself of
everything her honor, and
placed this even in jeopardy-
striving assiduously to tear
former political ties and inter-
that identical and array
class against class, and interest
against interest. Such was the
between tho two
The delegates to the form-
were chosen in the townships
at their primaries when the masses
were present. The delegates to
the latter were selected by the few
men, mostly office seekers, that
had assembled at the Court house
after having heard a from
their adorable friend Col. Harry
Skinner. One nominated a ticket
Without having any grand mogul
to pass from the delegations of
one township to the other and tell
then how to vote. The other was
Conspicuous for the omnipresence,
and extraordinary interest of one
great leader, the Colonel in every
ballot that taker- Ono could
but help being reminded of the
old Republican conventions when
there was an assemblage of
people, but the had to be
followed, and one man saw that
this was
One convention had only white
men in it as delegates. The other
had Third staunch
pendents of former days, old and
new line Republicans, etc. These
are the conventions that
ed tickets for you to support. The
Reflector calls upon the white
men of Pitt county to know which
they will support. A vote for the
Democratic nominees is a vote for
your home and its prosperity. A
vote for the candidates of the
Third party is certainly a half vote
for the straight out Republicans.
We believe that when many who
are now affiliating with the Third
party are convinced of this fact,
which they must be when the sit-
is fairly viewed, they will
at once return to their former
and say we are
now and forever to going back
Hie rule of those people who
have only one object and that is
plunder. Stand by Democrat-
party this year and yon may ex-
to get the desired reforms,
tor party and you
Col. Harry Skinner, tho gentleman
who has been feigning such beau-
silence, thinking that to one
knew what ho was doing or where
he was drifting- With much
of manner he spoke for
sometime, and no doubt, while he
did not utter it. this feeling up
in his mind am
arch of all I survey. I have sown
some seed of discord in Democrat-
ranks and may it a
vest for His remarks
did not reach tho level of an
but were simply rant and
noisy sound. It was not much
but all the way
through with did and
did He ranted much about
what he had done, and what the
party had for years
promised but failed to
The Colonel reached tho point
of showing the utter heinousness
of his character when he stood on
tiptoe and shouted that from
hood his sympathies had been with
the and expressed his
great love for the
that he rather be
with the common people and go
down with than to receive
tho homage and plaudits of others,
etc Great Jupiter I just as if
the people of Pitt county did not
know that
has ever had for tho and
people measured
by what he could extortion out of
the in What one man has eyer
defrauded more of the farmers of
Pitt county than Hatty Skinner I
How many farmers are there to-
day who will testify that for money
borrowed from him they had to
pay from to percent and in
some cases even as high as CO per
The secret of Got Skinners
Third party enthusiasm can be
told in fewer words than ho tried
to tell it in that speech. There are
people who read tho
who are familiar enough with the
Scriptures to know that woes are
pronounced against the man
his money to
Well, the Colonel has been over-
taken by of tho woes. How
he stands to-day is no hidden
and he perhaps speaks more
truth than is intended when he
says fool tho financial
as much as any His
god is and having lost the
art of former days ho is now ready
to mike any of principle
or manhood if by so doing he can
blind the people and by their
be raised to power and
But tho Colonel's little
game wont work. His talents and
gift of mind might be used in a
better and more worthy cause.
Mr- E. A- also responded
to the call upon him. He
was the call and was
loaded for the occasion. His best
friends were surprised, not at his
endorsement of a Third party, but
were not prepared to believe that
he could utter such unworthy and
despicable sentiments as fell from
his lips. His speech was hot with
prejudice and passion,
ism all the way through- It was
an effort to array class against
class, excite the prejudices of the
masses against all other
and callings life.
If such utterances are to be the
keynote of the Third party cam-
in this county we deplore
that it is to descend to such a low
plane. But those who wish to
such, in Pitt county
will receive through this campaign
that drubbing that they are en-
titled to.
Mr. made the unblushing
statement that vote for Grover
Cleveland meant to the people
slavery worse than slave-
This statement was
in ignorance or with the
purpose of deception. While Mr.
Democracy has for some-
time been to a certain degree
many were to believe
he would prove the renegade that
now marks him to the party under
whom he at this time holds office.
Pursuing the course upon which
he is going, if he has the honor
and self-respect that he should
possess he will resign his office,
and not hold a gift from the Dem-
party while at the same
time he is doing all in his power
to break down that party.
party State and Congressional
conventions, as will be seen from
tho authentic report of the county
convention published in this
The election in Alabama crush-
es the hope of the so called
party. bolted tho reg-
Democratic Convention and
boasted that tho Republicans
would support him and that in
consequence the People's party
would carry the State of Alabama
by at least fifty thousand majority.
Ho only foil short of this
by from seventy-five to one
hundred thousand. Jones the
Democratic Governor carried the
State by twenty thousand.
The Legislature and all of the
State officers straight Demo-
Our North Carolina Third
had better take warning.
Republicans vote Third party
tickets. Better get back where
you belong and help us enjoy the
We notice in tho proceedings of
the Third party convention that
Hon. Willis R. has
represented this county in the
Senate, as a Democrat, for several
past terms, has been nominated for
tho Senate by said convention.
Mr. Williams was not present when
the nomination was made, and we
learn gave no authority to use
his name- He has not as yet
his acceptance, and it is cur-
that he will not ac-
but says that he is as good
a as he has over been.
trust that he will soon let his
friends know that ho is still true
to tho party whose principles he
has so long, so faithfully, and so
eloquently advocated- Tho
is open for the expression
of such sentiment by this old hero
of Democracy, and its readers are
waiting to hear from him
., . meeting
was held and the following
A- J.
chairman. D- S. Spain and E.
B. Moore secretaries-
Nominated for the Senate,
R. Williams ; for
Jno. T. Phillips and Jno. Fleming;
for Sheriff, W. H. Harrington; for
Register of Deeds, A- F. ;
for Treasurer, Jno. B. Galloway;
for Surveyor, J. S. L Ward ; for
Coroner, J. H- Barnhill.
gates to attend the State
were elected as Dr.
J. W. Perkins, W. H. Allen, A.
Forbes. Slade Chapman, Col.
Harry Skinner, C C. J.
A. Lang. W. M. King, T. M. Man-
Abram Congleton, G. L.
Stancil and Fernando Ward.
Delegates for Congressional
Convention J. W- Carson, J. H.
Barnhill J. R- Jenkins, Jno.
Eubanks, R- B. Parker, Elias
Turner, G. M- Smith- J. T. Abrams,
R. G. Chapman, E. S- Dixon, Mar-
Cox, W. Dr. J. W.
Perkins, Jno. Elks, R. L. Joyner,
Joseph R. L. Smith, M.
L. S. V- W.
B. Wingate, J. T. Smith, D. W.
C. C. Kirkman, 0- J Smith,
D. S. Spain, C A. Randolph, E. D.
Hathaway, I- Moore, J. M- Dixon,
F. F. Brooks, W. J. Laughing-
house, J. C- Wilson,
T. Godwin, Capt. H. W.
Brown, B- J. Wilson, T. J.
W. H. Allen, A. A. Forbes, W.
H. Harrington, E. A.
Joseph Homing, W. S. Leggett,
Beverly Daniel, R. W. Ward,
H. S- Congleton, Henry
Taylor, Harry Skinner.
The following Executive Com-
were elected for the next
twelve months A. A. Forbes, G.
F. Evans, W. B. Moore, J. E.
Brown, A. J-
Tho nominees for the various
offices were called for, those pres-
came forward and accepted in
appropriate speeches. Col. Harry
Skinner delivered a short address
when the convention was called to
order- Just before closing Hon.
E. A- was called for, lie re-
with his characteristic
Motion adopted to send the pro
of this days meeting to
the Progressive Farmer,
Advocate and Eastern
for publication.
A. J- Move,
D. S. Spain, a.-
widows and only two
in around Branchville.
Edgar seems to be interested in
the subject of widows, and if
cations point to anything he is en-
to reduce the surplus.
Should he succeed in his present
endeavor he will be a Merry-man.
are glad to say that you hit
straight from tho shoulder, Mr-
Editor, at tho Third and
are not afraid to say what you
think. This is right, and to our
mind shows that your heart is in
tho right place. It is plain to
every thinking man, I mt tho
Third party is a Republican dodge
to break tho but it
will hardly succeed. If
is will know
how to deal with those fellows who
prefer to Wall
St. dictation Dispatch
July Not indeed that we fear
Wall St. dictation with Cleveland
at the helm, but the sentiment ex-
pressed is enough to rouse every
Democrat to action.
Mr. H. W. Phillips returned to-
day from a visit to Suffolk. When
a young man begins to price prop-
and examine into its
it looks significant, don't it
Miss Ida Grizzard is very low
with typhoid fever.
Miss Mattie Joyner has return-
ed from a visit to friends in N- C.
The boys glad to welcome her
her back.
Mr. A. P. Grizzard who call-
ed home by sickness of his sister
noted above, has returned to
where ho holds a position
in a grocery store of Bros.
Perry's many friends were glad to
see him.
The farmers about through
with their crops and they are
a well earned rest
Quill Pen.
The Democratic Congressional
convention of the second district
held recently at Scotland Neck,
nominated F. A. Woodard. of
son, on the ninth ballot. N. J.
Rouse, of Lenoir, was nominated
for hope
to hear good news from the
in the second district, and
that the Democrats over will
able to wipe out the black spot
on North Carolina and rid them-
selves of a representative in
The report of the committee
pointed by Congress to investigate
the charge of drunkenness made
against tho members of the House
by Tom Watson his campaign
book stamps the utterances as
false. He would probably have
been expelled had Congress seen
fit to him so that he might
pose as a martyr thereby be
returned to his present seat in the
House of Representatives.
Josephus new paper, the
North Carolinian, put in its
from Raleigh last week-
It is an eight column paper, and
as bright and clean as a now dollar.
It means to be a weekly paper for
the whole State, and makes its
start exactly in that direction. Of
course it can nothing else but
of tho pure Democratic stripe
and will put in some good cam-
work for the party.
Congress adjourned at
o'clock last Friday night, and most
of its members will at once enter
into the campaign.
Hon. B- H. Bunn has been
to succeed himself in the
Fourth Congressional District.
This is the third time that he has
been endorsed by the Democracy
of his district.
Harry Skinner possesses won-
vanity. The idea of having
printed and issued posters an-
that on a certain day he
will declare how he stands on the
political situation.- As if anybody
cared, except a few tads their
third party nines
Respectfully submitted to all the
political Weavers, and especially
to Harry
what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to
Wilmington Star.
N. C, Aug. 1892.
Mb. Editor I am sorry to
have to write this letter, but in
justice to myself I do not see how
I can do otherwise. Tho people
of this county know that my name
was put before the Democratic
convention for tho nomination for
Sheriff, which nomination Mr. R-
W. King received. Now since I
failed to get the nomination some
scoundrels have circulated the
report that I was going to the
Third party. This report I de-
as false, and whoever
started it lies.
Now, Mr. Editor, I hope the
of Pitt county do not think
am that kind of a Democrat. If
they do I will deceive them No-
when I go to the polls.
Perhaps the author of this report
is tho kind of a Democrat he takes
me to one that has belonged
to the Independent or Radical
party and having turned back to
the Democratic party claims to be
as good a Democrat as I am.
It m remembered that only a
few years ago this county was
mostly in the hands of the
party, and when those Demo-
to above were doing;
their utmost to defeat the
of the Democratic party, I
was standing to the Demo
and tried and continued to
try until, thank God, we redeemed
our good old county back into the
hands of the Democrats. And
now they say they are as good
Democrats as I am. They may be
but I can't see it.
I am a Democrat, true and tried,
and what it takes to constitute
of that kind is one who has always
stood square as I have, and never
voted for any but the nominee of
the Democratic party. Show mo
one of that kind and I will show
you one as good as myself. To
think that such reports are
lated about me because I failed to
get the nomination asked for
Why I expect to go to the election
and not only vote the straight
Democratic Cleveland
down to township
self, every one
to do likewise.
I hope this is sufficient to lot
people of Pitt county know that I
am not the kind of a Democrat
some would have me to be. I
thank the people who voted for me
in the convention, especially those
who voted for me and their votes
were counted against me- Stand
square, fellow Democrats, as I ex-
to do, and we will gain tho
victory, if we have got to fight two
Miss Bennett received
a fall, a few days ago at the
of Mr. T. E. Peete, by which
she was badly hurt. She was car-
a bed out doors, and, losing
her footing, she fell out tho door;
fracturing her hip. She has been
confined to her bed ever since.
Mr- Ed was killed
near here a few days ago, by be-
thrown from a turn, had
been to the saw mill for a load of
lumber and on his return the
became unmanageable and ran,
throwing him from the cart, part
of the lumber falling on him, kill
him instantly. He was a
worthy gentlemen, about years
of age, and quite a number of
years he had been living at the
From our Correspondent.
Southern Democrats regard tho
result of Alabama election as
the death of the people's
party movement in the South, so
far as its controlling any electoral
votes is concerned, and they think
it will also aid in keeping a
of Congressional districts
Democratic that might have elect-
ed people's party men if that par-
had carried Alabama.
At this week's cabinet meeting
the question of when action should
be taken under tho recently enact-
ed law, authorizing the President
to retaliate upon Canadian vessels,
was discussed, but as only tho two
Fosters and Attorney-General Mil-
were present no definite con-
was arrived at
All sorts of sensational stories
been current about the dis-
agreement of the sub- committee
which went to Homestead to in-
tho strike in tho
mills on the report written by
chairman There is nothing
sensational about the facts. Chair-
man Oates prepared the report in
the usual manner, and when it was
read to the sub-committee every
member agreed that it was a fair
and impartial statement of what
the committee had learned at
Homestead, but some of the con-
arrived at concerning or-
labor were unsatisfactory
to two Democrats and one
making a majority of tho
so the report was
rejected by tho and
referred to the full Judiciary com-
for final action. If the full
committee sustains tho action of
tho subcommittee Mr. Oates says
his report be to
tho House as a minority report,
and a now majority report will be
written by Bynum,
one of tho dissenting
Tom Watson, of Georgia, made
a miserable failure to prove his
charge of drunkenness against
members of the House. The only-
member he dared to name was
Judge Cobb, of Alabama, and
his assertion that he
ed him to have been intoxicated
when he made a speech in the
House, was the positive statements
of a score of prominent members
that Mr. Cobb was not even in the
slightest way under the influence
of liquor when he made the speech
referred to. Watson refused to
name any other member to the in-
committee-What ac-
the committee will take is not
at this time known, but it is be-
that a disinclination to feed
Watson's craving for notoriety w ill
prevent the committee taking any
action that would result in allow-
him to pose as a martyr. At
one time it looked like the sharp
league between Representative
of Louisiana, and Mr
Watson might result in a personal
encounter those gentle-
men, outside of the committee
room, but so far peace reigns.
several prominent
Senators including Sherman
and Hawley, had openly express
ed their sympathy for the
Company, the Senate adopted
a resolution providing for an in-
of the Homestead
strike, and the following Senators
were named as members of tho
Felton, Sanders,
White Hill, comment
has been made because only two
Democrats were named for service
on this committee.
Attorney General Miller is said
to be mad because instead of
place toe bench of
tho Supreme Court which went to
Mr. Shires as a peace-offering to
Mr- Blaine, to he is related.
Mr. Harrison gave the promise
that should have the first
that during his sec-
term. Mr. Miller regards the
probability of a second term as
entirely too to be satisfy-
bat he does not openly kick
against the man who brought him
from obscurity to the Attorney-
Generals office.
Do you intend to plant a fall
crop of Potatoes l It is prob-
they will bring a
good price this winter.
You cannot afford to plant them
without manuring them
heavily with a good Fer-
It has been
shown conclusively
the past season
that yon can
not make
Good Potatoes without a good
We have just what
you need and want. Our
are the purest, highest grade on
the marker, and all who used
them last spring say they are
the best for Potatoes they ever
used. We have a lull supply
on hand. Call to see us and
will explain the merits of the
different kinds.
Greenville, N. C.
Notice to Shippers.
In order to make more convenient and
use of the vessel g now cm-
ployed In the Carolina
and thus to better serve the inter-
of shippers, the
have decided to their
respective lines between Not
folk and and
Washington. N. Into
one be known as
The Norfolk,
Connecting at Norfolk with
The Bay Baltimore.
The Clyde Line, for Philadelphia.
The Old Dominion Line, for New
The Merchants it Miners Line for
ton and Providence.
Tho Water Lines for Va.,
and Washington. D. C.
At with
The Atlantic North Carolina K. K.
At Washington with
The Tar
Also Calling at N. C.
The new line will
Service, with such additional sailings as
will best suit the needs business.
The direct service of steamers,
and the freedom from handling, are
among the great advantage this
oilers. The following gentlemen have
been appointed Agents of the Ne-
John E. at Norfolk, Va.
John Son, at
S. II. Cray, at N. C.
S. Whitehurst, at Roanoke Island.
J. J. Cherry, at Greenville, N, C.
The steamer will leave Norfolk
on May from wharf
on Water street. Clyde
and between the piers of the Clyde
Lino and Old Dominion Steamship Cu-
ll. A.
V. P. G. M. Old Dominion S. S. Co.
Clyde Line.
No-folk. May 14th,
We beg to announce to our many
Mends and customers that we
have the largest and best selected
stock Goods to be our
town. while we are not sell
at cost we beg to announce
that we think we can and will
any prices on the
fines of Goods earned by us. W
throw out no baits to entrap
To one and all we extend
a cordial welcome to our
will be pleased to you with
any goods in the following lines
Tobacco Growers
The best Invention for
With it yon have absolute
control over heating your barn,
and it removes
All Danger of Fire.
Two cures per week can be
made in the same barn
co of different degrees of ripe-
can be cured at one time
the same barn. Saves labor and
For further particulars ad-
Greenville, N. C.
this paper when write.
------If you want to
in the purchase of a PIANO from
Ten to Fifteen Dollars
In the of an Organ
General Agent for North Carolina,
who is now handling goods direct from
the manufacturers, as HIGH
for tone, workmanship and
and by all the
journal in the United States.
Made by Paul who is at this
time one of the best mechanics and in-
of the day. Thirteen new
patents on this grade Piano-
PIANO widen has bean told by
him for the past six in the eastern
part of this and an to this time has
given The
Piano just mentioned will sold at from
In Rosewood, Oak,
Walnut or Mahogany cases.
from to in solid or Oak
Ten years In the
business has enabled him to handle
nothing bat standard goods mid he does
not to say that he can sell any
about SB per
than other agents are now
Refer to nil banks In Eastern Carolina.
A Hogshead Story.
wish by this means to tell the people
that have prepared and am still
paring a huge of material for
co Hogsheads. And to make it as con-
possible for my customers I
have decided to run two wagons on the
road to deliver them at most convenient
place. And I further promise that I
will use. best efforts to put up such
site and finality of Hogsheads the de.
Want- Ana think I can com-
in price with any.
I will also pay special attention to
making and Brackets for trim-
ming any house yon may build.
Please see me placing your or-
or address me at N. C.
T Respectfully,
f A. G. COX.
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions,
Gent's Furnishing Goods, Pants
Goods, Hats, Shoes, Hardware,
Nails, Tinware, Crockery,
Glassware, Groceries, deg.
White Oil cents per gallon,
Wood and Willow Ware, Harness,
Whips and Collars, Farming Tools
of the improved makes,
Trunks, Valises, Floor Matting,
Oil Children's Carriages,
and the largest and best selected
stock of FURNITURE ever kept
in our town. When in need of
anything in our line try us.
Yours, anxious for trade,
Has Moved to next Door Court House
My Factory is well equipped with the best Mechanics, put up nothing
but work. We keep up with the times and improved styles
Rest material used In all work. All styles of Springs are you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil. Ram Horn, King
Also keep on hand a full of ready
he year round, which will sell as as the
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people this and surrounding counties for past favors w hope t
merit a continuance of the same
T. X.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest current rates.
Horner Military School, Oxford, N. C.
MODERN buildings, hot and cold baths, gymnasium, healthful climate,
numbers limited. A model home school boys.
sent on
for the following lines
wort Boxes Cracker.
Car load Pork
Car load hide Meat.
Car load Flour, all
Car load White Seed Oats.
Cases Star Lye .
Cases Bread Powders.
Caw brandy Cherries and Peaches.
Pull line Case
Bones Tobacco.
Boxes Starch.
Barrels Pate Molasses.
Barrels Mick
Barrels Gall A Ax Snuff.
Barrels Railroad Mills Snuff,
Barrels Snuff.
Paper Cigarette,
N. C.
For Accident Insurance by the year In one of
the beet Companies tn existence, Re

Local Reflections.
Low water In the river.
A heavy rain-fall Sunday night.
The hot wave is down on us again.
The time for big yearly meetings draws
Cotton Seed Meal for sale at the Old
Brick Store.
the Colonel hi mouth he
put his foot in it.
The New Home Bearing Machine for
at Bros.
The New Home Sewing Machine and
all at Brown Bros.
The other half of the State Guard is
now in camp at Wrightsville.
New Cream Cheese and X. Y. State
Butter at the Old Brick
The campaign grows warmer and be-
fore many day will red hot.
Want to eat something goody Boss
Biscuits at the Old Store.
Cash given for Produce. Hides. Eggs
and Furs at the Old Brick Store.
Cheapest Furniture. Bedsteads and
Mattresses at the Old Brick Store.
Attention is called to the Mile of three
town lots advertised by Sheriff Tucker.
To-day and to-morrow the State
Association meets in Raleigh.
It is good that are heard about
the crops. The corn yield will be large.
As yet the watermelon is comparative-
scarce. The local crop has been poor.
It will not lie long the dam Is
completed. Already a portion of it is
The Baptist Sunday School will have a
lawn party in the Academy grove Friday
Office on comer near Mrs. board-
house is for rent. Apply to
iS Whichard.
A mule running with a cart load of to-
flues created just a little excite-
The steamer Myers is off for repairs,
he i place on the river being supplied by
steamer Kinston.
The Southern has again made
its appearance at Bethel with J. T. and
R. Ward a- editors.
C. B. Aycock. Esq., one of the Demo-
electors for the State at large, will
speak at Bethel to-day.
The price of meat has a cent
a the past week. Sugar also has
an upward move in price.
A by the name of Oakley has
been established at Mr. W. 11- Williams,
on the Washington branch road.
The boys of the second nine base ball
club went to Kinston yesterday evening
and will play the that town to-day.
In order to close out my of To-
Knives and Thermometers before
the season ends I have reduced the price.
The colored folks have an excursion
from Kinston to Norfolk to-day. Quite
a number from Greenville and the baud
will go along.
A large two-story dwelling is going up
on the corner of the Bernard property
upon the site of the building that was
burned in May.
Gregory, have
ranged to furnish free hogsheads o
shipping tobacco to them. See
Weeds are about to take the town. The
present Board of will be
dubbed do nothing if they
don't look out.
Mayor James is after several parties
failed to list their town taxes.
Those who receive a card from him had
better look sharp.
Miss Lee Parker, of Wilson, is visiting
Mrs. C. W.
Ma Pearl of Greene, is
visiting Mrs. B. F.
E. C. Glenn, of Elm City, i-
spending a few days here.
Mr. J. W. has been spending
couple weeks In Asheville.
Mrs. Julia is at visit-
lier daughter. Mrs. G. Nelson.
Mr. R. left Monday for a few
days stay at bis old home, Palmyra.
Mr. E. A. is attending the meet-
of the State Alliance Greensboro.
Mr. S. B. Wilson returned last week
from Panacea Springs much improved in
Miss May of Grimes-
land, is visiting her grandfather. Dr.
Mr. R. Cherry Miss Lillie Cherry
readied home Saturday evening from an
extended stay at Morehead.
Misses Nannie Fleming and Estelle
Doughty, the latter from Hamilton, are
visiting Miss Aylmer Sugg.
Mr. Leon Cox, of Washington, has
taken a ion in the
room. He worked with us last fall.
Misses Nellie and Fannie Skinner, of
Hertford, daughters of Hon. G.
Skinner, are visiting Misses Myra Skinner
and Bessie White.
Miss Cherry home
last week from Boston, having been
special instruction there in the Con
of Music.
Mr. n. W. Martin, a good citizen of
Bethel Wednesday night
of last week. He had more than
his three score years and ten.
Mr. Charles skinner was confined to
Ids room with sickness last week. Though
feeble he came out Monday and left
the other delegates for the Congressional
Mr. D. D. Haskett returned home Fri-
day from a two weeks visit in the West-
portion of the State,
and Connelly Springs. He left
his family at the latter place for the re-
of the summer.
I Ion. W. Mason, one of the State
Ha road Commissioners, passed down on
the train Friday evening for
Kinston at which place he spoke
day. Mr. Mason thorough Democrat,
an able speaker, and is throwing himself
earnestly into the canvass of this cam-
People from various parts of the State
will in at the opening of
the tobacco market, Sept. 1st. Many
have told us they Intended to lie on the
breaks. It's going to be a big day.
Pitt county delegates to the
convention at left on
Monday's train. The convention was
held yesterday but nothing had been
beard from it this writing.
Mr. A. W. brought in a
bunch of nice tobacco Monday which he
cured himself. He is a new hand at the
business but his cures show that he is
getting it down to perfection.
C. C Crab.
At the meeting of the Cleveland and
Carr club last Thursday night several
new names were enrolled. The com-
on entertainment reported that J.
; L. Fleming and G. B. King will address
the club at next meeting, Aug. 11th.
The flag pole committee reported that
the would be here and ready by the
last of the week. A committee of three,
consisting of . R. J. E. Starkey
and J. S. C. Benjamin, was to
procure a flag.
The date tor raising the pole and
furling the flag will be announced early.
Let all Democrats
Get yourself ready to read the news.
Lang's column tells you to-day of his
going to the northern markets after new-
goods. He will find them, of course, new
and stylish, just such as his customers
will desire.
The Entertainment.
It Is on the of everybody present
that the entertainment by the Greenville
Amateurs last Friday night was the best
they have yet given. The singing of Dr.
Charles and Miss Havens
Cherry was superb. Little Nina and
Charlie James also sang won every
heart in tin- audience. The duct by
Misses Annie Florence
Williams was excellent. As the Gypsy
Maid little Miss Sheppard was as
sweet as could be. Mr. R. the
of the evening, brought down
the house at every appearance. In fact
every character was charming and the
audience was delighted.
During July the Register of Deeds
issued marriage licenses to the following
T. and F.
Harris, J. ft. Huggins and Lizzie Turner,
David Sutton Ada Elliott, Johnson
Sutton and Sarah Dickerson, William
Carson and Theresa M.
Knight and
Moore, Simon Cherry and Mamie Tyson,
David Dickens and Mattie Phillips, Moses
Sherrod and Sarah Jones, Samuel Daven-
port and Jennie Rollins, E. Mayo
and Caroline John R.
and Ida Wilkinson, Louis Chapman and
Mary White, John C. Baird and Sarah J.
Joseph Perkins and Mary E.
Missionary Baptist church is going
up very rapidly. Hope we may also
other churches ere long. The pro-
meeting at church
closed last Friday night, only one
Mr. J. K. Smith made a flying trip to
Greenville last Friday.
We are glad to see Mrs.
ton out again after her recent illness.
Judge is speaking of coming to
to live.
Master Will was visiting his
father Mr. John last week. Come
again Will.
The Tobacco should read the
ten commandments.
The Third party men are scarce in our
Quite a severe storm visited oar little
town last Saturday about o'clock. The
wind blew the top on-the Baptist church,
and quite demolished the brick house of
Baker Nichols. Timbers blew across
the kiln of brick that had just been burned
and killed some poultry, also blew the
dwelling of H. S. Baker off the blocks
that had just been raised. Right much
excitement prevailed.
The Reflector will receive another
subscription before long. A. V. L.
The last two weeks were exceptionally
ones with the tobacco the
curing season being full blast. A
fa mer told us Saturday that the curing
of the crop will be finished much earlier
year than last.
White men of county, think before
you take any step toward the Third par-
It is nothing more a Republican
side show, and by giving It your en-
help to put Caro-
under control. Beware what
you do
Saturday Mr. T. Smith brought us a
-ample of bis tobacco, the first lie ever
cured. It was a good as if he had always
been an old hand at the business.
Wm. II. Long, attorney, two ad-
in this paper, one a two-
story brick store for rent, the other a
double-store for sale. Bead them.
One section of the big flag pole to go
up on the public square was brought in
Saturday. The other came Monday,
now listen for the date of a big Demo-
Let there be a big turn at the
Cleveland and Carr club to-morrow night.
J. L. Fleming and G. B. King will make
speeches, and both of them will be good.
Everybody come.
The time for holding the meeting look-
to the organization of a new military
company here is set for third Friday of
this month, Let all interested be
Last week the Kernersville News be-
its sixth volume. Editor Hunt has
done some fine work on the News since
enlarging it and is making it a capital
good paper.
Messrs. Hooker Bros. Greene, after
a ill season with their new merry-
go-round, moved it to Scotland Neck
yesterday. From there they will move
towards the west.
The handsomest sent out by
any school this season comes from Oak
Ridge Institute. This institute is one of
the most flourishing in the South and en-
joys a wide reputation.
Culley Edmonds, Barbers, have dis-
solved co-partnership. Herbert Edmonds
continues business at the old stand in the
Opera House corner, while Alfred Culley
opens a shop in the Club House. Cards
from both are in this issue.
The is complete for the
opening of the Eastern Warehouse on
the first of September. The couple to be
married that day have notified the
that will be on hand ready for
the knot to be tied. Us going to be a
big time and is invited.
will sell hats,
flowers, ribbons, pictures, easels
and fancy ware right down at cost. Also
a beautiful line of Hamburg laces, etc
Give me a call before going elsewhere
and be convinced of the gnat
in prices. Km Jonas.
The of Cobb Bros.
commission merchants of Norfolk, has
been dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr.
Gilliam from the Ann. The business will
be continued by R. J. Cobb and
C. . Cobb. under the firm name of Cobb
For Sale on Easy Terms
Large Double Store in Greenville. I
offer for sale on easy terms the large
Double Store north of Fifth street,
east Evan- street, with lot
feet on Fifth street by feet deep. A
splendid bargain. Apply at once to
Wm. If. LONG,
Fall Count.
In Music and Art. Cornet Hand.
ion for and Health.
For prepared for College Class.
la a
Complete Preparatory Department.
Resident Burgeon. Preparatory J
for medical
lien. Low rate. For particulars, -i
SCHOOL, Winston, N. C.
The of Culley and Edmonds Is
dissolved consent.
Those i to III in Will pay Che
It fives to In
our I will continue the
business, the old stand. Every com-
fort and convenience be found in
my shop. First-class shave and haircut
can be had at all limes. the
public for past I It
i in mi lion of the same.
m onus.
Bargains are being offered by the low merchant of Greenville
Prices are reduced on all Sum-
mer in order to close out
by SEPTEMBER 1st to make
room for Fall Stock. Warm
Ginghams worth to
Dow selling at Bleach-
ed and Unbleached Domestics
at any price- All our line Sum-
makes them go in a rush.
Those beautiful Embroidered
Black Mull Dress Patterns, only
a few left, reduced, to
White Goods, former price
and reduced to and
Lewis and Baker, W. A. Bright 40-inch White Lawn and
Dress Styles Outing and j.
Beautiful French Taffetas worth
now G. Scotch Zephyr
hams worth Best
weather coupled with low prices mer Dress Good at
your own price. All of
Summer Clothing to be sold at
cost. Don't forget our Sample
Notions, such as Shirts, Sus-
Collars, Cliffs, Hand-
kerchiefs, Gloves,
Mitts, Pans, Umbrellas. A
large lot of Sample Shoes and
Slippers at factory prices, there-
by yon the middle man's
To our many customers we say inspect our
goods before buying.
Opposite Old Brick Store.
N. C.
--------DEALER IN--------
Country Produce
Bring me all of your Chickens. Eggs, Ducks,
Turkeys and Geese, and I will give you the
highest market price for them and pay in spot
If you have anything to ship I will attend to it for you on a small
Call see me.
At the Town Council is discover-
that people arc
of the town and have claims. A
new pump has been placed in the well on
corner of Evans and Ninth streets, and
the order is out for lumber to rebuild the
Tho. Ball Opens.
The Democratic nominees for the Leg-
and various county officers will
open the campaign next Saturday, at
which time they will speak at Parker's
School House. There should be a large
turn out of the people to hear the issues
of the day Every Democrat in
should be present and get every-
body else possible to go.
Richmond Market.
We have arranged with Samuel M.
Schultz Co., at Greenville, N. C. to
supply our customers with new Hogs-
heads free. Our market is now ready
for the new it come.
Planters Warehouse.
Richmond, Va.
New Barber Shop.
I take this opportunity to return
thanks to my many customers who have
given me their liberal support in the past.
have opened a new shop In toe old Club
and would respectfully solicit a
continuation of my former patronage.
I will assure all that they shall receive
every attention besides getting the best
shave and hair cut in town. All I a If
trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. All
of the latest improvements in the
rial art will be in use in my shop.
August 8th, 1882.
freed from Dan-
by the of my preparation which
no one else is allowed to use.
to the buyers of surrounding counties, of the
not to be excelled in this market. And in c- an
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS of nil kinds, NOTION'S. GEN
Gin and Mill Hat, Rock Pi till W or Paris, and
Hair, Harness, Bridles and addles
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less C per cent for Bread Prep-
ration and Hall's Star Lye at Jobbers Prices, Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors, Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a Give me a null and I guarantee satisfaction.
For Rent.
A large two-story brick store in the
Opera House Greenville,
splendid room, with patent
tor, counters, shelving and drawers.
Apply to
Wm. H. LONG.
Greenville, N. C. Attorney-at-Law-.
Tobacco Warehouse
Roll of Honor
For the first month of the public school
taught in district No. by Miss Bessie
Allen, Alfred Allen,
John Allen, Mills S. Smith, A.
Smith. Robbie Howell, T. Tyson,
Robert E. and Tom
Dora Bundy, Caro-
line Little. Lizzie Willoughby, Sal lie
and Rosa L. Willoughby.
The highest average was attained by
Lizzie her average being
Matters in Lenoir.
Alex was in Kinston
day and tells us that he never saw a
larger or more harmonious county con-
than the one the Democrats of
held that day. Every
but one was made by acclamation.
The same day a Third party convention
was held there with not to exceed a
present. This does not look like
the Third party was having a walk
over in Lenoir as some of their number
ire claiming. The Reflector expects
to hear that the Democracy of Lenoir
does its duty on election day and brings
In a large majority for the ticket.
In the
I Superior Court.
State North Carolina,
Pitt County.
Eliza Stocks, J. T. Min-
Allen, T. B. Allen and wife Mottle,
Stocks, Cora Stocks.
Stocks, Annie Stocks, Chas.
Stocks and Stocks, the
last six minors by their friend J. T.
Home Benefit Association, defendants.
The defendant above named is hereby
notified to be and appear before the
Judge of our Superior Court, at a court
to be held for the county of Pitt, at the
Court House in Greenville, on the 2nd
Monday after the 1st Monday of
it being the 19th day of September,
1892, and answer the complaint which
will be deposited in the office of the
Clerk of the Court of said
within the first three days of
term, and let said defendant take notice
that if f ad to answer the said
within the time required by law
the plaintiffs apply to the court for
the relief demanded in the complaint.
Given under my hand and seal of said
court, this day of August,
K. A.
Clerk Superior Court.
Will begin its second season or
AUGUST 1892.
Under the same Management,
and desires to thank the
Planters of Pitt, Le-
and Greene for
their liberal
year and solicits a continuance
of their favors. Especial
given to Shipments. Try
Street, in rear of Dr. D. L.
I take great pleasure in informing my
friends and the public generally
that my
is now open. A successful career of
SO .-. TEARS .-.
lea proof of the satisfaction I always Rive.
My Work Speaks for Itself.
Call early and examine
Hoping to gain your confidence, and
merit your favor. I
Very respectfully,
j Bring a load of your best tobacco and
we will show everybody that we
have the best tobacco in the
A large number of buyers have de-
their intentions of
------coming- to------
new Warehouse has just been
completed and is one of the best
equipped warehouses in the State.
We have free Stables for your
charge you nothing for
and storage.
We have an experienced force to
I handle your tobacco and will see that
get full value for every pound.
Presents in household and kitchen
furniture and provisions
j Given Away
ion our opening day to any worthy
white couple that will married pub-
in our house on September 1st.
j The list of present and donors
pear below.
j Remember the day and date and
all to see the Knot Tied.
j Eastern Warehouse,
L. and Alex. Props.
Joyner Red Room Set. W.
Chamber Set. s. K. Handsome Hanging D. D.
Set Kitchen Furniture. M. it. Lang,
Dr. ,. Pair Window Shades. A. J. Berg,
Smyrna ling. O T. Oil Painting. Mrs. Fannie Joy-
Pr Pillow W. J. pr Towels.
Brown ft Hooker. Set S. M. Mirror. R-
; Dos. Photo of each Bride and Groom. J.
ard, years subscription to Jack Smith, Spool
Cotton. Mis Rosa Forbes, Coffee Pot. K. Starkey,
Pie-tin. Moore. Sifter. L. C. Rountree, Lamp.
Brown Bros, Id yards Blenched Domestic. W. White,
Bucket J. L. Dipper. T. Clothe
Plus. E. Bale Hay. W. B. Wilson.
the . L. Brown, pounds Sugar. J.
C. Cobb ft Son, pounds Roasted H. ;. Smith, Coffee.
W. II. Cox. pounds Floor. J. A. Andrews. Flour.
S. Smith. pounds Coffee. D. W. in pounds Flour.
James Lout;, pound French Candy. Tyson A Rawls, Check
S. F. lbs. cake. Chas. A. Marriage License.
Ceremony take place at o'clock Ceremony will lie
performed any minister the couple may choose. The only re-
tin- couple is to make known their intentions to
Mr. Alex. one week before September 1st, 1892, who
will keep the matter a profound secret mil it that day. Call early
and avoid the
There is a great deal of satisfaction in leading
we are still in that position. Rivals at-
tempt to follow our methods but find that we
lead them a merry chase and they finally give
it up or come to grief.
Elegance and durability, coupled with low
prices, is what has placed our Shoes, Dry Goods
and Notions in the lead.
The Central Warehouse,
Sore Month Cared.
I have need Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy
for Dime's sore was perfect-
caved, sad east It
Mas. W.
Latest Telegraphic news from all parts
of the world. United
Has th- largest
to the State. Has
than any
daily the State.
Weekly, as
or over J . .,
B. W.
in clubs Of
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing
between W. B. Brawn and S. T. Hooker,
trading as Brown A Hooker, is hereby
dissolved by mutual consent. All who
are Indebted to old Arm will please
settle with S. T. Hooker.
July 1892.
I will. till conduct the business at the
old stand and the patron-
age upon the old firm. By
consent will under the style
f Brown Hooker. Mr. Brown win
as salesman.
You Are Not Is It
If you fail to see the brand new stock of
------that Is now being offered by
------1 hare just the to suit
If you want anything to wear or anything
to eat, or any article to in the
call on me. Goods all new, not a piece
of old stock in the house.
Ky prices will be found as low as
able goods can be sold at.
A. White's
Two doors from C,
near Five Points.
Paints, Oils.
On the 6th day of September,
A. D. will sell at the Court House
door in the town of Greenville, to the
highest bidder for cash. S town lots in
the town of Greenville, known as lets
SB, and in the plot of said
town, to satisfy ex in my hands for
collection against Ann S. Bernard, aid
which have been on lots as
the property of said Ann E. Bernard
. J. A. K.
We are now ready to supply Tobacco Flues to th-j farmers who
have placed their orders for them.
Don't Buy a Cook Stove
until yon have seen ours. We still handle the famous ELMO
and the LIBERTY. They are low priced stoves and
never failed to give satisfaction.
Repairing promptly done and guaranteed.
16th, Mi.

IS i
a ma
1406 N York Aw. Washington, C.
n l
Awl . .-;
it royal state.
ti v.
I errand Huron natch
where roll
of death.
Of terrible
r Winds a wreath
To ratted
At sunset hour It to be
A of the
of the foam and of tea.
To vanish break of
It stands as a to hail
The which gently rids
With crew sail
beardless of lie wind
When the veil of mist roll in from sea.
Tin- fort burn
And a in Io be
And I. .- banner is the summer sky
From north to and to
To distant It seems to
And ma the world below rest.
All strife la then hut a mockery
The tossing tideways never cease,
is to me
The watchword of the
iii-I-v. of
St- Only i.-.
of the Press and HIPP I
of the cured. . nu.
In mm or by raid,
W. IT.
Medical has many
later, no equal.
The Science of Ufa,
treasure more n.
man and learn
But test
was an the
train and to
house I the
I thought I knew
some one who going
to take charge of the practice for
three months dad takes a
His name
At that the such
they undoubtedly
an opening window.
lie rapidly retreated through the
gate and ran toward the house. As
she did so she noticed that on tho
first floor tho window of tho room
which had been prepared for the new-
comer was open, and that St. John
was stationed thereat,
watching her movements.
Keeping her face well shrouded in
her shawl. Nellie gained the door of
the house and reached her room in
leas then tea from the time
she had it.
-Doctor's daughter
on the said St. John to himself
s he closed his window.
like that sort of girl either.
so much tho better for
came, in reply front toe
of the-gig.
been ran
tho think h be
killed. Be you a
I Ingenious Scheme of Some
Swindlers Exposed.
Perhaps many readers have
and tho i favored with a letter from a friend
am afraid I shall to give it
up, and the speaker sighed
i A Family
Health for the Baby,
Pleasure for the Parents,
New Life for the Old Folks.
a family ,
Of borne A
package makes gallon of
a delicious,
effervescent beverage.
I Don't be If n for
of profit, fells you
No good
Scientific American
. m
r .
i. i
t tic
l I- ;.,; i ,
nu-i .;. a
t. . i i- O
B B.
and i
No No No
daily Fast H
pin; I
i am
IS p m pm S am
Ar Wilson
No No No
daily daily dally
H p in
f. -0 S
Ar Goldsboro
Ar Selma
Ar Wilson
L Wilson am
Train on Scotland Neck
leaves M P. M. Scot
land Meek at P. M
P. M. p. m.
leaves 7.10 a.
a. m. a. m
Weldon 11.25 a. m.
Trains on Brandt leave
Washington a. m. arrives A. ft B.
Junction a. returning leaves A.
R. Junction i. in.,
8.45 p. m. Dally except Sunday.
Connects with trains on
B. and Neck
Local freight train leaves Weldon
Monday. Wednesday and Friday
10.15 a. arriving Scotland I
a. m., Greenville 5.30 p. m., Stetson
7.40 p. m. leaves
7.20 arriving Greenville
a. m., Scotland p. in.
5.15 p. in.
Tram leaves Tarboro, N C, via
B. B. daily except Sun-
P M. Sunday V M, arrive
N C, P M, M.
Plymouth 8.80 p. in . p, m.
Returning leaves daily except
0.00 a. m. Sunday
C, JO a 0.58 a in .
arrive Tarboro, M
on o Division,
and leave .-
ville a m. arrive l. p m.
p m,
arrive ex-
Tram on Midland N C Branch leave
except Sunday, A M
N C, a M. Be
laves C A II
Goldsboro. N A M.
at arrive Nashville
P Hope I i H.
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
8.85 A M. arrives Mount A
Train on Clinton Blanch leaves Warsaw
for Clinton except Sunday, e
ton at A M, and M M.
VIM a-t I
train on
Branch is No. is
Ho. except Sunday.
No. and North will
stop only at Mount, Wilson,
Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection a
Weldon for all points North dally. Al
rail via and dally except Sun
day via Bay Line, also at Rocky Mount
dally except Sunday with Norfolk
Carolina railroad for Norfolk and all
points via Norfolk.
J. R.
T. Passenger
wearily; day seems busier than
tho last, and I'm no longer a young
Nellie West, doctor's only
child, crossed the room to the arm-
chair in which her father had thrown
himself, and, placing her cool hands
on his forehead, said
I an idea, daddy, that
might meet the circumstances. Why
don't you advertise for some to
take charge of the practice while you
and change of scene would soon set
you up
you would enjoy the
scamper, eh, replied
the doctor with a smile.
no It would be nonsense
for mo to go. A man is so
freer and can get on so much better
by What
lie West's additional reason was for
refusing to take put in proposed
trip did not transpire, for she
checked her speech and turned
to pour out the doctor's tea.
For more than a dozen years Dr.
West had in the straggling
that time his daily rounds had
extended, and the calls upon his skill
had increased by leaps and bounds.
He was making money rapidly, and I
hoped in the course of a few years to
retire from the profession. For this j
reason be had abstained from taking
a partner, while ho had all the
toy doctor's objection to the sen-ices j
of a strange assistant, who, fresh
from the hospitals, would anxious
to try all sorts of ex-
But of late the work had
been too heavy for his strength, and j
after duly considering
he determined to adopt it. j
An advertisement was inserted,
several replies were received, in-
were made into the standing,
etc., of the applicants, and a choice
was made of a certain Charles St.
John, who seemed perfectly
for tho position of
the doctor's absence. Mr. St.
John sent a testimonial from a
ton medical man with whom, lie
wrote, ho had lived for six months
after leaving Dr. West
Brighton and received a short but
satisfactory reply, and a fort-
night had elapsed from the date of
the conversation recorded above ere
Charles St. John made appear-
He arrived late in the evening, and
after a nondescript meal, which was
tea and supper in one, retired to his
room, pleading fatigue after his
Nellie West had seemed strange-
agitated that day, and the
newcomer had said good night she
crept up to her father's chair, and
nestling on the at his feet
said in a low
don't like him a bit,
a bit. He looks crafty, de-
; you know I can always read
faces, I'm
know you fancy yo i can do
laughed her father, this is non-
sense. I'm sure St. John might
please any woman, so far cs appear-
are concerned. I only hope
my lady patients wont fascinated
with him and persuade him to set up
in opposition to
know there is no fear of that,
answered fondly;
dad too much much re-
any stranger to injure
him in this place. But, dad, I want-
ed to ask and the speaker
ask away, dear. What is
haven't heard anything of
of Fred lately, have
The doctor rose quickly from
thought I had requested, you
never to mention scoundrel's
name and the usually calm
voice rang in the tone of suppressed
and there was
tho Bound of tears in the girl's voice.
are we never to forgive those
who injure How can we hope to
be forgiven
hove nothing to forgive, re-
said the doctor in the
same harsh voice. was tho one
injured, and It in Dot your place.
Nellie, to preach to your father.
Good night, and though his
kiss was as fond as ever there was
something in the speaker's voice
which told the weeping girl that the
subject most to dropped.
But although Nellie retired to her
room, it was not to sleep. She sat
patiently in a chair till tho clock
chimed and then wrapping her-
self in a she crept quietly
down the stairs, and opening a door
in the rear of house stole through
the shrubbery and reached tho wall
of the kitchen garden, in which was
a small gate communicating with a
lane. Opening the gate with a
hand found herself almost
immediately clapped hi of
a tall, athletic young fellow, whose
shabby attire poorly matched his
clear cut and aristocratic features.
darling he murmured
in passionate tones.
Fred, how could you ask mo
to meet yon at such an
the girl shivered more in
than from cold as spoke.
I knew you would be
sure to come, dearest. It is not often
we dance of a few minutes
Having duly introduced Mr. St.
John to his patients and gone over
the case diaries with lain, Dr. West
packed his portmanteau and depart-
ed, with the intention of rambling
through Franco and Switzerland,
with possibly a run as far as Rome.
Nellie continued her housekeeping
duties, aided by tho servants, who
had been for many years in her
father's employ.
Charles St. John was out during
the greater part of the day, though
he generally managed to be home
for the o'clock dinner, which he
shared with the doctor's daughter,
on by tho sedate man
ant, who was butler, footman and
groom, all in one. From the first
St. John had declined the services of
this man out of the house. He
so he said, to drive himself,
and ho certainly did not spare the
doctor's horses.
don't said Sam, tho
factotum referred to, as lie was bed-
ding his charges for the night;
don't seem to drive fast, for they
alias comes in cool enough. But he
must cover a lot ground, fer them
never was so dead beat ever
since I've with
Sam mentioned the matter
to his mistress, but it
was hardly one in which she could
interfere. In fact site spoke as little
as to Mr. St. John, who had
chosen to make love to her in a cool,
nonchalant way, which the very
reverse of flattering. And when on
one occasion had been tempted
to snub him most plainly he had re-
dear Miss West, you can say
what you like me. You can't vex
mo. Why, you don't know how de-
voted I could be to your interests if
necessary. I believe I could even
watch at the gate,
come you never so the
looked as ho
uttered these words. The memory
of tho open window Hashed across
tho girl's mind. She Mashed
and muttering something
about to give to tho
left the room, conscious
of a most sardonic smile on tho face
of her
Some three wicks after tho doc-
tor's departure the community of
was startled with
news that tho seat
one of the county families,
been broken into by burglars and
a considerable amount of valuable
jewelry earned off. The local police,
by a detective from town, soon
established the fact that the
was the work of experienced thieves,
they were busy following up a
at least so they
they were called to a mansion some
eight miles from which
also been burglarized, evidently
by the same hands. Here tho plate
chest been rifled, and the thieves
had got clean away without leaving
any of their subsequent move
These two burglaries gave tho
of plenty to talk
about, and when, a day or two later,
news came of yet a third raid on tho
Grange, an isolated country house
some ten miles away, excitement rose
to fever heat. Two more detectives
were dispatched from Scotland Yard.
They numerous inquiries, and
evidently put on their mettle
by the sarcastic comments of the
local newspaper on their want of
success, but in spite of all their
forts the thieves remained
A few days after this third bur-
a somewhat shabbily attired
individual, who, however, had the
unmistakable stamp of good breed-
in his air and entered
the police station
end asked to see tho inspector.
into the little room where the
official was over the most
recent reports of his subordinates
and anathematizing their
be characterized their want of
tho visitor coolly took a
chair and waited for the official to
Mr. exclaimed the
Inspector, as glance fell on the
it's me, was the
laughing response. again to
see you like a penny.
course you're perfectly
to come to or any other
said the inspector, some-
what I should have
never mind, my old pal, my
wild oats are all sown. I've come
hero on business. What reward is
offered for the capture of these en-
burglars of
echoed the officer in
surprise; altogether about
Are you going to turn thief-
catcher, Mr.
Fm going to try my hand.
Wow just you listen quietly to me
for half an hour and perhaps we
shall share that between us, if
all goes
driver dismounted and walked up to
tho group.
And then a curious thing took
place. Two the four men seized
the new arrival, who was n other
St. John, and slipped a i of
handcuffs on his wrists, while re-
figure rose quickly ran
to the gig.
all he exclaimed ex-
Possibly the three men who had
shared his watch under the hedge
in their hearts, as as
was Mr. Fred, though they bet-
trained in repressing their feel-
But when, after a weary t mp,
tho vehicle, tho prisoner and ; cap-
tors arrived at police
station, and a very complete set of
burglar's tools were from
under the seat of the gig, in the well
of which the proceeds of a fourth
burglary were found, the re-
itself lavishly in celebration of
the event.
Little remains to be told. St John,
who had had a medical training in
youth, but had afterward to
the was recognized as a
of the swell mob. It was
found that his testimonials
were clever forgeries, and that the
Brighton letter had been penned by
a confederate. Aided by knowledge
gained during his
visits to the in tho country,
and by the use of tho doctor's horses
and gig, which allayed suspicion, he
was able to work in co-operation
with a gang of who dis-
after each burglary, carrying
nothing with them which would
cause suspicion, even had they been
Charles St. John was sent to penal
servitude for ten years. Dr. West,
hurriedly recalled from the
gladly recognized tho services
of his ward, Fred Sin-
whom lie had banished from
his roof some twelve before,
owing to that young man's spend-
thrift habits. It was during this
term of that, passing
away an idle hour in a metropolitan
police court, ho seen St. John
brought up suspicion of
to but discharged for
want of evidence, and the features
of the accused had not for-
A year London, however, with
empty pockets, had tamed
Mr. Fred's high soaring spirits.
Very gladly did ho accept his old
of assistant to tho doctor, and
it is rumored in
his guardian returns to
finish Interrupted holiday Nellie
will, with her fathers full consent,
His. Fred Sinclair. W. K.
in Yankee Blade.
It was a dark night, the rain was
coming down in torrents and four
men, who crouching under a
hedge about eight miles from
were wet to the skin.
I hear said one of
They emerged from the hedge, and
one of their number coolly laid him-
self down in the muddy road. As
the lamps of the approaching Vehicle
near one of the quartet raised
CS, What a
Will you herd the warning The
perhaps or the sure approach of that
more terrible ion. Ask
yourselves if can afford for the sake
of saving run the risk do
for It, We know from experience
that Cure will cure
It never fails. This why more
than a million bottle- were sold the past
year. It relieves croup and whooping
cough at once. Mothers, do not be with
out. For lame back, side or chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold at Wool-
en's Drag Store.
In u ii
A Mr. of Ills., sud-
found his horse, usually a very
gentle one. acting in a very strange
manner. would lay said
the gentleman who gave tho ac-
his teeth of everything
within his reach and
shake it as a terrier would a rat.
While tho gentleman was watching
the horse reached into a pigpen and
seizing hold of one of tho inmates
threw it up into tho air. This
Strange feat he repeated two or three
times; then setting his teeth in the
body of th pig ho crushed it to the
earth, gnawing and mangling the
body in tho most frightful manner.
The horse then took a pig,
served it in a similar manner, and
then tossed a calf into the air as
easily as a cat would a mouse.
immediately sent
popular farrier, but when he arrived
the was more where-
upon the farrier ventured into tho
and called tho horse to
him. The animal came up, apparent-
very docile, but the moment he
was within reach ho seized the man
violently by the shoulder, threw him
forcibly with his face on the ground,
then setting his teeth in his back en-
to crush and gnaw him,
the animal's eyes meantime becoming
glassy with Tho owner res-
cued tho farrier, but the horse had
to be shot. It was clearly a case of
A Little Experience in A Light-
Mr. and Mrs. Loren keep-
of the Gov. Lighthouse at Stand
Beach, Mich, and are blessed with a
daughter, lour years old. Last April she
was taken down with Measles, followed
with a and turning Into
a Fever. Doctors home and at Detroit
her. but in she grew worse
until she was a mere
she tried Dr. King's
New and after the use of two
and h half bottles, was completely cured.
They Dr. King's New Discovery
worth its weight in gold, yet you may
get a trial bottle free at Drug
A Drop of
drop of ink may make a mil-
lion said Byron. Yes, and It
is apt to make one woman think
enough for the other when
that drop ornaments her car-
Friend is a scientific-
ally prepared Liniment, every
of recognized value in
constant use by the medical pro-
These ingredients are com-
in a manner hitherto unknown
WILL DO an that fa claimed for
it AND MORE, It Shortens Labor,
Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to
Life of Mother and Child.
to Morales FREE, eon-
valuable and
voluntary testimonials.
in something like the
terms. The following is a
copy of one received by the writer
the rebuilding of the
orphan homes at Queen's square,
is You
are requested to send in
stamps for that object; to
two copies of this letter, putting at
the head of each number
that heading this. Send
these to two friends, requesting them
to do When the number
is reached the ball steps rolling.
Please do not let the n break in
Hero follows a list of patrons, tho
name of tho lady secretary, and last-
the name and address of the
Tho scheme looks well enough, and
does not seem at all extravagant
When, however, come to analyze
it we find that the ball must stop
rolling long tho coveted be
for want of
to carry it on.
To make our meaning plain to the
curious we will suppose that the
chain is unbroken, and that the
169,732,422,127,308,073,543,950,330 re-
of letter No. have duly
written to their
796,147,087,900,672 friends.
We will further suppose that the
persons thus addressed have
responded with their threepenny
pieces. The sum to a penny thus
raised would only amount to
Calling the world's population
and allowing
for tho building of each place, the
sum realized would build
orphan homes for each per-
son alive.
If we be one or short hope
each of these
homes will forgive
Deserving Praise,
We desire Io say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr. King's
Now Discovery tor Consumption, Dr.
King's New Life Fills.
Salve and Electric Bitters, and have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or that have given such universal
faction. We do not hesitate to
tee them every time, and we stand
ready to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. These remedies have won their
great popularity purely on their merits,
Drug Store.
e n slaver.
said Henry
Cooper, a retired Boston sea captain,
as ho rolled to a seat in the rotunda
of tho Southern. I had one
that was queer enough. It was in
tho fifties, while I was a man
tho mast. I shipped one night from
Havana for a voyage to Good Hope,
but we didn't go there. went
up to Congo and got a cargo of
slaves. Tho queer thing of it all
that the crew never got sight of
the captain, and when the first mate
came on deck lie a mask.
The craft, a swift sailer,
unarmed, but a twist or
two with a handspike was enough to
bring six Ugly looking IS; Hinders
on deck. We were not molested,
however, and on oar return we
stood off the coast of Cuba, and all
the but four were sent ashore
in the longboat. As we passed into
the the masked mate put en en-
in each man's hand. Mine
contained Louis
fl the lie
. .
alt it and
Ah an l-y .
reason the that one
escape beat no lees r
cold. New is
famous. Averaging Mm en-
tire Cert in attitude
sod by dry air
which, unlike a humid atmosphere, is
of communicating lite.
ti remains Ht
a delightfully comfortable decree
the day, and at night becomes
brisk and The sunshine i-
assistant, the inn- violent
exertion may be undertaken
Sunstroke or absolutely
unknown there. It i- an ideal laud for
in summer outing. Its climate is
by reputable physicians as a
for pulmonary complaints, and
the Hot Springs at Vegas
I are noted for their curative virtue.
I The most sumptuous hotel in the west,
the is toasted at
springs. Write Io Jno. J.
Block, Chicago, for
Land of an entertaining and ,
profusely illustrated book of
this region, the most picturesque
in the United States.
. j
Female Weakness Positive Core.
To the your
raiders that I have a positive remedy
tor the thousand and one ills which
arise from deranged female organs. I
shall be glad to send two bottles of my
remedy FREE to any lady who will send
their Express and O. address.
Yours respectfully,
Dr. A. C.
.; Ii.
The man was plowing a patch of
corn on a hillside farm with a
thinner than tho soil was. As I rode
up to the fence he stopped to see
what I wanted.
hard work, isn't I re-
ho said, mopping his
don't you plow I
to tho bed rock ho
said, with a grin.
many acres have I in-
guess you don't work it
I said, with the air of a man who
knew all about tho business.
ought to turn tho whole farm
He looked at me lazily for ten sec-
who in turn it
over ho asked in mild surprise.
ain't nobody here H
kin afford to take it They've got
more now than they can pay taxes
on. Maybe you'd like to try it, mis-
Ill the whole thing fer
that you're and throw the
old woman and children in to boot.
What do you
I said hurriedly, and went
away in the same
Free Press.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint-
Is It not worth the small of Tie
to free yourself of every symptom of
these distressing complaints, If you think
so call at our BUM and gel a of
Shiloh's every bottle has I
on it, use
and if it does you no good It will co-it you
nothing. Sold at Drug Store.
A rich financier once called upon
explained brief-
that tho passion of his life was to
attend on the first night of the rep-
of a play. I can't
oblige said
ting the request thought not. M.
but I have an idea. I
a beautiful daughter years
old I will her francs if
your son will accept her as his wife;
then being the father-in-law of the
son of tho author I shall a
right, as a member if the family of
the author, to assist tho first
nights of his Post.
C. A. Thompson, Seymour,
sister Jennie, when she
was a young girl, suffered from white
swelling, which greatly Impaired her
health and made her blood very Impure.
In the spring she was not able to do
anything and scarcely eel about.
More than year she look three
of Blood and now she
is perfectly
Tools of the
An investigator, who lived during
in a tomb at
collected evidence to prove that
tho tools ti. d ill working stone
years Ago bad jeweled cutting edges,
like modem tools. He Bays that tho
builders of tho pyramids used solid
and tubular tools, straight and
saws and many other tools sup-
posed to modern. In some
mens of granite a drill had sunk one-
tenth of an inch at each revolution,
indicating that the pressure was at
least two tons. Nothing is known of
the material of the tools. As the
was scarce then, it is prob-
able that corundum was
York Sun.
The best salve in the world for
Bruises, Sores, fleer-. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Chapped Rands.
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin
and positively cures Piles, or
required. It is guaranteed to
perfect satisfaction, or money ref.
Price cents box. For sale at
u Cure for
is Instrument
for the care Tho
of its operation is the massage
of tho sound conducting
of the ear by means of vibratory
forces. By this method various con-
can relieved which would
not be reached by tho regular modes
of treatment, and which are the
principal causes of deafness in a very
large- proportion of those afflicted.
The phonograph has been for
this purpose, and although its
was in a comparative-
crude manner, the results attained
justified tho belief an
embodying special improve-
on the same lines would of
tho Such an
is the and so
tins been its that
many whose; deafness was
from five to fifteen years branding
can now, it is claimed, through its
use hear ordinary conversation from
ten to twenty feet
a Perfect
The Rest Standard Typewriter the World.
Inexpensive, Portable. No Ink Ribbon, In-
Type in all Easiest
to and rapid a-
Warranted as Represented.
This Machine is everybody's friend. Every-
should have their done on
writer. it always Insure most
V prompt Address
N. Ml Washington, St., Clot
One of can be seen at the Reflector office, where particulars and
prices can be
and MM
all aid of
the of
For sale -I. L. Drug Store
And all Stomach Troubles are cured by
P- P- F-
Ask, Poke Root and
Rheumatism is by P. P. I.
Pains and aches in the back, shoulders,
knees, ankles and i are all attacked
and conquered by P. I. P- This great
medicine, my its proper-
ties, up and strengthens the whole
Nothing is as P. P; r.,
this season and for toning up.
orating, and as a and
take P. P. T. It off
malaria and puts you in good condition.
We have a speedy positive cure
for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth
and headache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH
REMEDY. A nasal injector free with
each bottle. Use it if you desire Health
and sweet breath. Price Sold at
Minister to bad
Do you smoke cigarettes
Bad but I don't collect
the Field's Washing-
s. s. s.
a vegetable compound,
made entirely of and herbs
gathered from the forests of
and has been used by millions
of people with the best results. It
All manner of Blood diseases, from As
pestiferous little boil on your nose to
the worst cases of Inherited blood
taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Catarrh and
torn, o SKI ,
slats In ,
and .
sea a. eases, as
Manns i
Botanic Bleed Balm
l, a
CO., a.
lag their supplies will And
their int. n I i cl our priest before
n bran
at Lowest Prices.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
yon to buy at one profit. A
stock of
always on hand sold at prices to sulk
the times. Our goods arc nil bought
sold for therefore, no rink
to sell at a margin.
S. M. Z.
HA desirable parcels of
estate for sale. Look over the list
below call on or them.
A i lot on Third street below Co-
in the town ff
good house with tour rooms
kitchen and house convenient
large stables on the premises.
Two good building lots
a A lot on street, between
Front and Second, hits nice house of
rooms, good well of water, large gar-
plot and able.
A ball sore lot In
-T. Urge single story house
. of rooms, cook and dining rooms at-
, inched, all OUt buildings and
stables, good water
A line farm containing U acres
about miles from on Mt
Pleasant road, has gin house, stables,
barns, two room tenant houses;
acres cleared, balance well wooded,
good water. This laud Is excellent for
the cultivation of line
One farm lying on branch of the
w. Sc W, railroad about ball way lie-
I ween Kin-Ion and within i
mile of a new depot, contains acres,
heavily timbered
with pine, oak, hickory, and cypress;
good tenant houses; passes
nearly through this farm. The
land has clay subsoil with sandy loam,
is good state cultivation and highly
improved; is line I land.
A farm miles from on
I . Kin-Ion road known as the Jackson
farm; C-l acres, cleared; has
good dwelling house and nil necessary
out buildings. This is a first-class to--
Q A ii mi lot In i. i rein I lie on
corner IS. Cherry and W.
Bawls, now i coupled by the family of
the late A. Stocks, house contains
rooms, kitchen convenient, is convenient
only half a block from main
street Of the town. Possession
can be n 1st,
A good building lot on
strict, between Third and Fourth
streets, splendid location.
The home and lot on Pitt
street near Avenue,
good of room., huge lot with
j and out buildings.
house and on
street, adjoining the lot Of B.
S. and the lot described in No.
large, comfortable one-story dwelling
of four rooms, dining and cook rooms,
plenty d room for garden,
Valuable Steam Corn and Flour
Cotton Gin and Store
property located at a X Road
within a hundred yards of a K. It. is sit
In one of best Agricultural
Sections of Pitt county, The mills
up with the beat machinery. Bolt-
smelter etc., and are in full
operation. The store house Is a two
story building with dwelling attacked
also a kitchen and warehouse in rear.
The store Is kept constantly supplied
with general merchandise salted a
country store and is a good
The mills are the best known in
ibis section.
This property is offered for sale as the
owners wish to withdraw from business
Terms on any of the above property
be had on application to
for I Mr. of Va.,
The Washington, C, for
Campaign of A clean, clear,
honest Democratic campaign paper,
with full campaign news, will be mailed
to any address until November 10th for
Fifty Sample copies free.
Agents wanted everywhere. Address,
The Democrat. Washington,
or tho with
which it will be clubbed cents for
Appointments of Rev. A. D. Hunter.
morning and night,
First Sunday.
Second Sunday morning
and Saturday night before.
Third fourth at
morning and night, also second
night, and Regular
night services week.
Services at house on
recommend It. All dealers sell It.
mark and crossed lines
AM hair.
For of all Dims
This Io over
fifty years, and wherever known has
been in steady demand. It has been en-
by the leading physicians all over
M country, and has effected cores where
all other remedies, With attention of
the most experienced physicians, have
for years failed. Ointment is of
lone and tho high reputation
which it has obtained Is owing entirely
Its own efficacy, as but little effort has
ever been to bring it before
public. One bottle of this will
be sent to any on receipt of One
Dollar. Sample box The usual
discount to Druggists. All Cash Orders
promptly attended to. Address all or-
and communications to
T. F.
Greenville, If. C.
each third Sunday
Tarboro road on Thursday night before
until April and then
on Sunday evening.
Rev. R. F. Taylor's Appointments.
Rev. R. P- Taylor, pastor of Green-
ville Circuit M. K. South,
will preach at tho following times and
places, regularly each
1st Sunday at II o'clock A. M.
1st Sunday, Chapel,
B. M.
Sunday, Shady Grove, o'clock
A. M.
2nd Sunday, School House,
miles west of Greenville,
P. M.
3rd Sunday, den or Spring
School k
3rd Tripp's Che. J,
O'clock P. M.
4th Sunday, o'clock
A M.
Lang's School House,
P. M.

Eastern reflector, 10 August 1892
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 10, 1892
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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